#i was afraid of something like this happening like you have a senior dog and you KNOW goldens are prone to health issues
liinos · 10 months
Gonna be real yall I think the vets office is a tad traumatizing for me 👍
#had one of the most emotionally taxing and exhausting days in a while#im petsitting for my neighbor and i ended up having to take his dog to the emergency vet and was there for 8 hours#during which many Many people came to pick up ashes and that coupled with the fact that the last time we went to the emergency vet. you know#made it genuinely so hard to be there like on top of the fact that i knew it wasnt going to be great news#and then having to be the one to take the news that the dog has cancer which is obviously not a great prognosis... really rough day#and like having to see a lot of people coming in to put down their pets it was really really rough#and i feel really guilty even tho i know its not my fault the dog is sick and i couldnt have done anything#but like their cat went into kidney failure like right after they got back from their last trip when i was watching them#so it feels like im a harbinger of doom atp 🥴#and i am and have been really frustrated that theyve been going on so many trips exactly because#i was afraid of something like this happening like you have a senior dog and you KNOW goldens are prone to health issues#their last dog literally died bc of undetected cancer while they were on a trip#and this guy has been generally really healthy and was acting perfectly fine until last night#but still hes old and its just so unfair to him that theyve been traveling so much#i think total over this year ive watched him for roughly 3 months and like. i personally think that if you have a dog#you dont just get to do whatever like you have a duty to your dog but especially to older dogs
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kudossi · 1 year
Tigerclaw and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Senior Warrior Position AU
In a world where deputies can only be named after their first apprentice has been granted their warrior name, Tigerclaw struggles to keep an apprentice alive long enough to earn their name.
or, a comedy-tragedy AU in which having an apprentice isn't enough — you have to see them to their warrior name, and Tigerclaw cannot fucking get any of his goddamn apprentices to live, damn it.
It starts out mostly normally, except for the fact that Tigerclaw hasn't gotten any apprentices to their warrior name, and he needs that so he can accomplish his (very noble, of course) kitty genocide goals. And also be the supreme leader of the world or something. Darkpaw died stupidly, he hasn't had a chance since, and now he's got some tiny thing that's afraid of his own shadow.
Well. It'll have to do.
So naturally this man is so protective over Ravenpaw that Ravenpaw barely even leaves his sight. Firepaw and Graypaw think that this is adorable. Look how much Tigerclaw cares about his apprentice!!
Ravenpaw, of course, is fucking terrified and also slowly losing his mind, just in a different way.
"Redtail assigned us to go on a patrol to Snakerocks." "OH NO HE DID NOT. WE'RE STAYING IN THE SANDY HOLLOW WHERE IT'S SAFE."
"Nothing matters more to me than making you a warrior, Ravenpaw. Nothing." And the terrible thing is that Ravenpaw is sure he's being sincere.
Ravenpaw disappears and Tigerclaw nearly fucking has a conniption because the timing was all RIGHT and he was going to finally get the position AND HE NEVER GOT HIS DAMN NAME FUCK.
"Do you think I could convince the elders that Fireheart was my apprentice?" "Fireheart was Bluestar's apprentice, as approved by StarClan. You're going to have to wait for the next litter to be apprenticed."
So he begs and begs and gets Cinderpaw and then she accidentally falls into the trap he'd set for a better deputy candidate at the Thunderpath. Fuck.
Well. Time to resort to drastic measures.
"I was thinking that Darkstripe would have been a good name. Because he had dark stripes." "Again, Tigerclaw, it's admirable that you loved your apprentice so much, but I cannot grant him a name." "Are you sure?" "Honestly, Tigerclaw, I'm not sure he ever would have gotten a name. Missing quite a few feathers from his nest, that one..." Fuck. The worst part was that she wasn't even wrong.
— Swiftpaw and Brightpaw get mauled by the dogs he set up to happen like right after he got the title and they sprang it before and he's like FUCK NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH THESE DAMN DOGS? His world domination plans literally never come to fruition because he cannot keep his apprentices alive/in the clan/his own.
— "Brightheart counts. She HAS to count." "Actually, Cloudtail took over her training…" [demented noises]
Turns out that Ravenpaw is alive and no one — no one — in the Harper Collins Extended Universe is happier than Tigerclaw.
"You're alive! …You deserve your warrior name!" "Actually, I've come to peace with my name and my way of life. I have no need for a—" "GET YOUR FUCKING NAME RIGHT NOW RAVENPAW OR SO HELP ME STARCLAN—" "I know you really wanted Ravenpaw to become a warrior," Barley says gently, "but he's made his decision. It's very kind of you to acknowledge that he deserves it, though. You must have been so close as mentor and apprentice." Tigerclaw's eye twitches. "Yes. Close. Very... close." —
He finally, finally retires as an elder after his plans go absolutely nowhere for years on end. And maybe StarClan is still like "Brambleclaw would be chill actually, we can forget that pesky little law" and Tigerclaw is sitting there like "excuse me what the actual fuck?" —
But at this point Tigerclaw is about as dangerous as Ashfur without a freak forest fire. Which is to say about as dangerous as using a leaf as a weapon. Which is, incidentally, how Darkpaw managed to get himself killed in the first place.
"Is this the Dark Forest? This has to be the Dark Forest. It doesn't look like Thistleclaw described it, but it must be. This Clan is all an elaborate punishment meted down by StarClan for my sins." "Tigerclaw, sir, I'm just here to help you with your ticks. See? I have the mousebile right here." "…Yes, thank you, Alderpaw." — Graystripe joins him in the elder's den and he's like, "You know, Ravenpaw thought you were up to some… scheme, back in the day. Crazy, right? You've been a model Clanmate as long as I've been alive." [muffled screaming] "Huh, what do you think that is? It sounds almost like someone killed a rabbit, but they know not to come this close to camp…"
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sp-by-april · 1 month
💖💓👅⚡️ if you please
YES NICHOLE ASKS ILU GUYS 😭!! Nichole x Wendy, head with a side of rough and ready. Order UP!
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Nichole x Wendy
[Order from the Smut Cafe] [South Park Fic Master Lists]
Volleyball practice was over. Wendy and Nichole were the last ones in the locker rooms.
Nichole was in the shower soaping up and washing off her day when the curtain opened. It was Wendy.
Wendy had been through a lot. Breakups, makeups, more break ups. She’d been an emotional support dog for her last ex and one thing she learned was that in relationships, you had to be crystal clear about your wants and needs.
She and Nichole may have had a strange little situationship, and fooled around occasionally, but the same rules still applied.
Nichole looked at Wendy’s naked body and stammered as she stepped into the shower, “Wh-What are you–“
Wendy traced her fingers over Nichole’s shoulder and down to her breast.
“I needed a shower,” She leaned down and kissed her neck as one hand caressed her breast and the second fell between the other girl’s legs, “I needed you,”
Nichole’s face felt hot. They were alone. For now. It would be easy for them to get caught there. Then Wendy’s fingers started to her rub her clit just the way she liked and none of that really mattered. What were the chances of something like that happening?
Still, Nichole tried to stifle her moans. She did pretty well, until Wendy dropped to her knees.
Nichole panicked as she panted through the pleasure Wendy was granting her in tight little circles, “You can’t-- I’ll make too much noise,”
“I don’t care,” Wendy said flatly, taking withdrawing her hand from her.
It wasn’t quite a punishment, but she knew how close Nichole was to finishing and she wasn’t allowed to. Not yet.
She was past caring. Too many people went through life just going for what they want and getting it. It’s not like Nichole didn’t want it, she was just afraid of the consequences. Not enough people get actual consequences.
It was senior year. Even if someone found them, they’d be fine. They were two of the prettiest girls in the school. Even if everyone found out, it would be nothing but masturbatory fodder. It wouldn’t really bring them down. If anything, knowing the people they went to school with, it might make them even more popular. Wendy knew it.
Wendy picked up Nichole's leg, and threw it on her shoulder.
Nichole braced herself against the tiled wall as best as she could. Everything was wet and she worried about slipping, but the thought faded once Wendy’s tongue was on her.
Wendy ran her tongue over Nichole’s slit and savored the taste as her tongue slipped between her delicate folds. She lapped eagerly at her heat and hardly noticed that her hands were holding onto Nichole’s ass so hard that her fingertips were pressed in enough to leave nail-marks.
Nichole bit her lip as she struggled to stand and stay quiet. It seemed like she needed all her brainpower for just one of those tasks and splitting the labor was fucking impossible. So she moaned. She moaned loud and her entire body shivered as Wendy took her soft little clit into her mouth.
Then her hand slid down Nichole’s thigh and slid around and up until it found her slit again. Wendy pushed her fingers inside without a warning and immediately curled them.
Nichole’s eyes rolled back and she grabbed a handful of Wendy’s hair. Her leg twitched and Wendy immediately grabbed it with her other hand and held it firm on her shoulder.
Like hell, she was getting away.
Wendy couldn’t help but moan as she listened to and felt how close Nichole was again to finally coming for her.
The vibrations were what pushed her over the edge.
Nichole’s back arched and every muscle in her body tensed up. She was still focused so hard on not falling that she hardly noticed the loud, shuddering moan that poured out of her mouth. Her core tightened up to an unbelievable level as her silky walls grasped onto Wendy’s fingers desperately.
Wendy left a soft, wet kiss right on her sensitive little clit. It looked so cute and a little swollen that she couldn’t help but brush the tip of her tongue over it, sending a shiver through Nichole’s body as she let go of Wendy’s wet hair.
Wendy finally put her leg down and stood.
“My knees feel so weak,” Nichole said sheepishly.
"That’s fine,” Wendy grinned, “It’s my turn, anyway”
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dododan · 6 months
Forgotten Perseverance - Chapter 1
"Before Katharina came to the Underground, there was another man before her. He stood out for his impeccable courage. He was not afraid to raise his blade against unknown creatures, just to get home.
And what did it look like from the side of the monsters?"
When she appeared, I had finished sixteen years old and my little brother Papyrus had nines birthday. He was enough too old to understand the world around him, but he still saw the world by the pink glasses. Somebody could say my brother was so naive, but I thought every child in his ages behave like that. Only that world wasn't so easy how children thought or perhaps we – adults – complicate the world too much?  
I often thought how my brother would deal with the world. Papyrus preferred to solve the problems by talking, but not all the monsters were like him – peaceful. Sometimes I and our father wondered why Papyrus wanted to be a Royal Guardian. When we asked him, he responded that he only wanted to help others and to be a popular. I reflected how he wanted to do it with his passion in straw and big shyness. But I always wanted to protect him, and I still. 
This day was like every last days. I didn't expect that something could happen. How usually after the school, I wanted to go to the Ruin, especially to flower chamber, where appeared latest people. There were already three of them, not counting Princess Chara Dremuur. Every monster knew her story. She had appeared in the Underground, igniting the hearts of monsters. She had given us hope. I didn't have a chance to know her personally. I was 5 years old, when Princess Chara and Prince Asriel had gone. I saw them a few times in the capital, but nothing else. It was followed by more people. 
From Chara's death until Katharina's appearance, various people fell into the Underworld. I didn't know their names, so I'll use their characteristics. The first to appear was a woman - a Patiente. She turned up a few days after Chara and Asriel's funeral. I didn't meet her, but I heard she didn't even pass Ruin. She died solving one of the traps. Her soul was taken to the palace. She was supposed to be the key to destroying the barrier. You probably know about the King of the Underworld, Asgor wanting to get human souls to break the barrier. He started collecting them after the death of his children. The soul of Petience was the first. The next was the soul of Honesty - a teenager. She managed to successfully pass the Ruins. In Snowdin she was caught by the guards. The captain of the Royal Guard - Vinci personally led the girl to the capital. Honesty tried to negotiate with King Asgore. She was unsuccessful. He killed her. Then Queen Toriel left. She could not watch her husband kill a defenceless child. The king gained a second soul and the queen disappeared. There were rumours that she was hiding in the Ruins. Apparently she was waiting for more people - she wanted to warn them about Asgor. 
After Honesty, a third man appeared. A man who was characterised by Bravery. When he appeared in Snowdin, the monsters began to suspect that he had killed the Queen. It later transpired that he had killed old Jim - a senior dog living away from the town. This man was dangerous. He attacked several monsters and one of my buddies - Doggo the dog. Because of Bravery, Doggo became blind. The man attacked his father and Doggo tried to defend him. He was injured. Since then, the boy changed. He wanted to join the Royal Guard and catch people. Many did so at the time. As a blind man, Doggo could not fight, but he managed perfectly well without it. His strength proved to be his hearing. It was because of it that he joined the ranks of the Guards in the future. Returning to Bravery, the man killed or seriously injured several more monsters on his way. He managed to get as far as Hotland. By some miracle, he entered the laboratory of my father - W. D. Gaster.  What he was looking for there none of us know. Maybe he thought he could get out that way? 
I won't forget it for the rest of my life. Bravery was the reason for my 'dislike' of people. 
I was in the lab with Papyrus at the time. He was three at the time, so he doesn't remember it. That's fine, but I often had nightmares.    
Bravery burst into Papa's office. I took Paps and hid under the desk. I pressed my brother against me. Dad faced him, ready to defend us. They started to fight. I don't want to recall that fight. To this day, chills run through me at the memory of that day, but what I remember most was the sight of my father. Bravery hit my father on the head with a wooden stick. I held my breath, pressing Papyrus to my chest. I was afraid. No. I was terrified, seeing my father on the ground. Although I could only see his back, I could still see the crack on his skull. It stretched across his entire head. Blood was slowly oozing from the wound. The red liquid ran down the bone onto the snow-white apron, soaking into it. Papyrus began to cry. He must have heard what was happening and got scared. I tried to calm him down somehow, but it didn't help. I looked at my father. He had already got up from the ground. He looked over at us. What I saw... At first I couldn't believe it. The crack started below his eye socket and went through it. A lot more blood than I thought at first. He seemed extremely tired, but as soon as he met my gaze. His expression changed. The uncertainty and fear disappeared and was replaced by pure hatred. Hatred of people. My father turned to face the man. He stretched out his hand in front of him, which began to be surrounded by purple magic.    
"You're going to start regretting coming here at all" - growled the father in the ancient language of the monsters. I understood it because he had taught it to me. Dad considered it a legacy of the surface monsters, so he decided to teach it to us. When father got angry he would start speaking it. "You will pay for hurting the people of Snowdin! For breaking in here!" shouted father. He raised his hand above his head. The man began to shake. I think he realised who he was dealing with. He tried to escape, but bones grew out of the ground making any movement impossible. "You think you can escape!" Blasters appeared above his father. Each with violet eyes. "You will pay for all your sins. And especially for attacking my sons!" Bone heads shot out with purple flame. Bravery struggled, but it had little effect. He was burnt to ashes. An orange heart appeared above his ashes - his soul. It was already about to disappear, but his father managed to capture it in his magic.    
"Your punishment is yet to begin" his father added, burying his soul in a special container. He left it on the table and walked over to us. He knelt down at the desk, hugging us.    
"It's all right now. You are in no danger” he said in a calm voice, embracing us tighter. "It's over now. Don't cry Sans” 
Through my father's words, I realised that tears had been pouring down my cheekbones for a few moments. I didn't even notice when I started crying.    
A few minutes later, guards rushed into the study. Seeing us and the battlefield, they immediately set about dressing my father. After that I do not remember much. Everything happened as if in a fog. I felt tired, even exhausted. And the last thing I remember of that day was how darkness covered my eye sockets. The only thought swirling around in my head at the time was that I would not let this situation happen again. 
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Fic: Misty, chapter iv
chapter i | chapter ii | chapter iii | chapter iv | chapter v | chapter vi | chapter vii | chapter viii | chapter ix | chapter x
Read on Ao3
Rating: Explicit (whole thing)
Fandom: Prospect
Pairing: Snowman!Ezra x f!reader (monsterfucker au)
Tags: it’s basically monster fucking but with a snowman which could technically be classified as a monster i guess?, gothic horror kind of, sorrow, dementia, anxiety, dog murder, masturbation, Frankie thirst, pet murder, racism mention, huge age gap, implied possible sexual abuse of minor.
Chapter warnings in addition to the above mentioned: No new ones.
Summary: Escaping your empty apartment after having been dumped by your fiancé, you rent a cottage at Oakgrove House over Christmas to nurse your wounds. But strange things seem to happen at the estate, where an old woman wanders around in search of old friends long gone, and snowmen appear as if by themselves on the lawn…
Chapter word count: 1,769
A/N: This one has been on the back burner since last Christmas. Sorry about that. We're back in business now, for at least one chapter. Enjoy!
Tagging: @harriedandharassed @paulalikestuff @pazizz @lovesbiggerthanpride (let me know if you want in)
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You walk down the road you drove up last night, finding a little side road after a while, and taking it. It’s plowed but you can’t see any footprints in the newly fallen snow, and the words of Frost come to you: I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. You scoff to yourself, not in the mood for philosophical musings about your life choices.
The snowflakes are falling down less densely now, and the sky is darkening. Accustomed to the city lights as you are, the darkness seems so compact – yet you’re not afraid. It’s comforting in a way. The idea that you can be completely swallowed up by darkness and cease existing feels good.
The trees grow dense and you can only imagine the green canopy their crowns would form above your head in the summertime. Now only black, naked branches stretch against the black-grey sky, snowflakes slipping through the finger-like limbs.
You stop when the silence is broken by a sound. Is that a dog? Yes, it seems to be a dog barking. A small one, from the sound of it. You look around, expecting someone from the house, but you can’t see anyone. The sound comes from in front of you, so you walk on. The road bends, the trees spread out, and you find yourself looking over a small lake. A thin veil of ice covers the dark water, but it doesn’t seem like it would hold even a mouse.
Or a small dog. You look around in search of the animal, without seeing anything. The barking has stopped, and you feel a shiver run through you.
“You’re the woman in the cottage.”
The voice startles you so much that you give an audible gasp. Turning around, you see the old woman standing right behind you. She’s properly clothed this time, and looking up at you with sharp eyes.
“Yes,” you manage, your heart beating wildly. “I am. We met the other day.”
“I remember,” Olga replies, seemingly irritated at being reminded. Calming down now from the fright, you look the old woman over. She is wearing a long overcoat, sturdy boots, a hat, scarf, and gloves, like any senior citizen going out for a walk in the winter.
“How are you today?” you ask politely. “Can you imagine all this snow?”
