#i made you a clean house but i hyperfixated it
david-box · 1 year
Successfully got offline today instead of just scrolling through Tumblr all day. I wasn't really as productive as I planned, but I still had fun and some things can wait :-)
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ts-witchy-archive · 11 months
ADHD Witch Tips
We need more adhd witch tips so here, have these. These are the things I have learned and seen done over the past 3 and a bit years of practicing witchcraft. As always, if you have anything to add, please comment them and I'll add them to the list with credit to you and a link to your blog!
Make witchy playlists with intention. Music is the most accessible way of doing magic in my opinion, especially if you're using spells that already exist. You can listen to these while working, traveling or just doing things around the house. If you sing along then you're adding to the manifesting power of the playlist!
Use really large spell candles so that you don't have to make a new one everytime you want to do a spell. I used to have 1 really big protection spell candle that I would light daily. Not having to make a new candle every time made me so much more likely to practice
Learn to meditate. I know, I know, hear me out. This is less of a witch tip and more of a mental health thing. You can meditate while colouring in, listening to music, cleaning, going for a walk. You don't have to sit down with your legs crossed. Mediation is an important skill that none of us do regularly enough.
stop caring about aesthetics. Are they nice? yes! absolutely! but unless it makes you more likely to practice then it's not worth it. caring too much about how your craft looks can also lead to burn out.
Be aware of your energy levels. Burn out is a serious issue among the neurodivergent witch community. Rest and pacing yourself is just as important as actually practicing.
Audio books <3333333
Try to combine your hyperfixation and witchcraft practice. This could mean using sigils in fanart or dedicate your writing to a deity.
Use hearth craft as a way to motivate you to clean your home or to cook meals/eat.
Have affirmations on your phones home screen so whenever you unlock your phone you reminded of your intentions
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snakes-writing-corner · 5 months
Mr. Puzzles Fluff Alphabet
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Requested by… Me!
Coming out of hibernation ‘cause there is not enough Mr. Puzzles x Reader content out there so I am contributing to the pile because the hyperfixation I have on this man has me in a fucking death-grip.
It is 2 in the morning when I’m posting this so yippie brain-rot!!!
Anyways alphabet under the cut :D
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very. I mean you are kind of the only person who’s ever bothered to get close to him!
He was extremely clingy when the two of you were just friends, but now that you’re his partner? That’s increased tenfold.
He’s very unpredictable so he’s pretty much a wildcard when it comes to ways he’ll show affection.
Sometimes he’ll gently pull you along by grabbing your wrist, sometimes he’ll nuzzle into your hair or neck, maybe he’ll cup your face like you’re a glass sculpture that might shatter, and sometimes he’ll just pick you up and twirl you around. Honestly? This lovable director will show you any kind of physical affection under the sun.
I do think he particularly would like to hold your hand though. He likes the warmth of your hand in his, and how it’s so small compared to his. It’s like your hand was just made for him to hold!
Overall, any physical affection is fine by him as long as he gets to touch or hold you!
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
I fear having this man as a best friend because that means chaos.
Yes being in a romantic relationship with him would be chaos, but a friendship I feel would be more chaotic somehow???
Will break your door down to get an opinion on a new show he’s been working on, and will absolutely pester you until you comply.
Would probably get you to star in said show and then poke fun at you the entire time. Lovingly of course mind you!
Lots of talk sessions where the two of you just talk shit about other people because this man lives for drama, like wants the tea on everyone.
Would break into your house at 2 in the morning to steal food like a fucking rat (I say this in a loving way).
Anyways being besties with him means say goodbye to your doors because he’s kicking them all down to get your attention.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddling is definitely a must!!! Like he would love to cuddle!!!
This man has no preference to cuddling he just wants to hold you close to him! Definitely big spoon no questions asked, but he also loves having you lay on his chest.
I think his favorite way to cuddle though would be on his side with you snuggled into his chest. You would probably look very small compared to him like his body would basically envelop yours, but hey he’d be very warm at least! Mr. Puzzles would probably just lazily comb through your hair with the goofiest smile on his face, whispering little words of affirmation under his breath as he did so.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?)
Oh definitely! But, after he becomes all rich and famous! He wants the best life for you after all!
Definitely a housewife though when he’s not busy working on his shows, like this man is a workaholic. I genuinely think he enjoys cleaning and repetitive tasks in general, helps him think.
When working on his shows or stressed? Yeah no the living space can easily become a train-wreck as he gets increasingly more frustrated over whatever he’s working on.
You could probably leave the studio on any given day, and either come back to it spotless or a wreck. There’s like a 50/50 shot whenever you leave.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nuh-uh, not happening, you are literally stuck with him now, and he is NEVER LETTING YOU GO. :)
Yeah that’s definitely not concerning! Good luck my guy because Mr. Puzzles has some attachment issues, and will not leave you no matter what you do!
But hey! You probably won’t get to leave him either! At least he won’t let you without a fight! (Get this man some therapy or something)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very big on commitment honestly part of him wants all of your attention to himself, but he loves you enough to not go that far.
I think he’d be kinda iffy on marriage. On one hand he could throw this big event for the two of you, letting everyone know you’re his.
On the other, he’s fine not getting married at all! As far as he’s concerned as long as you’re completely committed to him romantically there’s not really a reason to get married?
Honestly whether he gets married to you or not would depend on your preference.
Would probably still get you an engagement ring of some kind no matter what your answer is, just so others’ know you’re committed to someone.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Oh my god this man? Gentle as a feather physically. Emotionally? He tries to be as gentle as he can, but that temper gets the better of him sometimes.
He holds you like you are glass about to shatter, like he’s holding the most precious thing in the world.
Cups your face in his gloved hand and just admires you like the most beautiful art piece ever created. Might even lightly bump his screen against your head wondering how he got so lucky.
Most of the time he’s a bit aloof regarding your emotions he likes to tease you after all!
But in serious moments his tone will get noticeably softer as he listens, and tries to help you with whatever you are dealing with in anyway he can.
Now granted, Puzzles gets frustrated easily, and might lash out at you occasionally or straight up manipulate you, but he tries to make up for it.
Just be patient with him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are a constant thing with this man he loves to hug and hold you. Though he will probably pick you up to hold you.
Most of the time he’ll come up from behind, pick you up, spin you around a bit, saying something like “There’s my little angel!”, and then hug you!
Definitely puts his screen to your head and makes a loud “mwah!” sound.
He’s a dork when it comes to hugging he wants to make you smile, that and he just likes having you close to him.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
After you get together?
All. The. Time.
Not in a bad way of course he wants you to know he absolutely adores you! Words of affirmation are part of his love language after all!
Says stuff like “I love you my precious starlight.” or “Gosh you’re just so cute! I truly do love you when you give me that look my dear!”
He is serious every time he says it though, but will not hesitate to fluster you with that phrase.
Can imagine him saying “I love you.” in a low husky voice to make you weak in the knees.
He likes to see you get all red in the face and become a stuttering mess. He’s a tease like that. :)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Puzzles has attachment issues this man gets extremely jealous very quickly.
If he thinks anyone is getting even a little touchy with you? He’s walking over, putting his arms around you, and talking to the offender with fake enthusiasm and venom in his voice.
The person doesn’t get the hint? Lightly veiled threats start coming out.
Would resort to violence as a last resort.
If it’s a more light version of jealousy he’ll probably dramatically pout in the corner with his arms crossed until you come over and give him attention.
He’s very dramatic with jealously like a dog not getting attention when it wants it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Uhhhh I mean he has a TV for a head he can’t exactly kiss you per se.
But Puzzles tries to make it work! Most commonly he’ll gently tap his screen to your head or hands with a little electric shock to give the illusion of an actual kiss.
Is not much for you kissing his screen though since he’ll have to clean it afterwards…
But you want to get this man to melt into you? He loves being kissed on the neck, or on the bottom of his TV, might as well send sparks through his entire body. Would definitely love neck bites as well.
Honestly would not care where you kiss him he’s just happy getting your affection.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think he’d be pretty good around children at least outwardly.
Probably would be trying to entertain them with cartoons or little puppet shows.
Do not think he’d actively put himself in a situation to be around children though. I don’t think he likes them very much.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Puzzles would get up without waking you, get dressed, get some coffee, and then would make the two of you breakfast.
You typically tend to wake up before he’s finished, but if you aren’t then he’ll gladly give you breakfast in bed!
Would make fun of you for being a sleepyhead though.
Mornings with Puzzles would start off quiet, but get progressively louder as you both wake up a bit.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
I feel like nights go one of two ways.
Either A. Chaotic as hell or B. Actually nice
A chaotic as hell night includes Mr. Puzzles having some sort of mental break which results in him overworking himself and refusing to go to sleep and/or him frantically at a board with a bunch of papers on it trying to come up with ideas.
While this rarely happens it can if his shows aren’t doing as well as he would like or if you’re gone for long periods of time. The best thing to do here is gently talk to him and get him away from his area of work to help him calm down. A nice cup of hot tea or hot cocoa would help as well!
A nice night is more common though since Puzzles does think sleep is important. Probably ends with the two of you winding down by either cuddling in bed or watching TV (an actual TV though not his head he likes being able to hold you) while you two have blankets and/or hot tea to sip on.
Alternatively you two will cuddle in bed and just talk about whatever comes to mind until you two fall asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s pretty open about his past but not so much about what he doesn’t want you to see.
He shares stories from when he was a kid a lot, mainly about his mom, (I get a huge mama’s boy vibe from him) or his struggles making friends and connections until you showed up.
Also talks about his frustrations about getting into directing shows and how no corporate big shot would give him a chance so that’s how he made his own company! Also loves talking about ideas for new shows or really anything that comes to mind this man has no filter and just says what pops in his head.
He does not talk about things he doesn’t want you to know. Mainly that he smokes but he’s also definitely done some fucked up stuff in the past to get where he is today so he keeps that under wraps.
Wouldn’t want his darling angel to worry about those little hiccups~
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
We are literally talking about the person who sang about how ‘patience is a virtue uttered by fools’ this man has close to none.
He gets very frustrated and angry when things don’t go how he planned them to. He also can get frustrated if you don’t tell him things.
While he never tries to direct his anger at you he tends to lash out when frustrated and says things he doesn’t mean. However, he would probably apologize in the end if he really hurt you with his words.
Would never think of getting physically violent with you though he would much rather cut off his own head again than do that.
It would be very odd hot to see the man who holds you so gently be able to so easily make a sizable dent in a metal object.
Definitely has punched many holes in the walls and covered it up with something.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
My guy.
My buddy.
This man will remember every little thing you have told him about anything you like. He has a little notebook dedicated to writing little details about you so he doesn’t forget.
Knows just about everything you’ve either off-handedly mentioned about yourself or straight up told him.
Has various things written down like your favorite color, food, drink, cartoon, etc. Like literally anything you can think of that you could say about yourself he probably has written down.
Also has a page just describing how much he loves your looks down to the littlest detail but that’s not as important.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you two officially became partners.
He was so anxious to ask on the inside but kept the outwardly performance up as he was desperately trying to figure out how to go about it.
He broke one night and frantically made a board full of ideas for what he could do, but none of them were good enough! You deserved so much more than-than this!
You just so happened to walk into this scenario but Mr. Puzzles didn’t notice you as he was too focused on his board. You heard him muttering to himself about how “this had to be perfect” and “no, no that wouldn’t-”.
You eventually got concerned and walked up to him, accidentally scaring the living daylights out of him by the way, and as he tried to stutter something out you realized just what the board was about.
You then looked at him as he was still trying to come up with an excuse and just looked at him with wide eyes as you just blurted “And here I was scrambling to figure out a way to ask you out myself.”.
Puzzles just stared at you wide eyes and shouted “Wait really!?”
Anyways that night ended with you two just watching a movie on the couch and you’ve been together ever since.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Oh very protective.
Like you get scary tall guard dog partner privileges.
Most of the time if you’re with Puzzles no one would really dare to try anything because of how tall your TV man is, but on the off chance some asshole wants to try his luck?
Well Puzzles most definitely has a kill count.
In actuality he’d probably make threats towards the person, never getting outwardly aggressive as he doesn’t like to be the one fighting, but if the aggressor tries to touch you?
All bets are fucking off.
Despite what his personality may suggest to you if it comes down to it this man can pack a punch if need be. He is deceptively strong for how he looks and could easily beat a man to death if he wanted to.
While the fight would not end with the aggressor’s death as Puzzles does not want to kill someone in front of you, there is a good chance that person might end up mysteriously dead with no evidence tracing the murder back to him later down the line.
This man is slightly unhinged when it comes to keeping you safe.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
This is Mr. Puzzles we’re talking about he’s going all out!
