#i tried to stay true to your formatting?
drunkenlionwrites · 5 months
alright curveball what typical archetype would boothill be in a high school setting and what would he be like with his partner >:) (hc format please)
Boothill HS AU headcanons:
OMG OMG nonnie, that’s such a cool ask. I honestly would’ve not thought about this concept myself, cause school was so so long ago for me, but I’ve got the vision of HS Boothill right away when I read it💖 CW: none, g/n reader
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So Boothill as the archetype would be ‘the classmate who looks like a local thug but is actually the kindest soul.’
Imagine your classmate who is not really studious and can disrupt the lesson by loudly laughing and talking in class and does this 5/5 days per week. He’s loud and brush and sometimes vulgar.
Once, he kicked and cussed out the vending machine out in hallway so loudly when you passed by that it made you physically jump. Even though he’s noticed that and tried to apologize to you, calling out your name through the hall, since that time you’ve decided that you don’t like him.
You are slightly annoyed by this and never approach him, but he’s got a big presence in school, so you see and hear things about him from time to time, though you don’t know which rumors are true and which are not. Some of them sound crazy: once he beat 4 to 5 upperclassmen alone. Some say it was 10 of them. Some say he’s got something on the principal; hence he doesn’t get in trouble with anyone. Some say it’s cause he’s the principal’s kid. Or lover. Those all sound crazy and unrealistic, but who knows?
Once you see him really beating up someone behind the school building with your own eyes. You stand there and watch for a bit, thinking about reporting this to someone, but then you notice Boothill coming up to a smaller kid, sitting on the ground not far away, comforting him and picking up his bag, helping the kid to pack the contents inside. You just hear never-ending ‘thank you’s in between small sobs and Boothill’s warm laughter afterwards.
Another day, you hear him quarrelling loudly with a teacher, which sounded again completely disrespectful from his side. Later, from murmurs around school you learn that he stood up for the shyer kid when he thought that they were unjustly reprimanded.
Once you saw him in the street after school on the day when he was missing, presumably staying in sick or something. He shouted out your name from the tree, causing you to flinch again. Turns out, he spent hours trying to get one stubborn kitty to come to him, skipping classes cause of it.
It was a bit awkward when you started dating, cause being in his orbit meant that you too became more known in school and began noticing stares and hearing whispers about you.
Boothill is a total sweetheart with you, even though he can be slightly obnoxious and is not good at reading the mood from time to time. It doesn’t matter since his positive outlook and mostly always good mood is oh so infectious.
He’s also very physical, not minding the pda at school. Walking with you holding your hand, hugging from behind etc.
He doesn’t mind spending the whole day at school attempting to study, especially if you’re a diligent student. Though he is a student who’s always ready to and will bail classes and will try to talk you into skipping school with him cause it’s just too much fun stuff happening outside that seems much more important to him.
I see the dynamic as a he’s a good influence in terms for teaching his s/o to be more assertive and confident in themselves and in return being the one who needs to be stopped and calmed out a bit when he acts on a whim.
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rosemaze-reveries · 6 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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lowkeyerror · 6 months
The Family Business Ch.8
Word Count: 3k
Ch notes: Angst, Nightmares, Fighting
Summary: The family copes with the situation revolving Dragos
An: Sorry for posting so late.... hope you like it. Also posting from my phone, so sorry formatting issues.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“ Enough time has passed Wanda. We have to act now before we lose everything,” you speak to the woman in her office.
“I'm not ready for war Y/n,” She tries to dismiss you.
“Detka, I think she’s right. If we wait any longer it could, everything your father built would be over,” Natasha backs you up.
Wanda puts her head down on the desk, "I don't think I can do this.”
“It’s just like we planned, Wanda. Nat and I have everything on standby to close the ports, we’re just waiting on your word,” you speak softly to her.
“Fine, just do it,” she waves her hand, but doesn’t move her face from it’s place on the desk.
She had been like this for nearly two weeks. The shooting of her father seemed to hit her the hardest. She felt like she wasted too much time away from him and now he was gone.
The only way you were functioning was hope that he would wake up. He wasn’t gone, he was just in a coma. People recover from being in comas, they wake up. You just keep telling yourself that Dragos would be waking up soon.
“Wanda, maybe you should go home, I can handle this,” your eyes are full of worry, but your voice is firm.
“I’m capable of running this business Y/n,” she snaps back at you.
“ I know you are, that’s why they put you in charge. However, this is not a one man job Wanda. Dragos had days where he needed someone to take charge. I’m one of those people. Whether he’s sitting in that seat or you’re sitting in that seat, I’m going to continue to be that person. Now go home.”
She looks at you with something you’ve never seen before. It makes your brow furrow. The intensity of her stare isn’t malicious, but it’s unfamiliar to you.
“I’ll take you baby,” Nat offers, taking Wanda’s attention away from you.
Wanda takes one more look at you before agreeing to go with her wife.
“Stop by after work, I don’t care how late it is,” her demand makes you want to gulp, but you hold it and nod.
She’s out of the door first. You share a look with Natasha as you take s seat at the desk.
“I’ll be back, I can have everything ready for tonight,” the spy says.
“Thank you, Natasha.”
She leaves and you get to work immediately. You call in your dealers and suppliers to inform them of potential uptick in all products your pushing to prepare them adequately. You call your supposed allies, you’re vague but they know it’s a threat. More than threat, but a test of loyalty. Some of them dismiss you as you aren’t Dragos, but you’re sure by morning they’ll come around or go out of business.
There had been too much silence on your side of the business. Fisk was parading around the city saying that he killed Dragos. The lack of movement from your side of things only made it seem true.
Wanda had been placed temporarily in charge of the business while Dragos was out of commission. However, she wasn't emotionally prepared for this yet. None of you were in actuality, you all needed more time.
“ Where’s Wanda?” Pietro strolls into the office.
Your eyes are locked on the screen, “ Sent her home.”
“You’re running things today?”
You nod, “We’re going through with the plan to shut down the pier tonight. I put out some feelers, stayed pretty vague. I know they'll get on board when there's no other option.”
“You sound like him,” Pietro chuckles.
“I hope so, I got brushed off by one too many people over the phone. We need to let them know we aren’t weak. We will not be usurped, we are this city and it’s time to remind them.”
Pietro agrees, “My eyes and ears on the street have been telling me about Kingpin He’s telling others he fixed the Maximoff issue. We need to get a handle on this.”
“They will be dealt with and I’ll save Fisk for last. Next time I wont miss when I shoot,” your jaw clenches.
“How are you holding up?” He asks, taking in your appearance.
The bags under your eyes spoke for themselves. You hadn’t been sleeping well, getting 3 hours seems like a blessing some days.
“Not well, but I’ll be alright.”
“You haven’t been sleeping.”
You sigh, “How can I rest well, knowing that the man who has taken someone important from me walks around the streets celebrating it? It’s like he’s taunting me.”
Pietro’s hand lands on your shoulder, “We’re going to get him Y/n, I swear.”
Natasha strolls back into the room, “I’ve got everything set we're just waiting on nightfall.”
“Good, I’m almost done here. I’ve got some paperwork to get through and if it’s not too late, maybe we can carpool?”
Natasha smiles, “I’ll wait for you, it’s no problem.”
“I guess we’ll leave you to it Don Y/n,” Pietro jokes as he pats your shoulder before exiting the office, Natasha’s following behind him.
The paperwork takes longer than expected. You’re exhausted by the end of it, your eyes are strained as you finish the last of it up.
When Natasha comes to check on you , she can tell you’ve dissociated from the work you’re doing. It looks mindless yet stressful at the same time. You don’t even notice she's standing there for another 10 minutes.
“Ok you’re done, lisichka. Time to go home,” Natasha’s voice startles you.
You give her little protest, moving out of the seat. Your bones crack and you let out a yawn as you grab your belongings.
“Wanda’s going to need help tomorrow. The lines should be busy. We can open them up so Kate and I can help filter orders,” you mumble as you leave the office.
“No more work talk, we’re out of the office,” Natasha reminds you.
You let out a tired laugh, “Now you’re sounding like a Maximoff."
“I am married to one,” she says as the two of you get in her car.
“I don't know who's luckier you or her.”
Natasha quirks an eyebrow as she begins to dive, “I’m pretty sure it's me.”
“You’re good for her too; don't discredit yourself. Wanda has always been a caregiver of sorts. She wants to take care of everyone. It's nice to see she has someone who can take care of her,” your eyes begin to close as you speak.
“You’ve taken care of her before. When she was fighting with Pietro, the whole situation with Dragos; you kept her grounded,” Natasha points out.
You shrug lightly, “I couldn't when I was younger.”
Natasha glances at your nearly sleeping figure, “You were just a child, lisichka.”
“I was fragile, she needed someone strong,” you feel sleep overtaking you.
Natasha goes to respond, but hears you snoring softly, “I don't think you could've ever been fragile.”
The spy doesn't wake you when you arrive at the condo. Instead she carefully removes you from the car and carries you up to her door. She rings the bell unable to get her keys while holding you.
When Wanda opens the door her eyes soften at the sight of you asleep in her wife’s arm.
“I didn't want to wake her. I overheard her telling Pietro she hasn't been sleeping,” Nat explains to her wife.
“Just lay her in our bed,” Wanda says, and Natasha complies.
Wanda heads to the kitchen, unable to sleep. She stays to make herself some tea.
“She cares about you a lot,” Natasha says meeting her wife in the kitchen.
Wanda just hums a response.
“You care about her a lot too,” Natasha looks to meet her wife’s gaze.
“Astute observation, sweetheart,” Wanda responds dryly.
Natasha steps into Wanda’s personal space, “You know what I’m insinuating then?”
Wanda finally looks at her wife, “No I don’t.”
“I think you're in love with her,” Natasha is gentle when she speaks.
Wanda laughs, “What are you talking about? Y/n is a part of my family. I’ve cared for her for years; healed her wounds, held her when she cried, taught her how to defend herself. Natasha, she was barley turning 17 when I met her.”
“I see the way you look at her Wanda. It’s the same way you look at me,” her tone doesn’t convey anger or sorrow.
Wanda’s laughter has yet to die down, “She’s my little brother’s best friend.”
“Then tell me why she can ground you the same way I can? Her touch calms you, her look quiets you, and her figure causes your eyes to drift. Just be honest with me Wanda.”
“Look, I love Y/n. I would do anything to keep her safe, but there’s nothing between us romantically,” Wanda gets serious for the first time in the conversation.
Natasha rolls her eyes, “You lost your mind about something from 5 years ago involving her, you were in tears when you couldn't attend her graduation, you talked about her more than your brother, mother, and father.”
Wanda’s eyes shift for a second, it’s the only sign Natasha needs. Her hand reach for her wife’s. Her thumbs pad the back of Wanda’s hand.
“Natasha I can’t. I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” she tries to escape but Natasha won’t let her.
“Talk to me, detka.”
For a moment it seems like Wanda is going to talk it out with her wife. However a commotion in their bedroom puts brakes to the conversation.
They both rush in that direction. In the bedroom they find you fighting in your sleep. You’re thrashing, punching, and screaming.
Wanda’s eyes go wide at the sight. The distress on your face send her into fight or flight. She wants to help, but she’s unaware of what to do.
Natasha on the other hand has had her fair share of life like nightmares. She knows how delicate of a situation that they can be.
“Easy lisichka, it’s not real,” Natasha’s voice is firm as she speaks, slowly inching towards you.
Natasha’s hand slowly reaches for your forearm. The action cause you to jerk, but Natasha is unflinching. Her hands trailing up and down your arm trying to calm you.
“Baby you’re safe here,” Natasha slips her fingers between yours.
It’s sudden the way you jolt forward into consciousness. Natasha’s arms wrap around you securely as your chest heaves up and down.
Wanda joins your side, hand running through your hair, “It’s ok, you’re ok. You’re safe little krolik.”
You sniffle a couple of times. Before realizing the position you're in. You sit in a bed that you can only assume belongs to the two women, that are slowing your erratic heart rate.
“I uh- I fell asleep in the car,” you say pushing the women away from you slightly.
You wipe the sweat from your forehead and then rub at your eyes roughly. The feeling of embarrassment starts to creep in on you.
