#i just mean i found it weird how many people felt personally slighted by this random internet persona theyve never interacted with
thecedarchronicle · 8 months
somewhat related to my last post:
idk who's active on tiktok (i'm not but my friends are) do you remember the scar girl drama. the girl who would put makeup on her cheek and call it a scar and it made everyone weirdly upset
that's anne von blyssen. that's her. people cannot decide if she has a skin condition or if she went off the deep end during her time off from dressage showing and now she's trying to get her fame back. when pressed for details she just says she went to hell and then rediscovered herself. do you understand the drama videos on jortube i'm envisioning. do you
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I was thinking about this earlier so what about (Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Michael Myers, Vincent Sinclair.) With like a mermaid siren creature! Reader and like how they first meet and what their relationship is like. I just thought it would be cool, you can ignore this if you want ☺️
Me tryna find every information about mermaids and sirens: 😎🫳💻
Also the scenarios where the reader is captured is because although I think mermaids/sirens are stronger than the average humans I don't think they have enough strength to break through things such as metal or stuff like that. (Correct me if I'm wrong) And the deranged people other than the slashers here are using metal items.
Relationship: romantic!
Slashers x mermaid+siren! Reader
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Michael wasn't a man who believed myths. One of them being mermaids or sirens.
And a large body of water had never piqued his interests either. And he just never really went there.
He heard lakes were quite popular amongst people, and plus it wasn't far from where he was. He walked his way over to his destination, planning to ruin another thing for people in his town.
Disappointedly he didn't find anyone, but decided to just stand by or sit somewhere to enjoy a breeze of silence. Just when he had enough and got up to leave he heard the most angelic enrapturing singing he heard. He didn't really listen to music. Just occasionally stands by if he hears one he thinks is tolerable. But this voice, It almost sounded inhumane he couldn't think of anything else other than the sound of that singing it's got him hypnotised. He feels calm, he feels nice.
He suddenly broke into thought and confusion as he heard a gasp and the sound of water splashing. Although it felt like a second he noticed he was several feet away where he previously was.
This disturbed Michael, what the hell just happened? He looked in front of him and saw a slight figure against one of the many big rocks. Michael assumed this was the person who did this to him, power walked towards them. Ready to slash them but abruptly stopped in his tracks as he saw the person frantically move. They had one leg? Except it wasn't really a leg, it looked more like a huge lower part of a fish... A mermaid's tail?
He would've assumed they were fake but the scales and fins seemed pretty real and they were moving so fluently and like an actual fish. And the creature had a fade between its abdomen and the tail.
The creature froze at the sight of him, giving him a better look at their appearance. Its entire eyes was pitch black and it had sharp teeth but its features could only be described as interestingly attractive.
He crouched down. Unsure of what to do. He noticed their chest was bare and their tails were f/c. He saw a scale on the ground. Picked it up and walked away. Leaving the aquatic humanoid creature confused and scared.
The next day the creature came back on the shore, around the same time where they and the mysterious man met. Wanting to know more about him and unknowingly the mystery man reciprocated the same eagerness.
Dating the man was... Interesting.
The first months of your relationship he just kept observing staring at you. You realised the part he gawked at the most was your tail, you couldn't tell if he liked it or found it weird. But you'll move your mystically shining tail around like you were trying to dance and he looked pretty pleased. Except for when you'd splash water on him. He didn't like that part.
He would sit on the rocks with you (on good days.) And surprisingly without his weapon which made you feel less threatened and then have a silent blast together as you sit with your quiet murderous boyfriend.
Michael didn't understand why you didn't wanna live in his house, what do you mean you don't wanna live in his bathtub forever? He eventually gave up on that idea though.
He loves your sharp teeth ngl. Thinks they're freaky in a good way. (Can you bite him?)
He's less worried about you when he's away. You would be deep under the water and people won't spot you that easily and also will probably run away at the sight of you.
Touches your gills. Adores everything about you.
After a few long months you get carried by Michael into his house with a cold water filled bathtub and after he left, you squirm your way around the house and find the old scale that came out when you first met. You decide to say nothing. (He interrogated you about why his floors are wet.)
He heard tales of them a few times. But he had no reason to believe they were real.
Too clouded in his old pure rage that has yet to be dulled. How could he sit around and ponder about humanoid aquatic creatures when there were horny disgusting drunk bastards in the graveyard of he and his mother?
The sound of distant laughter and talking somewhere deep in the woods snaps him in guard. Sighing slightly in frustration, he reaches for his machete on the wooden drawers, Stepping out silently and walking his way somewhere near.
Staring at the people who made a 'grave' mistake coming to camp crystal Lake, this time was a little different. Instead of usual teenagers Or young adults instead he had caught sight of multiple men who appeared to be fishermen.
The more he stared, he noticed a huge squirming bag over the shoulder of one of the more bulkier men. It was way too long to be any normal large fish, and he swore he could've noticed a flash of something poking out. Something similar to human hands.
Realising his thoughts were going off somewhere else instead of his initial plan, he mentally bashes his head on a tree and focuses on getting rid of the nuisances.
Observing the men more he sees them throwing the bag into the lake, what was inside the bag had squirmed weakly as it seemingly disappeared into the depths of the water.
Undoubtedly angering him even more. Who did they think they were? Throwing whatever they want inside his lake?
Deciding not to delay any further, he waits just for a bit before he starts digging his weapon in their necks and worthless bodies.
Just after he's done ending the life of the last fisherman he hears the sound of chains rattling and the tearing of something. He looks over and for the first time in a long time he felt something other than anger and longing.
He saw a person with damp h/c hair slowly crawling their way to the shore. What he was surprised about the most was the f/c tail with scales. They were... quite beautiful.
Marching his way over to take a good look at the mysterious person he sees their hands are tied with chains, now figuring out their earlier struggle. Their fingernails were long with a darker tone than their usual skin tone at the tips and ends of their fingers.
Their features were a dark beauty. One of one horror but pleasantly beautiful. Pitch black eyes with sharp teeth and pointy ears
He stood frozen as the creature made a prolonged eye contact with him. A sea creature and a zombie. How hilarious.
He didn't even think thoroughly before he started walking towards the person. The half human half fish cowering back in panic and fear. But luckily Jason was quick enough and started untangling and prying off the chains of the person. Their hands felt cold but alive. Getting the job done, he got up from his crouched position and slowly backed away. Observing the person.
The person no longer held an expression of panic. But they still had a slight distrust.
He kept watching as the aquatic person slowly went back into the lake. Deciding to go after a few minutes of gazing at the ripples of the water fade. He was sure to get to know more about the scale tailed person.
One of the most endearing relationships you could've ever had.
Mostly just sits and rests at the wooden docks and sometimes the waterboat while watching you swim around him.
Has you in his arms while tracing his fingers along the scales and edges of your tail, sitting together in silence or if you like (can talk) talking. He doesn't mind either one.
He does get pretty hesitant to get you out of the water. Thinks you'll die if you're outside water for more than like 40 seconds-
Since the lake is pretty large and it's pretty nice (except for when you're minding your own stuff and then you see a decomposing corpse somewhere down. Then you get the chills realising you're just bathing and swimming in dead people.) There's not much to complain about anyways.
Doesn't know wtf you eat but will try to the best of his abilities to give you what he can get and your cravings.
He'll be over the moon if you decide to help him in his 'getting rid of' little thing he does when someone other than you two enters the camp. (Via you drowning trespassers by holding them down underwater when they get too close.) If you'd like to stay away then he doesn't mind either.
He loves you. But sometimes his anger can get the best of him and he has days where he's acting out in anger and frustration at the fact you can't be outside of water for too long. And your tail is pretty much like a disability in land.
He sulks in embarrassment and sadness later and you see him sitting on the ground. Dragging yourself out of the water, you hug him when you get close enough. He's a bit startled but hugs you back ten times tighter. Kissing his mask where his cheek and then where his lips would be, you smile and just stay like that for the past hours.
Anyone who sees sight of you or manages to get away from you will be ensured death. And anyone who harms you will be guaranteed instant death.
He honestly just loves everything about you in every way. (Plus you got approval from Pamela.)
Well this would be rather... Complicated. Considering Vincent's probably ever only been in Ambrose and it's basically a ghost town
Vincent had never put much thought into mermaids and sirens. More likely he's never even heard of them before. All his life resolved around really was wax, masks made of wax, art, dealing with Bo and Lester and turning people into wax.
He admits it's not really the best lifestyle but it's better than nothing I guess.
Spending some time of solitude and thoughts to himself, a sharp sound knocking him from his train of thoughts coming from above. Gesturing that new tourists have arrived.
Bo didn't really have to do this every time. Vincent would instantly know the moment they step foot in the House Of Wax, or when he's outside and spots them. But usually he does it when a rather large group, Possibly about four or more appear. A sign that both Vincent and Bo should be well prepared and careful.
After long minutes of waiting, he hears voices. Voices, tones and comments and remarks he's heard all too well and all too much over the years.
Voices that are high, voices that are deep. Those that are loud and the ones that are sometimes really low. They always contain of two tones though. Either way too happy sounding, sounds like they don't have a care in the world and the other which are full of reluctance and wary. Cautious of everything. But the remarks and comments seem to differ regardless of how happy or wary they sound. And one sentence catches his ear.
"Are you sure we should just leave it in there? In the car I mean."
"Well it's not as if it could break out and escape, it has a tail for Christ sake. Even if it did break out, I'm sure they wouldn't get too far trying to squirm away. And pretty sure the jackass in the gas station would shoot it or something."
What's it? And jackass at the gas station? Bo??
"Okay, but are you sure you want the dude to shoot and kill that thing? We could get rich and really popular if we catch it alive and sell or show it to the media or something. Like a museum."
"You're right." The soon to be dead man sighed.
Vincent didn't really have the slightest clue what in the world they were talking about, but he was guessing they caught a rare animal and were thinking of exposing it publicly.
"Well even if nobody believes it's real we could either get hella rich considering it's some sort of mermaid or something."
"It's freakishly weird looking."
He didn't know what this mermaid thing was but it really has piqued his interest and curiosity.
Setting the last man in the chair and turning on his mechanics to start spraying wax onto the paralyzed man, he thinks in the meantime where he wants the guy to be in. The man was quite dandy. Probably next to miss Ambrose?
But then a thought erupts into his head. That mermaid creature... He guessed the group put it in their vehicle, possibly in their conveniently large trunk.
He walks over to the wax caked guy. The guy who called Bo a jackass, fear evident in his eyes. Something Vincent had seen every damn time. Before he could do anything, his bedroom 'door' opens and the voice of Bo calls out to him.
"Vincent, there's something I want you to come check with me."
Vincent's head practically snapped to look where Bo was. His voice still remained of the cool rough voice but had a lingering small wave of urgency.
A rare occasion where Bo would ask Vincent to partake something with him in... Anything! So obviously it must be something really serious.
The both of them stood in silence watching and listening to the growls and short screaming as well as the angry and loud banging of something inside a locked box. A box that was about the size of a coffin. Maybe a little shorter.
The two men reluctant to do anything. They don't know what's inside that damned box but it sounds as if it could absolutely tear them apart.
Bo's gripping on the crowbar he has in his hand. Prepping himself for anything that's about to be thrown at him
Vincent is unsure of what or how he should act right now. This 'mermaid' thing sounds dangerous.
Then in an instant the locks in the box break and fell way louder than it should've had. The top burst open and a humanoid looking creature sat up from it.
Its hair looked partially wet. Their face had weird patterns on them. They had gills, pitch black eyes. Pointy ears and webbed hands, almost like a duck's feet except it had sharp and long claws. And more odd patterns along their shoulders and other limbs
Although it might've been a terrifying sight for some. Vincent felt as if he fell in love with the aesthetic and features of it.
"What the hell...?" Bo uttered. Way too confused and feeling distraught from the sight before him.
Now Vincent notices their sharp teeth when they scowled and got in a defensive pose. Then noticing their scaled tail. It was shining beautifully and had a wonderful f/c color, it was sundown currently. So the sight bestowed upon him was astonishing. The person were a sea creature.
Vincent instinctively stopping Bo from doing anything to scare the person away from them, he thinks of a plan to get to get the beautiful scaled person to trust him.
It was rather complicated. But Vincent tries.
Making you a huge wax pool or area. (With the help of Bo and Lester)
He absolutely cannot take his eyes off you. Thinks you're the most breath taking thing, ever. Sometimes wonders if he's hallucinating the whole thing this entire time.
You bet he mini wax sculpts you. Like a lot. He loves imagining and sculpting your fish tail and face features more than anything physically. But what he adores even more is when the both of you would spend all nighters gazing at the stars or do some activity. All alone, quietly and at peace.
Or you both could spend tender nights together, verbally appreciating each other and whispering the sweetest nothings about how you both are able to accept one another even when they're the way they are. Every moment forms a tighter bond between you two.
Absolutely thinks you two are meant to be.
Sometimes it gets on Bo's nerves when he sees the both of you dilly dallying being a couple. It never ends well, but you can shut him up for a while when you remind him your strength is not that of a mere average human.
Tries his best to hide you from anyone else other than him and his brothers, it's not that he's embarrassed of you he's just scared that a tourist might act on impulse and start attacking you.
He takes you somewhere other than the town and into somewhere that has a large body of water (seeing how we saw a river of some sort with stones sticking out in the movie near Ambrose, I'm guessing there's a lake/big pond nearby.)
Will make sure you live your best life as a beautiful creature with gills and a fish tail. He'll be absolutely saddened if you tell him how long your kind lives. His mood will be off for the past few days knowing that you'll be able to live far longer than he will and that he can't always be there for you. But that's precisely why he wants to make your experiences with him the best as he could make it.
Just gawking at whatever you do. Doesn't matter if you're combing your hair in the sun set or you're choking a victim to death. He just thinks everything about you is majestic.
He tries to learn his best about you and refrains from asking any questions that might seem a little personal. He just respects you so much.
He could make art of you a thousand times more.
The girl kicks and screams as she's being dragged into that horrific house. A house or place she should've never ever stepped foot upon. Tears streaming down her face as her voice was bringing the attention of no one, not even the attention of her boyfriend who was lying down lifeless with his torso sliced in half outside of the house. An expression and look of a face she'll never forget as long as she's alive. She closed her eyes for a second, praying to God or whatever higher being there was to at least let one person live.
Thomas who is growing more and more visibly irritated by the woman's cries of despair. It's been a long hell of a day, he throws her into the floor of the kitchen and revs up his chainsaw.
Before the girl could beg and plead anymore. The fast spinning sharp blades and spikes of his weapon piercing the middle of the chest her eyes couldn't help but stare at the large amount of blood coming out of her chest and as the weapon strikes even deeper, her long blonde hair being coated with red almost black liquids. Her scream lasted a second before blood went exiting through her throat and practically choking on her own blood, the feeling and predicament was too overwhelm to comprehend as she passed out.
Thomas didn't stop for a few moments then pulled out his chainsaw. He stood silently looking at the bloody mess he created out of the girl. Then he turned around to catch the other person the blondie was talking to.
'What are you!?' That's what she said before she noticed Thomas and shouted,
'You people are such a bunch of weird fucking freakshows!'
Clutching on his chainsaw in anger. These people... They can't speak of anything other than hate and disrespect about he and his family from the very start. Especially him.
But still... Despite that, he still hopes for someone other than his family members to be accepting of him. That's all he could ask for currently.
Shaking himself out of his fantasies, he composes himself and prepares to cut whoever there was left.
After stalking around the forest quietly he hears the quiet splash of water and an uncomfortable whimper. He steadily and silently makes his way over to the source of the sound and sees a person in the water.
Though it was quite dark, he could still clearly see a person. Running towards them with a chainsaw in hand the person's head whips around and he came to an abrupt stop and almost tripped over nothing.
He lowered his weapon and proceeded to stare at the person in front of him. Their pitch black eyes with sharp teeth that he would've missed if it were any darker, tips of their ears were weirdly pointy and they had some sort of weird lines on their ribs. Their sharp claws that were held up to their chest were like an extra cherry on top of their appearance. And the most astonishing of all was their lower body, he didn't realise it instantly but what was supposed to be a pair of legs was one long oddly shaped of what appeared to be shining scales and a fish tail.
He didn't even know what to say or do. What was he supposed to?
If he was honest... Right now he hoped he wasn't dreaming, he doesn't know why or how they look like this but he was really intrigued by it.
It was safe to say an odd life. Living with a man and a family who ate other people like them was... Quite an experience.
But ignoring all that, your lover was a big sweet heart. Always by your side whenever he could and never stepping out of boundary. He would always look at you with a heart melting adoration very visible in his eyes.
Considering your aquatic natures, living in a bathtub or some sort of tub wasn't exactly ideal. But better than that swampy pond you were in when you first met him, it was absolutely horrifying.
Luckily though the family made some adjustments and builds after a while to at least make you live a bit more comfortably since you'll be living with them forever now. (Not that you mind as long as you have Thomas.)
Thomas sometimes wonders how such a pretty creature person like you managed to like him?
Being a half fish half human in the house, you sure are bound to get stared at a lot. But worry not they're not from disgust. Fear because some of these are from mischievous malice and unwanted mockery and jokes from his other family members. That your dear loving Thomas always protects you from, it's why he's so hesitant to leave you alone. As much as he loves his family he knows how upsetting they can get.
When he's hanging out with you he's staring at every part of your face, how your expression changes to different topics and subjects. How your eyes and lips look when you smile.
He loves how everything about you is so unique and so... Ethereal. He's lowkey crazy over you.
If anyone makes a mean Or not very innocent remark about you, you bet your ass Thomas will put that person back in their place.
He's just so happy someone like you managed to accept him as who he is.
I'm sorry if the last one was cringe and short. I've been writing this for over two hours and I'm so tired.
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painted-bees · 6 months
"Lacey and Raf brought out the worst in each other" you mention that they snarked about other people and each other. The sketch of them give bad vibes. Was Raf kind of a dick before he met Lacey? Or did he just act like a dick to impress her?
Hm lmao
Before meeting his Uncle, and before his diagnosis, Raf maintained a very...pessimistic opinion of people, and read a lot of negative things into people's behaviors and words. Largely informed by his experiences throughout his childhood. Typically, he kept his thoughts to himself, unless something really triggered a defensive outburst. He didn't engage in gossip out of fear that it'd be used against him. He believed that he ought to be nice/kind to people--for the sake of appearances, to avoid being talked about behind his back, to win trust, and because he would have liked someone to exercise kindness with him. But he himself could (and often would) find a personal slight against him in anything anyone did around him. And he'd keep track of it for himself. It was a score he tallied only for his own reference, and would affect how he interacted with people.
