#i wanna be completely free of her altogether
be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
i NEED to take a break from work
#the bin#:/ hhhhh.#well. i think i can take a break in the second half of march#if my next paycheck is big enough and my sister pays me back soo like she said she would then i will request like 10 days off#im tryna get my life fixed. it was doing ok for a bit but my apartment being a mess makes it hard#im gonna try to get that fixed asap. i was preoccupied with a new source of stress this past week but its gone now i think#idk. there was time recently when i was cooking food nearly every day even thevdays i worked and being more functional and i wanna#get back to that but my apartment is just too big a mess for me to do it#well. hopefully i can actually do it. i always feel like work is gonna totally drain me but my job is really ok#idk why i so often have this stress reaction to going to work :/ its so stupid#i dont wanna use my requested time off just to clean so i wanna get stuff cleaned before i take time off#i just really need a mental health break. im dealing with way too much stuff and i need a preplanned proper break#theres so much stuff im tryna fix. i hate having all this mess on top of it. i hate that my sister just completely ditched me and left it#for me to clean up myself#i wanna be completely free of her altogether#i wanna focus on fixing my weird brain issues. not all this trash. hhhh.w#i wanna ditract myslef but my brain is like incapable of enjoying anything without making me feel weird. i hate it. i git into some stuff#more recently and my brain did the thing again where it makes me feel cringe for it. why?? i hate it so much. thinsg are either boring to me#or i REALLY like them and my brain makes me feel weird abt it. i just wanna escape from reality but my brain makes it so hard to
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jadeluz-writes · 2 months
Really wanna keep rambling about Beetlebabes so I'm gonna do it and get it out of my system
I am so curious about how this ending is gonna turn out. Cause like... We either get Delores sabotaging their wedding, or BJ manages to fight and stop her, concluding the ceremony.
Knowing Tim Burton, he likes to make his couples as wacky and spooky and morally grey as possible. Lydia and Beetlejuice fall heavily into his category of pairing up characters. The fact we're getting a second wedding means BJ either wants to really get out of the Neitherworld, or he just really, really wants to marry Lydia. Or both.
We know Lydia is heavily in debt to BJ, as he most likely saves Astrid. He's done everything she's ever asked and his one wish is to get married. She knows she owes it to him. Maybe not when she was 17 though haha.. The real question is: How badly does she want to uphold her end of the deal this time?
Just from speculation, it seems like Lydia is Team Beetlejuice by the end of their adventure. I don't see her taking Delores' side at all. She'll realize how shitty her half-assed boyfriend is too and have further motivation to get away from that relationship altogether.
Lydia's life has been a whirlpool of misery - her husband is dead, she's dating a slimy worm of a manager, and pops pills like crazy. At some point, she'll realize her life sucks without Beetlejuice. As gross, smelly and perverted as he is, she knows he started caring about her at some point. Why would you intentionally write a character to be miserable, only to rip away the source of her potential happiness?
In my opinion, I don't think the wedding will be completed. But I do think that Lyds will end up developing some feelings for Beej. In the case of BJ though... yeah, the trailers pretty much explain how he feels about her.
I'm not getting my hopes up, but it is possible they could really finish the wedding. Chances are extremely low, but it's possible.
But anyway, that's just my 2 cents. Feel free to reblog and say how you think the wedding is gonna go. I'm really curious 👀
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I've been sitting for days on the recycling concept of these 2 mirroring scenes this fucking SOB Storer planted there in plain sight for us.
I hated the Carmy scene soooooo much that I was blocked. So I postponed analyzing it all together. Till today.
I couldn't believe Storer fucked up soooooooo much.
Carmy sounds completely OC, who wrote this?!?!?!
He's talking nonsense. As if the entire S2 never existed, as if his realization during the panic attack never happened, and as if all the things we all know he feels for Syd were never there, as if Braciole never happened either, is a complete OVERWRITTING OF THE CHARACTER! He sounded as if a whole new team of rookie writers came in and wrote this P.O.S. scene on their first day on the job and then Storer signed off on it and shot it, with the money I pay HULUUUUUUUUUUUUU every month!
I figured: "It has to be on purpose! This can't be THIS BAD, it has to be good like deep deep down, and I'm fucking missing it."
Well... turns out I was missing the PURPOSE. Or the re-purposing, I should say.
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Carmy, with the help of the other 2 clowns that were absolutely unnecessary but had a point bc let's face it, he shoulda sent a SO SORRY text as soon as he got out of the walk-in and he didn't do it not only bc he's an avoidant asshole and didn't get Syd's clearance that put his priorities in order, which he took as the perfect excuse to AVOID taking responsibility, was trying to re-purpose Claire, but here's the catch→ HE FAILED. He gave up on her.
Eventually, we saw all of that giving up on her altogether attitude in a more apparent way, yet still quite symbolical, too symbolical if you ask me, in the freezer in 03x09, he took his time, he doubted, and to me, that was a huge statement so I dedicated that moment alone several posts already:
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Syd's version:
Syd, on the other hand, all by herself, like the independent G woman she is, is in the dumpster:
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Also recycling the fucking cardboard boxes that those 2 clowns SHOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF as if she had any fucking free time to on top of EVERYTHING SHE ALREADY DOES AT THE RESTAURANT and had to also recycle because the fucking Faks fucked up and failed to do their fucking job! Completely different energy than the "boys talk" the 3 other idiots had in the dumpster while calling the MPDG "peace"/piece of ass.
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So she is in the middle of trying and failing (that’s why she didn’t sign the agreement that day either even though Nat urged her to) to recycle her whole purpose of being there, working at The Bear, because it's obviously not turning out to be what she expected or wanted, she's masking the disappointment she really feels with anger and frustration because the partner she trusted last season in, to make sure this didn't blow up in her face like last time, should be RECYCLED ASAP:
So Syd is in the process of losing and having to recycle her purpose to stick around, which is obviously what the Jocker's offer triggered in her but was simmering under the surface since even way before he tried to poach her.
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She's in the middle of a purpose crisis too, but totally different than Carmy's.
His crisis has to do with his feelings for a girl he can't make himself love and has decided to leave behind, knowing where that may take him down the line → UNSTUCK FROM HER MUD WITH ALL THE IMPLICATIONS THAT HAS IN REGARDS TO OTHER FEELINGS HE DOESNT WANNA FEEL, which I went over HERE.
Syd's repurposing crisis has to do with: CARMY and whether or not she's gonna keep on giving him more chances, whether or not she should stick by his side, because this, as it is, is just not working for her. But that doesn't mean she thinks Shapiro will work. It means she wishes her disappointment didn't exist, not that she wants to continue taking chances on chefs and risking getting burned AGAIN. That's her crisis. That's why she's losing purpose now, this is her current DUMPSTER CRISIS. The only piece of ass she's thinking about is Carmy’s and she has to re-purpose their entire relationship, which the Joker/trickster Shapiro brought up to the forefront of her mind in that ep. The same ep where we learned about Legerdemain
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It's all about:
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Or more like... lack thereof.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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emmyrosee · 2 years
ofc bcs u're my fave haikyuu dad writer and the only one who satisfies my baby fever 🥵 hehe can i request baby tsumu who still cannot determine who among samu and tsumu is his/her real dad? like she often gets confused every damn time when they're altogether and tsumu has never been betrayed like that for his whole pretty life.
anw, i hope u're happy and pls always stay safe!! ilyyyy 💓💞💋
- 🩸
Hey hey!! Welcome to the party 🩸💖💖💖
Like I’m a firm believer that she knows the complete difference between the two of them, she sees them both so often that the differences are really obvious to her lil mind.
But then, ‘Tsumu goes away for a week or two. And ‘Samu is left being the “man” in the house (though, both men would argue that you wear the pants in the family), it just so happens that Osamu is the male features that Hisako recognizes.
So. Naturally, when Atsumu comes home, he’s got a little hat on his head bc his roots look buckwild, Osamu’s also wearing a hat bc he just came back from Onigiri Miya, and for the first time in what seems to be ever, Hisako looks between the two, as if wondering who’s who.
“This is hilarious,” Osamu snorts, enjoying the way Atsumu’s skin crawls at the idea his own kid forgot who he was. The glare he got in return was worth it, as Hisako blinks interested between the two of them, almost as if she was trying to figure out why there were two of them who looked the exact same.
“‘Sako?” You coo, bending over to set down the baby, “don’t you wanna go see dadda?”
“Yeah,” Osamu said, crouching down and opening his arms to entice her to come to him. “Don’t you want to see dadda?”
“Don’t start, Osamu!” Atsumu snaps, crouching down on his own knees, “I’m not in the mood, and I want my baby!”
“I know!” Osamu says dramatically. “She’s going to come over, you’re fine!”
You try your hardest to try your snorts behind your hand, earning a glare from your husband while your child, his baby, his blood and soul, coos happily and crawls quickly over to her uncle- you know she only did it because he’s got the smile and inviting face while her father holds an exhausted features, but the way Atsumu’s face contorts into betrayal when his twin scoops her up into his arms is just the tiniest, littlest bit funny.
“That settles that,” Osamu says cockily, and you chuckle before reaching out for Hisako.
“Don’t talk to me,” he grumbles. You roll your eyes at his dramatics before bringing your baby over, watching as her eyes light up in familiarity.
“‘Tsumu, she didn’t forget you,” you promise, knocking the hat off his head with your free hand. As if on queue, Hisako beams a happy, teething smile up at your husband, and you can see him completely melt to her. “You two look the same with hats on. Hell, I get you two confused sometimes.”
“Truly one of the worst things you could say right now,” atsumu snips, but the minute he takes the child into his arms, he’s smiling and curling against her and relishing in her smell, her own tiny hands grasping at his hair. “Never wanna leave you again,” he murmurs, but he’s quick to shoot you a playful glare. “The two of you? I could pass on.”
“No, you couldn’t,” you assure, kissing his temple before turning on your heel to head into the kitchen.
He sighs and looks at his twin with a dramatic sigh. “No, I couldn’t.”
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
So I’ve recently gotten my friend into RWBY and we’ve been poring over your posts and reblogs about the allusions/alchemical elements, and I absolutely LOVE your work. It’s even inspired some theories to narrative directions for V9 that I hope to maybe share in a reblog once I can order the convo my friend and I had lol.
There’s one question we both currently have about Winter’s allusion that I wanted to get your thoughts on (or the post if you’ve already written it lol). I saw you mentioned in one reblog that you don’t think she’s the Snow Queen herself but rather its about her relationship with Weiss? Others I know have gone with the Snow Queen allusion and given her two Gerda’s (Weiss and Penny). I even wondered myself if she perhaps is meant to be both the SQ and Kai to fit RWBY’s double primary allusion trend.
But I was just curious to know what your thoughts are, or if there’s another allusion altogether Winter may serve. :)
Thank you for the nice words and sure, share your post once it is done!
As for Winter, I actually agree that she is the Snow Queen-Kay with Penny and especially Weiss as Gerdas. However, I wanna consider 2 additional things:
1- The Snow Queen is an important allusion for both Schnee sisters and not just Winter
After all, it is similar to Blake's Beauty & Beast. It is an allusion with 2 protagonists (Kay and Gerda), so to be complete it needs 2 people (Winter and Weiss). That is why I said it is about the Schnee Sisters in my reblog of @blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites's great post.
Moreover, a lot of imagery from the fairy tale is used to comment Weiss's arc in Mistral even more so than Winter's own development in Atlas. This will probably change in the future, but what we have so far is enough to foreshadow Weiss's importance for Winter's story. Similarly, Weiss's relationship with her sister is clearly instrumental to her personal development.
Let's also remember both Schneesters are called "Ice Queen" by others:
Qrow: Hey! Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen! Roman: Ladies, Ice Queen…
2- Winter's arc is not over
Our Snow Queen's story has yet to reach a resolution, which will give more depth to her fairy tale and make it climax. This also means that right now we are still lacking key pieces to properly read this allusion.
That said, we have enough to start analyzing how it has been used up until volume 8.
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I think the premise of the Snow Queen is rather well known, but here it is for those who haven't read it:
Kay and Gerda live happily in a small town. They are innocent kids, who have tons of fun playing together in a garden full of roses. However, one day 2 fragments of a cursed mirror enter Kay's heart and eyes and make him cynical and cold. Kay is then taken by the Snow Queen, who brings him to her castle in the North. There he is left with the challenge to use ice to write the word "eternity". If he succeeds, he'll be free.
Meanwhile, Gerda starts a journey to find her friend. Throughout it, she meets several characters: a lady who imprisons her into a garden full of vane flowers, 2 crows, a prince and a princess, a little robber-maiden, 2 old women. In the end, she reaches the Snow Queen's castle, meets Kay and frees him by taking out the 2 fragments of the mirror. While they embrace, the pieces of ice dance and form the word "eternity".
This fairy tale is divided into 7 shorter stories:
First Story, Which Describes a looking-glass and the broken fragments.
Second Story: A Little Boy and a Little Girl
Third Story: The Flower Garden of the Woman Who Could Conjure
Fourth Story: The Prince and Princess
Fifth Story: Little Robber-Girl
Sixth Story: The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman
Seventh Story: Of the Palace of the Snow Queen and What Happened There At Last
The first story is a prologue, the second story introduces the protagonists and from the third story onward the focus is Gerda's journey to find Kay, which ends in the seventh and last story with their reunion.
RWBY follows this same structure too, which I am gonna replicate in this meta. To be specific we'll have:
Prologue: The Mirror
Weiss's journey to find Winter
Winter being saved
Let's see how things turn out...
Mirrors and glass keep popping up in the Schnees' story. That is because this imagery is symbolic of Jacques's abuse towards his family. In particular, Weiss and Winter explore this metaphor through their allusions.
1- In Snowhite, the Evil Queen decides to kill her daughter after the mirror reveals the girl is the most beautiful one around. In other words, the Queen is a narcissist, who can't accept someone is better than her.
Jacques is the same, but his narcissism means he turns his children into reflections of himself. They must appear, behave and think like he wants. This is why Weiss initially struggles to understand who she is. She is forced by Jacques to be like him. She is trapped inside a looking glass, as her songs reveal. In this situation, the only solution is to shatter the mirror:
I'm shattering the mirror that kept me split in pieces That stood between my mind and my heart This is where I'll start
Weiss succeeds and breaks free. She escapes Jacques and starts looking for who she wants to become.
2- In The Snow Queen, an evil goblin makes a mirror, which is able to twist reality, so that only ugly and cruel things are visible, while the beauty of the world disappears. This mirror shatters and its fragments go around the world, enter people minds and hearts and make humanity lose ingenuity and idealism. Kay ends up a victim of this mirror, as 2 fragments enter his eye (mind) and his heart. Once corrupted by the mirror, he becomes an easy target for the Snow Queen, who takes him to her palace and makes him even colder and more isolated.
This premise perfectly fits Winter's story.
Jacques is the Evil Goblin (Jack Frost) that creates the cursed mirror.
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Jacques's abuse defines Winter's childhood and deeply influences her personality. Sure, Winter manages to oppose her father's control and leaves. However, years later she still suffers the consequences of her cold upbringing:
Winter: No, no, what I mean is, this place holds a lot of memories for me, specifically. I thought I was in control, but… you heard me. I sounded like a petulant child.
It is clear she has never fully processed her abuse and the result is that she ignores her emotions and is ashamed to show any kind of childishness, as it makes her feel weak and exposed. In other words, Winter escapes the mirror, but one of its fragments stays hidden in her heart and stunts her emotional development. This makes her vulnerable to another controlling dynamic.
Ironwood is the equivalent of the Snow Queen, that makes Winter colder and colder.
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After Winter leaves home, she finds a new place of belonging in the Atlas Army, which is a very hierarchical and controlling environment. Soldiers are encouraged to repress their feelings and to act "rationally". The truth, though, is that they are groomed and the same happens to Winter:
Weiss: Doesn't it bother you? He practically groomed your entire military career. Your destiny was chosen for you, without your input.
Ironwood decides Winter's destiny without her consent. He keeps her close and influences her vision of things. In a sense, he puts in her eyes the second shard of glass. A fragment that prevents Winter from seeing the truth. All to turn Winter into the next Snow Queen (the Winter Maiden).
In short, Jacques and Ironwood are the 2 antagonists of Winter's fairy tale. At the same time, they represent the 2 fragments that are poisoning her heart and mind.
Let's now go deeper in how the Schneesters deal with this evil mirror and take a closer look to their intertwined stories.
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Weiss's arc in Mistral is really our girl growing into her own person. This happens through 2 different developments.
