#i literally need him dead. whos volunteering
Jason: Kill him. Batman: No. Jason: Kill him. Batman: No. Jason: Kill him! Batman: No! Joker: Can I kill myself to escape this nightmare of awkward father son tension? Jason and Batman: Shut up! Jason: Ignore me, like you did when I died, what about the countless lives he’s taken, what about Barb, what about the shit he’s put all of us through for some sick joke? And if you didn’t want to do it because of those reasons, what about me? I wanted to ignore this but he took me away from you! Why not vindicate me? I thought I was your son! Joker: Guess you weren’t that close. Jason snacks Joker with the crowbar a fifth time. Jason: Shut. The. Fuck. Up! Back to you, when I saw the bomb tick down, I accepted it. I accepted my death... I thought when I died, you'd kill him. Then I wake up and he's still alive. Why? Batman: I’ve contemplated torturing Joker in a private area. Make him feel pain from every nerve in his body, make it so that when I finally killed him I savor the light leaving his… eyes. But I don’t want to go to that dark place because that won’t fix crime. Jason: Stop joking. Batman: I'm not. Jason: You have to be. Batman: When have I ever joked with you in this suit?
Jason: It's not too late, because you can't be serious. It literally would fix one thing.. Him! Joker: Can you tell me what type of torture methods you’d perform on me? I might need to use those later. Jason points to Joker with his gun. Batman: If I kill I would never go back. I would kill the next one like him. Jason: Then fucking do that! You can't be arrested. You are friends with commissioner Gordon, who by the way, Joker shot his fucking daughter. You shot his daughter right? Joker: Yeah. Jason: Okay, so should I shoot him or do you want to? Batman: Joker would have to do something insanely unforgivable to make me kill him. Jason: ...He tricked my mom into handing me over and killed me. Horribly tortured me. Just want you to know I was legally dead for a time. Batman: That's different. Jason: Different how? Batman: You're here now.
Jason looks around. Jason: Am I on a hidden camera show? Because you did not say that as a defense. You can't be serious! Batman: It’s not right! Jason: Why? Go ahead tell me, why is it wrong to kill him and for me to kill irredeemable criminals. I'll wait, I have the detonator. Batman: Because when my parents died, I learned all life is valuable. Jason: Joseph Stalin. Batman: Okay, I - Jason: Charles Manson. Batman: Hold on, now he was- Jason: Jim Jones. Batman: Well they volunteered. Jason: Adolf Hitler, the Nazi soldiers who knowingly participated in the extermination of Jews and the ones who escaped to Brazil. Joker: I know I'm the one possibly dying, but he brought up a couple good examples. Batman: No, wait, because that's not the same. Joker is not the same as them. Jason: Okay, I will cancel out the world dictators and Manson. I'll do that... Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Wade Wilson! Batman: ... Jason: And again him torturing and killing your son isn't the line?
Batman: I told you not to fall for your mother's tricks. Jason: Are you resorting to gas lighting? While I have a bomb? We're doing that?! Batman: All I'm saying is when you got brought back you killed left and right. Jason: Yes, rapists and murderers. I don't kill shoplifters. Batman: Hypocrite. Jason: A shoplifter has a reason and doesn't go about killing someone. What rapists have you met that had a reason? Because rapists aren't redeemable, they're free game. Batman: Okay, last I checked murder is wrong! Jason: Yeah, it is! Jason points his gun Joker. Batman: ...A criminal is a criminal. I treat them all the same. Jason: Let's talk about Selina Kyle. Batman: Let's not do this. Jason: She gets a pass when she's attacked people to escape. If a criminal is a criminal then why isn't she in prison? Because she meows at you? Because you unironically like when she hits you with a whip? Because she talks in a fake sultry voice? I want to know why does she get a pass? Why Black Mask walks? Joker walks? Mr. Freeze walks? Tick tock detective. Batman: ... Jason: It bothers you, doesn't it? That I'm doing a better job at you? That I'm taking on businesses of the crime ridden area because I can admit that crime will never stop? That I kill murderers and rapists? Batman: It doesn't bother me... I just don't want you to do this. Jason: I'm not asking you to kill Selina or Riddler or Mr. Freeze. I want you to kill him. I'm not even mad at you for not stopping my death, I forgive you on that, but for the love of God, kill him! Please. I am begging you! Do you see this? I am begging you! Batman: I can't. I'm sorry. Jason: Okay you have two options. I kill Joker or... You kill me. Jason tosses Batman a gun that the man catches with ease. Batman: I regret the day I let you into my life... Not because of your fault, but my own. I gave you a good life with the life of a hero. So I won't kill him. I'm sorry. Jason: Hm... I guess you'll watch me kill him. This is great, I always wanted this moment with us. Jason grabs Joker and aims the gun at the cackling psychos head. Jason: I’m going to enjoy this! Batman: Dodge! Jason: What? Batman tosses a batarang at Jason’s neck, impaling it in the man's neck. Jason drops the gun and Joker in shock and pain as blood splurts out of his neck wound. Jason: You threw a batarang… at ME?! Batman: Oh shit, shit, shit! You were supposed to dodge! Jason: You pulled a Piccolo on me!? Batman: I thought you would dodge. I shouted dodge! Jason: You thought I would read your damn mind, toss Joker aside, dodge and then not shoot him. Batman stays silent. Jason and Joker: Oh my God you did. GREAT, NOW I'M AGREEING WITH HIM! Jason yanks the Batarang out of his neck. He looks at the Batarang, silent and shaking. Jason: You know... maybe in a few years we can laugh about this, but for...I'm sorry too. Jason presses the detonator managing to escape along with Batman. Joker is crushed by the debris of the buildings, but alive.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 4 months
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Chapter 2
Finnick x Reader
Series Masterlist Link
I had some down time while my flight was delayed so here’s another chapter! Hopefully chapter 3 will come out in a few days but we shall see. Thanks for all the love on the first chapter!
Content warnings - flashback to prostitution assault and detailed descriptions of killing/death
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You weren’t always known as a feral victor. Sure, some of your kills in the arena were a bit much, but it’s not uncommon to see that behavior in the games. It is a fight to the death after all. What is uncommon, however, is that literal fight continuing afterwards.
After the incident with the first doctor, which was kept quiet from the public at first, Snow believed you would still be of use from him. He thought the capital doctors could “fix you” and make you “civilized” again. He’s lucky he always had guards with him, or he would have ended up on your list.
