#i might draw him more later ehe
ijvnyxcy · 10 months
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
Doodles I made a weekish ago of Mind & Soul in different outfits I found online
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etheries1015 · 3 months
Heheha!!! Could I request about being Lilia Vanrouge's personal "stress ball"? (Aka relieve of stress via sex)
And he just LOVES degrading you and doing stuff to make you cry and beg?
Imagine if he like, makes you go on his cock while he's lying down, and he just orders you to pleasure him because he's too lazy too (what a lie) and he will randomly snap his hips at random times up just to see your reaction. Then it would go to full-blown fucking after a while, but y'know, you get it
Fingering you while you're blindfolded and you have to guess which finger he's using. Get it wrong, and you don't get to cum! But he lies, and makes you beg to cum. Fucks you into tomorrow, ehe!
Etc, etc...
Then imagine that after the war, he realises that he actually likes you! Confession? Fluff? And more smut? Lol my brain is now empty, pls expand.
AHHHHHHHHHH I READ THIS A COUPLE TIMES OVER BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD??? moister than an oyster over here eheheheheh I wrote something pretty similar about this concept of Lilia taking home a human sex toy, it is very short and not in-depth but you can take a read of it -> HERE hehehe
This might be a little dark, so warning you... 18+ below with some dark themes, a bit of non-con sprinkled in there. Rough fucking, Lilia a little mean :[ but he turns out pretty soft hearted after it all <3 mildly rushed, hopefully you still enjoy <3
But I LOVE to imagine the fact that it starts out as just a fling- a way for him to let out his anger and frustrations through pleasurable means. To see you cry out as he continues to thrust into you- the chains on your hands making your wrists become sore. You kind of liked this, though, being tied up and used as the Generals release. Something about it was enticing to you, despite the toll it sometimes takes upon your body.
He lets you free of course, but he loves the way you tighten around him and how much more warm you feel when you're chained up. There's times when he comes back utterly exhausted from the days endeavors, sitting down with his head tilted back and his hands covering his eyes, legs spreading. His gaze flickers down to your needy body, before he unzips his pants pulling out his cock. Soft at first, before he tells you to entertain him enough to get him hard.
If you weren't able to properly arouse him- you'd be punished for it either later or in that moment. Depends how "tired" he is.
"You understand I've had a long day, don't you, my little bat? You can't even get me hard all by yourself. I guess I have to do all of the work, don't I?" He grabs a fist full of your hair, pushing your head into the pillow before roughly grabbing you by the hips and pulling your ass to meet his pelvis. He grinds into you before tearing your pants, your feeble whines falling upon deaf ears as he pumps his cock a time or two before entering your hole painfully slow. Now you're whining for a different reason- Lilia chuckling at such neediness. All at once he suddenly snaps his hips against your ass, leaving marks upon the back of your neck almost drawing blood. Your punishment, he says.
Over time, you felt as if Lilia was getting "bored" of you. He was coming home later than usual and didn't call upon your services as often. But this was far from the truth. He started to find himself...interested in you. Once he walked in on you indulging in your hobby, simply existing. You were so beautiful in that moment in his eyes- the way you were focusing on your task, now allowing the outside world to interfere with your happiness in that moment. Being so used to seeing hatred and bloodshed, Lilia almost forgot what it was like to be happy. He began to realize that you were indeed more than just a toy to be used at his disposal, and with this slight change of heart, he began to treat you differently.
Coming closer to the end of the war, instead of keeping you up all night to have his way with you, it would be spent asking you questions and talking about what life would be like after the war. Your hopes and dreams, your hobbies, your future plans. He began to bring you heartier food and random trinkets he felt would suite your interests, even bringing you a peony at some point, not without a deep blush and quickly disappearing into thin air almost as if to avoid your reaction. He was becoming gentler, and you weren't sure how to feel about it. Was it a trap? Was he getting your hopes up to take you by surprise? After all, you spent so long thinking you had not much worth besides being used for his sick and twisted pleasure.
Once the war was officially declared as over, you were his first visit. The first on his mind in which he wanted to share this moment, running swiftly to the cottage in which you took shelter in. You were standing in front of the garden with a smile on your face as he came back to you.
During that period in which he began to treat you differently, you had also become much more light hearted and comfortable around the fae. Perhaps a mistake you often wondered about, yet you continued on with reckless abandon nonetheless. "Lilia! It's finally over! I'm so proud-" You were cut off as he ran to you and immediately smashed his lips against yours. He had never kissed you so gently yet so passionately at the same time- his hands snaking around your body and pulling you close, almost like...a hug. Your heart dropped for a moment- thinking perhaps this was the time in which he decided to ravage you. When the war was over and worries were off his mind- he could have his way with you once again. How twisted.
"...Shall I go get my chains?" He was startled at this, pulling away and looking you in the eyes with a hint of sadness and guilt. He shook his head, pressing his forehead against yours with his hands trembling as he cupped your cheeks, peering into your eyes.
"No more chains," He muttered, "I thought I made it clear that you are not worth your body to me anymore. I apologize if I did not make that clear, my little bat." The nickname he had chosen for you sounded much softer, much more kind, and in the most loving tone, unlike the degradation you were subjected to. You bit your bottom lip as if to hide a giddy smile, Lilia taking notice of this and pressing a kiss against your forehead. The war was over, and Lilia had finally confessed his feelings for you.
The first time you two have sex, he asked permission.
"Can we...I..." He was stuttering over his words. Lilia was so used to taking what he wanted from you that it felt almost weird and awkward to ask for permission- but he promised to do it right.
"I would like to make love with you."
This time, he was gentle. Taking his time with you. He gently lay your back against the bed and propped your legs over his shoulders, bending over to pepper kisses around your face and love marks on your chest. He asked you if you were alright, and was certain to prep you before entering. Your fingers interlocked with each other, his thrusts were short and intimate yet reached the deepest parts of you. This time, it was for your pleasure- not just his own for the taking. With every thrust and every whispered "I love you's" came with praise you were unfamiliar with. This wasn't the same general who simply used you to fill to the brim and bark orders at, this was someone who wanted you to feel the love with every stroke of his hips and dulcet words that left his once fiery mouth.
it's truly a wonder how much people can change.
( @mellowwillowy I think you'd enjoy this one, pookie)
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zablife · 2 months
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Tommy x gf reader
Summary: An infatuated Tommy finds his gf in a state of confusion, leading him to question her devotion. Will she say she loves him and not another?
Author's Note: Requested by @runnning-outof-time who asked for a story set in the room pictured above. Image credit goes to K for that lovely image in the center of the moodboard!
The soft glow of the fading afternoon sunlight gave an ethereal quality to your family’s drawing room, the pale ivory walls bathed in swaths of peach and gold that welcomed Tommy in despite his late arrival.
Arms full of flowers and lips overflowing with apologies, he carefully approached the center of the room. As he waited to see how you might receive him, his eager blue eyes roved the intricate scrollwork of the plaster moldings which cascaded from the ceiling and walls like clouds come down from heaven.
The high shine of the polished parquet floors reflected the warmth of the sun’s radiance upon your skin, bringing his gaze back to you and the sight left him enchanted. He stuttered out a quiet breath in appreciation of your angelic form in a white satin gown and matching gloves. But as Tommy moved to place a kiss upon your cheek, you shrunk way from him, an unreadable expression crossing your face.
Bringing the bouquet to your nose, you inhaled their rich perfume deeply, a hint of satisfied contentment settling over you. It was not to last. Tommy watched as your mood soon shifted like the wind, your hands relinquishing the colorful blooms moments later to a nearby table.
With an aching dread growing in his chest, he noted the distance between you as you retreated to the semicircular alcove of tall windows. Without so much as a backward glance, you walked into the light, leaving him far behind.
It was not the welcome to which he'd grown accustomed. The evenings of months past were spent intertwined on the sofa as you read from one of your favorite novels, stopping for him to brush the tendrils from your vision so you might continue or share a bit of gossip with him.
An uncharacteristic air of despondency seemed to take hold now as you looked out into the open space before you. Many moments passed in silence, your arms clutched tightly against your body before you finally proclaimed, “You shouldn’t have come tonight, Tom.”
“Why? Are you expecting someone else?” he asked with a half hearted laugh. A harsh gulp followed your silence, afraid to hear the answer.
“As a matter of fact, I am,” you confirmed, pulling back the heavy brocade curtains. Your eyes scanned the front lawn for movement, sensing only the shadows passing over the hedgerow.
As the sun dipped in the sky, a single beam of sunlight graced the ornate marble fountain. The light danced across the rippling water, twinkling back at you in an array of glittering gold and you smiled to yourself as you thought of the magic this particular hour held. In the days after your introduction to Tommy and his love of horses, you would often stroll the grounds near the stables before dinner. However, your joy was quickly stolen by thoughts of what your father had said at breakfast.
Tommy sighed heavily behind you and you glanced over your shoulder to see him slowly approaching.
“Tommy, please, don’t,” you shook your head softly as he began to reach for you. 
“What’s wrong, eh?” his tone was gentle, but the concern he held was evident by the crease of his brow as he noted your puffy lower lip, swollen from your incessant biting. He’d come to notice it was a nervous habit of yours, albeit one that made you even more attractive. He would have kissed your ruby red lips if you hadn’t looked so distressed.
“Father says I ought to consider my options for the future. I’m afraid that no longer includes you,” you confessed flatly, afraid you’d lose control of your emotions if you didn’t hold tightly to the facade of well-mannered elegance.
Tommy's jaw clenched involuntarily at the thought of your father's duplicitousness, but also chided himself for being so thoroughly distracted by the mess Michael had made of everyone's finances recently. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he attempted a calming breath before asking, “And what of your mother?”
“Mother says I shouldn’t bother with someone who doesn’t deserve me,” you answered without considering how hurtful your declaration sounded. As soon as the words left your mouth, you recoiled slightly at the harshness. Eyes flicking up toward Tommy’s crestfallen face, you added defensively, “You’ve been away for weeks now with so few calls."
“I see,” Tommy uttered on a low breath. It was true the board meetings and paperwork had taken more of his time than he would have liked. “There were things I had to take care of,” Tommy began to explain before you cut him off.
“Yes, I understand, but that doesn't change the fact that mother says you’re not serious about me," you argued.
Fidgeting with your gloves you admitted that your parents had invited a handsome Bostonian named Jack Nelson to dinner one evening. With their blessing he'd taken you to the pictures and then dancing. Soon he was a regular guest at your parents' home, usurping Tommy's place at the table.
Tommy felt all the air leave the room as he recognized the name of the rival gangster. They'd seen one another two weeks earlier in London and exchanged cryptic remarks about his penchant for blue bloods and aspiration which made perfect sense now.
“You’d consider Jack Nelson’s proposal?” Tommy winced as he recalled the unsettling curl of the man's upper lip when he smirked.
“I don't know, I’m lost in confusion,” you cried, eyes brimming with tears. 
Tommy ran a hand through his hair, unable to believe what he’d just heard. Surely you had to know the difference between his love for you and whatever false promises Jack had made.
The sound of tires crunching against the gravel drive signaled an end to your discussion and you quickly dried your tears. Chin raised high, you prepared to take your leave when Tommy reached for your arm.
“Don’t go,” he pleaded.
"But...my parents...they're expecting me" you stuttered, lost in the deep blue pools of his eyes so close to you they now threatened to swallow you.
Tommy's palm caressed your arm, warmth spreading up you like the last ray of sunlight fading from view. You couldn't help leaning into his touch, needing to hear what he would say.
“I'm sorry I wasn't here, but you have to know...I haven’t spent a day without thinking about you,” he confessed, eyes glistening hopefully.
A single tear cascaded down your cheek at his admission, savoring the words you'd longed to hear even though you knew they came too late.
Tommy's heart clenched in his chest at the sight of it, silently willing you to listen a moment longer. "Does he know?"
"Know what?" you whispered.
"That you like simple daisies most? Or that you're allergic to lavender?" he asked in a pinched voice, a lump growing in his throat at the thought of your hand slipping from his and losing you forever.
"Oh, Tommy..." you sighed, realizing he'd recognized your habit of pressing the delicate white flowers into your books when he brought them to you and how you sneezed when you'd passed the rows of purple blooms your mother planted in the garden. "I...I don't think anyone ever thought to notice," you admitted sadly. Your comfort had never been a priority to anyone before.
Tommy brought you in close to his body, stroking your back gently as he spoke. "You're the most precious thing to me in this world. How could I not have noticed?"
With that you began to weep openly and he embraced you tightly, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
"Everything's going to be fine, darling. I'll speak with your father and make things right. I love you," he swore to you with such earnestness you didn't doubt him for a moment.
“I love you too, Tommy,” you answered breathlessly.
Wiping your tears away with pad of his thumb, Tommy's grin widened and his eyes twinkled with mischief as he added, "Then let's go tell that Nelson bastard to fuck off!"
"Yes, let's!" you agreed with a giggle. And you exited the drawing room hand in hand.
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tinydefector · 21 days
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Optimus prime x Human
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings; none
It's a few days later and the child is once again sitting on Optimus' leg, a book in hand as they read Outlook to him. But commotion outside the barn catches both of them. "Look I told you I don't know, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary, and I don't want you all scary my kid” their voice calls out from outside.
"Oppy, what's wrong?" the little one asks, sensing as keenly as any could the subtle shift in Optimus' posture at the commotion beyond sheltering walls. Optimus rumbles soft apology, lowering his helm and raising a gentle servo to offer comfort. "Do not fret, little one. Just your Par talking with people, but i must show caution." He states in reassurance, he carefully lifts the sparkling from perch on massively folded legs to cradle nestled against plating.
Transformation is quick, the little one giggles and laughs as they move around the cab of the truck, tiny hands clasp his seat in curiosity as they begin looking around grabbing at random parts. He turns his mirrors inward to make sure they are safe.
It's only a few minutes later that the doors to the barn are thrown open. Soldiers look around. The older human looks almost relieved to see Optimus hidden. The little child opens the door of the truck excitedly calling out. "Par!, Par Truck Truck goes vroooooom!"
The Soldiers continue checking things. "Come on baby let's get you down." They call out, holding their arms up to their child, small giggles come from them as they climb down into their parents arms watching the soldiers walk around. “Par, Army men!” They continue excitedly while watching them in awe.
The soldiers exchange apprehensive glances as the child's enthusiastic call draws their attention. One of the mne steps forward cautiously tapping knuckles gently against chipped red paint of the truck. “nice Peterbilt, used to have one like this back before I joined the army, trusty vehicles” he calls out.
“Ye was my father's, now it's kinda become a hobby project to fix up.” They state, trying to come up with a story without calling Optimus a He while talking. “Hopefully one day I'll get it back on the road, might even take Squirt here on a road trip” They continue while pulling their kids cheek.
