#i thought it would maybe go away on its own but i think tomorrow ill have to email staff or something
snaoisean · 1 year
hi, i hope this doesn't sound weird but i'm a little confused. i saw you're no longer following me, which is fine, but all evidence that you've ever interacted with my blog is gone, and our message history is gone too. i cant send messages to you either. if this is just me not taking a hint then feel free to ignore this, but i saw you were having blog issues and i've never seen something like this happen so i wanted to follow up
NO ITS NOT YOU BEING WEIRD i still follow you (from my perspective, anyway?) but yeah it seems like all my messages are gone, i dont seem to show up on posts when i leave tags, i cant reply to posts... i really have no clue why T_T ( @pions )
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cherry-froggie · 2 years
don't be jealous~ [headcanons]
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summary — Headcanons for various Genshin characters' reactions to jealousy, and the need for you to reassure them of your love.
characters — wanderer, zhongli, xiao
notes - this is for my homies that are feeling like they deserve the love these characters give because YES I HEAR YOU ME TOO MAN ME TOO i wanted to make all the characters at once but i just CAN NOT AAAA I'm tired ill finish it another day
NEXT - al haitham, childe, ayato, albedo, diluc
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"Jealousy? What a worthless emotion. It brings nothing but trouble, so just ignore it."
He followed his own advice, doing his best to suppress this emotion. However, he is aware of the inevitable truth that he cannot run from his feelings indefinitely and eventually will reach a breaking point, as he cannot keep them contained inside him.
If you speak of anyone he's jealous of, he either feigns ignorance or delivers a nonchalant remark about them. It is all but a mask he uses to conceal his underlying feelings and sidestep acknowledging them.
He would sooner wish to be struck by lightning than yield so much as a single word of confession. Even if you were to get down on your knees and bow your head so low that it was nearly touching the ground, not even a single syllable of admittance would escape his lips. His determination to keep his jealousy secret is unwavering, maintaining his façade of composure no matter what.
Despite his attempts to conceal it, it becomes blatantly present in his gestures, sometimes not even of a subtler nature. Nothing can be masked forever. Whenever you are facing away from him, he'll likely throw annoyed and spiteful looks at the one he's envious of. It doesn't matter if they're looking or not.
Should Nahida pick up on his emotions before anyone else, she may lightly scold him. Eventually, Wanderer may turn to her and open up about his jealousy through an angry rant, allowing him to relieve the pent-up emotions he has been suppressing.
As time passes, you may begin to detect a shift in Wanderer's behavior, and upon realizing the source of his emotions, the best course of action would be to approach the issue head-on. Despite his efforts to keep his jealousy concealed deep within his soul, a simple hug and assurance will bring Wanderer the comfort he seeks.
The Wanderer stood in silence, lost in your embrace. He could feel your breaths becoming one as he touched his forehead with yours and closed his eyes. Your love and warmth were tangible things that he could hold on to. "Do you really think anyone else could take your place in my heart?" You said, reassuring him that not even Celestia could take you away from him, silencing the jealousy that once roiled within him.
"Would you like to go out tomorrow? Maybe go for a walk?" His smile grew wider - spending an entire day with you, just the two of you, was more than he could have ever hoped for. He replied merrily, "A walk would be nice," delighted at the prospect of spending time with the one he treasured.
The thought of walking through the dense forest of Sumeru hand-in-hand with you made his heart race. He envisioned the rustling of leaves underfoot, the scent of pine and earth in the air, and the feeling of your fingers intertwined in his own. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come, to finally talk to you without worry, to bask in your presence and hold your hand.
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"Jealousy is a common and natural feeling, but it can be difficult to manage. It may either enslave you or inspire you to strive."
Zhongli acknowledges his feelings rather quickly. Despite the often negative connotations associated with this emotion, he recognizes its presence within himself.
He chooses to keep these feelings to himself, not wanting to harm those around him with them. Instead, he takes time for self-reflection, using personal moments to better understand his feelings and work towards improvement.
If needed, he will take long walks along the Yaoguang Shoal coast. To him, this is the best way to reflect on himself. It is the soothing sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks, combined with the waves lapping upon the shoreline, which helps in bringing a sense of serenity to his mind and clearing his head, helping to bring him the utmost peace of mind that he craves and desires, and most certainly needs.
Maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, Zhongli avoids acting on motivations driven by envy or greed. He seeks a quiet solution to address any jealousy concerns within his relationships, although it may not be as obvious or straightforward. In hopes of comfort, he looks towards you to confirm whether your affection and loyalty to him remains steady and unshaken.
Clear communication and understanding are most important to him, and he values the deep connection he shares with you. If you held true love towards him, he believed that he should express his feelings and speak transparently without causing himself the slightest bit of anxiety or stress.
You were sitting together at Heyu Tea House, watching the stunning gold sunset that unfolded right before your eyes. The air around you has filled with a serene ambiance thanks to the calming sounds of crickets chirping and the rustling leaves in the soft breeze.
Zhongni took a deep, fulfilling breath and locked his sight with yours, his eyes showing a deep care and affection for you, "My dear, I have been feeling rather disturbed lately," he said, his voice calm and composed.
You reached out to take Zhongli's hand, your expression softening. "Oh? What's on your mind, my love?"
Zhongli carefully rested his teacup on the table. Without taking his gaze away from it, he spoke. "I've been feeling a bit left out lately as I see someone else occupying much of your attention. I understand they hold a special place in your heart, and I do not wish to come between that," Zhongli continued, his voice steady. "But at the same time, I cannot help but feel envious of the time and attention they receive from you."
You nodded, your eyes filled with understanding. You took a refreshing sip out of your herbal tea, enjoying the serene moment and the relaxing warmth it provided you. "I appreciate your honesty, Zhongli. But I assure you nothing compares to my love for you." You gazed deeply into his eyes and as he relaxed his shoulders and the tight feeling in his chest disappeared, he let out a laugh that spread a broad smile on your face, a warm feeling and happiness growing in both your hearts. You proceeded to enjoy the rest of the evening together, feeling more intimate than before.
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"The feeling of jealousy is a source of torment, rooted in anger, greed, and resentment. It's an emotion that poisons the mind and corrupts the soul."
Xiao's love and devotion to you are unyielding, and he will do anything to keep you safe. He remains loyal and never leaves your side, intent on watching over you constantly to protect and care for you. From time to time he could be spotted a significant distance away, keeping the closest eyes upon you that he can whilst remaining out of sight of people he deems untrustworthy or suspicious.
Xiao's feelings of love and protection are not restricted to physical presence but also extend to being together always. He yearns for nothing more than to forever remain with his beloved, existing in the confines of their private world to keep them both away from reality, especially when he sees someone he's envious of spending a meaningful amount of time with you.
Xiao will have many conversations with Zhongli, attempting to understand the situation and better comprehend what he is feeling, whether or not the person he is so envious of is dangerous, or whether he should intervene to protect and shield you from any possible harm or danger.
Zhongli would reassure him that everything was alright most of the time, bestowing comfort and respite to Xiao that was, unfortunately, only temporary and for fleeting moments.
Despite Zhongli's kind and calming words, Xiao would remain cautious and on edge, always keeping a watchful eye over you to ensure your safety. While his mind may have slowed down and calmed to a certain extent, he would be unable to fully relax and lower his guard.
He'll go to great lengths to protect you, including fighting and killing, and stop at nothing to keep you safe. However, this also results in him becoming more aggressive in times of jealousy. The spirit of battle overpowering his consciousness and dominaing his mind and thought process. In turn, this causes him to become more reckless and oblivious to the danger and pain that awaited him on the battlefield as he charges recklessly into danger, heedless of all warnings.
Due to his sheer carelessness, Xiao would return home with even more wounds each day. Eventually, after seeing the dire nature and extent of his grievous injuries, you would ask what was causing all these issues.
Xiao slowly shuffled into the room, his body covered head to limb in bruises and cuts from his recent battles. You rushed over, immediately seeking to offer your aid. These past few days, Xiao had returned home with more bruises each day, and this and been plaguing your mind for too long.
"Xiao, what happened to you? You've been coming home with more bruises each day," you spoke softly, grabbing the small medical kit from the nearby table.
He sighed, walking around as if his injuries were a part of his natural frame and existence, "Just some carelessness, I assure you," he replied, a hint of tiredness forming on his face. His head was lowered slightly as he spoke.
This was not like him at all, you feared something else was at play, something deeper was happening, although you were completely unsure what. Your mind and gut instinct were giving you a gut feeling, a strong feeling, that there was something else going on.
"Why have you been so reckless?" you asked, once again, this time with a more serious and stern tone.
"There's simply just something on my mind…" the thought of being truthful and honest about his feelings ran through him, but he feared that he might have to swallow his pride.
However, in the dim light of the flickering moon, your shining eyes caught his eye and sparkled, deep and rich with love staring back at him. At that moment, Xiao took a deep breath, his mind full of nothing else besides your stare and the thoughts inside of him. "I see someone else occupying much of your attention," he spoke, his voice low and soft, barely heard beyond the silence of the room. "We haven't spent as much time together as we used to either," he spoke, this time with a hint of sadness in his tone.