Finnick, your mentor, thought that your post-arena violence might save you from his fate in the capital. He tried to convince Snow that it wasn’t a good idea to assign you clients, that you were unpredictable and things could go very wrong. Snow thought it would be fine.
“Sure she may put up a fight,” he told Finnick, “most of them do. But, I don’t think that should be an issue for her client. He could break her quite easily if he needed to.”
And break you he did, just not physically. It was you who did the physical breaking.
You didn’t mean to kill him, nor anyone else outside the arena, but his grotesque hands roaming your body triggered something deep inside you; a primal instinct you first felt in the arena. It was kill or be killed.
You tried to push through it. Snow had warned you what would happen to your family if you didn’t comply. But laying there being completely violated by this capital man broke the only pieces of you that had survived the arena. Your mind had convinced itself that you were out of options.
The man’s avox had phoned the police when she heard him scream, but they weren’t fast enough. He was so engrossed in his actions that he didn’t notice the way your eyes turned cold, or the way you stopped protesting.
Less than two minutes later, he was dead. You still can’t shake the feeling of his eyeballs under your nails, or the sound he made as you crushed his esophagus. The worst part was having to unattach yourself from him when the ordeal was over. You didn’t even protest when the police entered. They sedated you and carried you off, away from the scene of your crime.
Did you mean to kill him? No.
Do you regret it? Absolutely not.
The only thing you regret is coming out of that arena alive; but what’s done is done and there’s no going back.
Your prep team won’t go anywhere near you for the parade, which is quite the dilemma. How the hell were you supposed to get ready? You’re surprised a stylist designed something for you at all, or that they’re even letting you participate for that matter.
Apparently, your stylist didn’t design the outfit. He said that his mentor, Tigress, wanted to design something for you specifically but she is banned from the games so he volunteered to bring her design to you. He’s the first person in the capital who doesn’t seem terrified to be in your presence, but the peacekeepers still won’t let him near.
You’re forced to dress in front of the peacekeepers. They uncuff you at least but it’s still uncomfortable. You would strangle them all right now but unfortunately there would be consequences.
Snow paid you a visit last night. He told you exactly what would happen if you went “feral” before the games.
“We wouldn’t want Mr. Odair’s pedestal to malfunction while he was standing on it, would we?” he stated. “Or for Mrs. Flanagan to come down with a horrible illness. That would be quite unfortunate.”
You had to do everything possible to keep yourself under control, but even that could only help so much. The rage you felt inside was growing and it wasn’t calming down anytime soon.
“Why isn’t it ready yet?” the shrill voice of Linessa calls to the peacekeepers outside of your room.
“No prep team would touch her,” they tell her. “The tribute is getting herself dressed.”
“Move,” Finnick states as he pushes past the group to enter your room. You’re mostly clothed but are having issues with zipping up the back of your gown.
It’s a beautiful blue gown that hugs your skin before flaring out just below your hips. The stylist explained it as, “The image of a silent siren. A deeply misunderstood mythological creature of the ocean.”
Finnick slowly approaches, making sure you can see his hands.
“Can I help get you ready?” he asks. “We need to be out there soon.”
You nod and turn so he can zip up your dress. The feeling of his hands on your back causes you to tense up but you grit your teeth and remind yourself it’s just Finnick.
Practically grinding your teeth dull, you let Finnick do a simple makeup look on you to match your outfit. You wish you could give him an outfit instead of a net but neither you nor Mags have a say in the matter. You especially don’t.
Finnick is especially careful not to touch the scar that runs down the side of your face. You got it during your games and the capital doctors refused to polish it off after you killed one with a scalpel for taking your temperature. You wish you had the temperament to let him cover it up with the makeup but you know it would set you off.
When he’s done, the peacekeepers come and recuff your wrists but leave your feet free so you don’t trip in the dress.
“She doesn’t need those,” Finnick tells them.
“I’m sorry Mr. Odair but these are direct orders from Snow,” they state.
“Will you remove them before the parade?” he asks.
“No,” they state. Mags whispers something to Finnick and he nods in understanding before approaching you slowly.
“Hey,” he calmly states. “I need to go talk to some people before the parade. Stay with Mags and I’ll come get you before we start.” You nod and he leaves.
The peacekeepers force you and Mags out to where the chariots are, but make you stay along the edge of the stables where they can keep an eye on you. They wouldn’t want any of the “excitement” to start before the games begin.
You can see Finnick talking to Katniss, last year’s victor. You don’t really know any of the other victors besides Finnick and Mags. They know all about you, of course, but none of them care enough to get to know you. The only one who has ever spoken to you (over the phone of course) is Johanna Mason of District 7. She’s pretty close with Finnick and they talk all the time. You would be jealous if Finnick didn’t practically live at your place and spend all his time with you. Plus Johanna hates people.
“Hey feisty!” you hear Johanna call as she approaches you. Finnick has shown you pictures of her but outside of that and watching her games you had only ever heard her voice. The peacekeepers move to block her but one glare from her sends them away. “How’s life outside of your cell?”
You give her a thumbs down and she laughs in response, catching the attention of the other tributes.
“Well I give it double thumbs down,” she states.
“Johanna!” you hear a male yell. “Get your ass over here.”
“Ugh Blight’s calling,” Johanna groans. “See ya later feisty!”
You think you’re done socializing for today when you’re approached by a young blond boy. He doesn’t protest when the peacekeepers keep him five feet away.
“Hi y/n,” he states. “I’m Peeta. I don’t think we’ve met yet.”
You give him a blank stare as you study him. Something about you feels like he’s harmless, but you can’t be too sure.
“Ah Melark,” Gloss booms as he approaches the boy. “Don’t take it personal. Feral doesn’t talk.”
It’s clear these two haven’t met before as Peeta looks a bit scared of the career. You’d met Gloss once before your games as he was your allies’ mentor, but you haven’t spoken in years. Him and Finnick aren’t close.
“Oh, uh I’m sorry,” Peeta stutters. He glances over his shoulder to see Finnick flirting with Katniss. “Uh nice to meet you I guess.”
Peeta looks harmless, but looks can be deceiving. Katniss, on the other hand, looks like trouble.
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anthurak · 6 months
Hey, so we all understand that ANY serious RWBY theory that has Jaune getting some kind of cool powerup or weapon or a badass fight scene or killing one of the big bads like Cinder or Salem or literally any other fantasy-hero/power-fantasy staple is effectively dead on arrival, right?
