#i mean they're in female-only school can you blame me
barabansetbabets · 2 years
The one issue I have with Saint-Cyr is that the only period drame I can remember watching is Portrait of a Lady on Fire so I'm just waiting for the lesbian stuff
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rjalker · 1 year
Edit: Can't believe the irony of me having to say this, but I do apparently have to say this: Not wanting boobs and not wanting to be seen as feminine does not mean you are, or want to be seen as masculine. I'm not transmasculine just because I don't want boobs and don't want to be seen as feminine.
You cannot read a post where the point is having boobs does not equal being feminine and go oh! right. Because not wanting boobs equals being masculine! No!! I'm not transmasculine! I'm not trying to look masculine! Kill the gender binary that has a stranglehold on your views of gender!
Stop shoving nonbinary people into a new set of binary boxes!
the idea that having boobs gets you automatically and inherently classified as being "female presenting" and "feminine presenting" in so-called progressive circles makes me want to maul people.
I've said this before and I'll just keep repeating it forever: I'm disabled. I can't wear a binder. If I tried I'd dislocate several ribs and that'd be the least of my worries. Like. you know why ribs not being where they're supposed to be is dangerous? Yeah. Yeah. Use your imagination. That's a real thing I have to worry about.
I can't even wear a sports bra that's several sizes """too large""" comfortably.
And yeah, I can use trans tape, but that takes concerted time and effort to put on and take off, and every time you put it on you get different results, and you might just mess it up entirely and waste it, and it can get itchy if you're sweating with it on (and it's 90 degrees almost all the time it's not actively winter here, so that's...literally unavoidable. Even sitting in the living room. Because the electric company charges an arm and a leg for AC during the summer AND won't even give you enough to actually cool your shitty tiny apartment even with all the doors shut and curtains drawn!!!!!), and it's expensive to buy more of.
And especially because this declaration of "feminine presenting" or "female presenting" that gets shoved onto you is not only misgendering you, but placing the blame on you for being misgendered for not looking not-female enough. It's no longer the speaker making incorrect assumptions, they're now literally declaring that this is a concious decision you make. You are choosing to "present" yourself this way...by having a body that you have no control over.
And even when it comes to clothes, the idea that the clothes you wear is another purposeful, conscious Presentation™ of your gender...
Even if we ignore for a moment the fact that being disabled and poor severely limits the clothes you can wear and even just have access to, what about people who literally don't get to choose what their clothes are? Kids whose parents buy their clothes for them, people whose carers choose their outfits for them?
My gender is not "sun-bleached tank top and shorts with a reflective sun hat". That's just what I wear so I don't die of heat stroke every time I set foot outside, and so that my joints are not being painfully constricted every time I move. I literally can't take my hat off outside during the day without developing a headache (or are they fucking migraines? fuck if I know!) within minutes from the sun trying to murder me from my light sensitivity. And it took me years to even realize that it was light sensitivity causing this. I remember in middle school the substitute gym teacher asked if I was a vampire because I moved to the closest shady spot every time we moved to a new area.
And like. Let's be honest. Even if I could safely wear a binder...They're fucking expensive.
It's just really fucking annoying that so many people equate binding with being trans and so many people who are supposed to be allies are just so comfortable labeling other people, who they haven't asked, as "feminine presenting" just because of the presence of boobs. Like we have any choice in the matter. Like having visible boobs just means you're asking to be misgendered.
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
sundae (kinda love) | kth
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pairing: non-idol!taehyung x female reader - childhood friends, unrequited pining, missed connection
premise: you always thought kim taehyung's lips would taste like chocolate sundaes, but when you learn -through a friend- that he tastes like watermelon chewing gum, the illusion shatters. so does your heart. in time, so will his.
warnings: a lil angsty, big question mark on a happy ending? (it's an ending! i'll give it that much!), short n sweet, mentions of alcohol, clubbing, tae is stupid!, but also not to be blamed (or at least not until the end), insinuation of emotional affair, big regrets, ballroom dancing, no smut and no fluff
wordcount: 1.1k
note from holly: originally written as a submission for my old writing groups monthly prompt - "I wanted it to be you. God damn, I really did." This is ooooooold, but it just felt apt with love me again and rainy days. i also believe it's the oneshot that someone on wattpad commented 'why are the tae ones always so shit' so MAKE OF THAT WHAT YOU WILL! lmaooo.
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minors dni // cross posted to wattpad
"Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow," repeats the familiar shrill of your dance instructor. "Nina, back straight! Namjoon, footwork!"
The village hall you're in is musty, dust particles imitating you as they dance in the sunlight that beams through the wide windows. It's a Saturday morning, and there's no place you'd rather be less. You're dancing with your best friend, Nina, because there are only three boys in your class of twelve.
There's Jimin, the star student; Namjoon, whose mother forced him to attend because she thought it would be good for him; And then there's Taehyung, their best friend.
He's only there because he has nothing better to do when his only buddies are too busy learning the paso-bloody-doble to hang out with him.
It's spring, and school is in full swing. They're growing, and as time lurches forward, they find themselves with less and less chances to enjoy one another's company.
And so Taehyung's shoes tap along the varnished parquet all rather naturally, much to the dismay of Namjoon, who really is trying his very hardest.
"Now! Turn!" Your instructor commands. "And switch!"
You throw Nina a look -one that she gives you right back- which you both understand to mean 'ugh'. Stupid switch you always think, and refrain from rhyming it with how you feel about your instructor.
There's no part of you that wants to hold hands with other random kids from your village as you Cha Cha Cha across the dance floor. You just want to spend time with your best friend.
The same can be said for Taehyung, but when the switch happens, he finds himself dancing with yet another random girl - Nina.
He glances over -checking who he stole her from- and when your eyes meet, he stumbles on his footwork. Nina giggles, and he looks down all bashfully; pink in the cheeks.
When he looks up, he's looking at Nina. She giggles again, and he gets a little shy, but he starts dancing with her like a duck to water. Something about them just seems to... work.
You suppose you should have seen it coming when the next week he asks to dance with Nina again.
At least, that's what you assume he's doing when he approaches the pair of you. She kind of just hops up and drags him away before he even gets a chance to ask.
When they reach an empty spot on the dance floor, Taehyung glances back over to you and purses his lips. His eyes are soft, and so wonderfully brown that you think he must taste like chocolate sundaes on a hot summer's afternoon.
You're fifteen when you watch from the sidelines as rosettes are pinned to their clothes.
Taehyung's in a suit - dark, a little too big for him. His bowtie is green; a congratulations gift from you, given on the night they smashed through regionals.
Nina is in a matching green dress. Pretty, hair pinned back, perfect. Just like always.
The village hall has been swapped for a convention centre in the heart of the big city. They've just won third place. Jimin and his partner snagged first. Namjoon didn't make the top twelve. He tried, though.
You're beaming, outrageously proud of their achievement - but when Taehyung's eyes find yours in the crowd, his smile falters. It softens after a moment, and he nods. You nod back. Smile. Whisper 'well done'. He grins, now, and Nina notices his line of sight on you, so she waves. You wave, too, but you'll tell her well done later.
When you're eighteen, in a bar in the heart of town, Nina tells you that Taehyung tastes like vodka lemonade and watermelon chewing gum. You don't see him that evening. He sends you a text as the sun begins to rise:
'Didn't see you tonight. Missed you tearing up the dancefloor.'
There's a smile on your lips, though you really wish there wasn't. You both know you've got two left feet. It was always Nina's thing.
You send him back a picture of the chocolate sundae you're nursing, and tell him that you hate watermelon.
He doesn't understand, and assumes you're drunk. You kind of are, legs slung over the side of a sitting room chair in your family home.
You mean what you say. Detest watermelon. Loathe it. Had been eating it the day before without a care in the world, but feel sick just thinking about it now.
You've loved the idea of Taehyung tasting like chocolate sundaes since you were a kid - but now you know otherwise.
It's ruined your perception of him.
Although it hasn't really.
Not in the slightest.
For when he shows up at your twenty-first birthday party without a gift, but a bottle of chocolate liqueur instead, you have to fight yet another smile.
"For all those sundaes," he says.
See, it's become a bit of a ritual.
Every time those pretty lips of his end up on Nina's -and he pretends to care about the fact you aren't around- a picture of a chocolate sundae lands in your message thread to him.
He still doesn't understand it.
Though he does smile when he sees them on menus, and he thinks about how much he'd love one whenever summer comes around. He never indulges, mind you.
Not until a few years later, when it's the only option for dessert in a gilded reception room, back in your hometown.
He doesn't think it's apt. It's autumn, not summer. Far too chilly.
It's been close to two decades since he first saw you dance - and you're still just as shit - but there's something beautiful about it, now. Maybe it's the flowers in your hair. Maybe it's the way you're looking at your groom, pink sunset pouring through the windows, fairy lights glittering above you. Maybe it's your dress.
Or maybe it's the way your eyes catch the light as you glance over towards him. He's holding your bouquet -Nina had palmed it off on him- and he nods. Smiles. The taste of chocolate is bitter in his mouth.
And only now does he really understand.
Because truthfully, he had wanted it to be you in that dreary village hall all those years ago, too.
God damn it, he really had.
Taehyung knows he shouldn't, but when he's had a few too many drinks, and your groom is off entertaining his friends, he sits beside you. You're watching your wedding party from the back of the room with a smile on your face.
When you look at him, you know -finally- he tastes like a chocolate sundae, now. Your smile falters. It's bitter. The sundaes are sweet, you assume. Haven't had one. Won't have one.
"Should've been you," he says so quietly it's almost a whisper.
You hate that you understand what he means. Hate that you nod. Hate that you're thinking about the way he tastes. Hate that your heart beats faster now than it did when you said 'I do.'
Hate that you say:
"Should've been us."
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jasminedragonart · 1 year
Thoughts about the impact jK Rowling has had on the female character:
I think it's fair to say that we have a long way to go in media and literature to achieve a steady basis of good female characters. That's not to say there's none, but the bad does outweigh the good. The thing is, it is getting better. These days when we look at media we can find a lot of well written female characters. Tina, Louise and Linda Belcher. Star Butterfly and Mabel Pines. Nadja of Antipaxos. These are just a few characters I thoroughly enjoy watching on screen and the reason for this is because they're relatable to me. I sometimes sing to myself like Linda, I've found myself writing fan fiction like Tina. I've had that moment like Louise where I stood there as a child and wondered why others around me don't like the things I do. I'm flawed like Mabel and I like cute things like Star.
All of these women above are women. They're feminine. They allow themselves to embrace everything that makes them who they are and yes there are struggles but they're not standing there telling me they're modernising what it means to be a woman. They're women and I like them.
Characters like these have been hard won. We've legitimately struggled to get them here and every year it's getting harder and harder to keep women like these on screen. The reason behind this, I kind of blame a lot on the impact Harry Potter had not just on media but what it means to be a woman.
Has anyone else heard the phrase 'Be a hermione in a world full of princesses?' Does anyone see how toxic this is? Does anyone else not see the problem JK has created by her series getting popular? A problem she hasn't and doesn't want to address because she doesn't realise the problems in her own books.
