#i wanted to like it for obvious reasons but i think her first queer role she would have had better chemistry w someone closer in age
gatalentan · 1 year
have u seen the ladies?
Sure have! *drops gifs in your bucket* It's uh, it sure is a movie where two women have barely any chemistry despite presumably fucking the night before. Hopefully having more space in the full length movie they're making helps with that, but. I think it's the agegap, lol. So I dunno if it will.
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valeriehalla · 6 months
Hello! I was reminded of your webcomic Goodbye To Halos recently and wanted to let you know it had a pretty big impact on me. I read it during my teenage years and I think it really helped me to contextualize and make sense of some feelings I was going through about - well, teenage stuff. Change, I guess, mostly. Changing bodies, changing genders, changing role in society, changing relationships with others - your comic helped me process a lot of my fears about those things.
Your comic was probably my first exposure to nudity that was neither sexual nor comedic. It really stuck with me how your comic has characters in states of undress fairly casually. Not like "walking down the street" casual, they're always in a safe place like a bedroom or a bathroom or something, but still. As someone who was raised Catholic it was really powerful to see nudity portrayed as so... not-shameful. Nudity is just a state the characters pass in and out of; they're nude after taking off their clothes like they would be wet after taking a shower. There's no shame in it. And that's really the way it ought to be, right? We were all born nude, it shouldn't be such a Thing as society makes it out to be.
That's just my little input on what impact your art has had on me. It was a good thing that I read it when I did. I wish you luck on all your future endeavors.
that's extremely kind of you, and very well-said, and thank you, and also that's absolutely wild for me to read.
i actually had to remind myself just now that there was in fact a sequence of (counting) eight pages where enae had her tits out. i didn't think a ton about it at the time. i do remember debating mentally whether to slap a "warning this page has boobs in it" label on the social media posts: i chafed at the idea, and i think i didn't do it? or only did it for some of them? i didn't want to because to even put such a warning immediately prompts the reader to think "oh something Sexualle is going on here," putting them on high alert and making it into a whole Thing. and it was not a Thing.
i always thought that some day, if ever i found the right moment, i wanted to have a page where fenic was fully nude. my idea of the "right moment" for that was that it would have to be at a juncture in the story where it made sense for her to be nude, and also where it would feel to the reader like there was absolutely no "point" to her nudity. the one page in the comic where fenic is topless was sort of a prelude to that idea: that might have been the moment, if there had been any reason at all to include her lower body in those panels, which there wasn't, so i didn't.
it's a fine line to walk. i think it's fairly obvious that there were many panels in that comic where the reader absolutely was meant to think "wow this character's attractive" (if they could get past my art back then lmao). i peppered those in liberally, sometimes because it was personally fun for me to draw, but always because it just seemed, i don't know, honest? for this story about young queer adults who are sort of omnidirectionally horny for one another to have a gaze reflecting that--for the reader to feel like they're "in on it" too, not in a leering sort of way, but as if they're just, like, sharing in it with the characters themselves. but then to have that, and then to also have full-on nudity, and for that nudity to feel at home with that sensation, but also purely incidental, and not in and of itself sexual, is a lot of objects to juggle, especially if one indeed (like me) wants it to not feel like there is a "Point" being made. so, it's cool to hear that it worked for at least one person. sorry for writing 999 words about this
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melonteee · 10 months
About Sanji being feral with men/older men, I remember reading once in a fanfic how an OC or SI (I can't remember which ^^; ) suggested that the reason why Sanji is nice to women and rude to men is because of his family. That at a young age he formed the mindset that women tended to be good people while men tend to be bad people because when he was young only women (his mom and to an extent his sister) were the only ones to treat him with kindness while the men in his life (his brothers and father) treated him like shit.
That kind of makes sense and I can no longer unsee it.
I'm so sorry this got so long because I have so much to say about Sanji and his perception of gender so read under the cut LMAO
Anon the SECOND his WCI story was revealed, that was the literal first thing I noticed. As always, Oda has an incredible show don't tell ability - and while it is implied (and maybe Oda didn't have the intention), there's certainly an idea that Sanji puts women on a pedestal due to how men abused him.
But considering Reiju helped Sanji, and how there were maids around Sanji who were also kind to him, along with his own mother, I'd say it's extremely intentional. Reiju also isn't exactly the nicest person either, like she's presented as a total grey area. It's not that Reiju was kind to Sanji just because she was a 'nurturing' big sister, but because she was the only one who didn't have her emotions literally programmed out of her. Reiju still gave Sanji a tough time, and still didn't help him unless it was behind Judge's back, but she still showed him more kindness than Sanji's father or brothers EVER did.
While there's an obvious misogyny in Sanji, and it IS undeniable, it certainly slides much further up on the misandry scale. When he was first brought into the world, the only people nice to him were women. His first memories and first acts of care and love came from women. He was allowed to cry around his mother, he was allowed to let his guard down around Reiju, and he was allowed to be his 'emotional' self with the women that surrounded him. It is undeniable Sanji has elevated women up to a being higher than men, and much higher than his OWN existence. This has all mixed and formed inside him due to his time with the Vinsmokes AND his time with Zeff.
After all, combine Sanji's first and only real acts of affection coming from JUST women, with Zeff's ideology that women are NOT to be harmed, of course you're going to create a boy who idolises women as this holy deity.
Not to go a bit off track, but it's why this idea that Sanji HATES himself, and why he has ZERO self worth, is ALSO something people tie to his gender. Does Sanji take pride in being a 'manly man', or does he think that's what he needs to be for women? Does Sanji compensate his hate for his own self by being this extremely overdone, heteronormative gentleman? By projecting his love onto beings he believes he can never be nor measure up to?
When of course, these 'beings' are just women. Just people, like himself.
The discussions surrounding Sanji and gender, combined with his abusive male environment and this clear confusion/hatred for men, is WHY there are many who have picked up this idea Sanji perhaps does not want to BE a man. It can be called a stretch, or wishful thinking, but it's something people within the queer community have seen nonetheless.
After all, we have SEEN Sanji's happiness upon being perceived as a woman - TWICE.
Sanji quite literally has a deadname he refuses to be referred to as.
And now, with his current mutation happening, he is becoming afraid of - and displaced IN - his own body.
Sanji is such a weird and complicated character to fathom, honestly. It could VERY well be these were all things Oda just accidentally tripped and banged head first into, but WCI as a whole had a pretty big focus on not JUST familial roles, but expectations and roles of GENDER as well.
