#i think blue would be the best bc of its power
ganondoodle · 10 months
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another screenshot practice for totk rewritten, this time in the underground, as requested (will do more of the interior of a "shrine" later on (its a lab really) )
(armor set: head and middle piece = shiekah research/tech set -still in development-, legs = ghirahim set, based on his clothing from my comic) (ability selected = power injection)
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scalproie · 6 months
Domesticated Post-Tekken 2 Era Kazuya is my favorite to think about because this would be so good for him and everyone else but he would have an absolutely miserable time during it
#like I dont think he would REALLY miss the rich ceo lifestyle bc i dont see it as smth he ASPIRES to but as a means to give himself power#if you (jun) somehow manage to convince him that he does not actually NEED power then i think hes adaptable enough to ajust to a humble life#and the whole being rich thing fed into his worst traits#but I think being close to jun all the time would be torture for him bc he would CONSTANTLY be confronted to his own faulty morality#he cant help feeling above other common people bc he endured much more pain and hardships at 5yo than them in a lifestyle-#but he cannot act on his superiority complex about them bc Its Not The Right Thing To Do#he looks at his newborn son and feel *nothing* before feeling frustration and irritation toward *himself*#bc hes smart enough to know he SHOULD be feeling smth#and if he relunctantly admit this to jun she would tell him that if the best he can do (for now) is to not wish or do any harm on jin-#then it is good enough and he should not beat himself up about it (which he doesnt. but he does)#and even jun. she is another person he could lose and he knows deep down he would be happier without her#but being near her bring back to life smth that died years ago at the bottom of that cliff#and he wont admit it but hes scared to lose it again. even if right now its brings him nothing but discomfort and pain#hes not even sure if he *loves* her. and when he asks her whats in it for her. why she stays with him#(not out of self-consciousness but genuine confusion) she just smiles at him because he IS considering the feelings of someone else#like she is so understanding and he genuinely does try and its a really slow healing process#hes still gonna stay a little bit of a prick smug at times but at least he will be immensely more chill out#and even maybe fall in love with jun *jun* down the line. characters that fall in love with each other years into the relationship👍#and his whole exploration of fatherhood with jin. him vaguely recalling smth nice jinpachi (or god forbid. HEIHACHI pre-cliff) did to him#and doing the same to jin out of the blue for the sake of experimentation#and jin's positive reaction making him FINALLY AT LAST feel some tiny tiny thing for his son.#also for all her tree-hugger talk. jun is right meditating in the forest DOES help kaz a lot#anyway. yeah👍#tagging later#tekken
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Hey! Can I request a Clark x reader where they're dating but reader doesn't know Clark is superman. And then superman interacts with them for whatever reason and is flirty bc that's his person!!! But reader is like ☝️ hey buddy back off. I'm HAPPILY taken
this is such a cute request!!!! Argh!!!!
clark kent/superman x gn!reader. fluff, brief danger but r is okay. superman flirting with you but he's dating you? he's just a goober. i lub him <3 PLEASE feel free to imagine maws!clark. I feel like this is very himcore 🥰
Being a florist in Metropolis is good work. Lots of people still buy flowers, which is great. Many actually buy bouquets for Superman and leave them on display as support. Poppies, yellow tulips, and cornflowers. They're one of your favorite arrangements.
The downside to being a florist in Metropolis, however, is that on occasion, your flower display ends up the target of a killer robot.
You're not sure why that is. Mostly, you wish people would stop building killer robots.
You've gone outside to see what the commotion is about when you're grabbed by a metal claw. It squeezes hard, almost cutting off your air. You squirm in terror as the robot stomps down Main Street, crushing cars and asphalt in its wake.
"Help!" you scream when you catch your breath, and the robot squeezes you harder.
A dizzying blur of red, yellow, and blue zips past you. You think of your flowers.
The blur cuts through the metal like nothing. The robot begins to collapse, twitching and groaning. Its metal creaks, grip loosening on your body.
You hardly fall before Superman is there, cradling you to his chest.
"I've got you," he says, tucking you close.
You look up at him, and he beams at you, like saving you from a killer robot has been the best part of his day.
Come to think of it, Superman came to your aid surprisingly fast, even for him.
And he holds you... intimately. Like you've known him for years. Your heart picks up.
"Uh," he says, cheeks flushed. "Are–are you okay?"
You smile politely, arms around his neck. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Superman."
He nods, flying down the street. "Good. I'll get you back to your shop and clean up the flowers."
You tilt your head. "How do you know I'm a florist?"
Superman looks at you, blue eyes wide.
"Oh! I... uh, I've seen your arrangements all over the city. They're beautiful. I'd never forget that they belong to an equally beautiful face."
Goodness. If Superman is this forward with everyone he rescues, it's no wonder your flower arrangements are in high demand.
"I'm flattered," you begin, and Superman once again aims that grin with the power of a thousand suns at you. "But, respectfully, I'm very happily taken, so I would appreciate it if you'd keep this rescue professional."
Superman raises an eyebrow. To your surprise, he smiles wider.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't realize you were taken. My sincerest apologies. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"No, it's alright. I'm honored, but you couldn't pull me away from my boyfriend even with your super strength."
Superman's cheeks turn pinker. He sets you down in front of your store with the utmost care, not letting go until you have your bearings. He takes a step back, rubbing his neck. The gesture makes your brain itch. You don't know why.
"Well, uh, he must've done something right if he's lucky enough to be with you."
"Luck has nothing to do with it," you say fiercely. You don't know why you're so indignant about defending Clark's reputation to Superman. It's not like Clark will ever hear about it.
"Not at all. He's an incredible person, kind and smart and loving, and if anyone's lucky, it's me."
Superman makes an aborted gesture to take your hand, then redirects and awkwardly pats your arm instead. You squint at him. He quickly moves away.
"Ah. Sorry. Well, I doubt that. I bet you're equally spectacular."
"Oh. Thank you."
You primly take his hand and give it a good shake. Superman bows his head and laughs.
He takes a step back, eyes bright like you've just made his day.
"Well, I wish you the best with your boyfriend. I'm sorry for being so forward. I've seen your Superman bouquets; your reputation precedes you. I make it a point to know reputed people in Metropolis."
"I can't imagine I'm very high on that list," you say.
"Ah, you'd be surprised. Besides, I never forget a face."
Superman darts behind you and moves at neckbreaking speed to clean up your partially maimed flowers. In three seconds, it's returned to its former glory.
"Well, uh, I'll be seeing you," Superman says, hands clasped behind his back. "I mean, I hope not in a circumstance like this! Th-then again, when else would we see each other? Scratch that, I hope there's no reason for us to cross paths because that would mean you're in danger. Uh, but I don't mean that in a bad way! I just—"
You snort and reach over to take a yellow tulip from your display. You give it to Superman, who takes it like you've just handed him a newborn baby.
"I'm still taken," you say. "But you're very sweet, Superman. Take care, alright?"
"Yeah," he says, tucking the tulip into the strap of his cape. "Yes, you too. Goodbye!"
He soars away, the tulip like a star on his cape.
Superman is handsome and kind, no doubt. But he's certainly no Clark Kent.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT
Requested :
Yess ty fiction which, I also have an idea so idk if u watched the show yet (u probably did) but the main girl lady belle, can u make it were y/n likes Jack and he likes us but y/n gets jealous and upset bc she thinks Jack likes lady belle and not us. It’s just a thought
I scampered my feet up the stairs of the hospital, My feet ached, my legs sore, and my lungs short of breath from the fact since first light I hadn't so much as sat down for more than a few seconds. But I was fueled by the power to lift four carriages and run from Port Victoria to Brisbane. I opened the door to the surgery theatre prep room where the tools, ties and other such items were laid out for the various surgeries. 
And there He stood.
Fixing up his sleeves as he was selecting between what blades he was to use today for the amputation. His dark brown shoes were caked with dusty dry dush dirt, and his brown trousers were patterned with a slightly darker brown plaid almost unnoticeable, his shirt typically white but dark around the sleeves from the constant blood it soaked in, his dark blue waistcoat done up tightly and the green tie around his neck in a double knot, His hair freshly fluffy in its usual style leaving me to assume he likely had a bath today, or yesterday night soon enough for his hair to still be that fluffiness. 
"The Medicine Doctor Dawkins," I smiled doing my best not to turn the colour of a bright poppy flower, my heart skipped a beat seeing him, my breath hitching, every ache or concern from the day work melted into the least of my concerns each one of them worth it for the mere sight of him. 
I had worked at the hospital as long as I could remember having taken over the role from my mother, I was technically a laundry and kitchen girl by definition but my role had changed since Doctor Dawkins arrived, we found quickly we had a mindset that worked similarly so often if he needed anything I'd be the one he would summon about it, and at this point I had all but become his scullery girl as well as all my other jobs around the hospital, but I didn't mind at all. Every moment with him was worth ten times the work I put in.
I was utterly, unequivocally, Hopelessly devoted to him. 
"Ahh." He perked up looking over to me a smile growing across his lips "There you are. I was wondering where my little nursey got herself off to." He chuckled cleaning his hands off, I blushed at his use of that name, his 'little nursey'. I wasn't a nurse of course but he had called me that as long as I remember but I didn't mind, I couldn't bear to stop him as my heart would flutter whenever I heard it. 
"Fetching the medicine, as you requested" I smiled taking it over to him 
"Thank you very much." He said taking the glass bottle from my hand his fingertips gracing my own as he did, taking the bottle and staring at diluting a dose for the patient, I merely stood beside him taking in the curves and valleys of his face, noticing my theory correct he must have had a bath this morning as I could smell his usually pine and eucalyptus soap as well as his familiar aftershave that I could only describe as addicting and heavenly. He glanced at me from his work his eyes flicking to me a moment "You have somewhere to be?"
"Ohh no, not really." I lied, I had a million jobs I could be rushing off to get on with but I wanted every single second I could get in this room alone with him,  
"Good. You can keep me company then." he smiled 
"You don't mind? I'll go if I'm any trouble." 
"No, you're no trouble nursey" He smiled "Could you fetch my apron for me?"
"Of course" I nodded rushing across the prep room to fetch it for him returning within a few small seconds 
"It's not a race you know. Take your time slow down" He chuckled slipping it on and quickly tieing it the way he liked it
"I just don't want to keep you waiting," I blushed 
"You are such a sweet little thing. Why can't all the nurses be like you." He said as his patient was brought into the theatre the crowd let into the stands to watch too "I'll see you later Nursey," he smiled taking my hand in his and giving my knuckles a sweet polite kiss before he headed out to the applause of the crowd. My body was utterly frozen as he had left me my heart beating out of my chest. My god I am a sinful girl. Unable to prevent my eyes from lingering. 
I stood in the prep room almost unable to move watching through the window as he worked, he moved almost in slow motion to me his every move being carefully chiselled on my mind, the sweetest sound playing in my mind drowning out the sound of the bloodthirsty crowd. Unable to prevent my smiles and my blush, I'm sure if surgeons had fan clubs I'd be at the head of his, I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help my devotion to him, praying mightily that he would one day see my unquestionable devotion and admiration, take me in his arms and make me his bride. But so far that had only been a wish, a several-year-long wish. I knew I was down badly, but I couldn't draw myself away, so much so he could tie me to the operating table and remove my arm without any painkillers, using a rusty blade and I would still thank him immensely. he could drag me by my hair though the graveyard and still I would only give him smiles, he could take my innocence and slap me across the arse and still I would be at my knees for him. Not that he would, I hope. 
"Y/n. Laundry." The head nurse Hetti snapped in my direction as she passed the door 
"Yes, Miss." I nodded quickly scampering out and down to the laundry room stopping short as I closed the door finally being alone again holding my hand tightly and pressing a kiss to my knuckle just where he had kissed hoping perhaps to get a taste of his lips. 
I finished for the day scrubbing at my body before slipping on my little nightie and climbing into my little bed, I took my book from the table and began to read the fantastical stories leaning my head against my pillow that sat vertically on my bed as if another body rested in it, so I rested my head there reading for a good hour or so before setting my book down and blowing out the candle, I turned over and wrapped my arms around the pillow resting my head as if I was hugging a body even wrapping my leg around it nuzzling my head into the soft cotton. 
"Ummmm..." I hummed "Goodnight Jack," I whispered giving my pillow a little kiss, and I closed my eyes tight my mind dreaming of his sweet voice whispering to me 'Goodnight my little nursey' before I drifted into my dreams.
When the sun came I woke early far earlier than I needed to be, but that was fairly normal. I stirred and shuffled in my sheets feeling the tension that had built between my legs from my sweet dreams, I glanced over my shoulder to my table to see my little clock knowing I had enough time for what my body so obviously wanted, I blushed hard giving my pillow a little kiss "Good morning" I cooed in a whisper rubbing my nose against the cotton, I adjusted myself a little moving my hand down to my thigh, tugging up my cotton nightie and slipping my hand under it meeting the heat between my legs I did gently stroke my skin but I knew quickly that already wasn't necessary, my fingers finding my already aching clit and rubbing little circles "Uhhh" I gasped quietly 
"Ummm good Morning my little nursey, aww whats this? you've been dreaming about me again?" he cooed between kisses down my neck "Well, I can hardly leave my little nursey like this can I?" his hands stroking over my body touching my most intimate places fondling my breasts, slapping my ass and replacing my hand with his own rough more callus fingers 
I slipped my fingers inside me using my index and ring fingers as they were longer and thus It made it more believable in my mind that they were his, "Uhhh! Jack!" I gasped as hushed as I could in the quiet morning light 
"Umm, what a good girl, say it again. tell them who you adore." He smirked mercilessly kissing me and touching me tugging on my nipple to harden it into his hand which he then plaid with 
"Uhh! Jack! please-" I gasped my other hand clutching my breast to rub and twist my nipple to match my fantasy to my pleasurable reality 
"You are so beautiful when you're like this for me. you're making me hard. My sweet little nursey going to take care of her doctor?" he encouraged "Come on, you know you want to?"
I blushed hard moving to sit up in bed and move my thighs to either side of the pillow, my hands still working hard 
"Ohhh that's perfect, You look so beautiful on top of me y/n. go on. you know I can't resist you like this." 
I moved my hand away and tightened my grip on the pillow with my thighs moving my hips back and forth grinding against my pillow riding it as if it really was him, the cotton and stuffing of the firm pillow rubbing against my clit each time I moved my hips "UUuuhh! Jack!" I gasped clamping a hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet knowing... the real Jack slept just on the other side of the wall in his own room and bed. 
"Ohh fuck- You are so beautiful. I wanna see you cum for me." He growled 
"Uhh uhhh" I whined quietly hearing my bedsprings begin to squeak as I sped up 
"Aww, what a good girl, My good little nursey. Come on let me see that body I love so much"
even if I was alone I tugged down my nightie to my waist exposing my bare breasts as I bounced and grinded  "Uhh Please jack..." I whined feeling close, playing with my breasts and nipples to give myself more pleasure and my wave hit suddenly my legs clamping on the pillow squirt flooding down my legs and onto my sheets and nightie, the wave of pleasure flooded from my head to the tips of my fingers and toes like a wave on the beach, "Uuuughhhhh!" I moaned luckily I put my hand there quickly to keep me quiet and as I reached such a high I heard a firm double knock on my bedroom wall just inches from me and I knew why. 
