#i took a nap with my cat earlier
hyliandreso · 1 year
Anyone else eeepy tognight?
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rensblade · 6 months
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⟢ warnings/notes: husband! jing yuan x gender neutral! reader. toothrotting fluff, cute domestic banter tbh. husband yuan nation, please rise. not proofread, we die like tingyun. might be ooc. pls lmk if i got any of the hsr terminology wrong.. appreciate any type of feedback & please please pleaseee send me reqs if u have any ✩
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“beloved, am i really that bad of a general?”
the all too familiar baritone of your husband’s voice fills in your ears, as you raise your gaze from the distance, only to watch him sulk from where he was sat upon the seat of divine foresight.
to anyone that squints, would be graced upon a phenomenon all too odd— jing yuan, one of seven arbiter generals, pouting.
“and what.. exactly makes you think so, ‘yuan?” you already knew the answer, but you still entertained the fact he was pouting, almost comically the same way yanqing does, when you deny him from making impulsive sword purchases.. or the same way mimi, your household lion, scrunches up her face and paws at your clothes when you tell her that she won't get any more snacks for the night.
said man sits up from where he's at, and abruptly makes his way down to where you're seated— at his desk. sorting through some of the things unattended earlier during his earlier escapade to fyxestroll garden.
“well.. you know.” he deadpans, staring down at you. you have to keep in a giggle, finding the way he waited so patiently for you to finish with the work at your side, almost akin to your precious lion who does the same.
you heave a sigh, but in an amused way, as you stack the last documents into a neat pile and turn in your chair, and upon being graced with your attention; your lover nearly falls dramatically into your arms.
“i can't help but think i should just hand over my resignation early. you know what, fu xuan probably saw this coming,” he fake-wails, as you caress his hair, cooing at the man who was currently at your feet.
eventually, he relents, when you tug a little hard on his fluffy white mane. “darling.. is this about cirrus?” the mere mention of the heliobus makes jing yuan glower, and you practically have to bite back your laughter at the expression, opting to clear your throat instead.
he stays silent for a second, then scrunches his face. “..absolutely not,” he retaliates in a serious tone. then, he slumps forward again, almost nuzzling into your lap as he tries to hypothesize. “it's just. i need some constructive criticism, before i actually hand over my position to someone else, you know,” he reasons, but you know better.
“right, why of course.” you humor him a little bit longer. pushing the general’s buttons has always been your favorite past time activity.
he pulls away, getting on his feet before he gathers your hands into his and gives you a solemn look. “you get me, my love. this is why we're married.”
that makes you crack a smile. jing yuan only raises a brow, but returns the smile nevertheless, a little hesitant. “yuan, i love you, but. you mean solid constructive criticism like.. i don't know, maybe it's about time you retired and took a big fat cat nap?” you suggest with a snort, and jing yuan simply huffs. (yeah, mimi definitely got the attitude from her dad).
you shake your head, dragging him to sit next to you as you elaborated. “in all seriousness.. you're not a bad general. not a bad mentor, father or husband, jing yuan. don't let that silly heliobi’s words get to your head.” the tall man, lets you cup his face, squishing his cheeks as you pepper kisses across them, as if to prove your point.
he simply gathers your form up into his arms, holding you tightly and you can't help but relax into the warmth he emits. he's truly a big cat. “you know, i’m starting to think this must be how birds that nest in your hair must feel.” you point out with a false-huff, after a minute of silence.
jing yuan chuckles at that, purposely tugging you by the waist; flush closer against his torso as he nuzzles into you— pale locks of his hair cloud your vision. “why, of course. a wise, little sparrow, you are.” he snuggles against you, golden eyes softening as they examine your reactions. “in fact, my favorite.” the baritone of his words send a pleasant wave of warmth through your body, you can feel him smile against your skin as he litters little kisses here and there.
to be fair, if you were held prisoner in his gentle yet steady hold forever, you were more than willing to be reduced to a mere bird, for eternity. okay, and maybe you would miss making snarky rebuttals at the general, but that's about it.
as you're resting yourself against him, a thought crosses your mind, and you'd bask in the silent affection but your loud thoughts cut you short. “and for the record, you still should've let me kick cirrus’s butt.” as expected, a hearty laugh booms from the man’s chest, the vibrations making your body tingle.
“i love you.” he says, practically purring, as the gigantic man nuzzles even further into the crevice of your neck, pressing yet another kiss to the spot he loves. his hair tickles your neck, but you love the familiarity of it all.
what a heavenly life you live, as the general’s personal songbird.
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rensblade, 2023. please do not steal my writings or headers, i put a lot of effort into this. reblogs & comments are appreciated! pls send me asks/reqs, i write for most genshin or hsr or jjk characters as of now. thank u once again <3
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buckyalpine · 8 months
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Please do a teeny story where buckys kitty is all over a y/n and he is so flustered about it. These pics of my cat who is a Turkish Angora. I like to think he might look a bit like Alpine 😉
I'm here for all the domestic fluff rn. WHAT A CUTE BABY PLSSSS absolutely yes your fur baby looks like such a little angel. That is most certainly Bucky's sweet Alpine.
Bucky finally moved into a new apartment. One with proper heating and lighting. A comfy bed he actually liked to sleep in. Furniture he picked out. It was a simple space but he liked it. He even got a few plants and hung up a few pictures, most of them with Sam and Steve.
His favorite place was surprisingly the kitchen. After years of tasteless mush and not exactly feasting every day back in he 40's, Bucky loves trying experimenting with different recipes and recreating ones he remembered his ma making for him.
Then there was his favorite thing in the whole world. A little white ball of fur that would slink around his legs all day, meowing for pets and cuddles, purring so loudly Bucky was sure the neighbors could hear. He'd never meant to get a cat but all it took was one charity event at a local animal shelter and the rest was history. He couldn't resist those adorable blinking eyes and soft, wispy fur.
"Alp?" Bucky rubbed his eyes, curious as to why there wasn't a fuzzy motor boat purring on his chest while the sun streamed through the curtains. "Where'd you go, baby"
It wasn't rare for Alpine to wake up earlier than Bucky, sauntering around the apartment to lay under a patch of sun. He swung his legs over, making his way to the kitchen to make breakfast for both him and his cat only to find the apartment empty and the cat door swinging.
"I should've never installed that" Bucky groaned to himself, deciding to continue making breakfast in hopes that Alpine would be back shortly whilst also wondering why he thought it would be a good idea to give his cat a sense of independence. Moments later, Bucky heard the swinging of the flap, announcing the arrival of the fur ball.
"Where did you go" Bucky cocked his head, noting the way his cat was smugly licking his lips before jumping onto his cat tree and stretching out for a nap. "For fucks sake, you're worse than Steve, running off God knows where and doing who knows what"
A knock of the door broke Bucky away from the conversation he was having, his eyes growing wide seeing his pretty neighbor on the other side.
"H-hi" Bucky stuttered, smiling down at the PJ's you were still in along with soft bunny slippers on your feet, sleep still evident on your face. Before either of you could speak, Alpine trotted over, walking right past Bucky and straight to you. He stood up on his hind legs with needy meows, batting his eyes as best as he could, something he very clearly learned from his owner.
"Alpine" Bucky hissed, his cheeks growing red while his cat continued to paw at your leg, trying to climb you like a tree, begging to be picked up.
"Is he yours" you giggled, picking up the fussy cat in your arms, letting him adjust himself until he was comfy, his eyes closing for a nap. "He was at my door this morning"
"You can't nap there baby" Bucky sighed, embarrassed over the fact that his cat was rubbing himself all over you plus he'd clearly just revealed Alpine wore the pants in the relationship. "Yeah, he's mine. I'm so sorry, he's usually not like that, he usually runs away from people-
"It's okay" you cooed at the content cat in your arms, giving him another snuggle before turning to Bucky again. Something silver in your hand caught his eyes, running and hand over his face when he realized what you were holding.
His cat was a menace.
"He left this at my place while coming for a visit. Thought I should bring it back to its rightful owner, Sargent" You said shyly, handing over Bucky's dogtags, your breath hitching as your fingers brushed over his metal hand, placing them in his palm.
"Supposed I should give this back to you as well" you handed over Alpine, torn between wanting to cuddle the fur baby more and also feeling jealous of how comfy he must've felt in his daddy's thick arms, resting against his strong chest-
Get a hold of yourself.
"Thank you, doll" The pet name slipped out on is own making both of you giddy again. "I-I was just about to make breakfast, if you want to come over in half an hour" Bucky offered, nervous at how your react, butterflies bursting in his tummy when your eyes lit up.
"I'd love that" You gave Alpine one last scratch behind the ears before retracting back to your apartment to get changed while Bucky closed the door behind him.
"I know you want a mommy but you can't just plant yourself into the arms of the first pretty girl you see" Bucky's muffled voice carried through the door making your cheeks heat up, smiling to yourself when Alpine meowed in response.
"I know you have good taste but you know I would've asked her out eventually. You didn't have to drag my dogtags there"
"I'm not scared"
"I'm not!"
"Fine. But you let me handle this when she comes over"
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
I just read the konig and cat wifey thing.. the part of him chasing her around really flickered a bulb in my head just now! What about konig chasing around his cat wifey in the dark like some game of hide and seek because she was being so bratty! And he can’t keep his hands to himself.. at all!
Chasing you around the house, pushing you into the darkest possible corners - you feel horrified, scared out of your mind as he is very loud about his desire to punish you. You know he won't hurt you - not really. He'd maybe be a bit forceful, a bit rough, maybe spank you a dozen times and make you wear a collar to satisfy his newly found desire of playing master and pet with you - but oh, you were so bad lately, so bratty and inconsiderate, your boyfriend just needed to teach you discipline. You're good at hiding - and he is good at seeking. Grasps you feet from the perfect hiding spot you took and drags you, kicking and screaming, to light. Already putting a hand to your soaked panties, knowing just how much his lazy catty wife likes being chased around the house. You do deserve a few harsh slaps on your cunt for being such a brat earlier - but you'd also have your clit stroked and played with, as gently as humanly possible. Konig wants for you to want him, and he'd even lull you to sleep after he is done, wiping your used holes clean and allowing you to nap like a little cat after. Thrill of chase does some things to your both tho - you're panting near his crotch, liking and sucking like it's a candy, and Konig is going insane with the sight of your writhing body, shaking in his hold as he pounds into you. It's no wonder you're usually so hungry and sleepy all of the time - Konig literally spends every waking hour forcing you on all fours and grinding his cock into you. You need some space, honestly...but he won't give it to you, of course not.
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tonkatsubowl · 2 months
aventurine can't help but admire you from afar.
the way the wind flows with your hair, the way your eyes lit up when you smile, the way you just... ugh, everything! despite being bold, haughty and confident, the man was actually a bit nervous to talk to you—or confess, even.
trust issues and trauma, of course.
"i suggest you try speaking with them. in reality, not everyone will constantly betray you or stab you behind your back. take a leap of faith, and test the waters, gambler."
dr. ratio says as the gambler slumps back against his seat, grumbling. aventurine's face was occupied by an open book, in which he definitely did not read.
"this is all too frustrating. really, i'm experienced with talking with women, bedding them—but it's rather annoying that i can't even talk to them." aventurine sighs with a sheepish smile, "perhaps this is a curse that was placed upon me. truly, a riveting way to die." he sarcastically says.
"you're not going to die," dr. ratio says, folding his arms across his chest, "you are merely confused with your actions at this point. i had already suggested you a few ideas, and i won't speak any further."
"oh, c'mon now, don't be like that~."
"you are being pesky, and stubborn. the door is behind you whenever you wish to leave."
the gambler sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "alright, alright. i will leave you to your... whatever you were doing earlier. i'm not opposed to your suggestion, but rather, i am... conflicted, as you say."
dr. ratio sighed again. he did say he wouldn't speak any further after that. but finally, aventurine left, leaving the man be.
days later, you were with the express team. as though aventurine had successfully guessed you'd temporarily depart ways with your crew, he approached you. you were visiting a cat café that time, and he first admired you through the windows of the building. you were happy, and it was a beautiful sight. you held a few cats, took a small nap with a few of them, and you began to play with them. that was when he finally approached you, letting the cats come to sniff him out.
"my, i didn't expect you to visit this kind of café," aventurine says, catching your attention.
like a cat, you perked up, gaze wandering towards the familiar voice before your eyes sparkled upon seeing him. "oh, 'ven!"
his heart skipped a beat, but he hid it. he had nearly forgotten that you gave him a nickname the moment you two first met. aventurine was too much of a hard word to say, you told him that one day, so you decided to give him a nickname.
"the one and only." he says, lowering his sunglasses. as he sat next to you on the floor, the cats came to snuggle up against him. one cat, in particular—a white one with a luxurious collar—came to sleep upon his lap. you cooed at the sight, lifting a kitten and setting it on your lap.
"what brings you here? i didn't expect you to be the type of person to visit a cat café, especially with how busy you are."
aventurine shook his head, "i just wanted to see you."
you blinked, tilting your head. "you wanted to see me?"
he nods, stroking the cat on his lap, giving you a faint smile. "... i was wondering. this request i am about to make isn't business related, or anything of the matter. i've no ill motives behind it—but would you like to... come join me for dinner sometime tonight? that is, if you allow it if you aren't busy. or your... friends allow it." he knows how protective the express team can be of you.
you paused for a moment, blinking. "... like... like a date?"
he nods again, "a date."
"oh! then sure!" you smiled brightly, and your answer was instantaneous too. "i'll just let the others know i'll be busy tonight. where are we going?"
"ah, nothing too fancy (a lie). i just wish to show you my favorite spots here in penacony."
"okay! well, i'll try to dress up nicely, then."
"no need," aventurine shakes his head, "i've already set up a whole schedule for us. let's look at various of clothing later, and see which one you like most."
you blinked. you didn't have that much credits to spend, honestly... "ah... but my budget—"
"who said you were paying?" he flashed a smile. "my dear, i will be the one spoiling you tonight."
"... oh. but wait, that's so much money! please, you don't have to do all of that for me..."
"ah, don't worry! i have all the credits in the world."
"... o-okay."
the night of the date, you were a tad nervous. you didn't know what to wear, and luckily enough, march was kind enough to dress you up a bit.
waiting at the designated location of the date, aventurine shows up wearing his sunglasses as usual. he smiles, taking your hand into his, before gracefully leaving a kiss atop of the back of your palm. you lightly flush, before following the gambler towards wherever he wanted to go...
... and the first stop was the expensive clothing store! it consisted of luxurious of dresses, suits, tuxedos and what not. throughout your time there, the man was practically dolling you up. letting you try on different sets of clothes, getting one custom made on the dot, and even trying to have you match with him.
you finally found the right set, and it was ungodly expensive... but aventurine paid it off like it was nothing, and waited for you to come out with the dress, or whatever you had on. and once you left the dressing room, aventurine's heart melted a bit. his eyes softened, but the color of his shades had hid his admiration for your beauty. he clears his throat, snapping himself back to reality (dreamscape) before rising.
