#i spent a good five minutes petting her
zhongrin · 2 years
highlight of my day today: went to my new house to do stuff and there was a pregnant kitty chilling in front of the house. i meowed. she meowed back. i crouched down and extended my hand. she went over and bumped her head to my palm. i almost cried.
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spiderlandry · 1 year
Love Language — ethan landry
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Description: You regularly hugged all of your friends besides Ethan. He wonders why.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings: reader is shorter than ethan, some teasing, confessions, no ghostface, mention of a dead childhood pet once, lmk if theres anything i should add !!
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s note: is this very specific to me? yes.
When Ethan first met you, he thought you and Chad were dating.
The first time he met Chad’s friend group and inevitably became a part of it, there was talk amongst them of a link in their friendships currently studying a semester abroad, which he quickly found was you. They talked greatly of you, and Chad said you’d known them since freshman year of highschool besides Sam. The Woodsboro murders only brought you five closer together.
Safe to say Ethan had quite high expectations. There were photos he’d seen, and you were…attractive, to say the least. (If Ethan was honest, he’d say hot.) And by the way everyone talked about you like you were an angel, he wasn’t actually expecting you to be the closest thing to a deity he’d ever seen—but he was proven wrong.
You were introduced when you finally came back for the spring semester, and Quinn teased him afterward for being reduced to a bumbling idiot at the mere sight of you. (It was even worse when you talked to him.)
But after a week or so, your intimidation levels went down significantly. You weren’t just an angel by looks, you were an angel by character. Even if Ethan hadn’t known you for long, the thing that stood out most was your compassion. How you cared so deeply for others that it only inspired those around you, including him.
What made him contemplate your relationship with Chad were the hugs.
Ethan was there when they picked you up at the airport. You hugged your friends from Woodsboro and Anika (since you’d known her over Facetime), then waved an awkward introduction with Ethan as he desperately tried not to stutter out his name.
He thought, okay, that was normal. Hugging your friends you hadn’t seen in a long time.
But as time progressed he noticed that every time he happened to see you, either on campus or when some of them would grab a bite to eat and you were invited, you would always be hugging Chad.
Ethan’s data was only gathered during this short week after you arrived, and he realized he was completely wrong when he began to hang out more with the rest of the group, not just Chad.
You hugged everybody.
He put it together when he spotted you at a popular lunch spot with Tara, embracing her for a good minute or so. He also went to Quinn’s place of residence which happened to also be the Carpenter sisters’, and Sam was holding you in the kitchen while something was cooking.
He started noticing it every single time. There was Mindy and Anika, who you drunkenly hugged at a lame party (in which he’d never admit that he attended just to see you), then Quinn at some point when he ran into both of you on campus.
Throughout the next few weeks, he accepted that it was just your way of showing you loved your friends. And he wasn’t close to you yet, but he was looking forward to the day he would be.
The diner a few blocks from your place became familiar with you and your friends constantly hanging out there, and even if it could get rowdy, the staff couldn’t help but appreciate that you all tipped well despite being college students.
Ethan didn’t put much thought into the hugs a year into knowing you, his thoughts were replaced by how much you spent time with him. You asked him to hang out. You texted him. You even did study calls over discord, and you’d be able to hear Chad teasing him in the background and you always laughed it off.
Soon enough, you consumed every corner of his mind, and every good thing he saw would come back to you. He saw the moon come out every night and was reminded of how much you loved it. Whenever he encountered a stray cat, he thought about stories you told of your childhood cat, a picture of her still in your wallet though she died years ago. At a store, he would remind himself to grab the chips you liked.
You occupied places in his psyche so much that it felt like he was drunk on you. He guessed that’s why he forgot about the hugs pretty quickly.
At least, he forgot about them until you were at the diner with him, Chad, and Tara. They were always the most available, often down to do whatever when you’d text to the groupchat if anyone was free.
Chad was frowning at his phone, brows furrowed.
You were sitting across from him, next to Ethan, when you noticed.
“What’s wrong, C?” You inquired, putting a piece of fry dipped in milkshake in your mouth.
Ethan was focused on his milkshake, and how you occasionally would dip your fries in—without double dipping, of course—it made his heart flutter even if it was the simplest of actions. The domesticity of it. He may as well be your boyfriend, he fantasized.
“This quiz is wrong.” Chad scowled.
Tara, right next to him, peeped at his screen. She laughed. “Why are you taking this?”
Chad shrugged exaggeratedly, almost reminiscent of a moody kid. “I was watching this video essay about love languages last night, so I got curious.”
You smiled, taking in the context. “Did you do a quiz on what your love language is?”
He nodded.
“Can I see?”
He handed you his phone, and it read Physical Touch. Ethan scooted closer next to you to read it and you tried to ignore the faster beat of your heart when you thighs began to touch.
“Y’know what? It’s kinda right,” Tara chimed in.
“Really?” Her boyfriend turned to her.
“You have your hand on my thigh right now.” She chuckled, a soft sound as she leaned in closer to him.
Reading further, it also said Words of Affirmation was a close second.
Ethan finally spoke, “You should listen to your girlfriend, Chad.”
You handed the phone to Tara when she motioned for it. “Words of affirmation also seems right,” she added.
“Seriously?” Chad asked, his tone lifting to showcase disbelief. “Does everybody know this but me?”
Ethan pulled a memory from his brain. “You always hype me up at parties. Remember when you kept calling me a snack at that Halloween party last year?”
His roommate gave it a moment, then responded, “Alright, fine. I guess you’re right.” He looked to Tara with an unsaid question that only she knew how to read. A question that was ‘are they actually right?’
“Well, I can’t exactly say it at the table.” She said it teasingly at Chad, but with a lilting tone that told you it was, to say the least, inappropriate.
Ethan put a hand on his face, “Please have some decorum, guys.”
“Yeah, come on.” You joked. “I’ve had enough of you two lovebirds.“
Chad glanced at you, feigning offence. “Don’t act like you’re not the same!”
“Woah, woah—“ You interrupted. “With whom?“
He pressed his lips into a thin line, eyes going to Ethan, who had a panicked look.
“What? What makes you think that? Why are you looking at me?” Ethan said a tad too quickly which made Tara almost snort.
“Let’s not…” You shook your head slowly, “start this.”
Now, what did you mean by that? Ethan thought.
Chad shrugged. “What about you, roomie? What’s your love language?” He asked, moving away from the subject of you and Ethan which you were eternally grateful for. But the question still plagued Ethan, unbeknownst to you.
“Um…” He thought for a second. “What are the love languages?” He asked when he realized he didn’t actually know the other ones.
“I think yours is acts of service,” You interjected. You were looking him up and down, as if you were scanning him for something. He couldn’t help but almost cower under your wandering eyes, but he stood his ground, a mental battle inside his head of which you were completely unaware.
“Is it?”
“Yeah,” Tara agreed. “Yeah.” She reiterated, more sure of it.
“Listen to your partner in crime, roomie.” Chad smirked.
You tilted your head at the partner in crime part, you’d never heard yourself be referred to with that regarding Ethan. Not that you minded.
Ethan shot him a very stern look, as if they had a silent conversation. (To your obliviousness, it was because Ethan referred to you as his partner in crime to Chad a few days ago, giving his roommate more ammo to use.)
“Why do you guys think it’s acts of service?” Ethan shifted the topic back.
“Well,” you began. “You always bring me chips when you come back from a store.”
“He only does that to you, though.” Tara said.
“Does he?” You turned to him for an answer.
“Well—I do stuff for other people too.”
“Like what?”
“I do the dishes at our house. I mop the floor, I do stats homework for Anika.”
“That’s all true,” Chad agreed. “Okay, so yours is acts of service. Y/N, what about you?”
“Definitely physical touch.” Tara nodded, certain of it.
“Oh, for sure, for sure.” Her boyfriend concurred.
“Wait, what makes you guys so sure?” You smiled regardless of your questioning tone, appreciative of the way your friends paid attention to your actions.
“Do we even have to start?” Tara asked, “The hugs?”
“Yeah, you’ve been doing it since high school.”
“Within two days of knowing me, you hugged me in Ms. Thompson’s class,” She added.
“Okay, you’re right, but—“ You started.
“What else could there be?” Chad interrupted.
It was then that a quiet voice piped up from next to you, so quiet a whisper you could’ve missed it if the diner weren’t empty. “You’ve never hugged me.”
Ethan sounded so dejected, so…defeated?
It broke your heart.
He regretted it even before he said it, and judging from everyone’s faces apparently he needed to rid himself of the habit of saying things out of turn.
Tara’s eyes were a little wide, while Chad puffed air from his mouth.
He refused to look at you.
“Never—nevermind,” He waved it off.
“I was just getting to that,” You furthered. “My love language is different for certain people!” You exclaimed.
“Is it?” Tara questioned, eyes narrowing. (You’d realize later how much of a bait this was.)
“For you guys, I’ve known you for a while so I’m comfortable touching you.”
Chad had the same expression as his girlfriend, “But you do the same to Anika and Quinn.”
It dawned on Ethan that they were pretty much backing you both into a corner. “Guys—“
“But—that’s—that’s different,” you insisted.
A long pause. Nobody could decide if it was awkward.
“…Is it?” Ethan finally spoke, a piece of courage in exchange for dignity. He needed the answer.
You fidgeted in your seat, not knowing how to say it. But you wanted to, badly. The answer was etched into your bones, weaved into your DNA.
“Fine,” you shrugged. “Wanna know the truth? I was going to say, before you interrupted me, that my love language changes when it’s romantic, okay?”
The answer was Ethan.
You didn’t know what was going to happen next. At this point, your heart was in your feet and you’ve scooted away from Ethan.
He was breathing shallowly as if he’d just ran a marathon. “Can you…elaborate?”
You took a deep breath, “Do you seriously not know?”
He shook his head.
Then you did something he never expected.
You reached for his arm and guided him out of the booth, heading for the door and ignoring your friends’ looks when you exited the diner.
Chad and Tara were left to anticipate.
Right outside of the dimly lit diner, on sidewalk, you positioned yourself right in front of him.
You stared right into his brown doe eyes, and hugged him. You put your arms around his torso, under his arms, your head on his upper chest.
It took him a good second to reciprocate, but it was worth it. The warmth that radiated from his touch was one you never forgot, even if you couldn’t feel it again for a thousand years. (But you’d never let that happen.)
You were hugging him because you couldn’t face him while you said what you were about to say.
“I don’t hug you because if I did, it would mean different.” Your voice was muffled by his jacket. “I don’t love you the way I love my friends.”
With your head where it was, you felt his breath hitch. “What—what do you mean?”
You laughed, and Ethan revelled in the rumble of your joy in his chest.
“I mean…I spend my time with you differently because I love you differently. I hug my friends, but I spend time with you, because I…”
He didn’t know if he had the strength to keep himself upright.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
He was silent.
“And—and you don’t have to even…feel the same, but I didn’t want you to wonder if I loved you or not because I couldn’t let me being scared take that from you. Because you deserve to know. I think.”
Your voice was so unstable that it tapered off by the end, as quiet as Ethan was.
His embrace tightened, trying to pull you closer. He leaned down and put his head on your shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’d say that—that I don’t have to feel the same.”
Now he felt your breath hitch.
He continued, “I think I already loved you when we met. Is that weird?”
You laughed. And he memorized that sound.
“It’s not weird. I think it happened to me too.”
The biggest weight on both of your shoulders were lifted, something you thought wasn’t possible.
He breathed you in, memorizing the edges of your body as you kept talking.
“I’m sorry they kept teasing you because of me. Tara knew, so Chad probably knew, too.”
He pulled away slightly, looking at you.
“I thought they were teasing me because Chad knew.” His eyebrows were pinched, and you put two and two together at the same time.
Your eyes snapped to the window of the diner, seeing Chad and Tara’s heads disappear from the view when they ducked down, trying to avoid you from spotting their peeping. But you saw it anyway.
You focused back on Ethan, and while he was still looking at the window, you put a soft hand on his cheek and guided his head to face you again.
“It was a set up,” He sighed.
“It was.” You nodded.
“Should we be mad?”
“Are you?”
“Not when you’re in my arms.”
You grinned. “Since when did you have game?”
“I have you, don’t I?”
You playfully slapped his arm. “Wanna go back to my place?”
“If I ever say no to that, kill me.”
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inazuman · 2 years
it's too good and it's true
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☁  alhaitham x f!reader x kaveh s.mut, genshin impact ☁  reader is afab and goes by she/her. alhaitham delays your orgasm for 5 days whilst kaveh is away. poly and established relationship. bits of alhaitham x reader and alhaitham x kaveh before the finale alhaitham x reader x kaveh. orgasm delay and denial (you cum at the end dw!!), alhaitham calls you his cumdump and cocksleeve, thigh-fucking (haitham), toys (just for a bit), overstimulation, oral (both m and f receiving), slight cervix bumping, slight choking, double penetration, slight dacryphilia, creampie, slight cumplay. alhaitham uses cameras to keep watch on u. there’s a alhaitham x kaveh shower sex section. alhaitham is mean at first but he loves you. kaveh is so sweet. they’re both very sweet at the end, they both use pet names: baby, love, pretty. aftercare at the end!! ☁ 6.k words. A/N: my pussy created this. also this is basically alhaitham delays readers orgasm and then both him and kaveh console u w sex LMAO /lh.
You agree to Alhaitham’s little game for the five days Kaveh is away, but you didn’t think it would be this bad.
Five days of no orgasms doesn’t sound that hard, really. You’ve got plenty of work to do, and a week won’t kill you.
But what Alhaitham failed to mention, was what he would do during that time. Because Alhaitham didn’t say anything about his own orgasms.
His smart and perverted ass set up a high-definition camera in the bedroom. So he could watch you, make sure you’re behaving, even when he’s not home. And for the first two days, you thought he might take pity on you and let you cum if you begged hard enough, begged pretty enough. His tongue swipes against your clit over and over again, fingers pressing deep into your cunt. And you ask oh-so-nicely if you can cum, tears falling down your face.
But he only plays with you long enough to get you slick, dripping, for his own cock to slide into you, his hands spreading you from behind to watch himself sink in.
He’s careful about it, pressing your face against the pillows, forcing your back to arch as he pounds into you. He’s careful to make sure your clit isn’t touched, that he’s maximizing his own pleasure whilst minimising yours. You sob as he cums inside of you, spent. And then he cleans you up like normal, takes you into his arms like normal, before falling straight to sleep next to you.
It takes hours for the throbbing of your cunt to subside. You look down at the camera at the bottom of the bed. You don’t dare disobey him, because if there’s anything you know, it’s that his punishments come even harsher.
You find out that there’s cameras in the bathroom and the office the first time you try to touch yourself, try to misbehave. You look at the showerhead and think about how good the pressure would feel, your hands sliding between your legs for not even two minutes before the Akasha terminal on the bathroom counter starts ringing.
Fuck, you think, before wiping your ear and putting on the device.
“What did I say about touching what’s mine?”
Alhaitham’s voice is rough with a dangerous edge, both making your stomach drop and your pussy even wetter. You swallow down your arousal with apologies.
By the third day, he doesn’t even need to prep you, really. It takes seconds of his hands pressing against your cunt when he gets home before you start to slick against his fingers, like your body remembers how long it’s been, what’s required of it.
He smirks at the touch. Makes it easier for him to slide into you for the night, holding one of your thighs up as you lie on your side.
“Just a little cumdump for me, aren’t you?” You moan against his cheek, your head falling back on his shoulder, your legs shivering as his pace gets faster.
“My precious little cocksleeve, taking my cock so well.” His voice drops low, breath ghosting over your ear. It takes everything in you to keep your hands to yourself. He presses deeper into you, fingertips gripping your thigh harder.
“This is what you’re made for, isn’t it? Ah, fuck.” You think it might be worse listening to him, hearing him get closer and closer to a climax that you will never reach. You moan wantonly anyways, crying into his neck.
“This pretty pussy’s just for me, wet and aching just for me,” he kisses your neck, “makes me cum every time. Fuck, baby, m’gonna cum.” He fucks you hard, your heartbeat erratic in your chest, your thighs clenching together, your walls shaking as it milks his cock.
He takes a sharp intake of breath and cums, his movements slowing but not stopping, taking in his minutes of satisfaction, ropes of white spilling inside of you, before he relaxes.
You swear it would only take one swipe against your clit to make you cum, and he seems aware of that too as he cleans you up, wet towel wiping your whole body first so your pussy can calm down before he gets to it, carefully cleaning up the mess he made.
“You’re so good for me, baby,” he tells you lovingly, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“H-Haitham,” you sob, breath hitching, “I-I wanna…”
“I know, love,” Alhaitham coos, petting your hair, “when Kaveh gets home, we’ll all give each other some love. Think you can wait until then, baby?”
You nod into him, letting him make the decisions. Because you know, in the end, he’s always taken care of you.
On the fourth day, Alhaitham comes home late, at 2AM in the morning. You’ve been busying yourself with work all day, and you’re fast asleep, your lips pursed cutely, your cheeks smushed by the pillow.
You look so sweet, he feels his cock hardening in his pants. He just has to ruin you again tonight.
He goes to touch between your legs and smiles, glad to find you’re still wet. He’s had his own fill of orgasms from torturing you everyday, so he figures even when you’re asleep, you can help make his dick hard again, can’t you?
“That’s what you’re made for, isn’t it, baby? To take my cock whenever I want?” he whispers to no one.
He pets your hair, removing your soaked panties and replacing them with his own cock between your legs, sliding against your wet cunt and thighs. Archons, he thinks he could get off just from this, his jaw clackens as he gets his cock coated with your wetness, the soft skin of your thighs inviting him in.
“You’re so pretty,” he can’t help but mutter, even though you can’t hear him. You’re moaning quietly in your sleep, like you know without really knowing. He opens up the button-down you’re wearing, your skin shining under the moonlight, breasts bouncing with every thrust he makes between your thighs.
“H-Haitham…” you whimper into the night, not fully awake, making him even harder. He squeezes your thighs hard, pushing them together tighter.
“Fuck. Yeah, baby. I’m here.” He leans his body over you, breath ghosting over your ear, hair tickling your cheek. “You just rest, okay? You can- oh – you can go back to sleep. It’s okay.”
The first thing you notice is how warm and hard he is. You’re aware of how wet you are and at the same time sleep beckons to you. You wrap your arms around him, drifting in and out of consciousness for while, but moaning and whimpering his name all the same.
Alhaitham kisses you on the cheek, his nose bumping into yours. “Yeah, love. Gotta rest up before Kaveh gets back. Ahh, fuck, your thighs are so soft, your pussy’s leaking all over me. Got you all worked up and I’m not even inside you, huh?”
Your hand wraps into his hair at the nape of his neck, your back arching into him like it might grant you some kind of stimulation. You tense your thighs shut, squeezing his cock, and roll your hips up towards him, making him groan.
“Fuck, baby, just like that.” His cock moves past your folds again and again in long strokes, from the head all the way to the base. You whine at him for more, more, until he’s gripping the headboard, taking sharp intakes of breath through gritted teeth.
“I’m gonna come,” his voice catches between groans, hot breath puffing against your cheek. You feel his cock throb between your legs. His body tenses as he releases over your thighs, white spurts between your legs joining your slick that’s dripped down until he’s spent.
You whine up at him, holding him tighter like it’ll take away the ache between your legs. He holds you softly, lovingly, despite the torment he’s causing.
“You were so good to me, love. You’re so good,” he kisses the top of your head, uncharacteristically uncaring for the mess still between you both for the time he takes to console you. 
On the fifth day, you try and busy yourself with work, because all you can think about is Kaveh coming home.
But Alhaitham isn’t that nice, of course. You should’ve known it, should’ve seen it coming.
Your hands are tied to either corner of the bed, courtesy of Alhaitham making sure you’re spread open before he goes to pick Kaveh up. He leaves a very small, unsatisfactory vibrator inside of you before he goes. But after the week you’ve had, it’s enough to keep you wet, waiting for them.
Kaveh is greeted with the prettiest sight in the world when he enters the bedroom.
“Hi, pretty,” he coos, eyes wandering down your body and back up. You mutter a soft “welcome home” as he kisses your forehead, moving your hair back.
“Alhaitham and I are just gonna get freshened up, okay? And then we’ll be right with you.” Kaveh smiles soft and easy, his fondness making you relax as Alhaitham removes the toy from you, wiping it down with a wet towel.
“Awh, you kept her slick just for me?” Kaveh kisses your cheek, gently pressing his hand on the inside of your knee to see the mess you’ve made.
“Let’s get in the shower. Don’t want you to get your travel germs on the bed.” The toy is cleaned and put back in the drawer, and Alhaitham pushes Kaveh by the waist into the bathroom.
You think if you didn’t want Alhaitham so badly in this moment, you might punch him.
Because of course they’re having shower sex, and of course they’re being so goddamn loud.
Alhaitham presses Kaveh’s front against the shower wall, the cold shocking him for only a split second before behind even more shocked at the sight behind him. Alhaitham gets on his knees, pressing kisses to both sides of his rear, licking at the warm skin there.
“Alhaitham,” Kaveh pants, the shower water only an afterthought as Alhaitham’s tongue draws closer to his hole. “Oh, fuck. In the mood to spoil me, love?”
Alhaitham’s hand runs against the underside of Kaveh’s cock, making him shiver. “Moan louder, let her hear it.”
“Oh, is that what this is about?” Kaveh’s voice lilts teasingly, but it’s all the response he can manage before Alhaitham laps into his rim, pumping Kaveh’s cock at the same time. The shout Kaveh yells is almost real, his hands fisting against the shower wall.
“Oh, fuck!” Kaveh’s voice echoes off the shower walls and into the bedroom. “Your tongue feels so good!”
His tongue? You thrash against the sheets, moaning in tandem. How long has it been since you’ve felt that sensation? Alhaitham has always been methodical about it, observant, persistent licks over and over. And Kaveh has always been an artist, describing his situation so picturesque between moans. You can imagine it so clearly, the way Alhaitham would rile Kaveh up. The images flash in your mind side by side your fantasies of finally having them both again.
