#i personally do not care for it at all in case u guys were wondering
s-sextape · 1 year
hold on im genuinely curious about this now
btw im not judging anyone based on ppl’s answers i just keep seeing ppl mention stuff bc of. some goofy line in f&c. so yea
hate when people say this myself but likekehhrgdgdggfgcgcv reblog for bigger sample size
^ (this physically hurt to type /joking)
edit: TO BE CLEAR, i don’t think of selfcest as similar to incest in any way, this is just based on what i’ve seen people argue why or why not they don’t like the concept! (i.e., someone saying that they dislike it because it would be similar someone being with one’s twin).
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 3: reunions after a long time and rain
“Hay Bruce?” Duke asked as he walked out of the locker room. It was the end of his shift, thank god, so everyone was getting ready for the night shift.
“What's going on chum?”
“My cousin is coming to Gotham for a senior field trip thing next week to visit Gotham U and I was wondering if he and his friends can stay at the manor so they don’t have to pay for a hotel.”
“We’ll have to run a background check on them” “Already done!” Duke interrupted Bruce and jumped around him to get to the batcomputer to open up the files.
“Hmm. You really want your cousin to visit huh.” Bruce said as he scanned through the files.
“Ya. I haven’t seen him in ages and even though we text it’s not the same as an in-person visit. And Gotham isn’t safe for tourists so, manor.”
“Mhm, Duke?”
“Yes, Bruce?”
“Why are his and his friends' hometown labeled as unconfirmed?”
“Well, that may be one of the reasons I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to meet them? I know Tucker lives in Amity Park, Illinois. I’ve even visited him there when we were kids. But when I tried to look it up for the background check I couldn’t find it. It’s like it never existed. When I tried to ask him about it he kinda dodged my question and changed the subject. Like he was nervous about someone overhearing.”
“Alright. I’ll inform Tim about their hometown and see if he can find out what’s going on. Make sure you tell Alfried that we are having guests.”
“Thank you so much Bruce! I’ll go tell Alfried right now. Night!” Duke yelled as he ran to the elevator.
“Tucker! Over here!” Duke yelled as Tucker and his friends got off the bus.
“Duke! It’s good to see you! How have you been?” Tucker said as he ran up to Duke and gave him a side hug while using his free hand to point. “This is Danny and Sam. Danny, Sam. This is my cousin Duke.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. Tucker’s told me a lot about you two.” Duke said as he accepted handshakes from Sam then Danny.
“It’s nice to meet you too Duke. Hopefully, Tucker has told you only the worst of things about us.” Sam joked.
“Of course. Hay, did you really switch out all the frogs in your freshman biology class with robot frogs?”
“Don’t remind me. Those things were so creepy. They talked to you as you cut them open.” Danny said with a disgusted face.
“It was more humane than dissecting living animals.” Sam defended herself.
“Wait. The frogs were alive? Tucker! Why was your school using living frogs instead of cadaver frogs?” Duke asked in shock.
“I got no clue man. Anyways, do we need to call a cab to get to your place? Cause I’m not walking in this downpour.” Tucker said while looking around.
“Hold on right there Mr Foley. You all need to sign these forms so we can get ahold of you in case of an emergency.” Mr Lancer said as he walked up to the group with several papers. “And I would also like to speak to your guardian before my students leave so I know they are in safe hands.”
“Ahem. I’m afraid Master Wayne is occupied with work right now but I am his butler, Alfred Pennyworth and I am in charge of taking care of all the needs of the Wayne family and their guests. If need be here is the main phone number for the manor as well as the address. Is there anything else I can do to ensure you of your students’ safety?” Alfred said as he seemingly appeared out of thin air and handed Mr Lancer a business card with the aforementioned information written on the back.
“Thank you for this Mr Pennyworth. My name is Lenard Lancer. As the vice principal of Casper High School, I have a duty to the students of our school. So I will still need these three to fill out these forms before they leave.”
“Of course Mr Lancer. I fully understand. Now if you all would please finish with the paperwork, we can load into the car and get out of this dreadful weather.” Alfred said watching as Danny, Sam, and Tucker traded off on using each other's backs to fill out the forms and hand them back to Mr Lancer.
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bunni-v1 · 1 year
the latest post was real funny lmaoo, do u think u could also write abt the 2nd and 3rd years finding out the prefect is a girl? doesn't have to be immediate, take ur time <3
Second Years Find out You’re a Girl?!?!? (NOT CLICKBAIT) 
TW: Swearing; You have a smell (Ruggie); Floyd and Jade; Bunni can’t write Silver lol
Info: Ruggie, Jade, Floyd, Jamil, and Silver x Reader (Separate; Platonic/Romantic)
🍓Hiiii. Skip the intro if this isn’t ur first rodeo and buckle up cowboys (and cowgirls, and cowtheys, and cows). There is a notable lack of third years and dorm leaders because!!! They get their own part rip. I will (eventually) add links to the other parts, but I have a lot of homework to catch up on from being sick all week so it has to wait :). BTW it's long, but each part is pretty even. Love you all enjoyyyyy <3
First Years
Ortho & Sebek
Third Years
Dorm Leaders
-Okay so, I know we’re all wondering, how the hell do you get away with hiding your gender for so damn long?
-Firstly, those ceremonial robes do great at hiding the figure. The only tell would maybe be your hair, but feminine men aren’t unwelcome at Nightraven College, so you mostly get a few questioning stares and that’s it.
-Secondly, Crowley wants to save his own fucking ass. He already has to hide from the press that he has a MAGICLESS student from ANOTHER DIMENSION here, he doesn’t need the fact that you are a woman ALSO on his plate. So, obviously, he helps you hide your gender from others.
-Grim knows, of course, and he keeps his mouth shut for a few yummy cans of tuna (and threats of being expelled from Crowley <3)
-Even when you were just a janitor, he couldn’t have the rumor that he put a “helpless” young woman to work. (Like it wouldn’t be expected.)
-So how do you two do it?
-Baggy ass uniform. Crowley gave you at least three sizes too big.
-Your figure is completely hidden. Sure, you look completely homeless, but at least you’re hidden.
-For your voice, you simply deepen it. After some point, you blackmail Crowley into giving you a potion to help with it, since it's so taxing on your voice. (Or maybe your voice is naturally deep!)
-Sam provides you (for an unfairly pretty penny (not too different from your original world…)) any feminine hygiene products you might need.
-Honestly, you’re set for being cared for, but it’s the adjustment period that’s the hardest part. 
-Truly, it’s very jarring to suddenly be thrown into both a magical world and be isolated in a man's world with nowhere to hide.
-At least in your world you had other women who could understand your struggles. Here though? You’re completely alone.
-You notice how… messy some of these guys could be. How some of them smell… really rancid. -How rough they were with you and each other.
-Honestly, it’s kinda eye-opening. The way men show affection to each other is oddly refreshing to watch and experience!
-Ace and Deuce specifically are a good… trial run.
-That’s not what we’re here to talk about though…
-For the most part, it's incredibly easy to hide yourself for the first while on campus. Everyone on campus is so self-absorbed that they don’t bother questioning you.
-Your only real risk factor is Savannaclaw, but it's easy to avoid those guys (minus Jack, of course).
-However, you can only hide your gender for so long… It’s mentally draining to keep up this facade all the time around people you care about.
-So… how do they find out?
-Ruggie is… unique when compared to Jack. 
-The three beastmen in the cast are all oddballs in this case, but I feel Ruggie is the oddest.
-See, Ruggie finds out nearly immediately. I’m talking like… first day when you and Grim set the school on fire immediately.
-It’s my personal belief that he has the strongest nose between Leona, himself, and Jack so he doesn’t have to be close to smell that something is different about you.
-Now he wasn’t sure for sure. The smell of a person, especially humans, has a lot of factors playing in them. Plus the fact that you’re… not exactly a normal member of Twisted Wonderland’s Society.
-But he had a hunch. That hunch was only confirmed when he decided to steal your sandwich for Leona. 
-He got a nice big ol’ whiff of your smell, and he won’t lie and say it didn’t throw him off, for a second. He almost lost control of his spell on you.
-Luckily he didn’t, he got his sandwich and got away, but it left him with a lot to think about.
-(Bunni interjecting opinion here, my bad) See, Ruggie isn’t exactly afraid of the women in his cackle. They’re civilized people, after all, they’re not out there beating on every guy they see, but they are kind of intimidating.
-He was raised to respect and fear women by his granny, and he’s never really had anything that directly opposed that moral code impeded in him.
-That was until you started to get a little too involved in sniffing Leona and him out for injuring other students.
-Why couldn’t you keep that stupid little nose of yours where it belongs, huh? You’re making more trouble than it’s worth.
-Tries a ton of different ways to scare you off for your own good, but you are damn stubborn and Ruggie both hates and admires you for it.
-You figure he and Leona both know you’re a girl. Hell, Leona outright implies it every time he sees you (thank god your friends of choice are morons). 
-Ruggie though? He looks at you weirdly. You can’t be sure, but he’s a bit more cautious around you. Careful he doesn’t hurt you, but also sure to give you a spook or two when he needs.
-It’s all so odd.
-It’s not till Leona overblots that both of you get your closure. 
-Both you and Ruggie are left alone to recover after your friends leave and Leona’s family drags him away for forced bonding time.
-He can’t help but test the waters.
-“Yer weird y’know.”
“Gee, thanks. That’s how you talk to the guy who saved your life earlier.”
“Hey, that’s how I talk to everyone. Don’t matter if you saved my life or not.”
“Whatever. What's so weird about me then.”
“Why’re ya hidin’ who ya really are.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Yeah, ya do, yer the one who was insistent on that gym shirt that’s clearly three times yer size.”
…Fiiiiine. You got me.”
-He’s smug about it for the longest time too. Constantly cracking jokes and poking fun at you.
-Honestly, it's the start of a really cute friendship! 
-You two are far more chill and friendly after Leona’s overblot. So much so that Grim, Ace, and Deuce call it into question, but he won’t tell if you don’t.
-Besides, you need a good friend to hang around where you don’t have to constantly hide who you are all the time.
-He’s the chill presence that you need on campus, and he’ll keep his mouth shut with no problem. (So long as you keep providing him that sweet, free lunch).
-He doesn’t think you’re too good at keeping secrets.
-Unlike the beast men, he doesn’t have an amazing nose. In fact, Jade would say his smelling ability is rather lackluster compared to Floyd or Azul. 
-However, he has a crazy scary intuition.
-He doesn’t know right away, of course. He doesn’t have x-ray vision to see through your baggy uniform.
-What gives it away for Jade is your mannerisms. The way you react to different things your more… masculine peers do or say. The discomfort on your face with the more touchy-feely students on campus.
-To our lovely (bastard) Jade, it's all a dead giveaway. He knows by the start of book three when you first make your deal with Azul.
-It’s like he’s looking through you in that crowded little office. His gaze and placid smile pierced through your skin.
-He won’t say anything to anyone though. What fun would that be? 
-To him, it's quite funny seeing how unaware both he and your friends are of the truth.
-He gives you the chills every time he’s around you, but he’s not giving you any reason to believe he knows anything more than what you’ve told him.
-He uses the correct pronouns and treats you as he would anyone else. The only thing is that he’s got this knowing glimmer in his eyes.
-It scares you. Not in the ‘oh god he’s gonna do something to me,’ way, but in the ‘Oh god he’s looking at me again, why is he looking at me again’ kinda way.
-He really does not give you an inkling of an idea that he knows. Just stares at you, smiling like a creepy doll.
-Eventually though, at some point after Azul’s overblot, he corners you (quite literally).
-You honestly think he’s about to kill you, he’s very tall and his face doesn’t change as he leans down to whisper in your ear.
-“Your secret is safe with me.”
-And he walks away.
-What. The. Fuck. Honestly, the scariest thing he could’ve done. Scarier than anything Floyd could ever do honestly.
-To his credit though, your secret is safe with him! Floyd and Azul find out completely on their own, and in fact act surprised when you ask if Jade was the one who told them.
-And honestly, if you can ignore how scary his smile is, he’s always lovely to talk to when you’re in his serving section at the lounge.