I blushed hard seeing the mess I had made and I fixed my nightie kissing my pillow before I climbed off, and made sure to tug my nightie down grabbing my cardigan and slipping it over my shoulders as I left my room going only a few inches down to the other door opening it without much of a concern finding myself inside his room. The room was littered with items his bed in the corner against the wall he shared with my own room, his servant man somewhere I didn't know, but Jack Laid in his bed still knotted with the sheets his head on the pillow clearly only a few moments into this world from his dreams, his hair a fluffy bedhead, his clothes littered the floor his bare skin exposed as the sheets only covered below his stomach. It was obvious he had woken up and knocked on the wall immediately as was typical most mornings. 
I blushed doing my best not to look like I was looking but, I was. trying to burn the image of him lying in his bed into my mind, I nervously adjusted my nightie just to make sure it covered me. 
"Good Morning Doctor Dawkins." I smiled as sweetly as I could 
"Morning Nursey" He yawns stretching his arm above his head 
"What can I do for you on this fine morning?"
"Can I trouble you for crumpet?" He asked 
"Of course No problem" I smiled pulling my hair into a ponytail and heading over to the small part of his room for cooking, taking what I would need from the cupboard, and starting up the stove to prepare him his breakfast "Did you sleep alright?"
"Fine, same as usual" He answered "You sleep alright?"
"Perfectly Pleasantly" I smiled as I worked 
"You alright y/n?" he asked I turned to see him and saw him giving me a strange look 
"What?" I asked 
"Nothing. Just heard your bedsprings a bit this morning."
Immediately I blushed hard but turned to focus on cooking to hide my blush "Ohh, Yes I uhh I spilt my water in my bed this morning it was a bit of a panic cleaning it up" 
"Fair enough" He nods "That's what's on your nightie then?" He asked and just the moment he said that I felt the wet patch on my nightie from... what I had done 
"Yes!" I blushed quickly turning so he couldn't see it 
"Alright. You want a hand drying your bed then?"
"No! thank you. It's alright Dr Dawkins." I blushed as I finished with his breakfast so I turned everything off and took the plate with his crumpet over to his bed he happily took it from the plate having a small bite 
"Umm perfect." He smiled before tapping on his bed so I blushed and sat down beside his knee as he ate 
"Your bed's far softer than mine" I smiled 
"I best be careful then, I might come back one night and see you've swapped out beds over" he joked "And I don't want your bed little nursey, those springs are so bad I hear every time you turn over"
"I shall try not to then."
"You don't have to do that" He chuckled as he finished his crumpet 
"If It would be better-" I began
"You'll really do anything I ask won't you?" he laughs 
"Of course" I blushed 
He gave me a funny look for a moment "Let your hair down?"
I blushed hard enough to turn my face red but I did as he asked me to letting my hair from the ponytail 
"Hold my hand?" 
My heart was racing out of my chest that after all these years something! was to happen between us! and I happily took his hand in mine, he gave it a soft squeeze and brought it to his lips to give my hand a gentlemanly kiss before setting my hand on the bed I was almost fainting from even that tiny amount of attention "Take your dress off?" 
"I- I uhhh" I stuttered but inside my mind 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YES! YES! YES!' I was nervous but I didn't want to waste time moving my hands to the straps of my nightie and tugging them down, I pushed them down to my elbows about to expose my chest when he stopped me 
"Whoa! I was kidding" He laughs sitting up to stop me 
"Ohh" I gulped now utterly red with embarrassment at the fact I was literally two seconds from flashing him! 
"You really will do anything I ask," he chuckled as he softly fixed the straps on my nightie back into place "You're such a sweet little thing" he cooed giving my cheek a kiss "Go on don't let me keep you"
"Alright if you're sure, I'll see you later."
"I'll see you later my little nursey" He smiled laying back in his bed, I smiled my mind screaming at me utterly desperate to kiss him but I forced it away getting up and going back to my own room blushing so hard I had to jump on my bed and squeal into my pillow. 
I was puzzled, I had... finished my work for the day. Often I'd be working long into the night to get my work finished as I often would be rushing off on projects Dr Dawkins would send me off on but, I hadn't seen him all day, and that ached my heart badly. So I ran up to the main part of the hospital and immediately I saw him on his rounds in the ward. 
"Ohh Good Afternoon Doctor Dawkins," I smiled playing with my fingers 
"Ahh Hello Nursey" he smiled as he did some bandage work "Everything alright?"
"I was, just curious. I haven't heard from you today. Didn't you have any jobs for me?" 
"I know. Sorry been absolutely wall to wall today," he explained 
"That's alright, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright." 
"You're sweet." He smiled taking my hand and kissing my knuckles "Everything's fine. go on little Nursey" 
"Yes doctor," I smiled squeezing his hand in the moment before it slipped from mine, I went to go trying badly to hide my blush when I perked up 
"Doctor Dawkins!" A female voice spoke up, and I knew it wasn't Hetti or one of the other nurses I turned quickly and saw that girl. I had seen her a few times in the hospital but I didn't know much about her, but immediately I became like a territorial cat. 
"Oh it's you." he said "To what honour do you bestow us with your visit today then?" 
"The conditions are utterly deplorable! Every single thing in this hospital is disgusting I insist it be cleaned."
"You insist you do?"
"I do. You Laundry girl." She snapped at me "Have every last sheet scrubbed and washed properly immediately!" she demanded 
I was a little shocked not used to having my orders barked at me much less by whomever she was. 
"Give the sheets another wash before you head to bed y/n," He told me, and for a moment I was teary that he took her side so quickly 
"Yes, doctor." I nodded heading back down to the laundry to start again. 
I scampered through the hospital as usual now with even more work than this, woman. was insisting that she had been here every day so far and each day made my heart hurt a little more as she was now spending time alone with Dr Dawkins more than once I had gone into a room and found them alone talking together and it broke my heart each time I did. He had barely called for me at all spending all his time with Belle. I hadn't seen him anywhere around the hospital looking rather concerned as to where he had gone but I stopped short as I heard her voice coming from the morgue, I stopped and lingered at the top of the stairs listening I could hear her talking about... something not sure I couldn't make it out and my body froze as I could hear him. Two talking I tried desperately to listen but I couldn't make out their words I couldn't allow my mind to wander so I headed down the stairs and arrived at the morgue and instantly I felt like bursting into tears. 
He and Belle stood over a body, the room empty other than the two and the body, a scalpel in her hand, his own on her wrist guiding her to make the incision in the skin. They saw me arrive but didn't put a space between them, 
"Yes?" she glared 
"Ohh I uhh I was just looking for you Dr Dawkins," I said sheepishly 
"Oh, I don't have any jobs for you. You can go." He said 
"I- I see. Well you know where I am if you need me" I did my best to force a smile 
"I will do," he said before the two returned to their conversation "Ahh perfect just like that. Very good Milady."
Tears flooded my eyes to hear him call her that, and Immediately without a word, I knew I had been replaced. I wasn't his nursey anymore but she was his Lady, my heart utterly shattered so much my knees went weak and my breath staggered. 
"You alright?" He asked noticing I was still here
"Yes. Sorry Doctor." I answered unable to hold back my tears as I quickly turned and ran up the stairs, I bolted through the hospital reaching the store room shutting the door leaning my back against it. 
Tears flooded down my face, my breathing staggered and desperate between silent wails of pain, unable to control my emotions as my body sunk to the floor. 
After a while I managed to stop crying I think I was so dehydrated I couldn't make any more tears, literally cried out. I left the hospital and went to the cat and bagpipes throwing away all of my money on enough drink to drown my sorrows but nothing seemed to work. So Once I was out of money I staggered back so drunk my inhibitions were utterly void, my shyness gone, and I was ripe for the wicked as anyone who wanted to, rob, murder, or take any advantage of me would find me utterly drunk off my ass unable to even walk straight. I found my way to the hospital eventually and went up to my door but I was unable to stop looking at the door next to my own tears flooding down my face In my drunken state I forced it open slamming it shut behind me to see Jack stood just getting undressed for bed his shirt in hand, his wardrobe open having stopped short given I just burst through his door. 
"Uhh Hi y/n."
"You- You.... Imbolisle!" I slurred 
"What have I done?" He asked very confused about what was happening 
"You know what you did you absolute fudgewomble!"
"Fudge womble?" He laughed 
"You! You... CUNT!"
"Are you drunk?"
 "Don't change the subject!" 
"Y/n what on earth is the matter you've been strange all week," he said taking my hand and trying to bring me closer but I pulled my hand out of his 
"No! I'm not falling for it! No! I'm not doing this anymore! You! You utter monster! you carved open my heart! and left me to bleed! You keep me hanging on your little hand kisses and tiny touches for years! and no matter what I do, how hard I try you give me just enough to keep me hanging, enough to keep me your hopelessly devoted little slave girl!! and then here comes little miss fancy skirt and I'm as worthless as the shit on your shoes!"
"WHoa- whoa- okay." He said trying to calm me down "What's this about?"
"You know what it's about you cruel man!" I cried 
"Y/n Please I swear I don't know what you're talking about, please just sit down and calm down a little" He said gently guiding me to sit on his bed "Now just answer my questions okay, without insulting me if you can" He said holding my hands as he sat in the chair across from the bed "Are you drunk?"
"Why did you get drunk?"
"I thought it would make me stop crying," I said tears slipping down
"Why are you crying?" he asked caressing my cheek and wiping away my tear 
"Because I'm upset!"
"Alright, your upset." He nods "Please, tell me, Hey my little nursey. I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's wrong."
In my drunken state, I said everything I had ever wanted to say to him tears flooding down my cheeks "I loved you."
"You what?" He asked 
"I loved you. Fully. I loved you from the moment I saw you jack, my every waking moment I think of you, you are the very last thought in my mind before I go to sleep and the first when I wake up in the morning, I have built my life around you, what time you wake up, how you like your breakfast, how fast you walk, I have spent my life pining after you, worshiping you, doing everything you have ever asked of me all in the hope that one day you may give me a glance, for even that is enough to spoil me beyond measure, I spend three hours every night catching up on work because I know I can't ever say no to you, my dreams are full of you, my pillow is named for you, and I have spent the last few years of my life with you, so utterly in love that I could never stop even if you asked it of me, I live for the moments we are alone, for the seconds of time that your hand is in mine, and my heart dwells on your kisses for hours, I even find myself kissing where you have just for a hope of a taste of you, your name is carved on my heart jack, I am and always have been hopelessly devoted to you in every possible way, and if you felt even half of what I do for you, you would not be so cruel as to hold her so close to you, to call her lovelingly when I am there. Please. I beg of you. Do not let me see it, for it rips my heart in two. and if you cared for me you would give me mercy and take me from this world rather than expect me to live in it without you." I explained through my tears "I will not stand in the way of your joy, but I cannot face seeing her where I have always desired to be" 
My words had frozen him but I saw tears well up in his eyes, he held my face and gently kissed me.
I wanted to be happy but I knew this was only meery pity. 
He pulled back his nose against my own "I have desired you to be in my arms since the first night I saw you, I have made myself utterly dependent on you, in every way, for in my heart I know I cannot fashion a life without you in it, you are everything to me, without you I am nothing but a shell of a man, you are the grace that keeps me grounded, the softness that reminds me of the sweetness of the world, you are the ray of sunshine first to peak though the storm of my life, without you, I am lost to the dark. you take care of me, you keep me right, and you make this life worth living, You are so needed that I can't go a single day without seeing you for if I do my heart feels weak and heavy. I adore you, I can't face this world without you by my side, you are... utterly incomparable to all else I have ever known."
"All but her."
"No. Please believe me." he begged "She could never fill the hole you would leave in my heart." he whispered, "I love you, hopelessly" 
"Why have you never told me?"
"I couldn't believe that a sweet thing like you, could love a monster like me."
"you're not a monster Jack."
"I am. I have treated you awfully. I swear to you she means nothing to me, I have made you long for the next life. I have broken your heart. and like choosing to step on the first fresh flower of spring, it is unforgivable." 
"But I saw you together." 
"I was teaching her. I had to show her but even still I got too close. And for that I am sorry."
"I heard you call her Milady,"
"she's the goveners daughter I have to" He giggled "It was in jest. not in love." 
"Well now I'm foolish for drinking away and coming here and-"
"I am so thankful you came here tonight." He whispered "Will you ever forgive me? for what I did."
"You're already forgiven" I smiled 
"Stay with me tonight."
"I-I can't"
"Please. I can't bear for you to go."
"I will stay Jack." I nodded unable to control my smile "For how long?"
"For forever." He whispered against my lips 
"for forever" I smiled kissing him with all the passion, all the love, all the utter hopeless devotion I had had for him since the first day I met him and he did the same not letting anything be held back the taste of salt in our kisses from our tears, "I love you jack, Hopelessly"
"I love you y/n hopelessly" He smiled "Come on we need to get some sleep, god knows the hangover you'll have tomorrow morning."
"Ohh noo" I whined
"Don't worry. I'll take care of you" He reassured kissing my head "I'll fetch your nightie" he smiled heading out and soon enough returning with my nightie from my bedroom, I smiled taking it and going to the corner to change but as I removed my dress I felt his arms around me and kisses on my shoulder 
"You shouldn't look." I said 
"I can't help it- you are even more beautiful than I had dreamed you were," he whispered 
"You had dreamed of me? without my dress?"
"Many times." He smiled wickedly "Did you dream of me? without my clothes?"
"I had."
"Come on nursey. Bedtime." He cooed going to his bed 
I finished getting changed and turned to see him in bed with a space for me I blushed but rushed over about to climb in but he stopped me 
"Water. or you will have a bad hangover."
"You know from experience?"
"I do. go on." He said 
I did as he asked drinking a nice glass of water and slowly I climbed in with him laying down with a giggle 
"I'm used to cuddling my pillow."
"Me too. funny to think we laid cuddling our pillows with just a wall between us" he chuckled wrapping his arms around me to pull me closer so our noses were an inch from each other I giggled a little and set my hands on his chest
"We were rather foolish, spending our nights dreaming of each other"
"We were. But I don't need to dream of you in my arms any longer"
"me either." I smiled giving him a soft kiss before we both drifted away, I didn't dream I didn't need to, just the feeling of being in his arms was more of a dream than anything I could have imagined.
But I woke up alone, which for a moment shattered me believing it all to be a dream, my head aching "Ughhhh ow ow ow" I whined as I turned over 
"I know I'm coming-" His voice spoke up, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jack standing cooking up some eggs and bacon half dressed no shirt but his pants with his suspenders left hanging 
"Ohh... Morning-" 
"Good morning." He smiled "You have a hangover?"
"Ummm humm" I nodded
"How bad?"
"Did you remove my brain last night?"
"Then I think it's bad."
"You were absolutely bloody plastered last night" 
"I was sad."
"I know, Am I to expect that often then?"
"Good," he smiled "Here we are my little nursey, best thing for a hangover" he smiled sitting the plate on the table by the bed and kissing my temple 
"I should get going..."
"Why?" he asks sitting on the bed with me 
"I figured you'd want me gone" I said sitting up even if it made my head feel like it was bleeding 
He smiled and gave my lips a sweet kiss "I thought you were staying here for forever?" 
“I take it there are gaps in the memory of last night?”
“I'm not completely sure where reality ends and my dreams begin”
“I can't blame you, I was stone-cold sober and I'm having a hard time separating my dreams from reality last night.” he chucked where do you think the line is?”