Hermione was a breakthrough character in children's media. By that, I mean that people finally saw the bookish girl as holding value in a narrative beyond what she had been before (maybe annoying. Maybe just a side character. Never a main character or love interest.- except no, that's wrong. we had lisa Simpson way before Hermione...
Lisa is more nuanced though. I enjoy Lisa because she's very self aware and does try and improve herself even if she's doomed to love in a sitcom she can't escape her role from.
Back to Hermione. Hermione was new to children at least. She showed kids there was value in reading and learning. But, in all honesty, how much is Hermione's popularity down to Emma Watson's portrayal of her and how much is it down to the character of Hermione.
Movie Hermione is very watered down. In fact she's given a lot of Ron's lines which makes her more impactful and Ron further into the shadow of the comedic best friend. Emma Watson is very pretty too. Even as a child she looked a lot like how a lot of prettier girls in my class looked. Her hair was the only thing that made her an outcast. But even then, this was the early 2,000s. Do you know how many kids my age came to school with Hermione's hair? They brushed those curls out until they were dead. No one knew about the curly girl method in primary. The point is, Hermione is different on screen than in the books. she's pretty, she's emotional, shes more nuanced than she is in the books and I applaud the movies for doing this to Hermione because it did make her more likeable.
That's the thing though. More likeable. In the books Hermione is not a likeable character to a lot of people. She would have been the know it all in class that reminded the teacher they had homework. Yes, she did some good things, she spoke up about the house elves, she saved Harry's life a few times but her character, in my opinion, got worse as the books went on. She remained very consistent. there wasn't a lot of change to her character. She didn't seem to grow because she didn't have to.
Worse. she was elevated.
I don't know if anyone else caught the horrific misogyny in these books but I did and it infuriates me.
JK makes a point of elevating Hermione. Hermione is always right. Hermione will always win. Hermione is the standard we should hold other females to, and I know for a fact it's because her popularity increased as the movies were brought out.
If we look at the other female characters in comparison to Hermione I honestly hate it. Mainly because Hermione is elevated to a point where she isnt feminine. If you show any femininity in those books you're villainised.
Don't believe me?
What colour does Umbridge wear? Pink. What is her favourite animal? A cat. She likes sweet things and lace. Shes everything we've come to know about women but she's twisted inside so we can't like these things. we turn against these things because Hermione doesn't wear pink. she wears blue like at the yule ball. she's almost masculine in her appearance so we don't associate her with natural beauty.
Lavender. Girly girl. Just wants a boyfriend because all girls at that age are boy crazy. She's a very supportive girl. Its turned to clinginess. Something hermione is not. In fact she keeps ron at such a distance I didn't even know they would end up together until the last book. the movies made it more obvious, they did their best with it. But the books didn't.
Cho Chang. Cries a lot. Emotional. Doesn't matter that she's grieving and was forced to give up the location due to a potion. No, she's villainised so Ginny can have a sudden romance with harry that again came out of nowhere.
Luna escapes this thankfully. Only because she's too weird for us to consider her having romantic notions. she doesn't have to be put down or twisted to make way for someone else.
Jk made a whole generation of girls hate anything girly. They turned away from pink. They would rather pick up a book than do their make up. Their interest in Hermione and rejecting femininity is the reason we have so many bad female heroines these days.
My question to jk is why? Why couldn't a girl like make up and reading? Why is it one or the other? Why must we reject the pleasures of being dainty and liking cute and fun things in order to be a good woman? Why couldn't we have a character like Louise? Louise is very much a tom boy. But you know what? Louise wears a dress and bunny ears, pink bunny ears, every day of her life because the writers of that show understood a female character. Louise loves smashing mirrors. She also loves Boo Boo. She doesn't like pixies but she still likes wearing a dress.
For years the girly girls of this world had to put up with characters like Hermione being paraded in front of them and told that they themselves were being bad women because they liked pink. Because they liked cats and boys. It wasn't right. And we really need to ask the question on why JK thought to put women down like this in her books when she herself is- apparently- such a protector on what it means to be a woman.
I spy some internal misogyny. I spy a lot of things and theres probably more i could say but it's late, I'm tired and my phone keeps smashing my words together so I need to stop typing.
This is just my opinion. You don't have to agree. This is just the experience I've had growing up in a world where these books shaped a lot of my childhood. I probably would have explored dresses and brighter colours faster if I wasn't told by a fictional character and the grip she had on me and my femininity that pink is bad. That being a girl is bad.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Runaway Max Annotation Series
This is part of a series I am doing on Runaway Max by Brenna Yovanoff. To see previous posts including the annotation guide, check the [#rm annotations] tag on my blog. These posts will follow the general formula of summary, annotations, quotes, and any thoughts or analysis I want to provide based on my own interpretation of the text. You can use my posts as references in fandom discussions.
Runaway Max Chapter Two
Max and Billy experience their first day of school. Max talks about her life back in San Diego, and why she tried to run away to L.A. to be with her dad.
1) Background
Their first day of school was "a Tuesday, more than a month after school already started," which means they started school mid-October. Max had friends in San Diego named Ben, Eddie, and Nate. She didn't have female friends.
2) Family Context
Max ran away to stay with her dad in L.A. after she had been told that they were moving to Hawkins. Susan views her ex-husband as wasting his smarts on irresponsible things and inconsistent work. He did some illegal jobs here and there, and he lives in a dingy apartment.
3) Unreliable Statements / Limited P.O.V.
Max says that she thinks having Billy around is making Susan crazy, but there's little to no context explaining why she thinks this. Susan is getting them ready for school, and Billy doesn't say or do much of anything to combat this.
4) Evidence of Abuse / Neglect
Neil is the one making them move. Max thinks that Susan is just going along with it. Max's father is not a responsible parent. He is often late in picking her up and frequently falls asleep in front of the T.V. Susan doesn't trust him to take care of Max, which begs the question - why would she trust Billy to take care of Max?
6) Max & Billy Relationship
There isn't much antagonism between them in this chapter which is odd given the supposed circumstances that lead to the move not yet revealed or even hinted at early in the novel. Instead, there is an attempt at solidarity in being pissed off about the move - Billy says Hawkins sucks and says, "I bet you're already planning your next jailbreak right?"
7) Valuable Insights
Susan and Max disagree greatly on how a young girl should dress and act.
8) Billy's Characterization
Billy is enraged by the move. Max says he "lost it" when he found out, but he expresses this mostly by keeping to himself. He blasts his music in his room and refuses to eat dinner with the family. Billy is told by Susan to drive Max to the middle school and walk in with her to make sure she gets what she needs. Billy drops her off, refusing to go in.
Billy rolled his head sideways to look at me. "But I don't want to, Max. They're not paying me to babysit you. If you don't like it, maybe tomorrow you can walk."
This chapter reveals just how poorly planned this book is because there's not a drop of a hint of a piece of evidence as to why the family moved to Hawkins, even though fans adamantly use this book as evidence that the move was all Billy's fault. There is no hint that Billy blames Max or that Max blames Billy for it.
I know that later information contradicts this by putting blame on Billy's violence, but information that is revealed later on isn't meant to contradict the entire tone of a chapter but rather enhance it. The feeling the reader gets from this chapter is that Max and Billy didn't want to move, and they're unhappy in Hawkins.
Not that they're ready to kill each other over it.
I am endlessly fascinated that Max's mom doesn't want Max around her father because he's "irresponsible" but then turns around and expects her step son to babysit Max for free. It's his first day, too, and she expects him to not only drive her to school but check her in when he has to do that for himself when he gets to the high school.
Billy explains himself clearly and logically to Max as to why he's not going to do what Susan wants him to do, and you know what? He's right. Not only that, but Max is perfectly capable of checking herself in. The statement that Billy is "driving Susan crazy" is also random and lacking context, making Billy out to be the "bad guy" for being an annoyed teenager.
This doesn't mean that Billy hasn't done anything to piss her off or drive her crazy, but there is absolutely no context for the statement that explains what he's saying or doing that's so wrong. I cannot emphasize enough that statements are just made about Billy with little to no detail backing them up, so the reader is just expected to believe Max.
Max was also unlikeable in this chapter for one main reason - the "I'm not like other girls" attitude she carries. It's fine that she doesn't vibe with femininity in the way that her mother expects her too, but she puts herself above other girls in many ways to make herself "different" from them. She is a child, though, so this can change over time.
Back to Susan... Again. I have to say this again.
If Susan really doesn't trust Max's father to take care of her, it makes no narrative sense to expect Billy, her step son who she supposedly can't stand, to be Max's babysitter. It's irresponsible. If she wants Max checked in at school, she can do it herself because that's certainly not Billy's job when he also has school to go to.
The main thing we learn about Billy is that Billy is basically parentified and somehow that makes him the bad guy.
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poisonedbywine · 8 months
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Leon S. Kennedy x female reader
Warnings: Bullying, Violence, swearing, strong words
Notes: I had this in my head for a while... Today is so cold and I love writing in the cold, even with my fingers frozen.
English is not my native language, Translator may have made a spelling error.
I had a best friend.
His name was Leon, he was in his first year of elementary school.
-"Can you swing me?" Leon pulled me to the swing.
-"I push you!" I gave a big smile with my eyes almost closed and I started to push the swing, seeing it fly in the sky.
-"I'M FLYING!" Leon shouted, which made me laugh and shake as hard as I could.
And when I least expected it, Leon fell off the swing.
There I was, sitting in the uncomfortable chair in the hospital waiting room.
Everyone looking at me.
-"What's a kid supposed to be doing here?" A girl whispered.
The nurse told me that Leon's uncles they asked me to go home, as it was already dark.
I smiled and agreed, handing them a small drawing as an apology for the broken arm.
I shouldn't have stood by and watched
I was supposed to help my friend.
The next day, Leon was sitting on the stool.
I wasn't excited to play today
Mom fought with me, because I had broken Leon's arm.
I just stayed quiet, receiving the scolding
-"Bad girl! No one told you to do that to your only best friend, at least he accepts you the way you are."- Mom's words echoed in my head.
Leon hugged me.
Like a bear, squeezing me really tight.
I want to know why he's hugging me
But even so, I hugged him back and smiled.
-" Do not worry, everything is fine."-
-"I was the one swinging the swing, Lee."- I take a sigh
Leon said everything was fine, and that he would let me sign his cast with my markers.
I smiled and said goodbye to him, heading to my classroom.
A little ball of paper was thrown at me
I opened it, and on it was a drawing of a whale with my name on top.
I heard my classmates laughing behind me
I wanted to cry.
So I lay down on my little table and I laid my head on my arms, which were on top of the wood, hiding my eyes.
And I cried
My eyes wet everything, especially my pillows and my teddy bears at night.
The bell had rung
Snack time!!
I ran down the stairs and sat on the stool where Leon and I were.
I waited for him, like every day
There he was, with his Iron Man lunch box and his arm and cast full of drawings that his classmates had made, running to me.
I smiled, moving to the side so he could sit down.
-"I brought the pen." - I said quietly
-"I saved your place here"- Leon pointed to a small blank patch on the plaster.
I made a colorful drawing of me and him holding hands.
-" What did they do today?"-
I didn't want Leon to know they were mean to me again today, even though he always found out the truth.
