#i was looking at my brother and like his group they were soooooo happy
folkloregirlfriend · 5 months
school ki yaad aa rahi hai
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copiousloverofcopia · 3 months
HI there Ghesties!!!
I know it's been another long one since I posted, but your girl has soooooo much on her plate right now.
it's been really hard to find time to do my stories justice and I don't wanna just give you guys anything that I am not happy with.
So, thank you all for being so patient with me and I am back with some Hunter's Moon celebrations with our beloved Secondo x OC Marcus content for the lovely @ashley-ghuleh
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
💗 Special thanks to @gothdaddyissues for the beautiful dividers!
The Hell Torn Heart
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After a recurring dream leaves Marcus, a half-demon/half-hellhound, dealing with the ghosts of his troubled past and visions of a place he has never been. He is unexpectedly thrust into an unknown world. Guided by a mysterious couple to the Ministry, surrounded by ghouls and siblings of sin. The once outcast struggles with what haunts him and learning to find himself—until he meets Secondo.
Chapter 5: Hunter's Moon
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven’t started yet? Read from the beginning HERE!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
The sound of the ice clinking in the glass filled the otherwise hollow of the room. Secondo sat sullen at his desk, pulling out his bottom drawer and retrieving an old, leather-bound ledger. A group photo tucked inconspicuously inside. Between the faded and tattered pages—a totem of times long passed.
He sat back against his chair, looking down at the old Polaroid held in his right glove. Recognizing the handwriting of his elder brother—Samhain celebration. The year written now faded into a smear of ink. With only the faint hint of 19 still visible.
It was bittersweet now to look at it. More bitter than sweet if Secondo was being honest. A group of clergymen, all much younger than they were now, dressed in their best robes for the autumnal festivities. Primo, Secondo, Terzo, and even Nihil all in attendance, but it was the man standing just beside Secondo that held his attention. The man that held that bitter taste that lingered in Secondo’s mouth. James, his once good friend and colleague—Marcus’s father.
He had been sitting with the knowledge of Marcus's lineage for weeks. Holding in close to the chest while he waited for the right time to reveal it to his brothers. Debating to himself on whether or not Marcus would be safe if he chose to reveal it to the whole of the Ministry. After all he wasn’t the only one who James had betrayed. 
Staring at them in the picture. The perfect portrait of gluttonous fools who were high and mighty in both their lust for power and pursuit of sin. Each of them at one time like brothers to one another. Even James who at one time even Nihil considered a “son”. 
The pain of his betrayal still ached deep inside Secondo. A thought he had worked hard to push deep in the recesses of his mind. Finally, he became sick of looking at it. Crumbling up the photo in his hand and tossing in the dusty forgotten corner of the room. 
“Satana, potrebbe davvero provare a tornare?” he whispered to himself before finishing up the watered-down spirits in his glass. Just as he resigned to moving on with his work, there came a knock at the door. Secondo letting out a deep sigh as he called them in. His brothers just on time. 
“Fratello. You asked to see us.” Primo said, stepping into the office. Head held high and prideful as expected. He was always such a source of knowledge and reassurance for Secondo. Having practically raised both him and Terzo for their entire childhood, Primo was a father figure unlike anything Nihil could ever be.
“That I did, thank you for coming. I know it's a busy afternoon for us all.” he acknowledged watching as Terzo came following shortly behind. Secondo’s head had already begun to pound. Rubbing at his temples before motioning for his brothers to take a seat—they had much to discuss. 
“What's this about? You know I'm missing confessional for this.” Terzo huffed, slouching down in his chair like a petulant teenager who had convinced himself he had better things to do with his time. His annoying, although all too predictable behavior, sending Secondo and Primo’s eyes both rolling in their skulls. Knowing that the only reason Terzo would be miffed at missing his duties at the confessional, was because he was planning on spending the day fucking inside it. 
“There is a situation that has been brought to my attention and I think you all should know.” Secondo began, his eyes traveling over to the crumpled-up photo. Terzo, noting it. Hopping up from his chair to retrieve it, unwrinkled it to see the daunting image staring back at them. 
“It's…” he began, his mind flashing back to the night of James’s uprising. A night that his head was inches away from being served on a platter. Handing over the photo to Primo for him to see. The air in the room turned ominous as they all sat in a moment of silence. 
“He is Marcus's father.” Secondo admitted, breaking the quiet between them. Both Primo and Terzo's eyes widened at the news. 
“Oh cazzo. You have to be fucking joking.” Terzo sighed, taking a seat on the edge of Secondo's desk. Primo allowed himself to slowly sink back into his chair. The audible sounds of his bones and joints settling filling the space between them. 
