#i hope its ok for me to tag those lol
undermostcorgi · 4 months
the media which consumes your entire soul at age 12 will forever be a part of you. this is an unavoidable consequence of living and you have to accept this fact. no matter how old you get, no matter how long it has been since you last saw its smug face peeking out from the bushes as it follows you, no matter if you think you have outrun it for good and that you're finally finally safe and you hardly even remember it exists anymore and your brain knows a few brief moments of true peace, it WILL catch up to you in your moment of weakness. and listen you don't want to hear this but sometimes this is necessary for your mental health. you will on instinct want to reject it and run away again but sometimes. sometimes you just need to watch that old show or listen to that silly song or read that weird book again as an adult and it will hurt you a little bit in various little ways but it will also heal you a little bit. you can call it nostalgia you can call it connecting with your inner child or whatever you want but just listen to me it WILL HAPPEN TO YOU TOO AT SOME POINT AND YOU HAVE TO BE PREPARED FOR THIS (i am forcibly dragged off the stage by security)
#heed my warning boy#it seems i am not well today#recently made the reluctant decision to revisit what was probably my VERY FIRST real hyperfixation#something that i don't necessarily want to mention by name right now because. well#its pretty objectively bad LOL like i dont think i know of ANYONE still posting about it or really proud of having liked it back in the day#i dont think it is as well known to the general public so it wont get me hunted down for sport even if i did name it probably hopefully#but for those who know its. probably not the best thing to be revisiting lmao (even though i think it might still be being made?? wtf)#but i felt i had to because i was about to start my period and was going crazy insane like you do you know how it is#and i randomly remembered a fanfic i loved and then remembered my fav character and how much i loved him#my actual first ever blorbo oh my GOD he was everything to me#so i reluctantly decided to rewatch “just the first few episodes” just to see how much i remembered and also to prove to myself it sucks#but surprise surprise: nostalgia and hormones are making me actually kind of enjoy it#and now i am suffering from fucking Catholic-like Guilt for not hating it which i think is pretty silly lmao#so im kind of posting this in an attempt to convince myself that its like. FINE and cringe is dead and all that#and that sometimes i gotta be nice to my little mentally ill brain and give it the junk food (bad media) it craves#ESPECIALLY when im on my period LMAO#anyway completely unrelated: why the FUCK do i still remember almost every single fucking word to the delicious tomato song SDHJFKSAJF#i hope no one actually reads this far in the tags bc i know that reveal will probably deal psychological damage to some of you LMAO SORRYYY#ok yeah posting this and then immediately going to bed so that the Haters cant reach me LOL SEE YA
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oatbugs · 2 years
do u ever get the beautiful dooming calming feeling that all of this right now is Out Of Time your entire world and all you know as even axiomatically true is Out Of Time and this is the flash happening before you die and it's not 19 or 20 or 80 years it is just a simultaneous moment at which you hallucinate and reflect and create . am i on my deathbed and if i am does it matter ? (there is still the reflections of light on water + the sky around the stars)
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thatdeadaquarius · 4 months
Ok but polygot reader who's like a pro singer who sings im all the languages they know all across teyvat cuz y not <3
Having a duet with yunjin and xinyan
Harmonising with barbara
Singing for nilou's dance
Orah my beloved genius you <333
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Orbit: Short Headcanons-ish
Stars: mostly Mond/Liyue characters, mentions of other singers/musicians
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known. & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
U get to sing a solo with Barbara yes!!
but u know whats more important? whos more hype abt ur songs/diff languages???
Venti is.
Venti is vibrating with barely contained manic energy
poor guy is sick of always being familiar with songs, nothing is "new" to him, but ur songs?? they're from a different world, and he can't know any of them!!!
Venti's has a surprising amount of strength in those noodle arms bc ur suffocating in his hug rn-
He is constantly begging asking you to sing for him, sing in public, he'll put you on the Barbatos statue hands just so everyone can hear you,
constantly pleading politely requesting if he can lay in your lap under the Windrise tree while you sing slow songs
Hogs you from Barbara, Klee, and anyone else in Mondstadt who would want to personally hear ur singing/duet with you lmao
u had to bring in the cavalry (Rex Lapis/Zhongli) to get a week away from him lol
luckily the retired god was more than motivated to bring u to Liyue, after all he spends a fair amount of his time listening to operas/music
Yunjin blew ur eardrums out of excitement the first time u copied her singing perfectly, kidnapped u for an entire week of festivities where u were the special singer guest <33
Xinyan looked at you like u hung the stars in the sky for both playing a little guitar/singing to her rock music (as she's used to instrumental rock so far bc its been just her)
Qiqi, Klee, Yao yao, Diona all ask (in their own ways lol) for lullabies,
they each wanted you to sing to them every night but it wasn't possible... so u got cloud retainer to invent a machine to record some lullabies you've sung in each of their countries languages so they can sleep 🥺<333
and the dancers.
you cannot escape the dancers.
Nilou, yunjin, eula, gaming, ayaka, doesn't matter, u cannot have peace.
u will sing for them all at some point, u will have repeated performances, u will attract crowds, u will be going on a world tour
(Lyney has also kidnapped u for his magic shows to show off ur singing in French)
finally scheduled a post and am able to rlly get at my asks more frequently now thank goodness
im so ready to open ask box again 😭😭
hope u guys have a fun Tuesday!! :)
Safe Travels 0rah,
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(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
♡the beloveds♡
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starglitterz · 2 months
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❝ hey, pretty stranger, i think you look cute! can i get your number? i wanna know you. // cute encounters with genshin guys on the bus.  ❞
✧ feat ; childe, heizou, xiao x gn!reader ✧ warning(s) ; childe’s can be viewed as platonic ✧ a/n ; so i think the bus at my university is like. a meet-cute spot for me or something HAHAHA here are a couple of drabbles based on my irl experiences <3 ! shout out to my one irl that has to listen to me being delusional all the time LOL ur a real one (she’s never going to see this). also the title has no relation to the fic at all sorry i just could not think of a title for the life of me so i just went with a random vocaloid song JDSJDJS ok bye i hope u enjoy this!!
please reblog w tags + leave comments ! it rlly makes my day :)
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✦ CHILDE. [ tartaglia ]
“childe? is that you?” you grin, leaning over the back of your seat as you realise who’s sitting behind you, “i didn’t know you take the bus back too!” his face cracks into a wide beam upon noticing you, “y/n! hi! i do sometimes when i’m too tired to walk.” and just like that, the two of you start talking excitedly – you’re classmates, though you aren’t too close you both still consider each other friends, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to instead of staring out the window at the rain with your earphones plugged in to pretend you’re in a music video. 
somehow, the conversation turns to birthdays, and as childe asks when yours is, you smirk, “it’s today!” you swear his blue eyes open so big you’re worried they might just tumble out of his head as he gasps, “what?! today?! so you’re turning a year older today?!” “yeah!” you nod, giggling at his exaggerated reaction. “nah, you’ve got to come here so i can wish you properly,” he shakes his head seriously, and you tilt your head in confusion, “there’s someone sitting beside you already though…”
you shouldn’t have doubted the one and only tartaglia for even a moment, because the next second, he turns to the man beside him with zero hesitation and gives them the most blinding persuasive smile ever, “hey! would you mind switching seats with my friend over there? it’s their birthday, and i really want to wish them!” “childe!” you scold, heat rushing to your face at his casual confession to this total stranger, “stop disturbing random people!” “but it’s your birthday!” he replies innocently, ocean eyes gleaming aquamarine. the man beside him seems a little confused by childe’s demeanour, but he’s probably more scared of what his reaction would be if he said no, so he nods, “sure, i guess…” and as the bus rattles along its familiar route, you switch places with the stranger, profuse thanks spilling from your lips before you fix childe with a scolding gaze. 
“hey, it worked!” he raises his hands in surrender, only to quickly grasp yours and shake it heartily, “happy birthday, comrade!” you laugh, shaking your head, “you’re so silly. thank you, childe.” you both hide your chuckles as you joke about the poor guy that had to switch with you, and you tease and banter with each other all the way to the train station.
✦ SHIKANOIN HEIZOU. [ analytical harmony ]
it has been a long day. not necessarily bad, but one of those days where the universe seems to be conspiring against you to make every small thing go wrong enough to get on your nerves. right now, you’re at your wits end as you stumble onto the bus, sending the bus driver a sheepish smile when your card only buzzes on the third tap. your eyes scan the interior – almost all of the seats are occupied, and your friend has skipped ahead to sit with someone else she knows. 
but your gaze stops short on a maroon-haired guy looking out the window, and with an internal cheer you realise that the seat next to him is empty and quickly slide into it. now that you’re closer, you notice that he’s actually quite handsome; all fluffy maroon hair and forest green eyes with a few moles dotted across his pale skin. you’re so busy staring that you don’t realise he’s trying to tell you something until he clears his throat. “y-yeah?!” you stutter in surprise at his sudden attempt at conversation. that was a dumb reply. now you’re staring at him with wide eyes as he softly asks, “um, is that your wallet?”
you look at the floor where he’s pointing, only to realise with horror: that is your wallet! “oh… hahaha, that is mine. thank you,” you’re ninety percent sure you are giving off the worst first impression of all time with your stupid responses. it’s almost like you’ve never spoken to another human being in your life. and what’s with your outfit?! of course the one day you don’t dress up is the day you end up sitting next to the world’s cutest stranger. as you bend down to pick up your wallet, you silently curse your unlucky stars. you dropped your purse in front of a cute guy! can this day get any worse?! 
famous last words.
because two seconds later, you’re trying to sit up straight again, and you hit your head on the hard back of the seat in front of yours. even worse, you groan loudly, “ow!” “holy archons… are you okay?” the stranger beside you gasps, although as you rub your head and look at them, it’s pretty obvious that they’re trying to hold back laughter. you’re torn between laughing or crying your eyes out, but the humour of the absolutely idiotic situation you’re in kicks in and you end up giggling even as you’re wincing in pain, “i’m fine, thank you… i promise i’m not usually this clumsy.” “really?” he quirks an eyebrow with a teasing smile, “could’ve fooled me.” “hey!” you pout, folding your arms across your chest in playful offence, “i know i might have just made the worst first impression ever, but i swear i’m a lot cooler!” “i’ll be the judge of that,” his gaze softens and he tilts his head, “i’m heizou, by the way.” “i’m y/n! let’s restart this whole thing – it’s nice to meet you!”
luckily for you, the bus is stuck in traffic, and the two of you end up talking about everything under the sun on the long journey to the train station. you aren’t certain if he’s convinced that you’re cool yet, but you’ll definitely keep working on it – even if it’s only to see the way his cute dimples appear whenever his features crease into a smile at your jokes. 
✦ XIAO. [ vigilant yaksha ]
it’s been a tiring day of an exhausting course. but at the very least, you’ve got your new friend to complain to as the two of you wait for the bus. “you know, i was so glad you asked me to join your group!” you grin at xiao, adjusting your tote bag. “it’s no big deal… you were alone, so i thought you could join us,” he gives you a soft smile, jade streaks of hair framing his face as they peek out from under his dark cap. “yeah, but still! it’s so difficult to make friends when the classes are so huge, so it was really nice of you.” “that’s true. you’re the first person i’m talking to outside class,” he nods in agreement. his casual statement makes you remember that you’re a professional yapper and you panic, “oh! by the way, if i’m talking too much, just tell me to shut up! i talk a lot, so that’s totally fine.” he chuckles, and his response makes a happy smile grace your lips, “no, it’s okay. i prefer listening, so it’s fine if you talk a lot.” so talk is what you do until the bus finally rumbles into the bus stop. 
the constant bumping of the bus on the rough roads combined with the soothing noise of the rain tapping against the window makes you drowsy, and you turn to xiao, “if i fall asleep before we reach the train station, you better wake me up, okay? don’t abandon me on the bus and just go home!” the corner of his lips quirk up into what might be a teasing smile, “no promises.” but when he sees your distraught expression, he reassures you, “just kidding. i’ll wake you up.” “okay…” you mumble a response, and within a few seconds, you’re asleep, head lolling forward as the bus continues along. you don’t usually fall asleep on public transport, far too worried that you’ll miss your stop and end up on the other end of teyvat, but with xiao beside you, you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?
you’re in the middle of a very nice dream when you hear xiao’s soft voice calling you, “y/n?” and his tone is so gentle, like he didn’t want to startle you, that it almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you stretch a little, eyes flickering open before sliding shut again, “mmm…” “we’re almost there,” he murmurs. and there it is again, that soft, gentle voice that you swear sounds like honey. you’re almost going to pass out, and definitely not from sleepiness. “okay… i’m awake.” you manage a smile, and he tilts his head almost worriedly, “don’t fall asleep on the train.” “i won’t!” you grin widely as you hop off the bus, hoping that shows how you’re 100% awake right now, and he smiles, “okay then, i’ll see you tomorrow.” 
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bahaha these are very messy but i just needed to get these out of my system before i went insane i think i should take the bus more often 😋 also yes these are all 100% experienced by yours truly and have not even been exaggerated for the sake of this fic // general masterlist
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog and leave comments if you enjoyed !
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catsfor2 · 1 year
hit me, part 2.5 (bonus baby)
wc: 1.1k, unedited warnings: swearing/language a/n: im sooooo tired so im sorry if this stinks. but anyway. I hope you guys like it regardless. ALSO wanted to also remind everyone that my requests are wide open ;)!! tags: @elliewilliamsmunch@intrnetdoll@me-and-your-husband@3zae-zae3@milahnoz@elliescumm@dragonasflowercrown@starpix@nopealoupe@annamommyy@muthafuckingstargirl
part 1
part 1.5
part 2
Another meek chime rings out from your bed, calling to you, forcing you to slam your textbook shut out of frustration.
You’d been studying for maybe four hours at this point. It was far past dark, the sky now an opaque charcoal. Your eyes are aching. Your back is sore. It was time to take a break.
You hop on your bed, body weight causing it to gently bounce you up and down a few times.
You click your phone on.
New message from (+14556768854)
New message from (+14556768854)
Image from (+14556768854)
New message from (+14556768854)
New message from (+14556768854)
You hesitantly open it up, eyes squinting and head shunned like it might be something unsavory.
can u tell me if this looks serious
IMG_5354 [Click to Download]
pls respond
Your heart lurches.
These texts were from Ellie.
Instantly on edge, and you frantically poke the image link to see it, tapping it repeatedly as if that would speed it up. It buffers, agonizingly, and you prepare yourself to see a grotesque and mangled amalgamation of colors in the next few seconds.
It finally loads.
You scan it quickly, studying and prodding the image with your eyes.
Your mouth flattens.
It’s…just a picture of her flexing.
Your thumbs type at an alarming speed.
that was not fuckijng funny
You throw your phone back at your mattress, deciding to ignore whatever nonsense Ellie will respond with.
It chimes immediately.
You regretfully pick it back up, still angry, and open to read what she says.
“…Fucking stupid…” you mutter, already typing at your response.
im serious
thats not why i gave u my number
why then
You roll your eyes, memory already recalling a couple of days ago, where you very clearly and very obviously told her why.
for emergencies
or if u need me for something important idk
i dont wanna see your thirst traps
You knew that last part was a lie before you even typed it out. That picture she sent was not what you were expecting, but it still turned your insides to mush. It still had you a bit uneasy, nauseous even. Ellie had power over your body like that.
i have an emergency
really bad one
You wait on her answer, skeptically, watching those three dots dance around in circles.
im hungry
You let out a sigh.
Then you click your phone off, throwing it elsewhere, and dejectedly gazing at the textbook sitting on your desk. Your professor would want you to, right?
Your phone interrupts you again, noisily snatching your attention with its sounds and jostling your focus from the book.
The sounds don’t stop.
Fuck, you think. Your phone is ringing.
You jerk to pick it up, fingers fumbling it, until finally you’re able to click ‘answer’ and bring it to your ear.
You’re quiet, hoping Ellie will speak first.
“Hi.” a voice says, and you quickly connect that it’s just Ellie’s, sleep riddled and raspy.
“So…what’d you think?”
Your eyebrows crease.
“Of what?”
“'Of what?' Of my fuckin’ progress, that’s what! Anthony has me eating, like, six whole chickens a week.” she boasts.
“Oh. I didn’t really…see?…I guess? I don’t know…”
“I mean—I’ve gained almost 30 this year.”
You remain confused. Is that a lot…?
Ellie must understand your silence for what it is and continues.
“Pounds, princess. Muscle. I’m getting fuckin’ huge.”
“Okay—I got it now. Um…congrats, then.”
“What, that’s it? That’s all you got for me?”
“I—I don’t know!” you defend, voice coming out a bit louder and higher. “Your muscles look—like, big, all the time! I can’t tell the difference!”
She laughs loudly into the receiver, and you can’t help the smile you wear, hearing it so amplified in your ear.
“You need more pictures? I got more pictures.” she assures.
Simultaneous with her voice, you feel the sharp vibration and hear the dingy chime of your phone.
“Just took that one. You should look at it.” she adds, tone low but casual.
You deeply blush, feeling exposed despite being so alone in your bedroom.
“…Okay.” you agree, sliding the phone off your face to open it up.
A mirror reflection of Ellie’s back fills your screen, stretched and taut into a flexed pose. Her arms are out beside her head, clenched impossibly tight, in effort to completely portray her physique. Your eyes flick down, noticing in the image that she’s wearing only boxers.
She just took that picture?
The air in your room feels warmer, hotter than ever, so you strip down to a tank top and underwear. It feels wrong, almost. Talking to Ellie with this much skin showing. Her not knowing.
