#i know i dont seem to handle it Correctly
sodapops0lstice · 1 year
Strider Husbandry Tips
Here's some tips for people who are new to the Strider Husbandry scene, i hope my advice is useful
Whilst it is true that most Strider's DO enjoy and even thrive living in smaller environments (making them great to keep if youre on a tighter budget!) it is absolutely vital that they have places to hide and sneak around in!!! it is in a Strider's very nature to be sneaky and unseen. they can become nervous and frightened if theyre too exposed or have nowhere to scurry around in. This is especially important for Strider's of the Dirk variety as they need hidey holes to survive (there have been many cases of Dirks actually DYING because they were so stressed because of their exposure), they often try to make hiding spots for themselves which results in many Dirks suffocating in air vents which they use as hiding places. I recommend making small spots for your Strider to hide in and if necessary get one of these. It simulates a Strider's natural instinct to burrow in tunnels safely and you can take it with you on travel
I hear a lot about Strider's having very specific dietary needs that is not met they could die. This is false!! This was disproven fairly recently and you can feed your Strider whatever you like really. The only hangup is learning which Strider's require apple juice or orange soda. This might seem intimidating at first due to how many different varieties and sub categories there are but generally, the rule of thumb is Aviator Shades require Apple Juice, Kamina Shades require Orange Soda. Though your Strider might prefer small tweaks in their beverage, experiment and record their reactions.
If your Strider isn't very physically affectionate do not assume they dislike you! Striders are very defensive and will likely assume at first you are a predator. Guardian and Ultimate breeds might try and hurt you whilst most others will steer clear of you. It's best to try and prove you are friend NOT foe, talk to your Strider, give them doritos and they're beverage. If that doesn't work, leave them alone for a while until they are used to your presence.
Whilst Striders are not vicious by nature it's best if you have a more aggressive variety to try and train them as soon as possible. I've known people who got themself the most aggressive breed of Strider (a Dave's Bro, or simply a Bro, if you were curious) didn't train them, used them as a bragging right and status symbol and then were surprised when they attempted to start abusing kids. It's really upsetting as a Bro can be an incredibly loyal companion if trained correctly, I've seem some, trained by the right people, having temperaments as docile as a Dave paired with a Karkat! (im not personally all that familiar with Vantas husbandry but i do know that a Dave paired with a Karkat are usually very docile to the point where some owners think they are ill or lethargic when that's just they're temperament.) If you want a more hands-on breed of Strider like a Bro be responsible and willing to put the effort in
Striders function better as units. Whilst keeping a single Strider is a totally normal and okay thing, most Striders do prefer living in groups of atleast 2 (if you can't afford/dont want multiple thats totally fine, if you aren't neglectful theyll 9/10 be happy and healthy). Within their own species, they are super social, often playing and sharing with eachother, they tend to feel safer when their is another Strider in the house. I don't think they're is an exact rhythm to which breed will get along with eachother, sometimes you just have to leave it up to whether they enjoy eachothers company or not. My only warning is, unless you can handle it, try not to get two needy breeds, they won't get jealous per se, just very VERY vocal when they aren't the center of attention, Daves are quite notorious for this behaviour, but some people find that endearing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Try to equal out attention between any needy Strider you may have.
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kazzykatt · 1 year
okay so im watching Dawko's gameplay (do not recommend, the thumbnails and titles are hard spoilers) 
THE  FLASHLIGHT BOTHERS MOON!!!! he can't handle the light from the flashlight kfdhjkjd If i rememeber correctly the faz cam and the laser didnt so.. are flashlights more powerful?
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aww no they got a headache :( pobrecitos estan todo skdghdsjkghdsgkjsd
"No more Sun" aw man they really dont like eachother :(
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I just love this line i dont know why kdshgksjd
i love the music!! so distorted i love it!! owo
Im not- im confused, i dont know how to feel about Eclipse. the voice is good, just not what i expected :/
how come that from Sun’s anxiety and Moon’s scary vibes we get a proper butler?
and AND
wait a second
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Eclipe is what we get after the reboot
so is the
okay 1, turning them off and on again its a thing xD
is Eclipse the base? Wait so
Sun is for playtime
Moon is for nap time
and Eclipse is for parties? cuz the first thing he said was Happy Birthday :O
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im still not over the voice and how proper he is ksdjkghsdkghsd
does rebooting them forces Sun and Moon to work together? After taking cassie out, Sun talks
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is it a temporary thing? it might be! eclipses are temporary :O
and and and 
gosh that “We need to be whole!” line is doing things to my brain
are they not supposed to be separated? Should they have rotations taking turns? Sun seems happy with the reboot (tho that might be becuase is better than bein trapped in a nap) and Moon.. I feel more sad for him :( yeah yes “Naughty child” and “no more sun” but, why? why does he has to fight to be out? There’s information missing and i dont like it i want them to be whole and fair and happy and-
idk what im writting anymore i have so many questions 😅
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coastxlwaters · 2 months
*cough* hullo i hope this isnt a strange or rude thing to say- but as like. a person from the side of sams who likes to ship things, i very much love and appreciate how kind you are!!! some people who dont like to ship things (which is 1000% okay btw, we all have our preferences) are. very big on harassment (and so are some people who *do* ship things, to be fair), but you are just. a nice person!!! ive seen you advocate to leave shippers alone and to not harass them, and that you should just block people you dont agree w instead of pestering them. and i thank you for that a whole lot, sincerely!!!
okay thats it buh bye
You just made my day, its not weird! I love to get these kinds of things, and yes im against harassing others for their own preferences. I do not like to make my blog about this stuff, and i do follow many shippers! Their art is super cool, and i just avoid the shipping parts they make. I mean, im not a romantic shipper (other than solruin) but i do have a QPR ship of dark sun/solstice x eclipse. I have lost many, many followers and mutuals from that and i dont want other people to have that feeling of dread or sadness when they watch their follower count go down or be blocked by sm they would once call their friend. It really does hurt even if you understand the reason why.
I do draw the line of shipping when it comes to minor x adult though, so i am not some amazing person who has the ability to forgive everything. I appreciate that i have had several asks like this that have made it seem like that, but i am not that great of a person.
I also think there are some that do not ship that go and harass others that dont ship under the disguise of being sm who does ship so it throws more hatred to the ones who do ship and enjoy that. I think that as i have seen it happen many times IRL and in other fandoms. Its a way to make the other side look bad, it usually works.
Im not saying that shippers do not harass, as i have seen some that do, but i am saying both sides are in the fault here.
Im adding this here:
Do. Not. Hate. The. Show. For. Disliking. Some. Ships.
They are real people who also have boundaries and preferences, we understand that yall ship the characters and not the VAs (i mean, some have done that and you really shouldnt do that) but think of it like this.
