#i low-key want to turn this into a sticker
panic-flavored · 1 year
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a merman and his evil super-villain bf, but make it colorful!
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sonarspace · 4 months
safeguard, kento nanami
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synopsis: bf!nanami comforting you after an incident with a stalker. content: (dealing with a stalker). comfort. fluff. wc: 1.1k a/n: based on an ask. ee being stalked is so scary. need all stalkers to d!3 immediately 😒!
𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. on your way to your boyfriend's apartment for a movie night you stop at a grocery store to grab some snacks. you get back in your car and start driving to his place. 15 minutes.
you're on a red light when you notice the van behind you has their headlights off and a dark tint. it's nightime so and the street lights are dim so you couldn't really see their face.
you start getting anxious, trying to think if you've seen this van before. and you immediately recall that it's the same van you saw at outside your gym a few days ago, with a beaver sticker on it's side.
the light turns green and you drive slow to see if they would overtake you but they don't. your anxiety is at an all time high confused about what to do, you call your boyfriend. "pick up, pick up," you mumble anxiously when the call goes to voicemail. you call him once more but still no answer.
you take a turn and the van follows. you're getting closer to your destination but the van is still tailing you. your phone rings and you quickly pick it up "hey sorry, i was in the kitchen. where are you? it's been twenty minutes." nanami's voice comes through.
"kento," your voice is shaking as you’re on the verge of tears. a sense of relief flooding you at hearing his voice, finally. "baby? are you okay? where are you?" he questions you worriedly. "yeah 'm okay. i— there's this van following me. i don't— i don't know what to do," you reply.
"what do you mean following you? where are you?" he asks and you can hear dishes clanking and nanami whispering a “fuck” when he hurts himself. "remember i told you about that weird van i saw at the gym the other day. i think it's the same one. i'm close to your place. i don't know how to lose them."
you hear him grab his keys and the apartment door shut in the background when he replies, "go to our usual cafe. i'll meet you there. okay?"
"okay. don't hang up." your breathing is erratic. "i'm here baby. don't worry, i'm here." he comforts you. "tell me. what snacks did you get for the movie," he asks trying to distract you. his footsteps hurried as he half runs to the cafe trying reach you quicker.
"i see you and i see the van. park on the side and come inside," he says and you let out a sigh of relief. he quickly snaps a pic of the van and sends it to ijichi 'get me information about the van and driver. quick'.
you make your way into the cafe and run into his arms. tears coating your face. "you're okay," he whispers into your hair. "i was so scared," you mumble into his chest. he hugs you tighter. "me too baby. but you're okay now. they can't hurt you, alright?" he pulls back a little to see your face.
you nod as you wipe the tears, "i'm sorry for—" you try to apolgize for worrying him but he quickly shuts you up "don't. don't apolgize." he furrows his eyebrows. "i'm always here for you, yeah? gonna always take care of you, don't do that." he gives you a quick kiss on your forehead.
"come on, let's go back home." you walk out of the cafe and the van is still there, parked a few meters away. "it's still here" you speak in a low murmur. your grip on his hand tightens.
as you start walking back to his place, nanami gets a text back from ijichi 'van belongs to an ex convict. served for 2 years for violation of restraining order and stalking. got out last month.'
he turns around. his expression something between disgust and rage. "fucking creep, let me go have a chat with him," he drops your hand but before he can go further you grab onto his arm "no, please ken. please. let's just go home," your voice quivers.
not wanting to stress you further he does as you say. "i'm going to take a shower," you sigh walking into the apartment. he texts ijichi and tells him to handle the guy.
as he’s waits for you he fluffs the pillows on the couch, adds a blanket, and dims the light, — wanting to create a comforting atmosphere for you. he decides you’ve been in the shower for far too long and joins you.
your head’s resting against the shower tiles when you hear the door open and shut. a quivering breathe escapes your lips as his hands wrap around your waist pulling you back into his chest.
you turn around in his arms and bury your face into his chest. your body trembles with each silent sob. he tightens his hold on you. “you’re safe. you’re okay. i’m here. never going to let you get hurt, my sweet angel. i promise.” he reassures you, gently rubbing your back.
at his words you finally look up at him and his heart clenches at the hurt in your eyes. he swears to himself then to make sure that guy ends up in prison again and to do his best to not have you feel this way. he kisses your forehead as if sealing his vow. he pulls you out of the shower and dresses you in his clothes.
he spends the next couple of days not too far from you. driving you to and from anywhere and everywhere you wanted to go. your personal chauffeur, bodyguard, boyfriend all in one. you were so grateful for him.
soon enough that guy ends up behind bars. he gives you a brief background on the guy in the van and how you were one of the few victims of his stalking mission.
one night while you’re watching a movie together, nanami hands you a black box with cute bow on top. inside it, you find a key. “we should pack whatever you have left at your apartment so you can move in with me,” he says – catching you off guard. you snap your head towards him and he smiles at you cheekily.
ever since you’ve moved in with him, he urges you to go out on your own – not wanting you to live in constant fear. apart from that nanami hires security personnel that follows you around from a distance to not overwhelm you but still makes you feel protected. moreover makes him feel at ease knowing you’re under safe watchful eyes.
𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆. 𓆝⋆. 𓇼 ˚。𓆉 ⋆𓇼 ⋆.
a/n: comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated!
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asumofwords · 1 year
The Sublet - Roommate!AU
Warnings: She/her pronouns, slow burn, angst. Tags will be added as the fic goes along. Smut, dirty talk, spanking, finger fucking, no protection (wrap it before you tap it babies), smut, creampie, Aemond being a douchebag.
Pairings: Modern!Aemond x Reader, Modern!Cregan x Reader
Summary: Living with Helaena Targaryen was one of the best decisions you had ever made. Meeting at university, the two of you became thick as thieves and quickly best friends, moving into a flat together. But what will happen when Helaena has to leave, and her quiet, brooding, brother moves in?
Notes: Bit of a longer chapter than usual here, hehe. You should know me by now, I hate cutting them up, so I hope this feeds you well. Cregan Stark my beloved, take me now ;)
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Chapter 4: Bunny
By the time you had gotten through four episodes of Dance Moms, you heard keys in the front door. Sitting up, you turned your head towards the entrance, listening as Aemond dropped his keys into the bowl beside yours and made his way down the hall. 
His towering frame entered the lounge room, silver hair pulled away from his face in a low bun. Turning to the sound of the television, Aemond lifted his eye towards you, giving you a short and curt nod in greeting. 
“Hey.” You greeted back, watching him disappear into his room. You listened as the door shut behind him with a click. 
What was his deal?
Was he always this rude? Or just cripplingly shy? 
But to you, he didn’t seem shy, and now that you thought of it, Helaena had only described him as such when he moved in. Never once before.
Helaena had a great read on people, and he was her brother, they grew up together and were relatively close. Helaena had described her middle brother as many things. Loyal, headstrong, stubborn, but shy just did not seem to fit the ticket, even if she had told you as such.
It made you think that maybe it would be better to have Aegon as a roommate after all.
At least he would talk to you. 
The more you thought about it, the more it intrigued you.
What did he do during the day? Did he work? Did he live off of his parents money? He said he had been studying, but he wasn’t anymore. Aemond truly was a mystery to you, and the less you knew about him, the more you wanted to know. 
Putting your dishes in the sink, you decided to go and talk to the man you would be living with for the next month. And he very well could indulge you. He was under your roof, in your space. It was the least he could do. 
Reaching Helaena’s door, you looked at the small stickers on the wood, rethinking your actions for one moment before you charged forward, knocking. It wasn’t an urgent knock, or aggressive. It was lazy, and casual, and you had hoped that it conveyed the reason why you were there. 
Rustling came from behind the door as you shifted on your feet, waiting as the seconds ticked by, until finally the handle twisted, and Aemond appeared. 
You blinked. 
He was shirtless. 
Aemond looked down at you silently, waiting for you to reveal the reason for your intrusion. And yet as you stood there, looking at the man in front of you, his toned chest and arms on display, small scars littering some of his skin, you felt all the words in your throat shrivel and dry up.
Aemond dipped his head, eyebrows twitching as he looked at you in something you could only describe as slight annoyance, and perhaps amusement. Taking a steeling breath, and trying to keep your eyes above his chest. 
“Hey, have you eaten?” It was the first thing that popped into your head.
Aemond’s eye flicked up and then down your body, and if you hadn’t been concentrating so hard on keeping your gaze on his face, you wouldn’t have noticed it.
You felt heat rise in your cheeks.
“Mm.” He nodded.
His gaze held yours, and tension bloomed around you, “Um, do you want to watch a movie or something?”
Aemond’s lips pursed forward slightly, before he straightened himself, one arm still holding onto the side of the door, “What are you watching?”
“Dance Moms, but we can watch something else if you want?”
Why did you feel so small all of a sudden?
Silence curled around you as you waited for Aemond’s response. 
Then came the rejection.
“I think I’m going to just go to bed.”
Your stomach twisted.
Stepping back away from he door, you gave him a crooked smile and bobbed your head, “No problem. Night.” Spinning on your heel, you walked back down the hall, cheeks hot from embarrassment and a pinprick of spite. 
You didn’t turn back to hear him say goodnight, but you could feel his gaze on you as you moved back to the lounge room. 
The next few days went by with Aemond barely speaking to you. And although he was somewhat polite, his allusiveness to even try and get to know you was wearing down on your patience.
Whats more, was despite his obvious refusal to want to spend time with you, and engage in more than the occasional bout of small talk, you could not escape awkwardly bumping into each other in the house, and a weird energy stretching around the you both. It felt like you were walking on thin ice, one misstep and you were going to fall into the depths below. And it made you angry. 
Why were you the one to feel awkward in your own home?
And on top of all this, Larys had been on your ass more than usual. Constantly hovering over your desk, sending passive aggressive emails, nitpicking your grammar or style in work, to which you would send emails of a similar type back. If you had to write another ‘per my last email’ one more time, you think you would scream. 
The thing that annoyed you the most however?
Was how alluring Aemond was. 
There was no denying that he was attractive, his sharp features adding to his mysterious, and allusive energy. And you thought that was what attracted you the most. The man was entirely a mystery to you, and he knew it.
It was clear he was aware he was getting under your skin in some type of way, because he had begun to smirk and hum to your prodding more often than not.
It was driving you insane.
You were doing your best, or the best that you could, to make Helaena’s brother feel welcome. To make him feel comfortable in your home, but the man had not a shred of decency to do the same. 
So after a long week of tiptoeing around the enigma that had moved into the room opposite you, and the slog of work and leering eyes of Larys Strong, you sat on the train on a Friday evening and sent off a text to Cregan.
Aemond had been in the house long enough, and you needed to let off some steam. 
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You smiled at your phone as you got off the train, walking home from work.
Cregan really was a stress reliever for you, and a bloody good one too. Reliable and always on time, you knew that he would be at your door as the clock struck 6, which meant you had about an hour to shower and get yourself ready. 
When you arrived home, you didn’t bother to call out in greeting as you were so used to doing with Helaena, instead silently toeing your shoes off at the door and dumping your keys in the bowl beside the other pair. 
Aemond was home. 
You walked down the hall, and as you turned you saw Aemond stretched out on the couch, phone in hand, with only a shirt and a pair of black nike shorts on. The Targaryen lifted his head and looked at you, almost as though he was waiting for you to speak, but all you gave him was a curt smile as you moved down the hall, hanging your bag on a hook behind your door, before heading straight for the shower. 
You washed and exfoliated yourself, letting the hot water beat against your sore shoulders and back before getting out to apply some light make up. After you had moisturised and gotten yourself ready, you wrapped your towel around your body, checking your phone.
Plenty of time.
Aemond’s head lifted to your body in the towel as you moved to your room, and you felt his heated gaze on the back of your neck, prickling like static. You got inside and shut the door, fishing out a matching pair of lingerie and some cute clothes to throw on. You quickly tidied your room, and before you knew it, you were ready with twenty minutes to spare. 
You walked to the kitchen, hoping to fix up a little plate of snacks for the two of you, Aemond still where he was on the couch. You felt his eye on your the entire time as you fished out a plate and began to put some cheeses and meats on it, giggling to yourself as you remembered Helaena calling it ‘Girl Dinner’.
“I’ve already eaten.” Came Aemond’s voice from behind. 
You frowned, turning slowly to look at him. 