"you look stunning, (y/n)." he says, taking your hand once more, "i adore seeing that on you. perhaps you should wear it more frequently, it suits you like no other."
you felt butterflies roam in your stomach as you look at yourself in the mirror. "you... think so?"
he shakes his head, "i know so."
the second stop was a fancy restaurant. it was built into a casino, so from there, he introduced expensive, five star meals to you and showed you how to play a few games. he won you a cute little plush of (insert favorite animal) through a game vendor, and proceeded to bring you around. he was showing you off like a trophy, too, bringing his arm around your waist to show the world you were rightfully his.
at least, not yet.
the third and final spot was a scenery.
it took a while for the both of you to get there, but the hike was worth it. once you got to the top, you saw the outstanding view of penacony, and you took a moment to admire the horizon.
the night sky, how the stars sprinkled and welcomed you into their sights, and how... aventurine looked stunning underneath the night sky.
you admired him for a moment. he was truly a beautiful man, and instead of admiring the stars, you were admiring your future lover. you felt your heart melt as you sat, staring at him so lovingly.
"hmm? is there something on my face?" asked-he, his smile widening as though to tease you.
you decided to get a little bold, "beauty."
he chuckled to himself, his heart racing. his pride won't admit that he literally felt the world around him explode as you said that. there was just something about you that was just so... perfect.
and yet, all in all, the man was still terrified of you. given his trust issues and everything, he wasn't sure of you - but he knew that he was happy being around you.
all it took was time.
"i can say the same for you," he says in a soft voice, coming closer to you, "did you enjoy tonight?"
you smile, brushing his golden locks away from his visage, "i did. when will we have a second date?"
you paused.
"w-wait, i mean... that's too far, right? i mean, don't get me wrong, i-i'd love to have a second date with you, but that is if... you're okay with it!"
he blinked, before smiling, a chuckle leaving his lips as he returned the favor for you. brushing your hair away from your face.
"... i wouldn't mind. let's have another one again soon."
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CONGRATS ON HUNDRED DOVE!! you sent me a risqué ask for 100 so now i do it back to ye-
"caught in the rain" with leona :D or ruggie, if someone got to him first! ehehehehehehhehehehe you can see stuff 😳👀 for free ✨✨✨
btw your ask is sending me so hard but i'm already typing out so much for leona so your ask is gonna be the last one for the event lol
Caught in the Rain; Leona Kingscholar
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, reader needs to get bonked with a stick (/j)
Content Warning; Swearing
Word Count; 700+
AN; Don't expose my ass on my own blog, Soru /j. (just trying to feed your own simping along with the simps) But I hope you enjoy what I wrote for Leona and this prompt! As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The sky lay heavy with dark clouds, the smell of rain thick in the air, yet not a single drop had yet to strike the ground. The air was dense with humidity, warm from the harsh sun’s rays from earlier in the day. But yet, you found yourself outside, trying to find Leona.
He had invited you to spend your summer break as his guest in the palace. Well, less so 'invited', more so demanded.
“Do you have anywhere else to be, herbivore? I thought as much. Come on, you’re staying with me.”
You still don’t really know why, but you weren’t going to throw away the chance of staying someplace beyond nice for the summer… plus Leona wasn’t so bad once you got to know him. Yes, he puts on an act of not caring, and being abrasive, but you knew that he cared, that he worried. Also, the two of you had been having this back-and-forth banter for months; blurring the lines of just friends bickering and something... more. But neither of you had made a move. It just hung in the air between you, nearly as suffocating as the humidity now; potent with the possibility of a massive storm.
Back to the present though. You were on the outskirts of the palace, looking for wherever Leona had decided to take a nap for this afternoon.
“Leona,” you called, but all you heard in return was the low rumble of thunder in the distance. Where is that overgrown house cat? I swear if I get caught in a downpour because of him… “LEONA!”
The first drops of rain began to fall, gentle and sparse. But you knew full well that in a few minutes' time they would be falling hard and fast.
“LEONA KINGSCHOLAR?!” You shouted at the top of your lungs.
You heard an annoyed huff of air off to your left, and looking up you saw none other than Leona lounging in the low-hanging branches of a tree.
“Ya don’t need to yell, ya know,” he sighed, landing softly on the ground. He looked up to the sky and frowned before setting a slow pace back to the palace. “Are you coming or what, herbivore?”
You followed after him, catching up so the both of you were going at a comfortable pace. Thunder was still rumbling, and the rain was slowly picking up, but there was no rush. Well, there wasn’t any rush until there was a flash of lightning and it seemed like the entire sky’s worth of water came down all at once on the both of you.
“Shit,” Leona hissed and guided the both of you to the relative cover of a tree to wait out the worst of the monsoon. “Just our luc-” He stopped talking when he looked at you though.
You were spitting out some stray rainwater that had managed to get into your mouth. But once the intruding water was gone you looked over to him but you felt your eyes lock on his torso; the white shirt that he was wearing was now completely see-through and you could see everything. Stop staring! Damn though- STOP STARING! But your eyes refused to move.
Leona noticed this, and he also took in your drenched appearance but was more subtle with it. “Tch,” he tapped you on the nose, breaking you of your staring stupor. “My eyes are up here,” his voice was teasing though, light.
You snapped out of it, catching his mirthful eyes. “You’re beautiful,” you whisper. You felt your face grow warm at the slip of your tongue, but it was true. Even before you openly ogled at him, you always thought that, but never said it to his face.
Leona chuffed, but he didn’t say anything; neither denying or accepting your statement. “You aren’t half bad yourself,” he said softly.
The two of you sat underneath the tree, still in your soaked clothes, watching the rain fall together in a comfortable quiet. And while the first golden rays of sunlight may have been stunning, the both of you thought it was nothing when compared to the captor of your hearts; each other.
After all, you still had the rest of the summer to build on this new development.
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tealfloyd · 2 years
"Gotta catch MC's new pet~"
SUMMARY: MC is kindly asked forced by Crowley to dog-sit for a stray dog found in the NRC, who likes to constantly run away. (Everyone x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: Nothing more than jealousy (over a dog).
CONTENT: Most of the guys being petty over a dog. Again, I didn't have any ideas for Ortho :( Crowley dumping his responsibilities onto you, again. A little Malleus x MC moment at the end but it's very short. Also, no mentions of Crewel :( WORDS: 6K+
A/N: Sorry, this took so long, I was busy with some things and had to focus on that for this week, so please excuse me if this work ended up being a bit messy.
I was planning to do it with a cat at first, since I have two cats, but decided to go with a puppy because it's way easier for them to run away, in my opinion, because I also had dogs.
Now onto the fic~
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 “I can’t believe I got tricked by that crow again…” You muttered, looking for the little being that was now freely running through the halls.
You were wondering how you got into this situation to start with, remembering the earlier conversation you had with the so kind headmaster a few hours ago.
“You called for me?” You asked, entering the office after hearing a ‘come in!’ from the headmage, looking around its disastrous state. “By the Sevens, what happened here?”
“Oh, MC! You arrived just in time!” He exclaimed, a tired smile travelling up his features as he looked for something down his desk. “Would you mind helping me here?”
You approached, crouching to look down the desk. “What did you do this time?” You asked, gaze wandering for whatever he was looking for.
"Your words hurt me, Prefect, I'm a very diligent—" He was offended at first, but upon seeing your cold glare he let it pass, a little scared of this action. "I was checking on the well-being of the students as part of my diligent routine, when I stumbled with this little dog."
Your eyes widened at that. “A puppy? What is a puppy doing in this school?” Using the flashlight of your phone, you tried searching for him, but he was nowhere to be found. “I don’t see anything."
“But he must be here! There is no other way he could get out unless…” He glanced at the opened door, and a heavy sigh left his mouth. “Unless you left the door open…”
“He can be anywhere at this point, puppies are very energetic," you said, standing up while you stretched a bit because of the uncomfortable position. “What are you going to do?”
“Well, I need to take care of something important, so you will need to take care of this," heading out, he started waving, shooting you a grin. “I’m counting on you, Prefect!” And with that note, he left.
“Wait, I have plans with Grim-!” You yelled, checking the empty hallway with no signs of Crowley. “This bit—"
And that’s how you ended up in this dilemma, having to look for a lost puppy and at the same time taking care of a grumpy cat, who was walking with you to look for it (‘unwillingly’, as he says).
“Why did you drag me into this? I don’t want to make part of your… Whatever-you’re-looking-for quest!” Grim whined, tiredly walking with you as his eyes struggled to stay opened.
“It’s not like I accepted, I really wanted to take a nap too, but if we want to eat nicely for another day, then we must do this," you felt bad as Grim kept yawning, an idea suddenly popping on your mind. “Do you want to rest on my back? I’m sure it will take a while before I find him”.
He didn’t make any sound, hazily nodding before climbing on your back, leaving you to look for the creature in silence, making the task a bit more complicated.
Fortunately, you spotted him when you turned the corner, invisible to some of the students that were exiting the Mirror Chamber, who left the door opened enough for the little being to hop onto the delicate room.
“Wait—" You were suddenly reminded that you weren’t alone, as your cat companion yawned one more time before drifting off to Dreamland, shutting up in frustration.
Running as quietly and steadily as you could, you finally made it to the door, encountering the happy puppy as it decided which colourful door he should pass through.
When you were just about to reach him, he decided to jump onto the Heartslabyul mirror, leaving you with your arms hanged on nothing as you let out a quiet scream.
“How can such an adorable creature be so mischievous?” You whispered. “Wait, that’s Floyd…” You thought, finally crossing the Queen of Hearts portal.
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The landing in Heartslabyul was abrupt, so you had to quickly balance yourself so you wouldn’t fall on the land.
“Couldn’t have chosen a more confusing dorm…”
Every time you visited Heartslabyul, one (if not all) of the dorm members had to guide you so you didn’t end up lost; so how were you supposed to find a puppy, which had tons of energy, in such a wide maze?
Well, obviously, for cases like this, you had to rely on luck; and that’s exactly what you did. You turned every corner carefully in order to catch the little animal, and someone up there must like you because just when you were about to exit the maze (by accident, of course), you heard some barks and a high-pitched scream.
Running towards the noise, you found a pretty hilarious yet scary scene.
Trey holding the puppy, which was covered by cake and other deserts; Riddle stood next to him, a tea stain on his usually clean uniform, all while Ace was laughing his ass off and poor Deuce trying to do something to help. Cater tried to record the whole thing, but immediately stopped upon seeing the wrath in Riddle’s face.
You decided it was time to intervene, approaching with stealthy steps, keeping your distance so the noise wouldn’t affect Grim’s sleep. “I’m sorry guys, I didn’t intend to disturb your tea party."
Retrieving the creature from Trey’s hands, you lightly scolded him, trying to ease up the mood. “You’re lucky you’re adorable, if this was Ace’s or Deuce’s doing they would be cleaning windows because of this."
After this, everyone stayed quiet, a blush creeping up their faces as they registered the cute scene in front of them.
Riddle’s wrath dissipated a little after you appeared, thing that is very much appreciated by everyone present. But a new feeling started to blossom in his interior, that being jealousy; not that he knows about this though, he’s never had a crush before, so it’s a new, and certainly a very uncomfortable experience, for him. His face is red, but for different reasons now; he wishes the one you’re cradling and saying sweet compliments to is him, and he knows it’s stupid of him to feel like this because of a dog, but he can’t help it. Maybe this ended up in a good matter because now you’re paying him attention (mostly because you’re concerned; after all, he’s really red).
Trey is, unsurprisingly, the chilliest one of the five. He’s Heartslabyul only hope in terms of appearing normal. He doesn’t feel jealous of you interacting more with the little being; this actually enforces his teasing, but how can you blame him after you did something so cute? Answer: You can’t. He helps you clean the animal, and from the outside it seems like you both are taking care of your little dog son. He is all down for domestic stuff, so naturally his face becomes the slightest shade of pink at the innocent action, making some light chat to ease the mood.
Magicam better be prepared, because Cater is about to create a whole new section on his profile about you and your pup companion, called: “The cutest animal and the cutest Prefect <3!”. There isn’t anything that anyone can do to stop this; you all must wait until the storm is over. In fifteen minutes, he uploaded around 100 photos and videos of you and your canine friend just… Existing. He isn’t bothered by the fact that you are paying more attention to the dog than everyone else, at first. He looks through the pictures and that’s when he notes that he has never been nestled in your arms before… And now he has a new objective.
Ace is offended, because how dare you pay more attention to something that isn’t him? He can’t function properly if you don’t talk to him, but he knows that he can’t just retrieve the puppy from your arms; even if he seems nonchalant, he really wants to make you comfortable, and that action would make you mad, and what’s worse, mad at him. Though he has to admit that the scene it’s pretty adorable and wholesome; and unbeknownst to him, he took a liking to the creature, playing with him a little. It ends up being a win-win situation: you are happy, and he gets attention.
Deuce had a hard time processing the situation. Like, he just saw this dog jump onto the table out of nowhere, and then you appear claiming it’s yours. His mind first tries to comprehend how did a dog get into the school in the first place, also commenting about the fact that he can’t believe the headmaster dumped his responsibilities onto you again. He doesn’t get jealous; why should he be jealous over a dog? Ace had to explain to him why he should be outraged by this, but he doesn't get the point of it, saying it was just a dog and that there wasn’t any harm try to learn something from him.
You stayed to help clean the mess that your newfound pet had caused, insisting to the refusing boys that it wasn’t a problem.
Grim must have been really tired because he didn’t wake up after all the screaming and barking, soft complaints leaving his mouth, probably a result of his dreams.
You were cleaning the tablecloth, which had a huge tea stain on it and some smudges of the previous disaster, sighing at how difficult it was to clean them off.
Ace was bothering you as always, and Cater was on his phone, one of his clones helping the others as he uploaded the remaining photos. Everyone else was organising the garden.
It was then when you heard a bark, turning your head towards the noise, finding that the puppy was following a butterfly, running towards the mirror.
You excused yourself, apologising as you ran too, following the surprisingly fast dog.
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You passed through the mirror, glancing at the dark room to try and spot him, and sure enough, his next choice was Savanaclaw, happily hopping on it.
You sighed, hopping in as well to try and chase him faster. It didn’t help that Savanaclaw was overbearingly hot, having to stop for a few seconds in order to catch your breath.
Those few seconds were enough to lose sight of him again, and you sighed at it, deciding to walk further into the King of Beasts territory to find him.
It didn’t pass much time before you did though, finding the little creature sitting on one of the lounge’s couches, looking at something, or more like someone.