Because it runs counter to one of the fundamental qualities of Jaune’s character: that he is a massive SUBVERSION of the whole ‘fantasy hero protagonist’ archetype. That a CORE aspect of Jaune’s character arc across the show has been all about abandoning any desire to be some idealized ‘Fantasy Hero’ who’s super special and always saving the day and defeating evil, and instead growing in an ‘Every-Man Hero’. Someone who isn’t all that special or strong but is nonetheless committed to helping those in need.
I mean just compare Jaune in Atlas during Volume 7/8 to Jaune in the Ever After during Volume 9: During their time in Atlas, we see Jaune not trying to be ‘The Hero’, instead he’s part of a group, following someone else’s lead and focusing on helping and supporting his friends and anyone else he can. While his friends are off slaying monsters and fighting the bad guys, Jaune is escorting kids to school or evacuating civilians or just carrying a friend or three. And it’s clear that in this role, Jaune flourishes. Emotionally and psychologically, Jaune is the best he’s been in the entire show! To the point where even in the depths of Salem’s ominous Grimm Whale of Doom, Ren’s empathic senses see Jaune as a pure, bright spot of positivity.
Then Volume 9 let Jaune try to be a cool, badass legendary hero in the form of The Rusted Knight. A single, solitary hero at the center of everything who fights monsters and helps everyone.
And it utterly DESTROYED HIM.
At this point I think the show has made it pretty clear where Jaune’s character is going, and just as clear where it ISN’T going.
If anything, rather than Jaune getting some kind of powerup, I think it’s far more likely we’ll see the opposite.
You know the theories that Jaune will wind up being integral to any plans to revive Penny? That Pietro will reveal/confirm that he doesn’t have enough aura to reactivate Penny, or is prepared to sacrifice his life in order to bring is daughter back one more time; only for Jaune to step in and volunteer his aura as the catalyst to bring Penny back.
Well consider how (re)activating Penny permanently stunted Pietro’s aura. I think it’s pretty easy to imagine much the same happening to Jaune.
Specifically, what if reviving Penny costs Jaune his uniquely strong and quick-regenerating aura reserves? As in, the very things that have helped him to be a capable fighter? To the point where Jaune’s aura might now be not much stronger than that of a normal, untrained civilian.
Basically, what if Jaune doesn’t sacrifice his life to bring Penny back as Pietro might have done, but rather sacrifices his strength and even ability to be a HUNTSMAN?
Honestly, I think this would be the perfect conclusion to Jaune’s character arc; the idea that things like martial strength and the ability to slay monsters and fight bad guys are actually so unnecessary and even counter to who he really is as a person that Jaune can just give up those things without issue whatsoever (remember that he would STILL have his semblance that allows him to empower others).
Perhaps even to the point of admitting that he never really needed to BE a huntsman in the first place.
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Look at me posting. Moons anon made me feel bad for not posting, and I accidentally ended up on hp tiktok, so here I am! And oh my…people are still on about Harry naming his son Severus?
“How is Snape the bravest man he ever knew when James is RIGHT THERE!”
“I’ll never understand why he did that considering Snape literally bullied him.”
“Snape didn’t even Save Harry.”
Boy oh boy!
1) James isn’t right anywhere, in any aspect of life, especially considering he has no life. 1 - Harry didn’t know James. Bravest man Ive ever KNOWN. 2 - James didn’t save Harry by having a stick up his ass instead of in his hands when Voldemort got there. LILY saved Harry. Let’s get that straight. If you’re gonna say it, say it right.
2) Snape haters are the same ones who scream from the rooftops in a megaphone that Snape needed to get over the Marauders bullying…so does that mindset jump out the window when it comes to Harry ooorrrr??? Y’all are basically mad that Harry is mature, open minded, and healed. Reflect on that.
3) You didn’t read the damn books. Severus risked his life for years to save Harry when he really didn’t have to. Let’s not forget that Dumbledore ASKED him to look after Harry…it was a choice. We all know Harry and his friends would have been dead very early on had it not been for Snape, both directly and indirectly helping him.
I mean if Snape really wanted that boy dead, he would’ve kicked his feet up and abracadabra’d him some popcorn when Quirrel was trying to kill him at the Quidditch game. No, back up…if Snape REALLY wanted Harry dead, he wouldn’t have volunteered his life, time, and energy to keep him alive
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lunarflux · 2 months
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I find it so interesting that Alicent's only reference to what Aemond "somehow" has become is strictly based on what happened to Luke at Storm's End, and I suppose what happened at Rook's Rest with Rhaenys (I don't think it was said that Cole told her it was him, but idk). It's one thing to have seen your youngest (sorry, Daeron) son grow up to be a psychopath and show no sympathy towards anything, but up until that point, Aemond really didn't do much outside of what was expected of him.
Her tending to Aegon with guilt set my brain on fire because what did she honestly expect? She coddled her children with blankets soaked in ice water and expected them to find warmth on their own. All three of her children display different results of what happens when you neglect your children. Aegon acts out to get any reaction from her because any reaction is better than no reaction, and when he finally goes to her, pleading for help because no one wants to listen to him during Small Council, she just shuts him down. Aegon is still young, and there was more than enough room in his development for her to be his mother in all senses of the word. Helaena basically gave up on anyone trying to understand her, and had Alicent offered like... a minute of actual comfort when Jaehaerys died, Helaena might not have had a literal panic attack (though that panic attack was totally warranted because that scene was honestly suffocating even as a viewer).
In terms of her relationship with Aemond, exactly how often does this woman talk to her children beyond the niceties? Aemond's choice to own what happened to Lucerys was a result of "no one did anything, so I fucking did it myself" instead of "I was angry, and maybe I did want him dead, but I didn't understand the consequences of holding onto anger and letting it fester, and now it's too late." Aemond 100% admired his mother when she tried to claim Luke's eye, but where did that motherly protection go? Even if she went full tilt and took the "Well, Luke never got punished" stance, yes, Aemond might still be where he's at, but she wouldn't be outwardly condemning his actions and might not be confused as to how we ended up here. Better yet, she wouldn't be shocked that Aemond has the silent confidence to take over as Prince Regent.
