#i hope i did bri justice
theroseempress · 2 years
Wrote something for my current WIP and liked it a lot, so here it is! Fair warning, this is in fact quite long. (the only reason I'm not posting this in my website instead is because it's actually a section of another thing I haven't finished writing, and I'm not sure if I want it up there yet)
hey @wackus-bonkus-maximus this has nothing to do with MLB so I dunno if you're interested, but I'm quite pleased with how it came out so if you wanna read this I certainly will not object.
The day everything finally fell apart started like any other morning. When thinking back on it, Rani couldn’t help marveling at it. Wake up, eat some of the dreadfully bland bread provided by her landlady, (she had the money to buy better food, in theory at least, but it was free, and if she wasn’t wasting money on how things tasted, there was that much more to send back to her brothers.
And sure, maybe she had eaten less food recently than was entirely healthy, but medical school in a different country was expensive, and so was keeping her other two brothers fed and comfortable. Besides, being small was useful for making unnoticed entrances and exits, so it was fine, really) read the brown envelope that had appeared on her dresser, and leave to find today’s target.
Today’s target was a young man, according to the envelope, he was five foot nine, had strawberry blonde hair, light skin, usually wore a chain earring in his left ear, and was called Bricriu.
(Not much to know about a person, but really, even having the name in there was unusual for a target. The only other information in the envelope was the area he frequented, in the Markets)
Rani both despised and was grateful for the Markets- both because of how crowded and noisy they were- the latter opinion being because it was much easier to tail someone unnoticed when in a crowd, and the former since the same thing made it easier to lose a target.
Either way, Rani’s job wasn’t to gripe, it was to remove her target and then disappear in one way or another, so she shrugged her worn jacket tighter around her shoulders and set off down the street.
It was a cold morning, clouds blanketing the sky as they so often did over the ventral months in Solace. The chainmail Rani wore between her undershirt and thin tunic sucked up the biting air with vigor, the latticed metal icy against her skin even through the layer of cloth. Rani ignored it, instead staring down at her boots (the one piece of clothing she frequently bought new versions of instead of letting them run into the ground) as they carried her across grey cobblestones and around the remaining puddles from last night’s rain. It wasn’t a long walk to the Markets, though as she got closer the amount of mechorses and carriages the young woman had to dodge increased significantly.
Finally reaching one of the unofficial guard posts, Rani halted for a moment to study the seemingly lazy (Rani had to admit, she would have been convinced if she hadn’t seen how fast the guards could move when provoked, there was a reason they were where they were) young man leaning against the wall with his hands tucked into his coat pockets, grey eyes drifting lazily over the people meandering through the bottleneck between two buildings and into a market. Rani, who knew he wouldn’t see her as any threat, but still wasn’t one to take chances, waited until a carriage was blocking his line of sight to her and then slipped into the crowds on the other side of the ‘gate.’
It didn’t take her long to find her target, slipping through the bustling colours and noise of the Market like the shadow she was slowly becoming.
He was stepping out of a building, the sign swinging above his head bearing the same words tucked into Rani’s pocket on a carefully folded piece of paper.
‘The Howling Hound’ proclaimed the sign, creaking back and forth on rusty hooks, and for a moment Rani’s upbringing raised its head and sent a crackle of tension down her spine.
But it was only a moment,and Rani was pushing away her Talin superstitions and darting after the blonde man before she’d even fully processed the words her relatives would have instantly taken as a sign to give up right then and there.
The man strode down the cobbled road like he belonged there, head high and shoulders relaxed, coat unbuttoned despite the wind tugging at his sandy hair, moving with the kind of ease and light Rani had seen on a number of other people (and resented, people like that always got their way, almost as if they really did bring light with them, never trapped in the shadows like her, everyone eager to help them)
Rani slipped after him, ignoring how the wind nipped at her face even through the scarf pulled up around her nose and mouth and silently tailing the tap-tap-tap of his polished boots on the uneven stones below.
Finally, several wind-bitten moments of weaving through the cacophony of noise and colours that was the Markets, Rani’s target turned off into an alley. Rani followed, halting crouched behind a stack of crates and ignoring the frigid slush-water soaking from the cobbles into the right knee of her trousers.
The alley was empty, the only occupants Rani, her target, and a lone dark-feathered bird dozing on a jutting windowsill.
Rani let the cold metal of two of her daggers slip from her sleeves to her palms, slender fingers wrapping around the worn hilts. A pause to steady herself and check they were both hidden from sight, and then she was pouncing forwards with a silence so well-practiced it was almost an afterthought. One, two, three strides across the stones, avoiding a puddle that would have caused a splash, and now she was in range and both hands went up, daggers slicing through the cloudy day.
In the years that followed, Rani went through those moments time and time again, searching for what she’d done wrong, what part of the motion was sloppy, casual, loose.
(did she step too hard, move too slow, did her chainmail rustle, did light glint off the daggers, was she just not good enough)
She still didn’t know.
(she’d moved the same as always, as fast as always, she’d practiced and there was no way her mail would make a noise loud enough to alert him, it was cloudy and there was no light to hit the polished metal and she still wasn’t good enough)
Just before silvered metal met her target’s unprotected throat, the man moved.
He spun, leaning back, bright blue eyes a splash of unexpected colour against the grey skies, grey bricks, grey stones, grey coat, sandy hair dancing just around the edges of his face as if it didn’t dare to get in his way, and then Rani’s daggers were just barely barely one inch too slow touching his throat and grey wasn’t broken by red and-
-And he was smiling, blue eyes now sparkling, and Rani, still caught in the middle of her pounce, realized too late that maybe the kind of light this man carried was instead the kind that tore through shadows like her instead.
He was almost casual, one hand coming up and knocking Rani’s wrists into each-other at just the right angle for a jolt of pain to tear through her numb fingers. The following motion was involuntary, and Rani barely realized she’d let go until her daggers her defense protection safety were on the stones with a sharp ringing and spray of water droplets from the puddle they’d landed in. Rani moved on instinct, still-stinging hands going to the top of her boots and fumbling against icy buckles- damn it why hadn’t she loosened the straps earlier, stupid stupid stupid- for stiff leather, but the man in front of her- not her target now- took the opening before she realized it was there.
Rani’s back slammed up against the alley wall, rough stones digging into her spine and air huffing out of her lungs in a white cloud.
Across the alley, the crow took flight, disappearing with a rustle of feathers and a squawk.
The golden man- Rani’s mind darted back to the paper; Bricriu- didn’t look away from Rani, pale blue eyes studying her face with an almost detached curiosity.
A line of biting cold flared against Rani’s throat, and the realization that Bricriu had a long dagger resting there kicked her awareness into action too late. Both of her wrists were somehow trapped behind her against the wall, Bricriu too close and the blade’s edge too firmly against her skin for her to do anything about it.
A long moment passed, dampness soaking out of the bricks and into Rani’s tunic. Bricriu seemed content to wait, studying her face as if he was watching a particularly spectacular sunrise.
Several more minutes passed, Rani pinned in place both by the dagger at her throat and Bricriu’s piercing gaze, and then her chainmail started to become almost unbearably cold even through her shirt.
Rani shivered, and the motion seemed to break Bricriu out of whatever he’d been thinking about. Smiling, the young man tilted his head.
“Well, I wonder what you’re doing here?”
Rani stayed silent, wrists starting to ache from being pressed into the wall. Bricriu seemed unfazed by her unresponsiveness, continuing to talk as his gaze drifted down her.
“Stabbing people isn’t very polite, you know.” he scolded, almost as if he was talking to a child. “Might get stabbed back as well, I suppose. Lucky for you, I’m curious.”
Pausing, Bricriu leaned over a little and reached into Rani’s pocket, pulling the folded paper out and grinning at her.
“What’s this?”
Rani bit back the urge to lunge at him and tear the paper away. Bricriu seemed to sense her line of thought, cold metal pressing a little harder to her throat. Casually. unfolding the paper despite only having one hand available, Bricriu finally looked away from Rani.
A million thoughts and plans of action rushed through Rani’s head in that moment- he’s distracted rush him move get your daggers attack run away fight hide escape attack- but before she could put any of them into action, the paper was crumpling in Bricriu’s fist and his pale blue gaze was back on Rani.
“An assassin, huh?”
She stayed silent, another wave of shuddering breaking over her as a light drizzle began to soak through her already damp tunic. Bricriu tucked the paper into his coat pocket, eyes staying fixed on Rani’s throughout the motion.
Another long pause followed, Bricriu staring absently at the wall beside Rani’s head, Rani’s shivering escalating to the point that she couldn’t hide it any longer. She’d just determined to try and break away despite the lost feeling in her hands, when Bricriu blinked, straightening.
“Righto, little assassin, you’re coming with me.” he smiled, and maybe this time some of Rani’s shivering wasn’t because of the cold.
Fun fact Talin (the nation Rani's from) find dogs unlucky and howling dogs especially unlucky.
Was that sign foreshadowing or not? hmmm
i mean. it is entirely possible that bricriu's gonna give her lots of money and help her with problems!
You never know!
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nightwingshero · 1 year
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Leon Kennedy - Brianna Torres - Ashley Graham
2/2 gift for @gummibrit for the Resident Evil Gift Exchange by @sstewyhosseini
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eddiesxangel · 9 months
My Little Bunny | Older!Eddie x Reader
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For Evie, @oneforthemunny prompt for her writing challenge. “based off the lore that older!eddie gets slutty on tequila lol. gimme tequila eddie. make it slutty. the og prompt was at the beach for a wedding of a cousin, if you’d like to follow that, but if not- where does it happen? how do you think it would go? don’t spare a single detail please!!!!” I hope I did your man justice 😘 happy one year!
Happy new year! Here is some smut to start the year off right.
This is pure filth, don’t look at me🫣
Cw: age gap, oral, p in v, ass play, anal. Minors DNI. Only slightly proofread so if you see a spelling mistake… no you didn’t 😤
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“Bunnnnnnnnnnnnnny” Eddie slurred. The man could not handle his liquor. But neither could you.
After what happened and the wedding, Eddie swore he wouldn’t drink tequila for a very long time. However, tonight was special. Tonight, the baby was with your parents, and Bri was off with your sister for the evening. It was just you. And Eddie. Alone for the first time in what felt like years. Eddie was wining and dining with you tonight.
You convinced him to go to a bar to dance. Well, you danced, he watched. He watched your body; he loved the new curves you got from bringing Delilah into the world. You returned to the bar where he was sitting and ordered four tequila shots. Eddie had been nursing a beer all night; he was shocked at your drink of choice.
“Bunny you know what happens when I drink this…” giving you a stern look.
“Maybe I wanna get a little freaky tonight…. It’s been so long” you run your hands up and down his chest.
“I don’t know”
“What if I gave you an insensitive?”
“And what would that be?”
“I want you to fuck my ass tonight” you whispered against your husband’s ear.
“Bunnnnnnnnnnnnnny” Eddie slured again as you both stumbled into your home.
“Fuck I need you. I need your tight ass so bad”
You can’t keep your hands off one another. Your lips are attached to his neck, and your hands run up and down his body. You barely make it through the front door before your hands are trying to get down his pants.
Somehow, you make it to the bedroom. You were stripping your man with each step. Something inside of you was burning, and Eddie was the only thing to put it out. A visceral ache in your core, screaming at you to do something about it.
“I need you, I need you so bad,” you whined because he wasn’t moving fast enough. You were already on the bed waiting for him.
Eddie giggled as he tried to unbutton his dress shirt, but it didn’t seem to work.
“Come here,” Eddie coxed you closer to him. “I need your help.”
“Arms up,” your mom instincts kicked in, and you pulled off Eddie’s shirt in one swift motion.
Without hesitation, you worked on his pants the second your fingertips left the fabric of his shirt. Your nimble fingers worked his belt, button, and zipper, and finally, why you craved most was released before you.
"God, you're so hot! How did I land a wife so fucking hot?"
You let Eddie cup your face, kissing you as he pushes you back onto the bed. His tongue parted your lips, and you gladly let him take charge.
It was needy and messy but so deliciously delightful. You missed your hundreds touch. You’d been so busy being a new mom, and Eddie tried picking up extra shifts to make a little more cash so you could take a nice vacation this summer. You hardly spent time together. You needed this. He needed this. The fire in his belly was also burning the second you mentioned your perfect tight little hole wanting to be stretched and pounded by his cock.
“You gonna be my good little bunny?” Eddie spoke as he slinked down your body so his face was level with your throbbing pussy.
“Yes!” You had zero patients, and he thought it was cute.
“Well then... You gotta get nice and wet, f’me”
“Already ammmmm” you wined again. Why was he prolonging this?
“Oh is she? I guess I’ll just have to see for myself.” Eddie didn’t spare another second. His hands wrenched your legs open, pressing them as far as they could reach.
You let out a moan of pleasure when his mouth finally attached to your lower lips.
Eddie needed to taste you. He usually didn’t do this often, but tonight you deserved to be thoroughly fucked. He needed to feel you cumming in his mouth, to taste you, to feel you. His eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned into your pussy.
“Looks like you were right, baby bunny, and you taste so good. Just can’t get enough,” Eddie dove back in, flicking and licking at your clit. Your body was so reactive to him tonight. Let’s thank the tequila because it didn’t take much to make you cum from his mouth.
“Baby, I’m so close”
“Already? But I just started playing with her” he pouted.
“Yes! P-please.” You stuttered.
