#i really like how james turned out đŸ„șđŸ„ș
yuuuu16 · 1 year
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lazy summer afternoons at the potters mansion (sirius is already a nail pro thanks to the gryffindor girls)
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luveline · 7 months
hiiii not sure if your requests are open but if they aren’t just ignore this😭
imagine getting into an argument with james, sirius, and remus because you brought a stray kitten or something home and you really don’t have the room for a kitten
“but look at himđŸ„ș”
 no” *less convincingly*
You hold the kitten in your hand. Remus strokes her head, her little damp ears. “It's not about that, Remus, I just couldn't leave her there, the box was falling apart and
 I thought that only happened in movies.” 
Sirius leans forward on his knees to give the kitten a stroke of his own. “She's lovely,” he murmurs, scratching under her chin and grinning when she moves into it for more. “It's too bad the flat's so small. Otherwise we could keep her.” 
She's tortoise shell with a white half circle around her mouth, eyes squinted closed as she shivers. You've wrapped her in a tea towel like a blanket. She is, without a doubt, that cutest and saddest creature you've ever seen. “Where is she supposed to go, Siri?” you ask gently. 
“People love cats.” Sirius puts his hand on Remus' thigh casually, giving it a loving squeeze as he settles in. “Everybody wants a kitten.” 
But not everyone will be nice to a kitten. She feels like your responsibility now; how can you leave her? She's burrowed into you from the moment you picked her up, shushing and murmuring, your knees sodden in the puddle of rainwater beneath you both. 
“We have to keep her, please,” you say. 
There's a mutual surprise. “Dove, we can't,” Remus says. “The bathroom barely fits the toilet, shower, and sink, we'd never be able to have a litter box.” 
“It wouldn't be fair,” Sirius agrees, “on us or the kitten, she'd have no room once she turns into a cat.” 
You bring the kitten close to your chest and show them her helpless face. “But look at her,” you say softly, widening your eyes gently, your brows bunched together in the beginnings of heartbreak. 
“No,” Remus says, shaking his head sympathetically. 
You frown at him and Sirius in turn, your bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly. 
“No,” he says again, sounding unsure. 
Sirius rubs his leg. “Stay strong, my love.” 
“There's just not enough room.” 
You fear you may be losing this battle, and if they really don't want a cat, maybe you shouldn't force them. But then your trump card comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck, shirtless, grey joggers low on his hips, and you know you still have a chance. 
“Wow, Jamie,” you say, not having to act very much to give your voice a hoarse rasp, “you might need to shower again.” 
His smile is magnetic. “Yeah?” he asks, immediately delighted by such a brazen comment. “How's the little sweetheart? Reckon we can leave her alone?” 
“She's cold still,” you say.
James visibly melts at your sad tone, while Remus rolls his eyes. “She's just trying to get you on her side, James. I've said we can't keep the cat and she's–” 
“Taking advantage of her feminine wiles?” Sirius suggests. 
“Cheating,” Remus finishes. 
James leans over the back of the sofa between your head and Remus to kiss behind your ear, a brief press of the lips. “Why should I care? Doesn't she deserve her own way?” 
“It's not as though I'm lying,” you say guiltily. 
James laughs and kisses your jaw. You bring your shoulder up to your chin and flush with heat at such a simple thing, trying your hardest not to jostle the kitten in your hand as he wraps an arm around your front, resting his face against yours. The wet curls of his hair are cold on your skin, and the straight line of his jaw digs in. “I know,” he says. 
“Catch on, Jamie,” Remus says. 
“Shan't, won't.” Another kiss to your cheek. 
“Please, Remus, I promise if you don't want her then I won't make you, but if it's about room, of course there's enough. The four of us manage to squeeze in, don't we?” You lean into James’ embrace, eyes melty-soft. You're practically batting your eyelashes at him. 
Sirius flops into Remus’ lap with a resigned sigh. “If you don't say yes, I will anyway. Look at her.” 
You don't know if he means the kitten or you, but you choose to believe it's you he's complimenting, and you react accordingly, your little smile pushing Remus completely over the edge. 
He sighs. “Yes, alright. Fine.” 
You pass James the little warm parcel of fur and use your freshly emptied hands to grab Remus by both arms. “Thank you! Aw, thank you, Remus. Sirius. I'll be so absolutely clean and if it does seem too small I promise, I won't make anyone suffer.” 
“I never thought you would,” he says. “If you really want to keep her, I can't stop you. I'm your boyfriend, not a prison warden.” 
“Well, we share a home–” 
“I know,” he says warmly, “it's alright. Keep your kitten, dove. Looks like you've found her for a reason.” 
You laugh happily and gather him up for a hug. “Oh, I love you.” 
“What shall we name her?” Sirius asks around you. 
“I'm not fussed. What do you like?” James asks. 
Sirius meets your eyes as you and Remus pull apart. “You always get your way, hmm? Why don't you name her?” 
Oh, you could hug him to death too. He looks comfortable where he is, his face on Remus thigh, hair fanned out over his joggers, and you don't want to disturb him (he's not quite as tactile as the others), so you stroke a curl from his cheek and offer him a cheeky smile. “Don't you have any ideas?” you ask. 
“About you, or the cat?” 
You laugh at his teasing. “Which one do you think?” 
Remus nudges you in the ribs. “Don't start. If we're keeping your cat, we need to go out, don't we? You'll have to go get dressed again.”
You give them all a glowing smile and clamber off of the sofa to find your shoes. 
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
Hello, author-san! How are you? Could I please request some angst for the poly!marauders, where R is someone full of tattoos or piercings but is smart, a sweetheart, golden retriever coded, and Lily is their friend. Lily knows about their infatuation with the boys. Being a great friend, Lily wants to set them up, but they're a bit uncertain about R because of their tattoos. Then one night, R overhears them talking in the common room with Lily and voices out their opinions regarding R, causing R to become insecure and try to hide it. You can continue however you like! Angst with a happy ending if it's okay! đŸ„ș
Thank you, author-san!
Thanks for requesting sweetheart! Sorry it took so long, hope this is okay! gn!reader x poly!marauders, pre-relationship
cw: prejudice associated with tattoos and piercings, swearing, angst to happy ending
1.8k words (oopsie)
It was like you could hear their words on repeat as you raced up the stairs. What hurt the most is that you knew that some people would judge, but you hadn’t expected it from them. 
“I just don’t know about 'em, Lils.” James winced. “Like they seem nice, but you know about people who choose to look at that
” He trailed off. 
“I’m sure they’re not all bad.” Sirius cut in, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. “But Prongs does have a point.”
“It’s just the impulsivity of it all.” Remus reasoned. “Like if you’re making rash choices like that, what else would you do.” 
That was when you left your hiding spot in the stairs and ran back to your dorm. You could hear Lily’s ‘I’m so fucking done with you being stupid’ voice as you trailed away, making you smile at the knowledge that you had such a good friend. 
But you had heard enough. They had clearly made their minds up about you. Besides, you knew your appearance was an
 acquired taste, to say the least, and you couldn’t expect them to be with someone they weren’t attracted to. You didn’t think you looked that odd, but maybe your perception was skewed. No matter whose perception was more accurate, they clearly didn’t particularly like you, and it was probably best to keep your distance for now, at least until they really got to know you. 
You knew that your appearance didn’t really match your personality. People often assumed you were rude, a slacker, confrontational, or even hateful. But the opposite was true in fact. You always made good marks, you were friends with loads of people, always trying to be as open as possible. And yeah, some people were intimidated at first, but they usually warmed up very quickly. 
Apparently those three, the three you wanted the approval of the most, had not been as warm about you as you thought. 
You crawled into bed and curled into yourself, trying to get a few hours of sleep before breakfast. 
James yawned loudly, blinking his eyes rapidly to get rid of the sleepy, fuzzy film coating them. Him and his boyfriends had been up all night, getting lectured literally until the sun came up. 
He had to admit, it was for the best. All three boys had gone to bed, feeling thoroughly corrected. Even slipping into shame. 
“What the hell is wrong with you three?” Lily whisper-yelled. “James, you are the LAST person to say anything about appearances. Remember when I had to go around convincing people you hadn’t become mean after your growth spurt in fourth year? Just because you were big and scary and you hadn’t realized how you were coming across?” She scolded, before turning her head to the mouse-haired boy sitting by the fire. “And you,” She seethed. “You have no clue if her choices were ‘rash’ or not. I’ve heard plenty of rumors about your appearance, people saying similar things about you. About your ‘aggression’ just because they don’t know what’s going on with you.” She snapped her head over to Sirius, her fiery hair flipping around from the movement. “And Sirius, you’re just overcompensating because you’re jealous! You’re not fooling anyone, you would look like that in an instant if you could. You’re just too scared to do it.”
Sirius played with his thumbs, not able to dispute the accusations. None of the boys could actually. Lily could tell, she was satisfied with her work. 
“I love you three buggers,” She pressed a friendly kiss to each of their cheeks as she stormed upstairs. “You just need to stop being such idiots.” 
Sirius didn’t think anyone could change personalities that fast, but it seemed all three boys had woken up different people. That morning they had all just nodded to each other, acknowledging that their opinions were very different than they had been 24 hours ago and all walked shamefacedly down to breakfast. Sirius kept pushing his eggs around his plate, too busy staring at you to take a bite. You looked a lot different today. Your hair was ruffled in front of your face, hiding the metal glinting on your nose and eyebrow. You also had long sleeves and pants on, covering the ink detailing your skin. You still hadn’t waved at them, or even acknowledged the boys’ existence. Usually, you would be bouncing over to them, talking about the weather or whatever was on your mind at the moment. Sirius missed it if he was honest with himself. He was disappointed, he had been excited to show you his outfit. He crafted it with you in mind, teasing his hair up extra and being a bit more outlandish with his top, even stealing Marlene’s varnish to paint his nails. 
Remus missed your interest in the latest book he had read. You always had so many interesting questions and you listened so intently. He missed how you played with the hoop in your septum as you nodded along to his plot summaries. You were always so patient and careful, it made his heart crack. 
James was equally distraught. He had always prided himself on being open and friends with everyone, and he had considered you his friend, which just made him feel worse. He knew that stereotyping people never led to anything good, especially when someone's personality was completely ignored and replaced with caricature. Yes, you did look intimidating, but he actually liked it. It accentuated how soft your personality actually was. You were like a big dog that everyone was terrified of, but in reality was scared of butterflies and just wanted to love everyone. He laughed sadly, catching the other two boys' attention as he stared longingly at you. All he wanted to do was go over there, but you were completely ignoring them, so he figured it was best to just not bother you and continue on with his breakfast. 
You were being equally as forlorn, continually sneaking glances over at the boys. They looked quiet and tired, but no less handsome. You felt sick, moving to leave your breakfast and all but run to the library. You needed to study anyway, you had become so infatuated that you were ignoring your classes. You had barely made it down the corridor before you heard three sets of panicked footsteps, quickly catching up to you. You tried to walk faster, but unfortunately Remus had very long legs and he briskly made it in front of you, trapping you in. He was looking flushed, amber eyes focusing on you way too much for comfort. 
