#i like his cane too but that is random isn't it
crispbake · 5 months
jonhshi headcanons you say?
- kenshi pinches johnny. a lot. as a joke, as a corrective action when johnny's being odd about something, for no reason at all. it's like the urge to bite, but... pinch.
- in return johnny gets to be a biter. not even just in bed, everywhere (except for around other people). johnny's the type to just give into the urge to gently gnaw on kenshi and kenshi lets him. lovingly.
- johnny is wildly defensive of kenshi. kenshi asked that johnny just not joke about his blindness for a while, and johnny was happy to do so. that also included, apparently, johnny snarling at anyone who DOES make blind jokes at kenshi's expense.
- they're t4t and tism4tism.
- they're also, even though it doesn't have a term yet, both disabled. kenshi being blind obviously, and johnny i actually headcanon as being hypermobile. very hypermobile. and there's really only so much being very very strong can do when you're that hypermobile and your joints are determined to get weird, so johnny probably does have occasional pain flare-up days. they'll stay inside and take care of each other
- or, if the responsibilities that day are unavoidable, johnny will take a cane or crutch with him to town, and kenshi wil tag along, returning the favor of biting anyone who makes a joke at johnny's expense (that johnny obviously isn't okay with)
- kenshi is scary dog privileges
- johnny, when he's the guard, is creepy cat privileges (i made that up but there's no better way to describe it)
- to expand on johnny being hypermobile- no grown-ass man in his late 20s is hitting the splits that fucking easily, painlessly, without prior stretching. he's just death dropping in some of his animations. and i just don't think he has a stretching routine for that. it's his party trick, something he can just *do*.
- kenshi finds johnny's flexibility wildly hot
- (when it's not causing him pain, ofc)
- kenshi's tattoos weren't done himself but at some point johnny unlocks the lore that kenshi apprenticed under one of the tattoo artists in the yakuza, and actually graduated to full artist before he left the yakuza. kenshi is a seasoned tattoo artist
- johnny jokes about opening a flower shop across from him so they can be just like the stories. kenshi doesn't understand the reference.
-they have an actual conversation at one point about the after-- once kenshi has completed his quest, and johnny's career is fully winding down. the plan is to get a flat above a storefront, and turn the storefront into a tattoo shop.
- kenshi wears sleeveless turtleneck compression shirts when working out and johnny fans himself like a victorian maiden every time
- (last one i prommy) johnny once wore a clownish formal outfit to the gala celebrating the success of the ninja mime movie. to this very day, kenshi maintains that one was his favorite outfit johnny's ever worn on the red carpet.
i am going to respond to every single one of these damnit
THE PINCHING/BITING IS SO ACCURATE. like i cannot explain what it is about it but that’s just so them. they do different things but it’s the same concept ghdjdkwkw
YES! johnny is super defensive of kenshi not because he thinks he needs to be, he knows kenshi can hold his own, but because he cares about him too much. i’m sure at first when it was still raw johnny never made any comments but i’m sure it reaches a point where kenshi starts joking about it himself and assures johnny he’s come to terms with it. but if anyone else makes a comment OOOH it’s over for them.
i rlly do love trans headcannons for them. whether it’s t4t or one of them is trans while the other is cis i do not care i eat that up every time. I ALSO FOR SURE SEE TISM4TISM!! johnny has the hyper fixations/knows random facts autism while kenshi has the not really sure how to handle your emotions autism. i think he gets overstimulated too which is also from his other senses being heightened once vision was gone.
I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT HIM BEING HYPERMOBILE BUT IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE! he’s doing the splits on the battlefield i mean come on?!?!??!? (i saw you mentioned this later on LMFAO see u get it)
yes 100% johnny gets scary dog privileges cause of kenshi. too many fans in his face? kenshi doesn’t even EYES for god’s sake and i’m sure a look in their direction will scare them off at least somewhat. and johnny is for sure creepy cat. it’s like “can i come over and be weird and offputting” literally him.
oh yeah the flexibility while it has its downsides for sure comes in handy sometimes. (in bed) i know kenshi is manhandling him into wild positions and johnny loves it. so does kenshi of course.
I’VE POSTED ABOUT THE FACT THAT I DO THINK KENSHI HAS AN INTEREST IN TATTOOS THAT ARENT HIS OWN! he could definitely tattoo johnny i just know he has steady hands and it would come out so awesome.
kenshi not getting the flowershop thing is so real johnny definitely then went off on a long tangent explaining it. i feel like they could just be grocery shopping and something gets johnny going and he goes off on a long spiel as they’re walking around, i’m sure this is an often occurrence. kenshi loves listening to him talk but again, the heightened senses, he probably does occasionally need to rest his head so he kisses johnny to shut him up LMFAO (and it always works that man is so easily distracted)
oh yeah johnny loves the compression shirts for sure kenshi looks good in anything. but he does wild for kenshi in short sleeves. he doesn’t wear them super often to cover up his tattoos but when he does goddamn. johnny feels like the luckiest man in the world.
JOHNNY IN A CLOWN THEMED FORMAL OUTFIT FOR THE NINJA MIME PREMIERE MIGHT JUST BE MY FAVORITE ONE OF THESE LMAO. saved the best for last. johnny for sure wears eccentric and colorful outfits on the red carpet. i mean have you seen his MK skins? this man has style he isn’t playing around.
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win-writes · 1 year
𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘔𝘦
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༶ contains: fluff, overwhelmed!jouno, jouno using mobility cane, established relationship
༶ word count: 0.8k
༶ a/n: based on this post that got way more attention than i thought! i feel like jouno's disability isn't talked about enough throughout the manga, so I'm trying my best to make up for it! always open to constructive criticism by anyone who can help me be more accurate when writing for jouno
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To say working as a Hunting Dog isn't easy, would be an understatement. Especially for the man who depends on his sharp hearing to make up for his lost vision. Sure, it comes really handy when it comes to interrogations or investigations, but it's times like this very moment when Jouno feels as if he's no different than an average human being with the same disability as his.
After a tiring week full of missions, Jouno finally has the chance to spend some time with his dear darling. Your date at your favorite café filled your heart with so much joy and warmth that only he could bring you. Of course, the same goes for him.
On your way home, unfortunately for your boyfriend, the streets are relatively busy. Countless cars passing by, crowds chattering, loud music from the local shops. Smoking cigarettes, a plethora of perfumes and scents. All kinds of sounds and smells attack Jouno's senses, making it difficult for him to navigate on his own.
"Baby, are you sure you're okay?" your voice is filled with worry for your partner, who can't seem to be able to hide how overwhelmed his surroundings make him feel. He gives you one of his soft genuine smiles "Yes my love. I'm just tired, that's all"
You may not have the ability to hear his breathing, but you know Jouno like the back of your hand, you don't need to put much effort to tell he's lying "It's alright" you caress his back ever so softly and Jouno swears he can feel his heart melt at your loving touch "do you need help?"
Much to his displeasure, Jouno knows he can't take more than two steps forward with the amount of information he has to process to do such a simple thing like walking home. He simply nods his head to you, too proud to admit out loud that he indeed needs guidance to continue.
You detach your hand away from his back to reach out for your bag. The loss of contact forces Jouno's hand to subconsciously tug on your arm, ensuring you are right next to him "I'm right here baby" a simple sentence like this is enough to cancel every backround noise for a moment and fill Jouno's ears with nothing but your lovely voice.
You're quick to take out his cane, carefully unwrapping it before handing it to him "There you go my love" Jouno lets out a quiet sigh before taking his cane in his hand. You don't fail to notice the change in his expression, his sad closed eyelids, his smile turning into a thin line and his head slightly titling down.
You know how stubborn your boyfriend is and how he easily lets his pride get the best of him at times. Combined to how exhausted he is right now, it's only natural for him to feel self conscious about his current public presentation.
You gently wrap your arm around his own "It's okay" you whisper before placing a kiss on his cheek "Are you ready to go my love?"
A wave of sharply edged euphoria washes over him at your affections. His smile slowly takes its place back on his lips, before turning his face to your side "Of course angel"
With your arms perfectly linked together and the assistance of his tool, you successfully make it pass the sea of people, steadily gaining distance from the lively street. Throughout the whole way, Jouno felt his heart skipping numerous beats every time your delicate fingers drew random patterns on his limb. Normally he would tease you for being so openly affectionate, but today he couldn't help but just let himself enjoy your warmth and love for as long as he possibly can.
At last, the noise eases and the fog inside jouno's mind finally clears away. He sighs with a smile on his face, relieved that the world around him finally starts making sense again.
"Feeling better?"
His arm that was previously wrapped by your hand now moves to rest on your waist, pulling you closer to him. You giggle at the way your noses brush against each other, sending a jolt of pleasure to his entire body.
Jouno could never imagine himself being so vulnerable around anyone. Throughout his whole life, he had to live in constant alert to danger; both as a criminal executive and as a hunting dog. Never once in his life did he believe someone as pure as you would take him in and shower him with so much love to finally allow him to have his moments of weakness.
"Much better"
He whispers before capturing your lips into a sweet kiss, thanking his lucky stars for sending him an angel like yourself to lighten up his days and helping him escape the darkness that surrounds him when he needs it the most.
