#he gives off a very specific vibe i wanted to get right
hwnglx · 3 days
disclaimer; the way this was worded can make it confusing, but these are behaviors or traits in other people the members could potentially feel turned on, and turned off by. enjoy 💌
bts' turn on's and turn off's
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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turn on's
fair-minded and balanced
pleasant, gentle, peaceful and patient -> doesn't get angry or riled up easily
understanding of people's needs and okay with adjusting themselves accordingly
gives him the space and alone-time he needs
introspective, wise and intelligent (asks and ponders on the deeper questions in life)
reflects back on their actions and behavior -> is self aware enough to admit when they messed up
has valuable advice to give (it's kind of a pattern, he's definitely drawn to attractive brains and mindsets)
is open-minded and ready for new experiences -> not closed off and hesistant or scared of everything
would like to go on fun trips and activities with him
okay with more of a slow-burn but consistent and stable relationship -> doesn't rush to proceed quickly (like someone who's alright with getting to know each other slowly, maybe even start as his best friend first)
turn off's
overly emotional and dramatic (he'd feel overwhelmed and eventually drained)
but also too cold and severely detached (someone who has no sympathy for the people around them)
acts cowardly and avoids facing the consequences of their own actions
uselessly mean and cruel with their words
too proud and self-centered -> puts themselves and their own needs above others
full of selfish greed and doesn't know how to appreciate and be grateful for what they already have
clings to him and gets too possessive or controlling
too focused on superficial values (like money, fame, reputation, material possessions, etc..)
never satisfied with themselves nor the people around them -> keeps nagging, complaining and just spreading unpleasant energy
feels attacked quickly, takes everything personally and gets defensive right away
turn on's
has a strong and transformative effect on the people around them (powerful presence, lingers in your mind)
knows what it's like to struggle and has gained inner strength from the experience (i.e. he thinks it's impressive to hear stories about how someone overcame a seemingly hopeless situation and learned from it in hindsight)
therefore has a good understanding of life and a lot of wisdom (keeps intriguing him with their mindset, words, thoughts, etc.)
deep and complex personalities
i keep hearing “dark”, i can see him liking when people are dressed in black, have darker hair, tattoos, etc.
doesn't insert themselves in unnecessary drama or conflicts and doesn't engage in childish gossip
has a good eye for detail and is quietly observant -> remembers the minor things about others (i.e. he'd love if his partner overheard him talking about a specific gift he wants and secretly bought it for him)
generous and giving to their loved ones (gifts really are the way to his heart)
very clever, quick-witted -> challenges him mentally
turn off's
doesn't have their priorities straight
delusional and overly unrealistic
too childish and emotionally immature
stuck in the past -> holds endless grudges and keeps bringing up old incidents
too naive and optimistic all the time -> doesn't wanna acknowledge reality for what it is, actively avoids negativity and runs away from their problems
takes unnecessary risks, is too wild and untamed (like a loose cannon type of free spirit he can't keep track of)
too simple-minded -> doesn't comprehend or care about the deeper things in life
he's likely to just not vibe with overly protected and overly privileged people who've never had to go through any hardship in their life
cares too much about being liked by everyone and gets obsessed over what people think
doesn't know how to assert themselves and actively avoids confrontation
turn on's
very talented or skilled at something (especially in an artistic field)
humble, grounded and always eager to expand their knowledge and improve their craft
self-aware -> can recognize and admit to their mistakes
but doesn't linger and dwell on them too much -> knows how to grow and learn from their failures
chooses their battles wisely -> doesn't engage in unnecessary conflict and arguments (peacemakers who don't like fighting)
soft- and kindhearted (someone with pure intentions)
has a strong sense of responsibility and duty
carries a lot of inner strength and resilience
knows how to take care of themselves and decorate their own garden -> doesn't always need to rely on people to do the hard work for them
doesn't beat around the bush too much and expresses themselves in a clear manner
tbh, i keep getting that he's just very into self-development. he feels drawn to people who are always set on becoming the best version of themselves and would love to be on their side for that journey
turn off's
overly selfish and greedy for material things -> doesn't enjoy sharing or taking other people's needs into consideration (like if someone turned out to be hoarding money secretly he'd get the ick majorly)
gets overly controlling or possessive of him
behaves like a stubborn know-it-all and refuses to listen to his side of the story
too secretive and closed off from him -> keeps confusing him and sending mixed signals
puts on too much of a mysterious and hard-to-get act
too negative, pessimistic and dark
doesn't tell him about their thoughts or feelings leaving him wondering and worrying
deceptive (like someone who tries to cover up their mistakes and isn't upfront and genuine in the things they do, only does it for the show)
refuses to change, even if deep down they know they would need to (i.e. because it negatively impacts their connection)
bottom of deck was the two of cups. i kept getting this very forgiving and accepting energy from him, where it doesn't seem like he has these extremely specific expectations. he's okay with his partner not being perfect, because as long as he genuinely loves them, he's willing to work on their downfalls together. very sweet energy. (probably my favorite out of bts)
turn on's
has a lot discipline, drive and willpower
knows how to keep their focus on their goals and doesn't allow anyone to stand in their way -> very determined and ambitious
courageous and willing to take on tasks others avoid (like the person who steps up first to do the hard work no one else wants to do)
capable of enduring and withstanding life's trials in a strong manner
likes to be a source of support and guidance for the people around them
uses their resources or platform for a higher good (i.e. someone who donates money to the less fortunate or helps out the homeless, likes doing volunteer work)
knows how to be grateful, as well as appreciate and count their blessings
capable of creating deep, meaningful and emotionally intimate connections to people
loves deeply and intensely
possessive and protective over what belongs to them (can see this applying to not only material goods, but also the people they're close to -> someone who looks after their territory)
turn off's
overly delusional and unrealistic
has their head in the clouds and rose-colored glasses on all the time
doesn't know what they want in life and struggles to make clear decisions -> keeps leading people on
refuses to admit their faults and doesn't learn from their mistakes -> keeps themselves stuck and self-sabotages
too lazy to work for their own success and sucks up to people in the spotlight in order to benefit from them (don't hate me but i can see him feeling turned off by privileged chaebols or nepo babys who didn't really work for their own success)
has no control over their emotions or rage -> explodes or lashes out on people
lets their frustration out on the people around them
unreliable and doesn't stick to their words -> says one thing but ends up doing another
acts irresponsibly and recklessly
doesn't know how to take life seriously and cracks jokes at inappropriate times
tactless and ill-mannered (like he'd feel the ick if someone laughed inappropriately during the discussion of a serious matter)
he had so much to say for the turn off's. he definitely gives me this vibe of having very high standards. i can sense this balance of tough love and thoughtful empathy in him, which definitely makes him an impressive and commendable leader. it's kinda like he was made for the role, really.
turn on's
intelligent, articulate and eloquent speakers -> always finds the right thing to say in the right moment
capable of being logical and objective when the situation calls for it
level-headed and swift at making decisions (he's someone who can struggle with this a lot, which is why he can feel drawn to a person who's more decisive and clear in their thought-process than him)
isn't afraid to argue and knows how to confidently hold their ground in a strong but diplomatic manner, without crossing lines
however self-aware enough to know when it's time to step back and admit they're wrong
loyal, committed and dedicated to everything they do
seeks peace and quietness (he enjoys intimate and relaxing alone-time with the person on his side, and wants them to feel like a break from all the stress)
has an inspiring, uplifting and encouraging effect on the people around them
capable of understanding his emotional needs and attuning their behavior, actions and words to them (he can need a little bit of sugarcoating sometimes)
has a profound capacity of connecting to people on a deep and emotional level
turn off's
acts like they're entitled to have a say in his life and allows themselves to command him around
too traditional, conservative and narrow-minded -> judgemental towards people different to them
childish and emotionally immature (example: throws a fit and acts like an offended child once told about their wrongdoing without acknowledging their mistakes. most members seem to not like that in a person)
lack of integrity and weak moral compass
doesn't care about adjusting their actions to the situation and struggles understanding their need to do so
tactless and impolite (especially verbally)
lacks empathy and compassion for their loved ones -> too emotionally detached and cold in relationships
gets a kick out of hurting and offending others
turn on's
has an intriguing and mysterious aura to them -> awakens his curiosity and makes him want to get to know them closer
is more closed off and private about their life matters (a person who just gives off this impression that no one actually knows them)
can give off a cold aura but is much more passionate and enthusiastic about their personal endeavors than what meets the eye (also doesn't feel the need to rub their success or achievements into people's faces)
has depth and complexity to their personality -> knows how to talk about deeper and serious subjects in life
but can also have fun, be playful and whimsical at times
he loves duality
someone who's usually mature, grounded and disciplined but also carries this inner child-like excitement about life
trustworthy, dependable and responsible
dedicated and committed to him
capable of maintaining a good work-life balance
turn off's
too lazy and doesn't hold themselves to any sort of standards (like they don't care about improving themselves in any way out of comfort)
too deadbeat, boring, uptight and serious all the time
has an outdated and overly conservative attitude
stuck in their own beliefs and condemning towards views different to their own
not appreciative and very “meh” about the important people in their lives -> doesn't care to put in any effort into their relationships
too self-centered and only focused on their own desires
clouded and blinded by their emotions all the time -> lacks decisiveness
too emotionally needy and whiny
thinks they're superior him to him or entitled to tell him what to do -> acts controlling
turn on's
he loooves a chase and having to work for their attention -> inaccessibility can intrigue and attract him (i.e. if a group of people showed interest in him, the one who doesn't would stand out and catch his attention more)
has strong values and convictions -> isn't afraid to uphold their principles and defend themselves or their loved ones when the situation calls for it
intelligent, eloquent and articulate speaker -> good with words (he likes beautiful and melodic voices too, would love to just sit and listen to his s/o talk for hours)
has clear objectives and goals in life -> knows exactly what they want and how to get it (will make it clear to him as well, isn't a simping yes-man who just adapts themselves to him all the time)
knows their worth and doesn't give in to people quickly
successful but humble about their achievements
loyal and committed to the people they love
stands behind their words and keeps their promises
polite and well-mannered
brings a sense of stability and comfort to the people around them (like a person who's this dependable and reliable pillar for their loved ones)
has a good balance of more “masculine” and “feminine” energy -> someone who can be dominant, powerful and assertive but also nurturing, loving and soft
he likes playful push and pull (like giving in for a kiss and stopping just timely enough to leave him wanting more)
turn off's
too competitive, egocentric and greedy -> doesn't know how to give in or grant others their rightful spotlight
ill-mannered, discourteous and tactless -> isn't capable of reading the room and acts impulsively without consideration for the people around them
impolite and offensive with the way they speak
constantly negative and pessimistic -> always finds something to complain about and ruins the mood
lets out their frustrations on the people around them
acts superior to others with nothing to back it up with (basically an inflated ego)
sucks up to him, puts on a fake act just to impress him (like a simp who just plays mr/ms perfect for him, he isn't easily fooled and can see through someone pretending to be something they're not)
too secretive and mysterious -> unsettles him, makes him question their motives (someone who keeps making him feel like they're hiding something and have an ulterior motive or hidden agenda)
doesn't commit to what they say -> leads him on, says they'll do one thing but end up doing another
i kinda struggled explaining this but i got the ace of wands plus the world. basically means a spark of passion, a new beginning, but putting an end to it before it could develop further -> he wants someone who's in it for the longterm and not just a one-time thing.
jk essentially just needs to feel the sincerity behind someone's intentions and actions. he doesn't trust people easily anymore and gets suspicious. he can easily feel turned off by people who are obviously just sucking up to him or making him feel like they want to be with him for the wrong reasons.
obviously, he wouldn't wanna be with a person who only sees him as someone they can benefit from. he's used to people simping for him (it's giving “been there done that, don't want that anymore”), so he can feel drawn to people who don't really care; since that'd mean they're more likely to overlook his status, fame, etc. and look at him as a person, rather than an idol, fantasy or an opportunity for their own good.
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theroseempress · 2 years
Wrote something for my current WIP and liked it a lot, so here it is! Fair warning, this is in fact quite long. (the only reason I'm not posting this in my website instead is because it's actually a section of another thing I haven't finished writing, and I'm not sure if I want it up there yet)
hey @wackus-bonkus-maximus this has nothing to do with MLB so I dunno if you're interested, but I'm quite pleased with how it came out so if you wanna read this I certainly will not object.
The day everything finally fell apart started like any other morning. When thinking back on it, Rani couldn’t help marveling at it. Wake up, eat some of the dreadfully bland bread provided by her landlady, (she had the money to buy better food, in theory at least, but it was free, and if she wasn’t wasting money on how things tasted, there was that much more to send back to her brothers.
And sure, maybe she had eaten less food recently than was entirely healthy, but medical school in a different country was expensive, and so was keeping her other two brothers fed and comfortable. Besides, being small was useful for making unnoticed entrances and exits, so it was fine, really) read the brown envelope that had appeared on her dresser, and leave to find today’s target.
Today’s target was a young man, according to the envelope, he was five foot nine, had strawberry blonde hair, light skin, usually wore a chain earring in his left ear, and was called Bricriu.
(Not much to know about a person, but really, even having the name in there was unusual for a target. The only other information in the envelope was the area he frequented, in the Markets)
Rani both despised and was grateful for the Markets- both because of how crowded and noisy they were- the latter opinion being because it was much easier to tail someone unnoticed when in a crowd, and the former since the same thing made it easier to lose a target.
Either way, Rani’s job wasn’t to gripe, it was to remove her target and then disappear in one way or another, so she shrugged her worn jacket tighter around her shoulders and set off down the street.
It was a cold morning, clouds blanketing the sky as they so often did over the ventral months in Solace. The chainmail Rani wore between her undershirt and thin tunic sucked up the biting air with vigor, the latticed metal icy against her skin even through the layer of cloth. Rani ignored it, instead staring down at her boots (the one piece of clothing she frequently bought new versions of instead of letting them run into the ground) as they carried her across grey cobblestones and around the remaining puddles from last night’s rain. It wasn’t a long walk to the Markets, though as she got closer the amount of mechorses and carriages the young woman had to dodge increased significantly.
Finally reaching one of the unofficial guard posts, Rani halted for a moment to study the seemingly lazy (Rani had to admit, she would have been convinced if she hadn’t seen how fast the guards could move when provoked, there was a reason they were where they were) young man leaning against the wall with his hands tucked into his coat pockets, grey eyes drifting lazily over the people meandering through the bottleneck between two buildings and into a market. Rani, who knew he wouldn’t see her as any threat, but still wasn’t one to take chances, waited until a carriage was blocking his line of sight to her and then slipped into the crowds on the other side of the ‘gate.’
It didn’t take her long to find her target, slipping through the bustling colours and noise of the Market like the shadow she was slowly becoming.
He was stepping out of a building, the sign swinging above his head bearing the same words tucked into Rani’s pocket on a carefully folded piece of paper.