That's why I said nothing unusual happened
-"You are cool, my star. Don't let them say otherwise."- Leon he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.
-" I'm already seven years old, I already know how to take care of myself very well."-
Leon laughed, but soon the bell rang and I had to say goodbye.
I got home and ran up the stairs to my room
I covered my ears with my hands and curled up on the bed
I hated when mom and dad fought
Mom always came out crying and with a black eye
He took his anger out on everything, including me
But they're the only people who love me
I don't blame them for anything.
I love them very much, because they have not abandoned me.
The next day, I didn't want to go to school.
It was physical education and I hated it
But, unfortunately, daddy made me go
Daddy was bad sometimes
Including the times he made me go to school
When I arrived, Leon wasn't there
One of his friends told me that he missed his wake-up time, and ended up missing
I would be alone today
When the bell rang, I would jump over the wall and run to my bed
I entered the sports court and sat down on the floor
I was the last to be chosen.
I was on a good team!
I liked football, so I managed to score a goal, I was so happy with myself.
But when I went to get the ball, one of the boys on my team pushed me to the ground
-"GET OUT OF MY WAY"- The boy screamed and kicked my stomach on purpose, he walked away and joined the other boys.
I screamed in pain and lay on the floor, some girls on my team laughed.
I had the strength to get up from the floor and scream as loud as I could
Everyone looked at me
"So the whale can talk?" One of the bad boys spoke
"Shut up! SHUT UP!!"
"Let's teach this girl a lesson."
Both teams came running towards me with their fists closed, and I covered my face with my hands.
Punches, kicks, slaps, were received against my body on the floor, curled up on the green grass of the football field.
"Let's throw harder punches!"
"Whale, obese."
"You are a backstop."
"I hope you die."
I no longer had the strength to fight all this
When I woke up I was in my bed
My body hurt, my face was hurting, and my lips were swollen and bleeding.
I only remembered the boys hitting me and the teacher separating everyone
I also remember my mother's face when she saw me
Dad was disappointed in me
I wanted to see Leon
He would know what to say to me at these times
Despite being hurt, I limped downstairs and asked to go to Leon's house.
Mom left, which made me feel a little better inside
I fought the pain and walked to Leon's house
I rang the doorbell and waited
A tall figure appeared
-"How can I help?" - I looked up and saw the unexpected
What happened in the two weeks I was home?
Leon's parents were there
I asked where Leon was
He looks at me with a serious face, saying that I shouldn't bother.
I sighed and lowered my head, heading back home while kicking the poor rocks along the way.
2 months passed and I never spoke to Leon again
He knew everything that happened to me that terrible day
He apologized and hugged me
That was the last time he hugged me since then.
Tomorrow is my birthday and mom made me invite everyone in my class.
I did as she ordered.
And I invited Leon
Today was the big day, I was excited!
Since mom and dad were fighting, mom is the only one who will stay at the party, I believe.
I helped with the decoration and I decorated my cake myself, it was so beautiful.
And now I'm alone waiting for someone to ring the doorbell
Mom came out and said she was going to invite Dad to my party
Nobody showed up
Much less Leon
Tears came down from my eyes exactly when it was 10 o'clock at night.
My cake was whole
Then the doorbell rings
I wiped the tears and quickly hugged Leon
I explained to him what happened
And he explained to me what had happened to him
Leon would move
His parents have decided to take care of him, but he will go to another country
Today was your last day
I begged and asked him not to leave
But he didn't do it
Leon hugged me and said goodbye, saying his last words
"Will we ever meet again, Lee?"
"Yes... one day."
"When I turn 18, then we can do a lot of things together."
"Okay, can we meet at the same playground as usual?"
"In the same playground as always."
"I love you, Lee."
"I love you too, my little star."
Life has never been this difficult since Leon left
Separation from parents, changes, rejection... What a beautiful life
I had few friends, just 2, but college separated us
Life was never wonderful
That promise I made with Leon when I was 8 years old is complete today and I honestly don't want to go to the park.
He promised me and I promised, promises shouldn't be broken, right?
I ran to the park
All the memories were running through my mind
Maybe he doesn't even remember me
All the moments together were the best memories I had
So I arrived at the park
I was late, but I was there
I sat on the bench and waited
Three hours have passed since then
The moon was coming little by little, the sun was waving goodbye behind the mountains
I found myself alone in the park now, waiting for someone who would never come
Leon never kept his promise, that was clear... But I'll still stay here
I know he's somewhere, somewhere far away.
That's one of the worst feelings
I gave up waiting for Leon
"All these years... I waited for you..."
"Are you just my imagination playing tricks?"
"I was so alone, Leon... Why did you leave?"
"It was all a big, painful illusion."
I turned my back and went home.
They were soulmates that could have worked
Leon remembered his promise
He caught the first flight into town
He arrived early, but it was for a good reason, he wanted to see you so much
But it was too soon
Leon waited until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there was no longer any reason for him to stay there
You had forgotten him, and it hurt.
Leon collected his things and went to the taxi, there was an hour until the next flight back to his city.
He left a letter in the bank, leaving some of his last hope
Fate didn't understand
It was a windy day and in a few seconds, the letter flew away.
You came running to the park
But Leon was already getting into the taxi
Meanwhile, you were waiting for him. Without hope and with a disturbed life
The two went their separate ways
But what if it had happened? What if you had arrived seconds earlier at the park?
And if...
But the past is the past.
They are connected to invisible wires.
No matter how stretched and tangled this thread is, it will never break.
Even if it takes centuries and lives, you will meet again
Can finally join together as one
And like all the stories we heard as a child
Be happy forever.
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months
random thought but i love eugene mirman's gene sounds ESPECIALLY when gene is sleeping. they're so good & cute
louise tina bob and linda looking @ gene literally exactly like this when he forgets how his song goes at breakfast LMAOO
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love that tina and louise seem to actually pay attention to what songs gene is writing and what they're about despite the fact that there are SO MANY. supportive family <3
gene's dream.... bro that was god speaking to you. like for real wtf
also im only a minute in and there are SO MANY good screenshots already he's such a cutie i love him so much!!!! <3 gene episodes my beloved
"Now I'm going to change into last night's pajamas, AKA my only pajamas, and brush my teeth with Tina's toothbrush because that's what I accidentally did last night."
"Wait, what?"
gene and tina are so silly?? 😭
me and gene share many similarities including waking up in the middle of the night every two hours for no fucking reason. like THATS relatable
MR AMBROSE APPEARANCE LETS FUCKING GOOO‼️‼️ why does his voice sound slightly sped up is he okay. does he have a new voice actor?? he sounds slightly off not like in a bad way its just strange
THERE WAS A NEW VOICE ACTOR BCUZ BILLY EICHNER WASNT CREDITED maybe bcuz its such a small appearance but thats very weird. i feel like mickey fans in season 12 episode 6 when loren did that horrible mickey impression 😭😭 also whoever did his voice in this episode wasnt credited so it was somebody from the main cast doing an impression of him. will try to figure out who. sorry episode review cancelled i need to figure out who the hell voiced mr ambrose in this episode
based on the fact that u cant obviously tell who it is i dont think its eugene mirman and probably not h jon benjiman?? dan mintz can only do one voice so its not him either. probably either john roberts larry murphy or a random crew member who they didnt bother to credit
(most likely billy eischner just wasn't avaliable to voice mr ambrose due to his movie career etc so i dont blame them but it was noticeable enough to ME that i needed to figure it out. not even a bad impression honestly the average fan wouldnt notice)
"What do you lucid dream about?"
"I do revenge stuff on people who were mean to me in high school, some fantasy and science fiction, some adult stuff I can't tell you about."
this is literally the gayest thing mr ambrose has ever said omg FHFMDDJKSKS i cant believe this drama club ass nerd was bullied in high school who could have guessed. not me thats for sure
(now somebody has to write a fanfic about mr ambrose having Adult Stuff dreams about mr frond. i want this on my desk by 3pm tomorrow)
love mr ambrose and his gay ass curly hair..... mr ambrose my beloved <33 kisses u
i dont have anything to say im just strangely invested in gene's lucid dreaming plot at this point. Love all his silly little dreams and its incredible he never seems to have any nightmares or anything!!
this is reminding me of the movie where gene had a dream and he was scared that he wasn't good at music and that people weren't going to like his performance and the aliens came down to told him to stop 😭😭💔 his insecurity that he might not be that good a musician literally makes me cry. he's so sweet and kindhearted my babyy boy
"Even successful musicians went to sixth grade, Gene."
"That's a MYTH!!"
weirdly mr ambrose started sounding completely normal at some point like did his voice actor come back and just wasn't credited?? or whoever did this impression was REALLY good jfc
mr ambrose HATES these fuckign kids bro
NOT THE STARING AGAIN. why are they literally just this image every single time gene plays music in this episode im gonna cry
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love this specific frame of gene running his hand through his hair
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awww bob is such a good dad
sidenote but this subplot with tina and louise is so stupid it actually made me laugh LMAO the fucking girl cricket. thr female cricket. like what if he's gay huh what then
"or if she's not his type she also makes a great best friend. she's a good listener" THANK YOU louise for acknowledging the cricket might be gay. she's an ally 🙏
AWW GENE WRITING HIS SONG <3 eugene mirman isnt a Good singer (not hating he literally says that all the time. they have to record each line seperately bcuz he cant sing on key) so its hard to tell when they're trying to make gene's songs seem good or not but this is really sweet. u can tell he just loves music so much
why is gene's song kinda making me emotional..... like this show is usually 50/50 on if it actually wants to take gene's songwriting ability seriously but in this episode its so clear how much he LOVES music and songwriting and how talented he is at it. he has trouble with focus and commitment sometimes but thats never an issue when it comes to his music and he'd happily spend an entire afternoon writing a song from start to finish (even skipping out on dinner) because he was so hyperfocused. love how much respect they give gene in this episode tbh
deeply appreciate the "larry murphy as teddy" credit despite teddy not having one single line in this entire episode. Literally just a legacy credit at this point
I LOVED THIS EPISODE 😭😭💕 i dont think it'll be as widely popular as some other episodes this season but as a gene fan and an artist this episode really resonated with me. the ending sequence was actually really beautiful (gives me the same vibes as "your heart's not broken its only growing" tbh) and i loved gene's song and all the different costumes they put him in for his dreams!! tina and louise's subplot was really cute too. very enjoyable episode if you're a gene fan or just a casual viewer who wishes he got more focus. he's SO SWEET and so passionate <3
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melisssg99 · 4 months
Yes like you said it should always be good vs bad people. My last job sucked but i wouldn't quit after 6 months only because it sucked the reason was everyone except 1 woman turned against me.
Maybe if the work was fine i could ignore toxic women there but after making gross rumors about me i was miserable every day. And the boss who was a woman never even listened to me whatever old workers said it was a fact and the truth for her.
I'm still embarrassed because i quit due bullying idk makes me feel like i'm a kid again.
But my dad supported my decision and told me i should quit even earlier. Every man who worked there was totally normal, didn't gossip or bully anyone. But it was much more women there and guys were rarely in my shift, they also didn't work with me but (since i worked in the supermarket, they worked in other sections).