“Haven’t had this much snow at Christmas since the seventies,” she replies, looking around. She seems uninterested in you; something else is preoccupying her brain. Is she still looking for that dog of hers? Even now, is she not aware of the dog being long gone?
“Can I help you with anything?” you ask tentatively. “Or help you home?”
“You think I can’t find my own way?” the old woman barks, and you apologize, turning your attention towards the lake instead. The dark, quiet water shines through the thin veil of ice, and you imagine that you can hear the lapping of waves. Olga comes to stand next to you, her gaze roaming the scene in front of the two of you. 
“He’ll come tonight,” she says, sounding concerned, like she’s thinking of a thousand chores yet undone.
“Oh, you mean Santa?” you smile.
“Santa!” Olga scoffs disdainfully, her watery gray eyes piercing into your very soul. “Santa doesn’t exist, foolish girl!”
You haven’t been called a girl in many years, but you can’t take the compliment because if it’s not Santa Olga means, then who? There is nothing about the old woman that suggests that she isn't in full possession of her faculties right now, so who is she expecting?
“Who is coming?” A shiver runs through you as you breathe out the question, and Olga turns towards you.
“Stop mumbling and speak up.”
“Who is coming?” This time you nearly yell it, the suspense making it hard for you to control your voice. Your bladder suddenly feels too small and you’re shivering.
“Ezra, of course.” Olga looks at you as if you were stupid. “Ezra is coming tonight.”
You have too many questions to focus on only one, and you're starting to wish that you had never come here. Not to the lake, not to Oakgrove House. You should have just stayed in your empty apartment and cried Christmas down the drain along with soapy shower water. Buried yourself under a pile of blankets in your lonesome bed.
You meet Olga’s gaze and just as quickly as intelligence lit up her milky grey eyes, the lights are put out and no one is home. She seems to shrink in front of you, hunching her shoulders and hiding her face.
“He said I was his little bird, and that he would come back just in time for Christmas, and we would be married. Mama and papa would not give their blessing but we would run away, live our own lives, just Ezra and his little Blackbird…”
Another shiver makes it difficult for you to find your tongue and will it into forming words, but you force yourself to put your hand on Olga’s shoulder.
“Let’s go home,” you mumble, and the old woman doesn’t protest when you gently turn both of you around and start your slow walk back to the house. Olga is quiet and you can't tell what decade her mind dwells in, but she willingly lets you lead her away from the lake.
The high, piercing barks of a small dog chase you but Olga doesn't seem to hear anything. You wonder if they're real or imagined. Since Olga isn't paying them any attention, you decide it's better to just ignore them and focus on getting the old woman home.
When you're nearing the house and can see the windows light up like glowing eyes through the snow, Olga slides her arm from yours and straightens her back.
"I can walk by myself," she scoffs, like it she wasn't just leaning heavily on you. You draw your arm to yourself, almost ashamed.
"Of course," you mumble, suddenly feeling tired. You haven't done much today but still feel like the day has been long and filled with chores and obligations. The evening, lonely and desperate, is still stretching out before you and for a moment you wish that you were included in the togetherness that you have discerned on the other side of the great lawn. Even now, you hear children laughing and through the snowflakes, you see Olga's grandchildren chase each other on the lawn. It would be nice to belong, to be surrounded by people who love you, to have someone special to cuddle up to...
You swallow hard and tell the rat to stay away from your ribcage, at least until you've relinquished Olga to her family. Only when you're back in the cottage, away from prying eyes, can you break down.
"It gets easier," Olga suddenly says. You flinch and turn your head to her, finding her staring at you with piercing eyes.
"It feels like your world is ending," she states matter-of-factly, like she was listing states and their capitals. "But it will get better. One day you realize that you are no longer hurting. That you have forgiven myself."
"What do I have to forgive myself for?" you ask, stunned by her words. You never told anyone here about your ex, did you? The reason for your being here?
Olga stops and searches your face. Snowflakes twirl slowly around the two of you but the brim of her hat keep her face dry. Your lashes are wet with melting snow - or maybe tears, you don't know.
"For not holding on harder," she tells you, the warm hint of compassion thawing the cool practicality of her voice a little. "For not fighting harder to keep him."
You stare dumbly at Olga as your brain scrambles to make sense and words of the conflicting emotions stirred up by her statement. Before you succeed, however, Denise's voice calling for Olga cuts through the snow and makes you look over Olga's shoulder and see her daughter hurry up to you.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"Of course," Olga replies with some irritation, turning to her daughter who stops in front of the two of you. "I can't take a walk by myself anymore?"
"I'm just worried about you going out in this weather," Denise tries to smooth things over. You can see from how her eyes are moving that she's inspecting Olga's attire. Finding it adequate, her shoulders sink visibly. Olga gives you a short nod before marching right past Denise, aiming for the house.
"I hope dinner is ready, I'm hungry."
Denise shakes her head and sighs before turning her attention to you.
"Thanks again for looking out for her. Where did you find her?"
You blink, not really sure how to handle this.
"By the lake," you confess. "But she was... not confused. At all. She was out for a walk. It was really she who held me company on the way back, not the other way around."
"She has good days," Denise nods, grief pulling the corners of her mouth down momentarily. "But I don't like it when she goes on her walks alone."
"I can understand that," you acknowledge uneasily. "It must be hard."
"Thank you," Denise replies simply, then looks over her shoulder at Olga, who is gathering the children and heading towards the house. "Well, dinner's waiting. Do you want to join us?"
"Oh, no, thank you so much, but I've got my own plans," you hurry to assure her. "You have a good evening."
"And you. And sorry for this. Looks like you got more than you bargained for when you rented the cottage."
"I don't mind. Happy to help."
You take your good-byes and return to the cottage, but stop halfway up the pathway. Slowly, you turn around and look at the snowman on the other side of the road.
It stands there, silent and stoic, in the yellow light of the single streetlamp. Through the veil of falling snow, you think you see it winking at you. Of course you are mistaken. It is an inanimate object, nothing more.
And still, you speak to it.
"Don't try anything, Ezra," you say, loud and clear, before retiring to the warmth of the cottage.
Later, when you pour yourself a second glass of wine to chase down the rest of the your simple dinner, you happen to glance out the window.
The snowman is no longer on the other side of the road. It is standing in the garden of the cottage.
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mashiee · 1 year
amab genderfluid, pronouns are the opposite of whoever he's dating. (and since i love isemi, this means his pronouns are he/him to me sjsjsn).
if he was dating blyke isen's pronouns would be she/her or she/they bc blyke uses he/they to me
if isen is dating both blyke and remi, hed use they/them or she/he depending on what he wants
if hes dating someone who uses they/them or neopronouns hed use they/them
if hes dating two ppl using she/her and someone using he/him he'd also use he/him to even it out
considering them using edith when fem purely bc i love the name but that's probably not realistic
not out as genderfluid tho, he doesnt come out until the summer after his high school senior year
pansexual !
absolute simp
tbh too much horny but we'll pretend isen has rights and isnt horny on main
natrual hair color isnt orange OR black. its BROWN. which still means isen made the conscious choice to Both bleach and not bleach his hair. we wont talk about it
lots of moles (tbh sometimes i forget this one)
knows everything about everyone ever. you cannot get past him im sorry but u just cant. u think u have blackmail on him? try again
if not for the fact that he is afraid of him isen could have oneshot killed arlo by digging up Something about him
smh isen could have been calling the shots the joker arc could have been avoided all together
anyway moving on 😁
dog person as in he would own a dog but cat person as in his personality is more like a cat
overdramatic as fuck. would have been a theatre kid if not for his stage fright
speaking of frights, has clinical anxiety that quite often physically prevents him from doing things
but he shakes a lot bc of it so now he has a higher muscle mass 🤷
(yes this^ is a real thing you can ask me about it if youd like)
has way too many secrets and is also excellent at keeping secrets
also good at telling when ppl are lying or acting, takes one to know one yk
honestly he could have a fantastic villain arc but unfortunately (or fortunately?) his morals do not align that way
when he is fully grown he ends up as 6'2 idc idc
also has long hair when he grows up and its usually in a bun
hard to make him full actually angry, and its not a pretty sight
daydreams to cope
clinical ADHD but doesnt take meds for it
meme and vine encyclopedia but doesnt know shit about anything on tiktok
knows too much about random bullshit but still couldnt tell you remi or blykes birthday he has to have a calendar reminder a week before
would probably run some kind of gossip page because he just wants to know shit. call that irl lore
never knows whats going on in the moment but knows why its happening. he knows the lore not the actual story
once went to a halloween party dressed as shrek. there is nothing else to this one
loves capri suns
does weed and edibles. we all know he does
likes wearing long skirts and dresses occasionally but doesnt like short skirts or dresses or shorts or anything short actually
buff people. holy moly,,,, -isen
afraid of bugs
especially spiders
also will not ride in an elevator unless necessary. has the irrational fear the cord holding them up will snap and they'll plummet
afraid of being forgotten and/or left alone
doesnt like thunderstorms, they scare him
would make a fantastic sniper ✨
aside from the murder
so i guess no he wouldn't actually
would not be able to kill someone even to protect himself or someone else. not unless like he went thru something mind altering
paints his nails sometimes. why not. he can make them fun colors
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fcb4 · 9 months
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Everything’s a Catastrophe!
Poor Mr. Mole is trying to figure out where all the Christmas spirit has gone. He gets an ear full listening to Mr. Baltry the Poulterer.
I couldn’t help but think of the type of folks that can’t muster up much festive enthusiasm because they let every ill and evil happening in the world steal from them the joy of faith-filled feasting. They see calamity and catastrophe ever before them and spread fear instead of cheer in the Christmas season.
“Only when they had crossed the bridge and headed west for a few miles did Mr Baltry speak again. “I tell you,” he said, shaking his head, “you wouldn’t get me living in these parts, and never in the Village!” “Why ever not?” asked the curious Mole. “Folk down ’ere ain’t got two halfpennies to rub together, times is so hard.
The livestock’s all gone, what with the sheep rot last year and the cow gangrene this. And the crops is no better!” “No!” exclaimed the Mole, who was sorry to hear that the sheep had been ill and the cows poorly. “Aye, and they say that the wheat round the Village has got the drone fly good and proper now, and there’s no disputin’ their taters are harbouring riddle worm.
And, o’ course…” “Yes?” said the Mole, much alarmed by what he was hearing. The poultryman dropped his voice to a confidential whisper, “… their sugar beet’s taken the fluke root, and that’s bad, very bad. Eat one of them, yer’ll have the pustules by dawn.
It’s no wonder folks is deserting the Village like fleas off a dead dog fox.” “O dear, O dear. I had no idea,” said the kind-hearted Mole.
“In that case, may I ask what business is taking you to the Village yourself today?” The poulterer laughed. “Business? There?” Then, looking back at the produce he was carrying and understanding the reason for the Mole’s query, he added, “Ah, it’s not what you’d call business exactly. You see, the verger’s wife’s my sister, and seeing as ’er ’usband’s not the man ’e was since ’is geese got the gander fly, I’m giving ’em some provisions for Christmas, and I’ve thrown in something for their neighbours too, seeing as they’re close to starving.
Mind you, that shouldn’t be my job! But the local gentry’s not what it was in the way of helping people out.” “Really?” said the Mole, realising that he must be referring to Toad of Toad Hall. “My sister says that in the days of good old Toad Senior he was so quick to help and generous with doctor fees that there’s no way you’d have red mite running riot among the hens like they have now.” “Not them as well!” gasped the Mole. “Them and the rest!” came the reply.
“Why it’s common knowledge that every last pig in the Village has gone deaf, and some say the bees is twaddled as well, which don’t give much hope for pollination of the kale come summer and we all know what that means!” “What does it mean?” asked the Mole. “Means the fish won’t bite and the black fly’ll swarm in consequence and bring back the plague and every man jack of ’em’ll be pushing up daisies by next Christmas.
If you ask me it’s all up with the Village and the best thing now is for it to be eradicated and razed, and those poor devils remaining given free passage to Australia….Which reminds me, don’t eat no beans from the Village, they’re all sluggified and not good for you…“Can’t stop, I’m afraid, for the mushrooms ’ereabout have contracted flux and that’s catching when the wind blows hard from the north like it is today. If there weren’t the moisture in the air keeping it down we’d all be dead by sunset.
So if it’s all the same to you, and wishing you the compliments of the season, and a Happy New Year, if you get that far, I’d prefer not to linger a second longer!”
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lucrezia-thoughts · 2 years
From Here to Eternity
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Chapter Five: Beginning of the End...
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader
Warning(s): anxious!Dustin, Steve & Robin being awesome (mostly Robin), cruel!Jason Carver, sweet & caring Eddie, Chrissy is firmly under Vecna's manipulations (but don't count her out!), canonical bullying towards Eddie, this will sort of follow season 4 eventually but there will be changes...
Series Summary: You’ve just moved to Hawkins from Philadelphia in the middle of your last semester of senior year. On your first day, you end up enthralled by the freak of Hawkins High School…
Chapter Summary: Dustin put out a code red on you when you didn't come home, so now it's time to get his dad/babysitter involved... Jason has noticed something is up with Chrissy and he's convinced it's your fault... and you shock the whole school when you walk through the doors holding Eddie Munson's hand...
☆Previous Chapter☆ | ☆Next Chapter☆
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"Sinclair has a girlfriend?" Eddie turned away from you to study his neighbor as she knelt down to feed a dog in the pen next to the trailer she'd come from and you used the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck and press another quick kiss to his cheek before climbing into your car.
"Yes, shit. I really have to go! I'll see you tomorrow!" You called out to Eddie from your window as you backed out onto the road and peeled out of the Forest Hills Trailer Park, not daring to glance backwards even once lest you blow your one shot at not being seen.
Okay... realistically, there was a very slim chance Max hadn't seen you- but even if she had, you could just say you forgot something at Eddie's place while you were working on the project. Crap. You were so screwed.
Pulling into the Henderson's driveway, you were immediately met with Dustin gripping his walkie tight as he ran up to your car. "Kira! Where have you BEEN?"
"Fizzgig, it's too early for this kind of energy," you tried to deflect. Turning the car off, you grabbed your bag and got out only to be met with Dustin leaning close and sniffing you. "Fizz!"
"You smell like marijuana-" Dustin said accusingly- "you were with Eddie, weren't you?"
Opting for the path closest to the truth, you agreed, "you already knew that, Fizzgig. Eddie and I had to work on our English project, remember?" You pulled out your copy of Beowulf to wave it in front of his face.
"Were you with him all night?" Dustin hissed and you sighed; he just couldn't leave well enough alone.
"No, I got tired driving home from Eddie's so I crashed at Chrissy's, but would it really have been so bad if I'd been with Eddie all night?" You asked him as the two of you walked towards the house. "What are you afraid is going to happen if I hang out with him? Besides, you like him! You told me how cool you think he is! Why am I not allowed to like him too?"
"So you admit that you like him!" Dustin exclaimed triumphantly causing you to roll your eyes.
"I never said I didn't!" You threw your hands up in frustration as you walked into the house and into your room; Dustin hot on your heels. "I'm allowed to have my own relationships with people, Fizzgig."
"You're in a relationship?" Dustin gasped and you let your forehead thump against the wall next to your closet before turning around to nip this in the bud; hopefully for the last time.
"Dustin-" his face paled as you used his full name as opposed to his nickname- "I love you with everything in me and I never want to do anything that will upset you, but you have GOT to stop with this freaking out over Eddie and I and what we are or aren't to each other!" You pleaded with him, walking over to place your hands on his shoulders. "Please, Dustin, I'm begging you."
"But..." Dustin began, but you cut him off.
"I know Mike tried to tell you that it would change Eddie if something happened between us, but think about it Fizzgig; really think about it. Did anything truly change when Steve and Nancy started dating?" You waited a moment for him to respond, but he just kept looking at the floor. "No- nothing actually changed except for Steve and Nancy being happy- and when they broke up, you and Steve became friends! And when Nancy started dating Jonathan, nothing changed then either." As you spoke, you lead him over to your bed and guided him to sit down next to you.
"I... I guess you're right," Dustin sighed and you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, pulling him into your side.
"Eddie is always going to be Eddie, you never have to worry about that," you assured him. "And I'm always going to be your big sister and biggest supporter, despite what your dad Steve might think-" you gently ruffled his hair as you spoke- "now, how I about I get freshened up, then we can go rent a scary movie from Family Video and come home to watch it and pig out on junk food? Do a scary Sunday-sound good?"
Dustin gave you a brilliant smile and wrapped his arms around your waist, "yeah!"
"You're gonna call off the code red search party, right?" You asked knowingly, trying to stifle your giggle when Dustin froze guiltily at your side.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes, you and Dustin were in your car and pulling into the parking lot of Family Video. "You wanna pick out the movie and I'll pick out the snacks?" you asked as Dustin practically vibrated with excitement in the passenger seat.
"Okay!" Dustin called back at you as he bounced out of the car and into Family Video, his excited greeting to Steve and Robin ringing out behind him. Smiling, you made your way into the video store and leaned against the front counter to talk to Steve.
"You brought him in just as an excuse to see me, right?" Steve fake-flirted, mirroring your position on the other side of the counter.
"You always see right through me-" you teased back, putting the back of your hand against your forehead while you dramatically pretended to swoon- "I couldn't bear to be away from you for even one moment longer." With a grin, Steve reached out and leaned towards you as you leaned towards him, making it as far as having to stand on the tips of your toes before you both burst into laughter.
"Scary Sunday?" Robin questioned as she walked past you and hip-checked Steve out of the way; dumping a bin of returned videos on the counter.
"Of course-" you agreed- "but I also needed to ask the hair for a favor," you added slightly nervously, pulling a few VHS tapes from the bin to help Robin get ready to rewind them.
"Me?" Steve asked at the same time that Robin turned from the computer to gasp, "him?"
"Yeah-" you sighed, looking over towards the horror section to make sure Dustin wasn't paying attention to your conversation- "I need you, Steve, to talk to Dustin about how I'm allowed to have friends," you explained evasively, stacking the opened videos on the counter to create a barrier between you and their inevitable questions.
"The kid's not letting you have friends?" Steve frowned and Robin furrowed her brows as she gave you an assessing glance.
"What are we then?" Robin questioned, taking the tapes from you so you couldn't use them to hide behind. "Strangers? Acquaintances? Chopped liver?"