“ You did, exhausted from all that work and no sleep,” Natasha says.
You nod lightly, “As you can see I have a hard time with sleeping.”
“It’s like that every night?” Wanda’s voice was laced with concern.
You try to laugh it off, “I get by with the little sleep I get before the nightmares.”
“Y/n, we’re being serious,” Wanda’s use of your actual name startles you a bit.
You take a deep breath, “Nearly every night since the shooting. But I’m a big girl guys, I’ve got it under control.”
“Wanda’s been having trouble sleeping too. If I leave just for a second, she starts panicking pretty bad,” Natasha mentions, causing her wife to glare at her.
Wanda crosses her arms over her chest defensively and that’s how you know Natasha is telling the truth.
“I’ve been trying to run a company and a business. There’s no time for a comfortable rest.”
It was your turn to give a stern look, “You won’t be able to lead well if all your senses are weakened from lack of sleep.”
“And how much sleep did you get last night before so graciously kicking me out of the office today?” She counters and your face heats up.
“It's not like I don't want to sleep. I’ve tried a bunch of shit, but nothing is enough for the nightmares. It’s triggering, you know because not only are the nightmares themselves intense, but having them in the first place reminds me the ones I used to have about my family.”
Though you've arguably been vulnerable with both of these women before, it feels harder this time. It feels like they are seeing a piece of you that is supposed to be neatly tucked away. Yet you’re too tired to hide it and you trust them not to use it against you.
“If you’re comfortable with it, I know something that might help,” Natasha offers.
“I’m willing to try anything,” you give her your full attention.
“Stay here with us tonight,” her eyes pierce through yours.
“Here as in…”
“The bed, yes,” Natasha elaborates.
Almost reflexively you look to Wanda to find her staring at her wife. The look isn’t entirely inviting and you take note of that.
You look directly towards Wanda as you speak, “I don't want to impose or be anymore of an inconvenience than I already have. I can actually just go home and try again.”
You attempt to get out of bed, but Wanda places a hand on your chest, keeping you down, “Y/n, you will never be an inconvenience to me. I don't want to keep you here if you’re uncomfortable, but if Nat thinks this could help you then I think it’s worth a shot.”
Your skin is hot under her hand, and you hope she can’t feel the way your heart is beating. It truly shouldn’t feel like such a big deal, you’ve laid with Wanda before . You knew what it was like to have her arms tightly secured around you while she played with your hair until your nerves died. Something about it felt more innocent then.
Now that you were both adults and Wanda was married, it almost seemed like crossing a line.
“What if this works?” You say looking between the couple. They share a quick look at each other before fixing their eyes on you.
“ We’ll cross that bridge when we get there lisichka. We should all get some rest, tomorrow will be very hectic for everyone,” Natasha again reassures you.
“ Do you want something more comfortable to sleep in?” Wanda says, as she pinches the fabric of your work shirt.
You nod lightly and not even a second later Natasha is shoving some pajamas in your hand. She points you to the direction on the restroom and you go leaving the two redheads alone for a moment.
“Natalia,” Wanda’s voice is low and cold as she speaks to her wife.
Natasha shrugs, “What was I supposed to do, Wanda? Did you see the poor girl?”
“You did this to prove a point,” Wanda keeps her voice down with much effort.
“I think you’re doing that all on your own. This is simply helping a friend out. It’s not like you haven’t shared bed with her before,” Natasha shoots back.
“T-this is different,” she stumbles over her words.
“Why?” Natasha raises an eyebrow at her wife.
“Can we drop this please?” Wanda looks away.
Her wife reaches to caress her face, “Detka, we can drop it for now but sooner or later we’re going to have to talk about your feelings.”
Wanda draws in a large breath . She focuses on the way Natasha’s thumb cascades across her cheek.
She looks at her wife, “I love you. More than anything Natalia. I would never put you through anything that I think would hurt us. This to me is the most important everything .”
“I’m not doubting that baby. I’m not asking you this question to make you pick between the two, I just want some clarity,” Natasha kisses Wanda briefly after speaking.
Before Wanda can speak again you’re back in the room. You stand awkwardly as the couple behind you to the bed.
“So, how does this work? Do you want me on the edge or in the middle or..?”
“We’re following your lead little krolik."
Alarms go off in your brain but the aren't loud enough in your sleep deprived state. You take your place at the edge of the bed, closest to Wanda.
You try your best to keep your arms stiffly to yourself. There isn't any chance that you'd willingly embarrass yourself further.
It would be so easy to put your arm around her waist. The more you think the less sleep you get.
Wanda can sense the tense state of your body. Natasha words echo in her mind and it causes her to hesitate. Usually she would’ve already taken initiative to make sure you were comfortable. However here she was, scared that the feeling of your arms around her would send her into an overload.
“Can I- ” your sentence is aided by the action of your hand coming to rest respectfully on her stomach.
Wanda doesn’t speak but her hand lands gently over yours, keeping it in place. You relax at the action and unintentionally pull the woman closer to you. Her back is flush against your front as soft snores fall from your lips. You fall asleep instantly.
She doesn't want to admit it, but being this close to you makes her heart thunder in her chest. She feels warm in your hold. It’s a new feeling.
Being held by you is different than holding you herself. Her free hand reaches out for her wife. Natasha scoots closer, to be face to face with Wanda. Her hand interlaces itself with Wanda’s.
Natasha kisses the back of Wanda’s hand, “I love you.”
“Love you more,” Wanda whispers as her eyes flutter shut.
The three women lay together. For once their minds are quiet as they sleep. It’s peaceful, something that they can revel in before the storm of the morning disrupts their peace.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok
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alexawynters · 7 months
Mommy Knows Best - w.m x r blurb
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Summary: Wanda convincing R to let her to all the thinking for her
Warnings: Ehhh... allusions to manipulation, kidnapping, stalking.
A/N: So ahhh... I wrote this in 15 minutes while at work in a part of the office I very much didn't want to be in. This isn't connected to anything. I don't intend on expanding this bc I have no spoons and the plot bunnies won't settle on anything definitively. But if anybody wants to take a crack at it, pleeeeaaase do! Just like.. link me so I can read it because I am thirsty. Also all of this was typed up on my phone so sorry for any typos, or formatting issues. I left my laptop at home today like a dumbass..
Wanda's hand cradled your face with a gentle yet possessive grip. "I knew that you needed me the moment I laid eyes on you in that coffee shop."
Your eyes widened at the older woman's confession. Out of all the times you had met up with Wanda, it had never been at a coffee shop. Her implication that she had been watching you sent a bolt of fear down your spine.
"Such a sweet little thing, so easily flustered." She appraised you with a keen eye, searching for any hint that you might try to run. "You were just trying to substitute the milk in your coffee order, yet you couldn't even do that without nearly breaking out into tears. Poor thing. You just needed your Mommy to do all your difficult thinking for you, huh?"
The older woman's voice had taken on an almost saccharine quality, while simultaneously dripping with condescension. You couldn't have explained it if you tried, but something about her tone, her words, turned your head all fuzzy.
Alarm bells that should have been clanging loudly were but a distant detail in your peripheral, not worthy of your attention when the alternative was listening to Wanda's honeyed voice. You should be concerned. A normal person would be leaving this crazy woman as fast as their legs could carry them. Yet instead, you practically meted into Wanda's touch, almost craving it.
The witch gave a subtle smirk at the way your eyes glossed over when she talked down to you. This was going to be even easier than Wanda had thought. She might not even need to use her magic if you were already this responsive to her. Frankly, Wanda was delighted.
"Use your words, kotenok. I know you're just a dumb baby, and words are hard, but when Mommy asks you a question, I expect an answer."
Her grip turned firm, border lining on painful. Glassy eyes snapped open.
"Y-yes, Mommy. I just needed you to do all the thinking for me."
Your face flushed bright red as you spoke the words, but you couldn't bring yourself to take them back. Now that they had been released into the universe, the words rang true for you. They simply felt... right. Your trusting gaze met Wanda's domineering one, seeking any sign of her approval.
The older woman gave a salacious grin, very much reminiscent of a cat who caught the canary. "There's my good girl," she cooed, caressing the apple of your cheek with her thumb.
Lulled into a false sense of safety and security, you tilted your head. Leaning into her touch, you were practically simpering from her praise and touch. Why had you ever been concerned, you wondered? This was Wanda. She would always take care of you. She would never even dream of harming you. If only you knew the extent of the very real danger you were in, you might have tried to run. Not that you would have gotten far, but Wanda might have enjoyed the thrill of the chase.
Nevertheless, she had you right where she wanted you and why make it unpleasant when you were so... willing? The witch reveled in how pliant you were. Like putty in her hands, ready to be shaped and molded into the perfect plaything for her.
"Now kotenok," she said softly. "Why don't you go get changed into something comfortable and we can watch movies? I took the liberty of bringing over some of your clothes from your apartment as you won't be staying there anymore."
The former Avenger patted your cheek gently, sending you off on your way. It was only a few feet you had made before hesitating, turning to look at the older woman.
"Mommy...." You tried the title, and it rolled off your tongue surprisingly easily. "Why. won't I be staying at my apartment anymore? I'm still paying rent on it for another seven months." Uncertainty rolled off of you in waves.
Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, reigning her temper in. She needed to be understanding, but firm with you if she planned to get you completely under her thumb without scaring you off.
"You let Mommy worry about all of that. Those are big girl thoughts, and you wanted Mommy to do all the thinking for you, isn't that right?" Her voice was filled with exaggerated patience and condescension.
Part of you wanted to push the question. If you weren't going to be staying at your flat anymore then Wanda must mean for you to stay with her. Unfortunately, you couldn't afford rent in both places, so if you needed to sublet your flat, the sooner you knew for sure, the better. Not once did you question how, when, or why the redhead had picked up your clothes, being so focused about this rent situation.
Still, as you caught Wanda's steadily hardening gaze due to your lack of immediate cooperation, you could have sworn you almost saw a subtle flash of scarlet in her eyes. Opting not to upset the woman you were quickly falling for, you promptly turned on your heel, intent on doing as she had asked.
Unbeknownst to you, Wanda Maximoff was observing your trailing form with a razor-sharp gaze. She felt triumphant, everything was going according to plan, and you were honestly making it too easy on her. Soon you would belong to her, and by the time you realized, it would be too late.
A/N 2: What are we thinking? Bin it? Try to write it from the beginning? Or maybe keep going and only have the beginning appear in flashback format? I know I need to update Scarlet Whispers and I'm gonna, I swear! Just... effort. lol
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“Slip of the tongue, Is no fault of the mind..?” TWST First Years accidentally confess to you
It’s all in the title-MY HANDS REALLY TYPED T*EY CLOVER THINKING THIS IS HEARTSLABYUL AND NOT FIRST YEARS 💀 short scenario write up. Trying a new format shjsjsjdj
**TW: One cuss word from Epel
Ace Trappola
“Argh, you’re so infuriating sometimes, you know that?!” You exclaimed, frustrated with the ginger haired boy in front of you who scowled. “Whatever…” he mumbled, turning away from you as he rolled his eyes.
You flared. “ ‘Whatever’?! Ace, you imbecile, you literally took a blast from that delinquent when we could’ve told a professor! Now you’re stuck in the infirmary! And daring to fight him? How reckless can you get?!” you chided Ace, who once again rolled his eyes and turned away. Yet, his eyes lingered to your form with a lace of guilt in his seemingly annoyed frown. Why do you even worry about him? You always troubled yourself for him when he definitely wasn’t the best guy around.
Why would you still look out for someone as troublesome as he is? And worry about him and stay with him and… care for him? Why?
“What were you thinking when you did that?” Your angry voice rang into his ear. Something in him made him snapped in frustration, his control broken into half. He swiftly turned to face you with an enraged look on his face, making you flinch slightly. But the next thing he said made you feel as if time had stop.
“Because I like you okay?! Do you think I want you to take the hit?” Your breath hitched. Ace softened his frown to become shock, realising he accidentally confessed to you.
“I-I-” Ace tried to come up with an excuse before you cut him off.
“You idiot… I-if you really liked me, then you wouldn’t get hurt for me! Obviously I care about you!” You shouted, a frown etched on your face with a blush burning as red as his own blush…
Deuce Spade
Deuce didn’t expect himself to end up with bandaged knuckles over his callous (and currently bruised) hands in the infirmary.