Katakuri's need to be stern and emotionless as an older brother, Pudding's abuse due to the fact she wasn't 'pretty' enough, Big Mum's daughters being married off unless they proved they can serve some OTHER purpose, Sanji's brothers forcefully cold and emotionless, Reiju needing to bottle her own emotions with fear of being bullied, SANJI'S bullying due to being an emotional boy, Judge HIMSELF being made fun of for his crying.
Combined all with Reiju telling Sanji "You're a boy, don't cry!"
WCI was fucking RIDDLED with gender discussion and gender expectation that comes with blood family, but this idea is pushed to the side due to the themes of familial abuse being the most prominent. Yet a BASE of familial abuse IS expectations of gender roles that comes WITH a nuclear family.
As much as people don't want to see it or CAN'T see it, Sanji's character and arc includes areas of toxic gender norms JUST as much as it covers blood family abuse. It's just something that's taken to an extreme in this hyper fiction setting, and thus, it can become invisible beneath the surface. But I see it! And obviously, you see it too anon!
Sorry for the rant I am just VERY passionate about Sanji's complicated relationship with gender LMAO
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
hey! hope this isn't weird but i wanted to know why you think artemis wasn't up to standards even in the original pjo series. you reblogged from me and so i had front row to your tags on the post about zeus jaja i've not seen people talk a lot about her and it got me interested as i'm a classics student!
- @zoebelladona 🌙
HELLO OH BOY okay so I have half a rant already about Artemis in terms of Rick and general aphobic tropes in the series. see: that open letter on twitter. i still need to transfer that to tumblr. fun fact: Rick replied to that post but deleted his reply at some point. probably because two replies after he replied to my post and word-of-god confirmed Reyna to be ace-coded he left social media for a bit.
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Fun times! Anyways.
The thing I dislike about Artemis as she's depicted in the series, besides her constantly appearing as a teenager and the aphobic tropes with that [see: open letter linked above] - which on some level is slightly more excusable than other examples given she's a goddess of young women, but given how he writes Athena, Hestia, and the Hunt instead leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and other similar aphobic tropes with her, is her whole weird anti-men thing (which is also, in itself, also an aphobic trope in this particular circumstance). I understand TTC was written in 2007 so that flavor of radical feminism that Artemis and the Hunt is clearly supposed to be was only just coming into major public awareness and the flaws in the ideology (and the inherent bigotry, particularly transphobia and racism that often comes with it) weren't as well recognized at the time. But in hindsight it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth for obvious reasons and is one of the things from the first series that severely aged poorly in my opinion, and I greatly dislike that in every subsequent retcon of the Hunt for other reasons Rick more or less retains that aspect.
Secondly... it doesn't make sense from a mythological standpoint? Because there are multiple examples of men being Hunters in Artemis' retinue. Even ignoring Orion, no matter how you go about shaking that stick (which for the record I really dislike how Rick retconned him in the series/wrote him in HoO), Hippolytus is a very notable example. Literally his big whole original shtick was he joined the Hunt because he didn't like romance and Aphrodite got so pissed about him not needing her (romance) that she killed him. And even when Aphrodite was trying to ruin his life he held on to his virtues and vow to Artemis (refusing advances even when his life was on the line). He is otherwise totally chill and devoted to Artemis. Some versions of his myth has Artemis have him resurrected after he dies (by Asclepius, which is why Asclepius is punished for reviving the dead). This also obviously doesn't address the major glaring logical flaw in Artemis hating all men which is... Apollo. Especially within the series he seems to be an exception for no reason, despite Artemis also very overtly having a "brothers are not an exception to the no-men rule." And from a modern queer standpoint, it obviously begs the question of stuff like gender identity within the Hunt and if you bring back the radfem stuff it gets real bad vibes real fast. Which also sucks when you particularly look at historical/mythological descriptions of Apollo and Artemis and how they very poignantly encompass defying gender roles and expectations particularly within their cultural contexts.
And every time Rick tries to retcon the Hunt, he somehow manages to make it kind of worse, particularly with the oath. I have a whole personal thing for how I think to best rectify all that nonsense in a way that isn't horrible and is related to some of Artemis' aspects in a more sensible way (buried somewhere in this monster of a post. Honestly i'd just recommend ctrl + f search "Hunters" on that post and it should be somewhere near the first ping there). In there I also go into some of my other thoughts for the general meh way the Hunt is written in the series, mostly being aphobic tropes and random death fodder.
So yeah. Basically, tl;dr: I am personally not a huge fan of how Artemis in the series is halfway to being a terf and chock-full of aphobic tropes. And I need Rick to stop retconning things into the ground.
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gor3sigil · 1 month
Hi ! I’m a 29 year old trans man from France, and I really like reading your blog. You write very eloquently and what you have to share is important. It’s bittersweet for me to finally encounter people talking about transandrophobia. I’ve been trying to talk about it for years. My heart breaks when I think about all the young trans men and transmasculine people who grow up hating themselves because of both the societal transphobia and the transandrophobia of queer spaces. I detransitioned for 4 years, partly because I felt so alienated. A woman I loved and looked up to, who calls herself a feminist, told me that after my first testosterone injection I could not talk about feminism anymore. She said I was now on the side of the oppressor. She stated that she would support me as an individual but that her fight was for women, cis or trans, and I had to stay quiet and let women speak. She, in fact, did not support me as an individual either. When I was an androgynous non binary person she would compliment me all the time. When I transitioned, she started to grow colder and patronizing with me. She blocked me after I made a general post to talk about my experiences and explain, in a very gentle way, how trans men experience misogyny in a lot of spaces, misandry in queer and feminist spaces, and transphobia everywhere, and how our fights are intertwined with feminist fights.