“Are you sure?” He asked him, even though he knew that Secondo would not be the one to joke about such a thing. Understanding that for Secondo, it was especially devastating, if their new resident Hellhound and his brother’s unsung lover was the spawn of one of the Ministry’s, and the Emeritus line’s, greatest adversaries.
“I'm sure. He told me himself. Seems that he finally managed to summon a Hellhound of his own.” Secondo explained, exhaling hard with his words.
“More like found her, knocked her up, and took advantage of her, it sounds like.” Terzo hissed.
“Do you think he knows? Is war on the horizon for us?” Primo asked, worried that Marcus's appearance at their Abbey had been no coincidence.
 “You don’t expect James to just come strolling back, do you?” Terzo asked.  
“If he is being used to infiltrate us, I can assure you, he knows nothing of it.” Secondo groaned, realizing what Primo was implying. It was certainly something he himself had considered in the beginning. From the moment Marcus told him, there was always the fear in his mind that they were being set up. However, he couldn’t bring himself to think Marcus was involved. 
His feelings for the wayward dog were growing stronger with each passing day. Though he had yet to fully admit it to anyone. Maybe Marcus was trying to get close to him in order to give his father the upper hand. It would be his former best friend who would be most devastated to be betrayed once more by him again. He just couldn't bear to think it—something told him Marcus was genuine.  
“Aware or not…this spells trouble. We need to talk to him, find out more…”
“In time Terzo, I don’t think it would be wise to bring it up before the celebrations. Maybe after—until then we will need to keep our eyes open and our ears to the ground. I suggest we notify the clergy of possible threats and have the ghouls keep a keen eye out until we know more.” 
“I agree, no need to ruin the Hunter's Moon Hunt over sheer speculation.” Primo began, rising up from the chair so that he and Terzo could get things settled, “but fratello, make no mistake, we have to do something soon.”
“Agreed.” Secondo nodded as they headed out the door. 
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The night sky was illuminated with brilliant shades of indigo, amber, and vermillion. The sun, having begun to set as the Hunter’s Moon hung high in the above. The enchantment, circling the grounds, emanating a haunting, green light. It had become something of a sport for the Abbey to celebrate this night. The night of the Hunter’s Moon—a time honored tradition. 
It started as a celebration of the feral nature of all Hell beasts. A time when their powers would be at their utmost capacity. Usurping the otherwise willfulness of them to be tamed—to follow commands. Now it had now become an opportunity for bets placed and gleeful indulgence. Everyone, excited to see who would be caught and when. 
The ghouls would be “hunted”—chased down and caught once again by their prospective Papas. The evenings celebrations, all culminating in a night of sin, power, and depending on the relationship between them, carnal desires and lust. The entirety of the Abbey, benefiting from the Hellish impulses and debauchery the night created. A perfect and proper display of their faithfulness of sin, meant to please Lucifer himself. And tonight, Marcus would officially join the pack.
Far down in the bowels of the Abbey, the dungeons were filled with ghouls. All of them snapping and snarling as they waited for Sister Imperator's command for the gates to be open. Releasing them onto the grounds while Primo, Secondo, and Terzo awaited them. Cardinal Copia, along with Aether and Dew and the rest of the newly summoned ghouls watching in awe. Their time to come once Copia would be allowed to ascend. Leaving them for now to be delighted spectators to the night's events. 
“Well now.” Primo remarked, noting the list of ghouls taking place in the hunt. “I see that although Copia brought him in, Sister is allowing the Hellhound to run for you huh fratello.” he finished, smirking at Secondo. The three Emeritus sons already prepared to take off on horseback after their ghouls. Like an old English foxhunt, ready to capture their prey. 
“I think we all know why.” Terzo jabbed back, “...seems the old man has grown quite smitten with the puppy.” 
“Ah…non riferirti a lui in quel modo.” Primo chided, worried about Terzo's lack of decorum towards their brother’s new charge. 
“It is alright Primo. It's a term of endearment...I think.” Secondo winked, knowing that the ghouls too called Marcus, “puppy”. A friendly nickname given to the new guy who they had only ever accepted as their own. 
“Whatever you say then fratello.” Primo nodded as Aether, Dew, Copia, and Sister Imperator approached them. The mass of siblings, clergy, and remaining ghouls, all filing in on the back courtyard as they waited. 
The sound of anxious hoofs, shifting around on the old stone pavement echoed in the cold autumn night. Secondo exhaled as he waited patiently, his breath just visible in the air. All of them all bundled in their winter vestments. The hint of pinkened noses noted just beneath the brother’s papal paints.  
“Well now, have we all placed our bets?” Copia asked, smiling with his ledger and quill ready in hand. He was honored to be serving as unofficial bookie for the event. The Ministry, choosing to “look the other way” at the betting practice. It was a position that had long since been held by the Ministry treasurer. Which at this time, and for many years now, had just so happened to be the Cardinal. 
