#i really do wish they would have spent more time on his appearance tho
fablexdreams · 9 months
I like the rdr2 epilogue, and I'm tired of pretending I don't. (I literally have never pretended. I have always made my love clear.) Is John's model questionable? Mhm. Does he look a bit too much like Arthur? Yep. Could R* have put a bit more work into it? For sure. Do I still love it, tho? Very much so. The family moments between John, Abigail, and Jack? His friendship with Sadie, Charles, and Uncle? The whispers of Arthur and Dutch in everything John is/does? R* actually showing John's struggle to leave the outlaw life behind and be there for his family instead of just pretending he became a perfect family man overnight, (like a lot of other games would have done)? John's adorably sweet and emo journal entries? It all makes up for it for me. I love the epilogue.
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beiq2y · 2 years
OMG, GOTTA SAY I LOVE UR HC, thank u for that!! would love to see another sae's headcanon from your POV or just sae being whipped in general /jk
HELLO OMGG THANKU SM FOR THIS REQ!! I saw ur reblog and i love ur mind sm?? It was literally exactly what i had in mind for him😭 The moment i saw this i literally dashed to write and i finished this in like an hour at 12am i was so excited stop. Also ik u said headcanons but i couldn’t help myself HE’S SO 😍 hope u enjoy this too!!
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-> based off my prev sae headcanon here
-> warnings - a bit steamy? Idk they kiss and i describe it HAHAH. Sae is so down bad, also horrible attempts of humour by me
; gosh where do i begin,,
; HE IS DEFO AN “i hate everyone but you” TYPA GUY
; he loves lying on top of you, forget whether you’re half or even twice his size, my man will just plop himself on top of u
; he is so done w all his teammates i swear
; absolute MENACE.
; rants about each of his teammates in such detail you wonder how he even managed to focus on football with the time he must’ve spent wishing he could murder his teammates
; he probably rests his face on your chest and when there is that ONE particular teammate, he snuggles his face into the crook of your neck and groans
; pls pat his head and just smile and nod when he does that
; try to defend any of his teammates I DARE YOU.
; “what do you mean that wasn’t really his fault?? Are you implying he doesn’t actually deserve to accidentally stumble into a razor and get his hair shaved off??”
; he can't stay angry at you tho.. he may even actually consider taking that guy off his “top 1000 men i wish would fall into a hole” list
; all it takes is for you to caress his face and a slight kiss on his forehead for my man to completely forget everything gosh
; he blushes. 
; It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve gone through this exact routine, he becomes the same shade as his hair and buries his face in ur neck it’s so cute stop😭
; after a while he does come back to kiss you again tho, but my man is honestly so down horrendous it’s crazy
Sae itoshi’s favourite part of the day was when he could finally go home.
Not because he could finally take a nice warm shower or because he could finally get his well-deserved sleep - no, none of that. 
More than anything, it’s because he knew that was where you would be waiting for him.
 You, who would without a doubt be waiting for him on your shared bed, a warm smile flitting across your face when he makes his appearance. You, who would welcome him with open arms, the words “welcome home” sounding like honey to him when they came out of your mouth. And finally you, who made his life just a little bit easier when you were around, his eyes lighting up the moment he spots you. He tries his best not to show it of course, but the way the corners of his lips perk up never fails to escape your gaze, a small giggle falling from your lips.
And with that, sae is quick to be by your side. He holds himself back just the right amount to ensure he doesn’t hurt you with the way he flops onto you. With a deep sigh, he finally lets go off all the tension he’s been holding in, all the stress and pressure dissipating with your touch. 
Well, certainly not all of them that’s for sure. 
He slowly but surely wraps his arms around your body, pulling you close as he snuggles closer to you, while you brace yourself for the worst. 
“Hi love,” he mutters, looking up to face you from where he lies on your chest. “Today wasn’t that bad. Well, it could’ve been better if that idiot-“
Ah, there he goes again. 
His daily venting session.
Maybe it was just a sae itoshi thing, but somehow, without fail, this man always managed to have something new to rant about every. Single. Day.
If it wasn’t guy A it would be guy B. If it wasn’t guy B, it would be guy C, and hell, sometimes it would be all of them. Really, no one was safe from the venomous words of sae itoshi. 
Oh well, everyone but you of course.
But even if you were saved from his harsh words, it didn’t necessarily mean that you particularly enjoyed hearing him rant about others. And as such, you slowly bring your hand up to his face, and with a gentle caress, you relish in the way he almost instantly shuts his mouth, all previous complaints dying down in his throat, his raging flame of anger being reduced to a small simmering flame. 
In a final attempt to put out the fire inside him, you brings your lips to his forehead, the flame instantly reduced to embers. 
However, it isn’t long before another flame surfaces, sae’s cheeks being dusted a bright red as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. It isn’t long before he pushes himself up on his arms however, caging you beneath him as he begins. First, a kiss to the forehead. Second, a small peck of his lips to your right cheek, and then the left. Third, his lips travel to your eyelids, forcing them to close with the gentle touch. And finally, he presses his lips to yours. You can feel yourself slowly melt into him, hands wrapping around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer, to feel more of him. 
After a while, he pulls away to breathe, all thoughts of his irritating teammates being washed away, replaced with only you, you and you.
©beiq2y on tumblr, 2022. pls do not copy or steal my works!
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
I’ve followed you for Years and I find it so funny how you went from shipping Hayffie to not and then it’s me that went from Not to shipping them ajaj. We switched! I grow up and I tend to love more adult ships especially very much complicated and almost doomed adult Dynamic. I should stop cause in every show/movies/books the adult ones don’t get much happiness. I should have known tho since Kane & Abby (they started it!!)
I so fondly remember Kane and Abby!! I shipped them back when I was watching the first few seasons of the 100 too :')
Adult ships have equally interested me more than teen ones even when I was a teen. There seemed to be so much drama around them that I much preferred calmer ships with characters that felt more settled rather than teens going through journeys discovering themselves. Funnily, in recent years I've felt more appreciative toward teen stories & teen ships—I enjoyed Alice Oseman's Radio Silence—and I've enjoyed thinking about modern high school verses for the Capitol rebels :> Me adding Cressida & Fulvia to the 'cast' is also moving down in age ranges, although they are both mid twenties.
And hmm! I think I've just gotten fed up with the movie version of Hayffie. While I understand the enjoyment to have Effie in 13, she seemed to be there for some light-hearted moments in an otherwise bleak movie. I wish they would have made her endure true hardships to really settle a character's journey, because to this day I don't see why Plutarch would've taken her along, why she did go unpunished in 13, or her truly GAF about the rebellion. It seems that for all the development they had her go through in CF, there was little beyond that in both MJ movies.
Overall, movie!Hayffie felt so rushed and ignorant to the journey these characters have had. Haymitch and Effie spent years at odds with each other. Whenever they were in contact, Haymitch was drunk trying to ignore the fact he was part of an entourage dragging two kids Effie picked to the Capitol who would inevitably die, and whose parents he might or might not have to face for the rest of his life. This all happened while Effie yapped about how boring, uneducated, or downright uncivilised she thought these children were. These characters are at such strong odds that I do not see them moving past that in the span of a year and a half.
We were robbed of a slowburn we were never going to get because these were side characters whose love story was never planned until fans asked for one.
Hayffie needs a truthful slowburn to properly work, and the kiss at the end of MJP2 was a final nail in the coffin for me. The flirtations were already a little too frequent, but this kiss clearly was not their first, and that indication did not at all align with my need for a slowburn Hayffie. The fact that the actors were the ones who pushed for this, and that I don't like E-Banks, makes this less a thought-out storyline and more a "well, let's smooch, this feels right!"
The issue with Hayffie is that, after the end of MJ, they aren't really forced into contact with each other anymore. I don't see why Haymitch would care enough for Effie to stay in contact, and I don't really think Effie's life centres around a guy who she appeared to be disgusted by for the whole two to three weeks per year she was forced to spend her time with (and to everyone who might say that, no, Haymitch is a looker: He had been abusing his body with alcohol for two decades and did not seem to bathe often).
That's not to say that, in such a potential slowburn, Effie cannot realise that she cannot shake off the horrors that happened to her in the book. She might end up getting in contact with Haymitch, but she also sort-of really needs a reality check about how her ignorance made her selfish, because I don't see any evidence anywhere that Effie felt any semblance of guilt for her participation or felt grief for the previous tributes.
So a rather rough phone call might make her think, re-watch, and re-evaluate her past actions. That doesn't happen overnight, but takes months and years to come to terms with.
This is the central aspect I think is amiss in the Hayffie canon story and in most ideas that I was surrounded by. Effie needs to apologise, and it needs to happen from genuine growth that I find doubtful to happen during the canon book timeline.
From then onward, maybe a friendship can develop with some calls ever so often, maybe Effie sending him a gift by the next train as a thanks for a particularly rough call. While I don't necessarily see Effie as too bound to the Capitol due to potential trauma after the book time in MJ—she might live in some of the "better" Districts—I struggle to see her move to Twelve. And I don't see Haymitch leaving his home, ever.
So whatever they might—maybe, with an abundance of what ifs attached—become is going to be reduced by distance and, frankly, age and health. I'm sorry to Mr. Abernathy, but his alcohol abuse is not guaranteeing a long life. By the time that Effie might come around, I think he won't live much longer. Even in this version they don't end up in a romance, but at least I can see some platonic affection and appreciation—once Effie actually understands and listens.
I've also seen more Hayffie content I did not enjoy than enjoy (which was... fairly little) and just. realised that discrepancy. My issues with the portrayal of these two in the fandom were that I've often seen them reduced to stereotypes, phrases, and punchlines. There's only so many times that Effie telling Haymitch "Manners!" is funny, especially if we link this back to the never-addressed undertones of colonialised-colonialser here. I've also at some point realised that this is one of the ships where the dynamics are that of damsel-helper, whereupon Effie's trauma was a frequent and serious topic while Haymitch's drinking problems were the bottom of jokes.
But maybe I've also grown old and cynical so sayonara
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
mistletoe // colby brock
A/N: merry christmas everyone ! i was in the mood to write something christmas-y and this just kinda came about that way. since work is finally gonna start calming down now that the holiday is over, i plan to do some more writing soon. hopefully this little baby fic can hold you over until i write again. lmk what you think, and have a good day/night where ever you are :)
prompt: you have one christmas wish, but you have no hope it will happen. but maybe this year, things will be different. || gender-neutral!reader x colby brock
trigger warning: PURE FLUFF, tiniest bit of angst?, pov: you're in love with colby… but like who isn't lol, christmas traditions, loss of the christmas spirit, seriously tho this is just marshmallow fluff highkey, gender-neutral so everyone can enjoy it !!
word count: 1530
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It had been a long time since you had been in the Christmas spirit. Christmas had lost its charm to you over the years; maybe because you were no longer a kid, or maybe it was because life became too busy for you to really enjoy Christmas like you once did.
You and your friends - Sam, Colby, and Kat - had all felt the same way. And you all decided that this year, you would make the holidays count.
Starting from Thanksgiving, you all made plans for at least once a week to do something that would put you in the Christmas spirit. One weekend you all spent time decorating the house. Another week you made gingerbread houses. You and Kat even went out Christmas shopping to buy presents for the boys (and yourselves). And slowly, as the weeks grew closer and closer to Christmas, you could feel yourself actually start to feel.... happy.
There was one thing you wanted for Christmas, though. And you knew you were never going to get it.
You hated admitted it, but you had always wanted to be kissed under the mistletoe. You knew it was cheesy and was just a silly tradition, but something about it always seemed so romantic to you. You daydreamed about it, smiling at the thought of it happening, but knew it wasn't going to come true. For one thing, there was no mistletoe in your house. And for another, you didn't really have a significant other to do said kissing with.
But at least you weren't alone in that department. You had Colby.
