the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
can u do tadc cast (or probably just a few bc this prompt isn’t very creative) x a reader who looks like the player from animal crossing? ball hands,,, maybe weirdly good at crafting things,, gets stung by bees sometimes mayhaps. Maybe they speak animalese and nobody ever knows what they’re saying LMAO
TADC cast x reader whos like an animal crossing player!
depending on what time it is when i finish writing this, i think imma take a short break to stretch my legs and make something YAHOO!! hope you enjoy this anon!! this reminds me, i cleared out my island by making it totally flat... but i never actually... got to decorating it... huh.... commitment is scary, guys
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i think as a funny haha gag thing, how funny would it be if he could actually understand you. like you cant talk, and the noise youre limited to is to your "emotes", but somehow someway for some reason, caine can understand you... genuinely impressed by your crafting and even sometimes asks you to make random things just to see if you can make it! expect some really odd and random requests! not at all phased that you can pick things up with your weird orb hands, hes used to the digital world and its weirdness... thinks...
hey at least theres someone the same height as her in this place...!/hj
tries hard to understand your funky emotes and body language but shes at a loss... i mean at least you can still pick stuff up and try to write, so at theres some method of commutating asides from simply trying to learn how to read you! though, she is a bit unnerved by your silence and how your face is mostly stagnant when you arent.... emoting.. a static smile can get a little unnerving when youre standing next to the person and understand thats its a real person.. you know?
a little confused on how you can just pull things out from thin air, but does admit that it can be useful... has probably tried to ask you to make an exit out of desperation because hey if anyone can make one it would be you so whats the harm in trying (my girl is losing it)
i think you guys bond over the crafting; since ragatha makes stuff too, like pillows and clothing and plushies and the like! sure you guys may not be making the exact same things, but you both create and thats enough to bring you two together! doesnt mind that you cant talk, in fact i think after the chaos of a day in the digital circus she embraces the calmness around you... scolds you for constantly being stung by bees, though... though she tries not to be too mean or harsh since its not like youre trying to get stung on purpose... but please just be careful... she worries about you, afterall!
honestly ragatha doesnt have individual fingers, so the fact you can function with balls hands doesnt phase her
really touching on the fact you have an inventory that you can hide stuff in i think he would slide you things to hide for him; especially its hes going a "imma do something to someone as a prank then run and use you to hide the evidence" ... you know usual jax antics where he tries to get the reader to help him with his trickery. whether or not you actually aid him is totally up to you. probably makes fun of your short height and the fact youre always getting stung. probably points and laughs when he watches you run around while literally being chased by a swarm. promptly screams when you make a run towards him, thus bringing the bees to him. you have probably bopped him with your net after he says something particularly not-nice, me thinks... or maybe you just dont like him and youre constantly bopping him, i mean i do enjoy it when the reader doesnt like a character but you can easily ignore this little aside if you want this to be a friendship or romance!
OOOOO imagine you come with the basic ring/inventory of tools (net, shovel, watering can, fishing rod, ect) and you can just pull it out of no where.... oooooouuugh imagine taking your net out around him and (wordlessly) offering to go look for bugs with him,.. kind of panics when you get stung by the digital bees; probably helps you patch up... honestly i think given that kinger is all about bugs, i think its a safe bet he would know how to treat bites and stings... so hes your man if youre really bad about avoiding bees and the like! can see tropes that trope where like "whats that? little timmys stuck in the well?? (but thats not what you said/meant)" because youre like emoting and trying to direct his attention somewhere but he gets it. so totally wrong and commits to it before you can stop him. i just think thats funny
thinks youre... odd. though... imagine you can change up your style and appearance by simple interacting with a mirror and wardrobe. i think they would think thats cool, that you can just... do that... zooble has to rip their body parts off (sounds way worse than it actually is, LMAO). probably gives you this look when you walk into the tent to show that once again, youve been attacked by a swarm of bees.... how do they always only sting your left eye...? is that just how your digital body shows the injury, or do they just... no nevermind, theyre just going to give out a sigh before taking you to caine or kinger for medicine. definitely gets onto you for constantly messing with the digital bees, though...
honestly between all the characters i can easily see her being an animal crossing fan... and while she may not remember all of her old life, i like to think that subconsciously she would recognize you for what your digital body is intimidating... bonus if in the real world animal crossing was her comfort, so naturally, she instinctively finds comfort in you even if she cant totally pin point it... though, she has trouble understanding you outside of your emotes... but even then when you do an angry stamp or shed tears she cant quite pinpoint why youre upset... oooo please make her an art easel! i think that would be a great gift for her and she will be absolutely over the moon!
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aanoia · 10 months
Would you be interested in doing “Broken one” by raelyn with James? Just like a readers who’s home life isn’t awful she has her mom and her mom is amazing. But when it comes to love she just doesn’t have a good foundational understanding unlike James potter who grew up amazing
obviously I loved this request so much and I hope I did it justice. It actually really hit close to home with me, so I'm really glad I got to write about it.
Broken One
James Potter x reader words; 1,626 song; Broken One by RaeLynn warnings; divorce (if you need to talk, reach out. this is something I know personally so I'd love to be someone you can trust about it.) the disrespect this world has for never letting me know about this song until now smh if you have a song request, or a normal request (bc i definitely get those out in a timely manner) just use my inbox. I love doing requests :) this one might be a little confusing to read, lmk if it is haha
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We grew up so differently
You had one house, one backyard, one Christmas tree
The difference was obvious between the two of us. Maybe only I saw it, maybe the entire world did. All I knew was I came from a broken home of divorce, my dad was a cheating drunk and my mom, although amazing, was mostly emotionally unavailable. James on the other hand, had parents who loved each other unconditionally, they rarely fought and acted like teenagers in love. 
You didn't split your time, didn't wonder why, like me
“This came from your mother.” My dad said, walking into the kitchen and handing a letter to me.
“Thanks, dad.” He nodded briefly, giving me a tight lipped smile.
“Do you want anything to eat?” He asked. “I can make eggs.”
I smiled teasingly, “You gonna burn them again?” Dad took a swig of his beer and laughed.
“I’ll try not to.”
I smiled and carefully opened the letter. It was from James, so I assumed he forgot it was my dads week and sent his owl to my moms. I smiled as I read the letter, he’s such a sweetheart.
When I met your mom and I met your dad
Damn, it's cool to see that love can last
I watched with a smile as James’ parents danced together in the kitchen, completely forgetting the dinner they were making for us. 
“Are you alright, love?” James asked quietly, not wanting to bother his parents.
I nodded, “I’ve just never seen something like that before.”
James pressed a soft kiss to my lips, “Soon that will be you and I, yeah?”
I smiled against his lips, “Yes.”
'Cause I never knew 'til I was loved like that by you
“Ohhh, Y/n! I’m in love with youUuUUuuUUUuuuuuUU!” James sang loudly in the common as I died with laughter.
Sirius joined as his backup vocals and air guitar and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Will you dimwits shut up, please? I’m getting a migraine.” He asked and James just sang louder, his vocal chords straining.
You could've seen too much work
All the missing pieces
Someone who's gonna leave
'Cause I come from leaving
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“No.” James said, crossing his arms.
I furrowed my brows, “No?”
He nodded and shrugged, “No. You don’t get to finish your sentence because I don’t think I’m gonna like the ending.”
“But Jame-”
He booped my nose and I pulled my face back in surprise, “No. And it’s Jamie to you, missy.”
Could've seen my past
Took a look at my baggage
And packed yours up and run
“You can cry, you know?” James said softly, sitting beside me on the porch of my moms house.
Tears filled my eyes at his words, “I should’ve had you meet them separately. I’m such an idiot.” I whispered, my voice cracking.
James pulled me into his side, “You’re not an idiot. They're the only idiots here. This was important for you, they should’ve been able to put aside their differences for you.”
But you saw a home in a girl from a broken one
“I want this one.” James said and I side eyed him.
“James, I love you. But this one sucks.”
James scoffed as our real estate agent (do they even have those?) laughed.
“That’s all right. I have one more for you two.”
“It’s perfect.” James and I said in sync.
She has my eyes and has your nose
I let out a wet laugh as my baby girl was handed to me. I gently pet her head, a few tears falling down my face.
“I think that was more painful for James than it was for you.” James’ mom said and I laughed as he grabbed my hand, ignoring the teasing.
“I’m at a loss for words.” James whispered honestly and I smiled at him as he stared at our daughter.
“Hold her.” I whispered back and he shook his head.
“I’ll hurt her.” He worried.
“You won’t, my love. Hold our little girl.” I said, carefully lifting her into his arms. He held her carefully, as if she was a fragile flower.
But thank God she never has to know
What it's like to grow up picking sides
“This is a recipe for disaster.” I muttered as James bundled up our daughter in her snow coat. 
“No, it’s not. Relax a bit, Y/n/n.” Sirius responded and I glared at him.
“Don’t kill my kid or I’ll do worse than kill you.”
