#i think that like 90% of my writing style gets made sense of once you realise that my trains of thought follow similar patterns as etymology
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#i mean i gotta have some weird freudian stuff in here right#i think that like 90% of my writing style gets made sense of once you realise that my trains of thought follow similar patterns as etymology#'how are THOSE things connected'#well you see. through 6 degrees of separation#like precision caesura and cement#can make connections really well#not so good at interpreting them tho#i wonder if that defeats their purpose#i mean does it nullify any meaning that couldve been there#do i make my writing meaningless by acknowledging that i dont juxtapose to convey meaning - meaning coalesces in juxtaposition#and the juxtaposition is just for fun#im...#oh my god am i just putting all my toys in a row?#maybe i am#'that was a nice shape now if i do it /another/ way'#the point of the thing is the connecting. not like. some kind of meaning that i have in my head#im not making connections to convey meaning im making connections /to make connections/#i think that makes me a bad artist#or at least it makes my art bad#i still have fun with it so maybe im not a bad artist#but i wil admit to this and not promise to stop#i think THAT makes me a bad artist probably#bc if i really cared about... art. good art. meaningful art. then i would not be content with making meaningless art#once i realised thats what im doing. right?#an artist with integrity would do something else#'i shouldnt do this but i am and im not gonna stop'#'i should...apologist for something?'#i also believe subconsciously theres somethingimmoral to sharing art that you dont believe to be. like. of quality#i think it's fine to make art that is not the best you could have done. but if you share it with the world THEN that becomes immoral#i dont know why i believe that. it's probably about integrity again
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The Current event makes me smile since it kind of confirms a headcanon I had that the Great Seven have animated movies based on them. Makes me wonder about the plot of the movies
Disney should get on the Twisted Wonderland AU Animated Remakes. What is Ursula was a good witch, what if Scar was right to take the throne and did he take it from Mufasa? (Or whoever is the stand in for him)
The Evil/Beautiful Queen...actually GOOD?
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Yeah, it makes sense! Since the Great Seven are historical figures and the stuff of legends, surely there would be popular media made in their image. It’s like how the Disney fairy tales borrow from stories in the public domain or how there are historical retellings and reinventions (Hamilton, anyone?).
I believe TWST has mentioned films based on their own stories and history before too, but purely in the animated sense rather than live action. In book 3, Ace and one of the Atlantica Museum guards talk about an animated movie based on the tale of the mermaid princess and her prince; this movie is said to have come out ~30 years ago, which corresponds with Disney’s animated The Little Mermaid. Ace compliments the movie’s soundtrack too way to stroke your own ego, Disney/j.
Later on in Tapis Rouge, the characters discuss other films based on the Great Seven, including one Queen of Hearts movie. A Sea Witch movie is also mentioned; in it, she “goes gigantic” and also sings as she brews potions. The Octatrio quite enjoy this particular film.
(Side note: Another anon once suggested to me that people probably also write fanfics of Neige and Vil since they’re celebrities… Think like “My mom sold me to One Direction?!” Wattpad kinds of fics, but replace One Direction with Vil or something. You can read those post here!)
It’s… interesting this event specifically has Vil promoting a live action adaption of an in-universe animated film about the Beautiful Queen—an animated film which was the first full-color animated movie AND it originally released close to 90 years ago. They also reference the funding issues that Disney suffered while producing Snow White + inviting bank employees in to preview the movie to acquire more investments, stating that the studio that made the animated Beautiful Queen experienced the same. The in-game live action is even slated to come out “NEXT YEAR”. They’re not being subtle here with TWST’s references to their own version of the irl Disney Snow White (the live action is coming out in 2025, the OG is also almost 90 years old, etc.). I wonder if the EN server will actually get Tapis Rouge around the time of the irl release of Disney’s live action Snow White as part of a promotional campaign? 😂
UPDATE: There are even more not-so-subtle references to Disney animations in part 4 of the event, including discussion of cel animation, rotoscoping, adding blush to the characters, and how Disney brought in real animals/observed the “real thing” to help with animating similar scenes or subjects. They also cheekily say that most animation nowadays is CG 💀
I know some books under Disney publishing try to show alternate tellings or show the villains in a more sympathetic light, but I don’t know that they would ever commit to fully animating a film like that. It definitely would not happen in the style of traditional animation, Disney no longer seems well-equipped to handle that task 😔 I feel like it would also be pretty niche or might not get overwhelming positive reception with recent audience calls for “true bad guys” instead of twist or sympathetic villains (though I’m not sure what percentage of people watching Disney actually have this opinion).
I do wonder how those “AU” films would work though…? It wouldn’t be as simple as suddenly turning the G7 into “good guys”. The scenario and other characters would also have to drastically change. TWST doesn’t necessarily make the original “good guys” “bad” in a world where the villains are historical figures; we still hear plenty of positive or neutral stories about the achievements of the mermaid princess and other Disney heroes.
There are also times when the same story diverges into multiple separate stories that seemingly have no connection to one another. For example, there is a story where a princess marries a street rat (clearly referencing Aladdin) and they live happily ever after in spite of the difference in their social statuses. However, there simultaneously exists a story in which the Sorcerer of the Sands saves a princess from being deceived by a fake prince (also referencing Aladdin). The same goes for the mermaid princess (Ariel)—there is both a story referring to a “mermaid princess” who married a human prince and also a different story (clearly still pulled from the same film) about a mermaid who made a deal with the Sea Witch to find true love but broke her contract in the end.
Very cool idea, just not sure where it would lead or it it’s feasible or worth it monetarily for Disney.
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astro pt. 6
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
*A lot of sex workers have cap + Gemini energy in their charts. I think the cap makes them money driven and the Gemini gives them a carefree attitude towards sex.
*multiple women on 90 day fiancé have Virgo and cap placements. (darcey, anfisa . Chantel has a Virgo moon and mercury. Anfisa and Darcey (+ her twin sister) have cap moons and Virgo venuses. All of the women mentioned were somewhat stuck up and gave off Barbie energy. But once you watch them they were pretty chill some what lol
*Ik a guy w mars square Uranus who’s a stunt performer and Lewis Hamilton (the hot race car driver) has this aspect as well. They are the definition of dare devils.
*If you’re attracted to men look at your mars for the type you go for. If fire you’ll really like fire or air sun men (also include signs that square or opposite your mars) if water you’ll really like water or earth sun men (also squares/oppositions) for example as a sag mars I really like fire and air sign men but also Pisces and Virgo men too. Also the house it’s in can play a role mine is in the 8th so Scorpio suns can get it too.