Colby and you had grown close over the years, for one reason or another. Whether it was because you were always paired up during investigations when it would just be the four of you, or maybe it was because you two were very similar in personality. You guys got along well and enjoyed being around one another. He knew you were someone he could always lean on, and you knew the same back. And maybe that spark, that connection, is what led you to having just the tiniest crush on him.
What can you say? A man who treated you respectfully and was attractive surprisingly caught your eye.
But you tried not to think of that during the holidays, especially as Christmas grew closer. You wanted this time to feel normal, and a crush was just not going to help that. So, you pushed whatever feelings you had to the back of your mind. Every week you all would do something Christmas-y together, and you didn't want to screw it up by getting your feelings involved.
Secretly, you couldn't help but notice things about Colby more and more as time grew closer to the 25th. Every time you saw him, you swore his eyes were somehow bluer than before, even more so in the light. And his smile? Oh lord, his smile was to die for, especially when his dimples would appear. His laugh was really cute; kind of quiet, but somehow you always caught it under everyone else's laugh. He always smelled really nice, a mix of his cologne and body wash would intoxicate you every time he was around. You could feel the heat of his skin radiate off of him when he was close to you, your hands aching to touch him.
Oh God, you were in love with Colby. The unattainable man.
Of course, this realization came to you on the 24th, and the next day - no matter what you were doing - all you could think about was Colby. Your eyes studied him throughout the morning as you guys exchanged gifts and had breakfast. Later, you guys relaxed on the couch and watched a couple holiday movies. All the classics. Colby sat near you, so it wasn't hard for your gaze to fall from the movie to him everyone so often. Your heart sped up as he leaned in close to you during one of the movies, whispering to you something funny. And finally, as night grew closer, some friends came over to celebrate and have dinner. You sat across from Colby, talking to him every so often.
You couldn't help but notice how weirdly sad you were. Everyone around you seemed happy, and you did everything that you had thought would make you happy on this day. But somehow... your heart still felt a little empty. Maybe Christmas just wasn't supposed to be the same as you got older.
You stepped away from the little party being thrown after dinner, deciding to stay in the kitchen and clean up while everyone went to the front/music room area. You gulped down the last bit of your wine, washing out your glass right after. You scrapped food off some of the plates, rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher.
"Do you need some help?"
Your body froze at the sound of Colby's voice. You had to take a deep breath before responding to him, trying to calm your nerves.
You picked your head up, glancing at him quickly. "No, I'm good. Thanks though."
"Let me guess, you wanted to get away from everyone?" He questioned, stepping into the kitchen.
You hummed. "You know me too well."
"Well, I'm also doing the same thing as you so... great minds think alike." Colby smirked.
You nodded your head, continuing to put the dishes away.
He continued, leaning against the counter by you. "The dinner was really good. Your handmade biscuits were amazing."
"Thank you. The mashed potatoes you made were delicious." You added.
"Not gonna lie, I was a bit concerned I was somehow gonna screw them up." He admitted.
You giggled. "How? It's only mashed potatoes."
"You'd be surprised how terrible of a cook I can be when I'm not trying. Why do you think I postmates every day?" He asked.
"Oh I thought that was because you're lazy." You quipped, shutting the dishwasher.
Colby gasped, feigning hurt. "Hey, don't get smart with me."
You pursed your lips, "Or what? What are you gonna do?"
He stepped up to you jokingly, his chest brushing yours, "I might have to-"
"Hey, do you know if we have anymore-?"
Kat stopped, raising an eyebrow at the two of you. You glanced back at Colby and realized just how close he had gotten to you. You held your breath, a rush of heat spreading across your cheeks.
"D-Do we have anymore what?" You sputtered, putting some distance between you and Colby.
"Um... wine. We already finished the bottle I took out there." Kat mentioned.
"Yeah, there's one more in the fridge. Let me get it." You stepped back, opening the fridge and grabbing it. The coolness of the bottle felt good against your skin, which felt extra warm for some reason.
"Here you go." You muttered.
"Thanks. Oh, by the way, you might want to look up." Kat pointed.
You scrunched your eyebrows together, "What?"
You and Colby looked up, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight. Mistletoe hung above you two, just on the light. Somehow, you hadn't noticed it all this time.
Your voice was just above a whisper, your eyes still glued to the mistletoe. "When did you-?"
"Last night. You two better kiss, it's bad luck to not!" Kat winked, walking away.
If you didn't know any better, you would swear Kat knew you liked Colby.
Colby spoke finally, his eyes drifting back down to you. "Well..."
You immediately chimed in, the words falling out of your mouth hastily. "We don't have to kiss if you don't wanna. I mean, don't feel comfortable doing it."
"No I don't mind-" Colby started.
"I get it would be really weird to do it, since we're friends and all." You responded, not even hearing him.
He replied. "Yeah I guess, but I don't-"
You cut him off. "Seriously, we shouldn't do it, even if it might bring us bad-
"Y/N." Colby stated.
"Yes?" You asked.
"Kiss me." He uttered.
You blinked multiple times. "W-What?"
"Kiss me. Unless you want me to kiss you first." He sassed.
You blushed instantly. "Colby..."
"It's tradition, and Kat's right. We wouldn't want to catch any bad luck." He stared at you for a moment, then whispered teasingly, "It's just one kiss."
You took a breath, your mouth suddenly dry. "Okay."
He smiled lightly, leaning in slowly. You closed your eyes just as his lips touched yours. Time felt frozen, like for one moment you could actually control it. You imagined staying like this forever. You could feel Colby's body against yours, your fingers brushing his. You felt like you were on fire, like all the energy in the room was in your body.
His lips were so soft, and the kiss itself was as sweet as candy. It was all you had hoped for and more.
So... you were definitely in love with Colby.
He pulled away, his eyes fluttering for a second. He swallowed, pulling himself together.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N." He murmured.
You bit your lip, "Merry Christmas, Colby."
Maybe Christmas could feel the same once again after all.
Maybe even better.
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My Sky Of Gray - Peter Parker X Female Reader
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Title: My Sky Of Gray
Peter Parker X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother (Sarah) and Aunt May
Requested by Anon!
WC: 2,191
Warnings: Soulmate AU, slight angst, nervousness, anxiety, crying, heartbreak, mentions of killing, and fluff
Slamming the door shut, you rushed to take your shoes off, stumbling slightly as you made your way down the hall and up the stairs. You slid off your backpack and pushed open your bedroom door before dropping your bag haphazardly and running to your bed. The mattress bounced as you landed on your stomach, pulling your phone out of the back pocket and quickly unlocking it. You ignored the notifications as you tapped open your messages. A smile lit up your face as you saw the new text from your best online friend, Peter. It had been almost a year since you first met him playing video games. You forgot how it all happened but soon enough you were talking to each other in the gamer chats. Which then led to both playing Minecraft together on your switches, and that led to having each other's numbers. 
You texted each other almost every day. About everything and anything. Peter would send you funny scientific memes that you didn't understand and even random facts. Most nights you spent hours and hours just talking, whether that be texting or calling. You'd take until your phone was on the brink of death before you would take the time to find the charger. You really liked Peter. He was funny, sweet, charming even. He was kind of a nerd too. His interests consisted mainly of sci-fi and science theories, while yours was more of fantasy RPGs and gaming theory. He had always told you that you were his favorite gamer, which always made you blush. And on especially bad days, he'd always make you feel better. No matter how sad you were, he always made you smile. He'd send you funny videos from Tik Tok, even one time sending you a picture of a duck he saw on a walk home from school. You loved that about him; how caring and understanding he was. 
And, against your better judgment, you were falling in love with him. Every day, it seemed more and more difficult to push away the butterflies in your stomach when you heard his voice, and laugh at his jokes. He made you feel happy and safe, despite how strange it felt. He made you want to tell him how you felt, but what if he didn't like you back? What if he wasn't your soulmate? That was another issue, what if he wasn't your soulmate? Oh, how you wished he was. To meet him in real life and look into his eyes, finally seeing color for the first time. You'd wonder what his hair color would be, or his eyes... From the pictures and selfies he'd sent, his hair was a dark gray. 
Tapping on his recent text, you sighed happily, gazing down at the words on your phone. 
'Hey cutie pie! Just got back from school. You free to play tonight?' 
You frowned, turning to see your backpack on the floor, before typing away, 
'I can't. I got tonnns of hw but I wanna talk to you.'
You watched with a skip of your heartbeat as the texting bubble popped up before his text appeared.
'Bad day?'
Your fingers trembled as you wrote,
'Yeah. I'm okay tho! Promise. I just hate hw lol'
'ok, do you wanna talk bout it?'
Hunched over his desk, arms acting as a pillow for his head; Peter bit his lip as he stared at his phone screen. There was a lump forming in his throat as he waited for your reply. He hoped that you were really okay and that nothing bad happened. Peter didn't realize until recently that he more than liked you as a friend. Ever since you two started talking online, he found himself spending so much time with you. He never knew he'd grow a crush on you. You; funny, smart, sassy, competitive... You... The thought of something happening to you made his insides squirm uneasily. And the fact that he couldn't be there in person to help you with anything made him even more anxious. He wanted to be there for you. He needed to be there for you. So why did he still feel nervous? Why did it feel like his heart was trying to escape his chest? And why did he keep rereading your message over and over again?
'I just failed my test. Have to come in and retake it Saturday.' You answered as Peter grabbed his phone, staring at the screen.
'That was going to be our game day...' He replied back before adding to that, 'We could move it to Sunday?'
'I can't, mom taking me to Queens sunday, something about visiting an old friend of her from high school...'
Peter frowned, Game Day Saturday was what he always looked forward to, the first being able to hang out with you.
‘oh, ok.’ He sent, before cringing and quickly typing more, ‘do you wanna call? I could help you with your hw if you wany?’
You sputtered a laugh as you replied,
‘wany? Yeah, i’d like that.’
You leaned your head against the passenger window, watching as the houses, apartments, and other buildings flew by. You were excited to meet your mother’s friend, but you really wished you could’ve stayed home and spent time with Peter. You wished you were at home, leaned back in your spinny chair, playing Minecraft on your Switch or even playing Bigfoot Multiplayer with him on your computer. But, you know it was the polite thing to do. 
Pulling up into a parking spot on the side of the street, you hopped out of the car and stared up at the apartment building in front of you. Your mother led you into the building and up the stairs, where you waited behind her as she knocked on the door. Waiting for a moment, you heard the pitter-pattering of feet before the door opened. There, at the door was a woman, long hair, wearing a cute sweater, you noticed. She smiled, stepping out of the way to let you both in.
“Sarah! Oh, it’s been years! How are you?” The friend of your mother asked, as she pulled her into a hug.
“I am perfect, May. How are you? Are you still raising your nephew?” Your mother asked, pulling back from the hug. 
May nodded, gesturing her head to the side, “I’m good. And yes, he’s still in high school, so he’ll be here for a while.” She then turned to you, giving you a caring smile, “And you must be Y/N. You can call me May.” She spoke before pulling you into a hug as well. You awkwardly hugged her back, before she pulled back. “I’ll go get Peter. You and him can talk while the grown ups do.” She spoke, and the moment she said the name ‘Peter’ you froze up. Your heart began to beat and you held onto a sliver of hope that this ‘Peter’ was your ‘Peter’.
Your mother must have noticed your expression as May left because she placed a hand on your shoulder, “Sorry, she’s a hugger.” 
You pursed your lips, giving your mother a nod before you clasped your hands together in front of you, fiddling with your fingers anxiously as you waited. Eyes staring to the hall where May had disappeared into. As your heart swelled with anxiety and nervousness, along with doubt that this was your Peter and that he was your soulmate… Your soul hoped that he was. 