“Fuck, yes, touch me too. Ah, both places at once… it’s so much! Oh, please, more!” If you weren’t so wet right now, you might roll your eyes at how fucking annoying they are. But the sound of Kaveh’s nearing orgasm has your thighs clenching together, frustrated that you’re not allowed to cum and also that he is allowed.
“I-I’m gonna cum, ohh, Haitham. Spoil me more. Yes, right there! Oh, Archons, I-I’m coming,” you ache both in your pussy and your heart. You want to be spoiled, to be satisfied over and over.
You think that’s the end, that they’ll come out and treat you next, until you hear the sudden slap of skin and Alhaitham’s low grunts.
“It’s- it’s so big! Ohh, so sensitive… I think I- oh, harder! I’m gonna cum again!”
You huff as they finish and the showerhead turns off, mild jealousy and questions filling your mind. What if they’re too spent for you now? What if this is your punishment? What if-
The bathroom door opens to reveal your freshly washed partners. Kaveh smiles sheepishly, with Alhaitham smirking behind him.
You think you might cry. Kaveh’s eyes widen, his hands coming to cup your face immediately, and that’s when you realise you are crying. He moves quickly, untying you so that you can wrap your arms around him.
“Alhaitham,” Kaveh scolds his lover, who’s now standing very awkwardly next to the bed. “You tortured her too much!”
“You didn’t seem to think it was too much literally 5 minutes ago!” Alhaitham argues back.
“You made her cry!”
“She looks pretty when she cries.”
Kaveh redirects himself to you. “Shh, shh,” he pets you softly. “It’s okay, baby. We’re here for you now. And we’re gonna treat you so well. Aren’t we, Alhaitham?”
“That was the plan.”
“That is the plan!” Kaveh scowls at the man whose name he moaned 5 minutes ago before lying you down on the bed, his lips coming over yours.
His kisses are pillowy against yours, and you melt into his arms, your heart feels like it’s being put back together again. Alhaitham moves to behind you, stroking your back and moving your hair away from your face, laying kisses on your neck.
“Baby,” Kaveh whispers against your lips, “you’ve been so good. Five whole days like this? Love, you deserve the reward of a lifetime, don’t you think?”
You hug him again, sniffling against him.
“Aren’t you gonna apologize to her, Alhaitham?” Kaveh looks at him notably.
Alhaitham shifts to kiss down your spine, bringing your back flat against the bed once again. Kaveh situates himself with you in his lap, his hands moving over your breasts. Alhaitham mutters something about how “all I do is serve you both” as he spreads your legs, making Kaveh whistle low.
“Oh, baby, you’re still soaked,” Kaveh teases, tweaking your nipples between his fingers. “You get like that just from listening to us, pretty?”
“She gets that from not cumming for 5 days.” Alhaitham responds flatly.
“Tch. If you’re gonna take so long, I’ll get down there and treat her.”
Alhaitham smirks, pressing teasing kisses to your thighs. “She’s gonna cum so fast once I start. Aren’t you, love?”
And you hate knowing he’s right. Your hands grip onto Kaveh’s thighs, panting in response.
“Yeah, baby, you should hold on.” It’s the last sentence Alhaitham says before, gratefully, his tongue laps into your folds.
He moans at the taste immediately, humming against your core. You’re so warm, your pussy already pulsing under his tongue.
It’s heavenly, you think, the way he licks every crevice, cleaning up your slick and adding to it before grazing the tip of his tongue over your clit. You jerk up into him, his hands going to steady your hips.
“Mm. Sensitive, baby?” You can feel his smile against your cunt, his tongue testing the waters again, gently and carefully tapping the tip of it over your clit until the sensitivity becomes you moaning for more. 
And he gives it to you, gives you more, all that you’ve been wanting for the last five days. “You were so good for me, love,” he says between kisses, “you took my dick so well everyday, let me use you.”
Kaveh’s mouth comes down to kiss your neck, biting down hard enough to leave marks, then moves over your shoulder to lap your breasts, his fingers stroking your nipples. Your back arches, thighs threatening to close, you feel so strung up, breath haste.
“Baby’s getting close, isn’t she?” Kaveh uses his tongue to play with your nipple, bringing you steadily to the peak of your arousal.
“You can cum, love,” Alhaitham tells you, his arms wrapped around your legs to bring you closer, closer to his mouth. Your body shivers, shakes under both their tongues. Alhaitham quickens his tongue over your clit, tight circles with the perfect pressure that make you see stars. Kaveh pulls on your nipple a little harsher, sucking on the other.
It’s too much, you try to tell them between your moans and cries. But then you’re finally cumming, your thighs smushing Alhaitham’s head, though that doesn’t stop him from lapping up everything you have to give him. Your hands grip Kaveh’s thighs hard, and he lets you, continuing to suck and bite at your breasts. It’s an ecstasy you’ve missed for so long, that lasts minutes before your body finally relaxes. Your hands weave into Alhaitham’s hair apologetically.
But it’s not enough, you want another one, and you’re grateful for them because you don’t have to tell them. As soon as you come back to yourself, you realize neither of them have stopped. Your body jerks in oversensitivity, hands failing and grabbing at them.  
“W-wait,” you try to tell them, whimpering out their names, “it’s- it’s so sensitive.”
Kaveh gives you a tight squeeze and last little suckle before letting your head lie back on a pillow, moving under your leg to kneel next to Alhaitham between your thighs.
He kisses your thigh softly, as Alhaitham’s tongue starts to slow, looking to build you back up again. Alhaitham spreads your legs wider, to fit both his broad shoulders and Kaveh’s between them. The sight of them both between your legs together has you gripping the sheets, breath coming short.
“We’re gonna give you one more, mmkay?” Kaveh whispers, lips moving up and down your thigh. You nod aimlessly, leaning back.
“Look at us.” Alhaitham demands, and your eyes skim back to them.
Alhaitham’s darkened eyes meet yours as he removes his mouth from your cunt, wiping at your fluids dripping down his chin. “Tastes good,” he comments, admiring your body blatantly, kissing your other thigh.
“Yeah?” Kaveh comes closer to him, and like it’s a meal, has a taste. He moans at the touch of your soft folds against his tongue, the way they quiver slightly.
“Mm, does taste good.” Kaveh plunges his tongue slowly inside of you and back out, his thumbs spreading you slightly, kissing your abused clit.
Alhaitham comes back to join him, and your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening, both their tongues coming to pleasure you simultaneously. You think you might be seeing heaven. Kaveh kitten-licks at your clit, whilst Alhaitham moves to suck on your lower folds, copying Kaveh from before and sliding his tongue inside of you.
“You think you can come one more time for me?” Kaveh asks, smiling against your clit. You mutter a meek yes. Alhaitham replaces his tongue with his fingers, sliding one in before adding another, his head joining Kaveh’s as they lick on either side of your clit together.
Oh, Archons, you think you might faint. They’re not in sync at all, adding to your pleasure, making it so clear that both of them are down there. Kaveh’s licks are faster than Alhaitham’s, whereas Alhaitham’s are more sensual, their tongues brushing against one another. Alhaitham’s fingers curl inside of you, making them hold your body down as you try to move.
“You deserve to be spoiled,” Alhaitham whispers, so softly you almost don’t catch it. Your hands reach down to hold theirs respectively, big hands encasing your own. Kaveh uses his other hand to spread your lips a little wider, to make sure they’re licking every part of your little clit.
Lucky. You’re so lucky. It’s so much. Babbling comes out of your mouth, making them both smile endearingly. Kaveh takes over from your clit, and Alhaitham gets the hint, moving to focus on marking your thighs and moving his fingers, making sure they hit that spot inside of you that makes you see stars.
Kaveh builds you up faster, his tongue rapid and overtaking all your senses. Alhaitham matches his fingers to Kaveh’s pace.
“Look so pretty like this,” Alhaitham switches to licking lightly at your folds around his fingers. “Had to keep you like this all week, just because you’re so pretty.”
“Mm, go ahead, love,” Kaveh tells you. “Cum for us, whenever you’re ready.”
You grind into Kaveh’s mouth, once, twice, and on the third time, you cum again. A wave of pleasure rushes over you, crashing harder than before, your whole body tensing under their spell, tears about to fall. Kaveh looks so pleased, sucking on your clit and licking on it all at once. Alhaitham works you through your orgasm too, his fingers moving inside you relentlessly, only slowing down as your body relaxes.
You watch as Alhaitham removes his fingers from you and Kaveh takes him by the wrist, plopping the fingers in his mouth and sucking on them. Alhaitham’s sharp intake of breath and Kaveh’s greedy look says everything.
“Mm, I love the taste of my lover,” Kaveh grins.
“Get on the bed.” Alhaitham groans through gritted teeth.
“Oh, so bossy~”
Alhaitham opts for grabbing Kaveh by the arm and throwing him on the bed instead. “We’re not done yet.”
Alhaitham crawls over you, smashing his lips against yours to give you the sweetest sloppy kiss. He kisses like a demand for your attention, like only this moment exists.
He finally parts from you, hot breath with a hint of mint, and the energy in the room shifts.
He rubs his hand up and down your arm. “I hope…” he clears his throat, “that we are on our way to making, ah, an adequate apology.”
You wrap your arms around him, smiling and nodding, holding him tight, and Kaveh joins in, hugging you both.
“It’s okay, Haitham,” your voice muffled by their bodies. “Love you. Love you both.”
“Awh, see! She forgives you for all the torment you put her through. What a sweet thing~,” Kaveh pokes your face, making you giggle, and Alhaitham sighs in relief.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
“Yes, yes. I love you both. Now!” Kaveh claps, “Could we please get on with the main course? Because I’ve been missing this pussy-”
“Didn’t you guys already…” you joke.  
Alhaitham rolls his eyes. “Oh, so us fucking just now wasn’t enough for you?”
“Hey! We all need our… special times! Okay? And you got to fuck her for the last four days! Whereas I was actually working out in the desert! I make the bread, bring it home-”
“But this is Alhaitham’s house.”
“Exactly. Where’s my rent payment? Or are you finally moving out?”
“This again?! And you!” He pokes your forehead, “Don’t side with him! I have been so nice to you. I could’ve let Alhaitham torture you more.”
“Ah, you’re right. Alhaitham, please don’t kick Kaveh out. How are you gonna have his dick if he’s not around?”
“Tch. I think you should both be more grateful that I’m so good at sharing.”
You all laugh together, giggles and kisses that move from innocent to heated. Kaveh grabs your hand and places it on his member, your shock apparent and arousal spiking as you feel him getting bigger in your hand. You wrap your fingers around his wide girth, pumping him gently.
Kaveh smiles alongside your lips at the feeling of your hands, so much smaller than his or Alhaitham’s, pulling you in for a deeper kiss, tongues tangling. Alhaitham kisses and bites your shoulder, his hands wandering all over your body, grabbing at your breasts and your thighs.
“Wanna fuck you so bad, sweet thing,” Kaveh moves to kneel between your legs, never moving his lips too far away from you, always pecking you with more kisses. Without effort, Alhaitham flips you over.
“Oh, is that how we’re doing it?” Kaveh teases, following Alhaitham’s cue and pulling you by the thighs towards the foot of the bed. You’re moved to be on your knees, and Alhaitham repositions himself to sit in front of you, your warm breath skimming over his growing member.
He pets your hair, thumb running over your cheek. “This okay, love?”
You nod, tongue darting out to the slit of his cockhead tentatively, before licking around the head. Alhaitham’s hands press into your hair, pulling you closer but not pushing. He smells like mint and musk, clean and pleasant and thick in your mouth, moans falling off his tongue with whispers of your name.
Behind you, Kaveh takes his time to warm you up, hands rubbing over your rear, grabbing your ass, massaging both globes in his hands. He pulls them apart to look at your glistening cunt, fingers swiping over to make sure you’re ready.
He taps your clit a few times, watching with amusement as slick pools in your cunt in response. “Looks like you’re ready, baby. I’m gonna start.”
His hands smoothen against your back, and you obey immediately, arching for him.
“Good girl,” he remarks, pressing the tip against your wet hole, then teasing away, using it to tap your clit over and over, moving it back again.
“So nice and wet… all for me, huh?” He smirks. “Haven’t even fucked you yet, but you’re dripping over me already.”
You whine around Alhaitham’s cock, and he grips your hair tighter by the roots, panting.
“Ohh, oh fuck,” Kaveh moans as he slides himself into you, slowly, inch by inch, making sure you’re accommodating for him. “Your pussy’s swallowing me in, baby. Miss me that much?”
You nod as best you can, your spit rolling down Alhaitham’s cock, tongue lapping against him. Kaveh presses himself deeper in, bullying his cock into you, and you try your best to focus on Alhaitham, moving to use your hand and letting out a yelp as Kaveh bottoms out.
“Fuuck, Archons, missed this pussy so goddamn much.”
At Alhaitham’s gentle bequest of tapping your cheek, you move back to his member, swiping your tongue over the pretty pearl of pre-cum before wrapping your mouth over his length.
Kaveh sets a slow pace first, savoring the feeling of your walls. “You’re so tight, baby. Feels so good,” he mutters, his grip on your thighs is strong, fingertips pressing in, his pace getting faster, pushing and pulling your body as your mouth continues to suck Alhaitham’s cock.
“Oh,” Alhaitham holds your hair, keeping it out of your face as Kaveh moves you. The shared pace gives some sort of unity, a shared pleasure being controlled by each brutal press of Kaveh’s hips as he crowds around your back, softly kissing your shoulder in contrast.
“This pretty pussy loves me so much, doesn’t she?” Kaveh smiles, voice sweet and words dirty, listening to your muffled whines, his mind clouded by the pure arousal zipping through his veins. His fingers reach around to slip over your clit, and you choke audibly on Alhaitham’s cock, throat constricting in a way that makes him swear under his breath.
“Holy shit,” Alhaitham breathes, “this throat is almost as tight as that cunt of yours.” He smoothens his thumb at the imprint of his cock in your throat, watch as it bobs, eyes flitting back to your face as hot tears fall down your cheeks.
Kaveh laughs, lightheaded as he gets close, evident in the way his breaths quicken and his heart beats rapidly against your back. But to your surprise, he pulls out of you and grabs you by the throat, sliding you off Alhaitham’s cock and turning your head back for a kiss, his tongue swiping behind your teeth and over your tongue. He moves his hands to your thighs, your back pressed against his front, cock still hard. He lifts you easily up in the air and lines up your cunt to Alhaitham’s cock, dripping your own essence as well as his onto Alhaitham’s spit-slick member.
You’re manhandled in the air as Kaveh brings you down over Alhaitham slowly, blunt head of his cock pressing against your entrance. Kaveh smirks as he watches both your reactions, Alhaitham’s mouth dropped in a pretty ‘o’, finally quiet for once in his life.
“Fuck, Kaveh,” Alhaitham’s pleasure is barely restrained, hot pants of air interrupting his words, “could you- be going- any slower?” He's barely inside of you, only about two inches in, but the way your slick and spit rolls down his cock has him gripping the sheets.
 “Heh, what? Can’t take a little bit of denial?” Kaveh mocks, but obliges, dropping you down the last multiple inches all in one go, your hands reaching out for Alhaitham’s shoulders with a soft scream.
Alhaitham groans, chest rumbling as he grips your sore thighs, his own legs tensing as you cockwarm him, waiting patiently as Kaveh brings a finger to your other hole.
You lean into Alhaitham to give Kaveh more space, the cum you both shared earlier makes it easier for his finger to slide in, carefully opening you up before adding another finger.
“K-Kaveh!” you press your head into Alhaitham’s shoulder, and he holds you tight in his embrace as tears start to form again on your lower lash line.
“Shh, baby. It’ll feel good in just a moment. You know that, don’t you?” Alhaitham runs one hand in circles over your back, the other sliding between you both to tap on your clit lightly, distracting you as Kaveh continues to prep you. Alhaitham almost regrets his actions from the way your walls tighten around him, and then he regrets trying to reposition himself as he shifts inside of you, willing his aching cock to come back down.
“You gotta relax, okay?” Alhaitham opts to wrapping a hand around your neck instead, playing with the constriction there until you look at him all doe-eyed before letting go, inhaling sharply. Kaveh has three fingers inside of you now, and he decides that’s enough as he presses his lubed cock to your hole, the mushroom head sliding in slowly as both him and Alhaitham shush at you lovingly. You hiccup and sob into Alhaitham’s chest at the first inch, so full of them both.
"So much... don't know if it's gonna fit..."
"It'll fit, baby. Just trust us, mmkay?" Kaveh swipes your hair back to kiss your cheek.
“You’re gonna be stuffed with both of us in here, aren’t you, love?” Alhaitham’s soft voice accompanies his hands cupping your face as Kaveh bullies in another inch, whiny moans and swears filling the room.
“Archons, she’s tighter than ever,” Kaveh whispers, and Alhaitham gets it because Kaveh’s dick presses against your walls and your walls tighten around his own member. You don’t know how but you swear your body is making space for the two biggest cocks you’ve ever taken, your back arching as you start to beg Kaveh for more, more. The burn becomes addicting, your mind empty except for them, Alhaitham tensing inside of you, the rise and fall of his chest, Kaveh’s whispers of “just a little more” as he whimpers, his voice shaking as he bottoms out again.
“Baby. Baby, are you okay?” Kaveh asks as Alhaitham sits up again, his back against the wall, watching intently at your tear-streaked face nodding.
“Y-yeah, just- just wanna feel good.” Your hands go over both of theirs.
You think you might die, you think this might be the reason you’re alive, because Alhaitham nods at Kaveh once and they both start to move. You think you scream at times, you’re not sure, but you do know that Kaveh’s whines and Alhaitham’s groans join you. They fuck you at their own respective paces first, sometimes in sync and other times not. You are at times half empty and half full, but you definitely notice when they start to fuck you together, being split open by them, your body craving them the minute they leave and begging for more when they come back.
“It’s- ah- so good,” you tell them, hot breath ghosting over both sides of your body. Kaveh pulls your thighs wider, and you don’t know if it’s the heat or the arousal, but you are much more flexible than you remember.
And then they give you more, Alhaitham moves a hand to grab at your breast, thumb swiping over your nipple, watching the nub harden with each movement, your breasts jumping with each bounce over their laps. He helps Kaveh hold up one of your thighs so that the blonde can press a finger to your clit, and pleasure sparks, the coil of heat inside of you pulling taut.  
“Fuck, baby, I feel you tightening around me.” Alhaitham pants. It’s so much more intense with both of them inside you, every squeeze of your cunt brings you all closer together, both their cocks pressing against each other through your thin walls.
“Gonna- oh- make you cum like this,” Kaveh gasps, “wanna feel you cum like this. It’s gonna- fuck- gonna be so tight, so good. Think you can be good for us, love?”
You nod erratically, bouncing over them, there’s so much stimulation, your core throbbing. You can’t even begin to speak, only whines and whimpers leaving your throat.
“Awh. This is what it takes to dumb you out, is it?” Alhaitham smirks despite not faring much better, the head of his cock nestled deep inside you, pace growing faster with each drop and pull of you. Hot arousal spikes through him at the realization that he hears no quip reply from you, your head lolling as you beg for “please, more, please, Haitham, Kaveh”, almost incoherent.
“Don’t worry, baby, you don’t hav’to think about a thing,” Kaveh’s words slur, “just gotta cum whenever you wanna, mmkay?”
You try to tell them you’re close, but you don’t have to. They can tell from the way you’re tightening around them, their hands working in tandem.
It’s like a shock fills your body, a loud whine that turns into a silent scream that leaves you as your whole body tenses and you release. Your only thought is of how full you are, their movements restricted but still riding you through with gritted teeth. They both want to stave off their own orgasms for the minutes your pussy tenses around them, but before long-
“Alhaitham,” Kaveh moans in need, and Alhaitham gets the message, forcing your body up and back down again despite the tight squeeze, and it’s so much stronger, has Kaveh reeling as he chases his own high.
“I’m cu-” Kaveh doesn’t get to finish before his jaw slackens and he spurts into you, painting the inside of you white and stuffing you full of cum, both watching and feeling as it drips down his cock with every squeeze of your tight ass, lengthening his own orgasm. It doesn’t all fit inside of you, but he makes it fit, fucking it back into you. His pretty voice praises you, whines as he kisses your cheek, telling you how good you are.
Alhaitham is only seconds away, groaning something that sounds like your name. His cockhead presses against your cervix as he cums, spilling as deep inside of you as possible. Your walls are still tense around him, your orgasm lasting throughout his as you milk his cock. “Fuck, baby, that’s right. Squeeze it all out of me,” he whispers, his hot load filling you up, more than he’s ever imagined.
You realize how warm their cum is inside of you as you relax in tandem with them, both your holes filled to the brim and dripping with their seed. Kaveh leans you down over Alhaitham to slowly. pull out first, gasping in overstimulation. He watches a glob of his cum drip out of your gaping hole. He knows he’s greedy as he catches it with his finger, pushing it back inside of you, watching as more of it drips out around his finger.
“S-sensitive,” you whine, “Kaveh, t-thought we were done…”
“Shh, just wanna play with you a little before I clean you up.”
Alhaitham groans above you both, your walls shivering with aftershocks around his still-softening cock. He feels the cum drip down from your ass to your pussy to his own cock, mingling with the slick you and him have created.
Kaveh runs his thumb over your rim before finally letting up, leaning you back on his own front for Alhaitham, kissing you softly.
Alhaitham does the same as Kaveh, sliding with care out of you, frothy white ring still present at the base of his cock. It’s dangerous, he thinks. Makes him possessive over you. He watches, too, at the cum that drips out with his cock, tapping on your clit experimentally only to see more of it slip out of you as your pussy tenses.
