#i know he probably can't help it but dang
imclou · 4 months
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there's no way he said that so confidently
|| Bonus ||
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 months
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Name: Neo Bowser City (aka Koopa City in PAL regions)
Debut: Mario Kart 7
Do you ever think of all the weird locations we only ever see in Mario Kart games? Despite being the biggest of all of Mario's spin-off franchises, when you really get down to it, remarkably few Mario Kart courses are actually based on established Mario locations!
It's not none, there's the occasional Donut Plains and Tick-Tock Clock and Airship Fortress, but most of the courses are these weird one-off locations we never see outside the context of that specific racetrack.
But have you ever taken a moment to step back and like, think of the Lore Implications of some of these places?
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Like okay! Bowser just owns this whole dang cyberpunk city and we only ever see it in the context of Kart Racing! How messed up is that?!
One day Mario and Friends were looking for new places to race, and Bowser must have said something like "Gwah-hah-hah! I bet you puny punks could NEVER beat me in a race in my cyberpunk metropolis!" and right then and there it was established that Bowser owns a cyberpunk metropolis. Neo Bowser City is a city that exists in the Super Mario World and aside from returning in other Mario Kart games, it hasn't been acknowledged before or since.
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Neo Bowser City first appeared in Mario Kart 7, as the third course in the Star Cup. Despite its flashy visuals, it actually doesn't really have a whole lot going on. It's a difficult track with some tight turns made more difficult by the rain making things more slippery, but besides that it doesn't really have any of the Wacky Obstacles that define so many Mario Kart courses.
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Then it returned in Mario Kart 8 looking more gorgeous than ever! The bright colors really pop out, and the whole track is just oozing with detail that really emphasizes the scale of this city!
But like, the emphasized scale really only further raises the question of where this exists in the Mario World. Clearly, the fact that Bowser is plastered all over the billboards and the fact it's named "Neo Bowser City" helps us deduce that this city probably belongs to Bowser. Is this located in Bowser's Kingdom? Just how big is Bowser's Kingdom? And why does he own so many separate castles?
Maybe Neo Bowser City exists in the future? Is this a bad timeline? I mean, Mario Kart is allowed to have time-travel shenanigans. There's a Splatoon battle arena and that exists thousands of years in the future so sure, dust off Mario's Time Machine and head to the bad future where Bowser wins. Should've pressed that New Super Mario Bros. big yellow P-Switch!
I asked my friend Mod Chikako for their input and their theory is that Neo Bowser City isn't the future of Mario's world, but of our world. Clearly Bowser just couldn't take Wreck-It-Ralph losing the Oscar vote!
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But in that case I guess it's a cooler cyberpunk future than the one we're living in right now. Corporate monopolies that run mass-surveillance with little government intervention due to their extreme wealth giving them extensive political power? No thank you! Neo Bowser City has bright neon colors, and flying cars! If I'm going to live in a dystopia, I want it to be a fun one. The only advertisements I want to see plastered everywhere are ones advertising Bowser!
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Boo! That's the bad guy! Thumbs down!
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The course returns again in that pitiful mobile game with another redesign, this time letting us see his Coney Island Disco Palace off in the distance. Does Bowser live in his Neo City? Is this worldbuilding we've been missing out on for decades, finally answered by a kart racer? Is this the capital city of Bowser's Kingdom? Am I once again falling victim to my perpetual hubris of overthinking the Mario franchise?
Really, I can't offer too much in terms of wacky fan theories, because I'm still thinking about this location existing in the first place. I'd love to know the Lore and worldbuilding here, but I guess the nature of Mario's canon is that it doesn't need to be over-analyzed. Bowser simply owns a cyberpunk metropolis, we'll only ever see it in the context of kart racing, and maybe that's okay.
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Of course, this post wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Dinohattan from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie, which we've barely talked about on this blog somehow. You see, when the meteor hit, some of the dinosaurs escaped into a parallel timeline where they then evolved into humans, and then they built Dinohattan instead of Manhattan. Get it? Yeah, that movie is all sorts of bonkers. I wouldn't say it's very good, but I kinda love it. I'd recommend checking it out, if only to see a vastly different take on Mario than you'd be used to.
Anyway I bring this up because it's a completely separate instance of a version of Bowser building a large cyberpunk metropolis, and it actually predates Neo Bowser City! Do you think they could be connected? Are Dinohattan and Neo Bowser City one and the same...?
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tathrin · 5 months
The next story I am Definitely Not Writing: a fic where Legolas and Gimli make it all the way to the Undying Lands before they realize that in addition to loving each other more than anything else in all of Arda, they are also in love with one another (this is less a realization on their part and more an assumption that just about everyone else in Aman makes on sight, and eventually they hear about it and go oh...dang...maybe...? and Legolas's mom facepalms forever) and hey what if they got married, then...?
Only the thing is, while an elvish marriage is very simple and requires literally nothing but the folks involved deciding to do it (and no, Thranduil is not allowed to demand that Gimli fetch some priceless jewel from the Fëanorian section of Tirion in order to prove himself worthy of Legolas's hand, although he tried very very hard to convince everyone that it was a great idea) a dwarven marriage is an elaborate ceremony, requiring the participation of both a dwarven officiant and several members of one's kin to perform the various elements of the ceremony.
...all of which are in short supply in this land of elves and valar.
Except. well. there aren't any other dwarves in Aman...but what there is, is the guy who made the dwarves. And he is VERY fond of Gimli. So when he learns that Gimli is kind of moping about the fact that he can't marry Legolas in dwarven-fashion, Aulë ENTHUSIASTICALLY volunteers to be the officiant and to set everything up and arrange just the BEST DWARVEN WEDDING EVER...
Because, you know. he's never actually been to one?
Gimli is stricken with horrified shock to realize just how much his own Maker has missed out on interactions with his beloved dwarves over the years, and immediately agrees to this plan (even though he knows it won't be a real dwarven wedding without his family there; but he'll swim back to Middle-earth before he says one word about that anywhere that Mahal can hear! he is going to do everything in his power to make this the best wedding ever for the sake of his Maker, dammit!).
So he gets to work crafting all the necessary accoutrements (with enthusiastic help from Celebrimbor and all his other elf-smith friends that Gimli has acquired since coming to these shores which is, let's be honest, quite a few) and carefully teaching Legolas all the necessary Khuzdul phrases and ceremonial steps that they can do to mimic as much of a proper wedding as they can without anyone else to help...
And when the big day comes, Aulë is vibrating so hard he's on the verge of setting off seventeen different earthquakes across the island, and not even Yavanna can get him to relax. Gimli and Legolas arrive to the appointed place, and find that they aren't alone: Aulë has invited Celebrimbor, too, seeing as he's the only elf in Aman who has actually participated in a dwarven wedding before with makes him the local expert as well as the closest thing to "kin" that Gimli is going to find on these shores...except.
Well, Mandos might be in charge of elvish souls, but dwarves? They belong to their Maker. And if Mahal decides he wants to...well, who is going to stop him from waking some of them up early, before the breaking of the world? Especially if he doesn't ask permission first. So when Gimli and Legolas hesitantly walk into this foreboding stone chamber, eerily close to the Halls of Mandos, wondering wtf is going on and have they offended the valar somehow and are they in trouble and if so how bad is it...?
Well, turns out Gimli will have kin at his wedding after all.
Mahal can't bring any of them back to life, not without the intervention and permission of Eru and probably Mandos too; but as long as they're in his halls, he can wake anybody he wants. So soon there is a great crowd of bewildered but enthusiastic dwarves gathered around Gimli, as he tries to explain what the heck is going on to a whole passel of relatives and friends, some of whom died even before the Lonely Mountain was reclaimed and don't even know how the Battle of Five Armies ended, let alone the whole thing with the Ring and the Fellowship...
And Legolas and Celebrimbor are standing near the entrance watching fondly, Legolas weeping around a great big smile and Celebrimbor torn between joy for Gimli and his own ever-bitter sorrows and then...
"Khelebrrimbor?" calls a deep dwarven voice, in a thick Khuzdul accent, and Celebrimbor stiffens like he's just been shot.
Suddenly there's a ruckus as a very burly dwarf is shouldering through the crowd, and Celebrimbor stumbles forward and throws himself at Narvi with a wail, and it's at least ten minutes before anyone can get a coherent word out of either of them (although it takes considerably less time to catch the gist of Narvi's lecture about how dare you and lucky he's already dead, or I'd have a gift for him he wouldn't forget in a hurry and what were you thinking???).
Legolas gives Aulë a very pointed raise of his eyebrows, and Aulë shrugs around an unabashed grin. "Who in all the ages of the world is more of an expert on marriages between elves and dwarves than the two of them? I am a craftsman, Greenleaf; of course I would want to make use of their skills and experience in this endeavor. Nothing more to it than that."
Legolas hums noncommittally, but his eyes are dancing.
Mahal ignores him and steps forward to start the wedding. It takes even him three tries before he can shout loud enough to be heard over the tumult and get everyone's attention, but eventually he gets them all to quiet down enough for the ceremony to begin. Not everyone in attendance is entirely thrilled by the prospect of Gimli marrying an elf (that elf) but no one is so cross that they walk back into their dreams of stone to avoid it, which Gimli chalks up as a victory.
(Legolas's terrible Khuzdul pronunciation doesn't help, but the very enthusiastic way he praises Gimli when the ceremony reaches that point makes up for a lot. By the time he finally runs out of words, a few of the more recalcitrant attendees have changed their tune about him. The fact that he's so good at weaving the required braids doesn't hurt, either.)
There aren't nearly enough refreshments for a crowd that size afterwards, of course, since Gimli and Legolas weren't expecting anyone but themselves and Aulë to be there; but that doesn't much matter, because 90% of those in attendance don't have the sort of corporealness that would allow them to eat the dwarven delicacies that Gimli spent all morning fussing over anyway. (That doesn't stop some of his more elderly relatives from scolding him for not following their recipes better.) They're solid enough that you can hug them or kiss them, in the case of a certain former smithlord of Eregion or get half-knocked off your feet by their congratulatory backslaps, but they aren't alive. They're still the dreaming dead...it's just that for the moment, they're dreaming in a bit more wakefulness than usual.
In the end it's not what one would call an orthodox dwarven wedding, no; but it's a lot closer than Gimli thought he would get, and since he's hardly an orthodox dwarf, the small tweaks and oddities of their strange situation don't bother him in the slightest.