“Y/N,” He sounded out of breath. You fixed your face down and back, away from their gaze. You stopping had allowed the other two the opportunity to catch up, and soon you were face-to-face with all three of the people who apparently disliked you, but to your dismay, you were still completely attached to. 
“You guys okay?” You asked, as kindly as ever but far quieter than they were used to. 
“We’re fine, lovely.” James said, confused. “Are you okay?”
“I’m good.” You muttered, shifting your feet. 
“Babe,” Sirius scoffed. Your heart jumped at the honorific, but you quickly scolded yourself. Sirius just called everyone that. You had heard what he, what all three of them had said last night. “You ran from there like bat outta’ hell.” He said like you were being ridiculous.
“And you haven’t spoken to us all day.” Remus cut in before you could respond. 
“It’s only seven.” You mumbled.
“Still odd.” James quipped, moving ever so slightly closer to you. “You’re not okay.” He said, with enough finality that you gave up the act all together. They really weren’t going to make this easy on you. They said all those things last night, but they were still going to put you through the misery of having to listen to them say all those things directly to you. 
You sighed dejectedly, starting to pick your nails. “Look okay,” You tore the words from the back of your throat. “I know that you don’t like me or don’t think I’m nice or whatever. You don’t have to talk to me, it’s okay.” You did your best to give them a reassuring smile, even managing for water to stay out of your eyes, but their expressions didn’t make it easy. Sirius cursed and pinched the bridge of his nose, James looked like a kicked puppy, and Remus was hiding his eyes from you. You started to walk away, but you were blocked in.
“Shit, you heard last night?” Sirius winced. You nodded painfully, looking back down at your shoes. The silent tension was so thick you felt it suffocating you. James was the first to do anything, wordlessly striding over to pull you into a bone-crushing hug. You stumbled from the shock, easing into him accidentally, but you made no moves to tense away. You limply wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“I’m so sorry, angel.” He said, panicked. “I was so stupid, I- I never should’ve said it I don’t know what I was even thinking.” He pulled you tighter to him, enough that you were worried of your feet leaving the ground. 
“I’m sorry too.” Sirius said, much more morosely than usual. “Never should’ve said those things, and you never should've heard it either.” 
“We’re all sorry.” Remus said firmly. “We all know better, we should’ve known not to think that way. It’s awfully closed-minded. You’re our friend, we should’ve acted like it.” 
“It’s okay.” You squeezed out. 
“No.” Sirius said sharply. “It’s not okay. I don’t know if you heard what Lily said back, but she pointed out a lot of things, and I can promise that we don’t think that way anymore.” 
“Please, please forgive us, baby. We were so wrong. You’re so kind and smart and funny and gorgeous an-” James was rambling on and on. 
“Jamie, it’s okay. I know you’re sorry.” You giggled at his panicked tone. “Can you uh- you’re kinda crushing me.” 
“Shit! Sorry.” He released you quickly, but not before slicking your hair out of your face. You just laughed, feeling ten times lighter. 
“We’re okay.” You reassured. “I forgive you all, it hurt, but it seems like you are all beating yourselves up enough.”
“Jus’ feel bad.” Remus grabbed you unexpectedly, tugging you into his arms. He wasn’t squeezing you like James, but rather greedily absorbing your touch. This felt like a big deal, you almost never saw Remus hold anyone. 
“Don’t feel bad.” You pleaded. “Everything’s fine now.” You rubbed his back in a way you hoped was soothing. You felt him relax in your arms. 
“Okay stop hogging them.” Sirius tugged Remus out of the way, making him grunt in dissatisfaction. (You pretended to not notice the sneaky kiss Sirius pressed to the taller boy’s knuckles.) “It’s my turn.” He grabbed you with loving aggression. 
“I wasn’t hogging.” Remus quipped. 
“Yeah, you were.” Sirius sassed. “Besides, I was the biggest idiot. I need to give the biggest cwtch.” His reasoning was flawed, but you settled into him nonetheless. 
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slaybestieslay946 · 5 months
luke castellan x fem!reader in the future as parents đŸ„ș
omg i love this idea sm!
word count: 700
pairing: Luke Castellan x reader
warnings: None!
Saturday mornings in the Castellan household were hectic to say the least. But that wasn’t surprising, considering the fact you had a house of two kids, a dog, and an adorably idiotic husband. 
And while you usually loved it, sometimes it could be pretty exhausting.
“Babe?” You called out, striding through the house, a pram in one hand and a packed lunch in the other. 
“Yeah, in here honey!” Luke replied from the living room, laughing slightly at something. 
You walked in to see him sat on the couch, bouncing your baby daughter on his knee while the girl laughed with glee. 
Normally, you’d sit down beside him to coo at your daughter and all her little facial expressions. But this morning you had things to attend to, such as laundry, taking your son to soccer practice, grocery shopping. You didn’t have time for distractions. 
“Did you wake up James this morning?” 
“I thought you were doing it, and I was handling Violet?” He replied, perplexed. 
“No,” You sighed, exasperated. “That was last week. You’re on wake up duty, remember?” 
It was then that it appeared to click in his head, and he quickly returned the girl back to her cot, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before rushing out the room, calling out frantic apologies to you on the way. 
You’d been late to James’ soccer practice because of it, and he’s missed out on collecting his player of the match award. He’d been understandably upset, and it had caused some tension in the house for the past week. 
You weren’t angry with Luke per se. Irritated was probably more accurate. He’d apologised profusely to both you and James, and the boy had gotten over it when his dad took him out for pancakes the next day. 
As for you, he hadn’t yet delivered his grand gesture to atone, so you were still waiting on that. One thing you did love about your husband, is that he always made it up to you, no matter what mistake he made. 
And make it up, he did. 
The next Saturday you woke up without the usual ring of your alarm, and instead you found yourself waking naturally out of a lazy dream. The morning sun cast its rays over your face, warming you slightly as you smiled, rolling over to face your husband. Except he wasn’t there. 
Immediately you were confused, sitting up in bed and glancing at the clock. It was 10 o’clock. You were so late. 
You cursed quietly, practically leaping out of bed and pulling on the nearest pair of trousers you could find. 
You were in such a frantic state that you didn’t even notice Luke entering the room until he called out to you. 
“Honey, please, get back into bed.” 
“What! We’re late! Oh god, James is gonna be so upset, he’s missed all of soccer!” You exclaimed, turning to face him, only to see him holding a tray full of food. 
“What’s that?” 
“Breakfast. Please, just get back in bed, I’ll explain.” He said, a sheepish smile on his face as he herded you back into bed. 
You followed, willing to hear him out, especially when he was offering you pastries and coffee. 
“Is everything-?” 
“It’s all sorted,” He said, cutting you off, “I took James to soccer, and then he’s going to Leon’s for a playdate. I’m really sorry for last week, you let me get away with so much, and you work so hard, so I thought I’d let you have a lie in, and bring you breakfast.” 
You were speechless, staring directly into his chocolate brown eyes. 
“Are you happy? Sorry for not telling you, I wanted it to be a nice surprise.” 
Then you snapped out of your daze, grabbing his face and kissing him hard, before pulling back to giggle at his blushing face. Sometimes he was still like the awkward teen you had met all those years ago. 
“It was a great surprise. I really appreciate it.” 
You grabbed a croissant from the tray, and quickly began to sate you hunger, grinning the whole time as you tried to figure how you managed to get so lucky to call this man your husband, the father of your children. 
It really was perfect. 
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prongsiehoney · 1 year
Some James Potter boyfriend headcanons because I need to đŸ„°
Warnings: mentions of food and hints of smut.
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‱ the sweetest boy ever đŸ„°đŸ„ș
‱ he just wants to love and to be loved
‱ will go WAY over his way to help everyone he cares about<3
‱ loves neck kisses although he hates how fast they turn him on
‱ my man WHIMPERS
‱ you can't tell me otherwise
‱ biggest supporter about everything you decide or pursue, he's just like that
‱ loves to cook for you <3
‱ Sirius and Remus are one of the most important people in his life, and at the beginning of your relationship Sirius told him you were splitting their little group bc James spent all his free time with you nowadays.
‱ he got mad at first
‱ but after finding the marauders map covered in dust, he realized Sirius was right:(
‱ he kept finding excuses for you three to hang out together. Fortunately, with time you became really great friends and Sirius didn't hate you anymore for stealing his Prongsie<3
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sashaisready · 7 months
Chapter Thirteen - You’re finally awake
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again
Warning: I’m sorry đŸ„ș
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 14
Series Masterlist
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Bucky pulls out of you and flops back onto the pillows as he catches his breath. You’re still half collapsed in front of him, the cool organic cotton of the sheet against your face grounding you and bringing you back down to earth.
You can feel his spend leaking from you, seeping down your inner thigh. He gets impatient with your recovery and grabs your waist like a ragdoll, pulling you upright against him. You sigh contentedly as two thick fingers grip your chin, turning you to face him. He carefully moves a strand hair out of your face as he studies you. He notices the flush of your cheeks, the faint layer of perspiration, the heavy breathing. Happiness and satisfaction rises within him.
“Still with me, Doll?” he whispers.
You nod weakly . “Just need a second
You turn and get to your feet but a metal hand clamps around your arm and pulls you back down into the bed with a thump. You roll your eyes as you bounce off the mattress.
“Bucky, I need the
“Not yet” he barks and wraps his arms around you protectively, kissing your crown. You’re locked in his embrace, your back against his chest and his arms across your torso. You lean back into him, letting him kiss your neck. You’re not a big post-coital cuddler normally but can’t deny it feels nice.
You both sit like that for a little while and you feel your eyelids grow heavy as sleep catches up with you. You don’t really want to fall asleep sitting upright covered in his release, so tap two of your fingers on his hand and try to move forward to show your intentions. He grunts with dissatisfaction but begrudgingly releases you, and you patter over to the ensuite bathroom to go pee and clean yourself up.
Of course the bathroom is enormous, you’ve seen Brooklyn apartments smaller than this. Everything is sleek and marble, with a deep copper bathtub to your left. You briefly wonder if you’d have time to try it out tomorrow, but aren’t sure if Bucky is a wham-bam thank-you-ma’am type likely to kick you out on your ass before his morning coffee. Only one way to find out

After finishing up you venture back into the room. You can hear Bucky before you see him, the sound of gentle snoring filling the space and you know he’s no longer in the land of the living. As you get nearer to the bed you see him curled up under the sheets on his side facing away from you. You can’t resist leaning over and stealing a peek. The big, bad mob boss looks like an angel while he sleeps and you revel in this rare moment of vulnerability, unable to stop yourself moving a loose strand of hair back behind his ear. You stroke his cheek, feeling the stubble rough against your finger, before gifting him a light kiss on the forehead. The affection you feel for him is almost overwhelming.