Would definitely have a fancy dinner or something equally extravagant. I can see him liking to slow dance with you in a ballroom if given the chance.
If you prefer more casual dates then hey he’s up for that too! He’s paying though no ifs, ands, or buts about it! He loves movie dates and stargazing as date ideas.
Anniversaries are an all out occasion he’s standing his ground on that one because it’s special date and he wants the entire day to be special to the both of you.
Tries to get you gifts he knows you’ll like instead of fancy things though.
Okay maybe one or two pretty rings and such but mainly things you’d actually enjoy or give that big smile at receiving. I think gift giving is one of his love languages after all so expect to have lots of little trinkets.
He tries his best to make you smile everyday so he tries a lot for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has some… unfavorable aspects of himself he doesn’t want you knowing the true extent of.
He does not want you to know he smokes as he thinks it’s an undesirable habit and always deflects any questions about why he might smell like smoke or any cigarettes you might find.
His temper also gets the best of him at times leading to him lashing out and making dumb decisions that he tends to regret if he thinks about it too much. Though he has wrangled it in around you it can be explosive and violent when you aren’t around to witness the full extent of it.
He is also very obsessive with you and he knows it. It’s definitely toxic obsession as well because at his worst moments mentally he has debated keeping you to himself and not letting you leave. He’s also considered sabotaging all of your relationships so you only rely on him and no one else.
A dark part of him wants to keep you all to himself so no one can take you away from him ever.
Thankfully, he respects and loves you too much to act on those thoughts but god rest the poor soul that does anything bad to you because odds are…
Their life is on a very short timer.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Oh my god yes.
Yes he so is.
He wants to look his best around you 24/7 all day every day and somehow does not even have to try for it.
He needs to always look presentable because a good director should always look ready all the time!
Is dramatic as fuck if his shirt gets wrinkled or something like damsel with their hand on their head going “my poor husband” dramatic.
He’s very silly like that and you love him for it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You are the only person who ever really tried to get to know him, who puts up with his silly shenanigans, and who he fell in love with.
Truthfully without you? He’d completely lose it mentally because you are his rock. The one person he knows can pull him back from the darkest corners of his mind.
Not that you’d ever know this but Mr. Puzzles does. He knows that now that he has you he would not be able to live without you and continue to pretend to be even remotely sane.
X = Xtra (Random HC)
Plays his dreams or soft static on his screen when he’s in a deep sleep.
Claps his hands when excited and fidgets with his suspenders a lot.
Also makes tons of motions with his hands while he talks.
Y = You (How would they talk about you?)
This goes one of two ways.
Either he’s all giddy and cheerful like a schoolgirl with a massive crush or sounds very concerning as he talks about you like a follower would a god.
Pick your poison because both are accurate it just depends on how he’s feeling that day.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Will. Not. Let. Go.
Like if you wake up before him you are not getting up because he has the grip of a koala and probably has his arms and legs wrapped all around you.
But sometimes if you wake up before him he ends up in the funniest positions like sprawled out in ways that should break his bones. It can be very funny and disturbing at the same time.
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bella-goths-wife · 9 months
Hi! I want to say that you are great at writing the yandere bowers gang. I also wanted to ask if you could do more of them. You can do whatever comes to mind.
The worst things the yandere bowers gang have done to ballerina reader
Thank you so much for the compliment :)
I never really do much for bowers gang since I started them during a hyper-fixation on the movie IT and once I’d moved on I forget to keep writing for them.
I tend to start a series when I hyperfixate on the characters or premise behind it and once I move on i unfortunately tend to stop posting about it but I’m trying to stop doing that!
Warnings: dead dove do not eat, sexual assault, physical abuse, verbal abuse, physical injuries, forced relationships, forced affection, yandere behaviours
I do not condone or intend to romanticise any and all of the warnings used, I am only writing about them for entertainment purposes and I do not believe in romanticising abuse of any kind!!
Henry bowers:
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The worst thing Henry has done to you is really hard to narrow down in your mind, he makes your life a hell on earth every day so nothing stood out as the worst
Until the day you accidentally made him jealous
A boy from your ballet class had stopped you after class to ask you a few simple questions about your specific techniques during the duet the two of you had
The boy made the mistake of mentioning This duet in front of the entire bowers gang, earning him deadly glares and your pleading look for him to just shut up
You expected Henry to blow up at you the moment the boy left, but he stayed quiet the entire walk back to your house
Which was even more terrifying
Once you all reached your home, he sat you down on your couch and told you a story from when he was a child
He told you about how when he was younger he had a favourite shirt that he wore to school everyday because it was his only clean shirt, but one day his shirt was taken and he had to go back to his house shirtless and in tears as he told his mother what happened
“Do you know what she told me, sweetheart?” He had questioned with a sinister look “if you don’t want someone taking what’s yours, you should put your name on it”
He commanded that the other boys hold your squirming body down on the floor as he got his pocket knife out
He pulled up your skirt and revealed your thigh before carving his initials onto your upper thigh as you screamed and cried in pain
He didn’t cut deep enough to require stitches, but it was deep enough that he was sure it would leave a mark on you forever
Once he finished, he let you lay on the floor in shock and pain for about ten minutes before commenting on what a mess ‘you’ had made on the floor and commanded that you clean up the blood dripping onto the floor
You cried as you cleaned before getting up and trying to care for your injured thigh
As an added bonus to his cruelty, if you backtalked/ got angry at him for the injury, he would grab some salt from the counter and would put in his palm before covering your injury with his hand and rubbing the salt in it
You had to start wearing thicker tights to ballet after that, but the boy had gotten the message
His broken ankles and bruised face had told you that the boys had told him exactly who you belonged to
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You’d never felt comfortable around Patrick, ever
He wasn’t as feared as Henry was and he wasn’t as strange as the other boys, he just made your skin crawl
His touches would linger on you for so long that you’d want to carve the skin off just to rid yourself of his touch
But all increased when you were left on your own with him for a night
Henry had told Patrick to stay over for the night on the usual Friday ‘date’ night that you and Henry had, Henry reasoned that Patrick deserved a reward for helping him so much lately
The night started off with forced cuddling during a movie after you had made him dinner and you wanted it to end after the movie but Patrick had different ideas
He followed you to your bedroom and told you that he wanted to sleep in your room for the night
Now normally Patrick was around the other boys so his forced affections had a limit that stopped him from doing anything that made you too scared for your own safety
But but not tonight, tonight it was just the two of you and that thought made you almost wish it was Henry in Patrick’s place
Patrick forced you onto the bed and proceeded to grope you as you cried for him to stop but he didn’t listen
He continued to touch you for his own satisfaction until he grew bored and he laid you down in your bed and cuddled close to you
You remember thinking that him sleeping on your chest was possibly the gentlest thing he’s ever done to you as you cried yourself to sleep in the arms of your abuse
Once you woke up, you notice that Patrick was being unusually nice to you and even defended you from the other boys when they got to rough
This continued for a few weeks until it wore off and he began to be meaner to you then before, that’s when you realised
He saw being kind to you as a repayment for his assault on your body
And you feared the next time he would come to collect his next payment
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Victor was a very possessive person, he always thought that anything good in his life would be torn away from him
And he saw you as an extension of that, he knew that you were too good to be true and that one day someone would take you away from him and the others
That’s why he reacted so badly when he found out about you sneaking off during class to smoke with Beverly
He knew he couldn’t make it so you could never be around people, but he could definitely make it harder for you to interact with people away from him
He cornered you one day on the way back from your little smoke break and pushed you into the janitors closet
He pulled the pack of cigarettes out your pocket and he pulled one out before lighting it and putting it in your mouth and making you smoke it
He let you get halfway through before he pulled up your shirt to reveal your ribs and holding it there
He took the lit cigarette from your mouth and put it out on your bare skin
You cried in agony at the burning sensation but victor quickly silenced you by pulling out another cigarette from your pack and lighting it and forcing you to smoke it again before putting it out on your ribs
He continued to do this until you ran out of cigarettes, so you had six cigarettes burns on your skin as you cried and begged for mercy
He claimed that it was a punishment for smoking when Henry forbade you from smoking, but that was only a half truth
The real reason was the fact you were interacting with someone outside of him, you were with someone who wasn’t him and it made him furious
After the punishment, he kissed your forehead and left to go back to class
The rest of the boys didn’t believe you when you told them about what happened, they simply stated that victor wasn’t aggressive enough to do that
He was, and he’d do much worse to that Beverly girl if he saw her hanging around you again and being a bad influence
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Out of all the boys, belch was always the one who was easiest to manipulate
He craved your validation, he needed your approval but most of all he needed to see you dance
He saw your dancing as the one beautiful thing in his life, his sole source of comfort and entertainment
You trusted belch, not a lot but way more than you trusted the rest
And he had caught you at a vulnerable moment when he found you crying in your bathroom with a look of pure horror
He asked you what was the matter and you just broke and fell down to the floor
He held you close, too close to the point it was painful, and he tried to comfort touch
He asked you again what happened and you cry your heart out as you admit that you couldn’t take much more of the constant abuse
You told belch through your cried that you thought about ending it just to get away from them
Belch stroked your hair as you cried yourself to sleep in his too tight hold before he put you in bed and walked to Henry’s house
When you woke up, all the boys surrounded your bed before Henry commanded Patrick and victor to hold you down
They do and Henry and belch stand in front of you before Henry tells you that belch had told him everything you confessed to
He was furious that you thought anyone could take you away from them, even yourself
He told you that he was going to take away something you loved as a punishment before making you try and guess what it was going to be
You guessed everything from your cigarettes to your bed, you only got your answer when belch took a hold of your ankle
You cried and begged and pleaded for mercy, saying you’d give anything
You reasoned that it could stop your ability to dance, and belch seemed hesitant and that but Henry calmly told him that he’d take that risk for you to learn your lesson
Belch was a strong guy, you knew that, everyone knew that
He was the muscle of the group for a reason
But his strength never really came to your mind until he started applying pressure to your ankle in a agonising way
He broke your ankle as you screamed and cried but Henry simply forced a shirt in your mouth to keep you quiet and forced you to make eye contact with belch
The boys forced some painkillers down your throat before leaving
Belch returned as quickly as he could in his moms care only to find you still writhing in pain on your bed
He put you in the car and rushed you to the hospital where he made sure to pay for you to have any medical treatments necessary
He lied to the doctors and told them that you’d simply tripped and fell down the stairs to excuse the bruises that layered your body and your broken leg
The doctors reassured you that it was a clean break and that you would be able to dance after a few months of resting and wearing the cast
You sobbed your eyes out at the thought of not being able to dance for that time and every time belch tried to comfort you, you’d practically shove him away
When the doctor left you alone, belch begged you to look at him and he pleaded that it needed to be done and he didn’t want to hurt you but you needed to be punished
No matter how guilty he felt, you had never been more accurately aware that this boy was not different from the rest
You’ve never looked at him the same or trusted him again since
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writermai05 · 6 months
Arsonist's Lullabye
Prologue: All you have is your fire
Summary: Zuko’s bad day gets a bit better after an encounter with an unfamiliar face. 
Pairing: zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: I am delusional, and when I had the idea for a zuko x reader modern AU where he works in Iroh’s boba tea shop, I had to follow through with said idea. Let’s see if this goes anywhere, and feel free to leave comments or suggestions on how the fic could play out maybe :) 
Word Count: 773
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot.  This is a modern AU that takes place in the avatar world. Bending still exists. Zuko and the gaang are in college in this series !!
TW!: Physical abuse, burns, Ozai in general, Zuko’s backstory is so sad. 
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Zuko knew it was going to be a long day as soon as he opened the shop at 12pm. 
Within the first two hours, he had run out of tapioca pearls, dropped a container filled with matcha on the floor (which by the way, was a pain in the ass to clean up,) and slipped on the floors he had just mopped. Perhaps he was just born unlucky. Perhaps, most people in life didn’t have to struggle the way that he was, the way that he always had. It wasn’t all bad. He was lucky enough to be here, working in his uncle’s tea shop in the Earth Kingdom, rather than in his father’s company back in the Fire Nation. 
The Jasmine Dragon was beloved by many. People from all over the city came to have some of the shops' amazing teas and pastries. It wasn’t too busy, having only three people come in today.  perhaps because school at the University of Ba Sing Se hadn’t quite started up yet, outside of the students who had moved in early. The shop was particularly chilly today, but the atmosphere managed to maintain the same warm and cozy feeling, with the dim atmospheric lighting and the sage and emerald hued furniture. Zuko had a second to just relax in the stillness. 
