#i just. have to figure out how to manage my time between this + schoolwork + art + puppy + beloved friends. i’ll uh. we’ll find out <3
lem-argentum · 2 years
“or like a magical key, one that can unlock any door — like from the video games!!” i am in love with y
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cure-orchid · 4 months
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So I know the show recently ended, but I ended up binging through TGAMM and loved it! The Ghost Friends are all mood and the Mollie ship is adorable. Then I learned about the Chairman Ollie arc for the scrapped third season and IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL TO SEE!
I ended up writing down how I would imagine the story arc going down, and I headcanon that several of the planned season 3 eps (minus the ones that would clash with the finale) happened between JVTHM and The End (Ollie knowing about the wraith memory loss and how he says it could have hinted that it already occurred.)
My Chairman Ollie plotline: It starts with what was outlined in the already written scripts, and Ollie keeps spending more and more time in the Ghost World rather than on Earth. He’s becoming a little more forgetful as the episodes pass and has noticeable headaches. Things like his parents having a Root Beer Bar or the plot of the latest Country Pumpkin movie seem to surprise him when he should already know about them.
He’s missed a few dates with Molly and slipping on schoolwork so she takes an episode trying to talk to him at school but he keeps getting pulled away to fix something as the Chairman. The episode would really drive in how his human memories are failing even when he reconnects with his body and there’s a whole musical number on how Molly feels he’s growing distant. She finally catches up to him in the end and he looks partway between normal and being an empty shell(his hair is even losing the swoop!). She asks him out for ice cream but then we get a wham line “Sure, but… who are you?” Molly’s heart literally breaks as she discovers Ollie has lost all memory of her. He excuses himself and leaves Molly crying with Scratch and Libby coming to console her.
Next episode the remaining Ghost Friends are trying to figure out what’s wrong with him when June comes to Molly’s house trying not to panic. Ollie’s shell came home yesterday but not his wraith and he’s still not back. Molly, Libby and Darryl go to the Chen’s while Scratch goes to the Ghost World to see what’s keeping him. He finds Ollie still obsessively trying to engoodify the Ghost World and his orange glow is much more faded. Worse, when Scratch calls him by his name he asks who Ollie is. Libby manages to discover a page in her pop-up book that was stuck to another and reveals wraiths can lose their memories the longer they spend away from their body and without the will to live they cannot fully rejoin the two halves. Scratch arrives and with all they know they make a plan. Molly, Scratch and the Chen’s go to the Ghost World while Darryl and Libby keep an eye on their bodies. They get to Ollie and he doesn’t recognize anyone but Scratch, but has no emotional attachment to him. Big musical number as they all try to help Ollie remember but it doesn’t work. Everyone is devastated and it seems like Ollie might be gone forever.
Molly doesn’t give up, she pulls down his hood and cups his face, (this is where the drawing is) telling Ollie that she loves him and gives him their first kiss. Her yellow sparks course through him and his orange glow regains it’s color… and he regains his memories. When they pull away, Olly says her name and he’s pulled into a group hug as he says everyone’s names. He leaves the robe and hurries back into his body. A few hours later it’s just him, Molly and Scratch when the ghost council arrives. I haven’t come up with what happens to the robe but Ollie does relinquish his title as chairman and Scratch pulls the council away. Now alone, Ollie didn’t get to say it back in the ghost world, but he loves Molly too. They have another kiss and lean their foreheads together afterwards… and then Scratch comes back complaining that they already sucked faces once today already.
Update 5/27: Yep, I’m turning this into a fanfic. I said I wouldn’t but I got the inspiration on how to do it!
Also bonus doodles:
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝟸00 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝙷𝙰 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 (𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸)
Summary: What’s it like having a sleepover with various MHA characters (as their s/o)?
Warnings: Mentions of food
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya
Word Count: 1.3k
These headcanons are part of my 200 Followers “Ice Cream Parlor” event which is still open for requests, so please feel free to read the event rules here and send in your own event headcanon request! :)
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♡ Katsuki Bakugo ♡
- Honestly when you first got together with Katsuki you figured sleepovers wouldn’t be a very common thing between the two of you, this man is protective over his beauty sleep and doesn’t like being interrupted for anything so you figured sleepovers would be a hard no from him until the two of you were much older and decided to move in together
- Surprisingly, though, you end up sleeping over at his dorm much more often than you expected at the beginning of your relationship
- He knows that he gets so busy with training and homework that you two don’t get to spend a ton of time together, and he doesn’t want you to feel neglected at all so sleepovers are his way of making up that time with you
- Plus you’re literally the most important person in the world to him, so he likes having you right beside him when you sleep because that’s when you’re the most vulnerable, and it comforts him to know that he’ll be right there to protect you if anything happens
- Sleepovers are pretty much always over at his dorm though, he has everything set up to perfectly fit his sleeping conditions and needs and if those are disrupted then so is his meticulous sleep schedule, so he only comes over to your dorm if you’re like, super sick or something lol
- Typically when you sleep over at Katsuki’s dorm you head over as soon as you’ve finished classes and training for the day, and the moment he returns as well he’s immediately holding on to you in some way
- Katsuki’s not like, overly touchy in public unless he’s feeling jealous or something, but whenever the two of you are alone he pretty much always has his hand on you in some way, usually an arm wrapped around your waist or shoulders. He just likes holding you :)
- He’s a big horror movie fan, so if you’re into horror movies (or even if you’ll just tolerate them) then expect a lot of horror movie nights when you have sleepovers lol. Of course he’d never force you to watch any if you’re really not interested, and if you are willing to watch a horror movie with him, then he always “begrudgingly” offers to let you choose the next movie you two watch (except he will get upset if you don’t choose one and will proceed to make you choose because your opinions are just as important as his in this relationship!)
- And we all know that Katsuki’s pretty smart and good at getting his schoolwork done, so if there’s anything that you’re struggling with then he uses sleepovers as his chance to help you out/as a mini tutoring session
- He’s not nearly as aggressive with you as he is with Kirishima or the others, he keeps his temper in check and manages to explain the concepts to you in a straightforward, matter-of-fact way (just without his usual bite or aggression behind it) and he always makes sure you understand completely and feel confident before he leaves you to finish your work
- Katsuki prefers minimal distractions while he sleeps, he keeps the room silent, dark and keeps his bed completely empty aside from one pillow beneath his head and a comforter to cover himself up. But if there’s something you need to help you sleep, like a white noise machine or a stuffed animal, then he’ll keep it in his dorm for you. Ignore his complaints about how he’s “disrupting his sleep for you, you loser”, it’s just his way of showing he cares <3
- Like I mentioned earlier, he likes feeling like he can protect you even while you sleep, meaning sleepovers typically lead to you falling asleep with his arms completely wrapped around you. He’s essentially a human heater, though, so in the warmer months you may end up needing to forgo a comforter so that you can still sleep cuddled up together without completely burning up in your sleep lol
- And don’t expect to be staying up any later than 10PM at the absolute latest in Katsuki’s dorm, even that's pushing how late he’s willing to stay up, but for you he's willing to stay up a little later if you’d like as long as you're cuddled up in bed with him and/or ready to head to bed by 10PM :)
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♡ Izuku Midoriya ♡
- Sleepovers are in no way, shape or form a rare occurence when you’re dating Izuku lol, this boy loves you so much and would happily spend every minute of his free time with you, so he’s over at your dorm or you’re over at his constantly
- He honestly doesn’t even care what the two of you do, he’s just so worn down and stressed sometimes after training so hard each day and your presence always washes a wave of serenity and happiness over him <3
- Izuku’s honestly pretty forgetful when it comes to his homework, so when the two of you have sleepovers the first thing you do is usually help him out of his homework. Neither of you really want to do it, but you work together to get your homework done quickly so that you can move on to better ways to spend time together
- Snacks are definitely a big thing with Izuku, though, so he always has plenty for the two of you to share! He’s pretty stocked up with both of your favorite treats in his dorm room, but even if you’re in your dorm he carries plenty in his backpack, so the two of you can snack to your heart’s content
- Izuku’s not a huge gamer or anything, but he likes to play video games when he has the time, and he especially likes playing co-op games so the two of you can play together and you can join in!
- He’s not very picky, whether you like battle royale games or cozy games like Animal Crossing, he’ll play whatever you’re in the mood for as long as the two of you can do it together :)
- Izuku also definitely has a habit of rambling quite a bit when he’s with you, he just feels so comfortable around you that he lets all his thoughts flow out of his mouth even more than he usually would
- It actually leads to some pretty interesting conversations between you two, especially when you stay up extra late together lol. He’s the type to bring up a seemingly simple topic that eventually leads to a long-winded rant from one of you, or a super deep discussion on the meaning of life or something like that hehe
- Izuku’s not very interested in skincare on a daily basis or anything, but if skincare’s something you’re interested in and you have products to spare/want to share them with him? Then of course he’ll join you!
- He loves the feeling of your fingers gently pushing a face mask onto his face or rubbing exfoliator gently into his skin, it makes him feel loved and taken care of <3
- And if you have hair long enough to be brushed/styled, then he really likes to brush through your hair :) 
- It’s relaxing and feels nice for you since he’s always extra gentle (he never wants to hurt you, even the slightest bit) and he finds it very relaxing to just brush through your hair, plus it gives him another chance to be close to you :>
- Sometimes he even decides to style it! He’s not the best at it since he’s never really styled his own hair, but the more he does it for you, the better he gets!
- He loves trying out new, fun styles, and you always take a picture of the final look and show it off on social media and it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy that you’re proud of the job he did :)
- And when it’s time to go to sleep (pretty much whenever you get tired, Izuku doesn’t have a very strict sleep schedule that he feels the need to follow) the two of you will be cuddled up together without a doubt, though he doesn’t really care who’s holding who. Just as long as you’re all cozy and cuddled up together he’s happy, and he’s able to sleep peacefully knowing you’re safe by his side
- (He also snores just a little bit, but he has the cutest, softest snore that it never keeps you awake and you don’t really mind it, allowing his gentle snores to lull you into sleep beside him)
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Request - Anonymous said: I would like to have matcha, buttered pecan, and coffee with oreo toppings please😋
A/N: Sorry I haven’t been quite as active lately y’all, I’d like to be posting a bit more often but I’ve just been really busy with school stuff lately now that I’m reaching the end of my final semester :’) Plus I haven’t been feeling well and have been in a lot of pain this past week, but writing’s been a big help in distracting me from my pain which is nice :] My requests are open right now, though, so if you have any requests please feel free to send them my way and they’ll be added to my request list (linked in my navi/pinned post) asap!
Taglist: @rebloglikeyouneedtoo @pasteldaze @papijean @deadmans-toe @trashy-bowtie @palenightmarepersona @eunoiasa @lady-juliette @swiftbyul @yeagerfushiguro @thekaylahub @applepie-macaroon @ghostofscarley @shinsosmatcha
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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ilovewriting06 · 5 months
Always Been His
A/N: This is part two of this fic and it was requested by @allisonargent144.
Everyone was sitting around Derek's loft for pack night, a new tradition to build up everyone's connection and trust with the others of the pack. Originally, Chris and I weren't going to be a part of it but Allison started dating Scott and joined the pack so Chris and I decided to join too. The pack is mostly teenagers who got the bite for different reasons, except for Scott, Allison, and Stiles. Maybe, Lydia, but she hasn't officially joined the pack yet, but I have a feeling she will soon enough.
Scott was forced to take the bite, Allison joined for love, and Stiles, sweet baby Stiles did it out of loyalty. Out of everyone in the pack, other than Allison, Stiles has to be my favorite. I'm sarcastic by nature and Chris isn't so it's fun to be able to banter with someone. I feel like I've adopted him and Scott as my sons since they're at my house more than they are their own.
Scott and Allison are always, 'studying,' or watching movies and Stiles is dragged along because Scott doesn't have a car to drive. After realizing Stiles literally sat at our dining room table and did schoolwork or research while his two best friends did fun stuff I took pity on the boy and kept him company, that's how I figured out he's the brains of the pack.
I'm also trying to set him up with Lydia, his long term crush, and it's become my mission to get them together so Stiles is no longer the third wheel and actually has some happiness. He's also surprisingly good with children. After I gave birth to Aria, he was a huge help, he won't change diapers but that's about the only thing he won't do. Even Chris likes him and Scott, he just won't admit it.
In my opinion Scott and Allison are absolutely adorable. He adores her and treats her like a princess and Allison loves him more than most people would think possible at her age. In some ways they remind me of Chris and I when we were in high school.
The first time Chris met Scott as Allison's boyfriend it was a bit rocky and Scott looked like he was going to shit himself at any given moment, I have to hand it to him though, I was impressed at how well he handled it.
Chris pulled every page out of every book he's got and was impressed but also annoyed that Scott handled it all so well. Do you want a drink? Oh no sir, I don't drink. You want a smoke? No thank you, I never want to smoke, the smell makes me sick. Do you want to have sex with my daughter? Uh, I feel like that's a trick question, sir. I say yes, I'm dead, I say no and you'll think I don't want her or something. I'll just say that at the moment no, in the future, probably.
I almost jumped across the table to give him a hug but I was too busy gloating to Chris about how I was right and the boy really was a sweetheart. After Scott left and Allison had went to bed I asked Chris what he thought, he answered by saying, and I quote, "She could do worse." In Chris talk that means, 'I like him, he's a good kid'.
Similar to Stiles, Scott isn't afraid to help with Aria, in fact he adores her. I think him and Stiles both secretly wanted a younger sibling and when Aria was born they adopted her as their sister. I can't complain because between the armory in our garage, Scott's fangs and claws, and Stiles' bat, Aria is one safe little girl.
I hum and rock Aria to sleep as I watch the kids play a game of Monopoly, a little worried a fight's about to break loose because Isaac is convinced Stiles is cheating and Stiles keeps responding with, "Dude! If I was cheating I'd be in charge of the money because I could skim off of it without anyone noticing." Or, my personal favorite, "Oh my god, stop acting like a little bitch because you can't manage your money. There's a reason I have cool flannels and a jeep and you have ugly ass scarves and a bike. Suck it up and pay up, you're on Boardwalk and I own that shit, gimme."
I snort at the last one as Chris bites back a laugh and leans over, "I see why you like him, he's sassy. Do you want anything to drink?"
I nod, "Yeah, a water please." He nods and heads towards the kitchen as I smirk when I notice the small, yet noticeable look Lydia throws Stiles when the latter rips the money out of Isaac's hand with a, "Thank you! Now, go back to Baltic Avenue. Bastard. I swear those scarves stop your brain from functioning sometimes."
I look up in confusion when the door to the loft open's but before I can turn around a voice I wished I'd never hear again speaks, "Nephew, I didn't know you were having friend's over."
Derek roles his eyes from his spot on the couch, "Makes sense since you weren't invited."
I bite back a noise of amusement hoping he doesn't notice me but my luck sucks and he's standing in front of me before Chris can get back to me, "Well, hello Darling, it's good to see you."
I roll my eyes as Chris comes to stand by me, "Wish I could say the same."
He rolls his eyes before sneering at Chris and looking back at me, "I see you still associate with the enemy."
I scowl and tuck Aria closer to my chest feeling the need to protect her, "He's only the enemy because he got what you wanted, and I have to say, I am so glad I never wasted a second on you."
He growls and Chris steps a little closer and I notice Derek stand from the corner of my eye. I glance at Aria when she makes a discontented noise and I glare at Peter, "I swear, if you wake her up..." I leave the threat hang in the air which makes Peter growl louder, and that one does wake Aria, and boy does she wake up with a start.
I get off the couch as Aria starts screaming throwing one last glare at Peter before walking away so I have enough space to walk around. However, once again I'm cut off by Peter materializing out of fucking nowhere. I groan as Aria keeps crying, "Peter, leave me and my family alone. I have two kids, four if you count the two stragglers Allison brought home, and I'd really like for them to remain safe, and to be honest, I'm terrified you'll hurt one of them to get to me. So, please leave."