As for Aulë, he's never been happier.
And if it takes a long, long time for Celebrimbor to finally leave (and if he tries to devise a way to prop the door open on his way out)...well, Aulë is enjoying himself far too much to do anything but pretend not to notice. Even when Námo clears his throat at him very pointedly.
And then again. And again.
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2smolbeans · 2 months
Yan Satan with a MC who is blind so they can't read on their own (because I don't think there'd be a "instant braille" spell unless Solomon made one)
So it's just Satan constantly time hoarding MC, and the rest of the brothers fuming and getting "oh no Satan is so nice! He helps me 'read' and is super descriptive too! What do you mean he's scary?!"
Because MC can't see the death glare TM..
And, adding onto this MC basically as nicely as possible being like 'I really appreciate you helping me out...but I kinda prefer when Satan does since he describes everything so vividly! Sorry 😅'
Aww..Dang that's actually really cute and wholesome the more I think about it-
Yandere Satan with a Blind Mc
I feel like there would be an instant braille, this is a world of magic- anything is possible. Perhaps there's a spell that gets a guiding spirit/creature to read it out the words, or a spell that can change the texture of the text you're trying to read from into braille or whatever suits your needs.
But does Satan want you to know that? Not really.. He'll probably keep it a secret from you and glare at anyone who tries to tell you. I mean why would you need to know that when he's there for you 24/7 at your beck and call? He loves it when you rely on him, he wants nothing to take that away from him- even if it means stripping your independence.
You like to read, and it's something you have in common with Satan. He'll take you to his room that is filled with an abundance of books to choose from. There's a comfortable bed near the glass window in his room that plush. Usually during your reading sessions, he'll sit on the bed, back propped up straight against a pillow. He'll then call you, using magic to softly guide you towards him. He'll have you nicely comfortable against his chest with his arms secure either side of you while holding the book. With honeyed words, Satan will describe every detail in that chapter, making your fully invested. He'll use magic to fully immerse you into the story, casting spells to bring in sounds, scents, and sensations that are described in the chapter.
You love it! You can picture the scene clearly in your head with his words and your 4 senses being tested. It's why you don't mind being dragged into his room constantly to binge read, its probably why your not even aware that he's hoarding you all to himself! Satan loves the fact that you favor your time with him, he adore the way you snuggle into him, or how you gasp when he uses his magic to entertain you.
He loves you. You're his joy. You're the one thing that sedates his rage and makes him feel so blissful. You're what peace feels like.. And it's why when his brothers began to nag at him, he gets pissed off. Pissed off is an understatement, he sees red when he sees his brothers trying to get your attention. It's even worse when he finds out they're trying to replicate his special time with you. My god he wants to rip them to shreds. But he can't, and he knows it'll end badly if he does. So he resorts to violence. Taking out his anger out on any poor soul he finds. He tears through his entire room, cursing, screaming, angry, tears in his eyes as he bangs his head against the wall. His room is in utter shambles.
Why couldn't they let him have this one thing? Fuck, he hates the fact that he can't do anything. But that all changes when he hears your soft sincere voice apologizing. "S-Sorry but..I like it when Satan reads it for me..Can we do something else?" "Ah..Its not like I don't like spending time with you! Reading is just more of me and Satan's thing.." "I promise I'll hangout tomorrow..I just really want to read my story!" Well, you just raised his pride and ego. Upon hearing this, he'll be through the roof. Going to his room, he'll make everything clean and whole- hell he'll add some special candles, soft airy blankets, and more pillows for when you come back to him! He'll try to hide his excitement when you show up to his door. Knocking on it softly, calling out his name. Grinning ear to ear like an eager puppy, Satan will happily let you in.
"There you are..I've been holding myself off for this chapter. I'm so glad you're here because I don't know how long I would've lasted.." "Hey no cheating! Anyways.. Can we read it today? Together..?" "No need to ask me twice. Come, get comfortable"
And there you are, his pride, his joy, his lovely human. You're in his arms right were you belong. While he reads he enjoys the way he can hear your soft breathing, your wonderful scent he can't get enough of, and your warmth he could just cuddle into. He loves this, he loves you. And he wouldn't dream of letting you go.
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mochiimadness · 1 year
hello!!! i love your works so far :DD!!
can i request the rise boys with an s/o who’s a human but has experience fighting with mutants? like s/o uses a scythe and can easily fight with the turtles :)
The Rise! Turtles with a human scythe wielding s/o!
Neon Leon
He thinks you're so cool!
Listen, he knows humans can go up against yokai's and mutant's
I mean, his dad and April are living proof of that-
But he genuinely can't help but be amazed when he sees you using a scythe of all things to go up against yokai's literally four times your size
Especially since you seemingly appeared out of nowhere to join the battle-
Seriously, can you portal or something???
He stops are stares as you easily knock a rather angry lizard yokai off balance, before sending them running with a slice of your wicked scythe
Your movement were so fluid,
A literal blink and you'll miss it type of speed
"Woah S/O! I didn't know you could do that-"
He'll exclaim, before ducking as you swipe at another angry yokai right behind him
"Think you could teach me how to do some of that??"
"Sure- we should probably finish this fight first though."
Oh right the fight-
He loves to spar with you
You're able to keep up with him quite easily!
And Leo is fast- like really fast
But even when he uses his portals to try to get near you-
Your scythe easily keeps him at bay.
He's absolutely in awe of you
Your blades clash together and Leo gives you this bright smile
"How in the world did I end up with someone so cool!?"
Don Tron
Donnie's impressed!
Though, he tries not to show it
Wielding a weapon like a scythe or bow staff automatically gives you cool points in his book
And you're incredibly proficient with your scythe too???
Donnie definitely want's to challenge you
"Your scythe versus my magnificent Bo-staff, I think the winner is pretty clear here."
What he thought would be an easy fight ended up being a nearly 20 minute long battle
You both were neck and neck
You were quick to block his attacks and dish out some deadly looking slices of your own
Afterwards, Donnie offers to modify your scythe for you!
"Think about it- it's already incredibly sharp and in your hands?? Borderline deadly. Now, hear me out, imagine if it had a chainsaw?"
Donnie pls.
"Or what if it was purple!?"
Donnie no-
Whether or not you let him add some "flair" to your scythe
He genuinely thinks you're cool
He doesn't even flinch when he sees you, his wonderful human s/o, go up against a super powered yokai
"Me? Worried?? No need to, I already called a mystic doctor."
"You mean a human doctor, right?"
"No??? That yokai obviously needs a mystic doctor."
He never doubted you for a second~
(That yokai you beat definitely needed that doctor- yikes)
Mystic Mike
He thinks you're amazing!!!
You're out here with no powers
No magic
No mutations
Just your normal human self and scythe
Fighting angry mutants and yokai like nothing!!!
Mikey thinks you're one of the strongest people he's ever known!
Aside from his family ofc
He loves to watch you fight
Has and will bring snacks to watch
Ofc, if you're ever in a pinch, Mikey will gladly swoop in to help you
He absolutely loves teaming up with you
Between his nun-chucks and your scythe-
No villain stands a chance
He even uses the blades in his nun-chucks from time to time to "match with you" ^^
Loves asking you to let him wrap his chains around the staff portion of your scythe so you can launch him at people
"It'll look so cool! C'mon just once???"
To be fair-
It does look and feel pretty dang cool!
Mikey knows you can handle your own in battle
He's seen it more than once
But if things ever get too rough
He's always there to lend a hand!
Big Red
Oh Raph...
Poor guy nearly faints every time you go into battle
Yes he knows humans can fight too
But you're not even using a mystic powered weapon like April does!
You could get seriously injured or worse!!
He always starts worrying over you
Especially when you both were just starting to get to know each other-
He didn't want to loose one of the few friends and humans that he knew!
He often will go into battle and cover you,
Taking hits or tackling opponents away
But you end up having a serious talk with him about this
"I know you're worried, but I can do this. I know how to fight-"
"I know, I know, I just get worried ya know?"
While he's still nervous about it,
He eventually starts hanging back to let you fight your own fights
And he comes to realize you are pretty great at what you do!
Your scythe is practically an extension of your own body,
And you easily handle opponents larger than you-
Both mystic and mutated!
"You're amazing!!"
Raph really comes to respect your strength and proficiency with your scythe.
He knows you can handle yourself
That still doesn't stop him from jumping in to help or defend you
Even when you may not necessarily need help
He still cares and worries about you
Doesn't want you to get hurt
Especially if he can help it.
"Er- sorry, I just jumped in again without thinkin'..."
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I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for such a long wait
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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dear-mrs-otome · 8 months
Jude's 'Love Kiss' from CE
The shitbrained summary version, definitely inaccurate somewhere but you'll get the gist:
Opens on Kate all, OOOH PRETTY FLOWERS Lovely summer breeze, this is heavenly, I could stay here forever 😍
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Then the lovely scene is interrupted by a voice bitching that she can't laze about there and never pay them back, and Kate's thinking, nani the fuck, is that Jude's voice? Crap he's right I can't be in debt to him!
She jerks awake and promptly chokes up a shitload of water, looking around all blearily. BEAUTIFUL PLACE GONE :( Ellis is there, banging her on the back asking if she's okay and such, and she says ya she's alright. Ellis tells her, dang girl you nearly drowned!
She's thinking, holy crap was that garden THE AFTERLIFE? If not for Jude's voice, she might still be there, DED. The idea is kinda freaking her out tbh, so she hugs herself.
Jude sighs that it's bit cold for a swim ffs, and Kate's tells him she wasn't swimming, there was this child drowning so she wanted to save them??? She's panicked a moment over whether the kiddo is okay, and Ellis assures her they are - they went off to a doctor to get checked out but seemed fine, just cold. She's relieved and asks, did Ellis save her then? He sets the record straight though, telling her nope, not me, I didn't get here in time - Jude hauled you back to shore and gave you mouth to mouth.
Cue Kate all…..Jude????
She finally notices that he's soaking wet too, and Jude offers her a smarmy line about how it sucks for her she didn't get kissed awake by a ✨prince✨ - she got the wizard. Kate says, no actually thanks a bunch but record scratch wait. Mouth to mouth?????
