#i remember on a really old fic someone found if after it was finished
fortyfive-forty · 3 months
🏜️ if you haven't answered that one yet? :)
🏜️: what’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
i mean not to call you out but you’re basically the blueprint my friend <3 (haha…BLUEprint…….alright i’ll see myself out)
but in general, comments that reference anything about the fic/chapter itself, or something specific to my writing. like, if i read a comment and it’s obvious that this commenter had actual Thoughts about the work, good or bad, that always makes me feel incredible as a writer. i think it’s so cool that my work can like, actually make people think or feel things beyond just “oh this fic is good, it’s enjoyable.” so when a reader expresses that, idk i just lose my mind over it. i think it’s so fun and so cool to be able to share these things w people
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.3 K Warnings: None Prompt: New Friends, new adventures to come and one Halloween Party to prepare. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 16: Boogie Wonderland
The next day, you charmed your restricted section book cover, just like you had done with the spicy one, making it look like another casual spell book. You then spend most of your classes devouring its content, it was way more than the two pages you’d found on the 5th-year DADA book, although a good deal of them focused solely on how to defeat a werewolf. 
Tips on how to kill werewolves, spells against werewolves, weapons against werewolves, a particular line irked you so much –if you see a werewolf hex to kill, don’t bother incapacitating– that you were about to throw the book on the ground and cast incendio on it. But it wasn’t until about the second half of the book that it finally started to talk about its qualities. Especially with the section titled “How to spot werewolves in your daily life”. Of course, while most of the things in the book were about spotting and hurting them, you were more focused on learning which things you should never do. 
On a small piece of parchment, you started documenting everything that you had learned so far. You’d even use a codeword to refer to Remus, in case your note was misplaced or lost. 
My Knowledge on WW:
Silver burns them (throw away or alter the ring mom gave me once Puppy returns it).
Silver and Dittany could save someone after being lethally bitten by a werewolf, turning them into one regardless. 
Bites are contagious only if the werewolf bites someone in werewolf form, not outside of it (Luna could bite whoever he wants without turning them, as long as they’re in human form, maybe they’d get a bit of a raw meat affection for a couple of days, but nothing more). Why is this relevant to me?
Werewolves do not remember who they are once transformed. They can be very aggressive, and they have killed friends and loved ones in wolf form; they will remember what they did once they’re back in human form. If Luna turns into werewolf form and you’re around, turn the fuck away.
Any bite or scratch obtained from a werewolf, whether in human or animal form, would leave a permanent scar. (Luna probably has a bite mark somewhere. I wonder where?) 
Werewolves rarely have children. If a werewolf has a child with another werewolf while in wolf form, they’d have a normal wolf, except they’d be beautiful and nearly as smart as a human. 
Werewolves don’t really attack animals, they seem to target exclusively Humans. 
There’s little to no medicine developed to help treat werewolves. -> Racist wizards going at it again.
They can be a little aggressive, touchy or moody as the full moon approaches. 
They have a crazy good sense of smell (even in human form apparently; maybe I’ll get to ask Luna about it someday)
You read through your list a couple of times, wondering if you’d missed anything from the book. But you were certain you had narrowed down the most important clues the book had. There was a section of the book that had a couple of spells to defend yourself from werewolves, but they were all incredibly aggressive attack spells, most of them to severely damage or kill the werewolf, when you finished reading you ripped the page from the book, threw it on the floor and whispered “incendio,” contemplating how the fire slowly consumed the old piece of paper. You might have not been able to burn down the entire book, but that was pleasing enough. And you had to get rid of it before anyone read through it and tried to use it on Remus, or any other good werewolves. Because no matter how many times the book tried to frame Werewolves as being inhumane, and immoral beasts, incapable of feeling remorse, you knew it was all bullshit. 
Remus was kind, gentle, and incredibly caring, he’d been the first one to approach you when you were feeling off after divinations, he’d shared chocolate with you when you were injured, he’d held you when a quaffle had been thrown your way, and he’d even taken you to his quiet spot when he thought it might help you feel better. Remus had, even in the short time you’d met him, always been there for you, and you wanted to be at least half as good of a friend as he’d been. Remus was nothing like the harrowing picture the book painted of werewolves. And while you were sure actual evil werewolves existed, you’d heard of them in the news, with wolves like Fenrir Greyback and its followers, you also knew there were evil and good wizards. It wasn’t a matter of what you were, but a matter of who you were. You’d know, your mom had told you about the hard times her mother had had with her being half fairy, the Wizarding Community just wasn’t very accepting of diversity. 
As you walked back from the courtyard where you were reading, book back in your backpack and parchment gently tucked in the book you had in your hands, you accidentally bumped into someone, and whoever you bumped into had been walking with so much force, the books you were holding fell to the ground. The boy –a Ravenclaw you hadn’t met– leaned down and helped you pick your stuff. But the page on your book had slipped and fell a little further from your grasp, he walked towards it before you even had the chance to react, and he eyed it as you gulped. Thank Merlin you’d used codenames.
“You’re into werewolves too?” He asked. 
You frowned, thinking of a quick excuse, say it was an assignment, say it’s homework, a part of you said. On 6th year? about werewolves? who would ever believe it?, responded the other. But there was something about the question that caught your attention then, “What did you say, sorry?” 
The boy turned to you, “Oh- um… I asked if you were also into werewolves…” he said, as he handed the parchment over to you. There it was: also into them. 
“Uh… yeah, I’ve been doing some research.” 
He nodded, and motioned to the paper, still in your hands “Who’s Luna?” 
You were caught off guard again “It’s a… character, from a story.” You said, making it up on the spot “I’m writing it, the story… I’m writing the story.” How on earth did I become such a shitty liar?
“Oh, that’s amazing! I’m actually really interested in them as well.” 
“You are?” 
He nodded “Yeah, I’ve been working with Professor Slughorn to develop a potion.” 
“To make them human again?” You asked with a frown. 
He shook his head “It’s… That’s impossible… But Slughorn and I think It’s possible to create one that will allow them to remember who they are while in wolf form, to reduce the risk of attacking humans.” 
“What really? That’s brilliant! I’d love to help you!” You said, almost a little too excitedly, so you cleared your throat  “I mean, it would be a really good way of getting knowledge for my story…” 
“Really?” He asked, with a smile “You’re (Y/N), right? New transfer student? Gryffindor’s new keeper?” 
You nodded “I’m afraid I don’t know your name…” 
He extended his hand, and you shook it “Damocles Belby, most people just call me Kless, I’m from 7th…” he seemed to think about the next thing before deciding to ask “Are you really as brave as they say?” 
“They say I’m brave?!” You asked, in disbelief. 
He nodded “You stood up against some nasty Slytherins in class, and they say you fly like a daredevil, or so I’ve heard…” 
“Well, I –gossip sure travels fast here– Why?” 
“I’m more of a books and potions kind of person, you see…” he started, moving one of his arms up to the back of his head, to scratch it, it looked like Kless wasn’t too eager to ask for this particular favour  “…but I really want to test out the effect of Moonflower on the potion, see if it helps. The issue is, and you might not know this but Moonflower–“ 
“–only blooms in full moon.” You finished. 
He exhaled, “Yeah, and I’ve been told that there is a chance to find them in the forbidden forest.” 
“You want me to get it for you, don’t you?” 
He nodded, “Only if it wasn’t too much trouble. And if you helped with it, I could finish the first draft of the potion in a couple of weeks and we could probably test it together, and if the position works, I could get a brilliant recommendation letter from Slughorn to study at Cauldronwell, the School of Advanced Potionry. Maybe we could even get one for you.” 
You took a deep breath, considering the situation, the forbidden forest must be forbidden for a reason, and the boys had warned you about it too. Eventually, you spoke again “If I do this, will you let me have some of the potion?” 
He looked at you, as if thinking about it, probably wondering if he should ask why you’d need the potion, but in the end, he only nodded “Deal.” 
You smiled at that, pleased with the answer he’d given you, “Pleasure to meet you Kless, I’ll see you around.” You said before waving at him and resuming your way to the common room since you’d be helping Remus and Sirius finish up the decorations for the party. But just before turning on the corner you turned your head towards him again “I’ll find you when I get it.” 
He nodded, “I’ll send you a copy of my research through owl mail.” He responded. 
Sirius and Remus were already in the common room when you arrived, you smiled and took the book with the parchment, grabbing the piece of paper and hiding it deep within one of the pockets of your backpack. While you were busy, still packing stuff inside your bag, you felt Sirius’s arms wrap around you as he hugged you from behind. He placed a quick kiss on your cheek before pulling away again, grabbing a piece of candy from the bowl next to your bag on the table and popping it into his mouth. “What were you up to?” He asked, noting you were late. 
“Sorry, got really caught up in this book.” You told him with an apologetic smile as if Sirius could actually be angry at you. You then looked around, the boys had already gotten a head start. James, who was supposed to help, was still locked up in his room, adding some final details to his Hamlet costume while Peter was in the kitchens, making sure the treats were ready for the party. 
“Marlene’s gone to get a fog potion,” Remus said, as he grabbed onto a piece of cloth neatly folded on the table, “Beth and Tom went to Hogsmeade to buy some last-minute treats.” 
You paid close attention as he started to unfold the cloth “Is that the banner Lily made?” You asked, walking closer to him, Sirius was looking at you with a smile as you moved towards his friend. 
Remus nodded and said a quick “Yeah.” Handing a corner of the cloth over, so you could help him, the two of you extended the banner together, finally opening it up. The Banner was long and, it was black with orange letters over it, and it had two Jack-o-lanterns on each side that screamed “Happy Halloween” when you looked directly at them. 
“It’s brilliant!” You said with a smile, as you helped Remus levitate it closer to the ceiling near the entrance. Sirius was busy placing the jack-o-lanterns you had carved during the week all over the common room. Once the banner was hung, you walked towards the table and pulled out a bag you’d left there a couple of classes ago. 
“What’s that?” Sirius asked, walking closer to you again, shoulders brushing against yours. You smirked, and took a skull from the inside, throwing it towards Sirius, he easily caught it and looked at it, before turning back to you. 
“You thought it would scar–“ he started, but then, out of nowhere, the skull started laughing maniacally, Sirius jumped and let it fall on the floor.
The skull said “Auch,” while you and Remus started laughing. 
“Did you see his face?” You asked him. 
“Absolutely priceless, wish I’d gotten a picture of it!” Agreed Remus. 
Sirius just looked at you both with a pout as he picked the skull back from the floor and gently placed it on the table. The skull started to laugh again and Remus silenced it with his wand “You planned this, didn’t you?” 
Remus shook his head, and you answered “We just took advantage of the opportunity to test them. Rem and I’ve been working on them for a while.” 
“Them?” He looked at the bag wearily “How many did you make?” 
“About a dozen,” Remus answered casually. You opened the bag again, and you carefully took the skulls out. You then handed them to the boys, who started to place them all over the common room, one near the sofa, one close to the fireplace, some over at the stairs, and in general, just spread out in rather inconvenient places, the kind of places that would have people jumping from their skin when they started screaming at them. Sirius decided it would be a good idea to have one floating over the fruit punch, and he placed it in the bowl before adding the fruit juice. You saw him take a bottle of rum out too, and pour about a quarter of it onto the drink.
You shook your head, a little smile playing on your lips as he did “Why not add a bit more?” you teased. 
“Sirius!” Remus admonished him. “What did we say about adding alcohol to the main beverage? Last year it was chaos!” 
“It was only a little bit,” he retorted, and then turned to you “Barely a trickle, right Statshine?” 
You nodded “Not even a quarter of a bottle.” Remus shook his head, looking at both of you disapprovingly. “Come on Rem,” you said persuasively “let’s leave it like that, you don’t want to throw out such a good punch do you.” 
“She’s right, Moons, come on,” Sirius said, now he was standing next to you, both looking at the taller boy with puppy eyes. 
Remus looked at the two, both so pretty trying to convince him to do something, he almost couldn’t think of anything else. In fact, he wasn’t sure there was anything in the world you’d ask of him that he would deny, not with that expression on your faces. He took a deep breath, trying not to focus on the fact that he had somehow developed a crush not only on his best friend (which he had been pretty aware of already) but on his girlfriend as well, “Just so you know, I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
Both you and Sirius smiled broadly, looking at each other and throwing a high-five between yourselves. “You’re the best Rem!” You told with a dashing smile and then you walked back, pulling the bag up. 
“There’s more?” Sirius asked Remus, he shrugged in response, he didn’t know. 
Slowly, you pulled out a whole skeleton from it. “What the hell?!?” Asked Remus surprised, “You didn’t tell me you also had one of those…” 
“I didn’t have it, I found it.” You told him “It was in one of the old classrooms on the 3rd floor.” 
“Is it… real?” Remus asked cautiously. 
“Didn’t ask him,” you responded with a shrug while looking at the skeleton. Remus raised his eyebrows, amused at your answer. 
And a diverted smile appeared on Sirius' lips before he asked. “Did you charm it as well?”
You ginned “‘Course I did! Who do you take me for? I’ve got a whole plan for it.” 
“And where are you going to place it?” Remus asked, from next to you now as he curiously looked at the skeleton. 
You turned your body a little, shifting the weight of the skeleton onto one of your arms, and pointed at a wardrobe in the far side of the room. 
“In the closet?” The taller boy asked in disbelief “You’re going to put the skeleton in the closet?” 
“It’s a joke in and of itself,” you said with a smile “every now and then the skeleton will drop smoke or random sounds, that way guests are inclined to investigate. And then boom, the skeleton in the closet will jump out and scare the shit out of them.” 
“That’s wicked…” Said Sirius, a smirk playing on his lips “See Moony? I told you she was like us!”
“I was certain when you told me about the day of the library,” Remus said simply. 
You looked at Sirius, eyes wide in shock “You told Remus about the library?” 
“Of course I did, your Howler was genius!” Sirius responded matter-of-factly.
“Certainly,” Remus agreed. 
Right, the Howler, he told them about the Howler, not about the snoging. “It was just, a spur-of-the-moment idea?” You said, tugging in a hair behind your ear shyly as you walked towards the wardrobe with the skeleton –Steve– as you’d named him. You knew how seriously the boys took their jokes and escapades, if Sirius and Remus were complimenting you on something, they weren’t just sweet-talking you. You slowly but surely accommodated Steve inside the wardrobe and closed the doors. 
“What are we missing?” Asked Remus as he looked around the common room, trying to get a look at the big picture. 
“Marlene’s still coming with her smoke potions, right? Spooky music? Maybe…”
“Got that taken care of,” Sirius said, and waved his wand, on the corner, a small violin, a flute and what looked like a piano started playing music. 
You were surprised “where did you get those?”  
“Stole them from the music room last year,” Sirius explained “It was a dare to prove to James that Remus was way stealthier than him, even if he’s taller.” 
You nodded, a little impressed, you then heard the portrait open, Beth and Tom walked inside with bags filled with candy; from slug worms to dancing skeletons, all the Halloween theme candies from Honeydukes were there. Tom walked all the way to the table with the punch and emptied his backpack there. Beth, on the other hand, started to neatly arrange the candies she’d gotten into different vases and floating trays, she ended up also taking the stuff Tom had dumped and finished decorating the sweet’s table, as she’d prompted everyone to call it that from then on.
“You guys did a brilliant job,” Tom said as he looked around in awe, there were spider webs coming from the ceiling, shiny black and orange streamers swirling in the air, black flamed candles levitating all over the ceiling, cauldrons filled with candies. The skulls you and Remus had charmed together still lurking on certain spots, a table filled with potions, “for potion pong,”  as Beth had told you, and overall, an eerie but fun atmosphere. You had even told Moaning Myrtle and Richard Jackdaw to come over as special guests, even if you warned them not to tell any other ghosts about the party, especially Peeves, who would definitely attempt to make some kind of prank, or tell the teachers about your shenanigans. Suddenly he tilted his head. “Do hear that?” He asked. 
Beth frowned “Hear what?” 
“It’s uh… coming from…” Tom started walking towards the wardrobe. You threw a look at the boys, Sirius held your stare with his icy grey eyes, the hint of a smirk drawing on his lips. When you turned to Remus, he was also looking at you attentively, eyebrows raised, clearly looking amused. 
As you exchanged glances with the boys Tom approached the wardrobe “None of you hear it?” 
You shook your head, it wasn’t a lie, the spell only worked for one person at a time, so really, not even Beth would hear the same thing Tom did. Tom was now right in front of the closet, and he hesitantly placed his hands on the handle, like he was considering whether he should open it or leave it alone. But Tom was curious, almost too curious for his own good and in a fast pull, he opened the door. 
The skull jumped out and clang onto Tom, eyes glowing a shade of green and screaming so loud even you winced, perhaps I overdid it, you thought. Tom screeched, jumped back and ended up on the floor, fighting to get the skeleton to unwrap its bony arms off his shoulders. When he finally did it, he threw it to the side and crawled away from it while looking at it with dread. He stayed there, panting as Steve finally shut its bony jaw, the screams and shrieks slowly dying out.
Everyone started to laugh, including Beth, who had been just a little scared at the beginning. Still with his eyes open wide, Tom turned back, a slight frown on his face as he turned to Sirius “What the fuck mate?! That was bIoody horrifying, what did I ever do to you?”
Sirius raised his hands and shrugged, “That wasn’t my prank.” 
Tom’s frown deepened and he turned to Remus “It was you?” He asked again, still trying to gain his breath. Remus shook his head as a reply, there was no way it’d been James or Peter, Tom knew they’d be pretty busy today so he slowly turned his head to you, almost unsure “(Y/N)?” 
You took a deep breath, raising your shoulders, lips tightened in a line before, letting a bit of a smile appear. Guilty, you looked guilty. “I see you’ve met Steve.” 
“You gave that horrid thing a name?” You shrugged, nodding your head as an answer. He sighed “Why me?” 
“Oh, that’s on Steve, he chooses the person he calls, not me.” 
“You put a randomizer spell on it?” Remus asked then, surprised. You nodded “How? I’ve been trying to master those for a while…” he said, walking closer to the skeleton. 
“I found it on The Refined Art of Mild Hexes, it’s somewhere on the first couple of pages,” you told him, and then started waking towards Tom and helped him up “Sorry bout that,” you said, giving the curly haired boy a light pat on the back, he just stared at you, squinting his eyes in distrust, he then scoffed, shaking his head as he looked at the skeleton on the ground. 
“Looks bIoody realistic,” he said, the edges of his lips finally curling into a little smile. 
“Yeah, Remus thought the same, and asked me if it was real.”
He turned back to you, a slightly concerned expression on his face “Well… Is it?” 
“She’d got no clue,” Sirius answered for you. 
You nodded in agreement “Found it lying around in an abandoned classroom.” 
 “And you just took it? What it if was a ghost’s or something?” 
You shook your head “I asked Richie Jackdow, and he said it didn’t belong to any of the ghosts in the castle.” 
“You really have gotten accustomed to Hogwarts, haven’t you?” 
You smiled “I guess you could say I have.”
The portrait opened itself again, and Mary and Marlene came inside. Marlene carrying a tray with potions and Mary with some more treats, this time saltier stuff from the kitchen. “I brought the fruit for the punch,” she said as she walked towards the sweet’s table. 
“Great, you guys prepare that, Sly sprite,” he said turning to you “You’re helping me with this,” he said pointing to his canines, he’d asked you to turn them into fangs earlier that week, when the party was being planned, you’d both found a spell that would be useful, and had decided it’d be the one you’d use. 
“I think I left the book in my backpack,” you said as the two of you walked towards a further away table. 
“Sly sprite,” Sirius scoffed, he was standing next to Remus. 
The taller boy raises his eyebrow “You jealous?” he teased. 
“Of Tom?! No way!” 
“Why not?” Remus asked and turned to you and Tom at the table where you’d left your backpack, you had one hand on the book and the other on your wand, Tom was staring at you attentively “Tom’s handsome, maybe just as handsome as you.” 
Sirius frowned, “You’re not helping,” he added flatly. 
Remus knew very damn well you had no interest in Tom, but he was enjoying himself while looking at a jealous Sirius, thinking back of all the times he’d been jealous himself. “I’m just saying… he’s charming, comes from a wealthy family, and his curls are really nice.” 
“Remus!” Sirius whined, turning his back to look at the hazel-eyed boy instead of at you since you already had both of your hands on Tom’s face as you pulled it back to check on his canines.
“Do you know what this is for?” Asked Mary, taking a potion bottle with a golden cap. Remus shrugged.
“Must be the sugar syrup for the punch,” Beth said “I asked Peter to bring it over in the morning.” 
Mary looked at it, swirled the liquid around inside the bottle, and uncapped it. She gave it a whiff and shrugged, it certainly smelled sweet enough. She didn’t think it twice, and dumped the entirety of the contents inside the punch, then grabbed the bottle and placed it on the potions table, since it fit the aesthetic. 
Meanwhile, you and Tom were still working on his fangs, “Stop moving for fucks sake,” you complained, as Tom looked at himself in the hand mirror he took from your bag. 
“But make them longer, yeah luv?” He answered, his voice already had a little lisp from the fangs. 
“They’ve got a great length Tom, you won’t be able to eat!” 
“Food doesn’t matter, aesthetics do!” 
You sighed, “Don’t dare come whine with me if you cannot eat.” 
“I swear I won’t Sly Sprite,” he said while placing his right hand over his heart. It made you wonder: If both Sirius and Tom entered a drama contest, would they tie? Eventually, you nodded and performed the spell again, grabbing the mirror and placing it in front of Tom’s face. He smiled, checking himself out as he slid his tongue under the fangs and winched at how sharp they were. You gave him an “I told you so” look, but he just shook his head. “Aesthetics (Y/N), aesthetics!”  
You just rolled your eyes and started to stand up but he stopped you by grabbing your arm “Hold up! Man liner!”
“Man liner?” You asked with a frown. 
“Yes! Eyeliner for men, like rock stars! Would you mind doing it for me?” He then looked through the pockets and pulled out an eyeliner pencil. 
You shrugged and nodded, taking the pencil from his hand, and leaning closer to Tom’s face, “Don’t move, all right?” He nodded and you started to line his water line. Softly gliding the pencil. When you were about to finish the first eye you felt someone looming behind you. When you turned you realised it was just Sirius, and you gave him a quick smile before going to line Tom’s second eye. 