“You wanna cum? You going to cum for me?”
Unexpectedly, Eddie replaced his mouth with his finger just as you were on the brink. Before you could say anything, his finger was inside your wet fold, collecting all of your slick, and was quickly replaced by his mouth again.
You could feel the warmth building back up. Eddie continued to work your clit. All the while, his finger, drenched with your own natural lube, was starting to tease your other hole.
“Oh my god,” you moan as his finger slowly makes its way inside.
“You okay?”
“Don’t stop!” You begged as your first orgasm washes through you.
“Fuck, your tight little ass is sucking me in so good,” Eddie continues to finger you as you ride out your orgasm.
“Good bunny. Turn around, ass up, show me what’s mine.”
You quickly obeyed his orders and flipped around so you could show him what he wanted. You loved when he got possessive.
“Tell me what you want bunny”
“Nu-uh,” Eddie tutted. “Be more specific.”
“Edddiiiieee, please, I need you.”
Eddie couldn’t believe your extra brattiness tonight.
“No,” a sharp slap filled the room and your ass stung. “Tell me what you need, Bunny,” he spoke, and he massaged the area he slapped. Soothing your skin.
“Your tongue… and your fingers,” you pant.
“Good little bunny,” he smirked. “You want me to tongue fuck your tight little hole? Get you nice and ready for me?”
“Yes,” you sigh as you arch your back more so Eddie can see more of you.
“Fuck bunny, you’re perfect.” Eddie gripped each cheek, spreading you open before dipping his head down.
When you felt his tongue make contact with your hole, you cried out again. You were revelling in the fact you were in an empty house. You could be as loud as you wanted.
“Mmmmmm, you taste so good, Bunny,” he moaned into you.
“Yes, Bunny?”
“More what?”
“Please fuck my pussy”
“You’re such a good little slut for me. Good girl telling me what you want…. But is that all you want?” God, he was so condescending.
You let out an irritated huff. “Eddie, please,” you begged as you wiggled your ass in the air to entice him.
“You need to behave, little bunny, or else you’re not going to get what you want.” Eddie’s hands gripped your cheeks tighter.
“I’m sorry, I just need you so badly baby”
“Ohhh, I like that; tell me more.”
“I need you so bad! I’m aching for you. Please.”
“That’s my good girl.
Eddie lined up his cock with your wanton hole and slowly stretched you out.
“Thank you.” You sighed with relief.
His thick long cock stretched out your walls. You couldn’t help yourself as you rocked your body back and forth onto his cock.
“That’s it, bunny. Show me what you really can do” he slapped your ass again. You rocked your knees and hips back onto Eddie’s cock as he stood at the edge of your shared bed.
You felt a wad of spit drip down your ass, lower and lower, until Eddie’s fingers found it and rimmed your picked hole. As you rocked your body against Eddie’s cock he dipped in his single digit, adding another and another until you stretched out.
Your body is screaming; Eddie was making you feel so good.
“Ok, bunny, you’re going to ride me, bounce on this cock and show me how good of a Bunny you are.”
“Yes, please. Need you.”
Eddie pulled out so he could get underneath you, but not before he reached the nightstand to pull out the lube you had stashed away for nights like these.
“You ready for me, baby?” He asked as he covered his cock in the slippery substance.
“Yes,” you swung your leg around his hips, aligning yourself with his hard cock that lay on his stomach.
“My beautiful girl,” he whispered as he guided your hips down onto him.
“Oh fuck” you both grit out in unison.
You watched as Eddie glazed over with lust.
“Fucking so good. Damn, tight.” Eddie gritted through his teeth.
He planted his feet on the mattress to ground himself. His hips started thrusting up into you, matching your strokes.
“Fuck fuck fuck I love the way you take my cock. Tell me how much you love this cock.”
“I love it,” you panted as you bounced on his cock. You felt so full, so complete. So ready for his cock to fill you.
“Baby, touch me,” you commanded.
Eddie dipped his head to take a nipple in his mouth as his hand found your pussy, finding your clit. A rush of pleasure ran through your body as his mouth and hands explored your body.
“Oh baby,” you threw your head back with pleasure.
“How much do you want it, baby bunny?”
“I want it so bad!”
“What do you want?”
“Your cum”
“Sucha little slut, want me to fill your ass with my cum?”
Eddie’s hand never stopped working your clit. You could feel the pleasure build and build. Your legs were burning, but it was in measure to how Eddie was making you feel.
“You’re close baby I can feel you clenching down on me so tight.” He squeezed his eyes shut with pleasure.
“Cum for me, baby, cum for me, then I’ll fill you up so good you’ll be leaking for days. Do you want that? To feel my cum dripping out of you tomorrow?”
“Fuck. Eddie!” You cried out as your body clenched around his cock, cumming hard.
"Eddie continued to pound into your ass until he unloaded up into you, filling you up just like you begged him to do.
Your body went limp and your soar muscles rested as you lay your weight fully on your husband.
"Remind me again. Why don't I do tequila?" Eddie laughed as his brain released serotonin. "That was amazing." He kissed the top of your head.
"Remember that question tomorrow, big boy." You giggled, and Eddie finally pulled out of you.
"Come on, Bunny, let's get you cleaned up. " Even in his drunken state, he still needed to take care of you.
"Can't move. You fucked me too well." you sighed.
"I think you did most of the work Bun, you fucked me."
"I did, didn't I?" You smile at the realization.
"Don't get cocky now" He slapped your ass, and you jumped up out of bed with Eddie following close behind you.
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asumofwords · 1 year
The Sublet - Roommate!AU
Warnings: She/her pronouns, slow burn, angst. Tags will be added as the fic goes along. Angst, death, mourning, funeral, fluff, smut, daddy kink, breath play, spanking, slapping, fingering, face fucking, degradation, gagging, deep throating, dumbification, edging, creampie, crying, dacryphilia, dirty talking, name calling, rough handling, sadomasochist, sadism, spitting, spitplay, squirt, the correct method of choking, drugs (weed), alcohol, smoking.
Pairings: Modern!Aemond x Reader
Summary: Living with Helaena Targaryen was one of the best decisions you had ever made. Meeting at university, the two of you became thick as thieves and quickly best friends, moving into a flat together. But what will happen when Helaena has to leave, and her quiet, brooding, brother moves in?
Notes: Another monstrous chapter sitting at 10+k, because when I said this series was going to only be 15 chapters I meant it hahaha. Goodness, gracious me, here we are. We have come to the end of this series! Thank you so much for all your love and support this whole way through! I hope that you have enjoyed it, and I hope I did the ending some sort of realistic justice. I shall be getting onto my requests now hehehe, anyway, ENJOY! <3
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Final Chapter: Stay
Waking that morning, you had not expected to be met with what you were. You had thought that the day would be spent with some awkward, uncertain glances cast Aemond’s way, with the others casting theirs towards you both. Then perhaps you would talk again. 
Or fuck.
Or both.
Your little traitorous brain hoped for both. 
But no, that's not what you woke up to that morning. You woke up to a nightmare come true. And although all had prepared for it for years, and in fact, the reason why all were back at the Red Keep, it still came as a bombshell that shook the family to its very core.
Viserys was dead.
Gone peacefully in his sleep, found by none other than his doting eldest daughter and wife. 
You had woken to the bedroom door shutting, a peak of Criston Cole’s hair in the crack of the door. Helaena stood frozen by it, swaying slightly on her feet before she walked over to the bed and sat down, staring at the far wall.
“Hel?” You sat up, hand coming to touch your best friends shoulder, “What's happened?”
Fear of the unknown settled into your gut. 
Her lavender eyes turned to you.
“He’s dead.”
The Keep was in disarray. 
Rhaenyra and Daemon were in shambles, having lost a father and brother all in one. It was a most terrible thing to witness. You felt grief yourself for your friends, and for the family as a whole as they moved through the motions of his death, his leaving of their worlds. You felt akin to an invasive species as you sat amongst them, foreign, displaced, unfitting in their neat yet disturbed world.
Lucerys and Jacerys were grieving with their mother and step-father, the twins joining them. As for the other children of Viserys? That was another story.
Amongst the four of them, there was not a single tear shed for their father, bar Aegon in the early light of the morning, stained cheeks hidden in the shadows, red rimmed eyes, and a tiredness that no young man should have at his age, pulling down at his shoulders. But he had swallowed it quickly and quietly as he had for his whole life and went outside to smoke.
You couldn’t however account for Aemond, as he was nowhere to be seen. 
Sitting in the gazebo with the three silver haired siblings, you tried to offer condolences, a shoulder to cry on if needed, but all were content to grieve in their own way; Aegon smoking yet another joint, Daeron texting someone animatedly, and Helaena, simply staying quiet and composed beside you. 
It wasn’t what you had expected for people to have just lost their father, but you supposed that everyone grieves in their own ways, theirs being much different to your own.
Helaena stood from where she had sat, dressed in all black, something you had not once seen her wear, a stark change to the bright colours that she usually donned. Perhaps this was her way of showing her grief. Her mourning. 
Her loss.
“Walk with me.” She said quietly, and you nodded, jumping up as you grasped her hand, letting her lead you down the garden to look at the various plants and trees that were in a part of a gated garden entrance. 
Greenery of all sizes, shapes, and colours grew beautifully, small little plaques beneath identifying their scientific name. The Red Keep's garden had some of the rarest of flowers and trees in the whole of the realm. It even had the famed Winter Rose’s from the North in a special greenhouse that kept them in below freezing temperatures. 
It was still early in the day, the sun only just rising to its peak as you walked together in silence, your hand in hers as you followed her lead, looking at the shrubs and immense show of wealth. If it weren’t for the reason of your walk, you would have been more animated upon seeing some rare and beautiful orchids, perfectly potted and healthy.
Your steps crunched along the cobblestoned path, twisting around to an extended part of the estate that you hadn’t been to. There, in front of you, was a most beautiful sight to behold. 
Ruby red leaves sprouted out of ashen branches, twisting upwards towards the sky. 
A Weirwood tree.
And a very old one by the looks of it. 
“The Godswood.” Helaena explained to you, taking you closer to it.
You were so entranced by its incredible beauty, thinking of how Cregan's description of his back home didn't do it justice, that you hadn’t even noticed the man that sat amongst its roots, leant back on the trunk.
Aemond Targaryen sat beneath the branches and leaves of a tree that had been a symbol of the Old Gods to his family for hundreds of years. One leg was stretched out in front of him, whilst the other was bent, his long arms crossed over the top of his knee lazily. 
He watched you as you came towards him, words caught in your throat. 
The light that peaked through the tips of the branches shimmered down on his pale hair, causing it to glimmer with each parting of the leaves from the breeze that rolled through. His face looked flat, emotionless.
Helaena’s hand slipped away from yours and you turned to look at her. She gave you a soft smile, before she walked away without a word, leaving you in the small Godswood courtyard with her brother. 
You stood for a moment or two, the both of you watching each other before your legs pulled you towards him. You moved to sit beside the long limbed man, pulling your knees up to your chest as you kept your eyes straight ahead, not wanting to make him feel overcrowded, or as if he was being observed. Instead, you hoped that your presence was, at least, the tiniest bit of comfort if he needed it.
You weren’t sure what to do or say as you sat together, both staring off into the distance as the soft rustling of leaves moved overhead. If not for the death that had occurred in the early hours of the morning, the day would have been beautiful.
It was like that for a while, just the both of you. Basking in each others company silently, and yet you felt the need to do more. To say more. To show him more. To show him that you cared, to try and rebuild that bridge that had been torched between the two of you, in the way he had attempted to last night. 
You felt guilt knowing that he would have woken up to not only an empty bed, but the news of the death of his father in a Keep he didn’t want to be in, surrounded by people he so desperately tried to avoid.
Tendons and veins pulled beneath the skin of Aemond pale hand as he rubbed a thumb and forefinger together atop his knee.
It was always his hands. Something you had learned rather quickly about him. His hands always moved when in thought, when irritated, lost, or angry.
Any strong emotion caused the man to fidget.
It was a habit that he shared with Helaena, no doubt inherited by their mother.
With no other way to convey what you were feeling, you lifted your hand and placed it atop his. His hand was warm, and twitched beneath yours. Aemond, without wasting a second, flipped his over and held onto yours tightly, threading his fingers through yours atop his knee.
Silence stretched forever until-
“I don’t mourn him.” Aemond’s voice moved with the breeze, soft and quiet, gently carried away from the courtyard, and you felt a pull of sorrow for him deep within your chest.
“We weren’t ever close. Cole was more a father to me than him.” There was a hollowness to his words which you would argue was grief, until he continued, “I don’t grieve the man he was, I grieve the father he could have been to me. The father he should have been to me. Something that I never had.”
Tears prickled in your eyes for him.
Why had life been so cruel to this man?
A soft chuckle floated from his lips, a stark difference to his demeanour before, “I used to try so hard to impress him when I was young. Studied, learnt our traditional tongue before any of my other siblings did, and even then, it wasn’t enough for him. I was never enough for him. He was sick, yes,” Frustration bled from his shoulders, tense and closed in, “But he had more time for them than us.”
There was the anger.
Aemond Targaryen had felt he had been in his nephews shadow his whole life.
And it showed.
“It was worse for Aegon. First son and all. A shiny new toy for Viserys before his expectations became too high for Egg and he rebelled. Then nothing he would do could impress the man.” 