‘The Howling Hound’ proclaimed the sign, creaking back and forth on rusty hooks, and for a moment Rani’s upbringing raised its head and sent a crackle of tension down her spine.
But it was only a moment,and Rani was pushing away her Talin superstitions and darting after the blonde man before she’d even fully processed the words her relatives would have instantly taken as a sign to give up right then and there.
The man strode down the cobbled road like he belonged there, head high and shoulders relaxed, coat unbuttoned despite the wind tugging at his sandy hair, moving with the kind of ease and light Rani had seen on a number of other people (and resented, people like that always got their way, almost as if they really did bring light with them, never trapped in the shadows like her, everyone eager to help them)
Rani slipped after him, ignoring how the wind nipped at her face even through the scarf pulled up around her nose and mouth and silently tailing the tap-tap-tap of his polished boots on the uneven stones below.
Finally, several wind-bitten moments of weaving through the cacophony of noise and colours that was the Markets, Rani’s target turned off into an alley. Rani followed, halting crouched behind a stack of crates and ignoring the frigid slush-water soaking from the cobbles into the right knee of her trousers.
The alley was empty, the only occupants Rani, her target, and a lone dark-feathered bird dozing on a jutting windowsill.
Rani let the cold metal of two of her daggers slip from her sleeves to her palms, slender fingers wrapping around the worn hilts. A pause to steady herself and check they were both hidden from sight, and then she was pouncing forwards with a silence so well-practiced it was almost an afterthought. One, two, three strides across the stones, avoiding a puddle that would have caused a splash, and now she was in range and both hands went up, daggers slicing through the cloudy day.
In the years that followed, Rani went through those moments time and time again, searching for what she’d done wrong, what part of the motion was sloppy, casual, loose.
(did she step too hard, move too slow, did her chainmail rustle, did light glint off the daggers, was she just not good enough)
She still didn’t know.
(she’d moved the same as always, as fast as always, she’d practiced and there was no way her mail would make a noise loud enough to alert him, it was cloudy and there was no light to hit the polished metal and she still wasn’t good enough)
Just before silvered metal met her target’s unprotected throat, the man moved.
He spun, leaning back, bright blue eyes a splash of unexpected colour against the grey skies, grey bricks, grey stones, grey coat, sandy hair dancing just around the edges of his face as if it didn’t dare to get in his way, and then Rani’s daggers were just barely barely one inch too slow touching his throat and grey wasn’t broken by red and-
-And he was smiling, blue eyes now sparkling, and Rani, still caught in the middle of her pounce, realized too late that maybe the kind of light this man carried was instead the kind that tore through shadows like her instead.
He was almost casual, one hand coming up and knocking Rani’s wrists into each-other at just the right angle for a jolt of pain to tear through her numb fingers. The following motion was involuntary, and Rani barely realized she’d let go until her daggers her defense protection safety were on the stones with a sharp ringing and spray of water droplets from the puddle they’d landed in. Rani moved on instinct, still-stinging hands going to the top of her boots and fumbling against icy buckles- damn it why hadn’t she loosened the straps earlier, stupid stupid stupid- for stiff leather, but the man in front of her- not her target now- took the opening before she realized it was there.
Rani’s back slammed up against the alley wall, rough stones digging into her spine and air huffing out of her lungs in a white cloud.
Across the alley, the crow took flight, disappearing with a rustle of feathers and a squawk.
The golden man- Rani’s mind darted back to the paper; Bricriu- didn’t look away from Rani, pale blue eyes studying her face with an almost detached curiosity.
A line of biting cold flared against Rani’s throat, and the realization that Bricriu had a long dagger resting there kicked her awareness into action too late. Both of her wrists were somehow trapped behind her against the wall, Bricriu too close and the blade’s edge too firmly against her skin for her to do anything about it.
A long moment passed, dampness soaking out of the bricks and into Rani’s tunic. Bricriu seemed content to wait, studying her face as if he was watching a particularly spectacular sunrise.
Several more minutes passed, Rani pinned in place both by the dagger at her throat and Bricriu’s piercing gaze, and then her chainmail started to become almost unbearably cold even through her shirt.
Rani shivered, and the motion seemed to break Bricriu out of whatever he’d been thinking about. Smiling, the young man tilted his head.
“Well, I wonder what you’re doing here?”
Rani stayed silent, wrists starting to ache from being pressed into the wall. Bricriu seemed unfazed by her unresponsiveness, continuing to talk as his gaze drifted down her.
“Stabbing people isn’t very polite, you know.” he scolded, almost as if he was talking to a child. “Might get stabbed back as well, I suppose. Lucky for you, I’m curious.”
Pausing, Bricriu leaned over a little and reached into Rani’s pocket, pulling the folded paper out and grinning at her.
“What’s this?”
Rani bit back the urge to lunge at him and tear the paper away. Bricriu seemed to sense her line of thought, cold metal pressing a little harder to her throat. Casually. unfolding the paper despite only having one hand available, Bricriu finally looked away from Rani.
A million thoughts and plans of action rushed through Rani’s head in that moment- he’s distracted rush him move get your daggers attack run away fight hide escape attack- but before she could put any of them into action, the paper was crumpling in Bricriu’s fist and his pale blue gaze was back on Rani.
“An assassin, huh?”
She stayed silent, another wave of shuddering breaking over her as a light drizzle began to soak through her already damp tunic. Bricriu tucked the paper into his coat pocket, eyes staying fixed on Rani’s throughout the motion.
Another long pause followed, Bricriu staring absently at the wall beside Rani’s head, Rani’s shivering escalating to the point that she couldn’t hide it any longer. She’d just determined to try and break away despite the lost feeling in her hands, when Bricriu blinked, straightening.
“Righto, little assassin, you’re coming with me.” he smiled, and maybe this time some of Rani’s shivering wasn’t because of the cold.
Fun fact Talin (the nation Rani's from) find dogs unlucky and howling dogs especially unlucky.
Was that sign foreshadowing or not? hmmm
i mean. it is entirely possible that bricriu's gonna give her lots of money and help her with problems!
You never know!
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vaugarde · 1 year
always feel kinda weird when i make a canon character “worse” than they are in canon in my own hcs but also like hyness was a literal cult leader who exploited the sisters and hit zan onscreen and literally used her and her sisters bodies as tools in his boss fight so like. canonically he is a horrible person who’s actions just get sweeped w a vague “oh he might have been corrupted actually theyre cool now” ending. so i guess its not that strange to just lean into him being abusive in my hcs
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byuntrash101 · 1 year
realistic sex with mingi
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mingi x f!reader fluff | smut | mdni a/n: mingi is the second entry to this series where i try to imagine how each member would actually fuck, as ✨realistically✨ as possible. disclaimer: i say realistic but lets be honest this is pure delulu behaviour and total fiction. everything is solely based on the vibes the boys give off.
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first i wanna say loyal af. like he probably simped for you for a while before daring to even speak to you so now that he's got you he's not interested in anyone else. 
he will literally place in every conversation with a stranger that he has a gf within the first few minutes just so everything is clear.
also it helps that he just constantly wanna brag about you/show you off (more on that later). because he’s just so proud he pulled you.
mingi makes his intentions KNOWN. that man is taken thank you very much
he wears his heart on his sleeves and it shows when he's dating and i think that's why he sucks at flirting when he actually cares. if he's crushing on you he'll be all clumsy and will try to do too much to impress you by doing/being too much. eg: laughing super loud at jokes, or if you are with a group of friends he would find a way to make everyone quiet so you can speak (also will find a way to always be the one sitting next to you)
if it's just a fling for a confidence boost and he has no real interest in the person then he'll be so smooooooth, literally rizz over 9000. we’re talking full on witty/flirty remarks, attentive sharp eyes and sinful lip biting morphing into the most stunning smile you’ve ever seen.
but not with you nuh huh. the man was a mess either too selfconscious to speak or just ending up saying something really cringe (which he thought about for weeks after)
but eventually he got to score you for himself
that's why he absolutely loves skinship. he wants to hold your hand, have you play with his hair all the time. he wants to have his big hand on your thigh (we'll talk more about that later wink wonk) when you're sitting next to him. and he doesn't care if people are around. pda is his middle name. (definitely pda line with san and woo)
he will literally kiss you like his life depends on it in front of whoever wants to see. (actually he might even like have an audience wink wonk again)
i feel mingi enjoys lazy sex. he loves to take you when you're both laying on your side.  he likes that this way he gets to hold your hips. curl his fingers around your thighs and pull you back on his cock over and over again while he peppers you with kisses in the crook of your neck moaning just for you right in your ear
but what this man really loves is when you are on top. i’m convinced he's a switch. He can dom or sub but if he doms then you'll have to be a power bottom.
he just loves seeing you on top.
he truly believes under you is his rightful place. there or between your legs (more on that laterrrr)
needless to say he's a sub leaning switch but that being said he's not into anything very rough (especially not on the receiving end).
but he definitely has it in him. he can be really rough if you know how to push his buttons right
speaking of which that is not through jealousy
if he sees you flirting with someone else i don't think it will tap into his possessiveness. well it might but it won't have the desired effect. it will only make him insecure and maybe he will feel like he's losing you. so please don't make our giant baby jealous he'll only be sad.
(i think that would absolutely do the trick on joong, woo and 2ho)
no if you want him to rail you like a train i think you have to use one specific tactic for maximum domification effect: tapping into his voyeurism/exhibitionism thing
i feel like he would love for you to be risky in public like i said mingi is proud of you and he loves to show you off. he is def the type to like to have an audience. i think there's a little voyeurism/exhibitionism hiding in him somewhere. so tap into that to get him really going.
maybe lift up your skirt for him while grocery shopping or like whisper to him that you're not wearing any underwear while at the dinner table with all the members better yet one up that statement by discreetly slipping the undergarment into his hand. i guarantee he’ll become hard on the spot. if you start stroking his thighs (an innocent token of affection for the others) he will start leaking for you too. getting red in the face and blaming it on the alcohol when the others point it out.
if you’re really daring (and you really want him to go crazy on you after) brush your hand over his hard on but that’s risky because he just might jerk his hips up so powerfully (unintentionally ofc) that it will knock over your soju glasses.
but that’s the perfect excuse to bring him to the bathroom pretending he got some soju on his pants… (smirking evilly)
but yeah just be a little secretly naughty just for him. 
and now that he’s got you for himself it’s all over for you
he'll tear your clothes the second he can. making you take him hard and deep and manhandling you
bending you over the bathroom sink and pushing his big fat cock into your already pulsing little pussy. scoffing at you when he swipes his tip through your folds only to realize you are soaking wet.
“look at you. getting all wet from being a little brat all night”
the second he bottoms out he lets out the lowest of groans and snakes his fingers in your hair, lifting your head and making you look at yourself in the mirror.
"that's what you wanted right?" "i should have bent you over the table and taken you right there in front of all of them" 
he probably made you cum embarrassingly fast too "looked at your fucked out face, baby. you talked a big game but is that really all you got?" then proceeds to fuck you some more just to overstim you <3
but i think he naturally gravitates towards subbing. he can and will dom but he prefers being taken care of (a princess <3) so if you're a dom by nature that's completely fine by him
one thing is certain mingi needs LOTS OF PRAISE. just watch his face melt when you tell him what a good job he does. the low groans turning into high pitched whimpers every time you call him your good boy. 
“you’re doing so good for me baby” “you feel so good inside me”
he will literally bury his face in your neck and muffle his whines on your skin.
and that's it he’s gone. done for. 
another big thing about this big man: ORAL
eating you out
mingi's purpose is to be between your legs. he loves to eat you out. hwa and him are the members that like it the most. but contrary to hwa that takes advantage of the absolutely fantastic muscle he has in his mouth mingi uses another advantage. which is his beautiful nose. mingi loves to actually fuck you with his whole face. he will slip his tongue into your center while rubbing his nose on your clit. 
or better yet he will have you sit on his face. and just so we’re clear when he says sit on it. he means SIT. he wants to suffocate in your juices, your thighs tightly wrapped around his head. he wants you to use him. he wants to feel your arousal dripping in his eager mouth and your taste clouding his mind. he wants to lose himself into you. he loves to feel your thrusts against his face, struggling to breathe every chances he gets. feeling drag you swollen clit over his mouth and nose and throbbing when your close. there’s nothing he likes more.
but mingi loves oral in general he also absolutely loves to be in your mouth
and the primary reason for this is very simple EYE CONTACT. he loves that. he loves to see you look at him. he wants to be your whole world (because you surely are his everything) and he loves to have your undivided attention. (that man just loves attention i mean have you seen him on stage? Doing all the scandalous body rolls just to wreck every bias list in the venue. literally the most leo move he can pull smh)
other reason why he loves to be in your mouth is because this man be packing the big gunsss proud member of big dick line with yunho
he loves to see you struggle to take him all in your mouth and loves to see your watery eyes and he likes it SLOPPY. Just go to town on his big fat cock. Really don't be shy. Use a lot of spit and changing of pace and don’t forget the balls. maybe edge him a little i think he might like it too. just imagine the beautiful noises you can pull out of him if you keep him on the edge for a while. until he caves in and just begs so sweetly for you <3
“pleasepleasepleaseplease” when he feels he’s close then sigh in disappointment when you take your mouth off him once again. So he bucks his hips up trying so bad to have your mouth around him again, his tip red and leaking for you. “please wanna cum so bad. pleaseplease i’ll do anything please let me cum”
all the while looking you dead in the eyes. he looks so cute his face all flushed and his mouth agape. he wouldn’t dare to take his eyes off yours for a second because he loves to see that smirk of yours spread on your lips. he wants to look at you all the time.
thats why mingi never wants to fuck in the dark in wants to see you (unlike hwa who loves to see you ofc but he needs to hear you)
and that's also why his favorite position is cowgirl!!!! he just loves looking at you make yourself feel good using his cock. he loves to look at your face, your chest, your body. just all of you using him. 
he gets to see your breasts bounce on your chest with every thrust. he gets to see you arch your back and your jaw fall open when you get close and gets to see your skin glisten under a light sheen of sweat. he gets to see your nails leaving beautiful marks on his pecs. the undeniable proof that he belongs to you. because that’s exactly what he wants to be. he wants to feel like your toy.
when it comes to the sounds. i don't think mingi is very vocal.... with words that is because yes you WILL absolutely hear him. when he's on top/in control. It's lots of deep, guttural groans. i mean the man can go deeeeeep with his voice (and his dick) so i feel like he'll do just that.
he's not the one doing the dirty talk but HE LOVES to hear you saying all those nasty things (hence the praising from earlier). It's literally the only time he'll shut up to let you do all the talking. so do that. that will make him absolutely crazy for you.
and when he gets close or he’s subbing the groans turn into high pitched whines. mingi can go really high pitched (cfr. the way he screams when he's scared in wanteez) so you know instantly when he's about to cum. right when he is on the edge i think is the right time to be a little rougher if you're on top. maybe choke him or pull his hair. he would really love that. but don't be too rough either, especially with words.
he likes to cum anywhere on or in you. but what he really likes is when you choose. he loves to hear you say "i want you to fill me up with your cum" or "you can cum in my mouth baby" he will bust instantly at those commands. because you got him wrapped around your fingers and he knows and can’t get enough.
but when you say "you're doing so well for me my baby as a reward i'll let you cum where you want" then be certain he's going to pick your face almost every time. and don't close your eyes. look at him! he loves to cum for you. he wants you to see that. 
afterwards you better big spoon him to sleep because he deserves it <3
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want to see another member? request it in the comments or asks <3
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Gala, But It's Not Wayne, It's Masters
This just lives rent-free in my brain, so I'm here to share. And maybe get help.