Sirius was attentively looking at you as you lined Tom’s eye, both curious at the way you did it and also pretty jealous of how close you were to the other boy. Which prompted him to walk even closer. Once you were done you smiled and pulled away from Tom “There you go Mr. Vampire.” 
“Brilliant!” He said, placing both hands on your shoulder “Thank you Sly Sprite!” 
Sirius cleared his throat from behind “Mind if I borrow my girlfriend away for a minute.” 
Tom, being as oblivious and carefree as he was, nodded with a smile “I’m actually going to go change.” 
Once Tom was gone, you turned to Sirius with a quizzical expression “What was that about?” 
Sirius, who had spoken without thinking, was taken aback by your question “I… uh— Can you line my eyes too?” He improvised.
You frowned, “What are you dressing as?” 
He was about to open his mouth, but shut it before he could speak. “What are you going to dress up as?” 
“Oh… that’s right. You haven’t guessed. You get 3 more tries,” you told him playfully, as you placed your hand on his shoulder, guiding him to sit on the same chair Tom had been in.
He sat there and looked up at you, your breath got stuck in your throat, how was it possible for a boy to be this pretty? You leaned in closer, a lot closer than you had been to Tom, which made Sirius feel a lot better already. “Look up at me, All right?” You told him softly. He did, and you swore you felt your legs wobble, but you took a deep breath and while holding his chin with one hand, you gently placed your other hand on his cheek, to stabilise it while you lined his eyes. You were a lot more careful than you’d been with Tom. Softer, taking a lot longer to drag the eye pencil under his lower lashes. You honestly enjoyed being close to Sirius, more than you’d ever dare to admit to his face, especially since it’d go straight to his head, feeding his already pretty big ego.
“Are you gonna be a mermaid?” 
“No, I’m not.” You replied and continued with your task. 
“What about a princess? You certainly fit the look.” 
“Puppy stop moving!” You reprimanded, as a blush threatened to spread on your cheeks, “And no, I’m not going to be a princess, that’s two tries out of three.” He huffed, he really wanted to win the bet “What about you? Are you gonna be a rockstar?” 
“Nope.” He responded, “3 tries for you too.” 
You leaned in a little closer, narrowing your eyes as you tried to be as accurate as possible, “Will you come as a prince? It’s also something that would suit you.” 
He shook his head “I’m letting James take the spotlight with the mediaeval clothes… You think I look like a prince?” He asked, a little smirk playing on his lips. 
You rolled your eyes, “Everyone thinks you look like a prince, Sirius.” 
“Nah, I’m pretty sure you just said you think I look like a prince.” 
You playfully hit his shoulder before going to the other eye. Almost losing yourself in the frosty blue of them before focusing on your task again. Sirius was still looking at you attentively as you continued to paint his waterline. “Aren’t you gonna try and guess again?” 
“I’ve only got one try left.” 
“And you’re not planning to use it?” 
“I am… just– I want to… think it thoroughly.” 
“You know, you could just tell me whatever your wish is.” 
“It wouldn’t be the same thing,” he retorted. “You should also do Remus’ man liner since he’s going to be a pirate.” 
“I’m not sure he’d like it…” you said, a little insecure about it. 
“I think he would, we should tell him,” he said, very sure of himself. “Hey, Remus!” 
“Mmmm?” the mentioned boy asked from the sofa, where he was arranging some more cauldrons filled with treats. 
“Come over! Will ya?” 
Remus turned to the boy, gave him a look like he did not want to move, but stood up and walked up to the two of you. 
“You’re up next,” Sirius informed him.
“For what?” 
“(Y/N) is doing your manliner.” 
“If you want to…” you added. Finally separating from Sirius since you had finished, smiling at how handsome your boyfriend looked. 
“It’s for your costume.” Sirius said, “It won’t be finished without it.” He then stood up and placed Remus right on the chair in front of yours.
Remus just took a deep breath as he stared at his friend, before turning to look at you, expectantly. 
“You sure you’re ok with it?” You asked, with a little frown. There it was again, the concern and care you always seemed to show Remus, the same concern and care that had his heart fluttering from how close you were standing to him. From how close both Sirius and you were to him, in fact. 
He cleared his throat and nodded, and you leaned closer to him, grabbing his face just as carefully as you had grabbed Sirius’. His skin was a lot softer than you’d imagined, you unintentionally brushed your fingers over one of his scars, but Remus didn’t flinch, which surprised him, since he usually detested when people did it. In fact, he remembered a particular time when he was making out with a boy and he snapped at him for touching his face. 
“Look up at me Rem,” you told him softly, he complied, looking at you through his lashes, Sirius was right next to you, Remus could see his satisfied expression from the corner of his eyes. You finally leaned in, and started to glide the pencil over his lower lashes. You somehow ended up focusing on his eyes, how they had these little specks of amber tones in them, they were bigger, and somewhat softer than Sirius’, very doe-like, in fact. “Tell me if it hurts,” you added later. Remus was nothing like Sirius, the latter would make a fuzz if you pricked him on the eye accidentally. Remus, on the other hand, he’d probably endure it without even wincing. He nodded, and you had to quickly pull the eye pencil away from his face. “But don’t move!” you admonished, grabbing his face a little more sternly now. 
“M’sorry,” he mumbled. 
“What do you think (Y/N)’s costume’s gonna be?” Sirius, who was still very close to the two of you, attentively watching the way you lined Remus’ waterline, asked. He seemed pretty content, falling to notice you were standing so much closer to Remus than you had been to Tom.
“You haven’t guessed yet?” Remus asked, a diverted smile playing on his lips “That’s unfortunate for you.” 
“MOONY!” He whined, “I asked you to help me choose, not to make fun of me.” Remus shrugged. “She said she’s not gonna be a princess, or a mermaid, also not an alien, or an astronaut, from what I asked yesterday. Mmmm.. and she also said she wasn’t dressing as a superhero, though I’m sure she’d look great as Wonder Woman.” 
“Who would’ve thought Sirius would be into costumes…” you teased. Remus instantly chuckled, but it took a little longer for Sirius to understand the joke. 
“Hey! I’m not– I– I just want my prize!” 
“Well then guess by yourself, If Remus guesses for you, he gets your prize.” 
Sirius gasped “You wouldn’t.” 
“I so would,” you teased again. Then pulled back from Remus “There we go,” you smiled at your work, slowly letting your fingers glide over his skin as you pulled them away from his face, Remus really did work that man liner out.
“Damn, mate!” Sirius said as Remus stood, looking up at him “You look absolutely dashing, and you don’t even have the rest of your costume on.” 
“He’s right,” you nodded “Remus’ getting bitches tonight.” 
Remus gave you a reproachful look, but nodded, “I think everything’s pretty much handled already.” 
You saw Tom walk down from the stairs in a puffy shirt and a dark green vest. He’d brushed his curls back, only one gently falling on his forehead, he was definitely working that vampire costume. 
You approached him quickly “Tom! It’s brilliant you’re ready. Deal with everything while we go change, yeah?” 
He nodded, and then smiled mischievously. “I’ll go find the potion, I probably left it somewhere when I dropped all the candies on Beth’s Sweets Table.” 
You raised your eyebrows “Just don’t down it all in one go. Save some for the rest of us.” He winked as an answer. “Tom’s taking care of this, we can go change,” You said, turning to Remus and Sirius, who were just a couple steps behind you. 
Sirius approached Tom first, and handed the eyeliner over “Your eyeliner.” He said icily. 
“Thanks for borrowing it,” Remus added politely afterwards, feeling like he wanted to punch Sirius for being such an idiot to Tom. You clearly weren’t interested in the boy, in fact, anyone would tell him how head over heels you were for him, but he had such a thick head he dared to be jealous. Maybe it was from how much hair he had.
Tom, being Tom, just smiled, almost mischievously. “No problem, you both look smashing, by the way…” He then eyed the taller boy up and down “Remus,” he said with a nod, before walking away to the centre of the room.
You frowned slightly at the exchange, remembering Tom’s words: “You’d be surprised, most of them hide it quite well though, you wouldn’t expect it.” Would it be possible that Remus was also-
You felt a hand press to the small of your back, “let’s go, love,” Sirius said, as he pushed you up the stairs.
“Uh.. yeah sure,” you said, allowing Sirius to guide you, turning your head back towards the front. 
 “Are you gonna be a lady knight?” He asked as you walked up the spiral staircase, Remus trailing behind just a little.
You shook your head “But that would’ve been a brilliant idea!” 
“Well, you’d certainly look great in silver armour,” He replied with a little smirk. You playfully shoved him off as you rolled your eyes. 
“Will you be… a prisoner from Azkaban?” 
“I would look great in those white and blue stripes, wouldn’t I?” He teased confidently “But no… I’m not gonna be that!” 
You sighed “We both lose then. What was your wish?” 
“I’ll tell you later,” he said with a wink. Eventually, you parted ways, waving a hand as the boys walked toward their rooms while you walked to yours.  
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Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
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moondustpugh · 26 days
Can I request a fluffy Joseph Quinn x fem! reader long oneshot where reader wakes up and hears laughter and finds Joseph in their daughters room playing with her and as reader watches them she reflects on how she met Joseph when she took her niece to a Comic Con to meet him and it was love at first sight?
The Alchemy
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Seeing Joe with your daughter, you couldn't help but look back on the first time you met him. That one normal day you dreaded so much that turned into something so beautiful and important, almost like a golden daylight you never knew before.
Author's Note: I barely write any fics that involves with kids, so this is a rare one for me. Somehow, I enjoyed it! :) Comments are always welcome!
Wordcount: 5.3K
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Letting out a deep breath, you smiled at the work that you just finished. Organizing the living room and the kitchen every day was getting harder, but you weren’t complaining. It was the trails that your toddler would leave behind. Her stuffed animals, puzzles, books and Barbie dolls. After putting them all back in the bin, you finally sighed in relief, ready to just crawl under the bed covers and be in Joe’s arms. 
However, laughter and giggles echoed down the hall and caught your attention. Looking at the time, you realized that it was late. Well, late for your daughter to be up at this hour. Walking down the hall and into her bedroom, you found Joe, still in his work clothes, on the floor playing with Rosie. 
“Hi! I’m Miss Bunny!” Joe used his baby talk, letting the stuffed bunny hop in front of Rosie. 
“Bunny!” Rosie’s fingers were on her mouth as she used her other hand to point at the stuffed bunny.
“Miss Bunny thinks it’s time for bedtime!” Joe let the stuffed bunny dance towards Rosie, who giggled happily.
You leaned against the doorframe and smiled, watching Rosie laugh as Joe tackled her with the bunny kisses. He then reeled her in his lap and attacked her with kisses all over her face. Rosie’s brunette curls were all disheveled the moment Joe pulled away. He laughed softly, stroking his daughter’s hair as she wrapped her tiny arms around Joe’s neck. She laid her head on his shoulder and yawned softly, while Joe caressed her back.
“My little Rosie.” He murmured, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. 
“Daddy… love.” Rosie said, yawning again.
“I love you too, darling.” 
Joe started humming softly as he rocked Rosie in his arms. As you watched them, you couldn’t help but remember how you and Joe first met. If someone would have told you back then that this was going to be your future, you probably would have laughed so hard at how ridiculous it would sound. It was something you never knew that could happen in your life. 
It started one Friday afternoon when your sister came knocking on your door. You sighed as soon as you saw her car outside the window. You love your sister. You really did, but you were tired of babysitting her daughter every time she needed to go do something. You had your own life too, and you were stressed out at work already. 
“What is it?” You asked as soon as you opened the door.
Camille gave you a shy smile as your eyes shifted towards your niece, Zoe, who was sitting at the passenger seat of Camille’s car. The window was down, and she was occupied with her phone. Your niece was 13 years old and somehow, your sister always wanted you to watch her.
“No, Camille.” You shook your head before she could say anything. “I’m not babysitting tonight. I had a long day at work. I don’t have the energy to deal with kids right now.”
“No, no.” Camille shook her head. “I’m not here to ask you to babysit. It’s just that… this weekend…”
You raised your brow at her, leaning your body against the door frame and your arms crossed in front of your chest. 
“What about this weekend?” You asked.
“You see, there’s this comic con convention in the city, and Zoe has been begging me to take her because her favorite celebrity is going to be in it, but I can’t go this weekend because I have this project at work.” Camille let out a deep sigh. “I was wondering if you could take her, please?”
“No—No!” You repeatedly shook your head. “A comic con? No way! That’s way too crowded for me and you know I hate that! Besides, I’m not a fan of those things.” 
“You don’t have to be a fan to go,” Camille explained. “Can you please just take her? She has been asking for this. She has been wanting to meet this guy. She really likes him.” 
“It’s a guy?!” Your eyes widened. “What does she know about liking a guy? She’s like five.”
“She’s 13, honey.” Your sister tilted her head at you. “He’s a celebrity named Joe… something. I don’t know, he’s from this show called Stranger Things.”
“Stranger what?” You furrowed your brows and shook your head again. “No, no. What am I gonna do there?”
“Just please accompany her? I’ll pay for everything. Your gas, both of your food and even your admission ticket.”
You sighed, shifting your eyes at Zoe, who was now looking at the both of you. She had pleading eyes, and you knew she was silently begging you to say yes to accompany her.
“Do I have to stand in line to meet this man?” You asked, shifting your eyes back to Camille.
“I don’t think so.” She shrugged. “I guess it depends on their age rules, but you literally just have to accompany her. You don’t have to interact with anyone.”
You rubbed your forehead and scrunched your face as you agreed. Your sister should be glad that you love your niece or else, you would have said no to this, and she wouldn’t be able to convince you at all.
Camille smiled, pulling you into a hug and said, “Thank you!”
You pointed your index finger at her, raising your brow and said, “You’re paying for all of this. I’m not spending a single dime.”
Camille nodded her head and said, “Oh and… um… can you please not smoke in front of Zoe?”
You were taken aback by her little comment as you gasped softly. “You smoke in your household, Camille!”
“No, I haven’t!” She argued. “I haven’t smoked in years.”
You sighed, shaking your head in disbelief. Why was she acting like she was all innocent?
Camille took a step forward, touching you by the forearm. Her eyes were practically begging as she said, “I know you smoke when you’re stressed, and I know the crowd stresses you out. It’s just that Zoe is growing older, and I don’t want her to be picking up those kinds of habits.”
You scoffed, “Speak for yourself.”
“I know.” Camille admitted. “She doesn’t need to be like me before.”
You rolled your eyes and nodded at her as she gave you another thankful smile before walking away. As your sister slid herself back into the driver’s seat, you saw Zoe smiled at you and looked down at her phone. In just a second, your phone vibrated in your pocket and saw Zoe texting you a thank you as the car pulled away from your driveway. 
Entering back into your place, you flopped yourself on the sofa and sighed. You didn’t understand how your sister could have a daughter and could barely be there for her. This was why you told yourself that you could never have kids. There was too much time and needs that you needed to sacrifice just so you could take care of them. 
Shaking your head, you googled the show Stranger Things just to at least know what this was all about. You scrolled through the list of cast and saw two men that have the same name as Joe. One with long thick straight hair and one with curly long hair. You wondered which one Zoe was so fond of. Not really caring about it, you exited google and spent the rest of the night cuddled with your blanket on your sofa, watching your shows. 
However, when Saturday came, you were dreading to get up. It was way too early and why were comic cons started at 10am? It was a Saturday! Who wanted to get up that early for it? For what? For an autograph and a picture? 
On the way to your sister’s house, you grabbed yourself a cup of coffee and when you arrived, you found Zoe already waiting for you on the front porch. She looked excited and nervous at the same time. She had a backpack with her, and you furrowed your brows as you studied the outfit that she was wearing. 
When did your sister approve of this sort of outfit?
In your opinion, you didn’t think it was bad. However, in your sister’s eyes? You knew she had an argument with Zoe this morning when she saw that t-shirt she was wearing. 
“Hellfire Club?” You tugged on Zoe’s shirt lightly as soon as she slid herself on the passenger seat. 
“So, your mom was okay with you having a picture of the devil on your shirt?” You raised your brow at her, making Zoe roll her eyes.
“She doesn’t know it.” Zoe shrugged. “It’s from the show. It’s not really the devil, Auntie.”
You chuckled softly, “So, this is not like a cult thing?”
Zoe sighed and said, “No, it’s not! Auntie, I thought you’re the cool Aunt. I thought you would be cool about this?”
“I am cool about this!” You argued, tugging on her shirt lightly again. “Let me see.”
Zoe turned her body to face you as she looked down at her shirt and gave you a proud smile. You chuckled softly, poking her stomach softly.
“I actually think you look pretty cool.” You smiled before finally driving out of the driveway. 
Zoe smiled as she scrolled through her phone. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you entered the freeway and made your way to the city. You looked over to Zoe and saw that she was scrolling through the website of the comic con. 
“So, who’s this Joe guy, anyway?” You asked, interrupting the silence.
You saw the grin on Zoe’s face widened as she focused her eyes on the phone of her screen. Not a minute later, she held up her phone with a picture of a guy. He was wearing the same Hellfire Club shirt, long curly hair and had tattoos. 
“That’s him?” You laughed. “With the perm and everything?”
“That’s just his character. He’s wearing a wig.” Zoe slumped on her seat, sighing. 
You laughed softly, shaking your head. You continued to focus your eyes on the road as the skyline of the city slowly appeared in front of you. Zoe looked out the window for a moment, and you couldn’t help but glance at her. You saw the frustration in her eyes as you bit your lower lip. You didn’t mean to upset her over a picture, and you could tell she was going through something else.
“Hey,” You reached your hand over, patting her lap. “I’m sorry. You know I’m just teasing you.”
Zoe turned to you and nodded her head. “It’s just that… he already gets so much hate online, you know? He’s such a sweet guy, and I wish people were nicer.”
You couldn’t help but smile and squeezed her hand lightly. “People just don’t have anything to do with their lives that’s why they’re being like that.”
“Yeah…” Zoe looked down at her lap. “Mom just doesn’t understand it either.”
“Well, you know how your mom is.” You rolled your eyes. “She’s too stiff and strict. She got that from your grandma.”
Zoe let out a sigh, setting her chin on the palm of her hand as she looked out the window. 
“Oh, c’mon. Cheer up. You’re going to meet him soon.” You gave her a reassuring smile. 
Zoe gave you a nervous smile, nodding her head. She took your hand in hers and squeezed it lightly. As Zoe grew older, she was more comfortable sharing things with you than Camille. It wasn’t like you didn’t scold her about certain things. Camille was just too strict, and she never tried to understand that Zoe was growing up, and she was in a phase where she was experimenting different things to learn more about herself. 
Arriving at the convention center, you walked in with Zoe and immediately saw a crowd of people already. It took about 15 minutes just entering the building, which you didn’t understand because you both were here before it even opened. Your eyes studied the room, looking at the people dressed up in different characters. You wonder how long it took them to dress up like that. They all looked really cool. 
“Oh, over there!” Zoe tugged on your arm, pointing towards the corner at the back. 
Your eyes immediately saw the big banner that had a picture of Joe’s character with his name plastered next to it. Grabbing you by the wrist, Zoe dragged you quickly towards it, stumbling and bumping through the crowd.
“Okay, slow down, Zoe.” You said. 
“I can’t. The photo op is supposed to be at 11.” Zoe explained. “It’s already almost 10:30. I wanna be in line already.”
You took a deep breath and your eyes widened immediately as soon as you both arrived at the booth. The line was already long, and you followed Zoe all the way to the back and sighed. The crowd was making you anxious, and Zoe being in a panic and nervous mode wasn’t helping you either. 
“How long is this going to take?” You asked.
Zoe shrugged. “It starts at 11. Maybe an hour or so?”
Your eyes widened. “Okay, how about this… I’ll be right back.”
Zoe tilted her head at you, a brow raised. You swore whenever she gave you that look, she looked exactly like your sister. 
“You’re already stressed? Are you gonna go out for a smoke?”
“No.” You immediately answered as you made a face. “I’m… just gonna look at stuff… outside. The city skyline looks nice.”
Zoe kept her brow raised, knowing the fact that you were lying in front of her face. 
“Just stay here and if you ever move, just text me where you are.” You pointed your index finger at her. “Don’t go anywhere far. I swear to god, Zoe. Your mother is going to kill me.”
Zoe rolled her eyes as you walked away. Walking through the crowds, you found two sliding doors that walked out to the balcony. The skyline of the city was right in front of it, and you couldn’t help but admire it as you took out a cigarette from your purse and lit it up. You exhaled a sharp breath, puffing out the smoke when another person joined you. 
Glancing to your side, you watched as he fumbled through his coat pockets. The cigarette was tucked between his lips, and he looked like he was looking for his lighter. 
“Great.” He murmured under his breath, taking the cigarette that was between his lips and exhaled a sharp breath.
Taking your lighter from your pocket, you took a few steps towards him and handed it to him. As he gazed up at you, his chocolate button eyes immediately caught yours. A small gasp was caught in your throat as you stared at him for a moment. As he slipped the lighter from your hands, you felt his touch on your fingers and suddenly, you felt something sparked inside of you.
Almost like the chemicals in your brain have changed. 
“Thank you.” He gave you a shy smile before lighting his cigarette. 
You nodded your head, giving him a faint smile as he gave you back your lighter. You noticed the English accent that slipped through his voice and wondered if he was just visiting town. 
A comfortable silence surrounded the both of you for a moment before he interrupted and said, “Overwhelmed?”
You chuckled softly. “I don’t like the crowds.”
He nodded his head and blew a puff of smoke into the air and continued, “Me too. Gives me anxiety.”
You gave him a soft smile and looked towards the view of the skyline in front of the both of you. Then, you glanced over to him again.
“Y…You work for the convention?” You asked.
“Um…” He laughed softly, scratching the back of his head. “I guess you could say that.”
“I don’t know how you do it. Working and dealing with all those crowds?” You shook your head. “It’s why I choose to work in an office.”
The man chuckled softly, putting his cigarette out and said, “I guess so but after saying hi and taking pictures with them, it’s sort of worth it.”
You furrowed your brows at the small comment that he just made. For a moment, you were confused as to what he was talking about. You looked over your shoulder and through the glass windows and saw the banner that was literally underneath Zoe before slowly looking back at the man in front of you. You felt your cheeks flushed when you realized who it was. Putting out your cigarette, you let out a small laugh and shook your head.
“What?” He asked.