Another trans man from France hooray !! I'm very glad you shared your experience, partly because I relate to it a lot (idk if you've seen the post I made about how I detransitioned for a year and it was partly due to the mistreatment I've been getting because I was a trans dude), and also because it's so important to spread the word. I'm really sorry you went through that. I had the same type of shit from women that I considered my sisters before transitioning, who ditched me like crap when I started using he/him pronouns. Since you're french too, I'd like to point something that I noticed in the french trans community (maybe you'll disagree and that's totally fair), is that anti transmasculinity and radfem ideologies are VERY LOUD in queer spaces and that trans men often play a part in it. I saw 2 separate videos recently from two trans men youtuber (who I will not name publicly for obvious reasons but you can ask me in DMs if you want) who both made videos asking if "Men are trash" included trans men, and both I found... Well, wrong, in a lot of ways. Because the main argument is that trans men who medically transition, do so with the intent of being treated and perceived in society AS men (or if this wasn't the intent, this is what happens anyways), and so basically take the role of men in the patriarchy, so the role of the oppressor. The second video was a bit more nuanced with the idea that not all trans men do transition medically, some don't pass etc but still, I find it appalling to see that almost every transmasc creator I see, who makes content in french at least, talk about transmasculinity in a way that is almost exclusively "AFAB perisex person who wants to be a Neo Cis Man". Which is, at least from all the people I've talked to since coming out in 2017, not the case for a vast majority of people, and even when it IS the case, trans men don't, and I say that with my whole chest, they DON'T have cis men privileges and they ARE NOT in a position of power over women, ESPECIALLY cis women. Well, that's my way of seeing things anyways. I really hope our local activists will stick their heads out of their white, skinny, cis passing trans men asses and start taking a look at the actual experiences of the many more of us. It'd be a nice change of pace. Thank you for your comment and sorry for the rant lmao
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musicalmoritz · 27 days
Ok ok so you said something in your Les Aoi analysis about trans Aoi (I’m gonna be honest I don’t remember which it was 😭😭) so I wanted to ask for an analysis on that! Especially because I don’t think I’ve really seen that before! Thanks :))
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Alright! Let’s talk about transmasc Aoi. Just a heads up, I’m probably gonna alternate the pronouns based on whether I’m referring to canon or fanon Aoi. So if I’m talking about a canon situation with Aoi I’ll stick with she/her but if I’m referring to Aoi as in transmasc fanon Aoi, I’ll go with he/him. I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t get confusing lol
Transmasc Aoi exists for the same reasons lesbian Aoi exists. Aoi’s character centers around hiding her true self, which is a universal queer experience. Some fans relate her arc to lesbianism, but others relate it more to her gender identity. I am not trans myself and I have never been trans nor questioned my gender identity so I may not be the best person to explain this, so if any trans TBHK fans want to chime in here feel free to do so!! I will try my best to relay how Aoi’s character stands out to some trans readers (tho you obviously don’t have to be trans to headcanon a character as trans as long as you’re doing so respectfully, I have lots of trans headcanons)
Unlike the lesbian Aoi headcanon, I have no gripes with how this one is portrayed. I’ve seen AoiAoi, Aoinene, and TeruAoi shippers alike express love for this headcanon so it never feels like they’re trying to erase part of her arc or just keep her away from Akane. Which makes sense, unless they were writing Akane as straight, male Aoi wouldn’t hinder that relationship in any way. Furthermore, this headcanon feels more focused on Aoi as a charger rather than trying to shove her into an aesthetic (just to be clear I don’t dislike the lesbian Aoi headcanon, just the way it’s often portrayed). In fact I often see this hc paired with trans Akane/trans Nene/trans Teru. With a wide variety too, sometimes Akane is written to be transmasc as well and other times she’s portrayed as transfem. That’s one of my favorite parts of this headcanon, people get so creative with it
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Aoi’s entire character centers around how her internal self doesn’t align with the external. The image she presents to the school is not her true self. I’m gonna pull out my favorite term here, Aoi’s identity makes her experience cognitive dissonance. Her actions don’t align with the way she thinks and believes. I know that’s a pretty simple concept but there is so much you can interpret from that premise. Imo there’s some pretty obvious personality disorder coding going on there but I’ll hold my tongue. Canon reasons aside, this theme stands out to a lot of trans readers.
Having to present yourself in a way that doesn’t align with who you are on the inside is a core part of the trans experience. This is supported even further by the fact that Aoi’s femininity is a large part of her act. The difference between her and Nene is that Aoi seems to be the perfect girl in every way, and Nene is far from that. Let me reiterate that, the image Aoi presents to society is one of the perfect girl. Most fans focus on the perfect part, but her femininity is also an act to an extent. To impress Nakahara (the bitch from chapter 1), Nene spent three years trying to act more feminine. She knew he liked traditionally feminine girls so she worked hard to fit that role. Part of that involved joining gardening club, the main hobby Aoi is known for. After three years of trying to fit a specific brand of femininity, Nene was still rejected for not meeting Nakahara’s standards. But the boys at school LOVE Aoi for traditionally feminine things. I’m not sure I could find the specific chapter but there’s one scene in the manga where they’re drooling over her for sweeping and marveling at how domestic she is. At first glance, Aoi appears to embody traditional femininity. But it’s all an act
She presents herself a certain way so that the school, including the boys, will love her. What’s interesting to me about the aforementioned scene is that Aoi is doing completely normal tasks and still being upheld as the pinnacle of femininity. She can’t escape the role others mole her into. She has to play into it too, in order to obscure her true self from the public eye. But when we see signs of the real Aoi, she’s not acting how a perfect girl should act. She’s reserved and quiet and nerdy and rude. This is different from the theme of femininity we see in Nene’s story, which is that femininity doesn’t have to be performed in restrictive ways. Aoi doesn’t have to find her true femininity, she has to find her true self. That’s where transmasc Aoi comes in
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So how is transmasc Aoi depicted in fanon? The same as canon Aoi! That’s what I love most about this headcanon, you don’t have to change much about Aoi’s character in order to make it work. Trans Aoi is still his usual introverted and supportive self (it took me so long for find a nice adjective to describe Aoi lmao), the biggest difference I’ve noticed is that he’s usually portrayed as being the truest version of himself, which I think is beautiful. It works with canon too since these fics are typically written later in Aoi’s development when she’s begun to take steps towards embracing her real self. Trans Aoi is depicted as being a natural step in that direction. Sometimes he’s written to stay closeted for a while in order to keep up appearances, but he still gets to come out to his close friends/partners
To me this headcanon is filled with appreciation for Aoi’s character. It’s not my personal main headcanon for her (despite all I’ve said I am a lesbian Aoi lover, tho more of a bi Aoi lover for canon), but I have mad respect for everyone who chooses this as their version of Aoi. If anyone wants a really good fic for this headcanon I recommend livvidaloca’s “i could be your regular belle” on ao3. It’s Terukaneaoi and actually more transfem Akane than transmasc Aoi but it’s super good and honestly I just wanted to recommend a livvidaloca fic
I hope this helped you understand the headcanon better, thank you for the ask!!