 He appreciated these quiet moments the most.  The moments where he could stop worrying about the shop, and overthinking the worst things he had ever done in his life. Such as when he lashed out at his uncle, multiple times, or about the people he had bullied in high school. He was almost able to forget it all. Forget the fact that his younger sister, Azula, was still stuck in a house with his abusive father, or even forget the feeling of his father’s hand, burning the flesh of his face, leaving a scar in its wake, as well as a near complete blindness in his left eye. His demons may be restless, but boy did Zuko keep them on a tight leash. 
Zuko’s reverie was broken by the sound of the door’s bell chime. He immediately snapped out of his thoughts, waiting patiently for his assistance to be needed. 
“Um, excuse me,” 
A girl, who seemed to be around his age, was standing right in front of him. She wore a navy blue dress with a pale blue lining and detailing around the edges. A belt of the same color was around her waist, with a brown leather cord connecting a bag onto her hip. Her black jacket was cropped to about rib length, with brown leather cords fastening it closed, as well as matching black pants and brown boots. 
“This is my first time here…Is there anything that you’d recommend?” She asked politely. 
There was something about the way her kind eyes twinkled in the orange lighting that made Zuko fluster. He cleared his throat before opening his mouth to talk. 
“Well, Lychee juice is a customer favorite. But personally, my Uncle Iroh’s jasmine green tea is the best in Ba Sing Se.” 
“The best in Ba sing Se?” She raised her eyebrows inquisitively.
“The best.” he nodded. 
“I’ll take it.” She said, reaching to the tote bag slung over her shoulder. Zuko interrupted her actions with the wave of his hand. 
Zuko shook his head. “Don’t worry, It’s on me.” he said, as he began punching numbers, into the register. 
“Oh no! I can’t let you do that-” She protested. 
He shrugged, a blush beginning to warm his cheeks.  “For a first time customer.” 
“Thank you so much…” She trailed off, waiting for him to tell her his name.
“Zuko. I’ll be sure to come by again. And I fully intend on paying that time.” She said with a playful glare. 
The boy smiled slightly.
“Your tea will be ready shortly.” 
Zuko had Iroh bring the tea over to the girl. He wasn’t confident in his ability to steadily bring the tray of hot tea without causing more burns to cover his body. The older man made sure to give the girl a complimentary fruit tart to enjoy, but not before looking at his nephew with a teasing glint in his eyes. Zuko groaned. 
“Not a word, uncle.” He said as he walked through the staff doors into the shops’ kitchen. 
After about 20 minutes had passed, Iroh came into the kitchen, clutching what looked like a napkin and some paper Yuan bills. 
“Zuko! The girl left this on her table after she left!”
Zuko carefully took the napkin from his uncle’s hand, reading the message. 
“Thanks for the tea! - y/n.” 
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In Disarray and Dazed (Spike x Y/N)
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Requested: YES! <3 Thank you! Thank you for the request. I had so much fun writing it. Requested by @wtv-my-current-hyperfixation
TW: Mention of violence and getting hurt.
Word Count: 1k
A Summer breeze refreshed their skin. The crickets chimed in a frenzy. Another night of hunting, another night of scars and beatings. Your body can't keep up. The cemetery was finally quiet and in peace. You make sure the Scobies are okay before you head out of the cemetery to your house. You eye Spike on your way out, forcing yourself to not limp. You swore that he looked back at you, reading your intent. You didn't want to draw attention to yourself, especially not from Spike. You'd be mortified if he took care of you. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if he was that caring and vulnerable. Your brain would explode with serotonin and dopamine. You make sure to announce you're leaving before making a quick getaway. 
You barely make it to your house. After a long shower you survey the damage to your body. Carefully, you dab, clean and patch up all your bruises and cut. You're sore and tired. As you walk over to your room you keep replaying the events that occurred tonight. You worried about everyone's safety but when it came to Spike you worried the most. He could hold up his own, but still... You reminded yourself that he was a vampire with more years of experience than you. You were thankful for his presence and his decision to intervene when you almost got pummeled. Very chivalrous of him. It made you blush.
Feet tired and dragging, you make it to your bed. It’s not long before you fall asleep and disappear into the dreamscape.
Outside cigarette smoke litters the air. Spike stands by a tree close to your window. He is worried for your safety and wellbeing. He made sure that you made it home safe. Obviously, he was careful to not be seen. He longed to take care of you, to make you feel safe. However, this was as far as he dared go. A monster like him didn’t deserve to be happy.
Inside, you tossed and turned in fear. In your dream you were in the woods, running, You didn’t know why, only that you were in danger. You had the vague feeling that you weren’t alone. Spike, he was with you. You searched for him, seeking refuge. If you reached him, everything would be alright. You reach a clearing with no one present. Your heartbeat in your ears. You wait as if destined to be there. In the distance you can hear grunting and fighting but you can’t move. Your feet glued to the floor. Eventually you see Spike being tossed in the air, he lands hard into the clearing. You fear for his life. A demon appears, mangled and mean. Spike scrambles to get away from him, fear in his eyes. You have never seen Spike so afraid. The demon is holding a long wooden stake like a stick. You scream for Spike to watch out but no sound escapes your lips. You are mute and stuck. Your breath is labored and panicked. Spike is unable to get away and before he can get up he is staked and turned into dust. Your eyes widen, tears stream down your face. You’re at a loss and afraid of what will happen to you. You try to force yourself to move as the demon approaches you, a long sword now in his hand. As he swings you wake up, drenched in sweat. Your heartbeat fast and your breath caught in your throat.
You panic. What about Spike? Is he gone? Did this really happen tonight? Your mind is foggy and in disarray. You couldn’t remember if this happened. You jolt out of bed and get dressed. You run out of your house and straight to Spike’s crypt. You needed to make sure he was okay. You needed to be sure that he still lived.
You bust into Spike’s crypt, eyes wild and searching. There he is, sitting in his armchair watching TV. You rush to him and place your hands on either side of his face, making sure it wasn’t a dream. Tears roll down your face as you repeat ‘you’re safe.”
Spike looks at you bewildered and confused. He slowly places his hands on top of yours.
“What’s happenin’, love?’ Spike gets up, still holding your hands to his face.
You rapidly explain your dream between sobs and tears. Spike’s eyes soften, his heart melts. He wishes every moment with you could be like this.
“Mighty worried for an old vampire.” Spike deflects.
You breathe hard, not knowing your next move. Without thinking your mouth moves.
“Spike, I love you too much to lose you.”
You swear that you heard him gasp. He is stunned and stuck. His brain is a mess, and no words will come out. He chooses to do the next logical thing, he kisses you. He pours his desire and feelings in one kiss, hoping that you hear what he is trying to say.
You melt into the kiss and let go of your inhibitions. Your arms wrap around him, and you let yourself be guided by him. You eventually come out for air, making sure to make eye contact as you break the kiss.
Spike is left in awe of his own actions but doesn’t back down. He wraps his arms around you tightly and bring you closer to his body. You take a chance to memorize the feeling of his body.
“Love, I’ve been dying to hear you say those words.”
You smile, appreciative that your feelings are reciprocated.
“Let me stay the night.” You state more than ask.
Spike leans down for another kiss, slower and more passionate. He memorizes your taste, your feel. He wishes that all his years alive were this moving and strong. He forgets himself as he kisses you. He forgets that you need air. You gently pull away, dazed and happy.
“You can stay any night, pet.”
Spike gladly leads you to his bed where you both lie in bliss. No more fear. No more disarray. Only comfort and safety.  He may be a monster, but in your eyes he was a man. Not just any man, your man.
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infiniteanalemma · 11 months
Nobility in Baldur's Gate
Edited to add: I never expected my silly, niche post to get as much attention as it has! I'm giving you all forehead smooches! 😚💋 I've gone through to clean up some things up as I've found new information. I also added a list of nobility that I've found in game and other sources to the end of the post. Thanks, y'all! I'm glad I'm not the only one to wonder about this stuff. Good stuff in the reblogs, too!
Baldur's Gate has dug itself deep in my brain, so I apologize to my poor mutuals who didn't follow me for BG3 content getting this onslaught of posts. Please bear with me until my hyperfixation wears off. 🙏
Now, I'll admit up front that I'm no expert in DnD lore*, so if I get things wrong, please feel free to correct me or just add in stuff I may have missed. I'm going off of what I've found in-game and my Google Fu skills.
That said, I do know enough about DnD to remember that Baldur's Gate nobility are called patriars, and that there are only a relative handful of actual patriar families. I was thinking about my "canon" Tav, Velassa, and her background in BG3. She's a modified OC that I plunked in-game during Early Access, so I made her a noble. It was just part of her existing character that I didn't think too deeply about. It was only after I starting playing that it occurred to me to wonder what exactly "a noble" is to a native Baldurian.
That got me digging a little more into the current state of the Baldurian nobility as of BG3. I don't know who--if anyone--needs or wants this, but I put this together for myself and decided to share it for anyone else who might be interested. I realize that this is probably pretty niche and it's rambly and long af, so I'll put it under a cut.
So, for starters, here's a list of all the patriar families, including "fallen" houses that are barely hanging on: Belt, Bormul, Caldwell, Dlusker, Durinbold, Eltan, Eomane, Exeltis, Gist, Guthmere, Hhune, Hlath, Hullhollyn, Irlentree, Jannath, Jhasso, Linnacker, Miyar, Nurthammas, Oathoon, Oberon, Portyr, Provoss, Ravenshade, Rillyn, Sashenstar, Shattershield, Silvershield, Tillerturn, Vammas, Vannath, Vanthampur, and Whitburn
From what I've gathered, Exeltis, Provoss and Ravenshade are all more-or-less destitute. Also, the Szarr family (Cazador's family) were patriars, but were believed to be entirely wiped out. No living descendants makes them a dead house, rather literally. 😏 (No, I'm not sorry.)
Now, we learn that Wyll's father is Ulder Ravengard, the Grand Duke. This brings us to the first point: There are four Dukes, known as the Council of Four, and the Grand Duke's job is to be the tie-breaker.
Traditionally, one of the Dukes is also the highest ranked officer of the Flaming Fist--that's Ravengard, who was a Fist promoted up through the ranks. Wyll tells us that his father was born lower class, and quite a few of the patriars seem to scorn him for that. The other Dukes are Belynne Stelmane, Dillard Portyr (more on him later) and Thalamra Vanthampur (more on her later, too). Of the four, two are patriars: Portyr and Vanthampur. We don't know much about Stelmane's past, except that she was a brilliant businesswoman, politician and--as we find out later--member of the Knights of the Shield. Apparently, you can't buy your way into the patriars, but maybe you can buy your way into being a Duke.
Skipping ahead a bit, when the player shows up to Gortash's coronation, there are a group of mostly patriars sitting in the boxes leading up to the front of the room. I'm listing them by seating arrangement, with box 1 and 2 being the left and right closest to Gortash, and 3 and 4 being farthest. (I don't know what, if anything, the seating arrangements imply. The second box has eight people, compared to four for all the rest.)
Lady Ailis Belt, Baron Callem Bormul, Lord Rugger Shattershield**, and Lady Alia Durinbold**
Lady Ruth Linnacker, Lord Sarken Eomane, Lady Freida Oberon, Lord Raylen Jannath, Lord Myer Ravenshade**, Lady Madeline Whitburn, Lady Beatrice Provoss, and Duke Dillard Portyr
Lady Winstra Hullhollyn, Admiral Peil Hullhollyn, Lord Randolph Vammas, and Lady Eshvelt Guthmere
Lord Milon Tillerturn, Lady Silifrey Sashenstar, Lord Petric Amber**, and Lady Haeril Birch**
Here's some pictures of the nobles sitting together. (Sorry for the terrible quality! I slapped it together for my own reference. 🙈)
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The characters marked by ** aren't human, which is interesting because the information I found said all the patriar familes are human except the Shattershields. Myer Ravenshade is listed as human if you examine him, but he has a dwarf model. That might be a mistake, but I'm including him anyway. Alia Durinbold, from a presumably human patriar family, is a wood elf. Again, this could be a mistake, but unless Larian winds up changing it, it could mean that interracial marriages that once may have been looked down on are now becoming more acceptable. Petric Amber is also a wood elf, and Haeril Birch is a high elf.
Those last two are interesting because they are the only ones in the boxes who aren't patriars. If not for them, I'd have assumed the coronation was simply a demonstration for the patriars alone. Their inclusion means this is something else.
Digging around, my conclusion is that all the listed people are members of the Parliament of Peers--a 50 person advisory party to the Council of Four. However, what I found says that it's pretty rare for all 50 to attend meetings, and the usual group is between 20-30. There are exactly 20 named individuals listed, plus a group of unnamed "patriars" standing at the front.