“I think I came here and insulted you then I dreamt the rest?”
“No, we were awake a while more than that”
“Ohh. So I did actually tell you -”
“You did.”
“And you told me-”
“I did.”
“Oh my-”
“It's hard because it felt so much like a dream” he smiled he stroked my cheek before he moved into a kiss our kiss was passionate and rather excited and I teared up to know all of it was real and that he loved me as much as I do. Our kiss got even more excitable as he began to push forcing me down in the bed but that sudden movement was enough to affect my hangover
“Owwwwww” I whined lying on the pillow
“Oh, right. Sorry” he chuckled “you're not working today, keep yourself here with me and get some rest”
“What about you? You need to work?”
“Sneed can handle it for one day” he smiled “Just till you're feeling better. I can't leave my little nursey all alone”
“Thank you, Jack”
“You're welcome” he smiled “and… you're really cute when you're jealous”
“I am?”
“Utterly adorable” he cooed “Now eat. Drink. And rest,” he says
“I will I promise”
“Good girl” he smiled moving clean against the wall and having his legs over mine I smiled moving so I could see him and he held my hand “I get why I hear your bedsprings all the time. You little one are a wiggler” he laughed “I tried to hold you close all night but you just kept wiggling away from me”
“It's fine, I'll get used to you” he chuckled “Can I tell you a secret?”
“I'd like that”
“... There is a reason I'm always late, days you come do my breakfast.”
“Oh? Why?”
“I'm always late because I can't resist seeing you in your nightie.”
“Why does that make you late?’ I asked he smirked and simply glanced down to his trousers suggestively “oohhh-”
“Yeah. Especially the other day when you almost took your nightie off for me?”
“I did notice you were very late that day”
“What did you think I was doing?”
“I didn't question it.” I giggled at the thought of Jack lying in his bed taking care of himself because of me “Can I tell you a secret?’
“I'd like that”
“I didn't spill my drink that day”
“So why was your nightie wet? And why was your bed squeaking so much?’
“The same reason you were late”
“Ooh- really?”
“Humm” I nodded
“So that morning before I knocked I sat listening to you?”
“Fuck-” he gasped “I thought I heard my name. Did you hear yours?”
“No, I was quick getting dressed’
“Shame. Maybe next time as well be in my bed together we can just, take care of each other” he smirked “Would you like that my little nursey?”
“I would very much”
“Good, you must move around a lot then because seriously your bed was boarder line constantly making noise”
“I was- I can't -”
“What no tell me.”
“I was riding my pillow”
“You what?’
‘you heard “
“Riding your pillow? As in pillow on the bed, you are on top?” He asked and I nodded “Imagining it was me?”
“Yes” I blushed hiding under the covers a little
“That's adorable” he smirked ‘and a coincidence”
“After you left. I laid on my back imagining you riding me. Maybe our dreams are synchronizing” he smiled leaning down to give my lips a sweet kiss moving to look over me as we kissed till he pulled back a bit
“How did you do it?’
“Do what?’
“I was riding my pillow” I giggled innocently
“Oh, just my hand.” He shrugged “I always use my hand I don't have any things to ride on or use like that” he smirked moving a little so his knees were on either side of me “But if you show me, I'll be happy to show you too” he smirked kissing down my jaw and neck
“Uhhh! Jack!” I gasped as I felt his kisses grabbing his hair
“Uhhh- y/n!” He moaned back ripping the covers from my hands “ohh fuck-” he groans looking at me in my nightie
“Owww” I whined as his kisses made he throw back my head which hurt
“Well continue this later. When you feel better” he smiled giving my lips a kiss “That okay?”
“Okay Jack” I smiled giving him a. Kiss “I love you”
“I love you too” 
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lowkeyremi · 6 months
Hello Maya! Before I start my request, I just wanna say, I love your writing!!! I've been reading your things for a few weeks now (I'm new to tumbler) and I'm hooked!!
Anywho- I was listening to "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift and it gave me the idea of fem!reader meeting Satoru at some big event for sorcerers and falling hopelessly in love with him
heyyyyyy thank you for reading my stuff and i'm really happy you made a request, i've been hoping someone would bc i want to write ideas other than my own. i'm not huge on taylor swift so i had to listen to this song lol its pretty good :) you ask and i shall provide!! also i'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind :')
Enchanted S. Gojo x fem!reader
wc: 1.1k
content: fluff, meeting and getting together
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The night hadn't been going so well. You spilled some of your drink on your dress. That was borrowed from your friend might you add. Three guys that showed any potential interest were already with someone and their dates angrily pulled them away from you.
There are whispers about the oh so famous Satoru Gojo, and how he's finally made an appearance with his long time friend Nanami.
You've heard plenty about him, he's the famous sorcerer from Jujutsu High that has six eyes. He can solve any problem and he's said to be very hot. Honestly you're kind of a hater, you think people are gassing him up for no reason.
You've never personally met him but his description makes it hard to miss him if you see him; white hair blue eyes, but he'll likely be wearing an eye mask.
A sigh escapes your lips as you walk toward the bar for another drink, you would have invited your best friend but she's not a sorcerer and would not get it at all. "Hi, sorry for being back so soon, but could I get a strawberry margarita?" The woman behind the bar nods.
Before she can walk off though, a silky, carefree voice makes a request with your order, "Me too! Never tried strawberry margarita. Sounds pretty fruity." This day is already bad so you turn your head to see who just made it even worse-
A pretty white haired man stands by your side, piercing blue eyes peaking through sunglasses that look down right ridiculous at such a formal event. "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors??" Is the first thing you ask, no 'Hi how are you?' or 'why are you ordering drinks on my tab?'
"Cuz I could make everyone faint with my pretty blue eyes." He smirks, confidence evident in every word.
You look confused and he finds it cute. A foreign feeling stirs in your stomach. "Just kidding. I'd waste my power if my glasses were off. Actually, I was advised not to wear them, but I didn't wanna wear my mask for this event. I have it in my pocket just in case though." He's so light and bubbly you almost forget what you were fuming about.
"You're Gojo right?" He smiles and gives a quick nod.
"And you must be 'girl with a stain on her dress', huh?" You fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Woo that was a good one, almost made my stomach hurt from laughter." You counter sarcastically; the moodiness coming back to you.
"Haha, my bad. Anyway when we get drinks I'll find us somewhere to sit and I'll make you laugh for real." That confidence is still there. You love funny people, they're exciting to be around.
"I'm holding you to that. I need a good laugh." His smile consists of all his pearly whites and is enough to make you, or anyone around you melt.
He goes to pay for your drink, and even hands it to you. "I have to say you are way less selfish than people make you out to be."
The man in question shrugs and smirks at you, "I am very selfish about certain things, childish even. It's only the first date though so pretend you don't know about that." He waves his hand dismissively. You couldn't even care about the fact he admitted to selfishness, you're stuck up on the part where he said this is a date.
"Who said this is a date?" He notices you're trying to play it cool, but he can see right through you.
"I did. I mean if you want, we can think of it more as a blind date since it wasn't planned." Something about him doesn't rub you the wrong way or make you angry at all. He's definitely an odd ball, but he's able to make you feel something in your gut that you haven't felt in a very long time, maybe not ever, actually.
"I- what- you can't just-" You cut yourself off, lost for words, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
He intertwines his fingers with yours. They're cold to the touch, long and slender. He does that thing where you rub your thumb across all the other fingers. On top of that he gives you that love struck gaze. You're all kinds of confused because why is someone like him trying to flirt with you??? He could literally have any other pretty sorcerer but he's walking you over to a fancy table to sit and talk.
"Ugh, you're supposed to have warm hands to contrast my cold ones." He complains, and if you weren't already stunned then you definitely were now. He's swinging his arm back in forth, with you mirroring it because he's holding your hand.
"I can't help my hands being cold, maybe you should be the one with the warm hands." He shrugs at your response. The swinging stops when you two reach a table big enough for four and pulls out your chair for you.
"I normally don't do this but you're definitely worth it." a lopsided grin covers his face.
As nice as all of this is you look around for cameras. Your mind is telling you he means no harm, but you can never be too sure.
"Okay, is this some kind of joke or show?? Where are the cameras because this can't be real." The white haired six foot something giant's face contorts into something very (ugly) funny. His face scrunches up at your words.
"I can't believe you'd suggest something like that! I'm serious, I just want to be a normal guy and have a normal encounter with someone. So, can you just pretend I'm a normal date and not Gojo Satoru?" He's telling the truth and for the first time tonight you fully relax.
"Okay, hi normal guy. What do you like to do?" You ask playfully feeling enchanted by his charismatic presence. He makes you feel a sense of freedom like you never have before.
The rest of the night the two of you goof off and talk about all kinds of things. Eventually he's being dragged out by Nanami because of how drunk he is. He'd given you his number, "Call me!!!" He whines loudly while being led to the car he arrived in.
"Okay! When I do, don't forget everything from tonight." You yell back to him.
"Like hell I will!" And he was telling the truth because about two hours later when you were winding down for bed you get a call from an unknown number. Usually you wouldn't pick up but you have a feeling that the person on the other side was none other than Gojo normal guy.
"Hello?" You don't get a response for a few seconds, your stomach drops thinking you had miscalculated...
"I miss you already, when can I see you again?" He asks sleepily.
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unknown-to · 8 months
fluff, megumi fushiguro x reader
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Thinking about Megumi looking at you from head to toe with a stern expression when you wear something revealing, avoiding having to tell you to change your outfit because he thinks you’re allowed to wear whatever you want.
But later when you go out, he grabs the first opportunity to put his jacket over your shoulders, or around your waist, as if nothing happened just so his pretty girlfriend doesn’t expose herself for everyone to see.
He spends his whole time doing his best to take care of you and treats you like a porcelain doll, though he never makes it obvious and just does it with little subtle things.
Megumi would avoid holding your hands, kissing you or hugging you in public, but when it’s cold outside and your soft little hands are freezing, he takes your hand to hold it inside his pocket.
He avoids physical affection with you in private too, waiting for you to let go of him every time you hug him out of the blue. Occasionally, pushing you away and pulling out of your embrace when it’s more than a few seconds.
But every time he feels conflicted or low in general, he’s the first to come and hug you. Eyes closed and deep breath in your neck, just so you can’t witness how embarrassed he feels to be the one to search for physical reassurance.
Megumi is honestly in love with you and never fails to show it to you without even noticing, never forgetting your likings and orders in every places you’ve been.
He makes you feel like life is easy from how everything you want or think about doing are already done when it’s in his power to make it happen.
As much as he catches himself staring at you in admiration when you don’t notice, and gets flustered when you finally realize.
“i wasn’t looking at you..”
He mutters, avoiding your gaze with a frown as his cheeks turn pink in embarrassment. Although you both know he was lying, living in denial at how his heart flutter every time you make eye contact.
Megumi could really spend hours staring at a photo of you when you’re away, amazed by how pretty you look in every angle and how much he feels his heart melt in love to know your his and only his.
Small and discrete smiles hanging on his lips when you tell him ‘i love you’ before hanging up when he’s on a call with you. Feeling an anxious tingle in his stomach when he tells himself ‘it’s the one, i’m gonna tell her’.
“i love you too”
But ends up whispering it to the beeping of his phone because you hang up knowing how hard it is for him to return your words.
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hi (: its been a while, i havent posted since ages bc i didnt quite know abt who or what.. and well i said i’ll post another one
but anyway here is one about our precious megs, i love him sm )):
hope y’all enjoy(ed), im open for suggestions and requests btw!
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©unknown-to. please do not copy/translate/use as your own.
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liquidstar · 2 months
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BROTHER AND SISTER OF ALL TIME THEYRE SO CUTE <3 love seeing how their relationship has progressed from beako literally throwing him out a window for stuff like this to her happily playing along its so so so so so cute. genuinely just one of the cutest and sweetest dynamics in the series
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hi ram roswaal and fred :) this is probably all we're going to really see of you guys this arc lol
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JOSHUA REAL!!!!! but not for long (also otto in the bg foreshadowing all the drinking hes about to do this arc. hes so stressed. poor emilia is trying her best)
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julius looks so babyfaced here? they really emphasized his long eyelashes just like subaru has been on about every time he mentions him. they better include the scene where he checks him out, like, if they dont animate subaru looking dead at this mans ass im going to riot
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i LOVE this shot of ana. you can really tell shes up to some corrupt capitalist bullshit as we speak. love her for that. wish i had this pic when i made that one money game anastasia video
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the red dress actually does look really good on crusch like it compliments the green hair really well but also the crusch we know would not walk around in such a thing so its like. damn looks like the "memories are an important part of identity" story thinks memories are an important part of identity. who knew.
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ALSO LOVE FELTS NEW LOOK SO MUCH! the only complaint is i felt (felt lol) like the red brought out her eyes more but the blue also looks cool. three primary colors all being used looks nice too
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no fucking way... did they actually...
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photos taken seconds before disaster lmfao. i still love how chin thinks subaru is a freak and weirdo for being so buddy buddy with him after he and his buddies mugged him. twice. (even more times from subarus perspective. hell he stabbed subaru once) genuinely cant wait to see more of this dynamic its so stupid.
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THE FUCKING CUNT!!!!!! also the apples lol
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oh you poor thing. you have no idea what next level family drama bullshit awaits. good luck. get ready to kill grandma AGIAN lol
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:'( emilia still misses her terrible cat dad and its kinda sad when you know were not getting a resolution on that here either. they both look so sad :(
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i cannot wait for garf mommy issues round fucking 2.
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he fucking bit it. yeah i guess thats what dogs do tho.
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the empathy powers will have a glowing eye effect. very cool but i hope they dont show it too much in the first scene bc like in the LN i think its cooler if you dont know why everything is so... Wrong.
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i dont rly have anything to say i just think ferris looks cool covered in blood. imagine being healed here like doctor catgirl will see you now
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emilia be nice. that crazy bitch might be your mom. just like how the previous crazy bitch was in fact your dad.
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THEY CHANGED UP CAPELLA'S DESIGN TOO honestly tho her being sexualized makes sense w a lot of the themes (the way its intentionally meant to be perverse and gross in a way explicitly stated) so i didnt mind as much and she still IS here but. this is still an improvement imo just a better outfit looks cooler. bug.
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fruityfairy-world · 3 months
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One Piece characters as ponies!!!!!
a fun way to unwind after a long stressful term!
here is my List as to why they are the way they are:
- earth ponies have lots of endurance and brute strength, kinda just fits his vibes.
- “b but how will he use three swords? !” you may cry. fear not. i thought of this. i think he would have one in his mouth yes but the others he does sorta martial arts wielding to spin them and launch them, and cause he is Big he launches himself around to catch them. i feel like he’d make it a cool performance
- i didnt make him a unicorn bc i felt it was too easy for him to wield his swords that way. its zoro. he needs to be TOUGH
- cutie mark are swords bc. swords
- unicorn because in my head the unicorns should have the weird tails and be tall
- he uses his horn for easy and professional cooking! he learned how to multitask and its what makes him so Speedy
- his legs are still super strong despite being lankier, his longer tail is also used like a whip.
- yes i gave him pants
- yes the pants are blue. truthfully i was thinming of All Blue and wanted to die that in.
- i really like his cutie mark. i made it a burning heart bc of his fire lol and also just his passion, could also be seen like he hurts himself a lot too
- cute pegasus!
