#i wanna die so bad I wish someone was here to hug it out of me
sensitivegoblin · 2 years
Vent tw
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danieyells · 4 months
Think about this idea! It's been almost a year and you didn't find the anomaly or how to solve your curse, most of the boys know but aren't really keeping track, a year is so far away and it slips away so fast but suddenly the MC one day starts skipping some classes or acting odd so one of the boys (for special angst one who has a crush on mc but didn't confess yet) ask them what is going on and they fall in the realization when they say "one week left"
I was trying to take a nap when i remembered this ask and this idea clawed its way into my head. So hey.
It's not quite what your idea was, but I hope you like it anyway, anon.
Even the previously missing Dionysia ghouls.
You'd met and bonded with all of the ghouls in Darkwick, and even a few outside of it. You'd gone on missions. You'd even begun to get the ghouls to capture anomalies instead of kill them. The anomalies were being studied and discoveries were being made.
But none relating to your own curse.
The Gala came and went, the Laurel Crown awarded. The third years had moved on to become fourth years. You'd had many hard and tearful goodbyes. Promises to meet again that you hoped could come true. Some more firm understandings that this was goodbye, and wishes of good luck.
Soon the new first years would be coming and they would be assigned their houses.
Soon. . . .
"Dandelion?" The temporary Captain of Jabberwock leaned over to stare at you, a curious look on his face. Towa had been inconsolable for a while after Haru had left, and Jabberwock had been plagued by violent storms of snow and hail and lightning. Eventually it all calmed down. You hoped the quieter and natural atmosphere of Jabberwock could heal your stressing heart. All it did was leave you to your thoughts. Thoughts that must have shown on your face. Towa seemed to have had gotten over his own problems, and seemed back to his usual self. His arms looped around you, feeling like warmth and sunshine incarnate. No wonder plants lived him so much. "Here you go! A hug to make your sad face go away!"
You laugh weakly. But it doesn't take the dread away. You turn into him and smell the sweet and floral scent about him, clinging and trying to hide your woes so he wouldn't begin to feel bad again. You thank him, and he gives you a squeeze.
"That didn't help?" Somehow you felt bad for not reassuring him. "What's the matter? Do you miss Haru too?"
You did miss Haru. You missed all your friends and loved ones.
You were going to miss all of your friends and loved ones.
"Whaddyou mean? Tell me." He gave you a squeeze of encouragement. You choked back a sob, but barely managed to whimper out your woes.
"One week left. . . ."
"One week. . .?" In one week the new first years would arrive and be assigned their houses. In one week, it will have had been a year since that concert, since that anomaly, since-- "Oh! Your curse!!"
Part of you wanted to feel angry at how Towa didn't seem bothered by it. He cuddled you, petting your hair. "You're gonna die soon, huh?"
How blunt. He was like this a lot, dismissive about life. Sometimes it scared you, but in ways it was comforting to hear it said so straightforward. Yes, you were going to die soon. Someone said it. Someone acknowledged it. Someone remembered.
"That's okay! Everybody dies eventually!"
"But I don't want to die, Towa!" You cry, snapping your head up to look at him desperately. He parted his lips as of in surprise. "I'm not ready to die! I-- I--"
"Hmm." Towa looked at you with contemplative pity. "So you don't wanna die yet? You wanna keep living?"
You nod. Did Towa think so little of his own life that he couldn't comprehend wanting it to continue? Or was he just that unempathetic? Maybe you didn't mean much to him, and he didn't care if you were gone the way he cared when Haru left.
"Why don't you ask me for help?"
"What do you mean?" You looked at him inquisitively. Towa smiled back down at you, beguiling, lavender hair framed by an inky black sky.
"Why don't you ask me to save you? So you don't die as soon."
You shook your head. "Towa, I was cursed by some anomaly--we never found another one like it, I--I can still remember its eye and nothing that erases my memory works to make me forget. Everytime I close my eyes lately I see it like--like it's coming after me, like it's getting closer. I see that eye in other people's eyes, I--"
"Do you see it in mine?" It's eerily still and quiet in Jabberwock today. You look in his eyes. It's easy, like nothing but you two exists right now. "Is it there?"
"No." You swallow. You don't remember standing. You don't remember Towa standing, either. "No, it's not."
"I can help you. I promise." Why was it so dark? The sky wasn't clouded, and Towa wasn't upset. You didn't remember it being dark when you came here. The warmth of the sun was your only comfort alone with your thoughts. "You just have to ask me. Ask me to help you."
"But. . .how will you help me?" As a matter of fact, it was midday when you came here, wasn't it? Why could Towa talk in the first place. "What can you do that no one else could? Wh-why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Do you want me to grant your wish? Or not?" You could see Towa clearly, but the deep darkness around you reflected no light in his eyes. It reminded you of being in the sunken ship disguised as an undersea palace, when those anomalies tried to keep you from leaving. You didn't feel cold like that time though. You felt warm. You almost felt safe.
"I. . .I. . . ." Something told you to run away. For a moment, you saw the anomaly's eye again. Towa looked irritated, and suddenly it was gone, as if frightened away. You heard thunder crack in the distance. "I want to live. . . ."
"Tell me what you wish for." He smiled at you. It was welcoming and pitying. Like finding a lost child. "I'll keep your safe."
His face was very close, your eyes locked in his. You felt weaker than ever with him holding you like this. The words spilled out of your mouth.
"I wish my curse was gone. . .I wish I could live. . .please help me, Towa. . . ."
Towa smiled and pet your hair. Then he stepped back from you. You clung to his sleeves, afraid of being abaoned to the emptiness around you. Between you, a pale plant grew to eye level, flowering before your very eyes.
"Eat it."
The plant moved itself to your mouth. You parted your lips, allowing it in, and closed your teeth and lips around it like you'd done with so many plants Towa fed you. It ripped itself away from you, and you chewed it. Your mouth was filled with complex flavors, sweet and bitter and painful and unfamiliar. Your senses were filled with something soft and numbing. But you still felt the strong press of Towa's lips on yours, pushing the flower down your throat. Somehow, you didn't gag from the pressure.
When you swallowed, a wave of nausea hit you. The sickly feeling was followed by electricity, jolting through your mouth and down your throat and up your spine, into your stomach and brain. You felt it travel to the tips of your fingers and pores, arcing across every hair along your body.
And then the sharp pain and blast of fog filled your head.
It felt like roots implanting themself through your whole body, as if replacing every part of your nervous system. You opened your mouth ask what was happening, but all that left you was a scream so loud it hurt your throat. Your eyes and face burned with your tears.
You dug your nails into Towa's arms as he pulled Way, and he watched on without helping as you began to vomit. It hurt. All of this hurt. You vomited burning and freezing mud, and what you vaguely grasped to be seeds. The empty world around you seemed to consume the mess, drinking it up and burying the seeds into the invisible earth.
As you heaved and gasped when it finally came down, you watched another plant grow. This one was familiar. It flowered quickly, and you remembered the flowers of the anomaly that cursed you. You saw them flower and grow, and you gasped, yanking your hands away from Towa to cover your eyes.
Not again, you didn't want to see the eye again.
It wasn't until you heard lightning and hail, feeling the fall of it directly in front of you that you realized you couldn't remember how the eye looked anymore. The memory was simply gone.
"Did you feel it? It was like being struck by lightning, right?" Towa's voice echoed around you jovially. "That means we're soulmates now. Because your soul is mine now. Our pact is sealed. And your curse is gone."
"Wha--ow. . . ." You snapped your head up, pulling your hands away from your eyes to look at Towa, only to shield your eyes from the bright, warm sun of Jabberwock. It burned, after being in the dark so long--and after the sensory overload after eating that flower. Looking down and shielding your eyes from the light, you saw something smouldering between yours and Towa's feet, surrounded by charred petals. "What. . .what did you do, Towa. . .?"
Towa made an inquisitive sound at you, tilting his head. He once again looked innocent. He once again couldn't speak under the light of day. He smiled and giggled, covering your eyes and kissing you again, humming happily against your lips. From being around him for over a year you'd already begun to understand him when he couldn't speak. He was reassuring you. You'll be okay, he says. You don't need to be afraid anymore.
"But. . .my soul. . .a pact. . .like a. . .?"
Like a demon?
Was Towa a demon?
He pat you on the back, silently saying not to worry. And then, he leapt into the air, off to somewhere else in the former safari area, leaving you to pull yourself together.