“We all know who's getting caught first.” Terzo chuckled, popping his neck from side to side, ready to ride. 
“That's because the two of you just want to fuck each other's brains out… no respect for the sport of it.” Primo scoffed. It was always Omega, Terzo’s ghoul and lover, that was caught first. The two of them barely able to contain themselves long enough before they would spend the evening entangled with one another, and usually a very willing sister, deep in the western wood. Showing more appreciation for lustful endeavors than they ever did for the Hunter's Moon celebration itself. 
“Pff.” Terzo shrugged, smirking once more as he still knew it was true. The youngest Emeritus son winking to Sister Jillian who stood amongst the crowd. The obvious choice for their lascivious plans with her ample bosom and bedroom eyes.
With Omega surely on his way to being “caught” first, it was more exciting to see who would be caught last—the one to hold out the longest. Would it be one of Primo or Secondo's ghouls? Would Marcus even have a chance of out running Secondo? Only the night would tell. 
“Ok last call for bets!” Copia announced as he finished up inscribing the last bit of guesses from the siblings and, although she was officially not supposed to, Sister Imperator. Who had discreetly managed to slip Aether a 20. 
“My money's on the dog." she winked. Aether, chuckling to himself as he quickly took the bill from her and made his way over to Copia. 
“Best betting pool the Abbey has seen in decades.” Father Jim delighted as he Copia and Dew stood at the bottom of the steps in the courtyard. Aether approached them, sending a wink to Copia as he handed him the money. Nodding in Sister’s direction as Copia immediately caught on. Jotting down her initials in the ledger. 
“Sí, Mammon would certainly be proud.” Copia said, nodding as well back towards her.
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Marcus was absolutely feral. Teeth bared as drool rolled from within his mouth. His full Hellhound visage on display. Staying true in form along with all the ghouls around him. Their usual glamours, falling to the wayside as they all roared, hissed, and growled. Ready for the indication that the hunt had begun. Releasing them from their hold within the dungeons. 
“That old man better be ready” he growled. Pacing back and forth along the dirt floor.
“Don’t get too cocky, Cucciolo. That old man is one of the best I have ever seen.” Earth snapped. Playfully nipping at Marcus like they were a pair of hyper littermates. Playing with one another to prepare for the hunt. Marcus’s tail, wagging with excitement as he waited anxiously for things to begin. 
Then it happened, the shot rang out from Sister Imperator’s gilded pistol and the gates lifted. Unleashing them onto the Abbey grounds. Taking off full force into the woods beyond them. Only moments could they hear Sister Imperators voice on the megaphone.
“Let the Hunter’s Moon Hunt begin!” she called, allowing the Papas now to take off after them. Following them deep into the woods to be tracked and caught. Marcus began panting and howling as he ran. Deeper and deeper into these woods he had only recently come to know. Still a novice as he allowed his wild nature to take over—guide him on his way. 
He had never felt so alive. The cold wind, flowing through his hair as he ran. The light of the moon, highlighting his silhouette in an eerie reddened hue. Marcus, feeling his true power. What it really meant to be a Hellhound for the first time in his life. Unabashed, wild—free.
I don’t care what the others might say. The old man will never catch me, he thought. Reveling in this newfound freedom. Losing himself as he began frolicking, prancing, and running. Paying little attention as each of the Papas managed to capture a ghoul or two around him.
Marcus didn’t care. He was thrilled to remain uncaught. Feeling smug with his ability to evade his would-be captor. Feeling confident enough in his lead to stop. Hollowing up at the orange devil in the sky. Barking and running in circles when he heard the faint snap of a twig from behind him. It was Secondo, jumping down off his horse to pursue him on foot. The “old man was surprisingly fast for his age.  
“You will only get so far, Cucciolo! My track record is perfect.” Secondo yelled into the woods, only seeing a small speck of his target running in front of him. 
“Sure, old man, we'll see about that!” Marcus snarked, tongue hanging from his mouth as he panted his way up a hill.
A group of ghouls; Water, Earth, Alpha, and some of the others joined him on each side. All of them happily ran beside him. Stopping again for only a moment together to howl at the moon.
“Gotcha!” Terzo beamed, snagging up Omega swiftly and with ease. The big ghoul, who had shockingly held out longer than expected, melted into his Papa's touch as they kissed against a tree. Marcus couldn’t help but blush at their fervidness and passion. Wondering if he would allow himself to be caught. If only just to have Secondo once more in his arms, his mouth—.
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Back at the Abbey’s courtyard, the crowd waited for the return of the ghouls and Marcus. Primo proudly had caught all of his ghouls in record time. Terzo was still, as expected, in the middle of the woods with Omega. Sister Jillian, now suspiciously missing from the rest of the group. Secondo too had managed to retrieve everyone—everyone except Marcus. 