- her wings let her steal faster and sneakier :3 she uses them more for agility and tricks rather than long distance flying
- cutie mark is a tangerine for obvious reasons
- i think she would have her tattoo on the other side of her body!
- unicorn because she is a smarty pants, i think she is also elegant like one.
- i imagine her devil fruit looks rlly cool with longer limbs, she would probably replicate her horn to stab when needed >:-)
- i chose for her to be a cooler toned purple because she is just. Purple! in my head.
- cutie mark flower petals. tried to make her markings look like petals too
- gave her pink eyes for fun
- my camo king. it just felt right because he waits for the perfect moment to strike
- he isnt a pegasus or unicorn bc his strength is his brain! i feel like he’d invent things to try and be like them, but ultimately realize that his intelligence is what makes him save the day
- he can run and hide forever in the best way
- cutie mark is for his skill! a sharpshooter!!
- i made him a zebra bc of his zoan powers. it felt right
- red
- still has the hat! obviously! i thiught about making his cutie mark a straw hat but that feels too easy. i almost made it a crowm but that doesnt fit his personality/morals, it feels too idk, hierarchal for him
- black tipped wings inspired by snake man :-)
let me know what u think and if i should do…gasp….more!
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
fic rec friday 49
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
it's not enchanted without you by @adelfie
He rolls his shoulders back and shifts into his wolf form. He’s all dark fur and lupine when he raises his head again. Like this, he can match Lance’s height — head to tail. Not that it’s a competition. But still. -- In an enchanted forest, wolf shifter Keith and merperson Lance are best friends. They're not supposed to be. (Or, a cute kid fic in which Keith and Lance both have swishy tails and Shiro is Strict™)
could have sworn i recced this one already. anyways. this is SO CUTE, baby klance always is, but like the whole forbidden friendship trope is so....little keith dragging his friend along in a wagon so they can run together. weeping
2. what the deep night brings by @adelfie
Lance wakes up feeling uneasy and Keith comforts him.
cute klance piece. it's all anyone ever needs. keith being lance's comfort both because lance finds him comforting and keith wants to comfort him. SIGH
3. Gentron Day 2: Childhood Friend by sunshinehime
"Hey! Wanna play with me?" A simple question hangs in the air. The boy in front of him holds out his hand, blue eyes sparkling like the ocean on a sunny day. His wide grin reveals a few gaps where baby teeth used to be. He can barely look him in the eye and his old habit of stuttering his words rears its ugly head again. He expects the boy to get annoyed with him and leave in a huff. But it seems this day is full of surprises.
lance & hunk is so everything to me actually. and lance shamelessly flirting with hunk can be so personal. i just love them having the longest friendship known to man and literally being cosmically connected like they're so
4. fighting the surface by @tomminowrites
“Humans have shown quite the impressive drive for survival,” the Galra commander grins. “I want to see you fight against that. The druids claim drowning is quite the painful way to go." He tips Lance backward over the water, as Keith and Shiro struggle against their bonds. "If you surface, they die.” Lance’s eyes widen and he's pushed backward with a splash. ______ Keith, Shiro, and Lance are taken captive during a mission planet-side. The commander decides he only needs two paladins for interrogation, and decides to have a little fun while they wait for extraction. Lance is thrown into the deep with the threat that if he swims up for air, one of the other two will be shot. Obviously Lance would rather die than allow that. Later chapters will, of course, deal with Keith and Shiro losing their damn minds thinking Lance just drowned himself for them.
now this is a CLASSIC. truly. i remember talking about this fic out loud with a friend bc that was normal back then. god. anyways this fic was like THEE bamf lance fic for a WHILE and like the blue & lance dynamics are AMAZING. remember when water power lance was all the rage?? i do and so does this fic. lance shooting people between the eyes RIGHTS
5. Paladin of Water by SimplyVibing
"Well, say your goodbyes.” The Triq’en laughed and tossed Lance over the edge of the cliff. __________________________ In the middle of battle, the paladins realise two things : 1- Lance is very helpful in a fight. 2- There's more to which lion you pilot than they thought.
i will never ever in my life get tired of lance just absolutely tearing bitches up. power making him glow. just popping up from being half dead and going oh you thought you could actually kill me?? you stupid motherfucker?? try again
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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vigilskeep · 5 months
how do u like get into da2 bc ive only finished it twice (compared to my 7 complete origins playthrus) and its just so like unsatisfying to me like roleplay wise. it just feels so hard to build a character and a unique story which sucks bc i like some parts of the game!! its just hard to get thru the everything else about it
at some point i’m not going to be the best person to answer this because i have the opposite problem but !! i did have an initial playthrough of da2 that is like. nothing to me bc it was so generic so i guess i did develop from that point
i think using the “colour system” of personality to its fullest really helps. especially having a “secondary colour” to use for flavour or in certain situations? if you’re struggling with your character feeling unique from other people’s characters, i would recommend avoiding primarily purple to begin with... as fun as it is, it’s kind of considered default for hawke. not to push my own agenda but for example, trying out a primarily red hawke can really refresh the game without losing entertainment value. and a blueish red and purplish red are really different, and where you use that blue or purple really alters things. and i would recommend rivalling at least one companion... let your hawke have some opinions instead of just being blank slate to win everyone over
idk da2 is the kind of developing a character i love so it’s hard for me to explain the appeal. it gives you a set of really specific circumstances and you get to decide what kind of a person those circumstances create. here are some of the major questions that distinguish one of my hawkes from another:
how do they feel about the magic in their family? do they value it or resent its dangers?
how do they feel about being the eldest sibling, pushed into protecting and leading the family? did they accept that? does the pressure weigh? how does that affect their memory of their father and their relationship with leandra?
does their father have elven heritage, or heritage from another part of thedas? how does that affect their experiences in and out of their home? do they want to engage with or ignore that part of themselves?
what did they do before the game starts? where did they get and practice their skillset?
what makes them choose the spells and abilities they use? what specialisation do they take and why? who taught it to them?
do they care about their appearance? do they care about conforming to gender norms? how do they want to look and why? do they achieve it?
do they wish they could return to ferelden, or is kirkwall their home?
are they just doing all this to protect their family and stay out of the templars’ reach, or are they ambitious? do they want money? power? the luxuries of hightown? the ability to really change things? the status their mother told stories about? do those priorities change?
what are afraid of? how do the dangers they face every day affect them? which quests linger in their memory? how do those traumas affect their decision making?
have they ever been in love before? what are they looking for in a romantic partner? is the person they fall for what they would’ve gone for, or a surprise? what is it about their romance that made them fall for them? do they hold their parents’ romance as a perfect fairytale ideal or a fate to avoid?
maybe you can’t do anything you like with a hawke, but get a few unique ideas and a cohesive and interesting enough combination of the yes/no questions, or pick an answer to one of these questions that really grabs you and take that as far as you can to its natural extreme as the centre point of their character, and you can really do a lot
(and don’t be afraid to let them have answers to the above questions that you disagree them/that are morally imperfect!!!)
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sciencelings-arts · 3 months
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I think she should get to go full vigilante mode, as a treat
Maskless and my random thoughts under the cut
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Btw her mask is based off of the dark version of phoenix from pl vs pw because I’m so mad that they’ve never canonically met. They’re both named after mythical birds, he’s super into that whole thing of finding the most powerful people and revealing the truth about corruption and she’d appreciate that. They should both go into crime after he gets disbarred. She’d make a wonderful sister for Trucy. Their colors are the same, red-pink and blue and their quirky special abilities are both bright green and they both live to annoy Edgeworth.
I also wanted her mask to be very Robin-y, especially since her outfit is still pretty colorful and sparkly despite the whole sneaky thief thing she’s got going on. I also think it’s funny to base her off of another acrobatic vigilante who is named after a bird.
Little thief’s display gets transferred into her masks visor bc I thought that would be cool. It also gives me a reason to add a little green glow to her eyes.
Anyway I’m writing a fic where I can fuck around with the dark age of the law and get Kay and Phoenix (and Ema) to team up because the law system is so messed up and cops suck so the best way to get justice is through crime. Idk I just have a lot of thoughts about what the world was like at that time and I think that Kay and Phoenix would be hilarious as a duo. Without Edgeworth there to display Common Sense™️ they can get info the most insane situations. Its great.
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frenchfrywrites · 11 months
And Is Three A Party Or A Crowd?
Thank you to AstellaArrival on AO3 for this commission!!
Warnings: amab top reader (who's referred to as a man), Yandere power (?) bottom Simeon, voyeur Asmo, (non-consensual) voyeurism, dubious consent, jealousy, possessiveness, make-up sex, dacryphilia, cock cages
erm a little note before the fic bc this is a bit darker than what i typically write.. there are heavy themes of voyeurism, dubious consent (on readers behalf), and outrageously unhealthy relationships in this fic. I left it ambiguous as to whether this is a scene between the characters or not. If it helps your mind rest easy, Simeon is aware of everything, and everyone discussed this earlier <3 And if you're more turned on by the fact that Simeon isn't aware, then you can read the fic that way <3
As soon as you finish your sentence you regret saying it, as Asmodeus nearly falls over from laughing so hard. 
Glancing at the folks around you, you hope that none overheard you.
“You said what to him?” he hiccups, then screws his eyes shut as he focuses on breathing and composing himself. Asmo, along with all his brothers (you’re impressed that someone was able to convince Levi and Belphie to show up), and your mutual friends, are currently at the ball that Diavolo– Lord Diavolo, the Lucifer in your head corrects– is hosting. As soon as you showed up alone, which is an unusual thing now that you’re dating Simeon, Asmo was glued to your side. 
He had barely greeted you before he began to question you like a detective, nosing his way into your business to figure out why you and your boyfriend showed up separately. He’d gone so far to accuse you of getting divorced, which you explained would be impossible considering you’re not married; though the correction did not stop Asmo’s questioning over who would get custody of Luke. 
The fight you had with Simeon was not even very major, you should really stop using the word fight if you’re honest. What happened between the two of you was hardly even an argument. No matter what you called it, you knew if you didn’t tell Asmo it would become an even bigger mess. You’re lucky he had not yet given up on you, and ran to question Simeon instead. 
You cave fairly easily and tell Asmo about how you had asked Simeon for a little space within the day, and he’d taken offense. There’d been some not-so-loving words exchanged in the heat of the moment, but nothing that could not be forgiven and forgotten. You remember the immediate regret that hit you during the argument when he had smiled, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, and promised with tight lips that he would give you space. He had made a noticeable space between you and him when you’d gone to bed, and recommended that you should go to the ball separately. 
Now you’re here. 
“I’m not repeating myself,” you huff, suddenly embarrassed by the situation. It was, however, a relief to tell someone about the incident. You feel a little better already after getting it off your chest. Asmo tuts,
“It’s really not that bad darling, I’m sure he’ll forgive you, or you’ll forgive him” he pauses, thinking over the information you’d relayed, “sorry, are you even mad at him? I’m a little lost.”
“I’m not mad,” you insist, sighing wistfully as you (not-so-subtly) turn to look at where Simeon is. He looks so pretty in his white suit and blue tie (the one you told him matches his eyes), talking to Solomon and Luke. You want to go over to him and somehow fix the situation you’re in, but you doubt a party is the best place to do it. Asmo coos, 
“Oh you pathetic, desperate, sad man,” you turn to look at him, frowning. Opening your mouth you attempt to complain about him kicking you while you’re already down, but Asmo’s giggle stops you, “c’mon let's dance or something, we’ll get your mind off it,” he lightheartedly suggests. There’s a pause as you think about it for a second, and then you let him drag you to the dance floor. A smile works its way to your face as you think about how you’re grateful you have a friend like him, who always knows how to cheer you up. 
Asmodeus situates the two of you in such a way that your back is to Simeon and Solomon. His hope is that you stop trying to sneak peaks of them. This also prevents you from seeing the bone chilling look on Simeon’s face once he notices you dancing together. He’s staring the two of you down, smiling as he talks to Solomon and Luke, but gripping his drink with such force that Asmo wonders how the glass hasn’t broken yet. Thank god Solomon and Luke haven’t picked up on Simeon’s sour mood.
A few songs pass, with the two of you making small talk as you dance, before Asmo’s eyes widen as an “uh oh,” falls from his lips. “Here comes your man,” he informs you, and then you feel the hand on your arm. Turning, you find Simeon staring you down. You feel like you’ve been caught, even though you haven’t done anything.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he doesn’t look or sound sorry at all, “it’s just the two of you looked to be having such a good time, I couldn’t help but wonder what you could possibly be talking about?” he asks, smiling innocently. He doesn’t even spare Asmo a glance. You could cut the evident tension radiating off Simeon with a knife. Asmo seems largely unaffected.
“Oh nothing interesting,” he waves his hand dismissively, “just the results of Beel’s latest Fangol game, he did really well, but he always does, so there’s nothing new there,” he rambles, sounding bored as he recounts the last few minutes. Looking at Simeon, you don’t think he’s listening to a word that Asmo’s saying.
“Yeah, did you want to join in?” you ask, hoping that you don’t sound too eager. 
“Oh no, I recall you saying that you wanted space,” Simeon mentions offhandedly, like it’s not the thing the two of you have been obsessing over for the last 24 hours. Asmo opens his mouth, likely to point out how Simeon was the one to infringe on your space in the first place, but thankfully stops himself. Instead, he amuses himself by watching you fumble with your words,
“Simeon– I– that was– it was really stupid– I– what I should have said– I mean what I meant– I mean I didn’t mean it, is what I mean,” Simeon looks at you with an unreadable expression. There’s a second of uncomfortable, awkward silence between the three of you before Simeon takes you by your arm without a word.
You let him pull you out of the grandiose ballroom, giving a weak wave to your friend, hearing Asmo cackle as you disappear into the crowd. 
“Hey,” you start to slow down, tugging on Simeon’s arm once he pulls you into a mostly empty hallway. He turns to you, and wraps his arms around your neck, tugging you into a kiss. You smile, pleased that he’s back to clinging to you. You didn’t know how much you would miss him until there was space between the two of you.
“Try that again,” he says as he pulls back, referring to your mess of words that hardly formed a sentence or coherent thought at all. You’re relieved that he sounds a lot less upset and passive-aggressive now that you’re out of the ballroom.
“I’m sorry for what I said, and how I said it. There was a lot that I said and I didn’t mean. I missed you,” you admit, wrapping your arms around his waist. Simeon steps further into your space until he’s pressed flush against you.
“I forgive you. I missed you too,” he confesses, leaning in for another kiss. You kiss back happily until you feel his tongue press against your lips, a signal that he wants more.
“Simeon,” you breathe as you pull from him, but he crashes his lips against yours once more, preventing you from stressing to him that you are very much in a public place right now and any number of people could walk in on the two of you making out.
Tonguing the inside of your mouth, he steps back slowly, dragging you along with him, until his back is pressed against the wall. 
A tingle of arousal sparks in your loins when you feel his hands start to wander. While sucking on your tongue, Simeon lets his hands slip from around your neck down to your chest. He feels you up for a second, then goes to undo your tie, and slips his fingers under your shirt to touch your skin. The coolness of his fingers against your flushed skin shocks you awake, and you tear yourself from him. 
“Not here,” you murmur, taking Simeon’s hands in yours to stop them from groping you. You then look behind you anxiously, only to find you’re alone in the hallway. You breathe a sigh of relief, and turn back to find Simeon looking disheveled and wanton– his hair out of place, his lips wet and parted, his blue eyes shining brightly as he stares you down. 