Jude: That's usually the standard first aid when someone's drowned duh
Then Jude bitches at her for getting all blushy over something like that and how she's gonna make him look stupid for saving her dumb ass. Finishing with exasperation, all …ugh whatever, I'm soaking wet and I'm going home, get ur ass to the doctor just in case. He chucks his jacket at her with a comment about how she's putting on a show (cause her clothes are wet and plastered and see-through) and it'll cause him problems and look bad to be seen with her like that so cover up. She's swimming in the jacket when she puts it on but it's warm and dry and smells like him and she has to scold herself BAD HEART NO SKIPPING BEATS.
Just about then Ellis tells them both to look up, and Jude's startled to see there's some leftover Christmas decoration or something in the tree above, with some mistletoe. Kate's thinking, oh dang, isn't there some superstition about how if a couple kisses under the mistletoe they'll be together forever?? DOES MOUTH TO MOUTH COUNT?
From the look Jude's giving her as he glances at her it seems obvious to us that Kate's every thought is probably plain as day in her expressions. He rips the decoration down, shoves it at Ellis and tells him: Burn it.
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Ellis takes off immediately to do just that, and Kate begins all, uh….soooo…. Jude….
He stops her though and says, you don't actually believe in that superstition right?
Kate: PFFT N-NO >.> why, do you? Jude obesrves that she's a shit liar, before grabbing her arm and saying that he's gonna shove a new superstition into that ditzy head of hers. And with that he yanks her in and kisses her for real this time…but she can't help noticing how there's no warmth to it, not with the both of them freezing cold from the river and such. When he finally pulls back pointedly, Kate is thinking the icy kiss was like proving there's no love between them.
Jude proclaims that kissing under the same spot NEGATES the first kiss, so there - Cancelled. Nulled and voided.
Kate just….okayyyy. Clearly she knows he's just made this up, and she's wondering why the heck he would even bother kissing her again to make up for HER superstition. Does he hate the concept of it THAT much? Because, obviously, they aren't a couple. It wouldn't even apply. They're clearly not making some FOREVER PROMISE to each other.
…But it still kinda stings for some reason she can't explain.
She's chalking it up to the discrepancy between how glad she'd felt that Jude had saved her, and the NOPE attitude here, but Jude says that basically, just a kiss isn't worth it/enough to pledge TOGETHER FOREVER over. Clearly offended by the very idea. Kate's all, what, is a vow that bad??
And Jude simply says:
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There's no such thing as forever.
It takes her a second to figure out how that's an answer to her question, and then it clicks. It's not that Jude dislikes the idea of a promise. It's that Jude always keeps his, and if 'forever' doesn't exist like that, he's not going to make that promise because he can't keep it. Nothing is forever, ergo a promise of eternity is bound to be broken, and therefore Jude would never make it. And Kate's thinking, GDI that's actually really sincere of him. People can lie to themselves too, about love and 'staying together forever'…but even if it's just a silly superstition, Jude never makes a promise he can't keep.
She wonders to herself if… someday, he might find someone he wants to pledge forever to. And she's musing how despite bitching and everything, he didn't hesitate to save her. She's spent enough time around him by now to know that he's not a bad man at heart. How behind all his ruthlessness and arrogance, he's not truly cruel at all.
…Someday, someone's going to notice that side of Jude and snag him. And that thought unsettles her, for some reason she can't explain.
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drama-glob · 1 year
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OMG TO ALL THE FLUFF WE GOT IN THIS EPISODE!!! <3<3<3 Literally squealed at how adorable Fizz and Ozzie are (which I already knew ;) ) and the fact that Fizz can't cook. ^_^<3<3<3 I also find it funny that they really weren't doing a good job at keeping their relationship under-wraps and how Fizz himself was not being low-key. XD I do love all his little fly dogs and the fact that one is in a wheelchair is absolutely adorable because he really does care about them as we see. ^_^ <3<3<3
Of course fate would bring Blitzo and Fizz's paths to cross, although I'm still surprised that we got Striker in this episode because I had heard about Crimson's men since it was in Greed after all, but dang, he must be trying to get business outside of royals since the last one didn't pan out. :/ I had a feeling that if it wasn't a hit put out on Fizz, then he'd be ransomed, so it just broke my heart at seeing how distressed he was at almost every turn; at least with talking with Blitzo it served as a distraction for him. It's still awful that he and Blitzo got kidnapped and in a way proved part of the reason for Fizz and Ozzie trying to keep their relationship secret (which admittedly didn't seem too well based on what Crimson said >_< ).
I do love that Blitzo obviously does have feelings for Stolas, and Fizz made some pretty good points about not all royal demons being the same as well as acting superior to others does cast you as snobby rich jerks; I know Fizz's been treated so well by Ozzie for over a decade, but he still came from humble beginnings and probably dealt with the same racist stuff other imps faced. :/
It was nice to see Stolas and Ozzie interact, even if it mainly was to go over the ransom demands, but I love that Stolas was empathetic and helpful in Ozzie's time of need even though Ozzie was withholding the crystal because of Fizz's hatred for Blitzo; I do hope Blitzo and Stolas will have their talk in the "Full Moon Ritual" episode because there is still so much he doesn't know about Blitzo's past. ;_;
I'm so glad that we got the confirmation that Blitzo caused the fire that cost Fizz his limbs and horns, but also the fact that he also lost his mom in the same fire...and it was all an ACCIDENT?! It was truly heartbreaking even if we were fed plenty of clues as to that being the reason why. ;_; It does figure that from there it was a whole misunderstanding that tore Blitzo and Fizz's friendship apart and I wonder who this "They" are that lied and said that Blitzo didn't come and Fizz didn't want to see Blitzo. Maybe Mammon's men if he was pick up by the Deadly Sin at that point? I do wonder why the fire was green while the sky was red like they were still in Pride. Hmmm. More to the mystery perhaps. ;) I'm guessing we'll see how Ozzie and Fizz met in the next episode. So excited!!! ^_^<3<3<3
Fizz's song was definitely VERY distracting and yes, I will look at this. O_O XD It is funny that none of the men seemed to catch on to their plan. XD
It was so beautiful and heartwarming that Blitzo and Fizz hugged and it seems to me like they're making their way back as friends, if they aren't there already. ;) I don't blame Fizz for being mad that he got blown up again, but like Blitzo said, at least he stayed around this time. ;) ^_^ <3<3<3 I'm still worried about Striker coming back though. O_O He just keeps getting more and more unhinged with each loss. >_<
When Ozzie and Fizz reunited those, I went "AWWWW" so hard and I love the way Ozzie said "Fizzy!" ^_^<3<3<3 It was really sweet though that Fizz told Ozzie to give Stolas the crystal for Blitzo as he DEFINITELY earned it today for saving Fizz's life. I wonder if Blitzo will tell Stolas? :/ Either way, seeing the amount of care the Ozzie gave Fizz and didn't blame him for anything that happened and just wanted him to take it easy, seriously kept melting my heart over and over. ^_^<3<3<3 They're so cute together and deserve all the happiness! ^_^<3<3<3
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
Shane. Shane’s stuck in my head. I wonder if he and Rick got up to any shenanigans late at night in the police station with a cute girl…. I know Rick probably just watched but dang. Just thinking about it 👀 and if Merle and Daryl were in the drunk tank next to the cell…..
Shane is forever stuck in my head <3 I usually don't go for the pre-apocalypse au's but damn. this one got me dreamin' and drooling....
pairing- (Shane x fem!reader)
cw- dub con? just a power imbalance more than anything, mentions of drunk driving, very suggestive but no actual smut. 1.4k wc
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” You walk past the two officers, both a little shocked by your vulgar language. Reaching the bars and seeing Merle grinning like a madman. Drunk. Clearly. Smelling of bourbon and poor decisions. 
“Aw, sugar-tits! I knew you’d come. Daryl says you wouldn’t n’ I says oh yesss she will,” he slurs his words. “And here you are! Our saving grace.”
You immediately turn to face Daryl. Bags under his eyes, elbows leaning on his knees while he sits on the bench. Clearly just as tired and irritated as you are. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You smack him on the shoulder with your bag. “I could barely pay rent this month. There's an eviction notice on my damn door and you think I can afford to bail your lousy, drunk of a brother out of- "
His eyes go wide at your confession, shooting up to grab your hand. 
“You don’t have to keep living with that loser, you know you can come stay with me-“
You shake him off. Blood starting to boil with irritation. “That’s not the point, Dare! I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep saving his ass whenever you two need it.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. Attempting to contain the flood of emotions that the week's events are summoning. 
“How much is it?” you brace yourself for the worst. Subconsciously knowing that whatever disgusting number you were picturing, would still be better than whatever Daryl was about to say.
“… 500.” 
“Fuckin' hell, Dare.” He gives you a look that reflects exactly how you feel. Apologetic. Angry. And so fucking tired.
With a deep breath, you tell him you’re going to try and talk to the cops that brought Merle in. To see if there's any way you can work something out. 
Pulling your skirt down slightly, in an attempt to be more modest for the police than you are for the men you wait on, you make your way over to the men. The tall one, dark hair and handsome in an almost intimidating way, is standing at the counter, chewing on a toothpick. The other is just as handsome, though in a softer way. Pretty blue eyes and an unsurprising wedding band adorning his left hand. He sits behind the desk as he fills something out on the computer. The satisfying click and clack of the keyboard, times almost perfectly with that of your heels on the grey linoleum. 
You approach the two with your sweetest smile, full of remorse. Your pretty eyes scream 'pity me' and you pray that the officers are kind enough to listen.
Immediately, you notice the way that the dark haired one stares down your blouse as you come to a stop. Taking a little breath for courage before starting your little spiel. 
“Hi.” You can't help but blush a little at the look that Officer Handsome is giving you. 
“Hey, sweetheart. What can we help you with?” He licks his lips and can't seem to contain the way they curl into a cheeky grin.
“My friend there, the uh, dumbass behind the bars…. well, you see he’s just, um…” pull yourself together, baby. “He fucked up. And I know that. He knows that. Even if it doesn't really seem like it. He really fucked up and if this were any other week, me and his brother over there, we would have more than enough money for his bail. We just.. Um, don't have it right now. So, I was wondering if there's any way we could work something out, like a payment plan or…”
“You got a boyfriend?” he asks, obviously uninterested in your proposal. 
Mouth agape at the bold interruption, you respond hesitantly, glancing back at Daryl for a second.
“Uh, no but…” 
“Really? Pretty boy over there… he’s what? Just a friend?” he nods towards Daryl, who can't quite hear but is obviously intrigued, and trying to assess how the conversation is going.