“It’s not for you.” You responded, almost shocked at the audacity that this man had. He was really beginning to get under your skin. You turned back around, silently scoffing to yourself as you moved to grab a glass of water. 
You had gotten half way through the glass when a knock at the door alerted you to Cregan’s arrival. A smile wound on your lips as you grabbed the plate, quickly dumping it on the dining room table before you went to the front door. 
Cregan grinned at you, bottle of wine in his hand. 
Your heart fluttered in your chest and you rose on your tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips, “Hey.”
“Hi.” He breathed back, voice deep.
Cregan stepped into the apartment, slightly ducking under the frame as you led him down the hallway he had been through plenty of times before.
As he walked behind you, you could smell him. He smelt safe, he smelt warm. A musky scent that had subtle hints of citrus.
When you entered the lounge room, Aemond was no longer lounging on the couch, instead he was sitting stiffly atop the pillows, head turned towards you. As Cregan finally emerged from the halls, the two men exchanged what you could declare, the most uncomfortable of greetings. 
Cregan, being the warm man that he was, smiled at Aemond and offered his name, moving across the room the shake the violet eye’d mans hand. But Aemond made no move to grasp his, and instead looked at it for a beat as he stood, before finally grasping it and offering his name quietly. 
“You’re Helaena’s brother, yeah?” Cregan attempted to diffuse the tension, and Ameond only gave a noncommittal hum back. 
Sensing the awkwardness, you grabbed Cregan’s hand and dragged him to the kitchen, “Lets get some glasses, yea? What did you bring this time?” You could feel Aemond’s eye on your back.
Cregan gave small amused scoff, holding back his true thoughts, “Spiced wine from Dorne.” His deep grey eyes looked down at you, small smirk winding on his cheeks. 
“My favourite!” You chirped, pulling down two glasses for the both of you, before you took him back to the dining table behind the couch, trying to keep your eyes ahead of you instead of meeting the icy one of Aemond’s. 
It was ironic really. 
Cregan was from the North, but had one of the warmest personalities you had ever met. 
Aemond came from a background of legends of fire and dragons, and yet he was icier than snow.
Cregan and you sat at the table for some time, nibbling on your snack plate and drinking the wine as you caught up on the weeks that had gone past without seeing each other. It was friendly and kind, and you felt the weeks tension slowly bleed out of you as you were able to have a normal, actual conversation with someone. 
Before long, you were feeling warm from the wine, or perhaps it was the way that Cregan kept devouring you with his eyes. Aemond still sat stiff backed at the couch, not having moved once, a stark difference to him usually hiding in his room. 
Cregan’s eyes roamed down your body as he pushed his tongue into his cheek. You rested your chin in your palm and lowered your voice, “I could have sworn there was some sort of lingering threat between the two of us.”
The Starks teeth were revealed as his smirk pulled higher on his face. Your breath caught in your throat.
Gods he was handsome.
“I think there was.” His voice was low and deep, rumbling from his chest.
Aemond would have to strain his ears above the telly to be able to hear the two of you, and so you felt safe having the conversation behind him, “I told you what would happen, bunny.”
Your thighs rubbed together beneath the table.
Grinning at the brunette in front of you wolfishly, you leant forward, giving him an ample view of your breasts from the top of your shirt, “Hm, I could just make you sit here with me all night.” You purred.
Cregan’s gaze darkened, head tilting as he looked at your through his lashes, “You think I won’t throw you over my knee right here?”
Your mouth dropped open, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
The way Cregan was looking at you in that moment meant one thing. 
He was deathly serious. 
Standing abruptly, you grabbed the bottle of wine and your glass, balancing your phone between two fingers and motioned for him to follow you to your room. Your skin prickled as you all but sprinted into your bedroom, placing the wine down on your side table as you waited for the hulking figure to follow you in. 
As soon as he entered, he placed his wine beside yours, towering over you.
Your heart raced as you looked up at him, a knowing grin spreading across your face. Every inch of your body was set alight as he continued to look down at you, piercing eyes boring a hole into your head. 
“Get on the bed, bunny.” He commanded, voice lowering to almost a whisper.
Anticipation worked its way through your bones as you could not help the excitement that continued to burst through your veins, and yet still, you could not help but be bratty, knowing that you were playing with fire.
“Why?” You looked up at him, cocking your head, biting your lips to stop you from smiling.
Cregan sighed, “Get on the bed, or I’ll do it for you.”
Your tongue peeked out of your lips as you wet them, “What are you going to do to me?”
Your world tilted as Cregan hoisted you up in his arms, loud giggle flying from your lips as he stalked towards the bed, before throwing you unceremoniously onto it, your body bouncing atop the mattress. 
Cregan smirked, looking down at you as he grabbed your ankles and ripped you to the end of the bed, air squeaking from your lungs, “Such a tease.” He grunted as he parted your legs, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you looked down at him. 
Cregan knelt at the foot of the bed, hands grazing up your thighs and under your skirt until they reached the edges of your panties. His fingers skimmed over the black lace, eyes peering up at you hungrily.
“Naughty girl. Who’s this for?”
You squirmed at his touch, “No-one.”
“Really?” His large, callused fingers dragged the lace down your legs, swooping them over your knees before tossing them somewhere else in the room, long forgotten as his hands skimmed back up your inner thighs, pausing right before where you needed him most. 
Heat pooled in your gut as you wriggled, trying to get him to touch you.
“Please.” You whispered, pouting down at him.
“Please what, bunny?”
“Please touch me.”
Cregan pressed a short kiss to your knee, causing you to jerk at the warmth, "But you don’t deserve that do you?”
You whined loudly, thrusting your hips up into his hands, “Please Cregan, I’ll be good.”
The man laughed sincerely, “When are you ever been good for me?”
You smirked at him, trying to grab his hands and pull them up, but he didn’t budge. You huffed and flopped back down onto the mattress as the Northerner stood, looking down at you smugly. 
With quick hands, you ripped off your top and skirt, leaving you in only the small, black, lacy bra. Your hands moved to take that off to, but Cregan stopped you, “Uh uh. Keep that on.” He turned around, grabbing his phone and turning on your speaker, still fully dressed, shoes on, and you bare to him on your bed. 
You shifted in anticipation. 
He turned the music up, you thought a common curtesy for the man who may still be seated on the lounge not too far away, as he stalked towards you, looking down at the way your thighs rubbed together, trying to ease the ache between them.
“Look at you, bunny. So desperate.”
You nodded your head, hand skimming down your body to touch yourself.
“No.” His voice purred, all playfulness gone, “Come here.” A large finger pointed down to where he stood at the end of the bed. 
You wriggled down slowly, keeping your eyes on his as you moved to stand, head craned up to look at him. His finger traced under your chin softly as he looked at you, “You going to be good for me?”
You nodded, leaning your face into his hand, as you reached out to touch him. He let your hands graze over his chest and up to his shoulders, rising on your tip toes to place a kiss at the crux of his jaw. Cregan hummed, large palm spreading across your lower back to press you against him. He shifted his head, bringing his lips to your ear.
“Don’t think you can get out of being a brat.”
With swift hands, Cregan spun you around and pushed you over the bed, your chest and stomach plush to the mattress whilst your legs dangled off the edge.
A small cry slipped past your lips as you landed face first, air pushing out of your lungs. His hand smoothed over your lower back, and you turned your head to look at him. 
Cregan was looking between your thighs, no doubt finding your slick centre. 
“Look at you, so wet already?”
You whined in response, arching your back, the music drowning out the sounds in the room. His other hand began to rub soothing circles against the swell of your ass, and you clenched in anticipation of what was to come next. 
The hand lifted, snapping down onto your flesh with a crack.
You squeaked, heat blooming in your cheek as Cregan cooed you from behind, “Good girl,” He purred, “You’re going to give me ten of these, okay?”
You nodded your head, burying your face into your arms as he lifted his palm again, swatting down on the stinging flesh. The slap rippled through you, and your cry was muffled by the mattress.
You thighs rubbed together as Cregan brought down his hand, again and again. 
By the time he got to seven, your flesh was burning, and you flinched as he brought his hand up to strike you again. You could feel the wetness between your thighs as he tutted, “Come on bun, only three more. Do you think you can be good and take three more?”
You nodded, eyes feeling teary as you squirmed beneath him, hand soothing against the hot flesh of your bum before removing it to strike down again. The hit caused your core to flutter round nothing and you moaned loudly, rolling your back. 
“Good girl, only two more. You’re doing so good for me.”
You keened at the praise and sucked in a breath, feeling his hand come down again.
“Such a good bunny for me. One more, baby.”
Cregan's hand came down a final time with a crack. It filled room, your cry climbing in the space as the song had ended and another had softly begun.
Your face was flushed as he cooed you, praising you for how well you had done, your thighs feeling slick as you rutted against the bed in an attempt to soothe the throbbing.
Lips met your shoulder blade and spine, small moans falling from your lips as Cregan moved down your body, “Good girl. Such a good girl for me.”
“Mm, Yes.” You whined pitifully, spreading your thighs as his hand trailed over your soft, hot skin before diving between your folds.
“Fuck,” Cregan growled, “You’re soaked. You’re not supposed to enjoy your punishment, bunny.” He chastised you, fingers parting your folds as he moved over your clit, your body jerking beneath him. 
“Ah, I d-“ Your words caught in your throat, a rasping breath falling form your lips as you felt two of his large fingers push their way inside of you.
The stretch was delicious, and your back arched as the pressed against your walls. 
“Shh.” He dragged his hand back out, before pushing them back in, giving you time to adjust, each stroke of his fingers curling down to rub over the soft spongey patch inside of you. 
You groaned, head turned to the side as you wriggled beneath him, his hand starting a slow pace as he stretched you open. 
“Look how wet you are for me, soaking my hand like such a good girl.”
You hummed in agreement, feeling his thumb begin to swirl around your clit as he continued to drag his fingers in and out of you, increasing his pace.
Cregan began to fuck his fingers in and out of you, the sound of your slick barely drowned out by the music as you whined beneath him.
“S’good. Fuck.” You moaned, hearing him chuckle, the speed increasing. 
You could feel the coil inside of you begin to wind tightly, his hands slowly tipping you over the edge.
Your breath held in your chest as he fucked you with his fingers, your orgasm rapidly approaching.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna-“
Cregan pulled his hands from within and you whined, your release immediately halting. You heard his deep chuckle behind you as you arched your back, chasing his fingers, “Hnng- No. Please Cregan.” You whined.
His fingers moved mack, slowly pushing inside as he began to rub around your clit, and soon the pleasure that had been building began to climb again, your breathing ragged as you chased your climax. 
But as soon as you almost got to the top, core clenched around his digits, Cregan would pull his hand from you. Ripping your orgasm away.
You sobbed against the sheets, one hand winding down beneath you to reach your clit. 
A sharp pain bloomed through your core as Cregan slapped at your cunt. You hissed.
“No touching. This is your punishment for being a brat. You wanna be bratty with me, I'm going to treat you like a brat. And brats don’t get rewards.”
Tears welled in your eyes, all too desperate to get your release, “Please, Cregan, Please. I'll be good. Please, I just-“
“Shhh. Be good and take it then.”
His digits found their way back to your core, sliding in again, this time adding a third finger, the stretch causing you to whine loudly, wriggling backwards against his hand as he stretched you apart. 
“Good girl. See? You can be good, can’t you?”
You nodded your head dumbly, feeling like you were beginning to float away.
“You be good for me, and I'll let you cum, okay?”
“I'll be good. I'll be good.” You babbled, nodding your head, pushing back down onto his fingers, feeling full with them inside. 
Cregan began to drag them in and out again, his thumb rubbing wet and sloppy circles around your clit as he fucked faster into you, your wetness coating your inner thighs and his hands, no doubt soaking the bed beneath you.
The coil inside of you was ready to break, pleasure mounting and mounting, breath caught in your throat.
“I can feel you squeezing me, are you going to cum?”
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice as he sped up his hand, fingers drilling inside of you, the sloppy sound of your cunt making Cregan groan loudly behind you, watching the way his fingers disappeared inside of your folds.
“Come on then, cum for me.”
His fingers pressed down on the spongey spot inside, as his thumb pressed on your clit.
The coil snapped as you came hard on his fingers.
Eyes scrunched shut, you cried out loudly, writhing on the bed. Your limbs tingled with pleasure as you rode out your orgasm on his hand, the man behind you cooing you through it, and praising you.
“Doing so good, good girl. There you are, so beautiful. You’re so beautiful when you cum. Such a pretty pussy.”