*Mutable placements are theeeee funniest sorry not sorry
*I love mars-Chiron men they’re so gentle and comforting. Venus-Chiron men can also attract women w prominent Chiron aspects. I have Chiron conjunct MC and my mercury plus it squares my moon all tight orbs. They have a hard time in society bc they’re usually not aggressively masculine like society wants them to be. And they’ll attract women have their own wounds they need to work through so relationships can be hard. “Call out my name” by The Weeknd would be a good representation of them.
*I feel bad for Pluto in 7th their partners will try to change them and feel comfortable criticizing them.
*Someone pointed out Selena Gomez has three men who write songs about her The Weeknd, Justin, and Charlie puth. I want to point out she has mars-Pluto so like I said previously she attracts men with Scorpio influence *coughs* passionate and obsessive. The weeknd is a Scorpio moon w moon conjunct Pluto. Charlie is also a Scorpio moon and Justin is a Scorpio rising.
*She also has Venus conjunct chiron which is so sad bc it makes sense why she sung “the heart wants what it wants” Venus-Chiron can go through a lot of intense heartbreak that they end up channeling into music.
*Honestly I don’t think Hailey is necessarily obsessed w Selena I think she’s obsessed with Justin and she’s his ex. Taurus moons will stalk their significant others ex and constantly try to find evidence of them stepping out. They are beyond possessive.
*It’s also weird to me how many sag placement women can be bullies. Idk maybe the Jupiter influence exaggerates their ego (sun) or their aggression (mars) but all the bullies at my hs had sag placements. My 8th house stellium and Lilith made me bullied if anything.
*Rob Lowes son has Sun in 1st and they have similar mannerisms and can bounce off of eachother well in their Netflix show
*When a man’s mars conjuncts a woman’s sun…she’s the one who’s going to humble him. A guy Ik said an aqua girl was the only one who matched his toxicity and he’s an aqua mars. When reversed (man’s sun conjunct a woman’s mars) he’ll be her ideal type of man.
*Having Plutonian energy as a woman is really hard the older I get the harder it is to make genuine friends. I’m watching this girl who I’ve been talking with in class causally start dressing like me. I’ve also had friends try to copy my hair, how I talk, and my style. It seems stupid but it makes me uncomfortable.
*Sagittarius suns and Taurus suns get into the worst arguments😭
*Libra rising men 🤝 oversized shirts
*Libra mars women🤝 bending their back in pictures to show off their butts
*Capricorn moons are so harsh it’s actually funny
*capricorn placement men and their side hustles. My cousin is a cap rising and this cap sun guy both starting fixing iPhone screens on the side.
*Stormy Daniels has many 3rd house placements and from watching her interviews she’s really sharp. She also has a talent in communication as she was the editor of her highschool newspaper.
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
raph vs a volcano day 20
The 1987 episode plot:
Donatello's health scanner predicts Raphael has only 24 hours to live. Raphael goes around doing good deeds and taking ridiculous risks because he's gonna die anyway. Meanwhile Donatello figures out his machine didn't work right and means to tell Raphael, but you see he is distracted doing good deeds and taking ridiculous risks. It culminates with Raph inside an active volcano (trying to stop it from erupting? bro??) and his brothers have to come rescue him.
I love this episode. For so many reasons.
1) What an interesting way to give Raph his role while keeping him in character within the new role they gave him for this show. Because Mirage Raph is the guy who always wants to help without pausing to think about whether they can. He's known for sometimes being impulsive and always being protective. And not just of his fellow turtles! He sees someone in trouble he wants to help. But usually in Mirage that's expressed with violence. So for the show they made the "crazy one" express the same traits through sarcasm instead and he became the witty one, and I love how future Raphs are both. And I especially love when 1987 Raphael himself is both
2) This is such a classic plot. It's like... the tribbles spoof/tribute or 'character gets kidnapped but acts so annoying they get released.' You know the kinds of plots I mean right? Our style of storytelling has changed (it's always changing) but tv shows in late 80s early 90s especially had these. You could pretty much guess the plot from the title because you know the characters and you know the story. The exciting reveal is mostly the jokes. There are words for what I'm saying but I haven't had an english class in a few years, so take this ramble and trust me. It's a beautiful example of whatever this is. And!
---2a, It doesn't have the classic resolution that 'character thought they had one day to live due to a misunderstanding' would have on a kids show. There isn't a 'moral' about seizing the moment and using your time wisely. There also isn't a moral about communication, so instead of the miscommunication being annoying like it would in a preachy episode, it's gloriously hilarious to watch
3) Speaking of that, the obligatory 'he tried to ask' scene is Raphael watching Michelangelo cry on Donatello's shoulder because "I'll miss him so much" "I'm sorry there's nothing I can do for him" it's the oven. The oven is broken. Michelangelo is sobbing in Donatello's arms like his world is ending because they're going to have to get a new oven because this one's beyond fixing. And Raphael fully believes that Michelangelo is begging Donatello to fix him, when this version of Donatello is so very none medic. Like I don't even know how to describe why and how much I love this scene. I think I killed english
4) The scene of Raphael in the volcano. I just. He's so funny. This episode really captures what I love about the whole show, which is that I am absolutely buying into it and feeling deeply about it, and simultaneously enjoying it ironically. Does that make sense? When you can put your whole heart into unironic enjoyment but your brain at the same time gets it's 'make fun of this' treat. So both types of fun at once.
---4a it's not trying to fix the plot holes it's enjoying that in this format you don't have to. I feel like this is severely under utilized in modern cinema. make things not make sense on purpose for fun. don't explain about where they are, how they carried that object with them, why there were not other consequences for certain actions. The fun thing about stories is they don't have to be realistic unless you want them to
so for today I had intended to write a Rise version of this episode. I think it would work well for them. Plus, Raph and Donnie bonding. However. That is going in drafts and will be coming. later (march for raph is my opportunity to collect drafts for the rise turtles apparently.) I'm actually still debating if Donnie would make a health-o-meter or if something goes down in witch down, but either way, ❤️💜
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Something I really appreciate about your writing is that you make the kids feel like actual teenagers. I have to ask, how do you get the characterization down when your writing? It's something I struggle to do, even when I go back to the original source.
Going back to the original source is a good start. Characterization goes deeper than simply ‘this character is nice’ or ‘this character is funny.’ Let’s look at Izuku for example. He’s kind and smart, but so are several other students. Something specific to him is that he doesn’t have much of a sense of humor; he doesn’t tell any jokes and rarely laughs at those made by others. Compare this to someone like Uraraka, who occasionally makes teasing comments about her friends, versus Sero or Mina who make jokes at the expense of their classmates pretty often. Back to Izuku, this fact about him contributes to a general sense of his social awkwardness, which my writing interprets in a few additional ways. I feel like his lack of humor and awkwardness would extend to trouble with nicknames, giving or receiving, further evidenced by his struggling in canon to call Tsuyu by the nicknames she wants to be called by. Kacchan on the other hand is out of habit, which combined with his issues visualizing One for All as a part of himself early on indicates he has a hard time breaking habits once he’s set on them. Even the fact that it took him so long to realize that he could adopt a kicking fight style is more evidence of this. And then a reoccurring feature in my fics is that Izuku isn’t a touchy-freely person. There’s not much evidence in canon for this, except that despite him and his Mom being close, they don’t touch often. This might not actually be the case, but that’s part of where my idea came from, and it fits back into that awkwardness. Little things like that can say a lot about a character and how they approach different situations.