Aria seems to start crying louder and I can faintly hear Peter ranting and raving but I'm to busy trying to soothe my baby to pay attention but I do hear the word divorce, which makes me roll my eyes. I finally zone in when Derek roars at him, "Get out, Peter! You aren't welcome here when they're here. You have an unhealthy obsession with her and it has to stop! She's married, with kids!"
Chris comes to stand in front of me as Peter's eyes glow blue before he growls at Derek, "I can make them all disappear, and I'll do it too if it means I get her!"
I squeeze Aria even tighter to me as Chris pushes me back slightly but it's all for nothing when Derek swings and knocks Peter out with one punch. He stands above his mentally deranged uncle as his eyes remain red, "You guys should go. I don't know what I'm going to do with him but I don't want to take the chance that he'll wake up when you guys are still here."
I nod before grabbing Chris's hand, "Come on Chris. Let's get the kid's home. At that Allison jumps up followed by Scott and Stiles. I glance at them before sighing, "Boys, you should probably go home."
Stiles scoffs, "Hell no Mrs. A. He just threatened you and Aria, besides Scott will be able to sense him if he's close to the house."
I glance at Chris and he nods and I smile, "Okay, you two can come stay over but Scott, you don't go into Allison's room unless Stiles is with you or the door is open."
They all nod in agreement before following us out the door.
It's well past midnight when Derek texts that Peter won't be an issue anymore and I'm not interested in what that means but I trust Derek enough to believe we've seen the last of Peter. I slowly get off the couch and tiptoe over the bodies on the floor that accumulated throughout the evening.
As I grab a glass of water I feel arms circle my waist as I look at the mass of teenagers sprawled across the living room floor. I lean into the solid chest behind me as I whisper, "I feel like we've adopted six extra kids, and I can't really be mad about it. They're all good kids, they all just have a few flaws, but hey, so do we."
Chris chuckles as he places a kiss on the top of my head, "Yeah, they're good kids. I can't believe I'm saying this but I feel safer with all of them around." I nod in agreement before excitedly whispering, "Did you see Stiles and Lydia?"
He shakes his head and buries his head in my neck, "You're ridiculous."
I roll my eyes continuing to smile, "But Chris, they're cuddling!"
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storiesofsung · 2 months
TWST HP AU 🪞⚡️ !!
Yuu will be depicted as female in this with she/her pronouns
I’ve been thinking of an AU of this for a while now due to the similarities between each story (magical school of wizards with respective houses of each powerful mage), however as I think more there are even more character similarities some, depending on how you view Yuu
Golden Trio ⭐️- obviously Ace, Deuce, and Yuu, my favorite trio
Deuce ♠️ - Harry Potter. I can’t connect many similarities between them, but at the same time I can. They’re both boys who love their parents and just try to do the best in what they can, especially since both have been given a second chance to succeed in this magical world. Now, Deuce isn’t perfect but he is trying and is not overtly prone to breaking the rules. He’s sweet, innocent, while still having bite to his bark. A bit clueless at times but with good intentions.
Ace ❤️- Ok now this asshole is perfect for Ron (I’m joking). But honestly his more outlandish personality does have some comparison towards Ron’s sarcastic personality. He’s more on the laid back side whilst still being a valuable friend. (Also they’re both ginger lmao) Plus his relationship with Yuu is more on the chill play fighting side, anyways…
Yuu 🦐 - Hermione, this one can be taken lightly depending on how your version of Yuu is but one thing is for sure: they always get Ace and Deuce out of overblot situations and manage to use some sort of semblance of a brain to figure shit out. However, in my AU let’s say that Yuu too is trying to make a life for themselves by working hard and doing the most they can of their schoolwork. Yuu also being the glue that holds these two idiots together. And honestly her whole schtick as the school therapist now makes sense
Grim 🐱 - Crookshanks. Nothing more to say, just Yuu’s stupid cat (with love)
Also the whole racist thing with Hermione and Yuu could have a connection, since Yuu basically has no magical abilities, yet are able to attend this magical school and work their way up. And because of this, there may be students opposed to Yuu’s magiclessness (mudblood—)
Malleus 🐉- Victor Krum, this is slightly stretching it a bit but I can see these two sharing similarities. Malleus and Krum are both exemplary at their respective wizarding sport (Spelldrive, and Quidditch) and are known to be prodigies of it. They don’t have many friends due to being viewed as Gods, Celebrities, etc. in some way and therefore are quite lonely. Attracted to this specific person for not fawning over them and for seeing who they really are, and are able to appreciate their brains for what it’s worth 💚💚
Extra extra:
I totally see the Yule ball sequence happening in the TWST HP au because of these specific lines
❤️: Hoy, Yuu, you’re a girl arent you
🦐: Oh, well spotted
❤️: How about uh you and me go, since we don’t have dates as it is. Don’t wanna show up by ourselves right
🦐: for your information I already have a date *shuts book and walks away*
❤️: What’s got her wand in a knot
♠️: *clueless, spacing out* huh
And malleus totally showing up as yuus secret date AAAA—
🦐: Would you care to join Malleus and I?
❤️: Care to? You’re fraternizing with the enemy
🦐 *irritated*: The point of interhouse games is unity and—
❤️: *rolling eyes* So what
🦐*understanding the situation*: You’ve been rotten the whole evening. Next time there’s a ball, pluck up the courage to ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort
❤️: Women are scary
🦐: ACE, you’ve spoiled everything.
*cue weeping on the steps*
♠️: 🧍
And in likeliness, Yuu could end up with Malleus, and become the next Queen of Thorn Valley…but it could also take to the more erm in-canon Harry Potter ending cough (do you see where I’m going with this)
“Emotional range of a teaspoon x Nerdy Bookworm “
I love this AU, I could honestly go in so many directions with this AU
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ltbarnes · 11 months
I Still Worship the Flame
[Stark U #5]
Summary: Everyone but you are at the cinema watching dumb movie marathons. You lay home in a sea of tissues, drowning in schoolwork with a pathetic fever. But what they don’t know can’t hurt them, right?
Pairing: college!Steve Rogers x reader, college!Bucky Barnes x reader, college!Sam Wilson x reader, college!Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings: sickness? just a really bad cold really nothing graphic, Steve and Bucky being a little overbearing, schoolwork (the biggest warning), angry reader
A/N: haven’t posted any of my writing since March 🤠 forgive me please and enjoy!! I have another one-shot coming soon though so you’ll get a little more of me than usual
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As the hundredth whine from your lips sounds out today, you are glad that no one else is home. You would be scolded for being more dramatic than Sam during that week after his concussion while simultaneously yelled at for doing too much when you should be resting.
The words have since long started to blur together and the pen is clutched tightly in your hand without even touching the paper for half an hour. You can't remember comprehending the change from afternoon sun to complete darkness outside of your window, but you do know that you have piled on three layers of clothes only to tear them off of your overheated body in the last hour.
Fucking fevers. It's incredible how you forget how absolutely horrible they are between each time, but battling this one seems especially miserable when you have a test in four days. Your roommates had begged you to come with them to this god awful long Lord of The Rings marathon at the local cinema, but you were stressed out about the test enough without losing a full day of studying.
You have gotten some things done. It's just that your room is drowning in tissues, and the pills you've taken haven't done shit and your back hurts from sitting for so long. What you really want to do is take your comforter out to the couch and open all the windows with the AC on full blast. No—what you actually want is to be rid of this fucking cold and sit lodged between Steve and Bucky at the cinema, warm hands on your thighs with an obscene amount of chocolate in your lap. You know that Bucky would whisper random facts about the movies in your ear during the entirety of it, and that Steve would give him angry glares for speaking in the theater.
God, if it weren't for your body's excessive temperature, you would kill for them to hold you. It would suck in reality, because both of them run hot and that is the last thing you need right now. But you miss them. You miss them all the time lately and it frustrates you, because six months ago things weren't like this. Steve and Bucky were two of your annoying, though very sweet, roommates who bickered like siblings constantly at ungodly hours in the morning and left dirty dishes out in the living room (thank fucking god Bucky has stopped doing that).
Now, you dream weird dreams about them at night and shiver everytime they touch you. Calling you by name has suddenly turned into 'sweetheart' and 'bug' (still can't quite figure that one out), while merely the sight of Steve unintentionally flexing his bicep and Bucky moving his metal fingers makes you want to escape into your room. It's hard, because they are pretty much doing that everyday.
Worst of all is your resentment towards Natasha—she caught on so quickly that you barely managed to slip out of Steve's room the night you slept over before she confronted you about your feelings. She very conveniently left out the bet she and Sam had set up, but Bucky found out about that two weeks later and pushed Sam into some bushes. The latter complained about how Bucky didn't cater to his 'bush-related trauma' for much too long after that.
But at the same time, she reinforces your delusions about them liking you back. They are very protective of you, sure, but so are Sam and Natasha. Actually, that might have something to do with your constant knack of getting into the trouble rather than harboring secret, unconditional love for you. Natasha says they look at you with puppy dog eyes, but you think they just always look like that. And the constant touching and pet names are just—it's just who they are. You think.
Another onslaught of heat crashes over your tired body, and you give up completely. There comes a point where even you can't force yourself to work anymore. It's too draining. Instead you gulp down another pill, turn off the lights and throw yourself onto your bed. You groan out of pleasure, but know that it will soon disappear only to be replaced by torturous discomfort.
Yeah, it's good that they aren't here. Gathering the energy to deal with a smug Sam and overbearing Natasha is not in your capacity.
Besides, facing them in this state feels embarrassing. You'll pull yourself together by the time they come home. Just a short nap, and you'll fix your hair. Just twenty minutes of sleep, and you'll put on something presentable. Just some rest, and you'll look good for them.
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"Ah, shit—why's it fucking pitch black in here?" Sam seethes as he now limps on his newly stubbed toe, reaching for the hallway light.
The living room is empty and so is the kitchen, they notice that pretty quickly. Usually when you're home alone you cook something elaborate with music blasting in the background, or rewatch that show for the thousandth time. Bucky always gives you a hard time for it, but he usually ends up watching it with you anyways.
"Y/n?" Steve calls out, taking off his jacket before hanging it up on the rack placed by the door.
"Hey, bug—we're home!" Bucky says, walking further into the apartment while searching with his eyes.
The lack of answer gives them anxiety, even though it's probably nothing. Might've gone out. It's Saturday night after all. But you don't really have many close friends outside of them. Unless you're on a date, which quite frantically makes Bucky want to throw up. Yeah, he chooses not to believe that for his own sake.
Natasha bites off another section of her snickers, the one she made everyone stop at the gas station for, while toeing off her shoes. Shoe-free household since you moved in, but exceptions are allowed in emergencies. If you knew that both Bucky and Steve have on theirs right now, you would be mad. But Natasha isn't about to nag about that—she's more focused on getting a huge glass of water for herself. She knows those idiots will take care of whatever's going on.
Steve knocks on your door, waits for too many seconds before calling out for you again.
"Y/n? You okay?" he asks, leaning against the wall.
And because Steve is a considerate man, he doesn't open the door without an answer. But the same can't be said for Bucky—he shoulders past the former and pushes down the door handle without even so much as a sound. He is met with resistance as soon as he steps over the threshold, but all of it comes from the guy behind him.
"Buck—no," Steve seethes through a whisper, trying to pull him back by his shirt unsuccessfully.
Your room is as dark as the rest of the apartment was. Warm and stuffy, rid of any fresh air from outside of the four walls. You've been in here for a long time.
The small strip of light coming into your room reveals your figure splayed out over the unruly covers, a sign of tossing and turning in your sleep.
"Let her sleep, Buck," Steve sighs, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand while leaning against the doorway.
It would be near goddamn foolish to ever expect him to listen. Steve isn't surprised when Bucky steps towards your bed anyway. He lowers down into a crouch, reaching his right hand out for your face.
"Christ, she's burning up," Bucky sighs, pushing himself up to his feet again.
"Shit," Steve answers, passing the threshold into your room while forgetting the previous reservations he held. And as if Bucky's judgement isn't enough, he presses the back of his hand to your forehead. Steve's hand is normally warm, but your skin is a hot furnace against the lines and creases of his palm.
"Fuck, we just left her here all alone." Bucky shakes his head. "We watched fucking Lord of the Rings that we've seen a million fucking times and she laid here suffering with a fucking fever."
"Tone it down with the 'fucks', will you?" Steve tells him.
He turns on the small lamp standing on your bedside table, soft light revealing the dozen tissues spilling out of your trash can. There's not much doubt about your sickness now.
"What do we do? Oh god, what do we do?" The brunette starts pacing as if he has never been more stressed in his life.
"Calm down, Buck. It's a cold, not a heart attack." Steve raises his brows, turns around to glare at his friend. "You've taken care of me dozens of times when I was like this as a child. Go get a glass of water and a few Tylenols."
It seems like it takes a few seconds for Bucky to register Steve's words. Even then he looks anxious, as if he doesn't want to leave. This makes Steve nervous, because Bucky never acts like this, but then again he feels the same way. That's why he told his friend to get you medicine instead of himself.
But Steve could never deny Bucky anything, even if it costs him time watching over the girl he almost certainly cares for more than a friend should. He ignores that part though, and pushes himself up to a stand.
"I'll go," he sighs, gesturing for Bucky to replace him by your side.
The short trek towards the kitchen is filled with anxiety. Why does his heart beat so fast when it's probably just a cold? He just told Bucky to calm down despite feeling anything but calm himself. Just gotten very good at hiding it through the years, he supposes.
Steve has never been the caretaker. He so desperately wanted to be that person during his childhood—the fierce protector, the strong hero, the one bullies cowered away from instead of running towards. Maybe he has been overcompensating for his lack of heroism in his early years now with his friends. The guilt is always eating him up if even the slightest thing happens, because most of the time he can stop those things now. Steve is tall and muscular, fast too, and he's not afraid to speak up anymore.
But things like these—sicknesses—he cannot help except for pouring water down your throat and make sure you're comfortable. Because he wants you to be comfortable so badly, as the slightest sight of pain in any shape or form makes him as gloomy as Sam on days where his favorite football team loses. Steve has known for a while now that you—the girl living on the other end of the hallway who curls up at his side on movie nights and bakes him cookies after each test he's had—is much more than just a roommate. God, he waits by the door for you to come home like a puppy, for goodness's sake. Gets a hard on at least once a day no matter what you are wearing.
And Steve really likes this thing he and Bucky has going on with you. That caretaking thing that he never has gotten a chance to do is now so natural. He and Bucky has adapted this protector-role in your life that makes Steve feel so good. He likes making you happy, making sure you're safe. Like he has a purpose.
"She alright?" Sam speaks up as Steve passes by his room, changing out of his thick sweatshirt to a thinner t-shirt.
"Not really. She has a fever," Steve answers, both hands filled with water, pills and more tissues.
"Oh, shit. How bad? Dr. Wilson bad?"
"No." Steve rolls his eyes. One time Sam helped patch you up and now he has been calling himself Dr. Wilson ever since. "We're taking care of it. She hasn't woken up yet."
"Well, just call for me if she gets tired of your needy asses and wants some Sammy loving instead."
Steve raises his eyebrows, shakes his head like he always does, and moves on. He purposefully quiets his steps down while walking past the occupied bathroom—a fuzzing Natasha is not what you need right now. You already got two overbearing people in your room.
The door is shouldered open by Steve as he returns, realizing as soon as he steps inside that your eyes are open, tiredly nodding along to whatever recap Bucky is giving you of the movies. Steve stays silent, setting down his gifts beside you before crouching down. Soon enough you have him staring up at you, that ever present frown in between his brows.
