#i used another program because the program i was using to make the gifs crashes constantly :(
evanescelf · 1 year
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"Shen Jingzhou's Blizzard Sword sure precedes its reputation. When Eunuch Jade Deity was 17, he became famous with the Blizzard Sword in the martial arts world."
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captainsophiestark · 4 months
Unexpected Guest
Dick Grayson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: DC
Summary: Dating a vigilante sometimes leads to a few false alarm scares, but Dick Grayson couldn't be happier with how well his partner rolls with his crazy family.
Word Count: 1,410
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
My eyes shot open at the sound of a noise from the living room of the apartment I shared with my boyfriend, Dick Grayson. The man in question still snored peacefully next to me, annoyingly, but a quick glance at the clock told me why. It wasn't quite 5am, and Dick had been out patrolling until one in the morning. I listened carefully for any other noises in the apartment. I didn't want to wake my poor boyfriend up unless I absolutely had to.
After a few minutes of nothing, I heard another crash followed by a tense voice and what sounded like hushed swearing. This time, I didn't hesitate to roll over and whack Dick on the chest, hard.
His eyes shot open and he was half sitting up when I managed to throw a hand over his mouth to keep him from giving away that we were awake. My wide eyes must've tipped him off to something being wrong, because I immediately saw him shift from sleepy to ready for action.
Slowly, I dropped my hand from his mouth and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"There's someone in our living room. I heard two crashes and someone swearing."
Dick nodded once, then motioned with his hands while mouthing 'stay here'. He hopped off the bed, grabbing his escrima sticks from where he'd thrown them onto the dresser, then stalked towards the door with catlike grace and stealth. After a minute, I decided I couldn't just let him go alone, superhero or no, so I grabbed the bat I kept by my side of the bed and followed after him.
Dick popped out the door, and after a moment without hearing anything, I followed, bat at the ready. I found my boyfriend with one hand on his hip, weapons down, staring into the kitchen. I followed his gaze to find none other than Jason Todd in our kitchen, a mixing bowl and some eggs in front of him and a look with a significant lack of guilt on his face.
"What? I was after somebody and it dragged me all the way to Bludhaven. I needed a place to crash that was closer than Gotham."
Dick and I both shook our heads. As the oldest of a very high number of siblings, his apartment had become a second home base for every single other batkid. When we'd finally moved in together last month, he'd warned me I needed to be prepared for things like this.
"Glad you know to help yourself, Little Wing," said Dick with a sigh, waving one tired hand to Jason before turning and heading back to bed. I squeezed his shoulder and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as he passed me, then headed into the kitchen with a smile.
"My tax for you making me think I'd have to fight off an assailant with a bat at five in the morning is my own serving of whatever you're making," I said, taking a seat on one of the kitchen island stools. Jason raised an eyebrow at me.
"You're not going back to bed?"
"Nah. Unlike Dick, I got to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour last night, so the adrenaline dump isn't threatening to put me to sleep. I'd rather hang out with you, especially since you're a better cook than Dick and I combined. I'm not missing out on that."
Jason snorted, cracking an egg and resuming his cooking all the same.
"Dick contributes nothing to your combined cooking score," he said. "I'm pretty sure he's burned cereal before."
I laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right. He's gotten better though. We watch the Food Network and look up recipes to make together, and I can trust him with way more than I used to be able to."
"If you could teach him anything it'd be a miracle," said Jason with a snort. I just hummed, trying to pick up some new skills of my own as I watched Jason cook.
"To be totally fair to him, I once forgot what I was doing and strained soup because I was on autopilot for pasta."
Jason barked a laugh, unable to hold himself back, and looked at me with a grin and a raised eyebrow.
"Really?" I nodded. "That's pathetic."
I just shrugged. "Yeah. But at least there's not a lot of places to go but up, after that."
"I guess so."
Jason and I chatted as he cooked and I watched, keeping our voices low so Dick could sleep—although, after the night he'd had, he'd probably sleep through a train in our living room. After breakfast, Jason decided to go down for a nap on the couch, passing out almost as soon as we'd put the last few dishes in the sink. I just smiled, threw a blanket over him, and wandered back into the bedroom to find Dick.
It was late enough in the morning now that my boyfriend was officially up and about, stretching by the bed with his hair still a little messed up from sleeping. I grinned and flopped down against the headboard as he crossed the room to the dresser to pull out clothes.
"How's Jaybird?" he asked. "Still a good cook?"
"Still a great cook. And he's good. He seems a little wiped out from patrols and stuff, though. He's taking a nap on the couch right now."
Dick smiled and shook his head. "I get up and he goes to sleep. Typical."
"Clearly he's avoiding you."
Dick and I shared a smile, and then he sighed.
"I'm going to take a shower. Hopefully Jason will be up by the time I'm out, because I actually have things to do today."
I smiled, shifting on the bed to pull the covers over myself. "I'm sure you can be quiet if he's not. Wake me up when you're out of the shower, okay? A post-breakfast nap sounds too good to resist right now."
My boyfriend laughed. "Alright, will do. I'll wake you and Jason up when I'm out."
"Mhm. Good luck with him."
"Thanks, I'm gonna need it."
I closed my eyes, getting comfortable and ready for my nap, but before I drifted off I heard Dick's shuffling footsteps crossing the room to stand by my side of the bed. A second later, he sat down next to me, the bed dipping under his weight. I cracked an eye open to squint at him.
"What do you want?"
He grinned at me and chuckled.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to interfere with your nap. I just... I wanted to say how much I appreciate you, and how good you are with my family. They mean the world to me, but I know having vigilantes dropping in at all hours of the day and night can be a little much to deal with. So thank you for being so wonderful about it, and about them."
I sighed, sitting all the way up and propping myself up on my hands to look Dick in the eye.
"Dick, I love you. And I love your family. Sure, it took a little getting used to some of the vigilante stuff, but the longer I know them the more I love them. You don't have to thank me for anything. They're my family too."
Dick absolutely beamed at me, wrapping one arm around my back and pulling me in for a kiss. I immediately reciprocated, tangling one hand in the hair at the nape of his neck. I smiled into the kiss and a moment later, Dick deepened it. We were right on the edge of escalating into something more, but both thought better of it at the last moment.
"I should take a shower," he said, still looking a little reluctant as he pulled away.
"Yeah, and you should stop interrupting my nap."
Dick snorted, rolling his eyes as he finally stood and headed for the bathroom. I grinned after him as he went, flopping back down onto my pillow only as Dick closed the bathroom door.
I took a deep breath and sighed, a smile on my face, as I closed my eyes for the second time. I heard the water start in the bathroom, and a faint smell of breakfast still hung in the air. I was surrounded by people I loved dearly, and who loved me right back. No matter the scare Jason had given me when he'd shown up, I couldn't ask for a better start to my morning than this.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
DC Taglist: @luv-ghostie
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thecardinalsims · 3 months
A Fool’s Journey in Self-Taught Modding / Pt 1
Coming up on a thousand posts between MTS and NRaas in the space of a year, I sometimes figure my lack of uploads weighs negatively upon whether it seems like I know what I’m talking about.
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So, it's time to start a devlog. If you were tagged, don't feel obliged to read it- just wanted to credit the names and faces behind this rabbithole I've gone down.
Tiny blips of my work are floating about out there- I made the geostates for @twinsimming's default replacement tree, cracked some of the mysteries of decrypting TS3 Store worlds, and I’ve shot a number of small CC items and tuning packages from the hip as needed for individuals in both forums.
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Over a couple of days, I learned geostates from scratch to make the sprout and sapling.
I’ve also ended up with the shiny orange username at MTS thanks to contributing a few tutorials, which did wonders for my confidence. Said tutorials are quickly decaying as I outgrow my own methods, but I promise to revisit them when time and health allows.
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Making GIF examples was a highlight of working on the tutorials, so far.
In truth, I’m always working on bigger things. Much bigger things. Half of the answers I give are ones I work out on the spot for the purpose of answering- and then I squirrel away what I learned into my growing reference pile. I’m happy to chip away at a hundred little problems, because I come away with a hundred little skills.
I’m just too stubborn to let my first public release be one of those small successes. It simply has to be the most ambitious project on my plate- the one made of months of work and half a dozen restarts from scratch. 
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What started as a simple 'find hairs to use as default replacements' project has turned into a 'repurpose mesh pieces into new hairs from scratch' project.
The truth about learning to mod any game is that a fair bit of it will (or rather, should) have nothing to do with the game itself. Being competent with Blender and XML in general- and familiarising myself with S3PE so thoroughly I could manually do anything that usually is automated by other tools- was the greatest favour I could have done for myself. 
I started wanting to write a devlog- or whatever is appropriate to call this when it won’t involve programming for quite some time- to try and encourage this sentiment in others. Learning to make a specific creation vs learning to create is very similar to the proverb of being given a fish vs being taught to fish. The sooner you unlearn relying on for-purpose knowledge and dive into all-purpose knowledge, the better.
If you want to be a prolific creator of hair CC, I wouldn’t even recommend starting with my tutorials on making them for TS3. I’d encourage you to learn to create and edit meshes, work with morphs and bone assignments, so on- all concepts that neither The Sims nor EA invented, but if you are introduced to them for the first time through modding you may fall into the trap of believing a modder is the best person to teach you. The remaining jump to then get that work into the game is smaller than you think.
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Manual bone assignments are the most recent trick I've put up my sleeve, and one of the reasons for another soft-restart of my project.
EA didn’t provide a single modding resource outside of CaW for The Sims 3, so I empathise with the DIY nature of the tutorials that exist. The familiar names of the 2009-2010 modding scene pulled the game apart themselves, wrote their own programs, and carried the community on their back with the effort of sharing what they learned. 
Over a decade later, creators are less often programmers, computer engineers, and 3D artists and more often hobbyists following in their footsteps with no prior knowledge of these fields. You will lose sanity if you have big CC plans and try to learn all of it from a video tutorial recorded on an overheating laptop that didn’t edit out any of the times TSRW crashed or the person making the tutorial coughed directly into their mic- I can tell you that much. 
The first thing I made was actually a skill for TS4, which I crunched through with Sims4Studio and a lot of squinting at @icemunmun-spicy-scalpel's Candle Making skill, and is where I first spat out the name CardinalSims for the sake of filling in the creator name box. Which, for the record, is supposed to be a pun on Cardinal Sins and not that I consider myself the cardinal of sims.
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I'll come back around to release this one day if someone doesn't beat me to it, hopefully with compatibility for BrazenLotus' mods.
For that reason, a lot of TS4 creators are my largest inspiration even if I see myself focusing on TS3. Icemunmun and @brazenlotus are my meshing and modding role models- custom food is my passion despite my current workload, so when I finally get some of these projects out that is where I’d like to settle most. Preferably churning out hundreds of recipes and harvestables for the rest of my days.