“Fu-ck.” You croaked, his hand finally stilling inside of you.
Your core clenched around him as you came down from your high. You felt weightless, but heavy all at once, limbs like stone as you kept your eyes shut, basking in the glow of your orgasm. 
Rustling came from behind you and the sound of a belt buckle being pulled open. 
“Let me take care of you.” A kiss pressed against your shoulder and you sighed, turning your head to kiss him. His lips moved against yours gently as you felt the buckle of his pants press against the hot skin of your cheeks. It was soothing in a way and you pushed back against him.
“Gonna fuck you, okay?”
You hummed in approval, lifting your hips as you felt Cregan line himself up with your folds.
With one smooth thrust, he entered you, your slick guiding him in as he pressed up into your walls.
“Fuck.” He grit out, feeling you clench down on him.
You whined, the stretch of him causing your already sensitive pussy to throb. But your limbs were too heavy, and so you laid beneath him, eyes closed as you panted. 
Cregan began to fuck into you slowly at first, giving you time to adjust to him, but before long, he was thrusting into your wet heat with vigour, your bed and body jolting with each snap of his hips. Airless gasps were pushed from your lips as his length bullied your sweet spot inside. 
The coil that had been battered before, began to wind again, and you reached a hand back to grab the arm that he had planted beside you. 
“You gonna cum again?” He breathed, the slapping of flesh filling the room.
You nodded sluggishly, “Uh huh. Please.”
“Good girl.” Cregan dipped his head to press a kiss at the crown of your head, in a soothing and sweet manner, a complete contradiction to he way he was rutting into you. 
He sped up his movements, his tip jabbing into the end of your cervix meanly as you cried out, soothed by his shushing and praise.
“Doing so good for me, almost there.”
Two large hands grabbed your hips and pulled you further down the bed, using them to guide you up and down his shaft, fucking into you sloppily as he began to lose himself to pleasure and chase his own peak.
The change in angle deepened his thrusts, and your body seized, cry breaking free as you came again around his cock.
“Good girl, such a good girl for me. Fuck.”
Cregan’s thrusts became erratic, the pace faltering.
He came with a cry, collapsing on top of you, careful to not put all his weight on your lungs as his cum coated your walls. You breathed heavily, eyelids heavy as he slowly pushed into you through his climax, small moans whispered into your hair. 
You giggled sluggishly, pushing your hips back against him. Cregan hissed, pulling back and out of you, watching as his cum spilled from your folds and down your thighs.
“Stay there.” He kissed your shoulder.
You had no plans to move anywhere anyway, your body feeling like jelly and the sweet hum of your orgasm moving through your limbs. The door opened and closed, and a short while later, Cregan was back in the room with a warm, wet cloth.
He cleaned between your thighs gently, before scooping you up the bed to your pillows, tucking you beneath the blankets as he stripped himself down and curled in behind you, wrapping his large arms around you. 
“You okay?” He whispered into your hair.
You hummed happily, snuggling into his side.
“You’ll need to get up and go to the bathroom soon.” He reminded you, and you whined.
He chuckled, holding you to him tightly.
Cregan stayed the night, and you had brushed your teeth together in the bathroom sluggishly, him with the black toothbrush he had left in your apartment once months ago.
The next morning when you woke up, you found that Cregan was already out of bed. Both Aemond and the Stark seeming to be early risers like yourself.
You stretched your limbs before crawling out of bed, bare feet sliding across the floor boards to the kitchen.
Cregan stood in the small kitchen, hulking everything around him. It always made you laugh how big he was, how imposing he could be, but really? He was a big softy.
The Stark was bent over the kettle as he waited for the water to boil. You came up from behind him, pinching his bum cheekily. Cregan jerked with a cry, spinning around with an appalled look upon his face. You both stared at each other for a beat of silence, just the sounds of the kettle coming to boil in the background, before you both fell into a fit of giggles. 
Despite the two of you sleeping together for months, Cregan still didn’t quite know how you liked your tea, and so you moved him out of the way to prepare your own, whilst he made himself a mug of instant coffee, stirring the sand like grains in the hot water until they dissolved. 
You spoke sleepily to one another for a while, leant against the kitchen counters as the sun shone into the kitchen with a soft glow.
The sound of a door opening and closing swiftly made you turn your head, and soon Aemond was walking down the hall, earphones in, and eye ahead on the front door.
“Morning.” You chirped.
Aemond did not turn his head to acknowledge you. Nor did he hum, or grumble a good morning. Nor did he even spare you a goddamn glance. He simply kept on, grabbing his keys from the bowl, the front door opening, and then shutting firmly behind him.
“What a dick.” Cregan grumbled.
You sighed loudly, head dropping backwards as you looked at the ceiling.
“You know,” Cregan began, looking at you with something akin to pity, “You can always come stay with me and the boys if you want.”
Giving the Northerner a small smile, you touched his arm gently, “Thanks, but we would kill each other.”
Cregan Stark chuckled warmly, “I suppose we would.”
“Besides,” You started, “I’m not about to let a man chase me out of my own house.”
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
@mrstargayen09 @iamavailablesstuff @malfoytargaryen @hogwarts1207 @diannnnsss @seni039 @qyburnsghost @lilitheal @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @loser-keiji @watercolorskyy @skikikikiikhhjuuh @toodlesxcuddles @kaelatargaryen @aemonds-fire @anitazut @melsunshine @persephonerinyes @hey-lucille @wintrr13 @arcielee @hueanhdang @coffedraven @happinessinthebeing @zairishmya @hanula18 @lovejustlovelythings-blog @harryssunflxwer @spinachtz @bellaisasleep @aemshaircare @heavenly1927 @yentroucnagol @snh96 @thedamewithabook @hanula18 @sweethoneyblossom1 @siriusblackrunmeover17 @yentroucnagol @urmomsgirlfriend1
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
I need more of Megatron being a terrible father.
I need Soundwave realizing that Buddy will never be safe on Nemisis and creates a plan for her to escape, entirely against her will. She has been raised that the worst thing you can do is betray Megatron. She's terrified of what will happen to her if she leaves.
I need Soundwave to throw her at the autobots through a ground bridge with a bow on top and a sticker thar says handle with care.
I need buddy to be freaking the fuck out for the next few days while she's with the autobots.
I need Optimus and Ratchet to be low-key (high key) horrified at what has become of her. How funny little buddy who liked to read and the color purple now can't look anyone in the eye.
I need the rest of the autobots being EXTREMELY warry of her because she's MEGATRONS KID
And I need Bulkhead to just move a little too quickly in her direction, and she just crumbles to the floor begging for mercy. I need them to know exactly how shitty of a father Megatron is.
Bonus points if Miko asks about her daddy issues.
Bonus bonus points for Optimus learning that before Megatron came back and did drugs, Buddy was in charge and was trying to reach them for peace negotiations and mentally slamming his head against the wall.
Tis here! After hours of editing and writing... the second part to Megatron's daughter!
Thank you to everyone who has posted their comments about the last one, it means a lot!
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality: Soundwave's Plan part 2
SFW, Platonic, ANGST, You have been warned!, Hurt and Comfort, Cybertronain reader
It took longer than expected but Soundwave finally found one night where everything could fall into place. His plan would act.
Megatron and Starscream had left the Nemesis to look over some energon tunnels, leaving the Nemesis without its leader.
Without anyone competent on the cameras.
Carefully, he put a loop schedule on the cameras as he made his way to Buddy’s room.
The mini was in deep sleep, exhausted from the recovery of her injuries.
It wasn’t wise to get her out of the med bay like this, but what choice did he have. At this rate, Megatron was going to want to train her while she is recovering.
Buddy still had some fresh dents and welding marks littered across her frame. Knockout refused to mess with them until the next day to avoid further armor complications.
Soundwave carefully picked up his niece and headed out the door.
Thankfully Buddy was an extremely heavy sleeper in recovery. If she were awake now during the escape, she surely would have thrown a fit about all of this.
He created a groundbridge and stepped through it, the cool night of the dessert greeted him when he stepped out.
Buddy was still out cold.
Soundwave hoped that the fake emergency signal he sent out would reach the Autobots soon, he was already betting so much with Buddy and the position of the Nemesis like this.
Another groundbrigde opened behind him a couple feet away.
Optimus and Ratchet come out of the groundbrigde.
Optimus with his blaster at the ready with Ratchet holding his med kit in one servo.
Soundwave turning around with Buddy in his arms.
Both Autobots optics go wide.
“Is… is that—”--Ratchet
Soundwave nods slightly and begins to walk forward.
The Autobots tensing up a bit.
“I—come here—in—peace.”—Soundwave
“And how can we trust you?”—Ratchet
Soundwave walks towards the Prime and stops in front of him.
Ratchet takes a look at Buddy, servos slightly shaking seeing the dents and welding marks.
“What is this? What happened?”--Ratchet
“Buddy—not—safe—on the Nemesis.”--Soundwave
“What do you mean she isn’t safe on the Nemesis? She’s Megtron’s daughter who would be daft enough to—”--Ratchet
Soundwave gently pushes her to Primes arms.
Prime reflexively cradles Buddy’s frame closer to him.
“Why did you call us Soundwave? Surely, if this is about Buddy’s health, Megatron would have—”--Optimus
“Megatron—did this.”--Soundwave
“Megatron—hurt her. Too much—damage done. Buddy—not safe—on—Nemesis. I—cannot keep—her—safe. Prime can—keep her—safe.”--Soundwave
“…Megatron hurt her… Do you mean to tell us all this damage was Megatron’s doing?”--Optimus
Soundwave nods silently and turns walking away.
“Wait so you’re just going to leave her!?”--Ratchet
Soundwave stops for a moment.
“Buddy—not safe. Buddy—safe—with Prime.”--Soundwave
Soundwave gives one last glance to Buddy’s sleeping form before going through his groundbridge.
Ratchet and Optimus are stun in silence fully rerestarting the words.
Buddy yawns a bit and snuggles closer to Prime’s chassis.
Prime instinctively holds her closer.
Both Autobots are furious and worried over their niece.
“Bulkhead, open up the groundbrigde. We are bringing in someone.”--Ratchet
The three of them returned and everyone was immediately swarming the Prime holding an injured minibot. Everyone is curious about them. The kids are especially curious. This bot was smaller than Arcee, much closer to their size.
Arcee looks at a scratched up Decepticon logo.
Her blasters go up.
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Arcee what are you doing!?”--Bulkhead
“That’s a Con! Why did you bring them here!?”--Arcee
Buddy yawns a bit and begins to open her optics slowly.
“Primus… that hurt… note to self, get a—”--Buddy
Buddy looks up at the very blur optics staring right back at her.
Buddy slowly looks around at the Autobots around her, especially the one with the blaster trained on her chassis.
“Primus tell me this is a dream…”--Buddy
Buddy patting the ends of Optimus’s digits slowly.
They aren’t sharp…
They aren’t sharp!
Buddy somehow jumps out of the Prime’s servos and starts running to the door.
“Get her!”--Arcee
Smokescreen tries to tackle her down, but she sidesteps making him crash into a wall.
Arcee tries to fire a blast at her, but Optimus immediately puts the blaster down.
“Stand down everyone!”--Optimus
“But Prime—”--Arcee
“Stand down!”--Optimus
Everyone, even Buddy in the corner stops.
Optimus turns to Buddy who is shaking in the corner staring right back at him.
Ratchet is the first to make a move and slowly walks to Buddy.
Buddy tries to press herself more into the wall as ratchet stops in front of her.
“…Hello Buddy…”--Ratchet
“…Dr. Ratchet?”--Buddy
Ratchet gives her a tired smile.
“I’m going to look at some of your welding’s and dents. Is that okay?”--Ratchet
Buddy stops for a moment before nodding her helm, slowly sinking down to the floor letting Ratchet make a few checks on the wounds.
Buddy asks what she is doing on their base.
Something that everyone wants to know.
Optimus tells them about Soundwave’s visit.
How Soundwave wanted Buddy to stay with Prime as the Nemesis was no longer safe for her.
Buddy is in deep denial.
There was no way that Soundwave would do that.
Not after everything they went through.
But the more she thought about it… the more it made sense.
Soundwave wanted her to be safe, and he thought that Optimus was going to keep her safe.
Many bots looked uneasy at her.
They had a good reason too.
This was Megatron’s daughter after all.
What if Megatron came knocking on their door with bombs demanding the sparkling back?