“My niece…” You laughed, turning to face him. “She would kill me right now if she knew who I was talking to.”
He gave you a wide smile, “I’m guessing you don’t watch Stranger Things?”
“I actually didn’t find out about it until just yesterday.” Your cheeks flushed again. 
You didn’t know why you were feeling embarrassed. There was literally nothing to be embarrassed about. You just didn’t watch the show nor knew him at all. That was all. It wasn’t a crime or anything. 
“I’m just accompanying my niece because my sister can’t seem to show up for her daughter lately.” You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know why she would have a child if she can’t even take care of her. It was like she just doesn’t even care. I mean… Zoe is literally growing up so fast, and she doesn’t even realize that—”
You glanced at him and saw an amused smile that was tugging on his lips. You bit your lower lip and looked away for a moment.
“And… I’m ranting to you. I’m so sorry.” You laughed softly, playing with the lighter in your hands. 
“It’s okay.” He grinned widely. “I totally understand. One of my mates back in London is sort of the same. He tends to leave his kids to his sister, and I honestly feel like he doesn't care at all.”
“Yeah…” You looked down at your fingers. 
“But I think it’s cool that you accompanied your niece to meet me.” Joe gave you a warm smile that suddenly made your stomach turn. “Not many people would do that, especially for a convention like this.”
You pursed your lips, giving him a small smile as you kicked the metal railing softly with your foot. Your head hung low, and you could feel your heartbeat race faster. Why was it all of a sudden, you were feeling a little shy? 
“I’m Joe, by the way.”
He held out his hand and right before you could shake his hand, your flustered self dropped the lighter on the floor. You let out a nervous laugh as Joe picked it up on the ground and handed it to you. You introduced yourself as you took the lighter from his hand, feeling his touch against your skin again. Once again, you felt the electricity sparked inside of you, and you couldn’t explain what it was. 
“Nice to meet you.” Joe smiled. 
“Yo…You too.” 
“I should get back. I have fans waiting for me.” Joe made his way towards the double doors.
“Of course.”
As he walked away, you turned your back towards the double doors and slapped your palm on your forehead, feeling so stupid and embarrassed. You didn’t even know why. You were never nervous when it came to talking to men, so why were you all flustered towards Joe? Was it because he was a celebrity or was it because you didn’t even recognize him, and you had the audacity to rant about your personal life to some stranger?
Shaking your head, you made your way back inside the convention center and waited for Zoe to finish off her photo ops with Joe. You sat in the corner and watched everyone around the center for a moment, before you occupied yourself with some work on your phone. 
“Auntie!” Zoe called out, running towards you. “Look! Look!”
She squealed, handing you two printed pictures of her and Joe. You smiled and stared at the picture. One of the pictures was Joe hugging her tightly and the other one was them doing peace signs, and his tongue was sticking out in a goofy and dorky way.
“Was he nice?” You asked. 
“Yes, he was so sweet! He said that he liked my shirt, and he called me darling.”
You laughed, taking the pictures from her. “Here let me hold this for you, while you prepare to go get his autograph.”
“Okay.” Zoe fixed her heavy backpack, but you were quick to grab her gently by her straps.
“Zoe, you’re struggling with that. Let me hold this for you.” You said, sliding her backpack off her shoulders. 
As you set the backpack on the table in front of you, you helped fix Zoe’s shirt and just in time, Joe had walked by. Your eyes caught his as he gave you a warm smile when he passed by. Zoe was literally bouncing off her feet, while you were trying to fix her shirt but it was no use, she wouldn’t stay still.
“Zoe, sweetheart. Calm down.” You said, squeezing her arm softly.
“I’m gonna go!” Zoe said, walking away from you.
“Okay, text me–” You sighed and rubbed your forehead. 
The rest of the day was slow. After Zoe had received her autograph from Joe, she had dragged you into his panel, and you sat there the whole time, watching him. His expressions and how he interacted with his fans. He was sweet to all of them and you were lucky enough to be sitting in the front row. Your sister truly had spent a lot of money for Zoe to get that VIP seat. You couldn’t help but wonder every time Joe glanced towards you, if he was thinking about that embarrassing conversation that you two had earlier. 
“You know, he’s only two years older than you.” Zoe had told you later that night. 
Since you had a long exhausting day running around with Zoe, you decided to abuse your sister’s credit card and took you and Zoe to a nice restaurant. That stress level from the crowd and making sure Zoe didn’t run off got you craving for steak. Something that you knew your sister was going to shake her head and roll her eyes. You couldn’t help but grin at the thought of it. Camille always had teased you all her life so when you had grown older, you kept giving her a payback every chance you got. 
“So?” You raised your brow.
“So? I saw him looking at you during his panel.” Zoe shrugged, playing with the mashed potatoes in front of her. “Why did he keep glancing at you?”
“Who knows.” You took a sip of your wine and continued eating. 
“Maybe he found you pretty or something.”
You barked out a laugh, shaking your head. “Zoe, stop spending so much time on the internet. It’s rotting your brain.”
“What? It could happen.” She shrugged and ate the mashed potatoes. 
“Zoe, he’s an actor.” You made sure that she understood it.
“Yeah, but–”
“Excuse me.” The server came by your table, smiling at you. “This was ordered for you.”
She sets a bottle of wine in front of you along with a slice of tiramisu cake in front of Zoe. You straightened yourself on your chair, wondering who the server was talking about. Following the server’s gaze behind her, you saw Joe sitting across the room. He was with another man, who looked like his friend or something. The man sitting next to him was literally grinning ear from ear as he nudged Joe on the arm. 
“Ohmygod.” Zoe gasped.
Your eyes widened as you saw Zoe’s expression turned into a panic mode. You felt your heartbeat race again when you saw Joe get up from his chair and walked towards your table. Zoe grabbed you by the wrist, and you swore for a 13 year old, she could snap your wrist in half from the way she was gripping it. 
“Zoe.” You gave her a look and a warning voice to calm down and behave herself. 
“Hi.” Joe smiled at you. “We meet again.”
“Again?!” Zoe exclaimed, shifting her attention to you. 
You squeezed her hand softly under the table to calm herself down as you smiled at Joe. “Are you stalking me?” You joked.
“Are you sure you’re not stalking me?” Joe retorted back.
“Well, I was here first before you, wasn’t I?”
Joe was silent for a moment before shrugging and nodding his head in agreement. A small laugh escaped from him before his eyes turned to Zoe. 
“Hi.” He grinned at her. “Nice to meet you again.”
“You too.” Zoe smiled excitedly. “I’m such a big fan.”
“Thank you.” Joe nodded before turning to you again. “May I?”
You nodded your head as he pulled up a chair next to you. You wonder if you were dreaming. You wonder if this was real, and you certainly wonder how the hell Zoe was just talking about this and now, it was happening? Was this some sort of prank? Were you on camera right now? Glancing towards your niece, she focused her attention on her food, but she was practically giddy on her seat.
“You didn’t have to do all this, you know?” You said, pointing at the wine and the tiramisu cake.
“Actually, it’s a little thank you.” Joe cleared his throat. “Ever since our conversation earlier, I couldn’t help but think about how I never had a conversation like that in a long time. You know, something real and genuine?”
You nodded your head towards the man that was sitting on their table. “He doesn’t give you genuine conversations?” 
Joe looked over his shoulder and laughed softly. “He’s my manager. Most of our conversations involve work.”
“Ah,” You nodded your head in understanding. “Well, I’m glad I was able to give you that.”
“Well, I was hoping that maybe we could continue more conversations like that.”
You bit your lower lip as soon as you felt Zoe kicked you on the leg under the table. You clench your jaw from the pain that you felt. You swore Zoe was going to get an earful from you later on. As you continued your conversation with Joe, he had given you his number at the end of the night, and Zoe was practically excited and giddy when you both returned in the car. 
“You’re literally the coolest Aunt.” Zoe had told you later that night when you had dropped her off home. “Thank you for coming with me today. It really means a lot.”
You smiled as you helped her slip her backpack on. “You know I’m always here for you, Zoe. I know I get busy at times but if there’s any problem or anything you need, I’m a text away, alright?”
Zoe smiled, wrapping her arms around your waist and embraced you. It was that night when you realized that the reason why you were always so irritated with Camille for bringing Zoe for you to babysit was because you cared too much about her. You didn’t want Zoe to have a distant relationship with her mom because she was always busy with work. You wanted Zoe to have a safe and healthy relationship with her family because she deserved so much love and happiness in this world. 
“Hey, I didn’t know you were there.” Joe’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 
Rosie was fast asleep in his arms as you smiled and walked towards them. Joe was still sitting on the floor, his hand gently caressing Rosie’s back. She had her head against his shoulder, face pressed on his neck. 
“What are you thinking?” Joe whispered. 
“You…” You smiled, rubbing Rosie’s back softly. “Zoe.. and Rosie.”
Joe smiled slightly, thinking about Zoe. He couldn’t believe she was almost graduating high school now. When he first met her, she was this energetic 13 year old. Now, she was almost a grown adult and more energetic and smarter than ever. 
“Her graduation is coming up pretty quickly.” Joe said. 
“Yeah, she’s Valedictorian of her class. I’m so proud of her.” 
Joe got up from the floor and walked over to Rosie’s bed and set her down gently. He covered her with her blanket, tucking her in comfortably before setting the stuffed bunny next to her. Turning to face you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a soft kiss on the lips.
“If it wasn’t for Zoe, we wouldn’t be here right now.” Joe murmured.
You let out a soft hum, wrapping your arms around his neck. “That’s true… We wouldn’t have Rosie either.”
Unwrapping his arms from you, Joe looked over his shoulder and stared at Rosie, who was fast asleep. He knelt down next to her bed, softly brushing her brunette curls away from her face before placing a soft kiss on her hair.
“I don’t know where I would be without the both of you.” Joe smiled. 
Kneeling down next to him, you placed a soft kiss on Rosie’s forehead. When you were pregnant with Rosie, you and Joe had promised each other that no matter how busy life gets, you both will always put her first no matter what. 
“I love you both so much.” You whispered.
“Mama?” You gazed down at Rosie, who fluttered her eyes open.
She reached her arms towards you as you smiled and picked her up in your arms.
“Get some rest, sweetheart.” You rocked her softly, while Joe rubbed her back.
As you set her back down on her bed, you felt Rosie’s arms tightened around your neck. You chuckled softly at Joe as he shook his head. 
“In bed with us it is then.” Joe stated.
Walking out of Rosie’s room, Joe followed behind you, turning the lights off and went to freshen up as you settled Rosie on the bed between the both of you. You tucked her in the bed before you went to change into your pajamas. Not moments later, Joe’s arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you from behind.
“That day…” Joe kissed your cheek softly, turning you around to face him. “When you started talking about Camille, and I saw you all flustered, I knew that I wanted to get to know more about that girl that I met on the balcony.”
You chuckled softly, running your hands down his chest. “It was the first time I ever felt something like that to anyone. It was like the chemicals in my brain twisted and turned into something I never knew before.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him softly on the lips. Joe pressed your body against his as he kissed you deeper and hungrily.
“It was like suddenly, everything was golden. Like I saw colors I never knew before.” You said once you pulled away from the kiss. 
“You and Rosie are my life.” Joe murmured. “You both are everything to me.”
He softly caressed your cheek with his thumb before taking your hand and took you to the bedroom. As you settled on your sides of the bed, Joe wrapped an arm around Rosie, giving her a kiss on her forehead again before moving over and giving you a quick kiss. With both of them like this in your bed, you couldn't help but thanked your little stars for bringing Joe into your life, and you certainly thanked your little stars for letting your sister dragged you to that comic con with Zoe. 
Who knew that one day that you dreaded so much turned into something so important? 
Who knew that was going to be the beginning of your life forever? 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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oonajaeadira · 6 months
For the Love of Fic: December 9
I'm doing my best to get through my massive reading list by the end of the year, so buckle up, fam, you're about to get served a buffet of fic. There's so many tasty morsels here, even Mama Flores has to appreciate this feast.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Sheer Desire by @the-blind-assassin-12 Okay so imagine you're Frankie's +1 to a Millerboy wedding. And there's dancing and yearning and flirting involved. And the knowledge that after the reception, you're going to have him all to yourself. Now add in black thigh-high nylons. And the desire to see them in his hands. And his desire to have those lacy tops pressed against his ears.... IT'S HOT LIKE FIRE. DID YOU THINK IT WOULD NOT BE. GO GET IT.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #2: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Hammock by @something-tofightfor I mean, who doesn't want to be cuddled up in a hammock with Frankie? Who doesn't want those soft curls and soft lips and warm arms all pressed up against you?
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #12: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Dark / Break Up Kiss by @something-tofightfor A little angst and a lot of love are on display here. Frankie's here to show his responsible and protective side, and while there's plenty of hurt, he does it oh so softly and I'm just glad we are left with hope.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #14: Frankie Morales - “I miss you” Kiss / Angry Kiss by @something-tofightfor So remember that hope I just mentioned up there? Same pairing here, and the hope pays off. It's not without some real talk, but perhaps that's what makes the love even more deliciously sincere.
The day Frankie both loves and loathes the kitchen counter by @undercoverpena This is such a wonderful domestic Frankie POV piece. The way he wants to be better for reader, to provide more, to keep promises...the way he adores everything about her, including how she loves to bundle up in his clothes... Getting a peek inside a man who is sweet and loving and seeing the motivations there is such a treat. I really got swept up in this one.
The Thing About Second Chances by @artemiseamoon 🪐 This is exquisite. The pain of walking away really hurt. But then, when they met again it is so masterfully done...there are all these little impulses of his, wanting to do everything for her that could easily be overbearing except that he's just so damn loveable and it's hard to watch two people who clearly live each other be denied. I'm not sure he can really change all that much, but I am really pulling for them. Sometimes a little time apart can really drive home how much you can miss someone. Beautiful.
The Moon in May - Full Moon by @hopeamarsu Alpha Marcus. and. sitting on lap. purring and. teasing and soft and spreading you open but requiring go slow. is a tasty treat. brain mush. purring chest at my back. yes please.
Something Wild and Unruly by @ezrasbirdie Okay, remember when I said that there was a fic that was so beautiful it made me want to quit writing? This is it, and I mean that as a high compliment. Like, I finished it and just put my head in my hands and stared out the window with a big smile on my face. It's outlaw!Joel and old west sex worker!reader with a heart of gold and a good attitude about what she does. It's got so so so much feels and yearning and softness and bathing and the ending is beautiful and full of hope...this fic is up all of my alleys and making all of my jams and is my entire life mood. It is my new official Fave Birdie Fic™️ and I need to sing that to the world.
Small Joys: Wheelbug by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 The whole point of Lyr's Small Joys series is just that--joys. So it seems antithetical for Ellie to have found a bug that's big and bitey and for Joel to freak out about and try to bat it away. But the joy part of it comes from reader's reaction--to the wonder at finding a wheelbug in nature where it wasn't expected--and Ellie's, who of course will always find wonder in something new. Simple and beautifully done.
Small Joys: Leaf Pile by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Yes, the joy here is jumping in a leaf pile, but the joy I got from it was being able to hear Joel and Ellie perfectly in this. I also love the process Ellie gets to have in collecting the leaves and talking to a neighbor. It's really delightful.
The Sun Will Shine Again by @foli-vora I can't imagine dealing with crippling depression during the years after the outbreak, how hard and crippling it would be. And yet, I think I'd be able to manage if Joel was on my side, telling me he'd carry me as long as he could just to make sure I made it through. This is just such a beautiful piece. I want to curl up in it like a blanket.
Tangled Triumphs by @planet-marz1 I think my blood sugar levels hit an all-time high with this one and I ascended into the heavens. Joel learns to do Sarah's hair and it's so sweet and precious and I love them. Please read this. I need other people to share my squeals.
Cast Iron Sunshine part 1: Think I'll Call You Sunshine and part 2: Daisy by @blueeyesatnight Color me intrigued. We got ourselves a cocky cowboy in the wild west and a female doctor reader with some determination, sass, and willingness to sport a revolver, and I want more of that push and pull I'm sure is coming. The first meeting is just enough tingle to rub my hands together with glee. HE'S SUCH A SHIT. But then comes Daisy and she's here to lay some hearts open...
What Happens in Vegas.., ...Never Really Ends in Vegas, and Forever by @wildemaven A beautiful drabble trio that encompasses the realization that you've accidentally-in-Vegas married Jack, trying to quit him, and being unable to do so. Do yourself a favor, don't think about it too hard, and give into your cowboy.
Remember Me by @toomanystoriessolittletime This twisted my little heart and melted me in so many ways. When Jack is brought back and can't remember his girlfriend? Can I just cry a river? No worries though, the ending's a happy, hopeful one.
Thought That I Was Dreaming by @haylzcyon Salty, spicy, and sweet all at once...this may just be my dream Dieter smut. I very much love a "did he really say???" but then the reason for her not asking was perfect. How does Haylz make the very filthiest filth the sweetest sweet?
Sleazy Santa by @morallyinept This what happens when Dieter's not an actor, just a tremendous sleezebag working as a mall Santa (he's respectful to the kids) and you can't stop wanting that scummy D and go bang dirty in the Grotto. There's candy cane action. It's real nasty. And written like a fkn gourmet meal. The sweatier Jett writes this slimeball, the more I want. I don't know how. It's like Christmas magic. Delicious.
Crawling Back to You by @prolix-yuy This fic is a feast and all of my favorite dishes are on the table. Monsterfkn. Demons. Blasphemy. Sexy contracts. Dieter being a menace. And softness????? This is smut and it is hot hot hot, but there's enough here that's sweetness and fondness that it's going straight to my forever faves list. HE RUINS HER SO NICELY. UGH!
Rendezvous in Reno by @theywhowriteandknowthings A Dieter with small-dick insecurities? Please and thank you, this is super cute. I'd love to get called out for describing his junk wrong in my fics and get a personal correction.
It's Never Over by @pennyserenade We don't get enough exes-to-friends fic around here, and this one is really nice. As much as I hope for them to connect again, I respect their love for each other and their need to just let themselves be special to each other. There were moments here that were bittersweet, but I really loved that about it.
Birfday--Din by @writeforfandoms Listen. Is it so wrong that I want to cook a nice breakyfast to show Din how much he's loved? Is that too much to ask? Thanks, Jen, for something soft and sweet.
Then We'll Find Out Together by @missredherring A lovely little drabble about settling down in a new home with Din, getting used to the slowness and softness and niceness of everything. And when reader can't sleep, the one thing that's familiar--Din himself--is what calms her down. A lovely little drabble that I would like to live in.
Bounty and Hunter by @never--doubt 🪐 A soulmate fic wherein soulmates can't hurt each other. How interesting then that one of you is being hunted...and makes quite a game out of it?
Significant by @softlyspector He's been calling you riduur for months and you still don't know what it means. Once you find out, that's when the fireworks start. I don't know that I've read dialogue for Din and his sweetheart that affected me the way the last two lines of this fic did...... *swoons*
Watercolor by @iamskyereads I mean, give a sellsword a bath and you may be in for trouble. But not this man. This man just needs a little care, and while he may not say much, he make good on all kindnesses. I would do anything to give this man a bath and have him speak kindly to me.
Date or Inseminate by @sirowsky Now listen. You're gonna have to read the warnings on this, because I for one get really squicked by dub-con mixed with medical malpractice. I didn't read the warnings and it came out of nowhere....but I'm telling you my eyebrows shot up and then I just giggled through the whole thing like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Sometimes fic is just there to be fun and slap you silly. IRL? No please. But this? Go in with the right mood and it's just strangely and shockingly delightful smut.
Formula 101: December to Remember Part 2: Take What Comes by @littlemisspascal There's a lot to love about Rae's F1 media fic. Even outside of the easter eggs in the worldbuilding and the lovely way Javi and Oddball's relationship develops, there are the delightful media interludes--emails, texts, instagram posts complete with character comments--that use pictures and dialogue to move the plot along in a unique way. I love how a short text chain not only sets up a later story locale, but illustrates a history and relationship between two characters so fluidly. Every chapter is a delight to see how the media enhances the storyline...a storyline that is moving in a very interesting direction...
Hiding Away from the Galaxy by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 I love a good reunion story. Here, you're an ex-Jedi who has a past with Bo and come to find her when all the wars are done. I'd agree that it's worth the wait when she takes you in her arms....
My Knight in White by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 Jey's been doing a year of protectiveness, and you know I don't mind that AT ALL. I would love nothing more than to have Marc follow me home and protect me. And then, yeah, if he let me follow him home...and into his bedroom....I wouldn't complain..... *swoon*
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ezelium · 4 months
tracks from ardour ; Nakahara Chuuya
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CONTENT : music hcs for chuuya + drabble !! ★
WARNINGS : GN!Reader ,, mentions of alcohol ,, might be ooc (i dont pay much attention to chuuya sorry) NOT PROOFREAD
GENRE : HCs / Drabble ¹ - general / fluff
WC : 341
A/N : quick little thing while i work on a fic lol, HAPPY VALENTINES! ♥
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HCs ⟡
→ first of all im not gonna argue with anyone here but CHUUYA WOULD DEF LISTEN TO ROCK OR METAL VKEI BANDS. you're NOT convincing me otherwise. occasionally listens to j-pop!
→ specifically CLUBSICK from sick² and anagura from kizu. (more kizu appreciation PLEASE). i can totally see him blasting something random at 4 am in his office, like I KILL YOU by codomo dragon or RAVEN by mejibray.
→ he wouldn't admit he enjoys that so quick, but hes the type of fella to blast it SO LOUD through his headphones, it can be heard outside perfectly fine. gets slightly embarrassed and awkward when someone points it out.,..,...
→ favourite band? doesn't really have one. puts his playlist in a shuffle and puts reccommendations on, listens to whatever.
→ if you said you liked vkei aswell, he's going to go infodump about it in a randon conversation. congratulations, you will now listen to him ramble about random stuff and the drama going on between the bands without prior warning.
→ definitely tried playing an instrument before but then just.. gave up, no matter his skill. he forgets about it often, so he thought the best option was to just give it away or something.
→ he isn't a genre hater. doesn't mind listenig to reccommendations, but his dislikes and likes are as clear as glass.
→ his ears aint making it to his mid-late 30s.