After messing around with hair recolours, eye textures, and asymmetrical dog ears, I flipped back to TS3 (the far more intimidating of the two to work with) and haven’t stopped piling projects onto that plate ever since. Hair became the somewhat dominant topic of my expertise, but believe it or not it all started with a plate of scrambled eggs.
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3D scrambled eggs, intended as a replacer for @echoweaver's recipe. All it's missing is a half-eaten state, but I got a tiny bit distracted: read, it has been ten months.
It’s not really a devlog until I go over what I’m working on, though, is it?
No matter how many things I try to juggle, I can promise that the first release will be a large something called BGHR. Which involves somewhere in the range of 45 hairs, give or take.
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The first 'BGH' Redux I made + the most recent one- have fun puzzling over that acronym until release. I blame it on the fact I modded Skyrim for a long time before this.
Which is not including the dozens of variants and age/gender conversions I end up with along the way, which I export to a mesh dump that I’ll come back to later:
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Once that floodgate is open, I will be prioritising releasing the smaller projects quite quickly- likely the 3D scrambled eggs and the default harvestable plant + vine to match the tree that have been sitting 99% complete in my project folder.
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Thank you for reading, if you made it this far. I'm out of breath and I didn't even have to say all of this outloud.
Next devlog should be more focused on a singular topic.
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ageless-aislynn · 5 months
Dear ones, I don't want to jinx myself, count my chickens before they hatch or whatever saying might strike your fancy at the moment but... After a week plus a few days of over 30 blue screens of death (8 of them in one hour), my computer has made it a day without one.
I had to finally wipe everything and start over and I finally, after sooooo many hours of research, I can't EVEN, am pretty sure I've discovered the source of the problem that linked my old computer, my dad's computer and this computer to all having nearly identical bsod issues: some absolute DOORKNOB of a person was putting the exact same third-party firewall back on all of them. Who was that doorknob?
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In my, I mean, in HER defense, that firewall has served very well for the almost 20 years I've used it. It says it's compatible with Windows 10 and 11 and all of my troubleshooting was blaming the various video/network/etc drivers. However, I discovered that ZoneAlarm took an update at almost exactly the time my other computer started having trouble 3 months ago. But ZA updates "silently" so I didn't know that until I went looking just now for the date of the last build, realized it corresponded almost exactly, and then I went
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That said, I'm a little worried that it took me THIS LONG to realize that that was the single program all 3 had in common. I was just so used to using and relying on it that it didn't occur to me that it could be at the heart of all of the problems.
So, as I said before, it all boils down to
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Right now, I've got almost nothing on the computer besides the browser and a new set of security programs. It's been an interesting way to see what my priorities are because I want to install one thing, wait a couple of days to verify everything's working fine, then install then next, wait again and so on, putting things back on slowly and deliberately.
Apparently, I get actual buckets of serotonin and overall feel-good vibes from playing games because I'm absolutely frothing at the mouth at not being able to play anything at all.
Next will be Word so I can stop trying to read my utterly, drastically terrible handwriting from where I've been working on "15 Minutes" ch7 by hand (I might possibly be writing in Sangheili, I can't even tell anymore 🤷‍♀️😉).
Then eventually, Vegas. I'm worried about that one in particular because my research did uncover a potential Vegas Pro 15 - Win 11 conflict. Some people couldn't get it to work, others have no problem. I've seriously got my fingers crossed that it'll be okay so I can get back to GIF-making and vid editing, in whatever order. 🤞😣🤞
I've spent SO much time seeing blue screens that I find myself staring at the place on the monitor where the error info flashes, my notebook at the ready to scribble down the pertinent messages, just expecting another to pop at any second.
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The last couple of times it popped, I was trying to read the debugging info from the LAST crash. And then it would crash again.
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However, I can now report that, if you're ever using WinDbg to read your .dmp files and it tells you "symbols are WRONG" (and yes, it all-capped it just like that), I can actually tell you how to fix the dang symbols. It's a weird flex to take but hey, I'm taking it. It wasn't easy to find the answer to that one! 😠😕😉
If all continues on without any further crashes, then I'll hopefully be back catching up on things ASAP. If it resumes crashing while I have nothing more on the computer than a browser and the security programs the pc came with, then I'm just going to
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Let's hope for the best, m'kay? Good thoughts, prayers, hopes, well wishes or whatever you've got are appreciated at this point. Love you, friends. I've really missed you all. 🤗💖
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reputayswift · 1 year
Hey, Taylor! Hope you’re doing good these days! I remember that some time ago you mentioned you wanted to change the way you make your gifs because they weren’t turning out the way you thought they would (or more like tumblr was helping decrease quality even when they’re in 4K? something like that) either way, I remember you were annoyed by the final result and wanted tips to change to another way to make gifs. I’m going through something similar so I decided to ask if you found a new way to gif that works well for you. And if so, is there a tutorial you’d recommend? Btw I love your gifs and think they look awesome, so there’s that! Take care 🫶🏻
HI ANON I LOVE YOU! I’m still not happy with the quality of my 540 px gifs but at this point I think it’s just a limitation of the programs I’m using (Photopea, mostly, but it’s still a REALLY strong substitute for Photoshop). It also might be the intensity of my coloring 🫡 but I can share some of the things I’m doing!:
Making my multi-column gifs 1 size larger than they need to be & adding a high pass filter (I go into both here)
Screencapping with MPVplayer (mpv.io) instead of uploading the clips directly to Photopea (tutorial on how to download it on Windows here) I think this has helped with my quality a bit but it also makes my editor crash if I use too many frames :’) Firefox seems to handle it best. Here’s a tutorial on how to upload frames as a stack in Photopea (about midway through the tutorial) and I’ve used a handful of the tutorials they list under “other helpful tutorials” as well! (take a drink every time I say “tutorial”)
And here are some of the ways I've been "correcting" blurry gifs:
*note: major flashing gif warning + in the actual set I used a raster mask to sharpen the middle scene more gently, I want you to mostly focus on the background here!
no sharpening: background scene taken from 4k footage
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smart sharpen filter only: amount = 150%, radius = 1.0 px (this is the default for Photopea)
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high pass filter only: radius = 0.2 (I usually stay between 0.1 and 0.2, otherwise you start getting dark, blurry edges)
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smart sharpen + high pass: same settings as above and using this method here
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smart sharpen + high pass + reduce noise aka my newest method: sandwiching! I prepare my smart sharpen and high pass folders using the above method then BEFORE MERGING duplicate the sharpened folder and apply a reduce noise filter, strength = 5, protect detail = ~70% and adjust the opacity as needed
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this can help soften the sharpening, but I'm still seeing some colorbanding happening behind her in the middle scene. so when the tumblr size limit allows me my ideal method is...
smart sharpen + high pass + reduce noise + add noise: BEFORE MERGING, I take that "smart sharpen + reduce" folder and add a noise filter, 1%, distribution: uniform, monochromatic. Yes, this seems counterintuitive but compare the water behind her in this gif versus the last two!
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I find that sandwiching the noise filter between my sharpening and high pass gives me some of the smoothing benefits of a normal noisy gif without the overwhelming grain (or file size)!
and here's how the gif turned out in my set! (I partially masked out the middle gif so it didn't get the full force of the sharpening + applied a smart sharpen filter to the painting before doing all that ^ but you get the gist!)
before & after
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
Hello hello!! If you could steal one piece of clothing from the older ST kids, what would you take? Feel free to imagine Eddie’s closet since he only wears one outfit 🤪 (maybe argyle too but idk)
Have a good night!!
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Program: What clothes I would steal from the ST friends as their close friend or partner.
Counselors: Argyle, Robin, Jonathan, Billy, Steve, Eddie, and Nancy
Genre: Fluff, Headcanon
Camp Upside Down Masterlist
Counselor Notes: i love this question bc i am definitely the type of person to snag friend's or partner's clothing. also i came down with a head cold today and i want all the blankets/warm clothes :(
Argyle -> Surfer Boy Pizza Visor
I'm a huge hat person, but mostly with beanies and baseball caps. However, I love stealing people's hats. At a party onetime, I collected and wore as many hats as people let me borrow for the night. So during a bonfire night, I can definitely imagine meeting Argyle for the first time and ask him if I could borrow his visor. Through the night we just keep stealing it back from one another, and before I hand it back for the last time, I stuck my phone number on a piece a paper and tucked it into the velcro straps. Left him a blushing mess.
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Robin -> Patch Jacket
I have my own that I've been working on since I was a sophomore in high school, and I think it would be really cute if we borrowed each other's jackets. Just casual days out where we wear each other's patch/pin jackets, and our friends try to figure out which one belongs to each of us. They've only ever seen us switch between them, and they never knew who the original owner was. I think it would be cute if we embroidered each other's names into the inside cuffs.
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Jonathan -> Fuzz-Lined Jean Jacket or Oatmeal Sweater
I want a bomber style jacket so badly, but these jackets are sososo cozy looking as well. I am also a sucker for sailor knit/cable knit sweaters, and I will steal both at some point I definitely stole it after going pumpkin and apple picking on a cold autumn day, and he never really noticed. Just made sure to pull the collar close to my neck so I wouldn't get cold. When we hang out with everyone next, someone asks if that's his jacket I'm wearing, and he just smiles all warm and cute at me.
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Billy -> Brown Leather Jacket and Red Button Down Shirt
I put style almost above all else, but coming from New England, I'm really good at finding stylish and useful clothing. Otherwise, I will freeze to death. When it comes to the rain, however, I will opt out of wearing a jacket or bring an umbrella, because I want to feel the rain hit my skin. I love it. But one day, after a shift at the diner, I didn't realize it was going to rain so hard, and I have to call Billy to pick me up. He dashes in and wraps me up in his jacket before we both book it back to his car. When we get home to our apartment, I take a shower while he makes dinner. I steal his red button down shirt that was strewn across the room and join him for a cozy night in.
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Steve -> Yellow Sweater
You cannot tell me that this is not his favorite sweater ever, and that it smells exactly like him. I have to be very careful with how I acquire this piece, because he will not let it out of his sight. Steve is definitely onto how sneaky I am with how much clothes I steal, and he will not let me steal this one. It's his comfort clothing item. But after a long day of classes and building stress and anxiety, I just crash in our apartment bedroom and sob. Burrowing under the cover, chest heaving, puffy eyes, I don't even hear Steve come back from his afternoon classes. He immediately comes over and pulls me out to check what's wrong, and once I've calmed down, he carefully detangles himself and grabs his sweater from the closet. Pulls it over me and just lets me lay on his chest to listen to his heart.