You shifted your glance towards the person he was looking at, and you were met with a growling Leona, who immediately sensed your stare, turning to look at you in the eyes, grumpily approaching you.
Ruggie was also there, a frown adorning his face as he glared at the oblivious puppy, while Jack tried to comprehend what was a dog doing in their dorm.
“There you are," you said, starting to walk towards the pup, leaving the three of them shocked. “How are you so fast? I wouldn’t be surprised if Crowley fed you batteries."
“Sorry if we interrupted you, it wasn’t our intention, right?” You shook a little his little paw, making an apologetic bow at the three students, who stayed in silence; this time, much longer than the Heartslabyul guys, and you thought that seeing a dog had somehow affected them.
Yes, but actually no.
Leona had to process for a second that, one: there was a dog in his dorm. And two: that dog was apparently yours. He’s not a cat, but he’s still a feline, and seeing the little canine sitting so relaxed on a couch of his territory made him mad; and on top of that, it seems you like this furball better than him. He won’t admit he’s jealous, and even if he looks snappy, he still respects women, and wouldn’t dare to say something that would make you mad instead. He just waits for you to stop being so cutesy and attentive of the little being, so he can be the one you’re paying attention to.
Ruggie is wary. Hyenas aren’t felines nor canines, though they are closer to the feline family. That’s one of the reasons he’s wary of this dog, and also because it appeared out of nowhere and already claimed the couch as his own. He’s surprised when you said that you were taking care of the pup, ears deflating a little because that meant you couldn’t be with him… To run some errands, clearly. Overall, he isn’t that jealous, more like annoyed, but he dissimulates it pretty well, so you don’t know he’s upset in the first place.
Jack isn’t jealous in the slightest. He’s a fan of canines; he loves sporty and energetic animals, and for him, the dogs are the epitome of this description. Like Deuce, he doesn’t know why he should feel jealous over a dog, being the only one among this group that can interact adequately with the canine. He taught him some cool tricks, and that actually sparked your curiosity due to his natural training skills, cooing at the adorable scene. He immediately backed up, cheeks burning while saying that he was just trying to control his energy, continuing to caress the little being.
The atmosphere in Savanaclaw was heavy; partially because of the two beastmen that were fuming over you paying more attention to a dog than them, and the remaining one being pretty excited about this.
Thank you Jack for being the only one with common sense over there.
You decided to stay for a bit, mostly because you and Jack were trying to train him, oblivious to the ominous stare that both his dorm leader and unofficial vice dorm leader were sending to you.
For their like, the dog ran away, probably because the heat. And for their dislike, you had to chase after him.
Quickly excusing yourself, you followed his trace, having to run and soothe Grim because he was starting to wake up, lulling him to sleep once again.
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“How can he have so much energy…?” You said out loud, tired by the constant chasing.
You spotted the dog faster this time, following him to the next dorm, which was Octavinelle.
Though the difference was that you actually caught it before he could start wandering around the dorm, lifting it up to check on him.
“Really, you have to stop doing this, I don’t think I can endure it any longer," you lightly scolded, sighing softly when the little creature tilted his head, not understanding anything you just said. “I think it would be easier if we return to, AH—"
You couldn’t help the yelp that you let out, recognising the person who would always lift you up upon seeing you.
“Shrimpy~! I didn’t expect to see you here today!” Exclaimed Floyd, hugging you, and by consequence, Grim, who woke up exalted because of this.
“Nyah?!” He jumped off straight to the floor, thankfully falling on his feet. “What are we doing here?!”
“You forgot? I came here for him," you signalled the puppy, but Floyd didn’t take notice of this, thinking that you were in his dorm to see him specifically.
He didn’t put you down, rather choosing to bring you to the Lounge as he carried you like a cat, leaving a puzzled and annoyed Grim behind.
Less to say that you couldn’t make it through the mirror.
Azul was confused. He was trying to finish some paperwork on his office, when Jade said that he should come out to check on something. He was prepared for anything but this. He gets why Floyd brought you, and he also understands why he is holding you like a cat, but what he doesn’t get is why you’re cradling a puppy. Even if there aren’t puppies in the sea, he knows about them, but isn’t very versed when it comes to interacting with them. He’s jealous, yet he doesn’t demonstrate this, the only person knowing about this being Jade who would totally use this as blackmail, sorry Azul. His mind has two sides; jealousy and using this as promotion because: Prefect plus a cute puppy equals earnings.
Jade is taken aback. You always manage to surprise him, don’t you? He will gratefully take every interesting action (or any action in general, as long as it involves you), and this one was a pleasant one for sure. He was cleaning some tables when Floyd appeared, about to ask what made him took so long when he spotted you, holding a puppy. He couldn’t even ask as Floyd was saying that he was the reason you came to visit, making him raise a brow in amusement, deciding that it was worth telling Azul to come and see. He isn’t jealous, since it’s just a puppy, and although it’s cute, it isn’t anything he should be worried about.
Floyd totally didn’t saw the puppy at first. One of his talents is recognising you after a few seconds of seeing you, and that’s all it takes for him to focus on you and forget about everything else. He was so happy when he thought you said that you were there for him, only for it to be crushed after you explained the whole story. He’s mad at the puppy; how does he dare to steal his Shrimpy’s attention? He should be the one getting compliments about being cute and receiving kisses! In fact, he doesn’t hold back, and demands the same thing he thinks he’s been deprived off, so all I got to say is… Good luck partner.
That puppy should be grateful you’re the one holding him, because you’re the only one that can protect him from Floyd’s grasp.
When he finally let you down, you understood that you weren’t going anywhere, sitting on one of the tables as Jade brought you your favourite drink.
It’s not like you didn’t appreciate it, you did, but it you wished it would have been under another context because having three boys intently staring at you and your puppy companion wasn’t the best scenario.
Azul and Jade sensed your discomfort, and in an effort to ease the mood started to ask some light questions regarding the situation.
You responded them, being able to multitask as you kept the puppy secured in one arm while one of your hands caressed Floyd’s hair.
When Grim entered the Lounge, it was the moment that said creature decided to leave, wiggling out of your grasp as he sprinted outside the dorm.
You stood up abruptly, sighing once again at the inconvenience, lifting Grim and running as fast as you could to catch him and also to escape Floyd.
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You were grateful about Vargas classes now, since you were able to outrun the enthusiastic eel.
It seemed like the puppy wanted to go to Scarabia next, because as soon as he jumped out of the Sea Witch dorm he hoped into the land of the Sorcerer of the Sands.
“Hey! I demand you put down right now!” Yelled Grim, making you realise you were still holding him.
“Oh, sorry," you did what he told, putting him softly on the floor. “I can’t believe he ran away again…"
“He was probably scared of all those shady mermen," commented the cat, who was scratching his back to get rid of the sand. “I was having a good dream too…”
You felt bad, coming up with a new suggestion. “We can still have that nap after all of this is over, if you want."
He sighed, looking like he was about to reject the offer when in reality he did want to spend some time with you. “Fine… I can’t believe we still have to find that nuisance—"
A yell coming from inside the dorm was heard, enough to interrupt Grim in the middle of his complain.
“Jamil! I found a puppy!”
“I don’t think we have to search anymore”
Kalim is the one paying more attention to the puppy. He’s immune to jealousy when it comes to something so adorable like a pup, and he’s a huge animal lover, so combining that with one of his favourite persons in the world is a huge yes for him! It’s literally the human version of a puppy interacting with a real one; it was so adorable that you actually had to record it, saving it on your gallery as one of your favourites, smiling at the wholesome scene. He plays with him a few more minutes until he realises something: he can spoil this dog, and you can be sure that if Kalim was the one owning the dog it would be living his best life.
Jamil was alarmed. Since the yell was so loud that you and Grim heard it, he checked on Kalim at the speed of light. He sighed in relief because he found that he was okay, but in annoyance too because he didn’t need to be so loud. You had to explain to him what a dog was doing in the school, and most importantly, what was he doing in his dorm. He understood the explanation; it’s a universal fact that Crowley dumps his responsibilities onto you, yet he still feels a bit uneasy about leaving such creature that came out of nowhere in his dorm, even under your charge. He doesn’t feel jealous, but he is indeed wondering how is it that a dog gets better treatment than him.
Scarabia was by far the chilliest dorm to stay. No discussions, no exaggerated reactions (maybe Kalim at first, but you can’t blame him for screaming after seeing something that cute), just you five enjoying life.
Grim fell asleep again, resting on your lap as he snored quietly, making you chuckle, caressing his fur.
The puppy also was asleep, far away in his dreamland where he was, for once in the whole day, completely calm.
It was a strange feeling, but it wasn’t an unwelcomed one as you all took a collective breath of fresh air, only for the moment to be interrupted by said puppy, who seemed like he still had energy left, standing up abruptly to run away, again.
Your hopes were crushed as well, also standing up, accommodating Grim so he was in a more comfortable position, walking towards the dorm you guessed he will be off next.
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“I hope my instinct is right…” You muttered, passing through the mirror to see a trail of paw marks leading to the Fairest Queen dorm.
You followed the trail, now much faster because he was leaving paw marks in the beauty dorm, and you could only imagine the wrath of Vil if he found out that such a disarranged dog was causing a mess.
You were rounding a corner when you found that someone caught him first, that someone being a familiar hunter that was inspecting the creature, fawning over his cuteness.
You couldn’t even say hi because he was greeting you with his usual smile, asking what brings you here, completely ignoring the fact that he was holding your dog like a cat.
“Ah, actually, I came here because of him," you pointed at the dog, careful to not drop Grim in the process. “I’m sorry about the mess, it’s really hard to keep track of him when he keeps escaping."
You retrieved the dog from his grasp, making an apologetic bow for the disaster to which he responded that it wasn’t a problem.
You were about to leave, stopping when Rook invited you to stay, and you would have said no if Vil and Epel didn’t appear.
At least he is getting a free spa treatment.
Vil is displeased at the sight. How can you hold something that it’s so… Messy? He doesn’t get how you don’t worry about your clothes or your skin making contact with such a dishevelled animal, and it’s not like he dislikes dogs, it’s just that he prefers them to be clean and polished. He understands that you like him the dog, everyone does; after all, dogs keep being the trend in Magicam because of their adorableness, but do you really have to cuddle him like it’s your baby? He would let you cuddle him if you asked! Not even caring if his makeup is ruined because of it, that is if you asked…
Rook finds this situation so beautiful. He loves dogs and finding one happily wandering through the halls was a great surprise, lifting him up to inspect him; oh! So this adorable creature is yours? How splendid! His charming chère and one of his favourite animals? Such an exquisite combination of both beauty and cuteness! He can’t feel jealous over this, how can he? As long as you’re happy there’s nothing he should be intimidated of, instead choosing to bask in your comforting and warm presence.
Epel feels jealous, but this is a special ocassion because he is jealous of the dog and you. The dog because even if he doesn’t want you to think he’s adorable, he still wants those compliments because they come from you, but at the same time he is jealous of you because he is a huge dog lover, and he wishes to cradle that little puppy like you are doing now. Just pass him the dog and everyone will be happy... For a few moments because there is no way Vil’s letting Epel mess up his perfectly clean uniform with dog fur, much to his annoyance.
Your stay in Pomefiore was prolonged because Vil refused to let your companion go looking like that (also including Grim), so he brought you three to the spa.
He had some pet shampoo, mainly because he wanted to use it on Grim as a method to prevent you catching something, since he’s always with you, so all that was left was apply it.
He took care of the puppy while you took care of Grim, who was putting up a fight after feeling the first drop of water.
Rook had to help you while Epel was passing things for both you and Vil.
The scene felt very domestic, and all of you were enjoying the process. Well, Grim being the obvious exception.
After drying and grooming your pet and talking cat, you thanked them for their help, starting to walk back to Ramshackle, thinking that this was finally over.
Oh MC, cute and naïve MC, how bold of you to think that.
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“You had me running the whole day, what do you have to say about it?” You asked the puppy, who only barked in response. “Apology accepted."
“What about me?!” Grim yelled, impatiently tapping his manicured foot on the ground.
“Yeah, I accept your apology too," you scoffed, still caressing the now shiny fur of the dog.
“How dare you bath me without my consent?! That’s illegal!” He proclaimed.
“I didn’t want to say anything, but you were starting to smell just a little bit. So it’s a good thing Vil decided to give you a bath," he gasped, offended at the accusation, staying silent and pouting as a way to ignore you.
“Don’t be mad, we can still continue to watch movies on that old TV I foun- WAH!—” You had to pause, trying to register the pain on your shoulder after the puppy jumped off of it, leaving you dumbfounded.
“Again?!” Grim whined, paws covering his face in frustration.
“No time to complain Grim, we better chase after him."
You both crossed the mirror leading to the dorm of the Lord of the Underworld, spotting the pup in seconds, bee-lining towards its dorm leader, who had decided to pay you a visit after Ortho finally convinced him to go to your dorm.
“Idia! Catch him!” You screamed, and although the pup wasn’t very big, he had strength, making Idia fall back due to the impact and the surprise.
Idia was scared. He was on his phone, using it as a method to distract himself from the fact that he was indeed going to visit you, when he heard a yell. Feeling something colliding against his chest, he fell on the floor out of shock and bad reflexes. You had to quickly lift the dog, who was searching something on the bag that he was holding, realising later that it was because of the beef jerky he previously bought. He likes dogs, but this was certainly a point for him to like cats a bit more; he can’t stand dog people, but he guesses you can be the exception you're totally the exception.
You immediately lifted the puppy up, apologising to Idia for the troubles, helping him stand while you still held the animal.
Idia rebooted for a few seconds before noting that you were holding his hand, hair combusting into pink flames at the action, unconsciously pulling it back.
You bowed at him, saying that you were very sorry that this happened while Grim was cackling in the background, making the boy even more flustered.
He wondered if you would think of him as weak since he couldn’t even catch a dog, barely talking in order to not embarrass himself further.
You reassured him, explaining that this dog was very energetic, trying to make him feel better about himself.
It worked a bit, after he let out a frustrated sight, saying he was going back to his room, awkwardly waving you goodbye, wishing to scream onto a pillow out of frustation.
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“Did you see how he fell? I can’t believe he couldn’t catch a dog!” Grim was still cackling, making you huff in anger as you stared at him.
“I don’t find this funny, Grim," your cold tone made him have shivers down his spine, and he knew it was better to avoid your ire than fuelling it.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, can we finally go back to sleep now?” He asked, and you nodded, opening the door to get out of the Mirror Chamber.
You should have guessed it by now, but it seemed that the dog wanted to explore the last dorm, managing to wiggle out of your secure grasp to hop onto the Thorn Witch realm.