-He’s actually the one who convinced Azul to give you a part-time gig when you tell him about your… difficulties affording Sam’s prices.
-Makes sure that your uniform fits the way that makes you most comfortable, and keeps the more rowdy customers AND servers (including Floyd) away from you.
-Very kind! Very weird! 
-When you ask him why, he just tells you, “What’s the fun in letting our little secret get out.”
-Creepy! But at least you’re sort of safe around him.
-Now, I am aware that Floyd is a very smart person. As smart as both Jade and Azul, in fact.
-However, homie has ADHD like crazy, and if something doesn’t have his attention he is not learning anything about it.
-Therefore, when it comes to you being female, it takes him a little longer than Jade and Azul to figure it out.
-You don’t really pique his interest for a while. Sure, you’re from a different dimension and all, and you’re a magicless student at one of the most prestigious magic schools ever, and you defeated two of the strongest students at NRC’s overblots.
-So what! Who cares! Certainly not Floyd!.
-You don’t interest him, plain and simple. He finds you kinda boring beyond all that “superficial” stuff out of your control.
-That is honestly for the best, you think, You sort of have Jade’s attention already, and that’s scary enough for you.
-You’ve heard the terrifying tales of what Floyd does to Riddle, you’d rather not be an object of his “affections.”
-It’s not until he’s forced to pay attention to you that he gets… interested. (Yayy for you!)
-It’s not immediate, of course. 
-He thinks you signing the contract with Azul so confidently is really funny. 
-Your determination to pretend you’re not scared of him and Jade is kinda cute, sure.
-When he realizes you’ve caught Jade’s eye he really starts to wonder about you.
-What is so interesting about you that Jade, his brother who only ever really liked peculiar people, has been keeping an eye on you like you’re his prey or something?
It really makes him think, but he doesn’t get it. Seriously. What's so different about you.
-Realizes what’s up when your baggy uniform manages to hug just the right place just long enough that he notices in the heat of battle.
-He gets it now, Jade. How silly you are, little shrimpy, hiding something like that from everyone.
-Suddenly, after Azul recovers from his overblot, Floyd is really friendly with you. 
-Not even in the creepy, stalker-ish way that a lot of people like to portray him as. (Though he does, in fact, do a lot of creepy stalker-ish things. It’s in his blood, he’s an underwater predator after all.)
-It’s more like a really, overly excited, not well-trained puppy who just wants attention from its (new) favorite person.
-And, you have to admit, he can be pretty pleasant to be around when he’s in a good mood! He’s funny, easy to talk to, and always has something fun he wants to do.
-It’s annoying to him that everyone gets in the way of him talking to you, though. He’s not gonna hurt you or anything, just wants to give you a squeeze is all.
-Jamil has literally no reason to interact with you, ever.
-He, quite honestly, tries to avoid you at all costs.
-Trouble seems to follow you everywhere you go, and with Kalim always trailing him like a puppy, it’s not a mixture he wants to deal with.
-So, Jamil doesn’t know. Nor does he care to know at all. He doesn’t want to know anything about you.
-Alas, you both attend NRC. Nothing goes well at NRC.
-So, you bump into him in the kitchen during winter break. 
-If he’s completely honest, you are incredibly nice and easy to be around. Smarter than he’d thought too, seems that your bad luck only comes from your goodness of heart.
-It couldn’t hurt to let you eat with the rest of the dorm just this once… could it.
-It could. It very much could.
-It’s in his nature to be observant. He easily picks up on people's mannerisms and tells them so he can adjust to them as quickly as possible.
-Your mannerisms, however, are particularly different from every other guy on campus. 
-You act more like you belong in Pomefiore in a lot of ways, and you tend to flinch at the slightest bit of contact.
-You keep your distance, wear baggy clothes, and your voice sometimes sounds really strained.
-All of these things are odd, but… everyone at NRC is a little weird. He’s a little weird.
-So what. He writes it off and moves on.
-That is until he has to give you the Scarabia uniform after pointedly deciding to kidnap you for a while.
-Your very visible discomfort at the idea of having to wear the new clothes, which he picked specifically to be closer to your actual size, was quite a big giveaway for him.
-He simply smiles and hums and goes to fetch you something a little bigger, for your comfort. He’s not a monster after all! He wouldn’t want a young lady to be uncomfortable around him.
-Keeps it to himself, like a little prize. He was the only one who knew, and he wanted to keep it that way for a while without letting you know.
-It was for no reason other than to fuel that ever-growing ego in his chest.
-However, he gets a little annoyed when Kalim asks him if he thinks you’re a girl or not. He also gets very annoyed when you outwit him and fly to Octanivelle for help.
-Then he finds out that not only did Kalim manage to figure it out on his own, but Jade, Floyd, and Azul have known for ages now.
-It’s just a fun little bonus stressor that adds to his ultimate overblot.
-The overblot in which he exposes your secret to the whole of Scarabia. The overblot where he is just a little too creepy for you to be okay with him for a while.
-Needless to say, you do not have a good relationship with Jamil after all of that.
-He does, however, apologize properly for what he did during his overblot during the music training camp arc.
-You two never really fix things, but you become amicable enough. 
Jamil doesn’t really care enough to try and out you to the rest of NRC, but he does owe you a semblance of kindness thanks to what he put you through.
-So he makes sure Scarabia students and Kalim don’t go yapping to everyone after school starts up again.
🍓I have to be fully honest before I write this, I don’t… know how to write silver. I’m not up to date with chapter seven, and he hardly has any in-game content, so I’m sorry if I got him wrong. I’m trying my best to learn the Diasomania characters, but I don’t have the time to sit down and read ALL of chapter seven. (I do, however, have the time to get about 30 hrs a week on Mercy overwatch so maybe I should get my priorities straight…)🍓
-Silver is one of the last people to find out on campus.
-Not only do you never hang out with the Diasomnia students (other than Malleus), but you and Silver have absolutely nothing to talk about.
-He’s always in a weird sleep-fueled daze, and he’s super quiet and stern. He’s not exactly an easy guy to talk to, but he is nice when you do talk to him.
-The greatest extent to which you’ve interacted with him is through Lilia, and you hardly interact with Lilia outside of Malleus.
-So yeah… Silver doesn’t really have a chance to find out on his own.
-Besides, even if he did suspect something, he’s too upstanding and nice to bother asking you about it.
-Like Jack, he would just assume you were trans, or you’d tell him if you wanted to tell him. 
-Besides, gender isn’t all that big of a concern at NRC, let alone for someone who was raised by a pretty open-minded guy like Lilia.
-So, really, Silver has no reason to suspect or ask anything at all.
-However… he does… overhear Lilia talking about something like that with Malleus.
-More specifically, Lilia scolded Malleus and made him promise not to say anything to anyone else. (Silver wonders who he might’ve spilled to…)
-It’s not like it’s his business. You two aren’t super duper close or anything. He’s a royal guard anyway, he can keep his mouth shut. Besides, he could’ve just misheard the conversation.
-….He’s kinda curious though. Damn his human nature, he just wants to know that’s all.
-So, he asks you outright one day.
-“Are you a girl?”
“…No hello?”
-He doesn’t get why you’d hide something like that. Women are strong, what’s the point in hiding that you’re a woman.
-You explain it to him, and suddenly he’s much more sympathetic.
-Offers to protect you if you ever need it out of the goodness of his heart. (What a sweetie)
-Otherwise, he doesn’t change all that much, maybe waves at you in the halls now, but he’s not going out of his way to talk to you unless you want him to.
-He’s another good guy <3
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hyun0o · 8 months
Her Favorite
[DOM! G!P Jennie x SUB! fem! reader]
[!SMUT!] & [FLUFF]
Summary: You and your older sister Nayeon went to Jennies penthouse to do a project together planning an all nighter to finish it, not knowing that you and Jennie will be up all night for a different reason...
Word count: 3.9k
(°=°): Been waiting to publish thiss, a pretty long read. I'm excited for what's about to come out for you guys. Enjoy (°3°)!
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"God... You make me go insane Y/n"
7:06 PM
You and your older sister; Nayeon arrived at her best friends luxurious penthouse where the entire floor of her place is empty due to her renting it all for less inconvenience and hussle from other people. Which is where you didn't get her logic, why would she buy a penthouse if she didn't want to socialize in the first place?
Nayeon said it's nothing deep because she's rich and can do what ever she wants. Which you agree, she can do what ever she wants. Although it really did make you curious about the older girl. She seems to have so many mysteries, she has an appearance of an angel. Mellifluous voice to manipulate, her sexy body to seduce, and her sweet and rich smell to get you hooked of her presence immediately.
She's Kim Jennie, THE IT GIRL of her and Nayeons university, where is to which you wonder how she still doesn't have a boyfriend to spend some time on. By her looks alone, she could get anyone she wants. Al though, from what you've heard from Nayeons other classmates, she isn't really... The nicest girl, she is cold with both her looks and personality. Not wanting to do anything with other people that she doesn't find important.
Nayeon is her bff ever since childhood and so, you got to know her when the older girls were in highschool. Ever since then she grew fond of you, she nicknamed you baby since you were the maknae(youngest) of the house, but in general, she calls you every sweet names there is in the world.
And so in return, you nicknamed her Nini, it was simple yet cute at the same time. But as you grew older, you can't help but fall for the older girl, she's so sweet, so caring, so gentle, and so kind to you. It's like she feels the same way as you. But of course, you can't get ahead of yourself.
A knock was made by your sister while you wave at the cctv door. Feeling a little nervous, hoping that no one else was taking Jennies time. Sounds selfish but you wanted Jennies pampering to you only. She always asks how your day was going, if you've eaten yet, if you're comfortable, if you're having fun, if you're hungry, and if you need her. She felt like another older sister to rely on and yet you have completely fallen for her. But everyone has skeletons in their closets, and this night is where you discover your Nini's.
"Behave alright? Me and your Nini have to do a project together. Don't make her angry okay?" Nayeon reminded with a serious tone, her pretty round eyes shining with the light of the fancy wall lamp. She explained in the past how Jennie can get... Aggressive when angry but you've never made her nor seen her angry before have you? Recalling all your times together. She was just loving, sweet, clingy, and touchy to you. Whenever you acted a little bratty she never sounded irritated nor annoyed, so you've yet to see her in a scary state.
"I know, I already told you that I'd be okay alone at home. I don't want to bother you guys" You explained feeling a little guilty to be a nuisance to the older girls you look up to the most. Nayeon smiles and soon showed her adorable bunny tooth, her hand coming up to pet your head. You were used to such demeanor, being the youngest and having such lovable and charming charisma it's hard not to like you.
"Come on you big baby, I know you'd get bored when I'm not at the house. Besides I have to watch you just in case you do something stupid" The older girl laughed messing up your hair a little bit. You pout at her words, fixing your hair you soon huffed. "I'm old enough to be responsible unnie..." , Sulking at your older sisters tease. She apologize and quickly reasoned that her and jennie will need a stress reliever for the difficult project that was assigned to them. You hummed in response still pouting. And then finally, the door opened revealing Jennie with her luscious hair, sharp yet feminine features, and her full cherry lips looking kissable as ever. You soon looked at her outfit for the night. Short black cycling shorts letting her milky white legs get exposed and a pink cardigan over a white spaghetti strap making her breast look more defined. You slightly blush at such a majestic sight, stomach filled with butterflies. Her eyes met yours and she immediately broke a smile, her face growing soft.
"Hey guys... Sorry for the long wait, I was preparing for our little girls night in" She apologized and quickly opened the door for the both of you. Nayeon shook her head and said that it was okay since it was her home in the first place. She hugged her best friend tightly and with a big gummy smile. Thinking to yourself;
'How can someone be this beautiful?' Waiting for your turn for a welcoming hug, one the greetings you look forward with her the most. The two separated as she then hugged you, seemingly tighter than Nayeon. Hugging her back you can't help but notice her inhaling your scent, making you shiver a little. She snuggled at your neck and sighed. "So warm..." She whispered to only you can hear. Your cheeks immediately turning red.