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Eddie -> Pants with the Belt
As much as I want to steal his jacket, I'll choose another clothing item to be original. But please ask me about how I stole his jacket one time. I typically fall out of bed at the last minute possible to be on time to meetings or classes, because I love how warm my bed is or because I never sleep. And if Eddie stayed the night??? Yeah, neither of us want to get up and leave the cuddle bundle. But exam day waits for no one, and I have to rush out of the house. Grabbing his pants and one of my shirts, I'm clicking the buckle to make it fit as best as I can while running out the door. I am a sucker and hopeless romantic when it comes to boyfriend jeans.
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Nancy -> Oatmeal Turtleneck Sweater
This was hard, because she and I are on opposite sides of the style spectrum. BUT SHE HAS AN OATMEAL TURTLE NECK THAT I NEED. That is this softest, wool I have ever seen. Getting ready to go out to get groceries once the roads have been cleared from the snow storm last night, I grab her sweater, because it's like being wrapped up in a blanket. We were having a movie marathon the night before when the unexpected storm settled in, so we both agreed it was too dangerous to drive. An impromptu sleepover with soft chats, gentle touches, and tangled cuddles. The faint scent of her perfume still lingers on the comfy, slightly coarse yarn. She gives me the sweetest forehead kiss when she turns to ask if I'm ready.
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baptaincarnacles · 2 years
Octonauts Headcanons (Kwazzi)
Humanized AU!
Cw: Uncensored swearing, mention of injury
Lieutenant Kwazzi
Demi-boy (He/they), Trans (ftm)
ADHD and Dyslexia
Looks up to Captain Barnacles more than he does most other people (aside from his grandfather, Calico Jack).
Didn't know their parents too well, but went on regardless.
A pick-pocket when he was younger, often stealing loose change and other things from strangers to bring back to his grandfather (when they were landing for resources).
Always suspected there was more reason behind their granddad's sudden disappearance (once they had convinced themselves they were the cause, later believed that perhaps the pirate, White Beard, had something to do with it).
Spyglass is one of their comfort items.
He never watched cartoons as a child, but spends his time watching them whenever he can now (especially on days where he is not needed on missions)
Binged the Barbie movies (with Peso).
Sees Tweak as a sister figure, and will go to her if they need a quick pat on the back.
Playful insults are his love language but he also enjoys hand holding.
They probably make bracelets for the crew (pride flag colors, or their favorite colors), and they always seem to wear them (Barnacles especially).
Knows the most about Barnacles (out of the main crew) and the depths of his fears and some traumas.
Autophobia (fear of being alone) bothers them quite a bit, as well as heavy arachnophobia (to the point they will hyperventilate at the sight of a spider).
Uses all the hot water when he showers/baths (and gets lectured by a 'car' oil-covered Tweak after he finally gets out of the bathroom).
Has most definitely dressed up to play role in one of Barnacles' reenactments of a play- no matter what he had to wear because "fuck gender norms."
Instead of calling it the f-word, he simply goes, "*insert name* just said the fuck-word."
Probably swears the most out of the crew, Tweak as a close second.
They have only heard the captain swear once and it was when the other had been pinned dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. 
Bandages solely for aesthetic- and some minor cuts along his hands from reckless behavior (especially crashing the Gups).
Barnacles hesitates to let them drive any Gup other than the Gup B.
No schedule for anything.
Mx. "I'll sleep when my body decides I need it!"
He's really the kind of person to take April 1st to a whole other level. Faking injury every other hour (with fake blood and everything), though will stop the moment Peso freaks out too much. Though his favorite thing to do is casually prank Barnacles with Whoopee Cushions in random seats, and perhaps pour a bucket of water on the man's head.
Naturally ginger, though people assume that it's dyed or that they wear a wig- and they often complain about it (Peso will laugh at them, but they don't care).
Despite what everyone has speculated about the eye patch, it's worn solely for the preparation of going into a darker room, so he is able to adjust more quickly- he hadn't been injured and required it.
Favorite texture is often the feeling of yarn, so they keep balls of yarn in their room and will often toss it back and forth between their hands.
Life of the party. If he's not there, the party is not there.
Mirrors people often, especially those he looks up to (this includes picking up their habits and wanting to do what they do).
Attention span? Yeah, no, he's already gone.
Once again, this is fairly long so...small break!
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Back to the regularly scheduled program!
Owns various pride items to put into their room (including a pan flag directly below their Jolly Roger) and onto their clothes. A lot of the items they gather they view as precious/collectibles.
Loves fidget spinners and fidget cubes, often carrying them in his pockets. If he loses one? Barnacles gets him another. When and where? He has no idea but appreciates it.
If he finds anything left behind by Calico Jack, he holds it close, and he looks everywhere around as if expecting Calico to step around the corner and laugh. When he doesn't see Calico, he is just saddened.
They have definitely cried into Barnacles' shoulder for hours after nightfall, seeking comfort in the older man.
Probably tested prototypes for Tweak, no matter how dangerous that they seemed (and has injured himself after not listening to Tweak).
He had a competitive rivalry with Paani after they first met, but slowly grew to be the man's friend, and later found himself falling in love (and made it so obvious it hurt).
Adrenaline junkie. If there's danger? Hell yeah! 
Forgets where everything is, even if it's in their hands.
They know Morse Code for the hell of it (and they secretly communicate with Shellington through it).
Learned a couple of languages during his days as a pirate, mainly Spanish and French where they had encountered those the most.
Swears in French because Paani thinks it's funny.
Their favorite cartoons are Looney Toons and Animaniacs (but they do find amusement in shows like Spongebob, Barbie Movies, etc...). Their favorite show had been Our Flag Means Death, and as you can imagine, the entire crew had to listen to them rant about how accurate they thought it was.
Avid Reddit user and takes it fairly seriously, meanwhile his Instagram/Twitter is complete rubbish he thought of while half asleep.
He used to play drums for the fun of it, and he often still does in spare time (often attempting to teach others to play). As well as playing a bass guitar (very well), and he played a Recorder.
Hides the fact they are a published author from the rest of the crew, the only member that knows is Professor Inkling, and Inkling will often tease being their number one fan.
Flustered incredibly easily.
Frequent vocal stims ("Yeow!", hissing, and various other noises that are connected to cat-like behavior. Dashi gave them the nickname, "Kwazii-Cat" because of this).
While Barnacles is most clearly the strongest, Kwazzi is the swiftest (earning him the nickname 'Achilles' from the Captain).
They always gets emotional listening to the Captain and Inkling talk about Greek myths, especially when they understand them more than most other things (definitely read "The Song of Achilles").
Has accidentally referred to Paani as their "Patroclus" at least a few times and immediately apologized.
Sings Sea Shanties with the Captain (and sometimes gets Paani and Peso to join in as well).
Probably encountered Barnacles when they were both pirates (or on the open sea).
And... A (small) photo dump!
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moonrkgk · 2 years
.art program breakdown
I kind of wanted to make a list for myself, but i also wanted to make it available for others to view if they wanted a pro and con list of different art programs! I'll start my lists with pro's and follow with con's. I will be focusing on desktop programs.
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Paint Tool Sai v1/v2 :
A program i started off with, very simple to use. Between v1 and v2 there are minimal changes so i will be putting them together.
Brush engine is very 'plush'. This may be dependent on your tablet settings, but i have found through Sai that you dont need a lot of pressure to get a good result.
Great starter program. Is by no means overwhelming, and everything is clearly labelled. (Or with a small amount of exploring you will be able to find the use of each button/function.)
Many layer modes, a few are exclusive to Sai. (shade/shine specifically.)
Save states (Sai V2)
Perpetual License.
Program is made by a singular person, so updates are few and far between.
No dark UI.
You cannot import ABR's.
Desktop only.
Given that the program is fairly minimal anyway, i feel like deducting 'points' from it for not having things like importing assets would be a bad idea. So for what its advertised as, id say its a solid 3 out of 5.
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Clip Studio Paint :
I have used this program for a few years, and have used on iOS and Windows.
You can import ABR's
3D models and other importable objects.
In app brush/object/material marketplace.
In app storage for art files.
'Teams' ( You are able to save your works and share them with another CSP user for coop on things like webtoons/comics or other projects.)
QA community, learn and teach, and showcase available in app.
Many layer modes, gradient maps, rulers, and materials.
Animation timelines. (CSP PRO only allows for 24 frames per animation. If you need/want more allowance you will have to upgrade to EX.)
Webtoon / comic creating features.
Mobile app companion.
Adjustable UI shades. (light/medium/dark)
Save states.
Limited perpetual license.*
Mobile version does not have a perpetual license and is monthly p2u.
Brush engine is very rigid.
SUT are not able to be used anywhere else but CSP.
*While i cant think of many cons, as of August 2022 and their decision to 'remove' perpetual licenses im docking them quite a few 'points'. A TLDR version would be while they do still offer perpetual licenses for version 2.0 onward, you will no longer get updates unless you pay for an update pass yearly fee ALONG WITH your perpetual license cost. You can read the entire article here. While the program is decent and widely used, their recent rug pull left a bad taste in the mouths of many so i will give it a 3of 5 for that reason. Use at your own risk.
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Krita :
Open source.
Save states.
Limited ABR importation.*
Animation timelines.
*While you can import ABR's, it only imports the brush tip. You have to recreate the brush from there and this can be tedious.
'Clunky' UI
No help desk.
Desktop only.
Performance and lag issues regularly.
I dont think ive ever had a particularly good experience using Krita. One of the main reasons i gave it up back in the day was solely because i was having so many performance issues and it was crashing regularly. These may no longer be issues, but i feel its important to add that it was a good enough reason that many people stopped using it because of. I give a 2 of 5.
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Open Canvas / Medibang / FireAlpaca :
These three will get honourable mentions. While open canvas is not free, medibang and firealpaca are. Their UI is pretty much the same, as well as their features.
The most i would be able to say about these three is they are super minimal and basic. (However, if you do decide to stick with any i know people like Jax Sheridan 'Clockbirds' was able to create masterpieces with medibang. They seem to have since moved to photoshop as of ~4yr ago.)
2 of 5!
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ABR that are widely used and easily accessible.
Many layer modes.
Ruler and grid tools.
In app marketplace.
Cloud storage.
Mobile app.
Save states.
Accessible help desk / forum support.
Monthly subscription.
Open GL issues.
Sporadic performance issues.
While i know a ton of people dislike PS CC because theyve had the market cornered for so long, i feel like the program itself is one of the best. You can find addons for thins like animation timelines, different UI settings, etc. (While not always free as they are user made.) The monthly cost is $9.99 USD (this may change based on your own currency or country.) which is fairly low. (I pay more for netflix per month.) They have been using this subscription model since 2012 when they introduced CC. Personally, the cost of using the program pays itself, but i understand the issues people have with this.