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quietblueriver · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @gingerniiiija. Thanks, friend! This was super fun.
Were you named after anyone? I was. In good Southern (US) fashion, I have a double name that incorporates my grandmother's maiden name, which was also my mom's middle name and is now one of my niece's names.
When was the last time you cried? Today. I took one of my dogs to board at the same time that a pup was coming for their last vet visit and watching him surrounded by his crying family while an instrumental version of a Brandi Carlile song played over the vet speakers broke me. Managed to keep it together until I got to the car. Before that, Thursday during Critical Role.
Do you have kids? I do not. I do have wonderful nieces, and being their aunt is one of the best things in my life.
What sports have you played/do you play? I played church basketball and soccer when I was little. As an adult, I've played rugby but I tend toward activities like running, yoga, swimming, and hiking/wandering with my dogs.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, in a dry humor way. My entire family is dry as hell, so it's a big part of my sense of humor, although I rein it in with strangers so as not to be a tool. I'm typically called a golden retriever gay, but one of the highest compliments I have ever received was one of my oldest friends telling me that Sister Michael from Derry Girls reminded her of me.
First thing you notice about people? I genuinely don't think I have a pattern here. Voice, maybe? Or smile? I do often appreciate and take note of people's style as well, especially shoes.
What is your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? Whichever has the better queer storyline
Any talents? I come in clutch in the following trivia categories: pop culture (non-reality tv); 90s country music/modern women of country; name that song; US history and politics and/or law; and queer things. Per my nieces, I am very good at the "funny faces" feature on FaceTime, a solid water slide escort, and an acceptable makeshift jungle gym. I have been told that I'm an excellent driver; I enjoy driving and have driven both a passenger van and a U-Haul up most of the East Coast of the US.
Where were you born? A military base in the United States.
What are your hobbies? I love writing, feeding/spending easy time with friends, reading (preference for fiction, poetry, and comics, although I do love some philosophy and theory as well), exploring good food and new places (solo or with friends, my own city or others), live music and theater, playing board games and Switch, watching tv and movies (my oldest niece and I see a movie every time I visit them in person and it brings me great joy), and being silly with my nieces. I'm a lawyer and a law nerd, so I also spend time following SCOTUS and listening to legal/political podcasts.
Do you have any pets? Two dogs, Annie and Buffy, a big doofy retriever mix and a tiny poodle-ish terror respectively.
How tall are you? 5' 8"
Favorite subject in school? Growing up, English/Lit, closely followed by History. At university, I majored in History and Gender & Sexuality Studies.
Dream Job? Obligatory note that I do not dream of labor. But I'm actually currently working on a career shift, so I'm giving this a lot of thought. I'd love to be a writer, journalist, professor, or preacher (last one is more complicated, for probably obvious reasons).
Would love to see answers from anyone who wants to do this! Tagging @korralone, @kasadilla11, @antlereed, and @overnighttosunflowers. Pls forgive me/disregard if you hate this, ha.
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
One reason why I think Mila Finelli's mafia books do work for me better than most other (Italian--I did really love Kresley's series) mafia romance novels I've read is that the characters do feel DISTINCT and so do the relationship dynamics.
In a lot of these somewhat darker, more erotic reads, you do get the sense that any of the characters could be switched out for one another. The heroes are always the same types of alphas, the heroines are always the same types of a) virgins or b) defiant rebels who may also still be virgins, and what really sets the books apart are a few bananas scenes here and there, and some distinct sex scenes.
And while I definitely think there are distinct sexual dynamics and kinks at play with each couple (Fausto/Frankie are obviously daddy kink-central, Enzo and Gia are.... generalized freaks with some heavier BDSM by way of CNC vibes, Giulio and Alessio also have some D/s vibes but with a more competitive edge and are very into each other's violence, and Giacomo/Emma are obviously a breeding kink/softer touch vibe) they're also just super different people.
I guess the closest couples would be Fausto and Frankie and Enzo and Gia, but even then... Fausto is a dick, but he's more rational, more doting (see: daddy), and though Frankie is absolutely defiant and strong, I actually think that though she and Fausto have more of a traditional partnership in terms of gender than Enzo and Gia (which also could be because Frankie wants a billion kids and yes she has her MBA but she's very much a wife and mom first, whereas Gia is more about her career, which keeps them from being too similar). Enzo and Gia are more into the defined D/s shit sexually, but you get the sense that she has more control in the relationship and that, at the end of the day, he is very much... her bitch. Enzo and Gia have a very similar age gap to Fausto and Frankie, but Fausto and Frankie have more of a care-focused DD/lg relationship, whereas Enzo and Gia thrive on the friction of her giving as good as she gets.
And Alessio and Giulio, aside from the obvious of being the only queer relationship in the series, are very much coded as D/s as well... But not as inflexibly as the previous two couples. Aside from them switching it up in the bedroom a little, there's also a lot of space for Alessio to take care of Giulio. Like, Giulio kinda doesn't know shit about what he's doing lol, whereas Alessio is hypercompetent (which also makes sense, as Fausto for sure spoiled Giulio and Alessio has been in essentially a different class his entire life). So while Giulio is more sexually dominant, Alessio is really the stronger, steadier, and more threatening partner otherwise. And again, they both really get off on watching each other do what they do best, which is: crime.
I do think Giacomo and Emma have the softest relationship in the series--but it's not so much because she's this kind of babe in the woods virgin (and I will say, I did love that Frankie and Gia were NOT lol) but because Giacomo is just a much more tender guy. Like, yes, Fausto and Enzo both also had loved ones, but I think that because they'd both been running their shit longer than Giacomo had before he met Emma, they had these very set roles. Fausto and Enzo come off as more brutal, and honestly more crazy (like, Enzo is THE CRAZIEST for sure, but Fausto is a fucking nutball). Giacomo seems like a dude who's good at killing people and doing mafia stuff, but it's really like? His day job. It's not his life and it doesn't feel like his culture, even, which makes sense because he was on the fringes of the types of levels Fausto and Enzo have always been in, because his father and brother kept him separate from it. Even Giulio is more connected to that space than Giacomo, because he was groomed to take over for years.