You settle down on your side salvaging as much of the sheets as you can (of course Bucky is a bedspread hog). The bed is luxurious and soft, like sleeping on a marshmallow. It’s not long before you feel yourself drift off. But then the weight in the bed shifts and he’s awake again and rolling over to you right as you’re dropping off to sleep.
” he whispers in your ear.
What?” you reply sharply, annoyed at having your soon-to-be sleep disturbed. Your eyes stay closed. He wore you out, you're an empty husk!
“How about that date then, huh?”
“Now? Buck, I am barely conscious
” you groan.
“No idiot
next week. When are you free? Wednesday night?”
“Don’t call me an idiot
” you mumble into the pillow.
“Don’t act like one, then. Wednesday?”
“Okay, Wednesday” you surrender.
“We won’t do Gambinos. I know a cute little bistro near your place”.
“Sounds perfect. If I say yes will you let me sleep?”
“Then yes. I’ll be there with bells on” you tease.
“Good” he whispers with satisfaction.
You reach behind yourself to clutch his face and affectionately ruffle his hair. Then you wriggle into a comfier position, scooping your hand under your pillow as you settle on your side. It’s fruitless as Bucky wraps himself around you from behind, pulling your head into his chest and lifting his leg to rest over yours possessively. You’re practically pinned underneath him.
” you whine impatiently.
“C’mon, it’s like a million degrees like this
“Sorry my bed, my rules. Besides, if there are any monsters under the bed they’ll get me first. I’m helping you out”.
“You’re rich but can’t afford a monster-less bed?” you snap grumpily.
He laughs and kisses your shoulder. You finally relent, your hand running along his and pliantly allow him to hold you any way he wants as you both drift off.
The next morning you have a tiny moment of panic when you wake up in a strange bed and don’t recognise your surroundings, how much did you drink at the club exactly?
But then you remember.
Bucky. The club. The alley. The office. The car
coming here.
You smile to yourself as you remember what unfolded; the feeling of Bucky’s lips against yours, his expert hands playing your body as if they already knew the song, the euphoria of your orgasm
You turn on your side to face him, suddenly desperate to cuddle up with him and touch him. You were somewhat prickly last night, not a natural cuddler any way and someone who has relished the luxury of sleeping in a bed by herself for years
but you craved his touch now you were no longer sleep deprived.
But he was gone from his side, the space he’d left was cool. Your eyes flicked to the bathroom but the door was wide open and you could see it was empty. 
No sign of him.
You wondered where he was as you found your purse on the floor and dug out your phone. No notifications, it was 10.34am. You used the bathroom and washed your face, catching yourself grinning in the mirror. You couldn’t believe you’d finally slept with Bucky, it had been everything you wanted and more.
You slipped back under the sheets and wondered if you should call his phone rather than wander around the house looking for him
you were still naked and God only knows which of his men you’d bump into.
Just as you pondered your next move, the door whipped open and he came striding in. Already dressed in a three piece suit, hair perfectly teased and looking like he’d been awake for hours. His handsomeness still caught you off guard when you saw him. You beamed at him.
“Morning gorgeo-” you started but he cut you off.
“You’re finally awake” he said, his voice monotonous. “I thought I was going to have to get a foghorn”.
You flinched at the hardness in his tone.
“I’m sorry, it’s just we went to sleep late and..” You found yourself babbling.
Something seemed to have shifted with him, he was tense, tetchy, short. Wanda would say he was giving off a bad energy. He seemed almost a different person from last night.
“Do you have all your stuff?” he asked impatiently. “Sorry to be a dick, but I have a lot of work to do today”. He looked at you expectantly.
“Oh!” you uttered in surprise, suddenly embarrassed at your nudity and holding the sheet close to your chest. “Uh...I’m sorry
one moment
You turned away from him as you wriggled back into yesterday’s underwear and dress. It felt silly to be shy in front of him after last night but he was being so
and it made you felt self-conscious in the cold light of day. He cleared his throat uncomfortably as you got dressed. You found your shoes and your purse and headed to the door.
He hovered his hand over your back as he walked you downstairs but it felt awkward and chaste, a stark contrast to his protective grip on your waist from last night. You passed several of his men who gave you acknowledging looks as you walked through the house. It suddenly hit you that you were one of many they must see do this walk of shame, all blurring into one faceless woman.
Sam gave you a warm smile and a wave as he passed you at the front door and attentively asked how you were. You nodded back at him and felt a pang of hurt that Sam was being nicer to you than Bucky was.
Bucky ushered you outside. “Nobody has time to drive you home. I’ll get you a cab” he said bluntly, tapping on his phone as he opened Uber.
You stood in silence at the entrance to the house, your eyes welling with tears. What had changed in the last few hours? Had you done something wrong?
“So I’ll see you on Wednesday night?” you ventured. “Looking forward to trying out that Bistro”.
Bucky grimaced without looking up from his phone. “Uh
sorry, might need a rain check for Wednesday. Just so much going on, y’know? Sorry babe. Another time”.
Babe? Since when did he call you babe?
You just nodded pathetically.
“Should be here in a few minutes” he told you as he slid his phone back into his pocket.
You nodded again.
“Sorry we didn’t have time for breakfast. I thought you’d be up before now” he sighed.
You felt a ripple of mortification as you imagined him irritated, pacing the house and waiting for you to get up while you snored away obliviously. So much for trying out that bath tub.
He reached into his wallet and pulled out a fresh bill.
“Get yourself a coffee and some breakfast on me” he said, his voice deadpan as he handed you the money.
It was a fifty dollar bill.
You feel your face flush, hurt bubbled up within and you could feel it boiling into anger in real time.
“Please don’t try to give me money after you fuck me and kick me out your house” you snarl through gritted teeth as you bat his hand away.
“Excuse me
?” he replies incredulously.
“I get it. You were all sweetness and light last night and now you’ve got it out of your system and seen me naked you don’t need to be nice anymore. But don’t offer me money” you mutter.
Bucky scoffed, his Brooklyn drawl suddenly thicker. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
“I’m a piece of work?” you snap.
“Yeah, you. Last night you practically tell me to fuck off so you could sleep as far away as you can and now you’re annoyed I can’t spend my entire workday waiting for you to get out of bed?”
You turn to him, your eyes wide in anger. “I was just tired, Bucky! I wanted to sleep. It was nothing to do with you! And if I remember rightly I fell asleep in your fuckin’ arms in the end so how does that work?”
“Don’t brush me off and then get annoyed when I don’t roll out the red carpet treatment” he snaps. “I’ve got other stuff to do”.
“You know what? Fuck your Uber, I’ll get my own” you storm off towards the gate as you suppress your tears.
“Thank-you for the kind hospitality, James!” you snipe back at him as you barge past the guards and out onto the street.
Bucky scoffs as he stands alone on his porch, sighing to himself.
When Bucky woke up this morning it was a bit after 8am. The sun was pouring in through the blinds but you hadn’t risen yet. Sometime in the night you’d rolled away from him and were back on your side at the edge of the bed, snoring lightly. He smiled at your sleeping form, then reached out and ran a finger along your exposed back. You were so lost in sleep that you didn’t even stir.
He wanted to reach out and pull you to him. He was so delighted that he’d finally got to this point with you. It had been weeks if not months of foreplay in the bakery and he’d dreamed of this moment for so long. Then there was the whole business with the tailing you which he can admit he fucked up
and the date, and he’d been so hurt. You had your revenge. But then you fell into his lap again at the club and it felt like fate. He’d been so angry when he’d seen that creep forcing himself on you at the bar, all he wanted to do was protect you and keep you safe. Show you who you should be with. Your lips on his in the upstairs office were like a fantasy coming true.
And then back at the house. Fuck, he’d never experienced anything quite like it. You were so beautiful and he’d never felt chemistry quite so intensely or innately before, he never wanted it to end. It was easily the best sex of his life. He’d become tired with the conveyer belt of girls he met at the club. They were nice, pretty of course, but aside from the fleeting pleasure it had become
boring. Uninspired. Generic.
Not like you. You who challenged him, who made him laugh, who had kissed his scars and caressed his prosthetic and told him he was beautiful. He wanted to hold you and never let you go. He often thought about the mischievous look you’d get in your eye when you were about to tease him. Now he would think about your face as you came, biting down on your lip as your eyes squeezed shut. You had him eating out the palm of your hand.
But a doubt niggled away at him. Last night after you went to sleep you seemed exasperated with him, brushing him off and putting physical space between the two of you. You were probably just tired and not a big hugger – nothing wrong with that. But part of him worried he’d overplayed his hand. Maybe you weren’t as into him as he was to you, maybe you just wanted to go home with someone last night and he just happened to be there.
Bucky Barnes always called the shots. He was always the one in control. He was rarely on the other side of that, and he didn’t like it one bit on the few occasions he found himself there. It’s how he got to the top.
Besides, the truth was that his feelings for you scared him. Despite how good they made him feel, they also made him feel weak, and he didn’t like weak. Didn’t do weak.
He also knew that his world wasn’t your world, he didn’t want to taint your life with the edges of violence and corruption. Deep down, somewhere, he knew he probably didn’t deserve you.
Maybe it would be best if he pulled back a bit, took back control from you and readdressed that balance. Remind you who is calling the shots here.
So he had been cold to you. And it was so hard at first, especially when he saw your big smile as he came back in, your face framed by the morning sun, happiness pouring out of you at the mere sight of him. 
He wasn’t worthy of that smile.
And so he continued, treating you like he would any girl from the club and throwing you out. It wasn’t that hard to tap into that part of him as he’d done it hundreds of times before, it was just muscle memory at this point.
But your face. His heart had ached when he saw the hurt in your expression, your utter disappointment in him. Your eyes wide and wounded. He wanted so badly to take it back, to tell you he’d made a mistake, tell you he wanted to spend the day in bed with you holding you hostage with intense orgasms. That he loved being with you, and that life seemed better when you were around.
Still, it was for the best.
That’s what he told himself, anyway.
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once-upon-an-imagine · 1 year
Hi, I hope ur doing well bc I rlly love ur writingđŸ„șanyway can u do a sweet boyfriend James scenario with a reader who’s been avoiding him because she suddenly broke out on her cheek and is self conscious about it😭I literally have the worst skin in the winter and I’m trying so hard not to cry but my skin is so important to me😭😭😭😭like I’ve never felt uglier and I know breakouts are normal but stillđŸ„ș😭
Thank you so much for liking my writing, love! And I am so sorry! I totally get that and I hope you get well soon! I know how annoying skin things are! đŸ„ș sorry, this turned out to long for a dialogue so I made it a drabble, I hope you like it  😊 Warnings: reader feeling insecure about the breakouts on skin Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter 😊 gifs aren't mine 😁
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"Go away!" James heard on the other side of the door of your dorm.
"It's James" he tried again.
