#i know there's a lot of ppl that think that clothes r clothes and bodies r bodies and we should stop putting so much emphasis on it but
twstreverie · 2 years
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soft headcanons, (dorm leaders)
requests are open!
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riddle rosehearts
he is literally so inexperienced with relationships let alone even being in love with someone, he’s afraid sometimes he goes over the top or just does too little for you. this guy will literally be scouring old romance love stories and try to replicate what the guy in the story would do. cater poked fun once and said to look at the internet instead but… riddle has an acquired taste.
your room is hardly seen without some sort of flowers — usually roses of course from riddle. he just loves the look on you’re face whenever he presents some he had gotten for you. he has told you that he believes they’re as beautiful as you. :)
you’re always treated the best whenever you’re over at his dorm — he wants to make sure everyone is treating you nicely and special. he’ll make sure you’re favorite sweet is saved for whenever you stop by, so he can offer you some with him. everyone usually enjoys it whenever you’re there because he’s in such an elated mood that their chances of getting scolded or in trouble by him are less haha.
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leona kingscholar
leona is a man that has a hard time trying to convey the fact that he does love you — frankly he hasn’t quite admitted to himself that he really does. but here me out, he always listens to you, like you could be sooo chatty and talk and talk — it’ll seem like he’s not listening, maybe even had fallen asleep but nope! you’ve got his attention almost always. he is extremely good at reading you and your body language.
he’ll remember basically every detail, he is very intelligent anyway. something you mentioned wanting or needing, you’ll have it trust me — he can have his hands on practically anything as a prince hehe. even if you want him to take it back he’ll stubbornly deny and insist that you just take it because it’s “useless to return it.” hes not saying it but please just take it.
he respects you — he values your opinions and concerns definitely much above anyone else. and that’s a very special thing coming from him. he wouldn’t necessarily tell you but trust me he respects you greatly.
leona has a “don’t go wandering into savanaclaw to find me” attitude but then he kinda noticed that after like 1 incident of someone from there messing with you…. they would be to nervous to, knowing leona.
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azul ashengrotto
I don’t care what anyone says he is so smitten with you… like he’s just always thinking about you and things he wants to treat you with he can’t help it. he could be in the middle of making a scheme-y contract with some distraught student and he’s just thinking about some necklace he saw in a magazine that would look pretty on you.
number 1 rule for his employees (mostly ppl working under contract lol) is that you are treated as a priority when at the mostro lounge — even when he’s busy they know about you. jade or floyd are usually there to give you something special along with your meal haha, they’ll tell you it’s courtesy of azul.
but he really enjoys time with you, he could be dealing with work but he loves knowing that you’re there by him in the vip room. you could be talking about anything or just reading, doing school work in silent. he just loves being with you.
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kalim al-asim
kalim talks about you so… much. like he just can’t help it, he doesn’t even try most of the time — he’s got a lot of positive things to say about you and everything basically reminds you of him. he can go on and on, jamil is the one who hears this the most. but he’s literally done this with his teachers before. when I say he thinks the world of you, he does.
he wants to bring you to his homeland so so badly — he’s always telling you great things and stories, stories about the land of hot sands or stories from his childhood there. he gets quite excited being able to share about that place.
speaking of which he buys you clothing and accessories from there — love is an understatement when it comes to seeing you wear them!! he is obsessed.
carpet rides>>> okay minus the fact that he has crashed it multiple times and it gets jamil pretty pissed off at him he promises to be careful and begs him to let him share them with you more often.
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vil schoenheit
I don’t care about whether or not it’s ooc to make him a lovey dovey man with you but can we just think back and remember how he was and acted throughout chapter 6?? like?
with that being said, he makes sure to look out for you, not even just for your looks and stuff he genuinely does care about whether or not you’re taking care of yourself. it may come off in a lightly scolding way but he can’t bring himself to actually be upset at you. like if he figures out you haven’t eaten or have been sleeping right he’ll get this stern look on his face but that doesn’t stick for long.
you get access to like any major and fancy brand when it comes to basically anything but especially facial products, but he prefers just giving you his own. and he also loves doing your facials for you before bed. it is so sweet, I can just picture him rubbing in lotion on your cheeks as he’s softly humming… just yes. once he’s done he likes to kiss you on the face, both of your cheeks.
vil tends to ask for your opinion a lot when it comes to something he should where, a shade of lipstick, perfume scent, etc because it helps him figure out what you like more so he can use it more around you.
will invite you to the film research club he’s in and in charge of, mostly because he wants an opportunity to act out a scene with you but even if you don’t want to there’s always some way you could help him and assist him that he’d love if you could do. writing scripts, video editing, making costumes or props.
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he is embarrassed about it whenever he kisses you (or you kiss him haha) but his lips are scarred and almost raw and chapped because he bites them so much. if you put balm on them with your finger to help heal them he would die. please do it for him he loves it.
while he’s no picasso, I can see him being very pretty talented when it comes to drawing. he totally has a habit of doodling and even full on sketching you on papers and such. he wouldn’t saw no to you if you asked to see them, but he’d be hiding and shoving his face into a pillow the whole time while you look through.
he would honestly do like anything for you, he loves being able to show that he’s useful — especially with his talents, he can fix things for you — like if you have a device or item not working he’s got you. you better believe he got rid of that phone Crowley gave you thats probably like older than crowley himself and have something WAY better he made.
would melt if you got along well with ortho (well honestly who couldn’t?) you’re literally the two most important things in his life — seeing you two happily converse and chat with each other would make him on cloud nine. also ortho definitely was a major assist when it came to getting you and idia together, he was rooting for the two of you since the beginning.
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malleus draconia
it’s so funny, especially to lilia seeing malleus become lovesick by you, his behavior is definitely noticeable towards you. bystanders, students whether in his dorm or not that fear him and know him as an extremely powerful prince melt within your vicinity… it’s a habit he’s gained ever since he’s caught feelings for you — it’s a bit odd but he can’t help but stare and watch you lot of the time.
you’re with him, you’re apart of his “family”. basically lilia, silver, and begrudgingly Sebek who takes a while to warm up to you. still, nevertheless, they treat you as one of them!! lilia would simply adore you by the way. like ortho with idia he would be a proud supporter of the two of you.
he loves to wow you with his magic and shamelessly show off a bit. you could show the tiniest bit of like being cold and rubbing your arms and boom he’ll just bring out the sun with a smug smile like wasn’t that cool of him? or if you enjoy the rain he could just make it happen hehe.
malleus enjoys bringing you gifts a lot its mostly because of well a dragon thing but he will have a habit of just randomly gifting and adorning you some priceless jewel he can’t help it, he thinks you look so lovely in them.