He grinned, “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“She’s ready!” James proclaimed proudly and the two ran out the door. 
I hesitantly followed behind them and watched as they swung her over a large pile of untouched snow. A small smile graced my lips as her laughter filled the air, before it was silenced as she fell into the snow. Instead of it catching her she just went right through. She began laughing again under all the snow and James hurried to get her out while Sirius was howling with laughter. Even a few laughs left my lips.
You could've seen too much work
All the missing pieces
Someone who's gonna leave
'Cause I come from leaving
“Shh, you’re okay, my love.” James whispered into my hair as I cried softly, clutching tightly onto his shirt. “Hey, beautiful, look at me.” He lifted my chin and I struggled not to bury my face in the crook of his neck again. “Hey, we are not your parents, all right? Not your parents.”
Could've seen my past
Took a look at my baggage
And packed yours up and run
I held tightly onto my son's hand as we weaved through the train station, trying to get to platform 9 ¾.
“Are you ready for this, Jean?” James asked our daughter who nodded nervously.
“I think.”
“Well, I know.” I chimed in and she smiled.
“Yeah. I am ready.” She corrected herself.
“First year of Hogwarts, and then in two years it’ll be you Harry.” I said, squeezing my sons hand as he smiled up at me.
“Ah, here we are.”
“Uh, dad, this is a wall.” Jean deadpanned and I laughed.
“Not just any wall, smartas-” I glared at James and he cleared his throat. “Alec. You walk through it to get to platform 9 ¾.”
“Come on. Together.” I said and grabbed onto Jean’s free hand. The four of us as a group walked through the wall and were greeted with the familiar horn of the train. Jean went rigid and I looked down worriedly. “What’s wrong, my love?”
“I’m scared, mama.”
“No need to be scared!” A voice said from behind us and we turned around.
“Yeah! We can be best friends!” Two identical ginger boys said with large smiles.
Jean smiled, “Okay! I’m Jean Potter.”
“I’m Fred.”
“And I’m George. Or am I Fred?”
“Am I George?”
“What?” James said and I laughed.
But you saw a home in a girl from a broken one
“Ugh, Sirius is a dick.” James said as he walked into our room.
“Then why are you forcing me to let him live with us?” I asked with a teasing smile, setting my book down.
“Because I love him.” James laid his head in my lap. “But I love you more.”
Yeah, my raising wasn't perfect
But the girl you saw was worth it
“I feel so old.” I said, sitting down at the kitchen counter after dropping off Jean and Harry, Jean entering her fourth year of Hogwarts and Harry his second.
“You are, my love.” James said, kissing my cheek and grabbing some milk.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
You could've seen too much work
All the missing pieces
Someone who's gonna leave
'Cause I come from leaving
“Just go, goddamnit! Leave!” I yelled at my parents who were arguing over who got to see this kids for Christmas. “I mean, for fucks sake, get out of my house!”
“Y/n, that is no way to speak to you pa-”
“I think it’s time for you two to leave.” James said calmly after taking the kids to their rooms, walking over to the door and opening. I breathed heavily, my bottom lip trembling as they walked out angrily. 
Once the door closed my shoulders deflated and I sighed in defeat. James silently brought me into a tight hug, quietly telling me he was there and everything was going to be okay.
Could've seen my past
Took a look at my baggage
And packed yours up and run
But you saw a home in a girl from a broken one
“Oh, you old bag. Shut your face.” I croaked from beside James’ hospital bed.
“You be quiet, you wrinkly tomato.” He retorted.
“Kick the bucket all ready.”
“Mom!” Jean scolded, holding her toddler in her arms.
“What? It’s gonna happen soon for both of us.” I reasoned and James laughed.
“You age like fine wine.” He complimented.
“You age like a banana.” I gently kissed his cheek. “I’m gonna miss you, but if I have to spend another minute in this hospital because you’re too stubborn to die I will kill you.”
He smiled and motioned me closer. I obliged and he kissed me like we were young. Passionate and loving. His monitor flatlined mid kiss and his grip on my hand lessened. I smiled sadly as a single tear fell from my eyes and landed on his cheek.
“It was his time.” I whispered. Two days later I laid in the same bed and took my last breath, the only thing on my mind was seeing James again.
Yeah, you saw home sweet home
In a girl from a broken one
taglist (if you want to be added ask in the comments);
@loving-and-dreaming (your request but still) @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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drowninginblox · 7 months
OPLA! Roronoa Zoro Drabbles- how you met + how you joined the crew
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I am drunk off this man right now. If he'd let me, I'd love to get to know him over a bottle of wine and a sirloin steak. Even though he's more of a booze man ofc. Below are some stray thoughts I have about him since I am slightly obsessed lol. I hope y'all enjoy my romantic/self-indulgent drabbles. One more thing- all of these HCs will surround an MC who identifies as Female.
Edit: hahaha umm.. happy late borth Zoro. Sorry for being late lol
I don't think you'd meet Zorro when he was young. Rather, you'd be on an otherwise unremarkable island or boat somewhere on the east blue, make your way to the grand line (ya fucking idiot). For some reason, to him anyway, you'd be the most remarkable thing about that rest stop. That one girl in that one bar he had a conversation with.
Whenever he thinks back on you, your smile would always be the first thing that comes to mind. Then your laugh. And then that side-eye glance you'd send his way when you ask him what he's thinking about. Usually after a contemplative sip of whatever you were indulging yourself on.
There are a lot of things that Zoro enjoys in life, but as much as he is the strong and silent type of guy, I think he enjoys a worthwhile conversation far more. So long as it means something to either of you. He hates pointless banter if there's nothing backing it.
When you see Zoro again, it's on the mainland shortly after the beginning of the time skip (haha spoilers 'LA watchers. We're in for a two-year time skip at some point in the series). You two meet up on land, just a skip away from where you two were gonna break away to your respective destinations. Completely on accident btw
Yall decide to spend the night together. Nothing zesty happens, Only wholesome cuddling and a long conversation that drifts into the early hours of the morning.
Yall wakes up at noon. He lets it slip that he's gonna train for a bit before meeting up with some friends at a very remote port god knows where, and you promise yourself two things.
You're not gonna drag this man down
You're gonna be one hell of a worthwhile pirate
So when y'all break away, promising each other that this definitely isn't gonna be the last time y'all meet, you decide to become a pro marksman. The gun kind, not the slingshot kind (don't wanna come after Ussop's brand lol)
So you do that for a year and a half before you make your way to the meet-up spot. You get there a day early, and during breakfast, you see Zoro and this blond bitch running somewhere. Naturally, you dropped everything (literally dropped your food back on the table) and jumped from the balcony to chase these mother fuckers to the docks where (spoilers) the sunny was parked.
It isnt until Zoro's halfway up the ship that you yell his name. He turns to see you, and it's like that night from a year ago all over again. He's got half a mind to jump down to you, but Luffy looks over and asks what's going on.
Everyone's teasing Zoro's ass bc of "the side piece he's picked up"
Ussop and Choper are asking him what your name is and where he found you
Sanji is on you immediately
Nami is asking for a fee to get on the ship
Franky is wondering why you built differently compared to every other girl he's seen (I like to make my OP OC's anything but Oda's depiction of the fem. figure. Mostly cubby and/or built. Sometimes both.)
Robin is wondering what's in your backpack since you look well packed (It's books. Fuck you I'm making physical fanfiction canon to one piece)
Zoro, meanwhile, is (mostly) worried about Luffy since he's captain.
Luffy looks you up and down, asks what you can do, and you say you're an alright marksman. Ussop is up and arms at this and Luffy backs him up saying that yall already have a marksman (and that you're a girl anyway so that isn't even the right term)
You say that you're knowledgeable in medicine and you're done your fair share of odd jobs since you've picked up a few things as a barmaid.
Luffy ponders this, countering that they already have a doctor but could always use the support when needed. He looks back to the crew and asks them what they think as well, wich surprises you a little. Nami and Robin would appreciate another afab person on the crew but supplies are tight as is, Franky thinks you're cool, same for Chopper. Sanji comments on supplies as well but he wouldn't mind if another girl is on board. Ussop is a little threatened by your presence and is against your addition entirely.
Zoro almost yells at him but before he starts, you get on your knees and properly ask him, along with the rest of the crew to stay. Luffy asks you why, and you say that you want to live. Live life with people you know and do it to the fullest. You then look back to Ussop, who is staring you down. "I didn't come to replace you. I came to follow, and hopefully live up to the people he adores," You glance over to Zoro, who is surprised you admitted that in front of his (totally not) family. "He holds you all to such a high standard. I wanna be a part of that."
Ussop just tells you to stand up and looks at Luffy. Luffy lets you on board, with the condition that you show off your skills. You do so.
Zorro helps you on and holds your hand as y'all are leaving port.
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p4rallel-universe · 1 year
awkward phonecall
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A/N - this is based off of a scene in the movie Metal Lords, which is a very good movie and should be watched by everyone.
summary: Enid has a crush on the reader, who has psychic/telekinetic powers. after sitting in on one of this light-hearted exchanges with Bianca, Enid sees a chance and takes it.