“Follow me,” he grins, not giving you a choice as he yanks you by your hand and leads you further away from the ballroom. Suddenly, he takes a right, opening a door to reveal an empty bedroom. Simeon hauls you inside, shutting the door behind you. You feel flushed all over, thankful that the dark blue of the twilight hour is seeping from the window and masking your facial expressions for the time being.
Simeon lets go of your hand in favor of rushing around the room. You sit on the side of the bed, slipping off your shoes as he lights a candle on the bedside table. When he turns to face you, his features now illuminated by the warm flickering candlelight, you feel your heart throb. 
“That suit makes you look so pretty,” you tell him what you’ve been wanting to say all night long. Simeon kicks off his shoes, and smiles, the first genuine smile you’ve seen on him for the last couple of hours. 
“Don’t you think I would look prettier with it off?” he suggests, plopping himself down comfortably in your lap. You steady him by holding onto his hips, letting out a soft noise at his forward flirting.
“What has you all worked up tonight?” Simeon hums at your question, and instead of answering he tugs off your tie, tossing it elsewhere, and takes your face in his hands, leaning to kiss your jaw. He kisses his way around your face, not leaving a single feature untouched by his lips, until finally pressing his soft lips against yours. 
“Maybe I just missed you, is all,” he whispers against your mouth. You’re about to lean in for another kiss, but Simeon pulls back before you can. “Or maybe I don’t like seeing you dancing with other men,” his grip on your face tightens a bit, and his expression shifts to one you’ve encountered only a few times before, usually when he thinks you’re not looking at him. It’s one that makes your gut drop, and sets worry deep in your bones about what he’ll do next.
“Simeon, it wasn’t like that,” you assure, rubbing soft circles into his hips. You hope your words are comforting him, because you can see now how it might have looked. 
“Oh really? You didn’t want more time to yourself just so you could spend it with him ?” he questions you, breathing just a bit heavier as he stares you down with unblinking eyes. 
“No, no, I was wrong about that,” you’re quick to amend. You try your best to nuzzle into his touch, acting like this is a normal response and a normal reaction. “I said I missed you, I meant it. I was wrong to want more space, I missed you so much baby,” you tell him honestly. Simeon’s wild gaze softens, just a bit.
He doesn’t say anything, just pets the side of your face gently, touching and tracing all over your face as he studies you. 
“You’re mine, you know,” he whispers, “say it, I need to hear it,” he nearly begs. 
“I’m yours Simeon, I promise,” 
“Yes,” his hands leave your face, moving to hold onto yours. He pushes your hands from his hips down towards his groin. “You wouldn’t touch Asmo– anyone else like this, would you?” Simeon asks, making you touch the slight bulge in his suit pants. 
You shake your head, “only you Simeon,” he grinds into your touch. You can feel the cage he’s wearing under his clothing press against your flesh, and you shudder at the memory of putting it on him.
“You want to see me, don’t you?” Simeon asks, and his words make it sound like he’s trying to come off as cocky, but he just sounds desperate.
He takes your nodding head as permission and shucks off his suit jacket, rips his tie over his head, then nearly tears off his button down shirt. All that’s left are his pants. 
Simeon gets off your lap, and begins stripping his bottoms off, and you’re very consumed by the sight before you, but loud laughter coming right from outside the door sends chills all over your body. 
“Wait, wait,” you whisper-yell at Simeon, fearful at the thought of someone coming in while Simeon undresses for you.
Your lover is unperturbed by the people who’ve decided to have a loud conversation right outside the room you’re hidden in. Simeon steps out of his underwear, and your eyes immediately shoot to Simeon’s caged cock between his soft, plush thighs. 
“Simeon,” you whisper, scared to make any noise louder than that. He plops himself on your lap, but you’re having trouble focusing on him with the knowledge that there are others who could listen or walk in at any moment. A violently nagging thought racks your brain as you try to remember whether Simeon locked the door behind the two of you. You’re nearly certain he didn’t. 
“No, wait,” you protest as his hands reach for your belt. Simeon frowns, popping his lower lip out in a pout,
“You said you were mine?” he says at a normal volume, causing your gaze to shoot to the doorway in fear,
“Shhh,” you warn, but the guests outside didn’t seem to hear or notice the sound of Simeon speaking. “No, wait a second,” you urge as he ignores you and begins to unbuckle your belt. The metal clanking against itself sets an obscene amount of anxiety within you. Your hands grasp weakly at his thighs. You can’t remember a time when you felt this nervous. “Wait just a second Simeon, please, we have to be quiet, there’s people outside, anyone could come in and see,” you ramble nervously as Simeon tosses your belt onto the bed carelessly. 
“Ah,” he grins– and how can he be so frivolous with all this?!– “I can be quiet,” he flirts, finally softening his voice towards a whisper. You know that’s a damn lie, but Simeon continues, huffing quietly, “I bet Asmo could not be quiet,” and you’re not sure if that’s supposed to be an insult or not. “I bet,” he reaches into your front right pocket, where you always keep the key to his cage, “everyone at this ball would hear his noises if you penetrated him,” he feels up your half hard cock from within the pocket before taking the key out. 
“Simeon, that’s kinda mean,” you feel very conflicted with what he’s saying. It’s like Simeon is bashing and praising Asmo at the same time. You've also not spent much time imagining your friend getting fucked, and certainly have not imagined you being the one fucking him, but it seems like Simeon has spent some time thinking about it. Defending Asmo was not the right move to make, you realize as Simeon’s gaze hardens.
“Well, maybe he should not have been dancing so close to you. I wouldn’t find myself so frustrated with him if he had just backed up a bit,” he huffs. “Help me get these off,” he demands, tugging on your waistband. There’s an awkward readjusting period where you undress yourself fully. 
You notice that it’s gone quiet in the hallway, meaning the guests have moved. You’re still anxious about being found out, especially if you’re gone too long, but at least you can semi-refocus your attention onto Simeon while knowing you’re secluded for now.
“It’s obvious he wants to take what’s mine,” Simeon says softly, resettling himself on your lap. He spits into his hand and reaches down to stroke you to full hardness. You’d lost a bit of your erection from fear, but it doesn’t take long for him to get you worked up again. You return your hands to his hips, holding him steady, and you notice the slight tremor they have from the adrenaline lingering. “But there’s a reason you hold a key to my cage,” he mumbles, rubbing the tip of your cock and distracting you. You try to stifle the moan that leaves your lips at the sensation. “You’re mine and I’m yours. You holding the key is proof of it. I wear it because I’m yours,” he rambles possessively, his breathing labored. There’s some underlying guilt, but you’re undeniably turned on by how possessive Simeon is getting over you. 
He suddenly stops stroking you, and reminds you that he’s been holding onto the key to his cage when he forcefully presses it into the palm of one of your slightly shaking hands.  
“Unlock me,” you look at him, dazed and confused as you slowly process his words, your head too muddled with lust to think straight. It takes you some time to do so with the state you’re in, but eventually you press the key into the lock, and remove the cage from him. Being able to focus on a task grounded you, and you’re grateful that Simeon didn’t rush you through it. 
He gasps at the relief, nuzzling his face into your shoulder. “Thank you, oh thank you,” he murmurs, kissing your skin. Your heart swells at being able to please your lover, and the anxiety you’d had is nearly nonexistent now. You place the cage and key next to you on the mattress, and run your fingers through his hair. 
The moment of tenderness ends when you feel Simeon’s swollen, needy, leaking cock rut against yours,
“I want you inside me,” he moans. 
“We need a condom,” you tell him breathlessly, impressed with yourself for even thinking of it. Because even though imagining your cum seeping from his hole makes you salivate and leak pre, you know the aftermath of Simeon being all messy while you have to attend the rest of the ball would not be fun. Simeon slips off from your lap, just as easily as he plopped himself down in the first place. It gives you whiplash. 
He rummages through his suit pants, only settling in your lap again when he has a condom and mini vial of lube in his hands.
“Did you plan for this?” you ask, taking the lube from him. Simeon smiles,
“Maybe,” and you laugh at that, leaning in to kiss him lovingly. He pulls back after a second, eager for you to start stretching him out. “I want to ride you,” Simeon tells you as you coat your fingers with lube. “I have to see you, and I want to feel you in my stomach, I want to remember- ah ,” he’s cut off momentarily when you reach around his body and press against his hole. Simeon rocks himself back against your fingers, “I want to remember that I’m the only one who will get your dick inside of me.”
You groan at his words, spreading the lube along his rim then slipping a finger inside of him easily. Simeon lets out a pleasured hum, clinging to you as you being to prep him for your cock. You work in one finger, intentionally avoiding his prostate, only focusing on stretching him open for another. It takes a good moment until he feels ready, and then you press in another, scissoring his hole open, and only barely fucking your fingers into him. To your surprise, he is fairly quiet through this, only kicking up the volume and frequency of his moans when you finally add a third finger alongside the others. 
“I’m ready,” he gasps as you begin to scissor your fingers, “please, I want- I need your cock, now, I-” he moans, scratching your skin desperately. 
You slowly ease your fingers out of him, wiping off your lubed fingers on the bedsheets and mentally sending Barbatos an apology for it. Simeon, lost in his desperation and need, sloppily lubes up your cock, and you let out a stuttered moan at the stimulation. Within the blink of an eye he’s shakily raised his hips and popped the head of your cock into his entrance.
“Fuck,” you breathe, your eyes flickering to the door while he squeezes and sinks himself onto you. Your heart catches in your throat when your gaze catches a pair of amber eyes peaking through the doorway. Asmo- your brain quickly provides an identity after putting together all the pieces- is staring at the two of you through a crack in the door, and when he notices you’ve caught him he winks, bringing a finger to his lip in a “shhh” gesture.
“Simeon-” you choke, fumbling at his skin. Your skin feels itchy and hot, “wait,” he sinks lower on your cock and you try to silence your moan, “ ah - stop, stop, we can’t, someone could cuh- oh -come in,” you whisper. 
Simeon drops himself further onto your cock, “ oh , I can’t stop now,” he whines, “I need you inside of me, I need it.” From the sound of his voice alone, you believe him. You think if you pulled him off of you now, he’d be inconsolable.
You glance over to the door once again and see that Asmo has his cock pulled out of his suit pants and has his hand wrapped around it. Though you can only faintly see him with the help of the candlelight and light from the hallway, the sight of him still makes your hips jerk, and Simeon’s breath catches. He turns his head to look, but you stop him by tugging on his hair pulling him into a wet and messy kiss. On one hand, you want Simeon to know someone’s there, but on the other hand, the fear of what would happen if Simeon knew it was Asmo watching stops you from letting him look. 
Successfully distracted, he lets you lick into his mouth until he’s gasping for breath. When Simeon pulls back- a string of saliva connecting your lips- his pupils are dilated and his lips are puffy, spit-slicked, and still looking much too kissable. 
Leaning in, you try to capture his lips again, but he slides down the rest of your length, and releases a shuddered sigh when he’s seated fully on your lap. Your head knocks back slightly as your cock is fully engulfed by his hot, tight, twitching hole. Simeon’s lashes flutter shut, and being filled with you makes his expression melt into one of pure content. Then he starts to move.
You let out a startled moan as he fucks himself on your cock, starting with a fervored pace, letting out soft, erratic moans in your ear. Tucking your face into his chest you try your best to hide how knowing that you’re being watched makes your cock twitch and your balls ache. 
You would have never guessed that being watched while you fuck would turn you on so much, but the fact that Asmo is getting off on you fucking Simeon has undeniable effects on you. You almost wish he’d come into the room, so you could better see how he jerks himself off while he watches the two of you. Part of you wonders if Simeon is right; if he weren’t hiding, would Asmo be loud and open with his sounds?
You wonder what Asmo's point of view is. How much can he really see with just the candlelight and light seeping in from the hall? Would he be able to see Simeon's gorgeous arched back, and his perfect ass bouncing as he works himself off on your cock. Would he be able to see hints of your cock– disappearing and reappearing every time Simeon hauls himself up and drops down on you? He could maybe see bits of you and your face peaking out from behind your lover to catch glimpses of him. 
Maybe, you think, the sound of Simeon riding you, his sticky thighs colliding with yours on each thrust, both of your heavy breaths, the faint squelching from your cock fucking his wet hole, is enough to get him off? 
Maybe, all he needed was to know what you were doing to have his imagination fill in the rest.
“Feels so good,” Simeon whines, bouncing on your lap, redirecting your attention to him, “you-you feel good too? I fuh -feel good?” his voice cracks, his eyes glossing over. 
“Ah - yes god Simeon, you always feel so good,” you groan, glancing down and finding yourself entranced by the way his cock bobs against his stomach, leaving a glistening wet spot from where his pre is leaking. If you had more time and space to do so, you’d really like to suck him off. 
“Hngh- oh , I’m the one that makes you feel good, oh -only me,” he babbles, leaning into your body, pressing himself flush against you. In the candlelight you can see how Simeon’s eyes shimmer, welling with tears. 
“I love you so much,” he chokes, “I just want you,” he hiccups wetly, “I want you to only look at me, and talk to me, and think about me ,” he whines, the dam breaking as the tears flood down his cheeks. You kiss him tenderly, trying not to focus on how the same possessiveness that had worked you up and turned you on also causes a shiver to rush along your skin. 
“Yeah, I love you so much angel,” you say, indulging and sedating him instead of challenging his statements. Simeon keens at your words, his thighs shaking as he raises himself with the next thrust.
“Say it again,” he cries, panting through his sobs. 
“I love you, Simeon, I love you so- oh much,” you groan. Pre gushes from his cock as Simeon moans your name. 
“I think I’m going to cum,” he squeezes around you to prove his point. You drop your hand down towards his cock, wrapping around its base, preventing him from getting there. Simeon lets out a surprised gasping moan, his eyes going wide, and his eyebrows scrunching together, so clearly conveying his bewilderment.
“I just-” don’t want the show to end, your brain fills as your eyes flicker back to the doorway, “I need you for a second longer , ngh, wanna cum inside,” is what you say instead. It’s a strange request, considering you’re weaning a condom and Simeon wouldn’t receive the orgasmic feeling that comes with being filled, but it affects him all the same. 
He nods his head so fast you worry for a moment about his neck, and breaths your name, falling in for a kiss. 
When he pulls away so he can catch his breath, Simeon’s gaze flickers down to where your hand is circled around his weeping cock. He stares, wide eyed and hungry, fucking himself even faster. 
“Please cum,” Simeon whines, all high and pretty and needy. Your hips jerk up into him as he slides down your cock, causing an obscene slapping noise. The sound of it would be a cause of concern if you didn’t currently have someone prying in. 
“ Shit ,” you gasp, feeling your orgasm quickly creeping up on you, “just- ah - a little faster, m’ almost there,” Simeon obeys, picking up the pace. 
Wanting Simeon to cum with you, you go from holding his base to stroking his cock in time with your thrusts. The action makes his hips shake, and his fingers clutch for a grasp on your skin. 
“Please,” he moans your name, and it tumbles you over the edge. You fill the condom, fucking Simeon roughly on your lap. Within the period of a second your eyes drift over to the doorway, and even just seeing the little of Asmo’s orgasm that you can with the candlelight has your cock throbbing. 
