#i kinda think jason is in the closet myself
byler-alarmist · 1 year
I'm thinking about the basketball team and Jason calling the opposition "candy asses".
If Will had been at Hawkins for his senior year, those guys definitely would've been bullying him for his perceived homosexuality, right?
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sea-salted-wolverine · 2 months
Had a weird nightmare about a cult
It was in a church, just an average protestant midsized church, you would expect boy scout meetings in the backroom kind of a place. I was there with some anonymous friend/ acquaintance, the pretty older girl from high-school who was popular and yet genuinely nice, her mom is friends with your mom, her family is well known and well liked, offending her would be social suicide not because of anything she would do but because everyone you know would take her side and grant her victim status because she's just so nice.
She had invited me to some function and I was going out of curiosity and obligation, which is the only reason I'm ever in a church anyways. I was guaranteed to know people there, in the same roundabout, you-know-people-I-know kinda way.
Because its about to be relevant, I'm wearing skinny jeans and a sort of blousey black tank top. I've also got black nail polish and thats a fully normal irl outfit for me. Maybe a bit casual for a Sunday-best style church function, but I was not under the impression that's what I was going to.
I show up and am promptly ushered into the coat closet because what I am wearing is completely unacceptable. (I'm calling it a coat closet because that's what it is, but the churches in my area all have a full sized room set aside for outerwear storage because for half the year everyone shows up in a full down parka and that takes up a ton of space)
Anyway, I'm like, "oh shit I didn't realize this was formal, I can run home and change if its okay that I'm a few minutes late, or if someone has a spare dress I'll wear that" which is also something I have done irl. No one ever tells me anything but I'm small and can cinch down big waistlines and make it look intentional that I'm wearing wildly misfit clothing. So like, the dream is getting weird but in the same way that my real actual life gets wierd.
So then she hands me what is fundamental the same thing I'm already wearing, a pair of slightly darker wash skinny jeans that are slightly higher waisted and with more spandex and buttons, and a black polyester/lycra cropped tank top, which is a shirt I've been looking for irl. And she's apologetic about it, as in, "sorry 😞, hope these fit, 😔 might be a little small"
It's a transparent body shaming attempt, because everything is a xs or a size zero, and meant to make you feel uncomfortable and ungainly in too small clothes, but its so badly executed that I just kinda roll with it, like, okay 🤨. Also I like the tank top.
So I change, and she's finding me a bag to stash my clothes in, and some dude sticks his head in the coat closet as I've got one leg in the new pants. And the whole thing feels so very staged, like I'm supposed to be embarrassed about squeezing into too tight pants in front of some acquaintances hot older brother. Either that or my brain is trying to set up some bad porno wet dream and none of the options are working.
Because the pants fit fine and if you have somehow reached adulthood and are scandalized by the sight of a thigh you're the wierd one for being raised under a rock by blind snakes. So I'm figuring out how to fit my phone and wallet into my waistband because these pants don't have pockets and trying to remember whats-his-faces name, I'm almost certain it starts with a j and I've definitely heard it before but I can probably get away with claiming I mixed him up with someone else and not be considered rude, Jacob? Jason? Jeremy? Jed? Oh wait, is he somebody's boyfriend rather than somebody's brother?
But now he's holding my hand and tut-tuting over my nails because I absolutely cannot have black nails, and wouldn't I prefer a nice dusty pink?
At which point I think I kinda woke myself up because the no rice on Tuesdays tactic of high control groups popped into my head, by name, as that specific phrase, and I went "hmm, yep, this is weird, gimme my shit I'm leaving"
But that only conjured up the first girls mom, complete with a really nice travel duffle with my clothes in it. So I'm yanking my clothes out of the bag, because if I take the bag and leave they're going to want it back and that gives them another opening for things they think you owe them. Anyways shes dissapointed in me, in that performative manipulation kinda way. She says something like if I wanted her daughters shirt I can just have it, heavily implying that I'm causing a scene and being an unreasonable bitch, at which point it occurs to me that it's fucking wierd that they have clothes this small at all because everyone in the building is at least 6 inches taller than I am.
Whats-his-face is still hovering and now he's got a hand on my shoulder thats meant to be reassurance and all I can think is wow you guys are really bad at this. I can hear people in the next room and I know they're people like, my grandparents friends and prospective employers and other important social connections and I need to get out of here without making a scene, which isn't gonna happen.
At some point I said Jesus Christ in the context of a frustrated curse word, which they all jumped on and said I needed to let the lord into my heart or some shit. To which sleepytime subconscious responded to with CAUSE A SCENE AND CONTROL THE NARRATIVE!!!
So I raised my voice loud enough to be heard in the other room and told the guy to get his hands off me or I would punch him in the dick. And because no one believes you when you tell them you're going to punch them in the dick he did not take his hands off me and was calmly and rationally requesting that I calm down and be civil so I followed through and punched him in the dick.
Committing physical violence in a dream always wakes me up, pretty much immediately, but I did get a few glimpses of storming out through a crowd, yelling about entitled pricks in closets and if anyone ever felt like leaving the cult I would give them a hand.
So yeah. What's your religious trauma look like?
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trisshawkeye · 11 months
Would love to hear about Gawain and the Green Knight retelling and Sad Bi Astronauts if you are still sharing WIPs!!
Yeah! So, Gawain and the Green Knight retelling is... not exactly fanfic in the sense that I'm approaching it like I would ofic. But the gist is that, due to a friend misremembering how the story goes and thinking that Lord and Lady Bertalik were the same person rather than Lord Bertalik and the Green Knight, I then thought to myself, well, what if they all were the same person, offering to Gawain something like a challenge and a courtship?
I then wondered about the aftermath of the story, when all is revealed, what if Gawain were inclined to accept that bizarre sort of courtship visited upon him, but only if he could set a challenge—if this genderfluid fay could stand to be a regular ordinary guest at King Arthur's court and play along with the ritual there. And it ends up overlapping a bit with the Dame Ragnelle and Pulzella Gaia stories, only there's more gender and queer desire involved. As well as old and new religion, the romantic ideal of Camelot versus the reality, what it means to be insiders and outsiders to a space, and growing beyond your own bounds while still staying true to the core of your identity.
Anyway, this WIP is still mostly outline, though a lot of that outline is quite detailed, but I haven't figured out the details of how it's going to end yet. If I set it down, though, it's probably something I'll see if I can float towards professional publishing rather than AO3. We'll see!
Next up, Sad Bi Astronauts is where I'm keeping my Space Brothers rarepairs, which is a hilarious situation to be in when the fandom itself is so tiny and there are hardly any fics at all, let alone depressing queer minor character ones.
There's two WIPs in there right now. One is for Jason Butler/Ronald Cooper, two very closeted astronaut candidates, one the backup for the other and who later drops out of the program due to trauma from a plane crash, wrecking their relationship beyond repair. Seriously—while Jason is a fairly regular minor character, Ronald only shows up in like one episode when we learn more about his backstory. This fic does not end happily for them.
The other is Pico Norton/Vincent Bold, which is the more obvious old-man-yaoi ship in the show. Their whole deal is that they were part of a childhood trio who wanted to go into the space industry, but they lost their friend Rick young to a car accident. They both go on to become a space engineer and astronaut and gain large amounts of baggage over that time. The fic is about them hooking up over the years but always feeling kinda bad about it because there's one of them missing. Sad!
These will get finished eventually, but only because I know there's at least one person in the world interested in reading them, which is my housemate.
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madds-is-ace-trash · 2 years
Waite the dudes gay who would have thunk it
Read on ao3
Chapter 3: yanked out the closet
Ok Danny was not going to screw this up. He could do this he was still human after all he could ask someone out like a normal fucking person. Shoot good thing his ghost form doesn’t have a heartbeat or it would have flown out if his chest by now.
  Right on que, the familiar sensation began to climb up the back of his throat. The light tingle of his ghosts sence, but if it were locked in his throat not quite able to escape. He had begun to associate this new feeling with the other halfa.  
  He was close and that meant it was time to get this over with. His cheeks burned hot, as he peaked around the corner of the ally. 
  Hood was standing in the middle of the street waiting. He had sensed him too. No chickening out now. 
  He stepped out of the alley and towards the street.
  Dick had texted him to ask if he wanted a tag along for patrol. He knew he meant well but Jason could Handle his own shit….. he hoped. Also he didn’t want to scare off this ‘phantom’ he had already fled the scene once. 
  So here Jason was running around crime Ally on  his usual patrol route. Waiting for the tingling sensation that accompanied mister Cheshire cat to start up. He rounded the corner in one of the nicer segments of crime alley( well as nice as crime alley could get anyway) and it started. He stood still looking for any sign of the person that had been following him for months. 
  And out of the alley steps a man,no older than 20,  his hair is as White as snow, it floats on his head like he was underwater, skin tinted a light blue, his ears slightly pointed. His figure was slim but he was toned, much like his eldest brother. He wore a hoodie and some jeans over a black under suit, his boots white and his hands in his pockets. He let his eyes wander back up, and green stared back. But it’s not quite pit green, it’s softer and more gentle. Like a field on a spring morning. 
  The man smiles at him, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey…so um guess I should introduce myself.” His voice was low but soft. Not nearly as grumbly as Jason’s. 
  “Yeah no shit,” he responds on instinct without thinking.
  The other man tensed a little at the outburst. His helmet kept the tone Neutral which may have hurt more than it helped. “Yeah you're right.”He mumbled to himself. “Ok so umm let’s do this. My name is Danny and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Well I guess technically we already met but I didn’t induce myself. SoIdon’tthinkthatcounts”  The man Danny nervously rambled his words running into one another.