You were over at Chuuya's luxurious apartment, just the one that you'd expect an executive to have. Even though you've been here several times, the apartment never failed to make you smile in awe. Your hand was tilting the wine bottle at a perfect angle and your eyes were assasing the amount if liquid in the wine glass. So dramatic for what, but you were too focused on it now.
Meanwhile, Chuuya had found a dusty vinyl from who knows how long ago, a long with a few discs that looked just as ancient as the vinyl - It was behind a random bookshelf and surprisingly nobody had noticed it until now. Now he was in the living room playing with the vinyl's settings and gear. "[Name]," he called out. your head snapped towards the sound, just when you finished pouring the wine. Seems like you just focused too much on pouring it a right amount. A second later you were next to his side, and put the wine on a nearby coffee table.
"Do ya think this still works? I found some old discs along with it to my luck."
"How am I supposed to know?"
"I don't know, aren't your guesses almost always correct?" He cackled. You rolled your eyes. Chuuya looked genuinely happy after finding those, almost like a pirate who has encountered a treasure. He did resemble a pirate to you, for sure, but that's out of topic... Finally putting the disc on the vinyl, his movements slowed down. The track didn't seem familiar to you— But Chuuya froze the few seconds he heard it again. "Oh," the executive muttered, "I remember listening to this when I was like what, 16..?" Seems the bus of nostalgia hit him pretty quickly. Laughing, you sat next to him and ruffled his hair much to his displeasure. He shot you a glance, but he wasn't mad and you could make that out.
And that's how the night went, listening to old discs Chuuya had. Needless to say, you both enjoyed that.
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©ezelium 2024 ⭑ I do not consent to my work being translated, reposted, or used.
REBLOGS ARE VERY APPRECIATED! (I'll read you a bedtime story if you reblog)
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sp00kymulderr · 7 months
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part 3 - Afterburn
series masterlist
Pairing: Joel Miller x afab reader (no pronouns)
Warnings: 18+, cursing, details of grief, survivors guilt, dealing with emotions badly, reader is dealing with death of a loved one, general sadness, kissing, m masturbation, premature ejaculation, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving). Please let me know if I missed any.
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: “Do you remember what it’s like to be happy?”
A/N: I'm sorry it's taken so long to post. I'm really proud of this one. If you like it please please comment and/or reblog. To follow for fic updates only go to @sp00kyupdates​ or see taglist details on my masterlist. Credit to banner/divider maker.
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Joel is not the same after you return from your short shower. Your packs are waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs as he stands by the door scanning the horizon, an impatient tut leaves him.
“We gotta go, you ready?” He grunts, not even bothering to look at you.
“Joel c’mon…” You respond, your voice a little hoarse.
“Just-” Joel snaps and then sighs, finishing the rest of the sentence in a slightly softer tone “Grab your stuff. Put on your boots”
He shoulders his pack and walks out the door, waiting on the porch. You mutter your frustration. He isn’t being fair and you’re pretty sure he knows it too. You want to understand why this is such a bad thing - the two of you - but he doesn’t seem to want to even acknowledge what happened.
You sit on the sagging couch and look once more around the old house. It’s always difficult to come to these places, but somehow it’s also difficult to leave them. Someone lived here, someone loved here, someone was happy here once – you hope at least. You look around the dusty living room once more and contemplate, as you always do. What has this place seen, what kind of people called it a home? What secrets does it keep?
Those thoughts bring you to your own home too, where you’d been until the outbreak. You’d never gone back but you’d often thought of returning, seeing if anything of your old life still existed. Since you’d lost your last connection to your past.
You shake your head and pull on the new boots lacing them tight, ready to put them to the test at least. Joel is waiting for you outside when you finally make your way to him and he’s already walking, apparently sure of the direction.
You follow in silence for a while. Your feet don’t hurt as bad as before and you’re grateful for that.
“Did you ever go home, Joel?” You ask eventually, hesitant.
“Huh?” he’s only half listening to you, looking around for any signs of imminent threat.
“You ever go back to your old home?”
“No” is all he says.
You leave it at that.
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The last thing Joel wants to think about is home. Home is where his broken heart is. He’d never go back there, he’d pull the memory completely from his head if he could. 
There’s a lot of memories he wishes he didn’t have to have.
And now he has a new one; his head feels so all over the place because of you and your lips, your warmth, the disquieting solace he found in you. He knows he shouldn’t punish you for any of it; for what happened, for how he feels, for how he doesn’t understand his feelings. But he’s already punishing himself for everything else that’s ever happened, so you’ll have to take the brunt of this mistake.
And it was a mistake, he knows that. You don’t want him the way you think you do. He’s sure of it. It’s not about anything more than forgetting for you, for finding some distraction from your pain. He knows it too well. He’s been there. He’s still there in a way but at least after all these years he knows better than to chase that feeling. He has to keep away, help you know better too.
“Keep up” He mutters as he looks back at you, and he knows he sounds harsh but he can’t stop himself.
That deceitful monster in him wants more. He feels it. He won’t give in to it.
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When you were younger you used to run free and happy in the green garden outside your house. You would spend all your time outside, climbing trees, scaling rocks, swimming in the lake by the forest. You had a treehouse in the garden and you'd climb up to it every summer night and watch the world from up there, free and happy and something more.
Alive in more ways than just surviving.
She'd been with you even then, you'd share secrets and tell stories cuddled up in your sleeping bags in the treehouse at night together. You lived for those moments when you and your best friend would live in your own world and everything else was just background noise.
Now you're climbing trees and scaling rocks but not for the same reasons the innocent child of your past would. You have to scope out the land, find a good place to stop. Joel helps boost you up to a branch so you can climb, to check out some noise in the distance of the forest, and when you snag your shirt on a twig you have this pang of gut-wrenching muscle memory of that time she fell from the treehouse and you thought for a moment of blind panic that you'd lost her.
You hate that every single thing reminds you of her. You despise the memories for making you misty eyed and weak. The more Joel ignores you as the time goes on, the worse it gets. The more you remember, the more everything reminds you of your dead best friend and the lives you'd lost to this world of horrors. Your life next, you know. That’s all there is now.
Just you.
And Joel. 
Joel, who was pulling away more and more with every passing second. His hesitant gaze on you lands regretful and forlorn.
Eventually up in the tree you're able to see far enough to know there's a camp of people further down the forest, so when you’re back down Joel decides on a detour that leads you both far in the opposite direction not wanting to take any risks. Your new boots are finally starting to rub after hours and hours of walking - nothing good lasts forever. You wonder if the person they belonged to before you ever got to wear them, if you shared the pain of blisters from the same shoes. If the people in that house used to go hiking in this vast forest every weekend. You wonder if they are dead now too, or just trying desperately to survive. Are they trying to make it back to their home, to find the memories they’d left behind?
You'd go home. You would. If you ever could. It's too far now, too dangerous and too much to ever think you could make it there. Besides, what would you do when you got there? Hope you had anything of yours left? Let yourself drown in the pain of distant memories, of things you knew you’d never get back? But there were things, all these trinkets you wanted to hold to your heart now you have nothing else. Photos; pictures printed and framed or posted on your walls with sticky tack since you were a teenager. Family and friends and pets and all the things you have lost. The things you’d never, ever get back.
The silence consumes you and you think you’d rather wallow in your grief and misery back at the place where you were once happy, instead of being here where your longing and guilt are driving you to insanity with every ticking second. You miss talking, you miss having a friend. She was everything you ever needed in life, she was the only thing that had made you happy in the years since the world ended. You need that, and you know Joel won’t give you any of the things you need. He doesn’t want to know you any more than he has now. You can’t see past his actions back at the house and he can’t see you in any way other than shamefully anymore.
You don’t even know what to say to him now. So you just walk, and ignore the aching and misery consuming you whole.
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It’s a few hours later and your feet are starting to bleed through your socks, because all good things must come to an end in this empty horror of a world. Joel finally decides it’s time to stop and make camp. It’s getting dark after all and there’s the opportunity for cover while you’re still under the protection of the vast forest - you’re nearly at the edge now. 
“This should work” he mutters more to himself than you as he looks over the spot you’ve stopped at.
He briefly glances at you and it’s nothing but it’s more than he’s given you in hours so it makes you feel a little glint of that spark from before again. What if you just kissed him again, the way he let you before? Would he stop you? You know he likely would, but it doesn’t stop you wanting to try.
Like he knows, he’s stepping further from you acting like he’s inspecting the site he’s picked. There’s nothing to inspect - it’s a patch of mossy forest floor with a large rock on one side and what looks like an ancient tree on the other. You watch him momentarily and feel that misery all over. Touch would solve it all. His touch would solve everything just like it did before. The darkness above the trees could hold a secret if he could just give you something, a tiny thing to keep your sadness at bay.
And yet you are both wordless as you set up the small camp; no fire - that would potentially draw attention and the woods are never an entirely safe place to be - just your sleeping bags set up with an arm's length between the two like he’s worried you’ll somehow get the wrong idea if he gives you even the possibility of touching him again.
“Here” He mutters when you’re both sitting down and you almost laugh with the ridiculousness of how hard he’s trying to not even give you his gaze anymore. He hands you some of the jerky that’s been wrapped in his pack for a while. It’s dry and hard.
“We got all that stuff from the house” 
“Gonna split it, when we…” He mutters without finishing his sentence.
When we go our separate ways. That’s what he meant and he doesn’t have to say it. He’s gonna leave you. Leave you completely alone.
“You know where you’re gonna go?” Joel asks and maybe there’s the hint of guilt in his voice but more likely you’re imagining it.
Tears prick hot in your eyes and you try to blink them away. All this time you’d done so well at not letting him see you cry; the tears from your loss and your grief had only once fallen in his sight and now you were feeling them fall down your cheeks right in front of him all because he was finally sending you on your way.
Stupid. You’re so stupid. It was only ever temporary and he’d made it so clear he didn’t want anything from you. He was just doing a sad, lost person a momentary favor but you’d lost sight of that completely after these last couple days. The way he had kissed you…the way you know it would’ve gone further yesterday if there hadn’t been an interruption…but none of it means a thing in the wake of his words.
He’s looking at you now. Of course this would be the moment he finally decides to turn those beautiful eyes back on you - you can feel the weight of his gaze on your face and you want it to be dark and lustful like before but when you look over at him he’s frowning. You sniffle and clear your throat, and finally give him an answer.
“I- I want to go home” You say so sadly and his brow knits in confusion for a moment before he understands.
“You think that’s a good idea?” Joel sounds more judgemental than he probably means to. He’s still watching you, but he never addresses the tears that are silently falling from your sad eyes.
You shake your head and sigh. Chewing on the last of the jerky for a bit and it makes you feel sick. His gaze burns you now, like it’s melting through the cold of him ignoring you all day and scorching at your flesh. Why won’t he stop staring? Why suddenly is he so intent on giving you all this attention? Does he just pity you that much?
He’s still eating slowly when you lie down on your sleeping bag, staring up at the trees and the night sky just above them. You’d spent nights like this watching the stars before - your heart pangs at the memory and you feel bile rise up in your throat for a moment before you screw your eyes shut tight enough to see the dance of colourful light behind your lids.
“Do you remember what it’s like to be happy?” Your voice is a whisper, it shakes as you shove that memory back down.
You open your eyes and turn your head in time to see Joel's sudden pained look and the shake of his head. You can feel the misery around him like it’s an aura. That only makes your heart hurt more. Damn it, why does he have to make you feel more? It’s always those eyes; he can make himself as hard and distant as he wants but his beautiful brown eyes betray him every single time
“Yeah. Well, I do. I remember. I remember living” If it wasn’t clear you were crying before it’s obvious you are now, you sniffle and wipe tears that race from the corners of your eyes into your hair.
Joel remains quiet for a while after that. Perhaps he just doesn’t know what to say, or perhaps he’s trying not to comfort you. The trees above the two of you wave gently in a breeze that rushes quietly through the forest, and the stars above them shine like they always have - unchanged by the death of this world and the screaming of your souls. Between you and Joel there is a blanket of grief and despair and both of you seem to be wrapping yourselves tighter in it at every turn.
Eventually he clears his throat and there’s a slight shift in Joel’s body, angling more towards you. It makes you bolder - like before - and you reach your hand between your two sleeping bags. Just lay it there between the two of you.
“I don’t want to remember, Joel. Not right now. I just want to feel something else” 
He rubs his watering eyes and sighs deeply. He is wavering, you can tell. He’s holding back but there’s the twitch of his hands as he looks at you lying there and he slowly reaches out - rough, calloused and warm hand encompassing yours slowly. He lets out a long breath.
“It’s not gonna help. I- I’m not gonna help you like you need. Nothing’s that simple. I should know…”
“You’re scared”
“Maybe” Joel shrugs. 
His hand holds yours a little tighter. You’re still crying silent tears that glisten on your face in the starlight.
“Don’t you feel alone? Don’t you just feel so fucking alone all the time? Why do we have to feel alone, when we’re here together?” You’re actually pleading now. It’s pathetic really but you just need the incessant heartache to stop for even a moment.
Joel hums low and gives you a long stare. His eyes soften more. There’s a shred more sympathy than there has been and it’s enough for your body to ignite with that burning hope just like last time.
“Fuck” He mutters, and then “Come here” and he is letting go of your hand and laying on his side on the sleeping bag, it seems reluctant but he’s inviting you to him and you’re almost embarrassed when you move in a heartbeat and close that gap between you and him.
Your breath catches when you lie beside him on your side and his body curls around yours, his arm over you and he holds your hand again. He’s warm like a comforting blanket - it feels almost like he’s protecting you the way he holds you close. It’s the closest you’ve ever been; even when he’d kissed you, when he’d touched you he’d kept a distance. You had never gotten to feel all of his body against you like this. Only in your hopeless dreaming. His breath tickles on the back of your neck and the warmth of it lingers, his heart beating steady where his chest presses against your back. He lets out a nearly silent sigh that makes you think he’s feeling the same thing as you. 
You are not alone.
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For a while it’s nothing, and Joel starts to think you’re sleeping. Your breathing is steady just like his and those sweet little sighs could just be the slumber taking hold. You don’t move and he’s so afraid to make even the slightest change to the position lest he starts you on that downward spiral again.
He knows it’s a mistake. Such a big mistake to let you feel close to him. It is only going to make everything worse in the long run but your words ring so true in his mind - he has been so damn alone. Ever since…for too long. He’s been alone. You draw him in like a magnet; a strange and shameful comfort that he’s denied himself all these years.
Maybe it’ll be fine. Maybe it’ll just be this, nothing more and nothing less. No guilt. No attachment. Maybe you’ll leave willingly and he’ll never once think about this moment again and neither will you. Maybe. 
He murmurs your name softly and buries his face against your neck. He just wants to feel. Something. It’s wrong. He’s leading you on. But he wants to escape his loneliness just as much as you want to escape your pain.
He hears the smallest moan escape you like a breath and it makes him tighten his arm around you a little, because it brings him back to what happened before. How he’d touched you, how he’d felt you. There’s a stirring in him at the memory. You both feel it.
Joel knows you’re not asleep now, your breathing is less steady and your hand squeezes his a little.
“Don’t let me feel alone” You murmur and fuck Joel wants to let that base part of himself take control all over again.
He hesitates but only for a second. 
“I won’t”
And then he’s turning your head, and he’s kissing you.
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There’s a moment of guilt that rises from your chest slowly, but it’s gone again the moment your lips meet his.
It's not like the first kiss. It's not even like the kisses in the kitchen when he'd pressed you up against the fridge and touched you. It's not like any kiss you've ever felt; it's urgent and desperate but not forceful or rough - there's a subtle tenderness behind it like he's really genuinely trying to give you that feeling of togetherness you crave so much.
It makes your mind go blank after a moment, when you feel his tongue and he’s asking for a permission which you grant without a moment of hesitation. It makes you forget where you are, who you are, what you've been through. 
He's good at that. Making you forget.
He's good at it all.
He kisses you harder when you open your mouth to him and it turns from tender to intense. It becomes more. More and more of him and you and it's what you've thought about all day. Like he really wants you. You're still on your side with your head turned and him over you, your back pressed against his chest and his subtle shift of hips against your ass makes your breath hitch. 
Oh, he wants you. And you want him. 
And what else matters?
“Joel…” you whimper. Sickly sweet and full of urgency. 
“Yeah, I know,” He says. 
There’s something else there, something you don’t want to hear. Something he doesn’t want to share. He shakes it away in a moment of a blink. He’s well versed in brushing away those moments. You need to learn it from him.
“I know” He says again, and he kisses you once more. Your lips lock in a moment that fans the flames that have been burning all this time; these weeks the two of you have been traveling together, these moments you have been sharing that are more than just moments. He stokes the coals of your desire with his mouth on yours and then down, down. To your cheek, your jaw, he’s over you and pressing you on to your back half on the cold ground as his lips meet your neck and you keen in some kind of desperation to be alight with his touch again.
Your hands traverse the broad expanse of his chest, clinging to the rough fabric of his shirt as he kisses the spot right under your ear that makes your soul leave you for a moment.
“You won’t stop this time?” You ponder, looking for a promise
Simple, straight. Joel. He needs it. You know it’s been a while, you can tell by the way his hot mouth latches on to your soft flesh as he ruts against you like he’s already chasing a release he’s waited too long for.
“Doesn’t mean anythin’, right?”
“Doesn’t mean anything,” you repeat. 
He means it. Do you?
“Fuck” He groans, deep and guttural when your wandering hands reach lower. It’s all so urgent. There’s no moment for softness. It’s lustful and intentional and greedy. Teeth and nails and need. No moment to waste as your nimble fingers find the opening of his faded jeans and make their way inside.
He’s still exploring with demanding grunts of appreciation at the taste of your skin. He’d liked it before. He likes it more now, after the long day of toil. You’re intoxicating in all the ways he never knew how to resist.
You think he feels the same as you. It’s been so long. You can’t remember the last time you felt such intimate touch, before Joel. It’s more addicting now than it ever was back then as his fingertips dance with burning brushes against the skin under your shirt.
There are no memories. No pain. No distant threat. No trees. No breeze. No stars. Just him and you in this blank space you have created for yourselves - outside of time and reality. It is a kiss that takes away life, that takes away loneliness. His touch breathes hope into you that you’d only ever felt with…no. It’s just him and you and nothing else.
Just that.
Your fingers trace down, past where buttons are undone and the zipper is open. You touch him, a slight squeeze that makes his breath hitch so damn gorgeously you feel it in your core.
He’s big. God, he’s big and he’s hard and it’s for you. It’s for you.
He breathes out and grits his teeth as you feel him, he has to stop kissing you for a moment as you ease his pants down and free his hardened length from its confines. He’s not gonna tell you to stop. Neither of you are going to end this until it has to be ended, you know that when you look in his eyes and they are dazed with lust and desire that he’s been holding back for too long.
There’s no call for modesty here in this darkened patch of forest floor where the only sounds are the rustle of leaves and your panting breaths. He watches you with a knitted brow trying so goddamn hard to hold on to at least a bit of himself when you lewdly spit into your hand and wrap it around his thick length.
“Shit” Joel grits his teeth, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. He murmurs your name. It’s never sounded as good as it does when spoken by him like that. Your hand moves, thumb swiping his leaking tip to smear on him. He feels good in your hand, heavy and smooth and he’s already shaking.
“I…sweetheart, I can’t…”
“Yeah, you can” You shush him with your lips against his, oddly soft and caring in this moment of heady lust.
“No I mean it’s…fuck” Joel pants out, his voice a gruff whisper that tickles your skin and makes you clench “Haven’t had- I can’t fu-” words tumble from his lips to the side of your neck as he devolves into mumbles you can’t quite make out. He trembles and bites back a loud groan, before spilling warm and sticky onto your fingers.
“Sorry” He murmurs with heavy breath and it’s the sweetest fucking thing in the world from this man who has been pushing you away for what feels like eternity.
Ah, you make sense of the words now.
“Haven’t had anyone touch you in a while?” You say, biting your lip as you look at him - he takes your breath away as the moonlight catches on the glint of his eyes, the trickle of sweat down his brow. His eyes are big and brown and there’s an apology in them that you don’t need.
“It’s okay. It’s okay” You assure with a soft smile. You kiss him, a sweet peck on the lips which he returns with another. It feels almost too intimate and you know you’re falling to somewhere you can’t crawl out of.
For a beat there’s a silence; Joel zips his fly and is catching his breath after his release whilst you drag your lips from his and down to his chin then his jaw. Drowning in the scent and taste of him. He is like nothing you’ve ever known and you want to be devoured by his presence.
You’re making do with wiping your hand off on your trousers when he moves you, pressing you down on to your back fully. There’s a hunger in him. He is starved and he craves. You shiver at that; he can slip from one moment to another like a changeling. His demeanour seems to shift with the wind.
“Gonna make it up to you, darlin’” He whispers with a dark desire as he goes back to kissing your neck and his hand moves down your body and to the button of your pants. Your mind flashes back to before - the way he’d made you shake back in the house - and your cunt throbs with need for that again. For him to take away your mind and your breath and your sanity if he wants.
You need him in ways you cannot fathom.
“Oh god”  You moan as he cups you through your underwear, mouth still attacking the curve where your neck meets your shoulder. 
You’re ready to feel that way again. And you’re about to beg him not to tease you when he pulls his hand away and detaches from your neck.
“Joel” the whine is so needy you should be embarrassed but you’re not capable of feeling that at the moment.
He shushes you softly and finishes unfastening your jeans, as he kneels between your legs. And then he’s taking them off; your jeans and underwear pulled down to your ankles and off, tossed to the side. He’s a man on a mission, and he licks his lips as he nudges your legs apart further and looks down at you.
Fuck. You might come from the sight alone. God…is he going to…
Joels calloused hands slide up your thighs and to your lower stomach and he settles himself right between your spread legs. You can’t look at him down there like that.
“This okay?” He asks, holding on to your thigh with one large hand while the other slips up under your shirt to palm at your warm skin.
You have to let out a huffed laugh at that. It’s definitely okay. It’s more than okay.
“Mhm” You answer, lips pressed together and you look up at the stars instead of the beautiful man currently kissing your inner thigh. Before he had wanted nothing to do with you and now he seems to want everything with you, you’d have whiplash if your brain wasn’t slowly melting out of your ear at the feel of his lips dragging higher.
He’s taking it so. So slow. Palming your breast now and kissing the other thigh You’re going to combust and be left nothing but a pile of embers if he keeps this up. You need so deeply that it hurts.