Simeon reaches his high somewhere between you fucking him like a fleshlight, and you falling slowly back against the bed, taking him down with you. To be honest you couldn’t say you’d given Simeon your full attention. When you look back to the doorway you see that the door is fully closed, and any sign of Asmo being there is gone. Part of you distantly wonders if he’d ever been there at all. 
“I think we should get back out there before someone comes looking for us,” you muse, not making a single move to get up and follow through with your thoughts.
“I think you’re right,” Simeon hums, “but promise you’ll only dance with me, okay?” he looks at you with his big blue eyes, pleading. You laugh softly,
“Of course,” you take his pinky in yours, sealing the promise you’ve made. Simeon giggles at the action, and you both lay together for a little while longer before you seriously refocus on cleaning up.
“Will you put the cage on me again?” Simeon asks so sweetly and softly after you’ve tossed your condom in the trash. Gently you help him into it, taking in the sight before you. “Thank you,” he mumbles softly, tracing the cage possessively.
From there you both hurry through redressing. You’d say, considering that the materials you were working with were a couple of tissues, one wet wipe, and some spit, the two of you look almost back to normal. If anyone were looking they’d notice the dishevelment, but you’re hoping- as you have been for most of the night– that no one will spare you a second glance.
You open the door just a crack, to let in the hallway light, as Simeon blows out the candle. Reaching out into the darkness of the room, Simeon’s hand reaches back to intertwine with yours. Hand-in-hand you guide him out of the room and towards the party. You pray Simeon didn’t notice the clear evidence of Asmo’s orgasm making a mess on the floor as you both scurried back to the ballroom. You mentally send Barbatos another apology.
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
would you be comfortable sharing your bg3 ocs with us? i LOVE hearing and seeing other peoples ocs so much it inspires me to make them too
u always write reader personalities so amazing so ik ur ocs are just as good <3
WAH. YES. THANK U FOR ASKING. a lot of my ocs start out as fun self-inserts and then become... Something else. for bg3 in particular i normally play as my insert so they have the same face HEKJSDKJ. but they are ocs and they look diff in my brain i just dont care to change the face
oh my good GOD this is so long im so sorry. i guess this is my intro post for them now.thank u for asking me.. i love you... humbly presenting my little guys
CW FOR IMPLICATIONS OF INCEST (?) sort of in nyx's story. its complicated!! other than that just canon typical angst + drug use.
i have two main charas i consider more oc than insert. THE FIRST ONE IS MY BELOVED DARLING GIRLTHING SOULIKHA
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goes by soul in camp, mid/late twenties, she/they pronoun haver, true neutral alignment, istj + 5w4
motifs ; black oleander, darkness and shadow, bones but not blood / decay, teals and purples and blues.
close with marisol, lae'zel and wyll. thinks astarion is a little sad and gets annoyed at mystra trying to demand death of gale.
she is a cleric of kelemvor and sacrificial survivor of a myrkul death cult. she escaped nearly dying at the age of 7 bc kelemvor saved her from near death.
she is not from baldurs gate!! she is from the outskirts of omorath but after escaping she lives on the streets.
the second time kelemvor comes to get her (nearly died in an alley) she becomes a cleric and returns to the city. joins the tower of skulls in omorath and does most of her work taking care of the diseased and guiding people in the fugue plane.
a Doomguide and part of a doom clergy.
she is originally darker skinned / tan but turns grey using her powers. when she blushes she becomes her original color lol
she ends up closer to baldurs gate on pilgrimage. she meets marisol (lambs oc) her best friend there.
she is a cleric of kelemvor, the god or judge of death. she tends to wear like a plague doctor sort of uniform and is very attached to a necklace she has that she prays over!! in general she prefers to be covered because she normally is response for helping the diseased as well as the deceased.
always wearing gloves for the same reason ^ special gloves that she has with her even after the kidnapping on the ship.
her personality is very blunt 😭and straightforward but never mean. she is just super direct and a little clueless about social cues... VERY HONEST LOL.
her main story arc is around her parents! like i mentioned she is a cleric of kelemvor but she spent her childhood in a death cult. in act one she hears rumor of a tiefling couple who worshipped myrkul being seen kidnapped on the towers to moonrise. in act two, her major scene, you have the choice on whether or not to kill or rescue her parents.
soulikha as a character puts her duty as a cleric above all else, even herself. she never expresses her feelings, never complains, just does as she believes is of expected to her. it gives her identity. up until this point, it's very rare to see her break down. this is the first scene where she makes a decision for herself
she also believes part of her job is assuring the people suffering die with the dignity and honor they deserve. part of this is because of her upbringing.
she also believes admantly in people dying when they are supposed to. as a cleric of kelemvor with particular favor of her god, she can hear whispers and regrets of death. the shadowfell lands are hard on her.
her main romance partner is karlach
her main romance with karlach has to do with touch and intimacy.
soulikha normally has her face covered and her body so if she were an origin and romance companion chara they'd be surrounding them but in her story she is dating karlach
karlach is soulikhas first love. they are tragic to me. soulikha is constantly telling karlach it's not her time and they often talk about death. she has a line to karlach:
"i will be there. when your soul burns brightest in the fugue plane, i will lead you. till the end of your life and in mine. my hand will find you. you will know its me."
she is shorter than karlach a bit. their whole romance is soulikha saying over and over that she knows karlach is bound to die, and comforting her through that.
but after the actual end of the game, soulikha cries for the very first time and begs karlach to live. it's the first time she ever says the words "i want you to live.) very heartbreaking
their ending is opening. ultimately soulikha wants to stay with karlach. they promise each other to live. the ending varies depending on other stuff but YEAH.
her bad ending is letting herself become myrkuls new chosen so karlach can have her heart back. fucking AWFUL ending gkdjsd theyre so sad.
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this is nyx! no last name, he/him pronouns preferred, any fine. neutral evil allignment, late twenties. entp + 7w8
close with astarion + minthara. fond of jaehira. thinks wyll is fun and likes karlach. neutral to shadowheart and halsin.
nyx is not from baldurs gate either, explicitly from the city of calimshan, in manshaka. son of a common whore, born in a pleasure house.
tiefling with the blood graz'zt. this is relevant later. fdkjsdk.
learns music from the musicians in the pleasure house. naturally gifted. starts composing his own music at ten when one of this mothers regular customers gifts him a cli' lyre, enchanted with magic
has a complicated relationship with his mother. his mother is a prostitute but also very addicted to drugs. she wasn't motherly and often made advances on him when he grew up into puberty. his only family. when she was coming down the high, he would play her music to fall asleep.
practiced a lot on his own, other musicians taught him other instruments. very talented. most of his music and songs were about his one true love, roxana
roxana was another child of the house. they grew up together. she wasn't particularly talented but she was soft, kind, and beautiful. they both knew she would end up staying in the house, but nyx did try to protect her from customers when they were both underage.
roxana is full blooded human. she has a tattoo of roses down her spine that nyx dedicated one of his songs too and got matching trellis tattoos for. his most popular song.
his composition reached far and wide and he was offered many times to leave the pleasure house to perform. but he loved roxana and she often begged to say with him - so he never went. for her he'd do pretty much anything.
spent most of their lives together as lovers. first kiss at 13, lost their virginity to each other at 16/17, when they are in their early 20's nyx saves up to propose.
nyx is betrayed by roxana, though nyx by default does not care if Rrxana were to take lovers. 
because of nyx’s upbringing and roxana’s work, all nyx had ever asked Roxana for was to keep no secrets between them 
(growing up, roxana was naturally meek and often was in dangerous situations. Both because of this and because of his mothers commentary after she’d invited him for sex (“let’s keep this a secret between us,”). nyx had asked Roxana to never keep things from him, if she could.) 
roxana ultimately chooses another man over nyx, one she’d kept a secret. she’d told nyx that she couldn’t be with him anymore. That she wanted more from life, and that she would go with her new lover to see greater sights. 
“I loved her. Beautiful like a rosebed. I was a fool, of course. Only a fool forgets that the first rule to pick roses is dethorning them, lest they make you bleed.”
nyx sets off for college the same night. packs his belongings, says by to the pleasure house. his mother kisses on the cheek. he doesn't tell roxana about this
after that he commits to a life of debauchery at the college of swords. many flings and makes more music but never gets tied down despite peoples offers and efforts.
very charismatic in general and good at behaving in slimy and manipulative ways fhfksd. acts in self-interest.
very weak to soft and gentle women (hung up on his ex.... rip)
never ever mentions roxana by name even as an origin character. a lot of his story is about getting him to open up. he has a confrontation with his ex in act 3. his story is similar to astarion
in act one he hears rumor of a beautiful prostitute in the city who works the cities leaders and follows this. his main decision is meeting roxana again and deciding whether or not to forgive or save her
(you learn through the course of his story that roxana was never particularly good or honest to him, though it's not easy to figure out. the best ending to for him to save her but not take her back, the worst is dying for he)
his primary love interest is lae'zel !!
they have a silly and funny relationship at first. it starts as a sex thing but their tent is next to each other. lae'zel likes calling him a jester but loves his voice too.
he likes that she's very different from the women he dates. she's very harsh towards him but he also trusts she would never lie to him. he comforts her through the situation with vlaaktih and she in his story helps him realize that not everyone is out to betray him. he wants to love her and does.
he is SO affectionate towards her act three. she is constantly pissed she has romantic feelings for local emo clown
lae'zel having no propensity for manipulation and also being very honest is really refreshing for nyx. they have a minor age gap fdkfskjd
at the end of the story - nyx encourages lae'zel to travel and save their people. he makes a life for them in the city and writes hundreds of songs about her in her absence. they raise a gith child together
21 notes · View notes
diodellet · 1 year
what can i do for you? (jamil viper x gn!reader*)
i was originally thinking of a hcs post for who would be the best charac to borrow a hair tie from and then realized my bias would shine through so... yeah? hooray for ya girl's first twst fic? jamil makes me confused... like i wan to punch him sm???? maybe its bc im still in recovery over not getting his alab naria ssr content warnings: -anachronistic (it is set in the main story of twst, the events of the Prologue chapter happened but there are no references to Overblots.) -references to some spoilers for Book 4 -*reader has thick, long, not-straight hair word count: 5.5k words
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chapter 1: just let me do this for you
When it came to most things in his life, Jamil had little to say with regards to how he felt about such. From a young age, he was taught to put his personal thoughts aside. If he had so much to say, then he could direct that energy to his work instead. From a young age, he was taught not to make a big deal out of things, rather, he learned to placate and smooth things over. With time, even little joys were overlooked out of his mind’s automatic urge to run through his tasks and obligations again and again. There was no end to the things he had to attend to, so whatever he felt, whatever he had to say, would go disregarded and ultimately remain unsaid. But for some reason, today felt different.
Of course, nothing outwardly changed. Flight class was technically his second subject of the day after morning training at the basketball club. The sun’s rays had yet to grow harsh and he had enough time to get his body to fully wake up. The flying drills were easy enough to accomplish. With it being early into the semester, the class was still being made to recall past lessons. But as usual, Jamil would have to take his time completing them, making sure to match the majority of his classmates’ skill level to land squarely in the middle. Though, the teacher’s attention was mostly focused on the first years since it was their first time flying out in an open area. Another loud yell followed by the shrill sound of the coach’s whistle told him that another first-year nearly fell off their broom. 
Sparing the field a cursory glance, he estimated that he could complete the practice course a bit quicker than he usually did. He could shave off a few seconds from his regular record. Maybe he deserved to show some progress in the class and use the remaining time for something else. Hovering above the treeline, he watched the specks of students going about. The cool temperature of the wind grazed against his shoulders, the golden ornaments in his hair chimed softly with the movement. For once, it could be said that Jamil was in a good mood.
The same couldn’t be said for you though.
He spotted you, the blue flames of your familiar’s ears starkly standing out against the field of green and the black of the PE uniform. That combined with the loud and late entrance the both of you made, caught the attention of all the involved classes. Your frantic screaming, along with the broom speeding faster than what was manageable led to the pair of you getting stuck in a tree. The two Heartslabyul students who frequently accompanied you, tried to get you down without aggravating any possible injuries you sustained.
Come to think of it, he did have to remind Ace about afternoon training. Guiding his own broom, he descended to land a ways from where your group was standing.
“Have you ever heard of a hairbrush?” Ace picked a bunch of leaves out of your hair.
“I already told you I woke up late—ow—so I couldn’t.” You winced before swatting his hands away. “...and besides, my hair tie broke.” 
“Y’were hurrying me to finish eating breakfast…”
“Because you’re powering the broom, Grim. I’m not gonna make you do that on an empty stomach.”
“Maybe you could get a haircut if it’s such a hassle to take care of?” Deuce suggested as he handed you your broom. It probably flew and landed a bit further away after you and Grim crashed. 
“Maybe.” You tilted your head, tone pensive as you considered the prospect, before your expression gave way to a grimace. “But it’ll be expensive…”
“Come visit Heartslabyul then, we’ll use the hedge shears on you.”
That remark pulled a laugh from you. And it was contagious, making your friends smile in turn. The conversation continued in such a way as you slowly combed your hair. With each pass of your fingers through the locks, your expression would scrunch up in slight pain before you’d move on to undo the rest of the tangles.
“Okay, this is probably the best I can do. Ace?” You held out an open hand to accept his spare hair tie.
“Took you forever. Coach Vargas’ll be calling your names any second now.” He dropped it into your palm.
“Not if he calls you guys first—Coach! Trappola’s skipping out on drills!” Just as you raised your voice to bring attention to your friend, the hair tie around your fingers snapped apart, turning into a piece of string. “Ack—wait!” you cursed.
The shrill sound of Vargas’ whistle pierced the air. “Trappola, enough dilly-dallying! You’re up. Spade, you’ll be after him!” 
“Ha, karma!” Ace laughed at you before hopping onto his broom and speeding off. 
“No! Argh!” You scowled, shoving the useless band into your pocket. Letting go of your hair, letting it tumble down your shoulders.
“I think y’deserved that, henchman.” Grim quipped.
You asked, “what do we do, Grim? Do we just go for it?”
“Just don’t start screaming at me again. Let’s go, let’s go! We’re gonna be left behind!” He pawed at the side of your leg, before bounding off in the direction that Ace and Deuce went in.
You leaned against your broom and carded a hand through your hair, then again and again. The repetitive motion seemed to do little for you and you ended up dropping onto your haunches, releasing a long shaky exhale. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, deciding to approach you.
“Oh crap, you saw that—” You straightened up. “Agh, I’m sor—I mean, who are you?”
He introduced himself as a second year in Scarabia, added that he was in the same club as Ace. At the mention of that, your initial trepidation dissipated. You also introduced yourself, the magicless student living with Grim in the formerly-abandoned dormitory.
“Your familiar made quite the appearance at the entrance ceremony,” he remarked. 
“Aah… Grim isn’t really my familiar,” you explained. “But he needs the credits, so… we’ve become sort of a package deal.” One of your free hands toyed with the ends of your hair. 
Jamil had to admit that he could somewhat empathize with your situation. Having to pick up after someone else, spending all of your time being responsible for another. It was the story of his life. “It seems like a handful.”
Which was a severe understatement, considering the bits and pieces of rumors surrounding you and the several times he’s seen you chasing after the catlike monster through the hallways. Said understatement elicited a laugh from you. “You should’ve seen us earlier.”
“Earlier?” He injected a practiced amount of obliviousness into his tone. 