As for writing teenagers in general, a common mistake i see in both fic and original content is the assumption that all you need to write believable teenagers is to throw in a bunch of modern slang and references. Think Riverdale, bad crack fics, and 90s anti-drug PSAs. Not only is this often handled poorly (incorrect slang use or misjudged references) it also quickly dates the writing. Memes can take years to reach big names in the entertainment industry, and then it takes another few years for a movie featuring those memes to come out. By then, the meme is dead and cringe. In this day and age, memes can have a much shorter shelf life, living and dying within a week. Even if you release an fic chapter during the peak of a meme’s life cycle, it’s only going to be funny to the people who read it then and there; everyone who jumps on the fic later will just cringe. And there’s no way to tell which ones with have the staying power of something like a rickroll or a classic vine.
The solution: don’t do this. Avoid overusing slang and meme speak, and instead implement more general/timeless dialogue. Slang like ‘dude’ has been in the lexicon long enough that it feels normal, and while ‘mood’ and ‘vibe’ are fairly new, they aren’t as obtrusive as ‘bae’ which is falling out of style, or ‘boomer’ which references a specific group of people. Basically, the more general and common, the better. And keep the time period of your story in mind; MHA for example takes place at least a century in the future, why would the kids of that era still be complaining about boomers? Teenagers still act immaturely sometimes and make jokes, but try and find the humor in the specific situation of the story rather than quoting something else. Teens are also more openly casual than adults. Teasing, touching, maybe saying something rude or inappropriate. One simple way to convey casual speech is to use more contractions; i.e. ‘can’t’ instead of ‘cannot’ or ‘we’re gonna’ instead of ‘we are going to.’ This is my advice for all dialogue: read it to yourself outloud and ask if it sounds like something a real person would actually say. Exaggeration is also good. ‘My life is over!’ when their crush doesn’t like them back, or a big group groan at a pop quiz.
As for the internal experience of being a teenager, the thing i remember most about being that age in the tension between suddenly being expected to be ready for things and take care of myself when i didn’t feel ready, but still being treated like a dumb child in other ways i thought i was ready for. You start understanding more things when you get older and want people to take you seriously as a result, but you’re also insecure about the things you don’t understand and maybe overcompensate. In short, being a teenager comes with a lot of confusing, frustrating changes, some of which are absolutely unfair, but there are a few you genuinely bring upon yourself.
Hope this helps you get started. If not, or you have other questions, the ask box is always open.
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alicepao13 · 1 year
Rating the Kommissar Rex/Il Commissario Rex/Hudson and Rex human partners for funsies, in chronological order. Contains spoilers, some bias, and opinions based on superficial characteristics. I will take the blame for any distorted memories I have of the shows, although I did a full rewatch last summer. (Rewatch refers to Kommissar Rex and Hudson and Rex. I could only watch Il Commissario Rex once. Well, 0.75 times. I couldn’t find some of the episodes.)
Kommissar Rex
Richard Moser: The blueprint. Not necessarily the best one in my opinion (although if you ask kid me, yes), but they modeled at least two other characters after him in the reboots. Pretty nice (although a product of his time), street smart, recently divorced, and the first few episodes where he and Rex are getting used to living together are hilarious. Moser’s dry humor was good too, also his whump scenes where great. And I appreciated the nude scenes a lot (thanks, German tv of the 90s). 8/10
Alex Brandtner: The hot one. Also, more of a “new age” cop (new age here means post 90s, don’t get confused). Kid me didn’t appreciate the hotness but I watched it in my teen years, and oh boy. And the action scenes, while sometimes ridiculous and making you wonder why???, really showed the actor’s training in physical scenes too. I always liked the way Brandtner immediately bonded with Rex and then we learn of the tragedy with his own dog. Too bad his love life was even more non-existent than Moser’s. 9/10
Marc Hoffmann: I’ll be honest, I just didn’t care for him for the most part, but I did like the fact that for the first time there was a ship with him and Nikki. They went for a different style with this one and it shows. Marc is less type A than the previous two, not a bad thing, but by that point, it was clear that Kommissar Rex as a show was nearing its end and I think it sometimes showed. 7/10
Il Commissario Rex (At this point, let me just say that I don’t associate the two shows with each other. And whoever has watched both, would probably agree with me. It hardly matters that the Italian show starts as a spinoff.)
Lorenzo Fabbri: Ugh, I don’t know what it is with this guy but I didn’t like him much. His style was a lot like Moser at first (adopting Rex, saving him from a miserable fate, learning to live with him, etc.). I absolutely hated the storyline with the forensics scientist throwing herself at him every chance she got and him trying to avoid her instead of flat out telling her he’s not interested, and then at some point they slept together??? Anyway, did not like. 6/10
Davide Rivera: I liked that guy but sadly we didn’t have that many episodes with him. He could have had more to offer as a character. More quiet than the sometimes too loud Lorenzo, and took some time to warm up to Rex if I recall. I liked that he took no flack from his boss (Sidenote: the boss didn’t like Rex at first and kept wanting to get rid of him, and I wanted to rip him to shreds). 7/10
Marco Terzani: I literally found one season of his episodes, so I’ll reserve judgment (if anyone has his second and third season, please give it to me lol or point to the right direction). He seems kinda reckless? He’s definitely attractive. ?/10, more research needed.