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neotrances · 1 year
could we get more information about PJ he’s really cool c:
sure i posted about him a few days ago but it’s probably buried by now, full thing under the read more so it doesnt take up dash space also reposted the only art i have of him belowwww
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Pj’s full name is Pj parker and he is “silk weaver” a spiderman that doesn’t go by spiderman, he’s based on furry silk orb spiders and he shoots natural webs directly from underneath his finger nails, these webs r razor sharp and strong as steel, he doesn’t know this at the start but he has the ability to soften and harden his web, and this ability is tied to his stability and emotional state
pj is from an abusive household / is poor in a really bad school and thinks very little of himself and has bad anxiety, the first few times he uses his webs he’s unable to make them anything but razor sharp and solid often leading to him harming ppl hes trying to help accidentally or causing a lot of property damage, hes interested fashion and design and enjoys sewing and wants to make a sustainable/ high quality clothing brand one day but can’t afford fashion school, so hes an unpaid intern for a big new york fashion brand and essentially works in a sweat shop and stays there long hours after school to avoid his mother, he’s in denial about being gay and acts hyper masculine at school and with his “friends” and is very quiet / goes mute often
his suit has metal claws / nails with an opening underneath them to allow him to shoot his web comfortably, and his version nyc is colder than usual and snows / rains heavy a lot year round so his suit has a half fur coat top to keep his upper body warm, there are also multiple pockets hidden with the fur to hold important items, in suit hes more talkative and is more of a grey vigilante compared to other spidermen bc he does kill some of his opponents depending on what they’ve done, he likes riding on top of subway trains for fun and sketches the city view a lot / people he sees on the train or walking around for fashion inspiration
also the scar / gash across his face is from the night he got bit, he accidentally shot his razor web at himself and split his cheek / nose / eyebrow open so a lot of the early story he wears multiple bandages going up his face, his “aunt may” is a retired drag queen who he meets accidentally on the subway on his way home from his intern job, she sees his drawing of outfits and compliments them and gives him her card to her boutique / bar, she used to design clothes for top brands herself but was black listed after coming out as trans (she is nonbinary and identified as both man and woman but when she started presenting feminine her career started to tank) now she takes care of lgbt ppl in the city, host clothing drives, and owns the building to her bar always offering a place to stay for people like pj
she knows he’s gay but wants him to figure it out on his own terms, shes the first person he runs to the night he’s bitten and she patches him up and promises to keep his secret, aaaand that’s all i got so far
tldr: scrawny poor weird gay kid dreams of being a fashion icon and gets forced into heroism
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 months
Headconnons about....
Buck Merrill (im aware that there isn't much info about him) but I like him, he seems like a cool character.
I wanna know what you think of him. How would you describe him and his life (meaning him working in the bar, him being friends with Darry, Dally and Tim)
How did Buck and Darry meet
How did Buck and Dally meet
How did Buck and Tim meet
Who did Buck meet first and where (for the three of them? In different places ofc)
How would he celebrate his birthday if he every has/celebrates it, you know just simple little things and how he got there in Tulsa.
Now I would like to headconnon that, Buck used to be a greaser with Darry and them but he retired and got the bar thingy (its fine if you don't like it) ohhh you should add how good a fighter he was (when he was a greaser) I feel like he really was a good fighter but he's a old man (He's not really old he's 25 y/o) he retired😭
In the beginning I said "Im aware there's not information on Buck" but I would love to see what you come up with, also he's my 3rd favorite character. (SORRY FOR WRITING SO MUCH😭 I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU COME UP WITH ABOUT BUCK, AND HIM BEING MY FAVE..😭 I WANNA KNOW WHO YOU PUT FOR THE, "WHO DID BUCK MEET FIRST" [THANK-YOU😭🙏🏻])
•personally, i like buck, he seems alright from what little we know about him
•i imagine him to b as put together as darry, but like a bit more grim, but slightly funny w messed up humor if that makes sense, he works at a bar ik hes seen some shit
•if i remember right i hc’d him as being black and trinidadian so he does have a bit of an accent, he moved to the us like 5 ish years ago, somewhere around there
•generally pretty chill guy if ur not annoying 24/7, hes that bartender who knows a lot about ppl bc ppl yap when theyre drunk
•his life obviously has hardships here n there but nothing like, too traumatic???? his life was just “pretty pathetic” as he would describe it so he got his shit together and got where he is now
•buck and darry met through tim before a rumble, tim was going to a rumble and darry was just seeing tim off cause he had to get back home(which was also before buck got the bar)
•tim and buck met bc buck used to b in the tiber street tigers (yes that is an actual gang in the book, yes i forgot exactly how they called themselves but it was somethin like that), tim and the street tigers used to have the alliance but that broke off and buck left not so soon after, and buck got a job working at the bar he would soon own and it was close to where tim lived
•buck doesnt belong to a gang now but its not uncommon to see him w tim for a bit
•dally and buck met when dally just moved to tulsa, before buck got the bar he was this worker another guy who owned the bar and buck and him became friends (not friends friends but not strangers either), eventually when the guy gave buck ownership of the bar, buck offered him a place bc buck knew what it was like to just bounce place to place not having a steady home and believe it or not doesnt want dally dying of like hypothermia
•he says its bc he doesnt want dally to hit that stage of hypothermia where u just feel rlly hot so u take ur clothes off n ur just naked n die cause “cops r gonna fall over just seeing ur ugly body bro just stay here”, so yea friendship🫶🏽🫶🏽
•he knows dally doesnt rlly live at the bar its kinda just a place for him to go if he has nowhere else, one stable thing in his life kinda
•as for his friendship for darry, its not a deep one, they respect each others hustle but dont understand each others life style but it’s whatever, if darry needs to vent w a lil prying and one singular drink from buck, he’ll say somethings
•w tim, not the closest of friemds as i said but the closest thing to a friendship between buck and dally and darry
•so in order of who he met it first to last goes dally, tim, then darry
•buck doesnt rlly celebrate his bday???? he does drink a bit more and indulge in junk food more but thats just about it, nothing special, he doesnt hate his bday its just, nobodys there to celebrate it w him so y would he put in the effort
•at best he drinks w tim maybe dally n goes “happy bday to me”
•hes that guy that nobody rlly knows his bday but everytime u see him hes just older, wether physically or like actually just older
•to b less depressing however, one bday he did get a dog and so buck does have a dog thats just runnin around in the bar, its like the mascot and everyone loves em, that dog is pretty much his best friend
•i do like that idea of him retiring from gang stuff n just getting a bar to “retire” so im stealing that now thx 😋😋 /j
•as for his days in the tiber street tigers, idk it wasnt much, he wasnt close to anyone in that gang, he was respected tho, he was a pretty good fighter, he was in that gang from when he was 18-20
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cherubcallremade · 5 months
Hi :-)! do you identify with any specific angelic being/type or is it ambiguous?
SO UHHHH as in official biblical angel depiction . i love cherubs they get me. theyre small and cute and fat and have little wings i like them a lot. i never rlly related to the archangel gabriel depiction (u know w the long blonde hair and the masculine face and white robes etc) but i think my favorite modern interpretation of angels is when ppl r like “yeah they’re telephone polls” or draw them with human bodies but giant stars as heads with eyes. also idk if they count as angel depictions but ive always associated the genre of “human figure that is featureless and glowing sometimes wearing clothes oftentimes outdoors” with angels. those are sooo me. i dont rlly connect with the current trend of biblically accurate angels (or torah accurate? ive seen discussion about whether the term biblical is correct for those depictions or whether they were pulled from the torah and not the king james bible) with the hoops and the eyes on the hoops and wings. those always seemed to be much more mature depictions of angels (like archangels, like gabriel, i think would look like that) rather than cherubs or even the hyperfeminine depiction of angels in media. sorry i hella went on a tangent there i just have thoughts
but overall this is me:
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menalez · 2 years
Thanks for your answer! Ok I get how a lesbian could be with a transman, that's still the same sex just very masculine. Or a straight woman with a transwoman, that's still opposite sex just very feminine. The masculinity or femininity is the preference. But what about those "straight" men who are into TW and say they're straight? If they really are straight, does that mean sexuality IS based on gender for some people? But wouldn't everyone who claims that just be bisexual in the end?