It makes the man laugh as he walks closer. “Eh sounds like the life. truck got a name?” He asked and they have to stop themself but a little voice called out. “Oppy Truck!, Oppy Truck!” They state loudly. It makes the soldiers laugh at little one.
It nearly makes their parents' blood run cold and Optimus has to hold himself from panic too. “good kid you got there, Look after ya Poppy's truck then” he rumbled with a chuckle before another speaks up.
"All clear in here, sir. Just a kid's toy, and farm equipment." The voice carries an unspoken question - whether to continue disturbing what appears a scene of mere peace. Glancing between guardian and child now reunited in the doorway, another soldier relaxes stance minutely. "No signs of disturbance. Let's move out, give the family their day." boots scuffing straw.
"What is going on?. what is the army looking for all the way out here?" They ask while boosting their little one further up their hip. The soldiers share an uneasy look before themselves.
"Apologies for the disruption. We've been tracking movement in the woods, believed to be associated with...weapons trafficking. Just performing routine sweeps of outskirts as a precaution. No disrespect or disturbance meant to you or yours." A younger soldier speaks up tentatively. "We spotted unusual tracks, Still, people on edge after..." Her gaze falls realising he was giving information he shouldn't have been. "Just want folks safe, is all. You've a right to peace; we'll be gone soon and trouble you no more." As the other men begin to load up its the older man from before who had chatted about the truck. “Keep and eye or ear out, if you see any military jets overhead its best you get out of here” it's a vague warning but a warning none the less about something bigger going on.
They pull their child closer as they watch the soldiers pile back into the truck, many giving nods and glaces towards them as they drive off. They watched as the military Jeep and trucks slowly trek off the property. "Baby where's Optimus?" They ask their child, hoping It would calm their nerves by asking the silly question.
"Oppy!" The tiny one squeaks, twisting round in guardian's arms to peer back at the dishevelled peterbilt. Tiny hands point eagerly. "There, Par! Oppys! A Truck!" The excitement in their child's voice isn't lost on them.
His engine rumbles gently in response. Another sigh of relief leaves them as they press the side of their head against his door. "Are you alright, God I'm so sorry I didn't expect them and was hoping I was loud enough to give you a chance to hide" they are quiet for a moment. "They are looking for something, they weren't willing to say but they asked if I've seen any strange aircraft's, i think they are looking for someone like you"
A gentle exhale escapes vents, it was what he had feared, that others were about, and all he could hope it wasn't Decepticons out this way.
"If they seek me, I shall remain unseen. But your family's shelter comes first." They slowly slide down the wall, eyes lingering Optimus alt mode. Their child perks up. "Par, par Oppy is a truck, he turns into a truck! Isn't that cool!" They exclaimed while pointing to Optimus. "I can see that baby, he's very smart isn't he" they chuckle with a tired and worried smile. Optimus can see the worry etched in their face. “I won't let anything have too either of you” he calls out trying to reassure them. "I'm just worried, gut feeling that something bad is going to happen." They state.
His engine rumbled softly. "Troubled times stir troubled sparks," he rumbles mainly to himself, even in alt mode his attention was now on the skys.
Later that day Optimus still lingers in the barn, he had decided it was safer to stay there for now, but he remained vigilant watching both the child and their parent who was currently up a ladder, working on nailing some boards back down. "Par!, Oppy look!" The child calls out. It's Optimus who moves slightly, helm peeking out of the barn to see what they had. "Oppy, Oppy, look what I found!" the young sparkling calls excitedly, scurrying over with tiny palms outstretched. Nestled in their hands lies a cluster of strange objects smooth stones of varied hues, along with bits of coloured glass and ceramic smoothed by time.
Wide little eyes peer up at Optimus's faceplate, silently begging his praise on the tiny treasures collected. A gap-toothed smile spreads brightly. "Aren't they pretty?"
"Indeed, You have a keen eye for treasures." He states with a soft smile. “it's safe to come out if you want, I haven't seen anyone around since they left I'm sure your in the clear Optimus” they call out around the nails hanging out of their mouth. Optimus lets out a deep rumble noise as he slowly moves out of the barn, joints and gears creaking and screeching as he moves to stand outside. He watched his pede making sure that the little one wasn't at risk of being stepped on.
They had taken to playing across the yard with toys which makes Optimus vent out a sigh of relief as he moves to watch the older work. The cracking sound is what catches Optimus’ attention when the ladder gives out underneath them.
He moves around a speed he hadn't moved in a long time at the startled cry, powerful engines surging him into swift catch as the ladder hits the ground. "Careful now, I have you," Optimus rumbles, vocals soothing yet concerned as he over looks them. Ventilations exhale relief once he found no injuries. Optics crease warmly down at the human now gazing up, wide-eyed but unharmed. “are you alright, seems i caught you just in time”
Their eyes go wide as embarrassment takes over them. As their jaw drops a little. they hold onto his shoulder plating looking at him in shock. "I mean best rescuer I've ever had, I'd have to say my favourite set of red and blue" they state boldly, not thinking before they spoke.
Optimus rumbles a chuckle, warm field pulsing flattered amusement despite hint of embarrassment surfacing in his own modulated field. "Ah, you flatter me." massive digit lifts carefully to brush again their chin in gently. Optics crinkling warmly, he pauses for a moment, savouring the small moment "perhaps you should stay away from highest, we wouldn't want another fall"
His begins to lower them gently back to ground. As they are placed back down on the ground their legs wobble slightly. Optimus heads back over to the barn where their child continues to call out and ask him to play. They stand there stunned.
They had a thing for him. He was sweet, kind and he adored their child. They had a thing for an alien robot which could transform into a semi truck.
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mj-thrush-gxn · 9 months
sneak peaks on my kiddad sheet😉
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i like putting lions next to my grant drawings and adjusting him so that he resembles a lion at least a little bit because i like the symbolism. i might go into more detail later but eh.
i’m not sorry
also… nicky heart chest hair, ironic cause he cant pull.
terry. terry😌 terry😀 terry😁 terry☺️ terry🥰 terry 😍
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cheynovak · 16 days
Sugar - Part 5 
Soldier boy x F/ reader  (Y/N)      
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, age difference, ...     
Side note: English isn’t my first language.        
*Does not follow The Boys storyline * 
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Y/N is a college student who pays her apartment, bills and school tuition with the money she makes as ‘sugar baby’ for Soldier boy. What started as just being a companion on lonely moments became quickly more physical.     
But how will Y/N cope with the dominant side of Ben when he finds out she has a life beside pleasuring him?    
Ben felt the warmth of Y/N's body nestled against him brought a smile to his lips. He tightened his arms around her, feeling the steady rise and fall of her chest as she slept. Her hair was a tousled mess, spread out on the pillow, and he couldn’t help but think how beautiful she looked.  
Last night had been unforgettable, their fight had made their passion boil up and exploded into rough passioned sex. But he had to admit, he had to learn how to control these feelings, in order not to hurt her anymore.  
She is after all only human.
As they lay tangled in each other’s arms, the words she whispered before falling asleep now played on a loop in his mind. “My mom knows, she wants to meet you." He was shocked but responded with kiss on her forehead, "we'll talk about it later." and allowing her to drift off to sleep. 
But now, in the quiet morning, the gravity of her request settled over him like a heavy blanket. He never met girls' parents. It was an unspoken rule he had lived by for as long as he could remember.  
Meeting parents meant something more, something deeper. It meant commitments and expectations, things he had always shied away from. But as he looked at Y/N, her peaceful face and the way she unconsciously snuggled closer to him, something inside him began to shift.  
He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her soft skin. She stirred slightly but didn't wake, a small smile playing on her lips. He took a deep breath, the realization settling in.  
Maybe it was time to break his own rules. Maybe, just maybe, this time was different. The idea of meeting her parents didn't seem such a bad thing if it meant seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, and being a part of her world in a way he hadn't allowed himself to be before. 
But still, he needed to draw a line. Every time he showed her some affection, be all soft and sweet just like he thought would please her, he got pushed away.
No, no it was best to stay 'professional' a quick fuck when needed, and paying... Fuck money, he forgot to give her money last time. Although she declined, maybe she did wanted more?
Jesus Ben! he thought to himself, stop being such a pussy with all your feelings and shit. Why would she want you? She had said it herself, she does those things to please you, because you pay her.
Y/N stirred again, her eyes fluttering open. She looked up at him, a sleepy smile spreading across her face while she noticed him being in deep thoughts. "Good morning," she murmured. 
"Good morning," he replied, leaning down to kiss her softly. "I've been thinking." 
"About what?" she asked, curiosity piqued. 
"About what you said last night," he admitted, searching her eyes. "About meeting your parents." 
Her eyes widened slightly, and he could see the mixture of hope and anxiety there. "And?" 
"And," he said, he took a deep sigh, ”I don't want it. I never met anyones parents." He could see her disappointment. It did something to him. Why... why did he felt that?
"Well... eh ok, I guess that says it all then." She moved away from his embrace. "What?" He looked confused while she got up and quickly threw on her shirt.
"You clearly still see this as a transaction, so you know, its... fine, Ben. I just, you know though this might have evolved into something else." Ben could see the tears in her eyes starting to form.
"What do you mean?" He asked sincerely curious. Y/N's hand moved over her face, he could see her choosing her words. "Nothing forget about it."
"Y/N!" He said stern. "I just, before our fight you mentioned something about opening up or being nice to me and... I thought that meant something... More."
Fuck... This wasn't his plan. No no no, she wasn't supposed to fall for him. She should leave, yes, she should. But just as Y/N tried to walk away from the bed, a shot of panic rushed through him. What if she leaves and never comes back...
"Wait!" he gripped her arm and pulled her back into bed with him. Laying back in het spot in bed, hovering over her. He held her teary face in his hands, "Just because I never did... it doesn't mean... I mean... You're not... No, FUCK!" He sighs annoyed.
Y/N looked confused at him. Ben took a deep breath to steady his thoughts. "Fine, I'll do it." Y/N didn't believed him at first. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not pressuring you."
"I'll do it... For you.”  He looked at her eyes before he kissed her lips softly.
Her face lit up with joy, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a deeper kiss. When they finally broke apart, she whispered, "Thank you, Ben. You have no idea how much this means to me." 
"You beter find me a way to repay that!" he smiled and rolled her over so she lay on his chest.
Ben’s palms were slightly clammy as he gripped the steering wheel, the hum of the engine the only sound in the car as they drove through the rolling countryside. Y/N was beside him, her hand resting lightly on his thigh, a comforting presence amidst his growing nerves. The trip to her parents' house felt like an eternity, every mile bringing him closer to an unknown territory he had spent his life avoiding. 
"Are you okay?" Y/N's voice broke through his thoughts, soft and filled with concern. 
He glanced over at her, offering a reassuring smile. "Yeah, just thinking." 
"About my parents?" she asked, her eyes studying him. 
"Yeah," he admitted. 
She squeezed his thigh gently, her touch grounding him “I'll be right there with you the whole time. No need to worry" 
He smiled trying to disguise his nerves. "I fought the nazis, I think I can handle your parents."
As they continued the drive, he focused on her voice, letting her stories about her childhood and family fill the car, painting a picture of the home they were heading to. It was comforting, and by the time they reached the small town where she grew up, he felt a little more at ease. 
The house was a charming, two-story home with a white picket fence and a neatly manicured lawn. It looked exactly like the kind of place where Y/N's warmth and kindness would have been nurtured. As they pulled into the driveway, the front door opened, and her parents stepped out onto the porch. 
Y/N's father was tall and broad-shouldered, with a kind smile and a twinkle in his eye. Her mother was petite and graceful, her eyes the same shade as Y/N's, radiating the same warmth as Y/N's. Ben felt a pang of nervousness but took a deep breath, reminding himself why he was here. 
Please the girl, make up for almost having sex with two other women .. keep the girl. Ben felt he was turning into what he called, a fucking pussy. No woman was worth this bullshit. Yet here he was, all wrapped up around her finger.
Y/N walked slowly out of the car, "Mom, Dad, this is Ben," she said, her voice filled with nerves. Her father's handshake was firm, almost too firm, as if testing him. "Ben, I'm James," he said, his tone neutral. "nice to meet you." 
"Nice to meet you too, sir," Ben replied, trying to maintain his composure. 
Her mother offered a polite but distant smile. "Welcome, Ben," she said, though her eyes flicked to Y/N, a silent conversation passing between them. 
Dinner was set in a beautifully decorated dining room, with soft lighting and a table laden with delicious food. The ambiance was inviting, but the tension was almost palpable. Y/N's parents, James and Linda, sat across from Ben and Y/N, their expressions a mix of curiosity and disapproval. 
"So, Ben," James began, breaking the uneasy silence. "Tell us more about yourself. What do you do for a living?" 
Ben took a sip of water to steady himself before answering. "I eh, I am a retired supe.” James nodded, his face thoughtful. "Interesting. I imagine that kept you quite busy." 
"It did," Ben admitted, glancing at Y/N for support. "But I always make time for what's important." 
"Like Y/N," James said, with a hint of a smile, trying to find some common ground. "Exactly," Ben replied, easing up noticing how her dad found it a good thing he worshiped his little girl.  
Linda, who had been silently observing, chose this moment to speak up, her tone icy. "You mean, buy her time?” no response from either ... “It's quite an age difference, isn't it? Is that what you are going for?" 
Ben hesitated for a moment, trying not to tear her head off. “Mom!" Y/N answered, her tone defensive. 
Linda's eyes narrowed slightly. "So, Ben, how did you two meet? From what I understand, it wasn't exactly... conventional." 
Y/N's grip on Ben's hand tightened under the table, trying to ease him, but Ben decided to face it head-on. "We met at the diner she used to work," he said stern. "Y/N was looking for a new job and we hit it off from there." 
Linda's lips pursed. "A job, is that what they call it these days? Because what I heard was that Y/N was, for lack of a better term, your sugar baby or personal prostitute. " 
"Mom!" Y/N exclaimed, her face flushing with embarrassment and anger. James shot Linda a warning look but didn't interrupt. Ben took a deep breath. "Our relationship may have started in an unconventional way, but we care deeply for each other." 
Linda didn't look convinced. "And how can we be sure this isn't just another fleeting phase for you, Ben? That you won't tired of her and move on to someone else?" 
Ben saw Y/N's hurt flashing in her eyes. She probably had the memory of the two girls in her mind. "I'm sitting here, aren't I?" Ben replied, meeting Linda's gaze head-on. "Y/N is not just someone passing through my life."
James cleared his throat, trying to ease the tension. "Linda, I think we should give them a chance. How about we keep the evening light.”  