"Now, will you tell us why in the goddamn hell you did not call or text any of us to say that you were sick?" Steve asks sternly, though his hand is gentle on your head. "Excuse the language."
You let a chuckle slip despite his lecture, because of course he needs to apologize for the very tame curse words inserted into his sentences. Of course Steve scolds you before even saying hello. Such a dad.
"You were at the cinema..." you croak out, glancing down at your intertwined fingers.
"So?" Bucky says with a look on his face that reveals he has no idea what you are talking about.
"I thought you wouldn't notice if I just—didn't think it would get this bad." You pout visibly. A bead of sweat has formed in your hairline, steadily making its trek down your forehead.
"Wait a minute, Y/n—you thought we just wouldn't notice you holing yourself up in your room for days until you were fine again?" Bucky raises his eyebrows, nearly rolling his eyes on you. It sounds dumb now that he says it out loud.
"For god's sake, bug." He lets his palms scrub over his face while Steve sighs, balancing on the scale between amused and concerned.
"I didn't want to bother you! Besides I'm—this is not my finest moment. Kind of disgusting right now," you say.
"Now, c'mon," Steve tells you with a pointed gaze. "You know we don't care about that."
"You look fucking adorable right now. Just a little shiny, that's all." Bucky pokes you in the forehead, earning an offended gasp from your lips.
"Hey! I have a fever, asshole. I can't help it." The expression on your face is offended, but inside it's all warm and fuzzy because he called you adorable. Bucky fucking called you adorable.
But the playful grin on your lips soon turns into rumbling coughs, hiding your face into your elbow to avoid spreading saliva all over the two men beside you.
"Hey, hey. Take some water, Y/n. Here." Steve's hand flies to your back, rubbing gently, while reaching out the glass towards your lips.
Your throat is all scratchy and sore, and coughing up half of your lungs does not help in the least. But gulping down the cold liquid soothes the pain for the moment, even though most of the water drops down your chin.
"Should I...uh—"
Bucky reaches his hand out towards the box of tissues on your nightstand. Calloused fingers brush over your skin as he rids it of the stray drops, a metal hand tilting your chin up.
It's entirely too silent as you sit and let your face be dried like a toddler. Steve puffs up the pillow behind you, readjusts it until your face is getting enough support.
You don't say anything. Nobody says anything. The two of them work in tandem as they usually do, and have done since they were little boys, while making sure you're as comfortable as you possibly can be.
Soon enough there is a fan dragged in from someone else's room (you think there might be an angry Samuel barging in here any minute to demand it back), three boxes of napkins on your bedside table (you did not know there were that many napkins in your apartment) and four blankets on your bed in case you start shivering again (you do not own four blankets).
You get up to go to the bathroom and end up being carried instead. Being left alone is something you have to literally beg for, because you might, in their words, "pass out". The door remains unlocked as a compromise.
It's sometime around 12 am that you switch off the lights, still feverish and so tired of the sickness already. Mostly you're tired of the babying. But you don't say anything about the fact that both Steve and Bucky remain in your room, sitting on the goddamn floor even though you've told them several times that you have a desk chair and a bean bag. Actually, they have their own beds right on the other side of the hallway. Stupid boys.
They fall asleep pretty quickly, if judging by their snores. Both of them will deny their obnoxious sounds in the morning when you tell them. It makes you happy in one way, because Bucky usually has trouble not staying awake for hours on end grumbling over everything under the sun. Steve is sometimes found in the kitchen at 3 am when you go up for a glass of water, staring blankly out of the window as if he has the entire world resting on his shoulders. On the other hand, you're now the only one awake with your misery and overthinking.
Steve and Bucky definitely cares about you. For you. That much is clear from the past few hours. But to which extent? Is this what they would do for any of their friends? You would like to think so. It feels self-centered to not believe that. But they have been so adamant on making sure you're safe and alright and comfortable today—telling funny stories to distract you and getting caught up in those meaningless, petty fights they know you enjoy so much. Stroking your cheek, calling you sweet names and constantly making you drink water. College boys don't act that way towards their friends, or anyone at all really. You don't know why they are like this.
At the same time, the sweet things have become almost too much. You didn't think it was possible. But it frustrates you that this has become a whole savior-situation for them. Maybe you should want that now. Many girls do—not having to lift a finger while two men come at your every beck and call, and you usually do too. But the thing is that they are not listening to you. They are deciding things for themselves about you.
There comes a point where being helpful and taking care of someone transcends into being condescending. You absolutely can dry away water from your chin yourself. You can go to the fucking bathroom by yourself too, and would actually prefer it that way if you had a say in it.
Maybe you're just sick to the point of extreme irritability. You're probably overreacting to their sweetness because of everything happening in your life right now—this comes at the worst possible time with your final exam for the year in just three days. The final grades for most of your classes come anytime now as well, and you're not sure you did so well in all of them. You haven't even gotten a job for the summer either because no one wants to hire you. It's all pretty shit at the moment.
Barely anything is in your control right now. Not even your own health and how you choose to deal with it, because there are two men hovering over you every second since they came home. This is the first breather you've gotten in way too many hours. You're actually surprised they fell asleep before making sure that you did too, but happy that they did.
Another hour passes before you give up. It's too hot in here, despite cracking the window open half an hour ago, and the fan doesn't do you any wonders. The air is too thick from the small space being occupied by two giants and a sick girl for hours on end, and your bed is too soft.
You silence your coughs as you sneak out of your room out onto the living room couch. It's colder out here. Quiet.
You fall asleep within two minutes.
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"Sweetheart, wake up."
"C'mon, Y/n."
"Let her sleep, you assholes."
"She's burning up, for fuck's sake! We gotta do something!"
"Throw cold water on her."
"What the fuck, Sam?"
You groan, stirring awake while your eyes reluctantly flutter open. It feels like they have been glued shut. The fever-aches hit you instantly, distracting you from the mumbled voices right beside you as they try to gain contact.
"She's alive, at least," Sam says right before leaving the room. You barely notice.
"Y/n, hey, can you hear us?" Bucky asks, on his knees in front of the couch.
"Yes," you croak out, rubbing your eye while squinting. It's still early judging by the dimmed morning light coming into the apartment. "Wha—“
"Why did you leave? You have a 103 degree fever, baby. We have to cool you down."
You simply shake your head, letting out a distant hum while sinking down into the pillow once more, letting your eyelids close.
"C'mon. Sit up," Steve tells you, sneaking his hands around your back to push you upwards before you even have a chance to react to his words.
There's too many sounds around you, too many voices and hands prying your body around. You want quiet, like how it was when you went out here a few hours ago. What you sought after from the beginning.
"I want to be alone."
"Well, we're not going to fucking leave you alone right now, Y/n," Bucky says, stress practically seeping out of his pores.
Steve returns from the kitchen. You didn't notice him leaving. He reaches a cold, wet rag out to Bucky who immediately presses it to your burning forehead.
"I can do that myself."
"Nonsense. Just rest," Steve tells you.
"I'm serious. Guys, it's fin—"
"Can you get me the pills on her nightstand?"
He turns his head over his shoulder, nodding for Natasha who disappears into your room without so much as a blink to confirm. Your frustration grows with each second—Steve just entirely ignored you to speak over your words. He doesn't usually do that.
Red hair comes into view again, at least as much as you can see of her from underneath the rag covering half of your eyesight. She tosses the bottle, and you're lucid enough to try and catch it. Bucky grabs it instead.
But when he pours out a pill and begins prodding at your lips you push him away. It's  too much.
"Bucky, stop!"
This is the thing with the two of them—you love being cared for like they watch over you, but right now it just feels demeaning. As if they believe you can't do anything by yourself, as if you will fall and break your bones each time you stand or confront someone who has done you wrong without bodyguards crowding your space. Their intentions are good, so good, but right now it feels like unnecessary babying.  You are a grown woman who just happens to have very bad luck, but that doesn't mean you can't handle yourself at all.
As your yelling echoes through the now quiet room, their expressions fall, even though they did not look too chipper to begin with. Bucky inches back just slightly. Your tone was harsh enough to know that something is wrong.
"I get that the two of you are trying to help me right now, but I can lift my own fucking fingers!" Your face is hidden beneath your hands, head tilted back with a groan.
You can almost feel how their faces change right in front of you, postures tense up. It's not what you wanted—that is their reaction when being confronted, and this is not a scolding. At least you didn't intend it to be from the beginning.
"I just want to sleep right now, okay? I'm not going to die." Your voice softens into a whisper, a large contrast from the previous yelling that has the room quiet as a mouse.
Another three seconds of silence pass after your statement. Now they won't say anything? Steve runs a hand over his mouth, looking away from your gaze. Nervous.
"Uh...okay." He nods, despite looking like he doesn't want to agree. "Just—just take the Tylenol. If it gets worse you'll tell us, right?"
You don't really answer in the way he wants you to, which is not at all. You can tell by the way he purses his lips. Bucky just looks scarily neutral, as if he's schooling his face with every ounce of willpower in his body.
"Alright, boys. Scatter," Natasha says, waving her hands towards their rooms like she's directing an airplane. You guess that's about the organization you need to coordinate the three of them.
Before you can catch Steve and Bucky's conflicted glances, and Sam's slightly shocked expression, you roll around to face the back of the couch. As peace falls over the room, so does sleep once again.
Steve and Bucky take turns tiptoeing into the living room to watch over you each hour.
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Natasha sits in the living room chair reading from her iPad when you wake up. It's dark outside—you've been asleep the entire day. She has a cup of tea and half a cookie left on her plate sitting on the table, and does not even stir when you speak up from out of nowhere. Damn her spy skills.
"What time is it?" you croak out, so unbelievably hoarse that you can't even believe words are coming out of your mouth. You kind of regret speaking at all.
"7:32," she tells you while pushing a glass of water your way. The glass is devoured immediately.
While drying away the stray drops of water from your skin, you put the back of your hand against your forehead to realize your fever has gone down significantly. Not gone entirely, you think, but so much better. The only thing worse is the lack of anyone else in this room besides you and Nat.
"Where is everyone?" you ask her, pushing yourself up slightly until you sit up in the couch.
Natasha must instantly clock your hesitant tone, the slight trace of regret in your voice that manages to seep out through your cold-affected throat. She turns your way, leaning forward slightly.
"Hiding in their rooms."
Your face soon gets buried in your hands, leaning back with a groan from your lips.
"I was too harsh on them, wasn't I?" you say suddenly, letting her decipher your muffled words. "Fuck, I upset them. I was too mean."
"No, no. Hey, no," Natasha interjects, clasping her hand around your wrist to reveal your face again. "Babe, you are allowed to have boundaries, and they're not allowed to be bitchy about that."
"But I—they were just trying to help and I went off on them," you whine. "They haven't even talked to me since this morning. I feel like shit about that, Nat."
"They didn't talk to you 'cause you've been fucking asleep, that's why," she says. "And just because their intentions are good doesn't mean they have the right to be around you."
Natasha raises her perfect eyebrow, glancing over her shoulder towards the empty apartment behind her. Her words hit you like a fucking truck no matter how cliche that sounds, regardless of the fact that you have never taken any sort of advice of this sort to heart before. They never used to apply to you earlier.
"You decide that. And I'm sorry that their egos were bruised, but they need to learn how to respect people's wishes even when they believe they are doing the right thing by disregarding them," she tells you.
"Yeah," you breathe out. "Yeah, you're right."
"Sure as fuck I am," Natasha agrees. "Now go tell them that."
"I don't want to," you whine.
"But you have to. They're not gonna learn if you ignore them. And I know they're dying to check up on you."
"They haven't been in here?" you ask, trying to sound more curious than disappointed. Why are you disappointed? You were the one who wanted space.
"I banished them after they kept checking your temperature as you slept seven times within an hour."
Your eyebrows shoot to the roof. Actually, that makes you annoyed. It's cute, but you were sleeping! You had just yelled at them for invading your space and privacy! Goddamn men who worry too fucking much!
She smirks as you struggle your way up from the couch, angrily making your way towards the end of the hallway to your best ability in this state. The knocks on their doors are loud. Both doors open almost at the same time.
"Get in Rogers' goddamn room, Barnes," you mutter, before shouldering your way past the blonde wall of muscle looking entirely too confused for your liking. He's way too cute like that, and you're supposed to be angry.
The two men follow you like obedient puppies, sitting down on Steve's bed when you gesture towards it. You sway slightly after closing the door, resulting in someone shooting up from their position, but quickly falls back when you shoot the brown-haired guy a glare.
For what must be at least five seconds, you stare at the two young men now sitting on Steve's bed, staring up at you nervously as if you are the principal and they've been called into the office for disobedience. It's kind of fun, but you tire quickly of the staring contest, and instead run the back of your hand across your forehead with a sigh.
"I do just fine by myself," you say all of a sudden. No warning, no explanation. "And yes, it's really sweet that you two want to help, but you've completely ignored me and what I want since I got sick. That's not okay."
What started off strong and confident has now turned into looking anywhere but their eyes as you speak. Why are they making you nervous?
"I have boundaries when I'm sick too, you know? And it doesn't exactly feel like you actually care about me when you just push and prod at me like I'm some doll instead of a person who told you repeatedly that I didn't want your help."
You can't really see their reactions, since you're...not looking at them. Instead you have your arms engulfing themselves, fingers picking on your skin and the hem of your shirt nervously. You're not used to confrontation. Almost no training in scolding people at all. Especially not when it comes to people you care about so deeply. But it has to be done, according to Natasha. And maybe you know that she's right.
"And I'm mad at you. But I know that your intentions are good, and this doesn't have to be a big thing...but I just wanted you to know how I felt."
Too many seconds of silence passes after your little speech is done. The only sound in the room is your collective breathing. You're still looking down to the floor, watching your toes wiggle as a distraction.
"You can speak now, if you want to," you add timidly after what must have been half a minute.
The sound of Bucky letting out a long pent up breath almost makes you laugh, but you school your expression as you finally look him in the eyes. He almost burst watching you so fidgety, refusing to look at either of them.
"I'm sorry, babe," Bucky says, volume nearing on a whisper. He didn't mean to say that last word. "I just—I get kind of panicky when people get sick. You know, Steve—"
"I know about Steve's sickness, Buck," you tell him.
"Yeah, but...sometimes when he was like this it would be a life or death situation. Y/n, I've been the one to call 911 several times when I didn't think Steve would make it."
"I didn't know that," you say. "That it was that bad."
"He would start off exactly like you." Bucky pauses for too many seconds, scrunching his nose before shaking his head. "This fucking cough that would never disappear, and then the high fever. But I guess you have a better set of lungs and heart than he did back then."
"Oh, I—I don't know..."
"You're not about to go into heart failure because of a stupid cold," he says, but you think it's more of a reminder for himself. Steve looks at him funnily, as if he's almost sad by Bucky's words. Maybe he didn't know how much his friend saw during their childhood.
"We're sorry we ignored you, Y/n," Steve speaks up. "Now after, I...I can see that we were too overbearing. And you're right, that's not okay. But I don't want you to think we don't view you as a person. That's not true."
His blue eyes do that soft, concerned thing only Steve can pull off. It kind of pisses you off. You're supposed to be mad, but it's hard. Okay, you actually forgave them before you even entered the room, but they don't know that yet.
"Well, it kind of felt like you didn't," you mutter, looking away.
"I know. You don't deserve that," he answers. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I promise I'll do better."
You can't help but let the tiniest of smiles grace your lips. They barely notice it, you think.
"Okay. I guess I accept your apologies. But, this doesn't mean that I don't want to be helped at all—it just means that it will happen on my own terms. No more extreme coddling and babying."
Bucky gives you an amused smirk, rubbing his chin with his fingers. God, he would fit in perfectly in a douchy frat house. Idiot.
"You're kinda cute when you're yelling at us, you know?" he tells you. You think both you and Steve share the exact same reaction—Bucky gets a slap to the back of his head from the latter while you just scowl at him.
