#i spelt so many names wrong i know it
nikidykeachu · 6 months
I dont remeber signing these mayn papers...
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greenunoreversecard · 4 months
Kai general and Romantic headcanons
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A/N:sorry if I got any of the characters wrong, I was using a combo of wiki/Google translate as I don't speak any of the languages mentioned. Pls let me know if I got any info wrong, i will gladly go in and change it to make it right.
Half Indian and half Chinese.
His and nya's last name is 鄭 (Zheng), but he says it's Smith bc when they where younger he got in the habit of lying about his name so he Didnt have to deal with CPS.
His ma is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and was a practicing Hindu. Ray is from the 云南 (yunnan) province, and was a practicing theravida Buddhist. Ray is ethnically from the 傣族 (dai people, also spelt Tai in english)
Before his parents dissapearances, they both brought him to their hometowns, and actively taught him both cultures and religions, which he continued to learn about and even teach Nya about after their dissapearances.
When he was 14 he bought a small boat and him and Nya rode it across the costal line, and he promised Nya one day when he was older he'd bring the both of them to their parents hometowns.
He's a Buddhist.
He speaks so many languages.
Like so many
He's fluent in Thai, mandarin and cantonese chinese, telugu, urdu, hindi, Punjabi, arabic and ninjago-ian(idk whatever language ninjago speaks)
Also trying to learn Indonesian.
He also knows yunnan dialect bc his dad would speak in it more often than not
Absorbes info like a sponge
He likes to quilt
He always wears a golden bracelet He got from his moms jewelry box after she left.
Likes to draw but is bad at it, so he colors coloring books
He may act all confident, but he really isn't. super insecure
Soooo good with hair
Like, has all the stops. 10 step hair care routine
rivals Zanes cooking skills.
When working out focuses on building rather than lean muscle.
Mother friend
has dragged all of his friends into the water splashing festival.
Fatal flaw is loyalty and kind of hubris (it's conflicting, ik with the insecure and extreme pride, but like- it makes sense in my head. Inferiority/maybe superiority complex.)(it makes sense bc this is such me behavior. Imagine hating yourself but thinking ur the baddest bitch alive)
Likes to stare at fire
If he can't sleep he'll make a small bonfire to stare at and think
Chronic cigarette smoker
Hes more show than tell
Def acts of service (me frfr)
Although, he is very cuddly.
Not in public, though. Maybe infront of the other ninja if it was a rough day
Loves to rock you gently from side to side when yall are hug
loves to give you temple kisses
He's very gentle with you, treats you like glass
You wil prolly say ily first, and he'll go;"🧍‍♂️...cool?"
He has mommy and daddy issues, but HEAVY on the mommy issues. Have fun with this hyper-independant fuck who can't accept help without feeling like a failure even though they need it (I'm not projecting you are)
Goes all out for holidays and anniversaries.
Doberman/German Shepard vibes tbh
When it's just you two he doesn't feel the need to fill the air with meaningless chatter, so if he feels safe enough to just share air without talking feel honoured and cherish it bc that means he actually trusts you.
A little rough around the edges, but will remember that thing you said 5years ago on ur first date
Most dates are chill inside and take a nap
But sometimes if he can he takes you on the town or someplace fancy
Also likes to show you his favorite childhood spots
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genoskissors · 3 months
Guide to Understanding Genocider’s Many Names
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Genocide Jack has many names and it can be hard to understand why so many people use different ones or spell them differently, so I attempted to make a guide that is as comprehensible as possible.
Something to know before hand
Kanji: More complicated, such as 翔
Hiragana: Simple and smooth, such as しょう
Katakana: Simple and sharp, such as ショウ
Let’s get the “Genocide” part out of the way
This part of her name is written in katakana, (ジェノサイダー) and you’ll notice the line at the end. This means the sound is extended, so instead of “da” it’s “dā”. Japanese doesn’t have an “er” so this is used instead, since they sound similar. Her official title is Genocider. The localization simply switched this is be Genocide. I’m not sure why, maybe since Genocider isn’t actually a word, but that’s just my best guess.
Syo VS Sho
Here’s where it get complicated.
In order to make sounds like “kyo”, “bya”, or “ju”, two hiragana are need. First, a character ending in i, such as ki, bi, or ji, characters pronounced like ka or bu cannot be used. Second, one of the three y’s (ya, yo, or yu) in a smaller form.
The character “ki” (き), combined with “yo” (よ), would make “kiyo”. But if the “yo” is written smaller (よ→ょ) then the “i” from the first hiragana is replaced by it. So since きよ is Kiyo, きょ is Kyo. Same for “bya”. びや is Biya, so びゃ is Bya.
Now, we have our “exceptions”, shi (し) and ji (じ). You’ll notice they look very similar, which is why they are both “exceptions”. For “ji” (じ) and “yu”, (ゆ) rather than jyu it’s just ju (じゅ). It’s different since in the case of kyo and ko, it’s a whole other sound, but jyu and ju are pronounced the same, so the y isn’t needed.
But in all my examples, you’ll notice the first hiragana is two letters, which is why it gets tricky for “shi”. Like jyu, shyo is unnecessary, however, h and y are pronounced the same here, so you can remove either one and get the same sound.
Quick Note: I used “kyo”, “bya”, and “ju” as examples since there are Danganronpa characters with those in their names, but, just to clarify, they aren’t the only combinations possible.
The reason I put exceptions in quotes is because this is romanization, there is no rule book saying you must write it this way. While Sho is the most common way to write this, it doesn’t mean Syo is wrong. In fact, the games themselves use this.
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However, they also use Sho.
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So, really, both are correct.
Syou VS Syo / Shou Vs Sho
> I’ll be calling her Sho/Shou here for convenience.
翔 should be spelt with a “u”, since it’s しょ“sho” then う “u”, so “shou”. Still, a lot of times the u is excluded because it doesn’t sound too different in English. English speakers pronounce “Shuuichi” and “Shuichi” the same, so I suppose the u is unnecessary. You’ll find this is common in a lot of different translations. Even Japanese media that use the alphabet, like the pictures above, will sometimes leave out the u, if following an o or another u.
Jack & Jill
These are just the titles that are strictly English. Since the whole thing about Syo in the beginning was that she’s a serial killer, society will assume it’s a man, so the public will give her a masculine name. In English, people will hear Sho and see it’s foreign, so there’s no gender association. I think it was changed that way so we’d see it as masculine. While I think they should’ve kept her Japanese name like everyone else in the game, I cannot deny how easily Genocide Jack rolls off the tongue.
All the names work, use whatever you want.
I hope this made sense to at least one person. If it doesn’t, feel free to ask for further clarification!
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
Help me! Indians and/or James Potter lovers help me out!!
im a big fan of Desi James and i'm writing a fic at the moment and i want to include affectionate language (pet names) from all of my characters national languages and have been digging for some Hindi terms of endearment for a while and am a little lost.
a lot of the searches are coming up with words but not specifying which Indian language it derives from, and I just don't want to like mix languages and be stupid and inconsiderate about it.
anyway, so far i have "Jaan" or "Meri Jaan" which I understand means "life" or "my life" wich is fucking adorable, as well as "Mera Pyaar" (I've seen a couple of different spelling variations of this so please correct me if it's wrong) which i understand means "my love".
both are very very sweet, and i will be using them! however, i've been looking for terms more like "sweetheart", "pretty", "cutie", "handsome", "baby", and stuff like that. you know, terms that can be used a bit more casually, in the earlier stages of dating / sleeping together, before the love and devotion happens!
anyway, any help would be very appreciated. any terms of endearment you know, any extra information you can give me, anything at all that relates to Desi James that would be helpful for me to know is so appreciated!
also any headcannons you have about Desi James would be awesome! especially ones that like involve his culture and stuff like that. id really like to write him well and give authenticity to his character that i don't naturally just have. i am doing my research where i need too, of course, but if you have little things about him that i could simply just adopt or learn about would be so awesome because like, i wouldn't even know to search for a lot of little things i bet.
anyway, thank you!!! i'll love anyone that helps me out so so so so so so much!!
edit: if he were to say "star" or "starlight" or "starshine" or "pretty star" something about stars to someone as a term of endearment (or just affectionately) how would that be said / spelt? i hopped on google but there are so many translations and i don't know which would be correct in this context and im helpless! thank youuuuuuuuuuuu <3
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eschergirls · 3 months
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It's been 2 weeks so it's time to announce the winners of the March caption contest!
We had a lot of good entries this time and I had a very hard time choosing.  So many made me laugh, so thank you to everybody who submitted!
As usual when I have a lot of submissions, I'll choose 3 winners and 2 honorable mentions. :)
Each winner will get to choose a prize if they wish (but you don't have to, you can just participate for fun too.)  The prizes are extra Steam codes that I've acquired through bundles over the years and I figure that giving them out for contests would be fun.
Anyway here are the entries!
Claire: like a true warrior she is hitting the "crouch" command atop her fallen enemies Ordinating Aether Snow: It is a common misconception that the "death" part of her name refers to some grim reaper like mythos or to her pale complexion. The real origin of the moniker is an amusing coincidence born from academia. When biologists were first dissecting a specimen of her species they were assigning random letters to each joint on her limbs beyond the ones found on normal humans. Only afterwards, did they find that the section between her knee and hips spelt out "death."