In volume 4 Weiss affirms her independence from Jacques
In volume 5 Weiss discovers herself different from Winter
Jacques and Winter are in fact Weiss's mentors and authority figures and her growth lies in refusing both to find her own way:
I’m climbing higher with the past behind me Heights like I never dreamed Finally learned I need to do it my way Now I see what I can be When I trust in me I’m free
This is highlighted by Weiss's 2 shorts.
The White Trailer focuses on her relationship with Jacques and how she feels imprisoned by him.
Weiss's character short explores her dynamic with Winter, who loves Weiss deeply, but is also cold and strict.
Obviously Jacques and Winter are not the same, since Jacques is an abuser, while Winter isn't, but both ask Weiss to prove herself (the royal test) and Weiss is initially stuck between the 2. Who will she be? Jacques or Winter? The answer is neither. Weiss is her own self.
She is not her father's reflection, but a brave Knight:
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She is not her sister's copy, but a kind Queen:
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The Arma Gigas and the Queen Lancer embody 2 sides of Weiss that are born in juxtaposition to respectively Jacques and Winter.
The Arma Gigas is the Grimm Weiss kills in her first act of defiance towards Jacques and the Avatar she summons when she leaves him once and for all. It is the test she must overcome in order to attend Beacon and a stand-in for the Prince that breaks Snowhite's glass coffin (Weiss's room) and frees her. Finally, it is one of Nicholas's armors possessed by a Grimm, which calls back to how Jacques has taken control of the SDC and has corrupted it. For all these reasons, this summon represents Weiss saving herself and her family from Jacques.
What about the Queen Lancer? Its meaning and its link to Winter are found in The Snow Queen and how it's used in Weiss's story.
Weiss's Volume 5 short is full of Snow Queen symbolism. Weiss and Winter are in a garden full of roses similar to the one Gerda and Kay play in as children. However, Weiss and Winter's flowers are frozen because their childhood has been cold and lonely:
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Similarly, the ice imagery, which is dear to Andersen's story, defines the whole situation. Weiss is surrounded by a snow storm, she tries to resist and to melt the ice, but fails and is overcome by ferocious beasts, similar to the Snow Queen's servants. Meanwhile, Path to Isolation reinforces these ideas:
The cold Seems to grow in my soul It's consuming me Confused And I'm losing myself In the storm Smile's faded And I'm spinning and sinking I'm weakening Frozen in solitude Loneliness chills to the bone
This Snow Queen charged short can be read in 2 ways:
It sets up Weiss as Gerda and Winter as Kay
It presents Weiss as Kay and Winter as the Snow Queen
These 2 readings are complementary and equally important.
1 - Weiss is Gerda and Winter is Kay
Weiss and Winter's flashback shows them "playing together" in the garden of roses, while in the present Weiss leaves Atlas to find her sister. In other words, Weiss is Gerda in search for Kay. This is confirmed by her trip in Mistral having many similarities with Gerda's travel.
Let's quickly go through these paralells:
Gerda and Weiss's sacrifices: Both journeys start with our heroine making a sacrifice. Gerda sacrifices her shoes to the river in order to discover where Kay is. Weiss throws the Dust against the Queen Lancer to defeat it. Both offerings are a sign of humility. Gerda travels the world bare-footed, while Weiss gives up her privileged life (The Schnee Dust Company) to face the world as herself.
A garden full of vane flowers: Gerda and Weiss lose some time in a place superficially pretty, but ultimately fake and empty. Gerda stays in a beautiful illusory garden. The place is full of flowers, but roses are missing, so that she can never remember Kay. Weiss is trapped in Atlas, sheltered, but far from her new found family (RWBY) and from the rose, who inspires her (Ruby). Ultimately, both Gerda and Weiss leave and confront the vanity of the flowers/Atlesians.
Gerda: "It is no use asking the flowers; they know only their own songs, and can give me no information.”
Weiss: "You're all just standing around talking about nothing! Worrying about your hair, your money, your stupid problems that don't mean anything!"
Crows, princes and princesses: Gerda meets 2 crows that tell her Kay may be the new husband of a beautiful princess. With the birds' help Gerda enters the palace and meets the Prince and Princess. Weiss meets Raven and Qrow who offer her knowledge on Ozma and Salem, the Prince and Princess par excellence. Moreover, Weiss is able to reach her friends thanks to Raven's semblance aka Raven and Qrow's bond symbolically. The relationship between the couple of crows is precisely why Gerda is able to meet the royals.
The Little Robber Maiden: Gerda is kidnapped by some robbers whose leader has a daughter aka the Little Robber Maiden. Weiss is imprisoned by the Branwen Tribe and meets Raven and her "adoptive daughter" Vernal, who impersonates the Spring Maiden.
Two old women: The last characters Gerda meets are The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman, who lead her to the Snow Palace. Similarly, Weiss's return to Atlas has her encounter Maria and Cordovin. Differently from the characters in the fairy tale, Maria and Cordo are not on good terms, which obstructs Weiss instead than helping her.
In the end, though, Weiss makes it home safely and embraces Winter once again:
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2- Weiss is Kay and Winter is the Snow Queen
Let's compare Weiss and Winter's scene in the volume 5 character short with this passage from The Snow Queen:
He composed many complete figures, forming different words, but there was one word he never could manage to form, although he wished it very much. It was the word “Eternity.” The Snow Queen had said to him, “When you can find out this, you shall be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a new pair of skates.” But he could not accomplish it. And away flew the Snow Queen, leaving little Kay quite alone in the great hall which was so many miles in length.
The inspiration is rather clear. Weiss is a prisoner in the Snow Palace (The Schnee Mansion) and Winter plays the Snow Queen, who tells Kay the condition to be free:
Weiss: I'm sorry. I'll get better. Winter: You'll have to if you ever want to leave.
Winter has managed to escape Jacques by becoming stronger on her own and thinks Weiss should do the same. She should not depend on others, but count only on her own abilities. Her intentions are good and she is right that Weiss needs to grow more independent from their father. However, Weiss's path leads elsewhere and this difference is shown in her trip in Mistral, where she meets the Little Robber Maiden.
In the story, Gerda is caught by bandits and is assigned to the Little Robber Girl or Little Robber Maiden. This character has a duality to her. On the one hand she is initially mean to Gerda, takes her muff and even threatens to kill her. On the other hand she is impressed by Gerda's story, gives Gerda a reinder and helps the girl escape by distracting the Leader of the robbers (her own mother).
RWBY takes this character and divides it in 2:
Vernal is the Little Robber Maiden, who is mean to Weiss. She imprisons her, mocks her and steals her sword. In the climax, she even fights Weiss and breaks her aura, making her vulnerable to Cinder's strike.
Yang is the Little Robber Maiden, who befriends and saves Weiss. She uses her relationship with Raven to free Weiss and they both leave on Bumbleby (the reinder of Andersen's story :P).
Are we sure Vernal and Yang allude to the Little Robber Maiden? Yes :P
First of all, they are both Raven's daughters. Vernal is Raven's adopted daughter in the tribe. Yang is Raven's biological daughter. Secondly, they share a maiden motif throughout volume 5. On the one hand Vernal plays the Spring Maiden for Raven's sake. On the other hand Yang shows Raven what the Spring Maiden should be like and eventually gets the relic of Knowledge. Vernal is the fake Maiden, while Yang is the Maiden at Heart. These details set the 2 girls up as perfect stand ins for the Little Robber Girl.
What does it all have to do with Weiss?
Vernal and Yang represent 2 sides of Weiss's development in volume 5. They are 2 different answers to Weiss's quest to become herself.
1- Vernal embodies Winter's viewpoint:
Winter: I am not always going to be around to save you, Weiss.
Vernal: Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No one is coming to rescue you.
Vernal is the one, who reveals Winter is no longer in Mistral. Through her, Weiss realizes she can't keep on depending on her sister, but must come into her own. However, Vernal also mirrors Winter's flawed beliefs. She insists Weiss amounts to nothing, if she can't survive alone.
2-Yang embodies the opposite mentality:
Yang: It's okay. I've always got your back, sis.
Weiss: Yang… You, Ruby, and even Blake are more like family to me than my brother or even my own father.
Yang is the one, who appears when Weiss needs a sister the most. She is an older sibling, who is openly protective and caring. So, she is an alternative to Winter. She is there to remind Weiss the world is not so hostile and cruel. It can actually be full of love and kindness. Weiss fails to find Winter (ice), but she finds Yang (fire). She is not alone.
So, Vernal challenges Weiss to grow on her own, while Yang represents Weiss's answer to this challenge.
Everything comes together in volume 5 climax, where Weiss fights Vernal. What is the outcome of their conflict?
On the one hand Weiss loses the fight. Vernal has more experience and dominates her completely. Weiss can't hope to fill the gap between their levels so easily.
On the other hand both Weiss and Vernal get impaled by Cinder. Who is the one who survives? It is not Vernal, who is strongest physically, but has no-one to look out for her. It is Weiss, who has people who love her for who she is.
Vernal chooses to grow stronger and smarter, like Raven is. She chooses a cynical viewpoint. And yet for all her talent and intelligence, she walks straight into a trap and dies. She trusts the almighty Raven with her life, but is let down.
Weiss chooses to grow stronger and smarter, like Yang does. She opens her heart to people and earnestly supports them. She refuses a cold vision of the world and embraces her found family's warmth. The result is that she might not be as powerful as Vernal or Winter. However, when she needs her friends, they are there.
Weiss's survival in volume 5 is a negation of Winter's individualistic mentality and an affirmation of Weiss's newfound viewpoint. It shows independence is not equal to isolation and marks Weiss becoming her own person. A true Queen, hence the Queen Lancer.
This summon is linked to both The Snow Queen and Snowhite:
The Snow Queen: With Jaune (Gerda)'s help, Weiss (Kay) is able to expel the shard of glass freezing her heart. This shard takes the shape of an Evil Queen, which is purified and changed into something beautiful (the Queen Lancer). This avatar then is a metaphor for Weiss freeing herself from the mirror once and for all. Differently from Winter, there is no glass left in Weiss's soul.
Snowhite: Weiss dies and is reborn thanks to Jaune (the Prince). After she wakes up, she is crowned Queen (the Queen Lancer), like in her fairy tale. This means Weiss has finally grown up.
In other words, this is the resolution of the Royal Test, which is the trial Weiss must undergo to become a Queen. Initially, she is caught between 2 scary Queens. Jacques's Evil Queen and Winter's Snow Queen. Still, Weiss is Snowhite, who gets crowned Queen on her own terms.
So, Weiss's journey in Mistral is really the Snow Queen, that climaxes in Snowhite. It describes our girl breaking free from Winter's influence:
Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps. Weiss: (with an unenthusiastic smile) Absolutely…
At the same time, it presents Weiss as a more complex version of Gerda. She is a Gerda, who wants to emulate the Snow Queen, but then discovers the world can be beautiful and generous. And so can she:
Winter: You could continue to explore Remnant, discovering more about the world and honestly, more about yourself.
Only after this realization, she is is ready to help her sister.
Winter is a combination of Kay and the Snow Queen. To be specific, she is Kay, who leaves home not just to stay with the Snow Queen, but to become the Snow Queen:
Winter: I'm choosing my destiny now. I've made it my own. And I take great pride in it. That has nothing to do with Father, or the General… That belongs to me.
Kay thinks the Snow Queen is the most beautiful creature alive and wants to grow smarter to impress her. Winter thinks that the Winter Maiden's powers give her value. Still, Kay's happiness isn't found in the Snow Queen, but in Gerda. Similarly, Winter's worth isn't found in magic, but in her own personhood. How can this misunderstanding be cleared? Easy, Winter needs to expel the 2 shards of the evil mirror, which can also be seen as metaphors for Winter's 2 main conflicts:
The shard in Winter's heart is Jacques's abuse, which has driven Winter away from her family:
Winter: Distancing myself from the Schnee name is the most beneficial thing I've ever done.
Overcoming it means that Winter reconciles with her inner child.
The shard in Winter's mind is Ironwood's control, which has turned Winter into a brainless machine:
Winter: Penny. The general is making hard choices so we don't have to. For the good of all, not just a few.
Overcoming it means that Winter lets her emotions out and starts following her heart instead than her mind.
Luckily, Winter has 2 Gerdas, 2 little sisters ready to help her:
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Weiss and Penny outgrow Winter thanks to her own teachings. Then, they take on her 2 major struggles. Basically, they fight Winter's fights in her stead:
Weiss defeats Jacques and takes back Winter's family for her. Throughout volume 7, Winter is shown to be barely able to stay in the same room as Jacques without breaking. Weiss instead faces him multiple times and arrests him. She is the true Queen of the Schnee Family.
Penny becomes the Winter Maiden when Winter isn't ready. She defies Ironwood and saves Atlas and Mantle. She makes the choice Winter should, but can't. Penny follows her heart, while Winter represses hers, so Penny is the true Maiden.
Weiss and Penny's efforts meet Ironwood's resistance and antagonism until Winter can't ignore her repressed emotions anymore:
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She finally listens to her heart and makes remarkable progress with both "shards".
On the one hand she reaches out to Weiss (her family) and is able to confront Jacques once and for all:
Winter: No. When we're finished, we'll move both of you to safety.Don't thank me. It was Weiss's decision.
On the other hand she openly defies Ironwood and fights him in the climax:
Winter: No, you have sacrificed everyone else! You closed the borders, you squeezed Mantle until it broke!
She calls her 2 old men out, which is a first step to truly grow into a proper adult. Because of her developement, she is finally able to become the Winter Maiden in the climax of volume 8:
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This scene is key to understand how The Snow Queen is used throughout the Atlas Arc and what it means for Winter and Penny's stories.
First of all, Winter and Penny are clearly Kay and Gerda here. They are sister-coded and Penny is even bare-footed, which is a defining trait of Gerda. How do they fit their literary counterparts, though?
Winter and Penny are a Kay and Gerda in competition over the Winter Maiden. Specifically, Winter thinks that to be worthy of the Winter Maiden she must become a Snow Queen, cold and detached from emotions. Penny proves to her that the true Winter Maiden is instead a real girl with a heart and a soul:
Winter: No, Penny. You were always the real Maiden at heart. I was just a machine… just… following orders.
This wording is interesting because we find a similar one in Andersen's story:
“Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of God.” And Kay and Gerda looked into each other’s eyes. They both sat there, grown up, yet children at heart.
Only children at heart are worthy of heaven, only real girls can truly become Maidens. This is Penny's lesson to Winter. The real Winter Maiden is not an almighty Snow Queen, but a Blue Fairy that sees humanity in others. Like Fria with Penny and Penny with both Fria and Winter.
At the same time, Winter initially believes that the key to her destiny is Fria, an older woman who transfers the powers out of duty. In the end, though, she is gifted magic by Penny, a child who casts pragmatism aside out of love. A true child (maiden) at heart. So, you see, through Penny Winter begins her arc. She starts reconciling with both her emotions and inner child. This is why "the ice turns in the word eternity":
Penny: I won’t be gone, I’ll be part of you.
Penny isn't really gone, but is forever with Winter. A part of her heart. For eternity.
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Winter's Maiden design calls back to both the Snow Queen and Pinocchio's Blue Fairy. On the one hand she appears surrounded by ice. On the other hand the ice can be seen as fairy dust. So, is Winter gonna be a Snow Queen like Fria or a Blue Fairy like Penny? Or will she be her own Maiden, different from both? Time will tell. What's sure is that the first thing Winter does after receiving the powers is to fail, both as a Maiden and as a big sister.
On the one hand she fails to retrieve the Staff. This is important symbolically because only "true" Maidens get the relics. Maidens with flaming eyes who have still to grow don't. For example, Cinder can't find the Crown and Raven leaves the Lamp. Yang and Penny instead both get the relics, which are thematically linked to them. In short, it is a motif and a pattern. Winter failing to take the Staff from Cinder shows she still has a way to go before truly growing into a full fledged Maiden. On the other hand she fails to save Weiss and loses another little sister. The moment she chooses to open her heart and to show her true feelings they work against her, she makes mistakes and lets her loved one down.
Basically, Winter has some other development to do:
Winter: But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we're on the right path. It's what makes us human.
After a life of repression, she is just now starting to struggle with her emotions. The result of this struggle will tell us who Winter really is. As for now, she keeps being tested through her double conflict (her 2 shards).
As a Maiden she has to lead her people to safety in Vacuo. As a Schnee she has to deal with Weiss's loss and to mend her relationship with her family:
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This last point is especially interesting. Winter's arc in Atlas mostly transfers her conflict with Jacques on Ironwood. Still, the origin of Winter's problems is not the General, but her shattered childhood. This means that in order to truly grow she needs to reconcile with her family. It is the only way to find catharsis and to soothe her inner child's pain. However, she might not be able to do it alone.