And you're right, most people don't fully pass / aren't fully transitioned ofc, but I'm wondering about that tiny minority.
im gonna tell u right now a lot of “straight” men hit on my very feminine gay male friend. this friend has not taken any hormones, has a very much male body, and simply has long hair & wears makeup & androgynous clothing. his face is somewhat feminine but that’s the extent of it. ppl can immediately tell he’s a man. but “straight” men loveeee going for him and fetishising him. we know the truth: they’re not straight. they’re in denial and think a feminine man is somehow not a man so it’s a-ok but there’s nothing straight about, for example, jeffree star’s “straight” ex-boyfriend of several years. like idk maybe some dudes r genuinely straight but go for the very passing trans women w bottom surgery bc “any hole is a goal” or w/e but the majority from what ive seen are just bi men with strong preferences
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dave-the-tech-guy · 1 year
,.., .. ,,hm .v1
[Nine crouches down next to Dave. Her curious gaze travels from techs patchy bloodstained clothes, to his missing limbs, up to techs lack of a face. They don’t blink, and her expression never changes; she simply huffs softly and shuffles on their feet. They clutch a few yellow flowers in their fist.]
..,, i dunno if u can like .,, hear me. down there. or up there? wherever u r . but i figured id ,, come visit, see you, ““pay respects”” and all that- i think . .v1
[She glances up to the clouds, then back down to the corpse with a wince. The sun is setting, but the light still doesn’t agree with her sensitive eyes. They shift side to side on her hooves once again. A beetle crawls peacefully up her leg.]
i dont rlly,, remember if we met at all. i dont think we did.., but ik aadam rlly cares abt u,,, & so does mark . .,. .v1
.,, um . & sso did a lot of other ppl. i dunno how much u cared abt them back .. or abt any1 else here in the county …,, but um . a lot of ppl miss u . ,, idk. i thought u might want 2 know .v1
[It’s not as if he’ll respond to her. She sets the flowers down next to the unmoving body, brushing them lightly to arrange them nicer. They register the beetle taking its sweet time crawling across her face, right as she sees another bug scuttle onto Dave’s chest and disappear out of sight. They briefly wonder whether the insects inspecting wires corpse would bother wire or not.]
but uh. iif u did care about them … ill try 2 take care of them 4 u ig , if itd make u happy 2 see them ok . idk .v1
[Nine takes a minute to ponder life, and death, and what it is to be human. The sensation of the beetle on her cheek irritates her suddenly. They swat the bug off her cheek and move back to sit, pulling her knees to her chest with a sigh.]
.,i hope u dont mind me sitting with u mr lee .v1
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onmymasa22 · 12 days
I love u but its not my job to fix u
I need to reparent myself. I dont have anxiety but i was raised by parents with anxiety. People everywhere i am have anxiety. And there was a lot i wasnt allowed to do. And that suffocated me a lot of the time. They were great parents and i never needed to worry about food or a roof or clothing or school. But them being narotic made me suffer and makes me need to parent myself and reteach myself to experiment and fall and live for myself. Maybe i want a tattoo that means i live for myself now. Im taking life into my own hands now. Im going to instill confidence in myself.
Dear little me.
When you were little, mommy and daddy said no to u alot. They were incharge strictly. They wouldnt let u cross the street, walk outside alone, drive, be out in tge rain, sleepover at someones house, have someone drive me. Everything was about their wellbeing. And thats self centered. They had no room in their heads for whst was best for my well being. They cared most about their anxiety remaining at a low level, and this made u feel not confident in yourself to be okay. It made having friends difficult. N9w that ur an adult and u have friends, u see, it wasnt ever about u. It was about them. And although their might be positives to this like individuallity and confidence to stick out, it gave me very little confidence in my skilld for things that no amount of words can fix. Im sorry u were raised like that. U deserved better than that. U had self absorbed parents. And now u need to be your own parent. Because u dont need them controlling you anymore. And you know, u r more capable than u think. Life is good to u and u r good to life. You will get everything u want from life. U will live the life u dream of. I wish i was a travel for months kind of person, but vacation kills me often. Im not a vacation person. Its great for a bit, but more than that is just too much. Im brilliant. I have enough scholastic smart to get by and my street smarts is off the charts for someone who isnt overly talketive. I am beautiful. I have a beautiful body, womanly and renassance paintingy. I have red wavy thick hair, big brown eyes, skin that tans and gets freckles in the summer. Sloping shoulders, long skinny legs. My feet are in proportion, everything is in proportion. Im kind. Im one of the kindest p
I will be a world famous artist with pieces in paris and everywhere. And they will b in a secretary in an office. I lear.t in life fhat some people r beneath me to engage in conversation with. Its beneath me. Its a princess talking to the tailor. I dont argue with a tailor. I dont argue with ppl living on the street. To me, u r like some idiot who lives on the street. And u treat me vad and i just know that thsts u. I forgive u for being a jerk to me.
I dont care. Arguing is a street person thing. Im above that. So maybe theres stuff i wish i said, or couodve said. But I'm glad i didnt engage.
The classes this past year were so stupid. Every class was a bust. But i had a blast in real life. With my friends. Going everywhere on shabbats. Honestly, the best class was archtypes. Its hard to not be egotistical looking at pples art. Cuz to me, its not art, or its selling art. I want to make fine art. I want to be one of those people students will talk about.
Every time they're an asshole to u, just think, ppl were assholes to all the famous artists. But u only need one to believe in u. Thats rachel. She gets me. R they going to give me her, probably not. Just like i asked for a room on the art floor with a window.
Ill be ok
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Tha security guards there were giggling while asking me if I had a drank in my purse at Hard cock cafe !! excuse MOi??? i have NEVER blacked out in ANY circumstance under the influence of alcohol! except at Von where the owner touched my belly button! (And maybe 1 more or 2 or 3 more times) i only have chewing gum and cigarettes, a blue condom from Ag Urgent care i'm afraid to use, and my hello kitty house key in my purse !! I tried to eye tha area to find a hot daddie but.... No luck SIGHHHH. V sad, v disappointing, lots of asexual - "it's strictly business"- vibes. Olive garden is MUCH better. (ask for anydrink with italian rum and Its a Guaranteed black out.not that I would kno ab tht tho.)
i saw debby ryan in a vanity fair commercial and frank ocean biking on a Benz bike in tha city . and amy poeler in a neuromarketing article online this week and now i feel like i was neuromarketed in a Neuromarketing article? I love science and psychology!!!!!!