“How cute,” Alhaitham smiles sweetly, and Kaveh throws him a wet towel. Alhaitham thanks him with a nod, pressing your sensitive core, Kaveh hushing your whines with kisses between wiping down himself and Alhaitham.
The towels are discarded somewhere, you don’t know and you can’t bring yourself to care with how tired and spent you are, every inch of you aching. They lie down, finally, on either side of you, holding you and each other.
“Welcome home, Kaveh,” Alhaitham’s grumbly voice interrupts your thoughts, as he goes to kiss your forehead and then Kaveh’s.
“Thank you, my loves.” It’s the last thing you hear before you drift off to sleep.
It’s evening when you wake up next to a still-sleeping Kaveh, blonde hair caressing his face, his cheek squished against the pillow. He looks angelic in the night. He slowly blinks his eyes open, smiling at seeing you next to him.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
You giggle. “It’s 6PM, babe.”
He rubs his face. “Ohh. Ah, yes, that makes sense.”
You both hear plates being set in the dining room, cutlery clanking against each other and onto a wooden table.
“Archons, he’s not quiet at all,” Kaveh laughs, sitting up and throwing you the first shirt he sees (it happens to be his) and grabbing a set of clothing for himself (it’s Alhaitham’s).
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, kissing the back of his neck. “Shall we?”
Kaveh smiles mischievously, grabbing behind your thighs and picking you up on his back as you yelp, having to awkwardly open the door for him as he beckons for Alhaitham at the table.
“Ah, you’re both finally awake.”
“Did you even sleep?!”
“If you were asleep, how’d you make dinner?” You ask in a mocking, smartass tone. Kaveh wiggles his eyebrows at Alhaitham.
“Yeah! That timeline doesn’t work at all!”
Alhaitham sighs as if in frustration, but his smile betrays him, “Just sit down and get ready to eat already, won’t you both?”
You look around as you sit and notice that Alhaitham is wearing Kaveh’s trousers.
“Is it just my clothing that’s not being worn right now?”
“If I recall correctly, you didn’t have clothing on when we started,” Kaveh teases.
“Ah!” Kaveh and you enjoy the moment, only to be added with Alhaitham’s presence and the stunning food he brings in his hands.
“A few sharing dishes, since I figured we were all hungry.”
“I think I’m in love with you.” Kaveh wraps a hand around Alhaitham’s wrist, kissing the inside of it.
“I definitely love you.” You tell him, and as you all dig in, there’s a unanimous feeling that… everything is as it should be. Everything is right, and good.
It’s too good, and yet it’s true. The reality is, all three of you have found family and love too.
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urfavoriteitalian · 9 months
“coming back for more”
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summary: in which you and Jude can’t stay away from each other
warnings: 18+ SMUT!, friends with benefits, dom!jude, innocence kink, blowjob, fingering, slapping, degrading, praising, pet name, a bit toxic relationship, changes of pov, unprotected sex (don’t do it guys!!!).. that’s all i think
10 days, 240 hours without seeing him.
240 hours since the last time he touched me.
240 hours without a fucking message or a call.
I would love to say that I wasn’t used to this, but I was. Used to be treated like this. I could say him no. I could say him that I didn’t want to keep doing this, like everyone told me. Even Jobe, his brother, told me that Jude wasn’t good in this type of things, that I should tell him to go to hell.
When Jude was away from me, when he didn’t text me, I convinced myself to end this, that it was the best thing to do. But his touch. God. His touch was like a drug to me. It felt like he had poison in his fingers. No man, ever, ever, made me felt like this. Not that I’ve been with many men, and I thought this is why Jude liked me so much.
The innocence that I had when I first met him, made his cock twisted only at the thought. The insecureness of my touch made his mouth groan and the though that he was the only man capable of making me felt the way he did, made his ego boost in a way that wasn’t explainable.
In those ten days that I didn’t saw him, was because he was in England, 2 hours and 30 minutes away from me. He didn’t texted, and even if I knew that he wouldn’t, the spark of the hope was always alive in me.
The din of my phone took me away from my thoughts. I took a quickly look at it, wondering who was. “J.”, that was the way that I saved him on my phone. Only two of my friends knew about him, in first place because he asked me to not tell everyone, and in second place because I didn’t want people to know that I let a guy treating me like a toy.
Another din. Again him. I unlocked my phone and read the message.
I’m back home
I just said, wanting to be stronger than my need for him. Another din.
Same place, in one hour?
I rolled my eyes at the message. Me and Jude used to met in a hotel, since we lived in two different place of the city, and not to arouse the suspicions of the paparazzi. This time if he really wanted to see me, he should come at my place.
If you really want to see me, then come at my place.
I knew that he wouldn’t come. Another din.
Such a brat
I read the message without replying, knowing that probably he would text me the next day, or in the worse case, find another toy to pleasure himself.
-Jude pov’s-
I asked my mother to take me to her place, since she decided to act like a child, but I was craving her taste so bad.
We arrived in front of the place, and my mother stopped the car. I made my way to open the door, but her voice stopped me.
“Your girlfriend lives here?” she asked, hoping that I would say yes, I could say by the spark in her eyes.
“What make you think that I’m here for a girl?” I answered her questions with another question smiling innocently.
“Jude you spent an hour getting ready in the bathroom, I don’t think you���re here for your mates” she said smiling sweetly “You asked me five times if you looked good” she continued “And you do this thing at least three times at week when you’re here”
I kissed my teeth, thinking something to said my mother “She is.. I mean, kind of.. is difficult” I scratched my neck “Can I go now?”. She continued smiling “Jude you aren’t just a soccer player, don’t forget that” I nodded and after thank her for the ride and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek I left the car.
I made my way to her apartment, I’ve only been here once, but luckily I have good memory. I knocked the door, more than one time just to annoy her. I could hear her scoffing behind the door, probably rolling her eyes.
-Y/N pov’s-
I opened the door, wondering who is the prick who’s bothering me at 10 pm, but when I did, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Jude..” I said quietly, he was already scanning my body. I was wearing one of his shirts, and black socks that reached my knee “What are you doing here?” I asked him.
“You told me to come here, darling” he said tiling his head to the side with a smirk “Do you want to let me in or you want to go out and have fun on the stairs? It could be interesting” I rolled my eyes after let him in, and he closed the door behind him with a kick.
“Missed me?” he asked following me like a lost puppy towards the house, I turned myself to look at him “Why you didn’t text me?” I asked looking up at him. He put his hands on my waist, for hold me still, and getting closer to me, our nose almost touching “I didn’t know you liked sex chat babe, i’m going to remember the next time”
I kissed my teeth and shook my head “Is not that” I told him “So you don’t like sex chat? I would love to see you begging me from the phone” he continued holding my waist tighter “I’m not saying that..” he hands on me didn’t let me think correctly “So you’d like it?” he said continuing his play
I broke the eye contact with him, and his hands made their way to my hips “You asked to come here and I did” he whispered to my ear, and the his hot breath on my neck made me sigh. He started making his way to the couch, still holding me. He sat on the couch and made me sat on his lap. He squeezed my thighs “Have you’ve been with someone while I wasn’t around?” he asked
That was the strange thing about our relationship. Jude wanted me only for him. He wanted an exclusive relationship with me. And it drove my mind crazy every time, because it always made me hoping for more.
“Did you?” he hated when I would answer a question with another question, but I wanted to know. One of his hands trail to my ass cheek, without squeezed it “Answer.” he just told me, clenching his jaw at the though. I decided to tease him a bit, and I started rolling my hips on his lap “Maybe” I said, it wasn’t true, I barely left the house because I had too work to do.
He slapped my ass “Get on your knees, I think you need to remember who you belong to”, he said and slapped my ass again, making me gulp. I got on my knees and started to took off his belt, then I lowered his pants to his ankles. I smirked when I saw how hard he got, I took his cock in my hand and I started pumping up and down.
“Already so hard, babe?” I said mocking his pet name. He didn’t answer, he was just staring at me, waiting for me to do the next move. I caressed his tip with my thumb, while I started sucking his ball, looking at him through my lashes. He put one hand on my cheek, and the other took my hair in his hand, squeezing it “You aren’t in the position for teasing, darling,so put that pretty mouth around my cock before i loose my patience” he warned me with a smile.
I listened to him, but in the moment that i took his tip into my mouth, he pushed my head all the way down his cock, forcing me to take all of it. I put my hand on his thigh for balance, and the second after Jude started thrusting my head up and down, while his other hand was still on my cheek. I hollowed my cheek, to gave him more pleasure, while I was massaging his balls with my free hand.
I choke every time his tip touched the back of my throat, and my nose continued bouncing into his pelvis. Tears was falling down my eyes, while I kept looking at Jude. “Don’t look at me like that, whores like you need to be put in place” he explained while I choked another time around him “I bet you’re getting so wet by sucking my cock off”. And it was true, that sight of him made my cunt clench around nothing several times. I took my hand off his balls, and leaned it between my legs, trying to get some relief by touching my clothed clit.
When Jude noticed, he took my head off his cock, and slapped me “You’re getting pleasure only by me, and only when I decide” he grabbed my jaw “Understood?” I nodded, while I was breathing heavily. The leaded my head again on his cock, thrusting my head all the way down him.
I sucked the more that I could “Fuck, I’m close” he said between his groan “You’re so good babe”. It was a matter of seconds until I felt Jude’s cock twisted in my mouth, and his hand hold me still to be sure that I took all his cum. I felt his hot cum invading my mouth, his low groans surrounding my ears, I slowly took him out, making him sigh. I licked his tip, taking all his cum, and then swallow, staring at him for the whole process, making him smirk.
He made me sat on his lap again, and touched softly my lips, indicating to open. I open my mouth, and showed him my tongue, clear. “So good for me” he said under his breath before kissing me, and taste his own cum “You taste so good Jude” I told him and then start kissing his neck, craving for more. He stood up, making my legs lock around his waist.
He made his way to my bedroom, and for the whole time I kissed and bite his neck, like it was a drug, making him groan more than one time. We got in the bedroom and he pushed softly on the bed before hardly kissing me. His tongue entered my mouth with arrogance, and his hands traveled my body with possessiveness, without touching me where I needed him the most. “Jude.. please” I begged him on his lips. Without answering me, he took my shirt off, and made it fall on the ground, and he smirked when he noticed I wasn’t wearing a bra. He started kissing and biting my breast, and his hands squeezed my thighs, putting them on his shoulders.
His fingers, finally, made his way to my starved core “God you’re so fucking wet” he said, putting my panties to the side, and slipping his fingers towards my folds “Only whores like you gets this wet by sucking my cock”
He slides two fingers inside of me, and I moaned thrusting my hips up, he continued using his fingers inside of me. Without warning he removed them from me and I whined for the loss. “You really thought I would make you come this easy after what you told me earlier?” he scoffed “Not only a whore, even stupid” he said going to kiss my neck again, and I felt his hardness on my thigh.
He made his cock running towards my wet fold and I moaned when it came in contact with my clit “Jude.. I need you” I whined, almost crying “I don’t even need to ask you to beg” he cockly said before slowly entering me. I whined again, craving for more “Shh baby” he said putting his forehead on mine “It’s been a while baby, we need to take it slow” he explained, with a sweet tone. When he was fully in me, he waited a bit and then stared moving, putting his head in the crook of my neck, making me hear all his groans.
I looked at him, his shirt still on, I tapped his shoulder unsure “Jude..” I called him, he just took his head off the crock of my neck to look at me, with a preoccupied look on his face “Can you take your shirt off.. please?” I asked between my loud moans. Jude groaned, standing up, still thrusting into me “God, you’re going to be the death of me” he took his shirt off, and instinctively I closed my legs at the sight. He put his hands on my knee “Nah ah, I need them open baby” he told me, and opened them more than before.
He was now standing at the end of the bed, and from there, he looked like a god. He took my legs and put the on his shoulders, caressing my black sock that I had still on. From this position he was deeper than ever, I could feel him in my stomach “Jude, fuck” I moaned “You’re so deep, I can feel you in my stomach” I whispered not being able to talk louder because of the moaning. Jude smirked “I want you, to feel me everywhere darling” he said and started thrusting harden into me, making the the headboard of the bed slamming against the wall with every thrust.
I felt a knot in my stomach, and locked my ankles behind the neck of Jude felling so close “Don’t stop Jude” I spoke again “I’m so close”. I was a moaning mess “God you look so good” he groaned leaning to kiss me “So drunk of my cock” he squeezed my thighs, and I knew he was close too “Can I come into you?” he asked and I just nodded. It was a matter of second until I released moaning his name. Jude followed me right after, giving me his cum for the second time today.
He took himself off me, making me whine. He lead one finger between my hole, taking a bit of our cum on it. He took it to my lips, and without saying nothing, i took it in my mouth, sucking it “How is it?” he asked so cockly, “Good” I just told him out of my breath. He lay next to me caressing my thighs
“What was his name?” he asked out of nowhere. I looked at him confused “Whose name Jude?” I kept caressing his bare chest “The name of the guy you’ve been with, while I was in London” he explained with a mix of annoyance and angriness, and I just laughed “I haven’t been with anyone Jude, it was just to tease you”, the look on his face changed to an happy one “Oh.. don’t do it ever again then” he warned kissing my forehead.
“What about you?” I asked, a little scared of the answer “I haven’t been with anyone since I started this.. thing with you”. I didn’t say a thing, I just kissed him, innocently, but the caress that Jude gave to my ass cheek made me understand that it wasn’t over yet this night. “Jude I have to wake up early tomorrow” I said in the kiss “Mhh” he protested grabbing my ass “It’ll be quick”
in the end, we will always come back to the other for more..
note: hi!! hope you guys liked it, sorry that y/n is a little bit innocent but i liked it for this story. if you have any request lmk
kisses, Carla 💋
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pinkestofpanthers · 30 days
some logan thoughts
a/n: i absolutely love desperate housewives, so this was loosely based on susan & mike, my favorite couple!
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you wanted him. he had only moved into the apartment building two days ago and you barely interacted with him, but you would be a liar if you said he hadn't made you feel some type of way. you didn't get the chance to introduce yourself; you could only dumbly smile and wave at him in the lobby as you retrieved your mail. however, you thanked whatever entity above that your nosy neighbor, ethel, was able to introduce herself with a basket of baked goods and housewarming flowers.
from what she relayed to you, he only moved a couple hours from where he previously resided in canada. he was a plumber who had been out of work for a while, but of course still carried his toolbox everywhere he went, leaving it in the bed of his truck just in case. ethel noticed how there was no ring on his finger, and that his apartment, though still stuffed with boxes, was only set up for one person to live there. you didn't miss the nudge she gave you as she told you this.
you knew he only lived four doors down from ethel, who lived just across the hall from you. it would seem random to show up, it's not like he moved in directly next to you. how could you have possibly approached him? you continued to think your options through, until you turned to the newspaper that had just been delivered this morning. he was a plumber after all, right?
frantically, you began stuffing pages upon pages down your garbage disposal. how exactly could you explain this happening? blame it on the pet cat you never had? the niece your brother never introduced you to, let alone didn't even have? you were sure an excuse would come to your head once the stranger found his way into your apartment.
that was, until, he was actually in your apartment.
"hello?" he called out to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. you smiled back at him and he asked again,
"so, how did you get this morning's news shoved down your disposal?"
you stammered, eyes darting around for some excuse you could pull out of thin air. after thinking it over for a solid five seconds, you decided to blurt out about the little "accident" your niece had when she visited earlier. you didn't want to embarrass her, so you waited to get help until after she left.
based on his reaction, you couldn't tell if he was completely sold on your lie or not. you hoped he took it for what it was and could spend an extra thirty minutes on the floor of your kitchen.
during that sacred time he spent on your floor, you had made some sort of small talk with the handsome man. finding out where he was from, why he moved, and that he was single (something he revealed after you asked if he moved here by himself). this had kept on until the time he asked for a hand off the floor, as he finished the little project you set up for him hours before. you thanked him and asked how much you owed, heading to grab your purse.
"it's no big deal, don't think you have to pay me," he responded to your ask, but you insisted. i mean, the man just cleaned out a whole book's worth of papers for you.
"there has to be something i can give you! i'll treat you takeout?" you were starting to feel bad. it wasn't fair that the man who made his living off doing jobs like this, who had been out of work for a while, had just finished fixing your garbage disposal, and was telling you to not pay him.
"how about that fancy little italian place up the block? tomorrow night. my treat, though," he said after thinking your offer over and you just scoffed.
"well, that defeats the purpose of me paying you back, don't you think?" you questioned, which got a chuckle out of him. he assured you it would be his pleasure to take you out, and that just going out with him would be enough payment. you thought it over and went back and forth with him until you ultimately agreed.
as you showed him out of your apartment, him with his tool kit in hand, he decided to say one more thing, something that would haunt you for the rest of the night until you saw him tomorrow evening,
"and next time," he smirked as he turned back to you, "just be a little more like nosy neighbor ethel and come introduce yourself. i'm sure your garbage disposal will be happy you did."
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shaunamilfman · 4 months
Lucy MacLean x Wastelander R HC's
you start looking at her in a new light after she sets off a grenade that takes out a room full of enemies. you're so impressed with her that she doesn't have the heart to tell you that she just accidentally tripped into a row of shelves and knocked an old grenade on the floor. 
“you want the head?”/ Lucy, love-struck “i mean if you're offering.” a pause, thinking over what you just said and looking disappointed. ”wait– did you say the head?"
most shocked look ever watching you loot bodies. on her high horse talking about “stealing is wrong” till you agree and say you just won’t be able to have dinner that night then. suddenly she’s willing to make exceptions to her morals, go figure.
whenever she starts talking too much, you start describing the most horrific looking monsters you've fought. she's following silently behind you in horror for a good mile before she manages to shake that description off and starts talking just as eagerly again. the silence was nice while it lasted. 
Lucy pretends to not know how to do things so that you’ll teach it to her as an excuse to talk to you but takes it way too far. you’re like, “what do you mean you don’t know how to open a can?” while she looks visibly upset that you don’t wrap your arms around her to show her how like she’s seen in those pre-war movies.
uses your rations to try to tame herself a pet while you're camping for the night. you’re looking everywhere for your last box of sugar bombs only to find a shameless Lucy feeding it to the ugliest animal you’ve ever seen as she tries to entice it to do tricks. She insists that she doesn’t understand why you’re mad about it but you can’t help but notice she never uses her rations for it. you end up getting so mad that you can’t even speak to her, which turns out to be the most effective punishment you ever could have come up with. she’s sitting there and begging you to talk to her because she's going crazy without human interaction (it's been five minutes).
you’re surprised and a little sad to see that Lucy isn’t in the camp when you wake up the next morning but it’s fine. You don’t need her anyway, right? You try not to look relieved when she trudges in halfway through taking the camp down covered in soot and grime and collapses in her cot as she holds up a pristine box of sugar bombs she spent all night searching for.
Lucy sees you smile one (1) time and will not get over it. “you have such a pretty smile, you should really smile more. you know it really lights up your face and…” on and on for like ten minutes. The type to grab for your face to pull the sides of your lips up to make you smile. You’re still visibly frowning, just with your lips pulled up at the sides. Lucy’s so frustrated with you mostly because she realized you’re actually really nice to look at when you aren’t glaring at everything. 
Lucy would call you lover unironically. goes through a million different terms of endearment before finally deciding on that one. it was one of the least embarrassing ones that she suggested so you wearily let it happen. walking for miles with Lucy trying them out initially like "honey. baby. teddy bear. big teddy bear of death? murder bear? no, okay, got it. sweetie. babe…” 
pretending not to know about things Lucy is referencing to see how long it takes for her to realize you’re messing with her. she's talking about her book club and you’re like “book? what's a book?” and she’s spiraling trying to explain the concept of written word to you
no concept of flirting. give her your absolute best lines and she's like “haha… okay?”. got to be as blunt as possible. tell her you want to fuck and she's like “oh yeah, sure.”
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The Hashira and their Sense of Humor
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Apologies for the hiatus! A lot has happened over the last couple of months and I'm finally getting some of them (somewhat) resolved through therapy and A LOT of patience with myself. So here's a post that I written back in October that brings me so much joy! Thank you all for your patience ^^
Word count: 2k~
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Mitsuri Kanroji
You know those types of people who want to tell you a really funny story but they need to stop laughing first?
And they've been laughing for the past fifteen minutes?
Yeah that's Mitsuri
I'm not entirely sure what to categorize this either than comedic storytelling
She could probably be a standup comedian too, she has some good stories to tell
But Mitsuri is really in her element when when someone else is telling a mildly amusing story
She will just keep adding onto it to somehow make it even more funnier than it was originally intended
Misturi could make an inside joke between you guys too, she is the designated funny friend of the Hashira
I also feel like she sometimes makes self-deprecating jokes, but not on any serious topics
Like she enjoys poking fun at the fact that she's still single
For an example, Mitsuri and Shinobu could be making an order at a restaurant for lunch
By the time Mitsuri finishes her first round of food and hands the dishes to the waiter, she accidentally drops them causing all the plates and bowls to shatter all over the floor
She tries to help clean up but the staff insists that she shouldn't worry about it
Sitting back down with Shinobu, cheeks red from embarrassment, Mitsuri will crack an awkward smile and say "Yeah, this is why I'm still single!"
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Obanai Iguro
Obanai is the most sarcastic motherfucker on this list
I feel like his number one policy is "Don't ask me stupid questions"
He's already annoyed like 70% of the time, just don't annoy him even more
But then again...
"Hey Obanai, did you lose this?" "No I was just playing hide and seek with an inanimate object for fun, YES I fucking dropped it"
"You look really tired, are you doing okay?" "Hell yeah, nothing says healthy like eye bags as dark as my hair"
"Can I pet your snake?" "Yeah you just gotta let him nibble you first but don't worry, he's only venomous"
Usually he's kinda rude about it but he does have his nice moments
"Hey Obanai, can you pass me that?" Obanai will just say no but hand and just hand it to you anyways
Some people just don't understand sarcasm all the time and that's when he kinda runs into some trouble
Obanai and Kyojuro were walking to a meeting together, but Obanai had forgotten his jacket AND haori
It was quite chilly outside too, so poor Obanai was shivering while trying to keep Kaburamaru warm
Kyojuro asked Obanai "My friend, winter is coming! Aren't you cold?"
