#i think of her and have recently revamped her LOL
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claudia daviau (m*rvel&dc&wips -- she just decided to look cute 🥰 ) saint de luna (m*rvel&wips-- is questioning her life choices 😵) khepri said (dc&wips -- THATS MY WIFE 😎)
tagged by: @multiverse-of-themind (🤠) to do this picrew. thanks.
tagging: @gothamrains / @deathlessfable / @fayelistic / @thelittlestspider / @bondgirl / @theaisstillhere / and whoever wants to do it.
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campfam4lyfe · 4 months
Got any campfam aus or ideas in the works?
hey anon! I wouldn’t say I have any ideas in the works, because I have what I like to call commitment issues when it comes to writing fic.
This means that while I have an abundance of ideas, outlines, and wips in my Google docs for the fandoms I’ve been in. I’ve never actually finished a fic and posted it.
In fact, the only single time I have, (diff fandom!) I am not counting properly, because it was a collab with a close mutual, and a lot of the legwork was them. I had the initial plot bunny and was going to leave it as a one off tumblr post, but my mutual rlly liked the idea and we bounced drabbles and such back and forth. We wrote a bunch of snippets and put them together in a doc, until we had cohesive chapters, as we filled the empty spaces with more and more work, ending up to a total of 18 chapters. It took us a year and a half to post it, and that was mostly my fault, as where my mutual had finished most of their allotted sections, different hyperfixations kept pulling me to other unfinished works. This is why I won’t promise anything—I don’t want to disappoint anyone.
But, that being said. I do have ideas, hcs, and aus! One that is currently consuming me, was actually inspired by this one other post I saw recently. (When I find the post ima link it dw!) OP of the post was saying that there should be a Carmen Sandiego au for CC and I jumped on that SO fucking fast anon. I LOVE Carmen Sandiego, and have since it first aired when I was in HS.
So. Here’s some of the Carmen Sandiego au thoughts copy/pasted from my Google docs. (Yes I do always write out my outlines as if I’m taking to someone but that’s bc i sometimes end up sharing the doc link with some friends)
JWCC Carmen Sandiego AU:
Y’all know Kenlynn is my JAM and so is RedCrackle. So obvi I thought of mixing the two right? But here’s the thing. While I love Carmen/Gray, I am also in love with Carmen/Ivy and Carmen/Julia.
So with that in mind. Kenlynn is going to take a backseat for a second (meaning tho they'll become a thing and obvi they will bc they are a constant to me, theyre not the center of this), and my fave girls YASAMMY will be at the forefront of this au.
I’m thinking. Carmen Sammy. But I’m not entirely sure about whether or not that’s what I want? It could be argued that Sammy’s love for her family is a core driving force in her character, and Carmen doesn’t KNOW her family. But also—a huge plot point is that she’s looking for her mom. So. Tentative Carmen Sammy.
So I figure not everything is going to be one-to-one. This means I am placing Kenji in the role of Gray/Crackle. His story is going to be different tho, bc whereas Gray was a recruit, with MANTAH CORP AS V.I.L.E that means Daniel is already on the board. So kenji trying to make his dad proud? More likely than you think.
(I just wanted my Sammy&Kenji besties. Bestie betrayal can be just as good as romantic betrayal)
I’m sure you know where I’m going with this if we’re not going the redcrackle route. Thats right. YASMINA JULIA.
I considered at first, YASMINA CARMEN and SAMMY IVY, but in the end the need for Sammy Carmen was too great.
So I also considered Dave and Roxxie as Chase and Julia but, I decided to scrap that idea for now. You know me, at some point I might revamp most of the au anyways lol, now is not a time for fine tuning it’s just a tentative starting point.
Torn between DARIUS as Player or Brooklynn as Player. I considered Ben of course, but I think we need to put him on an island at some point—he needs a Bumpy, no matter the universe.
WAIT. REVISITING BEN AS PLAYER. BECAUSE DARIUS AND BRAND AS ZACK AND IVY. This means no Carmen/Ivy vibes but since we ditched the Gray/Carmen as well in this au I think it’s fine.
Ben still has to end up with Bumpy somehow tho? Original Ben plan, when Darius was a Player candidate, was Ben is also a V.I.L.E recruit.
V.I.L.E having a faction that deals with genetics and cloning (in addition to like. Kash and his robots) and ending up with a dinosaur—Bumpy! And that being Ben’s flip to the other side/Team Sammy. He defects and steals Bumpy on his way out.
Okay I’m a little too attached to that, so yeah. V.I.L.E recruit Ben, so Brooklynn as player??
Oh! She doesn’t have!!! IRL friends!! Brooklynn being an Internet famous vlogger as in canon. So we get that running gag of Sammy and Brooklynn always being in contact and Brooklynn being a big part of the heists through investigative work and such, yet she’s constantly on the other side of the globe? Sammy needs to be in Sydney but Brooklynn is in New Orleans. That kinda stuff.
Works with Brooklynn having traveled all over the world, she can also do those factoids player does—she’s got the deets.
Oh!???? THATS HOW WE GET MY FAVE DUO OF DINOSTAR BESTIES!!! They both love their facts. They’re nerds.
Mae as shadowsan? Tentatively?
Okay. Player Brooklynn. Except instead of being home most of the time, she’s usually on the go. She’s talked to kenji a few times during Sammy and Kenji’s V.I.L.E recruit era.
Kenji as the Gray of this au. he’s a V.I.L.E legacy. he became friends with sammy his recruitment year, and he'd talked to brooklynn a few times, due to sammy introducing them because kenji was curious about whether or not sammy has friends in the outside world, and sammy noticing brooklynn feeling a little left out/jealous that sammy had friends she was hanging with in person rather than over a phone call.
kenlynn kenlynn kenlynn
does he recognize her voice from her vlogs? does he even watch them? i dont think hed be a brooklander, guys got a lot on his plate and thats impressing his dad
ben is a V.I.L.E. recruit. maybe a bit of mime bomb, in that he was. not as close? with the other recruits. i do think having ben come in as a recruit the year sammy defects would be cool tho. so he doesn't know her as "black sheep" or whatever code name V.I.L.E refers to her as. he'll first meet her as Sammy.
yaz as JULIA!!!!! a junior agent? a former athlete. trying to make it make sense, but i think it fits.
omg. yaz. is alex rider basically holy shit
was thinking of dave as chase, and decided that i was going to keep it.
roxxie as the Chief.
mae as shadowsan.
yes. it IS because i want a roxxie/mae/dave love triangle and that need's final form was ot3
DARIUS AND BRAND AS ZACK AND IVY. i dont want their mom to be dead. but i dont know WHAT happened to her and why theyre involved in this life of crime? i love the og carmen&ivy&zack meeting. and i love that they were involved with racing. trying to find a way to incorporate it and make it make sense
important question.....is darius and his dad's great shared love still dinosaurs?
okay so carmen's dad was a former V.I.L.E. agent who left it all behind for the woman he fell in love with right? well. obvi this au isnt a one to one. like there clearly have been changes in characters and dynamics. but i think involving elements from this could work. lemme map it out to make sense
okay so in cc sammy spies for mantah corp despite her parents not wanting her to. meanwhie carmen's dad defects from V.I.L.E., i think shadowsan was there and so was the chief and he dies.