  “Danny? I thought your name was Phantom?” Jason prodded after all that is what the other ghost called him. Oh Waite shit did that mean this dude was like dead, like dead dead. 
  “ Oh Yeah we’ll it is kinda… sorry Yeah my name is  Danny phantom it like kinda my last name but not it’s weird.”  Danny continued rubbing the back of his neck; it must have been a nervous habit.
  Jason weirdly didn’t feel particularly in danger. He figured if the pit liked this guy he must have been bad news but he was just some cute guy.  Actually the pit seemed calm and weirdly quite the buzzing had died down from the other time phantom had been following him.  strange.  So in an act of reckless stupidity( we’ll if that wasn’t his M.O at this point honestly) he took his Helmet off. 
  And Danny processed to float off the ground to meet Jason’s eyes, we’ll his domino but his eye level at least.  He came closer and Yhea Danny was definitely shorter than him by like a few inches. Actually if Jason took his boots off maybe it would be about the same. 
  “Names Hood,” Jason stuck his hand out. “ Nice to actually meet you, any reason in particular you been stalking me like a fucking curse.” Danny had taken his hand easy enough, a weird sensation climbing it’s way up Jason’s arm. It wasn’t unpleasant, it was like he had stuck his arm in an open freezer. 
  “Um ok about that I uh” He putters out the blue on his cheeks deeping, outlining the freckles that peppered his cheeks. And fuck Jason was starting. “ I was trying to well uhhh…it’s a ghost thing and I was doing it cus I thought well. I thought you would get it? But I realize that was stupid and I should probably talk like a human being.” 
  “What’s a ghost thing?” He reached for the knife in his pocket gently rubbing the Handel in his pocket. 
  “Ok don’t laugh but I was…. I wastryingtocourtyou.” 
  “I’m sorry what?”
  “I was trying to court you!” Danny’s face goes completely flush. And to be honest Jason may have flushed back just a bit. It was different to have Danny tell him it was happening himself. “Look I just… I think you're really cool and” he fidgeted with his hands, “ok Danny you promised you would do this the human way” he mumbled to himself. 
  He took a deep breath in and with a wave of light the ghost boy no longer stood in front of him. Instead was a 20 year old man with jet black hair and eyes so blue they looked like sapphires. His ears still slightly pointed, his skin olive toned. His freckles still peppered his face, his cheeks a bright red.He was still wearing a hoodie but this one had a nasa logo on it. His jeans were ripped and his shoes looked well loved. “ Do you maybe wanna I don’t know grab a Coffee or something sometime?” 
  Did he? This dude made his chest feel tight and his face heat. But he was clearly some type of meta or worse actually dead. And he has no idea of his true intentions. Maybe he could try to run a background check he needs to investigate-.
  Fuck no he need to get the inner Bruce out of his head. “ You know what,  why not. You gotta a phone or did you leave that in the coffin.” Danny laughed it was soft like a bell, fuck his laugh was cute. 
  “ Oh Yeah, I wouldn't be caught dead without one.”Danny giggled handing Jason his phone. It was old and cracked but hey it seemed to be holding up fine.  Jason put his name in as well as a bunner number and set a text so he had Danny’s number. 
  “ So you make death jokes too hu?” Jason asked, it felt more natural around Danny for some reason and maybe it helped that he actually laughed. 
  “Oh yeah all the time, they always kill.”  Danny chuckled, “that's actually why all those gifts were, well, death related.” Danny rubbed the back of his neck, “ I thought you would enjoy it you know.” 
“From one dead guy to another, leave a note next time maybe?”
  “Oh, you can't emotion project after all?”
  “I'm sorry , can't what?” 
  “Emotion project it's what it sounds like. I did leave a note kinda, it was just you know in a language you can't speak quite yet.”
  Ok this guy was kinda of an idiot, “Are all ghosts this Awkward and clunky about the supposed courting process or is that just you.” Jason teased his cheeks red and heart a flutter. Danny has tried so hard and even though Jason's apparently ghost dense, hasn't given up on him. It felt nice to be thought about. 
  “ Just me” Danny glanced down at his phone and smiled, “ Jason, just me.” 
  “ Well it's about time, '' Gatta says, though you're pretty good at staying out of sight. also we’re did you get that knif-“ 
  And then Jason's phone rang, it was the madam of one of the houses he ran, Not good. That only meant one thing: someone was stirring up trouble. 
“It's ok, take it, “ Danny nodded and smiled. “ I'll get out of your hair for now.”  Danny transforms again floating into the air. “ See you soon?” Danny asked hopefully.
  “Yeah I'll try not to ghost you.” and Danny laughed again. And Jason shot a line and swung away, before his heart jumped out of his chest.  The tingling did not follow and Jason had to admit he felt a little sad about it. 
Danny stood in the street for a good 10 minutes after hood Jason left. He had given Danny his name so that was a start. An unnatural Trill escaping his through as his core fluttered with the realization of what he had just managed to pull off. 
  He slapped his hand over his mouth and turned invisible, speeding off towards his apartment. He did it, he asked him out and with only mild embarrassment. 
  Wait a minute, how did Jason know his name was phantom? He knew for a fact that he had kept himself hidden.  But he was a bat, right? O shit he just…. He just transformed in front of a bat.
  “ Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ”
  This was not good, a brawl had broken out after some of the girls refused to sleep with some drunk thugs.  Luckily his secerty staff was doing their job the best they could, no casualties so far and none of the girls had been dragged in. So it was time for Jason to put some dick wads in their place. 
  He swung down kicking one of the gang in the head, pulling the gun from his waist belt he shot another that was grappling with one of his security in the shoulder. The guard took the opportunity to pin the guy to the floor, good at least he was earning his keep. The bullets in his gun were modified, at least he wasn’t really going to kill anyone. But they still hurt, quite a lot actually. 
  Another tries to sneak up behind him, but Jason turns around sweeping his legs out from underneath him and hurling him into the floor. To his left another guy is pined by 2 of his security staff. The other 2 men see that they are now in way over their heads, turn tail and leave.  So he lets them screw ‘em they can go and spread the word. 
“Hood!” One if the girls called from the doorway. “ Thank god you came.”  She leaned out and took a glance around, Jason took note of the red ring around her wrist, she must have been one of the girls who refused in the first place. 
  “That’s my job, after all, can’t have some thugs thinking they can cause trouble in our terff and get away with it.” He zipped tied the man’s hand behind their backs. Directing his guys to hang back and keep an eye on them tell he could handle them.  He still had to talk to the madam and get the full story to decide just how black and blue he should leave these guys. “You seen Miss Cleo?” 
  “Yeah she’s inside, she’s trying to wrangle the customer complaints”  The girl grimaced obviously not wishing to be in the other place. 
  “I'll go lend her a hand, get that wrist checked out for me. Hate to see one of you hurt.”  He gave the girl a nod on his way in. 
  The place wasn't too wild all things considered, pretty tame just a group of men shouting discrepenties.  Jason was sure the moment he walked over they would shut up real quick, and he's shure Cleo would appreciate it. “ Do we have a problem, gentlemen?” He chimes after sneaking up behind the group. 
  “ Yes actually we d-” one man turns around boldly and then identity shrinks at the site of jason's imposing figure. “ Oh Red hood, No no problems here.” 
  “Good so i suggest you fuckers leave poor Madam Cleo alone hm?” he said as he pressed his gun against the man's chest. Jason wasn't actually going to shoot him but he didn't know that. 
  “Yep of course no trouble!” the men squawked losing any steam they once had as they scurried towards the door. 
  “Hood” the madem shoots his a nod. “Thanks for showing up so fast.” 
  “Course Cleo after all, I don’t think any one in the gang would want something to happen to you or any of the girls.” Jason chuckled to himself, “Waite actually scratch that everyone but phin I’m pretty sure he would bash you head in on site.” 
  “Yeah well servers him right, not my fault he's a gremlin,” Cleo let out a big sigh, “ but a brother is  a brother.” 
  Jason tenses a little at the comment, a tinge of gilt gathering in the back of his mind. After all he wasn’t exactly the best brother himself. He wasn’t dick, he couldn’t play the ‘cool’ older brother role. He was damaged and broken, he was wrong . Shoot, he had tried to hurt a few of them, he almost… he almost killed Tim. 
  Jason shook his head a bit to clear his thoughts, like his brain was an Etch A Sketch. The almost empty back counter caught his eyes, perfect time to redirect from his family drama. He doesn't want to deal with that right now, no thank you.  “Looks like you guys are running pretty bare, I’ll make sure to have the guys bring a restock.” 
  “Thanks Red, I’m sure the girls will-“  Jason’s phone dings, cutting Cleo off. 
  Jason takes the phone out and checks who it is, after all it’s been pretty quiet the past few days, that usually means someone’s plotting.  But it wasn't any of his guys, in fact it was ghost boy.  
  Fellow Dead guy: Hey! Know you're probably busy. But it was nice getting to talk to you. Do you think this weekend will work or are you *buried* at work. 
  You: I’ll Have to check but I don't see why not. I know a place that's killer.
  Fellow Dead guy: Pff Ok, stay safe. Don't want to get your coffin resized. 
  Jason was glad he chose a helmet for his suit, it was able to hide the small smile creeping across his lips. The pit  letting out a light buzz underneath his skin. 
  “Soooo, are you going to tell me who that is?  The girls are gonna be so heart broken.”  Miss cleo teased.
  “ What are you talking about, Cleo? It was just-”
  “Don't think that fancy helmet can fool me, reading body language is part of the job description.” When Jason didn't respond she continued. “ You melted, that whole tough guy act flew out the window, your shoulder dropped and you leaned back on to your heels instead of your toes.”