“Hello? You there?” Ellie loudly repeats over the speaker, audio fuzzy and weak.
You grasp your phone back up, stuttering out a response.
“Yeah—yes, here. I’m here.”
“'Kay. Your turn.”
You almost drop the device completely.
“My turn?”
“Fair’s only fair, right?”
“…Ellie…” you protest, skin burning with even the idea of her seeing you.
“C’mon, please? I took mine already, you can’t go back.”
You say nothing, whole body sweating, hoping and praying she’ll just forget about it.
“…I wanna see you.” she admits, voice warm and fuzzy through the speaker.
Your cheeks erupt red, a sense of burning flowing throughout your whole body at her words. You curl up, thighs squeezing at themselves, and try to answer.
“But—I’m…I’m in…pajamas.” you whisper, looking down at your bare legs and sheer top.
“You are? Even better.”
“I—I don’t know—”
“You really don’t have to. I’ll live, princess. I promise.”
Your body relaxes entirely, a breath of pure relief leaving your lips, as well as a forceful yawn. Ellie must’ve heard it through the phone.
“Aww—you tired? Should I hang up?”
“No! Don’t hang up! I want to keep talking! I was studying before so I’m a little—a little out of it but—”
“Nope. I’m hangin’ up. Princess needs her beauty sleep.”
“What—no, Ellie.” you argue, albeit lazily, as the energy you have left is truly running low.
“I’ll be here in the morning, won’t I? Good-niiiight—” she lulls, drawing out the last word.
“No! Don’t hang up! Ellie!”
On the other end of the phone, there’s only quiet.
An abyss of silence.
“…Ellie?” you try, voice small.
Your mouth purses, frustrated, as you listen to the absent noise through the speaker.
Still nothing.
You flip over, hostilely pulling the comforter over yourself and crashing your head into the pillow. You feel cold, but you know an extra blanket or some layers wouldn’t make you any warmer. Only she could.
Before you can shut your eyes, the chime sporadically rings out again, and you find yourself rapidly grasping the phone from your mattress.
Immediately you unlock it.
sweet dreams
dont let the bed bugs bute
bite *
call you tomorrow
Your eyelids finally shut, the weight of the day keeping them closed indefinitely. Your limbs go lax, succumbing to exhaustion.
You permit yourself to fall asleep, now knowing fully, that you will have the sweetest of dreams.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
You Are In Love (Gojo Satoru x You)
summary: you can't stop dreaming about him, and your friends start to notice a change in your behavior. (2.4k words)
cw/tags: mild angst to comfort, friends to lovers, pining, idiots in love, profanity, elder sorcerers being assholes, pet names (doll, gorgeous, etc), uhh gojo loses his cool and blows up a building lol, kissing, one instance of foreshadowing manga spoilers but only if you squint
note: HELLOO GOJO NATION. ok so i'll be so honest with you, this stupid man was my #1 for so long and i think those feelings resurfaced so i got a little carried away with writing this (it's my longest fic so far, my bad). but yk something about gojo, hawks, and kuroo all being played by the voice actor just gets me. the prompt for this is from the AMAZING @creativepromptsforwriting and was supposed to be a drabble but turned into a full fic. anyways, hope you enjoy it!!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated!
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“It’s too quiet. Can I tell you guys a joke I heard on TV?”
“Mmm, please don’t.”
“But it’s funny!”
“Ooh, using my first name. Something’s up with you.”
“Something is not up with me, weirdo.” 
“No, something is definitely off with you today.” You thought Suguru and Shoko had stopped listening, but they chimed in with evidence of your odd behavior.
“You said good morning differently,” Shoko added, casually taking a sip of her soda and peering at you over the rim. Her hair sways gently in the breeze outside of the convenience store you four had stopped at before heading back to Jujutsu Tech. You glare at her and open your mouth to defend yourself when Suguru adds his two cents. 
“You tripped up during that last mission that should have been a cakewalk,” which was true, but you thought your mistake had gone unnoticed. The truth was, the spirit had caught you off guard with a simple teleport trick. It warped behind you and unlatched its grotesque jaws to end your life faster than you could blink. You should have been able to predict the movement with your eyes closed, but you’d been too focused on making sure a certain white-haired sorcerer was alive after your group had been ambushed several hundred feet underground. Suguru had given you a curious look after one of his demons saved your ass, and you’d flipped him off hoping that would be the end of it. “And you also flipped me the bird instead of saying thank you,” he shrugged.
“You also finish your food the fastest out of all of us, and today you haven’t even taken three bites,” Shoko says, finishing her drink and standing to toss it in the trash bin. “Something’s going on with you, and I, for one, am incredibly curious as to why.” Satoru watches you with a smug glint in his eye, and it takes all your willpower not to strangle him. 
“As glad as I am to know that you all pay such great attention to my habits, I promise there’s nothing wrong.” The three of them stare at you skeptically but thankfully decided to drop the subject, instead pivoting to who’s most likely to go to jail first (it’s Gojo). 
After the late lunch, you begin the walk back to Jujutsu Tech as the sky transforms into faded shades of orange and pink. The vanishing sun casts shining reflections on the surrounding skyscrapers, bouncing off the windows of speeding cars and zooming trains. Satoru and Suguru walk ahead, playfully shoving each other and almost falling over doing so. 
“Alright, are you gonna tell me what’s going on now that Dumb and Dumber aren’t here?” Shoko asks as she falls into step with you. The sides of your mouth turn down, realizing that she didn’t forget about your conversation at lunch. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell your closest friends what was going on; you just didn’t know how to explain what you had dreamed about the previous night and the night before that, and all the nights the past two weeks. 
It began with a look he had given you after a meeting with some higher-ups in the sorcerer world. They had visited Jujutsu Tech unexpectedly, stating that they would be evaluating the skill levels of random students. Out of your group of friends, only you and Satoru had been pulled to be tested. Principal Yaga had instructed both of you before entering the room to give the evaluation your best effort and to not become indignant if they judged you poorly. 
The brass declared your evaluation to be first, and you poured all of your energy into showcasing the power of your Cursed Technique. You even managed to pull off a few strikes of extension techniques that you’d been perfecting for months. Though the entire performance lasted less than ten minutes, you were breathless and light-headed when the panel told you to stop. After bowing deeply, you moved to exit the room, desperate for fresh air, but they stopped you and began listing every single reason why your demonstration was unsatisfactory. Besides “inefficient technique, predictable attacks, weak offense, insufficient defense,” and a general lack of power compared to that of other sorcerers at your level, they informed you that your Cursed Technique was obsolete and would eventually render you useless as more innately talented sorcerers take your place. You were speechless at their blunt criticism of your effort, on the verge of breaking down, but you managed to nod in acknowledgment as you stepped out of the room.
But then you saw him sitting there, waiting on his phone and looking up at you with a bright smile as he stood to greet you. A confusing blend of disappointment, anger, sadness, and loneliness panged in your heart and spread to the rest of your body, and you rapidly tried to blink away the moisture welling up in your eyes while Satoru approached. He was halfway through a snarky remark about you blowing away their expectations when his smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed with concern. Shit, he’d noticed you crying. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me. What the fuck did they do to you?” Dashing blue eyes found yours through the clouds in your vision, and his thumbs gently brushed away stray tears that escaped down your cheeks. 
“Do you think I’m weak, Satoru?” Your voice cracks when the words finally spill out, swallowing hard to push down the sobs threatening to break loose from your constricted lungs. Satoru freezes, eyes searching yours. He doesn’t answer your question immediately, but instead asks again. 
“Doll, what the fuck did they do.” You can’t get a reply out in time before his focus snaps up to behind you, and a second later you hear the door roll open, one of the officials commanding Satoru to enter for his evaluation. His large hands hold your face and turn you to look up at him, and you move unconsciously to cover his hands with yours. “Stay here for me, okay?” He glanced at the official waiting in the doorway, blue eyes dark with suppressed rage. “This won’t take long.”
His evaluation lasts two minutes and four seconds. At first, the room was silent and you couldn’t hear any demonstration of Satoru’s technique, almost as if the panel was having a conversation with him before they began. Then, at two minutes on the dot, the room was blown to splinters. The door, the ceiling, the porch, and all of the furniture inside were violently thrown outward in an explosion that made the ground beneath your feet tremble. Curiously, none of the debris had hit you, but you coughed through the dust and saw that the panel hadn’t been so lucky, all of them buried under shredded beams of wood and canvas. And, standing at the center of the room’s remains with a satisfied grin plastered on his beautiful face, was Satoru. He found his way over to where you stood in disbelief and took your hand in his, interweaving your fingers and guiding you away from the ruined building. 
You two walked hand-in-hand in silence back to your dorm, where he seemed reluctant to let go of your hand. Before he walked away, he finally answered your question from earlier. 
“I tell you this not just as your friend, but as another sorcerer. You are not weak. Your technique is special and something that those shithead elders haven’t seen in decades, and they don’t like what they don’t understand. I know the thought of leaving Jujutsu Tech crossed your pretty little mind, but you shouldn’t. People need you here, Shoko, Suguru, Mei Mei...” He hesitated, taking a shallow breath and reaching back for your hand. 
“Me,” he said, his voice low, and his voice got even softer until it was almost a breath. “I need you here.” As quickly as the fondness in his voice appeared, it disappeared. “And, plus, you definitely can’t leave us here with ol’ Yaga. What the hell am I gonna do if I can’t hide in your room while he’s trying to beat my ass?” 
You laugh, and the feeling makes you feel better. He makes you feel better. You smile back at him and finally bid him farewell, and he raises your hand to his lips as he says goodbye. 
After that, he’d appeared in your dreams for two weeks straight. The dreams started as a continuation of what would have happened if you didn’t just say goodbye to him, if you’d invited him into your dorm, or if you’d let him pull you into his. They transformed after the fourth day into what it would be like to love him and receive his love in return: stolen kisses, flirty whispers, and movie dates to name a few. All these dreams added up to the previous night’s nightmare, where a mission had gone bad and he’d been imprisoned with no hope of breaking him free. You’d startled awake covered in sweat, and barely fell back asleep before your alarm forced you to start the day. 
“It’s… hard to explain,” you reply apologetically, and Shoko looks at you with so much skepticism written on her face that you have to turn away and look in the other direction. 
“So something is bothering you.” 
“Yeah, there is. I’m sorry; it’s just really, really hard to verbalize.”
“Can I take a stab at what’s bothering you?”
“If you could actually stab it that’d be great, but sure. Knock yourself out.”
“It’s Satoru, isn’t it?” You stop mid-stride and her face lights up with amusement. “Holy shit, it’s Satoru. You like Gojo Satoru.”
“Jeez, Shoko, go ahead and say his name four hundred million times, why don’t you? But really, what tipped you off?”
“Ten seconds ago when you asked me to stab your problem, I figured it out,” she chuckles, bumping her shoulder against yours playfully. “If it’s any consolation, I’m 99% sure he’s felt that way about you for a while.”
“How do you know?”
“Would you let me off the hook if I said it was hard to explain?”
“Har, har, very funny. Could you at least try?” 
“Mmm, I think it’s better if he explains it himself.” 
“You’re no help, Shoko.”
“Yes, and you love me anyway. But not as much as you love Sa–” You groan, covering your burning face in both hands and increasing the speed of your steps to escape your friend’s teasing chuckles. 
When you finally arrive at school, the stars have started rising and the moon hangs in the sky. You walk in the direction of the dorms when Shoko suddenly unlinks her elbow from yours, winking at you over your shoulder. 
“Suguru, can you help me move something from the gym real quick? I forgot a few things over there.” 
“Sure, but why do you need my help?” Shoko gives him a pointed look and realization quickly washes over his features. “Oh, OH. Okay, of course, sure.” Suguru turns on his heel awkwardly, briskly walking in the direction of the gym.
“Satoru, walk them back to their dorm. Don’t want anything happening to them after their little slip today,” she adds before heading in the other direction with Suguru, who tries and fails to communicate something to Satoru with a nod of his head. 
“Alright, pretty girl, you heard Shoko. C’mere and let me walk you home before she beats my ass.”
“I think you have too many people on this planet that want to beat your ass. And, for the record, I’m one of them.”
“It’s the price of being this gorgeous, gorgeous.” A soft laugh escapes your mouth, and you swear Satoru’s smile gets a little wider. The rest of the short walk to your dorm is just as easy and comfortable, Satoru making stupid comments and you replying with a quick remark over and over until you’re back in the same situation you’d been in two weeks ago. But, this time, you realized that Satoru was a lot closer to you, leaning back against your door with your hand touching the handle but not opening it. You both spend a few moments there, just looking at each other, and his mesmerizing eyes flicker to your mouth when you unconsciously lick your lips. He opens his mouth to say something smart, but you beat him to it. 
“If you’re gonna look down at my lips and say something stupid about it, you might as well do what I’ve been wanting you to do for ages.” 
“Oh? And what’s that, pretty girl?”
You sigh in mock disappointment and look up at him through your eyelashes. “If you don’t know what it is by now, then I guess… you don’t deserve to do it.” His pupils are blown wide with desire, and you resist the impulse to laugh. 
“God, you’re intoxicating,” he says, before pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes flutter shut and you melt into him, arms snaking around his neck while his hands find your waist and hold you up from your knees that have turned to jelly. The first kiss is gentle and experimental, but having the flirtiest asshole in the country chasing your lips as you briefly pull away gives you a newfound wave of confidence, pulling him closer and closer until his body is flush against yours. When you finally pull away from each other and catch your breath, he doesn’t go very far, resting his forehead against yours. 
“You know, I wanted to kill them. Those wrinkly assholes two weeks ago that had the gall to call you weak. And I would have, you know I would have, but you were outside… and you were crying… I just didn’t know what to do. I saw red, and, uh, then the building exploded.” You chuckle at his confession and he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“I had a dream about you. Well, a lot of dreams.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Mhmm. Got a little nervous today when I heard you talk with Shoko about liking a boy, but it helps knowing now that the boy is me. And, hopefully, it will only ever be me.”
“You pretentious asshole.”
“You know it.”
“You’re a dork.”
“Yeah, but I’m your dork.” 
“I know you are.”
“And I’m never going anywhere.” He kisses your forehead sweetly, and it’s just like the dreams that had plagued you for weeks before. “Ever.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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ravewing · 5 months
cambrian period dashboard simulator
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petition to ban anomalocarises from the local sandbar. theyre so fucking big and it's freaking everyone out and me personally ion want a trilobite muncher looming over me when im trying to have a drink.
🪲 trillybite17 Follow
they dont call them the ABNORMAL shrimp for nothing, they're fucking weird
🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
No, you know what petition needs to be started? One to get rid of ignorant bigots like you. Have you ever SEEN an Anomalocaris ever eat, let alone ATTACK a trilobite? No, you haven't. Because they DON'T EAT TRILOBITES. Do some fucking research before you say shit like this.
⚜️ splendidmarrella Follow
fyi if you get rid of anomalocarises from public spaces then you will quite literally starve. you know those dead soft-bodied organisms yall scavenge and eat? yeah anomalocaris is the one providing those for you. as a scavenger myself i have been personally impacted by loss of food due to unfair treatment of anomalocarises that have forced them to leave the shallows that i live in and let me tell you eating detritus and nothing else is literally awful. please think twice before you post something prejudiced like this.
🩶 pleurae71 Follow
common hallucigenia + marrella W
ignore the OP, i promise most of us trilobites aren't like them- i don't even know why this is a debate. i guarantee they've never stepped outside of their little rock cave in their life
🌀 xXcorynexospikesXx Follow
LMFAOO they deactivated☠️
32,354 notes
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🫧 cambripuns Follow
What do you call a Hurdiidae without any eyes? A Hurddae!
♟️vampeytoia Follow
actually you'd call it 'uncle maximilien' because my uncle maximilien was hatched with no eyes
💼 stanley-shrimp Follow
Valerie, you and I both know damn well that you do not have an "Uncle Maximilien," let alone one with no eyes. Stop lying on the internet and stop leaving your soft-bodied organism carcasses on my front sandbed. It smells putrid.
♟️ vampeytoia Follow
wow ok mr fun police. just go and piss on my parade like that
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👾 fiveeyedcoolguy Follow
giys i.m tripping bals rn lol. shuld not hv eaten tge 'detritus " browni e from the hallucigna.. i saw thr magic anomllcrais
🪱 pinkpikaiapage Follow
What?? Elaborate
👾 fiveeyedcoolguy Follow
He told me a prophecy
6,211 notes
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🦐 apexshrimpy Follow
she cambrian on my period till i explosion
#anomalo talks #misc tag #is this hash tag funny or no?
211 notes
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🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
thinking about dying my spikes again. what color should i get?
🍢 leancho852 Follow
Do magenta to match your skateboard!!
🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
ohh that's actually really smart thanks🙏
17 notes
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🪨 shalesifters Follow
🧽 the-odontogriphus767 Follow
yo wtf. none of these fuck the landmasses. we're all in the ocean for a REASON
🦪 biofilmer08 Follow
Hey, actually, a few other molluscs and I browse on the microbial biofilm :)
♟️ vampeytoia Follow
9,761 notes
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🕸️ arthropodstemz Follow
reblog if u get around by undulating ur lateral lobes
21,006 notes
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📜 g-wiwaxia Follow
Did anyone else happen to see @shalesifters poll on the landmasses (followed by the reblog of the mollusc)? I think that I was simply born in the wrong generation, that I should have been able to experience the joys of being a land-dweller. I may just have grown tired of being in the ocean every day; quite frankly I just want some sort of change or reform (especially considering the incredulous prices of jellyfish nowadays...)