Aemond's face while waiting for the Small Council's decision on who will rule in Aegon's stead was honestly so funny. He already knew - he played the game. He let his brother flail helplessly and drown as King, and spent time showing his hand, showing how capable he can be. All this to say, Alicent REALLY ignored whatever the hell he was doing because if she hadn't, she would have found more than one moment where she could step in and mold him into a ruler who takes her opinions into account.
"Aemond is still young" so is Aegon?? And you were?? Idk okay with him doing whatever the fuck he was doing???? He also has little experience, so you can't use that argument now that the Council is backing Aemond.
I know the woman is fed up because of all the men fucking things up around her but holy shit woman - use your power as a woman and as a mother to mold them through manipulation without them knowing.
Quick edit now that it's the morning and can actually think past fatigue: I know what we're privy to about Alicent/Aemond's relationship is mostly inferred. There's a lot left to the imagination, and when I say "passed the niceties," I'm referring to the kinds of conversations that are essentially shallow. Alicent says what she needs to say, but there's no warmth since she speaks from the position of duty. There are touches of this when Aemond volunteers to go find Aegon in s1. We see Alicent confide in her father, but we don't see those thoughts said to Aemond which might have provided more for him in terms of her sympathy and protectiveness towards him (following the eye incident because she does comfort him there). Additionally, my main focus and why I have these opinions is Alicent's use of the word "somehow." Aemond has, for the most part, made an assumption of his mother's behavior, so she does the same. The assumptions can be made through the observation of someone's actions and not necessarily through conversation.
That being said, I am taking these stances from the POV of someone who only watches the show as I don't like to compare the developments between the product and the source material. Comparison is the thief of joy, and adaptations for TV will never be as accurate and concise as we'd like them to be.
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pomodoriyum · 5 months
idk i dont think we give hickey enough credit for jumping on the bomb that was about to be the whole manson / irving conflict to de-escalate it.
like manson had just shoved (?) irving (MAJOR no-no, since irving outranks him. also you cant hit your coworkers)and irving was threatening to lock manson in a room alone in the dark with dead men over an unspecified amt of time, because manson expressed being afraid (dangerous to admit!!).
obvs irving is projecting his own anger at himself onto manson here, but it’s especially not ok to do that to manson of all people, who reads to me as someone who’s mildly intellectually disabled. you dont do that to your coworker, or your subordinate, and you certainly dont do that to someone who may not be capable of defending themselves in the same way you can attack them/defend yourself. it’s a complete abuse of power, and it’s fucking sick. irving i dont care if you hate yourself and youre stressed!!! dont be a dick!!!!
like yeah, it’s to hickey’s benefit to reassure manson (hes already read crozier’s little note, and i think hickey’s probably disturbed by francis’ previous plans to leave, shaken that francis believes they need rescue, plus being flogged is not reassuring about crozier’s mental state or sense of control over the crew, and while i dont think hickey is really consciously planning mutiny yet, it’s definitely something his subconscious is chewing on) but there’s definitely a sense of hickey saying, ‘oh fuck this shit i am stepping up and interfering with this’. which is something he’s demonstrated before, and was flogged for it. like, christ. give the man some credit for calming manson down, and giving him actual tools (lantern, safety in distance, ‘guarding’ the others) to cope with his fear.
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also. sidenote. it’s been made very clear earlier that hickey is not supposed to be carrying heavy things. goodsir says this. hickey flinches when he sets that toolbox down. and then he goes and volunteers himself to help hold a dead body so that manson wouldnt be punished for being afraid. you know how much pain that probably caused him????? like literal, physical pain??? christ
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mossyivy · 5 months
I’m going to go insane if Tumblr scraps one of my ask’s again. Gonna reveal my identity at this point. ☹️ (You wish.)
I personally feel like Violet would be around 13-15, and Cecilia 9-10. (You can adjust with the age gap etc.) So they’d be a little older now, barely teenagers now.
Of course, the pregnancy was an unexpected thing. Both you and Leon never thought the two of you would have another baby, but nonetheless, the two of you had to deal with the consequences of your horny actions. 🙄
Violet and Cecilia would absolutely hate the two of you at first. Big sisters? Hell no. They’d literally run out of the living room yelling and slam the door to their separate rooms in frustrations. But what could the two of you do? Just wait and let them get over it…
At first, it was such a weird thing to them…Seeing their mom with a belly…Ew. And how Leon would give you double the attention made them get the ick, they were already used to y’all acting like horny teenagers but oh my god.
But alas, as soon as they met their little baby brother, oh, it was like it was the greatest thing in the world! The two of them would constantly beg to hold him, fighting over who gets to unfreeze the milk from the fridge and make him a bottle.
They’d both play with him, volunteer to even take him off of your hands for the day. (Which never lasted because they regret it as soon as he has a stinky diaper.) The two would also very much criticize his outfit choices. Every single onesie and little outfit you put on him had to be approved by his big sisters.
I also feel like they’d come up to you in the middle of target with a bunch of baby toys and clothes saying that he’d absolutely love them, and you just had to sign and give in.
- Anon! 🎀
Tumblr has been a Cunt to me the past few days with asks. I'm about to delete my whole account if it doesn't get fixed (I'm being dramatic.)
Leon and his wife would even be shocked they could have babies still... Not unhappy but you'd look him dead in the eyes and tell him "I'm getting my tubes tied or you're getting a vasectomy. No more kids."
Violetta (12) would definitely want nothing to do with the baby at first. She's almost a teenager and her parents having another kid at their DECREPIT AGE?!
So Embarrassing 🙄
Cecilia (8), still very young and impressionable would probably just be following her sisters lead but secretly be excited to finally have some to boss around.
But Violet (being the older pain in the ass sister she is) would probably get to Lia and drill it into her head that middle kids get forgotten and oh nooo she's the middle child
Make her sister cry, get grounded and her phone taken away for that.
But once their mother starts showing, Lia comes around immediately. Cuddles up with mommy on the couch whenever she can just to be close to the baby. Violets still super hesitant and not happy about it. Especially every time her dad shows you affection and like... Bucket loads of affection.
He missed seeing you pregnant. That pretty glow you'd always exude even just existing in his presence. And your cute pregnant waddle! He could go on for hours how much he loves when you're pregnant. This is a completely new experience for Lia, Violet hardly remembers what happened when you were originally pregnant with Lia . She was way too young to remember.
Time comes around when you find out the babies sex, Leon fully preparing for a 3 for 3 on the princess counter.