James now turning his attention back to Ben. "So, Ben, you used to be a superhero. Must have been an interesting career, tell me about it.” Ben's eyes flickered with a mix of pride and apprehension.  
"It was... intense," Ben replied, choosing his words carefully. "A lot of responsibility and pressure, but also a lot of pride in protecting people and making a difference." 
James leaned forward, clearly interested. "What made you leave that life behind?" 
Ben glanced at Y/N, “Let’s say I was... forced.” Linda seemed to soften slightly, though her eyes still held a trace of scepticism. "It's hard to reconcile the image of a superhero with someone who... well, with someone dating my daughter in such a unique way." 
Ben nodded, understanding the difficulty. "I get that. But I promise you, I'm here for Y/N. Not as Soldier Boy, but as Ben.” The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Ben's words hanging in the air. 
Y/N's parents exchanged a glance, their eyes widening in realization as the full significance of Ben's identity sank in. 
"S-s.. Soldier Boy," James murmured, almost to himself. His face shifted to a complex mix of emotions. "My father... he used to talk about you all the time. I grew up listening to stories about you." 
Ben shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Well, that’s eh great.” James nodded slowly, his gaze distant as memories seemed to flood back.  
"He had a photo of you, you know. In his study. Used to tell me stories about your missions, your bravery. He admired you greatly." Linda's expression softened, though the wariness didn't completely vanish.  
James leaned back in his chair, his earlier hostility melting into a more contemplative demeanor. "It's just... it's a lot to take in. The idea of a man we only knew through stories and legend now sitting at our dinner table, involved with our daughter." 
Linda nodded, her eyes now more reflective than accusatory. "You have to understand, Ben. We were concerned about Y/N, given the nature of how you two met and the age difference. But hearing this... it adds another layer we hadn't considered." 
"Maybe if she had told us." Her mother looked over at her. "We made an agreement not to tell people." Ben added. "She was just a woman of her word."
The rest of the meal continued with a much lighter atmosphere. James shared stories about his father and his admiration for Soldier Boy, while Linda, though still cautious, asked more about Ben’s life and interests outside of his past heroics. The evening ended with a tentative but hopeful sense of acceptance. 
By the end of the night, they were shown to her old bedroom at the end of the hall. Ben felt a wave of exhaustion as he sat on the edge of the bed, Y/N closing the door behind them. 
"See?" she whispered, though her voice lacked its usual confidence. "That wasn’t so bad, It will get better." She said forcing a smile. "I hope so." Ben answered.
"Thank you for doing this," she said, walking up to him. "I know it wasn't easy." He took her hand, intertwining their fingers, pulling her closer so she stands in between his knees.  
She kissed him softly, her lips lingering on his. Hey, handsome, let's make this up to you." she whispered, her voice gentle and filled with affection.
"Hm, this is still your day baby. There is plenty of time later to please me." he replied, looking up at her, his hands resting on her hips. The tension of the day seemed to melt away as he gazed into her eyes. 
Ben's hands began to wander, tracing the curves of her body. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” he asked with mischief in his voice. Y/N leaned down, her lips brushing against his in a tender kiss. 
She deepened the kiss, her hands cupping his face, drawing him closer. Ben's hands slid up her back, pulling her into his embrace, feeling the delicate shiver that ran through her. Their kiss grew more passionate.  
Y/N broke the kiss, her forehead resting against his. "I'm so proud of you," she murmured, her breath mingling with his. "Tonight was hard, but you handled it perfectly." Ben smiled, his fingers tracing small circles on her lower back.
She kissed him again, her hands tangling in his hair. Ben's hands roamed over her body, caressing her sides, moving down to her thighs, pulling her even closer. He could feel her heartbeat quicken, matching the rhythm of his own. 
"Oh... Ben" she whispered, her voice a mix of desire and love. Ben replied with his hands finding the hem of her dress, gently lifting it. She raised her arms, allowing him to slip it off her, the fabric pooling on the floor at her feet.  
He marvelled at the sight of her, his hands exploring every inch of her skin, memorizing the feel of her. Y/N tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head, her hands skimming over his chest, feeling the strength and warmth beneath. 
Ben laid back on the bed, pulling Y/N with him, their limbs entangled. She straddled him, her hands resting on his chest as she leaned down to kiss him again, her hair cascading around them like a curtain. 
His hands roamed over her back, pulling her closer, deepening their kiss. The sensation of her warm skin against his sent shivers down his spine, heightening every touch, every whisper of breath between them. 
Y/N's kisses moved from his lips to his jawline, then down to his neck. Ben closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her, the scent of her, the way her body moved against his. His hands found their way to her waist, his thumbs tracing gentle circles on her skin. 
"You love to make a man insane. don't you." he murmured, his voice rough with heat. She lifted her head, her eyes meeting his, filled with desire. Ben flipped them over gently, his body hovering over hers. He gazed down at her, taking in the sight of her flushed cheeks and swollen lips. 
Y/N pulled him down for another kiss, their lips meeting in a fervent dance. Her hands explored the muscles of his back, her nails grazing lightly, sending sparks of pleasure through him. Ben's lips moved to her collarbone, kissing and nipping gently, eliciting soft moans from her that only fuelled his desire. 
He continued to explore her body with his hands and lips, taking his time, cherishing every moment. Y/N's fingers traced patterns on his skin, her touch both soothing and electrifying.  
"Ben," she breathed, arching into him, her hands clutching his shoulders. 
"Hm, tell me baby" he responded, his voice thick with need. “Tell me what you want.”  
He trailed kisses down her body, worshiping her with every touch, every caress. She responded, her breath hitching as she gently pushed his head further down, guiding him. Ben knew exactly where she needed his lips, and he was eager to give her the pleasure she craved. 
His kisses moved lower, teasing her sensitive skin, his hands sliding along her thighs, spreading them gently. Y/N's anticipation was palpable, her body trembling with desire. As Ben's lips found their destination, he looked up at her, meeting her eyes with a look of pure adoration.  
He kissed her softly at first, his tongue tracing delicate patterns that made her gasp and arch her back. Her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close, urging him on. Ben's movements became more deliberate, more focused, his tongue exploring her with a skilled rhythm that had her moaning his name. 
Y/N's reactions spurred him on, her breathy gasps and whispered pleas a symphony of desire that drove him to please her even more. He varied his pace, his tongue and lips working in harmony, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. Her grip on his hair tightened, her thighs quivering around him. 
"Ben," she breathed, her voice trembling with need. "Please, don't stop." 
He had no intention of stopping. He wanted to feel her unravel under his touch, to hear her cries of pleasure fill the room. He increased his pace, his hands gripping her hips to hold her steady as he brought her closer to her climax. 
Y/N's breathing grew more erratic, her moans louder, and Ben knew she was on the brink. He focused all his attention on her, until finally, with a cry of ecstasy, she shattered, her body arching off the bed as waves of pleasure washed over her. 
Ben didn't stop until he had drawn out every last tremor of her orgasm, his movements gentle as she came down from her high. When she finally relaxed, her body limp and sated, he kissed his way back up to her, his lips capturing hers.  
Ben's fingers trailed teasingly along her inner thighs, inching closer and closer to her core. He could feel the heat radiating from her. Y/N squirmed beneath him, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt his touch drawing nearer to where she needed him most. 
"Ben," she whimpered, her voice filled with need. "Please, I need you." 
With a soft chuckle, Ben leaned down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss, his fingers never stopping. He teased her entrance, tracing light circles around her slick folds, feeling her shudder in response. Y/N's hips bucked instinctively, seeking more of his touch, more of the pleasure only he could provide. 
Finally, unable to resist her pleading any longer, Ben positioned himself between her legs, his thick throbbing dick pressing against her entrance. He looked into her eyes, seeking permission, seeking reassurance. 
Y/N nodded eagerly, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and trust. "Please, Ben," she whispered, her voice barely a breath. "I need you inside me." 
With a slow, deliberate motion, Ben entered her, his length filling her completely. They both gasped at the sensation, the feeling of being joined together in the most intimate way possible. Y/N's walls clenched around him, her body instinctively trying to draw him deeper. 
Ben began to move, his thrusts slow and steady at first, enjoying every moment of their connection. Y/N met him with equal lust for more, her hips rising to meet his with each powerful thrust. 
“Oh Ben....Harder” her desire clear in her eyes and voice. Ben hesitated, his own desire tempered by the memory of a time when things had gone too far, when he had lost control and accidentally hurt her. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "I can't risk hurting you like I did before." 
Y/N's expression fell, a shadow crossing her features as disappointment flashed in her eyes. She nodded silently, understanding his reluctance but unable to hide her own longing. 
Ben's heart ached at the sight of her sadness, and he was determined to make it up to her, to find a way to give her the pleasure she craved. "I will make you feel good, baby." he promised.  
He began to shift, she felt how he moves her legs over his shoulder. Ben adjusted his position, angling himself to penetrate deeper, to reach places within her that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. With each thrust, he sank into her, their connection deepening as they moved together in perfect harmony. 
Y/N gasped at the new sensation, her back arching off the bed as she welcomed him deeper inside her. Ben's movements became more powerful, more primal, as he sought to drive her wild with desire. Y/N's moans filled the air, mingling with his own.  
With each thrust, they reached new heights of pleasure, their connection growing stronger with every shared breath, every shared touch. 
As they approached the peak of their passion, Ben felt Y/N's body tense beneath him, her nails digging into his biceps as she surrendered herself to the pleasure coursing through her. With one final, powerful thrust, they both reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, their cries of release mingling in the air as they tumbled over the edge together. 
In the aftermath, they lay entwined in each other's arms, their bodies slick with sweat, their hearts pounding in unison. Ben sees how she drifts off to sleep after the long and emotional day.
Cleaning some of the mess they made with a tissue, he pressed soft kisses to Y/N's forehead, her cheeks, her lips. Making sure not to wake her up.  
"For fuck sake, Stop falling for her." he whispered under his breath.  
Let me know what you think, feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.      
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mtchee · 9 days
Inconspicuous Observations - [Albedo Kreideprinz] GN
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You thought your little crush on Albedo was a secret only you would know. However, you suspect that might not be the case when the very subject of your affections seems to know more than he lets on...
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, reject shop paimon, albedo is kind of a little shit??, sucrose bless her heart, i made [name] competent are u proud, 16+ suggestiveness, no smut but relatively implied
| masterlist | genshin impact collection |
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"Huh," You hum to yourself, "he's actually here for once..."
You eye down a particular blond alchemist as he chats to Timaeus over the alchemy crafting table.
You blink, physically spinning around a couple times, "Where's Sucrose?"
"Think she might still be up in Dragonspine?" Your sunset coloured companion, Kiko, provides some food for thought.
"Mm, no. I don't think so," You avert your eyes from Albedo and continue your way towards Good Hunter with a create of fresh produce, "Sucrose can't handle much cold, and she gets too scared if she's by herself."
"Eh? But she's always couped up in her lab anyway..."
"Yeah, but Dragonspine's a whole other kind of isolation."
"I guess so." Kiko hums, floating beside you idly.
The two of you approach Sara at the counter, where the woman gives you a bright smile.
"Ah! Yes, thanks so much! Just leave those by the kitchenette, I'll handle them from here," Sara bows her head thankfully before handing you a bag of rewards, "what would we do without you?"
"You'd manage perfectly fine, I'm sure," You grin sheepishly, "thanks, Sara! I'll take you up on that lunch offer tomorrow if that's okay with you..?"
"Sure thing," In compensation for one of her most recent requests, the owner of Good Hunter promised a hearty meal without cost, "see you tomorrow!"
"Bye bye!" Kiko waves dutifully, you giving out one last smile before heading off.
As they you the plaza, your eyes draw over the chief alchemist, drinking in his usually rare appearance in Mondstadt.
"Psst," Kiko mutters loudly, "you're staring again..."
"Shit--" You snap your gaze away and book it from the plaza, ignorant of the way Timaeus and Albedo's attention darts to you momentarily—the latter with a light chuckle.
"—I was not."
"Don't start." Kiko deadpans, "I don't mean to make this worse for you—"
"Then don't—"
"—But I'm pretty sure he was staring back."
"Shut." You glare at your floaty friend, "you are gonna get me caught out."
You huff, crossing your arms as you head towards the Favonious library.
"And I can't have that."
"Oh!" You reel back, almost bumping into your mint haired friend.
Sucrose flinches back slightly, having expected an impact, but simply gives a small smile as she fixes her glasses back in place.
"Sucrose, hey!"
"Hi," She waves meekly, a couple of books clutched to her chest, "hav-have you seen Mister Albedo anywhere...? I-I'm suppose to be watching my experiment at home but he needed these books at noon..."
"Mm, sure. I saw him in the plaza before, with Timaeus. Do you need any help? How come you guys aren't in Dragonspine?"
"Well, we've recently had a breakthrough in one of our elemental analyses and had to report it back to Acting Grand Master Jean," Sucrose shuffles her feet, not necessarily in discomfort, but mainly out of habit, "s-so we decided to break in Mondstadt for a while. Um... I, uh, I heard that Mister Albedo has found some other source of interest recently! And... And he's been insistent on pursuing it for a while now..."
"Really?" You tilt your head curiously, "huh, interesting... well, good for him! Fill me in on the details of your experiment later, yeah? I won't hold you up anymore."
You don't have the biggest interest in alchemy, though understanding certain aspects of the science came naturally to you--plus, it's something Sucrose is passionate about.
You didn't mind sitting through one of her long tangents, seeing as it made her happy she has a friend willing to listen.
"Oh, alright. S-Sure! Thanks, [name]!" Sucrose flushes, smiling at you before you off, "may the wind lead..!"
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"Mister Albedo!" You blurt out in surprise once you reach your home in Springvale.
It's been a few days since you and your mushroom fairy companion ran into Sucrose and learnt about their little break--but it was odd to see the chief alchemist so far outside of Mondstadt's walls, unless he was in Dragonspine.
Said male turns around with a pleasant hum of surprise, though his expression didn't portray such.
As a matter of fact, he looked as though he had been expecting you.
"Oh, [name]," He smiles gently, "pleasure to see you again. I was just looking for you, acutally."
Ah, that makes sense then.
"Really now?" You return his greeting with a slightly stressed smile, reaching up to rub the back of your neck.
Albedo hums affirmatively, "Indeed."
There's a hint of smugness hidden within his expression, shown through the subtle inward bend of his brows and his low smile, "I missed you at the plaza the other day, after I concluded my conversation with Timaeus, if you recall?"
"Oh, right..." You swallow uncomfortably at having been caught out, "y-yeah. Sorry, I didn't want to bug you."