Imry: With standard warnings doing nothing to reduce the overwhelming number of back injuries, the Coffin Comics warehouse safety team had to get more creative with their reminders to lift with your legs, not your back. Jenn Dolari: FFFFFRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Karmazyna: I'd be holding on to my sword for dear life as well if I had to squat to pee in those heels. MaryKaye: So you thought you were clever to steal my pants? Your death will be...exquisite.
@chasedbybuildings: Was this drawn by someone from outer space who's not sure what humans look like? @cipheramnesia: *FART!!* @cipheramnesia: "Of course I'm going to fuck the sword." @cipheramnesia: "You're sure this is where you dropped your contact lens?" @cipheramnesia: "Oh hello, let me slip into something a little more comfortable." [trash compactor noises] @direwolfblackrose: That's the "these heels are killing me" squat @evilqueerwizardassociation: In today's episode of Feel Good News: woman born with right hip  ending six inches lower than the left overcomes disability to become sexualized as a knight! @failure-to-adult: "Hey fam, I'm Lady Death and I'm gonna inappropriately twerk on this battlefield! Don't forget to like and subscribe for more content!" @faunusroman: Looks like someone took the term "slay" too literally. @fluffyapathybunny: Oh wow this is all kinds of wrong, anatomy-wise. Why are her breasts so far down on her torso? @furrytechgirl: "I do have scoliosis! How did you know?" @madfishmonger: "Wait, you can't shift your butt cheeks far apart independently of each other? Skill issue." @metztreme: “I sure hope this fart loosens my wedgie” @mistakescontinuetobemade: when the thong just ain’t far enough up your ass to keep your free-floating pelvis in place @mnemonicpneumaticknife: "Are you done taking the photo?  Okay, good.  Put down the fan and come help me stand up. I can't feel my fucking legs." @vaspider: When your sword needs to go, but can't unless you go too. @wardenmcpherson: Don't judge, but she pulled Excalibur from the stone with her booty cheeks. Apparently, that was the only part of her that was pure of heart. @yourfriendlyneighborhoodhomo: when you've crouched down but you're in heels and if you try to stand wrong then you'll trip and get a face full of asphalt @zombiemollusk: "lesson learned: don't ever pole dance with a sword. most embarrassing hospital visit ever."
So first, honorable mentions go to:
@failure-to-adult: "Hey fam, I'm Lady Death and I'm gonna inappropriately twerk on this battlefield! Don't forget to like and subscribe for more content!"
@zombiemollusk: "lesson learned: don't ever pole dance with a sword. most embarrassing hospital visit ever."
And the winners:
3rd place goes to Claire: like a true warrior she is hitting the "crouch" command atop her fallen enemies
2nd place goes to @cipheramnesia: "Oh hello, let me slip into something a little more comfortable." [trash compactor noises]
And the winner is... @madfishmonger: "Wait, you can't shift your butt cheeks far apart independently of each other? Skill issue."
Congratulations to all the winners and also thank you to everybody who participated! 
Please stay tuned for a new caption contest next month!
If you won and would like a Steam code as a prize, please message me with which prize you would like.  If you came in 2nd, message me with 2 choices in order of preference, and if you came in 3rd, message me with 3 choices, etc...  I'll give you your top choice that hadn't been taken by the other winners. (To clarify, every winner only gets 1 prize, but winners other than the one in first place should give me their list of games in order of preference so if one is taken, I'll give you the next on the list.  It makes it easier for me to hand out the prizes.)
The Steam codes I have available as prizes are for:  Still Life, Riot: Civil Unrest, Castle Crashers, Hotel Giant 2, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Rage in Peace, Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day, Uncertain: Light At The End, and Shattered - Tale of the Forgotten Kings.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hi !! Could you do a fic where George and reader were best friends until they moved away at like age 9 & coincidentally move in right next to lockwood and co years later. Like a lighthearted reconnecting with old friends vibe :D thank you !! 👾
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A/n: I don’t know if anyone else is experiencing this but every time I add the readmore thingy, like half of my fic is immediately erased for like no fucking reason. So plz bear with me with not adding a ‘readmore’ thingy on this long ass fic.
“Do you have to go?” George asked, feeling as though he was already loosing a vital part of himself and you hadn’t even physically left yet but to the little boy with the dark hair and glasses, clutching your hand tight in his own; you might as well already have.
“I don’t want to,” you admitted, grasping his hand as though it were the only thing keeping you grounded, “but mom and dad said it’s what’s best and that I’ll see you again soon one day but.” You turned your head to look at George. “What if I never see you again? Or worse, forget you! I don’t want to forget my best and only friend….it’s unfair.” Your lower lip wobbled at the end, causing your voice to waver as tears brim your eyes.
The aspect of never again being nose deep in books with George or helping his mother out in the kitchen whenever you went over to his house after school haunted you. It hurt knowing that from here on out you’d be forced to survive without George and vice versa. It felt wrong to leave George, it felt vile and it felt arbitrarily wrong like you and George were meant to stay together even well into old age and the afterlife.
“We’ll see each other again.” George said definitively, helping you wipe the tears from your eyes. “How can you be so sure?” You asked him, looking at him as though he held all the answers. “The reason why I’m so sure is because we’re the best of friends.” He says, reaching into his pocket to pull out a sloppily made bracelet of burgundy thread with beads that spelt out your name, accompanied by an array of colourful beads as to fill out the rest of the bracelet.
“And because we’re the best of friends, we’d always find our ways back to each other.” He then proceeds to place the bracelet onto your wrist where it hung slightly loose but not enough for it to slip off your wrist completely. “Georgie, it’s-“ “y/n! It’s time to go!” Your parents yelled from their car, waiting for you, causing you to jolt at their abruptness before looking back at George who’s eyes lost their glow once he realised that his time spent with you had came to an end.
You smiled softly at him as you brought him into a tight hug, “it’s okay Georgie,” you whispered, “we’ll find each other, remember.” You pulled away, still smiling but a little teary eyed. “This isn’t goodbye, this is simply a see you later.” Were the last words you said to him before you were setting off for the long road ahead.
Lucy was walking past George’s room when something caught her eye; a picture frame on his bedside desk consisting of two kids, one of them being George from the glasses and dark hair, his arm thrown over another kid who was mimicking his action by throwing their arm over him, smiling widely. She had so many questions concerning the other kid but before she could act upon her next move; George had appeared out of thin air, looking over her shoulder and saw what she was looking at.
“What’re you doing?” Lucy jolted in fright, seeing him hover over her shoulder “Jesus George, stop fucking doing that!” She hissed but he only shrugged, “I’m sorry Lucy, now tell me what we’re you doing standing in front of my room like a burglar with anxiety.” Lucy could only scoff at his comments before looking back at the picture frame that held her curiosity. “Who’s the other kid in the picture?” She asked and when she looked back at George, his eyes held a sadness in them, “you don’t have to say if it makes you uncomfort-“
“Y/n.” He said, “their name is y/n, my childhood friend. That photo,” he gestures to the picture, “was taken days before they had to leave with their parents elsewhere. Where’d they go? I don’t know,” George said softly as he past her to enter his room, sitting himself on the bed as he reached for the framed photo with a look of nostalgia, his finger tracing over your smile, “but we made a promise to find each other one day…and I’m still waiting…” neither of the pair spoke, feeling as it was an inappropriate time to do so. Until a knock at the door sounded.
“We’re you expecting someone?” George asked.
“No, you?” Lucy then asked.
“No.” George replied.
The pair then journeyed down the stairs together where Lockwood had already beaten them in answering the door and there you stood. “Hey, I just moved in next door and just wanted to say hi, so…hi.” You said, feeling a little awkward being in the presence of three people as you raised your hand to rub your arm out of habit which allowed George to get a good look at your bracelet.
It had the same burgundy thread, even if it was a little worn down from time, the same lettered beads of which spelt out your name and even the same array of coloured beads he used to fill out the rest of the bracelet. It was you. You had came back home.
George was so caught up in the moment that he didn’t hear himself saying your name until he caught how you, Lucy and Lockwood looked at him. You started intently at the dark haired, glasses wearing boy as though you were staring at him under a microscope. Looking at him caused an itch within your memory that you couldn’t quite scratch, he looked so familiar but the problem lied in why he looked familiar.
“I’m sorry I don’t think we’ve-“ “every time you came over to my house after school, you’d always insist on us watching Casper The Friendly Ghost because you always thought that my middle name being the same as the titular character’s name was cool.” George cuts you off and he saw the look of recognition in your eyes afterwards. There was only one person who knew that little tidbit about you and that was.
“Georgie?” You asked. “Is that you?” “Does one plus one equal two?.” He says, trying his hardest not to smile but it was near enough impossible when your face was practically splitting in two from the force of your smile. “Georgie!” You squealed, holding your arms out and George scoffed but moved past Lucy and Lockwood so you could bring him into your arms, locking his own arms at your waist.
“It’s so good to see you.” You spoke into his shoulder, “god I missed you so much.” George snorts, “clearly not enough if your going to end up forgetting about me.” He states playfully but his grip on you only tightened much like it did the day he was forced to say goodbye. “Oh don’t be like that Georgie.” You told him as you pulled away from him to look into his face, “your too much of a unique character to be forgotten.” George raised his brows at you, “is that your sensitised way of calling me a weirdo?” He asks.