You put down the medical supplies, taking hold of his hand with yours, then pulling him into a comforting hug. Your soul was filled with sorrow, and your tone when you spoke sounded both kind and caring. You held him tightly, feeling the warmth of his body against yours, and whispered his name. Your heart ached for him, and the pain he was feeling was palpable. You couldn't believe that he had been struggling with these feelings for so long, and you felt guilty for not noticing earlier. You held him tighter, hoping to ease some of his pain and insecurity. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you pushed them away, not wanting to upset him further. Instead, you took a deep breath, filling your lungs with the comforting scent of his skin, and whispered again, "I promise you, my love, you have nothing to worry about. You have all of me, forever." You felt him relax in your arms, and you held each other in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence.
Xiao felt a sense of relief as the weight of jealousy was lifted from his chest. The tightness in his heart had been a constant companion for far too long, but now it was finally starting to ease. He looked up from the ground and locked his gaze with yours, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," he whispered, pulling you into a tight embrace once more. He held you tightly, feeling your warmth and comfort seep into him.
You could feel his heart beating against your chest, and it was as if the rhythm was slowly calming down. You ran your hand through his hair, trying to soothe him. He was finally starting to relax, and you could feel the tension in his muscles ease as well. "I promise to be more careful in the future," he whispered, holding you closer.
As the night wore on, you both sat shoulder to shoulder, watching the clouds slowly disappear and the stars twinkle in the sky. The moon's weak glow cast a soft light over everything, illuminating the world in a peaceful, calming way. You both sat in silence, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the night.
The weight of the world seemed to have lifted from both of your shoulders, and you felt a sense of peace that you hadn't experienced in a long time. You snuggled closer to Xiao, feeling content and happy in each other's arms. The night was perfect, and you both felt as if everything was finally right in the world
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im sorry i will behave
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
Woman In Red. (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
I'm reposting every one shot and fixing what mistakes i find along the way haha, i know they're not new but i hope yall enjoy them just as much!! 
I'm to busy looking at my phone rushing through the busy streets of New York running extremely late to my job at the local bank next thing I know I crash into something and drop my phone ''fuck'' I groan as I drop my phone kinda pissed seriously what else can go wrong today I think to myself, I'm pulled out of my thoughts my the sound of a woman's voice I look up to the direction the voice is coming from and instantly feel my face flush red almost as red as her well flitted pant suit "I'm so so so sorry I didn't see you are you ok?'' she stutters trying to study me making sure I'm not hurt ''im yeah I'm fine honestly are you ok?'' I question ''it was completely my fault I should have been looking where I was going not my phone its just I'm running extremely wait for work so I'm truly sorry'' she giggles fuck her laugh is adorable, no y/n stop if you don't hurry you're gonna get fired I curse at myself ''no it was my fault your all Good can I get you a coffee or something as an apology ?'' she questions I give her a saddened smile ''as much as I would love to I can't unfortunately if I don't get to work ill have no job tomorrow" she almost looks disappointed and I apologies as I go leave I get maybe 5 steps away from her as I hear her call ''wait whats your name? Maybe I can get you that coffee after work?'' I smile and blush a little as I step towards her ''y/n l/n whats yours?'' she smiles ''lizzie Olsen its nice to meet you y/n so a coffee later?' Her smiles is so beautiful I reach into my bag and grab a business card with my work an phone number on it and hand it over to her ''yeah absolutely I really have to go but this has my phone number if you want text me a time and place and ill be there'' I gave her one last smile and walk away unable to get the smile off my face.
Ugh today is going so slowly and I can't get the woman in red off my mind she was a breath of fresh air why have I been thinking about her all day I let out a sigh and lean against my office table resting my face on my hands being rudely disturbed by my assistant calling through the speaker ''miss L/N your 1 o'clock is here to get their account set up should I send them in?'' I walk over refilling my coffee cup putting on a fake smile as I hold the buzzer to reply ''yes thank you Ashley'' I say in a not so enthusiastic tone I look down at the paper work in front of me as Ashley leads them into my office ''your one o'clock miss l/n'' I put on a smile and look up instantly frozen its her fuck the woman from this morning lizzie the woman in red fuck act professional y/n I stand up and offer my hand for a hand shake and Ashley leaves the room."its you'' is all I hear and I clear my throat I laugh nervously ''lizzie right? What are the chances what can I do for you'' I smile and offer her a seat as we both sit ''yeah small world'' she giggles and continues ''im actually here to open a new bank account I got divorced last year and its always been joint accounts and I thought it was time to open my own account'' I smile and smirk to myself She's divorced Good to know ''im sorry to hear that lizzie but you came to the right place ill be more than happy to help you get your account set up'' I get to work setting everything up.
Its been 3 hours she's still here we finished all the bank account stuff almost 2 hours ago but we've been sitting chatting and laughing unknowingly getting to know each other slowly, fuck her smile and laugh are perfect everything about her is perfect I shouldn't be thinking like this stop it y/n ''i still can't belive I crashed into you'' she laughs and I laugh with her ''hey it was 50/50 I wasn't looking where I was going'' her laugh calms a little as she looks at me ''honestly tho I'm glad we crashed into each other'' is she blushing holy shit, I play with my fingers nervously ''me too I enjoy chatting with you'' she leans over and gently rubs her thumb over my hand she must sense my nervous energy ''so are you still up for that coffee offer''she looks excited as she asks ''actully if I drink anymore coffee today I don't think ill sleep tonight'' she looks disappointed and I smile wide ''buuuuut we could go get ice cream or milkshakes'' I offer and her smile returns she looks like a child on Christmas morning ''that sounds perfect y/n so what time do you get off work" she questions I grab my phone to check the time ''umm now actually its just past 4pm I only had a half day today'' she nods and leans back in her chair fuck she looks sexy ''great we can leave together and go get some milkshakes'' I agree and gather my things as we leave the building together
"Holy shit this milkshake is amazing wow'' I say a little to loud, she has a smile on her face ''yeah this place is amazing I love coming here to unwind its always so peaceful to me'' I smile and look at her with a mischief smirk ''i think I'm going to have to steal it from you lizzie because these milkshakes are amazing'' I confessed with a smirk ''i dont mind but I'd rather you come back with me ''she looks down playing with her shake ''id love that if your being serious ''she looks up with a huge grin ''im completely serious but I was thinking the next time we hang out if you maybe want to make it a date?..'' she looks at me with hope in her eyes and I blush ''id love to go on a date with you'' we spend the next 2 hours laughing and chatting and gosh  she's fucking perfect and she asked me on a date I still can't believe this beautiful woman asked me on adate, After another hour we leave and part ways sharing numbers before we leave, I head home with the biggest smile on my face people probably think I'm a weirdo but I honestly couldn't care less.
as I get home and settled for the night my phone buzzes grabbing my attention, i take a quick look and bite lip to stop the smile as i see her name on my screen or the name i gave her at least, i chuckle to myself before giving all my attention to the text
 woman in red: Hey just making sure you got home safe, i had such a great day today thank you
 Me:I did indeed get home safe thank you, and no thank you for the great day I'm so glad we met there's something special about you..
 I turn my phone why did i say that I'm so stupid she's gonna think I'm crazy she won't reply fuck, my phone buzzes and I hide my face to scared to look at it fuck just look at it i say to myself mentally
 Woman in red: I felt it too..i couldn't stop thinking about you after this morning and I felt something special I thought it was just me I don't want to freak you out so if you think its to forward please forget I said it haha..
  Fuck, I can't help but smile at my phone like an idiot
Me: I don't think its to forward beautiful but hey ill text you later im so sleepy goodnight ❤❤
  Woman in red: Goodnight beautiful sleep tight 
Its been 6 weeks since I met lizzie we've been out on  9 dates and hungout loads since, she's fucking amazing and the more time I spend with her the more I feel myself falling in love with this amazing woman, I really  want to make our 10th date something she will never forget..
AN:this chapter was just the meeting etc I wil post a part 2 with loads of smut don't worry but if  you read these yall need to comment I need feedback I don't wanna keep writing if you guys find them garbage I don't know if its Good or bad anyway see you in the chapter, word count 1.5k (I'm just gonna keep the original ANs in haha)
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not-poignant · 10 months
Jesus H Christopher, Pia. Your writing load is insane.
Maybe you should cut back on how many chapters you release for certain stories? Like Stain and Palma (since these stories dont equal income) until UtB the other Underline stories are almost done. Just a thought
Because I feel burnt out just by thinking of writing that much, so I can only imagine how you feel. Please take care of yourself
Hi anon,
TL;DR: My brain is stupid, which is why I can't do this, even though it makes sense and is logical.
Unfortunately the fanfiction is what often makes the original fiction possible, or more enjoyable.
If I lock myself down into too much schedule and rigidity, or if I only focus on writing for money, I actually start to hate writing, even if I love the stories. There is nothing like 'will this earn money, do people like this, would people pay, what if they all decide to stop paying for this, why would they pay for this, would I pay for this, how much would people pay for this, is there any incentive for them to pay for this, actually if I wrote a ton of different tropes maybe I'd make more for this, but that's depressing, but I need the money, shit what do I do, what if I lose my income, what if it all stops tomorrow, I need to write more, I need to write more, I need to write more' that is actually very exhausting and makes writing not much fun at all.
And to deliberately break out of that headspace as much as possible, I write fanfiction. Because that headspace (the one I wrote about above), on its own, even if I'm only writing two stories, can and has led to burnout and depressive episodes. I don't recommend it.
In a way, one of the reasons I can write so many stories right now (ADHD meds aside) is that I am letting myself break out and just have fun with fanfiction, and remember that my original writing is meant to be fun too. But without fanfiction, I lose sight of that very quickly.