“Are you kidding me?” You stated, whining in exasperation as you started to walk towards the Diasomnia portal.
“Good luck on your own," said Grim, leaving the room, deciding that it was too much effort for zero results, leading you to chase after the puppy alone.
And now you’re starting to realise that that dog may be fearless because he wasn’t scared in the slightest of Diasomnia’s gloomy and dark ambience, making your work more difficult.
Though the one that made it easier was none other than the King of the Valley of Thorns himself, picking it up in curiosity as the people behind him were shocked by this.
Malleus was amused, and then enraged. He has seen plenty of dogs in his life but has never interacted with them; they were intimidated by his mysterious aura, running away in seconds, yet this one stayed, which made him more curious about it. He comes to know why is that when you come to pick him up, explaining that you were in charge of him for the day, or maybe for the rest of your life. Light thunders started to form, the reason behind being his jealousy. Why won’t you compliment him and caress him like that? Is it because he’s not a dog? He could turn himself into one if that meant having your love and affection, and no, he’s not joking.
Lilia is delighted by this! Who would have said that such an adorable dog would find his way into a villain’s school? He literally snatched it from your arms, intentionally ceasing the thunders since Malleus calmed down after this. He treats him like a baby, and he can’t help it, it’s just so cute! He wouldn’t even get the opportunity to be jealous, it’s more like he’s jealous he can’t have a pet. Don’t let Lilia even think about getting him a homemade snack, because he will be more than willing to give it to him, so make sure to grab him before he teleports to the kitchen.
Silver is happy about this. He can’t feel jealousy when the dog is the one reaching up to him; he’s an animal attractor, and the puppy wasn’t an exception, so you let him be when you noticed he wanted to be with the knight, cheerfully barking at him as a sign of appreciation. If Crowley lets you keep it (which he probably would since the probabilities of him taking care of him are low), you are sure you’re going to visit Diasomnia with him, that way you will have him and Malleus under control.
Sebek is jealous of the dog because it takes your and his lord Malleus attention, period. He doesn’t think this animal is worth of you nor Malleus, though he only interacted with him once and then moved onto Silver so he just looks at him in discontent until you let the dog be with the second year student, which he also doesn’t appreciate much but it’s better than having you fawn over such a weak creature, it’s definitely not because he wants your compliments, definitely not- In fact, how dare you even think something like that human? Don’t you know that-
You sighed when Malleus took hold of the little being, amazed and relieved it wasn’t scared of him, sharing a mutual curiosity.
The puppy went from Tsunotarou’s hands, to yours, Lilia’s and then finally setting on Silver’s, happily licking his face as an affective gesture.
You sighed, feet hurting because of all the exercise you did today, an idea forming in your exhausted mind.
“Tsunotarou, can I ask you a favour?”
MC, he would cover up a murder for you and then blame it on himself if you asked, so of course he can do you a favour.
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“Thank you, Tsunotarou," you said, breaking the hand holding, thankful for the teleport ride. “I would invite you for tea or something, but I’m kind of tired and I still have to watch over him."
Some grey clouds were starting to form, stopping abruptly at your next sentence.
“But you can come tomorrow, Riddle gave me a tea set and I’ve been meaning to use it."
His eyes widened at the invitation, lips forming a gentle smile. “I will be pleased to assist your tea party, Child of Man."
“Great!” You exclaimed, hearing a little yawn, coming from the tired puppy in your arms. “It seems like you've finally burnt out," you chuckled, waving your hand at the tall dragon fae as you closed the door. “Thanks again, please take care."
And with that, you finally closed it, making you sigh in relief at the end of the adventure, sitting on the sofa next to a sleeping Grim, silently laughing at the cute sight.
“Now that I think about it…” You looked at the puppy, who also looked at you, tilting his head. “You don’t have a name, do you?”
The only response you got was a little whimper.
“What do you think about ‘Goofy’? After all, you’re pretty goofy yourself, aren’t you?” You tickled his belly, and he let out a cute yawn, nuzzling into your lap. “Goofy it is."
Your eyes started to drop, also falling asleep with your cat companion and apparently new pet.
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clangenrising · 7 months
Month 10 - Leafbare
“Yarrowshade?” Nightfrost asked softly. Yarrowshade immediately lifted his head from where he had been sleeping, the two of them curled around to rest on each others’ flanks. 
“Yes?” he asked, ready to do whatever she wanted. The snow had prevented anyone from harvesting horsetail. A storm had rolled in again after Sagetooth had returned, delaying Branchbark’s expedition to try and find any. Luckily, today had lots of sun and no new snow, thawing the drifts enough that sometimes grass was visible between them again. Branchbark had left earlier that day to go looking. The others had agreed to handle the border patrols and Goldenstar was taking care of Barleypaw’s training for the time being, which he was grateful for. 
As much as he hated to think about it, everyone seemed to think that Nightfrost wasn’t long for the world and he wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. He wanted to believe she would get better but if she didn’t he couldn’t bear the thought of her being alone. 
Nightfrost smacked her lips a bit, wincing at the taste of her nap, and asked, “Are you also feeling really warm?” Her voice was faint and woozy which worried him. 
“No, I’m not,” he shook his head, “are you feeling really warm?” 
“Yeah,” she mumbled, laying her head back down on his side. 
“Maybe I should get Sagetooth,” he said, shifting to get up and she whimpered. 
“No, don’t,” she moaned. “Please stay.” 
Guilt weighing down his gut, Yarrowshade settled back down. “Okay, I’ll stay.” He sat there for a long moment, watched her shut her eyes and grimace in discomfort, and felt her heartbeat thumping quickly against him. Something was wrong. 
“Sagetooth!” he called, disliking the worry that wobbled in his voice. 
“What is it?” she asked, sounding cranky as ever. She limped around the corner of the burrow from where she had been resting in her nest. Like Nightfrost, her paws had been bound with cobwebs to keep them clean. 
“Nightfrost says she’s feeling very warm,” he said. 
“Fever,” she grunted, expression darkening. Carefully, she made her way over and sniffed at Nightfrost’s paws. She stepped back, nodding solemnly. “Definitely infected.” Nightfrost whimpered and shifted uncomfortably in the nest. Somewhere deeper in the den, Oddstripe coughed. Yarrowshade hated how much the situation reminded him of the time that cats were sick with the Red Gut plague.
“What can we do?” he asked.
“We can cool her down with snow,” Sagetooth shrugged. “I can give her some borage, maybe poppy seeds. Other than that… there’s not much to be done until Branchbark returns with the horsetail.” 
“Okay,” he nodded. “You get her some borage, I’ll grab some snow.” 
“Here,” she said, limping over to the herb stores. “Take a pumpkin leaf and fill it.” Very carefully, he pulled himself out from underneath Nightfrost and she whined again. 
“No, don’t go,” she pleaded. 
“I’ll be right back, my love,” he said, pressing a few licks to her forehead. Stars, she was burning up. He moved to join Sagetooth and take the pumpkin leaf she was offering. As he took it, he whispered, “How long does she have if he doesn’t show?” 
Sagetooth sighed. “Hours. You should prepare to surrender her to StarClan.” 
Yarrowshade’s stomach twisted sickly. He nodded and took the leaf outside to fill it with snow. His mind was far away and his eyes refused to focus. He felt like he was floating out of his body and out of time. 
You should prepare to surrender her to StarClan.
The word surrender made him feel ill. How could she ask that of him? He had only recently been able to call Nightfrost his and now he was being forced to let her go. He had never been one to give up. He had never been one to stop fighting. If there was something worth saving he would always fight for it until he couldn’t physically move. But this was an illness. What was there to do? He had no way to fight. 
He thought back to something he had told Goldenstar when Toadpaw had been taken. I’m just tired of losing cats and being powerless to stop it. 
Feeling that tiredness in a foggy haze around his mind, he bunched the leaf up in his teeth and brought the snow back into the den. Sagetooth showed him how to close the leaf shut with a bit of cobwebs and then handed him the borage and instructed him how to feed them to her. He did so then gently returned to the position they had been in before, curled close so he could feel her heart beating against him. He carefully placed the leaf of snow onto her forehead and she sighed in relief, the most beautiful noise he had ever heard. 
Please, StarClan, he begged wordlessly, let Branchbark return in time.
He let her rest. Words passed through his brain, a thousand different ways to start a conversation with her, but none of them felt important enough to disturb her. They would all be for his benefit and none of them would be as satisfying as he might hope. Eventually the snow melted and he very carefully groomed the water from her fur and tossed the leaf to the side. At one point he hummed a tune for her and she smiled. 
It was hard to tell how much time had passed. He started to doze unintentionally but was woken when she suddenly twisted and whimpered. 
“Nightfrost?” he asked. She was breathing hard and her heart was hammering against her ribs. 
“So cold,” she breathed, trying to pull him closer. He licked her fur the wrong way, trying to warm her up the only way he knew how. 
“It’ll be alright,” he said. “Branchbark should be here soon, just hold on.” 
Nightfrost whined and pressed herself close against his flank. “Yarrowshade?” she asked.
“Can you sing again?” 
“Of course, my love,” he said, starting humming the tune from before. He nuzzled close to her, tried to press his weight comfortingly against her. Her breath was shaky now, starting to falter. Her hammering heart beat began to slow. His whole chest tightened in anticipation. She could pull through this, he told himself, she was the strongest of all of them. 
She twitched sharply, eyes opening, and stared blankly at the ceiling. She twitched again. Her heart beat slowed to a crawl and faded. He held his breath, searching for it, for the sound of her breath rasping in her throat. She laid silent and still against his side. 
He choked down a sob. “Nightfrost?” he asked. Silence. He wasn’t brave enough to ask again. Closing his eyes, he pressed his chin against her, held her close. He didn’t cry very often but now the grief shook his whole chest and constricted his throat. Tears rolled down his nose and into her fur. Distantly, he registered Sagetooth peering around the corner of the den and was somewhat relieved when she disappeared again. He grit his teeth and wept. 
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That night, Branchbark returned with the horsetail.
UPDATES: - Nightfrost's frostbite becomes infected. She does not survive.
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anticidic · 15 days
Hi I really love your dazai shape-shifting cat and owner chuuya AU do u think u could give more headcanons I'm thinking about writing a fic like this and need a few more ideas it's also just a really cool idea if not that's fine no pressure and I hope you have a good day😁🩵
(Sry if that sounded weird or hard to read I'm really tired and bad at talking lol😅)
Hi there!! And you're all good, I understood :)
But YES! It's my time to shine and continue yapping about this idea because I think it's so cute and has so much potential, so here's some headcanons:
After Dazai learned of Chuuya's usual routine of going to work in the morning and coming home inthe evening about the same time every day, he started shifting back into his human form and just lazing around on the couch watching movies and raiding the pantry (Dazai even goes as far as to make emergency snack runs to replace Chuuya's food so it doesn't look suspicious)
Since Chuuya took Dazai in around November when it starts getting cold and winter frost starts happening, Dazai's favorite place to nap as a cat is curled up by the fireplace and on a cushion
Dazai likes to do the kneading thing that cats do with their paws, but he'll randomly do it to Chuuya's legs or sides while they're in bed
Speaking of paws, he likes filing his nails on Chuuya's couch like the little shit he is (and Chuuya's shooed him away so many times, and even picked Dazai up and talked sternly to Dazai)
Chuuya actually really loves spoiling Dazai, he felt so bad about the state Dazai was in as a stray — pretty thin, dull coat, dirty. And now Chuuya buys him nice toys, premium kitty food, (even has shared scraps of his own meals like pieces of fish or chicken shhh), bathes and brushes Dazai's fur regularly.
Chuuya tried the catnip thing but it didn't seem to work on Dazai. Or maybe it did. Dazai's already kinda rambunctious and likes running around.
Dazai actually gets disappointed whenever Chuuya has to go out for work or do things. It means less attention from his owner and being all alone.
But Dazai's also the clingy kind of cat where he loves his owner and will snuggle with Chuuya but he hisses at literally everyone else. He's had to be put in timeout in the bedroom once for acting out when Chuuya had a friend over.
Chuuya tried to put a little outfit on cat Dazai once and it didn't go very well because Dazai never stops squirming, but Chuuya DID manage to get a nice diamond—embroidered collar
Dazai's HIGHLY considered coincidentally bumping into Chuuya outside of their home in his human form just to see how Chuuya would feel about him
When Dazai's eventually caught sleeping as a human by Chuuya, it could either be by sheer accident like Chuuya happened to come home earlier than expected or Dazai felt comfortable enough to reveal himself
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oftenwantedafton · 3 months
Kismet - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 4
Word Count - 3k
Rating - Explicit
CW - sexual content
Also available on AO3
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Dave Miller is waiting for you in the campus parking lot outside of the building you’ve just had your anatomy exam inside.
You can see him leaning against the driver’s side door, his hands shoved into his pockets. Still dressed in his security guard uniform. It’s hot out. You squint against the glare of the sun as you exit, maneuvering your way down the handicapped ramp using the crutches he’d lent you earlier. They’re awkward, a little tricky to get used to, but they do help. Your ankle was actually a lot better today, but you’d also been resting it for awhile now, so you don’t want to push it and ruin the recovery process.
“How did it go?” He greets you when you reach his car.
You draw in a deep breath, then exhale. “I think I did okay. I hope. That was worth a quarter of my grade.”
”I’m sure you did well.” He opens the rear passenger door and you slide the crutches inside across the back seat, followed by your backpack. The vintage luxury sedan had a spacious interior, hailing from an era where things were built bigger, with the intention of showing off, ignoring things like fuel efficiency and compact sizing. Not what you would have envisioned him driving; it just didn’t suit his aesthetic. So at odds with the bike gear, with the sport motorcycle itself.
“So where do you want to go?” You’ve both settled inside the car. The vinyl seats are warm, clinging to the bare skin on the backs of your thighs. You’d worn denim shorts and a tank top today. You don’t know how the older man can stand being so covered up. Maybe something to do with those strange marks he has on him. You want to ask about them, the query nearly forcing its way past your lips on more than one occassion, but you’re still hesitant, uncertain if it was the right time to ask yet.
“You must be tired.” The smudges beneath his eyes still persist. You wonder when the last time he actually got some decent rest was.
“I took a cat nap while you were taking your test. I’m good for now.”
“Let’s go to your house.” You try to make it sound casual, surprising yourself when the words slip out. A little forward, inviting yourself over.
“My house?” A mixture of his own surprise laced with some amusement as well. “On a day like this I thought you’d want to be outdoors.”
“It’s too hot.”
“It’s summer in Utah. It’s always too hot,” he counters.
“Seriously, though. Where do you want to go?”
You pretend to reconsider, biting your bottom lip, eyes fixing upward. “Mmmm…your house.”