okay so--sammy's dad was a V.I.L.E. agent, fell in love, defected. V.I.L.E. catches up with him, and does A.C.M.E. and in the fallout, the house collapses. A fire? an explosion? they think sammy died. (im not killing off sammy's dad bc damnit she needs a happy ending)
yaz losing faith in the system and having her hot girl summer being romanced by the pretty thief she's supposed to be catching
ben ditches VILE/Mantah Corp with Bumpy and meets Darius at some point--oh!!!
mae/shadowsan joins Team Sammy at the end of s1 i think? okay, so, when she joins, she brings ben, a fresh defector with her.
obvi ben left after he stole bumpy from them
at some point during their occasional talks, kenlynn became friendly with each other. then The Train scene happens. and kenji is promptly deemed a disappointment and dealt with the way gray is.
brooklynn ends up coming across a memory-wiped kenji during one of her vlogs. he doesnt know he knows her, just that something about her voice seems familiar.
brooklynn brings it up and the other are Concerned but also have a lot on their plate rn/dont truly trust him again or are unclear on whether or not they should. darius/brand bc their experiences havent been good so far, and sammy doesnt want to risk them. but he was still one of her first friends. shes torn
brooklynn making contact with him. smth smth she ends up needing a camera man for one of her vlogs and kenji volunteers. they grow closer during her sporadic visits. he asks her out.
Meanwhile, that entire interactive ep??? of carmen sandiego with the julia/carmen??? THAT. THAT HAPPENS. YASAMMY DANCE AND WE GET THAT SCENE YOU KNOW THE ONE
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fandomshatewomen · 10 months
I wasn't sure about sending this here or to fandomshatepeopleofcolor so sending it here. Anyway, as someone who enjoys playing video games I love to add mods to games and always thought people who made mods for games were amazing, and I still think a lot of them are but some of them are just gross. I'll mostly be using BG3 for examples bc that's the most recent game I've looked at mods for, but someone made a mod to make Wyll and his father white (note that Wyll is the only non white companion, Karlach's VA isn't white but Karlach is a red tiefling). Then someone made a mod to make Dame Aylin (a woman who's strong and can be direct and say what's on her mind, could come off as a little rude at times but tbh I don't blame her, and she's in a relationship with a woman) into a man and the description is "meet Ser Aylin, a slightly more polite and male version of Dame Aylin" and that the mod "ensures that the gender and sexuality of world NPCs match medieval status quo" but dragons and magical creatures are okay ig but not people of color or LGBTQ+ people. I believe the white Wyll mod and the Ser Aylin mod are made by the same person. Both mods were removed from Nexus and the account banned but sites like moddinghaven and rpghq still have them up and have other terrible mods to make NPCs white, straight, cis, etc. on RPGHQ the modder has a mod pack called no alphabets that includes the Ser Aylin mod and removes mentions of any LGBTQ+ relationships by changing someone's gender and turn trans characters cis. Oh and they also use AI to alter their voices. Baldur's Better Aesthetics is another mod that changes NPCs from POC to white claming it's more "lore accurate" even tho the creator of the forgotten realms setting has said forgotten realms has always had LGBTQ+ people, people of color, etc. Anyway I just needed to rant and to say if anyone mods their games, maybe stick to nexus and not moddinghaven or rpghq who keep these mods up. RPGHQ doesn't just allow these mods they encourage them as well
Hey thanks for taking the time to explain all of this to us!! I want to play bg3 but my laptop is old lol.
So here's Wyll in bg3
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and here's the alternate wyll on moddinghaven (btw there's 2 white wyll mods the original was revamped to make it work better 🤮)
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here's the ser aylin
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and here's the "better aesthetics" (the one that white washes the npcs)
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So um yeah its a shit show!!!
Since I'm not familiar with moddinghaven I don't think its worth it to complain. and I'm not even clicking on rpghq because like this is their results when you look it up on ecosia
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Like the top 2 mods are for the whitewashing mods. also "made in america"??? what bullshit. just admit you're nazis and go.
I'm really really hoping that like me none of our followers have strayed from nexus!!! Because this is honestly repugnant and I wish I could coordinate like an attack on moddinghaven and rpghq and bring them down.
mod laina
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feral-hermes-child · 2 months
Heya, it's Liara, your (sometimes) friendly neighborhood Hermes kid!
Some things to know about me:
I'm 15 years old and currently chilling in Camp Half Blood while the rest of the kids there go on death quests.
My interests include: Drawing, seeing how much I can steal from the camp store without them noticing, canoeing, my friends, and (more recently) being on Tumblr with the rest of my fellow demigods.
My dislikes include: Monsters, going anywhere near the camp woods (I don't care how many times you bitches dare me to go in there, I value my life), and quests.
I am: A certified liar 99% of the time, pretty good at fighting with anything I come across (my specialty is knives and daggers), aroace, genderqueer (she/they/it), ADHD, dyslexic, and probably a pretty good friend (so send me some asks sometimes, I like meeting new people!)
Btw this is my dog Hermes :D Found him wandering around camp one day and decided that he was mine. Very good boy except for the part where he steals shoes a lot.
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Uhhh yeah also this is what I look like
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Taglist: @clown-energy-skyrocketing @chaos-pers0nified @arisdaughter @demigod-jack-hearth @willows-pjo-ocs (lmk if u wanna be added or removed)
[ooc: Hi guys, bringing back an old oc and revamping her a bit lol. I haven't been active in the rp at all recently so I was thinking of starting again and privating all of my old posts for a fresh start.]
[Also, ooc posts will be (as you have probably realized) in brackets.]
[Btw the person who made this blog is a minor, so do not be creepy ic or ooc if you are not a minor. I will block nsfw blogs and I ask that you please don’t do anything nsfw in the rp as I am also aroace, thanks]
[I hope you enjoy this addition to the PJO rp, because I am excited to be back! See you around!]
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catnippackets · 1 year
OHHH do u mind sharing more about Cailin's personality?? (what a cute name too!)
thank you!! I wanted her to have a more irish name and it's sort of an almost-variant of Cathy so it has the same name meaning as that and I really like it
she's not unrecognizable, but I've sort of taken her back to the very first OG personality she had (when I made her back when I was ten years old lol), so she's less saccharine sweet Pinkie Pie-esque and has a little more sass and defiance to her. somehow she lost that when I was making the comic, I think bc that's what I assumed Keira needed at the time, but I recently realized what a stellar way I could go about writing them in the remake and that required bringing back OG Cailin. so she's still peppy and cheerful but kind of has an asshole streak to her as well haha
also everyone's older in this revamp so she's like maybe early-mid 30s bc I have decided that since I am no longer a teenager I don't like writing teenagers anymore lol
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elderwisp · 7 months
💜🧸🍰 for frances and icarus! :)
Thank you! <3
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Icarus & Frances
💜How do they silently show love or affection towards the other?