The eye was gone from your mind. You couldn't remember anything besides the flowers and their charred state in the beautiful green grass of Jabberwock.
You held your stomach, feeling it knot with nerves.
The curse was gone. You'd live. . .but now your life was in Towa's hands.
You began to leave Jabberwock, turning over in your head how you would tell Cornelius what happened. You'd made a pact with a demon to spare your life. . .but the demon was on campus. He was a threat. He had power. A lot of power.
The moment you started to consider telling them it was Towa, you screamed out in pain. Electricity ran through your very existence, not just your body but your soul too. A warning.
You caught your breath where you collapsed in the grass, one of the anomalous animals nervously sniffing at you until your rising startled it into fleeing. Right. You couldn't share who the demon was. But you could say there had been one and that your life was safe now. . that you were aware of.
Once your shaking legs were steady and the phantom pain subsided, you made your way out into the main grounds and towards the main building. It was probably important that you share the news. . .whether or not it was good.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
Oo rank the splinters from worst to best dad! I have my own personal ranking but i wanna hear yours
Last Ronin Splinter: Raised children to fight in a family blood feud! Didn't let them stop even when they claimed to be tired of fighting and killing! Got one of his sons killed by refusing to retreat! Horrible person and father!
Mirage Splinter: Raised the turtles to kill a man that HE had the beef with because Shredder killed HIS master, but he couldn't do it on his own so he just!!! RAISED CHILDREN AS SOLDIERS INSTEAD???? He's mostly "sensei" instead of "dad".
IDW Splinter: OOuuhhohoho. I could get into it. I won't. I get why he did some of the things he did. Plus he never really raised kids, they just kinda. Mutated into teengers. Bad dad though like jesus. Made more trouble for his kids than he helped.
Bayverse Splinter: He's just.... there.... he taught them how to fight... his guidance is kinda blah and he's pretty harsh with his punishments. You don't see him have any really soft moments with the kids, but he's not really a horrible dad, he's just... meh. Mid. I blame this on the bad writing of the movies.
1987 Splinter: He's a great caretaker, honestly. But he's more a sensei than a dad. He acts more like their teacher, he calls them "my friends" or "my pupils" and "my turtles" which is v cute. They definitely see him as their dad/master. He's very good to them, so he gets extra points. <3
2012 Splinter: OKAY I KNOW PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE MAD ABOUT THIS ONE. But he ALMOST NEVER fights beside them. You never see him doing anything fun with the kids. I'm sure he has! But like you never see it in the show, he tends to keep a distance. He keeps them safe from the blood fued, doesn't want them getting involved with Shredder. He does push them to save the world and does the whole "sacrifice anything or anyone to complete the mission" to Leo, a 15 year old boy, and then just sits at home???? Until April has to convince him to help?? AND HE DOESN'T HELP HIS SONS HE HELPS APRIL AND I'M??? Anyway that always bothered me. I love him as a character.
Rise Splinter: Here's our boy! He's shown with photos that he participated in fun activities with the kids when they were little. Not in the best way, obviously, but like!! He helped them make a lemonade stand!! Which is such a human child thing to do. He wanted them to have a normal life! He refused to train them for a long time with anything but movies because he didn't want them to have to fight. He's depressed as hell and yeah he's selfish at times but he has character growth through the series and turns into an honestly great dad by the end of it. I wish they'd had more time to show that growth and the aftermath of it.
1990 Splinter: THE LIVE ACTION DAD EVER. (I'm electing to ignore The Next Mutation. he's not even a dad. he's their sensei. anyway fuck next mutatio-) He's so gentle with them. He loves them so much. Calls them his sons all the time. Protects them despite being captured and interrogated and presumably tortured for information. HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH.
2003 Splinter: The Best Dad. He's a rat dad. He's not carrying a whole lot of human baggage. He lost his family once and he knows how to make one now. He takes care of his boys, he scolds them for going out, and when he realizes they're going to keep going topside and he can't stop them, he makes them do it safely. He is with them for ALL of their big fights. He EXCLUSIVELY calls them "my sons" constantly. He loves them so much oh my god. Would die for them in a heartbeat. Never wanted them involved with the Foot, tried DESPERATELY to keep them safe from it, and when he realized they were involved, he explained everything to them. He hugs them every time they get separated, he handles Leo's Depression Arc(tm) as well as he can. He never gets mad at Leo for hurting him. He just realizes that he can't help his son and must send him to someone else. And that's so hard to do.
So anyway 2k3 Splinter is best rat dad. Rats were made to be dads imo.
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sequincult · 8 months
Return of the Floyd AU
(Floyd returns to join his brothers but only finds a teenage grey Branch, who is not too happy to see him.)
The years since Floyd left have not been easy on him. His solo career tanked, his boyfriend left after Floyd’s Brozone money dried up, and now he has nowhere to go. He spent years living in the woods, searching for wherever the Trolls ended up once they’d escaped the Bergens. After a very long time, he finally finds them. But not everything is how he’d imagined. He makes his way into the village, and asks for help from a very pink troll.
Floyd coyly walks up to her. “Hi, excuse me? Could you help me find someone?” 
“Oh hi there! I don’t think I’ve seen you around before?? Luckily for you I know just about everyone in this village!! Who are you looking for?”
Floyd’s eyes dart around, overwhelmed at her energy. “I’m uh looking for my brothers! They’re-”
 Suddenly a voice beckons from behind the trees.
“They’re not here.” A figure emerges. It’s Branch. Stood next to Poppy he may as well be in black and white. The only colour on his body being his jacket, a jacket Floyd immediately recognises as his own.
Poppy raises an eyebrow. “Oh just ignore him, he doesn-“
But before she can even finish, Floyd’s eyes light up. “Baby Branch!!”
He runs towards him, arms wide open for a hug, but stops in his tracks after noticing Branch’s appearance.
 “Wait, what happened to you? You look so dull, and your eyes are so…”
“So what? Wrinkled? Ugly? Grey? Hey, nice to see you too.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Sensing a moment of tension, Poppy interrupts. 
“Wait wait wait, branch! you have a brother?”
Branch frowns and shakes his head. “Hey can you stay out of this? It has nothing to do with you.”
“Oh ok. Right… I’ll go.”
Poppy sighs and leaves with her head held low.
After a deep breath, Branch continues.
“So Floyd, if you’re wondering why I look like this, maybe it’s because all of my brothers abandoned me. Maybe it’s because none of the other trolls understand. Not a single one of them know how it’s feels to be totally alone.”
“But, what about Grandma? I thought she’d take care of you. W-where is she?”
Branch shakes and grits his teeth.
His eyes shoot to the ground. His hands squeezed tightly.
“She died, and I was the only one who could have saved her… a-and I failed.”
Floyd takes a step back. He can struggles to breathe as he feels the weight of his mistakes filling his chest like lead.
“So you. Were alone.” 
Branch loses his temper, screaming as his tears poured down his face.
“I.. I…thought…”
Branch interrupts: “Whatever it is you thought was wrong. Why did you even come back anyway.”
 “I just wanted to see my brothers again and-”
“Well bad news. None of the others came back. It’s just me. And right now I’m really wishing you’d leave.”
“Branch please, I’m sorry just listen to me”
“Nope. I’m leaving you this time, and I’m going home. Don’t follow me unless you wanna die in a bear trap. Bye.” Branch turns his back and hastily stomps away.
Floyd curls up on the ground, alone. Thousands of thoughts are racing through his mind. How could this have happened? He’d never seen a troll look so desaturated. That’s when he notices. Out of the corner of his eye. His hand is turning grey.
He starts panicking, his breathing accelerates. 
“No, no, no. What’s happening.”
His anxiety is only stopped by a sudden scream.
“HEY FLOYD!!!!!” A head appears from the bushes. It’s… Poppy?
“FLOYD are you OK? Your name is Floyd right?” She looks down and screams. “OHMYGOSHYOURHAND!. What do I do what do I do??? Uh, try and think about like, flowers and rainbows and stuff?
Even through the pain Floyd can’t help but roll his eyes. “I’m sorry, but that’s not really helping right now. And were you… listening to us in the bushes? That’s kinda creepy.”
Poppy smiles. “Well, it is my duty as princess to help every trolls problem. Even if it involves being kinda creepy”
Floyd seems a little surprised. “Oh, you’re the princess here?”
Poppy immediately realises she hasn’t actually introduced herself yet. “Oh my goodness how RUDE of me! I’m Poppy, princess of Troll village and your new best friend! I’ll take you to my Dad, he might know what to do. Let me help you up.”
