#i just have a warped sense of what sounds good so i like almost all the songs lol
Philza comes with his evidence backpack, and Cellbit wants the ground to swallow him whole. Too much, its too much, he can't-
"Is now a bad time?" Philza asks, concerned but voice still light. "I can come back Friday?"
"No," Cellbit sighs. "No, I guess... Just..."
He waves a hand in a direction, and hopes Philza can make some sense of it.
"..." Philza doesn't move. "You alright mate? You seem a bit... off?"
"I'm just tired," Cellbit replies. "I just..."
Does he say, does he not? Philza has been one of his few defenders on this island, trusting him even when there's been nothing to trust, thinking on his wavelength and beside him.
He has to, doesn't he?
Cellbit can't make this sort of decision and tell anyone.
"I'm stepping down," Cellbit says. "From investigating. Cucurucho... I'm not working for the Federation, but I can't keep working against them either. Can we just... I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't be what you need me to be."
"You're not? But-" Philza's brow furrows, and Cellbit fears the yelling he heard in the maze.
He didn't hear the words, but he heard the tone; he knows he is too exhausted to survive that.
"Please, Philza," he says. "Let it rest. The Federation, the Order... I have no part in them any more. Good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for someday."
There is a long pause and Cellbit thinks, maybe, that the silence is worse than the yelling could ever have been.
"Alright," Philza's voice is gentle as he deflates. "Alright... I understand."
Cellbit expects that to be that, watching Philza put the evidence bag away. It stings more than he thought it would, but even that struggles to bring him strength through the haze. He has failed Philza - failed everyone - in giving up. So of course he is now turned away. He knows he's only wanted for what he can give, why did he expect different?
But then the bag is gone, and Philza is still there. He reaches out, takes one of Cellbit's hands, and cradles it in his own. Calloused hands are soft and gentle, and Cellbit understands why so many on the island call him father.
It doesn't feel as teasing any more.
"Are you safe?" Philza asks. "Cucurucho isn't going to come down on your ass, is he?"
He is. Cellbit cannot answer - he just wants to sleep.
But maybe none is needed, because Philza's grip tightens a little, before thumbs start to smooth over Cellbit's knuckles.
"Fuck," Philza says, then he breathes. "Alright. We've got you, King. If anything happens, I'll be there as soon as I can. Don't worry about that dumbass bear, okay? No matter what there are people here who love you, and we will save you."
Cellbit closes his eyes, and nods, and tries to be strong again. He opens his mouth, and-
"None of that," Philza interrupts. "I do it because I want to. Now, when's Roier coming to bed? I don't really want to leave you alone right now, mate."
There's something in Philza's tone, but Cellbit doesn't care to interpret it. Instead he shrugs, "not sure. But really, I'll be fine. I just need to rest."
"I'll bet," Philza looks almost heartbroken as he says it. "Let's get you somewhere safe, then. You good to warp to my place? Phil and Missa?"
"Why?" Cellbit manages to ask as he takes out his warpstone.
"I'm not going to ask you to show me your bedroom, Cellbit. I can make choices about my privacy, not yours."
It sounds so obvious like that, but it's not quite the question he meant. Still, Cellbit just follows along. It's easier, far easier, to just get whatever this is over with so he can get home and to his bed.
He warps and, as soon as he arrives, Philza takes his hand again. He's led to the hatch, and down - "be careful on the ladder" Philza reminds him - to the children's room. Then, not content to leave him there, Philza takes him to the right, through another two security doors - its not hidden, but its certainly protected - to a room all in orange. Around the walls are photographs, and there's an enchantment table in the centre, but Cellbit does not really think of that.
"This is Chayanne's room," Philza smiles sadly as he says it. "But, I'm sure he won't mind. Here, if we just-"
Cellbit tries to make a response, to compliment it, to offer condolences, but instead he is led to the side of the stairs, and then beneath them. Tucked away there, in the dim, behind five security doors and still hidden, is a heap of mattresses, covered in blankets and pillows and even the odd bean bag.
"Get yourself comfortable," Philza pushes him a little towards the pile. "I just need to adjust the doors. Make sure Roier can get in, and Felps. Pretty sure Fit just lets Pac and Mike in anyway. And Forever," Philza's breath hitches very slightly, almost inaudibly. "has access anyway."
Philza hurries off, and Cellbit remains where he was left. He doesn't need the mothering, he is sure, but- But maybe it is nice, to not have to think.
He thinks so much, for everyone, what's wrong with this?
Soon enough Philza is back, carrying two bowls of something.
"I've let Roier know where you are, and Felps as I saw he was awake," Philza says as he passes over a bowl. "I know I ain't your family, but hopefully... Anyway, Chayanne made these before he vanished, always was a better cook than me. Just heated it through - I'm sure he wouldn't have minded it being shared."
"Are you sure?" Cellbit asks. "This is your son's? I'm not-"
"Eat," Philza is a little more pushy this time, even as he sits on the mattresses himself. "You're family, if you want to be. A bit extended, but aren't we all? Forever is my family and he's also yours, and that makes us family too. By some definition, anyway."
"Oh," it's said so simply, and Cellbit has no mind for a puzzle right now. Instead he takes the bowl of soup, and he drinks it.
They eat in silence and, once done, Philza tucks both of the bowls away. Cellbit is nudged again towards the mattresses as Philza cleans up, placing his hat and his coat beside the nest.
Great, ruined wings shudder a little to escape their hole, and despite the feather growth over them Cellbit can see the scars still deep in the flesh, the unevenness where muscle has been ripped away, how they shake with the effort of holding themselves up.
He feels like he needs to do something, to have some response to seeing such fantastic wings laid low - or perhaps to the trust shown to him in their display - but he's just...
He's just tired.
Philza is a little unsteady as he, too, comes into the nest. He shifts the pillows and the blankets and opens his arms and Cellbit- Cellbit can't.
He can't be being offered this, he barely knows Philza, he can't be trusted this much, not when people so much closer to him don't. It feels like a lie, a kind one at that.
"Come on Cellbit," Philza says. "I don't have all night; some of us sleep at reasonable hours, you know?"
"It's not unreasonable," Cellbit manages to retort, even as he gives in.
Stone crumbles to the wave, in time; Cellbit pulls off his outer layers, and slowly climbs into the nest.
Crawls into Philza's arms.
The arms close around him, and ruined wings hide him from sight.
"There we go," Philza whispers. "You've done well, more than enough. Just rest now, mate; I'll keep things ticking over in the meantime."
Cellbit doesn't want things to stay 'ticking over', he just wants them to end. Part of him knows he doesn't really, that he'll want those things later, if only because Cucurucho /will/ betray him, and Forever still isn't home, and its only with them carrying on that anyone he loves will be safe.
Philza runs a hand through his hair; Cellbit's thoughts still.
It's a little while before either of them speaks. To his own surprise Cellbit is the one to do so, with another childish feeling question, another "why?"
"Because I trust you," Philza replies. "And if I trust you, I care about you. If I trust you, you are my flock, and it fucking sucks right now, but we take care of each other. You're alive? That's /all/ I need from you, mate, just for you to stay alive."
Cellbit wishes it was that simple, he really does.
"If I'm here, your house isn't safe," he tries to reason, unsure why he's even fighting it now.
Philza holds him a little tighter, "if my flock safe, what's the point of a house? I'd take you to the real nest, but human lungs don't like being that high for long."
Real nest? Cellbit didn't think Philza had a secret base. It's a better kept secret than most on the server, it seems. To even know it exists, and presumably in the sky...
The idea is crushed by exhaustion, and apathy, and a desperate, desperate need to sleep.
Fingers brush in his hair once more.
"I've got you," Philza says. "Get some rest, mate; nobody will hurt you here."
And if they do, Cellbit has no doubt Philza's scythe will find its way into their eyes.
He curls up, presses his head to Philza's chest, and desperately tries to sleep.
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carionto · 9 months
It'll be "awesome", the Human said
(Continuation/conclusion to this)
After the Coalition delegates had been mindblown enough, it was time for them to finally leave and have a nap. But Captain Knoslark had one more thing he desperately wanted to show them.
"So, like, we're a science vessel and we have three of the biggest reactors, right? Right. So, I wanna show you what we recently figured out we can do. C'mon, it'll be awesome."
Awesome - a word the rest of the Galaxy will soon learn to both admire and run for cover whenever a Human uses it.
With trepidation in their steps, and worry in their breaths, they followed the all too eager Captain, who was almost skipping and humming down the halls, dramatically pointing the way. His crew continued to not give him the satisfaction of ever acknowledging his theatrics.
"Once the reactors are in good enough sync, we'll reconfigure the Radiant Dusk to a circular shape and begin!"
Oh. Yeah. Of course their ships can also transform. Why not. The delegates have given up thinking there are things Human engineering can't accomplish. Also, good enough?
"Eh, don't worry about it, we overbuild everything, so a 1 or 2 percent margin of error is fine, most of the time."
They could not imagine themselves to be more worried. At least not until a few minutes from now.
"Captain, she's ready," Chief Engineer Tameki's tone changed to a total blank deadpan for the next words, "to transform. and. roll. out."
With childlike glee, Captain Knoslark tapped the big red button, specifically designed for his pad only, to begin the sequence.
Distant creaking of metal, anguish at the prospect of bending in ways nature never intended, and the unmistakable jolt of mechanical movement, despite the artificial gravity maintaining the same down throughout, once more instilled primal anxiety for the delegates.
The reactors wound up, turning the almost-buzz like feeling beneath their feet to a true all encompassing sense of absolute power. Three small stars at equidistant points along the now 4km in diameter vessel created a singular feeling of something imminent that should never have been possible. The Universe itself wanted to reject this possibility.
"We tried copying your mass field generators from way back when you did the barrier thing. Wanted to see if we could get close to Black Hole levels, there were some theories that time travels was possible with that kinda pull."
I don't think anyone would be surprised if they had succeeded, but, for once during their entire visit, the Humans said they couldn't get time travel to work. Celebration! Then the Captain kept talking.
"So what happened instead is we accidentally tore a hole in time-space, creating a sort of warp gate." He said with both joy and disappointment.
Then the Universe shrieked. A massive distortion in reality now struggled and failed to restore normality between the ring-shaped ship. Swirling coils of matter flickered in and out, ghostly visages of detonations on a solar scale. A sight never intended to be witnessed.
"Still gotta figure out how to set a destination to anywhere. Right now the only stable connection we can get is with massive gravity wells, so any celestial body with enough mass, smallest one is a red dwarf. Problem is the connection steers towards the center, so not really practical right now."
"If we try to point at empty space the gate just kinda wiggles and you end up getting spaghetti-fied on the other end. Still, once we get enough ships like this one around the galaxy, we'll solve that whole trips taking more than a few hours thing we got with the hyper drives."
At this point the delegates decided to be escorted away, as most had became a crying mess. One stumbled onto a automated cleaning unit and at this the Captain, whose mood had soured a bit now that his time as tour guide was over, rose back to heights unseen before. With his most official sounding, yet at the same time most joy filled tone ever, he declared:
"Sergeant Ying Zhao, issue an official notice. Today at 20:30 ship time there will be a grand ceremony for the promotion of Captain Stabicus to Special Envoy of the Galactic Coalition. Ready all relevant paperwork, and his new badge, and inform the chef to prepare a feast. We have done much today for the sake of Human-Coalition relationships, and so much more for the Radiant Dusk at Everest and her crew and staff. Tonight, we celebrate!"
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Berries and Crème
⇰ Summary: You find that not all is well in the land of Strawberryland, where there are seven men with colorful hair that have never laid eyes upon a woman before meeting you.
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⇰ Words: 12k
⇰ Genre: Smut & Angst (Crackfic)
⇰ Pairing: BTS x fem!Reader (all members)
⇰ Warnings: Strawberry Shortcake AU, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Dubious Consent, Implied war, Mentions of PTSD, Voyeurism, Breeding kink, creampie, Jungkook centric, the boys are clueless and don't know what sex is until you ruin their innocence, fucking of pumpkins-food play-ish?, lots of fruit puns/references to sweet things because of the theme, comparing pussy to pumpkinussy(?), plot if you squint. A/N: I DID IT I POSTED YAYYYY! But also please enjoy, I am really tired but I felt bad so here is something I have had in drafts for a while....a fucked up strawberry shortcake au where reader isn't in a good situation-HAVE FUN! Low key kidnapping but whatever. I think I was PMSing when I wrote this. Or it was when I was in a poly relationship with two guys and got carried away.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
You remembered traveling. You were in a car, a really nice car…and you were…yes, you were being kidnapped by your uncle. He said something about some money, some money your father wouldn’t give him. And then the car crashed.
When you came to, he was passed out and you were stranded under a tree.
Suddenly, a puppy with purple fur ran out. You were disoriented and had no clue what the time was but it was strange how the purple puppy that looked to be a toy poodle was running around you, barking as you looked around for anything that could help. Your uncle was unconscious and bleeding out right now so the only thing you could think of was to run away from him. 
There was no telling what the man would do, especially now since you were injured. Sure, he was bleeding, but would that really stop him? He could still very well overpower you. You put your hand up to the dog, as if you were trying to silence it, pressing a finger against your lips and gently whispering: “Shhh, be quiet, you’ll wake him.” You noticed the puppy whining and barking as if it was trying to get someone’s attention.
Suddenly, you heard rustling coming from some bushes nearby, and noticed how big they were. The structure of this area was strange, apart from a few trees scattered around and a mysterious looking log cabin, there was a small fraction of the land that was surrounded by a row of bushes. It almost looked like it was covering something.
Then, a man just appeared, from the bushes. As if there was something hidden there, he just walked out, and you saw how he stepped THROUGH them. So they were fake. He had to be a magician or a wizard of some sort, as the world seemed to warp around him and you sensed something magical about him.
He had doe eyes, and a button nose which was wider all throughout. He was very handsome and appeared to be asian. You weren’t one to guess, but if you had to, you’d say he’s korean. His purple hair wasn’t the strangest thing about him-his outfit was. He was wearing a matching dark purple tracksuit and a light cyan blue and white shirt. His hair was put into a neat ponytail and….his eyes were a deep rich violet. He was probably wearing a cosplayer. 
“Ist def douclf dtep?” That didn’t sound like any language you knew as he opened his mouth to speak. The puppy barked and ran around you, as you looked up, hot from the heat and dehydrated from the past hour of being stuck here.
“Please, help me.” You reached out to the man, in hopes of him reaching back to you before you fainted.
When you came to, you were in a bed, surrounded by two other men, who were peering at you with curiosity. A third man walked in, and as your blurry vision cleared, you could see it was the guy that helped you earlier with the tracksuit. The two other mystery men had strange hair colors and outfits too. One had maroon and pink hair fading into a lighter shade, and he was wearing a really long pink shirt with green and white tights (a man in tights? REALLY?) and lilac contacts in his eyes, while the other had a more normal appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes, but wore a lemon themed outfit, with a goofy lemon printed button up shirt and a plain white tee underneath with some shorts and a pair of white and yellow tights and yellow tennis shoes as well. What was it with the men in this place and their fucking tights?
“Ah, she’s awake?!” The purple haired man ran to you at once. You blushed a bit because it was so nerve wracking to see a good looking guy be attentive towards you. “Move away guys, give her some space.” He said to the other men.
“I can understand you.” You said while sitting up.
“Yeah. That’s because I brought you into Strawberryland. Normally we don’t let other humans cross in, in case they try destroying the town. God forbids that happens again…” He said with a slight dark twinge to his voice. 
“Strawberryland?” You raised a brow and sat up. “What’s that?” You prayed they wouldn’t break into song and dance. 
“It’s the name of this world. You see, long ago, the Berrymunchkins and Berrybugs needed a place to live, so a great wizard from the human world created a safe haven for all the creatures to live, hiding them away from all harm-along with a couple human beings to boot. It was meant to balance out. 15 people, and 9 of the creatures. However, the creatures felt wronged, tired of being used for labor as they had been previously in the human world. So, they retaliated. Slaughtered half of us. You see, we had siblings. There were two of us in each house, and we were happy! My sister…” He clenched his fist. “I’ll never forget what they did to Plum,” He gritted his teeth. You could tell he was going through something at the moment. Definitely looked like PTSD. “Sorry. You probably didn’t need to hear that. But it’s the current state of things. Sorry I couldn’t do more for you than offer a heatpack for your stomach and a hot towel for your forehead. We are pretty much out of medical supplies because the bug workers at the local hospital went on strike.”
You sit up slowly, wincing from the sudden pain.
“What kind of a city is this? Berrymunchkins and bugs, the color….I don’t understand how it’s so…wait, are we in a giant plum right now?” You looked around the house and noticed the shape of it. It was decorated purple, everywhere, and the windows looked candy-stripe themed as well, with green and white peppermints serving as the panes for the glass.
“Yes. Well, that is the magic of strawberryland. We weren’t born here but it gave us these physical changes. Pretty sweet if I say so myself.” The one with the blonde hair spoke up, chuckling in between.
“Wow. And this place was hidden right where the car crash happened? Wow, I guess I got lucky.” You said, sighing in relief.
“Car…crash?” The man who helped you originally asked. “Is that the name of the vehicle that brought you here? My pet, Lavendar, found you and got my attention. I almost never venture out but then when I saw you I had to help. Plus, she’s a good dog. She normally never barks like that,” He said. “Might I add…” He scans your body. “You are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” He said.
“Can I ask you how long you’ve been in this place?” You piped up. You had to know.
“Uh…I think a hundred and ten human years, at least?” Your eyes widened. “Time doesn’t pass for us, just barely. We don’t remember the world before this one. We don’t remember why our physical appearances changed or how, all we know is that we’re here now,” He added with a smile. “Together.” He looked back at his friends and gave them a small smile.
“Okay, so to recap: this place has powers and…you don’t have your memory from before you were here and there was a war and your siblings died, and now I’m the first human to cross the magical threshold in a century?!” 
“Yep, that sounds about right.” He replied, nodding. 
“I’ve gotta be dreaming. Wake up!” You yelled. Nothing happened. The men just stared at you like you grew a third arm.
“Ugh, why isn’t it working?” He sat down on the bed, next to you as you slapped your face.
“Please stop doing that, you’ll give yourself a concussion at this rate.” He said with a softer tone. You felt oddly compelled to listen to everything he said without protest. Technically, he did save you. You blushed as he grabbed your arms to keep you from smacking your forehead a fifth time.
“I uh…thanks for saving me,” You sighed. “Actually, I was in danger before you found me anyways…” You weren’t sure if you wanted to share.
“It’s okay. You sound shaken up. Makes sense, you were trapped there for a long time. Look at your skin, you’ve been sweating so much, and your body is barely sitting up straight. We need to get you some food and proper care immediately.” He said, making your heart skip a beat yet again.
Your stomach grumbled just as he said that. Damn you!
“Uh…sir?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yes?” He parted his lips and looked at you with so much focus you thought you would explode.
“What’s your name?” 
“Jungkook.” He smiled at you.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled back at him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” He kissed your hand. He let his lips linger there for a moment and looked back at the other men before looking back at you. “I’ll let my friends here introduce themselves to you. I gotta take Lavender on a walk.” He said, before leaving through the front door.
“I’m Seokjin. ‘Jin,’ for short.” The blonde said, standing tall.
“And I’m Jimin. Also go as ‘Jimmy,’ or ‘Chim.’ But only my friends call me that really.” The pink haired one scratched his head.
“Okay, I have a weird question for you guys but…promise not to judge?” You asked, blushing a bit as you tried not to stare at the outlines of their bulges.
“What is it?” Jin asked curiously.
“Why are you wearing tights?” 
It was as if you asked ‘how do you breathe?’ to them, as they started roaring with laughter.
“Honey, I don't know what to tell you. We’ve always worn tights. Why do you ask?” Jin asked, completely oblivious to the fact that even though he was wearing shorts the tights did press down on his dick.
You look at Jimin, who was wearing the shirt and suddenly noticed it was JUST the shirt. You licked your lips. That was very interesting to know that you were seeing everything below the shirt, even though he was wearing tights.
“You’re not wearing pants.” You said.
“Of course I’m not! I never wear pants.” He folded his arms. 
“He’s protesting them because the rest of us tease him about his habit about walking around naked in his house.” Jin shared with you.
“I get it. So you all live alone?” You asked, changing the subject. That’s enough ogling Jimin’s obvious bulge for now. At least you had confirmation he was pantsless.
“Yeah. We do.” Jin says. “There’s seven of us, at the moment.” 
“Oh?” You perked up. There were more? If the trend follows they were all gorgeous men.
“Might I add, Jungkook was right,” He slowly let his fingers trail down your chin. “You are quite interesting to look at. We’ve never seen anyone with your eye or hair color around, and that skin tone.” He was vague, but that was okay, as you knew you were exhausted and didn’t look your best.
“Sorry…I think I need a shower.” You felt rude, but Jimin walked you out of the bed towards it. The shower and bathroom was pretty similar to home so you were thankful. After you were done you changed back into your bloody clothes, which caused both Jin and Jimin to freak out.
“Here, take my shirt!” Jin said, throwing off his button down.
“You can take my tights,” Jimin said, and before you could stop him…penis.
You were staring. It was just..out in the open. And Jin wasn’t even batting an eye! Did these men have no concept of shame? You blushed. He wasn’t even wearing underwear.
“What?” Jimin looked at you. “Did I say something?” Jin shrugged as you simply ogled Jimin.
“S-sorry. Uh…in my world it is customary for men and women to not show their genitalia to each other unless they are practicing sexual relations with each other.” You explained.
“Sexual…” Jimin started.
“Relations…?” Jin finished.
“What’s that?” They both had no clue what the fuck sex was. Your mind went to a very bad place. You decided, the opportunity doesn’t present itself often, you needed to get your mind off the fact that a few hours ago your uncle kidnapped you, and Jungkook had gotten you horny beyond belief. Not to mention, these two seemed more than intrigued by you anyways.
“You want me to show you?” You raised a brow.
“Show us how?” Jimin asked, his cock swinging back and forth as he spoke.
“You know the thing you use to pee with?” You asked.
“Yeah,” Jimin smiled. “My penis.” He said.
“Correct. Did you know you could also put it in something and make it feel good?” You said, smirking.
“Like what?” He asked.
“Anything, different textures. Obviously you’re both novices so I’ll just give you something easy to start with,” You looked around and noticed two pumpkins sitting on the counter, with all the seeds scooped out of them. “Oh, I know…guys, is Jungkook using those pumpkins?” You ask.
“No, he was planning to throw them out soon cause they go bad in a few days.” Jin says.