It's a boy... He's devastated at first. He really wanted another girl. But you on the other hand are relieved. You wanted a little boy. Not that you don't love your daughters it just be nice to have a son too. Eventually he's okay, especially after you tell him this means you need to have more renovations done to the house so there's room for the new baby. That means a new room to make into a nursery, something they didn't get to do with Lia but this time around they will.
Closer to the due date you start going over names for the baby. Leon suggesting Marvin as a middle name, you know the context of it and accept it immediately. Everyone starts throwing names around, Violet staying quiet. Lia suggests calling him Puppy...
"That's not a name honey." You chuckle at her suggestion when Violet looks at Leon.
"What's your middle name Dad?"
"Scott." Violet looks between her parents, shrugging.
"Scott sounds good to me."
You and Leon look at each other and smile. Agreeing it's a good name.
Time comes around to have the baby. Violets still against the kid, Lia's bouncing off the walls excited to meet her baby brother. You give birth and the girls are allowed in the room finally.
Both girls look mostly like a good mixture of the two of you... Leon could never deny Scott as his son (he never would) because the kid looks exactly like him. Dusty Brown hair from his younger years, cute little nose, big blue eyes and a butter ball of a chunky baby. He's absolutely precious.
Lia gets help from Leon to hold him since she's still younger. Violet keeps her distance until she walks over to check on you and make sure you aren't too tuckered out. Leon basically traps Violet between a chair and her only escape, offering her to hold her brother if she sits down. She agrees just to get this over with.
She has little Scott in her arms. He looks up at her smiling with those big blue eyes... 3. 2. 1...
She's crying. Won't stop talking about how cute he is or how much she loves him already. You and Leon share a look before he tries taking the baby back.
"He needs skin to skin time with mommy." She whines, reluctantly handing him over.
After that day you basically have two live in nanny's. Both girls wanting to help.
Unless it's diaper related...
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cosmerelists · 5 months
Candidates if Honor One Day Gets a New Vessel
So, there is a popular theory that even though Honor is Shattered, he won't be down for the count forever. In particular, people theorize that in the final stages of a Bondsmith's evolution, they'll be able to reforge Shattered shards. And in that case, Honor could be reborn anew! Let's say that there's merit to this theory, and that one way or another, Honor is reborn. Which of our current characters are the most likely candidates to scoop up that Shard?
1. Kaladin
I mean, not only is Kaladin Mr. Honorable himself with his Honorspren and Sense of Honor, but there has also been some possible foreshadowing of Kaladin becoming Honor's Vessel. There's his name, which means something like "Born Unto Eternity" (hmmmm...). There's the fact that he's referred to as the Son of Tanavast (Tanavast being the prior Vessel) and that Sanderson said there was a reason for that. 
So just imagine Kaladin saying something like, oh I don't know, "Honor's dead but I'll see what I can do" before Ascending. You see it, right?
2. Dalinar
In the theories I've seen, people expect it to be Dalinar, if anyone, who decides to Reforge the Shard (with some theories positing that he may one day try to reforge Adonalsium, as suggested by @imtheseventh here!). If Dalinar does go that far, then he may just take up the Shard himself, becoming Honor. Again, there is some potential foreshadowing of this, mainly when Odium says something like "He wasn't supposed to Ascend!" with a capital A when Dalinar gets a power-up. Plus, Dalinar is bonded with the Stormfather, the current Avatar of Honor. So not only does Dalinar have that close connection to Honor, but he always knows the guy who current possesses the remnants of Honor's power.
3. Syl
I've not seen this posited, but I could see it making sense. Syl often refers to herself as a fragment of god--she's the Stormfather's Ancient Daughter and a literal Honorspren. If spren can go through some sort of superevolution into a Shard, then I could see it being Syl. Then Kaladin would have Honor as his spren, and that somehow makes sense too.
4. The Stormfather
Let's say Dalinar does figure out a way to reforge Honor. What if he just uses Honor's existing Avatar, the Stormfather, and makes him into Honor? The Stormfather is already a piece of Honor's power, after all. And then Dalinar's bond would be with Honor, which again makes sense. It just feels like it's gonna involve Dalinar or Kaladin somehow.
5. Taln
Or maybe not. If we put aside Kaladin and Dalinar...what about Taln? If anybody embodies Honor, it's that guy. And if say, restarting the Oathpact has anything to do with needing to get Honor back into a non-Shattered form, I'm sure Taln would be the first guy to volunteer for the job. It doesn't seem like holding a Shard is a good gig, overall, but bad gigs happen to be  Taln's specialty.
6. No one
Or we could all be theorizing into the wind, as it were. Perhaps Shatterings cannot be undone, and Honor is just...gone. Kaput. I could honestly very much see this being true, but it sure is fun to speculate otherwise!
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thenixkat · 2 months
Decided to look up the comics that Scarab (lady assassin) firs showed up
also Tim Drake had parents, that were around for a while b4 they got killed off. Apparently, he was hiding the superhero thing from them
Bruce beating Tim's ass in training
and high expectations
apparently, Bruce is upset with Tim for killing someone huh
wow. nice parenting. Maybe Tim needs some therapy for having killed someone instead of his ass beaten and held to very strict expectations
ah yes fire the child sidekick when they're going through it
so batman is a bad parent
i doubt bruce is a good boss at wayne tech if he's like this when an employee disappoints him by going through shit
and Tim's gonna get it when he gets home from lying to his parents
damn Drake parents
just the downsides of not telling yer parents shit
of course the guy that tim thinks he killed is still alive and plotting
what the fuck is up with the ladies in the Batfam being down with hurting their partners?
if Tim wants to retire? let him? just cause you'd rather be on the field doesnt mean he's not going through it believing he killed a man
Tim has to stay a hero, even though his heart isnt in it rn which could lead to him getting hurt or killed or failing to save the day, b/c he saved the day and helped people and most people dont have the temperament or skill to be superheroes
Mr. Drake found Tim's stache
Mr. Drake pulled up at Bruce's house
apparently, they used to be neighbors, the Drakes fell on some hard times i guess
Alfred dont try to gaslight this man when youve been helping endanger his child
Mr. Drake is not having that shit. Good on him for being pissed off at the adults who's been endangering his child
wow, Mr. Drake decided to pull up on Bruce with a gun for endangering his child. Good on him. Gods below, imagine if that's how Batman died? The parent of one of his child sidekicks decides to take him to task on the child endangerment.
haha! Pull the trigger Mr. Drake! End Batman's miserable fucking life!
damnit Mr. Drake you waited too long to pull the trigger
man imagine if Bruce ever had like lasting consequences for the child endangerment that just fucking takes him out/he has to actively deal with it instead of brooding and moving on. Like clearly the dead child as of this comic wasnt enough
also yeah, makes sense that Batman would have a bad rep with common people. His costume is intent to scare and he frequently maims and cripples people
expose his ass mr. Drake!