Obanai deadpanned and said "Of course not, I'm just practicing my acting. Glad to see that my shivering is that convincing"
"How interesting! Maybe you should audition for a play at the theatre!"
Obanai's annoyance kept him warm for the rest of the day
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Tengen Uzui
Quite an obvious statement, but Tengen’s humor mainly comprises of sex jokes and innuendos
The man has three wives, of course he would find that shit funny
Like he will be in the middle of a meeting, and everyone will line up to receive some gifts from Kagaya
He will say "Come in a straight line, my students"
Tengen will chuckle and say "That's what she said"
Tengen is also the type to be "gay with the homies" and loves to embarrass Sanemi and Obanai by making jokes about being in love or hooking up with them
He chooses specifically those two because it felt awkward to make the jokes to Gyomei
Tengen once spent forty-five minutes explaining to Kyojuro that he didn't actually want to buy him dinner after Kyojuro gave him a genuinely offended look to the highest degree
"How deceitful of you, Tengen"
He pretty much wrote off saying jokes like that to Kyojuro following that incident, but he really can't help himself sometimes
I don't think that Tengen solely has generic innuendos he uses on everyone, he likes testing what SPECIFIC category of sex jokes makes people uncomfortable
Like if Giyu goes to the bathroom, Tengen will saunter up with a finger gun on his chin and ask "Pissing all by yourself, handsome?"
Everyone is throwing their shoes at him
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Of course this sadistic bastard likes slapstick, what we’re you thinking?
He may be good at holding in a laugh, but you can still see that stupid smirk on his face if anyone stumbles
One time Tengen's six foot ass fell face first while running late to a meeting
Sanemi actually struggled to keep his composure that day, he had to bite his lips together to hide the uncontrollable grin on his face
People getting smacked upside the head, tripping others, people getting violently angry, Sanemi loves it all
He refuses to admit that Zenitsu is funny
Now a regular civilian is one thing, but children getting roughed up is another
there was a particular incident where Sanemi had come across some kids swinging on a tree branch near a market he occasionally visited
This week ass branch definitely didn't have the strength to hold up any of those kids
So Sanemi did what any sane person would, and stuck around to watch this disaster happen
Well unfortunately for this one child, the branch snapped mid-swing and fell right on their face
And there was Sanemi, a hand over his stomach from laughing at these dumb kids
He didn't even stop to help them or anything, just calmed down from laughing so hard and walked away to continue shopping
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Shinobu Kocho
An absolute queen of insult humor
Even Sanemi can’t beat Shinobu at her best
Do you even think she would stick with the basic ass jokes? Of course not
She can be an absolute menace if she really wants to
Shinobu is just tired of everyone's shit, and she can get even more exhausted from putting on that smile nearly as much as Kyojuro
She just can't keep up
Which brings me to my main point, which is that Shinobu's funny side usually comes out in rants or vents with the people closest to her
She and Mitsuri both express their humor by storytelling, Shinobu's just originates more from anger an annoyance rather than an effort to be entertaining
Regardless of who Shinobu's around, everyone can tell that when she walks through the door with steam coming out of her ears, everyone's gonna be laughing their asses off
As anyone can agree if they've worked in any form of customer service, there are some days where you are so damn close to breaking your cool
When Tengen got placed in the Butterfly Estate's infirmary, Shinobu was actually going to kill a patient instead of saving them for once
Like this man was just demanding shit and teasing his friend left and right, and Aoi had never been so afraid of her mentor in her entire life
Aoi tried to calm her down, "Sticks and stones Shinobu, don't let him get to you!"
Tengen only snickered
Ooooo, she lost her shit
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but PLEASE. FUCK. OFF"
Angy Shinobu is best Shinobu
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Look me in the eyes and tell me Kyojuro doesn’t like puns
I know you can't do it
He will howl with laughter nearly every time you tell him a pun
"Hey Kyo, you're never gonna believe it! Remember my friend with a bakery? Well it just burned down!"
At first he'll show genuine concern, politely shouting "How unfortunate!"
"Don't worry about it, his business is toast"
Give him a minute...
"Ahahaha! Good one!"
Not only does he like being told puns, but if he has a good opportunity to tell a well timed pun he will not stop giggling until he tells it
One time you, Tengen, Mitsuri, and Kyojuro were all trying to decide where to eat after a long day of work
At one point Tengen suggested hotpot, even offering to take you all to one that Makio and Suma liked
Kyojuro tried muffling his laughing, but his attention was redirected when you asked him what he thought of the idea
Finally able to cease his giggles, Kyojuro proudly shouted "SOUPER"
It doesn't matter if you find the joke funny or not, Kyojuro's laughter is so contagious that you're dying at the silly pun
What a fucking dork <3
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Giyu Tomioka
If there was a form of comedy that’s applicable at any given moment, Giyu would use it on a daily basis
Luckily for him, Giyu discovered it very quicky and refuses to let the tactic go
That's right, Giyu is physically incapable of stopping himself from making a "your mom" joke
Everyone can blame Obanai for that one
Quite literally at any opportunity, Giyu will mutter the phrase under his breath
Unfortunately, because it has become such an unconscious thing for Giyu, this bad habit of his ends up kicking his ass at the worst of times
with all due respect to Giyu's efforts, it just makes him unintentionally funny
in an awkward way
Giyu visited one of his favourite restaurants on his day off, the waiter asked "Is there anything else you would like, sir?" after giving his order
Now Giyu didn't mean it, he really didn't
It just slipped out of his mouth so easily
"Your mom"
Let me tell you, the silence was absolutely deafening
After the two stared at each other in mutual confusion, Giyu just wordlessly left due to the sheer embarrassment and awkwardness he had caused
He tried to go back, truly, Giyu made the effort and walked through the door
But he made uncomfortable eye contact with that same waiter and walked out
He hasn't gone back to that restaurant since ;,)
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Gyomei Himijima
I have already established in my Gyomei Headcannons post that Gyomei is the dad friend of the Hashira (go check out that post if you haven’t btw ^^)
So of course he's going to make dad jokes, everyone saw this coming
God forbid you ever complain around him, he will see it as an opportunity (usually)
"Man, I'm really hungry" Gyomei will hand you a bento box and say "Hi hungry, I'm prepared
He is THAT GUY that makes "I haven't seen you since last year!" jokes
Every single year without fail
Shockingly, Gyomei and Kyojuro will bond over their mutual love for super corny jokes
One time while training Genya, Gyomei asked him "Child, what is long and sticky?"
Genya paused his routine to think for a moment, slightly disturbed by the question
"I don't know what you- fresh mochi?" Gyomei shook his head
Genya made a claw gesture with his hands, knowing Gyomei couldn't see it
"No idea, what's long and sticky?"
Gyomei gave a small, sly smile before responding
"A stick, little one"
To be honest, Gyomei's jokes do annoy some of the Hashira whenever he makes them (mainly Shinobu, Obanai and Tengen)
Normally because he's so calm about it
Tengen usually is one to lose his temper over it though
"You really got a joke for about everything, huh?" "Indeed I do, Tengen. I even have one about construction"
Tengen's eye will twitch as he taunts Gyomei "Oh yeah? Well let's hear it then!"
"I'm afraid I can't, my friend. I'm still working on it"
Kyojuro's laugh echoes throughout the meeting as Tengen realizes he most definitely walked into that one
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Muichiro Tokito
His sense of humor is weird
That’s all I have, anything that Muichiro finds funny is actually kinda strange
He does this thing where he will go in with a fistbump, but change it to a high five last second
Muichiro can do it the other way around too, but regardless it results in this silly fist-five thing that makes him chuckle
He's a little bit of a devious child so his sense of humor kinda comes from whatever will annoy the other Hashira
Sometimes he will sit in the middle of a meeting and just blow raspberries while spacing out a little
It annoys the fuck out of Sanemi and Obanai because Muichiro's spit gets EVERYWHERE
Even Giyu thinks that kid comes with his own splash zone
He's not one for pranks per say, but he likes reaping a bit of terror amongst the other Hashira
One time Muichiro stole Tengen's red eyeliner one weekend purely for entertainment
the next day when everyone showed up to the meeting, people got to witness a very distressed Tengen
Holding up Sanemi and Obanai midair by the collar of their shirts, Tengen interrogated the both of them where they hid his shockingly expensive liner
Of course no one would suspect the slobbering kid, who was inconspicuously blowing raspberries
Had anyone asked Muichiro if he saw Tengen's liner, Muichiro would turn to the fuming man and giggle
Secretly, Aoi is Muichiro's unknowing accomplice in these scenarios
"Here Aoi, could you hold this for a while?" "Uhh, sure? What is it for?" "Hmm? Oh nothing..."
Don't underestimate this little shit
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
Hey y’all! Hope you liked this post, it was such a pleasure to write it ^^
I’m hoping that now I’ll be able to write more for this blog now that I have more time, and I have more posts lined up in the future :)
Ask box and requests are still open, just please read the rules before submitting anything!
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plussizefantasia · 4 months
Broken Together
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BlackCat!reader x Bucky Barnes
Chapter 5/6 : <Prev/ Next>
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Talks of violence, suggestive language
A/N: okay so I fully planned to do a smut scene but then I chickened out because I've never written one before so.... sorry. ALSO: keep your eyes peeled for the kickoff post of my 300-follower (holy shit) celebration along with chapter 3 of the Fluttering Hearts series, both will be coming out before the end of the day!
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You nod a solitary nod and reach for the door handle.
“I love you.”
 That stops you cold in your tracks.
“Don’t say that.”
“That’s not really the reaction I was looking for if I’m honest.”
“Well what did you want me to say James?”
“I don’t know, really anything but don’t say that. I tell you how I’m feeling and you know that I’m not good with that feeling shit and your reaction is to tell me not to say it?”
“Jesus Bucky, I can’t ever tell with you! Two minutes ago you were giving me the silent treatment and being all pissy and now you tell me you love me? What am I supposed to do with that?!”
“I- just… I spent the whole night worrying about you, you were back there in that room all alone with those bastards and I couldn’t get to you. I just had to listen through comms and hope and pray to whatever God there is that you come out the other side.”
“Bucky, I can take care of myself.”
“I know that, really I do. I have never ever doubted that you could handle yourself but that doesn’t make it any less terrifying when you go somewhere I can’t reach you. It’s bad enough I had to watch you hanging off that asshole all night. Watching him touch you in the way I’d wanted to all night.” Bucky’s hands tighten around the wheel. You watch as he swallows something caught in his throat.“I watched and stood there like an idiot while he held you close and made you laugh and did everything I’d been dreaming about. I couldn’t look away though, as much as I wanted to becuase even a glimpse of your smile is enough to make all that shit worth it. But then I hear you being threatened, I watch you walk away with the target and not even five minutes later he pulls a gun on you? It took everyhting in me not to run to you, not to burst in and protect you with all I have.”
“I don’t need your protection-”
“I know that! Goddamn it I know that! I know that your amazing, that’s the only thing that kept me from running in there, knowing how good you are. How good my girl is at her job, she doesn’t need me, but I really fucking wish she did.”
“You’re girl? I’m not your girl James I- you don’t even like me?” 
“What?! Why the hell do you think I don’t like you?”
You scoff, “You give me shit all the time. You call me Fury’s pet and you never fail to let everyone know just how much you don’t trust me.”
“I trust you, I trust you with my whole life, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” 
“You have a funny fuckign way of showing it.” You cross your arms over your chest, this whole night scratch that day has been a total fucking emotional rollercoaster, you almost died and now here you are. The man who you love to hate and hate to love is spouting all kinds of heartfult shit and you’re reeling, I mean… what are you supposed to say to that?!
Bucky takes your silence harshly, he tries to fill the space with as many words as he can. He knows that he’s not good at this shit. He isn’t James Barnes the ladies man from the forties anymore, he’s too broken for that. But he can tell your broken too, and maybe you can be broken together? 
“When I say that I love you, I mean it. I mean that I can’t stop thinking about you, when youre not next to me it’s like i can’t breathe. When I hear you laugh or see you smile my whole world lights up. God even when you’re yelling at me an throwing pillows and shit I can’t help but feel like a goddamn wire. I don’t know when I realized it was love, if it was months ago or minutes ago but I’m not taking it back. I don’t think I can ever take it back.” Bucky ends his rant with several big breaths. The whole time he was talking, his eyes never left the road, his hands never left the wheel. 
“James, I- God fuck. I’m not a good person. I don’t deserve good things. Anyone i’ve ever been close to has told me the same shit, i’m too broken to be good to anyone.”
“Yeah. You’re broken. You’re a smart-mouth little piece of shit who doesn’t lok after herself and can’t follow a sleep schedule for the life of her and I love you.” He finally looks into your eyes.
“I don’t need a perfect girl, I don’t want a perfect girl, someone to hang off my arm and laugh at my jokes and just stand there looking pretty? I’ve had that and it gets boring really fucking fast. But you? I could spend the rest of my life trying to figure you out and I really really want to.” 
“I’m not easy, and I don’t think I ever will be.”
“I like a challenge.”
“Jesus, Stop trying to talk me out of this, I want you. I want you and all the messy shit that come’s with that.”
“I’m running out of reasons anyway.”
“What does that mean… for us I guess?” 
“It means that if you can get us back to the hotel within the next five minutes I’m gonna let you see the pretty little number I have on underneath this dress.”
Bucky slammed on the gas.
It took the two of you four minutes to get to the hotel, the entire time people were honking at your car weaving through traffic. You’re really fucking surprised that the two of you didn’t get pulled over. 
Four minutes is a lot of time though, especially when your nervous as hell and have a penchant for self-sabatage. You don’t know how this is going to go. This is brand new territory for you and honestly your shitting bricks right now with how nervous you are.
It’s not like you’ve never been with anyone, but Bucky is the first guy that you’ll genuinely care what happens when it’s over. Most of the guys you’ve been with before have been the type to only want something physical from you, not that you were complaining, you had needs and they were willing to fuffil them. They just didn’t want to date you, and never once had any of them used the L-word. 
You’re still reeling from Bucky’s confession. You have no idea how long he’s felt this way but the more you think about it the more it makes sense. For as long as you’ve known the man he’s been difficult to read, he build walls as easily as you do and he uses them to block out 99.99% of people in his life. 
Now that you’re really thinking about it you’re astonished at how much he told you tonight. You guess having a gun pulled on the person you care about really makes you want to tell them everything you’d been holding back.
You’d be lying if you thought that there wasn’t something you also wanted to tell Bucky when you heard the safety click off. You don’t know if love is the right word, not yet but you do know that he means just about the world to you. The only person in your life who really seems to see you and understand what you’re thinking. You’ve always liked working with Barnes, it was easy, but now you think there might be something else to it. 
Bucky pulls into a parking spot right at the front of the building and within seconds he’s by your door opening it and offering you a hand to step out.
He pulls you out of the car but doesn’t step back, he crowds you in every sense of the word. You see and smell and think nothing but him. This close you notice the little things that you hadn’t before, like the little piece of hair that keeps falling onto his forehead, escaping the gel holding the rest of his locks back. Or the way small scars he has, one above his eyebrow, a line to the right of his lip, a little triangle under his eyes. You could spend hours studying him, he doesn’t give you that long tough,
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, moving closer to your mouth. You don’t answer, just push yourself into him. You practically melt at the little groan that falls past his lips. 
His hands fall to your hips almost instintually, the grab ahold of you firmly not willing to let you move even an inch from his hold.
His mouth moves passionalty against yours, he takes his time really trying to get to feel you, to taste you. The pulls away only enough to get air into his lungs, resting his forehead agaisnt yours. God he could kiss you for a lifetime and even a bit longer than that.
“That was…” you start.
“Yeah.” The corners of his lips turn up into a genuine smile. You love his smile even if you don’t get to see it that often. 
“Yeah Kitty?” He giggles… this grown ass man giggles into you.
“Take me upstairs, these people don’t need a show.” You nod your head at the gathering of people outside, trying and failing to make it look like they weren’t just staring.
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reputationmunson · 1 year
Crossing Lines | s.h x fem!reader
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
series summary: steve isn’t your biggest fan, so why does he ask you to be his date to a wedding? | enemies to lovers, fake dating
chapter summary: your first date with Steve! and more :)
content: fluff, secret relationship, kissing, steve feeling insecure, mentions of eddie having a crush on reader, reader wears steve’s shirt, reader and steve being so in love it hurts, swearing, she/her pronouns, pet names, use of y/n, barely proofread
word count: 4.5k
a/n: IT’S FINALLY HERE! thank you for all being so patient with me and i hope the wait was worth it. (i also made steve softer than originally intended but i couldn’t help myself). also this is not the final chapter!!
thank you to @strwbrrydaydreams for listening to me talk about this chapter and for all of your kind words. i appreciate you so much ❤️
You had a date with Steve tonight. A date. With Steve Harrington. 
The same guy who, not so long ago, acted like just you existing was to spite him, the same guy who acted like being in the same room with you was pure torture, and the same guy who groaned after every time you spoke. 
He wasn’t that guy anymore, though. You hoped, at least. 
Steve kissed you silly two nights ago. He slept in your bed, nothing nefarious, just two people who no longer hate each other sharing body heat and kisses under covers. Then when he left for work the next morning, he pressed a soft, barely there, kiss to your temple.
He called you that night and asked you on a date. Due to the fact that you were keeping whatever was going between you two from your friends, you decided on a night in at your place. 
Just because you were staying in didn’t mean you weren’t going to put in any effort. You spent the whole day cleaning your apartment until it looked good enough to be in a magazine. You spent an embarrassing amount of time on your makeup until it was perfect. You even went out and got a new dress. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a simple sundress, but you thought it made you look pretty and you hoped Steve thought the same thing. 
You had candles lit, popcorn for the movie popped, and a bottle of wine ready to be poured in case things were awkward. 
There’s no way it won’t be a little weird going from barely being able to stand each other to…dating? You weren’t even sure what to call it. You knew you and Steve had to talk about it. You liked Steve, a lot, but there was also a bit of hesitation. He was so mean to you and he gave you a little explanation as to why the night of the wedding, but it was still confusing. 
Would he be hesitant too? Would he freeze at your touch? Would he still be cold towards you?
Or would he be the sweet Steve you used to know? 
You check the clock hanging on your wall and realize you don’t have time to worry about this as Steve would be here any minute. 
Your leg bounces anxiously as you hear footsteps approaching your door, followed by a knock. You take a deep breath, unlocking and opening your front door. Your nerves disappear when you see Steve. He looks so handsome, something you can really appreciate now. He has his hands behind his back, like he’s hiding something. 
“Hi” you quirk your brow “whatchya got there?” 
“You’re gonna think I’m so lame” he cringes. “I already do. Did you get me a present?” you grin. 
Steve chuckles at your excitement and moves his arms from behind his back to reveal a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
“Steve” you whisper and your face softens. “How’d you know my favorite flowers?” 
“You told Robin one time and I guess I never forgot” he tells you and hopes you don’t make fun of him for remembering a mundane detail, but knowing you, you definitely will. 
“Wow” you breath out “you are so obsessed with me, aren’t you?” you joke and he playfully rolls his eyes. “Hey, you’re the one that got a new dress today” he teases. “How’d you know it’s a new dress? See, obsessed!” you counter and he throws his hands up in defense as a way to say “alright you got me. I might be obsessed”. 
“Are you going to invite me in or just let me stand out here while you bully me?” He cocks his head to the side and you pretend to ponder over your answer. “I guess you can come in since you got me flowers”
Steve follows you inside and into your kitchen. You rummage through your cupboards trying to find a makeshift vase for your flowers while Steve admires you. He wonders how soon he’s allowed to kiss you. Does he wait until the end of the night? Or can he steal kisses throughout the entire date? All he’s been thinking about for the past two days is kissing you. He’s not sure he can wait much longer. 
“Hey” he whispers, gently grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to him. “You look really pretty” he says and his hand cups your cheek. You lean into his touch, partially to try and convince yourself that this is real .“this is sorta weird” you mutter and his brows furrow. “Weird?” he questions. 
“Not like a bad weird, just different. I’m not used to you saying stuff like that” you confess “Oh, sorry. You look so bad tonight. Truly horrendous” he jokes and you stick your tongue out at him. “Meanie” 
“Let me make it up to you” he says, stepping closer so your bodies are pressed together. His lips brush over yours, but he doesn’t kiss you yet. 
“So pretty” he mutters against your lips. Your hand cups the back of his neck as you decide you can’t wait much longer and press your lips to his. 
As you kiss Steve, you realize there’s no point of return. There’s no world in which you could go back to hating him, or even just being his friend, after you know what it feels to be kissed by him. 
A simple kiss has never made you so weak in the knees before or made you feel like you had a zoo of butterflies in your stomach. 
The hand not on your cheek moves to rest on your lower back, keeping you as close as possible to him. You can’t help but smile, totally messing up the kiss. “Sorry” you chuckle and he rests his forehead on yours. “It’s okay. I’d smile if I was kissing me, too” 
“Oh my god” you groan before chuckling. “You’re insufferable, Steve” you kid, no malice in your tone.
“So insufferable” he jokingly agrees. “Do you wanna watch a movie now?” he asks, nodding in the direction of the living room. “yeah, um, but, is it okay if we talk first?” you nervously ask. “Yeah, sure. You’re not breaking this off already, are you?” he jokes and you shake your head. “No it isn’t like that. C’mon, let's sit.” you grab his hand and lead him to sit on the couch. 
“So,” you start and fiddle with the hem of your dress “I wanted to talk about us, I guess. I mean, not that long ago I swore you hated my guts and now you’re bringing me flowers and kissing me in the kitchen. I think it’s just making my head spin, ya know?” 