"You're such a jerk. That is not what you should take with you from this situation," you seethe, even though heat is traveling to your cheeks in an almost unhealthy pace. Goddamn him and his charm. You blame it on the fever.
"Punk," Steve mutters, shaking his head in disapproval while Bucky just ducks away from any further violence. There's still that smug grin on his face though.
"Bucky is a lot more likeable when he's shy and quiet, don't you think?" You turn to Steve, ignoring the brown-haired man now pouting at you. You've already forgotten why you're in this room in the first place. And damn it, you're starting to feel that you're not exactly top condition right now, and you know you have to sit down soon.
"Uh-huh. Is a lot easier to keep in line, at least."
"Hey! I'm right fucking here, you know? Don't talk shit about—"
Bucky doesn't get to finish his sentence before your seemingly healthier state turns critical in just a few seconds. The standing up for too long with a fever and no source of energy for two whole days finally takes it toll, and the clear focus you had on your boys turns into a big blur. A thud sounds through the room as your side crashes into Steve's drawer, balance lost completely before you could even notice you were dizzy in the first place. Within a second you're on the floor with a throbbing pain in the back of your head.
"Fuck," Bucky breathes out as he gets to his feet with Steve right on his heel, crossing the few feet's distance between you. "I know you just said we shouldn't coddle you...but—"
"It's fine. I'll give you a pass," you manage to get out while rubbing the back of your head, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
Strong hands pull you up to your feet, embracing your unsteady body so your head rests against Bucky's chiseled chest. Steve has his palm on your back, searching for any kind of contact.
"What happened? Are you okay?" he asks while Bucky leads you to the bed, forcing you to lie down.
"I don't think it was such a good idea to stand for that long," you say with a tired smile.
"Well, I tried to tell—" Bucky stops himself in the middle of the sentence, catching himself doing exactly what he promised he wouldn't. You grin at him, patting his thigh the best you can from your position.
"Good boy. Already learning."
The man blushes like a grown man has not done ever. You don't notice though, of course you don't, and his momentary weakness remains harmless. Steve doesn't point it out, because he's too engrossed by looking at the now sore spot at the back of your head. But you never notice, and Steve almost begins to think you're avoiding the signs on purpose. You should have noticed by now. Sam and Natasha certainly have—they can't give either of them a break when it comes to teasing about you.
"Fuck, this is the last thing I needed," you groan, putting your hands up to cover your face while leaning back into what now feels like Steve's thighs. When did he move you?
"Know it sucks, bad timing and all that, but maybe a sign to take it easier?" Bucky says, though he has to clear his throat first to rid it of the thickness he gained from your little comment earlier.
"What d'ya mean?" you mumble, eyes closed.
Maybe you were overreacting earlier. Now, with their hands in your hair and stroking your legs soothingly, you feel great. As if they really do care about you. But it's different now, you guess.
"Sweetheart, you've been stressing yourself to death this past month. You have this irrational fear, which is completely wrong, that you will fail all of your classes when you absolutely are not going to," Steve tells you.
"Maybe..." you mutter.
"Yeah, lay it down, will you? 'M only taking it easy on you with the scolding now 'cause you're sick, but it's actually worrying. Don't know why you think so low of yourself when it comes to school. You've done great the entire time."
"I can't help it," you whisper. "But I really don't want to study anymore. I'm tired."
Steve chuckles at you, shaking his head. "You don't have to. If you're good to do the test in two days—and I really mean if—you're already perfectly prepared. Been studying for a month. God knows I ain't ever studied that long for an exam."
"I know..."
"But even without me and Steve...helping, I, uh—are you gonna be fine 'till then?" Bucky asks, a new concerned frown in between his eyebrows appearing.
"You are allowed to help me, Buck. I never said that you couldn't," you tell him. Your eyes are closed, deep breaths being taken to rid yourself of the nausea. Despite this, you notice his restlessness over the thought.
"Yeah. I guess. Just don't want you...don't want you to be sick anymore," he mutters under his breath, as if though he wishes you could not really hear it.
This is the Bucky you usually see. The one who's a little shy and has trouble expressing his feelings, except if it's anger. Then he has all the willpower in the world to act on it. The guy who cares very deeply about his friends and becomes closed off when he can't help them.
"Not super excited about this either, Barnes," you whisper, arm thrown over your face to shield you from the rest of the world.
"We're on last name basis now, huh?" Steve says. You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Uh-huh." You nod to your best ability. "You deserve that."
"She's just practicing her future last name, Stevie," Bucky speaks up, wearing a grin that falls just as quickly as it appeared. A dreaded, wide-eyed expression dawns upon his face as he stares at the two of you. The realization is painful.
"What? What did you just say?" You lift your head up from Steve's lap, staring at Bucky who's now beet red.
"Oh, shit."
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128 notes · View notes
disregardcanon · 6 months
thinking about a npmd characters yellowjackets au and oh boy it's fun
okay so the premise is, the hatchetfield high school nighthawk football team is going to nationals. i'm pretty sure that doesn't exist for american high school football but we're suspending disbelief.
solomon lauter is trying to build up goodwill with the community for this election cycle, so not only does he charter a private plane for the football team, he makes his daughter go with. HE doesn't have time to go to seattle and it's not like most people will see him there anyway, but if he puts his daughter on the plane with them and says oh look my daughter is so kind and supportive! she's taking time away from HER own schoolwork and HER own life to support our fighting nighthawks! what a kind and involved citizen she is!
and then of course he pressures her teachers to just. let her off the hook for activities in classes that week. because she's such a kiiinnnddd person who's supporting the football team.
richie, of course, is essential for an excursion such as this. he's zeke the fighting nighthawk! he's on that plane. ruth has some overlap with misty quigley that i find interesting, so we're making her the equipment manager. this is half to get her on the plane and half because i think she'd use that as an excuse to be a pervert. like oooohhh i'm so sorry! i didn't think there would be boys CHANGING in here right now! myyyy mistake.
max and the football team and brenda and the cheer squad are all there. now however do we get our dearest spankoffski on that plane? (ruth says that she needs help with equipment management duties and pete's already the salutorian of the class... so she's able to sell him just missing this second to last week of school alright to the teachers. he doesn't really WANT to, but steph, who he's been bonding with since she got him to help her cheat and then actually helped her study... asks him to. because she says she's going to be bored out of her mind without someone to hang out with... and he's only HUMAN, okay?)
now how do we get grace temperance chastity on a plane full of horny teenagers for an activity that she doesn't do? why making her the president of the FCA (fellowship of christian athletes) of course! she is the self-assigned chaperone of such an important and potentially very horny and drug-ridden activity in such a den of sin (seattle). SHE is the only thing standing between the students of hatchetfield high and total anarchy. as valedictorian (peter, if you just applied yourself and maybe went to chuuurrrcchhh you might have beaten me! grace will you just shut up-) she is not worried about her grades in this penultimate week of school. oh BOY was she wrong.
they of course crash in the canadian rockies. the coaches die, and we're left with absolute fucking anarchy. everyone save our favorite quintet listen to max for awhile as he dictates the ways that heeee, max jagerman, think things should be run. it's bad! it doesn't work! they're gonna fucking die!!!!!!!
jagerman is more worried about how to keep his power and where steph keeps disappearing to than figuring out how to stay alive in case of... not getting rescued.
ruth has GAD and is just freaking the fuck out in the corner, richie is doing the same, and pete is trying to figure out. how the fuck to survive in case of no rescue coming. steph's on team I Think We Should Prepare, Jesus Christ! and grace enjoys survival situations so she's over here. she also thinks that the act of god might be that they're stuck out here and have to build a new jerusalem (tehehe)
the combined powers of steph's charisma and kindness, pete's problem-solving, and grace's intensity and sureness in herself, they convince the rest of the group that they found a safer spot... a lake, where they might find water and food and not die here by the plane while waiting for a rescue that might not come.
the rest of the group listens, showing the first crack in max jagerman's power, and he has a very ugly blowup but eventually follows.
he IS going to die out there. he IS going to be the first to die out there. and they are going to eat him :) but it's also max jagerman who's in the narrative role of jackie. so he's gonna haunt this fucking narrative! OHHHHH YEAAAAAAHHHHHHH
other tidbits: max deciding to for real pursue grace is mainly about trying to break her power base because he's pissed she's the one everyone's listening to now, but he also... does think that's hot. :3
grace IS going full girl-prophet. lottie tempered her girl-prophet ways in season 2 because she realized that things were going wrong... grace thinks she's god's anointed so she is not going to do that. not at all.
stephanie HAS got a gun. a hunting she will go. a hunting she will take pete. (we're out here starving in the woods and you think that pete and i shouldn't... sleep together? with fucking CONDOMS!?!?! what is your prOBLEM? he's a loser and you're COOL! we're not in fucking high school, max! grow! up!) they're getting some of that Narrative Conflict With The Superstitions that defines natalie's character.
ruth WOULD find the porno mags she WOULD show everyone and when grace tries to confiscate them for Jesus Reasons ruth would find one to squirrel away just for herself. i am also assigning ruth butcher because i think she could handle the guts, and also.. i'm sorry the idea of ruth throwing girls' nights with jagerman's corpse in the freezing cold meat shed just works in my brain.
i'm gonna give richie van's How Do We Make Sense of All These Times I Almost Died and this ABSOLUTE Bullshit!??!! plot line, along with assigning him group morale and Person Who Tells the Stories.
when it gets to the card pull grace WILL be rigging it to get rid of "dirty dudes". jason gets got first. and grace keeps giving lautski and ruth cryptic warnings about cleaning up their sexual act or else and they're just like hahaha i'm in danger...
somehow grace thinks that this is all compatible with her christianity! i love her <3
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jmflowers · 1 year
I just accomplished a bunch of things I needed to do before bed, so I vote we celebrate with an instalment of "I wrote this stuff and then discarded it from Risk"!
In trying to figure out how to have the dad thing factor into the story, I wrote like 5 or 6 different iterations of it coming to light. This is one version that I liked but decided against using because I wanted Risk to be told entirely from Carina's third-person point of view and this negated that. It was super fun to explore the relationship between the kids as teenagers, though, and this push-and-shove dialogue has become the backbone of writing them in their older years.
We'll call this: "prompt #17" (I guess). You can read it below the cut...
Despite their best efforts, Andrea and Beatrice haven’t quite managed to cover the entire kitchen table with their combined homework. A small patch of wood peeks out from the space between them, untouched by the wide array of tech they’ve spread out. Andrea groans, slamming a finger against the backspace button on his keyboard as he rubs at his forehead.
It’s become a routine now that high school requirements are plaguing them both. Quiet Friday evenings before the moms get home are perfect for sluffing through as much schoolwork as possible. Andrea misses the days of cartoons and popcorn, though; when they’d sneak all the sugar they could before grown-up eyes came through the door with dinner and disapproval.
“You getting anything done?” he sighs, leaning back on the kitchen chair to get a better view of his little sister.
Beatrice is hunched over her tablet, the stylus in her hand swirling around in mindless circles. She exhales loudly. “I think if I doodle any more, I’ll have to go pro.”
That settles it. Andrea closes his laptop, finally admitting defeat. “How was practice?” he asks as he rises from the table, crossing the kitchen in search of something to clear his head.
“It was good,” Beatrice answers, the stylus still swirling. “Coach says my arms are getting better.”
Andrea pulls open the fridge, scanning the contents for something that isn’t better suited for a life inside a protein shake. Unsurprisingly, he comes up short. “You’re supposed to run with your legs,” he jokes, switching his attention to the freezer.
“Ha, ha,” Beatrice says, tossing the stylus onto the tabletop and turning around in her chair to watch as Andrea digs through the freezer. “There’s some gelato under the peas if Mama didn’t finish it already,” she suggests.
“Yes!” Andrea rejoices as he uncovers their prize. He pushes the freezer closed with his foot at the same time as he stretches to grab two spoons from the cutlery drawer, his long limbs already rehearsed in years of this kitchen tango.
Beatrice accepts a spoon as he drops into the chair next to her, depositing the gelato container on the empty corner of the table. They’re quiet for a moment, both shoveling oversized scoops into their mouths. It’s not quite as good as the gelato they’d had last summer in Italy but it’s sweet and cold and not homework.
“There was a scout at practice today,” Beatrice murmurs after a while, once the brain freeze has slowed her shoveling.
“Oh yeah?” Andrea answers, still focused on his spoon.
“Yeah,” Beatrice nods, “Kate says they’re probably looking at the juniors already.” She draws her bottom lip into her mouth, chewing on it slowly as she thinks.
Her brother notices that, though, smirking as he shoves the gelato tub in her direction again. “That make you nervous?”
She scoffs, shoving it back. “I’m a freshman.”
Andrea shrugs, pulling the tub into his lap as he scoops up the final few bites. “Crazier things have happened, B.”
“He talked to me,” she whispers, fingers dancing across her spoon with the jitters of nerves and excitement and confusion. “He knew my name… Me.”
For the first time since he’d started eating, Andrea stills, spoonful of gelato halfway to his mouth. He gathers himself again quickly, shoving it between his lips and standing up. “Just the one scout?” he asks, “Isn’t there usually a few scheduled to visit a meet or something?”
“Andrea,” Beatrice groans, throwing her head back against the chair, “I didn’t ask for three parents.” She flips her spoon up into the air above her head, catching it before it can collide with her face. “He just came over and talked to a few of us while we were stretching. It was nice.”
“Okay,” Andrea shrugs, leaning over the sink with the now-empty gelato tub.
“It doesn’t matter, anyways,” Beatrice continues, flipping the spoon again, “He’s a long-distance coach and I’m a sprinter. It’s basically two different sports.”
Andrea turns on the tap, rinsing the tub slowly beneath the steady stream of water. “Long-distance?” he asks, swallowing roughly.
“Yeah,” Beatrice laughs, “Mom probably would’ve loved to talk to him. They could’ve gotten each other all riled up about endurance and race snacks.” She flips the spoon once more, but her aim is off just a little and it misses her grasp, clattering against the tile floor.
Andrea jumps at the sound.
Beatrice sighs, rolling off her chair to retrieve it. “He even said he’d trained an athlete who went to the Olympics,” she chuckles as she strolls across the kitchen, dropping her dirty spoon in the sink. “Isn’t that crazy?”
“Yeah,” Andrea whispers, “Crazy.”
It’s a typical Friday night dinner; takeout containers spread across the table, Beatrice babbling away animatedly about her day and forgetting to eat. Andrea sits at the other end, more focused on his meal than the chatter, quiet until his little sister finally relinquishes her hold on their mother’s attention.
Carina watches as it unfolds, as Maya nods along to everything their daughter has to say even though she’s probably only half-listening, as those familiar blue eyes of her wife’s dart up every few minutes to find her own. They’ve barely had an hour together in the same place all week, between the track meet and their work schedules and Andrea’s college fair, the requirements of motherhood taking precedence as usual.
“And what did Mr. Harcourt say?” Maya prompts, smirking as the question launches Beatrice into another tirade, their daughter barely pausing for breath as she tells the story.
Carina finds herself looking to Andrea instead, analyzing the slope of his shoulders as he hunches over his plate. He’s been not quite himself all evening: his smile not quite reaching his eyes, his posture not quite as upright, his fingers busy tapping at his thighs more than is typical.
When Maya looks her way again, she holds her gaze, left eyebrow lifting as she tips her head towards their son. Maya frowns in response, her jaw shifting side to side in acknowledgement. Something on his mind.
They’ve been looking at colleges for a few months now and the process has been weighing on him, Carina knows. Even though he still has time to decide, he can’t seem to settle on a major, which makes picking a school more difficult, and the added pressure just seems to be dragging him down.
Their sweet, sensitive boy has never been one to flourish amidst change.