Here they are, for what it's worth:
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One thing I noticed here is that most of those listed here are Lord/Lady, but there are three other titles: Duke, Baron and Admiral. I've already talked about the Dukes. Looking into the patriars, the Hullhollyn family are notable for having a fleet of ships, so it makes sense that one of them would be an Admiral. That leaves the Baron.
I couldn't find anything about what it means to be a baron in Baldur's Gate. Going on real-world peerages, a baron/ess is generally the lowest "rank" of nobility. Basically, it's someone who was an official landowner (usually of an "important" bit of land) under the feudal system. Well and good, I suppose, but presumably all the Lords and Ladies of the patriars own land within the city. This particular Baron is also a patriar, but given that one doesn't need to be a patriar to become a Duke (normally a higher peer than a baron), that may not mean anything.
(Apparently, the term "Duke" was originally meant somewhat jokingly. That said, it still carries the weight of a title even if not the conventional one.) We don't see any other titles between Duke and Baron, so what does that mean?
This isn't canon, but my assumption is that it means the Baron owns important land outside of the city. This would make sense for Baron Bormul, given that the Bormul family apparently have investments in silver mines and vineyards. Assuming they own the mines/vineyards, that may make those lands "important" enough to the city for their owner to earn a title. Alternately, the Bormul family also has counterparts in Amn, so maybe baron is an Amnian title that got passed along. That's getting a bit far afield for me, though. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, among the group at the coronation, pretty much everyone supports Gortash becoming Archduke, with the exception of Lady Sashenstar (an old woman who really isn't too impressed with this commoner) and Duke Portyr, who expresses some hesitation at the whole thing.
Duke Portyr is interesting here. Except for Ravengard (who is thralled and conducting the ceremony), Portyr is the only Duke present. Now, Stelmane is already dead, so that explains her absence. Vanthampur is also missing, which is interesting. Portyr first, though: he was Grand Duke before Ravengard. He's the one who re-instituted (Edited: and originally created!) the Parliament of Peers to make the day-to-day decisions of running the city, and ceded the title of Grand Duke to Ravengard. He's described as being conflict-averse, so it makes sense that he'd go along with Gortash's coronation, even though he's clearly unhappy about it. Also, the current leader of the Fists is also a Portyr, likely still Liara Portyr, the Duke's niece and Ravengard's second-in-command.
Thalamra Vanthampur is an interesting character, too. She's the head of the Vanthampur family, and part of the Descent into Avernus story. Apparently, she's the one who got Ravengard to go to Elturel before it sank to the Hells, intending to take his place as Grand Duke. From what I read, she also conspired with the Dead Three's cults to murder people in a bid to discredit the Flaming Fist. (The murdery bits were undoubtedly left to Bhaal's cult.) We never do find out anything about Thalamra Vanthampur in this game (I assume that's probably cut content). (Edited: She is mentioned in one of the in-game texts as having been killed, which was one of the possible outcomes of Descent into Avernus. Larian chose that as their canon, just like the fate of Elturel and Zariel.)
The only Vanthampur we do meet is Carnelia Vanthampur, who is in the Guildhall and describes herself as "a peer of the Parliament". She's willing to work with either the Guild or the Zhentarim. Nervously of course. Also interesting is that, on the Bloodstained Parchment hit list, is a Varri Vanthampur, whose gravestone you can find in Candulhallow's Tombstones shop, reading: "Varri Vanthampur. Unwanted in life, welcomed in death."
Interesting, hm?
Also on that hit list is Fridrik Hhune. The Hhunes apparently have links to the Knights of the Shield, from what I looked up--the same group the Emperor led with Stelmane. The only Hhunes we meet in-game are Blaise and Gheris Hhune, two of the werewolves in Cazador's ballroom who are brothers according to the dev notes. With them is another werewolf of a different patriar family, Duver Rillyn. This suggests Cazador has been going after members of patriar families, which sort of fits with what we know about his plans. We really don't find anything else out about them except that they consider Cazador to be their master and Astarion says they're new.
We also can talk to a Flaming Fist who mentions that Hurlbut Hhune is the father of Henrietta Hhune, who used to be secretly engaged to the Fist in question, only for her father to decide to arrange her to marry fellow patriar Derque Rillyn, who the Fist describes as "a major arsehole."
That conversation is interesting for a few reasons. For one, it tells you that arranged marriages within the patriar are a thing. Also, this Fist is a Manip (essentially a Sergeant) who can't ask the other Fists for help because "the Fists don't mess with wealthy patriars, they've got the Watch to back them up." That's aligned with what Devella can also tell you: "There are patriars on the murder target list. I'm oathbound to secure them first, so I'll be heading to the Upper City next." If you say that the Fist should protect everyone: "Not from around here, are you? We're in Baldur's Gate - this is just how things work."
This brings me back to my original issue: what is a Baldurian noble? The patriars are canonically nobles, of course, and they're undoubtedly seen as the "most important" of the nobility. From there, it's not much of a stretch to say that anyone who has earned the title of Duke is now a noble, even if they aren't patriars. I'd go so far as to say anyone on the Parliament of Peers (and their family by association) is a noble^, given that non-patriars Petric Amber and Haeril Birch are considered Lord and Lady. The information I found about that is that there are approximately twelve non-patriar members. If Amber and Birch are two of them, that leaves another unnamed 10.
^Edited: Looking at the dates, I realized that the Parliament of Peers is a very recent change to Baldurian governance. Duke Portyr originally created it after the three other Dukes on the Council of Four were assassinated. It was clearly meant as a temporary measure, but my guess is that the patriars liked having more official say. Not to mention the non-patriars who managed to get a seat. This has all happened within even the youngest of Tav/Urges' lifetimes.
Personally, I'd also assume that branch families of the patriars probably also count as nobility. By branch family, I mean those that marry out of the main line but whose ancestry stems from a patriar family. From what I've seen by naming conventions, Baldur's Gate seems to use patronmyic lineage--ancestry is generally passed to the sons, and wives take their husband's surname. So, if a daughter marries out of the family, she'd no longer be a part of her father's family lineage, but still would be considered nobility. These branch families likely still maintain powerful influence and connections from marrying into wealth, which would make them a good political/financial choice of marriage alliance, despite no longer having the main branch patriar family name. These families are also probably the ones most likely to find a place on the Parliament, too, but likely have to jockey for position if their "representative" dies (or otherwise leaves) and a new opening in the Parliament is created.
If you've read this far, as a treat you can have some crappy close-up portraits of the nobles at Gortash's coronation, grouped together in their respective boxes. 😚
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* For what it's worth, I'd count myself as a casual DnD player. I have some knowledge of DnD--I've played BG1 and 2, Planescape: Torment, along with some general cultural osmosis. I've had friends who played the tabletop version, but for one reason or another, I've never played it myself.
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙧𝙤𝙘𝙠
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❝i'm trying to tell you something, something that i already said.❞  
♡ nagi seishiro ♡
a/n: if you couldn’t tell, i’m hyperfixating on blue lock rn. 
content: nagi seishiro x reader, roommates au, shorter than my other fics, fluffy, little bit of kissing, not edited. 
you shoved your hand in your purse, digging around urgently to fish out your keys. after finally getting a hold of the keys, you tried to unlock the door, only to have the keys slip from your grasp. you cursed at yourself, a scowl painted on your face as every single thing in your life was slowly pushing you over the edge. 
you just wanted to enter the comforts of your home as fast as possible, feeling like you could collapse on the ground in a matter of minutes. you didn’t know why you felt like this, an overwhelming amount of sadness and agony washing over you. the only thing you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die on your bed. 
finally, you were able to unlock the door as you kicked off your shoes to the side before locking the door behind. you threw your purse on the floor before plopping on the sofa. it was seven in the evening and the house was quiet, nothing out of the ordinary. 
your roommate, nagi, always came home much later on the day due to his soccer practices. this left the majority of the quiet time in your house as yours. regardless, nagi wasn’t really a loud person, only sometimes when he’d play his games really loudly in the living room on his days off. the both of you rarely spoke to each other as nagi was a pretty reserved person and he didn’t like doing anything that’d require him to do more than breathing, playing games and playing soccer. 
you didn’t mind though, it was actually a relief that you didn’t get screwed up with a pain in the ass type of roommate. nagi wasn’t much of a hassle as he paid his share of the rent on time, did grocery shopping on the days that was his turn, and he was a pretty clean person. 
though you rarely saw him, he had a strange effect on you. at first you thought maybe it was because of his mysterious behavior or perhaps it was the little things that he did. some of which included walking around the house shirtless, working out in the living room with his home equipment, or how he’d look so focused on his games. 
it made you feel funny and you hated it. 
 you were in a relationship with your boyfriend of two years, happily in love until things took a twisted turn. the doubt and lack of trust that your lover had in you because of your opposite gender roommate led to a rise in ridiculous hypothetical conclusions. 
today was the last straw. 
even after explaining to your boyfriend, now ex, that your male roommate was barely home and even if he was that a single human couldn’t have known about his existence; the man was still not convinced. you were a very fluid and transparent person, telling nagi about your boyfriend since he’d come over frequently. the snowy haired male simply shrugged before minding his own business. 
yet your ex’s words were sharp to the tongue and painful to the heart, telling you how all men are the same and women are nothing but bimbos when it came to an attractive man. his words made your blood boil, making you angry that just because he’s insecure about himself he’s projecting his negativity on you. 
and so, you broke up with him. 
now here you are, moping on your couch as you cried an ugly sob. you could’ve sworn that you’ve cried two gallons of your salty tears by now. the noises leaving your mouth were loud and full of agony, as you could barely breathe. 
you were hurting inside and you couldn’t find relief. 
“y/n? you good?” you heard a groggy voice call out for you, making your ears alert as you quickly wiped away your teary face dry. you picked up your head to see nagi by his room’s doorway, shirtless and wearing a pair of sweats as he rubbed his sleep-filled eyes. 
“yeah, i’m fine.” you quickly turned around and blurted out a lie, now feeling embarrassed that he caught you crying like a little bitch when you thought he wasn’t home. you now stupidly realize that it was saturday today, meaning that it was nagi’s day off. you were waiting to hear the sound of his door closing, but instead you heard footsteps inching closer to you. 
suddenly, you felt his fingers grab your chin before lifting your head, forcing you to meet his eyes. you saw him looking down at you with sharp eyes, your eyes widening in shock as your heat began to rise to your cheeks and your heart thumped in your chest ferociously. 
“huh, you don’t look so fine to me. what’s wrong? why are you crying?” nagi asked, his hand now moving to caress your cheeks as you felt the pads of his fingers wipe away your tears. these little actions and gestures stimulated you to cry even harder as you shook your head. 
“i-” you tried to begin your sentence, only to miserably fail as you choked on your tears midway. nagi let out a heavy sigh before taking a seat next to you before pulling you close to his chest. you didn’t even try to fight back with yourself, accepting the comfort that he’s willing to provide you with.
the skin of his chest was so soft in comparison to how hard and well-sculpted his athletic body was. he smelled really good too, a very fresh and manly scent radiated off of him. 
“it’s okay, you don’t gotta tell me right now.” he murmured, rubbing your back as you tried to relax. 
“i broke up with my boyfriend.” you sniffled, making nagi’s hand movement stop. 
“you’re crying over some silly guy? come on, y/n, i know that you’re better than this.” nagi scoffed, making you look up at him with glassy eyes as he gave you a slightly disappointed look. 
“but i loved him.” you quietly whispered, tears still falling on his bare chest and you felt bad, but nagi didn’t seem to care too much. 
“did he love you?” he asked, his question making your brain stop working as you paused, needing some time to think about the answer. 
your boyfriend always treated you like you were some kind of certification for him that declared him as a man who could pull bitches. he never once thought about what you liked to eat, what you enjoyed doing, nor was he thoughtful on planning for dates. 
so, did he really love you? 
“he did.” you thinned your lips, wanting to save your last bits of dignity to not die from shame in front of your roommate. nagi let out a hum in response from your answer. 
“okay, then you were in the wrong. go get back together with him.” the snowy haired male shrugged, his face holding an expression of boredom. 
“how is it my fault?” your eyebrows furrowed in slight irritation from how his words rubbed you in the wrong way. 
“a girl doesn’t break up with a dude she’s been in a relationship with for two years unless he fucks up real bad. but, since you both are in love, you obviously misread the situation then. go kiss and make up.” nagi patted your back for encouragement. 
you scoffed in utter shock, opening your mouth to say something until someone knocked on your door. both you and nagi turned your focus on the door, before nagi offered to open the door as he slipped away from your previously crying form. 