Buddy is granted refuge by Optimus despite some opinions.
The tensions in the base were thick.
Buddy stuck by Ratchet’s side the entire time.
No one wanted anything to do with her, which she understood.
Something that she wasn’t expecting was one of the humans to come up to her and try and kick her pede.
Buddy cleaning some of Ratchet’s tools.
Buddy looks down to see an angry human girl looking at her.
“That was for Raf!”--Miko
“What is this ‘Raf’?”--Buddy
“You’re dad nearly killed him!”--Miko
Buddy looks at the smaller human boy semi hiding behind the taller human boy.
She hangs her head a bit.
“I am truly sorry for my… father’s actions young Raf.”--Buddy
Miko, Jack, and Raf look surprised by the apology.
“Yeah, well a sorry isn’t—”--Miko
“It’s okay.”--Raf
“It is?”--Buddy
“It is!”--Miko
“Yeah, it happened a while ago, but you didn’t have anything to do with it, right?”--Raf
Buddy looking slightly horrified.
“Of course not! I would never want to hurt your indigenous population on purpose or with any malicious intent!”--Buddy
“You don’t seem to be related to old Bucket head.”--Miko
“Well… you wouldn’t be completely wrong. He found me in the streets of Kaon in a trash bin.”--Buddy
“So, you’re a dumpster baby?”--Miko
“I suppose so. Miko… is that your designation?”--Buddy
“Yep! You know… you don’t exactly fit the Con description. Like at all. One your small—”--Miko
“I’m taller than you, though.”--Buddy
“Yet, Arcee has more height on you.”--Jack
“Arcee? Was that the one who—”--Buddy
“Tried to put more holes in you? Yeah, I’m Jack by the way.”--Jack
“Pleasure to meet you, Jack. My designation is Buddy.”--Buddy
“Wait really? I thought Ratchet said that to calm you down. Coming from Megs kid, I’d think that you’d be named something like ‘Skullcrusher’ or ‘Smash’ or something threatening.”—Miko
“Orion actually gave me the name.”—Buddy
“Orion? Wait as in…”----Jack
The kids and Buddy looking across the room at Optimus and Bumblebee talking.
Miko plopping down in front of Buddy.
“All right spill the lore!”—Miko
“What’s lore?”—Buddy
Things slowly became less tense with the kids acting as an olive branch.
The first ones to come around were Bumblebee and Smokescreen.
It only made sense being that Buddy was near the same age as the two.
The three of them would chat about human media and the latest movies they watched with the kids.
Buddy became very fond of the movie nights the kids would put up.
“Hey, it’s my turn to sit there!”—Smokescreen
Buddy sitting right behind the kids to watch the projector.
“I’m shorter so I get to sit here.I wouldn’t be able to see anything with your big helms in the way. Its only logical.”—Buddy
Miko hoping into Buddy’s lap with a blanket to ‘cover' them both.
“Aww. C’mon! Bee?”—Smokescreen
Bumblebee laying on his side slightly behind Buddy with Raf laying down on his helm with a yellow blanket.
“Beep boop bep beep (You snooze you loose, Smokescreen)”—Bumblebee
Smokescreen laying down, slightly sulking behind Buddy, with Jack slightly leaning on him with a pillow on his head.
“Act you age Smokescreen.”--Buddy
“Wait who is the older one here anyways?”--Raf
“That would be Smokescreen. Bumblebee is the youngest one out of the three of us.”--Buddy
“So, you’re the middle child?”--Miko
Strangely, Magnus and Arcee where the next ones to fall.
It was all thanks to Buddy trying to prove that she wasn’t here for anything malicious.
The two had decided to do some training with the minibot.
They were surprised to see how well the mini could move so quickly and so fast.
Whatever training Buddy had previously was good.
Buddy dodging another attack from Arcee.
“That’s enough. Training is over.”--Magnus
Buddy huffing a bit.
“You tired already? Would have figured that you had more in you.”--Arcee
“You wish Arcee. You barely touched me this time.”--Buddy
“This time. Wait till next time.”--Arcee
Buddy smiling a bit before turning to Magnus, straightening her back struts a bit.
“Ultra Magnus, sir?”--Buddy
“The training was adequate. You need to learn how to attack faster at your opponent’s weak spots.”--Magnus
“I will do my best sir.”--Buddy
Magnus giving a small smile before leaving the room.
Buddy smiling a bit, trying to ignore the shaking servos when she left the room.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack were the last to fall.
It was all thanks to Miko.
Miko had been trying for a while to get them to play with Buddy.
Wheeljack flat out refused to work with Buddy, still thinking that this could have all been some sort of elaborate trick.
Bulkhead was a bit more open minded, but he backed Wheeljack up.
But after a bit of convincing, she managed to get them to play at least one game with her.
And it worked.
Bulkhead soon became another friend of Buddy’s while Wheeljack followed closely behind.
Optimus walking through the base with his data pad in his servo.
He turns the corner to hear laughter coming out of one of the rooms.
He peaks in to see Buddy and his two Wreckers playing, having a great time.
He manages to catch Buddy smiling.
A smile he hadn’t seen in a long, long time.
He turns and continues his walk.
Optimus and Ratchet obviously trusted Buddy right off the bat.
They knew their niece well.
But that didn’t shake the memory of Soundwave telling them that Megatron had laid his servo on Buddy.
Ratchet was absolutely fuming with anger.
How dare a father even consider doing such a horrendous act to their own sparkling!?
Optimus really wanted to fight Megatron.
He almost felt the same way as he did when Raf had gotten exposed to the dark energon.
In a way they both feel like they had failed.
What if scenarios popped up more with Buddy around.
The duo did their best to get Buddy to open up about her time on the Nemesis.
So far it had been snippets here and there, nothing major, but it was something.
Optimus, Ratchet, and Buddy looking at some coding in the empty base.
Buddy stops for a second.
“Buddy? You found something important?”--Ratchet
“It’s just…when fath—when Megatron left to space for those years on Earth, I was put in charge of the Decepticon army.”--Buddy
Ratchet’s optics widen a bit.
Optimus is not too surprised by this news.
“I—I tried to get in contact with you… I wanted to negotiate peace between our two factions, for good.”--Buddy
Optimus optics widen now.
“I—I figured it could be the one good thing I could do on the forsaken ship… I should have tried harder to—”--Buddy
Optimus hugs Buddy close.
Buddy’s optics become blurry with tears.
“Oh…oh Buddy…”--Ratchet
Ratchet rubs circles on Buddy’s back as she racks a sob on Optimus’s chassis.
The Prime holds her close to his spark, wishing he could take away her pain so badly.
They knew they needed to talk more about this to Buddy, but they never seemed to find the right time.
Until the truth revealed its ugly head.
Miko was on Buddy’s shoulder trying to show her a new photo that she took not too long ago.
Buddy didn’t notice Bulkhead behind them.
He wanted to get Miko to go help her with her guitar lessons.
The only things Buddy recognized was a dark shadow and a fast-moving servo.
It was too quick.
Buddy soon found herself cradling Miko close to her chassis with her back towards the offender.
She waited for the blow.
She felt sick when she didn’t feel the blow.
Maybe it was because the only thing Buddy could feel and hear where the loud hums of her spark going haywire.
She didn’t notice Miko furiously hitting her armor trying to snap her out of it.
She didn’t notice the sudden crowd around.
She did notice someone trying to take Miko away.
She tightens her grip on the human but making sure not to hurt her. That was the last thing she ever wanted to do.
It took a minute to try and get Buddy to calm down.
Buddy felt awful for the sudden panic.
Buddy sitting on the med slab looking at Miko who was in her servos.
“I’m so sorry for that.”--Buddy
“Buddy you’ve already apologized, anyways it’s okay.”--Miko
“No it’s not. That should have… it won’t happen again.”--Buddy
“It was my fault Buddy. Maybe if I hadn’t moved so fast.”—Bulkhead
Buddy looking at Bulkhead’s sorrowful optics.
“No Bulkhead it wasn’t you. You just looked a little like… The shadow reminded me of…”--Buddy
Buddy flinches a bit, but nods.
Miko patting Buddy’s servo.
“When you came to the base all hurt, that was him wasn’t it.”--Miko
Buddy nods slowly.
“I… I think its about time you guys knew what happened. From the beginning. Optimus? Will you help me in the parts I don’t remember?”--Buddy
Optimus placing a servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
“Of course.”—Optimus
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mangosrar · 10 months
never say never.
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
warnings: smut. angst idk????
an: not proof read. more parts coming soon 😛😛😛
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"matt have you seen my car keys" she hollered at him as she scurried around the kitchen.
"where are you going?" he asked as he peaked his head aoundd the door.
"i have to go home" she tilted her head and watched as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his hands on the small of her back, pulling her close.
"you dont have to go home, just move in with me" he brought his face closer to hers as her hands fiddled with the buttons on his dress shirt that was now creased and exposing his chest.
"i cant matt you know this, i need my studio" she told him.
"ill build you a studio here, hell id build you a whole art gallery if it meant i got to live with you doll" he moved his face to her cheek and planted a soft kiss there.
7 months ago.
just as she was bending down to press a display sticker to one of the signs, she felt a hard slap to her ass, spinning around she was met with violet smirking, leaned back against nathan. the two of them looked picturesque together. she wore a shimmery champagne dress while he wore a black suit.
"you look great rue" violet gushed.
"thanks vee" she wore a white dress tonight. it was a little more showy than she wouldve liked, low cut and short, but she had bought it last minute and didnt have time to change her mind. violet loved it, of course, she lived for dressing sexy.
"you did all this rory?" nate asked. gesturing to the room around them as he spoke. the place was heaving, every single piece of art in there was either already sold, or bring inquired for, thr room was decorated 'diligently' as her boss byron described. never once had that man complimented her so she was taking whatever she could get.
"yeah, worked my little ass of and byron wont let me display one piece of my art in here" she huffed out a breath rolling her eyes.
"Douch bag knows yours would sell for more than hes ever made" violet uttered.
she didnt even get the chance to reply before one of the artists was tapping on her shoulder making her spin around. "someone would like to make an offer on one of my pieces downstairs."
"oh yes of course" she turned back around. "drink, mingle, have fun. ill find you guys in a bit"
after an hour of running up and down the stairs, about half the pieces were sold and the place was completely packed. the smell of liquor wafted through the air, mixing with the loud conversations.
"hey rory" voilet called from across the crowd. she gently made her way through the sea of people muttering soft 'excuse me's to everyone. when she finally made it to violet she had a wicked smile on her face that made her suspiciously squint her eyes.
"what?" she asked apprehensively.
"nate has a friend here that he wants you to meet. voilets words were saturated with intent, but rory couldnt place it. she tugged on her arm, walking them across the room.
she could see the back of nate, standing and talking to someone. as he turned to face them she saw who she was talking to.
the man was taller than nathan, and more built. his stare was intense. shockingly blue eyes and a strong stubbled jaw. he had dark hair that fanned out around his head perfectly. he wore a flawlessly tailored suit, designer by the looks of it. she could see tattoos peaking out from under his sleeves onto his hands, gripping a hilariously small looking glass.
"sorry to pull you away from your fun, but this is my childhood best friend, matthew sturniolo" nate reached over, patting his friend on the back. "matt this is aroura jovans" he introduced her by her full name, keeping it formal for the time being.
matt stared cooly down at her, extending his hand. "nice to meet you aroura"
despite hating the sound of her full name, hearing it on matts tongue made her swoon. she had never seen a man so handsome in her entire life.
finding her head, rory reached out, placing her hand over his, the size difference was stark and it made his cock jump. "nice to meet you too Matthew" she replied looking up at him. "you can call me rory"
he had picked up on the colour of her cheeks when they touched. this bookish little sweetheart was the last thing he expected to find when nate invited him here. to say he was intrigued was an understatement.
he continued his trail of kissed down her neck. her hands came up to tug on his hair, earning a hum from matt.
"stay here with me" he muttered as he sucked dark circles into her skin. she sighed and leaned her head back, giving him better access. she wanted to give in so bad, she wanted to let him have his way with her right now.
"i cant matt, i have things to do" her chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace as she desperately tried to keep it together, but matts groping hands and his mouth were proving to be a real challenge.
"let me take care of you baby" and before she could even protest. he had hiked her up onto the kitchen counter and shoved his hand into her panties, his lip between his teeth, eyes watching her face intensely. his fingers traced up her folds making him let out a low groan as he left light circles on her clit, pulling a shaky whine from rorys mouth.