It was like you were in slow-motion when he stepped out. Donning sweats and a plain t-shirt, hair slightly ruffled as he ran a hand through it. He’s gorgeous, was your first thought. Please, look at me, was your second. Slowly, he looked up, eyes widening as he looked at you. You were ready for your world to brighten. You were waiting for the world to burst into color as you stared into his eyes… But… No… The world around you was still as gray as can be. You felt immediately chest-fallen, you felt as if your soul was snatched from you body, leaving you completely breathless; gasping for air. 
He wasn’t your soulmate. Peter wasn’t your soulmate.
You noticed as you stared at Peter, that his eyes seemed to widen as he cast his gaze to the ground briefly. Was he hoping for the same thing you had wished for? No? Maybe? But, it didn’t matter anyway. He wasn’t meant to be yours. You gulped, gaining the courage to speak. You didn’t want things to be awkward. Peter was still your friend. And that was enough.
“Hi, Peter.” You spoke up softly, as May and your mother turned to look at each other confused.
“You know each other?” May asked and Peter nodded, turning to his aunt.
“We met through video games.” He finally spoke up as your mother huffed, crossing her arms.
“Of course,” She rolled her eyes playfully, “She never gets off that Switch thing.”
May gave you and her nephew a smile, “Well, that’s lovely. You two go play some video games then. Your mother and I are going to catch up.”
You gave her a nod before following Peter awkwardly to his room. Shutting the door, Peter shifted his gaze around his room as you stuffed your hands in your hoodie pockets, looking at the floor. The tension between you could have been cut with a knife. The air felt warm and suffocating as you fidgeted in your spot. 
“Uh… I…” Peter began, grabbing your attention and glancing up at you. “Uh… So, how are you?”
You glanced around the room, spotting the multiple Star Wars posters and merchandise, “Good.” You said shortly, “Uh, how are you?” 
Peter nodded, giving you a sheepish smile, “Good, uh, good. Uh… This is cool… My aunt knows your mom.” He stated and you nodded, finally looking back at him.
“Yeah, it’s… It’s cool.” You agreed, smiling shyly as Peter rubbed the back of his neck.
“Uh, so I’m just going to say this because I don’t know how to say this in the first place and this is already awkward but… We’re soulmates.” He chuckled awkwardly, making you furrow your eyebrows, confused.
“What?” You asked as Peter nodded.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to freak out because my aunt May would make a big deal about it and probably post about it on her Twitter but we’re soulmates.” He laughed out breathily, “I can’t believe it. I mean, I was hoping you’d be my soulmate.” He looked up at you, “I mean, this is awesome. I have you as my soulmate and see colors.” He ranted, making you more and more confused.
“Uh… Peter… We’re not soulmates.” You interrupted him, making him frown as he grew confused too.
“We’re not soulmates.”
Peter shook his head, cracking a nervous smile, “No, we are.” He tried to insist.
You shook your own head, “Last time I checked… I still see grayscale.” You sighed and Peter pursed his lips.
“So… You mean… Wait, that doesn’t really make any sense. I can see colors and you can’t? What does that even mean?” He asked as he began to pace his room.
You followed him with your eyes, growing more and more disappointed, “I’m your soulmate… But you’re not mine.” You muttered out, shoulders slumping as you dropped your eyes to the ground.
Peter shook his head rapidly, pausing his pacing to turn to you, walking over and pulling you into a hug. You squeezed your eyes shut, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as you dug your face in his shoulder. You felt the tears well up in your eyes, but you pushed them down. You held onto Peter as if you made one false move you would float away. Like an anchor, he held you down. 
“You’re my soulmate. I love you, Y/N.” Peter confessed, shocking you as you felt his tears fall onto your hoodie. “I know I’m not your soulmate, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.” He continued, sniffling as he held you closer.
You let out a sigh, fingers clutching his shirt in a deathgrip, “I love you too, Peter. Ever since I killed you in PvP Minecraft,” You joked lightly, earning a small laugh from him.
“I let you win.” He answered back, “I’d let you win a million times more.”
You laughed, pulling back slightly to look at Peter, his dark gray eyes peered back into yours. You wished you could know what color his eyes were and the shade of his har, but deep down, you didn’t really care. Peter was all you wanted. “We’ll figure something out.” You repeated his words, giving him a smile. “We both aced out Science tests, we’ll do some research.”
“Yeah, maybe this is a crazy once-in-a-lifetime mystical phenomenon.”
You nodded, “That, or the world is messing with us.” You countered as Peter raised his hand to flick your forehead fondly.
“Wanna play some Minecraft? I’ll let you be player one.” He offered as you nodded.
“As long as you’ll be my player two.”
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doiesfav · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ Music, Dance - Ten ||
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''It hurts losing passion about something you loved''
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Pairing: Artist! Ten x fem! Reader
Plot: Ten, who loves to dance and paint, had to choose one option for his future and his heart went for art so now he owns an art workshop. On the other hand, his passion for dancing slowly started to disappear until y/n appeared.
Genre: Fluff, romance, fiction, slice of life.
Contains: Cuss words, mention of sex
Wc 1k>
A/n: Thanks for supporting me guys, this is really wholesome TT (ngl these fics always become short even tho I planned them to be long)
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(Third person pov)
6 years have passed since Ten chose an art degree over dancing, both were important for him but making that decision was probably one of the toughest moments for him.
After graduating he opened his own art workshop to make a living, it got popular after few weeks because of the activities you could do there. And of course he was more than satisfied knowing all his hard work paid off.
But there is still one more thing. What about dancing? Did he really spend all his life practising dancing just to do nothing about it? And like every normal person would, he lost his passion for dancing.
Ten had no time for it, he was busy with the shop, painting works, and most annoying, dealing with his girlfriend.
Jinna was her girlfriend, they met in university, but after graduating she didn’t pay any attention to Ten at all. Instead, partying outside and drinking was all she could do since her parents were rich, every time she got drunk she would call Ten to come and pick her up just for them to later have emotionless sex.
Ten really wanted her to change but he couldn’t say it straight up, he just kept it for himself and wishing for the non existent thing to happen. But there was something inside him telling him that loosing her would be very painful.
Today a special customer was coming, y/n, a known choreographer. When the time came Ten greeted her and made her sit in the chair, “So how does this work?” She smiled sincerely, “I’m not used to this stuff”, Ten could see the innocence and made her feel comfortable while explaining how it works.
“And you just do it like that, you can express yourself by the painting” After that Ten left when he recieved a message from Jinna.
hey babeee
im sorry if you are still angryyy
I told you i was drunk and it wasnt my intention to fuck him
I was really drunk babeee pls dont be angry
But Ten just ignored it and got back to work, his mind was very messy, and could not process how his girlfriend cheated on him. I mean he could have predicted it but he was still annoyed by the fact that Ten still didn't wanna break up with Jinna.
An hour later Ten got up and went to check on y/n who was almost finished with it. It was a painting of someone in a dance room dancing in front of the mirror, which made Ten feel overwhelmed and brought up some of his memories.
“It is really beautiful” Y/n looked back at Ten and gave him a warm smile. “thank you, I really appreciate it”. Those words made Ten a beat in his heart. ''I was very interested in dancing back then'' He laughed off.
''Really? Why don't you do it now?'' He felt kinda sad after y/n asked that, it was really noticeable. ''Oh, sorry I didn't mean to'' ''No, don't worry, I just grew up and find arts more enjoyable'' It was Ten's first time speaking about dancing after a really really long time. He couldn't remember when was the last time he talked about it.
They both spent their time talking about it, Ten felt like his heart was blooming and felt a strange feeling; as if his younger self was with him. ''Do you wanna come with me after your shift to dance?''
Ten saw it as an opportunity to relieve stress and make himself feel happy after a while. When he closed the shop he went to the dance studio y/n told him to go, it was his first time in such a professional room for dancing. The room was incredibly big, maybe twice the size of the dancing room he used to go to before.
His heart was beating rapidly because of the excitement. ''do you wanna go straight or slowly?'' She giggled while covering her mouth with her hand, ''Let's start slowly, I haven't done this in a very long time'' He laughed off.
''So do you have any favorite danceable song?'', while thinking it hit him that he's never got to think about music too. Suddenly Ten remembered his sister saying ''I love Music, Dance by NCT, you don't know? What a loser'' It was like a week ago, she's been into that boy group lately.
''Um, do you know Music, Dance by NCT?'' y/n seemed surprised, ''Yeaa of course, I did some choreographies for them, then we can start stretching'' Ten felt as his youth started taking over. Was dancing for him always that exciting? While also enjoying the music, moving his body freely was refreshing it was like how snakes shed their skin, except he was shedding his lost passion into something new.
After 2 hours of dancing, they both created a choreography for the chorus of the song, Ten was so proud of himself and deeply appreciate the hard work of y/n too. You two decided to go outside and breath some fresh air.
The aura between you and Ten was very cozy, ''want to do it again?'' Ten shook his head ''I mean I would do it any time you want'' he laughed off. That's when he saw Jinna and a guy holding hands, Ten rubbed his eyes with his hand to check if it really was her, he couldn't believe it.
Then you also catch the couple Ten was seeing, ''What the fuck is she doing'' You understood what was happening at the moment quickly, and he walked to stop her holding hands with the guy.
''Excuse who are you'' The guy who was with Jinna said, ''She's my fucking girlfriend?'' And the guy backed ''Jinna you told me you were single what the fuck'' Then he stormed off seeing annoyed, ''What do you think you are doing, we were over'' Ten looked confused as soon as she said that.
''I've never told you we were over'' She just removed Ten's hands and walked off screaming ''Now we are over dumbass''. He stood there and tears started to fall down his cheek, realizing you should do something you went there and hugged him.
Surprisingly he didn’t reject that hug, but he did cry loudly, you cleared his tears with your hand “Ten you can cry don’t worry, everyone deserves a second chance, so you do” You didn’t know if that helped him more of made him worse “I just don’t know myself anymore, Im lost”
To be honest, you didn’t know how to handle that situation instead you just said “Ten, If something happens Im here, okay?”
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Thanks for reading y’all <3 And you could follow because big things are coming (I already said that like a 100 times lmao)
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ey-there-little-guy · 2 years
Hi I have more rambles and facts about my mer au bc i got a nice comment ^_^
Leviathans start off the size of an average adult mer (couple feet bigger than an average human) and then in childhood get about as big as a van. still quite small, they fit in parents' hands like kitten. It makes it easier to keep them safe.
When they hit adolescence they have a giant growth spurt and become very long, like, ~60-70 feet, and fast as hell, they also get claws.
they don't start putting on actual mass until late adolescence/young adult and even then are still only about ~80-90 feet, 3/4 as big as a fully grown leviathan. This is where Ranboo is at 93-ish feet. - Now some human/Tubbo things:
Humans have lots of stories about leviathans, some even have leviathan scales if their ancestors fought and killed one. there's not tons of those though, since it was more likely a leviathan would escape deep underwater after the finishing hit and then die. there were still cases where a dozen or so ships could trap a leviathan at the surface for a bit that made it possible to get scales as a trophy.
Tubbo was raised on those stories, how seaside towns like his used to be a sailor's retreat and were bombarded by waves and flooding from leviathan's large movements and stubborn fishermen were attacked by just as stubborn mers. the centuries of leviathan hunting that eventually made the beach a relaxing place to go instead of a death wish.
And stories from grandparents and their grandparents about leviathans chucking ships into the sky with one throw and smashing hulls, having to aim cannons and harpoons just right and months spent making spiky nets that were just thick enough to hurt and give them that extra second to land another hit.
Tubbo was glad he didn't have to deal with leviathans in his time and that mers didn't snatch people from beaches anymore, he could wander down whenever he liked and only have to worry about drowning, not anything else, besides maybe the stray jellyfish once in a while.
So yeah most stories he heard focused on the leviathans violent attacks, then Ranboo saved him and made him reconsider the true nature of leviathans.