You and your sibling/close friend (just sm who you dont feel romantic attraction to) make ocs, you post them online. Then people start shipping them. You would get uncomfortable, right? Since a part of your brain is thinking: “but me and my (non romantic partner) dont like eachother like that, but now yall are making this stuff and making us uncomfortable.“
Ofc i feel as if the VA’s could have handled some things better, but we are all human and make mistakes. Just dont bring them into this. So tag your stuff correctly, do not harass, and enjoy the stuff that you enjoy and ignore the stuff you dont. Thats what you call basic human decency, you can be mad at them all you want in your head as long as you dont say it.
Sorry for the long rant, but i cant reblog stuff like this due to being blocked by people who do say stuff like this so i wanted to get this out and on my blog. And i swear to god do not go annoy or harass the people who do say this stuff and saying “why did u block this person!“ they have their reasons for blocking me and others and we should respect them. I have seen people who do this and i dont like it. So dont go harass another person for blocking sm you may think is nice. For all you know i could be a bitch and asshole irl and they know me irl and thats why they blocked me.
Dont harass or get angry at sm until you can see it from their point of view. Since you dont know what they are seeing that you are not.
(but this ask did make my day! Im literally so happy rn cause i try to practice what i preach but smt i feel like i fail or do the wrong thing that makes me look like a hypocrite!!)
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kittiegun · 2 months
if my masculinity and maleness makes you personally uncomfortable in a community where you're only used to seeing white cisgender femmes maybe you should take a breather and remind yourself that the community is not supposed to cater to all your comforts and not everyone looks like the same cute-cut sexy man-hating lesbian you always see in movies.
if not for the lesbian community i do not HAVE a community in the queer space. i am a lesbian, i'm male, i'm a man, im a lesbian man and i belong. otherwise, there is no goddamn place for me.
the more i engage with other lesbians it seems like they'd rather want me dead. DEAD. for feeling comfortable with who i am. its sickening, and it needs to stop. it hurts more people trying to force right-wing, conservative ideology and standards onto lesbian men, lesboys, and multigender lesbians.
I am not out to hurt you. I am here, because this is the only place i truly belong. I'm not a cop, but it seems like everyone is policing my right to be in the space that i feel most comfortable in. i am not meant to be a scapegoat. im a person, im an individual, and you cant force me out from the very community that swears they protect queer people, while actively harassing and sending queer minorities threats for simply having a complex sexuality. i do not owe you my conformity.
i dont have to give you a reason to respect my identity.
thinking that you're doing something totally good by sending me, a minor, a disabled minor who cant even speak out because i do not have the capability to phrase my sentences correctly, death threats for being queer, only drives me closer to the brink of suicide. I dont want to hear you talk about how im invalid. it only hurts me more. i dont want to hear about how i'm just trying to hurt women, when i'm not even able to drive yet. im not able to drive and people who are just getting out of highschool are calling me things that even my brain has blocked out from stress.
the panic attacks that came with being harassed for my sexuality, the doubt and the guilt i felt when i realized i was more comfortable as a man, proves how big of an issue the anti-lesboy thing is going around right now. It makes me suicidal. im suicidal because im being hatecrimed in my own community. there is no safety for me in heterosexual spaces, nor is there safety in the lesbian community, because they want me dead and bleeding.
there is so much guilt. theres so much sadness i cant even handle without therapy because of the lack of support. i dont want to prove any points, i dont want to be told anything. i want people to know how much it actually damages people like me to be slandered constantly. it kills.
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oncominggstorm · 11 months
Im autistic & adhd. Also have undiagnosed physical health issues which been acting up lately. Really not doing well, need help. Currently in shutdown, include verbal shutdown. And struggling type, forgive grammar plz. Need help & support, but is none. Don’t know what do. Everything feel impossible. Long vent under cut.
Want run away, somewhere no one can find. Somewhere quiet & alone, with internet & tv so can watch comfort shows, play comfort games, etc. But will turn off phone, or get new number, or just block all family except younger sister on everything, or something, idk. Want comfy bed & comfy chairs & good temperature control & good food, and just quiet & solitude. Preferably somewhere out in nature. Let everyone figure out their own shit without me. Can’t do this anymore. ONLY things keeping me from doing are younger sister & lack of money. Mom & twin sister need figure shit out on own, can’t handle anymore. Can’t do.
Dont have a job or any money at all, literally only have $5 (and well over $20k in credit card debt, in collections). Am in autistic burnout & have been for nearly 3 years now. Had quit job in May cuz burnout so bad. But still expected take care of entire family.
Live with dad & twin sister (will call twin). Dad extremely NT & able bodied, dont understand me/twin at all. Knows nothing about autism/adhd & unwilling to learn. Pays bills & does chores so that is helpful, but not willing do any other support. Doesn’t believe in mental health.
Mom & younger sister (will call younger) live with grandma. Younger is 12 yrs younger, i basically raised. Feel almost more like parent than sister. Also is best friend & person i care most about in world, would die for her. Hate seeing her suffer. Twin & younger both also autistic & adhd, and neither have job. Grandma has moderate (bordering on advanced) dementia & need 24/7 supervision & support. Younger currently has busted knee, on crutches & really struggling & lot of pain. Mom refusing to believe is as bad as is, thinks younger is exaggerating, barely helping her. Ive been having drive over nearly daily to help. Mom had multiple strokes 2 years ago, still has both cognitive & physical challenges as result, & just lost job. Mom almost deffo undiagnosed autistic/adhd but refuses to believe. Doesnt believe younger is either (she still undiagnosed, me & twin formal diagnosed recently). Mom never great person, but got much worse after strokes, is mean & bordering on verbally abusive to us (and is DEFFO verbal abusive to grandma). Also has horrible memory & cognitive issues, doesnt understand things correctly, half of what she says doesn’t make sense, makes helping her hard.
Twin sick rn, lots of stomach issue & pain. Found out few months ago has enlarged spleen, but no answer yet, cant see specialist til Dec. Twin also has medical anxiety, so hard to know for sure what is real & what isnt. Every day twin ask me for MULTIPLE favors; get things for her, do things for her, etc. Also get MULTIPLE txts every day complaining about not feeling well, yet she refuse go doctors. Counted once a few days ago: in 11 hour period, asked for 7 favors & texted 13 times about pain.
Even when not sick tho, twin basically never help. Feels like she think I “less disabled” than her, not true. I doing horribly and still have take care everyone else while she sits on couch play video games & ask me to bring her things. No one ever bring ME things. Twin NEVER return favor no matter how bad I do/how well she do. One sided only.
Today twin ask for SO MANY THINGS, CONSTANTLY. Doesnt seem to care that I not doing well either & just CANNOT handle, keeps asking anyway. I tell her how bad am doing & immediately she ask for more favors. Won’t shut up about how sick she is (feeling very “wrong” w/stomach issues, has enlarged spleen but don’t know why yet & is worried that is cause), and says she is NOT OK, and that something is VERY wrong & she is worried she is dying, but also won’t get her ass to ER. Also expect /ME/ take her AND go in with, if decides go. Told her has to ask mom or dad first. Now just won’t go, and instead just keep complain to me about how bad doing & keep asking for help with stuff.