#Rant #I hope you guys get the idea. I expect some (likely a copious amount of, actually) hate for this one, but regardless I thought that I'd share my thoughts here #I'd like to move to Laurentia
1,732 notes
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📸 daily-cambrian-pics Follow
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⚜️ splendidmarrella Follow
omg thats me on the bottom in the middle! @romip51212 @kookykootenia look its us from earlier today
🫑 kookykootenia Follow
Woah whatt this is actually crazy
🍤 romip51212 Follow
yo i look rad in that.. changing my header immediately
8,121 notes
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🦂 radiodont-radiostatic Follow
DNI if you support any of the anti-anomalocaris propaganda that's circling around. Sick and tired of the twisted lies that are being spread on here. I won't stand for the slandering of my brethren.
#static speaks #dni #will not hesitate to block and report any of you bigoted assholes
93 notes
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🪼 jlyfsgh224256 Follow
79,343 notes
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🍌 nectocarisking69420 Follow
🍌 nectocarisking69420 Follow
Yo wtf was i on last night
🍢 leancho852 Follow
You were just speaking your truth king!!
755 notes
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🪸 see-you-lagerstatte Follow
thought too long about the big white orb beyond the surface and broke down crying. What to do about this?
#why is it there?????? what is it???? #please im going insane over this
23 notes
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🐾 catboycanadaspis Follow
born to say "nya!" and meow. forced to consume the coarse particles found on the sediment surface
886 notes
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🌊 tidal-trilobite Follow
hey has anyone else noticed that it's been harder to breathe lately or is it just me? can't afford to go to the doctor for an exam rn
🦀 clackyappendages Follow
I thought that it was just me! I might sound crazy but have there been less archaeocyathids lately??
🐚 sand-muncher-757 Follow
i've had TWO neighbors pass away from hypoxia in the past month, definitely have noticed the breathing issues too. also i havent seen an archaeocyathid in so long either. so weird😬😬
682 notes
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oneweirdbookaddict · 7 months
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Hello, Whyareyoudo! (I didn't know if you wanted the tag lol) Finally got this written out for you, hope it's alright! It was so interesting to research Tourette's as I wrote this. Thanks for the request!
1182 words.
No warnings! Let me know if that should change!
“Shh!” Four hisses, expression pinching. 
Those closer to Four frown at the smithy. 
“Four? You… uh, ok?” Wind asks, glancing at his friend. 
The smith blinks awkwardly, ears flushing. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry, just ignore me.” 
“Were you shushing someone?” Wild asks curiously. 
“No. Nope. Just… making noise. Sorry. I’ll shut up.” And they let it go. No more questions are asked, and Four doesn’t make any more unexplainable noises. 
However, he does keep twitching oddly, wincing as if… he’s in pain. First, his arm twitches, moving halfway to his chest before the smith scowls and moves it back down. Then randomly ticks his head to the side. 
He watches carefully until Four catches him and scowls. “What?” 
“You have tourettes.” He states simply. Not an accusation, not a question. Just puts it out there. 
Four pauses. “I have- I… What? No. I mean…” The smith trails off. Blinks. 
Then settles on, “How the hell do you know that?” 
“Because I have it, too.” He says easily. Shrugs when Four’s eyes go wide. 
“Wait, ok, hold up. What’s tour- ett’s?” Wild frowns. “Can we help?” 
“Tourettes.” Four says. “Its a neurological-” 
“It affects the nervous system and makes it so you make movements and noises you don’t mean to.” He says before Four can launch into an overly complicated, full science report-sounding explanation. 
“And you both have it?” Twi says, looking interested. 
“Well, I do. And I think Four does, too.” 
“Wait so like when you swear randomly you don’t even mean to?” Wind asks. 
He considers this. “Sometimes. But now you’ll never know which ones I do purposefully so you’ll never be able to tell me off, Old Man.” 
That gets some laughter into the group, easing the awkwardness that had developed. 
Four, he notices, doesn’t even smile. 
He seems deep in thought, biting his lip in that way he does when he’s thinking. Or maybe it’s another tic. 
“I don’t think I do.” Four says finally, slowly. “It’s not always the same, it’s just random little… movements. Aren’t tics more… repetitive?” 
“Sure, sometimes. Not always, though. There are other types… but I’m not gonna get too deep into that. Mine were like that, yeah, but I also know someone who’s also diagnosed and his are more like yours. It’s just rarer, I think.” 
Four considers this, then nods slowly. “I’ll have to do some research, I think. It’d be nice to…” 
The smith’s eyes snap to him. “You said were. Past tense. It went away?” 
“It did for me. Well, not entirely. It just… got much less frequent as I got older. It doesn’t happen for everyone.” 
Four nods, fingers twitching. Then shrugs somewhat awkwardly. 
He shrugs, too, feeling bad for putting him on the spot. “We should keep going. I smell rain.” 
So they continue down the path. 
They find a town before the rain comes, and an inn as well. With enough rooms open that they all get their own- a rare occurrence. 
Since they’re inside with the rain, Wild and Wars just pass out rations for dinner and they all take to their rooms. 
It’s been a rough few days, and they all go to bed rather early. 
Or so he thought. He wakes up to the door next to his creaking open, soft footsteps fading as they move down the hall. 
He waits a few minutes, then goes in search of the smithy with a sigh.
Out the inn, wandering aimlessly around town for a bit to give Four some alone time, then stumbles across the library in town.
Four, naturally, is buried in a stack of books, eyes slightly crossed as he fixates on the one under his nose. 
“Smithy, it is three in the goddamn morning.” He grunts, and Four jumps and drops the book. 
“Librarian said it was ok.” Four yawns, finding his page again. 
“Wasn’t my point. You even gonna try to sleep tonight?” 
“How can I?” Four mutters. It’s not sharp, not angry, but he still winces anyway. 
“I’m sorry for… I don’t know. You know it doesn’t matter if you do, right? It’s not going to fix the tics or change… well, anything, really. There’s no way to treat-” Four closes the book and shoots him a look. “I don’t have Tourette's and we both know that. I would’ve had these tics since childhood and I haven’t, they’re not nearly repetitive enough to be considered tics, and-” Four sighs. “I know what causes it. Something that happened on my adventure. I appreciate you giving me an out, but I feel awful for lying.” 
He takes a seat next to the smith. “You don’t have to lie. Just…” 
“Lead them to believe the wrong thing,” Four says flatly. 
“You did with Wolfie.” He counters, and Four winces. 
“That’s different. It was his secret.” 
“And this is yours. Listen, you don’t want to tell people about whatever this is. I get it. But they’re gonna ask- letting them believe this will stop the questions. Otherwise, they’ll just keep asking. Not with the intent of prying of course, but just out of curiosity. And that’ll make it worse. Maybe every once and a while you get a question about Tourette’s, but that’ll be it. If you keep deflecting questions they’ll keep asking.” 
Four looks away, considering this. Then nods. “Thanks, Legend.” 
He smiles, getting to his feet. “Anytime, Smithy. Now get some sleep- you look beat. Come back to the inn with me.” Four looks around, nodding. “I just… gotta put all these away first.” 
Gives a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. 
He laughs, helping the smith put the books back on the shelves, then walking with him back to the inn. 
“Goodnight, smithy.” He says as Four enters his room. 
“Night, Leg.” Four yawns, giving a slight wave as he closes the door. 
Four raises his arms above his head, stretching as he walks up to the lake. 
Walks up to Wild, who’s standing at the very very end of the dock, just his heels hanging on. 
A strong gust of wind would put him in the lake. 
“Whatcha looking at?” The smithy asks, and Wild shrugs. 
“Just trying to see if there’s any fish in here.” 
“So you can bomb them?” Four snickers, and Wild scowls playfully. 
“It’s more efficient than sitting there with a worm on a string!” The champion insists, laughing. Four peers at the water, then points at a spot. 
“I think I see some there.” 
Wild crouches, squinting. “Where?” “Over- shit.” 
Four’s arm twitches, knocking into Wild’s back. 
The champion flails frantically, grabbing-
The others on the land burst into laughter as Wild surfaces, staring in surprise and offense at Forur. “Smithy! I did nothing to you! Well, besides the peppers… and the tomatoes… ok, maybe I deserved that.” Wild sighs, laying back to float in the water. 
“Sorry,” Four shrugs, but he can’t keep the grin off of his face. “Tourette’s.” 
Wild sends a splash of water at the smith, causing Four to laugh and dart back to the safety of dry land.
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moose-muffin · 5 months
im new here (hiya from the hazbin tag lol) but if you do character + character requests than please PLEASE gimmie a lee!vox with ler!alastor 🙏🙏🙏hear me out... the two are fighting and al (sHocKINglY) wins out, and vox expects to like.. be beaten into the ground as a result, but nope!! he gets tickled!!! to tears!!!! smthn smthn he wasnt smilin and, yk, youre never fully dressed w/o a smile!!!
/nf to do tho ty for reading!!! <3<3
I DONT WRITE GOOD ROMANCE BUT LIKE UGH IMAGINE IT NOW. Alastor definitely just got himself to the V’s tower and was planning on fucking with Vox only to see he had already been kinda pissed off. Alastor wouldn’t be as satisfied if he knew he didn’t cause the frustration. He realized he could just stir the pot again. Problem solved, and what better way to solve it than using his weakness against him.. being tickled.
I’m being a little silly but genuinely Vox is so ticklish. Like most ticklish person in hell would go to him if it were an official title. That’s what I’m thinking. That being said, Alastor also knows how quickly he could get him to crumble… but wouldn’t it be more fun to take it slow.
Vox notices his presence almost immediately. He tried to ignore it as he feels his face get warm. He can’t fuck this up. He takes a deep breath and turns around. “Why hello, Alastor! What brings you to our building this evening?” He said in a semi newcaster voice. He wasn’t ready to drop the act
“Well Vox, I came here for a reason of my own but then I walked by your office and you looked so sad!” He began to walk closer to Vox. “You know, t they say you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
Vox let out a laugh that was quite clearly untruthful. “Yes Alastor I am aware! I was alone in here and so I figured I’d just save up some energy. I’m sure you understand.”
“Quite frankly I don’t,” Alastor paused, “I think maybe I could help you get that smile back.”
Vox didn’t even have to think. He knew Alastor meant he was going to tickle him. You could ask Velvette. She’s seen those two in tickle fights that lasted for DAYS. she knows what they’re capable of, or more so what Alastor is capable of.
Vox puts up a fight for maybe a couple seconds but he just loves tickles more than he can play pretend that he doesn’t <3
It works out well for them both, Alastor gets to fuck around with Vox and well, Vox gets his shit rocked!!! And he loves that more than a lot of things.
apologies if anything is ooc, i just do this for funsies <3
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners | part 4
a/n: so this is part four, probably the last and final part to bring this little something to an end. it's a bit of a dive into eddie's emotional state and self-esteem issues and it just might sting you a little reading. this whole story has honestly been a wild ride from start to finish and i want to thank every single one of you for giving it so much love! hope you enjoy this last part just as much, if not more. all i can say is that i poured my entire heart into this and it's my first time writing spice, so go easy on me please. my requests are, however, open in case anyone wants me to write more. for this, i'm planning a little sequel part, so keep an eye out for that if you like.
summary: after some intense flower crown binding and a few more intense days at the camp, things are finally getting real between you and eddie. you make him your prince and he makes you his own. read for yourself ;)
word count: 13,5k (lol don't ask i got carried away it seems)
warnings/tags: slow burn, mutual pining, idiots in love kinda, not too detailed description of reader's appearance, very close physical closeness, sharing a bed, eddie being touch starved and a very wholesome and caring bean, mentions of eddie's dad being a piece of shit, lots of petnames, shitlots of fluff, a tad bit of angst, abandonment issues & performance anxiety, smut (minors go away!), softdom!eddie, kissing, oral (m and f receiving), fingering, blowjob, a bit of edging if you squint, dirty talk, unprotected p in v, pulling out, basically just hot and steamy lovemaking filth. ok BYE
Roses, magnolias, tulips, daisies, sunflowers, yarrows, peonies and lots of twigs with green leaves. For the base. To balance out the colours.
The day had finally come.
You placed the crown of flowers which you had spent an hour assembling and braiding and binding together on your head, intending to wear it with a sense of pride.
A sunflower as the yellow centerpiece, two light purple peonies on each side, some yarrow and white roses here and there.
You guessed that Jonathan would shoot another roll of film full today, measured by the enthusiasm he was displaying just now while directing the postures of the four of you, assigning you poses and giving you instructions on which way to turn so you would be lit in the best way possible.
Robin, Nancy, Max and you were stood in one line, and if it weren't for the fact that you found yourselves on the path leading from the cabins to the little square of the fireplace, surrounded by trees, the view of the lake in the background and framed by a row of tall pines, you would think you were posing for graduation photos.
It was a nice rehearsal, at least.
Anyone else except Will, Eddie and the photographer himself were busy occupying themselves elsewhere.
The younger Byers boy enthusiastically fumbling around with flowers for his own crown – the artist in his element –, Jonathan capturing your precious moments and Eddie, ... well Eddie was honestly just watching the four of you, admiring the scene and being grateful that no one had shoo'ed him away yet, because that meant he'd certainly have to get involved in the yoga-slash-stretching workshop Steve Harrington was trying to attend in the meantime.
Also he was wondering where you took the patience for your magnificent wonder of floral composition from, when he unsuccessfully tried to merely string a bunch of leafy twigs and yarrow together himself.
The teachers had made you all spent the majority of the day in the next bigger town, admiring the contents and exhibits of the local museum, dedicated to bring the regional history, geography specifics and culture closer to its visitors. And the only time the longhaired metalhead had left your side (under protest) was those two times you needed to use the women's restroom.
The younger middle school kids had been an absolute menace to the nerves of Mr Clarke all day, their lack of patience and ability to stay focused on the exhibits getting the best of him.
Eddie's presence made everything better though (for you at least) and the obnoxious children forgotten. You know that feeling when you're on a trip with your friends and your crush is there too and that fact just lifts your entire mood and whatever you guys are doing doesn't matter because they are there with you because their presence is solely enough to make your heart blossom?
Yeah. That.
"Come here", you sat down next to Eddie on the tree trunk that was laid flat to act as a bench, taking and trying to fix whatever attempt of a flower crown he was occupying his fingers with. You would guess that he'd be quite skilled with them as a guitarist, but seeing him drop stuff here and there with his tongue stuck out – a telltale sign that he was focussing super hard – also had you guessing that the skill of binding flower crowns and playing guitar were two different pairs of shoes.
Legs touching, you felt Eddie's gaze wander from the top of your knee over the skin on the plushness of your bare thighs up to the hem of your white flowy linen dress.
Oh, what they would feel like under his gentle touch.
His eyes paused their little journey on your hands, the softness of your skin, how you (just like him) always wore your rings, thin golden bands delicately adorning your index and middle fingers plus the one on your right thumb. He took in the tiny wrinkles stretched over your knuckles, the way your fingertips were readjusting the wire he sloppily had bound the twigs and stems together with, lightly brushing over the even softer petals of the flowers.
Secretly he wished they would lightly brush over his own hands too.
Brush over his neck, his hair, his cheeks, telling him that there was absolutely nothing wrong with him and that he could and would be accepted – and maybe even loved – just the way he was in his truest form.
As if you could be someone with the capability to show him just that. Convince his silly brain that he wasn't the fuck up his father made him believe to be. The unlovable freak his hometown condemned him as.
A feeling he was so desperately yearning for, deep down below the surface where usually no ray of light would ever reach the bottom.
Mainly because he wouldn't let the light through. The waves were and had just always been too high.
Gaze continuing its journey further up, lingering on your chest for a fleeting second, before scanning over the expanse of your neck.
Eddie mentally thanked Nancy for braiding your hair out of the way today.
He took in your jawline, the way your small and delicate earrings decorated the lobes of your ears, a small strand of hair on the side of your head separating your ear from your face, your nose which Eddie found to be very cute, a few freckles spread over the apples of your cheeks, eyes as deep as the ocean, currently focused on not cutting yourself on the garden scissors as clumsy as you could be, and then the pinkish red plushness of your rounded lips.
Eddie was certain they would feel like lying on a cloud in heaven against his own. Giving him a glimpse of something big and meaningful, and very very dear to him, something crawling through every vein of his body making the goosebumps erupt on his bare arms, something he craved to his core.
He wanted to touch. Needed to. More of you.
And he felt an all too familiar warmth spread through his abdomen, just like yesterday after the swimming, when his goodnight hug had ended up a bit too tightly for his own good, and he'd had to excuse himself awkwardly in order to take care of the semi slowly causing his damp shorts to become painfully tight.
He took in the way your eyes lit up and the corners of your mouth curled upwards at your successful fix of his poor attempt to impress you, watched you getting up and moving in front of him in a twirl, making the hem of your dress bounce a little.
Of course he noticed that. You were the pretty much only thing occupying the space in his brain.
The light was you.
"Now here you go, Prince of Metal", you chuckled as you placed the crown on his head softly, him blinking up at you through his thick black lashes with a wide smile that was forming on his face slowly at your affectionate gesture and – especially – the title.
It was very modest, just white yarrow and the green of the leaves, an analogy to Eddie's mindset of cherishing simplicity.
A "thank you, darling" escaped his chest in a low, soft tone right before he stood up, still grinning at you as if you had just told him you'd won the lottery. Or he'd won it.