“can i help you?” nagi asked after opening the door, an unfamiliar male that he’s never seen in his life before was at the doorsteps of his home. the guy laughed in disbelief before his face was replaced with an angry look. 
“that fucking slut didn’t even bother to show you who’s the guy she’s been with for two years? what else has she been doing behind my back, huh? actually, how many other guys has she been fucking around with?” the guy spewed out crazy shit in the middle of the hallway, making nagi annoyed. you peaked from the sofa and realized it was your ex, making you jump out of your place as you rushed to the door. 
suddenly, nagi grabbed him by the collar, easily towering over your ex who was inches shorter than the 6′3 striker. 
“you wanna say that shit again, assface? your mama never taught you how to respect women, hm? i hate fighting, but i don’t like the way you’re talking about y/n. so, we could take this outside, if you want.” nagi said in a low voice, his tone was daring and his eyes darkened with anger as you watched in horror. 
“let me go, you fucking freak! this is between me and my girlfriend.” your ex tried to peel himself away from nagi’s tight hold but failed. the tall male snorted at the lousy attempt of breaking away from his hold, roughly grabbing the dude’s jaw as your ex winced in pain. 
“yeah? well, i’m the guy who she dumped your ass for. so, it’s actually between the three of us. but, the conversation is gonna end here ‘cause if you’re not out of my sight in the next five seconds, i’m gonna break your legs.” nagi threatened before harshly letting the guy go, making him stumble back before losing his balance, collapsing on the floor. 
“y/n! i know you’re behind him, you fucking user. give me back all the money that i dumped on your cheating ass!” your ex angrily bellowed, some of the neighbors now opening their doors to watch what the commotion was. 
“for god’s sake, please, go home and i’ll sort things out with you later. you’re causing a scene!” you whisper-yelled at him, eyes begging him to shut up but he was persistent. 
“why the hell would i do that? everyone in this world deserves to know your true colors, you gold digging bitch.” he spat out, making your eyes well with tears as you looked down, not being able to pick your head up while the people stared down at you and gossiped. 
“here, take this and leave.” nagi said in a monotone, reaching inside his pocket to pull out his wallet before throwing hundred dollar bills on the ground where your ex was sitting. the man looked shocked, but still shamelessly picked up all the bills before shoving it in his jacket pocket. 
nagi took a hold of your hand as he pulled you back inside the house, closing the door before locking it. 
“fucking prick.” you heard him murmur to himself before walking towards the sofa, taking a seat. 
“come here.” he demanded from you, patting the spot next to him. his sudden request flustered you as you and nagi never really sat down and do things together. nonetheless, you accepted his little invite and sat down. 
“so, i’m assuming i’m the culprit of this whole situation?” nagi cocked an eyebrow, watching you fiddle with your fingers nervously. you looked up at him with softened eyes before shaking your head. 
“i would never never blame you, sei. anyways, i saw this breakup coming sooner or later. he was too controlling and possessive over me. i guess you were fuel that ignited it.” you joked a little at the end, making him chuckle. 
“good, pretty little things like you deserve better than assholes like him.” nagi said, looking at you with a strange glint in his eyes. you gulped harshly, feeling a little shy. 
he thought you were pretty?
for some odd reason, your heart felt fuzzy and your pulse began to race. you dared not to look at him, afraid that he could read right through you. 
“well, that hope is all gone now.” you let out a heavy sigh, reaching over to the glass table where your lipgloss was. you applied it on your lips since they felt a little chapped from your little crying sessions. 
“why?” nagi asked, confused. 
“he’s most likely gonna go around to every single human on earth and tell them that i’m a cheater and gold digger. nobody wants to date someone like that.” you bitterly laughed, placing the gloss back on the table before looking at him with sad eyes. 
“but that’s not true, you’re none of those things.” he frowned, a cute little pout on his lips. your heart swelled, he looked adorable and it made you wish that you could kiss that little pout of his. 
“yeah, but only you and i know that.” you shrugged, accepting your defeat and miserable fate. 
“then be my girlfriend.” nagi suddenly blurted out, making you choke on your own spit. you looked at him with eyes the size of two full moons, waiting for him to break out into a laugh to tell you that he was just messing around with you. 
but no such thing happened. 
his eyes were trained on yours, waiting for an answer. 
“sei, we ca-”
“why can’t we? i’ve liked you for a really long time and i know that you like me back too, y/n. i see how you look at me and my eyes never lie. so, stop fighting against it and let me take care of you like how you deserve to be.” nagi’s voice was gentle, a hand coming up to your face to sway the loose hairs covering your face to expose more of you to his eyes. 
“okay, then let’s go on a date tomorrow.” you smiled at him and nagi gave you a boyish grin. he placed a hand behind your head before leaning closer to you. 
“sei! my glo-” your words were cut off by the feeling of his lips on yours. you closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck. nagi liked your response to his bold move, trailing his hands down to your waist before he pulled you on his lap. 
you relaxed your muscles, allowing yourself to melt into his embrace as you continued to follow the movement of his lips. nagi liked the feeling of your sticky gloss coating his lips, occasionally getting a taste of the sweet cherry lip product on his tongue. 
you felt his hands go under your shirt as his calloused fingers danced on your spine, sending goosebumps all over your body. your lungs burned from the lack of oxygen, so you were forced to pull away. you looked down at nagi, who’s face was flushed and lips shiny with a coating of your cherry flavored gloss as you both panted. 
“why’d you pull away?” he whined, making you giggle before you pinched his cheeks. 
“i had to breathe, sei.” you gave him peck to console him. nagi hummed in content, enjoying how your soft and plump lips felt against his. 
“what should we do now?” you asked him, carding your fingers through his smooth snowy locks. 
“sleep.” nagi shortly answered, eyes half-lidded before he pulled you down with him on the sofa. he placed his head on the cushion while you moved your head on his chest, wrapping your leg around his waist. nagi’s arms protectively wrapped around your waist to make sure that you don’t fall off the sofa while sleeping. 
you could hear the gentle hammering of his heartbeat and it made yours follow the same rhythm. you smiled before placing a quick peck on his chest. 
“sleep well, sei.” you mumbled against his soft flesh, closing your eyes. 
“you too, baby.” nagi responded, midway in the process of yawning. 
then a comforting silence fell upon you both as the room was now filled with soft snores.
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caxde · 1 year
still live | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary you and Eddie have been friends for ever, but have chosen to keep your feelings quiet, until a single afternoon changes it all. (2.7k)
warnings fem!reader, fluff (like a lot of it) hurt/comfort, friends in love, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn friends to lovers, idiots in love!!!, english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read! 
It had never been a question. 
You had started painting even before you learned how to talk, your house was always messy and stained because of you. As you grew up, stained carpet floors turned into stained old clothes, paint splattered all around your wardrobe, and a burning passion was developed. 
So, of course, when the dreaded question of what are you going to do after high school started going around, your answer had always been the same ‘art school’. 
But anxiety and stress were getting to you, you had been working hard on your portfolio, barely sleeping, painting canvases that were bigger than you, held by reclining it against your bedroom wall, and working in sketches nonstop, not even in the middle of class. 
He would tease you, everytime he heard the pencil scratch against the yellowish paper. He always does the same thing, he starts watching quietly, admiring the way your fingers hold the pencil ever so delicately, the way your eyes follow the grey stain so closely, concentration evident on your expression, and your hair messing your face when you look down.  When he couldn’t hold it any longer, a soft smile curves the end of his lips, as he brings his body closer to yours, and he always whispers, his voice always sweet and soft when he calls your name to get your attention. 
And he chuckles everytime you jump out of concentration as you breathe out his name. 
But today was different. 
Eddie knows you, better than anyone for that matter, and he also knows that you had been a little too stressed about it all. He knew you needed quiet company while you worked, so he asked you to come finish your last one over to his house. 
He had made his room tidier, in his own way. He cleared the floor, no dirty clothes could be seen, and the table was what he would charmingly call an “organized mess”, little piles of things in a neat position, a clean composition. Window open and clean air coming in, with a space under it so the smell of the acrylic paint can leave as fast as it comes. 
“You moved the bed.” You let out as soon as you step inside his room, looking at the open window. 
“You need to paint.” He answers, as he shrugs, trying not to give it that much meaning, even if he feels his pulse quickening as you smile grows deeper. 
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.” He answers quickly, really trying to not hyperfixate in the way your smile is caused by him, or the way it seems to illuminate the room a bit more. 
You laid the canvas against the wall, and started organizing your paint tubes in your particular way. Black, blue, red, yellow and white. The other fancy special colours away from them, the lilac, teal and silver pulled apart. 
He knew you needed your space, just as much as he knew you appreciated the quiet companionship. 
It was nice, being in the same room as him, not feeling alone, and knowing that he’ll be here when you inevitably feel tired or burned out and need a little push. 
And you liked feeling him look closely at you. Though you think he’s looking at the way the thin light blue haze is staining the pristine white of the canvas, he’s actually looking at the way your oversized, full-of-various-faded-splatters-of-paint shirt is hanging from you, the way it wraps on your waist, and the way your hair is falling down your back, your face tilted, only makes him more nervous, and in a way, realize even more that he wouldn’t do this for just anyone, so he might as well admit to himself that he does have some feelings for you. 
He played music on his guitar, quietly, and smiled deeply at the sound of you muttering the worlds of the songs he always chooses absentmindedly. Even if he only plays Bowie when you’re around. 
You're obvious to it all. You only focus on the way your hand won’t stop shaking, and you’re not even sure why, so the frustration is starting again, and with it so does the headache. You need to finish the stupid sketch so you can actually start painting, but your hand won’t stop shaking and you don’t even have a good enough reference. You’ve stopped singing and are instead biting your lip, an anxious tic that Eddie knows a bit too well. 
He doesn’t say anything, instead he stops playing, goes to the kitchen and brings two cups of tea. 
He decides to sit down beside you, and instead of startling you as he normally does, he instead leaves a soft touch on the small of your back, his fingers feeling the beginning of your jeans through your shirt. The familiar warmth left in both of your bodies. 
“Here” He whispers, a bit too close to your ear. 
You turn to him, realizing that he’s never been as close, that now you could if you wanted and had the time to count every single one of his eyelashes, and that his lips look pinker than ever. And in that moment, something seems to click, a warmth awakens in the inside of your chest, and you move a bit far away instinct kicking in. 
“Thanks” You whisper back, blood travelling fast to your cheeks as your fingers touch his for a moment, grabbing your tea. 
“So, what’s wrong?” He chooses his words carefully, his tone softer, his voice quieter. He raises his eyebrow in concern, making you frown for just a second. 
“It’s all wrong.” You whisper, in anxious shame, nervously, avoiding his eyes. 
“What do you mean it's all wrong?” He echoes your voice, not really following your train of thought. 
“It’s all wrong Eddie.” Your voice is stronger now, more impatient. But still barely above a whisper, it felt stupid to speak at a normal volume when he’s so close to you. “ The proportions are awful, the reference is shit, and I can’t start painting until I finish the stupid sketch but I can’t manage to finish it.” You’re trying your hardest to not stumble over your own words, it’s complicated, frustration getting the best of you, making your voice shake as you can feel the small tear threatening to form on the verge of your eyes. 
“Hey…” He whispers once more, the hand he had on your lower back petting you once again, trying to get you to calm down for a second. “Step by step, yeah?” He watches you nod at his question, and he waits for you to take a deep breath. “What can you do to fix it?” 
“I need to restart it all.” You answer in defeat, you were tired, and with a clear idea in mind that didn’t seem to transform as well as you wanted to. 
“Okay, so restart it, what can I do to help?” 
“Nothing really.” You add, looking back at him for once. You're captivated by him for a moment. The way his curls frame his face makes you really want to put the little flyaway away from his complexion, touch his pale face for a second, but instead, you hold the cup harder, your knuckles turning white. 
“What’s wrong with the reference?” He asks, trying to refocus you, snatching the photograph off the floor. A blurry image that’s barely recognizable, a kiss between two people that you don’t know. 
“It’s shit.” You admit, hiding a chuckle. “ I found it on the floor of The Hideout and thought that a kiss scene would be the perfect ending for my project, but… I’m not… I don’t know” You admit, defeated, tired, and anxious about you having to start the whole project again. 
“Why a kiss?” He asks, innocence in his tone. He tries to hide his curiosity with that Eddie grin, that stupid grin that makes you smile in return even if you're not aware of it. 
“I…” You look at him for a moment. Stopping at his lips for a second, and this time it doesn’t escape you that he does the same. “It’s about melancholy. The whole thing. Situations that have happened and you miss, and the ones that haven’t but you wish they did… Love… I wish it happened to me but… Yeah” You stop talking, as you feel his eyes not leave yours, it’s stupid, but talking about this in this space, for some reason is making your heart beat faster, and wherever your body touches his, it tingles, electricity flying between both of you. 