Bruce really goes out his way to put in insults talking to this kid
someone is grounded
Tim you are literally a child and Bruce is the adult, it doesnt matter if you volunteered Batman had no right to take you up on the offer. Given the minor without parental permission
Bruce that is not a fucking excuse for child endangerment. You could literally go out and get an adult to be yer sidekick or replacement…only adults arent as moldable and controllable as kids huh?
also Bruce, its not a good look to yell at the child who's not yours that you've been endangering infront of his parent
Bruce can't even hold back his shitty parenting to look less awful infront of Mr. Drake
the war
the war against… crime is that fucking serious
Mr. Drake you should still expose Batman b/c fuck him. And also demand Batman offer some fucking compensation for all this
yeah that makes sense. Mr. Drake should still demand payment for all the fucking child labor
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glennquackmire · 2 months
WE NEED LORE FOR THE HUNGER GAMES AU !!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😛😛😛😛😛😞😞😞😞
This was originally really long but I'll do a better version of it ok so (hi chat I'm re reading this now cos it's not like 2am and I'm realising how bad this is I'll re explain it soon I promise ☝️☝️) (me again this is so ass I keep getting like flashbacks to how corny this is I'm rewriting it all as we speak cause this is so bad AND ooc AUGHHHHHHHHGHGGF)
-the curtis bros live in district 12 and their parents died in a mining accident
-darry (he's 18 in this) and pony are reaped ik I just said he volunteers for soda but I'm editing this rn and I'm taking that out LMAOO (I had to make it any 2 because there just isn't enough girls in the outsiders for one girl one boy 😭)
-ponyboy believes darry genuinely despises him (WRONG) and thinks that darry is going to try kill him once they get in the arena so he spends most his time in there trying to get away from him
-meanwhile darry spends all his time trying to FIND ponyboy w his fancy career ally paul (I like to pretend he's an important character) he's from district 4 or WAS lolol get it cause he's dead
-the arena is foresty but its also got this really cliffy area that overlooks this huge body of water (that's important i swear)
-so the other ppl who are reaped are:
>dally and johnny from the lumber district: their main tactic is to stay together but that's more of a support thing because johnny is convinced he doesn't have a chance and dally is super confident bro is SWINGING that axe
>tim from the textile district: he had to leave curly and Angela to fend for themselves so he's DESPERATE to get home (post traumatic eldest sibling disorder)(ily tim)
>the careers marcia and randy (District 1) cherry and bob (District 2) Paul and ik there's other socs but I forget their names (District 4): their main tactic is to travel in groups of 2 and pick off the weakest tributes at first and then come together
>scouts here she's from the technology district hi scout
>oh and also Steve and twobit are also here LITERALLY just because I think they're a funny duo they do NOT last long I fear #divadown
-dally and johnny are also super codependant in this and if johnny were to (hypothetically) get murked by a tribute (hypothetically) dally would end up like he did in the book perchance idk they make me really sad these two are doomed in every universe
-eventually after most of the ppl are dead darry amd pony rerun into eachother and that's when ponyboy starts to realise darry does not infact want him dead and their beef is as good as over too bad it doesn't last lolol
-i wanted to add a reference to tge actual book to look smart into this so instead of their being those mutant dog mutts that chase them instead it's a HUGE fire that burns the entire arena and pushes them to the top of the cliff and when it gets down to the final 2 darry willingly steps into it so ponyboy can live which ik that's kinda corny but anyway
-I have a whole storyline in my mind for each of the characters if anyone wants to hear more tell me NEOW
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 10 months
Weren’t they both insecure in DH? With Ginny giving Harry the kiss in her room for him to remember her by, and the scene with Ginny volunteering Luna instead of Cho? And Harry’s jealously of imagining someone else marrying Ginny.
[ask in reference to this]
I'm not fully sure what the question is supposed to be here, but I'll give it a try.
In DH, Harry and Ginny display possessiveness over each other. As I said in the post I linked: Harry is possessive of Ginny, and while it wasn't the point in that analysis, of course it's a mutual thing. We see it with the Cho moment, the Krum one, Harry being an idiot about Dean asking about Ginny [how could you not love Harry?].
The jealousy they display in DH though it's quite contextual to the fact they want to be together but can't. Generally speaking jealousy does not define Harry and Ginny's dynamic as we saw while they were dating but even earlier. Ginny literally gave relationship advice to Harry about Cho (borderline masochistic behavior) and Harry was very respectful of Ginny's relationship with Dean (too much if you ask me; come on, Harry, not even one snarky comment?).
Because of this, when I talked about Harry being annoyed by Ginny's friendship with Neville right after the war, I brought up elements of a very specific context, like the fact that it would be a very emotionally fragile time.
That said, I want to talk about two moments you brought up because, while they underline the idea that Harry and Ginny want to belong to each other, they are not about jelousy:
the kiss in Ginny's room
Harry imagining Ginny marrying someone else
The kiss in Ginny's room is way more complex than jealousy. For those who haven't noticed this: Ginny has a tendency to deflect pain with humor. And the veela thing is an inside joke between Harry and Ginny from the previous book.
What the kiss actually means is:
let's have a proper goodbye because you are probably going to die
but also don't die because I love you and you need to come back to me
I'm going to give you hope while you go on a masochistic journey that an old man with trust issues told you to do only with the help of two other random teenagers
That's why Harry thinks about that kiss before dying. It's a comfort of course, that's one big role Ginny has in Harry's life, but it's also in direct contrast with Harry seeing his dead family, Ginny is the family he has in life, if he can live he has someone to come back to. And so once again the author inserts the element of choice, in this case between the family who waits for him in death and the one that waits for him in life.