In this context, Weiss's help will probably be key. After all, Penny helps Winter with one shard (Maidenhood), so it is fitting Weiss does the same with the other (the Schnee family). Penny starts Winter's arc, so Weiss should finish it. Moreover, Weiss herself is already ahead of Winter when it comes to fix her family bonds. This is clear if we consider Weiss's development through the relationships with her 2 siblings:
Initially, Weiss shares Whitely coping mechanism. They both obey Jacques and try to fulfill his impossible standards. They play the part of the good reflections and stay hidden in the mirror.
As time goes on, though, Weiss embraces Winter's approach more and more. She grows braver and openly defies Jacques. By doing so she grows distant from Whitley until they fight in volume 4.
However, differently from Winter, Weiss never fully discards her family. She doesn't run from her name or legacy, but tries to make it better. She is a synthesis of the best traits of both her siblings (Winter + Whitley = Weiss). This is why she is able to inspire both to be better.
In other words, Weiss leaves childhood (Whitley) behind to grow more adult (Winter), but then goes back to integrate her unsolved parts (Whitley). Winter needs to do the same and she will with Weiss as a bridge.
Weiss and Winter's story is set up to end in Vacuo, which fits The Snow Queen's use of seasons. As a matter of fact seasons are rather important in the story and are often mentioned to show the time passing. Kay disappears in winter, Gerda starts her journey in spring, she finds Kay in winter and they go back home in summer.
Can you see what RWBY is doing?
Winter is in Atlas- the Kingdom of Winter
Weiss goes through a self-discovery journey in Mistral - the Kingdom of Spring
Weiss and Winter meet again in Atlas - the Kingdom of Winter
Weiss and Winter will find a metaphorical home and embrace each other in Vacuo - the Kingdom of Summer
Vacuo is then the perfect stage for the Schneesters' final reconciliation, which may allude to the Snow Queen once again. In particular, an ideal ending of Winter's arc should have (imo):
Another reference to the word "eternity"
Winter expelling the shards
The details are clearly up in the air. However, I would not be surprised if all of this is conveyed through a summon. As Weiss's arc shows, unlocking an avatar perfectly conveys the idea of freeing one-self from painful mirror fragments. Moreover, I can't forget this very silly thing from Ice Queendom :'''):
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Jokes aside, let's speak a little bit of Semblances...
Glyphs is clearly inspired by the Snow Queen:
The snow-flakes ran along the ground, and the nearer they came to her, the larger they appeared and much more terrible. For they were alive, and were the guards of the Snow Queen, and had the strangest shapes. Some were like great porcupines, others like twisted serpents with their heads stretching out, and some few were like little fat bears with their hair bristled; but all were dazzlingly white, and all were living snow-flakes.
This is the Schnees' summonings in a nutshell: snowflakes that come to be living animals.
There is more, though. The Schneesters' Semblance ties with their allusion in different ways.
Winter is the Snow Queen, who is able to summon multiple "soldiers" at once:
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Even now, it is the main difference between Winter and Weiss's technique. Winter likes multiplying her servants, while Weiss prefers playing with their size. Moreover, the Snow Queen is introduced changing snowflakes into "great white chickens" and this is Winter's first summon:
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Weiss is instead both Snowhite and Gerda. As Snowhite, her glyphs reference the forest animals she befriends. They become a metaphor of how Weiss progressively tames her inner beasts and integrates with them. As Gerda, there is this:
Then little Gerda repeated the Lord’s Prayer, and the cold was so great that she could see her own breath come out of her mouth like steam as she uttered the words. The steam appeared to increase, as she continued her prayer, till it took the shape of little angels who grew larger the moment they touched the earth. They all wore helmets on their heads, and carried spears and shields. Their number continued to increase more and more; and by the time Gerda had finished her prayers, a whole legion stood round her. They thrust their spears into the terrible snow-flakes, so that they shivered into a hundred pieces, and little Gerda could go forward with courage and safety.
Gerda summons angels, who wear helmets and shields (so Knigts) and have spears:
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This is all very cool, but what of it? Winter and Weiss's allusions are used to develop their foiling. On the one hand Winter is the Snow Queen that transforms snowflakes into beasts. Her summons are symbolically cold and made of ice. On the other hand Weiss is Gerda whose breath turns into angels. She changes her inner warmth into an army ready to help her. The hint here is that Winter and Weiss's summons work differently, which is confirmed by Winter's advice to Weiss in volume 3:
Winter: Emotions can grant you strength. But you must never let them overpower you.
Winter never loses control. She dominates her emotions and strives to always be her best version. She is cool, she is perfect, she is an ideal, which means she isn't her real self. Her avatars are the result of repression.
Weiss unlocks her summons when she rushes to save Velvet. She is irrational, she is brash, she is reckless. She doesn't think, but feels and acts. This is why she frees her heart. Her avatars are a result of integration.
In a sense, the sisters are opposite when it comes to fighting styles and personal journeys.
Weiss initially excels at combining her glyphs with Dust, but can’t summon. This is because summons are mirrors of one's interiority. Weiss initially doesn't really know who she is without the family crest, so she can't conjure anything. The moment she grows into herself she succeeds.
Winter is instead great at summoning, but is rarely seen combining her glyphs with Dust. This is because she has cut herself off from the family. Once she accepts her feelings and reaches out to Weiss, she is shown using Dust powered Glyphs much more.
In short, Weiss's arc is about finding her own individuality, while Winter's is about learning to let others in. So, Weiss's style progressively becomes more focused on summons. It would fit if Winter were to use more elemental glyphs in the future.
Not only that, but I would love if Winter started to combine her glyphs with magic to obtain effects similar to Dust. It would show she is starting to depend more on her family. Not Jacques or the SDC, but Penny, who gifted her with the powers:
Winter: This…was a gift.
The fairy tale's message is found in this prayer:
“Roses bloom and cease to be, But we shall the Christ-child see.”
It is a recurring motif throughout the story. It is the prayer Gerda uses to free Kay and it is repeated at the very end. It means people should keep their childhood ingenuity and generosity. This theme clearly fits RWBY's idealistic message. Not only that, but the prayer fits Ruby herself and her role in Weiss's arc.
Ruby is Weiss's inspiration (the "Hunter" that motivates her to be a better Huntress). She is also the one, who brings out Weiss's inner child:
Weiss: Hey, Ruby? I always wanted bunk beds as a kid.
Through her and the rest of her team, Weiss defrosts. She embraces her childishness more and more:
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She discovers herself an idealist, ready to make the world a better and warmer place. She is blooming into a white rose of summer, who will soon become Winter's inspiration. In this way, both sisters will grow into beautiful and resilient flowers, survivors of their icy childhood.
These are my main thoughts on how the Snow Queen is used in RWBY. Sorry it is so long and I took so long to answer. On the bright side, I think the timing is perfect given the Holiday Season :''') I hope you enjoy this meta on Santa's 2 beautiful granddaughters!
Happy Holidays, if you celebrate!
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usmsgutterson · 2 years
Hello dear! Can I please request a Pin x reader fic? I have this idea in mind about them exchanging letters for several years which lead to them falling in love just through written word and then the reader comes to the the island as a suprise and Pin shows her around and they're happy together. Ending with them confessing their love during her stay. Just fluff, fluff and more fluff, please. <3
Nice Catch- Pin Hawthorne
Wanna send in something for the five days of christmas event? here’s the link! requests for it close tomorrow, so if you’ve got any ideas for Pin, feel free to drop those into my inbox!
Hi!! I’m so sorry that this took as long as it did to come out! I’m not the best at writing love confessions--its why most of my fics involve established relationships--but I really wanted to get this one right, so it took me a bit longer to write then I’d originally anticipated. 
I aged Pin and the reader up to 22!
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- none
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Yours and Pins exchanging of letters had started during your junior year of high school. A pen-pal program had been set up, and all that you had to do was sign your name onto a sheet of paper and visit the drama room once every two weeks to see if a letter came in. The letters were being sent to high schoolers all over, some in places like France or Italy, others in spots like Canada and a variety of states throughout America. 
You’d signed up so that something could occupy your time between school, homework, and everything else. Pin had signed up for the same reasons, and neither of you expected to stay in contact past freshman year--though Pin called it year ten, per the schooling systems throughout europe--but, as time went on, you realized just how wrong you’d been by making that assumption. 
Time passed by quickly, and before you knew it, you were a college graduate, Pin having finished up his undergrad. You still sent letters back and forth, though they became a bit more spaced out due to busy schedules. 
There came a time where you and Pin finally figured out your time difference and started weekly facetimes, laughing and chatting for two hours, which quickly turned into four. Four hours turned into six, and somewhere along the line, six hours became twelve. 
You didn’t text one another often during the week because of time differences and lives outside of each other. As you both went to college--you pursuing your career of choice where Pin decided to get an undergrad that would lead to a job as a farm vet by the time he was twenty six--you stopped texting altogether, went back to your letter-sending, and kept facetiming one another every week.
By the time that you were twenty-one, you’d come to a realization. 
You were in love with Pin Hawthorne. Though you realized it at twenty-one, you’d been in love with him since you were eighteen, having fallen for him through the process of written word as you got to know him. 
So, you got in touch with Zoe, one of his coworkers. She recognized you from the times that you’d been on facetime with Pin as he worked an easy Saturday at the stables, and the two of you had talked a bit through that. In June, the first inklings of an idea came to mind. 
You wanted to surprise Pin, but getting time off where you worked required booking it months in advance. Zoe was completely on board with the plan and introduced you to Marcus, Jade, Becky, and Mia. 
It was decided in June that you’d visit Pin during one of his less-busy times of the year. The university he was attending to get his degree in veterinary science gave students the month of December off, so you booked a flight to the airport closest to the island that would arrive early-ish on the morning of the second of December. 
From there, you’d take a train to get to the island, rest off the jetlag during the two and a half hours you’d be stuck there, and Zoe and Marcus would pick you up from the train station. They would drop you at the hotel that Mia had gotten you a discount on, and Jade and Becky would pick you up two hours later, after you had more time to rest and recuperate a bit more.  
All in all, you’d be there at noon. Zoe would trick Pin into going into the tack room, where he’d see you standing as you waited. 
Pin opened the door, and you looked up with the creak it gave as it was pulled open, having gotten lost in your thoughts as you stared at the shelves. 
You looked to him, meeting his gaze, and watching as his face split into a grin. 
“Oh my God. This is real, right? You’re actually here?” Pin asked. 
You couldn’t help but smile, laughing slightly as you nodded. “Yeah,” you said. “I figured it was time we met each other. We’ve been friends for six years.” 
“Oh my God,” Pin said again, stepping into the offices. You let him pull you into a tight hug, hugging him back just as tightly. 
“I talked to Zoe. She, Jade, Becky, Marcus and Mia helped me get this set up. I’m here all month, staying a hotel that Mia’s dad owns. The basis of it is that you’re stuck with me until a bit after new years. Congrats!” 
Pin laughed, hugging you again. “I’m happier than I have been in months. Thank you so much for coming down.”
“I’ve been having a great time so far, so you don’t need to thank me, Pin,” your stay had just begun, but there had been zero bumps in the road to that point. “I wanted to get to know the guy beyond the letters, is all.” 
Pin laughed. “Well, you’ve arrived at the perfect time then. I’m on my lunch break. It ends at one. Care for a tour?” 
You nodded. “Yeah. Sounds great.” 
So, Pin lead you both out of the tack room and the tour commenced. You stood, mostly quiet and content just to hear him talk. So much of your lives had been that, rambling off at the mouth with one another and responding in kin. It was incredible to know that such a thing wouldn’t change in the event that you were visiting one another in person. 
Pin had noticed that, too. The only difference he could account for was the fact that you were with one another, the fact that you were present and in-person, not just with Pin through a screen. 
Pin had been in love with you since the two of you were nineteen. He was almost glad for the fact that you’d not met in person to that point, simply for the fact that he was sure that, in the event that you had, he would’ve confessed and ruined the only friendship he had that’d lasted more than half a decade. 
“This is probably my favorite spot,” Pin said as the two of you came to stand on the edge of a cliff. It overlooked the water, a beachside only a couple meters off of where the tide hit the sand. 
“It’s my favorite spot during spring and summer, anyway. When snow isn’t covering the ground, sitting here and watching the waves makes thinking a lot easier.”
He allowed himself a small grin as he recalled being nineteen and realizing he’d been in love with you as he sat there, It’d been one moment concerning the two of you that he’d never forget, though he could admit that it sat among what sometimes felt like countless others.
“Well, when I come down in the summer, we’ll visit this spot again,” you offered. “Make a picnic out of it, watch the sun go down. We could turn it into a breakfast picnic and watch it come up, the sun is always up later in August, anyway.” 
“I love that,” Pin agreed. 
He figured it was better to tell you he loved you in person than through a screen or in the process of written word. “Can we talk about something?”
“I wanted to talk to you about something as well, actually. Shoot.” 
“I—” he stopped himself, the nerves taking over for a second. It was the first day of your trip. What if, after Pin confessed and discovered his love was unrequited, the remainder of your stay was completely and utterly, undeniably awkward? What if it changed the tone of your friendship for however long into your lives that it was meant to last? “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since we were nineteen.” 
“I was going to say the exact same thing,” you said, feeling like a weight had finally lifted itself from your shoulders. “Except for the fact that it took me a while to realize. I was in love with you when we were eighteen, but I didn’t realize it until summer of last year.” 
Pin pressed his forehead against yours, arms easily wrapping around your waist. Yours came to rest on either of his shoulders, grinning so widely that you were entirely sure your mouth would soon start to hurt as your heart filled with something that you couldn’t quite describe. It was better than what you felt when you’d looked at him before. It was something above love, something closer to sheer contentment and love combined. 
“Can I kiss you?” Pin asked. You nodded, humming your agreement. 
In the next second, his lips were on yours and you registered the fact that you were kissing the guy who’d been your best friend for half a decade. You also registered that there was no place you’d rather be than with him, enjoying the first day of your stay and the end of the tour of the areas around Bright Fields. 
When you returned to Bright Fields, hands interlaced, Marcus was the first to notice, eyebrows raised as he grinned, where Zoe and Becky nodded at you. 
“Nice catch,” Becky said, looking at you like your relationship had been something she’d expected. 
“I know,” you responded. Pin pressed a kiss to the side of your head as you spoke, giving your hand a squeeze. 
It’d been the first day of your stay, and somehow, it was already the best one. 
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onewholivesinloops · 2 years
Anyway Another End is great. I’ve reread it multiple times today and I smiled all the way through everytime. I’m blown away by how substantial it ended up being for a free booklet.
It’s mainly focused on St. Lucia which makes sense because it’s doing the job of wrapping up the plotline that was left unresolved at the end of the anime, because GouSotsu’s scope as a story is way bigger than that (and I doubt GouMeguri is going to be much different in that regard), especially with Satoko understandably rejecting the idea of ever going back there in the last episode? I mean, we did have Mei doing an alternate, more wholesome take on the St. Lucia stuff but it makes sense Ryukishi wanted to do one himself. I’m glad we have multiple takes because they’re both good in their own unique way.
It’s basically a more traditionally romantic take on their high school life rather than the one rooted in betrayal and trauma that we see in the anime and manga. It’s true that Satoko is vengeful at first and her quest to become the best in St. Lucia is motivated by her desire to take Rika’s happiness away after being betrayed, but those feelings of resentment, revenge and betrayal gradually evolve into more of a friendly rivalry the more they compete because they’re both enjoying the competition and how it reminds them of the days they spent in Hinamizawa together.
It’s interesting how witch Satoko and witch Rika (or Lambda and Bern if you wanna go there) are an allegory of sorts for travelling to a world of their own making where they can be together forever. It feels very reminiscent of Revolutionary Girl Utena’s ending where Anthy and Utena leave behind the cyclical world of Ohtori Academy which is a dead end world to be together in their own one and have their desired future.
I also appreciate Ryukishi re-examining his opinion on what a person can do after being granted limitless power other than going completely crazy and abusing it. It’s good to have an alternate take on that where the witch side isn’t portrayed in a negative way?
A looper’s biggest flaw has always been that experiencing so many realities always ends up warping their mindset in such a way that they start perceiving reality in a completely different way from the average person and they become very detached as a result. The answer to this issue in Saikoroshi and Sotsu was “give up on being a witch and live as a human” and while that may be the preferable solution, Another End is all about how being a looper isn’t necessarily a lonely existence because if you manage to find a person who’s similar enough to you, you can create a universe together, where you’re not alone because it’s the two of you, and you can find happiness and fulfillment together (which is an answer that was always lingering in the background of GouSotsu and GouMeguri).