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anxious-lee · 4 months
|| Jayvik Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: in the spirit of doing what I want, I decided to grant these fruity ass motherfuckers some tickle fluff. yes it is ooc but at least they're happy :,)
I use the words "you" in this list but that's just how my brain dialogue comes out fastest. the "you" is always meant to be jayce or viktor
This list is in the context that they are married, so if this isn't your ship, you might not like this list. oh and there's tickling but whatever
- jayce and vik are both lee-leaning switches
- but viktor gets tickled slightly more often than jayce does; he's a grumpy cat man and needs the affection
- let's start with viktor:
- very very ticklish
- wasn't touched a lot throughout his life, so his skin is very sensitive
- a few skittering fingers can have him leaping out of his skin
- most ticklish spots are his underarms definitely. unfortunately his arms aren't super strong so while he of course does try to squeeze them shut to block the spots, it doesn't keep the ler out
- his ribs are his second worst. he's so skin and bones at this point that just massaging the bone through his skin has him laughing hard
- his laugh ranges from high-pitched chuckles to near-silent and breathy hiccups. jayce knows he's hit a jackpot when he hears the silent laugh
- idea from @tickly-trashcan that jayce will scoop viktor up and plop him on a counter so he can't escape his tickle attack
- tickly kisses are his kryponite
- viktor doesn't hate tickling but doesn't love it either. before he met jayce, he didn't like it at all. he thought it was undignified. he still does, but that's kind of the fun of it. what's the good in spending your life working if you don't let yourself play every now and then?
- will go along with it for the game of it or because he's simply too exhausted to fight back
- if he senses a tickle ambush coming, he'll start waving away his attacker (jayce) with his cane, threatening to bonk him with it
- i cannot communicate how cute of a lee he is. despite the cold exterior, he is a ticklish little puppy
- VERY squirmy. CANNOT stop squirming
- said it before but I'll say it again: ✨️ hiccup-laughter ✨️
- he doesn't like the fluffy kind of tickle teasing. if you must, go for snarky comments and sarcastic quips. that'll make him blush
- can't outrun his ler, so he's in deep shit when jayce is in a ler mood
- can't chase his lee either so escaping him is pretty easy
- which is why it's so sus when jayce still manages to get caught by him. almost makes one think jayce doesn't WANT to escape hmmmm???
- but back to viktor
- he is a shockingly good ler
- his hands have spent a lifetime delicately handling machinery so you know he's got some meticulous fingers
- very observant to what spots hit you the hardest
- teases you about possibly enjoying yourself because of how little you're trying to escape
- treats wrecking you like a scientific experiment. ("let's see what happens when I touch right... here" "hm. you seem to be very ticklish there. i will need to gather more data on this, for science, after all")
- remembers every one of your tickle spots. every single one.
- laughs with his lee. it's all just so silly and ridiculous ❤️
- bro isn't as ticklish as viktor but he is fucking BAD
- also doesn't have as much self-control as viktor in order to hold his laughter in in time. (I can't tell you how many times he's accidentally been prodded and he's let out a laugh in the middle of a council meeting. in an otherwise quiet room. viktor teases him about this relentlessly)
- similarly to when gets caught sneaking into his lab, jayce is terrible at talking his way out of getting tickled. he panics and says the most random shit in an attempt to distract the ler for long enough to get away. viktor is unfortunately too smart for it and it never works
- laugh ranges from adorable little deep giggles to infectious belly laughter
- does actually enjoy being tickles him but is completely humiliated by it. trying to get him to admit it is like pulling teeth
- exaggerates to viktor how much he DOESNT love it and is JUST going with it to be a good sport
- ^ says the man who sits perfectly still while getting his shit wrecked
- teases that point out how much he's having fun fluster him BEYOND SPEECH. BITCH GOES NONVERBAL AT THAT SHIT
- hides his face when getting tickled, even if just a little bit
- poor boi is so embarrassed
- most ticklish spots are his sides, which make it super convenient for viktor to jab his the end of his cane into his side at any given time
- second worst spot are his feet
- in a tickle fight, viktor is the one to call mercy most of the time
- jayce has the advantage of not being crippled and ill 🤷‍♀️
- most ticklings between these two happen either when they're bored or restless in the lab or in bed as they're preparing to sleep
- jayce is not a great ler, but he loves to be one
- he is so addicted to making vik laugh to the point where it starts to get on viktor's nerves if he's trying to work
- jayce has SERIOUS ler moods. he doesn't know that's what they're called or that there's even a word for it, but they're there
- prefers to tickle with vibrations and squeezes
- teases viktor with things like "what was that? I can't hear you, can you speak up?" knowing damn well vik's laughing his lungs out
- ^ other oblivious and sarcastic teases are jayces specialty
- a very fast tickler. you think he's in one spot and then suddenly he's moved to another
- uses tickle hugs
- jayce first found out viktor was ticklish one late night at the lab when viktor refused to call it a night. jay tried bargaining with him to get him to go to sleep, but he wouldn't budge. exasperated, jay tried lifting him to bed, but when he pulled him up by his armpits, vik started to giggle and pull away. let's just say convincing viktor to sleep became a lot easier after that
- viktor learned jayce was ticklish a few weeks later. the latter was so enthralled in his notes that he hadn't noticed viktor was talking to him. after calling to him several times, vik hobbled over and jabbed him, right in his unprotected side. jay jumped in his chair with a half-laugh, half-yelp and asked vik what he needed, very flusteredly. viktor, amused, asked "what was that?" and proceeded to poke fun at him. jayce, absolutely mortified, wouldn't face him until he changed the subject.
- but they've both grown to appreciate the laughter filled moments they spend together ❤️
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menacing-menace-rat · 3 months
Heya! Just saw your post so I hope you don't mind my fluff related somewhat crossover of Batman and Moon Knight:
In this random AU, Bruce Wayne witnessing the death of his parents was such a traumatic moment that it would spiral to give him DID (his extra personalities being Steven Grant and Jake Lockley from Moon Knight).
Now in present time, each character of the batfamily (of your choice) while doing something together (maybe training perhaps) can't help but each remember fondly about the first time meeting Bruce and eventually finding out and meeting his other personalities as well and how much it was quite a surprise. They even each tell their most fondest memories with Bruce, Steven or Jake, by the end, they don't realize that Bruce Wayne has came back, smiling with Steven Grant and Jake Lockley also feeling happy.
Hope that's okay, thanks and have a great day
Hey! Okay I think I understand the request but in case I don't, feel free to ask again. I have never done cross over stuff before but I love both batman and moonknight so I'm excited to try. They really feel like they fit together so well. I can totally imagine the wild interactions between these men. Anyway without further or do here you go! 😄
        The kids were used to Bruce's changes. Most of them thought of Steven as a second dad. Jake only came out when needed but having a family seemed to mello him out almost like he felt safe with them.
        It had been a rough night for everyone. Gotham just seemed to be falling deeper into the hands of crime lords and maniacs. Dick, Jason, and Tim made their way to the kitchen for a snack before bed. 
        “Any of you catch Jake and Bruce arguing again?” Tim asked as Dick grabbed them all some cereal. 
        “Nah I got real good at tuning out their bickering. Don't take them so seriously. They will work it out.” Jason says as he shoves a whole huge spoonful cereal into his mouth. 
         “Do you guys remember a few Christmases ago when Steven and Alfred worked all morning to set up the living room for a Christmas card photo and Damien puked all over the rug?” Dick said as he finally made himself a bowl. He smiled as he remembered the look on everyone's face. There they all were dressed in their finest and poor Damien just couldn't keep it down. 
          “All I remember was the smell. I told him not to eat the ancient candy canes in the decoration box.” Tim said with a chuckle. “I thought you were going to bring up when Jake bought that bike and tried to park it in the greenhouse. I thought Bruce was going to throw that thing in the pool for a second.” Tim added. 
         “Oh my God I forgot about that!” Jason interjected as he choked down another large spoonful. “That bike was great. I think that was the first bike I ever rode. Jake can be a pain but he taught me everything I know about bikes. I hope Bruce wasn't jumping down his throat too much tonight. The guy really has a knack for taking the fun out of vigilante work.” 
         Everyone knew Jason and Jake were close. When Jason first came back from the dead Jake was the only person he'd let near him. They just understood each other. Jake was the father Jason thought he needed. 
         “Jake's alright but Steven will let me talk his ear off all day if Bruce isn't busy. I even got him into RPGs and he helped me rebuild my computer.” Tim commented finishing his bowl of cereal first.
       The boys continued talking about their shared experiences with Bruce, Steven, and Jake. It's an unconventional set up for a family but they all manage to make it work together.
       At some point Bruce realized they hadn't gotten around for bed yet so he looked in the one place he knew he'd find three teen boys, the kitchen. Sure enough they were there all sat on stools, cereal long finished. They were boisterously recounting their favorite moments with their surrogate fathers. If Steven had been in control a tear might have come to Bruce's eye.
       The sun started to rise and eventually they all went to bed. Bruce couldn't help but sleep a little sounder knowing Steven and Jake were loved by his adopted sons. He couldn't ask for a better family.
        It got a little sappy near the end but I hope you enjoyed. It was a really fun AU to write. The idea is super creative and sweet. I hope I did it justice. 💕
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plussizefantasia · 8 months
Hallow's Eve
Flufftober Day 24: Ghost AU
Matt Murdock x ghost!reader
Word Count: 1.5k
AN: This one really isn't my favorite but I think that's just because I'm not very good at writing Matt. Anyway... Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated and I'll see y'all tomorrow.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Matt didn’t celebrate Halloween, he doesn’t really remember when he stopped just that Stick thought it was childish, and there wasn’t time for silly little traditions when he had much more important things to do. 
“You’re telling me that all other 364 days a year, you roam around the neighborhood in a red devil costume but, you don’t celebrate Halloween.” Foggy had asked incredulously when he asked Matt if he wanted to go out and pretend to be younger than they were for the one night a year it was socially acceptable.
“That is exactly what I’m telling you. Besides Foggy, I’m busy, we’ve got a case to present on Monday and we don’t have a solid argument yet. I will be here, doing my job until my job is done.”
“You’re an enigma man. Sometimes it’s like I don’t even know you.”
“Not funny Foggy, I’ll see you on Monday.”
It was pure luck that Halloween fell on a Friday this week, it meant that Foggy who no longer had the metabolism that he did in college would have two days of recovery time. And he would be able to actually do his job on Monday, which was important given that his name was on the front door.
Matt continued working through the sounds of drunken cheers that floated from down the street. He worked until the moon had risen, and risen and risen a little further until it was a little ways past the middle.