Fanfiction means that when an original story chapter does super badly, generally there are still excited comments elsewhere that keep me going. That's how I survived The Ice Plague, and that story would never have been completed without fanfiction, because that was my worst performer of any story I've ever written. It also means if a lot of subscribers leave at once, I don't feel like The Worst Writer In The World. So having fanfiction behind me was like...a literal safety net or my security blanket.
If I have to discard my security blankets or use them less often in order to keep writing the original stuff, I might as well just stop entirely, because my longest hiatuses from Patreon (i.e. one lasted 1.5 years, many have lasted 4-6 months) have been when I'm mostly just writing original fiction, and am not writing much fanfiction, or not deliberately finding time for it, and finally get so stressed out re: money I literally have to stop. I'm on a (partial) Disability Pension.
A long time ago some professional people told me I probably shouldn't be working at all because of my mental illnesses and then paid me money because of the severity of those mental illnesses. My dumbass brain be pretty fragile, actually, and keeps chugging away because I make bad business decisions and write stuff I enjoy instead of writing to market, or doing rapid release, or releasing more novels (or novels). Writing does ironically help when I'm stressed, but not when I'm stressed about making money because of writing.
I will cut at my income before I cut at my love of this job, and unfortunately fanfiction keeps me going in this job, which means I can't really cut at that first.
(Also from a business perspective, it's actually a very good funnel to the original stuff and then subscription. Most of you wouldn't be here if you hadn't read one of my fanfics first and then gave the original stuff a try - I try not to think about that too much because I need fanfic to not be about money, but the fact is, I would not have this career without fanfic).
I do have plans to take two weeks off in January from posting chapters (I can still post rewards in the second half of January) and that's not too far away.
And the reality is that I probably would have kept going okay if real life hadn't imploded on top of everything like the world's worst bukkake party.
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ikeupedia · 1 year
pairings. classmate! Riki x fem reader
sypnosis. reader is about to confess to riki but someone did it first.
wc. 0.7k
genre. a tiny little bit of angst
warnings. cliffhanger, swear words
note. this is my first time writing 😭😭 so it might be a lil corny 🏃‍♀️ tell me if i did anything wrong?
italicized texts - thoughts
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MAY 24TH, the day you and riki met. usually both of you would celebrate it, but since exams are coming, you arent sure if you guys would be able to celebrate
You won't lie you do miss riki alot, it's been awhile since both of you hung out. stupid exams
"God I can't wait for the exams to end, I'm so drained from studying." you say as you pack your things from the library and leave. I wonder if riki and I will be able to celebrate? Lost in your own thoughts, you did not notice your surroundings and bumped into someone.
"ow-" you said. You were about to fall when a certain person catched you.
"be careful y/n" you look up to see... riki, such perfect timing you thought to yourself
"Thanks riki.. sorry for bumping into you" ill use this opportunity to ask if we could celebrate..
"It's no problem y/nie" riki says.
"i was thinking if we could celebrate? for you know.." I say as i look on his lips, fighting the urge to kiss him. if only i could confess but i'm scared of ruining of our friendship
"oh sur-" he was about to reply when someone called him.
"Riki!" his friend calls him. "What's up man? You still down for later?"
Riki stands there frozen, shit i forgot about my plans with jake.. i'll just celebrate with y/n tomorrow he thinks
"yeah jake, you don't have to tell me twice" he rolls his eyes.
the atmosphere gets awkward as you watch them interact with eachother, i guess he's busy today, we'll just celebrate another time.
Riki then turns to you, staring at you with those eyes you love most. If he keeps staring at me like that im gonna melt
"hey um.. i'm a bit busy today but we can celebrate tomorrow though? If you're cool with that" the boy says
"oh yeah totally! Im fine with it, I understand.." I am not fine, its been days since you guys hung out! Yet he chooses to be with jake rather than celebrating with you
Feeling dejected, you walk away and go home to call jungwon
jw: so, have you confessed yet?
y/n: no.. im too scared, what if i ruin our friendship?
jw: come on y/n.. you know it's not healthy to bottle your feelings up, it's best if you just confess already!
y/n: it's not that easy wonie.. I don't even think he likes me back
jw: it'll be fine y/nie..
jw: i have to go now ill see you tomorrow
y/n: alright.. bye won!
you sigh, jungwon always had your back and you were grateful for it. At some point you feel that you like jungwon a bit..
crushing on jungwon?!
why would i even like jungwon? Ive been curshing on riki for almost a year.. now that i see it, jungwon always had a way to make me smile.. his cat eyes..
"I shouldnt be thinking of this." I shake my head. what is wrong with me? Maybe jungwon is the one afterall
--- MAY 25, after exams
"okay this is it" i'm finally going to confess, he might reject but i don't care anymore. Im going to try my shot
I walk through the halls looking for riki "where the hell is that kid" i was having a hard time finding him since it's crowded..
"found him!" I quickly run to him but abruptly stopped due to what i saw..
Riki was kissing another girl!
I guess I was too late.. I immediately try to walk away but i guess he saw me
"Y/n!" well shit
i turn around and see riki waving at me with his hands around that girls shoulder. Every step i take towards them shatters my heart
"hey riki!" i say trying not to sound broken, tears are starting to form
"are you okay? you look like you're about to cry.." Goddamn he noticed
"oh it's just about the exams, i got a low score" great lie y/n
"just so you know grades dont define you okay?"
"yeah i know.." i cant stand it anymore.. i feel like im about to burst into tears
"also meet my girlfriend!" wow girlfriend huh.. i feel my heart drop, i guess i really am too late
"congrats riki! you better treat her right, anyways i have to go bye!" i say as i run away from the both of them
i arrive home balling my eyes out, i call the first person that comes into my mind..
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theendofuno · 1 year
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okay….haii tl;dr: i want to throw myself from a reactor nuclear and besides loving this page dearly keeping it daily isnt helping me with these kinda of thought so ill start a god-knows-who-long hiatus
now *puts a music box version of meltdown by iroha for dramatic purposes* *cleans throat* pretending im talking to an audience its easier for me okay dont judge me :(
i dont know how to write texts but ill try my best to explain everything without going into too much annoying stuff but the text may have a few suicide mentions here and there
i created this page in a very dark period of my life that never went away, it actually worsened everyday. it was supposed just to be fun and games, "oh this character didnt got released this month, maybe drawing him everyday for a month until he gets here will be very funny!!!" *stares at 2 years*
as you can see, i didnt had ANY prepare to keep going for the long we did, but this is 100% not a complain
i really love this page, i really do love everyone i've met, i love having this project with my best friend, but i cant and wont lie: it made me VERY worse than i already was. it made me feel good, it made me feel loved, it made me feel human again, and at the same time it absolutely killed me
having to keep this consistence everyday, having to do good drawings, not allowing myself to do what it was better for my own health just because i didnt wanted to disappoint people with silly drawings when the first week was all cool drawings full colored with a bunch of details, references and etc
i really lost my count of how many times i had a terrible breakdown or even an attempt and my first thought was just "yeah that sucked. anyway i have to work so people will have some art tomorrow!"
and to be honest i dont think starting this page with my friend was…..that of a good idea. i know youre here just for their art. you dont need to lie i know theyre better than i am and you would prefer to see their art everyday other than mine. dont worry the feeling its mutual
but well theyre a slow artist and i wont be the one forcing them to draw everyday, i am the one that can do it and thats what i did for 300 days until now!
but that was something that kinda broke my feelings also cuz im very harsh on myself and keeping comparing their drawings to mine, not only the quality but also the different attention it all got (and sometimes it was almost a 20 likes difference so..sucks to be me ig) isnt doing good for my little damaged brain. its 100% not their fault tho and im not saying it is KJGDKFDK but if im going to be honest then i will
i dont know how to keep going the text tbh,, so,, my point is that im havent felt well since i started the page, and i love it with my whole heart, and these feelings have nothing to do with uno, grand chase itself, or the community (maybe a 2% fault go for annoying people from twitter /hj), im just being a little egoistic and doing this for myself or otherwise i can go completely insane and well. psych wards dont look funny :(
i really feel nasty, an HORRIBLE human being, absolute egoistic trash by abandoning the page, i feel SO FUCKING BAD for not drawing my son, by not updating here everyday and allowing people to see the silly stuff i do, but i guess i got to my breaking point where i just cant keep ignoring my suicide attempts by drawing and keeping my mouth shut (really, my last attempt was so scary i didnt fully recovered from)
i guess that was it
i pinky-promise i'll try my best to keep drawing and posting everytime i can, but it wont be daily, and it may not be weekly also, but i didnt gave up and i WONT gave up, this page is my absolute pride and joy and i cant just let it go away for a bad mental day. i still love and forever will love uno and drawing him, and i'll be forever happy for everyone i've met and helped me even without they knowing, just by liking or commenting on my stuff
i hope you guys can forgive me for abandoning stuff right now and i hope y'all dont forget me. i wont be mad if you forget me. i'll just be a little sad. maybe cry a little *stares at you like that ( ◕_◕)* but dont worry. its okay.
i'll be trying my best to get back posting daily at least around day 330, but dont put high hopes. please. dont expect much. bigs chances i'll be just dropping a stick man with a heart ahoge saying haiiiii and go back to posting silly ugly art
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superduperemo · 1 year
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I'm sick of this
A/n: Can't anymore, bro. I've got no ideas please anyone give me ideas😭😭
Warning: angst no comfort bcs😈, they break up lol.
It was normal for reo to not be home most of the time. He did have a company to look after.
After he inherited the company. It changed. He didn't have time for you.
