#i may have sprained a muscle in my arm
theygender · 1 year
Catch me in the kitchen at midnight fighting for my life trying to open a jar of goddamn pickles bc my femme already went to sleep so I can't ask her to open it for me
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demonpiratehuntress · 6 months
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
summary - after the events of Alabasta, everyone is unwinding in the different gendered baths. while the other men are quick to look over the wall, your boyfriend is much more respectful. until he gets to be alone with you in that bath, that is...
warnings - none, maybe slightly suggestive at the end but mostly fluff, may be errors since I'm writing this with a sprained wrist and my hand is not moving like it should
a/n: just a short fluffy drabble since i'm stunned that i have way too many angsty Zoro fics. also, this gif-
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You barely turned around when you heard Nami yelling at the boys for trying to peek at her, Vivi and you. You just turned your head slightly, an amused smile on your lips as your body relaxed into the warm water, soothing your sore and aching muscles.
"Honestly! Zoro is the only one with any decency!"
You laughed at that, and then again when you heard groaning coming from the other side of the wall. It seemed they had all gotten a shock from her outburst and fell, which was well-deserved. Nami settled back into the bath with you and Vivi, grumbling about how annoying they were and threatening to hit all of them when you got back to the Going Merry. You and Vivi giggled, before resuming your conversation.
Much later, you were still soaking yourself in the water even though Nami and Vivi had long since left to go change. You wanted to stay a bit longer, enjoying the quiet. But seconds later, you suddenly felt arms around your waist, pulling you to a strong, hard chest. You smiled, not bothering to open your eyes.
"You were waiting for this, hmm?"
"Baths are always better with you," the swordsman mumbled into your neck, his touch sending pleasurable tingles down your spine.
"Nice to know you didn't look at the other girls while they were bathing," you teased him. "What a gentleman."
A soft kiss landed on your bare shoulder, "I'm not like that pervy cook. Or the rest of those perverts. Besides, I have no interest in seeing anyone but you naked."
His words made you shiver, and a blush crept onto your cheeks, "That-I-" You didn't know what to say, flustered beyond words.
He chuckled, gently grabbing your chin to turn your head so you could look at him, "My eyes are only ever on you." He enjoyed seeing you like this, he enjoyed watching you blush and stutter at his words, knowing only he could do this to you. "But I'm surprised Chopper tried to look."
"Sanji probably encouraged him," you giggled, leaning back against your boyfriend. He was right, the bath was so much better with him in it. His arms tightened around your waist again, and you hummed in satisfaction.
"I'm going to kill that stupid cook for looking at you like this," Zoro grumbled, annoyed that they had the nerve to try and see you bare - something only reserved for him.
You laughed and kissed his cheek, "I won't stop you. That was annoying."
He grinned devilishly, "Permission to hurt him? You must be in a good mood today."
"Well..." You shifted so you were now straddling him in the water, arms around his neck as you leaned in close. "I do feel very relaxed, but my mood is much improved thanks to you."
He smiled, and moved forward to connect your lips. Unlike your usual rushed, brief pecks during the heat of a battle or before one, this kiss was deep, slow, and long. He took his time to kiss you, hands gently massaging your waist, before he brought one of them up to rest on your cheek. This was a side of him rarely seen, because of the constant danger that you were always in, so you enjoyed these few and far between moments. He kissed you reverently, like this affectionate gesture was an act of worship, and to him it was. Because to him, you were a goddess. One that he would happily spend the rest of his life devoting his time and attention to.
"I love you."
His whispered confession caused butterflies to bloom in your gut, and a shy but loving smile to grace your lips. You trailed gentle and featherlight kisses along his shoulder, letting him relax and tilt his head back with closed eyes.
"I love you too."
Moments like these allowed Zoro to be truly vulnerable, something you both appreciated. You were happy that he felt safe enough with you to be vulnerable, to expose his deepest feelings and to just be him. Because he was always acting as the crew's valiant protector, a feat that honoured him but also left no space for him to care for himself. Until you came along.
"You're so beautiful."
You hadn't realised he'd opened his eyes again until you looked up from his shoulder and saw him staring at you. Love, admiration and awe filled his eyes, and a deep blush settled on your cheeks.
"I could say the same to you."
He hummed, but dismissed your comment, "I mean it. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Sometimes I think I'm dreaming." His hand returned to your cheek, this time to gently caress it.
You smiled, and leaned in to kiss him again, "Does this feel like a dream?"
He smiled against your lips, "No. Which only means I died and went to heaven."
You laughed, "I thought you didn't believe in that."
"Meeting you changed my mind."
Your heart thundered in your chest, your brain malfunctioning at such sweet words. You were left speechless, and he noticed, making him smirk cockily.
"Now who's making who speechless?"
"Still me making you speechless," you smiled mischievously, trailing your hands up his thick thighs. His breath hitched, and he let out a strangled half-gasp, half-moan when you reached exactly where he wanted you.
"That's what I intend to do to you."
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ghouljams · 6 months
So fun fact I’m a dog groomer and one of the few highlights of being a dog groomer is picking up the big dogs.
I cannot begin to tell you the sudden shock of a German shepherd when it gets picked up at its full grown size. Funniest shit ever especially when I heave ho their ass into a kennel. OH and I absolutely love picking up the goldendoodles! It’s like picking up a big teddy bear. The best thing about it is that most of the time the big dogs eat that shit up when I pick them up. Like their tails start wagging more and they start slobbering on my face.
So that’s to come around to this…. I really wanna pick up the boys. Like I just wanna wrap my arms around Price and make him think it’s a hug and then SIKE. Even if I only pick him up for a minute I wanna pick him up. And I’d even work out to pick him up too.
So if you are able to and are willing, may I please ask for a lil snippet of one of the Darlings trying and maybe succeeding in picking up their boys?
Genuinely Goose can pick Ghost up, not for long but she can bear hug him and get him off the ground. He doesn't want to talk about it...
BUT ALSO Hush can and does pick Soap up. Soap very much wants to talk about it, he's a little miffed about it, but also deeply does not want to talk about it.
You snap your silence around Soap for a third time in as many minutes, checking around the corner you're hiding behind. The man behind you gives another soft grunt as he tightens the makeshift bandage around his leg. It's nothing severe but it sounds like it hurts. Not mentioning the sprained ankle, it's not going to be a quiet exfil. He's lucky you haven't forced him to radio medical. More lucky you didn't break out the tourniquet. You'll have to thank someone for that later.
"You tied up?" You ask him over your shoulder. Another grunt, annoyed but affirmative. You swirl a few shadows, letting them pump a soft wave through the area, bouncing positions back to you as you walk closer to your upset summoner.
Soap holds his hand up to you. You clasp your hand around his forearm and pull him to his feet. He winces when he puts weight on his injured leg, and you make the executive decision that he isn't walking out of here. You keep your grip on his arm and crouch tug him over your shoulder.