  Cleo had known him for a long time, her house was one of the first that Jason took over. It was a no brainer she could read him but still it sent a slight chill down his spine. She was alway scarly aware of people's emotions, after all he was trained by the big bat himself and he was still an open book. “ The girls are going to be sad though, a few of them like you a lot hood. So who's stolen that heart of yours, would we know her?”
  “No, it's not a working girl Cleo, “ Jason reached for his pocket knife and began to fidget with the blade. “ Its some… Its some guy I met, he seems pretty cool.” 
  “Got ya that knife then i'm guessing,” then cleo did a double blink, “ Waite some Guy?” 
“Yhea a Guy, is that a problem.” Jason's shoulders squared a little. He never really talked about relationships as hood for obvious reasons, but Cleo was one of the few people who knew Jason from redhoods crew, was well red hood.  He would even consider her a friend. 
  “Don't get ya panties in a twist,” Cleo chuckled, “ It just explains so much.” 
  “Explain what exactly?” 
  “ Red you have never once, and I mean once ever spent a night with one of the girls, not even one.” She walks over and pats Jason on the shoulder, “ We were worried about ya we even called some of the other houses in the gangs.” 
  “Wait, why would you be worried exactly?” 
  “Because a softy like you all on your own is asking to end up pulling a batman. Don’t get me wrong, hood your violent as shit but no other gang leader helps a kid with their English homework.” 
  “ I’m not…. I hold on” ok so nice to know Cleo doesn’t care if he’s gay but the idea of the girls snooping around in fear of a mini hood on the rise was kind of shocking to say the least. 
  “So a guy, hmmmm. It that one who came to viste  you a while back,” she taps her chin in thought. “ O waite Arsenal was his name right? You two seemed real chummy. ” 
  “ What no its not him!” They had actually dated at one point but Cleo didn't need to know that. “ new guy don't even think he's originally from Gotham. He has an accent. I doubt you've met him.” 
  “ Well, if things go well I demand to meet him, whether that's as J or Hood understood.” 
  “ We’ll see Cleo, we’ll see.”  Jason's salutes her farewell, and leaves out the back door. He shoots his men a text to Handel the thugs. 
  The minute he makes his way to the rooftops his coms rings, “ Hood how did it go!” His big brother asked hopefully.
  Oh this was gonna be fun, “ Oh it went pretty well, I got myself a date this weekend. Bye blues I got work.”  Jason turns off his coms, A machivus smile crosses his face as he imagines his brother freaking out on the other end of the line.  
“ …I got a date this weekend…” *click*
  “ Oh my God! BABBY BRO. Hood! RED HOOD! Wait, please come back. What's he like, is he a threat HOOD!”
Bruce tunes out of the com link line. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop he just knew if he made himself known Jason would drop the line. He has to talk to Jaylad. He had a date, who, when? Wait a minute Dick just said “ Is HE a threat,”  is …. Is Jason. 
  Jazz opens her brother's door only to find him face first in his pillow kicking his feet against the mattress. He was chirping again so that was a good sign at least. 
  “I’m guessing things went well?” 
  Danny lifted his head, his hair matted from it being pressed against the pillow, “ yes he said yes! This weekend jazz that in like 4 days I’m freaking out.” 
  Jazz chucked to herself , time for big sis to swoop in and save the day. “ Yes, that gives you plenty of time. Did you get his number?” 
  “ Yes actually turns out his names Jason,” his brother reached for his phone to open the contact to show her. Excitement was clear in the way he stimmed with his unoccupied hand. 
  “We'll, I'm sure you and Jason will have a wonderful time, but you do have morning classes tomorrow.” Jazz pointed to the clock beside Danny’s bed. “It’s already 1am and you should really head to bed.”
  “Jazz I don’t need that much sleep you know that.” 
  “Yes but maybe Jason would like to see ya without eye bags” she pointed out knowing it would probably work. 
  “Oh shoot your right,” Danny hopped up and fazed some pjs out of his drawer, “ thanks jazz, for everything.” Danny calls out in a low voice as she goes to leave her brother's room. 
  “Any time baby brother mine any time.” 
If any body has a better name for Jason to put Danny as in his phone I’m all ears.
I just went with fellow dead guy cus it seemed like something Jason would do on the fly.
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brokenblades-13 · 2 years
Okay, let's talk for a moment. It's been a minute since I have done an OG post because I mainly just browse and don't tend to post my own stuff. I like to just repost.
I am almost 24 years old and shouldn't have to defend my interest in Fandom.
Youtube: I have been watching Mark since late 2013 and watching Jack since early 2014. I was part of Mark's channel when he was just starting out but didn't subscribe til late 2013.
Criminal Minds: I have been watching and enjoying Criminal minds since 2006. (I was 7 at the time.) At this time, Mandy Patinkin was still in his role as Jason Gideon, had Elle instead of Emily, and episodes were just coming out and still new. I did stop watching for a minute when I got super depressed and only cared for music, but do love it to the point where I do occasionally make posts about it.
Stranger Things: I did come into this Fandom very late. My friend told me that in Season 4, there would be someone I enjoyed. (She knew my type to be long haired, bad boy type, who is actually not a bad boy but looks the part.) I did start watching mid 2022. That does not make me any less of a fan.
Marvel: I started watching Marvel when I was younger. I remember going to the theaters and watching Iron Man when I was 9. I remember falling in love with Spiderman because of Tobey Maguire. I remember going to the theaters with an ex girlfriend to watch Thor the first time, (we were just friends at the time, became girlfriends later cause yes. I was only 12, and hadn't come out of the closet yet), I remember going to the theaters and seeing Deadpool with my ex boyfriend as a date night. I also remember my favorite memory with one of my friends is going to see Captain America: Civil War and then us going out to eat and shop at the mall afterwards. I fell in love with Loki very early on, and did get pretty obsessed with him cause he was a character I could relate to.
Supernatural: I fell in love the first time I heard "Dads on a hunting trip and he hasnt been home in a few days." I was only 12 when I first heard about the series, and while that was about 6 years after it began, I did find myself obsessing and buying the seasons as they came out on DVD. (We didn't have Netflix til I bought it when I was an Adult).
Man, I don't even know what else I repost the most on here anymore but that's just the gist.
I may not be as articulate as some trying to explain things and all that fun shit.
I don't really like gatekeepers. I think that everyone should be allowed to like what they like, and they can say shit to their own liking. Can some people be wrong and misinterpret information? Entirely! But they should be able to be kindly talked to on a correct interpretation.
Don't know, Fandoms seem to be getting more and more toxic, and it's kinda crap.
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lunar-lair · 10 months
hi!! this is a cautionary post for the batman fans that may or may not find me as i reblog shit here and there! ill make a new one for every fandom phase i go through but this is its first iteration!
1: im 18! ill sometimes reblog explicit text posts or suggestive content. this wasnt a problem before, and it might stop being a problem at some point, but ive found good content of this type as of late, and i just cant say no to it. (hamilton joke, etc etc.)
2. i dont know the terminology, really, but i do support some problematic ships here or there. er, well. hrm. how do i say 'romanjay is fucked up but they intrigue me' and 'i will never reblog or like anything involving bruce and the other younger bats but ill scroll past it without any real disdain'? basically ive settled for a vibe of 'live and learn, chill out and hush up'. i do enjoy batfam content (though i dont exactly consider them family, but thats a whole different can of worms) but no matter what i consume on my end (however guiltily) ill never put anything that joins the batfam and romance in the same concept. i will, however, reblog some of the bats together. mostly steph with any of them, as to me, shes kind of free game (in that she is Even More not "part of the family", even if shes still bruces kid-again, different can of worms) and a LOT of jason ships. and dick/tim, mostly because jayde and them for some reason go together hand in hand in a lot of fics. SPEAKING OF WHICH. thats one of my problematic favs; i adore jason/slade in ways i will never be able to communicate. yes, the age gap is Like That. it feels irrelevant for them, though, and i could not explain to you the Why even if i tried. ill also post jaytim, maybe jaydick, and. erm. no thats kinda it. damian is off limits to me, also.
3. good news, ill probably only ever make jayde content! and found family essenced batfam content, if its shit i actually want the world to see. jaytim is a maybe, at best, and to me they arent even exactly brothers. regardless, i want to make this post to inform people who come to my blog that i consume/create content they find distasteful. and for my last point,
4. ok the first version of this point was way more. combative. which was exactly what i dont want to be. related, this part is about my ResponseTM. and the reason for this post. i dont want to be loud about what i like because i know people find it bad. like...like enjoying noncon, and omegaverse, stuff like that. i get that people dont like those the way i do sometimes. and i dont want people to think im something im not. if you want to run for the hills the second you see this post, then alright! thank you for your time! i dont want you all to think im better than i am. if you think i suck, thats ok, i just dont want you to think i suck after liking me a lot for a long time, because that sucks like, 3 times harder. you know? im still getting over a guilty conscience for liking any of this stuff myself, and ill gladly explain myself, but its, of course, none of my business if you hate me. thats your job, ill be me, and i wont try to make you not hate me unless you want me to. capiche? sick.
OK that is the end of the informative 'watch out kids grannys got freaky shit in her closet' post!! hope you had fun, or figured out you didnt want to affiliate w me, either or is fine! ill go slink off to my jayde doc to think abt jason in lace (but what if it was nonsexual) again lmao
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bigbatlittlebat · 3 years
Hello, I'd like to request a matchup please. :) Sorry if this was too long-
So I am an Asian girl with brown eyes, wavy black hair, and slightly tanned skin. I am pretty chubby for my age, I wear glasses, and have pouty lips. My clothing style is casual and comfy but I also like dressing myself up sometimes, I can and will wear hoodies 24/7 even in warm weather, and my closet is mostly filled with blacks, blues, and greys.