"Come on you two we need to start so we could finish early" Nayeon chuckled, leading to you and Jennie to break the perfect hug. She grinned at you as Nayeon looked away, making you flustered. She came closer to you while walking towards the big living room.
"I missed you cutie, let's have fun tonight okay?" Jennie whispered while caressing your hand. Heart almost exploding, you nodded with excitement. Fantasizing the bonding you two will make for the night.
2:39 AM
The evening went well, with the two older girls spilling some unsaid tea together from their university, snacks being laid out on the glass coffee table that's mostly your favorite since they knew you were going to get bored, and rants about how the project was so hard and their professor didn't even teach how to accomplish it.
Jennies clinginess was never weird to you, infact you were delighted at the thought of the mean girl of the university had a soft spot for you. And of course making your little crush for her go insane when you two make physical contact. You eyed the bowl only half full of macaroons, you take one. Taking the cute pink macaron with your two fingers, you analyze its soft bread and smooth cream, you wonder if Jennie bought it or baked it herself. The older girl with feline eyes was clinging on to you for dear life, laptop on the table, comforter covering the both of your lower body, Jennies smooth legs intertwined with yours and sometimes rubbing them on your thighs making you shiver a bit, her body leaning towards you and her hands roaming on you upper body part, mostly on your tummy and smooth arms when she takes her breaks.
"Nini, did you bake this on your own?" You asked, referring to the cute macaroon between your fingers, she looked at your small hands and brushed her palm on your exposed thigh.
"I didn't baby, I bought it from a bakery down the street, do you want me to make those for you?" She asked softly, her hands going deeper to your inner thigh almost caressing your clit. Your legs twitched and slightly tightened at the sudden contact. She kept rubbing your inner thighs while making eye contact making your stomach bubble up and your pussy to get wet.
"N-nini..." You whimpered out nudely as she started to brush on your clit that's growing more hungry for her touch. She hummed and gets more bold, fingers running a cross your core leaving you to moan. She came closer to your ear,
"Answer my question baby. Don't make me wait" She said sternly, her fingers still in between you thighs while your pussy was throbbing for her. You look at the door of the room where your sister was sleeping soundly in since she really couldn't take the all nighter. It was shut tight and knowing Nayeon, she's a heavy sleeper. This was Jennies perfect time to make you hers and hers only.
"Y-yes...please make me a-ah!" You squealed as she put more pressure on your core. Tears rolling down your cheeks from the pain of needing pleasure. She licked your tears on your cheek and slowly kissed your lips. Her lips being soft and wet while putting her hands on your shoulder pushing you down on the couch and she put her knee in between you thighs for some friction. Still making out, your legs shook with the uneasy feeling. You always wanted to this with her but, does this mean your Nini loves you back? With the thought in your mind, she then kissed your pretty neck, leaving traces of her rosy lipstick and her hands groping your boobs. Your mind started to circuit as you didn't know what to do, your pussy won't stop throbbing and your needs for Jennie were just growing. Another moan left your mouth, Jennie standing up as she kept your head up to only letting your eyes go on her, no where else.
"Nini what are you doing..." You whispered with flushed cheeks. She sat between your legs but still a little taller. Looking up, you saw lust and hunger in her eyes, at this point you would do anything for her, even if it means losing your virginity to her. She reached for your hand and lead it up to her big breast letting you really feel her, she moans and cups your cheeks with one of her free hand. This turned you on even more, the pain growing sharply in your core.
"Fuck... like it baby? Want to feel your Nini more?" She asked with the most flirtatious smirk, you eagerly nodded basically moaning at the thought of being able to touch her. She made you rest on your back on the couch and took off her bra. Having full view of her glorious breast, you hesitated to touch them, looking at the older girl for consent. She chuckled and caressed your cheek once more.
"It's okay baby, come on. Touch your Nini, make me feel good..." She reassured, you felt like you were in a trance, Jennie looked like an absolute goddess on top of you. You started to fundle her boobs and flicked her nipples making her moan lowly. Jennies praises wasn't helping the still growing sensation from your pussy. Jennie lowered her body more and you immediately take her boob into your mouth. Sucking on her hard nipples while playing with her other boob.
"... Ah-ah, Yes baby, you know how to make me needy so bad..." Jennie whispered, rolling her eyes in the top her head. Her thick cock throbbing for your cunt. She's been fantasizing about you for years, fucking you in her pent house, in the university, in your own house when Nayeon is home so there's a thrill! She was obsessed with you, she wants to fuck you until all her cum is in your womb.
You felt hot at the praise, not being able to hold the pain, you stopped and looked up at Jennie with tearful eyes. String of saliva connecting your lips and her soft breast.
"Nini... It hurts...down there" You said as the tears rolled down with the blush never going away. Being this vulnerable was rare, but you can't take it anymore. Jennie was in awe, her baby was as needy as her. She then smirked and sat up, her cock visible in her cycling shorts. Rubbing her cock up and down getting excited by your tearful expression. Even when her dick was clothed, she still looked so big and thick, you didn't know if you could take all of her.
"Want me baby? Want me to make you cum until your legs are shaking?" She asked as she took of her shorts leaving her large cock to sprung out, standing on all its glory. It was so veiny with the tip having a cute shade of pink. But you can't help but feel nervous at her size. Your mouth was agape while panting, not realizing to yourself that you were drooling. Which Jennie found adorable, leaning down and licking your saliva on the corner of your lips.
"So cute... Ah, I just want to fuck you senselessly" She whispered, shivering from her dick making contact to your stomach, her pre cum visible. Gulping at the sight, you reached up and hugged Jennies neck, kissing her deeply. You could feel jennies grin in the kiss, her hands automatically going to your breast. She tasted like addicting cherries, probably from her chapstick, her tongue beating you over dominance making you moan into the kiss.
Jennie pulled away, making you whine at the fast end of the kiss. Saliva drooling on the sides of you mouth.
"Ni...ni..." You whined with a pleading face, this only made jennie more excited, she wanted you to plead for her every sign of affection. She made your mouth open with her soft finger tips and fingered your mouth with two fingers mixing you gag a little. She brushed on your tongue feeling weird but good at the same time. She then spat in your mouth making her own saliva on your tongue while still fingering your mouth.
"Swallow" Jennie ordered with her fingers still in your mouth, you immediately obliged, mouth closing in her fingers while swallowing her and your own saliva, shivering at her finger rubbing on your tongue. She gently pulled out and licked her entire fingers clean. Smirk forming on her lips while looking at your shocked and flustered face.
"Good job baby... you're such a good girl for your nini. I think it's time for your reward..." She licked her lips, going down to your clothed cunt. You were wearing a cute tennis skirt, one of Jennies favorite skirt for you to wear. She pushed the skirt to the side and licked your pussy with still your panties on. Flinching at the sudden sensation you put your hand on her hand and whimpered. Jennies cock growing impatient, she then sucked on your pussy finally getting a taste of you.
"A-ah nini!" You were so sensitive, anything can make you cum at this point, Jennie then took your skirt and panties off. As much as she loves that tennis skirt. She loves the thought of fucking you for the first time naked more, having the view of you perfect body all to herself more. Sitting up, she started to stroke herself as she asked if she could undress your upper part. You nodded, feeling a little bit embarrassed, but to jennie, she saw you as her perfect Y/n, your body having perfect curves that she longed to see, messy hair spread along the couch as a few strands was on your shoulder and arms, lips a little swollen from the make out session, and your eyes filled with tears from the pleasure and pain from the long anticipation.
Her cock can't help but twitch at the most beautiful sight. She bit her lip,
"Fuck... So pretty baby. I can't wait anymore..." She moaned hungrily, going down to your cunt and started eating you out with full passion and desire. You moaned out her name loudly, spreading your legs more for her to get more access. She then entered one finger in your pussy while still sucking on your clit. making you lose your senses. For waiting for such a long time, your sensitive bud can't help but cum fast.
"Please...god nini I-i can't" You stuttered, clawing at her hair and legs squeezing her head together, signaling her that you're about to finish. She raised her hand and intertwined it with yours once more, as she entered another finger and fastened her pace, curling her fingers, making you lean over the edge. Cumming all over her face while not being able to control your loud moans. Hips bucking, legs shaking, tears forming, and mouth drooling from such orgasm.
The sweat on your body, shining perfectly to make you glow. Hand covering your mouth while panting, trying to catch your breath.
"So good baby, good job..." Jennie whispered while drawing circle on your pretty stomach. Making you shiver, your eyes closing and feeling Jennies touch all over your body.
"Think you can take me now baby?" She asked positioning her tip to only brush on your entrance teasingly. You don't think you can, but you'll try for your Jennie. However, something dawned you, before saying anything you thought of what will happen tomorrow morning and how your relationship will change in the future. More over, what's your relationship right now? Are you still friends?, lovers?, flings?, fuck bodies?! You start to panic, you love the older girl so much, but you don't want to be connected through just hot sex. And you definitely don't want to act like this never happened tomorrow. And then another hard thought hit you right in the heart, what if she distance herself from you? Feeling uncomfortable or even disgusted on what will happen if you continue. You started to cry and gently pushed Jennie off with a pained expression.
The feline eyed girl immediately sensed something was wrong. She thought you wanted it as much as she did. So what's wrong with her Y/n? "Love what's wrong? Are you not ready? Uncomfortable, feeling sick? What is is?" She asked so gently, you cant help but cry even more feeling guilty for denying her release. You shook your head avoiding eye contact while attempting to stand up and leave the couch, but your wonky and sensitive legs weren't helping. Jennie immediately stood up to help you from behind as support.
"I-i gotta go..." You whispered while snuffling, head down with still shaking legs with Jennie's arms wrapped around your hips trying to help you stand up without your legs giving out. Jennies eyes widened, she can't let you leave just like that, she will do everything for you to be hers and for her to be yours. "I don't get it love what's wrong please... I can't live a day with the thought of me doing something wrong to you, please... Talk to me my girl" Her voice trembled with the fear of losing you, she rested her head on your shoulder with her lips making contact with your soft skin. You stayed silent, not wanting to sound entitled of her feelings. Who were you for Jennie to love back right? A long wait of silence that felt like an eternity passed, you felt sudden wet and warm tears on your shoulder. Jennie was crying, biting her lips and tightening her hug on you, she can't let the girl of her dreams get away.
"Please..." She pleaded shutting her eyes tight letting her tears flow down even more. You can't do it anymore, your heart can't ache this much for the person you loved the most.
"I love you nini... I love you s-so much, I'm scared that if we do this... everything will change. I want to be your lover. Not just someone who can pleasure you...." You confessed, voice cracking from such pain and sadness you were in. Your heart beating so fast to the point where you can hear every single pump of blood it made.
"Who said I didn't love you?" Jennie asked in you ear, her hand intertwining with yours. She then gently made you face her, seeing her all messy and tearful, it made you feel guilty.
"My Y/n, I love you so much... Maybe a little too much. So never assume that my love for you has limits" She reassured you, your mouth quivering from such heart warming words." So please Y/n, let me declare my love to you, and make you mine and only mine" She promised with determine eyes and lips. The butterflies again reappearing in your stomach. You can't lose anything at this point, and you trust her so much. The feeling of desire of her got back. Smiling, you nodded.
"Please... Please show me how much you love me Nini..." And that was enough to set Jennie off. Taking your hand once more, and she took you to her master bedroom. Pushing you down on the soft comforter you can't help but smile knowing that you both love each other so much. Remembering Jennies words and how much she would do anything for you. "Ready my love?" She asked, rubbing on your bud for you to be more wet. You nodded with a smile and kissed her lips.
"I love you my Nini" you whispered and with those words, she felt eager for you to cum. "I love you more baby" She declared with such a soft voice. She entered inside you, slow and gentle since she knew this was all new to you. Arching your back at her size you close your eyes while grinding on you teeth. "You okay baby?" She asked still trying to make you comfortable with her hand on you cheek. You nodded, the feeling of excitement started as Jennie was almost completely in. Her cock stretching you out on all the right places. You were about to go insane! Whimpering with all the pleasure and pain at the same time, Jennie was breathing heavily. She can't help it, you felt so tight and warm she just wanted to ram inside you hard. You soon noticed Jennie who was frozen in place fighting the urge to thrust in you in the most hardest way possible.