Another snap of silence when Soap yelps and struggles against the fireman's carry you pick him up into. You wrap your arm around his uninjured leg and roll your shoulders to get him in a comfortable position. He's heavier than you thought he'd be, but nothing you can't handle. You probably should have expected as much. Soap's a well built guy, and muscle isn't light. It doesn't help that he's trying to break your grip and get off your shoulders.
"Steamin' hell put me doon, ahm fine walkin'." He spits at you. You ignore him. "Hush, tha's an order," He tries.
"I outrank you sergeant," You tell him, as if that matters in your position, "and I'm not sure what you're plannin' on walkin' on 'cause it's not this." You touch his ankle gently and he flinches away from the touch. Big baby. You roll your eyes, all this blubbering over being carried. Plenty of folks would love to get carried around like this, you can name at least two off the top of your head.
Soap settles over your shoulders to pout, you assume he's pouting because he's gone quiet. Fine by you, your focus is on finding the best path to the helo and getting the hell out of here. Your radar bounces off a hostile soldier and you strike out with your shadows, spearing them to a wall as you haul Soap's sorry ass down the alley. His fingers are tight in your shirt, holding onto the edge of your tac gear as he takes shallow breaths. You toss another barrage of shadow towards another ping on your internal radar and you feel it.
Christ. Is he hard?
"So, Johnny," you drawl, letting the implications speak for themselves.
"Not a word ya smug bastard," He grits out. Proof enough for you. As if you can't feel his hard cock pressing against your shoulder, if there was more blood getting to his brain you'd hope Soap could explain it as a spare switch or something. Or a flashlight, christ what the hell is this guy packing? If you knew it was this easy to get a rise out of him you would've picked him up ages ago.
"Is it the carrying or-"
"Awa' an bile yer heid," He curses at you. You shut your mouth but can't stop the smile that breaks across your lips. You're going to be riding this high for a while.
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Cuffed 😏
This was a spicy request that I just couldn't turn down 😁 I hope I did it justice and turned it into something you will enjoy! This one is for you @madhatterbri 🖤
Disclaimers: Oral sex, unprotected sex, restrained with handcuffs, cursing, mention of injury. Read at your own discretion 🙃
Word count: 1,544
Divider by: Me 🙂
GIF is not mine
Side note: Yes, I know about the reports on Hangman's ankle. I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone in regards to it, but I'm aware that my story may or may not follow what's going on in the "real world." We just out here having fun 🤷🏻‍♀️🙂
You try something new to help distract your cowboy from his thoughts…
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Last night, Adam had a big 6-man tag match that was pretty eventful to say the least! Everything was going well until the end, when he rolled his ankle after Samoa Joe tried to do a muscle buster on him. While you watched the events unfold on the monitor backstage, your heart almost stopped when Adam slid out of the ring and onto the floor. He was wincing in pain and urging the cameraman not to show him in his current state. The look on his face when he walked off limping and needing the assistance of Doc Sampson was very concerning! After being examined in medical, it was determined that he had a mid-grade ankle sprain and was sent home with specific instructions from Doc to ice it and stay off it as much as possible for a few days.
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The next day you and Adam flew home, his ankle still sore and swollen. You did your best to ensure that he was following the doctor’s orders, but he was starting to get restless. You were sitting next to him on the couch catching up on the tv shows you missed while you were gone, when you noticed his mind was somewhere else. You scooted closer to him, placing your head on his shoulder, “Just a few more minutes with the ice, and then you need to keep it elevated. Can I get you anything?” Adam only sighed and shook his head “no,” prompting you to get to the bottom of his somber mood. “What’s wrong, baby? What’s on your mind?” “I’m just frustrated. This injury couldn’t have happened at a worse time, you know? The PPV isn’t that far away, and I can’t miss it,” he explained while running his fingers through his hair. “I just hope I’m good to go by then,” You were going to offer some words of comfort, but Adam stood up and started to walk away. “Where are you going?” your voice was laced with concern. “I know I’m supposed to sit, but I just can’t. I’m going to take a shower.”
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You had high hopes that the hot water would offer Adam some relief from his thoughts, but when you walked into the bedroom you were sadly mistaken. He was leaning up against the headboard with his towel still wrapped around his waist, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. “Hey, feel any better?” you whispered in his direction. Adam tossed his phone onto the bed and sighed, “Not really. I wish there was a way I could shut my brain off,” You were walking towards him, lost in your own thoughts about how you could cheer your cowboy up when something silver and shiny caught your eye on the dresser. A mischievous smile crept across your face as you picked up 2 metal objects and tossed them on the bed in Adam’s direction. “What’s this?” he asked while reaching towards the objects. “Handcuffs? What are these even from?” Instead of taking a seat next to him on the bed, you straddled his lap, causing his towel to shift underneath you. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his neck and spoke softly, “Well, they were a gift for a bachelorette party I went to last week, but I forgot to put them in the gift bag. I was going to return them, but now I have a better idea,” Your words made Adam’s eyebrows raise in surprise and his lips to part in curiosity. “I see. So, what’s your idea then?” You brought your lips next to his ear and spoke low and slow, “Let me handcuff you. I’ll take care of you and help you relax. No touching, no thinking. Only feeling,”
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A quick conversation and some ground rules later, Adam surprised you when he agreed to let you handcuff him! He needed the distraction from his injury, and you wanted to provide exactly that for him. “Get comfy and raise your arms,” you instructed. With 2 clicks, Adam’s hands and wrists were securely bound to the bedframe. You couldn’t help but chuckle when he tugged on the handcuffs and they rattled against the metal frame, “Are you ready, baby? Just sit back and let me give you a show," With a peck on his lips, you backed up from him and he watched your every move. You pulled your shirt up your torso and over your head before tossing it on the floor, placing your hands under the waistband of your pants and sliding them down your legs. When your breasts sprung free from your bra, you could’ve sworn you heard Adam curse under his breath! Once your panties joined the rest of your clothes on the floor, you stood at the end of the bed causing Adam to forget momentarily that he was restrained until the clank and clang reminded him. “Be good for me and I’ll let you go. If not, I guess you won’t be laying a finger on me tonight...”