“Andrea,” Carina interrupts, halting the string of Beatrice’s thought before she can launch into another tale of freshman drama, “How was your day?”
He shrugs, eyes still on his plate. “It was fine, Mama.”
“Lots of homework?” Maya presses, reaching across the table as if she’s only half-focused on him, too.
“Yeah,” he breathes, “That essay is due on Monday.” He bookends the sentence with a forkful of chicken, taking his time to chew.
“You got a lot done earlier, though,” Beatrice pipes up, tossing him a wide grin from the opposite end of the table, “Didn’t you?”
Andrea nods, still chewing.
“Was that before or after you got into my gelato stash?” Maya teases, lifting her own fork in accusation. Beatrice’s nose crinkles in response, those big brown eyes of hers sparkling with mischief. Andrea smirks, his cheeks colouring.
“My gelato,” Carina corrects, leaning into the banter in the hopes that it’ll lower Andrea’s guard for at least a few minutes. A good joke can do that sometimes; drag down his armour long enough to get out what’s racing through his mind.
It warms her inside, this intimacy of their family. That Maya, too, knows that letting Beatrice talk through all of dinner will mean their daughter can settle into the calm of their home with a clear head. That Andrea needs laughter when his mind is swirling through a scenario he can’t work out on his own. That even now, when their children are teenagers who sit at either ends of the table, they can still read them, still decipher them, still look at each other and communicate the rhythm needed to reach them both.
It's intoxicating, this synchronicity, and it makes her want to lean across the table and pull Maya into a kiss.
“I’m the one who hid it,” Maya argues.
“But you hide everything in the same spot,” Beatrice bickers right back.
“Yeah, cause none of you ever touch the peas!”
“Why don’t you tell Moms about the scout, B?” Andrea suggests, derailing their banter. He looks up expectantly when he says it, wide eyes and an encouraging smile filling his face as he stares at his sister.
Carina watches as Beatrice squints at him, clearly attempting to deduce his motive.
“A scout?” Maya asks, eyebrows rising comically high up her forehead, “At practice?”
“Uh, yeah,” Beatrice nods, still focused on her brother, “Getting an early look at the juniors, I guess.”
“Sophomores, too, probably,” Maya adds.
Beatrice pales at the suggestion, her bottom lip disappearing between her teeth. Unlike Andrea, their not-so-little girl has a pretty solid idea of where she’d like to go after high school, already watching as the seniors embark on the track scholarship pipeline she’s begun dreaming of. It’s not pressure, she’d assured them all over dinner a few weeks ago, Just a goal.
“But he was a long-distance coach, right?” Andrea continues, feigning nonchalance. He falls a little flat of his target, though, his eyes flicking upwards to Beatrice’s face too often to not declare the obviousness of intent behind his question. “Didn’t you say he coached someone who went to the Olympics?”
Maya stills immediately, the muscles in her arms tightening so minutely Carina’s certain she’d have missed it if there weren’t decades of memorizing her wife under her belt. There’s a tightness in Maya’s jaw when she goes searching for her gaze, every inch of her body suddenly on high alert.
Andrea swallows roughly beside his mother. “What was his name again?” he asks.
Beatrice shrugs, completely oblivious to the rising temperature at the table. “I don’t know, something obnoxiously running-related,” she grins as the memory resurfaces, digging back into her food with a renewed vigor, “Kate kept snickering about it after.”
“Track?” Andrea suggests.
Blonde hair swishes as Beatrice shakes her head, food finally making its way into her mouth. She doesn’t answer as she chews but her eyes flick up towards the ceiling, attempting to remember.
“Dash?” Carina murmurs, watching as Maya’s throat bobs.
“Mmm-mmm,” Beatrice hums.
Maya’s mouth opens slowly, her fingers tensed on the tabletop. Her voice is flat when she speaks, so cold and so un-Maya that it makes Carina shiver. “Lane?”
“Yeah!” Beatrice laughs, “Can you imagine? I think I’d rather be named starting block or sprint.” She brushes a wisp of loose hair behind her ear, somehow still unaware of the change in energy occurring around the table.
Forever in her own little world, their Beatrice.
Andrea, however, ducks his chin, abandoning his fork on the table as he shifts backwards in his chair. Maya doesn’t look at him, doesn’t look anywhere but at the plate in front of herself, muscles winding themselves tighter and tighter with every second.
He’d asked about his grandfather the summer before last, when a traipse through the basement for some camping supplies had unearthed a photo album he’d never seen before. The pictures had been cute and untroubling at first; braids and braces and Maya’s triumphant grin. Until Andrea had turned to the last page and Carina had caught sight of Lane Bishop for the first time in more than 15 years.
She’d tried to tread carefully around the subject. Tried to convey as gently as she could the reason their children have never known their grandfather, the reason that Maya never speaks his name in their home. But he’s receptive, their son, and far smarter than she sometimes knows what to do with.
Andrea understood it seemed, even then, that Lane Bishop wasn’t a person to ask his mom about, nor a name to blab to his little sister. Carina had been grateful when he’d tucked it away inside his mind, despite the swirl of guilt in her gut at her own selfishness. There’d been too many years of therapy, she’d rationed, too much time spent burying his memory to dig it back out again.
Only, Andrea doesn’t forget.
And Maya’s father will probably always be a festering wound.
“You are not to speak to that scout,” Maya manages through a jaw so tight her mouth barely opens.
Beatrice scoffs, the sound dying only when she finally looks up at her mother in the millisecond before she’s about to protest. Her brow furrows, eyes darting around the table as she takes in the tension that’s looped its way into everyone else. “Oh… kay,” she mumbles, “What did I miss?”
Maya swallows and it looks so painful Carina feels her heart clench in response. The desire to reach for Maya flares loudly, a voice screaming in her head to grab her hand or round the table to pull her into her arms. But it won’t help, Carina knows, won’t do anything but speed up the inevitable unraveling or spark the explosion.
“I’m sorry, Mom,” Andrea whispers.
“It’s okay,” Maya exhales, “You didn’t do anything.”
Beatrice squints, her shoulders hiking up towards her ears with sudden nerves. “Did… did I do something?” she murmurs.
“No,” Carina soothes, reaching for Beatrice’s hand instead. She squeezes at their daughter’s fingers and smiles as softly as she can manage, suddenly desperate to spin time backwards a few minutes. “We just…” She trails off, unsure what to say.
Maya swallows again, drawing in a slow breath. “I need a minute,” she mutters, rising from the table. She’s gone in a second, disappearing up the stairs and leaving the wide, panicked looks of their children in her wake.
“It’s okay,” Carina soothes immediately, patting Beatrice’s hand, “You didn’t do anything wrong.” She reaches for Andrea as she gets up, too, leaning over to press a kiss against the top of his head. “Either of you.”
The voice in her head is getting louder, screaming that Maya needs her.
“Should I go check on her?” Andrea asks. It really is a family curse, the incessant need to take care of others; it’s printed into Andrea’s DNA, even though she didn’t mean to put it there.
“No,” Carina murmurs.
Even though she meant to shield them both from this.
“I’ve got her.”
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tardisman14 · 2 years
A Letter of Thanks
Summary: Being stuck in another realm with no way home sucks. But while she's there, Amity figures that she at least has a chance to write a letter to the author of her favorite series.
Rating: General
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Dear Ms. Featherwhyle,
I’m sure you must get letters like this all the time, and I imagine that you don’t get a chance to go through every single one of them. However, I still wanted a chance to tell you how much your books mean to me.
Growing up in my household wasn’t the most pleasant experience. I had strict parents that forced me to live up to their standards as well as two older siblings who constantly got under my skin. I was even forced to break things off with my best friend and instead hang out with kids who were deemed “suitable”. As the years went by, it all became so routine that I guess I sort of became numb to all of it.
Then, about a year ago, I was browsing through my local bookstore and came across the first book in your series. The moment I saw Azura on the cover, I was immediately intrigued. So I decided to read a bit, just to see if it was worth my time. Before I knew it, I had read through the first five chapters before the store owner told me that they were closing up for the night. So I decided to buy the book so I could finish it later.
Between schoolwork, grudgby volleyball practice, and my after-school job at the local library, I didn’t have a whole lot of free time. But in the time I had, I couldn’t find it in me to look away from the pages of that book. I managed to get through it in just a little over a week. So I went back to the bookstore and purchased the next three installments. I even found out that the first few movie adaptations were available as well.
For months, your books were the most positive part of my life. Although, to my surprise, I couldn’t find anyone else who was just as passionate about them. But then, a few months ago, I met someone whose love for Azura possibly rivaled my own. Admittedly, we didn’t get off to the best start. I had been rather hostile at the time, mainly due to a number of misunderstandings. But then, after a crazy night involving a mess at my job, she helped me clean up a rather large mess, and even loaned me her copy of the fifth book. It was because of that small gesture that I started to reconsider my opinion of her.
In the following weeks, we got to know each other more and more. And with that, my life started to change for the better. I became closer with my siblings. I started to make things right with my friend that I had to break things off with years ago. And after so many years of having to keep my head down, I finally stood up to my parents when it had become too much. However, there was one other development that I didn’t see coming.
In the time that I had gotten to know my new friend, I started to realize that I liked her as more than just a friend. At first, it was so scary. I hadn’t really felt this way about anyone before, and I had no idea how to deal with it. Then, after doing me a huge favor after such a hard day, I got caught up in the moment and before I realized what I was doing, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Immediately after, I hurried inside and avoided her for over a week, worried that I screwed up so much and that she wouldn’t want to talk to me again.
Then, one night, a friend of hers brought us together. After some misunderstandings, she told me that she felt the same way. And by the end of the night, we sort of asked each other out. It was still scary, but at least I knew that she was just as scared as I was.
It’s been over a month since that night. A lot of craziness has happened in that time, but we’ve been able to get through it together. And honestly, right now, I think I’m gonna need her now more than ever.
Recently, my friends and I had to leave our home. We don’t know when we’ll be able to go back, or how much will have changed when we return. I only recently started to reconnect with my dad, and I have no idea how he’s doing during all of this. In the meantime, my girlfriend’s mom has taken us in. We’re all still getting used to this new situation, but we’re working to get through it one day at a time. I actually recently found out that your next book is set to come out in the coming weeks, so I at least have something else to look forward to in this difficult time.
Anyway, thanks again. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but your books helped me through some hard times. And of all the positive connections I’ve made over the last few months, the one I made with my now-girlfriend was the one that set it all off. And while I don’t know how it would’ve turned out if we didn’t bond over Azura, it certainly helped. So thanks for helping us find common ground.
Your grateful fan,
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How Can One Balance Being a mom and Full-Time College Student?
It is your fourth day of fall semester and you have just gone to your fifth and final class of the week. You feel so left behind not having purchased your required books, after being busy with preparing your child all week for the first week of school. How do you manage to stay on top of your schoolwork while also still being a mom? Balancing is the key. Being a mom can be challenging at times. It takes a lot of patience and support to raise a child as a young parent. Now imagine doing so, while also attending college full time. Both are overwhelming to manage, furthermore; the decision to go to college as a mom is one that is strenuous. You may feel it is impossible to achieve or selfish of wanting due to being a parent.  
I remember my first full time semester after my son was born. It was exceedingly difficult for me to find a balance between my schoolwork and raising my child. My goal is to help you feel confident in your academic life as well as parenting. Figuring out that balance will lead to a well-planned and less stressful schedule. Attending college as a parent is a choice that will benefit you and your child overall.  
In this blog, I will provide ways that will help you manage attending college while raising a child. Giving tips that will help you balance the two together. Pointing out resources that can be used and looked for to help you along the way.  
Support System 
Having a support system can make a difference in your success. Being a young mom in college, you may often feel alone with no one to understand or be there to support you. Most universities have resources between staff, faculties, and students that can help you while you embark on your education journey. 
Family members who can support you on your decisions about attending school with a child are beneficent. This way, you can have people who you know and trust to encourage you to do the best you can. They may even be willing to help watch your child while you attend classes, or whenever you need space to study. If you are ever feeling overwhelmed, confiding in your loved ones will help ease the pressure you may endure.  
Friends are also great support systems. Having a few close friends to keep you uplifted during this time is considerate. They may even be fellow college students who can help you with schoolwork and plan study sessions. Going out with your friends during your free time can relieve any stress you may be going through. A considerable recommendation would be to surround yourself around peers who are in similar life stages with you, to help find a sense of familiarity. 
Online Classes 
One thing I will live by as a fellow college student with a son is online classes. Having the opportunity to log into your class online from the comfort of your home is a benefit we have in this day of age. Especially if you do not have anyone to watch your child, it allows you to learn while also having your child right next to you. It gives you the convenience to learn at your own pace. Even if you are not comfortable with online classes, many colleges offer zoom classes in which you can meet at a scheduled time for lectures. 
Online classes will allow you to do household and parental tasks from your home as usual. Such as cleaning your home, helping your child with their homework assignments and spending quality time together as a family. You will have the relief of not having to miss any lectures due to watching your child and helping with their personal needs. The Education Trust conducted research, and gathered information from college students who are parents. According to The Education Trust, “Interviewees noted that hybrid/online courses help with time management and minimize the need for additional childcare, which are both major concerns for them. Also emphasizing the importance of a support system.” (Brittani Williams, 2022) Many Determined College Students Are Also Dedicated Parents: A Preview of the Student Parent Affordability Report - The Education Trust (edtrust.org) This allows you to be a stay-at-home parent and a college student and finding that balance between the two. 
College students can agree that determination is important when it comes to attending college. Students must believe in themselves and stay determined that all their hard work will end with them receiving a degree. The same can be said for parents who must do schoolwork and raise their child. Being a role model and making the right choices for your child. While also staying determined in your academics and knowing both is achievable.  
Trying to raise a child while pursuing a higher education can be hard. Especially as a new young parent. You may feel as though you have no idea what you are doing or making the wrong decisions. Having to sacrifice a higher education that could potentially get you a well-paid career, due to having guilty feelings of not being around your child as much is no choice that should be made lightly. Finding the right balance, with pure intentions and determination in both is the key to success. This will give you the push and drive you need to finish your education with purpose. Prosperity states, “Four million college students have children. Out of 3.8 million college students who are parents, 70% or 2.7 million students are mothers.” (Lana Rose, 2023) 53+ College Student Statistics 2024 (Data, Facts & Trends) (prosperityforamerica.org) These statistics show you that you can do anything you put your mind to. Whether you are a single mother with a child and are studying one or two majors, it is possible. You are deciding to further your education, which will lead you to more opportunities for you and your child.  
4 Tips on Balancing School and Being a mom 
Finding a balance as a college student can be stressful. Especially when it is your first year, and you have no knowledge of what is to be expected. Having to balance college and being a mom is a complex situation. It can cause anxiety of not being sure if you are making the right choices as the semester progresses. Here are a few tips that can help you get started on how to balance these two life journeys.  
Create a schedule 
Creating a schedule for your schoolwork and time with your child will help you feel less stress and be more productive in your studies. It allows you to have a head start on how your day-to-day life will be. Scheduling availability to study and complete assignments will increase your academic success. Remember to be available to spend time with your child and enjoy some quality time together. Separating your time for schoolwork and time with your child is a healthy way to balance both. 
Set goals 
Setting realistic goals will help you stay on track of what your personal expectations are. Limiting the chances of stress you may occur during this time of your life. One goal may be to finish your weekly homework assignments before the weekend. Therefore, you have the rest of the weekend for family time or other plans. Another goal could be to take your child out for an evening activity once a week, increasing quality time. No matter how small or large the goal may be, it will help you be productive. Just remember to set goals that are attainable.  
Ask for help 
You may be reluctant to receive help from others when needed. Especially as a young mom whose already has a lot on her plate. But asking for help is essential in balancing school and parenting. If you are struggling to complete assignments, speak to your professors for help. You may even look for resources on your campus that will help with a better understanding of the materials. Asking for help when it comes to your child is also crucial. Being a parent can be difficult, specifically when you are a new parent. There is a saying that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Don't be afraid to speak up when you need aid for your child.  