4 of 5.
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Paintstorm Studio :
Save states.
ABR importing.
Many brush layers, grids, rulers.
Active forum community and responsive help desk.
Extremely customizable brushes.
Customizable UI. (colours AND dark/light.)
Issues with integrated graphics.
Occassional performance issues.
Perpetual license cost.
While paintstorm is not free, its $20 price tag is incredibly justifiable for what you get. They are fairly transparent with their plans, issues, and updates for the program (even with things like including animation tools or fixes.). I personally had some performance issues with the program and had to email their support and was replied to PROMPTLY with all the willingness to help.
The closest comparison i can make is that paintstorm is a mix of sai and CSP. Ive considered dropping CSP for this program entirely. (I just need a bit more time to get more comfortable.)
3 of 5.
While these programs are not getting their own column, if you want to expand and try them out i wish you luck! (I may have either not used it long enough to form a solid enough yay or nay opinion, or i just dont particularly care for it either way anyway.)
Corel Painter
Procreate (iOS only)
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I may at some point append this list as I grow, but for now i just really wanted to share what ive learned over the years with others. These are generally my own personal opinions, so youre free to take them with a grain of salt! But hopefully it helps someone out :)
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koriaginn · 11 months
Was Mulder ahead ot his time?.. 🤔🤔🤔
Hm. These yesterday news about USA's Congress hearing of UFO sightseeing where ex secret-service agent claimed under oath (!) that these things are real, United States has a program of reverse-engineering of these strange technologies (!!) and some "non-human biologics" (!!!) was found on several crash sites… it's all YET have to be confirmed, because even if it's said under oath, it's still "Well, I heard something from something", though "I trust these people, they're real professionals".
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It still makes my mind anxious, revoking the vibes I had way earlier, when I was younger and really believed in all of this X-Files shit.
🤔 Like… what could it be, if it's really something extraordinary? These things might be some drones. But whose?
🤔 If it's made by someone who's not from Earth, then… then they really might have been interested in exploring unknown stuff. We would do the same, we actually do the same with Moon, Mars and Jupiter.
🤔 Can it be controlled distantly? Yes, that would be the easiest way. Like we do with our drones, including military ones.
🤔 Can it crash from time to time? Uhm… ya? Bad things happen, even with the most advanced techs.
🤔 Would we understand what is it, if we'd encounter something new and strange to us, something that exceeds our understanding of science and nature? NO. When we see something new, we don't know what is it yet, and it seems dangerous. JUST LIKE THIS SHIT.
Damn. Please, tell me my logic fails me and deez aliens CAN'T be real.
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From another hand, we do know that most of the weird UFO videos you've probably seen on YouTube are fake. Roswell aliens' morgue videos were the hoax. You know what creativity, camera and some latex and visual effects can do, right? I've seen some really disturbing video of the presumptions Moon landing of Soviet and American astronauts who found an alien woman's body, - and it was made by some crazy Mexican artist. If you've seen "Apollo 18" movie, you do know how realistic 'found footage' can be done. (I love this bad movie, by the way, dark creepy vibes and clashing (hehe) finale)
But from another-another hand… there are some footage of drones (?) that were unclassified by Americans and if their officials are sure it's real after all check-ups… I don't know what is it either.
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Damn. What the hell is that, actually… these high-tech drones defying all known laws of physics…
If there are some non-human civilizations right here, they're spreading in space on a long distances. That means, they need some highly advanced technology to communicate and travel between stars. Drones are smaller than traditional sci-fi spaceships, and it's a realistic way to explore the universe. I've heard about some scientific initiative, "Breakthrough Starshot", to launch light-powered micro drones using laser beams, small size and weight can help them to reach the closest star in 25 years only, flying on 20% of light speed. See? That's realistic! Imagine what a more technically advanced species could do about it…
Sigh. Aliens. Little gray big headed dumb peeps. Yep.
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Maybe someone's really looking at us right now, using these almost unnoticeable drones. Look up at the sky, wave a hand.
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theromanticscrooge · 1 year
Thinking About Writing a Sims Retrospective...
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I started playing The Sims when I was 11 years old. The original game was at the end of its run. So, I had access to pretty much all of the packs and gameplay. Rosebud was a godsend for unlocking the fun gameplay immediately. I remember having little pixel people making out on a bear rug in a log cabin while nervously looking over my shoulder to make sure my dad wasn’t watching. There was another time when I used an external editing program to try and recreate the Teen Titans from the 2003 animated series with a horrible air-brushed, MS Paint-esque result. Of course I showed my friends because I was proud of my jerry-rigged custom content. Beast Boy ate turkey because “there weren’t many vegetarian options.” Every meal option, outside of some buffet options, Makin’ Magic spells, pizza, or microwaved Hungry Man looking lasagna, was salad. A very pathetic looking salad.
The most in-depth game play I really remember doing was trying to work a Sim up the celebrity star ranks in Superstar. When I revisited this expansion 20 years later, I seriously questioned how much patience I had for certain aspects of this game when I was younger. In the most recent go I had at a celebrity Sim, I managed to get him as far as 3.5 stars before I went “fuck it” and started grinding for the materials needed to achieve the Instant 5 star celebrity Makin’ Magic spell. Within the next day, my Sim was decked out in a cowboy-inspired fit with gaudy tassels on his coat and the coveted star floating above his head.
I’m nostalgic for this game. And when I can actually get the original Sims to work, I embrace how janky some elements are and engage with gameplay as if it’s still the early aughts.
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I’m an older Sims fan. I only play Sims, Sims 2, and Sims 3. There’s been a few Sims 4 packs that seriously tempted me, especially the Paranormal one. So...I have this ridiculous itch to see how a Reigen Arataka Sim would handle a Bonehilda that’s more interested in finding a booty call than housework. But I’m not so tempted that I’ll overlook EA’s list of scummy, money-grubbing moves: making a DLC that requires DLC, divvying up gameplay into smaller and smaller game packs than any previous iterations, releasing content day 1 riddled with bugs to the point its unplayable and refusing to fix anything. 
After seeing Reckowski make a retrospective and news about Project Rene, I’ve been debating whether or not I want to make my own retrospective video on The Sims. It’s either a Sims retrospective that’ll resurrect my YouTube shenanigans or a “Is Reigen Arataka sexy?” video and the latter has been harder for me to write anything other than an unfinished essay for thus far, hahah. And honestly, I think retrospectives from older Simmers are a good idea period. Younger players deserve the depth and variety of gameplay that older Sims games hinted at having. It’s more than possible now. I have good reason for being cautiously optimistic about Life by You and the development around Paralives.
Granted, I’m also hoping Sims 5 crashes in a fiery, spectacular mess similar to what Sim City did in 2013. So, I’m not sure if I’m the best person to make that kind of starry-eyed, rose-tinted glasses video when I also just want to carve up EA’s micro-transaction nonsense like a crazy person carving up a turkey with a chainsaw.
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rae-is-typing · 2 years
Being Asahi’s Crush Part Two: Operation GAG brought to you by Suga’s schemes
Notes: Welcome to part two! Part one is here :)
Description: headcanons about suga scheming and hinata being precious, part two of four
Characters: you, karasuno’s vbc
Warnings: you get hit in the head with a volleyball and somehow sprain your wrist in the process 
Word Count: 1.8k
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I wholeheartedly believe that this man knows how to give gifts
Look at me and tell me he wouldn’t know exactly what to give everyone he loves
That being said, he doesn’t know what to get you
He likes you so much and with the cultural difference, he doesn’t want to offend you/make you uncomfy or do literally anything that would ruin his chances with you
Hell he wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship either because you’re one of the only people not to judge him off his looks alone
So now he’s in an awkward stage 
When is he not in an awkward stage lets be real
Anyways our lovely and chaotic sugawara notices this immediately 
He devises a plan
Thus creating Operation Get the Ace a Girl, or Operation GAG
Okay maybe the name could use some work
But the plan is going to work, yeah?
Let me explain
There were three phases 
Phase one: they spend time together
Phase two: they confess to one another
Phase three: they get together and make beautiful babies
Easy peasy lemon squeezy
Except you aren’t in the same year which means you aren't in the same classes
And it appeared that you were very busy after school
And they don’t know what you like 
Okay this is gonna be harder than he thought
But never fear, karsuno’s goddess Kiyoko has a loophole 
“It may be a good idea to recruit another manager to keep Hitoka-chan from getting overwhelmed next year.” 
Kiyoko you brilliant woman queen goddess
Now suga has another plan to devise 
Commence Operation Recruit the Foreigner or Operation RF for short
Much better than operation gag if i do say so myself 
But for this to work, he needs help
Help from a certain ray of sunshine 
From some light stalking asking around, he found out that you enjoyed tutoring elementary and middle school aged kids in your spare time
So he recruits Hinata, the babiest baby to ever baby ever
He doesnt tell hinata the whole truth, just that he should ask the foreign second year for help in his foreign language class and if things go well, he should see if she was interested in becoming their third manager
Hinata, you sweet summer child you
Baby boy didn’t even consider that his senpai could have ulterior motive for having another manager
But alas, he asks
And how can you say no??????? He hits you with 🥺 when asking for help
Seriously only a monster could say no
And so it begins!
He explains that it would be best to study near the gym so he can make it to practice on time
You shrug, honestly not caring all too much
But then he invites you to stay and watch because he wants his cute senpai’s praise and attention and he wants to show off a bit, sweet tangerine has a small puppy crush 
You say yes, because as we’ve established, you genuinely enjoy playing and watching volleyball
You two are there first and he’s talking so so so fast and showing you everything with no regard to whether you know anything about volleyball or not
Your heart melts because AH HE'S SO EXCITED
Like hinata is such a cute lil guy and he wants to share the things that make him happy because it could make them happy toooooooo 
As you can see, i am platonically whipped for precious #10
And so are you, Y/N, I’m happy we have something in common
So the next people to come are obviously the captain and the coach
You feel a bit bad for crashing practice so you explain that you were helping Hinata with his course work and he asked you to stay
Daichi smells something fishy 
He knows suga’s schemes when he sees them
But he agrees and so does coach ukai on the stipulation that you aren’t a distraction
Thats a lot ask lmao these boys have two moods: volleyball and girls 
I mean… same
But this can go one of two ways:
You distract everyone
You motivate everyone to play their best as to impress the new girl
spoilers its the second one
Suga thought it was going to take a minute for the plan to really kick in, but he was pleasantly surprised to see you at practice
He didn’t tell asahi you were there
He was gonna wait cause hes a bastard that loves drama
Again, same
So everyone shows up and practice is about to begin
Hinata is an oblivious bb that is somehow unaware of the absolute chaos that is about to ensue when he excitedly announced that he asked the pretty second year to watch practice 
Deadass Hinata is like 
How he said :D idk but he did and it was precious
Tanaka and Noya get whiplash from how hard they turn their heads to where you, Yachi, and Kiyoko are standing
You smile and wave at them while you promise not to be a bother
“Oh, Y/N-san, you’ll never be a bother to us!” Suga reassures while elbowing asahi 
Asahi.exe has stopped working
He was conflicted
He wanted to show off because you like volleyball
But he doesn’t want to fuck up and make a fool of himself
At this point coach ukai was getting impatient and practice starts
You chill with yachi and kiyoko
Yachi asks you if you were a model and felt like throwing herself into the sun when you said no
You talk about your old school and how lucky the boys were to have managers as nice as them
Kiyoko offhandedly mentioned something about needing another manager for next year when she leaves so Yachi isn’t alone wink wink nudge nudge
You say you’ll think about it 
Kiyoko is pleased
Yachi is shocked at how slick Kiyoko is
Lets be real here, kiyoko knows
She knows 
What does she know? 