"It would be no trouble at all, really," Albedo reassures, "I've recently concluded some reports and have returned to Mondstadt for a while to recouporate. Like I said, I was looking for you anyhow."
"Ah, I heard about that from Sucrose," You brighten before shrinking back in on yourself, "is... there something I can do for you?"
"Mm," Albedo nods, clasping his hands in front of him as he takes a step closer.
"I was wanting to invite you to join me for an unforseen amount of time within the next few days. Nothing major, don't worry. There's just... something I've been meaning to look into, and the company would be muchly appreciated."
Maintaining eye contact with the jittery individual in front of him, he makes sure to keep your focus on his face while he reaches out to grasp one of your hands between his.
He caresses your knuckles gently, a cheeky glint appearing in his eyes at his accomplishment.
"Me? Oh, uh... sure!" You beam, feeling your neck grow warm.
You remain oblivious to his proximity and his gentle hold on your hand for the time being.
"Is there anything you'd need me to... do..?" You swallow nervously, eyes widening a fraction at the feeling of his fingers tracing the line of your wrist.
You feel your mouth go dry, but play it off with another stressed smile.
Albedo gives you an uncharictaristically sweet, closed eyed grin.
"Nothing at all, dearest. You being there will be more than enough."
--Aaaand your heart drops to your stomach. He knows.
He knows something.
Your eyes flutter as a wave of panic rushes through you, though you force yourself to keep still. Your body tenses ever so slightly, and your surging thoughts leave your ears deaf to the light chuckle from Albedo's lips.
As he opens his eyes and gives you another, though much softer, smile, you can't help but feel as if he can peer into your mind; making you feel tingly and vulnerable for no more than a split second before you console yourself with rationality.
And so that's what you do for the next three days.
Frantically compose yourself from the panic Albedo induces with his unusually long stares, flustering words, and oddly sweet actions.
In his job as an alchemist, you understand that most of Albedo's habits and tidbit traits have stemmed from his work—hence his pensive stare and blunt tone.
But (from what you can recall) the past three days have been extremely unwarranted.
On the first day, after waving bye to Kiko who promised to look after the house, Albedo took you to the Stormbearer Mountains to sample some valberries.
You were happy to oblige, weaving a basket with your recently aquired dendro vision before skipping back and forth between valberry bushes to collect the fruit.
Albedo didn't contribute to much, which was fine--instead, he often stood by and watched you. At one point he stopped you to ask if you could grow a valberry plant of your own so he could sample the potential difference between a natural borne fruit, and one born through a vision.
You were hesitant at first, unsure if you had the capability to create such produce so quickly due to your inexperience.
However, after some encouragement from Albedo, you managed to do so—jumping up and celebrating happily whilst the blond smiled fondly.
On the second day, you went to explore the windwheel asters by the border of Stormterror's lair.
You were a bit tense the entire time because of the unknown territory.
Albedo on the other hand, was rather confident; he offered you an arm and, with the promise to protect you, led you just below the cliffs of the windy ruins.
You collected a few of the orange flowers, and the chief alchemist was rather affectionate with his actions. Aware of his friend's unease, he often stuck close to you, even resting an arm around your waist and holding your hand as he led you around.
The third day really set it off for you.
The time, you ventured to the point of Starsnatch Cliff to collect cecelias. Albedo hadn't disclosed the purpose for the collection of this particular flora, but you didn't really mind anyway.
Rather than exploring during the day, as you had done prior, you went during late noon which later transformed into the darkened evening.
Starsnatch cliff was rather peaceful; the night warm and accompanied by a lovely breeze. You had been humming to yourself quietly whilst collection cecelias, Albedo watching dutifully on standby.
You didn't make as much conversation this time—but when you did it constantly ended with you in a silently panicking mess.
"Mister Albedo, are you sure you want to do this so late? It's already quite dark..."
"Not to worry, [name]. You are the only light I need."
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"Oh wow, the stars are so pretty tonight."
"Mm, I suppose they are indeed. Although, they certainly dull in comparison to the glisten in your eyes."
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"Uhm... Mister Albedo? I've gathered these ones so far..."
"Oh? A bouquet? For Me?"
"W-Wha—? I—What are you on about? You asked me to collect these..!"
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Which leads you to now.
Couped up in Albedo's study by the Favonious headquarters, with you pointing an accusing finger at the bemused alchemist.
Your resolve wavers, and as your eyes flutter, you're quick to drop your defensive stance. You'd met with Albedo in his office after he'd called for you the following day, the man having recently just disclosed the purpose behind your outings.
You take in a sharp breath before exhaling.
"...What do you mean you've been... examining me..?"
Albedo tilts his head with wide doe eyes as though the answer is obvious. He gives a small smile.
"It's as I have stated, I've been observing you. I've taken meticulous notes on your usual behavoural patterns and quirks—unwritten, I should mention," He says like that clears things up, "I've wanted to keep this information to myself."
He continues to watch you and your reaction to his words. His eyes grow half-lidded at the sight of your jaw locking in place--not from anger, but out of embarrassment.
He grins softly at the sight of you raising your shoulders defensively, attempting to make yourself smaller in hopes of shrinking away.
"Okay, well," You dart your eyes off to the side, "why?"
The blond's grin is no longer as soft, though is by no means malicious, "I believe you already know why."
Your stomach drops, and you feel humiliation wash over you.
Just your fucking luck.
He's observant.
Incredibly so--his golden oval eyes are often the cause of your nerves, his hard stare making you feel as though he can see right through you.
Albedo's intelligence is undoubtably terrifying.
While it's evidently helpful in terms of evolution and alchemy, it does no good in keeping your secrets, well, secret.
You have a hard time keeping your mouth shut as it is, and Albedo's piercing stare only makes it harder.
As if sensing your panic, the chief alchemist closes his eyes momentarily with a gentle hum before standing up from behind his desk.
He moves around it, making his way in front of the—mildly petrified—individual.
He opens his eyes again, looking at you with a knowing gaze that makes your knees weak. You open your mouth to speak, bundling up your courage before pathetically tripping on your tongue when the blond simply quirks up a brow in question.
Albedo huffs out a quiet laugh. He leans forwards slowly, stopping only inches from your face.
He hums at your panicked expression--the need to both run but the dying will to stay tears you up inside.
He smiles softly, "...May I?"
You blink.
And then nod.
Albedo tilts his head teasingly at your lack of words, and he reiterates himself, "Is this okay?"
He leans closer once more.
Your eyes flutter in disbelief before you swallow and reply.
"Archons, yes."
He kisses you with a gentle hum, savouring the feeling of your lips against his.
You, testing the waters, hesitantly attempt to deepen the kiss. A relieved sigh escapes your nose when Albedo doesn't fuss and simply follows your lead.
You flinch at the feeling of his hands coming to grip your waist, squeaking when he squeezes you affectionately. You wrap your own arms around his shoulders, hands perched behind his neck.
With your tongue swiping against his lips, you become pleasantly surprised when he opens his mouth to invite you in, only to suckle on your tongue with a quiet moan. You feel yourself flush in embarrassment, and the urge to hide away returns as you try to slink away.
Albedo doesn't let you get very far.
He parts the kiss with slightly swollen lips, taking a moment to breath before diving back in for more, pressing you against the door for leverage.
One of your legs subconsciously rise in an attempt to curl in on yourself—and so he grabs it, wrapping it around his hip and locking you in place.
Your breath hitches in your throat, forcing out a high pitched groan. Your given little to no time to dwell on the embarassing noise before the man attacks your neck in a series of kisses and licks.
As his hands trail all over your body, he begins to feel you tremble and arch for his touch.
With your hands reaching into his hair, he moves his mouth further down your body, soaking in every whimper and moan and cry that escapes it.
He bites back a knowing smile, a red blush coating the apple of his pale cheeks.
It seems he had kept you both waiting for a little too long for this.
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Hades x AFAB!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: So apparently your hot new God lover is not comfortable with the idea of using his cock on you (Apparently his cum is similar to something called... 🔥hot glue??🔥 Which does NOT sound good for your insides- ), so he improvises.
Warnings: Smut!! And, I hate this word but its the word, so- Dildo use. *sigh* 🤦‍♀️ (This word for me is what moist is for Lily Aldrin in HIMYM) Also monsterfucker themes, small gagging mention, Hades drawing out your orgasm for his own sake. Starts out gentle, gets rough.
Tagging: @disney-android-foundation , @marinerainbow , and @ryantryan6969 . I forgot to tag again! I'm so sorry! But here we go, half an hour later XD I hope you're in a Hades mood!
"Yeah," Hades' smirk is scary, sexy and sharp, looking at the... thing, he's created. "that should do it."
Your eyes are wide, and your cheeks and neck and chest are aflame from the kisses and being propped on the table with your legs parted, feet set on either arm of Hades' throne. Right where he wants you to be, caging him in. "That-... I, uh... Hades... that should do it, for- for... what?"
Its an odd thing, for sure, in his hand. Its cylindrical, thick and long with a soft, rounded tip that's slightly puffier than the rest of it. And at the other end of it theirs a wider, flatter part; A base. And the thick cylinder part is slightly... curved, too. You're not quite sure what you're looking at, though theirs definitely a thought nagging in your minds-eye, so you're just sitting there hot, breathless, exposed and baffled until Hades' takes notice.
When Hades notices your confused eyes, still clouded with the lust he built you up to already but also just... confused, his smirk becomes more devious. No longer can you see his teeth, just lips spread long, high cheekbones, narrowed eyes- and a glint.
"Oh trust me you're gonna love this handy little thing when we're done tonight- I might even let ya keep it, if I'm feeling charitable. A gift; from me to you, babe. Compliments of the house~"
"Its... well- it looks weird."
"This, doll, is an exact replica- of that thing I toldya we're not uh... using, today."
Immediately your face gets hotter, like its caught on fire. THATS what was nagging at you!! That- This thing- its a- its his-
You just called a God's manhood weird-looking. Oh n- Suddenly Hades changes his grip on it, holding the base and moving- disappearing from the throne before your eyes and reappearing again, standing tall before your far littler, mortal form. When the thing kisses your bare and already soaked hole, all thoughts vacate your mind and your hands fly to his toga; gripping the fabric in your fists.
"Trust me, eh? You're gonna love it when I'm done. Would I steer you wrong, babe?"
Dragging your eyes from the thing, up to Hades' eyes, eyes you already feel like you're falling in love with despite the short time you've been spending time together, you give it a think. Would he?
Or- more importantly, do you care? Right now you're absolutely dripping, curling your toes in anticipation of the thing stretching you out (feeling needy just at the feel of it ghosting against your slick skin), clenching Hades' toga in your fists like it'll lesson your achiness at all, and you feel so high on lust you'd do just about anything to be filled. His kisses were like a terrible drug, his tongue hot, thick and skilled teasing yours for what felt like forever, torturing you forever, until he finally attempted to reach his hand up your thigh. You're practically shaking with want. You've never felt it this bad, before. No one's ever turned you into this much an oversensitive mess before just with kissing.
To be fair though you've never been with a God, before.
After a moment you give a nod, desperate to have something fill you- rub against your clit- drag you to the edge by force. Fuck you.
"That's my favourite new plaything~ Okay, now listen,.. " You watch Hades lean down closer to you with glazed-over eyes, until he passes your lips by and you let out a sigh and drop your forehead on his shoulder, as he instead whispers hotly in your ear; "Here's the deal. You come, when I say so. I don't wanna hear any 'Hades I couldn't help it', cuz see I'm not gettin' anything outta this, am I babe?- what am I getting outta this? Nada. We're not even using my actual equipment, here. For your safety. Yah... So you're gonna have to put on a show for me, yeah? So c'mon, gimmie somethin to look back on. Be my personal pornstar."
You're already slipping away into foggy-brain mode, ready to disappear into the feeling of getting fucked, losing yourself in his voice. "Mhmm, o-kay." The smell of smoke is starting to overwhelm you, too, taking over your senses. It fills up your nose when you're this close to him, it warms your body, it leaves a barbecue-like taste on your tongue.
"Gonna haveta hear ya say it, babe. Remind me what's our deal?" The fake-cock presses against your folds, almost-almost breaching the entrance and stretching you and you give a hopeless whine.
"I'll... mm... you're missing out, so- so I'll... "
"Hmmmmm?" Hades decides to be an ass and strokes the thing up an down your folds, making it even harder for you to think. He also presses a simmering kiss to the top of your head to hide his chuckles, the bastard.
"... I'll be a p- pornstar for you... "
"That's right." Theirs a soft kind of pride in his voice that makes yours your insides squeeze, just as he slips the objects head into your pussy; beginning to massage it at a gradual pace in and out, going in deeper and deeper until the whole thing disappears in and out of your little, drippy, stretched entrance. You're gritting your teeth and pressing your forehead hard into his shoulder before you know it, feeling the throws of hot, throbbing pleasure building in you already.
While you're moaning and taking the fake cock in, the curve stretching you open and grinding perfectly against your sensitive clit (just enough to feel good but not enough to help you over the edge), Hades glides the long sharp fingers on his free hand along your thigh down to your knee- then pushes it back gently so your legs are open wider. It somehow maximises the feeling in you and you cant help the way your walls twitch around the thick, slimy instrument. How your hips roll towards it. "Hades! Hades hades hades- please please- "
"Good work, doll!, keep begging and you might just get watcha want outta me~ Maybe." His pumps get ever-so-slightly faster, filling you up more insistently, causing the sloppy suctioning sound of your tight wet cunt to get embarrassingly loud in the big empty room- making him smirk. "Sweetheart trust me you look good there... gonna be hard to talk shop here later on, if ya catch my drift. Eh?~ "
The thought of Hades communing with other gods, or the fates, or just Pain and Panic with his hand under the table pumping his leaky throbbing cock because of you flickers through your brain and makes you squeeze the toy inside you. "Hades! Hades! I- I c- I need- Please please, right there right there! I need y- ahhh," You want to reach down and touch yourself desperately, help yourself selfishly to an explosive climax around this perfect hard toy, but you behave yourself. You bite your lip and fight the urge, wanting to please him. "Faster please!! F- Faster, harder, in m- Ahh!"
Letting out a frustrated, orgasm-mad whine as the toy just continues to drive continuously into you at a moderate pace, only stimulating you enough to make you crazy with want, you decide to play with him some. Stretching slowly, you lean up to graze your lips against the heated skin of his neck. Then your tongue (The tip, then the full flatness, and then you give gentle suck~ Reminding him what you could be doing to him down there. Torturing him as bad as he's tortured you), and as your hands glide down his warm clothed chest, Hades grunts; frustrated himself as your mischievous fingers near his actual cock. "Babe, you know you're playing with fire he- "
Even through his toga, you can feel his length burning up and painfully hard. Gently stroking it, your relax down from his neck as you just weakly take the pounding in your core; delicately playing with his cock meanwhile. Sliding your hand up and down the hidden body part, which may be even thicker then the toy actually, making him twitch.