Batfam probably don't only go to galas and events in Gotham, right. Bryce Wayne is a rich bitch and WE has contracts and ties around the world, so Wayne Wards have to attend events out of state (and out of country) from time to time. This time, they are invited by Vladimir Masters, the owner of DalvCo.
Coincidentally, Vladimir Masters is rumored to have some hidden Kryptonite stash. So Bruce decides to go, taking some of his kids with him, because it is also rumored that Masters has two wards of his own, and, first, Bruce has to bring his kids for disguise, second, he needs them for some team building, bonding and whatnot, and last, he really needs to check if Masters' children are living in a safe environment. Cue all his family making fun of him for wanting to adopt more kids.
What makes the jokes even worse is that both Master's kids have black hair and blue eyes.
When they arrive, they are greeted with a sight of a full-sized gothic castle. It looks really out of place in Illinois, but the vampire vibes are there, definitely. And said vibes only become stronger when they meet Vladimir and his kids - all three of them are giving the Batfam goosebumps, and not in a good way. Now, the things capable of giving Bats goosebumps are very, very limited. And never good.
Vladimir - he insists they call him Vlad - is a fairly tall, gray-haired man with piercing eyes. His smile is nice and polite, but it kind of reminds Tim of Ra's, which is, well, not a good thing. But overall, he is... Okay. They can definitely take him down if they need to (they really can't, but they don't know it).
The kids, though. They are twins, probably fifteen or sixteen, a boy and a girl, and they look like they came straight from a horror movie. Calm and even, mirroring each other's gestures and finishing each other's sentences, no facial expressions, and they don't seem to be blinking. Cass has a hard time getting anything from the way they hold themselves - they seem to only show any kind of emotion when they are addressed. Damian can't shake off a feeling of being watched, even though the twins barely look at him. Tim, raised in a family of socialites, notices how both of them have really nice manners, the kind you learn when someone teaches you etiquette specifically.
Bruce is unnerved by the sight. Are the kids mind controlled? Are they okay? This is definitely not how kids should act at fifteen at a gala, holy shit. Granted, he's seen not that many kids at galas, but the point still stands.
Now, at this point, I have a few ways this can go. First one, the suffering orphans way, Danny and Dani are actually controlled by Vlad, who wanted perfect heirs. Second, the little shits way, Danny made a deal with Vlad to attend a gala and Dani joined him, so now they are having fun with acting as eerie as possible since Vlad strictly forbidden them from shenanigans. This can be either redeemed Vlad or not. Third, the demonic twins' way, where Vlad is definitely redeemed and is taking care of the Fenton kids, raising them however he sees fit. Jazz is also under his care, but she is mostly an adult now, and they have more of a 'caretaker on paper and legally not old enough to live on her own' relationship than a 'parent and daughter' one.
Do the Waynes befriend them? Do Bats get caught while investigating? Do Danny and Dani cause trouble at the gala? Maybe they get to prove to Bruce that they are, indeed, perfectly happy about living with Vlad?
Inspired by this art
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simpjaes · 6 months
mtl corruption kink? 🥹🥹
hyung line + corruption kink
★ heeseung:
wants a girl who has no fucking idea what she's doing and no idea what sex is supposed to be like specifically so he can train into into the little sex puppet he's always wanted. given, you'd probably enjoy every second of it, he'd make sure of that. any pain will always be met with equal pleasure, and he'd never actually hurt you or act like he doesn't love you even for a second. it's just...upon learning how innocent and untouched you truly were, how could he resist? And you'd do so well too, molding into exactly what he wants, to the point he'd probably never leave you out of fear that you'd moan like this, or move like this, for someone that isn't him.
☆ sunghoon:
sooooooo gentle but so fucking cocky. he'd love to have a girl so innocent and sweet, whether she's had sex or not. sure, sunghoon looks vanilla but he is so, so, so far from it and showing you the ropes regarding the world of kinks is nothing but a pleasure and need at this point for him. to see your eyes glisten through an orgasm you didn't even realize was bubbling up? yeah, baby, fuck yeah. i think he'd probably be less aggressive than heeseung, but with his corruption would come a lot of degrading comments before the praises. like "fuck, you sure you don't know what you're doing? look at you take it." while he's training your needy pussy to take way more than in comfortable, followed by a "so good baby, just a bit more, you can handle it, right?"
★ jake:
have you seen this mf? sure, i would love to think he's just a stammering and shy puppy boy that would prefer to be corrupted himself but this is jake. the fucking jake sim, who would probably not realize he's corrupting you until the pretty girl who choked on just half of his cock is suddenly taking all of it and deep-throating like a champ. it's just who he is, any girl that gets his cock out, innocent or not, learns how to fuck it just because he's so goddamn hot and being the person he gives his cum to is something anyone would beg for. additionally, he's definitely the type to go fast, deep, and hard without realizing. so yeah, the corruption would be entirely accidental but goddddddamn would he find it so hot realizing how much you've turned into a cum-slut for him.
☆ jay:
nah mf, you gotta corrupt him. does he need it? no. jay knows very well what he's doing when it comes to a pussy but having a more experienced woman show off her skills on him and play along with his fake ass little "idk what to do" vibe is something he'd probably cum to death for. sure, he breaks character mid-fuck and takes over, asking you to call your pretty subby boi "daddy" and demanding that you admit to liking it more when he's stretching you out knowingly. idk, i think he's the switch of all switches. Loves being called "baby", loves calling his girl "baby. Loves even more when you call him" daddy" like you didn't just ride him into fucking oblivion while he whimpered and begged for it. [im not biased at all fr]
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
Hi! I can't get Aegon out of my head and I was thinking:
He has a hard week ahead, full of meetings, important nobles arriving at king's landing, public appearances and even a ball maybe. Wife knows he's insecure and she promises him he'll be rewarded if he behaves and keep up all the rules.
And he is outstanding. He does everything and more. People even comment about it between themselves, surprised at him. Of course he's looking forward the reward, but mainly he wants wife to be proud of him, and it's so lovely to see him do his best to do everything right.
I can only think about the smile making his face glow when wife says she's so proud of him and grant him his reward.
I love this anon!! Everyone else look!! Take notes!! We can have happy Aegon on occasion!!! Also I am sorry in advance I went WAY off topic at the start but I promise this concept is actually there!! I just couldnt stop writing the background stuff because himbo sub!aegon is one of my favourite things we talk about.
This isn’t too explicit but there’s definitely some NSFW vibes and also very clearly sub!Aegon so I’ll put a cut in just to be safe :))
So firstly, I think this works better if you only married him after he became king? Maybe he was always supposed to marry Helena but then once he rules for a few weeks his mother realises she needs to find him a wife that will take control and guide him.
So needless to say when he first marries you he’s not exactly excited because his mother has all but spelled out to him that he’s marrying someone to control him.
But then he gets to know you and he’s so shocked by how you seem to really like him and you’re kind and you listen to him and most importantly you never ever make him feel stupid. The first time you praise him he literally bursts into tears because it just means so much to him.
For the first few weeks of marriage you actually just try to form a friendship with him. You want him to know you care, and you want to actually form a partnership with him and not just blindly do whatever his mother asks of you. I think the most important thing is actually just speaking as bluntly as you can? Aegon can't stand how everyone seems to be dancing around him with how they speak.
About three weeks after your marriage you walk into your shared quarters (that neither of you actually sleep in yet) and find aegon on the bed, waiting for you. You're supposed to try for an heir again, as is required but you're tired and he always looks so emotionless so instead you simply walk in, pour a glass of wine and say, "Your mother would like us to give her an heir tonight, but she's a cunt so I can't really be arsed to make her pleased with me."
He bursts out laughing when he hears this and asks for a glass of wine. You end up just sitting together and chatting and Aegon truly cant believe he's had someone who could have been his closest friend and confidant for weeks and he didnt even notice. Aegon has never had a friend before, ever. Almost instantly he's in your shared quarters every night and requesting your present not to warm his bed but just to chat.
That's when you realise how well Aegon functions when he's being guided? When you ask him to do things and he does and then you praise him he's in a good mood the entire evening. You start looking for excuses to find things for him to do. You start to ask him for specific wines or treats for the following evening just because you know he'll get it and when you thank him he will smile so wide it's adorable.
Very quickly you fall into a dynamic when you're very clearly in charge and Aegon loves it. He starts to ask you for advice or how things work and every single time he's shocked when you don't belittle him.
When things do get sexual again, he's the submissive and he truly loves it so so so much. Gone are the days of going to brothels. He doesn't even think about it anymore. How could he? He has the most lovely wife.
(Sidenote: I think aegon LOVES to call you wife? Not in a mean way but because he just loves that you're his wife and he wants to say it over and over. He'll greet you with 'good morning wife' or 'morning my lovely wife' and so on, he just loves it. Occasionally you'll respond with 'yes husband' and he always just BEAMS at you when he hears it).
So anyway this is my very very very long winded way of saying that he's loves having a partnership with you and being married to you and he always wants to help you and please you.
You start to ask some members of the small council about upcoming events and plans so that you know what to expect and how to help them with Aegon. At first they're confused, but very quickly they realise that Aegon will do all of his duties to perfection if they tell you about it beforehand (eventually you just get added to small the council but not immediately because Allicent fights against that tooth and nail).
So when you hear about all the upcoming events and appearances for this week, you know you're going to need to have some chats with Aegon about it because he hates this sort of thing. The little shit actually pouts when you tell about an upcoming ball. You have to grab him by his hair and make him kneel before he finally relents and promises to actually show up for the ball and not just spend the night at an inn.
You know all his reluctance stems mainly from insecurity, so you're gentle with him when you tell him about all the events. Maybe this is the first chunk of events after you and him became close? As a result he's never actually gone through all this with you actually at his side before.
You offer to attend everything with him, not just the ball as is required. You can barely even finish the sentence before you're being tackled to the bed and thanked over and over again. Suddenly he is much much happier about all the events, cause his wife will come with! Not only that but because everything is formal he'll get to see you in pretty dresses.
Needless to say, people are very very confused during the first event because Aegon is behaving like a completely different person. Sure he still rolls his eyes on occasion and cuts people off, but as a whole he is kind and respectful and listens to people and doesn't even drink whatsoever never mind get drunk.
Every time he does something that he knows is following the rules he’ll glance back at you like he’s trying to confirm that you have indeed seen how good he’s being and of course you always respond by smiling back at him and it never fails to lift his mood.
And yeah part of it is because he wants to be rewarded and part of it is because he wants to avoid punishment but honestly mostly it’s just him wanting to feel like you’re pleased with him? Sure the rewards are great but absolutely nothing will ever come close to seeing you smile at him because he’s done well.
At the end of every day he kneels for you and tells you about what he did and all the ways he ensured to follow the rules. You know all of this already of course, because you were with him the entire day, but you always ask him to recite everything anyway because you know how happy it makes him. Once he’s finished, he crawls into bed and lays against your chest.
For his reward at the end of the week, maybe you arrange a little breakfast in your private quarters? You wake him up by gently palming him through his undergarments until he’s hard and leaking and only then does he wake. When he does wake, his only reaction is to smile and mumble something that you think was supposed to be thanks before nuzzling closer to you and opening his legs. He’s your darling, your play thing, and he’s well are of it. He doesn’t question you whatsoever, lets you do whatever you want with him.
It’s only after he’s cum that you call the servants in to bring the food. He spends the morning curled up like a very pleased cat on your lap while you hand feed him breakfast and little treats.
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hrts4kyo · 5 months
Ride — ‹𝟹
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♡︎ dom!keeho x fem!reader
♡︎ genre: smut. strictly, mdni. (wc; 2.0k)
♡︎ sypnosis: watching the way kyo drove so flawlessly, his hand gripping onto the wheel so tightly while his brows furrowed from his focus could only affect you in one way. Who cares if you both were on a long roadtrip? he’d be able to pull over for his girlfriend.
♡︎ warnings: manhandling, teasing, unprotected sex, fingering, praise kink (f), soft dom kyo, oral (fem recieving), pet names - baby, sweetheart etc, semi-public sex (car(??)), hand kink.
♡︎ song recs: roads - Portishead + self control - Frank ocean. ✭
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“That’s insane! why would you even ask for that?” You laughed along with Keeho, looking straight onto the road infront of you both.
“What? I just wanted to make a joke its not my fault he misunderstood!” Keeho rolled his eyes, smiling as he tapped the steering wheel lightly while he drove.
“Yeah….Asking for HIS cream instead of whipped creme as a joke to a barista is crazy kyo” you quickly retorted, taking your eyes off the road and instead to the side of Keeho’s face.
“Okay, in my defense, he looked like a funny guy, I thought he’d get it” He quickly added, briefly taking his eyes off the road to look at you while he pouted.
You groaned sarcastically, grabbing a drink from the backseat and clicking it open. The weather outside was nice, and the breeze that was flowing through the windows was relieving. You were excited to go on a trip with your boyfriend, a very well-deserved trip.
After working for months on end to save up for this, you both were now driving to a villa you two rented for a month so you could easily spend time together away from the busy city. Keeho had come up with the idea first after you broke down infront of him saying how you were sick and tired of the 9-5 lifestyle, and so he comforted you with the idea of a long, rest filled holiday. And now, the time had finally come.
The sun was setting outside, giving the car a nice orange hue and beautiful ambiance. quiet music was playing on the radio of the car, specifically the songs you and Keeho had both picked out together for the road trip.
This was everything you ever needed.
As you rested your head on your hand, you sunk into your seat further, taking in a deep breath of air as you allowed yourself to finally let the excitement of this holiday swallow you whole. You continued to sip on your drink, vibing along with the music as you shared glances with Kyo every now and then. He seemed to be just as relieved as you for the break, his job wasn’t easy either.
And so, both of you sat in a calm and non-awkward silence as you drove out of the city, finally escaping the traffic and busy streets that were filled to the brim with people hurrying home to escape the rush of people getting out of work and kids leaving school.
The sun continued to set at a slow and sultry pace, the orange hue soon turning into a dark reddish-pink, a glorious colour that had a whole different energy to it. You hadn’t even noticed that you had briefly fallen asleep for just a few minutes, waking up in a whole different position.