He was certainly feeling like he had. You had done this, something nice, for him. It made his cheeks flush pink. A delightful addition to the white and green.
Jonathan had just finished taking a few close-ups of Max' half-heartedly composed circle of tulips and daisies, and when he noticed you and Eddie in the middle of half empty buckets of leftover flowers and the splutter of twigs and fallen petals, he wasted no time in calling you over to his makeshift photo set.
For the rest of the trip, you couldn't help but think of Eddie's newfound interest in flower arrangements, the way he had selflessly fought with the stubborn wire and unruly twigs just to spend more time with you (and selflessly escape yoga with Steve).
The time at camp was almost coming to an end already. You had two nights left before the bus would roll up again, forcing you to leave the little serene oasis to take you home.
A whole bunch of polaroids was stacked up on your little nightstand by now, one of them showing you alongside the Prince of Metal, proudly posing with flower crown heads held high, and if you didn't know better you would say that the pose you both had taken made the impression of one of a royal couple. Eddie had put his hands on his hips, facing the camera diagonally, your back towards his chest in the same direction as him. Serious expressions, since you were royalty.
Another showed you in between Steve, Robin and Eddie on another hike, all of you well-lit by the bright sun, blue sky and vast lake with the deep green of trees in the background, on top of the hill you had attempted to climb on the first day. Robin was pulling a silly face, while Eddie poked his index finger into the dimple that always formed on Steve's cheek whenever he put on his toothy grin. And you? You were just looking, smiling, gazing at your seat partner.
More of them had been taken during further swimming activities, recreations of the acrobatic performance which Eddie and Max had displayed that first time in the lake, and since Jonathan knew how obsessed with photos you really were, he thought he might as well give you all the others he had taken.
For safekeeping.
Not to mention the one of Eddie and you on the bus.
And then, your personal favourite you had decided, showed Eddie in the white framed rectangle with closed eyes, his crown of flowers decorating the top of his head, the widest grin spread across his face.
He looked angelic.
You wished you could make a thousand copies of it and tape it to every single lamp post and throw it into every single mail box in all of Hawkins.
You wanted to look at it forever.
As you were lying there in the darkness of your shared cabin, you made a mental note to yourself to definitely pay Jonathan back for the film.
Eyes closed, you let your mind wander through all the memories you'd been making these past days. Not just with Prince Metal, but also with everyone else. It was nice and wholesome getting to spend time with the gang outside of Hawkins.
The very vivid memories of the past days flooded your brain. It was easy getting lost in them. So lost, that you audibly gasped as a light knock on the glass of the window pulled you out of conscious dreamland.
Practically shooting up from the mattress, you turned your head towards the window.
The more than familiar wild mane of your favourite Hawkins local satanist stood out from between the ends of the bushes growing beneath that window, and the person it belonged to was intently gesturing towards the wooden door of your cabin.
Eddie was wearing his signature grin when you rolled your eyes at him and the idea of sneaking around in the waking hour that was two in the night.
You mouthed a "fine" at him, nodding towards the door, before you silently tried to get up without triggering an avalanche of your roommates awaking.
The sight that offered itself to you as you crook open the cabin door was something you were certain you were going to burn into the core memories of your life.
Eddie Munson on the first of two steps in front of your door, the pathway with the other cabins in the background, in a black tank top, from the darkness you made the colours of his boxers out to be dark blue, his white sneakers but no socks. The scene in your periphery lit only by the low glow of the moon casting its reflection down onto him and his surroundings through the crowns of the pine trees.
A bunch of tattoos were visibly spread over his arms, guitar pick on a chain around his neck, curtained by his luscious curls. A messy bunch of random forest flowers and grass in his tight fist.
What on earth was he thinking he was doing out here? At this hour?
His expression told you.
"Hi", he almost whispered, a sly smile playing on his lips, eyes searching yours, stretching his arm straight and holding the makeshift flower bouquet out under your nose.
As if it was the most normal thing, showing up at someone's cabin in the middle of the night. In the woods. With random flowers he must have picked on the way here?
You snorted at his gesture and the incredible sweetness of it, it was making you blush hard and your heart combust in your ribcage at the thought of him even thinking of bringing you something. At him even being here right now. The innocence of it juxtaposing with his reputation back at home.
"Jesus Christ, what on earth are you doing out here?", you whispered back in the same tone, leaning in the doorframe in your usual sleep shirt and – of course, since you were surrounded by girls and you all were comfortable enough with each other – panties only.
Eddie took the next logical step, the one above the one he was currently standing on, getting closer to where you were leaning and recreating the usual height difference between you two.
"I can't fall asleep with Steve snoring", still in a hushed tone, and he paused before a small smile formed on his lips again, "and a bird just told me that the extension of the law, remember when I told you about that? Yeah, well, it got approved, so", he paused again, finding your eyes again with his best impression of a puppy, "could I maybe, you know uh, come in and be rescued from my eternal misery?"
You were very well aware that you'd be sent home immediately if anyone caught sight of you letting a male breathing creature past your doorstep, but since it was 2 am, it was also Eddie Munson gazing at you in the moonlight as if you were the most beautiful thing he ever had laid his eyes on, and you couldn't deny that you most definitely wanted this, the possible consequences of your little spontaneous rendezvous, nagging at your brain like alarm bells, were thrown overboard in an instant.
Grabbing one of Eddie's wrists, you pulled him towards you and inside, trying to close and lock the cabin door as silently as possible.
His presence alone and familiar warmth radiating from his body was already soothing the light rush of adrenaline in your veins from doing something that could get the both of you into quite the trouble, and it didn't take him long to take a step forward, moving his arm that you were still holding on to around you, so you were forced to turn your back towards him while his other snuck around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
He squeezed you to himself for a brief second, acting as a silent thank you, before he let go of you with a wide grin that you were only able to see thanks to the dim light of the moon flooding through the one window between the two bunks.
There was a small sparkle in his eye, a glint of serenity, comfort and endless affection. And relief. So much relief from how you were letting him in, weren't rejecting him like he was used to.
Peaceful breathing was filling the room, a light snore coming from the top bunk that wasn't above yours, and Eddie followed you.
You couldn't believe that you were about to share your small mattress and covers with the one guy you'd been harbouring feelings for over the time span of several months.
Eddie couldn't believe it either.
Mere seconds later, you found yourself caged in by the wall, the bed frame and Eddie's body.
It was the most natural thing. Everything fell into place, the way the two of you were lying there, facing each other, inhaling each others breaths from the close proximity, the covers draped over your bodies, hiding the details of Eddie sneaking an arm around your waist again to pull you impossibly closer, his hand carefully exploring more of the territory he already had started to discover on the bus, calloused yet somewhat soft fingertips almost ghosting up the warm skin over your bare spine.
"You're so pretty."
An inaudible whisper of admission.
You heard it.
An invasion of goosebumps spread over every inch of your skin like a wildfire.
Eddie felt it.
"So are you."
The arm you weren't lying on found its way up, tucking a wisp of his curls that had fallen over his now beet red cheek away behind his ear.
Neither of you wanted to ever stop smiling.
He moved his entire being down a little so his eyes were the same level with your jawline, a low hum escaping his throat at the tip of his nose brushing over the skin on your neck in an upward motion, just like that time in the lake.
It was beyond overwhelming to feel him this close. In your bed.
And for Eddie, feeling you this close was so much better than the countless times he had imagined this happening. He'd imagined what it would feel like, your light illuminating all of him.
You let him use your arm as a pillow, before he nuzzled his forehead against the same spot on your neck, his cheek lightly pressed against your clavicle.
And just when you thought you couldn't get physically closer to him than in this moment, bellies touching, legs wordlessly intertwined and all, he pulled you against him some more. Squeezed you tightly and tenderly, letting you know that this was right where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be.
And yeah, it felt quite right to you as well.
Your other arm that wasn't occupied by Eddie's head found its way around his torso, hand rubbing softly over the expanse of his back, and you wondered how much of muscle and softness your fingertips would be encountering if your hand would just cheekily sneak its way underneath his tank top.
Resting your cheek on Eddie's forehead, the warmth, the comfort of wrapping your arms around something to hold onto at night, his steady and satisfied breathing against your own, made you easily drift off into a deep slumber.
Eddie had already passed out the minute you had allowed him to rest his head in the crook of your neck and had draped your arm over him, encasing him in the embrace he so badly needed in order to find his own sleep.
You'd known him long enough to know that he cared about the few people in his life who hadn't let him down, he took care of people that took care of him.
And you wanted to take care of him. In every way you could and in every way he would let you.
Silence filled the single room, steady breaths being in- and exhaled, and you hoped no one had yet woken up to notice your charming little intruder existing in the sacred four walls of the flower cabin.
A ray of sunlight made the shadows of tree leaves dance over the landscape of your face through the window.
You woke up from it, eyelids slowly blinking and then squinting shut again from the sudden invasion of too much light at once.
It took you a few seconds to realize where you were, namely in the small cabin that you were to call home for the week, with Max still snoozing in the bunk above you, a light snore still coming from Robin's side of the room, and Nancy having probably already left to go for her daily morning jog.
The weight of a semi-tattooed arm was resting on your torso diagonally like a seat belt, indicating that Eddie was even in his sleep very concerned for your safety. He had moved upwards, now a head above yours on your actual pillow and on his side, making his chest slowly rise and fall against your head.
It was peaceful, so peaceful waking up next to him, and it felt like the most natural thing. A very easy morning. As if this wasn't the first time ever.
You rubbed the back of your hand over your eye, the movement causing Eddie's hand to give the exposed skin over your waist, until where your shirt had ridden up, another gentle squeeze, making it known to you that he was, in fact, awake as well.
Craning your head towards the head of the bed, your still sleepy eyes found the warm brown of his for a moment, along with a wide stretched smile playing on his lips, dark stubble running down his cheeks and chin and neck before stopping halfway down, since he had forgotten to shave.
Eyelids fell shut again, but the smile stayed. Just for a moment longer, before he relaxed every muscle in his stupidly beautiful face, allowing your eyes to start their own journey of curious wandering.
You took in the way his nostrils flared a little whenever he exhaled, the tiny wrinkles on the outsides of his big doe eyes, a bunch of light freckles scattered over the bridge of his nose and the apples of his cheeks, the way they were being pushed up by the corners of his mouth whenever he gave you that smile, the slightly glowing softness of his skin generally, the way his wild unruly dark mane framed his face so perfectly, the way his cupid's bow sat on the plushness of his pink lips, ...
And oh, you were certain they would feel like lying on a cloud in heaven against your own.
You were also certain you were still dreaming, that this entire moment of Eddie knocking on your window and letting him into your bed and him lightly fanning your face with his breath right now was just a dream and you were about to wake up any second to the sound of pesky middle schoolers screaming their way from their cabins to the pergola where you'd usually have breakfast.
But no. This was real. Eddie was real. And he was just so pretty, lying there peacefully snoozing, the expanses of soft bellies still touching, and that wasn't because your mattress didn't stretch wide enough.
"Are you watching me sleeping?", Eddie mumbled, lightly flexing his jaw, eyes staying shut, the smile returning slowly.
If there wasn't a fire in your lower belly burning from all his touches and sweetness already, it damn certainly was now, ignited by the rasp in his low morning voice.
Oh Jesus Christ.
The absolute heat was spreading into two directions, using your heart as its origin. Once again your cheeks heated up, and you felt your thighs clench together involuntarily at the way in which he said those words.
"What if I was?", you mumbled back in a similar tone, trying your best to not let on too much about the effect he was having on you.
Eddie's eyebrows disappeared behind his frizzy bangs. Still refusing to open his eyes.
"Then I'd say you're being a little creep."
He let out a low chuckle while pulling you into his embrace, savouring the moment of having you this close once more and letting you know for certain that he was just joking.
"Pfff, says the guy who literally creeps around my cabin at two in the night."
You could not for the life of you recall a time when his face ever was closer to yours than it was right now, noses almost touching.
"Hey, that was a necessity. We only obeyed the law and I am eternally grateful for your gracious salvation from me meeting my impending doom."
The underlying layer of heaviness of his words was disregarded for now, since you wanted to desperately keep the bliss that came with being so close around him for just a moment longer.
Eddie made you feel like you were the most important person in the entire world, mainly due to his ever prominent abandonment issues. Meaning he never once had really left your side during the entirety of this trip (except for when you had to use the bathroom and, well, sleep – until now), always making sure you were taken care of.
It melted you.
And you didn't mind his clinginess at all. Male validation wasn't something you had to run from in order to save yourself from drowning in it. The opposite was more of the case, you were soaking it up like the roots of a flower that hadn't seen rain in years.
Oh wait, flowers decay at some point if they don't get watered? Well, yeah. You'd almost been there at some point in the past.
"You're such a dork", you remarked his theatrics with a chuckle, before burying your face in the crook of his neck, cheek pressed to his clavicle and nose dipping into the soft skin where neck and shoulder met, "but a very cute one."
A hint of shyness overcame you.
Awaiting his reaction was unbearable.
Eddie's cheeks flushed a bright red at your admission and the fact that you were so very obviously trying to hide your fluster between his shoulder and neck? You going all sweetly shy on him simply made his brain short circuit.
Did you just call him cute?
While your – your – lips (!!!) were so close to his skin, barely brushing over one of his sensitive spots?
No, Eddie Munson was almost certain he was still in dreamland.
Only now he dared to open his eyes, just to make sure he hadn't dreamt the sneaking-into-your-cabin-last-night part either, and let out a sigh at the conscious feeling of your skin that had collided with his palm, your nose at his pulse point, hair tickling his chin.
Then, the realization of that meaning behind your latest words kicked in.
Meanwhile, you didn't dare to lift your head to see his reaction for yourself.
He made you feel it though, when a boost of confidence helped one of his hands find a home on one of your butt cheeks, the arm which your head was still resting on wrapping around your shoulder so his arms were fully engulfing your figure, and his own head dipped down to where your neck was slightly craned.
Tip of the nose brushing up along the expanse of your neck in a singular swift motion of his head, since he already had found out a while ago that you didn't dislike that one, and then?
Then he buried his nose in the hair coming down behind your ear, while his lips slowly, almost carefully placed a peck to where your jaw met your neck, followed by another low hum at the feeling of you not backing away. Of you staying with him.
At first you weren't so sure if you had registered that correctly, but at the same time, judging from the way you could feel a familiar warmth pool between your legs, you were pretty sure he'd just kissed your neck.
Thank fuck he couldn't see the way your eyes were rolling into the back of your skull at the sensation of his warm lips on your warmer skin.
Months over months of yearning for him, for this, for lying in his tight embrace, against the warmth of his body, longing glances you had directed at him, his innocent arm around your shoulder practically burning through whatever shirt you were wearing on those days, the now occurring realization that his sly remarks and jokes had literally been his way of subtly flirting with you, painting all his glances that had been thrown back at you in a similarly wistful light.
It was all so much at once, yet you already couldn't possibly get enough of him.
You nuzzled closer (if that was even physically possible), your arm squished between your bodies, the arm you weren't lying on wrapped around his torso, hand still underneath his tank top, running your fingertips along the smooth skin over his spine.
Giving back.
A nice concept.
A little less shy now, still cautious though, your lips pressed against the slightly stubbly side of his neck as you craned your head further up.
Eddie couldn't believe his fucking luck.
"Mhm, baby."
His almost whispering voice didn't have to travel far from how close his lips were to your ear. Because they still were lingering on your neck, where he countered your admission with another chaste kiss, trying not to overwhelm you.
It was too much. You couldn't take it any longer.
Lifting your head away from his skin, the warmth radiating from his neck engulfing your face, you softly dropped the weight back on Eddie's arm.
A wide smile decorated his face, letting you know that everything was alright with you and him in his book, and in his big brown chocolate orbs you only found affection.
You hoped he could spot the same in yours.
Oh, a surge of confidence erupted inside of you.
"Would it be okay if I kissed you?"
Eddie's fingers occupied themselves with a soft dig into the plushy flesh of your ass, while the smile dancing on his lips slowly turned into a cheeky grin, dimples denting his skin adorably, and his other hand craned around your head, thumb bending far enough to run the length of it down your cheek.
"Mhm, darling. Why do you think I've been touching you this entire time?"
Without another moment of hesitation you closed the distance between your faces, lips colliding with his own in the softest way.
You both were now lying on a cloud in heaven.
It was passionate from the beginning, yet not too wild, a fuzzy feeling of warmth spreading through your entire system at the sensation.
The low hums that Eddie let out at the feeling of your lips softly moving against his own was sending your sense of time and space into the void, and the fact that you initiated this was making his head spin like the ceiling fans in Hawkins High's cafeteria.
Slow slow slow movements, your hands wandered up to cup his cheeks, while he pulled your hips impossibly closer to his own, humming against the endless softness of your lips dancing over his.
Each kiss lasted for a few seconds, it was like you were both trying so hard to feel every line and ridge and texture of each other, and also neither of you seem to waste a single care in the world about hurrying up.
"Oh lord Jesus Christ!", Robin's loud voice ripped you out of your little trance as it went echoing through the room.
Right, you almost forgot you weren't existing in your cabin all by your twosomeness.
Despite being caught in the act by just a mutual friend of yours (and not Ms Kelley), the metalhead and you still broke apart hastily.
A hint of panic overcame Eddie at the sudden intrusion, making him let go of you, grabbing the pillow underneath his head and shoving it into the now existent gap in between your bodies, since you had discarded the sheets a while ago. Why need a blanket if you have a perfectly functioning Eddie Munson to keep you warm at night?
It surprised you that he didn't fall off the bed entirely with how close to the edge of it he now was.