You squeezed his hand tightly, shuffling across the hard roots of the tree to get closer to him, leaning your shoulder heavily against his, so he could feel your weight, so he could feel the heat of your body. To comfort him, to be there for him, all while not being smothering.
“I’m sorry, Aemond.”
He shook his head, long strand of silver falling over his shoulder as he looked at you, “Don’t be.”
Silence fell over you again, and you watched as a lone red leaf, pointed sides and all, slowly drifted from above the two of you down onto the grassy ground below. It swooped from side to side, spinning gently before soundlessly falling amongst green blades.
You didn’t want him to be alone. 
You didn’t want him to feel isolated.
And in your restless, sleepless night, you had thought about him.
“It’s going to be okay.” You whispered, and watched as he turned his head to look back at you, his lone eye searching your face. 
Your thumb soothed over his gently, your words having more than one meaning.
His bottom lip was pulled into his mouth by his teeth, and then his voice came up and out from deep within his chest as he gazed at you intensely, clouded eye unmoving, and the sun shining down onto his scarred side of his face.
“Stay.” He asked you for the very first time.
A stark opposite to all the times you had uttered that word to him. 
Asked him to stay with you.
It was first time he spoke that four lettered word to you, beneath the crimson leaves of the ancient Godswood in a home that he had grown in.
You heeded his request. 
Together, you sat beneath the branches and looked up through them, side by side in a wordless promise to each other.
The next few days were a whirlwind. The funeral was held on the grounds of the estate, people from all over flying in to say their goodbyes to the patriarch of House Targaryen.
At first you had asked Helaena if you could go back home, not wanting to intrude on her families grief, but she had insisted, no, begged for you to stay for the funeral.
And so you had.
It was an intense and sad ordeal, but not once did you leave Helaena or Aemond’s side. You stuck by them both, and he always came to you.
Crossing the kitchen to come to you. Crossing the dining table outside to come to you. Crossing the hall to come to Helaena’s room and sit on the bed with the two of you, happy to be just in your presence and not say a thing. 
Aegon had silently cried at the funeral. The only child of Alicent to do so. You had watched as fat tears rolled down his rosy cheeks, eyes cast at the coffin of his father, as his mother stood stoically beside him.
Alicent Hightower had cried softly when she had read the eulogy, then followed by Rhaenyra and Daemon's. It was the only time that you felt you would ever see the pair look out of their usual controlled demeanour. 
After the funeral, there was the service, where all came to Rhaenyra and Alicent to offer their condolences, the two women standing side by side in all black. At one point, you had watched as Alicent’s pinky reached out, searching for Rhaenyra’s hand. It had curled against the other woman’s, and you watched as the other tilted her head slightly in shock, before she made a larger move, and curled her hand directly around the auburn haired woman’s beside her. 
It was days after the funeral before all of you were back together again, side by side.
It had been a long day, longer than the last, and the night had bled into the sky in a deep purple before turning to its deeper shade of blue. Aegon had done rounds, going to each and every room to tell all to meet him down at the pool for some well needed drinks. 
Aemond had been sat at Helaena’s vanity watching the two of you sit on the bed and softly giggle at a message Sara had sent her, your silver haired friend more intent on moving forward than looking back.
Hand in Helaena’s, you led her and Aemond down to the pool, not bothering to put swimmers on. 
It was dark outside, the usual lights strung about the garden having been turned off, the only source of light coming from the moon, the stars, and the smaller lights that edged around the pools perimeter.
The others were already there, you having seemingly been the last pitstop, passing around popped bottles of champagne, wine and beer. There was the sweet, dank smell of Aegon’s weed again in the air, the short haired man leant back on his elbows as he looked up at the sky, bottle of Moët in one hand.
It was awkward at first, what with Jacaerys and Aemond’s outburst the last time you were all together before the funeral, but before long, and with the help of your trusty liquid courage, all seemed to melt into the numb feeling that the alcohol brought them. 
You laid back in one of the armchairs, Helaena, between your legs, head resting on your stomach as you brushed the silver strands away from her face as she looked up at the stars. Aemond watched from beside you, having pulled over one of the other poolside chairs.
The twins, and the brown haired boys were sat at the waters edge with Aegon, their legs dangling into the pool as they swung them softly back and forth, drinking and talking quietly amongst themselves. 
Daeron, having disappeared for a moment, came back with his speaker, softly playing music through it to fill the gentle quiet that surrounded you all.
It was soft, calm, and peaceful enough for such a tumultuous time, and as the night got longer, and bottles of alcohol became drained, blunts were passed, and inhibitions were lowered, smiles and laughter were shared amongst all. 
Even Aemond.
But that stillness was disturbed when the tipsy, brown haired Lucerys stood and faced everyone, bottle of red wine in hand. The smiles dissipated, and a serious energy floated amongst everyone again.
“I want to make a toast.” The young man said with drunken confidence, thrusting out the wine bottle towards Aegon, “To Viserys.”
Jacaerys lifted his beer towards his younger brother, the twins following suit with their cans of fruity mixer.
Lucerys’ eyes fell on Aemond, before his lips pulled down solemnly, turning away to roam his gaze on everyone else, “He wasn’t a perfect man-”
Aemond quietly scoffed beside you.
“-But if it wasn’t for him, none of us would be here.”
Aegon hummed in agreement, sipping deeply from his almost empty bottle of Moët. 
Lucerys’s gaze fell to you as he scratched the back of his neck, “Except you, Y/n. You’d still be here. Well, not here here. But you’d still-“
“-Alright, move it on.” Baela joked lovingly at him as he began to ramble. 
Straightening his posture, Luc thrust his wine up to the sky, “To Viserys.”
All lifted their drinks up to toast, bar Aemond, hands bringing wine to their lips, beer to their mouths, or champagne to their tongues. You offered Aemond a small, sad smile, and he returned it, sipping at his beer in thought. 
It wasn’t a full toast per-say like the others, but he drank in the mans honour regardless.
A large palm opened up towards you, pale fingers lazily spread in offering. You looked at his long digits, signet ring on one.
“Come here.” Aemond hummed, gentle look in his eye. 
Helaena pulled herself from your lap and looked at her brother, “I thought you’d never ask!” She chirped playfully, and he rolled his eye at her. 
A small giggle fell from your lips as you looked at his hand again. Still outstretched towards you in front of everyone.
In front of everyone.
Your heart raced in your chest as you stood, placing your hand in his, the warmth of his palm spreading up your arm as you moved over to Aemond, who pulled you between his long legs in a similar way you had done with Helaena. His legs were bent on either side of you with your back against his chest. You felt his chin dip to rest at the top of your head, and a warmth spread through your chest like wildfire. 
Helaena smiled at your warmly as Aegon craned his neck backwards to look at the two of you.
“How long has this been going on?” He teased, glassy eyes narrowing on the both of you.
Lucerys, who had sat back down beside his brother after his toast, turned around with Jacaerys to observe. And when their heads turned, the others followed.
Heat rose in your cheeks and you felt a sudden shyness at it all. The urge to hide was strong.
But really, what was this?
You didn’t know.
But it was something.
Something more than before.
But still, you didn’t have an answer, so you moved to respond.
“Oh, we’re n-“
“-A while. I was just a dick about it.” Aemond interrupted you, and your heart soared.
Did he -
Did he just-
Did he just confirm your thoughts?
Did he just validate your feelings?
Answer all your burning questions that had kept you awake at night?
A while.
That implied that this was more.
That this had always been more.
That this was solid.
That this was-
“So that’s why you wouldn’t fuck me.” Aegon pouted, smirk pulling at his lips.
Aemond sighed heavily behind you, “That and the fact that you’re utterly repulsive.”
Aegon’s mouth dropped open as he stared at his brother, “You wound me! I’ll have you know that there are plenty of people who haven’t found me repulsive.”
“Too many, if you ask me.” Helaena snickered.
Aegon flicked his joint at his sister, standing straight as he looked down at everyone. 
“Good thing I didn't ask you. I’ll have you know I’m polyglamourous.” Hands on his hips.
“Polyamorous.” Daeron corrected his brother.
Aegon grinned, victory in his cheeks, “I meant what I said.”
Aemond’s hand rubbed up and down your thigh soothingly as the night moved on, goosebumps rising on your flesh with each stroke of his long fingers. His chest was warm against your back, and you felt that you could fall asleep from where you were.
Helaena squealed at her phone loudly, breaking you from your fatigued thoughts.
“What is it?” You turned to face her, watching as a large grin pulled at her lips.
“Sara got us tickets to see the Phantom of the Opera!”
“Yes!” She shook her phone in her hand whilst she screamed in excitement, “I can’t believe she remembered!”
Aemond chuckled from behind you, chest vibrating against your back, “Of course she'd remember. She’s in love with you.”
Your best friend suddenly became shy, a blush rising on her cheeks rapidly, turning them a bright red that even in the darkness of the night, you could see, “I know that. I just can’t believe it.”
“I’m jealous. Ask her where my ticket is.” You teased, “So I guess this means I’ll be seeing more of Sara again?”
Helaena gave you a knowing smirk, and you gave her one right back. 
You were happy for her.
Really happy.
They were perfect for each other. And you always knew that they would get back together again. That and Helaena always told you so, and Helaena was never wrong.
Aegon having come round to where you sat, snatched his sisters bottle of Prosecco, downing the remainder in one gulp, a refreshed and exaggerated gasp filling the air as he ruffled her hair, a growl and swat of a hand coming for his arm which he dodged last second.
Aegon giggled, running around the rim of the pool, shoes kicked in one direction, socks thrown in the other, shirt torn from his back in one yank, and then came his pants. Your eyes widened as Aegon stripped himself nude before jumping into the pool with a yell. 
He emerged from the cool water with a flick of his wet hair laughing, sending a hand splashing towards the twins and he smiled, “Come onnnn, live a little! Get in!”
Baela and Rhaena gave each other a shared look before standing, stripping themselves of their clothes before jumping in, hand in hand.
Before you knew it, you were all stripped bare, splashing about in the pool laughing and swimming around. 
Even Aemond.
His cheeks were pulled taut by the grin plastered to his face as he swam towards you, tickling your sides as you screamed for backup from Baela and Rhaena, who swam towards you, a flurry of splashes and squeals until his large palms rose above the water and conceded. 
Aegon pulled another spliff from the side of the pool and passed it around, and although it was dark, and you couldn’t see the details of anyones bodies, you still felt slightly shy in knowing that not only were you naked, but you were naked with a certain someone pressed up against your back.
At one point, you could have sworn you felt his cock twitch against the cheek of your ass, but you shrugged it off, going to the others as they tossed a ball like piggy in the middle back and forth, little Lucerys in the centre trying to jump up to catch it with all his might.
Eventually the water grew cold, and as you swam to sip at some of Baela’s drink, Aemond slid from behind you, hand wrapping around your waist. Heat spread through you as you felt him press up against you, mouth beside your ear.
“I think it's time for bed, don’t you?” He whispered hoarsely.
You bit your lip turning your head to try and sneak a peak at him, but was interrupted by a loud and obnoxious wolf whistle. 
Aegon grinned at you both, “No fucking in mummy’s pool.”
“Ugh, Aegon. What the fuck.” Helaena grimaced.
A laugh exploded from your lips as you turned to look at Aemond, who was chewing the inside of his cheek, desperate to hide the smirk that was rising on his face. 
“Come on.” He urged you, tilting his head to outside of the pool.
You climbed out with his help, getting dressed, all the while Aegon continued to whistle at the two of you and make obscene noises. But it was short lived as Helaena pushed Aegon’s head under water with all her weight, Jacaerys and Luc clapping in laughter.
You saw this as your out and grabbed Aemond’s hand, racing him through the Keep in fits of giggles until you reached his room, anticipation strumming in your gut. You watched as he shut the door behind him, turning to face you. His hair was wet, much like yours, and he advanced on you slowly, energy bouncing around inside of you.
“Come here.” He beckoned you with a finger, soft smirk on his lips.
You shook your head at him cheekily, “Nuh uh.”
His head tilted as he looked at you, “Please.”
Your feet carried you towards him, a magnetic pull dragging your chest to his. He smiled warmly down at you, cupping your cheek with one hand as the other dragged a wet strand of hair away from your face.
“Beautiful.” He praised you, before dipping his head down to kiss you.
Aemond bent slightly as your arms wrapped around his neck, large hands wrapping around your thighs as he hoisted you up into his arms, carrying you towards the bed as you didn’t once break the kiss. 
It wasn’t hurried like the last time.
It wasn’t frenzied.
This time, you took your time with each other. 
Aemond stripped you of your wet clothes and brought you to your peak on his tongue, his name whispered from your mouth like a prayer. He hovered above you as he slid in, watching the way your mouth opened and brows furrowed at the stretch, his lips pressing sweet kisses to the side of your face as he slowly moved through your folds, the tip of his cock rubbing against every point within you.
“So fucking beautiful.” He praised you as you fell apart once again on his cock, walls gripping his length tightly as you keened and whined, hands gripping the sheets for dear life as he smiled sweetly at you.
This was a side of Aemond you hadn’t seen before, and a side you hoped to see more.
He came with a quiet moan of your name, head dipping down into the crux of your neck as he planted kiss after kiss there.
You spent the rest of your night together curled in each others embrace, falling asleep with one word echoing in your mind.
Waking up in a dark green and black room was disorientating at first, probably exacerbated by the steady strumming of a slight hangover in the back of your mind. But the warmth of two strong arms wrapped around you, and the familiar scent of Aemond that filled the space between, reminded you of where you were, and who you were with. 