On top of that, am constant worried about all shit mom needs to do: get grandma house in her name so can keep (rn bank gets when grandma dies due to 2nd mortgage or something idk, which will make mom & younger homeless), get grandma car in her name (mom hasnt had own car in like 6+ yrs, just uses gma’s), figure out her unemployment (applied but no check yet cuz needs submit weekly proof of job applications & doesnt know how), get guardianship for grandma (mom never even got power of attorney, and is too late now cuz grandma cant understand to sign, so rn we just stuck cuz grandma not capable make decisions, but legally we cant make for her either), update her resume, get help for grandma, etc. Most of it fall to me. Mom kind of person who just WILL NOT do things, no matter how much help u give (ex: was trying get her accommodations for her job after strokes so wouldnt lose job. Explained process multiple times, both verbally & in writing. Figured out who she needed contact for help & wrote out email for her, ALL she had do was copy & paste & send email. Didnt do it. Now fired cuz couldnt keep up w/out accommodations). Mom also no longer even ask for help, just tells us we are doing. Ex: said to me “I’m going to come over tomorrow so you can help me do my job searches for unemployment.” Just tells me I’m doing it, not even ask. Sick of it. Grandma have dementia, at point where cannot even shower or wash hands, we have no support at all, doing everything ourselves. ADRC says only way to get grandma help is to put lien on her house & sell to pay off when she dies, but mom & younger live with grandma so that would make them homeless once she dies. Says we can’t even get occasional respite care unless give up house, let alone regular in home care.
Just can’t handle anymore. Feel like am being broke into thousand pieces, or crushed by thousand lb weights. Feel stuck. Feel like no choices, no good options, no way out. Want run away. Want take younger & her cat & find cabin in woods somewhere & just go run away from everything/everyone else. But can’t, no money. Feel so stuck. No help. No support. Don’t know what do.
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starryemeralds · 1 year
HII rwby anon again its been a while sorry dhd ive been on a mission in another world but thats not important right now~
IM REALLY ENJOYING IT A LOT, especially with a lot of focus being on vomit boy, i kind of didnt expect that. i LOVE how nora was just. "should i break his legs :D" IN SUCH A FUN AND BUBBLY GIRL VOICE DHDBDBD that was hilarious
AND WHEN PYRRHA TOOK VOMIT BOY ONTO THE ROOF AND HE JUST GOES, "i know im depressed but.. im not THAT depressed" i was DYING of laughter HELPPP JSJSJS
UGH i CANNOT get enough of ruby. shes just like. nope :3 nope : ) nope :] nope :>
UGH its so cute just that little squeakiness in her voice, if that makes sense fhdhd
"youre not allowed to be a failure.. because youre a leader !"
i very spesifically remember, before getting into the show, seeing gifs and vids you rebloged of ruby having. not the best of times 😭 because she was their leader and didnt feel perfect / as good as she wanted herself to be, if i remember correctly ? so
yeah 😭😭😭
i ship blake and random faunus boy with a monkey tail /hj
penny seems.. weird,, not in a bad way she is just. a weirdo /pos
ok so. time to bombard you with questions ( sorry )
who are the faunus how many episodes does the first season have who are the white fang and why does weiss call them degenerates, rapscallions, thieves, murderers and scums
thank you 💅
i love how you consistently refer to jaune as vomit boy, it makes me laugh everytime. and nora, my chaotic beloved, do break that guys legs <3
and yes!! ruby’s va is so good, and while she has the squeakiness, you’ll come to see that there’s a lot of emotional range in it 👀
AND YEAH,, RUBY’S JOURNEY AS A LEADER IS A LONG AND COMPLICATED ROAD, BUT MY GOD, THERE IS NOTHING I LOVE MORE THAN STORYLINES LIKE *gestures to v9* THAT (being vague because i don’t wanna spoil you anymore than my blog already has haha)
SUN MY BELOVED!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH; LOYAL TO THE END BUT LACKS ALL BRAIN CELLS. valid to ship them, but their friendship in particular means so much to me and you’ll come to see why a bit later down the road!
AND PENNY MY BELOVED <3333 all i’ll say is that there is something weird with her, and it alludes to the fairy tale she is based on, which i think gets revealed sometime in v2 iirc
who are the faunus:
so the faunus are essentially another race in remnant that have physically animalistic features (some might have ears, or tails, etc.)
how many episodes in the first season:
crunchyroll is telling me that the first season has 16 episodes, so you’re right at the finish line!!
who are the white fang:
the white fang has a complicated history, but they are essentially a group of faunus who are fighting for faunus rights and are now known to be an extremist group. (in my personal opinion, i think that rt definitely could’ve handled this plot line a bit better since it is a direct allegory to racism and a lot of black fans have voiced their critiques a lot better than i ever could. there are some threads and video essays by them if that’s something you’d wanna look more into!)
why does weiss call them degenerates, etc?
she’s racist prejudiced towards them based on her upbringing; but she does overcome this fairly quickly SO DONT WORRY.
is blake of the white fang?
she used to be! that mission she was on in the black trailer was actually her with them, but her separating herself from the train was her literally and metaphorically cutting ties with them. she no longer believes in their methods, so she became a huntress to join in the fight for equality in a different way.
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tw neglect , social anxiety / anxiety
hi i would like some advice
so i plan on moving out as soon as i can once i turn 18, it’s impossible for me to live at my “home” any longer than necessary.
im not cared for correctly my parents wont get me in any doctors appointments of any kind (eye, yearly doctor appointments, therapy, etc), theyve emotionally neglected me my whole life, they wont let me leave my house on my own i dont live in a dangerous place and its not far walks to go places here i get the hesitation since im a girl but again this is not a dangerous place and im not trying to go super far people walk here all the time. i dont know how to live on my own in any way. i can survive being alone in my room 24 hours a day but i have severe social anxiety and along with the neglect i havent been in school. i’ve always struggled with school and that was always ignored but i think it’s something more but i cant know for sure since my parents wont get me in with any doctor. as soon as i got into homeschool since i was experiencing really bad anxiety (instead of actually trying to help and get to the root of the problem they just put me in homeschool and turned a blind eye and acted like everything was fine) everything has only been festering and growing since and its debilitating now.
i dont have a driver’s license or id and not much school record since i got homeschooled 5 years ago (i would have been a senior next school year/in a couple months) i cant get a job I for one: dont have any of that i mentioned and also no idea how to socialize i dont have any friends and it just seems very hopeless. im not sure what to do. i need a job to start saving up to move but i have no way of getting one for the reasons i listed and also every time i try to do exposures for my social anxiety my parents wont let me (the walks for example). i cant live here any longer than i need to i really cant and thats not all the reasons why. i feel trapped here theres no room for me to do anything or grow at all. i just cant take it anymore i want to spend these next couple years trying to get better to leave but i have no idea how.
im not expecting anything from this i guess i just need any sort of advice or anything on how to navigate and get through my situation. how would someone handle this? not even just about the job aspect just how do i get out of this. i have no idea what to do and i dont have anyone i can talk to or go to. thank you for your time!