“Never.” You replied, “it just means that only people of equal uniqueness get to embrace you in all of your entirety.” You shrugged.
“Please don’t ever try to sound smart again, it doesn’t suit you.” George groans which only made you laugh.
Lucy and Lockwood, who were still stood at the doorway watching on as the two of you caught up, shared a look. “Are we invisible or?” Lockwood asks. “Let’s leave them be,” Lucy said as she looked back at you and George, remembering how sad her friend looked when staring at the picture of you both, “they’ve got some catching up to do.”
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Guys you might be sad to hear this but I've ditched genshin(had to say goodbye to my heizou) and jumped to honkai star rail.
Before anyone says anything just know I too am mourning the loss of the jump button.
Well anyway I want to talk about a theory I have.
When you start the game your immediately bombarded with the hottie known as kafka, I honestly had no idea what was happening and I still don't.
It's known that Kafka is technically the MC's(us) mom, I've rewatched the scenes a couple times again and noticed a lot of things.
When she talks to us one on one(except that time with silver wolf) she just sounds so concerned for us. I might be overthinking it but I feel as though she genuinely cares for us.
The first cutscene where the Mc and Kafka meet I instantly notice that Kafka seems to have known us for a very long time, while she does kind of feel like a mother if you watch it more closely you get a different feeling, it feels like were her long lost friend or something.
I've also watched a lot of tik toks about this and found out that it wasn't just Kafka that made the Mc but a bunch of other stelleron hunters helped too.
This is a pretty far stretch but I have a theory that the Mc is meant to be a clone of someone, I'd call this person og mc.
The og Mc was probably a member of the stelleron hunts, probably a very well liked member judging by how Kafka treats us when were alone, I actually haven't got to the part where the Mc meets blade so I don't know how he treats us, I think silver wolf treats us pretty well because it seems she has a habit of messing with people and she hasn't really done that to us(I think). We haven't met any of the other stelleron hunters but my instinct tells me that there going to treated well if we were ever one on one with them.
Back to the main theory, the og Mc was in the stelleron hunters, I predict that the og Mc died a very a painful death and didn't have the greatest life. The reason why I think that is because of a guy named Elio(pls let me know if I spelt it wrong).
When Kafka and silver wolf talk about Elio, they talk like what he's going to happen is absolute, Kafka told the Mc what elio said our future was gonna be like and damn it was pretty good, he said that people will like us and we'll get family, then at the end of our journey we will feel peace and our worries will wash away.
Since they are notorious criminals it feels unusual for this guy to give us such a good future. Now that I've added all my points I'll put my theory into one sentence.
The Mc is a clone of the og Mc who was a stelleron hunter and very well liked by the group, especially kafka. Then they died a very horrible death. Many years later Elio decided to create a clone of the og Mc known as our Mc, perhaps Elio had a deep bond with the og Mc so he wanted to give the clone a much better life, Kafka was on board with this but still couldn't help but feel the need to be closer to the Mc (hence why she shows up so much)
While this theory has a lot of loup holes, such as it doesn't explain why the Mc has a stelleron placed inside them by the stelleron hunters, it's technically a ticking timebomb that could kill them at any moment, it's all so confusing because of the future Elio said the Mc will have. Also why did Kafka act so concerned for the Mc when she was the one who put the ticking bomb inside of them.
Its very confusing and hoyoverse is doing a good job at keeping me confused.
Pls let me know your theories and I hope you enjoyed mine.
Have a good day
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icespur · 6 months
Goro and Akiren's names meaning
So, I've been going through a website for Japanese baby names with their written Kanji meanings too, for a future Akeshu post. and this also required me to visit the Megami Tensei Wiki of our boys to look at what their names mean and---
Akiren and Goro's parents had very different thought processes of importance when naming their newborns and it shows.
(no offense to any Japanese born with the name Goro, spelt with the same Kanji as P5's Goro, I just find this funny. This is purely making fun of a fictional character)
If you're on team Ren Amamiya for P5 Protagonist's name. You already probably know "Amamiya" means "Rain Palace". But what about "Ren"?
The Amamiya's named their son "蓮/Ren", which means "Lotus".
A Lotus flower is a symbol of purity, or "Strength, Resilience, or Rebirth".
For team "Akira Kurusu"
Kurusu means "Chestnut Grove". "Su" = "Nest" or "Grove", "Kuru" = "to come"
"Akira" spelt like this 暁
Means: "Daybreak" or "Dawn", or any form of "bright"
hey, maybe the Kurusu"s named their son after the time he was born.
and then there's Akechi----
The Surname 明智/Akechi (apparently read as "Meichi"??), is an uncommon spelling and means "Wisdom and Sagacity"
That's nice, fitting. Nothing wrong with that.
Now what about Pancake-boi"s first name?
Depending on what text characters you use, "Go" can mean "five" or "I, my, me, myself".
"Ro" means "Son, or Young Man"
the Kanjis for Goro"s name is indeed 吾郎
吾/Go = I, My, Me, Myself
郎/Ro = Son, Young Man.
MamaKechi really just named her newborn "My Son".
Alternate spelling with a diffferent "Go" Kanji, isn't any better
五 and 伍 = Go (the characters can also be read as Itsu-tsu, or Kumi) translate as "Five", so alternatively he would be named "Fifth Son", which wouldn't make too much sense on Mother's part because Goro is an only child on her side.
On Shido's end though, given his interaction with Women, who knows how many One Night Stand or One Sided Encounters that ended in children being born he's had at this point. Goro could be "Unintentional Half Child" number 5 or higher for all we know. But MamaKechi wouldn't know that.
Point is, why is the P5 fandom only roasting this man for his infamous "Delicious Pancakes" screw up, but not taking advantage of the endless potential of his first name meaning "My Son"?
Because, me personally, I find that hilarious. Oh, if the Phantom Thieves learned that they could tease him mercilessly to the point he drops the Goro entirely when introducing himself to new people.
the possibilities are endless!
Extra: His name being a nod to Kogoro Akechi, a fictional Detective isn't any better. "Kogoro" uses the "Fifth Son" Kanjis, with "Ko" meaning "Small, Tiny, Little". Inspired by a Detective from a mystery novel or not, his namesake inspiration could be translated as meaning "Tiny fifth son"
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aexolilly · 13 days
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imma do all of these in one day here we go
1: trina!! ❤️❤️
2:like act 1 marvin
4:charlotte or cordelia
5:trindel!! 🎀
6: holding to the ground or days like this
7: what more can i say ( im so srry..)
8: anything with sill goober mendel
9:everyone hates this parents. just the song is funny to me.
11: Jason, his character kinda changes his perspective of love soo..
12: probably give trina a song/scene on her perspective of mendel in the first act (BEFORE PLEASE COME TO OUR HOUSE OR BREAKING DOWN)
13: mendel, i was like, he’s so silly, then i read about how he just lusts for trina and im like. OH. okay- that’s. and that’s how I changed my mind in him.
14: probably anything with like Jason since act 2 I could probably be his older friend from school or whatever like idk-.
15: def cordelia or charlotte or trina any of the ladies are good but TRINA DEFF
16:trina or cordelia (food ladies cause me love food!!)
17: Jason or maybe trina since we don’t really have much of them in act 2 but also act 1s perspective of both of them i need
18:probably Jason’s barmitzavh (srry if I spelt it wrong-) and how Jason wanted it in Whizzers hospital room.
19:Jason or anything with trina cause I am a trina fangirl- 😍🥳
21: already did this with a friend who breaks down often was I’m breaking down. But for many of my other friends probably please come our house or days like this since those are bops.
22: act 2
23: trina? I’d probably talk about how cool she is
24:annie from annie, i see her being friends with jason.
25: cordelia or mendel
26: whizzer and Trina’s relationship in march of the falsettos or falsettoland (past musicals)
27: I have this on my insta “life is never what you planned, life is moments you can’t understand”
28: marvin saying “baby, you know I-“ to trina LIKE WHAT WHY ARE YOU CALLING HER BABY STILL???
29: when trina takes the photo of the rest of the people . HER LEGS JUST MAKE ME LAUGH.
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30: more children. like during miracle of judism, like the girls that get named would appear.
and that’s it for the 30/1 day challenge:)
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androids-insides · 5 months
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v v More info on them down here v v
Favourite Character to Draw:
He’s this sort of alien from a different dimension who “governs” a town. He acts like the only normal one there, but he’s just as weird as everyone else. He’s just super pointy and fun to draw! I love drawing sharp characters. A nice balance of solid shapes, and fine detail.
Latest Character of Mine:
WICKEt The Wizard!!!
(Yes, his name is spelt correctly) Technically, he’s a DnD character, but he’s really fun to draw. Just a little goober who is entirely convinced that he is a very powerful wizard, and that he has killed every wizard in existence, but he is very wrong. He is also semi-illiterate, and therefore has learned the only four spells he knows, very incorrectly. He’s awful and I love him.