Your eyes opened as you looked up at him. His good eye still shut, chest rising and falling slowly.
Everything had happened so fast.
It was as if a match had been lit and set you both ablaze. The two of you burning together hotly, in more ways than one. Your tempers. Your stubbornness, but more importantly, your desire to be with one another. 
It was different with him.
Unlike anyone else before.
All encompassing.
And you relished in it.
Relished in the fact that not only was it real, not only tangible, but Aemond had made it open last night as he had pulled you into his lap in front of everyone, and verbally confirmed what had been happening all along. 
You weren’t ‘Helaena’s roommate’. 
You were more.
You knew that now.
His confession for his love for you however, was something that the two of you would dissect on a later date. But right now? You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way. Didn’t feel the same pull in your heart towards him when he would smile, or laugh, or just look at you. Or how your body would be set alight with even just a touch of his hand.
Aemond Targaryen had you well and truly under his spell.
And there was no other place you’d rather be.
Aemond shifted beside you, eye blinking open sleepily before he looked down at you.
“Morning.” His voice crackled with sleep, mouth opening in a small yawn before he pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead.
Your heart raced in your chest.
Aemond squeezed you to him tighter as he stretched out the fatigue in his limbs, a whiny grunt escaping his lips.
That was noise you hadn’t heard before.
He sounded content.
But there was still one final thing. 
You wanted to be sure that last night wasn’t just a drunken little display, or a declaration emboldened by the grief around the others tainted by possessiveness against Jacaerys.
“What happens now?” You asked quietly, watching as he blinked at you again.
“Whatever happens, happens.” His voice was deep, lulling you into a calm, “But I know I want to be with you.”
Here it was.
“Are you sure?” Your eyes searched his face.
This was it.
His last chance to back out.
His last chance to say no.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
You couldn’t contain the grin that creeped on your face, hands pulling him down into a relieved kiss, pouring your adoration and care for him into it as much as you could.
He returned it equally with fever.
Heat ran through you as you pressed yourself closer to him, gasping into his mouth as you felt his cock twitch against your thigh. Aemond groaned into the kiss but pulled away.
You looked at him in confusion.
“Come on, we got to have breakfast with the others.”
You whined, plopping back into the pillows with a huff, “I don’t want to.”
Aemond chuckled from beside you, sitting up in the bed as he ripped the sheets away from your body, exposing your naked form. You rolled over onto your stomach, hiding your face in the pillow as you whined.
Two light smacks landed on the cheek of your ass, and you cried out in surprise, “Come on, grumpy.” He teased, “I’ll give you what you want after. But first, we need to eat.”
At the promise of getting what you wanted, you rolled out of bed, begrudgingly, looking at your semi wet pile of clothes in disgust.
You could do a run down the hall to Helaena’s room, but you could also be spotted running nude through the estate, which to you, didn’t seem appropriate considering the funeral held there only a few days past.
Aemond must have noticed your predicament, “Here.” He came over to you, handing you one of his black shirts and those grey sweats you loved so much.
You threw them on, the top coming down to your mid thigh. The pants however, didn’t stay up, and kept sliding down your legs no matter how much you tightened the strings or rolled them at your hips. 
Aemond laughed at you as you stepped out of the pants and threw them at him in a huff. 
“I need pants.” You whined, searching his room.
“Would prefer it if you didn’t.” He raised a brow at you.
Your core clenched around nothing as you looked at him, his stance challenging you to obey.
So this is the game he wanted to play.
Smirking, you turned to the door, opening it up, “Come on. We will be late.”
You left without looking back, not getting to see the way Aemond’s tongue poked into his cheek, watching you trot out of his room clad in his shirt.
Only his shirt.
The others were seated at the table outside picking at the spread. They all greeted you both as you moved sit down, except Aegon, who’s head was in his arms atop the table as he groaned dramatically and loudly for all to hear.
“Is he alright?” You asked Helaena, watching as she rolled her eyes at her older brothers antics.
“He’s fine. He’s just a drama Queen.”
“Drama King.” He grumbled back.
You ate together for a while before catching Helaena’s attention, it wasn’t something you wished to do, but it was something you had to nonetheless.
You had to go home, and what was more, you had to go back to work.
“Hel, is Criston around today?” You asked, plopping a sweet piece of watermelon into your mouth.
“I think so. Mum’s home today. Why?” Her head leant against her hand as she twirled one of her dragonfly earrings in between her fingers.
“I have to go back to work. I’ve used far too much of your mothers generosity, and uni starts back up next week.”
Helaena sat up straighter, “Holy shit, that’s next week?”
You nodded, “Yep. Not looking forward to Orwyle’s Citadel History class. Man could bore you to tears. I think I’ve actually cried once or twice.” You joked, rolling around a slice of starfruit on your plate before plopping it into your mouth, enjoying the sweet nectar that coated your tongue.
“Are you going to take Rhaenyra’s offer?” Helaena asked, eyes flitting from you and then to Aemond.
“What offer?” Came the grumbling groan of Aegon, his head lifting momentarily to look at you. 
If he wasn’t speaking and breathing in front of you, you would have mistaken the man for being dead. Dark rings sat beneath his eyes, and his pale skin had a sallow dullness to it that made him look almost grey.
“Rhaenyra offered her a job at her firm.” Helaena confirmed.
Aegon grunted, dropping his head back into his arms.
“I didn’t know she offered you a job.” Aemond looked at you from the side, brows pulling slightly.
Why did you feel a slight stab guilt in not telling him?
But how could you have?
It had been a whirlwind since she spoke to you.
The offer.
Aemond returning.
Your spat.
Your make up.
Viserys’ death.
It didn’t seem like the right thing to bring up at that time, and if you were being truly honest, you hadn’t even thought of it since his arrival.
“I didn’t have the chance to tell you with everything that’s happened.”
Aemond hummed, and so you continued, turning to face Helaena, “I think so. I need to give it a proper thought when I get home though.” 
Helaena nodded at you, “I’ll speak to Cole after breakfast.” She promised, and resumed her eating.
You thanked her with a smile before doing the same.
“You should take it.”
His words came as a surprise.
You placed your fork back onto the plate as you looked at the man at your side. His face was honest and open, there wasn’t a sneer or grimace, or even the straight line that his lips did when he was upset. 
He was being genuine.
You brows twitched as you wordlessly urged him to continue.
“My sister, despite everything, is a hard worker. She’ll look after you and make sure you’re taken care of. Besides, her firm is likely more your style anyway.”
“What do you mean by that?” You probed casually, trying to hide your real intrigue behind another piece of fruit in your mouth.
“More…” Aemond thought for a second, and then it came with a cheeky smirk, “Woman led.”
Helaena stayed true to her word and had Cole come to take you home, or at least, back to the private runway where that sleek jet picked you up once again.
You said your goodbyes to all, giving everyone a tight squeeze, especially Alicent Hightower, who you thanked for her endless generosity in having you there at such a tough time. 
However, you wouldn’t be going home alone. Aemond was coming with you, citing the need to be with you, and the need to get away from a place he hated.
When you moved to say your goodbyes to your best friend, you asked her when she would be back with you, mind wondering when you would need to part ways with Aemond's presence. 
“I’m going to stay here for the next month." She told you, "I’ve already emailed uni.”
“The next month?” You felt sadness in your chest. Another month without your best friend.
You were going to miss her.
“Yeah,” She kicked at the gravel at her feet, “Mum needs me here for the solicitors and the Will and Testimony reading.”
“Oh? Are you going to be okay?”
Helaena pulled you in for a hug and whispered into your ear, “I’m going to be taken away in a straight jacket by the end of this.” Before pulling back to smile again, cheekier this time, “Besides, I’m sure Aemond will keep you company.”
His smooth voice came from beside you, “I have no plans on leaving.”
The flight home was quick with his company, and on more than one occasion, you had to swat his hands away from you as he whispered the chance of joining the mile high club in his mothers jet.
It felt good to be home as you stepped through the front door, dropping your keys in the empty bowl, followed by the sound of Aemond dropping his in beside it.
It made you smile, the familiar scent of your apartment, the soft glow of light, it's tidiness perfect for your arrival home. You turned back, grin tugging on your lips to look at the man behind you, only to see him looking at you hungrily.
You continued forward, butterflied erupting in your stomach as you felt the warmth of his gaze behind you. You dropped your bags in the lounge room and stretched your arms up high, the day dress you were wearing sliding up your thighs.
Aemond watched you with a hooded eye, and the heat you had felt that morning came back tenfold.
And then you remembered.
“You didn’t make do on your promise.” You smirked.
Aemond raised a brow at you as he dropped his bags next to yours, hands flexing at his side, urging you to elaborate.
“You said you’d give me what I want after breakfast." You purred, "It’s past lunch.”
The silver haired man’s lip twitched as he looked at you, tongue in cheek, “Look whose gotten all bratty the moment we get home.”
The word sent heat straight to your core.
“Not my fault you're a liar.” You teased back, feeling confident to push him now that you knew where you stood. Now that you were home, away from his family, away from it all. It was now just the two of you.
You and him.
“A liar?”
“Uh huh.”
“Did I say when I would?”
You brows furrowed, “After breakfast.”
“And is lunch not after breakfast?”
Your eyes narrowed at him.
Aemond’s demeanour changed entirely, posture straightening which gave him an extra inch of height. He looked down his nose at you as he watched you take a smirking step back, “Come here.”
You had to push down the flurry of excitement that almost unleashed a giggle into the room, “Make me.”
Your chest rose and fell sharply as you watched Aemond take a slow step towards you, and then another.
“Last chance, baby. Come here.”
Spinning on your heel you ran towards your room, Aemond's boots beating on the floorboards behind you coming closer. Hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you up, squeal erupting from your chest as you tried to wriggle out of his grip.
“That was very naughty of you.” His voice whispered hoarsely at your ear from behind, hot breath fanning down your neck.
You stifled a whimper as his fingers dug into your skin before he threw you down onto the bed, face first. Your hands flew outwards, catching yourself as your hips hit the end of the bed. Aemond was on you in an instant, pawing at your dress as he ripped it off of you.
“This what you want, huh? Want me to put you in your place? Little brat.”
Your hands moved behind you to tried to slap his arms as he yanked your panties down your legs in one long swoop. Aemond tutted from behind you as he kicked your legs apart, your lip caught in your teeth as you tried not to whimper.
“Look at you. Already soaked. Such a dirty little slut, aren’t you?”
His hand cast down onto the flesh of your ass and you cried out, back arching as the delicious sting spread through your skin. He pulled your cheeks apart roughly and spat onto your dripping entrance.
“Filthy little fuck hole.” Aemond growled, and you mewled as you felt his spit run between your thighs and drip down onto the floor below. 
His fingers smeared his spit into your folds, parting them easily as he looked down at you and cooed, your head craning back to watch him as he chuckled darkly, “What am I going to do with you, hm? You want me to fuck this pretty little pussy, baby?”
Your legs tried to shut so that you could apply pressure with the squeezing of your thighs, but Aemond's legs were in the way, preventing you from getting any release of the tingling that spread through your aching centre. 
“Please.” You murmured, pouting at him the best you could in the hopes that it would entice him to take you right then and there.
Another chuckle rumbled in his chest as he let one long finger circle around your entrance, the tip of it just barely pushing inside before it came back out again, teasing you.
“I don’t think you deserve it.” He hummed.
“Please, Aemond.”
“Not my name, sweetheart.”
A shiver ran down your spine, your eyes sliding shut, “Please daddy.”
The warmth from his body disappeared as he stepped back, your eyes opening to find him looking down at you with a stern face. Your heart raced in your chest, his height towering over you, dominance dripping from his every fibre of his being.
Gods be good.
Your eyes widened as you stared at him, his hands coming to undo his belt buckle slowly, watching as you didn’t move. He pulled the belt slowly from the loops, to soft flipp loud in the room. The belt dropped to the floor with a thud.
“I said,” Aemond moved quicker than you could react, grabbing a fist full of your hair and dragging you off of the bed onto your knees, “Kneel.”
The wooden floor bit into the skin on your knees sharply, but it was dull in comparison to the sheer desire to be ravaged by the man in front of you. 
Long fingers slowly dragged down the zipper of his pants, opening it with languid movements as he kept his eye completely and utterly upon your face. 
“Were you being bratty to get a reaction?”
You watched as he pulled his hard length from his briefs, running his fist from base to top slowly, the tip leaking a drop of precum that he smeared down his shaft.
Aemond hummed, “What? Can’t talk now?”
You shook your head defiantly as he took a step closer, “I’m going to ask you one last time,” His voice grew deeper, darker, and it added to the slick that was settling in the crux of your thighs, “Were you being bratty to get a reaction?”
You shook your head. 
Aemond clicked his tongue at you in disappointment before sighing loudly, “Thought you’d say that. I’ve got a better use for that mouth of yours.” One hand in your hair, he tugged you forward, “Open.”
You don’t know what it was about this man, or what he did to you to make you the way you were with him. The way he absolutely ruined every inch of your mind and thoughts, the urge to both please him and defy him coursing through you all at once, but you wouldn’t give in. No, you needed him to react, you needed him to take what he wanted from you with force. 
So biting the insides of your cheeks to keep you from smiling, you defiantly kept your mouth shut as you looked up at him from your knees.
The corner of his lip twitched as he hummed at you.