That's when you showed up. People weren’t wrong when they said that there was a stronger connection to the spirit world on Halloween. You’d been watching this man work all night, but you couldn’t understand why exactly he had all the lights off. It hadn’t been recently that you died, but when you did you were pretty sure that most humans couldn’t read in the dark.
When the clock struck three though, the witching hour began and you could feel yourself beginning to take shape. Still in the clothes you were in when you died, your silhouette began to fade into existence. 
Had Matt actually been able to really see he would instantly clock the faint glow that surrounded your body. The way that he could sort of see the other side of his office through your body. He would’ve been able to see that you weren’t really alive.
“Do you normally work in the dark?” You cautioned a question. The man hadn’t freaked out which from your understanding was usually the first thing the living did when they were presented with something they didn’t understand. They tried to kill it which in your case had already been done, or they ran away in fear. This man hadn’t done either and you were far too curious to let it go.
Matt, at hearing your words practically jumped three feet in the air. His heart started racing and it was all he could hear. The blood rushed in his ears as he spun around to try and locate the random person who had actually managed to sneak up on him.
He didn’t think it was possible for someone to really sneak up on him, but perhaps he was so entranced in his work that he didn’t hear you come in. Nevertheless, he had an act to upkeep so he mustered up enough breath to send you back a shaky reply.
“Um.. yes, yes I do it saves money on the energy bill and I don’t really need them.” He gestured to the glasses on his face and the cane was leaning against his desk.
‘Oh! Oh. That makes much more sense. I thought you were just really weird.”
“Well that hasn’t actually been ruled out yet.” Matt Shrugged. “So why are you here at…” he felt the numbers displayed on the braille clock Karen had given him for Christmas the past year “3:05 in the morning on Halloween of all nights.”
“I think I should be asking you that question.” You shot back, not wanting to explain that you had died in this building and were stuck in a perpetual state of haunting until you “finished your unfinished business” or some crap like that.
“I have a big case on Monday and I need to work on my argument, although I’ve been working for hours and haven’t really gotten much closer.”
“You’re a lawyer?” You asked.
“Um, Yeah? Nelson and Murdock, it’s on the door.” Matt pointed toward the front door. And after a brief look of your own, you realized he was right. There it was Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law. “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here? If you don’t need a lawyer.”
“Do you believe in ghosts?” You asked the man.
Matt was taken aback by the question, it was an abrupt change in topic but one that he figured was pretty on brand given the holiday.
“No. No, I believe in heaven and hell and that everyone goes to one or the other.” He succinctly summarized.
“Well, what about the people who don’t go anywhere? What about the spirits stuck in between?”
“I’m not sure there are any.”
“There are.” Your conviction was surprising to Matt. What was more surprising to him though, was that you didn't have a heartbeat. He didn’t really catch onto it first, with his own heartbeat strong in his ears at first he wouldn’t have been able to hear yours if he tried. But now that he had tried and failed he was struggling with coming up with an explanation.
You were seeing in real time the struggle Matt was having within himself. 
“Why don’t you have a heartbeat?”
“I can hear everyone’s heartbeat, I’ve been able to hear every heartbeat of everyone I’ve met for a very long time but I can’t hear yours. Why?” 
“Dead people don’t usually have heartbeats.”
“You can’t be dead you’re talking.” Matt shot back, beginning to sound slightly out of breath.
“Well, that’s just not true. Because I am dead, and I am talking and you can hear me so…”
“I’m going crazy. Or I fell asleep at my desk. Or…” You heard Matt begin to mumble to himself.
“What is your favorite color?”
‘Can’t see color.”
“Really? That must be terribly dull.”
“It can be”
“Well then what is your favorite animal?” You questioned.
“Why?” He asked, still slightly out of breath.
“Humor me.”
“Umm, a dog.”
Matt’s breath slowly evened out. He wasn’t actively panicking which was good, the last thing you wanted was for him to fall and hit his head and for people to think he was crazy when he woke up speaking about ghosts. 
“I didn’t mean to freak you out. But whether you like it or not, I am stuck here for the next,” You looked around the room for a clock, finding one hanging on the wall of a closed-off room surrounded by glass “Thirty-five minutes.”
“What do you mean stuck here?” 
“I can’t leave this building, and I get a little more faded the further I walk from this room at all.”
“I’m not sure you want to know.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“I was killed in this room, didn’t see who did it, didn’t know it happened until it was already over. I can’t leave because my spirit is tied here. Believe me, I would if I could. Who wants to spend the rest of eternity tied to an old office building?” You let out a self-deprecating laugh.
‘I’m sorry” Matt had whispered. 
“Don’t be. It was a long time ago, I’ve come to terms with it all.”
“Is there anything I can do? Or?”
“I’m not sure, Supposedly if I finish my unfinished business I’ll be able to move on but I’m not sure what that would be. Or how I would be able to finish it when I only become really formed for an hour every year.”
You two existed in silence for several moments. You, contemplating what it was that got you stuck here in the first place, and Matt thinking he was crazy for offering his help to an actual ghost.
“I could look into your story if you want.” He cut the silence.
“Really? You’d do that?”
“Yeah, why not? I’d just need your name.”
‘Y/N, Y/N L/N.” you smiled.
You two spent the next twenty minutes talking about the last day that you could remember, anything that might help Matt in his search for more information about you. And when you could feel yourself beginning to fade as the hour expired you were feeling a lot lighter than you had any Hallow’s Eve before.
“Thank you, Matt.”
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*clothing rustle*
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✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ WARNING 200% crack, 15% random smut. Please don't take anything here seriously, or literally, or as fact. WORD COUNT ~3000 AO3 clicky
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※ Due to the nature of Gilbert's outfit, it is strongly recommended that he be standing when you start.
The cloak has to go first. His gloves are skin-tight enough that they won't interfere with the removal of other articles beforehand (pun intended). The belt on the cloak attaches just above his left breast-pocket using a heavy-duty clasp.
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Except just-kidding, that's a red-herring in case someone decides to unclasp his cloak in close-quarters-battle to use against him. Unfortunately, anyone fool enough to try will just be giving Gilbert the upper-hand.
To actually unfasten his cloak you have to sneak your hand under the cloak's collar where the other end of the belt disappears into. There's a hidden push-button clasp there. Gilbert isn't ticklish but he'll certainly pretend he is just to fuck with you.
The fur is attached directly to the collar of the cloak, so this is a one-and-done deal. Be aware that the cloak is extremely heavy and don't be afraid to just drop it on the spot and enjoy the beautiful WHUMP that it makes, like angel wings come to rest.
Your next stop is the secondary belt that crosses diagonally over his chest.
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This belt is a mystery, and for reasons of national importance you are not permitted to know how to remove it. Gilbert must always be the one to remove this belt. I repeat. GILBERT MUST REMOVE THIS BELT HIMSELF. It's not just a simple single-pronged screw-clasp belt. Don't get cocky.
Now for his main belt. The plate buckle must be lifted half a centimeter towards you at a precise 180 degree angle so you can slide the leather through the hook on the plate's underside. You may consider doing this while cornering Gilbert against a wall. If you're feeling bold, advise him not to touch you until you're done. Before handling the buckle, you might angle his hips closer toward you by giving the strap a tug.
Don't tug on just the belt loop by itself because it'll throw you off-balance and put you in a vulnerable position for a sensual counter-attack. Unless you're wearing a hat that hides your ears for some reason. I mean Gilbert would just cutely headbutt the hat off you, but why did you bring a hat to this?
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CAUTION. The outer edge of the buckle is lined with poison that activates by touch. The poison can penetrate any fabric except for the mysterious medieval nano-material that Gilbert's gloves consist of. This is why you'll never see Gilbert remove his belt bare-handed (though he has the antidote if he must; and yes, he'll try to convince you that the antidote must be administered mouth-to-mouth, but you must remain vigilant! Think about it: does that make any sense? No? Good. Gilbert was just testing you).
Yeah. It's probably best if you leave this belt to Gilbert too. But if he lets you borrow his gloves just so you can undress him, count yourself lucky. And if Gilbert gets you your own matching set of gloves, I mean that's basically a marriage proposal.
But wait, you say, remembering a thing. Didn't Gilbert stick his glove between his teeth that one time after presumably touching his cane?
No he didn't. That's not a CG that exists. What are you talking about? What wet-suitor collection event?
Fine, okay. Yes. That happened. The rain washed away the poison 💀
The mini-waistbelt. It may be thin, but it has a massive temper if you try to remove it. Would not recommend trying it if you value having a nose and teeth.
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But since you've already come this far, the steps to remove it are as follows:
Tell your loved-ones you love them, or have secretly hated them this entire time.
Place your left hand on Gilbert's right hip; make sure you have proper footing.
Place your right hand on the belt buckle like you're pinching a flaccid penis that is much, much, much tinier than Gilbert's flaccid penis.
Pray again in case you skipped step one.
Use your thumbnail to test the prong. Consider the materials, the craftsmanship, the German Engineering.
Hold your breath and rip the belt from his waist; he can always replace the belt.
Redeem your kiss from Gilbert, and for fuck's sake take off that hat.
If you trip over the discarded belt because you didn't throw it far enough away:
Please, I do insist you pray.
Try to trip directly onto Gilbert's chest so he can live out all of his otome fantasies. Let him commit your scent to memory.
It's okay to grab his cravat in the process because it won't loosen or tighten either way [see section on his cravat below]
It's not okay to grab his pants because no one wants to be pantsed by accident. Also Gilbert's pants don't come off that easy, so you'd just end up dislocating your arm.
If you trip into a natural, organic, Whole Foods fellatio-giving posture, take advantage of it. Gilbert's still wearing too many layers to give a proper, unimpeded blowjob, but just ghosting your mouth over the area with a hint of teeth will make him feel desirable.