Hi anon, I'm very sorry to hear about the emotional and physical neglect you have, and currently are experiencing, as well as the lack of resources provided for you to become an independent adult (which seems to include both financial, as well as educational, abuse). I can deeply empathize that it likely feels like you are very much alone in all this, but sadly you are not the first, or only one, and I found several resources that might be of assistance (both for getting independence, as well as further validation).
Here’s a page that discusses the abuse that is sometimes found in homeschooling environments (which isn’t to suggest all are, but in your case, very much sounds so).  If anything this page might validate some of your experiences, as well as potentially sharing them with the reddit, and/or facebook groups.
Here’s an article that discusses what financial abuse is, suggestions of how to develop a safety plan to leave, as well as resources linked at the end to find shelters/services near you that might be of assistance.  
In my opinion, first focus should be about getting you into a safe environment, with trained professionals, who can help you navigate personal independence as you connect with community resources, and begin your healing journey.  Though my hope is that as you practice and experience safe environments, with safe people, it might help alleviate the social anxiety (if it’s a trauma based response), or, at the very least, they might be able to assist in developing new coping skills to navigate the world with the anxiety.  Either way, I promise there are people out there who care, want to help, and will - and I hope with at least some resources shared, it might be a starting point to help you connect with them. 
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saprophetic · 2 years
would you be able to share the brand/model etc of your new chair? i hope this doesnt sound weird or anything you just seem to really like this new one and im thinking about possibly starting to use one soon and knowing where to start would be great
definitely not weird, i love mobility aids and will take any excuse to talk about them! my chair's a custom quickie nitrum from the quickie website. im pretty sure theyre like The standard for wheelchairs? on the site you can fully customize the chair you pick to match the specs you need — i wouldnt recommend doing it on your own though because the actual process can be pretty confusing. i ended up picking options that simply wouldnt work, so one of their workers called me to set everything up correctly. theres a lot of measurements & technical terms that i didnt understand well, but the guy who called was able to explain things and helped me get all the correct measurements. also he told me about the lightup front caster wheels and was very excited when i wanted them.
i WILL say that its extremely expensive; my insurance wouldn't cover it so i had to pay out of pocket with disability backpay. it ended up being just shy of $4k, but a lot of the options i picked were more expensive ones, like foldup handles (i need to be pushed sometimes but dont want to risk a stranger touching me without permission bc abled people are idiots). i just woke up so i cant think of anything else to add, but if you have any other questions im more than happy to answer them!
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primalspice · 2 months
vic: A4, A5, A11, B5, B8, B15, C5, C7, D1, D5, E1, E5, F2, F7, F10, G2, G4, H2, H6, I2, J5, L2
A4: Are they a pessimist or an optimist? 
Generally leans more towards optimist I think. Maybe not so much in always believing things will go great, but in thinking it'll be fine if they Dont.
A5: Are they good at handling change in their life?
Yes because see above. she ROLLS WITH THE PUNCHES. even tho it kinda seems like she keeps getting punched and punched and punched and p
A11: Does your OC put others’ needs before their own?
If it's someone she really cares about yea she can Tend to (she's too nice to all of her bandmates). She tries to be Likeable and it does get her far in that sense but girl.......
B5: Do they hold doors open for people?
Yeah but i think she never times it correctly so she's always just standing there awkwardly for 30 extra seconds or accidentally forcing someone too far away to start running to get there quicker.
B8: Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny?
Yes to both but I think she can lean towards a little too self-deprecating depending on the audience. Bullied fat girl behavior.
B15: Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..?
Yesssss she'll do pretty much anything if invited but concerts are the place to be. Fan of basement shows and small venues with bars. Always seems to know at least a handful of people there every time.
C5: Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
I think she mainly just treats people the way she'd want to be treated even if she doesn't like them. But I think she'd also hope for someone to be honest and tell her to fuck off if she was being shitty, so I don't think a bit of meanness is off the table. I don't think she has a capacity to be super evil tho she just wants everyone to have a good time (altho sometimes that can lead to conflict in its own way).
C7: Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort? 
I think she believes in both depending on the situation. She believes in the power of shit happening to you and coming out a different person once it's all over. YES she makes excuses for Aspen being nasty to everyone and not trying harder to make her life not suck but she KNOWS what its like to be depressed so she cant JUDGE.
D1: How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
She's not religious and doesn't think about it often, but I think her family are probably loosely some sort of Christian/Catholic. She does not enjoy the politics of it or the condescending way it makes her parents act toward her/people act towards others in general most of the time but shes not an active hater. They can do what they wanna do, she supposes.
D5: Do they believe in ghosts? If not, why? If so, do they think they’re magical/tie into their religion, or are they scientifically plausible?
Believes in ghosts because she thinks it'd be fun to go ghost hunting.
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E1: Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
She thinks shes pretty dumb because she didn't do well in school, but shes Not. I think she's above-average in terms of her interpersonal intelligence, they way she communicates with other people, and I guess just 'street smarts' in general. and musically, of course <3
E5: What’s their highest education level? Do they want to continue their education?
She finished high school with lowish-average grades and has been poorly chipping away at her gen ed requirements in college for a few years because she feels like it's expected of her (despite not really having much to do with her parents nowadays). She doesn't really want to continue, though, the sunk cost and aforementioned expectations are the only things keeping her going. Oh and now also Bruno encouraging her to do it bcz hes a nerd.
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F2: What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it?
She doesn't expect anything fancy; she just wants to not be a step away from living in her car at all times. She'd like to live in a small house or apartment, maybe by herself or maybe with her bandmates for company. She'd paint it whatever crazy color she wanted and decorate it with all her fun merch. It'd be messy but it'd be hers. She does love Vegas but she'd be willing to move out to Reno or some other big city like LA or NYC or etc..... somewhere with a good underground music scene. She fantasizes about it often.
F7: What’s their “dream career” or job situation?
She'd love to be able to make a living doing music fulltime. If not in a band, I think she'd enjoy being a producer or promoter or doing work for a label or running a venue or something. She doesn't necessarily have all of the skills for that but she dreams big and hopes someone would take her under their wing.
F10: Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are?
Shes a musician of course. Her main thing is drumming but she does also write lyrics for her band sometimes (especially pre-aspen) and help with merch ideas and such too. In terms of skill, she thinks it's the passion that counts and shes kinda right, as least for her genre. She's not a super technical player but she is skilled enough to play interestingly and powerfully while keeping it tasteful. She's played for many years it's a result of much practice. I think her band is half experienced musicians such as herself, and half total noobs such as Aspen. it Works tho its Raw.