The sting across your cheek came quickly and stunned you enough to open your mouth in a gasp, exactly as he had planned when he slapped you. He grabbed your jaw with the entirety of his hand and squeezed at the joint meanly, mouth falling open further in pain. 
Aemond slid his cock straight into your open lips, his heady weight sitting upon your tongue as he looked down at you, still holding the base with one hand, your jaw in the other.
“There you go. Far more useful with my cock in your mouth.” He grunted, pulling out slowly as you curled your tongue upwards, running it along the underside of his shaft, pressing into the long vein that travelled along it.
Aemond began to thrust into the back of your throat, letting go of the base so that the whole length of him would slide into your mouth. His cock was salty on your tongue, hot, swollen, and heavy in your mouth as he forced you to take him as deep as it would go. 
You gagged on his length, eyes watering as you shut them tightly.
Two little slaps on your cheek made your eyes open back up, staring at him as he looked down at you, “Eyes on me while I fuck this pretty little mouth of yours.”
You moaned around his length, thighs rubbing together in an attempt to relieve the tension that was building between them. But it was fruitless. It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what you needed, and what you needed was his fingers, his tongue, or his cock inside of you.
The silver haired man thrusted into your mouth the way he would into your cunt, deep, long and hard, his tip beating against the back of your throat as he used you for his own pleasure.
It was exhilarating, intoxicating, and exactly what you had wanted.
You wanted him to use you like this, to get it all out, to get out all the tension that had been hovering over him the minute he stepped into the Keep.
He needed this just as much as you did.
A thick line of saliva ran down your chin, dripping onto your thighs below as both hands wrapped around the sides and back of your skull, dragging your head up and down his length roughly. His brow was furrowed as he watched, mouth agape as he breathed shallowly and grunted.
“Look at you," He cooed down at you, "Just a hole for me to fuck. Just a little slut begging for daddy’s cock, isn’t that right?”
You hummed around his length, sucking your cheeks inwards as much as you could. Aemond hissed at the pressure, eye sliding shut momentarily as his hips stuttered.
It was a glorious sight.
You below him, looking up as his head was thrown back, ecstasy breaking out on his features as his pearly hair cascaded around his shoulders.
Your head was pulled away, length slipping from your lips as you gasped for air, a line of spit connecting you to his tip as he cooed at you.
You opened your mouth wider, tongue poking out for him. His cheeks hollowed and then Aemond spat onto your tongue, its warmth spreading from your mouth, all the way through your body.
You moved to shut your mouth to swallow for him like you thought he wanted, but he stopped you with a finger, pressing down on your tongue as he smeared his spit along the wet, pink muscle messily.
With little care, two fingers slid down to the back of your throat as he looked at you, your mouth still open waiting for a command. Aemond slowly fucked your throat with his fingers, grinning at the small gags that he elicited from the action, before pulling his fingers from your mouth, smearing his spit and yours across your face, the wetness sticking to your heated cheeks.
“Such a messy girl. So dirty.” He purred, lining his cock back up to your mouth which you took with ease, except this time, Aemond didn’t fuck your throat. 
He slid his length all the way down your throat, cock pressing into your gag reflex and blocking off your air. Your nose met his pelvis as he looked down at you, shaking your head slightly side to side on his length. 
“Hold it.” He growled, watching as a tear ran down your cheek as you tried to not cough or splutter on his length, chest heaving as you gagged, no air being able to pass through your nose.
Your head grew dizzy as you looked at him, lungs beginning to burn, but still he didn’t let you pull back. Holding you down onto him by the back of your head.
Your hands flew to his thighs for grip as you tried to pull away, but Aemond kept his cock nestled deeply in your throat. 
“You can do it, pretty girl." He told you, "Five more seconds.”
Another tear slid down your cheek, the weight of him in your throat making your core flutter around nothing. 
“Five.” He began to count down, watching as you squirmed below him.
“Four.” Your nails dug into his flesh harshly as you tried to keep on him, throat swallowing around him tightly in reflex, causing a shiver to roll through his body.
“Two.” He grunted, pulling you down harder on his length causing more tears to fall from your eyes.
Aemond pulled you off his length, your lungs burning as you gasped in a lungful of air, spluttering and coughing at his feet. 
“Good girl.” He praised, wiping the tears from your cheeks that had left wet tracks down your face.
You coughed softly, throat aching and head spinning, feeling embarrassed and aroused all in one. The head rush from lack of air was almost as intense as the head rush you got from your desire.
You licked your lips and swallowed doing as you were told, feeling Aemond slide his cock slowly into the back of your throat again, but this time, you inhaled a large lungful of air in preparation. He pulled your head down all the way, nose nestled into the hair at his base as he looked down at you.
“Good girl, baby. Look at you.” You moaned around his length, feeling tears in your eyes again as he nudged your gag reflex.
“Hold it.” His voice cracked, watching a tear slide down your cheek as he brushed hair away from your forehead gently, “You're going to hold it for ten this time.”
Oh shit.
You didn't know if you could.
But you wanted to please him.
You wanted to be good for him.
“Ten.” Aemond began to count down again, pushing his hips slightly forward, making his cock go even deeper than you thought it could, throat bulging slightly from his length, your eyes widening as you squirmed below.
“Seven.” Your core clenched as he counted, watching through blurry eyes as he looked at you on your knees before him.
“S-ix.” He moaned, eye sliding shut as he felt your throat closing around him as your body tried to swallow the blockage that was his cock.
The room spun slightly and you began to shift below him, brain controlling you as it tried to pull you away to get air into your lungs instinctually. 
“Four." Heat rose in your cheeks as you squirmed, head trying to move backwards from his grip.
"Stay still." He growled down at you. Despite his command, you still wriggled, slick sliding between your thighs as it began to drip down onto the floor below.
“Almost there, baby. Three.”
Your arms tried to push yourself back, pure instinct taking over, your hands on his thighs, vision in the corner of your eyes going dark. 
Was he purposely counting slow?
Oh Gods.
He was.
You were almost there. Your fingers fisted against his thighs, and despite his face being blurred by your tears above, you couldn’t help but notice the sadistic smile that pulled at his sharp lips.
“Two and three quarters.”
Your eyes narrowed at him, causing the man to chuckle.
You ripped yourself away with a gasp, falling backwards onto your bum as you coughed and spluttered, drool hanging from your lips as you tried to steady your breathing. 
Aemond knelt in front of you, swiping up the spit on your chin, “Good girl. Such a good girl for me - You did so well.” You keened at his praise, leaning into his hand.
Aemond helped you to stand, pulling you over onto the bed as he stripped himself bare, watching as you still fought to catch your breath, devouring him with lust filled eyes and swollen lips.
“Let's see how wet you are from me using your mouth like that, hm?”
You parted your legs on instinct, giving him view of your glistening folds.
Aemond inhaled sharply, “Look how fucking wet you are. You're dripping all over the bed.”
You nodded your head dumbly, brain feeling light as a feather. You didn’t know if it was from the lack of previous airflow, or if it was the way he was treating you, slowly sinking you down into the comfortable little space you loved to float in with him.
“Are you all dumb, baby?” He meanly cooed at you with a sadistic pout, stroking the hair atop your head.
You nodded again as he chuckled at you, running his fingers through your slick folds, the sound of him parting them obscenely wet.
“Just from being daddy’s little fuck hole?”
You moaned, pushing your centre into his hand as he swirled a digit around your swollen clit, sparks of pleasure flying up inside of you. His finger dipped inside of you, immediately crooking upwards into the spot you needed it most. 
“Look at this needy little pussy sucking me in. Do you need daddy to help you?”
You moaned at him, thrusting your hips downwards onto his hand as he added another finger, beginning to fuck them inside of you.
“Use your words.”
It took whatever remaining braincell that was left inside your head to string together one measly word, “Please.”
Aemond smirked, “Please what, little dummy.”
You whined, shutting your eyes as heat flooded your cheeks.
“Come on. Use your big girl words or you won’t get anything.”
“Please, daddy. P-please fuck me.”
Aemond smiled victoriously, kissing a tear that was drying against your cheek, “There we go. That must have been real hard when you're all dumb, wasn’t it?
You whined at his teasing, and then again when he removed his fingers.
“Shh.” He hushed you, “Daddy’s going to give you just what you need.”
And he did.
Aemond slid into you immediately, aided by how wet and open you were for him. He sighed into the crook of your neck, your legs immediately wrapping around him as he began to fuck into you, slowly building up the pace. 
Your breasts bounced with each thrust, his hips snapping into your own as pleasure bloomed within. You moaned and cried beneath him, his pelvis rubbing against your swollen bud with each deep and rough thrust he gave you.
“You gonna cum already? I can feel you gripping me.” He huffed, watching his length disappear into your folds.
“Please.” You wailed, hands gripping the sheets beside you tightly in your fists as you begged him with your eyes.
Aemond took pity on you and slid a hand down to your pearl, rolling it in time with his thrusts, “Come on then. Cum on my cock.”
It took four sharp thrusts before your eyes screwed shut, stars appearing behind them as you came with an earth shattering cry. Aemond fucked you through it, hips and hand not once still until you were a sobbing and slick mess beneath him.
“Fucked the brat right out of you, didn’t I? Pretty little baby.” He moaned, rutting into your centre as the sound of your arousal surrounded you, the hair at the base of his cock soaked with your release, “Just needed me to fuck you stupid, didn’t you?”
You couldn’t form any words, mouth hanging open as little whines and pants flittered off of your tongue. It was overwhelming, and the pleasure of your first peak was yet to settle, bliss sizzling and burning within your gut in a way that continued to mount as he kept rubbing your pearl. 
It was almost painful.
“Give me another.” Aemond grunted, pressing his fingers against you again harder, watching as you tried to shift your hips and escape his circling digits. 
But it was no use, and Aemond ripped yet another peak from you with precision, your head lulling to the side tiredly as your body was thrust up the bed with his hips. You laid limply beneath him as he continued to fuck you, lip pulled into your mouth by your teeth as you whimpered.
“Fuck.” He gritted out through his teeth, hand releasing your clit out of mercy as he gripped your hips tightly in both hands, fucking into you harder and faster than before, beating the air from your lungs with each thrust.
“Gonna fill up this little pussy.” He moaned, watching as your brows pulled together, walls fluttering around his length.
“You want me to fill this pretty pussy with my cum? Want me to fill you up?”
You nodded your head, tear leaking from the corner of your eye as he continued to rut into you rapidly, hands leaving your hips to wrap around your throat, squeezing the sides to prevent the blood flow to your head whilst allowing for air, amplifying your pleasure and making you float even further.
“Gonna cum in your cunt.” He moaned, using the grip on your neck to pull your weight down onto his cock, spearing you open with each thrust.
It was too much.
It was-
Oh Gods-
You were-
Your brain went blank as ecstasy shot through it, scrambling any thought that you had. You heard his cry as he came deep within you, his warmth filling you up, but there was a second wetness that you noticed, that soaked the sheets below you.
It took a while to come back down to yourself, held in Aemond’s arms as he brushed gentle hands over you, holding you to him. You felt warm, safe, and completely and utterly exhausted. You shifted to look up at him, watching as his eye opened to look down at you.
“Back on earth?” He asked softly, watching as you weakly smiled at him, nuzzling into his bare chest. His chuckle vibrated against your cheek.
“Come on, we got to get you cleaned up.”
You buried your head deeper into his chest, “Don’wanna.”
Lips pressed at the top of your head, “Come on. I need to change the sheets.”
This caught your attention. 
Had you gotten your period?
Were you sweatier than you had thought?
You lifted your head to look at him, to which he gave you a smug little smile.
“You made quite the mess.”
You frowned, embarrassment creeping into your chest.
“Nothing bad.” He reassured you, kissing your forehead, “You ever squirted before?”
“As much as I love watching your mind turn and work, I’m lying in your wet patch.” He chuckled, shifting to lift you out of the bed. 
Low and behold, there it was.
A large wet patch below Aemond that spread out against your sheets, proof of your pleasure and the peaks that Aemond took you too. And despite having no shame, and being roughly and thoroughly fucked not too long ago, heat still flooded your cheeks at the sight.
After lazing in bed for only an allowed moment more, Aemond helped you to the shower, your legs weak like jelly as he washed you and brushed your hair, taking off your makeup with gentle steady hands that made your heart flutter in your chest.
Ever the gentleman, he popped you on the couch as he changed your sheets, remaking your bed before he put on the load of washing. It was entirely domestic, and watching him as he moved, as he doted. on you, as he fluttered around your space which had irrevocably also became his, it only seemed to make the little part of him that had burrowed into your chest go deeper.
You ordered in that evening, getting pizza in a strange reminder of what it had been like when he first moved in. The same pizza order, the same pizza place, the same two spots on the couch as you ate.
The two of you had come a long way since then. A very long way, and in many ways, coming to a place that you would not have thought possible or even to have thought to cross your mind.
You watched his favourite movie in comfortable silence after eating your dinner, before suddenly you remembered something. You jumped up from your spot, hissing slightly at the soreness between your thighs as you ran to retrieve two spoons from the drawer, then opening the freezer door to dig around inside.
There it was.
The forgotten tub of ice cream you had carelessly thrown inside when a certain person was in your home.
You held it triumphantly as you walked back to the couch, holding it as you would a prized jewel on show for him. Aemond chuckled at your antics as you pulled the lid clean off, offering him a spoon.