♡ Icarus is really huge on helping out the people he cares about so he'll do small things like make Frances a cup of coffee first thing in the morning or making sure her keys are hung up in the same spot. Frances on the other hand, loves buying or finding him little trinkets. Like he has a little rock collection growing in his drawer and some of them have little doodles or notes scribbled on them.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
♡ HELL YEAH! When I think of them together, I think of Mazzy Star, The Cranberries and Cocteau Twins but Halah just reminds me of this bittersweet yearning
🧸 BONUS! Include one of your favorite moments between them!
♡ ee! ok i have a few and honestly a few into the future as well but i can't share those yet [ sobs ] i'll probably notate it though once we get there
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i included an edit of them that i enjoyed and two scenes. the first scene is from the concert arc which was personally my favorite because you really get to see how grounding icarus is especially when it comes to frances being so anxious all the damn time. the second was frances beginning to teach icarus piano, i feel like it was truly the first moment they connected and even the conversation prior to that felt really natural when opening up about his parent's passing. i include one frame from that too underneath LOL
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also wanted to add this recent one i revamped because this conversation just made me laugh:
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halo-lll-odst · 1 year
can you tell us abt your ocs :]? any one of them maybe even multiple of them !! if you want
SCREAMS SOFUCKING LOUD OH MY GOD THANK YOU LOOKSS AT YOU WITH MY BIG AUTISTIC EYES ok well i have a handful, but the one i've been posting about most is spring/her universe!!! i should probably post about her more but thats a different subject lol spring is a character i made in 2019 i think? tbh, she used to be a throwaway character. sorta character you made when you were younger simply because you wanted to, but with me getting into ultrakill in recent months and rediscovering my love for robotic characters i decided to revamp her and rewrite aspects of her story basically, she was human at one point. she went through a procedure called a "transfer", because she was terminally ill. what a transfer entails is basically just turning a person into a computer. converting biological workings to those of a computer's. this grants the patient virtual immortality, but of course with limited technology, loss of many senses physically. the biggest problem is that spring did not give full consent to have this procedure done on her. in fact, she didn't even know it existed. the only reason it was done is because her widowed mother was a scientist working on researching and refining the technology, working at a facility a ways outside of the town they lived in to advance this. also before i go forwards i should say that the story takes place in the past actually. only by about 20 years, so early 2000's, i'm thinking 2001 specifically. though, when spring's transfer happens, it's 1988. since spring was terminally ill, she was in and out of the hospital a lot, getting check-ups, physical therapy, or otherwise. when her condition dipped, long hospital stays weren't out of the ordinary. in 1988, this same thing happened. she went into the hospital, expecting to be out in just a few days, maybe up to a week. this wasn't anything new to her. she had danced with death before and had basically accepted it. (btw in 1988 she's 19) but her condition quickly begins to decline, and she falls unconscious, having to be put on life support. her mother, in a panic and frankly having planned and prepared for this since she expected the worst, packs her up in the middle of the night, and heads to the facility in an ambulance, just with her and her daughter. there, the procedure is done. she couldn't bear to lose her daughter, what else could she have done besides just letting her slip away? i'm still working out the logistics of this story (despite how illogical it all is) so this part i'm still torn on? but for whatever reason, spring goes dormant. she won't respond to anyone or anything in this new state she finds herself in, and her mother panics. she thinks she killed her daughter. she failed, everything she worked for just reduced to nothing in an instant. a year or two goes by, and spring's mother, overcome with guilt and sadness, moves away from the state that she lived in with her daughter after her supposed death and subsequent funeral, and throws herself into her work harder than ever. she never wants anything like this to happen to anyone ever again, and wants to make sure others can live happily with their relatives for as long as they want to. she wants to be able to save those lives that are so kind, so pure. those who went before their time. needless to say, spring's mother is. fucked up later, in 2001, spring is still being housed in the facility she was originally transferred in. however, she is just being held as more of a case file than anything in a storage wing of the facility, or so everyone thinks. OK I'M GONNA NEED TO POST THIS IN PIECES BECAUSE TUMBLR IS BROKEN AND WON'T LET ME POST IT OTHERWISE LMFAO. ALSO I HIT THE TEXT LIMIT. ALSO SORRY FOR TAKING ALMOST A WEEK TO ANSWER
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bts-trash-blog · 7 months
Hi, I’ve been trying to find this series & think it was on ur blog idk if i have the wrong blog or maybe you’ve deleted it ? but it was like the mc x jikook & I think jikook were hybrids & first it was her and jimin and then jungkook joins them & she works at this shelter/help facility ?? Jungkook was initially in the facility & then he goes to stay with them & I remember jimin was very subby & mc gave mommy vibes
Hi yes that’s me:] it was called Humanity and I deleted the series a while back and sometimes last year I started to edit and revamp it-but I hit a huge creative block on like my life lol so I haven’t been writing till recently-yay🎉- so hopefully sometimes this year it will be back!
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aurelim · 10 months
How Far Did Aurie Get on Her WIPs? (11/15/23)
Hello! Welcome to the November 2023 special edition of "How Far Did Aurie Get On Her WIPs?" Let's see how "far" she has gotten!
I am fifteen days behind, but better late than never, right? Right!
I haven't done much this past month, especially considering the new game that Alby and I released taking up literally every second of free time that I had during the entire month of October.
ACTUALLY, if you want, you can go check out the game over on itch.io! Here is the game and here is the intro post. Enjoy!
Needless to say, I have no major updates on my games. Although...
I got covid last week, actually! If you know and follow ST4RDOM's account, you likely already know this.
For the sake of my mind, I'll copy and paste what I wrote that's relevant to this:
This is actually my first time getting covid, or at least testing positive. It hit me really hard (like I was close to 104°F, which is 40°C) and I swear for three entire days I was just sleeping. It's been exactly a week since I felt those symptoms, and though I am still testing positive I feel much better and more in the mood to write! Though I can't say I have done much on ST4RDOM 😅 I was working on another project of mine just yesterday (which was my first time actually touching my computer ever since I got sick and writing), and I nearly fell asleep doing so lol
I still have brain fog, also. It wasn't in this quote, but I have brain fog thanks to covid and unfortunately I still have it, so progress on ATOL and all other games will be slower than normal until I can get my brain rebooted.
So I haven't done much, other than coding and writing this upcoming project of mine (which is listed in the masterpost lol). I first created the first draft back in January and just recently I've upgraded the UI and rewritten parts of the prologue. Which was yesterday.
Sweet! Now it's further ahead than ST4RDOM, which I literally created an account for because I thought I was going to have that game done soon. (Though I already had the original prologue, so all I'm doing is revamping it 😅)
Anyways, this game was originally meant to be my MAIN main game; the one I am meant to throw every coding skill I know into it. So I think that is why.
That's all from me, I think. I can't think of anything at the moment, so I am going to sign out now 🫡 hope you all have a good day, and stay safe from covid.
See you all on the next episode of "How Far Did Aurie Get On Her WIPs?" :)
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Fandom Woes Part 1: Big Entertainment Fandoms and their War on Creative Minds
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I feel like I need to revamp my points it’s about what I perceive to be a problem with modern fandom, and the first issue is its hostility to creative dissent, especially in form of original works or fanfiction.