I love that we’re leaning into Satoko and Rika’s parallels as loopers. I’ve always argued that the decision to make Satoko into a looper in sequels is good because it gives Rika someone who’s capable of relating and empathizing with her experiences as one (and basically puts them both on an even field) and who’s better for that than the one character who’s always been her narrative foil.
I’m also SUPER obsessed with the stuff about two people creating a universe together. “Only the same thought shared by two people can create a universe” YES AND THAT THOUGHT IS LOVE. It legit feels like a gay marriage allegory especially with all the blessings in the last pages. The chandelier is their giant marriage crown.
Satoko has always struggled because of her queerness. It’s an issue of childhood vs adulthood, and that fear that she can’t continue her lesbian relationship with Rika because she’s expected to grow up and get married to man. Which is part of the reason her motivation is always centered on the idea of rejecting growing up altogether. It’s always been part of the subtext of GouSotsu and GouMeguri. It’s also practically spelled out in Mei. BUT SHE PRACTICALLY GETS LESBIAN MARRIED TO RIKA HERE AND THEY’RE GOING TO BE TOGETHER FOR ALL ETERNITY.
They literally hug AND nuzzle their noses together while giggling and talking about how they need to go somewhere where they can be alone. THEY’RE GOING SOMEWHERE PRIVATE TO KISS AND YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE BTW.
Also. Are we going to talk about the fact that that some of Satoko and Rika’s followers ship them. Like literally. One of them even tells Satoko her stubborness towards Rika is love and describes them as “two intertwined lilies”. Lilies are symbolic of love between two women. They are the symbol of yuri. Ryukishi definitely knew what he was doing with this. If anyone still thinks Satorika isn’t canon after reading this I’m afraid they’re beyond help.
I’d love to have a take on all this from the human side in Meguri but I’m also in love with this. GouSotsu Another End is fantastic.
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goosewriting · 10 months
i can't believe my brain finally, finally let me have a cal kestis appearance in my dream last night and it was the saddest most heart-wrenching thing ever 😩 my dreams are crazy, detailed and elaborate so this will get long lol if you feel like reading, go ahead, it's real "reader falls into an alternate universe and needs to find their way back" fic material 😂
btw if any of you ever have dreams with your blorbos i'd love to read it so feel free to honk in my inbox c:
so it kinda went back and forth between two different dreams i'm pretty sure. one playing at the university library and the other playing somewhere else. in the library one i was at a table with some classmates, working on our assignments, but there were also some people i know from elsewhere and we started arguing over something. then there was this girl who had lost something and i tried to talk her through how to get to the lost & found, giving the wildest (and very wrong) directions.
the other dream started in the middle of a yellow field of tall grass, where train tracks ran through from one side of the horizon to the other, nothing else to see. when the train came, it was massive, and i was participating in a heist of sorts. we (still don't know who the other people were) were successful i think, because the train derailed and we looted it. I think there was some big boss mastermind somewhere who told us what to do and we were all scared of her lol
so i don't exactly remember what happened after the heist, but the thing is there were these jumps between the dreams where in one i was this badass agent of whatever and doing cool stuff, and in the other i was "real me" in this world doing mundane things. although at some point i'm pretty sure i suddenly was an estate agent trying to set everything up for a visit except that the house was made of cardboard, but that's beside the point 😂 the scenarios from the library timeline i'm pretty sure happened not only somewhere else but in a different time altogether.
at one point, the events of the heist dream kinda come to its peak, and i now find myself in a big room (in hindsight i think it was the archives on jedha from the survivor game?) and somewhere in the air there's a bucket-shaped thing that's swallowing everything around it in a whirlwind, essentially ripping apart time and space. and as it turns out, cal has been there the whole time, and we were actually fighting together and stuff. but now that the bucket is about to shred the fabric of reality, we have to do something. and for some reason the plan of action is that i have to travel to a different universe. we (cal, me, and some other people idk) were all standing at a holotable looking at a map displaying different planets and universes and stuff (again, in hindsight, very web of life and destiny like. i just mashed everything together here it seems xD). and the reasoning in my head went like this: the planet we find ourselves on at this moment is not necessarily star wars canon and is outside of the known parts of the galaxy. so even if i do find my way back to this universe (which i was sure i could do, somehow) i still have no means to contact cal and or even find the planet again. so the search would take quite a while.
and there isn't enough time for us to set up a meeting point and time or anything because of the imminent danger. someone is already dragging me back to the bucket to be sucked into next wednesday or whatever, but i go up to cal one last time and he gives me the strongest hug and omg i didn't wanna let go. at this point i 'm in tears and as someone once again pulls me away and drags me off, i call to him "i will find you" and then everything goes black.
it's so lame i know but i legit woke up with a hole in my heart ;-;
my conclusion is that after leaving that place, the time and space travel kinda wiped my mind so i started a new life (the one at the library and the cardboard house) and completely forgot about cal :'( eventually i'd get snippets of memories, which is why the dream kept jumping back and forth, but i probably just thought they were daydreams or whatever, not my own memories. now that's some meta angst man.
oh and also at some point there were gorillas that shapeshifted into smaller versions of themselves with wings to fly around, and everyone was absolutely okay with that except that they were aggressive so they didn't like them. how that ties into any part of the dream i couldn't tell you but it was just a striking image to see these giant apes suddenly become small and flutter around shdjddkd
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eyeballsoup7310 · 1 year
Last updated September 22nd 2024
As far as names go I don’t really care what you call me, I accidentally tricked myself into referring to myself as “Soup” but it doesn’t. matter much either way. They/it and neopeonouns are welcome. One day I’ll make a nice little doodle to stick here
I will not be directly answering asks for money. When it comes to Palestinian fundraisers, I’m gonna limit myself to only sharing ones that have been fully verified (on one of the trusted* spreadsheets/lists) or ones that have been kind of verified (shared by trusted bloggers and/or other vetted folks) that are also donation protected gofundmes. I judge based on the stuff on your account, not necessarily in the ask itself.
If you just need help with things like rent, pet bills, hospital bills, etc., I’ll immediately be deleting your ask unless we’re mutuals or I have some other reason to trust you. In general, I will reblog one of your posts, I will not make my own. I am not a notable account, I do not have the network to set you up with money, I’m sorry
*trusted lists are: Operation Olive Branch and this spreadsheet by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
Quick guide to my godawful tagging system below the cut because I was supposed to use this for art and then just. Completely ignored that so
#my art - self explanatory
#soup uses paper - traditional/physical art
#animatic - my animatics and animations
#just talking - non-art posts by me
#eyeball rants - my rambling but with like 5% more effort than my just talking tag
#eyeball’s animatic ideas - self explanatory
#art talk - mostly just me complaining about bad art days n shit
#blorbo posting - oc posts
#other peoples stuff - reblogs with little to no addition from me
#cool art - reblogs of art that’s either not fandom related or from a fandom I’m not in
#cool pictures - photography
#cool information - posts with information I find interesting
#serious post - mostly self explanatory. Technically a mix of serious posts and important posts, I use the same tag for both
#resources / #signal boost - ways to help people. Gofundmes and organizations and stuff. At some point the difference between the resource tag and the signal boost tag fell apart so feel free to check both, I don’t know
#polls - polls with or talking about polls
#stories - self explanatory
#general - mostly non-fandom stuff. Serious posts no longer get tagged with general
#long post - self explanatory
#gif - posts that include gifs
#asks - self explanatory
These colors don’t mean anything I just like looking at them
heads up: I tag triggers in the real world (like death n stuff) with TW, but if I talk about it in regards to fiction or jokes or whatever I use either CW, warning or Mention. Like, a post about some graphic person-on-person violence will be tagged “violence tw”, whereas a drawing of characters fighting would be “violence cw” or “violence mention”. There are a few exceptions (any sexual violence, suicide, or self harm, regardless of if it’s about a fictional character or not, will be tagged with tw) but generally the main ones like death, violence, etc are tagged with this system
The current body horror tag is #body horror warning but I think I used to use #body horror tw so if you’re gonna go back through my blog you might wanna filter that too. Bug stuff is tagged with either “#bugs” or “#bug warning”. There’s no real system there but eh. Also I’m including spiders in this tag.
Uhh I don’t generally reblog anything sexual in nature other than jokes, but if you wanna filter those out anyways, I think I use “#sex mention”. I also tag “#nonsexual nudity” when applicable.
If you have trypophobia or a fear of things being beneath your skin, you might just wanna block the Jane prentiss tag altogether I’m sorry I’m really bad at tagging stuff for her
I also stopped tagging just roll with it: blood in the bayou spoilers at some point, sorry yall
Most of my tagging system is just to make it easier for me to find stuff on my blog, which is why it can get inconsistent at times. ATM my featured tags is maxed out so I might have to shuffle things around later but for now, I think that’s it.
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elendsessor · 1 year
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pictured here is a comment i got on a post i made on one of my sideblogs. now this actually kinda motivated me to go and look into something for no other reason than “yeah sure why the hell not.”
and thus i went down a mini rabbit hole.
this is referring to a post about smt 4, but i think they just mistyped smtv instead of iv—
the picture in question shown is this concept art for blasted tokyo:
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now this pic mirrors that of where jonathan is in all the little dream/vision/whatever you wanna call them sequences prior to choosing a route. however…
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the head of what i believe is supposed to be the statue of aquila or some other structure is different. blasted tokyo is full of rubble on the surface but none match the head from what i can remember (i may be wrong). even then, the guy pictured isn’t jonathan. next thing to question is “what if it’s jonathan’s beta design?” or if any other art for blasted tokyo matched the mystery man.
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to the left is beta jonathan and to the right ends up being for the remaining underground districts and for pluto castle (home of the best boss in the game) + weird shadowy figures. again nothing matches up. there’s a really cool exterior shot that i don’t think is ever in the game tho. closest other character i could think of is kiyoharu.
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originally though he was intended to wear the same outfit everyone else does (which contextually makes more sense and is something they should’ve stuck with).
so who is this guy? the answer is god knows. best guess i have at this point is an original design for either 1. a law hero similar to 1 and 2, since 4 was a bit back to basics compared to the previous two mainline entries or 2. one of the original concept designs for flynn/the mc. in a lot of the concept artwork displaying what represented the player, they mostly never resemble flynn. some end up just being random designs meant for npcs, armor, or were scraped concepts altogether. a good portion of them are just area concepts. 4 has a ton of world building and i would argue is more based in that than any of the other games.
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in just the concepts for tokyo alone that’s the case. mikado concept art isn’t any different.
a lot of background concept art (such as for the weapons dealer, exterior shots of a few dungeons, rooms with npcs in them, etc) end up getting used for locations you can’t walk around in, since the free roam stuff is 3d modeled save for a couple assets. there’s no rough sketches available for most of the areas even in the art book, and that can definitely be the case for character concepts too. sometimes it’s easy to forget that an entire team works on art and not just a couple people, especially in 4’s case given how there’s a few guest artists. there are likely many concepts and pieces of art that have never been seen or are completely lost. any unnamed unknown character shown in these bits of art were likely meant to exist at some point and yet never did.
though gonna be honest this was just the perfect excuse to go looking through concept art again. (quick shoutout to veskscans since she’s uploaded scans of 4’s art book to a google drive (which is linked on her blog). many of the area concept artwork and early character designs are easy to find but smaller scale scenery not so much. she’s a goddamn hero.)
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ovidiomedes · 2 years
ok non v3s opinion on mikan akane and mukuro my best girls
mikan is so complicated to me bc she's so tragic. her obsessive love for junko hurts my heart so much. but at the same time the way she's treated as a fan service character is so uncomfortable and makes me wanna avoid content of her altogether. i wanna give her a kiss on the forehead and send her to extensive therapy
akane.... oh best girl. she's actually the only character i completed all free time events for when i played sdr2. she's so good and sweet, and im really glad she was one of the survivors
mukuro. mukuro is SO complicated to me in a very similar way to mikan. i think she's really interesting, and her dynamic w makoto is so sweet. she had so much potential to be a fascinating character but the way they write her relationship w junko makes me really sick? i hate the incest trope that PLAGUES animes. like i think there could've been better ways to write her loyalty to junko without resorting to "shes in love w her twin!"
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Im gonna thank modern medicine when i go on hrt soon got that appointment to make tomorrow. Well call & have them call me back when they are open. Oh yeah for sure i need to go back to the ocean again soon. Yeah for sure trial by you have to sure helps when you gotta pick up the languages. Oh big mood my spoken spanish is. Not as good as what i can understand. Remembering the two polish people i met in 2013 makes me definitely believe that im not sure i ever got their names right. Definitely noted i wouldnt travel anywhere in spring or summer anyways. Oh? Ill have to build her for sure then. Give me something to do while i wait for bronya to come home & seele to re run. Im honestly starting to care for genshin less so its fine by me. Sounds like people just wanted to start fires? Or were being some type of silly? Welcome back from your vacation i hope you had fun i was waiting to reply til you got back
OH THATS SO COOL CONGRATS ON THE HRT!! i wanna go on hrt sooooo badly one day but well see how doable it will be in poland. tho i am optimistic about the future since the current extremely conservative ruling party has lost a LOT of support over the years theyve been in charge so. theres hope! and good luck with that, i luckily will get a chance relatively soon with that school trip i mentioned. tho im not 100% sure if im gonna be confident enough to be in a swimsuit in front of my class since i dont even particularly like most of them. and yeah it really is like that with languages sjfgkkgkd the only reason my spoken english is good is bc i had a LOT of one-on-one lessons with a native speaker so i went through a lot of practice. and thats ok sjfjkfj its extremely common for foreigners to not be able to pronounce polish names [and for a reason. hell language even for us] so as long as you even try nobodys gonna be mad ajjdkf. tho in my personal case its very funny bc my birthname is literally identical in a lot of languages so ppl just accentuate it incorrectly. and soften the r. i unfortunately travel mainly in spring or summer since thats when i have the most free time, but im gonna try to convince my mom to go to more colder places [i miss tromso that was my ideal climate]. anyways, yeah thats a good idea!! seriously claras counters are so unbelievably cracked since 1. big big dmg, actually her main source of it, and 2. unlimited. everytime she gets attacked she immediately counters [after her ult, she also does this for allies attacked twice] so yeah i got her very early [30 pulls on standard, my beginner 5* was bailu] and since got her e1 and rec 10/10. im waiting to get bronya as well and since i dont have kafka guaranteed and won 50.50 twice in a row im not very confident ab getting her, i hope that if i lose its at least gonna be bronya. or welt. welt is cracked. i actually uninstalled genshin from my pc a while ago since i stopped playing altogether but i might come back from fontaine since im always curious ab the new regions. tho i did completely ignore the chasm coming out when it did. idk didnt excite me that much. and yeah i also think thats the case but at the same time Hm. average day in warsaw. AND YEAH HI IT WAS SO FUN OH MY GOD I ACTUALLY HAD A MEETING YESTERDAY WITH A COUPLE FRIENDS FROM CAMP + AVERY SINCE IT WAS AVS BIRTHDAY AND. AHHH. BEST CAMP IVE BEEN ON I THINK. also one of my campmates had hair dye so i have red hair now. fun!
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eddiesbug · 2 years
eager [f.castle]
summary: you come home to your boyfriend hammered and clingy. secrets are revealed.
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
fandom: mcu
word count: 1347
warnings: reader throws up, literally all fluff n loving, frank being the bestest<33, touch starved reader, a little talk about reader punishing herself, frank uses all the good pet names😋 and he cooks!!
note: i’m back from being banned😭🤭 i had so much fun n i’m so proud of this so if anyone is mean I WILL CRY. and i’m sorry there’s no readmore line again but tumblr is all buggy and deleting bits every time i put one in:((
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“Fr-Frankie!” Your voice slurs as you worm your way into Frank’s lap, your head lolling with the effects of the alcohol. Your mini dress rides up as you climb and he presses his fingers into the soft curve of your hip, drawing you in. You settle into him with a smile.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he chuckles. He didn’t know what exactly to expect when you came home hammered at 2am, but it wasn’t this. You’re not overly fond of affection at the best of times, pretty much avoiding contact altogether, so for you to be initiating this at all, zero coaxing involved, is strange.
“I missed you,” you giggle, craning into him as he pushes the hair from your sweaty face. A hum rips from your throat and you hook your arms underneath his on the sofa. He brushes his nose across your jaw.
“I missed you too, baby. You feelin’ alright?” he asks, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead; you’re hot to the touch. You nod, pressing your nose to the juncture of his neck and inhaling; you’re met with the scent of slight sweat and the last tinge of cologne from the previous day.