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You positioned yourself in between Adam’s thighs, undoing the twist he had on his towel that was keeping it securely in place. His hard length was set free when you pulled the towel away, both of you were more than ready for you to dive in. He sucked in a sharp breath when your lips made contact with his tip, planting kisses all around it. You drug your tongue up the vein, making Adam squirm and strain against the handcuffs. You took every inch of him inside your mouth and began working your magic. His pants and soft moans filled the bedroom, encouraging you to continue exactly what you were doing! “Fuck, Y/N! That pretty little mouth of yours, taking me so well! If you don’t stop, I’m going to cum down your throat!” You had no intention to stop or slow your pace, even when Adam warned you one last time. His body shuddered against you when he came, the handcuffs forcefully clashing against the headboard. He was a panting mess as he tried to catch his breath, making you smile as you wiped the corners of your mouth! “Are you going to release me?” Adam asked breathlessly. You maneuvered your way up the bed and straddled the cowboy once again, biting and kissing his neck while murmuring against it, “Release you? I don’t think so! At least, not right now baby. I’m not done having my way with you just yet,”
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It didn’t take long for Adam to harden under you while you kissed him and spoke filth into his ears. You positioned your entrance on top of his length and began lowering yourself down on him. You groaned into the air with every inch you took inside of you. His cock stretched you in the best way, filling you completely when you rocked yourself against it. “Shit! You feel s-s-so good, Y/N! Yes, just like that baby,” Adam encouraged. Between the sound of your bodies connecting, the cursing and moans, and the sound of metal scraping against metal, there was no denying that the two of you were enjoying yourselves! The pressure deep inside you continued to build, just begging to be released with each rock of your hips. “I’m so close Adam! So, fucking close!” you cried out. He began thrusting himself inside of you, hitting new spots that drove you wild! You could tell that he was losing himself in pure ecstasy too when he begged you to set his hands free, “Undo the handcuffs, Y/N! Please, I…fuck! I need to touch you!” There wasn’t a lot of time to spare as you felt your orgasm getting closer and closer, so you gave the handcuffs your best try when you attempted to undo them! Unfortunately, the “easy release lever” wasn’t so easy to use after all! “Adam, I-I can’t get it! I can’t undo them!” you said in a pleasure filled panic. Your cowboy wasn’t about to let anything hold him back from touching you, so he pulled and tugged the handcuffs with incredible force, causing the little chain links to bend and break! “Oh my God!” you gasped when you saw one broken handcuff on each of his wrists. His hands were now gripping your hips tightly and the dangling metal lightly scraped against you as your orgasms ripped through each of you! You collapsed onto his chest from the intensity of it, and he wrapped his arms around you. You moaned and hummed against his bare chest as you welcomed each wave of pleasure that continued to crash over you.
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Once you were steady, you removed yourself from him and rolled over onto your side of the bed and began to giggle at the mess you had made of Adam, “I cannot believe you broke the handcuffs!” you playfully scolded. “How are your wrists? Are they okay?” It took a few seconds for him to respond since he was still coming down from his high, but what he said only caused you to laugh more, “My wrists are fine, baby. Obviously, the handcuffs are not, and I can’t guarantee the headboard is either. But what I can guarantee is we will be purchasing new ones so I can use them on you next…”
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blazingstar29 · 8 months
Top Gun Workouts - Slider
Everyone’s favourite [living] RIO
Disclaimer: I’m not a PT. In this series i break down characters muscle composition and how i think they’d exercise, if this may trigger you feel free to enjoy my other general shit posting!
Find the rest of the series under #top gun workouts :) So far there’s Mav and Ice
Slider is is also very interesting in his muscular make up. He’s tall, about 6’2 (?) and this DOES matter but not how you think and it’s something I’ll get into in more detail with Goose. Also keep in mind a lot of shirtless photos of Slider are during the volleyball scene so the actors will be in peak physique and probably have done some exercise before shooting to give themselves a ‘pump’.
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I know forearms are a big deal for some of y’all and you’re right to be obsessed with them. Hold out out your arm in front of you as if you’re reaching for something. Does your for arm flex like Slider’s? Some might, some won’t. But for the hollow above the inside of your elbow to appear at the same time as the muscle at the top of your forearm (the sort facing the ceiling) that’s actually very impressive. It’s a combination of low body fat and muscle.
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Sir, put them pits away. It’s pretty blurry but the concave of the arm pit, huge lateral bulge, front deltoid and shoulder are flexed here but even so, that doesn’t appear by itself.
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Slider’s got a low body fat. Flexed on the left and relaxed on the right you can see his muscling pretty clear. Like with Maverick, we see those obliques. Unlike Mav, Slider’s got a slightly narrower waist. And those boulder shoulders are ginormous, well done Rick. His traps aren’t super big which makes sense when we look at his legs in a minute.
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Everyone say thank you Rick for the effort he put in flying into sand and those arms. Full, well defined shoulders, good biceps and impeccable triceps. Yes flexed, no less impressive. Rick knows what hes doing in the gym. In the bottom photo you see those lats and scapular being flexed which shows us the muscle composition nicely. But like everyone, there’s thing that he didn’t focus on as much.
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Slider please work on your legs. I’m kidding but it’s interesting to see that he’s got lean legs but next to know muscling. I have a theory for this but it’s more applicable to Goose so I’ll go into detail there with him. Something I’m noticing about the cast is that they don’t have huge chests. Like, these dudes are pretty built but they’re chests aren’t. Especially if you take a look at these guys either side of Goose.
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Probably the typical 80’s lads. Beefier and more built chests. Perhaps there was a focus for the cast to have big stereotypical dude arms? I feel mean calling picking a part their lack of muscling in some areas but there is very few pectoral muscles on stand out in the cast. Hollywood and Ice perhaps being the only ones. Maybe a creative choice for the cast to focus on the ‘hotter’ parts of their body but also may have been a fitness trend in then80’s?
I hate to say it but the tag “Ron Slider Kener’s tits” isn’t…I’m sorry guys but these are not certified jugs im SORRY (I’m kidding, use that tag it’s hilarious and i love it)
Now onto what sort of exercise Slider would do? I have some ideas and a lot of them are built around this.
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Slider you are a show OFF. This is a body building pose if I’m not mistake. He’s doing the vacuum stomach to flex his abs and angling his arms to show them off. Body building is time consuming and requires a certain diet so I don’t think Slider would be purposefully training whilst, I think he may have dabbled in it during College where he had a bit more freedom. Regardless he puts a lot into his physique.
Further more:
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That’s an ankle wrap, now this might just be ankle support for beach volleyball but let me tell you something. If you’ve sprained your ankle badly, and I mean badly, that shit fucks you up for life if you don’t rehab it right. Now again, this may just be for support because both Ice and Slider have the same wrap on the same foot, but taking into account Slider’s lack of muscle on his legs, there’s a potential injury there. Which if you ever need to shunt Slider away out of a story, it’s a good option lmao (guilty as charged.)
If he’s not deadlifting then that may contribute to not having huge trapezoids. For how built his shoulders are I expected them to be bigger. I understood with Ice because his overall physique is just different but Slider confuses me.
Okay, now the actual exercises:
Back, bi’s and tri’s BABY. Over and over and over. They are his pride and joy.
Wide grip bicep barbell curls, hammer curls, arnold press, lateral raises. Tricep dips, tricep cable extensions. Anything and everything.
Rowing, either on the water or on a rowing machine. It takes the weight off his ankle. Potentially cycling too but he’d likely have bigger calves.