It seems that fandoms, Anti-RWDE in this case, have decided how story they liked handled a concept or idea is law and appointed themselves as the police force to enforce said laws, all proclaiming to defend those they deem worthy of the title “creator” while harassing those the perceived as “bullshit artists” I guess and feel have offended them and those they defend. And these people seem to be waging an ideological conquest of creative thinking in fears of becoming irrelevant.
For example, I explained how I was upset with RWBY the tragic ending of Pyrrha Nikos and her romantic relation with Jaune, and other characters and parings, Sun and Blake, Ren and Nora, Weiss and Neptune, and Ruby and Oscar, all who I dreaded would end up on the chopping block next.
I said how I felt they should have been couples who endured consequences and raised steaks, but they should have been allowed to survive through them, rather than losing each other driving the other forward kinda like Ed and Winry and Roy and Riza from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Or at least they could as a different set of characters in a different epic fantasy story.
That, and recently in retrospect, I’ve been looking at RWBY, it’s characters, and world, the ships I wanted, and what they could have been, some involves radical changes, minor changes, heavily different world building, using my Catholic faith as well as my own fictional universe as a basis.
Right now it’s a heavily reimagined RWBY AU part of a fan fiction multiverse which is mostly experimental, idk I can put up with the likes of Syto-kun’s RWBY Remnants, or Celtic Pyro's Fixing RWBY, but I might make it into an original story, Hell, I might even do both, the former first so I can see what other changes I might need to make,
Now as of recently I’ve discovered a Discord Server which I can discuss these things with other RWBY fans, most of who are also disillusioned with Canon RWBY, in a civil manner. Some agree with me, some don’t, but we all act in respect and good faith and we give each other the benefit of the doubt for our disagreements because we all deeply care about epic story-telling.
But In the past with the Anti-RWDE of the RWBY fandom, or whatever you want to call this a toxic minority, I got from was not honest disagreement, but rather disgust, abhorrence, and sneering.
I was sat down and lectured by toxic individuals how raised steaks and consequences forbid such things now, reading posts about Pyrrha and the likes of her and Jaune were only fit for tragic endings because “that's the kind of character she is.” as well these loyalists aggrandizing themselves for liking it mocking others like me with things like
"LMAO Holy Shit, you guys wouldn't like Madoka Magica" as if that was a problem
or "Lol go watch RWBY Chibi"
They resorted to passive aggressive judgment, gaslighting, and superior sarcasm at best, ranting and vicious chastisement at worst. Telling me I should trash my desires and ideas and just go watch Disney, Marvel, Romcoms, and Sitcoms instead.
They told me I was acting smug and superior and arrogant for doing a rewrite/reimagining AU or an original story in response how RWBY was handled, that what I did was inherently malicious and hostile towards Monty, and this attitude seems to come from a lot of loyalist fans who like things the way they are, and in my opinion think a little too highly of themselves for liking things that others don’t, but that’s an argument for another day.
Let me give an hypothetical example for their logic
Let's say among the Gurren Laggan and One Piece fanbase, there's a vocal minority of fanatics think that characters like Kamina and Portgas D. Ace and characters like them could only end in death to drive the characters and story forward and nobody was allowed to actively disagree with that, until Trigger recycled Kamina and Yoko as Galos and Aina respectively in Promare(though I think they recycled Kamina for Kill La Kill as Aikuro Mikisugi) 
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Then it was okay for small-time creative people, fanfic writers or indie writers, to do it.
Before then, doing that was seen as “hostile” towards “creators” which they mean those who they deem worthy of the title, and they uphold as the law of epic fiction. Or at the very least, until then, it was seen as stupid and uninteresting.
That's what it seemed like to me, and I could be wrong
But it just came off as off obtuse and narrow-minded at best akin to Professor Membrane from Invader Zim, narcissistic and disingenuous at worst akin to Claude Frollo from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame combined with blind consumerist loyalty to big business whether it be western entertainment or anime studios. 
Now I’ve spoken to other people and my friends and others, all who mean well, one person who’s been more patient with me than she should have, who told me I might just have to disengage from the source material since I admitted it won’t change canon RWBY and how I am unhappy with it, and friends who said I should let RWBY go because it’s causing me too much grief while another assumed I wanted no adversity and struggle and wanted it to be all fluffy because I didn’t want mentioned ships ending tragically, and I think I came off as hostile
And I feel like this is more due to my failure to articulate my points, I’m not exactly the best at doing that.
And I don’t want the rest of the RWBY Fandom, RWDE or sane neutral fans to misunderstand me, mostly due to my last reblog I got too heated and not made my point clear
I’m not saying the direction RWBY went with V3 or Pyrrha and the rest of the cast being tragic in some way or another is objectively bad, it was just not my taste
And I am not saying every normal RWBY fan/RWDE person who liked it is an elitist about it nor are all of them trying to insult me and attack me personally or say my ideas are bad but rather help you guys understand my experience with the toxic strain of the fanbase.
and I am not trying to change canon or its “trajectory” , nor am I doing this to spite Monty, especially when I never knew the guy. This is a difference in handling ideas and concepts.
I’m doing my RWBY AU, which will most likely be revamped into an original story since it takes a whole different directions with the characters and world, but it's mostly because with post V3 and now in retrospect I saw what this world, characters, ships and other ideas could have been all in a story I believe is worth telling. And I was very disappointed and frustrated that it wasn’t along with my own personal exhaustion how epic storytelling has been going in several franchises.
I mean yeah it's also due to personal tastes and preferences and subjective feelings, at least I’ve been told, but I also try to integrate that in a meaningful way. 
Everyone, big business or small time creators, should be allowed to take an idea and take it in a different direction, even if it comes from a place of disagreement and/or distaste. 
That's one of the many ways inspiration works. Some of Tolkien’s own ideas came from his distaste how Shakespere handled the elves and his unhappiness that there were no talking and walking trees in Shakespere’s Macbeth, and the Valar Aule and his creation of the dwarves are akin to an anti-Prometheus.
I mean, what do Anti-Rwde and other toxic fans like them of other franchises expect us to do?
“Oh Ding-Dong-Diddly-Darn and Golly Gee Wally-Wilikers guess I gotta go watch another show and hope the storytelling gods give me what I exactly want next time, sure I saw a different story worth telling, but f*ck me I guess!”
I can only imagine how many small-time aspiring writers have been intimidated into giving up due to these petty rules these fanatics enforce, invoking the works and names of their appointed idols, even when said individuals and companies didn’t even ask them to in the first place.
It basically felt like to me was this, and I could been wrong here,
"Whatever you thought this story could have been, the world, characters, what ships you wanted, how it all could have played out, its awful, worthless ,and uninteresting and there's something wrong with you for thinking and subjectively feeling that, so you gotta throw it all in the trash unless those we deem worthy of being 'creators' do it first or you bend over backwards for us, and we might let create what you want. Otherwise, you're only allowed to use inspiration from source material you 100% agree with or else your being malicious and not a true storyteller.”