On dates, he would just leave randomly. "Sorry, princess, I've got to go." "I'm sorry." This "sorry" that. Or that one time you guys set up a date, and he just didn't show. You sat there tapping on the purple dress you bought just specifically for this date. He promised he wouldn't leave this time, but he didn't even show up. You could see the sad and looks of pity from the other tables and waiters. You just lowered your head while waiting. After more than 3 and a half hours of waiting, you stood up and just tipped the waiters who served you. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience," you said, handing each of them a hundred dollar bill.
You got in a cab and came home just to see reo sitting on the couch playing games. He saw you all dressed up, the short, flowy purple dress. You looked so pretty in it.
"Did you go out?"
The disappointed look on your face said it all
"Oh no, I'm so sorry ill make it up to you"
With what, you thought to yourself another fucking gift??
Sure enough, the next day, there lay a box with a ribbon and a note tied to it. It read
𝑺𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚, 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒖𝒑 𝒕𝒐.
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕, 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 6:30.
You just threw the box in your closet where a pile of unopened gifts lie. You didn't like how reo thought he could just throw money at things, and it'll all be okay. But you believe he'll actually show this time.
There you were again sitting at the restaurant, reo not in sight. You've messaged him like what? A million times. You even called. Nothing...
He stood you up?! AGAIN?!
You started tearing up a bit. But you just stood up. Said your sorries to the staff and left a big tip. Again.
You left for home sobbing while holding your heels.
You just locked yourself in the guest bedroom crying.
And where was Reo?? At his office, he was just sitting around having absolutely no clue what had just happened. He calls his secretary in the office to check on his schedule. "Young master, it appears you had a date?? Today I think this is for Tomorrow"
He quickly got into his car and sped to the restaurant. When he arrived, he asked the staff for you. A few of the staff gave him dirty looks, and a few were surprised that the heir of the mikage group stood up his own girlfriend. So this was the dirtbag that stood that poor girl up, most of them thought. When he saw you weren't there, he sped off home.
He burst through the door, looking for you in your shared bedroom, nobody, the bathroom ,nobody. He tried to open every room in the house frantically looking for you. He reached the guest bedroom. Locked. He knocked hard, and the door sounded like it was about to go flying off its hinges.
After a few more pleads, he just slumps down, back against the door ,looking defeated.
The next morning, you just ignore him. He tried to hold your hand, but you yanked it away. He tried talking to you, but you just walked away.
Again, he tried showering you with gifts and coos of "I love you." You were sick of it.
Still, after all of that, you leave, you were done. That was your last straw. Maybe he could find himself another person who'd come back to him if he showered them with gift and all of these things.
A/N: Aye aye, idk anymore. This sounds so cliche, but please, I have no originality. Please give me ideas
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wildflower-rain · 5 months
long post with just my musings about nothing. more a journal entry than anything else. all lighthearted stuff.
dont know if im in a mood but im considering stepping away from this blog and the internet in general for a bit.
been on here to much lately or something plus some other stuff. idk i may disappear briefly.
hesitant to do so because i think my unintentional attempt to keep stuff in this blog's queue is why my brain hasn't just rejected it. like thats not a big consideration point but it is there.
tbf there aren't many points here at all. i just kind of started thinking about this like two hours ago so yk, i may wake up and forget i said anything.
been less engaged in some ways anyway. and more in others. been on here for long periods but i normally try add a bit of commentary in the tags if only for my own memory and amusement. but i haven't seen much that ive really wanted reblog to begin with and ive had nothing to say about anything. also as i think i said in the last two posts here now i just dont have anything to say at the moment. nothing understandable and shareable at least. got real life stuff happening too. had a lot of work to do. and a lot of stress. not actually that much stress probably , not compared to normal because like every situation is a high stress situation to me. just how i work. but i may well be forgetting how stressed i've been. i'm not sure.
idk. this blog does help me sort out my brain some. which is a point to the the other side. this post is basically a journal entry. and thats really how i use this blog most of the time. rambling about random stuff. its more consistent than any journal i've kept or have tried to keep. wondering if it would be unreasonable to make a private sideblog to actually just use as a journal because apparently tumblr gets the thoughts out of me.
i should make a journal tag. maybe. i don't know. for some reason i have more faith in tumblr not losing all my stuff than my other digital note taking and journal stuff. and generally i think better in typing. i do have a physical journal. i just don't think as freely in it, my hand gets cramped or i cant write fast enough for my thoughts. so i like digital stuff. and apparently my brain sees tumblr as more likely to not lose my stuff and die than anywhere else. at least out of places that i like the format of. don't like the idea of dumping this all in a word doc for some reason. it would make more sense. i could stick things on a usb but no, instead here i am with my billion word tumblr post that anyone can see. maybe ill start copying things into word docs after the fact idk.
i dont know why im so afraid that all my shit will be deleted. i really havent lost that much digital stuff over the years, nothing important to me i dont think. not accounts, not saved info, not my own pieces of stuff.. maybe one or two things i dont remember. i dont know why i just dont trust stuff to not get lost becuase of some screw up. idk. its 3:30am i'm going to sleep now. i had more work to do but im tired and i need to do more stuff tomorrow so i might as well get some sleep.
goodnight tumblr. or goodmorning or whatever time it is when this gets released, imma queue it.
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indigo474 · 8 months
it doesnt matter how many adult things i do.. go to work,pay bills, cook, clean all the adulting in the world.. i can do all of it.. I am still going to be that little girl who wonders if she's good enough, who thinks maybe there is a part of her that is unlovable..i've never had anyone actually be there for me. when love comes knocking i want to be able to receive it.. what does that feel like? I tell myself i am worthy of love.. i really am. but what does that look and feel like? I did something last week that i thought was.. a good thing. I sent my MOm a text basically telling her we can try again and i love her. I usually wouldnt send such a text because i wouldnt want to me rejected and I would just not speak to her for weeks, months, years.. it took her a few days to respond and we still haven't talked BUT.. I stepped outside of my comfort zone and life is short and who knows how long any of us have on this planet.. i dont want to carry any ill will towards anyone and nothing is really that deep.. and she suffers, on her own.. i dont want to add to anyone's suffering. Madison went to the gym with me on Saturday.. when we get there she tells me she didnt want to go to that gym.. why she waited until we were inside i have no idea.. she asks me if i ever showered at the gym and i told her yes, when we lived with grandmom.. she says oh yeah she wouldnt let you use her shower.. and you still talk to that bitch. yeah, some times i do. its easy for me to get in my head about a lot of things.. i have to live each day making decisions that let me live with myself.. in peace.. I have to make decisions i dont have to forgive myself for.. or try my best to do, say , live in a way that i wont have to forgive myself for being who i am..
I'm almost done Britney Spear's book.. so sad. She's been through so much. My manager didnt want much to do with me today. I'm fine with that. I decided I AM going to LONDON this Summer.. I dont have anything else going on and the only reason i was hesitant is because i'm scared. and well, fuck being scared. but now i read something about a war so im not sure.. hahaha.. August is a long way away.. not really but kind of... I had a great run tonight. I'm back to tracking my macro's. tomorrow i lift heavy. not everyday is a grand slam day.. no one can be happy all the time.. even if i'm not feeling the day, i have moments of happiness... there is always always always something to be grateful for..i am grateful for everything.. absolutely everything.
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Page 76 (part 1)
You talked about us being sims and how every version of us as sims paired the two of us up together. I was so happy because I had always wanted the “soul mate”, “in every life”, “in every universe” partner and relationship. You bringing that up made me feel like you saw this as long term and like maybe we were meant for each other. Yet, not a month later and youre ending it. It shattered that vision for me and it felt like you never meant any of it. You told me I was one of your favorite people. Im guessing that wasn’t the truth? You said you were happy I was in your life, was that a lie? I just feel so blindsided, I really liked you and I thought you felt the same but I guess this time our sims deviated from the norm. While I was out looking for maroon lingerie, you were probably figuring pout how to break up with me. I was more invested then you, I liked you more than you liked me and I shoulndt be surprised. Why would I think any differently, I am such a dumbass to think you would actually want to be with me long term, no one ever will be. You say im amazing and worthy of love, I wish you could give it to me, right now, youre the only one I want that from. I hate knowing ill never get to hug you or kiss you or cuddle you, or hold hands with you again. Seeing you last night sitting on the couch made me think when we would sit together on a couch and cuddle or touch somehow and I wanted to do that so badly, to just go over and sit and touch you, but that dynamic is over. It fucking kills me. I felt like I was having a panic attack seeing you. I felt so fucking claustrophobic in my body, I felt like I needed to leave, to go away and get away from you and the feeling of being trapped inside of myself. I wanted to leave the party I didnt know how I was going to make it through it, I felt like it was impossible. And it almost was, hearing you laugh and seeing you smile, I just miss it all so much. And then you went and started joking around and quoting an audio I showed you, that we quoted together. It was our audio, but now you use it with other people. It felt like a gut punch, it was just an audio but it was something we said together. I miss our jokes, and its almost too much to hang out with Wade and Summer because their humor is so similar to yours that it just hurts every time they say something funny, it just all reminds me of you. Its going to be two weeks tomorrow and I just cant believe its been that long already, just two weeks ago we were watching HOHH and I was so excited that you were watching my favorite show and now you may never finish it. And a month ago was Borrego Springs. It was fun but now the memories are tainted because now I know you may have been thinking about if you wanted to stay with me during that trip. And its like we were sharing a bed and making out and spent 3 days together and it all just feels is fake now. That cuddling and kissing in bed felt so nice, it felt so fucking nice to wake up and see your face and now those memories will always make me sad. I miss it. I want it back. But I know I won’t. Why cant i. Can I do something to change your mind? Do you want me to have sex with you? Is that what will make you come back? Probably not. Thats just my own insecurity about sex coming out. But if there is something I can do to make you come back, please, tell me. I miss you so much, I think about you everyday. When I wake up, when im at work , at home, and when I go to bed. I miss seeing you after work, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays, my longest days, the thought of seeing you got me through the day, and now I dont have that to look forward to anymore. And summer has said we can hang out on those days and I appreciate her and love her and spending time with her, but its just not the same.