"look at that honey, youre soaked" she couldnt help but whine at his words. his fingers quickened and his touch became firmer, prompting her head to lull back as she gripped one hand on his shoulder and the other smacked down onto the counter behind her. her hips started rocking in rhythm with his hand. he knew just how to work her.
"it would be so mean of me to leave you like this doll" his voice was patronizing and cocky. matt once again brought his mouth to her neck and licked a stripe up her throat, pulling a lewd moan from her.
"dont stop matt ngh- pl-" and before she could even finish her sentence, he cut her off by yanking his hand away from her and plopping his fingers into his mouth.
she stared at him wide eyed, mouth hanging open and the feeling of her approaching high fizzling out.
matt gripped her hips and pulled her off the counter, standing her back on her own, now shaky legs before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out her keys. he placed them in her hand before pressing a firm kiss to her lips.
"have a great day baby ill see you for dinner" and with that he was off, sauntering back off into his office.
matt returning to a normal life once he met aroura never seemed like anything out of the ordinary, business was well, he was going to dinner parties, he had fake manners, all prepared for a complete disregard for his past life. he wondered if the straw would ever come and he would return to his late affairs, then again he wondered if that straw had already been pulled. he knew he couldnt hide from himself much longer. his biggest enemy was the man he saw in the mirror. he was filtered with anger and disgust for himself. each day, in and out, he knew what rory didnt. surely the truth would come out, it was just a matter of when. every time his phone rang and her face came up he was sure this was it, thinking of some excuse or lie he could tell before answering and of course each time he was wrong, after a few months of him fighting with himself he gave up. realising there was no way she would ever find out. but never say never.
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @soursturniolo @freshlovehacker @urmyslxt @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @mattsd0ll @flowerxbunnie @itsjennarose @lovingsturniolo @mattslolita @chrisenthusiast
also if i forgot u from my taglist or u wanna be added lmk!!!!
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drdemonprince · 5 months
I'd really like to enjoy sex parties (I know many autistic people do), but the few that I've attended have been really loud (mostly from music) and overstimulating even with hearing protection. As a horny person who has trouble with loud noise, I feel like I'm SOL. I'd like to put on a sensory-friendly sex party (sry, no better word), but have no idea where to start. How could I go about this?
This is a great idea! I'd really hit the local Fetlife groups and local Munches for the next couple of months, chatting people up and gauging interest. Since you've been invited to sex parties before, that suggests you're already fairly well plugged into the community or know how to become plugged in in the area where you currently are, so do a bit of that for a while, and if it's a big enough scene, ask if people might be interested in a neurodivergent-friendly munch or meetup first. Maybe outside in a quiet natural area or at a really low-key cafe that's affordable and not crowded and where using stim toys or knitting/playing board games/etc is all normal to see.
Getting people to turn out to a sex party and be a good time definitely requires a little bit of social lubricating for a while first, if only so that you know who you want to invite and who sucks and might make people uncomfortable.
Check out local queer spaces too -- here there's a sober cafe that holds lots of evening events for LGBTQ people who don't drink, and that tends to attract a lot of neurodivergent folks and sensory sensitive people as well. Some of them might be way to vanilla for a sex party but there's always a few genuine phreaks out there. Events and groups at a local LGBTQ center or the like can also work, or just other recurring community spaces that attract a lot of queer people. Local Meetup.com groups for Adult Autistics would be a good place to look around, too.
Once you've gotten the chance to suss out who might be cool within a variety of little pockets of your local communities, then you're ready to organize it and make the ask! I think a good sex party can't be too open-invite, especially when you want to control the experience from an accessibility perspective. But by the time you are inviting someone in this case, you've met them probably multiple times, know one another on social media (or at least Fet), and know that they're neurodivergent or into the idea of a sensory-friendly sex party, and so you'll have a good idea that they're a good fit.
I'm sure you've already envisioned how you want this party to go -- low lights, quiet down rooms, soft music, etc. I'd also consider having some kind of wristband system that allows people to communicate how they want to be engaged with -- green meaning go ahead and come up to me and inititiate/touch me, yellow meaning ask first for anything, red meaning leave me alone i'm just here to watch for now, or whatever. Probably make people put stickers on their cameras. Etc.
Good luck out there and let me know how it goes! I promise this isn't that huge of an undertaking. I know I probably made it sound like a lot, but it's really just popping up at a variety of events for a little bit and trying to find the Autistic weirdos and friend them.
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find-roronoa-zoro · 5 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
"Law just pulled up!" Ace called from downstairs. 
"Are you sure you want to date this guy?" Sabo stepped into your room crossing his arms, "You were getting along with Zoro so well."
"Can you zip me up?" you turned your back to him, "Zoro is great and everything but he's young and doesn't need an old lady like me holding him back. I'm sure now that he knows how old I am he thinks I'm just desperate to have a husband and pop out a couple of brats."
Sabo scoffed tugging your zipper over your still bruised back, "That's why you should get to know each other right? Prove the desperate 30-something stereotype wrong."
"I've been here before remember James? It's fine. It was just a little crush." you turned straightening out your purple cotton dress, "How do I look?"
"Beautiful as always." he sighed.
"You always were my favorite." you winked ruffling his blond waves, "Don't tell the others."
This was your third date with the doctor. You got along surprisingly well and could sit and talk for long periods of time without awkward silences. He had moments where he could be a bit too honest but you found it a little endearing. 
"You look nice." his smooth voice complimented as you reached the bottom stair. 
"It's nice to have your hard work acknowledged."
"I'm sure you hardly had to try." he smirked. 
"Ugh," Ace gagged, "can you just go already please?" 
"Shut it." you snapped flicking his nose. 
"So, you haven't said what's on the agenda today." You murmured carefully sliding into the passenger seat of Law's '68 Super Bee. 
"Well, the last two dates were a little too stuffy...you know I'm still learning your preferences," the classic engine roared to life, "I thought today could be a little more low key. I know a great sushi place."
"Still sounds fancy." you noted glancing at him.
"It's a cozy little place, trust me you'll be comfortable there." 
"My comfort is in your hands then." you chuckled. 
It was a short drive to the small restaurant, you were still amazed by how much this town had changed since you moved away.
It was indeed a quaint family run restaurant, Law seemed to know the owners. You took your time to eat and talk, finding conversation topics quite easily. Law sort of put up a stern cold front, but you found him to be interesting, funny and warm. It did worry you a bit that despite his looks and personality you hadn't really swooned over him the way you had with Zoro. The greenette had done absolutely nothing and completely swept you away, Law on the other hand was actually putting in effort and nothing. Well, not nothing, you definitely liked him you just wondered how much of it was genuine. 
"Hm?" you hummed watching a smattering of stars become visible in the oncoming night sky. 
His phone rang interrupting whatever he'd intended to say. 
"Yes... Yes," he sighed glancing at you, "I'll be there as quickly as I can." 
"Duty calls?" you guessed. 
"Unfortunately, one of my patients may need another emergency surgery. Worse, I don't have time to drop you off." 
"It's fine. I'll just Uber or something." you gave his shoulder a weak pat. 
Once you'd arrive at the hospital, Law kissed your forehead a told you he'd text you later. You took a seat on a bench after slipping into your sweater and opened your Uber app to order a ride. It only took a few seconds to confirm your trip as someone was near by, you didn't even bother reading the driver info and put your phone in your purse waiting for the marked car. Not even five minutes later a black F-150 pulled up with an Uber sticker in the window. 
"Is everything ok?" A familiar voice called as you stood. 
"You're my Uber?" you scoffed at the irony. 
"Helps make ends meet." Zoro reached across the seat opening the door from the inside, "You didn't answer my question."
"Oh, yeah everything is fine. I was just hanging out with a friend who works here." you cringed at yourself for that one. 
Why were you even compelled to not be truthful?
"Well, you look nice for just hanging out in the hospital." he watched you climb into the cab and buckle up a light flush dusting your cheeks at his compliment. 
"I look nice compared to the last time you saw me looking like a beat up trash person." you chuckled trying to deflect. 
"No, you are a nice looking trash person too." 
You blushed harder. Since when was he a flirt? 
"Speaking of beat up, your face healed nicely." 
"Yeah, thanks for the medicine. It really helped." he breathed, "How's your back?"
"Ugh," you groaned, "still bruised and sore but it's getting better."
"Good. If you ever wanna pay Kid back let me know."
"Nah, you heard Pops. It's best to just move on." you frowned as you turned down your driveway. 
The truck came to a stop behind Thatch's car. 
"Wanna come in for a bit... the guys probably wouldn't mind a surprise hang." 
What were you thinking? You're dating someone. 
"I can't, I haven't met my goal for the night." he declined as you opened the door. 
What was he thinking? This was his chance!
"Have a good night then." you smiled.
"You too."
"Why is Zoro bringing you home from your date with Law?" Sabo inquired from the porch where he sat in the rocking chairs with his new girlfriend. 
"Well, hello to you too baby brother," you sneered and turned toward the brunette at his side with a smile, "Hey Al." 
"Hey F/N." she replied smiling sweetly. 
"And if you must know, Law got called in for an emergency and Zoro just happened to be my Uber driver." you reached for the door.
"So he just left you somewhere?" the blonde clicked his tongue. 
"It was an emergency Sabo, he couldn't make a patient wait. I went to the hospital with him and was safe the entire time." you ruffled his hair, "Though it's nice that you still worry. You two don't stay out too late you'll catch a cold."
"You're back early." Ace commented as you entered the house. 
"Yeah yeah," you waved him off and slouched up the stairs. 
As you got undressed and started to braid your hair your phone pinged in your purse.
A text from a coded number. 
530744 : Next time you need a ride just text me and I'll pick you up for free. 434.555.9946. 
You touched your lips in attempt to keep your smile from growing and saved the number in your contacts. 
Me: Thanks Greenie, I'll be sure to give you a stellar review.
Zoro: and don't forget to tip your driver
Me: shameless.
Zoro: a guys gotta eat.
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
For the weekly theme: a town with a secret!!!
(Aka Hermittown is a remote village in the wilderness, and it's inhabited by a bunch of fae)
You.... might want to think twice before you decide to visit Hermittown for your summer holidays. Don't get me wrong, the town is perfectly pleasant, and the scenic views all around it are a magnet for some people, but... you really shouldn't spend too much time there
You walk through the main street, noticing how the moss growing all around on the walls seems to... almost rustle in the breeze? That's odd, moss should not be able to do that. But that thought quickly exaporates from your head as you see Bdubs waving at you from the doorway of the local inn. "Hey, come on over!!! I have so much new gossip to share with you!!!" His eyes shine in the low afternoon light, beconing you closer
Another day you head towards the docs, eager to breathe in some salty sea air. On your way, you see Xb working on something in his and Keralis' boat repair service. You could have sworn that the lines on the sides of his neck aren't just scars, like he always said. You've seen how long he can stay underwater while working on another ship's broken hull, it should not be possible... but you know better than to push him, especially when his Keralis' cold and calculating gaze sweeps over you, almost pushing you away from the shop
The local apothecary might seem outdated to some, but you know first hand just how well Cub's potions work, no matter what ails you. You shudder, thinking about Cub's icy blue eyes stating at you from the darkness behind the counter. If he can brew excellent medicine, it's only natural he could brew a VERY efficient poison
As you rest on a meadow nearby, with your back against a tree, you hear footsteps behind you. It's Tango, his grin as wide as always. He asks you to come visit him in his mansion. It's just over a hill, next to the village, it's only a short walk away! He has something JUST delightful that he's been working on over there, and he has to show you!!! You politely decline, not missing how sharp his teeth are when he grins at you, or how the twinkle in his eyes turns them red for a split second
There is an antique store in the city, run by an eccentric man called Mumbo. You wanted to peruse his wares a couple of times, but all items in the shop have tiny stickers with text you cannot decipher. It might be better to not purchase them, after all. Who knows what kind of deal are they?