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fearecia · 30 days
Putting this in a pinned post to make it easy to find/share. We all know how Tumblr is about things (and to be fair, I'm terrible and inconsistent as hell with tags).
Link to the "shoulder release" document:
Notes about this guide:
This is a WIP, and still very much in the rough draft phase. Please forgive typos/errors. I literally haven't done a single edit yet.
The document focuses on releasing shoulders as a way to treat neck tension and migraines. Seriously, just trust me. It helps.
Carpal tunnel? Tennis elbow? Golfer's elbow? AC (acromioclavicular) joint injury? Rotator cuff problems? Tight upper back? Sporadic numbness in your arm? Seriously, just try the muscles already listed. You'll likely find at least some relief. Like, if it involves the upper body, release your shoulders.
I've done my best to make this able to be understood by people without massage training. So if it seems like it's covering really "obvious" info, that's intentional. Just skip the section if you already know things.
A lot of massage therapists may balk at me telling you to dig around in your own armpit. We're taught in school to avoid the area. Why? Because there's a crap ton of nerves and blood vessels there. *Which is precisely why releasing this area is so powerful.* There's also a ton of muscle (on yes, basically everybody) here that will protect all those structures. It's honestly really safe so long as you stick to "In pain, refrain!" And read the other rules too.
90% of the time, the culprit is one of the four muscles listed (or any combination of them). If you are someone who exercises a lot/does yoga/is otherwise pretty physically active, you are more likely to fall into the 10% of people who will have their issue somewhere else/it will just be really hard to find. So bear that in mind.
Sadly, this sort of thing will probably never be a "one and done" type of deal. Most of the things we do every day steadily build up to cause problems, and you have to constantly work to undo that entropy. So save these notes for future you.
And just in case you want to know what the hell qualifies me to make this sort of document, here are my "quals."
My first career attempt was nursing. While this did not go well (doctors don't really appreciate autistic students willing to question their authority) I learned a shit ton about the body. I became a student teacher for the anatomy and physiology class because I was so good at it (and that professor used to teach the pre-med students). A&P is now literally one of my special interests.
8 years as a licensed massage therapist focused exclusively on injury therapy. I studied Rolfing techniques, and primarily used trigger point therapy, structural integration, and myofascial release as my tools. Clients liked to joke that going to see me was like seeing the physical therapist (they weren't wrong).
Some of the stuff I share is literally self taught through "following the tension" in clients bodies. Like, I developed some of my protocols. And then practiced and refined them over 100s of bodies. The goal was always the most efficient and least painful way to achieve lasting release.
I eventually destroyed my shoulder doing massage (which was injured long before this career due to an AC joint sprain gotten when I was 20). Bonus, this means I'm *very* practiced at releasing my own shoulders.
I'm now a mechanical engineer, which just means I now have the engineering knowledge to understand to the force transferrence patterns I saw in clients all the time. Kinesiology is the same thing as statics and dynamics.
Hopefully that helps put perspective into things. I'll update this post as new versions of the document come out. I have a ton on my plate right now (who am I joking; I always have a ton on my plate), so please be patient waiting for updates.
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sweetflanfiction · 11 months
Second Chances - Part 6
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Universe: Read Dead Redemption 2
Pairing: Arthur x reader
Disclaimers and Warnings: If you want me to tag you on the chapters let me know! Also leave a comment with your thoughts :D Not finished, not proofread. English isn't my 1st language. All I know about 1899 is from google, so inacuracies will be plenty. The reader is on the older side, and identifies as a female. Beautifull gif from @insomniaeon
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Arthur shrugged but kept quiet, stroking Dusk's neck gently. You noticed his discomfort and cleared your throat.
"Right. Well, we need to hitch that mule to the stable..." You glanced at the runaway horse limping around the horse pen. "Make sure he doesn't do any more prison breaks for the time being. You two lovely people stayin' for lunch? I think it's about time for that."
"No my dear, we just came back with your father to get him up to date on that cattle job and we're off. Mr. Brant has some people to see in town." Mrs. Brant smiled.
"Alright then, do your business. Make sure to write everything Mr. Brant tells you, Mr. Graham." You laughed at your father, as he tipped his hat to you.
"Yes, ma'am. Let me get my finest pen and my best paper."
You shriveled your face at him in a cheeky smile, scrunching your nose and narrowing your eyes. Mentioning Arthur to follow, you two walked back to the horses.
The stable shade was a welcome relief. Being out there in the woods may have helped with the rising sun. However, it was still hot and damp, whilst in the stable it was cooler and breezier, even if it was smellier. You sighed in satisfaction, and stood still for a second, between the two big, open stable doors opposite each other. You noticed Arthur leading the limping horse by the reins.
"You mind if I take a look at him?" he inquired, standing close to you, his attention still on the horse.
You were taken aback by the closeness, noting that, if need be, he could be a very intimidating presence. Still, he wasn't threatening you at least.
Nodding you lead Gray and Dusk to their boxes, gifting them with a small bucket of apples and carrots. While Dusk was distracted by the treats you started to brush his black fur, watching Arthur's ministrations to the other horse. 
He hitched the horse to a nail on the door where buckets sometimes hung and mumbled unintelligible words to the big creature. He placed a hand on the horse's nozzle, and the beast calmed down from his stressful state. Getting closer to the horse Arthur's hand skimmed over his neck and body, pausing to go down the front leg, feeling the muscles.
It felt like the world was silent for a while, focused on the interaction between this free-spirited horse and the cowboy. Even Mac, who was about to run over barking happily towards you, slowed down and lowered his head. He tried to get to Dusk's box without sound.
You finished brushing your horse and slowly walked to the middle of the stables, where the quiet inspection was taking place. You placed the brush on top of a crater and sat down on a bucket, Mac sitting at your feet.
He still muttered something to the horse every time the animal fussed. At one point you heard him whisper something along the lines of "you're a good boy aren't you?" and your suspicions that Arthur was mumbling sweet nothings to the creature were confirmed. You chuckled and kept watching. The lull of the horse's soft whines and his voice almost put you to sleep.
"Was he shot?" Arthur's booming voice made you jump, which caused you to fall from the bucket. "Shit…"
He walked towards you and gave you a hand which you took and got up. You shook your head to clear it and looked up at him, noticing his hand in your arm keeping you steady.
"Hum? What?"
"Was the horse shot?" He asked again, letting go of your arm and walking to the horse.
"Oh…yes." You took a deep breath and followed him, knowing where he was taking you. "His last owner decided that the sprain was enough to shoot him."
Arthur passed his hand again to the spot on the horse's neck, near the mane, where there was a small bump.
"Was the man blind?" Arthur asked, in an acidic tone you hadn't heard. 
"No, just young and stupid."
The spot where the guy shot the horse was mostly non-life threatening. Mostly muscle. Mostly painful.
"You know the feller?" Arthur asked and you nodded.