"It's okay Nini... please take me as you like" You smile reassuringly, as long as Jennie was happy you we happy. She Lowered her body and soon kissed your ear while slowly thrusting, hands roaming around your body. "Thank you so much baby, just tell me when to stop..." She whispered all so lovingly, the room starting to get filled with moans and nude sounds from the fastening pace of Jennies hips. Her cock hitting all the amazing spots that leads to your orgasm.
You hear Jennie curse under her breath as she sat up still fucking you hard, bed dancing along her pace. "So fucking pretty baby... My Y/n..." She groaned going even more faster, acting like this is the last time she can fuck you. Your eyes watering again for the hundredth time this night, you whimpers grew louder with the pleasure Jennie was giving you. The familiar feeling forming in you stomach.
"A-ah Nini wait... I'm.." You rambled not being able to finish your sentence as you kept you focus on your coming orgasm with Jennie going even more harder giving emphasis in her thrusts with an amazing rythm. Hands gripping on the sheets with an arc back, you came with angelic moans that sent Jennie over the edge as well, with her cum painting your walls and inside your womb. But still not stopping, she kept thrusting with stuttering hips from her climax. "W-wait unnie I can't!" You got taken a back, your pussy was so sensitive and it only hugged jennies cock more with her warm cum still inside you. She didn't even get limp, in fact you think she only got harder from the orgasm. Still going with a fast pace that the room was echoing with full skin slapping and moaning from the both of you, you felt like fainting, you were getting too overstimulated but god did it feel amazing.
An unfamiliar feeling formed in your stomach, from too much pleasure you felt like something was coming but this time, much more intense. "Unnie I-I ah-!" You moaned while she thrusted even faster and harder making sure to pleasure you. You soon whimpered out while squirting all over jennie. Your hips bucking and stuttering while Jennie got more hungry to cum in you. "God baby you squirted? So good.... Fuck more baby do it again for me?" She asked and when you thought she couldn't fuck you more hard and good, she did! Abusing your already tired cunt out to its limits. Your moans grew louder and louder with the tears rolling down your cheeks none stop. Jennie wanted more, she wanted you to feel insane with the sensation, putting pressure on your bud and soon rubbed it through circular motions. You immediately screamed in pleasure getting close again.
"Fuck I just w-wanna cum in you until I'm dry...god... you make me go insane Y/n" She confessed with one last thrust making you squirt non stop and while she completely came in you with shaking hips, this time she thrusted every pump of cum that came out and into your pussy so you can get all of it, with every thrust you squirted your juices out. You felt bliss all over your body, your stomach feeling so warm and full with tear stains on your cheeks. Jennie catching her breath while watching you tremble and shake from such pleasure that she caused you. She pulled a smirk and went down to kiss your cute lips and soon bit it causing for blood to seep into both of your mouths. Was this heaven? You asked yourself feeling warmth from the girl you loved so much. You two separated from the lack of air, but neither of you wanted to stop, Jennie with her sharp gaze on you, she licked her lips and formed a mischievous smile,
"Ready for round three my baby?"
4:02 AM
After the heaven and bliss that you two experienced, Jennie did after care for you. She can't let her princess go to bed uncomfortable. Bathing you with her scented soap and bath salt making you smell like her. Not forgetting to make you hers for the last time for the night, confessing both of your love to each other.
This took me foreverrrrr. Anyways I love this one, I hope you guys enjoyed. Belated happy birthday to my baby jennie!, this was supposed to come out on her bday but I was busy with things. Also I accidentally deleted a request post while writing it so now the req is gone (°^°) I'm working on the req rn I'm so sorry for the long wait anon!
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haecien · 9 months
hi! can I request seventeen's reaction to having a girlfriend who's often misjudged because of her cold appearance and attitude to strangers, but to seventeen she's very sweet and caring??? thank you!
ANON THIS IS AMAAZINGGG!!! Literally what i just needed to get my writing fuel up
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A/n — Happy new years btw!! (From gtm+8), hoping you guys will have a wonderful year mwaaahh. I wrote this in a rush so I hope u don't mind how I did it hehe &lt;33 ALSO THANK YOU TO SKY AND SKYE (double sky(e) ) FOR HELPING OMFG.
Tags — Fluff, a bit of humor?
Since it's new years and I'm being nice ill give you guys TWO versions! First one is this fic right here:) and the 2nd one will be posted soon ! &lt;;33
Ver 2
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🗣 : " Your girlfriend seems so scary, I wonder how you keep up with her! She also seems like she doesn't care AT ALL !! "
Would get mad and instantly defend you
— Hoshi, Seungkwan, & Mingyu
Flabbergasted you decided to call his GIRLFRIEND mean and DOESNT care??? Oh how absolutely WRONG that is!! They would start defending you like a lawyer in a serious case, they would pull up receipts and read them to you then eventually start blabbering how your the sweetest most loving girlfriend ever.
Just try his best not to laugh at the very wrong assumption
— Jun, Woozi, & Jeonghan
"You're wrong + L + ratio " I swear they tried there BEST to not laugh not wanting to embarrass the poor person, and considering you act like such a sweetheart infront of them is funny too..... they do eventually end up laughing then explaining how its the complete opposite.
" Oh no- she's actually the sweetest person "
— Vernon, Joshua , & Dokyeom
Will just immediately say that there assumptions were wrong, no arguing just straight to the point! He will go on and ramble a bit on how happy you actually make him and how you are the most caring person ever. He will go back to his normal convo tho afterwards:D (the most sane response tbh...)
Glares and looks like he about to fight
— Wonwoo, Minghao, Dino, & Seungcheol
Bro you just told that to the wrong person... basically the first one but WAY worst, they will stand up and start threatening you. Like how dare you say those types of things about HIS GIRLFRIEND and think you'd get away with it?? Let's just say you didn't exactly have a nice chat with him after you said those words.......
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Svt taglist — @slytherinshua , @woozvc , @weird-bookworm , @mayashu , @bangantokchy
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bdsmrist · 1 year
gonna get a bit personal here, but as an actor it hurts me to see how ppl misinterpret a character as layered and nuanced as kim
now u might be wondering: girl wtf does being an actor have to do w lieutenant kitsuragi. well, i believe it to be the case that actors are storytellers. its our job to write in our characters studies what isnt in the script, to fill in the gaps, and portray that to the best of our abilities.
while in school, my professor’s always emphasized that as an actor, 100% of the time its more interesting when your characters motivations are rooted in love, rather than resentment. and i feel like too often i see ppl understand kim’s motivations be fueled by a desire to reject, protect himself, and detach himself from a world he resents.
now; thats not to say that isn’t entirely true. after all it is what the canon tells us explicitly: that he gave up on moralism, religion, etc, because he again and again was disappointed by the reality of elysium. therefore, that must mean that from there on out kim was a lost soul, that when coming to contact with harry’s spark, it lit his ambitions once more
and yes, to an extent, thats true, but its not the whole truth. to imply otherwise is very derivative. one of the things that makes kim such a compelling character is how he never stopped loving the world around him, *before* meeting harry. and even tho he limits how much he allows himself to indulge in it, it still bleeds through the cracks. hence, when he meets harry, he pours his devotion into the case, and in turn, into harry, without even knowing the guy
would a detached character have the patience and compassion he has for harry on day one? absolutely not. the man is borderline coddling to harry despite it all. and you can hear it in the performance!
jullian champenois’ voice is characterized by its mellow, soothing quality. hes gentle about it! and the actor made that choice for a reason! kim is a gentle person! he stands his ground, he sets boundaries, keeps u in course, and is nothing of a pushover. but regardless, his temperament is calm and reassuring. thats his function as a literary device! to contrast harry’s self-hatred and self-loathing with compassion and understanding!
think about it: would a character thats insistent on being a cold wall, sit on the swing-sets with harry for the pure purpose of just being there so harry doesnt have to confront that alone? if kim only wanted to keep people at an arms length, would he insist you two to be the ones to break the news to working class woman about her husband when ur at her doorstep? he said it himself; the precinct couldve handled it fine.
if kims actions were rooted in resentment towards an unfair world, would he be an instrument of justice for the rcm in the first place? kim, who verbatim despises the cops who become cops so they can use policing as an ego outlet?
kim kitsuragi cares. he cares very deeply, and i believe that the walls around him are a result of kim attempting to keep himself *in*, rather than keep others *out*. kim keeps HIMSELF on a short leash, because he knows that otherwise he’d go all in, just like harry.
harry and kim are at the opposite ends of the same spectrum of people that are too passionate for a world that does not reward such earnestness. therefore, harry copes with addiction, and kim copes with restrictions. regardless. its all comes back to love.
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kisscara · 2 years
could u do one with fatui scara and his spouse like a normal doting day??
home, with me. [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ angst mixed w/ fluff, fatui!scaramouche
a/n: was originally supposed to be cute and sappy but here we are.
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the balladeer's spouse? oh, not a single soul would be able to know exactly how he ended up with such a person as them. kind, caring and thoughtful; it all seemed so odd. the fatui subordinates whisper amongst themselves, how your relationship with him is just for mora and... well, that.
in that case, everything would make perfect sense. both you and him would benefit from such a status. but what they didn't know was that you met him when he was still that sweet and vulnerable puppet, kunikuzushi. even though you were against the idea of him joining the fatui, you still chose to love and support him unconditionally.
"scaramouche," you softly call out, gracing his office with your presence. scaramouche simply gestures with a wave of his hand to close the door behind you and you do so. "come now, have you forgotten your promise already?" you query with a slight pout.
scaramouche leans back in his chair and finally removes his attention from the papers across his desk. "i haven't. i was just about to leave." scaramouche re-adjusts his hat and a rare smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he makes his way to you.
"did you eat yet?" scaramouche mumbles, holding your hand in his and opening the door. a fatui recruit standing by the frame flinches upon seeing you and him walking out. "don't ask me that! i don't have to eat for something like this," you coo in a matter that shows how hopelessly in love you are with him.
scaramouche scoffs, "still. i can't have you passing out if you haven't eaten properly." you cup the side of your face and hum, "oh my, how gentlemanly of my husband."
the two of you find a beautiful and secluded spot by the grounds of your shared house, choosing to have a peaceful picnic beneath a lovely sakura tree. as scaramouche lays out the blanket onto the grass, you comment, "it's been a while since we've spent time alone together, hasn't it?"
scaramouche removes his hat from his head and runs a hand through his hair. "it has. her majesty has been growing more and more impatient as the seconds fly past," he says. you sit next to him and hold a basket in your lap. "let's... forget about that for now. right now is the chance for us to make up for lost time."
scaramouche sighs, "you're right, darling." he queries, "what have you been up to without me around?" you start taking out plates from the basket and happily reply, "everything's been mundane. i go to the city every now and then to buy from the vendors and..."
scaramouche aids you in putting out the cutlery, "and?" you add, "i met a really kind guy the other day! his name is thoma and he's a housekeeper for the kamisatos." scaramouche narrows his eyes, "thoma, huh? sounds like a real nice guy." he emphasizes the 'real' part and this, you notice.
"don't worry, dear, he's just a friend," you reassure him, using a fork to stab into the strawberry perched on top of your cake slice. scaramouche grits his teeth, "when did i say i was worried, huh?" you hold up the fork by his lips and he tsks before eating the fruit.
because he doesn't like sweets, you always treat him to the fruits that come with it. "have i ever told you how cute you are?" you playfully prod. scaramouche hides the rising blush on his face by looking away. "definitely cuter than that thomas guy or whatever..."
you laugh in amusement at his antics. he dips the tip of his index finger into the whip cream of your strawberry shortcake and wipes it onto your nose. you blink a few times and he chuckles. you use a tissue to carefully clean it off, "how childish of you." you suddenly grin.