I think it would be very easy to rely on these great sex scenes and wacky plots she writes, but the thing that does make it clear that Mila has the chops (.... and it also makes it clear that she's very experienced, lol, and someone who has had to write series with very individualized characters for professional editors in the past........) is that the characters are very DIFFERENT. Like, Frankie and Gia may both have their partners' balls in their pockets, but you see Frankie do a wheedling kind of little girl pouting thing to get her way with Fausto because she knows he looooves it, whereas Gia is like LISTEN UP ASSHOLE with Enzo (and it makes the relationship the best because nobody else can do that with him, Enzo and Gia are the greatest, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk). Giacomo is willing to let Emma go in a way that Fausto, Enzo, and honestly I would say Giulio too after working out some things, really aren't okay with. He's probably the best guy out of the series, on a moral level, while also being a scary murder man.
(Except for maybe Alessio? Because Alessio is also a scary murder man, but he literally just does it for the cash or to protect Giulio. It's PURE BUSINESS.)
I find the distinctiveness of the characters really cool, especially when I reread the books, and that is probably why I've had a hard time finding a series that really clicks for me in the same way within the sort of Italian mafia genre.
(That, and: so much of the other books center on Italian-American mafia stuff and that shit DOES NOT HAVE THE SAUCE the way Mila's Italy-set books do. Like, be real here, the Italian-American mafia has not been raking in this kind of cash for DECADES.)
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dovescheck · 1 year
fellow V x J enjoyer, do you have any headcanon for them, I am brainrotting because of DR
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HELLO SILLY!! i struggle to come up with headcanons so i will be using this template and elaborating off of it under the cut
V despite claiming to "feel nothing" clearly does, and would be likely to confess first because i imagine J to bottle up her feelings and focus on her job instead of her feelings. Y'know, obsessed with the grind
J would be the first to apologize in my eyes because i imagine her being softer with V, and she'd definitely want to preserve her relationship with V and keep on good terms.
J would be the first to wake up, even before it's nighttime, to get ready to start hunting workers and plan out her night. V would likely be the first to fall asleep as she likely does the most hunting because J trusts her more to not screw up the job like "N would".
V is probably the more affectionate one, referencing ur headcanon about V cuddling up with N and J during the daytime, she'd initiate cuddling with J (who would cuddle back because i like queers :3).
J is generally overprotective of her squad, even of N to some extent even if she hates admitting it. She's overprotective of their territory, of everything related to her squad because she doesn't want to fail her mission - But she also wants to keep V safe, even if V can handle herself just fine.
For V being the charismatic one, it's pretty obvious why - J is pretty rude and uncharismatic with how she acts and treats most others, meanwhile V is charismatic enough for N to have a crush on her still even after their worker years as well as befriending workers she tried to kill not that long ago.
Given her "job", J does most of the speaking. She's practiced in it, given she's always felt like she needs to be the boss and fits into the role pretty well - She also had a whole monologue prepared for when she encountered an extra feisty worker like Uzi LOL
I feel like J just has really good penmanship because of her job and her probable need to do paperwork... not even as like a company requirement, just paperwork to help her feel organized and such.
Troubled past for both is pretty obvious, they share a troubled past with N and each other.
V has more of a relationship with N than J does, thats the only real reason I put her on "has more experience with relationships".
Given my headcanon that J has next to no memories of the mansion and is more amnestic than N, and the fact V is keeping secrets from N in the main show, this just makes sense to me.
To me, J is very observant - So I think she would be more likely to notice changes in V's behavior, especially subtle ones as I think the two probably hung out without N a lot more before N met Uzi.
Back to my idea of J wanting to keep V safe, c'mon. This is a bit obvious.
sorry for the ramble i like them
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omnivorousshipper · 1 year
Why Fast X Works
After watching this movie twice, I can safely say it's one of my fav FF movies (nothing can beat F6 and the flip car)
Here is a list of reasons why Fast X works so well in the scope of the FFF (Fast and Furious Franchise)
Everything here is a spoiler btw
The Torettos' mom has yet to be mentioned or shown in the movies, and Fast X keeps this tradition up
Tej saying "Han, you've been dead man!" To get him back into dating is amazing. To those who haven't seen the other movies, he actually was dead
All three adults shielding Little B from Han's dating profile
All the pictures from the other movies showing how much Dom loves his family (even though there's 0% chance of a camera being available for ANY of those moments)
Roman taking on the lead role of this mission completely makes "Fast and Furious: Crossroads" canon
Cipher alone makes me want to become a lesbian
Letty alone makes me want to become a lesbian
Dante being introduced into the FFF was excuted so perfectly
Dante is the evil Queer Eye and you can't convince me otherwise
Jakob is 100% the gay uncle we all wish we had
Ramsey spouting out facts about cars is the result of her asking her gearhead gf to info dump (yes I mean Hattie)
Every action scene was basically an homage to the other movies (I can and will make another post about this)
Dante legit saying "we need to tone down the masculinity" is NOT what I was expecting from FF in 2023
Dante calling Dom "a brute" while being half a head taller and buffer
Deckard having a flip car and nobody questioning why he has it???
Gisele coming back, along with an unexpected guest: the submarine from F8!
Cipher and Letty having their own "Hobbs & Shaw" moment
Tej and Roman legit say "I love you" to each other (like no joke, this is so wholesome and a great message to all the dude bros out there)
The obvious way the crew didn't die at the end, and letting us know the next movie is coming soon
Queenie is absolutely gaslighting Dom into thinking he's one of her kids
Brian is so committed to being a house husband, you don't even get to see him or his kids again
Tess and Aims making complete fun of the franchise as newcomers is one of the best scenes in cinema
"So, what? We're all a beer and a barbecue away from joining them?"
"They're a cult with cars"
Dante taking all of the crew's money as if it wasn't his dad's money in the first place (minus Ramsey)
To sum this movie up, it's almost as if a person could have found a story like this on AO3
Basically, this whole franchise is a fanfic of itself and I'm fucking LIVING for it
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Why you should vote Edelgard for the FE3H tournament
Come on. We all love Dorothea. She's an absolute queen and if it were against anyone else, I would defend her teeth and claws.
Now that that's settled, here's a bunch of reasons why Edelgard should wreck her in the finals:
1- Let's start with the obvious: Dorothea is a bisexual icon. Guess who else is ? Edelgard. What's more, the Crimson Flower route is centered on Edelgard leading a war against an oppressive religious system in order to ensure people are judged based on their own actions and not birth or status; so they can rise up for themselves and decide their own fates. This narrative has resounded with a lot of queer FE3H fans, who find it freeing not to have to conform to the standards of a society who would want to lock them into a certain role. 