Speaking of deals... Scar can pop up from thin air, whenever you are alone, not doing anything important. He reminds you of a bird of prey a bit, swooping in from the sky when he sees an opening. You don't really understand half of the deals and contracts he talks about, but with the way his teeth are just a bit too sharp and his gaze just a little too hungry, you're sure walking away is the only sane option
Hypno...oh gosh, listening to him tell his stories in the tavern is something you try to avoid at all costs. His voice always draws you in, no matter how you resist. Before you know it, half of the night has passed, and he smiles at you smugly when you hurry back home. You hope he won't ever propose to walk you back, as you're not sure you'll be able to decline
You decide to go shopping in the local market. You're not quite sure how that happened, but you're walking out of there with one too many bags, having bought way more than you initially planned. Etho, the owner, smiles at you from behind his mask, saying his goodbyes and throwing one more "buy 3, pay for 2" coupon to one of the bags you're carrying. The paper seems to shimmer in the morning light, the letters almost moving across its surface
Staying outside of your little rented house when the sun has set is really not ideal. You shudder, as you jump up the stairs and fumble with the key. There is a pair of bright purple eyes watching your every move from the darkness, just outside the radius of your porch light. When you turn around one last time, you swear you see a flash of red fabric, as the eyes disappear
Yeah... you should really think twice before visiting Hermittown
Aaaand now I wanna turn it into a proper fic, I love this sm
Maybe after my exam season ends
The truth is, the hermits aren't malicious people. Some are more mischievous than others, sure. Nobody really knows what Scar's deal is either. Mumbo has more than once reminded him they shouldn't be scaring off visitors but it doesn't seem to stop him. They enjoy messing with the humans that come through, maybe taking a little bit of advantage, but they don't want to actually hurt them.
No, most of the hermits are friendly, but they're protective of each other. Keralis has heard how humans try and take advantage of things they don't understand. Bdubs' eyes are always watching through the moss for ill intentions, and Hypno is a good judge of character when somebody's inhibitions are down. They look after each other.
It also doesn't help that a lot of them can forget how fragile humans can be. Yes, Tango, your mansion might be full of fun, but that fun is also deadly to most humans. Grian, they appreciate him looking after them, but his true form can be a little disturbing. The last thing they need is the town becoming a paranormal hotspot again! Those people were obnoxious. How are they supposed to have date nights when they keep waving their EMF readers around?
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didee-anne · 5 months
Random stuff update
Had Addie’s birthday party yesterday! First party I didn’t take a single picture of, not even the cupcake tray. Rory snapped a few pictures and he had Jen record a few things so there are some pics to remember it. Most of the adults stayed as well and hung out and it just made me so freaking happy seeing Addie with all her cousins and friends, seeing all the adults chatting in little groups but not in a clicky way, there was plenty of pizza and cupcakes and chips for everyone…
Addie wanted to play pass the parcel so I bought a bunch of stickers and hair pretties and tattoos and glowsticks and then Jen put 2 parcels together and it took the kids a solid 30 minutes to get through them but since there were 2 parcels going at the same time none of the kids complained because they didn’t have to wait too long before it was their turn again. The middle prizes were little stuffies and they were a hit.
Moved the chicks out to a kennel in the chicken coop last week and I’m amazed at how much they’ve grown already! They’re turning into such pretty birds. I can’t tell which ones are hens and which ones are roos yet but that’s ok. By the time summer is over I should have an idea and I’m hoping to move them out of the kennel to be with the rest of the chickens in another month or maybe two. I’m hoping sooner rather than later but I can’t rush it otherwise they’ll get picked on hardcore and no one wants that.
I started a new antidepressant last week and am currently taking half a pill. I’m supposed to bump up to a whole pill on Wednesday but the half pill makes me slightly nauseous 20 minutes after taking it so I’m not looking forward to what a whole one will do. The nausea doesn’t last long though so it’s not that big of a deal but it’s not my favorite. If it helps make me not such an angry/sad ball of rage and tears then I’m fine with it but it’s too soon to tell how effective it’ll be.
The kids are supposed to have state testing the next two weeks but we don’t test so they’re not going to any of their Homelink classes and it’s like a second spring break but with slightly better weather! I mean, they do test because it’s required but we opt out of the state testing and do a different one that’s much more low key and is done by a person and not a computer.
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Hi Steph!
I'm Nele and currently I'm working on a uni project about graphic design and probs in TV shows and of course I chose Sherlock.
I want to recreate the box with items from Lestrade gave John in Many Happy Returns. I have to create at least one item/graphic that would change the course of the series, so I would love to do one or more items that make it clear to John, that Sherlock is alive. I thought about a letter that sherlock wrote, but I think that's a bit too obvious.
Graphics could be a newspaper, label, postcard, letter, sticker, brochure, etc. Anything that's printed or written. But if you can think of anything even if it doesn't fit in this category, just write it anyway. So my question is, if you can think of anything that would fit, or if you could ask fellow sherlock fans if they could think of anything?
I would reeeaally appreciate your help!
Hey Lovely!
Oh gosh, this is a fun project, and appeals to my graphic designer soul! Hmmmm what about a journal Sherlock kept, or does it have to be an actual item that was shown in the box?
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'Cause like, the DVD itself was KIND OF low key a clue to him being alive? Maybe a few words of the message on the DVD is different instead. OR the Pink Phone could have texts sent to it (the headcanon that Sherlock made texts every day he was away and never sent them, what if they were instead sent to this phone that Sherlock thinks John would never turn on?). OR maybe a secret message in the patches box? I dunno! Sounds like fun.
Anyone have any additional ideas?
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
I Knew Finn Schneider
For @whumptober 2022, day 31: “You can rest now.”
CW: Referenced noncon, pet whump, beating, blood, brief emeto, murder… the works. But this, my friends, is the light at the end of Finn’s tunnel.
Death Valley | Lüge | Welcome Home | Didn’t Make It | Dead Body | Why Me? | The Next One | That Was All | I Knew Finn Schneider |
Somewhere near Highland Peak in California, 2005
"Checking in?"
The young woman sitting at the desk was bright and cheerful, her voice more chirping than speech. Her thick black hair was pulled into a no-nonsense bun at the nape of her neck and she wore a plain navy sweater with a layered necklace made of brightly colorful beads and she had a pink glitter barrette at one temple, with some rhinestone stickers. 
She must have caught Finn looking, because she gave him a slight smile. "My little sister helped me get dressed today," She offered, and he tried to smile back. What did a normal smile look like? He wasn't sure if his was right. 
She didn't change expression, so he must have managed it. 
"Kids are great," Noah said, matching her cheer as he leaned forward on his elbows, carefully taking back her full attention. "I called and made a reservation this morning? Under Ransom?"
"Ransom, Ransom… that's some last name." She had an accent, Finn thought, her consonants soft, faintly rolling her r’s.
"Yeah, we like to joke my grandpa made it up." Noah grinned, sunny and shining. Charming. Finn watched them, distantly wondering if he would smile like that ever again. “He was maybe a little bit of a criminal.”
"Nice. You're Noah?"
"That's me."
"All right, room for two, got it." She stood up, humming to herself as she fiddled with the hotel keys. "Hope you don't mind, we still do things the old way. The owner just wants to keep it all historic, you know?" 
"Yeah, sure." Noah glanced sideways at Finn, who looked away. Afraid if he made eye contact, all of this would start to melt and he would wake up naked on Robert's bedroom floor. Or in his basement.
The movement made a paper on the check-in desk flutter and it caught his eye, freezing him in his tracks. 
It was a blurry printed out still from a security video, a man walking with hands in his pockets, shoulders hunched. 
It was Robert Weber. 
Even with his head ducked and a ball cap pulled low over his face - even with the photo so blurry Finn could see individual pixels - Finn knew the clothes he'd been wearing at the motel before he tied Finn up and went for breakfast, that first morning he’d been in hell. This looked like they had caught him leaving the restaurant, heading back for his truck. 
Heading back to murder the hotel worker while Finn watched, leave him bleeding on the floor while Robert dragged a weeping, dripping Finn to his truck. Robert was smiling in the photo - the edge of his turned-up lips just peeked out from beneath the brim of his cap. 
Excited, Finn thought with a flip of his stomach, knowing what he had waiting for him in the hotel.
Highland Peak Police, California State Police, and the FBI are looking for more information on a person of interest in the attempted murder of Kent Reyes on October 15th, 2003. A reward of $100,000 for information leading to an arrest is being offered by the Mountain Motel's owner, Charles Reston, with another $100,000 from Reston's company WRU. 
The individual stayed at Mountain Motel from October 14th, 2003, through October 15th. He is described as a white male, with a slim build, approximately 5'10", with dark hair and dark brown eyes, between the ages of 45 - 55. 
He drove a blue and white Ford F150 with the license plate V5G667R. 
Donations are being accepted for Kent Reyes's family. Ask at the desk about donating or mail checks to-
The words blurred as tears suddenly burned Finn's eyes. He blinked rapidly, wiping at his eyes and clearing his throat. 
"Are you okay, man?" The desk worker looked concerned, but Finn's throat had closed, his heart pounding. He tried to open his mouth. No sound came out. 
I’m sorry, it’s my fault, it’s my fault-
"Oh, man. Hey." Noah's sympathy was perfect, smoothly focused, and he turned to put a hand on Finn's shoulder, leaning in. Finn knew not to flinch, meeting Noah’s gaze through a blur of sudden tears. "Let’s get into our room, yeah? Sorry," He repeated over his shoulder to the woman. "I'm actually driving my friend home for a funeral. It’s rough.”
"Oh, I'm so sorry. We lost one of our staff recently-“
Finn nearly choked on his guilt. 
"My mother… my mother, actually. I mean, she had been sick for a long-… never mind, you don’t need to hear about my family problems.” She waved her hand, and Finn wondered with a jolt that felt like a blade in his ribs if his own mother was still healthy, if she had gotten sick and he hadn’t been there for her.
The desk worker was still talking.
“-plus, we had another just barely survive being attacked before that. I feel you.” She looked up at Finn – she was so short – and gave him a slight smile. “You be upset if you need to. It's just us, right? No problem. I’m right there with you some days. It doesn’t get easier, but it gets… it gets less heavy.”
What if the person who died is me? Does it get less heavy to mourn my own death?
"We appreciate that." Noah spoke before Finn could and squeezed Finn's shoulder once, hard, before he mercifully released his grip. He leaned over to look at the paper, briefly stilling at the image of Robert. Almost immediately, his friendly smile was back - never left, even - and he leaned over at her. "What's this about? Person of interest?”
She craned her neck, then sat back with a sigh. "Oh. That… our hotel manager, Kent. One of our staff… well. It's a hell of a story, but Kent was attacked and shot. He survived, barely, but he's still recovering."
Finn looked up sharply. "He survived?"
Noah shifted, and his fingers closed around Finn's wrist, not quite tight enough to hurt. Just a reminder that he wasn't supposed to talk unless he had to, to keep people from hearing his accent. He had to remind himself that Noah had promised that it would not be like it was with Robert, that he would live a different life now.
But the grip on his wrist made it hard to believe.
The desk worker's smile widened, a little. "He did. He's a hell of a fighter. He's doing physical therapy learning to walk again, he had to relearn… just everything. He has this goal of getting back to hiking by next winter, rock climbing the year after. He's amazing. The medical bills, though… well. I don't suppose you'd like to donate to help his family with the costs?"
Noah looked over at Finn. “What do you think? Should we donate?”
Finn thought of the hotel manager who had looked so worried for him, who had been about to go get him some help. Who, with a few more minutes, might have been able to save him. He gave the slightest, smallest nod, trying to plead with his eyes alone. 
Noah sighed, then turned back with his charming smile back in place. "Sure. Add fifty dollars? Will that do any good?"
"Every dollar helps, every single one. Thank you so much." She ran Noah's credit card and then handed over the little key dangling off a piece of plastic with a room number. The sound of metal made Finn a little sick, remembering it in Robert's hand. "Here you go. Room 14, ground floor. You'll get your printed final receipt under your door in the morning. Check-out is at 11, breakfast options are available beginning at 7 am but we clear them out around 10. If you need anything, just pick up your room phone and hit 0, it'll go straight to me." She pointed at her name tag. "I'm Martina Ramirez, you can call me Marty. The night manager will be in around six, her name is Melinda."
"Got it. Thanks!" Noah jerked his head at the door, and Finn started to move, automatically following orders, taking slow, careful steps to minimize his limp. 
"By the way-" Marty called out. Finn looked back, heart briefly in his throat. He felt Noah tense slightly beside him.
Marty gave him a soft, sympathizing smile. "I really am sorry for your loss. I’ve been missing my mom a lot these days, she loved this time of year up here.”
His mouth opened, closed again. He managed a half-whispered, "Thank you, I’m sure she’s proud of you," before following Noah the rest of the way out the door. 
He appreciated the sympathy, but she didn't know she was sympathizing with the death of Finn. 