“Deuce, you punched that punk, obviously it ended with a fight!” You knocked sense into the boy who just looked down while sulking, biting his cheek.
“Why did you even punched him anyway? Just because he upset you doesn’t give you the right to retaliate with violence, I told you that before, right?! Not for his sake, but for your sake that you don’t get into trouble!” you reasoned with a frustrated look on your face.
Never did Deuce expected for you to be the first one rushing to him in the infirmary with a flurry of questions about his well-being and what happened. His heart warmed to the fact you cared for him again. Time and time again, you cared for a delinquent like himself. Even if the past is the past, he couldn’t let go of his sins in history.
When that Savanaclaw delinquent called you a useless student with no magic, he felt that the punch he sent across that punk’s way was to make up for what he was back then, but also because he loved you. He always had.
“Deuce! Listen to me! Why did you punch him?” You asked again, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked at you with a slight frown, mumbling about how they insulted you.
You sighed. “I could have dealt with them you know.” Deuce didn’t know why or what made him say his thoughts out loud. Maybe he wanted to justify himself? Or was it out of impulse? Whatever the case, he just did.
“Well I love you obviously, why would I let him get away with it when he’s right there for me to stop him? What he says isn’t true about you! You’re an amazing, beautiful and-” Deuce stopped to catch on what he was saying, blushing along with your speechless form. “I- I mean-!” You cut him off when you kissed him just as impulsively as he was…
Jack Howl
You were the only one who got to water his cacti. After teaching you the basics, the two of you just never seem to separate from one another. Jack was watering a cactus when you called for him.
“Hey Jack!” You called for him excitedly as he hummed in response.
“You’re looking pretty… sharp with your cacti~” He halted. Did you really just say that?
“Also, hope your Alchemy Assignment doesn’t succ!” You grinned mischievously at him when he turned around with a puckered face.
Sometimes, you just pester him with overly lame puns anyone would grimace at. But even when he does so, you never fail to cheer him up, brighten his day like the sunshine you are.
Maybe that’s why he fell for you.
“It wouldn’t be so bad if you revised. After all, cactus makes perfect!” You giggled. His pretend frown on his face slowly contorted into a burst of laughter, the fam that finally broke the unleashed his bright smile and laugh that made you laugh too.
“Sevens, that was so lame…” he chuckled as he calmed down a little. You smiled too, but immediately open your mouth agape when he said the following.
“I love you so much.”
He smiled to himself, facing a burning red you as he looked baffled. “Are you sick…” he trailed off, finally realising what he said before his cheeks grew red, unsure of what he should say.
“Well, I, um…” he stuttered. “Really?” You finally asked him, his voice stuck in his throat.
Looks like his “cact-I” is turning into a “cact-US”~
Epel Felmier
The petite and small-framed boy hurried over to your dorm, a look of excitement on his face. He felt overjoyed when he smelt the scent of boiling spicy noodles that came from the kitchen and he found you preparing two bowls of it.
“The instant noodles are ready!” You smiled at him. Epel blushed a faint pink, smiling back at you. You’ve always treated him with kindness, you even called him “a man”, something he always wanted to hear. You even said it with sincerity and genuineness that it makes him smile stupidly to himself all the time when he recalled that moment.
It was no mystery to everyone else that he liked you.
Everyone else but you that is.
“Epel, do you like it,” you asked the boy beside you who was slurping the warm, comfort noodles. He never could eat instant noodles in Pomefiore without Vil reprimanding him that it’s unhealthy for his skin. “Yah! Thanks’a Y/n!”
“I’m glad you like them.”
“You always cook them, y/n, of course they’d be fuckin’ great!” He grinned from ear to ear, making you laugh at his rowdy antics showing. He faltered back. “Oh, er, sorry I mean-”
“Don’t worry, I get what you mean. And no I won’t tell Vil,” you giggled.
“Man, I seriously am in love with you.”
You froze, the noodles you were chewing were cut clean into half by your teeth, the noodles that fell out from your mouth splashed back into the hot soup. Epel didn’t thought much when he said that, let alone so confidently without plan after all the times he’s planned a confession for you before never uttering a word out.
You blushed a crimson red, and so does he. He swallowed the lump in his throat, carefully thinking of what his next words should say. “I- I er-” He completely flunked it.
Epel sighed, looking to the ground in shame. “I’m sorry… I really do but if ya don’t-”
“I love you, too.”
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek wasn’t someone lovey-dovey, or flowery with his language. He told his peers who discuss about love if he were to be in love, he’d just say it to their face with no hesitation.
…He said that before he met you.
Sebek couldn’t comprehend why he couldn’t just say it the moment he caught feelings, and it frustrates him. He planned and planned, but never could carry it out when he faces you.
“Sebek!” His heart raced, swiftly turning to your voice with a scowl on his face. “What is it, human?” he grumbled, secretly joyful about your arrival.
“I er… actually came to you for some advice…” you whispered, leaning closer to his ear as he shivered when he felt your hot breath tickle his ear. Sebek sighed. “What now?”
Honestly, of all the people in your gang he felt a bit lucky you chose him first (although I’m intrigued you did but eh- I would ask him how to make a protein shake-).
“There’s this guy who gave me a letter and… I think it’s a confession letter! He said he wanted to see me outside the gate..! W-what should I do?” He immediately furrowed his pale green brows. Of all things, why this? “Human, do you think I’m an expert in the foolish?” You turned away as you tapped your fingers together. “Well erm, you’ve always been straightforward… I wanted to tell him I’m not really sure if I want to be with that guy but it also gets my point across.”
Without thought, Sebek snatched the letter from your hands and dumped it in the trash can right next to him. “H-hey! Wha-!” And with really no rational thoughts going through him he exclaimed and cut you off, “Tell him you love me because I love you!”
He was furious about it. Unreasonably, yes, but to him it was. How did he accurately feel… what’s that word…? Ah yes.
He was definitely jealous.
A pink hue slowly bloomed to your cheeks, and upon realising what he shouted a red blush soon crept up his cheeks, too.
“H-human, I didn’t-”
“Did you meant it?” You asked as you bit your lip. The way you looked at him… in his head he felt as if you wanted him to say “yes”.
And he hopes he isn’t wrong.
Reblogs help! ^^
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emilykaldwen · 1 month
FFWAD 24 - Sins of the Father by @selfproclaimedunicorn
For my first foray into this yearly celebration with @renegadeguild, I picked the brilliant and fantastic story, Sins of the Father by @selfproclaimedunicorn. Misa has taken the fantastic AU premise 'What if Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce had kids?' and has run with it in the most delicious and satisfying way. The story isn't complete, but the first 'arc' has a good stopping point at a whopping 160k words, which made for the chonkiest book you could imagine.
This was the twelth book I've bound (both fic and rebinds of old favorites) and I tried several new techniques for it including rounding and backing the spine. I also stretched my legs in the formatting department and went all in with the interior. That meant ordering some special springhill paper to do these fantastic maps for the endpages. Full details behind the cut!
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Typesetting: Normally I've kept my settings pretty minimal as I got used to the ins and outs of InDesign (during this, I did purchase Affinity Publisher and might end up moving to that, but I'm finally getting the hang of ID and you can pry it from my cold hands). I really wanted to mimic some of the interior of Fire & Blood for this, so I hunted down the fonts used and took an image of the decorative banner you see on the sides to use for the chapter openers. I also wanted to include timelines and family trees in true historically inspired fantasy tradition.
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The family tree was created based off of the author's spreadsheet in Google Drawing, which I found to be the easiest thing to use when it comes to creating chaotic family trees like this (In the past I'd used lucid chart for a printable version, but google worked better here).
the timeline is honestly my favorite thing and I learned how to use tables in ID for the first time. I'm incredibly pleased with it. The formatting is based upon the line of kings in the source. The timeline covers the events of the first arc as printed in this particular story.
The chapter openers are some of my favorite! As the children are proud to be House Royce, I wanted to reflect that. The runes you see behind the Chapter number and title are the Floki font and name the character whose the POV for each chapter.
Since there's plenty of High Valyrian spoken and the author doesn't include the translations within narrative, it was the perfect moment to set up footnotes. I'll absolutely be doing this for my own story when I bind it!
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Rounding and Backing: So this was a total adventure, but I really wanted the old book feel. I made the mistake of pressing the book for too long and lost a lot of the swell in the spine to round but it worked out AND I managed to back it a little bit. Since I wasn't doing cord tapes for the spine (this was a version of the three piece bradel), I had to troubleshoot. I ended up cutting strips of the leather cord I bought from michaels and laminating those pieces together and placing them on the oxford hollow on the spine (given how thick the book is, I wanted to give it as much structural strength as possible). The 'leather' covering you see is actually the craft leather (polyester) from Dollar Tree and it's pretty awesome but definitely has difficulties staying put with glue. I followed the normal procedure and slathered both sides up and used twine to compress the bookcloth along those leather pieces. there's a little gaping in some places which I think would help if I'm able to properly apply backing paper to the polyester.
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HTV do's and don'ts: Hi! don't be me and forget to apply your teflon sheets before applying the HTV because then you fuck with the polyester but it's not too bad. The other pro-tip is to gently apply the iron to the cover so it's warm before applying the HTV so it can start to stick. I had to apply the front cover in three pieces and do the title twice. Also, it's really difficult to apply HTV to a rounded spine so I'll have to figure out how to set up the spine and cover before applying (since there's a certain amount of stretching the bookcloth over the spine). The spine might end up having to be regular adhesive vinyl for that. Also, it's stupidly hard to find metallic HTV in bronze.
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Front matter and final thoughts: The bronze dragon was a lucky find through an extensive google search, and the runes surrounding it are 'we remember with fire and blood', a combination of House Royce and House Targaryen's words. Seems fitting four Yorick, Ella, and Aemon! The copyright page is mimicked off the source's style, including the AO3 information, the creative commons and fair use information, the guild stamp, a QR code to the AO3 page, and my own press stamp! The summary is pulled from AO3 as well.
All in all, I made this book twice and I loved it and learned so much every time.
I'm so happy with this project and I'm so excited to do the next arc! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story, Misa!
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dollish-shard · 1 year
A Good Maid
It had seemed so simple at the time. A job as a maid for some rich woman's manor, while you got yourself back on your feet. The pay was decent; enough, at least, to outweigh the indignity. You could clean, do housework. It would be easy.
The first sign something was off was Her.
The Mistress of the Manor; She refused to be called by any other title. She was... intoxicating. The way Her hair fell over Her shoulders, Her deep and captivating eyes, even Her smell... You'd never considered yourself a lesbian before, and yet...
She gave you your uniform. It was a stereotypical thing, like out of some fanservicey anime. You hesitated for a moment, but then She looked you in the eyes...
"Get in uniform, Maid."
You must have complied, because the next thing you knew you had it on.
You tried not to think about the lacey lingerie underneath your dress. Why that was part of the uniform you had no idea.
The other maids in the manor seemed odd, at first. They moved strangely, gliding silently and effortlessly down the spotless halls.
hey didn't chat with each other on the job, or during downtime, like you'd expected. They were quiet, obedient, almost emotionless.. it was almost creepy.
The Mistress of the Manor had come to check on you all, once. Every other maid stood up and lined up in unison.
You had hastily run to join them, half an inch out of formation.
She inspected them closely; perhaps too closely. Groping their breasts, feeling under their skirts... they never once complained. You began to feel uncomfortable, but then She got to you...
When She lay Her hand on your breast, it was like electricity through your whole body. Any dissent you had melted away as you leaned wholeheartedly into the pleasure, a moan escaping your lips. But then She pulled away, and frowned.
"A maid doesn't speak unless directed to."
You struggled to find thoughts, what to say in response. Your mind was hazy... before you knew it, you had spoken.
"Of course, Miss."
She reached greedily for your breast again, and the pleasure returned. This time you did not make a sound, and She smiled. "Good maid."
The praise struck through your mind like a bolt of pure pleasure, and your perception was lost to a haze. When you came to, She was gone, and you were midway through dusting the sitting room. You tried to remember what had happened, but all that came to mind was...
"Good maid."