And then they used what they liked, whether it be Arkos ending tragically and the dark direction post V3 or Bumbleby over Black Sun in V9, as an opportunity to aggrandize themselves, flaunt their tastes and what they also like and mock and sneer at everyone else who’s unhappy and force their preferences onto said dissidents. All for what seemed like to me for pride, moral superiority, and social currency.
and they would turn around and lecture you for being entitled, smug, superior and smelling your own farts.
And once again, this isn’t directed at sane fans and RWDE who liked these things for honest reasons and objective analysis, you guys are fine and this is not towards you, its to help you guys understand where I'm coming from.
And from what I've heard, there's someone amongst the anti-rwde/rwby rewrite by the name of LilithFairen who used this to attack Fixing RWBY RWBY and Madoka Magica and fans of the latter.
While I don't like Gen Urobuchi's work myself and Fixing RWBY sounds too dark for me, I do not condone her behavior. Bullying behavior is not justified wether be based on objectively good storytelling or personal/subjective feelings or personal taste/distaste.
My grief is with a toxic contingent with fandom, who seem conceited, self-righteous, and self-absorbed that they think what they like, from broad things like lighthearted to grimmdark to nitty-gritty details like concepts and what direction they go, are the objective end-all-be-all law of epic fiction.
The only exception they'll make is those they admire who they see as the lawgivers who can write and repeal these "laws" and then once again appoint themselves as the police force to enforce these laws onto the peasants who they believe are obligated to be obedient to their will. 
People who have less wealth power than those they claim to defend.
This certainly has happened on the opposite side of the spectrum in the past.
With the Gmod community I used to be a part of in, the toxic among the My Little Pony fandom of Gmod flaunted the success of MLP and championed themselves as the avatars of friendship and accused anyone who didn’t like the show or aspects about it, especially due to personal taste and subjective feelings as those who hated friendship. And I've heard horror stories in regards to the Steven Universe Fandom.
And for a while, individuals like these on both sides of the light and dark spectrum had managed to get away with this.
Until, there’s been a growing audience who’s been tired with Big Entertainment, and choosing between what seemed to me either pure grimmdark or pure lighthearted
People who these individuals had at best, dismissed as the minority, and perhaps we were for a while.
But from my perspective, that changes over the years, it's a natural swing of the pendulum.
Now that's not to say an objectively well written story can withstand that, that's what critics are for, and neither does it mean subjective and personal feelings and tastes/distastes should be disregarded either, but all of this is for another topic for another day.
Until recently, many creative writers and audiences were limited to companies and corporations who’s mandates in creating works was very limited, and many stories, while didn’t follow these standards, were not well planned out and executed. Sword Art Online being my personal example.
Not to mention, in the past fan fiction was also seen as a joke due to teenager fan fiction stereotypes and the likes of 50 Shades of Grey.
Thus, making any contesting ideas against the status quo seem inherently bad and keeping any dissident voices in zones of restrictive dissent.
But the world isn’t like that anymore.
With people becoming increasingly disillusioned with the likes of Hollywood, Fanfiction has been getting significant amount of attention as well there being a bold new movement of storytellers going indie, and with new effective online indie platforms from webcomics, to novels, kickstarter and indiegogo, and the likes of YouTube all of which are also getting attention, and challenging or at least contrasting certain ideas and concepts from other works in epic fiction or how they are handled, all without the Anti-RWDE’s authorization.
In other words, creative individuals no longer need to bend over backwards to publish their visual stories on effective platforms.
Which, at least what it seems to me, makes these toxic individuals realize that epic fiction and its handling of certain kinds of concepts, characters, tropes, characters, worlds, and ships, right down to their ultimate fates, do not revolve solely around their terms or at least the terms of those they worship. Which in turn makes them insecure and upset.
So I have a message to Anti-RWDE and other zealot fans of these franchises who do this
Like it or not, and whether you agree with them or not, these dissident fans and creators are your only equal in this equation. 
The fact you would resort to your little manipulative games and would even go so far as to suck up those who you deem worthy of the title “creator” and have more power and wealth than we do to enforce these stupid rules puts you all a significant step away from your peers.
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Which might sound inconsequential to you now, but in the long run will hurt you all, gravely.
because one day some of these dissidents will use that they liked and what they wanted to create fantastical epics in various indie formats(novels, webcomics, YouTube web-series, etc) or AU FanFiction, or most likely both
Whether the inspiration comes from a place of agreement or dissent
And when you come along to sneer at it and accuse it being “hostile” and “leeching off” other creators because its inspiration came from a place of disagreement, especially without any analytical evidence, you’ll end up enraging the audiences of those works, who might have been dissident and disappointed fans of the works you enjoy, and are now finally getting works that resonate to their tastes both broad things like lighthearted, grimmdark, or something in the middle and nitty gritty like concepts and what directions they go.
And they’ll remember how you mocked, lectured, gaslit and policed them and told them what they wanted was “uninteresting” and inherently “malicious” towards those you deem worthy of the title “creators”, and how you went so far as to suck up to “The Man” to do so.
I’m a Catholic, I’m taught revenge is sinful, but the other reality is that some people aren't as graceful as others, and those people may decide to give you a taste of your own medicine.
Those “creators" aren’t gonna be there to help you when that happens, I guarantee it. 
Because most of them don’t care about this whole ordeal, and might even be completely unaware of it, nor do they know who you are.
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So maybe instead of jumping to broad accusations, bad faith, and intentionally misinterpreting what people are saying and their thoughts and subjective feelings, and assume this creative disagreement is inherently hostile, smug, and malicious, all without any evidence, you ask constructive questions or just disagree honestly instead.
Because of your only intention is to suppress alternative ideas, preferences, thoughts, and feelings along with lecturing everyone and silence a discussion of such things because they come from a place of disagreement and displeasure, especially when you say “It’s not gonna change canon”, then you should be the first person to walk away from the debate.
Because let’s say what we had in mind is just pandering, and nobody in would find it interesting, along with considering the fact whatever we do “wont change canon” of the stories you enjoy
With all things considered, then I dare ask, what are you doing in our conversations?
Why are you getting mad and jumping into our discussions?
Why are you trying to control what we create and enjoy, especially because we disagreed how something was handled?
Either we make a reimagined AU fanfic, or recycle what we liked and wanted for our original works.
Either way, as you said it yourself, it won’t change canon, people don’t find it interesting, and it’s only pandering to people who you seem to not like, so why are you inserting yourself into our discussions in the first place?
If we are making it your problem, how are we? Because we created something in disagreement how certain ideas and concepts were handled and we put it out there and it’s getting attention? Is someone making you consume our stuff?
Because from where I'm standing, you guys are the ones going out of your way to make it your problem, which in turn you use to justify in your mind what you do to other people.
Because you want to control and suppress what us poor people create and enjoy as well as control and suppress what we think and subjectively feel. Which is at best, very weird.
We're trying to do our own thing, and you're trying to control other people.
If you truly believe what you like is the end-all-be-all and transcends all of this and you yourself are superior for liking these things, then do yourself a favor, save yourself the time and energy, and get out of our tags, servers, and conversations.
Just move along and continue to enjoy whatever those you deem worthy to be “creators”
These types of fans of RWBY, and MCU, Star Wars, and any other franchise for that matter need to take that advice
“It’s not gonna change canon, it’s not for you, disengage from the material, and move on”
Because that advice only works, when you are fine when things are going
See the irony there?