To anyone who knew him better than an acquaintance (which was to say--not many), undiagnosed Raf was a very quiet, very mercurial sort who could occassionally grow very upset, very suddenly, over seemingly nothing at all. To anyone else, he was a charming glad hander who could work and room and was very entertaining to be around, unless he Didn't Like You. In which case, he'd quietly, subtlely shoulder you out of his life, usually via passive aggressive means.
Then he moved to Vancouver, met his Uncle Bill, realized there was something really very wrong with himself, and reluctantly got his formal diagnosis. Around the same time he was diagnosed, he started dating Lacey.
Him and Lacey got on real fast, largely because Lacey seemed to get him. She had come from similar hardships regarding exploitative, controlling parents, and had bucked against them at a much earlier age. She agreed with Raf that everyone was just out to get their pound of flesh from everyone else, and knowing that--made people exhausting to deal with. The two of them bonded over their similar traumatic experiences and their shared bitter outlooks...and they began finding small validation in sharing their thoughts and observations with each other about the world around them--the thoughts and observations that were mean and cruel, that they had kept to themselves up until they found each other. Thoughts and observations that were often based on vibes and gut feelings more than anything that was actually observable. And they'd agree with eachother's negative verdicts and poor opinions, because it felt good.
But--being with someone who tells you just how poorly they think of everyone else...quickly gets you wondering if they think poorly of you, too. Or, at the very least, it makes you want to ensure that you never do anything to win their negative judgment. Avoiding anything that they deem as stupid or tacky or embarrassing, and so forth.
Anyways, therapy ends up being pretty good for Raf, and over the course of two years, he does start curbing these behaviors and monitoring his thoughts more strictly. And as he does this more and more, Lacey finds him more and more annoying to navigate. Raf begins to take on a more mediating voice when it comes to indulging critical/snarky observations and remarks, and Lacey begins to feel like he's kinda turning on her and growing weird and distant. That, as well as a handful of other things, gets them fighting a lot more...and more passionately. They've always had pretty bombastic yelling matches from time to time, but it becomes a near daily occurrence during the final year of their relationship. By the time they break up, Raf has already decided on the kind of person he wants to be, that he doesn't want his PD to be his personality and has been making steady strides towards that goal.
So to answer your question, I am not really sure! He's mentally ill and has been doing his best this whole time.
For that matter, so is she. But Lace wouldn't receive her diagnosis of BPD until finally seeking therapy to deal with the aftermath of her bitterly traumatic relationship with Raf.
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lej222 · 9 months
Seo Jisu Character Analysis (ASLFUA)
After the latest chapter of Unripe Apples (117), I felt like I had to write this post because of the immense hate this character received. I personally find him the most interesting part of the series because in order to understand his actions, you need to put all the pieces of the puzzle together that the author has given us from the very first chapter. I've seen posts about him being a "bully" or "an unserious funny guy" and I found these pretty bad interpretations of his place in the story as of now.
Let me explain. In my opinion, there's a high possibility that Jisu is on the autistic spectrum. Let's look at all the clues that can lead to this conclusion.
Physical appearance
Jisu has an "expressionless" face from his very first appearance. He also has his mouth open a lot of times, especially when he's supposed to emotionally react to a certain situation or he doesn't understand something. These are typical signs of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We can also see that even when he's feeling more extreme emotions, such as surprise, his facial expressions don't change significantly like in the case of other characters, the change is always slight. It's probably important, as all the other characters show a wider range of emotions with their faces, and we are talking about a manhwa where body language is clearly important (like how Miae or Cheol walk, for example, tells a lot about their characters).
Behavioral patterns and personality
Let's quickly get one thing out of the way - if Jisu is indeed on the spectrum, then saying that he's an unserious guy or immature or a bully is insensitive and a bad misinterpretation of his character. Autistic people are not immature, sometimes they even deal with stronger emotions than most people, but they have a hard time expressing these feelings. Just because they seem expressionless doesn't mean they are ignorant, it means that they see the world in a different way, which is not a problem. Miae doesn't need to make "a man out of him" and other weird takes I've seen in the last few days.
Having clarified this, let's look at some things that Jisu does in the story that could show us he might be neurodivergent.
-We see that Jisu is often sleeping and yawning in the story, even as a kid. For neurodivergent people, sighing and yawning are not only the signs of boredom/tiredness, but also tools for emotional regulation. Autistic fatigue is a real thing and it can be caused by many things like major life changes, sensory overload or even prolonged interactions at work or school. Some autistic people do not even notice that they are yawning until someone points it out to them. He also sometimes looks away while talking to Miae (like in ch117)
-Jisu is shown to have exceptional mental capabilities, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say he might be a genius. Many people on the autism spectrum have higher-than-average intelligence and Jisu clearly has exceptional capabilities if he could earn the first place in school without much effort. He also knows the names of all his previous classmates as shown in ch 117 so he seems to be good at memorizing factual information.
It connects to my previous point, but Jisu has his own unique way of perceiving the world and other people find it hard to understand. Even among his schoolmates, Jisu is famous for his "unique" personality, as Miae's friend points it out. Miae sometimes doesn't understand what Jisu wants to communicate and she ends up misinterpreting his intentions, the latest chapter was the biggest proof of this. Here's the thing, Jisu doesn't know that what he did annoyed Miae. He seems to have trouble understanding social clues and is genuinely surprised when Miae calls him a bully - because he never felt like he was bullying her. He always asks back when she's accusing him of something ("Me?" "Is that true?") because he cannot understand why she's saying those things about him. He isn't trying to be rude, he's simply confused, and Miae takes it the wrong way because she's an impulsive person. Jisu talks in a blunt way and his way of showing remorse is also strange to Miae, the best example is when he flipped over the plant just to prove that he wasn't bullying her.
-Jisu also seems to take things literally, like when Miae told him to stop yawning or when she told him she would twist his arms if he put them on her desk. Like many people with ASD, he seems to observe others and imitate their behavioral patterns, like when he imitated the way Miae was walking and she thought he was bullying her. He simply said that her way of walking was interesting. Talking about interesting, Jisu finds his coincidental meetings with Miae fun and interesting and it ties with the fact that neurodivergent people can have unique "fixations" including fixations on people. Jisu finds these occasions fun, but fails to read the social clues that Miae is bothered by it. While Jisu seems to avoid socialization at school and is mainly alone most times, it might seem strange that he has a fixation on Miae, but for autistic people this contradiction is not weird at all. She was also the person who helped him as a kid, so the theory that Jisu showed her how to count airplanes doesn't seem far-fetched knowing that it's indeed a pretty unique habit. In conclusion, Jisu was probably not even aware that he was being rude, because he just wanted to get close to Miae and found her fun. He even apologized in ch117 for not understanding her feelings.
So, extra thoughts quickly:
Jisu is not immature, he actually seems to have mature thoughts, but has trouble picking up social clues like how he should behave normally (that's why we see him doing all that ninja-stunt and hiding in the bush), and he cannot seem to realize that his direct approach to Miae seems excessive to other people. People on the spectrum are NOT immature, they won't magically change and they do not do a lot of things intentionally. Jisu seems to be pretty wise as well, he can see situations rationally like when Miae wanted to disrupt the faceless girl's confession (sorry, forgot the name)
So, what's his role in the story?
In my opinion, he's definitely the catalyst to Miae's growth as a person. Ch 115 even calls Miae out saying that Cheol has changed a lot, is it Miae's time to grow? Miae was Cheol's catalyst for sure, she brought him out of his shell, encouraged to make friends at school etc. But what about Miae? Sure, she has a few moments when she reflected on her actions when she was with Cheol, but she didn't mature significantly, whether people accept it or not she's still emotionally immature in many ways. It's not a coincidence in my opinion that the relationship between Jisu and Miae parallels the Cheol-Miae dynamic, in ch 117 Miae even used the same words and expression Cheol once told her ("Don't act like we're friends.") Let's just quickly look at some things where Miae's immaturity could be felt:
Miae is a messy person, doesn't clean her room and loses her stuff. She's forced to clean the school because Jisu didn't understand her frustrations, so SHE had to be the responsible one. Cheol always says that he will take responsibility for her, but Miae needs to be responsible on her own. Same goes to when she wanted to teach Jisu. Miae doesn't take her studies seriously, is often distracted, but she had to be responsible (even if it was not her choice and felt betrayed)
But most importantly, Miae thinks about Jisu's advice whether she hates him or not. Two good examples: when he called her out on her relationship with Cheol while they were cleaning; and when he stopped her from interrupting the confession. Deep down, Miae knows that Jisu was right, but she's too prideful to admit it. Jisu doesn't want Miae to be the "weird" girl probably because he was also bullied for being "weird."
Miae is also very impulsive, which is not necessarily a bad thing but she keeps hitting Jisu for the reason that he annoys her. But what if, she realizes, he indeed meant no harm, wouldn't she feel bad? We are shown that she used to hit kids who made fun of her, but as you grow up, violence is not the answer. You have to be level-headed in situations even when you feel angry. And understanding Jisu's intentions might be the first step to achieve that.
So, these are just my speculations, could be totally wrong as always, but I'm interested in what others think.
Edit:: it's not my purpose to diagnose these characters, but there are enough clues in the story to conclude that Jisu is indeed neurodivergent. Obviously, these traits are not strictly connected to ASD, this is just a theory, and I do not condone any hate on teenagers, even if they are fictional, so please refrain from doing so. Miae also shows signs of ADHD, but there's a possibility these things won't get addressed directly as the story takes place in the 90s.
Edit2:: I feel like the latest chapter on Naver(124) reinforced this theory again. Jisu was not simply angry, he was livid. Most people on the spectrum find it difficult to regulate their feelings, especially anger. It can lead to outbursts or even meltdowns, just think about how Jisu wanted to hit Cheol and how intense his reaction was compared to his usual behaviour. It definitely felt like an outburst. Also, have you guys seen how often he avoids eye contact since I first made this post?
(Btw, for those who say that Jisu's biggest problem was that he couldn't catch Miae - I feel like it had to do more with the fact that he almost smashed his head into the ground and was humiliated in front of everybody. We know that he was bullied as a kid so it's no surprise he felt intense anger, even his head kept hurting from the fall.)
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readyplayerhobi · 2 years
Because, I Love You | 01
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; Jungkook x Older!Reader
; Genre: Fluff, slight angst, mentions of smut
; Word Count: 4.3k
; Warnings: Allusions to fatphobia, insecure thoughts from MC but Jungkook is just so sweet about it
; Synopsis: According to society, Jeon Jungkook should not be with you. He should be with a younger, hotter and thinner girl instead of wasting his time on you. It’s a good thing Jungkook doesn’t care what society thinks then.
; A/N: Got the random inspo for this and some of you said to write it, so I did...in a few hours haha. Who knows if this is good or not? I hope you enjoy a Jungkook who’s happy and in love, that’s all I wanted for this lol It was just something nice to write out...got the creative juices flowing!
; Masterlist
You had never imagined that you’d end up dating someone like Jeon Jungkook. There were too many things that weren’t in your favour when it came to someone like him, too many points in the negative column. Or so you’d thought.
You were older than him, by six years. Even though you’d both been well into adulthood when you’d started a relationship, it still got awkward reactions from people when they found out. Men were allowed to be older than women and it not be viewed as odd, but having the woman be older seemed to be too much for some people to accept.
He was exceptionally in shape, as in he went to the gym every other day and engaged in other physical activities on the other days. Jungkook loved to box or swim, and sometimes he’d even go running if he was bored. Meanwhile, you were pretty sure that you were allergic to the gym and liked to think of yourself politely as ‘curvy’. Your belly wasn’t flat or toned and your hips had a little more fat on them than people like, though you would always support the body positivity movement.
It wasn’t that you ate a lot, or were lazy or anything. You just didn’t see the need to personally limit your food or force yourself to go into a gym and do things you don’t like. Instead, you liked to take long walks and go exploring at your own pace whilst your home-cooked meals were easily one of Jungkook’s favourite things in the world. 
If you spent too long looking at Instagram or any news sites, then you knew that by the laws of social media, Jungkook should not be with you. He was a ridiculously attractive, super fit young guy with a good job and a great personality. TikTok would throw a fit to see him with you, just like they did with that other couple where the girl wasn’t as ‘conventionally attractive’.
And yet, Jungkook was the one who’d pursued you.
He was the one who’d matched with you on the dating app, and he’d been the one to send the first message. You’d been convinced he was just doing it for a laugh, you’d had far too many incidents on datings apps where guys seemed to react to you in two ways; either wanting sex immediately or wanting to try and run you off the app for daring to not fit their idea of a beautiful woman.
The number of insults you’d experienced had meant that by the time Jungkook had sent a message, you’d become tired of the whole thing. You’d even ignored him at first, only responding when he’d sent a sad face emoji. To this day, you don’t understand how he’d manage to get you in his results as he was below the age range you’d specified, but he had and he’d been determined.
You weren’t the best texter, so the conversation had been a little stilted as you’d tried to suss him out. Was he just looking for a quick lay, thinking that you’d be desperate? Or was he wanting the prestige of banging an older woman? Was he one of those guys who had a weird kink about women on the heavier side? Or was he one of the guys who felt the need to shame you about your weight and existence?
Although you ate healthily and did your frequent walks, people often assumed things about you. And as much as you hated to admit it now, Jungkook had looked exactly like the kind of guy who would send those mean messages.
Young, insanely attractive and aware of it, tattooed and pierced. He was like a god comes to life, and some men like that had the matching god complex to go with it.
But Jeon Jungkook had not been like that. He’d happily talked to you about whatever you’d suggested and you’d realised he was a giant nerd underneath the hard exterior. After a month of casual texting, he hadn’t once said anything negative to you but he had discussed extensively why Fantastic Four deserved a redemption arc in the MCU and you’d become weirdly knowledgeable about boxing because of him.
You’d found out he had a dog, a Dobermann called Bam who had an undocked tail and floppy ears that hadn’t been clipped. When you’d noted that, he’d told you that he’d looked it up and had cried when he’d found out what happened to dogs to get that look.
This led to the other thing about Jungkook, he was sentimental as fuck. Despite being six years younger than you, he seemed to have such a wise head on his shoulders at times and he always took things a little too seriously. You still remembered when he’d messaged you in distress, only for it to turn out that he’d accidentally killed a bumblebee.
“But they’re vital for the environment, and I killed it!” He’d lamented over the phone to you, his deep voice filled with genuine upset and regret. You’d consoled him, even if you’d been thoroughly amused, and had realised he was entirely serious when he’d sent you a photo of the tiny bee grave he’d sent later that day. He’d even made a little gravestone and everything.
It had been that moment, around a solid month and a half since you’d started talking, that you finally let your heart open up a little to him. Cautiously accepted that a man who gave a funeral for a bee probably wasn’t going to hurt you, at least not on purpose. Of course, you couldn’t predict the future but you’d decided to try.
He’d been subtly asking you for dates the whole time, casually dropping hints about a new movie coming out or a restaurant he’d heard that was good. You’d rebuffed him every time, the prospect of seeing him in person making panic flood your veins until you felt ill. Talking over text or the phone was fine, he couldn’t see you. People liked to talk to you, but dating was always a minefield.
Would it be easier for him to realise that your pictures weren’t lying about your body, or would he consider you uglier in person? You weren’t a make-up person, it always made your skin breakout and you’d get the worst headaches sometimes, so your profile only had one or two with make-up on. There were also plenty of photos of your whole body, as you refused to lie about yourself.
What they saw on your profile, was what they’d get.
But you’d finally relented and agreed to go to the movies with him to see the latest in an animated film series. It had been you to suggest it, as it was one of your favourite series ever, but then you’d felt stupid turning up to the theatre and realising there were loads of kids there. You hadn’t had much time to think about it though, as Jungkook had suddenly appeared in front of you with the same sweet smile in his photos.
He’d thought it was hilarious when you’d apologised, mumbling out that you hoped he didn’t think you thought of him as some kid just because he was younger. It had plagued your mind through the whole film that he’d take offence, or realise that you were older than he’d like. Even though you’d mentioned many times the age difference.
Yet he’d just been excited about the film when you’d come out of it, laughing at how you’d both been the only adults there without kids and the only people on a date. You’d gone for pizza afterwards, you shyly trying to hide your body from him as you got to properly take him in without the darkness of a cinema screen to cover for you. He had been just as astonishingly attractive in person with his biceps as large and muscular as his pictures. 
Jungkook had been unbelievably polite though, not once letting his eyes linger somewhere and he’d even complimented you a few times. You’d narrowed your eyes at him, wondering whether he was lying given you hadn’t worn make-up just like you’d warned him and he’d laughed yet again. He had a sweet laugh, one that you imagined he’d probably been a little embarrassed by when he was younger because it was loud but it made you laugh just as much.
He’d been a gentleman at the end too, kissing your cheek shyly after he’d walked you to your car. Despite how well it had gone, you’d fully expected him to ghost you after seeing what you were like in person. It had happened before.
Instead, he’d messaged you almost as soon as he’d got home, completely disregarding the fact that he might come across as overeager. He’d complimented you again, thanked you for going on a date with him and let you know that he’d enjoyed himself. Not only that, but he’d asked you on another date.
And then another, and then another.
It had taken six dates before he asked you to be his girlfriend. You’d been shocked, even though the dates had been going well, and questioned if he wanted that. If he wanted to date someone like you. He’d given you an odd look then, his nose wrinkling in confusion.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t?” That was all he’d said in response, the words simple and said clearly. Like he couldn’t understand why you’d think he wouldn’t want to date you. It had been mind-blowing for you to realise that he genuinely wanted you and all the negative thoughts you had about yourself were only in your head. To him, you were exactly what he was looking for and he wasn’t going to let the chance go.
So you’d shyly said yes, uncertain as to whether this was going to last long or if he’d get tired or bored and move onto a younger, prettier model.
That had been six years ago.
Now you were thirty-six years old to his thirty, but you had more similarities than differences. He was still unbelievably hot, he was even more attractive than he had been. Jeon Jungkook was one of those annoying men who got more beautiful as he aged. He was still more in shape than you and all those things that people frowned upon.
But you now shared the same last name as him, wore the ring he’d given you to propose with and the ring he’d given you on your wedding day proudly and carried his first child. Jungkook had never once made you feel bad about yourself or unattractive, if anything he’d always been relentless in his desire for you.
That had only increased since you’d gotten pregnant, your belly now swelling from the baby that grew inside you. You swore you were giving off some kind of pheromone or something because Jungkook had been hornier than ever over the last few months. And that was saying something because he’d always had a very healthy sexual appetite.
The first time you’d had sex had been two months after you’d started dating. Despite his assurances that he found you attractive, you’d been shy and hesitant. That had disappeared during the act itself when he’d practically devoured your pussy and left you a shivering wreck before giving you the best sex you’d ever had. Which was saying a lot, given it had been your first time with him.