“Ah, nevermind.” A loose lock of hair fell in front of your face as you rocked on the balls of your feet. “By the way, you wouldn’t happen to have either a spare hair tie or tips for controlling a broom, would you?”
He had a spare, always kept one on him. But not in the case that he misplaced them. The band of red had its improvised uses. “Why do you ask?”
“There’s only so much my understanding of theory can do for Grim. I’ve tried asking others, but I don’t…” You kicked at a patch of grass as you considered your next words. “...I don’t get it,” you admitted in a soft voice.
He could hazard a guess as to who you asked, and yet there wasn’t much he could do to help. Casting magic differed from individual to individual. For him, his own magic was almost indistinguishable from himself, it felt no different from moving a limb. One of his hands came up to his chin as he sank into thought. “You’d… lessen your chances of having an accident as long as you don’t pull up your broom. There’s no ceiling to stop you this time.” 
“Easier said than done, but thanks.” You gave an appreciative smile. The wind kicked up and your expression gave way to nervousness as you glanced up at the sky. “Fingers crossed I don’t fall and break all my bones.”
“Wait.” Jamil reached into his pocket and pulled out his spare hair tie. “This will also help.”
You fixed him with a suspicious look, but nonetheless accepted it. “This won’t break on me, will it?” He shook his head, no.
You looped the band once, twice, three times into a snug ponytail. “Oh, huh.” You ran the tip of your finger along the decorative feather.
“It’ll hold up better than Ace’s.” His lips curled into a knowing smile.
“...So you did see that!” You pointed accusingly at him, mortification painting your features. “You saw all of that!” 
Before Jamil could reply, the sharp sound of Vargas’ whistle piercing through the air followed by the sound of your name being called cut your conversation short. For a moment you looked unsure of what to prioritize, until you moved to grip your broom with your other hand. “I’ll give this back!” You called over your shoulder as you ran towards the practice course.
As soon as the class ended, he searched for Ace, managed to remind him about that afternoon’s meeting. To which the freshman responded with a casual ‘aight,’ before going to return the brooms. He supposed that the three of you would switch every now and then to be the one responsible for putting away all your brooms. 
Grim jumped onto your shoulder, climbed to perch atop your head to crow about his flying skills. You reached a hand up to scratch at the fire monster’s chin, calling his attention and quizzing him about the different ingredients needed for a Numbing Potion, the steps needed to prepare mandrake root, and… the correct method of handling poisonous ingredients? That wasn’t something brought up in Potions quizzes.
There’s a story behind that, probably. Before he could approach you though, Deuce turned your attention to his own notes. You squinted at the page, mumbling silently to yourself as you pieced together his solution. You sounded unsure as you explained the problem to the fellow first year.
At the sound of Ace’s voice saying that the both of you were wrong, Jamil withdrew. Okay, guess that means he shouldn’t disturb you and your friends.
He had other obligations to attend to anyways. He could just ask Ace to get it back for him during training. Of course, a part of him was irked at the thought of carelessly leaving his belongings with another person—a stranger, at that—but if he lingered on those thoughts, he’d end up nursing a migraine for the rest of the day.
He didn’t know it then, but that was the last time you addressed him casually. 
His good mood for the day ended with that Flight class. A pop quiz sprung on the class which mainly consisted of material from an advanced, optional reading. Don’t get him wrong, it wasn’t the spontaneity nor the class’s collective low scores that irked him, rather the teacher’s disappointment in said results which added insult to injury. Following that, his next class, a research paper comprising a quarter of his final grade was assigned and made into a group project. Which he didn’t see the need for, it was just a vocal majority of the class wanting to coast by without exerting much effort.
 Look on the bright side, he reminded himself with a copious amount of sarcasm, there were no pressing emergencies so far today. But then again, that could’ve been a problem in itself. Call him paranoid, but the times where Kalim has tried and failed to solve his own problems were too numerous to keep count of.
“How were your classes?” Kalim asked.
“They were alright, nothing noteworthy,” he replied with a shrug as he took Kalim’s things. “Did you turn in the student information sheets to the Headmaster?”
Kalim pressed a hand against his temple, the bracelet adorning his wrist clinking with the movement. “Oh, I almost forgot about that. I still need to collect them from the first and second years.” 
He supposed he could afford to leave club early for this. “I’ll make sure to do that after club, then.” While this would hurt his chances of being picked for the starting lineup, dorm responsibilities always came first. The reminder did little to calm the bit of annoyance flaring up inside him though. 
Kalim’s expression shifted into one of concern. "You don't have to, I can do it after my classes." 
"There's going to be a meeting for the dorm leaders later today though.”
"Then I could just do it after that—oh! Or we could do it now," he suggested brightly.
“No.” Jamil could feel the startings of a headache above his left eye. “You’re not skipping lunch for this.”
The sound of idle conversation and students milling about grew louder the closer they reached the cafeteria. The queue for the buffet was almost long enough to snake around the perimeter of the room. At least he had the foresight to pack lunch, that only left the challenge of finding free seats for the both of them. Jamil’s hand tugged at the collar of his hoodie. Or maybe they could eat at the courtyard, the weather outside seemed fine—
“Hey, is it alright if me and my friend sit at this table?” Spoken too soon.
At least, there was a familiar face.
“Sure, knock yourselves out. ” Ace replied, giving a casual wave.
“Thanks!” The both of them took the seats across from your friend group. 
His clubmate sat between you and an empty seat. You were resting your head on your folded arms, asleep. Judging by the lack of trays, Deuce and Grim were probably somewhere in the line getting food.
“We’re back!” Speak of the devil. 
The other Heartslabyul freshman carried two trays, and passed one of them to Ace, while a third one hovered just behind him. Grim leapt onto the table, looking awfully pleased with himself. Another round of quick introductions were made. Jamil learned that this was apparently a regular occurrence when you had multiple quizzes to take during the day.
“Wake up, I got us food!” The levitating tray fell onto the table with a clatter. But you didn’t stir at the sound. The monster padded closer to you, pawed at the exposed part of your face. “I got only the best morsels for my henchman!”
“Did he get into a fight?” Ace looked up from his meal, at Deuce’s sheepish expression he grimaced. “The both of you? Jeez, they’re gonna be in for a rude awakening.”
“I tried stopping him…” 
“They got a taste of my fiery wrath, mwahaha!” Grim ignored the way that the other two tried to shush him. “Ooh, what’s that?”
“Hm, this?” Kalim pointed at his lunch. “Wanna try some? It’s really good.”
With wide curious eyes, Grim moved closer. “Don’t mind if I do—hey! What gives?”
Jamil held out a hand to block the fire-monster from taking a straight out bite of the food being offered to him. “Don’t just give away your lunch like that, I only made enough for you.” 
Before the dorm leader could protest, an upbeat guitar instrumental started playing. You slowly sat up and turned the alarm off before it could repeat. One of your hands wiped at your face. There were imprints marking your forehead and the side of your cheek from your uniform’s sleeves. Underneath your elbows, an Alchemy textbook was being used as a makeshift pillow.
“Henchmaaan, this guy’s tryna starve me!”
“Don’t listen to ‘im, he wants to eat someone else’s food.”
“It’s really fine, I don’t mind sharing!” 
“Kalim, are you even listening to me—”
You blinked owlishly at each of them, the gears in your head slowly turning as you took in the situation. “Um, who…what?”
In those few seconds, Grim took his chance, lunging to snatch a piece of meat from Kalim’s unguarded lunchbox, cackling to himself as he bounded to your side.
You were still fighting off your drowsiness, the two first-years were telling Grim off and apologizing to the dorm leader while said thief showed zero remorse, and Kalim laughed brightly with amusement. Whether it was pointed at himself or at your friend group tripping over each other, or some mix of both, it was his go-to reaction to everything. Especially in the face of nuisances.
 Jamil massaged the bridge of his nose in an effort to stave off the returning headache. Why did he even bother? He set aside a portion of his own lunch, giving it to Kalim. “Here.” 
“Thanks, Jamil!” God, Kalim’s persistent optimism was painful to look at.
He didn’t respond, only tugging his hood up and keeping his attention pointed at his lunch.
The only good thing about eating in the cafeteria was that the ambient noise was more than enough to make up for any awkward pauses in the conversation. Unless you were in the company of someone who never ran out of things to say.
“Hey, I just noticed that you’re wearing the same thing as Jamil.” Like right now.
Keeping a neutral expression plastered on his face, he stole a subtle glance at you—you were poring over a section in the textbook with Deuce, who leaned over to get a clearer look, to Ace’s chagrin—the red gem adorning the hair tie gleamed, standing out against the curls of your ponytail. The three of you looked up, pausing the last-minute review.
“Oh, I always keep my hair tied—” you started to answer before your eyes widened in realization. Hooking a finger around the band, you freed your unruly hair from its hold and reached to offer it back to Jamil. “I’m sorry, I was too focused on our next class—”
“But we’re going to have to change into our lab coats later. For the practical quiz?” Deuce reminded you, passing the empty lunch trays to Ace.
You clapped a hand, the one that was holding his hair tie, against your forehead. A loud curse fell from your lips. “Ah…I forgot about that too…”
“It’s alright, you can keep using it.” The practiced response was basically muscle memory for him at this point. An automatic impulse to placate, to never rock the boat.
“Are you sure?” A concerned, almost guilty expression washed over your features. That sight, combined with the loose locks of hair framing the sides of your face, was…hard to look at for some reason.
Making a noncommittal sound, he busied himself with putting away his used utensils. “Just come by Scarabia after classes end.” 
It wasn’t like he had anything important to do anyway.
Because of club meetings, you and Grim were the only ones visiting. You mentioned something about how the both of you still had yet to join a club, with the majority of cleaning up the Ramshackle dorm taking up your afterschool activities. But what was supposed to be a quick visit to the dorm ended up becoming a full tour of the place at Kalim’s insistence. He just had to find himself in the company of not just one, but two additional absent-minded individuals. 
He should just ask for it back, get it over with—
“Oh, would you like to have some snacks? My family sent over a few boxes of baklava to share.”
“Baklava? What’s that?” Grim’s tail flicked back and forth.
The moment he resolved one problem, another one would spring up. “...Sure, I’ll handle it.”
“Thanks Jamil,” Kalim said, before turning to Grim. “You haven’t tried it before? It’s really yummy.”
“But what is it?” The sound of conversation faded behind Jamil as he went to the kitchen.
Pressing the heels of his palms to his eye sockets, he allowed himself a scant few seconds of letting the frustration wash over him before composing himself. Filling the kettle with water and setting it on the stove to boil, then pulling out the needed number of plates and a platter to serve the pastries on, tasting for poison…
He remembered how Grim gorged himself on most of the food he brought for you during lunch. For once, there was a silver lining to the lavish amount that was gifted by Kalim’s parents.
He’s much calmer by the time he leaves the kitchen, effortlessly balancing the trays of food and bringing them to the common area.
“Ooh, that does look yummy.” Grim appraises after giving his serving of baklava a cursory sniff. “I’m diggin’ in!” He raised his fork to take a large bite of the dessert. 
Jamil learned that the fire-monster’s paws were capable of some dexterity the more he watched Grim eat.
“What do you think? Eat as much as you like, my family sent lots! Jamil, have some!” Kalim held up a forkful.
Jamil acquiesced, pausing in his task of serving tea. The flaky pastry combined with the flavor of honey and pistachio was a welcome sweetness. “It’s good to eat.”
“‘Good to eat’? This is delicious, henchman, I demand another!” Grim held up his empty plate.
“What’s the magic word?” you asked, holding the refilled plate away from Grim. 
“Now, please!” The response pulled a short laugh from your throat, more amused than exasperated. You chided him for taking such large bites.
Kalim explained, “oh, he actually means that there’s no poison in the food.”
The both of you looked at him, then at Jamil. “...Poison?”
The dorm leader waved a dismissive hand. “It’s kind of why I only eat Jamil’s cooking.” 
Your expression was unreadable as you took in Kalim’s words. Throughout the tour, whenever Kalim would mention something about his home life, about Scarabia, you would glance over at Jamil for just a fraction of a second before going back to the conversation at hand.
So he was caught. More than being the vice dorm leader, more than being his so-called ‘friend,’ his presence around Kalim was a job, and it was one that he performed strictly out of duty.
“Ah, sorry for bringing the mood down. But you don’t need to worry about us!” Kalim reassured you. “Would you like something else?”
“No, no it’s okay.” You mustered a polite smile. “I um…think I’d like some more tea.”
“Sure!” He accepted your cup, refilling it to the brim. Ignoring Jamil’s insistence to do it for him.
It wasn’t like the attempts made on his life put a dent in his naivete, Jamil thought to himself. He set another piece of baklava on his plate and took a bite, this one was walnut-flavored. Sure, there was the occasional moment where Kalim suffered from leftover nausea after recovering from poisoning, but he always bounced back. 
The light conversation started back up, eventually. But you still wore that pensive expression, carding your fingers through the end of your ponytail as you listened to the conversation in front of you.
“I’ll start cleaning up.” Jamil stood up from his seat to take the used dishes and empty teapot. His initial estimate proved to be right, seeing as how there were no leftovers for him to dispose of.
“I’d like to help!” You stood up, somehow managing to neatly stack your plate and fork with Grim’s while holding your cups in your other hand.
“Just leave it to me,” Jamil reached forward to accept it from you before you took a step back. “What are you doing?”
“You… can’t take it from me if I take it to the kitchen first!” Your words spilled out in a rush before you dashed away.
You didn’t even know where anything was—just how were you planning on doing that?
“Kalim!” He scowled as the dorm leader took the teapot from the tray and followed after you.
“I’d like to help too!” he called back with a bright smile on his lips. The gesture sent a rush of irritation through Jamil. “The kitchen’s the other direction!”
He was expecting to hear the sound of shattered ceramic, another mess for him to clean up, but the sound of light-hearted laughter echoed in his ears.
“Mragh…do they really have to do this every time we visit someplace else…” Grim grumbled himself before hopping off the cushion.
By the time he arrived at the kitchen, you were halfway through washing the used dishes. The sleeves of your blazer were messily rolled up to your elbows. You were in the middle of talking about how your first few days at the Ramshackle dorm, how the ghosts were capable roommates despite their incorporeal form. It was almost like you barged into a family, but they were willing to accept you and Grim under their care, never mind the rocky start.
Though your voice and pleasant expression remained steady, the moment Kalim asked about your family, one of the teacups tumbled out of your hold and landed in the sink with a loud clatter. The noise shattered the warm atmosphere.
Jamil took that as his cue to guide Kalim out of the kitchen, which the latter reluctantly agreed to. Giving you a worried look just before he left.
“Please excuse him, Kalim didn’t mean to pry—”
You shook your head, at least you didn’t seem angry. “It’s funny, I can remember doing things like this with them.” You glanced at Jamil, then back to the running water before admitting quietly. “But I barely remember them, my family, my friends.”
“Don’t think about that, henchman. You have me now.” You stumbled as Grim leapt onto your shoulder, clambering up to the top of your head.
“...You’re right, I guess so.” The smile didn’t reach your eyes.
You stood in front of the mirror, head craned upwards to stare at the intricate frame. Your hands busied themselves with twisting and picking at your fingers. Since you were standing alone, Grim probably went on ahead at your request. 
Jamil decided to speak up, “forgetting something?”