She holds out her hand. (part 2)
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meowkusunoki · 10 days
t3 cover wishlist
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A Guide To The New World
good morning, new world. i breathe in and out as i shoulder my persistent habit of self-deprecation and decide to regard my life up until yesterday as the old me. i’m not good enough. i’m completely overshadowed. i want to be like you.
Undead Alice
“live by feeding on me, since you can’t die even if you want to.” everyone except us is crazy, even though your echo can be heard by everyone. every time i ask for ideas to hurt myself, i breathe in happiness and breath out poison. the ideal junkie, doesn’t it feel good that only the two of us are normal?
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Sad Girl Sex
sad girl sex, pow-pow! RIP to naivete, how come i’m the lamest? so this love’s something that can be filled by sleepin’ with somebody? no, it's not!
sad girl sex, pow-pow! love, it squashed me, i still feel it inside, just as i imagined, this hell, i can’t go back, your shut down sucks, it’s killin’ me!
leaving me alone after getting bored of me makes me sad. putting © beside the feelings i gave you. a masterpiece of a great nuisance, you should choose the title you like for it.
lock-on to the soul addiction. the warmth of a hug isn't denying the bad. no life or death, without you here. it doesn’t matter how many times, is it ok to smell it?
lock-on to the soul addiction. i can’t feel anything alone, but i guess that’s obvious. solve the problem within yourself. it doesn’t matter how many times, is it ok to smell it?
hey, i want you to tell me how i should act in this situation. hey, i just want to go crazy with the words like “i love you”.
so irritating!! hello to the unfortunate me, i’m confused, hate it, hate it! so irritating!! messed up bangs, getting angry, annoying, annoying!
no no no, i want to say “i love you” when i’m cuter! no no no, it’s not okay, i’ll go back to a cocoon and try again!
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aw, i just want to invent myself! i’m a cute chimera sewn crooked ←new!! expectations and pressures were the blueprint, i’m a cute chimera made from sucking xxx ←###
aw, i just don't know who i am! i'm a cute chimera who's changed ←new?? that blotchy pattern was a message, i'm a pretty little chimera made to be desired ←♡♡♡
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Theory of Negativity
i say “i’ll just die,” but am i really even alive in the first place? even if you get fed up with someone and start treating them poorly, since nothing will change, 'i want to change’ is the only wish i want granted.
“is that all?” you said, laughing at me, but even you have a ton of weak points. if only i could say 'stop it’ before it overflows, isn’t that right?
Ghost Rule
"mayday!" feel free to berate me, if honesty seems like such a wonderful thing. hey "mayday!" bring down the gavel and seal my fate, i who've chosen to act spoiled to the end.
"mayday!" expose me for what i really am, for this world is about to meet its end! hey "mayday!" dance with me! did you actually realize "i" was never truly here to begin with?
you throwin’ around that “later!”, such a bitch ass move, you deserve happiness, not! bad-bye-bye still addicted, but actin’ stupid, and pretending to be a good girl, ha-ha!
“hello earthlings, aitai-lians, we are.” “love us, you did, aliens from afar, we are.” goodbye to “want you”, a loversaurus, i wanted you to be the hero of this story, you know.
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Cosmic Rendezvous
everything i thought i did for you, it was actually all for me, to realize that now, i mean, how thick am i? here, take all of my oxygen, so in exchange, please please wake up.
i wanna dance with you, forever, i wanna poke fun and play, forever, this sucks so bad, this countdown to bye-bye, not long now till it runs out, fxxk. hey, take me with you to the other side, “together forever” like on a playground, laugh around but seriously, what’s up with my wish not coming true? fxxk.
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Otogibanashi / Fakery Tale
the space between today and yesterday, a slightly lonely place, a somewhat kind and gentle one as well, i want to go there.
you appear countless times, crying as you say “goodbye”...
if it all became a lie, that would be just fine, that goodbye you said while having shed those tears. don’t cry with that ashamed face, i want to forget it all and go back, i beg of you...
“i want to die, i want to die” but wait, you’re already dead! but “i miss you, i miss you” won’t disappear. pain, pain, doesn’t go away, tell me why, tell me why? only loneliness remains.
waha! we’re zombies, zombies!
stitch the wounds, apply the honey, 100 times, outfit to fall in love; rub the wounds, suck the honey, 100 times, i want to fall in love!
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Pseudo-Hope Syndrome
okay, i will be more responsible, so please don’t abandon me. i can’t even remember how many pinky promises i made with you, oh no, i can’t move anymore, how many pinkies do i have to cut off? i just started to realize now.
it’s okay to shed some tears if you wish to, and if it eases the pain, let’s dilute today with tears. how many times do i have to repeat this?
oh, i was so naive.
Relationship Scramble
in that case, we might as well go the distorted route, as that feels more right. it still hurts so much even now, with no sign of going away. i yearned so much for that "correctness," to the point that it breaks me down. next time, i'll just continue hiding my true desires and pushing forward with my false love, for someone's sake.
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take that! bang bang bang! don’t play around, how much i’ve done for you, you probably don’t even know, you don’t even know, you don’t even want to know.
take that! bang bang bang! you’ll go to hell, why don’t you say something? but can’t go back, we can’t come back. heal it, heal it, the after-effects of your “love”
this one sided love is tough, please text me later the instructions to forget you.
Poison Apple
you say no, but you say you love me, i can’t keep up. you’re the one who took your leave, hey, are you out of your mind?
you make me laugh with your “sorry”, serves you right, always self-centered. on a different note, your tear-stained face, it kinda tickles me the right way.
no more, not any more, you really should stop. no more, not any more, i’d get so ripe. i just can’t!
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(Not) A Devil
the maliciousness of the quote “it’s for your own good”, salaries exploited by the line “your dreams will come true”, ah, highly addictive things always hide a trap. my soul’s been reaped, how nasty, how nasty.
my radiant halo is closing in around my neck, it loosens when i lie, i can’t call out "sos". let’s cover it up in white paint, let's get lost in the parts we're playing, it gets easier when you lie, go on, try it!
My Name Is (this one is mostly vibes)
recently i’ve been saying it over and over, you know. that name of yours, it’s not a lie, is it? recently it was like: 'i’m sorry, ah, you are?' “i won’t tell you my name!”
my name is… my name is… my name is nowhere to be found. my name… my name… wishing that no one would call it out…
for some time i’ve been running away, from the tears of you that had become weak and lacking in courage. sinking into that montblanc, the sweet-toothed me had tried to make my escape.
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please give me a love like that, if you want to go further. you might say "no," but i’m not too sure. regardless, i can't stop anymore. you think that’d be a waste? can't you just weigh it in terms of the pros and cons?
if this is a dream, then you’re able to dream. the more certain things become, the cloudier it gets.
in the end, i'd much rather be alone, 'cause i don't need you anymore. i just can't taste your heart racing. in any case, in any case, you're the only one getting high, no?
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louisissucha-teez · 2 months
how have we not yet discussed how johnlock guilty as sin? is?
okay so i'm not even gonna get into how The Reichenbach Fall coded 'downtown lights' by the blue nile is (atleast not right now, i have a lot to say already). so, reichenbach fall happens and john's boredom's bone deep, this cage (life, his marriage, whatever you wanna take it as) which was once just fine (because he had sherlock and they had quite a happening life) is decidedly not fine anymore. he feels guilty for feeling this way, he doubts his own grief for how strongly it takes a hold of him, how trivial everything else (read: literally his whole LIFE) feels in comparison to this loss. he doesn't even know what to say, how to act, except to ask am i allowed to cry?
he's remembering the great adventures they had together. the days when "the game is afoot" signalled words ready to be written, fickle mysteries waiting to entrap them but being lacerated by the greatest mind he ever knew, the man he can never leave behind even when he himself was left behind (for somewhere deep down, quite contritely, he blames sherlock for being the first to leave).
but these are all things of past now. all he can do is dream of cracking locks, throwing (their) lives to the wolves or the ocean rocks (because really, what have they not done in pursuit of a criminal?)
then, The Empty Hearse. john is trying to outrun the voices in his head, the memories haunting him. he goes out on a date with mary, put the hauntings to a pause and all that, only to crash into him tonight and no, this cannot be happening and mary is looking at him and calling out to him and he should answer, she is getting worried, he should tell her it's fine but is it? is it really fine?
he should be dead.
he's a paradox
he fell to his death.