“Yeah, we're just friends… why?” 
He ignores your question again, hand coming up to touch the cross pendant on your chest, “Cute necklace.” He smirks again, this time at the way your breath hitches at his touch. Fingers moving over to play with a strand of your hair, twirling it around his finger. 
“Shane.” The officer at the desk scolds his partner. Unimpressed but seemingly unphased by his behaviour, not even glancing up from the document he's reading.
“Ricky, c'mon. Look at her. Ain’t she gorgeous? What the hell are you doin' hanging out with these idiots?”
Apparently Daryl could hear that remark because you hear a faint, unimpressed, “Hey!” come from the bench behind you. 
“Dare, sit down.” You tell him, with a scowl on your face as he sighs and sits back down and leaned into his hands once again. Praying for the night to just be over already.
“His brother is the idiot, he’s just… too loyal for his own good.”
The officer, Shane, nods his head, continuing to inspect you. Black mini skirt and button up blouse, curly hair cascading over your shoulders. Smelling like vanilla and vodka and whatever body oil is making your long legs shimmer so beautifully in the fluorescent lights.
“What are you doin’ up this late, anyway?” he asks. Apparently intrigued by your attire.
“I'm a waitress. I was just walking home from the bar as I got their call.” The constant dreaded call to come bail Merles drunk driving ass out of jail. 2:00 am on a friday, and you should have known they'd get themselves into trouble.
“You know, this is his third time. We've already taken his license. Impounded his car. If you don't have the money then…there's really not much I can do.” Shane tells you, that wicked grin still splayed on his face.
“You can leave him 'til morning, come back when you have the money.” Rick offers, finally putting the papers down and leaning back in his chair. One boot crossed over his knee as he relaxed into the leather cushion.
“And how the hell do you propose I come up with 500 dollars overnight?” You try not to sound so rude, but you’re tired and cold and Merles drunk babbling from the cell is really starting to piss you off.
The two men share a look and you feel goosebumps raise on your bare legs.
“Pretty girl like you… shouldn't be too hard.” Shane says, flicking his toothpick into the bin.
You can't help the scoff that leaves your mouth, “I'm not some kind of whore, you know.” You cross your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling a little exposed in the excessively cold air conditioning.
“Of course not. That’s not what I meant, sweetheart.”
“Then what'd you mean, huh?” 
“Yeah, Shane, what did you mean?” Rick crosses his own arms, entertained by his friend getting himself stuck in such an awkward predicament. 
“Yeah, Shane. Why don't you expand on that for us.” You lean against the counter and he shakes his head with an annoyingly attractive laugh, which you can't help but smile at. Forcing you to forgive his crude suggestion almost immediately.
“You gonna give me your number or what?” he says, leaning up beside you.
“I’ll give you a whole lot more than my number if you can get his bail waved.” You bite your lip and nod towards Merle in the holding cell.
“Thought you said you weren't a whore.” 
“Shane-” Rick hisses, warning his friend to tone it down. They're supposed to be officers of the law after all. Though you aren't really offended. You would fuck the man for free if he asked.
“You got an office here or something?” Your left hand starts to play with the keys on his belt, slowly making their way to the buckle, where you tap your french tips a few times, looking up at him with a look so sickeningly sweet, his cock actually twitches. 
He thinks for a moment, letting you pull at the leather band until he’s flush with your core.
“Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath, realizing you’re actually serious. Deciding to give in to your downright sinful suggestion. “Rick. Turn off the cameras in the interrogation room.” He turns to his partner. Blue eyes, all wide and dumbstruck.
“Shane, that’s illegal-”
Shane grabs your hand and starts leading you towards the room, talking over his shoulder, “Rick. Cut the fuckin’ cameras." His lips brush your ear as turns to whisper, nudging you forward, "I’d ask him to join, but I already know he won't." You smirk at his confession, looking back at Rick and silently wish the ring on his finger wasn't there.
Shane directs his attention at Rick once more, "You can watch from the glass if you’re feelin’ left out.” 
You can't help but giggle as you enter the room. Empty, aside from a metal chair and table. Shane pauses at the doorway, catching the attention of Daryl from down the hall.
“You too, pretty boy. This is for your brother's sake after all.”
-continued here
taglist- @rickswh0r3 @elnyrae @eternalrose81 @murder-jacket @miinbun @ankhmutes @grimesthinker @cl0wnb0yyy @whatthefuuuck @olive3oil @taylormarieee
(what the hell do I name this fic??)
also I don’t know shit about jail so… don’t come for me lol
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 years
Closing Shift
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>Yan! Demon! Childe x Fem! Reader
(Modern au and supernatural au mixed together)
Warnings: borderline harassment (?), a little blood, suggestive jokes, horrifying murders (not described in detail), mentions of cults
Word count: 6.2k
The odd regular isn't who you think he is.
Part 2
Higher education is hard. It kicks your ass even harder when you’re from a humble background. A majority of your classmates enjoy the freedom of financial stability when you have to work two jobs with your studies. It sucks, but you were born into the family you were, which is something you can’t change. It’s best to not complain and just work around it.
Besides, you’re smart, so you still get a pretty decent GPA and end up maintaining your scholarship. Despite all that and trusting your mind to not betray you before midterms, you can’t help but anxiously glance at the clock again and again. The closing shift in the café is as easy as it is agonising. The lack of patrons means less work, but sometimes the occasional customer who stays past closing time comes in.
Being the person you are, you’d like to be done on time so that you can sleep early and wake up early to study. However, some ginger haired idiot just came in exactly 10 minutes before your shift ends. It's not even the first time he's done this. He comes in at this same exact time every damn day and has been doing so for the past few months. You're absolutely seething with rage everytime he walks in, bell chiming as a smile makes way on his face while he sings your name. You found it peculiar at first but now it's annoying.
He must be some kind of working man who stays late in his office building. Why else would he be here at this hour? That too in those formal clothes with his tie hanging loose. It's honestly awkward when he's the only patron inside. Sometimes he makes nice conversation. Most times he prefers to sit at a distance, mostly quiet just to end up chatting with you a little before he leaves.Those lifeless blue eyes often glance over at you as you sit behind the counter staring at your laptop.
The first time you saw them up close was the first time you got chills from making eye contact with someone. It creeped you out but you never questioned it. Corporate office workers all have their souls sucked out. He should've chosen a better career.
Even now as he sits with his coffee, you can't help but feel his eyes on you again and again. The clock shows 11:06 and you're just waiting for him to leave so that you can as well. It doesn't help that his phone is in one hand, scrolling despite outright staring at you. Though he's a regular, you never asked his name. You aren't fond of the idea of getting too chummy with strangers, let alone men.
Still, his staring isn't malicious. It's kind of like an introverted person looking at someone from a distance, waiting for the right time to strike up conversation. So when you catch him looking at you again, you sigh and resign to boredom. It's not that he's ever said anything bad to you, so why not?
"Is there something wrong?"
He startles a little at your question, your voice slightly resonating through the empty café. He's seated a bit away from the counter so you saw his shoulders tense for a moment before his head turned to look at you.
"You keep glancing here." You smile at his silence, "I figured something might be the matter."
Leaning back into his seat, he casually eyes you with a grin. "Sorry, it's just that I like to keep an eye on my surroundings.”
“Surroundings, sure.” With a click of your tongue, you turn off your laptop. He’s probably almost done with his coffee by now. It’s best to have everything packed so that you’re out the door quicker.
“Hey, you never know. The city is dangerous at night.”
“You’re a man. I’m sure the least of your worries is getting mugged, not that it’s probable since this is a pretty safe city.”
He shakes his head, “Not dangerous for me, but for you.”
You had to do a double take at his statement. He’s worried about you? The city is buzzing with life till two in the morning in the summer. Plus there is a police station just two buildings away. The main reason you accepted this job was because it’s safe and honestly, you’ve never had a weird customer yet.
“Are you a student?”
You raise a brow at his question but decide to humour him anyway. “Yes. I am. Not a highschool student though. However, I will still report you if you ask me for my number for a cheap ‘modelling’ recruitment.”
The ginger head bursts into laughter at your straightforwardness. Picking up his cup, he walks over to the counter as he smiles appreciatively.
“I’m no recruiter, but I do hope to be a friend. My name's Childe by the way. You never asked so…"
"Really?" You give him a weird look as you bill him for the coffee. "Your parents birthed a boy and decided to name him Childe?"
"It's not my real name, if that helps."
You scoff as you close up the register for the day. Checking the lock of the back door, you find Childe nowhere to be seen when you come out of the employee room. He probably left. Anyone tired after a long day of work would want to go home as fast as possible. Swiping your ID at the scanner, you lock the main door after switching the sign to ‘closed’. The cleaning has already been taken care of so you merrily get on your way just to see Childe with his hand in his pocket, the other one leisurely scrolling his phone, leaning against a nearby wall.
You hug your bag closer to yourself and pretend to not notice him as you walk by. He, however, does notice and quickly jogs up to you. To the people passing by, he probably looks like the average person trying to catch up to a friend.
“Hi again.” He pockets his phone as he walks beside you. Albeit at a distance, his eyes are still trained on you as you reply with a meek hello. “Can I walk you to the station? I realise that you’d rather not let me walk you home since we don’t know each other much.”
You’re just realising this now but he never brings a bag with him. He looks like an office worker so why doesn’t he have a bag with him?
“Oh, uh sure. It’s a few blocks away. I live in the campus dorms, so you can’t walk me home even if I wanted.”
There’s an odd chill in the air. Was it always this chilly this time of year? Maybe it’s just the sea breeze.
“You know,” he says, “there’s a looot of creepy stuff going on here. Remember that time I showed you an article on that missing guy?”
“I remember not being able to sleep after that, yes.”
“Haha, yeah. Well, they just found his body.”
You stop abruptly in your tracks, the ginger head soon following as well. Taking a step back, concern spreads over your expression as you nervously gulp. “Look, Childe. I don’t know you well but you seemed like a fun guy up until now. If you’re going to creep me out at almost midnight, I’ll walk home by myself.”
An older passerby slows down as he watches you look at Childe in apprehension. Eyeing the young man with caution, he stops a few feet behind you in case the scene gets bad. Childe, however, is quick to laugh it off and apologise, prompting the man to continue on his way when you become relaxed.
“Sorry it’s just that I’m really into this stuff.”