Study breaks 
We all need to take breaks sometimes. Schoolwork can be draining when you are taking multiple classes. Taking small breaks from schoolwork can help keep you motivated. During this time, you can practice self-care for yourself to replenish your mental strength, as well as spend time with your child by engaging in relaxed games or movie nights at home. Even so, moms need breaks as well. It is okay for you to take a break from your child and school to refocus yourself. 
You will come across difficulties and hardships in your life. Particularly when juggling multiple life obstacles at once, but it is manageable to do so. Seeking a higher education as a mom will give you a new purpose in your life, creating a better one for your family. It is possible to balance between the two by creating a schedule and making choices that are best for you. Stay consistent and maintain determination within yourself. Briefing Paper, written by Institute for Women’s Policy Research states, “Research demonstrate that increasing parents’ educational attainment yields positive short and long-term gains for children, in the form of higher earnings, greater access to resources, more involvement in their child’s education and greater likelihood of their child pursuing a higher educational degree (Miller, Gault, Thorman 2011; Attewell and Lavin 2007).” If you were looking for a drive and benefits of balancing school and parenting, here is a good motivation.  
There is no one way to execute the balance of school and parenting. Doing what works for you and your life is all that matters. There will be times when the two may become unbalanced. With school needing more time and effort than usual, or even your child wanting or needing my quality time and care. There will always be support somewhere from someone in your life circle, such as your college or family/friends. Find the sources at your college that will provide you with the necessary tools and help you may need to find a balancing school schedule. And motivation you will need to keep moving forward. Ultimately, executing these tips to help you handle being a mom and attending school will lead you to achieving your educational goals. 
 I hope this helps you and cannot wait to give more tips and advice on being a college student while raising a child.  
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levantu · 4 months
(Sinh viên sử dụng điện thoại trong giờ học?)
Dr Le Van Tu-11/2/2024
I read “Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say”
With Anna Lamb, Harvard Staff Writer,March 13, 2023. 
Anna Lamb opens the article: Students around the world are being separated from their phones.
In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones  for nonacademic purposes. In September 2018, French lawmakers outlawed cellphone use for schoolchildren under the age of 15. In China, phones were banned country-wide for schoolchildren last year (2022).
The National Center for Education Statistics of the United States, France, and China have their reasons for acting this way. There is no denying the negative aspects when students study in the classroom and watch their phones for entertainment at the same time!
Supporters of these initiatives have cited links between smartphone use and bullying and social isolation and the need to keep students focused on schoolwork.
77%Of U.S. schools moved to ban cellphones for nonacademic purposes as of 2020, according to the National Center for Education Statistics
But some Harvard experts say instructors and administrators should consider learning how to teach with tech instead of against it.
That's right, lecturers consider and choose how to teach and learn with technology for students, especially how to use phones during class.
And “Returning back to in-person, I think it was hard to break the habit,” said Victor Pereira, a lecturer on education and co-chair of the Teaching and Teaching Leadership Program at the Graduate School of Education.
This thinking is true that students cannot quit the habit of using phones and neither will the future.
Pereira added: Through their students, he and others with experience both in the classroom and in clinical settings have seen interactions with technology blossom into important social connections that defy a one-size-fits-all mindset. “Schools have been coming back, trying to figure out, how do we readjust our expectations?”
It’s a hard question, especially in the face of research suggesting that the mere presence of a smartphone can undercut learning .
Certainly, the presence of inappropriate smartphones will reduce students' learning efficiency.
Michael Rich an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an associate professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that phones and school don’t mix: Students can’t meaningfully absorb information while also texting, scrolling, or watching YouTube videos.
“The human brain is incapable of thinking more than one thing at a time,” he said. “And so what we think of as multitasking is actually rapid-switch-tasking. And the problem with that is that switch-tasking may cover a lot of ground in terms of different subjects, but it doesn’t go deeply into any of them.”
Pereira’s approach is to step back — and to ask whether a student who can’t resist the phone is a signal that the teacher needs to work harder on making a connection. “Two things I try to share with my new teachers are, one, why is that student on the phone? What’s triggering getting on your cell phone versus jumping into our class discussion, or whatever it may be? And then that leads to the second part, which is essentially classroom management.
My point of view is that it is impossible for students to entertain and study at the same time.
I have taught more than 30,000 students. I have commented: STUDENTS THAT SIT AT THE HEAD OF THE TABLE USUALLY STUDY VERY SERIOUSLY AND STUDY WELL.
If the lecturer just sits or stands fixedly on the podium, the area below the classroom will not absorb the lesson at all, and the students' learning results are often not good.
When starting with the first session, I made a rule and agreed with the students not to use phones during lectures. There must be student consensus.
Of course, to teach, you must be healthy and move regularly to the back of the class. Not all students are 100% self-aware.
Pereira continued “Design better learning activities, design learning activities where you consider how all of your students might want to engage and what their interests are,” he said. He added that allowing phones to be accessible can enrich lessons and provide opportunities to use technology for school-related purposes.
I also often let students use the phone to find answers to questions that the students and I ask.
Or use the phone when taking tests, taking open-ended exams and during group discussions and presentations, especially real-life examples. There are plenty of real-life examples on social networks.
In short, I still let you use your phone during class when taking tests and open-ended exams; Group discussion and presentation when using the phone to expand knowledge for the lesson.
Hopefully this article will help leaders, educational managers, and instructors on how to let students use smartphones during class. And this is the educational trend of the future.
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Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say
#Bansmayhelpprotectclassroomfocus# #studentssenseof connection#drlevantu#HoasinhtanHD#CanthoVietnam#closeandlongstandingmember#10years# lecturercollegesuniversitiesCantho
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temporarymoods · 8 months
taking care
Hi blog, don't think I've forgotten about you! I've just been so busy, and then I got sick, even though I didn't want to admit that I was under the weather at first. Now I'm waiting for my period to come, and every month it's so tantalizing. There's this very parade-y buildup, I mean the PMS is quite rough, and it all starts like 7-10 days beforehand, but then just as it's supposed to crest, everything stops. There's a calm before the storm, which without fail has me begging for it all to hit me already!! Part of my eagerness has to come from the fact that I am more prepared than the army for such an onslaught of destruction. Think of a way of collecting period "blood"--- guarantee you I have it, in its most organic form no less. Tampons? Check, with clean cotton. Pads? Multiple kinds, with magic powers. Cup? Yup. Technical underwear? They're actually great, and I own three pairs. I guess every month I just go rando with my method. Maybe switch it up on day 3 (definitely, actually.) My old therapist, the one who was a bit too woo, told me that your period is a gift, in a way: Built-in self-care time, or rather a cleansing, a purging, when deep covered 'stuff' can come to the surface, and you can solve it. I think she thought that cramps were the direct consequence of emotional/spiritual turmoil which was on the sufferer to figure out. Safe to say I haven't taken that last one with me, but the rest sticks, kinda. The idea that you can make something out of once-nothing is not lost on me, as we know. So, being able to ceremonify your period, yeah sure, I'm there. Definitely, actually. Rituals! Greater understanding! Problems and solutions! All make for quite a nice moment. Plus, even though so much about my period does fucking suck, and that's for me, privileged white lady, it means my body's working, and that's not just a given. I remember after my surgery when everything kinda started going again like a system reset, I got my first period a couple of months later. Overjoyed because it meant I was finally normal and healthy and on track with my life, as opposed to fallen off in a ditch, where I had been for too long. This history certainly informs my current affinity for my period--- and, not the be forgotten, the joy not being pregnant :) So, like every other fourth week, I'm kind of looking forward to the spectacle.
Meaning-making is like sticking your hands in a sandbox. Or more like fetching water nearby to make the world malleable under your touch.
Coziness, fuzziness... I've taken these things for granted. I appreciate nmte (now more than ever) the stereotypical, tropey acts such as wearing slippers. "It's what women do," I've known for a long time. But I never felt like them. I've always struggled with leaning into an under-blanket kind of night. But I get it now. And I should really be embracing it more-- being in bed, wearing thick socks, living in sweats. Maybe I'm tired. But you don't need to be exhausted to rest. And resting, squeezing that orange of living for a drop of sweetness, what more could we be here for?
I desire more sweaters. I'm going to a fall festival at a farm soon; it will surely be the highlight of my month. This peach tea I'm currently sipping is very nice. My apple candle is bright smelling and perfect. I love that I get to sleep, and dream (so I can wake up and realize it is not real.) One of my dear friends is flying to visit for the long weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to a new cafe, which I've managed to make a habit of. Schoolwork is tough, but it will be over soon, and my everyday will blossom better. I owe some texts to my mom. The air was warming tonight. A newly discovered sustainable fashion brand had a great sale; a package will be arriving soon. There's a list of movies I'd like to watch this month, when I've got time in between open markets and thrifting. I've been asked on a date, but nervous to respond. The silhouettes of my room decor reflects how much I care about this bedroom setting, bringing me peace. I'm glad I got to blog again, even if it feels overwhelming. Hopefully my Depop listings will reach the right people.
What would be the first step in securing safe absences for those dealing with menstrual pain, really, where would we even start? I'd love to get some acquaintances around and discuss this. How would I do that?
Haha, Kate
p.s. brain noisy, pillow time
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duskpinelydearyou · 2 years
Artist Dates
Hello again Tumblr, I've got more to share with you!
I loved my second time at Full Sail University. From the start, I knew I had made the right choice in going back to the place where it all began, but I knew it'd be bittersweet as I was quickly coming to the end of my chapter in college and moving forward with the rest of my life. Though I learned a lot from this, I remember one thing that always stuck with me. My third month of twelve, a quarter of the way done with my program, I picked up on something in my scriptwriting class that had me thinking about enjoying something so nice for myself. And it all has to do with thanks from a self-help book by an author named Julia Cameron.
As you can guess by the title of this, I did what was called an artist date. But what is an artist date, you're probably wondering. For me, it was a time I devoted myself to creatively getting out of my comfort zone to find inspiration in the world around me. Though the actual definition is close, it's what I saw my artist dates for the month of October. How did it help me? It freshened me up for a change as I had been so focused on just schoolwork and the like that I never took the opportunity to get out of my shell. Like a turtle, I finally got out of my shell and started going out to have fun, whether it just be around my apartment complex I was staying at, or actively going around the Winter Park community. So to add a little bit of fun and excitement to my blog here, I would like to convey the dates I went on, how I saw the world around me, and how it helped inspire me moving forward with my final venture through college.
We all have to start somewhere, and that start for me was on September 29th with a Hydrodipping even that was done in my apartment complex. What made it fun? Well, we got to design our own cups into unique and colorful patterns similar to how they do the wraps on cars to get those crazy unique styles. I challenged myself to be creative, to think outside the box with what wacky design I could come up with, and settled on it. It also happened during a time where I was working on my first script for the class, a one-page script that I had issues trying to write for as I had been so focused on writing stuff for a full short film.
The second event was exploring Winter Park in and of itself, and was among one of the more expensive dates I went on. Where did I go? Well, I went to Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite craft stores! I think that's something I share between myself and my family as we all love Hobby Lobby, and I was so happy that one was in the town I was living in for the year! My haul wasn't too big as there wasn't much to pick from, especially with it being close to Halloween at the time (October 6th is close in my book, don't @ me). I did manage to grab a couple of books though, mostly on how to draw anime and chibi (a subtle middle finger to my drawing teachers and instructors who tore me down when I was younger) and went home with my haul. Brought the books with me every day for the rest of the month just to chill out and draw something in my notebooks that I brought with me. What I got out of this was just turning my brain into off mode and focusing on something else. It was refreshing to just explore and not have to worry about any assignments for the day.
My next artist date after was just something so very simple: getting a haircut. Why was it considered an artist date? Well, sometimes an artist needs to look their best before a big project, and usually that can just be a change in their own self-appearance, which was what I wanted to do. I wasn't dealing with class that day, so I figured it was a good opportunity to put my controller down and just go for a haircut. I wasn't going to hermit myself in when it was such a beautiful day outside! I even made a video of it that has me doing my favorite video cut: the fingersnap cut.
October 17th was a day at the beach, just having time to enjoy myself and celebrate an incredibly big achievement. I had finished the rough draft of my five-page script and the pitch for this script. My family was also visiting at this time and it gave me a chance to just relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor now completed. A reprieve from the hard world of school, the reward being the gentle lapping of waves on the sand and music in my ears. This was also my last artist date for the end of the month, but there was more to be had as I enjoyed the concept of going out and enjoying myself as a treat for completing something, or getting out of my own head.
Those were just the first four of many I did. Fun experiences to be had all around, and it was just the start of many more wonderful experiences I had. From kayaking, to movie watching, to even enjoying a game I've not had the privilege of playing in years, my artist dates varied, and they continued to vary as such over the next year. I have more experiences to enjoy, much more to go out and see, and I plan on doing it all when I have the stability for it. Hope my next big artist date takes me across the country, or even the world for that matter. I'd love to see another culture and garner inspiration from it seeing as there is more to it than just seeing it on a computer screen. To a future of exploration and enjoying every moment!
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greysskinny · 2 years
Life planner studio
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A month or two ago, there was an alert on the app that said we should export our data and delete our accounts because MyStudyLife was shutting down, so I sadly did and found an alternative. I would normally give this app 5 stars in a heartbeat, I’ve been using it for all four years of college and it’s been an absolute lifesaver.
Maybe I’ll be back with an update when the semester is over. I feel so accomplished and I really feel like it’s in part thanks to this program. Honest opinion, I’ve never been this excited about anything to do with school, but now it’s almost kinda fun to schedule all my classes, tasks and exams and to mark them as completed when I’m done.
It took me a few days to figure out how to fully use the website/app, but it’s much easier to navigate than some other websites I’ve used. With the different tabs I can see just my “tasks” or assignments coming up, or I can look at my calendar tab and see all my classes, exams, holidays and assignments for the month. I can input as much information as I need about an assignment as well without running out of room, which was another problem I had with physical planners. So far I’ve only been using this app for a couple weeks but it’s completely changed the way I go about schoolwork! Because it’s online it’s always available and easily accessible, and I love being able to get reminders when I have a due date coming up. I’ve tried for years to use a physical planner but it’s never worked out and I’d always abandon them after a day or two. I’ve always had issues with time management and procrastination, not to mention just forgetting about assignments and tests. Get notified - reminders for unfinished tasks, upcoming exams and classes before they even start. Supporting day and week rotation timetables, advanced academic year/term support and integration into tasks you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Manage your classes - your paper planner, turbocharged. Store exams - keep those all important exams alongside your classes and revision tasks. Store your tasks with ease in the cloud, accessible anywhere. Track your tasks - homework, assignments, reminders and revision. You can add a task on the move from your phone or tablet and it will be instantly available on the web app. My Study Life seamlessly syncs your data between devices, allowing you to use the app even when offline. Add your classes and view them in a beautiful, instantly identifiable, familiar week view. Far from your standard calendar, My Study Life is optimized to work for your school life right from the start with support for week and day rotation schedules. Unlike a paper planner or school diary, My Study Life integrates all areas of your academic life - see homework due and overdue for classes, classes which conflict with your exams and even add revision tasks for a specific exam - all in a free, easy to use application. My Study Life allows you to store your classes, homework and exams in the cloud making it available on any device, wherever you are. My Study Life is a cross-platform planner for students, teachers and lecturers designed to make your study life easier to manage.
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rafescoke · 3 years
Older ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Maybe falling in love with a Maybank wouldn’t be too bad.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual abuse!, alcohol, getting intoxicated, sexual harassment, swearing, sweet Rafe Cameron
A/N: I don’t think this is my best fic, but let me know if I should continue this mini series!! thank you so much for 500+ followers, ily <33
p.s; you know the drill.. send requests!