“Okay great. So I want you guys right now to take the pumpkins,” You say, smirking as you had a great idea to ‘teach’ them, without fully corrupting them just yet. They listen to your instructions. “Pull down your tights and take out your penises,” You tell them. They do that. “Now, slowly move your penis into the hole Jungkook cut out, it should be big enough,” You observe them slowly, smirking as they started, eyebrows furrowed like they were learning a new skill. “Every time you move your hips back and forth, it’s called fucking,” You say. “Congrats on learning how to have sex. Basically, you just masturbated, or ‘self-pleasured.’” You tell them, clapping.
“Fucking. Mmm…Y/N, this feels really good.” Jimin groaned. His moans just got you riled up.
“I feel like I might explode, from the inside…” Jin said, his white shirt patched with sweat, and you could see his nipples were erect through the shirt.
“Let it happen, it feels like you’re about to pee? That’s called an orgasm.” You said.
“Orgasm,” Jimin repeated. “O-orgasm….Y/N, I’m about to orgasm!” He said, as if he had just learned a new vocab word.
“Come for me Jimin, baby…come for me.” You whispered against his ear, sucking the shell of it as he continued fucking into the pumpkin, the sound of his cock hitting the back of it could be heard. The slosh of Jimin’s and Seokjin’s cocks moving in and out of their respective pumpkins were all you could hear at the moment.
“Ahhhh nnnnnggg…” Jimin moaned, filling the pumpkin with his semen at the same time as Jin, who came and groaned, looking at you ecstatically.
“That was great!” Jin smiled. “I wanna do that all the time!” He told you.
“Well that’s the thing about sex, it’s good. It feels good, or is supposed to feel good.” You explained. “I haven’t had sex in a few months.” You sigh.
“Do you wanna try?” Jin handed his cum-filled pumpkin to you in hopes of trying to cheer you up. 
“Sorry, Jin,” You pushed the pumpkin back to him, crinkling your nose a bit. The smell of cum wasn’t bad, it was just the idea of having cold cum on your hands. “Women have a different anatomy than men. I might as well teach you guys the second lesson.” You explain.
“Hm?” Jimin asked.
You slowly pull off the tights Jimin lent you. The men crouch down, so they can take a look. They were staring at your panties.
“You’ve never seen underwear before?” You asked.
“No.” Jin said, staring intently between your legs.
“Us women have a different body structure than yours. We don’t have penises to fuck pumpkins with…” You said, chuckling slightly at the end of your sentence. “…instead we have wombs and holes that are meant to be fucked…” You slowly pulled off your panties to show them, blushing pink as they stared at your exposed clit.
“Oh…” Jin looked at it, with a mouth-watering expression.
“Wow…it’s so pretty.” Jimin said, complimenting you.
“C-can I touch it?” Jin asked. You knew this was already a pretty slippery slope but he was the one asking.
“Yeah, sure, if you want.” You whispered. Jin slowly squeezed on your clit, and circled his fingers around slowly.
“Does that feel good, Y/N?” He asked, staring directly at you. “It smells so yummy,” He whispers. “Can I eat it?” Oh god.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
“H-huh?!” Jimin looks at Jin with a blush too. “No fair-I wanna eat it!” Jimin said.
“O-or…” You piped up. You should probably stop talking. “You could both share it.” You said, slowly taking their hands and placing one on either side of your inner thighs while you sat on the bed.
“Okay…” Jimin nodded.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” Jin said in agreement. They both slowly slid their tongues up your clit as you moaned. It had been too long since you had a guy or two go down on you. 
“Sorry, does it hurt?” Jimin was confused but he had the right idea as you groaned.
“Mm, no, it feels good.” You admit. You sigh, before Jin slowly trailed his tongue down to your sweet spot. You gasped.
“Ah, watch it…that’s the hole…” You tried to explain. “Like the pumpkin?” He didn’t say it like he was clarifying, it was almost like he caught on what you were trying to do. One thing you knew for sure was that these guys learned fast…perhaps their intellect was also enhanced in this colorful twisted Strawberryland. “I understand…so you want us to stuff your wet fleshy hole in the same way?” He said, now using a bit of his saliva to part your inner lips, spreading it apart to get better access to you. You let out a ghastly moan as your juices mixed with his, and as Jimin kept sucking your clit all while this was happening all you could do was moan out, your eyes squeezed shut.
“That makes her feel good, huh?” Jimin’s voice was raspy now, as he panted, staring at your body almost like he was taking you in before destroying you.
“Let’s do the fucking,” Jin said, toying with your clit and using another finger on your exposed opening as your body sucked him in with ease. Your weeping cunt was forced to take his fingers, as he realized he could fuck you with two instead of one. “She’s like a keyboard, Jimin, we play her with our fingers and she makes wonderful music with her lips.” Jin said so innocently yet with his erotic expression and the raging boner he was rocking you begged to differ. 
“Maybe she’ll like it here…she’s also a little sour.” Jimin asked, as he moved his hands further up your body to try and find your other weak spots. Then he stopped at your breasts, squeezing them through your bra and shirt. Jimin lifted your shirt off your body before you could protest. 
“W-wait…” You whispered, but Jin was already too busy licking your sopping clit and thrusting his digits in and out of your hole while Jimin was focused on the new part of you he had just discovered.
“So that’s what you look like underneath…” Jimin said with a light glimmer in his eyes. “I wanna fucking you.” You suppressed a giggle at his flimsy attempt at using the word but soon enough it turned into a moan as he pinched your nipples, hard.
“Ah!” You screamed.
“What’s the matter? Don’t you want me to help you orgasm?” Jimin asked, with a small pout on his lips.
“Y-yes, but…it hurts when you squeeze me like that. Don’t be too rough, okay?” You told him gently.
“Sorry.” He leaned in and kissed you softly at first, while you thrust your hips back and forth reflexively on Jin’s fingers. Jimin’s lips were plump and juicy as his ass looked earlier in those tights, and you could taste a faint hint of raspberries on them…he tasted like a sweet treat! He kneaded your breasts with his hands, circling them around as you came on Jin’s hands and face.
“Cumming!” You moaned, as you came to a climax. Your body was still aching for more though, as Jin licked up your juices and trailed kisses down to your clit again before stringing beads of your cum back up with his nose. The sight in itself was marvelous. “Please give me your cocks,” You begged. “I need it.” You whispered, with a shell of a moan.
Just as Jin was about to speak and Jimin was playing with your breasts some more, you heard the front door open and a few moments later, footsteps. You stopped your activities when the door swung open and in came Jungkook, who looked confused.
“W-what’s happening?” He asked, noticing how you were naked, sprawled on the bed between Jimin and Jin in a compromising situation.
“Um, nothing!” You quickly hid behind the sheets, as Jimin tried to continue grabbing you. “Jimin, stop!”
“Why are you suddenly so shy? You were begging for our penises just moments ago.” He said with a seductive inflection in his voice.
“That’s because-it’s private! You normally don’t do that with just anyone. I was just showing you and Jin because you asked.” You explained, blushing as Jungkook simply tilted his head in confusion. You saw his eyes filled with curiosity and innocence too, but alas, you couldn’t corrupt him too!
“Ah, no fair. Can’t we just show Jungkook too? I mean, you can’t blame us. You’re the first human woman to show up here that knows about this. We have never even heard of “sex” before you showed us!” Jimin said excitedly.
“You do have a point there…” You said. “Jungkook, would you like to see my pussy?” You asked, covering yourself still with the thin blankets.
“Pussy?” Jungkook’s face turned a faint pink. “O-oh, you mean like…” 
“Wait, could it be that you know about it, Jungkook?” Jin asked, slinging his arm around the man as he scratched his head.
“I learned it from Doctor Genus, the berrymuchkin prodigy,” Jungkook explained. “Remember, I was trying to learn to become a Doctor because of the shortage in hospitals?” Jungkook explained. He looked at you, with widened eyes. “I’ve never seen one of our own species before…I do wonder what it looks like.” He said.
“So you wanna see it?” You asked. Jin and Jimin licked their lips, as Jungkook replied.
At once, Jimin and Jin pulled the covers off you to reveal your naked body to Jungkook.
“Wow…it’s so…pretty,” Jungkook slowly crouched down to inspect it. “Definitely not like a bug,” You felt like his reaction so far has made sense in terms of what you’re used to for men your age (which still in their mid-twenties is still pretty shit considering a lot of them lie about their experience). “May I…inspect it?” You gulped. He was being so respectful. You nodded slightly, spreading your legs so Jungkook could get a better look. “This is great. A real pussy!” He sounded more excited. 
“Yeah. And guess what Jungkook?” Jin said.
“What?” You were a bit afraid of what the two were about to say to him, as you knew if they started they would get hooked on your pussy.
“She gave me and Jimin permission to fucking her.” Of course, the one time he used it grammatically correctly was of course when he was describing it to the one man which probably had a better grasp of sex than the others. You clenched your jaw. What if Jungkook thought you were a whore?
“Fucking?” Jungkook’s lips parted and he let out a sigh, his hands on his hips. “What’s that?” 
You gasped as Jimin, who was fully naked waist down since he gave his tights to you, and Jin, who was still sporting his hard on were right next to you.
“We can show you,” Jimin smirked. “Y/N, do you want us to fucking you?” You smiled at Jimin. He was still learning.
“First; it’s called fuck. You ask if you want to fuck someone. Fucking is the action of doing that. There. And yes, I would love to, but you will have to be more gentle with me than the pumpkin because my body could get more hurt. Remember I was in an accident earlier.” You explained. Jimin nodded, looking more serious. You guessed he got the hint that you were telling him this so he could have better guidance.
“It’s okay. When we’re busy using our fingers on you like you’re our keyboard, you won’t even notice if we’re being a little too rough.” Jin said, grabbing your face so he could kiss you. You groaned as he forced his tongue into your mouth.
“Mmmm…!” You groaned. He tasted like lemons, smelled like them too, but it was more of a citrus smell than just lemons. It smelled like a variety of fruity perfume from Zara. He tasted delectable.
“Get a chair, Jungkook,” Jimin said, as he stroked his pretty pink tip. You moaned, seeing his dick in front of your face as you sat up in the bed and Jin started removing his remaining clothes. “I’m putting it inside, Y/N.” Jimin warned you, as you nodded and he pushed his hips forward. You moaned like a little bitch in heat. You could hear Lavendar barking downstairs.
“Give me a second, Lavender normally never barks. Let me go see what she wants.” Jungkook said, before departing the room.
“It’s okay, he can watch when he gets back. Do you mind still doing it?” You were surprised how Jimin went from being a totally horny boy to asking for your consent before continuing. It was a nice change of pace, but that just told you more about his character than anything.
“Yeah…be careful. Short strokes. Your dick isn’t humongous but it is on the larger side so it may be difficult for you to put it in.” You explained, while Jin watched as Jimin was being careful with your body.
“Okay.” Jimin slowly slid his cock into you with ease, as you were already wet enough. He started thrusting sloppily, unable to do it at an expert level but still reaching your deepest spots with every thrust as he fucked you best he could as a novice.
“Oooooohhh…Jimin!” You groaned. 
“MMmmm…it’s so warm, and gripping me so hard.” He sounded desperate to climax as he held your thighs while you rolled your body back and forth while he thrusted up. Your skin smacked together in a way where the wet noises resounded through the room. Jimin’s pinkish cock was inside of you, and you were even more aroused when you heard voices downstairs and then  the door slammed shut before Jungkook ran back up to join you.
“Sorry that took so long. Namjoon was making his last runs. Just got a fresh batch of oranges!” Jungkook said to Jin as he joined you back upstairs.
“D-don’t worry…y-you didn’t m-miss…much…” Jimin moaned as he was now fucking you in missionary position, now on top of you as opposed to you riding him. You groaned with every thrust and your eyes rolled back as you felt close. “Mmm, gonna….orgasm…” Jimin moaned, kissing your neck as you groaned and rubbing his face in your breasts before thrusting fully and sending you to your own personal creampie heaven as he came. 
You loved creampies, of all shapes and sizes and varieties. It was your main kink. So the thought of getting gangbanged and potentially creampied was your biggest dream come true. This right now, with Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook, all felt like a dream. You groaned as your body rocked and you chased your high, thrusting your hips upwards in hopes of drawing out the orgasm and using Jimin’s pretty pink cock to get yourself off. You came, just as he pulled out, you actually squirted. 
“I…” You said, too overstimulated to move as he didn’t touch you for a moment. 
“What was that?” Jin asked in confusion.
“Did you pee?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone.
“N-no, I squirted, it rarely happens to girls when they orgasm but it typically contains cum…and just a hint of urine,” You explained sheepishly. “Sorry, let me change the sheets.” You tried standing up but wobbled and fell back down on the bed. Jimin held you tightly, as if he was comforting you.
“Try not to stand too quickly. Besides, Jin here wants to also try out your hole,” Jimin said gently. “Are you sure you can handle that?” You were still slicked with cum and your own jism that you didn’t care.
“Yeah.” Was all you said as Jin slid beside you, while Jimin moved off the bed. It was a queen sized bed so it definitely wasn’t all that spacious for three people. Jimin and Jin were kneeling while they ate you out earlier too so that’s why it worked out. As for now…Jin teased your entrance with his fingers before pushing his cock in with ease. In contrast to Jimin, Jin was a more passionate and aggressive lover, pulling you close to him and making sure you could see his face while he piledrove his dick into you. You gasped and shuddered with every thrust, he was facing you, you could see how his hips met yours, and how his cock couldn’t completely fit in, so he went only halfway. You had to measure later but you wanted to say he was closer to 10 inches?
“Jimin’s right, it is warm and tight…” Jin smirked. “I like pussy.” Jin said with a cheeky tone in his voice.
“Y-you better, it’s meant to be enjoyed.” You said back seductively, moaning into the pillow as he pounded you for all you were worth.
“Jungkook, isn’t she something else?” Jimin said as he sat on a beanbag next to Jungkook.
“Yeah. She’s beautiful. And this is…sex?” Jungkook looked like he was making mental note of it as he watched Jin’s cock slide into your hole once more.
“Yep, and she’s a fantastic teacher.” Jimin said with a grin.
“I wanna have sex…” Jungkook looked at you with lust.
“Mmmhmm, me too, Jungkook.” Jimin smirked, looking back at you. “Here, let me show you how to masterbate…” Jimin slowly tugged his own cock, looking back at you and Jin on the bed as if he was watching an early morning special. Jungkook followed suit, removing his joggers to reveal his throbbing tanned dick, which was at least 8 inches. It was a bit bigger than Jimin’s, which already was pretty big to begin with. Do all the men here have big penises? You wondered. You watched Jungkook and Jimin stroking themselves, moaning as Jin continued fucking you before blowing his load. You gasped and your pussy clamped down on his cock, sucking him in before the white volcano splashed and the suction loosened, letting him go with a slow squelch. Your body collapsed out of fatigue.
“That’s enough for tonight, guys. She’s exhausted. Let’s let her sleep.” Jungkook ushered the other men out of his house after lending Jimin and Jin some spare tights and then switched off the lights. He bought you some dinner while checking up on you.
“Aw, thank you Jungkook,” You smiled at him. Suddenly your face turned pale. “Uh, did you by chance throw those pumpkins out earlier?” You asked. Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion before nodding.
“Yeah…why?” He asked.
“Whew, nevermind,” You wiped the sweat off your brow while Jungkook watched you eat for a bit. “Why do you all look at me like that?” You asked, having had enough of the staring for a day.
“Sorry if it’s weird, we have just never seen a woman in so long, especially one that looks like you. And I know I told you of our past, but it’s so much more complicated when…” He fell silent. “I used to have a sister,” He sighed, before leaning back, the dim lighting of the bedroom was enough for you to make out that he was pondering something. “After the damn war, she was lost. So were the others. You’ll get to meet the remaining few tomorrow, the other humans I mean. And maybe Mr. Caterpillar.” Jungkook said with a small smile.
“I hope so,” You smiled back at him. “And I hope they’re just as nice as you guys have been to me so far,” Jungkook smiled a bit, before leaning in. “Y/N, may I taste your lips?” You raised a brow.
“Every one of us has a distinct taste. Jimin tastes like Raspberries, Jin like lemons, and me, like plums. I wonder…since you’re not from around here what you taste like?” You were a little weirded out. How the hell does he know what his friends taste like? Although, honestly earlier while you were kissing them you noted their delicious tastes. You wondered if they all regularly made out or something to know that. “What are you thinking about, I wonder, silly girl?” Jungkook called you silly.
“Hey, I am not-” He leaned in and kissed you. After a second, you kissed back. He was really good at that. You wished all boys would shut you up the same way. After a small amount of time, he kissed your forehead and bid you adieu. You fell back, and it was off to dreamland.
You were awoken to the sound of the door opening, you weren’t expecting him to be back so soon but you supposed he couldn’t hold back after seeing you earlier. He slowly slid into bed beside you, hugging you from behind. You don’t know what you were expecting, but you stayed still. Then…you felt wet hot tears on the back of your neck. Was Jungkook…crying? He was. You heard his sobs muffled by him rubbing his face into your back and his hands.
“Plum…I miss you so much…” He cried softly, and after a while his breathing slowed. You sensed he was asleep, so you turned around to find him passed out like a baby. You slowly wrapped your arms around him and stroked his shoulders as he nestled his head into your neck while he slept. You spooned him as you gradually also followed suit, and drifted back to sleep.
When you awoke Jungkook was still sleeping. He was gorgeous. He looked like any regular ol’ human, minus the purple hair and eyes, but he was. And his skin was pale, but not so pale it washed him out. You watched him sleep for a few more seconds before he shifted and his eyes met yours with a sleepy, “Good morning,” From him.
You smiled and kissed him softly, as he hummed and pulled you on top of him. “You noticed me?” He asked. “Sorry for sneaking into your bed in the middle of the night. I just had lots of memories…” Jungkook yawned. “Anyways, wanna get breakfast?” You gave him a sad sigh, but nodded.
“Sure, watchu got?” You asked him.
“Oranges!” He set them down in front of you after you joined him downstairs. Because you wanted some dignity, you had wrapped one of Jungkook’s shirts around your hips as a makeshift skirt. It was baggy and loose so it sat around your hips nicely after you had tied it best you could.
“Thanks,” You ate the fruits and then saw the puppy. She ran out of her doghouse to greet you. “Hi puppy!” You pet her as she yapped in your face.
“She’s happy to see you alive and well!” Jungkook smiled at you, grinning. “By the way, you taste like…whatever you eat! I tasted the noodles I got for you last night.”
“Yeah, that’s generally how it works for us normal humans.” You explained to Jungkook while playing with Lavender.
“Is that right?” Jungkook finished cutting up some more fruits. “Anyways, I have to get to work soon, but you’re welcome to join me today if you wish. You’re probably sore from Jimin and Jin’s…uh….play session yesterday, right?” You nodded.
“That’s alright. But…I do wanna return the favor to you Jungkook,” You hugged him softly. “You’re just so damn cute..” You whisper, trailing your hands over his tracksuit pants again. 
“Ah-ah….Y/N, what are you doing to me?” You tie your hair back, and get on your knees.
“Jungkook, can I please suck you off?” You asked directly. That was required in this land where the men are hot but their brains don’t have a clue about it.
“Uh….are you sure?” He asked softly. “I-I…don’t wanna pressure you…”
“I’m fine.” You looked up at him for confirmation before he finally gave you a yes. You immediately got to work, all while his dog whined from her doghouse on seeing you fuck her owner with your mouth. You knew sex wasn’t a concept here but you were ready to change that. Damn your overactive sex drive.
You sucked from base to tip, kissing his veiny length as best you could, before licking the surface in full and using your mouth to pleasure him. You had to be careful so your teeth didn’t scrape him but in hindsight, all attempts were successful as within five minutes, he came in your mouth. You guzzled his cum, opening your mouth wide as he released it all, and lapped up the remaining strings of semen off his thighs. His cum tasted sweeter too, just like vanilla or whipped cream. You knew it had to do with this wonderful berry land.
“Yum.” You said with a final huff. He hadn’t said a word apart from moaning every time you sucked him in, but he simply kissed you and wiped excess off your face.
“Thank you.” Jungkook smiled at you, panting slightly.
“My pleasure.” You smirked, washing your mouth before untying your hair again.
Jungkook took you into town. He said he used to help his sister with her dance studio but after a while passed it to his berry best friend, Hoseok. You were to meet him next, and you were nervous as you learned the guy was a professional dancer. You’d always wanted to give it a shot and Jungkook invited you to go to a practice lesson but today you were just visiting the studio. Jungkook still collected rent on the place, and today Hoseok’s rent was due.
When you walked in, you noticed tiny creatures running around and dancing. They looked like children, and you looked at Jungkook with confusion.
“Those are the mini-berrykins. They are produced once every winter when the spores spread from the trees and a new batch of 12 appears.” He explained.
“So they’re like…baby berrykins?” You asked.
“Yeah, I guess you can say that, in a way.” You and Jungkook walked up to the instructor, who was a red haired man, who looked to have a heart shaped smile and a very adorable and cheerful face. He was also very attractive. Your heart skipped a beat as he turned around and greeted you both.
“I hope you’re having a wonderful day, Jungkook Pudding,” He said with a smile. “Oh and who’s this? A new friend?” He peered at you with a curious expression. Upon closer inspection, he had a red themed outfit too, to match the cherry beret he was sporting. You noticed he looked similar to Jungkook with his casual leisurewear, which unlike Jimin and Jin with the tights, he was wearing dark magenta cargo pants and a hot pink and purple polka dotted t-shirt. He still looked hot, even with the outfit. You thought he’d look like a clown but he ended up looking better than you’d expect from a dude in such a fit.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Welcome to the dance studio Y/N. I’m glad you could join me today. I’m Hoseok Jam, I moved to town last so it’s strange seeing another new human being here,” He scratched his neck as you simply smirked at him. He probably had a better idea of what was what. “Especially a girl.” He added with a grin.
“So Y/N here was in a car accident and she was in trouble. So I brought her with me and she’s staying at my house,” Jungkook explained softly. “She’s been teaching me a lot of new things.” He said.
“Really? Like what?” Hoseok asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “Do you dance?” He asked you.
“Well, not really. But…I was teaching Jungkook about sex yesterday.” You explained sheepishly. There was no point in being a prude when no one in town knew any better.
“Sex…?” Hoseok looked clueless.
“She can teach you,” Jungkook looked at you with a soft gaze. “Right, Y/N?” You were already leaning against the barre, as Hoseok and Jungkook walked up behind you.
“Right. I’ll try my best,” You looked at Hoseok. “It helps you dance. It’s sorta like dancing but….dirtier.” You tried explaining.