"your lips are so soft." the pads of your fingers gently caress his lips and scaramouche longingly gazes at you. you take another strawberry and bite into it. "i've always wondered what you'd look like with lipstick," you giggle. you dab the bitten strawberry against his lips, staining it into a sheen red.
scaramouche holds your wrist and uses his other hand to hold your face. you and him lean in, sharing a sweet kiss between lovers. the tangy flavor of strawberry sends your tastebuds into a tingling sensation as he deepens into you, quietly gasping in between kisses.
you pull away and he allows your arms to envelop his figure as you mutter against the crook of his neck, "can you stay home, just for tonight?" scaramouche frowns, "you know i can't do that." you tighten your embrace. "please?"
in response, your husband picks you up bridal style and brings you inside the house. even though he placed you onto the bed, you cling onto his neck with your arms, afraid he'll leave you the second you let go of him. scaramouche slowly removes your hold from him and he plants multiple kisses onto your hands.
he murmurs, "i'm sorry, my love, my darling. i really am but i can't stay much more than i already have." you're struck with silence and stare at him in a sorrowful way. however, he takes it as a reply, his heart twinging with pain as he walks to the door.
scaramouche stops in his tracks when he feels a tightened grip on his sleeve. he turns his head and finds you desperately hugging his arm. "can you stay with me until i fall asleep?" you ask. scaramouche tenses up and hesitantly looks at the front door before back to you.
he nods and leads you back to the bed. "i didn't know my spouse was this clingy." scaramouche's frail attempt at lightening the mood changes nothing. you rest your head onto his chest and shakily sigh. "i love you, (name)." scaramouche strokes your hair and you sniffle. "i love you too, kunikuzushi."
a few minutes later, can he hear your soft snores and easy breathing as you sleep away. scaramouche is careful to remove himself from the bed and he tucks you into the blanket. he presses a kiss to your tear stained face before leaving the house.
he passes by the area you and him had the picnic at and instantly looks the other way. it seems like it hurts more everytime he leaves you. he goes months without seeing you, sometimes even years but this time, scaramouche swears he won't be gone for too long.
when he returns, he'll have completed his plan of stealing the gnosis to become a God. 'wait a little bit, (name). i'll come back.' scaramouche's solemn gaze returns to that of a cold one, returning to his identity of the balladeer himself as he continues the life of a ruthless harbinger.
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poppy-metal · 10 months
the ask abt toxic ballet au jordan taking care of you!! buying protein bars instead of their usual snack bars in case it's the only thing you eat all day during rehearsals :( their demeanor doesn't change--they're still mean, chastising you for not taking care of yourself, questioning every bruise n blister they notice littering your skin.
they tell themself it's just because your success is interlaced with theirs, because they can only perform as well as their partner. try not to think abt how they know, deep down, there's more to it than that.
when you have a break while your classmates are rehearsing their variations and you guys are sitting in the corner, jordan watching n taking an occasional swig from their water bottle while u lay down, head resting on your dance bag. trying to catch up for the sleep you missed because you danced late the night before. "you're going to fuck up your neck." they chastise, n you're too tired to do anything over than glare and them rolling their eyes and pulling your head into their lap.
n you're too startled to say anything, glad they can't see the way your face flushes. and they know, scoffing around a "it's not that serious. i don't want to dance with you if you're sore." and you just close your eyes, trying to ignore the heat pooling in your tummy and your proximity to their crotch and the warmth radiating off of them. wondering why you feel all dazed nd needy when their hand comes to rest on your neck n why the 45 minute nap you manage to squeeze in has you feeling more well rested than the previous night's 4 hours of sleep.
this feels like a warm hug.
you know that super nichè feeling of laying against someone and dozing half asleep half awake and it feels like you're underwater, like when you were taking a bath as a kid and you'd duck your head under for just a bit in the warm water and it was like your own private world for just a second. that kind of serenity, and then you feel the distant hum of talking around you, the vibration of the person you're laying against as they speak to others. all present but faintly unrecognizable, like charlie browns teacher, just background noise, tv static. n it helps lull you. that feeling of life moving and happening around you but you know you're tucked safe and warm against this person. its that feeling when jordan pulls your head into their lap. almost dreamlike.
jordans communicating with other people but they glance at you alot, stroke their fingers through the strands of hair that have fallen against your cheek. think about how soft and delicate you are and how much power is in such a small frame. thinks about how they're a fox, and you must be a rabbit, but for all intense purposes, the sight of you curled up on their lap doesn't make them want to bare fangs. they just want you to feel that peace for a little while longer.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I need advice, please, you never answer my asks, even though you do with tkkrs spewing lies and hate. Please, I used to love every Jikook interaction, but since a while ago, I can't do it without thinking about how 99% of the fandom are tkkrs and hate JM. I want to enjoy their moments like you do, but it hurts so much to see all the hate JM receives. Sometimes I wonder if JK is worth it...like JM would be free if he dated someone else...tkkrs only want JK to be TH's sex toy, and if JM is with someone else, at least we could enjoy Jikook even if it's them just being friends. Or JK could shut tkkrs up sometime and try to defend Jimin...I gave up on TH confirming Jennie, he's a coward and doesn't want to lose his fans (tkkrs), so he's going to keep doing fanservice namedropping JK everytime he needs it... please, what is your secret? how can I enjoy jkk again? why are there so many people that believe JK is TH's boyfriend if JM is the one he loves? really, everything is so frustrating. Poor JM, I'm tired
Maybe I dont answer your asks because you say things like "maybe Jimin should find someone else" Matter of fact, let it be known to everyone: I delete all such asks. Or any asks that sound remotely like anti JK. Jimin loves who he loves. He is head over heels for this man. Get with the programme or move the fuck on. Coz your fav aint never gonna drop JK just coz u want him to. And I personally figure that is common sense. So anytime I get an ask saying JK doesn't deserve Jimin I don't even finish reading that shit. I delete. So I'm sorry you're upset anon, but if this is how u talk everytime then that's why I have never answered u.
That being said, anon pointed out how I have time to reply to antis n tkkrs. I'm sure some of u who have sent me good Jikook asks probably wonder the same thing. Why does she reply to them but hasn't answered my ask from months ago? This is a fair question. Apart from my current situation 🤰🏽 I may not have time sometimes. And some of your asks require research. Some of your asks are so good they deserve time and thought put into them. Meanwhile insulting a piece of vermin or an anti is easy. I don't have to think when talking smack to these assholes. I don't need to research anything. Plus its very satisfying and takes 0 effort on my end. So that's why it seems like I prioritise them.
Answering a good ask and answering it properly, could take all day sometimes. As much as I love doing it, it requires a lot of time and effort. So yeah, incase any of u was frustrated about how u sent a good ask a long time ago and yet I seem to have time for antis, thats why. That, and people who send links. Those asks are easy n take no time at all.
I'm sorry guys. Really.
But anon, u asked for advice on how to enjoy Jikook moments despite the existence of tkkrs.
I will start by taking you back to this post I made when all hell broke loose that one time. It is incredibly important that people remember: your feelings are not Jimin's. This is the man who in 2018 was sent a death threat and he said that Armys were more worried about this person than he was. That he was alright and that no one should worry.
Quickly, lets pay attention to this part one more time
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His fans were more concerned than he was. I do believe this to be the case 1000% right now too. You are more worried about the vermin than he is. You are more worried about Jikook antis, than he is. He doesn't care. If he cared he would pull away from JK. If he cared we wouldn't be getting a Jikook documentary. If he cared why would be continue providing Jikook content despite knowing some people will not receive it very well??? Despite knowing there are people who wanna kill him for hanging with JK?
If he cared we would be starved for moments on official content. He would keep away from JK if antis were affecting him. Period. There is no "poor Jimin." He's more than okay.
Anon, my advice is to keep this in mind. This is what I do. Jimin doesn't care, so neither do I.
So instead I laugh at them and mock them because they are just wasting their time and energy. No amount of hate and death threats are gonna stop Jimin from loving those he loves. And this is the truth.
Plus, why be concerned with people who believe members hate each other? Like in what world does that make sense?? Anon, you have seen the fuckery i share on this blog. These people are brainless and stupid. As we speak they claim that wasn't JK with Jimin in Tokyo. How can u take such people seriously??? I know I don't. I can't. For me to even consider the shit coming out of your mouth you have to make sense and tkkrs dont make any fucking sense.
So my advice, this is up to you and you only. Its is up to u to treat these people like the mental cases they are; by not taking them seriously. Report, block and move on. Go watch a happy Jimin compilation or something. If u can't take the hate, then unfollow all report pages, mute key words, stay on the clean side of twitter. Believe u me, it exists. Curate your timeline anon, it is possible. Even on twitter.
I promise you Jimin does not care. He used to but he sure as hell doesn't anymore. You remember this crucial part, and you will be able to enjoy Jikook in peace.
Plus, if you've been paying attention to JK, you will notice he doesn't feed tkkrs. He really doesn't. Not like in the past. And the dude has made it clear he doesn't like them... not even a little bit. And can u blame him? Look at you and how u feel. Now imagine JK, Jimin's boyfriend seeing this hate. Imagine how he feels. You can tell he ain't about tkkrs. Especially this year. Even they know it and so they rely on V for tkk content. (Denying them moments is the most JK can do. Interfering or trying to shut them up wouldn't work. If it didn't work with V, twice, it won't work with JK either)
This is the only advice I can give u. Hope u heed it. Because no one deserves their BTS experience taken away from them. Xoxo
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flirtyletters · 2 years
i was just wondering if u have any random headcanons with mitsuo, iketeru, uramichi with or without mc
if that makes sense
i hope this is fine TvT might do one without mc if i think of something. for now have this~
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headcanons as a boyfriend
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mitsuo, iketeru, uramichi
gender neutral reader
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mitsuo kumatani
mitsuo knows how usahara pesters you to set him up with a single friend of yours. he also knows how it's difficult for you to always get out of such a situation with usahara literally invading your personal space and begging you. despite the pleading look you throw him, he averts his gaze and acts as if he can't see his coworker in that pathetic state. to make matters worse, he has a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. seeing you struggle is fun. in more ways than one.
mitsuo is very punctual, so if he has a date planned with you, he expects you to be there at the decided time. see being late every once in a while is understandable, and he cuts you some slack, but if you keep appearing late, one day you're gonna be stood up by your own boyfriend!
mitsuo likes to hide your belongings that you leave behind at his place by mistake. oh a handkerchief you think might be on his table? never heard of that! haha, a mask? what mask? whose mask? he is just that playful, making you doubt your own memory and sometimes sanity. as a joke. a small box of your items is hidden in his drawer. no, he is not a pervert, he's just a tease.
omota uramichi
uramichi finds your sleeping face peaceful to look at. one day he ran out of his sleeping pills and alcohol at the same night. since you were at his place and you guys hadn't been spending a lot of time together recently, he decided to brave the storm and not go out to buy those. he usually had difficulty sleeping without help and that day was no different. despite it all, when he looked at his side at your sleeping face he felt calm. before he knew it, hours had passed with him gazing at your rhythmic breathing. you woke up with the shock of your life when you looked at his scary morning face.
uramichi is not one to meddle in other's business but if he thinks that you lead an unhealthy lifestyle then he tries to motivate you to correct your ways. he is that person who keeps asking if you had enough water and exercise for the day. he wants what's best for you and is willing to help if you need it.
uramichi likes to go grocery shopping with you and insist on carrying the bags himself. this is not him considering you weak, rather this is his way of showing love, his love language. he wants to tell you that at the end of the day, when you are too tired to do anything he will be there to lend the hand. always. you don't have to carry the burden alone. actions are the words of a caring man and nobody proves it better than uramichi. mostly because he can be really bad at communicating his true feelings.
iketeru daga
iketeru is anxious to see ms sayuri like you and to have you like her back. someone who is important to him must be important to her too! he understands if you have an allergy or are afraid of dogs. then he makes sure to have dates and meetings outside his apartment. in case you want to overcome your fear of dogs, he encourages and supports you, tenderly helping you get acquainted with ms sayuri.