One woman (the male co-worker told me he was 23) that a guy he was there before him, he did a good job but female co-workers complained so much that he was fired. Also they did the thing where female co-workers did something wrong and they blamed him. Same as with me. I remember one of the coworkers didn't close freezer (where the frozen dough and pastries were) correctly, then she blamed me said i did that. I couldn't convince anyone it wasn't me (as an example, there were so many things they blamed on me). In 6 months i was there 6 people quit. Once i gave them my notice that i will leave they begged me to stay lol and they were treating me so nicely because they thought i will change my mind.
Sorry for the rant again but yea these women made me feel like i'm a school kid who is bullied by "the cool kids".
Worst thing is that these women acted like mean high school girls in their 50's and late 50's. This is why i think every woman who screams all men are evil and all men should die... should really look at herself first and her mistskes because in my experience these women who say things like this are hateful towards women as well - at least those women that don't share the same opinions as them, so they get called "sheep" or "brainwashed by society" etc
Sorry if i was annoying in your inbox! I do hope i find a better job with people who are not toxic.
Have a great day 💜
Thank you for this ask Anon🩷
This sounds like it must have been the worst experience.😣
Crazy how some people even at an age where you expect they know what they're doing is wrong, can act so classless.
I'm so sorry you had to endure it and I hope your next job has some great people. Colleagues can really make or break it.
I'm glad your dad had your back too, so at least you felt seen by him 🥺
Insane story!
But I agree! We all should definitely look at ourselves first before judging others, especially a whole group of people, a huge part of the population.
There will always be some bad apples but there are so much more lovely fruits we can share our time with ☺️🍎
Hope you have a great rest of your day Anon 😉🩷
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burnt-scone · 2 years
I find it funny I said something like important and heavy topic books could cause a little trauma or trigger past trauma, and someone reposted saying I was wrong and blocked me at the same time.
The post I reposted was saying English class and reading won't cause trauma, and I was like but it can.
Trauma isn't always something big, but can be something Itty bitty. Like it's a fact that re-arranging a room can be traumatic to your mind. No it's not something horrid, but it's still trauma. A 14-15 year old getting exposed to a heavy topic like m*rder, r*pe, abuse, r*cism, etc... can be traumatic, or if they're someone who has witnessed or experienced those topics, it could be triggering to pre-existing trauma.
Now I also listed an example that isn't common unless you have a sociopathic teacher who only shows up hungover the majority of the time she actually shows up.
I had a teacher, insane woman. When reading To Kill a Mocking Bird teachers show examples of similar cases to the one in the story, because the book shows realistic scenarios. Now she made us read all of the public information on one situations which was horrific, woman pretended to have been SAed because she didn't want to get in trouble with her dad. Then there were other stories of actually SAed women who didn't want to get men in their family in trouble so they blamed a local Black Man instead. These all went into heavy detail of what happened to these women. I mean very explicit. It caused half of my Female peers and a few Male peers to have PTSD attacks. The school had to apologize and asked students who was SAed which was very inappropriate. They should've apologized and then given an anonymous help or information thing.
Now I never said that was a universal situation, just that it happened to my peers and I.
I have no idea what the person who reposted mine said. It started say I'm the only person with that experienced that, like no shit I'm one of the 50ish kids. But whatever else they said I'll never see because the reposted and then blocked to me.
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staenless · 2 months
Scrolling through a radfem blog (I like to do this with lots of bizaar radical views because some of the posts make me laugh but also I feel like if I learn more about what they're discussing and their views of the world I'm less likely to accidentally agree with their philosophies because they worded it just right and left out the worst bits. If that makes sense) and one post was about how lesbians (radfem ones specifically) only trust celibate hetero women and female only bisexuals because they aren't caving in and having a relationship with men in order to get a leg up over women who aren't in m/f relationships (not m/f presenting relationships mind you because being trans is like a mental illness but it's also because the trans person is confused because of gender power dynamics? I think? Idk it's all bullshit).
And it's like, first of all I know for a fact the person making that post is from a first world country because women who actually genuinly NEED a male relationship to FUNCTION (ie open a bank account, get a job etc etc) do not hate other women for being in relationships with men. Idk if it's different in other countries but my gran couldn't open a bank account, make large purchases, get a job, get an education with the primary man in her life signing off on it, and so to her and many women in her generation getting married was, aside from other things, often a means to an end. If you actually NEED men to be able to function in society then other women are not going to HATE and LOATH you for getting with a man, because they will be doing the same thing. You don't have another choice. Luckily the OP doesn't live like that so instead they can sound off about how people in m/f relationships have this super great privilege (it's called homophobia BTW, if you marry someone and you're in a f/f or m/m relationships and people treat you like shit it's because they're homophobic).
And you know instead of sounding off at bi/straight/pan/etc women on Tumblr.com you could look at countries were women, like, actually do not have human rights and go "hmmmm how can I help these women?" and then do something? Anything? Like spread awareness about issues in other countries, organise fundraisers for women shelters, sanitary pads and contraceptive outreach in these countries. Maybe you could actually, idk, pause hating men so SO much that you actually try to care about women? Instead of blaming them for betraying you? Like actually I think radfems hate men more than they care about other women. And also that blog was transphobic so like, go to hell for that too.
Anyway this is a super round about way to tell you a lot of women in third world xou tries do not have access to sanitary towels, and you should look into programs that provide reusable pads/mental cups and try donating. I know this has been spoken about in conjunction with Palestine but it's also a reality in many other countries that aren't in an active conflict so if you're feeling generous or want to organise a workplace/friend group donation party consider a cause that helps women get access to these resources and keeps them in school, at work and able to live with dignity. Also fuck terfs and fuck radfems.
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diilchasp · 1 year
man i feel so bad for girls on social media oh my god.
i mean i have been through that situation (not to that extent but still) so i get where they're coming from and i do not blame them one bit. but it is just so disheartening and disgusting.
social media is SUCH a double edged sword in each and every aspect. i mean i get it onlyfans and other stuff that revolves around it gives you more control over your content, pricing yada yada, more people are reacting negatively to slut shaming which is for the better too, but it is just making teens and heck preteens think that they should act more 'adult' in the guise of empowerment.
it is skin crawling to think ab where exactly is feminism headed because on one hand more people are encouraging equality, but on the other, children on social media (getting exponentially younger) are exposed to this botched idea of feminism and sexuality and stuff. and if they're exposed to this shit at such a young age, obviously their perception of everything is going to be fucked too, you cant honestly blame them.
you can convince yourself wearing revealing clothing and posing in 'sensual' poses is 'liberating' to yourself, but yk that subconsciously you're trying to appear attractive and sought after. (talking about straight young girls.)
wait till you're 18 atleast oh god (although really, that too is not old enough imo but sure)
the only time i really dont give a fuck even if someone is walking in scraps is when you're financially independent, atleast for most of the part. accn to me that is when you're mature enough.
other than that all i feel is disgust (not at them but everything that moulded their mentality incl; obv media and most importantly, their parents).
a lot of them are children of ppl with generational wealth, so it makes it easier to pass around snarky comments. but they are just kids!! they are so so young and they're sexualising themselves and it is just worse because it clearly represents how negligent their parents are being.
i am not saying people from lower economic backgrounds dont go through this (possibly way worse even) but it is a fairly discussed topic. and it is easy to alienate the richer sects (and also this rant was elicited seeing the profiles of financially well off kids)
alright so apart from myself i personally know 2 other girls who were ruthlessly sexualised when we were fucking 11.
that was the point i had just started getting attention that went beyond platonic, and it was 99.9% degradingly sexual. and i just remember accepting and even feeding into it which is so utterly disgusting in hindsight.
i am sure they're more girls who were sucked into this but ik the other two girls because they were popular around school as they were more attractive than me and i was in the 'nerdier' group. and moreover they had public social media accounts with large followings so whatever i went through, it would have been a hundred times worse for them.
and i think it was same for them too- when you're young you notice that others sexualise you and you're 'expected' to be that way, so you start feeding into it yourself (at least thats what happened to me and i think it's common?)
also i should mention that i have had absolutely phenomenal female role models growing up that were in direct relation to me, so before all this my self identity was entirely based on intelligence and academics, i wasnt exposed to a lot of attention on social media, (always found that uncomfortable) and even when this stuff was going on, people who i was close to and i myself expected academic excellence from me (healthy amt of pressure) so a large part if my identity was still based on that.
what i mean to say is that although i dont know their upbringing (honestly idk shit ab them) i do realise it is extremely possible that they (and other girls) didn't have the same support system as me. and despite all the positives, i was irreversibly affected (a lot of issues, i still am working on resolving years later), i have no clue what the others went through.
ik one of them had negligent parents, because why the fuck would you agree to buy your 11 year old revealing clothes omg. and she still sexualises herself on social media, so i know it has affected her. (again, i dont blame her one bit.)
and though the way my parents handled this was way off than how they should've, but at least they cared enough to give a shit.
i just see legit children on social media being subjected to what i am sure is far worse scrutiny. and it is impossible for their parents to not be aware but they blatantly dont give a flying fuck.
i am not super active on ig but occasionally i come across profiles of 14-19 year olds and oh my god. they're headed down the same pathway i was at 11-14. sure they are older, but thats not even close to being old enough!!! and i think i came across as 'so above all that' and condescending even. but what i mean to say is ki i just feel so fucking disgusted seeing more and more girls feeling like they have to be 'sexy' in order to breathe.
also another thing that tipped the bucket for me was that i just came to the realisation that ALL of my male friends (trust me, a lot.) have sexualised me (and other women) moreover a grp of guys allegedly repeatedly joked ab g-raping me and my best friend, which i think, prevented me from completely being sucked into the rabbit hole of self fetishization and totally flipped off the romantic feelings switch for me. so i can see the others from more of a 'past experience' lense (?)
why are all 'empower yourselves' posts and stuff about being sexually liberated. i mean sure you should be comfortable sexually and more convos ab sex makes it a less hush hush, and safer topic. but let us focus on other shit too, yeah? looking pretty isnt the only thing that is going to empower you.
i am just so done oh my god.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
They're really faltering and failing and falling and they're running around saying this is our plan and they're jazzing it up and they all want to come here to take over the world and they say again. We say no in the max say no
And they're wondering why people don't respect them it's very simple you're small you don't have it and you're getting beat up a lot. Those new technology yada yada yada the max snow and they're going after you same with Australia your other plan now I understand that one and it's a better plan than this one but it doesn't work so good cuz you can just blow a tunnel and the water will flow in there or open it when you have to. So you're shooting your mouth off again and it's ridiculous. There's something you should know your woman got really lit on fire when the gulf oil thing happened but they've been losing quite steadily along with you. So you're fighting with your own self over where and you split your own forces up and you consider yourself to be the riders on the Storm. Every so often they pull some a****** out who's sitting there in space or other saying he's riding everybody and it's the ugliest scene you've ever seen some dumb old retarded fruitcake coming out in gay format all this comic books and stupid scribblings and idiotic things that he accumulated which really have very little meaning and if there's a whole bunch of these pockets of these morons who was just mocking everyone making fun of everyone causing people to hallucinate screwing around with them and basically doing a female's job they're pulling them out of here in Florida by the bushel and they're getting rid of them and they're awfully surprised they said you found the world makers and the world eaters and stupid things like that and we'll make you go to dental school and all this dumb s*** and it's a horrible scene people grab them and they pull them out of their house and they're blabbing the stupid s*** that they were doing like out loud it says a threat and they're just milking it saying when are you going to do this we don't believe you you don't have the power there's only one of you and it start mentioning names so he's sitting there blabbing and talking while he's blaming and talking they're putting this steak in the ground in the park nearby and it's still blabbing and talking and they're walking over to the stake and he looks up and says what is that for he says it's for you I said what for he says it's to bring you alive at the stake he knows I did not realize that's what it meant so he's trying to find her son to say stuff he starts blabbing I am not finding him to say stuff because I need to postpone this event I said about all these people came out to see you you know you're supposedly the great one the one who decides stuff for everybody else makes things happen that they don't want and he says would you have that since it's really not hard to figure out okay so he starts yelling it and they put him up there and he says well the idiot next door wants me to talk to him cuz he's running around with the same puke mostly and so they got it for this idiot cuz they get with it and he's got to go let's see so the letter went fire and it's screaming your name and other names so they shoot him and he's quiet.