"you know, you do seem pretty gay to me, Y/N." Bianca is teasing you, as usual.
you could say the two of you have a love-hate relationship. mostly hate. and not really love. maybe...despise-tolerate?
sitting in the courtyard, at a bench and table is you, Bianca (of course) and a few of your classmates. this group includes Enid Sinclair, your bright, bubbly friend, who's been acting kind of different recently. you haven't told anyone, but you have a bit of a crush on her. you're pretty sure she's into Ajax though, which is fine, you're not gonna push.
"i am not!" you reply, faking offense.
"something about your hair, your voice, the way you walk. so...basically everything." she smirks and you roll your eyes.
"you're sounding a bit like Ariel there, miss mermaid." it's the best insult you can think of. if you're honest, your back and forth with Bianca is reminiscent of childhood squabbles.
"just because you've got Jedi powers." she mocks you, putting on a stereotypical nerdy voice.
"haha." you fake laugh at the lame insult, "spare me, i'll die a virgin if i'm known as 'one of the guys with Jedi powers'."
Bianca shoots you a look, an eyebrow raised, "i didn't mean it that way! i'm not, well-" you give up, and end up just sighing in frustration as Bianca laughs at you. you raise the middle finger to her before chuckling over it yourself.
the day continues as usual, and before you know it, it's 8 PM, and you're pretty relaxed in your dorm, when your phone rings. it's Enid. sitting up, you immediately answer,
"hey!" you greet, excited that she phoned you, but curious as to why,
"hey! uh, how was your day?" her sweet, clear voice rings out and you smile,
"it was alright, easy enough classes. except for Bianca's cruelty to me at lunch, of course." you chuckle down the phone,
"Bianca is always saying ridiculous things." Enid replies, a hint of actual malice in her voice.
"oh yeah, which parts ridiculous? the Jedi part, the gay part, or the virgin part?" you joke, but she goes quiet. worried you overstepped a boundary, you prepare to a) apologise (awkwardly) or b) make an excuse and hang up. before you can follow through on either option, she speaks up.
"well, you are, right?" her voice is low, like she's choosing her words carefully,
"gay? i mean, i don't think so. i guess it's a spectrum?" you tell her, confused
Enid huffs softly, "no, i mean, a virgin. a-are you a virgin?" she asks very quickly. as if she never even said it.
taken aback, you answer honestly, "oh! umm- yeah, definitely. 100%." you cringe at your response, smacking your forehead.
there's a pause.
"hello?" you say into the phone, thinking the lines went dead. or worse. she hung up after finding out your terrible secret.
"d-do you want-", she pauses, taking her time, "do you want to...not be?" she holds her breath, waiting for your answer. oh no. oh no. what a stupid thing to ask! she panics. what she doesn't realise is that, in your silence, you're also having your own moment of panic. oh. oh. is this a joke? i should say something. fuck. a million thoughts go through your head.
"uhh, yes? yes, actually. yeah." your mouth has gone dry and every second feels like an hour of waiting.
"can you meet me behind the greenhouse in half an hour?" Enid asks bluntly, her caution from before seemingly vanished.
"see you then." you blurt out, and Enid giggles as she hangs up the phone.
oh, you think to yourself.
(bit of a short, low effort fic. just bc i enjoyed the concept and wanted to put it down, also felt like writing. more solid fics coming soon 👍)
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pink-tk-a-latte · 3 months
FISCHL HCS bc she’s so lee but I can’t think of a fic for her rn 💜
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A LOT of people tickle her when her tyrannical yapping becomes too much. Mona especially, bc she’s sick and tired of Fischl’s chuunibyou tomfoolery and thinks it’s funny how she screams and gets all indignant with one pinch
Traveler (Lumine in my case) just likes being a nuisance and will tickle her while she’s loquaciously orating, and they'll keep playing along with her act just to be a tease ;)
Like "Oh? Seems the element of laughter is super effective against the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
Or the Traveler remains mostly terse while Fischl is babbling and screeching her head off so it becomes silent ler vs. chatty lee tehe
When she's tickled Fischl absolutely loses all ability to form words, even German and fantastical ones, like it’s BAD and the contrast is HILARIOUS
She'll go from "Retreat, perverted miscreant! Mine eyes of darkness behold thy villainous intentions and exhort thee to stay away! S-Stay away..." to "STAahfahfhsahaHAf NAOOOOO!!"
Also her laugh is squeaky, girlish, whiny, and snorty and not at all dignified or macabre.
Bennett prob doesn’t tickle her as much, mostly cuz he never thinks to, but when she unleashes the onslaught of a thousand fingers once again one day he FINALLY thinks to tickle her back.
Ofc, with his luck, he gets all the wrong spots and gets wrecked as a result. It’s probably Razor accidentally sweeping his hair across her neck that reveals it to him.
She's on the ace spectrum. That's not tk-related but it's still an hc!!
Occasionally Fischl will ask to be tickled but because of her verbose language no one can understand what she's saying TT
Lisa I bet tickles her whenever she comes to the library, especially when she would come alone and shrunken in on herself and in such strange attire. She also quotes lines from Fischl’s favorite storybooks and theatre scripts while wrecking her lmaooo
(SUMMER FANTASIA WAS EPIC anyway) Xinyan would sporadically poke her or “strum” her sides whenever she seemed down or distant, leading to a lot of tk fights. Kazuha too, except his attacks would be more deliberate and malevolently soft.
Fischl also def babysits Klee sometimes and tickles her when reading or telling her stories cuz Klee is adorable ♡
Fischl and Xingqiu would be such good friends ANYWAY I'm sure it came up once when they were reading together. Fishxing are both so competitive and prideful so their attacks often end in fights often end in begrudging draws.
Oz definitely rats her out to anyone who seems affectionately exhausted with her antics. Whatever happened to loyalty??
There seems to be a common hc that Genshin characters with skin exposed in their outfits are more ticklish on those spots, and who am I to change that? Anyway, she’s most ticklish under her arms, in the crooks of her elbows and knees, and on her legs, sides, and back/shoulder blades (also where her vision is!) like she has so much fishnet and nylon in her ensemble she’s got to be so tickly (haha get it fischnet??)
On the ler side of things, she’s got long nails, archers’ hands, and an electro bird, so… >:)
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lenaswritingandstuff · 11 months
Hello hello! Can I request a harry potter ship?
My name is Irene, I'm 19, I have dyed black hair (naturally brown) and green/brown eyes. I am also 5'6 and have pale olive skin.
A lot of my friends say that I'm really sarcastic. I am pretty introverted but sometimes I can be extroverted, just depends on my mood. I've been told that I have a really bad rbf so I tend to surprise people when im actually nice, the piercings and dark clothes don't really help in this aspect. I'm very very stubborn and I also loveee playing pranks on my friends. I always try my best to make people around me laugh especially when their upset bc I hate it when people i care about are upset (I mostly just act stupid until they laugh)
My style is more on the comfy/alt side. I wear mostly baggy dark clothes but sometimes I'll dress in bright colors if I'm feeling it. I have a septum piercing and gauges as well as several tattoos.. I work as an EMT and absolutely love every second of it even with the long hours haha.
Thats about it for me, thank you! I'm excited to see what you say!
Hi Irene!
I ship you with...
Harry Potter: Sirius Black
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Thank you for the request, hope you like it!
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anzynai · 2 years
Hello!! could I possibly request some lee & ler!Nene hc’s?
Nene Hcs
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yes hiiii of course!! i love her smmm i hope you enjoy these hehe :D
she’s a squealer and i mean she squeals. loudly. most people get caught off guard when they tickle her for the first time
OKAY SO SHE KINDA KICKS HER LEGS SO IF YOU WANNA TICKLE HER— be careful.. that’s all i gotta say
no bc she’s fr the CUTEST lee ever like she hugs herself, squeezing her eyes shut while letting out the cutest squeaks and giggles.. you’ll just die—
she’s pretty ticklish on her legs, neck, a little on her armpits!!
im gonna cry she’s got the cutest giggles ever like her laughter would remind you of a baby and that’s okay bc she’s baby haha
so i don’t mean to put “angst” but it’s canon she’s insecure, so hanako and kou tickle her until she doesn’t say mean stuff about herself anymore haha
when she feels too embarrassed to ask for tickles, which is 99.99999% of the time, she’ll like gently poke someone in the side (which is usually hanako or kou) and after a few pokes, they already know what she wants
so she can say the word “tickle” but when her ler keeps teasing her about tickling, she’ll say it but she’ll be bright red the entire time
ok she’s a teasy ler but she mostly learned that from hanako so it’s pretty funny lolzz
“you’re so ticklish!” “you’re laughing so much, does that mean you don’t want me to stop?”
like she’ll come up behind hanako or kou and just *squeeze* and then act all innocent as if she didn’t just make them yelp
she’s a pretty gentle tickler !! sometimes she’ll be a little evil and hang around on the worst spots but she stops if she really thinks can’t take it yknow?