You almost lose yourself in this, the slow, torturous pleasure and the feeling of Hades' cock under your fingers. After a few moments of this, you notice the fake one shoving into you rougher, making the pressure inside you start to build up slowly so you look up at him; Eyes widening at the look on his face immediately.
With a pent-up frustrated frown at you, Hades starts to ram the damn thing into your hot, puffy walls; ripping you apart and abusing your little clit without a seconds notice. The fire on top of his head flashes orange and you know you did it. "Fine Y/N- you wanna act like a whore, okay. Trust me, I can treat you like a bitch if you want to be."
Your orgasm builds faster then before, the thick curved thing pounding into your pussy again and again at a filthy inhuman speed, fucking you hard and so rough your mouth hangs open obscenely as you press your forehead once again into Hades shoulder- hard. The heel of his hand brushes your skin every time he thrusts the toy inside your meaty walls and its a little detail that reminds you its him. Its not a soulless fucking machine. Its him. You stretch your thighs open wider to increase the feeling, unable to do much other then that but take the fucking- its just how you wanted, its better, its yanking your climax out of you desperately and selfishly.
When you're so so close, Hades makes you stretch your head backwards on your neck and kisses you again; making you gag on his long inhuman tongue for working him up like you did. You let out a strangled moan, shocked that it feels good having your ability to breath stolen from you in such a vulgar way, and stretch upwards towards him, trailing your tongue languidly against his in responce.
When he finally forces an orgasm out of you you're left twitching and shaking against Hades' chest.
"Thereee you go, that was my personal pornstar. Could use some work learning not to ever, mess with me- but for a first go I think that was pretty great. Full marks." Hades chuckles, nudging your chin upwards again - gentle this time, - to look at him. Theirs that devious smirk and those mischievous yellow eyes, looking at you like you're a tasty treat. "Now how about a smile? Maybe a 'thanks. lord of the dead, I feel fucking amazing'?"
With a tired sigh and a spent grin that turns slightly cheeky, you nod okay. "Thank you, oh lord. You did pretty good, too."
Hades' face looks thoroughly unamused at your smartass responce but in the moment with your pussy still throbbing you think its the cutest expression, ever. Then he releases your face and shrugs, an indifferent look on his face now. "Eh, well, I guess you don't want the bath I was gonna draw for ya-- fit for a god, with uh, you know, ambrosia, and stuff. Oh well, see ya next time toots- "
Oh that sounds good, damn. You look after him with sad wide eyes and frown, softly. "... a bath?" Your sweet, tired, fucked-out voice draws him right back in and his voice is gentle on his next words.
"Its in progress, sweetheart."
With that and a happy hum from you, Hades seals his lips to yours for another long, languid kiss while the bath is drawn for you.
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xjackjackx · 3 months
Alan Becker Analysis: Hazard's Mysteries (Or Maybe I'm Overthinking???)
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Ok so unlike this last post about Victim and Glasses Guy / "Agent", this isn't really me bringing anything solid onto the table (well besides one or two things). This is just me overanalysing random shit that frankly is likely irrelevant.
Anyways this post is about Bathroom Sign Guy aka Hazard aka Warning aka Sign, the gray pictogram mercenary from Animator vs. Animation VI, and why he might have a deeper role (prob doesn't).
Part 1 - The Overthinking of Minor Details
Ok this is the part where I'm 100% convinced I'm just talking stupid shit due to rewatching the episodes too many times, but eh.
Let's start off with something... relatively normal actually, which I saw pointed out by others. When Chosen attacks the mers with lightning, Hazard has this shit happen to him:
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This is... frankly weird and idk what it means. When Wanted first came out, this and his movement made me think Hazard was a robot, but since then I started believing he's just a normal stick figure like the others. Besides, this whole series is on a computer so everyone besides the Animator is an AI lol.
So if he's not a robot, perhaps Hazard is connected to technology, and thus taking away the ship's energy took away his? That's the only other thing I can think of.
The second one was actually told to me by a friend, and tbh even in this whole post this might be the biggest stretch, but I still think this is worth bringing up. When Orange and Chosen return to the Outernet, Hazard is seen looking... somewhere.
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(btw agent looks so stupid here lmfao)
The most likely answer is that he is simply looking around, like Agent and Primal - the cave drawing - are seen doing like immediately afterwards. But my friend did point out that it could easily look like Hazard is looking up - in which case, he could've possibly noticed Chosen and Orange, and then chose to not tell the other mercenaries until Agent notices them and thus forces Haz to intervene. Likely just huge overthinking of a one-off scene, but still.
The last one from Wanted is this shot of the Mercenaries in the elevator.
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In this scene, Hazard briefly looks at Ballista - the pixel gremlin - and then proceeds to look away when the little guy stares back at him. Is it most likely them just finding the awkward elevator silence uncomfortable? Probably yea, but it could also be a sign of Hazard and Ballista having a rocky relationship - we see Ballista is pretty aggressive, so maybe Hazard is nervous around such a batshit crazy dude?
In "The Box", the first Hazard scene worth talking about is the first of his reactions to Victim's torture of Chosen.
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We know he is a mercenary and a villain, so it should be expected that he's a cruel bastard, but still, falling asleep while watching torture is just another level. What kind of shit did Hazard see, or do himself, that he finds Victim's actions purely boring?
...and yet, just a few moments more later, Hazard has an actual reaction to Victim pulling out a lasso.
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Now, the three dots - and thus, Hazard's silence of a reaction - could mean anything. Maybe he's still bored, just awake now. Maybe he's curious to see what will happen. Maybe he has actual standards. But it's still interesting to see that Victim's lasso got a reaction out of Hazard (meanwhile Ballista just crosses his arms, prob in curiosity or impatience, while Primal stays completely still - I'll get to their personalities later).
Similarly, Victim ordering Agent to clone him also gets a small reaction out of Hazard, his head jumping a little (I don't know how else to call it).
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This time, it's definitely just shock/curiosity/surprise that Vic is doing something new, and/or that the Box lets you clone people, but still worth pointing out.
A long time later, we finally get something worthy of note from Hazard, that I actually find interesting. While the other mercs are too busy looking through Chosen's memories, Hazard notices Orange returning.
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I feel like this was actually an intentional choice. Like, why make all the mercs focused on Chosen's memories, excluding only one of them - and it's not even the most important mercenary that's the big bad's right hand? Also, why is Hazard so far away from the other mercenaries? While I consider this whole section of the post just major overthinking, this one moment specifically is actually pretty sus to me.
Now, to close off this section, there is Haz's reaction to Super Orange.
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Mainly, how he and Victim are the only ones who are inarguably scared/panicking. Primal just leans in like "de fuk", Ballista flinches once and then watches in silence, while Agent double checks on both the small and large monitor. Primal and Agent are confused, Ballista is shocked(? idk how to call it), but Hazard and Vic are the only ones with a true "OH SHIT" reaction. What this means? Idk, again this whole section is just overthinking things.
Thankfully we can leave the part where I talk meaningless shit and get into the parts that hopefully actually have a point.
Part 2 - Hazard and His (Lack of) Personality
Another part I noticed since Wanted first dropped (part of the reason why I first thought Haz was a robot) was that, compared to the other mercs, he has so little personality... which might be intentional.
I mean, Agent. He also doesn't showcase a lot of himself, but we still see that he's cool, calm, loyal to Victim, kind of a taunting asshole who plays with his victims instead of instantly getting serious, and despite it all, not unbreakable - He panicked when Chosen attacked him with the iceberg, and he was caught off-guard by Super Orange like everyone else.
Ballista probably has the most personality out of everyone. His body language shows emotion pretty much all the time: most specifically, anger. Whether it's his fighting style, his pose, or walk cycle, Ballista is pissed off 24/7. It's implied it even makes his co-workers nervous. At the same time, the grin he flashes when jumping off the ship in Wanted shows he enjoys his job.
Primal is second only to Hazard in lack of personality, but there's definitely still something there. Mainly, is that he's a very fight-focused person that is basically an empty shell outside it. He's so ready to fuck up a rhino in Wanted, and sharpens his spear for another hunt while bored, but outside of fighting Orange?... he's pretty dull. Only a bit more emotional than Hazard. He seems like a Kraven-type character who just wants to hunt the biggest prey possible, while having zero life outside it. Also he has a Hulk-style form which reduces him to an animal sapience-wise.
Hazard, though? He uhh... he wants to get Chosen, is very focused on completing the job, and that's kinda it. He's such a blank it feels intentional. Perhaps he has his own goals and is hiding them?
Part 3 - He's Either Holding Back or He's Fucking Useless
Yea not gonna sugarcoat this. There has to be some sort of big reveal of Hazard's true power in later episodes, or this dude's so weak it's laughable to think he's supposed to be a threat.
I mean, Agent has a toolbar that makes him a Mini-Animator, and he can pause anything and anyone. Ballista can shapeshift his body and pull weapons out of his ass. Primal has a stronger form that can pick up a rhino without difficulty, and he probably has more.
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He, uh... is good at dodging. He also has this one Shock Sign that killed a bird. Yeah.
Ngl if this is all Hazard has then it's impossible for me to see him as a threat on par with the other mercs, or even Victim. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to see him as above the Stick Gang in strength, with how slow Orange was in that scene compared to his fights in the AvM Shorts.
So yeah, on top of possibly hiding his true personality/hidden motives, Hazard was most likely holding back heavily in Wanted, which only makes him more mysterious.
Part 4 - The End
So, this is kinda it. Was Part 1 all overthinking, or did I get a few things right? Is Hazard actually hiding something, or does he only show little personality because none of his scenes let him show off anything? Is he holding back his true strength, or is he actually weak?
Frankly idk, but I am excited to see where things go with this guy, as he has tons of potential.
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captainofthedauntless · 2 months
More Rise!Nardo thoughts.
Just thinking about how he'd abuse the fuck out of his portal abilities with you. Always offering to be your "ride" when you need to go somewhere, using it as an excuse to see you for just a minute when you're busy. The classic you're upset? oh lol i just Happened To Pop By A Shop, Here, Your Favorite Snacks.
He'd show up in a heartbeat to help you move furniture, or to help you cook, or to help you speed clean because your aunt's in town all of a sudden and you cannot let her know you live like this.
You don't think anything of it, really. Because it's effortless for him. It's like getting up from the couch for how much energy it takes him.
But it gets to be a habit.
It's a pattern.
You text him after a long day, once, and you say something about being tired and not wanting to cook, and then he's in your kitchen with a crackle of blue energy and a bag of take out and a hoodie he pulls off less than five minutes later, passing it to you with an easy shrug and a nonchalant smile. Lot warmer in here than the lair, he says breezily, as though it isn't your favorite of his hoodies. As though it was an accident.
He does that a lot, you realize. Act as though calculation is coincidence.
And then you can't stop realizing it.
It's not just the portals.
It's everywhere.
He's everywhere.
He's spending enough time at your place that he just leaves his stuff there when he gets a mission call, and you end up with a stack of books and comics that you definitely didn't pick up yourself, and instead of mentioning it you just replace his horrifying whatever-he-can-find bookmarks (you find one of your bracelets there, once) with actual ones. People keep giving them to you as freebies- might as well put them to use.
Somehow he knows when you've got big appointments scheduled, and he just casually shows up the night before and complains about how you do your chores and insists on showing you how it's done, and then you blink and he's put away every dish in your kitchen, all while playfully critiquing your organization. And, like magic, you're free to sit down and relax, because evidently your sweeping technique is also tragic, no, no, give me that, you're- you're banished, that's abysmal, and feet off the ground- don't care, it needs swept, go on.
Crazy how his movie night picks are some of your favorites. Great minds think alike, eh?
And then 'huh, Leo's pretty helpful' becomes 'oh, Leo's given me impossible standards' when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't seem to catch your breath from a nightmare. You fumble for your phone and type what's supposed to say are you up? and comes out as ate yii yo? and then your phone is ringing.
He greets you with a you alright? that you think should probably be harsher than it is considering the hour, and when you manage to get the word dream out of your face he follows up with want some company?
And you must say yes, because the next thing you know is a crackle of blue energy (which should look dangerous, should feel dangerous, but looks like a playful wave and feels like home) and nearly six feet of mutant turtle dropping onto your bed, landing with a playful bounce that shakes a little of the dream-scented-sludge from your mind.
Sorry, he says, playful and grinning as he folds his arms behind his head and watches you like he can read your mind, traffic was a nightmare.
And you shake your head, because what the fuck, but you're laughing despite yourself and some of the scrutiny melts from his eyes.
Thought I'd-
Don't say drop by.
I would never, he says, but he doesn't elaborate on what he was going to say, and you draw your own conclusions. Anywhoozles, what's the vibe? Movie? Snack? Field trip to the top of the Great Wall?
And somehow he means it.
He's in your room at four in the morning, still in his pajamas, mask down around his neck, all warm and soft and sleep-shaped, and offering you the world like it was a piece of gum.
And you just stare at him, wondering if you're still dreaming.
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ivory0 · 1 year
# you said it was a great love, one for the ages
pair : miles morales x desi!reader plot : deciding to do an art swap (?) w ur bf miles! format : short headcannons (that are kinda eh) note: mb if i got anything wrong lol! i am desi myself but might get some cultural thingies wrong just lmk and ill fix em!! ehehu live laugh love miles morales :3 best boy
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★ whole thing started due to a art project that was assigned when u both were in studio arts class and he was actually the one who asked to partner up with him do an art swap! first u were skeptical but ayt, u gave in.
★ u both didn't tell each other about what ya'll came up with until the day u were supposed show each other the work. u guys met in the park and wow.
★ miles probably sketched you, inked then used his alcohol markers combined with his paint markers to create a detailed portrait of u! honestly u were giggling and showering him with compliments before finally out of nowhere, dragged him to some bench in the park, sat down, had a focused look and stared at him that even he started to sweat drop. "Ay, Ma watchu doing?" he asks with an eyebrow raised as you bring out the tada!! henna cone!!
★ u then explain to him your plans about the art swap, how you were gonna use henna on his hands to decorate it! it was an ancient art form used in desi & other cultures and he was so hyped up when u explained the lore and meanings behind certain henna designs!! (e.g the sahasrara a lotus-like symbol that represents unity and is usually located on the palm!)