After all, this huge creature could hold him in one palm, easily crush him, or hold him underwater, or anything, really. But all it did was look at him with huge eyes, head half above the water, and bring him safely back to shore. It was the opposite of all the stories he'd ever heard and he wanted to know why. - Getting a bit more miscellaneous:
- Pretty early on Tubbo gives Ranboo the name 'Boo', since Ranboo can't communicate with Tubbo and Tubbo doesn't realize Ranboo is sapient yet.
'Boo' because Ranboo appears very spectral-like underwater, being all black and white, and they're silent like a ghost too, and certainly gave Tubbo a scare like one, so they are now Boo. Yes Ranboo thinks it's funny how Tubbo basically guessed half their name.
- Ranboo's parents were killed by one of the last generations of leviathan hunters when they were a child, they were caught and that lured their parents out. They even got a fin on their back torn off in the fight, tho it's not visible bc they have pretty long hair in this au.
that fact actually gets a bit dark bc Ranboo still stays in the same cavern that they died. they were small and terrified of being caught they didn't know what else to do but stay :( now there's just the bones.
- on a happier note, I am strongly considering making the sprites that are Ranboo's chat little creatures that like to stick to leviathans, because i think hundreds of little glowing creatures floating around a leviathan makes a really cool mental image. Tubbo could hold one and think, 'ah, so this is what it's like for Boo'
they might stick to deeper waters or not like light very much, and they'd help out leviathans and surrounding merfolk kinda like remoras? unsure. in my head they're just little glowy guys that nibble sometimes and look like they'd say yipee.
- Tubbo gets protective of Ranboo after he realizes this leviathan is just a big ol' softie. He can think of a handful of people that would be willing to hunt the leviathan if word got out.
Little does Tubbo know Ranboo has this amazing tactic called hiding underwater that works pretty effectively when it's just themself they need to worry about.
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icharchivist · 2 years
So, who's your favorite underrated Gbf character? A blorbo that deserves way more attention, but is shunned by Cygames and the world? Mine is Shao. He's a shifty little fox man with a great design and a tragic backstory and I wish he had more than one unit to his name because he's great.
Shao is def up in the list, and i think he especially work as "shunned by Cygames" with his one SR unit and barely participating in events.
I have a few R/SR charas i really like but have popped up in events more than him or have 2 units which already makes them maybe more popular in Cygames's eyes than Shao which is SAD.
I was thinking about it and i was going to say, maybe Cordelia because i sure love a lady that would sweep me off my feet, but at least she appears everytime Lumiel is mentioned.
Ryan is also a chara i really like but let's be real it's because i adore his voice actor (Asanuma Shintaro is just one of my fav seiyuu of all time). And i love his awkwardness and the fact he loves plushies.
I really like Garma too!!! I guess cygames didn't forget him per se since he just appeared in the christmas lines, but man i love him and it's sad he only ever got a R.
I also do like Krugne a lot and am sad he doesn't have a lot of focus in general. I guess he's so gimmicky as a person that it's hard to bring him back in any way...
Also tbh i just got extremely lucky bc charas who could qualify also have. recently got SSR. Randall was in R/SR jail for so long and now look at him. Likewise for Elmott. And omg, TOR. I loved Tor SO MUCH when he was introduced and nO ONE was on my side on this one, until he got his SSR. (yes a huge part of why i liked every single one of them was their voice actors, yes i was ride or die for them from the start regardless, whatcha gonna do)(tho not true on Randall i liked him, then i learnt his VA was one of my newest fav VA a long while later and i lost my mind because "WHAT HE VOICED MY FAV R/SR CHARA HOLD ON" 😭)
There's also NPC in general. I still wait for the day Ragazzo comes back. I really loved Icas but it's also a case of "fav seiyuu voicing him and his design hits too close to the chara that made me fall in love with said seiyuu's voice"
Post cancelled now everything is about Bertilak in here.
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he's locked in Gawain Light's 5* FE but i adore this kid. He's so stupid he's so rude. And Gawain "damn guess i'm a father now :/" arc with Bertilak was SOOOO funny. I spent the whole 5* FE losing my mind about him only to go online and not see ANYONE talk about him.
I was hoping that Gawain would namedrop him during the Wales event, esp since he has a whole bit about going to Dalmore to see his sister and i was on the edge of my seat like "and are you going to mention your new son. hey Gawain" and they didn't!!!!!!!!! ichaphobic.
But Shao also is high on the list because man he's really just in such a weird position with cygames. I wonder why that is, as if his archetype wasn't super fun....
it was a fun question, thank you nonny :D
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bluedragonbooks · 2 years
Adjacent 10 of 25
Over the last 6 weeks, Elric often strode ahead while the Wizard and I followed at a more measured pace; we usually caught up to him when he paused to murder a bush or assault a haystack.
Once Gerry joined us, it seemed to spur Elric on and vice versa; we spent the day with them racing ahead, only to find them sparring with sticks or doing push-ups or whatever a few minutes later.
At one point the Wizard had watched them thru his lenses for a while. "Whatever enchantment you used on him has left; be assured - whatever he feels for you is genuine; be gentle with him - you're his first love, am I correct?"
"Yes, I still feel guilty for bewitching him."
"He was eager enough; all you did was ease his shyness; I'm sure that had time and urgency not forced your hand the outcome would be the same. The next town is two days away; I have friend I wish to visit - a seer; We'll be stopping for at least two days; My friend is younger and will have desires I am unable to satisfy, so Elric will no doubt be invited to her room. I'll arrange for you and Gerry to share a room; a bit of privacy and the lack of other agendas should help clarify the matter."
Oh goody, looking forward to that; nothing like being expected to perform under the watchful eye of an elderly matchmaker ... Fuck.
Elric's blunter version was delivered as we made camp that night and got ready for dinner; he took me aside and said, "He wants you to fuck him; but he's too shy to ask; He's done you, now it's your turn to do him."
For a moment I wondered if Elric had only pretended to be asleep back at the guardhouse; but I knew that snore. Maybe Gerry had told him. "Did he actually say that?"
"No, but he looks at your dick every chance he gets; when a girl looks at me like that, I know she's wet for it. Besides, I could always tell when the blacksmiths boy had paid a visit and put it in you, you’d get this dreamy look and sigh a lot."
"You was sighing plenty the next day, and you had that big stupid grin, despite all the trouble we was in; so I'm guessing he's got a biggun and he gave it to you good." My face flushed red hot.
"Ha, thought so, I got you a good one, you're blushing like a virgin."
"Ooh, Stop, STOP - It tickles too much" Gerry giggled and squirmed.
I'd been exploring his naked body with my tongue; turns out he was insanely ticklish.
"How about here?" I lowered my mouth and sucked. The reaction was immediate and productive.
"Oh GOD ... Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it in your mouth; you surprised me ... no-one’s ever ..."
"It's ok, I don't mind; I like it; It's not like I didn't want it."
"But doesn't it taste ... yucky?"
"You mean you've never tasted your own - off your hand?"
"Wow, you really are an innocent; you want to suck mine?"
"Um, ok, I suppose, just give me warning when you ... you know."
"Probably better if I don't."
"You done him yet?" asked Elric at breakfast. "Didn't sound like it."
There's no point being subtle with Elric, I knew he'd just keep asking.
"Waiting for the next town. A bath and a proper bed."
"Ooh fancy; fair enough tho; you getting him some flowers and a stinky candle too? He'll probably like that."
"Piss off Elric." He laughed and punched me lightly in the arm.
Turns out he’s not only insanely ticklish, but insanely noisy. I got the giggles and nearly couldn’t finish.
After I finished fucking him, and we'd got our breath back he said, “do you think anyone heard?”
The walls of the seer’s house were only lath and daub; “The whole fucking street heard” said Elric from the other side of the wall.
Breakfast was surreal; the Seer was dreamy-eyed and sighed a lot; Elric grinned like fool, alternating between winking at me and nudging Gerry; who flushed a bright pink while staring intently at his porridge as if divining some great portent.
Instead of the usual thin gruel, the table was graced with a hearty porridge, bread and oil to dip it in, slices of cheese, fruit, and even a smoked fish. The Wizard appeared inordinately pleased with himself.
I glared at him and mentally dared him to say anything.
“A hearty breakfast for the road ahead; just what growing lads need after a good nights sleep.”
I almost stabbed him with my spoon.
So far Elric's "Quest" had "accomplished" exactly three kills in seven weeks.
An enchanted boar so fixated on it' task the poor beast had worn a path around it's Lords forest;
An aging Wyvern that took a lamb and probably would have died of exertion or choked to death on lamb’s wool if Elric hadn't put it out of its misery; and
A small kitten sized beasty I couldn't identify, driven mad with lust for Elric's boot when we stopped for lunch.
"When will we get to the good stuff" whined Elric to the Wizard, while wiping green beasty goo off his sword and onto a patch of grass.
"Patience young Champion, we have 4 months yet to get to the Western Sea; as long as we get there before the Winter Solstice, there's plenty of time for adventures yet."
I groaned inwardly. We'd set out at Summer Solstice, and we wouldn't get there until the Winter Solstice? Which meant we likely wouldn't get home until the next Summer Solstice?
This damn Quest better be worth it or I'd be boiling the old bird down for his tallow. I wonder what price genuine Wizard Tallow fetched on the Apothecary market.
Not that you'd probably get much out of him; he was old and stringy and didn't seem to have much fat on him; and he was ancient; I mean he must have been at least 50 years old.
Have I mentioned his knees? Most villages are a days travel apart for a merchant with 2 horses and a well-stocked wagon.
Why? Because Merchants don't want to be camping on the side of a road overnight with a well-stocked wagon; you have to pay a night-guard.
Most people can keep up with a well-stocked wagon and 2 horses even on foot; especially if you've had 7 weeks to get used to it.
Elderly Wizards with dodgy knees apparently take 2 days to cover the same distance; well, 2 6-hour days if you don't mind starting late and don't include stopping for a leisurely lunch in the heat of the day.
Mind you, it meant we arrived early enough on the second day to have our pick of lodgings, and it gave me a chance to barter and reprovision.
About every third village seemed to be a trading hub, which usually meant it had a Wizards Guild, which meant we could get a proper bed and usually stayed an extra night.
Neither Gerry nor I minded that; better than fucking on cold hard ground.
Gerry had got over his initial boisterousness, which meant we could take turns enjoying each other without making a laughingstock of ourselves.
Tho, he still tended to blush madly if I'd fucked him the night before, and Elric even glanced at him at breakfast.