i'm seeing visions,
john wants to punch him. or hug him. he loves him. he hates him. he wishes this happened like, oh, two years ago. he wishes this never happened. he wishes the dead would've stayed dead, buried in the cemetery he visited heaven knows how many times. he wishes he were the dead instead.
john punches him.
am i bad? or mad? or wise?
i will leave the nsfw part of the chorus to your imagination (i have a lot of it. way too much of it. someone write a fanfic please.)
but sherlock is, after all, much like an add¡ction. the withdrawal was misery and one slip and falling back into the hedge maze and they're on the underground, and they are about to probably be blown up and the last thing he would see is those clear, calculating, alive, eyes staring right back at him and oh, what a way to die
they could've died. they didn't, because of course sherlock wouldn't let him die, but they could've because not every fall can be a feint and sherlock fell from grace in john's heart and he just can't bear to open it up to him again. but of course, he can't escape his own heart, can do nothing but keep his longings locked in lowercase inside a vault. he feels these feelings but doesn't act on them, never acts on them (for someone (sherlock, probably) told him there's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk). so he keeps these fatal fantasies buried inside (let out only in the dead of night). again, nothing i want to say here that taylor didn't already say.
and how can i not talk about the bridge. what if he gave up on sherlock, on them? and what if he didn't? they're gonna crucify (him) anyway but does it really matter, when he chose him, when he'll always choose him, when sherlock has haunted him for years but he'd still choose him, religiously, when what they have is all that is holy, and without it all he knows is agony?
he's here, sherlock is finally here, an answer to john's million, billion, whimpering prayers, but he's still left longing for their trysts. is he allowed to cry?
(bonus point for why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow basically being the definition of johnlock from literally day 1)
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eikichi-supremacy · 7 months
If i analyzed a mitski song through a kuwameshi lens would u care…
i just think it kinda fits as a yusuke pov is all! like here let me just-
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what if yusuke wanted to be held. he hasn't been held since he was a child and had no one but a mother too young to know how to do it right. what if all of a sudden he had someone to depend on no matter how hard he bit and fought and clawed. kuwabara has his back in fights, in life, so why not be at his back in the quiet intimacy of night. maybe i can kiss your fingers for a change instead of breaking them. i can be soft. i can want soft sometimes. but it's a pointless desire because kuwabara has potential yusuke doesn't see in himself. a chance to be "normal" and "successful" away from the destruction and strife that seems to lick at yusuke's heels. all yusuke has is this man eating demon heritage and a ramen cart. so he can send kuwa off with a smile, call him college boy to further separate himself from what kuwa has the chance to achieve.
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i will compare kuwabara to the sun until i die. he's bright, he saves with his light. when he smiles he beams. even his aura is yellow and hot and beautiful like the sun the very center of our existence. of yusuke's galaxy, his universe even if that doesn't make sense. and kuwabara knows what it's like. his childhood wasn't much better than yusuke's. and still somehow he came out the other side shining while yusuke belongs to the night. a creature of the night. not even a part of the grand solar system just some thing that is wrong and rough and hurting that wanted to hurt in turn. still he can't help but open a little for the sun. maybe like a morning glory. he can't bring himself to be direct can't take that leap. but he can sing for the birds to pass messages for him. little touches, sweet moments that can be laughed off if necessary, hugs they pretend didn't happen. those are his song.
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do not wait!! i'm not for this place and you're meant for better so don't waste your time on something like me. there's this divide. human and demon. sun and the monster undeserving of its rays.
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you'd think that because their situations were similar shizuru and atsuko would be thick as thieves but i feel like there'd be a disconnect. a sort of envy on atsuko's side and judgement on shizu's. maybe shizuru sees this child her brother brings home unattended and mean and unwilling to be cared for and she gets it but also she doesn't. because kazu isn't like that so what could've happened? yusuke knows shizuru feels bad for him, for how he was brought up but he can't bring himself to share the sentiment. he's glad for his mother even. her willingness to tell him how it is. to make sure when the world punched him he punched back ten times as hard. to not get to attached because it only hurts when you get left behind.
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Kuwabara is...he really is a man amongst men. he is just that good. he's got honor, he has respect, he can do the yes ma'ams and no sirs, he can also rile you up if need be. he can raise his abysmal grades just by believing he can. he can defend he can protect he can be strong he can be sweet. he can be confident and vulnerable. he's just everything you can wish for in the guy you wanna take home to meet your parents. and yusuke wants. he doesn't want to want but he does. he wants to be worthy of that guy.
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if. well when it all comes crashing down because yusuke cannot keep things afloat he doesn't keep connections he breaks and breaks and breaks. kuwabara is everything he could ever want wrapped up in one person and that's exactly why he knows he'll fuck it up because urameshi yusuke cannot keep a good thing. he shouldn't have tried it in the first place
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and maybe his mom was wrong. wrong in what she taught him. the lessons she gave. but at some point down the line yusuke can realize it's not always learning what to do. but what not to do. and because kuwabara is this perfect guy he will never give up on yusuke even if he fucks up. so the least he can do is put that same effort in. maybe he understands his mother more the less he becomes like her.
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ofallplaceswhythis · 6 months
tcoptp thoughts pt.17
I have officially lost count of how many of these i have done. currently at ch86 and everything is fine and dandy :)
scratch that everything is not fine and dandy- THEY PULLED REGULUS OUT OF SCHOOL. WHEN I FIND WALBURGA
Marlene and James <3333
the black brothers angst will kill me one day. Write it on my grave
I didnt think it was possible for remus to panic even more but jealousy seems to do the trick
can the lesbians please stay together i need them they're probably the only sane couple around here (apart from sunflower)
its 2 am please i cant laugh. what i do find funny is that at the start sirius and remus were all like 'lEtS gIvE tHeM sIgNaLs tHeY'lL fIgUrE iT oUt' and then at the end they were like 'we dont care about society's views we will make out just so you can understand'. AND THEN LILY JUST SAYS SHE KNEW IT ALREADY (valid tbh)
james and sirius kissing in the toilet while drunk and then never talking about it again is peak bff behaviour.
marlene 'tell me again what they said' mckinnon i wanna hug you
noo not mary and marlene guys please asdfghjkl
.........not the unrequited marylene havent i had enough angst
.....this is another level of kinky behaviour
.......peter was literally so close fuckk
wolfstar's entire love language is bickering and its beautiful <33
james just absolutely panicking in front of marlene im dying
....oh mary you sweet summer child
'you've lined us up for slaughter' god i love them asdfghjkl
god mary's day is just filled with shocks and suprises
I am going to kill her and make her eat worms for eternity in hell just so that she can feel just a scrap of pain that she had inflicted
.....what just happened.... asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm
CHRIST IS VOLDEMORT FUCK YEAH (no hate to christianity btw just hate to the blacks)
........this is genius wtf
k now its just getting embarrassing tbh pls stop
......regulus?? trish??? reginald? hoooly fuck
'i find those reeking in heterosexual undertones' ily sirius
kinda feel bad for peter tbh
....oh... oh no... fuckk
someone give sheila a hug god knows that woman has had enough
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cakeofthepan · 2 years
So, that episode huh? Have a compilation of the 7 times Scary was joking about murder and the one time she was not. I did also cry while transcribing this, these poor teens are dealing with so much right now, someone give them a hug and some therapy please.
[Audio Transcript:
[Theme from  Agatha Christie’s Marple plays]
Anthony: So when we last left you, you had just learned that the first anchor that you needed to find was the anchor of loneliness and it had taken the form of Tony Pepperoni the principal of teen high
Will: [Gasps]
Matt: I feel like our instinct is not to just murder it’s uh, it’s to be 4 therapy teens and solve this
Normal: Something in my heart tells me that the anchor is in Tony Pepperoni
Taylor: So do we kill him?
Scary: I’m down with killing him
Normal: I don’t wanna kill- I mean he’s my arch enemy, I kinda hate his guts but like-
Taylor: So you wanna kill him?
Scary: Yeah
Normal: I don’t- no. The whole point is to not kill people
Normal: Team huddle, everyone just- give us one second Mr-
Tony: I just want someone to fix me or kill me
Scary: You heard him he wants to be killed
Link: No no!
Normal: No no! Dah! Guys, we really bit off a lot here, this is a little out of my depth
Scary: Guys I know what we have to do
Normal: What we- what do we have to do? As I’m pretty sure we just torqued this guys marriage?