Rub some sensual circles through the fabric of his pants; spell out your name with his last name appended onto it (Gilbert is a genius and he can easily-read any message you rub onto his shaft). His inner thighs, particularly past the adductor muscles back toward his glutes, are incredibly sensitive. Placing your palms against them and slowly fanning your fingers out while you nom on his bulge will quietly destroy him. Too bad you can't see his surprised-sprite-expression in the night.
At this stage you should be down to his military coat. You can ignore the epaulets and ropework and tasselry (unless you want to take a moment to mourn all the carnage they represent) because they're all directly attached to the coat.
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If you find yourself tangled in the ropes in your attempt to free Gilbert's arm, don't worry. You have a few half-seconds before Gilbert ensnares you further and halts your honest undressing efforts with erotic tickling.
Use this time well. Consider using Gilbert's own cane to jam the insides of his elbows. The maneuver will both stop him and impress him. But also, do not actually do this, because his cane is coated in that same poison from before.
Why is there such a learning-curve to undressing this man? Don't worry though. Why? I don't know.
The coat itself requires extreme focus while unbuttoning. You don't have to go in order, but if you don't, you run the risk of becoming confused about which buttons you have or haven't touched. Gilbert's coat is what the common people refer to as an optical illusion, and what Clavis calls "an intellectual torture device". It is strongly recommended that you study the unbuttoning maneuver on a practice-coat.
And to be sure, at NO point is Gilbert going to help you on this one. You're screwed if you mess up. And Gilbert is going to enjoy every last second of it.
If by some stroke of luck you manage to get his coat off, please be kind enough to fold it and set it on his bed. You can also consider draping it over the window for some extra privacy, but imagine you're an Obsidianite soldier on the ground below and you see your boss's coat covering the window? You're gonna think to yourself, "Oh no, the boss is doing laundry in his room again. I should stop this before it escalates." There goes your hard-sought privacy.
Congratulations are in order because you have reached his shirt. Sure, there's a cravat with an extremely convoluted knot staring you in the face, but it's better than a clip-on tie, is it not?
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I assure you, the knot hidden behind the brooch is not one to be trifled with. It even took Gilbert himself two tries to master it despite being the one to invent it. He wears this particular knot for its strength. It will not come loose or tighten unless someone knows what they're doing.
Despite betraying nothing beyond his evergreen smile, Gilbert is absolutely running out of patience by this point. So rest assured, because he'll gently take your hands in his and dance them through the steps of cravat-removal. Feel free to enjoy the "accidental" brushes against his chin and the skin of his throat. Chilly but sweet. This will be a welcome respite before the horror to come.
The horror being, you know that party trick with the endless scarves?
Good luck.
Gilbert's shirt, upon first-glance, resembles a normal shirt with normal shirt-like properties, such as a post-contemporary thread-count, invisible buttons, hidden seams, etc. It's somewhat loose-fitting but tapers beautifully into his waistband; so prettily in-fact that you might think clothed-sex would be a better option at this point.
But Gilbert didn't allow you to come this far so he could keep his cock behind enemy lines.
If you won't stop admiring his torso, he'll take your hands again and start biting each fingertip. If you're still dazed by his beauty afterwards, he'll switch your positions so that you're against the wall and his knee is against your sensitive bits pulsing pressure in a maddening upward motion.
To avoid this, you need to tear his shirt off. You need to free Gilbert's skin unto moonlight's stage at any costs. Hook your fingertips into the spaces between the buttons. Press your crotch against Gilbert's for leverage. If you need to lay down for this part, please do so.
The shirt will not be kind to you. The weave is too strong, the tensile-strength too god-like. You'll never know what it is to truly sweat until you go hand-to-shirt against Gilbert's spider-silk.
Gilbert for his part will do his best to offer moral support by rocking his hips upward into the warm crux where your bodies meet. Sure his pants are still in the way, but you'll never know a more loving gesture.
"You are not your shirt." You can try to whisper this to Gilbert to make him feel better about this whole ordeal. "You're my Gil. You are not your shirt."
The shirt has feelings too. So after you successfully remove it and have finished orgasming from Gilbert's languid dry-humping, please fold the shirt and place it on top of his coat. If his coat is over the window, place the shirt on the ottoman at the foot of his bed and give it two pats. We're all about aftercare here.
The thigh-garter. Quite possibly the most heavily-reinforced article this man wears. If it looks simple to your untrained eye, that is by design. It's meant to blend into his pants. If he were trying to flaunt it, his coat wouldn't have that suspicious, longer-on-one-side uneven cut.
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Recoil? Poison? Child's-play. Gilbert himself nearly lost a hand the last time he went to remove the garter. The belt is made from a baffling and impossible weave of tiger-gut (died from natural causes) and coir fabric. That time Gilbert stole 100,000 coconuts off a Benitoitian beach was... not for the coir, but the discovery of such a useful byproduct was serendipitous and it was immediately put to use.
You need to incorporate this bit of trivia into small-talk with Gilbert while you attempt to remove the garter. It will take you 58 seconds, but those seconds will be the longest of your life. Your heartbeat will quicken and slow down and quicken again. Sweat will call your grip into question. The technique will require you to slide your finger into the space between the garter and the itchy indent on his thigh from where the garter has been digging into. Gilbert will bury his face into your shoulder and make the most precious moaning sound you've ever heard. He'll bite your shoulder, and he might break skin. The odds were against you from the start.
Could it be? Have you arrived at his trousers?
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Are you beside yourself with frustration from being unable to distinguish the shape of his bulge because the fabric is so dark as to be formless velvet? Does it annoy you that the only way you can confirm how hard Gilbert is for you is by touching him? Do you see why this might be by design?
It was stated earlier in this guide that Gilbert's pants are difficult to remove. Not for him, obviously, but for his partner. Luckily the pants are easier to handle than his shirt was. You're probably still reeling from that harrowing episode, so now is a great time for a tea break while shirtless!Gilbert massages your thigh under the table.
You can ask him for some advice on how to proceed with his pants. Where are the buttons? There are no buttons? Is there some kind of waistband? No waistband? Really? That's interesting. How do you remove it, Prince Gilbert? What? Tongs? Oh, you're joking. You're not joking? What in the actual fuck.
He was asking you to pass the tongs so he could serve you a scone, but you didn't know that at the time, and accidentally took a pair of tongs to his hips.
Now. Two things here. 1) Obviously if a pair of dessert tongs posed any threat to Gilbert he'd not have let it so close into his territory. 2) But you happened to accidentally time it just as he'd timed a sneeze to appear more affectionate in your eyes. Sometimes the planets align for all the wrong reasons.
Don't worry; Gilbert's okay! The tongs were wooden and heavily-sanded and they glided over Gilbert's hip-bones like lip balm. Now would also be a good time to glide your lips over his hip-bones. Really, really enjoy that god-given architecture.
Next, you can try to pull him on top of you as you lay on your back across the tea table (please hurl everything off the tabletop beforehand). Stick two fingers into his nonexistent(?) waistband and trace your hands backwards away from you, lowering your palms into his pants as you go, so by the time you reach his backside you should be cupping his shapely ass. Massage it, knead it. You'll find his slacks will naturally drop a little to accommodate your roving hands.
Now, whereas Gilbert was the one grinding up against you in the shirt section, you must offset your handiwork here in the exalted pants section by grinding up against him. Hook your legs around his if you have to. Be a couple of sexy grapevines.
It's best to tease his pants lower and lower. Take your time and time will take you.
Gilbert's undergarments are a classified state secret. Don't worry; he took care of them before you even started.
HAHAHA SOMEHOW. Somehow you've made it this far without removing his boots. Somehow you removed his pants without removing his boots.
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How? How did you do this? WHY did you do this? Do you like seeing Gilbert wearing nothing but his boots and his gloves? Is that your aesthetic? Do you imagine him sitting on his dark, moonlit, cobwebby throne like that, with one boot-ed leg over the other, cane held across his belly between the armrests as he watches you watching him?
Do you fancy breaching his lap and plopping down on his cock while he cups your ass with one hand and scrapes his gloved-fingernails down your spine? Do you like feeling his shoelaces press into your skin underneath because it's such a bizarre counter-texture to the sensation of his tongue gliding up your sternum? Does it make you hot when he grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs your head back so he can nuzzle your jawline while chuckling at all the mewling sounds you make? Are you about that friction? Do you like the squeaky sound of his boots as he bounces you up and down?
Just me? :')
Also what even happened to the cane in this scenario? Is it on the floor now? Don't trip, friends.
It was a long battle. There were some close-calls. You may have experienced multiple orgasms on the way. Sustained a gallery of lovebites. But Gilbert is now stripped bare, save for his gloves and eyepatch.
Most importantly, you're not dead from all the poison. Gilbert was kind enough to treat all the poison on him with rainwater beforehand, and he'll have made this clear to you from the beginning. This guide was lacking suspense amidst all the crack, and so that information was intentionally withheld.
The author of the guide recognizes that gloves add an extra layer of allure to intimate activities with Gilbert, so it is up to the reader if they wish to proceed with removal or not. The process is simple. You just take 'em off.
What if I'm capable of removing his cloak while he's laying on it? More power to you. Don't let my limitations as a mere human be the standard by which you judge yourself.
Help. I want to try bondage with Gilbert, but the mini-waistbelt is the only viable option. Please don't forget his endless-scarves-infinite-cravat. Snip off whatever length you need. It'll grow back the deficit. The fabric is BDSM-certified.
The coat fell from the window. Run.
I took his boots off too early and now I can't enjoy the feel of his shoelaces on my ass. Put them back on him. Lace them with care. Don't just half-ass a lacing pattern like you used to do in grade-school. Remember: the pleasure you derive from his shoelaces is directly proportional to the artistry with which they are tied. Please hone your skills on a practice-boot if you are not confident. We all have to start somewhere.