First Character I Made:
She is a Silent Protagonist from a story called MasonMaggedon. She talks eventually, but not until over half way through. She’s one of four roommates, the most responsible one, and is severely traumatised! I redesign her and her roommates every time I get a new sketchbook, but I ought to write for them again. Lots of secrets in her story, per all my stories, I suppose.
Hardest to Draw:
12 0 |] 11 3 \’
He’s a sort of robot who miraculously powers back on after an accident at this science facility. It’s slowly being reclaimed by nature, and is falling to pieces. He goes around, carrying a computer he found plugged into his neck that he believes is important to keeping him functioning, trying to remember who he is and what happened. I planned for this to be a plat-former game, actually. That, or a mix of a bunch of different game styles. Just had a cool brainwave where he is in the same universe as that weird non-Newtonian zombie I made, so I guess it’s cannon for now. He’s fairly simple to draw (and one of the characters I’m scared of showcasing), it’s just all the little robot parts that are hard to keep track of. So. Many. Moving. Parts.
Easiest to Draw:
He doesn’t really have a story, per se, but he’s fun to draw. He’s a little 2D shape, and he’s got anxiety. There is a 3D version of him, but it looks a lot like how I draw myself, so I’m trying to workshop it. He’s all fragmented and such, and he’s super easy to draw, solely because he’s always changing shape. I can do whatever the hell I want with his character design, because thats’s part of his design! I’m so cheeky :]
The Artist:
That is exactly what I look like. I’ve been trying to draw myself with more of the outfits I actually wear, just for some variation, but I definitely have my favourites. Hopefully, I can break out of the habit of creating characters that look like me.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
wait wait so i saw the terzo x gn!painter reader and i was wondering if you'd be able to do that with secondo?? it's totally fine if you don't want to, just a request!
Secondo and a gn!painter s/o (established relationship, sfw and nsfw mixed up)
Secondo is probably the most artistic in the family. They're all somewhat artistic, but he's the only one interested in paintings.
He paints, too. You wouldn't fine a a Ninja Turtle named after him, but his paintings are really nice!
He's an art conoisseur, too. I probably spelt that wrong.
Point is, he's very knowledgeable about art. Not just the big shots, but smaller artists, too. Ones you'd never expect him to know about but he somehow knows all the details of their work.
He's delighted to see your works! Even if it's not the type of art he'd usually enjoy, he's gonna give you so much professional feedback!
It's almost like he stops being your lover when you ask him about your art. Not in a negative way, he just becomes so professional, it feels like an art critic is teaching you and not your partner.
Painting dates! Where you both just enjoy each other's company while making art. Sometimes you even paint on the same canvas and it looks totally amazing.
He's definitely down for painting games you may come up with.
Will let you apply his facepaint and might even paint your face so you guys match. (Let him do your make up in general, he's a natural at it for some reason?)
Like Terzo, he's very willing to get a tattoo of your art, but he'd rather get something small and meaningful. Like a small detail you put into every painting you make.
This kinky motherfucker will tie you up in the most creative way to keep you vulnerable and exposed to him in the most intimate ways and then to paint you. If you get pouty and whiny put of frustration, this asshole will kiss you, tease you a bit and then, when you get excited, he'll go back to painting you.
It's best for your sanity to accept this. Let him finish painting you (he'll give you breaks for water and snacks if needed, but he's the one feeding you, you don't get untied until he's done).
He has just so many paintings of you, nude, completely vulnerable for him...
Keeps them hidden, though. Those are for his eyes only.
You guys paint portaits of each other!
You mention being out a single supply and your sugar daddy of a boyfriend buys you so much supplies and equipment it's incredible.
This man would absolutely fucking spoil you no matter what your hobbies are, tbh.
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clownsuu · 2 years
I think my ask on the other blog got eaten by tumblr so I'm just re-ask it here. Can we get more lore on Douglas, Jack, Fytó, and Mayor Ignis?
O shid??
*proceeds to break all my bones*
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So they are all part of this lil item head world iv created where depending on what kind of head you have will determine your status in their society. Like Jack the poker chip owns a family passed down casino, Douglas has a cash register-ppphhhhone thing-????, Fytó is a pitcher that uses his head as a vase, and Mayor Ignis is a chandelier.
Ignis is, to put it lightly, a horrible father and Mayor. He hasn’t stepped into his office for years besides to do his mandatory speeches and conferences. Instead, he spends majority of his time at the casino livin’ it up and getting absolutely wasted. His son (Phoenix) is heavily disappointed in his father and refuses to associate with him, living with his mother in a different city.
Also not only did Ignis basically abandoned his family and job, he has also given finance and power to the CEO of the country’s most used and morally corrupt banker.
Nobody really knows of Douglas’s origins- the bank has existed far before the birth of Ignis and mysteriously has been seen as the most intimidating and powerful bank out there. He has destroyed countless of businesses and ruined lives of millions for his own profit. He’s a disgusting man. Anyone who even utters anything about having money is said to be cursed by a mail the next day saying they owe millions to the bank even if they only have pennies. Douglas is cruel, and thrives watching people suffer and beg underneath his foot as he laughs maniacally. One of those people being Jack.
Jack is a skilled player in the ages of poker and gambling in general. He knows when to quit, and he knows when to move forward. He’s a really smart man who cherished and loved his family’s casino with all of his heart to a point he is willing to make sacrifices to keep the place afloat. However one year he has been fed up with the threats the bank has been making to their casino and has decided to fight it. Douglas has told them that he could be completely free from the threats and money issues as long as he could defeat Douglas in a single game. At first Jack thought that would be a easy win due to his skills and knowledge, however after losing aggressively to a cheated hand, they were forced to give ownership to Douglas.
In the poorer side of town, there is a little flower shop just barely outside of the bustling streets. Another family owned business of kettles, pitchers and tiny little tea cups. However due to their heads not being wealthy enough and not having enough history, they have no choice but to replace the meaning of their heads from drinks to flower pots. Fytó, the eldest brother of all of his 6 sisters has been keeping the place running with his grandmother after his mother and father went missing after ignoring too many bank statements for years. Fytó has always done his best to take care of his grandmother and little sisters as he does most of the chores and work- it kept him busy from his racing thoughts and fears of being discovered again and taking him away. His remaining family means the world to him and he has no doubt in his mind that his mother and father are either slaving away to make up for the money or were merely killed to be sold. He’s terrified- but his sisters and grandmother as always there to fix him up just when he was about to completely shatter.
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Humans, completely forget I spelt Ignis’s name wrong JDHGDGDGD
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glitchyk · 4 months
Hey! Welcome to the random incorrect quotes of the mafia au, mostly by Dia.
For those of you wondering, it’s pretty much a random idea I said and these cool artists I admire created it— and well now we’re all (kinda?) friends, and so I decided to do a goofy thing of all of our mafia characters with incorrect quotes.
Just canon characters— sorry for all the cool canon ones, but most of these quotes were made a while ago, just not put into this at the time of it being posted. These were generated a while ago… sorry for any characters that might’ve been added to canon since then!
Don’t worry, I’ll do another one on just the aces mob/ the blacks (for anyone seeing this out of context, it’s not a race thing, just ‘black cards’ against ‘red cards’. Wanted to clear that up before confusion started!) so any canon characters I didn’t have here- I’ll have there!
Characters are
Dia, Diamond, Candice, and Jeffery all belong to @dia-smthidk
Rabid and arsenic (plz tell me if I spelt that wrong) belong to @rabid-mercenary15
Moshie belongs to @moshieee obv
Bun belongs to Milo/Bun — @bunnybunnsowo
Dash belongs to @ner5y
And lastly Kay belongs to me! Most of these are sonas, so that’s why they might have the same or similar name to the creator, you should check all of them out!
A lot of them do tadc content mostly (or at least as of current times) but their all amazing at so many other things, like this AU they all made, so go and check them out! (And their all amazing artists and just fun to interact with or see)
Note: Dia and Diamond are different people (bc I’m not gonna bring up the whole name debate) just know that
Diamond -> sister of Dia, part of the enemy mob
Candice -> old friend of Jeffery, leader of the enemy mob
Arsenic -> Traitor. Friends with the enemy.
And remember, a lot of these situations would never happen for multiple reasons, but, I still found them funny!
Other mafia incorrect quotes
M!Rabid: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
M!Arsenic: Yes.
M!Rabid: I love you.
M!Arsenic: It back.
M!Moshieee: Why is M!Rabid crying face-down on the floor?
M!Moshieee, running: Slow down, M!Bun, I can’t ketchup!
M!Bun, not slowing down: You’ll just have to use all the strength you can mustard.
M!Kay, excitedly: Heeyy!!
M!Candice: Hey, someone's excited.
M!Rabid, deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.
M!Kay: Hostage or not, sometimes it’s nice being held.
M!Dash: Are you okay.
*Squad is playing Among Us*
M!Candice: I believe M!Diamond is innocent, I was with them the whole time. M!Rabid, what were you doing?
M!Rabid: Oh, I was just murdering… I mean, nothing!
M!Moshieee: My stomach growled super loud in French.
M!Moshieee: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class.
M!Dash: Bonjour.
M!Rabid: Le growl.
M!Bun: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
M!Diamond, with M!Jeffery and M!Kay behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
M!Diamond: Oh, my God— What the fuck!?
Police: Wha-
M!Bun: Why do humans have different blood groups?