"I know! Please, go away!" he heard you again, feeling his heart shatter.
You always wanted to see him. He hadn't seen you all day. When you missed breakfast and he thought maybe you slept in and would be late. But you never came. If it wasn't because Remus forcing him to go to Potions, he would have gone straight to your dorm. You didn't come during first period. Or second period, making him worry. When he looked you on the Map, he saw you were still in your dorm and his worries lessened a little. He grew anxious because maybe you were sick. But none of your roommates had said anything to him, and they did whenever that was the case. He wanted to go look for you after Transfiguration was done but he had Quidditch practice and, being the captain with a match on Saturday, he couldn't really skip it. He hated it when he didn't see you there, waiting for him to go to lunch, as you always did. So, here he was with a basket full of food, waiting for you to open the door.
"Princess, you weren't at breakfast, or classes, or lunch" he insisted. "I'm starting to get worried. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Jamie, please just... go to lunch!"
"I'm not gonna go without you, love. What is going on?"
"Nothing! I'm just not feeling well!"
"But... I haven't seen you all day!" he whined. "Sweetheart, please just open the door. You know I'm not going to stop worrying until I see that you're okay" he told you.
You knew he was right. He wasn't going to leave until he saw you. You grabbed your wand and pointed it at the door so it would slightly open, but you remained on your bed underneath your blankets and comforters. James slowly entered your dorm and you could hear his footsteps approaching you until you felt a weight sitting at the end of your bed.
"You've seen me, Potter. Now you can go away" you mumbled, grumpily.
"No, what I see is my beautiful girlfriend wrapped in a cocoon of blankets" he said, trying to remove some from you but you pulled them tightly. "Love, what's going on? Do you have a fever? Do you need me to take you to Madam Pomfrey-?"
"No!" you quickly replied.
"Okay, fine. I guess, I'll just... eat all of these brownies by myself then" he said, grabbing the picnic basket and placing it on your bed. You slowly peeked a little from your blankets and James could only see your eyes, looking back at him. "Oh, there she is. There's my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled, trying to pull you to him but you pushed him away.
"I'm not beautiful today" you mumbled.
"Honey, what are you talking about? You're always beautiful!"
"No, not today! I have been really stressed because of exams and my period is coming next week and my stupid face decided to have a stupid breakout and I look horrible!" you said, pulling your blankets closer to you again and resuming your original position, away from James.
"Princess" he said, feeling his heart breaking a little at the pain in your voice. "Is that why you stayed here today?"
"Yes! I look like a troll!"
"Sweetheart, I seriously doubt that's true" James said, with a small chuckle.
"Easy for you to say! I bet there's not one day in your life when you haven't looked perfect!" you replied.
"What are you talking about? I don't look perfect!"
"James, I have seen you naked. You always look perfect!" you insisted.
"Oh, if you want to play that game, I have also seen you naked, my love, and if any one of us is perfect, it's you" he said, lying down next to you but you still didn't budge. "Fine, if you're not coming out, I guess I have to come in" he said.
"What-?" before you could continue, you felt the blankets around you fly away before it quickly placed James underneath them again. There was no way out now. Your boyfriend was facing you with the most enamored look on his face you had ever seen.
"Hello, gorgeous" he smiled goofily at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and you quickly buried your face in his chest, feeling tears in your eyes. "Hey, what's this for?" he said, stroking your back with his hands.
"I look h-hideous, Jamie" you said between sobs.
"Sweetheart, I know that you may feel that way because you don't feel comfortable right now, but I promise you could never look hideous" he insisted.
"Y-you have to say that because you're m-my boyfriend" you said, still not looking up at him.
"No, I say that because it's the truth" he said, kissing your temple. "Could you please let me look at you? I haven't seen you all day. You have been really mean to me" he pouted.
"I'm sorry" you murmured, still looking down.
"It's okay" he said, gently cupping your cheek and making you finally look up at him. "There's my beautiful girlfriend" he said, leaning down to give you a soft kiss on the lips and making the tiniest smile appear on your face.
"You're a dork" you said, trying not to laugh.
"I know, I have the thick ugly glasses to prove it and my dorky hair that goes everywhere" he told you, making you glare at him.
"I love your dorky glasses and your messy hair" you pouted, running a hand through his messy locks.
"See? So how come you don't believe me when I say you still look beautiful?"
"It's not the same thing!" you insisted.
"It's the exact same thing, love" he said, kissing you again. "Does it hurt?" he asked, his expression turning worried and you felt yourself smiling even brighter at him.
"A little" you told him. "It's more uncomfortable than painful" you assured him. "But I already took some meds so it should be gone in a few days" you instructed him.
"Wait a minute, were you planning on avoiding me FOR DAYS?!" he said, dramatically with a hurt look on his face.
"No" you assured him. "I was hoping that they wouldn't look as bad tomorrow" you said.
"Well, that is still just cruel, love!" he said, pulling you closer to him and peppering your face with kisses.
"Jamie!" you complained, giggling as he kissed you once more. "I believed you mentioned some brownies?"
"Is that all I am to you? Your brownie dispenser?"
"Of course, not!" you said, kissing him again. "You're also my personal teddy bear that I can cuddle any time I want" you said, laughing a little.
"You're lucky I love you" he said, sitting up, making the blankets into a fort above the two of you before he grabbed the picnic basket.
"I really am" you said, sitting up next to him and kissing his cheek. "I love you too" you said, as he kissed your temple.
The End
A/N: hope you liked it, loves :)
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504-505 spoilers + theories
I hate that the wack ass theory about James and Charles being the same person might be true because one, it's so poorly written and two, it's so POORLY written.
I would LOVE to see a DG vs. Gun if the theory turns out to be fake that is. Or maybe James was on Charles side all along and will betray Yujin. Also, what did he mean by "I could lose"? Is Gun stronger than James Lee now?
I kinda feel like Chairman Hong isn't completely on Yujin's side because why was he asking who Gun was? Shouldn't he know that already, even Heather's mom knew, plus Daniel told him once too.
Crystal's no longer in contact with her trash daddy, I wanna see what happened behind the scenes she seemed to be on good terms with James and Gun. This still doesn't explain why Charles is doing what he is doing, like yeah his stocks will go to Gun and everything, but what was the main motive for all of this?
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Daniel you dumb, dumb bitch. Really pulled the " This isn't like youđŸ„ș" on Gun's money hungry ass.
Gun's character really is complex it's hard to tell what's going on in his head. He genuinely does not seem to be that interested in living AT ALL. Even in the earlier episodes, he seemed to be okay with dying calling it "fate," like what 15-16 year old thinks like that. It's like he has no proper reason to be alive. Pretty sure this will eventually link up to his past and his father.
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Not him trying to kiss up to Gun and Gun actually buying it.
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Their dynamic lowkey reminds me of siblings, danny obviously being the dumb younger one.
How did he even manage to get that massive fish there in the first place? Can you imagine going about your day and seeing some guy just carrying a giant tuna to a junkyard?
Jumpscare! Wtf!
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I feel like for someone who was trained by Gun, Daniel went out too easy.
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Foul! I feel bad for Kenta, but he was also part of the Yakuza and IDOLIZED two of the worst people.
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I feel like this is not even a fraction of his strength, which is wild considering what big danny did to him in the abandoned school.
Like when did he even land the second hit?đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
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Not him mistaking oldface for a grandpa💀
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Did they not see his ass jump up there? Imagine going home late at night, you hear a noise, and you look up to see this.
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Starting to think PTJ has an obsession with undressing Gun because when did he even remove his shirt?
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Yeaaaa, get his ass. đŸ„ł
Big Danny better hurry his ass up and join them.
I don't see the rest of the Allied members, meaning there's still more to the plan. The real red paper is probably already hidden away. They could easily hide it in a location where no one would suspect it,like in the back of the van Danny came in.
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post so I would like to request for James Potter, please :)
What about james having a crush on shy! reader so he starts sending her flowers, chocolates, etc. as a secret admirer. Thank you lovely writer 💙
Hiii, thank u so much for this cute request!!! I hope you like it đŸ„°(1.9k) sorry for completing it so lateđŸ„ș
James doesn't even know how exactly has his crush started.
It was maybe the cute little smiles, you always gave him in the hallways. Or maybe the red cheeks, you had whenever, he got caught staring at you by you during the classes.
And It only got worse, when you two got paired up for the potions class. He remembers your wide eyes and slightly opened mouth, when the teacher called out your two names. It was a completely contrast to James's big grin.
You actually didn't mind James, not at all. It was just that, you had a crush on him, too. You thought he was funny and nice.
But given your shy persona, you didn't talk much to James, well only about the potions class assignments. You just quietly worked with him, laughing shyly at his stupid jokes. Giggling, when his potions turned out completely different. You also learned, that James had the power to make you flustered in a matter of seconds, cheeks burning at his flirty words.
James was down bad for you, his crush got like 10 times bigger since then. So he wanted to do something about it and ask you out.
And he tried, more than once. But you somehow were never alone or when you were, you always dissappeared before he got the chance.
Today his maybe fifth attempt went to shit, too. James sulkily sits in the common room, frowning at the wall.
"Moony, I can't do this anymore, let's just put the invisible cloak over him" Sirius groans, looking at the miserable James.
"Leave him alone, Pads" Remus argues, looking worriedly at James, "do you want to tell us what happened?"
"Just the usual.." he whispers angrily, he isn't angry at you, he could never,  he's just angry at himself for still trying over over again, when it's clear, the feelings aren't mutual, "she just dissappeared, before I even got a chance."
"Maybe she just really needed to leave...?" Remus is trying to be nice, James knows it.
"Right." James sighs in defeat.
Remus glares at Sirius to say something supportive, too.
"C'mon James, you know she likes you-" Sirius starts, but James cuts him off almost immediately.
"How can you be so sure? She literally keeps avoiding me! " he huffs out.
"Lily told you, she is sure y/n likes you and she is kind of friends with her, so it must be true!" Sirius says and Remus nods his head, " Yeah, James."
"Whatever, it doesn't matter if she keeps avoiding me, does it? It's probably not true anyways. I give up."
"Nope nah ah,"Remus isn't going to let you two blind idiots just miss the chance you have, " we are going to figure something out and then you can thank me at your wedding speech, alright mate?"
So that's how they get the idea of a secret admirer. James is pretty much desperate, so he takes anything.
The first gift appears in front of your room 2 days later. It's just normal morning, until there's a loud squeal from your roommate at the door.
You quickly run there, worried she got hurt, " what? What happened?"
"Look!" she hands you a big box with a small bow on top of it.
"What's this?" you ask her, shaking the box a little.
"I don't know, I just opened the door and found it laying on the floor, your name is written on it" she says, " go on, open it!"
So you do. You slowly untie the bow and open the lid. Your eyes go wide as soon as you see what's inside. There at the bottom of the box lays a book. But not just any book, it's the book, you'd wanted to buy it for weeks, but it was sold out everywhere.