“Cucciolo! Torna qui, piccolo stronzo!” Secondo yelled out. The whole of the Abbey listened as he spouted his frustrations in strings of profane Italiano. His boisterous rant pouring over the wind scorched trees and echoing towards them. The lot of them, amused at his vexation. 
Secondo couldn’t care less what they thought. Still hoping to get the jump on his new pet. The young Hellhound, however, was proving to be more of a challenge than he'd imagined. Feeling the age difference between them in a way he never had before.  
“How long should we let this go on?” Copia asked, struggling to hold back his own amusement. Watching as Marcus managed to evade Secondo's every move. His tail wagging behind him as Marcus did everything he could to mess with him. The siblings, clergy, and the rest of the ghouls all became dizzy as they watched Marcus running in circles around one another. 
“Just a bit longer….one of them will fall out.” Sister Imperator hummed, satisfied with the turn of events. Reaching back to grab her lump sum of winnings from behind her from Aether as she smirked. 
“When this is over I am never letting you off the leash again.” Secondo hissed. Angrily tapping the wrapped-up leash between his hands as he saw Marcus along the precipice of the woods. 
“Is that so?” Marcus grinned, running back inside. Secondo gritted his teeth. He needed to catch his willful pup, lest he’d never hear the end of the ribbing from his brothers. He yanked back on the reins, tapping his horse. 
“Yah!” Secondo yelled, the horse taking off fast after Marcus. The sound of its hoofs, loud in Secondo’s ears. Gaining on Marcus quickly. Delighted that he finally seemed to be slowing down. 
“Oh fuck!” Marcus yelped, looking over his shoulder to see Secondo following closely behind. He continued to run, flying past the blur of trees and brush. Secondo, still maintaining a close distance behind him when suddenly the sound of hoofs stopped. Marcus halting in his position and slowly turning around. 
Sniffing the air around him for Secondo’s scent. The air, so muddied with the scent of all the rest of the ghouls and the Papas, including Secondo, that it was almost impossible to discern him. Marcus, panting hard as he frantically searched his surroundings for a sign of movement. His ears piqued to any noise from within the trees. Reverting to his human form, wiped from all his expended energy. 
“Gotcha!” Secondo proclaimed, snatching Marcus up by his collar and throwing him up against an old corkwood tree. Marcus, turning to face him as their mouths came crashing together like ferocious waves. Tasting, needing—desperate for one another. 
“I need you.” Marcus moaned. As Secondo began undoing his belt. Marcus naked as the day he was born in the chilling air. The heat between them, keeping him warm.
 “I need you too.” Secondo groaned as he freed his hard cock from his pants. Leaking and throbbing with his intentions. Marcus practically salivating at the sight of him. 
“Then take me.” Marcus purred, turning around to rub his ass against the swelling of him. 
“I will do with you as I please.” Secondo hissed, attaching the leach to Marcus’s collar as he licked his lips. Sinking his own teeth into his young lover's shoulder—asserting himself as the dominant one between them. 
“Ah fuck.” Marcus mewled. Secondo, already nudging his cock against the tightly ribbed opening. Using his hand to smear the wealth of precum along his shaft. Easing his swift gliding straight into Marcus’s ass.
“Make no mistake. You belong to me now.” Secondo groaned as he began fucking him. His cock, quickly spreading out his hole to house him deep inside. Withdrawing back only to slam harder and deeper inside him.  
“Mmm…yes Papa….” Marcus moaned, bending further forward. His new position, allowing Secondo deeper inside. 
“Such a good pet you are, taking my cock so well. I’ve dreamt of this moment.” 
“Mmm...Secondo…ah! Fuck me too.” Marcus cried out as Secondo reached around to take Marcus's cock in his still gloved hand. The cool leather slick from Secondo’s cum along Marcus’s shaft. 
“That's right you little mutt, cum for your Papa. Cum in my hand while I cum in your ass.” Secondo demanded as he yanked back on Marcus’s leash once more. Railing him into complete submission. The sounds of his lap pounding against Marcus’s ass surely heard all the way back at the Abbey.  
“Oh yes! Yes!” Marcus called out, tears streaming down his face with the mix of pain and pleasure. Secondo, buried deep in his asshole. Practically impaling him on him, pressing hard along his weak spot. Marcus, quickly cumming all over Secondo’s hand. Face bright red and eyes almost crossed as he burst in his hand. 
Soon Secondo too couldn’t help but cum. Thrusting and pounding harder and harder until the warm liquid from Marcus’s orgasm ran over his wrist. The feel of it sending him over as he slammed Marcus’s ass down hard against his lap. Pouring ropes of cum deep in the back of him. 