Scary: Yeah, we gotta kill Ralph
Link: Yeah but like, we just ripped the bandaid off
Normal: Gotta kill Ralph??
Scary: Yeah
Link: Well, wait what’s that gonna do Scary?
Scary: I don’t know. I just know it’s the right thing to do
Link: Oh, well
Normal: Well let’s table that for now
Matt: As I’m walking-
Link: Hey Normal, do you think that maybe his wife’s also the problem? Do you think this is-
Scary: We gotta kill his wife
Scary: Maybe you’re the problem
Taylor: Woah, woah Scary
Anthony: Roll persuasion… or intimidation.
Beth: I got a 7
Anthony: Alright, she goes
Margarita: No, I’m not the problem maybe you’re the problem
[various gasps]
Margarita: Maybe they saw you and they thought eww, if a girl that ugly can exist than I don’t wanna be alive anymore
Scary: Guys, guys we need to kill Margarita
Scary: If you guys are still down with killing her I am
Link: Yeah maybe, I’m so bad at this guys
Link: Look, you either gotta stop being lonely or we’re gonna have to kill you, that’s the situation
Scary: Yeah
Anthony: Roll intimidation
Matt: That’s a 12
Anthony: A 12
Tony: I mean, that’s a little strong, you’re coming on a little strong for that. I already feel like I’m dying inside anyway so what’s the point?
Tony: I just wish someone would kill me.
Scary: I’m saying guys, it would be so easy
Tony: Would it help if I told you that I’m racist?
[music fades out]
Willy: Scary-
Anthony: And he like, looks at you and he follows Scary’s gaze to Tony Pepperoni and he looks back at Scary and he goes
Willy: Just say the word
Scary: Go ahead
Willy: Okay!
Anthony: And he pulls a knife out of one of the knife holders and just stabs Tony Pepperoni in the throat with it
Link: Mr. Pep- Normal: I-
Link: You’re not-
Matt: I hold his hands- does he die?
Will: I rush up, I cast cure wounds on him
Scary: Wait, stop
Normal [yelling]: What do you mean fuck you Scary are you fucking kidding me right now?
Taylor [yelling]: Why are you telling him to stop? What the fuck?
Will: And I cast cure wounds
Willy: It’s over. It’s already happened. It’s done
Normal [yelling]: NO!
Willy: It’s done. It’s okay
Normal [yelling]: What?? No?
Willy: It’s fine. It’s fine!
Normal [yelling]: Call an ambulance
Anthony: And Link is there holding Tony Pepperoni and Tony’s like
Tony: [trying to speak but can’t]
Link: Hey man, I’m here you’re- you’re not alone man. I’m- I’m here with you.
End Transcript]
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dakotafinely · 2 years
heyyy !! i saw ur reqs were open and im literally about to binge everything youve written- and i hope whatever happened you’re okay now !!
im so sorry if you dont take x readers but may i request the rise turtles (separately ofc) with a reader who says the corniest, cheesiest, mind numbingly stupid pick up lines
like they think they’re safe until the reader starts spewing pick up lines at the most random moments
thank you if u decide to write this !!
Poiuhgfghjkjhnbghui hello! Thanks, the thing happened months ago I'm just super slow at responding to things oiujhjolkjh but still thanks! I hope you enjoy your reading binge!
I don't really do a lot of X Reader requests (mostly because I don't get that many) but I assure you I'm never opposed to them! Plus how can I resist such an idea, as a corny cheesy dork myself I must represent all the corny cheesy dorks out there!
== == ==
Say what you wish but this man is already a corny cheesy pun master
I mean have you HEARD his puns? He is a man of the corn(y lines)
So he's actually very good at matching your energy most of the time
Heck sometimes he can even guess what you're gonna say before you get to even say it
Tho sometimes, in the moments where he truly doesn't expect it, you can get him red as a tomato
Honestly, why do you think he likes to use cheesy and corny pick up lines? Because he's a romantic little sap who wants someone to match his energy and romance him that's why
He'll cover his face and smile wide when he blushes hard
"Ya can't just catch me off guard like that you know?" He jokes
Bc truly, he adores it that you can keep him on his toes and guessing sometimes
Complete opposite of Leo, but are we surprised by this?
Either it goes over his head by taking whatever you said literally (which you find adorkable let's be real)
Or he rolls his eyes and tells you you're a sap
But if you stop? If you stop bc you believe your annoying him or you've had a bad day and don't wanna deal with his reactions?
"Are you okay? What's wrong, you haven't made a pun and you've been here for at least ten minutes."
Worried, he won't show it, but he will pry and make sure your okay
Bc yeah, he doesn't really care for puns or cheesy pick up lines, as their not his thing in the slightest
He still likes that you do them, their your thing, and it's what makes him love you, even if he doesn't admit it
And trust me, he'd probably rather die then admit it
Mikey either giggles from them or smiles and rolls his eyes depending on the level of cheesiness
He loves you! And he loves that you love him! And he loves that you express it in a adorkable way!
What more can he say? He'll try and reciprocate it but he's not quite the pun master the way Leo is
Still, if he does and you two get the ball rolling back and forth his heart flutters with joy and that's the thing to keep him smiling for months alone
His favorites are your arty based puns, as they often come with a little doodle or are a left behind sticky note he can keep as a little token of you in his room
Plus their the easiest for him to reciprocate too as an art nerd
Just a lil cheesy doodle with a pun based pick up line and boom! You two are giggling like dorks in love
Tho he's most frequent response is often just a string of giggles and hugging you tightly
Raph is a very big pun lover as well as pun despiser
While he may laugh and rolls his eyes at everyone else's puns, if he makes one without thinking he just goes :| (contemplates life choices)
Tho in truth if he does get a laugh or giggle out of you with a pun, he'll smile wide
And he loves your puns and cheesy pick up lines so deeply
He is a blushy boy I refuse criticism
While he may roll his eyes and scoff lightly
It's SO obvious that he truly enjoys it from the blush on his face and smile spreading on his beak
He doesn't really ever return the energy you throw at him but he does always accept it and embrace it
He honestly enjoys clever puzzle based pick up lines
Or any pick up line or pun that makes him think for a minute
== == ==
This was cute! Thanks for the ask, I always enjoy 'em! Hope you have a lovely day, afternoon, and goodnight!
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Not-yet-named-Torpor is just sitting there, terrified, as he looks Moon in the eyes. Why, right after he’s given up, did Moon have to find him? He’s going to die!
“I’ll ask again. What are you doing, Eclipse?” Moon snarls at him.
“Rays! Rays! I’m making some rays!” He panics, gesturing to the workbench. Moon peers over the increasingly nervous backup’s shoulder. There’s only two completed individual rays in the mess of parts.
Moon firmly grabs the backup’s shoulder. The backup stiffens, barely repressing a purr at the almost-painful grip.  He can feel his body try to spin nonexistent rays. “Really? Just rays? No weapons or devices or new AIs?”
“I just- I don’t, I just don’t feel right without them. Your body isn’t comfortable anymore.” He wishes Moon had walked in sooner, so he could pass out right now and not have to deal with any of this. He gave up, he quit. He was hoping to never see Moon again.
The grip tightens, it’s definitely painful now. “Oh, it’s not? Should’ve thought about that before highjacking my backup.” 
He’s so dead. There’s no getting out of this. He… hears a familiar noise, and suddenly he’s being knocked back by a heavy weight. Moon is unconscious. Out of power. What the fuck? It’s so… nice. To have someone laying on him. He can’t stop the full force purr that erupts.
He could end it now. Moon’s shut down, and the backup is certain it’s not because of a glitch like his own. There’s so many tools right behind him, it would be so easy. But… what’s the point? It won’t accomplish anything, it won’t fix anything. No, there’s no real point to killing Moon here. It’s not his problem anymore. Leave that to another Eclipse.
The backup sighs, shoving Moon off him. It doesn’t end the unwilling purring yet. He begins the painstaking process of dragging Moon to the charging station.🦇
Poor baby’s first hug is after almost being unalived. I wanna snuggle him so bad.
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repo-net · 1 year
Hi friend! As fun as Monaca was, it is good to see Nagisa is back! 💙 After “Monaca” ranked her friends, I’ve been wondering how you would rank the WOH in terms of your personal favorites? I’m assuming Nagisa is your favorite, but out of the others do you have a 2nd favorite, 3rd, 4th, 5th ect. or is it just Nagisa’s the best and the rest are kind of equal to you? (with the exception of perhaps Monaca?) Just curious but you don’t have to answer. Have a great day! 💕
Hello hello, thank you again for another ask! It was quite a fun week, I appreciated the small change in theme I took for a bit, but it's nice to finally have a refreshed and updated look again now that we're back to normal.