her go to spots are the armpits and hips haha like that’s where she’ll start tickling you first
she usually tickles someone for a reason !! sometimes tho.. that reason is just her being bored..
butttt she also does cheer up tickles but only if she knows it’ll actually cheer them up, like kou hehe she’s really good at them too bc she’s even more gentle than she usually is and can get them softly giggling without losing their mind and it’s just so relaxing and AHHHH
she usually tickles hanako when he gives her a lotttt of bathroom chores but she stops when he says that he’ll give her less haha… sometimes
when she’s tickling someone for the first time or something, sometimes their laugh will make her flustered hehe
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minilpark · 2 years
hi :) i hope you're not too overwhelmed with all the TGM ship requests! may i request a top gun ship? please and thank you!!
pronouns: she/her
personality: i'm quiet and reserved when i don't really know people, but when i open up, i can be quite loud and enthusiastic. i love making the people i care about laugh. i'll even make it my mission when am with friends who are introverted and on the quieter side. i'd say i'm a bit of a nerd in a sense that i like to learn fun, useless, facts, but more importantly, i like to learn things to affect change. i was a poli sci major in undergrad and am currently in grad school pursing an MA (and possibly will pursue a PhD but who knows). i gotta say, i'm terrible at setting boundaries but i'm working on it. it's a problem bc i often feel the need to help my friends with stuff but it gets draining. totally a secret but when i'm alone, i absolutely do karaoke as if i'm a famous singer and will sometimes imagine what my life would be life if i was a celebrity (yikes that sounds shallow). and although embarrassing to admit, i sometimes imagine myself doing interviews with talk-show hosts lmaoo
interests: big marvel/mcu fan; avid NBA fan
hobbies: singing; guitar; piano; painting; embroidering; reading; writing; gardening
likes: staying home; enjoying food and drinks; watching TV shows and movies; quick-witted people; meaningful and vulnerable conversations
dislikes: bigots; clear injustices; close-minded people; camping (i'm very much a city gal)
pet peeves: having a know-it-all attitude and a my-way-or-the-highway attitude because damn is it frustrating to converse with someone like that; people who can't communicate because helloooo, i can't read your mind!
ideal date: nothing in particular, as long as i'm spending it with the right person (lol corny i know)
favourite music, colour, season: i think my music taste is all over the place, but i'd say i mostly listen to pop, R&B, hip hop, and jazz. my favourite colour, hands down, is yellow. and lastly, my favourite season is fall because are you kidding? when the leaves change colours, it's gorgeous.
~ 🐞 anon (i hope this emoji isn't already taken haha)
lmao i may be getting a smidgen overwhelmed with ship requests, but it's fine! thank you for asking for one though! also, you are such a cool person i love your vibes.
anyways, you and fanboy would be great for each other.
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mickey isn't necessarily an outgoing person, but he isn't a complete introvert either. when you're struggling to set boundaries, he will definitely help you with them and remind you that you deserve a break from taking care of your friends and to focus on yourself for once too. i've mentioned this multiple times, but i definitely think mickey is an actual nerd and fanboy about things. you two would definitely geek out over marvel content or anything else you two are interested in. imagine going to whatever new marvel movie comes out in the theatres on the premier weekend! anyways, besides this, i can definitely imagine the both of you staying home one night, eating some kinda takeout food, having drinks, and a karaoke night singing to all kinds of songs since you two enjoy similar music genres.
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fqreverwinter · 2 years
— — — —
relationship: tobey!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: you just want a glass of water, but peter doesn’t want to let you out of his arms.
warnings: descriptions of making out but no nsfw, just mostly fluff bc omg <3
word count: 1k
notes: this was requested by @r0bynsblogins! it’s so sweet i thought i was gonna cry. hope you enjoy!!
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“Peter, stop,” you muttered through giggles, fighting his grabbing hands. “I need a drink.”
“No, don’t leave me,” he responded with a pout, pulling you back into his arms. You laughed as you fell against his chest. Your desperate fight was no match for his enhanced strength, so you just gave in.
“You’re killing me. I’m gonna be dehydrated.”
“You’ll live.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, to which he replied with a laugh. Peter leaned in and planted a kiss on your lips. You laughed against him as he climbed on top of you.
The entire night had been this way. Ever since you got home from class, Peter clung to you. You had no idea why he was acting this way. It wasn’t unusual for him to want to be sweet and hold you all night, but he was never this bad.
It’s not like you were complaining, either. You were just as smitten with Peter as he was with you. You two had been dating steadily for almost a year now, but you still felt like two high school kids in their first real relationship.
Tonight, Peter’s affection of choice was kisses. Yesterday, it was cuddling. The day before, it was holding your hand. He picked a new way to show how much he loved you every day. You thought it was sweet, but you also just wanted a glass of water.
It was the fourth time that night that Peter was on top of you, placing soft but loving kisses on your lips. Making out with him was so much better compared to other boyfriends. In the past, these types of kisses usually meant something heavier and resulted in a night in the sheets. Sure, you and Peter had your nights, but to him, this was more of a way of telling you how much he loved you without words.
He bit your lip playfully as you tangled your fingers in his messy brown hair. He pulled away from you, his blue eyes bright and starry and a goofy smile on his face. You giggled as he stared at you.
“What’s up, honey?” you said with a smile.
“Nothin’. Just admiring you.”
“Aw,” you giggled, planting a quick kiss on his lips. “You’re too cute.”
“I just love you,” Peter said, grinning wide. “You’re so pretty.”
“Yeah-huh!” he shouted, leaning down and kissing you again. It didn’t last as long this time, but he still managed to slip his tongue between your lips. When he pulled away, you laughed again.
“There! There it is.”
“There what is?”
“That face,” Peter began. “Every time I kiss you, you laugh and do that cute little smile. Then your cheeks turn all rosy and your eyes light up.”
“Do they?” you asked, still laughing.
“Mhm. You look so beautiful when that happens. I mean, you always look beautiful but when I kiss you, you’re just extra beautiful.”
“Pete, you sound like a little kid.”
“So what? No one else is around.”
You groaned, “Can I please go get some water?”
“No,” he said with a smug grin. You pouted, but he took it as an opportunity to kiss you again.
You wanted to protest, but you just loved the feeling of being kissed by him. Peter pushed his body against yours, shifting his weight from his forearms. He grabbed your hands and interlaced your fingers, careful not to break your connection. You hummed happily as he moved his lips from your lips to your neck, peppering soft kisses along your skin.
You released his hands and wrapped your arms around him, flipping over so that he was below you. He laughed as you bent down and kissed him again, taking his upper lip between your teeth. But you took this new position as an opportunity to jump off the bed.
“Haha! I win!” you taunted, skipping towards the door.
“No!” Peter shouted with a frown.
You gave him an innocent smile before walking out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. Suddenly, you felt something latch onto your wrist and you were pulled back into the bedroom and into Peter’s arms.
“Hey!” you yelped as he laughed. You pulled the webs off of your arm and pushed him away.
“That’s cheating! You can’t use webs!”
“I wasn’t aware that was a rule,” he teased, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“It goes unspoken. I don’t have cool superpowers like you, so you can’t use them against me. They’re for fighting bad guys, not your girlfriend.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”
“You’ll be sorry when I pass out from dehydration.”
“Just five more minutes? Then I’ll get up and get you a drink.”
“I just want some water, baby. I’m not gonna leave you.”
“Okay. But five more minutes.”
You sighed and nuzzled into his chest. Peter donned a triumphant grin as he pulled you close.
“I love you so much,” he muttered into your hair.
“I love you, too, needy boy.”
“Can I see that face again?” he asked.
You furrowed your brows, “What face?”
He leaned down and kissed you again. You tangled your fingers in his hair as he pushed on top of you again. This time, he kept his hands against the bed so you couldn’t push him over again. One hand went to your cheek as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
Peter softly but your lip as you gasped, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You giggled as his hand slid down your face and to your waist, pulling your body to his. A heated blush rose on your cheeks as he pulled away, gazing into your eyes. His pupils were blown wide as he smiled. You couldn’t help but make that same small laugh.
He chuckled, “Starry-eyed girl. My starry-eyed girl. You’re always so beautiful.”
“Stop, Pete,” you giggled, moving your hands to drape over his shoulders.
“I just wanna kiss you forever. I’ll never get sick of it.”
“Clearly,” you joked with a big smile. He leaned down and gave you a chaste kiss, laughing against your lips.
“Water in your little pink mug?” he asked, hovering over you.
“Finally!” you said with a smile.
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dinkedupfink · 2 years
One Piece characters reaction to just a really gen z s/o
Haha it me i know i havent been online for a while but here i am with a one piece post bc i am currently having one piece brainrot so y not ya know.
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Sabo.