★ it wasn't cultural appropriation as the intent was for it to be shown as a form of cultural appreciation instead :-)
★ dude was taken a lil aback by the scent of the henna paste but not in an icky way but in an "this sh kinda strong ngl"
★ HE WOULDN"T STAY STILL nuh uh, miles made u so frustrated that u literally looked him dead in the eye and- "stay still or else imma draw squiggly worms that will look like doodoo stained on your skin for a few weeks >:(" and that had him still as a rock with a nervous expression as u kept working
★ after u were done he looked at his hands and straight up gasped and went on about how cool this was!! "how long will this take to dry?" and that's where it went downhill... mf didn't have enough patience like?? but before he could do anything u quickly took a picture that u later printed out and showed the professor
★ after years (his words) the stain dried and he scraped it off instead of washing because apparently it was "more fun" than just easily washing it away
★ at the end u tossed him sum chocolate prolly reeses or snickers idk because he tried his best to stay still and not ruin anything!!
★ the stained looked pretty good but got darker a few days later he didn't mind tho it looked dope!
★ 10/10 fun experience w ur creative milesy but next time bring more candy w u so u can bribe him better to stay as still as a rock !!
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applepi-1 · 11 months
Scared- Bakugou Katsuki
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Everything was normal, or somewhat. It was only a few days at camp, everyone was excited. You were partnered with Bokugou and Todoroki. You were now laughing how easily Bokugou and Todoroki got from a jump scare from Class B. That's when everything took a horrible turn. Villains began to attack from every angle. With your quirk it was easy to figure out which way they were coming. Bokugou kept you near him as they walked through the forest. The poison gas didn't really help much, nor did the darkness. None of you knew where you were going. Or why they were here until you got close enough to a villain. "Baku.... they are here for you."
"How did you know?"
"My quirk gives me ability to read minds. You need to go." He looked at you eyes widen as fear clouded yours.
"I'm not just gonna sit back and do nothing. No one is gonna get hurt while protecting me!"
"Bakugou, you should listen to her."
"I don't want you to die!" You gasp as you were flung backwards.
"Y/N!" You looked up gasping as you see Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I have no control." Dark shadow picked up the villain you were facing and threw him around a bit, before throwing him against a tree.
"Not enough! It's not enough!" Bakugou and Todoroki acted fast using their fire to draw out light making Dark shadow retreat.
"Y/n!" Bakugou ran over to you crouching down. "Are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry." Tokoyami bowed in front of you, you let out a soft smile.
"If I can't handle getting thrown around when you're at your best Tokoyami then I don't need to be a hero. I'll be fine. We have more important matters right now. Baku, we need to get you back to camp. Back to Mr. Aizawa. Please."
"Fine, only because I'll be taking you there." He was worried about you, everyone can tell.
"Shoji. I apologize. You, too, Midoriya. I'm still far too immature. Anger consumed me. And I let my Quirk take over. The influence of the darkness, combined with my fury, spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy. Until...it got so strong, I couldn't contain it. And I ended up hurting Shoji."
"We'll deal with that later. That's what you'd say if our roles were reversed." Shoji cut off Tokoyami's apology. Bakugou helped you to your feet You sighed resting against him.
"Okay. I don't know if you heard Mandalay, but I found out the villains are after Kacchan."
"I also found out from one of the villains mind."
"Bakugou? Are they trying to kill him? Why?"
"I'm not sure. But I think we should get to camp, like Y/n suggested. It's the safest place now, so long as Vlad King and Mr. Aizawa have regrouped there."
"I understand. So our mission is to get Bakugou back to safety by serving as his protectors."
"It's possible the Pussycats are still fighting in the clearing. Going that way would draw the attention of the villains. Plus, it's longer. We should cut straight across."
"We don't know how many enemies there are. We might come across some by chance."
"We can use Shoji's search ability. And Todoroki's freezing power. And, if Tokoyami's okay with it, we can always use Dark Shadow, now that we can actually control him. Along with Y/ns mind reading if you're up to it. Honestly, with a group like this, we could probably even go up against All Might."
"I'd be fine by myself!" Bakugou shouted at them, but you paid no attention to him.
"We'll surround you as we walk." You told him.
"I don't need any of your protection, dammit!"
"Let's go."
"Don't ignore me!"
"Just make sure you keep up." Todoroki said after her followed Midoriya, Bakugou and you behind him and Tokoyami and dark shadow behind y'all.
"Don't tell me what to do."
"We'll get everyone back safely. If we can do that, that's all that matters." You ended up running into Uraraka and Tsu. You looked at the villain before the wind was knocked out of you again. Your eyes widen as Bakugou and Tokoyami got caught.
"Nice tick eh?"' You felt wind hit you face, you were flying. "I took the lad you're talking about with my magic. A talent like his would be squandered were he cast as a hero. We'll provide him with a grander stage where he can truly shine."
"Give him back! Along with Y/n and Tokoyami."
"Give them back? What an odd thing to say. They don't belong to anyone. They're their own person. Don't be so arrogant."
"We will stop you."
"Right now." Todoroki used his ice to make a ice wall.
"Why the aggression? We merely wish to show him that these are options besides the fanatical world of heroism he's drowning in. It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values, after all.
"It's not just Bakugo. Remember, Tokoyami's gone! And he has Y/n."
"He snatched three of our strongest classmates without a sound. What power is this?"
"If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken."
"A bad habit of mine. I was once an entertainer, you know. Taking Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part. But Y/n... she's dear to the boss. Moonfish. Our dear "blade tooth." He may not look it, but he's a dastardly death row devil who's last appeal was denied. When I saw the avian take him down so easily and violently, I decided he should join our troupe."
"You bastard! You can't take them!"
"Midoriya. Calm down. Here, take this guy for me." Todoroki handed Uraraka the boy he was carrying. He created another ice wall towards the guy this time.
"Apologies." Todorokis eyes widen as the man appeared above it. "But slight-of-hand and escapology are my specialties, not combat. I'm not foolish enough to fight hero candidates from UA. Vanguard Action Squad. I've acquired our target. Our little show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for the final bow."
"They're going to take them. Our friends. They can't!"
"You're right. We'll stop them."
"Oh, your still conscious? Tough one you are."
"We can't give up. Not now. We have to catch him... and get our friends back!"
"But he's pulling farther ahead with every second."
"Uraraka. You have to make us float."
"And then, Asui. You launch us as far as you can using your tongue!"
"Shoji, hold me and Todoroki and use your Quirk to correct our trajectory through the air. Measure the distance with your eyes, Uraraka. And then, when the timing looks right, release us!"
"I see. Human bullets."
"Wait, Deku. You're still going to fight with those injuries?"
"He's in bad shape. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost consciousness any moment now."
"Midoriya. You stay here. With that much pain, you--"
"Trust me, I don't feel any pain right now. I can do this. Hurry!"
"Wait, Deku. Here!" Uraraka tore her shirt and grabbed sticks using them to straighten his broken arms. "Okay. Go ahead, Tsu."
"Make sure you've got a good grip on them."
"Shoji, grab Y/n when you can1'
You opened your eyes to see you were on the ground, you tried to stand but someone placed a hand on your shoulder You looked up to see it was Todoroki. "Shoto?"
"They have Bakugou still, and Tokoyami. We tried to fake them out, but... it didn't work."
"Baku? And Toko?"
"They said you were wanted by their boss. Any ideas?"
"No. None." You stood up wincing as you did so. You looked at the guy next to the one who took you. Shoji used this as the time to use his quirk and punch the guy who has them. Deku ran and grabbed on as Todoroki moved to grab the other. The one with the scars managed to get him before Shoto. "No!" You watched as Bakugou appeared, Deku took off to him you a second later. "Kat!" He looked at you with terrior on his face.
"No, stay back. Deku. Y/n." You were grabbed by the waist as Deku fell forward. Bakugou disappearing into the blackness.
"No... Baku.." You tired body finally catching up to your tired mind as everything went black.
You woke up in the hospital confused, before the memories came flooding back, you let a silent sob, you were so close. So close to saving him. So close to be able to hold him and say he's okay. He's safe. Hot tears streamed down your face as his scared face flooded your mind. "Y/n...?" You looked at the door to see Todoroki and Kirishima.
"Kiri? Todo?"
"Oh good, you're awake." They began to tell you their plan to save Bokugou.
"I don't think I can join you guys."
"What why? Don't you want to save Bakugou?" Todoroki placed his hand on the red hair shoulder making him look at him.
"Of course I do... I want to save him as much as Deku does... but... I feel as if my body can't... I'm badly injured. I can tell that much. So if you do go and save him... bringing him back to me please." Both boys eyes widen as you looked up at them tears falling but a small smile formed on your face.
"We will, I won't let you down again." Todoroki grabbed your hand smiling down at you.
"Be safe. Please. Do you plan to ask Deku?"
"We do. The whole class was here earlier they headed to him now, we're about to head that way and ask."
"Bring him home safe, please." They nodded and walked out the room. You looked at the window for the past day, making sure your up when they bring him back. Once they did Bakugou didn't care about his small injuries instead he made sure he went straight to you. Aizawa and All Might followed him. They stopped when he stopped at your door, he opened with force making you look at him. Tears already clouding your vision. "You're back... Baku..." You tried to get out of bed, Bakugou immediately ran towards you, cupping your face into a long passionate kiss. Aizawa and All Might looked away awkwardly. You grabbed onto his arms as he deepened the kiss, bringing your body closer.
"I don't know what I'd do if they told me I'd lost you."
"I'm here... you're here." You looked up at him smiling as tears fell once more. "You're here."
"I'm here. And I don't plan to go anywhere."
"I was so... scared." He held you tightly as you cried into his chest.
"I know. I'm sorry for scaring you."
"No... I was scared for you... I don't know what I'd do if i lost you..." You repeated his words to him, Bakugou felt tears fall from his eyes as well. "Listen to me next time, okay?"
"Let's not let there be a next time." Aizawa told the two of you as doctors appeared at your door panting finally catching up to the heroes.
"Katsuki Bakugou, we need to do check ups on you."
"I think he's fine." All Might told her as Bakugou held you close. "I don't think he's leaving her side anytime soon."
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ukthxbye · 3 months
All That Glitters and Gleams
So it has been over a year since I writer Sherlolly. Thought I might be done because of my focus on my two books and trying to get an agent... life is funny.
When this photo showed up in the sherlolly discord,
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the wheels started spinning and 24 hours later, you're welcome.
cw: semi-public sex, fingering, light dom/sub, begging
Gold and silver statues and everything shiny draped dramatic fabric in this room normally spare dingy blue white.
And he hated it.
But impressed all the same. The banquet hall of St. Barts transformed to another age. Sherlock scoffed when Molly asked him to this 1920s fundraiser, rattling facts about all the false opulence for what.
"It's fun to pretend," she'd said in the wry, sad resignation he knew like a drug. Nearly as unpredictable. She might tell him to forget it and go with someone else. She might let him rattle off facts as they walk in and still pull him along, suffering the embarrassment.
She blessed him with the latter. 
He couldn't refuse anymore what she asked for. His life depended on her happiness… like a new addiction.
But he'd denied her the one thing she craved. She denied herself more. 
"They shouldn't have spent so much money, you were right," she said at his side. "You've every right to hate this. It's dancing and talking to higher ups. We can go home."
"Well, at least the champagne is cheap," he said glancing at woman walking by with two green bottles in had. But home, where is the adventure in that? Can't critique and complain until we have the facts," he said, slipping off his long wool coat, handing it to the hired coat clerk… no wait, it was a boy from the cafe. 
"Gerald, they roped you into this?" Sherlock frowned at him. 
"Ticket sir, you try to have a good time, eh?" the boy said, coats piling up on his right. 
"Yes…yes." Sherlock offered him a cocked tightlipped smile. 
In instinct he turned to Molly, and without interrupting her conversation with a heart surgeon he disliked, his hands reached around her shoulders, grasping the lapels on her equally long coat.
The lights, low in the room but travelling across a mirror ball, landed at her back as he slid the dark fabric down like a curtain.
But he liked it.
He vibrated, her scapula bones meeting like wings of an angel as she dropped the coat off her arms. 
She'd not let him look at the dress until now. Beadwork in a line down the straps, down and across her waist. Shadow and bones and gold. Champagne dripped down her frame, soon like on her tongue.
She matched the room and enhanced it to a mind numbing quality. 
"Come on, there's Stamford," she said with a half grin, and grabbed his hand.
 Like fire on a golden pyre. 
He accepted her lead, lost in the light playing off her skin. He'd mapped it before. He mapped everything. But why does it look different here?
Do her nerves jump when his hand drifted up to her elbow, gripping like a secret, waiting? Lost to the bunching pale satin, but… she responded each time, ending the conversation.  
She let him hold her hand absently as she tugged him from one corner to the next. Satin gloves threaded in his fingers, robbing him of hers.
But her back, exposed, and his touch strayed there often to catch her attention, drawing her into him so he could mutter in her ear some amusing observation he'd about someone she chatted with. 
Her skin cooled like a glass of cold milk. He craved it the same. But he feared his hand gave him away, warming more with every risked caress. 
She flinched the first time, her wings shrugging him away.
But now she let it lay there, even as he chased a shadow up the nape with his finger. 
Her shiver is not from the room now. 
He smiled to himself, but the oncologist next to him took it as an opportunity to speak. I can do two things at once. Sherlock kept his fingers near her scalp, his fingernail grazing along the hairline until she quivered, and fanned herself with her purse. 
They made many more rounds, each one more exhausting. The satin under his hands, the hand on her lower back enticing. Every man who tried to insult her field of study with backhanded compliments boiled his blood.
 His mask slipped, and he half insulted the last surgeon they spoke to. 
"You're getting rude," she said, dragging him down by his collar to her ear. 
Oh, don’t do that…
The tug switched on a part of his brain he'd kept safe from her. They'd both been so good since his sister nearly destroyed everything.
Such respectable friends, open with their emotions except for…
I'm going to ruin that now. 
“Sherlock, are you listening to me?” She searched his face for understanding in the dark. 
“I thought you said all surgeons are like footballers, egotistical and overpaid,” he sniffed. 
She leaned back and frowned. "You said that."
“Hmm…” he matched her frown, then smiled, running his tongue along his teeth. “Oh, yes… I did. But you might have agreed.”
He gasped. She snatched his collar again, with a curl twisted in it now, setting a delightful tingle across his scalp. 
“Why is it so hard for you to behave…”
He turned enough so she could meet his stare. "You like me when I don't… why change that now?" His tongue strayed across his lips, letting his gaze drop to hers. 
In the dark and flashing light of the room, it hit perfect timing for the scarlet of her lips to show. Her teeth parted and her tongue licked her own lips as well. 
“Come with me,” she said, low, releasing him when someone glanced their way. 