If you’re fine the way it's going, and someone is actively disagreeing with it, especially through creative works…
“It’s not gonna change canon, it’s not for you, disengage from the material, and move on”
Just do not insert yourself into this.
Just mind your own business, and just gossip about it in your own groups, tags, and forums.
Be that indifferent, loyal, and culturally and morally superior overman/overwoman that you just love to position yourself as in these discussions and leave us alone.
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rakassauce · 2 days
A weird ass idea came to me suddenly at 2 in the morning
So. I have this old touhou AU that I made in like...8th grade, I think? It was basically an aftermath AU of a fan game that interested me, called Concealed the Conclusion. Basically the gist™️ of it was that Gensokyo was all in Reimu's head, and she's dying so it was all falling apart so Marisa's trying to find her before it's too late—sorry for the shit explanation but hopefully you get the idea, I have not touched a thing related to it in ages
Idk why but I want to revamp it? It's a very, VERY vague au, I never did much with it, but like I kind of wanna build on it for funsies—and instead of it basically being a direct fan story for a touhou fangame (fan work-ception?) it'd be like...loosely based off of it. Or maybe heavily. You decide at this point
But see. Here's the part that makes it questionable imo;
Based on what I repost AND the art I rarely do post, y'all already know I've been in the Yu-Gi-Oh obsession hell hole for a year straight. It's been a comfort to me in tough times, as has Touhou in the past. I actually got into Touhou during a rough patch of junior high. Been in love with the world of children's card games and youkai ever since. (I've just never posted my touhou fanart lol, it's all old) That being said, I am a fucking SUCKER for crossovers. I LOVE the idea of seeing two or more of my favorite cartoons, books, or games, interacting or even working with one another. It's just difficult to find a good (or active) fic / official work that satisfies my strange niches
So. Onto the AU (please keep in mind this isn't fleshed out at ALL, I thought about this in the shower randomly) :
Gensokyo has...not been doing so hot, as of recent. Terrible weather, weaker youkai, and hell, even weaker magic. Worst of all? Aweakening Hakurei Barrier. Many are perplexed—even Gensokyo's sharper, more cunning minds. It seems the land of eastern fantasy has only been falling apart—so our beloved Hakurei shrine maiden takes it upon herself to investigate, thinking it's just another incident to be handled and dealt with.
Then she disappears. No where to be seen.
Marisa for once is actually...kind of worried. As soon as things seem suspicious, she's out searching, looking for her dear friend. Sure she was a lazy bum at times, but she wouldn't up and leave with no explanation, right?
Alright, this is where things get vague, since what I just typed was basically a synopsis of the AU—and now that I'm reading it over, BASICALLY CONCEALED THE CONCLUSION. MOVING ON, somewhere along the line, Sakuya and Yukari get involved. They find Reimu, weakened by whatever it was (forgive me I'm sorryyyy) hurting Gensokyo. Her powers are dull—but with some help, she does sort of get back on her feet.
Things seem to be getting better.
And then they weren't.
At the end of it all, Gensokyo is...frozen. Stuck in stone, sealed. The only surviving residents? Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya. Why? Because with what very little strength she has left—without so much as a warning—Yukari opens a gap to the outside world from underneath them.
With that, comes the end of Gensokyo. Or so it seems. One can't be so sure.
The three are separated. Where, is hard to say. All Marisa knows...is that she's just an ordinary girl, living in Domino City with a foster family—after being found lost in the streets with no living relatives to contact.
Will I go the amnesia route? I have no idea yet—though the idea DOES seem interesting (to me at least)
Not sure WHY this spawned in my lil brain. All I know is that the idea of Reimu and Marisa NOT being able to bounce back A-OK from an encounter has always got the gears in my head going. Probably why I liked Concealed the Conclusion so much (even though I WILL admit it IS kind of mid)
Jesus I need to put this in an obsidian vault
OK that's all for tonight, thank you for reading :D I MIGHT add more, this took more courage than I thought it would—idk how you writers manage to do this
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jerzwriter · 11 months
Make Me Admit Stuff (for any or all of your MC/LIs😊)
#18 The last time you felt broken?
#34 Listening to?
#50 Ever used a bow and arrow? (I had to throw a bone to E&Z. They always seem left out of these. LOL)
#70 Is there aNOTHER profession you picture your future/CURRENT spouse doing?
#88 Ever have plastic surgery?
Hey Cari!
Thanks so much for the asks! :) From -> Make Me Admit Stuff
18) Last time they felt broken? Basing these on the current timeline in each of my HCs. For Eli & Zoe, their timeline is in the future, so I'll go based on what I have written for them so far. Ethan: Before they found the antidote after the chemical attack, and he was terrified of losing Kaycee. Of course, he was running on adrenaline at the time, so it sort of hit him after. But then he had to deal with the emotions, his true feelings, etc. So, our boy had a lot going on.
Kaycee: It was around the same time, but it centered more on survivor guilt because she survived and Bobby & Danny did not.
Tobias: It would also be the chemical attack at this point (though he has another big event in the future). He and Casey weren't together at the time; she had recently broken up with him. In addition to being scared to death, he was also dealing with guilt because he felt if he hadn't stolen Stephanie, Casey wouldn't have stolen Farruggia, and she wouldn't be in this situation. (Ofc, this all led to them being together permanently, but he didn't know that then. lol)
Casey: It was also the aftermath of the attack. She really struggled with PTSD, and it took her quite a while to get back to being herself.
Trystan: While not addressed in canon, I think coping with the aftermath of all that happened in Book 2 would leave Trystan in rough shape for a while. Not to the point that he couldn't function, but I imagine he'd need some good therapy and would really lean on MC and some other good friends to get through.
Carolina: Her father's death. Yeah, she's dealt with many other things since, and she has a steely resolve that enables her to get through things. But I don't think she's ever fully dealt with the trauma of her father's death.
Eli: Poor Eli - he's always going to be a little broken after how he lost his family. He stayed in that place for so long after, and it wasn't until he met Zoe and the gang that he began to get out of that fog. But a tragedy that deep will never fully leave him.
Zoe: Zoe's in the same boat, more or less. Losing Ana was terribly difficult for her. However, she never had time to cope with that; she didn't have the luxury of breaking... good in some ways, bad in others, because she never fully heals from it.
More below...
34) Listening to?
Answered this one for Tobias & Casey here.
Kaycee is listening to a lot of Taylor Swift. She's still not off of her Eras Tour high. She's also a fan of Olivia Rodrigo's new album, and none of this sits well with Ethan. lol Ethan is listening to his old standbys... opera, classics, and some standards like Sinatra. Although, while he may be loathe to admit it, Kaycee has introduced him to Noah Kahan, and he has definitely added some songs to his playlist. His favorites? Growing Sideways, Come Over, Still, and Paul Revere.
Trystan: He is a Taylor girlie, and I will die on this hill. He's listening to the 1989 revamp as well as Midnights, which he'll never get over. Most frequently played? Lavender Haze, Vigilante Shit, and Karma.