A relieved sigh escaped his lungs when he realised who really caught him stealing affectionate gestures from you.
Ms Robin Buckley had no problem with the both of you, she just wasn't expecting to find Eddie lying in your bed (slowly kissing you into oblivion) in her periphery while she was digging for her bathroom utensils so she could make sure she'd look less like a corpse for breakfast.
With "whatever this is, I didn't see it" and a loud open and close of the door, she excused herself, leaving you in your solitude.
With Max Mayfield. In the top bunk above you two, which she loudly made you remember as soon as Eddie got up to follow Robin's trace outside with a quick "uh, see you in a bit, sweetness", still clutching your pillow over his front while waddling his way over to the safety of his own cabin in which Dustin was probably still snoring into the next millenium.
"Soooo, what did I just wake up to? Hm?", you heard Max say with the most curious undertone after the door closed behind Eddie, as you rolled onto your back, already finding the emptiness and lack of warmth caused by Prince Metal's exit rather unpleasant.
Your only response was a groan as you pulled the sheets up and all the way over your head.
The pathetic attempt to hide wasn't meant as a long-term solution since your lungs unfortunately started craving oxygen at some point.
"Go away!"
It came out more as a mumble than a yell, mainly due to the muffling effect of the layer of fabric between your head and Max' ears, and as you pulled your head out from under the blanket covering your entire figure only to see Max' head poking out from the bunk above you, her long red mane dangling down towards the ground, you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks.
You had kinda seen it coming already, the struggle with having to explain yourself in the morning when your roommates would find Eddie snoozing peacefully in your arms.
But now it really hit.
You had just slept next to him. Literally kissed your crush. Who wasn't really a crush anymore. To you, Eddie was a lot more than that already.
Max just giggled at your response, jumping out of her bunk and continuing her teasing for the rest of the morning.
Well, at least until you joined the rest of the gang for breakfast.
Today was your last full day, and that meant going on another sweaty (yet beautiful) hike, a heated and intense capture the flag session in which Eddie didn't leave your side once, claiming that as your seat partner he also had the obligation to protect you from potentially evil forest spirits, and you also filled out the day by attending a cooking workshop, pairing up with Nancy.
Eddie – having to detach his everlingering hand on some part of your body throughout the day now – spent time with Max, Dustin and Steve, still successfully avoiding being dragged to the yoga session by the latter.
You guessed they were attending a class about forest herbs and survival tipps, an absolute necessity should they ever get lost in the vastness of a random national park one day.
Peeling potatoes at the counter of the outdoor kitchen, you peered over to the pathway as the group of students including your friends walked past, trying to spot your favourite out of them.
Eddie found your longing glance and returned it, along with the widest grin and a little bashful wave of his ringed hand.
You felt your heart jump at the vision, absentmindedly waving back with the hand that held the potato by two fingers, smiling like the most lovedrunk idiot.
The moment was fleeting, because he collided mere milliseconds later with Dustin's backside, giving the kid a gentle slap on the back of his head for stopping unexpectedly just to inspect the shape of a leaf from the tree next to him, making him look silly and like a total dork in front of you.
Your smile turned into a full on giggle when Eddie gave you a sheepishly yearning last look before the little gathering lead by Mr Clarke continued on the pathway, leading further into the forest and out of your periphery.
God, you loved him.
The day in its entirety was peaceful despite the doom of having to pack up and make sure not to forget anything that might have slipped underneath the beds. You were supposed to leave early in the morning just to be back in Hawkins before nightfall.
Even though you were growing tired of mosquito bites and flies viewing your meals as theirs, you couldn't be bothered to come up with feelings of homesickness. Not when you were surrounded by your loving friend group, Prince Metal and the serene oasis in the forest.
The sun was about to set, casting a golden glow over the crowns of the pine trees swallowing the camp, light breezes of wind making the arms and twigs of the more leafy trees rustle softly every now and then.
Eddie got up from the couch he was lounging on, taking a semi nap in the presence of Dustin, Max and Jonathan after the intense workshop and stuffing himself at the surprisingly rich buffet your teachers had organised for your last evening.
He'd been subtly eyeing you from underneath the tall pergola, chatting and laughing with Steve and Robin by the bonfire which was already rising tall into the sky in the clearing of trees between pergola and pathway to the cabins.
The perfect way your clothes hugged your curves, the thin fabric of your shirt and adding its absolute nothing to hide the hardness of your nipples (also maybe due to you not finding it necessary to wear a bra), the stunning way your hair was shining in the start of golden hour, face illuminated by the fire in front of you, the enchanting way you curled your lips at a joke Steve had made (he even felt a tinge of jealousy creep into the center of his stomach), the entirely dazzling way your shirt had ridden up a little, showing skin between the waistband of your shorts and the hem of it.
And it was giving him ideas.
To anyone else these little things and details didn't seem too worthy to pay attention to, but Eddie noticed. He noticed you stealing wistful glances, making their way over to him here and there (and after the night he had, he was sure they weren't meant for Dustin), he noticed every inch of your skin that would unintentionally reveal itself to him from the ways in which you moved, he noticed the way your smile changed into something so astonishing when directed at him. Special.
You never looked at Steve like that. Or anyone else, for that matter.
Being as chronically touch starved as a metalhead outcast town freak could be, Eddie decided that it was too much. He couldn't not be near you any longer.
Your breath hitched in your throat just as you saw him get up and make his way over to you, a mix of confidence and shyness combined in his strut, before he came to a stop at the end of the log you were seated on, right next to your side.
"M'lady? May I ask her grace to walk with me?", you heard his voice say softly, a distinctly hopeful tone, warm and filled with the bashfulness from earlier in the day. Eddie met your smile with one equally wide.
A hand with ringed fingers was held out to you and you took it.
He lead you away from the group, away from everyone else, down the path towards the cabins where no one was at this hour, after he had intertwined your fingers with his own, the metal of his rings giving your fingers a little extra squeeze.
"It's nice to be sitting with the others and all, and I really enjoyed Dustin's ideas for Hellfire's next campaign, but", Eddie paused as he came to a still in his walk down to where your sleeping quarters were located, turning around to face you as his hand refused to let go of yours, right before continuing in the softest voice, barely audible, "I was hoping we could just leave them for a bit and enjoy the last evening a little more .. in private?"
Eddie leaned in a little closer with every word jumping over his lips.
Until he was inches away from yours, finding your eyes and you noticed the slight change of tone in the warm brown ocean of his. It had turned a shade or two darker as you reciprocated his beguiling gaze.
Oh, how easy it was for you to get entirely lost in it.
"I think that's an intriguing idea, Eddie", you replied with a smile, hoping he'd see and sense the same thing in your own eyes that was so clearly reflected in his. For you and for this reason, it was never difficult to look into them for long. Especially when he was so intently watching you.
A hand snuck around your waist, pulling you closer so your bellies would touch, the hand previously attached to yours now cupping your cheek, thumb softly running over the apple of it, head leaning in even further. Eddie's gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips and back in a matter of seconds, letting you know exactly what he was about to do.
Your hands found the little hairs at the nape of his neck, curling around the sides of it, lightly pulling as the plushness of his lips reunited with yours.
He hummed at the feeling, the moment filled with so much familiarity already. Without breaking contact, he gently cupped the other side of your face with his other hand, holding you there, needing you there.
Ever so softly, your lips moved against his, a moment you wished would last forever.
"I've been thinking about you all day", he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you, lips landing on your pulse point. Breathing warmly against the skin there as he mumbled something along the lines of "they kept me away from my cute seat partner for way too long" before letting out a warm chuckle.
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words, still getting flustered by the directness of his flirting attempts. They were effective though, because you couldn't help but squeeze the back of his neck lightly with one hand while your other sneaked around his waist and underneath the hem of his shirt, reconnecting with its favourite place, the warmth and softness of skin on Eddie's back.
"It is an incredible atrocity indeed", you said with a giggle, making him raise his head back to face you, and the spark in his eyes gave you enough of a confidence rush, "I think we should make up for lost time then."
Waisting not a second longer, Eddie grabbed your hand again, and before you knew it, he had you affectionately pressed between the inside of his cabin's door and his body in a whimpering mess.
His kisses were getting hungrier, more demanding, yet there was a gentleness to it that let you know that you could stop this any second if you didn't want it.
"Is this okay, baby? We don't have to do anything if you don't want–", he asked in between sloppy pecks over your cheeks, jaw, down your neck that made you giggle lightly at his manners. It's not like his hands were all over you already, yet he was wondering if anything he was doing was alright with you.
"I can't get enough of you if I'm honest", you cut him off quietly, feeling the heat pooling in your underwear from the sensation of just about everything right now.
You were very well aware of the thing you were about to do. Crossing a line that could never be uncrossed, letting Eddie see you for all that you were, and giving him the freedom to choose.
Spoiler – he chose you.
Had done so since the moment you stepped onto the bus on that parking lot back home.
"Fuck, sweetness, you can't just say stuff like that", Eddie's voice came out huskily, he clearly was getting worked up over your response to his actions since he had you pinned to the door by the hips, his thigh in between yours, while his fingertips explored the skin of your waist underneath your shirt, lips still hovering over the expanse of your neck, brushing his nose upwards along the column of it, but this time a lot more slowly than the previous times.
He seemed to want to savour every single second he was granted access to your body like this, dragging each movement out as far as possible.
His wide, dark brown doe eyes returned to yours as he exhaled, "and expect me to be normal about it."
You didn't waste another second without your lips on his, pulling him back towards you by the chain which was holding his favourite guitar pick around his neck, eliciting a moan against your mouth out of him.
The only thing on Eddie's mind was you you you, the warmth of your perfect skin under his palms, the feeling of your pretty pink lips against his own, even the smell of you alluring him to no end.
Breaking away to catch your breath with eyes still closed, your lips curled into a smile when Eddie's hands wandered higher and higher while leaving goosebumps on the way, thumbs softly catching the underside of your tits, making you let out a content little sigh, as if his hands had just found their home, belonging right there.
His lips reunited with the skin on your neck, a moan escaping them as his thumbs reached your hard nipples, your neck vibrating lightly against his mouth when a moan of your own forced itself out of your lungs and your back arched away from the door for a second.
It had been a long time since anyone had touched you there, never in this way before though, which amplified every little touch Eddie practically worshipped you with.
A shudder ripped through you at the overwhelming sensation, it made you dizzy with want.
"It's so fucking hot when you twitch under my touch", Eddie almost whispered against your neck, and you were certain his voice couldn't drop any lower as he slowly rolled one of your nipples between his thumb and index finger, before raising his head just to watch your reaction even more closely.
His actions made you swallow hard, well aware of being at his mercy at the moment.
And yes, Eddie Munson continued the torture he was teasing you with.
"Yeah baby", he lightly poked his nose into your cheek for a second, "so what if I told you", he paused again, then kissed the corner of your mouth, "that I actually felt those little twitches", he tenderly kissed his way down over your cheek to your jaw, "throughout the whole week?"
One of his hands now left your chest, only to drop south.
He made it his mission to find out exactly what you liked. Find out what did it for you, what you wanted from him. What you needed from him.
"I'm curious to know what would happen if I touched you", he paused, lips millimeters away from the skin right beneath your ear, "here?"
A hand snaked around your figure, cupping one of your buttcheeks, the need for you heavily evident in the urgency of the touch.
You responded with another moan through closed lips, eyes closed, your hands finding the back of Eddie's neck again, lightly caressing his skin and tugging at the baby hairs there.
"Yeah, you like that baby, don't you? When I touch you here?"
A light spank.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded with a hum and another moan, cheek rubbing slowly and gently against his scruffy own as your hips involuntarily bucked up against his thigh.
Every movement was slow and gentle right now, yet heavy with hunger for each other.
Eddie noticed. Yet, he decided to take his sweeeeet time and drive you insane just a little longer.
"What about", he paused again, and you felt him smile against your neck as his hand still cupping your chest started kneading a little, rolling the nipple harder just to make sure you actually felt it, "here?"
The back of your head landed against the door with a thud as you moaned and whimpered a little louder this time, the shiteating grin on Eddie's face widening even more, obviously taking pride in his effects on you.
"You're making such pretty sounds for me, sweetheart. Would you maybe also like me to touch you", another pause, in which he moved his hand around your hips, boldly cupping the space between your legs through the thinness of your shorts, "here?"
His breath was tickling the skin on your neck, the last word nothing more than an almost inaudible whisper, traveling all the way down from your jaw to your collarbone.
"Fuck, Eddie", you whimpered out his name, completely lost in him, moving your own hands downtown to where his hellfire shirt was tucked into the waistband of his light blue jeans, just when you suddenly remembered you had a pair of your own.
Hearing you say his name made Eddie shamelessly buck his hips into yours, failing pathetically at hiding the fact that what he was doing to you was also more than enjoyable for him, since you could clearly make out the heavy bulge straining against his pants, pressed against your hip.
"Mhm yeah, such a good girl for me", Eddie chuckled watching you for another second before reuniting your lips with his own, this time with a force of need, almost greedily taking your lower lip between his own for a second, swiping his tongue along, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.
From slow and gentle to a feverish fumble of hands everywhere, it didn't take the both of you long to start freeing each other from the confines of your clothes.
Eddie had lifted your shirt off of you, finally freeing what he'd been dying to get his eyes (and hands) on, and you'd done the same to him, only to take a second to admire the few more tattoos that had until now been hiding from your gaze.
You noticed he was holding his breath, wild mane falling into the sides of his face from your ruffling during heated kisses, and the room suddenly felt a lot warmer.
The only thought in your mind was Eddie in front of you, just a small step away, now in nothing but his boxers, looking at you with an intensity you'd never seen before in him, and your fingers twitched with the desire to just touch.
You had run your hand just over the buckle of his handcuff belt, the movement of his pants against his erection already making him hiss a little. You'd run it over the fabric of the black jeans he was wearing, right where he wanted you most.
Because yeah, you could do that, too.
Eddie had found the pace in which you'd opened his belt to be way too slow, but he'd let you go with it anyway, being so lost in you and so lovedrunk (and straight up horny) that he hadn't dared to intervene.
Your slowness-slash-hesitation had a reason. The anxiety and intrusive thoughts of not being good enough, being too inexperienced decided to jump out of its dark corner inside your brain in just the right moment, causing you to back away from him, giving him a second to have his gaze wander over you.
It wasn't that you'd never done this before, there had been a guy you'd more or less been with, but this right here and now was just so different. More serious? Eddie wasn't just a guy. He was your Eddie at this point.
And however this trip would end, things would inevitably be changed between the two of you. And ultimately affect the dynamics of your friend group.
Eddie was a sensitive person. He was able to read the room, sense your hesitation. He closed the gap between you, his hand landing on your hip, bellies touching, hardness pressing against your thigh.
"Everything alright, darling?"
Cupping your cheek with his free hand, he tilted his head to find your eyes, the look in his filled with concern now, wondering if this was still okay for you.
Your arms snaked around his torso, fingertips lingering on his waist. He felt them burn through his skin.
A train of seemingly endless thoughts ran through your head, not knowing how to proceed from your lack of having done this enough times to just know, paired with the expectations you believed Eddie to have of this situation, and therefore, of you.
"Yeah, yeah", you assured him. The last thing you wanted was for him to believe he'd done anything wrong.
"It's just that", you paused, struggling to find the words to explain yourself and the rise of your performance anxiety while trying your best to avoid his puppy doe eye gaze, "I haven't really–"
A warm thumb on your lips cut you off, its hand directing your face towards his, the hand on your hip now lightly digging into the flesh there.
"I know baby, I know", Eddie said, referring to his wisdom with unknown origin to you, exhaling deeply before pressing an open mouthed kiss to your plush cheek, the gesture intending to let you know that you could be utterly honest and vulnerable with him. "Would you like me to show you", another pause, his gaze back on your face, thumb now lightly pulling down your lower lip, "what I like?"
Opening your mouth as a response, the tip of your tongue was briefly met with the tip of Eddie's thumb, causing him to twitch lightly and let out a groan through closed lips.
Everything you did and everything you were in your essence was driving him to the edge of insanity, not surprising after the months and months of thirsting after you in his desperate silence.
And his gentleness with you was making the dark imposter syndrome clouds in your head melt away like Lindor chocolate in mild temperatures.
His eyes bored into yours intently as you stuck your tongue out to meet the base of his thumb, just to drag it all the way up to the tip, before closing your lips around it and suck lightly.
"Mhhm, fuck", you heard him mutter, the effect your actions seemed to have on him giving you enough confidence to let his thumb go with a small pop, your hands still lingering on his waist pushing him a step away from you so you'd have enough space to drop to your knees, hooking your fingers into the waistband of his boxers, slowly pulling them towards gravity to finally free him.
With precum leaking from the tip, you took a second to admire Eddie's girth and length with wide eyes, and it made your mouth water and your panties even more soaked than they already were.
Taking him in your hand, you smeared the precum down to the base where a light thatch of dark curls sat, leading up to his happy trail which you'd already gotten to lay sight on on the bus, and that time frankly hadn't been the first of you imagining what the place to where that trail was leading looked like.
Leaning upwards, you kept ahold of him, kissing the soft skin of his lower belly right above his curls as his hand buried itself in your hair at the back of your head, letting out a guttural moan when you let your tongue run through the tiny hairs leading up to his navel, just to kiss your way back down again, slowly, gently, all the way over the soft expanse, taking another second to bury your nose in his skin, inhaling everything he was willing to offer you.