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One day you said that something was "not very cash money of you to do" and he stared at you with a blank face that literally screamed 'what the fuck does that mean'
His reaction are literally the funniest shit ever like, one day you were just telling him alot of monkey facts so he asked you why you knew them. You answered "mmm monke". "What the fuck" *leaves*. He hasnt really verbally questioned you since because what the hell do you mean by mmm monke????
One day someone literally verbally told him "stay mad + L + ratio" so he asked you what it meant and you just burst out laughing like nawww😭😭 the poor guy. He then took you to the person because you asked him to and you punched the person into the ground because noone gets away with trying to ratio Law 😡😡.
He was like🧍‍♂️, wouldnt want you to do it again, he would just want you to explain it to him but kinda proud deep inside to have an s/o that would punch someone that hard for him.
Sometimes you call him your "babygirl". Doesnt really get why, does blush a bit when you so it because you just called him your BABYGIRL???? but doesnt mind too much. Sure he does get a bit flustered but thats mostly it.
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Probably gets gen z humor a bit more than Law but isnt really that much educated on it.
You call him your 'scrunkly'. Doesnt really mind since it doesnt sound too weird, 'scrunkly little bimblo man' is a bit too weird for him tho, you tried already and his reaction was "please dont call me that 😀💧" so you stopped 😕.
Probably has been worried that you were on drugs atleast once or twice, but he mostly trusts that you wouldnt harm your health like that.
There was like a whole day where you were just crying to him about some "el gato" and he was like "????", he did try to comfort you but sadly it didnt work because el gato 😔.
There was this once you went off on some guy who was insulting him and you literally recited a whole copypasta. He didnt know it was a copypasta of course so he was just impressed on how much creativity you had to make that whole thing up. Pet you on the head when you were done and gave you a little confused "slay?" Because he was trying his best to like,, make you proud of his knowledge on this humor. Very cute, 10/10, should say it more often.
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michelemoutons · 3 years
and at last, the post that maybe three people maximum have been waiting for...
em's comfort retro rally videos: a masterlist!
in a much-needed return to this blog's roots, and as an antidote to all motorsport- and life-related chaos, i now present to you: the first edition of em's favorite retro rally videos!
general disclaimer/info: these videos mainly come from the group B era of the world rally championship (wrc), which generally speaking was in the '80s. i am only human, so expect a lot of bias toward my personal favorites...which will become very apparent as you read this list hehe. also i'm not even gonna pretend to be an expert on this or anything. a lot of these are literally just based on Vibes
table of contents
i. my top 5 rally coverage videos
mainly coverage for television, recorded on VHS and uploaded to YouTube by some truly incredible people
ii. honorable mentions
not rally coverage, but retro rally videos nevertheless
often documentaries, mini-doc features, interviews
for all videos, i have indicated the language (most are in english fyi); if any links fail or videos disappear, send me an ask or DM and i'll remove the culprit/find an alternative link.
and now, onward!
(TW for occasional flash photography in many of the night sequences of the videos, as well as a gif included in this post)
i. my top 5 rally coverage videos
in which my bias toward audi sport, mouton/pons, mikkola, toivonen, and vatanen are put on blast for all to see 🥴 i am not an expert in anything i am just very good at research and a whore for aud—[SNIPED]. for the sake of brevity, i narrowed my favorites down to 5. maybe another time i will share all the rest!
also, a general note about the commentary: sometimes, the commentary around michèle and fabrizia can get... weird. keep in mind, they were the most prominent female team partnership around that time, and the first to nearly clinch a wrc wdc, and to modern ears, the commentators really didn't know how to act around them. personally, it wasn't horrible for me, i just ignored the weirder bits, but i understand if others might find it off-putting. also for the sake of your sanity don't read the comments.
5. Rally of the 1000 Lakes, 1984 | finland
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: vatanen/alén/toivonen (full final results)
comments: this was definitely a rally for most of audi sport's drivers to forget: bar stig blomqvist, who came quite close to the podium finishers with a 4:14:01 to henri toivonen's 4:12:57! both hannu mikkola and michèle mouton had to retire from the race, which may lead you to wonder: why does this rank among my favorites? well, it's always fun to watch group b rally cars sailing through the air against picturesque scenery, and this video also contains an intriguing (at least for me!) look at the scrutineering process, with drivers at their most casual.
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owie :( they were fine though!
4. Lombard RAC Rally, 1981 | britain
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: mikkola/vatanen/blomqvist (full final results)
comments: hannu winning by 11 whole minutes even after rolling his car in the middle of the forest is actual legend behavior! anyway this was michèle's first wrc outing in britain, and even though she and fabrizia had to retire, they still did quite well, consistently running high in the leaderboards after the first few stages. and that's considering the fact that michèle had a bad cold for much of the rally and had to ask fabrizia to drive the car to service park for her at one point bc she was so tired. which fabrizia did... with a pencil in her mouth. lot of big names in one video—also, jean todt makes an appearance as a co-driver!
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shamelessly poached off of one of my text post edits
3. Marlboro Safari Rally, 1983 | kenya
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: vatanen/mikkola/mouton (full final results)
comments: ok can i just say how stunning the video presentation is?? the opening sequence is just!!! the shots of the wildlife! the sprinting giraffes! wow! anyway the visual of drivers in deck chairs just tickles me for no reason, and michèle please tell me what you ask for at the hairdresser's and also where you got that orange blouse (this is obviously not just specific to this rally, she always eats and leaves no crumbs). this was michèle's first entry and only finish in kenya (and of course it was a podium mwah). it was also her last wrc entry in the A1 quattro, as she switched to the A2 for the rest of her program in the '83 season. also this is one of my favorite podium pictures ever.
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lksdjffnnkd there's almost too much to unpack... fabrizia somehow surviving in high waist jeans in a hot car... michèle's do-it-yourself shorts... this podium picture was the subject of a very frantic video chat conversation between myself and a friend at 2am a few months ago
2. Rallye de Portugal, 1982 | portugal
links: short recap (eng) | overall coverage 1, stuck in the middle of two other rallies. timestamps in descrip. (eng) | overall coverage 2, very vibey with cool music (ita... also peep walter röhrl speaking italian)
podium: mouton/eklund/wittmann (full final results)
comments: GOD I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH AAAA! michèle's first podium of '82 being a win? this rally being the one where there's footage of her going shopping with fabrizia afterward? (more on that later) them winning by 13 whole minutes? and that's not even considering THEE most poetic victory ceremony of all time! in fact let me talk about that bc the racing and the win aside, that's why it's so high up on my list! literally poetic cinema! it's night, they're standing on top of the car and floodlit and surrounded by cheering crowds but they may as well be the only ones there in their own little world, laughing at each other and barely even having to look to each other when they're raising their hands—like god! shut up! we get it you're besties 😭
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and now... last but certainly never least...
1. Lombard RAC Rally, 1982 | britain
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: mikkola/mouton/toivonen (full final results)
comments: firstly, if you were to ask me about my dream podium, this would be it. hands down, across all series of motorsport, my comfort podium would be hannu, michèle, and henri in any order. (there's such a cute picture of them from this rally on pinterest, standing in order on a staircase. henri is not looking at the camera because he is laughing at something michèle is saying and it's such a Vibe but i cannot find it wah). the battle for second between michèle and henri ran down to literally the last stage, and their times are separated by seconds, which is just wild to me. the context of this rally deserves another post, which i honestly don’t have the energy to make rn, but just take my word for it that it threatens to destroy me if i think about it too hard! anyway this is just such an awesome rally and i’ve watched this video so many times haha
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i love this rally so much that i actually had a character in a story i was writing attend the ceremony captured in this picture as a small child and made it a formative moment in her life. no, there is nothing wrong with me.
ii. honorable mentions
(is it obvious who my faves are? yikes)
'Group B - Avec Michele Mouton' (eng) - taken from a longer feature presentation about group b, a segment specifically about michèle. a friend once described its vibes as ‘a synth wave edit of an 80s anime set in a cyberpunk world about racing’
'1983 Audi Sport National Rally with Michele Mouton' (eng) - in which michèle takes journalist sue baker as a co-driver for a spin in an A1 and a rally win. fun behind-the-scenes video
'Intervista a Fabrizia Pons, la Regina delle Note' 1, 2, 3 (ita) - very thorough interview which is mostly fabrizia telling all sorts of stories, including the very entertaining story of how she found out she was going to be michèle’s co-driver. also what a badass title
'2008 Otago International Classic Rally' (eng) - THE BESTIES REUNITE THE BESTIES REUNITE!!! michèle and fabrizia reunite for a rally that fabrizia convinced michèle to join, they suffer some problems but there are plenty of wholesome bestie moments to be had
'Michele Mouton hurls Group B Audi Quattro up Goodwood hill' (eng) - i mean, self explanatory. the sound of the chirping tires? asmr could never. very short watch if you want a quick pick-me-up
'1990 Louise Aitken-Walker feature' (eng) - a video featuring a female rally driver from scotland and her point-scoring run at the rallye monte -carlo. i am convinced that louise was john finnemore’s inspiration or at least an influence for the character of linda fairbairn. no my hat is not made of tin foil what are you talking about
hannu rocketing around michigan back in 2017 (eng)
hannu flying around goodwood in 2015 (eng)
sometimes i listen to fabrizia's recent onboards (yes, she's still at it!) and this one is one of my favorites, from 2016 (ita)
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morkofday · 2 years
Reveal Your Watch & Rewatch Drama List
thank you so much for tagging me mor @liyazaki ♥ i did one of these a short while back but i feel like my list has already changed a lot so let’s make another!