"W-what? How..? Did you do this" you ask your friend, astonished.
"I didn't," she swears, " look there's a card" she points at floor and picks it up.
Hope this makes that cute, pretty smile appear on your face.
Dear Y/N,
With love Your secret admirer.
She reads it outloud and squeals again, " Oh my god, this is so cute!! Y/N, do you know who's this from?" she beams at you.
"I-I don't " you shyly say, cheeks red from hearing what is written on the note. They get even redder, when the realisation, that you have secret admirer hits you.
You basically take the book everywhere with and when James sees it, he smiles proudly, happy to know you actually like it.
The gifts don't stop at the book. They also always come with the cheesy pick-up lines, that make you smile stupidly every time. You got so many gifts already, like your favourite sweets, flowers, another book, candles and more. They appear every second day in the morning.
And every single one of your roommates are now invested in it, too. And they are making it even worse than it already is. They even have a bet on who it is, but you don't think anybody's guess is right.
You have honestly no idea, who it is, too. You have thought of a few names, even James's, but dismissed them quickly.
You also tried to caught the person in act one night, but you fell asleep and when you woke up, it was there, as usual.
The gifts keep coming even after 2 weeks. Honestly, at first you thought it was very sweet and romantic, but right now, you can't help but to worry about how much money the person is spending on them.
So you start to pay more attention to people around you. You want to finally find out who the mystery person isy so they don't spend any mlre money on you. So far it's not going great.
The only thing you notice is James, his dreamy smiles and sweet eyes on you. But you are only half sure, that you aren't imagining that. Because there's just no way James Potter likes  you. I mean, he's James Potter and you... you are just shy, quiet you.
But you always find yourself thinking more and more about the possibility, that it really is him.
And now sitting next to him in the potions class is making it even worse. He is too handsome for his good and it's making you even shier than you already are.
You are looking everything else, but him to get the red away from your cheeks, praying for the class to end. And 5 minutes before the end is when you notice it.
His handwriting. It is exactly the same as the one on the notes. You are sure, because you've read the notes more than ones.
You gasp and your eyes go wide. James, of course, notices that.
"Is everything okay?" he questions with a small smile.
Before you can answer the class ends and you are thankful for it, because your mind is blank. You scramble to your feet and basically run out of the classroom.
You hear James call out your name, but you don't stop, not until you are at, what you think is a safe distance from him. But you are wrong. So wrong, because the distance is literally non existing. You didn't realise he ran after you.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?"he asks, worried eyes searching for yours.
"I-I....Did you follow me here?" you don't really mean for that to come out as rude as it does, " I mean, why did you follow me here?" you correct yourself.
"I wanted to know what happened, you looked a bit bewildered in the class. Did something happen? Was it the potion, I know I messed it up, I'm sor-"
"It's not about the potion" you cut him off.
"Well, did I do something ? You can tell me. You know, I won't min-"
You interrupt him again, " No, I mean yes....shit" you start off badly, " your handwriting."
"Is it that bad?" he asks seriously and you giggle, but stop, when you think about it again.
"I-I noticed it's the same, a-as the notes I've been getting with these gifts" you shyly say, eyes on the ground.
James doesn't know what to say, he and the boys haven't thought of what to say when you would find out and he is panicking. But you look like you might run again, so he confesses, " it's true, it's my handwriting."
"What?" you look up at him.
"Your secret admirer, it's me" he admits a bit embarrassed.
"R-really? This isn't...it's not a prank, is it?" you don't think it is, but you still can't really believe, that the secret admirer could be James and that he might like you.
"A prank? No no no, I swear. I know, I and the boys do a lot of stupid shit, but I promise you, this is definitely not a prank, sweetheart" he swiftly reassures you.
The nickname, that slips up from his lips, makes you feel dizzy, " o-okay, I believe you."
"Did you like them, the gifts?"
"I did, but why did you do it?" You sheepishly ask.
"You are really going to make me say it?"he chuckles and you just blush.
"I like you y/n, a lot. You are so sweet  and kind, you always help me fix my potions. I love it, that you laugh at my horrible jokes even if they are not funny," to confirm his words, you giggle.
"But why didn't you just say this to me? I don't want you to spend your money on some gifts for me" you frown.
"I tried, but you kept avoiding me. So I got desperate and the boys helped me come up with this, it was the best idea we got."
"Avoiding you?" you puzzle.
"Yeah, everytime I wanted to talk, you just dissappeared somewhere."
You know exactly, what he is talking about. But you didn't do it on purpose, you just have the habit to rather quickly dissappear than to make a fool of yourself in front of people, especially if it's a cute boy.
"I'm sorry, I promise I didn't do it on purpose" you hide you face into your hands from embarrassment. You are pretty sure, you are red as a tomato at this point.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay" James reassures you and walks closer to you.
You slowly pull your hands away from your face and smile shyly at him. James thinks he might explore if he doesn't ask you out right now.
"Would you like to go out with me ? You don't have to go if you don't want to, of course. I totally under-"
"I'd love to, 'c-cause I l-like you, too" you say it so quickly, that James almost doesn't register it, but he does.
"Yeah...." you say breathless.
"Great! I'll do my best to take you on the best date you'll ever have " James grins big at you, proud to know his (Remus's) plan worked "could I walk you to your room?"
You nod bashfully and start walking. James makes his mission to ask you every question, he can think of while he walks you to your room. You, as you sheepishly answer every one of his questions, think about how much you enjoy talking to him and it's not even your date yet.
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storyshark2005 · 20 days
snippet of the next chapter of ur carraville fic pleak đŸ„ș👉👈
(ask and you shall receive 💕 Excerpt below: Saturday morning! Teh lads are in the car (what beats car talk!Carraville???) on the way to Scholes Gym. Bonus: SHAKIRA!đŸŽ¶ )
“Shit—” Gary suddenly slips the clutch and the car lurches unhappily. “Sorry—” 
“You forget how to drive or something?!” Jamie jokes, shaking his head clear. 
“Just got distracted.” Gary coughs weakly, nodding in the direction of his phone. “Why don’t you put some music on.”
Music is good. Less chance of Jamie saying something nonsensical or stupid. 
“Okay right, what d’you fancy?” 
“I don’t care, whatever’s fine.” 
“Shakira?” Jamie jokes, and then searches for ‘Waka waka.’  The little tribal-y horns sound off, and the WA-KA! WA-KA chant. He sets Gary’s phone down in the cupholder and bobs his head in time. 
Gary snorts but Jamie can already see his fingers tapping the steering wheel in time with the bass drum. By the time the chorus comes around, they’re both laughing and singing the ‘waka, waka, eh! eh!’ bit out loud. The bits they can pronounce, anyways.
“What’s she saying?!” Gary asks. “The part right before she says, ‘This time for Africa’?”
“Not a clue, I make something up every time!” 
They crack up laughing, and Jamie gets a hand on Gary’s knee, which Gary can’t really do anything about on account he’s gotta have a hand on the wheel and one on the stick.
“Behave,” Gary murmurs, as if he disapproves. 
Jamie gives his knee a squeeze, right at the swell of his quad, and lets go. Whatever weirdness he’d felt earlier was quickly evaporating. Something to do, maybe, with the deft movement of Gary’s hand on the gear shift. Or the high morning sunlight filtering down through the tinted windows, casting him in a kind of overexposed splash of pink and sepia. Or the little smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
The stupid sunglasses, too. He looked good in those.
The music changes, nudged via algorithm back to Gary’s usual mix of U2, James, Oasis, and Springsteen. Jamie looks out the window for a while, and lets his mind drift. Thinking again of last night, of the deep part of the night when Gary had let him in close. 
It’s strange, probably, to be excited about something like this with Gary, after the week he’s had. There’s probably something wrong with him. Twenty-five years with Nicola ended overnight, and he doesn’t even feel that bad about it. A couple of nights out on the ale with Micah, a little cry, and what was left to do? Call a lawyer? Was that really it? 
“Is this really the first Salford game I’ve brought you to?” Gary asks suddenly, pulling Jamie from his thoughts.
Jamie thinks. “Yeah, except for that Class of ‘92 friendly youse put on a few years back.”
Gary laughs, “You had an absolute howler that game.” 
“Yeah,” Jamie admits. “It was the keeper’s fault, though!” 
It wasn’t, really.
Gary makes one of those high-pitched, amused little hums in the back of his throat. “I hope you bought him a beer afterwards. He deserved it, after such a shambolic performance from his defender.”
Jamie groans at the memory. “Even Phil was laughing at me!”
“Thank God those days are over, eh?” Gary sighs. “Honestly. If I don’t kick a ball again the rest of my life, I’ll be alright with it.” 
“You sure?” Jamie asks, on impulse, like a knee jerk. “Thought you might try and score tonight.”
The car slows to stop at a red light. Gary doesn’t answer, and Jamie thinks maybe he’s pushed too far again. 
It’s terrifying. Thrilling. Overnight the whole of their dynamic has shifted. It’s still the same basic material, still Gary and Jamie; but it’s a bit like someone had pulled the carpet up, given it a big shake, and laid it down again, this time with new wrinkles, a slightly different shape to it. 
The light turns green, and Gary shifts smoothly into drive, engine rumbling with a rough, sporty little growl to it. He looks unfairly cool in his stupid sunglasses, driving his luxury car. 
They turn off the main road. Gary slows the car, and suddenly they’re pulling into a compact, shady little carpark in front of the gym. It’s not nearly as big or grand as Jamie had expected. There’s a bus stop out front, and an uninterested teenager wearing earbuds slouching against the clear plastic shelter. 
Gary pulls around to the back, parks up against the building next to a slick black Mercedes SUV, and cuts the engine.  His arms sag. He throws his sunglasses up on the dash and runs his hands down his face. 
“Fuck,” he says. “You know, my whole fuckin' life, I’ve—” 
He stops, cutting himself off, staring through the windshield like the barrel of a gun.
Jamie doesn’t say anything. He thinks he could ruin it with the wrong words. 
He wants to tell him to forget the gym, to find a hotel. He wants to climb over the console and tolerate the dig of the steering wheel in his lower back. He wants his full weight settled on Gary’s lap, and most of all he wants to rip the sunglasses away and have all of Gary’s attention, every little micrometre of those big brown eyes focused solely on Jamie. Gary’s attention is a rare, flighty thing; constantly being torn at, pulled in every direction, and at any given moment, usually only a fraction of it is on Jamie. 
Suddenly, desperately, Jamie wants all of it. Now.
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 438 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God. It’s like every week, I get even more tired than the previous week. What has my life come to? I feel so dead inside.
Anyways, wooooo new chapter is here. Let’s goooooooo!!!
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“DiD yOu JuSt HiT a CoP ?” Yeah mf. Call it “injustice” or a “crime”, IDC. Daniel gon beat yo ass GTA style. đŸ˜€
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It’s ok Daniel, go get him!!!
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*h e a v y s i g h*
. . .