2- When you see the Fodlanese geopolitical system as mostly dominated by feudal monarchies, Edelgard's project, though implemented by means you might disagree with, is more egalitarian and gets rid of the old privileges, which is always a good first step when you want to get to a democracy. The fact that she's also the only one to want to step down from power once her vision for Fodlan is put in place reinforces that.
3- Edelgard is also an abuse survivor icon. A lot of CF fans find Edelgard's more radical approach to change a nice change of pace- especially regarding religious trauma, but also familial trauma. Edelgard showed that even an abuse survivor who has to do bad things in order to survive, such as cooperate with her abusers, can and still deserves happiness. For irl abused survivors who couldn't just split from their abusers because the situation is not that simple, Edelgard's gradual taking over of the situation regarding TWSITD provides hope that they can do the same in turn. That they deserve it .
4- Edelgard is an amazing antagonist in routes that are not Crimson Flower. And even for people who dislike her, she is a very well written character, whose moral grayness sets the tone for the whole story. Edelgard forces you to think about if the end truly justifies the means, because she is such a multi-faceted character.
5- She is essentially Daenerys and Daenerys deserved better. Don't let Daenerys down like the writers of Game of Thrones season 8 did.
6- It's what Dorothea would want. She simps for the Empress. She would have a musical written about her.
7- Edelgard's route is the only one where Byleth is explicitely given a choice that can radically change the course of the story. Now don't get me wrong this doesn't mean that Byleth is any less "free" in the other routes ; but it does symbolically give them more control over who they want to be for themself, instead of accepting the role that was meant to be theirs. Then again, highlighting the main theme which makes CF an inherently queer route: finding your identity, while making a found family of people who understand you and love you unconditionally for who you are, not what they want you to be. For people that Rhea reminds of some abusive figures in their lives, Byleth's arc in CF was, as such, especially appealing and not at all a bad route for Byleth.
Now keep in mind this is funny propaganda for my blorbo- don't take it too seriously. I might have also missed some things. But in my opinion at least, best girl Edelgard 50000% deserves this win.
 If you do want to add more, feel free to do so ! =D 
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bloomingdead · 1 year
For the 100th time… bi people exist, Aloy is canon queer not canon Lesbian (yet!), if that changes in Horizon 3 then fair enough but nothing has been confirmed yet. All we know is that she’s not straight (which was obvious from the get go lol) or ace. Please stop erasing bi people from these discussions 😅
first of all, me thinking aloy is a lesbian and you being bisexual has nothing to do with my post about wanting seyka to be aloy’s only romantic partner in h3. aloy very well could be bisexual, but she has rejected or shrugged off every other person’s (man or woman) advances in the series so far.
i don’t want half baked optional romances. i want the writers to stick to what they’ve done in fw with the very light role playing, only having us choose aloy’s approach rather than her actual decisions. before seyka, i wanted aloy to be ace or at least to remain a single badass woman through to the end of the series. the romance with seyka surprised me but it developed so naturally in the MAIN quests of the dlc that it would feel lame in the next game to have a group of characters that become optional side quest romances. especially since that would mean seyka getting pushed into a side quest romance too. then it really would feel like they put a gay relationship the dlc just so it could be easily written off in the next game if not received well.
giving aloy optional romances in the next game with the established companions that aloy would’ve chose by now if she actually wanted them, would do nothing for the story as a whole at this point. aloy’s inexperienced but not stupid. she can tell who’s shown attraction for her.
aloy not ending up with errand, nil, avad, or kotalo the way you wanted is not bi erasure because aloy has yet to be confirmed bi just as she’s yet to be a confirmed lesbian. also how come straight until proven otherwise is so overlooked but when a lesbian wants to assume the opposite they’re doing something wrong??? there’s a reason you felt the need to remain anonymous, and i don’t think anyone needs me to spell it out. (fine, i’ll do it, your take is weird&self-serving)
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We're currently in season 2 of our Smallville rewatch (or first in my partner's case) so, largely from memory, here is my ranking of Smallville characters who should have been canonically queer listed on a scale from "Dude it was right there! I cannot fathom why you fumbled the ball here!" to "I mean I get why you didn't, but the subtext was loud". I might change my ranking after we finish the show.
1. First and most egregious we have Tess Mercer.
This woman is a lesbian.
Her second scene in the entire series is a square off with Lois in which Tess waits maybe 15 seconds before asking if Lois is into role play (to be fair, Lois is in a Spirit Halloween style french maid outfit at the time). Their tension remains severely homoerotic throughout the her time on the show.
They pair Tess with Oliver. They pair her with Zod. They give her the hots for Clark and none of it feels the least bit authentic. She is gay. Let this woman be gay.
2. Coming in at a close second is Chloe Sullivan.
Comp het is the only narrative explanation I can think of for why Chloe spent so much time pining for the obviously disinterested Clark when Pete was right there!
(Yes, I know that the actual reason is network demanded the love triangle, but I want an in-universe explanation, damn it)
Don't get me wrong, I remember her relationship to Jimmy being delightful, but "spent my teen years wanting someone who I knew didn't want me" is giving big "closeted and not ready to deal with my sexuality yet" energy.
Also her jacket choices in the early years feel distinctly sapphic to me, a sapphic who lived through this era.
Bonus: she and Lana could have ended up together and driven a stake right through that love triangle from hell.
3. Lois!
Lois is bi. Fight me.
Am I saying this just because I'm in love with her? No, but I'm gonna be real with you, it is a factor. It's just so obvious to me.
Let bygones be bygones and bi gals be bi gals
4. Clark Kent
Am I saying this just because I'm in love with him? No, but I'm gonna be real with you, it is a factor.
As the show went on, they dipped more and more heavily into the "super powers and kryptonite poisoning as queerness allegory" and it's... it's not great. But that's a whole other post. I just think that if you make listen to a character earnestly describe herself as her bestie's "krypto hag" when talking him through an issue he's having with his sex life AND you make your first on screen lesbian a homicidal shape shifter the least you can do is make your allegorically queer main guy actually bisexual.