Thor Freya
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uniformbravo · 2 years
time for the thing where i yell about gay wizards Even More than ever before (with my heart, soul, AND ass) get ready
[Simon] "Why all the wars? Why did they all start with the vampire raids?"
"The war with the dark things started there," she says. "That should be obvious. I mean, mages and vampires have never got on--we need Normals alive, and they need them dead. But invading Watford, that was an act of war. And it was the first real attack by the Humdrum, too."
ok. my brain is fresh just getting back into this so bear with me but like. it was established that the dragon was under some sort of spell or trance or something when the humdrum sent it to attack watford, right? idk if it's different bc the creatures it sends are like. Creatures. but vampires are just People, so is it maybe not the same for them? is the understanding in the magickal world that the vampires were Working with the humdrum, like he told them to attack and they were like u got it boss, or were they similarly under a spell
bc if it was the latter then doesn't it mean they're like. not Technically at fault. like the dragon
and if they were working with the humdrum, why have they literally never shown up again since then. or are we just missing context here. if there's a war against dark things, as penny says here, then maybe that's implying that vampires and other Funny Guys are doing other shit on the side, just not directly relevant to watford or any of our characters' povs atm
(or MAYBE they were under a spell during the attack and their continued part in the war is because they were blamed for something they actually had no control over??? i mean they ended up having a Lot of casualties that day, what with being burned to a crisp and all that. whatever the reason for the attack was, it had to have been either really worth it for the price, or not even their choice in the first place)
thirdly, does the humdrum actually attack people who aren't simon? there was a point earlier in the book where simon was like "maybe the mage is right and i should leave watford, then everyone else would be safer because the humdrum wouldn't be sending shit to attack the school" which VERY much implies that it only goes after simon specifically
so then like. why would it send a bunch of vampires to attack watford before simon was even old enough to attend 🤔 and going with my theory that it came into existence directly because of simon, it just makes even less sense bc its number 1 fixation during its entire existence is. simon. at least that's what i'm assuming
also, last thing, that bit about "we need normals alive, they need them dead" is another detail highlighting how out of the ordinary the attack was- if they always feed off of normies then Why attack watford
it's all just more clues pointing to there being way more to the vampire attack than just another Humdrum Incident
"You didn't hurt Baz."
"Maybe I did--he'd never admit it."
"Maybe it didn't hurt him," she says, "because he's already dead."
"Baz isn't dead."
"Well he's not alive."
"I....I think he is," I say. "He has magic. That's life."
👀 simon????
[Baz] When I come back, Bunce is gone. I can tell she's been sitting on my bed again--it smells like her. Like blood and chocolate and kitchen herbs. I'll snap at her about it tomorrow.
lol saving it for later
I need to go hunting in the Wood again; the rats are getting few and far between in the Catacombs, even though I try not to take the females.
It's a pain to hunt in the Wood. I have to do it during the day because the Mage brings the drawbridge up at dusk, and I can't Float like a butterfly over the moat every night like I did today; I don't have the magic.
bro get this guy some freakin ACCOMMODATIONS @ the mage i thought ur whole thing was diversifying and opening up the school to anyone w magic u ran ur mouth now WHERE'S ur money
not to get all up in arms abt fantasy boarding school but this guy shouldn't have to be scrounging around for rats down in the Cat of Combs to get by no matter HOW goth he is smH
At first it was as if Snow was giving magic to me. Sending it to me. But then the magic was just there. It was mine, in that moment, everything that was his.
All right. I have to stop thinking about it like this. Like it was a gift. Snow would never have opened himself up to me if there hadn't been a dragon overhead....
ehehehehe getting carried away there :3c
I wonder if I could take the magic from him if I tried, but the thought turns my stomach.
Nice nice nice nice love it love this love that for u baz sweetie ur doing amazing
"What." I sit on my own bed, on top of the covers.
"I....can you come here?"
"I can come over there, then."
I cross my legs and arms. "You may not."
Snow huffs, exasperated. Good, I think.
baz sticks his tongue out at simon in the dark when he can't see
(simon does the same thing, forgetting that baz can see-)
"You can't sit on my bed," I say as he sits on my bed. "And neither can Bunce. My bed reeks of intensity and brownies."
"Here," he says, holding out his hand.
"What do you want from me, Snow?"
"Nothing," he says. And he means it, the actual bastard.
LOL LMAO baz freaking out that none of his psychic attacks are working as simon continues to nonchalantly invade his personal space, none the wiser to the effects of his own unintentional psychic attacks,
"Are you going to let me do it again?"
"Then it doesn't matter if it was a fluke!"
Snow's still sitting on my bed. "All right," he says, "Maybe."
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe I'd do it again," he says.
uououghguough 👀 👀 👀
(also the detail "he's STILL sitting on my bed," kfkdjglsdjdkgjdk lmaooooooo)
[...] "What if I turned it against you?" [...] "What if I took your magic, cast it against you, and settled Baz versus Simon, once and for all."
(he said s-)
Snow's mouth is hanging slightly open. His tongue shines black in the dark. "Why are you such a villain?" He sounds disgusted. "Why have you already thought of that?"
"I thought of it when I was still rhyming at the dragon," I say. "Didn't you?"
"This is why I'm going to beat you," I say.
he had to think the villainous thoughts first, to make room for all the gay thoughts later,
"We're on a truce," Snow says.
"I can still think antagonistically. I'm thinking violent thoughts at you constantly."
He grabs my hand. I want to pull it away, but I don't want to look scared--and also I don't want to pull it away. Bloody Snow. I'm thinking violent thoughts at him right now.
look dude with how twisted up ur thoughts of love and hatred for him are, expressing violence towards him is Basically a confession at this point
the way baz is like, trying to defend himself by spitting Violence and Aggression at simon like he usually does, only to be met with simon just. calmly advancing, sitting on his bed, taking his hand, is like. so beautiful. so fucking good. baz is an angry hissing spitting cat and simon is slowly reaching his hand out to pet him and Then (what happens next will warm ur heart)
Snow licks his bottom lip and closes his eyes halfway. Is this how he looked this afternoon? Crowley.
LMFAOOOOOOOOO if simon had stood in front of baz instead of behind him that dragon woulda crushed the entire school into rubble
I feel his magic.
At first it's a buzz in my fingertips, then a rush of static up my arm. I try not to squirm.
"Okay?" he asks. His voice is soft.
The static in my arm settles into a heavy thrum, like electrical sparks catching into flames. The discomfort goes away, even though the licking, flaming feeling gets stronger. This I know what to do with: This is fire.
"Still okay?" he asks.
"Grand," I say.
"What does that mean--does that mean you could use it?"
I laugh, and it comes out more good-natured than I mean it to. "Snow. I think I could cast a sonnet right now."
"Show me," he says.
I speak clearly: "Twinkle, twinkle little star!"
By the time I get to the end of the next phrase, the room around us is gone, and the stars feel close enough to touch.
"Up above the world so high!"
Simon grabs my other hand, and my chest opens wider.
my face is in my hands this is so much this is SO MUCH THEY ARE IN THE STARS,,,, THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS,,,.,, FELLAS,,.,., CAN I GET A
"Is it too much?"
"No. It's like you completed the circuit," I say, gripping his other hand. "I feel kind of drunk, though."
"Drunk on power?" he asks.
I giggle. "Shit, Snow. Stop talking. This is embarrassing."
"Do you want me to pull back?"
"No. I want to look at the stars."
"I'm pulling back," he says.
Now we're just sitting on my bed, holding hands. Simon Snow and I. I can't look at his eyes, so I stare at his cross.
Just Two Bros Sitting On The Bed Holding Hands After Visiting The Stars Together, What's Better Than This
He looks uncharacteristically thoughtful. I wonder if he's forgotten that he's holding my hands. Or if he's forgotten what it means to hold hands. Or if he's forgotten who I am entirely.
I think again about pulling my hands away--but Snow could light fires in my palms at this point, and I wouldn't pull away. It feels like he has.
"Baz," he says, and it's not unprecedented for him to say my name, but I know he avoids it.
There It Is
He Avoids It
"This is stupid. If we're going to be working together, you can't keep pretending that I don't know."
"Don't know what," I say, yanking my hands back.
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"Get off my bed."
Snow stands up, but doesn't stand down. "I know. I've known since our fifth year. How're we supposed to help you if you're still keeping all these secrets? Like, why did you start school late this term? And what happened to you? And why are you limping?"
"That's none of your business," I hiss. "None of it."
fuck. fuck every time simon brings that up baz clams right the fuck up and i just. im dying to get to a point where baz CAN tell him like. is he even gonna TELL him or is simon just gonna like. Find Out. i want it so fuckin bad this is like. benchmark how much baz trusts simon it's gotta keep coming up and EVENTUALLY.......
"We're supposed to find out who sent blood-sucking vampires to kill your mother, and you are a blood-sucking vampire. You don't think that's relevant?"
As if I can just admit that. Out loud. On the record. As if every other magician wouldn't gladly light me up if they knew it to be true.
As if Snow himself hasn't been trying to expose me every day for seven years.
I clamp my jaw shut.