"No. We're friends. It's just-" without your makeshift barricade, you subconsciously fiddled with your ring- "He's having... trouble accepting one specific friend I've made," you focused on spinning your ring to avoid seeing Robin and Steve's expressions. "A friend I made on my own. Independent of you guys and independent of Dustin too... at first, at least."
"And this friend is..." Robin trailed off, clearly waiting for you to fill them in.
"A guy," you mumbled.
"And this guy is..." Steve added, eyebrows raising up towards his hairline.
"Does it really matter who it is?" You snapped before sighing, your shoulders sagging guiltily. "I'm sorry, I just... I think I might like this guy- and I'm pretty sure he might like me too- but Mike got in Dustin's head and convinced him that everything would change if we ever... became something- not that we will- I mean I only met him a week ago, that's way too fast to-"
"Whoa, whoa-" Steve interjected as your voice became high and thin due to lack of air- "stop." He waited until you took a shaky breath before continuing. "Good. Listen, you don't have to apologize- it's totally fine- but now I really need to know who this guy is," Steve leaned closer to you on your left as Robin did the same on your right.
"Why, though?" You whined, spinning your ring faster. "How could knowing possibly have any impact on what you'd say to Dustin?"
"It'll... determine how I approach the topic, now spill," Steve urged.
"Fine-" you grumbled- "it's Eddie Munson."
"The freak?" Steve clarified and you reached out to hit him, but Robin beat you to it. "Hey!"
"Don't be a dingus, go-" she nudged Steve in the direction of Dustin- "be a dad."
Waiting until Steve disappeared behind a row of video tapes, you focused your attention on Robin. "Thank you," you sighed letting your shoulders slump in relief.
Robin nodded, picking up one of the returns to load it into the VCR to rewind. "It's his hair, right?" Her question caught you off guard and your expression must have shown it. "What? I know Eddie's not... my type, but even I can see he has nice hair. Oh, or is it his eyes? Big brown eyes just-" Robin pantomimed being stabbed in the heart- "a dagger right through the heart, you know? I really don't get why everyone is so-" she flailed her hands around in a frantic gesture- "about him anyway. He's been nice anytime I've ever had to interact with him and his performances during lunch are always entertaining."
"It's just... it's everything about him-" you mused, not noticing Steve and Dustin peeking around the edge of the horror section- "before I even knew who he was, he kept me from getting bumped to the ground by a jock. Then after he agreed to be my partner in English when I didn't know anyone else, he showed me around school so I didn't get lost. He let me sit with him during lunch even though I'm not part of Hellfire. And... he helped me calm down from a panic attack last night-" you dropped your voice slightly and beckoned her closer with a curl of your finger- "not even Dustin has ever been as good at calming me down as Eddie is."
"Seriously?" Robin's eyes were wide as her gaze swept your face for any hint of exaggeration.
"Seriously-" you confirmed, unable to suppress the smile that thinking about Eddie brought to your face- "Eddie makes me so happy... I just wish Dustin knew that." As you were lost in your thoughts of Eddie, Robin looked over your shoulder to make very pointed eye contact with Dustin.
You weren't sure exactly what it was Steve had said to Dustin, but after grabbing the snacks and renting a VHS of A Nightmare on Elm Street (for the third time) Dustin just kept apologizing for trying to keep you and Eddie apart. You'd have to remember to thank Steve the next time you saw him.
Pulling into the school's parking lot on Monday morning, you gave yourself a once over in the rear view mirror before climbing out of the car- having put a little extra care in picking out your outfit and getting ready knowing this would be the first time you'd see Eddie since you'd literally slept with him. Grabbing your backpack from the passenger seat, you stood up to shut your door only to have it stopped by the grip of a hand. Whipping your head around to see who was preventing you from closing your door, you were met with the shark like grin of Jason Carver.
"Not so fast there new girl. I think you and I need to have a little chat," Jason's voice dripped with venom, but his grin never wavered.
You felt the fear trickling down your spine like an ice cold drip, but you did your best not to let it show. "I honestly can't think of a single thing the two of us would ever need to chat about," you countered; proud that your voice didn't waver.
"Don't play coy with me-" he spit, eyes narrowing slightly as he forced you to press back against the open doorway of your car just to keep some distance between the two of you- "Chrissy has been brushing me off ever since she met you, so you're gonna tell exactly what you said to her about me."
You looked around you, trying to get someone to notice the imminent danger you were in, but no one even spared you a second glance as they hurried past your car. "Jason, just let me go... we're going to be late to first period." His responding laugh chilled your blood. "Please, just let me go..."
"Tell me what you said and I'll let you go," Jason's voice dropped down to a low growl as he leaned closer, sinister grin still firmly in place.
Turning your head away from him, you were about to shut your eyes and scream for help when you saw your knight in shining leather approaching. "Princess?"
At the sound of Eddie's voice, Jason's head jerked towards him to snarl, "Beat it, freak- this doesn't concern you."
"Jason? What are you doing?" Chrissy's voice startled both you and Jason, but the smirk you saw on Eddie's face as you ducked under Jason's arm and ran to Eddie's side let you know he'd seen her coming. Lifting his arm to wrap around your waist, Eddie let you press yourself against him while you both watched Jason shut your car door as he faced Chrissy.
"Babe, I told you to meet me outside your first class," Jason chuckled, trying to pivot the conversation away from the compromising position in which he'd just been found.
"You're in the parking lot in front of the main entrance, Jason-" Chrissy frowned as she crossed her arms cautiously over her chest- "I had to walk by here to even get into school."
"You're cutting it pretty close today, then, aren't you?" He asked as he pushed himself away from your car and ran a hand casually through his hair.
"No-" Chrissy shook her head and stood a little straighter- "don't make this about me, Jason, and don't change the subject. What were you doing to my friend?"
"We were just chatting, right new girl?" Jason adjusted his stance so Chrissy couldn't see his face as his gaze locked threateningly on you; causing you to press closer into Eddie, your hands fisting his battle jacket tightly.
Chrissy turned towards you and you felt Eddie's hand gently stroking your waist as you focused your attention on Chrissy; hoping desperately that she knew you were about to lie to her. Shaking your head as subtly as you could, you swallowed thickly, "we... we were just chatting."
"See, babe? Just chatting," Jason smirked and sauntered over to wrap his arm around Chrissy's shoulders; oblivious to how tense she became at his touch.
Chrissy looked between you and Jason and her entire being seemed to deflate. With the fire gone from her eyes, you noticed just how frail and weary she appeared. "Okay," once the word left her lips, Jason was guiding her away from you and into Hawkins High. Peering back behind her, Chrissy called out to you, "I'll see you in Bio?" Before you had a chance to answer her, Jason sped up and they both disappeared into the school.
"Sweetheart-" Eddie's soft voice had your head snapping in his direction- "are you okay? What was really going on?" His hand gently slid up your side to cup your chin, maneuvering your head this way and that to make sure you weren't hurt.
Leaning into Eddie's touch, you sighed as the warning bell rang out. "I'm okay now- thanks to you." Pressing a kiss to his wrist, you took a step towards the school and held your hand out for him to take. "I'll tell you more in Mrs. O'Donnell's class."
Eddie studied your face with narrowed eyes for a minute before threading his fingers through yours as a brilliant grin bloomed on his full lips, "lead the way, princess."
It was truly amazing just how many people stopped to unabashedly gawk as you and Eddie walked hand in hand to Mrs. O'Donnell's classroom; people who had deliberately looked away when Jason had you trapped now couldn't seem to keep their eyes off of you. You did your best to avoid eye contact with any of them, but their whispering was all you could hear...
"The new girl is holding hands with the freak?"
"He must have her under some kind of hex..."
"I wonder if he's planning to sacrifice her..."
You knew Eddie heard the whisperers too because he tried to let your hand go, but you tightened your grip on his hand. Crossing the threshold into your first period classroom, you kept your hold on Eddie as you made your way to your seats. Finally letting his hand go to shrug off your backpack, you slid your desk closer to his before sitting down and grabbing his hand again. "You are something else, princess," Eddie chuckled lowly as Mrs. O'Donnell began her lecture.
With only a few minutes of class left, Mrs. O'Donnell instructed everyone to discuss their Beowulf project with their partners and you intended to take the opportunity to fill Eddie in on what had happened with Jason; but Eddie had a different idea.
As you turned towards him, he let your hand go. You furrowed your brow at the action, but your expression quickly shifted into surprise when you watched him slide off his skull ring before grabbing your hand again. Spreading your fingers, Eddie slipped the ring on each of them; trying to find one that it would fit. A frown formed on his handsome face, though, when the ring proved too large or too wide to fit on any of your fingers.
"Eddie... what are you-" you began to ask, voice shaking slightly, but Eddie shook his head and reached up to his neck. You watched, stunned, as he unclasped his chain, slipped the ring onto it next to the guitar pick, and leaned forward to put it around your neck.
"Might as well do this right, princess," Eddie breathed into your ear as he fastened the chain around your neck before pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
Your head was spinning as your every sense was laser focused on Eddie as he sat back in his desk. "D-do what right?"
"Show everyone that you're mine."
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emyluwinter · 2 years
Since I've started talking more about Eric, I'll write a short excerpt about Chapter 5.
Yuu and Grim were heading to Pomfiore's living room to discuss with Vil what he and the participants would need in Onboro. So that Yuu could at least prepare a little. What they didn't expect was to hear the very menacing voice of an angry Schoenheit. Moreover, she saw the students running to their rooms as if they were avoiding a terrible storm. Although judging by the conversation in slightly raised tones, something very scary was happening.
-Explain to De Lerenier why you didn't take part in the audition? It seems I gave you very clear instructions about VDC with your data, it's just stupid not to use them. - The voice was so icy and hard that Grimm hid behind Yuu's legs and trembled from the oppressive atmosphere.
-I am not a Felmer whom you dress up like a doll for your own purposes Schoenheit. And even if you are the Leader of the dorm, I am not obliged to obey and obey you like a trained dog. I already told you. I will not perform, under any circumstances.
Looking out curiously from around the corner, Yuu saw for the first time another third-year student Pomfiore with whom a fierce argument and conversation were conducted. He was a tall, handsome young man with refined manners and a very elegant posture with such a velvety voice that Yuu could swear that her knees trembled with delight. Wanted to listen to this voice for eternity, as if under hypnosis. The owner of this voice was mystically stunningly beautiful and mesmerizing.The right side of the face was hidden under a dark gray mask, which was covered by dark dark hair falling over the shoulders. Yuu could have sworn that the Dark Mirror was definitely conducting some kind of beauty casting among the students, she couldn't find any other reason.
Given that she and Grimm were unwitting listeners, it would be extremely tactless to continue eavesdropping. And Yuu thought it would be a good idea to slightly "trample with noise on the spot" to attract attention to herself.
Only now she was discovered by a young man with a beautiful voice, interrupting an altercation with the Leader of dorm
-On top of everything else, we have new listeners….Come out, little mice, I heard as soon as you entered through the main door. Schoenheit will not scold you, do not be afraid, I am taking on this role now, as you can see.
Yuu awkwardly looked out at the seniors.
-Em…excuse me…I didn't want to eavesdrop. - She was extremely uncomfortable from being discovered like that. Still, she had enough of other people's fights, she was not very eager to get into others.
-It's all right, don't worry. Oh, where are my manners… I take it you're the Prefect of Onboro? Let me introduce myself - Eric De Lerenier is the third year of the Pomfiore dormitory. - Eric gracefully nodded slightly in greeting to Yuu. And grinning, he immediately turned his gaze to Schoenheit.
-And for this hour, I'm the main migraine of this guy. Isn't that right Vil?
Schoenheit gathered his composure and taking a deep breath literally sorted through every poison he could apply on Eric.
-Your stubbornness will lead to nothing. You don't even realize what you're losing Eric.
-Oh, I understand perfectly. Only now it seems that for you it's not as clear as a reflection in a mirror. You see, if you perform, it will be a stage. These will be numerous cameras around the world, Schoenheit. Attention heaps of faces and eyes. You are definitely used to them. I'm used to these lousy reporters who are literally ready to get under your skin to find out what your insides are. But why don't you understand that I don't want to go through this?
-No one will get under your skin, and no one will talk about your appearance.
-Oh great Aeda *… Eric rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly. and continued his attempts to convince Schoenheit to leave him alone. - Schoenheit, I'll say it just once. All those who see my mask will be eager to tear it off, I don't want this attention. I don't want these looks and lights of spotlights, cameras and other paraphernalia of performances on stage. It's you who can flaunt under all these flashes of spotlights…. It disgusts me.
-Disgusting?! Do you even understand what's at stake?
-Your obsession with rubbing Le Blanche's face in the mud with leeches?Or am I wrong?
Hearing that the conversation was getting heated, Yuu hurried to cover Grimm's ears from what would happen next. In truth, she wanted to leave wildly. Right now.
-Obsession? Is that how you see it? Or don't you want to admit that you're a coward?
-Don't start that worn-out old Schoenheit record… - Eric's voice suddenly changed to such a threatening tone that Yuu felt like she would be torn apart just from hearing it.
-You will just be in the second line-up if one of the participants cannot reach the necessary skills to the VDC itself. With your data, our team could have won with higher chances. But you're stubborn.
-BECAUSE THEY WILL SEE IN ME ONLY A FREAK AND NOT MY VOICE, FINALLY UNDERSTAND THIS. - Eric suddenly roared furiously, which caused the Grimm to jump on the spot and fluff his fur up to the tail. If Yuu hadn't been holding him, he would have run away from these two long ago.
For some reason, it seemed to the Prefect that these impulsive outbursts of anger were not so rare for Eric. But he doesn't look like Riddle at all. Eric is more…strongly controls it, but explodes when the topic heats up to some topic.
It was the hardest and most furious conversation that Yuu could hear in her life, which did not end with either a fight or an overblott. To her great joy and relief.
In the end, Eric suggested that he would "assist the participants" for the contest. Firstly, it would greatly simplify Schoenheit's task. Because there were more unprepared than people with experience. And Eric's knowledge and skills were the best in the whole college. No matter how much Vil said that he was better, Eric always interrupted him that this was complete nonsense and looked like "the croaking of a frog in the opera"*
-That's no good, Spade…you look like a strained string that's about to break. Breathing is not under control, you confuse words as if you have a mouthful of frogs that are about to be plucked out. - Eric was mercilessly criticizing, but in a very soft tone, as if a child who was just learning to walk was already asking to dance the most difficult act in ballet.
-Yes, I understand that I am the most lagging behind.. - Deuce is already pretty tired of listening to him fall short. Eric immediately frowned and interrupted him.
-I didn't say you were falling behind. I said you were too tense. Please listen to me correctly. Otherwise it will look like a broken gramophone. So…
Eric took a small pointer that he made with the help of magic from his magic pen.
-First of all. Calm your breathing so that your heart rate will even out and adrenaline will not rage in your heated head. Secondly, relax your body.
De Lerenier pointed to Deuce's chest and forehead, forcing him to obey as if gipnose.
-Good. It seems that you fall into the mode, hit and attack when you fail. That's why you're all clamped down, as if you're going to be stirred into a tin can with sprats. Don't be so nervous.
After a little reflection, Eric decided to show clearly.
-I think you should better show it clearly so that you understand how it should look. Listen carefully Deuce, your voice may sound like this.
After clearing his throat a little and taking a deep breath, Eric sang in a perfect voice exactly like Deuce's. The clear and calm timbre carried throughout the hall that Deuce opened his mouth in surprise. The third-year student used a few lines from the song to show Deuce where to take a break or where there would be the best moment to take a breather and get more air in his lungs.
Deuce couldn't believe his voice could sound so beautiful?!
-So…See the difference?
Eric couldn't help but grin with what childish delight Deuce listened to every second of his singing.
-uh… uh… this…IT WAS AMAZING!!!
-Save the applause for later, kid. We still have a lot of work to do. Eric chuckled and turned his gaze to the other student.
-Epel, how are you feeling? Aren't you feel sick? Does your stomach cramp?
Meanwhile, Epel was lying on the floor trying to catch his breath. The poor guy was very pale and breathing erratically, as if something was not giving him a chance to catch his breath.
- My head.... is spinning less... I would never have... thought .....that singing requires..... so much.... strength and air.
-It happens with unaccustomed. So boys, you two need to learn how to breathe properly. If you get worse, be sure to tell me about it. Deuce, this also concerns you. Schoenheit will not leave me alone until the very chambers of Orpheus in the underground kingdom if you overdo it.
-Yes, sir!! ***
Aeda. - one of the 9 muses of Greece, the use of vocal music, one of the "elder muses".
"the croaking of a frog at the opera" is for those who have not read the book, i'm explain. There is a scene where the main opera singer could not sing and her performance was disrupted. because Eric, aka the phantom of the opera, began to perform the loud croaking of the toad as soon as the poor singer opened her mouth. Thus, he wanted to give Kristina a chance to become the main performer.
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Anon who’s dog had a seizure. I wanted to be able to give a positive update, but I won’t be able to. I was woken up by a call at around 1:30am from my mom and the first thing she said was “[my dogs name] died”
I don’t know all the details, I was in a full fledge panic attack and was overcome with despair when it was either explained to me or I overheard (frankly, I don’t remember) but apparently at some point either last night or veryyyyy early this morning my mom let the dog out to use the restroom, and he collapsed again similarly to how he did two days ago. My mom rushed him to the emergency vet (a thirty minute drive) but he didn’t even make it there.
I think I was dry heaving at some point because my panic was so bad. I ended up going to the vet with my dad so I could say goodbye (he had before my mom left with the dog) and ngl, going with him did not help in the slightest. My dad has NPD and he kept making the situation about himself and I stg I was ready to throw myself out the car window in the middle of the freeway and walk the rest of the way there OOP—
I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to because of Covid, but we were allowed to all head into the vet and hold him and give proper goodbyes before they took him to be cremated (they have a partnership with some place that does all that jazz). It was rough. He’s a small dog, only 18 pounds, but just holding him felt so different. There was no resistance when I picked him up (I’m not his favorite person lol, so he’d always deadpan and shuffle away a little from me before giving in whenever i’d make grabby hands hahaha) and it was just rough.
A year and a half ago my old bird passed away in that same emergency vet, so I just felt like I was suffocating the whole time. It was basically history repeating itself and I had a ✨mental breakdown✨ while cradling the pooch. My mom almost had to drag me out 2.5 hours later because I didn’t want to leave him. I tried to be strong, he was her dog in the end and they had an unbreakable bond. I should’ve been the one comforting her, not the other way around. I totally failed lol.