“Seems like it.” You continue walking under the streetlights, peaking at Childe now and then. He doesn’t seem bad to you honestly. Besides his supposed penchant for saying some creepy stuff and having the creepiest conversation topics, he’s not bad. He never even makes a mess in the café so maybe you’re biassed because of that too.
“Hey, [Name]?”
“Yeah? It better not be something creepy.”
“No no. I’ve learnt my lesson. No creepy conversations with girls. Anyway, if it’s not too much trouble… could we exchange contacts?”
“Before that, tell me something. Do you work somewhere? What’s with the office getup but no work bag? And why do you always come in before closing time? What’s up with always ordering coffee? There’s such a nice menu! Try something new for a change!”
“...Is this an interrogation?”
“You’re asking to be friends, right? Well, answer me.” Twirling your finger, you give him a sly smile as he slows down in contemplation. After a few moments of getting stared at by nearby people for walking so damn slow, he finally speaks.
“I work a nine to five in an office as a data manager, but I have to do overtime to make ends meet since I’m still in student debt. I live near the café, so I usually drop my stuff at home, relax for a bit then come back for coffee. There’s a reason I always order coffee though.”
He catches speed. Now walking at the normal pace, he catches up to you. “I just graduated so this is my first job. I’m still used to drinking coffee at late night hours. It helps me sleep.”
“Wait, how old are you?”
“I’m twenty one!”
The smile looks cute on him. Wait, no. Kill that thought! Murder it in cold blood!
“You must’ve graduated early. The normal age for graduates is twenty two or twenty three.”
“I skipped two grades in middle school.”
A few minutes of silence pass till he starts talking again. He asks you about your degree, what courses you’re taking for them and when you’re expected to graduate. When he drops you off at the subway station, you’re quick to thank him, even going as far as to exchange numbers. There’s something about his spontaneity that you find charming. As you enter the train after he’s gone, you can’t help but feel the temperature get slightly warmer than before. Maybe it’s just your imagination.
“Hey there!”
You’re greeted with the voice of a cheerful Childe when you’re mopping the floors. One look at the clock is all it takes for you to grunt in annoyance.
“It’s 10: 54 pm! Ugh, just six more minutes late and I would’ve been able to close.”
The mop in your hand is quickly put back in its stand as he stands there awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Blue eyes look anywhere but you as he continues with a chuckle.
“I was hoping you could just get me a coffee ready to go. Then I’ll walk you to the station… like yesterday.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. Everything was fine yesterday. If he was a creep or just someone looking for a date, he would’ve texted you by now, but he didn't. It’s not like it’s desolate on the streets either. A man even stopped yesterday when he saw you looking apprehensive. There are always people outside so you guess that it’ll be fine.
“Alright. The usual coffee?”
Soon you’ve handed the coffee to Childe, double checked the back door lock, put the cleaning equipment back in its place, swiped your ID on the scanner and locked the main door after turning the sign to ‘closed’. There’s the same temperature drop from yesterday but with the breeze that just blew, you’re starting to think it’s the sea breeze blowing.
“Shall we?”
You nod at the question, finding it oddly human to see him drink something as mundane as coffee. Honestly with how dead his eyes look he might as well not be human and you’d believe it.
“You should really try the milkshakes, Childe.”
He chuckles, an amused smile now plastered on his face. “I would but then all that gym would go to waste.”
“Once or twice wouldn’t hurt.”
With his index finger and thumb holding his chin, he feigns a contemplative expression. “I guess so.”
Silence fills the air around you both now. However, it’s gone as quick as it came as Childe fills the conversation with lively chatter and jokes. The walk with him feels very short and you almost look at the station with annoyance for cutting the conversation with him.
Just like last time, you brush off the lack of chill around you when Childe leaves. Maybe you should bring a jacket tomorrow.
Concerned eyes skim over the headline as a shiver runs down your spine. Five men had gone missing in these past two weeks, all of whom were found dead yesterday with their bodies mutilated beyond recognition. What’s worse is that two of those men you recognise as patrons who frequented the shop.
Safe to say, you’re a little scared.
Whatever is happening is only targeting men, so you should be safe. However, that is a big, fat ‘should’ and honestly, you would rather not take any risks. Reading the rest of the article just makes you feel worse. They were found dead in a building just a block away from this café.
It's not like the feeling leaves you in your dorm either. There's this nagging feeling that you aren't alone. For all you care, it could just be the lack of a roommate. Living alone does sometimes make you paranoid.
Your peripheral vision shows movement, and you freeze at the spot. It’s when a familiar voice calls out to you that your muscles relax.
‘It’s just Childe,’ you tell yourself. There’s no need to be so worked up. Despite your best efforts to appear normal, his lifeless eyes don’t miss the way your hands slightly shake when you type out his order or how your laptop displays the article of the missing men.
“Hey, can you get it ready to go? I’ll drink it as I walk you to the station.”
Midterms have ended and winter vacation is in full swing. Unfortunately for you, that also means having to work in full swing instead of visiting your parents. Your eyes skim over the second article of the month about missing men found dead, feeling a little relieved when you get a notification from Childe.
Most of the messages he sends are funny cat videos or random funny animal images from the internet. It’s rare to have a conversation on text since you both see each other everyday, so the both of you settle on sending each other stuff like that.
The bell chimes, signalling that someone had entered the café, and you immediately get up to do your job. Now usually, you would right away go to take their order but looking at the guy who just walked in, you’re tempted to tell him that you’re closed.
First of all, he clearly looks drunk with the way he's wobbling on his feet. Second, his smile is outright creepy. You don’t feel safe even breathing the same air as him.
“Hiya there, cute little coffee maker.”
Gross. You push back any comments, instead trying to do your job. “What can I get for you sir?”
He hums, gruff voice a little too revealing of his age, as his smile widens. With slurred words, he boldly asks for your number, and you mentally gag.
“I’m sorry sir, but I can only give you what’s on the menu. Here,” you push the pamphlet towards him from your side of the counter. “Have a look.”
“Are you on the menu?”
“Only food and drink are available, sir.”
He groans. “You should put yourself there. I’m sure a lot would come running to this café if you were on the menu. I know I would, haha.”
With a sigh, you head for the phone near the employee’s room door. Glancing back at him once, you start dialling the police just to freeze with your finger hardly an inch away from the call button when a voice all too familiar to you calls out at a time earlier than it usually does.
“Hi [Name]!”
Relief washes over you as you turn around, the sight of those dead blue eyes bringing nothing but an assurance of safety. The unwanted customer doesn’t budge, simply staring at you intently with a gaze so dirty not even bleach could cleanse it.
You point to the drunkard standing on the counter. Childe thankfully catches on quickly and makes up a lie about being from the food and drink authority. He says he’s here for a quality check and threatens to arrest the man if he doesn’t leave.
The both of you share a laugh when the man says he’ll be back for the ‘cute little barista’. You’re certain he won’t remember anything after his hangover, so why bother?
That night, when Childe walked you to the station, you shivered the entire way there. Your mind forgot to realise that the additional chill in the air left with him, too busy smiling at the jokes he made.
Starting off the new year with finding out that the drunk man who harassed you is dead isn’t ideal. Plus, saying that you’re scared is an understatement.
You’re absolutely terrified.
Most of the men in these killings have been to this café. Additionally, most of them have talked to you. It honestly feels like a curse or some sick coincidence and it’s scaring you. The dead bodies appear anywhere in the city now, in a random abandoned place or dark alleyways, anywhere.
It's even gotten to the point that going to your dorm feels scary. There's still the nagging feeling of being watched, but no one's there except for you. You even had the security guard check for hidden cameras but there was nothing. Having to always come across articles of those killing sprees just made you stop using social media at your dorm, opting to gather information while at your jobs.
You’re not one to believe in the supernatural but after reading so many articles and looking up resources on it yourself, you’re starting to believe it's some kind of cult. There could be some twisted killer out there, but if there is, why haven’t the police found evidence yet?
They haven’t even found evidence that a human is doing all this, which is very fishy considering that this is the 21st century. They have all the latest technologies at their disposal so not being able to find evidence of those being a human’s doing, it’s food for public controversy.
Factoring in all of that, you’ve already handed in your resignation to the manager and have only three more nights to work till you can officially leave.
You just hope all this stops soon.
Tonight, Childe doesn’t order a coffee, simply giving you a sad smile as he watches you lock the main door. As expected, a cold breeze flows and you rub your hands together to warm up. Childe’s lifeless eyes carefully watch your attempts at battling the temperature drop, a carefree smile back on his face within seconds as he walks you through the empty winter streets.
Two more nights. They aren’t worth it. You would rather lose a paycheck than deal with that. The bell chimed and you heard someone come in and order a black coffee, even glancing at the figure sitting on a table in the corner but not fully looking because you were too busy mopping the employee room.
Guess what? When you’re done with the coffee, no one is there and there’s a note on the counter that says, “Thanks for looking at me. I’ll make sure your eyes stay preserved.”
You don’t recognise the handwriting. Heck, you don’t even know who that was! Now, you’re struggling to lock the main door as tears fill your eyes, hardly getting any air in your lungs as your ears ring.
This has to be a joke.
‘Please God. Please let this be a prank.’
You didn’t even bother to check the time, immediately grabbing your belongings and sprinting out. However, a voice calling your name has you petrified, the ringing in your ears getting louder and louder as the silhouette of a taller man approaches on the lonesome, foggy winter street.
Without even thinking, you drop to the ground, hands covering your ears as you ask God to save you. Salvation comes in the form of said man dropping a heavy coat onto your shoulders as his calloused hand pets your head. You look up, carefully testing the waters. Your eyes widen in relief as more tears spill out at the sight of Childe’s worried gaze.
Before your mind can even notice the change, the red irises become blue as you blink away the tears.
The oversized winter coat covers your form till your knees when you stand up, and you find yourself melting in its warmth and Childe’s embrace as you let out the remnants of your fear.
“Hey hey. It’s okay. You’re safe here. Deep breaths, [Name]. Deep breaths.”
When you’ve finally returned to your senses, you glance at Childe’s black coat, fisting it as you answer his question of what happened.
He soon explains that he saw a teenager run out of the café. The both of you connect the dots and realise that it’s just a sick prank. Maybe your prayer was heard after all. On the way back, you don’t question why it feels colder than it was when you first left the café. You don’t even question why Childe’s teeth look whiter, canines a little too prominent for comfort.