M!Moshieee: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
M!Jeffery: My favorite thing about big dogs is that when you push them over, they're all like "Oh, I'm lying down now! Someone might scratch my stomach! I might nap! Endless possibilities!"
M!Arsenic: ...whereas, when you push little dogs over, they're all like, "Vengeance! Death before dishonor!"
M!Diamond, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down.
M!Moshieee: I actually just put the cutting board in the oven...
M!Dia, visibly confused: Okay, so they decided to put the cutting board in the oven?
M!Diamond, spraying M!Moshieee: You FUCKING DUMBASS!
M!Moshieee: Dude, I forgot-
M!Diamond: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!?
M!Kay: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
M!Kay: Please! Pretend I'm useful!
M!Diamond: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
M!Dash: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
M!Dia: You know guys, sometimes I feel like M!Rabid doesn't take me seriously enough.
M!Jeffery: "Sometimes"?
M!Arsenic: "Enough"?
M!Arsenic: Change that to 'at all' and we'll talk.
M!Candice: Yeah I'm LGBT.
M!Candice: cuLt leader.
M!Candice: God hates me personally.
M!Candice: cowBoy hat.
M!Candice: *sniffles* Trying my best.
M!Diamond: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in.
M!Diamond: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall.
M!Diamond: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.
M!Kay: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio!
M!Kay: Can you PLEASE peer pressure me into doing my project?
M!Dash: Do it or you're straight.
M!Kay: I said peer pressure, NOT THREATEN!
M!Kay, about M!Bun: I could fix them, but honestly whatever the hell is wrong with them is way funnier.
M!Rabid: That's what any god probably thinks about me.
M!Bun: You wanna fight?! You got one!
M!Kay: Okay! *raises fists*
*M!Arsenic runs in, scoops M!Kay up in their arms, and runs away carrying them*
M!Bun: What?
M!Diamond: Heyyy M!Kay, how’s your… drink??
M!Kay: What do you mean drink? It’s coffee.
M!Diamond: You sure?? *Looks to coffee maker*
M!Kay: *Looks to coffee maker*
*Cement sitting beside the coffee maker*
M!Kay:...I’m on my third fucking drink right now, I should be dead.
M!Moshieee, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
M!Dash: Whoa, M!Kay, what’s up with that angry face?
M!Kay: M!Diamond won’t stop talking about how “Ancient Egyptians were furries”.
M!Diamond: But they were! Just looks at all their gods-
M!Kay: Oh my god, SHUT UP!
M!Kay: Why are you drinking, M!Diamond?
M!Diamond: I don’t drink anymore, so don’t start with that.
M!Kay, holding an empty water bottle: So why was this under your bed?
M!Jeffery: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play?
M!Rabid: Did you just make that up?
M!Jeffery: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once.
M!Jeffery: A really long fortune cookie.
M!Kay on stage: Everyone's talking 'bout climate change,but when is M!Arsenic gonna start talking 'bout some underwear change? Am I right ladies?
Crowd of People: *cheers*
M!Kay: *pulls out a gun and shoots M!Arsenic until they run out of bullets*
M!Kay: *reloads, then shoots M!Arsenic until they run out of bullets*
M!Kay: *looks into camera after a brief pause* Who killed M!Arsenic?
M!Arsenic: M!Diamond, you’ve tried 37 times and you’ve failed every time. Give it a break.
M!Kay: Did you know spiders can hold 8 guns at once?
M!Dash: How does it WALK??
M!Kay: Did you know spiders can hold 7 guns at once?
M!Kay: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
M!Kay: Ask me to kill for you.
M!Diamond: ...First of all, calm down-
M!Rabid: Which way did M!Kay go?
M!Candice: Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess they went left.
M!Rabid: You could really figure it out from that?
M!Candice: No, you idiot, M!Kay sent me a text. See?
M!Jeffery: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
M!Dia: What did you do M!Jeffery?
M!Jeffery: a Mistake.
M!Dia: I can catch one of them. Let's go, M!Kay.
M!Kay: I didn't volunteer.
M!Dia: A stake out needs two people! Think, M!Kay. Who's gonna watch all the crime stuff while the other one eats a hoagie?
M!Kay: I’m gonna kill you.
M!Rabid: Get in line!
M!Rabid: Alright M!Dia, M!Kay. Let's go over this one more time.
M!Rabid: If something breaks?
M!Dia: We try to fix it before M!Moshieee gets home.
M!Rabid: If it doesn't work?
M!Kay: We blame M!Jeffery.
M!Jeffery: Seriously guys, what the hell?!
M!Dia: I hate to tell you this, but one of you was adopted.
M!Kay & M!Bun:
M!Kay: Only one...?
M!Moshieee: You're alive.
M!Kay: There's no need to sound so disappointed.
M!Kay: Comparing M!Dash and M!Diamond is like comparing apples and oranges.
M!Dash: We’re both unique in our own ways?
M!Kay: Apples are superior in every way and all oranges should be eliminated.
M!Diamond: Which one of us is the orange?
M!Moshieee: Astrology is fun because I can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
M!Rabid: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
M!Kay: Caw caw, motherfuckers.
M!Moshieee: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
M!Arsenic: Go to hell!
M!Kay: Oh! I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely.
M!Arsenic: Why are you drinking?
M!Diamond: I drink when I'm depressed.
M!Arsenic: But you're always drinking?
M!Diamond: *smug grin*
M!Kay: *Reading a letter*
M!Bun: Well, what does it say?
M!Kay: It’s a confession letter. It turns out M!Diamond killed my pet rock.
M!Rabid: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.
M!Dia: What if it bites me and it dies?!
M!Rabid: Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, M!Dia, learn to listen.
M!Diamond: What if it bites itself and I die?
M!Rabid: That's voodoo.
M!Kay: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
M!Rabid: That's correlation, not causation.
M!Moshieee: What if we bite each other and neither of us die?
M!Rabid: That's kinky.
M!Arsenic: Oh my god.
M!Kay: Its hard to resist, I'm really sorry- I mean, considering your approach so far, you had us tied here for- what? Hours? And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are!
M!Rabid: What are you then?
M!Kay: I'm a Virgo!
M!Arsenic, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey, Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
M!Kay, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids.
M!Bun: What the fuck are you guys doing?
M!Arsenic: Playing systemic oppression.
M!Dash: Where are your parents?
M!Kay: What are parents?
M!Dash: That’s just about the saddest thing I ever heard get said.
M!Rabid: You should have realised, M!Kay, if M!Jeffery didn't kill you, we would.
M!Kay: Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
M!Jeffery: *sobbing*
M!Kay: Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
M!Kay: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times.
M!Dash: You mean you stabbed them?
M!Kay: They ran into my knife.
M!Dash, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need—
M!Kay: A family.
M!Rabid: A better love life.
M!Diamond: Mental stability.
M!Bun: *clueless* Bagels?
M!Rabid: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
M!Candice: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
M!Dash: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
M!Kay: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
M!Rabid: Look at the buns on that guy!
M!Kay: *lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns*
M!Jeffery: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny!
M!Rabid: I'm not going back to jail!
M!Candice: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch.
Cop: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with.
M!Candice: Lmao, @M!Diamond.
M!Dash: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it.
M!Moshieee: ...what happened?
M!Dash: I made a VERY bad mistake.
M!Jeffery: So, what's for dinner?
M!Rabid, staring at the food they burnt: Regret.
••+^+•• (hehe friends quote below)
M!Diamond: Hey guys, what do you think about making that beach trip an annual thing?
M!Arsenic, M!Kay, and M!Rabid: No!
M!Moshieee: Alright, that’s it, you guys. What happened out there?
M!Arsenic: What? We took a walk. Nothing happened. I came back with nothing all over me.
M!Moshieee: What does that mean?
M!Diamond: Come on, what happened? M!Kay?
M!Kay: Alright.
M!Arsenic: No. M!Kay, we swore we’d never tell!
M!Rabid: They’ll never understand.
M!Kay: But we have to say something. We have to get it out. It’s eating me alive.
M!Kay: M!Arsenic got stung by a jellyfish!
M!Arsenic: Alright! I got stung. Stung bad. I couldn’t stand. I- I couldn’t walk.
M!Rabid: We were two miles from the house. We were scared and alone. We didn’t think we could make it.
M!Arsenic: I was in too much pain.
M!Kay: And I was tired from digging a huge hole.
M!Rabid: And then M!Kay remembered something.
M!Kay: I’d seen this thing in the Discovery Channel.
M!Diamond: Wait a minute, I saw that. On the Discovery Channel. Yeah, about jellyfish and how if you— EW! You peed on yourself?
M!Moshieee and M!Dia: EW!!
M!Arsenic: You can’t say that! You don’t know! I thought I was gonna pass out from the pain. Anyway, I tried, but I couldn’t... bend that way. So... *looks at M!Kay*
M!Diamond, M!Moshieee, and M!Dia: Ew!
M!Kay: That’s right. I stepped up. They’re my friend and they needed help. If I had to, I’d pee on any one of you.
M!Kay: Only, uh, I couldn’t. I got stage fright. I wanted to help but there was too much pressure. So, I, um, I turned to M!Rabid.