Thank god I was able to go home with my mom and not my dad. I wanted to be the one to drive home so she could rest, but I didn’t have the energy to protest when I saw she was already in the drivers seat.
We’ve had him since he was a few months old. I was in first grade at the time, and despite us having a very rocky start (young me didn’t like all the attention he received bc it used to be mine) he was my lil buddy and I would have done anything for him. I was looking forward to taking my senior and graduation pictures with him soon, but it seems like that won’t be happening. I just wish I did more with him.
Sorry for rambling and being so depressing! I haven’t gotten much sleep over the past two nights so I’m really out of it.
If it’s not too much to ask for, could I have a part ii of my previous request but have it involving what I wrote above? Asdfghjkl my depressed ass needs comfort and all of my friends are in school LOL. (Thank god I was called off from school this time) Plus, I don’t wanna make my mom feel worse by adding my grief on top of her own (I hope that made sense)
Part 1
(A/N): anon, I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. From what you sent me about him, he sounded like an absolute delight to be around and a very good boy. You deserve to grieve too, even if you don’t think you should. Grieving is healthy and it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored. Everyone grieves differently, so maybe you and your mom could reminisce on the good times with him? Only if you both feel comfortable doing so of course. Please get some sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat some food if you haven’t already. My DMs are always open if you ever want to talk <3
Warnings: death of a dog and bird (mentioned), panic attacks, NPD parent mention
You were jolted awake by a loud ring from your phone laying on your nightstand. It was the ringtone you specifically set for your mom. Blinking deliriously, you answered with a raspy, “mom?”
You were only met with her choked sobs on the other end. This woke you up completely as you turned on a lamp and sat up fully in your bed, “mom what’s wrong?”
“(Dog name)...” She was unable to say your dog's name before she broke into more harsh sobbing. Worry and fear pricked your gut at the mention of your dog’s name. “What about (dog name)? What’s going on?”
“He d-died, (y/n). He isn’t suffering anymore.” You felt as if ice cold water was poured onto you as you sat staring at the wall in shock. Faintly you heard your mom telling you how it happened, but you didn’t register her words. The words that came out of your mother’s mouth were nearly incomprehensible anyways due to her distress. You didn’t know when she hung up, but the next time you looked at the phone screen your homescreen met you: a picture of you, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy at an amusement park. 
Your panic attack had escalated to you dry heaving over the toilet after puking up your dinner. You felt like you were suffocating as you remembered the techniques Techno used a few days prior. You stumbled up from a crouch and scrambled over to the sink. Your hands could barely grab the faucet and turn it on as you lost most of your sense of spatial awareness and everything you touched felt distant, like every single synapse in your body was both simultaneously working in overdrive and failing at the same time. The water was as cold as it was going to get, so you plunged your hands into the liquid and felt your body jolt at the temperature. After a while, your hands turned numb after regaining some senses back so you shakily cupped your hands under the faucet and gathered water into your hands. You splashed it at your face and felt yourself becoming more grounded as time passed.
By the time you left the bathroom, your dad gathered you into the car and started to drive you to the emergency vet. The entire time he was ranting about how you needed to pull yourself together because the dog was closer to him than to you. That definitely did not help in any way, it made you want to jump out of the car and walk the rest of the way to the vet. It would be better than having someone constantly belittling you for grieving. The ride was hell, but you persevered for (dog name). You needed to say goodbye to him.
When you left the car and walked into the building, it felt as if you were walking through the nine rings of hell with blazing infernos licking at your skin with every step. Dread and despair filled and overwhelmed you with every step. 
When a nurse escorted you to the room, she offered you her condolences and left you to say goodbye. With wide eyes, you slowly walked over to your mom and saw the motionless bundle of fur in her hands. It looked like he was sleeping, but you knew better. She looked at you with so much heartbreak and sadness as tears slipped down her cheeks that you remembered that he was her dog in the end and they’ve always had an unbreakable bond. You needed to be strong for her.
Your stony facade broke the second your mom handed you (dog name). He was cold and stiff as he laid unmoving in your arms, not even trying to wiggle out of your embrace like he always did. You were never his favorite person. He felt so… different. So wrong. 
Time passed around you as you held him and cried into his fur. This situation was very similar to your previous one that happened about a year and a half ago when your bird passed away and that was what finally sent you over the edge. Before you knew it, your mom was dragging you out of the building so he could get cremated. Your dad had long since gone home so he could get ready for work, so that left you to ride home with your mom. Not that you were complaining, it was certainly better than riding home with your dad. You just wished that you could drive so she could get some rest. 
By time you got home, it was about the same time you would leave for school. As you were driving down your neighborhood, you saw a very familiar car pass you. It was Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy’s car. They were probably going to school. You kept your head down and stared intensely at your tightly clasped hands. 
The second the car was in park in your driveway, you made a beeline for your room. For the rest of the day, you hid underneath your covers and ignored the incessant buzzing of your phone on the nightstand. You spent that time alone having a panic attack. This was your longest and most intense one yet, by the time it finally calmed down it was 10:30 at night. 
You smacked your dry lips together and feel absolutely drained. The buzzing still wouldn’t let up, so you reached out with a shaky hand and opened your phone. You had at least eighty combined missed texts from Wilbur, Tommy, and Techno. 
Tuesday, Innit?
Yo, the fuck’s goin on? 
Why the hell did you ignore us when we passed you???
Music man take me by the hand lead me to the land
Ignore that dumbass
What’s going on? You weren’t at school today
Technology Sword
You don’t have to tell us what happened if you’re not comfortable
Just tell us if you’re okay
That was only the start of the messages in the group chat. Granted it was mostly Tommy spamming your name and Wilbur and Techno trying to get him to chill out, but some of the messages managed to calm the swirling panic inside of you slightly. Your phone buzzed as you got another text. This time, it was an individual one from Technoblade.
Technology Sword
Look out your window, grab your notebook
You raised your eyebrows slightly as you read the message. Your window was right across from Technoblade’s, so when you saw Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” music video and showed it to Techno, you both decided that this would be your primary communication before you eventually got phones. It wasted a ton of paper, but you both felt like the main characters in a story so you kept doing it. You hadn’t done this since you got your phone and he got his. 
After you grabbed your spare notebook and a sharpie, you sat up in your bed and turned on your lamp. When you opened your curtains, you saw Techno smiling at you before he grabbed his notebook and wrote ‘hello’. 
You uncapped your marker, wrote ‘hi’, and shakily raised it to him. You saw him frown at your shakiness, he wrote ‘you okay?’
You stared at your paper for a bit contemplating whether or not you should tell him the truth. It was no use in lying to him, he knew you better than you knew yourself. After a moment, you wrote ‘no’.
You watched as he frowned and his eyebrows crinkled together in an upwards slant. ‘Discord?’
You closed your curtains once more and opened up your PC. You could already see that Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy were in a separate voice channel. When you joined, you were startled by Tommy’s loud screaming and Wilbur’s hysterical laughter. 
They were interrupted by a knock on Tommy’s door, “Tommy for the love of god it’s almost eleven at night kiddo. You can keep playing but please just keep it down.”
“Good job dumbass,” Wilbur chuckled.
“Hey (y/n), how’re you?” Techno’s somewhat pointed voice interrupted them. “(Y/N)! Please tell Wilbur that it’s not cool to borrow my armor and ‘accidentally’ fall into a lava lake.”
“It was an accident I swear!” Wilbur’s slight chuckle told you otherwise. “Wilbur,” your croaky and wobbly voice scolded him quietly, “not cool.”
The voice channel went silent as you logged into your shared minecraft server. You immediately spawned in the main lobby at spawn that you built the last time you logged in. You got to work gathering wood for walls you were going to build around the city. You saw Techno’s character run to you and help you gather wood. 
“...You good, (y/n)?” Tommy’s voice took on an uncharacteristic level of gentleness and concern. 
“‘M fine.” 
After a while of silence, you heard keyboards start to click again. Gradually conversation started back up and everything felt lighthearted once more. Though, you only talked when you were prompted to. After gathering the correct amount of wood, you and Techno went back to your house so you could craft some slabs. However as you approached the crafting table, you passed your bed. Next to your bed was your pet dog, barking slightly and looking at you with it’s pixel eyes. 
You could feel tears well up in your eyes at the sight of the pixelated dog. With a lump forming in your throat you struggled to breathe through it, your breaths coming out shuttering. You made quick work of muting yourself on Discord and started sobbing, the white dog staring at you sitting on top of your minecraft bed. This wasn’t a panic attack, you knew that. But you still felt overcome by a massive wave of grief. 
After a bit, you saw Techno’s character pop in front of you and start hitting the air. In chat, you saw that he private messaged you ‘vc 2’
You clicked off the main voice chat and was immediately greeted by Techno’s gentle voice. “What’s goin on buddy?” He was only met with your sobs, “deep breaths.”
“I’m not having a panic attack.”
“Still, deep breaths are good. Follow me.” With that, you two worked on getting your breathing back to normal and your tears slowly stopped. The entire time he was giving you praise and gentle reassurances whenever you tried to apologize to him. By the time you stopped crying you felt almost completely drained. 
“You okay now?” You hummed in confirmation, too tired to say anything. “Thank you Tech, I-I’m sorry-”
“Stop apologizing for feeling emotions. They’re one hundred percent valid… Do you feel comfortable telling me what happened?”
“I…” You trailed off as you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words out loud. “You don’t have to tell me, ya know.” Technoblade gently reminded you.
“I’ll PM it to you.” With that, you PMed him on minecraft explaining that your dog died this morning. “Fuck, I’m so sorry (y/n). I’m sure he isn’t suffering anymore. Did- did they ever find out what caused the seizures?”
“No, but… he had tons of health issues that I’m glad he doesn’t have to deal with anymore.” 
“Do you wanna talk about the good times with him with Wil and Tommy? If you don’t want to we can just talk about them here.”
“Let’s rejoin the main voice channel.”
“Hey (y/n), how’re you doing?” Wilbur gently asked you. “I’m alright, do- do you guys know what happened?” They both said yes. Technoblade must’ve told them what was happening.
“(Y/n) come outside. We built something for you.” Tommy was uncharastically gentle. 
When you moved to go outside of your minecraft house and Wilbur and Tommy led you to an empty spot in the city you four were building, you stopped in your tracks. In front of you built in various types of stone was a dog statue. In front of it stood a sign that read ‘in loving memory of (dog name)’.
“We aren’t done with it, but we can finish it in a couple of hours,” Wilbur mumbled into the microphone. 
“No, it’s perfect as it is. I don’t know what to say guys…”
“You don’t have to say anything, just know that we’re here for you.” Tommy said, his minecraft character walking over to your own and hitting you. 
“Oi, don’t hit them!” Techno punched him back and that started an all out brawl between the two. It quickly ended when Techno pulled out his fully enchanted netherite sword named ‘Orphan Obliterator’. 
“Get fucked, nerd.” You could just tell Tommy was holding in screaming at his brother. “I’m not the nerd here, you’re the one that reads for fun.” Tommy retorted. You heard shuffling on Techno’s end and him walking away from his PC. You were about to ask what was happening before you heard Tommy silently scream in terror. “Oh fuck he’s coming!” You assumed that Tommy ran to lock his door. Not long after that you heard a knock, “I just wanna talk.”
“No! You-”
“I just wanna talk.”
“Let him talk, Tommy!”
You heard Philza’s groggy muffled voice, “it is midnight on a Friday. I don’t care what happens or who fights who, just do it in your own rooms and do it quietly.” 
“Sorry Dad,” you heard Techno’s retreating steps before he returned to his chair. “You’re a douche, Technoblade.” 
“I just wanted to talk, Tommy.” At that, Techno started beating Tommy to death once more. Each time he would kill Tommy, he would give Tommy a small head start before he would find him again. While this was happening, Wilbur PMed you ‘wanna prank Tommy and Techno? I’m thinking we put chickens under their houses’.
You looked at his player and nodded. You and Wilbur got to work luring chickens into holes you dug around their bases and burying them so that they were close enough to hear, but deep enough for it to be mildly inconvenient finding them. After you two were done with that, you met at spawn again.
“Techno stop killing Tommy. We want to tell stories about (dog name).” You saw Techno’s character sprint to your group and Tommy’s come up from a hole in the ground. “I was just about to find him.”
“Thank you! God, I hate it when he does that.”
The rest of the night you four spent reminiscing on the funny things that (dog name) did over the years. At some points you even laughed along with them. After you told them that you wanted to take your senior pictures with him, Techno offered to edit him into your photos. You didn’t know when you passed out but when you woke up, you had a crick in your neck and your PC monitor was off. You could hear three sets of soft snoring on the other end of the call. You felt yourself drifting off to their gentle breathing and smiled slightly; with them, everything felt better. 
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Why Boyfriend doesn’t drink anymore.
For the love of gods please don’t make this flop. And I’ll include any fanart from this into it.
Boyfriend: Another story I heard about myself, this happened in high school. We had this teacher in high school who’s kid went to our school. His name was Mr Updike and his son Whitmore Updike went to our high school. He was a sophomore when I was a senior, so he was two years behind me.
Boyfriend: And Mr Updike was an asshole, and one weekend he decided to leave town which you should never do when your an asshole. And Whitty Updike decided to throw a party at the teachers house. Hurray! And everyone around town heard about it and we all got up individually and thought: “Ok let’s go over there and destroy the place.”
Boyfriend: So I walk into this party, everyone I had ever met was there and everyone was drinking like it’s the of the world. People were drinking like it was the civil war and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off. It was totally unsupervised. We were like dogs without horses, we were running wild.
Boyfriend: I walked down. I walk down to the basement. They had a pool table in the basement. Agoti took a running start and threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half.
Boyfriend: Darnell found out which room was Mr Updike’s and went upstairs and took a shit on his computer.
Boyfriend: So the party was going great. I'm standing in the basement and I′m holding a red cup, you′ve seen movies, and I'm standing there, and I′m holding a red cup, and I'm starting to black out. And I guess someone said like: "something, something police"
Boyfriend: And in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled "fuck da police!" "Fuck da police!". And everyone else joined in. A hundred drunk, gay children yelling “fuck da police.” with the confidence of guys who’ve already been to jail and aren’t afraid of it anymore like "I served my nickle, you come and take me" confidence. But Gay children.
Boyfriend, regretting it: The reason someone said “something something police” was because the police were there.
Boyfriend: So a Philly Tankman walked down the stairs, and got to the bottom of the basement, and looked out over a sea of drunk toddlers yelling "Fuck da police" in his face. And he was almost impressed. He was like: "wow". And then he leaned into his walkie-talkie and went: "get the paddy wagon" And my friend Ruv, who is now a father, this man now has a baby, he grabbed a 40, smashed it on the ground, and yelled "scatter!"
Boyfriend: But everyone ran in a different direction, We all ran in different directions. It was like that scene in Rataouille when the humans come in the kitchen, and all the rats go in different ways, We all ran in different directions. I ran into the laundry room, And I jumped on the washing machine, And I crawled out through a window into the backyard,And now I'm running through the backyard and there′s this big chain-linked fence. And I thought "I've never climbed a fence that high before". And then I woke up at home.
Boyfriend: On Monday, I went to school because that’s what we did back then. And I’m walking into the school building, and who did I see but Whitty Updike. And he says to me “Hey were you at my party on Saturday?” And I said no. You know like a liar.
Boyfriend: And he said “things got really out of hand. Someone broke the pool table, somebody took a shit on my dads computer. But the worst thing, the worst thing is someone stole these old antique photos of my grandmother and my dad is freaking out about it.”
Boyfriend: And I had that thought that only black out drunks, and Steve Urkel can have. Did… did I do that? I figured no, I wouldn’t have done that. But I wasn’t sure until 2 years later.
Boyfriend: I’m playing video games with Spirit, someone else we went to high school with. 2 years, we’ve graduated by now. We’re playing video games for a couple hours and Spirits like “hey come here. I wanna show you something.”
Boyfriend: And he takes me into his bedroom, and he takes me into a side room off of his bedroom.
Boyfriend: And he shows me a tiny room that is covered wall to wall in stolen antique photos from different peoples parties over the years.
Boyfriend: And I said “why. Why do you do this.” And Spirit says to me “it’s the one thing you can’t replace.”
Boyfriend: that’s the end of that story, but how fucked up is that it’s crazy. So I don’t drink anymore.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
Loving You (Wanda Maximoff/Reader)
Summary : The worst that could ever happen just happened to you.
You were a beta. Being an omega could’ve been better but no, God decided to fuck you up.
In a world, where Alphas and Omegas are considered the best, being a beta meant that you were just going to be an average person. Always in the middle.
People don’t look the same at you. You had potential. At the top of your classes, taking all of the AP Classes. Now, you doubt that even Colleges would consider you.
Ever since, Asami Sato has proven that even Omegas can change the world, people have been considering them as equal to Alphas… but never Betas. When has a Beta ever change the world?
So you shut up and hide from the world as you try to graduate and maybe get a job in your Family’s Company, R Firm.
But a chance encounter with a gorgeous Omega will change everything up.
Warnings : Omegaverse. Beta!Reader x Omega!Wanda Maximoff.
New series! After a month. College does seem to hate me that much.
You sigh as you trudge the halls of your high school. It was lunch break and almost everyone is in the cafeteria, obviously not you, though. You’ve been reading inside the library when Miss Danvers kicked you out, saying that she needs her lunch break too. You sigh and sit in front of your locker. You open up your book and begin reading.
Reading is one of the only things you could enjoy these days… you still remember the day you got your evaluation test.
You tremble as you stare at your test result. You were a beta. Tears spring up in your eyes but you quickly wipe them away. You could hear some people cry and some sniffle. You guess they were betas too.
“Y/LN?” You stop and turn to Janine Rivera, she was one of the juniors. A popular Omega who is in your AP English Class.
“Do you want to-?” You stop and gulp. Janine cuts off herself and gets your test result. You don’t fight her because it’s better to just rip the band-aid off. She scoffs and shoves the result back to you. “Megan!” Another girl looks at Janine. “Cross off Y/LN! She’s a Beta!” She shouts and everyone quiets down. You take a deep breath and walk off. The murmurs then start. You feel tears again in your eyes and you wipe them away again.
You walk home because inside your school felt so suffocating. People were going home anyway to tell their families their evaluation result. As you stood in front of your house, you feel your stomach cave in. You’re afraid to face your parents. Your Alpha Mother would surely get angry. Even your Omega ma would look at you with disappointment. Your two Alpha sisters would get disgusted. Just imagining their reactions make you cry.