You opened your eyes slowly, checking up on Keeho with a slight glance. He seemed to be perfectly fine, his focus on the road still as strong as 3 hours ago, when you both first left to start the roadtrip. Though, his energy seemed slightly different. Maybe he was mad you fell asleep and he got bored?
But no, Kyo was not the type of guy to react like that, especially right before a special holiday for both of you. And so, you didn’t overthink it.
You lowered your glance to his hands, one of your favourite features of him. He was still tapping the wheel lightly to the rhythm of the music, you didn’t know what this feeling was, but for some reason you found yourself staring at his hands for a while. . .
While you continued to watch his hands, you suddenly started to shift in your seat as you got some brief flashbacks of when he had his hands wrapped around your throat, or even better, in you. Your breaths were starting to falter, losing its consistency.
Keeho noticed this, looking at you from the corner of his eye, trying to pinpoint where you seemed to have been staring for a long time. And he followed your line of vision to hand up at his hands, a smirk plastering itself across his face.
He brung his right hand to your thigh, softly resting it as he began to caress it gently. bringing it up and down.
“You okay baby?” Keeho asked, putting his car on self-drive mode while he still kept his other hand on the wheel, just to assure that even if he took his eyes off the road briefly, you both would be safe.
You quickly snapped out of your trance, looking back up at his face that now seemed to have an unreadable expression.
“Yeah baby, Im all good” You smiled, trying to push aside how the warmth of his hand on your thigh was starting to get your head whirring into unspeakable places.
“You sure? you seem a bit red sweetheart” Keeho lifted his eyebrow, tipping his head to the side in a way of questioning the reliability of your answer.
Shit, was it that noticeable?
“Yeah, why?” You rose your eyebrow to mimic him, hoping that it would make him laugh and just forget his previous question, except, it didn’t.
“You’ve been shifting in your seat for the past 30 minutes staring at my hands.” He immediately added on, you hated how well he could read you.
“Well, you just have pretty hands, I thought we had established that already?” You sarcastically added on, still trying to alter his path and get him off your ass.
“Oh please, I can tell theres so much more than that. Come on now, look at yourself in the mirror, you’re blushing sweetheart” Keeho scoffed, eyeing you up and down as he pulled the little mirror down from the top of the car and placed his hand on your chin, tilting your head up so you look at yourself.
Fuck, he wasn’t wrong.
“So tell me now baby, what do you need?” Keeho slowed the car down as he checked the road to make sure there was no one behind him.
“You. Fucking hell I need you so bad.” You looked at him, turning a brighter tinge of red, embarrassed at how desperate you had gotten for him out of no where.
“That’s all you had to say”
And seriously, thats all it took for Keeho to swerve onto the side of the outback road, pausing at an emergency lane.
“Get in the back”
Both of you immediately became a laughing mess as you jumped over the middle compartment together, lips crashing against each other once both of you got to the back.
You began to straddle his lap, tongues mixing together in a heated rush. Keeho had his hand placed tightly at your waist, guiding your heat over his hardening bulge. Slowly, you grinded down on his lap, dragging your clothed pussy across his jeans.
“Fuck” Keeho seethed, sucking his breath in through his teeth.
He brung one of his hands down from your waist, to your lap, and right to the waistband of your skirt. His fingers travelled below the band, finding refuge on your aching cunt. He tediously and leisurely dragged his fingers across your pussy, collecting the arousal that was now practically leaking.
“Kyo…Please, need you so bad” You tried to find more friction in his touch, lowering yourself down on his fingers even further in hopes to feel him deeper in you.
“Shhh baby, don’t rush with it.”
He began to enter you with his middle finger, stretching out your puckered hole as you moaned out his name loudly, not afraid to make noise in the middle of no where. As he watched your face contort into pure pleasure, he added another finger, causing you to arch your back.
“God, feels so good” You whined, resting your head on his shoulder as he plunged his fingers in and out of you.
“Yeah? You’re so beatiful y/n holy shit” Keeho groaned, his dick now awfully hard in his boxers. Maybe even to the point where it was starting to fog up his mind.
You continued to match the pace of his fingers going in and out of you, bringing you to your peak;
“Shit, ‘m gonna cum kyo” You rolled your hips down on his hand, throwing your head back in delight.
“That’s alright baby, cum for me” Keeho said as he sped up hid fingers, finally tipping you over the edge.
You clenched around his fingers, cum dripping down your inner thighs and onto his palm.
After you had spilled all over his hand, he retracted his fingers from your dripping cunt and brung his two fingers that was now covered in your juices to his mouth, lapping his tongue around them as he cleaned them up nicely. His fingers left his lips with a quiet ‘pop’, the sight was so erotic, despite already cumming you could definitely go another round.
“okay now, lie down, you’re all prepped for me my girl” Keeho said, patting the side of the seat as you got off his lap, lying down on the backseat.
Keeho began to unzip his jeans as he took his boxers down along with them, His hard dick slapping against his abdomen. His red tip was leaking with pre-cum, throbbing to be in you. He leaned over you, bringing his face down to your collarbone as he inched your legs apart, allowing the head to line up with your glistening pussy.
He rubbed his dick against you for a brief moment, collecting the wetness so it was less painful to ease his way into you. Despite him stretching you out and him fucking you multiple times previously, it still took you a while to get used to his sheer size and girth.
“If you want me to stop, you can always tell me okay baby?” Keeho said as he looked into your eyes through his beautiful blonde hair.
You nodded, always appreciating his little warnings before fucking you raw.
He smiled, lining up his cock with your entrance, prodding it before pushing it in slowly. You whimpered, tensing up even though he had barely fit anything in.
“Gonna have to loosen up if you want me to fit baby” Keeho chuckled, breathing up against your neck, his hand moving strands of your hair from your face.
You sighed, trying to ease into his touch. And immediately, he was able to fit his whole dick inside of you, a slight groan escaping his lips as his cock nestled inside of you. Within just a few moments, he was out of you once again, only to slam into you harshly.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, clamping your hand on his bicep for support. He finally found a rhythm, fucking you so good you swore you lost the ability to speak straight at some point.
“Shit, you’re so tight” Keeho whined, kissing at the nape of your neck. His dick was hitting all the right spots, reaching your gummy walls and hitting your cervix so perfectly.
The effects of the previous orgasm was starting to creep up on you, sensitivity washing over your entire body. With no warning, you clenched around his dick that was still slamming into you, cumming around his rough length.
“Ah- shit! I’m cumming” You cried out, tears swelling on the side of your eyes.
Keeho stopped his movements, muttering underneath his breath as his dick twitched inside of you.
“Fuck, Me too” and with one last push, he was cumming along with you, painting your walls white and filling you up to the brim. He pounded his cum back into you, trying to clean up the mess that your arousal had left on the seat.
He pulled out with a tired wince, shutting his eyes tightly.
Before you could speak up, Keeho brung his face down to your now aching pussy, licking up the cum that had now splayed all across your inner thighs. His tongue ran across your clit, cleaning you up and carressing your legs.
“Feel better now baby?” Keeho asked at last, rubbing your face and plastering a kiss on your cheek.
“So much better. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Please reblog and like! — lmk if you enjoyed it, and remember, requests are always open! <3
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bonesy-doodles · 3 months
I mean, you asked for this!!! This is probably not all of my headcanons, just the ones I could remember off the top of my head, as this is all still a work in progress for me!
I will also include the Ghouls pictures again so people can refer back their designs cause I do touch on design choices for them as they, to me, are included in headcanons as every makes their ghouls unique on some way.
Okay, first up!
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There’s a lot for this man. So, Dewdrop used to be a water ghoul, however he’s not a multighoul like Swiss, Sunshine and Aurora because his element was transmuted during the binding ritual when he was passed from Terzo to Copia. So, my brain thought “what is water-like fire” and it landed on magma! So that’s why he looks volcanic. His gills closed over and became lava cracks, his fish scales became reptilian, and now he runs hot like a furnace. His ears are pointed like fire ghouls, but have points kinda like fish fins still. Dew also has fire manipulation and can essentially ignite fires (commits minor arson constantly) but that’s how he lights his cigarettes. He still has retained a great lung capacity and can hold his breath long enough to almost rival Rain’s infinite breath. The biggest trouble maker of the Ghouls and the worst influence on newer ghouls (i.e Phantom). He’s the shortest of the dudes, but makes up for it by setting you on fire if you make short jokes.
Also!!! I am a defender of the dark-hair Dewdrop design!! I know it’s very common for him to have blonde or white hair, but it was just not giving for this design. I tried, I promise! (I’m glad I’ve been seeing people love it though! My agenda is spreading!)
For fire ghoul visuals, I definitely focused on emulating glowing flame visuals, using red, orange, yellow, and white to give that effect with browns and blacks to make them look crispy. Scales and long pointed ears that go upward are also common for fire ghouls.
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Quintessence Ghouls are basically space and/or ghostly types of ghouls, as quintessence to me is everything between the elements and makes up everything (like stardust!!) Phantom, as a Quintessence ghoul can “see beyond the elements” with what I call aura reading at the moment, like seeing vibes and emotions. They can also float! Or slow their falls essentially. Not really fly like air ghouls. Phantom is actually, to me, one of the three most chaotic ghouls, alongside Dew and Swiss, and causes a lot of chaos at the Ministry. My favorite joke with my two wives who I discuss all this lore with often is that Phantom once pissed in the Unholy Water Bowl in the West Chapel right before a midnight mass, which caused a lot of problems for the Ghoul Den Overseer. Just to illustrate the shit Phantom pulls at the Ministry.
But specifically for Phantoms visuals, he reminds me of the moon, the tone of gray, his swirling vitiligo-esc patches. He has really dark eyes which is not very common for Quintessence ghouls.
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The second tallest and most beefiest of all the Ghouls. I mean, have you seen the arms on that man!!!! Like Phantom, Aether has the aura reading ability and is the expert at floating and slowing his falls (it’s how he achieves all the wild jumps on stage, like dude gets air time). His freckles actually form constellations, and on his shoulder you can see the Big Dipper cause he’s a big guy (yes that’s the joke, that’s why I gave him the Big Dipper). Aether acts as one of the minders of the Ghoul Den, kind of like the exasperated dad of the group. Tries his best to fix the chaos the other Ghouls cause to lessen the work of the Ghoul Den Overseer, put out Dew’s fires, etc. Also a fuzzy guy, which is uncommon for Quintessence ghouls, like he’s so soft somehow.
For Quintessence Ghoul designs, I really wanted to focus on the space aspect. All of them have space freckles, and their horns all swirl in some way (Phantom and Auroras swirling physically, and Aethers have swirling grooves/markings on them). Also, their ears are bovine-like in someways, cause I’ve always categorized Aether as like a space cow in my head. Their color palettes usually veer towards magenta, purple, and indigo (cause those are my favorite colors and Quintessence ghouls are my favorite).
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As a water ghoul, Rain has gills, fins on various parts of his body, and webbed fingers and toes (it’s a bit freaky). Also, serrated teeth like a piranha. If you’ve ever touched a fish, that wet feeling of their scales is how it feels to touch him. He can breathe underwater with his gills and will often be found in the lakes on the Ministry’s grounds when he needs to chill. His tail is a bit thick than other ghouls, as well as finned to help with swimming. Also water manipulation abilities! (It’s giving Cleo from H2O). He’s also bioluminescent! His scales and the lighter markings on him all glow
He does participate in problem causing sometimes, but is also exasperated mom of the group (cue his disappointed mom pose of hands on hips). Aether and Rain are the duo that hold Dew up by his arms while he’s trying to sprint towards trouble. Rain often has his hair pulled back in pony tails, or braided as he has a lot of hair, and it’s gets in the way while he’s swimming.
Water ghouls in general have everything above that I’ve already mentioned for Rain, all the fish like aspects. They tend to be blue toned and have a variety of scale coloration, often green, blue and purple in tones (duochrome, iridescent, pearlescent, etc).
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Biggest of the Ghouls and third beefiest! He’s also fuzzy! Mountain has a connection with the earth (duh, all earth ghouls do), which allows them to feel the “heartbeat of the earth”, gives them that killer rhythm on the drums. He’s big into growing plants and taking care of the Ministry’s gardens, which he excels in as Earth ghouls also can affect plant growth as well as other earth things like soil. The flowers behind his ear in the art are actually Belladonna, also known as Deadly Nightshade!
Mountain also has two ways to shift himself, one being normal legs and his most natural ghoul state is hoofed/goat legs, which is why he doesn’t like wearing shoes (it’s a weird feeling). His horns are gigantic as Earth ghoul horns tend to be, and have a cracked earth/clay patterning (his very first design iteration had cracked clay skin, but I did not like how it looked). His coloration and markings are very deer like, along with his ears. Mountain is very quiet compared to the rest of the Ghouls, he gives cryptid energy while at the Ministry.
Earth ghouls in general tend to lean towards more green and brown tones, with the previously mentioned giant horns. They can also have a variety of mammal like variations to them, but the most common is forest animals like deer, beer, wolves, coyotes, etc. They tend to be the fluffiest of the ghouls, and also the biggest. It’s just natural for them to be tall.
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Being a multighoul of all elements, he basically is a shadow ghoul (mix all paint colors and you get dark brown/black was my idea). He’s the third tallest and the second beefiest ghoul. Swiss has shadow manipulation abilities and can kinda merge into the shadows, which he uses to sneak around, cause problems and prank people. Also as a multighoul of all elements, he can kind of emulate abilities of other elements, like him being able to hold his breathe underwater longer than natural, his singing voice is siren-like similar to air ghouls, etc. He’s also fuzzy!!
Also, Swiss is the biggest accessorizer and has the most piercings of all the ghouls. He likes how it gives him some pizzazz. Also has gifted every ghoul at least one set of jewelry they are ornamented with (thought it was funny to get Dew the upside cross earrings).
And Satanas, the shit this man gets up to. There is a reason he’s on his stage of shame most of the time. Swiss enables all of Dew’s chaos with a giant smile on his face. It’s like winding up a toy and letting it spin.
Little side note about Multighouls, there are only two all element Multighouls in the Ministry, one being Swiss, the other actually being Phil! The Special Ghoul! He was once seen playing several instruments, signifying his elemental range, but tends to keep to himself compared to Swiss.
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The newest multighoul, and second multighoulette! Aurora is dual elemental, Air and Quintessence which together makes her embody an Aurora Borealis (her name sake). With her two elements, she gets her skin coloration and patterning, eyes, and swirling horn from her Quintessence aspect. Her space freckles are a bit more on the bluer side due to the air aspect however, as well as her second set of horns as air ghouls often have two sets of horns or two pronged horns. Her ears are bovine and bat-like. She has smaller wings compared to a full air ghoul, but her floating ability also helps. It’s a very interesting combo to watch. Also, her hair is just naturally like that, no hair dye involved. Don’t ask her how it changes color as it grows, she doesn’t know.