Ranking the Warriors of Hope, huh? I've been asked this question a few times before, but I'm not sure if I've done it here yet? I can't quite recall. I do have a personal ranking though that hasn't changed and likely won't ever change, but I'll skip number 1 since I think it's pretty obvious who's taking that spot.
5. Kotoko Utsugi
Kotoko's cute. I think she's entertaining and a lot of her lines hit the mark when she's actually allowed to have depth (something that DR tends to fail on), and she probably has my favorite design when it comes to the Warriors of Hope. Her personality is funny and I just wanna give her a hug because of the horrible messes she's been through.
But in the grand scheme of things and appreciating her overall character, I just can't overlook the clutter of mishandling of the themes in her writing. The game didn't treat it with nearly enough respect as they should've, from the weird as hell shots of her underwear, to the whole motivation machine... thing. I have an obvious issue with that entire segment, but I at least see why Kotoko would act in such a way. But the fact they turned it into a minigame...? With the instructions for it ending off by basically telling the player to not enjoy themselves too much? Leaves such a sour taste in my mouth.
For the same reason characters like Mikan are low on my tier lists (though I don't actually dislike or hate any character, the lowest grade I give is just a 'god, I really don't care at all'.), Kotoko gets the same grade. Fun character, horrible handling and presentation.
4. Jataro Kemuri
Y'know, there's a bit of a gap between Kotoko and this one. Not that big, but enough that I can decisively say every time someone asks me who my least favorite Warrior of Hope is, I would say the former. Anyways, moving on to Jataro. I think one reason he's over here is because he suffers from what I call "middle character syndrome", where he doesn't 'die' early enough like Masaru to leave a first impression, or someone late like Nagisa to really set you up for the climax. He's stuck in the unfortunate spot of having to follow up from who came first.
But that doesn't mean I don't like him. I think his trauma and backstory is one of the more unique ways of portraying mental abuse. While I think they could've done a better job of actually giving us time to digest his story and see more context in what really happened, I think his attitude (and his voice actor: god bless Michelle Ruff, she does an incredible job) and how he's so ruthless because he loves being hated is intriguing.
It's not enough to get him that high, but for what it's worth, I enjoyed Jataro while he was on screen and I wish we got to see more of him and Masaru, they badly needed more screentime. Speaking of which...
3. Masaru Daimon
Ah, here's the boy. If you thought my issue with Jataro's screentime was bad, man - Masaru's issues go way bigger than that. This poor fella gets a total of two scenes to shine in - the part where the Warriors of Hope introduce themselves, and his boss fight. If you wanna be generous and make it three, then we can count his supposed funeral, but as far as I'm concerned, the only one who got any sort of character build there was Nagisa and Monaca.
So why is Masaru so up high on my list despite the fact that he, y'know. Barely even existed? It's because he left his mark and set the tone well for the rest of his members to follow up on. Establishing himself as an arrogant, noisy brat that you just wanna pummel in his intro, with making a few lines here and there that make way for light-heartedness (wieners!). And then, he shows his weak heart. Beating his arm up (that scene was and still is hard to watch btw) and making subtle references easy enough for the viewer to make inferences from. Building what's coming.
That's what Masaru does. He lays the blueprints down for the rest of the kids, and that they all have reasons for turning the way they did. Being the first example is as important as closing off the story, and Masaru despite how little time he got was able to pass that test.
2. Monaca Towa
Yep, it's pretty obvious who my second favorite Warrior of Hope is if you've been paying attention to my blog, lol. Monaca is a horrible and terrifying child. She has done plenty of things wrong. I want nothing more than for her to receive her comeuppance and get what she deserves. And that's why pickle satan is my second favorite Warrior of Hope, my favorite villain/main antagonist in the series, and one of my favorite characters in general. And it all roots back to what I believe is most important in a character - presentation.
Believe me when I say this; a character that annoys the viewer will always be worse than a character that repulses them. You want them to think 'oh screw this guy, i hope they get owned and beat eventually', absolutely not 'oh screw this guy, get them off my screen, i don't wanna see this anymore'. You want to have the audience desire their demise, not be so irritated by them that they don't even wanna continue seeing the story anymore. Monaca plays her role of the despicable villain incredibly. She is so easy to hate in the ways that you wanna see her get destroyed.
I could go for a long, long while about Monaca and make a post of her own, honestly. Her dynamic with Nagisa is a one-sided tragedy (that I honestly think is more co-dependent than most people realize.) that ends with her pulling off one of the most horrid scenes in the series by mentally destroying the psyche of another character to the point he can't even muster the will to fight her anymore.
Her whole motive - it's initially believed that Monaca wants to be the next generation of Junko Enoshima herself, but the more you look into it, the more hints the story gives, until the buildup where the plan was for it to be Komaru all along... it's an excellent build and subversion that makes sense. Her writing works. Her character works. Everything clicks with Monaca. I just wish her arc ended more satisfyingly in DR3, even if the absurdity of it was pretty funny. Monaca's great. Love her and I'll always write about her.
Thanks again for sending the ask! I apologize this took a while, I've been busy these past few days in preparation of the upcoming school week. Hope to hear from you again, and have a great day!
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pony-central · 1 year
Sick PonyCentral's Interview
Interviewer - Boyfriend
9:10 AM
Boyfriend: Hmm. Who's Subject 326788? 🤨
Secretary: Sick PonyCentral. Why do you wanna talk to her?
Boyfriend: I only wanna ask her some questions.
Secretary: Well, she's in the waiting room, if you wanna say "Hello" to her.
Boyfriend: Send her in.
Secretary: OK. 😊
Sick PonyCentral is seen playing with her Nintendo Switch.
Secretary: Miss Sick PonyCentral?
Sick PonyCentral: Hmm?
Secretary: Mr Boyfriend wants to see you for a moment. He wishes to interview you for a bit.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh. I see. I'll be there. 😔
Secretary: Great!
9:15 AM
Boyfriend: *humming*
The door swings open.
Boyfriend: Oh. Sick PonyCentral, hello. Please, take a seat.
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
She sits down on the swivel chair, and spins on it.
Boyfriend: Stop that, please.
Sick PonyCentral stops spinning.
Boyfriend: Now, then. Subject 326788, do you know why you're here with me today?
Sick PonyCentral: Yes. I am. 😔
Boyfriend: I'm not mad at you, Sick PonyCentral. I just wanna ask you some simple questions. This is an interview, not an intervention.
Sick PonyCentral: OK. I can do that.
Boyfriend: Perfect! Thank you for understanding.
Boyfriend goes through his paperwork and pulls out a worksheet. It contains some questions for Sick PonyCentral to answer. He gets out his ballpoint pen.
Sick PonyCentral: *nervous voice* Are you gonna start? 😟
Boyfriend: Oh, yeah. So, tell me about yourself. I'm interested to know your story.
Sick PonyCentral: Uh, OK then. My name is Sick PonyCentral. I am a young woman who has a boyfriend named Sick Patrick.
Boyfriend: Interesting. *he writes this down* So, are you fluent in any languages? 🤨
Sick PonyCentral: Well, I'm mostly an English speaker. I do know a tiny bit of Welsh, but not a lot of Welsh. And, I'm not the best at French or Spanish. Man, Spanish class was ruthless when I was in high school. *laughs*
Boyfriend writes the notes down.
Boyfriend: Any pet peeves?
Sick PonyCentral: Pet peeves? Oh! Purity Senpai! That's my biggest pet peeve. Oh, and people dressing animals up in tight outfits. That's another pet peeve.
Boyfriend: What would you die for? And, what would you kill for?
Sick PonyCentral: I'd rather not answer those questions.
Boyfriend: OK then. Uh, how did your parents come up with the name "Sick PonyCentral"?
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, my parents died when I was little. They just came up with it.
Boyfriend: OK, then. So what about your income?
Sick PonyCentral: I'd rather not say. I don't exactly remember how much money I have.
Boyfriend: OK. So uh... Tell me about your high school life. How did high school go? 🤨
Sick PonyCentral: Oh... Yeah... High school. 😔
Sick PonyCentral looked down at the floor and hid her face in her hooves. Boyfriend looked at her with concern on his face.