Hudson and Rex
Charlie Hudson: Started off as kind of mediocre for me, then he made me change my mind. When I started watching, I was hellbent on comparing every single thing of this show to the characters of the original at first, so I’m partially to blame for my initial perception of him. However, I won’t blame myself for the bad writing, pacing, and overall mediocrity of S1 that contributed to a big part of it. Anyway, they used some of Moser’s backstory (divorced, adopts Rex after his K-9 partner tragically dies) and expanded on it. Charlie has had the most development as a character than any of the others, which makes sense since he’s the first of Rex’s partners to live that long or not get rebooted lol. He definitely gets bonus points for having a love life too. And for not dying, despite all the whump situations he gets himself into. Definitely falls under the reckless category too. 70% himbo, 100% whump magnet. 9/10
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machinesbleedtoo · 1 year
AI art Discourse(tm)
the AI discourse is so fucking tiring. anyone can think of an idea and write it. everyone has taste. that's all it takes for AI art to be made.
it's not the same as other transformative tools in art, because it's machines doing 99% of the work for you. people peddling this 'digital tools for art aren't new' opinion have no idea how digital art works, which makes sense, because most of them are AI artists, and have never put in the work to create art themselves. it reeks of that "digital art is cheating" opinion a lot of traditional artists had when it emerged as a mainstream thing in the 90s. they had never even tried it, either.
the 'why do you hate art being accessible?' take is ignorant as all hell too. people have learned to make art themselves since time immemorial. not having time / not wanting to put effort into learning to make art is not an excuse for exploiting those of us who do. we are not all entitled to be good at something.
there's been recent drama over AI killing an indie book cover contest, and AI artists taking employment from actual artists without being transparent about it - and how this distrust is making it harder for real artists who are new to the field to find work because of this distrust AI art gives.
additionally, AI writing is making it a more time consuming ordeal for publishers because they keep having to sift through it to find actual stuff worth publishing. and AI is able to steal people's style via prompts, we've seen this with music already.
there are other issues with the recent AI adoption, too - underpaid people desperate for income are the ones 'tagging' the data, so the AI can make sense of it. AI isn't artificial or intelligent.
anyway - you're free to do as you please, but accept that AI art is effectively talentless (no, AI prompt engineering doesn't count - you can do the same for google searches, and no one calls that an art form.) i think it's silly to get so defensive about it. just make AI art if you want to, be transparent about it, accept that using the tools means you're exploiting other people's work, and stop complaining like you're the real underdog.
lastly, complaining about other people having opinions on AI like mine makes you a dick. just because you don't care, does not mean it's not worth caring about. if you think we're stupid for having concerns that's a you problem.
if you want to learn to draw, i wrote an article on that a long time ago with advice and tips.
people think my computer science, cybersecurity & neuroscience degree is a weird combination. and like yeah, unless you want to be furious at all sides of AI discourse at once.
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taco-night-frenzy · 1 year
Graveyard Keeper Review
I couldn't post this on Steam since I technically don't own it there (even though I paid for the DLC) but I wrote this all out for a Steam Review and I am not wasting it.
ANYWAYS. Here's my review of the game Graveyard Keeper under the cut.
Warning, it is negative, and I did not like it very much. I don't hate it though. I gave this game a solid 40 hours with all the DLCs.
Really thought I'd like this game, but it gets old and it gets old FAST. I wouldn't say it's a terrible game by any means, I legit got some entertainment out of it at the start, but it quickly falls apart when you realize you just never…. do anything. I played this game with all the DLCs installed and I think that give it a feeling of lots of 'content' and made it addicting for a while when I wasn't quite sure what awaited me.
This is like baby's first Factorio/Stardew Valley game but you get the worst of both worlds.
You're tasked to be a Graveyard Keeper, but honestly, that's like 10 percent of the game. You very rarely do any graveyard keeping. And when you do, like everything else in this game, it is extremely poorly explained. The thing you'll be spending more time than anything doing is just… walking back and forth. You're given a clunky teleport pretty early on and maybe later you'll find out you can keep buying speed potions if you can't live like this anymore, but that seems to be it. There's no mounts, there's no better system of travel, no upgrading that.
The gameplay revolves around your standard Factorio / Stardew Valley type things… gather resources, find a way to min/max gathering those resources etc. It's a bit addicted at first because min/maxing them is incredibly easy when you understand the game. Sadly, when you understand the game, you also realize there is nothing awaiting you for doing any of these tasks. The 'rewards' you get are mediocre at best.
The soundtrack is also just… not good. You get maybe 2 songs on a 2 minute loop for this intensely long grindy game. Bring your own music.
I'd say by far the worst part of this game though is the writing. I don't think this matters to some people and that's fair, but the writing here is just bland, boring, dry, and riddled with typos and spelling mistakes. There's some sort of spelling error in almost every scene.
The plot and the characters are way worse than I expected. The plot turns out to be an ISEKAI. Yes, that's right. This is a cut and dry ISEKAI somehow. You play as John Milk Toast Normal Guy and get hit by a car and end up in this boring world that makes you a Graveyard Keeper. That was a red flag off the bat, but I tried to be open minded.
Throughout the game though, you'll learn that not a single one of these characters is likeable in any sense. They're all vaguely buttheads and kind of rude. They have a lot to say, but it's never fun, it's just bad stale jokes and quips without any kind of style or flair added to them.
(Note: I LIKE rude characters. But they're ALL weirdly low level rude and dull as dishwater.)
The OTHER red flag should have been noticing all the DLCs just titled after popular TV shows. Stranger Sins, Better Save Soul, etc…. none of these references have literally anything to do with DLCs. It is just, "Hey this one is sin related, let's make the title look like Stranger Things."
And tying in with the rewards sucking, your rewards 90% of the time are just waiting through these incredibly dull scenes that feel like they were written by a 15 year old boy going through an edgy phase (but also doesn't want to upset Mom)
Final Bit: This game is just sadly mediocre. It's not a terrible game, but it is certainly not good. It has no strong points. Play Factorio, Oxygen Not Included, something like that if you need the grind. Play Stardew Valley or Sun Haven if you want that Harvest Moon farm feel. This game does not scratch the itch of either. If you can get the full game and the three DLCs all at once for extremely cheap? I guess it's not the worst, but it is still not fun enough.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
hiiii, i really like your writing style and your smut fics for rivamika are my favorite! especially lonely nights ;") i'm just wondering if you could make a fic that's more on levi's pov— kind of about his reaction when mikasa's entry when eren said "now or never, mikasa", levi being the lovestruck fool making an attempt to stop his admiration for mikasa because of the mission but she's just so damn cool and he can't help it :(((((((( thank you so much for considering this, ily and pls keep writing! ❤️
Oh anon ;-; This is such a sweet ask, thank you very very very much!! I have been inconsistent with my writing these days and haven't been able to publish anything in so dang long, and consequently haven't gotten comments/convos about my old works in foreverrrrrr so this is just the perfect encouraging thing to read. <3 Thank you!
I also tend to not take my own smut fics seriously LOOOL so again, this feedback is really meaningful!
Thanks for a fun prompt suggestion!!! I actually have a tiny WIP that is slightly similar to this -- revolves around the idea of Levi spectating a particular moment of Mikasa's badassery and not being able to fight his intrigue... It's not this particular Marley scene, but I feel like you will hopefully like it once it's published!! It's like 90% written and just needs revisions... So hopefully soon!