"General Store owner's son. Edward Murray. Got the horse for his birthday, got carried away on a drunken night, toppled over and then decided to shoot the poor beast…" You explained and Arthur looked on at the black and brown horse. "Jeremiah Everston, the older of the Everston kids, was with him…came running to the ranch after knocking the Murray kid out. It took me and Pa 4 hours to get him to the stable and keep him alive."
"The kid?" 
"The horse…screw the kid…" you said but regretted it after "I mean, he was fine...the kid…just drunk with a broken nose."
"How come he doesn't have a name yet?"
“He had a name when he got here, but…” You shook your head, making a face.
"But?...Come on…what was it?”
“Darlin’” You spat. 
“What?” He raised an eyebrow, his head jerking towards you.
“His name is Darling."
Arthur blinked a few times, looking at you, the horse, and then back at you. He turned down his face, trying to hide a chuckle but you saw his chest move and smiled as well.
“Told you." You laughed. “So, what’s the verdict?”
“Well,” his face turned serious again. “It’s what everyone thinks. It seems like a sprain on his hind leg. He needs to rest, but…”
“Go on…” You urged him to give his own opinion, trying to get him comfortable.
“I don’t think keeping him locked inside the stables will help him here.” He touched the horse's head, between the ears and you understood what he meant.
“We can try and let him out of the pen, but only under supervision. He’ll run away right quick.” You closed the distance to the horse and patted him on the neck as well. 
“I can take him out, in the morning, around the pen and even outside. Before the work begins.” He mumbled, not sure about his words but letting them out all the same.
You had told him before that he could run with the horse he had. While the offer was still valid, it would definitely be more of a loss if he ran away with this horse. First of all, he wouldn’t travel far, and that would mean he'd return at some point. You were told you had a saintly patience, but it only stretched to second chances. The third time it’s on him. But you had trusted him up until this point and he had lived up to your expectations so…
"Alright...I will let my father know. You know where the saddles are and where the lasso is.” You pointed at the things while walking away. “I have to get some food goin’ otherwise the old man will get cranky, but he’ll be with you shortly I’m sure. Otherwise just brush the horses and feed them.” 
He nodded back at you, heading to the brushes and saddles, and you smiled. 
“Oh and Mr. Callahan. If you still want to leave, you can. Just…” You took a deep breath, letting out your thoughts. “Don’t take him. Gray is faster and healthier. Let this one stay and get better, will you?"
He blinked at you, his expression blank with a hint of surprise. It was over soon, and he nodded.
“Don't worry. I won't.”
Whether he meant he wouldn't leave or wouldn't take the horse was left up in the air.
• ··········· • ············ •
@photo1030 :: @sylum :: @marislittlereadingcorner :: @rratman ::@clevergirl74
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Hi! May I request sova, chamber and yoru that has a s/o who's stronger than them? Thank you sm! ^^
Warnings: slightly suggestive in Yoru’s
Genre: fluff
Pairing(s): Sova x GN!Reader, Chamber x GN!Reader, Yoru x GN!Reader
Authors Notes: ABSOLUTELY YES YES. I love this idea sm.
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He’s in awe of your strength. Sova’s a respectful simp, after all his babushka taught him to always respect others and to try and get to know them before making any assumptions about them. 
But seeing you on the battlefield and just taking out enemies right and left strangely gives him a sense of satisfaction and he’s intrigued by you.
There’s just something about your s/o being as strong as, if not stronger than you that really gets him going and wanting to strive to become better
He’ll accompany you to the Range to practice his trick shots while you work on headshotting all of the training dummies there. 
he misses all his shots but thats cause he's too distracted watching you bash in every dummy's head
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This man has a tendency to act like a little shit to tick you off because he thinks it’s the hottest thing in the world when you tell him to go eat a wet sock, knowing full well that you could easily shove the said wet sock into his mouth.
He operates a lot with weapons so I like to think that underneath the fancy suit he's not that muscular. Like I don't mean he's skinny as a twig, but he's probably more on the lean side as opposed to someone like Sova or Brim.
He also probably doesn't life very often, but he finds it attractive when you're doing pushups or something and you ask him to sit on your back while you do pushups.
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He loves every part about you. He knows full well that if you really wanted to, you could probably crush his head between your legs like a watermelon. And he’s turned on by it
He’ll probably compete with you whenever you guys are having a training day back at HQ. He’s kind of a sore loser so he’ll try to lift more than you, but ends up hurting himself so you need to get Sage to fix any sore or aching muscles the next day.
He gets really flustered when you swoop in and just pick him up and carry him. Like lets say he was being dumb with Phoenix and ended up spraining his ankle. You picking him up with no problem gets his face all red, and has him at a loss for words.
In this relationship, he’s most likely the little spoon cause he likes the feeling of your arms around him and the feeling of your chest pressed up against his back.
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist.
Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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bretongirlwrites · 4 months
Julianne, who entirely overdid herself in defeating Mannimarco, was brought back for her convalescence to the chapel in Bruma. Her magicka having been entirely spent, she is forbidden from doing magic for a bit, so as not to overexert herself again.
‘Ah! it’s marvellous to see you up and about, Miss Traven,’ said Cirroc interrupting my nothing, ‘but for all our sakes, don’t overdo it, will you?’
I had already tramped over to the opposite wall, and back, and repeated the action; I had already, for want of other things to do, stretched my arms and combed my hair; and all this having tired me beyond what I thought was possible, I’d taken to leaning against the wall and staring at it as if there were a window there. Father had brought me a small stack of books; but they were some, dry, on theology, and all the rest on magic; and magic was my damnable prohibition, – for a few days, Father had beseeched me, while your font of magicka heals, – you don’t want to overdo it.
‘I don’t think,’ said I desperately, ‘that I can underdo things. I am going insane in here. O how do you live like this!’
‘By appreciation of simplicity,’ said Cirroc shrugging, ‘and devotion to the Nine who provide us our every need, – but I know you are not the clerical sort. I shall see tomorrow if Novaroma has anything lighter to read, or the library, –’
‘I think I’m beyond even Waughin Jarth’s help now,’ said I; but good-humouredly; and cast a last glance out of my non-window before collapsing onto the bed: ‘oh! you’re a mage, Cirroc, it’s like cutting off your damn arm. I am going insane!’ said I, again, –
‘Only another three weeks,’ said Cirroc chuckling sympathetically.
He must have thought that Father had informed me of this, – that though Father had seen my sinking disappointment, he’d not melted in the face of it and understated, – he must not, in short, have suspected that Father had told me: you must not do any magic for a few days. A few days! and I’d battered at the bars of my invisible dungeon and protested and he’d put an arm around my shoulder and said that everything would be all right, –
‘Three weeks!’ I cried.
‘Then,’ said he, ‘ – no doubt you’ll be back at the University by then, – you will have a strict regimen to get your magic back without straining yourself, –’
‘Three weeks!’