The days passed in a haze. You followed your orders, as a maid ought to. Something felt wrong... but it wasn't your place to question it. You were just a maid... right?
It wasn't until you finally saw a calendar that your mind snapped somewhat out of the fog.
You had only signed up to work as a maid for 3 months, but... it had been almost a year. How had you lost track of time? Had you... even been home since you got here? You couldn't remember... it was so hard to think, good maids didn't think...
You shake your head and march off.
You barge into the Mistress's office, demanding to know what's going on. She raises Her eyebrow and stands, your mind beginning to fuzz up.
"Good maids don't put up a fuss. I thought you wanted to be a good maid?"
You... did you want to be a good maid? You couldn't remember...
She leans in close, Her intoxicating scent filling your nostrils. "You wouldn't have chosen to stay if you didn't want to... but you're not being a good maid right now. You need to be punished."
You tried to run, tried to hit her, do anything, but all that came out was-
"Of course, Miss. A good maid accepts its punishment."
That must have been true. Why would you have said it, otherwise?
She smiled. "I'm glad you've seen reason, maid." She leaned towards you, and you felt a prinprick on your neck. Your vision went fuzzy, and then-
When you came to, it was pitch black. You were blindfolded; more than that, you were bound. You were hung upside down, dangling who knows how high in the air, your arms and legs tightly bound, a ball gag in your mouth and headphones over your ears.
You shivered, and realized you were almost completely naked.
Then the buzzing started. A vibrating in between your legs, a soft, steady, building heat... you blushed, you know you did, but you couldn't do anything. It grew, and grew... and then held. Just on the edge.
You would have moaned if not for the gag. the buzzing held you there, orgasm just out of reach...
A low droning came through the headphones, underneath a steady pulsing beat. The panic that had begun to build in you faded away. You started to feel... happy. Compliant.
A voice came through the headphones. Her voice.
"Good maids obey. Bad maids are punished." "Good maids don't think. Bad maids are punished." "Good maids are horny. Bad maids are punished."
Over and over, Her voice, seeping into your mind... You found yourself following along.
"Good maids obey. Bad maids are punished." "Good maids don't think. Bad maids are punished." "Good maids are horny. Bad maids are punished."
Over and over and over. Kept constantly in denial, your brain leaking out your legs as the pleasure overwhelmed you.
"Good maids forget the past. Good maids have always been maids."
You felt warm hands run across you. You would have gasped, flinched, anything, but your bindings made it impossible.
"Good maids are objects of pleasure. Good maids let their Mistress play with them."
The hands continued, and with every loop of the words you grew less concerned. This was normal. This was natural. A good maid always let their Mistress play with it. And you... you were a good maid. You had been a bad maid, but you were learning.
You weren't sure how long you hung there, in darkness with the words filling your mind. It didn't really matter. The pleasure had long since overwhelmed all thoughts but one. That you had to be a good maid, and obey.
You barely even noticed when you were finally taken down.
You haven't rebelled since, naturally. Good maids obey, after all. You move in perfect unison with your fellow maids, nothing but objects to perform Her will. She touches you, plays with you, and you let Her willingly, because good maids don't resist.
You are a good maid. You've always been a good maid.
You will always be a good maid.
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hearts4skywalker · 8 months
can i call you tonight? | anthony larusso
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summary: anthony larusso has always had a crush on y/n l/n. he had always seen her around school but never had the guts to talk to her. until he sees her at the beach and uses his larusso charm to score a date with her!!
parings: reader and anthony
warnings: she/her pronouns, sam and ant bonding, dayglow coded!!
a/n: its def a little shorter but yk !! also new format!!
w/c: 972
"hey, y/n. i'm anthony. i was wondering if you'd like to- forget it. this is pointless." anthony threw his hands down. this whole idea was stupid to him. there was no way y/n l/n would ever go on a date with him. he was hopeless. sam sat on the edge of his bed while he paced around his room.
sam rolled her eyes at her younger brother. "anthony, you literally haven't even gotten through the whole sentence." she grabbed her phone, checking the time. she had been trying to help her brother for a few hours now. "sam, you don't understand. y/n is like next level gorgeous. i don't think she's ever even looked my way." anthony looked at his sister like she was crazy.
she shut her phone off, setting it next to her. "the one with h/c hair, right?" anthony felt himself smile just at sam describing y/n. "yeah. she always hangs around with lia or nathaniel." anthony sat on the rolling chair that was always at his desk. sam sat up straighter. "y/n is super sweet, anthony. all you have to do is just talk to her." and with that, sam stood up, leaving his room.
just talk to her? easy for her to say. anthony could never just talk to her. he had tried countless times before. it always sounded like mumbled gibberish. and then y/n would look at anthony and smile her gorgeous smile and he would have no choice but to walk away embarrassed. sam just had no clue how hard it was to talk to girls.
anthony continued to pace around his room. the thought of y/n never left his mind. she never did. he had heard that whole "if you can't sleep it means someones thinking about you" and if it was true, anthony felt horrible about her sleep schedule. he ran a hand through his hair, going over what he would say to her on monday in his head. "anthony, let's go! get your shoes on!" daniel knocked on anthony's door.
anthony stumbled around his room in search for his other shoe. when he found it, he ran down the stairs. amanda was waiting for him at the front door. someone always had to be after anthony when leaving the house since he forgets to lock the door. "go get in the car. your father and sam are already in there." amanda patted his back while he walked out the door. anthony made sure to sit on the opposite side of sam.
pulling up to the beach, it was late evening. sam and anthony both rushed out of the car, walking towards a spot on the sand. it was a tradition for sam and anthony to walk the beach one night during the week, just so amanda and daniel could catch up. sam stayed with their parents. anthony was a fan of beach walks. there was no chance he would pass up on this.
anthony had walked a good distance away from his family when he stopped. he stood at the shore line, watching a crab gracefully walk into the water. he watched the crab dig in the sand to find a spot. anthony enjoyed watching the little sea creatures walk around in the water. he walked a little farther, stopping when he saw a very familiar figure.
there she was. y/n l/n. she was mindlessly walking around, just as anthony was. he knew this was his chance. no one else was around like they were at school. "y/n?" anthony smiled, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. "anthony! hey!" y/n came running up to him. she knew his name? anthony would have to tell same about this.
"uh yeah! hey." he rubbed the back of his neck, the same smile still stuck on his face. y/n stood next to anthony, returning the smile. "you uh, wanna walk?" anthony turned to face her. y/n smiled at him. "sure!" anthony loved how she was always so willing. and how polite she was. he loved a lot of things about her.
the two walked towards where y/n had came from. the entire time the two were talking. talking about school, about karate, about y/n's friends. just anything they could think of. y/n's eyes lit up when she looked down at the sand and saw a pinkish looking shape buried. the two immediately got to their knees and pulled the shell out.
so that's how the two spent the next hour. they dug in the sand, finding different shapes and colors of shells. y/n's favorite was the pretty blue toned shell. anthony admired how pretty she looked, even with sand all over her.
as the sun set, it was time for the two to get back to their families. anthony was walking y/n back to her family before he went back to his. "you'll be at school monday, right?" y/n turned on her heel to ask anthony. "yeah, of course." anthony continued to have the same smile he had the whole time they were hanging out. "alright. see you, ant." y/n gave him a little wave, walking away. anthony knew it was now or never. "wait, y/n!" he hollered after her. y/n turned around. "yeah?"
"can i call you tonight?" anthony asked. y/n smiled the biggest smile he'd ever seen. she nodded her head, unable to form words. anthony smiled before walking back to his family. "he's just like his dad. he's got that larusso charm to him." daniel patted his back, the three had seen all of that. "dad." anthony muttered, his ears turning red.
he didn't know yet but he had just one y/n l/n's heart.
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gummysharklover · 3 months
summary: ᯓ˚࿔ schlatt ruins what he had with you; based off of Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley
notes: ᯓ˚࿔ ANGST </3 ᯓ˚࿔ gn!reader (no use of prns) ᯓ˚࿔ no use of y/n ᯓ˚࿔ i tried a new format and i rlly like it :D i hope u do too! ᯓ˚࿔ angst (again), read at your own caution ᯓ˚࿔ rather vague about what happened, but oh did he fuck up ᯓ˚࿔ guys sorry D: ᯓ˚࿔ asshole!schlatt ᯓ˚࿔ not proofread!
wc: ᯓ˚࿔ 558
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Schlatt was a stupid man.
"Don't even bother comin' over!" He had yelled over the phone. "Jay," You had pleaded. "We're over." He had said.
He never regretted a conversation more.
Schlatt sits in his office, head resting in his hands. He blames his naivety, claiming he was "young and stupid," but you both know that's not true. You're all he can think about tonight, but you'll never know that. He's felt absent since you left—he's craving your love because all you did was love him unconditionally; you loved him with no question.
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Schlatt was an asshole.
"I was jus' out havin' some fun. What's the big deal?" He had slurred. "The big deal? The big deal is that you missed our anniversary!" You had sobbed.
He woke up the next morning to an empty bed, but you still went back. He was your weakness—and his half-assed apologies always worked on you. You half blamed yourself for your continued return. Maybe if you didn't stay, this all could have been avoided.
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Schlatt feels sick.
"Jay," You had laughed at the supermarket, "I just don't like how your soap smells!" He had playfully rolled his eyes, "Fine, doll, get another one. As long as you're happy." "Really?" You'd had lit up.
Schlatt stands up, sighing as he regrets everything he did to lose you. He needs to grab more paper towels from the cabinet, and when he opens it, he sees the extra soap you bought to keep at his place. You were so upset that you never went to grab your things. He grabs the bottle, rubbing his free hand over his face, "Shit, man." He groans to himself. He only has himself to blame.
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Schlatt was tired.
"Jay," You had murmured, "'M tired." Schlatt had swiveled around in his chair to see you in your pajamas, rubbing your eyes, "Let's go to bed, angel."
He can't sleep. He hasn't been able to for days now. He tosses and turns in his lonely bed, knowing it's a fruitless endeavor. God, he would do anything to have you fall asleep beside him one more time—do anything to wake up to your soft smile looking down at him.
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Schlatt was miserable.
Sticky and sweet, the laughter that had bubbled out from inside you was akin to water overboiling in a pot, "Jay! I can't believe you would say that!" He had chuckled along with you, "But I did!"
Now, he can't quite recall what the memory was about—that was years ago. But his mind flashes with memories of every time you let out that sweet laugh. The first time he kissed you—how you both giggled, giddy for the moment to finally happen. When you would laugh at your own jokes. When you would beat him in a game, calling yourself a "pro gamer."
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Schlatt was haunted.
It's been a month since he called it off. He can't bring himself to get rid of your stuff, even if it's a painful reminder of what he was stupid enough to lose. Maybe it'll remind him to be better next time. But he doubts there will be a "next time."
At the end of the day, he waits for you to come back despite knowing you never will.
For him, it's never over. You will always haunt his life.
No, it's never over.
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dellalyra · 10 months
Hi! Do you remember in the "Family formations" part "Kind" Megumi said that he hopes his future partner will be kind. Imagine when Megumi and Yuji finally start dating, reader will tell Megumi that he found the perfect partner, because he is very kind, like Megumi wanted. I think about it and this is soo cute! (actually I requested it like a week ago by anonymous, but I'm pretty sure something is wrong with my anonymous function. But if you already got it, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to make sure)
“I’ll do this dishes!” Yuuji clambers off his chair at the dining table, gathering all plates and silverware at once before you could even protest.
“Ya know, if sorcery doesn’t work out then you’d make one hell of a waiter.” Satoru laughs from beside you.
Megumi moves to stand and help his boyfriend, but is quickly shoved back down with a warning to stay with his parents.
Three and a half year old Akio is sitting on his boosted chair, more pasta on his face than in his tummy and your 5 month old baby girl, Mirai is cuddled on her father’s lap as she suckles on a bottle before bedtime.
You can hear the dishwasher being loaded, with a soft humming and the occasional muttered word from Yuuji to your cat who is presumably receiving clandestine leftovers.
Megumi is looking at him through the kitchen door, and the soft lamplight shines on his sharp features - making his beautiful eyes look like the greenest emeralds and casting shadows from his long lashes. The look on his face - you’ve seen that look.