(Y/N) wondered if a boy like him would ever like a girl like her.
It’s the soft touches against her skin, you see, that got her all worked up at work. She had a bad day at school, getting in a fight with her brother over not washing the dishes piling up in the sink, and there he was;
In his blue plaid shirt, his hair messily parted and that beautiful smile of his. He laughed at something the girl in front of him had said, and (Y/N) felt a pang of hurt across her heart.
“Go. Table 7.”
“What? I’m on my break!” She huffed, picking up her half-eaten sandwich and motioning it to the manager. “I have 10 minutes left.”
“We’re short of staff today,” he grunted, trying to balance the tray and an iPad on both hands. “Please.”
“Do I get more pay this month?”
“I’ll think about it,” he grumbled, and handed her the tray as she wrapped the sandwich again. “Oh, can you tell your brother that he’s fired? He didn’t come for his shift again today.”
“Not my problem,” she mumbled, taking the tray into her hands before proceeding to the diners. Her eyes swept over the many tables, and stopped at the seventh table from the front.
She swallowed her saliva, trying to contain her nervousness as she walked towards the table. She hoped against hope he wouldn’t notice her and continue to talk to whoever she was in front of him, but she wasn’t that lucky.
“Hey,” Rafe said softly, looking up to her. (Y/N) smiled weakly, not wanting to pull any attention towards her and hurried up to serve them.
“Hey, um-” the girl before him stopped her, and (Y/N) turned to look at her with her usual server smile. She hates it. “The pasta’s cold, can I get a new one?”
“Come on, Dee, it’s not that big of a deal,” Rafe said, but (Y/N) tried her hardest to maintain the smile. She couldn’t care less about her pasta, and she wouldn’t even bat an eye if an animal had crawled into her meal.
“I’ll reheat it for you,” she smiled fakely, picking up the plate before walking back towards the kitchen. Her smile completely disappeared when she pushed through the door separating the dining area and the kitchen, and proceeded to the cook.
“Another bitch?”
“Another bitch,” she sighed, and watched as the cook laughed and placed the pasta in the microwave. “You know, John, I really wish I don’t have to work in a restaurant.”
“It gives money, so I ain’t complaining much,” he mumbled, fiddling with the buttons on the stove. “But you’re still so young, mija. Don’t stress yourself too much. Where’s the brother?”
“JJ? I don’t know. He didn’t even come to school today. I wish he’s a better brother.”
“He is,” he shrugged, watching the timer counted down to signal the end of the reheating process. “He’s just ain’t showing it. They’ll appear.”
“What’ll appear?”
“The love.”
(Y/N) laughed, flatting her tray against the metal surface to let the cook placed the reheated pasta. “There’s no such thing as love, John. It’s all made up for little girls to believe.”
“Are you not a little girl?”
(Y/N) smiled, muttered a ‘thank you’ before proceeding to table number 7. She took a deep breath and forced herself to form the most politest smile ever, and placed the pasta in front of the girl, or Dee, or whatever Rafe was calling her.
“Thanks,” she muttered, not looking at her, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but noticed the side glance Rafe had given her during their brief meeting, but she didn’t want to dwell so much on that thought, not when she needed to make an amount of money to help put food for her family.
“You’re back late.”
“Sorry dad, I was working,” she sighed, placing her house keys on the table. “Have you eaten?”
Luke swatted his hands, motioning that he’s content. (Y/N) sighed a breath of relief, not feeling like making him anything and was just asking out of politeness.
“Your pants are a little bit tight today.”
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes, the sudden wave of fear engulfing her. She bit her lips before turning to her father, “It’s the only pair I have left. The others are still in the laundry bag.”
“Hmm,” Luke hummed, his eyes still intently glued on the television screen. (Y/N) heard the soaring of a football game, and prayed it was his team that had won the match so that he wouldn’t be as cross.
“I’m going to my room, okay?”
Her chest was heaving heavily now, being so afraid of her own father that she could feel her tears starting to form. She forced a weak smile, “Yeah?”
She didn’t realise how he had gotten up from his previous seat in front of the television, being so caught up with the warnings inside her head. He leaned onto her, smelling her scent, and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“You’re not out with any boys, are you?”
“No,” she whispered, and she gripped onto the hem of her work top. “Dad, can I please go?”
“Why are you so scared?” He continued, his pointer grazing against her ear to her cheeks. “I’m your dad, remember?”
Luke pulled away from her and walked towards the television again when a certain blonde boy appeared from the front door, his eyebrows furrowed. JJ’s eyes followed his father’s movement, and ended at the sight of his sister.
The tightness in his body softened as he took a step closer to her, “You’re okay?”
“Yeah,” she mumbled, wiping the hot tears away from her face and giving him a weak smile. “I’m just going to stay in my room, okay?”
“Okay,” JJ said, watching as she walked slowly towards the back of the house. He glanced at his father, silent as ever, and muttered something under his breath before making his way to his room as well.
JJ Maybank hates Luke Maybank more than anything else in the world, but he also loves him more than anything else in the world. He had wished for nothing else other than his father actually being a father figure for (Y/N), if not him. He could see how much she needed Luke to become some kind of a guardian.
Every time there was a PTA meeting, it had been John to come and see her teachers. John had joked a lot of times before, saying how he’s going to adopt her one day, and when JJ was just 14, he used to get so overprotective of his sister that he would pull a face and gesture some kind of a rude word at him.
But if that's what it takes for her to finally be safe, he’s willing to lose her.
“Hey,” JJ knocked on her door softly, and he waited quietly to hear her shuffle of movements. He waited a few more seconds, and when heard the lock unlocking, forced himself a smile.
“Do you want to go to the bonfire party tonight?” He asked, raising his eyebrows to motion how serious he was. JJ never liked bringing (Y/N) to see the other pogues, and he had tried to assure himself that it was because of how she’s a year younger, but he couldn’t deny the real truth;
(Y/N) knew about his huge crush towards Kie, and the last time she hang out with them resulted into him having to tackle her down before she could say anything to the girl.
“Is Kie not coming or something?” (Y/N) made a face, but JJ could see the happy glint in her eyes.
“Can you drop that topic already?” He sighed, “Are you coming or not?”
“Um-” she glanced at something behind her back, sighed, and nodded slowly. “Okay. I guess I could use some time off schoolwork.”
“Don’t stress too much about school,” JJ shrugged, “You’re still 17.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “Can you go, now? And oh, you’re fired by the way.”
“They love me, they’ll hire me again,” JJ shrugged, and gave her another comforting smile before making his way back to his room. “You know you can always tal-”
“No, I don’t know,” she groaned playfully, closing the door against his face as JJ laughed. His heart soared, and he swore he would do anything in his will to protect his sister from their father, heartbreak, or whatever.
. . .
“I missed you!” Kie exclaimed, pulling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on her cheeks. “God, you’re taller than me now.”
(Y/N) glanced at her brother, to which he was motioning his thumb against his neck, trying to tell her that he would kill her if she says anything to the girl. (Y/N) laughed, “I missed you too, Kie.”
(Y/N) situated herself beside Pope, watching as he flicked through his Chemistry text book, and scribbled something a note on one of the pages.
“Isotopes has the same number of protons but different number of neutrons,” (Y/N) mumbled, pointing to false knowledge he’ve written. Pope looked at her, amazed, and let out the loudest laugh ever that JJ had to scream from the front for him to shut up.
“Shit, (Y/N),” he continued to laugh, erasing his mistake and jotting down the correct information. “And you’re younger. Do you hear that JJ?”
“What?” JJ yelled back, his eyes focusing on the road.
“Maybe you should be as clever as your sister,” Pope laughed, and Kie gave him a high-five from the front seat. He turned to look at her again, “Where’d you learn that?”
“JJ’s text book.”
Pope laughed, his head shaking at the thought of JJ sleeping while his sister sneaked into his room to steal his text book. He finally understood the reason why he was always in detention for not bringing his book.
“Stay close, and don’t wander away,” JJ warned, staring straight into her eyes. She laughed at his tone, but her smile disappeared when he pulled her again.
“I mean it, (Y/N).”
“Are you seriously turning into dad, now?”
“Don’t mention his name,” he sighed, fixing his hair and walking before him with his friends. “Just stay close, okay?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, already seeing how boring her night was going to be; trying to understand the inside jokes between JJ and his friends, not being allowed to drink any alcohol and is going to be constantly asked to fix her ribbed top so not much of her skin is exposed.
She sighed, following her brother, but as soon as they got further away she felt the need to just hang out, maybe searching for her friends and getting a drink for herself. She was never a fan of alcohol, so JJ really didn’t have to worry about her getting drunk.
“You’re (Y/N), right?”
(Y/N) looked up to a pair of gorgeous green eyes, and she felt her heart sink. She looked away, not expecting her best friend’s boyfriend, and sighed.
“What do you need, Carter? I’m looking for Emily too.”
“Oh, she’s not coming,” he shrugged, standing beside her. She felt the sudden warmth and scooted further, not wanting to allow any attention towards her. “Something about a stomach ache.”
“Why aren’t you resting with her?” She pulled a look, crossing her arms. She didn’t want to talk to him or even look at him, but he didn’t seem to get that note.
“And pass up this year’s bonfire party? Nah,” he sipped on his red cup, and leaned against her. She could feel his lips beside her ear now, “Wanna get a drink?”
“I don’t drink.”
“Come on,” he expressed, throwing his arms up into the air in fake exasperation. “It’s a party. You cannot enjoy a party without being drunk.”
“Hm,” she shrugged, still not interested. She thought about what else she could say to get him away from her. “Worth trying, I guess.”
“You are damn impossible to please, Maybank,” Carter laughed, showing his pearly white teeth. (Y/N) smiled at this, taking the statement into a compliment, and made to walk away. He grabbed her wrist before she could get away, and she sighed in annoyance.
“One drink,” he smiled. “And I’ll leave you alone.”
(Y/N) thought about this, long and hard, and the sudden thought of wanting to be free for once entered her mind. She gave him a small nod.
“One drink.”
“One drink,” he confirmed, and pulled her to the drinks section. (Y/N) waited for him to get her a drink, her eyes swarming over the sea of people dancing, some talking, some already kissing and some just standing. This was her third bonfire party in Obx, and the party didn’t get any boring.
“Here you go,” Carter appeared, placing the red cup into her hands. “Let’s chug it down together. Are you ready? 1, 2, 3!”
(Y/N) scrunched up her face at the strong taste of vodka, feeling her throat burning. It felt good though, especially when you are in need to forget some hesvy things in your mind.
“What do you say?” Carter smiled, “Want more?”
“I’ll try more,” she laughed, giving him the cup as he muttered ‘I told you so’ and came back with another cup. They counted together again, and (Y/N) never felt better after drinking an intoxicating drink.
She didn’t remember why she never liked alcohol, but at that moment, she felt like drinking her money and family issues away. She didn’t even realise when Carter had placed his arms around her, telling her humourless jokes that she laughed at anyways.
“Wanna go to my car?”
“Huh?” She looked at him, half-smiling and half-frowning. She was at her 7th cup now, but being a lightweight person, she felt like she was on her 30th cup. “What for?”
“Driving around town,” he smiled, standing up and offering his hand. “Wanna drive around with me?”
“Just you?” She mumbled, closing her eyes. She could feel his arms around her, trying to help her walk, but she didn’t have enough energy to push him away. If anything, she was glad he had brought her away from the loud music that made her dizzy.
“Where’s the car?” (Y/N) whined, feeling her arms hurting from the rough grip by Carter. She could hear the crunch of twigs under her feet, and when she finally had an ounce of power to see her surroundings, she saw the empty car park near the beach.
“Carter, I don’t feel so good,” she said, trying to push him away. The grip around her tightened, and she had never felt so panicked as she was at that time. She tried to calm down, still looking for anyone who can help her, but the parking lot was deserted.
“Carter, I can walk,” she tried again, but he didn’t let go. She understood the whole situation clearly now, and wished she had stayed with JJ and his friends instead of wandering around by herself.
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Carter stopped walking, cursing while he turned to look at the voice behind him. (Y/N) grunted, feeling her arms bruising, and she couldn’t even glance up to see who it was that saved her. She could feel her eyesight getting darker as she leaned on Carter for some type of balance.
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business,” Carter groaned, still holding her by his side. “Don’t you have anything to do? Like golf, or something.”
“Nah,” the voice replied, and (Y/N) perked up at the way his voice sounded. It was all so familiar to her. . .
“Look, Cameron, just go, okay? I’m not in your business, so stay out of mine,” Carter huffed, walking backwards slowly. “And she’s with me, right, (Y/N), you’re with me?”
“Let her go, man,” Rafe sighed, “I’m making it easy for you. Let her go.”
“Come on, I’m not letting you take her with you,” he shrugged, “Rafe. I swear. You don’t want to mess with me.”
“Aren’t you a little bit too old for her?” Rafe raised a brow, “Aren’t you my age, or something?”
“Fuck!” Carter yelled, and (Y/N) gasped from the sudden pain coursing through her veins at the jerk. “Go and fuck off.”
“You’re not leaving me a choice, man,” Rafe said, and before anyone could process, Carter was down to the ground, yelling at Rafe for him to stop as he kept throwing punches after punches, his forehead creasing and his knuckles ripping.
(Y/N) groaned from the ground, unable to get up, and she swore he had drugged her. She was never this weak, not even when she was sick, and she hated how she couldn’t even lift a finger.
“Don’t fucking touch her again!” Rafe yelled, spitting on the groaning boy as he grunted against the pain, his knuckles all bruised up and bloody.
“Hey, you’re okay?” Rafe asked, helping her to her feet. (Y/N) nodded, still so weak, and wrapped her hands around his arms as he watched her limped.
“You know what? Let me carry you,” he sighed, looking at the previous space where he had had a fight with Carter. He was nowhere to be seen now, and Rafe didn’t think he could fight him off for the second time, not when he’s tired.
“I can walk,” she mumbled, trying to push him off, but even a second after he let her go she tripped onto the road, and grunted at her burning knees. “My knees, oh my god, I’m in so much pain!”
“Let me carry you,” he sighed again, squatting to her level. She looked so sad, pouting her lips and her eyebrows all scrunched down. She shook her head when he tried to hold her, crossing her arms.
“(Y/N), let me carry you.”
“I don’t even know you!” She spat, her eyes glassy and her cheeks red. Rafe didn’t know she would be like this when she was drunk, but he couldn’t deny the amusement he was feeling.
“Of course you know me,” he tried again, slowly wrapping his fingers around her wrist. “It’s Rafe.”
“I don’t know any Rafe.”
“It’s Rafael Cameron,” Rafe rolled his eyes, cringing at the sound of his full name. He never liked the name, saying how it made him look like some type of a knight in 1823, but it was one of the only memories left of his real mother.
“I know a Rafael,” she nodded. “But he don’t look like you.”
“(Y/N), let’s just go before some creep decides to kidnap you,” he pulled her up, to which she obliged at the sound of ‘kidnapping’. “I’ll send you to your house, okay?”
“No!” She pulled him close, hugging him tightly that he was too stunned to react. His arms weren’t even touching her, stopping midway, and he only hugged her back when she cried.
“He’s gonna be mad at me,” she whimpered, tugging on his collar. “And he’s going to beat me up and-”
“Wait, wait, who?” He pulled her off, watching as she looked at him with those eyes again. Rafe furrowed his eyebrows, his chest heaving. “Does JJ do-”
“Not JJ,” she cried, and pulled him towards a random car. “Can I please just stay with you until the next morning? Please.”
“Are you sure?” Rafe looked around, and he thought about Dee who was waiting for him at the party. He shook his head at the thought, not wanting to put her first. “We can stay somewhere else?”