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
A/N : i have nothing to say other than the fact there will be an excessive amount of twitch slang bc why tf not + just,,, heavy streamer!albedo brainrot ;-;
streamer albedo
so before we get into him being whipped for u, let’s go over the type of strimmer mr Kreideprinz is
fun fact that’s his twitch name—
albedo would be the type to do lots of variety streams of different games, but also the occasional art one if he wants to have a chill stream with his chat !!
speaking of chat… they’re an odd mix of wholesome supporters, KAPPA + POGGERS + catJAM (bc he always has some bangers on in the bg like yes u bless our ears my guy) + KEKW + EZ Clap + his own emotes spammers, mr albedo’s very own shrimps (me, ahEm—), and ppl who just appreciate his voice + gameplay
if there’s a troll he just bans them OMEGALUL
omg he has lots of emotes (which he made in some of his art streams so his viewers could choose some) for every scenario but we’ll get into the popular ones in a bit 👁👁
he’s most definitely one of the bigger, well-known streamers but with a smaller group of friends
his discord server has,,, a lot of ppl,,, 70k+ ppl big,,, rip notifs if ur in it ;-;
he has it muted tho 🐥 like, sir, that’s ur server pay the goddamn price smh
wait i forgot to mention this but he has his webcam on when streaming
so u can bet ur chickens that when ppl come to visit his stream bc of whatever category he has on, they stay for his visuals and voice <33
his twt 🤡 mans gets 1k+ likes, rts, comments within the first 5-10 mins
omg he gets soft when he receives sm support from his community 🥺🥺
gifts so many subs when hitting milestones, chat is wholesome or just whenever really HJKSDHKL 
also doesn’t swear much unless he gets played by his own game and/or someone is being incredibly annoying <//3
he also just,,, eats on stream
albedo straight up takes his webcam with him to show him cooking if his viewers ask for it
or he just orders food then and there and eats while chatting to everyone or watching youtube with his chat 🥺
this AR55 man 👩‍🦯
he can literally produce content from anything
from artifact farming, to spiral abyss, to running around mindlessly, to building characters he would normally never build, to him seeing how high up is considered too high to dive
and everyone eats it up bc it’s albedo <3
also !! he’s the type who includes the story quests in his streams so his reaction and thoughts on everything is just,,, there
now when u were first introduced in the prologue (yes ur one of the ogs + involved in the dvalin fight <33) he blanked and all his viewers could see was u on screen with him staring blankly in the bottom right of the screen
this man straight up saw u in a cutscene for one second and fell in love
his chat went wild omfg
he immediately made an emote for u and that’s his most popular one 😌
but i kid u not, the moment u appeared in that cutscene (one in which he will forever treasure in the crevices of his heart) was the moment he asked this exact question ;
“ so (y/n) banner when? ” 
and mihoyo heard his pleas and answered with ur event banner 
except it was like,, 4 months later 
at least ur finally here tho :’)
now he can have his lil science-y moments with ur voicelines ;-;
yes, ur the chief alchemist but ✨ 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✨
. . .
shut up
n e who
when he saw the notification from mihoyo’s official forums that u will be a playable character in the new update — along with new characters, region, events & a domain — i shit u not he did a rt, his own tweet, an announcement on the community feature on youtube, and made constant reminders to his viewers on twitch abt how he will be a (y/n) haver no matter what
he even added future (y/n) haver in his twt display name
what a shrimp—
the 1.2 update stream 🐥 he was there waiting for it to go live with like,,, 19k viewers spamming his chat abt predictions and obv ur official release + showcase
and when i say this man fell even more in love while watching ur trailer and character showcase 🥺 he wouldn’t stop smiling or being in awe bc ur just??? so stunning???
mihoyo clearly has a favourite child and it’s u
chat was spamming ur exclusive emote like crazy oml
u can bet it was also flooded with lots of POGs and POGGERS 
overall it was a very fun, chaotic stream filled with lots of (y/n) appreciation and love <33
also a very memorable stream for all his viewers bc of the side of albedo they rarely see unless ur involved
the day ur banner was to go live tho 🐥
the streams leading up to the fateful day consisted of him farming ur mats 
that’s it
boss runs, local specialties, hero wits, talent books, the mats needed for ur weapon he was inevitably going to pull for (only the best for the best, afterall) and many domain runs
many painful domain runs
all of it was worth it tho bc ur worth everything :’)
an actual quote said by him—
at least he can get u and ur weapon to lvl 90 right off the bat with all the artifacts tailored for u ;-;
and get u to that point he did HJSDKJF
once ur banner dropped? immediately started wishing
2 multis in and he gets u 😣
albedo nearly cried and was the literal embodiment of head in hands
modCheck has left the chat
everyone’s rooting for him :’)
pulled for ur weapon and got it in 1 multi
sir give me ur luck pls and ty
but yes he nearly choked on the gASP he let out while chat screamed even more
he blanked for a bit, i won’t lie ;-;
but when he realised this was real, he immediately went to his party set up and put u in
can we all get an f in the chat for his lvl 10 tartaglia 😔💔👊
his chat usually rages at him to build him but if he’s being honest, he cba
ur vl when he put u in the party tho <333
now he’s just spent half an hour running around with u, letting u do ur idle animations (will always be grateful for mihoyo creating u like this), reading ur very limited (for now—) character story and going through ur voicelines 
ur morning & about us (when he unlocks it) voiceline >>>>> his heart be running laps rn i swear
eventually he does begin to build u after much admiration on his end and at lvl 1 with lvl 20 artifacts, u already have 1.6k atk 🐥
now after he levels u and ur weapon to lvl 90, u have 2.8k atk 🐥
rip mobs <//3
he now plays u as his main dps 😌
the kit initially designed for u is meant to be more for support?? kinda like the whole ganyu or zhongli debate abt them being a dps or a support/sub dps ;-;
except ur more utility like venti or bennett
and even though the majority said at the beginning (aka, mihoyo, pretty much any other streamer and the larger part of the fanbase) that ur meant for support, he said fuck that and built u as his main dps
and i won’t lie, u do more damage than any of his characters, and ppl who co op with him
ur his pride and joy :’)
he went to take a look at ur consts to see if they were worth the rng suffering and, lo-and-behold,
they were
so now he’s using all his saved primos for u to try and get ur c6 const, along with making ur weapon r5 :’)
his chat gets a free view of him internally suffering when the gold light doesn’t come, and his external suffering when he loses the 50/50
in the end, he decided to whale for u <33
after nearly an hour, he has u to c6 and ur weapon to r5 ;-;
now all he’s been doing the whole stream is running around with u in open world, doing his daily farming, doing more domain and boss runs, exploring the new region (dragonspine) + ur story quest
he’s saving the event quest for another stream bc ✨content✨ 
in ur quest, he had multiple heart attacks and now has many, many screenshots <3
he now has a zoomed in pic of ur face as his twt pfp <33
okay so i also feel like he’s not all that bothered abt getting characters to friendship level 10 immediately and would rather let it happen through time
but obv ur not any other character *proceeds to debby ryan at u*
even if ur not fit for a particular domain or boss, he still puts u in the party so when collecting the blossom/rewards, u can get the friendship exp ;-;
he just wants ur name card so he can show off okay 🥺
when he lets his viewers pick out the playlist, 98% of the songs are from ur character demo theme 
they just know him so well 😩
they also just wanna see the way he smiles when he hears it play but shhhhhh
now he just has his in-game avatar as u, and ur namecard too <33
also his signature is just ;
“ (y/n)’s favourite streamer ”
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
hii, i absolutely loved your “yes ma’am” jj one shot, just wanted to say that if you plan on writing more of that i would really really love to read it :) idk if you take requests but if you do feel free to interpret this as one i guess, even tho it’s not very specific 😭 sorry i’m not good at this but anyways i hope you have a very good day !!
baby boy
this can be read as a part two, or seperately from this
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jj maybank x reader / masterlist
summary; the boy that you have intimate instructs with shows up at your door, after getting in an altercation with his father. you make him feel better, by proceeding to do more than patch him up / warnings; domestic abuse, jj’s dad is a piece of shit, mummy kink, smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69ing, titty sucking
“Let me make you feel good.” JJ was a state, he was bruised black and blue, the injuries having endured the soothing chill of ice to help reduce the pain. Though he still winced as he sat up straighter, staring at you. A frown caused discord to contribute to his features, as he became distracted by the other things he would wish to do to you.
It was a passion of his to be between your legs, delivering supple amounts of pleasure. Since the first time he had done such a deed with you, he was put on quite the tantrum if he wasn’t allowed to. A pout coursed the pursing of his lips, enforcing you to tut at his demeanour.
Though tonight, if you were sure he could handle such matters, you would go easy on him. Usually you took great pride in littering hand prints along his body, more specifically his ass, but for now he had enough bruises creating a discourse in his skin. You wished you had an eraser, so that you could remove all the endurances that he had survived, as well as to make his horrid father disappear entirely from the picture.
JJ deserved vastly better, and you were going to take care of him, as long as he consented of course. He needed to absorb the fact that life was not all pain, even for pogues, there were things to take pleasure in, such as the beauty of the collaboration of human bodies; it was a force of nature, endured through fusion of conspired cruelty.
Everyone knew of the circumstances that the blond managed to survive in, half the time, he spent the time of his slumber beneath his friend John B’s unstructured roof, or like now, under yours, a place that he felt safe, and secured in the setting.
Here, there was no need for him to be fearful, it was a shelter for him to fawn in, to feel free to bare the nasty inflammation of purple digress across his chest, and the split in his brow that would take a couple of weeks to completely heel.
The bruises, swollen like forbidden plums, etched out of his body, staring you in the face, though, it only served as a fatal reminder of his father’s subject to inflict pain. Though his anger and resented ways of parenting were induced by heroine, filtering his veins with a poisonous role as a boy’s father.
There was emotion surfing upon the tide of JJ’s azure eyes, brill by the pain that resonated within the waves, permitting rolls of sorrow to persevere out from his forlorn irises, sending signals of unmistakable endurance towards you, as though he were pleading to be comforted.
Briskly, he nodded his head, without words, saying that he was fine with the matter of you making him feel better; in fact, the desire of being held, and soothed, was rather intent, twisted with the feeling of being carved into a motion of forgetting the rash circumstances that had permitted him to be taken in, and nurtured by your soft hands.
His nose burrowed into your shoulder, nestling into the locks that cascaded down, the shallow breaths that he took granting him to breathe normally for a second. Each time that he shut his eyes, he pictured the scene; it was on the porch, mid morning. He was just about to creep in, and grab any supplies that he had left in his room.
But his father had been waiting for his late arrival, sitting on the chair with disappointment written all over his face. It was terrifying, and what with JJ being the way he was, he did not even attempt to bite back words, instead he allowed his mouth to run freely, resulting in the morbid beating, that had his bones aching.
The treatment was a regular occurrence, but this was cusping his mindset to be scathed, even when he was in your presence, cooped up in his safety net of your physical contact, the abusive actions flickering far behind his eyes, like a silent movie that had him keening out for something more optimistic in referral to his future.
As your had slid down his flushed skin, he gulped, almost moaning out at the tenderness that your hand attributed alongside his beaten flesh. He felt like he had endured a battle, and he was lucky to have gotten out alive. The remnants of the war were scattered about like a platter of marble, there were lines striking his exterior, creating a crack in his appearance, as though he were broken, and he sure as hell felt that way.
But you wouldn’t allow him to think like that; he was not broken. Instead he was tarnished, but there was still chance of having the certification to be repaired. And you would do anything to make JJ, your sweet boy, feel obscenely better. He deserved the world, yet with the brunt of it, he had been handed life on a stick, carrying his burdens around like a ploy.
It was the price all that were born on the cut paid, enforcing the image of the figure eight to appear like a paradise, with strong walls to hide behind, and grave teams of people that would willingly support them, whether they were neighbours, of friends, or coworkers, or anyone. And not to mention, they had the dough to hire lawyers and attorneys to respond with privilege in defence of their actions.
The lower your hand crept down, as though it were preying for something to attain a hardy grip on, the more erect JJ’s cock became. He could feel himself twitch in his boxers, for that was all that he was clothed in, the fragrance of your shampoo seeping through the breaching of his nostrils only aiding the ramifications of his pulsating length, that was growing by the second.
To adjourn his frustrations out, JJ knew that he was not supposed to wisp his fingers through your hair, and thus instead, he bunched up the sheets beside him that were stretched out like a layer of monotone and neutral land, lightly rutting his hips in an upwards motion, hoping, even mindlessly praying, that you would shift your attention to the prodding that was expedited from the inside of his underwear.
“Oh baby boy, it’s okay. I’m here, and I am going to take real good care of you.” You spoke as you noticed his crotch standing to attention, and him whimpering for the same eye drawing scenario. From your condemned statement, a slither of colour paved his face, mostly concentrated on his cheeks.
Your JJ was inherently blushing, the heat crawling over and under his flesh, as though he were embarrassed by how quickly he had gotten aroused. However, there was no need for him to be, and you assured him by pressing firm kisses along his jaw line, nipping lightly on the skin, and tugging with restraint upon it.