JUST!!!!!! this is an assumption on my part but the idea that he DOES want to be able to trust simon with that information, in another universe, on another timeline, where allowing that info to be exposed wouldn't be a direct threat to his life LIKE. does simon even realize.
like im sure that was the point when he was trying to expose him as an enemy, but now that they're trying to be on the same side, temporarily, does simon even realize the implications of what he's asking baz to do.
this is just the "i could steal your magic" thing all over again, really. the "i thought of it immediately, didn't you?" baz's outlook on this entire situation, the baz vs simon situation, is through a lens of self-preservation, survival, taking any chance he can get to get the upper hand bc he knows he'll lose in the long run
so while simon's sitting here like "this is my current goal, we need to cooperate to make it happen, baz is just being stubborn because he sucks and hates me" whereas baz is like "this truce isn't gonna last forever, thinking about the long run the stupidest thing i could do right now is openly admit to the thing he's been maliciously trying to pry out of me for years"
it's just!!! kinda sad!!!!
and also. thinking about it as a Gay thing. u know, the "hiding an enormous part of ur identity from a community that would immediately turn against you if they knew" metaphor. baz really just straight up has No place he is truly accepted for all parts of him. like obvs there's the vampire thing everywhere except for home, where it's known, but then he said earlier that his dad doesn't accept his sexuality so even though he's technically safe at home, he's still not Accepted as he is
(and i'm pretty sure his aunt fiona knows and accepts that he's gay, but she fucking hates simon for war-related reasons SO LIKE)
makes me sad :(
i also wanna quickly touch upon smth else tho, which is simon's point about how honesty and openness between them will help with their search; baz is currently the only one who holds all the pieces to the puzzle so far; along with everything the three of them have discussed together, he also has the memories of the day of the attack, as well as what happened to him at the beginning of the school year.
bc that's another piece of it, i think; his kidnapping has everything to do with what happened with the vampire attack, probably the same person/group who orchestrated the attack was behind the kidnapping too, bc like. ok
the point of the attack was to turn baz & natasha into vampires, right, and that worked. baz is a vampire, and it's a Super heavily guarded secret- but obviously whoever ordered the kidnapping knew about it, or else the numpties wouldn't have thought to put him in a coffin or give him blood (and obvs they had numpties do it to conceal their own identity but like we already knew that)
ALSO while im talking abt it another theory to add onto that, u know what was Conveniently happening at the beginning of the school year at the time of The Numpting?? the whole thing w the Veil Lifting and all those ghosts comin thru w juicy info for me & u???
penny Literally said at one point that it used to be a Thing for people to get kidnapped or murdered before the veil lifting so they couldn't be told Crucial info abt like conspiracies and crimes n stuff SO LIKE. GUESS WHO SHOWED UP W CRUCIAL INFO ABT CONSPIRACIES AND CRIMES N STUFF
in conclusion baz was kidnapped to keep his mom from spilling the beans abt her murder by the people who murdered her and the WHOLE reason i bring this all up is bc baz is the Only One who has all the info necessary to make these connections but obvs he's not about to tell simon or penny about it, which potentially Does hinder the effort
so my point is to properly solve the mystery and get to the bottom of the whole conspiracy baz is gonna have to open up to them eventually and i am SUPER looking forward to it, PLEASE crack this guy open like a walnut i am Ready 2 Witness It my opera glasses are OUT
[Simon] I have to admit, my first thought is that Agatha misses me. That she wants to get back together.
I'll say yes, of course. I won't even make her ask. We can go right back to how we were.
PLEASE not this not ur pathetic ass inventing a situation that glosses over agatha's issues and the reason she broke up w u in the first place
Maybe I'll even tell her what's going on with Baz--maybe she can help.
This has all been such shit. Ignoring each other. Sitting apart. Acting like enemies when all we've ever been is friends.
ok but this is making me sad :( i'd REALLY love to see simon get over the breakup and become friends with agatha again bc they're not right for each other romantically but as friends they would be so cute ;w; and also it just makes me sad when years long friendships are broken in general :(((
But also, she's just not that social. Especially at school. She used to be really involved in dance, before Watford, and she's still all caught up in horses, and I think she's closer to her summer Normal friends than anybody here.
I don't think Agatha cares that much about magic, full stop. The last time we talked about the future, she was thinking about becoming a veterinarian.
bro how did it only hit me Just Now agatha is a HORSE GIRL she's out here begging her daddy not to get rid of the ornery stallion they got saddled with last week, she can tame him if he just gives her some time, she can teach him to LOVE
but jokes aside SEE this is what i mean agatha has her whole entire Other shit going on offscreen and it's just so. she is Neat
I've been thinking a lot about Christmas lately. I always spend it with the Wellbeloves. I have since I first came to Watford.
It's how Agatha and I got to be friends. [...]
They're all good to me, Helen included. Agatha's mum gives me nice clothes for Christmas, and her dad talks to me about my future like I'm not going to die in a ball of fire.
I just really like them. And I like Christmas. And I've been thinking about how weird it's going to be to sit around the dinner table, talking to Agatha's parents, knowing that we're broke up.
(also that ball of fire line simon PLEASE)
"My dad wants you to know that of course you're still welcome at our house for Christmas," Agatha says.
"Oh," I say. "Good."
"But I think we both know how uncomfortable that would be," she goes on. [...]
"Right," I say. It would be uncomfortable, I guess.
"It would ruin Christmas," she says.
"Right," I say instead.
"So I told him that you were probably going to stay with the Bunces."
Agatha knows I can't stay with the Bunces. Penelope's mum can only take about two or three days of me before she starts treating me like a Great Dane who can't help knocking things over with its tail.
"Right," I say to Agatha. "Okay."
She looks at the floor. "I'm sure my parents will still send gifts."
"I'll send them a card."
"That would be nice," she says. "Thank you."
like ok agatha's not perfect & i know i've generally been in her corner but this is straight up like. a mean thing to do gjdkfjslgksdjkdf
i mean it's one thing not wanting ur ex to come over for christmas, completely understand that, but also. he's been coming over since before they were dating, since his first YEAR at watford, AND she knows he has literally nowhere else to go so he's just like. gonna be alone for christmas i guess????
IDK LIKE I SAID I GET WHY SHE'S DOING IT BUT ALSO I AM SAD FOR SIMON he was looking forward to it he didn't even consider that he might not still be going this year bc it's such a staple for him, like it's not just a breakup he legit considers the wellbeloves as family, or something close to it, and now he's being cut off from that and im just :((((((((((((
I roll my eyes. He probably thinks pixies are a lesser species. Half-sentient, like gnomes and Internet trolls.
*SPITS DRINK* WHAT NOW?????????? HUH??????????????????? U WANNA RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN???????????????????????????????? HELLO??????????????????????
"It's like being a fairy named Mary," he goes on.
"Or a vampire named Gampire," I say.
"Gampire isn't even a proper name, Snow. You're terrible at this game."
He still won't talk to us outside of the room.
Baz says it would confuse his minions to see him consorting with the enemy. He actually called them that--"my minions." Maybe he was taking the piss....
My Minions (affectionate)
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(honestly after what he said abt internet trolls i wouldn't put it fucking past this universe to have Canonical Minions)
I can't always tell when Baz is mocking me. He's got a cruel mouth. It looks like he's sneering even when he's happy about something.
another one for the autistic simon headcanon, boys
Actually, I don't know if he ever is happy. It's like he's got two emotions--pissed off and sadistically amused.
(And plotting, is that an emotion? If so, three.)
Plus Penny doesn't want Baz to know that her family might be on the outs with the Mage. (Even though Baz'd probably sympathize.)
Even Though He'd Sympathize
(let them be allies! stop having them be enemies!)
Penny keeps reminding me that Baz is still my enemy. That when the truce ends, he could use everything he's learned against me.
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But I'm not sure I'm the one who needs reminding. Half the time we're together, I'm just sitting on my bed reading while Penelope and Baz are comparing their Top 10 favourite spells of the 1800s or debating the magickal worth of Hamlet versus Macbeth.
The other day, he walked her over to the Cloisters on his way to the Catacombs. When he came back, he reported that there weren't any clues about how she gets into Mummers House. The next day, she told me he didn't acknowledge at all that he was on his way to suck blood out of rodents.
LMFAOOOOOOOOOO literally besties. literally Companions
"You going my way?" she says to him now, from the doorway.
"No, I'm in for the night," he says.
So fucking weird.
LOL simon bluescreens: a saga
I'm getting my pyjamas together when he speaks up:
"So what's your plan next week? For the holidays?"
"Snow," he says.
"You should come to Hampshire."
I stop and look at him. "What? Why?"
Baz clears his throat and folds his arms, lifting his chin to emphasize how much he looks down on me.
he's posturing dude he's trying to cover up how much he's screaming on the inside asking you this question show some respect
"You're suggesting I go home with you."
"For Christmas."
"With your family."
Baz rolls his eyes. "Well it's not like you have any family of your own."
"You're mad." I move again towards the bathroom.
"How is it mad?" he demands. "I could use your help, and there's nothing here for you--you'd think you'd appreciate the company."
"I can't stay in your house. Are you kidding me?"
"Snow, we've lived in the same room for seven years. How can you have a problem with this?"
"She's sent his Men away again," Penny says. "Premal says the Mage himself is coming to the house next time."
"Then I should be there," I say. "He'd never hurt her in front of me."
Penny stops in her tracks. "Simon. Do you really think the Mage would hurt my mother at all?"
I stop, too. "No. Of course he wouldn't."
"Tell the Mage you're staying here for Christmas," she says. "He'll want to spend it with you."
That makes me laugh.
"What?" Penny asks.
"Can you imagine?" I say. "Christmas with the Mage?"
[...] "Think of the gifts," I say, laughing. "He'd probably wrap up a curse for me just to see if I could break it."
"Blindfold you, drop you in the Hell of the Wood, and tell you to come home with dinner."
"Ha!" I grin. "Just like in our third year."
the fact that they're joking that if the mage gave simon christmas gifts they'd just be more of the trials and tribulations he's been putting on him since he was like 12?????? HELLO???????
not to read too much into it but ZOOMS IN the way that simon's relationship w the mage is such that to imagine spending a holiday usually reserved for friends and family with him is SO ABSURD he can't even take it seriously, like the mage falls so far out of the categories of friend or family, their relationship is in no way sentimental but rather Strictly Business i.e. the mage setting Tasks for simon to complete like a fuckin rat in a maze, this whole excerpt just speaks volumes about their dynamic in contrast to the feelings simon has expressed on the matter in the past, in this essay i will
He closes the lid of his trunk and snaps the latches. Then he looks at me, frowning, and decides something. I'm familiar with that look. I put my hand over the hilt of my sword.
"Snow....," he says.
"I feel like I should tell you something. In the interest of our truce."
I look over at him, waiting.
"That day you saw Wellbelove and me in the Wood..."
need to officially document that the second i read this line i shoved my face into my pillow and Had Emotions for a second
I open my eyes. "You weren't trying to pull my girlfriend?"
"Sod off," I say. "You've been trying to get between me and Agatha since the day she chose me over you."
"She never chose you over me."
"Get over yourself, Baz.
He looks pained; that's a new one. "No," he goes on. "What I'm saying is--I've never been an option for Wellbelove."
"She interrupted me," he says. "That day in the Wood."
I ignore him.
"She interrupted my dinner. She saw me. I was asking her not to tell anyone."
"in the interest of our truce" MY ASS u are doing this for ur WHOLE ASS SELF "hmm what can i do to maybe make snow hate me a little less Oh I Know" FJGOFUGJFJGJ THOUGHT PROCESS EXPOSED
"And you had to hold her hands for that?"
"I only did that bit to piss you off. I knew you were watching."