Side note, I think 'Levi being a lovestruck fool admiring Mikasa in Marley' is totally canon HEHE. If not in a romantic sense, he must still be super proud and probably still impressed whenever he sees her in action. I rewatched all the episodes recently and it's cool because you see a flutter of Levi's cape (he's the only Scout wearing a cape) in a quick frame overlooking the Eren/Jaw/Mikasa scene in Marley, which means he quite literally witnessed Mikasa's awesomeness -- until Eren was about to get eaten by the Jaw, and that's when Levi jumped in.
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Maybe someday I'll write it if it's not too similar to the WIP I mentioned!!!
Thank you again! This made my day! <;3
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Hello love,
I wanted to request a queen/bohrhap cast ship, please?🤍
My name's Anna, I'm 20, bi and an Aries.
I'm 5'4" with very long dark brown hair down to my butt, my eyes are also dark brown. I've got tan skin. I don't personally think I'm that short, but my friends are all taller than me. I'd describe my style as a mix of 70s boho and 90s grunge with a bit of cottagecore thrown in there too.
I can be a bit shy and awkward at first, but I've gotten a little more confident over the years. I overthink a lot, sometimes my brain can't stop running in circles. That's why I'm not a very spontaneous person. I can get angry very fast (fire signs complicating my life) and I may not forget, but I certainly forgive. I'm smart and a quick learner. I'm also stubborn and don't cope well with being criticised by friends or family.
I've started to enjoy spending more time on my own and try to make the best of most situations. I guess I'm an optimistic realist.
I like staying in reading or watching films, and i love autumn. I'm studying textile design, so I like knitting, sewing, crafting and started making my own clothes a few years ago. Other than that I also draw a lot. I played a few instruments in my life, currently trying to teach myself how to play the ukulele, and I like singing. I'm interested in mythologies and lore.
That's it I think 🥰 I hope you have a lovely day! 🌿🤍 and thank you so much !
Hi there!!!
I say, I ship you with...
Roger Taylor!
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Looking at Roger in the 70s, he would have LOVED your sense of style! You both would go shopping together and get all sorts of cool outfits!
You both sound similar- very smart and fiery. You both wouldn't be able to shut up and even at band events when he brings you, it would be like you two are the only people in the room. And even the others watch you like the audience at a movie.
I think he'd appreciate your creations. Once you gave him a drawing of him and even when he is on tour, he always keeps it by him
Plus, he would be very protective. If you ran into any criticism, he would rush to your defense and chew down the other person for it, on hand draped over you! And usually, when it gets cold, he wears a bit of knitwear that you made especially for him proudly!
For BohRap, I ship you with...
Joe Mazzello!
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He is organized so you both enjoy planning out the most fun dates! You would get him up and out and about to have some fun be it ice skating or axe throwing! He makes you laugh and relax!
Since you both love movies, imagine watching movies with him and hearing all of his insight on all of your favorite flicks. His observations on the acting, writing, and filming all while you cuddle and share snacks become almost more interesting than the actual movie!
He would be drawn to your shorter height. He's of average height so he feels bigger and more protective of you. He'd like to clutch your hand or hug you and love on you.
He would love to see and support your crafts as you support his own artistry! He'd see sketches and go "hmmmm" and give his ideas. Plus, you can just imagine teaching him to knit or spending a day crafting together! He would love and get to it like a duck with water!
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signalwatch · 2 years
90's Watch: Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead (1991)
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Watched:  02/09/2023
Format:  HBOmax
Viewing:  First
Director:  Stephen Herek
Sometimes a movie goes off the rails so fast and so hard, feels cynically produced on top of that, that it's hard not to just get mad, fold your arms and complain til the credits roll.  For the past 32 years, I'd successfully not seen Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991), which came out when I was 16 and was working through my Gen-X feelings of rejecting things I felt were marketed at me - but specifically at a very dumb version of me the people selling me stuff mostly took to be an idiot.
In 1991, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead was *heavily* sold at teen audiences with ads on MTV and elsewhere running seemingly non-stop.  Certainly I saw  trailers before other movies.  And you always knew:  if the movie looks like this, and they're advertising it this hard, it's because it sucks and they need to get people in before word spreads.  
There was a long tail of 1980's-style comedy into the 1990's, enough so that it probably deserves its own niche, but this movie feels like a 1987 release more than something that would hit at the same time as Home Alone. 
The pitch is this:  
Kids are left at home for two months under the care of a mean old lady.  She dies in the first ten minutes, and the kids dispose of her and accidentally the money they were to survive on.  For reasons, they do not want Mom to know (and Dad has some mysterious shadiness about him that is never teased out).  
Instead of BOTH teens getting jobs so they can survive, only one does (Applegate).  She works for a day at Clowndog (which looks like a very bad job, but a very fun place to eat), and then lies her way into a job at a fashion/ uniform company as an executive assistant.  And never worries about getting caught.  Even as she steals from the petty cash.
Kids learn life lessons.  Romance is found.  The ending makes zero sense.
You can blame the director for this, but Stephen Herek directed a number of watchable films, from Critters to Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure to some big-budget, successful, live-action Disney films. In short - I think he knows what he's doing, or especially did in the 1990's.  But if he also shot what was on the page for this movie, then... you know, these writers more or less don't have a track record after this movie that I'd write home about.
Curiously, this entire family lacks scruples while also having a complete lack of charm or any redeeming qualities.  Movie:  this stuff is important if you want people to care about the ending.  Counting on the audience being dumb kids only sells so many tickets.  At least try to make us care whether the children live or die.  I mean, we've already shown a curious callousness to life and death once in the movie.  What's one or two kids less?  But the kids all get one character goal and spend the duration whining about whatever their thing is.  There's no love or even hate between them.  They merely co-exist in space.
Despite a really solid title that promises a dark comedy full of hijinks, we get a pretty basic "fakin' it til you're makin' it" comedy made popular in the 80's with Working Girl and The Secret of My Success welded onto a teen summer romp about being a dipshit.  And, despite the fact it looks like a comedy, there's almost nothing present to illicit actual laughter.  I laughed audibly exactly once, at a supporting character's choice to clutch a jar of M&M's as a coping mechanism.  
The set ups of the film intended to provide our hero with challenges all seem to point to:  this girl is going to jail.  And she is going to jail because she's an idiot and everyone else in her family is an asshole, from youngest kid to absentee, lying mom who has skipped the continent to go bang a shepherd. 
What's odd about the "makin' it" business aspect is that she... doesn't?  She hands all of her work to Kimmy Robertson, and her solution for saving the company is to turn their industrial uniforms into highly 1980's-specific and impractical designs that seem like they'd just bring more shame on the workers than a smock or a golf shirt.*  
Either one of these movies might have been fun on their own, but together...  