Aurora is probably the most energetic of the Ghoulettes, and is besties with Swiss. Is constantly helping him get into shit. In general is an accomplice to Swiss and the Ghoulettes. She loves being involved in the shit they all pull. And despite her stature, as the shortest of all the Ghouls, she will body a bitch (the shorter you are the closer to hell you get)!
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The biggest, fluffiest hair. It’s so long and so much and it’s her pride and joy! It’s how she got the name Cumulus because of how much it reminded Copia of cumulus clouds. As an Air ghoul, Cumulus has large bat-like wings that allow her to fly. They can be folded and retracted if need be as they can get in the way. In the Ghoul Den, the Air Ghouls have a loft only accessible to those with wings, or if you tempt fate and get someone to throw you. Cumulus’s air ghoul horns formed in the shape of crescents, so she doesn’t have two sets, instead is categorized as two pronged.
As previously mentioned, Air ghouls have siren-like voices (referencing Greek myth sirens being bird women) and Cumulus is the epitome of this ability. Can get people to do her bidding just by whispering sweet words into their ears.
Cumulus and Cirrus are a duo, as they were summoned together and bonded over being Air Ghoulettes, if you see one of them, the other is not far away or far behind.
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The tallest of the Ghoulettes and somehow the chillest comparative to the others. She’s still a ghoul though, so the chaos scale is broken anyway. As previously mentioned, she is Cumulus’s other half and visually is opposite of her on many ways. Darker, straight hair which is uncommon for Air ghouls, along with darker eyes. She also has the biggest wing span of all the Air Ghouls, and is the fastest with Sunshine a close second. Her vocals are second to Cumulus’s however. Not nearly at the level of controlling, but she can still bring anyone to their knees if need be.
Truly, Cumulus and Cirrus are a power couple amongst the Ghouls because their siren abilities affect Ghouls as well, just to a lesser degree, so if need be (with a good enough bribe) they can put a pause on the chaos if it gets too out of hand. The bribe has to be really good like, they like watching shit get crazy.
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Finally, Sunshine. The first multighoulette summoned, and her dual elements are Air and Fire. Her fire like appearance veered away from volcanic like Dew to being like Sun Spots (areas on the sun that are darker than the rest of it) and that’s why her scales are rounded compared to Dew’s. Her wings are also smaller like Aurora’s, still bat-like but also gives dragon because of the reptilian aspect of Fire ghouls. She does have two sets of horns which she likes to ornament like Swiss.
Sunshine and Aurora bond over being air based multighoulettes and also have joined the multighoul secret club with Swiss and Phil. What do they do there? Well, it’s a secret of course. It wouldn’t be a secret club otherwise!
Also, there have been several cases of arson that have been committed that were blamed on Dewdrop, but were actually done by Sunshine, but she’s a great liar and loves getting Dew in trouble. She like orchestrates that shit.
Now that I’ve touched upon all of the air ghouls, basically, air ghouls tend to be either teal or yellow in tone, usually with cloud like markings (however Aurora and Sunshine’s dual elements change that). Their ears tend to be bat shaped, along with them sporting the large bat wings that give them the ability to fly. There have been cases, however, that air ghouls have feathered wings, the only known case being the first summoned keyboardist, aptly named Air. No one knows why he’s the only one, he just claims it’s cause he’s cool like that. Also mentioned the siren like voices, it’s not a universal Air ghoul ability, some more attuned with it than others, but it’s quite common seeing as all four Ghoulettes along with Swiss possess the ability to some degree (Air does not because he’s not cool like that).
Kind of wanted to go into some general stuff for the ghouls within the Ministry and the Summoning process.
When a Ghoul is summoned by a Papa (the only person really sanctioned to summon ghouls with some exceptions of course), they are bound to that Papa, with some sort of mark to signify this binding. For the Papas, they each use their individual grucifixes as this marking (Copia’s ghouls were for a while marked with the basic Grucifix because he was initially a Cardinal. Technically, during that Era, the Ghouls should have been bound to Nihil, however Sister Imperator pulled the exception card for her little Cardi. Once Copia became Papa, the binding ritual was redone to remark them with his new grucifix). All of the ghouls do have grucifixes essentially tattooed onto their body in different locations, but there’s a lot of development for that and some still undecided so that can’t wait until I’ve drawn full bodies for all the ghouls.
Also, mentioned a few times in this was the Ghoul Den Overseer, who is actually a Sibling of Sin character of mine (because I over indulge myself and this is my lore interpretation anyway, I do what I want). Their “confirmation” name (christened? Sataned?) is Rigoria/Rigorian, last name Mortuous. Yes, it’s a play on Rigor Mortis but my name is literally Bones. I will be drawing them as well at some point so I can show you guys my interpretation of the Siblings of Sins in different Papal Eras.
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mybelovedwoo · 4 months
yunho as boyfriend, please 🩷🩷
The long-awaited yunho boyfriend headcanon is here!!!
jeong yunho as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
reader x bf!atz
wc. ~ 0.7k
an: i know this took soo long to write, but I actually had a really busy time since I last posted one of these TT but as summer is here now I'll hopefully have more time to write
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
- the funny golden retriever boyfriend, who never fails to make your mood better and to make you smile (it's his personal goal in his life, to make you the happiest, and he really does)
-just as to everyone, he is your sunshine, your happy pill, the reason you smile every single day
-he is also the  "college boyfriend" kind of vibe, who is the love of your life and will be your husband in the future
-he always texts you no matter what, if his phone is in his hands, then he's most definitely chatting with you. also if he can't say anything else, he'll send you memes (it's one of his love languages)
-loves treating you with gifts, would most definitely bring you flowers on date nights, but don't forget about the bag of snacks and chocolates he always brings you on the first day of your period (he even tracks it on his phone, so he can be prepared)
-he's a gamer boy, so it's no surprise he loves it when you make interest and ask about his game, not even talking about when you ask him if you can play with him
-lots of inside jokes
-he is a big act of service guy. absolutely loves cooking for you or making you coffee before you wake up in the morning
-he never lets you pay for anything, even if you beg him. he thinks it's a gesture he is supposed to do as your boyfriend (at least that's what his father taught him)
 -gets embarrassed very easily when you compliment him, he gets all shy and giggly, sometimes you do it on purpose, just to see his flustered face because it's the cutest
-he communicates problems so well, that you barely ever fight
-carpool karaoke dates, blasting your favorite music and don't care what other people think of you
-this man has endless energy, so he's never tired of doing anything for you or being with you. when you call him, he's right there just for you
-holding hands 24/7, even if it's too hot outside and your hands get all sweaty, he just doesn't care
-he loooves it when you pamper him, with kisses, or caress his back
-he asks for your opinion on everything, if you don't like something then he doesn't like it either. your opinion is the most valuable thing for him
-goofy nicknames that don't even make sense but you can't help but love it
-somehow always knows what you're thinking about. when you feel uncomfortable in a situation, he's right there for the rescue, tho you didn't give him any specific sign, he just knows you too well. or when you come home from work, you haven't spoken yet, but he knows by just looking at you that you had a bad day and ready to cuddle you all night long
-idk he gives off shy kisses vibes with lots of giggles, but when it's really intimate he just holds your face in his big ass hands
nsfw +18!!!
-okaay hear me out, he is probably a switch, but mostly a bottom. he just loves it when you take control, it's his favorite thing
-he would prefer the good old cowgirl position, but anything, where you're on top is his "favorite", at least that's what he says
-but there are times when his dominant side comes out and ohh boy, you are so blessed to experience it
-when he's in that mood, he just rails you with no mercy. he has to let out all the tension and there's no better place than in the bedroom
-he does magic with his long fingers, takes you to heaven then brings you right back to earth
-he likes doing it in a chair with you on top, of course, he likes the closeness and loves holding you during it
- sex with him is anything but boring, yeah it's really sweet with a lot of emotions, but it's also really passionate and sensual. he would recommend new positions and toys all the time, he likes experiencing
-for places, I think he's a traditional in-bed kind of guy, he likes to stay comfortable 
-holds your hand and whispers sweet nothings into your ears, he talks you through it (with a really low and raspy voice)
-you have sex max three times a week, especially after a date night it's an essential
-his libido is quite high since he's a dancer, he can go multiple rounds in one night
-he likes to cuddle after, holds you in his arms. after a couple of minutes, you both just fall asleep right there and then
taglist: @dinossaurz (you can message me if you want to be added or removed)
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son1c · 8 months
i had another "plot" dream last night and it was kind of insane? like, first of all, starline was in it. and, basically, in my dream, he was still alive but instead of creating surge and kit to kill sonic and tails, he had a different plan. and it was kind of... a lot LOL like it was very much giving "guy with way too much time on his hands".
what starline did was basically create this like, dollhouse of a town in a very remote part of the world (it was specifically a snowy mountain, this will be relevant later). and he altered the memories of the people living there so they didn't remember sonic as the world hero(TM), but rather Their Small Town Hero who just so happened to live there and be awesome. the vibe was very... hallmark meets horror.
cuz starline ALSO kidnapped sonic, but i guess he knew he wouldn't be able to kill him? so in order to "get him out of the way" he just used the warp topaz to make him think he lived in this mountain town and also he reallyyyyy loved snowboarding (not a difficult thing to do, since he DOES love extreme sports and going fast down a snowy cliffside already agrees with his personality).
so like, months go by and no one can fucking find sonic right. he's just dropped off the face of the earth. and his friends are starting to get worried because yeah, sonic disappears sometimes. but never for this long and never without letting at least tails know he's alright. and it's especially bad because with sonic gone, now eggman is causing trouble, and it's exactly what starline wants. he is Winning.
BUT! eventually shadow is able to track down sonic ??? somehow. i think he was able to get information from rouge via her connection to g.u.n. about the town. anyway. when shadow finds sonic, sonic has no fucking idea what he's talking about, and he's also annoyed because there's gonna be a snowboarding competition soon, and he's totally icing the vibe, man. so the only way shadow can get sonic to listen to him is if he beats him in a snowboarding competition ???
like i said it felt VERY hallmark LOL. also something was sonic was talking in a british accent for some reason ??? i think it's cuz when he lost his memory in idw, he had that strange posh accent for some reason. it was very silly. anyway
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lueurjun · 11 months
slytherin boyfriend sunghoon
request: Hi, Can i request a Slytherin Sunghoon x a Ravenclaw reader? Thankss <3 — you certainly can. hope this is alright for you my love. you didn’t specify a trope so i just improvised, i hope that’s okay<3 slytherin bf!sunghoon x ravenclaw!reader. @vickys-witchylife
ps. i apologize for how long this is… i got carried away- no but really this is really long like i didn’t intend on this but it just happened 💀
everybody pause because this makes so much sense
like sunghoon gives off major slytherin vibes
remember his blonde hair? draco malfoy could neverrr
and could you imagine him decked out in green and silver?
lord have mercy im about to faint
anyways before we get into the whole you guys love each other, cutesey vibes
let’s start with how it all came to be
how my man sunghoon managed to pulled YOU
yeah he’s fine but i have 3 galleons in the bank so #rollinindough #icanbeabetterboyfriendthanhim
now we’re not gonna go down the route of ‘all slytherins are bad’ because they’re absolutely not
but sunghoon wasn’t exactly the warmest at first
bro is not 🙅‍♀️ the sun
not in the sense that he bullied you or anything
me and the homies would jump him if he did… the homies being my demons 👹
he just didn’t see the point in befriending you because naturally the two of you were so different
you were just the ravenclaw smarty he was forced to do his prefect duties with
ravenclaw smarty 🤓 my delulu self would be flattered because to me that’s a nickname- you’re half way to marriage already
ah yes you read that right
prefect duties
more specifically: hallway patrol
paw patrol, paw patrol, we’ll be there on the double 💃
so the two of you spent the majority of your evenings together
being a prefect wasn’t a huge deal to sunghoon, it was just another gateway to his parents approval
not him thinking he’s too cool 😎
but you took your role very seriously and that was something that annoyed him about you
because you never allowed him to slack off
him slacking off could get you both in trouble and you weren’t going to let him take you down with him and potentially jeopardise your chance of snatching up the head ( whatever you identify as bae ) position
just because he didn’t want to be head boy didn’t mean you didn’t desire the position
needless to say it was a little frosty between the two of you at first
aimless bickering would echo off the walls as you demanded he stay on task and not stray off to go cause mayhem with his friends
personally i would take on all of his duties just so he could have fun- DON’T look at me like that, you’d be a pick me for him too smh
he wasn’t just put off by the fact that you ruined his fun and actually made him do his job
you’re a ravenclaw, one of the smartest people in your year and naturally, he assumed you wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like him
not bro having a victim complex
but that wasn’t the case at all
you weren’t one to judge, you didn’t care about houses, the only thing that mattered to you was principles
in fact, you were actually looking forward to befriending sunghoon at first
he just pushed you away all too soon and started acting like a rebellious idiot for the sake of his ego
what an idiot
things remained at a stalemate for several weeks
you’d both show up for your perfect duties, he would try to slack off or cause trouble, and you would scold him until the two of you walked side by side in silence
him sulking and you scowling
then, he’d stomp back to his dorm and talk crap about you to his friends
and you’d go to your own friends and express disappointment in the lack of progress made with him
don’t worry bae, you don’t need him. come put your head on my shoulder, mines comfier than his 🤭
things didn’t take a turn until a week before the winter holidays
one evening, sunghoon was over an hour late for prefect duties
you tried not to worry because why should you care? Without him, things would probably be much easier
but alas, something niggled inside of your heart and you found yourself abandoning your responsibilities to find him
you searched high and low, but to no avail. sunghoon was absolutely nowhere to be found
hide and seek in hogwarts is wild
eventually, you headed down to the slytherin common room—perhaps he hadn’t even left his dorm
but when you arrived, a crowd of people stood outside of the door whispering rather loudly
“how do we get him out of there?”
“i don’t know but he can’t afford to step another toe out of line, you heard his dad. one more detention and he’s being yanked out of the school.”
as you cautiously peered around the corner, your eyes settle on a distinctive group you recognize all too well — sunghoon's friends
they remained oblivious to your presence until you muster up your courage and break away from the shadows, facing them head-on
“where’s sunghoon?”
that’s right, you show ‘em who’s boss! hellos and how are yous? never heard of them 💅
“what’s it to you?”
jay fixed his gaze on you, analyzing you with careful scrutiny
“he hasn’t shown up for prefect duties.”
you square your shoulders and cross your arms, exuding an air of forced confidence
not that you were scared, they were hardly anything to fear. it was more the embarrassment of admitting that you were concerned for the safety of sunghoon
‘hardly anything to fear’ NOT YOU VIOLATING UNPROVOKED
lord knows that if it was you who hadn’t turned up, sunghoon would have most definitely thrown a party
this time, heeseung breaks the silence with a deep and weary sigh
“look if you’re here to get him into trouble—“
“who said i wanted to get him into trouble?”