*stays in the bathroom for about 30 min*
I'M KIDDING... not really.
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BRUH EVEN DANIEL IS NAKED? AROUND GUN??? This is dangerous. 😭😭😭
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I def know what I want for Christmas this year... 👀
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Santa would definitely kill me in my sleep...
N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G !!!
(If you don't wanna see the inappropriate meme, just scroll past it.)
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God, my đŸ˜ș been quivering... What? I bet those of you who read Rendezvous would agree that you want him too. I'M LOOKING AT YOU!! READERS WHO'VE READ THOSE CHAPTERS ACTING LIKE YOU HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT IT, SMH. 👁👁 Don't lie.
Man, this is giving me mad inspiration to write again. Who knew that some steamy shower panels would bring me back to continue writing for that story? How ironic. 😅
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DAAAAAAAAMMMNNNNN DANIEL, BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE FANCY FIGHTING SPINS!!! Also, "I'm gonna get punished severely when I get back." 🧐 Is Gun gonna make you give him 🧠 or nah? Like what?
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Awwwww shit... Is this where I think this is going...? 😭
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Hey Alexa, play "Lose Yourself" by Eminem.
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OMG WAIT. HE DOESN'T LOOK THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHEN HE WENT CRAZY MODE IN HIS OTHER BODY!!! :O God, it's like the same demon possessed Daniel or something.
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OK DANIELLLLL!!! I SEE YOUUUUUU, KING!!!! đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘đŸœ
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Geez, I'm starting to feel bad for Jichang. Like, ok Daniel, I get it. Your fight with Jichang started because you're trying to find out more about Jinyoung and all that, but... y'all can't just... talk it out? 😅 "Civilized folks" style? No? Ok.
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Oh crap... that's not good. 😬
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SEE???? I CONCLUDED THIS LAST WEEK WITH MY OWN WORDS, BRUH. CALL ME A... G E N I U S. ✹ (Actually don't. I'm still a dumbass.)
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"Thanks. I almost died just now." 💀💀💀💀 Idk why I thought that line from Hudson was funny to me LMFAOOO. Just caught me off guard because I mostly see him being so serious all the time. Also, Jichang... don't underestimate Daniel lol. It'll be your downfall if you do.
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I stg. Almost every chapter, Daniel always gets even more attractive. 😍😍
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I always see people comment on how Daniel is turning more into Gun due to how he has improved in fighting as the story progresses. HOWEVER, I've never heard Daniel becoming James Lee before and I find that concept very interesting. I'm not sure if PTJ is leading Daniel towards that path of him becoming the new "James Lee", since he is a self-righteous character who seeks truth.
Even though I find this moment to be very cool, I worry that Daniel might create more enemies for himself and I hope he doesn't kill anyone then spiral into long-term guilt like James Lee.
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If any one mentions him in the shower, yk Imma be "showering" down there. 💩
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The correct answer is "Both".
They'd be amazing Calvin Klein models.
Anyways, BYE- đŸƒđŸœâ€â™€ïž
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
How would Princess handle a drunk Eddie?
Hiii babes!! Idk why this made me laugh and then go “awe” 😂🙈 but I hope you enjoy these conversations between a drunk Eddie and his Princess💖
-find all things Eddie and Princess here✹
-sorry one of these is super emo idk where it came fromđŸ„ș
*Eddie just wants..no NEEDS to tell you he loves you*
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“Hey baby
where are you?” “Honey I’m at home
are you still at the hideout?” “You’re at home? I gotta
I gotta get home then
you’re there and
I’m not.” “I’ll be here whenever you’re done having your little boys night out don’t worry.ïżœïżœ “I’m worried
I’m not a little boy?..rude.” “No honey I wasn’t calling you a little boy
never mind
are you having fun?” “I’m in the bathroom
Jeff is trying to get me to do a shot and I just want to go home
since you’re home.” “Oh honey
you’ll be home soon it’ll be okay
go enjoy your night with the boys.” “I love you
so much
like more than I’ve ever loved anyone ever.” “Really? That’s crazy because that’s almost as much as I love you.” “That’s it
I’m coming home
fuck this shit.” “No
honey just stay where you’re at and I’ll call Jeff okay? Tell him to stop making you do shots and to wrap the night up soon okay? How’s that sound?” “Sounds amazing
you’re amazing
.” “Thanks honey
now go back out there
I love you.” “Okay
I’m going
I love you too.”
is nice
I like this a lot.” “Yeah? Good
now wanna tell me what made you run off and get trashed on a Monday night?” “Shhhh
.don’t ruin my bath baby
I see why you take one of these everyday.” “Edward
” “i was worried
oh is this vanilla? Smells good
can you eat this?” “Worried about what honey?
yes it’s vanilla but no you can’t eat it
it’s a bar of soap.” “Worried I’m gonna disappoint you one day
don’t wanna do that.” “Why would you think you’d disappoint me?” “Dunno
I just
it’s too good to be true
I’m gonna fuck it up
always do.” “Honey
you’re not gonna mess this up
look at me okay?
I’m not going anywhere.” “You say that
” “I love you
and I need you
I’ll always be here.” “You need me?” “I do
you make me the happiest I’ve ever been.” “I love you too
you make me happy
that’s why I don’t wanna fuck it up.” “You won’t
now five more minutes then it’s time for bed okay?” “Okay
can I get more bubbles?”
“Who the fuck is that?” “Edward James!” “What? Who the fuck is that? Why is he looking at you?” “He’s not looking at me honey
he’s looking at you and he’s the bouncer.” “Bouncer? I’ll bounce his head off the floor if he looks over here one more time
ouch did you just pinch me?” “You’re being rude
no more whiskey for you
it turns you into an asshole.” “Sorry
but he started it
creepy ass Mr. Clean looking asshole
” “He is just making sure everything is okay
you’re very drunk honey.” “I am
not.” “Just drink your water honey
before you get all grumpy will you dance with me?” “You’re just taking advantage of
my current
situation.” “You’re absolutely correct..now chug the water and let’s go
I love this song.” “You’re so sweet
but also a little bit evil.” “Come on honey
I love you.” “Ohhh cheap shot baby
uhg fine
I love you too.”
166 notes · View notes
georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Victim of the Circumstance, Part 1
Summary: You were not looking for love. You had it, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to you. And it was taken away. Leaving you grieving with two kids. But you finally made it to Florida and the place he had always to retire to. Living on an orange grove when your precocious daughter befriends one of the construction workers. James Mace was not looking for love. And he definitely wasn’t looking for kids.
Pairings: James Mace X Reader
Rating: đŸ„ș
Warnings:  mentions of a character death, loss of a parent, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3.7K
Series Masterlist
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“Mommy,” your littlest love runs full force into your bed, her giggly little face squishing up against your back.  “Mommy!  It’s time to wake up, Benning has got to get to school,” for four years old, and someone that didn’t go to big kid school, she was the mother hen.  
“I tried waking him up, but he said he’s waiting on you.”
“I know, baby,” you groan, taking a quick peek at the alarm clock.  You had five more minutes to sleep.  But that child that was tapping on your back was the best way to wake up.
“I’m up.  I’m up, baby,” sitting up in the bed, you take a deep yawn, stretching.  Your sleepy eyes looking at your angel that required little to no sleep.  “You want to grab some orange juice from Miss Hazel and Harley?” 
“Harley is asleep,” she crawls onto your bed, and in your lap, giving you the sweetest kisses all over your face.  For a child that had never met her father, she acted just like him.  “But I can get juice from Hazel, I can.  Did you know they’re starting the build today?” 
“I did, and I also know that Harley built you an orange juice stand.”
“Really?” She squeals, her hands going into a tight ball and her eyes squish close with how big she was smiling.  She shakes her fists around with excitement.  Her whole body wiggling around with her movements.
“Yep, so you better go get our juice.  I’m going to wake up bubba and make breakfast.  Hurry back, okay,” she jumps off the bed, darting to the door and off to the store to bring back some fresh squeezed orange juice while you go wake up your son.
Opening the door to his bedroom, your late husband’s dog lifts his head up from the floor.  “I know.  He’s getting a new bed soon.  It’s not my fault he hit a growth spurt, and grew you right out of the bed.  Don’t look at me like that, Cannon.”
“Mom, quiet.”
“Benning, it’s time to wake up.”
“Sissy came in here before the alarm, and now you are,” just like clockwork, both yours and your son’s alarm goes off, and he grabs his phone, turning it off.  “Nobody can get any sleep around here.  I don’t sleep as well since Cannon can’t fit on the bed, and Mirabelle won’t quit screaming to wake me up.”
“She’s just like your dad.  Early riser.”
“I don’t want to talk about him,” Mirabelle never got to meet her dad, while Benning remembered everything.  Everyday it was a battle of missing him.  “Get out, so I can get dressed.”
“Waffles or pancakes?” 
“I don’t care.  Mirabelle likes waffles best.  Just make her happy.”
“Maybe we should go back to
“Mom, dad’s been dead for four years.  I’m fine,” he didn’t sound fine.  The closer it got to his birthday and his dad’s death day, the worse his attitude got.  He hated going to a family counselor.  Hated talking about something that ‘he couldn’t change’.  And all you wanted was your happy boy that got excited to call his dad and talk about the new ultrasound pictures of his sissy.
“Mom?  Go, take Cannon with you.”
“Come on, buddy, let’s get you fed, too,” you give your big boy one final look before going into the kitchen.  Looking out the window quickly to see your excitable girl telling Hazel about her dream you were sure.  Feeding the dog, and packing Benning’s lunch, and starting breakfast all at once.  
“Miss Hazel, and then there was unicorns that exploded into butterflies, they did.  What are you doing?” 
“Squeezing out the orange juice.  These are your mom’s favorites, Clementines.  I always sneak a couple in there for her.  Did you see your orange juice stand?” 
“Uh huh,” Mirabelle responds, starting to peel an orange to have as a snack, watching the woman that had changed your life.  “Is uncle Bill going to be there,” Hazel taps Mirabelle on the nose, starting to laugh.
“You better quit calling him that.  And yes, William is going to be the foreman.  Harley put your stand under the oak tree so you get lots of shade.  And maybe you can entice those workers over to the store for sorbet.”
“Do I get commission for that?” 
“Yes, all the sorbet you can eat.  Here,” she hands the little girl her jug of orange juice, and Mirabelle swipes a small jar of marmalade, “I saw that Mirabelle.  Are you out already?” 
“Yep.  I’ve been eating marmalade sandwiches.  I’ll be back after breakfast.  Benning is very crabby today.”
“I know, angel, William and Casey are coming by for supper.  William will talk to him,” William Miller had been a godsend for your family.  Was one of the few men that Benning would even open up and talk to.  William just got it.  Of course, you being married to someone in the military you didn’t, or so your son constantly reminded you of that.  
“Okay, I can’t wait to see uncle Bill.”