“The first dip, My Lord.” You joked, bowing your head to him.
Aemond huffed a laugh, the pressure of him digging into the tub with his spoon pushed into your wrist. 
“Ñuha Riña.”
The accent sent a pulse straight to your core.
Down girl.
You dipped your spoon in after him, lifting it to your lips, “What does that mean?”
“My Lady." Aemond hummed, returning his attention back to the tv.
You savoured the ice cream, the tub becoming half full in no time as you slowly but surely demolished it together. It felt good to be at his side, to know where you both stood. To know what you both wanted, and for it to not be a secret anymore.
But you still couldn't get your mind to stop thinking about the way his tongue had rolled when speaking High Valyrian.
“Aemond?” You turned your head to look at his profile, watching as his tongue darted out to lick at his spoon.
“Will you teach me?”
His brows furrowed, “Teach you what?”
“High Valyrian.” You asked him shyly, suddenly feeling like perhaps you shouldn’t have asked him that at all. Maybe he wouldn't want to teach you that. Maybe it was a family thing only.
Was that weird of you to ask?
Would it be a reminder of the tension back at home?
A reminder of his father?
Your swirling thoughts of doubt were cut short as a soft smile spread across his shape cheeks.
“Hen rhinka.” Of course.
“What does that mean?”
“You’ll have to find out, won’t you, ñuha jorrāelagon.”
My love.
That night you slept in each others embrace, fresh and warm sheets on the bed, surrounded by his scent. It was no wonder that you drifted off to sleep so easily after the romp you had had earlier, not to mention how tumultuous the days before had been.
Yet when you woke the next morning, you felt refreshed, ready for a new start.
A new day.
A new beginning.
With him.
Aemond wasn’t in bed with you, but rather than feeling any sort of panic or anxiety about his absence, you crawled out of bed and went to where you knew he would be. 
Standing tall, leant against the bench, Aemond sleepily sipped from his coffee in the kitchen as he blew the smoke from his cigarette through the open window. He was clad in only black shorts, his silver hair messy and tangled, and the press of his pillow embedded in his cheek. 
Hearing your approach, he turned to you and smiled. 
Your stomach did flips.
The familiar sound of porcelain on the bench scraped in your ear.
There, at the base of his fingers, was your steaming mug of tea. 
You took it gratefully from him with a smile before sidling up to his side, leaning your head against his chest as he wrapped one arm around your shoulders pulling you closer.
“What do you want to do today?” You looked up at him, watching as he smiled down at you.
“Anything you want.”
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
@mrstargayen09 @iamavailablesstuff @malfoytargaryen @hogwarts1207 @diannnnsss @seni039 @qyburnsghost @anehkael @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @watercolorskyy @skikikikiikhhjuuh @toodlesxcuddles @kaelatargaryen @aemonds-fire @anitazut @melsunshine @persephonerinyes @wintrr13@arcielee @coffedraven @happinessinthebeing @zairishmya @hanula18 @lovejustlovelythings-blog @harryssunflxwer @spinachtz @bellaisasleep @aemshaircare @heavenly1927 @yentroucnagol @snh96 @thedamewithabook @hanula18 @sweethoneyblossom1 @siriusblackrunmeover17 @yentroucnagol @urmomsgirlfriend1 @carriellie @ipostwhtifeel@queenofshinigamis @toodlesxcuddles @the-common-cowgirl@ladymarg0t @deadgirlwalkingtaylorsversion @diiickbrainn @rawrxbexjealous @virtualsweetsqueen @adeliciouslysaltybitch @tsujifreya @boofy1998 @docmartinis @rabbit-reveries @bel-bottoms @padfooteyes @cryingforlife
Bold is who I cannot tag
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kale-theteaqueen · 1 month
To Pay a Debt, Chapter 47
This is crazy to write, guys.
224,000 words later and here we are!
The love on this fic is absolutely insane, and I cannot thank you all enough for the support, love, and undying dedication to coming with me on this journey. We still have an epilogue, and a plethora of bonus chapters, but the main story is finished, and I hope I did everyone justice for you.
Nesta means everything to me, and bringing her justice fills me with a deep sense of satisfaction, something I hope you felt while reading this.
I love you all very much, and hope to see you along the way as I write more works!
So much love and gratitude!!
Tag List: @c-e-d-dreamer @podemechamardek @talkfantasytome @moodymelanist @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @doriansgf @eerievixen @sweet-pea1 @thewayshedreamed @agents-assemble @jsmelodies @aelinchocolatelover @unlikelypersonalknight1 @slipknotvol3 @stylishmuser @lady-winter-sunrise @bri-loves-sunflowers @misswonderflower @acourtofladydeath
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avalencias · 10 months
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I'll be Your Honeybee
Yang is a cowgirl working for one of the last small family cattle ranches in Texas. One day while riding out to tend the herd, she finds Blake Belladonna hiding out in the orchards. Blake is on the run from the most infamous cattle thief north of the Rio Grande, but she doesn’t plan to tell Yang that. She also doesn’t intend to stay in town long, but something--or someone--keeps making her want to linger. Perhaps she’s put enough distance between herself and Adam, though trouble rolls into town when a representative from the Schnee Cattle Company comes knocking.
Hello BBB23!! After some wrangling (heh), here she is!! I had the extreme pleasure of working with TWO people this year, @michellecosine as our writer and @sadiemacoy as a fellow artist! I will say I am grateful to her for knowing how to draw horses bc I simply could not...hence, this double piece featuring not one single horse--she did the horses AND the other half of this scene amazingly. And BRI. This fic.........god. I will have to sit for a true true (re?)read today, but pls know it's very dear to my heart. Hope to have done my half of this scene justice! Happy @bumblebybigbang to all who celebrate!!
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mythical-bookworm · 10 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
(Thanks to @bg-sparrow and @professorsaber for tagging me)
1) Spell your name in songs (Songs I enjoy to listen to. Also 3 songs with the letter O and a K song??? This was hard)
Bushes of Love (Star Wars) by Bad Lip Reading
One Way or Another by Blondie
Oh Wonder - Without You (Justice Skolnik Remix)
Karma by Vocaloid
Where is Your Rider by The Oh Hellos
One Mint Julep by the Clovers
Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall
Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
2) Why did you choose your URL?
My URL is derived from MythicalBookWorm. I wanted this to be it originally but it was already taken :( I created it back in 2020 when I joined a little kids coding website called Scratch. Now how I came up with it? No fun story there. Just stared at the sign-up pages for a while, trying to come up with characteristics about me before this popped into my head. Ever since then this has been my user online. After all, Scratch got me into art and animation, and online in general. I still really like the URL and it is officially me online.
3) What is your middle name?
I don't feel comfortable saying it as it is apart of my real name. However: In the context of my full name, I like my middle name. It flows extremely nicely and is the reason my parents gave me it, along with the name being in the family once before. By itself though? Never liked it. In or out of context I have always hated the name. Put it on anyone, anything, don't like it.
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
Isn't funny how I have contemplated this a lot? Now if we were going by personality, I would definitely be a phoenix. However, this is choice. So 100% dragon! Think about it: flight, fire, and fingers! It's the best combination of fun, powerful, and convenient/realistic. Plus wouldn't it be cool to roll your throat and make those super intimidating throat growls?
5) Favorite color?
Magenta! 2nd is Lavender, 3rd is Teal/Cyan.
6) Song you love right now?
Well, recently watched and fell in love with the Back to the Future Musical, so Hello, is Anybody Home? and Teach Him a Lesson (That he'll always forget! <Never forget>) Also found Crane Wives recently so I've been enjoying their songs as well. :)
7) Top four fandoms?
Back to the Future
Wings of Fire
Gravity Falls
Back to the Future and Amphibia are pretty interchangeable though. Currently it's BttF but Amphibia was on top for a lot longer before it.
8) Tag nine people
Hope you guys don't mind, don't feel pressured or anything ':)
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twin-books · 2 years
Can you draw redraw with this cuties!?
This concept art features Gorgeous Nathan from the gym club (AKA Pre Felix) and Marietta (Or Marinette)!
You have very nice drawings,I like it,Dude!!Very beautiful and creativity.Your drawings are just a masterpiece!!!
Firstly, I must thank you for helping me identify that the dude in this concept is Gorgeous Nathan. I always thought he couldn't be Felix because he seemed different, and it's not just because of the outfit, though that's a heavy reason. I never thought about it being Gorgeous Nathan but that does make the most sense. Also, I must say I very much appreciate you referring to him by his full title. Beautiful. We always appreciate Gorgeous Nathan from the Gym Club. (I will bully this man relentlessly for this title, I swear). For those who don't like using links that they can't be sure where they lead, this is the image anon is talking about:
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Anyway, I'm not sure if you were actually asking me to draw them separately or redraw this image. I went with redrawing it. I do have this image and I very much love it more compared to the final product. So I decided to redraw it based on what ended up being the final product and on this sketch version. The final product involves the weird combination of Marinette and "Bridgette" and Felix. There was not much else in the scene besides two people and a car and while I liked the focus on Felix and "Bri" it looked so barren and lifeless somehow compared to all other concept images. That isn't to say the art is bad, of course. The art was very, very good. It just didn't have quite the same life I loved about the other concepts so it's one of my least favorites. Here's them compared side by side:
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I quite liked the sketch because of life it had and I wanted to somehow mimic that without people so I decided to add a lot more plant life and hopefully bring more "energy" you could say. I'm not sure I did it justice. I also did some very sloppy coloring because I thought it would be fun. I don't really love the outfit Marietta have so I did my best with what I was provided. That's one of the things I preferred about the final image. I will say I couldn't help myself and added Marietta's necklace even though this isn't quite the Marietta we know because she seemed to have the more Marinette-like bangs.
But here it is... I did my best. I much prefer the original products myself but this was fun. I recommend clicking on it. This image is big so Tumblr makes it look worse. XD
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I really had to deconstruct this image. I went through tracing the very basic shapes of it to get the basic idea of the energy then I went to making my own building blocks so I could draw my own style over top of that then it was redrawing it all over again and so forth and so on... I basically drew this image multiple times. Can't say I'm all that thrilled with this one. I actually don't quite like it. But I do try to be honest about my art journey. I am one of those artists who believes it's the fun that's important and I had a whole lot of fun making it. Except Gorgeous Nathan's head. That wasn't fun. Very unfun. You think I would hate his hands but no it was his freaking head. Ironic since that's the stuff I draw the most; heads and faces. I hope you at least like it, even just a little bit. Maybe one day I can draw them again without trying to measure up to someone else's work, I suppose. That's probably what threw me off a lot, that I really wanted to do it justice even though I knew this would be a very simple drawing. Thanks for the request! It was very fun to draw this version of the characters! I also very much like the story this one tells! Also anon, I gotta ask... are you the same anon sending me all the wonderful asks in my inbox? I, of course, appreciate them but it did get me curious! I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are! <3
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chaotic-iguana · 1 year
hi kali <3 deafening silences..WHEW!
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this one here......this one hit me in the feels and it hit me HARD😭
i have had such a great time getting to know u and i'm so glad i found u🥹 you're an incredible artist AND writer, WHAT CAN'T YOU DO!!!
i loved this fic and i hope i did it justice
same fr it's so funny that we basically stumbled on each othe rbc of dee ur literslly the BEST graphic designer ever
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larsisfrommars · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 8 Reaction
Attempted stabbing interrupted by Pascual calling Julio to attention! A physical struggle ensues, Julio interrogates Pascual about the bauble that belonged to his sister. Pascual continues to deny involvement O Crap Julio Has A Knife. More stabbings being interrupted! This time by the head butler, Julio postponed his interrogation for now.
Pascual is absolutely terrified of someone/something the following morning and I’m not entirely convinced it’s Julio.
Teresa confronts her son about his Objectively Worst Choice in which servant to frame for the murder he may or may not have committed. Teresa has chosen to protect Sofia over Felipe. YAY! Andrés is back!! Everybody is about as happy to see him as me! Of course he’s well loved by the staff.
Andrés brings his mom tea (with a little alcohol, thanks Chef Lupe 😂). He checks in on his mother and asks her what she did, he gets worried when she gets super cryptic about it. She doesn’t allow him to press further and puts everybody back to work. Andrés is a little peeved “aren’t we gonna celebrate a little?” “my way of celebrating is honest work.” Oh dear…
More “where the fuck is money/evidence” between Diego and the bowler hat guy, he wants him to find not just the money but the ring I think (or the button or something else Julio/Andrés found) I can’t think of why else he would’ve been searching their room.
Pascual took the money!! No wonder he was so terrified early, he wasn’t afraid of Julio, he’s afraid of bowler hat guy!! Pascual runs into Victoria on his way (now officially on the run methinks). I’m sure she’s gonna investigate that further.
Ohhhhh no my HEART 😍 Andrés has decided to surprise Julio at work! The platter Julio was carrying drops, they’re chirping each others names and hugging I am going SO RABID over these two AHHHHHH!!! 💕
Teresa and Ángela just had an incredibly tense interaction. Ángela seems apologetic to have to have done what she did to protect her son. Teresa seems to want Ángela to swear she’ll hold up her end of the deal, she does.
Isabel comes to see Andrés and congratulate him on his freedom. They discuss what happened and I believe Isabel lies to Andrés that Felipe is the one who did it (but not telling him what Felipe had been the one to plant the knife OR that she isn’t sure Felipe guilty), she hopes justice will eventually be served (this seems to take Julio aback a little).