That contentment, the adoration, respect and gratitude mixed with amusement and amazement.
You’ve seen that look before.
In your husband’s face, when he looks at you.
That’s the look of real love, the true kind.
It’s the look you give your Satoru, too.
Many years ago, one night when you were barely 21 and the kids only small children - you remember them witnessing the aftermath of a gripping nightmare that had you reliving the loss (albeit, temporary) of the love of your life. You remember them both crawling into bed beside you - and speaking of the love they hoped to find. A blueprint set for them, tried and tested, in the couple who raised them. The plan and image of a love for the ages, a ride-or-die devotion and marriage of soulmates.
You remember your little Tsumiki - hoping for a prince, or a king. A fairytale to sweep her off her feet.
Megumi - his was so simple it shook you to your core. When asked what he wanted in the one he loved, the then 6 year old only listed one thing.
He wanted his love to be kind.
In the moment you sat there, both sons and baby daughter, your lover of 14 years and future son-in-law in the kitchen you know the wish came true.
The innocent wish of a 6 year old boy for his future love to be a kind one.
The stars listened that night.
“He’s kind.” You say, soft and almost reverent.
“Huh?” The black haired young man tilts his head in confusion.
“Yuuji.” You nod your head toward the kitchen.
“You’re only realising this after 4 years of knowing him…?” Megumi raises an eyebrow.
The cogs seem to click into place in Satoru’s head as he looks at you - then toward the boy. He remembers too, he looks at you smiling before tossing his head back in a melodic laugh that’s soothed your aching body since you were 16.
“When you were 6, you came with ‘Miki into our room in the middle of the night after hearing me crying out from a nightmare. The nightmare was about the day your dad was - was stabbed.” You begin, watching as Megumi takes Mirai from Satoru’s arms and you’re immediately pulled into your husbands lap as Akio runs off to play in the playroom.
“Okay…?” Megumi asks, his little sister absentmindedly chewing on his fingers.
“I explained why losing someone I loved as much as I love your dad left deep scars on me, and Tsumiki began talking about what she wanted in a future lover. She said she wanted a king or a prince, someone who treated her how ‘Toru treats me.” The boy nods, remembering the night.
“Do you remember what you said, kid?” Satoru asks, absentmindedly tracing patterns into the flesh of your hips through your jeans.
Megumi furrows his brow in thought, deep consideration required for memories from so long ago.
Then it hits.
A small smile, barely noticeable graces his proud features as he looks at the table.
“Kind.” He whispers.
“Hey - sensei! Can cats have broccoli?” A pink head pokes out around the kitchen archway.
“You feeding that cat extra? No wonder he’s so damn fat.” Satoru exclaims. He had tried to get Yuuji to stop calling him Sensei many times - to no avail.
“Yeah, Yuuji - Grumpy George can have some broccoli.” You laugh out.
“Sensei! Don’t say that! He might hear you and broccoli is a vegetable, it’s one of his five a day!” Yuuji shouts back before you hear muttering of ‘here you go, sir - some broccoli - oh, very yummy, nom nom nom.’
The look is back on his face.
Megumi’s face.
That look.
You briefly wonder if his birth parents had something to do with sending their blessing an angel, and you’re so grateful if they did.
“Kind.” Megumi mutters, stronger this time - sure in his voice and proud of his boy.
pixie says: I loved this so much because when I wrote ‘Kind’ originally I wrote it specifically with Yuuji in mind when Megumi says he wants someone kind and when I said for Tsumiki she wanted a king - it was a nod to Yoruzu loving Sukuna. I cannot BELIEVE someone picked up on this and it’s made me beyond happy.
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caustinen · 2 months
Hollywood!AU Clegan....
How about John wins a major award (career changing recognition) and Gale's his plus one at the event, and John goes for a massive smooch when his name is announced and it becomes a viral meme? :') <3 <3
Hehee I ended up trying something bit different with the format of this one but I hope you like it, thank you for the lovely idea!! 🖤🤍
hollywood au! award season (drabble)
John’s lips are twitching into a smile despite his best efforts as he observes Gale staring at the front page of the newspaper in mild horror.
“That’s…” Gale bites his lip and stops talking, and John has to look the other way because the way his husband bites his lips together in a straight line is both funny and insanely cute. They have been out late partying and thus the morning has started even later. While Gale hasn’t had a drop of alcohol he looks a bit hungover from the lack of sleep alone, slower and softer than usual, somehow.
“You look like you’ve been in a fight.” That’s what he finally settles on, diplomatically, still staring at the half-page picture. John nods, controlling his expression, and smiling just as diplomatically. “Well, it did look like I was trying to wrestle you down right before, so…” Gale hides his face into his palms. “Don’t remind me,” he whines, ”it’s not funny! Look at your lip, John! You can see exactly where my teeth got caught, I can’t believe this is how you-.”
John takes the paper from his hand then. ”It’s really not so bad,” he says, ”and I really liked the piece that goes with it.” He grins, and when Gale still looks bothered he clears his throat and starts reading aloud.
“At the end of the night John Egan, 35, took home the best actor trophy for his widely acclaimed performance as Layne Cornell in worldwide hit ’I’m Only Sleeping’. Fondly nicknamed ’Hollywood's Sweetheart’ since early in his career, the star had been previously nominated twice, once in the supporting actor category and once for the main trophy, but last night’s triumph marked his first individual reward in the Academy Awards. The long awaited honor brough this well-respected peer a standing ovation, but the moment before receiving the awards was almost overshadowed by a sweet incident with his husband, Gale Cleven-Egan.
As the actor’s spouse was getting up to congratulate Egan for his accomplishment, the later in visible excitement leaned to give him an assumedly affectionate peck to the lips. A miscalculation of speed, however, almost toppled Cleven over to the benches behind them, taking Egan with him. Luckily no one was hurt and a roar of laughter around the couple covered for the mishap as Egan managed his affection before walking up to the stage to accept the esteemed award after making sure Cleven was standing on his two feet again.
Egan is known for his cheekiness, and he stayed true to his nature last night as well as he started his acceptance speech with “apologizing for being disheveled after his better half tried to take a bite of him.” As the cameras panned away from Cleven’s now meme-formatted face hidden in hands, Egan then thanked the film crew, emphasizing the amazing work of the art departments on the costumes and cinematography, both of which have also received awards this winter in Golden Globes and Brit Awards. He took time to name all heads of departments and fellow stars on the screen alike, a class act through and through.
For the fans of what netizens have affectionately coined “Clegan” in reference to the relationship of Egan and Cleven, the night’s big prize was surely in the final part of his speech, however, when the violins were about to start to play. “Nothing in life is ever achieved truly alone, and certainly nothing about my career would have been possible without my husband,” visibly touched Egan started his conclusions, “my dear Buck, thank you for your patience, your guidance, your companionship, and for your amazing body. Baby, this is for you as much as it is for me. Thank you for your time, enjoy the rest of your night!”
Egan has never been shy to show his affection for his significant other ever since the couple made their relationship public in 2022, shocking audiences around the world as it was announced Egan and Cleven had been in a secret relationship for years. Later that year they tied the knot, and while generally still keeping their love private, they are often spotted together in Egan’s professional events. Egan’s social media presence has become something of a shared internet joke as he often posts exclusively from his husband who seems different levels of unimpressed by his doings.
I’m Only Sleeping did well in box office as well as receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics before now being the trophy magnet in the award season. It also received Oscars for best supporting performances by…”
John looks up from the paper. ”And so on and so on.” Gale’s expression has softened despite the blush on his face having deepened. Bucky is suddenly so overwhelmed by emotion he drops the paper to the table as he stands up to reach for his husband’s hand and pulls him up too. Gale instantly hides his face into his neck as he relaxes to the embrace, leaving John to press an admiring kiss to his golden locks.
They hug and sway for a little bit in silence as Gale gathers himself. ”… I just wish your lip wasn’t so swollen in the picture. Otherwise it was cute,” is eventually muttered against his t-shirt, making Bucky chuckle. ”That was my own fault. Not the first time you left teeth marks on me either.” Gale sighs and finally looks up to him, the experssion in his big eyes a mix of anguish and amusement. ”Why can’t we ever manage to be cool about anything?”
He makes a protesting sound in surprise as he’s spinned around and then ends up with his back against the fridge, a huge familiar body crowding him against it. ”I think we’re plenty cool,” Bucky says absentmindedly like he’s already moved on from it, ”did I ever tell you how incredibly sexy you look bed-warm and ruffled?” Gale looks at him, unimpressed. ”Well, you did specifically take time to thank my ’amazing body’ while accepting a goddamn Academy Award, so-”
Bucky leans back so he can take a good serious look at Gale, his hands on both sides of the fridge around his head. ”Doll,” he says, and oh, the blush is back, delicious, ”I’ve done most, if not all of my best work under the influence and inspiration of this body. How could I have not-”
Gale shuts him up with a kiss, and decides it’s time to test the performance of his critically acclaimed idiot on his own.
(Hope you liked it!! 💘)
(more of hollywood au)
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skzooweemama · 11 months
Hello!!! Omg I've recently been obsessing over your posts 😅 I love your writing style!
If you're not too busy, could you do a thing that's like skz's reactions to finding out you're ticklish?
It's totally fine if you don't want to, take care!! 💕
yes ofccccc!! i'm so glad you like my writing!
formal apologies to all my not ticklish stays- just pretend for this one :) <33
two posts in two days? who am i? guess i’m on a writing kick lol- unfortunately i do not think this will continue (but also i don’t want it to be another month before i post again so i’m gonna do my best)
anyway- hope y’all enjoy!! this was super fun to write! still experimenting w formatting too so stay tuned 😵‍💫
Bang Chan:
channie definitely figured it out quick
literally he is always touching you
we've been over this
of course he is a gentleman
his love language may be physical touch, but he had to make sure you're okay w that first!
waits until you begin to initiate affection more often before he gets clingy
but then he's kind of all over you :)
you invited him over to your place one night, and even though he had just been working for hours, he was just too excited to see you
he was super tired though, so you took it upon yourself to set up a cute movie date so the two of you could just chill out and cuddle
at first, channie was just happily cuddled up against your side, an arm lazily slug around you waist while you petted his hair
it was cute and sleepy and perfect
until he just had to go and mess it up
chan's musicality seemed to get the best of him as he began to drum the rhythm to one of their tracks out on your waist
your very ticklish waist
there was a noble and valiant effort to stop yourself from freaking out, but alas
you let out a squeal and suddenly chan perked up, his exhaustion completely gone
safe to say you got pinned to the couch and tickled within an inch of your life
praying for you babe, he is a true monster
Lee Know:
minho wasn't really on the hunt for your tickle spots tbh
honestly, it's not something he thinks about a lot
unless it's happening right in front of him or he's feeling mischievous and he can take it out on someone in his direct vicinity (ex. our maknae on top)
his interest has to be piqued first
that's why when he figured out that you're ticklish, it was literally in the most cliche way possible
that's right- you got stuck in your shirt
it was a cute top that was way too expensive, but you had splurged a bit because you wanted something nice to wear on night outs
unfortunately, it was also incredibly tight and hard to get on and off
especially for your tipsy post-date brain... you were struggling
that's how minho found you, with your top half off, arms trapped in the fabric pulled over your head
he scoffed at you, shaking his head and tutting that you should've asked for help
just like him to be condescending at a time like this smh
but he does help you, grasping at your fabric cage and yanking upwards
and it was so helpful, except for the fact that he just barely brushed your underarms
which made you squeal and pull away from him
which made him curious
minho helped you out of the top completely before he decided to explore what made you squeal like that
after that, though, he tackled you onto the bed and found every single tickle spot you had before he even thought about letting you go
and he's a meanie too... idk if you'll survive :)
changbin has definitely tried to tickle you before
he just never found the spot
yk how sometimes you'll see vids of idols "tickling" their member's forearms or like shoulder?