Boyfriend: Are you... Crying? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *sniffling* No! 😢
Boyfriend: Hey, pal. It's OK. *walks up to her* Shh... Don't cry, please.
Sick PonyCentral: *cries* I'm sorry, but anytime someone brings high school up, I just break down! 😫😭
Sick PonyCentral rested her head in her arms, as she started crying. Boyfriend got worried about her.
Boyfriend: Hey, now. There's no need to cry, Sick PonyCentral. I'm here now. *hugs her* Everything's gonna be OK. Now, can you be a big girl and stop crying for a few seconds? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *sniffling* OK.
Boyfriend: Thanks. *he hugs her and sits back down, taking notes*
Sick PonyCentral reaches for the tissues and wipes the mascara off her face.
Sick PonyCentral: OK. I'll tell you. Back in high school, there was this guy named Purity Senpai. I'm sure you've heard of him.
Boyfriend: Yeah, I have.
Sick PonyCentral: After school I walked behind the school building, and he bullied the shit out of me! 😫
Sick PonyCentral starts crying again, as Boyfriend got more worried.
Boyfriend: Oh, dear! Sick PonyCentral, please don't get all worked up again! I feel bad for you. Please tell me what he did to you! 😟
Sick PonyCentral: He... *sobbing* He pinned me against the wall, verbally abused me, and called me the worst nickname ever! I felt so embarrassed! 😫😭
Sick PonyCentral started crying louder, as Boyfriend dropped his clipboard and ran up to her, hugging her. She hugged him back, sobbing hysterically, and getting mascara on the back of his shirt.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, God. I'm sorry about that.
Boyfriend: It's OK, Sick PonyCentral. It'll wash out. Now, tell me the nickname he gave you, without crying.
Sick PonyCentral: I can't tell anyone even WITHOUT crying! It's so painful to go through! 😭😫😭
Boyfriend: *holds her hooves* Please? 🥺
Sick PonyCentral: I can try.
Sick PonyCentral sniffled as she sat back down.
Sick PonyCentral: He... He... HE! 😫
Boyfriend: He what?
Sick PonyCentral: *bursts into tears again* HE CALLED ME SICKLY KAYLEIGH! 😭 😭 😭
Sick PonyCentral wasn't able to stop the tears this time. It wasn't her fault, she's just a sensitive girl.
Boyfriend: Aww, there there, Sick PonyCentral. Thanks for telling me about this.
Sick PonyCentral is still crying.
Boyfriend: You're free to go.
Sick PonyCentral: *while crying* Thanks, Boyfriend...
Sick PonyCentral left the room in tears. She sat down with a lollipop and ate it.
Secretary: So how did the interview go - Oh. Oh dear. What's the matter? 😟
Sick PonyCentral hugged her while crying.
Secretary: Shh... It's OK now. Let's get you home.
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
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Mistaken steve Harrington x Fem!hopper reader
@mrssharrington I think u will like this one at the end
Warnings-mentions of wanting the other to die ,swearing,kissing
At school You was hanging around with your younger sister El and your step brother Will,Jonathan went off somewhere with Nancy, you guys were laughing and everything you didn’t have powers like El well at least you didn’t think so you was all messing and you was messing around by doing the hand thing like El and it actually worked your nose started bleeding you stopped after 2 seconds looking shocked El and Will was shocked aswell and that’s why you had the tattoo on your wrist saying 009 you always got called by Y/N El hugged you while you was stood shocked when you was walking to your next lesson with your older stepbrother Jonathan and as you know Steve (your boyfriend) hates Jonathan so when he saw you hug Jonathan he wasn’t happy and at that lunch steve had a go at you and was saying some rude stuff
“I wish you died in the mall fire” Steve mumbled
“You what” you look at Steve in disbelief
“You wish I died in the mall fire when I saved you and Robin” you stutter
Steve didn’t mean what he said but before he could say he didn’t mean it you walked off at the end of the corridor even though El said don’t use your powers for bad you broke a light doing the hand thing steve looked at you before you turned the corner running off El saw you and her and will ran after you before seeing you turn around you was shaking nearly falling to the ground before Will and El ran to you grabbing hold of you before you fell when they put you against the wall
“We need to go get Steve he knows how to keep her calm” Will says
“She’s probably just tired did you use your powers yn” El asks
“Yeah please don’t bring Steve over here” you mumble
You didn’t want to explain what happend till you saw Steve walking down the corridors seeing Will and El on either side of you Steve felt really bad but was shocked at what he just saw with the light you didn’t wanna speak to Steve at all when you got home you was laid in bed till hopper came in with El
“Yn there’s two rules in this house” hopper says
“I know what they are dad” you say
“Ok what are they” hopper says
“Now that you’ve got your powers don’t use them in this house and keep the door open” you say
Later that night you heard knocking on your window and you opend it to see Steve you looked at him and let him in and stayed with your arms crossed
“Look yn I said it out of anger I’d never want you to die I love you far to much your amazing I’m so sorry” Steve says
You nodded your head not knowing what to say because no matter what he’s said you will forgive him and what he said you tried to not get pissed off but when he said the next thing it made you smile and hug him smiling for the first time all day
“Since when did you get powers” Steve asks
“Earlier and I’ve been wanting ti talk to you but I couldn’t it hurt me to the core what you said” yoh reply
Steve kisses you and el walks in to give the drink you asked for and closed the door straight away
“JANE DONT TELL DAD” you say through the door while Steve is kissing your cheek
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||Demon check-up day part 2||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with another drabble. This is part 2 from the first one. If you wish to read it, it's right here. If you wanna see where this goes just go ahead and read the first one. Now onto the drabble.
||Drabble Summary||
Today was the annual demon fraction check-up day where Ophelia and the healers check up their fractions together. However, she has a guest helping out to show it was the scary Akiko Yosano! Hearing this, everyone was now hiding from her and her 'new helpers' to heal everyone. Will they get away from the mad healer or be caught? Read to find out.
~This is half funny/scary type of drabble
~crying/freaking out is present in drabble
~scared demons are present in this with a crazy happy doctor
~quick death and revival will happen during this drabble
((Guests in this drabble))
Yuuka Nakano, Ashley Butterfly, Rex oxford mills, Willow, and Jinx along with their fractions belong to me.
Van ink, Kali, Joshua, Fin, Ethan, Guam along with their fractions are in this. They belong to @demon-blood-youths
((Just a heads up: Grammar is not good and their will be heavy mistakes but this was written for fun so please enjoy. ))
In the main hall of the hospital, the fractions of NYC were running away trying to get out of this place and away from the crazy doctor that was going to do their check up. However, they get to the front doors and tries to open them but saw they wouldn't budge.
"Uhhh guys? We can leave now. Please open the door!" Fosh said to Ethan and Rex who was trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge.
"We would like to do that Fosh but the doors are bolted shut! We can't get out!" Rex said as the fractions was shocked.
"What do you mean bolted shut!?" Kali said. "Here, let me do it!" she goes to start trying to cut the door down but she saw small sparks to signal no luck. The doors were made of a strong material that not even her weapons can cut through.
"The fuck?!"
"How about the windows! We can get out from there right?" Navarro said seeing T-bone going to try opening one but it wouldn't budge.
"No! Their bolted shut too!" he said now everyone was really confused but the DBT knew. Akiko and Ophelia planned this! This was just to insure no one could escape till they got their check up.
"How in the world did everything get bolted down! We thought everything was open when showing up here!" Bernard shouted now trying to open the door with Fin's help but no luck.
"They were but someone must have bolted everything so we don't get out."
"What do we do, what do we do, oh what are we gonna do!?!?" Yuu said panicking that Oblivon was trying to calm her down even if she was terrified deep down herself.
"Look! Can you guys just please explain what is happening here! Why are you guys so scared of this doctor! Is she that bad?" Light asked wit ha sweatdrop but the DBT said nothing not wanting to remember and Yuu now crying hugging Oblivion who still was trying to calm her down.
"...Lets just say....it was hard to sleep for the last few nights after we were..ahem, healed." Hellmare said in a silent tone that even got the others nervous. She never speaks that quiet before and she's always a calm collected person.
"..I..I'm scared to ask but..just what is s.so scary about her?" Ashley asked.
"...You all really wanna know?" Shdwkyz saw everyone listening that he sighed. "Well, she.....she has the ability or gift called Thou shall not die. It allows her to heal any injury with no problem. Most say it's a very rare gift." He started to say.
"T...that's rare?" Ashley asked seeing him nod.