They stepped back out into the warmth, and Noah took a breath, running a hand back through his hair. "Don't tell me I stopped at the same goddamn hotel. How the absolute hell did I manage that?”
It was the same one. Finn had known from the moment they came up the drive, the long and winding road. But it was… so hard to remember he had a voice. He kept feeling the straps of the muzzle, the pressure over his nose, as if it had never been removed. He hadn’t remembered how to speak in time to say anything about it. "Yeah," He tried, then winced as it came out like yah, unintentionally heavy with his accent. "You did."
"Fuck. Okay. Uh, well." Noah looked over at him, fiddling with the hotel key in his hands. The clinking metal and plastic would drive Finn crazy if it didn’t stop soon. "Can you handle it? We can keep going for a while?"
Finn's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"
"I want you to feel safe. Can you feel safe here?" 
The words were all words he knew, but the combination baffled him. "You are… asking me?"
"Yeah. I am. Hey." Noah turned to look at him, and Finn went still, waiting for the screaming, the spit in his face, the terror. Instead, Noah paused, and then said in a low voice, "I promise you, this is not to hurt you. I am not going to hurt you."
"Yes… yes, sir." Finn didn't believe him, but Noah only sighed, glancing at the window to see if the hotel worker was watching them. Marty was on the phone, and it made Finn’s heart go cold. What if she knew, somehow? What if she was calling someone?
What if-
"You know what?” Noah sighed. “Let's just go to our room. We can talk more there." Noah walked to his truck, pulling two duffel bags out of the back, tossing one to Finn, who just barely caught it. He limped more with it in his arms throwing off his balance, but Noah didn't seem to notice. Finn trailed him to the fourteenth door, painted green with gold numbers. With a turn of the key, they stepped inside. 
Finn felt his stomach twist at the familiar scent of lemon cleaning products – the same ones Robert used – closing his eyes and swallowing back the pile that threatened to rise even as a cold shiver went down his back. Still… there was no smell of decay and death beneath, and it helped him take one deep breath and then another, through his mouth, stepping into the dim space. 
Two queen beds, side by side with a small cheap table between them. A phone, a lamp, a TV on a low dresser and the door to a bathroom at the end. Basic, comfortable, and clean. Finn's hands shook and he dug them into the sides of the black leather duffel bag to hide it. 
"You can have the first shower, I'll go later." Noah set his bag on the bedspread and unzipped it, pulling out a thin t-shirt and plaid pajama pants, red and black against the cool pine green comforter. He glanced up at Finn still standing in the open doorway, staring inside "Listen… if this is too hard for you, we can still go somewhere else-"
"It is fine." Finn stepped forward and shut the door with one foot, pretending he didn’t almost lose his balance doing it. He shuddered as the room went dim, goosebumps rising on his arms, the outside light blocked by heavy curtains. Noah flicked on the little table lamp, adding an eerie yellow definition to everything, like a horror movie from decades ago, when everything felt like it had a film of grime over the lens. Finn dropped his bag on the other bed, hoping against hope that he was making the right decision to do so. "Do I… sleep on my own?"
"Yeah, you do. From here on out, man." Noah paused in the midst of pulling out his toothbrush and toothpaste, giving Finn a long, searching look. "Okay, listen. Now that we're alone, I have to admit-"
Finn tensed. 
"-you aren't what I expected."
"I-... what?"
"Well, you were supposed to be-... I didn’t expect you to be… you."
Finn felt like he had forgotten every word of English he'd ever learned. He swam in confusion. "To be me?" He looked down at the blue-tinged veins under the thin skin just near his palms. Scarred from cheap scratchy rope but otherwise unmarked. “What did you expect?”
"Well, look. This is kind of a thing I do for work. But it’s all under the table, we don’t make a big deal out of it. Usually I pick up people who… you know what, I'll just tell you. I work with some people who buy or trade trafficking victims we find online and then free them. Usually, we get people who, you know, they got caught up in some bad shit and ended up stuck, they know the people who are hurting them. We can get them into rehab, or whatever, if they still have their passports we can just slip people out of the whole… all of it. Stranger abductions are literally less common than a one in a million chance. Plus... the news.”
“The... news?”
“You’re pretty famous, Finn. There was a nationwide manhunt when you first disappeared. It would compromise our security. You know? If I just go to the cops. Too much attention, too much scrutiny. The only way what we do works is if no one knows what we’re doing.”
Finn swallowed. His heart felt cold. Everything did. "I don't understand."
"No. Probably not, it's… a lot to explain and I’m used to not being able to, I don’t exactly have a speech ready. Just… let's get through the night. Then you and I can talk about what comes next. I'll find you someplace where you can go to the cops yourself, for home, or… whatever you want. Just don’t tell anyone about me, okay?”
“I don’t want to.”
“Okay… okay, good, that simplifies a lot-“
“No, I mean… I don’t want to go home.”
Noah blinked. “You don’t?”
“No. My mother… my mother would have to know he-... She would… that… Ich wurde vergewaltigt. I don't want anyone to know what he did t-to me. I don't want to g-go home." His voice shook so hard he was nearly indecipherable, but Noah didn't interrupt or tell him to shut up, quit whining, to go back in his cage and be silent. "I don't want-... I cannot."
"I understand. I get it, I do… Just… nobody has to make any choices now. It's not going to happen anymore, okay?”
Finn didn’t believe him. But he nodded anyway.
Noah exhaled, roughly. “Okay. Take a shower, I'll head down the road for some pizza or something, and then… you can get some sleep after we eat. You can rest, now, Finn. But… I think you probably want to be clean, first.”
He would never be clean again, but he nodded, throat tight and nearly closed with something between dread and relief. He leaned over and picked out a shirt and pants from inside the bag, travel-sized toothpaste and toothbrush, and went into the bathroom. The light was bright compared to the dim yellow in the room itself, painting everything with unflattering overdone contrast. The lemon smell was stronger in here.
When he saw the tub with its familiar shower head, for a second he felt the water, cold as ice, as it had hit his skin like a thousand knives while Robert laughed. Then he realized that it was a cold sweat breaking out over his skin, trickling down his cheek and the side of his neck. He felt stretched too thin underneath his skin, heart pounding with a dull violence. Terror washed cold down his back, and Finn knew all over again that he was about to die.
The heavy scent of blood and gunpowder surrounded him, his own muffled cries around the terrible gag as the hotel manager had jolted to the side and then collapsed, like a ragdoll thrown by an angry child. He hadn’t moved, after that.
Finn had been sure he was dead.
Robert had been sure he was dead.
Finn had been certain he’d die, too, when Robert had turned to look at him. Somehow, he hadn’t. Somehow, he had survived to be here almost two years later, looking down into the same kind of bathtub, the same shower head, and the same little bottles of travel-sized shampoo and conditioner, the same bar of soap.
He wanted to scream. It tired to tear its way up his throat to escape him, and he couldn’t quite force it back down. Finn swallowed, once and then again, but his heart felt like it would beat itself bloodily out of his chest. His stomach flipped and he turned, throwing himself towards the toilet and slamming the lid up so hard it bounced off the tank and almost hit him in the head as he dropped to his knees.
He leaned his head over and lost everything he had eaten during the drive. He threw up over and over again, until all that happened was his stomach clenching, sour spit and bile and nothing at all left beyond that.
It… helped, a little. 
He was shivering by the time he could stop, but his heart had stopped pounding.
“Hey, you okay?” Noah called, voice faint and muffled.
“I am fine!” Finn yelled back, voice ragged and hoarse. “I get carsick!”
It was a patently ridiculous excuse, but Noah didn’t try to ask him to open the door, and Finn had never been so grateful to have someone be silent. He took deep breaths of the little soap in the package on the sink until the fake lavender smell overrode his memories. At least they had changed the scent of soap they used. Eventually, the lavender smell started to make him feel sick, too.
He turned on the shower and locked the bathroom door, shivering under the cold spray until it began to warm. When it was scalding, he scrubbed himself raw, washed his hair with cheap hotel shampoo.
When he came out, hair still dripping and dressed in the new, loose clean clothing with that thrift store smell, the room was empty.
Noah had left a note that said gone for pizza, watch whatever you want while I’m gone.
Finn looked through the curtains to see the truck was indeed no longer in its parking spot.
He could walk right to the desk if he wanted.
My name is Finn Schneider. I was abducted in 2003. My abductor is the one who tried to kill Kent Reyes. Call my mother or the German embassy. Call someone. Call anyone.
I'm not dead. 
But in his heart, he knew better.
I knew Finn Schneider. Tell her her son died in October 2003.
His mother’s son never made it out of the house. Whoever he was now, whatever Robert had left after he had scraped Finn clean… he didn't want anyone to see what Robert had made of him. 
So instead, he pulled back the covers and climbed into one of the beds. He was already crying by the time his head touched the too-soft pillow, nearly flattening to the mattress at the slightest weight.
He wept, hands over his face, in the silent way he had taught himself to cry inside the cage, until he had no more tears left. Then he took the remote and turned on the television just to have some noise, shivering as he changed channels until he found something other than the news or the sitcoms that Robert loved.
He settled on a cooking show, the voices a dull and comforting nonsense. The bed warmed around him, and he felt his muscles beginning to relax, one by one, against his will. By the time Noah came back with the pizza, Finn Schneider was fast asleep.
He was curled up in a ball, his hands pressed to the lower half of his face, pressing just a little, covering his nose, mouth, and chin.
He hadn't been able to fall asleep until it felt like he was wearing his muzzle. 
For whumptober: @whumpworld
Finn tag list:   @astrobly @finder-of-rings @burtlederp @whumperfully @pigeonwhumps  @squishablesunbeam  @darkthingshappen @whumper-soot  @pumpkin-spice-whump @pardonmekreature  @d-cs @honey-is-mesi @whump-queen @sowhumpful ask if you want to be added to the taglist    
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badlydrawnmanic · 2 years
more stuff from my paint folder under the cut with varying levels of explanation
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my owlfolk rogue d&d character as a shitty little baby because baby birds look miserable and it's funny
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shut up
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a square full of bugs
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weird arcade cabinet thing from a dream i had. i didn't draw it on here but it had sonic underground decals and stuff and as prizes it'd print off stickers and random screenshots from the show that'd come out that side thing. i don't know why but it had a trackball
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i was doodling a bunch of critters for some reason. i think it was low-key inspired by @mossworm's art and in my head it was for some kind of critter collection game idea
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i forget what this is about but i think it speaks for itself. despite being in the paint folder it was very clearly not drawn in paint
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dinosaurs in love
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again not a paint drawing but a manic i drew on drawception
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tails lost in the sauce (a plant poofed a fuck ton of pollen right in his face and he is not having a good time)
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i drew this while sleep deprived and proceeded to break down into a laughing fit. no i don't know what it is and it's called god.png
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a miscellaneous character i have named gordy gatorman. he's gay and owns a bakery
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the same doodle of my owlfolk rogue plus two more things (she hates everyone)
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i don't have an explanation for this one i just thought the belt attached to scourge's coat was stupid (you know this is old because of my "colored lineart only" phase)
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i think the original text for this was slightly nsfw but this is funnier actually
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"hjpt ;leg.png"
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one of my many interpretations of a human sonic, this one leaning more into "grumpy teenager" than anything else. i usually don't draw humans so this is surprisingly nice looking
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there's 3 more panels to this but i just wanna acknowledge those sad lobsters in the dirty ass tank at the grocery store. they looked so sad and i always wanted to take them home
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it me
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me and my @kinslee-the-normal-human's oc. we used to rp a lot and they'd get into all sorts of bullshit with mr. tall echidna always being like i told you this would happen and being generally upset about it but his teeny tiny girlfriend could not care less. this time it was about vampires but he's just vibing
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one of my ocs just kinda turns into fire when he goes super and i thought the idea of his clothes burning off was hilarious
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hard to explain but my friend made an au where like every possible fusion of two characters that could exist did exist all at once in a weird little sci-fi society and we roleplayed it a ilttle bit. my main character for it was an amy/manic fusion named pippin and they had anxiety
in the background you can see salyut (he was actually made for this au as a shadow/biolizard fusion), maroon (a shadow/knuckles fusion), and... man i forget his name but he was a sonic/shadow fusion. the character in the second to last panel is a mephiles/tikal fusion who was part of the evil sci-fi government or whatever and she scared pippin a lot. i might repurpose pippin because they're very cute
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@kinslee-the-normal-human told me that you can tell if someone is a furry based on how they draw dogs so i drew a dog and she said i was a furry based on how i drew the back legs. she was right but i don't get the test lmao
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one of my ocs sort of got sucked into amy's family unit and he's in a sort of younger-ish sibling role to her (despite being older) and she makes him very happy and he loves her very much. they are friends :)
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pov you are talking to razor on discord and he is happy to see you
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this is called "scourge peep.png". i don't know why it's holding a knife
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me and my friend drew pokemon from memory at a sleepover. i think from the different art styles you can tell which ones i drew nsjkdgs
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i was playing the sims and made a version of gyro on it and he just kept getting abducted by aliens. i couldn't stop him
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unhingedwomandiaries · 4 months
I recently learned about this situation involving a friend, and it made me ponder the seemingly random injustices of modern life in a way that feels almost metaphysical. It's one of those stories that starts out innocuous enough, but keeps unspooling into layers of absurdity until the entire episode transcends mere anecdote and becomes an allegory for the inherent illogic lurking beneath society's surface.