But he’d just been so attentive and caring, and he’d known exactly how to use his mouth, his fingers and his dick. You’d felt like you were being worshipped with how he’d mouthed hot kisses all over your body, even the bits you disliked, and his hands wouldn’t stop roaming your body desperately. As much as you’d been turned on by him, he’d been equally turned on by you.
It hadn’t stopped either. The flames of passion had quieted down, becoming a mellow flame that was constant warmth and comfort instead of sparks and explosions. Sometimes the sex was quick, sometimes it was slow, sometimes it was filled with whispers of love and adoration and sometimes it was just growls and grunts.
He’d never made you feel uncomfortable though, always made it clear that he was turned on by you. That he loved you deeply, even through all your insecurities and self-doubt. He’d offered some of his own to you to try and level the field, noting how he felt a little insecure sometimes that he hadn’t achieved as much as you had or that he didn’t earn as much. That he felt you’d got your life together a lot better than him.
That he thought you’d have judged him as some kind of player from the start and ignored him. Or just thought he was some stupid young guy and refused to give him the time of day or find him childish. It had been a quiet revelation for you to realise that he’d been just as nervous and worried.
You would forever be thankful that Jungkook kept at it, that he’d pursued you and refused to back down from a challenge. That he’d helped you learn to love yourself and your life a little more, along with bringing so much joy and laughter. He sometimes did stupid things that had you staring at him in confusion, and sometimes he didn’t know the references you made.
But he made up for it in the way he threw himself into learning your hobbies and interests, helping you to garden and turn your yard into a paradise for plants. He’d read so many of the books that you had, just so you had someone to discuss the plots with and he patiently listened to you ramble on about horror films despite the fact he hated them.
In turn, you watched his romance films with him and didn’t tease him too much when he cried at them and you’d learnt all the facts about his favourite boxers, had even gone to a match with him. You’d supported him when he’d applied for his dream job in a career he wasn’t in, consoling him when he’d been denied and then celebrating when he’d gotten it.
Sure, you had arguments with him sometimes and you’d get a little grumpy with him, but you knew that at the end of the day, you were perfect for each other.
“Whatcha thinking ‘bout?” The man in question asks, sitting down lightly on the swinging bench he’d installed in the backyard last year. You’d both redone the whole yard, repainting the fence and creating a whole new wildflower section alongside adding a fully functioning pond with koi fish in it. He’d seen the bench in a DIY store and had bought it, with your agreement, before spending a whole afternoon assembling it with your help.
It hadn’t been any trouble to you, not when you got to watch your hot husband getting all sweaty whilst shirtless.
Looking over at him, you chew on your lips for a moment before shrugging lightly and smiling. You’re sitting cross-legged on the bench, unbelievably comfy thanks to the cushions he’d added. Jungkook thought one of the most important principles in life was being comfortable, which meant your home was full of cushions and soft things.
“You, me, us. I dunno, I just…I saw this thing earlier about a couple where the guy was super hot but the girl was…how do I say it nicely…not considered attractive enough for him? They get so many nasty comments because people can’t comprehend that a handsome man can like a woman that people don’t think is attractive.” Trailing off, you let a hand rest on your pregnant belly before reaching out and taking his hand. He instantly links your fingers together, squeezing gently.
There’s a wrinkle between his brows, indicating his internal confusion. Jungkook had always had such strong eyebrows that you’ve always found hot. There’s not much about him you don’t find hot, from the way he tongues his cheek when he’s irritated or the tattoos on his arms shift as the muscles beneath work. And that’s not even talking about the weird fetish you have for his hands.
Men liked butts and boobs, but you’d gone a little feral more than once because of his hands and thighs.
“How…how does that relate to us?” The innocence with which he asks makes your heart clench with so much love for him. Jungkook’s always been such a simple man, despite how complicated he looked. He knew what he liked and what he loved, and he didn’t care what others thought about that. It’d taken you a while for you to realise that, but it was something you’d grown to cherish about him.
Smiling, you lift his hand and rest it against your heart.
“You’re adorable, have I told you that? It’s relevant because you’ve always been god hot and I’ve just been…me. You know if we were on social media then people would be like ‘what the fuck is going on here?’.” His cheery mood disappears and he scowls, lips pursing out in that cute pout he always does and making his lip ring push out even further.
“That’s stupid, don’t say that. You’re hot.” Grinning, you shuffle over before leaning into him, curling yourself happily into his side. He lets go of your hand and takes the opportunity to wrap his arm around you, cuddling you while letting his fingertips brush the sides of your swollen stomach. It’s just light enough to be ticklish and you shiver.
“I don’t think anyone except you has ever called me that, but it’s okay. As long as you think it. You know people always have some awful opinions, and there’s probably some of our friends who had those thoughts when we first started dating. I know for a fact that Jimin teased you about having a cougar as a girlfriend.” Jungkook grunts, obviously still grumpy about how you’ve put yourself down.
“Jimin was just jealous. Still is. I was twenty-four when I met the love of my life whereas he’s now thirty-two and still hasn’t found his.” You swat his stomach lightly, tutting at him.
“Don’t say that, that’s mean. Plus, I was only two years older than him when we met.” He hums, the sound vibrating through his chest to your cheek and you sigh gently, wriggling to get a better position. You’re excited to finally be a mom, it had taken two years of trying and a year of IVF to finally get pregnant, but god, being pregnant was not as fun as it was made out to be.
“Anway, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care what other people think. And I’m not blind or oblivious, I do notice it. I just don’t care. I thought you were pretty in your pictures and I liked how you’d got your personality across, so I went for it. You know me, if I want something then I get it. It was hard to keep my hands off you on our first date, I really wanted to see you naked but I could tell you were not down for that.” Lifting your head, you raise your brows at him in shock. He’d never mentioned this before.
“We saw a kids' film! With kids in the audience!” 
“Okay, I just need to point out that you do remember I was a young, horny man. You know how much I love sex, and how much I love your body. I had a very good orgasm that night with my hand.” There’s a tingle that runs through you as he says that, and you’re pleased that it’s not shyness from his blunt words but a thread of desire.
Why has he never told you this? You don’t realise you’ve said that out loud till he responds.
“Because I didn’t want to come across as some idiot young guy that just thinks with his dick. I was on a date with this super sexy older woman who had her shit together, no way was I ruining that.” Smiling, you bite your lip and hug him a little tighter as pleasure bubbles through you.
“You never fail to surprise me, you know that?”
“Good, keeps our relationship interesting. And in answer to your unsaid question…I’m with you instead of whatever imaginary woman you’ve imagined in your head for me because I want to be. Because, I love you. You’re it, and I knew that the first time I heard your voice on the phone. Heard you say hello and thought ‘yep, that’s it, that’s the woman I’m gonna marry’.” That makes you snort with laughter, using his chest to push yourself up and give him a disbelieving look.
“I know you’re a sappy romantic but you’re not that much of a romantic. You didn’t even say that in your wedding speech, and you were a sobbing mess in that.” You tease lightly, grinning at his mock affronted look.
“Excuse me, I’m very romantic. I’m so romantic that if you open the dictionary and look up romantic, there’s a picture of my face. Which is why I never mentioned it. That fact is for me and you only, other people can’t know. Maybe Mochi can when they’re older to hear it.” At that, he shifts until he can rest the whole palm of his hand against your stomach.
There’s a pause, the heat of his hand burning through your clothes before you feel the tell-tale flutter and Jungkook grins with simultaneous pride and amusement. The baby loves hearing Jungkook, and somehow always knows when their father is touching your belly. Neither of you knew what gender you were having, and neither of you cared as long as the baby was healthy. And Mochi was the nickname that Jimin had used and it had stuck.
Ignoring all that, you reach up and tilt his head towards you and simply look over his face. This close, you get to see all the pores of his skin and even the freckles that are too light to see from far away. The subtle shade alongside his jaw and mouth as his evening stubble starts to grow in, something he’ll soon be shaving off as he hates having hair there.
But your favourite thing about Jungkook, physically at least, is his wide eyes that portray every emotion he feels. They’d been your favourite aspect of him in his pictures when he’d first matched with you, and six years later they remain your favourite thing. You hope your baby gets his starry eyes.
“I love you.” You say simply, feeling your stomach bubble with happiness and not Mochi kicking as his eyes give away his smile before his mouth does. They do this adorable thing where the skin beneath his eyes thickens, creating an adorable eye smile before he does it with his mouth. That’s when you know he’s really happy.
“I love you, too. You don’t think about this stuff often, right? Cos I love you as you, and I always have. No matter what you looked like, or what you thought you looked like. And if you’re worrying over this then I haven’t done my job right.” He sounds so serious and concerned, his brow creasing once more as he dips his head to keep your eyes in sight.
Age is looking good on him, and you fear him in twenty years. He’s going to be movie star hot, and he’s all yours.
Trailing your fingers over his lower lip and playing with his lip ring, a familiar motion to you both by now, you give him a soft smile.
“I swear, I don’t. It was just that story I read. I did when we first got together but…you’ve shown me over the years so…not anymore. I trust you.”
“Good, because I don’t have any regrets. Best decision I made to message you, and it was obviously the same for you.” Laughing, you tickle his sides as he lets out breathy giggles and tries to avoid you without jostling you too much.
As you play with him, enjoying the intimate moment of quiet and happiness with your husband, you feel your baby kick excitedly. Pausing, you look at Jungkook with a raised brow before taking his hand and resting it on your stomach.
“You’ve got Mochi all excited now, so now you need to calm them down or mommy’s not gonna get much sleep. And then you’ll probably regret messaging me when I’m being grumpy.” That makes Jungkook grin, the expression mischievous on his face and your heart thumps hard with love for this beautiful, kind and funny man who loves you so deeply despite what society says.
Leaning forward, he keeps an eye on yours as he presses a kiss to your stomach before whispering.
“Remember that, Mochi, for when you’re born. Nothing is worse than a grumpy mommy, so please be nice to daddy and calm down.” 
“Hey! You weren’t supposed to agree with me.” You whine, pouting in an exaggerated manner that makes him laugh.
“Well, sweetheart, what is it you always say to me? A happy wife is a happy life, and a happy wife is always right?”
“Well, I’m clearly wrong in this case so you should say so!”
“You also say I shouldn’t tell lies, and we shouldn’t be setting a bad example for Mochi.”
“Jeon Jungkook!”
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miloonmetis · 5 months
Are u still doing stuff for The Quarry? I'm trying to platinum the game on Playstation rn so I've been really into it again.
If u are can I request a Jacob x reader (gn or fem) that is angst involving the reader liking Jacob but he's so focused on Emma that he doesn't notice, Jacob and reader are still go friends tho. The last day of camp reader confesses and Jacob rejects them, then the games plot ensues and you can pick how to end it but I was thinking a little tiny dash of hopefulnsss at the end.
this was a bit shorter than i thought, I know you probably wanted something a bit longer but I blanked a bit on the whole story. If people still enjoy this though I might write a fic or a part two with Kaitlyn :3
contents: angst, reader is hopeless, no happy ending, slight lore spoilers. WC: 388
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
The Other Woman - Lana Del Rey
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:01
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You liked him since day one, since the moment he made some dumb comment and even gave you the slightest bit of attention by looking in your direction.
You didn’t tell anyone, not a word. You kept it to yourself surprisingly well no matter how many times you felt your face go tomato red when he even touched you in the slightest. You didn’t wanna say anything during your time working in the camp, didn’t want to make things awkward for the kids.
But when it was all over, you found the perfect time to pull him to the side and confess. You told him everything and how you felt.
In reply, He rejected you. He left and then went to Emma, then you realized how stupid you had been. How you hadn’t realized that he clearly had the hots for the sexy blonde girl with a perfect body and decent personality, when all you felt like was… well just you. You couldn’t compete and now you had to spend another day with these people knowing that your crush had rejected you harshly and then chased after some other woman.
You became more silent and distant, you didn’t think anyone had noticed and so you kept it that way slowly fading into the background where the others wouldn’t notice if you had left or not. But you were suddenly brought back into the situation when things started to happen, weird things. You found yourself back towards Jacob, you didn’t mean to he was just the only person you thought you could feel safe with.
That was until when a werewolf attacked and he took Emma instead of you, the werewolf didn’t kill you Kaitlyn coming in to save you and then screaming at Jacob about being so stupid and careless about your safety. When everything was over and everyone got out safely, you felt calmer and even for a moment you had forgotten about your feelings for Jacob. Until you saw him all over Emma again, it shouldn’t hurt as much as it did.
But you knew one thing for sure, you’d be deleting everyone’s phone number here.
Except maybe Kaitlyn, she did save your life.
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lucy90712 · 10 months
Part 2 of the Gavin parade story please!!!
Part 1
WC: 2.4k
You: hi this is y/n you gave me your number during the parade earlier thank you for the compliment by the way
How cringe I can't believe that's the first message I sent but it's too late to do anything now I'll just have to deal with it and hope that if he replies he doesn't think I'm weird. Oh god what if he never replies and I look like an idiot for thinking that the Pablo Gavi would ever actually want to talk to me. I bet the whole team is laughing about the fact that I actually text him. I don't think I can ever step foot in the camp nou ever again. Just as I was spiralling my phone dinged so I scrambled to the other end of the sofa where I'd left it only to see that one of my best friends had text me asking about today. As I was about to put my phone back down another notification came through this time it was actually from Pablo. 
Gavi: wow I'm surprised you actually text me sorry if that was weird I just had to find a way to talk to you 
You: no it wasn't weird at all it surprised me but it was a nice surprise 
Gavi: good I assume you are a Barca fan so would you like to come to our next home game I would love to meet your properly
You: I would love that thank you so much 
I always get stressed a few hours before a Barca game especially when I'm going to the game but this time I barely slept as I can't stop thinking about the fact that I'm actually going to properly meet Pablo. I'm really excited as we have been talking over text and have FaceTimed a few times just to get to know each other a bit more and he's the sweetest person but him being so nice coupled with the fact that he's so attractive has meant I've developed a slight crush on him. This is a problem as although he called me beautiful in the message he wrote I feel like he just wants to be friends I mean he has other things to focus on he doesn't need a girlfriend right now let alone one who has her own set of problems to deal with. Our friendship so far has been great and he's a lovely person to talk to so I don't want to ruin that by giving away how I feel and making him feel uncomfortable. 
Thankfully I don't have work today so I have been able to spend the day worrying about this evening without having to worry about work too. Having nothing to do has meant that I have spent far too long deciding on what to wear to the game. I couldn't decide whether to wear a Barcelona jersey or normal clothes as I want to support my team but I don't want to look like an idiot in front of Pablo. In the end I found a good compromise and put on a normal outfit and then put a jersey on over the top as that way I can change if I need to. Then I spent way too much time deciding whether I should put on some makeup and do my hair which ended up with me having a small bit of makeup on and fixing my hair slightly but not going all out. 
When it was time for me to leave I grabbed my phone and my bag and walked to the bus stop as I don't have a car. Taking the bus can be a nightmare on game days but I have worked out a goody system where I get off a few stops earlier and then walk the last part of the journey as it's often quicker due to the amount of traffic. This evening the bus was busier than usual so I had to stand but I didn't mind as I had headphones in and I could look out the window as I zoned out. There was so many people wearing Barcelona jerseys on the streets and many of them had Pablo's name on the back. Seeing all of those fans made it really sink in that in just a few hours I'm going to meet the golden boy of the city which is probably what all of those people dream of doing. Thinking about it that way somehow made me less nervous as I have the opportunity to do something that so many people will never do so I have to make the most of it and not think about how it could all go wrong. 
The game was so amazing, the last home game of the season is always special but this time it felt even more special as the team finally got the trophy. As if things couldn't get any better Pablo scored the last goal at the camp nou as we know it which is really special. With it being such a special match the team celebrated for a bit longer so I waited in the stands with all the fans until I got a text from Pablo telling me to come down to meet him along with where to go as I don't know how to find the locker rooms. As I made my way down there my hands were shaking slightly as I'm so nervous but I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and put a smile on my face. 
I headed down the corridor and stood outside the locker room ready to text Pablo to tell him I was there but before I could he saw stood in front of me smiling. His smile was so contagious and instantly made me feel completely comfortable around him which I didn't expect. He was quick to bring me into a warm hug which had my stomach filling with butterflies and my cheeks heating up but I tried my best to hide that from Pablo. I felt so at home in his arms it was like we had known each other for years and hadn't just met a few seconds ago I can't believe anyone hates him as he's just the nicest guy. Eventually we both pulled away and he kept smiling at me as he moved to stand an acceptable distance away from me. 
"It's so nice to finally meet you honestly I still can't believe you text me after the parade" Pablo said 
"Sometimes you have to do something spontaneous in life and I'm definitely glad I did" I said 
"I'm glad you did too as now I get to see your beautiful face up close" he flirted 
"Oh um thank you" I replied stumbling over my words and blushing 
As we were talking more of the team left the locker room so he introduced me to them in between our conversations and all of them were super lovely too. Pablo and I stood in the corridor for probably close to an hour just talking to each other before someone asked us to get going so we had to leave but we still kept talking as we walked. 
"Do you have any plans for the rest of the evening?" Pablo asked 
"No I don't" I replied 
"Would you like to come back to my place then?" He asked 
"I would love to" I said 
Once I said yes Pablo got all nervous all of a sudden which made me nervous that I'd done something wrong. He was also mumbling something under his breath which I couldn't hear but I assumed he was talking to himself so I just kept following him thinking that this is something he must do quite a lot as I wouldn't know otherwise. When we made it to the door to the car park he held the door open for me and then I continued to walk with him towards his car. At some point we just stopped walking and he looked at me which really made my heart race as I had no idea what was happening.
"Are you ok?" I asked 
"Is this a date or are we just hanging out as friends?" Pablo asked 
"I um I don't know I'd like it to be a date" I said 
"Then it's a date" he said 
This time as we walked he grabbed hold of my hand which had my heart beating even faster than it was before if that was even possible. He then opened the door to his car for me before going round to get in the drivers side. Luckily by this point it was dark outside and Pablo went out the back exit so no one noticed that I was in the car with him as I was a bit worried about what would happen if we were seen together. Once we were on the road Pablo and I started talking again and this time we were flirting a bit more now that we had established that there must be some feelings there as we are calling this a date. It hasn't really sunk in until we were flirting that I was on a date with Pablo I mean that's what I was dreaming of happening and here we are. The fact that Pablo must actually like me really gave me a lot of confidence to be a bit braver than I would've been earlier. 
The drive to Pablo's place wasn't long and when we arrived he again opened my car door me and then held his front door open to allow me in first like the gentleman he is. He gave me a quick tour of his place before asking if I was allergic to anything so he could make dinner for the both of us. I felt bad that after a long match he was making dinner for me instead of getting to relax but when I tried to help he wouldn't let me so I just sat on the countertop and watched him cook. He was surprisingly good at cooking at no point did I feel like he was going to set the kitchen on fire which I think is pretty good plus he cooked everything for long enough so I wasn't going to die either. 