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When it was all said and done, they both laid spent on the ground. Breathing, slowly settling as Marcus laid his hand against Secondo’s warm chest. His Papa, wrapping them both in his vestments as best he could. The cold, now beginning to settle in as the sweat from their efforts evaporated from their skin. 
“You were amazing tonight.” Secondo hummed. 
“Really?” Marcus asked, a bit surprised that Secondo was so impressed with him. Both of them, still reveling in descent from their orgasms. 
“Truly. Everyone else had been caught tonight before you. You should be proud, Cucciolo.” Secondo explained. Marcus felt warm inside. Proud of himself for his efforts but completely enamored with Secondo that the victory paled in comparison. 
“Thank you.” was all he could muster. Secondo, pulling out a cigarillo to puff on before they’d head back in. 
“You’re welcome.” Secondo began when the post-coital reality began to set in. There was still so much to learn about Marcus—and if he truly knew about his father. Secondo knew he would have to tell him, but tonight was certainly not the night. For now, he would enjoy this moment between them—a rare moment of happiness.
“Happy first Hunter’s Moon.” Marcus smiled in his adorable naive, but charming tone. 
“Happy Hunter’s Moon.”
Notes: Satana, potrebbe davvero provare a tornare?- Satan, could he really be trying to come back? non riferirti a lui in quel modo.-do not refer to him like that.  Cucciolo-Puppy torna qui, piccolo stronzo- come back here you little shit.
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dottores · 2 years
First off, I’m sorry this took so long to get to you, been hella busy lately. I am sending this to you before reading ch 8 of LDA tho so if I speculate about something that has already been revealed pls keep that in mind lol. 🤧
OMG Cat I loved chapter 7, it was soooooo good on so many levels I enjoyed every bit of it. 😍
HNNNNG this flashback was so fucking good, it showed us everything I wanted to see about the progression of our relationship with the boys. Ran’s “they what?” when he found out that the Sugawara boys are mean to us fucking had me all giddy, his need to protect us just has me like adfasdjkl 🤩. Also really liked seeing us interact with typical kid banter and bickering it helps to show our age at the time, super cute. And I can’t even describe how I felt over us dancing with Rin, he got so flustered and nervous and it was hella cute to read it had me squealing, ah young blossoming love🥰 ; I love the HC that Rin gets easily flustered over shows of affection. And Ran over by his lonesome just getting jealous over his brother, I feel like this further solidifies my idea that Rin will back off or deny his love for us to allow Ran to have us especially since he mentioned he has a hard time reading Ran when he’s like that, probably really concerns him and doesn’t wanna risk Ran hating him. The smack talk we gave Sakuya fucking sent me, we’re witty sassy queens and I love that for us. We called the boys family that’s so hella cute and I feel like that just gives them more trust in us since they have a thing for sticking up for family 😊.
I really liked the comparisons to the past explosion and the current one we experienced, though it was a really great way to explain to us what the past one was like. I had a feeling that the past explosion was rigged but now I’m wondering what kind of trouble we were in to make our uncle think an explosion was needed to help us, or was this just so that we could absorb the other company Suvala? 🤔
I feel like the way you portrayed us as being very concerned over the explosion and not the fact that Sanzu was possibly going to slit our throat was really well done. Because that’s completely what it’s like when you go into shock you either don’t care/focus on anything or you focus on one thing whether it was the right thing to focus on or not. Thank god that South is still alive and for his quick thinking to make it a hostage situation to keep us alive😥 . Man Rindou turning on Sanzu for trying to take us out like they were ordered to made me so happy, but not surprised since he was desperately trying to get Sanzu to call off the hit before. Also, I’m glad everyone is ok, tho we don’t know about Senju I think she’s fine cuz I still believe that she has ulterior motives in this group and had this explosion thing planned. Also, the way Hanma treats us and quite literally saved us by sacrificing himself to the explosion makes me think he’s more on our side than we think, especially after his statement that we should hold Sugawara accountable for his assumption that the weapons weren’t there makes it seem like Hanma really doesn’t like the guy. The way that our uncle looked when we walked into the room and how nonchalant Sugawara was over the explosion tells me that they knew it was probably going to happen or even were a part of it happening.
Even tho I’m super glad that Ran is ok he’s not in the best situation and we can’t even help him😟 . Pls just let me cradle my boy I need cuddles after all this stress 🥺.