“I’m telling you, [Name]. All the victims are middle aged men. I’m not even 25! I’m safe! Plus, some of them were found to have ties to human trafficking gangs. I’m a respectable member of society so I’m safe.”
You appreciate the sentiment, you really do, but seeing that all the victims are men, you’re worried about Childe. After all, he frequents this café too.
“I’m not convinced. Go home!”
“Nuh uh.”
He crosses his arms with a pout, hair falling into his eyes due to the movement. A hand brushes those strands away and you find yourself somewhat enchanted by the sight. His eyes are beautiful, that much is true, but why do you find yourself unable to look away from his face these days?
“There’s just five minutes left anyway. Why don’t you close early? It wouldn’t make a difference.”
You give in with a sigh.
With a ding, you close up the register, double check the back door’s lock, grab your belongings and swipe your ID. As you lock the main door, you give the café one last look. You had a good time here. Sure, you were alone for the shift, but it was peaceful. Now when classes start again, you won’t have to rush here at night.
The lock clicks into place, and you stuff your hands into your coat pockets. Today, you’re wearing that oversized coat Childe gave you the other day. He said something about a late new year’s gift, but you only accepted it because it’s warm. Totally not because it smells like him.
It’s colder today, you note. Your breath leaves your mouth in puffs, synonymous to the fog, but one glance at Childe in the awkward silence confirms that you’re the only one this cold. The cold and desolate street is empty, save for a few people going about. The streets are always lonelier in winter.
You’re the first to break the silence. “I hope whatever is going on is solved soon.”
“I hope so too.”
“What do you think it is? You know, people have hypothesised that it’s some kind of cult or demon on the loose.”
Childe hums, formulating a reply in his head. “From what I know, there isn’t any evidence of a person doing all this. Maybe the bodies get dumped in those places? That would explain why there’s no signs of the killing.”
“We don’t even have CCTV footage to confirm that they were dumped. They just appear there.”
He doesn’t give a reply and instead slowly creeps his hand towards yours. Upon feeling his finger nudge yours, you welcome the action. Childe’s slender fingers slowly take a hold of your own and now, the two of you hold hands as you walk. A comfortable warmth radiates from his, chasing away the chill from your gloveless fingers.
“Everything will work out,” he reassures you. “I hope you’re not uncomfortable.”
“Not at all.”
A small smile is on your face now, and Childe is absolutely mesmerised by it. He licks his lips at the way he can feel your blood inside the blood vessels of your hand. Just the thought of your heart makes him excited. Oh how he longs to feel your heartbeat through the softness of your chest.
“I think I should tell you this, [Name].”
You blink up at him innocently, slowing down in his lead.
“Well,” he clears his throat, suddenly a little nervous. “My birth name is Ajax. I thought… well, you should know that.”
The nervousness widens your smile and you tenderly brush your thumb across his knuckles.
“It’s a wonderful name. I don’t really know why you didn’t tell me when we first met, but I won’t question it. Is it okay if I start calling you Ajax now?”
He perks up, “Of course!”
You laugh at his sweetness. The two of you continue walking to the station, enjoying the comfortable silence. However, when the station comes into view, you feel something sharp press on the backside of the palm Ajax is holding. You give your held together hands a questioning look just to see nothing. It was probably your imagination.
With how he told you his real name yesterday, you were kind of expecting this. Apparently, he didn’t do overtime today and is practically begging you to come meet him for dinner. You don’t think you’re comfortable with having dinner with him yet. What if he doesn’t like the way you eat? Or worse… it gets so awkward that he regrets bringing you out?
After much pleading, he settles for taking you out for hot chocolate from downtown. The both of you decided to meet up at the station, but you found him already there when you got off. As the two of you exit out to the street, you can’t help but find it colder than it was outside your dorm building. Ajax shrugs off the concern saying that it’s more open out here, thus the heavy fog as well. You don’t dwell on it.
When you both enter the shop, you’re instantly hit with the smell of warm coco.
“Here.” Ajax passes you a menu as you sit down. “You can get anything. It’s on me,” he smiles.
“Okay first of all, you’re too darn sweet for your own good. Second, I can pay for myself thank you very much!”
An offended look appears on Ajax’s face. “Absolutely not! As your mate, it is my responsibility to take care of you and pay for you. What good am I if I can’t do that?”
You sputter out a laugh, finding his declaration to be funny. “Mate? What’re you, Australian?”
Ajax pales at the word being pointed out, but soon relaxes when you continue laughing.
“How about this Ajax, You can pay but for only this time! Next time, I’ll pay for myself.”
He grumbles out a ‘fine’, even protesting when you order a simple hot cocoa which was followed by you making fun of him for ordering coffee again. The evening goes well, and the two of you later wander around the city aimlessly in the foggy winter night.
That is when Ajax asks you a peculiar question.
“Have you ever heard of the name ‘Tartaglia’?”
You stop in your tracks, looking to your right to see him staring at you with an emotionless gaze.
“I can’t say I have. Why do you ask?”
“No reason.”
You wait for him to change his mind, but he just resumes walking. Grabbing his coat from the back, you make him stop. “Hey! Don’t leave me curious! Is it something important?”
He simply ruffles his hair, closing one eye as he pouts childishly. “It’s nothing important, just something I found in the library. But if you want to see, you’ll have to stop by my place.”
Honestly, he looks so cute right now you could explode.
“Fine,” you agree. You’ve known him for so long. Stopping by his place for a little while should be fine. Plus, it’s been almost a week since those gruesome killings last popped up. You’re not scared anymore, especially since the feeling of being watched inside your dorm room has also disappeared. There's no reason to be scared, not when you have someone as sweet as Ajax.
The two of you waddle around without a purpose for a while longer till you decide to drop by his apartment for a little while. You honestly didn’t know what you were expecting. It looks like a normal apartment. A tidy open kitchen, a somewhat messy living room with a little balcony, a bathroom right next to the little storeroom and a bedroom.
You leave your - more like Ajax’s - coat hanging on the coat rack and awkwardly sit on a sofa in the living room. After denying a glass of water, you follow Ajax to the entrance of his bedroom as he goes to fetch a book. You can see him rummaging inside his closet from where you're standing.
“The name I asked you about was in this book I found in the library. It’s related to some kind of cult and- ah, where did I put it.”
Awkwardly shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you meekly ask him if he accidentally misplaced it. Ajax replies with a simple shrug and walks past you to the living room. A photo on his nightstand catches your attention but before you can figure out what it is, you’re pushed inside the room.
“Hey! Come on,” you grumble, “I was standing there.”
Looking behind only causes dread to settle in your stomach. Ajax stands in front of the now closed bedroom door. The hand behind his back clicks the lock into place and the lights are suddenly turned off.
He doesn’t move.
“Hey, come on. This isn’t funny.”
Your voice comes out a lot shakier than you would like, the darkness simply scaring you more. By the time your eyes adjust to the scarce moonlight from the window, the silhouette in front of the door is already reaching for you.
With one simple push of his hand, you stumble backwards and fall onto the bed inelegantly. Before you can cry out, two calloused hands pin your wrists to the mattress, and your thrashing legs are subdued by his knees.
“Ajax, what’s going on!?”
Your answer comes in the form of him leaning down, the moonlight falling onto his eyes to show that they’re red, not blue. Nails that are sharp and pointy like claws dig into your wrists and you hear yourself crying out in pain.
“Please,” you exclaim. “What’s gotten into you!”
When Ajax opens his mouth, you notice that his canines are a little too visible to be human while his teeth unnaturally sparkle under the little lighting.
“I’m simply tired of playing nice.”
“Let me go! What have I ever… huh?”
You tense when you feel him lick a stripe up your neck right where your carotid artery is and lick one down where your jugular vein would be. As he stays above you, his mouth moves to your visible collarbone, nose burying itself in the skin as he takes in your scent.
You’re too scared to move, afraid that even the slightest movement would cause those claws to tear into your skin.
“You smell so nice. I suppose it was a wise decision on my part to give you my jacket. Having my scent on you should be a good repellant.”
Nothing makes sense to you. Why in the world is Ajax holding you down on the bed, and why the hell does he keep smelling you? Is he even human?
“I notice you’ve stopped struggling,” he points out. He sits on your thighs now, hands resting on your stomach, but you can’t move your arms. They feel like they’re held together by something. “That's good actually. You should save your strength considering that you have a lot of screaming to do later.”
The tone of his voice sends a shiver down your spine, and you can’t help it when a few tears escape your eyes. Ajax is quick to lick them away while you lay absolutely petrified underneath him. Next, he grabs your face tenderly, leaning in so much that your breaths intermingle.
With the way the moonlight falls on his scarlet eyes, you can’t look away. Auburn eyelashes frame those crimson hues as a twinge of blue bleeds into them all the while the messy hair is accentuating the chaos that swirls within.
“Please,” you manage to choke out. “Don’t hurt me. You don’t have to do this, Ajax.”
The ginger hovering above you frowns at your pleading. He can smell the fear in your breath, and he’s a little proud of it but also a bit offended.
“You wound me, [Name]. You’re my mate. I could never hurt you, promise! Okay, maybe I would if you misbehave but that’s besides the point.”
His lips now brush your ear as he licks a stripe behind your earlobe, creating more shivers in your body. “After all, you’re a good little thing. I know you wouldn’t dare disobey.”
You try pleading with him once more. “I swear on my life Ajax. If… if you let me go, I won’t tell anyone about this. Please.”
He’s back to sitting on your thighs now, a thoughtful expression on his face. Something seems to click because instead of giving a reply, he’s drawing blood from his right index finger with his other hand using nails that clearly look like claws. Ajax’s left hand taps on your lips, the amused hum that bubbles from his throat completely filling the silence.
“Open up~”
You refuse, even going as far as becoming even more tightlipped. The reaction angers him, for he grabs your face and pries his thumb into your mouth. Thrashing your legs doesn’t do anything either because he’s too damn heavy.
“[Name], my dear. I would suggest being good and opening up before you end up like those men on the news.”
Wait… what?
“Aw, why are you crying? Don’t believe me? Do you want a demonstration?”
“You’re awful!” You’re sobbing now as he stares down at you. “How could you do such a- mph!”
Ajax takes the chance and stuffs the finger into your mouth. If the timing couldn’t be more inconvenient, your gag reflex starts acting up because of how deep he shoved it in. He calmly instructs you to obediently swallow while he presses the bleeding finger down on your tongue.