Let bygones be bygones and bi guys be bi guys
Also it would kinda explain why he looked the other way about Lex's deeeeeply creepy behaviors for so long. He had the same blind loyalty to Lex that he had to Lana. While I do not ship them especially in the early seasons (Clark is a teen and Lex is in early 20s for the first 4 years of the friendship, that's a big nope for me) Clark having a crush on his morally dubious older friend would explain a lot.
Clark, that grown man is bribing a government agent for your mom's medical records. He is not you friend!
5. Lana Lang
I just think it would have been neat. As I mentioned under the Chloe section I would have really liked it if she and Chloe had ended up together.
Also Lana's journey from damsel in distress (that poor kid is in so. much. distress.) to morally complex love interest to superhero in her own right could also have been a really cool exploration of gender identity.
While I know the average TV writer in the 2000s first association the the word "binary" was likely "code" rather than "gender", non-binary Lana Lang would have slapped.
6. Lex Luthor
Lex is the official recipient of the "I completely get why they didn't make this canon, but the subtext was loud" award.
Lex is manipulative, duplicitous, obsessive, and predatory. (In other words, just another billionaire amiright) Making him canonically gay or bi would have reinforced some extremely harmful stereotypes and given how popular the show was in its time, I am very glad they didn't do this.
That said, he's just so obsessed with Clark and he loooves to compare himself to Alexander the Great.
And a season 6 (when everyone is adults) toxic, chaotic Clark/Lana/Lex throuple would have been amazing. The secrets! The betrayals! Certainly beats the canonical Lex/Lana doomed abusive marriage and ride on the ever present Clark/Lana merry-go-round.
Lex also made a clone combining his DNA with Clark's. Fellas....
Honorable mention: Oliver Queen
I don't have a narrative reason.
Maybe the fact that he was paired with first 3 people on this list at different points in the series just gives him a bit of bi/pan 4 bi/pan energy.
I also just think it would have been fun. And I like fun.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Hey Kit, hope you'll get better soon. Covid sucks. I love criminal minds is back. I love that they finally made a queer coded person act out her queerness, especially with Nicole pacent. I love her. And the height difference! Hope they'll get a lot of good Screentime. But they've introduced her, so I think she'll be abducted or something. What do you think Rebecca's role will be? Would love to hear your theories (and see who came closest to predicting it right it wrong)
Thank you for the kind wishes. Covid is kicking my ass rn and yeah, it sucks!!! It's still wild to me that CM is *back* when a) they only ended 2 years ago b) I have been here so long and every year leading up to the series being cancelled I begged the universe to let me finally BE FREE. Oh well, guess I'm here forever now. TARA LEWIS IS QUEER!!!! It still feels SURREAL to get to say that. My fave character is QUEER. We have a 50 year old QUEER BLACK WOMAN and I am sooooo emotional about it. I probably remind my partner that Tara is queer at least once an hour. I'm familiar with Nicole Pacent but literally when that one article dropped a few days before the show that said she was joining the cast, I said ['Is this going to be Tara's girlfriend!?']. I'm so glad I was right bc she's absolutely stunning! Even though we've seen approximately 2 minutes of Rebecca so far, I LOVE HER and I am ready to fight anyone who comes after her. I 100% agree that they're going to hurt her though. Bc CM loves hurting MCs love interests (Hayley, Strauss, Krystall, Maeve....) I feel like she's going to get abducted or something and I STG if they kill her!?!?!? If they introduce our FIRST queer character in SEVENTEEN FUCKING YEARS just to kill her girlfriend???? I will absolutely bow out of this show. I think Rebecca will be pretty pivotal though, bc clearly she has the inside info on that littler twerp who's being a pain in the ass to Prentiss (I don't know his name bc I do not care about white men). My MAIN concern is this: I think they gave us a queer relationship (LOVE IT) but we're going to get an EXTRMELY sanitised version of their relationship. I would NOT be surprised if we don't even get a Tebecca kiss on-screen. Me and @gaelic-symphony were talking about this and basically we theorise that we'll get the 'CBS primetime' version of Tara/Rebecca while getting the 'Streaming and raunchy' version of het relationships like Will/JJ Which I fucking hate, of course. But I truly think that's what's going to happen. Like we had to suffer through that nasty Will/JJ scene where they got handsy in the kitchen (*GAG* I had to fast forward through all Will scenes tbrh) and then the quip by Emily about 'everyone getting laid'. Gross. I just want to see Tara being soft and in love and HAPPY. TARA LEWIS DESERVES HAPPINESS!!!! I DO love that they not only gave her an on-screen gf BUT they also clarified that she's dated women before!!! I think that's really rare to see when canon confirms an MC as queer. Usually it's like 'Oh yeah, I'm dating a woman. But it's weird, I've never done this before' which is a show's way of saying 'They're dating a woman but they're not necessarily queer......' (Does that make sense??) So it's EXTREMELY important to me that Tara was like 'I've always been interested in women' so so so refreshing and incredible. I 100% believe the ONLY reason we have queer Tara Lewis is because AISHA would have been the one to push for it. I truly think SHE was probably the driving force of saying 'We're streaming. I want Tara to have a gf and be canonically confirmed as queer' [Which is one of the reasons I believe Emily wasn't the one to be queer confirmed. Bc I don't really see Paget pushing for something like that. I have so many reasons and theories why it WASN'T Emily, but I digress....] It was also obvious Emily already knew Rebecca, so I wanna know the background there! And Emily's 'You know we're going to give you shit about this' (I hate that for many reasons) but I wanna see Luke teasing Tara about being in love (not teasing bc she's in love with a WOMAN, just bc she's in love and he thinks it's cute when Tara lets her guard down) All in all, I don't even care about the plots introduced so far. But I WILL continue watching simply because Tara and Rebecca are cute af and I want to see more of them
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....yeah, I’m fine with it, for the most part. 
I understand the critique being made. It might be a little sloppy in the execution, some of Mickey’s talking points hit a bit too close to home for reasonable critiques of how these particular characters have been treated over the years especially since YJ has a heavily LGBTQ fanbase who’ve long hoped that YJ would be ALLOWED to be more inclusive, but I can tell Mickey is meant to represent the toxic mindset that prioritizes cis het white fuckboys’ preferences above the opinions of the diverse fanbase Young Justice actually has. 