“well—no one but he’s told us all about how you’re on his ass about following the rules. it’s not far fetched to believe that you’d use this as a chance to finally get him out of your hair.”
so he talks about you??? 🤭🤭
you try not to let that hurt your feelings
but it does a little because is that what they really think? is that what sunghoon thinks? that you just want him far away from you?
“look, i don’t want to get him into trouble. if anything i’m ‘on his ass’ to save it from getting kicked off the prefects. i even abandoned my own responsibilities to make sure he was okay, so can you just tell me where he is?”
the group of wizards looked perplexed for a moment, their eyes darting to each other with specific expressions before falling back onto you
and after a silent debate, sunoo spoke up
“he snuck into snape’s office to try and get back jungwon’s special quill. it was a gift from his grandmother, it’s got an unlimited ink charm on it. snape accused him of trying to cheat and confiscated it.”
jake continued next, looking desperate:
“it means a lot to jungwon, so sunghoon snuck in to try and get it but snape entered and now he’s stuck in there. we don’t even know if he’s been caught but he’s in a lot of trouble if he is.”
you eyes land on jungwon, who looks at the ground shamefully
me to snape rn 🤺
the expression on his face caused your heart to ache, but the thought of sunghoon getting into trouble had an even stronger grip on your heartstrings
i sense a crushhhhh 🤭🥰
which is how you find yourself outside of potions classroom, after instructing the boys to stay where they are, you formulate a plan
with your heart racing and your body filled with trepidations, you hurriedly entered the classroom, only to find sunghoon missing and snape seated at his desk
“sir-sir! i was on night duty when a slytherin and hufflepuff got into an altercation. they started hexing each other and i didn’t know how to stop—“
snape was already to his feet, the long black cloak sweeping against the ground as he hurried out of the room to find the ‘altercation’
“feel free to make a run for it!”
you call out, keeping your voice low in hopes that sunghoon can hear you from wherever he’s hiding
and then you follow after snape, leading him aimlessly around until you’re sure sunghoon could have escaped
oh you perfect mastermind you 🤭
“where’s the altercation?”
snape speaks with a snide drawl, his penetrating gaze fixed on you as impatience radiates from his every word
“they must have dispersed. very sorry to bother you, professor.”
you: 😬 snape: 😒
snape snarls, glancing around the dark and empty corridor one last time before turning around to make the gruelling walk back to his classroom to finish his evening work
once he’s out of sight, your shoulders slump in relief and you can only hope that sunghoon had gotten out okay
and you find out the very next evening, when he meets you for the night shift
you’re waiting for him anxiously, when he rounds the corner with such haste that it startles you
he doesn’t slow down until he’s right in front of you, gripping your shoulders
“i know i haven’t been the nicest to you, but what you did for me last night… i can’t thank you enough”
calm down bae they saved you from detention not a burning building 🙄 ( i’m bitter. you should be mine )
prefect duties for the next few days are a lot smoother now the two of you are actually getting along
the silence is replaced with genuine facts about yourselves, or you telling him things you had read and found interesting
every now and then, your fingertips meet in an unbidden caress, but neither of you pull away; instead, both of you savouring the warmth of the moment
it’s giving awkward crushes
finally, winter break approaches and sunghoon meets you on the platform
“i’ll write to you.”
you’re kinda surprised at that, but you beam up at him anyways
“i’ll write back.”
and you do, the two of you write back and forth for the entire of winter
friendly letters turning into awkwardly cute confessions that neither of you are brave enough to say in person
that’s actually adorable shut upppp
by the time term starts up again, the letters have transformed everything between the two of you
you’re no longer ‘just prefect buddies’, nor are you friends… but something more
sunghoon’s last letter highlighted that for you
‘i’ve never been the best with words, especially not in person. i find it much easier to hide behind a piece of parchment and confess that i’ve always found you rather endearing…perhaps when we return to school we could explore the spark between us?… man that was cringe, sorry.’
and explore you do
awkward hand brushes on prefect duty turns into gentle hand holding with matching rouge cheeks
if you see me on the road tonight, mind your business
sunghoon pushing your head away affectionately when you peer over his shoulder at the book he’s reading to pass time
the two of you avoiding your friends at all costs because they all do that annoying thing where they wiggle their eyebrows and make hearts with their hands
horrible flirting attempts
“you have really nice earlobes.”
“thanks? i like your knees…”
me tryna flirt ^
you still have to stop him from slacking off, but you’re less irritated by it and more amused
because everything sunghoon does amuses you
you’re all surprised at how loud he can be
he always seemed quite reserved, like the normal one in his friend group but you come to realize that he’s just as mental—if not worse than most of them
and your first kiss is just so… you guys
sunghoon had tried to kiss you three times and every single time, you accidentally moved away
the embarrassment- i cannot 💀
it finally happened on the fourth time
the two of you had just finished up for the evening, and sunghoon insisted on walking you back to your common room
things weren’t verbally official yet, but it was an unspoken agreement that you were basically together
you paused at the door, ready to turn and bid your farewells when you were suddenly met with his face mere inches away
taken aback, your immediate reaction was to...
headbut him
even the portraits were absolutely mortified because that could not have gone worse
me and the portraits rn: 🫣
sunghoon recoiled, hand reflexively covering his face in shock. you couldn't help but gasp in surprise, one hand instinctively flying to your mouth
“oh my gosh—i’m so sorry. are you okay?”
his ego wasn’t the only thing bruised, now his head too
“yep. fine. don’t worry about me, though a simple ‘please back away’ would have sufficed”
“i didn’t realize you were going to kiss me! i’m so sorry, sunghoon…”
it takes several moments for everyone to recover
but eventually, the portraits stop hiding behind their hands and sunghoon can finally face you again
the way this would keep me up at night
“i’m really sorry…”
“no it’s totally fine. i should have asked permission first.”
you nervously clasped your hands together in front of you, your gaze drawn to the tender spot on his head where a bruise was already beginning to form
the guilt consumes you and you don’t know how else to make up for it
“i mean…you do have my permission now, if you still want to kiss me that is”
sunghoon looks unsure at first but takes an attentive step towards you
he hesitantly rests his quivering fingers against your delicate jawline, one thumb tenderly pressed against your rosy cheek whilst the other gently wraps around your hand
sunghoon leaned in until he was but a whisper away from your lips, his gentle breath grazing your face and making you close your eyes in anticipation
“you’re not gonna like punch me are yo—“
overcome with impatience, you closed the gap between you and sunghoon, capturing him in a timeless kiss.
those damn portraits are whistling, causing the two of you to pull away shyly
“well go on, make it official.”
“didn’t you see that kiss? that sealed the deal! i would’ve swooned had they not given the poor boy a concussion first.”
“personally i think they should’ve ended up with lueurjun” oh would you look at that! the portraits hey ship us too 😌
this is so long but anyways onto the actual relationship vibes
you have a habit of fixing sunghoon’s tie and robe whenever you see him
and he responds by fixing your hair for you
don’t ask why but sunghoon gives off ear scratches vibes like i just feel like he would like them
so you scratch behind his ear lot and he relishes in it
once the two of you get more comfortable with each other, he sees how unhinged you actually are
and he loves it
biting his lip during makeout sessions
now that is scandalous 🤭
his parents adore you because you keep him on track
you tying his laces because he’s prone to just letting them hang loose and almost tripping himself up
sunghoon getting cuteness aggression over your existence and just having to squeeze your cheeks
bickering like there’s no tomorrow
“i didn’t say i hate you, you just annoy me”
“next time, i’ll let you rot in snape’s office”
harmless shoving of each other
though it wasn’t harmless once ‘cause sunghoon miscalculated his strength and accidentally shoved you into a random classroom
this happened to me once but it wasn’t romantic-
he then ran off and left you to deal with the awkward conversation with your professor
you being more lenient and sneaking down to the kitchens 15 minutes before your duties end to feed each other snacks
which then turns into a mini food fight
drinking each others drinks when you go to the three broomsticks
like you both have your own drinks but end up drinking each others
listen that probably didn’t make sense, i’ve been writing this for days AND IM EXHAUSTED
you helping him study
studying usually ends in makeout sessions in the library
you putting little notes in his books to remind him that you’re thinking of him
and him drawing a penis on yours
he’s so real for that
overall, the two of you are a pair of awkward cuties who can’t get enough of each other and i love it so much
even tho you should be with me but i’ll allow it 🙄
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augustsprincess · 2 months
August Walker x Reader (Drabble)
Warnings: Daddy/little vibes, noncon/dubcon, violence...its August.
There's no plot I'm sick and possessed.
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It was your fathers business, then it was your brothers business. You didn’t care for the details of it, you just looked after the gardens and made sure the house was in good condition. Talked to the servants and all that. Sure, you knew it was a dodgy business. Far too often you saw people going home in body bags in the dead of night. But you chose to ignore it.
The current guest….was a man named August Walker. You caught a glimpse of him as he was dragged in through the back door, unconscious. He was gorgeous in a demented, do not touch kind of way and that intrigued you all the more. So when your brother said he’d be away on business for 2 days and you weren’t to go into the basement…well. It was obvious what you would do. One peak wouldn’t hurt, right?
At first the man is terrifying, and even speaking to him is like dipping your finger into a lake of piranha and waiting for one to snap.
But eventually you realize his binds are painfully tight around the centre column he's sat against, which means you can tease and annoy the living daylights out of this poor guy. And hey, if he's tied up in your basement it's for a good reason. Maybe a bit of fun torture would do him well. Besides, you were dreadfully bored and the staff had all gone home for the weekend.
He can’t do a thing.
The more he calls you a slut, bitch, whore or worse, the more you giggle. It infuriated August to the point he almost welcomed death.
On the first day, you sit 10 inches from him with your drawing pad and sketched him. You made small talk, showed him your drawings. He'd even admit you're a decent artist, that is until you added the kitten ears and heart stickers to his illustrated face. After a few hours your curiosity grows. You've one pink heart sticker left and you want to see how close you can get to the lion before the lion rips your hand off.
"Don't..." He warns. You giggle. "I mean it, girlie. Don't you put that thing on me." He wiggles again and you pout, frustrated. “Get the fuck off me, dumb bitch!”
“Hey! That’s not very nice! I’m giving you my heart!” You giggle. Once he calms down you try again, ignoring his persistent complaints. The more he speaks, the more his warnings turn to a plea. "Hey! No!" He shouts, snatching his head away from your index finger.
"Hold still, Mister! It won't hurt." You gently press the sticker to his left cheek with your finger and smooth it over with a gentle kiss and a loud “Mwah!”
August huffs as he stretches his face muscles to try to get it to wrinkle but the damn thing won't come off!
"All pretty! Good night, mister." You blew him a kiss as you closed the basement door and left him alone for the night.
“Stupid girl…..” He mutters. Wait… Why was he so uncomfortably hard? “Fuck.”
On the second night, you feed him some bread and cheese by hand and reluctantly he actually lets you. You were finally taming him!
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August sits with you in his lap, a firm and unwavering snarl painted on his lips. You begin to play with his curls with one hand, and his chest hair with your other. All the while August is growing more and more hard under you. You're so distracted by a specific lock of his hair that you fail to notice all but a sound when the rope finally snaps behind him.
With a stupid amount of bravery you climb into his lap and start to tell him all about your day as if he was a willing listener. You feel something solid beneath your skirt but choose to ignore it. Your nonsensical ramblings about the latest episode of your favourite TV show send him into a begging frenzy yet again, but what you don't realise is that those bindings are getting more and more loose as you yammer on.
"Did you hear that?" You ask, curiosity lacing your words
"Must be the pipes. We are in the basement, girlie." He lies.
You snort at him. “I like you. You even have a cute nickname for me! I’ve never had a nickname before.”
You start to comb your hand through his hair and you're suddenly taken aback by the look he's giving you. Like the cat who got the cream. Was he...enjoying you stroking his hair? You tried not to think about it and continued but his unwavering stare and….lustful eyes? Well, you were drowning in them.
You're gently pulled closer by his left hand and in your naivety you give him a sweet smile before the penny drops.
And boy does it fucking drop.
You gasp. His fangs show in a sinister grin and you launch yourself from his lap, snatching his hand from your hip. He only has one hand loose so you take it as your opportunity to escape, slamming the door behind you to slow him down.
You sit in the cloakroom, cowering with the cobwebs and long forgotten coats of the guests who never had the chance to leave this house. Hoping and praying your brother would be home soon to save you. But the truth of it was, superheroes don't exist.
The heavy sound of the prisoners bare feet on your father's old wooden floors beat in tandem with your heart as he chases you through your home. Eventually you lose him and as quietly as humanely possible, you climb into the cloakroom and hide.
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Nothing was coming to save you.
You stayed silent for what felt like hours before you were alerted to a dull creak and a loud slam as the cloakroom door was almost ripped off its hinges.
"Found ya!". You screeched as you were physically dragged from the cloakroom by your ankles.
"No need to squeal, little pig. It'll only hurt a bit." You clamber to your feet, the harsh carpet making your ascend slow enough for August to catch you first. He sticks his foot out, tripping you to the floor again, toying with you. Like you were food.
"Oh stop crying, girlie. I thought you liked to tease?" You try to stand and run again but you're thrown over his shoulder in a split second and no amount of hitting him is helping. There’s nothing else to do but to watch his feet as he carried you up the stairs, straight to your bedroom.
With one swift movement and a harsh grip of your hips he has you pinned, chest down to the bed.
"That's a good girl, stay still for Daddy." He purrs, pulling your bright pink stockings from your legs. He tosses them to the floor as he climbs onto the bed, the mattress deepening under his heavy body.
"Please! I'm sorry, I was just bored! I didn't mean to upset you-" You try your best to help yourself, but it’s like a switch just been flicked and he turns from excited, to pissed the fuck off.
"You were 'bored'?!" The man flips you to your back and yanks your body towards him, as he leans on his calves. "No, no, no. You're a slut. A dirty brat and you thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Thought I wouldn't break free and catch you. Well I know just what you need, just what you asked for."
If you could, you would laugh at the situation. Here was this gorgeous, dangerous and absolutely insane man. Kneeling at the end of your bed, hard as a rock and all the while with a heart sticker attached to his cheek. And he was so pissed!
It was the reappearance of the rope binding in his hand that brought you back to the severity of the moment. Fear turned to manic terror as you shuffled backwards.
"No...no! Please don't!" August climbs on top of your body, thick thighs trapping you to the bed as he deliberately presses his hard crotch into you.
"Ah, ah, ah, shhh." He presses his index finger to your lips. You can't stop him, he's twice the size of you at least. So you watch as he ties your hands to the headboard of the bed.
Once he's done, he leans down....covering your entire body with his own...