Turning to the sound of his voice, your confused expression gave way to sheepishness as you noticed what was in his hand. It was the notebook you were carrying with you when you arrived at the dorm. “Oh shoot—” You quickly took it and flipped through the pages. “Sorry, where’d I leave it?”
“It was in the common area.” 
"Y’know, I think that place is more ‘pillows’ than lounge.’”
“You can thank the Asim Family for that.”
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just that lost ‘nd found spells got to have a limit or something.”
“Or you just get used to it.” He shrugged.
A part of him thought back to the brief conversation in the kitchen, the little admission you made. But you made no mention of it again, there wasn’t a trace of embarrassment, no hesitant request to forget about it. Your hand carded through your hair, brushing aside the short baby hairs, and through your ponytail. His eyes caught how your fingers grazed against the ornamental feather attached to the hair tie. 
“You should start heading back to Ramshackle.”
“I know, I really should…but I still feel like I’m forgetting something.”
His hair tie. You were still wearing it, but at some point in today, you had completely, unwittingly accepted it as part of your person. He might just outright ask for it back, but instead, he asked you, “what are your classes for tomorrow?”
You blinked. “Um. I think I have five subjects? No, wait—”
“That should be History and Alchemy.” He counted on two fingers.
“—yeah. Uh, we get free study on Wednesdays so that leaves Animal Linguistics and Practical Magic.” Four fingers.
“And what do you have to pass for those subjects?” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Oh crap…what were we going to do tomorrow—there’s a quiz for History of Magic… two worksheets to pass for Alchemy homework, um…Oh! We’re going to have a report on a new chapter in Linguistics...” You listed the first three easily before trailing off to think.
“Nothing for Practical Magic?”
Your brow furrowed. “...I don’t think so?”
“No assigned readings? Practice quizzes? Group reports?” He listed a few more options. Mentioned anything but that band of red tying your hair and keeping it out of your face. With each shake of your head, he watched your expression sink deeper into contemplation.
“I think we just have a lecture for that day… Everything else is due next week.” You conceded after a few more seconds of racking your brain. “Ugh, it’s right at the tip of my tongue though. I really think I’m forgetting something.” You recounted the same number of requirements on your own hand, the index finger of your other hand bending your pinky.
His hand returned to his side. “You’re overthinking it.”
“Big words, coming from the Dorm of Overthinking.”
He couldn’t help the exasperated sigh. “Mindfulness and overthinking aren’t the same.”
“Are too—wait, now I know what I’m forgetting!” Well, it was fun while it lasted. He expected to see you reach upwards and undo your ponytail, to see your hair tumble messily over your shoulders, to hear a quick goodbye. Normalcy was only two quick steps away, the distance between you and the mirror.
Instead, you folded your other fingers, holding up your pinky. “I’ll come over after classes to help you out.”
“Ha?” Your solution was to give yourself more to do?!
“Is-is that too much?” Your head tilted to the side, concern laced your tone.
Schooling his expression back into a neutral one, he backtracked, “no—I mean, don’t you have anything better to do?” With your free time? He left that last part unsaid.
“You’d have to be a fool not to admit that two sets of hands are better than one,” you reasoned.
It isn’t that simple, he wanted to say. If only your words could have undone the rigid duty that had dictated his entire life. But, what could he say to someone who was just as, if not more, stubborn than they appeared? It was too much of a hassle to deal with, he reasoned to himself.
He linked his pinky finger with yours. Made no mention of the way you tensed up at the contact and filed it away in his mind. “Very well, I’ll hold you to that.” 
“Cool.” A few more beats passed, your gaze darted from his face then to your joined hands. “...okay.” Your tone softened bashfully at that last word. With your head tilted downwards, as if adamantly turned away, more loose strands of your hair slipped from your ponytail. At least you weren’t able to see what his own expression looked like. He imagined brushing the hair aside and tucking it behind your ear.
Instead he drew back, pulling his hand away from yours and slipping it into his pocket. In this way, the residual heat from your hand wouldn’t dissipate as quickly. “Didn’t you say you had a test for History tomorrow?”
Breaking out of your reverie, you cursed and turned to the mirror. “You’re right, um… Sorry for overstaying my welcome, thank you for to—” The rest of your sentence cut off the moment you went through the portal. But he didn’t need to guess what you were trying to say. Your goodbye floated in the air, pleasant and warm, settling comfortably into his mind. 
He spared a glance outside. The sky was growing dark, a day consisted of 24 hours, and he wasn’t one to lose track of time. But a part of him swore that whatever happened that afternoon took place for longer than two hours. He stopped in his tracks, for once he wasn’t thinking two or three steps ahead for tomorrow and the day after.
Get it together, Jamil Viper. His facade as a retainer for the Asim family slipped back into place. First, he had to clean up the lounge, then prepare dinner. After that he needed to go over the recent chapter for Ancient Incantations, to help Kalim review for Defensive Magic. What could be prepared for breakfast and lunch tomorrow, he should ask if Kalim had any preferences. He counted each task on a finger, his mind seamlessly recalling what else needed to be done for tomorrow, for the party this weekend, and so on. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he didn’t take a look until late in the night, after he finished putting everything away and made his last checks around the dorm.
Unknown Number IM SORRY I FORGOT TO RETURN YOUR HAIR THINGY AAAAAA I can Run back and drop it off Or is it Too late??? Ahhh im really sorry See i KNEW i was forgetting something this whole time!!!
From the first message, he already knew who the sender was. Did you ask Ace for his number? He changed the name to yours and started typing a reply. Unbeknownst to him, an amused smile tugged at his lips.
Jamil It's fine, I already told you I have more than one. It isn't a bother. Red looks good on y|
What was he doing? The back of his neck grew warm with embarrassment. He erased that last message.
Just make sure you bring it with you tomorrow.
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chapter 2: take my hand like you mean it chapter 3: you're afraid to believe it A/N: first id like to thank @jessamine-rose for her time and patience in dealin wid my shenaniganery as she beta'd this story. fic+chapter title credits to this song iykyk wink wonk idk what else to say other than strap in? get ready? this is overly self-indulgent? ill update the links when i get around to finishing pt. 2 (as of now im 1.2k words in) i hope this was fun to read haha i was being hounded with worms in the brain for this funny guy lmao (read: 🤧📢📢GAGO KA JAMIL HANGKYUT MO TALAGAAAAA) don't be afraid to rb and holler in da tags! i cherish each and every comment 💞💞
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kiwibirb1 · 2 months
Yahaha guess what motherfuckers (sorry I get an intense urge to say motherfuckers after saying yahaha it's affectionate) NEW AU BUT PLOT TWIST ITS JUST WV BUT THE FORGERS ARE DEAD
Sooo first off we start with the basics. It's WV canon up until Sasha meets the Forgers (so anne and marcy are the same in this AU (so far)). However, this time, instead of arriving to an empty snail shell and an overturned wagon, she arrives to an empty snail shell, a destroyed wagon, and what's left of some poor axolotls. She fights the herons, it goes slightly better bc no one to distract her but she still loses eye, dies, does the whole powers thing. This time, however, she somehow finds the strength to hobble into the ruined house, where she finds patches herself up and collapses onto the couch. Wake up in the middle of the night to whimpers coming from the basement. He goes down the stairs, sword out and ready, to find a little blue axolotl tadpole shivering in the corner, alone and scared. Points are connected immediately, and he goes to comfort the poor baby. "Where's my ma?" "I'm sorry."
Yeah so Sasha feels guilty now bc if he hadn't stopped to check out that mushroom he probably would have gotten there soon enough to save them. So the best course of action is obviously to adopt the child. Sasha and Finley (the name he manages to coax out) woo! So yeah events take. A lot longer bc now he's busy raising a child and being on the run so girls don't reunite until they're 18 (two years later than WV). Finley is idk 8-10 haven't really decided on age yet I think.
Stuff under the cut kinda accidentally became an almost fic so yeah it got pretty long so cut for your convenience. It's basically just the girls first meeting. Anne catches sasha, finley saves him, marcy catches finley, sasha reveal but not anne and marcy, sasha and finely escape.
Anyway Anne has finally caught the notorious 'Wandering Vagabond' (Sash had to do a lot more stealing to make sure Finley was properly fed okay) and is about to start monologuing or something idk when all of a sudden she's hit in the bad arm with a hmm we'll decide on the weapon later anyway Anne is hit and while she's distracted this random 9 year old (lets go for a nice middle ground here) jumps out and starts to untie Sash. They free the Wandering Vagabond, and Anne is like "Wait, kid! You don't have to help them if they kidnapped you! We can get you back to your parents!" Finley turns around stops for a sec, as does Sasha. (Although for different reasons. Why does that voice sound so familiar?...) Finley both signs and shouts at the same time, "I ain't kidnapped! Pinky saved me!" Anne snorts, leaning back and crossing her arms. The trees rustle, and Sasha begins to look anxious. She goes to grab Finley's arm, to tug the young axolotl along in their escape, but all of a sudden there is a twang and a fwoosh and Finley is in a net, pinned up to tree right beside Anne. Sasha growls, signing angrily as a dark shape leaps out of the trees behind her. "You better give me back my kid." Marcy laughs, and Sasha freezes once more, though it is much shorter this time as she has already pulled out her sword, and is backing up, struggling to keep both assailants in her one-eyed line of sight. Marcy giggles, and her eyes flash orange for a moment before she frowns and it goes away. "Look, we won't hurt the kid, (Al don't you dare) just return them to their parents." Sasha spits out, her hands full, "Her parents are dead. Now give me back my kid, and I might let you leave here alive, you [some sort of human realm specific swear to tip them off idk]." Anne and Marcy both freeze. (Oh yeah fyi they're all wearing hoods and shit so each of the two groups thinks the other is some sort of newt. and puberty for the voices explanation.) Marcy in her eternal clumsiness accidentally fires a crossbow shot, ripping Sasha's hood off and revealing what is definitely not a newt. Sasha's eyes widen and she breaks off towards the net, slicing through it in one hack of her sword. Finley leaps, kicking Anne in the face, and she stumbles to the ground as Sasha and Finley escape into the woods, leaving behind two dazed newts who are definitely not newts.
ahaha wow okay so thats long but um. yeah. What do I call this bc at first I thought Wandering Vagabonds bc y'know theres two but i would def mess up the tag soo hm. what to do what to do taps fingers thoughtfully. um almost just did Heron and the Fox (y'know like that one fable) but then remembered Finley is blue not orange like my brain keeps saying she is. Whatever Sasha has a child now
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scalproie · 11 months
i cannot tell what is going on over there in mortal kombat. is your ship incest now? is this a dread pirate rogers situation? no idea!
buddy you really think I would be enthusiastic over fucking incest? If anything Im celebrating that its not. Its more a inter-timeline dread pirate rogers situation yeah
ok so for the actual explanation, three names you need to know: hanzo hasashi, bi-han and kuai liang.
For 30 real life years aka mortal kombat's entire runtime, hanzo hasashi has been scorpion: yellow ninja with fire powers, his whole deal was that he has been killed and came back with the only goal to take his revenge (either for himself or for his family that was also killed, it depends)
He was killed by bi-han aka sub zero, blue chinese assassin with ice powers. BUT bi-han is only sub zero in a particular instance: in the first tournament of mortal kombat aka always the first game, where he gets killed by scorpion. He comes back in following games as a literal shadow of his former self, and without ice powers. he never stays sub zero for long.
enters kuai liang, bi-han's younger brother who's also a cryomancer, who took the mantle of sub zero in the second game and has stayed the most consistent sub zero for the entirety of mortal kombat.
Theres been two timelines for mortal kombat, the og one going from mk1 to mk: armageddon (mk7), and the second one going from mk9 to mk11. Its a bit more complicated than that but im sparing you the details.
the og timeline has its moments (like scorpion deciding to protect the new sub zero to atone for killing his brother, even going so far as to switch sides and kill the big bad in his mk3 ending bc sub zero was on the opposite team), and the second timeline has even more (the mk9 sub zero ending and every single one of their shared scenes from mkx (mk10) to mk11) that makes the two enjoyable as an item. Its a fairly popular relationship in the fandom and their whole deal also happen to be my cup of tea idk what to tell you there. When people say "subscorp" it means kuai liang/hanzo as they were both the definitive sub zero/scorpion.
anyway we are at the dawn of a new timeline in mk12. and even tho its not the first mortal kombat soft reboot, as they already did that in mk9, this one is WHOLLY shaking things up. Mk9 was new but it kept for the most part the og backstories, dynamics and storybeats of the og timeline, with only some twists there and there to keep it fresh.
Mk12 drops the bombshell among other things that this time around, scorpion and sub zero are brothers, and if you think they mean "brother-in-arms" NO ed boon is very adamant to let everyone know every interview that they're blood brothers now, they have the same father and everything, and that their shared storyline is no longer a story of revenge, but a brotherly conflict of ideologies. Confusing and dark times (this was mere months ago).
Later the sub zero gets revealed to be bi-han, and now this begged the question: who is scorpion? He is dressed in yellow, have fire powers, and a literal scorpion tattoo. For many people it meant it was hanzo: he's been scorpion for 30 years, why would it change now (even tho this raised a lot of question like why is he now part of his enemy clan, why would he still be japanese and has a japanese name if his now brother and father are chinese, and so on). For others, the fact that this scorpion had: 1) kuai liang's brother, 2) kuai liang's dynamic with said brother, 3) kuai liang's face (as his face model was really similar to his mk11 one), 4) kuai liang's position in his clan, and in a later trailer revealed to also have 5) kuai liang's best friend, and 6) kuai liang's dynamic with said best friend, meant that uuuuuuh, maybe it was kuai liang. Even tho the guy named "Quick Freeze" in chinese had now fire powers.
Anyway this has been making me insane, if it was hanzo it had LITERALLY NOTHING in common with hanzo but the yellow outfit and fire powers, if it was kuai liang it was such a wild departure from kuai liang as we know him that this might as well be another guy completely. This guy is supposed to be the definitive sub zero but he cant fit that role anymore, he has fire powers.
Flash forward to last night, back on friday they revealed three mk trailers at comic con, and to keep the promo train rolling, they were invited by ign for an interview on saturday, and among the people there was yuri lowenthal aka smoke's new voice actor (let me remind you that smoke is and has been kuai liang/sub zero's best friend for both timelines). One of the dev was talking about smoke's role in mk12, and says this:
"We are playing up the relationship he had with Kuai Liang- uuuh Scorpion. Um. and-"
Its an accidental slip up so this is still to take with a grain of salt until we get actual footage confirmation that kuai liang is scorpion in mk12, but also come on, you cant fuck up that badly with context, kuai liang is scorpion in mk12.
And considering how HARD theyve been marketing it as "scorpion and sub zero are brothers now!" and not "one of the sub zero brothers is scorpion now!" Im guessing this was supposed to be a big reveal for later. Oh well.
Anyway now we know who sub zero is (bi-han), we know who has the mantle of scorpion this time around (kuai liang), and now the only person MIA is hanzo. Many people, me included, hope that he's narratively retired chilling somewhere and is enjoying life with his alive family for once, dude's had a hard life.
and to answer your question, no, its not incest now because hanzo is still unrelated to the sub zero brothers (tho one of them is scorpion now), and "subscorp" remains safe bc its really, again, more about kuai liang and hanzo than the ship of "scorpion" and "sub zero" regardless of who they might be.
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