Gilbert's moans are too cute. I couldn't get past the garter section. Feel free to take your tea-break early if this is the case. Talk about your concerns and listen to Gilbert's. Communication is key, and that tea was prepared with love.
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Thank you for reading! If you found this guide useful, please consider hitting the reblog button ^^ I hope your time with Gilbert is extraordinary, unforgettable and magic.
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Proposing V for the ask game, if you're still doing it?
My favorite thing about V:
On a narrative level, he represents the best quality of DMC5, it's fleshing out of Vergil. I love that deep down, underneath the fear-driven quest for power, Vergil is a soft goth boy who loves a particular poet so much he makes it his whole personality. Plus, I love the interpretation that he looks so young because Vergil lost so much of his life to being Nelo Angelo.
On a gameplay level, I love how you can make V constantly taunt while making his minions fight.
My least favorite thing about V:
On a narrative level, as much as I love his voice and design, it would have been so cool if he was a woman instead. Besides the Implications, it would be a neat way of nodding to his human mother. Also, I've been told that the literary character that Urizen is named after is a part of a dyad, the other half of which is a female deity. And DMC5 sorely fumbles it's female representation anyway, having a playable female character might have won it some points (though realistically, there's a good chance they would have fucked up her design, and the hate toward her playstyle would be so much more vitriolic).
Speaking of playstyle, on a gameplay level, I do enjoy playing as V, but the moveset definitely needs more development. I don't like that V's evasive actions require his familiars because you have to interrupt their combat (and even Griffon's attack charging) in order to use them, even though the whole point of V seems to be multitasking. Plus, the hidden range limit for the minions can really screw you, especially considering that Shadow's attacks can easily take it outside of that limit, causing it to teleport back to V's side and interrupt your attack strings. And what's sad is that due to unpopularity, there's a real chance that we won't get to see a new iteration of this playstyle.
(There's even a series in my pinned post all about a certain character ending up in this position, just saying).
My favorite line by V:
It's hard to say, since he has one of the best if not the best vocal performances in the game. I do like that he says "it's my turn to play with the Devil Sword" at one point.
My "brOTP" for V:
I love his friendship with Griffon. It's a shame it got no closure whatsoever because the writers decided they wanted to magically wipe away Vergil's trauma via DMC1 callback boss fight.
My "OTP" for V:
I don't generally like ships for Vergil, but one that I would entertain is one with Lucia. I see the humor in her meeting a man who's just as handsome as Dante but with none of the charm, and realizing she's actually fine with that. Plus, Vergil is far more comfortable with his demon side than his human side, and I think that would extend to Lucia. He would think her devil form is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and he'd be right. Lucia deserves a handsome loser boyfriend who loves the demon in her so much that she learns to love it too, especially since he also comes with a giant stoic tree man with sharp teeth and tentacles, and of course our favorite poetry-lover.
My "nOTP" for V:
Nero x V is sadly popular, even though they're literally father and son. And even when talking about just V, not Urizen or Vergil as a whole, I don't care for shipping him with Lady. She doesn't even fucking like him, nor should she.
A random headcanon about V:
I think his cane is tied to Rebellion in some way. Perhaps it simply contains some of the same materials, which is why it's good at conducting demonic power, and why it allowed him to reunite with Urizen.
An unpopular opinion about V:
While I am firmly in the "V and Vergil are the same character and that isn't a bad thing" camp, I am sympathetic to the wish that V was his own character. I cannot fault someone for loving V but not finding Vergil interesting, and I don't think it's worth getting mad at them over.
A song I associate with V:
Besides Crimson Cloud? There's a "combo mad" sort of video from time to time titled Void Violin, it features some good music.
My favorite picture of V:
That gif of him tripping and dropping his free taco.
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cosxtan · 2 months
thoughts about iron widow, its yin yang imagery, and how patriarchal societies keep everyone down
General thoughts on Xiran Jay Zhao's book Iron Widow. Spoilers!
iron widow comes right out the gate with yin yang imagery. it starts with a butterfly with yin yang wings, the dual pilots of the mechs are characterized by yin and yang properties, and the mindscape they enter during battle is just a straightup a yin and yang. the first lines of the book get into it too.
but what the book also touches on is how brutally women are treated in the patriarchal society of the story. we're in the perspective of wu zetian, a frontier girl whose only paths in life were to die as a concubine soldier, or to marry to a random man to satisfy his every whim. girls are often drowned locked in pig cages when they are dishonored or disobey.
zetian is a physical manifestation of the society's toxic norms. her feet have been so broken by foot binding done for aesthetic purposes that she has to wobble places with a cane. The author is always very deliberate in describing zetian as hobbling, not walking (side note, look up foot binding. It's real and it's highly disturbing!)
after many shenanigans, including killing her sister's abuser (based) and dumping his corpse out of a mech during a livestream (BASED), she gets matched with a pilot that's bound to kill her: li shimin, a death row inmate who was spared for his aptitude with mechs. he killed his whole family! one of the worst crimes in their society. he has to be muzzled and chained and bribed with alcohol to cooperate, piloting the most powerful mech in the fleet: the Vermilion Bird
but all is not really as it seems. after their first violent confrontation doesn't kill one or both of them, zetian and shimin are put in housing together and trained while under constant threat of execution if they dont comply. zetian learns that as a death row inmate, shimin was forced into labor camps and administered electric shocks if he didn't work fast enough. so much so, in fact, that his hands have lost their finer functionalities. he can no longer paint or write like he was able to as a child, something that brought him comfort and joy.
the symbolism is pretty clear to me. with two functioning feet and two functioning hands between them, they represent a unique kind of symmetry that the yin yang generally embodies. they are both disabled, but they work as a single unit within the Vermilion Bird.
it also brings up another layer of flaws in the patriarchal society. while the mistreatment of women is obvious and brutal, the men are harmed by this system as well. shimin was contorted by the government and media to look like an unhinged serial killer (this also makes reference societal racism, as he isn't fully Han like the rest of the cast). even as a man, he's just another cog that people want to discard because he's not up to par. they even ripped out one of his kidneys and half his liver.
but i think it goes a layer deeper than that. because while shimin and zetian are both abused and harmed by the society they live in, shimin still gets the better end of the deal. he isn't immediately executed for his crime of patricide, when zetian surely would have been. while he's disabled, he still has limited use of his hands. meanwhile, zetians feet are forever broken and unusable. he had options in his life before the incident. she did not. i think at their core, zetian and shimin represent yin yang from a unique perspective of being symbols of the damage patriarchal structures and societies can do to people. it's a really solid and consistent theme for a ya book. like, genuinely interesting and nuanced. hats off to zhao for their impeccable writing
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coarsely · 2 months
FEEL. -How does your character react to a persons touch? A random stranger’s? A loved one’s? A friend’s?
HUMBLE. -How does your muse handle praise?
Oooh, so I'm gonna answer these for a few different characters!
FEEL. - How does your character react to a persons touch? A random stranger’s? A loved one’s? A friend’s?
Saccade lives in an incredibly rough area of Nod, so being touched by a stranger would definitely equate to "someone is trying to steal from you or kill you", and she'd probably break your nose or crack your head with her barbed-wire wrapped cane. To a loved one, she is much more relaxed, quietly reciprocating contact via rubbing her thumb over the backs of hands, or pressing foreheads together. To a friend, she'll gladly take a slap on the back and a firm handshake and possibly even a friendly kiss on the cheek from Diomede, but by and large she prefers to keep some sense of distance between her and other people, unless for some purpose or she really loves them.
Potentate Louis is about as high up the social rung as you can get, given that he is very literally Descended From God, so he is very rarely touched by anyone who isn't extremely trusted servants. To be touched by a stranger is an utmost violation, and could incur a punishment very easily. Even contact from his family (the closest thing he has to loved ones) is unnatural and uncommon, and would definitely freak him out. In a later chapter, he gets touched by a woman and it puts him into a fever like state where he has numerous dreams about cannibalising her, so he wouldn't take it well. And unfortunately he has no friends so I can't speculate on the last one </3
Diomede used to be quite comfortable with physical contact, being leader of the Vagor and having his elder brother with him all the time. Even if he didn't know you very well, he'd be happy to give a friendly handshake or an arm around the shoulders. Unfortunately, after being exiled, he's become a lot more reserved and a lot less naturalised to physical contact, so he'd recoil a lot faster these days. Due to being exiled, he had essentially no loved ones left, but was always fairly touchy with his family while they were there, often giving embraces and friendly kisses. He does yearn for physical touch and closeness the way he used to have, but that's one thing of many that he misses following his exile.
Dahra, like Saccade, lives in a fairly rough area of Nod and so has a similar reaction to being touched by strangers; immediately assumes the worst, so starts beating the shit out of you. Unlike Saccade, she has a more active social life, so is quite comfortable touching her friends and loved ones, in part because of her closeness to Ucalegon, who is also quite a physical and touchy person generally. Often, she'll casually rest her legs over the laps of different people, or rest her head against them, or seek physicality in other ways.
HUMBLE. - How does your muse handle praise?
For Saccade, it's all about the tone and who. In general she isn't someone who's going to care too much, as she's pretty confident in herself. Age has told her not to second-guess herself, and that self-doubt will kill her in Neo-Babylon. She's never relied on other people to tell her she's doing a good job or to be proud of her, and I could see her taking a lot of poorly worded praise as disingenuous, even patronising. But from people she genuinely likes, she does really appreciate it, even if she'd usually deflect with a joke or a threat she doesn't mean.
Potentate Louis, being a descendant of literal God, is heavily praised in a religious sense for his importance, holy flesh and spirit, divine power etc, but being praised for like, who he is as a person is an alien concept and one he would probably short circuit if he heard. I think it would actually leave him at a loss for words.