(Y/N) nodded frantically, and Rafe thought about the truth behind all of her words. She was never this miserable, looking all happy when he sees her at the restaurant, taking orders with that goddamn smile and laughing at the unfunny jokes old men would give her just for some tips.
Without him knowing, the restaurant by the bay became one of his top favourite restaurants, but it wasn’t because of the food. Rafe never really liked their steaks, always preferring the one closer to the country club, but he was willing to put aside his cravings for that one certain waitress.
“Okay,” he nodded, leading her to the jeep parked a few cars away. She looked so tired, her hair messily tucked behind her ears, her makeup smudged, and Rafe felt a sudden wave of relief for being there in the parking lot to grab his phone in the car.
The drive was silent, and Rafe even thought that she had gone to sleep. When he looked at her from the corners of his eyes, he was surprised to see her silently staring at the dark view outside, unmoving.
He parked outside of the hotel he usually goes to when he’s in need for some alone time, checking the time on his phone before helping her out. She didn’t say a word to him, keeping her head down, only inching closer when they were on their way up to their room.
(Y/N) never been to a fancy hotel like this, only staying in a small hotel in Spain with her aunt 4 summers ago, so she was quite bewildered when she looked around the room. She bit her lips, staring at the one queen bed, and turned to look at him.
“Are we sharing a bed?”
“Oh, no, we don’t have to,” Rafe quickly said, trying to calm her down. “I think you should sleep it off. I’ll stay on the sofa.”
“Okay, thanks.”
But she couldn’t close her eyes. Every time she tried to sleep it off, she would think about Luke with his hands around her face, forcing her to look up to his eyes and whispering sweet-nothings into her ear. JJ never knew about this, and (Y/N) never wanted to tell him out of fear and disappointment, so she had been keeping the secret for a really long time.
“Thanks for bringing me here.”
“It’s nothing,” he huffed, and (Y/N) heard him shift. The sound of a pillow hitting the floor blared throughout the dark room, and (Y/N) felt bad about letting him sleep on the sofa, especially when he was the one who had brought her to the hotel.
“You can stay in the bed with me.”
“Really? I can’t do that.”
“Why?” She asked, because she really didn’t mind sharing a bed with Rafe Cameron. It wasn’t like she was going to attack him.
“Just because.”
“Is it because you don’t like me?” She asked, and she heard an amused laugh coming from the sofa.
“Trust me, you’re wrong on that one,” he replied simply, and (Y/N) had to think of what he said again.
“Is it because I’m a minor?”
“We’re only 2 years apart.”
“So what’s the problem?” She pressed, because she couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just sleep on the same bed as her. They didn’t have to be all pushed up to each other. . .
“Because,” he sighed, “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of stuff.”
“Rafe, I don’t understand,” she closed her eyes, her mind woozy from the back and forth fight with the boy.
Rafe sighed again, licking his lips before standing up from the sofa. “Okay, but I’m not a creep, okay?”
“So it is because I’m a minor,” she nodded to herself, and she felt a sudden wave of disappointment. If only she was a year older.
“Whatever,” he breathed, trying to get the best position under the covers. He felt her fingers and quickly pulled his hand away, his heart beating.
“You’re weird.”
“I just said I’m scared,” he shrugged, and finally settled comfortably. He felt so much better now, not having to pull his legs together and crossed his arms just to fit on the sofa.
“What if I do want you to sleep with me on the bed?”
“Shut up,” he groaned.
“No, Rafe, what if I do want you-”
“Shut up before I make you.”
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide, and she thought of the many times she had repeated this exact line in a movie and how she had romanticised her own scenario to that line. She never thought of Rafe Cameron as the protagonist, only imagining Timotheé Chalamet and no one else.
“You’re still drunk, okay?” He suddenly said, and (Y/N) bit her lips at his exasperated tone. “I don’t want to take advantage of you. I’m not Carter.”
“Okay,” she said softly, “I didn’t ask for you to fuck me, though.”
“Really? You’re begging for it right now.”
“I just want you to get comfortable.”
“You’re full of yourself.”
“Yeah? You should see the eyes you give me at the restaurant,” he replied simply, and he could feel himself thinking of her slightly narrowed eyes, looking straight at him.
He shifted his position, placing a pillow against his front.
“Why didn’t you act on it?”
“Oh god, we’re still on this?” He grunted, “Go to sleep.”
“Why wouldn’t you want to fuck me?”
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered, and before she could think about anything else to say to him next, he had pulled her shoulders so that she could look at him.
She squinted against the darkness, using the moonlight as a source of light to stare into his beautiful blue orbs.
“I would fuck you, but I won’t do it when you’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“You are, because-” he grazed his thumb against her bottom lip, and she had to hold her breath. “You’re not this open to me when you’re sober.”
“Isn’t it more fun, though? To fuck when you’re drunk?”
“I’d only do that if you’re my girlfriend.”
“So can I be your girlfriend?”
“I’ll think about it tomorrow,” he smiled, and pushed her back to face the ceiling. “Now sleep.”
“What if I want to become your girlfriend now?”
“JJ will kill me.”
“Can you kill him back?”
“(Y/N),” Rafe sighed, being so tired of going back and worth with her on this. Of course he wanted to touch her, more than anything else in the world, but he couldn’t do it when she was in a state like this. “Go to sleep.”
“Okay. Good girl.”
He waited a few more minutes, ready to answer any remarks, but what came after was only her soft snores. He sighed in relief, leaning on his arms as he stared at her. He watched as her chest heaved peacefully, feeling all kinds of emotions at once, and he finally realised the truth;
This time he wasn’t playing; Rafe Cameron would never bring a girl to a fancy hotel for nothing other than sex, but here he was; refusing her teasings, and keeping her safe. It finally hit him; he would bring (Y/N) anywhere if that’s the only way to keep her smile.
He shut his eyes, making a mental note to make fun of her drunk state in the morning.
#Part 2
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silverdelirium · 3 years
So it's like this Fluffy fic where we lose our virginity to Draco
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summary: soft!draco taking your virginity
warnings: corruption kink?, loss of v card, soft sex.
you didn’t know if it was the way he was running his hands down your hair all the way to your back or just the thought of being so close to him that had gotten you like this.
and it seemed like a scratch you couldn’t seem to reach no matter how much you squirmed in an attempt to get rid of it. draco, your boyfriend of 2 months now, took notice of it, growing concerned that you might be hurt.
“baby, you alright?” he piped in a soft yet concerned tone.
“i don’t know- my stomach is feeling weird.”
draco shot up at that, cursing himself internally for not doing anything sooner. you squealed at the sudden movement, since you were laying on his chest, he brought you up with him.
he turned you by your waist so you were straddling him. his eyes searching your face and body for any type of bigger pain. “what does it feel like, love? tell me. i’ll get someone to bring you something” he soothed, trying his best to keep you happy.
“i-” you cut yourself off with a sigh, looking down at his hands that were settled innocently on your thighs, your breath hitching. “it feels all fluttery and tingly right here.” you mumbled, rubbing your lower belly.
oh, thought draco. his dick perked up at this in his trousers. he gave a mere chuckle and said, “darling... i can relieve that. but i have a question to ask first.”
you beamed and nodded at him to continue.
“has somebody ever touched you here before?” he asked before cupping your clothed cunt. the material soaked. you gasped at this, the feeling unfamiliar, you weren’t even aware that you were... wet. you obviously knew what happened when someone gets aroused, but it had never crossed your mind fully. too caught up in schoolwork and the people around you, you never got some time to give yourself some time. draco knew this and made it his mission to help you relax in your own thoughts when you started dating.
“i- no.” you admitted shyly. face heating up by the second. “baby, look at me.” he demanded, tone still soft, he let go of your sex and brought his hands to your cheeks instead, making you look at him. “is this okay with you? will you let me help you feel good?”
you wanted this. of course you did, but... what if you didn’t meet his expectations? you never did this before and according to what you’ve heard it could’ve made you bleed, people say it hurt! you didn’t want that for draco or yourself for that matter.
“i just- what if i’m not exactly what you expect me to be draco? what if it doesn’t feel good?”
“are you asking if it won’t feel good for me or for you? because i assure you that the sight of you alone could bring me more pleasure than anything in the world” he replied, tone now a bit harsher, almost offended that you thought of yourself that way. yes, draco had done things before but they didn’t mean shit to him. he could go his entire life without any sexual relief if it meant you were pleased.
“both” you muttered, head dropping down in embarrassment.
“sweetheart, if you really want to do this, let’s do it. i’ll be with you every second of it and if you’re not ready then i could wait a lifetime for you.” said draco, once again grabbing your face and bringing it up to his eyes. heart swelling at the mere sight of you.
you looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity in them. so you gave it no more thought and nodded with a small smile. making him smile back at you and delivering a sweet kiss on your forehead before traveling down to your lips.
and as you continuously made out, he flipped you both over and laid you down on the soft pillows of his bed. disconnecting his lips from yours to kiss down your heck, sucking gently enough to leave hues of a light purple on your neck.
he tugged at your sweatshirt and broke contact with your neck. “y/n, are you completely sure?” he asked, needing to hear you say that you were okay with this.
you nodded, desperate to get on with it. “i want words my love” he demanded, yet the soft tone not breaking and gave your waist a reassuring squeeze. “yes draco” you whispered in a breathy tone. draco gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead as he lifted your shirt up, chucking it behind him once it was completely off, he sat down on his knees and took off his shirt too, as to give you some type of calm.
he swallowed hard and tried not to immediately dive in between your breasts but instead leaned down and kissed you passionately while he took of your skirt. you finished kicking it off your feet and broke the kiss for a moment to take a breath. and at the same time you saw draco look down at his girl in only your underwear. you gave herself a pat in the back for choosing a nice set for today. his eyes were blacked out with lust, pupils dilated more than ever. you was shaped like a greek goddess in draco’s eyes and he was willing to fight anyone who thought otherwise.
“sweet merlin” he breathed out. his trousers straining now more than ever. but he knew how to control himself, for you.
he lifted his gaze up to his girlfriend’s gaze and saw how her expression was more flushed than usual around him. he leaned back down to pepper kisses on her chest, reaching behind her back which she slightly arched, giving him the consent to unclasp her bra. and he did with a few fumblings here and there.
draco pulled back a little to get a good view of her bare breasts and jesus-
she truly was a goddess.
“baby you are so damn gorgeous, i’m the luckiest man alive” he mumbled, massaging gently her tits and giving the nipples experimental kisses, which were rewarded by sweet whimpers and heavy breaths of y/n.
“can- can i take them off pretty girl?” he asked, hands at the waistband of her panties. “yes, take them off please”
he got them down slowly, throwing the soaked material at the sight. and draco was sure he could’ve easily just came right then and there, but this was about y/n, not him.
“my god, baby” he grunted as she spread her legs lightly, craving those praises. he could now fully see her naked body, pretty tits, gorgeous figure and dripping pussy, all for himself.
he caught her lips with his as his hands went from playing with her soft breasts to travel down to her heat. her breath hitched as he got closer, yet managed to continue to make out with him, his tongue lovingly exploring her mouth.
and as he finally reached the place she needed him the most, he pulled away from the kiss and leaned down to suck on her nipples, making her release a soft moan as she ran his hair in her hands. his hands found her clit easily and drew gentle figure eights on it, her legs spreading wider and a firm moan passed her lips, making him almost pop out of the coffins of his pants.
“shit dray- just like that” she moaned out as his pointer finger continued playing a bit faster with her clit and his middle went lower to tease at her entrance, his fingers now covered in her juices. he slowly inserted his middle finger inside her, grunting lowly at the tightness.
“ah! yes draco fuck!” she cried out when he started to move it inside and out repeatedly, increasing the speed by the second, his pointer finger now joining the middle one slowly as his thumb took over the stimulation on her clit. “i- dray my stomach-”
he detached his mouth from her tits and looked up at her. she looked absolutely flawless, mouth agape and pretty sounds escaping it, eyes slightly hazed and brows furrowed.
“cum sweetheart, let it go for me” he rasped out. and she came without hesitation, all over his fingers, drenching them on her arousal.
y/n was brought back to reality from the state of bliss to the feeling of her boyfriend peppering kisses on her cheek, trailing down to her collarbone. “how was that my love?” he asked, voice laced with adoration. “i-it was good”
“you did a great job baby”
“dray i- i want to go all the way please” she admitted, tone slightly laced with nervousness. “are you sure princess, you know i can wait.” he said, moving to press a kiss on her forehead while massaging her side with his other hand.
“i’m- i’m sure draco please” she pleaded, moving to grip the hem of his pants, doe eyes staring up at him.
“your wish is my command” he smirked, tossing his pants off.
he positioned himself on top of her again, his hands on either side of her face, her legs were tightly closed, the anxiousness of not being enough for him slowly coming back.
“can you spread this pretty legs for me baby?” he questioned, one of his hands coming down to massage her thighs. “i- draco.” she said, voice slightly shaky.
draco took notice of this and removed his arms from beside her, instead sitting up on his knees, grabbing hers and placing a kiss on them. “what’s wrong baby, do you want me to stop?” his tone full of concern.
“what do i do if it hurts?” she asked, fumbling with the bed sheets under her with a cute frown on her face, not meeting his eyes. “baby i’ll be gentle. i’ll never hurt you you know that.” he stated.
she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her thoughts together. “you know what. yes, let’s do it, just be gentle please”.
“of course my love” he said before reaching for her hands and interlacing them together and once again bringing them to the side of her head.
y/n spread her legs wide enough for him to fit in, his painfully erect cock now in line with her opening, twitching slightly.
draco reached in between them and took his cock, pushing it inside her tight cunt slightly, she gasped at the stretch. he looked up and she gave a reassuring nod, draco pushed in more and watched as her back slightly arched. once he was further inside she released a small whimper, the first tear falling, yet she brought him down by his neck, smashing their lips together.
“move” she mumbled out between kisses, but he heard her clearly, moving in and out slowly, she gasped at this and bucked her hips up. the pleasure increasing every time he moved. subsiding the pain.
he then found a rythm and started to thrust into her gently, yet enough to pleasure them both immensely.
“dray-” she moaned out. “that’s right baby, say my name.” he grunted, eyes greadily watching her face contorting into pleasure. she moaned louder when he reached for her clit, amplifying the pleasure, her legs slightly shaking. “fuck yes, just like that!” she whimpered, back arching when she felt that bubbling sensation close again.
he gave a moan of his when her walls clenched around him. with the sight of before imprinted in his mind and the feeling of now, he wasn’t gonna hold much longer. “shit- are you close my pretty girl? gonna cum on my cock?” he asked seductively. she gave a weak mhm, not trusting her mouth to give a coherent answer. “then cum baby, wanna see you fall apart for me” he rasped out.
she came for the second time that night with a loud cry of his name. him following behind as he quickly pulled out. still stimulating her clit to ride out her high. he quickly came on her stomach at the mere sight of y/n cumming.
once they both climbed down from their high, he landed beside her, breathing heavily. but quickly recollecting himself and reaching for y/n, carrying her to the bathroom as he peppered kisses on her head.
he sat her down on the toilet so he could fill up the bath.
he sat her down on the tub, him behind her.
“you did amazing baby” he murmured in her ear as she collected the bubbles. her face heated up as she mumbled a thanks.
“once we clean you up we can go eat whatever you want and then cuddle for the whole day, hm?”
“yeah” she chuckled, face still heated up as he massaged her scalp with some shampoo, pressing kisses in her shoulder every now and then.
“my goddess” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his cheek against her head.
🏷: @spencervera @methblinds @marrymetheonott @adrianscumslut @wh0re4blaise @turn-to-page-394-please @fredshufflepuff @malfoysbiitch @saggyb1lls @helleli @harrystellastyles @metaraxia @daddybutmakeitagirl (message me if i missed you)
taglist can be found on here!
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