G2: Who makes up your OC’s family, at least the more important members to them?
She's an only child conceived via IVF (didn't tell her about it until she turned 18). Her mom and (non bio) dad raised her, and I think her grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles are numerous and part of her life as well, as least when she lived at home. In recent years she's also been ancestry hunting and discovered a few sperm donor siblings that she never really followed through with talking to much + Bruno :) She sought him out mainly because she found out he lived nearby-ish and wanted to know what his deal was, if she could relate to him, etc. Also kinda interested in investigating wtf his issue is and if it's something she should worry about :|
G4: What kind of childhood did your OC have?
It wasn't particularly tortured or anything but u do get bullied by many of your peers and family members for being a weird punk fat (and also gay later on) kid. I think her parents kinda quietly held her to a higher standard/resented her for being herself because they spent so much money and time and trouble just to have a......completely average kid. This was not something communicated with her (until she was 18 as mentioned before) but it was Felt. The relationship with her parents was/is kinda strained because of that + just being a loud and annoying kid in general, but its not necessarily at the point of hate. just Complicated. She tries to avoid them nowadays. She did have friends in school due to her extroversion and pleasant personality luckily, even though she was weird. Probably a band kid.
H2: Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Yeah, just because shes so niceys and good with people in general, she can really feel out the things that someone might enjoy. But I think she's used to having to be the more giving/attentive/dominant one in a relationship so she gives it a lot of effort. I think its part of why the idea of being with Aspen is kinda exciting to her despite the weirdness of it; she's not used to being the one being obsessed over LOL
H6: Has your OC ever cheated on anyone or been cheated on?
She wouldn't cheat but she does seem like the type to get cheated on kinda chronically.
I2: Do they have any eating requirements or preferences? Allergies, vegetarian, organic-only, religious restrictions…
Fast food only <3
J5: Are they or would they protest for a cause they’re passionate about?
Yes she would do it but shes not super in-the-know politically despite the music scene she's in. If someone invites her tho and it sounds reasonable she will BE there.
L2: What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
I think the overall theme of everything here is Identity and I think she explores that as well in her own ways. Probably in the most literal way compared to everyone else since shes the protag and everything plotwise is kinda triggered by her seeking out her paternal family for a sense of belonging after feeling rejected by her half family. I think her relationship with Aspen is also important here but I can't say much yet because idk whats up yet LOL. She's kinda got boring protag disease rn but hopefully u can see my vision.
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hearts401 · 7 months
loredump about your ocs plz <3
HEHEHEH I don't wanna say TOOOO much bc I have plans BUT!
I can ramble about the characters and worldbuilding!!!
The story takes place in a place I have yet to name that im calling Times Square (haha) where about five or so gods run the universe. they dont do much, initially, until a big accident sets the universe off-course butterfly effect style and they need to fix it.
Hence, the weird animal things.
Each god made something they could use to try and help fix this. But a special group of them is given the dirty work: Killing anyone who needs to be killed for the universe to right itself.
This is usually reserved for people who've been raised to do it, as it takes a lot of training and care to do correctly. you cannot be seen, the cause of death needs to be probable with the time zone, and you need to make sure you ONLY hit the correct target. anything else will just leave a bigger mess to clean up.
But our little Time Owl who has no name (so hell just be called Owl for now) met a curious little creature. The cowboy guy. who also has no name. (he'll be Cowboy ig) He was injured, alone, and incredibly far from where he comes from. On top of that, he was just in general very different from the rest of his kind. his wings were small and almost completely useless, and they made a loud rattling when vibrated. (also, altho this is normal for his kind, his tail has three ends that knock together loudly, kind of like if you hit wooden spoons together)
His kind (technically dragons ig?) usually engage in environmental things. specifically with wildlife and people in the woods. also they're often tasked with protecting important people for the timeline. but without being able to fly, that'd be difficult. not only that, Cowboy was relatively clumsy and aggressive. he was short-tempered and also just seemed more inclined to kill than he was to protect. Owl decided to raise him and teach him multiple different things, but he deviated towards the killing people bit.
Usually, killing is for sirens. there are other creatures raised to do it, but sirens are the most common. the tales of them are already all over society, and not many people who run into them survive, not to mention how easy it is to cover up a murder from a siren.
all this considered, Cowboy was in a pretty weird place. he was skilled, no doubt about it, but he fell into the role of just. anything. which would typically put him to work in the Times Square, like a normal citizen, but he doesnt like that idea, and repeatedly argued with Owl about it.
eventually, he ends up hopping job to job, until Owl tries to let him work in his own library.
Cowboy promptly destroys it (accidentally) and Owl kicks him out for the day (note that hes like. in his mid-late 20's rn. he only still lives with Owl bc he a) cant hold a job and b) is still his apprentice technically)
He wants to make it up to his mentor, so when he overhears some people talking about a mission theyre not sure they can handle, he makes a very smart adult decision and steals their stopwatch.
stopwatches are their way of traveling time to time and compasses are for place to place. Cowboy already has his own compass (u cant use it to get to earth unless you have a watch, since earth is in any time at all times up to a very specific point) so he just. goes to do their mission for them.
while looking for his target, however, he notices they took a wrong turn (he has very specific directions, and he knows where they're supposed to be at the given time) and follows them, only to see our wonderful (also unnamed) siren kill him.
When she sees him, she immediately scolds him, telling him how reckless he was and then telling him his mentor was looking for him.
turns out the siren (who im calling Siren surprise surprise) is a backup. which means shes not often called to missions, but she gets paid the same to pick up the failed or unfinished ones. shes unhappy with that arrangment and KNOWS she could do better if theyd just give her a shot at being a real assassin instead of the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th option. shes regarded as less attractive than the other sirens, and her mother refuses to listen to her and let her do more than what she has. shes frustrated and insulted by this, but also just not very respected. she spends more time outside of the siren are of times square than she does IN it, because the people there aren't incredibly pleasant.