Fashion tht im obsessed with RN!:
-Marie Antoinette Accessories + 90's Kristen dunst's FACE```
-Carrie bradshaw's grungey purple corset tryna b
80's madonna
-Heatwave attire : blazer with nothing inside , lingerie ONLY *most recommended to wear to ur local bodega cuz u hav GOT to b tha hottest 1 at tha deli<3*
-Crochet knit wear / crochet lingerie
-Full pussy out as the NEW LOW RISE!!! ! Inspo by julia fox. Tha queen herself wears it w a bald /Brazilian pussy but as a body positive and pubic hairadvocate, I personally enjoy a landing strip with a pussy tat. ^ ^
-wgsn.com (trendspotters run it and track fashiontrends + emerging brands/designers/store fronts)
-fashionsnoops.com (online forecasting + fashion
trend analysis service)
-snapfashun!! (LA+ European retail reports n merchandising trends. They have a fashion library n it's updated 14 times a year!)
Ur ex fiancé from La is cyber stalking ur friends thruthe dog's account and is tryna explain how he's new ly single/see how ur doing/n want 2 know what Yr face tat looks like????? i think i will spend the rest of my Life wondering why some people can bring out some emotions in me i never knew i could feel, some i never thoughtWERE possible to feel, and i think i will s pend a lot more time than i originally thought 2 unlearn the intensity of those emotions And to never again mistake it for "love.' And i will have to accept i'll never get the apology i truly deserve from ppl from La that "moved to Ny to have a fresh start" ... when they know they got more drama here than back west. Closure comes from within i know but some people best know it's on site .
i miss dancing w strangers in Le pain to Ol town road. We were all thinking the same thing, did we ever really think we'd dance to billy rae cyrus at a club when we'd grow up ? And sneaking bottles into jane hotel and dancing on the table tops while getting free clothes from designers, I love my life n i love all my friends I get to make memories with and I fukin love myself !!!! I want everyone to know ..... I'm in my hate male era!!!! and adderal era!! and taking NO shit era cuz i know im gullible but i sure as fuck am not stupid!!! ERA!!!!!!! Unemployed and omw to Washington, LA, then Mexico ERA!!!!!!
AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! ( Comment tht u heard
me scream if u heard me scream thru tha screen!!!!!) Til nxt week maybe?? :3
Xoxo, Ur fav gossip girl, bushwick baby, n
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carebearmareee · 2 years
heyyy <3 here for a matchup?? i remember trying to do one once, but hopefully you aren't the same person 'cus that'd be embarrassing 😳
ANYWAY. heres my totally aesthetic bio <3
— ( main three horoscopes ) cancer 🌞 gemini🌜& cancer ⬆️
— ( clothing style ) ( preferred since i can't rlly dress the way i want until i move out 😃 ) mixed?? a lot of fairygrunge. mmm fairygrunge <3 also punk vibes? kinder whore is VERY cool!! id like to look like a beat up babydoll who vomits black goo. 🥺
i also really enjoy regular fairycore, too!! victorian goth is gorgeous, and dark toned corsets r hot.
sometimes i like to wear lots of makeup, sometimes i just do thick mascara, babydoll lips and falsies <3 it's way easier since i burn out a lot.
not really a clothing thing, but i discovered this new (?) aesthetic that's called starflesh and OMG ITS COOL!
i don't have any piercings other than my ears, but when i can decide what to do with my own body, i plan on getting these ::
both nostrils
snake bites!!
maybe dimples? ( is that what they're called? )
double eyebrows <3
tongue? ( kinda scared tho )
and some other unmentionables 😃
probs gonna get every ear piercing known to man
— ( shit that i LOVE ) hiking. as long as im not tired, and in the mood. crystal hunting is cool, whether it's in the stores or out near creeks. never find any pretty ones out in the wild, though :(
thrifting is cool!! i love going to my local mall and getting myself dolled up so i can flex on the old (bigoted)people.
most of the time im sulking in bed, though :') i also love going for drives!!! i usually end up listening to music though, and not wanting to talk. but maybe that's just with my dad, idk 😳
i consider myself spiritual? idk, it's been a while but it's been rotting my brain lately.
— ( music genre? ) like.. literally anything. nu metal, indie, dark and classic pop, rap and more. talking about music artists would be easier, sooo i really love all of these artists and maybe more!! ::
Tyler the Creator
Lady Gaga
Tame Impala
MAC DEMARCO (pls ilhsm)
Steve Lacy
Pink Pantheress
i don't want this to be too long, but yeah go figure :')
— ( extra ) my favorite crystals ( mostly in color ) are amethyst, citrine, tigers eye, jade and rose quartz!!
my favorite yuuri boy is probs seth. ( atm, i love almost all except jack. sorry jack.. :< ) i really connect to his character..
but obviously it's cus we both have mommy issues HSHSHS.
tbh tho, yan!finn has been on my mind as of late though. mmm <3 obsessive witch man.
my fav animals r bats, deer, frogs (i feel like most queer ppl do), foxes, BARN OWLS, cats, dogs and probs way more.
SORRY THIS IS RLLY LONG i have the urge to literally tell everyone everything abt myself sometimes.
no because i wanna be ur friend like what u seem so cool. dhakrhajfaisj ok i just need to know what fandom this would be for i don’t think u said it on there but maybe u did and i’m just being a little bozo lmao
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futurecorps3 · 2 years
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 ♡
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Masterlist <3 ⚠️ASKS ARE OPEN!!! ⚠️(Check masterlist to see which fandoms I write for and if what you want isn't there, submit it anyway! I'm looking for some new fictional ppl to fall in love with hehe)
A/N: I am utterly in love with my beautiful, beautiful boy. Have this.
𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗:
𖤐 Hear me the fuck out 𖤐 F O R E H E A D K I S S E S 𖤐 From both parts, really. 𖤐 It's kind of your thing; your way of saying goodbye and hello. 𖤐 Listen, my man is 5'10 which means he totally wraps an arm around your arms/head and kisses you on the forehead then keeps it draped around you to hug you and have you close and- 𖤐 He'd totally sneak you out of your house late at night. 𖤐 And then proceed to sneak you back in, maybe even staying the night if he's feeling riskier than usual 𖤐 Of course, seeing Corroded Coffin play most weeks 𖤐 Teaching. You. How. To. Play. Guitar. 𖤐 I KNOW IT'S A VERY COMMON AND USED HC BUT IT WOULD SOOOOO HAPPEN 𖤐 Now, if you know how to play an instrument or sing 𖤐 He's going to have you up in that "stage" every single week. 𖤐 Maybe not for the entire show but he'd have you play/sing one or two songs <3 𖤐 "How can you be this fucking hot?" -Him after literally any display of your musical abilities 𖤐 The best worst part is that he does become way more clingy after a performance 𖤐 When his uncle has to work upstate or isn't home too often you live in the trailer. 𖤐 Eddie lives for it 𖤐 He lives for you cooking breakfast with him while blasting music from his old radio 𖤐 He lives for morning cuddles 𖤐 He lives for seeing you walk around in his shirts and underwear, crumbs of the pizza you ordered all over your clothes 𖤐 He lives for the naps you take on the couch with your body pressed against his while you were are watching a movie 𖤐 He's a simple man who loves the simple things yk 𖤐 Dancing around with him when cleaning up after the kids on hellfire club days 𖤐 Him trying to explain to you how to play Dnd 𖤐 You trying to understand 𖤐 If you succeed, well, hellfire afternoons just became even more interesting 𖤐 If you fail, it's okay, he'll explain again if you want to or leave it if you just don't feel like it 𖤐 He's okay because either way you'll be sitting on his lap while he terrorises those children 𖤐 Lots of dates in places you aren't really supposed to be in hehe 𖤐 Swimming pools at night, empty parking lots or anything you two can think of that isn't too dangerous/scary 𖤐 The type of guy who'd sneak a hand in your jeans' back pocket <3 𖤐 Or holding you by the waist 𖤐 Or an arm draped around your shoulders 𖤐 Always carrying extra hair-ties for you 𖤐 OH MY GOD 𖤐 Letting you do his hair. 𖤐 I think he wouldn't like crazy up-dos but definitely a ponytail or bun to keep his hair out of the way in the daily 𖤐 Studying together because '86 is the year baby 𖤐 Eddie is not dumb, it's just the educational system's way of teaching isn't made for him 𖤐 So when you find how to explain things to him in a way that's crystal clear, he'll catch on pretty quickly 𖤐 Passing notes back on forth all class 𖤐 You've gotten in trouble for it more than once 𖤐 And that's just because if you're not professing undying love for each other, you're making fun of teachers 𖤐 Except they don't find your jokes funny, lmao 𖤐 You totally own a hellfire shirt and match it up with one of his jackets whenever you wear it 𖤐 And yes, wearing his band shirts. 𖤐 Cheesy pickup lines even when you're already dating 𖤐 "So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?" 𖤐  "I’ve heard it said that kissing is the ‘language of love.’ Would you care to have a conversation with me sometime?" 𖤐  Yk that type of shit 𖤐  You'd be lying if you said you hate them, they always make you smile and with a need to shut him up with kisses 𖤐  I don't know how to explain it, but your love is like this song. 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is like having your soul warmly cuddled 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is having a boy who worships the ground you walk on 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is late night conversations and long walks through Hawkings when you're feeling down 𖤐 Dating Eddie Munson is being loved 𖤐 And that's all we need sometimes. <3
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
The Brothers and how they say they’re proud of you!
he’s the avatar of pride sure, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t give out compliments
in fact seeing you feeling proud of your own work or whatever you’ve accomplished makes him feel proud too
he says things like “good job. i know you worked hard on that.” so not entirely direct but it’s nice to hear
if it’s something you’ve been telling him about constantly though and then show it off to him once you’re happy with it? his heart warms and he makes sure to actually say it outloud this time
he doesn’t get sappy but it does touch him that you wanted to include him and wanted to hear his thoughts about it
i think abt older brother lucifer a lot. Be nice to him. please
he’s literally :D and !!!! outwardly when you do something you’re happy with or proud of
immediately goes to show you off to literally anyone that will listen....thanks king i love u
type of dude to have ur picture in his wallet and explain how cool u r to every cashier
it’s pretty clear he’s really proud of you but if you ask him he’s gonna freeze up at first and be like ??? obviously not i hate you. AND IMMEDIATELY REGRETS IT
he makes sure to outwardly tell you he’s proud of you from now own but now it’s the Only thing you will hear
yeah mammon has every single one of his brothers in his wallet??? and??? am i wrong??
dude he’s not even proud of Himself. How are you gonna get him to say it
honestly ppl don’t see Levi as a good older brother i’m gonna throw Hands. anyways
he is proud of you!! you can tell because he uses a ton of video game analogies and his eyes light up also stimmy hands!!!
will let you rant abt whatever you’re working on but he’ll make sure to bring up little details you mentioned to him so you know he’s actually paying attention
it’s honestly hard for him to say it outloud but he tells you it all the time over text
you have a five minute long voicemail saved from him that’s mostly him rambling but he also tell you he thinks you’re cool and that he’s proud of you :,)
straight to the point love this MAN thank YOU
listens to you rant and is like! wow! i’m proud of you good job! he really says it like it’s nothing but he’s smart and he Knows words mean things
once he notices it has a positive effect he makes sure to remind you every so often
sometimes he even does it if you complete a simple task like washing your face but sometimes that’s when we need to know it the most and Satan gets that
he was never really told that people were proud of him so please Return the favor....just. Good Vibes
he’ll have what you said to him on repeat for the next three weeks guaranteed
another man to say it CONSTANTLY
thank you King u have no idea how this effects me
breaks into your classes when you have a test to let you know he’s proud of you no matter the grade you get...
Lucifer stops that immediately so now Asmo is just in all of your classes so no more damage can be done
No more body issues in this house. Ok not actually but Asmo really helps you appreciate your body more! He makes you say things like i’m proud of this because......and will make sure to help you out if you get stuck!
Especially praises you if you do something like make up, nails, or clothes he will take pictures you cannot stop Him he’s PROUD
God. I love him so much. He just. doesn’t say it bc he doesn’t realize that’s what you want to HEAR.....dense n trying
Lots of closed eye smiles and head pats to show he’s proud! when your especially happy he gives you some of his food bc you clearly deserve it...weow :0
once you ask him to say it he’s like??? ok i can do that but you’ll need to remind him like twice. honestly just write it on his hand it’ll work better
hearing him say he’s proud of u with the closed eye smile and the head pat. Thanks KING
when he’s holding you he’ll make sure to tell you that he’s proud of you. he never gives a specific reason but he is :)
Beel just loves you and will say he’s proud of you whenever he wants to see you smile or cheer up
You want him to say he’s proud of you?? ok sure? it’s gonna be so half assed sir some of us have imposter syndrome HERE
then he realizes it’s a serious request and makes sure to only say it when he’s awake(mostly anyways)
because of this, he doesn’t say it often but when he does you know it’s genuine because of how he taps his fingers together
belphie also stimmy god cannot kill me
he is proud of you, knowing someone like you that’s affected his life in such a positive way really amazes and weirds him out when he thinks about it usually after he wakes up
bc of this u get lots of little texts and 3 second voice mails of him being like. thought of u. proud.
thanks belphie i needed that
ah!!! thank you so much to everyone that read my first set of hcs!! i wasn’t expecting it to blow up like that AT ALL i was 00 all day. I hope you guys like these too!! Times are hard right now and this is what i need to hear the most so i figure it would be nice to hear it from our favorite brothers too :) i’m proud of you for making it through today and they are too! keep fighting <3
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
I hope I got this right it's kind of a mess
May I request option 3 with Oikawa please 😅
A bit about me : I'm 4'9 a bit on the chubby side with tan skin and shoulder length black hair
Personality type is ISTP. I'm quiet and awkward but once I get to know u I can't stop talking. I can be a bit lazy/introverted sometimes but if I'm with friends I know how to have fun. I seem kinda cold and distant but that coz I don't really know how to show affection, but I do care v much. I'm a ppl pleaser and tend to follow the rules so I can blend with the crowd. (I seriously need an outgoing person in my life 😐) love quiet places, bookstores, theme/water parks, reading, watching anime and frozen yoghurt. I have a vintage/kawaii? aesthetic
For the scenario : fluff with some spice at the end maybe? 👀
How about Oikawa finally having a break after volleyball season to spend with his family. He just wants to sleep in with u but the kids have other ideas so they end up going to the beach. Oiks is just being a child himself and having fun with his kids making sandcastles and swimming while u r chilling with one of the kids coz u both don't like the sun. Maybe oiks crashes a beach volleyball game just to show the random strangers how it's done 😌
Again congrats on the milestone and Thank you 😗 ily
A/N; don’t worry this is just fine! And thank you♥️
warnings; Spicy near the end~ not too much tho!