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seeing people reblog my posts and then put every last one of my tags in their rb’s tags is very quickly becoming a lesson in me needing to shut the fuck up sometimes
#snap chats#not on these text posts though aint no one rbin these AHAHAAHA#i dont even know why people do it i cant possibly think of why#like its not a DEFAULT thing like i know on mobile youd have to tap every tag at least#very strange#i hate having to scroll a mile through my notifs though like Alright I See Now I Talk A Lot#i like sharing my thoughts is that such a crime NO it isnt#it different when i do it on my own posts its cause theres a Read More so im not subjecting everyone to my rambling bullshit every time#if you subject yourself to my verbiage thats on you and i thank you for reading my garble <3#OH YEAH ALSO its the 20th anniversary soon innit like fifty minutes away#i unno what ima do :V#i thought i was going to hang out with my friend- jk i knew something would come up but thats a different can of worms#i unno ill think of somethin. or not LMAO i unno maybe ill just replay all the kh games#ok not ALL of them maybe just like I/II/BBS/III#i know i can play those pretty quick- ok maybe except III i havent really cared enough to look up proper speedrun tricks for it#also i can only really speedrun terra's story in BBS so hmmmm#i unno maybe ill just replay KH2 again LMAO i know i literally replayed it twice in the past three days but hey#its special to me it was a major part of my childhood and my kh experience#though tomorrow's the anniversary for the first game hmm.. yeah i could def speedrun those two back to back#I UNNO I ALSO GOT STUFF TO DO but im the champion of making time when it doesnt exist#thats enough prattling though i went WAY off topic point is I Will Not Change About Rambling On My Art Posts#i just wanted to complain about having to be reminded that i talk way too much aha gottem i'm insufferable#k bye i think ima scribble somethin quick fore bed idk im full of bread and feeling terrible
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flwrshwr-chenji · 2 years
Essays and Eclairs
You walk into your favorite campus coffee shop, fully prepared to get in a nice full day of school work. As you look around, you notice every other kid at your university had the exact same idea, seeing as there were no empty tables. Letting out a small sigh, you decide to still order your regular coffee, and a chocolate eclair, incase someone leaves while you’re waiting. Unfortunately for you, it seemed no one planned on leaving any time soon, so once your name was called, you grabbed your cup, and took a look around in hopes of spotting a table you missed. What you found instead, was one of your classmates, Jeong Jaehyun, was sitting by himself. 
Taking a deep breath, you walk over to him, silently praying he’ll let you sit with him. “Excuse me.” You say to get his attention. Once he looked up at you from his laptop, you continued. “There’s no where else to sit, and I recognize you from my political science class… so I was hoping maybe I could sit here while I study? We don’t have to talk to each other, I just need a table.” You finish your short ramble, and look at him with hopeful eyes. “Yeah… you can sit here.” He said, and began to move some of his stuff off of the table, taking a few glances at you. After the table is a bit more clear, you sit, and begin pulling out your laptop, and other supplies. Jaehyun takes it upon himself to stare at you for a few short moments. “Y/n right? You usually sit on the towards the right in the lecture hall?” He asks, a bit of caution in his voice, as not to come off as a creep. You nodded quickly, a small smile on your face. “Yeah… and you’re Jaehyun?” You state, the same bit of cautiousness in your voice. “Yeah! Thats me.” He responds, a bright smile on his face, sticking his hand out to shake your hand. You quickly accept his handshake, letting out a small sigh of relief at the lack of tension between you two. He matches your smile, before going back to his own work in front of him.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for about 20 minutes, before Jaehyun perks up. “What’re you working on? If you dont mind me asking.” You sit up a bit, meeting his eye contact. “I’m just finishing the poli sci essay.” You say. Jaehyun’s eyebrows instantly furrow. “We had an essay?” He said. You could almost hear the fear in his voice. You had to stifle a laugh as you start to nod. “Our professor assigned it on Monday… its due on Sunday.” You said, watching his jaw slowly fall slack. “You wouldn’t happen to have the rubric would you?” He asked, chuckling nervously. “Yeah I do.” You started laughing softly to yourself. After sifting through your items for a bit, you hand him the rubric. You watch with amusement as his eyes frantically scan the paper. “Of course the day I stayed home hungover, is the day we get assigned an essay. And Now I only have 3 days to pull 4 pages out of my ass” He leans back in his seat, sighing deeply. You bite your lip in thought for a short second, before closing your laptop. “If you’d like… I could help you with it. I’m really good at bullshitting essays, so I could help you knock yours out in no time… I’d just have to finish mine first of course…” You say and smile at him. “Oh my god! Yes please! How can I repay you?” He responded, almost before you could get your full sentence out. You think for a second before grinning at the boy in front of you. “You buy me chocolate eclairs for 2 weeks.” You arch an eyebrow in anticipation of his answer. “You got yourself a deal y/n. Great to do business with you.” He says and extends his hand for the second handshake of the day. You once again shake his hand, smiling softly, before pulling your hand away, and opening your laptop to finish your essay, now excited to help your classmate at the promise of free eclairs for two weeks. “You’re a life saver.” He says, before checking the time. “I’ve got to get going, but do you think we can start tomorrow?” He asks. You nod softly. “Yea. Ill be done with mine by the end of the day. Just pick your topic, and we can meet up tomorrow to work on yours.” You say. He nods in agreement. “Perfect. Thank you. You’re literally an angel.” He said, before standing with his stuff to prepare to leave. “Oh its not a problem. I actually kinda like essays.” You chuckle softly, turning your focus back to your laptop. “Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says, waving goodbye before walking towards the exit of the cafe. It only takes about 3 minutes of him being gone for you to rush out the door after him. You almost collide with him, as he turns to the sound of you yelling his name. “I kinda need your number… if im gonna be helping you… so we can coordinate times to meet up.” You say between trying to catch your breath. “Oh yeah, I guess you’re right.” He laughs softly, pulling out his phone and handing it to you. You do the same, handing him your phone to exchange numbers. “Ok… bye for real this time. I guess I’ll text you later.” You say. “Bye for real this time.” He repeats, a smile on his face. You pivot, and walk back inside, excited to meet up with your new friend tomorrow. 
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cloudytaemin · 2 years
Sugar (Act V)
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Pairing: Taemin x Reader
Series Genre: Sugar Daddy AU, Smut, PWP, PWF
Series Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Mental Illness, Depression, Alcohol, Sex, Daddy Kink, BDSM
Chapter Warnings: Pet Names, Kissing, Recollection of Traumatic Events, Depression, Alcohol
WC: 2.61k
A/N: This one is kind of angsty, but maybe it's sweet too :)
Taglist: @taerzannie @taem-min @badpvn @aquawol @nirvanawrites111
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A soft hand rubs up and down your arm, stirring you awake. "Good morning, y/n," Taemin smiles down at you, standing above the bed.
It seems that he's been awake a while, clad in a suit and his bangs neatly swept to the sides of his face. "Morning, Daddy," you yawn. You purposefully act slightly seductive in hopes of getting him to not focus on last night. Who can think about your trouble when they're busy fucking you for their own pleasure? Exactly, nobody.
"Do you have work today?" You question, signaling to his suit that you took observation of a few moments earlier.
"Yes, my driver will pick you up in a bit to take you home," he purses his lips. "I was hoping that I could stay home with you today, but my schedule calls for otherwise."
Part of you was glad, you could get back to your dorm and work on a few essays.
Just like Taemin said, one of his drivers were there to pick you up and help you get home.
Once you arrive in your single dorm, you slump into your desk chair and open your computer. What greets your eyes isn't foreign, but you'd forgotten you'd even done it. Taemin's instagram glows on your screen, elegant yet full of parties at the same time.
Forgetting your assignments, you begin to scroll down it again just to find quite a few shirtless photos and even a few of him in the shower, none of them something Instagram would ban, but something that could definitely get you aroused.
Despite how caring and kind Taemin was to you at most moments, that kiss really put a spark in you. When your lips reconnected for the second time last night, fireworks went off in your brain and you felt the extreme need for more. Then wasn't the time, though.
You text Taemin despite knowing that he's at work. Tonight you would try to get something out of him, even if it risked the contract. You were longing to feel loved, the way that was safe and didn't result in immeasurable pain.
y/n: hey are we gonna meet tonight
T: I thought tomorrow was your day off.
Class wasn't until 2 pm that day. It could wait, one night couldn't hurt, could it?
y/n: yeah but its okay im not busy until the afternoon
T: I think you should look after your family member.
Fuck, you forgot you told him that lie. You could just say they died, right?
y/n: they passed away the other day, unfortunately :(
T: Don't you have a funeral to plan, then?
T: I think we should talk about this in person. Come meet me for lunch. Same cafe as usual, driver will be there in ten.
You're in deep shit. You can tell just by him asking to talk in person.