“Y/N?” Your sister, Alsie, gets out of her car and you cry even more. She quickly kneels besides you. “What’s wrong!?” You refuse to answer so she guides you inside. “Ma!?” Your Omega Mother, Dahlia rushes downstairs and gets to you.
“Y/N!? Are you okay?”
“M-ma.” You stutter and cry even more. Your other sister, Valerie, gets downstairs too and fusses over you. You faint and they panic even more.
When you came to your sense, you’re in the living room with your Alpha Mother, Zale, is hovering over you. She sighs in relief and shouts that you’re okay. She was about to leave and you bite your lip as you grab her arm.
“Mom.” You say weakly and Dahlia gives you a glass of water. You sit up and gulp it down in one go.
“What’s wrong, little one?” Zale asks gently and you try not to cry again. God, their gentle affections and kindness, will it go away once you tell them what you really are? That you’re just a Beta and not like them? Will they throw you out? Disown you? You take a deep breath and you look at them.
“I-I” You tremble and put the glass on the coffee table. “I’m a Beta.” You look down and clench your fists, waiting for their reply.
“Oh, Jesus, it was just her evaluation result.” You look up and see as your all of your family collectively sigh in relief.
“Damn it, Y/N, don’t scare us like that.”
“My little sister is a goddamn drama queen, who freaking guessed?” Zale slaps Valerie softly on her arm.
“Why were you so afraid, anak?”
“I thought you guys would get angry and disown me.” You sniffle and Dahlia quickly hushes you and hugs you.
“Y/N, little one, that doesn’t matter to us.”
“Dude, that’s like the least of our concerns.”
“Oh? What matters most then, Val?” Valerie glares at Alsie and look away. “Your potential mate, that girl call-“ Valerie screeches and attacks Alsie who dodges quickly. You laugh at their antics and everyone looks relieved at you. They hug you and you hug them back. Grateful that they accepted you.
You were just humming to a song that’s been stuck inside your head when someone calls out.
“Excuse me?” You look up and gulp. The girl looked stunning and words seem to be stuck in your mouth. It felt like everything around you was moving slowly.
“Y-yes?” God, human interaction was not a daily occurrence for you, people tended to avoid you like the plague in School and the house is quieter now that both Zale and Alsie are off to college. Both of your moms never push you to talk about anything and simply bonds with you through food and TV.
“Can you tell me where I would find this classroom?” She pushes the schedule onto you and you hum. You knew the school halls like the back of your hand, it was easier to navigate that way. You felt your heart beat faster as you give it back.
“Yeah. You should take a left there and it should be the fourth room on the right.” You point it out and she nods. She smiles at you and you feel your heart skip a beat.
“Thanks, stranger.” You nod.
“Wanda!” Someone calls out and you both turn to the newcomer. “You know where the classroom is?”
Yeah. Come on.” They both turn to leave and you stare after them. Wanda looks back and waves at you. You simply put your hand up in a lame attempt to reciprocate.
“Fuck.” You whisper softly and put your hand to your chest. You will yourself to calm down before resuming to read your book.
You yawn as you step inside the cafeteria. It’s been a week since you gave Wanda directions… a week since and you’ve been avoiding her. Every time she would wave her hand at you, you’ll turn to the other direction. Anytime she tries to call you, you would run the other way. It was hard since she’s practically a dog just begging for your attention… this is why you really prefer cats.
You get a tray and get your usual lunch. You’re not in the library since Miss Danvers apparently quitted and even though students usually man the counter, you’ve decided to eat like a normal person this day.
“Hey!” Wanda calls out and you felt your stomach drop. She was with the Avengers. They were the most popular group in school, even more than Seniors despite being Sophomores like you.
Tony and Vision Stark are smart, and people are saying that they’re going to take the world in a few years. With Stark Industries, they might as well do that.
Natasha Romanoff is the heir to the Romanoff Airlines, and she has been basically to everywhere and knows many languages.
Angel Garcia is one of the only people who seem to take every AP classes like you. She’s a smart Omega that you have no doubt will take the world in a storm. Some says she’s a power Omega to Natasha.
Pepper Potts is already showing signs of a great businesswoman and is already interning at Stark Industries. She’s the soulmate of Tony Stark.
Steve Rogers is another example of a power Omega, with his buff body and being the captain and quarterback of the football team.
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is an Alpha who is also the ace of the Basketball team. He’s the Alpha of Steve Rogers.
Thor Odinson is an Alpha who can make girls wet their panties without doing anything but existing. He’s the heir to Mjolnir Constructions.
Sam Wilson is an Alpha who loves flying more than anything else, he’s father is a pilot at Romanoff Airlines.
You gulp and turn away from her. Walking to a smaller table with no one. You turn to look and see Wanda’s disappointed face. You sigh as you eat and take your phone out. You read fanfics as you eat your lunch.
It’s not like the Betas at the school have not invited you to eat with them but you preferred to be alone, talking to no one and be in your own world.
Wanda sighs and turns back to their table.
“Something wrong, младшая сестра?” Pietro asks and Wanda huffs. She gets her tray and was about to go to you when Sam grabs her arm.
“I wouldn’t go to Y/LN. She’s a Beta.” She stops at that and pulls away from him.
“So what? Is that a sin?” Natasha scoffs at Wanda.
“It means she’s a trying hard nobody.” Wanda glares at her and Natasha smiles.
“She’s still in most of the AP classes though.” Angel says and Tony scoffs.
“Only because her mom and sisters threatened to sue if they didn’t let her.”
“Jesus, what a spoiled brat.” Wanda’s eye twitches at that and she drags Pietro away from them.
“THOSE are you new friends?”
“Yeah? They’re the coolest people, Wands, trust me.”
“Coolest? They’re judging someone based on their second gender.”
“It’s the truth, though.” Wanda crosses her arms and Pietro shrugs. “Betas are just average people, Wands, don’t put too much faith in them.” Wanda huffs and looks at you but you were already gone.
You stretch your body before going back into your research. You’re inside the library after school and you’ve already texted your moms about being late.
“Is this seat taken?” You look up and see Wanda with a book of her own. You shake your head. “Do you mind?” You shake your head again and she sits down besides you. You were so focused on doing you research that you haven’t noticed that Wanda has been staring at you. You only notice that she hasn’t opened her book yet. You look to her and meet her eyes.
“Um?” You blush and Wanda looks away as she opens her book. “Is that The Flower Girl Wore Celery?” Wanda nods and you squeal lightly. “They have this? Where’d you find it?”
“In the literature section? There’s a whole lot of Children’s books there.” You sigh.
“Maybe after I finish this dreadful thing.”
“I’m Wanda by the way.” She holds out her hand and you take it while blushing.
“Right. I’m Y/N.” Wanda smiles at you and you gulp.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” You nod and try to focus on the research. You finally finish after an hour and you stretch your body.
“Finally done.” You say and Wanda hums. She’s already finished the Children’s book and was now reading a novel.
“Here.” She gives you the book and you smile at her.
“Thanks.” You begin reading the book.
Your phone rings just as you finish the book, you quickly answer it and it was your Mom.
“Y/N? Are you still finishing your research?”
“No. I’m already done, just going to return all the books that I’ve borrowed.”
“Okay. Your Ma is already cooking dinner.”
“Alright. I’ll finish up and go home.”
“See you later, little one.”
“Yeah. Bye, mom.” You hang up and sigh.
“You okay?” Wanda asks and you hum.
“Just a little sore.” You gather all of your things and put them into your bag.
“You’re leaving?”
“Yep. Ma’s cooking and my mom’s going to get angry if I’m not home by the time she finishes.”
“Let me help you.”
“You sure? Some of these reference books are heavy.”
“Yep.” She picks up the books that you left behind and follows you. You begin returning the books while Wanda hovers behind you. “You’ve been avoiding me.” You drop the last book in your hand and it drops on your foot. You whimper quietly and pick it up. You immediately sit and Wanda looks down you. “You okay?”
“F-fine.” You stutter and stand. You take all the remaining books from her and return them. After you return the last one you notice Wanda and blush. You look down. “Sorry.”
“For what, exactly?” She gets into your vision and you sigh.
“For avoiding you? Getting involved with me won’t do you any good.” You pick up your bag and leave the library with her.
“Why not?” You sigh.
“Because I’m a Beta. And you’re an Omega.”
“So what?” You look at her, not believing her words…
“I’m a Beta, Wanda, you’re an Omega, you should hang out with another Omega or an Alpha, not a Beta like me.” You get something from your bag and present it to her. It was a bookmark, a simple one with just words on them. “My apologies and try to read all the books written on it. They’re all pretty good.” Pietro calls out to Wanda and you both turn to him. “I have to go.” You leave her behind and Wanda sighs. She smiles as she reads the bookmark’s contents.
A/N: I don't know how to cut off chapters now that I have no guide. Help.
Anyhows, thank you for reading and do tell me if you would like to be on the taglist for this series or future works!
I'm going to try to post chapters at least once a week or if life happens then once biweekly.
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A quick analysis of the puppy scene in 3x15, because my OTP is perfect.
This is honestly just a whole lot of gushing and flailing, tbh. Because Kurt and Blaine and their relationship are wonderful and I love them so, so much. So much so that I can write paragraphs on a scene that is barely one minute long. 
This somehow ended up being much longer than I intended, oops. Hope you enjoy it :)
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We start off this scene with Blaine alone at his locker, presumably putting away his belongings from his last class, and you can still see Kurt’s ‘Gay-diddy-gay-gay-gay’ class council election poster on the inside of Blaine’s locker, even months after Kurt lost the election. But Blaine still keeps it up, because he loves Kurt, and if he had it his way, Kurt would win everything. Awww. He appears to be deep in thought, and when Kurt hides behind Blaine’s locker, speaking in the world’s most adorably terrible British accent, it startles Blaine for a second.
And man, does that make me sad. This is a kid that has been bullied, undoubtedly shoved into lockers and pushed here and there just like Kurt was. He hears an unfamiliar voice and immediately flinches back in fear, expecting the worst. 
But it isn’t the worst - it’s the best. Because it’s Kurt, the person Blaine loves more than anything, hiding behind the locker, and it’s Kurt speaking in that cute-ass accent holding a stuffed puppy in front of his face. 
(Side note - I once read that Chris Colfer improvised the dialogue and accent of this scene, as well as coming up with the name for the puppy, which totally checks out since Chris is a huge Anglophile.)
And as soon as Blaine recognizes his boyfriend, his face breaks out into the sunniest smile, and he does his signature “Kurt-made-me-laugh” move, the blushy head-duck (see here for reference). 
Kurt also looks similarly delighted to see Blaine, because Blaine is lovely and Kurt loves him so, so much, and because he’s also excited to show Blaine the gift he got him and help Blaine out with his problems. Kurt really loves Blaine, y’all. He looks so damn proud of the stuffed animal he got for him and equally proud of his own ability to make Blaine laugh with his clever puns. 
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Kurt goes on to explain that Finn won the stuffed puppy while out at the amusement park for Senior Skip Day, along with thirteen others for Rachel, and as soon as he says this, Blaine nods along as if to say - oh, of course, that Rachel - because Blaine is considerate as hell and knows his friends very well. And in honest-to-god Kurt fashion, bb stole the puppy from his brother, because Kurt is the definition of Be Gay, Do Crime, and he also recognizes that Rachel does not need 14 different stuffed animals. 
He pouts a little right then, telling Blaine that he wanted to give it to him so that Blaine would have something, since Kurt wasn’t able to convince Blaine to go with them on the field trip. I wonder how that conversation went. 
Also, pouty Kurt is fucking adorable. Protect him at all costs.
Blaine is melancholy again, telling Kurt that he would have just brought the mood down for the group. And when Blaine says this? Kurt stops beating around the bush and gets straight to the point. 
Sweetly stroking the stuffed puppy, Kurt tells Blaine that he understands him. That he gets that family problems are hard, because they’re hard for him too. He uses himself as an example to try and get his point across to Blaine more effectively, and mentions that he and Finn disagree on nearly everything, but at the end of the day, they love one another and are always there for one another despite their differences. 
I’m also getting so many brotherly Furt feelings from Kurt referring to Finn as “the big lug” and talking about how much he loves him. Ugh. I also cry at the line where Kurt tells Blaine that he only has one brother and shouldn’t give up on that, given what happens to Finn. I wish we’d gotten more of that relationship in canon before Cory’s untimely passing, because they clearly had so much love for one another, both on-screen and off.
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Anyway, Kurt sees the love he has with his brother and wants Blaine to be able to experience the same thing, because he loves Blaine so, so much and he thinks that Blaine deserves everything great in this world. He also brings back the cute-ass accent, and upon seeing Blaine look upset, bumps Margaret Thatcher Dog against Blaine’s cheek to get him to smile again - which Blaine absolutely does; his face is bright and sunny again because of Kurt’s silliness. Awww. 
Kurt tells Blaine never to give up, and Blaine indignantly responds that Cooper is the one who is leaving for a big audition. Kurt pauses, and tells Blaine that Cooper hasn’t actually left him yet. He says that Cooper is waiting in the auditorium, hoping that Blaine will come and talk to him and make things right. This line very strongly implies that Kurt and Cooper coordinated this, and that Kurt made an effort of talking to Cooper to try and arrange a meeting with Blaine - because in a matter of mere days, Kurt was able to glean how important their relationship was to Blaine and wanted to do everything he could to fix it. Give him all the boyfriend awards, folks.
I’m kidding. Please don’t start the Better Boyfriend Olympics again, lol.
Blaine huffs out that talking doesn’t actually work with Cooper, and that he’s tried it to no avail. And Kurt just nods knowingly, as if he was aware that Blaine would say that. And though it isn’t explicitly mentioned, I bet he did know. He then goes on to say that perhaps talking isn’t the best answer for Blaine. Maybe there’s something else, a better method of communicating his feelings that would work more for Blaine. 
Okay. You know what this reminds me of? Flash back a year, to Silly Love Songs. This is (perhaps unintentionally) a direct callback to 2x12. Back when Blaine was still crushing on someone who is not Kurt, he said this to the Warblers about his idea to serenade Jeremiah. 
Blaine (2011): I'm not really good at talking about my feelings. I'm much better at singing them.
And here are Kurt’s words, from more than a year later. 
Kurt (2012): Maybe talking is not the answer. Maybe you need to show him how you really feel in the best, most honest way you know how. 
Can I just stop right here and squeal a little bit? Because Kurt knows his boyfriend so, so well. He remembers the things that Blaine tells him, even things from over a year ago. He holds onto this key piece of information about Blaine, because Blaine is important to him and the things he tells Kurt are worth remembering. And here, in this scene, he puts his memory to good use to try and remind Blaine of his most effective and heartfelt form of communication so that he can help Blaine mend fences with his brother. 
Kurt is so, supportive of Blaine and just wants the best for him, and it just boggles my mind when people claim that Kurt didn’t love Blaine as much as Blaine loved him, because from even short simple scenes like this one, anyone can tell that it isn’t true. 
After listening to Kurt, Blaine stops, and for the first time, genuinely considers it. Prior to this, all of Cooper’s attempts at talking couldn’t get through to him. Blaine still felt the jealousy and resentment from all those years growing up. But after hearing Kurt’s advice, he puts that aside and realizes that some things, like family, are more important, and so he makes that decision to go see his brother and try and express his feelings in a different way. 
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Blaine turns to go meet Cooper, and Kurt watches him go, looking so damn proud of his boyfriend and so, so hopeful...
Y’all know what happens next. Blaine and Cooper, a pair of brothers, sing a breakup song. Yet somehow, it works. Singing manages to communicate all of those emotions that were suppressed before, and opens the doors for real conversation between the two of them. They do successfully patch things up, with Cooper finally recognizing Blaine’s talent and Blaine trying to support Cooper in future endeavors. They are on a path to a close relationship, which is all both of them had ever really wanted in the first place. 
And if not for Kurt’s advice, this may not have happened. Y’all heard that right - Kurt Hummel helped Blaine patch things up with a member of his family because he knew how important it was to Blaine, and he knew how badly Blaine wanted this even if Blaine didn’t let it show. From all the bits and pieces of information we’ve gathered over the years about Blaine’s family, they don’t appear to be all that close, which is why it’s even more important for Blaine that he is able to reconcile with his brother.
(For more of my thoughts on Blaine’s family, feel free to check out this analysis of mine. Yeah, this is a shameless self promo. Deal with it.)
So...what was the point of this analysis? I’m not quite sure. I suppose I just had a lot of feelings about Blaine, Klaine, family, and the way that Kurt shows love. Like I’ve said millions of times, just because Kurt is more subtle in the way that he shows love to Blaine, doesn’t mean that it’s any less powerful. Scenes like this, in which he handpicks Blaine’s own words and uses them to push Blaine towards something he was too afraid to admit he really wanted? Kurt helping reconcile Blaine with his family? This is Klaine at its best, and scenes like this are why I will always, always ship this couple. 
Kurt and Blaine are incredible, y’all. 
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renaerys · 3 years
37. For Blossutch 👀 can’t wait to binge read all of these lol -Star
37. “If you want to act like a slut, you can dress like one.”
T-posing for feminism.
This fic is part of a prompt challenge that is now closed to new requests, but you can read all the completed submissions here. Reminder that the challenge is to make everything SFW, so we’re getting creative here.
Dane Blakely was 140 pounds of protein powder in a five and a half foot body, and still he seemed to tower over anyone in his way. He’d cornered So-eun Park on her way to second period because he could not take a hint, and now there was no getting around him.
“I saw you with that loser at the Shankaplex on Saturday, don’t even try to deny it,” Dane said.
So-eun had her back to the lockers, but she held her ground. “Elmer’s not a loser, and it’s none of your business who I go out with.”
Rookie mistake dating the first guy who asked her out when she transferred to Townsville High School at the beginning of the year. So-eun had corrected that poor decision quickly, but Dane was one of those unfortunate guys whose parents had forbidden the word no in their house when he was a child.
“I’m just saying your standards have gone way down.”
“Oh my god, I’m not having this conversation with you.” She went around him, and he didn’t stop her.
“Yeah, fine. If you want to act like a slut, you can dress like one.”
There were not many people around to hear, and Dane didn’t shout it, but she suddenly felt a hundred invisible eyes on her all the same. Unthinking, she gripped the collar of her sweater dress and flushed. Her first instinct was to check the length of her skirt, and she flushed even harder, ashamed of her own weakness.