“You better stop,” Mirabelle gives your landlord a chubby handed wave as she walks back towards your house.  Giving you a wave when she spots you looking out the window at her. 
Smiling when a full plate of waffle was sitting at her chair, and she hands you the jar of marmalade to open.  “Why hasn’t Benning eaten?” 
“Bye, mom.  Bye, sissy.  Sorry, I’m going to be late to the bus stop,” gone were the days of kisses to you and Mirabelle, and a walk out to the bus stop.  Independent and not needing you or his sister anymore, so he thought.  But you needed him.  Needed him to quit growing, and to turn to you when he was missing his dad.  His dad was his hero, and now all he had left was his service memorabilia.
“Hey,” you scream at him, handing his dry waffle to him and his lunchbox, “if you would stop laying in bed listening to music, you could have breakfast with us.”
“I’ll just eat this.  Sissy, you want to put some marmalade on this?”  With the biggest smile on her face, Mirabelle spreads out a layer of the sticky jam, handing it back ot her brother, and he does in fact give her a kiss to her head.  “Thanks,” you say his name again, but he walks out the door, leaving his sister to pout, missing him already.
“You want marmalade on your waffle, too?” 
“Yeah.  I want my Bubba sitting in that chair tomorrow.  That’s why I wake him up early.  He never wants to spend time with me anymore.”
“That’s because you’re four, and he’s nearly twelve.  Here, baby, eat your waffle.”
“I want some coffee, too.”
“Absolutely not.  You can settle for orange juice.”
“Miss Hazel put in a couple clementines for you.  She said they’re your favorites, she did,” they were your favorite.  Adding just the perfect balance of sweet and tangy to it.  Miss Hazel knew how to make you happy.  It was the little things now.  Including that messy smile you daughter was giving you from across the small kitchen table.
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Mirabelle squints her eyes as she looks over to the men that were breaking ground on the newer and bigger store.  She hasn’t been able to spot her uncle, but there were people everywhere, and not one was looking at her stand.  They were clearly hot, it was springtime in Florida.  She was hot, and she was drinking her product.  How was she ever going to make money or even make commission of the sorbet if they didn’t buy her juice?  
Getting fed up with being annoyed, she marches over towards the build, more like skipping because she had a plan.  Getting almost there before she’s scooped up.  “Let me go!  Help!  Kidnapper!  Stop it!  Uncle Bill!”
“Ow,” the man complains when he gets smacked on the head.  “Easy kid.”
“Uncle Bill!  I’m being tortured!”
“Hey,” the man finally says again, and Mirabelle leans back to look at him.  Noting his Miller Construction shirt and she taps on the print, “You can’t be here.”
“I can.”
“No, it’s not safe.  No kids allowed.”
“Because this is a construction zone.”
“Because we’re building something.”
The man’s eyes narrow at the little girl, and he finally sets her back down in the dirt, squatting down to get eye to eye with her, “You’re the little orange girl?” 
“I’m not orange.  See,” she points at her skin, starting to giggle.  This man was silly.  There were oranges close by.  He could tell that she was not the same color as those.
“No, you’re the little girl that Will told us about.  That lived in a house beside the grove.”
“Yeah,  see,” she points over at the house, and he spots the adorable little orange juice stand.  “That’s my house.  I live there with my mom, and my brother, Benning.  She does nails in there.  Sometimes will work in the store instead of Miss Hazel.  And that right there,” pointing at her stand, she turns to look at the funny looking man, frowning.
“That is why I am over here.  I’ve been there all day.”
“It’s nine in the morning.”
“Exactly.  I’ve been there all day, and not one of you has come to get juice. I am saving my money to get a new doll because my poor mom can’t afford to buy me one.  Hazel and Harley have her working like Cinderella, and she barely has time for me.  And you guys are out here making all this noise, and getting parched, and I have what you need over there, but nobody comes over there.”
“You’re good.  You’d make a great car salesman,” the man turns back to look at his crew.  It was too early for lunch break, but if this was the child he was told about, he didn’t think Will would be angry that he stopped her from coming onto the site.  “Fine, take me to your stand.  I will get some orange juice.”
“You will buy some orange juice.  This is a business after all, it is,” holding out her hand, he gives it an odd look, before taking it in his own.  Letting the girl guide them to her obvious stand.  “This juice is made purely from clementines, this one is blood orange, it’s great for vampires, and this one is tangerine juice, and this is what we have every morning navel with four clementines in it.  Which would you like?” 
She was a character.  Big vocabulary for such a small child, “I’ll take your special with navel and clementines.”
“Here you go, mister?” The tiny child hands him a cup of orange juice.  Watching his every move to see how he like the drink, while also needing to know what to call him.  Her hand goes to her hip, and she juts it out to the side waiting.
“James Mace.  Everyone calls me Mace though.  Mmm,” he takes a long drink of the juice.  Licking his lips after the taste.  “This is really good.”
“Has anyone told you that you look like a shaggy dog?  Harley and Hazel used to have this shaggy dog.  You look like that.  How are you ever going to find a wife with hair like that?  And this is Florida.  You know it's going to get hot.  It makes more sense to cut it off.  It’s too hot.  Summer is almost here, it is.”
“You don’t like my hair?” Making a face of disgust, she fake retches, and she shakes her head no.  Mace takes another drink of the concoction before squatting down with her.  “You never told me your name.”
“Mirabelle Nova Syverson.  My dad gave me the first name.  My brother gave me my middle name.  I guess my dad gave me my last name, too.  But him and mom did agree to Mirabelle.  Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?” 
“Yes, now stop distracting me so I can do that.”
“Okay, tell your friends about me.  And also we have the world’s finest orange sorbet in the store.  And today’s juice will be one dollar for one cup or three dollars for two cups, Mr. Mace,” Mace chuckles, pulling out his wallet, and rifling through the bills.
“Just Mace.  How much money do you lack for your new doll?” 
“She’s a really nice doll.  She’s going to cost me over one hundred dollars,” Mace gives her a grin, pulling out a twenty.  “You're my first customer. I can't make change, and I don’t even know how.  That’s big kid math, and I’m four.”
“Keep it, kid.”
“Keep it, Mirabelle.  I’ll be back around lunch, and make sure to bring some people with me.”
“That would be greatly appreciated.  Tell Uncle Bill I said hey,” Mace starts to open his mouth explaining how there wasn’t a Bill on the crew, and the little girl points at his shirt.  “Uncle Bill.  He’s not my real uncle.  He married my aunt Casey.  Casey is my dad’s little sister.  He tried to date my mom at first.  Well his parents Hazel and Harley wanted him to.  Mom won’t date a military man ever again, no thank you.  I will see you in a few minutes Mace.”
“A couple of hours, darlin’!” Mace gives a yell to the little girl who stops her retreating and looks at him.  “A couple of hours.”
“Fine, only if you come back tomorrow with better hair.   It’s too hot for that much hair.”
“You’ve got a deal.  I’ll bring you lots of business, too,” he gives her a nod and she bounces back to the store to help out with Hazel while Mace returns to the build.  Already wiping his brow from the heat.
“Mace, this isn’t kindergarten,” William looks at his newest member of the crew, “Where have you been?  I told you to follow me.”
“Met your niece.  She’s selling orange juice.”
“Ahh, the little princess.  My parents let that child rule the grove.  Watch her.  She’ll talk you out of a lot of money,” Mace chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.  Mirabelle was not some ordinary four year old.  She was smart.  He wouldn’t call it business savvy, but she was something.  “What did she use on you?  A trip to Disney is her favorite.  She likes to use toys and pouts.  Oh, one time it was to buy her mom a new car.”
“A doll.”
“You’ve been had by the sweetest little con artist,” Mace turns and looks towards the store, watching the little girl start to stack oranges on a rack.  “Don’t take it personally.  Kid’s never had a dad.”
“He ran off and left her?  What kind of father does that?”
“Easy,” not that it was anyone’s business, but Mirabelle was quick to get attached to men.  Craved something that kids in her twice a week pre-k talked about.  “Her dad didn’t leave them on purpose.  He was deployed, and was killed.  Her mother was pregnant with Mirabelle.  He never got to meet her.  Wait until you meet her son.  He remembers his dad.  Hates men, and he’s a moody, almost pre-teen.”
“Why do you say he hates men?” 
“Their mom and I went on what I thought was a date,” William laughs, shaking his head.  “She was under no such impression.  Worked out well for Benny because he hated me.  Until I married their aunt.  Now he tolerates me.  I’m not trying to take the place of his dad.  He didn’t trust me, he didn’t like the fact I was military either.  Neither did the wife.  Casey was a bit scared after her brother.  Keep an eye on that little girl though.  Make sure she stays out of trouble and doesn’t get hurt, and I won’t get so mad at you for not shadowing me, okay?” 
Mace gives his boss a head nod, and follows along with him.  He didn’t know what to expect moving to the sunshine state.  Definitely didn’t think working on a construction crew and finding a four year old going on thirty was in his future.  But here he was.  Tickled at how even talking with Mirabelle was entertaining.  It was the most he had talked in years.
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“Mirabelle Nova Syverson!” Hazel screams, looking through the store.  “Mirabelle!  Mira
” she looks out the side door, seeing the girl with a lunchbox coming out of her house.  “Young lady, when you leave you have to tell me where you’re going.”
“I went to get lunch for me and that guy.”
“That guy?” 
“Mhmm, Mace.  It’s lunch time right?  I can go back?” Hazel answers yes, and Mirabelle runs as fast as her little legs can carry her back to her stand in the shade.  Wiggling her legs around and pulling her jugs of orange juice out of her cooler as a wad of men come towards her.
“Uncle Bill!” William rolls his eyes, but waves at the little girl, “I can’t serve them all alone.”
“You going to pay me?” 
“Nope.  I’m four.  You make more money than me,” standing beside the little girl, he pours while she takes money.  Making excuses about change, and how she can’t subtract yet before the line dies down, “Mace!  This is my uncle Bill!”
“Nobody calls me that.  Nobody.  Just her and her brother, so don’t start.  Oh, you eating lunch out here, little bit?” 
“Yep.  Mace, I brought you something,” she excitedly says, pulling out her lunch box, and taps on the cooler.  William’s mouth drops open, gawking at her, “Casey packed your lunch, she did.  I didn’t need to bring you something.”
“Remember what I said,” William trusted Mace with his niece.  He just didn’t trust his niece to not get too attached.  He knew where you stood, and your need to be alone ‘for all of eternity’ because you had already once fallen in love and now your priority was the kids that Sy had left behind.  And still that angelic daughter of yours was still wanting something she had never had before.
“So my mommy doesn’t know, but I took her meal prep for this week,” laying the glass container on the stand, Mace waves his hands no, “It’s just Tuesday.  Mommy works from home, so she makes her lunches for the week.  I didn’t ask, but do you have allergies?  Owen in my class is allergic to peanuts, and Neveah is allergic to eggs, and Simon is lactose intolerant and his belly blew up like a balloon when he ate my real milk yogurt.  That has yogurt in it, can you have yogurt?  And there’s eggs and almonds.  Oh no!  And cheese.  I’m sorry, I really didn’t think this through.”