She knows about suga’s plan and she wanted in even if she didn’t say anything 
All she needed was a few minutes after hinata wooed you with his precious boy tendencies and she had it in the bag
But would this be a haikyuu headcanon set without someone getting hit in the face with a volleyball? 
No it would not
Let the headshots begin
This time, it is you
Sorry girl
But asahi doesn’t hit you!
I’m pretty sure he would drop dead if he did tbh
Instead its tanaka 
Sorry bro, i’ll say some nice things at your funeral
So tanaka is up to serve and at the same time, you’re walking over to grab something
The ball goes out of bounds because tanaka wanted to show off and he hit it with enough force to dent metal
But instead of metal, it was the back of your head
You fall forward, hitting your head again and land on your wrist as you try to catch yourself
Double ouch
The gym erupts into chaos
Yachi is sobbing 
Yamaguchi is shell shocked
Suckyshima is laughing
Kiyoko is getting the first aid kit
Daichi and suga are running to you 
Kageyama is stunned
Hinata is D:
Noya is maiming Tanaka
Tanaka is being maimed by Noya
And asahi
Poor sweet baby asahi is furious
But his body won’t move
He just witnessed the attempted murder of his girlfriend fiance wife mother of his children and pets crush friend!!
It takes him a good five minutes to come out of the shock
Now back to you, my friend
So i don’t know any language other than english 
I know i know im working on it 
But i can imagine that getting hit in the head twice can disorient someone to the point of not being able to process a non-native language for a good few minutes
So when they try to ask if you’re okay and you don’t immediately respond with words they’re concerned
But what’s even more concerning is the look you give them
You look at them like they grew two heads
Everything becomes even more chaotic
Tsukishima actually grows slightly concerned
Hinata is actively crying 
Kageyama is yelling that he shouldn't be crying because he was not the one that was hurt
Yamaguchi was yelling for someone to call an ambulance
Asahi is still frozen
Tanaka and Noya are praying lmao
Kiyoko is back with the first aid kit
Daichi and Suga panic as well
They think you’ve forgotten where you are and who you are
Coach Ukai and Takeda, the reasonable adults deescalate the situation like pros
Coach Ukai tells everyone to give you space 
Takeda aska series of questions to which you’re like 
So with his limited knowledge of your native language, he asks if you’re okay and then you nod
Okay everyone breathe a sigh of relief
He helps you up and walks you to the nurse and to get paperwork for the incident 
You can’t tell me there won’t be any paperwork for this lmao
After you leave, they try to continue on with practice
Key word being try
Everyone is very worried so it ends early 
Shocking, i know
Anyways, they all feel awful about what happened
So when the next day comes and you aren’t in class, everyone assumes you’re dead
Practice turns into a eulogy 
Rest in peace my love
Jk you aren’t dead, just navigating an entirely different healthcare system and that takes some time
To make it worse, no one has your contact info and it’s a friday 
So they have to go the entire weekend believing they killed you
But then you show up on Monday with a wrist brace
You didn’t break it, just sprained it
Tanaka omg he literally falls to the ground and begs for forgiveness
He thought you would be seething
You were upset at first, but you had gotten over it 
You laugh it off
He is  s h o o k
it was music to his ears
The third years weren’t lying, you really were super duper chill
When he stands up, you punch his shoulder lightly with your good hand and complement his serves
Again, he is  s h o o k
But it was break time and the break was over so you parted ways
Noya deadass had to drag him to his classroom because he didn’t want to leave
Hinata, the sunshine baby boy he is, brought you snacks and cried because he felt so bad 
Poor baby was blaming himself because he invited you to watch
Pls hug him tightly and give him all the head pats  
You do lol
You give him a small hug after getting permission and ask if he needs help
You keep helping him, but you don’t watch practices 
So Operation Recruit the Foreigner fails
P S Y C H 
It doesn’t 
You actually missed volleyball a lot more than you thought, so you stayed behind one day, wrist brace and all, to talk to kiyoko 
She was happy and happily helped you talk to the coach and takeda
They triple checked you were sure after what happened last time
You were like 
Fuck yeah mate lets go
Operation Recruit the Foreigner was a success
@millenialfanfictionaddiction @rebloging-everything
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glitterslights · 2 years
Viktor (Arcane) - Soft Alphabet
Pairing : Viktor x gn!reader
Genre : headcanon, sfw, fluff.
Warnings : none.
Credits : the template of this prompt was created by @writing-prompts-by-sybil. Thanks for sharing your ideas 🧡
Notes : Hi pals ! Here's a little SFW alphabet for our dearest Viktor, from Arcane (I'm just so soft for him). The idea is to do alphabet prompts with each letter of the character's name, but don't hesitate to request other letters for them if you want to !
Have a nice day my loves 🌻
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Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Viktor is a workaholic, and he knows it. The fact is, he assumes you're as aware of the matter as he is, and are alright with it. Assuring the security of Piltover, and giving a chance in life to people, comes with sacrifices. In his mind, what he does for a living contributes to your own happiness, and he can have quite a hard time to grasp why people don't always see it his way. It is why I picture him needing an independent and chill partner.
However, in the beginning of your relationship, and depending on your own needs, his behavior could have lead to a few argues.
It was quite hard for Viktor to grasp the problem at first, given that you started dating him knowing how he functions, and I imagine him being a little too stubborn about your tantrums at times. If there's one thing Viktor will targue himself about, despite his many insecurities, it's the fact that he chose not to change, not anymore, not for anyone. In all honesty, if it wasn't for Jayce, who one day had enough of the situation and decided to kick some sens into his best friend's mind, you both might not have been together for much longer, despite the affection you shared for one another.
Injury - What do they do if their s/o gets hurt?
Viktor would be a total mess.
After the initial shock of your health state passed, he will try to find his own solution, and won't hesitate to require meeting after meeting with your appointed doctor.
If desperate, that man could actually have the very bad idea to go consult that doctor from the Under City. However, he wouldn't let him get close to you in any circumstances, and would analyse a million time each and every possibility he gave him before acting.
His own health being what it is, he won't take yours for granted (and won't let you laugh about it), and will make sure you get out of the hospital with a long-term healing program. Give it to him to suddenly find the time in his agenda and be right at your side at your appointments, taking notes of your medical needs, and not letting you go out of the office until he's totally sure you understood every term used. You will certainly have him catching up his work in the incomfortable waiting room, because work stays work, but have no doubt that his presence is a testimony of his feelings for you.
Kisses - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Hell yes.
I do picture him as demi-sexual, and with it (and his dedication to his work) comes the fact that he never took time for developing an actual relationship. He's a mess when it comes to see the hints from potential lovers, and probably missed his chance more than once. His first kiss might have been stolen by some hot investor at one of the rare party he (was forced to) attend to, and he didn't find any interest in it.
You crashing into his life and filling his all being with tender butterflies actually felt like an earthquake to him. It took him years to make peace with what he calls his "disinterest to love", and then, there you are, proving him wrong in all your glory.
Your first kiss must have been a sweet, adorable mess, that you both secretly cherish to this day. Noses bumping against each other, missed tempo, soft laughs, all wrapped up into the quiet of your embrace.
But, oh boy, Viktor is a quick learner. He jumps straight in each new passion of his - you being his absolute favorite. He's not a peck person, oh no. If you kiss, you kiss.
He loves taking it slow, needs the reassuring sensation of your arms around him. He's a bitter. Lips, jaw, neck, everything he can reach will be his playground. It gives him the opportunity to tenderly ravish your skin after that, pretending to soothe you because he still thinks he needs an excuse to loose himself in you.
Time - What are their future plans?
The fact is, Viktor has the bad habit to think that what he is absolutely certain of - like the fact that you're both deeply in for the rest of your life - is also clear as day for the rest of the world.
In this perspective, he can give the sensation that he lives your story on a day-to-day basis. If it can be quite reassuring in the first months of your relationship, giving you the time to figure out your own feelings, with the years going by, you could need some reassurance.
Communicate about it, because this man, as genius as he is, won't be able to understand it at all if you're not blunt about it.
Orange - What color reminds them of their s/o?
Blue. Blue like the peace, calm, soft happiness you bring into his life. Whatever your personality may be like, and even if you're a spicy little thing, you remain the anchor he needs in his life.
Your hugs are what will always comfort him the most, your words a succession of reassurance. You're his sky, sun and stars reunited, as he once wrote in a messy little poem, after a few drinks (and that Jayce shamelessly stole from him and uses as a leverage since then).
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He's a creative. He's too shy to give you loud declarations, whether in words or acts. Subtlety is more who he is. Viktor is a romantic in his own way. He believes in love forever. You're his person, you're into his heart for the rest of his life.
Like always, he can be a little lost in his mind, and will forget to remind you how much he adores you. I hope you're quite low key about displays of affection, because you won't receive that much from him on a daily basis. However, don't hesitate to act upon your own feelings. It's a way to reassure him and to slowly remind him that this is a way to be in a relationship.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Head Full Of Demons (Part 1)
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Summary: The reader’s mentor surgeon, Dr. Dean Winchester, is a grade A ass most of the time. But she does like him deep down and she sees a softer side to him that they decide to explore once she’s done with her last bit of residency. Except when a surgery goes bad, the reader starts to notice something that will send her down a path she never wanted to be on...
Square: Medical AU ( @spndeanbingo )
Pairing: Surgeon!Dean x surgeon!reader
Word Count: 3,000ish
Warnings: language, briefly mentioned child abuse, mention of kidnapping/deaths
A/N: Buckle in. Y’ll have no idea where this one is going...