“So pretty…” you say, your hand reaching out to stroke Frank’s face in bewilderment.
“I’m pretty?” he laughs.
“The pr-pre-prettiest.” Your words start to merge into one and he shushes you, soft lips grazing your temple.
“My girl is prettier,” he answers, voice dripping with sincerity. You frown, head shooting up to meet his eyes.
“Who’s your girl?” you ask, the beginnings of tears getting stuck in your throat. In your inebriated state, you have honestly forgotten that Frank is your boyfriend. “I’m- I’m gonna f-fight her.”
“What’re you gonna cry for, baby? I’m talkin’ ‘bout you.” He keeps his tone light, cupping the back of your head with his calloused hand.
“Silly thing. Why would I want anyone but you?”
“‘Cause I never wanna cuddle,” you pout. He shakes his head.
“I don’t care about that. Sure, it’s nice to cuddle, but I want you to be happy most of all.”
“Can I tell you a sec-secret?” you whisper, although it’s comically loud - almost louder than your normal speaking voice. You hiccup, pestering your way further into his lap.
“I always wanna cuddle.”
“That so?”
“Y-yeah. Scared you’ll get annoyed so I don’t say anythin’. Wait for you to ask.” His expression softens and he kisses your head. He never realised that you might be depriving yourself of touch to punish yourself, or worse, because you thought you’d be irritating him. He can’t get enough of you.
“Oh, baby. My baby.” Drawing you closer, his body engulfs yours completely; you mumble something halfheartedly, curling into him. Everything seems to shake ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly and you’re sure Frank doesn’t notice. He catches your expression, brow furrowing. His closeness has you breaking into a full body flush. “You’re shaking, darlin’.”
“Jus’ don’t let go of me,” you whisper, pressing your face to his chest.
“Alright, ‘ve got you.”
You stay like that for a while, cradled in his arms, eyes closed, until your stomach lurches uneasily. You blanch, dry heaving.
“Gonna be sick.” You retch, trying to scramble free of Frank’s grasp and run to the bathroom. Instead, he lifts you with virtually no effort, sitting you in front of the toilet and gathering your hair at the nape of your neck just in time for you to start emptying your stomach contents. He soothes you with the softest voice, kissing the back of your neck and whispering encouraging words despite how disgusting you must look right now.
“Attagirl,” he murmurs, “What a good girl.” Your eyes flutter closed and you slump against the toilet seat, breathing heavily. He immediately lifts you, flushing the vomit away and closing the seat; just that helps the nausea ebb away as the seconds pass. He perches you on the seat, wiping your sweaty face with a cold cloth and grabbing the toothbrush you keep at his apartment at all times. He spreads a little toothpaste over the bristles, parting your lips with his thumb and brushing them gently.
“Good girl, let’s rinse your mouth,” he coos; you oblige without thinking, letting him hold you up by the waist and wipe your face with a towel. Your body goes completely lax and he cushions your head with his shoulder, handling you as though you’ll break at any second.
“Love you,” you mumble, hooking your legs around his waist as he hoists you into his arms. He makes for the kitchen with you securely in his hold.
“I love you too. You feel a bit better now?”
“Let’s get you some water and something to eat, pretty.”
“‘m not hungry!” you squeak, hiccuping drunkenly, although you’re considerably less plastered than when you got home.
“You don’t have to eat it, but it might help soak up some of the alcohol, alright?”
“‘kay…” you trail off, worrying your lip between your teeth.
“What you thinkin’ about, hm?”
“I can hear the gears turning. C’mon, out with it.” He kneads your side with sympathetic fingers, squeezing and releasing, squeeze, release.
“‘s it okay if I wanna touch more? Like cuddle ‘nd hold your hand?” Your voice is a fragment of its usual volume and you wince, preparing yourself for the rejection before he even has time to react.
“How could I say no to that, hm?” The relief at his statement is palpable. “If you wanna hang onto me forever like a little koala bear, I wouldn’t say no to you. You know that, baby. I want you to have everythin’ you’ve ever wanted.”
“Jus’ want you,” you murmur, peppering a trail of kisses over his face and neck. “Love you so much.”
“C’mon, my pretty. Whatcha fancy to eat?” He smiles, setting you down on a stool, hands out to catch you should you wobble tipsily. Once he’s sure you’re steady, he moves to the fridge. “How about some eggs?” You shake your head, nose scrunched.
“They make me feel sicky.”
“Alright, darlin’. How about pasta?”
“Pasta sounds good, Frankie.”
“Pasta it is, baby.”
You admire him shamelessly as he busies himself with your meal, ogling his thick biceps and his sharp jawline. The black t-shirt he wears hugs him just right, exposing his muscular physique to you.
“You enjoying the show, darlin’?” he drawls amusedly, sending you a cheeky wink. You flush, averting your eyes.
“C’mere, pretty girl.” His arms open and you wobble off of the stool and into his embrace. The affection, still so abnormal to you, makes you tremble.
“I’ve gotcha, baby. Not lettin’ you go anytime soon.”
Finally, when he’s finished making the pasta, something you never thought someone would do for you, let alone at half past two in the morning, he sets it onto the table and sits down, inviting you into his lap. You clamber onto him, hands roaming his chest. You’re eager to feel his skin on yours, fingers splayed over his throat and under his t-shirt. This new found appreciation for his touch has made you greedy and Frank is in heaven.
“Should’a gotten you drunk sooner if I knew you’d be this needy, baby.” He beams at you, dotting kisses over the entire expanse of your face. With his free hand, he spears a piece of pasta with a fork and lifts it to your lips. “Here, darlin’.” You take it gratefully, humming.
“‘s good!”
You eat in silence until you’re full, pushing the bowl away and curling your body into Frank’s.
“Sorry I kept you up.”
“I couldn’t sleep without my girl anyway.”
You giggle; the lilting sound compels Frank to kiss you, his lips melding against yours like a puzzle piece.
Before he can find it in himself to move you, you’re fast asleep against his shoulder, snoring softly with your arms underneath his t-shirt, cool against his warm skin. You cling to him even as you sleep soundly.
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fivekrystalpetals · 3 years
In continuation to my previous post about the prison break arc, I think I figured out one possible candidate for Fyodor’s Queen-- Nikolai Gogol (fyolai! haha but no I don’t mean in the shipping sense here) 
Honestly, when Dazai and Fyodor started the game of chess I imagined they meant it figuratively as in to judge which one of their associates is the most powerful, most intelligent, most trusted etc. etc. (For example, how Roy Mustang assigned the positions to his subordinates?) 
But no lol—they meant it literally—they were really playing a game of chess using people as their chess pieces; I can’t with these monsters (affectionate)— Why I am saying this is because then, we can throw out their personal attachments to the people (pieces) (if any) and treat this purely as a game of chess. Very interesting and so like them too!
Oh, btw, there is this big brain post from twitter that beautifully explains the whole game of chess between Dazai and Fyodor complete with chessboard images if you wanna check it out.
Now, then, back to the topic of Fyodor’s Queen—Firstly (for those who don’t know much about chess), the queen (♕, ♛) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally, combining the power of the rook and bishop.
That’s why Dazai’s Queen being Lucy Maud Montgomery makes so much sense. Lucy moves so freely about the board (Sky Casino) that she manages to transport Atsushi midair to Anne’s Room while he was falling to certain death from the aerial tower. 
Sometimes, I feel like we don’t give her enough credit for all she contributes to the story and just how powerful her ability is. She freezes time inside her Room (she used it to store coffee beans!)—Anne’s Room isn’t in the least bit affected by the outside world—so mysterious is her ability that even she doesn’t know specific details about it such as the Key? Not to forget that however powerful be the ability users, inside her Room, they are at the mercy of Anne; that she carried the whole of the Sky Casino arc and to add she isn’t even part of the Agency?? Well, not officially, at least. Yeah, if it were not for Lucy, the Agency would have been done for before even they started. Well, I don’t particularly want her to join the Agency at the end of the story, just want her to keep doing what she likes, but I digress. 
To put it simply, the Queen is the one chess piece with the highest freedom of movement on the board. On Fyodor’s side, the only ability user with that kind of freedom is Gogol. Gogol’s ability is almost on par with Lucy, except he can’t disappear altogether into his overcoat. He has to appear somewhere else but again, there is no limitation over how much distance he could cover and how many things he could store with his spatial manipulation.
Seems pretty plausible, right?
But there are some drawbacks to this theory,,, I will explain both the cases: what if Gogol is the Queen and if he is not.
Gogol is the Queen.
One thing I noted is that Fyodor didn’t mention his Queen even once during the whole of Sky Casino arc. He plays with his Rook (Sigma) and moves his King once (idk what that means in real time or maybe it’s just a compulsory free move lol) but more or less whatever pieces he moves are the Rook or the pawns (I believe the residents of the Casino and the Hunting Dogs (??) are the pawns? No idea) 
Chess fun fact: you can checkmate with one rook and one pawn! See:
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Overall, Fyodor’s movements were very minimal when compared to Dazai’s. Even Ango mentions this:
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--and add to it Fyodor seeming surprised Dazai brings his Queen this early into the game:
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What I am saying is that he did not move his Queen from its original position at all. Makes sense bc Gogol was out of the picture after the Wretched Chair arc. Gogol was believed to have died during that arc.  
Moving forward, during the final showdown just after Sigma surrendered and was willing to impart information about the Page to Atsushi, he sends in Hawthorne (his Bishop as per the above post) to ‘kill’ Sigma as well as Atsushi. But then, Dazai moves his Queen (Lucy) to help his Knight (Atsushi) and they end up capturing Hawthorne in the process. Sigma falls from the sky.
So far, so good.
Now comes the confusing part. If Gogol indeed is his Queen, then it’d mean he moved his Queen for the first time to save his Rook but sacrificing his Bishop in the process. Just like how Lucy saves Atsushi, Gogol saves Sigma. Or to say, Fyodor isn’t all that infallible as Ango or Dazai were saying just after their loss in the Sky Casino. He did have to make a choice between saving one or the other of the pieces, right? (See, I am trying to write this totally unbiased and not bring my secret shipping propaganda here) so setting that aside, what I don’t understand is why and how Sigma is more valuable to him than the blood manipulating pastor who has been doing exactly as per his biddings? At first, I wondered if he was gonna opt for castling with Sigma but he has already changed positions now so that isn’t possible either. Maybe, he didn’t expect Hawthorne attaching himself to Atsushi with a thin line of blood and getting himself captured?
idk seems off to me too, but let’s just keep going and see all kinds of questions this hypothesis raises—the hypothesis that it really was Fyodor who sent Gogol to save Sigma:
one] shooting Sigma was a calculated risk on Fyodor’s part to make him fall from the height to the waiting Gogol and to stop him from revealing the location of the Page to Atsushi (which he did anyway and which I believe Fyodor didn’t foresee) I might be making Fyodor more empathetic toward Sigma than he is (and I am sure I am wrong) but I do believe he didn’t mean to straight up kill him, for he didn’t make Hawthorne use any of the poison-blood-ink-bullets (whatever those are) that he used on Fitzgerald. Remember, how he wanted to off the guy to stop them from using God’s Eye but Kyouka foiled his attempt with her quick action? 
two] Fyodor was aware of Gogol not dying in the Wretched Chair arc. Gogol knows Fyodor knew about his escape too. He is playing the role of the Queen, after all. Maybe, all along that was the actual plan?  
three] Fyodor lied to Sigma about the Decay of Angels plan since Sigma genuinely believed Gogol (Queen) was gonna die in the very first move.
four] Gogol is lying to Sigma about Fyodor’s intentions for him. In chapter 98, he says that Fyodor is gonna be hellbent on killing him one way or the other because his assassination attempt had failed. That’s how he convinced him to join him in the jailbreak. 
But Fyodor is the one who sent him to save Sigma? Then, why is he lying? 
I can think of two reasons: 1] Gogol decided to forfeit being a piece in Dostoyevsky’s game right after he was sent to save Sigma and decided to turn his game on itself. That’s why he needs Sigma to find out Fyodor’s ability so he can kill him OR 2] both Gogol and Fyodor know the real plan and are lying to Sigma.
phew, I am tired why is all this so complicated lol but tl;dr: Fyodor knew Gogol was alive and was purposely not moving him; he sent Gogol to save Sigma from falling to his death; now they are both lying about the real purpose of the jailbreak or Gogol has decided to stop being his chess piece.
Gogol is not the Queen.
In this case, the story is pretty much linear and goes as Sigma says and believes. Gogol was truly meant to die during the Wretched Chair operation. And, Fyodor expected him to be dead too. 
So that, after escaping, Gogol secretly came to the Sky Casino of his own free will knowing that the next step in Decay of Angels’ plan is supposed to happen there. Then spotting Sigma falling from the sky, he saves him so he could use him to find out Dostoyevsky’s ability and kill him to free himself of ‘the brainwashing called feeling’. Well, this is quite simple and makes sense too compared to the first scenario which leaves me with more questions than answers if true lol
The only point I have here then: if Gogol isn’t Fyodor’s Queen, we haven’t met his Queen yet. It has to be some new character with an ability even more powerful than or on par with Lucy and Gogol, someone who can move freely about the board, someone who he hasn’t moved at all as of yet. Because of all the characters we met so far, I don’t think there is anyone else who fits the description? 
Of course, there is a third scenario that he started off without a Queen which is... impossible, lol.
Oh, and I agree with the post I linked above that Chuuya could be one of Dazai’s Rooks just like Sigma is to Fyodor.  
Does any of this make any sense? I hope so? You can tell me in the comments or the tags about what you think :D
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lustbile · 3 years
The Journal
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Word Count: 7.3k+
Summary/Warnings: Smut with plot, semi public, a lot of biting, mentions of supernatural and just general weirdness, and small amount of blood play
Apart of the Club X series: Masterlist (can be read alone or within the series, but unlike others it might just be the slightest amount confusing)
“So that’s what you’re into now,” your best friend’s voice is bored and distant, her task of wiping down the bar that stretched out in front of her taking a majority of her attention away from the babbling you’ve tried to subject her to since you entered the empty restaurant only about 20 minutes before, “weird demon sex clubs?”
“Ah ah, I never said they were demons,” you correct quickly, the thought of defending yourself never crossing your mind as you petulantly slap your hands against the polished wood, “I just said it was…. weird.”
“Weird is an understatement,” she scoffs quietly as she turns to dip her dirtied rag back into the bleach water and ring it out, “I mean look, I’ve always been supportive in the witchy stuff you’ve been into but this…. is a bit much.”
“I don’t see how this is any different than any other thing I’ve read into.”
“Oh you don’t see?” you finally manage to pull her attention towards you as she harshly slaps the rag back onto the wood with a stern glare pulled on her pretty features, “you’re talking about vulnerability and abandoned warehouses and public sex. That last one is definitely new.”
You fully expected this type of response, only hoping she’d be busy enough that you would dodge the motherly scolding she liked to give you when you pitched your schemes to her with your eyes wild and wide, but nevertheless, she was completely right.
It came from an old book, tattered and torn from being flipped through one too many times, that you found at your favorite antique store. The store itself was already notorious with your tight inner circle of friends as the creepy shop that was corrupting your brain, a constant taunt being that the little old woman that ran it was the actual devil and she was just waiting for the right time to jump you and eat you whole, but this did nothing to stop you from visiting at least once a week.
But the book, it was different from any other you had found. It was completely handwritten, including amazingly done sketches in a deep unfading ink, and spoke of outlandish things.
Some were easily brushed off, like a murder that happened in the 50’s that was known to stay in the mouths of the older folks, both to them and the book it was widely believed to be the doing of some long tongued and wild eyed creature, until a local sweet old man admitted on his deathbed that it was instead his one crime of passion.
He had been a young soldier that snuck into his lover’s room one night, and upon learning that she was to marry a nice lawyer the day after he was meant to deploy, his mind went blank and his hands were carving out her heart. He luckily escaped any questioning after being shipped off, and once he returned home he captured the heart of a pretty young girl and lived out a long life sitting on top of a horrid truth.
So yeah, stories of those sorts, having been solved in your lifetime, meant very little to you, but the one you were going on about now, meant the world.
The writing looked like it had been put down by a panicked chicken rather than the woman who’s name was written neatly in the front. It lived in some of the pages towards the back of the small book and spoke of a dark club. Club X.
She went on and on about stumbling across the club purely by accident, and meeting another woman with glittering eyes. Graphic details of being taken in the middle of the dance floor with a million eyes looking but not fully seeing her as she fell apart against a dancing and eager tongue made your heart thump lodged in your throat. But the more and more she visited the club, the more incoherent her words became, but towards the end the writing had become stained and obscured by a deep brown stain, before it stopped altogether.