Harry imagining Ginny with someone else wasn't about jealousy either, even if, of course, he doesn't like this hypothetical other guy. After the fight with Ron, Harry realizes for the first time he and Ginny are probably not going to get back together because he sees no future in front of him. He can see only Voldemort, while in his head of course Ginny is obviously going to live a happy long life (Harry doesn't even want to get remotely close to the idea of Ginny dying). This is why at that moment Harry doesn't go back to Ginny despite telling her he would. He is half dead, and as long as that's true, he can't be with Ginny. The whole structure of the saga is substantially based on this: Harry can live only when he'll defeat Voldemort, he can have his future once the other is dead. And that's why the last scene of the saga is between Harry and Ginny: he got his future.
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rainybubbles · 2 years
How do you meet One Piece Boys ?
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Part 1- Marco, Mihawk, Izo, Sanji
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-Try to get Ace some spicy food, and you get an explosion.
-That's how a fart can literally kill, I guess.
-But now there was a hole in the boat.
-The boat repairman was unavailable.
(his hair burnt, and his hands too)
-So Marco was here on the island trying to find a new boat repairman.
-He, firstly, found your boss who advised him to go towards you
(in fact he has a phobia of pineapples, but let's omit this detail)
-Marco presented himself, so do you
-That's how you two met.
-Yes, Marco would have not preferred that he met you because of Ace's fart.
-but he guess nothing in his life would one day be normal.
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-A gun on your temple.
-Yeah, that's sounds more like how dying in 2 steps than "how-i-meet-my-boyfriend"
-Both of you were pirates, but not in the same crew.
-And your captain decided to fight against Whitebeard.
-That's how you ended up with a gun, asking yourself if the death was as pretty as this man.
-You didn't have the time to try to negociate that your captain screamed.
-Not like a "WE CAN DO THIS" thing.
-Guess you're almost dead and ALONE now.
-Izo and Whitebeard's crew probably pitied your crew.
-They immediately stopped the fight and while some of the commanders were sent to find your old captain.
-Edward offered you to join his crew if you wanted to.
-He didn't have to finish his sentence that you were already saying yes.
-...guess the lipsticks and the guns get you.
-And will continue to do, because Izo was your commander.
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-You suck at everything.
-(Me too bestie, but let's ignore this)
-And you thought that being volunteer in the marine could might help you in being more confident and skillful.
-You were wrong.
-You just did more push-ups and heard more screams with how useless you were.
-And your lieutenant thought it was a brilliant idea to exploit you to do the fatigues.
-Such as deliver letters to a Warlord in person.
-Let's not talk about how the Humandrills put you in a tree, laughing at you so loud that it troubled the calmness of a certain epeeist.
-Mihawk's first meeting with you was in a tree.
-With you covered in mud.
-A letter in your mouth.
-And you confessing your sins thinking that was how you were dying.
-...maybe he needed to stop the wine.
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-You saw many diseases.
-Smallpox, Hanahaki, hell even the plague.
-But a nosebleed which fills a barrel and lets the patient unconscious only because of women.
-Maybe it was a sign for you to find a new job.
-You've tried discussing with his doctor who was in your surgery searching for some new blood bags.
-(He was out of stock)
-Chopper said it was better to experience it to understand it.
-So he let the blondie wake up with a picture of a woman in his hands...
-Guess your white wall would have to be repainted.
-Interested you asked if it was current and if you could observe and study this behaviour.
-After all it was really something new and could help to finish some of your essays.
-A weirdo with a nosebleed problem
-that's how you met.
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language :( !
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aquaticptato · 4 months
I had a dream last night that is an actual plausible theory and I want to put it here so I can look back at it when the show either proves or disproves it.
First off, in the dream, Jax was one of the workers for C&A who knew about the circus's development. Maybe he was a programmer, or a random intern, who knows.
Now, Gooseworx said that Jax is going to do something "unforgivable" later in the show. Many people are speculating that he's gonna make someone abstract, aka kill them. But I had a thought- maybe he's not going to do it, but he's already done it and we'll see in a flashback or lore drop? Maybe... he's the one who got volunteers to try out the Circus? Maybe he was the "marketing team," so to speak, who convinced people to come try out this new VR and led them to their doom, even maybe KNOWING what would happen?
Gooseworx also said Jax is the newest member of the circus (besides Pomni, of course) and that he had the worst reaction out of everyone when he realized he was trapped in there.
I think maybe someone at C&A forced the headset onto Jax and trapped him there after something went really wrong, like the project needing to be hidden. A "No witnesses" situation, where the 22-year-old guy whose job was literally to tell people about it was too much of a loose end. Of course, if he was already in the know about the project, he'd instantly know he was f@#$&d, since Goose revealed that the circus members do remember their lives, just not their names.
(I think Pomni then found the headset years later after it was hidden and put it on at the computer we see in Episode 1, which is how this theory is still continuity-compliant. It's also why the headset itself looks old.)
Now, one more thing: I don't think anyone in the circus can escape. I think they're actually trapped forever. And Jax knew this, too, hence his freakout upon arrival.
Well, another thing Gooseworx posted was a list of warnings about the show. One of them was "corpse portrayal."
Additionally, when answering an ask about whether the show was going to have any major blood/gore, they said: "do decaying dried out corpses count?"
And I'm pretty sure we're all thinking the same thing.
Those corpses are the bodies of the circus members.
Entering the Amazing Digital Circus transfers a person's mind and consciousness into the digital realm. How could a body survive that? Be real here!
So, Pomni is dead. Jax is dead. Zooble and Gangle and Ragatha and Kinger and Kaufmo and Queenie and all the others whose names we don't know - they're all dead and decaying.
Which means, how can their consciousnesses escape the computer when they don't have a body to go back to?
And if putting on the headset really is a death sentence, then hoooo boy... Getting people to put it on even when you know they're doomed would be a pretty unforgivable thing to do, eh?
So, to summarize:
-Everyone in the circus is DEAD.
-Jax is the one responsible for everyone (except Pomni) being stuck in the Circus and therefore dying.
-We're going to see their bodies. They probably all got thrown in a cellar somewhere by C&A to hide the evidence. A fitting parallel to the Abstraction Cellar.
I sure hope I'm wrong, but I can't find any evidence against this so far.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Edit: Corrected the part about where Goose mentioned the corpses and got a screenshot, which I shall put here:
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catsandgoodbooks · 11 months
No. 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”
“Careful, it’s hot.” Philza passed Dream a cup of tea, who took it cautiously. Dream wrapped his hands around the cup; his hands were cold and the cup was warm. It was nice. “It went well, mates?”