“What are you doing?” said Dean when he walked into the surgical staff break room. Dr. Dean Winchester that was. One of the top surgeons in the hospital despite not being a day over thirty five. You were in your last year of surgical residency and somehow, somehow, Dean Winchester was going to be the one person that made you snap and walk away from it all. 
You ignored him and kept shoving your belongings from your locker into your backpack, Dean walking over and ripping it out of your hands.
“What the fuck are you doing? We have another surgery in less than an hour,” he said, shoving the bag back in the locker and slamming it shut.
“I fucking quit! Are you happy now? I fucking quit. You made me hate this. You made me fucking hate this when it’s all I worked for my whole life. Shut the fuck up and stay away from me,” you said, ripping open the door again. He grabbed your arm and pulled you around to the back changing room, slamming the door shut after himself. He pushed you back against the wall, your whole body shaking as tears ran down your face.
“People die Y/N,” he said softly. You blinked, not used to a kind voice from him. He was always so cold to his resident, even when you were at hospital functions or fundraiser events. He was notorious for it and almost all of them transferred off to other programs. “That’s the job. Sometimes they come in for something small and they end up dying.”
“I thought it was clamped,” you breathed out. “I thought-”
“I know. We’re not machines. We make mistakes. I make mistakes. It was my fault for not double checking.”
“I’m supposed to be able to do surgeries on my own in a few months. I shouldn’t be making that kind of mistake,” you said. “I have to drop out.”
“I know my reputation. But you’re a good surgeon. We all make mistakes. Don’t quit. I don’t need another one of my students to go off and be a general physician again. We need surgeons and you have what it takes. All that happened today was you made a mistake. You’ll make more. If you can’t live with knowing that, transfer. But if you can, stay.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, breathing deeply when a pair of lips touched your own. Your hands grabbed the front of his scrubs, pulling him in closer. He had to move back though, staring when you blinked at him.
“I thought…” you trailed off. “Don’t you hate everyone?”
“Not supposed to date a student,” he whispered. 
“You’re a hard ass because you like me?” you said.
“I’m a hard ass because you’re in line to be a good surgeon but I think you can be a great one. All you have holding you back is fear.” You tugged on his scrubs again, crashing your lips against his, Dean letting you choose when to end it. He nodded and licked his lips, taking a deep breath. “Clean yourself up. I’ll see you in surgery.”
“What happens now?”
“We put in the report what happened, the hospital will get a malpractice suit most likely and they’ll give the family some money. This is a teaching hospital. It happens all the time,” said Dean.
“I meant…” you swallowed. He wiped off your cheeks with his hand, glancing down.
“You finish residency in three months. This can’t be a thing until I’m no longer your superior...but we can be friends.” You gave him a small nod and he returned it. “Clean up. I’ll go tell the family.”
“I’ll do it. It was my mistake,” you said. 
“Alright but I’m going with you.”
Four Hours Later
“Dr. Y/L/N,” said the chief of surgery, both he and Dean walking out of his office. You stood up from the chair outside, swallowing thickly. “A word.”
You went into the room, sighing when the chief pulled the door shut after himself.
“Dr. Winchester explained that you believed you operated on a clamped artery but it was not in fact clamped off. Is that correct?” he asked, sitting behind his desk.
“Yes sir. I must have…made a mistake,” you said quietly. He pointed at the TV in the room and you turned, watching it turn on and a surgical video start to play.
“Dr. Winchester occasionally tapes surgeries for the school’s teaching purposes on techniques. He was taping today. Do you see what I do?” he asked.
“Clamped right valve,” you breathed out, watching a scalpel cut through, no blood splattering everywhere, all over your face. 
“Unfortunately the footage froze up at this point but we have definitive proof that you did not in fact cut anything you weren’t supposed to. That was textbook. You did nothing wrong. The man’s heart just couldn’t take the surgery.”
“Yes sir,” you said, feeling a bit calmer. You sighed in relief, the chief raising his chin.
“We’d like to make you an offer for after graduation. Surgical team. I’ve spoken to many of our senior fellows. All of them would kill for you to follow their speciality.”
“Do I have to decide on a specialty right now?” you asked. He shook his head and you smiled. “I would love to work here.”
“We’ll send over some papers for you to sign,” he said. “I think legal wants to speak with you and Dr. Winchester but I see no case for a lawsuit from the family.”
“Have we been able to contact anyone yet? Dr. Winchester and I couldn’t find anyone in a waiting room or an emergency contact.”
“Admin is still looking. You’re on call tonight?” he asked and you nodded. “We’ll page you when we have a name.”
“Thank you,” you said before you headed out. You breathed deeply, Dean waiting down the hall by legal’s door. “Hey.”
“Told you not to worry,” he said with a smile. “I heard someone was getting a job offer.”
“I accepted,” you said.
“Good,” he said. “Come on. Let’s go wrap this up.”
You sat up in bed that night, cocking your head. You’d been thinking over the surgery and remembered the video from the chief had showed you. Something was off about it. 
You climbed out of bed, going over to the bookcase and flipping over one of your textbooks. You stared at the back picture, narrowing your eyes.
“He had a fatty artery,” you said. You closed your eyes, recalling the video. “This wasn’t my patient on the video. Fuck Dean. What did you do?”
“Dr. Winchester,” you said the next evening as you caught up with Dean in the break room. “A word.”
“I’m busy Dr. Y/L/N,” he said, not looking up from his charts.
“Make time,” you said, going back into one of the sleeping rooms. He followed you after a minute and sighed.
“I said we have to wait until-“
“That wasn’t my patient,” you growled. “You swapped the video with some other surgery. Don’t insult my intelligence by lying.”
“Then shut about it,” he said, leaving and slamming the door after himself.
“Hurry it up in there Dr. Y/L/N,” said Dean two hours later in surgery. You growled and tied off the stitch, shooting him a glare. You glanced back down to where his hand was, watching blood spurt out through the central artery. “Oh shit.”
“What happened?” said one of the surgical nurses as you all got sprayed with blood.
“Central ruptured,” he said, scrambling as he started shouting off orders. You knew it was too late given how much blood he’d already lost and he was flatlining, Dean sighing, the room going quiet. 
You started to leave when he called after you, Dean quickly on your tail as you went to wash up. He caught your arm in the washroom and you narrowed your eyes.
“I know what you did. Yesterday I didn’t cut that patient. You swapped the tapes and today when I wasn’t looking your hand just happened to be right where the rupture was? What the fuck are you up to?” He pulled you into a shower stall and backed you against the wall. “You have a slightly higher than average death count for routine procedures in the past two years. What the fuck are-“
“What do you think,” he said, a hand over your mouth. You ripped it away and stared him down.
“I reviewed your old patients where they died shortly after surgery. No one would ever notice unless they saw what I did just now. I know what you’re doing. I know what you’ve been doing for two years.”
“You want to report me for what? Saying there was a video tape when there wasn’t?”
“You didn’t swap the tape to save me. You did it to save yourself.”
“No. You made a mistake and I saved your ass.”
“I didn’t make a mistake. I would never have cut without triple checking there was a clamp. You must have took the damn thing off.”
“So maybe I did,” he growled into your ear. You swallowed, Dean right in your face, nose smashed against yours. “So what if I did everything you think I did. You have no proof.”
“How many,” you breathed out.
“Two murderers. Five serial assaulters. Tonight was a man that picks up underage girls and sells them off never to be seen again. I guess that makes eight less scumbags in the world. Or maybe you’re just delusional and none of that is true.”
He squeezed your arms, not enough to hurt but enough to let you know he could snap you like a twig if he really wanted to.
“Are you going to be a problem Y/N?” he asked. You opened your mouth, Dean’s eyebrows furrowing. “Before you answer I want you to think about two years ago when you went to the annual gala and you saw a man following you. You thought nothing more once he disappeared, right?”
“Dean,” you whispered. “You didn’t.”
“I saw him and only planned to kick his ass but when I realized what he had in store...poor bastard.”
“Fuck Dean,” you said. His hot breath ghosted over your face and you swallowed.
“If you’re going to tell someone about what you think you know, things you have no proof or idea of, I’m going to need a head start,” he said. 
“If you killed for me, you’re not going to kill me,” you said after a beat.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said, straightening up. “I’ll never hurt you. But if I have to lock you in this room while I run, that’s a different story.”
“How do you know they’re bad,” you whispered. 
“My brother works for the DA and I know how to get into the system. I hear things.” You turned and looked out the sole window, rain hitting it on the dark night. “Y/N. I need an answer.”
“You’re a serial killer,” you said.
“I prefer vigilante but maybe I’m one of those.”
“That’s why you always harass your resident. So they leave and don’t catch you in the act.”
“…Unfortunately for me you’re smarter than the rest of them.”
“You can’t kill people, even if they are evil. You have no right.”
“What gives us the right to save evil people but not kill them?” You spun around and threw up your hands.
“Because one of them is wrong.”
“According to who? Society? A moral code? Try being the women that was murdered, raped. The kid that is affected their whole life. The teenage girl that loses a future and lives the rest of her life in hell on earth. You use a scalpel to save lives every day. Just because they’re not on your operating table doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be saved too. We took an oath to save people.”
“We took an oath that no matter who is on that table we do our best to save them.”
“I am saving them. I’m saving them from destroying their own lives even more.”
“You’re insane,” you said. Dean’s eye twitched and you swallowed.
“Fine. I’m insane,” he said. “You want to know what happens when people like that out there exist? What would have happened to you? What happens when people live their lives in a hellhole?”
“Dean,” you said when he grabbed your wrist. “Wait! Wait.”
He paused, staring at you, holding you still but loosely.
“I’ll give you until the end of my shift to run but then I have to tell the chief what I think about those other surgeries.”
“That’s generous,” he said. His hold on you was soft, gentle, and you felt strangely relaxed. “Y/N I said I wasn’t going to hurt you and I meant it.”
“I believe you.”
“Before I go, I gotta ask, are you turning me in because you think I’m a monster or because you think it’s the right thing to do, even if I’m not as horrible as you’re pretending I am right now.”
“I didn’t say you’re a monster. But you can’t decide who lives and who dies. No one should.”
“Four months ago a father and son came into the ER when you were on call. Both extensive injuries, both critical. Do you remember who you chose to work on that day?”
“The son,” you said quietly.
“Because he’s younger. Because he has more life to live still. He was savable and the father wasn’t. You decided who lived and died that day. You made the right choice but don’t tell me I can’t decide when that is our jobs all day and everyday.”
“You still won’t convince me that what you’re doing is right,” you said. You stared at him, Dean giving it right back. “You’re not going to be able to scare me into thinking you’re right.”