[ spoiler alert - ms sayuri loves you because she can sense your feelings for her friend and master. ]
iketeru tries to learn any skill that you find attractive. with his boundless potential, he succeeds to impress you too. that feels like one of his greatest achievements. if you have a hobby that you wish to share with him, he shows genuine interest, and even participation, and if you are competetive, well here's a challenging rival!
iketeru laughs at the most inopportune moments. everybody stares at him wondering what he finds so funny while some people decide to take offence at his behaviour. so you try to cover it up by smiling awkwardly and commenting, "oh come now, it isn't that funny!" before whisking him away from the place. when he has regained his composure, he looks at you with childish wonder and confesses, "what would I do without you? you are my best friend and savior. i love you."
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inosukes-boar-mask · 3 months
My opinions on every single Rochester in season 4 because im bored as fuck and also i wanna yap yap yap a lot
(i arrange them base on who appeared first throughout the game)
Archie- honestly, i hate him because he's such a brat but at the same time i kinda felt bad because i really do think that he used to be a really good, sweet boi back then. And I know he's such a pain in the ass to deal with but honestly he doesn't deserve to be abused like that by his dad. He must've been so traumatized everytime he sees malcolm bruh (honestly if i were him i would feel the same way as well)
Rockley- a cool guy and i wish he appeared more because he's really interesting. He's one of the decent Rochesters out there. He just wanna make some chocolates and sell em. Just a funny, chill guy that i would be friends with. He's cool as fu-
Leopold- one of my favorite Rochester. He's such a nice guy and if i was in the motp world he'd be the only person that I'll trust the most. Honestly he didn't deserve to die like that. Dude's just tryna innovate Concordia and he supports it by hosting and funding world exhibition blah blah blah and also, i feel so bad for this guy. Like he just wants the Rochester name to be a good one and despite all of the atrocious stuffs his brother had done, he still didn't do bad stuff and he didn't got influenced by Horatio (fuck Horatio man all my homies hate Horatio)
Veronica- she kinda fine but damn you Veronica you're such a bad mom. Also I wonder what the fuck happened to her since she really didn't reappear after Archie's death. We didn't even know if she grieved on her son's death or she probably just didn't give a flying fuck about it. She's quite interesting though. I really wished we get to know her more and what her thoughts are about this morally corrupt family and what are her roles as Malcolm's wife.
Horatio- fuck u man fuck u. He's such a vile man and i think this old stanky dude is actually born a MENACE since the start. Like seriously??? You took advantage of those Irish and Italians to fight and kill each other. Also bribing the police and putting all of those sane, innocent, good people in the asylum just because they're interrupting your plans to establish a republic 😤😤🖕🏻 a big FUCK YOU to this guy btw. Glad Viola doesn't see him as his own father now. (Yeah i mean he also did took advantage of being Viola's dad after finding out that Viola was his illegitimate daughter and also, hanging out with your daughter just to tamper or to steal evidence??? Fuck u man)
Larry- bro's getting on my nerves and he's annoying as fuck. Like dude we get that your rich but please get your shit together you're 35 😩😩🖕🏻 also you're a freak man why would you just dissect the shit out of Sandra and steal her heart just because she offered you a job to the city hall 😩 like what kinda motive is that????
Clarissa- ehhhh idk about her I honestly don't care about her though... But yeah, I think she's either a nice and a decent person or she could be a big POS. I don't know. I'm neutral when it comes to her character and we didn't know that much about her because she got killed.
Bernadine- *plays the intro of I bet on losing dogs by Mitski* My most favorite Rochester and I also feel so sad for her. She deserves so much better.... At first I didn't like her because of how arrogant she acts in case 41. But then I felt sad for her in case 53. She feels so guilty and she blames herself for Leopold's death. Wishing that she should've warn him earlier on. She knows and had seen a lot of shit her family is doing.... This girl only just want a normal life as an aristocrat and then there's her uncle who threatens her to throw her out in the asylum and also, her older brother who's violent and has massive anger issues. She was literally at her lowest during this case and it's actually sad that one by one, she loses each of her family members. (They either go to jail or die) Also wishes that she appeared early or more though. She really is one of the most interesting Rochesters out there and she literally carries all of the burdens that she experienced in her family.
Patricia- I also felt bad for her too. She didn't deserve to suffer like that. Imagine you've been in the asylum for years. Slowly becoming more and more insane because of the environment and the doctors there.... She was thrown out there just because she's speaking up against her husband blah blah blah.... (This is why all my homies hate Horatio fuck Horatio)
Malcolm- man fuck this guy. What a big piece of shit. What a fucking pig. Bro literally cares more about his job as a senator more than the death of his own son. "He who loves his son is diligent enough to discipline him" my ass. You're just straight up beating the shit out of him. 😒 There are many other ways to discipline Archie yet this mf chose to beat the shit out of him. Also, he's so corrupt that he would do such vile things to keep himself on top and to get more power. Literally a true definition of a Machiavellian. He's also just like his uncle as well. (And I wouldn't be surprised if he also has an illegitimate child though. Like seriously though i think this could be possible since Malcolm is a regular at the brothel)
Anyways this is all i just finished my yapping session now
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if u could do how it's like living with luxiem as their s/o? Ty, also have a nice day
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Life with Luxiem
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: you ask, and i shall provide! thank you sm for the ask ^^
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established relationships lmao
overall fluff - at least what i hope having a roomie is like aha
is this what chaos is??
midway through the draft i realized you asked about a romantic relationship LMAO but then i decided 'fuck it, we're roomies that give each other a lil smooch sometimes' so i hope that's ok
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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this is that meme where a guy takes a photo with his girlfriend hugging a huge $200 teddy bear instead of snuggling together in bed except it's you on the isolated side of the bed and ike snuggling with a $799.99 jumbo hatsune miku plush (i even googled the price because i also wanted one too)
he spends a lot of time cooped up in his room too - from personal projects to novel manuscripts, sometimes you just peak inside and clean if he isn't paying attention to what's around him (he's the type to keep everywhere else in the house clean except his own room, but doesn't think much of it since he's usually the only one inside anyways)
despite that, he does his chores and he expects you to do yours as well - he's a very fair novelist. even if he's busy with different manuscripts or worshipping miku, he would do it all without missing a day
he's relatively good at cooking - not restaurant quality but certainly not burn water somehow, even though he thinks the peak of his culinary career is microwaving a 2-day old burger (it's really not that bad)
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he's just really clean ??? like there's literally no issue with being his roomie except maybe the rare intruder cases or the odd packages he buys (he once bought a cardboard cutout of a political politician for a meme and you guys had to eat with it for at least 2 weeks before he begrudgingly throws it out)
at the end of the day, luca's still the big boss for a mafia family, so it really isn't a surprise to be carrying at least some kind of weapon around the house
lots of large dinners with friends, mafia members, etc. but dinners with just you and luca are both calming and entertaining - he's the kind to just spill everything that has happened in the day if he stepped out of your shared home
outside of cleaning (he insists on doing the cleaning and even does so without telling you - sometimes you would wake up and the house would be sparkling), you guys would always play something like rock-paper-scissors to decide who does what set of chores; in a sense, one of the fairest people to split household duties with
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Rooming with Mysta - thoughts? and prayers bestie (skull emoji)
he actually does try to do all the chores - partly because he wants to get better at it and partly so that he could prove to everyone he's capable of taking care of another living being (aka you) ; on multiple occasions when you said you were cleaning, he's like 'DON'T WORRY BABE I GOT THIS'
he's managed to turn the place into a bubble bath once when doing the laundry - you had soap everywhere for at least a week
the kind to randomly invite you to watch something with him - i'd like to think he watches whatever is on and uses it as an excuse to fall asleep on you and use you as a pillow (but he's warm, so it's like having a blanket for you too)
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the best out of all of the members because he's clean, efficent and requires the least amount of care (as far as chores and other daily things go)
why am i talking about him like he's some sort of housepet - idk???? but he's really independent, you don't really have to worry too much about household stuff
he's still very loving and affectionate - the kind to split chores but would still do yours if asked (reasonably at least)
ok the one downside to rooming with shu is that sometimes he would make very practical but impulsive purchases - sometimes, you would wonder if you were the one who impulsively bought something like a toilet seat warmer (for my winter toilet seat dislikers LMAO), but then you would see the package reciever's name
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you guys definitely split cooking duties ; even if you are a kitchen disaster, vox would love to eat any and all of your creations
despite being culinary geniuses, vox orders a LOT of take out to the point it became a tradition between you guys to find a new restaurant/take-out place at 3 am to order from
he's pretty solid with the advice too; if you're having a bad day with school/work/whatever or you had an argument with someone you're close to, he's the kind of roomie that would immediately help you cheer up in some way or another
the only issue you would have with vox is maybe he'll get the occasional fanmail in your letter box or gift standing at your door and you would always wonder - where do these come from and why are they addressed to him? he's a mysterious guy after all and he doesn't share too much about himself and often teases you when you ask about him (unless he's like... drunk or something, they do say drunkards say the truth after all)
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viilpstick · 7 months
I'm not gonna send fics to u for a hot minute not only bc I don't have anything fully written other than these last two that I make but also bc I'm scared of being a bother sksjksjs
ONCE AGAIN DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR NOT READING/ANSWERING RIGHT AWAY I know how school can be so hard and take so much of your time! In fact, I expect you to take ur time answering, since I assume you're busy. So don't worry!
It's been weeks, Daisy noticed, that Ruggie Bucchi, the greediest person she knew, had started sharing his food with her. Granted, he wasn't sharing his actual meal, but everytime he somehow could get his hands on a dessert, especially if they were pumpkin flavored, he would always give them to her.
Sometimes Daisy thought he went out of his way to get his hands on said desserts just for her, but that was an obscure theory that Daisy was ashamed of even pondering. 
That all happened after the incident with Azul and his contract with Daisy, and the sharing of desserts was only the beginning. She also noticed how he started being… more gentle with her. If he happened to be around, he’d hold the door open for her; if her hair happened to be a mess, he would quickly fix it for her; if he passed by her in the hallways of the school, he would quickly pet her head and continue walking as if nothing had happened. The Ruggie Bucchi, known for being greedy, selfish and for never doing anything for anyone unless he got something in return, was suddenly doing all of this for Daisy… but with what intent?
Initially, Daisy assumed he wanted to somehow make her in debt with him, but he never showed any signs of asking for something in return, nor did he ever voice wanting something from her. Then, she thought maybe she had him in debt with her, but she remembered him saying that his debt for her helping him recover after Leona's overblot had already been paid for him helping her stay in Savanaclaw. Soon she came to the conclusion that maybe she was just thinking too much about all of this. So Ruggie was being nicer to her, what about it?
Except… she couldn't deny her big crush on the hyena beastman. She couldn't deny how endearing she thought he was by always commenting on his beloved grandma, how amazed she was at his hard work and determination and how much his support in the few days she stayed at Savanaclaw meant to her. She couldn't deny any of it.
And she guessed… she thought he was quite handsome as well…
The thing is, Daisy couldn't stop thinking about each and everyone of Ruggie’s small acts of kindness and care, not when every movement of his made her heart skip a beat and her face blush to an unbelievable extent. She kept wondering why he was suddenly like this, so thoughtful and caring around her… yet her brain kept telling her it was probably nothing much, that she was overthinking… he was probably just showing he saw her as a friend. Which she liked to believe she was but… the idea of being seen as only a friend by him was no longer appealing. She hated being so selfish but she wanted to be way more than a friend.
“I’m certain Ruggie’s got a crush on the prefect.” Ace had said once, making Daisy blush as she looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.
“W-what makes you think that?”
“Daisy, have you ever seen Ruggie be this considerate to literally anyone else? As a guy who's been in a relationship I can tell a crush from a mile away.”
“You have one relationship experience and you ended up ghosting the poor girl, I don't think you have the right to speak.” Deuce retaliated and so a banter started between the two, as Grim laughed at them as he rested on Daisy’s lap.
That one comment made Daisy’s head hurt even more. Did… did Ruggie like her back? If… if so, was this his way of showing it to her? Most importantly, why hasn't he asked her out yet if that was the case? 
The blonde was tired, to say the least, so she made up her mind: she would corner Ruggie and ask him straight up what was up with all these confusing signals and if he liked her in return. Yes! She was gonna do it!