They reached the bathroom on the front left corner of the room, with no one around. “You know what? Wait here for a moment and then we'll talk.” She stepped in and his hand caught the door as she pushed close it.
Wide-eyed, she let him push it back and close it behind him, meeting her stare. 
"Sherlock, what are you—"
His finger to his lips and she clamped her mouth shut. His lips lifted into a sly smile. 
"Is there something wrong?" She moved to him and glanced at the door, his hand going back behind him and clicking the lock. 
“No, I wanted to talk… privately.”
She sighed out in relief. “We could have gone outside.”
“Then I couldn’t look at you in that dress.”
The bathroom decorated for the theme, feather arrangement, lights low. The cream walls normally boring matched her antique faded gold satin. He soaked in the room along with her. 
One last look before you leap…
"Oh, don't be silly…" she chuckled, crossing her arms, and his eyes dropped to the cleavage.
He remained wordless, a hand in his pocket, waiting for her to catch up.
She squinted, shaking her head as she whispered, "Oh… no."
She ran a hand through her short cropped hair. How soon might I do the same?
“Are you really going to do this here? This dance for… god I thought we'd settled this,” she said, the plead in her tone only urged him on more.
“Oh, my sweet Molly, like ice cream on my tongue, freezing every word… until this dress.” he shifted near to her, and she stepped back near the sink. 
"I'm not sweet," she said with folded arms, looking down at the cleavage, realising the effect and moving her arms, bracing on the sink basin. “We should go… before you say something you shouldn't.”
"I'll be the judge of that."
She turned toward the mirror with a scoff. “Your judgement is terrible. I don't trust it. But yes…you always thought me too sweet… is that all compassion is to you?” Her gaze went down as she said it and he counted the vertebrae in her neck, concentrating. 
How did I get here? How do I get out of it? 
But he was bored with ignoring the chemicals running under his skin when she was near. 
He closed the distance behind her, and she stiffened. His eyes travelled from the hollow of her throat, slowly following the pink path each capillary displayed with the pump of her heart. Those lips, red and not yet swollen as he'd make them. 
His gaze lifted from there up as he spoke his stare meeting hers in the mirror. "My mistake then… I do confess to the two mistakes you accused. But then I recall less gentleness when your hand stuck hard," he raised his hand, tenderly tracing his thumb along her cheekbone, and licked his lips when she shivered. “Do I deserve it again?”
The beadwork, gold and silver sparkling in the low light, entranced him. He traced down with a finger, following along its path, ending in a v, breast swelling with her heightened breath. Her heartbeat was so strong the pulse beat a rhythm under his fingertips. But he never broke his stare, and she held it, her eyes dark and shining.
And he loved it. 
Would she imagine him closing the gap, a canyon between what they've been… and what they will be? Never letting his lips touch, but he assured his breath and its heat performed the same duty as he spoke into her ear… and then her jaw. 
"But tell me… did you know how I fought every urge and when it changed… how many times we've almost. When we considered all the possibilities and said no…was it not because you were so principled?" He said with a smirking grin. 
She’d spun around to face him and struck his left cheek. She gulped hard, and he sighed, waiting for her words to catch up with her hand. 
“If this is a game… It's very cruel. You can read what I want without touching. You know every ache, every want… you…” She drew a deep breath through her nose. “Always did. Question is… will you be too high minded … or will you…” She squinted as she spoke, but the tremble he expected was absent. 
But this was the Molly he'd fallen for all along, in her own power and never under his. Quite the opposite. Her lips parted, her eyes on his lips as well.
Her breath matched his, and his lungs ached for them to share the same air. 
“Which one of us will break… that delicious thick tension we’d spun for years… but…” he tipped his nose against hers and with his hands on either side of her on the washbasin, holding on to the porcelain for dear life, he said near her lips, “It was always yours to take… stop asking for permission.” 
Come on now, my Molly.
He let her kiss him, and answered the swell in his chest deepening until his entire mouth encompassed hers, his tongue licking the champagne sugars off hers.   
“You kiss like you want me, Sherlock Holmes.” She sighed into his throat, breathless. She'd pressed her body against him when the kiss deepened. He couldn't dare put his arms around her… I might never let go.
He swallowed hard. "The easiest thing I've ever done. You'd be correct… you always were."
“Oh, yes… too sweet. Then…” she said with a huff, leaning back, robbing him of her nearness, and he missed it.
He met her knowing stare. 
“You're correct… you always were.” Honesty at last. But he couldn't see if it would help or harm the mood. 
She shook her head slightly. “Don't be like that. I don't know what to do with that. It can't fuck me properly.”
“Then tell me what you want. As in to say… I'm done thinking for now. It bores me.” He spoke into her neck, “Tell me the fantasy… I can only read so much from your breath and skin singing under my touch… instruct me to see how to get you there. New memories.”
"Beg me. On your knees. And make sure you say please.”
He sighed. “Now Molly… I wanted to tease you more before I have use of my knees… have you lost patience—”
Her hand covered his mouth, and she pushed him down until her knee dug into his shoulder hard, on his knees in front of her.
“Beg… it's the least you can do if you want me so much… wanted me so long. We're both ignoring our principles now…” she said, each word strong ringing in his mind. “So beg.” 
Her mouth is so pretty when she says…
"So beg." 
He quieted his mind, a singular focus now. Every sense dialled in to her rich floral perfume, her touch and heartbeat. 
The light played on the satin before him, transfixing. “Please,” he said low, running his hands lightly along the golden sleek cloth, seeking her bones underneath like a lost road. “Teach me, tell me what to do.”
“I don’t want to ruin this beautiful dress… put your jacket next to the basin.”
He lingered his hand fascinated with the precise folds of the skirt, shining and shadowing, like the folds he’d soon… he trailed a finger along one close to her hip.
“Now will you be a good boy…and do what I asked or do I…?”
He looked up into her eyes, so far above him like a goddess’ blessing. He held her stare as he snatched the coat off and handed it to her to arrange.
“Now set me—oh!”
As he stood, taking her with him as he grabbed her hips and arse, fingers digging the slippery dress and sat her on the counter so hard she bounced.
He smiled sly as irritation on her skin coloured the same as her blush. I like both too much. 
He held his hands up in false surrender. 
She huffed out, “Are you going to take instruction or are you gonna improvise your own here?”
 “I’ve matured, I like collaboration.” He shrugged a shoulder, leaning over and snatching an ostrich feather out of the full vase next to her. How perfect for the theme this evening. The sheen on the feathers caught the light golden as her dress. He twirled it between his fingers, waiting. 
“Nothing else unless I say so,” she said. He didn't miss the gravel and struggle to breathe. Her stare unblinking on the feather.  
“Then…” he held the feather out in front of her and lowered it, leaning in meeting her half lidded gaze. “Tell me what to do.”
“I think you guessed I like a tease.”
He nodded, “Oh do I ever…we've done years… little kisses on the cheek like friends,” he let the end of the feather fall across her face, moving it in time to watch the colour rise deep scarlet. “But since we remedied that… … but what's a little more?” He lowered the feather across her neck and she turned her head, opening up and he imagined her nerves jumping.
That neck was like cream he wanted to lick and bruise with his teeth. 
Ah, there is the demon I've always feared.
He teased with the feather down between her breasts, and she shuddered with her sigh. Her eyes closed, and he trailed the feather up again, teasing her clavicle, the bones showing their angles in shadow and he wanted to add his own shadow there as well.
She leaned back, head against the mirror. “More,” she whispered out.
The feather up her throat, and he trembled, the tip of it caressing her lips. Now I'm jealous of a feather. He wanted to kiss her again but now bound by the agreement. She'd broken so many rules for him. I can keep this one.  
Her breath shuddered as she leaned back over and looked up into his eyes. 
“That's enough. Kiss me… kiss me so hard I might bleed.”
He shook his head, and squinted, “Don't ask me to do that. I'll do anything you ask… it is what you deserve, but… those demons don't need to come out yet.”
She gritted her teeth under her lips, “Then kiss me like you love me.” 
I'm gonna ignore those tears. They're not here to stay.
 He kissed her so tenderly he thought they both might break. 
She stopped for a breath, and spoke into his ear, “I love you too… Now that's out of the way, kiss me however you want… but I want your hands to move this skirt out of the way.”
He lifted her and shoved it out of the way behind her, and she helped gather the top. He hates the skirt now. Should have encouraged her for a short flapper dress, one with a delightful fringe he could have twirled in his fingers near her knee.
No matter. The music kicked up loud outside the bathroom, the low beat thumping under his hand resetting just beside her thigh like a heartbeat. 
“Tell me what you want… my touch or my tongue.” He licked his lips, drying from his breath increased as much as hers. Oh, to find out how sweet she really is.
“Touch… I think that's all I can stand for now,” she said with an unsteady voice. “Talk to me. Tell what you want… tell me what you will do… your voice is the only sound I want in my head.”
His thumbs strayed to her thighs, bare and like silk. Circles and caresses, and he leaned into her ear, “Can you please…” he caressed over her knees. "lean back to the wall, my love, I don't want you to hurt that pretty head."
“Yes… more,” she said, exposing that creamy throat again.
“Can I kiss your neck… please?”
“Yes… god yes, but… I need your fingers,” she reached a trembling hand and grasped his, setting it on inner thigh. "I need them inside me." The fire like heat pulsed against his palm. She's so wet for me… 
But first, he raised his fingers up to his mouth, letting her observe him wet them, meeting her stare. 
He tugged her soaked knickers aside. Two fingers found her folds. So ready for him, his knees nearly buckled. He turned his fingers and met her clit with his thumb, gently as she was so hard. She pulled and tugged on his fingers, whimpering, calling him like a siren's song.
She's always been the rock I'd dash myself on. 
His lips on her throat, and she burrowed her nails in his curls and scalp. Those low moans barely reached his ears, but they vibrated under his tongue, the salt of her skin mouthwatering. 
Bang bang.
The lock jiggled.
They both glanced at the lock, wide-eyed, but it held. 
Oh, that will not do. 
Her movement on his fingers wavered, but he pressed further, finding the spot that nearly made her cry out and he grinned into the hollow of her throat and flicked it with his tongue. 
Her moan louder, but he clamped his hand tight over her mouth, every knock urging him on, his thumb playing with clit, soaking wet dripping down as his fingers curled. Her panicked peeks at the door replaced as she closed her eyes and smiled into his hand, her sigh hot and panted. 
He turned her face and leaned into her ear, nipping as he spoke. “Is that adding to the effect? There'll be no mistake what I did to you when we leave together… they’ll know… shame they can’t hear the crying moan I want to hear… A shame for me. Tell me. Harder or softer… how long do you want them to wait?”
She panted into his hand. "Harder… oh god… I'm so close. Don't stop that or I'll hit you again."
The brat in him wanted to tease her. But this wasn't the time. 
But his deep voice, he knew its effect, and he spoke, meeting her lidded stare with his own.
"They love our brilliant brains, don't you think? But they don't see us as humans. Never will, but we can see and feel it now. It's our little secret how human we can both be."
She whimpered and tightened but… no it's not quite there.
“Can you come for me… please?”
“Kiss me one more time… I… oh…” she said with a shudder, her legs tightening on his hand.
And kiss her he did, so hard she might bleed and she cried out into his mouth and shuddered down into her orgasm, pulsing so deliciously around his finger he almost came himself.
She slumped, and he stared, pulling out. 
When she met his gaze, she whispered, “You can taste the results… and think about when we get home.”
He sucked his fingers clean, not blinking and her smile, slight, ended with a shivered whimper. 
Much too sweet… I can't wait for more. 
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twisted-tales-of-all · 6 months
Exceeding Expectations
Summary: A chance meeting at the market leads to a relationship you never imagined. Pairing: Seo Changbin x afab!reader Genre: PG-13 (deeper topics that may not be suitable for young readers), mostly fluff, one-shot, event Tropes: royal!AU, duchess!reader, earl!idol, himbo!idol, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, hidden relationship Word Count: 2.2K Contains: anxiety over titles, sneaking out, naive (?) reader doesn't understand signs, very occasional use of pet names (princess), Changbin flirts a lot (literal heart-eyes man), one kiss on the cheek, multiple deep hugs A/N: Happy Holidays, as part of the CoDN Secret Santa event! This came later than planned, but I fell in love with the concept more than expected! I actually might write a part 2 to this one if I have the time because I would love to flesh out the relationship! I hope you enjoy your gift, @staytinyville !! As usual, credit to @cafekitsune for the divider<3
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He's never been one to stay in his home. Unlike the rest of the esteemed Seo family, Changbin refuses to let life pass him by. After years of sneaking out, his parents assigned a bodyguard to tail him, but he quickly learned to lose his guard, too. All he wants is to explore how others live their lives, and he can't understand why being an earl should stop him from doing so.
Today, he's out on another exploration. Many young lords have mentioned the seasonal market, so he finally decided to check it out. Between the stalls of fresh fruit and fancy trinkets, something catches his eye - or, rather, someone. Although you try not to stand out, his eyes fall upon you quickly. A beauty beyond his comprehension, examining the apples for bruising, stands a few feet in front of him. You give the stall manager a bright smile, and Changbin feels himself melt. Is it okay to fall for a total stranger? In his eyes, this means he must talk to you at least once. As you purchase a few apples and make your way to an artist's stall, he follows. He picks up a pendant that resembles the colors of his family seal and makes an effort to ask the merchant about it. You listen to the story and laugh when the merchant adds a deal at the end.
"Buy two for the price of one, eh? But this one fits so well." The stranger turns to you to ask, "Did you want one? I'll use the deal to get you one, if you'd like."
Concerned about his intentions, you ask, "Me? Now why would you do something like that for a total stranger?" 
"It'd be a shame to waste such a pleasant offer, and being able to gift something to someone as gorgeous as yourself is always a blessing."
You roll your eyes at his clear flirts, but your heart flutters a bit. As a duchess, people don't dare talk to you so casually or openly, but you snuck out in casual clothing to see what others might experience, so you didn't know what to expect. You look over the trinkets and pick up one resembling your favorite flower.
"If you're offering, I'll take this one. I'd also like to request some more of your time so I can pay you back somehow."
Even the merchant can see your interest in one another as clear as the sky above. He sells the trinkets and watches with a smile as you both walk towards the edge of the market. Anyone you pass sneaks a glance at the two of you, assuming you to be a couple, but neither of you notice the attention you draw. As Changbin celebrates his victory in getting to talk with you, you use the opportunity to learn how forming relationships outside of the formal noble circles works.
"What would you like in return? I don't want to accept a gift without returning the gesture, especially with a stranger."
He holds out his hand as he introduces himself, "My name is Changbin, and we don't have to remain strangers if you think of it as a burden."