“The world is not black and white.”
“Exactly. You kill people knowing only a part of who they are. Maybe those murderers had good reasons.”
“You have no idea how despicable, deplorable, those wastes of life were. How awful some people truly are in this world. They aren’t worth the scum on your shoe.”
“Fuck you.” He scrunched up his face and sighed, backing away. You stared at him, Dean running his hand through his hair. “What are you doing?”
“I’d only hurt bad people Y/N and you’re not bad,” he said. He crossed his arms and groaned. “Can you please, please, give me until tomorrow morning before you turn me in to the chief? As soon as our shift is done you can freaking follow me if you want. You can hold me at gunpoint. I don’t care. I just...I have to say goodbye to my brother first. Please.”
“I’ll give you one hour after shift ends. Then I’m going straight to the chief to review those surgeries.”
“Thank you. That’s all I need.”
You avoided Dean the rest of shift, still swearing and muttering to yourself when you got home to your house you rented around eleven that night. You desperately wanted a shower and were just heading upstairs when the doorbell rang.
“Stolken police,” said a gruff voice through the door. You glanced at the clock. Dean’s hour wasn’t up yet but he must have turned himself in already. Shit. He really had killed those people and he wasn’t just being a creep earlier.
“Coming,” you said, walking back over and unlocking the door. It pushed open, Dean stepping inside in a pair of jeans and black jacket. You jumped back, Dean shutting the door quickly, his other hand flying over your mouth.
“Jesus. Relax. Do you have any idea how fucking stupid it is to answer the door late at night when you live alone? Get a smart doorbell and security system ya idiot.”
“I have security,” you said when he dropped his hand. He rolled his eyes, matching your step when you moved back. 
“We both know that’s a lie.”
“Dean...you said you’d turn yourself in to the chief.”
“Yeah but see the thing is most women when you tell them you’re a serial killer, they freak out. You...you see that there’s a gray area to people.”
“Of course there’s a gray area,” you said, stepping back again. “But what you do is wrong.”
“I’m not gonna hurt you but we need to continue this conversation somewhere more private. I wasn’t telling you everything at the hospital and you need to know some things first.” You took off for the backdoor, tripping on the damn power cable to your laptop and smacking your face first against the hardwood. You had a headache, vision spinning, and prayed you didn’t have a concussion. You were able to sit up, Dean holding you gently, turning you to look at him. He shined a light in your eyes and you winced. “I don’t think there’s a concussion. We’ll keep an eye-”
You hit him in the nuts, trying to scramble away but your head hurt too much and he easily tackled you to the floor. 
“You just had to go and smack your head. I was gonna give you a sedative but now we have to do this the hard way.”
It hurt when he pulled on your arms, everything a whirlwind as he pushed and shoved and yanked and less than a minute later you were in the backseat of his suv on the floor, sniffling as you tried for the life of you to get comfortable with your arms tied behind you.
“Y/N. Don’t cry. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said. You kicked your bound bare feet against the back of his seat and he sighed. “I’m driving. You want to kill us both? Behave back there. It won’t be long.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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ace-of-gay · 3 years
Time to settle after all that hard work
Daddy loki x little gn! Reader
660 words
This ones a bit shorted because of my migraine.
Edited to the best of my ability
If you don't like stuff like this please keep scrolling thank you ❤💙Warnings: age regression, no pronouns used, names like baby, little one,  and daddy. Items like paci, sippy, pull-up etc. This was falsely labeled as ddl(gn) at one point
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You’ve been working around the clock 24/7 for two weeks to get this one digital drawing done for college, and of all the effort, in the shading, highlights, trying to color match the hue without forgetting it, the depth and just everything tied together and the countless times the program crashed you’ve finally done it, its one hell of a piece.
Due to this stupid piece you’ve gotten at most three hours of sleep a night, all of that restlessness finally coming to an end. Honestly is an A worthy piece and it shows but from the stress, fatigue and not having gone into little space in two weeks, turning in the assignment was the well deserved finish line and your absolute breaking point.
Your computer pings and you’re done, its in and you can relax but Loki isn’t home right now and all you wanna do is snuggle with your daddy.
You were too exhausted to leave the room, cracking open another energy drink, putting a bendy straw taking a swig, you stand up from the uncomfortable office chair and settling in your beanbag chair next to the window and setting your drink in the windowsill curling yourself up in the massive beanbag grabbing the plushy you have in the basket next to you and clutching him to your chest .
Loki got back after an hour, he had gone grocery shopping and getting you a gift, he absolutely despises grocery shopping because of the stares and backhanded comments, you’ve been so agonizingly busy and he knew today was your finishing day, he puts the grocery’s away and grabs the beads and string set for bracelets that he figured you and him could make bracelets for fun.
He makes his way down the hall, noticing that you’re not humming along to music, infact there’s no music playing at all, he approaches the door and opens it very carefully and quietly entering the almost completely dark room, the only light in the room is the cast from where the blinds part, shining in at the perfect angle glimmering against your delicate features.
He smiles to himself setting the gift down and walking to his sleeping love, leaning down dotting kisses to your cheeks and forehead pulling you from your nap placing a final kiss to your lips, a reciprocated kiss, short but sweet, "if you sleep for too long now you wont be able to sleep later, you reach out for him silently pleading to be picked up and he happily obliges.
Carrying you to the living room but not before grabbing the items he bought, setting them on the table and setting you down to wander around as you please while he gets you a snack and some water in a sippy cup. After doing so he takes your hand leading you to the bedroom helping you out of big people clothes and into a pull-up, a yellow shirt and comfy pants, one of his hoodies swallowing you causing him to chuckle and cuff the sleves so you can use your hands.
"You’re so sweet my little one, so so sweet,-pushing your hair out of your face and kissing your forehead and giving you your paci- can daddy see your finished drawing?" Your body tenses and you shake your head no "cant" you call from behind your paci, "why not baby?", you slump in his hold, "nooo, daddy, is bad, i dun wike it" you whine, "mkay honey,-he picks you up perching you on his hip- ill ask to see it later" you rest head on his shoulder still tired, he pats your back "gotta stay awake baby" you grumble but lift your head when he walks back into the living room setting you on the couch.
He hands you the gift and you practically start glowing in happiness, "fank chu daddy", you and him sit together watching cartoons and making colorful bracelets, you make one for him that says (n/n)'s daddy on it so he made you a matching one saying  lokis baby, you eat dinner and snuggle up for the night.
You have an in person meeting with a company who is considering to higher you for their animation company so there’s no need for your digital tablet, just your laptop and portfolio, while you’re out Loki gets on the tablet, connecting it to his device and saving a copy of your most recent drawing to his phone and going out to a print shop to get it printed, after that he buys a couple frames putting one in the art room amongst all the other prints of your works and one in the living room, admiring your work, he’s absolutely star struck just staring at it on the shelf smiling to himself, his baby made that, his little one made something so spectacular that the entire world deserves to see it, the world deserves to know who you are, he looks down at his bracelet you made spinning the green heart shaped spacer bead so lost in thought he doesn’t hear you get back.
You set your stuff down, a new frame sparkling in your peripheral and you look over seeing your newest piece, a small smile growing you walk over to him grabbing his hands in your own, instantly you drop how you’ve been wanting since before the meeting, you’ve waited enough, "hi daddy, i loves you s'much" he focuses on your shining eyes as if an entire universe lives within your irises, "hi baby" he sighs out pulling you to his chest, "lets get you comfy and cuddle" you nod.
Just 10 minutes later you’re resting on his chest, his right arm around your waist holding you close, his left holding the sippy cup in place, your suckling almost silent under the sounds of happy feet one playing on the tv.
The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest like the waves of the ocean lulling you to sleep for nap time, he takes the sippy away replacing it with your paci and muting the tv, letting you burrow you cheek into his collarbone earning a subtle coo from the pure adoration he has for you.
"Daddy is so lucky to call you his baby, i love you (y/n) you’re such a good baby for daddy, I’m so proud of you" he wouldn't change you for the world, you are his little one and he’d be dammed if someone even lays a finger on you.
He plans on never taking the bracelet off, setting a spell  with his seidr around it, no one will break it, not even in battle.
Moments like this are his favorite, he’s so thankful for you, you are his everything.
Requests are open, i appreciate all of your interaction, please dont copy, translate or repost my work (: reblogs are perfectly fine.
<3 make sure to take care of yourselves wven if its just eating a bit and drinking some water today keep up the great work, im so proud of you sweet flowers, im glad to see my garden of readers is slowly but surely growing.
Heres a song
If you want a random song just send me a message or ask with a number 1-300 and i will count through em and send you that song. The bigger the number the longer the song.
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I have request for all the Obey Me bois: them trying a hoverboard for the first time? Who will end up crashing into a wall? (All of this is to impress the MC ofc)
Found the perfect gif as well lets go!!
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This case takes place after the exchange program, once you are sent back home. You decided to invite the whole gang over for some fun, and of course they all came.
While catching up and exploring your house, Mammon finds a funny looking skateboard in your room's closet. Ignoring the reason behind him snooping around your room you explain that the funny board thingy is actually a hoverboard. It used to be popular some years ago but now you dont use it much anymore, that and you arent as skilled as you used to be.
Wanting to impress you Mammon insists on trying it out, this leads to the rest of the boys wanting to do the same thing as well, here is what happened:
- after being forced convinced into testing the hoverboard out, and after seeing all his brothers fail to drive it correctly, he decided to give it a try
- just imagine your expression when he suceeds in doing what no one else has managed to do yet? His already big fat pride will become bigger and fatter!
- either way he wasnt ready for the strong nasty bump his head would make once he hits the floor, it was loud enough to make the others laugh out loud and to leave him there for a solid second
- offer the old man some ice cause he did actually hurt himself badly there :(
- allow the great Mammon to not only reawaken your love for the hoverboard, but to win your love as well by mastering the board with his own legs
- he managed to balance himself at first, catching the others attention inmediately, but it wouldnt take much for him to bump against the wall behind him, falling in the process
- now he is trying to tell the others to not laugh and that youre responsible for him getting hurt, since you were the owner of the hoverboard, and that you needed to stick with him the remaining of the night so the pain goes away
- not even luke would act so childish
- he recognized the fail videos and memes the moment he saw the hoverboard, so when Mammon dared him to ride it since "he would do much better" due to the mocking, he panicked quickly
- like Mammon however, the idea of impressing you was enough to make him try it out. He ends up driving into one of your tables after getting onto it and tilting forward his body to drive it
- help him up, the embarrasment for him is big right now, specially cause Mammon keeps on yelling at him that it wasnt easy and the the older brother was right all along
- its after levi however when everyone starts to get hyped up to test the hoverboard out
- wanting to show everyone how its done, cause of course books tell you how to hoverboard and not practice, he got on after levi, yet again fueled by the idea that you would shower him in love and attention if he suceeded
- surprisingly he manages to stay on the board for 3 seconds longer than the previous 2 brothers, however he would also crash and burn with the living room's sofa that was behind him, he bumped into it and as a result he'd be pushed back and would fall on his back
- then again he really cant get that mad at himself for trying out, however he still cant help but do so by getting hurt because of it. At least he wont end up breaking the hoverboard, as someone else decides to try out for funsies and quickly takes it away from him
- seeing how everyone was getting hurt scared him away from testing it out, however Asmo too is another victim of wanting to impress you, and if he is careful he wont really get that hurt right?