tagging: @foxofninetales @s1utspeare @jockvillagersonly @i-am-just-a-kiddo (tho i mostly know yours ♥) @yiling-recesses @eohachu @chusangwoos​ @taeminie @machikeita and @milkpansa ♥ no pressure and if you’ve done this and don’t wish to do it again rn, feel free to link me the previous one! am curious by nature ^^
currently watching
Ms. Cupid in Love - which has been surprisingly nice. i like the atmosphere and the story, the styling suits the characters and i even like all of them. it’s a comedy so it’s silly but i like that for me amongst all these darker things am watching
The Tuxedo - tbh am not sure why am watching this but it does give me weekly amusement for those ~25 minutes haha
Cupid’s Last Wish - now that we finally are getting this on youtube am so ready to break my heart! and possibly laugh. am not sure quite yet how this is going to be but the first ep did get me super emotional
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the gay innuendos in this drama are insane and i love them for it jdfghfjkg
My Country: The New Age - currently a bit on hold bc i am just not emotionally strong enough. but i wish to continue soon
Not Me - putting this here bc i have plans to binge this during the weekend now that i have time for it. ready to get my ass handed to me, again
Theory of Love - also mentioning this here bc i just finished rewatching this and am just. i think this was even better now on my second watch bc you end up looking at many of the scenes very differently when you know things about the characters. surprising to none, i cried my heart out
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i would give my left arm for both of them (and currently that refers to both khaithird and offgun) 
and then some series that i
just finished and look forward to starting
(bc this is my game now and i can do what i want)
You’re My Sky - i’ve had some ups and downs with this one. i was very hyped for this in the beginning as i was positively surprised by how good this series felt. i loooove the cinematography of this and the filming style is just everything to me (i cannot stop looking at the added noise. it makes this show feel like some retro movie). then in the middle i got a bit bored as things seemed to be a bit slow and just circling around the same things. and then ep 11 came along and absolutely ruined me but also recovered my love for this series. it’s a hidden gem. please go watch it if you wish to see how loving sports can shape relationships (especially fah and thorn punched me in the gut with how their relationship gets tied with the sport they both love)
Enchanté - tbh i was not very interested in this one back when it started. the trailer wasn’t that appealing to me and i was still high on bad buddy so i wasn’t ready to start anything i wasn’t 100% into. but i think my curiosity got the best of me once i started seeing gifs of ep 7 or something? looking forward to binging this once the final ep drops 
Semantic Error - my dear aamna already came to tell me that i need to watch this and with all the gifs i’ve seen am very intrigued ^^ just waiting for the right mood to hit one of these days
Kissable Lips - i watched the first ep back when it dropped and didn’t really get into it but maybe now i can watch the whole thing (and cry?)
KinnPorche - i am very curious about this one (also very intrigued by the fact that this airs on iqiyi?? what) and i feel like this comes as a good bday present to me so going into this without expecting anything but ready for everything
Star and Sky: Star in My Mind - after spending the last week with Safe House s3 boys (yes i indeed got up every morning at 6.45am to watch the midday stream, don’t at me), i am looking forward to this a lot now. i would’ve checked this out for joong anyway, but him and dunk seemed to have a good chemistry in the house so now am expecting good things from this ^^ also the trailer looked super angsty so ready to shed a lot of tears 
(not mentioning the dramas we don’t know any dates for yet or those that are happening in the very far away future so this doesn’t become ages long)
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just soft boys. whom i adore. god i’ve missed joong’s pretty face so bad, am still not really sure it’s real that i get to see him again like this ;;
sorry this became so long! am just currently floating in all of my dramas haha. wishing for most of them to just come out Faster. please i beg. (especially Vice Versa has me by the neck and is dragging me across the lawn, i get way too hyped about that ;; like the fact that they’re doing readings now... absolutely insane, throw me to the lake) 
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bigwriterenergy · 4 years
anonymous asked: “Can I request sfw and nsfw polyamorous/reverse harem headcanons of (Y/N) being married to the Stardust Crusaders group if that’s something you’re comfortable with? I love all my handsome boys.”
decided to do reverse harem and sfw bc joseph and jotaro are related!! :) but otherwise, that sounds like so much fun haha. ty for the request!
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jotaro kujo
realistically, jotaro is one of the only crusaders willing to give up his pining for you, but, if this was REAL reverse harem, he’d be the one that you’d get with. only because he’s the main jojo haha.
there are brief moments of jealousy, but they are very powerful. kakyoin will be helping you make waffles in the lobby or avdol will teaching you how to better control your stand -- for some reason, jotaro has to be there. looming over the situation with watchful eyes. every other crusader will find it particularly annoying.
he’ll be more willing to put up with your antics. if you talk back to him, you’ll get a particularly stern look rather than him telling you to “shut the fuck up.”
openly volunteers not to share a room with you. he doesn’t want his feelings to grow even stronger.
most protective out of the crusaders.
“pick me if you want to. i personally don’t give a damn.”
least favorite rival: joseph. the fact that this old man is pining after someone who is far younger than him irks jotaro. in addition, he is his grandfather. it’s just very strange, unconventional, and very annoying.
joseph joestar
faaar more physical than emotional. he still loves his wife after all.
your teasing looks and returns to his flirting definitely encourages his own salacious behavior.
sickenly sweet. a true gentleman. he’ll order your own individual room, adorned with flowers and stocked full with food.
will try and teach you hamon, expect his hands on your waist to “test your breathing”
“what? am i squeezing? i guess i’m just trying to make sure you get a big, big breath! stay concentrated -- are you ticklish? oh, you’re gonna regret showing me that, hehe!”
you two are the two pranksters of the group (much to polnareff’s dismay)
“i’ll show you a great time! this geezer still has got energy!”
least favorite rival: polnareff. that frenchman is always trying to get you to laugh or is just thwarting his jokes! doesn’t he know that you’re laughing out of pity? most stupid jokes that leave polanreff’s lips causes him to smack a hand against forehead in exasperation. “you’re not funny, you damn toothbrush.”
mohammed avdol
very respectful and very reserved when it comes to you.
his flirting is often just reacting to your advances. how could you stop when he gives you such cute faces?
“ahh .. miss (y/n), you say such strange things. do you know the implications i get behind your teasing?”
swiftly denies any questions regarding his attraction
too nervous to actually ask if he can spend time with you. will try to tell you it’s “stand training” or “questions regarding the map”
the sweetest and most considerate out of the whole group
“miss (y/n). i will try and protect you the best of my abilities. you’re very precious to me.”
least favorite rival: dislikes all of them equally, which isn’t a lot. avdol understands how wonderful you are and he understands that they would also develop feelings. therefore, he doesn’t dislike anyone out of the group more than the other.
noriaki kakyoin
kakyoin will definitely show a preference for you.
“ah, (y/n). come sit next to me! i have a kebab we can share. it’s actually pretty good. -- oh dear, looks like i already took a bite, heh.”
will share his food or his supplies shamelessly. he will happily pamper you. 
he makes all the crusaders VERY jealous. the only crusader that makes you blush with his words. lays on his charm very thick.
prince type no doubt
shamelessly suggests that you two room together. this proves to make jotaro the angriest. mostly because he’s offering to room with you. and he just lost his room partner.
“(y/n). please -- don’t leave my room so soon. let’s talk a little longer! i hope you don't think this is too forward -- but i enjoy listening to you.”
least favorite rival: avdol. the way that avdol is so naturally kind is strange. it’s so flattering for him and THAT’S his flirting. kakyoin has worked hard at his technique and it simply comes so easily for the man. it almost makes him sigh. also, their role in the group often overlaps. two overly nice men? how will you pick between the two?
jean pierre polnareff
as SOON as you join the stardust crusaders, polnareff is laying down his charm.
sadly, it’s not like kakyoin’s. it’s often crude, jarring, and hilarious. that’s what he’s aiming for though. the way to a girl’s heart is through getting her to think you’re hilarious!
will openly admit that he wants to take you on a date and confesses his attraction almost daily.
the most forward.
surprisingly soft whenever there's a serious moment.
“your beauty is indescriable! (y/n), tell me, what is heaven like? honhon! an angel like you must know, yes?”
least favorite rival: jotaro. who the hell does jotaro think he is?! he thinks he’s soooo cool. with his dumb hat and dumb dark jacket! i bet he thinks he can get with you too! you need a strong hunk to protect you -- not a -- stronger, hunkier .. GUY!