Once the food was ready he finally allowed me to help as he got me to dish up while he set the table. I should've realised that he was just distracting me as when I went out to the table he had set up candles and made it all romantic. Pablo is really full of surprises as I didn't see him being the type to do something like this but I'm not complaining as it's nice to be treated so well as all of my last dates have been real assholes. We ate dinner quietly but afterwards we went and sat down on the sofa together to play fifa as we both like to play. 
Pablo is a lot better than me at fifa and a lot more competitive so he won every game but I didn't mind as I was having fun and Pablo was enjoying winning. After I lost for the fifth time in a row Pablo seemed to feel bad as he definitely let me win the next game as I could see the smile on his face as he kept giving me the ball and allowing me to score. Once I had won the game he turned the game off and then came back down to sit next to me trying to subtly put his arm around my shoulder but subtlety isn't something he's good at so to make things less awkward I leant my head against his shoulder. He then started playing with my hair very gently which made me smile as I have always liked people playing with my hair. 
We sat in silence for a few minutes before we both looked at each other at the same time. There was a lot of tension between us, if anyone else were to walk in the room it would probably knock them out. Neither of us were quite brave enough to make the first move as once we do we can't go back and we haven't exactly known each other for very long so I'm definitely nervous and I can't imagine how Pablo feels. Just as I was thinking about what could happen if we kissed Pablo began to lean down towards me and pressed his lips to mine. For a few seconds I was taken aback but once my brain caught up with what was happening I kissed him right back. We both pulled away eventually but this time I was brave enough to kiss him again and this time it was much more enjoyable as I was much less nervous. 
After coming down from the excitement of what just happened Pablo turned on the tv so we could half watch some tv while telling stories from our childhood so we could get to know each other on a deeper level. I was enjoying myself but it was getting late and I have work in the morning so sadly I had to leave plus I wanted to make the last bus so I wouldn't have to walk home. 
"Thank you for tonight I've had the best time but I really should head home" I said grabbing my phone from the table 
"Wait did you drive to the stadium as I can drop you back there" he offered 
"No I got the bus but it's fine the last bus leaves soon so I can get that back home" I said 
"Thats not happening I'll drop you home I can't let you go home alone" he said 
"Thank you" I said 
Pablo grabbed his car keys and we got back in his car and I didn't even need to give him my address as he already knows where I live which made it a simple journey. When we arrived he walked up to my apartment with me where we had to say goodbye to each other. Pablo couldn't let me go without brining me in for a hug and kissing me one last time. 
"So what do you say to a second date?" He asked 
"I would love that" I said 
"Great I'll text you tomorrow" he said before leaving 
Once I was finally alone everything that happened today finally sunk in and all I could do was laugh because it just seems so ridiculous but I did actually just go on a date with the Pablo Gavi. Sometimes life is crazy and doesn’t go the way you think it will but tonight I learnt that that’s not always a bad thing. 
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Can I make a request with the guardians who find out that in another world fem!MC didn't have a good father figure? She has suffered psychological trauma and is afraid of men. Therefore fem!MC literally cries every time the guardian shows concern for her or gives her some kind of gift, because her father never did it.
Thank you for considering my request!
— anon🍤
We're really in it for the daddy issues huh, anon? well, same.
Guardian! School staff + fem! Mc with a shitty father back in her Home- world
Characters : Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel, Mozus Trein, Ashton Vargas
TW : Crowley being delusional. Slight mentions of emotional abuse.
Context : (y/n) is always doing her best as both a student and a classmate, helping people all the time and studying must be exhausting! her guardian knows that, and as recognition for her efforts, he sends her a gift. (Not Trein tho, he has enough kids to notice somethings wrong right away)
But wait, why is she frowning like that?
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Dire Crowley
Oh! what a good student you are! what a kind classmate, no doubt!
of course all thanks to your amazing role model.
You're such a good kid! you never complain when your beloved dad asks for tiny little favors!
unlike your crusty, musty, almost rodent- excuse for a roommate
Ah, yes! such a great attitude is worthy of a sweet, sweet reward, right?
when you go back to Ramshackle after your classes, you notice a package in front of the door.
it has a note on it.
"Like father, like daughter! thanks for being such a great example for the others, (y/n)! ( please, open this inside)"
it also has a little poorly drawn picture of himself smiling and waving in the back of it.
when you get inside and you open it, it has ten claw-shaped silver rings, similar to the ones your guardian is always wearing.
you put them on one by one, and stare at your hands for a while.
you're frowning.
in fact, you feel your cheeks get warm, your eyes water.
what is this?
Crowley literally spawns out of nowhere, from behind you.
He rushes to see what's wrong.
you don't even question his presence, i mean, it's Crowley.
he's probably been there for a while, just to see your genuine, grateful reaction to his amazing gift!
and now you're crying.
"Are you okay, y/n ?? Does it hurt your skin???" he says noticing you're not wearing gloves underneath. "wait you're not fae either way... what's wrong????"
Your weird-ass dad is worried sick and that only makes you more emotional.
you two sit down on one of the couches.
You see, Crowley is not the best person on earth, let alone guardian.
In fact, in a lot of ways he's very questionable.
you knew that.
And still he was so much better than your actual father back home.
He had never ever insulted you, or shouted at you while he watched you cry.
It's true that sometimes he could be a little off-putting, but you never felt the need to be alert in his presence.
And when he gives you a gift it's not something he doesn't want, hell, it isn't any kind of up-front payment for any favor.
it wasn't an apology.
it was just a gift.
and for some reason, there's something so heartbreaking about that notion, there's so much grief that you're feeling, and have no idea of what to do with it.
so things like this do happen, huh?
you didn't want to think you hated men. it was stupid to hate half of the population.
And yet you always found yourself avoiding your teachers, and many students, except for Epel, for some reason.
Crowley was a good reason as to why believe that men in general were straight up sketchy.
And still, there he was. Silently by your side. waiting for you to let it all out. (confused, but trying)
Maybe he wanted to hug you, he wasn't sure if he should.
You just covered your face with your clawed hands.
Once you were done crying, you looked at them silently.
you weren't alone anymore. And the tears shining as they slid off the silver were proof of that.
By the way, Crowley is finally researching how to reach your world, but just so he can punch your father in the gut.
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Divus Crewel
In Crewels eyes, you were the perfect kid. No questions asked.
You were always sincere about anything he asked you regarding his appearance.
"What do you think about this new tie, y/n?" "Do you think the socks and my coat are mismatched today? i have the impression..." "Hey, pup! is it noticeable that I'm wearing scarlet gloves today, instead of the usual crimson?"
Also, you showed to be quite determined and responsible, which was amazing but,
you were always alone, for some reason.
Anyone would think you were just very shy and introverted.
He kinda knew there was more to that but he also thought it would be better to let you open up to him about that subject.
also, you kept asking him to do your projects alone, in potionology, alchemy and so on, you always insisted in not having a partner, stuff like that.
even with this habit of taking all the work to yourself, you had pretty decent grades, so he decided to buy you a gift.
after your last class of the day, your guardian texts you, he has a surprise for you, so come see him!
When you do, he's waiting for you holding a beautifully wrapped box.
you open it and....!
there's a plushie of a puppy inside!
"Do you like it, pup? would you at least let him accompany you?"
you stay silent.
"it reminded me of you... Hey, are you okay?"
Why are you holding the plush like that, sinking your fingers on it? so tight that it looks like you want to suffocate it?
And why isn't Crewel immediately asking for something in return?
why does he look actually concerned, instead of expecting?
And most important, why are you asking yourself that?
"how much did it cost...?" you ask faintly.
"Why would you ask me that? y/n, are you okay?"
"Sorry, i didn't mean to-" and there they are, the tears that had been blurring your vision.
Since you got here, on Twisted Wonderland, no one has really treated you like back at home.
The boys tend to be kind and chaotic, and if they try to tease you they're immediately scolded by the teachers.
Right, the teachers. Your new guardian, Crewel never treated you with disrespect, he didn't scream at you like your father did, he was sassy on occasion, but he never insulted you.
But you weren't as relieved by that as you thought you should be, so
why were you so mad? so enraged?
why was your blood boiling while you stared at the cute puppy you were holding?
Because you had always deserved that, that's why.
Because it's right now, and not sooner, that you're finally experiencing the treatment you had always deserved.
Because you didn't even know what was it like to be loved and appreciated by your father, you only knew that yours was failing you at that.
you finally let yourself cry like a baby, Crewel, unsure of what to do, hugs you from the side and lets you complain about how you hated how your father back at home treated you.
You thank him for the gift and finally express your issue with men in general, you had to grow wary of them as a result of your home life.
next day you suddenly have a partner for the next upcoming project, and it seems like it's a certain someone that is more than glad to help you, and that will be patient no matter what.
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Mozus Trein
I tell you, this man knows what's up.
He got really mad at you once, you kept dozing off during his lesson and threw a tiny piece of chalk at you.
obviously it wasn't meant to hurt you or anything
but your reaction was... strange.
just by raising his hand he noticed that you were... a little startled.
you flinched even before the chalk flew towards you, like if you fully expected it.
It was the first and last time he did that, because he didn't quite like that look on your face.
also, you apologized a little too many times about that.
For goodness sake, you hadn't killed his cat or anything.
So yeah, he kept an eye on you after that.
He noticed that you didn't like to hang out with your peers, it was strange
Because personality wise, you were nothing like, let's say, mr.Shroud.
Today, you're not even looking at him in the eye.
when he asks about homework, you mutter that Grim ate it.
Now, don't misinterpretate this situation ok?
he believes you
But Grim is your roommate, you LIVE WITH HIM
It's your responsibility yk you're the one living with a literal monster.
As scary as Mr.Trein sounds, the rest of the students are laughing their ass off behind their books
and i don't blame them.
but you're starting to get a little too upset.
So you get up and and go away.
you were crying. literal tears???? but why????
he had only raised his voiced a little.
It wasn't even that big of an issue-
why were you crying???
you're more embarrassed than upset ngl
when the lesson ends you're a bit more calm, and he calls you in.
He knows that you've been crying.
You know he knows.
what a mess.
after apologizing a million times for leaving earlier, he finally asks you directly.
was he really that scary?
Since you've had time to think, you explain what kind of home life you had before and that in retrospective, it may had fucked you up a little bit.
after a very uncomfortable silence, maybe you can't tell-
But his gaze has softened.
"y/n, dear... that is not going to happen again, and I'm personally responsible for your wellbeing so, if i try and show more patience, could you perhaps gift me some of your trust?"
yeah it's definitely easier said than done.
Still, the following days every time you fuck up he will teach you how to do things right, instead of angrily asking you why you didn't get them right in the first place.
it's a little step at a time, but you're already feeling better.
Also, Grim is a great ice breaker, you find out that half of your classmates are straight up himbos.
you're safe here.
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Ashton Vargas
this is yet another overly proud dad.
he will refer to himself as your dad no matter what. you're his kid now alright.
Truth is, you two don't have a lot in common, at least interest-wise.
but he appreciates you for always trying your best.
lately he had noticed you yelling obscenities at the tv.
you're not really into sports but you've been watching the sport's channel a lot.
turns out there was certain team from certain academy that you ABSOLUTELY DESPISED
so you watch their competitions just to pray on their downfall. It's really satisfying seeing them lose especially since they are so popular.
Ashton finds this so entertaining omg
It's almost as funny as watching the first time Mr.Ashengrotto tried to get on a broom.
next weekend he surprises you with two tickets to their next game!
you are so excited!!
since the very minute the game starts you insult them every chance you get, every time they mess up.
your guardian is also having the time of his life seeing you so invested.
Dad is so proud of his little hater girl!!!
suddenly the crowd goes silent.
there's so much tension in the air!!!
you jump and cheer, to no one in particular actually.
then he notices you're tearing up a little.
"what's wrong? did you actually want them to win???" he shouts so you can hear him
you look at him as tears run down your face, at first you have a big smile on your face but then...
Your guardian can be a little too much at times.
He can be tiring, sometimes he can be very hard headed.
But he always means well.
Since you got to twisted wonderland, he's the one you come after when you're scared, or tired, or sad.
he's very good at being a dad!
oh you can tell.
because never in your life you would be living a moment like this back at home.
it's a bittersweet feeling, really.
Because your own father could not even treat you like a person with, actual feelings most days.
And then, this teacher that knows so little about your previous life is so open to help you whenever you need, to lift up your spirits and push you to be better...
when you arrived you were intimidated by the rest of the school staff but honestly this man has made everything easier.
is it enough reason to feel so moved?
maybe, who knows...
you will tell him everything he should know about what kind of challenges you went through
but now,
right now,
This stupid team that you hate so much has lost yet another time.
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nunezs-stuff · 1 year
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She's a fan of sweaters skirts and dresses she
mostly wears are mostly composed of thigh highs are tights and.
She likes wearing dresses the lightweight and breathable dresses in summertime and she's also seen in black skirts and a sweater and in the summertime she enjoys wearing.
And as someone that has her age Frozen in Time she looks to be around the ages of 18 to 17 and
she likes to wear black pants and a sweater her favorite shoes are flats or pink boots or healed.
And her shoes are mostly composed of black and pink and brown
She also likes to wear ribbons tied up into a bow she's a fan of Ruffles on dresses as well and her her shirts they are mostly bun up shirts
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Warning warning mentions of murder and cannibalism
Dark facts and her past the pentagram on her chest is extremely poisonous when it turns red her entire body and skin work like acid it burns through everything even Stone.
She divides love between bitter and sweet if the person feels bitter or makes her uncomfortable they are bitter.
If the person is kind and not two-faced and is purely sweet then they are sweet.
In Her Eyes Of course
As a child she always hated being touched by others unless it was her father because she trust him the most.
When she was turned into a servamp when her memories weren't erased she went on a killing Rampage all those memories haunted her every and man she looked at always felt bitter and wrong and that's one of the reasons she killed so many.
That came to an end when she killed three men that tried to take her to a village all of them are on the ground Dead with their hearts gone the last man that she consumed happened to be poisoned she coughed up a lots of blood and ended up throwing up the hearts Hercules found her and that is the end of their killing Rampage in the hell that she lived in .
And Beelzebub locked her away from the outside inviting locked her away I mean windows and doors were locked she was never allowed outside his fear of losing her got the better of him and when she was in that facility she developed abandonment issues so when she was returned back to Beelzebub and she became very clingy with him like she would follow him around everywhere
And her eyes are a pitch black and has a red pupils and eyelashes
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Sweet facts and likes and dislikes
She is like kanao they both have the same personality they're both quiet and they have a hard time expressing their emotions but overall she's a kind person and as a way to express her her love and appreciation for other people are acts of service. And sometimes she can be blunt unintentionally
And whenever she smiles it's always a soft and gentle smile sure sometimes they can be small but those smiles are pretty rare because most of the time she doesn't have a reason to smile
And weird but cute fact she can also be compared to be a doll because if she doesn't where high waisted socks or tights and gloves you can see the hint of pink on her knees and her fingertips
And her favorite place is to go are to the park and shrines she also loves the visit the history museums in Valhalla and the human world although people may call her boring for it which she doesn't mind to her she just wants a life with no worry.
And her eyes are a pitch black with red pupils
Like some vampires her skin is actually extremely pale
Her hair is brown on the top and the rest is red
And she also likes to wear her hair and pigtails and she prefers the more durable and lasting hair ties and and most of the time her hair is down or they're put in low pigtails.
She loves soft colors
If you look closely you can see the slight hint of light pink on her lips.
She obviously hates bitter people she hates how some people seem to think others are objects and that if a girl is wearing a skirt and revealing clothes she's considered a slut and that's what Nunez hates society and beauty standards to her people should be themselves except being a pervert and a pedophile she also hates octopus she hates the taste and feeling of it it reminds her of those dark times .
She loves cats and how their eyes can be so cute and big especially when they're kittens I guess having the ability to turn into a cat it's quite wonderful at times she also loves when a cat goes to sit down on her lap.
She also loves the weather where it's not too hot or not too cold she's also a fan of windy weather
When she was let out of the house for the first she practically threw herself in the Rose Garden because they were the most beautiful flowers she's ever seen.
She's almost the same height as Beelzebub and she is just 2 inches smaller than him
And weird fact this is what her body and hands look like
Dark fact because of that facility she was
was already frail but because of the fact that she
And like her father she's afraid of losing the people she holds dear and
And the songs that she can relate to are listed down here
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
Hi! Could I get a creepypasta match up please!
I am 5 foot...not very blessed in the height department unfortunately, I'm slim but well endowed in both upper and lower departments. I'm fairly light for being Hispanic (i don't go outside in the sun often) I have shoulder length hair, its currently red and has been red for a hot minute, but in the past it used to be shorter and a different color every other week. Like for two weeks I could have purple hair then BOOM it's yellow now. I have 21 piercings. I have two in the center of my eyebrows, two nostril piercings. One on each side, a septum. And snake bites. I used to have My bridge pierced but I took it out bc it was in the process of migrating:/m I have 26 tattoos. IT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT. But it's not..THAT many when you actually get a good look at my full body. Most of them are on my thighs, I have some on my back, I have chest tattoos and a wrist tattoo. All my tattoos are either witchy, satanic, or of pretty pin up women and fruit.
Personality wise. I'm not sure, I have adhd, autism and bpd. I can be loud and excitable but also REALLY quite, aloof and awkward. I am a very passionate person and I'm always doing something (or at least trying to) I love to learn new things, I love to talk, I love to listen but I also love to just sit in absolute silence sometimes. I hate the sound of people sneezing, idk why it just REALLY upsets me. I can be really nice and helpful but I don't like being taken advantage of. I don't like confrontation but I will stand up for myself and or my friends if it's truly necessary. I am very giving, if someone I care about was in need I wouldn't mind giving them the shirt off my back or the shoes I'm wearing...it's happened before too. I also love shopping. I may have a slight....shopping addiction. I also have a very strong sense of justice and respect, so you won't catch me doing anyone dirty, but I won't let anyone do me dirty and ill cut them off if they keep crossing the line. I'm very good at sniffing out snakes. And I try to warn people around me about fake people and they never believe me until shit hits the fan, and then they sit there like ":0 I didn't know" TF YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT KNOW I TOLD YOU!?