For Diomede, it depends on what. He's confident in a lot of things, particularly what he can do for other people; his weaponsmithing, his leadership, his cooking. In those cases, he takes it well but it doesn't stand out as anything important to think about, as he knows his worth in those areas. In other things though, that he's less certain about or doesn't think of himself as particularly successful at, like dancing, his occasional drag performances, or who he is as a person in general, he's a lot more flustered and disarmed by it. Being a leader for so long, he did rely on what other people thought of him and what other people saw in him, and that's carried on even after his banishment from the Vagor.
Dahra won't care if it's from some random or someone she's trying to manipulate (someone like Amhras or Vítor Cadogan), but from someone like Ucalegon who she majorly respects and admires, it's everything to her. While she's worked hard to never rely on anyone for anything ever again, she is at heart a traumatised young woman and being praised by the people she looks up to and tries to emulate is something she'd be very impacted by, and strive for. I think she's slightly aware of this in herself and hates it about her, but it doesn't stop her trying to impress Ucalegon either.
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oliveroctavius · 11 months
If it's okay to ask, I'm curious what your initial thoughts are on the potential plot for the Insomniac Spidey sequel game! I'm still sorting my thoughts, but one of the things that definitely crossed my mind was how the story trailer reminded me of both TASM films (eg. terminally ill Harry as a major villain, the main villain plot being forcibly 'healing' the world, and we know from the MM post-credits scene that Connors is behind Harry's treatment with the symbiote, etc.), and while the main issue with the eugenics stuff in the TASM films is how it was framed as being both real and good and neither Peter nor the narrative ever challenges it, rather than just the villains being villainous and it could go differently here, I'm really not sure how optimistic to be at this point in speculation - but it's also not an aspect of the trailer I've seen much discussion on either.
having gone over the original game again, (geez I forgot how hard they went on the Spider-Cop bit) I still don't feel as pessimistic on this plot point as others seem to be... yet.
MSM1 had parallels to TASM1 too, without fumbling the ball as hard. Main villain starts as an ally researching limb replacement, partially for themselves; plot turning point is a Oscorp gene-cure-mist being released into the city with terrible results. It helps that Insomniac's medical science is just 50% less bullshit. Devil's Breath names a real genome editing tech (CRISPR by viral vector) and genetic diseases that aren't just disabling, but fatal (cystic fibrosis, Huntington's) as the intended target. There's no TASM-esque twist where victims with improperly edited genes become a ''devolved'' ''lower lifeform'' or turn murderous. They just get sick.
Otto doesn't consider using Devil's Breath on himself. His condition isn't even genetic. Dumb to have to point that out, but TASM Curt compares limb loss to agonizing death by disease (??) and proposes his amputation be "fixed" with genetic modification (???) while Otto's focus is on (embellished) mobility aids. The idea that brain damage from the arms made Otto evil is brought up and then refuted. Martin and Otto have social + financial motivations which overlap with but aren't fully defined by disability. They're well-intentioned extremists: they want to take down a crooked capitalist who's politically untouchable... time to poison random civilians!
Going by these trends: I expect Harry to have a fairly realistic diagnosis and to use real assistive aids alongside any sci-fi treatments (he has a cane for a second in the trailer). I expect that if he did inherit his condition it was from his mother, and the only person who might be weird about that is Norman. Insomniac Harry's previous vision for "healing the world" has been air and water quality, green energy, and wildlife health. If this changes, I expect a more nuanced explanation than "idk he's sick and crazy now".
Will I actually like it? Who knows! (Like MJ was fine. but she's not My MJ.) I'm still crossing my fingers for sentient alien Venom because I think it would make everything more interesting to have Venom the character rather than just the plot device.
I'm truly more worried for Curt--most of the Insomniac plotlines are pulled from modern comics. (For the love of god please let's not do Shed.) But comics Devil's Breath was a poison that killed only certain genetic lineages, and someone made the call to avoid that minefield of weird ideas. So. Hope remains that this will not be the TASM movies' kind of freakshow.
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selfshippinglover · 8 months
Cici friend! Tell me abt ur new guys 👀
Imma just list off random hcs about em cause not much is known anyways lol
Caine: (look at the silly <33)
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~He reads as pan to me tbh
~They created all of the other npcs, the models that the humans take on, Bubble, the circus itself, and every creature that comes for their throats
~Is touch starved. Like yeah he and the moon had a thing but he's touchy with people on multiple occasions so I think he really wants anemone to hold his hand UvU
~Very lonely boyo. Created friends via the npcs, a pet/ second hand in Bubble, made the circus to inhabit, planned out adventures, figured out how to bring people to his pocket world, and lets them set the pace! Like, HE WANTS COMPANIONSHIP SO BAAAD TWT
~He loves compliments! Like, he took all his time and energy to create this world and everything around us like please tell him how good he is! He's unhinged but cares a lot and sets high standards for himself and his creations! (Also I didn't say it but that gives him blatant favoritism towards you automatically)
~Very theatrical! The guy lives like all the world's a stage fr and plays off everything as such! Always moving around, posing, and making every little thing he does a big thing that he puts all of his energy into! I find his passion really endearing <33
~Generally an artist and creative! Whether it's creating things in a Spore-esque sequence, choosing the color palettes and aesthetics for the world, or little things like placing objects in a room at jusst the right angle, he genuinely enjoys it :) Also he cares SO MUCH ABOUT COLORS AND CORRECTNESS LIKE DON'T DISTURB DURING THE CREATIVE PROCESS HE'S GONNA YELL DRAMATICALLY AND POOF YOU AWAY ABOUT IT SGJBSBJG
~Will do the pulling people out of scenes with the cane thing
~Man the bruises he could leave on a bitch with those chompers 🥴🥴🥴
~It would hurt to touch his eyes...but they feel squishy for SURE
Ragatha: (l-lesbean //// )
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~She feels soft like a doll to the touch but with a kind of springiness to the texture. Especially her hair. Still is the softest of the gang though :)
~Very much a quietly pining in the background kinda gal but is also suuuper easy to make flushed so her crushes are pretttty obvioous(Jax teases her for it often)
~The person that adjusted best to the transition into the digital world since she's the most empathetic and readily accepting of what coping strategies do and don't work. It's not as if she's unaffected but she's adjusted rather well to deal with the situation and actively works to help others with it too :)
~Genuinely the nicest person in the circus gang. Looks to help others adjust to the experience, transitions them slowly and gently, offering support and guidance all the way through. If there's anyone here you can be sure to trust, it's her!
~But also helping others is a part of her coping with the world? Like, uses others stress to undermine and/or bury her own surrounding the situation. She tends to put others comfort over her own because of this. (Pomni basically left her to die and she accepted it so fast_
~When she does break down, it's mostly crying in her room. Not coming out for days. Eventually, she comes back out like nothing happened. Talks and plays along like usual but her footsteps steps are heavier. Or she's looking down at the ground when not distracted. spacing out if something makes her uncomfortable. The wear and tear comes out in the liddle things :(
~Really values anyone that takes time to get to know her, the things she likes, asks her how she's doing, invites her to adventures and the like since the group dynamic flips as well as the literal world around them are prone to flipping on a dime. The consistency really helps her feel more grounded :,)
~Isn't afraid to put Jax in his place but she also knows he's going to retaliate eventually so it really depends on the situation if she'll intervene or not.
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~ The fastest character in the entire show next to Caine. Though he's at his fastest when it's for a bit lol
~Doesn't actually straight up hate everyone but he's rejection sensitive and in a world where people just fuckin, turn into monsters?? Like, why get attached if that could just happen whenever. Also, why let others get attached to him since he could end up the same way? It's more like a damage control measure
~Same with his whole, "worst piece of shit ever thing" he's got going. He's definitely an asshole for the thrill of it but he does care about others! Watching his reactions to others(except Gangle atm) at slower speeds show more of a reaction and concern for them. He just snaps into hiding in at the drop of a hat
~Likes picking up random objects and either throwing them at others right away and/or saving them for later
~All his clothes are worn loosely cause he hates being restricted in movement. Makes him feel closed in :(
~Had a really bad breakdown when he first arrived. Isolated himself for awhile before deciding to adopt this more apathetic character to deal with everything
~Feels like a plastic stretchy toy texture wise
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// ooc //
hi friends! fun blog we're having here. great blog, thanks for all the asks. here's something a little serious though
1.) I'm not Gamefreak. And I can only extrapolate so much from Canon for y'all. And I love doing it (send more asks about Paradox biology I had so many THOUGHTS) don't get me wrong. But some stuff I just. Like. Can't explain. And the folks who ask me that kinda stuff earnestly you're fine babes. But the folks who go "Oh Geetas such a fuckin idiot for having her Glimmora last" or "the Paldea League does nothing" like... Girl idk how to tell you this but I'm just a human person. In my heart Geeta just likes her Glimmora so she makes it her ace and the League does plenty for Paldea, n coming at some random Tumblr blog with your hostility isn't gonna help. Coming at ANY Tumblr blog that isn't a terf or another breed of inconsiderate asshole isn't gonna Do anything good for you in your life. I'm not your Pokemon-based therapist. So as a blanket thing, think about the person behind the funny cringe failboygirl (Tross) and Geeta before you get huffy. Unless Tross has invited vitriol (they often do, she's a little sucklord, a little awful fuckhead who deserves to be bullied), just, like. Be niceys.
1.5) if I never answer your ask, there might be two reasons. Either it's an ask I want to give the proper time of day and take my time on, or it's an ask I just can't answer (rude, nothing to actually respond to, something I feel like I can't properly answer, etc).