I'm straight, an ambivert, an Aquarius, and I'm a INTP-T. My hobbies and likes include theater, listening to music and dancing, reading, philosophy, history, hanging out with friends but most of the time I like being alone, different cultures' mythologies, and cooking.
I am quiet and reserved when you first meet me but when I feel comfortable after some time with you being my friend, my personality does a complete 180. I joke around a lot and can find humor in anything but I can always snap into a more serious mode when needed, I often insult my friends in a joking/affectionate way, but I'll always sincerely apologize after if I think I went too far, I curse like a sailor and am dirty-minded, but I also am an empathetic person and don't like it when other people don't give another person a chance just because of something petty and immature. I am often independent but I also like working with others if the task at hand is too challenging. I am not afraid to stand up for what I think is right and do not care if someone disagrees with me.
OMG so its been a while but I'm sorta half back... anyway here's your matchup
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
This is a bloke that honestly probably has too many hoodies anyways so he won't notice if you steal a few because let's face it, they're waaaay comfier when they're someone else's.
Also, I kinda like to think he would be pretty quiet at first too but get comfortable with you really fast. Like after a few days he goes from being too awkward to knock on your door to you walking in after a long day and him just being there on your sofa eating your shit.
Probably has you saved in his phone as 'my bitch' or some shit like that for a laugh. Would probably make you save his name as something weird too.
Reading dates? Oh yeah 100%. He would probably just leave books next to your bed for you to read and then take you out to a café for a drink while you both discuss them the books are definitely stolen from Wayne manor shhhh
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
Babysitter - David Dobrik
an: babysitter!reader used to watch ester, sara, and toby she was a few years younger than david. okay y’all i’m sorry, but for this to work i kinda had to make them a bit younger than they actually are in real life… whatever lol it’s a story anyway
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“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Mrs. Dobrik asks.
“Not at all. Plus, it’ll be good to go out there and see Dave and Natalie. It’ll be great, I promise.”
Mrs. Dobrik is sending me along with the rest of them to visit David in Los Angeles and attend the Streamys. I haven’t watched the girls in years, but she was worried about them traveling alone. Ester practically lost it when she threatened to go with, I was the compromise.
“Ready?” I ask, turning to see Ester and Sara coming down the stairs, suitcases in hand.
“Yeah.” They smile, still on the quiet side. It’s been a few years since I watched them, but we’ve stayed in touch. I never had younger siblings, and these girls are definitely the closest thing I’ve ever had. It’s been a little while since I’ve been back here. It was a lot of tears from Ester and Sara when I graduated and left to go to college. David even came back home to see me graduate, which was surprising.
“Are you guys excited to get all dressed up?” I ask, we finally take our seats to board the plane. I am planted in the middle where both girls could be satisfied by sitting next to me.
“Yeah, mom let me get a new dress and everything!”
We talk for the first hour of the flight, catching up on the things that we didn’t on facetime. After that, we all put in headphones and try to catch up on some sleep, our flight is getting in late.
“Alright, I texted Natalie and they should be picking us up at our gate.” I look down at my phone reading over our messages.
“David!” Sara tears off once she sees the familiar Tesla with their brother standing outside. Ester walks with me at a normal pace, rolling her eyes at her younger sister. I nudge her shoulder with a smile.
“Wow, someone looks excited to be here.” David teases, pulling her in for a hug.
“She was talking the whole flight about how excited she was, now she needs to play it cool.” I laugh.
“Y/n.” She huffs, making us all laugh a little harder.
“Hi, Y/n.” David says, pulling me in for a hug.
“Thanks for flying me in.” I grin, I reach behind him to pull Natalie in for a hug too.
“Thanks for dealing with these two demons for a whole flight.” David reaches out to ruffle both of their hair.
The ride to David’s house is nice, the car filled with conversation catching us up on each other’s lives.
“How’s school going?” David asks, looking at me in his rearview mirror.
“Really good. One more semester to go.” I grin thinking about how I’ll finally have my degree and I’m free to be done with school.
“That’s crazy, I feel like we were just going to your high school graduation.” Natalie says.
“Shut up.” I roll my eyes, “I was only two years behind you guys.”
It’s always been this dynamic. They’ve always teased me for being younger than them. We make it to the house, the girls are sharing a room and I’m crashing with Natalie for the entire stay. We’re both excited though, it makes it like a sleepover again.
The house is unsurprisingly not empty when we get there, plenty of people hanging out in the living room and the kitchen.
“Hey!” They all cheer as we walk in the door.
“You guys have probably all met my sisters before.” David points to them.
“I didn’t know you had three.” A man comments, I’m pretty sure his name is Jeff.
“God no, Y/n isn’t a sister.” David shakes his head.
“She is to us.” Sara punches his shoulder making me smile. I send her a wink which makes her smile.
“I just mean she’s not related to our family. She’s their babysitter.”
“And our friend.” Natalie chimes in.
“Hi, I’m Y/n.” I wave looking over the group.
“Wait, so this is the Y/n you talk about from high school?” Jason asks.
David simply nods.
“I didn’t think you actually existed! After all of our trips to Chicago over the years we met everyone from David’s past.
“I was busy at school!” I smile, “Plus, if I’m not going to get a car, what’s the point in going anyway.”
The group laughs and it’s easy to blend in with them. They’re a good group of people and we talk for a while and it proves how great they are, I don’t even know how long we’ve been out here.
“We’re gonna go to bed.” Ester suddenly gets up, a sleepy Sara at her side.
“Okay.” I get up to follow them.
“They aren’t that little. They can tuck themselves in.” David laughs.
“You know it freaks out Sara when she’s sleeping somewhere that her mom isn’t. She always needs someone to stay awake with her until she falls asleep.”
No one comments after that they just move on to another topic. I go in and they’ve both changed and Ester is already under the covers trying to fall asleep.
“You can go back out there, Y/n.” Sara states, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I’m big enough to go to bed by myself.” She tucks herself in and turns her body to face away from me. I’m sure she feels embarrassed by what happened in front of everyone earlier.
“I’m not here for you! I’m going to bed too!” Before either girl gets a second to think, I jump on the bed laying between the two of them.
“What are you doing?” Ester turns to look at me.
“Getting comfortable.” I close my eyes and nuzzle in to get more comfortable.
“I’m serious, Y/n.” Sara mumbles into her pillow, still not bothering to look at me.
“I am too!” I start to fake snore and before I know it we’re all laughing. I pull them both in close for a hug. Sara, finally smiling again both girls are curled in towards me as we talk quietly and laugh.
“Hey, I just wanted to say goodnight.” David peeks his head in the door, “What’s going on?”  
“We’re going to bed.” I grin.
“You’re not even under the covers.” He states.
“That’s beside the point.”
“We’re all cuddling.” Ester laughs.
“Oh, I just wanted to tell you guys night.” David starts to turn back out the door.
“Where are you going?” Sara asks, she gestures for him to join us.
“Like Ester said, we’re all cuddling.”
David raises his brows and I shrug. Before giving is much thought, David climbs on top of the bed too, most of his weight uncomfortably directed on to me.
“You know, you’re heavier than you look Dobrik.” I groan.
“Whatever.” He doesn’t even bother lifting his head up from my neck.
We stay like that for a while, talking quietly, telling stories. My leg starts to go numb, but it’s warm and cozy enough I can ignore it. After we’re all quiet for a while I can hear Sara’s breathing change. Ester’s been out for a while, she’s unbothered by sleeping in a new environment.
“Dave.” I whisper.
“I need you to get up as softly as you can.”
It takes some time and some careful maneuvering, but David gets up without disturbing either of the girls. I pull my arms gently from under the girls heads, David gives me a hand to pull me off the bed.
I follow him out and turn off the lights behind me.
“Wow, where did everyone go?” I ask.
“I hinted that everyone should get going before I went in with you guys.” David answers, pausing to yawn.
“Oh, well then good night I guess.”
“Yeah, I know that Natalie is already out for sure.” David comments. “She was so tired earlier, she had a bad headache.”
“Shit, I still need to my stuff. There’s no way that I won’t wake her up if I go in there right now.” I look down at my jeans and tee shirt. Not exactly what I had been hoping to sleep in. Right about now, I’m wishing I hadn’t put my suitcase in her room.
“I have clothes you can borrow. I have too many clickbait sweatshirts.” He smiles.
“Yeah, that’d be great actually.”
I follow him to his room, he disappears into his closet. I look around the room that I’ve seen in video, but never in person.
“Here.” He hands me a stack of clothes, I turn to walk back to the living room muttering a thank you over my shoulder, “Can I be honest?”
His words catch me before I make it to the door, I turn back around to look at him.
“That couch is awful for sleeping on. It’s fluffy and nice, but it’ll kill your neck by the morning.”
“So what do you suggest I do?”
“You can sleep in here.” He gestures to the bed behind him. His bed.
“It’s not weird, I promise. I just want to crash. I’m sure you’re tired, you had a long flight.”
I nod and debate back and forth in my head. Isn’t it weird though?
“Sure.” I nod, it seems more weird now to say no because that would mean I had a reason to say no.
“Okay, good.” He lets out a sigh, “I’m just going to get ready for bed.” He walks into his bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
As quickly as I can, I change into the sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. Just in time, David swings the door back open. He’s changed too now.