I have daddy issues and don't have a stable father figure in my life 🧍🏻‍♂️ I love my mom though, shes cool
Style wise. I'm a bit all over the place, I've been in the alternate community since I was born. My dad was a metal head soo it kind of passed. But not really. Mental only stuck for so long. I tried scene, not my personal style but I loved the music. I was in the emo scene for a good couple of years until i started to hang out with the punk kids in my highscool, they were a little to much for me, activity wise though so it didn't last to long. But I found my home in the goth subculture and then from that point on, I explored the subcultures within that subculture. I tried nu goth, pastel goth, gothic lolita, trad goth. And none of them felt right, until I found gothabilly. And I find myself most comfortable in thag vintage style and the pin up style. My favorite brand (just so you can get an idea) is vixen by micheline pitt. My closet is just PURE black. With hints of black and white stripes and red.
I have many hobbies. I used to do tattoos on myself and my friends. I tried to get into piercing....it was a little too scary for me. I know how to make jewelry, I know how to paint, and draw. I know how to write, I love reading. I get too far down weird and obscure rabbit holes. I'm learning how to sew and I love it. I have a huge passion for fashion. And I want to start My brand one day. Even if it's small and for a niche group. I love to game, I love horror games especially, Outast is one of my favorite game series. I love horror period. Horror stories, movies, books. I love collecting specimens, like pinned bugs or mice in Jars. I have a small jar of bones. I love the dead. My favorite horror movie is either Saw or Scream. I also love watching indie disturbing horror movies as well. I'm a practicing witch, and I often use pendulums to communicate with. There was an old ghost of a woman who used to live in my apartment. She was cool sometimes but she messed with the doors and lights to much. I also used to collect dolls, specifically monster high dolls, but I wanted to branch out to haunted dolls...but then I thought mayybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I also love to cook and bake, and i love trying new food. I am also learning how to roller skate.
I don't like spiders though, which is ironic because I love spider web design and embroidery on my clothing. They just...look...ugly in. And their faces freak me out. I can't stand bad smells. I have a very very strong sense of taste and smell so I can be pretty sensitive around food and with bad odors. I don't like being woken up when I'm sleeping and I don't like being around loud obnoxious people.
Just for reference, I am afab nonbinary but present feminine to androgynous. I like both dudes and women and other NB people. My favorite creepypastas used to be Eyeless Jack, Bloody Painter, Jason the Toy Maker, the doll maker and the Puppeteer. I mean I liked ALL the pastas but they were my particular favorites
this feels so short in comparison to all that you sent me and i'm deeply sorry for that.
your matchup is... clockwork!
natalie is a very simple person, believe it or not. she's fairly blunt and isn't the type to bullshit a person so you don't have to worry about her taking advantage of you and your kindness. she's also really good at spotting snakes, so honestly you two could be a snake-sniffing duo and point out all the people you should avoid and whatnot.
she's an incredibly honest person as well and the type to never beat around the bush so if she wants to say something, she will say it.
she's a fairly emotionally reserved person so she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve but when it's just the two of you, she lets her walls down a bit and she allows herself to relax a little.
she's more of a listener than a talker so she'll sit there and listen to you talk for hours. she doesn't mind sitting in silence either, because with you it's rather comfortable. but on the very rare occasion that she's the one doing all the talking, she'll definitely appreciate the fact that you're listening. it makes her feel seen in ways she could never describe.
natalie thinks you look good with any hair color, to be honest. i think in the beginning she was definitely a bit caught off guard by your spontaneous hair color changes but she gets used to it rather easily because it's just another part of you that she's fond of. she is just a bit concerned about your hair potentially getting damaged if you dye it too often but... she's not a hair expert, so. and honestly, she's thought about dying her hair as well, so. maybe you can recommend a color for her!
she also thinks you look wicked cool with your piercings and tattoos by the way. and she would absolutely love to hear about the meanings of your tattoos if any of them have one that you're willing to share with her.
she may not look like it, but natalie is pretty interested in fashion! she doesn't dabble in many styles herself because of various reasons but she is very interested in all of your own styles ranging from any goth and punk clothing you may own to the vintage and pin-up style you currently have going on.
if you asked natalie what her hobbies were she would probably just shrug and say, 'don't have any.' but trust me when i tell you that she does. she is so very much interested in deep diving into obscure topics and going down rabbit holes that she probably shouldn't go down because she loves learning about all the weird things buried underneath, hidden away from the average person.
honestly, you guys could probably make a date night out of deep diving into two separate topics and telling each other about it as you go. seems like it would be a pretty fun thing to do.
natalie doesn't particularly pay much attention to video games but she isn't against playing one or two if you recommend it to her! she's pretty invested in the things that you like, so she'll definitely play anything you recommend.
as for horror movies, natalie also probably doesn't give them much thought but trust me when i say she is a big fan of the saw franchise. i can see it now, you sitting her down to watch the saw movies and her just getting absolutely hooked and totally developing a crush on amanda young because honestly who doesn't. after the saw franchise, she's definitely more interested in horror than she was before and she'll probably sit down in her own time to watch some other movies just to talk about them to you.
always down to have her hair and nails done by you if you want to do them. she'll pay you as well, don't worry, just like... don't ask where she got the money because that would lead to a really awkward conversation probably. and she's also rooting for you to get into college to study fashion design!
so yeah anyways you guys would be a cute couple together and you'd have two cats and a rabbit named pumpkin or something and yeah.
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teenage-idiot · 1 year
In the Blink of an Eye - 7
Avengers Age of Ultron | Quicksilver x Female Reader Fan-fiction.
Contains strong language, sexual references and mentions of death.
1258 words
I sat down at the table for dinner, Pietro taking a seat next to me. On the other side of me sat Wanda, who smiled at me, a smile that I returned. 
Over dinner we all got to talking about anything and everything, and then the subject became me, which I was quite surprised about, after all, why would anyone want to spend their time talking about me?
"So, y/n, how old are you?" Thor asked.
"I'm 19," I answered politely.
"Oh, you're quite young then," he said, looking slightly shocked.
"That's only two years younger than me," Pietro beamed down at me.
I looked at him, his dorky grin making me smile. For some reason I had thought he was older than that. Maybe it was the slight facial hair he possessed, or maybe his build. I mean he was in pretty good shape. Great shape actually. I quickly realised I was staring, and hurriedly looked away, as I felt a slight blush creeping up on my cheeks. 
The rest of the evening was filled with many stories, laughs and weird conversational topics. It was midnight before I decided to head up to my room, exhausted after a long, hard day at work. 
I was walking down the corridor to the elevator, being too tired to take the stairs. I heard Pietro call out from behind me, and then felt a sharp breeze against my skin, and he was beside me, same as always.
"Hey, you heading up?"
"Yeah, I'm super tired so I'm gonna call it a night," I replied, yawning at the end of my sentence.
"I'll walk you to your room," he said, making it sound like more of a statement than an offer.
The elevator came and we both got in. I rubbed my eyes groggily as he pushed the button for our floor. For a while it was silent, we both just stood there, not saying anything. It wasn't an awkward silence though, more like a nice silence. The kind of silence where you don't need to say anything. 
The walk to the room was the same, although I could feel him glance at me a few times as we moved along. When we got there, I opened the door before turning around and thanking him. We both said our goodnights and then I slipped away into my room, and he disappeared down the hall to do the same. 
As I clambered into bed, I found myself thinking about Pietro, how sweet he was. I liked him. He was kind, and caring, and I could tell he was an overall good person, even though I hadn't known him for that long. He made me laugh too, and I thought about all the funny things he said to make me crack a smile, or burst out laughing at a completely inappropriate moment. Yeah, I liked Pietro. He made me happy.
The next day was the same old routine. Wake up, get ready, have breakfast, go to training, freshen up, have dinner, go to bed. The day after was the same, and the day after that. I had soon been there a week, and even though that's really not very long, I was beginning to feel at home, like I belonged. I had never met a bunch of people who all seemed to genuinely care for me like these ones did, or at least I thought they all did.
I had been helping Tony and Bruce work on some computer programme they'd developed, as I was just as educated as they were when it came to technology. However, something had not quite gone the way they wanted it too, and now Tony was freaking out and yelling at me. Bruce had tried to calm him down, but failed in his attempt.
"It's really not that hard y/n! Now everything is ruined because of you."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen. I just thought that maybe-"
"Maybe what?! Maybe it would all just magically work out?! Well in case you haven't noticed, that's not actually how it works," he spat, anger seeping out of him like a wet sponge.
I really didn't know what to do or say. Maybe it was my fault, maybe I'd thought it out wrong. I had no clue. The only thing I knew was that he had now succeeded in making me feel like a complete piece of shit. Luckily Steve walked in at just the right moment.
"What's going on here?"
Tony glared at me and then looked over at Steve, who was also looking pretty pissed off. Without uttering another word, Tony moved away from me, and went to work on some other device that had been lying around. 
"Are you alright?" Steve sighed, clearly not that surprised by Tony's crazy outburst. 
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I just kind of hate being shouted at," I answered.
"Okay then," Steve let out another sigh before walking away from me and over to Bruce, presumably to talk about what just happened.
Unfortunately, the situation didn't end here.
I was heading down the hallway leading to the lift after training, when I heard shouting coming from a branching hallway. I knew it wasn't a good sign, but decided to follow the sound anyway, to find out who it was and what was going on. I got to the end of the hallway and was quite shocked at what I saw. 
Pietro was standing having a full blown argument with Tony, and it was getting pretty ugly. Pietro looked as if he were about to punch Tony in the face, turning it into a full on fist fight, so I stepped in.
"Guys, stop it!" I yelled so to be heard over all of their yelling.
"Y/n," Tony looked surprised to see me, and then ashamed, "I want to apologize for earlier.  I – I don't know what came over me. I know I'm a bit of a hothead sometimes but, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, Tony," I gave him a small smile.
"That's not an excuse for being a total dick," Pietro said.
"Hey, you want to take this outside, 'cause I can go all day," Tony shot back, a threatening tone to his voice.
Pietro looked like he was about to say something else, but I stopped him, moving him away from Tony, and away from the fight that would soon commence if I didn't do something.
We began to walk together, and then I finally spoke.
"Pietro, why were you yelling at Tony?" I asked, wondering why on earth such a kind person would be screaming at someone else like that.
"Because y/n! He did it to you, and he can't just speak to you – no – yell at you like that and get away with it. I had to say something," he said, agitation and frustration in his voice.
"Pietro, you really don't have to do that for me," I said, completely taken aback that someone, let alone Pietro, would stand up for me in that way.
"I know," he sighed, "I just care about you, you know?" 
"Yeah, I know," I said, "and I care about you too. But please, no more fights."
"We'll see," he smirked.
I had to admit, he did look pretty damn hot when he was mad, and that smirk got me every single time.
We continued to walk down the hall, deciding to move on from the situation, and to forgive and forget.
a/n - bit of a longer chapter! idk why i wrote all the initial chapters so short lol but i was new to writing fanfics at the time so there you have it i guess! enjoy :)
- t
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Yes I'm a 97' liner! My venus is in taurus and I have a cancer rising, hopefully that will be more helpful to you!
1) I was 19-20 or 21 with that forbidden romance trope fwb. And around the age of 21-22 we met to hook up once again, cause we had a no contact.
2) I was lucky imo with my fwb. Though my advice would be don't be rushed to do it, make sure you have a good connection with the person and if you feel like you can trust them with that experience go for it! Personally I felt rushed and if I had different circumstances in my life I don't know if my fwb would had been my first 💭 But I'm glad it was him in the end.
3) The choke-hold guy happened a year ago and I just blocked him after the convo with my guy friend. Thankfully he didn't go psycho, cause I don't know if I could be able to handle another psycho. I had enough trauma build up by having a possessive manipulative emotionally abussive narcissist 😂
4)We definitely had a loooot of people giving us weird looks 🤡
5) honestly that wasn't the only shitty move of his at the very beginning 🤡
6) It's complicated honestly. Like we had our fwb situationship, he then could not get over some things I did cause he found them super romantic (he was mostly hooked on a spiderman style kiss I surprised him with) and we thought let's get to see if we can have something more serious. We made out at a new year's party after everyone was pestering us to date and then we were like yeah there wasn't a special spark, that extra something. And well we met again after a long break and he did that and asked me to do more fun outing together so I don't know but honestly if he's so indecisive I won't waste any time 🤷🏻‍♀️
But honestly I think if I find someone attractive or if I am genuinely crushing on them I act differently. If I have a big fat crush I get so awkward and shy but in both cases I always am annoying towards them lmfao I like teasing but lightheartedly like tickling, or poking, etc.
But my tip would be go bold. I had so many opportunities by being bold, it got me phone numbers by directly telling the guy hey you seem like my type wanna exchange phone numbers to get to know each other?
Also the hashtagssss I have a kdrama series for you but it left me HEARTBROKEN like crying for three months straight... it was the good person but wrong time. Maybe I can share that story after the fwb. Also feel free to use anything for fic inspo!
- 🐇
Ohh, I see. You got that siren energy with that venus/rising duo.
You probably don't see it but you probably find it to be quite effortless in attracting the other sex.
Aww, I love the right person, wrong time trope. I just love angst, I eat it up like it's my favourite meal.
Like just pull my heart out of my chest and I will love you forever.
What's the kdrama series?? I need to get back into watching them again.
I mean, it's a spiderman style kiss, why wouldn't you be hooked? I have yet to experience it but maybe I will.
It's been three years since I made out with anyone so I hope my lips still work and I have slight game.
I get awkward too but instead of being shy, I just get over eager and end up calling them 'bro' and 'dude' and being overly affectionate. Idk how ppl can just act chill around their crushes mate, like don't your insides squirm?
Honestly, I have been bold before but I've experienced so much rejection, my boldness is dwindling. The last guy I was bold with plainly stated he wasn't attracted to me in 'that way' and my womb just clenched in embarassment.
So please 🐇 anon, give me all the flirting advice you have.
0 notes
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets -JK Rowling Fantasy/ adventure Rating- 5 (Great book, would highly recommend) 251 pages
I doubt you have never heard or read Harry Potter. But in the slight chance you haven't, let me give you the rundown of the first book. Harry is your average English kid. Or not… We learn soon that Harry is in the possession of his aunt and uncle. You soon learn to find that he is mistreated and is living a miserable life. Harry is weird. Not weird like a kid makes fun of you, but weird like stay away from this kid. Harry one day is sent a letter addressed from Hogwarts. Before he can open said letter, his Uncle snatches it out of his hand. In the next weeks to come more letters arrive until they flood his house. His aunt, uncle and cousin flee with him to an hut. One night a giant man knocks down the door. This man is named Hagrid. Hagrid tells Harry how he is a wizard. His parents did not in fact die a normal death but they too were wizards and they were killed. He is told that he is the only person to survive the Dark Lord. Harry leaves his aunt and uncle and goes to the wizard world. He boards a train to his new school and meets his new friends. Hermione and Ron are now bonded to Harry for life as best friends. Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately have an eye for trouble.  They believe a teacher is working with the Dark Lord. This teacher is Professor Snape. Snape is not well liked and looks like a villain. But looks can be deceiving. In the end of the book you find they were right that a teacher was working with the Dark Lord. Just not Snape. It was a professor named Quirrell. Harry, Ron and Hermione save the day and are celebrated. The book ends with Harry leaving the new world he calls home and his friends he calls family to go back to his nightmare. Until next year….
The first Harry Potter is a masterpiece of a book. It tells the tail of your everyday kid who just doesn't fit in. Everyone at one point in their life has felt like this and you just want to live a new life with new people, and this is the very chance that Harry gets. The book soon becomes more complex than just a dream come true. We soon find that Harry, while having many fans, also has many enemies. This same trend continues through the series. Harry will have one constant and that is his friends that have his back till the end. Ron and Hermione are the friends that everyone dreams of having. They are compassionate and relatable. They are not perfect and that is the very thing that makes them so awesome. The three of them together are the perfect team to fight any enemy and obstacle in their way. The first book sets Harry up for the scary future that looks upon him. Many characters that are introduced in the book like Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, the Weasleys and many more will help Harry with his journey through the series and will be with him every step of the way.  Hagrid is almost a fatherly figure to Harry. In the book Hagrid is portrayed as the man that opens this whole new world for Harry. He is the person that introduced and welcomed Harry to his new world and this stays with Harry through the whole series. Hagrid, like Harry, is an outcast and we soon come to find that he has not had an easy life much like each character in the book. Draco Malfoy is Harry’s sworn enemy from the beginning of the book. He is your token rich snob who gets what he wants. Snape is another antagonist that we see through the book. He is very cold and mean towards Harry and until later books we are not sure why. When readers found out that the bad guy was not in fact Snape at the end of the book, people were shocked. It had all of the tell tale signs that it was Snape. That is what makes Harry Potter such a good book. The unpredictability is what makes you not want to put it down. It is action packed and never a dull moment. If you blink for a second, you will miss some important information that the trio finds. Harry Potter is not a book of only action and happiness. The book digs deep into the loneliness of Harry and how he seeks to be part of a loving family. Harry never knew his parents nor what it was like to have one. Harry strives for a place of love and a place to fit in and this place is Hogwarts. During the book and the series, Hogwarts is where Harry goes to school. It is quite literally a castle and has beautiful scenery around it. For the next 7 years it will be Harry's home. In Hogwarts there are 4 houses that split the students up. The first is Gryffindor. This is Harry, Ron and Hermione’s house. Gryffindorr is for the courageous. The next house is Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw is for the smart and honest. The third house is Hufflpuff. This house is for the kind hearted. The last house is Slytherin. Slytherin is for the cunning and dark. It houses most bullies in the school including Malfoy. Harry with his new House and friends finally feels like he has a place to call home. He finally is part of something bigger than him and this feels many of the empty feelings he once lived with. Overall I would rate Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets a 5 out of 5 book. 
Playlist Eleanor Rigby (Beatles) I chose this song because Harry lives a lonely life and hardly anyone cares for him before he comes to his new world.
I wanna dance with somebody  (Whitney Houston) Harry just wants “ someone to dance with”, in the form that he just wants a family to love him and feel accepted.
Landslide (Fleetwood Mac)  Landslide talks about change and growth in humans much like Harry experiences over his journey in the book.
Lose Yourself (Eminem) Lose yourself talks about how you can wait your whole life for one chance and you shouldn't waste it. Harry has waited his whole life to leave what he knows behind.
A Whole New World ( Aladdin ) Harry has been introduced to a whole new world much like aladdin lives
You've Got a Friend in Me (Randy Newman) Harry realizes that he can forever trust his friends at the end of the book and they will always have his back.
Lean on Me (Bill Withers) Harry always needed someone to lean on and never found a person before he met his new friends.
Happy ( Pharrell Williams ) When Harry finds out about a whole new world he can be a part of he is just so happy and excited much like the song.
Scooby Doo Theme Song Much like the scooby gang, Harry and his friends solve mysteries to unmask who the bad guy is in the book.
I've Got the Magic in M e (BoB) Harry quite literally has the magic in him and he was destined to be a wizard from birth
0 notes
kaghoeyama · 3 years
three of cups.