Taemin scowls as he reads through your short conversation again in the back of his car, he can't believe you lied to him. He isn't one for lies, they aren't to be taken lightly. After how he treated you, you can only do this in return?
Maybe you were just a selfish slut who manipulated him with your emotions, just like the last one did. Just like the one before that, and the one that came before that. None of them have real emotions, you all just want to use him. He had thought there might be something real, how fucking stupid of him.
You're all only there for sex, he should stop opening himself up and showing compassion. It's all a waste, he thinks.
The air is unbearably tense as you both arrive at the cafe and sit down. "Do you want to go first, or am I going to tell you what you've done wrong, like the worthless manipulative whore you are?"
It hurt, his words hurt. You may have lied, but you weren't a whore. You would never ever try to hurt him, especially since this was starting to be more than just a work deal. He was too supportive.
You decide to say nothing and continue to stare down at your lap, anxiousness building in your chest.
"What, are you going to sit there and try to cry?" He was angry beyond words, just spitting out anything that came to mind. Even if somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it was true, every thought was incoherent as he'd been not only angered but even a bit disappointed.
"Fine. I guess I'm telling you then. Did you lie to me or not? Being indifferent about a family member's death and then trying to meet just recently after they passed? We've had four, today makes five days y/n. There's only two days left in our trial contract. I'm going to go ahead and guess that you lied, so now's your chance to confess." His face is cold as he drills his eyes into the top of your head, your eyes directed into your lap.
"I'm a college student. I'm just trying to save up so I don't have to pay college tuition for the rest of my life," you meet his eyes despite the tears brimming your own.
"I'm not a whore, and I'm not trying to fake any of these emotions. I'm a human being, just like anyone else, I may not have as much skill as those other women that you get to do this for you, but I'm sensitive. I have shit going on, okay? Fucking hell, I honestly don't even know if I can follow through on the last two days," you begin a mild rant, hurting at not only his words but how much this impacts you after the past few days and how much emotion they've had.
"I don't understand why you won't just fuck me and make me leave like all the rest and then flaunt me around, I don't get why this is somehow like a relationship and it's scary, I won't even lie. I just want you to use me so this arrangement can be done, I don't get why you won't just fuck me," you finish, tears now flowing from your eyes.
"You want to be fucked? Is that what you want? I was trying to be nice. I always try to," he growls, slamming his hand on the table. "But I suppose that was worthless, no? You want to show Daddy what you're worth? Then I'll let you. Let's go, y/n, and I'll show you what you really signed up for if the kindness isn't enough." Taemin stands and yanks you from your chair, storming out of the cafe with you in tow.
"I-I don't think you need to go this far, I-" you stumble over your words as he shoves you in the backseat.
"Fine then, if it's that bad, then say the word 'contract' when you get too far. I may be mean but I'm not a fucking rapist." He slams the door after he finishes his sentence and hops in the back seat shortly after next to you.
He kisses you roughly just a second after he tells the driver to go home, and somehow you decide that his lips on yours are exactly what you wanted and needed. Even if this wasn't the setting, you were unconsciously falling back into your routine of letting the men do whatever they wanted to you.
You think about the last time the two of you kissed and hesitate for just a moment. This was so different from before, that one was so delicate while this one is so hungry and angry. You quickly remind yourself to just go with it. This is what you wanted, right?
"y/n..." Kibum chuckles as he breathes against your neck. You stir softly before waking from your sleep, yawning a bit.
"Good morning, Bummie.." you yawn again.
Kibum begins to trail kisses up your neck before sticking his hand into your pants and immediately into your warmth. "Kibum..." you groan. "I'm sore, please..." you pout slightly, carving the look of the drywall into your brain for the thousandth time.
Kibum's face blocks the view of it just a few moments later, forcing his lips onto yours and thrusting his fingers in and out of you. You groan slightly and push him away, complaining again. "Bum, I really am sore."
He proceeds by beginning to pull your pants down and insert his rock hard cock into your hole, earning an upset but also pleased moan from you. He continued to kiss you roughly, whispering how good you obeyed him.
At the memory of Kibum you shatter internally slightly. You couldn't do this, it wasn't right, this wasn't like you or Kibum, it wasn't like any of the ones you'd had before. You couldn't keep denying that.
You feel the car come to a stop as you arrive at Taemin's parking garage, him forcefully pulling you out of the car and pulling you into the elevator to ride up to the floor he owns, well, his penthouse, floor, they're the same to you by now. He fumbles with his passcode and quickly opens the door, slamming you against it harshly.
His lips attach to yours again, no words being shared between the two of you as he explores every inch of you with his hands and tongue. His thigh presses between yours and you break away, panting. "I- I don't know if we should- I don't think.." you struggle to get words out of your mouth as the memory of Kibum echoes through your head, his harsh and forceful ways reflecting on Taemin right now.
"You're the one who asked." Taemin says curtly, lifting you up and hiking your legs around his thin waist before walking to the bedroom. He tosses you onto the bed and starts to pull off your shirt and bra, attaching his mouth to your nipple.
"You're my slut to do what I wish with, you're just a useless body for me to use for my own pleasure." Taemin looks into your eyes as he says it, their orbs dark and void of emotion.
"Mine, you're mine to do whatever I want with. Never forget that, you're mine and you serve only for me, y/n. Only me," Kibum pinches your nipples.
His words echo in your head as tears brim in your eyes while Taemin's hands travel all along your sides and breasts. "Please," you let out in a tearful gasp. "I can't, contract, contract, I can't. Please, I'll do anything..." you break down into sobs and watch as Taemin's face turns sour and he sits up, kneeling on the soft covers of his bed.
His mouth falls open slightly as if he had been wanting to say something, but all he does is place your shirt next to you and get up softly, walking out of the room and shutting the door with a soft click.
You take shaky breaths as tears flow from your cheeks. Maybe it was okay if he was someone else, but he was Taemin, he was Taemin... that was who he was and you didn't like him just because he gave you money anymore..
You hear shuffling around the house before the front door slams, shaking you just a bit as you continue to try and calm yourself down. Gone. He was gone. But why did he leave instead of kicking you out?
You stand quietly from the bed and pull on your shirt, your feet padding softly against the hardwood floor as you make your way to get out of the room. You turn the handle slowly as the darkness is flooded by moonlight through the crack you've made. You peek your head out and check that nobody is present before making your way to the guest room to try and sleep off your emotions.
You stare at the ceiling as you try to drift off, sleep eventually greeting your tired brain and eyes.
The sound of the front door slamming yet again awakens you. You roll over and pick up your phone, seeing the time was 4:53. The worst part about this penthouse was that the walls between the rooms were too thin, letting anyone hear anything and everything.
You listen as the door to Taemin's room clicks open. Little do you know his face is falling as he sees the empty bed and his mildly drunken state isn't helping. He sighs and flops onto the bed, tears welling in his eyes. "Fuck, why did you ruin me?" He talks to himself, slamming his right fist on the bed and groaning.
You shut your eyes and take a deep breath, listening as he begins to scream. "Why did you fucking use me? I thought I loved you, but now you've left me and I tried to fuck you out of anger, why did you use me? Why did you make it seem like you weren't only there to be my useless human accessory, why y/n? Fuck you.. fuck you..." Taemin breaks down into tears as he screams, pulling at his hair.
You hear remnants of yourself in his breakdown, tears welling in your own eyes at his emotion. He continues to question why he ever considered letting you in, showing you more than just the ATM side of him and even feeling something. "I can't believe you were only looking to save yourself like all of the others."
You can't bear to hear anymore after that, jumping out of bed and storming into his room. Tears stream as you shakily assert yourself, Taemin's terrified face questioning why you were even there still.
"You're here, what the fuck, what the fuck...!"
"Please, I can't- I'm... I didn't use you, I pushed myself away because I was so afraid of my feelings, I can't keep telling myself that I'm only here for your money because I'm not.. the memories of Kibum echo constantly and I can't keep getting money with those scars, and you... you..." you stop and take a deep breath. "You comforted me though them, you understood, you made me feel like it was okay to be broken... it wasn't just a game with you, I don't know what I'm saying but I swear to god I never used you and I never wanted you to use me and fuck me. Never, ever, I was just so confused as to why you cared instead of disregarding everything that was wrong with me." You pant as your tears continue to fall, out of breath from the exertion and mental pain.
Taemin blinks at you slowly, his face red and puffy from tears. His voice is hoarse and he stumbles over his words as he says them. "You really didn't use me?" He runs his fingers through his hair to get it out of his eyes and sighs, thinking about this. Could he really trust this again? You lied so many times... but you also showed him so many raw emotions...
"I never did, really, I'm so sorry..." you wipe your eyes as they keep fogging up, sniffles becoming uncontrollable.
He opens his arms and waves his hands for you to come into his arms. You purse your lips and pout strongly before falling into his embrace. He wraps them around you tightly and pets your head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispers, pulling his covers up over the both of you.
He rubs his hands up and down your back as he encourages you to go to sleep so the both of you can talk tomorrow.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
Hello! I had an idea for a request! For Thorin X Wife Reader! He’s been gone for a while and comes back to his wife? ♥️♥️
Away for too long, Thorin Oakenshield
Headcanons, female s/o
Tw: bit of angst, but mostly fluff, not proofread. One use of Y/N though,,,im sorry.
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- I’m just going to say it; Thorin is a big softie.
- He’s just like Dwalin; he might look intimidating and dark, but once you hold a place close to his heart, he’ll treasure you forever.
- So being away from you has always been difficult on him. Even after your years of marriage, he could not manage a day without writing you a letter every night.