You card your fingers through his hair. It’s surprisingly soft and the sensation adds to the tension in you. He grunts as you give a little tug, but you think he gets the message without you having to use your words, your words probably wouldn’t make sense in this moment.
“Oh!” you gasp. 
Yes, he proves that he got the message loud and clear as he’s parting you with his tongue and licking a stripe that ends at your clit and makes your eyes roll back. He’s good.
He tastes you and moans deep at it. His tongue swipes again against your clit and your grip in his hair tightens a bit again but he doesn’t seem to mind or even notice as he explores and delves deeper. He swirls against your entrance, and then presses in for a moment and you’re going to lose it completely.
The noise of your whines and whimpers increase, a muffled cry against your hand as he moves up again and sucks against your clit with a softness which quickly becomes much more fervent when you respond well. You buck your hips against his face, so he holds one strong arm across you as he continues to alternate between using his tongue and his mouth to bring you closer.
Your mind is all but scrambled with the way you feel. You haven’t had anything like this in so long and he’s fulfilling needs you had almost forgotten you had. He’s not just giving you pleasure, he’s giving you back something you thought you’d lost. He’s making you feel on fire in every way possible; burning skin on burning skin, scorching heat between your legs and deep in your belly.
You're winding, tightening, as he continues. He delves a thick finger in to you and then another as he focuses his mouth on your sensitive bud, listening to the sounds of your heavy breath and knowing he’s doing right.
“Joel…Joel you’re…yes, like that…” You moan too loud, Joel grunts against you with a light slap to the thigh. Keep it down. Even now he’s aware, does he ever really let himself go fully?
Right, you’re out in the open. It feels like you’re in a world of just you and him…you have to try and keep some kind of sanity as he makes you see the stars behind your lids. It’s almost impossible, biting your lip to try and quiet yourself.
It’s…it’s incredible. The way his tongue moves. The crook of his fingers inside you. The pressure in you when he purses his lips around your clit. Your body is too hot, alive, more alive than you’ve felt in weeks. Too alive, all at once.
“Oh god…I’m…it’s….please…” babbles of incoherence which earn you a pinch to your skin, but he doesn’t let up on his ministrations. He doesn’t give you a chance to calm down.
Suddenly, your body ignites as the tight coil in your stomach snaps and it’s like there’s no yesterday, no tomorrow. You writhe, hips bucking, Joel holding you down and continuing until the very last moment of your orgasm. You’ve come before, of course, even if not with a partner in a while you’ve known this feeling many times and yet it’s like something you’ve never fully had before. He’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Fuck, your eyes are shut tight as you ride out the waves. Little aftershocks that make your body shiver. You can feel him - a final kiss to your clit, another to your inner right thigh and then he’s raising up, moving away from you and you can hear him catching his own breath like he nearly drowned in you.
“Jesus” You groan, limp and a mess. He breathes out a quiet, pleased laugh and you finally open your eyes and try to adjust them to see his face again. 
He’s looking at you. He’s all lines and splotches and coloured lights but he’s looking at you with something like a smile. 
Everything is blurred.
The lines are blurred. What does it mean? What does that soft kiss he places against your lips now actually mean? You feel sluggish from the climax but somehow your mind is racing still despite it. The lines are so damn blurred and it’s going to make you crazy, it’s going to make you lose it all.
“Alright?” He asks softly as he helps you put on your underwear and jeans again. Where did all his uncaring gruffness go? When will it come back and how will you live when it does?
“y-yeah…I think…yeah” You mutter dumbly. “Joel, I-”
Whatever you were going to say is cut off. He lays beside you again, arm going right around you pulling you flush against his chest. Your heart won't stop racing.
“You still feel alone?” Joel whispers in a deep grumble against your ear. You can feel it come from his chest. You shudder helplessly.
You shake your head. There’s a feeling of exhaustion from the day's movement settling in and you succumb to it swiftly, resting your head down on him and letting your breathing match to his. Letting him take you over completely.
No, you’re not lonely.
This fate is worse than loneliness.
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soshadysoquiet · 1 month
TUA fanfic WIP: Sibling Beach Trip
I've recently devoured @assaily 's WIP posts and you know what, why hoard all of my WIPs when I may never finish them and people might enjoy them?
Having said that this isn't a snippet so much as it's a 2 thirds done fic that I've lost inspiration for the ending for so grab yourself a drink and enjoy!
Working Title: Beach No Beach. Love a working title
Length: 6k. Self control? Who is she?
Premise: Post apocalypse a family beach trip is proposed. Five has his reservations and is finding real life hard to adjust to, but he'll go if that's the Sibling Movement of the week. This is basically a slice of life fic that I'm pretty sure was going to build to Diego needing to save Five from drowning at the beach, because of course it was, but I think the rest of this has enough low-level angst and family moments to be entertaining on it's own.
Warnings: This fic discusses body dysmorphia in small detail and has underage drinking from Five.
It was embarrassing. More than embarrassing, really.
But Five couldn’t swim.
They’d had what constituted as ‘lessons’ when they were kids, apparently. Five had very limited memories of life before the Apocalypse, and often they seemed more surreal than anything.
‘We did?’ He asked blankly, barely looking over his morning cup of coffee to Viktor and Klaus.
‘All the time bro!’ Klaus replied breathily, laughing, eyes just a little wide in the thrill of memory, or possibly at Five not remembering something. ‘You don’t remember the pool? I’m pretty sure Dad blocked off the door after we started sneaking down there to play.’
‘I remember.’ Viktor nodded along, smile curling his lips so that his face lit up. ‘That’s how we found about Diego-‘
‘And his creepy fish power!’ Klaus looked ready to implode with hysteria and even Viktor bent to the table with a snort before looking between them.
‘You really don’t remember that?’
‘Diego isn’t a fish…’ He spoke slowly. He was talking to children after all. Or maybe he was hallucinating again. It happened. Hiding his grimace, Five took a sip.
‘Yeah! Yeah he can really hold his breath, come on you have to remember that, we teased him for weeks!’
‘Yeah that was kinda mean of us.’ Viktor grimaced a little into his own coffee. Probably for no reason, Viktor at that age wouldn’t have said Boo to a goose.
Hold his breath? It almost was a memory. Someone laughing, Diego pouting, then throwing a fit.
‘I think I’d remember us finding out about that.’
‘Maybe you blocked it out, it was pretty horrible at the time.’ The tone shifted after Viktor’s words.
‘Why doesn’t that surprise me.’
‘What doesn’t surprise you?’ Diego.
‘Speak of the devil!’ Klaus chorused, Five flinched a little at Diego’s hand falling briefly onto his shoulder as he passed. But it was barely noticeable now, he’d almost got a hang on it. ‘We were reminiscing about the time Dear old Dad decided to test out our underwater endurance.’
‘You mean when he held us all under the water until you all near passed out and I beat all your asses.’
‘Definitely would have remembered that one.’ Five murmured, covering up the chill skipping over his flesh.
‘Technically you didn’t beat my ass, since I wasn’t included in How to Drown Your Kids 101.’ Viktor replied with a darkly amused smirk and the sort of steel satisfaction that only true trauma inspired.
‘Well I’d have beaten you too.’ Diego retorted, confident as he went about fetching some ungodly looking juice concoction from the fridge.
How many different fruits went into just that, how many vegetables? The math wasn’t worth it, wasn’t worth the pang of mixed dread and desire it inspired in him.
‘And then we all called you, ah, well, never mind eh?’ Diego’s glare had silenced Klaus.
‘For the record, we’re sorry.’ Viktor offered, voice so gentle and meaning.
‘I’ve got nothing to be sorry for.’ Five retorted. He wasn’t there after all, and he was above childish name calling. He had found more creative insults.
‘Well you got off the hook easily anyway, you weren’t even there.’ Diego chimed in, but did take the time to nod to Viktor in a passing sense of camaraderie. He sat heavily at the table and looked at them all as he took a drink. ‘What brought this on anyway?’
‘We’re trying to convince little Fivey-‘
‘Older than you!’ His insistence was soundly ignored.
‘To come to the beach with us all at the weekend.’ Diego hastily swallowed the mouthful of his juice. What could all those ingredients even taste like together? Five shook his head at the sight.
‘Hell yeah you should come! You don’t get out enough.’
‘I get out plenty.’
‘To the library maybe.’ Klaus mumbled, twiddling with the buttons undone on his shirt.
‘Come on Five, it would be fun!’
‘Would it really?’ He sighed, wished he’d just blinked back up to his room with the coffee.
‘Its the beach bro.’ Diego’s voice was so deadpan that Five managed to feel insulted.
‘There isn’t even anything there! It’s all dead anyway!’ One of his hands gestured with the coffee cup for effect as he complained but the others were staring at him and, oh, right. Nervously he cleared his throat. ’I mean-‘
‘No, no what is it?’ Klaus was too gentle. They’d started doing this recently, paying attention to him rather than responding with their own drama and pushing what he said aside. Five didn’t know what to do with it. And it only took a few rapid equations to work out the cheapest way out of this situation.
‘Fine I’ll go. But don’t expect me to enjoy it.’ He blinked away. But not far.
‘Alright alright.’ Five muttered quietly at Dolores’ imagined critique from where he sat in the pantry, listening.
‘Well, that was surprisingly easy, only took ten minutes.’ Klaus sounded both pleased and a little disappointed. Had he not wanted Five to come after all, or had he just wanted to do more wheedling?
‘What do you think he meant by it being dead?’ Viktor asked, voice contemplative and too damn observant.
‘I swear to God Klaus, if you making him go to the beach causes another apocalypse-‘
Diego and Klaus devolved into childish squabbles and Five blinked out of the pantry.
The beach huh. He hadn’t seen it in decades. He’d only been the once. If they’d ever done any missions by the sea as children Five certainly didn’t remember it.
It could be nice this time.
‘We can’t swim Dolores.’ In the emptiness of his room, the reminder drifted lifeless. He’d learned that one the hard way. ‘And only you can float.’
A weekend beach trip sounded like hell to Five but apparently he was one of the few. Yet it was interesting that the closer they got to the date the more cracks appeared in the others’ armour.
Diego would boast about his abilities, but when Luther had guffawed ‘oh my god! Fish-Boy!’ Their knife-wielding vigilante had begun to stammer on and off when they talked about the ocean. Allison had bitched at Luther down the phone for it, as had Klaus in person. Five had been listening in on parts of the phone call.
Because he liked to hear their voices, not because he was paranoid, Dolores!
But it wasn’t just Diego.
Allison had sounded hesitant, and wanted to bring Claire, but remained nervous about mixing Claire with their family. Five usually made himself scarce on the rare occasions that Allison brought Claire around. It had only been twice, but no matter how much he wanted to meet her, Five didn’t have anything to fall back on when interacting with people outside his siblings. Unless they were a threat, or it was for less than two minutes.
Three minutes fifteen had been his record, at the library where he went to practice. And after that he’d had to go hide in the bathroom stall and have a minor panic attack.
With people that mattered it was harder. Because there was only so long Five could talk to someone who mattered before he fucked it up. He’d only been able to say ‘Hi, nice to meet you’ to Claire before becoming overwhelmed by her childlike open-stare and making an excuse to run away. But he wasn’t the only reason for Allison’s hesitance.
Five thought she was worried about the crazy rubbing off.
During last month’s visit Klaus had told Claire the story of Dead Uncle Ben after she’d caught Klaus talking to what looked like thin air. Five had overheard on the phone call the week after how Claire had begun ‘talking to Dead Uncle Ben’ at school. For a custody battle situation, it was understandably a nightmare.
Diego always had knives on him, and children had sticky fingers. Claire kept trying to pull them out from Diego’s pockets and holsters and fingers. It wasn’t as if Diego encouraged or approved of it, but he had offered to teach her before he’d caught Allison’s look. And even at the beach Diego would probably be packing at least three knives. Probably more.
Luther had been fine at first, and was Claire’s favourite uncle. But then  the Holy Trinity of Stupid; hitherto named Klaus, Luther and Diego, had loudly reminisced about the all the times Luther had accidentally injured them during training when they were kids. Even Five had joined in; Luther  smacking him hard enough into the wall after a mis-timed jump and cracking his arm during combat training were ironically some of his clearer memories. Allison trusted Luther with Claire’s life, but she had looked a little green around the gills as they all laughed about it.
Viktor hadn’t done anything to directly inspire worry, but Allison had told Luther she was worried about Claire finding out what she’d done to her sibling when they were children. Five had stopped listening to the phone call once Allison started crying, feeling more than a little guilty about his eavesdropping.
So, Allison was apprehensive about Family Fun-Time at the Beach because it involved Family Fun-Time. Otherwise known as ill-facilitated chaos.
Klaus worried about taking Ben to the ocean and Ben being sad about only being able to be so-corporeal in the ocean. A guilt Five felt Klaus didn’t need to put on himself, given that without him there would be no beach for Ben. But he’d been told he had a rather unsympathetic view on things and asked to leave. It didn’t help that Ben was apparently desperate to go to the ocean and also sad about it, apparently.
Or so Five could tell from what he’d heard when he stood nearby Klaus’ room at night, or followed him at night down the street, or when he was hiding in the pantry eating fluffed-nutter sandwiches and just listening to his siblings being alive.
Friday lunchtime and Five thought that most of the pre-beach drama had probably run its course, that said nothing for what would blow up when they were actually there in typical Hargreeves-style. And he counted the journey to and from as a separate nightmarish entity altogether, but at least this time he was one of the cats to be herded, not the one doing the herding. Small mercies.
They were just lucky that Lila had decided not to come. Apparently their powers ‘gave her a headache’ whilst she was pregnant. Five had gone to visit her out of boredom and sibling duty, and swore to report back on the idiocy for her, and had somehow gotten roped into shopping.
‘Just zap us all there, I want to feel alive again.’
‘You could do it yourself.’ He pointed out, and she groaned and grabbed his hand. They did that a lot, held hands. Five had actually come to enjoy the brusque contact with his most violent sister. There remained a certain comfort in the knowledge he was holding the hand of another killer.
‘Don’t be a prick.’ She groaned. He waited, brow raised. ‘Look you’re more practiced than me alright! I don’t want to jump there and find out little Lila Junior is all over the floor somewhere else!’
‘Okay that’s disgusting.’ He’d blinked them just to stop the conversation, but not so quick that he hadn’t seen her wicked grin at his pain.
And, of course, after jumping that far, he didn’t have the juice to escape.
‘Do you even own anything that isn’t some god-awful dark academia bullshit?’
‘Rich coming from a punk.’
‘You’re going to the beach not a banquet-‘ They’d snapped and bitten at each other whilst grinning through their shark teeth and Lila had forced him to buy a pair of truly heinous swimming trunks about the length of the Academy shorts he’d used to wear. At least until Allison had dragged him out shopping again.
‘You wore that nice suit in the Sparrow timeline, you do not need to go back to looking like a prep-school kid.’
At least Allison had taste.
And secretly, Five had been glad that someone had made him do it. Old routines were the hardest to break for him when they seemed so ultimately unimportant.
‘Sunglasses!’ Lila belted out, breaking his musings and dragged him roughly over to a stand. She’d fussed over trying on shades and insisting on him doing the same and Five had allowed himself to pick out a pair he actually quite liked.
They suit you better than those goggles. Five huffed a smile at that. Dolores always had deplored his apocalyptic wardrobe.
‘I just, I want to be out there, but I’m not sure I’m ready to be out there.’ Five’s head popped up over the sunglasses stand.
‘Viktor? Luthor?’
‘There’s the boys! No Klaus?’
‘He was, um, what are you doing here?’ Luther stumbled the words, other than Klaus and Five, the siblings were still somewhat awkward around Diego’s partner. Lila didn’t let it show, but Five thought the distance there bothered her. Five certainly wasn’t the one to know what to do about it. Klaus had told him he ‘imprinted’, like a duckling, and that had been enough ‘friendship’ talk to last another lifetime.
And he got embarrassed enough by Diego’s obvious happiness at him taking the time to include Lila.
Five held up the shorts he was being frog-marched into buying.
Not that there was a point, because he wouldn’t be stepping foot in the ocean ever again.
‘Apparently this is required dress code.’
‘Oh, same.’ Luther grinned a bit, before his face fell. Viktor, who’d been the one talking earlier, looked a little sullen.
‘No offence, but me and my spawn are going to walk away from all this.’ Lila gestured and excited stage left back towards the child section where, embarrassingly, Five had just come from to get the shorts in his hand. She had meant that their powers were bothering her, a weird pregnancy side-effect, but the pair of them looked a little slapped in the face.
‘What’s up with you two?’ Five asked, coming around the sunglasses stand to eye them up and down better. ‘Was it Diego? It’s usually Diego.’
‘What? No.’ Luther insisted. Viktor cleared his throat.
‘It’s just,’ Viktor paused for a breath and looked to Luther, who nodded encouragingly. ‘It’s hard to, cross some hurdles, with the dysmorphia.’
‘It’ll get easier, or I hope it will.’ Luther’s half-encouragement was half-hearted but well meaning, and Viktor offered him a small sad smile. Five just frowned at them.
‘Dysmorphia?’ He rolled the word around, squinting. ‘The medical condition?’ He frowned harder. In a sense, Luther’s ape-like physicality could be called that. But Sloane had gone a long way to helping with that. But she wasn’t fully welcomed into the loving disaster that was his family yet, so she wouldn’t be at the beach. Maybe that was the problem.
He’d said the wrong thing, Luther was flushed in embarrassment and Viktor put a hand on his arm before cutting in.
‘No, well-‘
‘Sort of, in my case. Both I guess.’ Luther spoke over Viktor, seeming to pull in his confidence with a truly remarkable strength. Strength of character that their father had always failed to measure. Much like Viktor’s patience.
‘Body dysmorphia. It’s when you might feel like the way your body looks isn’t how you think it should be. It’s how I felt, before. And somedays there’s another new hurdle to cross.’
‘It’s not comfortable, the idea of being on show like that.’ They managed their words with aplomb, but Five was somewhere between them and himself.
Maybe that was selfish, but he found himself looking at his own hands as they spoke, jaw a little slack.
‘Oh.’ He didn’t have many more words for them, but the silence suggested he should, so he pulled away from himself and looked to them again. ‘What are you going to do about it?’
Taken aback a little by the blunt question, they looked at each other. Viktor found his voice first.
‘We were debating between making a ’t-shirts are ok’ pact or a-‘
‘’Skin or nothing’ oath.’ Luther finished. Five didn’t think he had the skill set to say the right thing.
You do. Dolores insisted softly. You’re kinder than you think.
‘Well, let me know what you decide.’ He offered, hoping he was somewhere on the track to wiping the misery off their faces. Three apocalypses and it’s still the human condition bringing us all down. ‘I’ll join you.’ Decidedly he nodded, and turned to make sure Lila wasn’t getting caught shoplifting. Honestly her skills needed some improvement. Although she would probably say the same about him.
Viktor and Luther’s seaside-problems Five could understand maybe a bit better on a personal level than those afflicting the rest of his family, because there was a certain degree of dysmorphia to all their bodily situations that didn’t bother dwelling on but couldn’t not be dwelt on at the beach. It wasn’t like he enjoyed looking at himself in the mirror, so on some level he got it.
He’d bring a t-shirt in case.
Despite their united worry, and Five’s pessimism, the Hargreeves family all descended on the mansion Friday evening for their trip to the beach the following day.
Five nearly blinked to the roof when Claire ran up and hugged him, standing with his fists clenched throughout and then vanishing behind the bar. As in hidden behind the bar. He had long ago sworn to Allison that he wouldn’t drink in front of Claire. They could at least both agree that she was a child.
Luther and surprisingly Viktor got drunk on the other side of the bar and Klaus merrily joined in.
Lila dropped Diego off to stay overnight since they had an early start come the morning, and Five contemplated blinking into their car to escape whilst Diego shouted at her to not do anything criminal while he was gone.
Allison escaped to smoke twice in between fretting about which sibling to entrust Claire to in the meantime, and quickly decided to just put Claire to bed instead.
Five listened to it all hidden behind the bar. Klaus knew he was there, he kept passing his glass down for Five to refill. Five left a shot out for Ben as well, because it felt polite, Even if apparently Ben disapproved of alcohol.
All too soon, they were turning in for the night in dribs and drabs.
Five hung on until the end. Surprisingly with Luther and Viktor.
‘Ahem.’ Luther cleared his throat and knocked a little sloppily on the bar top as they were turning to go. Five had been humming ‘Dream a little Dream of me’ for Dolores for the last few minutes and hiccupped himself to a stop. ‘For tomorrow, no shirts.’
‘No shirts!’ Viktor chorused loudly and very, very drunk, toppling a little from the sounds of it.
‘No shirts!’ Luther joined in and the pair stumbled up for the night.
‘No shirts.’ He toasted to the air, took his last swig and went to pick up Dolores-
But she wasn’t there. The shop had thrown her away.
In a flash the martini glass he’d been drinking from smashed against the bar where he’d thrown it.
You’re gonna have to clean that up now.
‘I know, I know.’
He ignored the catch in his voice as he moved to do just that, craving to hold her and getting glass shards instead.
‘Get up Five! Christ, there’s always one.’
‘And it’s usually him, or you. Actually it's usually you.’
‘Shut up and help me! Oh wait you can’t.’
‘Wow, low blow.’
‘Oh I can go lower-‘
‘Shut up.’ Five smacked his pillow at Klaus like a true teenager and glowered. His hair was ruffled and he smelt like a bar.
‘You look like some nasty little cat I found on the sidewalk and just want to put in a blanket,’ Klaus half-crooned, half sneered, grabbing his grumbling gremlin of a brother. ‘Now come on, get up and showered or Allison will have our asses.’
‘Have our asses!’ All three of them turned with slightly horrified gazes to see Claire standing in the door giggling, fingers pressed over her mouth and looking like she knew exactly what she was doing. The little tyrant. With a final giggle she turned and ran. ‘Mooooooom!’
‘No no no no no!’ Klaus abandoned Five to his fate and sprinted off after his favourite little terror of a niece. If she made it to Allison, they were all doomed.
She made it Allison.
Five managed to get himself somewhat presentable, down the stairs and into clothes. In fact they all did, more or les on time, it was a Hargreeves miracle.
‘Loving the shorts buddy. You needed more colour in your wardrobe.’