Hnnng Cat you’re killing me here; I swear I’m falling even more in love with LDA and you and your huge genius brain with each new chapter that comes out. 😍😘🥰🤗
JSKDKKSJD I TOLD YOU GUYS CHAPTER SEVEN FLASHBACK WAS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE, i had so much fun writing all of their interactions — with each other and with others in the flashback. poor rindou was so flustered SOBS and we did not hold back with the teasing LMAO. and poor ran sobs, he realized that he loved her n he also realized that rindou does :’) was not a good moment for him, hehe but i won’t spoil on what either of them do about the knowledge
OMG THE SWITCHING BACK BETWEEN MUNICH AND THE PRESENT I WAS SO PROUD OF THAT FR i had so much fun writing that part 😭😭😭 i was writing n giggling because it kept coming together so well and i was so happy with it—teehee, no spoilers ;) YEAH honestly a part of us didn’t even fully register that sanzu had a knife to our throat, we were so focused on trying to get everyone out of there because we know first hand just how much damage the smoke/heat of the munitions can cause 😞 and rindou </3 stepping in to protect us again just like old times sobs, poor man nearly threw up when he got off the ground and saw sanzu slamming our head against the wood 😞
hanma hanma hehehehehehe
yes 😞 we are in a tough situation and there’s nothing we can do atm, but we’re a crafty n sneaky little bitch, we’ll figure something out for sure hehe
SOBS I LOVE YOU😭😭😭 your asks never fail to make my night i s2g i look forward to them so much ilysm
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Soooooo, I'm writing a story atm where the Villain Recruiters go to Paris to spread the word of their masters, Malfie and Apple and Veil are ultra pumped since French stories and everyone basically makes plans to add it as a date for Veil and Hook
So could I ask for headcanons of the siblings plus Jane Vera and Dante if they most likely went to Paris with or at the same time as them?
It all began when Marcel (Vera's brother) received a job from a wealthy business man. He stumbled upon his work online and wanted to hire man.
The man offered to pay for him and whoever he wanted to bring with him, he said he doesn't mind the number of people as long as he comes.
Since it's summer vacation for Vera and her friends...
He agreed and waited for Vera to come home
Vera was bouncing at the news, she thanked her brothers and quickly went to her group chat.
They were just as excited and mad preparations. The boys told their girlfriends in advanced and promised to bring them something, the girls wished them to have fun.
After a week, they made it to Paris. Vera and Marcel were happy the most cause it' been years since they last visited their hometown.
They know French, Vera taught them but only enough for a basic conversation. Malachite however can speak it fluently, he did to 1. Impress her parents and 2. So she can hold conversation with him in her native tongue. Cece knows all the numbers in French.
The hotel they stayed was definitely not cheap, Jack and Nadia can confirm since the bathroom was spotless and the food was good.
Marcel told them he will meet up with his client and told them they can explore Paris but as group.
They had a great time, the person who sent them on the trip gave them a lot of money. They went to the regular tourist attractions and the unique ones, they had to budget themselves with the food since they all looked so good. With Cece and Nadia streaming it all.
The boys managed to find something for their girlfriends too.
In their eight stay, Jack suggested to go to Disney land.
Dante: "Why?"
Jack: "I want to see how different it is."
Seeing they got nothing better they agreed.
It is indeed different.
They rode a few rides and ate some food (Joe had vomited a few times) and took some pictures.
They noticed a crowd gathering around, curiously they moved closer until music started, very familiar music...
"Ladies and Gentlemen!"
Oh god...
They watched slacked-jawed to see their counterparts performing.
Why are they here!?
Malachite, Zuri, Vera and Vince turned away since they're turned in center stage. Why do they have to be so dramatic.
They waited for the show to end and walked up to their counterparts, who were in a cafe.
They were equally as shocked to see them here.
Farja: "Why are you guys are here?"
Vera: "My brother was offered a job and invited us to come. You guys?"
Malfie: "To spread the word of our beloved masters of course."
Okay that wasn't surprising.
Turns out they came the same day they have but were too busy with their show
Now with this knowledge, the trip became more interesting.
Though some of them still avoided the show for personal reasons.
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softsergeantbarns · 3 years
Okay so the theme for this request is * Needle poisoning *
So Sam, Bucky and Y/N (Steve’s younger sister, also a super soldier from 1940s) are on a mission and things go bad when Y/N is injected in the back of her right shoulder. She doesn’t think much of it and they go home and it’s all good. When she goes to the bathroom to check on her shoulder, she sees her veins colour become noticeable on her skin but she doesn’t tell Bucky. When she’s sleeping, Bucky notices her veins have became visible on her skin. The next day he tries to talk to her abt it and she keeps brushing him off and they get into this big fight about it and she faints while he’s screaming cz of the poison. He rushes her to the hospital and Sam is there too and happy ending 😁😁
This one wasn’t as thiught out as the rest 😂 the way this was written in my notes was literally “needle poisoning” that’s it lol
I'm fine
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pairing: Bucky x supersoldier!reader
summary: something goes wrong on a mission and you don't tell Bucky about it.
warnings: a bit of fighting. maybe a bit of angst? but also fluff.
wordcount: 2100+
I'm sorry it took me soooooo long to finally write this. I just had so many things to do and work and stuff. but now it's done and I hope you like it. thanks for the request. as always not proof read.