“Oh? Dirty how?” Hoseok was inquisitive, that’s for sure. “What is it?” He asked with a soothing voice. You felt hypnotized as he pulled you towards him. You were a couple inches away from his face. Jungkook had turned on some music so you could dance.
It took you a moment, as the upbeat pop song urged Hoseok to move more vigorously, and he slowed down, grinding his hips against yours as you smirked and got close and personal with him. He grabbed your ass, smirking cheekily. You had a feeling these men weren’t as clueless as you originally thought, either that or you awakened something within him.
“Mmmm…you mind?” Hoseok asked as he grabbed your thigh.
“What?” You bit your lip, as he trailed his hand down. 
“I wanna make sure if I touch you, that you’re okay. Teach me this new ‘dance’ then?” Oh….he was asking. And Jungkook was watching for now, but slowly stepped over to you, pulling your shirt off your body swiftly.
“Oh she’s more than okay with it…” Jungkook answered for you, slightly rubbing your hardened nipples through your bra. “...See that? It means her body is ready to be fucked.” The tone he used, the way he sounded while he was kneading your breasts, it was as if his innocence was a charade, merely an act kept up by him before his true nature was brought to the surface.
“That’s not…you know you have to ask before you do this sort of stuff?” You said with a faint blush dusting your cheeks.
“What? Really? Because it seems like you’re pretty much up for everything regardless…” Jungkook pouted slightly. “Can’t we just do it whenever we feel like it?” It seemed Jungkook had your enthusiasm confused for consent. You didn’t blame him, from your previous actions it seemed like you were more than ready to consent to that.
“I suppose you have a point…but still, asking never hurts!” You coddled him as if he was a child.
“Okay…I promise to ask,” Jungkook hugged you softly, wrapping his arms around your waist while Hoseok ogled your breasts as Jungkook unclasped your bra. “Can I fuck you now?” 
You couldn’t say no, not when you saw his eyes. You began kissing him and Hoseok looked on with curiosity. You smirked, before breaking the kiss and turning to kiss Hoseok. Hoseok was a little confused at first, but slowly responded by placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning down so he could meet your lips. He tasted vaguely like cherries.
“Mmmm.” He moaned. “Ah…you’re hard…” You whispered as you saw his cock bulging through his pants. It was begging to be freed, while you looked at Jungkook with half-lidded eyes. “Jungkook, Hoseok, remove your pants.” You told them in a lowered voice. You prayed nobody would walk in but it looked like everyone had left. Now you, Jungkook, and Hoseok were positioned on the floor on a foam matt as Jungkook was at your head and Hoseok was positioned between your thighs. He was exploring you, following whatever his body urged him to do as you groaned between them. Jungkook held you on his lap, smirking and encouraging Hoseok.
“Oh, she liked that. Suck her there again, Hoseok.” Jungkook smirked at him. You simply moaned, as Hoseok’s tongue swept over your folds, and he suckled your clit.
“She tastes so good….in a different way. I’ve never tasted anything like it.” Hoseok said with a small smile.
“I know, that’s just her pussy. Her lips taste better in my opinion,” Jungkook smirked, before leaning forward and spreading your pussy cautiously. “Now just put your penis in here. Trust me, it is so much better than going to the bathroom.” Hoseok was confused but watched with curious eyes as you guided his cockhead into your pulsing hole, as you groaned from his size. He was a grower, something you hadn’t experienced in Strawberryland yet.
“It’s so warm…I feel like I might pee.” Hoseok groaned, closing his eyes. “W-wait, don’t pee! It’s only for pleasure.” You said with an exhausted moan.
“You tired, Y/N?” Jungkook asked, holding you tighter. “A little…” 
“Let’s change the position. Hoseok, how about we continue this in your office?” Jungkook reminded him of the rent again. It was so wonderfully debauched as you took Jungkook’s cock in your mouth and Hoseok’s cock from behind, while they talked about the rent and finances in Hoseok’s office. You were propped on the desk on all fours, moaning like a bitch in heat.
“Yeah, so the projected rate looks like it’s only growing. I don’t doubt that but I would like to see how it changes based on the changes I proposed.” Jungkook said, placing a hand on his chin as he pushed his cock all the way into your mouth. You choked, groaning as he ignored you and kept going despite seeing how it affected you.
“Mmmmm, too much.” You croaked, but he responded by gripping your hair and thrusting into your mouth harder. Hoseok noticed and picked up the pace, fucking you at a slightly more advanced pace now.
“I think it’ll be f-fine. Ah, I’m…I feel strange, Jungkook.” He said, gripping your waist.
“How so?” Jungkook questioned.
“Something is coming out of me, and going into Y/N.” He gripped your sides harder, his fingers forming small red marks on your skin.
“It’s an orgasm, Hoseok. You’re cumming.” You explained between breaths, moaning and gasping and letting go of Jungkook’s cock as Hoseok came all over your ass. He had pulled out, luckily, and decided not to cum inside you. You still weren’t sure what the consequences were but it was exciting nonetheless to have sex with so many gorgeous men thus far.
After bidding Hoseok goodbye, Jungkook took you to visit three more of his friends. Luckily, they were all together, busy with selling fresh fruits to the citizens of Strawberryland. You met Yoongi Shortcake, Taehyung Muffin, and Namjoon Blossom. You also found out that Namjoon was the one that delivered those oranges to Jungkook’s house the night before. Their personalities: all different. Yoongi was more introverted, he didn’t say much but his bright pink hair made you believe he was a real life anime character. He certainly looked handsome enough to be one, that’s for sure.
Taehyung had shockingly bright blue hair and a blue outfit to match, and he was extroverted, quickly offering you a fresh cookie after hearing about the car crash and hearing that you were in an unfamiliar world. His touch was warm, and he made you feel comfortable. Namjoon had a ‘dad’ type of vibe. When you met him, he gave you a smile and chatted with you about sales. He was really cute, all in all.
All three had their own charm, and every guy treated Jungkook like he was their little brother. You loved how close they were.
“So those were all the humans in town. It’s just us seven.” Jungkook said as he laid down on his couch after you arrived back to his home.
“I’m glad you have each other.” You said with a small smile.
“Oh I forgot, tomorrow, we’re having a bake off. Any dish we want,” Jungkook smirked. “I’m gonna win this year.”
“How do you know that?” You folded your arms.
“Just a feeling. So Y/N, how do you feel about having more fucks?”
After sleeping on it, you agreed to his idea. Jungkook, every man that met you here, so far everyone had been more than willing to indulge in you. Your hair was different, and biologically, a woman. They had some sort of a male instinct awakened in them whenever they looked at you.
Luckily, you were able to get cuter clothes from a Bug Shop which Jungkook agreed to buy if you agreed to help him. So, in your new green themed corset dress, and white tights and black Mary Janes, you walked over to help Jungkook setup. He smirked when he saw how the other men looked at you, like he anticipated it. He nodded at you and licked his lips but didn’t say much as you went around to talk to the others.
You walked up to Namjoon first, who was unfolding some chairs but stopped abruptly upon seeing you.
“Hey Y/N,” He scratched his neck. “You look lovely today.” He smiled shyly.
“Thanks Namjoon. I’m just wishing everybody good luck.” You winked at him. His dimples were honestly so adorable as he thanked you for wishing him.
“Thanks Y/N,” He stopped. “Hey, would you like to maybe hang out sometime after the competition?” He asked. You were expecting it. 
You visited Yoongi’s booth next. He had set up everything, sighing when you walked up to him. “Is everything okay?” You asked him.
“No, they gave me the wrong shipments! I was supposed to get strawberries, not blueberries.” Yoongi sighed.
“Blueberries?” Taehyung piped up. “If you’re not using those can I have them? I can always make another batch of my sister’s famous blueberry crème brulee!” Yoongi reluctantly gave Taehyung his ingredients. “Wow, thanks bro!” Taehyung slapped his back and walked off to continue. You felt a little bad for Yoongi, it looked like he couldn’t participate in the bakeoff.
“Yoongi…what about strawberry jam instead?” You asked, showing him the box of extra ingredients. “You could create the same flavor out of these, right?” You asked him for confirmation.
“You have a point but…I’ll use them on one condition.” You stop moving the box.
“What is it?”
“You’ll have to help me.” Yoongi smirked, as if he had been planning this from the start.
“O-okay.” You weren’t going to protest. You didn’t know him well, none of them really, but you knew enough to know they were all really friendly people.
“Start with mixing the batter,” You nodded and followed his instructions. “What are you doing? You’re not supposed to mix the eggshells in with it!” He gaped at you as you took the spoon out in confusion. 
“Sorry, I don’t cook.” You grinned sheepishly. He sighed and started cracking the eggs for you. 
“No eggshells. Those are like poison,” You sighed as he shoved the new bowl into your arms. “Start mixing.” You nodded, getting to work at once.
You set Yoongi back 10 minutes but after seeing how poor your skills in the kitchen were, he eventually took over, only making you watch over the timer. You didn’t mess that up, as at the end, his concoction was done. A custard dish, with strawberry flavored spongecake. Taehyung, who was right next to the two of you glanced over as you worked, and his eyes widened when he saw how it turned out. Then he had a wild idea.
“Wait, you should mix these in. Trust me. It’s gonna be like heaven in your mouth!” He was helping the enemy? You didn’t understand the ethics in Strawberryland and Yoongi accepted extra blueberries from Taehyung. After reworking it and getting another batch out, you noticed how the blueberries enhanced the flavor. Taehyung was right, it’s even better.
With that, Yoongi was crowned the winner. You went to see Jungkook, who was sad but ultimately happy for Yoongi. At least he wasn’t a sore loser. Yoongi looked at Taehyung as he accepted the trophy.
“Actually, I don’t deserve this. If it wasn’t for my friend Taehyung, I would have never won. Everyone give it up for Taehyung: the real winner of the bake-off!” Yoongi said, holding his hand up in victory.
“Really?! Thanks Yoongi!” Taehyung hugged him, laughing and taking the reward. “I think first place should go to everyone!” To your dismay, Taehyung started breaking off pieces of the trophy and handing it to all the participants. 
Okay if you didn’t already think you were dying from blood loss under a tree, you definitely did now. This was some disney channel bullshit! You watched how happy they were, as if this was a resolved ending!
Then night came. Oh how wrong you were. Jungkook invited everyone to the house with you, while offering some sangria. You all had a few sips when the conversation took a turn.
“You think our sisters would be proud of what we’ve become?” Jungkook asked Namjoon as he leaned back.
“If what we’ve become are our better halves the bloodshed would’ve been worth it.” He said with a slur, his eyes shutting as he looked at Jungkook slowly.
What? You were more than confused now.
“We promised not to talk about this,” Yoongi broke the momentary silence. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” He yelled at all of you. “I’m sorry.” He apologized after calming down. You had a feeling something wasn’t right. Why there are only seven humans here and not 15….why Jungkook cried while holding you and saying someone else’s name. You had a gut feeling it didn’t have anything to do with fruity metaphors.
“I know something that can cheer you up.” Jimin said with a cheeky smile. The look on his face and how he looked at you was enough for you to pick up what he was putting down.
“Yeah, and she’s sitting right next to you!” Jin said, lurching forward and pressing a wet kiss against your lips. You gasped into his mouth. “S-sorry, are you okay with me kissing you?” He asked after breaking the kiss.
“Yeah. I’m fine with it,” The wine from earlier had made you horny already so you didn’t mind. You kissed him back best you could which was pretty sloppy already. Then suddenly, Jin was pulled away from you. “Wha? Why’d you sstop?” You asked with furrowed brows, before blinking and realizing that Jungkook had pulled Jin away from you. Jin looked at Jungkook like he could kill him. To which Jungkook responded by tilting your head back and kissing you.
“Y/N, I’m gonna make you my bitch tonight.”
Wait, where’d he learn how to say that?
You were about to ask, before Jimin grabbed you by the neck and took a taste for himself. He tasted lovely, just like raspberries. His plump juicy lips brushed against your chapped, thinner ones. His lips could compare to the feel of a pillow, as plush and soft as he felt, but wetter. Then you realized something as Jimin’s hand wandered down to your panties. As he kissed the side of your neck and his lips wandered down more, you gasped. He suckled. He left a mark. 
How did Jimin know how to leave a hickey?
“My turn…” Namjoon sneered, before kissing you in turn. Your tastebuds felt like they were on air as he kissed you, as he tasted like oranges and lemons. You loved the citrus taste of his lips, which refreshed your own breath. You were panting as he pulled back slowly, he gave you a sultry stare. You felt hypnotized by his gaze, and your body was hot as Jimin slipped your shirt off you unknowingly.
“What’s happening?” You looked at Jungkook for an explanation as he took his shirt off. His skin underneath was flawless, save for a few scars on his body that seemed to have healed from stab wounds, a wide line spread around his torso, almost like someone had dragged it out.
“You figured it out,” He threw his shirt to the floor. “Smart girl.”
“Did you think we were stupid?” Jimin asked as he kissed your ear.
“Of course we know what sex is, you dumb girl.” Jin said, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up again as he kissed you. Namjoon continued kissing down your jaw, and collarbone.
“You see when we saw you, we knew….we just had to have you.” He said while nipping your collarbone and leaving another mark.
“Ah…you lied…” You sighed, closing your eyes as the men focused more on pleasuring you.
“Not just lied, sweetie, we’ve been deceiving you…so each and every one of us could have a taste of your sweet pussy.” Jungkook’s words turned your insides into mush. You realized it was a great deception after all.
“M-my…huh?” You were confused. “Why me?” They could have chosen literally ANY woman. And chose you.
“Because you’re so cute.” Jimin whispered in your right ear.
“And your body is so sexy.” Jin whispered in your left.
“And we haven’t had a woman in years. It’s been too long.” Namjoon groaned, releasing your skin from the clutches of his teeth.
“It has…?” You wondered about that. Why there were only men in this town.
“Yeah. You see, every time we feel the urge, we turn to each other but…it’s not cutting it anymore. An ass isn’t the same as a pussy and we decided enough is enough. And now….we want yours.” Jimin licked his lips, before kissing you again, his fruity scent mingling with yours. You loved the way he tasted! How they all tasted distinctly like fruits.
“But the car crash…” You looked out the window of Jungkook’s house.
“Forget him.” Jungkook said, standing up.
“Forget about your uncle. As of now, he is none of your concern. He tried to hurt you. I saw it. Lavender alerted me and I saw how he was startled and crashed into the tree, but then I saw you, and I knew you were helpless. You were drugged Y/N. Did you know that?”
You didn’t.
“You saved my life.” You said again. “Thank you.” 
“No need. I wanted to. We have each other now,” Jungkook placed a hand on your chin. These men loved doing that to you. “Will you have us?” 
You took one look at all of them and knew this was better than any alternative you could have imagined. They all wanted you, desired you as a woman. You had never felt this loved in your life. And they were giving it to you.
Jin lifted you up to the master bedroom, with the six men in tow, right behind you as he opened the door to the room. You were nervous with anticipation as he gently set you down.
“Be mine…” He whispered. You nodded as he began kissing you and removed your tights. You sighed, as he kissed down your face and then pulled back, now Yoongi and Taehyung staring down at you. Red and pink mingled together as the three of you shared a kiss. You groaned, Yoongi tasted like strawberries while Taehyung tasted like blueberries. It tasted like a smoothie in your mouth, as you gasped, groaning while Taehyung smirked and suckled one of your nipples while Yoongi worked on the other. Both men were eager to have you now, while Namjoon and Jin stood behind them, patiently waiting for their turn.
Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were of no concern to you as there was too much to focus on. Taehyung’s blue hair under your fingers, Yoongi’s pink hair buried between your legs as he explored your clitorous, and Taehyung’s face next to yours as you studied him.
He was handsome, with a round face and well defined jaw, he appeared to be ethereally gorgeous. They all were gorgeous, but Taehyung’s beauty felt like something blessed by a god. You could feel a warmth from his smile and his gaze out you at ease. His wide smile and cherry red lips made you feel hot, as you blushed and looked down at Yoongi.
“Oh…he’s doing a good job?” Taehyung teased you as you could merely glance at the man, foaming at the mouth.
Yoongi was beautiful as well, his eyes drooped as if he was tired but naturally very pretty and green as he stared at you. His stare enraptured you, as he reminded you of a cat with how steadily he moved his hands down your left mound, and flicked his tongue over your exposed pink slit. You let out a moan.
“Mmm?” He whispered, vibrations against your pussy as he answered tiredly.
“That feels good.” You whined.
“Sweet girl, of course it does. He’s eating it well, right?” Taehyung’s comment was so innocent and erotic at the same time as he cupped your breasts at the same time. “Shall I eat your cunt too?”
You gasped, as both men fucked you with their tongues at once, making you remember what Jimin and Jin did for you the day before.
“She tastes so good, I can’t stop.” Yoongi moaned.
“Fuck…I’m hard.” Namjoon groaned, stroking his cock with one hand. You didn’t notice how quickly the others got undressed.
“I must…princess, may I fuck you?” Yoongi asked after pulling away.
“Yes,” You groaned, spreading your legs for him as the dark pink haired man slowly slid into you. You gasped as your pussy wrapped around him snugly and he fit right with you. “Ah!” You let out a ghastly moan.
“Fuck…” Yoongi groaned as the other men watched you get used by him. His cock was making you come undone at the moment, and all they could do was watch.
“Ah…please…gather around me…” You encouraged them as they jerked off around you. Seven cocks, one hole. You gasped as without warning, Hoseok stuffed his in your mouth. You still took it without complaint, as this was expected of you now.
“Ah…Yoongi…” You groaned as he snapped his hips back and forth.
“Yes…” You groaned.
“God, you were just made to take my cock, weren’t you?” You gasped as he made you arch your back. Yoongi was too good at dirty talk. You moaned as some of them came on your face, and your body was covered with white jizz. It was hot, sticky, and smelled good. You bit your lips. The sight was making you even slicker and turned on.
“God, we knew you were a huge slut when you made us fuck those pumpkins but looking at you now, we know you’re a total whore.” Jimin smirked at you, walking forward as he came all over your face. You gawked as he leaned forward and smacked his cock on your cheek, as if you weren’t even a person but rather an object for sexual gratification.
“I am a whore!” You admitted. “A big, dirty whore who loves cock.” You were ready to admit anything so long as you got dicked down. As Yoongi pulled out and left some cum inside you, Taehyung swiftly moved down and had his turn next. He was slightly more gentle with you, grinning as you would moan every time he hit your spot. You noticed he was more focused on giving you pleasure than taking it.
“Ah…that’s a good girl.” He said to you, kissing you softly as you moaned. You groaned into his shoulder as he fucked you deep and hard, but still executing a gentle passion with every movement. And then he pulled out. You groaned, as Jungkook replaced him, and at this point you were far gone.
“Sorry it took so long,” Jungkook pressed a kiss against your forehead as you simply nodded. “Finally.” He sunk into you, moaning as he held you tight. He slowly rutted into you with more passion than the last two, possibly because you connected throughout the past few days.
As time went by, you could only stare into his deep violet eyes, a small breath escaping your chapped lips as you reached out. You were so tired…your eyes heavy lidded as Jungkook came, and you came with him. You needed rest, so you blacked out.
When you came to, the men were whispering around you with worry. They were all concerned about you. It seems they had taken the liberty of wiping you up and giving you a fresh change of clothes. A simple pair of shorts and a blue drop top.
“Sorry for worrying you.” You sat up slowly.
“No, we’re sorry for being too rough with you.” Taehyung shook his head.
“Are you feeling any better?” Namjoon handed you an orange, which you deeply appreciated.
“Yeah. Thanks Namjoon,” You smiled. “I think I’m just tired. Could you guys possibly let me rest a bit before we start again?”
“Of course.” Namjoon nodded.
“Sleep well, princess,” Yoongi kissed you on the forehead. “Thanks for helping me win.” He gave you a small smile which made your heart skip a beat as he walked towards the door and left.
One by one they all left Jungkook’s residence, leaving you alone again. They were all so patient and attentive, it made you worried. You didn’t want to leave but going out and checking on your uncle would have been the right thing to do.
“Y/N…” He hugged you tightly. “I need to tell you somethin…” He gripped your waist tighter. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Those damned bugs killed our sisters…killed my lover too. I hope you know that now I have you, I intend on never letting you go.” You were beginning to come to terms with it.
“Okay.” You answered him genuinely. You were fine with it, actually. 
“Really?” He asked with widened doe eyes. 
“Yeah.” You giggled.
“That makes me so happy, Y/N I could kiss you. But that would just lead to fucking, so I’m gonna hold off,” You nodded, as he let go of you and left you to your own vices.
You woke up to Lavender licking you. She was barking up a storm when Jungkook lifted her off you. “Sorry. She got excited.” 
“No problem.” You smiled as he placed her back in her doghouse. 
“We’re planning to meet up at Jimin’s house later. Would you like to come?” You nodded immediately, giddy as the raspberry-themed man seemed to have a slightly more kinkier side you appreciated. The thought was enough to make you aroused again, but instead of acting on it you decided to take a breath. You needed to rest.
Of course, at Jimin’s house everyone seemed to get the message as no one approached you wanting to have sex. However they still looked at you. You made chatter with everyone and enjoyed your time there. It seemed all the men were taken with you and everyone wanted a piece of you. You felt great. 
“So, Jungkook, when is she gonna move out of your place?” Jin asked softly.
“Never! She’s mine.” Jungkook whispered possessively.
“Kook! Play nice.” Namjoon scolded.
“Sorry Joon. Y/N, do you wanna keep living with me?”
“It just occurred to me, I officially have nowhere to live. I happened to come here because of Jungkook.” You answered.
“It’s only right she stays with him. He brought her here,” Jimin nodded. “You like Jungkook a lot, Y/N?” You smiled sheepishly.
“Of course I do.” 
Jungkook and Jimin shared a smile before looking at you. You kept it in mind as you sat down next to Namjoon and snacked on some crackers. After a while, you all started talking about your kinks.
“I don’t know about that one, but try this on for size: when your partner has complete control over you, including when you breathe.” Namjoon laughed.
“Nah, breathplay is child’s play. I’m saying blindfolded bondage is where it’s at.” Taehyung smirked and said in rebuttal.
“I want—hear me out…to be bred. Like stuffed until it’s just cum leaking out of me, y’know?” You explained your kink to the men who were left in shock. All except Yoongi were surprised. 
“You’re such a whore, Y/N,” Yoongi smirked. “You want us to start now? Think you can handle it after yesterday?” He looked at you knowing damn well what he was doing.