Cowboy, who wants nothing more than to avoid trouble with his dad i mean mentor, proposes an idea:
if the two of them can convince Owl to give them a shot, they can work together on these missions, which are typically solo. and she agrees.
theres other important characters, like Cowboy's husband and a third person in their little murder gang, as well as the other gods, some antagonists, and a very confused cryptid investigator, but this is the general gist! though id love to talk about anything more specific if anyone has anything theyd like to hear more about :D
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blog-imtsupdates · 8 months
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uv unwrapping the finished dog model, used these videos to figure out how to do so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdAGPtW7Q_I&t=37s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Co6SuzoQw
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ran into issues with"non manifold", used these sources to figure out what the issue is and how to fix it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGHpIb3kYa0 https://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2023/ENU/?guid=GUID-16CEC87A-F927-4AED-9B60-A772481F8FD4
I none of these methods are good fixes or just dont work. i cannot seem to attach these forms to the head in maya, im going back to blender to blender to unwarp the dog there instead
never uvd in blender for what that information is worth to you here are the videos i used to figure out how to do so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7M-B6xnaEM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scPSP_U858k
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didnt run into any issues in blender, very straigforward very happy with this. importing it back to maya mainted the uv map. moving on to uv mapping the rest of the objects, will be doing that in maya because i dont expect to run into issues with them.
did not run into any issues. moving on to rigging. using these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaTpXxG5OJg for wireframe, the video is old but after clikcing through two videos that didnt help this one was the most clear and helpfull.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qunol1EYdd8 the video is older but its very clear and straight forward
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urC_TBQQA7o this video was great for basics of maya, ive used his tutorials before and he makes and sells his own plugins.
and a refrence for the bone placement
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none of the videos omwatching are willing to tell me how to put my joints infront of my mesh, a little annoying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHRqG5OCFuw found it. this video shows me the icon for joints in front but im still unable to select my joint it keeps grabbing faces on the mesh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kiRB1pSU3M never mind i was in UV mode instead of object mode.
select D key to move a single point on your rig :-) didnt know how to do that: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/maya-forum/repositioning-only-one-joint-without-any-effect-on-the-other/td-p/6705384
I implemened IK handles on both the front and hind legs(follwoing mainly the dashund video) and I'm not running into any issues, I'm on an adreneline high right now, last time I worked on a project this was hell on earth
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Most videos for setting up the spline were using paid plug ins liekthis one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiqpzKUJKt0 its still a very usefull series and its very easy to follow but this part isnt very usefull for me rigth now.
and this one was very useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaUDLHAfed8 another very old video but there werent a lot of options because maya isnt open source and it is a paid program. Had we been working with blender I think it would have been a lot easier to find free plugins and tutorials but I digress. It worked great, over the moon for it.
never successfully set up a spline IK, I ran into a major issue BUT following this specific tutorial was great. desipte the rig flipping upside down the spine was actually deforming correctly after a couple or attempts!
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after detaching the spines that needed the spline IKs everything went smoothly! wow!!
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While wathcing rigging tutorials i found these really cool plugins. they are paid and i dont have time to figure them out right now but Im saving these because they would fantasic to speed up animation on future projects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iz_g8rij-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtF7wwvuBkk
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had to adjust the IKs in the front legs a couple of times to get the bend to work better/be more natual
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finished weightpainting. i remebered how to do that, didnt run into any issues.
(i rembered how to do that from a year or so ago) onto texturing. didnt know how export a UV map as a png: https://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2024/ENU/?guid=GUID-26F3DFAB-A6D9-4F9E-A11A-2BD9EF1C3DF1 now i do.
didnt know how to apply said png to the model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oT6Xt4HX5E
now i do. gonna continue editing dog pictures for the fur coat because i do not have time for drawing all those hairs, it should get covered by fur, itll be relatively low light, i did ask team if they had time, one said no, the other said maybe, i decided id do it anyway as that wasnt a very solid yes.
i looked for videos on photobashing textures for 3d models and couldnt fidn anything. i didnt have time to install 3d substanc painter and learn to use the new program so i opted to just photobash in my regular art program.
these are the finished textures applied to the model, it doesnt line up perfectly and i messed up the uv map on the dog snout a little which made the end of the snout very very low res but it works pretty good in the final scene as it is far away and in low light, im pretty happy with the result! it also took a lot longer than expected, getting the cut up images to line up and blend together and color adjusting it to work well enough was a lot more tricky then i thought it would be.
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the other textures like the eyes and teeth i decided to paint as they didnt need a lot of detail and that was faster
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0 notes
rollisworld · 2 years
Twitch leecher videos dont work in premiere
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For a hoarder like me, that means a whole lot of backtracking when you advance to the next area. Instead, you can drop items on the ground and pick them up again later. You have two inventories with only six or eight (I don’t remember) slots each, and no item boxes. I play the RE games like a hoarder, every single item goes in the chest. However, the reason I can’t recommend this game is almost entirely due to the way you’re supposed to handle items. I thought both of those were great uses of the partner switching and more than justify it. The partner system was pretty good, and made for some amazing puzzles/gameplay at times (getting split up at the beginning and then getting split up in a castle-ish area later). Pretty okay game, but one that I can’t really recommend. Sadly if this happens there is no fix for this and you will lose all of your progress and possibly your save file as well. I’m not sure of the exact cut-off for CC but eventually the folder gets too large for the game to handle and it will lead to issues like save corruption or in some cases not being able to save the game at all because the game has run out of memory. Sure it looks great in screenshots but it wont be practical in game. That cute dress you found on Tumblr that’s 65mb more then likely has way too high of a poly count and will just lag and be slow to render in the game. Clothing is usually fine but pay attention to the size of the CC. You don’t need 20 different variations of the same ponytail in the game.
My suggestion would be to find a default skin you like and just use that. These files are usually rather large sometimes in excess of 80 - 100mb. It may seem crazy to imagine but massive CC shopping sprees can lead to a massive folder to the tune of 30GB+. Keep an eye on the size of your Sims 3 Folder in /Documents. The guide will be pretty extensive and I take no responsibility if you mess up your game :P If anything I hope this guide brings people back to The Sims 3 or allows people to give the game another chance.
I also only have a PC so I don't know if any of these settings will effect the Mac version of the game. I own a legit copy of the Sims 3 and have never owned a pirated version so I can't say whether or not these settings will work with a pirated version of the game. All of these tips have been gathered from all over the internet and also some things I have picked up on my own over the years. I have applied all of these fixes in my own game and I still experience lag so this is by no means a guide to completely eliminate the lag in the game but a guide to perhaps help your game run a little bit smoother. Some things may work well for others while some may not make a difference at all. I made this guide a few years ago for another forum so I’m always open to new suggestions/edits etc. The Sims 3 can be tricky to get running correctly on modern computers so I figured I would share what I learned over the years. Still looking for that “Sims Fix” I found myself going back to playing The Sims 3. Lately I have found the direction of The Sims 4 to be rather lackluster.
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storm-of-feathers · 2 years
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aprilohneil · 2 years
Soft Shells and Donnie
⚠️WARNING: rottmnt movie spoilers ahead!!
I have many thoughts! So many thoughts! Before I get into them just a quick couple of things:
All image IDs are in alt text
I'm able-bodied, and I've been concious of that and done my best to stay in my lane, but please let me know if I've overstepped! Edit: I'm no longer able-bodied lol, but this is still something I feel I dont have much authority on
I'm just some guy, this is my personal interpretation of this, I'm not trying to say anyone else's opinion is wrong!! I just wanna share my thoughts
Okay alright let's get into it!