Slipping from his lips, a guttural groan fumbled out, purchasing a content smile to break out onto your face. The distraction was plentiful, more so as your hand cupped his bulge, gently stroking the top through the material with the pad of your thumb. It was a circuit of stimulation, erupting a course of pleasure through his veins.
“Don’t wanna- mummy.” He whined, making you cock your head in staged dominance, glancing down at him, as he pleasingly held his gaze upon you, with his jaw tipped up so that he could get the best perspective of your face.
“Don’t wanna what baby?” You lightly tease him, causing his heart to rapidly flutter as you continue to caress him through the red of his boxer shorts. There was a visible patch of precum on the crimson material, soaking through the layer, as he languidly rolled his hips, and to exhibit him further comfort, you leant down, tasting its sweet salted flavour in your tongue as you ran your tongue over the fabric.
Tugging at the rim of his underwear, you watched as his cock flipped out of the confines, bobbing up on the canvas of his stomach, with the layer of precum swiped over his tip, a little stretched down the ways of his length.
“I want to eat you, taste you.” He sniffled lightly, whining in a higher pitch, as he muffled his pleads into your neck. In turn to his nonchalant begging, you were coerced to rub your thighs together, unintentionally warming the slick that had gathered between them, it was hot to see his desperation.
“Mummy, please.” Light tears corrupted his eyes, he was on the edge of combusting from lack of getting what he wanted, and you didn’t have the heart, or lack of to deny him, especially after what had sourly happened to him, in the habit of his own family home.
As you went to peel his boxers all the way down his legs, about to untangle them from around his ankles, JJ urgently began to tug at your clothes. He could see that you had given into his wish, you were going to allow him to flick his hungry to please tongue over your slit, and he was eager to do so, as was quite obvious by the way he screwed the bottom of your shirt up in his hands, rolling the material in his fists.
“Patience baby boy.” From your soothing command, he calmed, and you threaded your hands through his hair, as a reward for his obliged cooling of behaviour. Slowly, as you leant your chest close to him, you remove your blouse, and from the soon proximity that you were in to JJ, he began to suck your tits through your bra.
A tut abandoned your mouth, and lightly with gentle might you pushed him back, to remove the last layer on your upper half, allowing him to return in his commencing of suckling on your nipples, as though he were a newborn, starved and inclined to feed. In the meantime of JJ salivating your nubs, you shifted out of your shorts, leaving you in nothing more than your panties.
His head ran down, his lips laddering down the steady rising slate of your stomach, down to between your thighs, his mouth succulently nipping over the thin layer of your panties, he remained there for a moment as you panted from the sensation, before rolling him over, and turning, so that whilst he feverishly tugged your panties to the side, you leant your head down, eyeing his cock.
Your hand trailed down to his appendage, swiftly tugging on his length, causing high pitched tones to emit from his busy lips, the vibrations muffled against your cunt, trying his utmost to devour your flow of juices. Enclosing your lips around his cock, you steadied your hips around the portrayal of his head, taking bit by bit further down your throat.
To add to his specifics of pleasure, you rolled his balls in the palms of your hand, rotating your fingers around the sack below his length, and thus you pulled you lips off from around him for a moment, to lick a line up the seam of it, before returning to deep throating his cock.
A few more bobs of your head had JJ finishing in your mouth, and for a minute, you rolled his seed around in his mouth as you thrusted yourself hips against his face, chasing your own high as you swallowed his.
“Wanna make mummy cum. Want to taste her sweet, sweet mummy juice.” Gripping onto his waist, you furiously rode his face, releasing a small, supple scream as you finished on his beautiful complexion. He toyed his tongue around your folds, soaking up every drop of your essence with his tongue.
With a heavy breath, you clambered off from him after cumming, a content smile prevailed on your face as you stretched your arm across to the bedside table, grasping up the packet of cleansing wipes, and retracted one from it, using them to wipe your juices off from his face, sweeping up the excess that was glossing his chin.
After disposing of the used wipes, you tucked JJ under the sheets, bringing him to lay against your chest, as you applied a kiss upon his forehead. His blue eyes fluttered closed, as he began to suck on your tits again, aiding him in having calm dreams, and forget about the troubles that had haunted him.
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kkusuka · 3 years
I’m so proud I’ve been here long before 2k💁🏼‍♀️ N E WAY CONGRATSSSSS!!!
Can I have fluff 16 with a twist tho, like “My ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years being single and hunting down weird things most people can’t even see." with Gojou, Fushiguro, Itadori and a fem reader? If 3 characters are way to many you can keep only Gojou. Keep being amazinggg<3
thank you so much!! <3
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“My ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years being single and hunting down weird things most people can’t even see."
Gn!Pronouns, but you are implied to be female! 
Cw: an itsy bitsy hint of angst, slight confessions, reader panics, 
a/n: these were almost criminally fun to write, I love these three so much 
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Gojou Satoru 
Words: 700 
You had no idea how a simple piece of paper could make you feel. Awkward, confusion, shock, all from one note that you thought was a bill. 
‘Y/n L/n save the date!’ was the last thing you had expected, from your ex-boyfriend nonetheless. The same guy who dated you for a whole three years before telling you over text that it wasn’t going to work out. 
Well, the both of you never had a bad relationship after, but you were a severe level of butthurt. But what made you really freeze was the plus one invitation, if you showed up to your ex’s wedding you would look like a loser. 
Since you were clearly going, you’d never miss on free food and a chance to have a day off, you needed an outfit and a date. The outfit was pretty easy to figure out, you’d go shopping on the weekend and buy something then. 
But someone to go with? You had about three friends whom you knew could not afford any days off and that you just didn't want to take. (at least you had some last resorts) Then, another problem, if they weren’t part of the Jujutsu world it would be harder to explain if you had to abruptly leave, which was a huge possibility this time of year. 
With that, your options were cut down to two- Nanami and...Gojou, of all people. 
Obviously, you tried, emphasis on tried, Nanami first. But after 24 missed calls and a 15-second conversation where he basically told you to shove it, you were in full-on panic mode. The wedding was in three days and you had to do something about your inevitable loneliness. 
You had to get over yourself, the worst Gojo could do was make fun of you or say no. But, he never passes up the opportunity for sweets, just lay on the dessert y/n!
“To what do I owe this sweet phone call Y/n? Confessing your love for yours truly?” his voice laughed through the line. You just had to ask him in a way that would compel him to want to come with you. 
“My ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years being single and hunting down weird things most people can’t even see." you blurt not even thinking about the words falling from your lips. 
You come to realize your words from the ringing silence in your ears, “I’m sorry I just-” 
“I’ll come” he answered, cutting off your apologies. He’ll come, you didn't even have to say anything about sugar or bribe him into coming. 
“You’ll come? Really? Why-wait Thank you! It’s on Saturday at 3 pm, we can go together if that makes things better! Thank you so much, you just saved me Gojo! How can I make it up to you!” you were just spouting whatever you could to thank him, listening to his daughter from his side. 
“Why wouldn’t I want to spend time with my little Sugar? You can make it up to me by wearing your prettiest little dress so we’ll be the hottest couple at the wedding.” he teased, continuing ranting about how you should match colors to add ‘flare’. 
“While we’re there we can start planning our own wedding! Doesn’t that sound fun Sugar!” 
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Fushiguro Megumi 
Words: 700 
“What even is that” Megumi’s voice rang through the office hallway. You’d like to know too, you haven’t spoken to anyone from your hometown, save for our family, since you moved away six years ago. 
“I’m not totally sure, you want to open it with me?” you question opening the door to your office as he silently follows you in. 
Settling the rest of the mail down, you take a closer look at the suspicious envelope noticing the name on the return address. There's no way! Why the hell was your ex sending you things to your official workspace?
“What’s wrong? Is it bad?” Megumi doesn't know what to do, your face went pale and you looked super confused. 
“Oh, nothing really. I’m just surprised, it’s from my ex” well now he was frozen, was it a love letter? Why was he sending you stuff, he just hoped that it wasn't bad, you had enough on your plate and you didn’t need more. 
Opening the envelope to see flower patterns and script lettering; you know exactly what this letter will be telling you. Just as you suspect a date plastered on the card along with two all familiar names flood your senses. 
“He’s getting married!” you couldn't believe it, why would he invite his high school ex to his wedding, it was an odd choice, to say the least. 
“That’s cool I guess, anyway I gotta go, have fun,” he murmured leaving the room and letting to wonder if you were even going to show up in the first place, but at the moment you send an email and reserve a spot for yourself and admittedly a plus one that didn’t exist. 
You would figure it out in due time!
You did not figure anything out and the wedding was tomorrow. No one in their right mind would drop everything to come to some random wedding. Your point proved when Itadori explained he had plans to go see a movie marathon with Jumpei that he just couldn’t cancel. 
Not even Nobara would spare you some mercy, she and Maki were having a pre-planned girls' day, one that you would be going to if you hadn't agreed to go to some random wedding. 
Now you could only pray that Mehgumi felt enough pity that he would go with you. Deciding that a call would be too impersonal and would be easier to say no over, you make your way to his apartment with a box of dumplings that you knew he loved. 
“Gumi-chan? Open up please!” you knocked on the door waiting for him to come, him appearing a few seconds later; hair messy in sweatpants and a black tank-top. No- this isn’t about his body, it could be, but you had to get this settled first. 
“Uh? Did I miss something? Why are you here?” his questions break you from your stare as you shove the food in his arms, gathering all the courage you could muster. 
“These are for you and all you need to do is hear me out, please? I would really like you too!” you beg, watching as he silently commanded for you to continue. 
“As you know, my ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years being single and hunting down weird things most people can’t even see." you kept your head low as you explained to him what had happened, “I really need you to do this for me, I'll give you anything I swear! Just help me this once!” 
“Why do you need me?” he mumbled, commanding your attention back onto his face. 
“Because it’ll be fun and you need to get out.” ‘and this is my way of asking you out but not asking you at the same time’ goes unsaid.
“Fine, but you have to come to dinner with me the next time my dad asks.” that was it you, ultimatum, an easy one too. 
“Deal! Now we have to match or it’ll look stupid, and we have to practice dancing and-” 
“Dear Lord, what did I get into” 
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Itadori Yuji 
Words: 600 
You’d pinned the invitation above your bed as a constant reminder that you had to do something. 
Not that you cared what your ex thought of you at their wedding, but something deep inside wanted to show him that you were happy without him. 
And the only way to do that was to shove a hot guy down his throat; better yet, a totally hot guy that was into you. Now all you needed was a hot guy to be into you. 
Well, you had a hot guy to go with you. In a desperate plea, you had asked your good friend Itadori, formally known as the vessel of another somewhat friend Sukuna, and he had agreed. 
Just thinking about it made you cringe a bit; you had been freaking out and ran to his apartment, drenched in rain. 
“My ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years being single and hunting down weird things most people can’t even see," you explained frantically, waving your hands. Watching his face contort into every human emotion you could think of, before spreading into a smile. 
“Of course I’ll come with you! It sounds like a blast!” of course Sukuna had a few choice words to say about that, something along the lines of, ‘you're not dragging me to some stupid event because you're lonely! I refuse!” 
And he continued to complain throughout the night of planning and the next morning when you told him he was going whether he wanted to or not and he told you he’d rather die. 
“This Wench will not dictate my life!” he spoke through a mouth on Yuji’s cheek, eye slit glaring in your direction. 
“And I’m not letting some lame demon tell me what I can and can’t do with my friend!” you argued back. 
But he didn't have a say anyway. 
Now you were standing before a mirror, admiring how your dress wrapped around your body, waiting for Itadori to come to the door. 
Hearing the knocks on your door, you grab a small bag and your invitations and your plus one, opening the door to Yuji in a three-piece black suit, staring at you with wide eyes. 