M!Rabid: M!Kay kept screaming at me, “Do it now. Do it. Do it now.” Sometimes, late at night I can still hear the screaming.
M!Kay: That’s because sometimes I just do it through my wall to freak you out.
M!Jeffery: Hey, M!Kay, have you thought about having children?
M!Kay: ...
M!Kay: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it.
M!Jeffery: But we're not childr-
M!Kay, already distracted: M!DIAMOND, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
M!Kay: I find it very unseemly of M!Dia to start dating again. Isn't the customary period of mourning 10 years?
M!Candice: Die. Let's find out.
M!Candice: That's greatly offensive to my people.
M!Arsenic: College dropouts?
M!Rabid, throwing a pokeball at M!Diamond: M!Diamond, I choose you!
M!Diamond, not looking up from their book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
M!Bun: M!Dia… I’m bleeding…
M!Dia: Oh god… what’s your blood type?!
M!Bun: B positive…
M!Dia: I’m trying to but you’re bleeding-
M!Rabid: I dunno if I'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit.
M!Dash: There's no meeting today because M!Rabid is at the police station.
M!Arsenic: They're in jail?!
M!Kay: We have to get them out!
M!Diamond: Jailbreak! I'm in!
M!Kay: I'll dress up and distract the guard!
M!Diamond: Ooh, I'll bake some food to help distract ALL the guards!
M!Arsenic: I guess I could bring my frying pan in case we need a shield to keep us from being shot-
M!Dash: No! M!Rabid wasn't arrested! They're undercover, taking the system down from the inside. They don't need our help!
M!Moshieee: *spits mouthful of blood onto floor* You’ve become far more powerful since we last crossed paths.
Dentist: Please stop, there’s literally a sink right next to you.
M!Kay: Hey, M!Dia. What kind of flowers do you prefer?
M!Dia: I like sunflowers.
M!Kay, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit-
M!Dash: When M!Rabid was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world."
M!Dia: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
M!Jeffery, to M!Kay and M!Bun: *holding knife out in front of them* Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?!
M!Kay: ...
M!Bun: ...
M!Kay: That is such an open-ended question.
M!Bun: Yeah, it really depends on a lot of different factors-
M!Dia: *bites lip* Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
Cop: That isn’t gonna work, hands behind your back.
Cop: What are your names?
M!Diamond: Don't tell them, M!Jeffery.
Cop, writing: M!Jeffery...
M!Diamond: Crap.
M!Jeffery: Nice going, M!Diamond.
M!Jeffery: Uh oh.
That’s all for now! I’ll be sure to link if I make another one! Remember to check all these awesome people out, AND to ask their mafia sona/characters!
Kay - @mafia-kay
Dia + Jeffery(kinda) - @mafia-dia-smthidk
Rabid - @mafia-rabid-mercenary2
Moshieee - @mafia-moshie
Bun - @mafia-bun
Dash - @the-mafia-bear
(Sorry for the double ping, y’all)
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 8 months
my darling patchy 💕 happy halloween! hope you’ve been staying warm in your shop. i’ve had the strangest affliction — a man name bakugou plagues my waking moments until he torments my dream! please, do you have a potion for this?
(mwah mwah i bring sweet treats and no tricks)
Afflictions can be quite the troublesome quarrel, that I know of. And it certainly is not a battle so easily won, dear Traveler. They are relentless and they do seem to come after us at our most vulnerable of states; during those times when we do not expect them to come our minds, to cause our feet to trip, and our minds to spiral out of control.
Though most are able to break through of this haunting trance after a little while. But I can sense, given the tiredness of your eyes, that you are not so lucky. That perhaps even in your dreams these thoughts make themselves know. So, to help aide you to rid yourself of this affliction, I give to you Drops of Perspicuity.
Allow but a few drops of this potion into your eyes before you sleep and perhaps then you will be rid of these begrudging thoughts. To help guide you to the linger answer that is hidden behind them all, and finally allow your mind the clarity it so desperately seeks.
Granted, of course, you are willing to face whatever answer it may provide for you.
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You hated it.
Hated that every waking moment was filled with thoughts that always ended up pointing back to him. The rising star within the King’s guard. How his brash and boastful calls and jeers would ring withing your head far after he had passed you by within the gaggle of others giving him nothing but praise.
You swear you had never seen a man with such a large head, and even larger ego, than that of Bakugou Katsuki. You could not deny that the man had many a natural talent, those that all lend well to that of being perhaps one of the greatest knights that, not only this kingdom would ever see, but perhaps even known around the world. You had seem him spar, seen him with a blade and a bow, seen him train with the others within his regime. You saw just how much work and effort he had placed into his knighthood – all the evidence was there, for all to see, just how important it all was for him.
But he was merely a man, and like anyone else, he had flaws. Bakugou knew just how much better he was compared to the rest who were within his squad, fellow men who started from the bottom just as he did, who had trained the same time as him, and every day, no matter how hard they tried, they always paled in comparison. And Bakugou was not a humble man.
You first thought the loftiness within his personality when he boasted about himself was rather charming; how rough around the edges he seemed, but it all toward a good cause. But as the time wore on, you found his vanity to be more of an annoyance than something humorous.
There was little you could do, much to your dismay. For he, and the fair few that kept up with his pace, were in charge of protecting you and ensuring your safety. As a noble, they so proudly served you, but it left you little chance to reprieve yourself of his arrogance. Day in, and out, his smug smirk and taunting comments followed you wherever you went. It was nothing short of maddening.
Even after you had gone to your father, to plead with him as he sat upon his throne, for him to intervene and save you from further torment, truly there was nothing you could do to rid yourself of pieces of him. After your father gave him, and gave to you a new set of knights to help protect you as you traveled and lived your life, Bakugou was still there.
When you walked down the long and winding corridors of your castle, you could heel his strong aura surround you; sending a fierce shiver up your spine. When you wrote letter to your family and friends, you could hear his haughty tone within your hear telling you that you spelt something wrong. Whenever you fumbled with your sewing, or within a dance with yourself as you stumbled over your own feet, you could hear his smug laugh ring in your ears. It seemed, for a while, that your only true pardon of his being was when you had closed your eyes. In your slumber you could focus your mind on everything else that brough you joy and filled your curiosity.
But he took that too.
Now, whenever your eyes closed, images of him would replace the darkness that surround you. Memories of him with full armour as he rode one of the places horses, how he nudged into the side of yours in a taunting manner before riding off. Other times you could see him as he bowed before your family in respect, how that small smirk would grace his lips when he was before you. And there were times your dreams reminded of when you stumbled upon him as he spared with a fellow friend and knight, very little clothing between them, as the fought within the rain and mud; how his threw his head back with a boisterous laugh when he won.’
It was those dreams that always tried to venture into lands far too lascivious than you were comfortable with. You did not, could not, want to view him as a creature your budding lust was after.
It was in your desperation that you sought out other means than that of strong tea and honey before you slept. It was your torment that led you to venture off into the dense forest, that stood proudly behind vast castle, to make it to the small village that was hidden just on the other side.
You heard tales of a peddler, one that made themselves known in many a village, town, and even royal court. You heard of how they made potions, tinctures of vast array of effects, that could aide anyone with any kind of ailment. There were rumours of love potions to grant a person the affections of who they desire most. Potions of valour, to help who drank it the ability to face their fears. Even your friend had hold of you an oil they were given that helped make their beauty shine in a manner like the stars in the sky.
If the rumours were true, then you needed her help. And if your friend was right, then perhaps you may have time to stumble upon her as she made her way through the eastern towns. It did not matter if your feet hurt, and your body begged for some form of rest, you had to ensure that you met her so that she could provide with you anything that can bring you relief from the man who plagued you at every turn you made.
“Hello there…” A warm voice called out softly to you as you stumbled over a tree branch that was hidden beneath the many leaves that littered across the ground.
It startled you. Caused you to let out a loud gasp as you turned to face the only person within the boundless woods you found yourself in; the very same woods you thought you found solitude in. Your body tensed as she approached, her long skirts moved with the wind and stole your attention away from looking upon the wide-brimmed hat that sat so poised on her head.
“You seem lost.” She concluded, her stride halting mere feet away from you as she looked upon you with concern.
“I am not lost.” You responded, you tried to sound strong – brave even – but your shaky words betrayed your false sense of bravado “I know where I am going.”
“And pray tell, where do you plan on going?”
“A small village, near the capitol of Musutafu” You squared your shoulders and lifted your chin as high as you could, to continue the false airs of bravery in the only matters you knew how to try and make this woman leave you me.
“Musutafu?” She replied, her head tilted in curiosity as she watched you nod you own head to affirm what you had said; though you felt dread fill you veins as you watched her lips form a playful smirk “Well, if my memory continues to be strong,  and I do like to think it is, Musutafu is in the east, and you are currently heading west.”
You felt all the strength leave you as you heard her mutter those words before you quickly caught yourself as you turned your head away “And how can you be so sure? Hm? How do I know you are not tricking me?”
“Pretty simple. I travel along the many villages and towns this time of year, before the weather gets too cold, in hopes of trading my wares.” You watched as the woman pulled upon the strap of her long bag higher upon her shoulder, you could faintly hear the clatter of glass as she did so “I then travel west to go back home, like I am now.”