Thankfully, the details of where the building was was completely visible regardless of being the thoughts of a mad woman, and with a lot of thinking and staring at the town map, you’ve come to believe that you knew exactly where the mysterious club stood.
Only a street down from the restaurant you sit in now.
“Listen, I know it sounds ridiculous, and it probably is, but what’s the problem with just going to check right?” you scramble to pull the delicate book from the bag that sits in the stool beside you as your friend moves closer and closer to where you sit, laying it flat to show her the page you’ve had bookmarked since you read it, “and look at the name she puts, I think it’s the man who ran it and it’s a long shot, but maybe he’s still alive, or if not maybe some family is! Right here, Asm-“
“Don’t say it again,” she’s quick to interrupt, sliding her free hand to hover above the page you’ve glued your eyes to, “I don’t wanna hear any old man names, especially that one it gives me the ick.”
“It’s just a name,” murmur to yourself, but move to put the book away regardless, “but anyways, I have something that most people who were going to the club didn’t, knowledge of what exactly I’m walking into. I can just go and look around, worst things worst its still a freaky sex club and I just go home, but I’m willing to bet this lady was just off the shits and its just an empty building with some funky vintage beer bottles that you can add to your collection.”
You feel like you’ve won an award you weren’t even trying to compete for when she finally breaks out into a soft smile. The huff that leaves her chest is endeared, and you swear your heart began to vibrate when she reached to run a gentle thumb across the swell from your cheekbone.
“Fine, do what you want, but if the bottle isn’t completely intact when you find it I don’t want it.”
“So you’re not coming with me?” your head tilts to the side in confusion as with things of this nature in the past, she’s always followed along to ensure that you didn’t do anything to stupid. You never felt like the company was fully necessary, but it was appreciated regardless.
“Baby, as much as I’ve enjoyed your info dumping you’ve done tonight, the other person that was meant to clean with me had to leave early with a stomach bug so I’m busy pulling a clean up job that’s truly a job for about five people. But you seem to really believe in this little adventure of yours,” she leaves the rag in a damp mass next to the stack of dirty glasses beside you to take your hands in her’s, her slightly wrinkled fingers are still warm and the way they lace with yours makes you feel like nothing in the world could hurt you, “besides, you’re as smart as a whip and I know you have me on speed dial. I trust you.”
You no longer love the feeling of being trusted.
When your friend had given you the heartfelt speech only a little over half an hour ago, you felt like you had been put on a nice pedestal before she handed you a cookie with a pat on the head.
Now the “cookie” had turned to rot in your belly and you were faced with your own perfectly dreamed up reality.
It was already late by the time you had walked into the restaurant your friend works at, the sun already setting and the last few customers gathering their things and paying the bills, so once you got her stamp of approval and we’re heading out the door, the only light left was a bright and full moon, and flickering street lights.
You took your time walking in the direction that your book and personal sleuthing had pointed you in, the closer and closer you got to the one warehouse in town that seemed to never be bought back from the city, the knots in your belly pulled tighter and tighter.
But regardless of the almost painful twist in your gut, you surprisingly almost missed the building in its entirety.
It was as if your entire being blocked out the thumping bass that shook the sidewalk and the blinding red light that spilled from beneath the entrance and out the fractured windows. Your brain trying to force itself from entering the building you spent so many weeks trying to locate.
But the way your heart thuds in your chest when you stand in front of the entrance is something you couldn't even pretend you didn’t feel.
Your tongue digs into the side of your jaw, and you're confused at the feeling of warm tears burning at your waterlines. It’s exactly the way the owner of the journal described it in her manic writings, weirdly exact considering the other stories that surrounded it that dated it back far before you were even born.
You want to go in, the shaking steps your legs take is evident to that, but the tense muscles of your shoulders and stomach makes you hesitate and even grumble out into the air.
You almost jump out of your skin when you hear a shuffling to your side, your throat tensing when you look over, and are put slightly at ease when you see two men who you assume are acting as some type of security. You almost expect them to look up and ask you for some type of ID when you’re being very weird and blatant about your presence, but they seem too preoccupied with the dim screens of their phones and the way they lean forward at different times as if they’re waiting for someone.
Your hands are shaking slightly as they scramble down to grab for your bag, desperately looking for something to occupy you to walk by them without being even more weird, and when your fingers wrap around the flaking leather that binds the book, you grab it like a lifeline.
Your fingers flip through the pages with perfect muscle memory as you trip up the few steps that lead to the door, the tabs you carefully placed on the first page mentioning the club not even necessary with the way you could find the page even in your sleep.
You subconsciously hold your breath when you walk past the two men, almost as if the book is instead something wildly illegal and you're trying to sneak past your parents, and your washed with a temporary wave of relief when you pass through the doors without even a glance from the two.
Though the relief is stolen from your bones the second your feet touch the floor of the club.
It’s as if you’ve entered a place you’ve known your whole life, and from the amazing descriptions from the woman in the past, its not a completely surprising feeling.
But another part of you feels like this is the first time you’ve seen human beings in the flesh.
You can't help but to feel like you must look like an absolute nerd as you pull the book up to your face as you start to survey the club, but thankfully the book told at least one truth, and many of the club goers are too busy grouping and grinding against one another to even acknowledge your existence.
More truths come to light as you flick your eyes between the pages and the walls.
The bar is still tucked in the same far corner as she described, the flittering red and blue lights making it feel like a beacon of calm regardless of it being surrounded by drunken forms and its intimidatingly pretty bartender.
The dj is just a stoic and unimpressed looking as the one from so many years ago as he subconsciously bobs to the beat that he creates as he messes with the nobs and switches in front of him. He’s actually so similar, you wonder if you were right and the owner did have family floating around, and maybe the dj is one of them.
You stumble further into the room as you pick out small details she wrote about so lovingly. Your legs carry you to the back of the building as you smile at the sight of the wine stain the writer claimed to have created when her lover shocked her with a playful bite to the neck.
You almost feel like the universe is gifting you everything you could have possibly asked for when you see the loose board that she said a friend of hers would always trip over, and electricity zips up your spine in excitement when you spots the large painting that still hangs over the booth she claimed as her favorite, and she meticulously sketched out next to a paragraph about what she thought the artist was feeling.
All these things though, lead to the things that make your jaw hang slightly open.
The large balcony above you is larger than you ever imagined. The hundreds of bright red carnations she loved to sketch drip from the golden bars like water, and the black velvet curtains that hang over the room it leads to look heavy enough that they suffocate someone if they fell.
She seemed so intensely in love with the place you stand in, and the woman she met there, and those emotions were more than evident from the way the recreated the energy of the club with her words and art. Which only tips you towards the part that caught your attention perhaps the most.
It was exactly where it was meant to be. Just below the balcony that hangs high on the wall, gaping wide and dark like the mouth of a hungry monster coaxing you to enter its throat. The only issue that you can see being the hanging rope that blocks you from entering, but with only shining bright clasps holding it onto hooks on the walls, you don’t think you're above sneaking past it with little guilt.
The hall was the one thing that taunted you the most about the story the woman spun in the little worn book. The empty and dark vass space being something that coaxed her as well, but unfortunately for you, and maybe her as well, the parts of her journal that began the tale of her passing the temping rope, was the exact spot that was stained with bleeding ink and a suspicious brown color.
You survey the space around you, looking for anyone that could possibly be a worker or just a stickler for the rules, but seeing as everyone in your range of vision was attached by the mouth on someone’s neck or sloppy lips, you figured you were in the clear.
You drop the book gently back into your bag before you step slowly forward. Your heart feels like a wild animal trying to break out of the cavity of your chest, and it feels like your intestines have been successfully replaced with writhing worms that are desperately trying to reach your gut. You feel heat traveling up your chest and neck, and as you get within a few feet of what feels like the end of your life, your body begins to shake.
If you had the ability, you would have screamed, and if you had the strength, you would have fought back. But right when you're about to reach the threshold of the hall, and right when you feel like your legs are about to collapse from underneath you, strong fingers clasp over your trembling mouth, and an arm wraps tightly around your waist.
You’re turned faster than you can blink, the sudden motion making your brain swirl in your skull and making you go lightheaded and dizzy. And while keeping their hand clasped tightly over your mouth, the person that cages you in slams your back into the cold wall and knocks the air from your lungs.
The eyes that meet you are cat-like and dancing wildly, the grin the man you're faced with now smiles at you wickedly, and when your hands dart up until your nails dig harshly into the skin of his forearms, his smile only widens.
“Now,” he starts, the remains of a chuckle shaking his chest and his words slightly, “what exactly are you up to?”
You wait for a moment for him to release you from his hold, and when after a minute or so he still hasn’t budged, all you can offer in response is an annoyed arched brow.
“What?” he has the audacity to ask with taunting sincerity, “you thought you were smart enough to go wandering around, so you should be smart enough to figure out a way to talk around my hand right?”
It’s with immense irritation that you realize the two possibilities you’re faced with.
From the book you know about the weird concept of soul mates or whatever they were meant to be. The woman and the mysterious dancing girl she met so many years ago, and similar stories from the friends she met during her many visits to the club who had almost identical tales that she had to recount.
So with that information you know the possibility of this grinning man being your person is high, but your person or not, he was lighting a fire in your chest regardless.
You don’t think or even weigh the negatives before you send him a hard glare, and you show very little hesitation when you push forward to sink your teeth into the first finger you can catch.
His yelp is covered by the blaring music, but you hear it loud and clear before he reaches his free hand up to pinch at the bridge of your nose to pull you off like a rabid kitten.
“You know what I’m up to,” you huff petulantly as you lean back into the wall with your arms folding over your chest, “or at least I’d assume you’d be smart enough to use your context clues right?”
His lip curls when he glances back up to you as he pets at his now bruising finger, but even with the thin veil of irritation on his pretty features, you can tell he enjoys the sarcastic tone you’ve adopted.
“Yeah you’re sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,” he bites back as he steps closer, crowding your personal space and pushing his chest tightly against yours, “you’re lucky I’m who caught you and not boss man.”
“Boss man?” you ask, trying not to show you excitement over him spilling the treasured information about the club that you want so desperately.
He doesn’t answer you verbally, and the sly wink he throws at you shocks you more than you would like to admit, but when he tilts his head back quickly you don’t hesitate to follow his line of sight to the edge of the balcony.
If it weren’t for the thin wires of light that create hatching over his eyes and mouth, you probably would have missed the masked figure that leers at you from over the railing. His hands and shoulders are covered by the masses of flowers, and the hollow black where he hides his eyes stares down at you two with a look that you assume is annoyance and possible curiosity.
The moment you two look up, the figure jerks back. Your eyes flick quickly between him and the man in front of you, and from the bratty grin he wears as he looks up, you feel as if the masked man didn’t have any intention at being caught.
You get lost slightly in staring at the man pressed against you, his teeth that look sharper in the red lighting and his eyes twinkle in mischief, and even with the obnoxious start to your interaction, you’d be lying to say you don’t find him beautiful.
It takes you a second to regain your senses, tearing your eyes away from the fascinating side profile of the man, but when you glance back up to the balcony, the mask man has retreated back.
“He doesn’t like much when we take people back there before they’re ready,” he attempts at an explanation as he turns back to you, and seems unfazed when he misses the mark and just confuses you further, “he let the two goons outside have a little exception, but that's because they don’t know how to go easy y‘know.”
“No,” you shake your head at him with a quiet scoff, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I think you know more than you think,” his voice drops as he speaks now, and as he speaks he reaches out his hand to hold himself propped against the wall next to your head while his other hand moves to run gently up the side of your neck, “I mean, you know who I am at least right?”
“I have an idea,” you admit with a huff, but you also admit to yourself that this probably means you won't be getting into the hall. You do mentally jot that down as a loss, but decide to take the man pressed against you as a win and you reach to grab at his shirt in retaliation, “but you could at least give me a name to work with.”
“Hm, I didn’t expect you to be one for such formalities,” his head tilts in amusement at his own words, and the action nudges the tip of his nose into yours and makes your heart flutter up into your throat, “but you might as well know the name of the man you’ll be destined to fall in love with.”
You roll your eyes hard enough for them to start to ache, and he quietly laughs and moves to press his nose into the soft flesh of your cheek as he feeds off your annoyance.
“Ten,” he answers quietly, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he moves to whisper the syllable in your ear, and you never thought that with just one word he’d have a shiver rushing up your spine.
You respond quietly with your name, but the word comes out strained and rushed when he begins to nibble on the lobe of your ear and pushes his knee harshly between your thighs.
Both your hands now hold tightly onto the sides of his shirt, and when his lips move to trail against the side of your neck that isn't enveloped by his hand, you tug roughly at the fabric and your back arches slightly away from the wall.
His tongue is hot when he lays it flat on the center of your throat, and when he swipes it up until it flicks against the end of your chin, you can't help but cringe slightly at the feeling regardless of the way it makes heat pool in between your thighs.
The wicked grin on his face never falters, it only grows wider and more hungry when your eyes meet again, and with his staring so deep that you fear he may be collecting every ounce of your soul, you two have a silent agreement on the unnatural waves of electricity that connect you.
When his lips finally land on yours, it's the roughest and clumsiest kiss you’ve experienced. Both of you fight each other with hungry and eager tongues and the way your teeth gently knock together has your skull rattling in a way that, if you weren’t so hell bent of devouring each other whole, you’d probably have to take a breather.
Your hands reluctantly release the wrinkled fabric of his shirt, and in a desperate attempt to stay occupied, they shoot up the tangle tightly into his hair. You admit, you probably tug harsher on the strands than you probably should, but the groans he pours into your mouth, and the way his hips rock roughly into yours, has you tugging again and again.
He presses you further and further into the wall, and without thinking your hips begin to kick and tilt down until you're grinding harshly and sloppily against his tense thigh.
You let out a quiet whine that's muffled and garbled by his moving at the feeling of him pressing his thumb gently into the dip beneath your jaw, and pressing into your jugular. The sound is followed almost immediately by a small yelp when he latches his teeth to your bottom lip and gives you a stinging bite.
You’re frustrated almost immediately with the lack of friction you can feel from the layers of clothing between you, and now the slight shooting pain from the tensing skin between his teeth, you can feel the impatience in your belly crawling up and invading your chest and throat.
He’s quick to pull away when you retaliate with your own nipping bite to his top lip, your teeth still sinking down when he does and making his sting probably just as much as yours. And when he eyes you as his eyelids droop down into an accusatory squint, you assume he’s not used to getting a taste of his own medicine.
He mutters something to himself about your feistiness, and a sly comment about how he shouldn’t be surprised as he was expecting to get a handful, but he gives you no time to make a snide comment or even question about any of the words, before his fingers are closing firmly but loosely around your neck.
He keeps you rooted in the spot that you stand, the only change in your posture he allows is pulling you slightly away from the wall, just wide enough for him to slink behind you and tug you roughly back into his chest.
“You like poking around into business that isn’t yours?” he asks rhetorically as his free hand reaches around your shoulder to push past the neckline of your shirt, and right as he pressed down the center of your chest and his fingers brush the bottom of your rib cage, his fingers curl and he starts to drag his blunt nails up your sternum as he continues, “need to know and see every single little thing right? So… what’s the harm of being on the other side of it for once?”
“What are you on about?” you as sharply as you try to turn your face towards him the best you can, but his hand tilts under the bottom of your chin until your head is forced to lean on his shoulder and he’s nothing but thrilled at the way it makes you struggle.
“To be seen, or not?” he presses his lips back against the shell of your ear, and the way he whispers roughly makes you shiver again as your thighs press tightly together, “you know what I mean, and you know the answer I want, but its all up to you in the end.”
The electric and slightly humiliating buzz of being seen in a mass of bodies committing the same sins as you was something the woman in the book went on about frequently. She mentioned that there were a few times where she and her lover snuck off to get alone time of course, but the almost blinding pleasure that came from being worshiped by not only one person, but the eyes of an entire room, was addictive. And you wanted just a taste.
You grumble in response, the idea of admitting to the already confident man that you did indeed wanted the same amount of attention as he did made your chest burn even more than it already was, and you’d rather take your chance with his terrifying looking boss than to give him the satisfaction of your verbal confession.
He seems unaffected by your nonverbal confirmation, the way you press into him as his hand wraps around your waist again and creeps down to the button of your shorts, and your own hand grabbing onto the sleeve of his rolled up long sleeve shirt to guide him to undo the clasp or just dip below the waistband, is enough of an answer for him to know.