“You haven’t been in love?” The question took you out, it didn’t make sense for Eddie to ask this. It doesn’t fit the way he has always acted around you, but in a weird way, when you look back at him, and see the way his eyes look softer, kinder. 
You always saw Eddie repel the idea of love, avoiding it at all costs, so it was weird seeing him like that, like he was hopeful for an answer, as he wanted to tell you how he started feeling, he also knew he would never dare to tell you such a thing. Much too proud, much too careful. 
“I have. But, they don’t love me back.” You mutter, not ready to voice it fully. Not sure if this is the best time to say, yes, Eddie, I have been in love, I’ve been in love with you for ages. 
Because, even now, you’re slowly realising that what you’ve been feeling for him is love. 
“I understand.” He mutters, his sight leaving you for the first time, looking down at the photo, while he yells to himself, his brain is telling him to not do anything stupid, while his whole heart and body are begging for him to tell you that he could learn how to love you if you let him. 
For fucks sake, he tells himself, he cares so much about you, he wants you to be happy and loved and cared for so much it pains him a bit not knowing what to do to help. He slowly lifts his head up.
Coincidence, destiny or just dumb luck, he makes eye contact with his old, beaten up Polaroid and a stupid idea, oh so stupid crosses his mind, and he narrows his eyes. 
You notice. 
And before you can stop yourself you're asking him a soft and questionable “What?” that leaves him looking back at you. 
“We could take a picture.” He states, blankly looking back at the camera. A nervous smile that makes his eyes shine. 
“What picture?” You’re left even more confused, following his glance. 
“A kissing picture.” He says. Your body frozen, heart skipping a beat. Eddie’s does the same, amazed at himself for actually having said such a stupid thing. “Just so you have an actual reference… I just… Wanna help.” He’s now avoiding your sight, embarrassed about his idea, he begins to get flustered, and the only thing he can get himself to do now is stare at the floor. 
You need a second. 
A moment. 
Silence fills the room, as the only thing you can feel is the beating of your own heart, loud in your eardrums, a rhythmic rhythm that begs kissme kissme kissme. 
So, once again, it wasn’t even a question. 
“Who’s taking it?” You answer, sweet quiet voice. Your eyes also set on the floor, as you can feel your cheeks burning. Anticipation forming in the air. 
“I’ll do it.” He answers, his smile bigger than ever. As he stands up, you leave the cup on the floor, wiping your nervous hands on your jeans. One swipe, two, three. 
You’re left looking at him, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think that he was just as extremely excited and nervous as you are. And then it comes, the realisation of what was about to happen, he’s going to kiss you, and you’re going to kiss him. You’re about to do what you’ve been wanting to do for ages, all for some stupid excuse that you can’t be worried about. 
As he moves, gracefully, it all stops mattering for a brief moment. 
It doesn’t matter if the painting is good enough. 
It doesn’t matter if the admission committee thinks your work is good enough. 
It doesn’t matter if this complicates your friendship or not. 
He sits down beside you, a trembling hand pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, his lips slightly parted, his eyes switching between your eyes and your lips. The electricity is tangible now, you almost feel like you could fill up jars with it, a weird anticipation, an excitement. A promise almost. 
“Are you ready?” He asks, his thumb gracing your lower lip, his breath so close to your lips you could actually drink it if you wanted to. He smells of vanilla and sandalwood.
Then it happens. 
Eddie kisses you, softly. 
A soft, sweet kiss is left on top of your lips, as you close your eyes and enjoy it, one of your hands travels slowly to the back of his neck, tentatively, you start playing with his hair. You see a flash, a bright light that makes you giggle, only brighter when you feel the way he’s also smiling. 
Eddie can’t stop kissing you. 
He’s delighted that he’s finally doing this. He doesn’t care that he can’t fully give in, somehow worried that the photo won’t turn out good, he takes a couple more. And then he finally gives in. One last touch, a small bite to your lower lip, and he gently pulls away. His forehead against yours. Catching his breath, you can feel the way your lips are left tingling now. How your heartbeat seems happier in a weird way, like something got fixed for a moment.
When Eddie opens his eyes, he can see that yours are still closed. And that your lips look pinker than before, that your cheeks are flushed and you’re breathing faster than usual. He smiles quietly to himself, and looks down, between your bodies, lays the camera and the polaroids spread around, proof that he didn’t imagine it all. Proof that he did just do it. 
He carefully bumps his forehead into yours, playfully almost. 
You open your eyes, looking down. 
He hands you one of the photographs, you can’t help but smile. 
“I don’t think I ever had such a beautiful photo” You whisper, as you’re taken back for an instance. You’re blooming with joy, an uncontrollable smile decorates your face. The shyness gone for this brief moment. 
“Me either.” Eddie adds as he holds another one. 
You’re both idiots. 
Happy idiots, unaware of each other's feelings, not knowing that it was more than a favour. 
“Thank you, Moon.” You tell him, as he blushes even harder. 
And he’s not sure if it was the eye contact, the way you look right now or the fact that you had just given him what might be his new favourite nickname. 
“Now, get back to work.” He teases, while he decides to lay down, resting on his forearms so he can still look at you. 
“Don’t distract me.” You add back, a flirty banter evident in the air now. 
“I won’t kiss you until you ask for it.” And in that moment it's clear, he’s being sincere. 
You can’t help but laugh, softly. And he can’t help himself, echoing your laugh. 
He doesn’t need to say anything, and neither do you. You just know that now he knows something more about you, you know that now that he’s tasted your lips he will be left craving for more, just as much as your craving for a new encounter. 
Eddie is left mesmerized, proud of you, seeing how now you’re determined to finish this painting, with a soft smile and quick brushstrokes. So, you spend the next afternoon painting, and stealing soft glances at him, as he just sits there, amazed by you, as he continues talking with you as if nothing has changed, as if his heart isn’t now all yours, even if you know as well as he does, that it is. 
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
My Stand-In Episode 11
AUghhghhhh I can't believe next week is the last week of this series, what am I supposed to do with my life without it? (Meet You At The Blossom, you are my only hyperfixation hope)
I shan't talk about the end of the episode except to say that it feels right that Spiritual Master is the biggest MingJoe antishipper out there. Yes, he's been tirelessly advising this young master on his disastrous love life and its cosmic implications for three years, but that doesn't mean he's rooting for him or thinks the torturous time loop he's trapped everyone in is karmically sound!!!!
I also really can't get over the "every story that's not about a time loop is about a time loop" vibes of the scene too, how it was filmed, the way the master described the cycle they're in, all of it. Good stuff. But beyond that I'm zipping my lips I dare not even speculate on what is coming in episode 12.
What I do want to talk about is the Akarayota family!!
I think it is so brilliant that Ming's dad was kept fully offscreen and out of the picture until episode 10. It made him such an ominous, menacing figure. Like it seems obvious to me now that last episode, when Ing asked about telling his family and Ming said he needed to make sure it was the right time first, he was talking not about emotionally preparing himself or like, winning his family over, but about this blackmail scheme he needed to suck Mike into to "defeat" their father, which he always knew was the only option. Putting aside everything else in the Ming vs. Dad game of family ruthlessness chicken, at the end of this episode, this man was going to get his son killed in a way similar to how Ming got Joe killed: out of stubbornness, out of a refusal to believe long after he was shown that Ming would choose Joe not just over his family but over his own safety, out of a belief that he could control the situation and let Joe perish and lose nothing more than Ming's, like, will to live (but if you keep him locked in the house forever after, that won't matter, right?). You can just really see where Ming gets it from with this guy. I also have to wonder what the FUCK was going on in that household during Ming's childhood that a. the siblings are all so codependent b. Ming has learned to throw up on command c. Ming throwing up on command is something Mike has seen him do and treats as an old familiar trick.
So let's talk about the siblings! Ahhhh!!! My heart!!! When Mike first mentioned a promise, I was sure it was going to be a tit-for-tat trade where Mike owed Ming some kinda life debt (a la May saving Ming from drowning and getting pneumonia) that Ming was cashing in on. My guess was Ming had done some kind of monumental favor for Mike in their youth and Mike Owed him. But no no no! Mike's promise was made in the past three years and as far as we can see was simply borne of not wanting to see his brother in pain. I promise you, Ming, if Joe ever returns I'll do anything to help you be together, so please, for now, move on with your life. How fucking much does he love and prioritize Ming if that's a cash-in-on-able vow he'll break the law and fight their father over? How much of Mike's life is already spent cleaning up after Ming and shielding him? Again, what the fuck was going on in that household in his childhood that the oldest son in the family splits his time between business, Buddhism, and keeping his baby brother out of the line of fire? I had the thought that Ming could go to Mike for money to avoid their father, but Mike telling the loan shark "WE cannot get $500 million to you by tonight" without Ming even needing to ask him kind of said it all. Lowkey wondering if Ming is THE heir and Mike is a half-brother or illegitimate son of some kind since it does seem like the family wealth is concentrated in May and especially Ming's hands, even though Mike does nothing but work for this family lol. And May <3 I have a lot I'm mulling over in her relationship with Tong but the fact that she showed up just to shut down the line of familial manipulation that hinged on her womb was so badass. There's also something about Tong using "you chose your brother over me" as a DIVORCE JUSTIFICATION that makes me wonder if that was an ongoing conversation and threat in their relationship, that she had to prove again and again that she saw Tong as family as much as she did her beloved little brother... I do hope we see a little bit before the very end of Ming reciprocating his siblings' immense devotion to him (in ways other than "fled the country to hide that I was obsessed with your boyfriend's posterior", or tbh even gifting his perfect secretary to the brother who has always wanted him lol). But I am very compelled by what we've seen so far, that the Akarayota siblings consistently choose each other and shield each other from their powerful, terrible parents.
Last but not least, mama Akarayota! Love her writing! I love that the scene where she's accepting Joe and Mingjoe's love comes packaged with "oh yeah I was the one who destroyed your relationship with your mom teehee oops", and she doesn't even seem very sorry about it, she's just sooo happy that Joe passed her little test and loves her son and is making Ming happy and alive, and who really cares what happens to Joe's life or family. I love that she felt the urgency of Ming going to meet with the loan sharks in ways her husband didn't, but instead of working with her son or finding a way to pay the money her son-in-law owed, she just did the impulsive thoughtless rich person move of calling the cops, which escalated literally everything and missed getting Ming killed by a Joe-shaped hair. Why pay $500 million baht to criminals when you can rely on your power and the state? It's just such an automatic, instinctive, realistic choice for her to make and I love love love the consequences it came with. Basically I love that even though Ming's mother has the classic QL parent arc of moving from pressuring her son to marry women to warmly accepting that he loves a man, she does it with so much rich person violence and collateral damage along the way. There's a complexity and realism there I don't often see.
I also wanted to talk a little bit about Sol and how moving I found it that he uses "I can't get over you" as a way of connecting with Joe, empathizing with and accepting how obviously Joe is never going to get over Ming, and actually, finally letting him go. About how JOE FUCKING DYING AGAIN does in fact justify his frantic in-denial attempts to block Mingjoe a few episodes ago lol, but how beautiful it is that he was ready to let Joe go and make his own choices in this episode. About how much I wish Ming had!!! TURNED TO SOL!!!! FOR MONEY!!!! TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE MAN THEY BOTH LOVED!!!! but that would I guess be even more of a drastic character change than Tong suddenly caring about his wife and unborn child lmao.
But I have to rewatch the episode with Laura now so we can both suffer so I will end the post here. Augh I love this series, I want it to be next Friday already I want to know what's going to happen but I also don't want it to end, augh augh augh
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saffricatrice · 17 days
What r ur oc stories about?