"I fuckin' hate a tease." He snarls into your ear, before your pretty pink skirt is ripped clean off.
You’re pulled back to the office with a sudden wave of guilt and shame. Your face felt like it could light a match and your coffee cup almost slipped from your sweaty hands.
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“Are you alright, Miss? You look like you just remembered an embarrassing dream.” Mr. Walker teases, before he walks on past your desk and towards his own. Fuck. How could you have forgotten that dream until now? How could you have even dreamed something like that up, and with your boss. And that look on his face, it was as if he knew.
You shake your head and face your computer, determined to continue your work and get on with your day. Maybe you could look into therapy later or talk to your best friend about it. Surely there was a completely normal reason for dreaming about your boss being tied up in your basement and then chasing you for some depraved, frustrated sex. Right?
“Ms. Y/S/N, Mr Walker would like to see you in his office, it's urgent.” Fuck.
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haedalkoo · 1 month
Do you have a favorite thing about the way the boys speak as individuals (can be about their general type of speech, words/phrases they use, etc.)? Can be jimin and jungkook or any of bts!
For example, I don't speak korean, but jimin's speech always sounds so soft and comforting. Even when he's not trying to be cute, he still sounds so sweet. Armys joke about kindergarten teacher jimin, but I really do feel like even his voice and speech give that gentle vibe.
This is the cutest thing you could've asked me! Let's go in order:
Namjoon: I love the way he mixes Korean and English so seamlessly. I think he has two modes, Serious-Leader-Speech, very eloquent and straight to the point, carefully chosen words; and Regular Kim Namjoon, still all of those things but super cute, he rambles a lot and mixes languages and tends to use a lot of slang? He def lurks online. But guys, he's also so poetic. He sounds like he's reading a beautiful novel. He always sounds super polite too (when he's calm I guess!! he can get super hyped up lol) but he doesn't slur his words, it's so easy to understand him even though sometimes his vocab is really precise and advanced. OMG AND he doesn't have an accent!! BUT he imitates the members satoori and it's super goofy bc he's not great at it, so it's like his own made-up satoori.
Seokjin: Jin is an amazing speaker. I think the actor training has a lot to do with this, but he has such a good voice for narration and when he speaks in korean interviews he sounds super gentle and eloquent. IDK how to describe it, but he has a v specific tone and pauses in a very unique way, making his tone very melodic and almost like a news anchor hahaha. But when he's talking to the guys he loses that formality and he stresses random words that give him a kind of goofy tone? And he uses a lot of expressions like “야” (yah) or “으아” (euah) as sentence fillers. Again, like Joon, no satoori!
Yoongi: oh he's by far the member I have the most trouble understanding. He slurs his words a lot, starting off somewhat strong but almost losing the entire ending of the sentence. I'm sure you know what I mean even if you don't understand him. A friend once mentioned to me that his pronounciation of the letter ㅆ is not as strong as it should be, tending to sound more like a regular 's' sound like in the letter ㅅ. This is apparently due to his accent! Also, like Joon, to me he tends to sound really poetic, maybe more unconciously than Joon bc I feel like he's really deliberate with his words and Yoongi is more spontaneous. As a sentence filler, he clicks his tongue a lot and sucks in air (something I think JK has also taken from him)
Hoseok: Hobi always brings a smile to my face. I think his accent is the most notable (or maybe I just catch it better than the other's, especially since it's different from the rest of the members' given he's from Jeolla.) His entonation varies a lot, it's very melodic but in an energetic way because of this accent. He also ends sentences with 잉, ing, a lot, which leads to those "said cutely" translations. HE LOOVES onomatopoeias and adding random noises when he's doing things or describing smth. He's just a really fun guy to listen to. I noticed he uses 되게 (dwege) as a filler.
Jimin: you were right, anon. Jimin is incredibly soft-spoken and extremely careful about his words, that's why he tends to mutter or start sentences over and over again to convey the feelings he tries to express. This leads into very long sentences, with a lot of what I call 'pleasing' expressions. This is, Korean (like other Asian languages such as Japanese) is a very indirect language. When you want to express your disagreement with something, you don't straight out say 'I don't like this' or if you're telling someone to do smth differently, you don't say 'be careful next time, don't do that'. You say things like 'in the future, i believe that if you are able to do so it might be benefitial if this issue were handled in a different way' (this is a random example). Your sentences get endless bc you add words and politeness that softens the blow of your different opinion. Jimin does that more than other members who tend to be more blunt, like YG, TH or JK. I think this has changed over the years with the growing international fandom, but he used to sound really informal in his vlives to sound like an old friend with armys. now I think he expresses his outmost respect for us by speaking really formally and in ways that are easy to automatically translate. I also read he has some "feminine" speech patterns, since Kr is a very gendered language in the sense that girls and boys have diff sentence endings or words they use. I think this kinda contributes to how softspoken he is.
Taehyung: Tae's speech is all over the place, but he's extremely sensible and I think he offers the most unique metaphors when he's being sentimental. He's very heartwarming, but sometimes it's hard to understand him because he changes the subject, grammatical order or point of his sentences a lot to adjust to the speed in which things are coming out of his mind. This has gotten better over the years, though. I think age has offered him a sense of calm that allows words to flow better than in the early years of bangtan, where he was an excited puppy. He pauses a lot between sentences, saying "ohh" quite often, and he has a bunch of characteristic filler words like 약간 (yakhan, a bit) or 이제 (ije, now). If you watch the run bts ep where they forbid words for each member, I think ije was one of those for Tae.
Jungkook: guys he's so cute. I'm so grateful that he started doing lives more often, bc I always got the impression he struggled to put his thoughts into words more than other members and that's why he shied away from giving speeches. He still has a lot in his mind, but when he's not in a rush, he pauses a lot and stumbles over his words without shame until he gets the thought out. He speaks really really fast when animated, mumbling and slurring his syllables (that's why it's so hard for me to translate the travel show without proper subs.) We all know he has a lisp, I believe it might be a characteristic of his Busan accent, which is quite present on the regular (in contrast with Jimin, who sometimes forces it out, often around JK. He even joked that he was losing it a little). When he's directing his words to army, he tends to be really soft-spoken and formal, speaking in a way that you know comes from a place in his heart. He also uses a lot of onomatopoeias when describing things, and he adds cute endings to his words just like Hobi (my aegyo kings.)
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st-eve-barnes · 8 months
Leverage (Michael Gavey x fem Reader)
Chapter 5
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Summary: When your ex threatens to release some very personal videos you are left with no choice but to do what he asks: seduce the biggest nerd on campus, Michael Gavey. Will you rock his world or will he fundamentally change yours?
This chapter: You and Michael spend more and more time together, making you forget all about the reason for your arrangement, until Ben reminds you...
Word count: +4300
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male & fem receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
Fluff, smut and of course angst (my favorite combination! lol)
Read the first chapters Here
(I FINALLY watched Saltburn over the weekend and I finally get why people are going crazy over it, I loved it so much!)
All my fics are also on AO3
“Fuck,” you breathed heavily, biting your bottom lip to keep your moans quiet,”Please…right there…oh god, Michael, please.”
Your hands were gripping the sheets, back arching off the bed. Not yours but Michael’s bed. You were in his room, his small but immaculately clean room. And you weren’t here to study math.
The nerd you had never spoken a word two barely three weeks ago was now nestled comfortably in between your legs, half naked and with his tongue so far up your cunt you were close to your 4th orgasm of the afternoon.
“Fuck”, you whined again,”Michael, I…I can’t…it’s too much…please.”
He looked up at you through foggy glasses, his hair a mess, cheeks burning red and his mouth covered in your arousal. The sight alone was too much for you to take and you could feel your walls spasming around nothing.
“Come on, baby, you can give me one more, can’t you?” he asked, but before you could answer he was licking your clit again.
You moaned out loud, hands now tangled in his hair, torn between pushing him away or pulling him in even closer. You were completely overstimulated, yet desperate to come one last time. You were so close yet so far.
“Breathe, sweetheart. Focus on my mouth, nothing else matters, just feel me,” Michael pleaded, his large hand covering yours in a gentle squeeze while he started fucking you with his tongue again.
How was he the one in control all of a sudden? When did this happen?
He’d been nervous as hell when you came up to his room earlier that day, he was fidgety and more quiet than usual. He had asked to meet you for another tutoring session and you’d agreed to meet up in his room.
When you asked him if there was something specific he wanted to try he had blushed so deep and turned into a stuttering mess right before your eyes. The whole thing had made your heart melt for him again.
It had taken him about fifteen minutes to get the words out and ask you for what he wanted, his voice a trembling mix of nerves and hunger combined with curiosity.“I want to eat you out,,” he’d eventually confessed,” I want…to kiss you there, lick you until you can’t stand it no more and then…I want to feel you come on my tongue. Is that…can I, please?”
You had swallowed hard at his words, wetness pooling in your panties at his request.
“Can you teach me?” he begged, insecurity and eagerness in his pleading blue eyes.
He’d been too rough at first, too eager and too nervous to let himself enjoy it but once you guided him through it, told him to focus on your body and the way it reacted to him, he’d gotten the hang of it so fast.
That was two hours ago and apparently it had been enough to turn Michael into a pussy eating champion.
Right now he was kissing your clit, slowly, giving you some time to calm down and prepare you for your next climax. He knew your body couldn’t take much more but he was determined to make you fall apart for him one last time. The feeling of you surrendering to him, soaking his mouth in your arousal, made him feel all powerful. It was addictive as fuck, and it only made him want more and more.
His one hand was firmly placed on your inner thigh, keeping you open for him while the other explored every part of your body he could reach, caressing your skin and moving up to squeeze your tits every now and then.
He’d been hard the moment you had taken off your clothes but he was happy to ignore his own needs to focus on yours today.
You moaned when his mouth moved down and he pushed his tongue deep inside of you, nose pressing up deliciously against your clit, encouraging you to grind against him.
“Fuck,” you whimpered,”Oh god, please…please…”
Michael looked up at you with a smirk,”What are you begging for, sweetheart? Tell me.”
“Can I…grind against your face a little, please?” you begged, taken aback by the desperation in your own voice. He had you reduced to a whimpering, pleading mess and you didn’t even care.
“Of course you can, sweetheart,” he answered with a satisfied grin and he grabbed both your legs and pulled them over his shoulders, dragging you even closer.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you whispered hesitantly.
“You won’t,” he reassured you and he gave one slow lick over your folds before sucking gently on your clit.
“Oh god,” you whimpered,”Don’t stop…please. Please, Michael, don’t stop…shit…”
He halted his movements to lock eyes with you for a moment,”I won’t stop until you come in my mouth, okay? I want you to…take what you need, ride my face, do whatever….okay?”
You had lost the ability to speak but you nodded quickly, biting your lip.
Just before he put his mouth back on you, you stopped him. “Wait!”
“What?” Michael asked.
“If I’m hurting you just…double tap on my thigh here, okay? And I’ll stop.”
“You’re not going to hurt me,” he smiled softly,”Relax for me, okay?”
You nodded again and then all your hesitations fell away when his tongue pushed deep inside your walls.
It didn’t take long for you to do what he asked of you and grind yourself against his face. His nose rubbing your clit in the most perfect way and then you were falling apart. Your entire body started shaking and Michael didn’t relent, licking you through every last wave of it until you thought you had ascended to a better place. Your body, and soul, were completely spent afterwards.
Michael’s hand found yours again, locking your fingers together and gently rubbing your skin with his thumb while he kept slowly kissing your folds and then your inner thighs and stomach, his kisses slowing down with the rhythm of your heart. Your hands found his hair and you caressed his scalp gently, his name a quiet whisper on your lips, putting a smile on his face.
He stayed in bed with you the rest of that afternoon, never pushing for anything more except to hold you and talk to you. Michael may have grown bolder in his pillow talk during these last two weeks you’d been seeing each other, but outside of that he was still a closed book and a mystery to you. You were still trying to get him to come out of his shell and get to know him better, page by page.
“Tell me about your parents,” you asked as you both lay against the head of the bed, his head on your stomach and your hands gently tracing patterns over his shoulders and back.
“Not much to tell,” he shrugged,”They both have mediocre jobs and a mediocre life, working for rich cunts that make all the money while my parents work their buts off and barely make enough to get by.”
The bitterness in his tone was harsh and unforgiving.
“My dad works overtime every week and they still can’t afford a nice holiday or a bigger house,” he continued,”And they never will, because the system fucks people like them.”
You caressed his hair and he sighed softly before looking up into your eyes.
“That’s not going to be my life,” he then said, determined.
You gave him a warm smile,”There’s nothing mediocre about you, Michael Gavey.”
His lips curled into a gentle smile when he met your eyes.”My mum noticed I was different very early on, I was always smarter than all the other kids, especially when it came to numbers and stuff. I could just do it, without even thinking. But…other kids didn’t understand, they thought I was a weirdo. It got worse in high school, got bullied a lot.”
His eyes left yours and he gently pressed his face into the crook of your neck while he closed his eyes, pushing away those memories. Your arms wrapped around him to hug him closer.
“Kids can be cruel,” you spoke softly,”Especially at the age where they should know better.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, coming back to you and looking at you again,”Anyway, I know I’m smarter than all those pricks and my future will be brighter than theirs, and better than mum and dad’s. That’s why I don’t believe in wasting time with stupid distractions like drinking and partying. Graduating is the only thing that matters.”
”So…what is this then? You and me? Is this not a distraction from your big studies?” you teased.
He smiled bashfully and moved to place himself on top of you, caging you between his arms,”This is not a distraction, this is…gaining some much needed experience and useful skills that will serve me well later on in life.” He softly kissed your jaw and you laughed.
“Is that so?”
“Hmm, you are an amazing tutor and you’ve been really good to me ,” he continued while moving his kisses down your neck and pressing himself up against you. He was hard again. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders while his hands moved to push up your top, to reveal yourself to him again. “So, so good to me,” he repeated in a whisper before his tongue circled around your nipple and he bucked his hips, letting you feel his full clothed erection against your bare center.
“Michael,” you moaned.
“Can I fuck you now? Please?” he breathed against your skin.
You nodded instantly, pushed his sweatpants over his ass and welcomed him in between your tight, wet heat.
During the next few weeks you kept meeting up with him as often as you both could, sneaking off to either his or your room to spend the night in bed together. He was still a little insecure at times but the awkward virgin from the beginning was slowly starting to transform into someone bolder and more confident, not just in his actions but his words as well.
You had gotten to know him better than anyone in this short period of time. Sometimes you still wanted to kick him in the head for how blunt he could be, but he always made up for it with his sweet, adorable side. And with sex, of course.
You were starting to forget what started this whole thing between you and him.
But of course Ben was there to remind you.
You had just picked up some books from the library and were on your way out when he intercepted you in one of the corridors. He blocked your way out, arms crossed over his chest and a smug grin on his face.
“What?” you sighed annoyed.