A lot of people interpret Donnie's soft shell to be a fatal weakness or an analogy for a disability, and I disagree! At least, in canon. I've seen a lot of content exploring his shell as a disability that I've absolutely loved!! I'm not talking about fanon or headcanons or AUs or whatever - this entire post is in the context of canon. I love it when people explore things that aren't touched on in canon (and I wish it WAS touched on more in the show) I just wish the series handled it better than what they did.
I'm also not saying that having a soft shell would not be a weakness or not make him vulnerable in certain situations! It's just I've seen people talking about it in a really black-and-white way; Donnie has a soft shell, therefore he's a lot more fragile and weaker than his brothers. I think it's a lot more nuanced than that.
For a start, Donnie's shell is MEANT to be soft- he's a spiny softshell turtle. This isn't a case of an injury or something else that's made his shell like that, it's just how it is. I don't think it's fair to say that his shell is inherently a weakness, in the same way that April, a human, isn't inherently weak because she doesn't have a shell. There are both pros and cons!! In the same way that there are both pros and cons to having a hard shell!
I've seen some posts that really rubbed me the wrong way, saying things like "Donnie's probably scared of beach balls because one hit his shell when he was younger and it bruised him" and similar, I can't recall anything more specific and I'm not going to go looking for them. It just. Really annoys me?? It's borderline infantilizing.
In the movie, Donnie's soft shell and how it could affect him in battle is addressed for the first time in the entire series - if I recall correctly, that is. Its been a while since I've done a full watch through, but I'm pretty certain.
I'm not a fan of how they handled it in the movie because of that. It seemed really out of the blue, and out of character, especially for Mikey and Donnie. All throughout the show, it's never been an issue or cause of concern, and now suddenly it IS. It's suddenly a HUGE problem for Donnie. If you're going to have a disabled-coded character, then COMMIT. Include it during the entire series, not just for shock value and to create tension.
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In the first scene, Donnie saves Mikey from being crushed by crouching over him. His battle shell is crushed, he's left without protection, and him and Mikey panic about it.
THIS scene makes sense to me, this scene I really liked! Their reaction makes sense, because in this situation, Donnie IS vulnerable. The ceilings caving in, the Krang are absolutely viscous, and they're losing the fight with no way out. At all. Not a great time to have ANY fleshy parts unprotected.
Once again it was a little jarring, just because it was literally the first time it's been addressed on screen. But that's whatever, nothing's perfect etc etc. I'd prefer it to be included late than not at all.
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It was THIS scene that really irked me. Donnie's asked Mikey to take off his battle shell for him, so that he can fully be submerged into the Technodrome.
Yes, taking off his battle shell in enemy territory is a cause of concern, but no where near to this extent. Donnie has fought many times without it with no issues. They're not even actively fighting here - Donnie's about to be absorbed into a cocoon of tentacles (which was so so gross shdjdm). Mikey being this worried makes no sense to me, and it's kinda insulting to Donnie to be honest! It's ignoring his past experiences, ignoring the strength and skill he has been shown to have.
I've gone through and watched all the scenes in the show where Donnie doesn't have his battle shell on (once again I might have missed some, but I'm pretty sure I got them all).
Mascot Melee
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This was a pre-planned move! Donnie wasn't forced into a defensive position, he put himself there in order to use his battle shell to blast the enemy back, and exposing his shell. He's already got another battle shell on standby waiting for him, so while it was a risk, it was a calculated one, and a very small one at that. His soft shell taking a hit would hurt, yes, but not seriously injure him.
The Purple Jacket
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His battle shells have all been stolen and he's PISSED, but he's not worried at all about having to go out and fight the Purple Dragons without the protection they provide.
Insane on the Mama Train
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This is the big one!!!
Donnie purposefully destroys his battle shells and walks into a fight he KNOWS will be dangerous, against enemies he knows are strong. Not only does he hold his own against them, but he kicks absolute ass!!! He knows his limits, his strengths and weaknesses, and he knows how to fight in the way that's best for him, specifically. His soft shell is not holding him back, he's adapted, he just has to fight in a way that's a bit different than his brothers!!
Also his brothers and Splinter are not shown to be worried or concerned for him at all during this episode. They know he can handle himself.
End Game
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This would've been a great opportunity to explore how having a soft shell would affect him in certain situations, but it's not addressed at all. They all get buried under rubble, Raph asks if everyone's okay, and they all get up and walk it off.
Many Unhappy Returns
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Once again this would've been PERFECT to explore how having a soft shell would effect him!! You can SEE the damage Shredder did to his battle shell - and his battle shell is not weak!! It's made of some pretty strong stuff!!
That SHOULD'VE hurt him, in a way that it wouldn't have hurt his brothers, and they could've done so much with this and they didn't and I'm MAD.
Todd Scouts
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There's not a lot to add here, the only thing to point out is that, again, Donnie isn't worried about his shell being unprotected, and neither are his brothers. I do find it funny how the second he's separated from his tech he goes completely feral I love him so much <3
the ONLY time his soft shell was EVER actually addressed was in Donnie's Gifts.
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And it wasn't about his shell, not really. It was about him being sensitive emotionally, not physically, and it was just a play on words.
They could've handled it a lot better in the movie. Yeah, it's tough to do when you're trying to add something that didn't exist in the series before hand, but there were so many ways they could've done it.
This is a bit of a sidebar but I never see anyone talk about this and I think about it literally all the time SO:
Donnie having a soft shell can also give him some advantages that his brothers don't have!!
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From Todd Scouts and The Purple Jacket. He's very flexible!! A great skill for a ninja!! He can sneak through smaller spaces, find more places to hide, and would be great in stealth missions!!
Because of his smaller, flatter shell, he can pass as human more easily! He was the first of his brothers to go in public alone, and without a full-body disguise. To a HIGHSCHOOL no less he is braver than me.
I also want to point out that having hard shells doesn't automatically make his brothers infallible. Yes, Donnie's shell can be hurt more easily, but he would be able to take a lot of damage before it's fatal. For his brothers, with their hard shells, if anything managed to hurt them, it would be very, very serious. A cracked or broken shell could very easily kill them.
There's a reason why, in the movie, Donnie protected Mikey from the falling rubble. That very likely would've crushed Mikey's shell, and that would've killed him. Donnie's battle shell and normal shell have some give to them, they allowed him to take the hit while getting away without being horrifically injured.
It's also very lucky Raph's shell got punctured through the lip, and not closer to the centre. That would've been very bad!!!
(If anyone wants to read about shell trauma, then the IDW comics are right there - Donnie's shell gets smashed, he almost dies, and has to wear a prosthetic, it's so fucked up omg)
But yes that concludes my essay on why I didn't like how the movie handled Donnie having a soft shell, and why I don't like how a lot of the fandom treats him. Thank you and goodnight it is 2am
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benchtrio-updates · 3 years
An important message from Ranboo:
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Transcript underneath the cut!