Carolina has a lot of Bad Bunny and Bruno Mars tunes blasting in her earbuds as of late. She isn't the biggest TS fan (though she listens to indulge Trystan), but she does have a thing for Vigilante Shit.
50) Ever used a bow and arrow?
Ethan and Kaycee, I'm gonna say no.
Tobias went to some preppy-ass rich kid school, so I'm sure archery was included in the phys ed curriculum at one point or another, so he's a yes. Casey, probably on a drunken dare, and it didn't go well. She swore off ever doing it again. lol
Trystan and Carolina are both yeses. I mean, the more they have in their arsenal, the better.
And we already know Eli and Zoe are the pros in this area. lol
70) Is there another profession they picture their future/current spouse doing?
Hmm.. since they're all endgame, let's play "what if" here. What did they imagine their future spouse/partner would do before they met their end gamer.
Ethan: Ethan thought his partners would be either in the medical field or something equally cerebral. This man is a sapiosexual first and foremost in my mind.
Kaycee: She never gave it much thought but assumed it would be someone working in a field related to medicine in some way, solely because she worked so much she thought it was the only way she'd meet someone. It didn't have to be a doctor, nurse, or other professional, but she assumed it would be someone who worked in the hospital in some capacity.
Tobias: He really never gave it any thought at all. He was equal opportunity in the past because he wasn't looking for serious. But for him to settle down, he'd need someone who did something that he found stimulating on some level. Did it need to be another doctor? No. But while he would have been OK dating, say, a model or socialite for fun, that wouldn't have appealed to him long-term.
Casey: She never really had an idea of what profession her life partner would be. While the idea of them being in a field similar to hers was appealing, it was not a requirement. It was always more about the person than the occupation to her.
Trystan: He certainly didn't think it would be a detective. lol In the past, he assumed it would be another royal or socialite. After he was in exile, it probably didn't change much. Though I don't think he was looking to settle down after Juliana, he assumed if he would, it would be someone from his strata.
Carolina: Carolina did not feel she would end up in something long-term, and romance never preoccupied her thoughts. However, if she were asked, she would have assumed it would be someone from a blue-collar background not unlike her own.
Eli and Zoe - not really an issue in their world.
88) Ever had plastic surgery?
Let's go with WOULD they, as well as have they.
Ethan: Has not, and would not for "superficial" cosmetic reasons. However, he would be open to it if it were to correct a major malformation due to an accident, etc.
Kaycee: She has not and probably will not. She believes in aging gracefully and being happy with what you are, but she would not be opposed if something were causing her to feel bad about herself.
Tobias: He has not, but he would be open to it if the procedure was very safe. It's not something he would do lightly, and he wouldn't be a regular, but he'd consider it if something really bothered him. (Ironically, he'd support Casey if she wanted to, but he'd be personally opposed because he thinks she's perfect as is.)
Casey: Her answer would be very similar to Tobias's. She wouldn't have work done lightly, only if something truly bothered her. I don't see her actually doing it.
Trystan: Has not, but yeah, he would lol
Carolina: It's nothing she ever considered, and she probably wouldn't, but she would not be opposed either. I can see her getting it if, say, she got a bad scar, and it was painful for her to see it. She'd have that corrected if she could.
Eli and Zoe... well, lol.
Thanks for asking, Cari!
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dragonsbone · 8 months
look at me back on tumblr - it’s been a hot minute! i got two good ones for you!
1. what’s an oc that you’ve maybe part ways with that if you had the time or patience you would bring back and maybe do a “revamp” with? (hopefully that makes sense)
2. what are some fandom/ocs that you have created, but never posted about them before?! i would be curious to know the deets!!
anyways miss you and love you xx
1.) oh god, there are soooooooo many that have collected dust over the years. i go through so many different phases where i miss a specific oc deeply, and currently... i really miss nara jinn. i've been thinking a bit about her recently since i finally played jedi survivor ( a solid 10/10 ). my only issue is with nara is that a lot of her story would end up being au to canon, which isn't a bad thing, but personally it's just sooooo much to map out and change and it gets tiring. still, i do miss her a lot and care about her even after all this time.
maybe one day i'll have the strength to rework the sequels and give my girl the justice she deserves.
2.) so... i got really into anime these past few months, but more specifically attack on titan and jujutsu kaisen ( though, i have a raging brainrot on the former rather than the latter, but i love both a lot ). i admit, i am shy to post anything related to it since i know it's a very niche section in the oc community, but i do have soooooo much on my aot oc, sloane beckett, like it's quite insane how she and her romantic pairing has consumed my mind. in all honesty, i am really proud of how much thought i've put into her story. i came up with eight years worth of free real estate ideas before even the main plot begins and i have an abundance of thoughts for the rest of the story moving forward too. so yeah, she is one of the many ocs i've come up with in the past few months, but sloane is, by far, the most fleshed out in terms of her personality, storyline ( from start to finish ), romantic pairing, and so on.
i would love to talk about her or my other anime ocs more if anyone's interested !! i just get shy since i know not many of my mutuals on tumblr are not into anime ( hence why i haven't posted anything about them lol )
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pmatga · 10 months
here's some pmatga oc ideas i've been mulling over recently that i haven't drawn—yet (that is both a promise And a threat /j)
(decided to put this under the cut bc it got long)
a complete oc revamp/overhaul of palmer velmac—or maybe it's rosemary velmac now? or maybe it's both. idk, haven't decided yet. anyway she's nonbinary/genderqueer, uses she/he pronouns. been thinking that maybe she's scarf kid's aunt? and That would be how he'd get introduced to all the other characters initially. (i do have More ideas for this one in particular but i wanna save them for their official ref/bio which should be finished soon-ish)
cylindria's older brother who's an asshole (like "briefly a minor antagonist/villain" kind of asshole) and also a well-known figure in the pacopolis music scene. he's not a musician, though, he's the guy who Works with musicians. haven't decided if he's a music executive, talent agent, or talent manager. whatever it is, he's on the phone A Lot (and if he were in the show, that'd be his main character tic, that he's always on the phone). haven't figured out a name for him yet but i want it to be geometry-related (bc cylindria having a sibling with a regular name feels Weird). also haven't quite decided how exactly he's a minor antagonist/villain, but i'll figure something out.
ghost oc who spends most of her time in pacworld masquerading as an up-and-coming living pop/rock star (probably has a robot body ala buttler in nerd in the word). primarily works with cyli's brother (seen above); he's either her agent/manager or she's signed under his label, depending on what i decide for him (he's aware that she's actually a ghost regardless). stella octangula as a possible name/stage name?
another ghost oc that's a wannabe killer prom queen. been thinking that maybe she burned down her high school gym (carrie) in an effort to defeat the competition (sara berry)...except she didn't manage to Actually kill anyone else aside from herself due to being a dumbass with extremely poor planning skills (bc if someone is planning to kill ppl over a crown and one single night of status, chances are they probably aren't Great at thinking in the long-term) so her Big Scheme™ quite literally blew up in her face. haunted the site of her old high school before being sent to the netherworld along with all the other pre-existing ghosts. also! she went on her initial spree when most of the adult cast were kids, and zac & betrayus had an Encounter with her when they were in their teens (betrayus is still mildly scared of her lol)
(continued from last bullet) or maybe it's a couple? a wannabe prom king & queen who tried to off the rest of the competition on both sides, only to end up getting themselves killed through their own incompetence. the girl's still the more aggressive of the two when it comes to haunting though
okay this last one isn't so much an oc as it is an re-interpretation of tip using my idea of the pointyheads being more like the monster from the thing (1982) + the pacworlder form he uses to blend in with pacworlder society (just barely though, tip doesn't care as much abt "blending in" than i imagine apex does).