“I have a spare toothbrush on the counter if you want to-”
“Yes please!” I laugh, I brush my teeth and think this over in my head. There’s no way to get out of this now without it being weird. I put the toothbrush back before walking back out to the bedroom. David is settled on his side of the bed laying on his back, I walk over to the other half.
I set my phone on the nightstand and peel back the covers before sliding in. I face the wall, I can almost feel David’s eyes on me.
“Night.” He calls back, a few seconds later the lights turn off. After that we both settle in a little more. It’s as if the lights are off and we feel ten times more comfortable. It shouldn’t be this weird, we just cuddled in a different bed for like an hour. Sharing a bed with inches between us shouldn’t be this hard.
It has to be the tension. There’s always been something I could never place, it’s just when we’re alone together. David’s cute, anyone can see that, but he’s always been so much more.
Several more minutes pass, still both of us wide awake. I was hoping he would be right and we would both just crash instantly. I flip to my other side, hoping it to be more comfortable, but it proves to be a big mistake when I become practically nose to nose with him.
I don’t know how, but being that much closer is a lot warmer. I can faintly feel his breath fanning across my cheek. Almost ask quick as I turned, I manage to crash.
The feeling of a heavy arm on my waist wakes me up hours later. I peel my eyes open, the sun is up in the corner of the window. I look around to see I’m tucked fully in David’s arms. I’m not sure if scooted on to his side of the bed, or if he pulled me there.
As gently as I can, I lift David’s arm and manage to slip out with grace. I walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. It doesn’t seem like anyone else is up yet in the house, it’s almost nine. I take a seat at the tall table by the patio. The view from here has to be one of the best I’ve ever seen.
I hear the shuffling of feet and my head snaps in the direction.
“Did I wake you?” I ask, looking over my shoulder to him.
“I haven’t slept with anyone in my bed for a long time. I noticed you absent as soon as you left.”
His cheeks light up with a pink blush. He grabs himself a bottle of water and joins me at the table.
“When did you become their favorite?” David asks, dumbfounded, suddenly referring to the girls.
“I’ve always been.” I tease, “You’ve always been Toby’s favorite.”
“I knew there was a reason why he was my favorite sibling.” He continues, “You know so much about them.”
“I’ve just spent a lot of time with them. It’s nothing special.” I try to diminish the thought for him. He’s never admitted it, but I know that it hurts him that he’s not there to witness his siblings grow up as much anymore.
“You go to school away from them, you see them just as little as I do and yet you know so much. You’re so involved in their lives.”
“You could be too.” I remind.
“I know, I know.” He shakes his head, looking down.
“They love you so much.” I reach out my hand to place on top of his, “I know you think they’re distant, but they just take some warming up. You’re their big brother, you’re so important to them!”
“Y/n.” He suddenly looks up, his face inching closer and closer. I can feel myself leaning in as well. Tension building. Lips parting. 
“I’m back!” Natalie cheers, she walks in the front door. She looks like she just came back from the gym, neither of us knew she even left.
“Hey.” We both yell back.
“I’m gonna go grab the girls for some breakfast.” I state, suddenly getting up from the table.
What was I just about to do?
“Y/n, wait-”
part two 😏
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blue-hat-girl · 3 years
Not me making up a whole new musical while listening to One Kiss where Ivy is the bisexual girl out of the closet, hence her reputation (you know all the stereotypes about bisexual people being cheaters etc), and Jamie (Jason genderbent) is dating Peter and doesn't know she's bi. The song is just Ivy drunkenly half-confessing how she finds Jamie cute and wants to kiss her and Jamie cant help but feel pulled towards Ivy cause she likes her back. Which is why at the end Jamie surrenders to giving Ivy one kiss, but this time (in this version) it's Jamie who initiates the second kiss cause she gives in to the feeling, not Ivy like in the original.
Best kept secret's concept would also be in this version, only the lyrics are different and Jamie and Ivy are singing it after they've been making out for a few weeks maybe and Jamie is still unsure about leaving Peter (who she honestly liked cause, you know, she's bi) and going kinda public about her relationship with Ivy.
idk apparently I just have a lot of time and a lot of space in my head to think about a whole story.
not like I'm studying for an exam.
Yes, I like to hurt myself, what about it?
Side note, I hope I'm not offending anyone with this. Bare is a masterpiece and I love it more and more everyday; I just felt like sharing these ideas since I'm always craving wlw musical content
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Survey #455
“but you didn’t have to cut me off  /  make it like it never happened and that we were nothing”
Are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends? We're besties! :') Has anyone ever pointed out that your laugh was unusual? No. Would you get a lip piercing? I already have a vertical labret. I've considered getting spiked snakebites (they might be called devil bites?) too, though. With a vertical labret, it looks sick as FUCK. It might be a bit much too close together for me, though, idk. Nose piercing? I want my right nostril re-pierced. What are you currently waiting for? Girt to message me back. I've decided what I want out of our relationship and just want to see him. Do you have feelings for anyone? Hit me pretty hard through a lot of examination of my feelings that yeah, I do. Have you ever run over an animal? Oh my god no, I would be DESTROYED. Have you chewed gum after someone else already has? bro what the fuck When people sneeze do you say ‘bless you’? I do only out of expectation. I don't want someone to think I'm an ass or something for not saying it. When was the last time you were on a bouncy castle? A few years ago for my niece's birthday. She was scared of how loud it was and was very reluctant to get near it, so my fat ass got in there with everyone else to show her it was fine lol. I can't remember if she eventually got in. She loves them now, though. :') Have you ever went on a bouncy castle whilst drunk? No, but thanks for the idea, ha ha. Have you ever entered an art competition? Yes. What is one thing you will never do? Try hardcore drugs. What is one food that you detest? Asparagus. Did you have a rebellious phase growing up? Not really. What religion were you brought up with? Roman Catholic. Are you still that religion? GOD NO. Do you often find yourself questioning your future? That's my full-time job. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 124. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? The same I listen to now. What pet names do you use with your significant other? I'm single rn, but usually, I go for "sweetie/sweetheart," "hunny," "love," "dear," stuff like that. What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Wal-Mart. Have you ever seen a theatre show? Yes. What’s your favourite vegetable? Broccoli. Have you ever missed a flight? Yes. I was SO fuckin upset because it was on Sara's birthday and planned in secret, and I was supposed to wake her up. It still wound up being a big surprise to her when she walked into her room and I was chillin' at her desk, ha ha, but I still wish it coulda gone as originally planned. Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them? Yes; they have a yappy-ass dog that doesn't shut up. I haven't met them. What color is your bedroom door? White. If you were ever to become famous, would you grow annoyed at fans? This may sound very ungrateful, but I have heard A LOT of celebrities say it: it would get old, being stopped constantly in public for signatures, pictures, etc. Like yes, I still WOULD be grateful, but I'd miss just being off the radar and able to go outside carrying out chores and stuff like a normal person. Have you ever met your favourite band/singer? No. :( Are you embarrassed by any of the songs/singers/bands you like? Nah, not nowadays. Have you ever written a story? Yes, a kinda short one when I was little. Think of the last poem you wrote: What inspired you to write it? The breakup with Jason and the fact we're just strangers again. It was really short, but I like it a lot, honestly. Do you have a chance with the person you like right now? I think so. What’s the weirdest thing you were scared of as a child? A skeleton in my closet, lol. Literally. Are there any embarrassing stories your family tells about you? alkdsjflakjwle yes In your opinion, what is the funniest TV show? That '70s Show. 3rd Rock From the Sun is high up there, too. What is the maximum number of children you’d ever have? HYPOTHETICALLY, two, but I'm pretty damn serious about having none. I just always feel kinda bad for children without a sibling, but three would make me pull my hair out. Have you ever been concerned you had a serious illness? Yes. I overreact to even minor symptoms to ANYTHING. Are you comfortable with who you are? No. Pretty much everything about myself embarrasses me, even if it shouldn't. Would you date someone even if you knew you’d get made fun of for it? Yes? Others' opinions don't affect how I feel about someone. Does popularity matter to you at all? No, outside of trying to be a successful photographer. Would you ever consider homeschooling your children? If they really wanted that and it would benefit them, yes. Who told you about the band/singer you are currently listening to? I discovered them myself. Do you ever read fanfiction? Nah. Would you rather die in a plane crash, ship wreck or fire? Jesus. A plane crash, I guess, because in a lot of cases, it would be an immediate death. What are your top five favourite TV shows? Meerkat Manor, Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood; shut up, they go together), That '70s Show, Ginga Densetsu Weed, and Deadman Wonderland. What is your favorite superhero movie? Logan. If you died next week, what would be the cause of death? Uhhhh idk... I guess maybe a heart attack? Judging by doctor appointments, my heart is just fine, but the fact still remains that I'm technically obese, so that's always a risk. Have you ever taken a break from Facebook or other social media? Why? Facebook, yes. It was just depressing me. I was playing the comparison game REAL hard. Who is the most talented person you know? I dunno. I know many people talented in a lot of areas. Are you currently platonic friends with anyone you’ve had sex with? No. Where did you and your current interest go on your first date? Bowling. Have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? What happened? Jason and Juan pursued me at the same time. They'd known each other in the past, and Juan hated him for "winning" his ex-girlfriend. Then when Jason and I got together, Juan wasn't the happiest for sure. Have your parents ever thought you were gay? What happened? Before I actually came out as bisexual, I don't think so? Are your parents more liberal or conservative? Conservative. Mom is more open, but still conservative. I think. What year are you going into at the beginning of the next academic year? I'm not in school. How far away does your closest family member live? I live with Mom. If you’ve seen both, did you prefer the Disney version or the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland? I actually strongly prefer Tim Burton's. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? Yeah. I just want to be in a long-term, serious, healthy relationship to reach that point and be as safe as possible about it. Are you more liberal or conservative? Liberal, but I do have some conservative beliefs, too. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? I don't have one, given I never got into that franchise. What’s the worst that could come out of letting gays marry? Not a goddamn thing. What’s the most sexual thing you’ve done? Done "the thing." Name something that you are against. I'll go with an unconventional one that's a problem as of the late: making owning reptiles illegal. Why are you against it? Because reptiles are perfectly capable of being brilliant pets and, most importantly, can tame people's fears of them. I think that it's very important to see the worth and beauty in all animals, and reptiles are one of the most unappreciated families out there. :/ Have you ever played the Tomb Raider games? I played some of either the first or second one. I could never beat it. Old games are hard, man. Do you like it or hate it when your partner is clingy? I absolutely believe that it can get to an extreme that I don't like, but for the most part, I don't mind a clingy partner because hey, I am too. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Stonessss. When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody? It'd been on my mind for a while, but I *officially* realized that I really do like-like Girt a couple days ago. And since then it's gotten a bit hardcore and all I wanna do is talk to him bc fuck me and how attached to people I get. What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why? Every single time I go to the gym, I feel proud of myself because it REALLY takes a lot out of me. Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? Nope. I'm willing to be a shoulder to cry on for like... anyone. If you're hurting, talk to someone. I'll be there as an easy option. What was the last thing to fascinate you? It was... INCREDIBLY disturbing and almost nauseating even for me, but I saw a video of a dead whale explode. It was GRUESOME. Guts just kept coming and coming and coming and :x Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you? Hmmm... I'm sure there is, but what, it's not coming to me. Sudden, loud noises are an obvious answer. Do you have a favourite microorganism? ... No, I can't say I do. Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next? Girt's, actually. It's in October. If you have pet fish do you bother to name them? I did when I actually had them as a kid. Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? Ye. Have you ever owned chickens? No, but that'd be cool. Fresh eggs from a properly cared for chicken taste SO much better. When did you last listen to music? Currently. NOW I'm obsessed with Melodicka Bros & Violet Orlandi's cover of "Somebody That I Used to Know." It's done in a gothic metal style and is amaaaazing.