- he should've known things wouldnt go well the moment he placed one leg onto the board, for it already started shaking alot
- holding onto the wall next to him for better balance, his legs flew upwards and his butt ended up hitting the floor
- now you owe two brothers physical comfort to solve the pain
- he got on it after belphie did so, since he had promised the other twin that he'd get on it if the other one tried it out first
- food being food, beel got on it, having expierence with sports and such, he managed to break a new record in the household of who could stay on it longer. This is thanks to his constant work out that implies balance
- unfortunately he does lose balance and eventually ends up tripping out of the hoverboard, however not enough to get hurt like the rest
- Mammon should be thought a thing or two about betting food with beel
- he didnt really want to try it after seeing his brothers get hurt, not only that but it seemed so tiring...
- it was beel insisting that he'd get on it if belphie went first that he decided to do so, he barely lasted a second
- while he managed to not hit his head when he fell onto he floor, the laughing was enough to insist lucifer to go after beel did his round
- diavolo got excited when everyone else started to mess around with the hoverboard, and so he grabbed it after Satan insisting he wanted to go next
- while Lucifer and Barbatos claimed he could easily get hurt like the others, the future king got even more excited when the rest started to insist he went next
- he got onto it and, while he got shaky at the start, he managed to stay onto the board for a good while, however he then started to go in circles...
- this led into him getting dizzy and driving onto a wall as well, however he didnt hurt himself hard enough to kill that happy spirit of his and he even told Barbatos to try it out as well
- the only reason the hoverboard is still in one piece is because diavolo insisted he tested it out
- he gets on it very easily and actually manages to drive it????? Ok show off, have fun crashing onto the table then😒
- he kind of already saw it comming, not much with his powers but because everyone else had crashed or got hurt until then
- its diavolo's cheering that ends up making him spare the deadly board
- also got on it for fun, specially since everyone else is really started to dig into trying to drive the hoverboard
- another victim of the spinning, its enough to make him knee down and end up flying put of the hoverboard
- calms Luke down assuring the younger angel that he is alright even after hitting his entire upper body against the floor
- scared little baby, if you want the little guy to try it out then you're gonna have to,first, build up his confidence and, second, help him onto it
- in order to not fall off of the board he too knees down, this just lead to him going at full speed backwards towards a wall as well
- now he is trying again because he is a child and he really wants to try again until he suceeds
-solomon is the last one to test the hoverboard out, having lived throughout most of humanity's stupidity he has an idea of how it works
- uses magic to tame the hoverboard and suceeds in doing so... at first, his jacket/coat end up getting caught onto the wheels, and as a result he too falls onto the ground
- please give him a hand on removing his coat from the hoverboard cause it's stuck :/
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lacebird · 3 years
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Hey everyone! I recently got asked to do a tutorial on how I make my gifs. I know that many people (such as myself) don’t have access to Photoshop for various reasons but they’d like to get into gif making. When I started making gifs, I only had a free trial of Photoshop, but when that ran out, I had to find another way to make gifs. Enter Photopea! A free, web-based software that you can use anywhere and that works just like Photoshop! 
In this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to make a basic gif like the one I did above. I use a macbook air, but it should be doable on a regular pc too!
If you found this helpful, feel free to share it with your friends! The tutorial can be found under the cut below 💜
A browser (I switch between Safari and Chrome, more about this later)
A screencapping software (like MPlayer OSX Extended) or, alternatively, a presentation program like Keynote or Powerpoint.
A program to screenrecord or a program that let’s you download from YouTube 
Lots of patience bc gifs are annoying little shits <3
First things first, you need to have the clip you want make a gif out of. There are plenty of ways that you can get them. I’ve seen some gifmakers say that they torrent entire movies and gif from that. The way I do is I screenrecord the part I want to gif directly from where I’m watching the movie or show (like Disney+ or Netflix [or something like 123movies if you’re a pirate 🏴‍☠️)]). That way, I don’t have to download the entire movie and I have just the part that I want.  
To screenrecord, I use my macbook’s built-in program called Screenshot. 
Open the program by pressing ctrl + command + 5 on your keyboard and you get these funny little buttons.
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Click on the button that says record entire screen. The program is now recording your screen. Play the scene and make sure you expand the video into full screen so you get a full resolution. When you’re done, click the stop button that is at the top right of your screen (next to the wifi and battery symbols.)
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If you don’t have Mac, I suggest you look into how to screenrecord on your computer, as I don’t know how other operating systems work. Sorry!
Another way you can get videos is from Youtube. I use a program called ClipGrab for this. Download and open the program. You’ll get this window
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Simply paste the link and chose the highest quality, then click ‘grab this clip!’. Done!
After we’ve obtained the clip we wanted, we can do this two ways. The first way is to use the program MPlayer OSX Extended. Here’s a tutorial on how to set it up, make sure you do this if it’s your first time using the program. Make sure that you have a special screenshot folder!
Open MPlayer, then go to file > open and find the video of the scene you screenrecorded or downloaded. MPlayer will now play the video. Use the left and right keys (< and >) to go go backwards or forwards 1 minute, but try not to move around too much because the software crashes if you do. If that happens, just click the reopen button when the popup comes on, and reload the video again.
When you’ve gotten to the point you want in the video, press the command + shift + s buttons at the same time and the program will now take a screencap of every single frame until you stop. 
If everything goes smoothly, you should find all your frames in your screenshot folder that you’ve made before when setting up the program! 
If you want to skip the screencapping part and you want to have a fully completed gif, you can do the second option. That’s what I used to do before I got MPlayer. In my experience, it’s a really fast way to make a gif, but the quality isn’t really good. 
Here’s a tutorial on how to turn a slide into a gif in Keynote.
Here’s a similar tutorial on how to make a gif on PowerPoint.
Basically, you make sure that the size of your presentation is the same as your video, and that you make sure to export one slide into a gif. Also make sure that you export in the highest quality!
Finally, we can start giffing! As I said at the start, Photopea can be used anywhere, but I switch between Safari and Chrome. The reason why is that if I upload the frames in Chrome, the frames will be out of order. In Safari, that doesn’t happen, but the downside is that once I start editing, Safari will reload the page because it takes up too much memory. 
So, first I go to photopea.com on Safari. I click New Project and put in the same dimensions as the screencaps (in my case, they are 1440x900 px). You’ll get an empty project. 
Then click file > open & place and select your screenshots. Wait until Photopea has loaded all the frames, then, at the speed of light, quickly click file > save as psd before Safari reloads! You’ll find it in your folder where all your downloads are.
Next, I open Chrome (I use the incognito window because I have adblock on my usual Chrome, the program won’t work as usual if you have it enabled) and I click Open From Computer, locate your saved .psd file that you saved from Safari. 
Now, you’ll see all the frames as individual layers. Select everything by clicking on the first layer, then golding the shift button and clicking on the last layer. Press command + G to group the frames into a folder. Here’s how everything should look after you’ve grouped the layers.
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^^ See how Agnes approves! Agnes things you’re going a great job!
Now, it’s time to crop the gif and get rid of the black borders. Making sure that the folder is selected, click on the crop tool (or press C) and click on Fixed Size
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W is Width and H is Height, write in your sizing here. Tumblr’s max width is 540, so I put the width as such. For the height, I use 405. Then you just drag the corners until you’ve selected the part that you want, like this
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Press enter and the image will be sized down 540x405 px. 
Now, our gif looks like this after cropping!
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Open the folder so you can see all the layers. Select all your layers and right click on them, then click rasterize. 
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Then, go to layer > animation > make frames. You’ll now see that each layer begins with _a_ - this is crucial because this is how Photopea knows that the layers are part of a gif. If your layers don’t begin with _a_, then it will not play as a gif
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If you instead already have a gif done, all you have to do instead is simply click open from computer when you first open Photopea and load your already finished gif and it’ll have the _a_ at the start of every layer. You won’t have to go through the steps of loading your frames into a new project to make your gif as it’s already done and in a folder :) Just start cropping once you load it
You can preview your work by going to file > export as > gif. Make sure to change the speed in the preview window until your gif plays the way you want it! I put my speed at 500%
Hooray, we now have our gif! But to make it look a little nicer, it’s good to sharpen it. I always use Smart Sharpen when I sharpen my gifs, and many other gifmakers use that too. It’s really good :D
To sharpen your gif, again, make sure that all your layers are selected. Go to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen. I use two different settings for my gifs, it really depends on the gif.
Setting 1 (which is the default setting)
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Setting 2 
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 Again, it depends on the gif, play around until it looks good to you!
Here’s our gif after sharpening it 
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I ended up deleting the last few layers as the gif got bigger than 10mb (that’s Tumblr’s file limit, it your file is bigger than 10mb, it won’t upload). I also added a gradient map and it made the file size smaller, more about that in the next segment!
Here’s the fun part! Now we get to play around with the gif, making it brighter and look Extra Nice™!  Since this is a black and white scene, I make sure that the blacks and the whites really pop. 
Notice how in the original scene it’s not actually b&w, it has a slight sepia tint to it. I want to remove this, so I add a gradient map by clicking on the white square with a black circle (I want to point out that we’ll be clicking on this button a lot in this step)
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and I change the blending mode to Saturation
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Then I add a curves layer using these settings
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Then a second curves layer
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Then my favourite! Selective color! First layer, I deepen up the blacks
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Then another selective color layer, this time the whites
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Lastly the neutrals
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Here we have the final results!
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Wasn’t this a gas! I hope this helped you out, let me know if you want to know anything else about gifmaking, I’m happy to help! Also, sorry if I wasn’t very clear, I’m bad at explaining 🙈
Here are some other tutorials that are really helpful in making gifs. These users use Photoshop, but you can still use their tips most of the time in Photopea too, you just need to play around and see what works for you!
Gifmaking for beginners by @chloezhao (this one saved my life)
Pale coloring tutorial by @itsphotoshop
Two-Toned Gif Background by @clubgif​
Text with white outline tutorial by @anya-chalotra​
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