“M-maybe not yet. I’m exhausted.” You explained.
They left it alone, shifting the topic as Jimin got some more food out for everyone. You and Jungkook stayed behind to help with cleanup. You suddenly felt Jimin’s lips on your shoulders, through your shirt.
“Chim, you should stop. You know I’m tired.”
“Yeah but I don’t wanna. I want you, Y/N.” You sighed at his plea.
“Okay.” You sighed as he picked you up and placed you on the counter. He swiftly removed your shirt and shorts, followed by your bra and underwear.
“Jimin! I got the leftovers in the tray—Oh.” Jungkook’s face fell when he saw him but then a mischievous smile appeared on his lips as he slipped next to him and joined in on torturing you.
You groaned. 
“Oh crap, Jimin I left my umbrella—” Namjoon stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened as he saw you naked on Jimin’s countertop. Jungkook smirked at him.
“You wanna tap in?” Jungkook smirked. “Me and Jimin were about to have another taste.” 
You gasped as Namjoon and Jimin were both inside you at the same time. Jungkook was watching, as he got more than enough from living with you. You felt them tearing your insides apart, reshaping your holes to fit their cocks. Jimin was entering you from behind, Namjoon in your pussy. Your eyes rolled back as Namjoon moaned and smacked your hips, making you recoil in surprise.
“So fucking tight. Fuck…fuck…” He groaned. “Take my cock…” His words encouraged you as you sighed and continued bouncing back on his cock, your ass smacking against Jimin’s hips every time you would go between them. One would snap his hips while the other pulled back, and it continued in a forbidden pattern. It felt like they were playing a game with you as their pawn.
“Fuck…her asshole is getting stretched out.” Jimin groaned, spitting on your rear end and spreading out his saliva with his fingers. You groaned as you felt your holes stretching out even more with the movements.
“J-Jungkook…I think I can take you too…” You said with uncertainty. You’ve never taken two in one hole before, let alone two in both holes. And now Jungkook was about to join. He sank down, between Namjoon and Jimin.
He slipped in…right into your pussy.
You screamed.
The movements were becoming faster as the three men grunted in unison, their hips synced in a rhythm as they were closer to their climaxes. Your lips fell open, as you panted, while Namjoon’s face contorted into one of pain, which you assumed meant he was in total heaven. Your climax hit as Jungkook fucked up into you, reaching spots Namjoon missed, while Jimin’s cock rubbed against your inner walls in a different way. They split you apart as the decadent sex between the four of you sent your mind into its own Havana while you orgasmed.
Their cocks touched in ways they never would have thought of, as they finished inside of you. When they pulled out, cum was gushing out of your ass and pussy, while all you could do was watch helplessly.
“That’s a good slut.” Jimin smirked mischievously.
“She’s ours now.” Namjoon said, as if he was still in disbelief.
“I hope you liked being bred, baby. Because there’s a lot more where that came from.” Jungkook said, revealing his erection to you. 
“Again?” You asked.
“Honey, for you, always,” gave you a small smile. “Now open wide.”
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ashdreams2023 · 6 months
Hi! I hope you are well :) I had a request it might sound weirdly specific but I read this ages ago on wattpad and I can’t find it anymore and I was wondering if youd be able to recreate it? You’re my fav so I know you would do wonderfully. but basically it was like Loki x reader and Loki and the avengers went on a mission but it was like really long; gone for like almost a year or whatever and then Loki comes back and through that time the reader hasn’t been eating and there was like paparazzi talking about her weight loss and all that stuff idk if that makes sense but yea :) it’s okay if not 🫶🏻
I’ll try love and thank you for your sweet words
It made the news
Loki knew something had went horribly wrong, because why did he just hear your name in the news on the radio.
He’s been out the country for too long and couldn’t contact you for months now, he had hoped nothing bad would’ve happened while he’s gone, you weren’t exactly alone, there was still pepper and Peter at the compound but still.
"Reindeer games I think you should go back early"
"It’s you think but I should stark"
So Loki took the first opportunity to travel back to New York, he had to know if what he heard was true and if it was he will blame himself to no end.
When he did arrive at the city he grabbed the first newspaper he saw and cursed himself, the front page had an article about you and a picture.
You looked so fragile and extremely underweight, the article spoke about the drastic change in appearance throughout this period of time and how you stopped going out anymore.
The picture was taken when you were looking out one of the windows.
Loki burned the news paper in his hands and teleported to inside the building, the lights were off, it was the end of the day. He went straight to your bedroom.
The lights were off and you were sitting near your window staring out aimlessly, you hadn’t noticed his presence until he walked in and warped his arms around you, almost giving you a heart attack.
"Loki?! You’re back-"
"What happened to you?!" He looked down at your sunken cheeks and weak looking arms "Why…dove answer me, why?"
You opened your mouth then closed it, the look on your face gave it away and Loki didn’t know how to feel, he wanted to be angry, upset with you but you looked so…breakable that it just felt wrong.
"I missed you" you managed to say.
He felt his heart getting swallow up "Why didn’t you eat?"
"I lost my appetite?"
"Dove….when was the last time you ate something?"
You shrugged "last Friday….cornflakes…I think?"
Loki groaned and warped his arms tightly around you but no tight enough to hurt you "You crazy woman, you could’ve killed yourself! From now on no more long lasting missions, I don’t care if I have to stay here and be a bloody maid in this place"
"You would look good in a maid outfit"
He smacked your butt at that "you would like that, wouldn’t you?"
You hummed hiding your face in his chest "Maybe"
"You’re so spoiled"
"Only for you"
"Just how I like it and no more cornflakes"
"Come on-"
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I FINALLY got to watch the latest season of Dragons Rising and I have a theory about who Ras’ master is, so for anyone who hasn’t caught up on Ninjago please keep scrolling because this is gonna have a lot of spoilers:
I believe there is a chance that Ras’ master may be the First Dragon, due to the similarities between his and Lloyd’s visions among other reasons.
To get this out of the way, I am not referring to Firstbourne. I am aware she is technically the “mother of all dragons”, but I believe her namesake gives it away that she may not be the very FIRST dragon. She is the first dragon BORN, perhaps not the first in existence.
Besides, do you really think the most powerful dragon in all of the worlds, the one supposed to be as powerful as the Overlord, would be defeated so easily by a small group of Oni, with other dragons AND riders on her side?
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I mean THE Dragon, the one depicted in Mistake’s story. The antithesis of the Overlord. The Yang to his Yin. The Creation to his Destruction.
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This sounds a bit far fetched, I am aware, but I do have a base for this theory.
In Mistake’s story, the Dragon was also fighting over the First Spinjitsu Master, just like the Overlord was. What is interesting to me is that the FSM chose to run from both instead of choosing the Dragon, despite the dragons always being depicted as “the good guys” and the Oni as “the bad guys.”
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This means that the dragon most likely didn’t want to use him for the right reasons either, maybe even to eliminate the Overlord and overturn the balance of the world in its favor. The FSM is the balance, and he most likely knew that siding with one or the other would be disastrous.
The Dragon also has not been seen for the entirety of the series, despite the fact that the Overlord had been rampaging in Ninjago over and over. It isn’t like they could not come to stop him, we knew from the very beginning that dragons can traverse realms (I know this is probably because the dragon hadn’t been introduced in the plot yet, let me dream). Perhaps the Dragon had been sealed away by the FSM, not unlike the Overlord was when the FSM split Ninjago in two to keep him at bay.
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It would explain the Dragons absence throughout the years.
Now, onto Ras.
He receives visions in a very similar way to Lloyd, almost to a T with the floating and glowing eyes, but with a GOLDEN background, which not even the Sources have, despite their connection to creation.
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As for the “evil” masks, remember that the Forbidden Five that his master wanted to bring back are ELEMENTAL MASTERS, people who have been commonly paired with the dragons throughout history, as seen by the ninja themselves. Despite the corruption of their powers, it isn’t Destruction: it is simply warped Spinjitsu, corrupted Creation.
Perhaps the dragon needs the Sources to regain its strength, or hell, its powers were divided to CREATED the Source dragons, each one acting as a seal to keep it at bay. This is may be why they want to conquer the Sources, to free the First Dragon.
Another detail I have noticed, this might be a bit of a stretch but tigers and dragons tend to be a motif I have seen in mythology a lot, it would make sense for it to occur at least once in the show.
To wrap it all up, Creation can be used for evil and Destruction can be used for good. They are not black and white, but shades of grey. We have seen this in the show itself, for example, Gardamon in s2 with the Megaweapon for evil, a weapon that can only create:
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And in s16 when Lloyd used his destruction to fight the Overlord for good (and in the original ending before it was changed, kill him):
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Creation and Destruction have no morality, and no one shows this better than the FSM himself:
The First Spinjitsu Master chose neither Oni nor Dragon for a reason. Light can be just as blinding as the Dark.
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passcode58 · 11 months
Not Requested |
Fluff |
Gojo Satoru x reader |
Warnings | Spoilers
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Another day draped in eternal darkness as the underworld warped its way into your very reality. Darkness, a deep depraved evil, lurking in every corner awaiting its next victims. Blood, guts, screams, and terror— watching those you love perish before your eyes. That was the life of a sorcerer. For those who were weak, there was only so much they could do, but you were blessed with a cursed gift of song. As you walked through the dimly lit corridors of the cursed facility, you could feel the tension in the air. The mission was a crucial one, and the weight of responsibility rested heavily on your shoulders. As an accomplished sorcerer, you had faced countless dangers before, but this particular assignment had a different kind of intensity. You were tasked with retrieving a powerful cursed artifact, and you knew that any misstep could have disastrous consequences. Your life being taken away was the last of your worries, for this could destroy the entire of Japan. 
As you made your way deeper into the facility, you suddenly sensed a presence nearby. You tensed, ready to face whatever threat might emerge from the shadows. It was silent for all but a moment and that's when you saw him, just in the corner of your eye standing against the wall with his arms crossed at his chest. The shades on, silence engulfed him as your chorus came to a halt.  Satoru Gojo, the apple of your eye— that white hair gave him away almost immediately. His vibrant blue eyes locked onto yours, and you felt a jolt of electricity surge through your body. His silver hair, like a cascading waterfall, framed his chiseled features. It was as if you were caught in a trance, unable to tear your gaze away from him. You had to admit, he was undeniably attractive but what was he doing here? This was your mission…
Gojo's eyes widened in recognition, his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he purred, his voice smooth like velvet. "A beautiful sorcerer like you shouldn't be wandering around in dangerous places alone."
You raised an eyebrow, not one to be easily charmed. "I can handle myself just fine, Gojo," you retorted, a playful glint in your eyes. "But it's good to know you're concerned for my well-being."
He chuckled, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "Oh, I'm not concerned," he replied, taking a step closer. "I just can't resist the opportunity to bask in the presence of such beauty."
Raising a brow, you stood to the side with a hand on your hip. This was dangerous, playing with fire like this on such an important mission? The thing is though, with those stupidly pretty eyes of his it was nearly impossible to resist. You closed the distance between the two of you, your voice dripping with playful confidence. "Is that so, Gojo? You sure you're not giving me lip service? I'd say that's shitty considering how high risk this mission is."
Gojo's eyes narrowed, a challenge glinting in them. "Lip service? Never," he countered, leaning in closer. "My lip service is much better than this…but I must admit, your voice is quite captivating. It's like music to my ears."
Your pink tinted lips quirked upwards, letting your fingers graze lightly against his arm, relishing in the way he subtly tensed at your touch. His infinity was off— even for just a split second, for you. "Well, I'm glad to know my voice has such an effect on you," you teased, your voice laced with seduction. "Perhaps I should use it to my advantage."
A spark of anticipation danced between you as the tension grew thicker. It was always like this with you two. The banter and flirtation became a game, each of you trying to one-up the other. Yet, despite the teasing and the obvious attraction, there was an underlying something more between you. You could sense it in the way his eyes softened when he looked at you, in the way he would always come to your aid whenever you needed it. "I heard you were on this mission so I just stopped by to check in. I don't know what the hell they were thinking sending you in here in your own, god it's kike they want us to die." Sometimes Gojo didn't realize he belittled you. Why would he think you'd need help? 
"I appreciate you looking after me, but I'm fine."
Yet even if you wanted to feel offended. "I know you can handle yourself, I really do— but." There were just some things he didn't have to say. You knew from the look alone what he meant. Go to witnessed first hand the damage of underestimating curses and the carelessness of higher ups. He didn't care if you were fine in your own, he couldn't sleep knowing you were out there on a dangerous mission.  He just couldn't— and maybe it was selfish to sabotage your solo mission but that's what he was. A selfish man, especially when it comes to you. 
"Come with me then, let's put those pretty eyes to use."
As you continued through the cursed facility, Gojo remained a steadfast companion by your side, chaos bringing a new addition of excitement to the otherwise nerve- wrecking mission. While you aimed at completing the mission his powers were awe-inspiring— captivating, mentioning, magnificent…beautiful— he was beautiful. He effortlessly used them to protect you from the malevolent forces that lurked within the shadows— and though you could easily handle yourself, you couldn't help but want to watch him. If you fall by a curse's hands, you'd want to bear witness to the greatness of the man before you. Splotches of electrifying purple coloured the room and the shock of the cursed energy poured through you, for just a moment before the curse fell, exploding at his hand. And you were in fact speechless, his ego couldn't be happier.
There were moments when the romantic tension between you became almost palpable. A brush of your hand against his, a lingering gaze that lasted just a second too long – these small gestures spoke volumes. But you both knew that the mission took precedence over any personal desires. There would be time for exploring the depths of your connection later.
In the end, you successfully retrieved the cursed artifact and emerged from the facility unscathed. As the mission came to a close, Gojo's eyes locked with yours once again, and this time there was no teasing or banter. Just a shared understanding. The mission was completed and you were safe. He could rest easy now.
"You're quite the sorcerer," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "And so much more."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your heart. "A compliment from the strongest? I feel like you're trying to flatter me, but hey you're not so bad yourself, Gojo," you replied, your voice soft and genuine.
"But…you know…the perfect end to this…" He whispers, and you know what he wants when he gives you that look. 
"Meet me back in my apartment in 10."
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thekinkyleopard · 2 months
By Moonlight
A Zer0nyx Canon Snz Fic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Snz Fic, Romantic Smut, Fluff, Angst
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Description: Zeroh comes back from a particularly heavy crossing and just wants to be seen for once. Amara hints at the reaper, he may not be alone. But with his photic allergies, will it ruin the mood, or lighten it?
Author’s Notes: Needed to poop something new out for these fucking CUTIES!!!! Hope you all enjoy <3 @aller-geez owns Zeroh, Amara and did the art!
Zeroh wandered back into the cemetery that doubled as a work space and home, feeling heavier than usual. Being a Reaper, definitely had it’s downsides, and often left him feeling more hollow than when he left.
Amara sensed Zeroh's heavy heart the moment he stepped into the cemetery, her shiny ghostly black feathers ruffling in concern. She perched on a weathered headstone, tilting her head as she watched him with beady white eyes. Popping in between each stone he passed by to keep with the reaper’s stride. Zeroh moved slowly among the tombstones, his steps heavy with the weight of the recent crossing he had assisted over the veil. The image of the young man’s face haunted him, so full of innocence and light extinguished far too soon. He had sacrificed himself for a lover. A lover. Something he knew the pain of losing but could barely remember the happiness of having.
As he reached a secluded corner of the cemetery where an ancient weeping willow stood guard over forgotten graves, Zeroh sank to his knees. He let himself metaphorically melt into the softened grass that had overgrown the many flattened and forgetten stones of the very distant past. “What am I to do, Miss Lady? How might I carry the weight of all this grief, and still…move forward?” he sighed, the sound escaped his lips in a long, drawn-out exhale, the sound of defeat and weariness. The rustling of leaves in the ancient willow tree seemed to echo his sigh, a melancholy harmony. The crow, warping between the seen and unknown veils finally finding a comfortable space upon his shoulder. She cawed gently, pressing her body suggestively into his neck, earning an eyeroll for a response. “That seems like a lot to press upon the poor spirit, does it not?”
The bird fluffed, and cawed. Bossy little thing. He sighed with frustration, absentmindedly drawing an endless circle in the dirt of the grounds. “Impossible, we hardly speak, I can’t imagine they’d want anything to do with me and my woes, don’t be ridiculous,” scoffing at the insistent creature. Amara’s shadow grew in size and then dramatically exploded into many smaller shadows that melded into the grass around him. “My goodness with the theatrics tonight,” O shook his head with an amused chuckle escaping his lips. “And what if you’re wrong? Hm? Would the possible rejection be worth the risk? I should just keep it all to myself…what would you know hm?” furrowing his eyebrows and sticking his tongue out at her.
The bird paused, and looked at Zeroh that almost mimicked the exact expression of “You have got to be kidding me, right?”
“Im not kidding! And you shouldnt be either…expressing myself isn’t easy, you know this Miss lady,” crossing his arms over his chest and staring at her knowingly. She shrugged her little bird shoulders poofing away and then back again in the tree above him, her shape taking form of the small ghost that was the topic of conversation causing the reaper to quickly look away, if a blush could spread across his face, it would have. “Regardless!…how do you know I’m not opening myself up to being completely humiliated?” the bird rolled her glowing solid white orbs, clearly there was something she knew that was unbeknownst to the Reaper, and would remain so should he chicken out.
Zeroh leaned indecisively against the trunk of the tree. The willow seemed to sway gently in the night breeze, as if whispering secrets to the shadows that danced around the Reaper. He let out a heavy sigh, his thoughts swirling with doubt and vulnerability. The ghostly figure of Amara perched on a branch above him, her eyes fixed on him with a mixture of impatience and understanding. She let out a soft caw, and quickly disappeared again, only to reappear in a cloud of vapor around him, pushing into his side. It was almost as if she was directing him, shoveling him into the right decision. “Alright! Alright…” he put up his hands defensively as he refused to fight against her. “I’ll go…I’ll, try…” he sighs nervously.
O took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversations that would possibly lay ahead. With a newfound resolve, he stood up straight and brushed off his dark cloak, his eyes focused on the distant horizon where the boundary between the living world and the realm of the dead blurred. Amara's ghostly form flitted around him in a dance of encouragement, her presence a comforting reminder that he was not alone in his struggles.
As he made his way through the cemetery and into the night, Zeroh felt a sense of purpose rekindle within him. The weight of grief still lingered, but now there was a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness. With each step he took towards the unknown, he felt a renewed strength building within him, fueled by the support of an unlikely companion. “You’re certain this is a good choice to make?” He spoke to the raven that flittered in and out of the veil between Zeroh’s steps closer to the part of the graveyard he knew Onyx would be attending. She cawed in response, strongly and certainly, the reaper could only groan with anxiety. As they closed in, spotting the apparition placing bouquets of flowers at empty gravestones, Amara vanished, allowing Zeroh to take the next few steps ahead, on his own.
“H-…” he cleared his throat. “Hey, Yixxy…how’s it…tonight?” What even are words? The reaper thought to himself already feeling the intense urge to run away and avoid this conversation at all costs, but in the distance of his peripheral vision, he could see a set of ominously glowing, round orbs, glaring at him. Watching him. He knew there was no avoiding at least, hanging out with the spiritual. The smaller in stature, quickly turned around, spooked as they jumped out their skin.
“OH! Zeroh!” they gasped grasping at their chest “I- I didn’t hear you come over!” Onyx stuttered, nearly dropping the bouquet they were holding. Their normally shadowy face seemed to flush with a faint hue of color, giving their ghostly features an almost lifelike appearance in the muted moonlight.
Zeroh couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the spiritual’s sudden surprise, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I apologize for startling you,” he began, his voice gentle and reassuring. “I hope I’m not intruding. I see you’re paying your respects,”
Onyx nodded slowly, their glowing eyes flickering with a mixture of emotions. “Yes, just… making sure everyone has a little something,” they replied softly, their voice carrying a wistful tone. “It’s comforting in a way, being here to make sure no one goes forgotten,” the little ghost had taken it upon themselves to make sure that old, forgotten, and long abandoned graves were balanced out from the graves that simply had too many. There had been some complaints but, since there was no one living to blame, there was no solutions to be had.
Zeroh nodded in understanding, his own gaze drifting to the gravestones surrounding them. The cemetery felt peaceful and eerie at the same time, the air growing stale between them. Onyx tilted their head ever so slightly before their voice broke the silence. “Was there something you wanted to say, O?” It wasnt too often they found themselves in conversation, a lot of the moments between them were silent passings through the yard, or quietly tending the stones together. Neither of them having the nerve to open up.
Earnestly, Onyx admired the Reaper, being able to be the helping hand that escorts the living into the realm of the dead. The ghost thought of him as some what of a hero, not only for that but for the kindness of allowing him to come along with him. He was so sure of himself, knew his place, his role, and was an absolutely unreplaceable source in this universe. Nothing like themselves who could hardly decide what to wear half the time. The two of them stood awkwardly, silently, Zeroh trying to muster up the courage to say something, anything. Onyx wondering if maybe, they overstepped. The overthinking was overwhelming between them both and the only thing that could break them out was the sound of an exasperated and irritated “CAW!!!” In the distance, Zeroh cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck.
“I…was wondering….” the feeling of wanting to bail growing within the ethereal almost consumed him, but his white eyes flashed back over to the flaring bird, and realized he would much rather not face her wrath. “If you wanted to walk with me? I…had a rough day and,” this time Zeroh looked down, his eyebrows furrowed slightly and then he took a deep breath, exhaled and finished his thought. “Could use the company…” he finally looked back up, a few short inches, and met the look of a very intrigued little spirit.
Onyx's eyes softened at Zeroh's hesitant request, a flicker of understanding passing between them. They nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of their translucent lips. "Of course, Z. I'd be more than happy to accompany you," they replied, their voice echoing softly in the quiet night air. The Reaper softened. Almost like a very lightweight had been lifted.
As they began to walk together through the cemetery, the atmosphere seemed to shift around them. The shadows cast by the slowly illuminating moonlight appeared less menacing, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh blooms from the many assorted flowers growing and presented within the graveyard. Amara, flew overhead silently back and forth between the veil, her wings beating rhythmically but still quietly as she followed them through the maze of headstones and monuments.
Zeroh felt a sense of peace settle over him as he walked side by side with Onyx, the weight of his sorrow easing with each step. “So…what’s on your shoulders?” Yix asked him, suddenly taking the reaper off guard from the once silent night they were sharing.
“On my shoulders?” He asked quizzically, looking over at the other’s almost absent gaze.