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featuring: eren jaeger, armin arlert, afab reader.
word count: 5.5k
summary: you, eren and armin have been best friends for ages. there’s always been an underlying tension between the three of you, until that tension finally snaps.
content warning: smut, college au, post-timeskip characters, alcohol consumption (characters are tipsy but not inebriated), threesome, mlm, mutual pining, voyeurism, thigh riding, fingering (f receiving), slight edging, use of good boy/good girl, masturbation, cumplay
a/n: uhh so i was horny and this happened. pls be kind this is like my first fanfic ever (also english is not my first language so if you spot any mistakes feel free to let me know).
update: so apparently tumblr took out a whole ass paragraph after the “keep reading” and then repeated two different paragraphs twice?? i’ve seen people trying to fix this by adding asterisks so i’m doing the same. sorry about that lol.
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So loud, you think.
You can almost feel the room vibrate with beat of the music, your steps naturally adapting to the rhythm as you make your way through a crowd of college students in various states of dishevelment. A smile comes to your lips. The whole place smells of alcohol and sweat and the floor is sticky, but you can’t bring yourself to be annoyed at the chaos; the year had been brutal for a lot of you and with finals finally behind you, no one was gonna miss the chance to loosen up and just have fun, yourself included. Which was exactly what brought you to make this little trip across the room, eyes fixed on your objective.
He’s leaning against the wall, his golden hair making it easier for you to spot him in the crowded room. His eyes are trained on his phone as he mindless scrolls down with his thumb, so you’re not too surprised when he doesn’t notice you straight away, even when you’re standing right in front of him.
You take a moment to take in his delicate features, his skin turned to porcelain by the bright light coming from his phone; the alcohol makes you bold enough to trail a hand up his arm and rest on his cheek, successfully shifting his attention to you. His face relaxes in a smile when he sees you, but his eyebrows are still raised in surprise at your sudden closeness; he opens his mouth to greet you but you’re quicker,  “Armin, would you please let me kiss you?”, your gaze keeping him pinned against the wall.
“I- what?” 
You relish in the way his breath catches in his throat, and you certainly don’t miss the flush that comes to his face or the way his eyes drop to your lips. 
“It’s for a dare… please?” your answer comes so innocent to his ears and he tries not to think at how pretty your plea sounded, even prettier than he’d fantasized so many times now.
 “I- I mean, yeah, sure” he stammers; you chuckle when close the distance between you, his pretty blue eyes still confused as you press your lips against his. 
The kiss comes out of the blue for him, yet you don’t miss the way his hands instinctively grip your waist as he pulls you closer to him. You hum into the kiss, your body suddenly so warm as he moves his lips against yours; he’s so pliant, all you had to do was ask and now he’s all over you, his grip keeping you flush against his body. Your fingers slip between his golden locks and when you lightly tug at them his hold grows tighter, his lips parting with a low moan. You swear you hear him whimper as you slip your tongue past his lips, taking control of the kiss as you explore his mouth, warm and wet and oh his hands are gripping your ass now, and you moan into the kiss as you feel his erection poking at your hip.
 “The dare said ‘kiss’ but if you two wanna get a room…” Sasha’s loud voice somehow reaches you from across the room and you pull back from the kiss, a string of spit connecting still connecting your mouths. He’s panting, mouth still parted, and you can’t help but stare at his pink lips, slightly puffed and still shiny from the kiss.
 Without thinking you brush a thumb against his lower lip, “so pretty” you murmur. 
Armin swallows around nothing, and when your eyes meet his pupils are all blown out, pleading, almost begging you to close the distance once again. Fuck he looks so flustered, heat pooling between your legs as you wonder how he’d look if you took his cock in your mouth, if you could make him so lost in pleasure that his smart little brain couldn’t form any coherent thoughts.
 You feel his arm around your shoulders before you see him, his usual scent of soap and lemon shampoo now mixed with a hint of smoke. You rest your head against his shoulder, your body craving physical contact after the kiss you’d shared with the blond. “Hi ’ren” you murmur against his shirt, dazed eyes looking up at him and then shifting to Armin. Your kiss was enough to make his brain fuzzy but now, with Eren’s arm wrapped around him and his body so close, he felt completely overwhelmed.
Eren pressed a kiss over your hair and pulled you and Armin even closer. “You shouldn’t keep all the fun to yourselves, don’t you know that sharing is caring?” he whispered, loud enough for both of you to hear through the music.
You can’t believe that cheesy line sent a shiver through your body. You figure it’s because of Eren.
“Maybe we should make use of that tequila bottle in our dorm room, what do you say Armin?” he adds, the blond choking out a soft affirmation. You doubt your sober self would have done that, but you were tipsy enough not to care when you took both their hands, interlacing your fingers with their own, a teasing smile gracing your lips. “Then what are we waiting for?”
 You feel strangely calm as you walk down the hallway. It’s definitely quieter than the party, and your attention is quickly drawn from one dorm room to another, where you catch glimpses of people smoking and drinking to the sound of at least ten different playlists.
Again, you smile. For the third year now you’re witnessing how your otherwise rigorous and law abiding campus turns into a huge frat party in the weekend after finals. You don’t know if it’s the warm weather or the fact most common spaces are surprisingly clean by monday that makes everyone look the other way, either way you’re thankful. You close your eyes for a moment as you walk, slightly overwhelmed by the music and the loud chatter and the drink you had at the party, your brain lost in a pleasant buzz.
 A light squeeze to your hand brings you back to earth. Your head turns to your left, eyes slowly opening to meet a pair of blue ones. 
“Are you okay?” Armin asks softly, the tiniest hint of concern slipping past his lips. You wait a beat before addressing his question, choosing to look at him instead. You note that his cheeks are almost as pink as his lips, and that his blue t-shirt makes his eyes sparkle; you ignore how your stomach flips when you realize he’d been holding your hand since you’d left the party. 
“I’m great,” you say as you shift closer to him “I’m in a good mood actually.”
 You catch Eren’s eyes leaving you as he turns his head forward and keeps walking in front of you. You let your gaze travel from his head – you loved that half bun he kept his hair in more than you should – to his broad shoulders, entranced by the way his black t-shirt stretches over his muscular back.
You must have missed the part where he stopped in front of the dorm room, because you end up bumping against that back. 
“You’re completely out of it” Eren teases with a grin. 
“No, I’m not” you retort, “as I said, I’m in a good mood.”
 The look he gives you is playful. “You call it good mood, I call it being drunk.”
 “I had literally just one drink, there’s no way anyone could get drunk from that.”
 “Depends on how strong the drink is.”
 “Will you shut up?”
 You’re still bickering as you enter the room, Armin rolling his eyes at the two of you with a fond smile. Once Eren shuts the door though, you all fall quiet.
 The only light came from the blue led Armin had put on his side of the room, casting a glow over your faces that was almost ethereal. There’s a weird tension, a nervous feeling gripping your stomach and making you tingle with anticipation. You’d been alone with them in that very room more times than you could count, cramming for tests, watching a movie or simply hanging out, but tonight something was different. You sit next to Armin on his bed, eyebrows knitting together as you quickly try to analyse that feeling.
 The three of you had been friends for ages, since you all attended the same elementary school and lived down the same street. You had bonded with Armin first, his quiet and intelligent personality matching well with yours. You remember fondly the warm afternoons in his backyard, grass tickling your skin as he showed you his new ocean life books and you rambled about ancient Egypt, Greek myths or whatever you were fixating on at the moment.
 Eren on the other hand – at first you couldn’t stand him. You only knew him as ‘Armin’s other friend’, but he was such a loud and hot headed kid, you’d always found his attitude too off-putting to even start a conversation, and you were pretty sure he didn’t like you either. After some pushing from Armin though, you’d actually tried to get to know each other; much to your surprise, you found out you had a lot of interests in common. Eventually, you’d even come to admire how passionate he got about the things he cared about, how strong his ideals were, and with time his impulsivity left room to a much more calculated approach.
 After all these years, the three of you were still as thick as thieves; you’d become so comfortable around each other that people always assumed you were either dating one of them. You’d always brush it off with a laugh, but now you wonder if it’s normal for friends to behave like that around each other. It was the little things at first; lingering touches, wondering eyes, teasing comments. Then Eren’s hands all over you every time you wore a pretty dress, or Armin’s obvious erection that time you and Eren were messing around at the pool; even your friends had noticed how close you were – and never missed a chance to tease you about it.
This is stupid, you conclude. They’re your oldest and closest friends, you won’t allow your attraction to them – at least you’re admitting it’s there – to make things weird.
 You move to get the tequila you know they keep hidden in the closet; maybe that will shake the awkwardness away. You take a long sip before handing the bottle to the blond, alcohol still burning in your throat as you lay on your back, head resting on his lap.
 You feel him still beneath you; when you look at him, his flustered expression is clear despite the dim lit room – before you can catch yourself, you wonder if he’s still hard from before.
 Eren looks at the both of you on Armin’s bed. You’ve closed your eyes and your head is lightly nodding along with some music coming from the hallway, the beat muffled by the closed door. He watches Armin, a fond smile dancing on his lips as he can almost hear the mental pep talk the blond gives himself before raising a hand to play with your hair. You hum at that, eyes slowly opening as you turn your head towards him.
 “Eren, come closer” you say, stretching out an arm as if to reach him.
 “And why would I do that” he answers with a playful smile on his lips.
 You raise your eyebrow, smiling back to him. “If you insist on staying over there, I guess Armin and I are really gonna keep all the fun to ourselves, isn’t that right Armin.” You say lightly, rising from his lap to lay against his side, your body wrapping around his arm; his hand ends up between your closed thighs and somehow you manage not purr in his ear as you rest your head on his shoulder, both of you now facing Eren. 
When Armin speaks, you don’t miss how his playful tone hides a hint of malice, eyes fixed on the brunette, “oh I’m sure he wouldn’t mind just watching if we were actually having fun.”
Eren laughs at that, his voice dropping lower. 
“True” he admits calmly, as if the thought hadn’t brought him to several orgasms through the years, “but right now I think I’d rather join.” 
And he does, sitting close to your other side.
You wish that type of exchange wasn’t as common as it was between the three of you. You also wish it didn’t send a wave of arousal trough your body every single time.
You watch him as he leans toward you to grab the bottle from Armin’s hand, taking a sip of the amber liquor. Your eyes follow a drop of alcohol at the corner of his mouth, unconsciously tightening your hold on the blond as Eren’s tongue comes out to bring the drop past his lips.
In that moment, Armin decides he’s had enough. He’s way too turned on to let all this teasing slide; if the three of you really are as attracted to each other as he thinks, this was the time he was gonna do something about it. So when he speaks, he does with a purpose.
 “Is it weird that I’ve kissed both my best friends?” his question sounds so innocent, he even lets out a calculated chuckle to feign embarrassment.
Eren tilts his head toward him, throwing him a curious glance “You still remember that? Must have been one hell of a kiss huh” he smirks. 
Armin knows he’s teasing, and that he clearly remembers too, but he can’t help the pink blush that colours his cheeks as his thoughts rush back to that night.
 It happened first semester of junior year, after Sasha’s ‘small’ housewarming party had quickly turned into a full blown party. As the music got louder and more and more people filled the tiny flat, Jean, all tipsy and bright eyed, had gathered all of you in Sasha’s room to play spin the bottle – most of you had booed him, but you’d followed him anyway.
 After watching you awkwardly peck Connie on the lips and Mikasa blush violently as Sasha took her face between her hands and gave her a loud smooch, it was his turn to play. He gave the bottle a spin and almost choked on his spit when it landed on Eren. He remembers everyone cheering as he tried to stop his face from flushing red, looking everywhere but at Eren; that’s how his eyes landed on you, quiet where your friends were loud, your eyes focused on him in a way that was almost daring.
He followed your gaze as it moved towards Eren, finally making eye contact with the boy. His attempts look composed failed miserably when Eren, a lazy smirk spreading on his lips, beckoned him with his hand to move closer.
 “I- uh we don’t have to…” he choked out.
 Eren’s smirk grew wider, “It’s just a game Armin, what are you scared of?”
 Armin couldn’t tell if his tone was soft or mocking, either way he felt as he had something to prove now.
He stood on his knees and crawled on the floor as Eren mirrored him, ignoring the way his stomach flipped as they met in the middle of the circle, so close he could feel his breath over his lips.
“What’s taking so long?” Jean said from somewhere behind him, “it’s not like you haven’t done this before” he teased.
Armin wanted to turn back and state that no, they had not actually done that before – he’d probably sound way more disappointed than he should – but before he could even open his mouth he felt a hand on his cheek; his eyes flickered back to Eren’s green ones, only to find them trained on his lips as the brunette sealed the gap between them.
Eren’s lips felt so impossibly soft again his, he tasted like vodka and something sweet he couldn’t recognise and Armin couldn’t really thing about anything as he lost himself in the kiss. The hand on his cheek moved through his hair and Eren pulled slightly, just enough to make Armin gasp against his lips, taking the chance to slide his tongue against his lower lip and into his mouth. Armin broke the kiss at that, a whimper leaving his lips because he wanted, needed more, but the feelings building up inside him – and the arousal making his pants tighter – were sending him in a slight panic.
He barely registered his friends’ loud noises as he sat back on his spot, but he didn’t miss the way Eren winked at him and licked his lips, green eyes boring into his blue ones. Armin struggled to act like his normal self rather than some teenager who had just kissed his long time crush. He desperately tried to focus on something, anything but Eren and his stupid lips and stupid grin and stupidly pretty eyes right in front of him, and that’s how his eyes found you again.
 You had watched the whole scene with an interest you hoped went unnoticed by your friends. You sure hoped Mikasa, sat right next to you, had missed the way your breath hitched in your throat as you watched the blond gasp under Eren’s grip, heat coursing through your body and pooling between your legs. When Armin’s blue eyes found you, flustered, with half lidded eyes and teeth sunk in your bottom lip, you’d lowered your head in shame.
 Eren rests his head again the wall and closes his eyes, as to enhance the memory.
It had been over a year ago, yet he remembered Armin’s sweet lips against his, the small noises he unconsciously let out going straight to his groin.
 He remembered your face, eyes glossy with desire as you watched them part, flustered almost as much as Armin, as if you’d been the one kissing him instead, and oh had he wanted to kiss you. Had it been just the three of you in that room, he would have grabbed your face and bruised those pretty lips, forcing Armin’s sweet taste in your mouth.
 He’d long given up the guilt that came with fantasising about his closest friends, any uncomfortable feeling quickly replaced by pleasure every time he wrapped his hand around his cock. At first it was just one of you under him, on top of him; soon enough he’d started picturing both of you on your knees, eyes bright and pleading, pink tongue hanging out of your mouths as you wait for him to paint your pretty faces with his cum.
“So who’s the best kisser?” you ask, your warm breath against Armin’s ear making him shiver.
 “I can’t- You both… I’m not gonna answer that.” Armin manages to sound flustered when he answers.
 Eren looks at him. “I would” he states nonchalantly, “but I don’t have all the materials to make my choice.” His tone drops to a low murmur, green eyes slowly shifting to you.
 Armin tries to hold back a smile, both of you reacting exactly as he anticipated.
 Your heart is hammering in your chest, it’s beat so loud you’re sure both of the boys can hear it; when you speak, you desperately try to keep your voice steady.
“Then god forbid you make an uniformed decision.”
 Eren is straight up grinning at this point; he grabs your wrists and tugs you closer, pulling you on his lap. You balance yourself on his shoulders as his hands graze your bare thighs up and down, your skirt bunching up to your hips and barely covering your panties.
 When your eyes meet, you’re shocked at how softly he’s looking at you. “I’ve been waiting a while for this” he murmurs, his voice almost a whisper, and you swear you can feel him stroking your cheek before burying his hands your hair and drawing you closer. He’s so warm all pressed up against you, so sweet when his lips ghost against yours before finally kissing you.
You’re slow to respond at first, too lost in how right it feels to have him so close and all over you, but you’re quick to part your lips for him, his tongue sliding against yours; he tastes of alcohol and you get drunk on it, a small moan leaving your throat and getting lost in the kiss. You whimper as you feel him groping your ass and push you even closer. He’s kissing you like a man starved, devouring you, the intensity making you feel light headed. You break apart from the kiss with a sigh, head falling on his shoulder, barely registering what you’re doing as you lightly grind against his hardening cock.
Eren groans as he tugs your hair so that you can look at him, his dark pupils swallowing up almost any trace of green. 
“So needy… how many times have you thought about this?” he asks, a teasing smile on his lips as his fingers play with the hem of your skirt. 
You look away from him, cheeks heating up; you don’t want to admit how many times you’ve cummed on your fingers with their names on your lips, but you don’t think you have a choice.
 His head dips lower to press an open mouth kiss to the column of your throat, “Answer baby, there’s no need to be shy; we’re all friends here.”
 You suck in your breath, voice embarrassingly shaky “so- so many times, w- with both of you” you confess.
 Armin groans at your words, a curse slipping past his lips. “We- we could have done this so long ago” he mumbles, eyes fixed on you as he palms himself through his jeans. You feel so hot under his gaze, so wanted, you never want his eyes to leave your body.
Eren steals your attention by sucking a purple mark at the base of your neck; you bite back a moan as he licks at the bruise, heat pooling in your panties. he clicks his tongue in disapproval.
 “This won’t do” he says softly against the shell of your ear “how can Armin hear all your pretty noises if you hold them back?”
 Before you can choke out an apology, his lips go back on your neck, finding that sweet spot below your ear that makes you whimper. You’re trembling as he sucks another bruise on your skin and this time you don’t hold back, soft moans leaving your lips as your hands grips his hair, tugging it loose and fawning all over his shoulders.
 Eren pulls back, admiring his work as you try to steady your breath. 
“Good girl” he murmurs, “let us hear you.”
 You shudder at his words. You don’t think you’ve ever been so turned on in your life, and he’s barely put his mouth on you. You can feel wet slick gathering in your panties and you shift to straddle one of his thighs, grinding hard to relieve the tension as your head falls back, a loud moan leaving your lips.
Two strings of low curses reach your ears, and you barely register Armin slipping a hand under his pants as Eren pulls you down on him again, the knee you have trapped between his legs pressing against his hard cock.
 “Fuck, baby you wanna cum like that? Riding my thigh?” he pants, slightly bouncing his leg up to meet your movements, successfully drawing another moan out of your lips.
He brings a hand your face, almost reverent as his thumb grazes your lower lip, just like you’d done with Armin barely an hour ago. Your tongue darts out and licks the tip of his thumb before wrapping your lips around it, sucking slightly as you nod, eager.