“Yeah, I understand. When I was buying flowers for you I kept thinking ‘this chick used to drive me crazy and now I’m picking out flowers and can’t stop thinking about kissing her’ and don’t get me wrong you still drive me crazy, but just a tiny bit less now that I get to kiss you.” he responds and grabs your hand that nervously fiddles with your dress. “Do you want this? Us, I mean.” he asks. 
“Of course I do. It’s just-ugh- I’m scared because what if we move too fast? or what if you have this image in your head of me and I turn out not to be that and you go back to how you used to treat me? And like I said before it’s a little weird, right? To kiss and hold hands? I just get scared that I’m gonna reach out to touch you and you’re gonna pull away.” 
“Yes, it does feel a little weird, but we’ll take this as slow as you want to, okay? I wanna be the guy you deserve. I know I can be an ass, but I’m gonna treat you the way I always should’ve treated you.” he promises, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to your skin. 
“You really can be cheesy, you know that?” you tease. “Baby, you don’t know the half of it.”
“Baby” you repeat, your voice soft and sweet. “I’ve called you baby before” he states. “Yeah, but when we were fake dating. I know that you mean it now and it’s nice.”
“I’m sorry” he says and you look at him puzzled. “For?” you ask. “How I used to be” he clarifies. 
“Steve, you’ve already apologized. It’s okay” you assure him. “I know I have, but it doesn’t feel like that’s enough. I wish I could change it. Go back in time and smack myself upside the head.” 
“Oh, I’d love to do that too. Smack you, I mean. Not me, I’m perfect. But, we can’t change the past, so let’s focus on the future. Starting with watching a movie because this popcorn is probably cold and stale now.” 
Steve quickly pops a movie in, some cheesy horror that you’ll both make fun of. He lays behind you on the couch, his arm wrapped around your waist. It feels nice. Better than nice. You fit together perfectly like two puzzle pieces. 
As you watch the movie, he occasionally peppers kisses along your jawline or your shoulder. Sometimes you turn your head to give him a proper kiss on the lips, which turns into a brief makeout session before turning your attention back to the movie. ‘Slow, Harrington. Take it slow’ Steve thinks to himself. 
Steve knows that he loves you. He thinks he’s loved you since he met you. He doesn’t think you’re there yet, though. Hell, he hasn’t even asked you to officially be his girlfriend. How much longer should he wait to ask you that? He doesn’t want to ask too soon, but he’s also not sure how much longer he can hold it in. 
If he can’t tell you he loves you, he’ll definitely show you. He’ll buy you all the flowers in Hawkins, he’ll hold you and kiss you until you shove him off you, he’ll do anything to show you and make up for the past. 
You and Steve are fast asleep when there’s a knock at your door. By the second frantic knock, Steve stirs, but thinks it was maybe just part of his dream until there’s a third knock followed by a voice that’s too familiar. “y/n! Open the door!” Robin exclaims. 
Steve shakes you a little to wake you up. “y/n, wake up! Robin’s here!” he whisper yells. “That’s not funny” you mumble, still half asleep. 
“Hello! I know you’re home!” Robin yells and your eyes widen before you jump off the couch. 
“Fuck! What is she doing here?” you ask, frantically blowing out the candles you lit for a ‘romantic ambiance’. 
“I don’t know! It’s your apartment! Did she tell you she was coming over?” he asks, still whispering. “No, it’s Robin. She always comes over unannounced.” You quietly move to the kitchen, dumping out the popcorn and hiding the flowers in a cabinet. “Quick, go hide in my room. In the closet” you tell him. 
“Why in the closet? Why can’t I just sit on your bed until she leaves?”
“No arguing! Closet, Steve” 
He doesn’t argue any further, he quickly and quietly goes to your bedroom and squishes himself into the tiny closet. 
You gather yourself before opening the door to see a frantic Robin on the other side. 
“Hey, Robs. What’s up?” you try to sound casual. “I’m so bored, y/n, ugh and today sucked so bad! Work was awful and I dropped my burrito on the ground and- why are you wearing a dress?” 
“Oh, um, I just bought this, so I’m trying it on. Do you like it?” you ask, hoping she doesn’t ask anymore questions. “You look great, duh, but why is your makeup still on, it's like ten at night?”
“Just testing out some new makeup, ya know. I had zero plans tonight so I figured, why not?” you lie, but she seems convinced. “Makes sense, I guess. Since you’re free, do you wanna have a sleepover?”
“Oh, I don’t know-” “pleasepleaseplease” she begs like a toddler and it’s clear she won’t be leaving any time soon. “yeah, okay. Tell ya what, go wait out and my car and we’ll get some snacks. I’m gonna change.” you say, tossing her your keys. “Yay! Don’t take too long!” she says and walks outside. You lock the door behind her just in case and quickly go to your bedroom. 
“Is she gone?” Steve asks when he walks out of your closet. “um, sort of. She’s waiting in my car because we’re having a sleepover, so you’ll have to leave like ten minutes after I do. I’m so sorry” you apologize and rest your forehead on his shoulder, letting out a sigh. 
“It’s okay. Trust me, I know how Robin is” he chuckles and starts to rub your back. 
“I had fun tonight. Even if it got cut short.” you tell him and he beams. “Me too.” 
“Alright, turn around. I gotta get changed.”
“I can’t watch?” he jokes and you lightly shove his chest. “Face the wall, Harrington”
You change as fast as you can into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt then give Steve the go-ahead to turn around. 
“How do you still look so good? Don’t think I can let you leave now” He says, sauntering over to you. “You’re gonna have to. Unless you want robin to break down the door and find us making out.” 
“Hm, very true. How about just one kiss then?” 
“Okay, but then I really have to go.” you say and he pouts, but quickly pecks your lips. Then he pecks them again and again. 
“Steve” kiss “I really” kiss “gotta go” kiss
You like this side of Steve and love how sweet on you he is. It makes everything worth it. 
“Alright, get outta here. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” he promises and you plant one last kiss on his cheek before leaving. 
You hope Robin doesn’t notice how flustered you are. 
Although part of you wished you were still with Steve, it was nice to spend time with Robin. 
You hated that you couldn’t tell her about this. She’s your best friend and you tell her practically everything. Guilt eats away at you thinking about sneaking around with Steve behind her back, but she would absolutely blow a gasket if she found out. 
“You okay?” she wonders, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired” you lie, giving her a half-assed smile. 
“Can I ask you something kinda weird?” she asks and you worry she might already know. “Don’t you always?” you respond and both of you chuckle. 
“Have you seen Steve since you came back from the wedding?” she asks and you stiffen for a second, but quickly act natural. “No, I haven’t. One weekend was enough for me. Why?”
“He called me one day while you guys were there,” she starts and you wait for her to continue “and it just seemed like maybe you guys were starting to become friends” 
“What did he say when you guys talked?” 
“Basically that spending a weekend with you wasn’t the worst time of his life. He said you were funny and that his family loved you. Especially a little girl named Peneople. He really admired how great you were with her and please don’t tell him I said this he would kill me, but he thought it was cute, too, which drove him nuts.” she laughs
“He said that?” you hold back a smile, but you can’t stop the feeling in your chest. Like your heart just might explode. “Weird, right? I mean, coming from him. I really thought you’d guys come back and at least be acquaintances.” she sighs. 
“Nope. Definitely didn’t come back as friends” you say, which technically isn’t a lie. You didn’t come back as friends, you’re more than just that. “Anyways, I’m exhausted, Robs. Wanna go to bed?” 
After tonight, you really had no reason to be hesitant with Steve. You were all in. 
It had been a week since you saw Steve. A long, dreadful week. You missed him, which is something you never thought you’d say, and you still had to poke fun at him for telling Robin that he thought you were cute. 
You barely even got to talk on the phone with him. With conflicting work schedules and late-night shifts, it was difficult to find the time. 
Luckily, you’d be seeing him tonight, but unluckily, all of your friends would be there. You love them dearly, you really do, but you just want alone time with Steve and you hate that you have to act like you don’t want to be curled up next to him all night. 
You would be able to have a little alone time with him, though. He told you everyone would be there around nine, so you said you’d be there at eight in hopes to make up for lost time over the past week. 
Your excitement got the best of you, causing you to show up at 7:30 instead and you hoped Steve wouldn’t mind. 
Little did you know, Steve was counting down the seconds until he got to see you. He practically sprints to the door when you ring the doorbell, almost slipping in the hallway. 
“Hi” he greets you with a big smile on his face. “Hi, Stevie. Sorry I’m a little early.” 
“Oh, yeah, I hate that I have to spend more time with my girl”
My girl. He says it so naturally you can’t help but smile and feel all giddy inside. “You’re such a goof.” you say before leaning in to give him a kiss to say how much you missed him. 
Both of you melt into the kiss and you feel the weight of missing him lift off of your shoulders. His arms wrap around you and he pulls you inside without breaking the kiss. ‘Impressive’ you think to yourself. 
Your hands find a place in his hair, threading through the soft, brown locks. His hands grip your hips, occasionally squeezing your sides. You feel warm all over from his touch and his affection. You’re half tempted to tell him to call everyone and cancel. 
He kisses you until you can’t breathe, which is more appealing than it sounds. You’d kiss him till your lungs give out. 
“Mm, I missed you” he says when he breaks the kiss, pulling you in for a hug. “I missed you too, cheeseball” you reply and he snorts. “Cheeseball? What the hell does that mean?” 
“Cause you’re cheesy. Cheesy Stevie” 
“Please don’t let that become a thing” he whines. “Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t.” you say, nuzzling your face into his shirt. He smells like body wash and laundry detergent and his shirt is so soft you definitely need to come up with a plan on how you’re going to steal it. 
“um, so, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend the night tonight? You could come back after everyone leaves or something.” 
“I didn’t bring any overnight stuff.” 
“You live, like, ten minutes away, babe. Grab your stuff and come back.” 
“You must really want me here, huh?” you tease. “Yeah. I hate sleeping without a blanket stealer” he teases back. “I am not a blanket stealer.” you defend yourself and he laughs. “So is that a yes?” 
“I suppose it is. Consider yourself lucky” 
“yeah, yeah, I know. You’re the best and I worship the ground you walk on, blah, blah, blah.” He sounds like he’s being sarcastic, but he means every word. 
“As much as I enjoy this, we’ve been standing here hugging for like ten minutes. Can we snuggle on the couch now?” 
“You read my mind, pretty girl.”
Steve hated that he couldn’t kiss you, or touch you, or tell you how cute you look every time your nose scrunches when you laugh. He especially hated how close Eddie was sitting next to you. His forearm touching your thigh was driving Steve crazy. It doesn’t take a genius to see that Eddie has a tiny crush on you. He tries to hide his annoyance, but he isn’t doing a very good job. 
His jaw is clenched as he gives Eddie a death stare. Eddie is oblivious to it, though, thankfully. You? Not so much. You can tell Steve is annoyed and you want so badly to assure him he’s the only one you want.
Eddie’s crush was harmless, it could barely even be considered a crush. You knew that and so did Steve, but he still let his insecurity get the best of him. He was never mean to you, he’d never treat you the way Steve did. Should you be with him instead?
As Eddie tells a story, he theatrically moves his arms around and in the process, he accidentally spills his coca-cola on you, causing you to gasp. 
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry, y/n” he apologizes, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. 
“Jesus christ, munson” Steve groans and stands up from his seat. “It’s okay, Eds, it was an accident” you smile and assure him it’s okay. 
“C’mon, I’ll get you a shirt” Steve says and you follow him to his room. Everyone is momentarily confused at how fast Steve jumped to your rescue, sharing confused glances at each other. They quickly brush it off, not thinking too much into it. 
“You okay?” Steve asks once you’re in his bedroom. “It was coke, Steve, not battery acid. I’m fine” you giggle. “Are you okay?” you ask when you see the unamused look on his face. 
“Yep” he responds in an irritated tone. “Steve, don’t do that. If we want this to work you gotta talk to me.” you rest your hand on his upper arm, giving it a light squeeze. 
“I love Eddie, I do, but I can’t stand how much he likes you. I don’t like seeing him all over you when I can’t do anything about it.” he confesses. 
“Steve” you sigh “thank you for telling me, but I don’t think Eddie likes me as much as you think he does. Yeah, we used to be a thing for like five minutes, but that was so long ago and it doesn’t even matter. I want you and only you.”
“But he’s so nice to you. He always has been and it makes me think you deserve to be with someone who’s always treated you that way, ya know?” 
You step closer to Steve, grabbing his hand and running your thumb over his knuckles. “Steve, please stop beating yourself up about that. I swear I forgive you, okay? Call me crazy, but I’d go through it all again just to be where we are right now” you promise, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. 
“And you call me the cheeseball” he playfully scoffs. “I’m sorry for being weird. It’ll probably happen again” he says and you giggle. “I know it will. Now can you get me a shirt? I feel sticky.” you whine. 
“Here” he says, handing you a t-shirt with a faded basketball teams’ name on the front. “Thank you. Now get back out there before they get suspicious” you tell him and he nods in agreement. “I love them, but I can’t wait for them to leave” he says with a sigh before leaving his bedroom. You couldn’t agree more. 
“What took you so long?” Robin asks once Steve returns. “Couldn’t find a shirt up to her standards. You know how she is.” he replies briefly. 
You come back out moments later and Steve can’t wait to tell you how good you look in his shirt. 
After the longest hour of your life, everyone eventually went home. You rushed back as quickly as you could from picking up some things at your place and you hoped that no one decided to come back once you got to his place and question your reasoning for being there. 
Steve left the door unlocked for you, so you entered without knocking and find him cleaning up the mess left behind by the neanderthals (Eddie and Robin to be specific). 
“Hi, handsome. Need any help?” you ask when you walk into the kitchen. “No, I’m pretty much done. You can go get in bed if you want and I’ll be in soon”
“I gotta do my skincare routine, then I’ll be ready for bed” 
“Skincare routine? What do you gotta do for that?” he asks out of curiosity. “C’mon, I’ll show you.” 
Once you’re in the bathroom, you pull out all of your necessities out of your bag and Steve carefully examines each of them. 
“Do you wanna do it with me?” you offer. “Only if you do it for me” 
You pull a scrunchie out of your bag and pull Steve’s hair out of his face. “What do you think?” he asks, referring to his new hairstyle. “You’ll be starting a new trend in no time” you kiss the tip of his nose and he hums in appreciation. 
You take him through each step of your routine, carefully massage the products across his face. 
“Mm, feels nice” he lets out a relieved sigh. “And you do this everyday? No wonder you’re so happy all the time.” 
“Yeah, that’s why” you snort. Sure, it’s relaxing and brings you peace, but the real reason you’re so happy is sitting in front of with half of his hair in a ponytail being pampered by his own personal facialist. “All done. You look pretty good if I do say so myself” 
“I feel like a million bucks, honey. Can we go to bed now?”
“Mhm, let’s go. I’m exhausted” you reply and quickly gather up your products, putting them back in your bag. 
Steve dramatically flops on his bed, opening his arms as an invitation to join him. You accept his invitation immediately. 
Your head rests on his chest and one of his arm wraps around you. The sound of his heartbeat soothes you, you’d like to think that it’s beating a little fast because of you. 
He whispers your name and you hum in response, half asleep. “Are you awake?” he asks and starts to rub your back up and down with his hand. 
“Barely. What are you thinking about?’’ 
“I know we talked about taking things slow, but if I’m being honest, I’m dying to ask you to be my girlfriend and you can say no, but-”
“yes” you interrupt. “What?” he asks, unsure if he heard you correctly. 
“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend, dork.” you clarify, then press a kiss to the column of his throat. 
“I call you baby and you call me dork. How is that fair?”
 “Get used to it. I’m your girlfriend now”
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confessedlyfannish · 2 months
Six Years Ago
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Fortunately for them, the kid isn't good at subtlety. When he appears it is usually with a delayed boom announcing his arrival, like a crack of thunder to his lightning. And a hood pulled low over someone's face doesn't mean much when there's only one preteen in the world who can blow a fire out with his bare breath while floating in midair.
Unfortunately for them the kid is fast, see aforementioned "sonic boom". That is not to say Danny could not follow him anyway, but after the eighth time he heads to one of the kid's rescues and he flees before Danny can get a word out, Ellie is sitting at his kitchen counter heating up his leftovers.
"You need to cool it," she says, using her fang to pop open a sapporo. "He doesn't want to be found right now."
"Yeah, I got that." Danny says, swiping the beer out of the hands of what is technically a fourteen year old. She shoots him a scowl as the microwave dings.
"He's a child, and he's sick, Ellie." Even if Frostbite hadn't said as much, it hasn't escaped Danny's notice that in the past two months his speed has ever so slightly slowed. A particularly brave emergency worker had scolded Phantom for scaring him off this time around, concerned about his thin wrists.
"Gee, a sick child runaway, I wonder who that reminds me of," she says, tapping at her chin. She douses the chicken lo mein in sriracha.
"That's different. You knew to come find me, when it got bad. This kid is afraid of me." And he was. Whenever he and Danny met eyes the kid would go pale(r) with fear before zipping away.
"So make him less afraid."
Danny gapes at her. "Gee," he says slowly, a mimicry of her earlier sarcasm. "Why didn't I think of that."
"You're literally stalking the kid right now, you think I don't know about Tucker's alert system? Right now you must seem like the boss monster that shows up at the end of the level," Ellie says. "You need to approach this differently. Go slow, the way you did with me." She pauses, mouth twisting in a way that signals she's about to be reluctantly vulnerable with him.
"I didn't know what it was like to be...cared about. Properly. Before you guys. Even with the memories," she taps her head with the chopsticks, "It didn't click. But you showed me you would be there for me, even as you respected that I needed my space. You taught me how to trust you."
Danny takes a lengthy pull from the bottle he's still holding. "I can't be patient with him, Ellie," he says. He fiddles with the edge of the peeling label. "He's going to get worse."
"Yeah." Ellie says. "And I think you should let him."
The first time the backpack appears, Jon takes one look at the post-it with the scribbled stylized D and ":)" on it and tosses the whole thing in the trash before taking off.
He does the same the next four times, even as the backpack gets bulkier, its contents crashing together as it hits the nearest available dumpster.
He's in New York City after he saves a window washer from falling twenty stories when he sees his face plastered on a Times Square billboard. A hotdog stand owner in New York City offers him one on the house which he reluctantly accepts, trying to ignore the man's searching gaze.
He's not an idiot. He knows he's starting to look like crap, if the way the people react when they see him means anything. It's not like he smells, he regularly bathes in clean streams and lakes, but even when he eats coconuts and mangos and wild raspberries until his stomach is bursting and he has spent the last five minutes petting a giraffe on the head, feeling so giddy he almost forgets how his family is gone—he feels...strange. Weaker. The cuts on his side and face from the evil robot with the green eyes have slowly scarred pink, and they still pull and sting if he stretches. Jon's never had a scar before, and now he has six. And he's losing weight.
A lot of the people he meets have been super nice about it, offering him food and, in a particularly cold area of Alaska, a zip up hoodie he now wears over his recognizable family crest. Not that doing so has stopped the white-haired guy from finding him. But it has allowed Jon to move around more freely when he isn't out rescuing people. He even made some cash in Wisconsin cleaning up a grocery store before the night shift manager had recognized his face.
This and the billboard means he stops to buy a pair of cheap glasses and a large t-shirt with the NYC skyline and shorts on it from a tourist shop. After, he takes a bus to New Jersey with the last of his money and changes in the bathroom. He bites back a sniffle when he peels his superhero costume from his body. He's suddenly overcome, poking a finger through the slashes in the side, and spends the rest of the trip with his head buried in his knees, trying to keep his hiccups quiet.
When he exits, he heads to the library he's already visited three times before. It's bad, to develop a routine like this when he is actively being hunted, but he can't help himself any more than he can help the way he sometimes sleeps in that barn in Kansas, the few times he feels like he can actually rest, surrounded by the familiar smell of animal and hay.
As he searches a few more terms that predictably turn up nothing on the public computer, he notes bitterly it's not like the man can't find him anyway. Just because he's backed off doesn't mean he isn't around, silently threatening Jon with randomly appearing backpacks. Each backpack is different too, as if Jon might be taking issue with the color purple rather than the scary guy providing them.
Jon pushes away from desk, waiting for the inevitable wave of despair that hits him after each Google session proves fruitless. He's even, in one moment of lunacy, searched Talia Al Ghul, thinking if anyone can find him after his search pings her servers it's her—
But she never did come.
No one has.
Except for him.
The wave today is muted, lapping at his ankles rather than bowling him over, and somehow the resignation that accompanies it hurts more. He wants to do something, anything, and so he scoots back to the cubicle and types in white haired flying man, d symbol.
This is the first time he learns about Phantom.
The boy has started taking the backpacks.
Each one is filled with fresh meals in glass tupperware, meant to last for a while even without refrigeration (though with the boy's ice breath, maybe it's not a problem), as well as ziploc baggies filled with pretzels and carrots and goldfish and celery sticks.
("no peanut butter, he might have a nut allergy!"
"Wouldn't that have come up in Frostbite's scan?"
"You think Frostbite would've thought amidst scanning a little boy's half-alien body to check for a peanut allergy?"
"...Fair enough")
Alongside the meals are cash in the form of U.S. dollars, pounds, euros, yen, yuan, and an extreme hail mary in the form of an ATM card that Ellie rolls her eyes at every time Danny packs it.
There is also a miniature first aid kit, sans medicine but including ice and heat packs you can shake to activate. Danny wedges folded clothing in the spare edges of the bag, a blanket, and forces the zipper closed over a pair of high top sneakers similar to the ragged ones the boy wears. He tops every one with the same post-it drawing of his symbol, and a smiley face.
The boy is still weakening, beginning to look like a strong wind could blow him over even as he zips through mudslides in Colombia and scoops a father and son out of a rip current in Italy, but as he accepts the backpacks Danny listens to Ellie and waits.