“Okay. If that’s what you really want.” He turns the key in the ignition and the engine roars to life. “Seatbelt on, please.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You drag the nylon strap across your chest, shoving the buckle into place. The material digs into your bare shoulder, pressing between your breasts.
“You’re back to work on Friday, right?” He pulls out of the parking lot, heading north out of the city proper. The opposite direction from where you reside.
“You think you’re going to be okay getting there?”
“I should be good.”
“Ill give you my number just in case. You should have it anyway.”
“Yeah, I should.” He glances over at you, smirking.
You fuss with the radio for a bit, rummaging with the cassette tapes stashed into the console. A lot of music from the eighties. Something else you don’t recognize shoved way in the back. A large plastic cartridge with a faded peeling label that’s water damaged, the paper wrinkled. “What’s this?”
“Eight track. A largely inferior way to listen to music.”
“So why do you keep it?”
“I had no idea that was there, to be honest.” The car rolls to a stop at the next intersection, the traffic light turning red. “Is this what you’re going to do at my house? Snoop through my things?”
“You said to get to know you. So, this is getting to know you.”
“Hmmm.” He doesn’t sound upset, exactly. Mulling the situation over, perhaps. Deciding what he was willing to reveal.
You toss the item back where you found it. “I know what you did.”
Dave’s eyes snap to your face. “What?”
“They got an anonymous donation of an AC unit at the shelter. That was you, wasn’t it?”
Something like relief washes over the guard’s features, the tense shoulders relaxing. “Oh. That. Yes, that was me. Couldn’t have the bun and the others suffering.”
“What did you think I meant?”
He shrugs. “Nothing. I don’t know.”
Another mystery for you to solve. You tentatively lift each leg off the seat. Sticking already. There was no air conditioning in his car. The windows were rolled down, but with the automobile at a standstill there was no air exchange.
“The downside to vinyl,” he murmurs, seeing your struggles. “There really isn’t an upside. In the winter it’s like sitting on ice.”
“You need a new car.”
“It serves its purpose.”
The light turns green and he shifts his foot from the brake to the gas pedal. At least it was an automatic. You didn’t even know how to drive a standard.
His right hand departs the steering wheel and finds its way to your knee once you’ve left the city behind.
Just a casual reach and drop, that long extremity having no trouble stretching until his fingers close over the bare joint, thumb tracing small circles.
Your body is already reacting. You squirm in your seat, shifting down a little, his hand easing further up with the movement. Now half on bare skin, half on the jean covering. Thumb now worrying at the frayed edges of the hole at the front. Tucking inside. Fingers pressing firmly along your inner thigh. You suck in a deep breath.
You can see the profile of a smile on his features. His eyes never leave the road as his hand meanders further along, stopping just shy of your crotch. Your heart is pounding. Waiting for him to touch the seam there, grind it against you clothed sex.
Instead his hand abandons you, reclaiming its position on the steering wheel and you look at him, mouth open in disbelief.
He shoots you a hurried glance. “What?”
“You know what.”
“There are a lot of turns coming up. I’ll need both hands. We’re almost there,” he adds.
You fold your arms. “Fine. Whatever.”
“Don’t pout.”
“Or what? What are you going to do about it?” Whatever retort he’s readied dies off when you reach over to exact revenge, digging your nails into his thigh. Raking along the inside. You have to lean, you don’t have the length that he does.
“You are…”
“I’m what? What am I?”
He brakes at a stop sign and thumbs the arm of the turn signal even though there are no other cars in sight. The neighborhood looks quiet, a good distance between the houses. Large yards. Lots of trees. Shade. Privacy.
“Unexpected.” He surprises you with how fast he moves, cupping the side of your face and kissing you. Your stomach somersaults, your core throbbing in response. “Addictive,” he adds, kissing you again before he returns his attention to driving.
Miller’s house is a three bedroom Garrison with an attached two car garage.
You’re in that garage now, gaining entry once he’d pushed the button on the remote slotted on the sun visor overhead. You see his bike parked inside and a lot of the typical clutter you’d expect. Workbenches. Tools. You’re trying to picture the guard working on a housing project, doing something mundane like mowing the lawn, an expansive front one that rests on an incline, the house set uphill and far back from the road. Finding it impossible to reconcile the image.
There are a few steps into the house. Dave unlocks the door and doesn’t hesitate to scoop you up in his arms again. You laugh, murmuring a little protest that you can manage the task but he persists. You’re carried into a living room and gently deposited onto the nearby couch. It’s dark inside the house. Cooler. A lot of trees surround the property. It’s a relief after the heat outdoors.
“Want something to drink?”
“Yes, that’d be great.” You adjust the pillow beside you, looking around the room while you wait. It’s very modern. Gray and black and white. No pops of color. No personality to reveal what the owner liked. Coffee table devoid of magazines. Bookshelves lacking literature or decor. No pictures on the walls. No plants. It looked like an artist’s unfinished sketch. Waiting to be filled in.
Dave returns with two glasses full of ice submerged in amber liquid. Tea, you realize, taking a sip. “Good,” you say, nodding. He sets a couple of beverage napkins down on the table. There’s already a copious amount of condensation on the side of the glass.
He sits down beside you with a sigh, toeing off his shoes. “You can take yours off if you want. I’m not fussed about where you leave them. And I’m sure you want a break from that bandage.”
You nod, setting your drink down to unlace your shoes, then removing the metal clasps that kept the elastic wrap in place, unwinding the clinging fabric. A little bit of an impression where it had been hugging your skin, but the joint was mostly free of the swelling and redness from before.
You lean back against the cushions, picking up your glass again as you settle back. “Your house is nice. I mean, judging from what I’ve seen of it so far. Empty, though.”
“It’s easier to maintain that way. I don’t need the clutter.” He takes a swallow of his drink. “I’ll give you a more extensive tour when you’ve fully recovered. Unless you want to be carried around,” he adds with a smirk.
“I’m not that crippled. I can limp around pretty well now,” you reply defensively. “What do you do when you’re not working? There’s a lot of stuff in the garage.”
He nods. “Yes. That. I like…building things. I was an engineer once.”
“Really?” You’re surprised. Something else you couldn’t picture him doing. “What do you construct?”
“Oh, this and that. I haven’t completed anything in awhile. I’ve been…occupied.”
“With what?” The cool liquid slips down your throat.
“Some pretty young college girl that came into my path one day.”
You blush at the compliment.
The dark haired man’s drink is already finished. He tucks his thumb and index finger inside of it, tipping it slightly to retrieve one of the melting ice cubes, popping it between his lips.
You can hear him rolling it around on his tongue. The soft click when it collides with his teeth. You can’t stop staring, hypnotized. He sets the glass on the table and rests an elbow on the back of the couch, the fist he makes supporting his head. Watching you. Waiting.
Your half finished drink is back on the table. Your mouth back on his. A little humming noise from him. Satisfaction. Your tongue spears his lips. Chilled from the ice. He offers the remainder to you. Pushing it inside your mouth. That wedge of networked muscles chasing back after it. Relinquishing it. Trading back and forth. You have possession of it now, letting it rest in the curve you create as you offer it back to him. His lips close over your tongue and suck, dragging it back into his own maw.
You’re both breathing heavily. That satisfied smirk is back on his lips again. He’s swallowed whatever remained of the ice, his Adam’s apple shifting with the movement. His eyes are solid black, the rings of gray completely obliterated by the overwhelming dilation of his pupils. There’s a pulse in your sex, beating to match your heart. Every time you’re with him, you find yourself forgetting more and more of the misgivings you’d had earlier. Smothered beneath this layer of desire.
“Ask me something.” His head is propped up on his fist again, back to the casual waiting that you know is a front.
“What’s under this?” You run your fingers over his shirt sleeve. You’re going to ask him now. “The marks. What are they?”
“You want to see them?”
A pause as he considers. Then that lean form lifts from the couch. Fingers working on the buttons sealing the sleeve cuffs and loosening the knot of his tie. Buckle of pants unfastened, making room at the waist to drag the shirt hem from where it’s tucked inside. The row of buttons down the center now released, pulling each arm out of the sleeves, letting the garment fall to the floor.
You stare at this display of undressing, watching raptly. Your eyes lock onto the scars on his forearms. A pair of rings almost like bracelets encircling his wrists. Circles dotted along each scarred bangle. Jagged lines streaking towards the elbows. Another bracelet ring. More streaks. The rest covered by the undershirt.
“What happened?” You lean forward for a better look, running your fingers lightly down his forearms.
“An accident at work years ago.”
“Yeah, but doing what?”
“A failure in one of the…construction projects.”
He’s still being evasive. “What kind of project?”
“A mechanical suit, of sorts.”
“Are there more scars?”
“A lot of them?”
“Yes. Do they bother you?”
You shake your head.
He sits back down and you take another sip of your drink. Dave lifts the glass from your fingers, draining the rest of it. Retrieving another ice cube. Outlining you bottom lip with it as if it was a tube of lipstick. The cold water leaks down your chin, your throat. He licks along that line, pushing you deeper into the cushions at the back of the couch. The fingers holding the ice disappear beneath the neckline of your top, letting it slide down your spine.
“Dave, fuck, that’s cold!” You try to reach the offending object, lifting the bottom of your shirt.
“You’re not, though,” he murmurs, one hand snaking behind to assist you. You can feel the ice drop onto the couch. He doesn’t remove his hand, instead pinching at the hook and eye closures of your brassiere to unfasten it. “You’re so, so hot.” Back at your front now. The ice cube somehow pinched between his fingers again. Slid along your abdomen, making you gasp. He shoves the front of your tank top up, moving the bra with it, exposing your breasts. Now circling your areola, your nipples instantly peaking.
“Dave…” It’s the only coherent word you can form. Your brain is short circuiting, the blood flow shunted elsewhere. There’s water from the melted ice cube all over your torso. Sliding down your ribs and pooling in your umbilicus. You absently try to reach him, any part near his groin you can locate, but he halts you, lapping at your ear before he whispers into it.
“Mmm-mmm. Ladies first.” The waist of your shorts is suddenly looser as he unfastens the button fly and pulls down the zipper. You’re trying to recall what underwear you’re wearing, hoping it’s something cute. You hadn’t really planned on this happening. Not this fast, anyway.
“One of the benefits of riding the bike,” he begins, leaning to retrieve another ice cube, “is that your fingers get a good work out using the brakes, clutch, throttle. A lot of strength built up. Power.” He’s beneath your panties now, his fingers dragging the dissolving frozen object over your clit.
Your spine jerks, your hips lifting up. Bringing him further down the length of your sex. You don’t even recognize the sounds escaping your lips. A calloused thumb circling your clit, middle and ring finger shoving at your entrance, the ice cube tucked firmly between the bridge of his palm. Another spasm. Your wrap your fingers around his forearm, nails digging into the skin. His digits reach so much further than your own. Stretching even more. He massages your g spot with the pads of his fingers. Planting little kisses on your jaw. Watching you with those dark, dark eyes as you writhe and grind against him. The last of the ice gone. The strong pair of fingers inserted into your canal working in earnest, your pussy making obscene noises as it greedily sucks him deeper.
“Is it good?” He knows the answer, of course. He can’t possibly not, with the way your body is responding, the sounds that you’re making, the frantic touches of your hands, your mouth.
“Yes,” you manage to gasp.
“You like my fingers inside this hot cunt of yours?”
“Dave…fuck, yes.”
“Are you going to cum for me like a good girl?”
A whimper. It’s all you can muster. You feel his smile against your neck as his thrusting fingers increase their pace, your unhooded bud flicked mercilessly. Your free hand digs into the pillow now resting against your thigh. It’s so overwhelmingly hot. You’re on fire. Sweating. Spots in front of your eyes, like when you’ve been out in the sun and go indoors, your vision trying to adjust. But it’s all from the man touching you. Burning you. A final searing kiss and touch and you’re there, moaning into his mouth.
His hand remains buried in your sex, resting now, cupping the natural curve, fingers motionless, feeling your walls contract around him, the lingering aftershocks of your orgasm still coursing through you. Softer kisses. Letting you drag air into your lungs in between them. Eventually removing his hand from your panties and you struggle to sit upright.
“That was…um…Jesus, Dave.” He’s got the fingers that invaded you in his mouth now, slowly sucking them clean.
“Delicious.” He grins at you. “Good?”
“Yeah, good. More than good.” You’re still coming down off your high, trying to collect your thoughts. You can still feel the nerves firing in your pussy, in your thighs.
“You want another drink?”
“I don’t know how much ice is left. I’ll have to refill the tray.” He winks at you and you shove at his arm. Your touch gentling, stroking down the length. Sated and yet you still want more of him. “I like having you here,” he says quietly, sensing the shift in mood.
“I like being here.” You kiss him.
He moves as if to stand but you tighten your grip on his arm. “The drinks…”
“Can wait.”
A soft smile before he’s back at your mouth again.
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
If you had to choose between...
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Which would it be?
tw: kidnapping, emotional manipulation (kinda), general madness
In case you´re worried about any drawbacks when it comes to the extend of madness, worry not. For both are as bonkers (about you) as they come, each in their own unique way.
Had a bad day? Say no more - Momma(s) will be there to cheer you up. Strong arms coming to wrap around you, scooping you up, squeezing just a tad bit too tight and cooing at you oh so sweetly as you whine and lament, because-
...Not her fault you´re such a delicate little thing.
(She wouldn´t have it any other way.)
...What was that?
Some random fool is responsible for putting her sweet girl in such a sour mood?
Well, consider it done.
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*Human!Momma sharpening the soon to be murder weapon.*
(And yes, she will be wearing those glasses later, too. Momma wants to witness every little twitch, after all.)
How about something not quite as extreme, though? Some everyday stuff? Something sane? Surely things aren´t gonna escalate this time. Right?
Something on your way to that hellhole the apartment spiked your interest, and you mentioned it kinda off-handed. Just trying to make pleasant conversation. Yknow, normal things.
Waking up from a rather refreshing nap, you did not expect to be met with not just one (1) redhead, but two (2) - your roommate wearing a grin rivaling Cheshire's, while the much smaller version, clutched tightly by big hands, trembled like a leaf. The poor thing-
Come to think of it, the kid seemed familiar. And not just because she was the spitting image of your fiery roommate (minus the blood and guts, if we´re dealing with Maggot Momma). You swear you´d seen her before-
Watching your companion's face fall as you patiently explained to her why kidnapping someone wasn't exactly in either of your best interests shouldn't have been nearly as gut-wrenching.
"-you can´t just go out there and snatch someone up like they´re a stray cat! Especially not a child!"
Oh...so it´s her fault, now?
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"You were the one gushing about my mini-me earlier!", Momma no longer understood the world. This was what you wanted, wasn´t it?? "You looked so happy, imagining what it would be like..."