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lifeofroos · 3 years
A/N: Kinda crack to get myself back into the swing of writing after my Intro week! Medea, Ariadne and Dido have a find each other in a bar. 
AO3 - KoFi
Girls Night Out
‘If you’re staring at your phone because your ex sent you a text, don’t answer it. Delete it right now, lose the number and don’t talk to him ever again.’
Ariadne shot a hazy glance at the woman sitting next to her at the bar. She looked like she had already had a drink too many. 
Her gaze drifted back to her phone. 
‘I’ll swipe that thing right out of your hand if I need to.’
Ariadne sighed and threw her phone back into her bag. ‘He’s a piece of shit anyway.’
The woman nodded. ‘Thought so.’
Ariadne laid her head on the bar. ‘He abandoned me,’ she mumbeld. ‘He left without a word or a trace.’ She let out a sob. ‘I woke up to an empty apartment. He left with everything he could bring along. I didn’t have any means to pay rent, or utensils, or food. Hell, I didn’t even have any spoons left.’ 
The woman stopped with her drink mid-air. ‘Are you living on the streets?’
Ariadne shook her head. ‘I found a place to stay with some guy who’s sister is a social worker.’
The woman closed her eyes for a moment. ‘I need to know your name.’
‘It’s Ariadne.’
‘Ariadne, I see you need another drink. Or two.’
Ariadne agreed with a firm nod. ‘I do. Absolutely. Whatever thing you’ve got there, I’ll take two.’
‘I’m Medea,’ the woman told Ariadne after they got their drinks. ‘I was also left by my boyfriend. He ran off with some other bitch.’ She took a sip. ‘I was angry. So angry that I… a few days later, I hexed her house.’ She swallowed. ‘Last thing I heard, the place went up in flames. That piece of garbage left for his parents house after that.’ She let out a sob.
Ariadne put her hand on Medea’s cheek. ‘Whoever they were, they got what was coming to them.’
Medea looked up at her companion. ‘Oh my god, whoever your guy is, he didn’t deserve you,’ she said. ‘No, don’t say the same goes for me. Because Jason deserved me. Jason deserved all of me.’
‘If he was half as much of a dick as Theseus was, he deserved every single second of it.’
Behind them, someone else burst into tears. Medea hopped off her barstool. ‘Shh, sh, it’s okay. What is wrong, darling?’ 
‘You two are so sweet,’ she mumbled. ‘So… so sweet.’ The woman fanned her face. ‘My husband left a while back. If... if I had had the courage, I’d have hexed him, too.’ She wiped the tears of her cheeks. ‘He got a chance to be a CEO somewhere else. He tried to sneak out without telling me, but I... ran into him in the hall. Not that that stopped him.’ 
‘That bastard…’ Ariadne clenched her fist. The woman reached out over the table to grab her hand. ‘I heard your stories too. It sounds like… oh my god.’ She took a shaky breath. ‘I’d stay with you, I know that for sure.’
The woman wiped her face. ‘My name is Dido.’
‘That’s a good name,’ Medea mumbeld. ‘I just… I’ll hex those guys for you. Free of charge. Let them rot.’
Dido let out a careful giggle. ‘I think someone must have already hexed him. He has terrible luck in his new city.’ She laughed out loud, to her own shock.
Medea banged her fist on the table. ‘Serves him right!’
Ariadne nodded. ‘My ex has terrible luck too. Perhaps someone in heaven didn’t let his actions pass.’ She shut her eyes. ‘He married my sister after he left.’
Medea and Dido screamed so loud Ariadne had no idea what they were trying to say, but it felt so good, to just be mad and laugh about the people who had hurt them so badly. 
Medea put up her hand. ‘How about we get another drink? I feel like there’s lots more to talk about.’
Dido shrugged. ‘I don’t know if that’s wise.’ She let out a snicker. ‘Hear me. Wise. Give me another one as well!’
Ariadne nodded along. ‘After this, we’ll do karaoke.’ She had no idea where the suggestion came from, but the other two cheered so loudly they must have agreed it was a wonderful idea. 
‘Where did you find them?’
Artemis put down a fold-up chair in Dionysus’ spare bedroom. ‘The Karaoke Devil. They were singing ‘You oughta know.’’ 
Dionysus sighed. ‘I couldn’t exactly tell Ariadne not to go out. I did tell her to look after herself.’
‘While I was taking them home, she mumbled something about getting a text from her ex on the way to the bar. That must have been the trigger. It’s clear she met the other two over there.’
Dionysus slowly shook his head while turning around to get blankets out of his closet. ‘Oh well.’
Artemis took two blankets from him. ‘I’ll take the first shift watching them.’
‘Hm.’ Carefully, they covered the sleeping women. Dido sighed in her sleep.
Artemis rolled her eyes. ‘Men.’
‘It’s what got them in this state. I mean, we can giggle about it all we want, but it’s still sad, isn’t it? That people go crazy because of how much they got hurt.’
‘I’d call it heartbreak rather than men.’
‘You would.’
Dionysus sighed. ‘Wake me in a few hours.’
‘Maybe.’ Artemis winked.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, in that case.’
‘I expect you to be on breakfast duty.’
Dionysus snickered. ‘Of course.’
A/N: Next up is props a Clarisse chapter :)
Medea, Ariadne and Dido deserved to meet each other, get drunk and sing karaoke, after which they were safely brought home, change my mind.
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fuckmemurderman · 3 years
Yo I had a dream that I was in some weird combination slasher movie with the remake version of Jason, the og version of Michael, and I think a few others were there but they showed up later but like the main part of the dream was with Jason and it was during the fall instead of the summer and we were on this old park trail where there were all these abandoned houses and a dog shelter.
So like the group I was with all got killed of course in like ridiculous ways bc slasher and I was playing the role of final girl (despite not being a girl) and I survived by releasing all the dogs as a distraction and then hiding in a closet and covering myself with old clothes and towels to look like a pile of laundry.
Afterward it was like some goofy cosplay meet where the killers were harmless (albeit a little pranky) and silly but they were still themselves and everyone who was killed was alive again and I was trying to go somewhere but it wasn't safe and everyone was coming up with suggestions of who I should go with and I was like no offense but I kinda don't trust Michael and Jason to escort me they're literally serial killers and someone brought up this super butch lesbian who lived nearby but she like aggressively hits on girls and seduces them and I was like OKAY THAT WORKS FOR ME BECAUSE I'M A GAY MAN but everyone continued to misgender me and assume I would fall for a lady's charms so we ended up all going together.
Then at one point I was trying to explain how I survived the slasher scenario but all the killers kept sneaking up trying to eavesdrop so they'd know how to catch the smarter survivors and then I finally got them all to leave and I explained it and someone pointed behind me and it was like every slasher villain to ever exist standing behind me and then they all tried to act like they weren't listening
Why don't I get fun dreams like this more often?
🔞Minors do not interact🔞
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Round of Robins
Dick Grayson X Robin!Reader X Jason Todd
A/N: Titans!Jason Todd owns my entire being and I will forever shamelessly admit it. This fic is kinda short too, it’s basically just a whole bunch of ‘imagine’s’ stitched together. - Nemo 
Based on: Imagine being another Robin
Warning(s): Some bad words. Character Death (hahahahaguesswho). 
Summary: With Batman taking on two new Robins now that that one old one is gone, feeling and tension rises, along with one question. Three head are better than one, but are three Robins better than two?
Alt. Summary: Ha HA ha; Ever heard of a chaotic threesome? Because this is it. 