Eren parts his lips, eyes glued to your mouth. He can’t believe he finally has you – both of you – as he wants you, as he’s pictured so many times; he wonders if he’ll come undone in his pants like a teenager, as you add pressure on his throbbing cock with each grind of your hips. He slips his finger from your warm lips, rushing his hands under your skirt to take off your panties.
 When you finally readjust yourself on his thick thigh, you almost sob at the feeling of your bare, sensitive cunt against the rough material of his pants. Before you can resume your movements, he lifts up the piece of fabric, dangling it in front of your face.
 “Look at this” he murmurs, “completely soaked” his voice trailing off as an idea suddenly forms in his mind. 
He turns to Armin, and fuck, he feels his cock twitch at the sight. The blond is laying against the headboard, legs spread apart; he has a hand wrapped tight at the base of his hard, leaking cock, his pretty face all scrunched up in pleasure. 
Armin’s cheeks heat up when he notices Eren’s eyes on him, but it doesn’t stop him from slowly stroking his cock, trying to delay his orgasm as much as possible.
“’Min, you think you could use these?” Eren asks, dark eyes dropping between the blond’s legs. Armin’s eyes widen at the request, his brain shutting down for a moment as he looks at the drenched panties in his hand. 
“What? I- I-…” he looks at you, dazed, half lidded eyes boring into his blue ones as you rub slowly on eren’s thigh. “Y- yes please” he chokes out, shame reddening the tip of his ears.
 “So polite… what a good boy” Eren purrs, his deep voice making Armin twitch in his own hand. 
He takes the panties, the beads of your arousal thick on the side your cunt was, and he wraps the fabric around his cock. You watch with wide eyes, struggling to believe that sweet innocent Armin would ever give you such a lewd sight; you’re itching to lean over and kiss, lick, bite every inch of his body, but Eren’s grip on your waist keeps you in place.
Armin moans loudly as your slick smears all over his shaft. He keeps rubbing at himself with your panties trapped between his hand and his cock and how the fuck is this already topping every sexual experience I’ve ever had he manages to think. His eyes trail up and down your body, Eren’s body, and he doesn’t even notice how much his strokes speed up, hips bucking desperately into his own hand.
“Slow down baby or you’ll miss all the fun” Eren’s voice is as soft as the hand he puts on his leg to appease him. “If you behave, y/n will let you cum on her, right?” he says, sneaking a hand between your legs and sliding two fingers between your dripping folds.
 “Ah- ye- yes Armin, wherever you want” you squeak, arching your back as Eren slips his fingers inside you. You feel inebriated as he slowly starts pumping, his fingertips massaging your walls, so slowly you want to cry. You wail when his fingers curl over your sweet spot, a hand gripping your waist to stop you from fucking yourself against his hand.
“Please ‘Ren, oh god, please, faster” you sob, high pitched moans slipping past your lips before you even realise it.
Instead of listening to you, Eren pulls his fingers out and slides them up to your clit, collecting your slick; you whimper when he retracts his hand from your cunt, pressing down on his thigh once again to get more friction. When your clit brushes against a wrinkle in his pants your eyes roll inside your head, orgasm so close you can taste it, but apparently Eren has other plans.
 “Not yet baby, hold it for a bit longer, will you?” he purrs close to your ear, his mouth peppering wet kisses on your neck.
“Please a-ah Eren I c-can’t-” your words come out as broken sobs but you’ve long stopped caring, your brain filled with nothing but pleasure.
When Eren looks at your face you look absolutely wrecked, sweat shining on your forehead and cheeks red from the strain, chest heaving as quick pants come out of your parted lips. “
Armin, come here.” He says, hungry eyes still locked on yours. The blond obeys and shuffles closer to the two of you, your panties forgotten on the bed.
“You’ve been so good I think you deserve a reward” he says, as he pushes the glistening fingers he’d just pulled out of your cunt straight into Armin’s pretty mouth. 
The blond moans at your taste, both hands coming to grab Eren’s wrist and push his fingers further in his mouth, choking slightly when they hit the back of his throat. Eren watches him in a trance, mesmerised by his blown eyes and the drop of spit that dribbles from the corner of his mouth. He wants to fucking ruin him. But not yet.
He takes his hand from the blond’s grasp – the whimper that leaves his mouth almost makes him cum on the spot. Eren lifts you from his lap, ignoring your pout as he places you right beside Armin.
 “Sit still for me” he says as he slowly palms his cock before unbuttoning his pants and sliding them down with his boxers. You hear Armin suck in his breath as Eren’s hard cock slaps against his stomach, your own eyes widening at the sight; in length he almost matches the blonde, but the girth is just… fuck. Even dwarfed by his huge hand it’s almost intimidating, a thick vein reaching his pink leaking tip.
Eren takes his time as he pumps himself, eyes fixed on both of you; he drinks in your pretty, desperate faces, hands clutching the bedsheets as you try not to squirm under his gaze.
“Where do you wanna cum ’Min?” Eren’s question snaps him off a stupor, eyes leaving his groin to settle on your face.
You’re surprised Armin can blush more than he already is as he stutters that he wants to cum on you tits. You smirk as you quickly take off your top and unhook your bra, lust clouding you senses as you lay on the bed, head towards Eren as you motion Armin to straddle your waist. His eyes flicker to Eren and you miss the brunette’s nod before Armin comes on top of you, knees straddling your thighs.
Armin can’t believe just how fucking pretty you look under him, naked except for that cute pleated skirt you’re somehow still wearing. His hand trails up your stomach to squeeze your tits, fingers playing with your nipples as he pumps himself faster.
You feel Eren’s hand cradle your face, “touch yourself” he says, and you do just that.
With your skirt bunched up at your waist and your fingers quickly circling your clit, Armin doesn’t stand a chance; he leans forward, a hand planted on the bed as he cums on your tits with loud moan and your name on his lips, warm liquid painting your heaving chest. 
You watch the blond leaning back against the headboard, desperately trying to catch his breath; you lock eyes with him, toungue wetting your lips as you bring a hand up to play with the mess he made on you, getting high on the look of pure defeat on his face as you take your cum coated fingers back to your clit.
 “Oh fuck” Eren can’t believe how wrecked his own voice sounds “who would have thought you two would be such dirty sluts” he pants, his hand sliding faster and faster against his cock.
 You moan at his words “’Ren p-please can- can I-”
 “Cum.” He orders, and you obey right away.
The sounds that leave your lips are nothing short of pornographic, your body shaking and twitching in pleasure, mouth agape and head thrown back as white lights explode behind your eyelids, any coherent thought wiped out of your brain. Eren chokes out a curse at the sight, soft, high pitched groans echoing in the room until he finally cums with a broken moan, the liquid coating his hand and making a mess on his clothes.
It takes a while before any of you even attempts to move; silence falls in the room once again, except for your labored pants mixed with the music still playing in the hallway.
 Eren is the first to get up and head for the bathroom. By the time you’ve all taken a shower and settled back on Armin’s bed, no one has still said a word. You feel anxiety settle low in your stomach, its grip speeding up your heartbeats.
Did you ruin everything? Is this the end of your friendship? 
 “So who’s the best kisser?”
 Armin’s voice comes out tired and rough, but it puts a halt to the doubts swirling in your mind.
 The breathy chuckle leaving Eren’s mouth sends a wave of relief through your body; “I’m sorry ’Min but y/n is definitely winning this one.” You smile as you feel his hand ghosting over your spine.
 “Yeah, figured.”
The blond curls up against you and you’re still smiling. 
The bed is way too small for the three of you and the night breeze coming from the window does little to cool you down, but you’ve never been better, a warm feeling spreading from where your bodies connect with each other.
 As slumber takes you, you hope they’re still gonna be there when you wake up.
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oh-holy-slut · 3 years
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Pairing: Damon Salvatore x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, explicit language, blood sharing, mentions of death, oral sex
Word Count: 2,6k
Summary: Stefan forced Damon to try his animal diet. Damon hated it, but didn't had a choice... until Reader makes a suggestion. Suddenly things get steamy.
Being with Damon was complicated. Him and Y/N have seen each other a lot in the past weeks. The two of them had a lot of fun; saw a lot of movies. Actually, Y/N was sure Damon secretly hated many of those. However, anytime Y/N suggested another dramatic, romantic cliché movie like "Last Song" - the vampire groaned, put his arm around her shoulder, let her head rest on his chest and endured every single second of the movie of her choice.
Damon even flirted and teased Y/N here and there, but didn't lead to anything more intimate so far.
Today was another of those days. Y/N stuck around at the Salvatore boarding house, brought a few of Damon's favorite groceries and a bunch of movies, of which she thought that they will suit his taste. Even if they were a little to bloody and brutal in her opinion.
"Pick one!", she demanded, holding all three Blu-ray sleeves in front of him. Damon just shrugged, not bothering to even look.
"Don't be a killjoy, Damon Salvatore!" Y/N sighed.
"Tell me what's wrong or pick a movie. You've got no choice. And besides that... Which number of drink is this?" Y/N frowned, pointing at the liquor in her friends hand. Damon usually consumed his beloved bourbon with pleasure.
But the man on the couch didn't seem pleasured at all. His facial features totally hardened and a look in his eyes like he was ready to rip someone's heart out.
You put the disc's back in your handbag, closing the zipper and put the bag on the floor.
"Fine. No movie night today. Who are we going to kill?"
A small smirk appeared on Damon's lips, finally looking towards Y/N.
"Stefan and his hero hair. He made me go vegetarian... well, for a vampire... and I can't get myself to eat one of those chipmunks, bunnies or bambis." He shook himself with disgust.
"And why did he count you in? You clearly aren't excited about the changing... So, why did you agree?"
"He said, he would kill me, which is kinda funny. But-" Damon made a wide gesture "he stole my daylight ring. And he wouldn't give it back until I stop feeding on innocent people - and kill them."
"So, you truly let your younger brother blackmail you like that?! Wow... I don't know how to feel about your dieting or your new path. Or whatever this is supposed to be."
"You don't like me killing people either", Damon maintained, while taking another sip of bourbon.
"Well, I don't", Y/N agreed, took a step forward, stole the glass from the vampires hand and put it on a small table nearby. "But I don't believe in forcing as a method to get people to change their minds. I believe that change for the better must be an intrinsic motivation," she added quickly, giving the vampire an innocent smile.
Damon's lineaments suddenly turned from annoyed to curious. "Any suggestions, little one?" The vampire raised an eyebrow and a little smirk showed up on his lips. On the one hand, Y/N blushed over the nickname, Damon called her.  On the other hand she felt skittish looking forward to making a deal with him. Not only a deal. It's far more than a simple agreement.
It's Y/N, actually giving Damon a part of her. The red elixir of life. She was about to give him total control of her body and she not even for a heartbeat doubt that Damon will use it against her.
"Actually... Yeah. There's something on my mind." Y/N said chewing on your lip. "I could open up a vein for you. I mean, you could feed on me. And since you have my permission, there's nothing for anybody to have objection about."
Damon frowned and gave her an incredulous look. "You would do that for me?" The vampire couldn't believe, he understood correctly. Why would Y/N want to get involved with him feeding on her? What's in it for her? Damon tried hard to connect the dots, but he wasn't able to. It all seemed to make no sense. Y/N wouldn't have an advantage of that. The vampire hesitated, pinning his dangerously blue eyes on the girl in front of him.
"Is it so suspicious of me, that I'm trying to help my closest friend?" It pierced Y/N's heart, realizing, Damon's trust in her was rather fragile. "Never mind", she waved the pain away and forced herself to keep her composure. "I only had a hasty idea; you really don't need to fee-"
Suddenly Damon appeared behind Y/N, using his vampirism. "Shhhh", he whispered softly. "I never said, that I don't want your blood. I'm thinking about if we are going to cross a line? Blood sharing can be very personal..."
"It can be? It is personal already. Believe it or not - I'm not gonna offer my veins to all the vampires of Mystic Falls." Y/N rolled her eyes, her arms folded on her chest to point out the indignation she felt right now.
"Kinda sensitive today, huh?" Damon gently stroke a strand of hair behind her ear, Y/N could hear this smug smirk through his words. It was a true 'Damon thing' to do. "I didn't mean it like that, princess." He sighed; unsure if he should agree or not. Damon didn't want to act selfish towards Y/N. He compelled a lot of girls for the purpose of drinking blood in the past. He literally used them as long as they weren't too annoying - and then he acted like they have never met. Damon Salvatore couldn't imagine this scenario with Y/N. They've been so close, the vampire couldn't stand loosing her. The offer was risky, but it also could bring each other even closer.
Damon tried hard to avoid any serious attraction between Y/N and him, afraid of messing up. Indeed, he found himself thinking, and even dreaming, about Y/N more than he wanted to admit. She was smart and had this special sense of humor, the vampire adored so much. She was the only one, who could make him feel good no matter what. Needless to say she had that glimmer in her eyes, when she did something she truly loved. In these moments she was even more pretty. Y/N was hard to resist.
And maybe now he could have her like nobody else. At least the vampire gave in. He wanted her blood. He wanted her.
Y/N flinched by the feeling of Damon brushing her neck with his lips.  "Oh, Damon", she gasped. "Bite me." Y/N almost begged for the vampire's teeth breaking through her skin. Damon loved the sound of her husky voice. In less than a heartbeat he turned into his vampire shape. "If you insist", he grinned devilishly, ready to place his teeth on to her skin.
Suddenly Y/N made a slight move forward with the intention to interrupt her friend. "Did you change your mind?" Damon was close to switching back to human, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Mostly a lack of understanding, but also a little of disappointment and even anger. Was Y/N playing games on him? While Damon Salvatore was sorting feelings, Y/N turned around, standing now in front of him.
She was so close, not even a piece of paper would fit between them.
Y/N slightly exhaled breath, her eyes darting between the vampires eyes and lips. It was the first time Y/N saw him like this. The icy blue of his eyes, she loved so much, has turned darker. Purple veins appeared under his eyes; Y/N couldn't help herself. Damon's appearance fully intoxicated every fibre of her being. Her fingertips found their way gently brushing over his dark purple veins. She felt heat and softness, while tracing one of them.  It took her a few seconds to get out of trance, realizing what she had done. "Sorry", she murmured with a voice barely audible. "Don't apologize, little one." Damon tilted his head, his lips curled up in a self-assured grin, exposing a perfectly white vampire fang. "I never saw you like this before, you loo-"
"... look like a monster?"
Y/N shook her head. It was nothing like that. Yes, he did look unfamiliar. And she should be scared under normal conditions. Instead, his look hit her in an unexpected way. He looked hotter as a vampire, if it was even possible. 
Y/N cleared her throat, looking up at Damon. "I feel... attracted to you."
"So nothing's changed", Damon teased, raising his eyebrows. The girl in front of him softly slapped him on his shoulder; which was only possible because the vampire permitted. "You are always so full of yourself." She smirked, feeling more confident being to something, they have had been so many times before. Granted, he was terrifying accurate, but she wouldn't serve her feelings on a silver platter.
"I'm still into it. You can bite me; feed on me. I only needed to see you before..." 
A shockwave of electricity flowed through her body the second Damon took her hand and pulled her close.
"I'll be careful", he promised, nuzzling his head into the nap of her neck. Damon once again placed his lips on her soft skin. 
Suddenly a harsh pain made Y/N feel like in a kind of haze. She flinched and let out a groan at the same time, unintentionally biting her lower lip. 
During Damon embedded his fang deeper and deeper, she started feeling dizzy. Her hands searched for the vampires upper body, finally wrapped around his neck. She needed him to lean on. A narrow trickle of blood flowed down her neck. Let Damon feed on her felt like flames licking up every fiber of her body. 
With every passing second Y/N could feel her control slip away. Her body was now firmly pressed against Damon's, like she would want to merge them into one.
Damon noticed her staggering, wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her.
Bloodlust already messed up the vampires mind, so he continued feeding on Y/N.
A tempting moan escaped her lips, but she didn't care to cover up. Y/N's heart was racing, her eyes flattering. It was almost as if he was about to push her over the edge, but in a different way. "Mmm, this...this… feels soo weird... and so good...", she whispered under a shallow breath.
As soon as Damon heard her fading voice, he abruptly
quitted drinking from her.
"Fuck!" He rapidly laid her on his lap and checked Y/N's vital signs, to make sure she was okay. Instinctively he bit his wrist, pressed it against Y/N's mouth. He knew his blood would heal her, but it wasn't going fast enough. A few seconds passed through, to him they felt like centuries. Y/N finally blinked and Damon was relieved. He cupped her cheeks, his gaze never leaving hers. "I thought, I'd gone-" Damon cleaned his throat. "I'm so glad, you are doing well", he whispered, while trailing her lips with his fingertips. "So, fuckin' glad..." The vampire exhaled a deep breath. 
"It... You made me feel good. Strange, but good", Y/N appeased and flushed over the memory. "Maybe you got a little carried away, but I don't mind. I wouldn't trade the feeling for anything."
Y/N quickly interrupted herself, before she could reveal too much.
However, Damon used his vampire skills, noticing that Y/N was hiding something from him. "Isn't there anything else you want me to know?", Damon asked without taking his eyes off her. Y/N shifted and flushed even more. "It's unfair. You use your vampirism to get everything out of me."
"Well, if that were the case, I could easily compel you." Damon shrugged and found back to his smugly self. "Tell me, what you are hiding". He said in a seductive voice.
"I wanted to get lost in you."
Her confession sent shivers all over the vampires body. At first he could not decide, how to handle this. "Are you sure that's what you want? I could really hurt you..." Y/N hummed.
In the next split second, Damon pinned Y/N against a wall, smashing his lips on hers, kissing her with all the passion he had to give. The vampire devoured Y/N with a new kind of hunger. He didn't know he could crave someone so much.
"Fuck me, Damon..."
The vampire felt him getting hard, only by hearing those little three words out of her mouth.
"Say it louder. Tell me, what you want me to do."
Y/N pulled him closer, gently biting his earlobe.
"Fuck... me, Damon." It took her a second to focus and forming the words again. After she was near to climax earlier, it wasn't a long way getting to the edge once more. "Make me cum... You almost had me there..."
A deep moan got over the vampires lips, once he understood, what Y/N was trying to tell him.
With the next blink Y/N found herself in Damon's bedroom, lying on his bed.
From now on there weren't many words needed. Damon's hand's found their way under her shirt, cupping her breasts and make her moan over and over again.
He closely listened to the rhythm of her heart, making sure he would be able to delay her climax to the point he needed her to.
"Don't cum yet... I want to taste your little pussy first."
Y/N grabbed the vampires head, running her fingers through his dark hair - pushing him down, since she was unable to form a single word.
As Damon got down, he didn't take his eyes off Y/N.
He used a hand pushing up her skirt and lightly stroking over her panties with his fingertips.
"My girl is so wet", he praised in a low husky voice."-and I barely touched you."