Strong hands wrapped around your upper arms then, slowly stroking up and down. "Don´t you think this would be absolutely perfect? You were right...look at her, she was meant for us!"
Oh boy. Here we go again.
"What if her parents come looking for her? Someone will notice if she won't show up at school anymore-"
"We're her parents now", said with a most serene look. If you hadn't been living with that exact attitude for well over a year now, you'd have felt chilled to the bone.
"You can´t just-", you stop yourself there, realizing you sounded like a broken record by now. This was not a battle won by logic.
Deep breaths.
"...She´s not the one." you concluded, trying your best to look the part. It was something that came rather easy to you by now, as you had been given plenty of opportunities to master your poker face.
Your roommate was looking at you like you were the one who´s lost it.
"But...earlier you said-"
"I lied", you silently applauded yourself for remaining steadfest at the sheer disappointment slowly spreading across your partner´s face.
You didn´t particularly enjoy being the "party pooper", but more often than not, you felt like this was the only thing keeping the redhead´s tendencies somewhat in check. So you took that role very seriously.
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"I guess I was just...blinded by this idea of another you, so perfect. How could it not be when you´re so...you?", you couldn´t have sounded more sappy, and you knew it. But that was the point.
It always worked.
So you continue, tears starting to form in your eyes-
"I´m sorry for getting your hopes up...so stupid! I should´ve known better - I was looking for an excuse to justify making her ours, but I knew she wasn´t the one, all along. I could feel it!", you started lightly hitting your head then, turning things up a notch and adding to the dramatics of it all.
And then-
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You had her.
"Stop, stop...stop!", your hands were grasped, preventing you from further doing your head in. Good. That shit started to actually hurt. "Stop hurting yourself...and stop worrying that pretty head of yours. I understand."
"...You do?"
You were pulled into a smothering hug, her cheek coming to rest on your head, swaying the two of you slowly from side to side. "I know what it feels like...to be overcome by your thoughts and feelings. Like a deep-rooted instinct, overshadowing everything else. You get this tunnel vision where nothing else matters...nothing except yourself and that moment. I know it because...it´s what I feel every time I look at you."
And, just like that, you were reminded why you put up with all of this in the first place.
You reciprocated the hug just as fiercely, finally allowing yourself to relax, now that the crisis had been averted. Nobody was dying or getting dismembered, the apartment was still standing, you had no authorities nearly kicking your door in, demanding you to-
"LAPD, open this door!"
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Momma, reconsidering some of her life choices (she´s really not) as you throw her a look that clearly says "Told you so".
What do you think? Who will be your unhinged partner in crime, now and forever more because you belong together, were meant for each other-
Make your choice.
In fact-
Can´t wait to see those results...
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feelbokkie · 10 months
Ephemeral Love | Chapter 10
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pairing: Seungmin x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, university au, right person wrong time, minor character death
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, fluff, gets slightly heated towards the end but it is pg 13
summary: Does love last forever, or is it fleeting? For university juniors Kim Seungmin and Seo Y/n, it's love at first sight but sometimes you meet your soulmate at the wrong time.
word count: 2,167 (unedited)
screenshot count: 22
a/n: halfway point which means things are about to start getting serious... also, i think i got carried away with this chapter, sorry
previous | masterlist | next
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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You lay peacefully on Seungmin, resting. Your torso slotted between his legs, your head flat on his chest, his hand drawing small shapes on your back. You can hear his heartbeat swiftly. Still, it’s calmer than when you first laid on him earlier, it sounded like he had a jack hammer in his chest.
You finished your paper within the first hour of you being at Seungmin's apartment. The melona he gave you being an excellent motivator to get you to finish. Afterwords, you helped Seungmin cook dinner, which he insisted on doing instead of ordering in like he suggested earlier. And by help, he had you cut vegetables and then read his textbook to him as you sat on the counter top and he finished cooking. You two ate while watching the show you were in the middle of the last time you were over. Afterwords, the two of you retreated to the couch where you took a nap on Seungmin's chest as he finished his reading.
"Min?" You ask when you woke up. You weren't sure if he is still awake. His hand is still moving on your back but he's been still.
"Oh, you're awake?" He asks softly.
"Yeah, I was just thinking."
"While you were sleeping?"
"I guess,"
"What were you thinking about?" He hums. You feel it in his chest. It's almost like feeling 2 cats purring.
"Why do you want to become a lawyer."
"You were thinking about why I'm studying law?" He chuckles.
"No, I-- just answer the question." You softly hit his chest.
"It's always fascinated me. One time when I was little, my dad took me to work with him and I thought it was amazing that he was getting paid to argue with people. Seemed fun." You can hear the fondness in his voice as he talks about his father.
"But you're doing it because you want to?"
"I don't do things I don't like or don't want to." He says simply.
“Why’d you ask about why I wanted to become a lawyer?”
“Something my brother said to me earlier. He thinks I want to become a doctor to stay in our dad’s good graces.”
“Are you?”
“Yes and no,” Seungmin taps your back, signaling for you to sit up. You quickly get up and bring your knees to your chest, resting your head on top of them, facing Seungmin.
“What do you mean by yes and no?”
“I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. I saw some show that I’ll never know the name of because I never checked but it made medicine look interesting so, I decided to become a doctor. I just didn’t know what I wanted to specialize in until my dad had his first heart attack. It was not too long after Changbin told our dad he wasn’t going to go to university and that he was moving to Seoul to become a tattoo artist. I’m not saying my brother gave our dad a heart attack, that man eats so much red meat and smokes habitually—I’m surprised he lasted that long before that moment. But it was a minor attack and so were the other 3 he’s had since. I figured that if I went into cardiothoracic surgery, and my dad could wait that long, I could help him prolong his life long enough for him and Bin to make amends and for our family to be whole again.” You sigh. You didn’t mean to ramble, but something about being with Seungmin made you feel safe enough to do that.
“You’re trying to literally mend broken hearts.” Seungmin says in awe.
“I guess. I know my dad is devastated about how things with Changbin went, even though he’ll never admit it. That’s his only son and even though they’ve been at odds my whole life, I know those stubborn idiots care for each other. Our dad told us not to tell Changbin about the heart attacks. Saying that 'if he cared he would have never left in the first place.' But I know it’s because he worries about him.” You've never told anyone about any of this, not even your sister.
You haven't even told her that your dad has sent you extra money for your monthly allowance and once you did the math you realized that he was sending money for Changbin too knowing that you would figure it out. You've been pulling it out and sneaking it into his wallet or random jean pockets for years now knowing that he wouldn't take if if he knew it was from your dad.
“Is that why you’re at JYPU?”
“It’s the closest university to where my brother lives. I had to lie to my dad and tell him I got rejected from all the top universities so he would let me go. Convincing him to let me live with Changbin was easy after that. I just want everything to go back to normal.” You squeeze your knees tighter to your chest.
“Hm?” You hum.
“I’m in awe of you,”
"I--What? So suddenly?" You laugh.
"No, I've thought it for a while. You're smart, like really smart, and when In asked me to tutor you I thought you were going to be a pain in my ass. But you're like the opposite?"
"I'm a relief in your ass?" You giggle.
"Nevermind, I take it back." His face quickly gets red at the realization of what he said.
"I'm sorry, go back to what you were saying."
"I'm good,"
"Seungmin," You whine.
"It's nothing, I was just going to say you aren't how I thought you were going to be. And the fact that you could be at any university you want and you gave that up to try to fix your family. I don't think that many people would do that."
"I'm a certified genius. It wouldn't have mattered much where I went to school for my undergraduate degree anyway, all people mostly care about is what medical school you go to. So, I have only this year and next year to fix everything." You say the last part to yourself. In retrospect, it's not a lot of time to fix years of fighting, but you're stubborn like your brother and father.
The two of you sit silently for a moment, staring at each other. Seungmin rests his head in his hand as he stares at you. He has a soft smile and a twinkle in his eyes. You've seen that look on him before. He had it once when he was watching a baseball game. Only for the first half ot the game though, his team started losing after that.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You giggle, sitting up straight and stretching out your legs.
"I'm thinking," He says sheepishly.
"About?" You quirk your eyebrow at him.
"It's not really appropriate, i think."
"Kim Seungmin, are you having pervy thoughts?" You tease.
"No! No, quite the opposite actually." His ears turn bright red.
"Oh?" You turn your body towards him, fully intrigued about what could be going on in his head.
"I was...thinking about kissing you." He says innocently. Your eyes glance at his lips quickly. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you haven't thought about the same thing for week now. Your heart leaps at the idea of him thinking the same thing.
"Then do it," Your boldness surprises you. You've never been so direct or commanding about anything and if anyone checked your heart rate right now, they'd think your heart was about to give out with how hard it's pounding.
"I'm afraid," He whispers, sitting up straighter.
"Of what?"
"That once I start, I might not be able to stop."
"Would that be so bad?" You throw back his words from earlier at him.
Seungmin slowly closes the small gap between the two of you. You squeeze your hands tight, scared that if you move he'll back off. You're not sure why the idea of kissing him is making you so nervous. You've been sleeping next to him for a while now and you were just laying on top of him not that long ago. You swallow the lump in your throat as Seungmin's eyes flick down to your lips. He places his index finger under your chin and tilts you head up slightly towards him.
He gently places his lips on yours, almost like he's afraid you'd disappear if he presses his lips deeper into yours. Your eyes flutter close, letting out a breathe you weren't aware you were holding. It's a simple kiss, he doesn't part his mouth or swipe your bottom lip with his tongue trying go further. It's so simple and yet, it still sends shock waves through your body. You can't help but melt into the kiss, your hand finding it's way onto Seungmin's chest and slightly gripping his shirt. After a few seconds he pulls away, looking at your lips before slowly looking into his eyes. He has a look you've never seens in his eyes before, almost like desperation.
Before you could say anything, Seungmin is gently laying your back on the couch. His hands are on either sides of your head, caging you in as he leans in again. His lips find yours again, this time desperately. Like he knows what he wants and he's afraid you're going to disappear. You're not sure if it's the combination of his velvety soft lips on yours, his cologne, and his body heat overwhelming you, but you're starting to feel light headed. You slightly part your lips to breathe and Seungmin takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Your left hand hands Seungmin's chest again, griping his shirt tighter than before.
Seungmin separates from you again, and rests his forehead on yours. You're sure that kissing Seungmin cut off all oxygen from going to your brain. For the first time in your life, you don't have a single thought going through your head.
"Y/n," He says breathlessly. The kiss seems to have done damage to him too.
"Hm," You hum.
"I'm not trying to sleep with you right now." He whispers.
"Oh?" Your brain still hasn't recovered, you can't even think of a proper sentence right now.
"I just really, really like you. Fuck, I might even be in love with you. I just...I just need you." His right hand lands on your face, his thumb gently caressing your cheek.
"You need me?" You question. His words aren't entirely making sense, but you're blaming that on him kissing you and making you dizy.
"Not like that. Okay, maybe a little like that but more than that too. I like going to sleep next to you and waking up next to you and just doing mundane shit with you like brushing our teeth. And studying. And I go to sleep really early but I like staying late to talk to you. And your voice is like music to my ears, even that weird giggle you do. And I'm glad you're fighting with your roommate because that means I get to see you more often, and I know that sounds selfish, and that's entirely your fault. You make me do stupid shit like running to the store and buying one of every box of melona. And if I keep doing all of that as a friend without having all of you, I think I might actually die. Especially after kissing you because I don't think I can back to how we were now that I know how your lips feel against yours--"
"I'm literally using every fiber in my being to stop myself from kissing you again because I don't want you to get the wrong idea. But I want you to be my girlfriend, actually I need you to be my girlfriend but if I keep kissing you I feel like you're going to think I'm just trying to sleep with you--"
"Okay, I'll be your girlfriend."
"You will?"
"Yes. I really, really, really like you too and if you've noticed, I didn't exactly push you away either of the times that you kissed me. Actually, I told you to do it. Which is so unlike me. You make me do dumb shit too. I hope you're happy, you've reduced me to an idiot. And I hope you know that I haven't been coming here just because my roommate is an ass. I also don't do things I don't want to or don't like."
"I...so...you... Sorry, I think my brain is short circuiting."
"Kissing me might help that." You suggests.
"Is that right?" He laughs, his breathe tickling your face.
"Trust me, I'm a pre-med student."
"Well, shit, who am I to go against my doctor-girlfriend's orders."
"Hurry up, the situation is quite dire, I fear." You grip Seungmin's shirt again and pull him down closer to you.
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Buy me a coffee?
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Hi this is my first time here, I want ask what would a tfa transmutate be like?
I would like to think that TFA Transmutate's backstory is connected to Sari. After finding out that she's techno organic and actually a cybertronian, she feels lonely. Yes, she has her friends and her dad but she's still different from them. Sari wishes there was some place she'd belong and someone she could relate to. That's when she learns of an experiment her father is working on. A techno organic mass, a new element that he's made but hasn't quite managed to stabilize. Thinking that maybe she can both help her dad and create someone like herself, Sari uses her key on the experiment, thus creating Transmutate.
Because of the unstable nature of the techno organic mass, Transmutate comes out wrong, her appearance deformed and unable to fully grasp certain concepts. But she also has incredible powers, such as shapeshifting, a sonic scream and immense strength.
Sari took Transmutate under her wing, declaring her to be her 'little sister' and that it was her job to teach her everything she needed to know. Desperate to experience something normal and finally have a familial bond beyond her father, Sari promptly brought Transmutate with her to a bunch of different places where they could have do some 'sisterly bonding'. They go to the park, the mall, the zoo and even the beach. Sadly, due to Transmutate's ignorance and powers, they cause minor chaos and destruction wherever they go.
Despite all of the problems, they still end up having fun and bonding with each other. Transmutate follows Sari around and listens to every word she says, slowly adopting her speech pattern and body language. She looks up to Sari and more than anything else, wants to make her proud.
Sadly, despite initially seeming fine, Transmutate's powers slowly starts going out of control. Her frame starts to transform into something more monstrous and she accidentally start to destroy her surroundings which puts people at risk and her frame shows no sign of stopping. Team Prime and professor Sumdac tries to come up with a way to get the situation under control with eventually the possibility of getting rid of Transmutate coming up but Sari won't refuses to let that happen. Taking Transmutate with her, they run away.
Sari is distressed because there's nothing she can do to help Transmutate and she feels guilty for creating her when she knew she mass she was made of was unstable.
Soon the two of them are found by the decepticons that have learned of Transmutate and wants to use her as a weapon. They try to escape but when Sari gets hurt and is knocked unconscious, Transmutate flips out, believing her sister to be dead. Her frame mutates and grows out of control, turning her into a giant monster that starts destroying everything around her.
Team Prime arrives with a device made to deactivate Transmutate and a fight ensues where Transmutate quickly gains the upper hand.