And then one day Danny is watching him push a bus away from the edge of a sinkhole in Mexico, school kids pressed against the rear windshield watching him, and Danny hears the creaking of his bone right before the kid's arm snaps.
"Okay, fuck this," Danny says into the Fenton comms as the child wails, swooping down to grab the boy with one arm and the bus with the other.
The boy is too stunned to react, sobbing with pain as he cradles his arm protectively, and Danny shamelessly takes advantage of that as he gently but hurriedly places the bus beside the crowd of spectators.
A very small woman who immediately beelined for him as he landed smacks him in the shoulder, hissing at him in Spanish while several people try to hold her back. She smacks him again.
"I'm trying to help him. I promise. Ayuda." Danny says, shifting the boy into a more comfortable bridal carry.
"Ayuda? Help? You, you bad! El pobre niño." The woman sneers. "Bad! ¡Mal Fantasma! ¡Eres un padre horrible!"
Danny knows what padre means, and even if he didn't, he's heard the rumors and conspiracies (and maybe even leveraged them in a conversation with the U.S. government, who can say) and he doesn't bother denying it, because the truth is he has let this child down from the moment he allowed him to be hunted on Skulker's island, and he deserves every nasty word and more.
"Yeah. I know," he tells the woman. In his ear, Sam demands to know what's happening. The boy is incoherent with pain, the outline of the bone pressing against his skin.
"It's going to be okay," Danny tells him, lifting off the ground. Regret is sour in his gut, bile on his tongue. What was he thinking? In the curl of his arms, the child is so small. This isn't a stray cat one coaxes into their home. This is a terrified little boy.
Danny isn't a fourteen-year-old too young and stupid to recognize he shouldn't let a two-month-old clone explore the world with his blessing. He's twenty-eight. He needs to get a grip.
He needs to be better.
The world stops. Everything goes quiet.
A blue portal unwinds via the hands of time.
"I see you're ready now." Clockwork says to him.
Danny wants to deny it, but the words are stuck in his throat. What use is denying what Clockwork already knows to be true?
"This is the right choice, Danny. Everything will be as it should be. Help him," Clockwork nods at the child. "Then find me."
Danny's tongue unsticks from his mouth. "Only if you tell me. If I do this, will he be safe? Will I have the power to protect him?" An echo of what waits to be unlocked drapes over his words, cracks appearing in the ground at his feet. "Tell me."
"Yes. You will keep him safe. Until he no longer needs you to do so. Here."
With a wave of his staff, a neon green portal rends through the air.
Clockwork drifts back to his own portal. "I will see you in Time, Danny."
Danny nods at him as he leaves, feeling a contract snap into place as time restarts at a crawl.
"Shh kiddo," he says as the boy, gradually unfreezing, trickles tears. "I've got you. You'll be okay. I'm going to fix this. I promise."
He steps through the portal, towards whatever comes next.
Part 5
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theemporium · 1 year
Sirius x fem!reader where she gets stood up for a date so he comes to the rescue. Lots of fluff please!! thanks
thank you for requesting!🖤
You had never felt humiliation quite like this. 
It has taken a lot from you to accept the date in the first place. Pep talks from your friends who were eager to push your limits, for you to try something new rather than staying in the shell you usually kept yourself locked away in. 
Even as you were getting ready for the date, it took everything within you to hype yourself up. You were seconds away from calling it all off and hiding away in your bed until the anxiety bubbling in the pit of your stomach disappeared.
But you told yourself your friends were right, that you needed to step out of your comfort zone even if it meant spending the whole walk to Hogsmeade feeling like you wanted to spew your guts out. 
You reached the pub ten minutes early—just as you planned—to scope out a decent seat with a direct view of all your escape routes. You settled down, ordered a drink and let the minutes pass by until your meeting time. 
However, the minutes passed and time went on, and every time the door to the pub opened, it was everyone but your date’s face walking through the door. 
The embarrassment settled deep inside you after five minutes passed. It only grew when you hit the fifteen minute mark, and by thirty minutes you were wondering why you hadn’t just packed your stuff and ram off by now. Though, you supposed, the embarrassment of leaving and everyone knowing you had been stood up was worse than being stood up itself. 
Yet just as you were seconds away from forcing yourself to make a beeline towards the door, a body slid into the booth next to you and a heavy arm was placed around your shoulders. 
“Sorry I’m late, love, detention ran over.” 
Your eyes lifted to catch the gaze of none other than Sirius Black. 
Now, you knew Sirius in the sense that everyone in the school knew Sirius Black. He was a quarter of the infamous marauders. He was a scoundrel who was constantly up to no good that his charming looks tended to get him out of. You even shared a few classes with him, spent all of third year sat next to him during Transfiguration. 
But you didn’t really know Sirius Black. 
Hell, you weren’t even convinced he knew your name. 
“Uh—” you opened your mouth to reply, to say something, only for Sirius Black to render you speechless for a second time in the last thirty seconds as he leaned down to press a chase kiss on your cheek, a little too close to the corner of your lips for someone who was considerably close to being a stranger to you. 
“Minnie decided to be finicky tonight,” he continued to ramble on, not even acknowledging the way you were gaping at him. “Even when I told her I had a hot date waiting for me.” 
Your brows furrowed together. “What?”
“Something wrong, darling?” he asked so innocently as though there wasn’t an amused gleam in his eyes. The pet names were distracting enough, you didn’t need to throw his pretty eyes into the mix. 
You dropped your voice to a whisper, the confusion still clear on your face. “What are you doing?” 
“I just told you,” Sirius said with a grin. “I’m on a hot date.” 
“I–” But you cut yourself off, unsure what you even wanted to say to the boy.
“Listen, I was chilling with some mates and saw a pretty girl sitting here by herself,” he said in a softer voice, a little quieter too so the nosy patrons around you couldn’t catch a word. “So tough luck to the stupid bastard who didn’t show up, but his loss is my win.” 
You blinked. “So…this isn’t a pity rescue?”
Sirius’ smile softened a little as he shook his head. “Look, if you don’t wanna be here then I will happily walk you out so you can head back to the castle.” 
He tried to bite back the way his grin instantly widened, the arm around your shoulder tightening a little. “Or you stay and we have a drink, and I show you what a real date looks like.” 
“You are not what I expected you to be, Sirius Black,” you murmured thoughtfully as you stared at the gorgeous boy. Less than five minutes with him and all the expectations you had of him were nowhere near accurate. 
“That tends to happen when you ignore me for a whole year during Transfiguration,” he retorted with a chuckle.
Your eyes widened a little, unsure if it was shock that he remembered you or the fact he wanted to talk to you at all.
“What? You think we were just sat together by chance?” he teased lightly, his fingers toying with the ends of your hair. “This isn’t the first time I saw a pretty girl sitting alone at a table and tried to take my chances.” 
You laughed, shaking your head as you found yourself thanking whatever stupid reason your date stood you up for. Not that you cared, not in a single way because Sirius Black did just as he said he would.
He showed you what a real damn date looked like and it was just one of many.
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chiefdirector · 3 months
Skiving | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Act Two| Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32
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“And you’re sure that’s how they’re connected?” (Y/N) questioned as Talia finished recalling the intel she had spent the early hours of the morning gathering. 
“Since when have I been wrong?” Talia rebutted, slight humour lacing her tone. 
(Y/N) smiled. “Fair enough. But I don’t know how the ATFE operates. You could have lost all your standards for all I know.”
Talia went to speak but was cut off by Kojo’s excited barking as he barrelled himself towards the front door. The two women shot each other confused looks, only for them to be dropped as Tim’s voice rang out from down the corridor. 
“(Y/N)? Are you still here?” He said, making his way into the house, Kojo was practically bouncing at his feet. “I saw your car outside.”
“Through here,” (Y/N) called back, moving to great him halfway. “What are you doing at home? You didn’t get fired, did you?”
Tim laughed as he shook his head, leaning down to kiss his wife. He only managed a split second of affection before Talia coughed, announcing her presence.  
“Bishop? What are you doing here?”
“Could ask you the same, Bradford.” She rebutted, crowing her arms. 
“It’s my house.”
“Doesn’t answer my question.” Talia moved past the couple, reaching down to five Kojo a quick pet as she headed towards the door, stopping before she crossed the threshold . “I’ll let you know if I found out anything else. It was good to see you again.”
(Y/N) returned the sentiment as Bishop saw herself out, her attention only flickering back to her husband once the door shut. “She had some information on why Regina Diaz did what she did. Angela asked her to look into it. But you never did answer my question… why are you here?”
“I spoke to Grey and Caradine. We both got the rest of the day off. So after your appointment, I’m taking you out. Speaking of which… aren’t you meant to leave soon?”
(Y/N)’s eyes flickered across to the clock on the wall. “Crap- yeah like ten minutes ago. I can meet you back here?”
“No need. I’ll drive you.” Tim held up his keys, gesturing for (Y/N) to lead the way to his truck. 
Tim jolted awake as he heard the passenger side door slam shut. Instinctually he reached for his duty belt, only to find himself in his civilian gear. As he did so, he whipped his head to the side, looking for any sign of activity, only to find (Y/N) looking at him somewhat sheepishly. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” she said, belting herself up. 
“Don’t worry about it. I should get used to it. You have less grace than an elephant.”
(Y/N) let out a noise of indignation as Tim chuckled, slotting his keys back into the ignition. 
“I’m going to ignore that.” She said, looking at the window as Tim pulled out of the parking lot. “Where are you taking us?”
“…On what?”
“On how romantic you feel right now.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow as Tim spoke, keeping silent as she tried to figure out where exactly he was taking her. It only dawned on her when she saw his familiar smirk as he turned the truck into a familiar road. 
You know, the shooting range is not quite what I think of when you say ‘romantic.’” She said getting out of the now parked truck, meeting him in front of the vehicle. 
“Hey, I think this is very romantic.” Tim defended, holding (Y/N)’s hand as they walked down the dreary corridor, company assigned equipment in hand. She tried not to pay attention to the flickering lights but the compulsion to comment took over. 
Reaching the end of the corridor, he opened the door open to allow (Y/N) to enter the shooting room. “We had our first date here after all.”
“I remember. I was so flustered I could barely shoot straight.”
“No,” Tim laughed, heading into his assigned area loading his off duty weapon the second he stopped moving. “You just have a crap aim.”
“I do not!” She defended, reaching into her own boot to retrieve her own weapon. 
Tim smirked, relishing in the knowledge that his teasing tactics still worked. “Wanna bet? 20 bucks says I shoot better than you.”
(Y/N) raised her weapon, aiming it at the paper target before her. Carefully, she held her sim, pulling the trigger and sending the bullet flying directly into the head of the paper man. “You’re on.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she passed Tim the folded up bill. Quickly, he snatched it from her hand before she could change her mind. He had been floating since they had left the range, and now they had arrived back home, he didn’t feel like stopping any time soon. 
“It was by two points!” (Y/N) said, annoyance running in her voice. “You’re not better, you distracted me.”
“Sounds like someone's a sore loser.” Tim teased. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll let you pick the movie. Consider it a participation trophy.”
“Consider it a participation trophy.” (Y/N) mocked under her breath as she sat down on the sofa, Kojo cuddling up beside her. Tim looked mildly offended by Kojo’s favouritism as he moved to sit on (Y/N)’s other side. 
“What was that?” He laughed
Tim hummed in acknowledgment, silently dropping the subject. Quickly he pulled out his phone to see how long the DoorDasher would take with their food.  
“Thank you,” (Y/N) said after a moment, bringing Tim’s attention back to her. “For today. I had a great time.”
Gently, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “You never need to thank me for spending time with you. It will always be my pleasure.”
(Y/N) leaned back, resting her head on his chest. Snuggling down, she pulled a blanket over the two of them as Tim fished the remote and opened Netflix. 
After another silent moment, (Y/N) quietly spoke. “But if you ever cheat at the range again, I will divorce you.”
Tim’s chuckles vibrated through his chest, “Okay, baby, whatever you say.”
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just-j-really · 6 months
Unsolumates, part five:
“Have you found your person yet?” Morpheus asks. “Your- not your soulmate?”
It’s been a little over two months, since Hob and Audrey broke up. Somehow ‘getting dinner with Morpheus just after’ had turned into ‘additional drinks’ had turned into ‘brunch, a few days later,’ and now Hob doesn’t think a week has passed since the breakup that he hasn’t seen Morpheus, at least briefly. Morpheus has carefully avoided the subject of soulmates, of romance entirely, for the entire nine weeks, and Hob is a little ashamed and a lot grateful.
They aren’t… whatever they were, before. Hob still isn’t sure if ‘whatever’ was ‘experiment and mad scientist.’ He’s doesn’t really care, though, because whether or not he used to be Morpheus’ monster, he doesn’t think he is anymore. Not after two months of regular, friendly pleasantries and coaxing Morpheus into talking about the play he’s working on and Morpheus listening to him wax poetic about his new flat and its in-unit laundry and actual decent heat.
So it feels perfectly easy to say, “Haven’t really been looking for ‘em,” even if it aches a little. Morpheus looks a little startled by the admission, so Hob adds, “Morpheus. I just spent fifteen minutes explaining what I had for breakfast yesterday, I would have mentioned if I were seeing someone.”
In his defense, it had been a good breakfast. A breakfast worthy of fifteen minutes of conversation. He might have to steal Gwen’s soulmate solely to get her pancake recipe.
Morpheus stares at the table, twisting one cuff of his coat in his opposite hand. “But you’re certain,” he says to the table. If he were anyone else Hob would say he sounds hesitant. “You will look for them. Eventually.”
This means something to him, Hob realizes. Something more than research, or mad science, more than curiosity. Means something on a future-altering bone-deep soul-defining level.
The thought drops into Hob’s mind, like a dead bird dropped into his lap by a pet cat that genuinely thinks it’s being generous, that Morpheus’ soulmate may be dead. It would explain the coat, which he hasn’t taken off even though the White Horse is boilingly warm tonight. Would explain why Hob’s only ever seen him in sleeves that go down to, often past, his wrists. Scarred-over soulmarks don’t look terribly different from ordinary scars, at least not at a quick glance, which means that any suspiciously soulmark-shaped scar tends to draw prying glances and effusive pity, and people with actual soulmark scars do their best to hide them.
It would explain a lot about Morpheus, actually, from the distant intensity with which he’d approached the whole soulmate thing to his complete ignorance of how even normal dating works to the delicate way Will had gone about inviting him to his wedding, asking if Hob thought he was overstepping at least six times in the process.
And oh, god, Hob’s been staring at Morpheus’ arms like an asshole, hasn’t he? He consciously draws his eyes away from Morpheus’ sleeves, which means he ends up looking into his eyes instead. His eyes are so blue, a shade Hob isn’t sure how to describe as anything other than ‘pretty,’ somehow light and intense and warm all at once.
Mesmerizing, maybe. Hypnotic.
The truly off-putting combination of the disarming blue of Morpheus’ eyes and Hob’s own scramble not to think about dead soulmates is, possibly, why he says, “I’ll make you a bet,” before his brain has caught up with his mouth, or even finished trying to come up with synonyms for ‘blue.’
“Hmm?” Morpheus asks. His expression is cool, but there’s a teasing glint in those ultramarine eyes that goads Hob on.
“That you can keep asking me that, as long as you want, and one day the answer will be ‘yes, and we’re very happy together.’” Hob finishes off his drink, sets his glass down with just enough force to punctuate the challenge. “I’ll even stake something on it. You could shave my head.”
“Why would I want to shave your head?” Morpheus asks. His expression is still entirely bland, but his eyes- azure- are dancing.
“That’s not the point,” Hob informs him, leaning in. He might be a bit too enthusiastic about the idea, but he’s a little giddy for no specific reason, just a good day and good company. “The point is that I don’t want you to, and I’m still willing to bet on it because I’m going to win.”
“Fine,” Morpheus says, rolling his eyes, “I’ll take the bet.”
Hob can see right through him, though. More to the point, he can see the way Morpheus is biting at his lower lip, completely ineffectively hiding a smile, and he’s powerless not to smile back.
At first, Hob thinks Morpheus is going to take this bet as seriously as their initial Whatever That Was. The first thing out of his mouth, the next time he and Hob meet for drinks, is so have you met your person yet? And Hob says not yet, and Morpheus asks if that means he’s won, and Hob informs him that a ‘not yet’ is not a ‘no’ and also did Morpheus expect him to find the love of his life within a week? He is not the lead in one of Will’s plays, why would he do that.
For someone who looked so smug when he asked Hob if he’d won the bet, Morpheus looks- almost equally satisfied when he learns Hob hasn’t experienced a whirlwind six day long romance.
But he lets it drop, after that, and they fall back into their new-old pattern, and all is right with the world.
“You know I nearly drowned once?” Hob asks.
In hindsight, it’s not a thing he should have asked while leaning out over a large pond because he swears that’s an ancient, sunken paddleboat in the middle of it and he wants a better look. Morpheus grabs him by the shoulder and yanks him backwards almost as soon as the words are out of his mouth, as though past near-drownings make Hob more susceptible to a watery grave.
“In a wave pool, yes,” Morpheus says, steering Hob away from the water’s edge. They’d been on their way to a museum, but Morpheus, for unknowable and mysterious reasons, had decided they should detour through this park on the way.
“Oh, no, after that,” Hob says, still craning his neck for a look at the sunken maybe-paddleboat. “I was like- sixteen? Got stuck under a boat when it flipped.” They reach the gravel path leading away from the water, and Morpheus lets Hob’s arm drop with noticeable reluctance.
“Just how many times have you nearly drowned?” Morpheus asks, as they trudge back toward the main path through the park.
“Uh. Two?” Hob replies. “The wave pool doesn’t count.”
“The fact that you think that is not reassuring,” Morpheus informs him, and will not budge on the issue no matter how much Hob tried to convince him that it doesn’t count as drowning as long as no one calls an ambulance.
The argument lasts them the rest of the way through the park, on a meandering route that doubles back on itself at least six times, across city streets to the museum, and through the queue for tickets. At that point Hob concedes. Not because he is wrong. He is not wrong, the other times didn’t count, but he has accepted the reality that he cannot possibly convince Morpheus of this fact.
Besides, the lure of keeping up a stupid argument shrivels and dies the moment Morpheus directs them out of the lobby area, past signs for the Theater Through the Ages exhibit, his eyes practically glowing with excitement. Hob doesn’t know what could have withstood the thrall of watching Morpheus stare at an old manuscript, a soft smile on his face. He wants to see Morpheus look this happy every day. He wants to be the reason for it.
He wants to soak in that expression for as long as he can, and that one he manages, trailing Morpheus through the exhibit like a lost puppy, absorbing exactly nothing of the room they’re in or the helpful signage or the contents of the cases. The windows could look out on the surface of Venus and there could be a sea monster in the corner giving directions and Hob would be none the wiser.
It takes Morpheus a while- Hob’s not keeping track of a stupid thing like time- to stop being dazzled by the exhibits and notice that Hob is dazzled for other reasons, but when he does he- crumples, just a little.
“You’re bored of this,” he says, as though this is an established fact Hob’s been politely not mentioning this whole time.
“No!” Hob says, “I’m not bored at all, just-” and then, thankfully, his mouth grinds to a halt before it can say any of the things his brain wants to. “A little lost?” he finally mumbles, once he’s managed to shove aside oh god please smile at me again and or climb me like a tree and actually have a conscious thought.
If nothing else, ‘lost’ has the benefit of being true, if not The Truth.
“Oh,” Morpheus says, somehow crumpling even further. A nauseous wave of self-loathing washes over Hob, for causing the light in Morpheus’ eyes to shrivel in on itself, he should have said all the stuff about oh god please smile at me again because at least that would be better than this-
“What’s that one about?” Hob says, a half step too loud, pointing at the nearest old book in a glass case.
He is, in hindsight, extremely lucky that he managed to point at a display and not a fire extinguisher.
Morpheus looks startled- Hob isn’t sure if that’s due to the words themselves, or just the volume- but turns to the case, Hob mirroring him, and begins to explain that it’s one of the few surviving volumes of a medieval playwright’s work. The explanation is stilted at first, Morpheus glancing over at Hob every few seconds as though expecting him to have turned away in disgust, but the smile slowly creeps back onto his face as Hob nods along, occasionally nudging at him to explain more.
It's Hob’s accomplishment of the year, maybe, coaxing that smile back to life, and he hangs onto Morpheus’ words like they’re oxygen as they meander through the rest of the exhibit.
The why of it all doesn’t phase him for the next several hours, because he doesn’t have time for intense self-examination. Not with Morpheus’ presence turning his mind into a dizzy slush, like his brain is made up of sunshine and honeybees and a persistent, thrumming notice me notice me notice me. Not with Morpheus failing to look aggrieved as they wander through a gallery of paintings, Hob critiquing each of them based on the presence of action and interesting animals.
Not when Morpheus grabs them each a drink at the museum café, giving Hob the chance to sneakily buy him a magnet from the gift shop, not when he looks so surprised when Hob hands him the little gift bag.
It’s only when they part ways that Hob catches himself smiling at his coffee cup, and the name Murphy in scratchy handwriting on the sleeve.
Well, shit, he thinks.
It had been easy, before, to let the tiny crush he’d been nursing wither and die. But now Morpheus is feeding it, refusing to let Hob pay for his own coffee and listening to him make stupid jokes about art history, and it has, accordingly, roared back to life, made itself comfortable in Hob’s heart.
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unreadpoppy · 10 months
send nudes
Raphael x Fem!Tav (modern AU)
Summary: Raphael is bad at sexting
A/N: This was based on a conversation i had between @flamemittens @sky-kiss and @sassyandsodone
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Tav had finally manage to get the phone number of the man she had had a crush on for some time, Raphael. And although he was charming in real life, he text messaged as if he were in the 1800’s. 
Raphael: Tav. 