He was about to ask you if you could pinch him just to make sure this was reality happening right in front of him, you kneeling all pretty with your hand wrapped around his cock, now slowly lifting it and flattening your tongue at the base to lick a broad stripe up along the underside, making you feel each little vein on the way to his pink tip.
"Jesus, fuuuck, that's it baby", you just heard him encourage you, indeed letting you know what he liked, his grip on your hair tightening lightly.
The fact that you could feel him throb and twitch and hear him whimper slurred renditions of your name alongside small curses gave you a significant ego boost, causing you to find enough confidence to lock eyes with him from underneath your lashes.
"Fuck, and you were worried that you wouldn't be good at this?", Eddie chuckled as he looked down at you in disbelief, his free hand not tangled up in the strands of hair cupping your cheek to affectionately brush his thumb over it, unable to ever get the image in front of him out of his brain.
"Fucking hell, you're being soooo good for me baby, oh my god, yeah, just like that", he mumbled when you started swirling your tongue around the head, softly rubbing the tip of it over the underside every now and then, until you decided to close your lips around him, letting him feel your wet warmth.
It gave Eddie a great idea of a similar place he was dying to discover. Itching.
And it took every little ounce of willpower in him to keep his hips away from giving into the urge to thrust his entire length into the confines of your mouth, so out of respect for you, he channelled his impulses into a symphony of soft moans, quiet mutters of oh, fuck and oh my god, and whimpers of your name as you took him deeper with every bob of your head.
Every little sound escaping him only turned you on even more. You couldn't possibly get enough of seeing him all blissed out and soft for you like this, causing the vibrations of your own moans to make Eddie shudder.
However, he didn't give himself too much time to enjoy the feeling of your mouth taking him, since he was already bending down a little to lift you back up to your feet, before capturing your lips in a hot and heavy kiss while pulling you tightly into his embrace, both of his hands sliding down from your lower back and underneath the fabric of your panties, just to end their journey on your ass and roughly pull you against him.
"I'm gonna cum on the spot if you keep doing that", he'd declared, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your neck, nibbling softly at the skin, making your cheeks flush with heat.
No one had ever said that to you.
You winced at the roller coaster he put you on, his back and forth between rough and demanding and gentle and soft, but you were eating it up.
He was hypnotizing you with every touch and every grunt and every move you felt against your lips.
Not even when the backs of your knees hit the bed frame did he let go of you, resulting in him burying you into his mattress under his weight, commented with a giggle from the both of you.
Moving to your side, he reconnected his lips to your neck and you craned your head up, giving him better access while one of his hands slowly moved around to your front, cupping you through your panties, his middle finger lightly pressing into that very damp spot in the fabric, eliciting a moan out of you.
It was his turn now.
"Wanna make you feel good too, sweetness. Gonna let me, yeah?", his sultry voice didn't even wait for a response, impatient fingers moving the lace to the side before running the middle through your folds, tip of it catching your clit briefly.
"Oh fuck yes!" There it was. You breathed the words out in a whiny tone, your hand reaching down to give his still rock hard cock a few sloppy strokes in return, earning another soft moan against the junction of your jaw meeting your throat.
If the situation wasn't this hot, if Eddie's finger didn't make the room spin, you think you'd be embarrassed to no end with how pathetic your moans were sounding, but the pleasure you were experiencing and the metalhead's tender endearments you were receiving just didn't leave any space for any other feeling.
You just couldn't bring yourself to care.
Eddie didn't care either. In fact, he was bathing in your responsiveness, feeling every single one of your touches in the endings of his tiniest nerve branches. Being the touch starved, crucified town freak and all.
Your neediness for him made his insides turn and his head spin, he was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that you'd let him come this close and do this to you, and your cute little whimpers made him want to give you everything you'd ever silently (or not so silently) request from him.
He felt this entire moment after moment to be a haze, a fever dream he'd wake up from at some point, and for this reason, he didn't waste a single thought on anything else but you.
How infatuated with you he was.
"Mhhm fuck, so needy for me baby, aren't you?", he remarked the way you were bucking your hips against his hand, "drives me fucking nuts."
He lifted his head just so he could watch the way your face crinkled with every slow up-and-down stroke of his finger, gathering your evident arousal on the way before gently pushing it in, indulging the way your eyes rolled into the back of your head for just a second before they opened and found the warm deep dark brown of his own.
"Mhh yes Eddie, need you so bad", you managed to get out as he added his ring finger, stretching you open a bit more under slick sounds of his hand against your cunt.
His face was so close. So close that if you turned your head just a little, your kiss swollen lips could be back on his, giving him one more confirmation that the way his fingers were curling inside of you were doing just the right job. In fact, he was finding spots you could only dream to reach on your own.
You felt more precum leak from the tip of his cock which was resting against your thigh, the slow rut of his hips against yours smearing it between your bodies, causing your brain to short-circuit at the realisation that it was you being the reason for him to act this way.
Only making you spread your legs wider.
"God baby, you're so fucking wet", he trailed off, continuing to slowly fuck his two fingers into your tight entrance, completely enticed with the way you were giving yourself to him, "is that all because of me?"
He just needed to hear you say it.
"Mhh fuck yes Eddie, all for you. For you only."
No idea how you got that out, with the way his fingers felt and the way he was looking at you, all lovedrunk and ready to give you the world.
"You gonna let me have a taste?"
Pulling his hand away and leaving you empty under a protesting whimper, he sucked the two fingers into his mouth, moaning against them without breaking eye contact and it was driving you mad. You nodded with a dazed smile.
He got up just to drop his weight between your legs, spreading them by planting his palms on the backs of your thighs firmly and pushing them up, panties still to the side.
You held your legs there when he moved his hands down, taking both thumbs to open you up for him, taking just a second to get his first actual look at your pussy and watch it glisten in the dim light of the sun casting its last rays of the day through the denseness of trees and into the room.
Eddie had fantasized plenty for literal months about the way you'd possibly look, but nothing prepared him for the actual sight in front of him.
It made you feel the most vulnerable you'd ever felt, letting him see and touch you this way, yet there was a naturalness to it that made it just so easy to give yourself to him.
Building trust with him seemed to be the easiest thing for you. Surprising yourself there, aren't ya?
And when his tongue shyly took its first swirl around your clit? Nothing was ever easier than Eddie.
Waves of pleasure took over your brain with every lap of his mouth, taking you between his lips, licking, sucking, swirling, slurping, making your thighs twitch with every single one of his moves, and he was (quite literally) eating your responsiveness up, each of his moans against the most sensitive part of your body becoming deeper in sound.
He noticed he could cum just from tasting you as he found his hips inconsistently humping the mattress, hearing your sweet chants as one of your hands found its way back into his unruly mane, encouraging him further in his actions.
"Fuuuck baby, I need you. Need all of you, please?", you whimpered just when the heat in your lower stomach was about to reach its peak, raising your head as your eyes encountered the way he was watching you from underneath his bangs sticking to his forehead, the hand not entangled in his hair busy fisting his bedsheets.
That was the only thing he needed to hear.
You could feel him smile, continuing to do so as he pushed himself up on his knees and crawling a few inches forward to be eye to eye hovering over you, chin, lips and tip of his nose glistening with your juices, the ends of his dark curls tickling your cheeks. He helped you wriggle out of your panties swiftly, discarding them on the cabin floor to join the rest of your clothes, hands resting on the softness of your thighs as he knelt back to sit on his heels.
He felt his dick twitch between his legs, seeing you lying and spread out underneath in front of him, in all your glory, ready to let him take you where you wanted to be most.
The vision tugging at his heartstrings, knowing how much trust you were instilling in him in order for you to let him go this far with you.
"Eddie, please."
You pushed yourself up to meet his lips, planting one hand on the back of his neck, the other hooked a finger into the chain dangling down like a collar, and without breaking away you pulled him back down with you.
"Yeah? Wanna feel me fill your pretty little pussy?", he breathed out, hands back on your thighs, digging into their plushness.
You believed to hear Eddie's voice to drop an octave, now leaning back again to let the underside of his cock slowly glide through your soaked folds, the head catching on your clit deliciously, making your head spin from having him do this to you.
"God, yes", you moaned out, watching him through heavy eyelids.
Eddie smiled his dimpled smile down at your face, reveling in the sight as he let the tip breach your sopping entrance, giving him an idea of how tightly his cock would be sitting inside of you.
His eyes were fixated on the spot where your bodies were now joined, slowly pushing another inch in as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, wanting him closer.
"Eyes on me, baby", Eddie mouthed at your jawline as he leaned back down to place a quick kiss there, right when he noticed you zoning out, focusing on taking him as best as you possibly could.
Once again your eyes found the warm gaze he was observing your every move with, and soon you felt his lips back on your own, kissing you softly as he slowly pushed all the way in, forcing a gasp out of your lungs at the feeling of utter fullness.
For a moment, the world stopped.
Eddie blinked at you through half-lidded eyes now, nudging his nose against your own before capturing your lips in another heated kiss, sending both of your tongues dancing and a moan from the pit of his lungs vibrated through your system.
Your hands moved up to cup his face, holding him close to you as his trailed up the underside of your thighs, before pushing your knees towards your chest, practically bending you in half and slowly starting to move his hips against your own when he felt you adjust to him.
"Oh fuck, fuuuck you're so tight", Eddie sighed, eyes falling shut at the feeling of your cunt sucking him in like that, and his words ringing through your ears, and hearing him admit to you what you were making him feel? It made you clench around him briefly, goosebumps spread over every inch of your body at the words forming on his tongue.
You were just so warm and wet and soft and so so tight, completely fucked out for him and him only.
"Eyes on me, baby", you repeated his own words back to him with a smile and glassy eyes, completely stunned to feel him like this, slowly filling and leaving you again.
Opening his eyes again to meet your gaze, his lips curled into a wide smile at your sentiment, "gonna be soft with you, unless you want me not to be, yeah?", he leaned down to plant a kiss on the corner of your mouth, forearms now resting on each side of your head, before his last words were nuzzled against your ear, "just tell me, sweetnose."
With his announcement he gave you a few more slow and gentle thrusts, getting both of you used to the feeling, before he moved back up again, holding your thighs spread out against your chest, his eyes glued to where his heavy cock slid in and out of your sopping slick hole.
Heat was spreading through his body, an excessive amount of endorphines circulating through his veins, transporting the desire and hunger for you into the tiniest endings of his nerves, causing his entire system to be in the moment with you.
Same thing applied to you.
It didn't take long for him to pick up the pace, right after he moved a pillow under your hips, with the aim to hit your sweet spot at just the right angle, slide his entire length in even deeper, making the tip kiss your cervix repeatedly.
Moans and whimpers and grunts and groans from both your mouths where conjuring a whole opera of beautiful sounds you both were reveling in equally as you moved your hips to meet his repeated thrusting, tip of his cock brushing over that spot inside of you each time he moved in to fill the space between your drenched walls.
His entire weight was on you, since he wanted to sink his teeth back into the soft flesh of your neck, nibbling and sucking at the skin there. Your hands found a home in his hair, gently scratching his scalp, sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head, and you felt a puddle slowly take its form on the cover of the pillow tucked underneath your ass.
He was so deep, so so deep inside of you, his eyes bored themselves through yours straight into your soul, foreheads touching.
"Fuck, fuck, Eddie, feels so good", you babbled and moaned against his stubbly cheek, your heavy breath tickling down his own neck, "need more."
The knot in your lower abdomen was already tightening, getting ready to snap from just his feral thrusts and the beguiling way he was eyeing you.
"Yeah baby? Wanna cum for me?"
Your neediness made him chuckle, raising himself up and back on his heels, a strong arm wrapping around your torso and pulling you up with him, into his lap, letting one of his hands rest on and dig into your plush thigh.
He let himself drop on his butt, the hand on your thigh slowly trailing up up up, fingertips and palm climbing softly all the way over your back to come and stay on the back of your neck, encasing you fully and pressing you against his chest, letting you know he needed you just as close as you needed him.
Without even thinking about it your hips started moving against his as you straddled him, your kiss swollen lips finding his own again, panting into each others mouths, and soon enough the knot between your legs came close to snapping, from the change of position, the length of his cock now gliding smoothly against your clit with each rock of your hips, creating the delicious friction you so desperately craved.
"Yes baby, that's it, lose it for me, oh god fuck!", Eddie panted as he felt your hips starting to stutter, his words sending you over the edge, cunt spasming and clenching around him, your frantic breaths hitting his face as your head was thrown back.
He was soaking you up with all the sweet sounds you were making for him, helping you ride out your high, hands moving down to your ass to lift you, just after announcing his own release through a sickeningly deep moan and mumbles of "oh fuck baby, so close, gonna make me– oh shit", hot and sticky saltiness joining your sweet juices, landing in the tight space between your bellies, painting undefinable patterns onto the heated skin.
For another eternity you held each other close, felt his breathing against your shoulder and collarbone as he dipped his head to place a kiss to your throat, moving his hands away from your back to cup your face, pressing his lips to yours, not wanting to let the moment go just yet.
And then, he dropped the bomb.
"Say that you're mine", he still panted, forehead leaning against yours, noses touching as your hands cupped his on top of your cheeks.
It made you chuckle, the fact he was asking this now after fucking you into another dimension, and it made your thumbs brush over the backs of his palms.
You sensed the tension still present in every fiber of his being with the way he was holding onto your face, still needing you close, and since you knew about his abandonment issues to some extent, seeing him all vulnerable like this was tugging at your heartstrings to no end.
None of his usual slightly cocky tone, just pure softness and an open heart was what presented itself to you.
Say that you're mine.
Of course you were his.
Your facial expression softened endlessly, you felt all your insides melt into one big puddle, mouth forming into a small pout, one hand coming down to rest on his own cheek, closing the gap and slotting your lower lip in between his.
You wanted him to feel the amount of affection you had for him, in your eyes, in your kiss, in your touch.
He was supposed to feel loved. Like he should always have felt that he was loved.
"I'm all yours, Eddie. But only if you're all mine."
The look in your eyes said it all. The one in his, too.
Yeah. He was your Eddie. Your seat partner. Your magnet.
Eddie pulled you into him, as if hearing the words come out of your mouth and the way you were looking at him all soft and gooey made all his angst about being dropped and left again slowly vanish.
"I'll need some time to get used to this", he paused, not daring to meet your eye, "I mean, to someone that doesn't just leave after a while."
Since being this close to someone emotionally was about equally far away from any routine for you as well, you met him with utmost understanding.
"That's okay. We're in no rush, right?", you kissed the corner of his mouth, small pecks over the stubbly cheek opposite of where your hand was placed.
You were able to watch him get too much into his head as you spoke.
"You sure about that? I don't think the law of seat partners extends to–"
Your lips pressed to his own cut him off, "you don't need a silly law to make me wanna spend time with you, Munson."
A quick journey of your eyes over his beautiful face, his eyes widened, eyebrows raised, lips curled into a pretty smile, cheeks all rosy and forehead bangs sticking to his forehead from your most recent activities.
"Actually, I've been dreaming of you – and this – since I met you at Steve's for the first time and Dustin introduced you to me as his ultra handsome dungeon master, you remember?", you continued, hoping it would give him an idea how how much you'd been wistfully pining after him, an idea about how wanted he was.
Of course Eddie remembered.
It was the night he had left way earlier than usual because he just couldn't stand being around you without making a colossal fool out of himself for already wanting to be close to you after just thirty minutes of being in the same room, afraid to be coming on way too strong for his reputation and, speaking from experience, ultimately scare you away.
His hands dropped from your face, two strong arms wrapping themselves back around your figure as he breathed in your sweat-sticky scent, desperately trying one more time to glue this memory into the long-term department of his brain.
"Wait, does that mean I could have .. could've had you .. all this time?"
A chuckle escaped your lips, before leaning into him once more, planting another sweet kiss to his mouth.
"Yeah silly, ... all this time."
Home was calling you back into the bleak reality of trying to graduate high school, and you were far from missing it.
Nancy using her famous organizational talents had made sure that Robin wouldn't leave her special pillow behind, and instructed you to look extra carefully for any items that might have flown behind the bedframe.
And she was correct. You'd blindly reached for a little white framed polaroid, only to discover that it was the one of Eddie with his flower crown, eyes squeezed shut, grinning like an absolute idiot.
He still, maybe even more so now, looked angelic.
You'd never forgive yourself if you'd leave that one here.
The ride home was spent with your head on Prince Metal's shoulder for the most part, your back practically lying on his chest, huddled up against him.
And it did take all the strength in the both of you to not constantly be all over each other, especially under the scrutinizing eyes of your teachers.
A few pecks were stolen here and there, the feeling of being entirely lovedrunk making it hard to separate. Thankfully, for the foreseeable future, you didn't have to.
The group had just shot you knowing looks at breakfast, Max, Robin and the older guys who had seen you wrapped (and very covered up, Eddie had made sure of that) in Eddie's sheets in the morning responsible for not being able to keep their beaks shut.
For the long hours you'd be spending on the road, Eddie had organized a restock of snacks at the only supermarket in the first town you'd stopped at on the way.
"As your designated seat partner, it is so hard to keep my hands to myself", you mumbled into the fabric of the dark and washed out Metallica shirt covering his shoulder with a sheepish grin, as your hand slowly disappeared into the bag on his lap, pulling out whatever box of cookies he'd chosen.
Eddie couldn't help but snort at your innuendo and the way you were using his own joke on him in return.
Lowering his head, planting his cheek against your temple, whispers.