"Well, it worked," I say.
popped him out of existence like an angry little pimple
"You're not listening." He's looking very pained now. "I'm not ever going to come between you and Wellbelove. I was always just trying to piss you off."
it's 3 am and i am kicking my legs and squealing and going like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i am PROCESSING FUCK
maybe not DIRECTLY coming out but at LEAST trying to communicate that he isn't interested in agatha and wasn't trying to ruin simons fucking love life (even tho we all know secretly he was)
but why is he looking so pained if he's NOT trying and failing to communicate that hes gay. maybe it's just that he's being genuine for probably the first time ever on purpose and it's going right the fuck over simon's head and making him even MORE pissed at him and gkagjsodgsdgkd
"Are you saying you flirted with Agatha just to hurt me?"
"You never cared about her?"
I grit my teeth. "And you think I want to hear that?"
"Well, obviously. Now you can make up with her and have the best Christmas ever."
he's GENUINELY trying to do simon a solid even tho it means they might get back together which he doesn't want to see but he feels he owes it to him especially with the truce at play I?????????!!!!!!?!?!!!??????!!!!
im actually gonna SCREAM
"You're such an arse!" I say, jumping to my feet and charging at him.
"Anathema!" he shouts, and I hear him, but I almost plant my fist in his jaw anyway.
INVOKING THE PROTECTION OF ANATHEMA IN THE FACE OF IMMINENT DISASTER it will never get old it will NEVER not be so fucking good
imagine at some point in the future they're not even in their room but they start fighting and one of them yells ANATHEMA out of habit
Anathema Cant Save U Now Bitch *gives the wedgie of a lifetime*
"She was carrying around your bloody handkerchief, that whole time you were gone. Since last year."
"What handkerchief?"
I go to the drawer where the handkerchief is shoved in
with my wand and a few other things, then I wave it in his face. "This one."
Baz pulls the fabric out of my hand, and I pull it right back because I don't want him to have it. I don't want him to have anything right now.
"Look," he says. "I'll stop. I'll leave Wellbelove alone from now on. She doesn't matter to me."
"That makes it worse!'
"Then I won't stop!" he says, like he's the one who should be angry. "Is that better? I'll damned well marry her, and we'll have the best-looking kids in the history of magic, and we'll name them all Simon just to get under your skin."
"Just go!" I shout. "Seriously. If I have to look at you anymore, I won't even care about the Anathema. If I get kicked out of Watford, at least I'll finally be done with you!"
oh SHIT he's not fuckign playing around baz u gotta get outta there he's gonna kill u in real life hgjfugjfugkdjgkdf
absolutely tragic. he tried so hard to make peace HE TRIED TO MAKE AMENDS IN THE NAME OF THEIR TRUCE and all he did was make things fucking worse AND THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS NO LESS
genuinely tho poor baz :( legit tried to make an effort and it blew up in his face
i mean it IS his fucking fault but STILL
it reminds me of before, back towards the beginning of the book, when simon was recounting the chimera incident and talked about how baz was shouting at him and "accidentally" told him what using magic felt like to him, when in reality he was offering genuine advice to help him in a dire situation
this again is an example of miscommunication as a result of their years long rivalry, because simon is basically incapable of registering anything other than antagonism on baz's part, he literally just always assumes the worst of him. so when baz Actually goes out of his way to be helpful or anywhere within the realm of amicable his intentions just fly right the fuck over simon's head because anything baz does gets put thru a Bad Faith filter before it even reaches simon's critical thinking center and he just goes Yeah Right Asshole every time
and this time especially went south bc simon is still very much hurting over the breakup and still 1000% blames baz so of Course when baz says shit like "yea no idgaf about agatha i was just trying to piss u off" simon's not gonna hear "oh baz isn't actually a romantic rival so there's no threat to mine and agatha's relationship" he's gonna be like "SO U RUINED MY RELATIONSHIP FOR NO FUCKING REASON U WEREN'T EVEN TRYING TO STEAL MY GIRLFRIEND U LITERALLY JUST WANTED TO SEE ME MISERABLE 😡😡😡"
which TBF is all literally true LMAO
so basically baz's plan to save simon's christmas fucking backfired to hell and back which is why he finally snaps and gets pissed at the end, because he can't fucking do anything right and now simon's For Real mad at him and he doesn't even have a date to the prom
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[Baz] I was trying to do Snow a favour.
A favour that doesn't serve my interests at all--at all.
yeah??????????????? Yeah????????????????? Are U Sure About That
I bloody well should marry Wellbelove. My father would love it.
Marry her. Give her the keys to whatever she wants keys to. Then find a thousand men who look exactly like Simon bloody Snow and break each of their hearts a different way.
LOLLLLLLLL Bring In The Twink Parade Tell Them All That They Bombed The Modeling Audition And They're Banned From Their Local Sephoras
I didn't expect to mend any fences with all this...co-operating. I didn't expect to convince or convert Snow. But I thought we were making progress.
Like, maybe when this was all over, he and I would still be standing on either side of the trench, but we wouldn't be spitting at each other. We wouldn't be spoiling for the fight.
I know Simon and I will always be enemies....
But I thought maybe we'd get to a point where we didn't want to be.
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ANY time baz uses simon's 1st name gets me in my fuckin heart BUT THIS ONE HURTS SO BAD AAAAAAAAAAAAA "i know simon and i will always be enemies" SNIFFLING AND HICCUPING AND WHIMPERING UAUAAAHGHG
the way he only does this shit when he's being Genuine and Unguarded abt his feelings for simon i. I!!!!!! i can't do it bro i cant take this anymore im literally gonna snap like a dry ass twig this is a TARGETED ATTACK,,,, ON MY FEELINGS,
he wants it so bad he wants simon so bad but he has to be Realistic he can't even hope for a future in which they're together he's SETTLING for this fantasy in which maybe, just maybe they can get to a point that they're not right at each other's throats, that he isn't completely despised by the one person he cares about most- he's hoping for the bare minimum, not even a happy ending but just the bare minimum of mutual reluctance to fight- and he can't even have THAT
the line between "lol rip baz" and "SOBBING AND WHEEZING LET HIM BE HAPPY" is a FINE ONE and all it takes is one funny lil pov switch and some vulnerability to make me pop like a go-gurt getting stomped into the playground
so correction: NEXT TIME we might catch up to where i left off gjdfkjskdgsdfndgjdfj (did you see it??? the inclusion of the word "might", implying the possibility that we won't actually catch up next time,)
i make no promises c ya ✌️
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spideymichelle · 2 years
idk what's your opinion on this or if you ever talked about it but you're my favorite mcu mj warrior so i wanted to read your thoughts
like i know mcu mj isn't a very flashed out / well written character but it always bothered me when people call her a pick me girl or say she's trying to be a "not like other girls" type when usually these characters compare themselves to other girls or get compared by the narrative to show they're Superior to other "superficial feminine women" but i don't remember that ever happening in any of the movies? she wasn't trying to be different as a way to draw attention and prove she was worth more than anyone else, she barely even interacted with liz or betty, she's just a introverted "weird" girl by nature and she minds her business...her interactions with peter in the first movie read as "i'm awkward and i don't know how to get close to people but i really want to be your friend" and not "look at me i'm better than any of these girls".
you are completely right about the fact michelle jones isn't well fleshed out character as much as she should be. i blame kevin, amy and jon for that
but michelle is not the "i'm not like other girls" trope or a "pick me" girl at all like my girl is just weird and doesn't know how to open up like that is all it is.... she is scared of letting people in, of being vulnerable and getting hurt (something they have explored more before peter broke her trust in no way home but i digress)
i feel a lot people misunderstand michelle as whole ... she literally can't communicate well and can't close with people something that was shown in homecoming, further expressed in far from home, and again referenced in no way home
michelle is friends with most of the acadec members but she doesn't form a deep relationship with anybody outside peter and to a certain extend ned (again only in no way home and far from home when she finally opens up to peter)
from what we can tell she has some of school friends/acquaintances but the depth of those friendships were quite shallow she doesn't sit with them during lunch or pe and is alone during those times and she is just vibing on her own .... but she will still go to parties and school dances usually in group (michelle had no issue dressing up then ... so i'm not like other girls narrative falls flat)
also she only called peter and ned out for being creepy staring at liz but didn't have any bite (of jealousy) or whatever.... she also gets on quite well with betty but again surface level betty wasn't her roommate in far from home
like there is a reason why brad was into her (mj is pretty and fun guys) and she was really nice to him while being seatmates and had no issues going along with him from watching movies (joking with him even though her jokes fall flat) on the plane to hanging out in venice but she didn't necessarily open up to him
since homecoming mj has gravitated towards peter and ned, i think it's because she liked that they weren't afraid to be themselves even if that means being on the bottom of social ladder and i think she wanted to be friends with them for quite some time even before peter became a mystery she wanted to solve which is why i think she had less problems opening up to peter it's because she genuinely wanted to be close with him
but we were robbed a female friendship for mj though .... jon watts i will get you !!!!
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Coach (1)
Fandom: Dylan O'Brien
Pairing: AU Dylan x Fem!Reader
Mini series summary: Being a newly single mom of two kids wasn't exactly easy. And love wasn't exactly part of your agenda. So, should you avoid lusting over your son's baseball coach? Absolutely. But with a man like Dylan, could you really resist? Probably not.
Warnings: nothing major yet, small sexual innuendo, mentions of cheating and divorce
WC: 1.9k
A/N: a yes, to those who have been following me for a while may recognize this title, it's my old Dylan AU fic. Yes I decided to continue it. Updates will come periodically, because I write spontaneously and I cant guarantee quick updates. But I do promise I wont wait a whole year to update. And since I did some slight updates in the first 2 parts I decided to archive the old ones and repost them again. So yeah, if you've read them before great, give it another read, my writing is much better now I promise and if you're new welcome, I hope you like this mini series.
(You are here, part 2, part 3)
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Dylan stood by the side of the large field, near the home plate, occasionally yelling out suggestions and pointing out mistakes to the young boys. 
"Ezra! You have to watch the ball! C'mon! I know you can do better!" He called out to the blonde boy standing on the home plate with a bat in hand. Dylan then turned his attention to the dark haired boy with the baseball mitt and ball in hand.
"Roman! What's going on, buddy? You gotta focus, alright? You gotta work on that throw!" Dylan called out to the young boy, who half nodded and sighed heavily in response.
Not long after, Dylan signaled the young boys scattered throughout the large field to gather around. He spoke some encouraging words to the boys before allowing them to disperse and gather their equipment which meant practice was over.
Your son, however, stayed behind for a minute. There was an inaudible conversation happening between Dylan and your ten year-old, Roman. You watched from the bleachers as your son made some tired gestures at his coach followed by a small pat on the back from Dylan. You couldn't help but follow them with your eyes as they made their way to the bleachers, your eyes lingering a bit too long on the brown haired coach. An action that wasn't taken lightly by the female sitting beside you.
"You're staring at him again." Your best friend, Ezra's mother, Eliza -or just Liz, commented.
"I'm not." You muttered out quickly, tearing your eyes away from the handsome coach, your mouth hanging open for a couple of seconds. "I wasn't staring." You stated matter of factly and shrugged as you looked down at the small six year-old sitting on your lap, making sure she wasn't paying attention to the conversation.
"Really? The drool coming from your mouth says otherwise." Liz playfully ran her finger across your chin, pretending to wipe away at it. You slightly glared at her, an eye roll going her way.
"I'm not drooling. I wasn't even staring." You tried to defend yourself, making a small sassy gesture to her.