It feels like no one sat down with the script and said "does this make sense?"  Like - ok, I'll buy the shitty mom also didn't tell the kids who she was hiring to babysit them for two months.  I'm not sure how this old bag was qualified or why she thought making the kids miserable was not going to get back to the mom.  Ignore all that.  Babysitter is dead within 10 minutes.
But I also don't get what the kids thought was going to happen when they had to explain to their mom they threw away a corpse.  Like - that woman presumably had friends and maybe people who loved her...  The movie could have set it up so that wasn't true, but it didn't.  They just throw her away.  (Apparently Bad Mom also left 2 months worth of cash?  Jesus, lady.).
But it also does weird little things like - they give the kids two cars, but then one is stolen partway through the movie (by drag queens.  And that plot point never, ever returns...  when it so easily could have).  Like... why?  Why one car?  It makes whole chunks of the movie not make sense.  Like - did they call an ambulance to the farm?  Did they get a ride?  
Look, I could spend an hour naming Things In Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead That Could Have Easily Not Happened And/ Or Been Fixed.  I will spare you.  When other people think that's criticism, I find it both dubious and annoying.  I mean, I am 100% right about all my thoughts on this, but I doubt I will sway anyone who loves the movie for any reason.  Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
But, jesus.  This is the laziest @#$%ing movie.
It also costars Joanna Cassidy, who I know mostly from Blade Runner, and who is clearly in a wig here but allowed to be over 40 and hot, which is shocking for the period.  And it has John Getz, who was the main guy in Blood Simple, here being horny at Christina Applegate.  Josh Charles plays Applegate's paramour and he's... fine.  David Duchovny is there to show you what happens when no one knows what to do with you as an actor.  I think the secretary/ Josh Charles' sister played Admiral Cornwell on Star Trek: Discovery.  
The movie is wisely anchored by Applegate, who was most famous at this point as Kelly from Married... With Children and seemed ready for bigger things.  If the movie is watchable, it's that Applegate is watchable and likable, and not playing a broad, dumb character.  Her scenes with Joanna Cassidy and John Getz suggest a better movie that doesn't exist when they aren't on the screen.  But it's hard to sell to boys wanting to see Applegate a movie when she's on TV every week, and I don't think the movie did a great job of marketing the Makin' It portions of the film.  Applegate's career is worthy of discussion because she's proven multiple times she's hilarious, but she has to be the straight man here to literally everyone.
Who knows what happened from script to production to the editor's block?.  Anything could have.  And probably did.
I will possibly try this movie again in another 32 years to reconsider.  
  *I say this as someone who worked back-to-back at Chuck E. Cheese and The Disney Store
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/yuMK0Xo
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oldfritz · 2 years
hm for asks, can you talk about hetalia characters you find cool in concept but never bother with? Or about your mutuals' favourite characters!
Tell us about a character you liked but dont really care anymore, and about a character you dislike a lot!
Talk about characters who's fans you dont like, and about characters who's fans are "ah, fellow people with sophisticated taste"!
Talk about a character you like in theory but not in any interpretation or depiction, that is, character you like as a character but dont think they are fit to be in hetalia
I think Yao/Ch!na is a really interesting dude. Ancient man, seen a lotta shit, been through a lotta different styles of government. China has a long and rich history you could do quite a bit with. I took two classes on it in undergrad and, while I don't remember a lot of the details now of who did what/why/when, I found it immensely enlightening from a 'why China is what is is today' perspective, which is what I ultimately got. I don't write him for that reason and, honestly, don't know how I'd fit him into what I'm writing unless I pivoted to making Lutz and Al main characters (which I'm not). I would love some good recs from people who read historically-based stuff that includes Yao. This applies for In/dia too for much the same reasons. What does it mean to be so old when you're immortal? How do you avoid apathy? How do you keep life interesting? Could also go into weightier topics with them as well - how it feels to have been both colonizer and colonized, not sure if it applies to In/dia as well but certainly Yao - but the writer would have to be knowledgeable and skilled enough to pull it off. I don't think your generic fanfic author can - I get nervous about publicly toeing the line myself
I used to be an Alfred and Arthur stan. They were my favorite characters in the entire series!!! They had the benefit of being the countries I'm most familiar with because, if you haven't heard, I got that dual citizenship dudes. Now, don't get me wrong, I still enjoy writing them whenever they appear naturally and have a lot of Thoughts on how they should be characterized, what their relationships with each other/everyone else should be, etc but they're not the main focus of 90% of my fics now. They're guest stars that I love to have on set (goddamn that's trite). As for who I don't like, I've never been a Matthew person. I think it's doing a disservice to an entire country to just have his personality be 'forgettable' and 'soft-spoken.' Which like yeah sure, I follow people who have done more with him and have made him an actually interesting character (credit to Foxholes, whose url changed and now I can't find them and don't wanna tag their history blog), but beyond the one or two characterizations of him, I don't care. Man smells like stale bong water
Eh, I'm gonna plead the fifth on that one. I don't wanna gripe about specific fans because there's good and bad in every subset. Plus, no reason to go hurting feelings. Though those Gilbo stans can be real freaks. Who the fuck likes a country called Prussia?
Hmm, interesting question. All the major nations don't bother me and make sense for why they're there. I also appreciate HRE being around, but I'm not crazy about a lot of things about his characterization. I especially hate the bad Italian accent he has in the English dub. Have never gotten that because, as Voltaire once put it, that empire ain't Roman. I think there's a lotta cool stuff you can do with HRE (@kisamesopelagic 's Karl is awesome and parts of theirs has served as inspiration for mine, who tends to linger just-offscreen) but the canon one is very meh. As for one's who I don't think belong point blank period, the entirety of the micronations. I have a hard time buying that Sealand is out here running around like a menace but state, provinces, prefectures, etc aren't. A fucking rusty ass fort in the middle of the Atlantic versus Quebec? Get outta here dude. Plus, besides some of their designs, all their personalities grate on my nerves. A whole ass African continent with next to no characters depicted but yay we got Kugelmugel. Jfc
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livingwithhorrors · 2 years
I see Hellraiser 2022 as an alternate box squad.
It has different rules and different styled Cenobites. A different Pinhead, etc.
If I remember correctly, they did establish in the second one there several boxes that lead to different places.
So thinking like that I found it an entertaining watch and much better then many of the sequels in writing and acting.
I did guess about the ending at the beginning though before they got the box 6 years later.
Boyfriends happens to know of a storage unit with the box inside and then isn’t confused by a single vault inside holding only a box and the. Just saying just keep the box.
He’d have grabbed it and wanted it appraised to see if that was real gold and how old it was and it’s worth if he had been legit about stealing anything. He wouldn’t have just let her walk off with something possibly valuable. He’d have even played with it to see if it opened to have a diamond inside!