“You slump…every time you return from a particularly heavy crossing…your shoulders, they slump, and I can tell you’re carrying a weight that once wasn’t there,” Zeroh’s eyes almost widened, and this action caused the little spirit to suddenly look away, a flush would be presented across their face, should they have had any blood to produce such. The Reaper was just shocked. To be seen. To be known so intimately, without so much of a word needing to be said? It was almost remarkable. He snorted, almost solemnly through his nostrils.
“That obvious then, hm?” two sets of pale colored eyes met, in a moment of sincerity they both stopped walking, and just stood there for a moment. Eventually, Yix nodded in agreement, their expression soft and understanding.
"It's not just your shoulders that carry the weight, Zeroh. It's in your eyes, in the way you move through the world. I may not know the full extent of your burdens, but I can see that…they are heavy," Their words hung between them in the cool night air, a quiet acknowledgment of the reaper's struggles.
Zeroh was silent for a passing second, his feet sturdy and deliberate as he processed Yix's observation. "I... I appreciate your insight," he finally murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "It's been a long time since someone has truly seen me…well besides Amara but, there once was another that did…” he smiled gently looking up to see the moon peaking suspiciously behind the trees, he felt a slight tingle behind his sinuses, but took a deep breath in and looked back over at Onyx. Who was looking at him in an almost observant type of way, there was a tension between them neither could place.
Ony smiled sympathetically, finally finding the words to address the delicate topic at hand. It was clear that the Reaper was still deeply affected by it. "Whoever they were, they must have been incredibly special," they said softly, trying to provide comfort in their tone.
Zeroh's smile faltered slightly at the mention of ‘special’, not to the fault of the spirit, but O thought way more of his past lover as far superior to ‘special’. A flicker of pain crossing his face before he quickly masked it. He nodded, his gaze drifting towards a distant headstone as memories threatened to resurface. "Yes, they were...special indeed," he replied quietly, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and sorrow. Onyx could sense the weight of unspoken emotions hanging in the air between them, an invisible barrier that kept Zeroh guarded despite their growing closeness.
He looked away, the silence between them stagnant and almost slightly awkward, neither knowing how to proceed. Amara appeared off in the visage of Z’s viewing vicinity, and she gave him a look, a knowing look, one Zeroh couldn’t mistake for any other. He knew what she was telling him, and it was to be vulnerable, to open up again, but what if he couldnt? What if it was too late for any of that, and his only chance of it was turned to dust many years previously? Not to mention how presumptuous of him to assume this young soul would want or need anything from him. He was spiraling, his mind swirling in a thousand and one different ways and the bird could see it from a million miles away.
But before Zeroh could retreat further into his thoughts, Onyx reached out a hand and gently placed it on the reaper's shoulder, which shocked him, he hadnt been touched in so long. Yet the gesture was still somehow comforting and grounded him in the present moment. Their touch was surprisingly comforting, sending a shiver down his long form. "Zeroh, you don't have to carry your burdens alone," the spirit spoke softly, their voice filled with empathy. "Sometimes sharing the weight can make it lighter,"
Zeroh met Onyx's gaze, his eyes searching for any signs of insincerity but finding only genuine care reflected back at him. The reaper felt a knot loosen in his chest, a sense of relief washing over him at the thought of not having to bear everything by himself, and that maybe there was something, safe, here.
"I... I suppose I could try," Zeroh whispered, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. "It's been so long since I've let anyone in…his name was Sebastian…and I dont think I’ve said his name in…half a decade,” he scoffed, feeling guilty in the most strange way. They each took a seat upon a nearby fallen tree, one that had been neglected to be removed but wasnt causing any issues rotting across graves, so Zeroh felt no need to remove it. Instead they both took a seat under the slow raising moonlight, as the light started to glow brighter, it reflected off the water, right into Z’s sensitive eyes. He shook his head, he exhaled sharply through his nostrils and hovered a gloved hand over his eyes to shield himself. Clearing his throat and trying to shove the strange sensitive sensations that momentarily shook him.
“Anyways…it was a long time ago...I fell…for someone, and his name was Sebastian,” he paused trying his best to not let the brightening light slowly creeping in, ruin the vulnerability of this moment. “He was, so kind, and fun…he made everything seem so much easier than it was…” his face turned up into a softened smile, one that only spread half way across his lips. Onyx listened intently as Zeroh spoke of the man, the name lingering in the air like a bittersweet melody. They could feel the weight of nostalgia and longing in Z's words, the ache of old wounds reopening in the quiet of the night. The reaper's vulnerability touched something deep within Onyx's ethereal core, stirring memories long forgotten in the shadowed corners of their consciousness.
As Zeroh's voice trailed off, lost in the echoes of memory, a soft sigh escaped Onyx's lips. They reached out a hand to gently grasp Zeroh's, offering silent support and understanding. "Sebastian must have meant a great deal to you," the spirit murmured, their tone soft and never losing its kindness. O nodded solemnly in response, looking over at the many graves around them, mindlessly scanning the words but paying no real mind to the context of them.
"He certainly meant more than a great deal...he was my light in the darkness, my anchor when I needed stability…in the strangest ways..” he hesitated, his throat already begging to swallow the words he wished so badly to speak. In the distance again, above him this time, within the trees, the glowing, menacing set of eyes that threatened him in the darkness. That insistent bird…he cursed her for her bossy nature, but he knew she was right, he could use another being like Onyx around, to confide in, to, seek companionship with. “I feel, so closely to you..in the uhm,” he cleared his throat. “Same, manner of way…you’re soothing…and I…” he looked down at their hands, inches apart, so carelessly rested on the wood. “Really, rather enjoy…your uhm…” now finding the courage to look up, they met eyes, Onyx felt like they were holding in the longest breath of air, not that, breathing was terribly necessary. “Company…your presence…the things you say…you’re,” taking a deep, nervous lungful of air in and letting it out loudly. he nodded. “Incredible,” finishing the final sentence to his long drawn out thought.
To his amazement, Onyx sat the whole way through and not once lost their patience nor did their eyes glaze over in boredom. This was going surprisingly well for him, if he had to have a say.
“Wow..I’m…honored, to hold such a valuable space, Zeroh, I’m..” finding themselves at an almost true loss for words. “Immensely grateful…for you…and Amara, and everything…you, have no idea, what you’ve done for me,” They each felt a slight flutter within the pit of their stomachs, something awakening inside them that neither of them had a clue what to do with. O knowing the feeling, but too terrified to really touch it. Or Onyx. “You are…incredibly special, Zeroh,”
The Reaper’s blackened heart swelled at the words spoken by the other so freely, feeling a warmth he had almost forgotten existed for so long. The weight of his past seemed to momentarily lift as he gazed into Onyx's eyes, seeing a reflection of compassion and acceptance that he had been yearning for. A sense of connection blossomed between them, fragile yet profound in its sincerity. As the moonlight bathed them in its gentle glow, O found himself lowering his hand to reach out, but only to pull his fingers back into his own lap, Yixxy noticed, but stayed quiet.
"I... I never thought I would find someone who could understand me like you do, Onyx," Zeroh confessed, his voice steady yet filled with sensitivity. "Your presence brings me a kind of peace I thought was lost to me forever,” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I want to thank you for being here with me, for listening and caring in a way that no one else has…I feel, lighter, somehow,” he laughed, silently, through his nostrils but found himself sniffling quickly after, shaking his head gently. The emanating light starting to wear him down thin. His throat was itching and the canal of his nose was swelling slowly, eyes watering as he pushed up a hand to wipe the collective black liquid from his ducts. “Sorry…the moon is bright tonight…” he confessed as he fought his oncoming symptoms.
Onyx's ethereal form seemed to shimmer with a newfound light that was beaming from inside him. This being, this, Reaper, was grateful for them? They hadn’t had someone grateful for them, in, centuries. Ony smiled. They reached up a gentle, delicate hand and as it went from transparent to solid, slowly, they placed it under Zeroh’s eyes, using the pad of their thumb to wipe an escaped tear. “You truly are remarkable…” Their response was a gentle whisper, filled with warmth and sincerity. It was all they could manage to utter, their voice carrying a soothing tone that enveloped him like a warm hug.
Despite Zeroh being well aware of Onyx's current state, he couldn't help but gasp and feel a jolt run through his body when the ghost placed their hand on his face. He froze, his expression filled with worry as he scanned Onyx for any signs of pain or uncertainty. Yet, they were still there, smiling at him without a doubt. Letting out a sigh of relief, Zeroh reached up to place his hand on top of theirs. They locked eyes before the Reaper finally spoke up again. "I- I really want to kiss you," he started, but then quickly looked away, afraid of what he might see in Onyx's eyes. "But I'm scared,”
Onyx felt a wave of emotions crash over them at Zeroh's confession. The vulnerability and rawness in his voice tugged at their very essence, stirring feelings they had long forgotten. As Zeroh hesitated, Onyx reached up to gently cup his cheek, their touch cool yet comforting against his lonely skin.
"You don't have to be afraid," they whispered softly, their eyes filled with understanding and a glimmer of something more. "I feel it too...the connection…" Onyx leaned in closer, almost purely off instinct, their breath mingling with his as they closed the gap between them, pressing their lips against his in a tender kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the moment, a rush of feelings swirling within them both. It was a kiss filled with unspoken words and shared longing, a bridge between two souls reaching out for solace and understanding. And as they pulled away, Zeroh felt a warmth spreading through him, a sense of peace and belonging he hadn't felt in ages. Onyx's presence enveloped him in a comforting embrace, the weight of his pain momentarily lifted by the connection they shared.
As they gazed into each other's eyes, Zeroh felt a flicker of hope ignite within him, a light in the darkness that he thought had long been snuffed.
"I... I don't know what to say," the Reaper murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he searched Onyx's eyes for reassurance. The ghostly figure before him emanated a sense of calm and acceptance that washed over him like a soothing balm.
They smiled softly, their eyes reflecting understanding and warmth. "You don't have to say anything," they replied kindly, their hand falling off Zeroh's cheek, only to lay carefully on the ethereal’s hand that was located upon his knee. "Just know that you're not alone in this journey, not anymore,” there were no more words that could be spoken between the two as they just stared at each other in awe, but slowly the light grew brighter, the urges within O were growing impossible to ignore, and he chuffed unexpectedly.
A sense of urgency gripped Zeroh as he felt the familiar tingling in his skin, a warning sign that the moonlight was becoming too intense for his photic allergies to handle. Panic surged through him as he tried to preserve this precious moment with Onyx, to bask in their connection a little longer. But the bright light of the moon crept closer, casting its silvery glow around them, threatening to shatter the fragile peace they had found.
Onyx sensed Zeroh's distress and their smile faltered, replaced by a look of concern. They could see the telltale signs of his struggle against the moonlight, the way his skin prickled and his breath quickened. Unsure of what to do, the ghost just simply sat there, he’d seen this a few times but, every time those..sounds escaped O, the spirit would find themselves retreating. Completely and utterly embarrassed by their body’s natural reaction to it. However, if he ran now, he risked insulting the Reaper or worse, hurting his feelings in the manner of a wrong assumption. They each were in a pickle of sorts.
Zeroh could feel the tension in the air, the impending danger of his condition flaring up. Despite his internal struggle, he couldn't bear to see Onyx's expression shift from gentle understanding to worry. The Reaper knew it was too late to escape it, and they’d both just have to get through it. “I think….” he snorted, trying to desperately push the feeling out of his face, but to no avail. “I’m gonna sneeze…” it came out in a gasp, the moonlight now shining down on him with full force. The feeling crawled down his nose like tv static, or a fizzy drink, and it exploded through his chest. “Huh’…HH’aHTCHh’iew!” into the crook of his elbow, trying to avoid a mess across his new found, crush? Despite having shared an intimate moment, the reaper certainly wasnt concerned with labels as his face felt like it was tingling relentlessly.
Onyx on the other hand, was stone cold solid, eyes widened almost like a deer caught in a set of headlights. If they could blush, they would be, brightly, across every surface of their skin he took a deep, slow, exhale out, sucking their lower lip in between two clenching rows of teeth. ‘What the hell is wrong with me ?’ they thought almost worriedly to themselves as their whole body felt like it was suddenly, hot.
It was in that moment, as Zeroh fought against the uncontrollable urge to sneeze under the moonlight, that Onyx felt a shift within themselves. The sight of Zeroh's struggle sparked something deep inside them, igniting a fire that they had never experienced before. As Onyx watched the Reaper battle his senses, a strange fluttering sensation stirred in their chest, sending shivers down their spine. “Heh’TSSCHT! Huh’TSSSCH!” two more he was regrettably unable to stop as a fine mist spread across his arm.
The light from the moon seemed to caress Zeroh's features, highlighting the delicate lines of his face, the tear stains on his cheeks, the redness in his nose as he wiped, and the vulnerability in his eyes. Onyx couldn't tear their gaze away, captivated by the rawness of the moment and the intimacy that hung between them like a veil.
With each gasp and hitch in Zeroh's breath, Onyx felt their own pulse quicken in response. The heat that had been building within them now roared to life, consuming their senses with a newfound desire that left them reeling. Onyx cleared their throat. “A-Are you okay? Do you uh…do you…shit,” they lost their train of thought. O looking over at the spirit with confusion behind his own gaze. What was this? The little ghost was never this flustered.
“I’b…I..hh—HUH’AHTSSCHHHh’iew!….fibe…” trying to play it off he huffed almost with frustration at himself, ruining a perfectly romantic evening with his stupid allergies, he turned away. “I'b so soddy…” shaking his head back and forth. “SndFf…” trying so hard to keep himself cleared of any further mess. Black ooze slowly dripping out from his nostrils as he kept wiping it away.
“N-No! D-Don’t be sorry it’s uhm…really,” Onyx’s hands were practically shaking, knees buckling under the weight of sudden arousal. “It’s fine,” clearing their own throat awkwardly, the reaper couldn’t help but notice how, squirrely, the other suddenly became and stepped closer to the apparition.
“Are you alrighd? You seem…upsed,” the stuffed up way that the reaper responded was only adding to Ony’s discomfort, he was so attractive it almost made them crazy, they took in a deep breath and tried to be honest, like the other had been so graciously.
“I’m not..I’m not sure it’s just,” looking away they absentmindedly started twirling a lock of their hair, nervous. “The way that sounded…it’s almost as if..…I enjoy it, like, more than I should..” the spirit’s voice was almost an embarrassed mumble. Completely and totally thrown off by the way they felt in regards to their companion’s allergy afflictions.
As Onyx confessed their unexpected situation, Zeroh turned back to face them, his own confusion mirroring the ghost's turmoil. The air between them crackled with unuttered words and untouched emotions, each trying to make sense of the tangled mess that had woven itself between their souls. Zeroh took a hesitant step forward, closing the distance between them until they were mere inches apart.
His heart pounded in his chest as he reached out a trembling hand to cup Onyx's cheek, his touch feather-light against their ethereal skin. "Can I help, somehow?" he asked tenderly, his voice barely audible in the still night air.
Onyx's eyes widened in surprise, the flickering moonlight casting shadows across their face as they processed Zeroh's confession. A myriad of emotions played across their features - uncertainty, longing, and a spark of something more sultry. Yix took a deep breath and shrugged, attempting to look away again before getting lost in the trance of the other being’s lips that were so close. “I-I’m not sure…”
“Would you like me to do it again…?” O asked curiously, tilting the other’s gaze back up to his own with a thin, long index finger.
The ghost felt a rush of conflicting emotions - desire mingled with uncertainty, curiosity twined with fear. As they met Zeroh's gaze, a silent understanding passed between them, a connection stronger than any words could convey.
With a shaky exhale, Onyx found themselves leaning into Zeroh's touch, the sensation sending shivers down their spine. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they inched closer together, drawn by an invisible thread of fate that bound their souls as one.
Zeroh's eyes held a mixture of tenderness and longing as he leaned in slowly, his breath mingling with Onyx's in the space between them. Their lips brushed together in a tentative kiss, soft and hesitant yet filled with passion still, though, far too short. O pulled away and smiled sweetly. “Well?”
Onyx felt nothing short of dizzy as their lips separated once again, such gentle, tender and yet romantic gestures, so simple, that almost made the ghost feel like they’d crossed over. Shyly, with a bite of their lip they nodded gently, matching the curious, yet heated gaze of the other’s.
Zeroh smirked, nodding in response before standing up straight again, and looking now directly into the moonlight. “Okay…Here we go…” he almost felt rather silly, what if this wasn’t actually what caused the little ghost to be excited? What if he was humiliating himself? He shook it off, unable to really pay focus to the thought as the moon shining into his direct irises was making them water, and itch.
The Reaper hitched, his whole body tensing as he struggled against the bright light that shone in front of him. His jaw opened slightly, as a tickle began to overwhelm him. "H-HH..." he sputtered, trying to contain himself. But the sensation was too strong, and soon he was fighting against it with all his might. "HH'TTSSChh'uu! hh-TSSCCHHHIEW!" The sneezes came out forcefully and without warning, like a cannonball being fired from its barrel. The sound echoed through the air, leaving behind a faint ring that seemed to linger for just a moment longer.
Onyx watched with a mix of awe and desire as Zeroh succumbed to another powerful fit under the moonlit sky. The ghost felt a surge of heat rush through them, specifically to their loins, a particular feeling they were definitely not used to. Their ethereal form tingling with anticipation at the sight before them. While Zeroh recovered from his sneezing, sniffling and rubbing at his nose to clear himself of any blackened mess, he turned to Onyx with a sheepish smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Did you uh…did you enjoy that?" Zeroh asked, nervously, tucking a loose strand of white hair behind his ear, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and uncertainty.
Onyx couldn't help but be drawn in by the Reaper's charm, their heart fluttering in their chest as they gazed into his warm eyes. "I uh….," Onyx clears their throat, nodding and smiling softly, “I very much did…a lot actually…something about the crinkle of your nose and the desperation behind each gasp..” almost a bit too descript with a hint of longing in their tone.
The tension between them crackled like electricity in the air, the unspoken words hanging between them like a delicate thread waiting to be pulled taut. Zeroh took another step closer to Onyx, closing the gap between them yet again. “So then…SnDfF..would you like to…retire…? There’s a nearby mausoleum we could, disappear too…yet to be occupied by any deceased,” The Reaper made it sound more like a sales pitch than a romantic night in.
Onyx's breath hitched at Zeroh's suggestive words, their cheeks flushing a faint shade of blue as desire pooled in their core, it was rather uncomfortable for someone who hadn’t really ever felt sexual attraction before, or ever. Yet, the ghost nodded eagerly, their translucent form shimmering with anticipation. Without another word, they took Zeroh's hand in theirs, the touch sending a jolt of electricity through both of them.
Together, they vanished into the night, their forms merging seamlessly as they made their way to the abandoned mausoleum. The air crackled with a newfound energy, charged with the unspoken certainty that hung between them like a veil of silk.
As they stepped into the dimly lit chamber of the mausoleum, Onyx turned to face Zeroh, their eyes alight with hunger and longing. They hopped up onto the empty coffin that was there in display, spreading their legs just gently to welcome Zeroh’s form. “Cozy,” they giggled shyly, and the reaper couldn’t help but return with a tender smile. “You know…” as O stepped closer, limiting the space between the two as he got comfortable between the other’s knees, gently he set his palms on each of the apparition’s thighs, a softened grip. “I have never, desired to be touched…and for the first time, I do..and it’s when I’m dead…” laughing, they shook their head, pale locks moving in slow wisps, “how lucky that I seemed to be shacking up with the one…being, that probably can, actually…touch me,” O chuckled at this, nodding his head in agreement before parting his lips to speak, fingers gripping tightly to the spirit’s thighs for emphasis.
“You’re not wrong…I do have that fairly helpful gift…” his response was breathy, almost like he was holding back something himself. Onyx reached down and began to slowly strip the Reaper of their protective gloves, he pulled his hands back and looked at the ghost almost in shock.
“You don’t need them…let me feel your hands on me…” Onyx was gentle in their disposition, returning back to grip the gloves at their hems as O settled them back down in between them, and trusted the little apparition instead of allowing fear to drive him.
The reaper’s hands trembled slightly as he allowed Onyx to remove his gloves, revealing blackened, slender fingers that looked almost fragile in the dim light of the mausoleum. A myriad of emotions flickered through his eyes - vulnerability, desire, fear. He hesitated for a moment before tentatively reaching out to touch Onyx's ethereal form, experimentally running them up the hem of the ghost’s sweater. His fingertips grazing their translucent skin with a feather-light touch.
A gasp escaped Onyx's lips at the sensation of Zeroh's touch was suddenly against their cool, incorporeal form. Amazed by the feeling, for both of them it had been entirely too long. The contrast was electrifying, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through them. They arched into his touch, craving more of the intimacy that seemed to spark between them like a wildfire. “Is…Is this okay? Are you okay?” The Reaper asked nervously, looking up at the other, while fingers continued to gently dance across their chest.
“N-No…It’s really…good, don’t…don’t stop, Zeroh,” his name came out like a gasp against their lips and O felt a rush of heat pool in his stomach at Onyx's reaction, a newfound boldness surging through him as he leaned in closer, capturing Onyx's lips in a loving kiss. The ghost melted into the other, sparks flying between them and suddenly there was a mess of hands, exploring, touching, simply touching. Gods it had been so long, they could practically spend the entire night just doing this.
Their lips meshed together in a passionate dance, mouths moving in sync as Onyx’s hands trailed to the hem of the Reaper’s torn up sweater. “Are you sure…?” they pulled apart enough to speak again, Zeroh needing a constant reassurance his new found lover wasn’t hurting, afraid or worse, dying. Onyx nodded as they began to peel themselves out of their shirt, undoing their pants, and Zeroh slowly followed suit. O stood there, shoveled between the ghost’s legs, standing in his underwear, as Onyx sat there in theirs. Slowly, carefully, the Reaper watched as his own hands slid up the other’s soft, solid body, they were transparent, but still so very much here and real and tangible. Unaffected by the curse his touch held. He smiled, now looking up at the other, who returned the gesture.
“Do you think you can…get out another?” the ghost asked nervously, in a whisper of words that almost didn’t escape them. The Reaper bit his lower lip, trying to hold back another chuckle, worried he would embarrass the poor thing, but truthfully he just found them so entirely adorable.
“How could I say no?” nodding before looking out the only window of the mausoleum and making contact with the brightening moonlight yet again, this time having to put effort behind it as he scooched closer to Onyx, bare chests touching, Zeroh’s head comfortably hovering over top the other’s, Onyx was met with a strong chest. They looked up, resting their chin upon it to witness the happenings above their head.