2.) My ko-fi is @necrobinical and my PayPal.me is @lessabein! I love doing a funny and will write so much for free if you let me, but I am a broke young adult in a halfway house who's too disabled to work, so if you like my funny words, send me something so I can buy more cold medicine and a better cane or someshit. Thank you for your time
Uhhh that's it. Ty for reading my psa? if you're reading this, go follow @cassiopennia and @triple-aaa-batteries-pkm and @pokeology they are cool people I know
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elvisabutler · 1 year
considering what you wrote on how upset belle gets when people mention elvis passing away/being too sick i wondered if you can elaborate on how it would be if he were to find her crying in his office one day because she heard students saying horrible things and she’d have to be near him for that entire day as he assures her he won’t be leaving anytime soon now that he has her? 🥺 just bc when students were talking about him dying, my heart HURT
so. i'm trying to clear out my askbox a little of just random tiny things and i left this in my inbox even though i technically answered before. and i can't tell you why i left it but i think i finally might have figured out. and anon, trust me, no one's heart except- okay maybe @butlersxbirdy because she's been my brainstorm/sounding board from the beginning and is one of those people that i'll go to to literally be like IS THIS THIS THEM. see also: she's been my little belle sub drop brainstorm birdy.
so my last answer with this was really that she never takes it well, pretty much has a breakdown when she's not in any of his classes and just walks by with his students talking about him. but here's the thing, once they have kids and he's getting older and she's getting older, he- he takes better care of himself and she is mostly on a one woman mission to befriend every premed/medically inclined person she meets to find some way to make sure he'll live as long as she desperately wants him to. this continues on as she's teaching. she will not lose him before she absolutely has to. sometimes she thinks it's a little pathetic and beats herself up a little bit for it but then she looks at their kids, probably using him as a little gym or him just blowing rasperberies on their stomachs or just being a good dad and she realizes no, it's her wanting to keep the man she loves alive.
but as he gets older he has to wind down teaching a lot. goes from having multiple sections of different classes to one less each year past a certain point until he sort of settles on two sections, an upper class one and a sort of general lowerclassmen class. but because of this people know he's not maybe doing the best. or the assume he isn't based on the cane and how sometimes he has to miss class still.
and belle always hears them and admonishes them and elvis does later on the next time he sees them, "y'all wanna have me in the grave 'fore it's time for me t'go. my health ain't your concern, 'less ya really think it's hurtin' my teachin'."
and here's the thing, if belle hears it her own class, she's been known to call them out in front of everyone. "if he was as sick as all of you think, i wouldn't be here. i would be spending time with him adn our children. enjoying what time we'd have left. i don't care what you say in private but not in my goddamn class." she's gotten in trouble a few times but she manages to sweet talk her way out of things along with elvis.
though there's probably one time when elvis is having a rough week and she hears some students say it and she had to come to work because elvis basically bullied her out of the house and she just dismisses class. she just dismisses class and goes home to hold him and be held by him. unprofessional? yes. does she care? that day, god no.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
Got any HC's today that you have thought up recently?
Ooooh yes! I love rambling about random headcanons that I feel are too small for a post!
Unlike Al, Mattie never got to the point where he felt he was too "old" for affection from his family. In fact, he openly welcomed it and sought it. Because for a moment, a hug or a kiss chased away his ever constant fear of being left behind, not being good enough.
This is partially borrowed from Canon but like... an extension of a Canon point. Though I'm still not quite sure why Austria was once in a wheelchair, but whatever caused it, I headcanon it's left him with a condition where his legs are weak or are in pain regularly. Though he can walk around without any aid on good days, sometimes he needs a cane, and on bad days he has to go back to the wheelchair.
Getting big into projection territory here, but it feels fitting for Matthew. Matthew not really knowing whether he has social anxiety or autism. For example he struggles in social situations feeling like he never knows what to do, fidgets quite a bit (possibly stimming or maybe just a nervous tic), only comfortable in sweaters and jogging pants (possibly texture sensitivity, possibly just a comfort thing). He doesn't know and he's too nervous to seek out a proper diagnosis. So he just kind of...tries to deal with it on his own.
Ludwig got one of his dogs certified as his service dog. Like, it was not purposeful, but he and those around him started to notice how Aster had learned ways she could ground Ludwig when he got overstimulated or when he had bad nightmares. So they made it official so he could take her everywhere when needed.
Matthew does drag in his free time
Matthew keeps chickens because Arthur always had a few chickens when Matthew was growing up. Caring for those chickens were some of Matthew’s favourite memories with him.
Peter has visitation with Arthur every weekend or every other week (I can't decide). Peter seemed like the first child Arthur could possibly not screw up. But Peter pops up at a time when Arthur isn't doing well. His body is exhausted from two world wars, his empire is crumbling along with his sense of purpose. He's not in a good headspace. As much as he wants to care for Peter, get this second chance at being a father, he knows that this will not be a good environment for a child. So he looks else where. I'm not sure how Ber is the one who he gives custody to, but Ber gets custody while Arthur gets visitation. Peter and Arthur's relationship becomes more like brothers annoying each other and they call each other such. Though Arthur nowadays is in a much better place, Peter seems happy with his parents, and Arthur is much more confident in the role of brother, at least when it comes to Peter. And he still gets to be there for Peter on the weekends. And whenever Sufin is too busy and needs someone to watch Peter.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
how does everyone in nsr stim
Ooooh, been a bit since I thought about something like this! I don't think I have an answer for everyone, but I'll do my best! I'll just put their main stim, but they most likely do more than one type!
Mayday: Definitely waves her hands around, uses her hands to talk, just does anything to keep her hands moving. When her hands are still for too long she feels cramped and kinda like itchy or uncomfortable. Even just drumming her hands like Zuke does helps her when she can't wave her hands around.
Zuke: Mainly does repetitive things like clapping and drumming his fingers. Will also bounce his leg at times but his back might end up hurting if he does that too much so he usually stays with using his hands.
DJSS: As a kid I can see him making his arms go spaghetti mode and twirling around or jumping up and down, but as they grew older I see him more as biting onto things. Mostly cold things, like ice cream or just straight up ice, but also things like pens, pencils, and probably other stuff that should never be in someone's mouth, but since he isn't fully human, they don't have to fully worry about the dangers.
Sayu: As a robot/mermaid, ze will just swim around in circles and loops or twirl mer trident around like a baton or even hit digital rocks with it. As a android/human, depending on if ze can walk with a cane or needs a wheelchair that day, ze will wiggle mer cane around when standing still or sitting, or will tap mer fingers on mer chair or roll back and forth or spin a little in mer chair.
Remi: Doodler. He will draw on himself if he has to. As long as he has some kind of way to draw or create, he will use that as a stim. Very much loves to create patterns so when he and Eve hang out, sometimes she will let him draw henna art on her extra arms.
Tila: Most of her stims would be vocal, like singing or making random noises. Her and Dodo will whistle together sometimes. Also she hums a lot to herself. Repeating songs is a very common thing for her along with making up songs as she is doing stuff.
Sofa: They definitely have a whole stim board that lights up and makes sounds. It absolutely has the most clicky sounding buttons and knobs that they can play with. They bit it themselves and made sure it was super durable so they could throw it a round and then go back to pressing all the buttons and knobs and stuff. When they don't have the board though, they click their pen or take apart their pen a lot.
Dodo: He's a whistler. Whistling and tapping his feet. He gets a lot of his energy out using sign language or practicing dance moves with/for Sayu, so he only really whistles or taps his feet when he needs to stim.
Yinu: I feel like she would pull out her flowers and pick the petals off. If she does it right then there is no pain like pulling out hair, and she will just regrow the flowers back in like a week. Though Mama tries to get her to do other stims so Yinu will also make paper stars or other little origami things that are easy to make while listening in on a meeting or whatever.
Mama: I don't feel like she would stim all that much, but I can see her running her hand down her hair/head tail thing when she might be nervous, though she doesn't get nervous all that much. She seems like a person who bottles things up and doesn't try to let her feelings out ever since Papa passed.
Neon J: Before becoming a cyborg he would crack his knuckles and joints along with pulling out his hair (or when it was very long he would bit his hair and try to like cut it with his teeth but also suck on it). After he became a cyborg he just worked on all kinds of machinery to fidget with. Also keeps those fidget car gear shift with him when out so he can play with in his pocket.
Rin: I feel like it would be someone who randomly flings its arms for a moment and then stop. Like sudden bursts of energy that happen and cause Rin to hit one of its fist into its palm or would stomp one of its feet for a like 3 very loud stomps and then stop. When out in public it probably clasps its hands together and then squeezes its hands very tightly to try and not stomp or fling its arms out and possibly hit someone.
Purl-Hew: Makes weird noises and growls. Will also hit things, like their own head at times, though they only do their more violent stims when alone so others don't judge them. Mainly will make more animalistic sounds along with biting things, mainly writing utensils (has broken a pen in their mouth before)
Zimelu: She walks on her tiptoes around the house and will play with her hair when it's down. Just fidgets a lot. Will sometimes steal Neon J's fidget toys and play with them so her hands are moving. Will destroy pens by taking them apart and then straightening the spring.
Haym: If he can he will just cook, especially things like bread that needs kneading or something that needs to be stirred for a long time. If he can't cook then he will instead play with his own hair making braids.
Eloni: Plays with her hair mainly. But he also plays a lot of games, both keyboard and controller, so those are great stims being able to press buttons a lot.
Eve: Use to be a big nail biter, especially when she was a teen, but tries not to do that because she wants her nails to look good. Changed to playing with her hair but once she started styling it into her outfits she had to give that up as well. Now she will make extra limbs and either rub her arms or will fidget with her finger/bracelets while working with her main arms.
Tatiana: Use to strum her fingers as if she is playing an air guitar, but stopped after becoming the CEO of NSR and now will click her tongue with her mouth closed repeatedly.
Kliff: I see him as a chewer. Biting styluses or chewing gum. Probably also likes to rub different textures which is why he seems to where a bunch of different textured clothes and accessories. Also fidgets with the ends of his scarf, hair, or beard a lot.
DK West: Like Zuke he prefers more rhythmic stims, but he will definitely clap a lot. Sometimes he will just continuously clap for a solid few minutes very loudly until he feels better.
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hey, i love your fics and all your headcanons about the prime defenders! i love the way you do dakota's chronic pain (or something similar?), its a very unique one. can you tell me more about what you headcanon for each of them?