OMG HIHI I NEVER HAD SOMEONE OUTSIDE OF MY CURRENT FRIENDS ACTUALLY ASK BEFORE UMMMM OKAY SO. i have 3! main oc stories that i Really care about at the moment but im Deeply fixated on mainly 1 of them but im gonna start with the one ive been liek "promoting" the most in a sense!! under read more cuz im gonna try to exlain all three of them bless. sorry if i seem overly passionate oops i was TRYING to summarise im sorry its so long u rlly dont Have to read All of it
Forgotten Man's Symphony
his (louis manoir) character is basically a spin off from a character mentioned in the novel frankensetin exactly (1) time by name in elizabeth's letter and by far he is the most organised oc of mine cuz we do actually have a clean, understandable summary doc (thought it is a tad bit outdated but its okay). shes like the most Normal narrative-wise i suppose so i'm not exactly sure on how to explain the plot of forgotten man's symphony it's just like??? him ruining his life in front of the reader and then #Healing?? i guess?? the story is an epistolary that starts with louis' Suicide Letter. so like. yeah. BUT!! i suppose i would say his story very much concerns the concept of like identity (including gender and such she would be considred either transfemme/bigender by the modern world but also idfk cuz i made her complicated and confusing on purpose) and also the lack thereof + the negative impact that comes with trying so hard to fit into the societal norms and what people Want you to be but you just Can't be, cutting away bits of yourself to fit through some sort of hole representing the perfect version of you until theres nothing left of Who You Are expect a palatable and small version yk?? and the the endless pursuit of wanting to be loved that leads yourself to changing and changing for people who just wont care or love you for realsies + @rosaniruby 's words "making it even like that so its not YOU who is loving and being loved but the dim visage of a version of you that fits the picture of what society loves; that it's not a love between individuals, it's the love for a society that cannot ever love anything because it was made to hate. and who believes that portrayal of love will not find it and forever be stuck. smth like society loves what it deems as perfect and hates the imperfect, since perfect doesn't exist it can only do the second one. and louis wanted to love perfect victor, hated his own imperfect self. but the perfect victor doesnt exists, and neither does any version of louis."
i like her he's great. sorry if that was less telling u WHAT his story is and more like Explaining the "themes" as theyre called of the story but idrk how to describe nromal stuff so TAKE WHAT U CAN GET!!! anyways,
Domus Carnis: The Transmutation of Guinevere Manor
idk if you're aware but i have a hyperfix on architectural horror and i DON'T MEAN SCARY GHOSTS AND SERIAL ILLERS IN AN ABANDONED HOUSE I MEAN HAUNTED HOUSES THAT ARE ALIVE THAT IS A METAPHOR FOR PTSD FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA ETC ETC!! this story By making it started my whole obsession with the House it's crazy... scary even.. (i recommend you watch jacob geller's video essay about houses) i really do like domus carnis but it's. Messy to say the least. i do feel as if i ought to change the time period it's set in to avoid talking about the wars going on in the time period i accidentally set it in without realising but im procrastinating on that rn. it was Suppose to be late 1800s to early 1900s..
in a few simple words: flesh-and-bone made lesbian sex house. does that get your attention yet. bless
domus carnis (which literally means flesh house in latin or something) will be written in the POV of a 40ish year old widowed woman by the name of harriet wren's diary entries, occasionally switching to the POV of her 20-something year old godson percival who is like old timey jake paul and hes like either a journalistt or a radio host depending if i choose to change the time period or not. we follow them after harriet's husband dies of whatever and they find out he has a large property in a foreign country of which they had not known of prior
somewhere in germany there is a house of ex-aristocrats that no longer live there that is Alive. the House becomes alive because it is in a sense "possesed" (not haunted) the ghost of kathryna von guinevere who was the last one to die in the house, who, in life, was incredibly obsessed with The House for reasons that i fear are too long to explain without boring you and going into info pre-story?? anyways, when she "posseses" the house, the materials of the house shift to flesh, blood and bone because it Materially becomes her body. now, it would be hard to accurately label what represents what body part, because it's all strangely jumbled up and isn't like really human anatomy either cuz kathryna Can in fact see inside herself?? anyways whatever. now, the house is now both her body AND her mind. i have taken the phrase "haunted by memories/trauma" and turned it literal. the house IS haunted, but most of the ghosts aren't ghosts, theyre mostly all manifestation of Memory from her life because she actively is replaying the speech and actions of other people IN her mind to process the (typically traumatic) events of which she's seen or experienced. the ghosts CANNOT do as they please because they only exist at all Due to kathryna remembering them in these specific scenes. the hauntings include scenes of people, sounds, and shadows. unless the "scene" has a mirror, you cannot see kathy directly because you are witnessin things through HER eyes, which makes memories from wee childhood interesting because im wondering if i should make the "people" seem wayy bigger than the viewer if stuff is replayed from childhood..
i really like the fact that a lot of this is based on memory because it opens a lot of doors to me when it comes to the appearance of hauntings. my friend showed me this video depicting neurons forgetting how a face looks like, and i feel as if i could use that in the story because well, realistically kathy isnt going to have a Pristine memory cuz she Was just a human before, not to mention the fact shes already suppose to have issues on facial recognition/rememberance (my friend with these sisues suggetsed htis). the alteration of the ghosts' bodies could be fucked with even more if i try to make use and research into the way that people (mostly children) can in fact like.... change the image of something traumatic in their brain and make it less scary bc the brain is trying to protect them? yeah. AND ALSO the fact that a lot of people forgets certain aspects of their trauma due to their brain trying to protect them as well but still have this feeling of Unease when it comes o specific things that they cant explain, i could incorporate this feeling in certain areas of the House, the strange uneasiness. i experience that myself so i hope ill portray it right!!
i Think that's it?? at least that should be the bare bones of the story... i have a pin board tho if u want to check it out!!
The Epinicium
THIS is the stupid fucking thnag thats ruining my entire life rn. i love it i hate it whagever man. THIS ONE ill keep short and simple because im too fucking mentally ill about it to explain in depth without being asked questions
so basically its fantasy world but not like. Completely new high fantasy i very loosely based the countries off of like real countries and stuff bc lazy as shite so its like mid fantasy maybe HOWEVER
basically its set in this world where theres a shit ton of religions and gods and shit and theres three categories of religions (the world is veyr uhnm. Categorical idk): earth, science and the arts. basically the arts religions are the majority and the gods of those religions are called the muses so thats what i'll be calling them from now on. the basic plot of epinicium is about the muses of the music religion declaring that humanity doesnt treat music as "holy enough" anymore and taking it away as a whole (songbirds go extinct as well which is importnat) which also fucks up the other arts religionsdue to the fact that artforms are very connected but they still exist yk and centuries later our main cast attempts to bring it back!!! we have this server with a channel that has the "summary" but its not a real summary its just an already outdated infodump but we are Trying to fill this doc but we're failing really hard but friendship is magic idk.
anyways thats. pretty much it i think im sorry its too long once again 😭😭 feel free to ask question esp on the epinicium!! id love to hear abt ur ocs btw ive yapped so much oops
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Before You Go // Ethan Landry // Ch.1
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Masterlist Word Count: 1214 Warnings: swearing, trauma Author's note: welcome to my new hyperfixation, I love me some Jack Champion
After moving to New York with your friends after the Woodsboro killings, you try to leave all of it behind you and start over. You become friends with Ethan Landry, but after Ghostface returns, you start to become suspicious of everyone, especially him.
New York City was different from Woodsboro in many ways, but you enjoyed that there seemed to be people everywhere you looked. After the most recent Ghostface attacks back home, you had issues being alone. Whenever it got too quiet, you glanced over your shoulder and jumped at little noises. 
Another good thing was that no one knew who you were. Sam and Tara were notorious, especially due to the rumors that had been circulating online. Mindy and Chad were notable, being both victims and having a legacy character for an uncle. You, however? No one knew your name. New York was a fresh start, a place to wipe the slate clean and move on from Woodsboro’s notorious reputation. 
You were majoring in film alongside Mindy, the two of you having bonded over movies since elementary school. Chad always made fun of you for how passionate you were about films, but it didn’t bother you. You had a passion and you knew that you were meant to do something with it. 
It was close to Halloween and you had followed Tara to a frat party. She was a pirate and you were dressed as Daenerys Targaryen. The house was full of people and they were all in costume, including two boys dressed as Ghostface. Tara, however, didn’t seem to notice. 
“Hey, guys!” Mindy waved from one of the couches. She was draped over Anika, her girlfriend, who also gave you a friendly wave. You grinned and plopped yourself on the arm of the couch. “All hail Khaleesi, look at you!”
“Thanks.” You gave her a little bow. “Where’s Chad?”
“Over with Ethan, being a fool as usual.” She pointed across the room.
Chad was dressed as a shirtless cowboy (no surprise) and grinning like a maniac at Ethan, who had made knight armor out of cardboard and looked like he wanted to crawl into the carpet. Ethan spotted you first and gave you a dorky half-wave. 
You weren’t quite sure how Chad and Ethan got matched up as roommates, especially since they were so different. Chad was pretty outgoing, living up to his name. Ethan was pretty shy and very awkward. It had been six months since you had moved to New York and three months since the beginning of the semester and you still didn’t know very much about Ethan. 
You walked over to the two boys and Chad wrapped you up in a hug. “Dude, your cowboy sweat is repulsive.” You shouted, shoving him away. “Get your muscles away from me.”
“Fuck off.” He laughed. “You need a drink, I’ll grab you one.”
As Chad made his way to the kitchen, you turned your attention to Ethan. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” he took a sip of his drink, “I’m still not sure how I feel about parties just yet, they’re so loud.” 
You laughed. “Not a fan of loud places?”
Ethan shrugged. “Just not used to it I guess. What about you, Y/N?”
“I didn’t go to many parties in Woodsboro.” You gave him a small smile. “The one I did go to ended up landing me in the hospital, so…” 
Ethan’s face went red. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up.”
“It’s fine.” You gave him a small pat on the shoulder. “How long did it take you to make your costume?”
Ethan launched into a very detailed description, but you stopped paying attention. He had an infectious joy that made you wish you feel as happy as he looked. There was something about his smile that just pulled you in and made you feel all warm inside. You wanted to be his friend so badly, even if it meant just being around his toothy grin. After everything that had happened, you still couldn’t bring yourself to trust him. It was probably for the best, but it was a devastating feeling. You had a hard time being around your Woodsboro friends, even after everything you’d gone through together, and that made it even harder when it came to new people. 
Ethan pulled off his helmet, releasing his curls from their cardboard prison. He reminded you of a puppy sometimes, between his smile and his hair. “I’m surprised you guys like Halloween. Especially…” He motioned at the nearest idiot wearing a Ghostface mask. 
You clenched your jaw. Ethan was right; it was pretty jarring walking around with people dressed like the lunatic that had tried to kill you. “It’s uh, it’s definitely weird. It’s not exactly my favorite costume.” 
Ethan opened his mouth but was interrupted by Chad’s loud shouts of greeting. The other boy shoved a cup full of something into your hands and knocked his head into Ethan’s, who let out a grunt. “Let’s dance, motherfuckers!” 
You allowed Chad to drag you onto the makeshift dance floor. Despite Chad’s athletic stature, he was a terrible dancer. Ethan sat back and watched, laughing. 
“Chad!” Anika rounded the corner. “We need you, it’s Tara.” 
He snapped to attention. It was pretty obvious to see that Chad had a thing for Tara, even if Tara hadn’t noticed yet. You raced after him, Ethan right at your heels. Tara was headed upstairs with a guy who looked one second away from forcing himself on her. Gross. As Chad attempted to defend Tara’s honor, you glanced back at Ethan. 
“You okay?” He whispered. 
“Yeah, why?”
“You just… look worried.” He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. Before you could answer, Sam stormed up to Frankie and tased him in the balls. 
“We should go, we should GO!” You grabbed Ethan by the arm and dragged him after the others. 
You got back to your dorm that night and immediately collapsed onto your bed. It had been a chaotic evening after the party and you had been eager to get home. It wasn’t easy watching Sam and Tara deal with the Woodsboro aftermath and you were barely dealing with your own trauma. 
After removing your costume and taking a quick shower, you climbed into bed with a snack and your laptop. You had just logged onto Netflix when your phone rang. Without thinking, you answered it. “Hello?”
“Hello Y/N, having a good Halloween?” 
“Who is this?” You tried to keep your voice steady, but you wanted to puke. You had been foolish to think that he was really gone.
“Aw, don’t tell me you forgot all the fun we had back in Woodsboro?” Ghostface laughed. “I missed you too. How’s college?”
“I know you didn’t call to chat, get to the point.” You stood and double-checked that your doors and windows were locked. “Where are you?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not hiding in your dorm room. Yet. I just wanted to check in. Are you gonna watch a scary movie?”
You scoffed. “Never again. You ruined them for me.” 
“How unfortunate. I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.” 
As soon as Ghostface hung up, you collapsed to the ground. Your body shook as you began to sob, panic coursing through your veins. You needed to warn them. You needed to tell someone. 
You threw on a hoodie and sprinted into the hallway and ran until you reached a familiar door. “CHAD! CHAD IT’S IMPORTANT!” 
He opened the door. “What are-”
“Ghostface is back.”
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they-planet404 · 1 year
hozier quotes that perfectly suit the ineffable husbands because combining both of my hyperfixations makes my brain go brrrr
“Heaven and Hell were words to me.” - Work Song
Crowley’s insistence that they’re not on Heaven or Hell’s side, they’re on their own side.