The moment Sam called Bucky you knew something was up. As always there was another bad guy Sam needed your help with. Sometimes you thought life would be easier if you guys weren’t super soldiers. No Avenger business, just you and Bucky living your best life. But no. Another mission so you all could put your life on the line.
Bucky sighed and looked at you. „Sam needs our help!“ He told you almost looking annoyed. You felt the same annoyance as him. You had planned a trip, just the two of you, to get away just for a few days. But here you where, another mission to save the world from some bad guy.
„I heard.“ You said trying to hide the annoyance in your voice. „Ive got super senses too, remember?“ You teased with a small grin to lighten up the mood.
Bucky chuckled and nodded. „Yes doll, I remember.“ He walked up to you and pulled you into a hug, holding you close to his board chest. „After this is over, we’ll go on our trip. Just you and me, promise!“
All ready and geared up you waited for Sam and all the details you needed to get this thing done. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to help Sam. Just sometimes you wished you could have some down time. But helping Sam would always be your und Bucky first priority. He was your brothers best friend after all. Bucky and Sam were the only people who made you feel like Steve was still there and hadn’t just left you like he did. You weren’t mad at him, you just wished sometimes that he was still here.
After what felt like hours Sam finally picked you and Bucky up. With an apologetic look on his face he looked at you sighed as the two of you got on the quinjet. „I’m really sorry to do this!“ He said. „I know you guys had plans!“
You smiled at him and shrugged. „Oh well, fuck our plans.“ You said and grinned at him to make him feel better. „The government needs us. So of course we’re here to help Captain America!“
Sam smiled at you before he started the quinjet. You sat down next to Bucky and put your head down on his shoulder.
„The senator got some informations about a group who’s producing some weird poison.“ He started to tell you about the mission. „We don’t really know what it does just that they threatened the government to let into the groundwater. I already figured out where their lab is. They want us to stop them. By any means necessary!“
„So what’s the plan?“ Bucky asked Sam with a weird feeling, that Sam didn’t has a plan, as always Bucky would say.
„Well, we go in there, destroy everything, take those people in custody and then we’re basically done.“ Sam grinned proudly at Bucky. „It’ll be easy, I promise!“
You couldn’t help but laugh at Sam and shook your head. „Easy? If it would be that easy, Captain America wouldn’t need us!“ You said and looked at him while you rose an eyebrow at him. „Cut the crap Captain Birdman and be real with us!“
Bucky looked at you impressed the way you stood up to Sam and nodded. „What she said, Captain Birdman!“
Sam sighed. „Fine, I know it won’t be that easy, okay?“ He said and pinched the bridge of his nose. „They’re highly dangerous because we don’t know anything about the substance they’re brewing over there. And so I thought I could use some help from my best friends. Tinman and little Rodgers!“
Bucky stared at him thinking about punching Sam in the face for a moment.
You just rolled your eyes at Sam and sighed. „I really hope that this goes fast. Because if not, Captain Birdman, I’m coming for you!“
The quinjet finally landed and you all got out. You looked around but you where in the middle of nowhere in a forest. Perfect, you thought. But in the end it didn’t take you guys long to find the lab. It also didn’t take you long to find a way in. Sam messed with their security system so you could get in there without being noticed.
Of course they had security guys you had to fight. While Sam and Bucky thought those guys you made your way through the white halls looking for the scientists that were responsible for the poison you guys knew nothing about.
Finally you found the main part of the lab, people with white coats everywhere. They were on high alert since they heard the fighting and the alarm. On the other hand, they were scientists. Fighting wasn’t their thing, right?
Oh boy, you were so wrong. As soon as they got out of their chairs the fight started. And they were good, almost too good. But you were better in hand to hand combat. It didn’t take you long to take them down. One after another came for you but you were stronger. At least you thought that this was the case. You didn’t see the one that came creeping up behind you.
Suddenly you felt a small pain at the back of your right shoulder. You turned your head around looking over your shoulder just to see a little syringe popping out of your shoulder. With a deep breath you pulled it out, knowing damn well what is was. But right now you didn’t had the time to think about it. The dude in the white coat was still standing behind you with an evil grin on his face. You whipped your leg around and kicked him hard into the stomach, wiping away that grin on his face. When he stood there, bending over and holding his stomach you rammed your knee into his face knocking him out immediately.
„I’m done here!“ You said over the com, looking around and feeling a bit proud of your solo work you did, totally forgetting, that you got injected with the poison.