Her second instinct was to jump out of the way of class superstar Blossom Utonium, who’d been making her way down the hall with fire in her eyes.
“What did you just say?” Blossom confronted Dane, who immediately backed up…
…right into a T-posing Butch Jojo.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Dane whirled on Butch.
“The lady asked you a question, dude,” Butch said, still T-posing and taking up half the hallway.
So-eun was not the only person to wander over, curious about the confrontation unfolding at the Senior locker bank. From the moment So-eun stepped foot in these halls, she’d learned about the Powerpuff Girls, aka literal Superheroes walking among the mortals. Blossom and her Super sisters were known for interfering in fights and disagreements that got out of hand, since no one was going to go against a girl who could shatter your spine with a flick of her fingers. But Butch and his brothers tended to avoid getting involved in high school drama. So-eun had never even seen him more than twice since the school year started, and only then from afar. It was a big school, and he probably skipped more often than not. Not that she would know; she’d never exchanged more than a passing word with either of the Supers.
“All right, seriously. Get out of my way,” Dane said.
“Butch, don’t you dare. Not until he apologizes to So-eun.”
So-eun startled at all the attention on her. She didn’t think Blossom even knew her name. She was just the newest nobody on campus, one of a thousand students in the Senior class alone.
Dane seemed just as startled, and his gaze flickered to So-eun just staring openly over Blossom’s shoulder.
“Hey, I’m talking to you,” Blossom said. She had the audacity to snap her fingers in his face.
To Dane’s limited credit, it was easy to forget what Blossom was capable of when she came in such a pretty pink package and a mountain of red hair. “Take a number.”
He tried to get past Blossom this time, and she T-posed to match Butch behind him. The sight was so absurd that So-eun had to cover her mouth not to laugh at Dane whirling in between them like a confused dog confronted with stair guards on all sides.
“What is this?!”
“This is the part where you apologize for slut shaming So-eun,” Blossom said.
“Wow, that’s weak, bro,” Butch said.
“I didn’t!”
“Did that sound like an apology to you, Butch?”
“I think the fuck not.”
More students had gathered around to witness the bizarre turn of events, including Elmer. He casually slipped his hand into So-eun’s. “What’s going on?”
So-eun shook her head. “I think it might be justice.”
“I’m gonna be late for class, just—move!” Dane tried to duck under Butch’s arm, but he bent at the waist (still T-posing) and Dane only succeeded in smacking his head against Butch’s rock-hard tricep. He swore and ping-ponged back into Blossom, bounced off of her knee, and ended up on his ass on the floor.
“Butch, he’s fallen to the floor,” Blossom said.
“Should we help him up?”
“Unfortunately, we’re contractually unable to help unrepentant slut shamers.”
“So unfortunate!”
Dane, now red in the face and breathing hard from the stress, scrambled to his feet by himself. He frothed at the mouth. If Butch were anyone else, So-eun was one hundred percent sure he would have punched him. “Fuck you both.”
“Hey Blossom, is fuck you both Spanish for I’m sorry, you think?”
“I’m afraid it simply isn’t!”
“What a shame!”
The late bell rang, and Blossom didn’t so much as waver from her T-pose. She didn’t care that she’d be marked as tardy. She was not leaving until Dane apologized, and no one else was leaving until she did. Dane seemed to come to the same conclusion as So-eun.
“All right, Jesus Christ. I’m sorry, okay? Fuck.”
“I’m sorry for what?” Blossom swung open her T-pose and looked directly at So-eun, and so did everyone else.
Dane gnashed his teeth. He glanced around at all the other students watching him, recording everything on their phones, not a single person worried about the consequences of being late for class. Finally, he looked up at So-eun, and she squeezed Elmer’s hand harder. “I’m sorry…for slut shaming you.”
Butch whooped. “He did it!” He went in for a high-five with Blossom, and the smack sent a seismic ripple through the hall that rattled the lockers.
“He sure did! Give it up for Dane Blakely, everyone!” Blossom clapped, and others clapped with her. Soon the hall erupted into hoots and hollers of Congratulations! and You did it! as Dane stomped off even redder than before and people recorded his every humiliating moment on their phones.
Everyone dispersed soon after when some teachers came out into the hall to investigate the racket, and So-eun was one of them. When lunch rolled around and she looked around the cafeteria for Elmer, who’d promised to meet up, she found him waving from a table she’d never in her life have expected to sit at.
Bubbles scooted over to make room for So-eun in between Elmer and herself. “Hi, So-eun! We’re in the same block for History, right?”
“Um, yeah?” Of course So-eun knew that, but it was a big class and Bubbles was Bubbles and everyone knew her name like they didn’t know So-eun’s and this was just too weird.
On Bubbles’ other side was Boomer playing a game with Buttercup on someone’s cell phone, while Brick had his Beats on as he copied some of Blossom’s notes and ignored everybody. Blossom herself sat across from So-eun and smiled.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Blossom.” She actually held out her hand to shake as if she weren’t one of the few people every single person in school knew.
So-eun let out a squeak that must have passed for hi, because Blossom smiled wider and elbowed Butch next to her, who was busy shoveling mashed potatoes into his mouth.
“Mmph,” Butch said, waving to So-eun.
“I’m sorry…what’s happening?” So-eun asked.
“Halo Infinite is happening!” Mike Believe, Wes Goingon, and Kim Chan slid in around Brick and Blossom. “Todd got the advance copy and he’s hosting this weekend!”
Brick looked up from the notes for that one. “I call dibs.”
Bubbles giggled. “You get used to it,” she whispered to So-eun like they were old pals.
What was happening was that her sort of maybe new boyfriend, Elmer Sgloo, had neglected to mention that he’d been close friends with the literal Powerpuff Girls since kindergarten, and now they wanted to welcome So-eun into their extended circle. As in, the definitely not a bunch of losers circle because it was the honest to god Powerpuff Girls and that was kind of a lot for one seventeen-year-old nobody to wrap her head around.
“Oh shit, you guys are going viral! Check it out!” Buttercup passed Butch her phone, which played a video of Butch and Blossom T-posing for feminism. “Who even is that loser?”
“Some chode,” Butch said. “Bane, or something?”
“No one important,” Blossom said as she leaned on Butch’s shoulder to watch the video. “Right, So-eun?”
So-eun put her shoulders back and popped a tater tot into her mouth, feeling like a champion. “Not at all.”
If you enjoy my writing, check out more of my fics on AO3, link in my profile. I’m currently updating Trinity House and The Alchemy of Us. Thanks for reading!
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
My Spotify Playlist (Pt. 1)
Rick Flag x Reader
Rated T (so far)
~2.5k words
Part 2
Rick was just another boy you liked in high school. But your lives take very different paths. This is the story of how two people are brought together by a mutual love of curated Spotify playlists. Oh, and the story of how an innocent girl got thrown in metahuman prison.
… sometime during your sophomore year of high school…
You were watching a football game with your best friend, Sarah, a girl nearly loud and obnoxious enough to match your extreme level of quiet introversion. She’d convinced you to come, her boyfriend was playing and so was your crush. He was a senior and you were a sophomore so he’d never go for you, but you could always dream. You had your earbuds in, twirling the cord around your fingers as you listened to your favorite playlist to listen to over sports games (it was called ‘sports, go sports!’ and it was filled with mellow low-key vibes to counteract the chanting crowd and lack of personal space).
“Come on, Bunny! Rick’s about to score a touchdown!” Sarah screeched in your ear and you pulled out one earbud, tugged your school-colored beanie over your ears and searched the field for the most handsome boy you’d ever seen. Rick Flag. He made you want to swoon and flutter a fan in your face like some romance book heroine. The best you could do was smile softly at him and tuck your hair behind your ear shyly. You watched, enraptured, as he broke away from the other team and ran straight towards the end zone, unchallenged. A moment later the stands were shaking from the other students jumping up and down, and you shouted with them. You couldn’t help feeling the little spark of pride at the display of school spirit. You also couldn’t help the fluttering of your little rabbit heart when Rick turned to the stands with the brightest smile you’d ever seen. It was his senior Homecoming game, so he should be proud.
Your school wiped the floor with the other team, getting another couple touchdowns and field goals. As the stands were emptying, Sarah grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the side of the field where she started calling her boyfriend to come over. You liked him enough, he was a nice guy and didn’t mind how quiet you were. You tucked both of your earbuds back into your ears, listening at a low volume so you could still hear the conversation.
What you didn’t see as you brushed your hair behind your ear and tugged at your soccer hoodie (the only piece of school apparel you owned), was that Sarah’s boyfriend was coming over with Rick in tow.
“Hey babe!” He exclaimed when he reached Sarah, giving her a peck on the cheek. “Wasn’t Rick the man tonight?” He asked Sarah, but Rick had already turned to you.
“Hey, Bunny,” you looked up at him, your school nickname sounding like music exiting his lips.
“Hey, Rick,” you smiled up at him. For someone who was seventeen going on eighteen, he had really filled out. His shoulders were broad and his jaw was defined and you just wanted to wrap yourself up in him.
“Whatcha listening to?” He asked, pointing to one of your earbuds. You pulled it out and placed it into his waiting hand.
“It’s Sunday Morning by the Velvet Underground. Part of my sports playlist,” you spoke as he tucked the earbud into his ear, leaning down close to you so he wouldn’t pull your earbud out in the process. He listened for a moment before smiling that megawatt smile at you.
“This is really nice. Spotify?” He asked and you nodded before he handed the earbud back to you. “Can I follow you on it? I dunno how something that mellow fits into a sports playlist but I liked it,” you were trying not to panic or stumble or stutter, Rick’s eyes were on you and so were Sarah’s as you nodded and pulled your phone out to give him your username.
After he followed you, him and Sarah’s boyfriend bid their goodbyes, they had to meet with the team and the coach.
“Oh em gee,” Sarah squealed when the two of you were alone and on the way home. “Rick Flag is so totally into you!” She shouted into the car as you winced.
“I don’t think so. He’s just a nice guy,” you muttered, looking out into the dark night.
“Bullshit, Bunny. You should make a move on him before he graduates, maybe he’ll take you to prom,” she shrugged. “It could happen.”
It didn’t happen. In December that year you got into a car crash. You went to the hospital, had to be studied for abnormal brain waves, and came out with a genetic mutation that gave you superhuman agility and the ability to throw seismic energy out of your hands. Your parents pulled you out of school and moved you to New York to study with other kids like you.
Sarah’s parents were secretly anti-mutant protesters so she wasn’t allowed to contact you anymore. You were alone.
Except for sometimes, you could see what Rick was listening to on Spotify. He’d followed all of your playlists and would sometimes listen to them. It made you feel like you still had a little bit of home.
… some years later ...
When you were more in control of your new powers, you were allowed to get a Facebook to try and reconnect with your old school friends. You were nineteen when you found Rick Flag on Facebook. You weren’t terribly shocked to see he’d joined the Army. You sent him a friend request, but you weren’t sure if he even knew your real name. Everyone at your old school called you Bunny. Everyone here called you by your name. You almost missed the normalcy of high school nicknames.
But those last few years… They were hard on you. You had to learn a lot of hard lessons about mutant rights and the fear your parents held. Not fear for you. It was fear of you. They were afraid you’d hurt them.
It all made you so overwhelmed, you felt so helpless. You created a new Spotify playlist. This one was called ‘anxiety attack at 4 am’ because you thought it was funny. You ended up stalking Sarah on Facebook and deleted the app because it was giving you too much stress. You forgot all about Rick and Sarah. You didn’t want to think about what could have been.
You were twenty-one when you ran off. You hated the north. It was cold, the people were cold and always rushing, and it had never felt like home. You stole all the cash your parents had stashed in the house and took buses all the way down to Mississippi. That’s where you got caught. Your parents thought you were dangerous and when you ran off, they put out a missing dangerous mutant report. You scowled when you saw the cops come at you. You’d trained enough to know how to get away without hurting anyone but… You looked down at your feet, fighting back the tears as the moment took you back to all of those years ago. You were afraid. Your parents' car crash hadn’t killed any of you but the impact on your head had released some genetic code in your brain that had been blocking your mutation. When someone in the hospital tried to help you, you accidentally threw a shockwave at them and threw them through a door. You were so afraid when you got to the mutant school. You weren’t used to getting any attention, good or bad.
So when the cops came at you with guns, you panicked. You loosened your power-dampening wrist braces and threw a shockwave into the ground that shook the earth and jostled their cars. It was enough to scare them so you could run away.
You were twenty four, living off the grid in a swamp community. You hadn’t used your powers in years, but one of the kids in the community had come down with something and it was your turn to go out into town. You’d gone into town a million times, it should have been like every other trip. You’d get the boy to the doctor, pay them, and get back to the community.
But you were spotted by a cop, someone who clearly had a mental memory of all missing persons who’d been seen in Mississippi. You shoved the boy behind a car and held your hands out in front of you.
“Please,” you pleaded as he pointed his gun at you. “I don’t mean any trouble.”
“That’s what they all say,” he grunted and shot you, the pain of it embedding in your thigh was blinding. You fell to your knees with a cry and let out a shockwave that dug a crater around you. The cop flew back, but backup had come.
You struggled onto your feet and tried to drag yourself away, blood seeping out and staining your jeans.
You’d crawled to the edge of the crater, but you looked up to see another cop swing his baton at your head.
… several hours later …
“Hey! What are you doing?” You shouted as two men clamped an electric collar around your neck. You'd just woken up and were panicking.
“Don’t struggle. It’s just a power dampener so you won’t hurt us,” one of the cops spoke almost kindly to you.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” You wailed, panic rising up in your throat and tears welling in your eyes. “Please, there’s a boy who’s sick. I was only in town to take him to a doctor, please!” You screamed, but all the breath left your body when you were struck with a baton right on your leg where you’d been shot. You looked down though, they must have cleaned you up because your leg was bandaged. “Please,” you cried, but every time you opened your mouth another blow came at your ribs, your shoulders, your leg, your hands.
“Hey!” There was a shout from a distance away, but you were crumpled on the ground, metal collar around your neck like a dog. “What are you doing?”
“She was acting out,” one of the men called back, and you looked up, eyes blurry with tears as a man approached.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” you cried again, hoping this was someone with some sort of conscience. “I don’t know where I am or why,” you were panting and the man crouched down to your level.
“You’re at Belle Reve Penitentiary. It’s for metahuman criminals,” his voice was low and calm, but you let out a wail at his words.
“I didn’t do anything! I was trying to get a boy to the doctor!” You screamed, anger rising up within you, surpassing the panic and anxiety. But that was shot down when one of the men kicked at your bruised ribs. You moaned pitifully, laying down on the ground and closing your eyes. Maybe it was best to accept your fate.
“I’ll look into your case. But for now, you’re coming with me,” you opened your eyes to see the man holding a hand out to you. He didn’t look convinced, but he did look… Familiar. You gingerly reached your bruised fingers out to him and he frowned at your black and blue appendages. “This isn’t how we treat prisoners,” he scowled at the other men and wrapped your arm around his shoulders, helping to support you as you limped towards the big building.
Well, you thought. Maybe if I cooperate he won’t hit me.
You looked down at your white t-shirt, but it was covered in blood. You frowned, but then the throbbing in your face made sense. They must have made your nose bleed. You brought your unoccupied hand up to your face, and came away bloody. You must be covered in it. It all seemed so surreal at the moment… You let out a giggle. It hurt, but you couldn’t help it. But it was followed by the waterworks.
“You… alright?” The familiar man asked strangely and you sniffled, wiping at your face and accidentally smudging the blood even more. You were probably unrecognizable anyway, so even if you did know him, he might not recognize you.
“I’ve never been arrested before. I never even got detention,” you whimpered and he frowned down at you as you made your way inside. But you stopped short. You looked up at him with wide eyes. “I left that boy in town. He needs a hospital,” your frantic eyes looked wild, set in your bloodied face, but you gave the man the boy’s first and last name and the name of the community you had been living in. “Please.”
“I’ll look into it,” he sighed before bringing you to a holding cell. “You’re going to wait here until you get processed. Don’t struggle, and don’t start any fights,” and with that, he left you.
You sat there alone for quite some time, bleeding through the bandage on your leg and out of your nose and mouth.
“What's your name?” A smartly dressed dark-skinned woman finally came over to you and you gave your first and last name to her. You were trying to make yourself look smaller, it wasn’t that hard to be honest. You were small, and you were used to going unnoticed whether it be in school or hiding from the authorities.
“Abilities?” Your eyes narrowed. The man had said this was a penitentiary for metahumans. But, you were trying to be cooperative. You wanted to get out of here.
“Superhuman agility,” you muttered before looking down at the dried blood on your hands. “And I can throw seismic waves with my hands.” The woman nodded and wrote that down, showing no emotion.
“We’ll get you cleaned up and put you in the general population until we figure your case out,” she signaled for two guards to come over. One opened the cell and the other grasped your arm and led you to a medical room where a tired-looking doctor set your nose and cleaned the blood from your face and hands. He also rebandaged your leg. But there was not much to be done about your stained clothes. Unfortunately, it was all your own blood, and you were starting to feel lightheaded. You were hoping you could sit down soon.
You were told you would get a tour the next day and were sent to a cell with two twin beds cemented into the wall. You shrugged. This must be what prison was like. Everything could be a weapon.
“Oooh! A roommate!” You whipped around, dizzying yourself in the process as you took in your new roommate. She was gorgeous, enough so that you immediately felt a flush coming up on your cheeks and arousal building in your body. It had been a while since you could feel anything for anyone. You were hiding and running and hiding and running and… Yeah you get it. “What’s your name, Sugar?”
“Y/N,” You smiled weakly. “But everyone calls me Bunny.”
“Bunny, that’s appropriate,” she cocked her head with a big grin. “Cute and tiny, just like you!” You blushed harder, but she passed by you and threw herself onto one of the beds.
“Doctor Harleen Quinzel at your service,” she turned her head and winked at you. “But everyone calls me Harley.”
33 notes · View notes
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Chapter Three.
a/n: get ready for the yearning in this chapter! also please make sure to reblog to share and leave feedback — it really helps writers continue wanting to post and continue writing.
SERIES MASTERLIST | word count: 8.2k
come talk to me about wtsgd! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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April 30, 2017
Luci woke up to loud knocking on her front door, too loud for eight in the morning when she wanted to sleep in. She thought she was dreaming, like someone was knocking directly onto her head, telling her to wake up. But the knocking increased, making her scream into her pillow, getting out of bed. Her pink soft house slippers that Ren made sure she brought so she wouldn’t get her new floors dirty with her outside shoes padded on the wooden floor and towards the entrance, opening the door. 