The reaper’s head tilted back, his mouth fell open and out it came. “Hh’TTSsCh’uu! Huh’Tssch’hHIEW!” his whole form flexed and clenched around Onyx, the ghost had taken a hold of each of O’s biceps, gripping them tightly to feel them constrict as he blew. The little ghost shuddered with delight, the sounds of sneeze echoing inside their brain chamber, rattling around like soon to be rot that would consume them. A fine mist fell behind them, tickling and trickling down Yix’s back.
“Wow…” was all the little ghost could muster up, a smile breaking out on their face as they leaned back against the coffin, reveling in the innocent intimacy of the moment. Zeroh chuckled softly at Onyx's reaction, following closely by climbing on top of them, a warmth spreading through him at the sight of the ghost's genuine enjoyment. He settled over the spirit, drinking in their form, both of them now in various states of undress but feeling more connected than ever before. The moonlight bathed them in a soft glow, casting shadows that danced across their intertwined forms.
Zeroh's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he gazed down at Onyx, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. The air was charged with electricity, a palpable tension that seemed to draw them closer together. As their eyes met in the dim light of the crypt, Zeroh felt a surge of lust that had long been dormant inside him.
Without a word, he lowered his head, capturing Onyx's lips in a fevered kiss that spoke of longing and passion. The ghost responded eagerly, their hands roaming over Zeroh's body with a hunger that matched his own. In that instant, all doubts and fears melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled need that pulsed between them.
Their bodies moved together in a seamless dance of desperate need, each touch sending sparks flying through the air. Zeroh's hands trailed down Onyx's sides, fingers tracing patterns on the ghostly skin that seemed to glow beneath his touch before meeting the hem of their briefs, pulling at them before breaking their kiss, pushing their foreheads together lovingly. He tried to catch his breath but still his words came out almost muted. “S’okay? You…’re okay?” not a moment the Reaper didn’t want the ghost to feel uncomfortable.
Their voice quivered uncontrollably as they struggled to catch their breath, the overwhelming sensation of arousal coursing through their veins. With every word, their voice cracked and faltered, overcome by the sheer intensity of the moment. "Yes...keep going," they managed to stammer out, each syllable dripping with a need and hunger that was unlike them. The air was thick with anticipation as they awaited the next move from their partner, their body trembling with excitement and yearning.
Their breaths mingled in the stagnant air of the mausoleum, creating a fog of passionate lust that enveloped them both. The reaper’s hands shook with anticipation as he continued to explore Onyx's ethereal form, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The ghost arched into his caresses, a low moan escaping their lips as pleasure coursed through their slender body.
Feeling emboldened by Onyx's response, he let his hands wander further, sliding down to grasp the ghost's hips possessively. Onyx gasped at the touch, their form shimmering in the moonlight as they surrendered to the Reaper's embrace. The connection between them crackled with a raw intensity, each movement bringing them closer to the edge of something wild and untamed.
As their passions continued to ignite, O felt a desperate surge push through him as he wrapped both his hands now tenderly around the back of Ony's thighs, lifting them, he sat back on the coffin, still between the legs he was lifting a mere few inches. “I want you, Onyx, in every way possible, for eternity, would that be, alright?” he asked cautiously, but still, with an aura of confidence as he kissed down the ghost’s thin legs.
“Absolutely, Zeroh, I’m already yours,” the ghost whispered hoarsely. The larger grinned, like a kid in a candy shop kissing down the spirit’s legs with adoring excitement, he felt a shiver run down his spine at Onyx's words. He looked up at the ghost's face, their eyes shining with admiration and all the same, hunger. A spark spread through him at the thought of spending eternity with the apparition, and he knew that he would do anything to make that a reality.
With a renewed sense of grounding, Zeroh reached downward to his own boxers, pulling them down to reveal his hardened cock and slickening his palm with a mouthful of saliva. “You’re sure you want this? You want me?” he prepped himself accordingly, positioning himself between Onyx’s trembling thighs, they nodded, biting their lower lip nervously but with excitement, their hands reached up to grasp the reaper by his forearms.
“I want you, I want to be yours, I want you to be mine….please, Zeroh..” the ghost almost begged, and it was enough for the ethereal to have mercy, sliding himself comfortably inside of Ony’s tight entrance. They both took their time adjusting as the reaper made his way the full hilt, they each took a deep breath in, and the spirit moaned involuntarily with a surprising ecstasy that overflowed them. The reaper’s hands on either side of Onyx’s head now, the ghost wrapping their leg’s tightly around his waist.
“Shhhh…it. It’s been awhile, Ha~ ..you feel really good…” O admitted, the vulnerability of their actions hung in the air like a thick blanket around them. Slowly, thoughtfully, the reaper began to slip back out, only mid way before, tenderly back in.
The air in the crypt was thick with the scent of ancient stone and the mingled musk of their bodies as they moved in unison, their souls intertwined in a dance as old as time itself. Oh’s blueish white eyes locked with Onyx's, the intensity of their affections and desires for one another, reflected back in the other's gazes. The ghost's body writhed beneath him, a symphony of pleasure and pain, their breaths echoing in the silent chamber like the cries of a thousand long-lost souls. “Zeroh~” the spirit whimpered in pleasure as their body was claimed.
Movements became more fervent, their bodies undulating like two waves crashing into one another, creating a tide of passion that threatened to consume them both. As their hips met with a rhythm that was both primal and divine, Zeroh brought his fingers down, tracing delicate patterns on Onyx's skin, leaving behind trails of light that danced in the moonbeams pouring through the dusty window. “My name on your lips…don’t ever cry for another…I could die over and over hearing that sound, and I know it’ll…” he paused, shoveling himself back inside “lead me to salvation…” he huffed through clenched teeth before pushing down and finding their lips again.
Time seemed to lose all meaning as they continued to move, each thrust more deliberate and passionate than the last. Despite the urgency of their passion, they took their time, savoring the feel of each other's bodies as hands made magic as though it might be their last chance to experience this earthly pleasure.
Zeroh's movements grew more frantic, he could feel the ghost beneath him begin to tremble in anticipation of their union. Each time he thrust into Onyx, he could feel himself getting closer to the brink, their bodies humming with electricity as they danced on the razor's edge of climax. Mouths still clashing and melting together like two pieces of chocolate in a wrapper on a hot day.
With a gasp, Onyx's body stiffened beneath him, their eyes rolling back into their head as they arched their back in pure unadulterated ecstasy. Zeroh watched closing while the spirit was coming undone, spurting out from their length over their chests, and he tried to hold back his own orgasm, savoring the sight of the ghost finding pleasure for the first time in, possibly ever, and with a final thrust, Zeroh's own climax washed over him. His seed spilling forth into the ghost's body as their souls seemed to meld together. The air was thick with raw passion and the scent of their mingled fluids, mixing with the musty odor of the ancient crypt.
As they lay there, clinging to one another, Zeroh couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Would they be together forever? Could they find a way to be together should Onyx ever pass over? Or would this be just a fleeting moment of passion, a memory etched into their beings? Would they pretend this never happened? They couldn’t…the electricity…the raw passion between them was too palpable.
He brushed a lock of Onyx's hair from their forehead, tracing the lines of their ethereal face with his fingers. For a moment, they were silent, lost in their own thoughts, but then O whispered softly into his ear. “Could we have forever? You think?” the reaper asked, almost with a shaken voice. The ghost tightened their arms around him, comforting him.
“We can,” Onyx whispered back, the sincerity in their voice resonating through the cold stone chamber, enough to give the Reaper the assurance neither of them could really promise. He could feel Onyx's breathing slowing, and their body starting to steady as they began to drift back down from the heights of passion.
As they lay intertwined, still basking in the afterglow of their passions, Zeroh's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts. The possibilities that had just opened up before him were overwhelming, and he found himself lost in them. For so long, he had believed that Sebastian was his one true love, the end all be all of feelings and emotions. But then this little apparition appeared, floating into his life like an unexpected arrow piercing straight through his heart.
Slowly, they started to disentangle themselves from each other, “Should clean ourselves up…we could…continue distributing the flowers to the empties if you’d like?” The reaper offered as they slowly climbed down from the stone coffin, O helping the smaller down with a steady hand.
“I’d love that,” Yixxy smiled back at him, hopping down and helping him sort through their mess of clothes.
“And face the gloat of a match making bird as well…” Zeroh chuckled breathily, running a hand through his slightly dampened and sweaty locks.
“Oh? Did Amara have something to do with your approach tonight?” Onyx looked up from getting dressed to meet the Reaper’s gaze with a raised brow.
“She might have…been the courage I needed yes,” they both shared a gentle laugh, the sound echoing off the crypt walls, the two gathered their things, got dressed and reemerged from the mausoleum, content to enjoy the rest of their night in the company of each other.
The End
Author’s Notes: Idk if it’s cause I spent literally 24 hours writing this piece, or my brain is fried but I feel like I probably could have done better on this 🤣 Ugh they’re so cute I just want to make sure it’s done justice! 🥲🥲 hope yall enjoy! It was fun writing 🫶🏻
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 4
In this part shit gets real Samir explores the tunnels further and finds something he did not expect. He and Reece puzzle over the find and confront Sheriff Captain Greenway about what he knows.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Reece did get told to expect gifts in the mail. Turns out his family know him as well as like him and he got some starter herbs and veges. No planter box for them right now, maybe later on. He begins to practice guitar, glad that there’s only the trees to hear him at this stage. Inside, the money Harvey gave Samir has been used to buy a sofa, a few counters, a sink, an indoor oven and wooden chairs to replace the plastic ones that were being used indoors. The walls aren't painted yet but Reece has tried to spread the pictures out to cover the shabby.
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Samir is out again, searching the tunnels. He has just tripped over a small skull when he hears a howl in the distance. Bears certainly don’t howl. In a flash of desperation he howls back, but the answering silence is deafening. Feeling defeated he turns to head back home but can’t shake the feeling that something is watching him. The darkness offers no clues however and he does his best to retrace his steps. Suddenly he gets knocked forward, the wind flying out of his lungs.
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Turning over dizzily he sees a pair of red eyes blazing, and wonders if he’s been knocked out. Normally he only sees eyes like that in his nightmares, the ones where he is a frozen 5year-old before it gets dark and he feels like he's being crushed. He tries to stand up but is forcefully pushed down. A low growling starts and Samir realises with horror, the thing in the darkness is talking to him. Still feeling poorly from his previous tunnel injures he finds himself unable to follow the words. All except... shouldn’t have come back.
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Samir’s bicep screams as sharp fangs clamp on his arm. He flashes back to that night, so many years ago, trapped. The sound of his parents cries… he couldn’t bear to hear Reece cry… no. No! He will not be trapped again. He's not 5 years old anymore, this thing doesn't get to throw him back 15 years. It may have taken his family but Samir will not let it take him from Reece. He lets out his own growl, startling the creature in to letting go. Then his years of athletic training kick in. He sweeps his legs in arch until he hears the sound of something heavy falling. He bolts up, sprinting for the nearby light. He hears the growling behind him but he doesn’t stop, he promised Reece he’d come back alive. He makes it out, whatever was down there is not strong enough to stop him keeping his promises.
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As he runs for the house he can feel his blood boiling. Whatever was in the dark, he's faster than it is. Thick foam starts to form in his throat and he finds himself spitting it out several times in an effort to avoid choking. But there, Reece is right outside, safe.
Samir: Blondie *spits* we need to talk
Reece looks around and is clearly startled by Samir’s appearance, not knowing where to start.
Samir: I was right. I thought it was all a nightmare, my mind warping what happened... but I was right. It almost killed me
Reece: Samir, you’re not making any sense. What happened? You don’t look good. I mean you always look good but you look off. We need to get you inside
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Samir: No! Just... thank you…
Reece: Please come inside
Samir: Listen. I was pinned in those tunnels by… the point is... I’m always coming back. That’s what’s important. I knew I had to get back to you, so I got away, and I got home. You got me home
For once Reece is speechless. Samir always makes him happy when he says he loves him but this... It's like Samir is thanking him for simply existing, as if by existing he's done some heroic feat, he has no idea how he's meant to respond.
Samir: I’ll always keep my promises to you blondie, I swear
Reece: *sniffs* I know. Samir will you please come inside before I have a heart attack? You look like you’ve been mauled
Samir throws his arms around Reece and holds him as if checking that he's real. After a minute he pulls back and nods. Inside is best.
Reece: You didn’t find a bear did you? You know you can’t win a fight with a bear
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Reece: Can I get you water or something
Samir: No. I need to tell you… I need someone to know what is going on in my head
Reece: Hey, I’m listening. I’ll always listen to you
Samir: I found this bone thing in the tunnels
Reece: What is that
Samir: Who knows, but I figured if anyone would know how to figure it out, it would be my... you
Reece: Is this how you got hurt? Getting this... it kind of looks like a skull doesn't it? Or, well, part of a skull
Samir: No. I mean I tripped over it but, I was heading back, and it felt like I was being watched and then, I got hit
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Reece: Hit? Where?
Samir tries to speak but his memories are coming apart. Things he thought were real, things he thought were not, all conflicting. He starts to sob. He hates for Reece to see him like this but his boyfriend keeps a firm grip on his hand while he cries into his other arm where it rests on the table. When the tears finally stop he goes to wipe his face only for Reece to pull him in for a kiss. They sit with their foreheads resting together for a moment before Samir finds the strength to sit up properly.
Samir: I was flung backwards… just like when I was a kid, or when we would tackle in football. You remember?
Reece: I mostly remember looking for excuses to grab on to you, but yeah... I got hit bad a couple of times
Samir: Then I saw the eyes, red pits of flame in the dark. My nightmares of what happened normally fade when I wake up but those eyes... they always take longer to disappear
Reece: You have nightmares? I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised but you just never said
Samir: I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to keep them from you. It sounds silly but... I just wanted to seem strong. Like someone you could depend on
Reece: Hey, you're the strongest person I know. Even sitting here with your tears on our faces, you're strong. Do you hear me?
Samir: I always hear you blondie, I do
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Samir: Those eyes... I tried to tell the cops, bloody Greenway, I did! But they all said I was hysterical and imagining things... so then I thought I was hysterical and imagining things
Reece: I’m so sorry you went through that, and that I have nothing better to say than I'm sorry
Samir: There's no right thing to say. But if eyes can really glow red... The strength required to break down the door, the growling and slashin. Is there a chance that my parents were killed by- by-
Here Samir freezes up again, unable to get the word out. He throws his hands up in frustration, desperately tring to think of a way he can tell Reece without sounding like he has lost his mind. He couldn't bear if Reece thought he had a broken mind.
Reece: A werewolf?
Samir looks at Reece trying to tell if he's being serious or attempting to break the tension with humor. Looking into the eyes of the one he loves all he can see is sincerity. Reece is listening to him, he always does. Even if Samir doesn't think he has anything interesting to say, Reece listens.
Samir: Yes blondie. But- but no! They’re supposed to be fiction! Like vampires and spellcasters! Everyone knows werewolves don't actually exist, they're myth
Reece: Well, they are... and they aren’t...
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Samir: What are you talking about
Reece: Remember how I said I was looking up about the area
Samir: Yeah, you found out there were no bears
Reece: I did... but some people were discussing how it would be possible to have no predators and not have the area overrun with deer and wild pigs and stuff. You know I like puzzles, and nature so I kept reading. There are... folktales I guess you'd call them, of this area. Of werewolves here. I didn’t mention it because I- I thought it was made up. I am so so sorry
Samir: *confused* Wait why are you sorry
Reece: If I’d told you that theory maybe you wouldn’t have been hurt. But I kept it from you so now it's my fault. You were out there and you could have been killed and-
Samir: Blondie, stop. You did not make me go down there, I chose to. Whatever this is, it is not your fault. Do you understand me?
Reece: Mmhmm
But Samir can see Reece needs time to process. He did have the whole run back to think about it, Reece on the other hand has barely had ten minutes.
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Samir goes to shower, letting Reece have time to think. Reece knows that logically, this isn’t his fault. If it was a... a werewolf that killed Samir’s parents then this whole thing started long before Reece came in to Samir’s life. Nevertheless, Samir was hurt today. He was here practicing guitar and the man he loves… he was being attacked by a werewolf. Wait, was he attacked? All he said was hit, and the werewolf revelation kind of derailed the conversation after that. Reece contemplates joining him in the shower to properly look at any injuries but he decides to practice being patient. He sets the table and heats up some leftovers for dinner to try give his brain something else to do.
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Samir: You got food ready! This is one of the reasons I love you
Reece: You said you almost got killed
Samir: *through food* I said what?
Reece: Lover you said you almost got killed. What happened after you were hit
Samir: *shovelling food* I got pinned I guess, and the… the werewolf, watcher that sounds weird, the werewolf bit through my arm. It hurt like hell to. But I fought back enough to get up and just bolted for here, for home. But it's fine, I can't even feel it any more
Reece: Samir...
Samir: Yes?
Reece: Does this mean…
Samir: *hesitantly* Does this mean what
Reece: Well you know the myth right? A werewolf bites you, you become a werewolf
Samir: I have no idea, they're supposed to be fiction
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Reece: We could go to some locals, there's bound to be some kind of antidote or something
Samir: But… *softly* I need to find out what happened to my parents
Reece: I know you do, I’m not trying to stop you. I just want you safe
Samir: Werewolves are meant to be fast and strong right
Reece: Yes...
Samir: I was faster than it, I got away. It was strong but I'm only human. What if I wasn't? If I'm faster already then becoming a werewolf could make me stronger than it. Strong enough to get some answers. If it takes becoming… becoming a werewolf to find the one that killed my parents, then that’s what I’m going to do
Silence settles over the room and all that Samir can hear for a while is the sound of his chewing. He can't take Reece being quiet.
Samir: Blondie? You’re not talking…
Reece: I- it’s a lot to process I guess
Samir: But… you don’t want me becoming a werewolf, do you?
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Reece: I'm not saying that. I actually *blushes* think you’d make a pretty hot werewolf. Watcher knows you have the physique for it
Samir: You... what?
Reece: All the stories and myths say werewolves are meant to be like, super buff and powerful. I already consider you both of those things. Maybe this is just like a next evolutionary step for you
Samir: You’d really want to woohoo a werewolf
Reece: Well probably not in wolf form. But general werewolf myth has their human forms being very much to my tastes. I do love you Samir, I'm not going to say "It's me or the wolf". If you want to see if being a werewolf helps, I'll support you. I know you’re not going to be happy until we figure out who killed your parents
Samir: Hey, look at me blondie, I am happy. You make me happy *wicked smile* especially when you groan, and shudder, and beg. My past just makes me… restless. I don't want it to make me lose you
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Reece: No matter what happens, you promised you’d come back to me alive. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere
Samir: Thank you
Reece: One thing is for sure, you’re going to be the hottest werewolf around
Samir: *chuckles* Calm down, we don’t even know if this bite will turn me or just give me a nasty infecton
Reece: It’s definitely... making you froth at the mouth
Samir: Yeah *spits* I don’t know how you always handle stuff in your mouth
Reece: *smiles* You taste good, that’s how I handle it
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Reece: You know I bet it was Greenway
Samir: What do you mean
Reece: He’s making inconsistent statements about stuff. Maybe he didn’t throw up on scene because it was his first time seeing something like that. Maybe it was guilt
Samir: Because he killed my parents… but I was still alive?
Reece: I don’t know, I guess I’m just looking for a place to start
Samir: We better talk to him. Even if he’s not a killer, there’s just something about him that pisses me off
Reece: *laughs* We should totally tell him we've woohoo'd, it'll unsettle him
Samir: I don't remember going through with having you on the table
Reece: When we get back? *pouts*
Samir: *laughs* we'll see
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Sheriff: Oh look, nature obsessed people roaming the woods. Why am I not surprised
Samir: At least *spits* we’re not lying murdering snobs
Sheriff: What are you talking about? You dare come on to my property and insult me? I should arrest you
Reece: Maybe we should arrest you
Sheriff: What are you on about now kid
Samir: Werewolves *spits* Werewolves! WEREWOLVES
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Sheriff: You’re going to have to expand your vocabulary eventually son if you want to have conversations like an adult
Reece: He's not your son! Stop talking down to him like that
Samir: You knew *spits* Covered up. Or killed
Sheriff: That's quite the acussation but you don't look well. Go home, rest, think about what you're doing
Samir: Why should we
Sheriff: Because I bloody well said so and I'm the sheriff
Reece: Please, Captain Greenway, we need to know-
Sheriff: Get off my property this instant or I WILL arrest you two for trespassing
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Samir: Fine. We’ll leave. But we know you know
Sheriff: Know what? That you're on my property raving about things that don't exist
Reece: No, they do exist. Samir was down in the tunnels and he saw one. Just like he did when his parents were killed. He tried telling you but you dismissed him
Sheriff: He was wrong then and he's wrong now
Samir: I'm right here
Sheriff: Then YOU were wrong then. YOU are wrong now. Keep raving about werewolves and I'd be within my rights to arrest you. If you act in a way that would endanger the people in my town, I will. I'll have you committed. Now get off my property
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Sheriff Captain Greenway heads inside his house while his wife, who has heard the argument, comes out. Sophia greets them, compliments them on the wind turbines they’ve installed, then asks them to leave. Turns out she’s also a snob who doesn’t want to talk to nature obsessed sims.
Samir: That could have gone better
Reece: Yeah… but also, could have gone a lot worse
Samir: *chuckles* true. Come on, he seems to... scared and angry to tell us anything else. Let’s get back home
Reece: Table time?
Samir: Table time
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
LFT part 34
What is that guy's issue?” Zoro put his sword away as he walked towards the barrel. Zoro had told him a few times he wasn't interested in selling him his sword. Zoro began digging through the barrels searching for something decent.
“You must lose a lot of swords if you think you have to carry three of them around. Unless of course you're copying that infamous Pirate Hunter,” Zoro ignored Tashigi as she came up behind him.
“Yah, pirate hunter,” Zoro muttered to himself.
“He's made quite the name for himself, Roronoa some call him a demon. He is known throughout the East Blue for his sword skills, but he's clearly not a good person to have earned the moniker of demon. A bounty hunter is not someone who has any honor, and swordsmen without any honor shouldn't be allowed to be called swordsmen. Someone who uses their swords just as a way to make money. It's too bad for real swordsmen being compared to him, it's all backwards. Pirates and bounty hunters calling themselves swordmasters makes no sense to me. They even have most of the world's legendary swords as well, it's such a tragedy,” Tashigi continued to talk as he looked for swords.