Come to my house at the eighth hour of the night. Let us enjoy a good merlot. 
Tav: You do know you don’t have to sign your messages, right? I know it’s you.
Raphael: Tav.
Are you coming or not. Answer immediately.
Tav: 🤦‍♀️I’ll be there in a sec. 
In the following months, he had gotten slightly better at not sounding like someone’s grandpa, but there was still room for progress. One time, while she was at work, Tav nearly choked on her coffee when receiving the following message. 
Raphael: Little mouse, bestow upon me that delicious mortal form of yours in pictorial format. 
Tav spent a good five minutes looking at their screen. Was Raphael asking for nudes? Then, another message appeared. 
Raphael: Perhaps if you were to grace me with your naked form, I would deign to reward you with a similar favour, pet.
Somehow, the follow up was even more confusing. She decided to consult with her friends.
Tav: Guys, help me. Raphael sent me some messages that I can’t understand
Lae’zel: I always knew you were stupid, but not understanding messages is a new one
Wyll: You are still talking with that guy?
Astarion: Don’t judge her, dear Wyll. You have had your history with…questionable partners. 
Wyll: 🙄you’re one to talk
Tav: Anyways, he sent me some messages but I’m having a hard time understanding them. Can you guys decipher it? 
Gale: Sure thing, Tav! Send them in and we’ll see what we can do. 
*Tav sent a photo*
Astarion: …
Wyll: …
Gale: …
Karlach: Is he… is he asking for nudes??? 
Meanwhile, Raphael’s phone was suddenly taken from his hands. 
“By the hells, what is wrong with you, Raphael?” Haarlep asked exasperated. “Just say send nudes and be done with it.” 
“I cannot be direct about this sort of thing, or else, where is the fun?” He tried to reason. 
Haarlep put a hand on their face and sighed. “You’ll never see tits if you keep talking like this.” They showed the screen to Raphael. “Look! The poor thing hasn’t answered in 10 minutes. I don’t think she even understood what you sent.”
“Tav is perfectly capable of understanding my way of talking.”  Haarlep typed something and then hit send. 
“Done. Let’s see if this works.” 
While Tav’s groupchat was becoming a mess over the screenshot she sent of Raphael’s conversation with her, she received another message from him. ‘Speaking of the devil’ she thought. 
Raphael: Send tits for cock. 
Tav immediatly forwarded that to the groupchat.
Tav: Karlach was right. It was nudes. 
Karlach: KNEW IT!
Shadowheart: Why is he suddenly so direct?
Gale: You’re not going to send him nudes, are you? You’re literally at work right now! 
Tav: That’s none of your business, Gale. And idk, Shart. Anyways, gotta go now, byee
Tav made a quick run to the bathroom and sent a picture she already had on her phone. It was a bit old but it would do the job.
*Tav sent a picture* 
Tav: I can’t send one from right now, but I’ll hope you’ll be satisfied with this 
Raphael: My, my, I am quite satisfied. You have a plentiful bosom, little mouse. Very well, here is your reward. 
*Raphael sent a picture*
Tav felt the blood rushing to her face when looking at his messages. She’d only hope she would get home soon. 
Raphael: As much as I would enjoy to continue this lovely conversation, I am afraid I have to leave. 
Tav: We can continue this once I get home.
Raphael: Of course. As you know, roses are red, violets are blue. I'm into poetry, but I'd rather be in you. 
Tav barked out a laugh from inside the bathroom. 
Tav: Oh sweetie, we’re gonna have to work on your sexting once I get there. Till’ later, bye.
Raphael showed his phone to Haarlep. “What is ‘sexting?’”
Haarlep threw themselves on a nearby bed, dramatically putting an arm to cover their face. “You are impossible.” 
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over again, epilogue: together
Joel Miller x f!reader | 18+ minors DNI | word count: 6.4k
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summary: you fell in love with Joel Miller in Austin, Texas, in 2001, but you thought you lost him and your whole family in 2003 when the world turned upside down. now it's 2024, and you find the surprise of your life waiting for you in Jackson, Wyoming. or, five times you and Joel fell deeper in love, on both sides of the apocalypse (and one time you did something about it) chapter tags/warnings: fluff, flirting, banter, light angst, kissing, pet names (darlin’, baby, honey, pretty girl), Joel calls reader a good girl, neck grabbing (no breath play), light manhandling, grinding, oral (f receiving), oral (m receiving), deepthroating, light choking, p in v sex (no condom this time, but use a condom, y’all), creampie, praise kink, light anal play, face sitting, if I missed anything please let me know! a/n: I cannot believe this is the last part (this is the +1 - the time they did something about it). I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think!
series main post | series playlist | ao3 ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
This is my updates-only blog! Follow me at @burntheedges
Epilogue: Together
Austin, December 2002
Almost two years in, and sometimes you couldn’t believe how happy you were with Joel. Almost two and a half, really, if you counted the 6 months you spent getting to know each other but holding yourselves back. 
You had a memorable second Christmas together – you stayed with the Millers for your entire holiday break from teaching, only running next door to your house to get random things you needed as they came up. Sarah, then 13, had been excited about it for weeks, though her excitement hadn’t died down after Christmas itself. You weren’t sure why, but she was still practically bouncing off the walls of the Miller household. Joel easily agreed to let her go to a New Year’s sleepover to burn off some of her energy.
A couple of days before New Year’s Eve you came back from a grocery run to an empty house. You knew Tommy had driven Sarah to the mall, but Joel should’ve been there somewhere. You called for him and heard a thump from the backyard, so you set down your bags and wandered out to see what he was up to. You found him up on a ladder, hammer in hand, string lights trailing over his shoulder and already secured in other places on the tall fence around the backyard.
“What’s all this?” you asked, coming to stand beside the ladder to steady it. It had rained earlier, but now it was just foggy and a little chilly. For Texas, anyway. You shivered.
Joel grunted, voice muffled by the nail he was holding with his lips. “I wanted to do something nice for Sarah for New Year’s.”
“Isn’t she going to that sleepover?”
“Yeah, but she’ll be back the next day. Thought we could celebrate it together.” You rested your hand on his ankle and smiled up at him. He was such a good dad, always thinking of little details like this that would brighten her day.
“Need any help?”
“No, I’m ‘bout done. Hey, could you go make us some coffee? Maybe we can sit out here for a bit when I’m done, think about what else we could do to decorate.”
“Sure, baby.” You squeezed his ankle and headed off to do just that.
It took you about 20 minutes to put away the groceries and make some coffee the way you both liked it. By the time you wandered back outside, Joel had finished the lights and put away the ladder. The string lights were glowing softly all around the back yard. You smiled a little, noticing that he’d also put down a large blanket in the middle of the yard and set up the boombox nearby. 
“¡Que Bonito!” was playing quietly, but Joel was nowhere to be seen. 
“Joel? You out here?” 
You whirled to your left, careful with the coffee, as he cleared his throat from behind you, near the door to the house. Somehow he’d managed to sneak in and change without you noticing. He was wearing a black button up and nicer jeans than he had been 20 minutes ago. 
Before you could ask what was going on, he walked towards you and took the coffees from you, setting them carefully on the low table the boom box was sitting on. “Come here, darlin’.” He guided you into a slow dance, starting to sway back and forth.
“What’s the occasion?”
He hummed, pulling you closer. “Just dance with me, pretty girl.” 
You realized he wasn’t going to tell you, at least not yet, so you relaxed into it. You rested your face on his chest as he rested his cheek on top of your head.
You swayed gently together, and the soft glow of the new string lights made everything feel soft and romantic. You sighed and let yourself sink into him. 
When the song ended you felt Joel tense a little. You tried to raise your head, but he suddenly relaxed and tucked your head back to his chest with his left hand. You realized the next track was “Amazed,” and you started to smile.
Sure enough, Joel ducked his head and put his lips right to your ear as he started to sing along softly with the song. You closed your eyes and let his deep voice wash over you.
I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps gettin' better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Baby I'm amazed by you
He sang through the first chorus, but then trailed off. He slowly stopped swaying you back and forth. You raised your head, and he let you this time. His eyes caught yours as he stepped back from you, your brow furrowed in confusion as he took a deep breath.
And then he dropped to one knee. 
Your hands flew up to cover your mouth, eyes wide, as Joel reached into his pocket and revealed a small black box. Your whole body was tingling and you sucked in a sharp breath.
He said your name softly as he opened the box, not breaking eye contact once.
“I was planning to wait until New Year’s Eve, bring you out here at midnight and ask you to spend the rest of your life with me. But when you came home earlier, you looked so goddamn beautiful and so right, here in our home. I couldn’t wait any longer. 
“Darlin’, I started falling in love with you standing in my driveway, watching you smile at me and our daughter over those bushes. I didn’t let myself admit it right away, but that’s the truth of it. And then I spent months falling deeper and deeper, sitting with you on your back porch, ‘n every new thing I learned about you just pulled me in more. But I was stuck in my own fear until that day you watched over our girl and took such good care of her and told me you loved her. And I knew it then. I knew you were the one for me, the one for us, and I needed to stop being so afraid to let you in.”
You realized you’d started crying and you wiped away your tears, a huge smile taking over your face. Joel watched you intently and visibly powered through it instead of reaching out to you.
“Every moment with you blows me away, baby. I didn’t think I would ever be this happy. I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile just like that, hearing about your day, watching you be a mom to our little girl, holding you when you need comfort, marveling at how smart you are. I want to bump shoulders in the kitchen as we do dishes together and catch you as you stumble when you’re too tired after a night of dancing to make it up the stairs. I want to dance with you every day, even when we’re old and our backs hurt with every step. I want to watch you watch our daughter grow up. I want to see you every morning when I wake up and I want your cold feet to snuggle under mine in bed. I want to spend every night in bed with you, touching you and kissing you and making you come so hard your legs shake.” He grins and winks at you, and you laugh. You can’t help it.
“I love you so much, darlin’. I want to take the long way with you. I want you here, with us, together, for the rest of our days. Will you marry me?” 
You flung yourself at him before he even finished the question, and he caught you around the waist, laughing and keeping the both of you from toppling over. 
“Yes! I love you so much, Joel Miller. Yes, I’ll marry you. I want all of that too. I want it so bad, baby.” He grinned at you, and you saw he’d teared up a bit too. You were both a mess, teary and smiling, as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
You both looked at it for a moment, stunned, before he took your hand and raised it to his lips, kissing the back of your fingers with his eyes closed. He whispered, “I never saw you coming, darlin’, you took my breath away from the first moment.” He opened his eyes and when he met your gaze he smiled, slow. “Come here, pretty girl.” He pulled you in by your hand and drew you into a deep, slow kiss that stole your breath. With his left hand at your back he lowered you onto the blanket he’d put out, nestled under the trees. 
Joel hovered over you, pressing small kisses all over your face and trailing down your neck. You threaded your fingers through his hair and sighed. 
“Let me make you feel good, baby.” He moved to take off your clothes at the same time your hands moved to his buttons. After a bit of laughter and fumbling, both of you were stripped bare, right there in the yard, hidden by the trees. He looked down at you from where he hovered above you on all fours, cock already hard and hanging heavy between his legs. 
“Look at you, beautiful. Laid out for me all perfect, wearing nothing but my ring.” He dipped down to pull your nipple into his mouth, and you moaned. “That’s right baby, let me hear you.” He reached over and turned up the volume on the boombox slightly. 
You moved your left hand to cup his face, and he immediately turned into it to kiss where your ring sat on your finger. “What do you want, pretty girl?”
You reached down and held his cock lightly in your right hand. You wanted what you knew would drive him over the edge – what always made him lose control. “I want you to fuck my face, baby.”
He groaned, dropping his head to your chest. “Fuck.”
“I want you to come up here and feed me your cock. Come on, cowboy.” You moved your hands to his hips and urged him forward. 
“Baby, I want–“ he started to protest.
You pulled his head up so he had to meet your gaze. “Fuck. My. Mouth.” You could see him shudder, his eyes blown wide as his mouth dropped open. He scrambled to do as you asked. 
His big thighs came up to surround you, sturdy on either side of your head. You hummed, pleased. He leaned forward to find the right angle and you stuck out your tongue to meet the tip of his cock as it lowered towards your face. He groaned loudly. His hips moved closer, suddenly, like it was out of his control. You opened your mouth and extended your tongue, flat. 
Joel was breathing fast, but he lowered his hips perfectly so that the head of his cock landed right on your tongue. You realized he must have been watching and tilted your head back to look. You met his gaze, upside down, his head hanging between his shoulders. He looked completely undone and you’d barely touched him. You smiled as he slowly sank the head of his cock into your wide open mouth. 
He groaned as he pushed inside, not too far yet. He knew you loved this, and he fucking loved it too, but he was always a little afraid of hurting you at first. Always cautious. You positioned your mouth and throat so that he could push father, but he pulled back out and you hummed. You reached up and lightly slapped his ass cheek before grabbing his hips to urge him forward. 
“Ok, baby, ok. I just don’t want to choke you.” He breathed out a laugh, sounding completely wrecked. You pinched his ass. “Ok, I know, I don’t want to choke you too much.” This time he sank down further and you tried to open your throat to welcome him in. You swirled your tongue over his shaft as the tip of his cock kissed the back of your throat. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck baby that feels so fucking good. Fuck.” He pulled back out and, a bit faster, thrust back inside. You hummed and squeezed your thighs together at the feeling. You were already getting wet.
Slowly, steadily, he started to actually fuck into your mouth. You encouraged him with your hands on his ass and your moans every time he went a little bit farther, a little bit deeper. You could hear him, cursing and murmuring quietly about how good it was, but the blood started to rush in your ears as he settled into it. 
You pressed your tongue to the tip of his cock the next time he pulled out and then sucked, hard, on his next thrust. His hips jumped forward and his cock sank slightly farther into your throat. You choked, just a little, and immediately held onto his ass to keep him from pulling out. “Oh baby, your mouth is fucking perfect,” he growled, accepting that you wanted him right there, down your throat, not moving until you let him. “You want to choke on it that bad? You got it, pretty girl.”
He started thrusting a little deeper, pushing the head of his cock into your throat every time. You moaned, encouraging him, and realized tears were streaming down your face. You clenched your thighs together, pussy dripping wet, overcome by the sound and the feeling of him starting to use your throat. 
On his next thrust you slipped a finger in between his ass cheeks and his hips stuttered forward, almost sinking his entire cock into your mouth. Joel cried out as you choked and your throat tightened around him, before pulling out suddenly and yanking you up the blanket towards him. 
“Holy fucking shit, baby, what did I do to deserve you? Such a good fucking girl for me. You take my cock so fucking well.” He wiped the tears from your eyes and leaned down to lick across your lips before kissing you deeply, tasting himself and groaning loudly. “I need to be inside you, pretty girl.”
“You were, baby.” Your voice was husky, throat a little raw, and he shuddered at the sound. 
“Let me fuck this pretty pussy, baby, I want to make you feel good.” He lifted your knees to your chest, opening you up to him. “I need to put my cock inside this perfect little hole. Fill it up.”
“I do feel good, Joel.” You smiled, dreamily, watching him look at your pussy and lick his lips. 
“I can see that, honey.” You were sure the look on your face was totally blissed out. It’s how you felt. “I want you to feel even better.” As he said it his fingers moved from your legs to your pussy and he moaned. “You’re so fucking wet, is this just from sucking my cock?” You nodded. “Such a good fucking girl for me. Getting so wet just from having my cock in your mouth. Like I already filled you up and you’re dripping, leaking everywhere. So needy, baby.”
“I love your cock, Joel. Love the way it tastes. Love choking on it.” You reached for him, but he leaned down before you could pull him towards you and licked your pussy, tongue flat, from your hole to your clit. You whined and fisted your hands in the blanket. 
“You taste good too, baby. So fucking good.” He lowered his head again and slipped his tongue inside of you, holding you open with his hands behind your thighs. You squirmed, trying to thrust your hips towards his mouth. He twisted his tongue, closed his mouth over your hole, and sucked lightly. You moaned. 
He pulled his face away, gasping. “I need to be inside you, baby.”
You nodded, pulling him towards you. His eyes were dark and his gaze burned into you, making your breath stutter.
“I’m going to fuck your so good, honey. ‘M going to fill this tight little hole, stuff it full of my cock, stretch you open and make it mine.” He leaned down and kissed you as the tip of his cock nestled at your entrance, your legs still wide open for him.
“It’s already yours, Joel. I’m all yours.”
“That’s right, baby. For the rest of our lives.” With that, he pushed forward and sank his cock inside you, slowly, inch by inch. You threw your head back and whined as his hips met yours. You felt stretched full, a perfect fit. He stopped there and watched you for a moment before leaning down and kissing you, so softly and gently it made your breath catch. 
He moved his lips to your ear and whispered, softly, “I am going to ruin this pretty pussy, baby.”
You moaned, clenching down on his cock and twisting your fingers through his hair. “Please, Joel. Do it.”
He moved his face back above yours, giving you a cocky half smile. He pulled out slowly, met your eyes, and then slammed back into you. You could feel your chest heaving as he set a wild pace, strokes fast and deep. You thrust your hips to meet his, panting. He moved his left hand to where it belonged, holding the back of your neck in a strong grip as he held himself up on his elbows.
Joel leaned down slowly towards you, the move totally at odds with the devastating pace he was setting with his cock. You could feel his breath on your lips. He slipped his tongue towards you and brushed it lightly along your bottom lip, teasing you, holding your neck in place when you tried to surge forward to meet him. The soft pressure combined with the feeling of his cock hitting you just right inside made you whine and close your eyes. 
“That’s it, baby. You’re always such a good girl, fucking taking what I give you like you were made to do it.” He leaned to the right and nipped lightly at your jaw. You tried to tilt your head to give him more room but his grip on your neck held you in place, right where he wanted you. He shifted his weight to his left elbow, picking up his right hand and grasping your hip to encourage you as you met his thrusts. He scraped his teeth down your neck.
“Being with you feels like a miracle, baby. It’s so fucking good every time. A man could lose himself in this pussy.” His hips stuttered. “Wish I could stay right here inside you all damn day.”
You felt tears forming at the corners of your eyes as he kept his steady pace, fucking into you, holding your body where he wanted it. “Joel, please.” You couldn't help but beg him even though you didn’t know what you were begging for. You scratched your nails down his back, feeling his muscles moving beautifully under his skin.
“Shhh, let me give it to you. Just take it, honey. That’s it. Be my good girl.” You held your breath as he whispered in your ear, as his right hand moved to your clit. He began to dance his fingers over it in time with his thrusts and you suddenly felt your orgasm, which had been building steadily, coming for you like a meteor. 
As you cried out his name, you felt yourself clench around his cock, coming so hard you swore you heard ringing in your ears. He moaned your name, low and guttural, and sank his teeth into your shoulder. His hips stuttered and his fingers pinched lightly at your clit as both of you flew over the edge. His orgasm stirred yours higher and your hands went lax. You saw stars dancing in your vision as he ground his cock into you, almost smothering you with his weight.
His hips stilled, but neither of you moved. You both sucked in deep breaths and tried to slow your racing hearts. You could feel his in his chest, beating strong and fast. 
Slowly, Joel lifted his head to meet your gaze. You realized with sudden alarm that he was crying.
“Baby, what–”
He cut you off with a kiss, so soft and gentle it soothed you. He whispered your name.
“How did I get so lucky as to find you, honey?” He spoke right into your mouth, seeming unable to move back, unable to stop kissing you. “I’ve never been so happy. Never knew it could be like this.”
You mustered the strength to move your arms, slipping them around his waist. “I’m the lucky one, Joel. I’ve never been loved this good. No one’s ever come close. I didn’t even realize what I was missing before you.”
He hummed, kissing along your jaw softly. “Maybe we’re both lucky. Sure do fit together like this is how it’s meant to be.” He ground his hips into yours a bit, emphasizing his point. You laughed.
“Well, you know how much I love your cock.”
He smiled, but hid it in your neck, licking and kissing his way down and back up. “Just my cock? I see how it is.” He kissed your ear before biting down on it lightly.
You laughed again, and considered continuing the joke, but you couldn’t. Not that day. You moved your hands up to take his face gently between them, bringing his gaze to meet yours.
“I love you, Joel Miller, every part of you, with all of my heart. I can’t wait to marry you. Every part of me belongs to you and our family. I never want to be without you ever again.” He looked stunned and then he smiled so wide you couldn’t help but return it. 
“We’re getting married.” He looked elated as he said it, like he’d forgotten and only just remembered. You grinned.
“Yeah, cowboy, we are. You even swept me off my feet.” You kicked at his ankles a bit, reminding him. He laughed.
Slowly, he reached down to pull out of you, humming as he felt his cum spill out of you with his cock. He fingered you lightly, pushing it around and making a mess. You raised your eyebrows at him and he grinned ruefully. “Ok, ok.”
He moved to the side and laid down, pulling you in so your head was resting on his chest and your leg was thrown over his. He tugged the part of the blanket you weren’t lying on over the two of you, holding you tight against him. You knew you’d want to go inside and clean up soon — you’d started to notice again how chilly it was — but for now you relaxed into his embrace. You were both quiet, reveling in the moment.
“I feel like you should have something, too,” you mused.
“What do you mean?” Joel picked up your left hand from where it rested on his chest and toyed with your ring before kissing your fingers. “I’ll get my own ring real soon.”
“I just want to get you something. Like, an engagement watch or belt buckle or something.” 
Joel burst into laughter, eyes crinkling. “A belt buckle? Baby, I don’t think that’s a thing.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him and tried not to laugh. “Well, we’ll just have to make it a thing, won’t we?” He laughed so hard he almost bounced you off his chest and onto the blanket. You grinned, making a mental note to enlist Sarah’s help to definitely get him an engagement belt buckle – the cheesiest one you could find, and soon. 