“You look great-” 
“You look crazy beautiful-” 
Both of you freeze at the word mix-up, then breaking into laughter as you loop your arm through his outstretched one. 
“Seriously you look great, y/n. You have that guy wishing he’d never let you go! Wait then you wouldn’t be with me, so just make him miss you a bit but not too much!” he stammered out as you continued your way to his car. 
“You are the worst two humans in existence.” 
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ch3rry3lossom · 3 years
Read: Please send requests or ideas! I'll make sure to credit you and try my best to fulfill the request!
#☁️.+~ Characters: hanako kun and tsukasa!
#🧃.+~ Warnings: none! Unless you're triggered by these characters!
#🍓.+~ Summary: hanako/tsukasa meeting you for the first time after noticing you keep and keep coming back to the bathroom stalls to keep them company!
#💌・'~ A special connection.
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(Hmm? It's that girl again...) hanako thought to himself as he saw you entering the bathroom stalls for the 6th time this week
He thought it was a bit strange for a girl to come repeatedly to the bathroom each day.....especially if they actually never went inside one to do their business and instead just lay on the floor after cleaning it instead
He would be lying tho if he said he didn't enjoy some company every once in a while
Usually whenever you do come to visit, he just watches you do your own thing. He didn't except you to one day call out his name tho and try to summon him
With nothing else he can think of to do he comes out of the bathroom stall when you call his name the 3rd time in a row
"My my, persistent now aren't we?" hanako says to you as he looks at you with a teasingly look
"Hanako? Is that really you? You ask in amazement, surprised the rumors about a ghost living in the bathroom stalls were true after all
"Who else would it be?" hanako says as he floats around you giggling "now then, I assume you summoned me to grant you a wish right? So then what would it be?" he says as he takes out a note and pencil
"Oh...i don't really want a wish. I just came to see if the rumors were true about there being a ghost in the stalls...i wanted to summon you sooner but I figured that if you were real then it would be more pleasant to come regularly to the bathroom so you would feel a bit more comfortable around me" you say as you smile towards the brown haired boy
What? Was hanakos first thought after proccessing everything you just told him. Usually people wouldn't even bother to stay a couple of minutes in the bathroom after school hours, especially every single day
He was surprised but also felt a tingle of warmness inside him in a way. Something he hasn't felt in a long time. He would be lying if he said he wasn't flustered and a bit happy as well
He found you interesting, not only that but it wouldn't hurt to have a friend to keep him company right?
"I-i see, well then if it's not too much trouble...would you mind being friends and to keep keeping me company?" hanako asked as he looked the other way, trying to hide his embarrassed blushing face
"I don't mind! It must get pretty lonely here in the bathroom stalls all by yourself after all!" you say as you walk towards him and take his hands into yours
"W-wait-what are you-" hanako blurs out as he gets even more flustered and embarrassed as he looks at you
"Let's become great friends hanako! You look like a fun person to be around! You say to him as you smile
He couldn't take his eyes off you. You radiated such bright happiness that He thought it was almost illegal to hold your hands. He hasn't felt such a feeling as warmness and happiness in a long time. He was happy.
"I- if you don't mind me asking, what's your name? Hanako asks you eagerly
"Oh my name? It's Y/N!" you say to him "well it's getting pretty late so I should start heading back home" you say as you let go of his hands and start getting your stuff ready to leave
Hanako immediately felt a tigle of sadness hearing you say that. He wanted you to stay a bit longer but of course he also understood you couldn't stay here forever
"You will come back tomorrow...right?" Hanako asked, scared that everything you have told him so far was a lie
"Of course! Well then I'll see you tomorrow Hanako!" you say walking out of the bathroom as you wave him goodbye
Hanako was speechless. All his life he has just been alone in the bathroom stalls. To actually now have someone as a "friend" made him happier than ever. He was excited to get to know you better
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"Oh? What do we have here~" Tsukasa spent no time immediately popping up in front of you to greet you
"Eep!" you quickly stood a step back as you got surprised by tsukasas sudden appearance, not actually thinking the rumors were true
"Oops my bad, did I scare you? Hehe" tsukasa asks as he floats around you, examining you carefully
"O-oh just a bit, you must be tsukasa right?" you ask nervously while keeping a close eye on him
"Yep! The one and only! So why did you summon me? Want a wish granted to you? Hmm?" tsukasa asks with a mischievous smirk
"Oh no! I just wanted to see if the rumors were true! You actually look way more cute than what most people describe you as" you say as you finally calm yourself down and smile towards him
"Oh? You think I'm cute?~" tsukasa asks getting closer to you while giggling
Tsukasa would be lying if he said he didn't get a bit surprised by your response. Especially since he really didn't get any intent from you that screamed wanting a wish to come true
"Mhm! I love your clothes as well! They fit you!" you said as you studied his clothes curiously
"Thanks! Hmm well if you're not here for a wish then what do you want?" tsukasa asks, still not fully convinced you don't want anything from him
"I don't want anything! Like I said I just wanted to see if the rumors were true, and well maybe we can become friends?" you asked smiling as you took tsukasas hands onto yours
"Friends?? Hmm sure! Why not!" tsukasa says as he collides his hands onto yours with a big smile "you better visit me every day then!" tsukasa says giving a pout
"Of course!" you say as you pinch tsukasas cheeks gently
"Hehe you're not scared of me? Usually when people make a wish and get it, they immediately run away and try to stay far away from me....its no fun at all" tsukasa says as he hugs you and looks up at you
"Hmm I think people just don't spend enough time to know you! You actually seem very fun to be around!" you say as you smile and hug him back
"Hehe what's your name by the way?" tsukasa asks while he digs his head into your chest more
You didn't mind his clinyness since you yourself actually loved physical affection from time to time
"My name is Y/n!" you say giggling
"Nice to meet you Y/n! You're staying with me forever from now on! Tsukasa says as he giggles and holds onto you tighter
Usually if someone else would've heard that and noticed how clingy he was getting, they would of immediately became concerned and worried for their safety, but you knew this was just tsukasas way of showing affection to you and well over all tsukasa just being himself so you didn't really pay much attention
"Haha alright tsukasa" you say smiling
Stuff was about to get a whole lot interesting from now on
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That's it! This is part one to this little story! I will post part 2 soon! Part 2 will contain how y'all grew through out time and how their thoughts of you have changed! Hope y'all liked this!
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pelideswhore · 2 years
consider this post a submission for the 30 day hc's that @godsofhumanity makes. i can finally join because i finally have enough to say about the deity :D (editing eden: okay maybe i had too much to say)
appearance-wise, Prometheus is relatively unassuming. he's as average as you can get when you're literally a god. dark brown to black hair, brown eyes, not particularly tall or muscular, but he is very charming, which makes him attractive
before the Titanomachy, Prometheus was very lowkey. he had tons of cousins and siblings, chaos reigned and he knew better than to draw attention to himself, so the higher-ups (aka Kronos and Rhea) never really noticed him
Prometheus is, as his older brother, very protective of Epimetheus. he only really had that sibling-bond with him, not with atlas or anything. Epimetheus often got himself in a lot of trouble by not thinking things through and at first Prometheus used to be annoyed by Epimetheus for making dumb decisions, but he eventually grew to love him. instead of scolding him for those decisions, he started giving him advice and genuinely wishing the best for him
that's why, when the Titanomachy started, Prometheus' first instinct was to make sure Epimetheus was safe
towards the start of the war, he stayed lowkey, but once he had sussed out the vibe and was sure the Olympians would win, he took the chance and dragged Epimetheus to Olympus
Zeus was suspicious to begin with, but Prometheus was able to convince him with his charm and cunning manipulation. at the start, Prometheus was really only using Zeus so he and his brother would be safe (kinda like my idea of odysseus x penelope but thats a story for another day) but after a while he actually grew to like him
just generally, odysseus and prometheus are similar. Prometheus helped win the Titanomachy the same way Odysseus helped win the Trojan War
from then on, Zeus and Prometheus were inseparable. everything they did, they would do together. they spent the equivalent of their 20s just causing bullshit everywhere, even tho that's not typical for prometheus
fast forward, post-titanomachy: Zeus is now king of, well, everything and it's a lot for a young guy who wasn't even raised royal and really just wants to have fun. he hasn't married Hera yet, and Prometheus is his only escape, the only person with whom he can really let loose and not be king, just some guy for a moment
i have been totally neglecting epimetheus since i brought up zeus, and while, yes, i do think epimetheus might have faded into the background when prometheus befriended zeus, he was still very important, and their relationship didnt change
while Zeus was still just looking to relax with Prometheus, Prometheus himself had matured even more. he was probably given the role of Zeus' royal advisor or something and took it very seriously
Zeus asked Prometheus to create mankind more or less as a joke, 'for old time's sake', something to lighten up the mood and their relationship. he didn't expect Prometheus to take it so seriously, but Prometheus did.
after humans were created, Zeus and Prometheus spent even less time together, as Prometheus started living on earth, and Zeus felt betrayed. he felt as if he had lost a friend to some lowly, unworthy mortals, so when Prometheus asked to give them fire, he declined. there was no way he was going to let Prometheus give them more power. after all, he spent so much time with them even when they had none. what would he happen if he gave it to them?
to put it shortly, zeus had first child syndrome
by now, Zeus and Hera are married, which is kind of important because he needs children for the story to continue. his disagreement with Prometheus also put a strain on his relationship with Hera
Prometheus didn't really understand why Zeus couldn't move on, similarly to how he couldn't understand Epimetheus making dumb decisions. he decided to steal the fire, because his creation meant more to him than anything at all. he knew he would have to pay for it, but he would do everything for his mortals.
when Zeus found out the fire was gone, he was destroyed. he refused to believe Prometheus would go so far as to steal from Zeus until he looked below and saw Prometheus laughing and dancing with his mortals (derogatory) around a campfire
anyway it seems i've been writing too much. to be continued, click here for part two
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cloudenthusiast2 · 3 years
To be a human - Scaramouche x reader - Part 1
Synopsis: You knew committing to a relationship Scaramouche would be no easy task but you loved him dearly and unlike others, you believed he wasn't evil. But as a mortal and the devoted protector of your village you were too much of a good person, too much of a human compared to him and your differences slowly start to show.
Next: Part 2
Type: mostly angst, this part is still light tho
Warnings: none... yet
Length: not as long as it seems. I'll try to write the next chapters as soon as possible
Scaramouche turned his back to the mountains he's been staring at to look at the path leading to Qingce village. The sun shone through the fog above the rice fields, colouring everything in golden light. Trees sighed as the gentle morning breeze caressed them while glaze lilies slowly started to close their blossoms.
The view was absolutely mesmerising but it didn't absorb the exoticly dressed, short man even for a minute.
'Finally' he snorted unpatiently as you appeared out of the fog, walking towards him with a big smile. 'What took you so long?'
'Good morning' you answered in a calm, low-key but still visibly cheerful manner.
He mumbled some words to himself but you didn't even try to understand what he was saying. It was probably for the better anyway.
You were both happy you could finally see each other but Scaramouche would obviously never express such feelings, not even towards you. You didn't care so much about that though since the time you spent with trying to bare with him finally paid off. You could confidently say now that you actually knew him and his difficult personality well.
Yes, the constant need to search for clues that could tell you about his hidden emotions was a little tiering but you could usually put up with it.
You haven't been able to see him in a really long time as well. You were living in a small village in Liuye while Scaramouche was always travelling around Teyvat and could only visit you between two jobs. He wasn't the type to write letters so sometimes even months passed without you hearing anything about him.
He came back to you yesterday agter five weeks, to spend a little time in Qingce, the village you lived in and protected with your biggest gift, a Hydro vision.
'Where do you want to go?'
'Doesn't matter.'
'We could go to the forest! It's really pretty in the morning. And later we could pick some chili. I promised Pops Kai that I would bring some to him.'