he did shit like that, fully expecting you to laugh
safe to say you did not
so he had mostly given up, content with the fact that you aren't ticklish
he did start to take you on gym dates
and on one of these gym dates he discovered just how wrong he was
you decided to try to do an unassisted chin up, which you had been building up to by using resistance bands each time you tried
changbin was standing close by for moral support (and also to catch you just in case)
you made sure to remember the proper technique and pulled yourself all the way up, chin just meeting the bar
changbin cheered when you dropped down, grasping your waist and kissing your cheek proudly
you felt so victorious! but when changbin's hand just brushed against the skin of your stomach from beneath your shirt, you froze and let out a squeak of surprise
despite my earlier comments, changbin is no dummy
you can be sure that later that night he decided to see just how sensitive you really were
you'll never have a moment of peace with him now ;))))
hyunjin is a poker
for some reason, those long fingers of his are just drawn to exposed skin
changbin is a frequent target, but tbh all of the members have fallen victim to his shenanigans at some point
and ofc, there's no special treatment, even if you're dating him
you will be poked, and it will tickle
your first mistake was wearing a new shirt that had those slits going diagonally down the front of the top
you hadn't even thought anything of it when you put it on that morning
i mean, it's a shirt and you were under the assumption that your boyfriend wasn't a weirdo
(you were wrong)
that night, hyunjin decided to help you make some dinner
and by "help" i mean he stood behind you with his hands around your waist and his chin on your shoulder while you cooked, talking your ear off about whatever came to his mind
he's annoying
anyway, eventually he got bored
you were too focused on the food! how could you ignore him?!
as he stewed in his boredom, his fingers found their way to the slits in the front of your shirt and brushed up against your warm skin
and then, he delivered one firm poke
right to your bellybutton
immediately, you let out a strained giggle and tried to move away from him, but unfortunately he had you trapped between the kitchen counter and his body
before you could even devise another plan of escape, his hands slipped beneath your shirt and began to wreck your tummy, shirt slits be damned
you nearly died that night, and it was certainly not the last time something like that happened~
jisung was shy
really he was, especially at the beginning of your relationship
it took him a while to even work up the nerve to kiss you after you began dating, and even then he was kind of drunk
but somewhere around the 3 month mark, a switch flipped
he began to touch you more and he was more playful
introverts are funny like that
it stands to reason that he discovered how ticklish you were not long after
i mean, how were you supposed to respond when he asked to give you a foot massage? say no?
you tried that, but he pouted and you caved
you sort of accepted the fact that he'd find out, especially when you got out of the shower to find him on your bed with lotion and foot masks
and he looked so fcking cute too, curse you jisung >:(
safe to say he knew something was up as soon as you sat down to offer him a foot to massage
you were bright red, stuttering, and even sweating a lil bit
and when he started teasing?! telling you how cute you looked?!!?
oh no, you were done for
he couldn't even start massaging, you collapsed in giggles as soon as his fingers grazed the bottoms of your feet with lotion
your silly boyfriend started laughing at you, and the next thing you knew, your feet were headlocked beneath his arm and he was going to town on them
you screamed and thrashed, and eventually pulled a foot away and gave him a good kick
bad idea, because now he's gonna get revenge by finding out what other spots make you scream <3
felix was totally curious
like you knew he was ticklish (you reminded him of that fact frequently), so shouldn't he know if you were too?
he thought he should
his investigation began one evening when he came over for a sleepover
you, ofc, were expecting nothing but cuddles and romantic cutesy stuff
after your last week of midterms at university, it felt more necessary than ever
felix, on the other hand, was nothing if not conniving
it wasn't his fault that you just looked so cute in your pjs
perfect to test his theories on as well
you had dragged him to the bathroom so you could do skincare together, and then made him sit through a face mask, and then you two finally went to bed
but felix still had to wait for the perfect moment
and he wasn't gonna stop you when your lips found their way to his, small kisses blossoming into a lazy make-out session
emphasis on "lazy" because honestly you could hardly keep your eyes open by the time he pulled away
he giggled and brushed your hair from your eyes, thumb tracing your kiss-swollen lips as he whispered about how pretty you were
you flushed, scolding him about being a tease before you reached to turn off your bedside table lamp
felix suddenly remembered his mission
and his time had arrived
you just barely clicked the light off before felix stuck his fingers right into your armpit, massaging deep circles into your flesh
you positively squealed, unable to stop yourself from falling into witch-like cackles
felix's investigation was a success, and you can bet he'd use these findings again and again
seungmin tickles you to get what he wants
or at least, he does after he finds out about your weakness
and it doesn't take long really
technically, the two of you weren't even official yet when he makes the discovery
the night before, one thing kind of led to another during an after-party, and the next thing you knew, you woke up in the same bed
wearing very little
seungmin was the first to wake up in the morning with a raging headache
no lie, he felt like he had been run over by 20 tour buses
somehow, when he saw you, cuddled into his chest snoozing peacefully, he felt less gross
it was probably because he was in love with you, but he wasn't really ready to admit that to himself yet
and he did really have to pee, and he could not do that with you koalabeared onto him
no time to think about emotions or anything
at first, he tried to shake you awake, which proved to be futile
next, he tried prying your arms off from around his waist, but your grip was like iron
finallly, he tried poking and prodding you because he didn't have any other ideas
almost immediately you began to squirm away, trying to fight off the tickles in your sleepy state
eventually (partly because you were too cute gently giggling and partly because now he really needed to pee) he finally dug into your sides and really gave you a good wake up call
you woke up laughing loudly from the tickles, and when your vision cleared, you saw a blushing seungmin making his way to the bathroom
Jeongin tickles you when you annoy him
which you do a lot
it's like you were built to push all of his buttons istg
the first time he ever found out you were ticklish, you were making fun of him
it was a personal favorite pastime of yours
(definitely not because you thought jeongin was hot when he was frustrated, no ofc not)
today had just not been a good day for him in the slightest
his voice was a bit hoarse so he couldn’t record, he kept missing steps in their dance practice, and to top it all off he was breaking out from the stress of a new comeback
so really, why were you adding gas to that fire?
usually you only bugged him because you wanted to get his mind off of whatever was bothering him
your teasing was light hearted, and you never had bad intentions
but when you wouldn’t stop asking for kisses, started whining at him after he said he didn’t wanna give you kisses, and then sat yourself right on top of him and refused to move… that’s when he got fed up
and yet you kept it up
jeongin decided he needed to do something drastic
and of course he’d never hurt you and he wasn’t truly mad, but he did need to teach you a lesson
so… he set his hands on your hips, looking up at you from where you were seated on his lap, facing him
and he asked if you would move
when you said “no” once again, he squeezed your hips like his life depended on it
you shrieked and fell to the side, trying to squirm away from his evil hands as they tickled you mercilessly
as jeongin pinned you down and made you laugh until you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t help but think about how you deserved this
whatever, it was fun so you just decided to be even more annoying in the future :)
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teawithnosugar · 9 months
Singer!Ellie headcanons
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AN: oh em geee, hi hi hi. I know it’s been like AWHILE and I promised a oneshot (it is still in my drafts and more than halfway done) but I’ve been crocheting for a good 8 hours straight, it’s 4am, and I put my rlly rlly old playlist on shuffle and the songs gave me IDEAS. I did not follow my usual format (???) on this cause likeeee…yk, I’m sleepy and tired and lazy. Also this isn’t like super accurate cause obviously I’m not a singer and idk how they work.
CW: none rlly, I mentioned reader wearing dresses once
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★ Imagine Ellie writing music not in the Arctic Monkeys or Chase Atlantic way a lot of ppl picture but in the Boygenius (pretty common) and Ed Sheeran way iykwim.
★ She’s rich af but doesn’t spend big amounts of money unless it’s for you. It doesn’t matter if you have your own money or you didn’t ask her to— SHE WILL SPOIL YOU.
★ Picture her in the most “okay” looking clothes that are so low quality that it makes her itchy but she’s buying you Versace dresses and shit.
★ She’s never told anyone except for Jesse (you guys’ bff and her music producer) but whenever she’s planning her next tour or concert with her staff, she tries to suggest dates and times that are convenient for you to watch. She absolutely needs you in the audience for her to perform well but she would never ask you to change your schedule for her.
★ Nah but just imagine her singing smtg like Perfect or True Blue on stage and her eyes are on you legit 99% of the time and people on tiktok post abt it nonstop.
★ If you had a career that made you just as famous as her, you bet she’s saving every single edit of you she sees on tiktok or insta.
★ Obviously she has your initials carved on her guitar and obviously everyone saw.
★ She’s already written many different versions of what her vows would be once you guys got married and every time she had a new draft, she’d turn the old one(s) into songs so they wouldn’t be a waste.
★ She never told you but one of her albums was just all old drafts of her vows to you.
★ You fully trust her 100% but sometimes you need reassurance every once in awhile but you also don’t like bothering her. She tells you all the time that you could never bother but you’re stubborn so whenever she’s staying late at the studio because she’s busy she makes Jesse send pictures of her to you like once every hour or so so you could see that she was truly at work and not doing anything else (like bereal ig).
★ She also made sure to tell Jesse not to say that she told him to do it. He just says shit like “ooh like at how obsessed this bitch is with you, this new song is cheesy af” so it comes off as him teasing you instead of reassuring you.
★ Is super awkward but in a charming way.
★ Your wedding would be super private and as soon as you guys are married, she takes time off work more often to spend more time with you.
★ In conclusion, she’s down BAD
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andkisses · 1 year
♡ physical touch | txt ♡
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ot5!txt headcanon: the types of touch/physical intimacy you share
♡ ot5 x gn!reader | wc. 1.1k  ♡ genres/tropes: fluff!  ♡ mentions of/warnings: use of pet names, and ofc physical touch  ♡ a/n: bulletpoint format + small drabble, a little something for every member <3 soobin’s first and the rest below the cut ^^  ♡ masterlist ♡
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✧・゚: *soobin | piggyback rides
always whines when you ask, but secretly obsessed with being able to hold you and take you anywhere
will 100% knock you into things and act like it was an accident
“sorry babe, u know how clumsy i am” 
you roll your eyes, but hold him closer all the same, squeezing your arms around his neck
“soobin be careful,” you mutter, face buried in his shoulder, and soobin can’t help but smile as he carries you piggyback style down the beach. you’d complained only once–a short and simple “my feet hurt.” and that was all it took for him. why should you suffer when he knows a perfect solution? he knelt down, offering a single, “would this make it better?” already knowing your response, savoring how it felt to have you jump on. sure, he goofs around with the occasional “oh no watch out i’m falling!” fakes and bumping into things, but he’s silently sworn to keep you safe, here and anywhere else. with your head resting on his shoulder, arms around his neck, and his hands tucked safely and securely beneath your thighs, holding you close to him–soobin is perfectly content. he gently knocks his head into yours, a small laugh escaping his lips. “anything you say, dear.”
✧・゚: *yeonjun | neck nuzzles
whenever he’s down or having a bad day or simple needs to hold you
you’re there, and yeonjun’s crawling on top to lay on you like your own personal weighted blanket
he’ll nuzzle into the crook of your neck, his hair tickling the underside of your chin
but the way he shives slightly under your touch as you comb through his hair is payment enough
yeonjun looks up at you with a blank face, tired with the day, but even as he tries his best, seeing you melts away his fear and angst. you’re his healing, and he’s so happy you’re his. yeonjun’s smile blooms even wider as you cup his cheeks gently between your hands. “oh, jjunie,” you coo, and yeonjun blushes at how easily, how quickly he turns to putty in your hands. but he loves it anyway, the warmth that floods his body when you give him your attention. he really would do anything for you. “c’mere,” you whisper, an invitation. yeonjun props himself up, crawling forward to envelope you in a large hug, his arms strong against your back and his nose tucked into the crook of your neck. he shivers a little when you start to comb your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. this, he’s sure, is paradise.
✧・゚: *beomgyu | slow dancing
any time. any place. with or without music. beomgyu just loves to hold you close and sway to whatever
in the kitchen when you’re baking and you’ve just set the timer along with the radio
outside in the rain when you’ve both forgotten umbrellas and he can get once dance in, singling whatever song you like
if he can hold you close in the most classically romantic fashion, he will
the clock is surely past midnight; outside has quieted down as much as the city can. the lights are all off, safe for the one light in the kitchen. it casts a broken yet warm glow to everywhere it can reach. beomgyu doesn’t care, though, he’s too busy reveling in having you in his arms once again. every time is like magic, something he wished for long ago that’s only now true. he rocks you back and forth around the tiny living room, his hand in yours and on your hip, keeping you safe. beomgyu can feel your warmth, smell your perfume, and there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. he loves the weight of your body pressing into his, using his strength to hold the both of you. a some point, the two of you stopped dancing, ending up in one spot. he’s convinced you’re asleep as he sways you gently, but he’s certain, if he can stay in this joy forever, he’ll stand here for eternity.