His dirty words in combination with his touch lead to another moan, almost turned into a scream.
Damon pushed the fabric aside, leaving sloppy kisses on the inside of her thighs.
Y/N's eyes fluttered, when his soft lips reached her middle.
Damon's tongue licking around her entrance was driving her nuts.
"...so delicious..." were the only words she was able to catch up. Damon knew, he couldn't thrill her forever, so he got back to her. He spit on his palms, stroking his hand over his crotch. In under a second Y/N finally felt this releasing pressure of his cock. It was like a switch went off in her brain and she braced herself for the hard thrusts that would follow.
Damon dimmed the whining noises Y/N made with a passionate, hungry kiss.
He cheated with his vampirism to give it to her deeper and faster, knocking out all the air of her lungs while Y/N screamed out Damon's name. Her walls clenched around him and made him twitch. It was like her pussy massaged his dick the best way possible.
Every time he hit her harder and rougher he was making sure he hit her spot with every thrust.
Damon gathered speed one last time and pushed her over the edge until she was a moaning whimpering mess.
With her last contraction around his shaft, Damon was cumming inside her.
"You are so tight, little one", he whispered under his breath. "We should make arrangements more often."
Please like or/and reblog if you enjoyed reading or/and want me to write more stories about Damon.
Thanks guys ❤️
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cazimagines · 3 years
Perfectly exasperating
Synopsis: You really disliked Zemo, but one person you disliked more? John Walker. After bonding over how you disliked him with Zemo, you have the unfortunate situation of running into John. He flirts, insults, and hurts you and Zemo is ready to put him in his place.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings/Tags: Use of swear words, John Walker being a dick, soft Zemo, protective Zemo
Author’s note: I was not intending this fic to come out as long as it did. This was one of the ones I had been putting off to write other stuff till I finally pulled myself around to writing it and ended up getting really into it. Funny how that happens.
Part 3
Part 4
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“Would you care for a Turkish delight?”
You bite the inside of your mouth in annoyance, refusing to even look at him. Instead of forcing your eyes to focus on a spot in front of you, not moving them in the slightest. Zemo waited for a few moments before sighing and turning away from you.
“You’ll eventually have to talk to me, y/n” he exclaims as he walks over to the kitchen side of the room. You were sitting in the safe house Zemo had provided. There wasn’t much to do, just sit and wait till the funeral started. Zemo sought to communicate to you to keep you two occupied, but you didn’t want to talk with him, so you didn’t. You just sat on the settee, staring at the sofa opposite you while Zemo walked around looking through the cupboards for food.
You were pissed when Bucky revealed he broke Zemo out of prison.
The avengers had been your family. Whenever you needed them Steve would be there to offer you advice, Tony there to make you laugh. Nat there to beat up whoever required it. Everything was wonderful in your life. For once. And he had ruined it.
He caused the family you loved to split, hate each other, and that left you alone. So alone. Losing both Tony and Steve made you more mad at Zemo. He robbed the last years you could have spent with them, so yeah, no wonder you refused to talk to him.
He loved to annoy you, though. Any moment he got he was beside you, creating sarcastic remarks about what was happening, trying to joke around with you. Trying anything to communicate with you. The worst of it was when he insisted you had to be his date on the mission in Mandripoor. Feeling his arm wrap around you, a kiss to your temple, the smell of his cologne flooding you, drawing you in. It pissed you off knowing how easily you fit into the role of his date. Yet you knew deep down why. Every time he made a snide remark, you had to bite your tongue to stop making one back. Every time he tried to joke with you, it took all your effort not to snort. You hated him and everything he does, yet you could sense a fondness growing for him, just a slight one, in the deepest corner of your heart. Left there to be locked away. Never acknowledged.
“So, the new Captain America, huh? What’s he like?” you hear Zemo ask, leaning on the counter of the kitchen table, his eyes burning into the side of your head.
You feel bile rise to your mouth as he spoke.
John Walker.
John fucking Walker.
If you hated Zemo, you despised John Walker. Just thinking of him brought a scowl to your lips. Steve meant everything to you. He was a father figure to you. He stood for all you believed in. He was your hope, your light in the darkness. And John Walker seemed to tarnish it. You wouldn’t have minded him if he was a different mascot for America. If he became America’s new hope. It was the fact that they called him Captain America. That he had the shield. The title belonged only to Steve. He claimed he wasn’t trying to replace Steve, but that is what he was doing. Him being called Captain America felt like a spit on Steve’s memory. People would forget him, everything he did for the country he loved. They would only focus on John Walker, and you detested that.
You didn’t blame Sam for giving away the shield, unlike Bucky. You could understand why he did it. That shield held such a responsibility, such a legacy it seemed impossible to ever live up to. No, you blamed the people who took the shield away from the museum. Without Sam’s permission. They should have asked Sam. But of course they didn’t care. They didn’t care at all.
“I see by your reaction that your impression of him isn’t a pleasant one,” Zemo says, bringing you out of your thoughts and back to reality.
“Have you met him?” he asks
You try to hold back your opinion, but John Walker made you so frustrated, you knew if you didn’t rant about him you would burst.
“Yes. He’s a dick,” you spit out
Zemo quickly straightens up, surprised you actually answered one of his questions.
“Oh? Are you finally speaking to me.” he inquires, walking around the kitchen counter towards you.
“Don’t push your luck” you mutter, side eyeing him as he sits down opposite you. Sam and Bucky were out leaving you alone with Zemo. At the moment you were all waiting till the funeral. Zemo claimed there were a few hours to kill before everyone had to gather. Sam and Bucky decided to check out the town, make sure they knew it well in case a situation occurred where we had to dash. They had forced you to babysit Zemo.
“No, no, I like to hear you talk. Please, if talking about how this new Captain America is a dick is how I get you to speak to me, then let’s continue.” Zemo says, pouring out a glass of whisky for you and him. He holds the glass out to you, an eyebrow raised. You sigh, grabbing the glass out of his hand and drank, feeling the warmth creep up your throat. Zemo chuckles as he watches you, leaning back on the sofa, his arms resting on top of it.
“My, my. The man must be terrible if just the thought of him is making you talk and accept drinks from me,”
“He’s so infuriating! He thinks because he is Captain America he can stick his nose in other people’s business!”
“Ah, so he is one of those people. Doesn’t understand boundaries. How rude,”
“And get this, he got annoyed at us! Telling us we should stay out of his way when he is the one getting in our bloody way!”
“No” Zemo fake gasps
“Yes!” you exclaim, going into a rant, “I can’t even bear to call him Captain America. He doesn’t deserve to be called that. His actual name is John Walker. He claimed he wasn’t trying to replace Steve, but that is exactly what he is doing! And how he talks to me as well. He’s so condescending, treating me as if I am a kid while trying to compliment me and act like he’s all that in front of me,”
Zemo’s eyes narrow and he places the glass down on the table between you two, “You mean he flirts with you?”
“If you could call that pathetic excuse flirting. I suppose. It pisses me off though,”
“I can imagine. He sounds nothing like what Steve was. Nothing like his legacy,”
It was your turn to narrow your eyes, watching Zemo curiously. “I assumed you hated Steve”
“I never hated him. No. I can admire what he stood for, I just find unrealistic. All superheroes are flawed. Innocents will consistently be collateral damage while superheroes are allowed to exist.”
You stare at Zemo, amazed. Not realising the silence you were making. You had always thought he hated Steve. It always seemed that way. Yet he didn’t? Knowing he didn’t hate the guy you always viewed as a father figure mattered to you. And you don’t know why.
Zemo stared back at you. He was studying your eyes, trying to figure out what you were thinking. He didn’t realise what he thought about Steve would have affected you, but it appears he was wrong.
“Don’t worry y/n we’re back and guess what! We found your fav-” Sam shouts, opening the doors of the room and strutting in but he pauses, noticing you and Zemo staring at each other from the sofa’s. “What’s going on here?”
Zemo is the one to pull out of the eye contact trance, smirking as he looks over at Sam, “We were just discussing John Walker.”
Bucky who had followed Sam in grounded at hearing Zemo utter that name. “Perhaps you two would like a drink and join us in considering how much of a dick he is?” Zemo asks, raising his glass to them.
A few hours later you walked down the street following Zemo to find his associate. You didn’t appreciate how secretive he was being, but you understood it. He had many people who wanted to get him, and the second he wasn’t useful to us. He would be doomed.
“It’s too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit” you hear a whiny voice shout. Peering up, you notice John Walker and his sidekick ‘Battlestar’ or whatever jogging down the steps towards you.
“Ah! How did you find us now” Bucky shouts with his arms raised, striding towards them.
“Come on. You really think three Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention,” his friend responds.
“No more keeping us in the dark,” John mutters angrily
Zemo, who you were walking besides, turns his head to you, “I understand what you mean by infuriating”
You chuckle as John looks angrily between you two, “You can start by telling us why you broke him out of prison,”
“He did that himself technically” Bucky replies, and Zemo grins at you, as if bragging about it.
“Aw, this better be an unbelievable explanation-” John Walker exclaims, reaching up to you.
“Hey take it easy before it gets weird,” Sam suggests, interrupting John.
“I know where Karli is,” Zemo reveals to John Walker, his seductive accent sticking out from the rest of them. He tries to walk past John. You, Bucky and Sam follow, but John stops him, placing a hand on his chest.
Zemo glares ahead, disgusted at John for even daring to touch him.
“Well, where” he says, getting into Zemo’s face
“All we know is, it’s a memorial so we are going to intercept her there,” Sam adds, trying to defuse the tension.
Zemo grabs John Walker’s hand and pushes it off him, striding forward again, and you jog to catch up with him.
“See why I call him a dick now,” you whisper
Zemo smirks, looking back at you, “Yes. He’s perfectly exasperating”
“What? No. Wait. No! No! Stop. Hold on. Stop. Okay?” John exclaims running forward and stopping you all in your tracks again after something Sam had said. “I think we are way past reasoning with her”
Zemo just stares ahead, fed up with John while you groan in annoyance. Not being able to even bring yourself to look at the man in front of you.
They argue for a few moments while you and Zemo stand idly to the side, Zemo glances at you rolling his eyes making you giggle. You smack his arm slightly trying to get him to stop making you laugh, but that only makes Zemo chuckle along with you. Eventually they calm John down but he glares over at Zemo, “We will deal with you later.”
“I’m sure it will all come to an agreeable conclusion” Zemo says, gesturing with his hands. He walks ahead, searching for his associate while John Walker moves beside you. You try to pick up your pace, but he keeps up.
“So working with a criminal now. Not very avengery like. I thought Zemo hated Steve. I wonder what Steve would think of you working with him,” he mutters peering at you.
“Need I remind you-you are also working with him now,”
“Come on, darling, don’t be like that,” John responds grinning, placing his palm on your back.
“Get your hand off me” you growl scowling at him
“Most women would fawn over me” John cockily resorts, still not removing his hand
“She asked you to remove your hand” you hear Zemo state, glancing over you see he had stopped walking forward, turned around and was now glaring at John. “Do I need to remove it for you?” he says angrily.
John frowns at Zemo. Finally, taking his hand off you and striding up to Zemo. Zemo tilts his head, his jaw clenching in fury as he stares at John.
“You are nothing but a dirty criminal. Don’t think for a second you can talk to me like that,”
“I will when you are being rude and disrespectful towards a lady,”
John scoffs, peeking over to you, then back to Zemo. Everyone else was standing to the side, not sure if they should intervene or not.
“What did she suck you off or something?”
Chaos ensured.
Bucky and Sam had to leap forward to stop Zemo from launching onto John while Battlestar had to hold John back. “Too far man, too far” he muttered to John
Zemo was snarling at John, his teeth bared in rage. His hair had fallen loose from their usual position and was hanging down over his forehead, giving him a more wild look. The vein in his neck stood out, twitching. His eyes were raging with fire as he looked at John. He kept trying to push past Bucky and Sam to get to John, but eventually gave up knowing it was futile.
You were standing at the side, shocked that John would have the ego to say something like that and at Zemo’s rage towards John for saying it. John adjusts his head. Not looking you in the eyes, but looking in your direction. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t of said that”
Pulling your senses together, you walk up to John, glaring at him. “Yeah, you damn well shouldn’t have. You’re a dick. Nothing like Steve. You never will be,”
John wrinkles his nose in anger, frowning at your remark. You walk over to Zemo now that Bucky and Sam had let go of him. You give him a nod, showing your appreciation, and he nods back, though still glaring at John.
“Who I choose to associate myself with is none of your business. Who I choose to suck off is none of your business. Perhaps you can go fuck yourself and learn a bit of decency,” you spit at him.
A brilliant thought crosses your brain for another way to twist the dagger of your dislike into John. You reach out and grab onto Zemo’s hand, clasping it.
The action causes everyone to turn wide eyed to you. Including Zemo. He glances down at your hand in his then back to yours, surprise in his gaze but he immediately covers it up turning back to John smirking. He turns to behind himself, then back to the group.
“My associate is up ahead,”
You all turn to look forwards and see a little girl staring at you. Walking forward again, gripping his hand, Zemo nods to the girl as you all approach.
“Hello my friend,”
He holds out some money, a lot by the looking of it, and says to her, “This is for your family”
The girl hastily snatches it, obviously in need of it, and you can’t help but feel your heart warm a bit, seeing how kind Zemo was being to her.
“Can you show us the way?”
She beckons with her hands and walks forward. Zemo looks back at you, nodding to make sure you were okay, then follows her.
“What the hell” John murmurs from behind.
Following the girl, she leads you to a building. She turns, pointing inside a doorway, and runs inside not to be seen again.
“Karli’s in there,” Zemo tells the rest of the group. Sam replies and heads inside to talk to her while John suddenly grabs Zemo’s arm and yanks him against the machine on the wall.
Zemo moans as he is shoved into it, the hard outer piece hitting into his chest roughly.
“Hey. You’ve got ten minutes” John shouts to Sam as he takes out a pair of handcuffs and attaches them to Zemo.
“Really” Zemo mutters as John cuffs him to the machine.
“Then we are doing things my way,” John declares ignoring him
“Aggressive” Zemo jokes, though from his eyes you could still see the anger he harbors towards John.
He twists his head to watch John stride forward, staring at Sam, then back to him. “But I get it”
You wander over to stand by Zemo as you wait for Sam to talk to Karli.
“This day has brought a lot of changes. This morning you refused to say a single thing to me and now just moments ago you were holding my hand,” Zemo speaks quietly to you.
You shoot him a glare, “I did that to agitate John,”
“Sure, that was the only reason” but you knew from his eyes he didn’t believe you. They sparkled with amusement as he looked down at you.
“That cuff must bother you” you mention glancing over at them.
“I don’t mind. I quite enjoy cuffs, in the right setting of course,” he quips.
You turn on your side, looking at him, your lips curling into a smile. If we are going to play that game, you thought.
“Oh, what setting would that be?”
Zemo’s smile deepened, enjoying seeing you play along, “I’m sure you would like to know”
“Do you have to do this here!” John exclaims, glaring at the two of you. You quickly step back from Zemo, forgetting that you two had company. Your eyes snap to Bucky’s with worry, but he wasn’t looking at you. He glared at the ground, not seeming to care what was happening between you and Zemo.
After that Zemo tried to engage you in conversation again but you effectively ignored him, going back to how you were treating him earlier, which you knew was frustrating him.
John was looking down at the shield, then squeezed the bridge of his nose with his fingers, panting. Both you and Zemo glanced up, watching him cautiously. You glanced at Zemo and he stared back, confirming you were both thinking the same thing about Walker.
He got up and started shuffling towards the doorway. Both you and Bucky eyed at each other for the first time with the same recognition in your eyes. You leave Zemo’s side to walk over to where John was.
“No, no, no. This is a bad idea,” John mutters as he paces around. Zemo watches him like a hawk while you and Bucky stand side by side, arms crossed.
“It hasn’t been ten minutes, John. Sit tight,” Bucky replies.
“Don’t do that. Don’t patronize me,” he spits back, pacing around.
“He knows what he is doing,” you reply
There’s silence for just a moment. You watch as John turns towards you and walks fast, hitting his fist against the shield, “I’m going in”
Bucky walks forward and places his hand on John, stopping him from moving further.
He tries to antagonise Bucky, trying to make him guilty for what could happen to Sam. And you could tell his words were influencing him.
“You will not be going in till ten minutes are up,” you state sauntering over to them
“Oh, so the whore has something to say,” John spits out
In the back, Zemo growls, tugging on the cuffs that connected him to the wall. You feel the outrage prick up on you as John’s remark.
“Don’t call her that” Bucky says, glaring at John
“She’s been openly flirting with the terrorist over there, so yeah, I think it’s appropriate to call her that,” John bites back
You rush forward, attempting to punch John in rage, but he was able to sidestep you and brings the shield up, connecting it harshly to the side of your head. Pain soars across your face as you fall down onto the ground. You groan, your eyesight going dark around the sides and black patches covering parts of what you could see.
“BASTARD” you hear someone shout with a beautiful accent. From the floor, you can’t make out much of what is going on. Someone with a metal arm attacking another guy. A man with a shield being attacked by a man in a trench coat. It was all too confusing for you. You just wanted to sleep.
You could feel yourself fading in and out. Your eyes begging to close. You could hear shouting. Someone talking.
Your head was raised. Someone was holding it in their hands. Your vision is blurry but as they get nearer your eyes could focus on them. Beautiful brown eyes, messy brown hair, cute thin lips. It was him.
“Y/n!?” Zemo shouted at you, “Y/n stay with me”
“My head hurts” you mutter to Zemo as he lifts you up, placing you against the wall. Slowly your eyesight came back, and you could see your surroundings. Only you and Zemo were left.
“Zemo, where is everyone?” you ask turning your head, but in doing so it makes you feel incredibly dizzy. You groan as Zemo places a hand on the side of your face to stop you moving.
“They went after the Sam,”
“I need to help them!”
“No, you need to stay here and recover,”
You look over at the wall then back to Zemo, “How did you get out of the cuffs?” you ask
“Ah well…” Zemo says and glances down at his hand, your eyes follow and widen seeing his hand, bruising covering it, his thumb sticking out at an odd angle.
“You broke your hand to get out!?”
“Well, I couldn’t let him get away with saying those things and hurting you,” Zemo mutters, smiling slightly but you could see the pain flickering in his eyes, “I gave him a well-deserved punch in the face”
You chuckle at the thought. Leaning forward, you kiss him lightly on his forehead, a gesture of you wanting to ease his pain. You move back just in time to see him looking at you, surprised, before your vision faded.
Taglist: @multiyfandomgirl40 @ineffablebean @freyjasamael @avgravy @huntheimpossible @checkurwindow @there-goes-thefighter @bunniwritesx @montypythonsholysnail @yallgotkik @wonderwoman292
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