At least, that’s what I think it’s driving at. Like, I think Tim being queer is playing a big role here. Look how Tim coming out split the overall DC fanbase at large when it first happened. I don’t see it a lot, because I’m on tumblr where majority opinion is pretty much YAY BI TIM! but I still see the youtube comments trying to pretend their distaste for Tim’s “sexuality retcon” has nothing to do with homophobia and that it’s “just not canon” - sucks to suck, man, it IS canon now. 
That’s what this comic is MEANT to be critiquing, I think. And like, Mickey is WRONG about Young Justice being what he wants them to be. He’s trying to MAKE them be versions of themselves they NEVER were. Whether you thought that was obvious enough (or if I’m just full of shit, lol), is up to you. 
On to commenting on individual panels. 
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I LOVE Tim struggling to identify himself with the minority group. Identifying as queer is NEW to Tim, and it’s hard to let go of your privledge, especially when you fly under the radar. Tim’s a cis white man who’s identified as straight for a long time - he’s just not used to being subjected to homophobia or microagressions. He’s long been an ally, but he’s just not used to saying “I” yet in this context, and I love that little inclusion. 
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...yeah, I don’t like this. I hate that Cassie is my least favorite part of this series, but she’s kinda unreasonable. For one, like, why is Bart apologizing at all? HE wasn’t fooled. And Tim and Kon had their suspicions as well, even if they WERE somewhat fooled. And why does Cassie ASSUME they were fooled? And even if they were, how does she know they weren’t under some form of influence to think it was her? There’s just a lot of assumptions Cassie’s making here, and while Cassie can be abrasive at times, this comic isn’t really selling me on the idea that Cassie’s been done dirty over the years. Cassie HAS been done dirty over the years, but this comic doesn’t make me too sympathetic. The girls have been written all over the place, sort of similar to how Kon’s been up and down as well, and it’s just... WEIRD for a comic so concerned with feminism to do its own gals dirty like that when THEY WEREN’T EVEN IN THE FUCKED UP WORLD. 
I’ve seen that Anita will be showing up soon, and I’m kinda fucking NERVOUS about it, because if this is how Cissie and Cassie are written, what are they gonna do to poor Nita? 
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So, as per my notes above, I think Tim being queer is playing a big part in Mickey’s... eveything. Because HIS perfect (racist, sexist, homophobic) world was BEFORE Tim came out. Now one of his “heroes” is intrinsically changed from what he wants him to be. He’s been trying to FORCE Tim to be the straight-presenting 14-year-old he used to be, but Tim’s not cooperating, so the world really DOES have it out for him. Bart, for all HE’S not cooperating, is still pretty much what Mickey expects him to be, only he’s eaten a library since then so he’s not “the dumb one” like he expects. And Kon is... Kon is having a crisis, ok, but he loves his friends. 
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lmao this is just a funny panel 
Uh, oh, and Tim and Kon were just really gay with each other the whole comic, but I didn’t take pics this time because there were a lot of them and I’m just not as surprised this time. Nothing more noteworthy than what’s come before. Some fussing over Tim, general touching, you know the drill by now. 
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
Get to Know: Alex
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I stole the character template used in this fic, because I thought it was really thorough, and a good exercise for character building. So thanks ao3 user StarkPark!
Alexandra Jaqueline Boyd. Sean named Alexandra, and it means “defender of men.” Their middle name is the feminine version of Jaq, one of her mother’s friends.
Alex (primary nickname)
Princess Alex (by her friends, to annoy them)
Pumpkin (by their parents)
Thin, straight blond hair
Pale skin
Gray eyes
Smiley face tattoo on their shoulder, no scars. They have a tongue piercing.
They wear grunge aesthetic clothing, mainly black crop tops, ripped jeans, doc martens, and a lot of fishneting just…everywhere.
Face claims
London Fuller (young)
Virginia Gardner (older)
Sarcastic and kind of rough around the edges, but is actually sweet underneath. The one her friends go to when they need to rant, and/or do something mildly illegal.
They are industrious, loyal, and determined, but also very compulsive and over emotional at times. This can lead to fights and blow-ups with friends, but she will be the first to apologize, as she’s not stubborn, and will fold like a playing card.
She believes firmly in working hard to get what you want, one of the only traits she inherited from her mother. She despises when people have privilege and don’t help those in need.
They tend to think that rules are guidelines, rather than things to be followed. Especially if breaking the rules helps someone out.
Playing the bass
Just being in the same vicinity of her friends
Listening to very loud music in the car
Dying her hair
Spray painting and doing other non-traditional forms of art
Knitting, crocheting, and sewing (don’t tell anybody!)
Gender roles
No magic, but boy do they want it!
Has a shellfish allergy
Used to have asthma, but doesn’t any more
Aromantic asexual. No romance, no sex. They love it!
Not being able to handle living on their own
Dying alone
Has a weird fear of breaking her ankles?
Chews on the ends of their hair
Bites her nails
Messy as all fuck
Movies: Fluxuates between 80’s classics and obscure indie stuff, there is no in between
TV Shows: Historical Dramas…she hates history, but is fine with historical based media
Music: 80’s and 90’s grunge, with some indie/folk thrown in there
Books: Loves Narnia. Did not understand that Aslan was Jesus until they were an adult
Parent: She isn’t super close to either of them, but prefers Sean
Family member: Vibes well with their step-cousin, Conrad
Sport: Did lacrosse in high school, and follows a few teams
School subject: Art! Duh!
Food: Burgers and fries, but specifically Granny’s
Sweet treat: Chocolate lover
Colors: Pink, red, purple
Animal: Penguins <3
Toy: Fashion dolls like Barbies that they can cut and style the hair on
Game: Sim games like Harvest Moon, Stardew, and Animal Crossing
Least favorites
Movies: Rom Coms
TV Shows: Modern fantasy-based TV shows (lol)
Music: Music without lyrics
Books: Romance and YA fiction
Parent: They clash with Ashley a lot
Family member: Lady Tremaine…for obvious reasons
Sport: Track. She can only run in short bursts
School subject: History. Snooze fest
Food: Anything too spicy
Sweet treat: Hates carrot cake on principle
Colors: Blue, green, yellow
Animal: Any and all fish. They hate the scales
Toy: Bratz. Barbie or bust!
Game: Hates any video games that require skilled combat like Halo and all that
Career aspiration
Either an artist or hair dresser. Or both.
Social life
If they don’t hang with their friends once a day, they will die
She has a high social battery, and is up for anything
They’re the go-to queer informant for the youth of Storybrooke
No pets. She can barely take care of herself, let alone an animal
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