“I underestimated you, I didn’t think you could actually do it,” he simply stated.
“Do what?”
“Fuck him stupid.”
“That’s not…that’s not what happened,” you sighed impatiently. You just wanted to get to your room and get some studying done before meeting up with Michael later and most of all you wanted to get away from Ben but he wasn’t budging.
“Are you sure?” he teased,”Because he messed up so bad in class today, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own two eyes, Michael Gavey lost for words and unable to answer a question, I never thought I’d see the fucking day. It was so awesome, you should have been there.”
He laughed and your stomach turned.
“What happened?” you asked, worried.
“I don’t know, you tell me, it was a basic question even I could have answered but he totally fucking short circuited or something. What did your pussy do to him, darling?”
It took everything in you not to hit him for real this time but you took a deep breath and looked into his eyes,”First of all, I’m not your darling, don’t call me that, ever again. And secondly, you’ve lost all rights to talk or even think about my pussy so shut the fuck up.”
He just shrugged,”Fine, whatever, it wasn’t that great anyway.”
Now it was your turn to laugh,”Your dick obviously disagreed with that, if I recall correctly he couldn’t get enough of it.”
He rolled his eyes but you could see a little crack in his armor,”I can’t talk about your cunt but you talking about my dick is fine? Double standards much?”
“You are the dick, Ben,” you pointed out, earning you another laugh from him before his eyes rested on yours.
“He fucks you as good as I did then?” he asked.
“Better,” you answered with a smug smile on your face,”So much better.”
Finally he had no come back and stayed quiet.
“Now, if you please get out of my way so I can go see him,” you  asked but you didn’t wait for him to move, one hand pushing his shoulder so you could step past him.
“The test for that job is next week,” Ben pointed out, making you stop in your tracks.
“And? You know what our deal was, don’t you? You distract Michael so he fails the test and I can take his spot.”
“Look, I’m not responsible for what happens with that test. I’ve fucked him, like you asked.”
Ben just shook his head,”And it all means nothing unless I win that position.”
You turned back to look at him, your newly found confidence fading quickly when you met the determination in his eyes and realized you were completely fucked in this scenario.
”But…there’s nothing I can do about that,” you pointed out hesitantly,”I’ve done what you asked of me, what else can I do?”
That smug annoying ass grin was back on his face,”That’s not my problem, darling, I’m sure you’ll think of something. Don’t sweat it, there’s still time.”
And with that he was gone.
Michael noticed your teary eyes as soon as he walked into your room that night. You were sitting on your side of the bed, trying very hard not to show him how upset you were.
“Oh, hi,” you tried to give him your best smile but he saw right through it.
Having spent more and more time together he could read you better than anyone by now.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing,” you tried to brush it off, shrugging your shoulders and looking up at him, fake smile plastered on your face,”How was your day? Did you do anything fun?”
Michael snorted.”Fun? No, not really,” he stepped to your side of the bed and sat down, a little grin spreading on his lips,”But I’m about to do something fun now.”
The tone in his voice made you laugh and you could not be more grateful for it, because for a moment you forgot your tears.”Oh, you are?” you teased.
Michael crawled onto the bed until he was lying on your pillow, his hand reaching out to grab yours and pull you with him. You followed eagerly, straddling his lap.
“But first,” he interrupted you,”You’re going to talk to me. What happened today? What got you so upset?”
“I’m not upset,” you lied, annoyed,“And I don’t want to talk, I want to fuck.”
“We’re not fucking until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Oh really?” you teased him and you rolled your hips against his crotch, feeling him instantly harden beneath you.
Michael pulled his bottom lip between his teeth to bite back a moan, his hands grabbing your waist to try and hold you still,”Stop that, that’s not…fair..shit.”
You continued your efforts, dragging your clothed pussy over his cock while your hand sank underneath his shirt to caress his stomach. His cock was so hard already you barely had to do anything else. The power you held over him was intoxicating but then Michael grabbed your hands, a bit more forcefully this time while he stared into your eyes.
“I said fucking stop that and talk to me,” he insisted, raising his voice a little but that only spurred you on and when you bucked your hips against him harder his protest died in a needy moan.
“You were saying?” you teased him again, biting your own lip now.
You were only wearing panties underneath your long t-shirt and you could feel him press up against your clit too perfectly. You could probably come just from doing this, he wouldn’t even have to take his pants off.
Michael’s fingers sank into your hips and you could see the dilemma playing in his head. Does he give in or does he keep pushing for you to open up to him? You could tell he was close to losing the battle.
“You’re the student,” you reminded him, placing your hands on his chest,”I’m the tutor. I decide what happens next.”
Before you could make your next move Michael grabbed your ass and moved you off of him, then pushed you down onto the bed and switched positions with you. He was pinning you down to the bed now, a look of victory in his beautiful blue eyes.
“You were saying?” he teased with a smirk.
You were too stunned to speak for a moment. You tried to move your hips again, trying to regain control but he was the one in the position of power now, his weight strong enough to hold you down on the bed without even trying.
“And thus the student becomes the master,” Michael teased with a dorky grin.
“Master?” you scoffed,”Please, you are so full of yourself.”
“No, I’m not,” he denied and he leaned closer to press his lips to your ear, ”But you’d like to be, wouldn’t you? Full of me.”
He pressed his dick up against your clothed pussy to accentuate his words and you knew you were leaving a wet stain on his cargo pants when he started dry humping you.
“Michael,” you whined.
“Are you sure you’re in charge here, sweetheart?” he continued his teasing, biting your earlobe,”Rubbing that wet little cunt all over my dick like a pathetic needy whore that can’t wait to be filled.”
“Fuck,” you whimpered,”Hey, that’s not…that’s not fair! We haven’t covered dirty talk yet, you can’t…fuck…you can’t run ahead of the lessons like that. How did you…?”
Michael just laughed into your neck,”I’m a fucking genius, did you forget? Self study. Now stay still.”
He tried to hold you down with one hand while the other unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down to free his cock.
Now it was your turn to feel victorious and you smirked up at him.“I thought we weren’t fucking before I talked?” you reminded him.
“Change of plans,” he simply stated while spreading your legs and pressing his leaking cock against your folds,”I’ll fuck you first and then we’ll talk.”
Without any further warning he sank his cock deep inside your tight heat, shutting you both up.
Michael pressed his forehead to yours and let out a shaky breath, his gaze locking with yours, taking a few moments before he started fucking you slowly.
Your legs locked around him, forcing him in deeper and he whimpered against your neck.“God, fuck.”
“Go on then, master,” you teased,”Show me what you’ve learned.”
His one hand came to rest on your hip, caressing you softly while his mouth hovered over the curve of your neck. His breath was like fire on your skin, his thrusts slow and patient. Too slow, too shallow, you needed so much more of him and he was holding it just beyond your reach. He was purposely teasing you. And by god was it working.
“Please,” you begged.
“Please what, baby?” Michael breathed.
“More,” you whispered,”I need more of you, please.”
You sighed in relief when he finally started kissing your neck. His hand travelled up and under your shirt to caress your tits, thumb brushing over your nipples when he squeezed softly. You couldn’t hold back your moans any longer.
Your hips were moving along with his, urging him on to speed things up.
“Shhh,” Michael shushed you with more kisses and pushed your shirt up higher,”Take this off.”
You obliged so eagerly it put a satisfied smile on his face. Then his kisses moved down lower until his mouth wrapped around your nipple.
“Michael,” you whined, arching into him and running your fingers through his hair.
He continued giving your breasts his full attention until he felt your walls starting to squeeze around him.
“Oh, you like that a lot, huh?” he grinned proudly, continuing his slow torture with his tongue, all the while keeping eye contact.
You nodded and bit your lip,”God, yes…don’t stop.”
“Am I a good student, miss?” he asked with a teasing smile.
You no longer had to answer him with words, your pussy was doing it for you, clenching hard as your first orgasm started. Michael’s hand moved down to your clit, circling it fast and helping you to fall over the edge with a desperate moan, face buried into his neck.
It didn’t take long for Michael to pick up the pace after that, there were no more teasing words, only desperate little moans as he fucked you into the mattress until you both came again.
“Fuck, you’re becoming way too good at this,” you breathed as you were both lying on the bed afterwards, coming down from the high.”Soon you won’t need my tutoring anymore, huh?” you teased.
Michael looked at you with a sudden serious expression on his face,”No, but…I…I still need so much practice, I was just kidding around when I said that master thing, you know, I didn’t mean…”
“Chill out, I’m just messing with you,” you reassured him.
He gave you a hesitant, hopeful smile,”So we can keep fucking?”
You laughed and nodded your head,”Yeah, we can keep fucking, if you’d like.”
“Cool,” he smiled, more confident now and he turned on his side to look at you,”Yeah, I would like that.”
He was wearing nothing but his boxers, you were only wearing his t-shirt and it surprised you how comfortable you felt around him like this. There was no need to pretend with Michael, he accepted you exactly as you were. He wanted you exactly as you were.
Michael noticed your thoughts drifting off.
“Hey, talk to me,” he urged you.
You looked into his eyes with a sigh, knowing you couldn’t keep avoiding it forever.
“It’s Ben, I ran into him earlier,” you confessed.
“What did he do now?”
“The test for that job is next week.”
“Yeah, and?”
“He felt the need to remind me that…if you get the job, me and him don’t have a deal and he’s going to spread that video,” you told him.
Michael looked at you for a moment before he gently took your hand in his, locking his fingers with yours while his thumb brushed your skin. “Then I won’t take the job,” he simply stated, making you look up at him in shock.
You shook your head,”No, what? Are you mad? You want that job.”
He shrugged his shoulders,”Not if it’s going to ruin your life.”
“No,” you insisted,”I can’t let you do that for me, this is your future, everything you’ve worked for.”
“It’s my decision, okay?” Michael reminded you with a little smile but you just hit him on the shoulder.
“You’re not thinking straight right now, you’re thinking with your dick, Michael! The Michael I knew a few weeks ago would have never…”
“The Michael you knew?” he laughed,”You never even looked at me twice before then, babe, you sure as hell didn’t know shit about me a few weeks ago, don’t act like you knew me,” he interrupted you, his gaze meeting yours in a serious look. You stayed quiet.
“He said something else as well,” you then spoke softly,”He told me you messed up in class.”
Michael rolled his eyes,”That was nothing, it happens to anyone.”
“But not to you though, does it?”
Your eyes locked with his and he nodded his head with a sigh.”Not usually, no,” he confessed.
“What happened?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he lied.
“It’s me, isn’t it? I’m a distraction.”
“No, you’re not,” he tried to reassure you,”I was just tired.”
“Because I kept you up all night!” you pointed out but Michael kept shaking his head, not allowing you to take any blame.
“Sweetheart,” he sighed.
”I don’t want this, okay?” you spoke firmly,”You being distracted in class, passing up on the biggest opportunity in your life? For me? I don’t want that responsibility, Michael. You told me just last week how important this all is for you, how it’s everything that matters and you’re going to make a better life for yourself. How can I stand in the way of that?”
He sighed and nodded his head, finally letting your words sink in.
“Promise me you’ll take the test and get that job,” you asked him,”Promise me, Gavey.”
“Okay, fine,” he nodded, finally caving and letting his eyes meet yours,”I promise, I’ll take the job and we’ll just…we’ll find another way to deal with Ben.”
You laughed bitterly,“What other way?”
“I know someone who might be able to help us, it’s a bit of a long shot but…”
“I don’t know, Michael, maybe I should just accept my fate," you sighed defeated.
“No, come on, don’t give up,” he grabbed your hand again and placed a quick kiss on your knuckles,”We can think of something, we can still find a scenario in which we both win.”
You gave him a smile but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. You wanted to believe him, wanted to believe there was a way out of this.
But you just couldn’t see a scenario in which you could both win.
There was one in which you both lose, and it was closing in on you sooner than you’d like.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
do NOT kill Tim
stop being mean to tim in your fics when Bruce is right there to be mean to
let Tim run off and get into shenanigans with his friends while Gotham burns
maybe give tim amnesia and somehow gets reported as dead on a yj mission and his friends help him recover and accidentally on purpose don't mention anything about Gotham except Cass who is his sister and their friend so she's allowed and she sees Tim happy for the first time in so long that she goes along with letting Tim remember, or not, in his own time
and maybe he does remember, when they're in space and too far from Gotham for Tim to immediately rush back and try to fix things because fixing things, trying to help, has always been his first impulse, and he's convinced to wait, to see if anyone tries reaching out to him instead
and he becomes resigned as only cass reaches out, as the rest of the bats just accept that he's dead, without even a body, with just one line in a mission report, a mission report that they didn't even read, the bat computer just noted key words and updated red robin's profile accordingly in its system and no one noticed until someone mentioned that red robin had no patrol routes assigned for awhile and then the profile is brought up
and in the meantime space shenanigans for yj, including the retired ones, and cass who wants her brother to be happy
I mean... you're 100% fair in that I should emotionally beat up Bruce instead in my fics. I do have one where Tim leaves the Bats/Gotham. He has a goodbye conversation with Dick, Jason, and Damian, tries to have one with Bruce, and leaves a video/note for Alfred and Babs. I'd love to chat more about what he does afterwards if anyone wants to know more.
So... I have one fic where he leaves the Bats. There :)
As far as the rest of your ask, I'm so vibing with the amnesia. Let Tim get into wild adventures with his friends (family) and have Cass stop by to say hello. Maybe Tim goes to see her a bunch since he's no longer stuck in Gotham (if Cass is still based in Hong Kong).
I also absolutely love the idea where he gets his memories back in space and spends the entire trip back to Earth processing his thoughts. Should he go back? It's all he's known, but should he try to help out the Waynes some more? Tim is still doing good. He's still helping people. He's just no longer helping specifically Gotham and the Bats.
The part where the Bats don't notice he's dead is cruel and so delicious. Very tasty angst.
I'd also kill for Cass's POV in this (maybe a few chapters), where she discovers Tim is amnesiac, starts to realize the other Bats don't notice or seem to care about Tim (it's hard to understand the way you or a family member is being treated is wrong if that's "normal"), has her own growth and realizations about the Bats, and has complicated feelings about loving the people who are usually good to her but usually bad to Tim (in this AU).
I don't know as much about Cass's canon, but I would be interested to hear more about how her canon could or could not apply to this.
Then let the Bats have a meltdown that Tim is "dead" including their own warped perceptions of how they DO care/love Tim. Maybe they blame Tim for being distant, blame themselves, and try to hunt down who killed Tim. Let them remember certain interactions with Tim that RR remembers differently. Let the Bats be grey in their relationship with Tim because they never did mean to hurt him [they never realized that they did].
Just fun complexities of dysfunctional families :)
Moving on, let Tim be free from the Bats as they all collapse and chat about him. He can have his space adventures far from the chaos as they implode (perhaps the Bats try to take Gotham with them, and the JL has to get involved).
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