“We got everything we wanted done, so I’d say yeah, it did,” Technoblade answered, hanging his cape up on a hook. 
Punz scoffed, rolling their eyes. “You don’t say, Technoblade.” They looked back at Phil and Dream. “I mean, he’s dead now and the whole place’s burnt to the ground. It’s taken care of.”
Niki smiled at the two of them brightly. “It’s safe to say we won’t have to worry about them anymore, right?” she asked, sitting down on the couch and narrowly avoiding sitting on Dream’s toes.
“Thanks, guys.” Dream knew they wanted him to say that, and he didn’t want to disappoint them. “Like, that’s great, thank you, but did you have to do that–”
“He hurt you,” Techno interrupted. “Quackity hurt you, and we needed to make sure that he would regret that.”
“Exactly,” Punz acquiesced. “We might not of had to do that, but we fucking wanted to, Dream.” (“My poor monetization,” Techno grumbled.) “He deserved it, and there needs to be consequences sometimes or everyone’s going to be running around doing whatever the hell they want.”
“I can’t speak for everyone here, but I think it’s safe to say that we care about you, and, uh, we don’t like people we care about getting cut up by people we don’t,” Ranboo volunteered from where he was hovering. 
(Phil offered Punz a cup of tea as well, and they took it. “Thanks.” The mercenary pulled out a chair and settled down)
“I couldn’t of said it better myself,” Techno agreed, and Ranboo puffed up a little bit at the approval. “We care, Dream. Even if you don’t want to admit it, it’s the truth.”
“Uh-huh.” Niki smiled over at Dream. “We care, and that’s the important thing here. We’re family at this point.”
“You have a point there,” Techno commented. “A very good point.” He glanced over a Dream. “You hear that? You’re never gettin’ rid of us.”
“Nope,” Punz remarked, smiling crookedly. “Not even this ‘until death’ shit. We all know that’s stupid.”
Dream rolled his eyes. “You know that I’m the necromancer here, right? I could just, like, not bring you back.” 
(He and Punz still hadn’t told the rest of the Syndicate about the Revival Book situation. They didn’t need to know about it. It would just invite too many questions)
“I think it’s a bit late for that, mate,” Phil told him, smiling faintly. “You wouldn’t still be here if that was actually a possibility.”
“Fine, fine,” Dream compromised. “I’ll stop. I’d totally bring all of you guys back if you died.”
“Good to know. Now I don’t have to worry about losing any of my lives,” Technoblade joked. “I can do as much stupid stuff as I want now.”
Dream glared at him. “That’s not what I said, Techno.”
“It basically is,” Punz responded. “Also, there seems to be a bit of double standard there, you know, considering the fact that you literally locked yourself up in prison.”
Niki grimaced. “Not your greatest moment, was it?”
“Let’s not talk about it right now. Doesn’t matter.” Dream really didn’t want to talk about that right now. (Or ever, really) 
“Thanks, I guess.” Dream pulled the blanket tighter around himself. He wanted to just make sure about one thing, but it would be showing vulnerability, opening himself up to admitting that he cared and getting hurt…
“Just checking but…you’re not going to leave, right?”
“Of course not, Dream. You’re one of us now. Yes, yes, I said it chat, you can stop screaming now.” Techno rolled his eyes but sobered up quickly. “You’re family, Dream.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
Okay, so I got NO work and No writing done today. The weather was too cozy so I just drank lots of tea and listened to music hehe.
So, instead of an LMCH or LBAF update, you get a glimpse into the Lightwood-Bane family in the RWRB AU. I'm so excited for you to all to meet them next week (?).
What was that mean tweet he read at the Jimmy Kimmel interview last year? 
President Lightwood’s family looks like the cover of a diversity brochure of a community college. 
Max had laughed out loud so hard that he almost fell off the chair. Because despite being mean, it was absolutely hilarious and you gotta give credit where credit is due. 
Despite this kind of criticism, the Lightwood-Banes used their diversity to their advantage. They each had their own strength and a target group they controlled. 
Dad, who was called the Orion of the Democratic Party - for his targeted initiatives and unmissable victories. His father, if he set his mind to something, always saw it through. Dad had the rich people and the white people and especially the rich white people under his thumb. The Lightwoods were famous long before Dad wanted to become president, so it also helped that their family came from old money and had friends in all the right places. 
Bapak, who was nicknamed Saint Magnus, is kind of like a modern-day Mother Theresa – perfectly balancing Dad’s straightforward and no-bullshit personality with soft smiles and gentle words. Bapak, who used to be a refugee himself, got most of the minority votes –including racial minorities and second-gen immigrants. He was very appealing to the liberals - especially the activists and the scholars and the feminists.
People liked Dad. But people were in love with Bapak. 
Well, not all of them, obviously. 
Just because they have a gay president now, it doesn’t homophobia was dead and equality is achieved. 
This is still the real world. 
Rafael, who had dubbed America’s Future, is the visionary among them. Because what Rafael lacked in experience, he made up more than enough with his passion. Despite spending all his free time with bapak, if there’s any, and hogging all of bapak’s attention like the unapologetically selfish asshole he is, Rafael is a mini-Dad. Max, who grew up with the man, saw it a long time ago. But the people started to see it too. 
However, while Dad had the upper class covered, Rafe wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty – not literally though. Bapak taught him to protect his cuticles. 
Rafe is one with the people of the working class. He got his first part-time job at the local diner when he was in middle school, he volunteered for everything damn charity project under the sun during high school and by the time he was in college, he was already helping Dad with his next campaign. 
While the rest of his family worked really hard to earn these titles and support, Max had barely done anything at all. He, anointed and appointed as ‘America’s Sweetheart, by the people themselves, just needed to be himself. A sweetheart. 
It wasn’t the press the gave him the name. Max’s target demographic is Gen Z and the name turned into a thing shortly after someone random person on TikTok made an edit of him to Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince. 
He’s fine it. Honestly, it’s much better than being called America’s Future. Yikes. 
Since Max’s key demographic is chronically online and would rather die than go out, much of the work he does is also online. This means he needs to have a consistent social media presence and do the allocated number of livestreams every week and meet the expected number of social media reach every day. 
It’s a little exhausting. But it’s nothing compared to what Rafael does, which is to do real work in the real world. 
But there you have it. 
The First Family of the United States of America. 
The Orion, Saint Magnus, America’s Future, and America’s Sweetheart.
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