Please enjoy~
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"It's so nice to have you home after so long" you sigh cuddling into your husband's side
He had finally gotten a break from volleyball and now he could spend time with you and your kids. After marrying Oikawa things were a bit hard when it came to quality time. It was even harder after you had become pregnant. He wanted to always be with you but at the same time, he had to be at his games.
Luckily he and his team had gotten about 3 months off, the same as summer vacation. It was one of those rare days when he got to sleep in with you. No early morning jogs, or workouts, just cuddling with his favorite person.
"Yeah, it seems like the only time we cuddle is late at night when I get home but," he shuffles to face you completely "now I'm here and we can sleep all we want" he lays a hand on your waist
"mm yeah" you hum snuggling in for some more sleep
"Mama! Let's go to the beach!" your son came marching in followed by his younger sister
"Yeah, papa! Beach!"
*Sigh*, so much for rest. S/N climbs onto your side of the bed while D/N makes grabby hands to be lifted up. Oikawa lifts her with ease and onto his stomach. You lift your son to sit between you both, here was the center of both your worlds. Your son was 7 and your daughter was 4. They were both polar opposites, D/N was basically a mini Oikawa and your son took more of your attitude.
"well so much for rest..." he sighed "how does the beach sound princes?" he asked you. Ah yes and, you were stationed with him in Brazil while he was on their team. It was almost like constant summer there. Although by the time the kids would be older he wanted to go back to Japan. For now, where you were was just perfect.
"sigh...maybe some sea breeze would be nice" both your kids start to jump on the bed with cheers and smiles "Alright, alright everyone, get dressed and then some breakfast and we can head out."
They stopped quickly and ran to their rooms to grab what they wanted.
"I love how you handle them" Oikawa complimented you with a kiss on your cheek "Come on, I wanna see you in a two-piece!" he shouts down the hall going to help the kids get ready. Going into your drawer you dig through your clothes until you come across a two-piece
"Hmmm, maybe not this time--oh! I remember this one!" you said pulling out one piece from the bottom. It was your favorite color with a low cut back and winches waist. Sure bikinis we’re the race right now but this really made everyone turn their heads. Especially a certain captain ;)
Slipping into the swimsuit you ready yourself with your sandals, bag, glasses, and other necessities. Mostly things for the kids like sunblock, towels, some beach toys, hats, and so many other things. To think you used to only take sunblock and maybe a book, thing change when your a parent huh?
"where is my darling wife? We're just about--whoa there! Hy if you look that good I might drop the kids off at my sister's place" he smirked coming over to you and wrapping you in his arms "Mmm you're just too beautiful for other men to see" he whined
"Well, too bad Mr, the kids want to go to the beach, and besides we haven't gone in a while. It'll be fun, come on" you said taking his hand in your and leading him back to the kitchen. kids were fed and ready, with huge grins on their faces. Usually like walking to the beach with them since it was only about a 10-minute walk.
locking up the doors and putting on some sunblock before you left you're on your way to enjoying a nice beach day. Walking along you say hello to neighbors and store owners. Y/D/N was sat atop of your husband's shoulders, while your son held your hand skipped along the sidewalk. You love to have moments like this. Happy simple moments together.
"Look, Papa!" your daughter points to the yellow-white sand of the beach with beautiful Crystal waves crashing onto the shore. A satisfying salty smell was in the air that filled your heart with excitement.
"Come on bud" Oikawa squats down to pick up your son. He had a habit of not letting them walk in the hot sand, his way of being an "awesome dad". But he was right, it was very thoughtful of him, he even did it to you before.
After finding a good spot he put down both your kids and helps me to set up. You open up the umbrella spread out some blankets and put down your small bag where you had carried some snacks and other necessities.
"Come here kids, you need your block" they both line up so that you can spray and lotion them down. Being in Brazil the sun was much closer than in Japan. Which meant sunscreen was a must!
"You too Toru, come here." you motion with your finger. he practically skipped over to you and plopped down on his knees ready for you to lotion him up. now listen, this was a way of kind of establishing your place to other girls who were around you. Some of them would give you looks and you would just smile back as you applied sunscreen to your husband.
"You turn lovely~" grabbing the lotion he turns to you and starts to apply. Starting gently at your face, then to your shoulders, your arm, your thighs (his favorite), and your back
"Alright, who wants to get into the water?" He said excited standing up
“Me, me Papa! Me!” Your little girl was excited as ever and of course a daddy’s girl. Picking her up abs jogs over to the water, leaving giggles behind
“What about you sweetheart? You want to join your father and sister?” You ask your son and he shakes his head coming over to your side
“I’ll just stay here mama” your son was a lot like you in a way. While your husband preferred to be in the spotlight, you and he preferred to cheer him on from the sidelines. Either way, you had company now. Climbing onto your lap he lays against you as you both enjoy the salty breeze.
You always loved the smell of the ocean, the calm saltiness in the air, the subtle sounds of the waves. It was coming, a bit strange but you really enjoyed it. An even better view was watching Toru enjoy himself. He held your daughter in the air and brought her down when a gentle wave would come and hit them both.
It’s then you saw your husband‘s eyes light up like Christmas lights. He then screws over to a volleyball game puts his daughter on the sideline and begins playing with them. He didn’t know whether to laugh or scold him, or maybe both. He eventually had a ball set over to him and he spiked it over the net. Then again you knew he couldn’t help himself whenever this would happen. You can only count the number of dates on the beach where the same scenario would happen.
It ended up with him apologizing for getting sand in your eyes. About half an hour later they came back, a bit sleepy from all the energy they had just used up. Sitting under the umbrella you bring out the snacks and juices. Everyone enjoyed their favorite sandwich, and small side snacks, and favorite drink. Looking over at your phone you had seen the time went by and it was already past three in the afternoon.
After one more return to the ocean all together y’all start to pack your things and head home. Your daughter fell to sleep on Toru’s shoulder on the way back home. Just as you enter your home the cloud started to roll in. This was your favorite part about beach trips when they ended and rainy days, it just made everything so much cozier.
After putting your son and daughter into bed for their naps you make your way to the bathroom to wash off all the sand. Getting in for us to turn on the warm water and close your eyes. The warm liquid cascading down your body relaxes in your muscles, meanwhile, the thunder clapped in the background faintly. You hear the shower curtain move slightly making you look over your shoulder.
"Hey," he said softly coming closer and pulling you towards him by your middle. He loves to do this, taking a calm shower with you close to him. Nothing really sexual about it but more intimate, and heartwarming. He felt closer to you, more content. Although sometimes it did lead to something more. But overall he loves to have a little alone time with you.
His hands squeeze your body slightly as his lips find your shoulder and neck.