He chooses to pop the button, and once he has the zipper pulled down enough that he can work with, he begins to shove the worn denim down your hips along with your underwear until they are wrapped around your knees and he can push his fingers roughly between your thighs.
You try to clear the fog that he creates in your mind from his teasing fingers long enough to reach your free hand back to give the same treatment to the dark jeans that wrap tightly around his hips and thighs in a way that had you mentally drooling from the moment you got to get a full look at him, after he ambushed you of course.
You’re not sure how he undid your shorts so quickly without being able to see, but as you fumble and scratch your nails against the sensitive skin of his hip, you give yourself the benefit of the doubt seeing as your trying to work while his middle and ring fingers tease over your entrance and the heel of his hand presses clumsily into your neglected clit.
He, on the other hand, doesn’t give you any benefit of the doubt. He at least has the decency to press his lips across your cheekbone and temple to muffle his quiet laughs, but to make your task even more difficult, his fingers shallowly curl up into you just enough to make you twist and curl.
Once the button of his jeans finally releases, you instinctively let out a huff and sink your shoulders back into his chest as you reach past the fabric to wrap your hand around his stiff length and pull it from the confines until you can press it against his lower belly. And you get just one tally on your side of the boards you’ve created in your mind when his amused laughs devolves into pleased grunts and tilting hips.
“Please,” you start quietly, trying to rock more against the parts of his hand that press against you while running your palm up and down the length of him and smearing him with his own pre come, “I can tell you’re just as impatient as me.”
He swears in your ear, using his hold on you with both hands to shift your hips up and pull you closer before he clears his throat to speak, “well could you imagine, looks like we are a match made in heaven.”
“More like hell,” you retaliate, digging the heel of your own palm into the skin just below the tip of him to egg him on even further, “but either way, that's the point isn't it?”
“I should have expected you to be just a little bit of a smart ass,” he mutters a half hearted complaint, but he only contradicts his own words when he pushes your hips away enough for you to guide him between your thighs and to glide against the arousal that spilled from your body and his hands spread messy along any available inch of skin.
He thrusts smoothly against your back a few times, bringing his arm down to guide him towards your entrance painfully slow, but when you let out a gravely moan of his name, he cant deny himself for any longer, and he’s sinking into you until your eyes start to gently flutter.
Once he’s seated inside you, his hand tenses slightly tighter around your neck, and when you both start pushing towards each other to meet in the middle of your thrusts, his other hand takes the opportunity to map any inch of you he can reach.
He gropes almost painfully at your chest, traveling over your stomach and up your shirt to dig his fingers into your skin until you swear he’s tattooed his finger prints onto you, all while nipping and lapping at the skin of your jaw and neck.
No one immediately in front of you is watching, they’re all in their own worlds of flesh and saliva, but you can still feel eyes of someone on you. His first and foremost as they burn holes into the side of your skull and glance to watch where you push back against him desperately, but there’s another feeling you get of being seen and studied thats so intense that you’re a little shocked when you chance a glance up and see that whoever the masked person was from earlier wasn’t there at all.
So no, you have no idea who, or what is watching you right now, but you can feel the unusual heat it stirs in you as your body flutters around him as he fucks you sloppily. You feel a deeper relation to the woman that owned the book that still rests in the bag that feel unceremoniously from your shoulder when he first put his hands on you, and you hope that maybe you’ll eventually slip into the life of bliss that she meticulously wrote about and possibly learn what happened that demolished the stories that lived in the back of the journal.
You could feel the pleasure crawling up your spine like a monster out creature, your panting breaths tipping the man that works you over off to this even though you’re sure he was already aware before you were, and you think your legs are back to the edge of collapsing when his creeping fingers dance along the expanse of your stomach to find their place back between your thighs.
Your back stiffens at the first touch of his rolling finger on your clit, and your head tilts even farther back onto his shoulder than he already had it. He doesn’t seem interested in coaxing you to your finish slowly, at a pace that would have mercy on your melting mind and shaking form, but he instead abuses your clit until your whimpering out and stumbling and stepping slightly on his toes.
You feel like you’re waiting out the suspense of a horror film that’s score is too obvious to the incoming jump scare. You tilt your neck in a way that seems normal to him, but in reality your trying to feel the many rings that decorate his fingers with the delicate skin of your throat to test if any of them could possibly be sharp enough to cut you and draw blood. You know what blood means to him, and you know it's something he’ll have to do soon if he truly can feel how close you are to the edge.
You feel like you’re floundering a bit, confused from the possible deviation from the story you’ve committed to memory. Was there any chance in this world that this wasn’t your person?
You push this thought away as soon as your panicked mind can construct it though, because there’s no way the spell that it feels has been placed on you would be there if that was the truth, and your body is heated almost like a furnace, but you suddenly love the idea of being burned by him.
You pull in a gasping breath of air that pierces through the music and grunting that rattles in your ears, the taste of your orgasms dancing on the back of your tongue and your back arching so harshly you fear that one of your muscles might seize up and cramp. And right when you feel his hips start to stutter in tandem with yours, and when you’re only seconds from blabbering out mixed syllables that you could only hope would come out as a coherent question, you feel it.
His teeth latch onto you again, his canines not sharp enough to make a clean cut as they dig into the muscle of your shoulder, but his determination is strong enough.
It burns painfully, and makes hot tears well up in your eyes, but almost embarrassingly, is the exact thing that pushes you scrambling over the edge.
You feel like it hurts to breathe, your lungs so focused on letting out puffs of air and broken moans that they can't seem to remember how to bring oxygen in, and your eyes roll for a completely new reason for the man and much more painfully.
It’s when you feel him start to suck the rushing blood from your newly christened wound that you also feel the rumble of his groans against your skin and feel him start to come inside of you. His fist tightens again around your neck as he pushes aftershocks through your nerves with his own orgasm, and with flying hands you grab at both of his wrists, not to ask in any way for him to ease up, but from a sudden wash and need to hold onto him possibly until you die.
He lets you collapse to the floor once he pulls out, but he follows your sinking form and sits alongside you and partially underneath you as you both try to catch your breath.
The club scene in front of you is now blurs of flashing lights and abstract writhing forms, and if it wasn’t for the zaps of energy you feel from every brush of his finger tips, your brain would probably be too muddled to register him fixing both your clothes and his.
You become just slightly more aware when he shifts your body against him enough to grab at the strap of your bag with the heel of his shoe, and you try to sit up faster than necessary and give yourself a small head rush when he pulls it to himself and flips it open.
“You seemed a little weirdly unaffected by the whole,” he flails his hands in front of you for a second as he speaks, and your lagging mind takes a second to catch up with his attempts at implication, “not the fucking part clearly,” he teases, “but the leading up to it. The meeting part and all.”
“I know what this place is,” you admit, and if your legs had gained just a bit more strength you probably would have stood and requested a glass of water just from how gravely your voice had become, “I knew I was probably going to run into you.”
“But you weren’t looking for me,” he tries, and fails, at hiding the slight edge of offense his voice shows, “if you knew I was here why didn’t you look for me?”
“I didn’t worry about it,” you say, warming up a bit again in the fear that it may have come off slightly rude, “or, like, I mean I knew you’d be able to find me easier than I could find you. I was more interested in finding answers.”
“Answers to what? You said you knew this place, or at least what it is?”
“Well I only know the basics,” you shift in his hold, knocking his hands away as they sift through your bag, and grabbing blindly until you can pull out the book, “I found this journal and it-“
“A journal?” he asks in a volume that could have been obnoxiously loud if it weren’t for the thumping bass that shook the floor beneath you, and pulls the small book from your hands.
“It was written by a woman who came here a long time ago,” you explain, deciding to not take offense to his rough and grabbing hands, “I found it and tracked the club down, I needed to see if it was real.”
“Oh it's real alright,” he laughs as he starts to flip through the pages, stopping for a moment to smile at a simple sketch she had done of a cat that she said lived in the back alley, “hey wait I think I know this name, and these people.”
“What are you on about?” you ask with a scoff as you tug the book from his grubby fingers, “you can’t possibly know these people, this was written in like the fifties. Stop pulling my leg.”
“Oh I see,” he smacks your thigh playfully as he leans over your shoulder to glance at the first page that mentioned anything about the date, the ink clear enough to read 1953 in the swirling handwriting, “you think you know everything.”
“I do know everything, fuck you,” you glare playfully at him over your shoulder, “or I would know, if you’d let me go into that weirdo hall.”
“No hall, for now at least,” he sighs, the gears in his head turning as he thinks of the next thing to say, “but you know, time doesn’t exist the same way here, the woman who wrote this probably didn’t know that at the time, so I’m not surprised you don’t either.”
“What do you mean time doesn’t exist?” you look at him as if he’s grown a second head, but do you really have the nerve to question him like that? Considering that entire concept of the club you are very aware of its existence now, a time situation shouldn’t be the most shocking should it?
“Well, it's hard to explai-“
“Then don’t explain it,” you almost jump fully out of his lap at the deep voice that rattles above you, and both him and you look up at the figure that looms over you now.
The man is tall, his black hoodie looking weird in contrast to the clothes of the other club goers, and with a squinting observation and a familiar and annoyed sigh from the man seated behind you, you realize you’re being stared down by the mysterious entity that is the DJ, his hands shoved deep into his hoodie pocket in annoyance.
“Huh?” Ten lets out more in the form of a noise than a word, as his arms wind tightly around your form.
“I said don’t explain shit,” the man begins to tap his foot in irritation as he speaks, and you wonder if he’s aware that he’s in rhythm with the song that surrounds you, “you need to chill out with the loose tongue, its bad enough we have the big mouths outside.”
“I wasn’t gonna go that far,” Ten sounds reminiscent of a scolded toddler, and considering the man is hindering you from getting information that you wanted so badly, you can feel yourself mirroring the pout he wears, “I know what I’m doing alright man? Why are you over here anyways, shouldn’t you be at your little booth minding your business.”
“No one minds their business over at that booth, and you should know that better than anyone pervert,” the words are sharp, but the curl to his lips and the underlying playfulness to his tone tells you the likeliness of them being friends is high, “anyways, I know we don’t follow any regulations or anything here, but I’m still gonna take a fuckin’ break or two.”
“Well breaks over,” Ten reaches out a hand to playfully swat the man away, “I didn’t wait this long for you to just interrupt my bonding time with my person alright?”
“Alright, alright,” he finally starts to shuffle away, throwing one last comment about Ten being bitter his person showed up first over his shoulder with a grin.
“What a loser,” Ten starts, looking at you playfully and rolling his eyes, “too bad he’s like my best friend or whatever.”
“You seem to have a lot of fun around here don’t you?” you take a shot at voicing your observations, your heart fluttering in a completely new way at the warm smile he shoots you.
“Just wait a see, my love. Just wait and see.”
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ratmonky · 4 years
Unsafe Words
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: dubcon, mind break, obsession
AO3 Link
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Flowers were more beautiful when they first bloomed in springtime. The colors that would faint over time would be vivid and the smell they produced wasn’t like any other. Their aroma was as delicious as a luxurious perfume but yours were sweeter than all of them.
Inumaki stroked his cock with one hand and held your panties up to his nose with the other. Your smell was enough to make him feel intoxicated but inhaling it as he pleased himself made the experience even more ecstatic.
In his mind, he was fantasizing about going on a date with you, eating your favorite dessert together, and chatting about the future ahead of the two of you.
You would laugh at all the jokes he made to hear you laugh and brush your fingers on his forearm in a flirty manner, looking at him with a smile and suggest to him that the two of you get out of here and go somewhere more private. Somewhere where you could give him all your attention.
Would you take all of your clothes or would you rather have him undress you?
He knew you would actually rather want him to tear your clothes off of you.
He hadn’t seen much of your skin and the uniform you wore didn’t help his fantasies. Inumaki could only try to imagine what color your nipples were or how supple the flesh of your thighs was.
His cock twitched in his hand as he bit back a moan.
Too much.
Inumaki tightened his grip on the base, refusing to cum yet. He still had time. It would be meaningless if he came so early.
He pressed his face into your soft pillow, inhaling your faint scent. Ahh, that would be how you smelled if he were to inhale your hair?
His grip on your panties loosened and he focused his attention on your pillow as he turned around in your bed. With his face buried deep in your pillow, he reached for one of your plushies.
From the first year in the school until you became third years, he always wanted to be a little closer to you. Not like how you treated your lower classmen. He wanted more than that.
Instead of ruffling his hair and calling him a friend, he wanted you to pull his hair and make him the center of your world.
Panda and Maki had noticed the way he looked at you. They knew him as long as you did yet you were still clueless.
He hadn’t thought he would feel this way about any person at any point in his life but here he was, humping your plushie in your bed.
He wondered what would you do if you knew exactly what was going through his head during a day. Because all he could think about was bending you over the closest surface and making you moan out his name in a prayer.
When his cock twitched, warning him that he was close, he didn’t try to stop himself this time. He pushed his hips forward staggeringly as he came on the plushie with a groan, his breathing completely out of control.
He still had time, didn’t he?
By the time you came back from your shopping trip with Maki and Kugisaki, your room was as you left it, or at least you were too careless to notice your missing panties from the laundry and the icky acidic smell surrounding your plushies.
You were clueless.
So much so that it hurt him.
There wasn’t much time left until the third years graduated and left. Once the two of you graduated, you wouldn’t call him for obvious reasons. What did you have to talk with him about anyway?
All he could say was gibberish.
He hated it.
“You’re okay?” Panda noticed that he wasn’t eating.
“You sure?”
There was a moment of silence before Panda spoke again.
“You know, I heard (name) is going to move to Fukuoka once we graduate.”
He didn’t say anything.
“It’s far away from Tokyo, isn’t it?”
The day of graduation came but Inumaki didn’t make a move.
You moved away and he stayed.
Maki kept talking about your new life to Inumaki while he was unable to feel happy for you.
Years passed but Inumaki couldn’t move on.
It had been a hectic day at work and he was getting ready to take a shower when he got a call from an unknown number. This was the fifth time they were calling. He wanted to ignore it because the person on the other side wouldn’t understand him if they weren’t one of his friends but whether it be curiosity or boredom, he answered.
“Ahh, you picked up!”
Inumaki’s body froze. He felt like his limbs turned into stone.
“Hellooo? It’s Toge, right?” It was your voice.
“That was for greetings… Right? I kinda forgot about your language, haha. I’m sorry for calling you this late. Are you doing fine?”
“Salmon.” His lips were trembling. You sounded excited to talk to him.
“I see! I’m doing fine too, I moved back to Tokyo! I got a super small apartment and everything, I moved all of my furniture myself, can you believe that?”
“Tuna tuna!”
“I know right!” you laughed and let out a small sigh. “Anyway, I called to ask if you would wanna meet up? I thought we could catch up and I could show you my apartment. Maki and the others said they were free this Saturday, how about you?”
“I-... Was that too many questions? I’m sorry, I’m just excited you answered the phone.”
He opened his mouth but amongst the many things he wanted to say to you, he could only speak gibberish. He closed it again.
“Are you there?”
“Do you think you’d wanna come to my place for a reunion slash housewarming party?”
“Tuna mayo.”
“Is that a yes?” You sounded hesitant.
“Great! I’ll.. I’ll text you the address, don’t bring anything, I just wanna see you and others. It’s been so long!”
“Tuna tuna.”
“Ahh, I missed you all so much. Fukuoka was no good. I feel like I belong in Tokyo with everyone.”
He agreed yet again and silence fell. It must have been tiring to hold a conversation with him. Most people gave up after their first try, it felt too much like a one-sided conversation.
“I should go,” you said, he could hear the smile in your voice. “It was really great to hear your voice again, Toge. I hope it was the same for you.”
Yes , he thought.
“Okay… I’ll see you on Saturday, I’mma text my address to you, and please save my number! We might work together in the future, who knows!!”
“Tuna tuna!”
You hung up.
Inumaki held his phone up to his ear for a moment longer even after you ended the call. His eyes slowly landed on the tent on his pants.
You had missed him. You wanted to see him.
A second later his phone buzzed in his hand.
[New Message]
Unknown Number: [ADDRESS] i live on the fifth floor but there isn’t an elevator TwT you will have to walk up the stairs SORRY >v<
His lips curled up into a smile.
His hair took an hour to style yet it looked the same. He had even bought a new styling gel, ugh, what a waste of money.
Apart from that, Inumaki found himself in front of the apartment building, unable to push the door to get inside.
“Inumaki, great to see you again,” Fushiguro’s voice startled him.
Inumaki turned around to see the large group heading this way.
“Yeesh, did you drown yourself in body spray?” Maki covered her mouth. Kugisaki next to her laughed and continued teasing Itadori until they arrived at the building’s door.