…Except it was easier said than done.
“You ain't gonna eat that?” Ruggie said, finishing his sandwich. Him and Daisy ended up finding each other at the botanical gardens, Ruggie seemed to have just given Leona his lunch and was about to have his, and Daisy wanted to eat somewhere less crowded for once. She wanted time to think. “I'm always hungry so I can finish that for ya.”
“No, it's- I'll eat it.” Daisy said, continuing to eat the croissant she was able to buy in the cafeteria earlier that day. It felt like home. 
“If you insist. Also, that reminds me.” Ruggie takes out two lollipops from his pockets and hands one to Daisy. She observes it as she finishes chewing on the last bite of her croissant. It was pumpkin flavored. “I found these lollipops at a very cheap price at Sam’s store. I never saw one pumpkin flavored before.” Then, Ruggie unwrapped his own, putting it into his mouth and letting a happy hum escape. Daisy smiled at him as she tried unwrapping her lollipop.
“Thanks, Ruggie. You didn't have to...” she said, her cheeks pink, this was exactly what she was talking about, why would he spend money on a lollipop for her? Sure, it might not be expensive but every bit of money counted for Ruggie… she sighed quietly as she tried but failed to unwrap her lollipop.
“Here.” Ruggie got the lollipop from her hands, unwrapping it and putting the wrap in his pocket until he could throw it away. He put it in front of her mouth and Daisy felt her face warm up as he basically fed her the lollipop. She hated how he didn't even look affected by that.
“Thank you…” she held onto her lollipop for dear life, her face red as she stared at the ground.
“‘tis nothing.” Ruggie chuckled, breaking his lollipop with his teeth with extreme ease. “Simple stuff.”
“But you’ve been doing a lot of simple stuff to me lately…” she tried hinting at what she wanted to say… maybe he would recognize she wanted an explanation so she wouldn't have to deal with having to ask awkward questions. 
Ruggie seemed to smile sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “It's really not that big a deal. I do this kinda stuff for the neighborhood kids back home all the time.”
“Oh.” Daisy felt slightly hurt, did that mean he saw her as nothing more than a friend? Perhaps even a sibling because of how he viewed those kids? “So… Do you just… think of me as those kids? Like, a sister?”
“What? Ew, no.” That thought seemed to disgust him, shown by his sour expression. “I just mean that I'm used to doing this sort of thing.”
“Oh.” she let a small smile escape, relieved at hearing that. She seemed to stop for a moment, wanting to ponder and wonder if asking her question really was worth it… but she knew if she didn't she would go crazy. “Do you… see me as something else then?”
Ruggie looked at her and she saw — or maybe that was her wishful thinking — the faint blush on his cheeks. His ears twitched as he tilted his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Ruggie, do you- uhm…” Daisy breathed in and out, trying to have courage for what she was about to ask. “Do you… like me, or something? I mean… as in, do you have… feelings for me?”
Ruggie went quiet for a moment, as he held onto his lollipop stick and looked ahead, a small wrinkle on his nose and a blush on his cheeks. Did she upset him…? Did… did he feel offended by the idea? Maybe even disgusted at the thought of-
Daisy looked at him in shock, her eyes widening as her mouth was open, her lollipop in her hand and the other one gripping the bench they were both sitting on. Did he just- did he admit to having a crush on her? Just like that? That easily?
“Why’d you think I was doing all this, dummy?” Ruggie frowned at her, finger flicking her forehead and she held the place he touched, still very much in awe and confused.
“Then why didn't you tell me anything?”
“I don't know… that's not really in my nature, I guess…” Ruggie scratched his head, embarrassed. “You might not know this because you're a human… but male hyenas usually just… do stuff to get the female’s approval… I was just waiting for you to catch onto the clues.”
“I– R-Ruggie I'm not a beastman, I don't understand this sort of stuff!” She complained, her face unbelievably red as Ruggie chuckled, his own cheeks the same color. 
“I know but come on! I thought I was being pretty obvious even for a human!” Daisy puffed out her cheeks, mumbling something under her breath as she tasted her lollipop once again. Ruggie let out his signature laugh and tilted his head, looking fondly at the girl sitting next to him. “Aw, come on, don't be like that, silly.”
“Well… then take me on a date.” 
“I'm tired of beating around the bush.” Daisy explained, she looked at the ground in embarrassment, but she knew if she wanted whatever relationship they could have to work, she needed to continue. “So… take me on a date. Since I like you and… and you seem to like me.”
“You… like me?” Ruggie seemed almost surprised at the thought, his ears twitching and his cheeks pink as he forced an awkward smile. “You mean it?”
“I-I’ve liked you for a while now, that's why I asked what you thought of me… seeing you being so nice to me without an apparent reason was making me very confused.” The blonde tried looking at him, a slight frown on her face as she pouted.
Adorable, was what Ruggie thought.
“Well… I can't take you anywhere fancy.” The hyena beastman said, almost fearful that she would reject him for such a thing, but she simply shook her head and smiled warmly.
“I don't mind. As long as you're there, that's all I need.”
Ruggie’s blue eyes stared at Daisy’s brown ones for a moment, before he burst into laughter, making the girl blush in embarrassment as she frowned at him, saying: “don't laugh!”
“You're too sappy Daisy!”
“If you don't like it then–”
“I do. I like it very much.” He stopped laughing, drying a few years that were starting to show, and Daisy looked at the side, biting her lips. “Alright, I’ll take you on a date.” he got a few strands of her hair, bringing it close to his face as he smiled at her. “If you wish.”
Daisy smiled back, her face red but she didn't mind it anymore. “I’ll be delighted.” 
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xitsensunmoon · 2 years
OH OH!!! I actually think a vampire would pierce the vein, and then allow blood to pool around the area, and sip that. This would cause a funky lil bruise called a hematoma tho, and in blood draws is generally bad bc it actually causes blood cells to break apart and can turn the serum red (messes with the tests-). I imagine vampires do not mind this tho considering it is being eaten and not being put in a funky lil testing machine.
Alternatively, if they do suck from the vein, I imagine they do it very, very carefully and gently as to not collapse it. Going for the neck (ignoring that you're- you're gonna have some trouble finding a good vein for venipuncture there-) is actually good for this, because a big thing that causes vein collapse is veins that have been repeatedly punctured.
Or honestly it's entirely possible that they DO collapse the vein. Rip to veins.
Also- I looked a bit more into it!! Catheters are actually used in some cases to specifically prevent vein collapse, although in this case I do think that like. Idk sucking on someone's vein is just a recipe for disaster your honor.
THERE IS ONE WELL THIS COULD WORK THOUGH. your theory about them being able to just let the blood come out without slurping would work if like. Y/N was up high and Sun/Moon was laying on the ground.
More semi irrelevant blood facts! Sometimes doctors send us like way too much blood and it's like. Hello. Why did u steal all this person's blood. I got 11 tubes of blood the other day and the guy only ordered like five tests. Most tests only need a few drops of blood!!!!!
Also, you can get blood tests for respiratory allergies! And for all other allergies. I learned this during training when I got a label where the test was just SCALLOPS. For one wonderful mildly sleep deprived moment I thought they were testing the person for scallop presence in blood.
They were not doing that.
The company I work for also has a panel of tests for Salad. The salad panel. It has like. Lettuce. And oranges on it.
Well they are VERY careful and before they met Y/N they probably was spending a lot of time to drink someone's blood without collapsing the vein?? It's a really interesting thing to think about... Moon and Sun can have like something in their saliva to prevent bruises? Like you know mosquitos have something to prevent blood clotting?
I will probably just ignore majority of the real facts about collapsing the veins and stuff because well it's fiction
But it's still really interesting to explore!!!
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padfootastic · 2 years
sirius @ james for this one: “what can i get you? do you need water? a hug? space?”
anon we have the same brain fr because i looked at this and had the same thought. (and so did others because i have 2 more asks w this exact premise)
i hope u like this! personally, it’s one of my favs 🙈
Sirius cut his way through the post-dinner throng of students as swiftly and efficiently as he could, resisting the urge to case a wide-area Blasting Charm to clear the route faster. His destination was the large gathering of students in the middle of the courtyard, jeering and chanting.
As he got closer, the voices floating from the centre of the circle became more distinct, making his face twist into a grimace.
“Think you’re so much better than us, don’t you, Potter?” An unfortunately familiar voice was taunting, though it sounded a bit funny, muffled. A part of Sirius knew, even before he pushed through the crowd, that it would just be Snape putting his nose somewhere it had no business being. Usually, it wouldn’t be such a big deal for Sirius who couldn’t care less about him if he was held at wand-point. But today, today he’d decided to go needle James.
Who was already in a terrible mood this week. It was a combination of everything—Effie and Flea’s declining health, the constant chatter in the castle, the pressure from the Quidditch Cup, Lily’s taunts, McGonagall’s nagging—all of it building and building and building until it reached a boiling point. Sirius had been waiting for him to blow this entire week; it’s only unfortunate that it happened the one day they’re in different classes, on opposite ends of the castle, and at the hands of Snape at that. Sirius had heard that something was going down in the courtyard, could only catch James’ name in between the gasps and giggles before promptly booking it out of there.
And sure enough, he got there just in time to see James send his fist into Snape’s jaw with a ridiculous ‘crack’ that Sirius can hear all the way to where he’s standing, making him wince slightly. Clearly, this isn’t his first, because there’s a stream of blood running down Snape’s nose, pooling over and around his mouth. There’s a scratch-bruise situation on one of his cheekbones that he’s guessing is from James’ Potter Ring.
James is…not entirely blemish free—there’s a wicked bruise blooming on his temple—but in comparison? He looks practically untouched.
It’s no wonder, though, because despite Snape’s mouthing off, it’s clearly an act, put upon for his own sake just as much as for others. Now that Sirius is right in front of them, he can see exactly how terrified the guy looks, though he’s made a valiant effort to hide it. One look at James and he immediately understood why.
James had Snape lifted up against the wall by his collar, teeth bared and a feral tinge to his eyes. His hazel eyes were almost black as he said, “Say something like that again, Snape, I dare you.”
Clearly, the Slytherin had lost the few brain cells he had left because he actually opened his mouth to answer. James didn’t give him the chance, only pushing him harder into the granite. “I will end you, Snivellus, don’t try me. Stop fucking running your mouth if you can’t deal with the consequences of it.”
That was the point Sirius decided to step in. It didn’t seem like anyone else would—Remus and the other prefects were standing on the far end of the hallway, huddled and whispering furiously; no teachers were present—and judging by Snape’s rapidly reddening face, he was less than a minute away from getting his face fully bashed in. Sirius didn’t want James to deal with the aftermath of that in his current state if he actually went through with it. There were too many people around, anyway.
“James,” he called, stepping forward. He could’ve sworn he heard at least three different sighs of relief but all his attention was now fixed on the way James’ fists clenched harder at the sound of his voice. He sighed—so it was like that, was it?
He stepped up to the two of them and placed a hand on James’ forearm. It was taut with tension, like steel to the touch, almost blazing hot. Ignoring the fact that James was deliberately ignoring looking at him, he started massaging his arm with a light touch, gently working his way down from his elbow to wrist, feeling the muscles loosen with each second. Once he’d repeated the action a couple times, he started rubbing circles with his thumb on the bottom of his palm, increasing the pressure with each rotation.
Eventually, it didn’t take more than a minute before James’ shoulders sagged, almost imperceptibly, and his fists unclenched. Snape, who’d been uncharacteristically silent so far—perhaps showing some of that Slytherin self preservation and realising Sirius was his best bet to getting out here without further harm?—quickly slid out from under his arm, going to stand a safe distance away. He opened his mouth, forgetting that distance meant nothing when James was as good with a wand as he was, but Sirius quickly put a pin in that one.
“Piss off, Sniv,” he muttered, not even bothering to look in his direction.
“Black you—“
“I said, piss off,” Sirius growled, arm moving so fast that Snape couldn’t track the wand now pointed between his eyes if he’d tried. “Now.”