"What are you getting at?" you giggle biting back a sigh
"Mm nothing, just admiring my wife's body is all," he answers a few seconds later you feel something poke at you
"Well, I would ask what's in your pocket--but obviously I can't"
"Well, is there asleep, and we have all night long~" his tongue Finds Its way gliding from your neck of your earlobe and taking it between his lips. He gives a small nipple and a chuckle escapes his chest.
"Aren't you tired from the beach?" you ask turning around and wrapping your hands around his neck
"I'll have to remind just how much stamina a volleyball player can have," he growls picking you up with easy and pinning you to the cool wall making gasp "and we have about, uuhh 7 hours until midnight"
Oh boy, you were in for a long night~
I hope this was okay! ♥️
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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okaywa · 4 years
Alright this is for my fellow big tiddy ladies who are insecure ab it ✌️😔 we out here struggling too
Bokuto and Akaashi -How they make you feel better about your tig biddies
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First of all, total horndog but a respectful horndog, he never makes you uncomfortable ab it
He loves your chest, it’s one of his favorite physical features about you bc when y’all are chilling alone he loves just?? Holding your boobs?? Not even sexually he just loves cupping then while watching tv or whatever
So when he learns you’re insecure about them he’s shocked
‘But you’re so beautiful!!’
‘They make everything 10x harder! I can’t find shirts that fit my chest AND my waist, swimsuits are impossible, don’t even get me started on working out-‘
Online shopping is out of the question all together
‘AND they’re heavy so they make my bra straps dig into my shoulders and I feel like they’re the first thing ppl notice ab me, and I’m always stressed in public that even when I feel confident enough to wear a tight shirt ppl think I’m slutty-‘
He’s got the surprised pikachu face bc how was he supposed to know all that but he’s very supportive and he loves you and you tig biddies so of course he gonna try to make you feel better
He can’t help you with finding clothes (I mean he’ll try to take you shopping but he’s gonna get just as stressed as you) so he focuses on making you feel better about how you look
Definitely googles ‘how to make girlfriend feel good about herself’ but doesn’t find anything so he asks Akaashi lmaoo
He’ll make sure to tell you EVEN MORE than he already does how beautiful you are and how much he loves everything ab you
CONSTANTLY hyping you up no matter what and makes you feel so special without it ever feeling forced or like he’s just trying to get you to stop talking ab it
Like knows exactly what to say?? And always compliments you on the little things that make your heart go 💫✨💫✨
During NSFW times he pays special attention to your chest 🥵🥵 making you feel good so you can see how nice your body is. Like always, not matter what positions you’re in, he’s got a hand on at least one boob
When you’re feeling confident and wear some tighter clothes/lower cut ones he’s gonna be your own personal cheerleader and hype you up the entire time
Has so many pics of you modeling on his phone that you think are cheesy but he lovvvvessss them
Keep in mind, HORNDOG, so he will talk about how much he loves holding and loving your boobs okay? When you’re along BE PREPARED for him to constantly try to slide his hands in your shirt and even tho it usually starts out as just holding he will try to escalate it
h o r n y for you
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Sweetest boy 🥺 sweet sweet sweet boy
Could already tell something was up before you even mentioned it bc he’s observant
Wondered why you would change so many times before going out and even when you were out he noticed you kept your arms crossed or a jacket on
He’d definitely bring it up first after a lot of thought on how to approach you ab it and how he could make you feel better
Was so sad that it was your body making you insecure and uncomfortable bc omg you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
Was it his fault?? Did he not compliment you enough???
You stop that immediately and talk to him about how your chest makes it hard for you to feel comfortable in clothes and in public bc you’re always worried ab ppl staring and judging even tho it’s not your choice to have these
Lowkey think he’s excellent at buying clothes? Like if he goes with you he’s gonna pick out the cutest most flattering shit and make it look easy
He never tells you you’re being weird or insecure about something that’s not a problem bc he knows how much it bothers you and just wants you to love and see yourself like he does
He’s such a good bf 😭😭
He’s a lot more quiet then Bokuto so I don’t think compliments are his thing as much as showing you his love is
Finds you so adorable and so even tho he doesn’t always say it, in private he constantly kisses you and hugs in you, especially when he can tell you’re not really feeling yourself
He never pushes you to try things you’re insecure about wearing but tells you he thinks no matter what you wear you will always amaze him
Especially your boobies
I think he’s definitely a boob guy and like Bokuto loves touching and just holding you
UNLIKE Bokuto he never really tried to escalate it bc he loves the moments where he gets to lay next to you and touch you without any expectations for it to go anywhere
But during NSFW times he’s super attentive and bc he loves your chest he’ll always put side time to fully focus on your boobs so you know how much he loves and appreciates them
Makes sure you KNOW how much he loves your chest and how attractive he finds it
Loves when you feel confident in what you’re wearing and even tho it’s not his thing he compliments you ENDLESSLY
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anatolypilled · 3 years
anatoly hc time He has sensory processing issues bc i do as well and all i know how to do is ! Project onto characters:
- one of his main things is that he Cannot tell when it is too cold !!!!!!! it's always been a thing of his ever since he was a child. Anatoly loved playing in the snow but if his mother didn't send him out with a jacket then he'd literally just go out in a thin long sleeve and be ok. there are times where he'd sneak out and his mother would catch him playing and she'd physically drag him back inside n try n warm him up bc he used to get sick bc of this
- he hates it when ppl touch him without his permission. and there r places on his body that when touched just make him so uncomfortable and want to just tear his body parts off. everyone around him eventually learns that you Actually need to anatoly whenever u touch him or he just shuts down.
at first, molokov used to think anatoly was just overly sensitive and weird ..... but Then he started to notice how when someone would accidentally brush his shoulder or pat his back he'd freeze up and just wouldnt talk/talk very little. it started to affect his chess and molokov eventually was just .... ok this is a real thing i guess but hes good at what he does and he'll the best of us one day, i can figure something out .... so they limited handshakes and touching and stuff like that, and molokov learns to announce every time he needs to pat his back or shake his hand
it was more difficult with svetlana and his children ... he just told her outright that he didnt like. To be touched without someone asking no matter who it was and at first she was very apprehensive abt it. She did feel kinda offended mostly bc she just didnt understand? then one time they were walking in the park or something and someone just bumped into him and he shut down. they were talking and having a nice time before, but the moment That happened he just stopped. from that point on she understood, she rlly did. His kids learn to ask their father for hugs, or ask him if he would like a hug or something like that. !!!! anatoly gladly gives them that always !!!