The most you taste is your own saliva but it’s followed by a very unpleasant fuzziness in your head. You feel like you’re floating on a cloud, mind foggy and breathing heavy as a pleasurable tingle travels from your spine to every cell of your body. A sharp sting on your left hand’s ring finger is what brings you back after a few moments.
Ajax brings the bleeding finger to your line of sight which confirms that your hands are free. However, you can’t move them. You can’t move anything. Your entire body feels numb.
Any blood that trickles from the wound is licked up by him. By the time it stops bleeding, a bite mark is prominent, one in the shape of a ring.
“A blood bond is more romantic, don’t you think?”
You will yourself to speak but your tongue feels like lead in your mouth.
“Don’t worry. It’ll only last for a few moments. It’s a good way to temporarily subdue misbehaving humans like you, right?”
You try your best to glare at him, but all that you’re able to manage is a half-angry stare.
“Scary~ You do realise you’re glaring at me? Oh wait, I never told you who I am.”
“I’m guessing that you’re not human,” you whisper.
The red eyed fiend sitting on top of you smirks at your words. “Took you long enough. You were so wary of me, yet you never questioned the obvious. I’ll give you a hint. I’m kind of a bad guy but not entirely ‘evil’ if that’s any consolation. I only took care of all those men because I didn’t like them being around you for even a second.”
He manoeuvres your body to sit you up in front of the headboard. Now, you start feeling like you’re in control, but the feeling doesn’t help because he simply binds your wrists again.
“For our first date, why don’t we play a game?”
You grumble at that. “What do you want from me?”
“I’ll answer your questions later,” he waves off. “Let’s play a game of getting to know me better! First question. What do you think I am? The hint is that I can control water and that my name is Tartaglia. I also have a liking for pretty things like you. Give me the right answer, and I ask another question. Wrong answer, and I test just how good that gag reflex of yours is.”
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lara-cairncross · 2 months
Hiii Lara!!
I have a question that may or may not have anything to do with a little something I'm writing 🤭 (the detail is so tiny and actually has no effect on the story, but I'm a sucker for authenticity and the information is probably handy for anything else i want to write later *cough Mikey's whole situation cough*)
sooo, what's your opinion on Medic Leo? would he have some basic or in depth first aid knowledge?
.... can I make him have in depth first aid knowledge? 🤩
if you have answered this before, my bad, ive completely forgotten your answer 😅
holy shit holy shit Beans is writing again??? PEAK INCOMING???? OMG--
i'm calm i'm calm i'm calm everything is fine. i'm very calm and normal and fine. this is fine. yes yes.
Assuming you're asking specifically about fae!Leo for this (let me know if I'm mistaken lol), thennnn the answer is somewhere in the middle i think? Fun fact-- out of all four fairy boys, Raph is actually the one with the most in-depth medical knowledge! A huge part of his job/talent is taking care of injured animals, so he's actually super well-versed in treating all sorts of injuries on both animals and fairies, since fairies all have some sort of animal/yokai features :D he's not as skilled as an actual healing fairy, ofc, but he's pretty dang good at working with smaller injuries that don't require a healer's expertise!
When it comes to Leo though, I would definitely say he's the second most well-versed in medical stuff. For one thing, he's usually the one who goes on errands to collect medical herbs/supplies for Raph and his animals (lol delivery boy), so it's crucial that he has an eye for what to look for! I can also totally envision Raph roping him into a treatment session/medical procedure whenever he drops off the supplies too. If Raph's hands are too big for something, Leo is gonna be forced to help out whether he's grossed out or not lmao
For another thing, Leo kinda has to have at least a basic understanding of treating injuries for his own safety. As a fast-flier, he travels around a LOT in order to gather requested materials or make deliveries. If he gets hurt while he's far away from the Hidden Hollow, then it's pretty much up to him to take care of himself and treat whatever injuries he has until he can get home! That's why he's got almost enough pockets to rival Donnie lmao-- extra pixie dust storage, and some basic medical supplies in case he gets hurt on the job :D
TLDR: I wouldn't say his understanding of first aid is necessarily "basic", but it's not super in-depth, either? He definitely knows enough to get by, and even to play nurse with Raph if he really needs to, but it's not really his "thing" as much as it is for Raph. He can certainly take care of an injured brother though ^-^
Hope this helped!! I can't wait to see what you do 🧡🧡
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Honkai Star Rail Period HCs (Sampo, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Luka)
Original Ask: Could you do more period hcs? Dang Heng/Yinyue, Jing Yuan, Sampo, and Luka please.
Herr you go @yunthebishoujo
CW: blood, mentions of castration (Sampo), mentions of period sex
Sampo x afab! reader, Dan Heng x afab!reader, Jing Yuan x afab!reader, Luka x afab!reader
NOTE: Requests are now open
Sampo Koski
Tall, blue, and handsome? After dealing with you on your period or during PMS, he might be tall, blue, and singing soprano for the rest of his life
Good gods, Sampo would be insufferable. Not that he isn't anyway
It's not that I think he would be actively mean, but he's annoying and hormones make girls grouchy
That and I wouldn't put it past him to use your period as an excuse to run a scam
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he's used the female populace's monthly affliction as a scam premise prior to dating you
He's just really likely too be just too annoying and end up with no dick as a result
On the other hand, he's a kinky bastard. He'd be up for period sex
Dan Heng
Dan Heng is #1 most clueless guy when it comes to periods
He's not a bad guy, but really, chicks don't advertise the call of mother nature, so he hasn't really dealt with Himeko and March on an intimate level
I'm not sure that's something he came across in his research and the Vidyadhara can't reproduce, so there's every chance female Vidyadhara don't have periods, so he may not even know periods exist
Needless to say, his first experience with your period is a bit of a surprise.
I feel like it would probably be something like waking up with blood on your sheets or having super bad cramps, or blood on the pants, ya know, shit that happens when you bleed for a week out of every month (total BS if you ask me)
Any way you cut it, Dan Heng is seriously concerned. To the point of potentially losing a little bit of his composure. He wouldn't panic but you're bleeding. is something wrong? Do you need to go to the doctor? Why didn't you tell someone?
"Yo, Dan Heng, calm down. This is normal. I do this every month."
Cue Dan Heng.exe has stopped working
To his credit, he stops, listens, and calms down. He's still unnerved, but he helps try to make you comfortable
But afterwards he goes to ask Welt and Himeko about it
In the future, he's pretty good about being aware of it and trying to be as good as possible about it, but I don't think he truly gets used to that much blood every single month
Jing Yuan
You know what? Jing Yuan is not that bad.
He has the advantage of age and being part of a species that reproduces
I'm not sure he's super familiar with the whole period thing, but it's at least on his radar to some extent
But when he starts dating you, he's like the most gentle person. He's the sort who really likes to take care of you and make sure you have what you need
He won't mother hen, but expect pads/tampons, heating pads, whatever your craving is, and plenty of cuddles and you don't even really have to ask
I mean, this guy is known for his ability to be prepared. 100% applies that to you
And if he's at all weirded out by the whole bleeds for a week straight and is fine (which, i do understand, in any other situation someone would have bed out already), he's not overt about it and doesn't let it affect how he treats you
Luka, Luka, Luka
Of the four, he's probably the most likely to be a typical guy about it
You're bleeding? And still functional? You do this every month? What sorcery is this?
At the same time, he has mad respect for you because he knows he couldn't do it
He also gives appropriate sympathy for cramps
At the same time, 100% best boyfriend. Ask and you shall receive
Totally down for period cuddles, stomach rubs and just general comfort
10/10 Luka is great
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 105... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter was quite FRANKY-TASTIC!! 😎 And I absolutely loved every minute of it...!! 😆
Another fun chapter this week, so let's talk about it, shall we? 😁
At the beginning of the chapter, I was trying to figure out who we're following this week, and as soon as I saw that black scruffy hair, I knew that this was gonna be about the man himself, Franky!! 😆
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I love the idea that Franky has like several different hideouts that he lives at, but because he has so many, he can't remember which one he's staying in and that's pretty dang funny!! 🤭 Also, this had me cackling!!:
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So, after the thing he was building while listening to the (government banned) music (🤣) blows up in his face, he heads out to the Tobacco Shop, where we not only get to see Fiona for a quick second (though, I thought that we were about to get another team up chapter with Franky and Fiona like back in Mission 60), but we even have Loid call Franky up to babysit Anya for a bit...!! 😆
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After that, Franky takes the money that he earned from Twilight for taking care of Anya to invest into the horse races, and well...:
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...it didn't go so well for our boy Franky...! 😌
After losing most of his money, Franky is about to head off to work, but then decides to go up to the betting station where a teller that Franky knows is at...! The teller tells Franky that he can't give him any intel on the route that Franky was about to bet on because the SSS snatched up the guy that they had over there, so instead the teller gives Franky some movie tickets and teases Franky about finding a girl to take with him...! 😌 Furious at the teller's comment, Franky storms out of there and eventually runs into this girl named Priscilla and asks her go to the movies with him, and...:
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So without delay, Franky gets ready for his movie date with Priscilla, when suddenly he gets phone call...:
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The teller that gave Franky the movie tickets has been captured by the SSS, but Franky is not interested in saving him and wants to go to movies with Priscilla. We then see Franky walking and singing with a bouquet of roses somewhere, and...:
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I love that Franky went to go save the teller, it just shows how good of a person Franky really is, even though he'd probably lie and say otherwise...!! 😄 We even get this super BADASS moment with Franky during the rescue...!!: 🤩
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Though the glove breaks and he hurts his hand right after this, it was still badass!! 😎 Then, Franky and the teller make their escape with the help of a ton of traps, gadgets and Franky shaped hot air balloon (😂), all so that Franky could at least go to dinner with Priscilla, but...:
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...it didn't work out for our boy yet again... 😩 But instead of being completely sad about it, Franky considered that today was actually a good day, and made me so happy!! 😊 Then as Franky's heading home, the teller surprises Franky by congratulating him on getting a girlfriend, though he figures out quickly that it didn't work out, Franky tells him not to worry about...!! So then, the teller offers to take Franky to the movies, and...:
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At least Franky still considered it was a good day!! 😄
And that was Mission 105, I always love to whatever Franky is up to and this chapter didn't disappoint!! 😆 Franky is one favorite characters in the series, not only because he's funny and an awesome dude, but it's also because everytime I see the dude, he reminds me A LOT of my brother, which never fails to me smile...!! 😄 I kinda wish that things could've worked out with Franky and Priscilla, but I honestly love it more that he didn't let not getting the girl ruin his day, which I think is some really awesome growth from Franky...!! 😊
I think that's pretty much all I wanted to say about this chapter, so until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 😁 ADIOS MI AMIGOS!! 👋😄
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Can i request the Mafia fish with Introvert!reader who’s rarely interact with people and they found out that they’re reader’s muse for painting art bcus all reader can think about is them HSSBSJA
Mafia fish it is!! hehehe
GN! Reader
He's quite scary to you, since he's so extroverted, and he's so engergetic, while you're just a silent, no energy person. He likes to sqeeze you quite often, so often you've begun to recognize his footsteps. Though he may be scary, you can't seem to get him off your mind, so... you make him your little guinea pig. He gets to sqeeze you? You get to use him as an art guinea pig, fair is fair, after all. Of course, you weren't gonna announce to him that he's your art guinea pig, who knows what he'd do to you...