As all hope seems lost, Sari regains consciousness and with the help of Soundwave (who is working with the decepticons) manages to amplify her voice so that Transmutate can hear her. Calming down, Transmutate approaches Sari but is then suddenly struck by the device made to stop her, used by the decepticons since they realized they can't control her.
Transmutate collapses and her frame starts to rapidly break apart. Sari rushes to her and starts to desperately apologize while at the same time begging Ratchet to save her sister but there's nothing he can do for her.
Transmutate, unable to understand what is going on, asks what is happening. Sari realizes that she has to stay strong and tells Transmutate that she's simply going to take a nap, just like what they saw a cat do earlier that day. Happy with this explanation, Transmutate asks if they can visit the beach again when she wakes up, proclaiming that she really liked it. Sari promises to take her there and with a smile on her face, Transmutate passes away. Her body turns into dust, save for a small chunk of metal shaped like a heart.
Later, Sari goes to the beach, holding the metal heart in her hands, keeping her promise to her sister.
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ckmstudies · 11 months
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July 18th:
The final day! I'll take my first ever CPA exam tomorrow morning at 9 am. I'll get my score back on this exam around August 8th but will begin studying for the next exam next Monday. I've spent today reviewing the simulated exam I took yesterday and then specific topics that needed just a bit more focus. I tried to center today on a bit of review and then also relaxing and enjoying my day. I'm not going to magically learn some giant topic the night before so just hitting the high points and keeping calm is the best thing I can do for me. And also going to bed early which is why this post is so much earlier than my normal posts haha. But after this exam I'm headed to the beach for the weekend with my best friend so there won't be daily(ish) posts while I'm gone. I will be bringing my textbook for my next exam and some reading books so I hope to have some studious beach pics to post when I get back. But first, taking the four hour long Audit portion of the CPA exam! Wish me luck!
Today's accounting topic: Stratified sampling is a technique of breaking the population down into subpopulations and applying different sample selection methods to the subpopulations. Stratified sampling is used to minimize the effects of variance within the overall populations. As variances increases, so does the required size of the sample (because of the extreme values). Stratification reduces this effect and generally results in a smaller sample size.
Other activity: I wen to the gym this morning, took my dog on two walks, took a nap with my cat (she was actually being sweet for once!), straightened my hair (look good feel good mentality; hoping for some extra confidence haha), did some deep cleaning, and watched some tv with my parents!
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terramous · 2 months
be as you’ve always been
title: hozier - be word count: 1.1k ship: sero hanta/iida tenya tw: blood AO3
“Have you learnt your lesson?” Sero asked, crossing his arms and looking down at his boyfriend. 
Iida was in Recovery Girl’s office, sitting in one of the empty cots with a bloodied tissue pressed to his nose. His glasses were on top of his head and he looked back at Sero with glossy eyes. 
“No,” he mumbled into the tissue. 
Sero’s lunchtime detention had been cut short due to a fight in the cafeteria getting out of hand and requiring Aizawa’s steely and quirk-erasing gaze. The last thing he had expected after Aizawa had dismissed them was to be told to find his boyfriend at Recovery Girl’s office.
As it turns out, there are members of the second year general course that could throw a good punch. 
Iida was built like a brick house and was class representative so he was used to intervening with fights that broke out, but it was clear that their first year hero course was a lot more likely to listen to him and the second year general students were more inclined to strike him down. 
As Sero had heard from Midoriya’s anxious babbling, Iida had stepped in between the general student and a second year hero student to diffuse the situation and ended up with a right hook to his jaw and a firm shove into a pillar that cracked under the force of Iida’s head connecting with it. 
Recovery Girl had been kind enough to run him through the injuries healed and the remaining few. Count on Iida to have managed to get himself a broken jaw within fifteen minutes of being separated from Sero. Luckily, Recovery Girl had managed to heal that, leaving him with just a concussion and a bloody nose.
“What possessed you to stick your nose in second year bullshit?” 
“I-” Iida pulled the tissue away from his face but his voice still came out nasally and weird. “I didn’t want anyone to fight.”
“Well that worked out in your favour,” Sero snickered. It was easy to tease his boyfriend in situations like this, like they were just friends, they didn’t need to hide that part of their relationship. 
“I know,” Iida groaned, pressing the tissue back to his nose, wiping away the blood that had continued running in its absence. “I didn’t think I’d be subjected to such violence.”
“They’re second years,” Sero said. “They’re bloodthirsty.” 
“It was a rage I thought only wild animals were capable of.” 
Sero cooed, “my gentle prince.”
Iida didn’t reply but he looked down as if the linoleum were the most interesting thing in the world and his ears burned red. 
“Shall we get you back to the dorms so you can rest?” Sero asked.
“Please,” Iida said. “I need a nap.” 
That was enough of a shift from Iida’s usual attitude that really displayed how this concussion was hitting him. Iida usually despised naps, vowing that they were a waste of time and just left him more tired than he was before. Sero, however, was a connoisseur of the cat nap, often stringing himself across Iida’s lap and dozing off, forcing his boyfriend to sit on his bed and be careful not to disturb him. 
Sero took one of Iida’s hands in his own and pulled his boyfriend to his feet, bringing his other hand up to grip Iida’s elbow, holding him steady. Iida reached up his free hand to push his glasses back onto his nose and blinked at Sero with clarity. 
“Aren’t you meant to be in detention?” he asked softly. 
“Yes but I was dismissed to pick you up before you start to annoy Recovery Girl.”
“I’m not annoying.”
Sero raised himself to stand on his toes just to lean in and press a kiss to Iida’s temple. “You might be, but I love you.”
Sero stirred to the sensation of something poking into his back. 
“Mn,” he groaned. 
“Hanta,” Iida’s soft voice was strained as he spoke. 
Sero’s ears perked up at the use of his given name, also at the fact that Iida’s voice wasn’t slurred or heavy with sleep. He rolled over until he was facing Iida, the two of them having gone to bed earlier than their classmates, Iida needing the rest and Sero needing to rouse him every few hours to check on the state of Iida’s concussion. 
Now that he was facing Iida he could see blue eyes shining in the darkness, illuminated only by the moonlight flooding into Iida’s room. The dim light also caught the tears on Iida’s cheek and nose, glittering like stars in the shadow. 
Sero was notably more awake now. “Tenya? What’s wrong?” 
“Hurts,” was the only thing Iida was able to say in response. 
“Your head?” Sero asked. 
Iida nodded, the movement was slight but he still cringed at the force of it, more tears flowing free. Who knew how long he had been silently crying in the dark while Sero slept? 
“When’s the last time you had some ibuprofen?” 
“Last time you gave it to me,” Iida said. 
Quickly, Sero cast a glance over his shoulder at the clock on Iida’s nightstand, 3:22am. It had been over six hours since Iida’s last dose. 
“You can have more,” he explained softly. “Do you want me to get it for you?” 
“Of course, darling,” Sero said, sitting up. He made quick work of rifling through Iida’s drawer in the dark until he found the box. Popping two out of the blister pack and into the palm of his hand, the other one reaching for the glass of water on Iida’s nightstand. 
Iida also sat up, bringing his knees up to his chin as the two of them tried to fit in the bed. Spooning was one thing but both sitting was more of a feat of careful artistry. 
“Here,” he said, gesturing towards Iida with his hand that held the pills. 
Iida reached out with a palm to the sky. Sero tipped the pills into his hand and pressed the water into his other. 
Tossing the pills back, Iida took a sip of the water and swallowed purposefully, cringing a little. 
“Hopefully they’ll kick in soon and you’ll feel better,” Sero said. 
“My head feels like it’s splitting in two,” Iida confessed, his voice barely a whisper. 
Sero reached out and looped an arm around Iida’s neck, pulling him until his head rested on Sero’s collar. He brought up a hand to run through Iida’s hair, massaging his scalp as he went. “I’m sorry I can’t do much to help.”
“You’re here,” Iida whispered. 
“I’m here,” Sero confirmed. “Always.”
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JJ Maybank// Healing Takes Time Pt.2
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JJ Maybank X Jade (Booker) Routledge
Plot: When Jade is all alone at the chateau falling asleep on the hottest night of the year she hears a loud noise that makes her skin crawl. She discovers JJ on the sofa after what seems like a run-in with the kooks again. With some reluctance he allows his best friend's Twin to patch him up. Falling apart in her clutch that night she discovers that the clash he experienced earlier was something deeper than just some lousy rich boy. He returns to her every time it occurs, he never talks and always leaves before Jade stirs away. That is until one day he does.
Word Count: 4.7k+
Disclaimer: Brother's bestfriend, slow burn, talks of domestic abuse, and mentions of underage drinking. minor writing errors even though this is edited.
{Part One}
The excruciating heat from the summer sun had made sleep too uncomfortable to keep. Sweat began to latch onto every inch of my body like a second skin. I felt drowsy as my mind began pulling to the front again.
The empty space beside me still radiated warmth from the boy who occupied it last night. A strange feeling of lost overwhelmed me at the knowledge of JJ escaping while I was unconscious. But there also was a foreign and very pleasant emotion starting to plant its-self.
What the fuck is happening to me?
With a cat nap stretch I grasps the most ancient iPhone I've laid eyes on, but it was $500 dollars cheaper than a brand new one, I shouldn't be complaining. Three hours before my shift at the Pelican Yacht Club and another hour ahead of my alarm. Unfortunately there's no chance of me passing out again with the temperatures so high today.
With a heavy heart I scoured the house just incase JJ decided to relocate himself. Every room was completely vacant and there was no sign of life anywhere. John B still appeared to on hiatus and the concern began fluttering. That kid better have the decency to send me a text soon.
After a hot shower I still felt mentally exhausted from the night I had with JJ. It shattered my heart to see him that vulnerable, that broken. I want that prick to drown himself six-hundred feet under the sea. Jay wasn't anything close to perfect but he definitely didn't deserve to be beaten by the one person who was suppose to protect him.
I hoped that blonde boy didn't escape back home to that sorry excuse of a man he was forced to call dad. My throat tightened and it was hard to contain the burning tears.
I took my time preparing myself. I wasn't a fan of your every day kook but with the pay my promotion brought just about made up for it.
Capturing my Jeep keys, I made my way out of the Chateau and through the porch. The yard was Pogue-less and the Twinkie was not in her original spot. Where the hell was my brother? Although my day would go a lot more seamless if I knew where he was. I'm still passive-aggressive towards him for leaving me in that damned place alone.
With the spare time and extra cash I had I was able to grab a bite to eat and hit up the gas station. I really needed to get mobile minutes and fill up the Jeep for the rest of the week.
I was relived to be sitting at the reception desk in the cool air conditioned building. Watching a few others from the cut maintaining and fuel up various boats out on the docks. A job I had last year and frankly didn't miss for a single second. Taking this job serious was the best decision I've made in my entire life.
Through the glass door I could see a familiar SUV pulling up front. I spotted Kiara, another friend of my twin brother. She rounded the rear and started for the front doors. I consider Kie a friend of mine as well, she often pulled me along with them. Always mentioning how nice it was to have another girl around to balance out that intoxication masculine energy.
"Good evening, Miss Carrera. Is there anything I help you with today?" I announced in my service voice once she walked through the doors. She flashed me a mischievous grin and I swore I could giggle at the sight.
Kiara wore a vibrant and suitable outfit for the hot weather. She always had such a fun style making me yearn for a body I didn't have. I loved my curves but the hope for Kiara donating to my empty closet was almost comparable. It was hard to find cute discounted or thrifted clothing in my size.
"Yes, Miss Routledge I need the Carrera's Princess y72 fueled and prepped for an evening trip to the mainland." She held an elegant tone and straighten her posture as she addressed me.
I forced a laugh down and continued to play along with our ruse. "Not a problem, It'll be ready for 3:00pm. How does that sound?"
"That simply will not do." She shook her head and both of her front braids followed. "Did you not hear me? I said evening trip." I almost chocked sensing how much she struggled to keep the kook behavior.
"My apologies Miss Carrera. How does 5:00pm sound instead." I offered,
"Yes, why couldn't you just get it right the first time?" she pawed the air in displeasure.
It took two seconds before we fell into a fit of laughter so hard it began to hurt. Her dark skin starting to turn pink as she gasped for air and it only made me laugh harder.
The clearing of ones voice had me swallowing down the ounce of happiness I had today. Fear washed over me as I spotted my boss Pike, standing a few feet away. Arms crossed over his lean chest as he analyzed the scene before him.
"Sorry, sir." I croaked.
He approached the reception desk and leaned his body weight against it. With firm green eyes he stared me down. At the tense anticipation I prepared myself for a scolding. A small one, but a scolding nonetheless.
Glancing at Kiara I could have sworn her eyes almost rolled out of their sockets. I opened my mouth to investigate my punishment but nothing came out.
"Loosen up kid." He breaks into humorous smile. "You dedicated so much to this company and as long as you're doing your job I don't care who comes to visit you during your shift." He shrugs nonchalantly.
The sword above my head vanished into thin air and my lungs began filling back up with oxygen again. "You have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that. I was worried you were fed up with me." I say with a smile of appreciation.
"I could never be, just keep up the good work." He replies with a wink and a too friendly smile as he began retreating.
"As always." I speak over my shoulder watching his tall frame disappear behind the pristine blue wall. My presentable mannerism fleeting my being once my attention clung onto Kiara again.
"Now what were you going to ask me before you almost got me fired." I sassed and gave her a lighthearted glare.
She scoffs dramatically and says "If anything I pushed you closer to the manager position. Pike really seems to be impressed with your work ethic." Kiara's face softened and I couldn't help the proud smile spreading onto my lips at the adoration swirling in her brown eyes.
"Maybe," I shrug. "But it's a tinsey bit fetched considering I'm part-time for ten months out of the year." I say knowing this might be it for me.
"You'll get there, I promise." She says it like she too understood the hardships of living on the cut. As if she had to take bread from the clearance shelf and store it in the freezer. Or fill five dollar condition half way when it was a quarter way empty.
I could taste the bitterness trying to over take this tender moment I was sharing with Kie. I despised myself for every comparing my life against hers. Sure it was unfortunate I born into poverty, but it wasn't her fault she had all these advantages in life.
"I'll hold you to it." I tease lassoing back that buoyant atmosphere we held minutes ago.
"Good." She nods. Her heart is too big for this world.
"Now when do you get off work?" She asks innocently twirling one of her braids with her finger, "I think Seven, why? What do you have planned for tonight?" I asked cautiously. Last time she asked me this I got alcohol poisoning from a 'little' kegger as she put it. Those few days I've spent in the hospital wasn't exactly my idea of a good time.
"Don't worry it's nothing too crazy. We're going surfing tonight and I wanted you to come. I know you cant resist a good wave or two. Plus you can show us some of those tricks we can never get down."