She paused to allow you a moment, what that moment she was expecting you to use it for you were unsure, for you felt frozen in place as dread filled your veins. Truly were you lost? And if so, how long would it be before you could make it toward that village? And once you did, how could you be sure that you would make it intime to take advantage of the potion maker that was supposedly there?
“My my, you are an avid thinker” Her musing tone broke you from your thoughts, her smirk replaced with a smile more akin to something gentle. “Suppose that wandering mind of yours is why you seem to exhausted.”
“I… I beg pardon?” You replied, as your hand touched your chest in a manner showcasing your offense
“I mean no disrespect” She bowed her head to showcase her apology “I simply am able to tell what ails a person. If you would like, I may have something that could help you?”
“Like what?” You could not help but scoff, truly there was only one person who could help you and there were miles from here, but still you relented and allowed the woman before you to rummage through her large bag; the small distraction was providing some semblance of rest you needed.
“Ah, here it is!” She explained gently, a small vial of clear liquid before holding it out to you. She chuckled when you merely stood there awe at the vial “I could tell you were in need of this, I am merely happy to have left that village when I did to stumble upon you.”
“You… you’re that potion maker.” “Peddler, most people call me.” she mused “But it is true, I do have a knack for making such creations. And I suspect this is what will help calm that lovely little mind that constantly turns itself in circles.”
Gingerly, the peddler took hold of your hand to place the cool vial delicately upon you palm before folding your fingers over it to secure its newfound home. She spoke of how a few drops within your tired eyes will allow you the chance to finally gain the clarity, and thus the solace, you so desperately needed. “Perhaps we shall see each other again someday” she mused before she sent you on your way, even provided a compass for you to use so you may be able to make it home safely without the possibility of becoming lost once more.
That night you did as what was instructed by you, warily you placed a single drop into each eye before you laid your head back down into slumber. Your mind did what it has done for longest time now, and filled the darkness with visions of Bakugou. The sides to which he showed everyone, how loud and arrogant he could be. The quieter side that showcased when he was sure no one else could see. And the trifle he caused you whenever he could; all of it flashed before your eyes.
And then it did not.
What was once a rush of visions soon narrowed down it all down until one remained. The memory of when he was first introduced to you as your knight. How he bowed to you, showcasing the courteous manner he so rarely showed, before he took your hand in his and gently adjoined his lips to your knuckles. You remembered how giddy you felt. How you had to use all your strength to forbid the bubble giggles that wished to rush forth once he showcased such an action toward you. It was in that moment it all made sense. That you truly gained the clarity that the potion that peddler had given you promised.
You were in love with him.
And when you woke the next morning, you greeted the sunrise with a sigh as you pressed your palms to your eyes; pressing gently into them to provide yourself the needed pressure to rid yourself of the haze that was held behind them and to try and wake our tired brain up further.
“Just what am I going to do?”
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I never did say that the answer that would provide you clarity would be one that you wanted to hear. Though I can say that you mind will now be more at peace, as you have one focused thought rather than the many that were once tangled together. Granted, trying to find a way to confess such feeling is never easy, so should you need another potion to help you gain some courage, I am more than happy to provide.
Oh, and one more thing. It would be best if you were to avoid bright lights for the next day or two – would hate for your sensitive eyes to suddenly go blind.   
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brainddeadd · 16 days
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Braindead Reviews
The Walking Dead: Season 4
Overall thoughts:
Daryl brain rot.
Fuck the Governor.
What kind of ending is that!!!
S4, ep 1
They’ve made the prison look good man 
Oh damn it’s a full community 
That’s so cool 
They’ve got a mini farm and vegetable crops holy shit 
Carl naming a pig even though they’re gonna have to kill it for food 
Everyone greeting Daryl and him not knowing what the fuck to do with that 
“Just so you know, I liked you first.” Carol I love you 
The longer hair is lookin good damn 
How’d they make my man finer 
“Sorry, Pookie” CAROL MY BELOVED 
He is now my Pookie 
Always and forever Pookie 
“It’s a damn romance novel.” Its ok Pookie, you’re just lonely 
Michonne on a horse.. is there anything this lady can’t do ??
Michonne bringing back comics for Carl - mother 
“Your face is losing the war.” YES PLEASE SHAVE IT BACK A BIT 
She’s looking for the Governor and I get it but please stay safe my love
“Dad, that’s for kids.” You are the kids Carl. 
Holy shit she’s a person 
Not the kids naming the walkers 
Oh holy crap - the helicopter crash and shit on the roof 
Michonne killing the cardboard cutout of the zombie in the shop 
Ex-army medic guy is kinda weird 
Jesus christ dude that’s one way to get the walkers attention 
Oh shit not the roof caving in 
Idk how I feel about the chick in the woods 
Oh YUCK the scalp being left on the floor as the walker gets up 
Beths rando getting killed shit 
Carol teaching the kids how to defend themselves during Story Time 
Maggie thought she was pregnant ?!?!?!?
Daryl telling Beth - how was he the best person for that job 
“Just tired of losing people is all.” Pookie 
Oh god there’s a sickness in the prison 
S4, ep 2
Tyrese please don’t sing 
Please don’t let Mama Stilinski die 
Glenn taking a polaroid of Maggie and refusing to throw it away my loves I adore them 
Michonne is that boys mother, you can’t tell me otherwise 
“It ain’t a breech.” No it’s not pookie 
Jesus that’s so many dead 
Carol having to kill that man and his eldest daughter deciding to do it 
Daryl knowing that one of the dead locked himself in cause he used to sleep walk 
“Gotta be.” Pookie you can say you’re not ok
The mans 2 daughters are fucken weird 
Michonne not wanting to hold Judith - hmm, I have thoughts 
S4, ep 3
Daryl stopping Rick and Carol from stepping in with Tyrese 
Rick and Tyrese fighting 
Sasha getting sick fuck 
“He’s already given me fleas.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tyrese dude, she’s dead and its an apocalypse, keep others alive before you hunt down whoever burnt her 
Daryl working on the car.. fuck 
“Put a bolt in them for what they did.” Please do pookie
Why am I suspicious of the child ???
Carl’s growing up 
“What’s that word?” “Zananavere” “Yeah, we need you.” So real for that - yes, I spelt it wrong
A voice on the radio 
“Make a run for the woods and don’t stop for nothing.” Daryl baby, if they don’t stop for you, ill kill them 
Why is tyrese just sitting there? Run boy 
Not him sacrificing himself for the others 
CAROL burnt them 
Holy shit
S4, ep 4
Daryl taking something back for the people at the prison - for a grave
Michonne’s smile 
Of course Daryl can Hotwire a car 
The 2 in the house are a bit.. idk 
More mechanic Daryl my beloved 
Daryl is so comforting in such a brutal way 
“It was easier than telling an ER nurse I fell down the stairs for the third time.” I know he’s dead, but imma kill him 
The chick from the house is dead 
“You should have kept walking that day.” Fuck ok 
Feral Daryl getting up in his face - Jesus 
Daryl’s growling 
“You take one sip before those meds get into our people, I will beat your ass into the ground.” I don’t think that should have been that attractive to me 
Rick dude, they were gonna die. Y’all didn’t even have a plan to go get the meds when she killed them.
Rick you can’t kick Carol out the fuck is wrong with you 
If she goes, Daryl goes man 
I hate you Rick Grimes 
S4, ep 5
I hate you Rick Grimes 
The kid treating the walker like a dog 
Its all gone to shit 
Not Daryl and the others arriving back after it’s all been done 
Oh god they have to tell Daryl 
His instant concern 
S4, ep 6
Oh please don’t let this be an episode about the fucken governor yuck 
Oh these poor people that have found him 
Yeah I skipped his episode soz fuck that guy 
S4, ep 7
Its still him fuck 
Not him coming across Michonne and Hershel at the end 
S4, ep 8
Daryl’s growl while talking about Carol being gone 
Who’s leaving the fucken rats around 
Governor fuck off now 
Go die 
Jesus Christ 
Daryl don’t let Carl do anything stupid 
The governor is fucking insane 
Hershel looks so proud of Rick 
Oh god not Rick getting shot 
Daryl my beloved with the grenade 
Beth where the fuck are you 
The little kids killing someone 
The Governor getting the best of Rick 
Daryl throwing a grenade in the tank 
Well.. the prison’s gone 
S4, ep 9
Michonne getting her walkers on a leash again 
Rick being a dick ngl
They’re both being dicks
Carl stop talking to your dad while he’s unconscious 
“I’d be fine if you died.” CARL NO
Him running into the door and not being able to open it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The walker in the house 
‘Walker in side. Got my shoe. Didn’t get me.’ 
Fuck Michonne 
Carl thinking he’s going to have to kill his dad is fucking heartbreaking 
“112 ounces of pudding.” That- Carl- ok
Michonne crying because she’s so happy to find them 
S4, ep 10
Conveying he’s sorry for the Hershal comment with his expression rather than words is such a Daryl thing to do 
He’s so gentle but in a like.. brutal way 
Throwing the crossbow on the ground so he can save Beth 
Oh Tyrese has Judith, thank god 
I don’t trust those 2 little girls 
Who’s screaming????
The eldest kid is a fucking psychopath 
Terminus … do we trust it ??