(The pastebin link is [x]; I’m unsure as to who made it, but the person who posted it is Twitter user miskellanea!)
[START] [1/10] Hey guys, I wanted to talk about something here that has been weighing on my mind for quite a bit now. I talked about it on stream a little bit but I want to touch on it more here, please spread this message to other platforms as I am only putting it here because its easier for me to word my thoughts correctly here.
[2/10] Lately I have found myself in kind of a weird spot when it comes to my fanbase, I have seen stuff that I have tried again and again to stop yet people sadly dont seem to take my messages to heart when I tell them about my boundaries. I really do appreciate my fanbase and I know that most of you guys are absolutely great, and if you dont do any of the things im going to list then you just keep on being a good part of the community :D.
[3/10] Recently I have honestly been terrified.
[4/10] In case you didnt know I am a VERY anxious person, and whenever things and events keep on happening in regards to other creators and situations I keep on getting brought into it as an example. Whether it be people saying "Ranboo wouldnt do something like this" or "Ranboo did ????? so why cant this person do ?????". I ask you PLEASE to stop putting me on a high pedestal, as I am a person so thus I will make mistakes! And honestly I have been so scared, unnecessarily checking every single post that I make as well as not speaking about certain things because I am so scared of wording it wrong and making people upset because of the fact that I have an okay reputation. I am glad that you guys think of me as a good person, but consistently bringing me up and putting me above others because of what you think of me scares me so much because the higher you put me up the further I can fall.
[5/10] I am in no ways a perfect person. I have made mistakes and I have learned from those mistakes. Am I trying to not make mistakes? Yes. Will I make mistakes in the future? Absolutely. I am trying my hardest to be a good person but you guys have to understand that I am in no ways a perfect person, Im not even close. So PLEASE stop holding me to higher standards simply because I have not made a mistake yet because the more you do that the worse it will be WHEN I make a mistake.
[6/10] Now, this does NOT mean I am not okay with being educated/corrected. If I make a mistake I really do want you guys to inform me of what I did wrong and give me the opportunity to make it right! But this does NOT mean that I want you guys to put me under a microscope and try to find every little thing that I may do wrong because I am already putting myself under a microscope which has not been healthy for me as of late. So PLEASE stop bringing me up as an example of a "perfect cc" or an "unproblematic cc" because I know that if I get that label, the moment I mess up it will be much much worse.
[7/10] Am I a perfect person? NO. Am I trying to be a good person? Yes. I am trying to educate myself on issues as well as try and understand a lot of the troubles that many people go through in my fanbase to try and make the fanbase a better place, but if I am not allowed to be respectfully educated when I mess up then I am losing the ability to learn from my mistakes. I really do want to be a good person, but the stress of consistently trying to be perfect is really not healthy for me. Part of that does come from me however so I am trying to figure out how to manage that on my own, I mean I entered this situation having no idea how to handle a fanbase of any size and I have been learning as I go.
[8/10] Another thing that has been still happening which I have tried again and again to stop is people associating with me and then sending actual threats. Threats of any kind are NEVER okay with me. So if you want to associate any part of your profile pic, bio, etc. then PLEASE never do these kinds of things. Another thing is if you want to associate yourself with me, but get into an argument please try to do so respectfully! So please if you want to get into drama and you decide that you do not want to be respectful about it please do not associate your profile with me. However, I am completely okay with you guys calling out issues and being associated with me as long as you do so in a respectful and educated way! I encourage you guys to try and educate others, but please do it in a respectful way if possible! (I do understand that it may be hard to do it in a respectful manner in some cases, so if you do decide to act in that manner please do not associate your page with me as if enough people see the same common denominators in a profile they will give the fanbase a "toxic" label.)
[9/10] If it will actually make the community, situation, or heck even the world a better place then that is completely okay! But if it is just an insult or a threat that does not add to a discussion then please do not associate your profile with me as it makes me uncomfortable! I tried my best to word this in the way that I was thinking but I know that some things may have not been worded in the best way so I will clarify if needs be!
[10/10] (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS WAS WORDED WRONG! THANK YOU! TLDR: I want to be able to continue to interact with my community, but sadly the stuff that I have seen in SOME (absolutely not all) areas has really rubbed me the wrong way. I really want this message to stick this time, I have tried again and again to establish these boundaries yet I continue to see more and more that just really breaks my heart. [END]
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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GC lists four titles in her conversation with Rose - presumably titles from her session. Those titles are Seer of Mind, Page of Breath, Knight of Blood and Maid of Time.
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At the risk of making another incorrect Seer prediction, I think GC is the Seer of Mind. Like Rose, she’s cognizant of her Exile, and she even highlights this similarity herself.
It’s not just that, though - she seems to have a natural talent for getting into people’s heads. She - correctly - deduced that CG’s Project Trolling was just a way to blow off steam, she quickly found a chink in the Strider armor, and she trolled John so effectively that he permanently changed his handle to escape her. She just gets people, and - with some trepidation - I officially predict that this will be her title. 
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The Maid of Time is incommunicado. I thought it might be GA, what with her penchant for predestination games, but no - this isn’t a troll we’ve heard from before. It also can’t be arachnidsGrip or terminallyCapricious, because they do want to talk to Jade. 
I mean, I guess it could be one of those two, if the Maid breaks her silence after GC has that conversation with Davesprite, and sends messages into the past. But Urrgh I Dont Want To Think About That.
Anyway, that leaves apocalypseArisen, arsenicCatnip, caligulasAquarium, centaursTesticle or cuttlefishCuller. None of them have an edge, because we know nothing about them. 
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The Knight of Blood shares Dave’s role, which I believe might be that of a ‘protector’ class, but the Blood aspect is new. It’s even edgier than Doom or Void, and might be a secondary prediction for GC. She’s referenced blood and bleeding in multiple conversations so far, but I still think she’s more likely to be the Seer. If she’s not the Knight of Blood, then I predict we just haven’t met them yet. 
As for the Page of Breath, I don’t have a clue.  If we go by how the word is defined - 
Page, noun. A youth being trained for the medieval rank of knight and in the personal service of a knight; a youth attendant on a person of rank; one employed to deliver messages, assist patrons, serve as a guide, or attend to similar duties
- then it might have a role relating to the Knight in some way, or it might be a class centered around support and/or communication. (A messenger class? Maybe some sort of pun on page/paper/letters?)
We haven’t seen a confirmed Page yet, nor have any of the trolls shown affinity for Breath, so I’ll have to wait and see. 
Oh, and just one more silly theory - since Spades Slick is a rival to the time-themed Lord English, I think Slick is, or will become, space themed. Therefore, since Slick is CG’s Exile, I think CG’s aspect is slightly more likely to be Space than the other trolls. Don’t take that one too seriously, though, because I won’t! 
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