Aziraphale’s “I’ll make heaven worthy of Crowley again”, positive he can have both
“The only Heaven I’ll be sent to, is when I’m alone with you.” - Take Me To Church
Crowley’s same as above, Azi isn’t quite there yet, but there’s hope
“If the Heavens ever did speak, she’s the last true mouthpiece.” - Take Me To Church
Crowley’s vendetta against Heaven, that they’re not Good as they claim, but never against Aziraphale, he is the good in the crevice of the world
Aziraphale knowing that Crowley is good, deep down, and it doesn’t matter if they’re an Angel or a Demon because no Bad Person would do the things he does.
“There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin, in the madness and soil of that sad earthy scene, only then I am human, only then I am clean.” - Take Me To Church
They’re a demon and an angel, they’re not supposed to love, consorting with the other side is the fastest way to be punished, and yet their love is holy, their love is the closest thing to humanity that celestial beings are capable of, and their love will cleanse.
“Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we can just kiss like real people do.” - Like Real People Do
They are not people, and yet (hopefully), they love just like humans, in every way they are not meant to
“Each day you’d rise with me, know that i would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty… strap the wing to me, death trap clad happily, with melted wax I’d meet the sea under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.” - Sunlight
They would destroy themselves for each other, would willingly go to their deaths for a taste of the sunlight that is each other.
Bonus point for Azi “You rise with me” to Crowley
“Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I.” - Francesca
The Final Fifteen, S2 Ep6. Do I need to continue?
“It ain’t the being alone, it ain’t the empty home baby, you know I’m good on my own, it’s more the being unknown.” - Unknown/Nth
Crowley Isn’t Lonely, until he’s Unknown by Azi, that moment in the finale when he puts his glasses back on, the realisation Aziraphale would give up everything they had built together for Heaven (even if it’s not true), and the misunderstanding trapped between them.
“So I thought you were like an angel to me.”
“Where you were held frozen like an angel to me.”
“Going unknown as any angel to me.” - Unknown/Nth
Their storyline, written in smudged ink on the page. It feels so heartbreakingly obvious that any attempt I made to put it in words would ruin it.
“Do you know I could break beneath the weight of the goodness, love, I still carry for you.” - Unknown/Nth
Crowley’s thoughts as he watched Azi enter the lift, making the decision final. He hurt, he aches, and yet the overwhelming love that has only just been realised beats in his chest like a second heart, keeping him alive. The love, and all the heartbreak it brings, may break him.
“That I’d walk so far just to take, the injury of finally knowing you.” - Unknown/Nth
I am under the firm belief that Azi isn’t going to Heaven because he wants to, but so he can protect the earth that birthed his and Crowley’s love. He is walking away from Crowley in London, with the hopes that he can make a Heaven worthy of the Angel he knows Crowley is.
Anyway, that’s my heart breaking.
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toaster-hair · 1 year
There’s a Human in the Neighborhood! (chapter 5)
(important authors note: Hi nyall :3! Sorry i havent written in so long, ive been more hyperfixated on other things like across the spiderverse and lolita fashion, and i’ve also been working on other projects. I have a skullgirls au tumblr blog, my original comic raw!fruit, im redrawing the welcome homes cast’s portraits with my own headcanons added, as well as general oc content. But with welcome homes new update, it motivated me to write again. I feel as though when welcome home is finally finished up, ill rewrite this entire fic to make much more sense. Anyways, heres a content warning. As said before, this fic focuses on how gross human anatomy can confuse wholesome puppets. Its a bit hard to write about gross anatomy stuff without veering into nsfw territory, so suggestions would be appreciated. But this chapter in particular is about periods! The fic is written about a gender neutral AFAB reader, so if youre amab or if periods are just off the table for you, feel free to skip!)
A painful stab at your stomach woke you up from your slumber. “Ough..” your sudden movement spooked your cat. You held your torso in pain, feeling a sharpness in your pants. It was still dark, with the only light being the sun coming through your blinds. You stood up, making your way to the bathroom and….
Blood. Lots and lots of blood stained your undergarments. That explained the sudden pain you were feeling, it was just that time of the month! You went back to your bedroom to make sure you didn’t bleed the bed, grabbed some clean clothes, and turned the shower on. You also grabbed some pads out of the cabinet under the sink. You brought them from your old house but you should probably buy some more later.
You stepped into your shower and let the warm water soak your body head to toe, flourishing yourself with all kinds of soap. Once you were finally cleaned up, you stepped out and dried yourself. You put on your clean clothes, grabbed some pain killers, and went back to bed.
You woke up once again a few hours later. You got up, did your morning routine, had breakfast, fed your cat, and picked up the phone. You decided you would call in sick because of the pain and nausea. God, why does the first day have to be the most painful? You dialed the number for FishEgg Boba and waited for an answer.
“Helloo? This is FishEgg Bobaaa. How may I help youuu?” You heard Casper answer the phone.
“Hey Casper, It’s Y/N. Uhh.. I know it’s only my second day but I’m calling in sick. I’ve got… cramps real bad. I don’t wanna move that much. Is that okay?” 
“Oooh. Sure that’s fiiine. Just make sure to come in tomorroww. See you thenn. Hope you feel better sooon.” And with that, he ended the call. You felt kind of bad. It was only your second day, and you were taking a break already. You were probably missing out on some training too! But at the same time, everyone made it seem like yesterday you were working too hard when you weren’t even on your period! You can’t imagine what it’ll be like to work like that while on your period. 
You then remembered your plan to get more pads. You were good for now, but it was always a good idea to stock up. You put on some outdoor clothes consisting of some basic gym sweats and a baggy jacket. You gave your kitty a goodbye kiss on the forehead and headed out the door. Gee, this was the second time in a row that you went to Howdy’s. 
Wait… Oh yeah they’re puppets. I forgot. I mean you forgot that they were puppets. Of course they won’t have pads. You went back inside and grabbed some money, looks like you were heading out of town after all. As you headed back out again, you spotted Wally walking out of his house as well. You walked over to him, sense you promised you would chat in the morning last night.
“Hey Wally! You wanted to talk more this morning, right?” you stared down at him. 
“Oh! Yes! I wanted to know about how it went. Ah, but shouldn’t you be at work right now?” he asked.
“Oh, uh.. Yeah, the thing is that I’m uh, not feeling very well. So I’m taking the day off. I’m going back tomorrow though.”
“Ah, I see. You aren’t sick again, are you? Do you want me to go get Poppy?” He held at your knees like a dog jumping on its owner. 
“No, no. Not sick, it's just.. I may gross you out at the explanation?” You gestured with your hands “Is that okay?” You asked. He stared at you with a blank expression but nodded his head.
“Okay so basically uh.. When a human with a womb starts puberty.. Uh, and a womb is used for baby making purposes by the by, their womb starts to shed for a couple of days straight each month. That’s because the womb wants to make a baby but doesn’t have the ingredients to make one, causing the womb to pump out blood. This can cause pain, nausea, all that nasty stuff. That’s just a basic explanation, anyways.” He kind of just. Stared at you with half lidded eyes the entire time. “Uh, I don’t need to explain what blood is right?”
“Oh no, we have that too.”
“W-wait, if you’re bleeding.. Then.. did you just start puberty??” There was this look of anxiety on his face, which felt so odd and out of character.
“No, no, you still bleed even after puberty. Well, that is until you hit your 60’s or something. It’s not gonna go away for a while.. Haha, if I was still that young, I wouldn’t even be here!” You laughed at him a bit. He let out a sigh of relief. 
“Sorry.. I don’t know much about how human bodies work…” He looked away out of embarrassment.
“Oh, I can show you.” You reassured him. “Ah- What??” He stared at you slightly horrified, slightly considering your offer.
“Yeah dude, there’s a ton of books about human anatomy. Going from the bone to the skin. I can order you one online! If you want, of course.” You pulled out your phone and showed him various different anatomy books.
“Oh… No thanks, I'm fine.” He turned down your offer in a slightly disappointed tone.
“That’s fine. I need to go out of town for a bit to go get something, see you later!” You waved goodbye as you started to walk to the train station. You then suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach, but you kept on walking.
You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was waving goodbye right back at you.
(A/N: i wrote this in one night i hope you enjoy!! Ill try to include sally and julie in the next chapter :3333)
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Okay so I've been eating your art for a few days? Weeks? Months? Ever since I found you through my Welcome Home hyperfixation help it has me in it's death grips and just, admiring all the details you put into your pieces?
Like, I can't tag every little detail I come across and like from what you post, because I would be too distracting from the contents of the post and my gushing and speculating derived from that alone, but I see and like them even if I don't say too much about it.
For instance, don't think I didn't see the grime at the edges of Frank's frown and mouth in your Lights Out AU post! It is such a small detail to notice, but it really sells the idea of the puppets becoming grimy, scruffy, and dirtier as time goes on and they are stuck in the dark with little to nothing to clean themselves. I feel like it is most noticeable with their hair, as my gosh do they all need a hair brush by the time we see the group interactions of the unlikely four, but I enjoy seeing their disheveled selves as they try to go through life in the dark. While I won't pick up on every little detail, the stuff I do see is really interesting a think about, that you didn't need to add it but you did because you enjoyed making it l, and it's pretty heartwarming in a way for me you know?
Anyways, as a fellow artist, it's both cool and concerning because I get the gist of how much time and energy it can take to make stuff! I enjoy and adore your art and thoughts a ton, just remember to take care of yourself and not to push too hard on yourself to make stuff! Stretch and drink water, etc etc etc, and remember there are always people who will like what you make, be it dragons, welcome home stuff, and oc thingies!
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WHY ARE ALL OF YOU SO NICE!!! MY STUNTED EMOTIONS CANT HANDLE IT!!!! no but seriously i had to take a break reading this to walk through my house and Simmer Down bc man... the reaction pic is accurate.... i made Several dying animal noises!
i'm beyond happy that the details are being Noticed and are Enjoyable! i like to include as many as i can (when i Think of them, which happens less often than i'd like). i rarely have it in me to scribble Full Things, so i try to make up for it with the little things! it seems to be working, yippee! and it Is fun to include them, yeah <3
you take care of yourself as well! actually, get some water as soon as you read this. All Of Ya's. im takin a hefty sip rn so you all better get hydrated with me. no diedrating on this blog no sirree!! but yes um thank you so much for the very kind ask! mentally i am printing it out and pinning it to my wall! i will be thinking about it every time i Add Little Details!
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syn4k · 1 year
it just hit me that we haven't actually made a post compiling all of our s2!pixl headcanons yet so here you fuckers go. you wanna be a professional pixposter like we are (god i wish i was getting paid for having hyperfixations on the internet)? follow in my example
that thigh holster of his actually doubles as a knee brace and holds a journal and like seven mechanical pencils! pix always has a mechanical pencil on him
this man wears glasses and they are NEVER CLEAN. theyre always smudged and dirty no matter how much he rubs them off on his shirt he puts them back on and they look the exact same if not worse
this man has a sleep schedule borrowed from the devil but when he does sleep he can fall asleep ANYWHERE. under a bush, on top of a mountain, in the deep dark, in his bed, on a boat, you name it he can snooze there
sometimes in the middle of a conversation he'll look up and look like he's focusing on something else but carry the convo effortlessly. one time gem asked him what he was looking at and he went "oh, nothing, that cloud back there just really looks like a rabbit" and she turned around and goddamn he was right. It sure did look like a rabbit.
he/they aroace i will stick with this forever
neptune the ghost cat has a lot of different names and they don't really care so pix switches it up a lot but he calls them Miette when they're sulking in a corner because he didn't let them have some of the sculk he was studying (yes, his cat eats the spooky soul goop. as far as he can tell it isn't hurting them, so)
very loose and casual but still deliberate in his movements. this is a man who sits slightly dramatically into a chair and drapes one arm over the side, who swings his pack over one arm before walking somewhere, who holds up one finger before crouched looking at something on the ground
speaking of, this man has paused trade agreements before because he saw a rock that was a fossil on the ground and split it open with one end of his pickaxe. another time, he picked up a frog wandering by and just put it on his head and kept talking like nothing had ever happened
video game nerd (affectionate)
the lower levels of his crypt actually house some more modern comforts, like a fully functioning if slightly musty shower, a kitchen (complete with electric kettle), an ancient pc setup with the crustiest ass keyboard from 2005 that runs Windows 7 and somehow Microsoft Word, and 3/4ths of a laboratory which is NOT osha compliant. he'd love for it to be and is slightly anxious that it isn't, but given his situation he has to make do with what he has
definitely ate mud as a child
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