‘Think of it as a muscle, Miss Traven,’ said he, ‘have you ever sprained your foot, perhaps? It needs rest, and a slow return to normal, –’
I am sure that sparks might have flown from all my hair and fingers, – had the thing not been banned, – were the font on which I drew, so out of reach, that even had I wanted to, I’d have made a half-glowing cinder at best, and watched it die on the same bed I’d barely survived in. 
‘Three weeks!’ I murmured: and buried my face in the pillow.
He thought at first that I’d burst into tears: moved closer: but when I raised my head, I was as surprised as he was, to be laughing. Laughing, – because it was silly, – because it was trivial, – because I’d lived weeks, months in despair, three days in hell! – and now that all was said and done, I complained that I was deprived of a pleasure, for but three weeks, – a small repercussion, for killing a man, and bringing light all upon the world again!
Father had said, honestly though not without some paternal pride, that: you’ll be one of the greatest mages of the era, when they write the history-books. Here sat the greatest mage of the era, staring at a wall, with not the least bit of magic in her fingertips! o what a sorry pathetic unmoving sight I may be, now all was said and done, – 
‘Three weeks,’ said I leaning back: ‘a most inconvenient prescription. Thank you, doctor.’
‘It will fly by,’ returned Cirroc. 
‘Like a new alterationist and his novice levitation-spell,’ said I: ‘well! Cirroc, – I won’t turn my nose up to a bit of Waughin Jarth, –’
‘I’ll have a look tomorrow,’ he promised and made to leave.
‘It had better be the complete works,’ said I, ‘that will occupy me for a day or two,’ and when he closed the door, I closed my eyes still laughing, – and you will none of you believe it, but I was happy enough for three weeks, – happy that it was over, and I was alive, – alive enough, that my mind, unfettered, raced to complain!...
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zoroara · 6 months
Drawing too much bel has made me notice something was up with his hands. See while you may occasionally see it in other characters it's not as common with other characters(I went and checked to make sure, not the whole manga of course but you know) Bel's hands are hyperflexible, most prominently in his thumbs that essentially are drawn looking similar to hitchhicker's thumb. Whether on accident or not it's a lot more common with him. The reason I noticed this, is because I myself have this. Meaning I can actually show you some pictures to compare here since unfortunately most shown images of it when you search it up are at their most pushed state so it looks extremely odd. (not that it doesn't look like i broke my thumb in some so be warned on the below, this is just how it naturally bends)
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Rest fold here, though it should be noted bel's thumb points a little more down.(for the sake of both of us, ignore the mess on my desk.)
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What it should look like when holding things. ignore that i pushed my wrist at a weird angle I'll explain that additional note later.
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forgot to bend the other two fingers but you can see my upper two fingers also naturally bend backwards some[like if i hold them flat they can actually go about 45 degrees backwards without pushing. if i push them with my other hand they can go a whole 90] (Yes I have a shark collection. There is more than pictured.)
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just some general closed hand here.
Now there's two I didn't get pictures of but know I could. One is this
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and that's because i don't want to show my face, but you can definitely see the bend once you know what to look for.
The other is this:
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hard to see, but the thumb is at the bottom, as you'll notice there's almost a perfect circle to the arm which doesn't normally happen.
Also some panels seem like he's purposely trying to hide this, like when he raises his hands to show he's not going to attack in varia arc his hand looks like it's pressed together, I copied it to the best of my ability while struggling to take a picture
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even like this his thumb still comes out a bit as you can see.
I don't actually see many characters portrayed with this, but what I find really interesting is that while yes, there's people with this without them, it is tied to a few disorders. The most common of these 4, which I have is Hyper mobility syndrome. it means your joints for, whatever reason(there's a few potential underlying causes) are hypermobile to extreme flexibility(though your body to counteract this can end up making your joints and muscles extremely stiff.)
which uh, based on how bel in general fucking moves, yeah he sure god damn is huh.
While hypermobility like this can lead to chronic pain(I am unlucky enough to experience this with no exact fix) potential clumsiness(Not something I experience I'm actually the least likely to stumble and fall out of everyone) and common sprains and breaks(I only broke my ankle 1 time in my whole life and never had a sprain). As you can see not all symptoms are shared.
But also, a majority of these issues can be softened quite a bit through physical therapy(didn't work for me in particular but my body just wouldn't build more muscle). As the muscle built will actually reinforce the extremely flexible joints so that they don't injure themselves as much. Given Bel probably doesn't have much of a choice but to have a training routine in the varia he likely experiences very minimal problems due to actually having the muscle and physical activity that helps.
It should be noted it often causes fatigue, and outside of physical therapy there are some things you can do. You know, orthopedics, good-ish posture(it's honestly super hard because your body wants to actively fight this to find what's comfortable), don't go extreme ranges of motion(Bel is pretty good at this except when he goes into his blood driven mode where he doesn't have self preservation but like. I fuck up all the time when i want to go do something quick and he sure does too outside of this) and so on. What drives me most insane that while I was doing this. What I found out, was standing like this:
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where your knees are slightly bent forward is actually a potential recommendation to combat the fact your legs kinda are fucky. and then i went and did this and it helped some. Also while re-looking at panels Bel also has the clear stance that when he stands straight his legs go back some, which is also part of hyper mobility. there's a notable angle.
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and generally his legs bend in ways that no normal person would be able to manage even when he's not being chaos
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like the calf there on his right is much closer to a straight line down that it should be.
anyway, while all of this could be accidental, I just thought it'd be interesting to share. Plus you get a bit more information about this stuff regardless! (It may even end up being useful to you because some people don't actually know much about it and assume this stuff is normal if they have it. <- also me)
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callmemana · 1 year
Arms May Be Wide Open, But The Brain Cells Aren’t There: #23
[hospital wing records]
Patient Name: Phillip Smiley Grayson
Injury: concussion.
Cause of Injury: got hit in the head with a piece of heavy military equipment.
Patient Name: Heather Athena Meadows
Injury: pulled muscle.
Cause of Injury: throwing something heavy (believed to be a piece of heavy military equipment).
Patient Name: Robert B.O.B Floyd
Injury: none but complaints of stomach pain.
Cause of Injury: laughing too hard.
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Birdie: *texting Smiley* I just walked into a party and a guy yelled dibs.
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Smiley: I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter ‘S’.
Athena: *looks over at Bob & Birdie*
Athena: is it ‘sexual tension’?
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[after the breakup]
Athena: look, you don’t want Bird to die, and I don’t want Bird to die. So let’s work together to make sure Bird doesn’t want Bird to die right now.
Smiley: great plan but have you ever fucking met sad Bird???
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Smiley: *freaking out* is someone going to stop them? They’re gonna hurt each other!
Bob: *watching Athena & Birdie fight* I think they’re okay.
Bob: *watching Athena slam Birdie onto the ground* they’re fine.