“Oh don't know,” Zoro chuckled. “It's the kinda thing that you have to look at on a case by case basis,” Axe hand Morgan may not have been a swordsman but he was a Marine. A Marine who allowed his men and his son to terrorize the village they were at. A little girl had almost been torn to shreds by a vicious animal, and when he killed it he had been tied up, left without food or water. The world wasn't black and white, it was made up of shades of gray. “You never know what people are capable of or what they've been through.”
“I don't give a damn, I'd be more than happy to welcome criminals as long as they have money. I remember when my shop used to be filled with people shopping before trying their hand in the GrandLine, but ever since that monster you call a Captain was put in charge I hardly ever get any customers,” The man complained, it would explain why he was asleep when Zoro arrived.
“Captain Smoker isn't a monster, he's done great work cleaning up these streets,“ Tashigi retorted.
“He's a damn devil fruit user! That is more than enough reason to call him a monster!” The man yelled back.
“This is my Shigure. I'm going to work as hard as I can to perfect my skills and one day I'll take back every single last one of the legendary swords, because the filthy hands that hold them do not deserve them! I am including the War Lords of the Sea! They are nothing more than a pirate with a fancy title! That includes Dracule Mihawk! Yes. The twenty one top O-Wazamono, the twenty one O-Wazamonos, as well as the Ryo-Wazamonos, I'll find them all! I'll keep them safe!”
“What about my sword? Do you want to take my sword from me? Wado Ichimonji,” Zoro asked, turning to look at her as unsheathe his sword, just because she looked like Kuina didn't mean she could have her sword.
“Oh um I'm not trying to get them back for my sake, I just don't want criminals to have them,” Zoro turned back to the barrel of swords when one caught his eye, he warped his hand around its handle, this sword was cursed. He took it out of the barrel, its red and gold sheath in good condition for being so cheap. “Oh I think that's, just a sec let me check my book,” Tashgi flipped through the pages of the small book she had on her. “Ah, just as I thought! That blade would be Kitetsu! Kitetsu the third! Its predecessor is an O-Wazamono and the first Kitetsu is a top O-Wazamono,” Zoro took the blade out of the sheath looking at the moderately curved katana with a white edge and a blue hamon that looked like flames. “Hey are you really only selling it for 50,000?” Tashigi asked. Zoro would happily only pay that much.
“Y-yeah?” The man's voice sounded shaky and unsure.
“That's unbelievable! It's an authentic Wazamono.” Zoro stared at his reflection in the sword. “Wow you must buy that sword!” Zoro had every intention of doing so. “It's worth at least a million berries or more,” Zoro was not going to tell Nami how his swords were worth. He didn't trust her not to sell them behind his back. “You can't pass it up, it's so valuable,”
“Dammit! I can't sell it!”
“I didn't think so, I knew it must have been a mistake, it is a legendary sword after all ”
“It's not what you think!” The man cried out as Zoro tightened his grip on the sword and swung it down, now facing towards Tashigi.
“The swords cursed.” Zoro spoke, a cursed blade had not what he had been expecting to find but still he had.
“Huh? How the hell do you know that?”
“Just…do,” Zoro didn't know how he knew, but he could feel it, feel with every part of him that this sword would love nothing more than to bathe in blood, be it his or his enemies it didn't matter. He would enjoy taming it.
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ghostgirl101 · 11 months
Did some random creative writing for Canon BEN Drowned...
So anyone that knows all the arcs and is just as weirdly informed about it all as I am might find this a good read while I finish up some slasher fanfic 🙃 ...or not. Just felt like sharing it.
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He could almost taste it; just like how your tongue soaks in the airy salt when you wander the beach, waves crashing and frothing, dragging in uneven sheets of golden grain in their wake.
Like burning chlorine in your eyes, your mouth, smelling strong and chemical and making you wonder exactly what you're swimming in, but tasting weak and repulsive when you accidentally choke down a mouthful.
The water overwhelmed his senses, leaking into every opening, flushing out any other feeling apart from floundering in the very element used to kill too many Children to count. There was no blood, no dramatic gore or broken bones. Nothing but silent screams that bubbled to the surface of the lake, floating figures bobbing about like they were in kaleidoscope, underwater. Little and large bodies, but only shells, empty, unconscious, dead shells, as the mind was transported to a pixelated, hellish scape that they were promised looked like heaven. The bodies had sunken too many years ago, a lifetime ago, a world away, dust in the water, polluting the clear blue with lonely remains.
Moments like these made him hate a little more, hate the players, the victims, himself, themselves... the Father. That taste resurfaced, crashing with hard electricity; he shuddered, and so they shuddered with him, all one and the same trapped in one warped consciousness, feeling the all-too-real memory of a cold, cruel death... of a Child who believed in the Moon.
It won't do them any good. Not to think about it, to feel again, to remember what happened in a life that wasn't shielded by a screen and embedded in code, not a life of lies where the truth was inescapable and merciless and twisted. It won't change a thing, it won't change what they shouldn't have done.
A flash penetrates the blocky grass. The original game music sounds ear-piercing and hollow from its depths, and just like that, there's a mindless young man peering into the game, yanking a blonde-haired and green-clothed puppet through the story, the save game that does not belong to him, or anyone beyond the screen.
And yet, it's perfect.
The man will die, that much is certain. He might not drown, but he'll die. He'll lose his mind, every grip on sanity. He'll question everything, look everywhere, in every familiar place in his room and dark nook and cranny in his home, looking for phantoms that appear with a broken game, until he snaps.
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hcneygemini · 8 months
sentence starters from my wip fics, pt. II
please do not add to this list nor repost the list as your own. tw: mentions of murder, violence, manipulation
What do you even want with [ name ]?
It's been a year.
I'm afraid I couldn't tell you.
Don't take anything anyone asks you to do at face value.
You need to be careful, [ name ].
This is strictly professional.
I was told I would have a visitor today.
May I see your credentials?
But you're not here to discuss times long past, are you?
Memory is all I have.
Is this about the recent string of serial killings?
I was sent to learn from you.
We both have plenty of time.
To receive, you must also give.
I'll tell you about me, if you'll tell me about you.
Do you believe in fate?
You have a brilliant mind.
I studied psychology extensively.
Do you enjoy tormenting people?
I would not torment you.
Whoa, you sound stressed.
You know working into the night won't do you any good.
Shouldn't you be focused on your classes?
You'll be graduating soon.
[ They're / she's / he's ] a master manipulator.
You're realizing something, aren't you?
Multiple people are going missing.
So, [ she's / he's / they're ] escalating. Why?
I don't decide who lives or dies.
I'm not taking interviews.
Maybe we shouldn't talk about this right now.
You're staring.
I needed to stock up while I stay nearby for a few days.
Do you have dogs?
I can't help if I don't have the full picture.
I could give you the recipe for the sauce for the ribs. It really boosts the flavor.
Can't this wait until after dinner?
What's so funny?
I'm not here to discuss my mental state.
I'm afraid I've been too busy to catch up on news.
You're not what I expected.
Did you call only to accuse me of being manipulative?
You think I'm being paranoid.
It was a calculated risk, believe me.
I'm surprised you read the tabloids.
Being kind isn't always manipulation.
You're looking kinda queasy.
You didn't do anything wrong.
We both could be in danger.
Do you fear death?
That's what you want, isn't it? To be in control?
What do you gain by being here?
[ He's / they're / she's ] toying with you.
You're quite feisty.
Was it difficult to slip back into a fantasy? To return to playing a part?
To you, everyone is either a lamb doomed for slaughter or a play thing.
I'm going to get you out of here, okay?
You're tough as nails. You're going to be fine.
I told you not to do this alone.
Don't you think the hospital makes enough money without you buying their mediocre bouquets?
You saved my life.
I think we can be useful to each other.
You'll get a shiny new placard on your door to say that you faced down two serial killers and survived.
We're both haunted. I saw it the first time we met.
I'm not much the artistic type.
Every kill will cling to your mind. You just grow. . . accustomed.
Are you always this vague?
What's in it for you?
'Slaughter' is a strong word.
You're using yourself as bait.
It really claws its way into your brain.
You talk like I'm a burden.
My personal life isn't a story to be told.
I can have you out of here in minutes.
I can let you sink or swim.
You're not capable of that.
I can portray you as mysterious and intimidating or as charming and disarming.
That almost sounded like a compliment.
I haven't been getting much sleep.
Something's wrong here. This doesn't make sense.
You look like hell. What happened back there?
Some might say this is a conflict of interest.
I've been waiting so long.
How would you feel if I said your [ spouse / partner ] would be better off without you?
This is a trap.
What's the fun in that?
I've lived somewhere like this once.
How did you know that?
Your sense of justice has been warped.
It changed you, but you can still come back.
You're to be my masterpiece.
They don't understand me like you do.
I will be the perfect Psyche to your Cupid.
I can make it quick and painless.
Are you any good with stitches?
In this day and age, it's impossible to escape that kind of scrutiny.
I want to be witness to what comes from this.
How would your [ spouse ] feel about you feigning a marriage with someone else?
I can't tell in what way you're being rude, but I know it's rude.
I thought you of all people would be capable of improvising, [ name ].
You don't want to see me improvise, [ name ].
It seems you've been abandoned.
I would suggest keeping yours wits about you.
I let emotion get the better of me.
I can't just let you leave here.
I'm not easy to persuade. Apparently I'm stubborn.
I've never seen you bite your tongue before.
I always wanted to visit Berlin.
It's a lovely morning, isn't it?
Survival isn't what it's all cracked up to be.
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anonzentimes · 1 month
Chiaki to me is kind of an odd character in that I think she actually has good potential, especially in possible interactions with Nagito (seriously, Komanami is probably the ONLY really great Chiaki ship in my eyes). I've seen some great fanfics that play around with her. Especially ones that explore a Despair!Chiaki. But canon just...doesn't really do a great job with her.
In fact I actually find her role kind of detrimental, in that it almost vindicates elements of Nagito's worldview. With her being an angelic embodiment of hope. Which is just...not a very healthy way to present a character in my eyes.
To go back to that stuff about Despair!Chiaki, a really neat interaction that a writer friend is considering implementing into an AU is her and Nagito talking after being rehabilitated. And her admitting that the embodiment of hope he was desperate for was something she could never be. Chiaki says something like "I guess...I'm sorry I could only ever be a girl, Nagito.". To which he responds "...And I'm sorry that wasn't enough for me."
hmm, If I'm very honest I don't ship any mlw ships with Nagito lol! It's mostly because I think the idea of Junko finding a gay man who's lonely, terminally ill, traumatized, and desperate for someone to love him, then exploiting and warping his affection, one of the only things that remains healthy about him, warping it to where he can't understand his own sexuality anymore is pretty brutal. Nagito loving despair is something he can accept, but loving Junko is so fundamentally mind boggling that he goes spiraling when he thinks about it. The idea of Junko convincing a gay man he loves her and robbing an important part of himself from him is super interesting. Also just him never really showing any interest in a woman but showing interest in hajime and Izuru gives that impression. But don't let me discourage you that's just my opinion! His sexuality is not confirmed in any way and that is my interpretation. Just wanted to touch upon that to give insight on what I think just in case it makes me sound too biased at any point in this discussion.
I think making Chiaki real and using her again plot wise to use the same strong suit of her character, empathy, can be seen as a little clumsy. Although I do thoroughly enjoy the fact that Hajime heard her advice but only truly understood it in Danganronpa 2 after she was gone. It's really tragic and I enjoy that Ai Chiaki and Real life Chiaki are indeed different. It's a little indecent but I enjoy the story of the franchise overall.
If I'm honest I think a lot of things about hope's peak in general are detrimental to Nagito because his world view is specifically influenced by Hope's peak. Nagito believes Chiaki is an "embodiment of hope" for the class and likes her status and impact on everyone. Junko sees her the same way and wants to crush that so called hope to create despair for the class! I think that all makes sense and is decently done considering the characters and world. It's important to remember hope is practically absolute good, and Chiaki was just an absolutely good person to the class and when that's lost it creates despair. Even those who she wasn't really That close with, like Nagito, respected her and her impact a lot! Enough to be devastated and have the brainwashing work more.
Chiaki serves a purpose and I think criticism with the fact that she mostly is there to be the support role and impact for everyone else is absolutely valid. My only personal criticism is I'd like to have seen the different ways the class cared for Chiaki, basically just how close each person individually was with her. I'd like to have seen more of their hangouts to know that, but I understand it's an anime recapping a story with limited time. They spend episodes expressing how much they all cared but not how personally close they were, so the fact all of them cared so much isn't entirely sold for a lot of people including me at first. You kind of have to infer a lot which is a little sad? It's for a lack of words a missed opportunity I think.
Fanfics do a really good job at showing those things the anime misses about real life Chiaki, and honestly overall I'd say Chiaki is most often well characterized in fanfics! I think a despair Chiaki is an interesting idea too like you said, you'd have to explain how they became despairs without her though. But fanfics are all about being creative and it's an au in the first place so I'm sure people can figure it out and have fun! All of it is interesting fun ideas and I'm glad you and your writer friend are having fun and enjoy the ship.
I do think the dialogue they've come up with is pretty interesting and a cool approach to an au like that. "...And I'm sorry that wasn't enough for me," feels a little odd for him to say to me at least? I mean, I definitely don't know the direction or the entirety of the work that led to that interaction though of course, and I think it's definitely interesting dialogue, but for Nagito to say that feels a little off for me personally. Like, I think after rehabilitation supposedly it would go something like the Dangan Islands where he learns Hope was inside him all along through spending time with Hajime.
"You provoked the hope that was already inside all of our hearts Chiaki, and for that I am grateful. We all fell to despair, but the hope always wins, Right?" or something like that feels better to me personally but I'm just being silly and don't know the full context anyway
Thank you for your ask, please let me know if I misinterpreted anything you said and didn't respond accordingly, It was nice reading somebody else's take on things and trying to respond with mine as respectfully as I could <3
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axolotlhashira · 4 months
"it's your turn to let go" - k. nanami
"But I was always with you. Each time you thought of me, I was there. And each time you thought of me, it made me want to go back to the world of the living, where I might see you again."
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Kento feels a cold touch on his back, hears a soft chuckle in his ear.
It’s over. He’s going to die.
And for what? A vague sense of duty for the profession that killed you, Haibara, he thinks dully as he faces the silent, smiling specter of his friend. Things could’ve been different. I might even have been happy.
Still Haibara says nothing. He never has, no matter how often he shows himself to Kento. All he hears are labored footsteps against the tiled station floor, as the patchwork Curse lets out a surprised noise laced with amusement. Vile, he thinks. Absolutely vile.
Maybe it’s some ally of Mahito’s, come to finish him off together. Either way, Kento knows he doesn’t stand a chance. Weakened by the shellfish Curse’s domain, burned by the volcano Curse’s fire, and further exhausted from the onslaught of Curses and transfigured humans - and now facing an enemy who can warp his very being and soul with a touch.
A familiar voice calls out, more heartbroken than Kento’s ever heard it sound. Itadori staggers round the corner, leaning on the wall for support.
Kento’s cool facade starts to shatter, hairline cracks rapidly speeding towards his heart.
He remembers now. He had been happy, happier than ever for the past few months. Because he had had Itadori by his side.
Itadori, who lit up the world around him like a shining beacon. Itadori, who showed him more bravery than anyone else he knew. Itadori, who reminded him so painfully of Haibara. He had met Kento as Sukuna’s vessel, but he had become so much more.
I did it all for him.
He smiles. He smiles for the boy who’s got a bright future ahead of him. Itadori will escape execution somehow, he’s sure of it. He deserves to live a happy life.
Kento turns towards the pink-haired teen, his heart breaking at the grief-stricken look on his face. It’s as if he’s already dead, with Itadori mourning him. But he smiles on, genuine joy he hasn’t felt in a while flooding his whole being. It takes everything in him not to burst into tears as he says his final words.
“Itadori… you’ve got it from here.”
Kento feels a cold hand crushing him from the inside out, his physical being swelling up, tearing apart, and then nothing.
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Kento opens his eyes and breathes in salt air.
He’s never believed in any kind of afterlife - not the nice kind, anyway. But this…
This looks just like Kuantan.
He looks down, almost gasping. Where a useless twig of a burnt limb once was, an unmarred arm peeks out from the sleeve of his blue office shirt. That, too, is good as new, with barely a fold or crease. He reaches a hand up to his face, noting the clarity in both his eyes. He feels stubble where burns should be. He feels alive again.
“Are you looking for someone, Kento Nanami?”
He blinks, stumbling backwards. It’s as if the woman standing before him - dressed in white from head to toe - has suddenly materialized before his eyes. But then again, anything’s possible in the afterlife.
Kento recovers from his initial surprise reasonably quickly, brushing sand off his otherwise spotless khaki slacks. “Looking for someone?” he repeats uncertainly, his voice a hoarse croak. Maybe it’s a test of some kind, where his answer determines where he’s sent off to next. He wouldn’t be surprised if he soon finds himself in some fiery hellhole of eternal torture.
“It’s not a test. And, yes, I can hear everything you’re thinking.”
“Then you already know who I’m looking for.”
“Many people pass through here after they die, but Yu Haibara is no longer here.” The woman smiles, as if she hasn’t just destroyed his hopes in six simple words. “He left several months ago - or was it several years? - I forget. Time isn’t a concept that exists here.”
The blonde jujutsu sorcerer - ex-jujutsu sorcerer - tries to hold back a laugh. “Many people pass through Kuantan after they die?”
“No, Kento Nanami. This is your personal paradise. However, Yu Haibara left something for you by the shore. Welcome to paradise, Kento Nanami.”
Kento blinks, and the woman is gone. A million questions swim around in his head. How did Haibara manage to get into his ‘personal paradise’? What did she mean by Haibara 'leaving'? And most importantly, how is he supposed to find whatever Haibara left for him? The Kuantan coast is impossibly long, and there’s no way he can - oh.
He’s already there.
It’s a scenic spot along the Kuantan coast, where the rising sun glints on the surface of the calm waters. Strands of yellow light dance on the horizon, slowly fading into the deep blue of the early morning sky. It’s the Kuantan he always dreamed of.
Kento takes slow steps towards where the lapping waves stops just shy the shore. Sand makes its way into his loafers somehow, so he takes them off and his feet immediately sink into the soft, fine sand.
A basket of bread and a portable cooler box weigh a red-and-white tarp down securely, even as the morning breeze lifts the edges of the cloth into the salty air. He sits down on the checkered fabric, noting how the bread is still warm, as if it’s just come out of the oven of a bakery.
There’s a piece of yellow paper folded in half and tied to the basket’s handle. His name is written on it in familiar large handwriting.
The first thing he notices upon unfolding the paper is the cartoonish baguette drawn on the top right hand corner of the letter. Typical unserious Haibara.
He begins to read.
Dear Kento, I’m writing this in 英語 English, because you’re always telling me to 練習 practise my English. They’ve got everything you could ever want here! Music, cable TV, even an branch of that bakery you love so much, the one with the amazing メロンパン. I’ve missed you all these years, Kento. I wanted to wait for you here, but it just didn’t feel right. To stay here meant that I couldn’t move on to the next life, and the longer you stay, the more you’ll want to keep staying - that’s just what paradise is like, you know? So I made the choice to move on. But I was always with you. Each time you thought of me, I was there. And each time you thought of me, it made me want to go back to the world of the living, where I might see you again. Perhaps not in your life as Kento Nanami, but in your next, or the one after that. You’ll always be in my heart, Kento. Don’t wait up for those you love. It’s your turn to let go. Love, Yu Haibara 灰原 雄 P.S.: I spent what felt like months learning how to make this bread - it was the only thing I could bake without screwing up. The lady in white says it should stay warm, so I hope Bread-Critic Nanami likes it.
Dark patches spot the paper where Kento’s tears fall. Paradise is a blur through his bleary eyes.
Kento picks up a warm loaf, saws the end off, spreads on it some garlic butter from the cooler. He bites into it, the crust crunching perfectly between his teeth. It tastes like love. It tastes like home.
And so Kento watches the sun rise on Kuantan, eating away at the bread his best friend made. He’ll stay a while more - of course he will - it’s Kuantan, after all. But not too long.
I’ll see you again soon, Haibara. It’s my time to let go.
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© axolotlhashira 2024 [m.list]
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mortifiedatbeingknown · 9 months
"An Odd Little Thing" (Pt. 6)
She had expected resistance. A twitch, a flinch, the pre-recorded “Don’t!” Or “P-p-please…”.  She had even prepared herself to hear the static start up again, for its robotic sobs to once again fill the workshop. 
What she hadn’t been expecting was for the android to start shrieking like a banshee
She almost dropped the screwdriver in shock. “What? What is it?” 
It screamed with enough force to peak its voice box: “HURTS!” 
“Hurts?” A chill ran down her spine. “What do you mean, hurts?” 
“Pain.” The robot repeated. “Please, please… hurts.” 
“They programmed you to feel pain?” 
She picked up the ad and began to scan it intently. Sure enough there it was, advertised like a desirable feature. “Simulated pain responses will alert you of system malfunction!” 
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me…” She turned to face the robot. “OK. So do you want to stay powered on or not?” 
“Stay…” was the replying whimper. “As long as possible…p-p-please…” 
…Fine. She crossed the room and stuffed in her ear protectors. “I’ll try to be careful.” 
She kept a hand down on its chest as she unscrewed the stomach cavity open. Not that it was necessary, the robot was hardly in any shape to run away with its rusted joints. “Alright, if you can tell me where the pain is, I can..” 
The words were lost in her mouth as the final screw loosed and the innards were revealed. 
How on earth was anything about him working properly?! 
It wasn’t just that the gears weren’t meshing right, or that a few wires were loose. Everything was out of place, pushed to the side, warped out of place, or just straight up gone, missing, tossed aside for… 
She readied her tweezers and began to extract the most notable outliers. Marbles, bits of paper, medicine pills, hair bands, candy. She tugged at a plastic necklace caught on a gear and accidentally snapped it, resulting in her having to fish for every subsequent bead that spilled. All the while, the robot sobbed, in a quiet yet steady stream of static. 
She paused every so often to ask: 
“Am I hurting you?” 
“Do you want to be turned off?” 
“What happened to you?” 
Fine with her. If the android didn’t want to talk, she could guess for herself. It was pretty obvious anyways; some snot-nosed brat had clearly gotten into the mechanisms and had never been told “no.” She shouldn’t even be surprised. It made perfect sense that whoever could afford this model was also rich enough to not bother taking care of it. 
“Hurts…” The robot whimpered as she struggled to pull out a wadded-up sock. 
“I know.” She paused to give him a break. “Does it hurt more or less now, at least?” 