I was about 70% sure he was no good around how his dialogue and actions before the 2nd kill. He didn’t seems overly phased that the woman was hurt and okay with it.
I was 90% sure by how he reacts to knowing it changed and did kill that woman. How he tried to “get rid” of the box. As soon as I saw him with it hidden in his jacket I went, ‘he’s taking that to someone!’.
I was then 100% sure after the 3rd kill due to dialogue, a key phrase being said over and over. He kept mentioning going back to the house. Always about that house.
Why be so fixated on going back unless you know what’s going on.
The only thing that made me unsure of this had been he had told his girlfriend he loved her. But I questioned it as soon as I saw how awkward he acted around her friends and brother.
If you mean what you say you don’t act like you’re trying to run away and you try to interact with and get to know people in your significant others life.
Then the fact he was drinking in front of her and trying to get her to do things she knew she shouldn’t and was trying to stay sober from, plus stealing, that was huge red flags as well.
I had thought he was gonna say that he got a job for a rich guy to do stuff at his house and offering for her to see if she could get the same job. Which I was thinking was the opening the box. But it turned out to be just stealing it.
I also guessed the rich guy was still alive. I thought at first probably a Frank situation or he’d been taken to be a Cenobite, but when we saw the wall labyrinth and the shadow figure appeared I was like oh he’s just living in the house.
I actually was very confused when the power was still on, but now it makes sense. He had been building that trap and he’d need power to live there.
But didn’t really explain how he survived there. My guess is he didn’t need to eat anymore, but who knows.
I was glad they caught on they could stab the Cenobites to make the sacrifices, Pinhead seemed pleased to see how smart that was.
The ending had me thinking more on the name of the box once Pinhead said that the lead had chosen “lament.”
It is a pain in of itself. For our lead it was survivors guilt and sorrow of losing those she loved and cherished in her life.
It didn’t really hit until I read some reviews that if you take out the supernatural and replace it with things that happen in reality, it can be seen even more as an addict copping with lose caused by their actions.
Instead of a box that kills, you place her in a car driving with her boyfriend, friends, brother and so on while she is under the influence hitting another car with the assistant and the rich guy, everyone dying but her and her brother boyfriend and you have a based in reality outcome for her own actions.
In the original first 3 Hellraiser movies I always took it as people that had exhausted all venues of drugs, sex, and other types of self harmful things, even murder and so on, searched for the Lament Configuration thinking they’d find something thrilling on the next level up. Only they’d find nightmares after it’s too late to change their minds and ways.
I was seeing this in a similar way as well.
The box is a form of punishment. I’ve always seen it as such for the 3 originals, after that it was just a weapon.
In this version if you are willing to continue and sacrifice innocent lives to be selfish, then you won’t get what you were wanting in the way you wanted it.
But if you are repentant and unselfish, you’ll live. You’ll be in pain, but nothing like if you were selfish.
That’s how I saw this version being.
The other original 3 can be similar but have rules at least to prevent innocent people dying from opening the box.
The 3rd movie though did tap into not following the set rules, but I still enjoy it. Not as much as the first two though.
So I’d say Hellraiser 2022 is a fun watch for Hellraiser fans and is actually pretty good. It’s up there with the first 3 and I’d say perhaps ties or comes after the original.
It has flaws, but it’s sticks to lots of the original mythos. More then the 4th movie on.
Why it feels a bit like watching the first 3.
You have mainly the first movie, tiny parts of the 2nd and 3rd when it comes to how the box works and what happens when you choose power selfishly.
The designs for the Cenobites are cool and remind me of what I saw at the Body Works Exhibit in many anatomical correct looks of muscle and skin.
The box is amazing to see and have move and not be a bunch of cuts pretending they’re moving the pieces like in past movies.
I did read a major portion of the movie is practical and little cgi. You do see that with the makeup and the boxes used. Lot of it is just well done effects in person. A wonderful mix of the two medias. I love seeing more horror movies and movies and general doing this.
So def worth a watch if your a fan or even not. It’s a pretty good horror movie in the end.
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cynd1 · 2 months
* 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆 ♡
admin. ♡ mimi, 25, she. [ # ]
𝑜𝑛𝑒, this blog is twentyone+ only, do not follow if you're underage. adult themes will be present as well as triggering content. please keep yourself safe and read all my character information before following. this blog is a hate free zone , ty.
𝑡𝑤𝑜, this character is of my own creation, but inspired by multiple fantasy medias to create my own lore. any similarities to a direct piece of media that isn't mentioned in my inspirations section is completely incidental and not at all purposeful.
𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒, i am looking for longterm writing partners only, who value both in character and out of character collaboration. i am not looking for a high follower count or want to interact with people who do not write on their blog. lurkers are not welcome here, if you follow me i want to interact and that's that. if we never interact and it's been awhile, i'm going to softblock . if discord is more comfortable for you, please let me know and we can write there instead. i would like one ongoing thread in order to stay mutuals, reply time does not matter to me as long as we have one thread. collaboration is important for this blog, as i'd like to venture into having multiple threads exist at the same time between different muns. it's a case by case basis, so please let me know if you are not comfortable with your muse existing within the same timeline as someone else.
𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟, nsfw content will be present here. i am trying to get better at writing it, so it won't be here often, but it may occur in threads. i mostly ask to write explicit content over on discord for more comfortability. all explicit content will be tagged as usfw .
𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒, this is a writing blog along with a roleplay blog, so if you're not into headcanons and out of character posting this isn't the blog for you. cyn is a very lore oriented character, and she can be placed anywhere ( literally ) you just have to ask. i have modern and fantasy verses available that spans across most fandoms.
𝑠𝑖𝑥, i ship chemistry and need all romantic ships plotted out. i am not a go with the flow writer in that sense , but feel free to suggest a ship with me if you think our characters mesh well. odds are if you ship it so do i. cyn is bi-curious and fairly inexperienced, so please take that into account before pursuing her with your female muse. platonic pairings welcome and encouraged, cyn is friendly and adventurous, and needs friends in able to prosper. cyndi is polyamorous by default, and can have multiple partners at once seeing as though she bounces between dimensions and realms. please let me know if this makes you uncomfortable and we can discuss alternative options :]
𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, formatting changes on the day. if my posts are unreadable to you, please let me know. i mimic my partners writing style, so nothing is consistent in the slightest. rules are subject to change as i see fit, do not interact if you write in first person as it's disorienting to me. double spaces is the most i can handle whilst formatting, so if you do any more, please alter when replying to me. i am also iconless 90% of the time, and i value writing over aesthetics. it is okay if that is your thing, but it isn't mine. all graphics are made by me using a variety of different psds, but credits to tigeredits for most of them.