He didn't react. You knew he didn't like you - his words - 'being a slave of those people' so he just ignored the fact someone requested something from you again.
'How did your last job go?' You asked as you two were slowly walking below the rice fields, watching the sun come up from behind the mountains.
'Could have been worse' he answered curtly. 'Inazuma is a pain in the neck. And there were some... unfortunate events I do not wish to discuss. But at least now I'm back.'
He looked up to the village and his piercing blue eyes narrowed as he took a glance of the neat but definitely archaic looking houses.
'Even this hick town is better than thet hell hole.'
Your facial expression strained for a moment as you heard him insulting the village which happened to be your favourite place all in Teyvat. You calmed your expressions but couldn't help and sting back a little.
'I thought you liked Inazuma' you retorted in a dry tone. 'It's where you're from after all.'
Scaramouche's face immediately darkened and you instantly realised the big mistake you made.
You knew a little about his origins, just enough to understand why he never told about it to you. Regret appeared in you for mentioning his past. At least Scaramouche didn't scold you for it but the air between you two visibly got heavier.
You continued your walk in silence and you couldn't stop cursing yourself for saying such insensitive things. It took two minutes for you to start bickering - this number made you feel sad and stupid.
But then again - he didn't even realise how hard he insulted your village and even if he did, he probably wouldn't regret it by one bit.
You lifted your chin and looked straight into the distance. You could see the various fatui agents scattered around the village, all standing guard for the sixth harbinger next to you.
You didn't like him being a part of the fatui at all but there wasn't much you could do about it. You only hoped and prayed that he one day would leave them after getting enough of the Tsaritsa and her overwhelming, suffocating power. After all, he only joined them because they 'seemed fun' and so far they were more of an annoyance then an genuine source of amusement for him.
'Unless he likes all the bloody tasks they're handing to him' you thought to yourself and then couldn't help but feel a little sick in the stomach.
You loved the man walking next to you but not every part of his personality. Not that part which screamed evil.
You weren't blinded by love. You knew he was indeed cruel sometimes. The part affecting you, his rudeness, his hatred towards any type of affection didn't concern you, it was actually kind of amusing. You loved to tease him about it and when he had an actual soft moment... it was heaven itself.
But you couldn't help but feel worried for others. What was he actually doing behind your back? Did he ever... kill someone? He seemed to be enjoying ending monsters a little too much. And he was quite open about his feelings towards humans. He hated all of them... you were probably the only exception.
'Say, Scara' you decided to broke the silence. He glanced at you, his face and movements still stiff. 'If there was a job suiting you in Liyue...'
'Stop tryna make me quit the fatui' he cut into your words in a harsh tone. 'It's not going to happen.'
'That's not what I was trying to do. I just... want to see you more often. Even after months I can only get a day or two with you... and we're not even alone.'
'If it's the Tsaritsa's order then I will follow it.' You averted your eyes. Barely a sentence in and you were already dejected by his words. 'Even though... I'd like to see you more too.'
You quickly rose your chin just to catch a glance of him rolling his eyes before he quickly turned his head away.
A wide smile lit up your face and you couldn't help but instantly start to gently tease him.
'Oh my, am I mistaken or is the almighty Balladeer actually admitting his oh-so-ridicoulus wishes to a mortal? Scara, are you okay? Yore getting soft, be careful before you get so weak even a slime could defeat you!'
'Just shut up, okay?' He growled at you but you just happily laughed. He's back. 'I'm gonna take my words back if you only show disrespect at...'
'Sure, sure' you smirked. 'Just admit you have a crush on me, Weeky-mouche!'
'Your nicknames are absolutely ridiculous' he claimed, ignoring the rest of the sentence.
'Oh, so what do you want me to call you then?' The temptation was too strong, you couldn't help but wink at him which made him growl in disgust again. 'Sweetheart, perhaps? Or honey?'
'I swear, you're as annoying as that damn red scum' he snorted, referring to his colleague, Childe.
You wanted to continue teasing him but as you turned right on the path you were walking on, a small shilouette - even smaller than Scaramouche's - appeared in front of you.
'Oh, little Yu!' You gasped, recognising the little 4-years-old girl.
Her dark hair was sparkling from the light of the morning sun and it put a tiny fire into her golden eyes as well. She looked like a magical little creature in the mystical forest, surrounded by old trees and young flowers.
A precious smile lit her face up as she saw you and the little girl reached out with both of her hands.
'Miss Y/n!'
You picked her up in an instant. Your favourite thing in guarding Qingce village was the people that lived in it and Yu always had a special place in your heart.
'Are you picking flowers?' You asked her and gently brushed her hair out of her face. 'For who?'
'Mommy' explained the little girl. 'It's her birthday tomorrow!'
'You're a very kind little lady, Yu' you praised her with a gentle smile. Holding a tiny, adorable creature like her was amongst the best feelings you've experienced, next to being with your lover, Scaramouche.
You didn't realise it was mainly because you were completely touch-starved.
Yu nodded but she didn't look at you. You followed her glance and you realised she was staring at Scaramouche.
The man was standing three feet away from you, with crossed arms and a hostile look on his face.
'Who is he?' Little Yu asked from you, fixing her eyes on the unfriendly expression of Scara's.
'His name is Scaramou... Just call him Scara.'
The man and the girl stared at each other.
'You needn't be afraid of him. He doesn't bite' you said jokingly but the little child's face remained serious.
'Why isn't he smiling?' She asked quietly. Scara glared at her.
'He's a little hard to make smile but he's still a good person' you promised her.
'Are you sure?'
Her words were innocent but they hit you really hard. Your breath stopped for a second and the fake smile on your face faded away.
'Now listen here you little...'
'I am sure. Don't worry' you cut down Scaramouche, sending a warning look to him.
He stayed silent but he looked like he could explode at any moment.
Maybe the child was able to sense it, maybe not, but she tried to get out of your hug all of a sudden. You put her down carefully, not forgetting to caress her hair and rosy cheeks even though her words upset both of you.
'I'm gonna go pick more flowers.'
'Yes. Be careful in the forest.' You warned her. 'Call my name if you're in danger!'
She nodded and ran away on her bare feet, looking like a little fairy among the old trees.
Leaving you alone with Scaramouche.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
I wish I could read your chapter 5 posts but I'm following the English releases and I don't wanna spoil myself :x (I do know he overblots though, and something with his dad?)
Vil was one of the characters I was attracted to before playing the game. I've only read 1 or 2 of his stories but he's already someone I'm having a hard time simping for. I think it's because of his focus on appearance and beauty. I'm insecure with both of those, so even if he tries to genuinely help me I'll automatically assume that means he doesn't like be because I don't meet his standards. I hope I will like him more after reading chapter 5 but I don't think I'll be able to simp for him now. He's so pretty tho.
And Epel! Sweet baby Epel. Sigh. He's in the middle of my simp chart. I like him, but I dunno if I can get past his insecurities. I'd wanna call him cute. I'd wanna put bows and girly accessories in his hair. But he'd probably get mad because that's not manly. Dude, it has nothing to do with being manly- I'd do that to any guy I like! And it's not that I don't like that boyish side of him- I love it! But I don't think I'd be able to stop saying/doing the things he doesn't like, and I don't think I'd be able to work with him on that. I say/do those things out of love, and there would be something missing in me if I wouldn't be able to express those things, even if it's to respect his boundaries. I'd have to walk away from any relationship with him.
I heard he does change in chapter 6 tho? He realizes he's after strength, not manliness, and those two things aren't dependent on each other? Now I'm imagining having mutually broken up with him but after his character growth he comes back and wants to give us another try. I love his sweet side but I'd also swoon if he threatened to beat someone up for me lol. Let me see that boyish side!
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hello hello ! no pressure to read my book 5 posts ! you can def wait till book 5 comes out in en, i just wanted to put forward my two cents on it sjkdfjskf
and honestly i feel you ! i've been playing since jp released book 3 but i fandom hopped a bit before landing back in twst. and ever since the beginning i was always kinda intimidated by vil ? he's someone i couldn't quite wrap my head around. i think it's kinda difficult to understand him as a character just as it is rn.
at first glance he comes off as vain and beauty obsessed. but after playing book 5 i've got a fresh perspective on him ! i do agree that vil does have a fixation on appearance. he would fuss over any partner of his their appearance if he likes them enough. but that's only because he cares abt them, he wouldn't put an effort towards those he doesn't care about, trust me. i can reassure you that he's more than just a pretty face that likes pretty things tho ! book 5 really brings his character into light.
would totally buy the person he likes things like clothes, products, etc. and would also be nervous when giving it to them bc what if they don't like it-
"what's this?" you ask, opening the box that the blond just gave you.
he waved his perfectly manicured hand, "just something that i got for you during my fashion meet."
you lift the fabric, feeling the softness against your skin, "you got this for me?"
"yes, well," he gives you a quick glance, lips quirking the slightest bit. "i saw it and i thought that this color would look beautiful on you, so i took the liberty of buying it for you. are you rejecting my gift?" his tone turns critical at the end, and you've spent enough time with him to know he's just nervous that you won't like it; from the way he rambles slightly.
"it's beautiful vil," you reassure him and he finally releases the vice grip he had on his throne. "i would expect nothing less from my queen."
[ more vil simp-ery + epel brainrot below the cut ! ]
he's dedicated and hardworking at his craft. it takes a lot of effort to look as great as he does 24/7. and he's also an exemplary student, he gets good grades and excels in potions despite being a housewarden aND a social media star + actor. he's also hella strong. not only is he strong at magic, he's also pretty good at fighting hand-to-hand combat, all while looking flawless.
i can't help but admire him *sighs* it's kinda like wow you're so cool for doing all of this. and also you're so pretty. and you deserve all the hugs in the world. and also can i pls have your autograph-
something that irks me is when ppl say that ALL vil cares abt is looks. clearly that isn't true. vil is goal-oriented, he's very good at planning to get what he wants, and working to achieve it. he's also someone who is ambitious, so when he's characterized as someone who is simply look obsessed, it's kinda like overlooking the entirety of his hard work he did to become an established actor and social media celebrity. (ofc looks are important to him. but not his whole world.)
ok moving on to epel before i end up continuing to rant abt vil again- epel, on the other hand, lacks the confidence that vil has. like you said, he's got that complex about looking/being pretty and on top of that, he has a really strong and exaggerated machismo in regards to himself. and yea epel would definitely react badly to someone who emasculates him on purpose, esp if they were dating T^T
in book 5 he does start to learn to accept that masculinity and beauty can coexist in a person. like he doesn't have to present as hyper-masculine to be someone who's powerful and taken seriously. the living example is vil. he's a guy who wears high heels, doesn't mind dresses, wears makeup daily etc. and there are wwaaayy more people that take him seriously than ppl who don't.
but it'll probably still take him a lot of time to grow out of that mindset. being called pretty probably still irks him slightly, and especially if he's dating someone, whatever gender they were, he'd want to be seen as someone dependable and manly. (despite the fact that you don't /need/ to be manly to be seen as dependable. he's working on it.)
i love the idea of dating him, breaking up, and then him coming back for one last try. dating him when he's still learning to accept himself and his gender would be hard though. like it probably won't end that well, because it'll be suffocating on both ends since whenever you slip up, you hurt his feelings, and whenever his feelings get hurt, you get hurt. and when you can't express your feelings, you start feeling bad. etc.
but imagine growing apart, breaking up. epel learns to become comfortable in how he presents his gender. he grows confident in his masculinity, and the fact that appearances don't equal power, and that his appearance can be a valuable asset if needed. he learns that you didn't really mean those things in a patronizing way, and that you genuinely wanted to compliment him. and this time when you two start dating, you can see how he's changed himself ! and how he's more confident in himself ! this time it'll go good for sure <333
thank you for the chats ! this was really fun to do hehe :D
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