“Ah, it’s good to see you again. When was the last time we saw each other? A year ago?” Maki walked past him and opened the door herself. “Probably,” she answered her own question.
There was some small talk going on, everyone was talking to him but his eyes were going back and forth between the presents everyone was holding. He stared at the bouquet of roses in his own hand.
“What did you buy?” Kugisaki asked Fushiguro.
“A toaster.”
“Lame.” She turned to Itadori to ask him what he bought next.
“I bought a toaster too…”
While the two boys were arguing about how one of them had to return their gifts, Maki placed a hand on Inumaki’s shoulder. “Panda’s coming too.”
Ah, his expression must have contorted into something vile. She perhaps thought he was only worried about Panda’s whereabouts.
“Which floor was it again?” Kugisaki asked no one specifically.
Inumaki held five fingers up.
“Let’s get going then!” Itadori smiled, “Feels like we’re wasting time here when we can catch up altogether.”
The trio started climbing up the stairs first, leaving Maki and Inumaki to walk behind them.
“They’re still the same, huh?”
“I heard (name) invited some people from Kyoto over as well but none of them could make it.”
When he raised a brow Maki explained further.
“Curse season in Kyoto, I think. Mai was complaining about having to work overtime and all.”
“How did she manage to choose the only damn building in Tokyo without an elevator!?” Kugisaki groaned.
Maki chuckled, “It’s barely in Tokyo, and honestly, do you think she could afford one with an elevator?”
The trio started laughing. Inumaki smiled too.
“Hey,” she said, turning back to face him. Her voice was quieter. “You smell nice and not like an animal. I can't believe you finally took a bath without anyone telling you. Wait or was it because you wanted to smell nice specifically for today? For her?”
When Inumaki blushed, she burst into laughter.
Itadori was about to ask what they were talking about back there but they had already arrived on the fifth floor.
There were four different doors but they could easily tell which one was yours from the bright colored poster you had taped on it.
“What does it say?” Kugisaki couldn’t read because Itadori and Fushiguro were trying to take pictures of it.
“Welcome back Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College graduates,” Fushiguro read out loud.
“Put some feeling to it!” Itadori whined. “There are like five exclamation marks on it, you have to read it-“
The door he was pointing at opened.
“I told you I heard them,” you said with a giggle. Panda was already inside laughing quietly. You greeted them all, smiling from ear to ear before moving away from the door to invite them inside.
The younger trio walked inside first, then Maki hugged you, said something Inumaki couldn’t hear.
His eyes were on you, admiring how gorgeous you were.
“Aren’t you coming in?” you said then noticed the flowers in his hand. "Aww, Toge, you shouldn't have."
He gave the flowers to you, his cheeks flushed faintly pink as he walked past you to enter your home.
Inside, Panda and the trio were arguing about how he had gotten there before them.
“It’s a secret!” Panda yelled.
“He came from the roof so he wouldn’t be seen,” Maki replied as she hung her coat.
Laughter filled the apartment.
Inumaki felt at home, it had been so long since he heard the lively chatter of his friends.
“I’m glad you could make it,” you said, fixing Itadori’s jacket he had left on the floor instead of hanging it like everyone else.
“Salmon.” His pulse went haywire.
“I don’t know if you like beer or cognac but we have both.” He stared at you a little longer than usual so you elaborated. “When I left my job in Fukuoka, some colleagues bought me a cognac bottle. It’s bitter but I didn’t wanna waste it.”
“Heeeeyy, (name)!” Panda yelled, “Tell the youngsters to drink apple juice or something! They’re drinking from our stuff!”
“I have more beer in the fridge!” You turned around on your heels and walked into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase, speaking louder so they could hear you through the thin wall. “Besides, aren’t they old enough to drink?!”
You peeked inside the living room to see what was happening.
Both Itadori and Kugisaki clinked their cans of beer, ignoring you while Fushiguro nodded in your direction to confirm.
“Then I don’t see the problem.” You took your place next to Maki.
Inumaki meekly walked inside, sitting between you and Panda.
“It’s nice having everyone together again.” Itadori smiled
“It really is,” you agreed. The beer tasted the best when you were with friends.
“You are so heartless, (name). You left us to move to Fukuoka.” Panda pouted as he leaned onto your shoulder, crushing Inumaki who was in the way.
“They offered me better pay.” You patted on his head, carding your fingers through his thick fur.
He leaned into your touch, humming softly. “Since you’re back here, money clearly doesn’t buy happiness.” he snickered.
“Money can buy happiness,” Kugisaki argued. “You can always buy the new fashion trends and new makeup. Don’t ever say that!”
Panda lifted his head to argue with Kugisaki while you used the opportunity to give out beer to anyone who hadn’t gotten one and you gave one to Inumaki, his fingers brushed against yours as he took it from you.
Maki gave an exaggerated sigh, “We came here to celebrate (name)’s return and her new place.” Everyone stared at her and she continued. “Let’s make sure to make her new house feel like a home.”
You listened to your friends’ cheers as they all cracked open their cans of beer, taking sips, chatting, and singing along to the faint music from the television program Panda turned on.
It would be genuinely hard to bring the gang together like this but one call from you had been enough since you were everyone’s soft spot in the group.
Years had passed.
You tried to not get lost in your thoughts and answered Maki who asked you what you were doing now that you moved here.
“Well, I couldn’t go back to working with Nanami since he finds me annoying.” You tried to humor it. “I live in a one-room apartment in the outskirts of Tokyo as you can see and work as a temporary sorcerer under someone Gojo introduced me to.”
Maki laughed, “What did you expect? Everything would be unchanged and that you’d get a job immediately?”
“I think she’s complaining about working for someone Gojo introduced her to.” Fushiguro theorized while holding his chin.
“No, she’s bummed out about living in a one-room apartment.” Itadori joined the nonsense.
“I’m just sad that I had to leave Fukuoka to live in a one-room apartment in Tokyo and work for Gojo’s friend!” you whined.
“Just like we guessed,” Maki said.
With another sigh, you rolled your eyes.
“You got yourself a boyfriend yet?” Kugisaki’s question made everyone look at you.
“I didn’t have time to find one,” you spoke behind your beer can.
“Talking about boyfriend…” Panda hummed, “Inumaki had a huuuge crush on you back when we were still students.”
“I completely forgot about that,” Maki feigned being clueless and punctuated her words by smacking a balled fist down onto her other hand. "I remember it now! How nostalgic! Inumaki always stared at you and all."
“Oh, really?” Your face softened as a faint color of pink tinted your cheeks, eyes landing on the young man who was blushing all the same. “You liked me?”
Inumaki kept nodding as if to agree with what they were saying.
“I never noticed,” Fushiguro said.
“Me neither, Inumaki is really good at hiding his feelings because he doesn’t talk much.”
“Well, that was in the past,” Kugisaki replied. “Some high school crush doesn’t last forever.”
Before anyone else could comment on the topic, Panda changed the subject, finally getting his claws on the cognac bottle to drink the last bit.
That still didn’t stop the two of you from blushing.
As the night dragged on, the chatting continued but as the time was getting late, people had to get going.
Itadori and Fushiguro left first when Sukuna’s vessel revealed to be the type who couldn’t hold his drink.
Maki and Kugisaki left together, Panda had told you that they lived together. You didn’t ask too many questions but you could tell why.
Panda took his leave right after the two girls left. He congratulated you once more before saying goodbye and leaving from where he came.
“I guess it’s only the two of us left,” you said, standing beside Inumaki after you put the presents on the kitchen counter for further inspection.
“Tuna mayo.”
“You can sit on the couch, I’ll go get some more snacks,” you informed, leaning forward starting to collect the empty beer cans but Inumaki got up to help you clean the table before finally, he slumped on the empty couch while you prepared something in the kitchen.
You entered the living room and walked around the couch to put a tray full of snacks and drinks on the low table. It was obvious he didn’t want to leave yet and you didn’t have the heart to bring up the fact that you had to get up early.
“You look different,” you said as you sat next to him, leaving a small space between. “I mean, obviously you would but unlike the others, you look more mature.”
He stared, waiting for you to continue.
“Nevermind.” Panicked, you instead reached for your beer.
Inumaki grabbed his remaining beer and chugged it until the can was empty.
Then you followed his lead to finish your own beer, once your own can was also empty, you both put the cans on the table. You felt slightly dizzy from the alcohol, you regretted drinking it too fast. You were quite lightweight after all.
You looked up at him with your cheeks tinted with a faint red from alcohol and stretched your arms. “So… you used to like me,” you said.
He clasped his chin between index finger and thumb and pretended to give the matter some serious thought. “Salmon.”
You laughed, something he hadn’t thought you would do. He hadn’t realized it until now but the two of you always had found it easy to have fun together. You were patient and you always listened to him. Always.
“I used to have a crush on you too but I didn’t think you liked me.”
Your words petrified him. The way you looked at him was indescribable, he had never thought he would see this expression on you.
You continued after a momentary silence, cheeks blushing furiously. “I mean… I don’t know, forget about it. It’s in the past. It was in the past. You liked me in the past. As Kugisaki said, a crush from high school doesn’t last forever.”
Inumaki opened his mouth to say something but he closed it when he noticed your stare at him.
“You…” you continued as Inumaki looked at you and spoke without thinking. “You still like me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a fact.
He felt a little embarrassed, he was way too nervous. You were both drunk and it was just an observation. Nonetheless, he went warm all over, eyes wide in surprise. His heart was hammering through his chest. He was sure he was going to die of a heart attack.
There was a small moment of silence before he placed his hand on top of yours. He couldn’t hide his excitement, he was here, alone with the woman he loved. He had the biggest smile on his face and he was as red as a tomato. Ah, his friends would make fun of him if they hadn’t left so early.
He was being too obvious about liking you.
“You’re too close,” you remarked with a giggle, trying to cover your embarrassment.
Everything was happening too quickly for his head to catch up. He was already embarrassed about the whole of his feelings being exposed and now when you were looking like this in front of him was off-limits.
He couldn’t hold back anymore. He finally had you back, he was too scared to let you go.
“Kiss me,” he said, startling you.
A sudden rush of shivers running down your spine left you panting and you moved forward without even wanting to. Your body was moving on its own, your lips parted and pressed against Inumaki’s.
Your pulse quickened in both panic and confusion as his lips moved against yours, hesitant yet still hungry to taste you greedily. He pushed his tongue inside, savoring your taste as your entire mouth moved without your will.
His hand moved on your neck petting the hair strands falling down to your nape. Something closer to a laugh escaped him, it was the first genuine laugh you had heard coming from him.
He pulled himself back and you finally gained back control on your own body but something still felt foreign. Your head was dizzy. “Toge,” you managed, “I think you had too much to drink.”
“Fish flakes,” he responded.
Taken aback by his remark, you were quiet for a moment before making a move to get up from the couch. “You should leave.”
All of his remaining logical thoughts jumped out of the window as he sucked the air through his teeth, making a loud whistle sound. “Don’t move.”
Your body froze on the couch in the position you were. Your face flushed red as he carefully placed a hand on your hip and he started to lean closer to your face.
You watched him tilt his head. Slowly but at the same time desperately, he moved his hand. His hand slipped under your shirt, just enough so that his fingertips brushed the skin above your abdomen, and he whispered. “(name).”
Hearing your name come out from his lips made you feel euphoric. This was the first time he called you by your name and you wanted to hear it more.
Inumaki moved closer to you with a lustful haze in his eyes. He was already breathless for finally having you this close to him.
You felt the same way, being under him made you feel like you belonged there. It all felt wrong, this wasn’t a normal day where you were feeling aroused. You were with Inumaki and he was groping your tits. You kept trying to think rationally but your mind kept telling you that this was all you needed.
Inumaki was everything you needed right now.
Inumaki stared down at you, studying every detail of your face while he balanced himself on his balled-up fist. Your eyes and your skin, your hair around your head in a halo.
His chest heaved as he struggled to handle the new sensations you were giving his body.
You stole a quick glance in his direction and squeaked in surprise when his smoldering eyes stared back. Frozen in his place, he did nothing but look down at you under him. He sighed, he was already a little tired from everything he had done today. He was also very drunk but here you both were.
Inumaki leaned in for another kiss, his hand still cupping your tit. This time, you kissed him back, realizing that you could move again. Instead of using it to your advantage to push him away, you pulled him closer.
His weight started to settle on top of you and only then you noticed something poking your groin. You broke the kiss and looked between your bodies to see him supporting an erection beneath the fabric of his pants.
Your mouth opened and you gasped.
Inumaki took the opportunity to snake his tongue down your throat once again. You started to acknowledge what he was doing. He was rocking his erection against your groin as he kissed you. Your eyes widened. You could feel everything .
Somehow that made you moan into the kiss. His cock was achingly, impossibly hard. You moved your hips to his clothed erection begging to be released.
Although none of you said anything, both of you were thinking the same thing.
I want you.
It took less than a second for him to take off his shirt and start to fiddle with his belt.
You unbuttoned your shirt before hiking your skirt up as he was hurriedly pulling his pants down. As soon as he managed to kick them off, he pulled your panties down with force.
The way he was acting so desperate to get inside you made your breath hitch.
Wrapping a hand around his cock, he looked down at you to embed this sight of you into his mind. Another thing he had never thought he would see.
He couldn’t wait any longer.
Inumaki lined himself on your entrance and snapped his hips forward. Both of you groaned for different reasons.
“Toge,” you whispered, hands reaching out to hold onto his shoulders. “Be gentle.”
He wasn’t listening. You only realized that he wasn’t listening when he pulled himself back and thrust inside your pussy mercilessly.
A moan left your lips.
His virgin cock was being squeezed by your gummy walls, there was slick blood dripping from your pussy to the couch which told him how you had been waiting for him just as he was waiting for you.
Good , he thought. I would’ve killed them if someone other than me took your innocence.
At this moment, Inumaki was happy to know that he was the only person who had been allowed to see you like this. An animalistic snarl rose up from the pit of his stomach and he started fucking you frantically into the couch.
The pain of your hymen being torn completely forgotten, you exhaled roughly, it was too much, his rough rhythm and his cock stretching you out... it made your body undeniably aroused.
You wanted more but his cock was already twitching, threatening to spill his load inside of you. He cursed internally, it was too soon. He wanted more, he wanted to treasure this moment more.
His hips slammed against yours with force, each thrust filled with desperation to hold out a little longer so he could feel your heat surrounding him.
Nevertheless, it was futile. He could never stop himself from cumming when he had been yearning to do this for so long.
Inumaki grabbed the back of your knees and pushed them down until he got you into a position where he could fuck you deeper. He still wasn’t done indulging in your pussy, not yet.
Each and every time he thrust up into you, you moaned out his name just the way he had thought you would in his fantasies.
His pace picked up speed, he was close. He wanted to tell you who you actually belonged to by being deep inside of your guts. He grabbed your hands that were trying to push him on his chest and placed them on his shoulders instead. He leaned in closer to you, giving you the chance to wrap your legs around his hips.
Now, you were shaking your hips, moving to meet his thrusts. Gradually his cock started painfully throbbing inside you when you clenched around him. You were unable to hold onto anything but him, you were moving with him on the couch with each thrust.
“Cum on my cock,” he growled, not realizing the actual power behind his words.
You could feel the toe-curling pressure of orgasm almost immediately. A gurgle forced its way up to your throat and your body started shaking again, submerged in waves of hot tremors as white pleasure building in your gut suddenly took over your senses.
Your mouth opened in a silent cry while your legs shook uncontrollably around Inumaki’s waist. Disgustingly sloppy sounds as he thrust inside of you were all you could hear. Your ears were burning while you tried desperately to hold onto something to not completely lose yourself.
Gummy walls clenching around his cock were now threatening to suck him dry. Inumaki could no longer resist your pussy, he snapped his hips forward until they were flush against yours one last time. The tip of his cock kissed your cervix thanks to his cock being buried deep inside you in this position.
Thick seed spurted out from his cock and spilled inside your fertile womb, the warmth was irresistible, you could only think about being filled with his seed.
Inumaki brushed your matted hair out of your face and leaned in for a kiss, still rocking his hips back and forth inside you. You sloppily kissed him back until he broke the kiss to admire the look on your face. You found yourself staring at the heavy droplets of sweat that had made his bangs stick clumpy on his forehead.
When he finally pulled out of you, no matter how small your couch was, Inumaki managed to cuddle with you.
As the two of you were catching your breaths you completely forgot about having to get up early tomorrow or how you were still half-dressed or how uncomfortable the couch actually was. All of those thoughts were pushed back to the furthest parts of your mind while you buried your face in Inumaki's chest, steadily noting to talk about safe words with him in the future.
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