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blaithnne · 2 years
🍋 🍉 🍎 for lauren 👀
(Answering these under What If! AU conditions bc that’s the story I’m working on rn btw!)
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GODDD there’s so much I could say here but they’re all spoilers for stuff I’m working on….so, I’ll just say it was the moment she realised her Dad wasn’t coming home :)
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Her earrings! Her regular ones are pretty plain (either black or gold depending on how I decide to draw her lol), but she always wears them. She’s a little paranoid the holes will close up if she takes them out, so she constantly has keepers in.
But other than that she just likes wearing them bc she enjoys accessorising and looking pretty, she doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to dress up or anything tends to wear clothing that’s more practical than it is pretty, so her earrings make her feel pretty even when she’s in work clothes
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I think people have very much picked up on the fact that she looks a lot like Johanna - and she’s inherited a lot of her features! She’s got her big nose and tall build. Of course her similarity with Hilda is in their shared hair colour, it’s hard to say what other similarities they’d have since Hilda is still but a baby
I’m also gonna use this as an opportunity to discuss their differences! Bc their similarities are so clear I think the differences may be less obvious, plus some of them are recent changes as I’m midway through revamping her reference sheet but here’s a few -!
Lauren may have inherited her big nose from Johanna, but hers is actually a fair bit bigger
She’s a bit more…top heavy than Johanna is. She’s got a larger chest and smaller hips
It’s not hugely noticeable, but she’s a little shorter than Johanna too. I like the idea of Hilda growing to be just a little bit taller than her as well
Buutttt she’s much bulkier and more muscly! She’s a strong girl, she’s got big shoulders and arms and a thicker neck.
This doesn’t apply to canon designs, but I usually headcanon Johanna and Hilda as both having blue eyes, I like the idea of Johanna’s blue matching Hilda’s! But though I’ve gone back and forth a LOT, I think Lauren would have yellow or brown eyes (we’re just pretending yellow is a normal colour for eyes to be ok)
I think she’d probably have a few scars too, though I probably wouldn’t include them in her canon design as it seems like too much for Hilda’s design conventions. But yk, she’s an outdoorsy person who does a lot of physical activity, I can very much see it happening
I think her hair is just ever so slightly curlier than Johanna’s, not by much, but a little
That’s all I can think of in terms of physical features, but that brings us along to traits! Lots of fun shared ones here -
Like with her big nose, Lauren got Johanna’s social anxiety passed down to her, only amped up to a million. Poor woman can barely get through a conversation with the mailman when she first moved back to Trolberg, but she gets better with time
She shares Hilda’s love of the wilderness and the outdoors to an extent, she’ll always chose her family over adventure (though it was a close call that one time…), but she really is in her element roughing it out in the wilderness
When making or headcanoning for Pearson family meme gets I like to give them a creative trait, like one part of art they specialise in - Johanna is a Graphic Designer of course, Hilda enjoys sketching as a child but my personal headcanon is that when she grows up she’ll be a wildlife photographer, so that’s the one I’ve got her as. Lauren however is a painter! It’s just a hobby, and not one she indulges in much, but she finds it relaxing to just paint landscapes and still lives.
I don’t think this counts as a trait, but I’ll include it anyway - she was a sparrow scout and she LOVED it. She didn’t earn quite as many badges as Johanna, but she came close! I may have smthn planned out involving her becoming a Raven Leader someday too
Again don’t know if this counts as a trait but she likes board games, same as Johanna and Hilda. She’s not very good at most of them though, she usually ends up spending all of monopoly in jail
That’s all I can think of for now lol, I’d include some differing traits like I did with features but I’ve been rambling here for SO LONG now lmao, tysm for this ask it was really fun to answer!!!!
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can-of-pringles · 1 year
Hey!! Here to talk about fanfic with you!
Is there a fandom or character that you want to write for but haven't yet? Why is that?
Is there a fanfic that you would rewrite or look at again if you had the chance? (Personally I think your writing is fantastic but I know we as authors are our own worst enemies, and I'm curious to see your side of it)
What's your favorite part about Similarities so far? Of King and Lionheart? Of your Ariel fics?
What's one line from any of your fics that you're especially proud of? And why do you like it? (Particularly artful, really captures a character, great humor, etc.)
What's your favorite trait to give a character trait? Physical or personality. What's a trait in yourself that you often see in your characters (past neurodivergence and queerness, I mean individual personality traits like confidence or sarcastic humor)
Your writing is amazing bestie!! So excited to see what you do with Eliŝka!
Hi! Thank you!
Fandom wise, I'm not sure. I haven't consumed any new media recently except Vol 3. So I guess MCU? (If you don't count my Wandavision and X-Men crossover fic)
As for character, I haven't written anything for my newest OC, Eliška Hasek, and I'm itching to get started on that. Oh, also another OC, Tessa Hayes (Lee Quinn's birth mother) there are things in place I should do first before I start on these projects.
Probably majority of my fics from 2019 or 2020. And the first Kaia fics probably need a revamp.
For Similarities, I enjoy being able to write about Henry and El in a more domestic setting since escaping the lab and writing about their bond growing. Though funny enough I am looking forward to writing more of the future plot and angst with Beatrice.
King and Lionheart, I feel like it's still in its early stages but despite that has shown a lot of potential or progress if that makes sense? I also enjoy writing about Dream having to interact with a character so different than him (Lee) and having them learn to get along and their dynamic.
The Ariel ship! Ok, where do I start? I guess honestly it's a little fun to drag out the fics and have my readers waiting excitedly for when the big confession happens. I'm sorry I like to torture my audience 😈 but also Arith and Iriel banter is so fun and rewarding to write. I feel like they've come a long way. And you know what I still plan on writing stuff for them even after y'know 💀 because people read essentially prequel stuff all the time.
One line from any fic.... oh this is tough. Why do I feel like all my best stuff isn't published yet lol.
Ok so more than a single line (oops) but from King and Lionheart.
“I understand your warnings, but I would like to go with you, anyway.” She looked up at him with a determined glint in her eyes.
I think it just sums up Lee's character so well. She's bold, stubborn, and dedicated.
Favorite trait to give a character? Physically wise I think I either have to say freckles or piercings. Personality wise... I guess unique? Now hold on let me explain, I don't like to write about characters who fit a mold or something like that. That's boring. There has to be a little bit of going against the norm. Not fitting in but rather standing out as an individual.
I really hope that wasn't confusing or too much of a basic answer.
As for the last question, I think I tend to have a dry sense of humor and I like writing characters with a similar sense of humor.
Thank you very much!
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