With whatever was left of his tattered dignity, Snape tucked tail and fled. Good riddance. Without sparing a single glance towards the rapidly growing crowd of students, he tucked his wand back in its holster and wrapped a hand around James’ wrist, pulling him away from the courtyard and into one of their hidden alcoves on the ground floor. It was quite removed from the rest of the castle and the most traffic it saw was when the Bloody Baron and Grey Lady decided to rehash some centuries old fight.
Once they were properly inside, he dropped his bag to the floor and pushed James agains the wall, pressing as tightly against him as physically possible, not willing to let a single inch of space between them. For a few minutes, they did nothing except look at each other, James’ breaths sounding like heavy pants in the empty room.
Sirius held James’ face with both hands, hard enough that his fingers pressed indents into his skin, knowing the pressure grounded him. “What can I get you, James? Do you need water? A hug? Some space?”
James stared at him as if seeing through him, eyes unfocused and far, far away. Sirius pressed harder, curling his fingers for his nails to dig in, willing James to come back to him. And of course, James did.
“I need you.” Rough hands grabbed the front of his robes, pulling him forward abruptly and with a little too much force. Sirius had to grab onto James’ shoulders—not that he was complaining—just so he didn’t topple them both sideways. Gently, he shifted his grip until one arm was curled around James’ and the other was buried in his hair, cradling the back of his head. He tucked James’ head under his chin, trapping his hands between them, holding him as tightly as he could.
He knew James needed to be clutched when he was like this, that he loved being surrounded on all sides—as if someone was holding all of him, refusing to let any part of him go. He craved safety, comfort, when he got overwhelmed and this was the best way Sirius knew to give it to him.
They stood like that until the sun set and the air cooled, but all that Sirius cared about was his James—his breathing easier, eyes less frantic, and face much more relaxed. If all he had to do was hold tight for a while to get him there, then well, he’d be the happiest man on earth.
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Long time no seee how r u all darlings!
This year is a pretty harsh year but we can all make it through with love and laughter!
By laughter I mean tickles!!! Geeheee
Sooo, I haven't watched any new animes except for jigokuraku and oshi no ko. Well they are still updating new episodes and I might wrote something on them soon a little later.
This fic now is to indulge me. U guys might find it irritating.... sowwyyy
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Yh yh, I'm writing this.... cuz I just finished it. I will be writing a genshin next time. But I haven't had ideas in a while... I got a big demand for kinnporsche too! Will do as u please, dear fandoms!
Warning spoilers alert! If you watched Prince of Tennis, then pls proceed with caution... this is cute!
Fuji's plan (sus)
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It's always Momo-senpai and Eji-senpai that's been getting on his nerves. (Senpai is a term for seniors - in case some didn't know)
If he were to draw a comparison, it would be his immature father. He sighed, wondering if he was actually related to him... but he wondered if his senpais were actually Najiroh's kids... they bear an annoyingly vast similarity.
Ryoma Echizen found both Kaidou-senpai and Tezuka buchou (captain) similar - mostly buchou while Kaidou was just frightening. However, right now, he was at a loss when everyone agreed to a silly game mentioned by Fuji, unsurprisingly. He hadn't known until they started planning behind his back.
Eji's tone was puzzled, "Eh...? Lighten up Ochibi (meaning kiddo or shorty - a term of endearment)?"
Fuji said with a cool demeanour, "Mn, ever since the kantou tournaments, he's been tensed... so I really wanna see a bubbly sweet side of him"
Momoshiro gave prolonged his thoughts now. Then realised it was a good idea as he hadn't seen Echizen in such a situation. He had always been stoic like Tezuka.
"Well..." Fuji spoke up again as if he read Momo's mind "I tried this on Tezuka but... that will make us run laps... so my first thought was Echizen... even Kaidou agreed with me"
Turning to the viper kid, he glared but was unable to hide the blush of embarrassment. "Fshhhh! I want to know that brats weakness and humiliate him, I don't care about him"
Inui pushed his glasses, now having an eerie grin, which made the rest of the regulars feel uneasy. "It's good for my data... hehe"
Tezuka, on the other hand, had been eavesdropping. He turned to Oishi and then back at Echizen, destroying the second years with his serves.
Silently having a slight earnest to find out the hidden side of Echizen, he turned away. "If this goes too far, make them run twenty laps"
Oishi smiled inwardly, "Even he's got a soft side for the kohais (juniors the opposite of senpai)." he watched Tesuka, who was probably trying to observe from the background, while watching the freshmen pick up balls again.
"He said t-that...?" Kawamura stammered now, surprised by what Oishi said, the other third year shrugged with a tilted smile.
"Initiate plan... loosening up Echizen. " they silently made nods of agreement to go up against the youngest regular.
Beginning with Eji, who suddenly reached for Ryoma after his warm up Horio.
Ryoma was startled, but it was a calm reaction when he felt arms from behind now ruffling his hair.
"O-Ow ow... senpai... stop that"
"Caaan't! I wanna play with you, kiddo!"
Ryoma sighed inwardly, "If its a match u want....let's do it..."
"Nooo!" Eji tightened his grip, now removing the cap, "play with you!"
Instead of being embarrassed, he was annoyed, Fuji sensed this and signed to Oishi. This time, seeing how Oishi dragged a whining-Eji by the collar made Fuji smile as he rubbed his chin with his hand. "fuuhuu... this will be interesting"
Kawamura heard Momo whisper now, "why is everything Fuji-senpai say that I get chills"
"Trust me, I do too" shivered the split-personality guy.
It was when Inui came up with jokes as Ryoma was stretching his limbs, made him realise his seniors were planning something. He was intuitive to see how they were huddled in a group now, watching him too closely even without him playing a match.
"Mattaku (jeez), what is wrong with them?"
What's stranger was when Tezuka was ignoring this slacking off technique. Was he in on this scheme? What were they planning?"
"Ne, Echizen... what do you call a fish with no eye?"
"I heard that one before, Inui-senpai"
Pushing his glasses, he crossed the joke from his notebook "Mission failed..."
Eji pouted from a distant. "Mou! Why is Ochibi being so difficult, nya?" (Note that nya is a cat term this guy uses, as an onomatopoeia ~plus its super cute).
Momo cracked his fingers... "Alright, time for me to be a big brother..."
Fuji's eyes opened now, serious "What are you doing Momo?"
"Some childish technique that worked on guys like him..."
"Oh really... is this effective to break me?"
"Ye...." Before Momo could reply with confidence, he falters when Echizen was already there, folding his arms and looking unimpressed by this. Fuji chuckled into his hand. "Oopse"
"Ehhh...hee ahem! Echizen what...?" Momo tried to laugh it off but Ryoma was already seeing it through, shaking his head in disapproval he snapped "We got few days for the nationals and this is how you guys waste time? Sorry for being disrespectful but..."
"Ochibi, you need to lighten up!" Eji pounded his head gently, making the youngest look up with confusion as he felt his cap being taken off again.
"Oi!" Turning his back to the rest as he turned to Eji, he calmly stated in a stern tone "why are my senpais this childish"
Momo snickered now, seeing the opportunity to attack, "I'll show you childish, brat!"
"I know I say that, but -gah! Wahahat?"
Surprised, even Fuji hadn't been prepared for Momo to resolve this in this way. He smiled mischievously, "ne, Echizen you were saying?"
"Cuhut thehe crahahap... ahaa Shihit!"
"Echizen, mind your language!"
He was surprised to see the captain in front folding his arms in a slightly serious manner not fitting the circumstances at hand.
"Buhuhuchohohohu??? Ahahahare yohohohou ihihin Ohohon thihihis?" He struggled for words when Momo hit a sensitive spot on the backs of his ribs and Eji held his arms in a strong hold.
"I have noticed your tone against seniors. Consider this a lesson on manners,"
Ryoma lowered his head with shocked giggles, it made Inui snicker in excitement "The ribs are more effective than the sides... the higher ribs increases his laughter in a jolt... that means... the probability of Echizen weak in the armpits is 97.99%"
Widening his eyes in shock, he kicks his heels on the ground. Eji had Fuji help to restrain his arms higher, it was not hard since Ryoma is small in contrast to the seniors.
"Now, now Echizen, let us hear your giggles..." Fuji's icy voice sent shivers down Ryoma's spine. He couldn't help but unwillingly oblige.
"Teehehee W-whoohoho's gihihigglihihing??? Ohohohoiii! Ehehehehenough!" He began to blush when Fuji's teasing voice became more effective as Momo attacked his armpits. Eji happened to leave his spot and take over his knees.
This made Ryoma shriek out and grasp the attention of the other players, including the freshmen trio "E-eh? Is that Ryoma-kun?"
Kashiro smiled uneasily, "U-un, mn... it looks so... I never seen him like this"
Horio, on the other hand, snickered with a satisfied hum. "Even the great Seigaku freshman regular has a weakness"
Inui grinned, now scribbling on his notebook as fast as Momo scribbling his ribs. "Bingo, Eji..."
Fuji was competitive now, slightly scanning an approachable area, he reacted by massaging his right shoulder where its reachable while pulling his arm to expose him.
His laughter suddenly reached a pitch that was an octave higher, "Jackpot..."
"As expected of Fuji..."
Tezuka folded his arms, seeing how he couldn't keep his facade any longer, "ten more minutes and go back to practice, I'll go meet Ryuzaki sensei" he added sternly to them, "If it doesn't stop there, everyone will run twenty laps"
"Hai, hai Buchou!" Fuji smirked cheerfully, "How far can Echizen-kun take without begging?"
"Nahahahaa ihihihin yohohour dreheheheheams!" He managed to stick his tongue but also collapse into another bought of laughter. Fuji hummed menacingly, "Are you sure... because I just started"
Ryoma's golden eyes widened with shock when he felt the finger on his neck slide to his collarbone, he arched his back now twisting to the side and managing to overthrow the powerhouse Momoshiro.
"Uha! Careful Echizen!" Momo got off but then watched the third years following Echizen's movements, mercilessly pulling him into hell.
"I never seen a persistent Fuji, even during matches?"
Kawamura's words made Kaidou nod too, though he was also blushing like Echizen, his thoughts messing with him, Dammit, why is Echizen so cute? That stupid punk!
A sudden jolt that made Echizen narrolwly miss a kick Fuji in the face, made him turn on his back and embrace his middle with a gasp.
He was like a child, Fuji seemed to have won the game this time. Eji cooed now, grabbing his wrists to pin them to the sides to help Fuji. "Awww, Ochibi's ears are ticklish!"
Momo widened his eyes when Fuji grinned with a glint of sadism "Found~ it~"
Inui clapped now, "We officially put the cocky rookie down a peg"
"Ma, Echizen-kun is cute like this...ne Eji?" (BTW, this 'ma' is something japanese people use, idk the meaning, but Fuji uses it all the time)
"Right? He's so adorable"
"Ehehenough! Cuhuhut ihit out plehehease!"
Finally easing the torment, the youngster remained where he was, hands over his eyes, the blush still visible on his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"Who knew your ears were this bad, nice Fuji" Momo said slightly amazed, "though you sort of won the game, it was my idea..."
"Hn, yes it's both our win"
"I hahate yohohu, seehenpai-tachi!" (Senpai tachi is a plural form)
They laughed and Oishi sighed in relief "Thankfull we finished before seven minutes"
"So it only took eight minutes to break him," Kaidou hissed, "Fshhh! So weak"
"Shut up!" A tired Echizen snapped rebelliously but squeaked when Fuji poked him in the stomach, "Manners... remember why you got in this situation,"
"W-w... Mada mada dahahahanee! HEHEHEY!" Fuji reached to poke him more and try to tease him with a sneer "Say that again, and I'm ready for round two, even if it means running laps"
Seeing how they were serious, Ryoma growled with irritation, looking away from them.
"Fine, fine! Let's practice. " he took his cap and shyly put it back, now seeing how he was clearly embarrassed by the non-regulars. The seniors laughed at the super freshmen plight and went back to practice as assigned by the captain.
Speaking of Tezuka, the captain stood above from the window, smiling softly at the sight below.
"Be Seigaku's pillar Echizen... with your seniors"
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