same thing w freddie !!!! he learns rlly quick to ask him if he wanted to be held or something like that, and their sleeping arrangement is them on the complete opposite sides of the bed. its not like they dont love each other or smth .... freddie Understands
- CERTAIN CLOTHING TEXTURES MAKE HIM VERY IRRITATED ...... MOLOKOV USED TO MAKE HIM WEAR RLLY TIGHT SHIRTS AND THIS TWEED JACKET WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER AND IT MADE HIM SO. ANGRY like the texture was so rough and hard against him he just couldnt focus ????? it pissed him off so much and he'd see the other boys with their shirts and tweed jackets acting normal but He Just Couldnt. it started to affect his games and he went on a long losing streak all bc of a damn jacket, and it was distressing him a lot . But molokov rlly took to anatoly back then and once again... knew he was their best chance at winning so he let him wear a smoother jacket and looser fitting shirts. when that happened... his career just took off
- one of the reasons why he enjoys chess so much is bc of the quiet it provides. no one's talking, no one's speaking to him, no one's touching him, it's just him, the board, and his opponent. one of his favorite textures is the felt under the pieces .... whenever he takes his opponent's piece he holds it in his hand and rubs his thumb on the smooth felt there. its very soothing n comforting to him and it helps him focus
- BUT the worst thing abt chess for him is when he plays these big games and gets sensory overload. suddenly the clacking of the pieces against the board is too loud, the flickering lights are burning his eyes, the soft chatter of the crowd hurts his ears, he hears the scratching of the pencil against paper, the smell of smoke coming from the crowd, and he feels like he tastes the air around him ... tangy and metallic and Too Much and he just shuts down. it rly only happens to him when hes just overly stressed and its been a bad week for him .... just all culminates into this big meltdown where he has to leave the game and take comfort in his hotel room. there he takes off his jacket and unbuttons his shirt and paces around and around and around until hes calm. he rubs his hands on his thighs too but by then its already a nightmare bc hes already walked away from the game. sometimes molokov is able to negotiate, but sometimes he isnt and thats just that.
- anatoly really hates how hes like that. Bc he never had words to explain what he felt—he didnt understand why tweed jackets made him feel so horrible, they just did. he didnt understand why a simple unannounced brush on his shoulder made him freeze, it just did :/ nevertheless he does his best to power thru and there r ppl who actually respect his boundaries n such n ppl who he feels comfortable around !!
ok thats all for now Bye
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smallcrystals · 3 years
so for some context for this headcanon: timber is afab, his family is from south asian descent, and his parents died when he was around ten
and this is LONG so buckle up !!!
timber was brought up knowing the general idea of a boy and a girl but he didn't really understand why he had to stick to one if he didn't feel like it. his parents tended to avoid the topic of gender and sexuality as a whole so he didn't have much to go by. he confined his thoughts of feeling more like a guy with gloriosa and she made sure he didn't face any queer discrimination from anyone to keep him safe
after their parents died, timber was kind of free to consume more diverse content since he had no one else to tell him not to, so he was pretty accepting of being gay and trans at a young age, reading books he asked gloriosa to get for him
he had to grow up fast so he ended up reading a lot of young adult at 12-13 (since there was more likely gonna be gay/trans ppl in those compared to books for his age)
despite not having a lot of trans rep, he had the internet due to his homeschooling. he was able to research a lot more abt being trans so he'd be more educated and helpful towards them (he sometimes brushed off the feeling of relating too hard to trans men, thinking he was just a really hardcore tomboy)
he realised he found himself attracted to girls and had various crushes but bc of the fact he felt like a boy, he mixed that up with attraction to boys (which he always 'had' since he thought he was a cishet girl at one point). but he still found boys cute and wanted to kiss them so :]
timber liked helping out at the camp a lot with wood and stuff since their dad at the time was the only "man" in the house. his dad didn't think anything of it and was just glad someone could help him out for once, so that continued on after they passed
timber preferred keeping his hair short since it got annoying bc of the curls. he kept it shoulder length until after his parents passed, then he asked gloriosa to cut it even shorter to the hairstyle he has now. my boy cried when he looked at himself in the mirror
it was around 14 where he realised he may be a boy and not a girl when his body started developing. he never got any bottom dysphoria so periods were never a massive thing for him (he just found them annoying) but he didn't like having boobs 😭
gloriosa managed to get T for him as a surprise one day and timber. like. SOBBED
she helps him take it when necessary until he got the hang of it himself and it just very helpful :(
timber noticed how much stronger he was getting after a few weeks on T and he got so excited. he was already strong beforehand so man just got stronger
he binds until he can get surgery which he gets at 18 (so yes in loe he is binding :>)
but it's actually rlly annoying bc man develops double d cups and is like . WHEN CAN I GET RID OF THESE THEY SUCK so he ends up only binding during camp sessions and doesn't when there aren't any campers at everfree
present day timber when someone comments rudely abt why he got top surgery and not bottom: LISTEN I JUST DIDN'T WANT FEMALE DOUBLE D BOOBS ON MY BODY IS THAT SO BAD???
he realised he liked people regardless of gender so he ids as pan! he's never really found a label for himself until he realised he's trans (he's known pre-loe)
he comes out to twilight after she tells him she's bi, so he comes out as pan and trans (a lot more nervous abt the trans bit but she's completely supportive abt it!!)
twilight gladfully reminds timber to take his hormones bc man forgets sometimes 😔 makes a timetable and everything and timber is just..... head in hands
this is my friend maisa's hc but i had to put it in here bc it's so cute:
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timber is. so funny when ppl ask him invasive questions like it's none of your business !!!!
"whoa dude youre stronger than me and i'm the real man here" "oh what if i break your real man nose and kick you in the real man nuts then what"
timber gets top surgery done and it goes well!! since he's got a lot of muscle, he wanted his chest to fit that and it looks great in his opinion, he's very happy !!!
timber still likes wearing skirts occasionally and he pulls them off so well. he and flash went skirt shopping once
he lets rarity put make up on him at a time and he occasionally decks up
ppl ask him why he still wears feminine stuff and short answer is "i look better in it than you :)" but rlly, it doesn't give him dysphoria! timber doesn't personally associate his sex with his gender and doesn't feel like he needs to present the way society expects him too. he just does what he does to feel comfortable and doesn't give a shit what anyone else thinks!
timber goes to rarity to get some of his ethnic clothes styled in a little more feminine way (backless salwar for example) and just gets super giddy when he wears it
mehndi (henna) is typically for girls so he wore it as a child during eid and stuff but he didn't stop as he transitioned and always goes to gloriosa to get it done bc she does it really nicely
gloriosa tells him whenever he feels down that she's very proud of him and how far he's come and she'll always be there for him no matter what :(
timber's T ends up messing w his period so sometimes it does come, sometimes it doesn't and it's absolute hell. it used to be regular before but then. 😔 he doesn't get that bad of cramps anymore tho 😎
timber shaves! being south asian, he was bound to get a lot of body hair anyway but being on T just made it. Worse. he shaves frequently and just prefers it that way for himself!
even after timbertwi break up, twi still keeps reminding him to take his T. they're still very close friends!
flash walks in to timber taking his T one day and gets concerned bc he doesn't know so he's like . "timbie what r u doing....." and timber isn't comfortable yet telling him so he says he knows what he's doing and he's not comfortable telling flash yet. flash respects him and leaves the room until timber's done
timber ends up telling him sometime soon (like a few weeks) n flash is like "OHHH you were taking your testosterone, i'm so dumb", timber says "never stopped being dumb" and flash tackles timber
timber's pretty confident in himself after a while. that's where his ego shit comes from, he tries to hype himself up despite not beliveing it or having doubts but he does eventually and he's rlly proud of himself :}
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABT HEIGHT but timber gained tall genes from his family so he was already pretty tall before he started taking T!! he's taller than flash and he teases amab flash all the time for it hehe
and that's all so far !!! hope you got the seretonin you wanted!!
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