‘Keep talking and I’ll sk-‘ Five stopped himself, Ben snorted uncharitably behind Klaus’ shoulder as Claire looked eerily around at them, eyes wide and guileless. Klaus cleared his throat whilst Five’s brain seemed to re-wire itself, clutching his coffee for dear life and eyes shielded by shades. ‘Skkkunk you.’
‘Skunk you.’ Claire mouthed, hand benignly in Allison’s, eyes bright with hell-fire.
‘Skunk me?’ Klaus turned to Five again, disbelief and laughter battling for dominance in his chest. ‘That’s the best you could do?’
‘Keep talking, and you’ll find out.’ Five’s coffee got grumbled into and Ben guffawed behind them.
‘You’re both idiots.’
‘Shut up Ben!’
‘Dead Uncle Ben’s here?!’ Klaus shrivelled under the weight of Allison’s incredulous raised brows turning to him with the sweet promise of death as Ben ‘awwed’ behind him.
Allison had already had to put up with Claire having a tantrum about not being able to talk to Uncle Ben, and had thrown her hands in the air when  Klaus had said Ben also wanted to talk to Claire.
‘Sure, why not! Let’s just wheel her right into therapy rather than window-shopping it!’ She had stormed to the back of the bus and sat next to Five, because he was currently the quietest and she saw the least of him.
Ben’s blue conjured form absolutely enchanted Claire, and her eyes swelled so large and happy and un-affected by rumour as she looked gleefully between Dead Uncle Ben and her Mom that it made Allison’s heart lighter.
Watching Ben form into what existence Klaus could give him was always a delight, if a bittersweet one, and Allison found herself relaxing a bit at watching the joint joy on her child and brother’s faces.
They had taken the bus to the beach, changed three times and by the time the ocean breeze was coming salty and refreshing through the window Allison’s hungover siblings had drunk enough coffee, water and juice to grace the land of the living. Viktor and Luther had woken from their nap enough to tease Diego about his upcoming life of parenthood. She’d berate them, or join them, but honestly they were just the warm up act for the terror Allison herself could inspire if she told Diego the truth of parenting. But she didn’t quite want to do that.
Something in her knew the horrors too well to joke about them right now, the emotions always too present. And some dark voice inside her said that she didn’t get to lord it over anyone. Not with the mess she’d made the first time round.
And probably was making, letting her kid talk to her ghost Uncle.
‘It’ll be fine.’ Allison jolted a bit, and glanced down at Five, slumped still somewhat bonelessly, dressed in a plain top and tropical beach shorts that were almost the same shade of yellow as Allison’s own bikini under her wrap dress. Five was alert enough to be verbal, which was good, but not quite enough to move further down the bus and put up with their family’s particular brand of unending bullshit.
‘What will?’ She asked, bewildered. ‘This family trip? I’m pretty sure its’ already gone way better than it should, which means we’re due for a tsunami at least.’ He snickered at that and she smiled at the rarely heard sound.
‘Well I won’t disagree, but I meant Claire with Ben. If anyone can talk sense to her, it’s the one who usually holds the brain cell.’
And Five was somewhat right. Despite the way he very awkwardly coughed and looked through his fringe out the window when Claire came to sit between them.
‘Mom, I’m sorry about pretending to see Dead Uncle, I mean, Uncle Ben at school. I know it’s a Serious Topic now.’ She nodded solemnly, and Allison felt her face crease up in adoration at the attemptive-adult look on her daughter’s angelic face. And the apology that she wasn’t sure she deserved, but couldn’t help melting over. ‘But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop talking about him because Uncle Ben and Death are important.’ And just like that, adoration turned to the sort of disbelief that only children could inspire. Five snorted.
‘Smart kid.’ He muttered, and Allison found her smile reforming.
‘Thank you Claire, and you’re right, those are important topics. We’ll have a talk about bluntness at, a much, much later date.’ Because there were only so many Serious Parenting Moments she could handle before 10 in the morning. She thought she had an easy out, but then Five was turning to Claire with a devilish look at Allison over his glasses and a truly awful smile. Her stomach dropped.
‘Whatever she says don’t listen to her, your Mom mastered bluntness at age Six.’
‘Six.’ Five nodded.
‘I think you should go talk to Uncle Ben while he’s here sweetie, Uncle Klaus can only keep him visible so long-‘
‘But I wanna talk to Uncle Five too!’
‘No you don’t-‘ Allison and Five flashed each other an awkward look at their matching words.
‘Hey Claire! Claire! Wanna see the octopus in Uncle Ben’s belly-‘
‘NO SHOWING HER THE HORROR!’ Allison shouted as Claire squealed and ran for a glaring Ben and shit-eating Klaus.
She didn’t have one child, she had a whole bus of them.
The beach spray in the air wasn’t like he’d thought it would be.
Five watched the unreal blue hue of the ocean, heard the waves crash rather than slosh thickly, felt sand rather than trash and rubble under his feet.
It was beautiful.
‘So, we doing this?’
‘We’re doing this.’ He glanced to Luther and Viktor. They’d set up their family’s base-camp on the beach, and Allison was over at the nearby changing huts getting Claire sorted. Diego had set them up under one of the available umbrellas and was lecturing Klaus on sunscreen. Because of course he was.
Red rays from the too-hot sunlight burnt through the distorted atmosphere, piercing dust-and-storm clouds, lighting the grey sloshing water in an eerie light.
‘Don’t you want to swim? I always wanted to swim.’
‘Hey Five!’ Sand hit him in the face. Five spluttered and spun around. No crap littering the golden sands. Just his family and the blue tide. Disguising his shaky breath, Five glared at Diego. ‘You too, sun cream, come on line up.’
‘Sun cream Nazi.’
‘Want me to spray it in your face Klaus?’ Klaus just groaned, turning around obediently as Diego sprayed an endless can of aerosol ‘factor 30’ onto his pale skin.
‘Might as well get it over with Five. He’ll have his way.’ Klaus pouted.
‘That I will, alright, you’re done, come back in three hours.’
‘Alright Mom.’ Klaus mocked with a grin and escaped away, donning his brimmed hat and heading to the ocean.
‘You’re up.’ Diego beckoned him over and Five shook his head snorting.
‘The sun’s not even radioactive at this point.’ Diego stared and then grabbed him.
‘You’re the most in danger, young skin is important to protect.’
‘Get off me!’ Five snatched the can and roughly sprayed over himself before throwing it back. ‘Happy?’
‘That’s not how you apply sunscreen bro.’
‘Its literally what you just did.’
‘No sunscreen, no sun.’ Diego stated with an impressive amount of finality and pointed at the towels under the parasol where Viktor and Luther were lurking. Beyond them, Allison was running after Claire to the water.
‘Fine by me.’ He wasn’t swimming anyway, and he’d had enough of the sun’s harsh rays. Diego seemed appeased, and headed to the ocean himself.
Five settled down and, seeing his remaining brothers had already removed their shirts, did the same. Solidarity and all.
Job done, he settled back, and watched the ocean.
It was even more mesmeric now than it had been back then, thick with ash and ruined life, but the largest amount of water he’d seen in months.
He hadn’t washed in months.
Is it even real? Dolores laughed at him
‘Of course it’s real.’ Walking there had been a dream, heart thudding, shedding clothes along the way haphazardly, stumbling over ruble and Dolores in his arms, in a dream till the water sloshed over his ankles.
The sensation had sent shivers up his spine.
‘Hey, you swimming?’ Viktor nudged him back into focus and Five looked around him, glad of the sunglasses hiding his eyes.
‘Really? But we’re at the beach, and it’s pretty empty, even Luther’s in.’ It took Five a moment to notice that yes, he was. Tossing Claire up in the air and into the water as she squealed in delight. Diego looked like he was doing some pretty serious swimming while Klaus and Allison lounged in the shallows.
‘You go, have fun. I’ll guard the camp. Wouldn’t want us loosing our clothes.’ He got a frown at that, but Five had lost his Academy uniform that day on the beach and with it the only reminder of home he had left, the only identity he had. Not to mention the only clothes he’d had.
Just because he’d wanted to feel water and hadn’t weighed them down.
‘Well, come over when you’re ready. You’ll like it.’ He grinned in lieu of answering and Viktor shrugged and went off, both him and Luther bare-skinned from the waist up and wearing it with growing confidence.
Smiling a little, Five folded his arms behind his head and stretched his toes into the sand. It burned a bit, but the feeling was unlike anything he’d felt before. He kept doing it over and over, finally sitting up and admitting that he wanted to touch it.
Five settled off the towel and felt the sand all over, shivering, digging his fingers into it.
Dry and hot on top, cool and heavier underneath if he dug down far enough.
Golden, soft.
His fingers found a shell and Five took a while staring at the delicate pattern, mesmerised. He looked for more.
‘What are you doing?’ Five had to get a better handle on being snuck up on. He looked around to see Claire staring at him, rocking on her feet.
‘Finding shells.’ He replied.
‘I’ll help!’ She lay down next to the hole he’d dug and reached her arms in to tease through the sand. ‘They’re pretty.’
‘Uh, sure.’ Seeing how deep Claire had to reach into the hole, Five looked around and winced. Half of their belongings were covered in sand and to match the hole was a large mountain he’d moved aside, digging straight down mindlessly.
‘Is this one good?’ Claire pulled out a long, thin shell, poking Five’s knee with it.
‘Its great.’ He took it and tried not to feel her eyes on him as he looked it over. ‘It’s a razor clam shell.’ He offered, turning it over in his fingers and admiring the barred pattern. He put it in the ‘clam’ pile.
‘Really? What’s this one.’
‘A snail.’
‘And this one?’ Five glanced over from where he’d reached for another speck of porcelain white buried in the sand.
‘A crab claw.’
‘Where’s the rest of the crab?’
‘Given that that’s it’s arm, I’m assuming that it’s dead.’
‘Like Uncle Ben.’
‘Like Uncle Ben. Although, I don’t know if crabs have ghosts that stick around, that’s really an ethical and philosophical debate on the presence of a soul and frankly it’s exhausting.’
‘Claire! There you are, don’t run off like that!’ Allison looked vaguely harassed as she hurried to them. ‘Oh, Five, thanks for looking after her.’
‘Don’t mention it.’ He replied, somewhat guilty where he had moved to sit in the hole he’d dug, and hadn’t even noticed Claire being ‘missing’ in the first place. He’d been too focused by the texture of sand and delicate shells.
‘What are you two doing?’ The frown and amused quirk to her mouth suggested that this wasn’t normal.
‘Uncle Five’s collecting shells.’ Incredulous eyes turned his way, Five scowled.
‘I can stop.’ He snapped out.
‘No, no Five, it’s okay. People collect shells at the beach.’ Her assurance was swift but gentle, genuine. Claire was looking at him wide-eyed.
‘Oh. Okay.’ He replied, somewhat derailed from defending himself.
Prickly. Five ignored Dolores’ fond chuckle.
‘Impressive hole Five.’ Luther came up behind Allison and Five hopped out enough to sit on the rim of his sand pit. Claire squealed on seeing him and reached up to be lifted, she kept hold of the crab claw.
‘What is that?’
‘It’s Uncle Five’s dead crab!’
‘Don’t touch things like that!’ Allison wrestled it from Claire  who pouted.
‘Uncle Five touched it!’
‘Well, he’s a heathen, not a lady.’ Five snorted, but didn’t deny it. ‘Let’s go wash your hands.’ Claire was led away with a plea of ‘but mooooooom’ and Luther took her place.
‘You’re not swimming?’
‘Apparently I’m collecting shells.’ Five gestured over to the neatly sorted collection he’d accumulated.
Dolores liked them.
‘I just thought you were digging a hole. Maybe we should make a sand castle.’
‘A what?’ Luther was already gathering the sand Five had piled up and grinned.
‘I’ll show you! I used to try and make miniature ones on the moon with the moon dust I collected, but we could make a really big one!’ The childlike enthusiasm was enough to stir Five’s eternal curiosity, he followed Luther out of his hole and felt the sun lap his skin as they began forming a ‘foundation’.
It was surprisingly enjoyable. Therapeutically technical.
It looks good.
It did, Five thought.
Give it a tower for me, like a princess would have.
‘It needs a tower.’
‘Good idea. And a flag.’
They built for a while before Diego came to join them and added himself in with a comment of ‘sick’. They stuck one of Diego’s knives in the top in place of a flag and Viktor and Klaus came by with a heaping assortment of lunch foods.
‘Feeding time at the zoo!’
Allison and Claire followed having been in the sea again, and Five got up and stretched from where he’d been hunched over. The water glittered in the sun.
Five thought he might like the beach.
‘Five, your back!’
‘What about it?’ Five looked at Diego askance but got pushed under the shade.
‘It’s coming up red already, I told you to stay in the shade.’
‘Such a parent in the making.’ Klaus teased. ‘What? I think it’s sweet, really!’ Ben, apparently, was getting involved.
‘I’m fine.’ Five protested, but was wrangled onto one of their sandy towels and he watched bemused as Diego wetted a t-shirt and draped it over Five’s shoulders. The coolness did feel good, he hadn’t realised how hot his skin had gotten. Sometimes it was hard to feel things.
‘After lunch, you’re putting sunscreen on.’ Diego warned with a raised finger and firm stare. ‘Now drink your water.’
‘You’re not the boss of me.’ But he wasn’t about to waste water, so he drunk what he was given and ate the hotdog passed his way and listened to their chatter. With the distraction of the sand gone, his thoughts ticked lazily back to the last ocean trip he’d had.
He’d been so hungry that time that he’d contemplated eating one of the rotting fish carcasses before deciding better.
31 notes · View notes
izvmimi · 9 months
cw: fluff. college au!nrc. reader wears a dress and heels. multiple original characters are mentioned (without names but with traits) and will likely show up in later fics! ~2.3k words. a/n: one mention of the word 'pale' and to clarify pale is not a specific word for pale or light-colored skin, dark-skinned people can be pale in the sense of looking grayed out or ashen.
It is your first ball at Night Raven College - really your first ball ever - and you have no date. The simple fact doesn’t upset you, after all, you are only a first year and are acquainted but not close to many in your year or even your house, but it does feel a bit awkward to know that you are the only one out of your friends who won’t be going with an escort.
You’ve always done well on your own however, and while your goal is to look striking on arrival at first, you plan to blend naturally into the background, exchange a few words with your friends, and disappear back into your dorm by the end of the night. As you make sure to add the finishing touches to your makeup in the vanity mirror, you consider that perhaps the neckline of your dress is a little too low, wondering if you should pin the wings of your cape to the front to preserve a bit of modesty. The dress is a deep forest green that is almost black, shimmering like diamond in the light, and the clustered rose-shaped emerald jewelry dangling from your ear is heavy. You look expensive, and you are expensive, having blown quite a few of your savings on this outfit. You rarely offer yourself anything nice, so you try to keep the price out of your mind as you apply black lipstick, then opt for a wine red instead. As you rise, stabilizing yourself on high stilettos, your slightly awkward gait aided by the high slit of the side of your dress, you wonder if you’re representing Diasomnia a bit too well. 
For someone who hates attention, you far too often look like you’re trying to garner it. You consider sending a text to your friend in Octavinelle or your friend in Pomefiore but you imagine they’re trying to coordinate with their dates. The mermaid particularly is probably sucking face with Rook so intensely it will be hours until she remembers her phone.
Perhaps you should have asked…
You shake out the thought. He did not ask you and you would have looked ridiculous if you asked your upperclassman to take you to the ball, no matter how much attention he gives you. If he had wanted to, he would have asked, you remind yourself as you reach for a black lace clutch. Malleus doesn’t exactly keep his desires to himself and is not exactly used to being told ‘no’.
When your door swings open, you are nearly shocked to see Malleus himself, enough that your heart almost stops. His appearance is not usually this startling to you (unlike most of the student body) and for a moment you wonder if he might take offense, but he’s still busy taking in your presence just as much as you’re taking in his. He looks… handsome, you have to admit (as if it were hard to admit, as if it weren’t terribly plain to see), dorm uniform exchanged for a swallowtail coat in brilliant golden and green hues, obsidian studs shiny enough to see your reflection in adorning his pointed ears. He bows when he sees you, as though he’s picked it up from an old movie. You almost find yourself mimicking a curtsy before you remind yourself that you’re in modern times and he has no reason to be standing outside your door like a haunting. 
“Malleus, what are you doing here?”
You pause and wait for Lilia to appear out of nowhere to tell you be nice in that teasing lilt of his, but Lilia is nowhere to be found; in fact, all of Diasomnia is quiet, it seems, appearing that everyone has headed off to the ball already. 
“I didn’t see you leave so I wanted to make sure you were going,” he asks. Before you can tell him that it wasn’t necessary, he adds, “you look breathtaking. I’ve always loved you in dark colors.”
Your heart skips a beat as you think of something witty to say, but you can come up with nothing more than, “you look nice, as well.”
Nice. He looks far better than nice, a voice tells you in the back of your head. Ignoring it, you step forward then turn to lock your bedroom door. Fiddling with the handle so that you have something to look at while you buy time, you say,
“I’ll see you at the ball later then.”
When you don’t get a reply and look up, Malleus is tilting his head. “Are you sending me off?”
Yes, you are, but you can’t bring yourself to say it. You clear your throat. 
“The festivities have already started probably,” you say, quickening your pace. Walking too quickly, you stumble on unsteady heels and he catches you by the arm; the very sensation of his fingers on your upper arm, despite the cape that covers it, seems to drive electricity throughout your body. You curse under your breath, hoping that he cannot hear you. 
But he’s fae. Of course he can.
“If you are going to be so upset about tripping, you should probably be more careful,” he says. It’s direct, not rude, and he’s smiling. The glittering emeralds in his suit buttons add to the fact that his outfit likely costs more than your life. 
“I’m not upset!”
He takes your hand and places it around his elbow.
“Let me accompany you.”
Arguing with him gets you nowhere usually, Malleus is both patient and hardheaded at once, you’ve learned in your short time together, and you still cannot understand why he’s taking such interest in you. It’s the greatest mystery of your life and yet Malleus consistently finds a way to act as though he, Housewarden, soon to be graduate, soon to be King, is somehow not too good for you. 
“You know, because of you, no one asked me to the ball.”
Malleus continues his stride, slowed naturally to match yours, the clatter of your heels loud as you both amble down the halls. He doesn’t look down towards you, smiling to himself as he looks forward, a gentle glint of green in his eyes.
You move in time to the music in a slow waltz, your hands resting on his shoulders, and Malleus looks genuinely happier, something a little more than the amused smile he keeps on his face per default. With every turn, you hold your breath, only released when Malleus reminds you to breathe in a gentle voice, pressing his cheek against yours. 
Your cheeks are warm again, and it’s not because of the remainder of the attendees who watch you with interest, but because Malleus really seems to act like you’re the only one in the room. His face is cold against yours, and his hand grips your fingers more gently than you’d anticipate from someone who supposedly crushes rocks for fun.
“Everyone’s looking,” you whisper. 
“They usually do,” he replies.
You can’t argue with that.
You twirl longer, light on your heels, but self-consciousness starts to weigh heavy on you as you catch more and more glimpses of the curious body of students that have started to gather close, wondering if the rumors are really true, that Diasomnia’s most terrifying student is in love with a first year. You try not to look and toss your head away from the biggest crowd of people, but just in the corner, you can see your friend disappearing suddenly and you move to leave and follow them, but Malleus quickly reminds you that Vil is close behind. Just as he says, Pomefiore’s diva is right on their heels, and while your heart still breaks for your friend, Malleus reminds you that you’re much more likely to be interrupting whatever emotional conversation they’re likely to have.
They and Vil have some complicated history, you’d say not unlike yours. 
But as you look up to Malleus, you remember that it’s not that complicated. You simply have to accept his attention, even if you don’t see yourself as the impossibly cute human he seems to imagine as the apple of his eye.
“My feet hurt,” you whisper suddenly, leaning in close enough that you can smell his perfume. He really went all out today, you think, trying not to let the scent linger in your psyche.
“Would you like to be carried?” he asks. The deadpan in his voice is in sharp contrast with yours, as you shout his name.
“Malleus, are you for real?” 
He blinks.
“It would solve the problem, would it not?” 
You shake your head, exasperated but unable to be truly annoyed with him, and take a single small step back. He looks at you curiously, as one would an abstract piece of art, then lets his hands rest at his side.
“I’m going to go check on my friends,” you say. He pauses but nods slowly, and watches you go. 
The first person you go visit is the lady in a burgundy dress that somehow only accentuates her burgundy hair. She’s in a dip with Rook once you arrive to that section, and almost doesn’t notice you approaching until you wave. Rook sees you first, bringing the mermaid to a standing position quickly enough to make her dizzy, and waves excitedly in the way he greets everyone, out of proportion to their own energy.
“Ah! Bonsoir, Mademoiselle L’astucieuse! Where is your shadow, Roi de Dragons?” he asks. You narrow your eyes at him, then face your friend who giggles at his flamboyant greeting before letting her hazel eyes set on you. 
“Are you fleeing Malleus? I saw you looked a little too in love over there, so I expected you to start running soon.”
“No,” you murmur, but that’s exactly what you’re doing. “Actually-” you pause, then motion to Rook, “can I cut in for a second, I need to borrow her.”
Rook looks surprised but steps back, perhaps to look for Vil again, and you take your friend’s finely manicured hands and engage her in a dance. Moving in close, you whisper,
“I saw ___ leave.”
She stops. 
“Wait, why aren’t we chasing her?”
You turn in time with the music. “Vil’s following her.”
“Oh,” is all she responds. The two of you move again in time, and you can see that she’s distracted again, looking over your shoulder.
“You already are trying to leave me for Rook,” you whine. 
“Actually, it’s more Malleus standing there, aimlessly, like an NPC.”
A chill runs down your spine, and you turn and he’s there, waving, two drinks in hand. Part of you feels guilty, and the other part of you looks desperately for the rest of Diasomnia to occupy him. 
You love Malleus’ company, terribly so, but something about what you feel for him is too much, all at once. And he seems to know everything - the fact that you’d wait for him to take you to the ball, that if he asked to kiss you, you would accept without hesitation, although you can’t really verbalize those feelings right now. You’ve read the history books. Faes are not meant to like humans. Plus, faes live longer. You might as well be livestock or a beloved pet to him. 
“Go back to him,” your friend whispers.
You blow air from your nose, whisper ‘fine’ and twirl her one more time before motioning Rook to come back and reclaim his date. 