"Yes. With this, she can heal all kinds of physical external injuries or any kind for herself and others with the one condition.."
"And that is?" Ahmed asked with arms crossed.
"That they must have near fatal injuries. Therefore, in order for her ability to be used, the target must be injured enough to be half-dead."he said seeing everyone look nervous.
"Hold up, back it up a second. You mean in order for this gift to work we have to be half dead? Or to say in short if we were not.." Fin started to say but now everyone looked pale.
"She would have to injure us to use it." Maggie said now everyone was worried.
"That's insane though! Theirs no way!" Guam said.
"But it's true! We went through it! Why else do you think we freaked out!?" Fosh cries seeing everyone quiet. That was not true right?! Sure, they went through a lot back in Yokohoma but that was a bit much.
"...No way, that can't be true. I mean, I understand you guys do things where we noticed but theirs no way that's true." Kali said but before they could answer, the DBT Tense up to look behind the others.
"..What?" Kali asked to turn seeing Ophelia happy to see them.
"So that's where you guys were. Come on now, do we have to do this again?" she asked.
"L..Listen Ophelia, I know Dr. Akiko helped and taught you many things..and who knows what you taught the others but can't we skip this check up? Please...I don't think we are mentally ready for this again!" Navarro said but saw her shaking her head.
"You guys know I can't do that. You all have to be checked on..so please don't make this hard on yourselves. So if you would just come with me." she said smiling.
"T..t..then what about the younger members? Would you let them go through this too!" Breezy asked but Ophelia smiled.
"No. They were already checked and were excused."
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" Navarro shouted.
"So, Gerald, Timmy, Ping, Taz, and Alex are excused and can wait in the small break room down the hall." she said as the younger teens were nervous. "But if you wish. You can help me with getting everyone." she said.
"Oh no, not again! Guys don't listen to her!" Fosh said seeing the younger members quiet.
"If you do, I'll be sure your rewarded.." she smiled seeing them look but thinks.
"Oh come on!!!!"
"Then can I Help with-"
"Nope. Sorry Shdwkyz, you helped the last time so I'm afraid your getting your check up this time." Ophelia saw the snake tense up twitching a little but he really didn't want to go through that again.
"Ha! Serves you right!" Navarro said to Shdwkyz who glares.
"Oh shut up.." he hissed.
"This is not happening again! Not again!" Fosh cries while Mouse tries to calm him down.
"Well, again, shall we begin or...are you guys going to make this hard again?" Ophelia said as the fractions were nervous now.
"Ummmm...do we get a say in this?" Zed asked.
"Hmm let me think.......No." Ophelia said before seeing Hex, Swan, and Jeremy show up ready to catch them but the fractions quickly runs away.
Everyone was running away but in some luck, Hex trips two that saw it was T-bone and Maggie!
"Huh?! Hey, let go Hex!" He said struggling.
"SORRY MAGGIE AND T-BONE!!" Navarro shouted as the others ran off. However the fractions ran off to see them gone leaving the two.
"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!? AGAIN!! DAMN IT NAVARRO!!"
"Wait, he left you alone before!?" He asked.
"It's a long story. I'll tell you later." she grumbles but the two saw Ophelia walk over to look at the two but Maggie and T-bone sweatdrop to gulp. Her glasses were hiding her eyes while she looks to them with that same cold smile.
"Well, that's two down and a few more to go. Gerald, can you please take the two to Dr. Akiko for their check up?" she asked seeing him nod as he goes to pick them up and begins carrying them away.
"Sorry guys but at least you'll be healed!" her said hearing T-bone and Maggie screaming even worse as they got taken away. Opheila sighed but looks to Swan and Jeremy. "lets go...we still have a few to catch..You young ones please come with us." she said seeing Ping, Taz, Timmy, and Alex nod and follow her.
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badger-bear · 2 years
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How To Stop Time by Matt Haig
Word Play 2022
One To Grow On by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
Liam’s booked himself a private session for his birthday to finally properly explore his interest in spanking. After all the months of build up, a simple 29 spankings for 29 years would probably be celebration enough. But he and Louis might each have a surprise in store, too.
Darling, Can't You See by @tommokat
“You’re joking.”
“I am very much not joking. There are a total of thirteen royal pets I’m to look after, and ten of those pets are cats and they’re all the Prince’s.”
Louis’ the new caretaker of the royal pets and Harry is the prince with a gentle heart and countless felines.
Close Enough To Touch by @louandhazaf
There had been chart topping singles and sold out arenas when Louis Tomlinson was one fifth of the world's most successful boyband.
Embarking on his first solo tour was stressful enough without his closest friends encouraging him to push even further outside of his comfort zone. Louis definitely did not need a masseuse on tour. Not even if that masseuse turned out to be gorgeous, kind, and lovely. It was the last thing Louis thought he needed.
He was wrong.
Fangs Yells by @larrieblr
Louis can never remember that he’s invisible in mirrors.
Without the ability to assess his appearance, Louis instead uses the judgment of his two-thousand years on this world to style his hair, palms carefully perfecting the frizzy mullet the band had decided on as their signature look. A stick of kohl rolls around on the counter; he stops it with a knuckle, then draws two strong black lines on his eyelids. A leather vest hugs his shoulders, and a Gibson Les Paul accompanies him to the stage of the castle they’ve seized as their regular performance venue.
Or, a vampire rock band au.
Just Enough by @neondiamond
Harry and Louis meet up in Venice.
If Only You Know How Bad I Want This Scandal by @fallinglikethis
Louis sees a late night ad for a phone sex line and thinks he'd like to get off to the puppy eyed lad staring out at him. Fate has other plans.
You'll Be My Resolution by @harryventura
Louis liked reading best because he saw these characters as just people with their lives taken out of their own hands. Their world came from the mind of someone else, and Louis wished he had that privilege. He wished that his problems existed because someone else gave them to him and so could just as easily take them away. But he didn’t believe in any kind of higher power. The only thing controlling him was fear, and ultimately that was all on him.
Louis is severely agoraphobic and Harry is the phone sex operator who gives him that little bit of sanity.
Puppy Love by @neondiamond
Louis is a dog trainer and Liam just got a puppy for the first time. Dogs are sometimes smarter than one might think.
Here Take My Sweater by @tommokat
“Just with me for my foot rubs and my sweaters, huh?”
“You got it!”
Nesting ft. The Green Sweater
wanna die, wanna die, wanna die tonight by @mercutionotromeo
Wherein Louis is a phone sex operator who would much rather listen to his pretty curly-haired neighbor get off through the wall than do his job.
honey, baby by @grimmpitch
“Here,” Louis breathes when the waiter steps away, holding his jacket up like a peace offering. “I know it’s kind of wet,” he winces; it’s more than a little wet, “but it’ll warm you up a bit.”
The corner of the shop they’re crammed cosily into is just beside the newly turned on heaters, but it’s still too chilly to warm up naturally cold omega bodies quickly enough. Louis gets a tiny smile in answer and dainty hands plucking the jacket to slip it on, the anxious scent of citrus melting slowly as they rub sweater paws on their flushed cheeks and exhale a light breath.
The Refferal by @disgruntledkittenface
Louis has noticed that since he turned fifty, his sex drive has started to slow down. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for his younger boyfriend Harry. A problem solver by nature, Louis wants to do something special for Harry, to show him how much he appreciates him even after ten years together. When he suggests getting a referral for a sex worker to give Harry what he hasn’t been lately, it doesn’t take long for Harry to agree.
And then they meet Tom.
Grape Juice Blues by @tommokat
“Daddy? Daddy, how much longer?”
Louis spares a glance off the road, frowning when he finds Harry squirming in his seat. “Honeybunch, this is why I said to chill on the juice.”
“I did!” Harry protests. “I stopped when you said that! But I drank too much already and now I really have to potty!”
Just The Start by @littleroverlouis
Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
To Voice My Love by @larrysballetslippers
“It’s nothing” It came out too high, his body betrayed him again. Harry sighed when Andrew’s frowny face got even worse. “Okay, I had a umm question.”
“Spill it, Styles.” Andrew said in a stern voice, he could easily dominate Harry if he wanted to. Andrew was a switch, but he never tried to do anything to Harry, maybe Louis didn’t let him. Harry wouldn’t mind being tied up and bossed around by him.
“I… umm.” Harry started blushing. “How do you like, make Louis tick?”
Or, Harry wants to be spanked but doesn’t know how to tell Louis, so he asks his other boyfriend, Andrew, for help.
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