My eyes caught movement through the glass doors again. Leaning against Kie's vehicle was none other than JJ himself. My breathe caught in my throat at seeing him for the first time since last night. He was wearing John's clothes telling me he hasn't gone home yet. His blonde hair was no longer matted in sweat and was now looking perfect again.
His eye looked swollen and I cursed that boy for not fetching something from the ice box. His sewn eyebrow was starting to purple. Despite his face, I found the guy so unbelievably attractive.
Kiara noticed my glance was lingering a little too long past her shoulder and trailed my gaze.
She's about to discover that her best friend is the only one in a mile radius and blow the entire thing out of the water.
"Was that sew up job yours?"
"No, I haven't seen JJ since last week." I lied and instantly regretted it, Kiara knew I say him two days ago in my backyard. Circling the fire, roasting marshmallows and having a few light drinks.
A knowing glint sparkled in her eyes and she nodded her head. "Right." She finally says dragging the word on for decades. I shook my head in agreement but feeling guilty that I knew she knew I was lying through my damn teeth.
I had no clue why I was trying to keep the patch up job I did on JJ's face under wraps. I've done it a million times and none of them thought it was scandalous before, I've never shoved it under a rock before either. I didn't plan on hiding it, but I wanted to keep that vulnerable moment to myself. I'm not confident on who was aware of his fathers abuse and I wasn't going to crumble the sliver of trust he has with me.
"So whose all going to be there?" I asked reminding myself to wash my sins away later.
"The usually, John B, Pope, Sarah, me and...Jayj." She left Jay's name for last and I fucking knew it was trap, but I still looked past her and at the golden boy again. This will be at the top of the stupidest shit I've done and it's a long list. It didn't take a rocket scientist to understand he was avoiding eye contact with me. Understandable and yet it still pinched.
'I'll be ready by 7:30." I said not really having the energy for it, but I needed to get rid of her before she had the chance to question my odd behavior towards him.
Kie was quiet for a minute reading into my soul. "Okay. Not a minute later." Kiara finally declares starting to walk backwards, towards the automatic doors. The knowing glint that I was holding something back was still evident in her eyes.
I smile in agreement trying desperately to lock down the wariness that wanted to combust.
"I'll see you tonight, Surf Queen."
I'm completely wiped as I pull my green 1995 jeep Cherokee right beside the Twinkie. Cutting the engine I guided the stick shift into first gear and yanked the hand brake all the way up securing its parking spot.
Jumping out I winched as my feet hit the ground and the aching in my bones rattled up. The sight of my brother finally home had me forgetting all about the rage I was holding for him. He was surrounded by his friends, sharing the cheapest case of liquor Maybank could get his hands on and having the best time. My heart glowed at his found family. I
I stayed there awhile watching them before I announced my arrival. I admired the way they all could get lost in one another's company and not hear the loud engine of my jeep approaching.
I'm so drained from my shift, But I already promised Kie I'd tag along. I wasn't prepared to struck a crack into another friendship. The more time I spent with Kie the more I seen her as a real friend. And as much as I hated it, it was time to slip that mask on again.
"Holy shit Is that my twin brother as I live and breathe." I spoke loudly capturing everyone's attention. Almost all of them cheered for my appearance and it nearly felt like I was one of them.
If I wasn't the glorious JB's twin sister I wouldn't try so hard to distance myself. I'm my own person and I wanted to make it clear I was separate from my brother. I'm nothing like him or our father dropping everything to search for long forgotten treasure. It's extremely hard being a twin but it was absolutely brutal being a Routledge twin. Especially for one who didn't have her own circle of friend and trying to hijack one of his. Maybe I needed an animal companion or a boyfriend, probably both.
"Jade! I was wondering when you'd get your little butt down here." Pope hollers over with a giant welcoming grin. "I missed you too, Pope." I chuckled at his enthusiasm and returned a warm smile that didn't take up too much energy.
Pope is definitely someone you could hangout with after a long day of work and talk about the mysteries of the universe. He was loyal like the rest of them were and is always the one to knock sense into anyone who needed it.
Forcing my body onto the porch I engulfed John into a bone crushing embrace. He returned it and I clung on tighter to him. Being in his grasp felt like a warm bed and a home cooked meal. Coos and awes could be heard from the Pogues behind us murmuring something about sibling love.
"Please don't ever leave me in this house alone ever again. If you do I will sink a knife in all four tires on the Twinkie." I croaked into his chest.
Letting go me he grabbed each of my shoulders, "Did something happen last night?" He bursts out frantically, concern etched into his facial features.
on instinct my eyes drifted from his and focused on the blonde boy. It was only for a split second but JB caught it and looked back. I could skin myself alive if that were ever possible. Jay still refused to look at me and shrugged at what I assumed is an accusatory glare. His posture was lose as if he wasn't sporting my stitches on his eyebrow.
"I left the front door open." I started distracting him from his locked gaze, "A deer must've wandered in. It spooked me pretty bad." I said the first tale that floated into my brain.
"were you harmed?" John follows even the doubt swam in his eyes.
"No I-I managed to scare it out of the house." I stuttered,
"Well that explains why my floorboard was popped and the bat left in the hallway." JB notes humorously and that's when it dawned on me that I forgot about the damned bat.
How could I forgot? Oh right! There was a certain broken blonde boy crying in my arms last night.
"Yeah." I say guilty and nod my head weakly.
"I'm just glad you're okay." He says, petting my hair comfortably and I fought the urge to ask him why he cared, he's never here and I needed him in the long moments I thought someone broke in. But this wasn't the time to bring up how he's been a shitty brother lately. I wanted to savour this memory with him where he finally bothered care about me and I believed him.
"Let me get this straight." Pope says breaking the heartfelt aura. "Last night. You almost bashed a deer's brains in?" He finishes with a serious tone. It was so absurd that I struggled to keep a composed face.
"That's such a Routledge thing to do." Sarah comments, It almost caused me to shut down and call it day. I never confided in her about the twin conversation so I shouldn't be reacting to her comment the way I was.
"It's a very Jade thing to do in a dire situation." Kiara makes an effort to over shine her comment. She understood just how much I battled to accept that me and John were so much a like in too many ways to deny.
I gave her a grateful smile, thankful for her words. She tipped her head in acknowledgment "I'll be out in ten. I still need to grab my board from the shed." I mumbled heading into the house.
"Of course, take your time." Kiara replies gently,
"Me and JJ, are going to pack your board onto the Jeep for you." JB calls before I hear him barrel off the steps and almost trip and fumble to the ground. John is a good brother don't get me wrong but I missed him being around all the time.
I understood his determination to pick up dad's treasure map where he left off, it has been weeks since his disappearance. I miss the old guy like I lost every too, but I didn't ignore our situation to chase after a ghost ship. I'm the only one keeping us above water and I needed him to realize how much I craved for him to be my brother again. He's the only family I have left.
Three vehicles and six boards later we arrived at the beach. Kiara and JJ in her SUV, me and Pope in my Jeep, the Greenie, and lastly Sarah and John in the Twinkie.
Strangely enough the beach was so scare we could all park together near the sand. It's hitting the golden hour an absolute stunning even to catch a few wave, so gorgeous that it wounded my soul to see it deserted
I knew pope was giving me an odd look as the others started uphauling their boards while I stayed in my seat. I admired the view I was able to experience in this point in time, absolutely breath taking. Ever since the day I rode my very first wave with the help of a certain golden retriever boy. I could hear the ocean wailing for me like a lost soulmate in the wind.
It has been a long time my first love.
"There everyone goes, leaving us behind..." Pope trails longingly,
I roll my eyes and shake my head at his dramatics. "All of you are always go go go, or too wrapped up in each other to just stop, and really enjoy the scenery around you that this earth has given us."
Being here with them gave me a knew found sense of home, like I wasn't just here living this life alone. I think it's time I let these pogues wiggle their way into being there for me. It'll take some time for me to allow them and get more comfortable with being in their presence more. But I'm willing to try for myself, for John, for the Pogues.
Pope is quiet weighing in my spoken thoughts, "You're right I really need to appreciate it a lot more, but right now isn't the time. It seems we're holding everyone up."
I whipped my head fast enough for it to strain and begin to throb in pain. A few feet away I spotted Kie with her board tucked under her one arm and resting against her hip. An expecting look displayed onto her soft features, behind her Sarah and John were beckoning me forward.
JJ was already at the shore line, the high tides crashing into his ankles. He stuck his gaze to the front of the Greenie. Wearing John's bright red shirt that had a white lobster on the chest confirming my suspicion of further injury. Jay was comfortable with his muscular build and it was unusual to find him sporting a shirt while surfing. He must be hiding from the others as well knowing they'd raise havoc at the new found information.
was I bad person for wanting him to really see me? look at me and acknowledge the night we shared? I knew the pain he faced and the time he needed to numb his trauma over. Maybe when he looked at me he was reliving it all again in a rush of conflicted emotion.
One look was all I craved. Just a tiny glance into those storming blue eyes.
"Are you ready?" Pope asks, gentle hopefulness danced in his dark brown eyes. It dawned on me then like a bucket of ice. They had thought I was going to leave like I've done a few times before. This time was different because I truly wanted to be here with them.
"Yeah, I'm ready, Pope." I say grateful for his patience,
Unclasping our boards, Pope jogged alongside me catching up with the rest of them. Soon he fell into step with John B, both of them rush towards their blonde counter part. Kiara and Sarah flanked me and it almost felt like they knew everything that happened last night. Waiting for me to spill but there was not a single thing to share. Nothing happened and I seemed to be reading into it too much.
"Are you okay? You seemed to be hesitating?" Kie asks as we reached the ocean kneeling onto our boards and paddling out. Entering the water gave me this soft security and had woken my sleeping muscles.
"Yeah." I said contently, "I was admiring how beautiful the ocean appeared in the golden hour."
"I love how you can just get lost in the nature around you. Finding the beauty in smallest of things," Sarah notes,
I shrug, " I was taught to appreciate what I was given." It wasn't a jab at their pedigree. It was more of we're different and that's not a terrible thing. They both hum understanding my words weren't malicious.
I felt complete in this moment, smiling at the both of them I could feel my mask breaking into pieces letting my true thoughts be known. It was a radiating feeling.
Looking behind me, the shore in the distance. I could sense we were at the perfect location to catch a few good waves. The others did too and halted their paddling and sat up onto their boards.
All six us stared at the wall of waves building and crashing just a few yards away. Rocking our boards once it rode out and reached past us.
"I love your bikini." Kie says, I look down at the old fading teal bikini. I got it at a thrift store two years ago and a few sizes too small. "You say that every time and you know damn well this is the only one I got." I say playfully and Kiara smiles giving me a wink.
Sarah shrugs, "Kie's right its so cute, but we should all go shopping for new ones. Like a girls day, god know we need it." She says poking her glance past us and we follow her gaze to see the boys barking at each other in deep tones and hyping themselves up.
We burst out laughing at how ridiculous they were being. Snapping their heads towards our laughter they glare teasingly, "What?!" They shout in unison, "What are you guys doing?" Kiara askes, "It looks very intimate." Sarah calls after.
It warmed my heart to JJ enjoying himself considering what he's been through in the last twenty-four hours. It nicked to know he could never be like that with me ever again.
"Our masculine chant." JB states,
"We need to level out the feminine vibe." Jay retorts aiming his words at me. I was stunned to say the least. It bent my heart and I swore that was the last time I ever helped him. it must've been written on my face because John reaches over and smacks him upside the head.
I coughed to over my laugh, but I couldn't help but feel like a fucking out cast again. Maybe letting them in wasn't the best idea.
"I didn't know your masculinity was so fragile, Jay." I spat,
"It's not!" He shot back desperately
"I'm catching the first wave." I blankly said, paddling for the wave. Behind me I could hear John giving JJ shit for treating me like some Kook whose fucking with his feelings.
My body took control catching the wave like I've done many times before. Everything with JJ and John forgotten like none of it happened and I was completely content with that. The adrenaline raced into my blood as I rode the wave with such perfect ease.
After padding back to my spot beside Kiara and Sarah, JJ went next. It was easy to detect that our surfing styles were similar. I would've loved that I replicated his style to the tee a year ago, but now it made me sick to my stomach.
"I've never noticed how you and JJ have the same style." Sarah comments and Kiara's attention snapped to me, I shrugged "JJ Taught me how to surf."
Sarah gave an amused look, "Really? I would've thought John B did." Kie laughs and I shook my head, "Nope." I popped the 'p' "The jackass was too busy laughing at me while I drowned."
"I was not!" John B yelled over catching our conversation,
"Keep telling yourself that buddy." Kie calls returning her attention back to our triangle. Pope snickers and John B squints his eyes at him," I would've taught her but Jayj was the better teacher."
"beside if John did teach me, I wouldn't be able to land a few of my tricks." I shrug,
"What happened between the two of you?' Sarah asks the one question I was dreading, But her eyes were hopeful and I truly wanted to be close friends with her.
"I'm wondering the same thing. We use to be good friends when we were younger, then one day he pulled away. Stopped hanging out with me and never shared anything with me. It was very cold turkey and so fucking strange."
"I'm sorry, that must've been confusing." She replies and I brush it off.
"Nothing I can do now." I say flatly. Noticing Kiara has been quiet I trailed my glace to her, a weak smile spread across her face and I could've sworn I saw guilt swirling in her brown eyes. She must know something that I didn't and I had the urge to dig deeper.
We stayed there for two more hours, surfing and showing off our technique. The sun was ready to disappear over the horizon and god was it gorgeous but it was time to bring it in.
Dragging our bodies near the shore I walked between the girls again. after a successful day session on the waves I felt emotionally and mentally full and healthy. It was as if the ocean had the ability to revive me.
"Are both of you still down to go bikini shopping?" Sarah askes,
"Yeah absolutely, Jade what about you?" Kie replies looking at me expectantly.
"Operation feminine energy is a go!" I shout to the rising moon. Both of them celebrate like they won a marathon, I join them and somehow feel like I'm apart of something outside of being a Routledge twin.
Ahead of us the boys give us weird looks and I couldn't careless, but the lingering glance from JJ had me conflicted. In his storm blue eyes I saw a flicker of regret and I found it hard to breathe.
I held a façade for Kiara and Sarah, but I felt utterly lost when it came to that boy. Carrying our boards back to the vehicles I tried to focus on our new found girl squad.
Pat two took so long because I changed quite a bit from the original piece and added over 1k words. I definitely restrained myself from writing more JJ it's just not time for them yet.
Part two took so long because I wanted to write more JJ, but it's not for it yet.
This is very slow burn and I truly wanted to write about what living on the cut was really like.
Thank you so much for reading It means the worlds you decided to read something I wrote. I love you.
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