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harumiyabedo · 3 years
how genshin impact characters would react to the traveler making matching bracelets ^ - ^
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heya! this is my first time making stories for genshin so i’m sorry if some of them are ooc and ahjdhahs my english is terrible so i hope u don’t mind and enjoy <3 [ also if there are some mistakes feel free to comment!! ] repost!!
ganyu, hu tao, venti, albedo
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first of all let me just.. she’s very sweet. we all know how she overworks herself :(
traveler would collect qingxin flower just for the sake of qilin matching bracelets
paimon would also nag about how tiring it is to climb up these mountains to get them
the traveler would pretty much make the bracelets whenever she’s busy or far away from them
of course, SHE WILL MORE LIKELY FEEL SUS ABOUT THE TRAVELER..ok jk uhm yes i think she would be confused on why you’re staying away from her
PLS I CANT EVEN IMAGINE HOW SWEET SHE WOULD ASK THE TRAVELER “traveler, i don’t know how to say this but i’ve been meaning to talk to you, did i do something wrong?”
traveler would panik because of how they worried her on hiding something from her
“ah no! don’t worry ganyu we just had to collect some materials” paimon would help you out to reassure her that she did nothing wrong
“oh i thought i did something wrong, do you want me to help you out? since i’m on a break” she would hesitantly ask you
of course, you didn’t want her to feel sad and invited her to join you go watch the view near the mountains in mt. tianheng
while waiting for the sun to set itself you decided it’s time for her to know
“ganyu!! we want to show you something!” paimon’s loud voice echoes to her ears
paimon covers her eyes, trying her best to cover her sight, as you attach her bracelet in her wrists
“okay! i hope you like this~” paimon says
i could imagine some litol smol tears she’s holding, she never received these kinds of gifts from someone so it would be special
“i- didn’t expect you to make this for me traveler, it looks pretty.” smiling through her happy eyes “and yummy” out of nowhere she says that
you would laugh at how cute she’s stopping herself from eating the flowers, since it’s a ‘special’ gift from you.
hu tao
HELLO?! to one of the most energetic person we’ve known! hu tao hehe
actually it’s very tricky to make secret gifts for her!! since she would probably follow you and paimon withouth you knowing
so..you definitely hide from her very very far away after collecting some silk flowers, hoping ningguang doesn’t mind
after collecting some of the flowers both you and paimon travel again to mondstadt near windrise
“do you think she wouldn’t follow us here?” paimon asks curiously as she piles out the flowers you both collected
you shake your head reassuring paimon they wouldn’t know
it took a few hours for you to finish it nice and neatly and of course you needed some rest since it’s almost night time
the next day you and paimon would traveler back again in liyue to find hu tao
“HU TAOO!! WHERE ARE YOU” paimon screaming again loudly, her words echoing through wuwang hill
since she would probably stay there mostly, to bury or even scare some people
it would probably take you both a few minutes to find her just sitting near the cliff watching the view
“HU TAO!! THERE YOU ARE!” paimon calls out her name
“hehehe.. what brings you here traveler!” she asks curiously
actually at this point i know she would act confused but she definitely know about the activity you did with paimon
approaching her with a small gift box for her, with a neatly tied ribbon made out of vines to make it more nature ish? i guess
she would open it immediately and look at it for a few seconds before she realizes its a flower bracelet
wearing it immediately and showing out her wrist to let you know it looks good on her!
of course she doesn’t want you to be sad because she already knows about it and shows you how happy she is with the bracelet
you both would sit down together and wait for the sun to set with her ghost scaring the shit out of paimon
another person we all love! collecting cecilia’s would be a little hard since venti would be performing their harp again with the winds
but not to worry! i can definitely assure they would be staying in windrise
let me just tell you how cecilias also look vv pretty.. just imagine how the wind breeze would flow through your hairs while collecting cecilias
“traveler! paimon! i didn’t expect you both to be in here~” venti calls out your attention
paimon: panik traveler: visible panik
“OH! we were just staying here for some wind” paimon says
“hmm i see, well you wouldn’t mind if i accompany you?”
you both nod without even hesitating
WELL THAT DIDNT WORK OUT BUT! you don’t give up and continue collecting them for a few days
connecting both stems of the flower itself, and the outcome a pretty cecilia bracelet!
now the problem is looking for venti
it would be confusing because they would be in windrise, stormterror’s lair and starsnatch cliff
so you decide to go to windrise and surprisingly there they are, using the harp performing again to the winds
“venti!! we have something to show you!” paimon excitedly calls out their name to inform them
“oya? what is it! come on come on i’m thrilled to know” they say
you tie the bracelet on their wrist showing them you have matching bracelets
“traveler.. this looks pretty!!” touching the petals
“but it could be nice if we tried making apple bracelets!”
well i’m expecting them to say that so 😋
in return they would perform some songs to help you all relax under the tree, watching the leaves dancing softly
paimon would also talk about how funny it is to make the flowers
“you could’ve told me so! i would just act like i don’t know anything” venti would make a joke out of it
it all ends up watching the skies together raising your arms to see the bracelets
in which you and paimon would doze off.
HELLO IM A SIMP FOR HIM HEHE but anywho, he has the same flower as venti but don’t worry it won’t be that difficult to collect since he would be staying in dragonspine again doing some experiments
“albedo! we’re gonna head out for a bit to get some food” you wave and bid goodbye to get some “food” but it’s actually the flowers
albedo would smile at the view and decide to take a rest and sketch out something
while sketching out, you and paimon still collecting the flowers would make them near the cliffs so that it wouldn’t be hard to make them
albedo sketches both you and paimon with klee bombing👹 the fishes and he would laugh at the picture he imagined
sir. i love u, ANYWAYS MOVING ON
on your way back to the lab is F R E E Z I NG so don’t worry you’ll definitely speedrun your way to the lab
panting your breaths and finally arriving at the lab
“paimon! traveler! i see that you both have arrived.. why are you both panting so hard.” he would suspiciously ask you both
“well if you didn’t have your lab here in a freezing mountain” angy paimon
“haha i’m sorry, come on i’ll help you out” and YOU DEFINITELY WOULD LOVE TO ACCEPT IT BCS WHY NOT 😍
settling yourself near the fire and wearing the coats tightly because of how cold it is
“where’s the food?” out of nowhere he asks
oh no.
panik again yes ofc we love that
“well we kinda uhh.. ATE IT AND FORGOT TO BUY SOME FOR YOU haha..” paimon jokes
albedo’s mind rn: hmm sus
you couldn’t take it anymore and show him the bracelets you made
“hEY! I THOUGH WE WERE SUPPOSED TO SURP-“ covering paimons mouth
smiling through the embarrassment, but that’s ok bcs he would gladly accept it and wear it himself
“this looks pretty traveler, when did you make it” he asks while investigating it the petals and stems curious on how you tied it perfectly
and you tell him how all of it went out
“well i didn’t know you would be so good at this, i’m gonna keep this and wear it while i’m here in the lab” he smiles and pats your head
he would also show you his sketch while waiting for you both.
“well we kinda uhh.. ATE IT AND FORGOT TO BUY SOME FOR YOU haha..” paimon jokes
albedo’s mind rn: hmm sus
you couldn’t take it anymore and show him the bracelets you made
“hEY! I THOUGH WE WERE SUPPOSED TO SURP-“ covering paimons mouth
smiling through the embarrassment, but that’s ok bcs he would gladly accept it and wear it himself
“this looks pretty traveler, when did you make it” he asks while investigating it the petals and stems curious on how you tied it perfectly
and you tell him how all of it went out
“well i didn’t know you would be so good at this, i’m gonna keep this and wear it while i’m here in the lab” he smiles and pats your head
he would also show you his sketch while waiting for you both.
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hello!! thank you for reaching here in the end! i don’t know if i did good or no but hopefully i did some ok i guess, i think most of them are ooc but thank you for reading <3
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yandereskiss · 2 years
for the matchup exchange<3
- I am a minor!
- bisexual,, either gender is fine with me! (if needed then I would say leaning to the male side.)
- my mbti is istp-t and zodiac is Aquarius!
- I like reading manga and watching anime, playing video games (things like yttd,story base choice games,rpg and fighting/action games!), monster or redbulls, warm and cozy things, sweet foods, cats, reading!
- i dislike insects (i have an intense fear of them-), loud noises (a car engine,alarms or sink disposal), arrogant people, loud neon colors, tight fitted clothing ( mostly shirts ), getting asked "whats wrong" and there is nothing wrong with me, people who assume too much, arguments, horror movies past 7:30. Getting ignored.
- don't have too many, but i like singing, writing , playing the piano (i can play isabellas lullaby from tpn!), and reading.