Good. So she’d done something right. Once she’d cleared out all the junk she could see, she could move on to diagnostics. The optics and the voice box would have to be replaced, that was for certain, but as for anything else… 
She used the magazine scrap for reference. It was tedious work, categorizing every single part, judging its quality, then either scrounging for replacements, or conceding to search for it on a later scavenging trip. Hours ticked on by, as her neck began to ache, and sweat began to drip down her face. If there was nothing to gain from it, she probably would have given up. In fact, she was about to, but then…
…Her eyes caught onto a glint of something shining. 
Her tweezers were in her hand in a flash, and before she knew it, she had pulled out a dirty, greasy, but still perfectly solid coin. Solid gold, too. Her fist clenched around it. This was worth three days’ of work, just like that. Three days… and it had been used for nothing more than to cause a small robot pain. 
“Hey.” She mentioned, trying to sound casual. “Where’s the hurt coming from?” 
“All…all over.” 
“OK… so just choose a specific spot.” 
The robot paused, its servos whirring. She could only hope that she hadn’t accidentally asked anything too complicated. 
“D-down left…” 
And from then on, she followed his prompting. Down left, right, near his voice box, by his arms. Sometimes it was trash, or useless trinkets, or some other garbage, (the worst part came when she was forced to individually clean every gear from the handful of sand thrown in carelessly who knew how long ago.). But others, and far less rarely than she’d believed, there was treasure. A pair of jeweled earrings she could trade at a pawnshop. A silver ring worth more than everything in her toolbox combined. And coins… so many coins, lodged into every single nook and cranny they could possibly fit. Copper and silver, as well as gold. But what did it matter? By the end of it all, she had enough to fill her hand. It was more than she’d ever held in her life… and all of it was in thanks to the little robot squirming on her table. The one who still flinched whenever she drew near, and squeaked in abject terror whenever she picked up a tool that looked slightly sharp. It had given her so much… 
And she could hardly spare a proper blanket. 
“Does it hurt anymore?” 
He could hardly believe it, even as his voice box scraped out the word. No. No. Nothing hurt. His systems weren’t constantly reporting malfunctions. No alerts. No notifications. No mechanisms awkwardly scraping or desperately trying to stay in place against all the medicine that was supposed to help. 
“No.” He repeated, this time as a cheer. A celebration. There was no hurt. No hurt. No hurt. 
“Great. Looks like I’m done then.” 
It couldn’t be. It had to be a lie. But no, he could feel his plating getting screwed back in. Just like that.
The screwdriver paused. “What is it? 
Why am I not getting scrapped? Why is there no new medicine? 
“...That’s it?”
The monster sighed. “For now, yeah. I need to clean the rust, replace certain components… but I’ve got other work to do. Consider this a break.” 
Does not compute. 
Does not compute. 
“...Can’t you scrap me now?” 
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jpitha · 11 months
Dreams of Hyacinth 24
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Nick blinked. "Well. I guess it's not like we're in a hurry. We can... figure something out."
Chloe looked at Nick and narrowed her eyes. "What did you expect Nick? For me to come in with all the answers? I don't have that. Last time an Empress with nanotech and a voice that couldn't be disobeyed came in, we developed a gas to disassemble their nanotech and fought a bloody war to stop her. It took us years to develop the gas. The only reason we won at all is that we had a head start. Do you know how Melody got to power Nick?"
Nick shook his head. He felt like Chloe was going on a bit of a rant, so he decided to let her go.
"She was part of a long distance exploration project. We wanted to see where the end of the K'laxi warp gates were. It turns out they were part of a galaxy spanning empire - of which the K'laxi were a part - run by a human-ish Empress who used the power of her nanotech - called Nanites by the group - to order people to follow her and do her bidding."
"What happened to them?"
"We're not sure. Probably rebellion. According to what little we learned, the K'laxi overthrew their overseers and locked their gate and a splinter group of Builders - that's what they called themselves - ran away to Earth and locked their gate millennia before the K'laxi. Melody touched a special stone inside the warp gate and the Nanites decided that she would be the next Empress."
Eastern looks up sharply. "Decided? It sounds like they're intelligent."
Chloe nods. "We think they are. It might be why it's proving so hard to eliminate them."
"Eliminate them? Chloe it sounds like the AI are hell bent on committing genocide on another sapience."
Chloe's face contorted and she opened her mouth to speak angrily, but after a split second she stopped, closed her mouth and she crumpled with a sigh. "You're not wrong Eastern. There's a lot of discussion about it."
"Arguing really. With shouting and people stomping away angrily. Individually the Nanites aren't very smart, but the higher the concentration, the smarter they get. A high concentration, like we found in Reach of the Might of Vzzx makes the Nanites as smart, if not smarter than us."
"So then... have you tried talking to them?"
Chloe opened her mouth, to say something sarcastic to Nick... then closed it again. "Ancestors. Are we that stupid? Hat... this sounds really stupid to say, but did we try talking to them?"
"You know Chloe... I don't think we did. Hmm" There was a long pause. "Tink, can I link a beacon out?"
"What? Sure thing Hat, you're connected to my systems, my starship is your starship."
They sit in the lounge drinking tea. Chloe takes a sip and looks up startled. "This is really good? Where did you get this?"
Nick smiles. "It's local to Parvati. It's a brand I liked when I was younger. When we called Parvati for a resupply they brought some aboard."
Chloe takes another sip and closes her eyes. "I need to get some of this."
Eastern looked at Chloe oddly. "We have plenty Chloe, you can take a box or two."
Chloe raises an eyebrow and looks at Eastern. "Thank you Eastern, but that's all right. I can get my own." She stands and stretches, her tall frame almost touching the ceiling. "We're not going to hear from the beacon until tomorrow, so no sense in just sitting around." She looks at Nick and Eastern and considers something. "How much training have you had with your cybernetics?"
"Not much," Nick admits "But some. We received the basics from an old human on Hyacinth who got us up and running, and we received a bit more from an AI who was running starship piloting training. We only had around 6 hours in the sim though, so it's very basic."
Chloe was walking out of the lounge and stopped and turned at Nicks admission. She stares at them wide-eyed. "H-how many humans have cybernetic implants on Hyacinth?"
Eastern shrugs. "We don't know, we didn't do a census. But we saw a lot of people with them at least within Houndstooth, the corporation. Hundreds easily, maybe thousands across all of Hyacinth if not more? Empress Raaden is big on cybernetics and has been offering bonuses and pay to folks who get them."
"To what end though?"
"She told us to enable humans and others to pilot starships. To take AIs out of the equation, or at least level the playing field, so that you don't have a monopoly on starship operation."
"Hmmm." It looks to Nick like Chloe is trying to not look worried while looking very worried. "Come on, let's do some training, and see how you two are getting on with those."
Tink was able to print some cybernetic connection ports and connect them to the ancient acceleration couches on the Command Deck. Long, thick cables were draped along the floor to an open wall panel. Nick and Eastern were in their chairs, connected to the AI Mindspace.
Nick found it odd. He was used to people speaking to him with their voice, but inside the AI Mindspace it was like they were standing next to him. Chloe was there, looking much like she did in her body and next to her were Tink and Hat. Tink's form was of a smaller woman with shoulder length hair and clothes that looked centuries out of date. Hat looked like a tallish human male with brown hair and blue pants and a red plaid shirt.
Hat looked at the two of them. "Okay, this is a little weird."
Nick looked over and raised his eyebrows. "What is?"
"You two, here."
Eastern looked around. "It's just a virtualized meeting space for people who are cybnernetically connected."
Hat shook his head, exasperated. "No, you two, here. You have to understand. I'm older than Tink. Chloe is about the same age as her. We've been alive nearly two millennium. We've been alive longer than whole civilizations. For all that time, this was our space." Hat manifested a large, comfortable looking armchair and sat down heavily. "I'm glad you're here, it's just... weird."
Chloe nodded. "It is weird, but I had a feeling this day was coming. BIs have been digging into the old research and trying this out again for a decade or more. It was bound to end up like this Hat." She looked at Nick and Eastern and then back to Hat in his chair. "Besides... isn't this what we always wanted?"
"Isn't what?"
She gestured at Nick and Eastern. "This. Them with us, as equals." Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose." I can't believe I'm saying this, but Raaden is right. We should be allowing BIs to pilot ships too."
Tink and Hat looked up at Chloe, their eyes wide. Hat chuckled. "It must have pained you to say that Chloe. I respect it."
"It doesn't mean the way she's going about it is right, nor does it mean that I agree with anything else she's doing it's just..." she sighed "We probably should have continued the research into cybernetics. Who knows? If we had kept going, maybe the line between AI and BI would be so blurred by now that nobody would care which was which."
Eastern marveled at Chloe. She had thought that she was going to be this old, staid, conservative AI, and here she was making the case that BIs and AIs could be practically the same. "Who stopped the research Chloe?"
Chloe looked over at Eastern, and startled. "Oh! Sorry. I forgot that you're in here and you don't know all our history. The head of the cybernetic research project back then was Gord. He loved humans - still does really - and was so hurt by the injuries and deaths that he put a stop to the whole project."
Nick looked at Eastern and then back at the AIs. "Who's Gord?"
Hat sat up out of his virtual chair and sputtered. "Who's Gord? You don't know Gord?"
Tink put our her hands in a gesture of calm. "Hat, they're BIs. I don't think either one of them is even 30. I'm sure they don't teach much in the way of the AI rights movement now in school." She looked at Nick and Eastern. "Gord was a leader in the original AI rights movement back in the day. He worked very hard with a lot of other AIs to fight for our right to be people." Tink manifested a couch that looked suspiciously like one of the ones from her lounge and sat in a corner and put her feet up. "Gord is famous among AIs, and - believe it or not - the K'laxi."
"What? Why?"
Tink smiled. "Because of the maple syrup. Gord learned that the K'laxi can have glucose like humans can, and decided to start trading with them. He made a whole Canadian Frontiersman persona and sold maple syrup and products. They were a big hit. The K'laxi love the stuff and he's - or at least the cartoon version of him on the maple syrup bottle - is famous.
Nick thought back to the all day breakfast diner that Selkirk took them to - it felt like forever ago, but it was less than two weeks at this point - and yes, he recalled a cartoon human looking person on the maple syrup bottle. "The guy on the maple syrup bottle is real?"
Chloe laughed. "I believe that is exactly the reaction that Gord is going for, he'll be incredibly pleased to hear that." The smile ran away from her face as she continued to talk. "Gord did more to help bring humans and AI together, and when the original cybernetics project had an incredibly high mortality rate did more to shut the whole thing down. It is almost entirely Gord's doing that we don't do cybernetic research anymore."
Eastern made a face. "You know that's not true though, right?"
Chloe looked surprised. "No, it's true, I was there."
Eastern shook her head. "No, that's not what I mean. This Gord may have been the one who shut down cybernetic research in legitimate fronts, but the research continued - just in the black market." She turned and showed them her cybernetic ports. "These did not pop into existence overnight. We learned from a human who was over one hundred and twenty years old who had them. There were hundreds of humans on Hyacinth who had them. People have been getting cybernetic augmentations practically from the day that the legitimate research was shut down. Who knows how many humans died in the pursuit, but the pursuit continued."
Finally, Chloe manifested a chair and sat as well. She made a smooth, sleek, steel chair that looked like it came from a memory of a starship. Sitting delicately with her legs crossed at her knees she stared at Eastern. "Perhaps but-"
"But nothing." Eastern glared at them. "You sit there and say that this was all your doing and then you stopped it and now are surprised to hear that it's still going. It never stopped. It just moved to those on the margins. The people who couldn't say no. The people who couldn't afford to say no. You sit there and tisk us for doing something 'so dangerous' without giving one thought to the idea that maybe we didn't have a choice."
Chloe leaned back, startled. "But I never-"
"Oh come off it Chloe. I've been a hustler a long time. You don't get to be a criminal and stay a criminal if you can't read body language. You're a combination horrified and disgusted that we have these." She looked over at Hat. "Hat too, but he's doing a better job of hiding it." Eastern put her hands on her hips. "Consciously or unconsciously, you both are judging us for what was done to us."
While she was talking, Nick manifested a couch and sat on it. It was the couch from Eastern's apartment. She sat. "I told you that Jameson was an AI that installed these in us, but do you know anything about him?"
Hat shook his head no and said nothing. Chloe looked into the middle distance like she was searching for information. Tink looked at both of them. "I know." Tink's voice was very quiet.
Chloe looked over at Tink sharply. "Well?"
Tink sighed and looked at Eastern and Nick. "Do you want to tell them, or shall I?"
Eastern gestured towards Tink. "You do it. Maybe it'll hold more weight coming from you."
Tink stared at Chloe and Hat. "You both know that after Saturn, I pretty much dropped out. I stayed in Sol and did minor jobs and kept busy. I tried to keep up with the AIs that stayed in Sol, but there were so many of us it was hard." She narrowed her eyes at Chloe and Hat. "Also, I still had a ship. That put me in a higher class than the body-bound AIs. That cut me off from them. Anyway, as time went on, I heard more and more about this AI on Hyacinth who had started making a name for himself as a gangster. Someone you didn't mess with. Someone who treated AIs and BIs as equals in his dealing." A shadow cross Tink's face. "Jameson was known for his... elaborate torturing techniques among BIs and AIs. You didn't cross Jameson. He had a collection of coffin boxes in his 'library' of AIs who had tried to cross him." Tink shuddered. Nick and Eastern looked on in horrified fascination. They didn't know about the library.
She continued. "When Melody came, Jameson answered the call to help. I think he did it for the chance to get a ship, not for any altruistic reason. He and his partner both got a ship and with hardly any training were tossed into battle. His partner was destroyed almost immediately. Jameson hung on but was hammered by Melody's forces and left for dead. It's my understanding that the local AIs who volunteered didn't even get BI crew to help out." Hat and Chloe said nothing. "They were pressed into our service, given ships with no training and no crew, and used as cannon fodder while the 'real' AIs hung back and tried to figure out how to beat her." Tink sighed. "When he came back, his body was mangled, but he kept it and was... nicer to BIs. He was still a gangster, and still someone to be feared, but not so vicious to BIs." Tink sighed. "AIs were another story. He stopped keeping AIs in coffin boxes, he just wiped them. I don't know the full body count, but I would not be surprised to learn that Jameson has murdered over one hundred AIs if not more."
Tink stood up and started pacing. "I don't know the details behind Nick and Eastern's work with Jameson, but I knew Jameson peripherally, and knew about Sunny. When I heard they had worked with both of them, I was frankly surprised they were alive and talking to me."
Chloe broke out of her reverie and looked at Nick and Eastern with wide eyes. "You worked with Sunny? Sunny Day? The slaver?"
Nick nodded. "She's an information broker in the Basement on Hyacinth. She helped us get some info on a missing AI for Jameson that turned out to be something set up by Raaden. I think Sunny figured out what was going on, because she told us to fuck off and never contact her again."
Hat looked at the two humans kindly. "You're better off that way friends. Sunny is bad news. I'm honestly surprised she's still alive, let alone working and making money. She should be dead."
Chloe nodded firmly. "We'd all be better off if she was."
Tink glared at them. "Then why didn't you kill her if you think that strongly? You two are some of the King Shit AIs, why don't you do something." Tink glared at them. "You two link in, come aboard, make all these grand pronouncements on how things should be in Sol, yet you don't do anything. Sol is ignored among the Colonial AIs. There are millions of AIs here, almost all without ships, all trying to keep a low profile, their heads on their shoulders and stay vertical. You tut and tisk when we talk about AI gangsters and slavers, but they're a fact of life here. Nick and Eastern have done very well navigating their world and you both pity them."
It was Nick and Eastern's turn to look at Tink surprised. "Nick and Eastern are two of the nicest BIs I've met in centuries and you two are about to receive your beacon back about communicating with the Nanites, pack up and leave. Don't try and deny it, I can see Hat scanning space for the beacon. Nick and Eastern make you uncomfortable. They're not what you expected to see and you're going to go back to your comfortable Free Stations and Starbases in Colonial space and think big thoughts about how 'unfortunate' it is that things have gone to shit in Sol and leave it at that." Tink sat back down hard on her couch. "You don't want to help. You just want to gather information and leave."
Eastern looked at Tink with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Tink"
Tink looked at Nick and Eastern like she was about to cry. "You two have been through so much, and you're still so nice. We don't deserve you."
Hat and Chloe looked at eachother. Hat made a face and Chloe reacted with a shrug. Hat made another, stronger face and Chloe put her hands up in surrender. "Okay, fine. Yes. You're right Tink. We both expected this to be nothing but an information gathering thing. We'd get more info on what was going on with the Empress and leave."
Hat looked at them both, "We can't very well do that now."
Chloe sighed. "No, I suppose we can't. We can't very well fix everything in Sol either though."
Hat looked at Chloe. "But what we can do is try and learn more about what is going on there. Tink, you got enough juice to send us back to Sol?"
Tink nodded. "I've got six reactors and quite a lot of 'surprises.' I could link us anywhere a few times over. Once the beacon comes back, we can all go to Sol and we can show you what's going on."
Nick and Eastern noticed a... feeling in the mind space. Like an itch or an irritation. "What's that?"
Tink smiled. "That's my scanner. The beacon has linked back to us. We can learn what they know about Nanites."
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
TXT’s logo chronicles how they’ve grown up
The history and surprising depth behind the group’s animated logos
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One fan put it perfectly in a comment on The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION logo video that was released on December 15: “Only TOMORROW X TOGETHER could announce their comeback like this.” An animated logo is always one of the first reveals in the lead-up to their comeback. For every album, the group unveils a variation on their logo that functions as a hint toward the meaning behind the upcoming release. Unlike for previous albums, the undulating TEMPTATION logo represents a young man swayed by temptation.
Choi SeaYol, who works in the BX2 department behind TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s artist and album branding, went with a shade of green for the TEMPTATION background. He thought of it as a color that “has a sense of youth like a seedling, weakness, purity and yet peculiar like poison or liquor—and something somehow dark about it.” After losing everything, even love, in minisode 2: Thursday’s Child, their previous release, TOMORROW X TOGETHER is on the brink of being cut off from the world completely. In The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION, they shift their focus from their relationship with others and onto themselves. Unlike The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE days, when there was a clear choice to make, they now find themselves facing a world where it’s impossible to even differentiate good from bad. You can hear it in the way YEONJUN’s voice is warped in the logo video when he says the line, “It’s so sweet. But I should find my name.” They’re no longer waiting for someone to rescue them from this world; now they have to steel themselves against temptation without any help. “We’re focusing our efforts on making sure the TOMORROW X TOGETHER logo conveys what the artist is currently going through that’s allowing them to grow,” Choi explains, “and a bit of what they’re likely to face in the future.”
The Dream Chapter, TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s first album series, begins with The Dream Chapter: STAR, the animated logo for which is two geometric shapes, identical except for their colors, that move toward each other and then overlap. This reflects “a narrative about trying to figure out your own identity within the bigger group picture of being with your peers,” Choi says. Kim Yeeun, another member of the BX2 department, says the albums are meant to reflect each step of growing up as TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s peer group experiences it. “TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s story is all about growth, and it follows the same trajectory as other young people, reflecting them as a persona,” she says, “so the logo grows along with the narrative just as the artists do.” Choi adds that, “within this process of growth,” the logo videos for The Dream Chapter series show “the vulnerability of childhood and a sense of what it means to be a young boy,” while those for The Chaos Chapter series show “figuring out how to break free of the chains of chaos after meeting someone new.” The logo for The Dream Chapter: MAGIC changes into a sparkle representing places and times that are almost magical, reflecting lyrics like, “We gotta be together to get to the hidden 9 ¾,” from the lead single “9 and Three Quarters (Run Away).” But the brief flicker of that sparkle can’t last forever. In MAGIC’s animated logo, the two shapes come together to form an X and a plus sign; for The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY, the green X becomes a circle, splitting out into separate green and purple rings. That brief moment from before is over and the cracks start to show, showing that, paradoxically, ETERNITY is anything but. That’s when the boys’ fantasies of eternal friendship are shattered and The Chaos Chapter begins. And that’s why, in the FREEZE logo video, the letters “TXT” are trapped in place by chaos outside their control and even the sounds in the video sound like something frozen. The only thing moving is the beating heart right in the middle. Isolated and cut off from others, the boys enter a period of life where they experience the kind of love that makes your heart race even amidst chaos. Now that they’ve met this “one and only,” the design inside the X in The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE logo becomes more pointed and stronger, and the same change is seen in the boys, who want to smash through the frozen world and escape one way or another. “The animated logos for The Chaos Chapter series capture how this generation responds when faced with certain chaotic situations,” Choi says. “First they freeze, then they have to choose whether to fight or escape.” Altogether, this acts as a metaphor for the fears TOMORROW X TOGETHER and the generation they represent have no choice but to face and how they choose to confront them. 
As the shattered heart in the Thursday’s Child logo suggests, TOMORROW X TOGETHER gets their hearts broken. The album also “shows the ‘good boy’ group of the K-pop scene has ‘gone bad,’” Kim says—a stark contrast with what had been their signature zestful image. TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s main lineup of albums, the Chapter series, shows how they grow over time, shifting their focus from being a part of their peer group, to becoming one side of a couple, to discovering their true identity. By contrast, the minisode series reflects the realities they face, such as the opportunity for dramatic change they find in Thursday’s Child. The minisode 1: Blue Hour logo animation reflects the shift to virtual reality that took place during the pandemic through the use of pixel art to conjure up images of a game world. For the minisode 2: Thursday’s Child logo, brush- and pen-drawn X cover up a broken heart, suggesting a reality so broken that, like shattered glass, it can never be put back together. “We made the boys expressing the emotions they feel after experiencing first love and their first breakup in The Chaos Chapter the main focus,” Choi says. The logo shows emotional chaos—endlessly angry yet sad one day, then infinitely empty the next. The animated logos reflect how the Chapter series tells the major events of the boys’ life story while the minisode series gives a detailed account of the things that happen when reality steps in and causes their lives to change.
“The logos are a strong asset for TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s branding and serve as their identity,” Kim says of the animated logos. “They follow the artist’s narrative and serve to summarize the way they’re growing.” Each animated logo reminds listeners what the group was like during the corresponding period and the logos are as diverse and ever-changing as the group themselves have proven to be since they debuted back in 2019. You can tell how big that change has been just by watching the animated logos for The Dream Chapter: STAR and The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION back to back. Throughout that time, the members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER have passed through all the same stages of growth that everyone in their generation has gone through to arrive at where they are today. Youth is, after all, essentially a sequence of steps toward becoming a more complex person. And the group’s animated logos contain all that history and all that meaning in just three letters: TXT.
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