Smiley: We need to stop them!
Bob: *watching Bird choke Athena with her arm* they’re fine Smiley. This is how family fight.
Smiley: *open mouthed watching Bird pull a knife out of her boot* What the f-
Bob: *watching as Athena also pulls a knife out of her pocket* it’s normal for close family to fight. Austin once chased me with an axe.
Smiley: *horrified* an axe?
Bob: *nodding* Mhm. But that was only after I threw him through a window.
Smiley: …
Bob: *defensively* it was on the first floor! He only sprained his ankle!
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Birdie: yes I make decisions that put me in a lot of danger.
Bob: but?
Birdie: no, that’s it.
Smiley: she reminds me of someone.
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Bob: *sweating nervously* uh… Sm-smiley I did something really bad.
Smiley: … like what?
Bob: um, I don’t want to make you mad but…
Bob: idownloadedamovieandwatcheeitillegally.
Smiley: oh my god.
Bob: I know, I’m sorry I’m a disappoi-
Smiley: I thought it was going to be something actually important for once.
Bob: okay, first of all-
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Birdie: *fidget nervously in her seat*
Athena: *fidget nervously in her seat*
Birdie: listen, I know we made a slight mistake-
Smiley: whatever you have to say, just save it for the next ten seconds.
Athena: but-
Smiley: just five more seconds now.
Birdie: *sweating* what happens in five more seconds?
Bob: *bursting through the door, looking deadly serious* WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD WERE YOU TWO IDIOTS THINKING?!
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Bob: don’t touch anything, alright?
Birdie: yes sir.
Bob: don’t call me sir, bird.
Birdie: yes ma’am.
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Birdie: *explaining her plan* you think that this is a bad idea.
Athena: *smirking* without a doubt.
Birdie: then why are you smiling?
Athena: bc bad ideas are my favorite kind.
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @starlit-epiphany @bayisdying @breadsquash @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2
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So I may or may not of sprained my arm, or pulled a muscle- one of the two idk it’s my upper humerus. Particularly my drawing arm so I guess no art from me for a few days? Atleast not anything new I didn’t already have planned to post
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queer-cosette · 1 year
My friends and I have a running gag that I injure an arm at least once a year, and although the last two years haven’t seen any serious injuries my luck had to come to an end. Now, another funny part is that it seems to happen a little later in the year every time:
January 2017, I fell down the stairs and sprained my right wrist
February 2018, I had a snow-day-based accident that left me with a re-sprained right wrist and two broken fingers
March 2019, I slammed my right elbow in my wardrobe door by mistake and caused nerve damage, which was made worse three weeks later in
April 2019, I tried to hold a plank pose during a bodycon session, heard an alarming click from my right elbow, and then my entire forearm went numb for about a week
May 2020, I crashed my bicycle, broke my left elbow, and sprained my left wrist.
Well, it seems I got too cocky, because on Saturday (the 21st of January there) I tried to lift a crate at work (part of my normal job), felt a click from the elbow I broke in the bike accident, and promptly dropped the crate without meaning to as pain shot through my entire arm. It’s worth mentioning that my left elbow was already disabled from a different bike accident about 15 years ago, and as a result of that the muscles don’t work properly, so it wasn’t a surprise, but it sure was inconvenient.
The worst part is that, as I crouched next to the dropped crate and clutched my arm in pain, hissing in the way one does when one is trying very hard not to cry, the only thought that occurred to me was “Huh. Bit off-season.”
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disabledopossum · 8 months
The meds aren't working..
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It's been 12 weeks since I broke my wrist, maybe even longer due to the time frame of when the pain began to worsen since I moved to my new apartment. ( My room mates told me the pain began when we were still living at the old place..)
Where I live there's a clinic called "Baycare" that I went to when the pain intensified and I couldn't sleep. They took x-rays and told us it was just a sprain, gave me a cast and sent me home. I wasn't even given anything for the pain aside from "Ibuprofen" and "Tylenol".
After six weeks, I went to the hospital after a few weeks of being unable to get any good rest due to the pain. They once again took x-rays, and asked what happened. I told them and was given a norco, which didn't really help - considering I react weird to pain meds. ( It doesn't necessarily take the edge off, just makes me disassociate from my body. I can still feel the pain, I know it's there. But my brain feels disconnected, if that makes sense?)
I was once again sent him with a brace and told to do some "mild wrist exercises".
Which, I'm guessing exasperated the pain to the point where I was given a referral to ortho, where I was given another set of x-rays and he found there was a severe break, in my hand and down into my wrist. He believed me, but said it was too late for a cast.
I'm in physical therapy, but I had to make a choice due to my meds - either take the Gabapentin or my Acetaminophen - Cod#3. Taking both would cause risks, and due to memory issues I can't risk fucking that up.
So I've just been taking the pain med to deal with my broken hand and wrist. But it's getting to the point where I'm nearly running out and it doesn't feel like it's helping anymore. I have to call my ortho and explain that the pain is getting worse, it feels like they may have missed something. There's a weird clicking in my wrist and hand, the pain has moved down into my arm and I'm losing sleep.
I'm tired..
I just want to be able to rest, I'm already an insomniac but it's getting worse.
I'm worried that I'll be dismissed again or "med seeking". I just want the pain to stop. I can't even use my left hand without something twinging. My fibro doesn't make this any easier, with every muscle twitch it sends me into agony..
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shy-marker-pliers · 2 years
Hello! First I'd like to say that I love your writing! You write everyone's character so well! I was wondering if you could do a funny jigen/gang x reader where Y/N is extraordinarily strong? And maybe a crumpet or Jigen's reaction to them picking him up?
omg thank you! :D
and of course i can!
lupgang with a strong s/o (focus on jigen)
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pic above is basically his reaction whenever you carry heavy stuff around
*tucks hair behind ear* wow i sure hope a handsome and/or beautiful thief named (y/n) doesn’t lift me up in their big strong arms!! oh nooooo…. 👁🫦👁
*like that one song from part 1* Loopan….he’s a Nice Man….