Julio has an aside with Isabel and thanks her for protecting Andrés’s happiness by not telling him everything, they both care for him very much and are happy he’s back, even if they both seem upset by the fact they’re hiding things from him.
Andrés continues to be ridiculously excited about being a dad and has come to check on Belén like he always does at the laundry area. This time his mom be snooping! He goes on and on about wanting to give her and the baby whatever they need.
I wonder what Ángela was hoping to find out, because what she found is Belén manipulating the heck out of him. Every time I think I’ve judged Belén too quickly she says/does some manipulative shit and I’m like “oh never mind!” 😂😅
Ayala chastises his sidekick for fraternizing with the prisoners, “you’re a policeman, our job is important, act like it!” going on about how they still need to figure out what exactly happened to Ximena. They don’t seem to be getting much from Felipe, shit isn’t connecting right.
Hooray for Ayala chastising his deputy again and telling him prostitutes are people! I’m legit really starting to like this guy, his motivation is finding the truth in a show about secrets. Even if he really REALLY missed the mark on Andrés. I think mostly because he didn’t realize Salinas’s nervous, friendly energy is completely genuine. (Autism mood right there)
Pascual trying to gtfo with his briefcase full of cash and of COURSE he runs into Diego and has to pretend everything is chill and get back to work. Oooooooh Victoria just found out what’s in the briefcase and fuckin STOLE it! She just took it to Luisa ohhhhh MAN. Ngl I think if someone else is gonna die, it’s gonna be Pascual for trying to cut and run.
Ángela is cozying up to Natalia, “thanks for your discretion, you’re doing well at the grand hotel, you’ve got friends right? Are you friends with Belén? 👀” and she has asked her if Belén has been with any man other than Andrés and Natalia is squirming like she knows something!
Now that I think about it I think the amount of time Belén has been pregnant (or something else that was said) might’ve tipped Ángela off is that the baby isn’t Andrés’s. Though what SHE doesn’t know is that Andrés knows that! Juicy!!
Jacinto (the gardener) has brought clothes for Felipe to the police station but is refused entry. Detective Ayala is currently questioning Felipe and the cop tells Jacinto it’s none of his business. Jacinto overhears two cops talking about problems having to do with Ayala and the cantina.
Luisa is very politely interrogating Diego over coffee. She’s concerned about her son and his role in the hotel (possibly because she’s worried about his safety in this web of lies). She’s giving the briefcase full of cash Victoria stole as means to gain power and influence over the hotel for herself and for her son! Daaaaaamn.
Ayala and sidekick are attending the open casket funeral of a prostitute (I think it might be Violeta’s older sister) who is very obviously alive since they go out of the way so we can see and hear her breathing 😂. I have a feeling they’re somehow using this “death” as a scam or cover up of something. Unless those shots were just bad lol. More of Violeta’s gorgeous singing voice which we found out she has last episode!
Meanwhile Andrés and Julio are ironing newspapers. They’re talking about Isabel and I think Julio just admitted to feeling affection for her (which makes Andrés nervous for him, then again what doesn’t?). Julio goes on about like, it’s not gonna happen but she is pretty great (romantic cross fade to her in the next scene).
Isabel has written to her friend Matilde (the girl she was chatting with in the very first episode!) she’s telling her about all the non-drama (which y’know, isn’t really much all things considered) and is like “I wish you were here, you’d know what to do.” Looks like Matilde may be joining our ever growing cast of characters some point soon!
Jacinto enters the scene, and in doing so, sees the abuse poor Violeta is going through first hand. She storms off and Jacinto follows suit. Diego confronts Pascual about the briefcase, Pascual throws Julio under the bus immediately.
Pascual takes the briefcase again and goes directly to Isabel’s room! Crap!! 🔪🔪🔪 he’s taken her hostage! Julio has seen them as Pascual takes Isabel into the woods! Julio tries to negotiate with Pascual to let Isabel go and asks about Cristina, revealing to him that he’s her brother!
Pascual gets very upset regarding Cristina, I think Julio is negotiating that he’ll get Pascual a ticket out of town if he tells him what happened to her. Pascual clears Felipe’s name I THINK DIEGO JUST SHOT PASCUAL before Pascual could tell Julio who’s responsible for Cristina! Damnit!! WHY AM I ALWAYS RIGHT?! 😂
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2 & 4? Hope you've had a good week! <333
Bri! Look at you, asking the spicy questions ❤️‍🔥
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.” I guess what gave me the most pause was my original novel, when I realised that the main character’s love interest was the wrong fucking person? It sounds like such a simple and dumb thing, but changing it made the story about 100 times better, and now I kinda can’t believe I tried to make it work any other way, you know? 🙃
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread? If we stick to MCU, I guess some kind of a longer canonverse story about Steve & Matt being friends — meeting sometime after New York (and before Bucky comes back), and bonding as gently and patiently as two absolutely chaotic idiots can? I just don’t think I’m patient enough of a writer to do this story justice, and also I’m kind of terrified of writing canonverse!Steve-centric stuff, so… I’ve left it simmering in the back of my mind. I did broach the subject in this one tumblr prompt fic, but tbh I think that’s all I’ll ever be able to do with the idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ So maybe not existential dread, exactly, but I would say I'm being gently haunted by this bunny 😭❤️
Ask me a fic writing thing!
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caitybug · 4 years
ok im requesting one of them being locked in a porta potty and it rolls down a hill. if u can make me cry with that prompt then i surrender.
Bri, for you, I would do anything.
Okay, but really, let’s see how I can turn THIS into something.
(If anyone else has something ridiculous go for it, why not. live your dreams.)
(Also tagging @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire bc she asked me to.)
Baz and I are watching Penny frantically look around for her purple stone. 
Shepard ran to go check the car.
Baz tried to cast a finding spell, but he’s all drained up. 
“I need to get it fitted to a new ring,” Penny tells herself, kneeling and digging through the grass. “Then this won’t happen.”
Baz huffs. He doesn’t like to feel useless. 
We are standing a few feet apart, awkwardly orbiting each other without ever getting too close. 
On the beach he told me: “Why can’t you see that I wouldn’t be happy anywhere without you?”
I almost believed him.
“I’m going to go check the table again,” I state, walking away.
Being too close is painful. 
Baz once said: “I’d wake up every morning and think, ‘This will end in flames.’”
I feel like I could catch on fire.
I love him so much it burns.
It burns, and I’m on fire. I can’t let him too close. He’s flammable. 
I’ll only hurt him more if he stays. 
I look under the table to no avail, then stand up and see a portaloo.
Didn’t Penny go to the bathroom earlier?
I shrug to myself, it can’t hurt to check.
When I get in I have to hold my breath, it smells awful. 
Luckily, I see it sitting on the hand sanitizer.
I smile and grab it, excited to leave the smell, when Baz is thrusted in. 
“Woah, what-” I start, catching Baz.
His arms feel strong.
“I’m locking you both in until you get over this weird thing between you!” Penny shouts, slamming the door behind Baz. “I’m so done with the wistful sighs and woeful glances. Grow up!”
“Wait!” I shout, banging on the door, trying to open it. She must have jammed it. “I found your stone!”
“Hah! You can’t fool me!” She shouts back. “Enjoy the smell, I’ll be back in ten.”
I hear the grass crunch as she walks away, leaving Baz and I standing awkwardly close, still surrounded by the smell. 
Baz sighs.
“She took my wand, just in case.” He mutters.
I hit my head against the wall.
We stand there awkwardly for far too long, and I can’t tell what makes me finally speak up.
Whether it’s being close to Baz, the chemicals, or the fact that I’ve not gotten proper sleep that causes it, I’m not sure.
“Baz,” I whisper, head still against the wall, “I’m not worth it.”
He scoffs.
Of course he scoffs.
“Simon, do turn around,” he says. “If I’m going to have this talk with you in a fucking portaloo then I’d like to do so to your face.”
I turn around and see him, cramped and a little hunched over, his arms crossed over his chest.
I can’t look into his eyes.
I’ll burn.
He’ll burn.
We are too close, it’d be deadly. 
“Simon,” he says. I’m weak and I look up. 
His grey eyes are soft. It’s dark, but a little light shines through the vent, creating lines on his face.
He’s still so beautiful, even in this context.
“Baz,” my eyes start to water. Is it because of the smell or the thought of losing Baz? The thought of hurting him. “I can’t do this, you shouldn’t have to-” I swallow, trying to find the words.
How do you break up with someone you love?
“You have so much going for you, and I- I am stuck.” 
“Simon you absolute idiot,” he sneers.
Somehow the arguing eases some of the emotion. Arguing is what we know. It’s always a fight with us.
“I know!” I say. It comes out much louder than I mean for it to. “I know you said you choose me or whatever. You don’t have to stick with it. You can break it off-”
“I love you, you absolute moron,” Baz shouts.
I hear crickets chirping outside. 
“I love you,” he repeats, quieter this time. “You’re an idiot, you’d eat butter by the spoonful if Bunce or I didn’t stop you, you drink unicorn frappaccinos. Yet I find myself in love with you.”
I’m staring at him, but he’s looking down at his feet as he whispers his confessions.
He loves me.
We’ve not said it before.
I always assumed...
“You love me?” I ask, voice shaking.
He nods, taking a deep breath in and holding it for a moment.
I always assumed it was just me. That I would love him, and that he’d move on. Move away from the mess of me.
He lets his exhale out and reaches for the handle again, shaking it.
“Fuck,” he breathes out.
“Baz,” I whisper, reaching out for him. 
He lets me touch his shoulder, but he doesn’t look up.
I shake him a little, and he opens one eye to glare at me.
“Baz, I-” A breath. “I love you too.”
His eyes go wide, and he lifts his head up.
“I love you so much,” I tell him.
We’ve never said it.
I reach up and put a hand on his neck.
He leans down.
My heart starts to race.
It’s easier to hide when I do the kissing.
I let him do it this time.
He loves me.
He’s not going to hurt me.
His lips touch mine and I can breathe again. He pulls me close, and I let him lead the way. 
Maybe it’s not so bad to let him have control.
But then, I feel something move, and we break apart. Our faces must have the same look of shock, because the portaloo falls over.
I’m yelling, holding on to Baz. 
The smell is everywhere. 
It rolls and it gets even worse.
Baz keeps cursing.
I hear Penny shouting.
We stop.
I feel something smushy under my leg.
My shoes are soaked.
I try not to think too much about it.
���Merlin’s beard!” Penny shouts, opening the door and standing above us. “What happened?”
Baz starts climbing out first, looking worse for wear.
I stand up and toss Penny her stone, and she looks immediately regretful.
“Told you,” I say, straightening up.
She holds her gem out and casts clean as a whistle.
It gets rid of the worst of it. I still feel it though.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to look at a portaloo again.
I look up and see Baz glaring at Penny, only for him to look down at me and hold a hand out.
I reach out and intertwine our hands.
It’s not fixed, I don’t think. But it’s better. 
“I love you,” I whisper as Penny walks away.
He leans down and kisses my forehead.
“I love you too, Snow,” he whispers back. 
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lemonpeter · 4 years
bri PLEASE write that A/B/O one night stand pregnancy fic
i want to but i've already got too many things in the works lmfao
:) 💕 i might have already started a doc for it lol
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janus-cadet · 2 years
Another card ! We're going well into the suit of swords, and I'm happy about that- no matter how many swords I have to draw. And with another fandom, of course. Because I watched Sandman, and Sandman is great, and I have a friend who really like that nasty, charismatic creature. That's one for you, bris.
So ! Here is the Corinthian, as the Nine of Swords.
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I usually choose a card that fits to the character's personnality ; but, for that one, I decided to reflect his effect on the consultant, here in the form of a little sand man in the Corinthian's hans.
Indeed : the Nine of Swords, upright, is a card suggesting you are dealing with anxiety, worry, fear... nightmares. Reversed, it's a symbol for inner turmoil, deep-seated fears- all the things nightmares are meant to confront, as said by Morpheus himself.
So, I really hope I did justice to that well-loved character ! Definitely is a card that's going to stand among the other, by the choice of coloring, the big part of the drawing used by the portrait alone, and the second presence.
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meetmymouth · 3 years
hi love, dad!harry anon here, i hope you get this seeing as tumblr probs did eat my ask but it was just a cute little concept about dad!harry and he has a daughter with the missus during quarantine (so about like 1/2 years old) anyway, it was how they’re watching from behind barricade and the missus tells her to say hi to some fans who try and talk to her and harry sees their little interaction and tells the missus and baby to come up on stage and tells the baby to say hi to everyone and she starts dancing around and getting shy w him 🥺 idk i thought that was like a really cute concept and you can turn it into a little blurb because anything you write is phenomenal <3
(also a girls name could be briar :) i really like that name) have a great day love
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You fix your dress as much as you can with a baby in your arms, and listen to Harry tell another joke on stage. He looks phenomenal, the beige transparent shirt finally doing his body justice, tattoos on full display while the trousers hug his thighs perfectly.
He looked delicious.
Having a two-year-old, and your partner being on tour meant lots of nights spent alone, though whenever you joined him on tour, it was bliss. You loved, and missed his company, his body, his hands on your body… everything about him, and then some.
He was a wonderful father despite both of you being relatively young and inexperienced, especially with little Briar being a surprise, you both loved learning new things about parenting every day despite everything. He loved having you both on tour, having you both so close to him, and he especially loved going to sleep and waking up to you. He loved wandering around whatever city you were in that day, taking pictures of you both on his film camera, and showing her baby girl off to the crew.