Once she opened her door, her parents and Nathan were behind it, smiling as they waved their hands into a jazz-like movement. 
“My Lucky!” 
Her family charged through her doorway, bringing her into their arms for a family group hug. Luci was wide awake and smiling at the sight and presence of her family. They all eventually let her go to give her individual hugs to have their own moment because they just missed her that much. 
They made their way out of the front entrance and hallway, walking more into her apartment as Ren and Beatrice looked around in awe of how much natural light that was provided. She gave her parents a tour before they all settled into the living room where they had a cup of coffee in to-go cups and ate breakfast sandwiches. 
Luci then told them the events that happened yesterday, minus her unexpected hangout with Harry, and they were furious. All at once, their hearts broke but were quick to ignite with anger. 
“How could she do that?!” Ren had an angry expression on his face, and it was one that she and Nathan had always been afraid of ever since they were younger; it was rare to see their father angry since he was much softer as it would take a lot for him to get him to that state. 
She shrugged her shoulders. “People favor power over fairness these days, or else they’d lose their biggest stars.” Nathan scoffed from the sofa chair next to the couch, but didn’t say anything more. 
It was the harsh truth of showbiz that almost everyone knew—it was a fact; Broadway and Hollywood don’t play fair, it’s obvious they want the best of the best, and if that’s passing up a new talent that could take them to the moon over the seniority of actors who’ve been in the industry for much longer, they’ll take that opportunity. And Luci knew that when she signed up for this. 
Beatrice told Luci that she was sorry this was happening, and they all agreed that whenever her time to perform on stage comes, they’d be there. Luci smiled at her lap, appreciating their support. The Suki family talked for another hour and a half, catching up on the month that passed when they weren’t all together, before they took the subway to the hotel they were staying at to catch their flight out of New York. Luci said her goodbyes to them in front of the hotel, apologizing that they had to come out here for nothing, but they brushed it off, saying that they would do it again just to see her. 
She watched them get into an Uber, waving at her family as they took off down the streets of Manhattan. She took the subway back to Brooklyn as she wrote down a list of what she wanted to do today; find more decorations, clean, eat pizza, and crack a bottle of wine because she damn well needed it. 
It was almost eleven a.m. when she got back to her apartment and decided to get ready for the day. Her throat felt incredibly dry, so she hydrated herself, gulping the liquid down her throat until she heard a knock on her door. Luci furrowed her brows, wondering if it was Nathan or Beatrice behind that door, asking if they’d left their wallet or phone since they were the more forgetful ones in the family, but when she looked around her living room, she didn’t find anything.
A knock on the door was heard and Luci sighed, walking over to open it as she didn’t expect the person behind it. 
“Hey, babe.” A smug smile was present on his face, but a scowl was present on hers, rolling her eyes at the pet name.
“What are you doing here—no, how do you even know where I live?” Luci placed her hand on her hip, a wrinkle in between her eyebrows. 
“Not gonna let me in?” He gave her an amusing smile, and she rolled her eyes, huffing before moving to the side and letting him in. He walked into the main part of the apartment, looking around. 
Luci crossed her arms, trailing behind him. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” 
“I got your address when you texted me to come over that one night, remember?” 
She mentally cursed herself. Her relationship with Samuel had done a complete one-eighty. After the afterparty on opening night, things were very weird between them after she denied his request to have sex with him in the bathroom of the longue. He had avoided her unless it was work related, but even then, he kept the conversation and words to a minimum, adding attitude and rudeness. If she thought things were weird then, it got even weirder the night leading up to when Daisy took her spotlight on stage last night. 
During rehearsals, he’d flirt with Daisy sometimes even kiss her up. Daisy would give Luci a snarky look every time his face was in her neck, biting her skin, and that was when Luci found out the real reason why Daisy despised her. All because of Samuel. All because of a man. The bitter looks didn’t bother Luci and it wasn’t like she was jealous, but it simply confused her because one day he wanted to fuck her and was sweet to her but when she said no, he was rude and would fuck someone else—there was no real type of closure. He probably took her into the bathroom after she left, Luci thought. 
So, she didn’t really care for him anymore because after all, he was just a someone to fuck; all she cared about was why he decided to show up at her apartment unannounced and uninvited. 
“That was a very weak moment for me.” Luci rebutted mockingly; Samuel scoffed and smirked cockily. He leaned against her countertops, and she hated that she still found him attractive because anyone with eyes knew very clearly that he was a very sexy guy, and the worst part was that he knew it too—he knew it very well. “So, tell me what the fuck you’re doing here?” 
“I’m here to tell you that you’re probably not going to perform anytime soon…” he said in a mocking tone, a fake pout on his face as he gave her puppy-dog eyes. 
She scoffed, shaking her head lightly. “Aww, did Daisy tell you to come all the way here and tell me that?” 
“And if she did?” 
“It’s cute that you’re a messenger now. It suits you since you have all this time to waste, like you did mine.” She breathed out a laugh, making him roll his eyes, and it only brought satisfaction to hurt his huge ego. “Well, how about you tell your little Daisy to stop sending people to tell me things because if she had the balls, then she would tell me herself. Plus, you’re wasting your time here to tell me one little thing that doesn’t affect me.” Luci dramatically gasped. “I’m really living in both of your minds rent-free, aren't I?” 
Samuel inhaled heavily, biting back his words as if Luci had offended him, but it would only make sense that he felt that way because of his feelings for Daisy. He headed towards the door with Luci hot on his tail as a way to push him out faster than he came in. 
“Well, I’ll see you Luci—not on stage, but yeah, I’ll see you.” She wasn’t going to lie, but those few words took a dig at her heart; luckily, she’s an actor, so she was able to mask her pain and anger, giving him a scornful smile as she opened the door. Samuel chuckled, not amusingly but in a way that made him think that she was an outright bitch. 
Harry’s door suddenly opened, making him stop in his tracks as he witnessed the interaction happening because it definitely looked like this guy was just leaving her place. Luci’s head turned towards him as her eyes widened slightly; Harry had a weird look on his face, looking back and forth between her and Samuel. 
“Hey, Harry.” Luci broke his train of thought and Harry looked directly at her, smiling slightly. 
“Hi, Luci.” She suddenly felt a wave of nerves wash through her, butterflies erupting in her stomach once he said her name, thinking that he was by far the best person to say it. 
She felt antsy, fiddling with fingers as she started bouncing on the balls of her feet—a habit that she did when she started to feel nervous. Samuel could see straight through her, catching all the signs when she was a bit anxious and he had a feeling that it had something to do with her neighbor. 
Samuel brisked past her, giving her a kiss on the cheek to mess with both of them; Luci’s eyes widened, pulling her face back but it was too late as his lips had already connected with her skin. 
“See you, Luci.” Instead of the cocky smirk he had when he arrived, he had a loving and kind smile as he left because he wasn’t the only actor in the room. 
Once Samuel rounded the corner, Luci looked at Harry and there was a crease in between his brows. 
“I-I, uh, that’s not-”
“No worries. You don’t need to explain to me, honestly.” Harry walked out into the hallway, locking his door before giving her a toothless grin and walking down the hall. 
Luci’s mouth was slightly ajar as she watched him. She closed her door and placed her forehead against it quite harshly, letting out a frustrated groan.
After much sulking, she decided to get on with her day, hoping she can be as productive as she hoped to be. But the thought of if Harry liked her—even as a person or ‘friend,’ if she could call herself that—lingered around in her head; and she doesn’t know why what he thought of her had so much of an affect on her, but it did. Maybe it was because she had a sort of infatuation with her neighbor, or that she couldn’t stop thinking about him and what he was doing across the hall. Whatever it was, she only hoped that he liked her too. 
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May 13, 2017 
Quite early, Luci received a phone call from Tal. 
Her phone was buzzing rapidly on her brown wooden nightstand; and in her sleep, she was trying to determine if she had set an alarm the previous night. When she thought she did, she let her phone snooze for ten minutes. But it was certainly not an alarm because just a few seconds after the buzzing stopped, it had started again. 
Grumpy as usual in the morning, she groaned, propping her elbows on her mattress as she pried her eyes open and picked up her phone. When she saw Tal as the caller ID, her brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Luci? Luci? Hi, can you hear me?” The gauging sound of the city was heard on the other end of the call, and she could just imagine Tal placing one hand to her ear as she walked through the bustling streets. 
“Yeah, I can. Hi.” Luci’s voice increased, becoming more audible for Tal. 
“Great! So, I’m glad you answered. I know things have been a bit weird lately ever since, y’know…” she said, referring to when Daisy had stolen her spotlight. “But I want to let you know that you’re performing tonight. I’m saying this in a calm manner because I know you know the shit in the show, so I’m not worried about it. But I need you to play Kim tonight.” 
Luci’s breath hitched in her throat as her eyes widened. She was completely speechless and she felt like she was dreaming. But first thing’s first, she needed to know why Tal’s statement at the end was demanding and slightly panicked. 
“What happened to Daisy?” She wondered, sitting up fully on the gray wrinkled sheets from her slumber. 
Tal sighed deeply, perceptible through the chaos of the outside. “Last night, she partied a bit too hard. She’s just getting back to her place, according to Samuel, and she was high off her ass. I don’t need that today, or ever. So, I figured this would be the perfect time for you to step in.” 
“And why me? Why not Wendy?” Luci referred to the understudy for Kim. 
“Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t stick up for you when I should’ve. Daisy has always been…intimidating to me, which is crazy because I run the show, but I should’ve been more stern with her. So, with Daisy out of the picture for today, I want you to perform tonight.” 
Tal genuinely felt guilty that she wasn’t being the stage director that she should’ve been. She let Daisy control some of the show when it should’ve been her to direct everyone. Tal loved her job, she did, but every time she had Daisy as one of the lead characters, she almost dreaded work. She didn’t want to be one of those people who dreaded work because although theatre is stressful at times, it’s also fun and her passion. 
“Okay…” Luci couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’ll perform tonight.” 
Tal let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much, Luci. I’ll see you at five.” \
“I’ll be there. Bye, Tal.” 
Luci hung up the phone and sat on her bed for what felt like forever, simply gazing into the sheets as she couldn’t believe what had happened. Luci was going to perform tonight; her dream was finally coming true. 
When the realization hit her, the corners of her lips turned up into a bright and excited smile. She laughed and screamed and squealed into her pillow, doing a little mini dance on her bed. Looking at the time, it was nearing eight so she had plenty of time to start her pre-show morning routine. But the first thing that she needed to do was to text her family. 
Instantly, she got responses from them. 
Nathan: REALLY?! I get off work at four, I could take a last minute flight. 
Luci hearted her brother’s message. 
Pa: Luci, I’m so happy for you! Your mother is still asleep but I’ll wake her up and tell her the news. We’ll see what we could do to make it to the show. 
She thanked them, texting that she hoped to see them tonight, but would understand if they couldn’t make it since it was last minute. 
Hopping out of bed, she washed up and changed into her workout clothes to go on a walk and grab a smoothie. It was such a beautiful day out that there were more people out on the streets in the morning than usual as they were basking in the bright sun and lovely weather. 
Once she got back home, she made her favorite breakfast—a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel with cream cheese; and rehearsed some of the more emotional and dramatic lines, taking notes on which parts needed more depth of emotion. 
The day had gone by relatively fast as she showered, tidied, and packed her belongings; and it was already 3:45, so she headed out the door. 
As Luci was locking up and about to walk down the hall, she looked at Harry’s door. She hadn’t talked to him in about two weeks, since the time he opened his door to Samuel kissing her cheek. She had sort of missed him, and she felt like the event with Samuel had put up a wall; she felt like he was avoiding her.
Thinking back to their conversation at the diner, she remembered that he told her he would be there when it was her time to perform, and she didn’t want to not inform him on that because she had a feeling that he would be disappointed hadn’t he known. 
Bravely, she stood in front of his door and knocked, hoping that he was home because she didn’t have his number to tell him. Luci waited one minute before she knocked again and waited another minute before sighing. Just as she was two feet down the hall, his door suddenly opened, making her turn around quickly. Harry looked out into the hall without taking a step out of his apartment and saw Luci with a tote bag on her shoulder, wearing leggings, a vintage tee with Stevie Nicks printed on it, and a beige cardigan. 
She turned around. “Harry, hi. Uh, how are you?” Her attitude had visibly changed and brightened as she was ecstatic to see that he answered the door. His hair was wet, separating the strands of hair into slightly thicker chunks as water droplets lingered at the tips; which explained why he didn’t answer the door right away. 
“Good, good. How are you?” 
“Good—great, actually. I-I’m actually performing tonight and I wanted to tell you that in case you wanted to watch the show.” She suppressed a wide smile, linking his hands together to refrain herself from jumping up and down in excitement. 
Harry raised his brows before the corners of his lips turned upward. “Really?” She nodded. “Luci, that’s amazing!” He exclaimed. 
“Yeah, I’m really excited. I was just called this morning that I was performing tonight, so I’m heading to the theatre right now.” 
“I’m so happy for you. But I, uh, have plans already tonight. I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically. Luci couldn’t deny the ache in her chest when he said that, but she completely understood as it was a last minute decision for her to perform. 
“Oh, no worries. Maybe another time whenever I get to perform again. I’ll let you know?” 
“Yeah, please do.” He nodded. There was a bit of silence after as there was nothing left to say. “Well, uh, good luck out there.”
“Thank you.” She smiled. “Maybe we could get some coffee or a smoothie. There’s this really good smoothie place down the street-”
“Brooklyn’s Smoothies?” He asked; Luci nodded. “That’s my go-to smoothie place. But yeah, I’m down for that. Just let me know when.” 
Now, she had another thing she could be excited about: her second hangout with Harry. 
“Great!” She headed towards the hall before she walked back towards him, pulling her phone out. “Here, put your number in—only if you want to.” He chuckled, grabbing her phone as he quickly put his number and name into his phone before handing it back to her. “I’ll text you. Bye, Harry!” She waved as she walked towards the end of the hall; Harry waved back before walking back into his apartment and closing the door. 
Once she was on the subway, she found Harry’s contact, which he named himself ‘Harry (neighbor)’ as if he thought she was going to forget who he was. But it was quite the opposite as he seemed to invade most of her mind as she mindlessly thought about him. She almost always curses herself for being so nervous around him, but that was because he somewhat intimidated her; and that said a lot because she’s very confident in her own skin and rarely finds anyone intimidating. But there was just something about him that made her nervous, and that thought slightly scared her. 
Hi, Harry! It’s Luci, here’s my number. 
She placed her phone face down on her thigh that was relentlessly bouncing before she hit send. Before sending it, she looked over the text, practically overthinking a simple greeting that didn’t need any more thinking. A few minutes later as she was transferring trains and sitting on the blue bench, her phone vibrated. She picked up her phone as the screen lit up; Harry’s message appeared on the screen. 
Hiiii, thank you. Good luck tonight x 
Luci smiled crazily at her phone, putting her chin to her chest as she hid her smile from the many people on the subway with her. She thanked him, and decided to start another conversation after the show so she could tell him how the show went, which was an excuse to text him again. She locked her phone and turned the volume up higher as G Luné played through her Airpods. 
Her cheeks had started to hurt due to the fact that she couldn’t stop smiling, like it was genuinely difficult for her stop. A surge of happiness and relief had washed over her that she felt the happiness line on her chart increase. With a little over two months of living in New York, she had felt like her career was going nowhere when that was the entire reason why she moved there; the whole situation with Daisy had made her life plateaued as her happiness line wasn’t moving upwards. But tonight, it was skyrocketing.
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T-minus five minutes until showtime, and Luci was bouncing on the balls of her feet. She started humming and whistling to get her mind off the perturbation that ran along the linings and spaces of her body; it didn’t help that everyone was literally running around, passing by one another through the dark corridor. 
Obviously, everyone knew that it was Luci’s first night performing, so they tried keeping everything light and easy for her, which she appreciated. Once she walked through the doors of backstage, she was immediately greeted with warm and excited smiles—the complete opposite as the last time she walked through the door. Nina squealed and hugged her as they both jumped around in elation; Luci truly missed the first friend she’d ever made on Broadway, and they promised each other that they’d hangout more often outside the theatre. 
After Luci had her hair and makeup done, changed into her costume, and was mic'd up, she was standing on the side of the stage where she could hear the crowd settling into their seats as they talked amongst themselves. Peter, who was playing Chris tonight, stood beside her, rolling his neck in circles and moving his jaw around. She was glad to know that Samuel wasn’t performing tonight because god only knows what he would say to her, only to get inside of her head right before the show. 
She heard the technical and stage crew speak into their headsets, asking if everyone was ready as they counted down from ten. The lights went out, the curtains were pulled to the side, and Luci’s mind went blank as ‘Kim’ took over, completely owning this character because it was fucking showtime. 
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After two hours of pouring emotion to give her best act while the spotlight was on her, shining brighter than ever before so she couldn’t see the audience below her, watching intently, her first performance was successfully over. 
She’d earned a majority of standing ovations and was called for another curtain call, where she ran back on stage to overwhelmingly smile brightly, waved, bowed, and blew kisses to the crowd who were whistling and cheering for her wonderful performance. This amazing and exhilarating feeling was something she anticipated, and it did not disappoint; it was a feeling that she wanted to feel every other night. She loved the praise, the cheers, and the claps that were thrown at her so fast that she could cry at how hard the impact was. 
When she left the stage and headed over to the dressing room, her cast members cheered for her as Luci clapped all around the room for everyone’s hard work tonight as well. They all took pictures with one another to share this memorable moment; Luci told everyone to send her the pictures because she wanted to get them framed for her apartment because this moment was definitely frame-worthy. 
When it was time to leave, they all took off their costume and hung it on its rightful rack, and changed into their own clothes before walking out into the lobby where the audience could meet and greet some of the cast. Cheers erupted in the lobby once the cast walked through the doors, and they all smiled, mouthing ‘thank you’ and bowing their heads in appreciation. 
Luci walked through the crowd as they stopped her to tell her that she did an amazing performance; she was grateful and said thank you to everyone she came across. She weaved through the crowd, trying to find Nathan or anyone she could share this moment with; and she was lucky that Nathan was tall because she spotted him instantly. 
When she finally reached him, she was somewhat surprised to see their parents with him because they didn’t mention they were coming tonight, just that they had to see what they could do in order to make it. 