- And he knew ravens wouldn’t reach you within one night, but it didn’t stop him from sending the letters.
- Usually, Thorin would be back within a fortnight, yet now, he had to leave for an important dwarven council, something that left his presence missing for nearly two months.
- Every night you had stayed up, waiting for his letters, but soon they grew lesser. Thorin had warned you about it in one of his earlier messages. The council kept him busy, leaving him nearly incapable of writing to you. And you had insisted his own sleep and health had been a bit more important than keeping in contact with you. You knew Thorin would think of you regardless, and it was what kept you calm.
- But it had been ten days and no letter had arrived at your home. You couldn’t help but worry. Two days without letter? Sure. But ten? That was nothing like Thorin.
- You had even gone to Dis, trying to figure what had been wrong, but all she did was tell you it would be fine and that Thorin would always come back.
- But words didn’t stop the anxious thoughts from keeping you up. You hadn’t gotten a full nights rest in four days, only dealing with two/three hour naps a day. And it was starting to wear on you.
- You showed yourself less, didn’t bother to make an elaborate dinner every night, you even stopped visiting Dis.
- One night, you had tried to bring yourself to read something. Anything to keep your mind off of your anxiety. And although it had been difficult to start, you had already read three full chapters, so you figured you did well.
- But then that dreadful knock came at the door. A million thoughts swam through your head. Was it Thorin? No, he would’ve written. Perhaps it was Dis to check up on you? But that would only make you feel worse. Maybe it was someone to tell you ill news of Thorin.
- That last thought made your heart skip a beat. Would you open up, you’d have to deal with it. You stopped right in front of the door, trying to decide on whether to walk away or open up.
- “Amrâlîme?” You suddenly heard from the other side of the door. Before your brain could even comprehend it, you flung the door open, launching yourself into Thorin’s arms. His scent had became less known, but you knew it was him. The chuckle that left his lips couldn’t be anyone else.
- But then you stepped back, looking up to face your husband. Your hand shapely collided with his cheek.
- “Why didn’t you write?” You questioned, leaving him standing there in the doorway.
- “Ghivashel-“ Thorin tried to soothe, but you interrupted him. “I have been worried sick! Three days no writing? I understand that,” “Y/N, please-“ “but ten days is too much, Thorin!”
- His words died in his mouth. Instead, he dropped his bag, walking back up to you before enclosing his arms around you once again.
- “I’m so sorry. I know I should’ve written, but I was allowed to travel back earlier, so I figured I’d surprise you.” He mumbled against your hair, his thumbs gently brushing on the side of your hips. Your head rested on his chest as you held onto his arms, letting your anger go.
- “I haven’t slept in four days, Thorin. You had me worried beyond relief.” You confessed, breaking the distance a little, looking up at him while his hands still rested on your hips.
- “Don’t do it again.” You commanded, grabbing one of his hands before placing a soft kiss against it.
- As Thorin walked inside, you threw his bag on the couch before walking up the stairs, finally ready to catch some deserved rest.
- “You can unpack tomorrow. I’m exhausted, so we’re going to sleep.” You spoke, nudging your head towards the staircase, ushering Thorin to come with you.
- “You’re tired so we must sleep?” He repeated with a grin, following you nonetheless.
- “You signed up for this when we married. Now get your ass in bed. We’ll clean you up tomorrow. If I don’t go to sleep now, I’ll pass out.” You claimed, nestling yourself between your blankets, your night robe having already found its way around your body for a few hours.
- Thorin let out a hun of appreciation before quickly shedding his clothes and putting on something a bit more comfortable. As he climbed in behind you, you turned around, showing him a tiny smile.
- “I am glad you’re back. Though I won’t let you leave for stupid royal things without me again.” Instead of a verbal answer, Thorin merely responded with a grin, gently grabbing your chin before finally colliding his lips with yours in a soft, yet lingering kiss.
- “Wouldn’t dare to dream of it.” He mused, his lips still against yours, yet no longer kissing you. Instead, he wrapped his arms around your back, bringing you closer to him. Your head rested upon his chest once again, finally hearing the familiar rhythm of his heart beating.
- Your hands found their way on his shirt, clinging onto it as your legs intertwined with yours.
- Before long, your eyes started to close, sleep finally overtaking you. The last thing you could remember was the feeling of Thorin’s fingers finding their way into your hair, grabbing three strokes before braiding it all together, a feeling you had truly missed.
- If there’s one thing you should know about Thorin, it is the fact that he’s a man of his word. He promised he won’t leave you alone for such a long time and he won’t do it. You’re his to treasure and if you tell him to not stay away for months, he won’t.
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threepointseven · 3 years
Hii I'm so glad you're active again. Do you think you'd be able to write something angst similar/ based off this post?
🌺summary!🌺- You're being accused of faking your pregnancy because the exchange student is pregnant just like you. In a fit of rage you pack your things and decide to raise your child by yourself. After your baby is born how do you deal with finding out the exchange students baby is neither of the brothers child, and the brothers want you back?
Type- scenario 🍄
Flowers included!🌼= brothers x gn! Reader
Note🍀= hello! im so sorry this took a little longer than expected, i planned to do this but i came back at a really wrong time since my grade 7 midterms are coming up! but this isnt proof read and quite rushed so sorry if there are any mistakes! thank you for requesting btw!
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
Creds to @gallantys for the idea of this post!
C/N= Child name E/N=Exchange student name F/N= friend name
You were ecstatic. You were thinking that you were pregnant days ago, only now had you gotten the time to take a test. Your eyes lit up as two red lines appeared on your pregnancy test. And you happily cheer “im pregnant!!”
Not knowing the woman next to your room heard your cheers of how you were pregnant.
Your feet race to your phone to tell your bestfriend.
You excitedly text your friend
You give it some thought though. The brothers have talked about a baby once or twice but actually having a kid..
“I’ll tell them tomorrow” you muttered as a soft smile paints your face.
As the morning sun rises the first thought in your head is to announce to everyone that your pregnant.
So now here you stand, in front of the brothers and e/n.
“What did you need us all down here for Y/N?”
I took a deep breath.
“Im pregnant!”
The room was silent.. maybe it was because of shock!
“Your kidding right? Cause E/n’s pregnant too..”
Why wasn't i informed…!
“E/N told you! Y/N you know lying isnt very good! Especially about a pregnancy.” Asmo put a hand on E/N’s
“No no you dont get it im not lying! Im really not! I wasnt even informed that E/N was pregnant!”
“What do you mean y/n..? We texted yesterday, i told you i was pregnant..”
Her big doe eyes convinced everyone in the room.
“No. This is a misunderstanding, wait let me get the pregnancy test!”
You run to your room to get the pregnancy test in hopes of clearing everything up. And alas
You cant seem to find it.
Your eyes widen, scared that the brothers will take your pregnancy as a joke.
“Uhm..it appears i lost my pregnancy test but no worries! I— ill just go take another one!”
E/N’s eyes teared up.. why..?
“Why are you trying to make this about you..? Im pregnant, stop lying to all of them..!”
Her big puppy eyes got all the brothers bowing down to her, believing her lies.
“Y/N i suggest you stop lying to everyone. You’re hurting E/N’s feelings.. have you no shame?!”
Satan never raises his voice at me… why now is it so loud..?
Everything goes blurry as i continue to be falsely accused of faking my own pregnancy.. where did the test go..?! I left it just on the counter..!
“Stop stop! E/N is literally lying if you want i’ll even take the test agai-“
Before i could finish my sentence Lucifer raised his hand and slapped my right cheek, the stinging feeling flowing through my body as i look at him wide eyed
He just slapped me
“You know what. Fine, i doubt you seven would be good parents anyways.”
As i dash off my intentions being to get as far as i can from the brothers i hear a whisper from the one and only E/N
“Thank god you're leaving~”
It was a whisper. A mutter so soft yet sounded so cynical. Tears brimmed my eyes as i ran to my room to pack my things.
After Clothes after clothes, i ran away from the demons. I always knew i was a second thought to them.. it was too obvious from the start. If they only want e/n i’ll happily leave her to them.
10 months. Its been 10 months ever since i ran away from the brothers and decided to take care of my child myself. All i could think was sorrow and happiness when my child was born. They had eyes just like lucifer, i couldnt help but be reminded of them whenever i looked at theyre face.
Life has been easy enough. Without the brothers i may succumb to loneliness at times but there has never been a day where C/N cant cheer me up. They’re eyes full of life as they crawl to me.
C/N’s first words were mama, it brought tears to my eyes when they first said it. What i didn’t expect was for them to say papa.
Was it movies? Was it people around them?
My own child happily shouted the word unknowing of how much fear i felt at that moment.
As a mom i should of course tell them everything when their older right..? The question is how would i tell C/N that their own mother cut their dads off.
I heard the phone ring, i picked up c/n and cradled them in my arms as i answered
“Y/N. This is Satan”
Everything froze at that moment. My eyes widened as i my head scrambled with questions. Satan. How long has it been since i heard that name? Since i heard the name of one of 7 men who let a woman deceive them and leave a pregnant woman to care for her child herself?
I gently let down C/N and let them
Play around
“What do you want Satan…”
“Y/N, could we talk..?”
“….what for.”
“E/N gave birth to her baby safely.”
My teeth gritted at the sound of her name rolling off Satan’s tongue ever so delicately
“None of the brothers including me are the child.”
My angered façade kept still, bot a surprise. I always knew E/N wasnt exactly the most loyal.