Here are the Cliff Notes: My friend decided to sell her vintage Nissan Figaro online, which I guess makes sense if you're the kind of person looking to minimize your automotive carbon footprint (even though driving a 30-year-old car seems like an odd way to make that particular statement). But whatever - to each their own quirky ecological passion project. So she lists this admittedly kitschy-yet-endearing hatchback for £3,000, which strikes me as an absolute steal when you consider she ponied up over 15 grand for the thing several years back. I'm talking 80 percent off the original sticker price, folks. You'd assume only an enthusiast willing to overpay for some niche Japanese nostalgia-mobile would be interested, right?
Well, you'd be wrong - because the person who indeed snatched it up promptly turned around and ratted to PayPal that he wanted a refund. While still driving away with the actual car he had just purchased! It's honestly the kind of diabolical grift that makes you marvel at someone's sheer audacity. Like, this rando essentially decided to just take the Figaro for free and let the corporations sort out the details. And shockingly, PayPal was like, "Sure, why not - screw that seller." Even more shockingly, when my friend tried bringing the legal hammer down, the courts sided with el-scammero as well!
I mean...what the hell is that? How does one even process that degree of inexplicable chaos butchering any sense of transactional accountability? It's a vortex of meaningless unfairness, yet it somehow happened - an entire system failure event where the aggrieved party got royally hosed for legitimately trying to conduct business. In what plane of reality is that an acceptable outcome? None that I want to experience, that's for sure.
Honestly, it's the kind of Kafkaesque debacle that makes you say, "Welp, I'm never buying or selling anything online ever again, because the entire mechanism is hopelessly broken." And while that's probably an over-correction, you can't help but acknowledge the brokenness of it all. It's profoundly messed up in a way that chips away at your psyche's perceptions about cause-and-effect. If stories like this don't low-key shake your faith in the social fabric, you're not paying close enough attention.
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majormeilani · 5 months
i shared this in discord but i'm putting it here too. since rin has definitely helped a lot of the characters in the game more than once and her hospital is in nyakuza metro, she has had empress as her patient more than once. given empress has all those scars and a crooked tail, possibly from being broken before.
anyway, after treating empress for an injury, rin would offer her what she offers all of her patients after treatment: a lollipop or sticker. empress would look at her options but turn her nose up at them both, stating them to be childish. but she low-key really wants one. but rin would say "i understand, sometimes deciding is the hardest part!" and she would give empress both. and empress would be stuck with the lollipop and sticker that she secretly actually wanted, but pretends she hates them. but rin won't take them back from her so empress leaves with her little treats.
but later, the sticker is seen on a briefcase in empress' office and a nyakuza cat sees the stick of a lollipop poking out the side of empress' mouth. and she even uses it for an extra bit of sass that day lol.
rin would hear about this from a nyakuza cat telling her secretly and laugh like "even the hardest of folks can't deny the allure of the simple sticker or lollipop...! 😊"
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imogenleewriter · 11 months
✨ Twenty Questions for Fic Writers ✨
THANK YOU @nouies FOR THE TAG!! I'd missed the notif and was reading yours and thinking it looked fun to do and then when I got to the bottom I saw you'd tagged me.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
5 but one is a WIP
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
581,554 - which is pretty decent for less than a year, I think lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
one direction 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Can Hear It In The Silence
You, Me (and everyone we know) - Which is crazy because it's the WIP!
Save Me (from myself)
You're Not My Type (still I fall)
I Hope You Choke (on those words) - which is like my neglected child. I always forget it exists and literally never mention it.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? WELL, I used to and it was something I prided myself on. But, well, I am so extremely lucky to have such a loud, and talkative readership who are insanely loud and talkative... I've been trying to catch up, but I'm still about 2 months behind and that's after me giving up on like 7 chapters of ymaewk. It was just getting too hard to try and catch up so I cut my losses and am just going from the chapter I'm up to. I will one day. But also, some of those comments are like 4 months old now, so people might not want answers to those? It must be annoying to get emails for those, right? RIGHT?
But in general YES! And it's something I feel really passionately about. If someone goes to the effort to write a comment, I really think they deserve a reply - and a decent one. All that being said, I think everyone kind of thinks that way? Like I've never commented on a fic and not gotten a reply?? So I'm pretty sure everyone replies.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? None? Angsty endings aren't really my thing, and I don't think they ever will be. I want everything wrapped up as neatly as possible. I guess maybe I hope you choke, because it's only 3k words, so it's not like... fully resolved? But there isn't much to resolve.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hopefully all of them?? I think maybe ychiits because it was really, really well resolved? Like... every single thread was tied. You're Not My Type also had a really happy one but it's such a soft fic that I don't think it would ever not.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A little. A lot less than I deserve, tbh lol. The main place I've seen it is in bookmarks, so now I just don't check the bookmarks. (if you're going to bookmark a fic with criticism, make it private).
I do get a few... odd comments. Like they're not hate, but they're just... idk how to explain it without signalling comments out. In a fic discord group, I'm in with like 70 members. There is literally a sticker that says 'Imogen's comment complaint time,' for me to use when I... complain about those comments, lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah. Very consensual, often awkward smut lol. Like to keep it real.
10. Do you write crossovers? What the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. At least not as far as I'm aware and I'm sure someone would tell me if I had.
I've been accused of 'stealing' fics... twice. But both times were by anons who hadn't actually read the fics, and had just read the summaries/tags... and both times were low-key ridiculous (again, I say this as if I didn't cry both times... and have to turn anon comments off).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah... actually... I think one has been done and I haven't linked it yet. Shit. So I'm pretty sure that ychiits has two (one that I haven't linked) and someone is doing SMFM now. I currently have a rule that it can only go on ao3, and not Wattpad but I'm low-key thinking about changing it. In fact, I'm kind of thinking about uploading them to Wattpad... it's just no one ever does it and I don't know if there is a reason for not doing it??? Is there are reason? Why don't people upload to Wattpad??
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but @hereforh and I are in the process of writing one!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Larry. The only time I've read other ships is when I've been reading smut lol. And that's more about the smut than the ship.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I always think of WIPs as in ones I've started uploading lol. And I always intend to finish those. But WIP as in started but not uploaded? Yeah, heaps!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, relatively authentic characters, and complex plots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Literally everything else. I feel like my writing technique is ... shit, tbh. I'm really surprised no one ever says it. I do feel like it's improved a bit, but yeah, still shit.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think if I was going to write much of it, I'd find someone who spoke it well. I'm not really sure when I'd need to do it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I always say I never wrote fanfic until One Direction but I'm not ENTIRELY sure that's true. When I was a young teenager, I used to read All Time Low fanfiction on Quizilla and I did upload some stuff there. As far as I can remember, they were all original fiction but it's possible I wrote an ATL one. I know I wrote a tiny one based on the song Self-Conclusion by The Spill Canvas. I think it was literally using the dialogue from the song and then writing around it.
20. Favorite fic you've written? 
Oooooh, so tricky. I love them all for different reasons. Ychiits will always be my baby forever and ever.
Probably YMAEWK, and the only thing that stops me from being sure it's that one is just that it's less relatable. Like I know with ychiits and even SMFM, people saw themselves in the characters and story. Whereas I feel like it's harder to relate to ymaewk and long term, it might not have as big of an impact. BUT, I do love those boys soooo much and love the story. So, yeah, probably ymaewk.
Anddddddd (sorry if you've already been tagged and obviously no pressure) I tag @hereforh @nooradeservedbetter @lunarheslwt @enchantedlandcoffee @thelavendrhaze and anyone else who wants to do it!
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aes-h · 1 year
Here are my initial ideas for a band/music themed pack (preferably an expansion pack but realistically a game pack). I introduce to you:
The Sims 4: Making Music (working title)
Primary pack features overview:
The new ability to make bands. Either gether a group of your friends together to make a band, or put up listings searching for new members and review their applications. Assign specific intruments to different sims. Set up practice sessions to build skill and learn how to perform together on stage.
Put yourself out there! Perform at concert venues, bars, parks, a creepy basement, or whatever else suits your style. Invite family, friends, or perhaps someone you're looking to impress to your concerts to show off your skills.
New instruments! New guitars, drums, 4 string bass, new keyboard piano, synths, record players, real stages to perform on
New lot type: Concert Venue. Alternatively, you can place a "stage" item in other builds to make them possible venues for concerts.
Attend concerts for other bands/singers (premade townies. Your sims can talk to other townies to learn about them or research bands on a computer)
Explore a new city world full of alleyways and secret/hidden areas. Based off New York, but make it different enough from San Myshuno. (i know people want world based off places literally anywhere but the USA but i just love san myshuno so much i just want san myshuno 2.0 is that too much to ask for). MORE APARTMENTS! CRAMPED!!
One secret location is a speakeasy hidden underground through an unassuming door in an alleyway. It can be edited, but the lot type is locked to be either a bar or lounge.
The second secret location takes you to an old, unused subway station which can be turned into a venue. The door to reach it is locked up behind rusty chains and a heavy lock. To bypass this your sim must explore more of the city to find bolt cutters (or some other way to unlock the door idk) to break the lock. (Or, to incorporate skills, reach a certain level of handiness to pick the lock, a certain fitness level to break the lock, or bring your band-mates to break it together). Once inside, you can edit the lot to make it a venue, practice space, whatever you want, you just can't build full walls. There are debug bathrooms built into the subway around it so your sim isn't pissing themself.
The third secret location is a rooftop of one of the apartments (because there WILL be apartments so help me god) you get by either reaching a certain friendship level with your landlord and asking for it (LAME) or attempting to swipe the key (low chance of success and pisses off landlord, but that's what makes it fun). If you REALLY hate your landlord, you have a decent chance of getting it if you get into a fist fight with them. The rooftop is another secret lot you can edit (though the lot type remains 'generic')
Careers outside of making your own band:
"Producer" career (what do producers do? go around saying "i'm a producer" and making people sign contracts)
"Vocalist" career- start out as a backup singer and work your way up to pop star
I originally wrote out a DJ career before I realized that was a thing in get together LOL. i've been meaning to get that pack (on sale) is it worth it?
Overall Style of the Pack: Similar to city living in the sense that there are two contrasting sides; a very grunge, rocker, underground vibe to most of the pack. but there is also an upscale pop-star side to it for when your sims make it big (as they say). I want the pack to feel Dirty and Used (werewolves pack vibes), with lots of well-loved items (thinking basement treasures), with an artsy edge to it. Lots of stickers, and drawings on things, and random things that look like instruments and instruments that look like other things. For the pop-star side; still a bit of an edge with lots of neon lights and fun colors. Dressing tables/vanities, headset microphone. Accessory headphones that don't look ridiculous. Expand on the grunge style kit with more grunge and rock inspired clothing (we deserve more alternative clothing) and heavy jewelry. Layered necklaces, concert wristbands, band merch. Also performing outfits; a little bit of everything. (New outfit category for sims in bands? Or something you can customize in a separate menu, perhaps the same menu where you can track your band's progress.)
Other Thoughts: I don't want the pack to be easy. I want it to take effort to gain a following and improve as a band, and for the relationships between band members to affect their skill & performances. Starting out, you won't make much money at all for a long time, until you start growing and can make more than you spend. (ticket quotas and fees at different venues. start small and work your way up from dingy basements to bars to lounges to real venues from concert halls to stadiums. (Realistically, some, if not most, of these will have to be rabbit holes but I can dream)
Base Game Update: Make the electric guitars actually sound electric PLEASE.
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