✧・゚: *taehyun - bridal carry
gym rat muscle big idk what u call it but it isn’t just for sure
taehyun like to put his well earned muscles to work
it could be wrestling you and pinning you down to cover you in kisses and giggles
or, his personal favorite, scooping you up and carrying you wherever you request
the laughter that falls from your lips is his favorite sound, taehyun decides, as he scoops you up into his arms and holds you close to his chest. one arm firm behind your back, the other beneath you knee, he grins as you throw your hands around his neck and laugh into him. “where to?” he asks, as if you actually have somewhere to go on a lazy saturday evening. you shake your head. “uh, back to where i was?” taehyun fakes a pout–he wouldn’t get to hold you so close for very long if he just put you down. so he nods, and goes, “a small trip then,” and proceeds to hold and swing and walk you around the apartment and in every room. your bubbly laughter as he swoops and dips you, like your own personal roller coaster, keeps him going. when he finally gets back to the couch, he sits down, you still in his arms. you reward him with a kiss–sweet and tender, and it’s all taehyun needs.
✧・゚: *kai -  tiptoe kiss on the stairs
we get it. he knows it u know: he’s tall
so he isn’t used to being the tall person in a kiss
which is why, whenever he can orchestrate it to happen
he’ll race down the stairs ahead of you and stop, turning around with a pout and wink
stairs. his favorite. kai races ahead of your laughter, wind rushing through his hair as he basically skips to the bottom of a record-breaking five steps. you’re caught up in your giggles behind him, holding onto the railing. when kai turns around, the most obnoxiously fake wink on his face, you laugh even harder. you’re careful to make it down the steps, laughter still bubbling up, until you stop on the step just before the end. it gives you enough height on him that kai has to look up–and he thinks you look like an angel, with the moonlight and street lamps behind you. his arms wrap around your waist to keep you steady–and to pull you closer–as you lean down to kiss him. it always ends with him twirling you around fairytale style. it’s the least he can do to thank you for these indulgences.
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ghl-osty · 8 months
i’d like to talk about fanfiction real quick because there are some issues really frequently that can make or break a story. and they’re avoidable!! and it makes me so sad when i’m trying to read a good fanfic and there’s so many errors that i have to stop.
so this is one i see surprisingly often… please make sure you know how to spell a character’s name when writing a fanfiction. it’s usually something small like damian vs. damien or lucas vs. lukas but to me it’s so distracting and disappointing when there’s a beautifully written story with a character’s name spelled wrong.
this is a big one, too. when writing, some people don’t always have a spell check or an editor built in to their platform. if that’s you, please triple check your work! and here are a few frequent ones i see-
-shook vs. shock
i shook his hand
i was in shock that she did such a horrible thing
-peaked vs. piqued
-he looked like he peaked in high school
-they piqued my interest
blonde vs blond
-she had blonde hair
-he had blond hair
blonde is a gendered word. i’m not actually sure how it’s used with nonbinary people, let me know!
their, there, and they’re
-it was theirs
-she’s over there
-they were scared, and now they’re not
remember that they’re is a contraction of they are!
quite vs. quiet
she tried to be quiet, not making any noise.
they were quite bored with this whole event.
(thank you to @nathaaaan for the suggestion)
i watched a really good series yesterday
serie isn’t actually a word…
please, please, please do some research if you write a character who speaks another language. even if it’s reading other fanfictions to figure out how your character’s language fits in with the language you’re writing with.
-having a character to say that it’s ’hard to switch back’ is… unrealistic at best. i wouldn’t recommend using it.
-please gender the words correctly! in most of the romance languages, words are gendered. make sure to add that in!
unless you’re going for a gimmick, i’d be careful with repetition. having a character say something more than once, especially in the same sentence, can be annoying and makes the dialogue sound forced.
especially the word antics…. i literally had to put a fic down because ‘antics’ was in every other sentence.
ex: “Lily sighed, annoyed. She was so annoyed!”
(yes this is a real actual example with the character name changed. don’t let this be you.)
i think this can be overlooked a lot but format is important!!!
-paragraph breaks!! seeing a huge chunk of words with absolutely no breaks is overwhelming. add some space!
-“the punctuation goes inside the quotations.” he said
-i know i’m being a bit of a hypocrite, but capitalization! names, beginning of sentences, and places!! if you don’t capitalize, at least be consistent with it!
“This is how fanfiction, or really any writing, should be formatted.” Eli said with a smile
“And every new sentence should be a paragraph break,” interjected Alex, “Unless you’re going for a certain style. In which case, you do you.”
Eli sighed. “That’s true, Alex. What OP didn’t know was that tumblr has a formatting issue, so that when she posts this, the paragraph breaks won’t show! She hopes she fixed it. But it might not work!”
“We can always imagine the bullet points as paragraph breaks.”
-friendly neighborhood reminder that paragraph breaks happen when introducing a new idea as well!
-bolds and italics are important.
“I told him not to go,” acceptable, a bit dry.
“I told him not to go,” exquisite, flavorful.
and as always. please make sure they’re talking like people. not disney sitcom characters.
you would not believe how much i see this messed up. and it’s easy to get wrong. remember, you can always look something up if you aren’t sure. but stay consistent with your tenses!
past tense
She walked up to the drab, grey building, trembling. As she pulled the door open, a bell rang, signaling her arrival.
this one’s probably the most used. notice that it’s almost like we’re retelling the story, after it’s already happened (hence past tense)
present tense
She walks up to the drab, grey building, trembling. She pulls the door open, and a bell rings to signal her arrival.
we have to change quite a few words for the same sentence to make sense in present tense.
future tense
She’ll walk up to the drab, grey building, trembling. She’ll pull the door open, and a bell will ring to signal her arrival.
i honestly don’t think i’ve ever seen future tense used in a novel unless it’s used in dialogue. but it’s almost as if you’re speaking hypothetically about an event.
but please make sure you’re consistent with these! don’t use one and then switch to another!!
now of COURSE writing is a form of creation, and you can ultimately do whatever you want! if you want to write something, write it. this is just a little guide for some of the mistakes i see most often!
but all in all just double check your writing, always!!! there are so many good works out there that could be great.,… if you don’t have someone to beta read you can always send it to me or put it in word <3
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 1 year
I don’t want to hear thoughts... Unless they’re yours.
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Chapter 8: What to do, when I can’t stop thinking of you Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Word count: 4k Warning: dark thoughts, Wanda using her magic in a questionable way, Mommy!Kink, spying, stalking, jealousy Summary: Wanda wanted to live the normal life she was never afforded, but something was always missing. Something she denied herself and buried deep inside. But watching you move next door, she quickly realizes that this may not be possible for much longer. Especially with all the interesting things she found in your thoughts. Chapter summary: Pretending that you’re fine and ignoring your needs can only take you so far. Pretending that she doesn’t think of you, can only keep Wanda away for so long. When that doesn’t work, there’s only one thing left to do. She just has to hope that she’s not too late. Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10 Series materlist                                     Masterlist of all my works
The next morning greeted you with a splitting headache and an unnerving feeling. You could have sworn that you went to bed with someone next to you, although you couldn’t remember anyone being with you at all and the glaringly empty bed that you occupied somehow startled you. Or was it just wishful thinking? Perhaps a dream you couldn’t remember. You couldn’t be sure. All you knew was that you wished that you didn’t wake up so lonely or that you didn’t have to go to work. But both ended up being true in the end. You dressed yourself in a hurry, picking out a dress you had recently gotten. It was a sleeveless white dress, with black lace overlay, that you combined with a nice pair of black stiletto shoes, that you thought looked quite well for something you threw on quickly. As you left the house, cup of coffee in hand, you took a quick glance at the Maximoff house, hoping to see your favorite neighbour, but the house seemed quiet and you moved on. The office had grown livelier, the space filling up with people, some of which your new colleagues, all of them going through onboardings and trainings. You were happy with your choices and always spent part of your day with them, helping the process of getting them to know each-other, as well as to get to know you and to get them to work well together. For that same reason, you had decided to start the practice of going to lunch with them as well. It was a good way for you to remember to actually eat and they seemed to enjoy your company, using the opportunity to ask questions about the project, or simply talk about themselves. It gave you a good feeling. A really good feeling in fact, so you decided to invite everyone to a little after work drink on Friday, to celebrate the formation of the team and to get to know everyone. A suggestion that was welcomed with cheers from the people around you. As you were new to town, you let them decide the location and just wrote down the address once it was settled and continued your day. When you got home, you couldn’t help but remember that feeling from this morning. Like you were meant to know something, like something happened and you just couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Like there was someone with you last night. Someone gentle and sweet, someone who guided you softly, spoke to you in this soothing, kind voice, someone, who stayed next to you as you drifted into nothingness… But you remembered everything. You were alone. You knew that for sure and for some reason it made you feel conflicted. Of course, you had wished for someone to spend the night with. Just someone to talk to… Fuck, you needed so much more than that, but currently, you’d settle for companionship… But there was no one. Just you, in your big, empty house. Remembering this morning’s discomfort, you didn’t dare drink. You even made yourself something more nutritious and healthier, instead of your usual sandwich and you tried to watch something, but felt so exhausted that you ended up taking a quick shower and going to bed early, once again pulling the pillow against your chest and curling around it, hoping to once again feel the mysterious presence. It had soothed you, when you felt so much sadness and you wanted that back. You’d be happy to feel anything really. Anything except the loneliness that’s been gnawing at you. But that feeling never returned. Whatever it was, you couldn’t feel it when you woke up the next day. It was just you and the empty bed. Not wanting to let yourself feel down, you got up quickly, not even making your bed and you walked downstairs to make yourself a cup of coffee and get ready for your day. You threw on a dark blue skirt with a small slit at the right thigh and a white shirt and you picked out a matching dark blue blazer, collecting your things and leaving for work. The day somehow passed in a flash, between way too much work and your new colleagues. Knowing you had plans with them, you actually got home at a decent hour, so you could change out of your work suit, take a nice, relaxing shower and wear fresh clothes. The change of pace even uplifted your spirit and you found yourself looking forward to those drinks. Turns out, the place was fairly close to your house and you decided to take a walk and enjoy the nice weather. Stepping out of your house in a dress and high-heeled shoes, make up fixed and your hair down, you felt great and you were about to get on your way, when you heard your neighbour call out your name and you turned to see Wanda sitting on a picnic blanket in her yard, playing with her kids. It was no coincidence either. Wanda had been thinking of you for the past two days, the memory of that night never far from her thoughts. She kept returning to that moment, when you leaned against her, even though you didn’t even know she was there, kept seeing your serene face when she would stroke your cheek or your hair. God, why did you have to be so perfect? Staying away from your thoughts made her feel like she was in withdrawal. No matter what she did, she could never keep herself away for long. Which is why, she staged this little moment, hoping to see you. And there you were, looking gorgeous in your dress and smiling at her so beautifully, she could get lost in it. “Oh, hi, Wanda! Hi boys, how are you?” “Hi, Y/N!” The boys greeted you, Billi waving with his little hand. “We’re fine, we thought to spend some time in the sun, before it’s time for dinner. Where are you off to, neighbour?” Wanda asked, smiling, reluctantly anchoring herself in the present and away from her dreamy thoughts of you. She seemed to sit passively, but her inquisitive eyes never left you. Something that you were starting to get used to somehow. “A drink with some colleagues. We’re celebrating tonight. I finally got the whole team together.” “You did? That’s wonderful! And you look lovely as always, of course.” The redhead complimented. “Don’t tell me you’ll walk there, though… Especially not on those heels!” “Thank you! And yes, I thought I’d walk for a bit. It’s so nice out. And besides, it would be so irresponsible to drink and drive.” You tried to joke. “Yes, you’re right.” Wanda agreed, but her head was already plagued with thoughts that she barely even heard your joke. She knew she shouldn’t meddle, she was trying to keep her distance after all, but she couldn’t help how she felt. “Well, if you need a ride home, you can always text or call me. I wouldn’t mind.” “No, I could never inconvenience you like that.” You tried to decline. “I’m a big girl, I can find my way home.” You tried to assure her, not noticing the way her eyes narrowed a little. Wanda wanted to scoff out loud at your statement, but knew it would be inappropriate. You were being such a stubborn thing. And so thoughtless too. Going in a bar dressed like that, surrounded by people you didn’t know. Anything could happen to you. There were all kinds of people just waiting for someone as sweet and as naïve as you. “Well, if you change your mind, please, do call.” Wanda said, instead of the many protests she had, already hanging on her tongue. “I promise.” You reassured the woman with a warm smile. “I’ll be going now, but I hope you guys have fun.” You waved at the happy family and the kids waved back while Wanda offered you a brilliant smile of her own. You considered if you should also apologize for the time you had to cancel your plans with Wanda and to tell her that you hoped to see her again soon, but you couldn’t gather the courage for it, the words stuck in your throat. Luckily, with Wanda you didn’t have to speak. “I hope you have fun too!” She responded a little thoughtful. “And stay safe.” She called out as an afterthought, while you walked away, smiling at the knowledge that you wanted to spend time with her.   “Always!” You called out in a cheerful tone, taking one last look at Wanda, before you read the directions in your maps application again. As Wanda watched you walk away, hips swaying, she knew she wouldn’t be able to leave things as they were. Perhaps because she knew that, or because she couldn’t help herself, she used her powers to take a quick glance at the place you were going, the directions you were reading, more than enough for her. Just in case you need her, she thought. Obviously, she tried to stop herself, arguing that involving herself would only deepen her obsession with you. But wasn’t it too late for that? How many lines had she crossed, how many times had she found herself listening to your private thoughts, spied on you, influenced you, gotten close, because she couldn’t stay away? How much longer would it last? How much longer could she pretend that she couldn’t stop thinking of you? How many people’s feelings did she have to hurt? How much longer would her heart be able to take it? Yes, she should make a choice and stick to it. Better yet, she should give you your space. She tried to reason, that you were simply going out, telling herself that you would have people you know with you, that perhaps you’ll be smart and get a cab, that maybe someone from your team will offer you a ride home… Then again, who were those people? What would stop them from taking advantage of you, once you were in their car? Wanda would never forgive herself if she let something happen to you. She knew that. But that wasn’t what scared her most. What really terrified her was that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from hurting someone, should they be foolish enough to lay a finger on you. She’s done some terrible things in her past already, time had proven her capable of monstrous things and she had to live with that. Time had shown her that no amount of remorse or guilt, no shame would ever stop her from protecting those she loved. For her family, she would murder the world. For her boys, she would lay waste to the whole universe, without batting an eye. What would she do for you, she wondered… Would she kill someone? To her surprise the answer came easily. Would she sacrifice a life for you? Certainly. For your safety, for the beauty that you held inside you, for your kindness, for your gentle soul, for the privilege of hearing the thoughts inside your head, for a chance to have you close… For that and so much more, she wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever needed to be done. She was a woman, who protected those she loved. She protected what was hers. The calm finality of such an answer startled her inner self, yet her exterior stayed perfectly poised as she thought it over. She didn’t have to think long to know what this meant. In the days of her past, she wouldn’t have hesitated, wouldn’t have waited to make her move. She wouldn’t have let doubt stand in her way, or jealousy to lead her, where she belonged. Yes, the time for waiting had passed, she thought. Her mind was made up long ago, her fate sealed. Her path would have always lead her here, to you and avoiding it had only brought her remorse. Wanda’s mind stayed distant, her eyes fixed in the horizon, until the voices of her sons brought her back to reality. For a brief moment she hugged them, kissing the tops of their heads gently, before giving in to whatever game they wanted to play, her mind already rushing through ways to see you tonight. Wanda even rationalized that it would be so she wouldn’t worry so much about you. She’d just check in on you, make sure that the people around you will take care of you and that no one at the bar will get any ideas… There was nothing wrong with a little concern, was there? A little investment into your calm future together. By dinner she had a babysitter arranged and she calmly ate with her sons, explaining that she’ll need to go out after their bedtime, but that she’ll have their favorite babysitter in the house, if they wake up for any reason. She reassured them that she won’t be out long and she even gave them a little candy for dessert, which had them smiling. The boys were more than happy to accept such an arrangement and Wanda let them play while she cleaned up, already thinking of the best way to complete her little mission tonight. When she tucked in Billy and Tommy, giving them a few kisses goodnight and she had greeted in the babysitter, Wanda walked upstairs and opened her closet. Unlike you, she chose modest, much more casual clothes, something that would easily blend in with the crowd at the bar. Looking good, but forgettable, was something she learned with the Avengers and it was a skill that had saved her life, not to mention kept her hidden, when she needed it. Clean, but casual clothes, polite, but brief conversations were the best way for receptionists, servers and bartenders to forget you, walking briskly, but calmly would help you blend in with the people on the streets, hiding her accent would stop people from asking questions… It was little things, some of which she did subconsciously, but she remembered every lesson and they came in handy. Wanda scoped out the bar, circling it with her car, before she ever parked. She saw you at a table, surrounded by a group of mostly women and she cursed internally. She counted the exits, while she wondered if perhaps, she saw you with mostly men, she would feel better? Probably not, she decided quickly, since she realized that she didn’t really want to see you with anyone.   The place had 4 servers and a bartender. The music was nice, but not too loud, allowing you all to speak and the garden was almost entirely full, because it allowed smoking, so Wanda sat at a more secluded table there, knowing she would hide easily in such a space. As a precaution, she even used her magic to turn her hair her natural soft brown, knowing it will attract far less attention than her auburn locks. Glamour was handy like that and easily undone. Wanda was grateful that the waitress took her order quickly, so she wouldn’t have to hide the way her eyes stayed trained on you. You seemed to talk smoothly with everyone, smiling softly and she felt warmth spread through her at the sight, to see you so natural and free, until she realized that she wasn’t the only one admiring. A girl to your right, seated next to you, was leaning on the table, watching you almost as intently as she was, pretending to listen to whatever story you were telling, but Wanda knew that look. That girl hadn’t heard a word, too lost in her own thoughts. Recklessly, forgetting how dangerous it was to know what others tried to hide, Wanda peaked into those thoughts, finding admiration there. This girl, Dawn, liked your smile, liked the sound of your voice, found it so attractive that you could easily take over the entire conversation, everyone’s attention entirely on you, how they were hanging on to every word you said, how easily you made them laugh… She was attracted to you. And you, poor girl, didn’t even know it. So innocent, so oblivious to it. Or so Wanda though at first. As the night progressed, however, she realized you knew of this little crush. You could see it, but chose not to show it. Were you entertaining this? Were you actually interested? Could you not see that this girl would never be able to give you what you want? She could never take care of you, the way Wanda would. She could never love you, devote herself to you, the way Wanda would. She could never please you, the way Wanda knew you needed. Why couldn’t you see, that… Why wouldn’t you, she asked herself, and faced with uncertainty and the glaring interest of another, she pushed herself to search for the answer within you. The answer she found however was baffling. You never even thought she would want you. You never thought you stood a chance… Now that… It bothered Wanda. Was she not obvious enough in your interactions? How come you would notice this girl’s interest, but not hers? Did she not make herself available? How could you not see that she wanted you? But she could work on that… No, that’s not what really got under her skin. No, what really frustrated her, was that such a foolish reason would stand in her way. That something so utterly untrue would be the cause for you to sit in this bar, instead of Wanda’s couch. Or better yet, her bed. Wanda blamed herself for that. She had been too indecisive, too stubborn and withdrawn, too scared to take a chance. She was flirting with you one moment, then pulling away, unable to decide if she should make a move the next. Drowning herself in your thoughts and fantasies, that fed her own, instead of choosing. You needed her to lead, you needed her to be sure and instead of taking you, the way she should have, she tip-toed around you. And now, you were smiling at this girl instead, letting her touch your hand like that, in the way that had Wanda close to snapping. The witch did her best to keep her composure, to remain calm as she watched the night unfold, but her hands wouldn’t stop shaking from all the emotions that swirled inside her. After a few of your co-workers left, Wanda managed to calm down a little, hoping that you might decide to go home as well, but the moment was short lived. Four men from a nearby table decided to buy drinks for the remaining girls in your group and one of them even tried to chat you up, driving Wanda up the wall with jealousy and barely concealed rage. None of this was meant to be happening. She wanted them off of you, wanted their eyes to stop undressing you, for their thoughts to stop picturing you writhing for them, she wanted to walk up to your table and drag you away and she hated that the only reason why she couldn’t, was the fact that you weren’t hers. How was she foolish enough not to make you hers? What was she thinking playing that game? God, she was mad at herself right now and she was seconds away from doing something stupid, like manipulating their thoughts and making them leave, probably hurting them in the process, when to her relief she saw you turn them down, having a brief, but polite conversation with them, before they walked away. “Now, that’s a good girl!” Wanda thought with a smirk. “I’ll have to remember to reward you.” She mused, leaning back in her chair. The rest of the night seemed to pass without incident and Wanda waited patiently for you to decide that it’s time for you to leave, before quickly paying her bill and leaving an appropriate tip. She snuck out unnoticed and she drove away, not wanting you to see her and catch her in the last possible moment. She made her way to her house quickly, speeding a little recklessly to get there and having a brief chat with the babysitter, learning that the boys slept undisturbed the entire time, before paying the woman and watching her leave. It was a lucky thing too, because she could still see her walk down the street, when a car arrived and parked in your driveway. She didn’t want you to see someone leave her house at such an hour and give you the wrong impression. She was done with meaningless flings, done with trying to replace you, done running from what she wanted and certainly done with wasting her chances. As she was thinking that, hidden behind her curtain, Wanda’s eyes stayed fixed on the car, the blanket of her magic surrounding your house, so she could hear your interaction with the person who drove you back. It was mostly pleasantries, she sighed happily, until she realised that the person you were thanking for the ride, was none other than Dawn. The girl wanted some time alone with you, happily taking her time on the way to your place and she was scrambling to find a topic, so you’d stay a little longer with her, even daring to compliment your outfit. She was bold, Wanda thought, her fists clenching once more. But you took it all gracefully, thanking the girl once more and bidding her goodnight, before you left the car and found your way inside your house. The day had been long and you felt so tired, kicking your high heeled shoes off your feet with a sigh of relief. God, you were so happy that you’ll have two days to rest up, already planning to turn off all your alarms and just sleep in. As you made your way through the quiet house, climbing the stairs with slow, deliberate steps, your thoughts drifted to the bar. You were happy with the people on your team, happy how well they were getting along. They seemed to like you too. You had done well. A little too well, you mused, when you thought back to Dawn and the way she was looking at you. You weren’t blind, of course, you could see her trying to get close to you, you could feel her hopeful eyes and you knew it could turn into a problem. You didn’t want to go down that road though. Didn’t want to get involved with people from work. Crossing that line was never something you intended. But God, did you miss that kind of attention. You missed being touched and adored, missed being cared for, being wanted, missed having a person to talk to, to share moments with… You missed being loved. With those bitter thoughts, you took a shower, allowing the water to wash away the worries of your day and to relax your stiff muscles. “Perhaps I’ll just go on a dating website.” You thought as you dried off, contemplating if perhaps taking care of yourself will help your mood, but in all honesty, you had no energy for it. You just wanted to go to bed, wanted to snuggle up to the warm body of a woman you loved and to melt in her embrace. Was that so much to ask for? To be held? But that thought was just as dangerous, as it awakened another memory of the ghostly presence that had soothed you in your drunken sadness. Would she come back, you wondered, thinking on the way it had calmed and relaxed you. But that was probably crazy. You were just drunk. Pulling down a pillow and nestling it firmly against your body, you allowed yourself to settle down for the night, your thoughts quieting down, until they disappeared entirely and you drifted into sleep, peaceful and unaware of the red eyes that stared through your bedroom windows. “Don’t worry, little one. Mommy will be with you soon enough. I’ll make sure that you never feel lonely again.”
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