“Please let us see your child, Y/N”
“None of you monsters are going anywhere near C/N”
I aggressively hung up, sweat rolling down my neck as my expression stayed an angry frown.
Cradling my child in a hope of calming myself down i let the sun go down and rise once more. Waking up and being greeted with all 7 of the brothers in front of my door instead of a beautiful morning, isnt exactly what i wanted to happen.
As i scanned the seven through the crack of my door fear overtakes me as I quickly take my child to my room, making sure they dont hear whatever argument is about to happen.
The sin of pride spoke firmly
Stepping out of the house i protectively block my door
“What business do you have in front if my house. Lucifer.”
“Y/N, please. E/N’s child is neither of ours and she left Devildom after quite the explosive argument so please, let us see the child that has our blood, and come back to us.”
“..you’re kidding.”
I deadpanned at the brothers.
“How could they think id just walk into your life once more as a happy little housewife with my happy little child and forget about the fact that you 7 gave no care about how i ran away, and accused me of faking my pregnancy?!”
Tears brimmed at my eyes, the brothers eyes looking away in regret.
“Y/N cooperate with us, that's our child.”
Asmodeus added
The nerve.
“No i wont. You let me leave your life and didnt give two shits about when i did. Didn’t care when i gave birth my kid, you let a lying icarus of a woman replace me. Me and my child are doing fine. Do not ever contact me again.”
I said firmly while tears ran down my eyes trying to storm back into my home before i felt the feeling of a stinging grip on my wrist.
“Y/N whether or not you let us see them this isnt an option. That's our child too”
Satan looked furious. I could feel his energy from here. His hand summoned sparks upon my wrist, flames burning my skin and into my flesh.
My heart shatters at the sudden realization at the fact that they’re demons. At any moment. At any moment they can come and take my child away from me.
My little fragile heart shatters like glass, the sharp edges catching on my Lungs and preventing my breath.
“No. No im not letting them anywhere near you 7. And i’ll make fucking sure of it.”
Storming inside my house and locking
My door i pull C/N into a big bear hug. Tears flow like a fountain as i kiss the forehead of my child.
I’ll protect them. I’ll make sure those boys dont come anywhere near them. After what they did to my wrist who knows what they’d to C/N..
“Its just us against the world now C/N..”
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reidsnose · 3 years
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overview: reader enlists the help of her neighbor (who shes never met) to get rid of a gnarly bug in her apartment
genre: fluff
a/n: thought of this today after i moved the shower curtain, saw a centipede crawl out, and screamed for my dad to come help me. anywayyyss i thought its be cute so as always lmk what you guys think :)
you walked into your bedroom, fumbling frantically with the buttons on your shirt as you raced to leave your house on time. hair brush hair brush hair brush. where was your hair brush? you knocked over countless items trying to find it but with no luck. bathroom! you quickly made your way to the bathroom, opening the door so fast that wind blew through your hair.
and then you saw it.
a gnarly, long, nasty, creepy crawly centipede.
you let out a loud shriek and promptly shut the door. if you didn't get to the interview one time, it would surely be a bad first impression. but then again so would showing up with a bird's nest of hair on your head. you tried who knows how many times to go back in and kill it or catch it in a cup but each time you saw its countless, spindly legs you backed out. you checked your watch, 10 minutes until you had to leave.
you walked out into the hallway of the apartment building, and in a frenzy, you bumped into a tall, handsome man leaving the apartment across from yours.
he chuckled an apology before looking to meet your eye, breath hitching in his throat as he did. you were arguably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen (despite a very questionable hairdo). and when a surge of desperation ran through your body you rambled an explanation to the stranger, telling him about your job interview and time crunch then promptly begging him to come inside and get rid of the centipede for you.
and something inside him couldn't say no. he wanted to, i mean when an objectively crazy looking person lures you into their home to catch a bug, generally one says no and goes on with their day. however, maybe it was his complete an immediate infatuation with you or maybe his empathy for your situation, he decided to quickly help you and then try and get to work as fast as he can.
he couldn't help but subtly and subconsciously profile you based on your home as soon as he stepped inside. he liked it. your decorations, the small mess that makes it feel lived in, the general 'vibe' as morgan would say was incredible.
you gave him a sheet of paper and a cup, per his request, and led him to the dreaded bug bathroom. you couldn't help but watch in awe as he walked in with no fear, explaining to you in great detail how this was only a house centipede and it only had 15 pairs of legs which kind of counters the name. and how it isn't poisonous to humans and infact eats other bugs. you loved his facts so much and you followed him all the way to the window where he let the bug out, listening intently to what he had to say and swatting away the apology that came after the ramble, insisting that you genuinely enjoyed it.
"thank you so much,.." you trailed off, not knowing his name.
"Spencer." he filled in, offering a tight lipped smile.
"Spencer! wonderful. well again thank you so much and i owe you once I'm back from this job interview!" you smiled as you both walked to the door.
"oh you don't have to-" he began.
"no i insist! just knock on my door when you can and ill take you out." you stated, causing his eyes to widen, " not with a gun! i meant like ill buy you coffee or something!"
"i didn't think you meant with a gun?!" he laughed, handing you the hairbrush this whole ordeal was about. you laughed along as you closed and locked your apartment.
"I'm sorry i'm like completely fazzled right now! i have to go or else i'm never gonna get this job ill just brush my hair in the car! ok bye Spencer!" you called as you jogged down the stairs.
"wait i don't know your name?" he called after you.
"ill tell you when i buy you a coffee!" your giggle echoed through the building followed by the loud shut of the downstairs door.
he smiled to himself, wondering if he should tell the team about his funky morning encounter. he smiled the whole train ride to work, and then the walk from the stop to the building and then the elevator trip up. he just couldn't stop smiling. he thought about you brushing your hair while you drove and even giggled to himself on the train causing a few strangers to toss him some concerned looks.
how could he be living next to such a beautiful stranger?
when he walked into the bullpen, he saw the. whole team huddled around a desk, staring quite obviously at hotch's office. a new curiosity piqued his interest though his thoughts of you continued to be front and center in his mind.
"whats going on?" he asked, joining the group and craning his neck to try and see into the office.
"new agent interview." jj whispered.
"really? since whe-"
"shh!" Garcia shushed.
"you cant even hear them!" Reid defended.
"quiet helps us read their lips." prentiss whispered.
Spencer continued to crane his neck, moving around yet only being able to see hotch, who was throwing his head back in laughter. hotch laughing? wow this new agent must be pretty cool!
"oh my god! i've never seen him laugh like that before!" Garcia squeaked.
"she has to get the job now," morgan added.
"ah we have to wait for the handshake, thats when we see if he really approves," Rossi countered, "if he double hands the shake then its a done deal."
they all watched excitedly, waiting impatiently for the end of the interview. after a few minutes they saw hotch stand up and shake the possible new agent's hand with his right, firmly clasping his left over the handshake.
"was that the double handed handshake?" Garcia asked excitedly.
"yup." Rossi replied, popping the p.
as soon as the door began to open, the team tried ever so gracelessly to disperse, bumping into one another and murmuring fake excuses. a familiar outfit caught Spencer's eye as the new agent left hotch's office and he dared sneak a glance.
no way. his mind raced, thoughts of this morning flooding it a mile a minute. could it really be the girl from this morning? he watched as you excitedly left the building, beaming far to much to notice any other people as you left.
"bug?!" was all he could muster. not even loud enough for you to hear. unfortunately, loud enough for the people around him to.
"theres a bug? where?" morgan asked, looking around.
"no um...bug-she..is bug- um. nothing." he stammered.
"did you nickname the new agent bug?" jj laughed.
"what? no! do not say that in front of her!!" Spencer stammered.
after a couple teasing remarks, to Spencer's relief, they seemed to have let it go. the day was case-less and flew by quickly, the most exciting part was the morning interview and hotch's announcement that there would be a new agent starting tomorrow.
you sat at home, beyond excited about your successful interview, all thanks to handsome neighbor Spencer. you couldn't help but feel extra indebted to him. you feared you may have scared him off when you offered to take him out but it was the best way you could think to say thank you. but your nerves had transferred mainly to the upcoming first day of work.
as he got hone he debated knocking on your door but decided against it, knowing you were probably busy preparing for tomorrow.
when you arrived tomorrow a series of seemingly unfamiliar faces sat in the conference room, awaiting you and hotch.
when you stepped inside your eyes scanned over each of them, all looking very excited to meet you.
and then you saw him.
handsome neighbor Spencer was sitting RIGHT THERE. the stars have aligned and finally life is in your favor. after a brief introduction the meeting began and you took the only seat open which happened to be next to Spencer.
you gave each other polite smiles though both of your cheeks glowing red told a different story than two people who had just met.
"wheels up in 20." hotch concluded.
you all walked out together, the team making sure you felt included.
"so hows the first day feeling, y/n? or should i be like my friend Dr. Reid here and call you bug?" morgan asked slightly amused.
"oh my god you told?!" you laughed, looking wide eyed at Spencer.
after a high pitched denial from Reid and tears of laughter from the team as you told them of the events of that morning, you already felt like you were a part of the team.
as you boarded the jet, you decided to sit next to Spencer.
"you know, i still owe you a coffee," you mentioned nonchalantly as you pulled a book from your go bag, trying as hard as you possibly could to not blush.
he smiled slyly, picking up his own book to hide the rouge that fell upon his cheeks, "and ill hold you to that, bug."
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @hey-there-angels @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic @b-a-utiful @aperrywilliams @eevee0722
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