"Oh baby, just wait until we're home."
taglist: @josephfakingquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @spellbounddd, @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint, @mystars123, @gothmingguk, @kennafild, @chloe-6123, @michaelfuckinglangdon, @analogkraken, @mrsjellymunson, @kimmi-kat and @bakugouswh0r3
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thedudegirlentity · 1 month
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Umm, so I wrote my very first Ghost Band fan fiction haha. I'm not nervous about it at all. Nope. But umm, yeah, I cranked this out within two hours lol. I hope you like it! I'll put it below and also try to link to ao3.
also gonna tag the mutual @littlemoon-beam because I really look up to their writing it's so beautiful! Hope you don't mind me tagging you!
Dewdrop didn’t have nightmares. He classed nightmares as something that made you cry, scream and thrash about in your sleep, something that had you jolting awake like you’d been struck by lightning from a cloudless sky. No, Dew didn’t have those, his dreams were more of reminders of something; reflections.
CW: angst, body horror, hurt/comfort, Dewdrop's elemental change, romance, Aether being nasty to Rain for a little bit but it's ok they love each other, Aether being stressed, happy/content ending (whole things feels kind of sombre to me), if I missed any content warnings please let me know!
Dewdrop didn’t have nightmares. He classed nightmares as something that made you cry, scream and thrash about in your sleep, something that had you jolting awake like you’d been struck by lightning from a cloudless sky. No, Dew didn’t have those, his dreams were more of reminders of something; reflections. 
On this particular night he’d been back in the Pit. He had been warm and snuggled under something, something that was shifting around him with little tickles on his skin. There had been a light sparkling through the stuff around him and he’d had the urge to climb climb climb. His body had been sluggish and slow, not knowing how to move exactly quite yet. If he were to compare that feeling to something he knew now on the Surface, he’d compare it to dragging yourself out of layers of cosy, thick blankets after the best nap of your life. He’d crawled forward and upward and the something around him had shifted some more, slowly falling away so easily to let him into the light and the water above. 
The oceans of the Pit were a very peculiar place. They were eerily still with a Siren’s hum always lulling through the currents, and he had learnt quickly to keep low to the sea bed and mind his own business. But in that moment, when he had hatched from the sand and blinked his eyes to his new world, there had been no fear or terror in sight. He was warm, and his warmth would keep him safe. 
Now, hundreds of years later, Dewdrop stands in his en suite bathroom on the Surface staring at himself in the mirror. He didn't look at himself with hate or disappointment or anything like that like he knew the others sometimes thought he did. He simply observed himself and took in the details, almost marvelling at how much he’d changed since he’d first been summoned all those years ago for the Ghost Project. He remembered it like it was yesterday. 
He’d been lurking around near the shallows in the Pit’s ocean, getting closer and closer to the lava that was spilling in. It was fascinating to watch how the two elements had clashed and melded with each other, hissing and humming and groaning as they met. The colours were beautiful as well. His friend, another water Ghoul had been keeping their distance from the lava, reluctant to risk getting burned or dragged down by the weight of it, yet still inching closer if just to be in arm’s reach of Dew in case they needed to drag him away at a moment’s notice. 
But there had been no time for his friend to reach for him, and it wasn’t the lava that dragged him. It had been a sharp pull on his core, so sharp it had doubled him over and left him in shock, allowing his body to go pliant and easy to be pulled wherever he was going. There had been a light, brighter than he’d ever seen and a rhythmic lul of music or voices, repetitive in its chant as he was pushed and pulled and contorted in ways that should have killed him. Then, as quickly as it had happened it had ended, and he found himself on hard, cold stone, gasping and choking on air. He’d felt something warm touch his back and it stayed there even as he tried to wriggle away, quite literally a fish out of water. He’d felt a magic course through his body, wrapping around his lungs and gills like bubbles and suddenly he could breathe. He was breathing air. 
That was his first introduction to the power of quintessence, courtesy of Omega. His second introduction had been a blast of energy in the face mere seconds later, courtesy of a newly summoned Aether. Aether had been a ball of chaotic, panicked energy that Dew had felt vibrating in the stone he’d lain on, and he had been so distracting he’d barely noticed that there was another Ghoul summoned with them; Ifrit. Dew had felt very, very small all of a sudden. And fascinated. 
The entire ritual summoning had been a chaotic mess, a successful one, but a mess nonetheless. Aether had lost control of his magic and made several people severely dizzy, while Ifrit had jumped up to fight and then immediately fallen over, only to scramble back to his feet and repeat the cycle, spewing fire and smoke from his maw with guttural growls that did nothing to hide the fear. Dew had scurried away into a corner, away from the hands trying to calm him, before making an attempt to book it out of there on legs he didn’t know how to use. Even now it made Dewdrop giggle thinking about it.
It had taken lots of time and patience from their mentors, but the three of them had come to learn their new bodies and lives and worlds. Dew had been restricted to the infirmary as he learned to walk under Mist’s guidance, every step sturdy like a rock with his determination not to fall flat on his face. At some point Mist had started teaching him ballet, as had the other water Ghouls, River and Lake and Water. They all told him it was the best way to learn control of his body, that the combined grace and force of it was similar to that of swimming. He learned to love it, especially when he felt the pure strength of his legs when he walked on his own. Through the entirety of his recovery he asked about his friend, though, nearly begging and pleading with the others to ask the Papa in charge if he could reach down to the Pit again and bring them up to be with him. The others had asked their Papa, but the answer had been a sad, apologetic no. 
When Dew had finally been strong enough, he’d been allowed to properly meet Ifrit and Aether, a decision that was quickly regretted by the older Ghouls of the Abbey. The three of them got on like a house on fire and so chaos had ensued. Pranks were being pulled, jokes were being made, shenanigans were being plotted and executed. Their reign was never-ending and they all revelled in it! Of course, they stayed strict with their learning of the instruments for the Ghost Project, a new passion for the art igniting in each of them as they practised. And soon enough it was time for their first tour. It was time for them to be presented to the world as His Dark Lord’s children. 
They loved it. They loved the crowd, the music, the travelling, the band, their Papa. They loved each other. Ifrit had quickly fallen head over heels for the band’s air Ghoul, Zephyr, and Lord how the two of them had burned so quickly. It was a quiet but obsessive sort of love, something that could be so loud if you only listened for a little while. Ifrit tended to Zephyr hand and foot, often being batted away playfully, while Zephyr became a guardian angel to Ifrit, ready to strike with venom at anyone who dared belittle the fire Ghoul in any way. 
As for Dewdrop and Aether, well. In the present, standing in front of his mirror, Dew turns back to look over his shoulder and through the bathroom door to see the big quintessence Ghoul snoring softly in his bed, relaxed and carefree and drooling slightly. The two of them had met and it had been instantaneous, their energies singing with each other every second they were together. It was so easy, beyond easy. It was natural. Meant to be. It was like they could read each other’s minds with how well they knew each other so quickly. The others had teased them relentlessly for how they first came together, claiming that it wasn’t romantic at all to confess feelings and lay together for the first time on the empty tour bus immediately after a ritual. But both Dew and Aether felt differently. 
No, it hadn’t been soft or slow or gentle. It had been frenzied and quick and rough, the pair of them scratching and grabbing and pulling at each other with something akin– something more than desperation. It was the thought of why the hell haven’t we been this close before, why haven’t our souls met before when I know yours so well, how in the ever-loving, hellbent fuck could I go a day without knowing you inside and out. 
When Ifrit and Zephyr announced they were retiring, ready to bind their souls together for eternity and just live and exist on the Surface, it came as a surprise to no one, they had all seen it coming from a mile away. What did take everyone aback was the realisation that new Ghouls would have to be summoned to take their places. The Clergy had already found two air Ghoulettes to take Zephyr’s spot in the band, the pair of them floating around in the clouds of the Pit with no idea what was being planned for them. However, the Clergy had been having increasing trouble finding a suitable fire Ghoul for the lead guitar. 
It was a known fact that unlike other elemental creatures, those made of fire and brimstone were notoriously powerful and dangerous, which made them near impossible to lure in and keep under a semblance of control. Alpha had been summoned because he was older, no less dangerous mind you, but simply a calmer flame than most. Ifrit had been summoned almost by sheer luck, his youth and curiosity and willingness to just see what happens being what led him to the Surface. They were both lucky shots that happened to land, nothing more. And their new Papa was... new. Every one of them loved Copia without sway, he was kind and gentle and thoughtful and passionate about the Ghost Project, but he had also been shoved into a position he was nowhere near ready for. There was no way he’d be able to summon a fire Ghoul, at least not one that wouldn’t kill everyone on site. 
The Clergy had been running out of time and they needed to summon the new Ghouls soon, otherwise the Ghost Project would have to be cancelled. It had all of them scrounging the library for any potential answers to their problem, all of them desperate to help their Papa and to remain children of the Dark Lord. And that was when Dew had found it. 
Dew had poured over the summoning texts night after night, wanting to be ready or when he would take the place of mentor one day like the others did for him, but the text that he found in the library was so strange and different yet still similar enough that he could decipher it. It wasn’t a summoning, no, it was a changing. Dewdrop translated the text on his own and read through it over and over and over and over again until he had memorised it, and then he read through it again just to make sure and convince himself it was possible. That was when he took it to Aether. 
As ready as Aether was to try new things and take a couple risks here and there, a contradiction to his healer status he’d earned in the infirmary that Dew always found funny, he was incredibly reluctant to let Dew go through such a life-changing endeavour, one that could very well kill him. It was their first true argument that led to tears and sobs and concerned looks from the others, having never seen the two fight before. But slowly, or quickly, neither of them quite remember, it turned into hushed whispers and promises that could never hope to be kept in mortal bodies, yet they made them anyway because Aether knew Dewdrop would walk through any fire to get to him, and Dewdrop knew Aether would pull apart any galaxy to bring him back. 
And so, together, they took the Text of Elemental Changing to Papa Copia. 
Due to the Clergy’s demands, Dew’s transition would take place the same day as the summoning of the new Ghouls, which put everyone on edge. Half of them thought that the Clergy wanted Copia to fail, that they’d grown tired of the Ghost Project as a whole and was just waiting for the opportunity to turn around and point fingers, claiming that Copia was no good and that it should all be abandoned. They all agreed they could not let that happen. 
Before Dew stepped into his ritual circle, he told Papa of his old friend in the Pit’s ocean, one of the most graceful Ghouls he had ever met. He told of how he hoped he would see them again if the Lord allow it, and Papa understood what Dew was asking, nodding his head with a smile that said I will do my best. 
And then the ritual began and Dewdrop burned. 
The feeling started with a warmth in his core. A warmth that felt so familiar it confused him. It grew larger and larger and hotter and hotter until he could feel every nerve in his body, not quite hurting just yet but enough of a sensation that had him twitching. And then it kept going and it did start hurting. Dewdrop looked down at his light blue hands and watched them turn pink and then gold, and then it was flaking off like tiny leaves blowing in a nonexistent wind and revealing black underneath. The flakes of skin were variants of grey billowing around him as the ritual continued, but it was when he watched his fins shrivel up like melted plastic did he start screaming. The bioluminescence of his fins and scales hardened into a solid colour Dew didn’t know before wrinkling and shattering and peeling off his body, now useless. The gills on his ribcage and neck burned furiously and he almost threw up when he looked down at himself, seeing the flicker of flames poking out of the slits and chasing the oxygen in the air. They’d already burnt through the oxygen in his lungs. 
The heat that was inside him was unbearable and the only thing that was keeping him sane in that moment was the memory of the promise he made to Aether. He couldn’t leave him. He wouldn’t. He started thinking about his friend from the ocean, the one Papa was trying his best to get back to him. If they did make it to the Surface they would need a mentor and as the last water Ghoul summoned that was Dew’s job, right? He couldn’t leave his friend. 
Somehow the heat got hotter and hotter before surpassing the point of being molten. Then suddenly, Dewdrop thought of the lava in the Pit. He thought of how it had sizzled and groaned as it made its way forward, creeping sideways and downward at a leisurely pace. And the colours had been beautiful, as well. The lava was dangerous and deadly but it was also calm and serene. It destroyed like fire but moved with the grace of water. And that was when the pain made itself at home in Dewdrop’s body, except it wasn’t pain anymore. It was him. It was Dewdrop. All those hundreds of years marvelling at the heat, longing for the warmth that he had felt when waking up for the first time under the sand, and he had finally found it again, except this time in ashes. 
Dewdrop raised his aching head, body trembling uncontrollably and swaying with the lack of energy. Aether had energy. He needed Aether. The ashes he was buried under fell away from around him as he forced himself to his hands and knees. When did he fall over? He needed Aether. 
He looked to his side, following the voice and found himself looking into the beautiful blueish-purple eyes he thought he might never see again. 
“Rain.” he murmured. 
Then he collapsed and everything went dark. 
Aether had told Dewdrop that he’d been in and out of consciousness for weeks before he finally woke up properly. He’d also told him that it’d been the happiest, most relief-filled moment of Aether’s entire life. The short time after waking up is still hazy to Dew, but he remembers how wet his hand had been from where Aether had been crying on it. He also remembers how he’d thrown up nothing but water for days over the side of the bed, specks of ash flying out along with it. The aftermath of the Changing is what Omega had said. A bloody nuisance is what Dewdrop had said. 
The recovery was relatively quick, which surprised everyone but Dew. Within a handful of weeks he was walking around and eating solid foods, joking with some and asking how others were. He asked about Rain and the other new summons, and he didn’t miss how Aether’s face twitched into a frown for a nanosecond before the quint informed him of what had been happening. Dewdrop kept a close eye on Aether’s reactions every time he mentioned or asked about Rain, noticing how his eyes would turn downward and he’d start fiddling with the rings on his fingers. He didn’t want to dance around the subject, so after a good few days of this awkwardness he asked him straight what was going on, and that’s when Aether had started crying and begging forgiveness. For what? 
Aether had hated Rain. In the beginning, anyway. Aether told Dew of how the moment he had collapsed after the Changing, Rain had lunged over his body to protect him from the strangers they now found themselves surrounded by. He explained how logically he knew Rain was scared and confused and doing everything in his power to protect the person they’d lost so many years ago, but in doing so they’d stopped Aether from getting to Dew. They’d stopped him from helping his love, his mate, his other half. And Aether had hated him for it. He’d hated how this lanky water Ghoul had been there all of five seconds and blocked him from his love, had hissed and growled and snarled at Aether to stay away or else, as if he would ever do anything other than handle Dewdrop with care. The other water Ghouls had had to step in, using their likeness to Rain to appeal to them and convince them that they were safe, that Dewdrop was safe and loved and would be taken care of. Aether expressed how those tantalising seconds in which Rain made their decision to trust the others had felt like something cruel ripping pieces of his heart, mind and soul out piece by piece. 
Rain had visited Dew in the infirmary as well when he was still asleep, holding his hand and speaking words of love and worry and prayer. Aether had almost torn the water Ghoul to shreds for that, wrestling with the stupidity of what he was considering and the pure realness of what he was feeling. 
Dewdrop was asleep and Aether was at war. 
Aether told Dew of how he’d forced himself to think of all the stories Dew had told him about Rain, about how sweet and charming and kind and shy the water Ghoul was. He’d forced himself to swallow the words of poison he so wanted to spit at Rain, replacing them with practised care and sympathy he was used to doing as a healer for the Abbey. But then Rain had apparently seen through his mask and told him to yell at them, to scream and cry and tell them that he hated them. Rain had always been too good at reading people, Dewdrop would remember. And so Aether had. He’d spat the words that tasted like coal on his tongue and cried while he did it, his chest caving in as he’d continued to look at the water Ghoul before him, each word he spoke getting weaker and weaker until he was just crying into Dewdrop’s limp hand, blubbering apologies over and over. Rain sat through it all until Aether was whimpering, which was when they stood from their chair on the opposite side of Dew’s bed, rounded it and wrapped their long, cool arms around the bigger Ghoul who all but fell into them. 
Rain had taken care of Aether that evening, sitting with him by Dew’s bed and sharing stories of his own from their time in the Pit’s ocean. Rain had told Aether some of Dew’s best moments, worst moments and embarrassing moments, the last of which Dewdrop swore he’d get payback for. The two of them had gotten to know each other and learned to like each other, but what made Aether love Rain was when the water Ghoul told him very sternly that he was to never speak to them with that level of disrespect again. Shy as Rain might be they were not to be messed with and Aether had suddenly realised how themselves and Dew had gotten on so well, and he loved it. 
When Aether had finished spilling his guilty confession, Dewdrop wrapped his love in his arms and kissed his face all over, telling him how proud he was of him. Aether cried again and Dewdrop joined him, and that was the first time since transitioning that Dew was allowed out of the infirmary. 
And now here he stands in the present, the feeling of sand and ash on his skin as he observes himself in the mirror. Years have passed since the Changing, and he knows that he’s changed some in personality as well. As if people don’t change as they grow older anyway. He’s still mischievous and teasing, that will never change, but he knows he’s more reserved now. Stoic. It’s not down to anything bad, per se, he just feels older. He talked with Alpha and Ifrit about it at some point, when he worried something was wrong with him in a moment of anxiety, and the three of them talked it through. They talked about the different fires they all have burning within them and how they can change as the flame flickers. Dewdrop told them about the lava and they told him that he has become the lava. 
Stoic and strong and sure. 
Deadly and dangerous and ruthless. 
Graceful and elegant and beautiful. 