"Hey, I don't blame you. If I wasn't married," she took a pause as she eyed Dylan as he removed his baseball hat to run a hand through his messy chocolate locks, you couldn't help but stare as well. "I'd jump on his bones any day."
"Hey, there's young ears present." You said quietly to Liz as not to disturb the young girl in your arms.
Despite your attempt not to, you couldn't help but allow your eyes to fall once again on the field, following the handsome male that was the topic of your conversation. You had to hide the infatuated sigh that left your lips at the sight of your son's coach running around the field, talking to the kids and picking up equipment.
"Well he is handsome, I'll give him that.." You admitted quietly, "and he's really good with the kids."
Your friend smirked slightly at your words and wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"I bet that's not the only thing he's really good at." She eyed you suggestively and slightly nudged at you with her shoulder, "You should find out what other things he's good at."
Your mouth instantly fell open and your eyes widened at the insinuation.
"Eliza! Oh, my god. Don't say that." You slightly shook your head to brush off the embarrassment and hid your face on your hands to cover the crimson on your skin.
"Mommy you're warm!" Athena, your six year-old giggled as she grabbed your warm, sweaty hands. Even your daughter noticed the nervousness that crept up on you when it came to Dylan, even if it was just the topic of him. Truth was, you had been shamelessly crushing on your son's baseball coach ever since he joined the team a couple of months ago. 
Get it together, you should not be crushing on your son's baseball coach.
"I know baby, it's just hot out here." You tried to brush it off, but the knowing smirk on Liz's face wasn't exactly helping. "Thena, why don't you go get Roman and Ezra? They're over there." You pointed to the field where Roman and Ezra were talking —or more like just Ezra was, to the other kids on the team. She quickly nodded and bolted off the bleachers, somehow not tripping over the steps as she went down. You sighed heavily the moment the young girl was far enough and slightly turned your head in Liz's direction.
"You should totally ask him out." She said out of nowhere with a shrug and a smirk on her face. Your eyes widened for the hundredth time, and you instantly shook your head frantically, the idea alone giving you a headache.
"Ask Dylan out? No way. I.. No.. That's just.. No." Your cheeks slightly heat up at the preposition. But you quickly turned it down with a vigorous shake of your head, not even giving the idea a minute to sink into your brain. "No, he's Roman's coach. It's just wrong."
"Why? I mean, you're single, and as far as I know, he's very single. Soo," she dragged the 'o' as she wiggled her eyebrows and she nudged your shoulder, pushing you over a little in a high school girl manner, "Why not get ready to mingle with the hot coach?"
"First of all, I'm technically not single, not yet." You groaned with an eyeroll. As much as you and your husband —or ex-husband or whatever were no longer living together, the divorce process had been unnecessarily long and dreadful. So as much as you wanted to be legally single, you were still married to that piece of shit. 
"And second of all, if I were to date someone, which is a big if, I can't date Roman's coach out of all people. He already has enough as it is. It'll just confuse him and probably upset him more." You sighed heavily as you looked over to the side of the field, where all the boys were having a conversation about elementary boys' things. And there you saw your son, trying, and ultimately failing at joining said conversations. And with little Athena tugging at his side, all he got from the other kids was laughing and rejection.
Seeing your son's sad and hurt expression when the other boys laughed at him or even told him to go away broke your heart. You wanted him to be happy again. You wanted him to be the energetic and loving kid he was before your waste of a husband left. Ever since Ryan —your waste of a husband left, Roman hasn't been the same. 
For the past six or so months, he has been distant and seemingly unhappy. All he ever did was lock himself up in his room and play video games. He barely ever interacted with you and Athena anymore. He barely interacted with anyone, period. Once Ryan left, it was up to you to support your kids financially. Of course, their father still paid child support, but he sure as hell didn't pay your bills or everything you needed to spend on your children. Which meant you had to take him out of the fancy school he went to in order to still pay the monthly expenses of your home. And he just didn't quite fit in at school, especially now. 
So, you hoped that him joining the baseball team would change that, that it would help him open up again and that it would help him make new friends. But so far, it's worked just the opposite.
"So, I'm making dinner tonight. Do you want to come over with the kids and get drunk? Luke will watch over the kids." Liz spoke, interrupting your train of thought.
"That sounds a-mazing," you spoke in a song-like tune, a sigh of contentment leaving your lips. "But I can't. I told Roman I'd take him to that Italian place he likes."
"Tomorrow then. I'll have that Chardonnay you love so much waiting for you." She winked at you as you both stood up, ready to greet your children.
"Thank God for your alcohol stash." You joked, flinging your arms up in praise. 
You both laughed and smiled in your children's direction, but your smile dropped as your kids and Ezra approached you. Ezra was holding Athena's hand, while Roman walked behind them, with a certain heaviness on his step and an annoyed look on his face. And Athena had a small pout on her face.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Rome doesn't want to hold my hand!" Athena whined with a pout of her lower lip. She released Ezra's hand and exchanged it for your own. Ezra going to his own mom. While Roman simply stood there, with a hand stuffed into his pockets and the other messing with the strap of his bag, his gaze stuck on the ground.
"Roman, baby," you sighed softly, not wanting to give the poor kid a hard time. You understood he didn't exactly fit in, no matter how much he wanted to, and that upset him. You didn't want to add up to that. "Your sister just wanted you to hold her hand."
"She was embarrassing me.. I'm already the kid without a dad, I don't need to be the kid with an annoying  baby sister." He muttered, his gaze not once leaving the ground.
 His words were harsh, but lacked emotion. And it broke your heart. But as much as you wanted to tell him that it wasn't true, that he did have a dad, you'd be lying if you did. Ryan was already absent in your children's lives before the split, but at the same time he was there, and Roman felt as if he was. But now, his father really wasn't there, at all. And there was nothing you could do about it.
You sighed softly, gesturing your free hand out for him, "Roman, come here," a heavy sigh left the young boy's lips as he took a few steps closer, standing in front of you with his head hanging low and his eyes stuck to the ground. You used your hand to hold the side of his face, his eyes meeting with your own. "Baby, Thena just wanted to show you that she loves you. She didn't mean to embarrass you, right Thena?" You turned your attention to the small girl that hid behind your arm, her eyes glistening with tears.
The small girl sniffled and shook her head, "No.. I'm sorry Rome.. I won't do it ever again, I-I promise."
You exchanged looks between your children, your eyes finally landing on Roman as you waited for a response. You raised an eyebrow at him, your eyes speaking a silent 'and' to the boy. He eventually signed, almost too heavily, and nodded. 
"It's okay, I guess.. I don't really mind all that much." He half smiled, shrugging slightly.
Athena's expression quickly lightened, the small girl detached herself from your hand and hugged her older brother. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't mind the affection. He returned the hug and smiled, for a moment at least.
After a second or two, Roman slightly pushed Athena off him, signaling that that had been enough affection for a day. You breathed out softly, turning to look at Liz, who gave you a sympathetic smile in response. 
"Well my loves, off we go. Say goodbye to Auntie Liz and Ezra." Both your children did as you said. Athena hugging both of them, and Roman simply waving at them. Good enough.
And at last, you gave Liz a quick but tight hug, "I'll call you tomorrow." You said shortly before you grabbed a hold of your daughter's hand and your son's bag, and eventually parted ways.
Today was gonna be a long day.
《Here's an edited version of part 1. As always I hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm trying to get back into writing after a long year, hopefully this will help me get back on track. Let me know your thoughts. And let me know if you'd like to be added to my dylan/coach taglist which I do have》
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mbti-notes · 3 years
Anon wrote: Hi! I'm a female ENFP in high school. For the last couple of months, I've noticed my forming boredom/ dislike/ irritance for my friends, whom I've known for years (INFJ, ISFP). They've always been the same since I've met them and "predictable" to me. Don't like change, quick to jump to conclusions, and I can always guess their actions/responses. They're not horrible people by any means, but I've been noticing how exhausted I get by trying to make conversations fun with them. It's either I initiate it and they keep talking about themselves, or I have to entertain them with either jokes or anecdotes. When I do though, our interactions become memorable. I've noticed they're not that good at initiating conversations or knowing how to lead them. They don't really try either. They're not that great at socializing. As a result, I constantly feel exhausted with my efforts and wish they were more engaging/ "fun". I would appreciate it if they even tried. I've been feeling more annoyed with this trait of theirs that sometimes I just sit silently and wait for them to make an effort in leading a convo. However, I usually get a "I don't know what to say". I can't help but feel disappointed. It makes me feel bad, but I just wish they were more engaging. At this point, I'm considering slowly distancing myself from them. What do you think?
Reflect on these questions: Do you believe that people are put on earth for the sole purpose of entertaining you? Do you believe that this world was created just to be your playground? If you walk through life with this egocentric attitude (many people do), you're likely to leave a long trail of broken relationships behind you. It is the road to Si grip. I've seen many enfps run along it, with tragic consequences.
If you are unhappy in life, it is YOUR problem and yours alone. A mature individual would reflect on the true source of their unhappiness and seek out healthy remedies. Blaming people and blowing up your relationships is not healthy behavior.
Boredom is a legitimate emotion. It's there to tell you that life needs some change or improvement. Very simple. Yet, you turn it into something very ugly. You take this innocent emotion and get resentful and angry at others, convincing yourself that they are the problem. Your boredom belongs to you. If you don't learn to take responsibility for your feelings and emotions, you will never have healthy Fi, and that will make it impossible for you to maintain meaningful long-term relationships with people, whether you find them "entertaining" or not.
It's true that sometimes two people aren't a good fit and maybe the relationship shouldn't go on, but usually because they're constantly hurting each other. If the only reason you want to break up the friendship is that you don't like it anymore, it's solely your problem and you shouldn't be blaming anyone. People can make new friends without callously disposing of their old friends like yesterday's trash. You need to put a lot more thought into the standards that you use to judge people and on what basis you set up expectations of them. You seem unreasonable and quite lacking in empathy. I'm not saying you're a bad person. You have some issues and you're psychologically lashing out instead of dealing with them. In other words, you're not exactly great friendship material right now, either.
I will point out what is missing from your calculation. You're so focused on how you feel that you've given little consideration to how your friends feel. If your needs aren't being met, communicate about it responsibly, without blame, and see what can be done about it by working together. If they are true friends, they should be willing to put out some effort if they understand how important it is to you. Have you made your needs understood through good communication? Trying to manipulate the response you want from them isn't the right way. Treating your friends like objects or adversaries isn't healthy.
What do I think? What I think is unimportant. Honestly, if I knew that my friend had no love in their heart for me, that they couldn't accept me as is, that they could only see me in the most negative light, that they were blind to my good qualities, that they had no compassion for my limitations, that they were constantly judging me as inferior to them, that they were only interested in molding me into some false image they constructed of what I should be to entertain them... I wouldn't be able to call it a "friendship". That's just me.
I can't speak for how you will feel in the future looking back on this decision - it's for you to reflect on it. And I can't speak for how your friends will feel about the way you treated them - it's your decision whether to care about how good of a friend you are. Take friendship for granted and you will become a careless friend, which will create exactly the outcome you fear: a life alone and bored.
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