When he starts singing Watermelon Sugar, you sense some people waving at you on your right side. You turn there, and there's two people– one of them holding a pride flag, smiling and waving at you. You wave back, turning to Briar and showing her where to look so she can see the fans waving at her. She turns as well, and waves back at them, earning muted 'aw's as she keeps waving enthusiastically.
"Hi," one of them shout over the noise, walking closer to you.
You smile. "Hi, girls," you say, not sure if they can hear you due to the noise.
Briar turns back to the stage, watching as Harry dances around, and you notice one of the girls coming closer to her with a smile.
You hug her closer to your chest, smiling. "Bri, say hi," you say, hoping they leave soon even though they seem super sweet.
Briar turns to them, bottom lip trapped between little teeth, and mutters a quiet 'hello', making them swoon.
Harry notices the interaction, and walks closer to the side.
"Briar!" He shouts into the microphone, smiling. "Are you having fun?"
Briar screams under such attention, waving her hands around and screaming 'dada' non-stop.
When the familiar notes of Golden starts playing, you notice Harry walk back towards where you’re standing near the barricades. Briar gets excited, Golden being one of her favourites, and starts screaming when she notices Daddy.
You look at him with raised eyebrows, and he waves his hands around, but somehow, his security guard who’s next to you understands, and turns to you.
“He wants Briar on stage,” he says, mouth close to your ear due to all the noise.
You oblige, handing her to the security guard who very carefully hands her over to a smiling Harry.
“Don’t worry,” Harry yells over the noise, Briar leaning closer into his side. “Just a moment.”
When the fans notice what’s going on, and who Harry’s got in his arms, their screams get louder and louder, and you feel a tad worried before it goes away when you remember Briar’s headphones.
"This is Briar," Harry says into the microphone. "Bri," he turns to her, giving her a head-bump on her chest. She shrieks, and laughter fills the arena. "Tell people how old you are."
Bri looks around, then at you, then back up at her Daddy. "Two," she says into the microphone, loving all the attention she's getting.
Harry squeezes her side. "And what's your favourite song? Is it Adore You," he asks.
Briar nods, then hides her face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you, Briar. Say good night now and I'll hand you back to your Mummy. Say good night?"
"Good night, night, night!" She screams into the microphone, making everyone scream louder.
You finally lock your phone, having had enough videos of them both, and put it in your pocket with a smile on your face, watching as Harry hands Briar back to the security guard, and he walks towards you, Briar in his arms. You take her from him, press your face into her neck and kiss the soft skin, making her chuckle and hug your neck tighter as Harry sings his heart out.
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risingriverphoenix · 2 years
hey there! you would be my lord and saviour if you could write something about brimstone x reader, maybe hurt/comfort idk it can be about whatever. Thank you 🥺🥺
While I'm not as familiar with Brim, it's true he needs way more love smh. So I hope I did you justice! It does start off with bullet points but then goes into a one-shot!
Song inspos:
Crash by Eden
Love Me or Leave Me by Three Days Grace
Brimstone x GN!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of possible death, arguing, hurt/comfort, (If anyone ever feels like I've missed a warning, please let me know!)
Words: 2295
Writing under Read More
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-When joining the valorant protocol, all agents must leave their old life behind. Their home, their family and friends, everything. Brimstone was not excluded from that either
-He knew that this would be his new life, his new family, but he didn’t think he’d ever have a love life again.
-Not much younger than him, and having had your own share of fighting while being a medic on the field, you two were able to warm up to each other easily
-Seeing each other so much, especially when you helped treat his wounds, you two became close friends, and then something more.
-It’s been a long time since those confessions happened. Things have happened, and you’ve all changed in your own ways. But as of late, Liam had been… different, as of late. It wasn’t just one big thing, but many small things started popping up.
He’s become distant lately, emotionally and physically. He works late into the night and rises early into the morning. That wouldn’t be too bad, but he’s started sleeping in his own room again. When you two got together, you insisted on sharing your bed (his bed was hard as a rock, which you weren’t having) and he was completely fine with that. When you asked him about it he had told you that he just didn’t want to disturb you by coming to bed late, or getting up early.
That sounds like a reasonable excuse, but you know when he lies. His eyes look towards anything else but you, acting like he’s going through some important documents. He smiles afterwards and tells you not to worry, when things settle down he’ll come back. But it's been over a month, and he hasn’t.
Your time apart has become even bigger as of late. You’re placed on missions that aren’t considered as high risk, or even told you need to be on base so that you can help anyone that is seriously hurt. Once and a while is fine, but now you never seem to leave base. Even other agents have begun to notice, Phoenix had even asked if you had specifically requested to stop going on missions.
This was getting ridiculous. You needed to talk to him. Now.
When you opened the door to Brimstone’s office, he looked up from his papers annoyed at first, but seeing you surprised him. “Y/N, what brings you here?”
“Cut the shit, what has been going on?” You ignore his pleasant greeting and instead cut straight to the point. “You’re being distant, and you’re not letting me go on missions anymore. I’ve been stuck on babysitting duty for the last two weeks.”
Brimstone furrows his brows as he looks back at his papers. “You know the drill, Y/N, I’ve been busy with handling missions about the mirror agents. And you’re needed here, someone needs to keep the new recruits in line.”
You grab the sheets out of his hands, tossing them aside as you stood in his eye sight. “Don’t talk to me like I’m one of your soldiers, talk to me like your partner, and stop. Lying to me.” You tried your best not to shout, but this has been going on for far too long. You should’ve addressed this as soon as something felt off.
Brim looked at the paper scattered, his last barrier before being confronted by you. Reluctantly he looked back at you, his face becoming a wall, with a hint of annoyance. Why did you have to be so stubborn sometimes?…Even though that’s something he loves about you.
“Tell me the truth, Liam. Why am I not going on missions?” You weren’t going to let this go on anymore.
Breathing out heavily through his nose, Brim finally told the truth. “I’m not letting you get killed out there, I won’t lose you like that.”
It was a childish reason, really. He knew that. He’s always known that this job, that this life, you must be prepared for the worst. Being hurt, dying, or losing those close to you, it could happen one day, and you must be prepared for that. That’s just how it is. And now… despite all the years of fighting, of pain and loss, he couldn’t live with the idea of you dying like that.
You took in what he said for a moment, then shook your head as you tsked. “You’re joking, right?” You gave a strained smile. “That’s- That’s LITERALLY what we signed up for! When fighting to save the world, you need to be ready and to be ok with dying.”
“And I’m not ok with you dying.” His eyes narrow, arms folding. “You’re safe here, and you can still help by being here.”
You pinch the brow of your nose as you turn away, taking a few steps away from him. “You’re not ok with me dying,” you grumble. “Brim, I can take care of myself, and take care of everyone else better if I’m out there, FIGHTING!” You turn back around, waving with your arms in exasperation. “Am I just supposed to be ok with YOU dying?!”
Brimstone gritted his teeth, shaking his head as he looked away. “It’s not the same-“
“Yes it is!” You yelled, your foot stomping down, refusing to back down.
You were both being childish now, in your own ways.
“I don’t know who you think you are, to think that my life is somehow more valuable than yours-“
The door to Brimstone’s office, both of you turned to look. Sage stood there, her brows furrowed with worry. “I… My apologies, you two. But,” she looks away for a moment then back. “Your voices are heard even in the hallway. Some agents have become concerned.”
Brimstone sighed, rubbing his face. “Sorry about that-“
You walk past Sage. “Sorry, Sage. We’re done here anyway.” And you’re gone before Brim can even call you back.
Sage watches you leave with a soft face, before scowling back at Brimstone. “I told you that this would happen.” She spoke. “You would hurt them by leaving them behind, and now look at what has happened.”
It was like he was being scolded by his mother for playing roughly on the playground. “I know, Sage.”
“And look at what knowing has gotten you.” Her voice was sharp. Without another word, she turned and left, closing the door behind her.
The office became quiet, cold now without your presence. He missed that warmth you gave, even if it was a blaze of anger. It was you next to him, and that was all that mattered. But now he’s tried snuffing that flame out by pushing you away.
Liam groaned, running a hand over his head. The ache in his heart was beginning to hurt worse than death now.
It was late, not enough for bedtime, but already past dinner. Which you skipped, too embarrassed to face Sage, and too upset to even be near Brimstone. You tried to busy yourself with something, anything, just to ignore the growing hurt in your chest.
You understood what he was trying to do. You feared every mission that something would go wrong, that you or any of the other medics might be too late to save him. If you could keep him safe here, you would! But you know that it’s selfish, that you’d be putting your team in harm's way by your petty desires.
There’s a soft knock on your door. You look over at it for a second, hesitant to even look at anyone right now. But it was probably Sage or Skye, seeing that you hadn’t eaten anything and coming to bring you food. It’s happened before. You know Sage would never think poorly of you, but you still felt awful that she had to see that.
Opening the door, you looked at the floor of the hallway. Instead of Sage, you saw the military boots of Brimstone. Looking up, you saw him standing there, his face sullen, but he was looking at you. “Can we talk?”
You wanted to mockingly reply ‘Oh NOW you want to talk?’ You wanted to slam the door in his face. But you also wanted to just hug him, to be held by him. You looked back towards your room, away from him. “…Sure.” You quietly say.
You walk back to your bed and sit at the edge of it, letting him close the door behind him. He stood a few feet away from you, you could feel his eyes on you, but you didn’t want to look at him. You couldn’t. He looked like a kicked puppy, and you knew you would too easily welcome him back.
Neither of you spoke, afraid of the shouting and anger to kick up again. But you both couldn’t stand the silence.
“I can underst-“
“It’s wrong of m-“
Both of you stop, surprised by the other’s voice. You finally looked at each other, before you gave a short laugh, your hand covering your face. Brimstone felt a slight ease at your laugh, his shoulders tensing just a bit less. “You can go first.” He motioned towards you.
You smiled weakly, looking at your hands. “I… I’m sorry for yelling, first of all.” You huff. “And I know I need to apologize to Sage later, poor girl.”
“But um, I understand. Where you’re coming from, or what you’re trying to do, Liam.” Your thumb rubs your other hand, trying to soothe your scatterbrained thoughts. “And I appreciate that you care so much about me that you would do what you could to keep me safe. But… You’ve been distant, and I’ve felt so alone without you. Not being on missions just added fuel to that fire.”
Brimstone stands there silently, waiting for you to finish. 
“I signed up for this. I’m aware of what could happen to me… and to you.” You swallow. “But, that’s something that is more likely to happen if you don’t let me help.” Your hands clenched tightly onto each other, your face becoming grim. “Valorant is my team, my family. You’re my love, my partner. Let me have the chance to protect it all.”
You breathe out, shoulders slacking as you finished your part.
Slowly Brim comes closer, kneeling down in front of you for you to see him. His hands gently come out, softly coming between your’s to free them from your own iron grip. Calloused hands held yours, thumbs running over your knuckles. You wanted to melt at his sweet touch, it’d been so long.
“First of all, you were right in being upset at me.” There’s a small smirk on his face. It’d been a long time since someone yelled at him like that. “You’re a capable fighter, and one of the best medics out there. To not have you with us is like shooting ourselves in the foot.”
“It isn’t fair to you or the team to not have you with us, even if I… even if I’m afraid of the worst.” His hands slightly squeeze yours, which you reciprocate to acknowledge and comfort him. 
“And as for the avoiding you part…” he finally looks away, down instead at your held hands. “It was true that Mirror Agents were being more active as of late. But, that was only up to a certain point. Seeing how dangerous things were becoming, I didn’t want to risk you going. That’s how I even got the idea to get you off missions.”
“To say the least, I was being a coward. I knew what I was doing, and didn’t want you to ask me about it.” He shook his head, ashamed of himself. “Whenever I saw you, part of me wanted to bring you back on missions more. But instead I let my fears make my decisions. I decided that even staying away from you would somehow keep you safer.” His shoulders scrunched up as he brought your hands closer to him. “Instead, I’ve hurt you and put it all at risk… Y/n, I’m so sorry. For all of it.”
His voice was so strained, you could tell he was trying not to become overwhelmed with emotions. You lean down, placing a kiss at the top of his head. Your hands slip out of his, which he lets, and you cup his face, making him look up at you. His eyes held unshed tears, mirroring your own. 
You took his words and apology to heart. He didn’t purposefully try to hurt you, in fact he was trying to do the opposite. “Liam… In the future, when these thoughts and fears come up again, can you please talk to me about them?” You softly smile, the tears finally falling from your eyes.
“Of course.” He quickly said, his own hands coming in to hold your own face. His thumbs wiping away your tears, when his own began to fall.
You giggle softly, you two were too similar it seemed. You wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead, then rested your two heads together. “I missed you.”
He chuckled slightly, making your chest warm. “I missed you too.” He pulls you closer, gently giving you a kiss, smiling as he pulls back.
You two remained like that, holding each other and just enjoying each other's presence. Exchanging soft kissing every now and then. Eventually you pulled away, but still held him. “I’m guessing you haven’t eaten either, huh.” The smirk and averted gaze confirms your suspicions.  “Let’s eat then, and then finally get some sleep.”
You held his hands as he stood up, giving him another peck once he was up. “I missed your bed too.” He says.
You laugh, shaking your head. “See? Told you your bed was way too hard!”
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