"Shall we become friends, then?" You shake his hand as you continue, "Nice to make your acquaintance, Changbin. My name is Y/N."
Even without your royal garb, you radiate royal energy. The way you walk and talk resembles training through the fae. Although Changbin picks up on your airy way of speaking and the soft footsteps that give the illusion that you float around, he refuses to bring it up. He might be greedy for it, but he doesn't want to risk the chance of having a relationship with you. If you rank higher than a lady, you will likely deal with an arrangement for your family status; if you reside within the dozen or so families rivaling the Seo family, you'd instantly have to cut off contact. There are far too many variables, but he can simply ignore them all if rank never comes into the conversation. In his mind, ignorance is bliss.
"The pleasure is mine, Y/N, truly. Now that we are friends, I hope you do not feel the need to repat me. Sales help everyone involved, and friends help one another, so, surely, it's fine."
"I'd still like to repay you. Even if it's simply in terms of keeping company, I'd like to repay the kindness."
As he agrees that company seems like a fair trade for kindness, Changbin leads you to a small, quiet clearing to avoid the bustling crowd. Seeing the patches of flowers and tall grass surrounding a small stone bench, you feel your body lighten. Any nerves or tenseness from earlier fades as you step out into the silent sanctuary. With even the birdsong faint, you wonder how one could find this space in the first place.
"I roam a lot. I found this a few months ago and made a promise with myself to only show it to someone who matches its beauty."
"You're such a philanderer, Changbin. You know all the words to make one's heart flutter. Or maybe, are you a poet?"
He laughs and shakes his head, insisting that he only speaks the truth, "Maybe I'm a romantic at heart; it all comes naturally as I look at you. You must be amuse for plenty of artists."
Avoiding the compliment, you ask him why he roams. The more words leave his lips, the more you find yourself eager to learn more. However, time continues to move, and the dimming sky calls you both to return home. As you say your goodbyes, he asks you to come back here whenever you have some free time. Although there's no telling when his free time will line up with yours, you promise to meet each other again soon.
Despite having responsibilities at home, Changbin manages to sneak away to the clearing every day. You, on the other hand, don't manage the time again until nearly a week later. When you arrive, the field is empty, but Changbin joins you after only a couple of minutes of silence.
"Well, hello there. It's been a few days. Welcome back."
"Hi, Changbin. How have you been these days?"
"Pretty alright. My parents have been pestering me a lot lately, but that's usual, too."
"Oh, really? My dad's been breathing down my neck this week, telling me to focus hard on my duties. He insists I'll be taking over properly soon."
"Taking over? Does your father own a business or something?"
Realizing that you've given some telling information, you try to backpedal by shrugging off his question, "Yeah, something like that."
Although he catches each hint, he doesn't mention it. Instead, he slyly switches the topic without issue, and you accept the new topic with open arms. Once again, you stay there together for quite a while. He seems to prefer learning about you, but he's not secretive about his life either, so you have a hard time figuring out his intentions. Despite this, you ask him to show you some fun places the next time you meet, and he perks up in excitement at being able to show you some of his favorite places.
"Okay, then. When will you be free next, Bin?"
"Bin?" He laughs at the nickname but moves past it quickly, "What kind of places do you want to see? Somewhere quiet? Popular? Unusual?"
"I don't go out much, so how about some more popular places first? I'm free every Thursday around noon, so anywhere that fits into that timeframe sounds good to me."
"I should be able to finish by then - or at worst a bit later. I'll come up with some places to visit. Are you okay with meeting up here on Thursday then?"
"Sure, sounds like a date!" You beam, not putting any consideration towards your words.
His eyes widen as he hears you call the meeting a date. His heartbeat quickens, but he does his best not to show it.
"A date?"
"Ah, we don't have to call it that if it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry if it bugs you."
"No, no! That's okay! I was just a bit baffled. I'd love for it to be a date, actually."
Now, you turn wide-eyed. Suddenly, everything clicks into place - his interest in learning about you, eagerness to answer your questions, and excitement to show you around. Clearly, he's been showing interest in you. As you replay the past few hours as well as the first day, you're disappointed in yourself for not noticing sooner. However, you find that this situation gives you an advantage in your mission to learn the lives of others. He stays civil, and he wants to spend time with you, so this is the perfect opportunity. Plus, you don't dislike him, so it can't be too bad to date a bit, even if you'll likely have to marry a high-ranking nobleman later in life.
As you say goodbye, the hug feels deeper than usual. Maybe you only now notice, or maybe Changbin stopped holding back, but it feels much more intimate and comforting. So much so that you feel an urge to kiss him. Although you can't pinpoint why you had the compulsion, his reaction satisfies you enough to disregard the lack of reason.
As you walk away, promising to see him on Thursday, he stumbles back to the bench and places his hand on his cheek. Still in disbelief, he sits there in silence for a solid ten extra minutes. The kiss occupies your mind just as long. After the intense emotions, you both find yourselves debating whether to reveal your proper title to the other.
"Should I tell them?"
He settles on a choice quicker than you. By midday Wednesday, he's already practicing exactly what he wants to say when he comes clean. On the other hand, you find yourself pacing in your room as night falls that night, debating heavily. As a duchess, it's hard to think about revealing your title. At best, people put up boundaries and treat you differently. At worst, they block you out without so much as a farewell.
Even as you walk over to your meeting area, you doubt that your choice to tell him will end well. Thanks to your anxiety, you arrived earlier than planned. Leaving your home at noon, you originally wanted to take your time on the walk, but the thoughts on your mind made your feet match their pace. As you anxiously wait, you decide to accept whatever outcome happens after telling him your title.
"Whatever happens, today's the day."
"The day for what, princess?"
You jump up and turn in the direction of the voice, causing him to start laughing.
"Changbin! Don't scare me like that!"
As his laughter begins to calm, he apologizes, "Apologizes, Y/N. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. But what was it you were referencing?"
With a deep breath, you ask him to take a seat, "I have something to confess. I've debated revealing this, but I feel like I'll eventually have to come clean with it. If you feel any way after learning this, simply promise me that you'll admit it to me straight."
"Of course, I will. After you say your piece, I also have something to say as well."
"Okay, so..." You pause for a quick mental review of all of your talking points. "As you already know, my name is Y/N. However, to properly introduce myself, I must add that I am the duchess of the Sage Court. My parents lead the group, and I have been receiving training to take over within the next few years. I was given the duchess title last year after my parents properly announced their plans publicly."
"Duchess of Sage Court... So you ARE a princess!"
"I'm not a princess, Bin. I'm a duchess. Now, tell me your thoughts on the matter before I lose my mind, please."
"What thoughts are there to have? So, you're a duchess. So what? I could tell you were high ranking. You even walk like a noble. You're still Y/N to me, and I'd love to continue our relationship, even if you eventually face an arrangement that keeps us apart. Or, if I face one first. Because I'm also a noble. Not quite Duke level, but my father is Marquis Seo."
Although you didn't expect him to be high-ranking, it didn't surprise you nearly as much as his completely unchanging attitude towards you. For him to admit so frankly that you are still you despite your title, your heart skips a beat.
"It doesn't matter to you that I'm ranked higher than you?"
"Not in the slightest. I am attracted to you as a person, and your title has no basis on that in my eyes. Plus, I could ask my father to send an attempt at marriage to yours, and I believe he would be all for moving the family rank up."
You can't help but smile at his joke, especially after knowing that he's likely talking from his heart. Due to the unexpected turn of events, you pull him in for a tight hug. As you relax in his arms, you find yourself falling for him and his unusual ways.
"Maybe I'll ask my father to consider it."
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nulfaga · 4 months
24 for orph? <3
24: "Hold onto this."
“Right. You hold onto this,” says Orpheus, and pushes some manner of paper into Martin’s hands—Martin fumbles with the page, a brown and battered folio, and peers at the writing. The letters are Cyrodilic, though rendered in someone’s loopy, gallivanting cursive hand. . .but the text is illegible.
“Yes?” Orpheus stares expectantly, bracing his big hands on the kitchen counter. Between those hands is his festive hoard of ingredients: pistachios, orange blossoms, flour, olive oil. “Direct me, Dragonborn.”
“I can’t seem. . .” Martin sets the page down, admitting defeat. “It’s not in any language I know.”
“It’s plain Cyrodilic. A sailor from Stros M’Kai copied it down for me decades ago. Might smack of Anvil a little bit. Let me have a look.”
Martin hands over the page: Orpheus takes it, looks utterly blank for an instant, narrows his eyes, and finally goes very pink.
“Can’t read in this light,” he mumbles.
Achille, the one competent baker in Cloud Ruler Temple and Orpheus’ sous-chef for the afternoon, clears his throat and suggests: “Let me go and ask the Grandmaster for his spare glasses.”
Short of announcing a family tragedy, this is the worst thing one could possibly say to Orpheus Velvassius, and this kind tactless boy stumbled upon it while offering help. “That’s all right,” says Martin quickly, before Orpheus, beet-red, can open his mouth and draw blood. “That’s all right. We’ll put our heads together.”
“Okay,” says Achille, bemusedly. “Where did you get all these things, anyway?”
“Bought some sundries the last time that balding monster sent me out.”
“Velvassius,” snaps Martin.
“He wishes I was pushing up daisies right now,” Orpheus replies, with the same heat. “And I’m not allowed a little invective? Even a little?”
“Be civil,” says Martin, meaning be civil with the Blades around, because I don’t know what I’ll do if they force you out. They’ve had this conversation so many times it’s rote. The first part is shorthand for the rest.
“Civility itself,” says Orpheus, and winks. “To answer your question, Bladesman, most of it came from Leyawiin, but I’ve been squirreling things away as I went. The olive oil is from the Gold Coast, of course. Nowhere better.” He observes the spread with pride. “If you’ll read out what you see, Dragonborn, I’ll see what I can make of it.”
Martin takes a breath and sounds out: “Shof l-blostm, est flam, l-thricemal wutra, lesh ye maor blostm sur hlabos dense.”
Orpheus grins. “’Dense-eh’, not ‘dense’. That bit’s Old Cyrodilic, you ought to know that.”
“’Chauffe’ is Bretic,” says Achille eagerly. “To boil. . .what did you say, sir?”
“’Blostm’,” says Martin. “Blossoms. The orange blossoms.”
“See,” says Orpheus fondly. “Easy.”
Achille stands on his toes to look over Martin’s shoulder. “Boil the blossoms on something flam. . .”
“Est flam. A high flame,” says Martin, recalling an Aldmeris dirge for which the Chantry of Akatosh loved to trot him out. Burn high the fires of Auri-El. “For the length of three wutra?”
“Yeah,” says Orpheus. “A wutra is a prayer, but I never knew what prayer he meant, so I always just rattled off the Song of Mara thrice over. She of the bleeding heart, she of the fruiting love, you know. Seemed to work.”
“Then pour the blossom-something. . .”
“’Maor’; the blossom water.” More Aldmeris. “The extract, I suppose.”
“. . .Onto a something something,” concludes Achille.
“’Hlabos dense’? Dense-eh,” Martin corrects himself.
“A big leaf,” says Orpheus.
“Dense is leaf?”
“Hlabos is leaf. He’s talking about a big, thin layer of dough. We cut it up later.”
“You named the prior’s horse ‘Leaf’?” says Martin incredulously.
“Oh.” Orpheus thinks for a moment and then laughs his huge laugh. “No. I’d love to take the credit, but it was that odd little shepherd at the priory. It’s a Dunmeris word. I quite liked it, so I didn’t rename her.”
“That gorgeous creature? ‘Leaf’?”
“Don’t worry, Hlabos doesn’t speak Dunmeris.” Orpheus takes a handful of orange blossoms and starts to mince them, motioning for Achille to take a cutting board and join him. Achille’s hands are faster and surer. “Why? What’d you name your horses at home?”
“My father named them,” says Martin, suddenly sheepish. “Always things like King or Golden or Knight. He had that sort of taste. He let me name one of the colts.”
“What’d you choose?”
“. . .Shalidor.”
“Shal—pfft. Fuck.” Orpheus shakes so hard with laughter he has to set his knife aside. “Mara’s mercy, Dragonborn, you can’t go after poor Leaf with a record like that.”
“S’pose not,” says Martin under his breath.
When the blossoms are boiled, the pistachios are ground, and the resulting puree has been flavored with radical amounts of honey, the three of them begin to roll out the large, paper-thin rolls of dough. The ‘leaves’. Achille takes one to himself and rolls beautiful, uniform leaves; Martin and Orpheus take one between them and struggle.
“Shitting hell,” says Orpheus when the leaf tears for the so-manyeth time. “I think it needs more olive oil.”
“No, it doesn’t,” says Achille with surprising sharpness. “Don’t add any more olive oil.”
“Ave, commander,” Orpheus grumbles, preparing to do more violence against the little ball of dough.
Martin, exasperated, takes his wrist. “A little gentler, love, or we won’t make one leaf when he’s done ten.”
Orpheus looks up, stung. His good eye is wide open. “Gentle as a spring breeze. Your Imperial Majesty.”
He’s difficult about these things: kisses; terms of endearment; a gentle touch. Suits him better to pretend he’s still in the Legion, punch Martin’s shoulder, banter with him, until something like this comes up—‘love’—and he looks as wounded as a little boy.
“You can’t want to be called 'Champion' forever,” says Martin. “You won’t exactly live up to it when you’re old and grey.”
“Ha,” says Orpheus. “You haven’t met my father.”
“I certainly don’t want to be ‘Dragonborn’ forever.”
He grins and turns his attention back to the dough. “Take it up with Akatosh.”
An hour or two later the pastries are layered, cut into squares, and baking in the oven. Achille, rightfully exhausted, has cleared out to play a hand of cards with the other Blades; Martin and Orpheus have brought dining chairs into the kitchen.
“What’s the occasion, anyway?” asks Martin, enjoying the sweet smell of the baking pastries. Somehow familiar, although he hasn’t had them before.
“No occasion,” says Orpheus. “Just thought you could use something sweet.” He hesitates for a moment and adds: “Actually there’s a little place on the Coast that makes these better than anyone. I’d have liked to take you there, listening to the sea and all. But since you’re in the hole, I improvised.”
This aggravating man has scoured half of Cyrodiil for ingredients for no other reason than it might make Martin happy. But in the face of a word of affection? Gods protect and deliver! Bar the doors, bolt the windows!
“’In the hole’?” says Martin faintly.
“Aren’t you? You can’t leave.”
What Martin fervently wants to say is I don’t need all these antics: I just want you around. Instead, without much hope, he holds out his hand.
Orpheus looks at it. That injured look passes over his face again. He takes Martin’s hand.
They watch the pastries bake.
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