Dewdrop looks at his ash grey skin and the marks of his old bioluminescent scales which are now a misty white. He looks at his pitch black hair that falls down his back like a waterfall. He looks at his horns, the bases grey like his skin before fading to white. He looks at the gills on his ribs and neck, not scarred over but slitted gaps that suck in the oxygen his fire needs to grow, the same slitted gaps that let out smoke when he’s angry or pent up. Finally, he looks himself in the eye and sees the glow of the lava in the Pit’s ocean looking back. He sees that light he saw all those years ago for the first time. 
Dewdrop is warm, and his warmth will keep him safe.
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daniwib · 2 months
Hiiii 💕💕💕
For the fic never have I ever:
1) have you ever written anything about buddie and sleeping (like an insomnia fic, nightmares, cuddling and falling asleep, etc)?
2) have you ever written anything about buddie and chronic pain?
3.) have you ever written anything about buddie and hurt/comfort? What about angst?
4) have you ever written any sort of buddie AU?
Hey, hii!
(Me, holy shit, someone actually sent me an ask? Stay cool, stay cool, it’s cool everyone!)
(Also me, oh shit, I did not realise that this means I have to remember what I’ve written. Hmm. This may have been a mistake, I have the worst memory, I really do. Goes and checks out own ao3 profile for the answers…)
Ok here we go.
Nightmares. Oh hey look at that! I’ve actually got a fic with the word in its title, who knew! A spell for nightmares & fractured hearts is a short and fluffy lil fic about Buck helping Chris heal after the tsunami, and then Chris (and Eddie) helping Buck do the same. And because I’m allergic to fluff, I followed it up with part 2 in that series being long, whumpy and angsty. As for falling asleep, cuddling or insomnia, I can’t find anything in my quick search but I think I’ve written all of those in several of my fics, just not as a major part of the plot, more as part of the comfort part after the hurt usually.
Similar answer for chronic pain, I think? I’ve referenced it here and there in various fics but haven’t written on just about that. It’s a little bit too close to home for me, my dad has had 3 hip replacements (first because of major injury as a firefighter when I was 10, he fell through 3 floors in a burning building) so having lived with someone experiencing it, it doesn’t really appeal to me to write.
Buddie and hurt/comfort – um. Pretty much every single one of my Buddie fics?! I filtered my works with that tag and got 30 hits, so…. Here’s one I’m posting right now that I’m kinda proud of Pictures of You, in which Abuela dies post season 6, Eddie hurts and Buck comforts.
Buddie and angst – refer to above answer lol. If I had to choose a favourite, I think I’d choose empty, broken, lonely, hoping, my beloved presumed dead fic where Buck and Christopher are thought to have perished when Buck’s apartment building burns down and Eddie goes through several chapters of angst. It’s unrelenting really, poor guy. 4. Buddie AU – again, I’ve got several depending on your definition.
If you want a truly Alternate Universe, try I Once Was Lost. It’s a Peter Pan fusion where Buck is Peter, Eddie is Wendy Darling and almost all of the other characters feature in Neverland too. It covers from their childhood up until the end of season 5 and I have a particular soft spot in my heart for it.
If you prefer Canon Divergence, try There Walks Darkness. It’s basically What If Maddie didn’t kill Doug and he was arrested instead – and was one of the prisoners who took Buck and Eddie hostage in season 5? It features a lot of hurt Buck, Buck whump, worried Eddie and the 118, some of my favourite tropes to write.
And lastly, if you prefer supernatural AU, try Returned for a shorter read, which perhaps unsurprisingly is based on the movie and tv show… Returned.
Which reminds me of another supernatural AU that I can’t believe I forgot because I adore it! Trust Me, Darlin’ is my first collab, with the lovely @hella-cious! It's a Supernatural / 911 crossover in which Buck runs into an old hook up (Dean Winchester ofc) at a scene in LA and is promptly kidnapped before the 118’s eyes. Lots of angst and whump in this one and while there is Buck/Dean because lets face it, those two are far too hot not to ship together, it ends in Buddie (and Destiel too, for SPN fans!)
So, wow. There you go. This was a lot longer than I expected it to be but then I’ve never done one of these before. Thanks for being my first ask @steadfastsaturnsrings !!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Hair for the brown ask game?
Thanks for the ask!! (From this world building ask game).
Answering for Alium, the alternate dimension in The Secret Portal.
HAIR - What kinds of discrimination are there? Are they the same as reality?
Ok alright.
The world in terms of culture is all pretty happy to co-exist. There are 10 Sectors but no one really cares where you're from. It's not uncommon for people to be of various cultural descent and you can go anywhere in the world and it won't have a completely monogamous population. So for the most part, racism/xenophobia/any kind of discrimination of culture or origin isn't really a thing.
Same goes for homophobia/transphobia/sexism. Not really a thing. I've kind of in the process of fixing surnames so women don't have to change their names in a M/F relationship and the children can have the names of either parent or both. I did make it a little patriarchal, but I'm working on it.
This isn't to say no one in Alium holds these prejudices. It's just not widespread or institutionalized.
Now ableism - that's the big one. In terms of disabilities that actually exist, there's a lot of technology available for accomodation. Stairs aren't a thing, so people who couldn't use stairs to begin with will be fine. There are gloves/sleeves/etc to help translate gesture-based languages to speech - though they are completely optional to the individual and not enforced. Any real-disability accommodations actually are taught to be entirely up to the individual, who can reject them and not be shamed or mocked for doing so. There's no push - they're just there.
But then come the powers. This is where the root of the discrimination is in TSP.
There are ones specific to a power - such as stereotypes. Telepaths, for example, are stereotyped to be mentally unstable, and most psychological hospitals are populated with telepaths. Telepaths often have to wear dampeners in certain locations. Teleporters can also be warded off. As soon as they're identified, chronokinetics (time manipulants) have their time traveling power suppressed, limited to only smaller changes.
The Class system for power rarity is also sometimes misinterpreted as a hierarchy by those who want to be seen as better for having a more rare power. In general, there are individuals who believe Their Power, or only specific powers, are superior. People with flying and intangibility and other less practical powers can be seen as inferior. Same goes for differing Levels of power - some people don't have the potential for higher abilities.
There are also traditional jobs they are expected to take. Those with superstrength should go into physical work and terrakinetics into construction.
But the most prominent is the Inutilia - the name given to those who never develop powers. If you know your Latin roots, you'd know this means useless. This is a relatively recent mutation where an Alii never develops powers - and in this society this is seen as a disability. This is where the ableism comes in. Society doesn't see a point to them.
The Big Conflict is the prejudice of the Inutilia. After decades of violence toward them, one group had enough and decided to basically attempt to overthrow the oppressive governments of the world and replace it with a new one. Another group was like "hey, how about we try to solve the prejudice without violence!?" And now the two sides are pissed at each other to say the absolute least.
Second group is the focus. As the series goes on, I deconstruct the bias in its leadership and actual more productive ways to counter the prejudice and promote equity. A lot of power corrupts themes. Hehe good luck to me lol.
So that's the basic overview of it? That was a lot. Working on this is super hard but super interesting. Figuring out all the social implications, bias, etc is a LOT. A lot of research too.
Hope that was a sufficient answer lol.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday
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obsolescent · 10 months
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Southern Charm - Chapter One
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Pairing: Ethan Winters x GN!Reader
Summary: You begin working at a new company, meeting the coworker you’ll work with the most. He’s attracted to your southern charm and can’t help the feelings that rise. From the accent to the way you move, it captivates him. How much longer can he stay quiet about the blossoming infatuation he has for you? The person before Mia.
Author's Note: The first chapter of the winning story for my 100 followers celebration! So the first chapter is just setting things up, it takes a long time to get to LA from the south, lol. Not that much excitement going on yet but you do speak to Ethan some. Also, I am starting to add tags to the ends of my writings, so if you would like to be tagged (or removed from the tags) let me know. Enjoy!
Content Warnings: Cultural differences, mentions of anxiety, will update for future chapters.
Cross-Posted to Ao3
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Systems Engineering has been described as an integrative field of engineering management that centers around how to design and manage complex systems over their cycles of life. That’s quite the mouthful. Thank the Lord that is not your career field. Your head spins just thinking about your soon-to-be-coworker’s job description. A computer science degree is what you have, filling in the role for their database administrator. 
You had seen the job opening and applied, amongst countless others, not thinking much of it. To your surprise, your application was accepted and after the initial screening of the hiring process you were congratulated on being selected for the job. You’re now relocating to California for the position, leaving your hometown in the south for a fresh start across the country. You always joked to your friends that if you went west of the Mississippi River you would be leaving your soul behind.
Crossing into the city limits of Amarillo, Texas, you feel something ebbing away after each mile that’s put between you and your hometown. You try not to think too much about the ache in your bones, already feeling the waning of your resolve. You stop in the city for the night to rest. You wanted to tackle the trip in under a few days, having driven around halfway now, you figure it’s a good stopping point for the night. You find a reasonably priced inn for the night. The place is astonishingly unique, something you hadn’t seen before.
Arriving at your room, you brought in only the essentials: items for showering, skincare, and a change of clothes. You make your way to the bathroom, wanting to wash the day away after being confined to your car for so long. You only stopped to stretch your legs and to grab a bite to eat, but the soothing warmth of the shower beckoned you, soothing some of those pangs in your heart. You towel off and slip on your usual pajamas, sliding into the sheets of the bed.
You dig through your bag you left beside the bed, pulling out and plugging your phone into its charger, setting an early alarm to tackle the remainder of the trip. You ignore the messages from friends and loved ones, opting to open the one from your new coworker. You had been given his information during the onboarding process, having completed the majority of it before arriving at the physical location. Since you’ll be working closely with him, it was wise to get to know him beforehand, also reducing some anxiety you had over it all.
“Hey. Safe travels, looking forward to meeting you in person.
Hope the drive’s been OK.”
You smile at the message, typing your response.
“Thank you, Ethan, I appreciate that. 
Reckon the drive hasn’t been too bad so far. 
I’m fixin’ to go to bed, but I’m looking forward to meeting you too.”
You do a quick once over on your message before sending, not too worried about your accent showing through your typing. Already feeling at ease with speaking to him like you normally would. Not long afterwards you receive his reply. It’s still pretty early for him, so you’re not surprised he’s awake.
“That’s great, I’m glad.
And you’re welcome. 
Goodnight, get plenty of rest.”
He’s been nothing but friendly, something you had been worried about when preparing to move out of the region. Hearing from others experiences outside of the southern United States, it’s a cultural shock at how others can be. Not saying everyone is like that, you’re not one to stereotype, but many aren’t as warm as they are down in the south. You’ll definitely have to do some adapting once arriving.
You tell him goodnight as well, before setting your phone to ‘Do Not Disturb,’ laying it down on the nightstand. You reach over and flick the switch to the lamp, cutting out the lights. Settling into the covers, you soon drift off, the sounds of the air conditioning lulling you to sleep.
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The alarm pierces through your turbulent dreams, a distorted chaos of faces and scenery from your hometown, swirling into a tornado of unease and remorse. Jolted awake by the blare, you reach for and toggle the button on the side of your phone to snooze the sound for another ten minutes. Sinking into the sheets again, you blink the sleep away, and when that doesn’t work, you rub your eyes until your vision spots.
Staring at the ceiling, you take deep breaths to steady the beat of your heart, swallowing down the anxiety that threatens to spill out. Removing the sheets from your body, you get out of bed and prepare for the next half of the trip. Pulling on the clothes you had brought in the night before, you gather your belongings and head to the lobby to check out.
You head out to the parking lot and pack your luggage into your car, settling into the driver’s seat. ‘6 AM, doing good on time. Could be in Claremont by 9 PM.’ You had picked a place to rent outside of LA, knowing it would be cheaper and less hectic. Though, even the prices for a two bedroom, one bath apartment in Claremont, almost an hour away from the bustle of the large city, had your eyes almost popping out of your head. Fortunately for you, your salary increase at this new job would be more than enough to pay for rent while having excess left.
Disregarding the additional messages you’ve received from others, you text your coworker to update him on your current status and the estimated time you’ll arrive in the city, before leaving the hotel’s grounds and continuing on, toward your new beginning and hopefully brighter days.
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Tags: @caramlizedtomatoes, @dwkfan, @emilzke, @neondogs, @roseglazedlens, @xxacademy
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hello!! i hope your day has been well
i wanted to ask if you knew any daemon x reader fics thats concerned about reader being lonesome? and like its an angst-comfort? if you know any, could you please help me navigate them? feel free to include your own work as well if there is, your pieces have been very delightful to binge read, you are really talented!
HELLO MY LOVE. my tumblr crashed while i was replying but thats ok because it gave me the opportunity to be the complete yellow belly and rethink whether or not i wanted to tag anyone or just link their fics HAHHAAH (im so insane i was thinking if it was possible to tag someone but block them from the post AHHAHAAH)
anyway you can tell what i decided. tbh i honestly dont fucking remember reading any and i mean any of these. literally 0 of these T_T HAHAHAHAH it's not a slight on anyone its just a me thing im head empty all the time. also i mostly read freaky smut pieces of daemon because, well, im a freak (: that's probably why i dont remember any of these tbh. im rotten in the head T_T. i digress
Fury of The Dragon by @drakoneve (hello i love you) ok this one isnt exactly what you're looking for and i only vaguely remember reading it cos BONK🤠 it be like that. judging by my reblog i was mad petty after reading it and that's a me thing because im mad petty but im sure this is lovely and vivid because it elicited such a response from me.
Ānogar Hūra by @author-morgan ([heavy breathing] hi there) again have only white noise in my head dont remember reading this if not for the reblog BUT WHAT I DO REMEMBER IS LIKING HER STORIES SO MUCH THAT I OBSESSIVELY WENT THROUGH HER MASTERLIST HOPING SHE'S MAKE MORE FOR DAEMON. if you ever read this im not saying you should cos im not in the business of telling people what to do but if you do i would love to read it fyi lol
this ones untitled but its by @gay-dorito-dust (hello hi how are you) again dont remember a thing but judging by my reblog its soft... which in hindsight is the opposite of angst AHHAHA but it has some of those angsty comfort fics kinda so yuh you might like this one
Bleeding love by @blayresmuses (hihihi hi there hihih) once again HAHAHAH cant remember anything about anyone. judging by my reblog its really sweet in the end HAHAHHAA 404 BRAIN NOT FOUND. it does explore the whole child birthing aspect. idk what you feel about that nonnie.
this ones also untitled but its by @floweringfics (HI HAHAH) i also dont remember shit about nothing but i have a longer reblog for this, which is telling COS I KNOW FOR A FACT. A FACT. THAT ITS GOOD. SHE IS AN AMAZING WRITER SO LOVE HER SO MUCH
im just going to throw in @em-writes-stuff-sometimes (HEY *wink wink*) cos she a baby girl and i love her. she is so good at writing, get this, she made her own fucking universe (which most definitely has the themes youre looking for) and she also studies high valyrian and all that queen shit i can't wrap my head around. she's insane. im telling you a she's a hotd writer idc idc i will die on this hill.
@ewanmitchellcrumbs ([BARKING] HELLO) is also a really great writer although i dont think she does angsty comfort fics. she does make fics that make me gol feral after so theres that. interact with at your own discretion cos it changes your life fr and then next thing you know youre a barking dog.
that's about it i think T_T i hope all these lovely people just know i love them because i do i- HA:DHASFHLASFLASB
anyway next are my fics and wow i kinda feel weird by how many fics of myself i put HAHAHAH. but anyway you asked and you said i was talented and im flattered you binge them [pushes hair back] so i gave.
Want You Dead has that, but it's a three part series, so idk how you feel about that. part 2 in particular VERY much hits the nail on the head for this one (update: does it? i am questioning myself rn). also yn was a pirate for a while HAHAHH and it gets pretty graphic at a point so idk how you feel about those
Mine is also a p2 (to Ten & One) and the hurt/comfort is over yn being unable to conceive so there's and theres prett obvious smut so HAHAH
Lies Are Treason is very much hurt/comfort with some angst ig BUT IT HAS SMUT
Stone Cold is really angsty and im only adding it cos there's a smudge of like hurt/comfort there HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH but its imo one of the more tragic tales ive written AHAHHAAHHAHA
Kiss it Better... NGL I TOTALLY FORGOT I EVEN WROTE THIS HOLD ON LET ME REREAD IT RN HAHAHAHA. update HAHAHAAH I REMEMBER i wrote this when i had a bad day and i was like grrr i need the evil man to comfort me HAHAHAHAH THIS ONE IS ALSO REALLY GOOD
Moon Cycle kind of has a hurt/comfort aspect just a smidge ya feel. it's mostly, well, smut HAHAHAH also its a part four to a my stark!universe series lol
Waiting For A Lifetime has that in its p2 kinda but this is a modern au so idk how you feel about that.
thats all i think. off to go read some more daemon fics i think HAHHA
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nastyburger · 7 months
Ok, that first question was really long becuase I have a lot of Thoughts on it, but these next ones are more straightforward lol. Firstly, do the halfas in your au have ghost obsessions ? I think you might've alluded to it, but I'm not sure ! And second, do you have any hcs on how the Danny's came out as trans :^) ? Those are about it for now lol, hope the amount isn't overwhelming or anything ! Feel free to just answer whatever catches your interest !
They do! I mostly delve into Danny's exploration obsession specifically. I also have a lot more general posts on the subject that can be found under the tag "ghost core theory"
I don't really have coming out hcs. The concept of coming out is weird to me, especially to parents. I always imagine Danny coming out and transitioning at a young age so it was a very natural and hidden progression in a weird way. Like a very he and his family/close friends slowly picked up on signs and figured it out, had a discussion, then just presented male to the rest of the world for the rest of his life pretty much.
and no worries about the questions! its fun answering them!
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