Glenn boy you better be ok 
“She’s my wife.” Hell yeah she is buddy 
“What else you got?” Ew 
S4, ep 11
Carl and Michonne acting like besties 
Not Carl ignoring her attempt to make him feel better 
Her telling Carl about her son 
What is going on in the house Rick’s hiding in ???
Abraham, Rosita, Eugene 
How can he possibly know what caused this ???
How can someone in a fucking zombie apocalypse be that useless with a gun ?!?!?!
Oh yuck - those guys are disgusting - Rick, kill them 
Actually, Michonne, kill them 
Rosita going with Glenn and the other chick - the others following 
Terminus again 
S4, ep 12
Not him and Beth hiding in the trunk of a car 
The snake 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Beth you’re like 17, you’re not having alcohol 
Daryl has forgotten how to talk I see 
Why is she so fixated on alcohol like girly leave it alone - if you gotta run for your life, alcohol is gonna make that so much harder 
Daryl keeping the money and the jewels 
‘Rich bitch’ on a dead woman who’s been posed on a mannequin - Beth being bothered by it and Daryl probably knowing people who would have done that 
Daryl beating the crap out of the walker, even though he could have just killed him quickly - thats the first time he’s shown any outward sign of his rage at losing the prison and the others 
“Peach schnapps. Is it good?” “No.” Correct 
Daryl throwing darts at the pictures of the people on the wall instead of the dart board - the anger continues 
“Ain’t gonna have your first drink be no damned peach schnapps.” 🤣🤣
“That’s a real first drink right there.” DARYL 
Jesus Christ that’s how Daryl lived 
“Mr. Dixon” eugh 
“I ain’t never needed a game to get lit before.” Pookie please 
Things we learn about Daryl in this game
He’s never been out of Georgia 
Been drunk and done things he’s regretted - a lot of them 
Never been on vacation - camping was for hunting and survival 
Him being offended when she does the “never been in jail” line - “is that what you think of me?”
Things we might have learnt but it could be fake cause he’s pissed
never had frozen yoghurt (now that’s just cruel) 
had a pet pony
got anything from Santa
relied on anyone for protection 
relied on anyone for anything (you were abused pookie)
never sung in front of people in public like it was fun (ok that one’s fair)
cut his wrists looking for attention (low blow)
Aggressively trying to teach her how to shoot the crossbow - wonder how much Norman apologised for the physicality later 
“I want you to stop acting like you don’t give a crap about anything. Like nothing we went through matters. Like none of the people we lost meant anything to you. It’s bullshit.” “Is that what you think?” “That’s what I know.”
“I ain’t afraid of nothing.” 
Oh god his voice cracks 
“Yeah, I’m a dick when I’m drunk.” Pookie, you’re a dick like 97% of the time
“I thought I was dead. Over a dumb cartoon about a talking dog.” Daryl, sweetie, I’m so glad your brother is dead.
“I was nobody. Nothing. Some redneck asshole and an even bigger asshole for a brother.” 
“I’m just used to this. Things being ugly.”
“You’re gonna be the last man standing.” I see that 
“You’re gonna miss me so bad when I’m gone, Daryl Dixon.” Fucken foreshadowing at this point 
I can not for the life of me tell if she’s flirting with him or not 
Crazy assholes actually did it 
S4, ep 13
Who is this?
Is this the ‘backstory’ of the dude who wanted the alcohol?????
It is alcohol man!!
Ok so with Maggie and Sasha 
Teaching Beth how to track and use the crossbow 
Dad!Daryl to the rescue when Beth gets hurt 
“This is a serious piggyback. Jump up.” Daryl marry me
Holding hands for comfort: cute. But if its anything else.. GIRLY HIS BEARD IS GOING GREY ADN YOU ARE A CHILD 
Sasha trying to get them safe and Maggie lost in her grief 
Daryl yuck don’t do that (do that to me tho) - the jar in the house by the cemetery 
Why’s she playing the piano - they’re meant to be quiet 
“This is the comfiest bed I’ve had in years.” IT’S A COFFIN DARYL 
I am Concerned Daryl Dixon 
How is a coffin the comfiest bed ?!?!?!? SIR??
I am trying really really hard to keep it that she is a child and he’s old enough to be her dad - PLEASE DONT BE A CREEP DIXON SHE’S 17 
I did some googling cause it was bothering me - they met when Beth was 16, she’s currently 17 and she dies when she’s 18. If ANYTHING happens between them, I’m turning off. (I knew she died it’s not a spoiler).
Maggie ditching the others to look for Glenn - writing messages in blood 
Daryl is at peak dad energy this episode 
Beth stop pushing the emotionally constipated man for his feelings 
Making sure she gets out the house safely 
God he was running all night 
Maggie waiting for Sasha and Bob in the town 
Who the fuck has found Daryl?
Glenn found the Terminus sign, thank god 
S4, ep 14
Is someone playing.. with a walker 
This eldest girl is fucken weird 
The younger girl is also fucken weird 
Jesus Christ what the fuck is she doing 
She’s feeding the fucken walker 
She was feeding the walkers at the prison 
Fucken hell 
Carol having to kill the girl she was supposed to protect is foul and cruel 
Telling Tyrese that she burnt the others, giving him a gun - holy shit 
“I forgive you.” Oh 
S4, ep 15
Abraham is really good at reading people 
Glenn taking off when he finds the sign from Maggie 
Daryl bby leave those creeps 
Carl and Michonne having fun together 
Oh you did not just invade on Daryl’s kill AND call Daryl Dixon “boy”. You gone die 
Did this fucker just insinuate that ?!?!?! 
Daryl kill him 
He looks like a lil kid having his candy taken from him 
Don’t stop at noon - wasting time 
“Some of you ain’t exactly friendly.” Have you met you?
Did he just compare Daryl to a cat ???
Eugene is creepy 
And annoying 
Rosita queen 
What did they see? 
Dickhead needs to back up from Pookie 
Telling Glenn to go yes, but he won’t
Glenn not telling Maggie that Tara was with the Governor is certainly a choice 
I get the feeling that Eugene isn’t saying something 
He’s leaving something out 
Or he’s lying 
They killed dickhead holy shit 
Glenn and Maggie arriving at Terminus - why do I have a bad feeling about this?
S4, ep 16
CARL ?!?!
Those dickheads have in fact found Rick
“These people, you’re gonna let them go. These are good people.” Yes pookie save them 
“You want blood. I get it. Take it from me, man.” UH NO 
The Rick Grimes Head Tilt 
Carl’s crying really reminds you that he’s still a child 
“He’s mine.” Oh fuck
Dripping in blood, having just ripped someones neck out, and pissed off cause you dared to touch his son.. you’re dead dead dead 
He just gutted that man like a pig 
Holy fuck 
Michonne cradling Carl - thank you 
Carl lying on Michonnes lap like she’s his mum - imma cry 
Daryl looking out for Carl, making Rick clean the blood off 
Daryl Dixon don’t you dare blame yourself for those dickheads - you were trying to survive 
“You’re my brother.”
“What you did last night, anybody would have done that.” If someone tried to rape my kid, hell yeah I would 
Michonne and Rick have this way of understanding each other and it’s beautiful 
They’ve made it to Terminus 
Her walkers on the leash were her boyfriend and their friend - they were high in the damn apocalypse 
Carl bby you’re not a monster. You’re the product of your horrific circumstances and the shit you’ve had to do to survive. 
Gareth and Alex 
Don’t take their weapons pls 
“Hate to see the other guy.” “You would.”
“They deserve it?” “Yes.” Carl bby, yes they did 
Rick seeing belongings from other members of their group - putting a gun to Alex, Daryl jumping in with 0 hesitation 
Even in a zombie apocalypse I cannot escape lego 
Why does the letter ‘A’ keep showing up ???
“Now they’re friends of ours.” Yes they are pookie 
“They’re gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out.” … “They’re fucking with the wrong people.” 
What a way to end the season fuck 
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forest-essence335 · 1 month
welcome to my blog!
my name is oswald, but u can call me noesse aswell. (spelt no-ess)
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things about me
im a therian who identifies as a bear/dog/and wolf!
questions and answers (sorta)
"what the heck is a therian???"
A therian is someone who identifies as a non human earthen animal either spiritually or psychologically. (taken from urban dictionary)
kinda like a spirit animal, but you basically inherit traits from the animal you identify with.
im not well versed with therian knowledge, so sorry if i get something about therian culture wrong!
"so, like, do you physically act like a bear/dog/wolf???"
no. i dont do anything physical like that, but i still spiritually identify with such. other therians differ though, like for instance some dog therians might go out and play in mud for example, and thats okay! but i dont do that since i myself am scared of someone finding out i am therian or anything of the sort. but thats just me obviously. /nm
"is it like being a furry?"
not really. although furrys and therians both have animal identities, they are different in many ways.
"i think your weird! you should act like a human! your not any of those things!"
well, if you think im weird, dont interact. simple as that.
and yes, i know im PHYSICALLY human. i know i cant shapeshift into a dog or bear or whatever and i do act like a human in public, but im still therian.
and yes i am all of those things. (ur just mad that i have swag B3 /j)
dont interact.
basic dni, and therian/otherkin/etc haters. and also if u dont support ageres, objectums, etc.
thank you for reading!
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