Beatrice was the first one to hug her. “Oh, my Lucky Star. I’m so proud of you!” She hugged Luci tight, swaying to the side. Once her mother let go, she hugged her dad who had the proudest and biggest smile on his face. 
“Lulu, you did amazing up there.” She smiled into Ren’s shoulder, feeling herself tear up from the positive reaction of her performance. 
Nathan was patiently waiting for his hug; and Luci pulled away from her father, giving him a smile before hugging her brother. 
“Ana, you’re so talented.” He squeezed her, patting her back as she always found the action comforting since she was a little girl. Beatrice was taking photos of her kids, tears glossing her eyes at her greatest accomplishments. 
“Thank you for coming. I know you’re tired from work, but thank you for being here anyways.” She could tell that Nathan had just put a long coat over his navy blue scrubs, meaning that he had flown to New York straight from work. 
“No worries. We wouldn’t miss this for anything, honestly.” 
Luci pulled away, smiling as she faced her family. She thanked her parents for coming, still surprised, and they said the same thing Nathan did: that they wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
They took pictures amongst each other, taking a family selfie before Ren had just asked someone nearby to take a proper photo of them. 
“Excuse me? Do you mind taking a picture of us?” The man turned around, making Luci softly gasp. Tonight was just full of surprises because Harry was the one who turned around and nodded, grabbing her mother’s phone to take a picture of her family. 
Harry looked dashingly handsome; he wore black trousers, a baby pink shirt with a black coat over. He held a bouquet of flowers in his arms as he took the picture; and for the life of Luci, she couldn’t dare to stop smiling at him instead of the camera. 
Ren was the first to walk over to him and thanked him, but Harry didn’t walk away, he simply stayed put until Luci walked over towards him. Her parents and brother were looking at each other warily, wondering how Luci knew the man who took their picture. 
“You’re here.” She smiled so brightly as if the spotlight was glued onto her. 
Harry blushed, looking down at his feet before looking back up. “Yeah, I told you I would be here when you were going to perform, right?” Something that she hadn’t witnessed yet until now, that took her by surprise, was the dimple that indented his left cheek, more so than his right cheek. He looked absolutely adorable when he smiled, on top of being handsome; Harry was simply a beautiful man. 
“You did tell me that, I remember.” She couldn’t stop the giddy grin that felt like it was permanently placed on her face because she couldn’t believe that he was here. 
“Oh, these are for you. You did an amazing job—the crowd loved you.” He handed her the mixed bouquet of pink peonies, baby pink roses, white lillies, and baby’s breath wrapped in brown paper. Luci smiled down at the bouquet, admiring how pretty the colors and how well the different flowers looked together. She wondered if Harry picked these out himself; if he individually picked every single flower that was in the bouquet. 
Feeling her face heat up, she unexpectedly leaned in for a hug; and this time, he was ready as he opened his arms and hugged her. He squeezed her tighter than he did when she was crying in his arms, making her heart flutter in her chest. Luci had completely forgotten that her family was behind her until she pulled away. Her eyes slightly widened, knowing that they were most likely enjoying the show that was happening off-stage of her hugging a man they didn’t know. 
“Thank you so much for coming, Harry. It means a lot to me.” He simply nodded. Luci slightly turned her body, presenting herself to her family. “Uh, Harry, this is my family. And this is Harry; he’s my neighbor.” 
Beatrice brows raised, and Luci gave her a knowing look that told her not to say anything weird. 
“Hi, I’m Beatrice, Luci’s mom.” She shook his hand. 
“Hello, I’m Harry. Nice to meet you.” Beatrice turned towards Luci with wide eyes once she heard his accented voice, and she chuckled at her mother’s reaction. 
Ren and Nathan introduced themselves, and they all made conversation quite easily. It was a side that Luci’s never seen of Harry—quite talkative. She wondered if she was the problem as to why he wasn’t so talkative. But she figured that almost everyone wanted to impress and get along with their friend’s parents. 
Once they were finished talking amongst themselves, Beatrice whispered into Ren’s ear and then Nathan’s; and Luci wondered what they could be so secretive about that they couldn’t say it out loud. 
Suddenly, Nathan said, “Well, we’ll see you soon, Ana.” He gave her a quick hug as Luci furrowed her brows, confused. 
“Oh, I thought we could get dinner or something.” It was like her parents didn’t even consider her suggestion as they were hugging her goodbye. 
“I have to get back to Boston, work tomorrow, y’know?” Nathan excuses; Luci nodded, understanding before turning her head towards her parents, seeing which excuse they’ll use since tomorrow was Sunday. 
“Uh, we have a flight to catch—red-eye.” Beatrice spoke up, a little white lie slipping so easily on her tongue. Luci looked at Ren, finding him nodding, warily looking at his wife. 
She could tell, inside and out, that her parents weren’t being truthful because she knew that they’d want to spend every minute with her while they were in the city so they wouldn’t get a red-eye flight on her opening night. Plus, Beatrice had been eyeing her and Harry ever since he introduced himself, so she knew that her family acting weird and how they suddenly had to leave was most likely them wanting Luci to hangout with Harry. 
“Plus, don’t you have an afterparty to go to?” Ren asked. 
“I mean, yeah, but I could always skip it-”
“Now, why would you do that? It’s your opening night; people are gonna be wondering where you are!” Ren did make a point, making Luci mentally agreeing. 
Luci didn’t bother asking any more questions, and decided to let them leave, although she was a bit sad that they had to leave again. They said another round of goodbyes and hugged each other tightly; they planned to come to New York again so they could properly hang out, and Luci said that she’ll see what she could do with going back home to visit. Of course, they didn’t forget to say goodbye to Harry; Ren and Nathan shaking his hand as Beatrice gave him a hug. Luci watched them interact as if he was an old boyfriend or a new boyfriend that they happened to like and adore so much. 
She waved to them as they headed outside the Broadway Theatre doors, and then she was left with Harry. He shyly smiled at her, and Luci hugged the bouquet of flowers tightly to her chest. 
“Uh, would you like to go to the afterparty with me?” She asked. 
Luci watched as Harry considered the invitation in his head. There were two options that he was debating from: go home and have a boring night in, or go to an afterparty with his insanely beautiful neighbor that he was slowly but surely taking a liking to. He realized that wasn’t such a difficult decision after all, so he chose the latter. 
“I’d love to.” 
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The entire cast settled into the same lounge that held their very first afterparty. The lounge apparently didn’t mind since everyone contributed to buying lots of alcohol, so they obviously wouldn’t pass up the opportunity of business. 
Luci introduced Harry to the cast who decided to show up, and she was happy that they were very friendly and welcoming to him because the last thing she wanted was awkward tension between her neighbor and coworkers. She wished Nina had gone to the after party because Luci knew that she would get excited about the neighbor she’s crushing on. 
Luci and Harry decided to pace themselves with the drinks as they didn’t take the shots that were given to them at the same time as the rest; instead, they nursed and sipped their drinks. They were towards the end of the circle, in their own world as they talked to one another. Luci was happy they were getting to know each other better, but she figured that was the help and magic of what alcohol did. They told each other childhood stories that made each other laugh, increasing the buzz going on inside their heads. 
Harry had an additional glow to him when he was tipsy, and Luci thought it was the cutest thing ever. He was very touchy—placing a hand on her arm, shoulder, or knee at any given moment—and his laugh was contagious as it was loud and he threw his head back. It was a side that pleasantly took her by surprise, and she hoped that as they continued talking and hanging out, this side of him comes out more when they’re sober and comfortable with one another. 
“Can I ask why your brother calls you Ana?” He wondered, asking at the same time Luci was taking a sip of her drink. 
She nodded. “Yeah. So, Nathan is five years older than I am, and my mom and dad said when he was five, he still had a hard time speaking, like he’d babble and seem to talk gibberish. Anyways, when I was born, my parents were trying to get him to say my name, but couldn’t pick up on the first part of it; he started out with ‘An,’ but eventually picked up ‘Ana.’ And since then, it just seemed to stick—he’s the only one who calls me that and would personally get offended if someone else called me that.” She ended with a chuckle and a sip of her shot. 
“What’s your full name?” 
“Luciana Ivy Suki.” She said slow and a bit sultry, which she hadn’t meant to. The dark light and booze didn’t help that she felt a bit sexy. 
Harry smirked slightly. “Luciana.” He stated as if he was testing how it sounded and felt on the tongue. Luci felt a chill run down her body, making her skin prickle from the goosebumps. 
If she was starting to melt from the sound of her nickname from his lips, the sound of her full name had completely liquified her. 
After an hour, the two moved to the bar, completely forgetting that they were with the cast. Luci suggested getting more drinks for them, and Harry told her that he’d come with. He said something along the lines of “don’t want to miss a moment hanging out with you,” and Luci swore that her heart was becoming a butterfly’s nest as it sank down to her stomach and made her smile. 
“It’s genuinely insane how talented you are, like I was nearly crying by the end of the show!” He complimented, sipping on a Pomegranate Paloma through a thin black straw. Harry was genuinely so amazed as he watched Luci act, alas he was near the rear mezzanine, which was towards the back, he was still blown away by the entire production, especially Luci’s talents. 
“That’s so sweet. Thank you, Harry.” She smiled down at her Royal Manhattan, swirling the drink around in its glass. She was used to taking compliments about her acting and talent, but when Harry complimented her, it made her insides jittery and her face heat up; she felt so honored that Harry was praising her for her talents. 
“Now, can I ask…I thought you had plans tonight. What happened to that?” She wondered. 
Harry blushed, nervously chuckling. “Uh, I canceled them.” 
Her eyes widened. “W-Was it anything serious?” 
“It was a date that my friend, Jeff, set me up with but I wasn’t all that interested in the first place. 
She pouted. “Harry, I feel bad.” 
“Don’t be. I wanted to be here.” She smiled at that, looking at the contents inside of her glass. 
“I’m really glad you’re here.” She reciprocated the thought, clinking her glass with his as they both sipped their drinks. 
After another hour, the cast was lessening one by one, calling it a night as they said their goodbyes to Luci and Harry. She hadn’t realized how quickly time had gone by until the bartender of the lounge had told them that they were closing in a few minutes. Luci looked at her phone as the time read 12:55 a.m., which her and Harry laughed about because they were both in shock about the night being so late already. So, they left the lounge, not before generously tipping the bartender $40 each and gathered their belongings; Luci made sure to not forget the beautiful flowers Harry gave her. 
Neither of them felt like they were sober enough to get on the subway themselves, knowing they would probably get on the wrong one or fall asleep and end up somewhere else. So, they decided on an Uber, seeming as that was the most responsible and safest option there was. 
Luci got inside the black Honda, saying ‘hi’ to their driver. The entire ride back to Brooklyn was quiet, only the soft breaths they both exhaled and the pounding of their hearts. Harry felt himself getting sleepier, and unexpectedly resting his head against Luci’s shoulder. She tensed up at first, not expecting the action, but she welcomed it, placing her head on top of his. They both watched the city through the car window as it disappeared from their sight once they were in Brooklyn. 
Once they were in front of their apartment complex, Harry offered her his arm and she looped her arm through his, leaning into his side as he guided her to the elevator. He leaned against the corner of the elevator with Luci pressed up against his side with her arms still around his, and he looked down to see her eyes closed. He softly smiled, moving the strand of hair that had fallen in the middle of her face to the side. 
The loud Ding! of the elevator seemed to wake Luci up as she startled awake, making Harry chuckle. They walked down the hall and towards their door; Harry occasionally had to tell Luci to keep quiet as she was singing ‘Wannabe’ by the Spice Girls, but Harry couldn’t help but join in. 
When they got to their doors, as usual, they unlocked and opened it; but they didn’t immediately go inside their apartments. Instead, they turned around to face each other; both of their eyes droopy from the slight buzz that was still in their system. 
Luci smiled before leaning in to hug him. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as his arms went around her waist. The hug was sweet and warm as it definitely fed to the touchy-feely side of their buzz. 
When they pulled away, Luci leaned up to boldly plant a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for being here, Harry. Shall we hang out next week?” Harry nodded, not trusting his voice to say anything as his heart erupted into flames. She gave him a smile as he was frozen from the chaste kiss; and Luci walked into her apartment, waving at him before she closed the door. 
Harry was out in the hallway, stunned as he blushed from the small kiss she had left on his cheek; and it was something he was going to be dreaming of until he wakes up, only to think about it over and over again. 
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Harry was cooking breakfast when he heard relentless knocking on his front door. He peeked his head out from the kitchen to look at the door, like that would tell him who was behind it, as he was whisking some eggs in a white glass bowl. Setting the bowl down, he walked over to the door and opened it. 
To his surprise, Luci was behind it as tears streamed down her face with her phone in her hand; she was in her soft blue pajama pants with a black hoodie over, and despite her recent state, Harry thought she looked absolutely adorable and cuddly. But he pushed that thought to the side; immediately, Harry was concerned. His eyes widened and his protective side turned on, thinking he was going to lose his shit on whoever caused this poor girl to cry. 
“I-I’m sorry. I just…” she hiccupped, and Harry took her into his arms. He was slightly confused about what had happened during the six hours he’d last seen her—when they were coming home from the lounge. He still couldn’t get that kiss out of his head; in fact, it was difficult for him to sleep because he kept reiterating it in his head.
He pulled her into his apartment, closing the door as he sat her down on his brown leather couch. She cried into his shoulder as she passed him her phone that was unlocked on an article. He grabbed it, not letting go of her while he rubbed her arm. 
The article read on the bright screen read: 
Miss Saigon or Miss No-BE GONE! 
Just twelve hours ago, I went to see the show ‘Miss Saigon; for the second time. The first time I went to see it was last month when Broadway star royalty, Ms. Daisy Beck, was playing the role of ‘Kim.’ With its amazing cast, production set, and story-telling, I knew I needed to see the play again. 
My hopes and dreams were crushed when I didn’t see Ms. Beck on stage, but instead, a newbie Broadway actress known as Luciana Suki. Before writing this review, I did some research on her to my very best ability because she’s practically a nobody in this business, and found out that she had been in several commercials since she was a child (great another child actor) and has been on Off-Broadway, which definitely explains the acting! At least give a man a warning before I decide to put up with a shit-show of a performance. I couldn’t even stay for the entire show because it was completely horrifying to see injustice served to Kim and a downgrade from Daisy Beck. 
I tried, I really tried; but I left during intermission. Luciana Suki is not meant to be playing the part of Kim—almost everyone agrees. There was no connection, no emotion to the character, and it was a poorly done job in Luciana’s part and the casting. 
It’s Daisy Beck or no production. Simple as that, or else, the show will lose its audience and precious money that they wasted on paying Luciana Suki. 
Harry sighed, balling his hands up into fists as he locked her phone and set it aside. How could anybody be so cruel? He understood the importance of critics to the theatre, but to outright insult and humiliate someone wasn’t even critical—it’s being straight up rude. 
Once Luci was ready and had somewhat calmed down, she pulled away from Harry’s embrace, looking at him. Poor Luci’s eyes were swollen and her eyes were red from the crying, and she was a sniffling mess. Harry quickly grabbed her a few tissues to dry her tears, and she blew her nose into the soft cotton paper, not really caring how unattractive she thought it was. 
“That article was written by Adam West—the most important critic in Broadway.” She wiped the snot under her nose. “H-He practically just ruined my career and any chances I have on Broadway ever again.” Luci sobbed as it was difficult for her to accept the fact that she may never act ever again because of a senior journalist. Her chest hurt and her eyes started to become sore from the amount of times she squeezed them shut, freeing her tears. 
“No, come here.” Harry’s heart ached for her, and he couldn’t imagine what she must be going through when that article was directly made towards her. He pulled her in for another hug, and she softly cried against his chest, staining his white t-shirt with her tears, but he couldn’t care less. “You’re insanely talented—critics or no critics—no one could deny your talent. What he said was unprofessional and poorly written, and that’s coming from an English major and a teacher. Now, I’m sure that you know you’re extremely gifted and you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. So, don’t let him get to you because almost everyone loved your performance last night.” 
Harry reassured her quite well that Luci had calmed down; it helped that the vibrations from his chest to her ear as he talked had soothed her—it was quite relaxing. She pulled away again, looking at him through glassy eyes as another tear threatened to fall. He placed his palms against her cheeks, taking his thumbs and running it across her skin to wipe her tears away. 
“Would you like some French Toast? Heard it’s a comfort-food, but I may be wrong. Maybe I’m being biased because I think my recipe is good.” He tried lightening up her mood, and it’d definitely worked because she breathed out a chuckle and nodded. 
“I’m not intruding, right?” He shook his head. “No significant other to get mad at me and throw me out?” She slyly asked as she had been wondering if he had someone. Plus, she was still wondering about the red-hair woman who frantically left his apartment. 
“The…red-haired girl. You’re not with her?” 
Harry smirked as he definitely indulged into the slightly jealous feeling that Luci was portraying. “No, we’re not dating. She’s just a friend.” He chuckled. “What about you? Someone I should be worried about?” He stirred the topic towards her as curiosity also got the best of him. 
“Nope.” She answered the same way he did. “Do you make out with all of your friends? Noticed her lipstick was a bit smeared off.” Luci knew later on that she would regret opening her mouth and spewing out those particular choice of words. Her tone also seemed a bit jealous, and she had no right to be, but her crush on Harry was quickly increasing. 
“I mean, some of them; when the time comes.” He somewhat joked. 
“Would you make out with me?” Luci spat out, but quickly slapped her palm against her mouth, eyes widening. Her mind was speaking for herself as she’d been dreaming of the way Harry’s pink lips felt against her mouth and other places she wouldn’t dare speak aloud. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why-”
“Yeah, I would,” he responded honestly. This was the most honest and straight-forward he’d ever been, which only occurs every few months, so it was time to close that window again and wait for it to open. But he also couldn’t deny his attraction to her, like it was difficult to not be so enticed with her. He felt at complete ease with her, and it felt incredibly easy to talk to Luci and be open. “So, the French Toast?” He changed the subject, walking over to the kitchen, leaving Luci glued to her seat on the couch. 
Astonished by his words, she was extra shocked that he was so quick to move on from his response. But she was glad to know that he would want to kiss her, maybe, some time in the future; but the thought made her giddy because she undeniably wanted to kiss him too.
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come talk to me about your favorite moments and scenes, and your thoughts and feelings! thank you for reading <3 next chapter will be posted next saturday! 
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