Malleus reaches out to offer you something colorless in a martini glass and you’re surprised to realize it actually is just water. You blink.
“You look like you’re pale. I want to make sure you stay hydrated,” he asks. He drinks water as well, then takes your hand again. You hesitate but then let his hand envelop yours. 
Something warms in your chest as though the drink was enchanted, but perhaps that’s the magic of the love you’ve been holding in.
“I’m surprised no one’s interrupted us,” you joke, smiling. 
“Well, Leona seems to have gotten over us,” Malleus muses, chuckling to himself. 
You frown. “You act as though Leona wasn’t simply annoyed by your existence in the same universe as his.” You remember that Leona does have someone he likes - you can tell even if he no longer stays close with you, but as you peruse the hall, you realize he’s not there. You hope he hasn’t messed up his chances there as well. She’s far more patient than anything he can ever pull, you think.
Now that you’ve satisfied your thirst, you look over to the refreshment table, letting Malleus’ pinky link with yours as you peruse the elaborate cheeseboard, the fruits, meats and finally most importantly to you, pastries. As though association conjures him into your mind, when you look up, you see that Trey is leaning at the other edge of the table, chatting up his Savanaclaw sweetheart, who looks stunning in cascading waves of blonde hair draped over the straps of a steel dress. Trey is trying excessively hard not to look at her chest, and you giggle, but then it reminds you that your own neckline is bare. 
Not too far off from his other dorm-mate, you can see Cater kissing the hand of a pretty redhead in one of the most elegant golden dresses you’ve ever seen. She looks smitten, but her gray-green eyes sparkling and the heart tattoo on her cheek has the thought running through your mind that Cater might have bitten off more than he can chew this time. After all, you know her well.
“Here,” you say, pinching your cape together with one hand and handing Malleus a small cupcake. You mean for him to take it, but he bites into it, fangs and all, and the dollop of cream that ends up on his nose nearly drives you into cute aggression. 
“Sorry,” he whispers as you reach up to clean it off with a napkin. You give him another smile and he grins. 
“Another dance?” he leans in, and for a split second you envision yourself kissing him, then pull yourself back to reality. 
You don’t say no though, because you can at least give him a dance, even if you can’t give him yourself.
It would be a bad idea for the both of you.
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Not so suddenly in love
Note: this is like a character study of Solomon, plus a fic. Hints of a slow burn from Solomon's side.
Solomon looks like a friendly and reliable person, but still he is not. Yes, he will help someone who is in trouble, maybe even sometimes initiate a conversation with this person or demon, but at one point he can simply disappear from the lives of these people without uttering a word. Solomon can allow a similar attitude to his old friends, let alone new acquaintances.
When you first met, Solomon was interested in you as a guinea pig. He was absolutely sure that you would not cause him great emotions, so Solomon occasionally found out some information about you. He was more intent on learning about the demon brothers than about somw ordinary human. But as time went on, he started to learn a lot about you on unintentially. The demon brothers themselves told about you, about how kind and strong you are. They were always praising you, all the conversations always ended up discussing you. Solomon didn't put the topic in the right direction for him, he let the demons talk about you. Little by little, he himself became interested in what was so special about you, and he began to ask Asmo and others to tell more about you.
After he learned enough about you from other's mouth, Solomon decided to act on his own. He was curious to find out who you are. To do this, he offered you help in mastering the educational material. Innocent enough, isn't it? And you were glad of his help, after all, you are the only human in hell, of course you want to have a strong friendly relationship with him. Solomon knows that difficulties bring people closer together, so he wasn't worried that you would refuse his "bait". He was slowly becoming a part of your life.
"Devildom is a very dangerous place, I suppose you know that well yourself?" - he was talking while he was wrapping up your wounds, which appeared due to the fact that you were in the field of view of hungry Bill. "I was lucky that I decided to make a visit to you at this time. I wouldn't want Beelzebub to devour you," he continued. "It's okay," you replied. Despite the pain tearing through your whole body, you tried to stay positive. Pulling a smile, you thanked Solomon. "You know, I think we should stick together," Solomon suddenly suggested. "Even though you have pacts with the seven lords of hell, I think the help of one more person would not hurt. Still, despite your newly acquired ties with demons, it won't hurt you to have a human friend who will understand your problems," he finally finished.
That day was well remembered for both of you, because it was the birth of your future close relationship with him.
He hammered into his memory the smile that followed his proposal. It was so sincere and bright, as if the sun decided to descend into hell and illuminate this cursed place. It seemed to him that his heart contracted at that moment.
Solomon, like a scientist, studied you and your every reaction in detail. He could invite you to take a walk in a dangerous place, give you an unusual potion, try to scare you. Not everyone will tolerate such an attitude towards themselves, but you still forgave him. You were throwing off his strange behavior, on the unusual nature of Solomon, it must be his character. And besides, his jokes didn't go too far, fortunately they weren't fatal.
In Solomon's defense, he did all this to get to know you better. A miracle happened for him, he was like a little kid who was hungry to learn more about you. It had been many millennia since he had last felt something like this. Therefore, he seized every opportunity to reveal all of you, to taste every slice of you. Can you blame him for that? And he really liked what he was learning about you. He was damn glad that he would find out about your features himself, without anyone's help, without asking the demon brothers to tell the latest news about you.
In return, he also gave you a dip in his depth. He let you slowly enter his soul, which no one entered for a long time. Solomon wanted you to be able to feel all of him, to reveal the veil of secrecy that he protects from those who so much want to know the weaknesses of this immortal man. He's not afraid to trust you and he doesn't give a damn if he regrets it later. You're more than a close friend to him. More than a potential couple. You're his soul mate.
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jksprincess10 · 3 months
Are we out of the woods 6. Open up my chest, take everything I've got
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Summary : Your father is a dangerous man who has a lot of enemies. One day, you’re taken from your home by force to go to a safe cabin in the woods to be protected from an unknown danger by three of his men: Ironhead, Pope and Catfish. You’re not really a nature enjoyer, but in your boredom, you discover a new love for nature. You also get to know the men working for your dad and interest sparks between you and the mysterious and silent Francisco.
CW: canon-like violence, explicit smut, reader is kind of a princess at first, talks of divorce, drugs & alcohol, talks of addiction, slight age gap (reader in her mid 20s, frankie in his late 30s), jealousy, tension, frankie is a mess.
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Later in the evening, you help Santiago with the dishes. The other boys disappeared into their room, and you were glad for it. You tried to ignore the want that kept growing like a bonfire, but it was easier when Frankie wasn’t in the same room.
“Hm?” He looks up from his task, which is to scrub the dishes.
“I’m sorry for kissing you when I was drunk. I shouldn’t have played with you like that.”
“It wasn’t unpleasant.” He shrugs. He was chiller than you thought. “But it’s okay, I can see that you’re all over Frankie. I’m not blind.”
You wipe the plate in your hand a bit roughly as he mentions the name. “I’m not…”
“He likes you too, you know. I know mi hermano, and he’s very awkward around someone he likes.”
“He has a weird way of showing it.”
“Well, no offense, but you too. Maybe you two should spend time away… alone. He’s trying to ask you out, you know… You just keep rejecting him when he even tries to flirt with you.”
The thought scares you. You could barely contain yourself while there were others around. What would it be like to have him alone? You hum pensively at Santi’s words. Maybe he was right. You finish your respective tasks in a comfortable silence, Santiago letting you simply think.
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The next morning, there’s a shy knock on your door again. You were already half awake. You tried to fix your hair a bit, before inviting the person in. It was Frankie, already dressed, his eternal cap still on his head.
“Hey, we’re going to patrol around for the day, just in case people try anything funny again. But I was thinking… Do you… wanna go for a drive together tonight, maybe?” His hand is playing nervously with the curls at the back of his head.
You curse Santiago silently for pushing Frankie to make a move after last evening’s conversation.
“Sure. But I have one condition…” His eyes are sparkling with a newly found hope. “Absolutely. No. Dad. Rock.” You punctuate every word, serious and unwavering.
“Can’t make any promises. See you later.” You see the hint of a smile on his lips before he leaves.
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Why are you so nervous? Why does this feel like a date? You probably spend too long getting ready after dinner, choosing comfortable but cute and warm clothes. You try not to do too much, because you knew Frankie would still wear his old clothes and ugly cap.
You hear his voice outside your door.
“Are you ready?”
You open the door and smile as you see him wearing the same old khaki pants with a blue flannel shirt under a brown trucker coat. Of course, his cap is hiding his gorgeous curls. You grab your own coat and follow him. You wish the guys goodnight, and you’re thankful that they don’t make any comments on you two leaving together.
You get into the passenger side. And this time, it feels different. Still awkward but… different. You know a bit more about the man at your side. You know he likes you; you know he wants to protect you. You just have to dig through the broken parts he won’t show.
He changes the radio station until he stops on a pop song, remembering you asked for no dad rock.
“Where are we going?” You ask as you see the cabin getting farther in the rearview mirror.
“You’ll see.”
“Are you trying to kidnap me, Francisco? You know this is the perfect setting for a murder.”
“Would’ve done that long ago.”
You chuckle and keep looking outside as you try to enjoy the ride. You feel his hesitation, then, the warmth of his hand on your thigh. Your cheeks heat up at the attention he’s giving you.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.”
“It’s one thing when I’m drunk and then when I’m sober…” You laugh nervously. “I didn’t have many… boyfriends, you know.”
“Hmmm. Your dad is a bit overprotective, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. It’s an understatement. I would have to sneak out a lot.”
“Didn’t think you were such a bad girl.”
He shoots you a teasing look, his hand still on the wheel while the other rests on your thigh.
“You’d be surprised.”
“We’re almost there.”
The road leading to the dense forest was behind you, and you were in a mostly clear environment. Not many trees, nothing around, really, other than small country roads. Frankie parks on the side and invites you to get out. You already mourn the loss of his hand on you.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.” You say, deadpan.
He laughs as he sits on the trunk of the car. “Look up.”
You sit beside him, and you follow his gaze, your mouth falling open as you notice just how dark the sky is and how bright are the stars and the moon. They were so visible; you could almost count them.
“We can’t see that from the cabin… thought you’d enjoy the view.” He shrugs as he explains shyly.
“I’ve never seen anything like this.” You admit. You always lived in the richest parts of the city, away from nature’s beauty.
“I guessed so.” But he’s not looking at the sky. He’s looking at your face, at your expression of wonder.
You sigh dreamily, then you look at him. “I’m sorry for taking advantage of you at the party.” The scenery begged for your openness as the two of you weren’t confined in the small cottage.
“Take advantage of…me?” Frankie asks, puzzled. “No, I was scared to take advantage of you because of your state. I… would have never want to take advantage of you, cariño.”
“I wanted you so badly, Frankie.” You admit with an anxious laugh.
“And now?” he asks, hope sparkling in his soft brown eyes.
“I still… do. But I also want your honesty. I don’t like that you’re hiding your past from me.”
He sees the way you shiver under the cold wind, so he wraps an arm around your waist to bring you closer to his body. His mind seems absent though, while he tries to find the words that wouldn’t make you run away.
“You… telling me about your past… won’t change anything for me.” You add, trying to reassure him.
“Hm…” He looks at you with apparent fear and anxiety, twisting his handsome face. “After the military… I tried to find ways to deal with seeing so many people die. So, I fell into hard drugs. Had Isabella in the process. An accident with some girlfriend that I knew I wouldn’t spend my life with. I wanted to be there for her, but I was too addicted, and the mother didn’t want anything to have to do with me. All I have is…” He takes out his wallet and opens it to show you the picture of the girl. “This.”  She’s pretty, with curls like Frankie’s and big eyes like his. The only difference was that they were a dark green color.
“I’m sorry, Frankie.”  You cup his face, feeling his patchy beard under your soft fingers. “Thank you for telling me.” He puts his wallet aside to hold you close, as you pull on his face to kiss him. It’s still as electric as the last time, so you knew your feelings weren’t simply enhanced by your inebriety and that they were sincere. This time, he tasted like fresh mint and bubblegum as your tongue explored his mouth. His sweetness was addicting, he was a whole candy shop you could devour. He left your lips to catch his breath, his aquiline nose resting against your cheek as you simply held each other.
“Are you cold? You wanna go home?”
“Hmmm. Yes. Cuddles under the blanket sound amazing right now.”
Francisco reciprocates your smile. And you wish you could freeze his face in time, memorize the way his lips tilt up under his mustache, trace with your fingers the slight crows’ feet around his brown eyes.
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You’re parked in front of the small cottage that became your refuge. The car is in park, one of Frankie’s hand is still tapping on the wheel nervously, while the other one is on your thigh. You can see light coming out of the house’s window.
“What are we... telling the boys?”
You bite your lip while you think. Even though your affection towards Frankie had been guessed by Santi, you weren’t sure if you were ready to be out and open around them. You still had a lot to figure out.
“Nothing… I don’t think I’m ready to share anything. So, no cuddles tonight.” You say, disappointed.
He hums in agreement, before leaning towards you and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “We’ll try not to look too suspicious.” He smiles teasingly.
You both get out of the car and enter the cabin. Will and Santiago are sharing beers in front of the fireplace.
“Good drive?” Santi asks with a smirk.
“Hmm. The roads are nice at night.” Frankie responds, hands in his coat.
“Yeah, real nice. Well… good night boys.” You let out, a bit too fast, before disappearing to your bedroom. Once the door is closed, your hand comes up to your heart, feeling your rapid heartbeat under your palm. You really liked Frankie.
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Kids will be kids.
Cw: Bachira x Reader, gender neutral reader, Reader is playful, Goofy Bachira, this fic is from,Bachira's mother point of view, reader and Bachira are underage
Authors note: I'm sorry the 'Cute things they do part 3' isn't posted. The reason is this stupid website deleted my draft and I'm upset about it and refuse to work on it for now so until I get over my attitude with it, it will not be posted. I really do apologize! Enjoy this short fic until then! I will also be doing some stuff for Kenyu, Nico and Michael soon so look forward to it ^^
Loud sounds of laughter and playful sceams filled the air as the two teens ran around in circles. One kicking a ball, the other running away from it. This was a normal routine, no matter how old they've gotten the routine stayed the same. It started when they were young, around the age of six and continued all the way to the time they turned seventeen.
A sudden thud, caused the older women to look over at the field she had been watching a while before. The sight of (h/c) hair laying sprawled out across the ground, while black and yellow hair stood above victorious yelling something incomprehensible. Both were laughing, the sound filling the air with a beautiful melody.
It was a beautiful evening. The sun was slowly setting, the gentle spring breeze, the damp grass, the dewy air, everything was perfect for a painting. That was the original reason why she sat outside. Her paints in hand, her easel already set up with her canvas. And yet now she wasn't just painting the beautiful sunset. She was painting the two laughing teens, looking nothing more than meer children from where she sat.
(H/c) hair sticking to (s/c) skin, along with sweat, dirt and grass. While black hair did the same to pale skin. Both teens wearing basic clothing, dirt and grass stains littering their clothes. But that wasn't the beautiful part, nor the reason she begun to paint them. The beautiful part that dragged her attention to paint them was their smiles. The large, goofy, childish smiles that etched itself onto their soft features.
They looked so happy, so free, so childish. It was adorable. Just two kids being kids, no restrictions. No adults telling them what to do. No curfew forcing them to rush home. No loud noises of other people. Just peaceful air and goofy gestures.
When the sweet sound of laughter died down, the woman turned her attention back to her painting. The painting nearly finished, aside from a few last touched. Sound of footsteps running towards her pulled her attention once more as she looked towards the owners of such sounds.
"Mom guess what, I won again! (Y/N) is such a klutz that they tripped over their own feet!" a certain loud, black haired boy cheered, poking fun at his partner. Said partner found little amusement in such teasing, wiping their hand against their (s/c) cheek smudging dirt that stained their cheek onto their hand.
"Oh be quiet! You were cheating! You stuck your foot out when I turned!" the (h/c) haired individual spat playfully, remembering how the black haired male moved his foot in the way of their feet effectively causing them to fall over. "No I didn't! Your just clumsy!'' "No I'm not!"
Playful banter filled the air, noises of play fighting coming after, all soon followed by sound of more laughter. Oh yes this was what she loved to watch. Just two kids having fun. Her gaze softened as (s/c) hands brushed back black bangs placing feathery kisses along sweaty, dirt filled skin. The action caused the boy to giggle returning the gesture ten fold, completely showering (s/c) skin in quick kisses before finally placing a quick kiss against their lips.
Yes this is it. This was what she was so happy about. This was why she approved so happily to her son's relationship. It was pure, gentle and playful. Her son now having someone to laugh and tease, hug and kiss, play and hold. (Y/n) (L/n) was what Bachira Meguru needed more than anything. This was who allowed her son to act his age. This was who she could see her son marrying in the future.
As the sun finally set, and her gentle voice called the teens along to go inside to get clean up before dinner, her nearly finished painting resting gently in her hands, other supplies held by the two teens, her mind was occupied by a single thought while she watched the playful teasing and nudging between the two walking ahead of her.
Aw yes. Kids will be kids. And she was more than happy with that.
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mayhem-neverending · 7 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Summary: Obito survives the fourth shinobi war, and with Kakashi's help, is sent to live in the forest surrounding Konoha. He's a prisoner in his home, the property warded so that no one can enter or exit without the Hokage's explicit permission.
After two years, Kakashi can't ignore the fact that his old friend is wasting away in his home. Thankfully, though, he finds someone (reluctantly) willing to help bring him back to health.
Also, I know that his hair turns white, but I'm keeping it black here. Annnd there are cell phones in this au. I'm pretty sure those are the only major changes I'm making.
Obito Uchiha x Fem!Reader
Warnings: single mother reader, slowburn, angst, canon violence, depression, Uchiha bullshittery, mentions of abuse, alcohol usage, sexual themes
Part I
Word count: 1266
Note: New WIP because my brain can't focus. This is incredibly self-indulgent, because I am a slut for Obito. I will be back on my other WIP soon, I promise. This came to me after I read a fic on AO3, although I can't remember the name.
The Hokage’s tower was intimidating. It was your first time stepping foot anywhere near it in years, and you wondered if it had somehow risen in height. You adjusted your button up and slacks, took a deep breath, and stepped inside.
You navigated the busy hallways swiftly, muscle memory kicking in when your brain wanted to give up. You found yourself in front of the door to the Hokage’s office in a flash, and knocked before you could psych yourself out.
“Come in,”
You opened the door and stepped through, eyes wandering around the room. It looked much the same as it had a few years ago and the familiarity eased some of your nerves. The man in front of you wasn’t necessarily an unfamiliar face, either, and his smile further calmed you.
“Y/n L/n, it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you,”
You smiled politely at him from your spot near the door. “It has,”
He gestured you forward. “Come, sit,”
You settled yourself down in the chair across from him, and he folded his hands on the desk.
“Thank you for coming in today,”
“Thank you for having me, Lord Sixth,”
“Call me Kakashi,” He waved his hand.
You just managed to keep your disapproving look from fully forming on your face. “Yes, sir,”
He rolled his eyes playfully. It made you shift a bit uncomfortably. You had never been close to the man, and when you had known him, he had been much more serious. He seemed to sense your discomfort, and switched back to a more professional tone.
“So, you’re here for the personal assistant position, correct?”
You nodded.
“Before we continue, I would like to make you aware that this position is not as an assistant to me,”
You frowned, confused. Who would be so important that the Hokage himself would interview for them? Surely he was incredibly busy. It was clearly evident that the aftermath of the war was still weighing heavily on Konoha’s government, even two years later.
He continued, “A close friend of mine has been struggling, and I believe hiring him some help is the least I can do,”
You nodded, curiosity replacing the nerves that had lingered. He drummed his fingers on the desk, eyes cast aside in contemplation. After a moment of silence, he started again, “I suppose I should re-title the position,” His eyes slid to yours. “It’s more of a caretaker job,”
Now you were really confused. “What exactly would I be doing?”
“Cooking, housework, grocery shopping, etc,”
Your lips quirked up and you nodded. You would call yourself an expert in those things after the last two years you had had. “And what would the hours look like?”
“Monday through Friday, starting at 8:30am and ending when you finish your tasks. The position is salary,”
He was ticking off each of your boxes the more he spoke. But, after struggling to find a job that fit all your needs for the past six months, you were quick to hold back your excitement. You were tired of being disappointed when you either didn’t get it, or something just wouldn’t work.
“That sounds like a good deal to me,”
His eyes crinkled into his little half-moon smile. “I’m glad to hear it. I have to ask, what brings you here today?”
“My current job just isn’t a good fit, and I want something that feels more rewarding - like I’m making a difference… I wouldn’t be upset about a pay raise, either.” You half-shrugged.
Kakashi chuckled. “I hear you. What do you think qualifies you for this position? I know it’s a bit different than what I advertised, so don’t worry about taking a second to answer,”
You shook your head, a little smile on your lips. “I’m more qualified for this type of work than what you advertised, so I can answer easily.”
You straightened up in the chair. “Before the last six months, I was a stay at home mom. I handled every piece of housework, managed our finances, did the shopping for the three of us, and took care of my son. It’s almost second nature to me to manage a household now,”
Kakashi nodded. “I was wondering about the gap in your resume,”
You quirked a brow. “Are you telling me you didn’t do a thorough background check before bringing me in here?”
He smiled widely, a sparkle in his eye. “Now there’s the little chunin I remember,”
You smiled bashfully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“No, I have extensive investigations performed for each person before they enter this office for an interview. I like to see who is honest with me when I ask questions, though,”
You ignored the urge to roll your eyes. “Well, based on mine, how much of a chance do you think I have to get this job?”
He hummed. “Pretty high, I’d say,”
You perked up.
He tapped a tinger to his chin. “Actually, since you caught me, I think it’s only fair to offer it to you, if you want it,”
You blinked in surprise. “Really?”
He nodded, his face sobering quite suddenly. “Although I can’t divulge why at the moment, you are my first choice out of all of the applicants.”
You looked at him in bewilderment, but held your questions in. His eyes flickered around the room. He scratched the back of his head, and brought the smile back to his face.
“Starting pay is seventy-five thousand a year, would that be sufficient?”
It took you a moment to respond. Your head was spinning with the possibilities that would open up to you with that kind of money. The foremost thought in your mind, though, was: I won’t have to struggle anymore.