"Whatcha drawing shrimpy-chan?" He suddenly said from behind you. He had entered your art room without you noticing, and now you've got yourself in a sticky situation, looking at him with a half shocked, half terrified look on your face. He laughs at you.
"Awww shrimpy! don't be scared! I just wanna see! Is that me?" he asks, you turn away and slowly nod, and he sqeezes you as if it were his last day on earth.
"Awwww! Shrimpy!!! You drew meeeee!" he laughs, you cough from how he's sqeezing you, and he puts you down.
You stay silent for a moment, before silently speaking, "W-well... you get to sqeeze me all the time, so.... its only fair if I get to use you as my art guinea pig in exchange..." He laughs.
"Hahahaha! Shrimpy is so funny!" he smiles with his sharp teeth, "Can I watch you draw??" He asks, you nod slowly, making him jump slightly in happiness, "yaaaay!"
Like Floyd, he's also scary to you, he's not the type of person you'd wanna get in the bad side of, though most of the time you avoid him, you do see him in the halls once in a while, and when you do, he gives you a smile that looks nice, but probably has some sinister plan underneath that has you involved. even though you've only seen him those few times, and how scary he is, you can't seem to get him out of your head, so you tend to draw him often, very regular, gentlemanly poses, nothing strange.
"an exquisite painting of me you've done, darling." you hear his voice linger behind you, making you jump, with a slight "eep!" escaping your mouth, he chuckles softly
"No need to be afraid... I quite like it." he says, smiling. you silently ask "Really?" he chuckles again.
"but of course, never had I seen someone as talented in art as you... This is because I was on your mind, yes?" he asked, dang... he caught you red handed.
Ah, yes, Azul Ashengrotto. Despite his powerful reputation as the owner of Monstro Lounge and dormleader of Octavinelle, you find him quite pretty, you two have some of the same classes together, and sometimes you can't help but secretly stare at him, you sometimes have a tendancy to draw him in your sketchbooks, in fact, 50% of your most recent sketchbook is filled with drawings of him, little notes on the drawings like "Pretty..." or "He's very cool..."
Though you haven't interacted often, he seems knows you quite well, which scares you, because, well... What if he finds your sketchbook? What will he say about all the drawings of him that are there? Would he think you're creepy? It's something you panic about almost everyday.
Your favorite place to draw is in the bontanical garden, because its just so pretty there... you sigh, as even when Azul isn't in seeing distance, you still can't seem to get him out of your head, his eyes, glasses, face, hair, personality... its all stuck in there like it was superglued in there, so you draw him. You don't draw anything strange, of course, you only draw him normally, sometimes doing full body, sometimes doing bust-up drawings... and you even draw little chibis too.
"How cute..." you hear a familiar voice behind you, causing you to jump, immediately holding your sketchbook in your arms and turning to see the person behind you. and of course... It was none other than the person you were just drawing, Azul Ashemgrotto. You enter a state of panic, 'what's he gonna say??? What do I do????'
He laughs lightly, "No need to panic, I don't bite." he says, "I simply came to admire your art, the drawings you do of me are always quite amazing."
And that didn't help calm down your panic, you ushered a small "Y-you saw them?" with a stuttered, quite and soft voice, clearly shaking.
He smiles, "Yes, I did, but I really like your drawings, I'm... actually flattered you think I'm so pretty..." he says, his face turning a bit red from blush, and his voice going softer, as you your eyes, as you stop panicing, you ask him softly "so you... don't find it weird...?"
"Of course not... It... actually makes me quite happy... But please don't tell Floyd and Jade or anyone I said that! They'd tease me mercilessly..." he said as he sighed, you chuckle a bit.
"Hehehe... I won't... And... I'm... glad you like my drawings..." you say quietly with a smile.
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sensei-venus · 7 months
omg the big chubby bbay girl keene was so cute!
think about how big she gets with each month, she probably doesn't fit into regular newborn 3 month old clothes and needs bigger sizes, for like 1 yr olds or smtg
i can just see miggy giving robby and reader baskets of his triplets old clothes they already can't wear anymore becuase he's such a good uncle
what do u think?
“You really didn't have to you know?”
“Ahh come on, what kind of Uncle would I be if I didn't help out a little bit.” Miguel joked while slapping Robby’s shoulder a little. Robby puffed his cheeks out before sighing. The two men watched the three month old girl babble on the floor. Her chubby little limbs flailed around while she lay on the ground on her tummy.
Beside the occasional babble and mumble she was pretty quiet. Her big eyes stayed focused on the ground while trying to move around. She was nowhere near crawling but she did seem to enjoy her daily tummy time. Robby recently looked up when the girl should start tummy time and was surprised to find that she could start so soon.
She was only three months old now.
Robby set the large folded-up pile of clothes on the open couch before looking back at Miguel. Miguel just smiles as he watched the Keene girl. Fond memories of when the triplets had started their own tummy time a long time ago. Well it was really only a year ago but still. It felt like it was so long ago that it made him a little sad on the inside. His little girls and tiny son were now starting to walk.
The high-pitched but quiet cry of the girl made them both look back to the girl. Robby was about to go pick the girl up when Reader rushed into the room quickly. Picking up the girl she was quick to lightly shush her, giving her a small back rub. Tears start to the brim at the girl's eyes but Reader is fast to the punch.
She sat down in one of the living room chairs and went to work. Pulling up her top and undoing one of the lactation flaps on her bra. The Keene baby goes right to her chest and latches on. Her hands gripping at Reader’s breast while the other fists the top of Reader's shirt collar.
Miguel raised a brow just saying “Would it be strange if I voiced the fact that she's pretty big for her age?” he almost didn't want to say it but it slipped out. Robby just shrugged “We have been going to all her newborn appointments and the doctor said she's perfectly healthy. Believe it or not, they said she's in the high percentile. Of course, they can't say for sure but they think she might be really tall in the future with the way she's growing.”
Miguel almost laughed out loud and had to stop himself. He choked a little on his own spit.
“Really? You and Reader? Having a tall kid? Reader is pretty small and you're not the biggest guy I know.” he was ready to get his head kicked at that comment. But the blow never came.
“Have you forgotten who her grandfather is?” Robby said in a pissed-off tone. His eyes stared into Miguel as if he was saying “Are you kidding me”.
“Oh you're right I mean- your dad is way over 6 feet. And isn't your mom like 5’8 or something too?”
“Dang, genetics are crazy. She's three months and already in almost one year old size clothes. Who knows how big she will get.”
At that moment the girl decided to unlatch from Reader and burp. Whimpering as she was burped over the shoulder ever so gently. Chubby little hands gripping her mother's shoulder.
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thelonelyempath · 2 years
M!Crush x F!Reader: Movie Night
Requested by @stydiashipper11
THEME: Fluff/Tiny implication of Smut at the end
WARNING(s): Groping (crush touches reader's butt)
"I really don't understand the ending of this movie." your boyfriend said, his arms around your waist as you sat on his lap.
"What do you mean?" you asked him.
"She literally lost the will to live and died of a broken heart. That doesn't happen. I get that it's a movie and it doesn't have to make sense, but you would think that with such advanced technology, medical science could have kept her alive. Besides, you can't just decide one day that you don't want to live anymore and then just die."
C/N was always one to pick at the logic of works of fiction, whether it made sense or not. You never complained about it, though. You actually found it rather endearing.
"Maybe that's not what happened." you retorted. "Maybe she didn't actually die of a broken heart."
"I think what happened is that Palpatine stole the living force from Padme to save Anakin. Obi-Wan just left him there on Mustafar, so he probably would have died from his horrific injuries if someone - Palpatine - hadn't found him and saved him. That left her with just enough life to pop out a couple of babies. And how else would Palpatine have known that Padme died? Even Anakin, as acutely sensitive to the Force as he is, didn't know she died until Palpatine told him. Also, you actually can die from a broken heart, but it's extremely rare."
"Dang," your boyfriend pulled you in closer to him. "pretty and smart? I think I found myself a keeper."
You blushed through a smile as he put a sweet kiss on your temple. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you turned your body so that you were facing him. He was looking at you so attentively. You rested your forehead on his, neither one of you paying attention to the movie, which was almost over anyways.
"I love you." you murmured.
"Not as much as I love you, pretty girl." he responded. "You and your big sexy brain."
He looked up at you and tenderly kissed your lips. Every time his lips touched yours, it felt like magic.
"How the hell did I get so lucky?" he mumbled between kisses.
You tilted your head to kiss him again, pulling him deeper into the kiss. His hand ran down your waist to pinch your bottom, making you jump.
"Whoa!" you gasped. "What was that?"
"What was what?" he devilishly grinned.
"Did you just touch my butt?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, babe."
He did it again, prompting you to playfully smack his arm.
"Stop it!" you giggled.
"Stop what?"
His goofiness had both of you laughing at this point. One more pinch.
"C/N!" you said through a laugh.
"Okay, okay." he playfully admitted defeat. "I have been touching your butt. But what do you expect me to do when you have the most perfect ass I've ever seen?!"
You felt a warmth wash over your cheeks, which were now the color of perfectly ripened strawberries. C/N couldn't help but smile at the sight of you blushing. He pressed his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss.
"Y/N." he quietly called.
"Hmm?" you hummed.
"Do you want to take this into the bedroom?"
You nodded, still smiling. He picked you up and carried you bridal style into your shared bedroom, the two of you ignoring the movie that was still playing.
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