- I am pretty understanding and caring to friends n family, I am goofy and v clumsy (lowkey hit my head on the door frame too many times), I am shy n socially awkward- v awkward in general tbh. I can be loud and talkative around my family! I love to rant and just have a overall good mood. I give advice if people need it, but that also leads to me being blunt and sound rude when I say it. I laugh at alot of things, I'm always seen smiling :). I also am known to be sort of sassy, I say some overly confident things but eh I don't mean them, it makes other people laugh haha(and my family calls it cute.).my bad traits are I am not vocal in my feelings, I'm moody (I get irritated alot.), I can be childish (usually out of random I start talking or acting like it and certain actions I do, could be considered that way), I can be blunt ( sometimes in my opinions- I say stuff like,"it has nothing to do with me,thats her fault she was stupid and wanted to save someone.") PROCRASTINATION, I am told to be oblivious (more dense.), messy and lazy., I shut down somedays if there is something wrong or bothering me, i just walk away,but you would have to be close to me for me to say bc I have some trust issues.I am known to be the therapist/mom/fun friend!. I can be mature, if there is a situation I can try and resolve it calmly.but i am also told to be petty and i can be ":) I won't hesitate to start spilling secrets and being rude if the person is lying about me. or it gets physical :0
- I look for someone who has a sense of humor and loyalty. I adore a person who is able to vibe and not be so serious,able to let go and have fun! Though while also able to keep calm in a serious situation. I would like someone who isn't like clingy, hand holding or small hugs are okay but needing to have affection 24/7 is kind of annoying to me. If my partner is into all that, then I would try to work with it (but more in private then public). They don't have to be good at comforting me, but someone who just listens to me is enough. They would accept me for my all and never judge me for something and have my back in tough situations,but also tell me and explain if i am at fault :) overall a chill person.
thank you so much for joining my event!! @marii-e
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❥Why I think you two would be the perfect pair: I believe he fits your description of a perfect partner- definetely loyal, serious when he needs to be (as shown throughout the series and the manga), non-judgemental, comforting and a supporting boyfriend all together that respects your boundaries!!
❥Dates include trips to the amusement park or staying inside playing video games/reading manga/watching anime.
❥ Obviously he gets very flustered and embarrased easily, especially through the start of the relationship. He can be a little awkward, but that is just because he loves you a lot and doesnt want to mess things up.
❥Sends goodmorning and goodnight texts every single day. Calls you to ask if you got home safely after every day as well, that is if he hasn't walked you to your house that day.
❥Worries about you a bit TOO much sometimes.
❥If he accidentally makes you uncomfortable or oversteps you boundaries he immediatly apologizes profusely.
❥Always has your back during fights. (Tbh I can see you being in the hero course in 1A as a teen version of Aizawa- you give me Shinso and Aizawa vibes based of your description.)
❥Always tries to make you laugh- even if it means he has to make a fool out of himself to do so. Your laugh gives him courage.
relationship song:
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paradise-creator · 4 years
hiiii!! I was wondering if I could request a haven box matchup? I’m rlly sorry about submitting it there was too much of a word limit in the ask thing :(
First I’m a bi curious female and I would love a romantic matchup with a male :)
Uh ok I’m really fun and like making weird or random jokes a lot, like a lot humor is kinda my coping mechanism haha😗✌️ I’m very respectful and understanding of other people and I’m really supportive. I’m enthusiastic and talkative with those I’m close with but with other people I’m vv quiet. Im also rlly laid back. A lot of people say I’m really kind or “too nice” and I love helping people or making them laugh. I have a bad tendency to hide my feeling and emotions and usually I block my problems with humor. Many have said I’m very ambitious and I have a lot of goals. I also am pretty insecure and I get down on myself way too much because of a lot of reasons but mostly bc of my high expectations and that I’m a perfectionist. I love sweets
I like goofy or weird people because then I can be myself and I like doing spontaneous and fun things. However I am an introvert so even though I love enthusiastic people, I get drained out when I hang out with too many people for too long. I also don’t like judgmental people, especially if they judge things that others can’t control or others dreams.
Hobbies: I really love sports and I’m pretty athletic. I play volleyball and think it’s fun but my main sport is definetly basketball. I really love drawing and I also love writing. And music is kind of the love of my life and you will always see me daydreaming with my earbuds in just listening to music.
Appearance: I have very long hair that’s really light brown, greenish gray eyes, and rounder features. I’m around 5’8 1/2 and I have an hourglass body but with MUCH more on my thighs and butt😃🤚I and athletic body type and I would say I look ✨sturdy✨and I’m pretty thin everywhere but my thighs and butt like I’ve said before. I value comfort in clothes at the moment so sweatpants and hoodies or just oversized stuff are kinda my go to. However I do want to have a better style which would kinda be a mix of “art hoe” and “alt girl” ahsjhja
Some fun facts about me:
*I love sweets, especially chocolate, and I love nighttime.
*I’m constantly daydreaming and doodling and I get called out on it by my friends.
*I want to be an animator for Disney Pixar when I’m older and My goal is to go to cal arts for college.
*A couple of my favorite songs are eight wonder (lemon demon), rue (girl in red), any mother mother song (but especially “oh Ana”) , and rhinestone eyes (gorillaz)
Ahh sorry I didn’t realize how long this was, thank you so much!! <33
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Dream catcher loading...
ɴᴏᴡ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Old habits die hard
- His lil' mama
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I'd match you up with
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Nishinoya Yuu, Karasuno's Guardian
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Sun drops
The reasons why I paired you
- My first thought was Nishinoya but Ushijima and Sugawara said "No ❤️"
- But in the end, I choose Noya!
- You both would just be so cute! Like Yes please
- To him it doesn't matter that you are taller. HE LOVE YOU FOR YOUUUUUUUUUU
-He might be loud and energetic but he really respects your boundaries
- Though, you might have to take care of him more than the other way around, it's a good dynamic
- You both if often just joke around and it's entertaining really
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Old habits die hard 
Random head canons
-You and Noya would have two day SPECIFICALLY for date time and/or Sharing time
-Those two days depends per week and schedule but there has to be TWO days
-In these days you both would just share your thoughts and feelings
-Noya, being a libero, has a tendency to be observant so he’ll know when you’re down
-He’ll joke around with you to lift up the mood but he will turn serious if needed
-C U D D L E S are a must for dates!
-He doesn’t care that you are taller than him, he actually loves it! (He loves being big spoon tho!)
- He will do anything for your attention, (please just pay attention to him)
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His Lil' mama
“Lil’ mama! My team wants to meet you. Up for it?” Noya asked his taller lover. He then wrapped his arm around her waist as waited for her answer. “If you want too, sure! I don’t mind,” She replied with a smile. “That’s great! Let’s go!” He then said as he dragged her to the gym. “Wait! Like right now!” She replied as she tried to keep her balance. “Yes! Like right now~” Noya said enthusiastically. Some students stared at the taller female in pity. Nishinoya maybe a well of guy but with someone so shy at first glance, it’s hard to imagine their relationship. “Oh c’mon now babe! Don’t back on me now,” Noya said as he stopped. “I just really want to prove to the guys that you exist and not just a replacement for our goddess!” He declared as he held her hand. “I love you more than the goddess!” He added as he kissed her hand.
The greenish grey eyed girl blush a bit and looked away. The whole school can see how whipped Noya is for this girl. As much as it was a surprised for everyone on how Noya got a girlfriend but at least now Kiyoko has one less thing to worry about. “Let’s go rolling thunder to the gym so I can show you off to my pals,” Noya said as they continued but with a slower pace this time. Once they both reached the gym, everyone froze as they realized that the female was way taller. “That’s just sad. Noya is shorter than his own girlfriend,” Tsukkishima teased. “AND SO? I LOVE IT THAT WAY!” Noya barked. “This is my lil’ mama! My love! MY ONE AND ONLY SO DON’T STEAL HER AWAY!” He added as he smirked. Now his girl was behind him, kind of regretting the decision of coming but it made him happy so it was worth it. “Hello there,” She said with a small wave.
“WOW! NOYA-SAN! HOW DID YOU GET SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL??” Hinata asked as he looked at the female. As time went by, the libero and his lil’mama got along with everyone. It was a bit strange at first as Noya has a girl now. And he isn’t all over Kiyoko like he used to but he still is Noya. The team enjoyed the presence and aura of the two. It was somewhat comforting. Once the whole get together and practice ended, Noya walked his girl home. “So, what did ya think? I’m pretty cool on court, ya?” Noya asked as he looked at her eyes. “You were awesome~ Can I watch your practice from now own?” She asked as she hook their arms together. Noya blushed a bit and smiled brightly. “Of course you can, Babe! No one’s stopping you,” He then said as he kissed her cheek. “Plus, having you there, I have my own cheerleader to keep me motivated,” He added as he chuckled. “So I won’t be a distraction?” She asked teasingly as she remembered what happened a few moments ago.
“OKAY LOOK I WAS ADMIRING YOUR BEAUTY AND FORGOT I WAS ON COURT!” Noya said as he huffed. “Plus, I receive the ball anyway. So I did my job,” He added with a soft smile. And then he knew that she was the one for him. Forever and always, that’s what he believes.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
I'm sorry if it took so long! I was at school. But I hope you enjoy this one and thanks for requesting~
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