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"Okay, I wish to restate my comment earlier." You started, phone in hand as you spoke to the duo in the front seat.
"Which one?" Jason asked, not turning, but you could tell he had a grin again.
"The flock of Robins.” You looked up from your phone to gauge their reactions. “It’s actually called a round of Robins." Dick just laughed, while Jason mimicked you under his breath.
"’A round of Robins’. If only we worked together.” 
"Don't you mean if only we worked 'well' together?" You said, putting down your phone with a snort. "Hey, turn in here Dickie." You hit Dicks shoulder, pointing to the drive-thru of a diner on your left. He mumbled in protest, saying something about the food not being good for you, but did as you asked anyway. 
“Grab me some large fries yeah?” Jason asked, and the car rolled to a stop near a serving window, 
“Make it double.” You let out a silent laugh, Dick groaning lightly before starting to order and pay.
“You both owe me.”
“Our love and attention, Bluebird?” you said, fluttering your eyelashes at Dick. 
“Or, alternatively, I know a guy who-”
“No, Jason. I don’t need anything from you. Thanks.” 
“(y/n) please, you’re getting as bad as Jason.” 
“There’s nothing ‘bad’ about me Dickie. Not even this compromising position I’ve  found myself in can be viewed as bad.” 
“Aw, Jaybird, we all know you’re only saying that because your head is stuck between my thighs-”  
“Maybe I should come back later.” Gar said, pointing back out the door he just came through. Dick shook his head with a sigh.
“No Gar, they’re just being idiots again.” Dick said, looking down at you and Jason disapprovingly. “I wonder how Batman can get anything done with them around.” 
You opened you mouth to speak, rising off Jason as you did, but Dick caught you.
“Don’t make a comment about my ass again. I don’t care.”
“And the little blush you get on your face says you don’t care.” Jason barked out a laugh, whether at your comment, at Dick’s red face, or at Gar’s shocked look, you didn’t know. But you did know that for the moment, your job was done. 
In only a few short seconds, you’d managed to get everyone in the room to glare at you. To think, all it took was saying you’d locked Dick and Jason in a cleaning supply closet. 
At the time you thought it’d be very funny, and the possibility of Jason getting thrown at the door by Dick(or alternatively throwing himself at the door to get away from Dick) only added to the hilarious image formed in your mind. 
Kory thought differently, and as soon as she got your answer to ‘Where are the other two?’ she was off trying to find them. Rachel only shook her head, while Gar was obviously starting to think about exactly what the other two had gotten themselves into, seeing as he was trying to hide his growing grin from both you and Rachel. 
“It’s okay Green-Bean. I think it’s pretty damn funny too.” 
“I swear to go when I find (y/n) I’ll kill-” Jason yelled, obviously been set free from his chemical-and-mop-jail. He didn’t sound like he was seeing the funny side of things. 
“Time to go.” You say, standing, and giving both Gar and Rachel a two-fingered salute before setting off running towards the stairwell. 
“Man, why am I so sore today?” You said, rolling your shoulder. 
“You should be more careful on patrol. I saw some of the flips you were trying last night and you definitely pulled a couple muscles.” Dick said, coming up behind you and resting his hand on your tentative shoulders. “Relax.” he said, shaking your upper body as his hands started working, and you instantly melted.
“He’s pretty good with his hands, huh?” Jason asked, standing in the doorway sipping one of your apple juice boxes. 
“Gimme back my juice Jay.” you said, frowning half-halfheartedly at him. He looked at you, making a show of licking the straw, then offered it out to you.
“You sure you want it back (n/n)?”
“You’re so childish Jason.” Dick said, pressing his fingers into a hard knot near the back of your neck. You hissed at him, trying to move away, but he held firm. “Just relax. Breathe. It’ll go away.” 
“I want you to go away.”
“Aw Jay, he’s doing me a solid, don’t be so mean.”
“You left him there! What kind of hero are you!” you yelled, thrashing against Dick as he held you back from Bruce. 
“I- You know I had no choice, (y/n). He was-....”
“Already dead! I know! The least you could’ve done was bring him back so we could say goodbye!” you said, voice cracking. Behind you Dick was starting to pull out of shock, the adrenaline wearing off all too soon.
“(y/n), please. Not now.” he said quietly, moving from pinning your arms behind you to wrapping them around you in a hug. You used the moment of his weakened hold to break free instead, stepping away in a tear-filled rage. 
“If I don’t say it now, I’ll regret it later.” you said to Dick, the turning to Bruce, “You lost my best friend. We joined this together, and I’ll make damn sure we this leave together.” 
“No, (n/n)-”
“I’m done, Bruce. Find a new Robin!”
“(y/n), you-you came.”
“Yeah well, I heard you and Batsy have an unfix-able problem in the form of a Red-Bucketed gun-slinger. I figured that you called me because I’m the only one who can help.” you looked up, hands stuck deep in your pockets as the rain fell heavy outside.
“Bruce- he’ll-” Dick started. 
“I’m not here for him. He’s called me and I never answered. You called, so I’m here for you.” Dick started leading you towards the computer room, and as you walked in each monitor displayed different scenes on repeat. Looking closely, you found the fighting style was familiar.
“Dick, look.” you started, pointing to one of the screens, showing the Red-Headed criminal flipping. “It’s that-” 
“The shortened quadruple flip I taught you and…” 
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aconfusedbee · 3 years
hi again
how long has it been? Honestly i've been wanting to wait a little bit more before posting again and actually, my mind got kinda clearer after these 2 months? since last update.
so the thing that i have figured out it's that im not cis, i don't feel happy as a woman and i don't like that word to label me becuase it's not just how i feel like. Not that i don't like women in general because im a literal simp and love all women and wish they all have perfect and beautiful lives. I just don't want to be a woman nor be seen as that.
But on the other hand being a dude kinda grosses me out, like i don't want to be a man tyvm, i dont wanna be called a gentlemen nor have a dick, but the pronouns he/him sound neat un my opinion. Talking about pronouns i feel conformable with all of them if im being honest and that's how it always has been.
The thing is, i dont experience that body dysmorphia that i tend to see always on the internet by enbys, i dont mind my body in the way that makes a difference between man and woman, of course i have issues with the way i look but not as if i didn't want to have boobs, or i hated my waist or stuff that makes it clear that physically im a woman, i don't mind that because i can hide it well but, is it bad that sometimes i wanna dress "ladylike"? I mean, isn't it the whole point of being non binary that you don't want people tho see you as a gender or another? But i dont wanna look always all feminine, sometimes i kinda wanna forget about my body and just wear a big hoodie that says "i literally don't wanna be labelled as anything" but then again, i wish i could have masculine clothes that made me feel...handsome? I don't believe clothes have a gender and everyone should wear whatever they want, and with that in mind i just wanna wear everything i want whenever i feel like it.
Talking about appearances i just don't feel like having long feminine hair, (again, having long hair doesn't mean you're feminine or a woman, look at jason momoa for example) so i keep my hair short to the shoulder because i feel happy with it but, as an inspo for that i have things like bucky barnes with his long hair, sherlock from the anime moriarty, markiplier when he had long hair and even aizawa from bnha, and i dont even watch that anime. I didn't even think of some feminine inspo when i cut my hair because i didn't want that. I wanted to be like them, but why tho if i don't want to be seen as a dude?
I don't understand shit about this and i need to talk to someone about it but what if im not really enby or anything like that and i end up looking like a clown? Im in part ready and not ready to get out of the closet but then again o never find a good moment to tell it to my boyfriend or my best friend. My boyfriend has noticed the pronouns thing in my bio and casually asked what was the meaning, he was being sweet and comprehensive but i chickened out and said it was just because i wanted. Sometimes i wanna tell that to him but i feel like he won't get it ir he would make fun of me on my back, he has told me that he is still new with lgbtq+ stuff but he is glad to learn more about it to make me feel happy. Should i start explaining about genderfluity and the gender spectrum? Should i mention an actor o character that's not cis and ask his opinions about it? I feel like i should be more sure about what i am before telling him.
Then we also have my best friend, he is very open about lgbtq- stuff because he is also part of the community but i just don't find the right moment to tell him about it, besides what if he doesn't understand it? Or just says that in faking it or i don't know what that is about. I really don't like it when he uses my birth name but im also his girl best friend and i feel like he feels protected and someway happy with that, i don't wanna ruin things for him. I wanna tell him that i don't feel comfortable with that and i want him to give me a fresh view about my gender and whatever he feels like saying.
i guess i still need time to understand myself a little better, but i wish I had someone to blindly and naively tell them everything i think without being afraid of doing something wrong.
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captaincvans · 5 years
Chapter Two: Mind Made of Stone
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1807+
Warnings: Language! Sad!Chris
Series Masterpost
A/N: Sorry I kinda disappeared!! I basically re-wrote this entire series in the past week because i had a bunch of ideas for it, and didn’t like where it was heading. I hope you guys like this chapter~ Lemme know what you think 😊
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Christopher Robert Evans was raised to be humble, and his mother taught him not to have his money or fame get the best of him. This was one of the main reasons he found himself doing his own taxes once he turned of age. It got a bit more difficult as he received more income, but he thought he did well. The IRS never came after him, so he assumed he was doing everything correctly. Almost a year ago, he had a few reunion with his college buddies, and he got the chance to catch up with his Jason Kwon, known in college for his drunken dart skills, now an accountant with a husband and two golden retrievers. Chris shared his struggles with his taxes, and Jason was quick to offer his help. Unfortunately, Jason had only bad news for him. According to his previous pay stubs and contracts, there should have been a lot more money in his account. 