Oh! Hi sweet anon! I'm so glad that you like my prime defenders stuff! I love writing them and they are just so !!! to me.
Aha I never do talk about headcanons in public so I've never made a coherent list so I will do my best but I absolutely LOVE talking about this kind of stuff <3 headcanons my beloved. They will be under the cut!
this is really long btw.
you ask me to talk and I won't shut up.
William Wisp
this is my boy! My dude! Me FR! I think about him all the time uh headcanons tho hm.
His eyes glow in the dark
He's ALWAYS cold (doesn't produce his own body heat) and is just constantly shivering (I mention this one a lot in my fics)
Legs and hips are a little messed up, he walks with a limp (he is unaware that he does this but other people can notice it). Often hip and knee pain. Syrup brought up the idea to me of a ghost cane and I think about that a lot.
I think it would be funny (haha) if he's scared of the dark and claustrophobic
The claustrophobic one makes me a little insane bc he would know how irrational the fear is since he can literally... go intangible... if he's trapped in a small space he can get out of it.
I also think he would be very afraid of heights! y'know! makes sense!
He would like to sew I think. His main sweatshirt that he wears is just covered in embroidery and patches that he sewed on it.
He doesn't necessarily have food allergies but he does have a lot of sensitivities. He cannot digest much. (Onions, gluten, lactose, yknow food sensitivities).
Rigor mortis! LOL! I think sometimes he just straight up cant move yknow
I ALSO THINK that sometimes he just loses random senses. Like taste and smell. (I have a ghost character that has the same thing happen to him... Boy my beloved).
He sleepwalks a lot or otherwise just straight up doesn't get sleep yknow?
He knows so much obscure information it is INSANE and also a little frightening. He sends random articles to the groupchat in the middle of the night (poor Vyncent who has his ringer on all the time)
He also just like knows way too much and is scarily good at finding things on social media, he will be able to find a social media account within minutes (like my sister fr).
I think he would like cop or mystery shows like Criminal minds, Macgyver etc those type of shows idk. Maybe NCIS?
This isn't really about William but I think that the wisps mess with him whenever they're bored so he has just straight up resorted to giving them their own source of entertainment so they just leave him alone.
He has a record player that he puts on just so they can mess with it and so he can have a little bit of peace.
I think that electronics go a little funky in his presence, sometimes he just straight up cannot use his phone ("hey did you get my text?" "*phone screen is just static* no")
Speaking of texting, he pretty much NEVER responds to texts and either types for 10 minutes and sends a long paragraph response or types 10 minutes and responds with a singular emoji. It's impossible to tell which response it will be.
But if you want to get a hold of ANY of the boys, William is the best bet to text bc he will actually read his messages (he cannot have his phone off of silent bc he has to look at the messages right away, he just won't respond immediately. The message will be read tho).
He's a stress cleaner (when the rest of your life is falling apart at least you can control one aspect of it)
Will is absolutely ATROCIOUS at playing video games, he doesn't have the reaction time and much prefers making Dakota or Vyncent play a game and he'll watch
He's probably like the biggest impulse spender of the three and absolutely comes home from work with stupid things that he bought.
I think that William has muscle issues in his eyes. His eyes cross a lot, especially when he's tired. He's SUPPOSED to wear glasses for it but he doesn't. He only ever wears his glasses when Tide (or Dakota) tells him to. He would have thick square framed glasses that he technically doesn't need to see but his eyes are still a little messed up.
Ok listen, William is from Deadwood. Deadwood is a real city in South Dakota. I think South Dakota should be real. William has the most rural midwestern vibes ever. In my head he is midwestern, he has to be. He needs a thick midwestern accent. He is a corn boy (hi Syrup)
Ok I've been talking about William wisp for too long I need to move on to someone else UHHHH.
Dakota Cole
He loves baking fr! baking and cooking is his specialty and I think besides Tide, he would be the one to cook for the boys.
Stress baker
Sits on the counter all the time (Will and Vyn are sit on the floor type guys).
His hair IS technically curly but it's so frizzy it's impossible to actually tell, it's just a mass of red fluff.
I think it would be REALLY funny if he was naturally ginger but dyes his hair redder.
I think he deserves freckles too, tons of freckles, all over his body
His stomach and the back of his neck is super sensitive (William constantly tortures him w cold hands to the back of his neck)
He is fr like a walking space heater, he is always hot and gives off so much heat
Weighted blankets aren't really heavy enough for him but he loves being compressed fr
I think he absolutely is so affectionate, a ton of casual touches and just like yknow. Hugs, arm around the shoulder, headbutts, nudges all that type of stuff. Personal space is not a thing w/ Dakota but he backs off quickly when it's not welcome.
He does give big hugs though and will tackle someone to the ground if he hasn't seen them in a while. Absolutely massive hugs. Big squeeze.
I think he also loves to hold hands whenever they're walking places he will hold hands with one of the boys.
Gift giving is his love language, he loves getting the boys things that reminds him of them.
He likes watching cooking and baking shows too, absolutely
He has so many joint problems, mostly in his hips and knees (bc that's where he fights mostly) but his back, shoulders and elbows hurt as well during times. He cannot sit on the floor for very long otherwise it will hurt.
Around the base he has various braces and stuff to help w that along w/ stretches and all that
He would be SO good at platformer games (cuphead, donkey kong, super mario bros etc)
Dakota will sit and do something for maybe half an hour at most and then move on to a different activity (exceptions for this are baking, watching tv with the other boys or crochet). Compared to Will and Vynce who could sit for hours doing something specific.
He would just have a ton of stim toys I think, there's a couple that he uses often but he does have a lot in general just bc he'll see one and think it's interesting enough to buy.
This is kind of for all three of them, but around the base they have whiteboards n stuff to draw on, he always draws pictures on the board. (Will and Tide are the only ones to leave actual notes, Vyncent just draws faces).
He has so many pillows on his bed, he would love pillows. Absolutely cozy fr.
Short. I don't care how tall he is on the character sheet. This dude is not over 5'5. He cannot reach the top shelf.
I think he likes fruit punch for his select choice of juice.
He is accidentally the mom friend and by that I mean he just knows his own body well enough to have stuff that he needs. It just happens that no one else in the friend group knows how to take care of themselves.
Re: previous thought. If you need something, he'll probably have it in his bag, he's just like that.
He doesn't always see messages when they're sent but he always responds right away. (rule of thumb, if you need a text to be seen, text Will. If you need a response, text Dakota. Do not text Vyncent).
I don't care about the canon universe for this one headcanon but Dakota would LOVE Spiderman I think.
I think he would have a lot of night terrors.
^I had to add that one because I realized I didn't have that many sad headcanons for Dakota.
I think Dakota also steals clothes a lot. They just let him tho like no one cares. William will see him in the kitchen in a dark T shirt that is the most jarring image but just does not say anything. (He is not allowed to do laundry, certified thief fr)
Ok I've been talking about Dakota too long, Time to move on again
Vyncent Sol
Fr one of the most Boys to Boy yknow? he is a creature fr!
Eyes glow in the dark, Dakota is the only one without glowing eyes, he lives with two cryptids fr.
you can pry the headcanon that he has a tail out of my cold. dead. hands. He has a tail I believe in it.
Re: ^ that thought, super long skinny tail with a little tuft of fur at the end.
Continuing with that, whenever he's upset or scared he wraps his tail around whoever is nearby, constantly hits people with his tail but does not notice. Whenever they're in public he wraps it around his torso to keep it hidden.
Big ears fr! constantly twitching and flicking back and forth, they move so much it's funny to watch sometimes. Also floppy ears tbh.
I think he would have sharp teeth and sharp nails.
When he was younger, his hair used to be like a very pale lavender and was a lot curlier than it is now. He still has the baby curls but he tries to hide them bc he doesn't wanna be seen as immature.
His hair is also super delicate and soft, he cannot use shampoo or product bc it WILL destroy his hair, you have to be very gentle with it.
He purrs. Absolutely does.
Not a fan of physical contact but puts up with it for Dakota
That one post of like that really grumpy cat reluctantly purring on the chest of someone who was sick? yeah that's Vyncent. He hates comforting people. Will purr to comfort others tho. Even if he is wildly uncomfortable with every second of it.
Vyncent would be such a light sleeper, he has super sensitive hearing and will wake up at every little sound. Headphones are not just to hide his ears <3 too much noise gives him a headache all the time.
he would LOVE bugs and plants. Wants to know more about all the nature on prime <3
He always talks about little facts super excited and Will and Dakota always are excited about it too (even if it's common knowledge for them, it's not for Vyncent and he's excited about it).
Will, despite being terrified of bugs, gives Vyncent facts about bugs in return (Vyncent loves hearing about it!)
He's the type to torture bugs on the playground but it's completely scientific, he's doing it for science purposes. He wants to know more.
Vyncent thinks Will and Dakota are super hard to read, they think the same of him. They have different body languages <3
I think he would be allergic to stupid things in the same vein that dogs are. He can't have onions either. (poor Dakota loves onions but no one else in the base can have them except for Tide).
He likes sitting with the others and just kind of sitting in the same room as them, not even doing the same thing. He's just vibing.
I think Vyncent would walk really quietly and constantly sneak up on people by accident.
You could hand Vyncent literally anything and say "eat this" and he would. Same thing with Dakota but for Dakota it would have to at least look like food. Vyncent will eat a rock if you hand it to him.
William showed Vyncent how to do emojis one time and it has been one of Will's biggest regrets (Vyncent now pretty much only texts in emojis. No they do not makes sense).
I think Vyncent would get so motion sick in cars.
I think that he should have a noticeable accent, no one can tell what TYPE of accent (obvious reasons) but it's uncanny enough that he does not sound like the locals.
He deserves a little uncanniness as a treat, limbs too long etc something like that idk. He should be more of a creature.
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