it would probably take a little while for him (and the rest of the gang) to find out, unless you spend your spare time walking around and picking up random heavy shit lol
the way he’d find out would probably be on a heist! maybe he’s carrying a big ol’ bag of gold and stuff (and struggling because…look at this man’s noodle arms) and you just…”oh, lemme take that for you lup!” y o i n k
his ass goes 😳🫶
latches onto you like a parasite at every opportunity (it gets to the point where he gets grompy if he has to walk around the house)
if this man ever sprains his ankle or something i pray for you because he’s gonna be your backpack the entire time
literally says “AWOOGA” out loud if you ever flex while wearing smth that shows off ur muscles
you’ll have to carry him away if anybody ever talks bad abt how strong you are because he can and will bite
all of this goes double if you’re a lady btw. lupin likes a woman who can kick his ass. in fact he’d thank her if she did
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^ actual footage of him leaping into your window to challenge you as soon as he hears abt your strength
tbh i feel like goe would be the first to find out because he has chronic I Need To Be Better Than Everyone At Everything syndrome so he’d immediately try to fight you to see ur skill level n shi
goemons area of expertise lies in agility and speed so your defo be able to beat him at like…arm wrestling or smth. which would annoy him severely
no talk him, he angy
ngl he’d be like…super passive aggressive about it at first. like; “well, you may have won for now, but zantetsuken is a far better weapon than anyone’s bare hands, no matter how strong they may be. i would ultimately be the victor in combat. but being strong is cool too, so yknow whatever-“
“but what if you didn’t have zantetsuken?” *silence* *’plap plap’ sound of sandaled feet speed walking away from the conversation*
he eventually learns to appreciate it tho. having someone strong on the team means that he has to carry fewer things, which gives him easier access to zantetsuken (and he wouldn’t be mad if maybe you just so happened to pick him up and pull him away from oncoming danger…i GUESS 🙄)
ur his favorite person to train with 😌
acts like he’s better than u but if anyone ever implies that you’re inferior in some way he goes into a spiel about how there r many different kinds of strength and every warrior needs to have a different set of skills to make their team equipped for anything
“goe he just said that i couldn’t beat him in a race please chill out-“
“yes babe your swordsmanship will definitely strike fear into the hearts of your enemies now will you please come back to bed it’s thrEE IN THE MORNING-“
he’s in the same boat as lupin when it comes to strong ladies btw. he won’t admit it but on the inside he’s just GRR BARK BARK WOOF AWOOGA HUMMINA HUMMINA
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when y. um- y. when the um uhh me wh- HHHH. the- when you um- HHHHNGH
tbh jigen is usually focused on his own thing during heists, so itd probably take him a while to notice just how stronk you are
he’d totally sneak a peek at ur muscles every now and then tho. mans weak for buff ppl. i mean have you seen his exes???
bridal carry him at every opportunity 🙏 he will be so happi
“hmph i can walk by myself yknow…but i GUESS you can keep carrying me if you really wanna….but not cuz i like it or anything grr”
my dude has never been great at verbally expressing his feelings so even if y’all have known each other for a long time he still won’t outright ASK to be held/carried. what he usually does is (A) complain about back or knee pain until you ‘offer’ to carry him or (B) say that he’s too lazy to get up from the couch so someone (you) will have to carry him to the fiat or wherever.
like lupin, if he ever injures his leg he’s gonna milk it for AGES. totally denies it tho
“ughh damn my ankle is killing me i don’t think i ca-“
“jigen, if it is that much of an issue i’d be able to carry you.”
“no goemon i’m fine but thanks. oof owww ouch”
“h-“ “well (y/n) since you offered-“
whenever you walk around carrying heavy things he’s just like
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totally zones out watching you whenever you show off your strength. gets all red too heheh
lupin and fujiko tease him relentlessly but all he needs to calm down is a (y/n) hug where you pick him up
pretends to fall asleep in the car so you’ll pick him up and carry him to his bed
i’m conclusion: he’s down bad
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romanstheory · 2 years
Fix Me a Drew Mcintyre One Shot
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Warnings : Smut, Injury, Rough sex, Medical Equipment
Word count : 803
It’s my first week in medical for WWE, I’m fresh out of college. I kind of can’t believe that WWE hired me with zero experience but this is my dream job! I grew up watching WWE and my dream has always been to work for them in one way or another. It’s royal rumble night, and the men have just finished. Brock Lesnar scored the win, but I got wind of a possible injured Drew Mcintyre. Everyone else was already assessing other superstars, so I called Drew over to me. He was holding his arm with the meanest look on his face I have ever seen. “This way Drew let’s take a look at that arm” I say softly as I guide him into my exam room. “Go ahead and take a seat up here” I say as I tap the bed “You took a nasty fall on that arm, It’s not broken or you wouldn’t be so calm”. “Well i’ll tell ye what it sure as hell hurts” Drew grumbles.
I take his injured arm in my hands and begin to move it back and fourth to asses any injury he may have. “Dammit!” Drew yells “I’m sorry, it just hurts so damn bad!”. “Don’t be sorry, you’re in pain.... A lot of pain” I reassure him. I continue to asses him and I catch his eyes wandering down to my breasts. My jacket never fit quite right. “Like what you see?” I ask. He chuckles “Ye I do actually”. “Well, let’s finish getting you checked out and maybe i’ll let you take a peak” I whisper in his ear. I have never done anything like this before, but something about him is just so irresistible. Maybe it’s the dimples? Maybe the accent?
Touching on his drenched muscles made me want him to explore my body even more as he explored mine with his eyes. “Well, It looks like you’ve got a bit of a sprain but that’s it. Ice it and take a week off and you’ll be perfectly fine” I reassure him. “Good, good. All great things but we had a deal” Drew smirks, pulling my hips to his. I can already feel his member stiff with anticipation. “A deal is a deal” I respond unbuttoning my ill fitting jacket exposing my black lace bra. “May I?” He asks putting his hand on my bra strap, I respond with a nod and lip bite. How is he such a gentleman, even in this situation?
He tugs on my bra straps and my breasts pop out like something in a movie. I look at him and his beautiful eyes explore my breast like they’re hidden treasure. He pulls me closer, chest to chest and kisses me like I have never been kissed before trailing them down to my neck. “I want you Y/N badly” His Scottish accent echoed through your body like thunder. “Then take me” I demanded. That’s all he needed to hear. He picked me up and laid me on all fours on the exam table, hovering behind me. “Someones happy i’m here” Drew smirks teasing my wet entrance with his throbbing member before guiding himself in. I inhale sharply, he’s so big but it feels so good!
His strokes begin getting more aggressive, pounding our bodies against each other. Drew grabs my bun, holding it tight to help guide his aggressive strokes. I cover my own mouth to avoid drawing attention, but shit this felt so good. It was like he was taking all of his anger with the Royal Rumble out on me, and I was enjoying ever single second of it. “Ugh fuck Y/N your pussy is so good” Drew groans. He pulls me up to his chest by my bun and switches focus to grabbing my neck with his big rough hand never stopping his intense strokes. I start stroking my clit with my finger and try not to moan in pure pleasure.
My vagina feels warm, I know my climax is coming and so did Drew. He plants kisses on my neck and whispers “Do it, cum for me, cum all over my dick” Drew growls in my ear. I allow myself to release all over him, I can’t contain my whimpers and moans because he keeps going. His strokes become uneven and i know he’s close, so I start to bounce on him which drives him crazy. He quickly pulls out and lets off his load onto my ass and back.Both of us stay still just breathing heavy and Drew takes a towel and wipes my seed covered back and ass off. I turn around to look at him to see those dimples and that smile I loved so much “Thanks for the check up doc, I feel so much better” He teases
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