“Mirabelle, you’re fine.  Last I checked, I’m not allergic to anything.  So you’re bringing me lunch?” Giving him a shrug, her legs kick around before opening her own box complete with a marmalade sandwich, chips, and a cupcake.  “I can share that with you.  Me and mommy made those last night.”
“I don’t want to take your cupcake.  So this is what you do all day?” 
“I can share,” she gives him a little growl, placing a chip beside him before eating a bite of her sandwich.  “I know how to share.  I don’t have to share with Bubba, but I know how.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to miss Julie’s so I’m not an awkward turtle and don’t know how to interact with kids my age.  I’m still an awkward turtle and still pull my awkward balloons because I just have adults, and Bubba.”
“What are you talking about awkward balloons?” Mirabelle smiles over her full mouth, placing another chip beside him.  “I don’t understand the balloons.”
“It’s just what mommy does when we’re in an awkward situation.  She pulls invisible awkward balloons from the sky.  The more she pulls the more awkward it is.  She’s a good mommy.  Um, do you like oranges.”
“They’re okay,” Mirabelle’s eyes go large, and points at the orange slices in his container.  “They’re fine.”
“They’re the best.  I can name all the ones we have here, I can.  Hazel said if Casey doesn’t give her a grand baby that I’m the one that gets the grove, she did.  I like going out with Harley in the evening and he checks to make sure that the workers did everything right.  It used to be smaller, it did.  They built it.  Uncle Bill doesn’t care.  Casey is a nurse.  She doesn’t have time, but me?  I pay attention, I do.”
Mirabelle is able to talk and carry on a conversation all while eating.  Hardly stopping talking, but it was a nice distraction for Mace.  Not having to worry about the things in his own mind, just see things from the eyes of a four year old.  
“Oh!  How much money did I make?  Mommy is wanting to take me and Bubba to Disney World, and I need spending money.  I’ve got to get a new lanyard.”
“I thought you wanted a doll?” 
“Well, yeah.  They have those at Disney, too.  I
I don’t have a Cinderella doll, yeah.  She’s missing from my collection.  Dern.  It’s getting hot out here, and don’t tell mommy that I said dern.  And I will see you tomorrow, but it’ll be when I get back though with school.  Mommy picks me up at two, so I’ll be here around 2:30.  Also, there’s yummy orange sorbet in the store.  Tell everyone to get some, and if I’m not there, because it might be time to meet my bubba at the bus stop, just tell them to tell Hazel that I sent you.  I get a commission.”
“You swindled me for money, you little toot,” with a shrug of her shoulders, she gathers the boxes to stuff in her lunch bag.  “Mirabelle?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?  I’ll have some more orange juice.  Have a good day.  Hazel will have to help me carry this in.  Goodbye!” 
She was a mess.  Complete mess, and she knew it.  One day of knowing the little girl, and Mace was wrapped around her chubby little finger.  Clearly had been around people that were older than her because she spoke like an adult.  No kid should grow up without a parent.  Mace would know.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @elrw24 @midnightramyeoncravings 
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
can we have some nsfw boxer james hc đŸ„ș also hope you're having a lovely day !
sure nonnie !! i feel like u guys know more about his sexual life than . james himself at this point considering how horny we all are for him and how often we talk about this but . i'm always happy to indulge u guys <3
he's very sex positive!! he's open about his sexual life despite being a famous athlete and quite the public figure and isn't ashamed to talk about it
he's never had a serious relationship. he's dated people before but it never lasts very long, he usually sticks to casual sex
they paint him like he's a player or a fuckboy but . he isn't . i mean he kinda has the attitude sometimes but he's very clear about his intentions from the beginning, doesn't make empty promises and he's very considerate + attentive to the ppl he fucks (i mean to them as ppl bc we all know how aggressive he can get in bed)
he's Big. there had to be something backing all that confidence up i guess
he likes taking pics + vids of his partners during sex, but he usually deletes them after they're done or after he sends them to the other person!! he does keep some of them tho when they allow him to
more than nudes tho what he has are . a few sex tapes . as we all already know
there's a couple of them on the internet that ended up being leaked and back then ppl thought it was bound to ruin james' reputation but he just . doesn't care
in fact, he's kind of proud of them and how looks in them <3
so yeah seeing him completely naked and having sex is only a quick search away
remus did try to take them down at the beginning but it was . hard . and once he realised james really did not give a fuck (and his fans were literally just . simping and super horny about it) he just gave up
he's also been caught having sex in public places a handful of times. or like, in compromising positions. there's a few very indecent pics of him going around
he's more famous for his sexual prowess and sex escapades than for his boxing lmao
but james doesn't mind (or that's what he says at least) bc he's still an amazing boxer and he proves it every time he steps on the ring
he's very into impact play and spanking and slapping
he's quite aggressive and violent during sex!! when his partner allows it ofc
he's never bottomed before
he has a bit of an oral fixation so his fav part is always giving oral sex, whether is eating someone out or blowing them
has a bit of a daddy kink (as in . he likes being called daddy . sometimes . depends on the partner and the dynamic they have during sex)
he's possessive so even when the whole thing is casual and everyone involded knows it doesn't mean anything he likes all that dirty talk about belonging or his partner being just his
he's been in threesomes AND orgies. more the former than the latter tho
has insane stamina and a very short refractory period
fighting with reg + reg putting him in his place turns him on completely unironically
no gag reflex!!
doesn't exactly have an exhibitionism kink, he just gets horny easily and doesn't care about getting caught and kinda enjoys when ppl watch him with his partner
he tends to dom but . he's lowkey a switch, he just never allows himself to lose control (until reg)
and that's enough for now i think!!
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heavnlyhetfield · 1 year
could you please write how james would propose to you based on the era?? (early 90s, 99 and current james but ofc you can add any era you want)
i feel like he'd be so sweet and he'd do it in such a special way but it definitely would differ based on the era.
please i really wanna see this ❀
i feel like early 90s james would be the most nervous about it, and probably wouldn’t make it a big deal based on who he was as a person at the time. he’d either make a nice dinner and propose when you’re done, or maybe take you on a hike somewhere in the hills of SF and do it there. he’d be so worried that you’d say no that he shakes when he takes the box out đŸ„ș
‘99 james goes all out, he’s definitely a lot more romantic at this point and he wants to show you how much you mean to him. he spends the entire day with you and takes you to places that hold a lot of meaning for your relationship, and you finish up having a candlelit dinner outside of your favorite restaurant (it’s literally something out of a romcom.) he has a heartfelt speech planned and buys you the most beautiful ring he can find (it’s huge and you honestly don’t want to know how much it cost.)
current james might be my favorite. he’s old enough to know he doesn’t need to impress you for you to say yes, and he’s not that showy anymore either; he’s the type to casually propose over coffee or while you’re cuddling in bed just as the sun is coming up. you’re pressed up against his chest, one of his arms under your pillow and the other draped over your waist, fingers intertwined. he’s got his nose buried in your hair and he’s just breathing you in when you hear it. “marry me.”
you turn over so fast your hair whips him in the face. “wait, what?”
james smiles. “i think we should get married.”
“you’re just gonna- hold on, do you even have a ring?”
“do i need one?” his eyes are bright and his smile blinding; and in an instant you have your answer.
“honestly? no. you could propose with a rock and i’d say yes.”
“oh my god, james, yes. i’ll marry you.”
he kisses you so deeply it takes your breath away, one hand cupping your cheek. “i love you,” he whispers between kisses. “i love you, i love you, i love you.”
“i love you too.”
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familyvideostevie · 11 months
🐚 SEASHELL please with lyrics "cause everything is new and everything is you" and Sirius or Remus, cause they are so dreamyđŸ„ș
ABBA really hits, huh? i went with remus for this one! here's you asking remus on a date <3
"I'm going to be about ten thousand years old before you do it," Marlene whines. She slides a little more off of the arm of the chair you're sitting in dramatically. "My hair will be grey. I'll be wrinkled! Wrinkled!"
"Don't tease," Lily chastises. "Besides, you're doing it tonight, right?"
"Am I?" you say, voice an octave higher than usual. The party is tame-ish but lively around where you three are tucked in a corner. The boys are somewhere else -- playing a drinking game, most likely -- so your friends are taking the opportunity to stage an intervention.
They want you to ask Remus on a date.
"You are," Marlene says. "I mean, look at you! If he wasn't already totally gone on you he'd be after catching you in this outfit."
"Have you seen him yet?" Lily asks.
You shake your head. He knows you're here, obviously, since you told him you were coming. While your inclusion in this group is a bit new, there was clearly something between you and Remus right away. According to basically everyone he's just too much of a gentleman to do anything. He wants to "let you settle lest you run away screaming," according to James.
"Wait, there he is!" Marlene whisper-yells, clutching your arm. "He's going out to the porch. Alone." She basically shoves you out of the chair and takes your place so you can't sit back down.
"Traitor," you hiss halfheartedly. But you straighten your top and take a deep breath and follow him.
"Good luck!" Lily chirps. It's not like you really need it -- honesty, even you agree that the flirting is a little ridiculous. He always sits next to you, puts his arm around you. He calls to make sure you get home safely, buys all of your drinks on pub night. It's all just the right side of friendly for you to be sure he'll say yes to a real date.
But these things are nerveracking, even still.
You lace your fingers behind your back to hide their slight tremble as you step out onto the porch. Remus leans on his forearms on the railing but turns when he sees you and breaks into a smile.
"Darling," he says. "You look lovely." He holds out one arm for a hug and you press close to him, smell his subtle cologne. Normally you'd remain in his embrace, but you step back and lean on the railing next to him instead.
"Thank you," you say. He looks a bit confused, but still pleased to see you. You like to think that you know him fairly well by now -- his expressions, the slightly haunting handsomeness of his face, his persuasive but gentle attitude -- but you know there is so much more to learn. What does he look like when he's tired? What toothpaste does he use? Does he snore?
"You alright?" It's like his presence erases any nerves you had coming out here, because you find that you are alright.
You grin at him. "I am," you say. "Remus," you start.
"Yes," he says, faux seriously. He turns so he's facing you, head cocked.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
His eye widen and he blinks, once, twice, like he didn't hear you right. But then it seems to register and he smiles you favorite smile -- a shy grin. "I would," he says. "I would, very much."
You don't know where it comes from but you burst into laughter, which he joins. "Oh, good," you say. "James said you'd never ask."
Remus rolls his eyes and snatches your palm, bringing it close to his face before kissing the back of your hand. "Not true," he says. Your face feels hot. "How could I resist you?"
"Guess you don't have to find out."
"Thank fuck for that!" Sirius yells through an open window behind you. Remus pulls you close for a hug and flips him the bird.
join the celebration!
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