You finally managed a nod. “More than,”
“Perfect, how soon can you start?”
“Uhh, Monday, probably,”
He started to say something else, but you accidentally interrupted him with your next question. “Who am I supposed to be taking care of?”
Kakashi met your gaze with intensity. He searched your eyes for a long moment, and you tried so very hard not to shrink into yourself. After an eternity, he let loose a heavy sigh. His reaction was making your nerves rise back up at full force.
“Your.. ward, for lack of a better term, is.. Obito Uchiha,”
Your jaw dropped and you stopped breathing, your mind going completely blank. When your thoughts finally filtered in again, your first coherent thought was: So that’s the catch?
Why would you be his first choice for a war criminal’s babysitter? Kami, what would your family say if they found out just who you were working with? Despite your negative internal dialogue, you couldn’t help but think about the money. It would do you so much good, even if you only worked the job for a year or two.
You scrubbed a hand over your face in a jerky movement. It wasn’t much of a debate. You would benefit far more by taking the job than denying it. A sudden thought popped up - something that you should have thought of right off the bat.
“What if he tries to hurt me?”
Kakashi frowned, but his eyes were understanding. “He won’t. I wouldn’t have created the position if I thought he would try something.”
You nodded slowly. It tracked. He didn’t fight at the frontlines during the Fourth Shinobu War to put his people in danger. You knew he was a good man.
“Okay,” you said quietly.
“Okay,” It was hardly more confident than the first.
“Alright, let’s go over the details then,”
Part II
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eating-plastic · 10 months
Out of the Rain: Willy x fem!reader SMUT
Warnings: NSFW, smut (MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI), age gap (older man-younger woman. Reader is +18! Get outta here, creeps!), AFAB!reader, p in v sex, unprotected sex (remember to use protection irl people!), creampie, rough sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering, light bondage (you know this man would be good at tying knots😏) , dom!Willy, sub!reader, swearing, secret relationship, sweet!Willy before and after the deed, probably some grammatical errors
Word Count: 2344 words
A/N: Who wants some smut? I certainly do! Welcome to my second nsfw fic with a new old man. I've been a bit of a lurker in the Stardew Valley fandom for a while now, and it's a shame that the game has such handsome older men that you can't romance. Oh, well. That's what fanfiction is for! To anyone that feels the same way as me, this is for you. Enjoy!
Weather just loved to take you by surprise. Whenever it looked like rain, it would suddenly become bright and sunny as you left the farm with your umbrella and raincoat. Whenever it was sunny, you would be forced to dunk into buildings or run back home in your soaked clothes. It seems like mother nature just loves to make you feel ridiculous.
Today was no different. You decided to head to the beach for a bit of fishing in a pretty, teal sundress and hat. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and you were looking for a good excuse to get lost in your thoughts, as fishing often provided you. You usually reflected on plans you had, but your mind kept on drifting to the Flower Festival that was coming up next week. You were planning something a bit big with a certain someone after you and him had a small discussion about it.
The idea made you giddy and nervous at the same time. You typically never cared about what people thought, but now you were in a town with what you perceived as a smaller number of people that wouldn't be so judgmental about your relationships. Then again, life was too short to keep things like that secret.
Just your luck though, as soon as you had found your spot and were about to cast your line, you felt a raindrop on your nose.
'Oh no,' you look up at the sky and sigh at the sight of dark storm clouds. 'Of course. Yoba, why?'
Fortunately, you had a saving grace not too far away and it was just sprinkling, now. You just had to get there before he left for the saloon.
The clock struck 5, and Willy had finished tidying up his shop a bit. His back was turned away from the door to look for his umbrella, as the rain was now coming down hard. He didn't turn his back even as he heard the door open.
"Sorry, shop's closed up. You'll have to trek back here, tomorrow," he said nonchalantly.
"Uh, Willy?"
At the sound of your voice, a smile forms on his face and he turns around to greet you, only for his face to drop when he sees you.
"Yoba, lass! You look like you washed up on shore!"
You were entirely soaked, with your sundress clinging to you like a second skin, your shoes being flooded, and your hat having been blown away in the wind, causing your face and hair to lose what little protection it could have provided.
Willy quickly made his way over to you, wrapping his rough hands around your arms and rubbing them to try and warm you up.
"You're shaking like a leaf, love. What were you doing out in a storm like that?"
"I didn't know," you say in-between your shivering. "Can you walk me back to my farm?"
"That's too far, dear. You're better off staying over at my place before you get a cold," he takes your hands into his own and raises them to his mouth to blow warm air onto them. "Here, let me go get my umbrella, and we'll get you dry in no time."
He moves back to where he was searching, and you instantly miss his presence. Willy was like a natural heater, which your shaking figure needed. You tried to replicate his actions to keep warm, but they didn't really help much.
"Aha! There you are," he presents his umbrella and quickly moves back to your side. "Alright, love. Let's get you warmed up."
You sat close to the fireplace within Willy's humble abode, while he went to fetch you a towel and one of his shirts. When he returns to you, he lets out a sympathetic huff. He kneels down beside you and wraps you up in a dark green towel he had snatched from his bathroom.
"There you go, lass. Just take it easy, now," he presses a kiss to your temple, which you hum at. "Got a dry shirt for you by the sofa. Change into it when you feel ready, okay?"
You nod and lean into the old fisherman, which causes him to let out a chuckle of endearment.
"Now, then. Why don't we get you something warm to drink, hm?" he stands up to head into his kitchen. You continue to stare at the hypnotic dance of the flames before you. Mother nature once again made a fool out of you, and now you were feeling guilty that you were currently keeping your older boyfriend from the saloon.
"Here you go, dear. A nice cup of tea to warm your pretty, lil' self up," Willy hands you a mug, before sitting down beside you with a glass of whiskey in his other.
"You're drinking before heading to the saloon?" you ask.
"Not heading to the saloon, tonight," he wraps one of his arms around you to pull you closer. "Gotta take care of my girl, don't I?"
"But weren't you planning on hanging out with Elliot this week?"
"It's just one day, lass. He'll understand," that makes you confused.
"Does...does he know about us?"
"He's smart. I think he suspects something," this causes you to tense up, but Willy squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. "There is nothing to worry about, love. Elliot's a nice lad, not one to make nasty comments about things like this."
You hoped he was right. You and him knew your relationship was a bit unconventional even when it was platonic, so you agreed to keep it under wraps. Of course, the more you keep quiet about something, the more you wished you didn't. That's why you both came to the agreement that you would make your relationship public at the Flower Festival, promising to try to not let any scrutiny from your fellow villagers get under your skin.
"I hope you're right," you snuggle into Willy's neck.
"Everyone's gonna know eventually," a smirk forms on his face. "It's gonna be nice finally introducing you as my beautiful, little skipper."
You squeal as he begins to pepper your neck in kisses, giggling as his beard tickles your soft skin. Before he pulls away, you feel a tinge of a familiar warmth form in your stomach, beginning to crave a different kind of heat. Still, you try to push those thoughts aside and continue to enjoy the sweet cuddling, occasional kisses to your cheek or temple, and your beverage.
When Willy gets up to take your mug and refill his glass however, those thoughts come back, and you realize just how uncomfortable your wet dress is. So you stand up, letting the towel fall from your shoulders, and push the straps of your dress down.
The soak fabric pools around your ankles leaving you in just your damp panties.
Willy almost drops his second glass of whiskey when he returns to you. He quickly composes himself though, and smirks while watching how the golden glow of the fire illuminates you.
"And here I thought you were freezing," he jests and makes his way towards you.
"I am. I just want to warm up in a different way," you explain. "Besides, my dress was getting uncomfortable."
Willy sits down on the sofa behind you, slowly sipping his glass and not taking his eyes off you. He then sets the glass down on a side table before uttering a command to you.
"Come here, love."
You turn and straddle his waist, quickly being met with something hard under your ass. It amazed you how quickly Willy could get worked up, especially at his age, but you weren't going to complain. As soon as you're comfortable, he grabs the back of your head and roughly smashes your lips into his.
He wasn't always a rough man during sex, most notably when you both first started, but ever since he made his rougher side known, you've found yourself craving it more. You moan at the feeling of his tongue forcing its way into your mouth and his calloused hands explores your body, grabbing and groping whatever he wants. As his lips move from your own to your neck, you start grinding yourself against him. He groans at the feeling, before threading his thick fingers into your hair and yanking your head back to look at him.
"Stay here, love. I'm gonna go grab something," Willy's voice is low and he pats your rear to get you to move off of him. You sit on the sofa and let out a huff of frustration while he disappears to find what he was looking for. You hate the lack of friction in-between your legs, and rub your thighs together in a feeble attempt to relieve it.
When the older man returns, the sight of him makes you whine. His hat was gone and his dark gray hair looked messy, as if he was rubbing his hands through it. His shirt was also gone, revealing a torso covered in small scars, salt and pepper hair that dusted his chest, and a soft stomach. What really thrills you though, is when your eyes fall upon the short rope in his right hand. He slowly approaches to sit beside you, like a predator cornering his prey.
"Wrists together, lass," he asserts in a low voice. You do what you are told. With your wrists bound, Willy pushes you down onto the couch and wastes no time to pull your wet panties from your body.
"My girl wants to get warmed up, huh?" he pushes your arms above your head, before landing his hands under your thighs. "I'll warm her up, alright."
Your legs are spread apart and Willy lowers his head to place a kiss to your lower lips, slick with your arousal. You gasp and squirm underneath him, trying to undo the binds on your wrists. He chuckles at this, the vibrations only adding to the pleasure, before dragging his tongue from your dripping entrance to your clit. His actions are slow, almost torturing, which causes you to whine and try to grind yourself against his face.
His hands move from your thighs to your hips, holding them steady and pausing your feeble attempts at trying to get off.
"Aw, what's the matter, love? Am I not warming you up enough?" Willy chuckles darkly at your desperate face. You shake your nod and whimper.
"No, I'm not? Well then...let's see if this works," his lips find your clit and harshly suck on the sensitive bud, causing you to moan loudly. He then moves one of his hands from your waist to your pussy, shoving two of his thick fingers inside of you.
You cry out at the feeling of being stretched out, tears prickling in the corners of your eyes. You continue to squirm, desperately wanting to grab something as a brace, but being unable to because of your bound wrists.
Willy continues to suck on your clit and scissor his fingers within you, even after you warned him that you were going to cum. He wanted you to make a mess on his mouth and digits. Your moans become screams as your orgasm grew closer and closer, until you couldn't hold back anymore.
The old fisherman in-between your legs eagerly laps up your juices, wetting his beard without a care in the world. He only stops once you beg him to, wanting your sensitive pussy to get a break. Of course, that break only lasts a couple of seconds.
The next thing you know, Willy flips your body over so you are now laying on your stomach. He impatiently undoes his belt and yanks down his pants and boxers, causing his thick cock to spring free. Your hips are then in his grasp, quickly lining your wet hole up with the tip, and pushing himself all the way inside of you.
You sob out at being so harshly filled and stretched out. You love the stinging sensation, and you only love it more as Willy roughly fucks his dick in and out of you. The pain and pleasure melt together in a way that makes you feel intoxicated, and you can’t help but thank mother nature for chasing into the older man’s arms, home, and onto his length.
"Yeah? You like that. love? Huh? Fuck!," Willy groans out, his thrusts becoming sloppy.
"Ye-ah! Yes! Yes! I-I do...I'm-hah!" you try to announce your imminent release, but the feeling of rough fingertips against your clit causes your sentence to fall apart.
"You wanna cum, lass? Go ahead. Cum all over my cock," Willy lets out through gnashed teeth.
At that, you cum hard on his dick. The feeling of your pussy squeezing his length causes the older man to follow suit, flooding your cunt with his seed. He then falls onto his forearms in exhaustion, but still trying not to crush you.
The only sounds heard within the home now, was the crackling of the fire and rain hitting the roof. Once Willy gains his breath, he pulls out of you, undoes the rope around your wrists, and moves so he is laying on the sofa and you're laying on top of him. One of his hands rubs circles into your back, while the other holds one of your wrists so he can gently rub and kiss the welts left by your bonds.
"Well, love, did that warm you up?" a tired laugh is pulled from you, and a kiss is placed onto the older man's lips.
"Yeah, I'd say it did more than enough," you smile. He smiles back, until he notices that the rain outside had started to slow.
"You staying over for the night?"
"Of course," you nuzzle your face into Willy's neck, getting comfortable. "Besides, I don't think I'll be walking until tomorrow anyways."
"Fair enough," he says after chuckling. He then tightens his hold on you, and places a kiss on your head.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Willy."
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stxrshxpxd · 10 months
🌷 fic friday;
last girlfriend
90s graham coxon x reader,, fluff!!!
This weekend had felt like a very big thing ever since Graham first asked me to join two weeks ago. We were house-sitting for his parents as they were away on holiday, watering the plants and looking after their cat. I had only just met his parents one time a month ago, having been together with Graham for three months. It was in the countryside, and the next house couldn’t be seen even if you stood on the top of the tall hill they had on the outskirts of the garden.
“I used to love these as a kid,” Graham chuckled and stuck the deep blue popsicle in his left cheek. He laid down with his head on the bunched up hoodie he had just rid his hot body of. In my mind I thanked god he had been stupid enough to think he would fit into his old clothes from his teens he had in his old room. His t-shirt was much too small, hugged his chest and shoulders and rode up his lower torso on a regular basis. It did now with the strong sun beaming on the pale skin of his lower stomach.
“Seriously, my tongue was blue all summer long, every summer.”
I snapped back from adoring his belly to our conversation and I laughed softly.
Freddie, the family cat, came wandering up silently and stroked his grey head against Graham’s leg, to which Graham responded by plopping him down on his stomach. I felt slightly jealous of the little cat who got to cuddle up on top of his torso in the sun and doze off.
There had been another growing feeling in me ever since we got here the day before. Being all alone with Graham in a house in the country made it absolutely unavoidable thinking about a potential future. Living in a house, looking after plants and pets. Maybe a kid. It was probably madness to already be thinking about that stuff, but I couldn’t help it.
I had zoned out for a moment and I noticed now Graham was glancing up at me from under his large palm which shielded his eyes from the sun.
“What are you thinking about?”
I smiled and exhaled softly.
“Oh, yeah!” he sat up, remembering something suddenly, and Freddie hopped off him, zooming around the corner of the house. “Come! I want to show you where I had my first kiss.”
He threw his finished popsicle on the grass and I laughed as he pulled me up off the ground, jogging with me across the garden to behind the hill where a young oak tree stood.
“Here,” he said sheepishly and pointed at the tree, beginning to laugh at himself.
“Actually,” I said and gathered his hands in mine, edging his back towards the tree trunk. “There is a certain aura about this spot. It does make you want to snog someone!”
Graham blushed slightly now as I trapped him between my body and the oak, our lips overlapping softly. My hands had instantly found that bit of space between his shirt and jeans, fingertips teasing under the hem of his underwear.
“I want to say something really silly.”
“Go on,” I giggled, feeling his grin against my lips.
“I just think it’s funny how I kissed my first girlfriend here.. Because I think I might be kissing my last girlfriend right now.”
I opened my eyes to find his screwed shut in embarrassment. My heart was beating everywhere in my body, loud and hard and quick, and I couldn’t keep from grinning.
“Yeah, that’s quite silly,” I whispered with a giggle and my hands came up to hold his face, kissing him again, both our cheeks red and hot.
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annabelle1901 · 4 months
Lost Frank Castle x Karen Page fic
Hi! So I don't really interact with anyone on Tumblr but I don't really know what else to do, so here we go. I'm back on my Kastle bullshit <3 and I've been trying to find this old fan fiction on AO3 that I started reading years ago. Stopped reading after a certain point but had the tab open on my phone and I thought I'd continue reading eventually.. And then my phone got stolen, and I forgot the title & author name. Not great. I've dedicated the past few days to looking for it and so far I got nothing.
So what I'm gonna do is write down everything I remember like a mad woman in the hope that this jogs someones memory. Please help me this fic haunts me. ANY sort of reference or whatever could potentially help (Tumblr posts, links, screenshots, Google history, etc)
Fandom: Daredevil/ the Punisher obv
Pairing: Frank Castle/ Karen Page
Rating: probably explicit (canon typical violence and eventual smut)
Published: 2016-2017 (started post s2 Daredevil but pre The Punisher s1 because I don't remember any of the plot or characters from that show showing up) might have been deleted in 2020ish
Length: has to be +10 chapters (long chapters as well, don't know if it was finished)
Characters: Matt Murdock/ Daredevil, Foggy Nelson, Claire Temple, Elektra Natchios (I vividly remember them making some sort of appearance)
now let's get really unhinged...
Pretty sure the story starts on Karen's birthday but her mood is meh.. She's on her way home or something, gets in her car and Shining Star starts playing which let's her know that Frank was recently there. Something else must have alarmed her because she goes looking for him and finds him in like an alley around her building. He's in really bad shape, bloody practically dying. She carries him to her apartment and either helps him herself or calls Claire Temple.*
*Don't think it was in this part of the story but she helps Frank and makes a joke about him not being healthy enough to be sleeping with Karen anytime soon which makes them blush. Don't think they were intimate yet but tensions were rising.
For the next couple of chapters I remember it was mainly beautifully written angst between them in this contained space while he's healing. Karen doesn't want Frank to get killed while being the Punisher, he resists her care and tries to hurt her by saying "You aren't Maria and could never be" or something.
I also vividly remember a scene where he's grieving and keeps like tugging on this necklace Karen has on while he cries in her arms. She leaves her necklace at his family's graves and the groundskeeper or something tells her not to do that because it'll get stolen but she knows that but does it anyway as a sign of respect.
They sort admit their feelings eventually but don't sleep together yet because they know they can't go back after that. For some reason Frank needs to leave the city for a little while to re-home a dog I believe he found while on a "mission" and the idea is that the time apart will help them decide whether or not they want to be together. They reunite on a sunny, lovely day in the city and go back to her apartment and lots of smut ensues. Daredevil shows up at midnight/ morning to get Frank. Something's going down he needs his help. It doesn't end well somehow Karen gets involved and they both go to the same hospital. Frank is in a coma and Karen visits him when she's allowed and urges him to live sort of mirroring when he first got shot in the head at the carousel. He wakes up but needs to go back to prison. Everything is really bad. The press somehow knows about their relationship as well. Last scene I remember is Karen and Foggy talking about all this and a newspaper printing a picture of Karen's legs with the caption Keys to the Castle? or something. Gross everything sucks and that's where I stopped reading.
So that's about all I can remember, feels like a fever dream. If anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. Thx!!
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ascendthisday · 1 year
By The Time I Knew I Truly Loved You
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steven Adler/Reader Word Count: 800~
Info: No Smut, Fluff, Happy Ending, Emotional, Mentioned Drug Use, Post-Stroke, /reader in a way that you can imagine just about anyone as the narrator its VERY vague
Summary: The month I knew I truly loved you was cold. It was 1996, sometime around October, but after the stroke, every day seemed to blend together. I begged with God, pleaded that you'd wake up and remember how to live; to function.
Authors Note: another old one from ao3 because i have a bunch of shit i never reposted!! this was the first gnr fic i posted so yay for that, hope it isnt TOO corny
The month I knew I truly loved you was cold. It was 1996, sometime around October, but after the stroke, every day seemed to blend together. I begged with God, pleaded that you'd wake up and remember how to live; to function. I prayed that you'd remember to speak overnight. Everything was so hard now. We- you, communicated grunts and grumbles of vague words to which I would sob over in the middle of the night. We slept in different beds. Other people were always in our home because you needed caretakers, and yet I convinced myself to hold on. 
The week I knew I truly loved you was hectic. You were frantic for God knows what reason, clawing at floorboards and yourself. I watched your mop of hair get more and more matted day by day as you adamantly opposed brushing it. You smelled of musk, a smell I once relished and showered myself in by wearing your clothes while you 'recovered' in the hospital. We had five different caretakers quit that week, so I had to resort to begging in the newspaper. Eventually, I found someone new, but what would have happened if I hadn't? One day, I realized you wanted your stash. You still had something, left forgotten in the floorboards, and you were determined to find it even though you had no memory of where it may be. We had to rip our home apart, piece by piece, to make sure you didn't find that stash- if it even existed, and yet, I convinced myself to hold on. 
The day I knew I truly loved you, we had let the sunlight waste as we spent the whole day 'fighting', if you could even call it that. It was like arguing with a stubborn child, even though I knew you didn't mean to be childish. We sat at the dinner table; you at one end with a stack of blank notecards and a pen, me at the other with only my voice and frustrations. You had taken to writing so much better than you had to speaking. So far, this was the only way we had somewhat fluent conversations since the stroke. It was horrible. I missed the silly way you poorly serenaded me with love songs. I missed the joking debates we held together, arguing on why one superhero was wholeheartedly superior or something along those lines. I missed when I didn't have to monitor everything on the TV because your therapist told me anything could set you off into another relapse.  I missed when it was just us in the house with no needed caretakers, and yet, I convinced myself to hold on. 
The night I knew I truly loved you, I stormed away and sulked in what used to be our bed. You had knocked on the door at two in the morning. I groggily opened it to ogle at your disheveled form. You stood there; pajama pants barely hanging onto your skinny hips, a broken hairbrush outstretched in your hands, hair tangled to your ears with another restless night, and a quivering lip paired with the glossiest eyes I had ever seen. My eyes had pricked with tears when I saw you, really saw how scared, lost, and small you were. I spoke not a word, simply let you crawl into our bed. I needed no more convincing, I chose to hold on and never let go for as long as I could. 
The moment I knew I truly loved you, I had just finished brushing out every knot and tangle from your mane as you sat between my legs. You turned toward me and stared for a couple of minutes before beginning to climb out of bed, but I stopped you. I needed you. You needed me. So, I simply held you. I held you for hours. Then, with as much force as you could muster you muttered three words that changed me. 
"I love you." 
The moment after I knew I truly loved you, I shrieked and sobbed so loud I swore the neighborhood shook. I tried to steady myself with the burst of pure joy that overwhelmed me, but I was over the moon. I wept and wept as I held your head to my chest and repeated how much I loved you, too. Those were the first words you spoke to me for months. Finally, you pulled away and I was met with your beautiful smile. It was so different, though. It was no longer a smile that showed for when you got your high, it was a show of love and gratitude. God, I was so lucky to have held on.
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