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ; alice in wonderland, peter pan, coraline, the wizard of oz, tim burton, disney & pixar, the chronicles of narnia, shugo chara, and more.
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wickedlyqueer · 2 years
i've been thinking of starting the wicked novels. have you read all 4 novels? are they worth the read?
I have read all 4 novels, yes. And whether they are worth it or not... heavily depends on what you want to get out of them tbh.
dense prose that clearly has its roots in post-modernism. If you're not willing to read long sentences that begin with a deep analogy for racism and end with some sort of sexual innuendo or disturbing event, this is going to be a hard read for you.
Just. So much sexual stuff. which ironically enough you can also easily read over. (The second time I picked up on it sooo much more than the first time reading it. but in my asexual defense, how tf should i have known what "dragonsnaked" meant).
Similarly to the bullet point above: you can easily read over incredibly important plot points. This is because Maguire sometimes doesn't bother to elaborate; skips years within a single sentence; and is unforgiving to the mind who wanders while reads. There's a reason my notes look like this:
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No consistency in character arcs whatsoever. This isn't your average fanfic or even YA novel. Just to put it into perspective: the book is called "The Life And Times of the Wicked Witch of the West". Which is just "Elphaba's Life". But Elphaba barely focalizes (her point of view), and when she does, it's at a point in the book where she's starting to lose her goddamn mind, so there's always a sense of an "unreliable narrator". So just know going in that the politics of Oz have the center, and especially in the later books all characters start to blend together, with a similar tone of voice and sense of humor.
Maguire—bless him and may god help him—cannot write women. He tries, he really does, but anything about the women anatomy is so unappealingly written and I was not the least bit surprised to learn he's gay lmao. He also has a tendency to turn women (especially when they get older) into "waifs". When in the fourth book he describes Glinda as being sad she never got kids I wanted to scream and rip my fucking hair out. Glinda Upland of the Arduenna Clan would never want to be a mother. She'd fucking hate it. And I'll forever hold it against Maguire for ever having suggested otherwise. (He also did something similar to one of my favorite side characters in the second book; Sister Apothecaire. She gets an absolute character assassination by the fourth book).
The biggest "reveal" in book four was literally spoiled by the family tree in the beginning of the book. 🤦 so there's a built up for like 300 pages and all the while you're like "WE KNOW!! WE ALREADY KNOW!!" which made book 4 a particularly frustrating experience imo.
Understanding fanfics and other fan work much better. A lot of fanfic is based on a mix of musical and book ("booksical"). Even minor characters like Pfannee, Shenshen, Milla, Crope & Tibbet, will make an appearance, even when a fic is more musical based. This was the reason I decided to read the books too back in the day.
Also understanding (popular) interpretations in fanfics better. Like. I tend to write Elphaba as intersex, non-binary and bisexual. That looks very out of the blue when you only have the musical's context, where Elphaba is played by mostly feminine women. But once you read the book you look at those same headcanons and go "word".
Delicious gelphie (sub)text is there, if you want to look for it. But you do have to look for it (twas written in the 90s, lads).
Very queer, actually! And not just in the sense of like "there's a lesbian couple" like we see nowadays in media, but it's just... present. This is written by a gay man, and it shows. You can see queerness popping up everywhere. There's a lot of sexuality and gender stuff going on. And even though nobody goes "I am a trans man" or whatever, you sometimes read stuff and go "that's gender dysphoria babe, idk what to tell ya"
Once you get used to Maguire's writing style... he actually can write some pretty gorgeous prose and he writes with a lot of wit. I like his sense of sharp (dark) humor.
WORLD BUILDING! I honestly just read the other three books for world building for my own fics, more than anything.
I do generally recommend reading at least the first book. Especially the first half of the book is just so solid. There's a reason why "Shiz Era" is so beloved in this fandom. Easily the best chapters out of the entire series. It gives so much more backstory to the musical (and bigger Oz lore). The latter half drags on imo, but that's also kinda the point?
The other three books..... depends. I read them for my world building in my fanfics. And I honestly found the second book to be rather cathartic, because it really goes through the motions of mourning Elphaba and that's what I kinda needed after the devastating ending of the first book, but I've heard other people say book 2 was their least favorite.
Basically. If Maguire hasn't utterly broken your spirit by the first book, the other three books still have plenty of joys in them. (For instance, I fucking love Nor. and whenever Glinda shows up in the sequels, it's always the biggest joy ever!)
Usually I describe the novels as such: "I didn't enjoy reading them, but I sure am glad I've read them."
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solivagant-muse · 2 years
Could you tell me more about your oc that you drew with Bo? She looks cool and I would love to know her story with her own final boy!
I'll try to keep it as short as I can asdfghjkl. Thank you so much for asking!!!
This started as a prompt from @/writing-prompt-s about a serial killer going on a blind date with a writer. And the writer getting ideas and writing their murder mysteries using the killer as inspo!
Iris (her fake name) and Finley (her final boy) were then made because of that! Except there is no romance, only angst, and betrayal! It also takes place in the late 90's/early 2000's.
She was the first slasher I made!
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In short, she is a bastard, a completely horrible person in every sense of the word. Don't trust her, her compassion is fake. Her aloofness is fake, she is fake. You don't want to know her, you don't want to befriend her, don't help her. She is crazy strong, quick, and indestructible. Pretty much like any slasher pfft but I wanted a big and mean lady instead. The roles are reversed if you will.
She is on the run, the cops are trying to find her because of the ongoing disappearances and murders of quite a few men. They just don't know it's a woman (or even a man) due to the brutality of the kills, no one has been alive for long to give a long description of her.
But Finley does that exact same thing. He finds her in a bad state, and like one does with a stray, he takes her in. He has read the articles, investigated, and has become a little obsessed with the ongoing case because he is a freak like that. So when he finds its her, that same killer he read so much about, he is ecstatic. She fits everything he wants and she doesn't hide it.
Btw, here is Finley!
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Her final boy, (he started as my version of Danny Johnson but I scraped that too.) He works at an office as an IT but his dream is to become a prolific horror/thriller/slasher writer. He writes a lot in his free time. He is also not a good person (sees the murders as just a way to get popular or as entertainment) but you can sympathize with him a bit once you know his background and why he is the way he is.
He starts seeing her as a project in a way and even starts giving her ideas on how to make her kills with more... "style." He thinks he is safe. A stray doesn't bite the hand that feeds it, right? But Iris isn't a stray. She is a wolf, and she isn't going to bite the hand, she is going to rip the entire arm right off.
Anyways, here are some light-hearted memey stuff.
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TLDR: Finley (final boy) thinks this is build-a-killer workshop and thinks he can use Iris (slasher) to make his perfect horror book/movie/legend. He is sourly mistaken.
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