Chris’s POV
I was finally heading home, filming had wrapped up late November, and I could finally enjoy December in Boston without worrying about my projects. Not that I had any lined up, I discretely took a break from it all since the investigation. The past few months were the most stressful time of my life. I was beaten down and exhausted, and I wanted nothing more than this whole ordeal to end already.  Jason insisted that I went through every role and contract I had, as well any royalties that was made in the last ten years. He wanted to do this as soon as possible to make sure that everything was resolved before I had to file my taxes. It was soon pretty evident that the middle-man was the cause of the whole issue. The middle man being my manager, Daniel Kolb. He was in charge of most of my finances, as in, he controlled the account that the money was going into. I still had my personal account, but most of my money sat in that account that he had control over. 
I felt relief that the press still haven’t caught whiff of the situation, with so many moving parts in the investigation I was worried that it would leak before I had the chance to clear things up. Right before I went home for the holidays, I was informed that Daniel made a deal with the police. He would say who else was in on the scam, and he would be sentenced to a lesser degree. I hated it, but I had to know who else would betray me like this. He only said one name, and it was the one I never would have thought. 
Y/N L/N. 
My guard was up the minute I came home. She betrayed my trust. I shared with her my fear of being taken advantage of, and my reservation for dating people outside of the industry. She knew that. Hell, she was the first one to bring up her discomfort with dating someone famous. It was something we were both insecure about. She felt like whatever she did would never be good enough financially, and I felt like if not my partner, the people around them could easily take advantage of my money and fame. 
I was picking up fights with her, I knew that and she knew that. I just wanted her to confess that she was taking money from me. I wanted her to tell it to my face. Whatever I did, she wouldn’t budge. She acted like nothing was wrong, and she was confused whenever I brought up our finances. We kept our accounts separate, something she said would give her comfort in knowing that she can still provide for herself and me. I kept pushing it until the breaking point. 
In reality I finished her decoy Christmas gift three months ago, and her real Christmas gift eight months ago. The chunky wool blanket I made her sitting patiently in the closet of my office where I knew she would never go into, and the beautiful cathedral setting engagement ring I hand-made sat in the locked drawer of my office table. Two items that I knew would never see the light of day. I wanted to burn them at the thought of her betrayal, clenching my teeth so hard, my jaw ached. I didn’t bother putting up a front with my family at Christmas, my disdain at its peak when once again she brought up splitting the cost for the gifts she bought my nieces and nephew. The truth would come out in a few weeks time, I just had to wait for the warrant to be approved before they could start investigating her accounts. When we finally got home, I wanted nothing more than to snuggled in to my bed. Y/N moved to the guest bedroom a week ago, and it’s been nice to have the whole bed to myself again. I was just about to make it to the stairs when I heard her voice. 
“Chris, can we talk?” I could hear the uneasiness in her tone, and wanted to scoff at her fake innocence. 
“About what?” I barked, my hand automatically going to my hip. 
“It was just really awkward today…” she trailed off, chewing on her bottom lip. 
I rolled my eyes. “Just because I didn’t get you a gift one time?!”
“No, no! It’s not like that- I don’t care that you didn’t get me anything. It’s just… I bought those Disney World passes for us… Daniel said you would be doing the last month of your filming in California so I figured I could take some time off and we can go together after you’re done.” 
“So you’re upset that I wasn’t more excited for it? Jesus, you know I hate it when you make plans without considering my plans. What if I don’t want to stay in California after filming? You know I only leave Boston when I have to.”“I know, but I thought it would be easier for you to stay in California for an extra month, instead of coming back here and having to spend money on another flight there.”
I scoffed, my arms folded in front of me. This is how manipulative she could get, I realized. She was trying to turn this around, as if she was doing me a favour. Before, I would’ve eaten this up, cooing at how kind and thoughtful she was, but now I know better. “It’s always about money with you, isn’t it?”
“What?! What do you mean?” She had the audacity to look confused and upset, but I can see through her. 
“You’re always talking about money- telling me that I should save here and save there when I want something, but when you want something you don’t care about my savings anymore.”
“Chris, I never asked you to-“ 
“We both know you’re only with me for my money anyways,” I spat, saying the words I’ve been wanting to say to her these past months. 
““Chris, what the fuck?! You know that’s not true-” she exclaimed, but I could only scoff.. “Chris, I love you for you- I don’t-”
I finally snapped when she said those three words. How dare she manipulate me, hurt me, and then tell me that she loved me. A burst of fury filled my heart as I spat out a couple of words strung together that I knew would end our relationship. “You love my money. You love being spoiled. Honestly, don’t know why I bothered with you- I basically was just paying you to hang out and have sex with me.” I was on a tirade, and I couldn’t stop. The words just coming out of my mouth like hot lava, and I could see her shrink away with every word, and that just made me angrier. “I should’ve just gone with a prostitute- they’re probably cheaper and at least they keep themselves in shape. You just look like you’ve really let yourself go- honestly, how much weight did you gain while you were fattening yourself up with my money?”
I could see the moment she knew this wasn’t just a small fight that I would eventually fix. This was huge, and I was pissed. “I think we should break up,” she said, her voice small. I raised my eyebrow, thinking she would put more of a fight into the argument, afterall she was with me for my money, but I guess the jig was up. She knew she was caught. I watched her pack everything, making sure she took only what she bought. She turned to look at me again, her fingers playing with the scarf she was packing. “Um- I’m not sure how you want to go about this, but I think you should know anyways, and if you want to call me after you’ve calmed down a bit so we can discuss this-”
“Discuss what?” I asked, my patience wearing thin at her hesitance. 
“I’m pregnant, Chris.”
I couldn’t help but laugh and shake my head. Was she serious? She was just gonna try to pull the oldest trick in the book on me. Does she think I was stupid? But I guess she was desperate. “Really? You’re gonna pull that one on me? I’ve had my share of sluts pretending to be pregnant with my baby. Stop lying to try to tie me down to you. It ain’t gonna work. You’re not getting any more money from me.”
“I’m serious, Chris. I could show-”
“Well, I don’t believe you. You probably got knocked up by someone else.”
“I never-”
“Just get out. I’ll leave your stuff with the concierge downstairs.” With that I opened the door for her, making sure she was heading out before closing the door. I felt relief wash over me as I removed that last toxic part of my life. Through all the anger, the emotion I felt the most was betrayal. I trusted her and loved her so much, and she went around to hurt me like this. I could finally feel the dam breaking as tears made my way down my face, my head falling to my hands as I continue to sob at the loss of everything I knew to be real. The family I trusted outside of my own family, and they all deceived me. I was at a loss on what to do, but at least there was one person I knew I could always count on. I called my mom. 
<– (Chapter 1)        (Chapter 3) –>
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diardiarmylove · 4 years
If my OC (Amane) was the current Master of Chaldea (Part One cause I haven’t finished Mist City yet :))
Hi it’s me again. I’m very very sleep deprived and within it was my urge to just write what I felt while playing FGO, which so far is an amazing fuckin roller coaster, like bless the writes.
So this is a somewhat vent/headcannon as to what would happen if it was my OC instead of Gudako, whom is more acknowledged of her magic, which allows her to summon anything with a blade on it. Also yea she can shift anything metal into weapons. Will be mentioned as you read through
OOC I know but eh. I’ll try to sleep now (10:45 AM) bye.
I kinda wanna punch The Director, is it a bad thing?
I know, I know. She’s just hard headed because of the duty pushed to her. But me too! And I was inside the building for a day and half when this shit show happened.
Cú, I demand you stay away from Mash before I slam your kneecaps to pieces.... why are you looking at me that way, what makes you think I can’t?
Lev. You just went from 0 to a hundred, rEAL fast.
I know I could’ve said we needed a tank, but Mash, I love you and I’m gonna make sure you get some desserts when we get back. Remind me.
We are not gonna talk about how overextended the First Singularity is, all we know is we had fun, we got the Singularity fixed, we have a grail secured, I got up close with Jeanne d’Arc, Queen Marie, and Mozart himself, and I loved the entire time we were there. I forgot to hug Siegfried, though.
I came for a gunfight, but it’s quite refreshing to hear wisdom from them, really changes your view of things. (this is me bowing on how good they wrote the characters)
Remind me to bring my Dimensional Box, filled with a variety of blades, when we face actual Demon Gods, I might be useful instead of being at a safe corner, relying on command seals.
Lev, you swollen cunt, pushing your work to others.
Nero, lemme just hug before we go. I appreciate you, thank you very much.
Drake, please don’t give me a gun, or I might shift it into a sniper rifle and shoot Blackbeard myself in the head. Yes, I can.
I am so gonna pay for Asterios and Euryale’s wedding when I summon them to Chaldea.
Blackbeard is definitely a neckbeard that never left his mom’s closet.
Yeah, I’m talking about you! You weaboo kinky fuckin pedophile. Even those two are nodding with me! Imagine being betrayed when other explain to you WHAT YOU ARE and your men agrees along WITH IT.
Darn, I never got to punch the guy.
Orion be Smol tho. As for Artemis. Damn woman, you’re brighter than my hopes and dreams.
Jason you pussy, I bet you can’t throw hands with those skinny arms that’s probably more limp than your small dick!
Another demon god, great.
Too meta? Nah, I mean look at that hunkin bitch. Right, sorry David. But just collect yourself a jar of money for every time I swear, least I can do is actually acknowledge what’s left of savings to control my mouth. Yes you can do what you want with it, maybe even donate it back to Chaldea just to get the place fixed and hire with what is left of humanity.
If rank 30 was easy I wonder how 1 is? Wait is that asking for Karma? .. Right...
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