Later, when Tommy and Sarah got home, they found you dancing in the kitchen to the mix CD Joel and Sarah had made you the Christmas before, laughing and singing along to “Forever and Ever, Amen” as you made dinner. Sarah immediately gasped and zeroed in on the ring on your finger before you could even say anything. She screamed and jumped across the room to hug you both.
“Finally! I thought you were never going to do it.” She pinched her dad in the side and he squirmed away.
“Hey! I told you I was planning on New Year’s, you little meddler.” He was smiling wide as he teased her.
“Is this what you’ve been so excited about?” you wonder aloud. 
Sarah nodded at you, bouncing on her toes. “We bought the ring a month ago! Do you like it?”
“I love it, sweetheart, thank you. It’s beautiful.” She beamed at you and hugged you again. You laughed, holding on tight. Tommy came in and squished all four of you together in a hug. 
“Welcome to the family, sunshine!” He pulled you away from Joel and started dancing you around the room as Sarah and Joel laughed. “You’re stuck with us now.”
You grinned as he spun you around, catching Joel’s eye. “Stuck, huh? But there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
Jackson, Early Fall 2024
After that night you and Joel can be found together more often than not.
You don’t move in together, not yet – you want Ellie to be comfortable, and that’s more important than anything else. 
But you spend a lot of nights in each other's beds.
At first it surprises you, how quickly the two of you fall together again. But it shouldn’t, really. Just like you told Joel, the core of who you are is still the same, and who you are together was always something special. Something that had burrowed so deep inside of you, had become so much a part of you, that you’d mourned a part of yourself when it was lost. You’d assumed it was gone for good, right up until the moment Joel Miller touched you again. 
You have some difficult conversations, difficult in the sense that it’s hard for the both of you to talk about some parts of your past. But just like Before, Joel is there to catch you when you stumble over your words, there to hold you when the memories are too strong. You do the same for him.
And when Tommy and Maria’s baby is born in early summer, you’re there for each other for the hard moments and memories that come along with all of the good ones. (Ellie takes to her baby cousin Isabela and the joy of being the big cousin with wonder and enthusiasm – they’re like two peas in a pod of chaos. You still wish Sarah was there every day, but seeing them together heals you a bit, too.) 
Later in the summer, once he can come up for air after the baby is born, Tommy shows the three of you the lake near Jackson. Joel takes the opportunity to teach Ellie to swim, which results in a couple of hilarious afternoons with both Joel and Tommy ending up soaking wet when they don’t mean to be. You laugh at them from the grass nearby (or sometimes from the lake, with Ellie).
In early fall, on what seems like one of the last warm days of the year, the five of you go out to the lake. Maria leaves Isabela with her closest friend, taking advantage of the summer weather while you still have it. (You were surprised Maria wanted to come, since no one wanted to bring the baby outside the walls of Jackson, but she just shrugged and said she was getting stir crazy and wanted to spend the afternoon with family, that it would only be a couple of hours, anyway. Her smile was a little too knowing, a little suspicious. You’d narrowed your eyes, sure something was up, but couldn’t figure out what.) It’s a day off from work and school and Ellie bounces along beside you, excited to be out exploring. She’s adjusting well, but still needs to get away sometimes. 
You and Joel are walking slowly around the edge of the lake as Ellie and Tommy invent some sort of splashing game with extremely complex rules (that mostly result in Tommy getting soaked and Ellie grinning like a little demon the whole time). Maria just watches and laughs at their antics from her comfortable spot on a blanket next to the lake. Whatever the game is, they’re clearly having fun, and you leave them to it. 
Joel takes your right hand in his left, intertwining your fingers and squeezing, and says, “I still can’t really believe it, that we get to have all of this again.”
“I know what you mean. It’s starting to make the 20 years in between feel like a dream, which seems impossible.” He nods, agreeing. “I don’t think either of us will ever be unaffected,” you share a glance and the knowledge that both of you still have nightmares and rough days, “but it seems too good to be true.”
He pulls your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it softly. “You know, Ellie pointed something out to me the other day.”
You turn to look at him when he doesn’t say anything more. “Oh?” You elbow him a little to urge him on. He smiles, one corner of his mouth lifting.
“We were talking about Before, and she pointed out that technically, we’ve been engaged for almost 22 years now. You know, we never officially called it off or anything.” 
You stumble a little and laugh, wondering where he’s going with this. “I mean, technically, she’s right.”
Joel grins at your reply and pulls you to stop, turning you to face him by grabbing your other hand. “And technically,” he winks, “that’s probably long enough for an engagement. We could probably, well. We could get married, um. If we wanted.” He looks a little shy, somehow, even after everything you’ve been through. 
Your breath catches in your throat. And for some reason the question that comes out is, “do people still do that?” 
He laughs, crinkling his nose at your question. “Yeah, I asked Tommy. Sounds like at least around here, people still do that.” Of course they do, you realize it as he says it – Tommy and Maria are married, after all. 
“I…” you trail off, words leaving you, overcome by a possibility that you hadn't once stopped to consider. He sees how surprised you are and tries to talk you through it.
“You know, there’s not one particular way, sounds like people just do whatever seems right to them, with a few witnesses or sometimes a party at the Bison or something. Something they like.” 
Your brain is coming back online and with it the force of your desire to be married to this man. It emerges from somewhere deep within you, pushed down and ignored for so many years because of how much it hurt to think about. You never stopped wanting it, not really, you only stopped being able to have it. It was out of reach for so long that it didn’t occur to you that you could have it now, even with Joel right in front of you, miraculously alive. You start to smile and he straightens up, smiling back and looking relieved.
“It’s just too bad we don’t have any kind of rings, you know?” He continues. You clear your throat, suddenly awkward, and he narrows his eyes at you. He knows you far too well. “What?”
“Well,” you start, “maybe we do have some rings.”
“Rings?” Joel’s eyes go wide as he emphasizes the end of the word, clearly incredulous both at their possible existence and at the idea that there might somehow be more than one ring available to you.
“I might have held something back, from the shoebox.” His mouth drops open and he pulls you closer. “I held onto mine, somehow, never lost it. I didn’t wear it of course, but I kept it close and never had it stolen.” He’s shaking his head in disbelief, looking down at your hands that are still clutched in his own like he might find it there on your finger, somehow unnoticed until now. “And then when I went back to the house, I found them. In your sock drawer.” He squeezes your hands so hard and looks so shocked you worry he might fall over.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” It’s a fair question.
“Well, at first it was like the rest of the shoebox – I was just waiting for a good time to tell you about it, and I did as soon as I could. But the rings…” You sighed. “I was trying not to push, you know? You said slow, and I agreed.”
“But we left slow behind months ago, darlin’.” He tugs you in closer, letting go of your hands to move his around your waist. You slide yours up his chest to his shoulders. 
“I know, but well, two reasons. One, it honestly hadn’t seemed possible in so long that I sort of… assumed people didn’t get married anymore. And two, well. It seemed kind of fast, to just bring it up right away. Hey, thanks for the mind-blowing orgasms, did you still want your wedding ring? Then I just made it more difficult by waiting and got all in my head about it.” He laughed and pulled your face into his chest, kissing along your hairline. 
“You could’ve said that. The orgasm thing. We have been engaged for 22 years, after all.” You can feel him laughing as he says it and for a second you marvel at the idea that it’s something you can both joke about. “Let me help get you out of your head, baby. We can work it out together.” He pulls back and to your surprise, for the second time in your life, Joel drops to one knee in front of you. His hands go to your hips and yours to his arms. He holds you up as your knees suddenly feel weak.
“I can’t beat that first proposal, I don’t think, especially not with our family right over there. So I’ll just say that I love you, darlin’, and I never stopped. I can’t believe I get another chance at spending the rest of my life with you. I’m not letting it pass me by. We were made for each other, after all.” You smile, and feel tears slip down your cheeks, just like last time. He squeezes your hips. “I know it won’t be easy all the time, but I’d rather handle the hard things together than apart. Even when the hard things come from us.” 
His eyes are looking a little teary, too, and he says your name softly. “It turns out we really did take the long way ‘round, but I’d like to go the rest of the way with you by my side, however long it turns out to be. Will you marry me, darlin’?”
You say yes, of course. You say yes, and fall into his arms again, just like last time. Joel draws you into a kiss, both of you on your knees, and then laughs when you slide your hand into his back pocket and squeeze. 
“We’re too old for me to take you right here on the ground like last time, baby, and we’ve got an audience anyway.” You look up to see Tommy, Maria and Ellie are all watching you, grinning. When you make eye contact with them they start cheering. It’s ridiculous and it makes you tear up again. Joel leans forward to whisper in your ear as they come running towards you, “I promise, honey, I’ll give it to you so good when we get home that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” You shiver. 
You rise, just as Ellie arrives and throws herself at you both, getting you all wet with lake water. She smiles at you both and starts to poke at Joel as Tommy walks up behind her. 
“Well, what am I supposed to do, sunshine, welcome you to the family a second time? It don’t make any sense.” He grins at you, and pulls you into a hug. Maria is right behind him with another, and you realize that all three of them must have known what Joel was going to ask you today. 
Ellie looks up from where she’s teasing Joel mercilessly for being such a romantic. “Hey, why does he call you sunshine, anyway?”
Joel and Tommy start laughing, and you roll your eyes. “Come on, I’ll tell you the story on the way back.” 
“Aw come on, it’s not a long story,” Tommy grins as he needles you. He looks at Ellie. “We were at some bar and this guy wouldn’t leave her alone, got so far as putting his hand up her shirt. After she’d already pushed him away a couple times. She was dancing, we were over by the bar.”
Joel chimes in, “She took care of him, though. Didn’t need any help.” He’s grinning.
Tommy nods. “Yeah, it was beautiful. She grabbed him by the shoulders, shouted, ‘watch where you put your hands if you want to keep ‘em, fucker’ and kneed him straight in the di– erm, junk.” Tommy corrects himself, glancing at Joel. Ellie rolls her eyes.
“You can say dick. I’m not a fucking child.” Ellie crosses her arms and frowns at Tommy. Joel sighs, long-suffering, but you know he’s hiding a laugh. 
“Anyway,” Tommy shrugs, “the fucker folded in half right there on the dance floor, just fell right over and groaned. Everyone around them turned and laughed at him.” Tommy pretends to wipe a tear away from his eye. “He had to army crawl off the dance floor and creep his way outside. Truly, one of the most beautiful sights I ever saw.”
“Ok that is like, fucking awesome obviously, but it doesn’t explain the nickname.” Ellie raises her eyebrow at Tommy.
Joel and Tommy start snickering again. The absolute dorks.
“Sure, yeah, but you know,” Tommy snorts and says gleefully, “she got him where the sun don’t shine.” He and Joel laugh again, louder this time, leaning into each other. This time you roll your eyes, even as Ellie laughs, too. Tommy’s still just as pleased with himself for coming up with that nickname, more than 20 years later. He’s got the same look on his face as he did outside of the bar, crowing about the way you took the guy down. 
You and Ellie and Maria leave them there, leaning against each other and laughing, as you walk arm in arm back to where you left the horses. 
a/n: that’s it, y’all. Thank you for reading!! Every single one of your comments has meant so much to me. Please let me know what you think of the ending?
I bet I’ll add some drabbles showing some of this stuff that didn’t fit in the story. To answer your probable questions:
Yes, you get married. (Your rings don’t actually fit anymore, but neither of you care. You have them, that’s enough. And later you pass them on to Ellie.)
Yes, you do show Jackson how it’s done, dancing at the bar. You even bring out the mix CD. 
I handwaved the cure and resulting issues here but just know that however it went, they took care of it. 
You and Joel do talk about Tess and Michelle and everything else that happened. You tell Ellie all about Sarah and the extended family she would have had in Texas. Talking about them hurts but seeing her wonder, hearing about her huge family, helps. 
You and Ellie talk about Michelle and she eventually opens up to you about her crush on Cat, bringing the two of you closer together. 
Joel still sings to you in the kitchen and dances with you in the backyard. 
You’re all happy, in the end. It’s hard, and sometimes it’s so hard you think it might not work out. But it always does, and you’re happy. Together. 
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@morgaussy @jay-zzle @bluetattoos @dins-riduur-anthe @huffle-punk @poodlebae
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onegianthotmess · 7 months
Since you write for RE8 can I ask for Donna, Heisenberg and Lady D with an gender neutral S/O thats like asian and gets triggered by like shoes inside the house, unwashed rice, zero cooperation, and basically all the sterotypical asian stuff (bc its true for me😭)
If you make little HCs or fics is fine
Of course I can, sweetie! But, I would like to note that I am American so I may not get a lot of the cultural pet peeves right, but I will try my best! Also I am very sorry if I kept you waiting for long, this is my first ask and I’m not in the habit of checking my ask box, but thank you for being patient with me!
Lady Dimitrescu
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Our favorite sugar mommy is first!!!
Pretty much, you worked in the castle when you first met the lovely Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and it took a little while before she basically told you she loved you and that she wanted you to be hers and to be yours in return
And you accepted obviously because, HELLO, IT’S ALCINA FUCKING DIMITRESCU
Anyways, she never noticed your cultural pet peeves until you moved in with her and her daughters
You grew up in a very stereotypical Asian home and your mama didn’t raise no doormat bitch
It all started with the shoes
The girls just came back from chasing down a man who was trespassing and they only made it two steps in before they were stopped by you demanding they take their shoes off
Cassandra was the one who argued the most, saying your demand was stupid and pointless while her sisters were grumbling in agreement
And Cassandra, who was talking with her hands, yelped when you pulled a broom from the literal void and whacked her hands with the broomstick
You began scolding her for talking back to an elder, despite her being immortal, and threatening to get the slipper if she kept talking back and didn’t take off her shoes
You were glaring down Bela and Daniela with the same sort of angry mom glare that you were giving Cassandra, which scared them even more than when they’ve seen their mother angry
Needless to say, within five minutes the girls took off their shoes and set them aside neatly before apologizing and going to their rooms to clean up, per your request
And while all of this happened, Alcina was standing off to the side bewildered by your behavior towards shoes on in the house
You turned to see her standing there and asked her to take her outside shoes off if she was wearing any and to put on some slippers
And Alcina did as you said because she did not want to make you angry
And that was just the start
One evening Alcina was annoyed at all of the noise in the kitchen and went to investigate because she was trying to get some reading in before dinner only to find you yelling at the cooking staff as you threw out a batch of cooked rice and began to start a new one
You were yelling in your native tongue angrily, which you’d been teaching Alcina a few basic words in, and she could make out a few words like “rice” and “wash” and “incompetent” directed towards the staff
And so the cooks left you alone as you grumbled and washed the rice before cooking it properly and glaring at the staff before you exited the kitchen
And apparently, from what Alcina heard from the cooks, you did this when you were working as part of the castle staff
When she asked you about it when you cooled off, you just told Alcina that it was the only way to have rice and that if you didn’t wash your rice, you were a fucking heathen
And Alcina just nodded before she went back to her book she was reading because there was no arguing with you on rice, apparently
There was also one more incident that really stuck out to Alcina and that was when you took her to the market as a sort of calm date idea
But it was anything but calm as you were yelling at a vendor at how overpriced their products were
You spent a good hour or two arguing with the salesperson before you left with what you’d wanted at just a quarter of the original price that was set
You did the same with a couple more vendors that had good things to sell at too high of prices in your opinion and it honestly entertained Alcina to no end
She stood there quietly, a fond and amused smile on her face as she watched you argue and negotiate items down to quarter their original price with vendors and salespeople
You were one of, if not the most, unrelenting and stubborn people Alcina had ever met and she found it cute and admirable
And she appreciates you instigating the rule of only wearing slippers while inside because she’d never felt that much comfort while walking around her own home without going barefoot
Donna Beneviento
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Our lovely shy lady! I love her!!
Okay, so she hired you as help so you could help her clean her very large house because it was a lot for her to manage on her own, especially when she had so many dolls to make
And it took quite a while, but you managed to catch the shy lady’s heart and she eventually asked you to move in either her so you wouldn’t be far
Well, it was more like Angie was begging you to move your shit into the house while Donna was trying to get her to ask nicely
Anyways, once you were all settled and Donna developed a cuddling habit while you two slept in the same bed together as insisted by Angie, the lovely Lady Beneviento noticed a few things about you
For example, one day when she was coming back in from gardening, you stopped her at the front door and asked her to take off her shoes
When she asked you why, you answered by telling her that it would keep the floors clean and not make them need so much cleaning if she took off her outside shoes and wore indoor only slippers around the house
While it was confusing to Donna, she saw that you were holding back and trying your best to be gentle with her because you knew yelling didn’t go over well with her, so she took off her shoes and laid them neatly by the door and put on some house slippers you gave her
And, if she was being honest, she’d never been more comfortable walking around her own home
Where did you get these amazingly comfortable slippers?
She’ll never know, but she did find you arguing with Angie about the shoe thing as well since she was also out in the garden with Donna
Angie argued with you for about an hour before you pulled out a sandal from the literal fucking void and told the doll to take off her shoes and put on her slippers or you’d use that sandal
Needless to say, Angie quickly did as you were told and you moved onto the other dolls, who occasionally went out with Donna
There was also another incident during dinner one night
Donna was cooking a dish that you taught her to make and just as she was about to start cooking the rice, you walked into the room and screamed
Before Donna could turn to see you, you quickly snatched the rice from her hands and took it to the sink to wash it
Donna was stunned, but let you wash the rice as you seemed to be both annoyed and in a state of internal panic
Once you finished washing the rice and put it on to cook, you took a breath and explained to Donna that washing rice was very important and you asked her to never cook with unwashed rice ever again, especially not in front of you
Wordlessly she nodded, asked if there were any other rules to cooking the meal and listened as you explained some of the instructions she didn’t understand quite well
Eventually, you had to go into town to get some basic food supplies for the week and Donna actually went with you for once
Because one, she wanted to spend more time with you, and two, she’d seen you come back with far too many things for one person to carry themselves and she wanted to help you carry them
And, much to Angie’s displeasure, Angie had to be left at home as to not scare the villagers and cause unnecessary chaos
And Donna was not prepared for the side of you that came out while shopping in the market
Every time you walked over to a vendor or salesperson selling something, you argued that the price was outrageously high and negotiated beyond belief
Donna just stood want watched in shock and slight awe at you as you negotiated items down to a third or even a quarter of their original price
Your skills were impressive, but you also being slightly intimidating while yelling in your native tongue helped as well
The sandal threat was also on the table if you didn’t get your discount
Even when Donna said that you didn’t have to negotiate prices down since it wasn’t like she was hurting for money, you instantly said that the things in the market were always overpriced and you intended to pay a reasonable price for your vegetables without having to sell a kidney
Knowing you were even more stubborn than a bull, Donna let you shop the way you were taught to like nature intended
If Donna was honest, she found the sight of you shopping and yelling at people that their prices were far too high amusing and almost laughed
Almost because she’s still far too shy to make a sound in public, you’re very lucky she even agreed to leave the house past the garden
But that’s okay, you still love her!
Karl Heisenberg
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Well, he’s German, you’re Asian
Needless to say, you’re both damn stubborn
You both grew up in stereotypical and traditional houses of your respective cultures and, like I said in Alcina’s section, your mother didn’t raise no doormat bitch and neither did Karl’s
So, you were originally hired to be his assistant of sorts because he needed a bit more help around his factory
And eventually you both wormed your ways into the other’s heart and you found yourself living with Karl in his factory
And needless to say, you both had habits and cultural customs that you both insisted on carrying out
One of the first ones you showed was the shoes thing
There was a separate section of the factory that was more like a living quarters for you and Karl and you prided yourself on keeping it clean
So when Karl tried to walk in with his regular greasy and dirty boots on, you stopped him in his tracks and ordered him to take his shoes off and put on some slippers instead
And cue the argument you two began to have about shoes in the home area of the factory that lasted about thirty minutes to an hour
Eventually, Karl did agree to your shoes rule only if you wore a scarf every time you felt you were getting ill, as is a common home remedy in Germany
You both were grumbling about the new rules, but you both eventually got used to them and it became habit
And everything became as calm as it could get for a nice while
But that was before the Rice Incident™
You and Karl were making dinner together because you two enjoyed at home cooking dates and you nearly stabbed him with the knife you were holding when you saw him about to put unwashed rice on to cook
But you instead smacked him with a wooden spoon laying nearby and scolded him in your native tongue as you snatched the rice from him and took it to the sink to wash it
And he looked at you like you were fucking insane, but he didn’t want to fight because he was hungry and the food was going to be cooked anyways, so he just rolled his eyes and moved on to another task
The real fight happened when you tried to spice up the food and Karl stopped you
Traditionally, German food is quite bland and salt and pepper are usually the main seasonings
Paprika is a bit of a stretch in German cuisine-
So, needless to say, Karl isn’t a big fan of spice and would rather not have his tongue burnt off tonight
And the two of you were arguing about spices or about ten minutes before you agreed to leave out the spices until you could add them to your own serving
Food arguments were a regular occurrence between you two, especially when you almost had Weißwurst after noon AND with the skin on
Karl was so disgusted that day that he actually spent time with Alcina in her home voluntarily so he could cool off
But, one culture shock/difference between you two that Karl loves is how you shop
The way you yell about prices being too high and negotiating your way to paying only a quarter, maybe even an eighth, of the cost of just some produce makes him laugh
Karl will start laughing out loud when you really get into the argument, yelling in your native tongue and pulling a sandal out from your bag you had with you as a threat
It was hilarious to Karl, but also the tiniest bit terrifying since he knew how you could turn a sandal into a murder weapon if you were pushed hard enough
All in all, Karl does love you and your stubborn self, even if it causes both of your bull headed asses to butt heads sometimes!
So I’d like to ask; how’d I do? And please be honest with me! I hope I got everything right and it was enjoyable for you! Also, you’re welcome for the tiny sprinklings of German culture in Karl’s section, with my knowledge being curtesy of my German class!!
I hope you enjoyed and please do have a peachy day, good hoomans!!!
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