Sam and Bucky came to help you take all of them into custody before you all got out of the lab. Just like you were supposed to do you destroyed the lab.
When you finally arrived to your flat both you and Bucky were exhausted. Neither one of you was in the mood to do anything at all. You hated the exhaustion after a mission. Sometimes it felt like wasted time.
After a quick shower to clean yourself, you changed into a tanktop and some shorts before you fell into you shared bad. It didn’t take Bucky long to follow you. Every muscle in your body was hurting and you closed your eyes for a moment, trying to relax.
Next to you Bucky sighed softly. „I’m too old for this shit.“ He said and looked over at you, softly pulling you closer to him.
You hummed in agreement and snuggled up to him, softly yawing. „The next two weeks we should turn off our phones and just leave!“ You mumbled almost half asleep already.
Bucky next to you chuckled and nodded. „Sounds like a perfect plan.“ He softly leaned in and kissed you on top of your head. „Sleep well, doll.“
Bucky woke up before, as always. He looked over at your sleeping frame and smiled to himself. You always looked so peaceful when you were sleeping. Like nothing was bothering you. His brows frowned lightly as he took a closer look at you. Even it was still somewhat dark in your bedroom he could clearly see the veins on your body. Black veins were running down you right arm and your back. Something wasn’t right. Something you didn’t tell him.
He softly shook you until you were awake. Well, barley awake. With half opened eyes you looked over at him, confused why he would wake you up. He never woke you up after a mission.
„What’s wrong?“ You asked, sleep still thick in your voice.
„What happened in that lab?“ He asked you and sat up, looking sternly at you.
Confused you looked up at him before slowly sitting up. Only then you noticed the visible veins on your skin. You rolled your eyes and got up. „Nothing to worry about!“ You told him and hoped he would drop it.
But Bucky wouldn’t be Bucky if he just dropped it. He was worried about you and hated it when you didn’t take things as serious as they should be taken. „Oh cut the crap!“ He said as he got up to get a closer look. „Just tell me!“
You crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head. „It’s nothing, Bucky, I promise.“ You told him again, not in the mood to argue. „It’ll be back to normal tonight probably. Nothing happened, alright?“
Annoyed Bucky sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. „Why can’t you just talk to me for once?“
„Talk to you for once?“ You asked him in disbelief. „I always talk to you, this isn’t just worth talking about so just drop it, alright?“
It went back in forth like this. Both of you being stubborn and getting angry at each other.
„Fine, if you stop pushing, I’ll tell you!“ You tried to sound as calm as possible. „I got injected, okay? But I’m fine. Like I said, nothing to worry!“
Bucky couldn’t believe what he just heard. Why wouldn’t you tell him something like that? „And you didn’t think for one minute to tell me this?“ He asked you disappointed as he sighed. „We don’t even know what this is and you didn’t tell me? Why?“
Again you rolled your eyes at him. „Because you always make such a deal out of it!“ You said and sighed as well, still feeling exhausted from the mission. At least that’s what you thought. „I’m fine, okay? So no big deal!“
„No big deal? Are you kidding me? Look at your veins, like thats normal!“ He said loudly and shook his head. „How could you be so stubborn and won’t tell me? That is a big deal. Probably a way bigger deal than you think it is.“ He wanted to say more but he didn’t had the time.
Suddenly everything went black and you fainted. Bucky caught you before you could hit the floor. He wanted to panic but he knew that there was no time to panic. He needed to get you to a hospital as soon as possible.
Your whole body hurt. Your limbs were heavy and you couldn’t really move. You heard muffled voices and beeping machines. Slowly you tried to open your eyes but as soon as the bright light hit your eyes you closed them again. You groaned as you tried to open your eyes again. When they were open you slowly looked around, trying to figure out where you were.
„Bucky?“ You asked with a hoarse voice, looking for your partner in crime and in love.
He smiled in relief when your eyes met his. „You scared me there for a minute, doll!“ He said softly as he looked at you.
„What happened?“
„Remember how you got injected with that poison you didn’t tell me about?“ Bucky asked you, slowly brushing some hair out of your face. „Turned out it poisoned your blood and was about to make it boil inside of your body, burning you from the inside. Thank god we got here in time!“
You groaned and closed your eyes again, trying to process everything he just told you. „Like I said, no big deal!“
„Yeah, no!“ He said and shook his head. „I swear to god, if you don’t tell me something like this again I’ll probably kill you!“
You laughed weakly which turned into a cough. „You won’t kill me, you love me too much!“
Bucky already wanted to answer when the door opened and Sam walked sheepishly in.
„You really told Captain Birdman about this?“ You groaned at Bucky and sighed. „No need to tell me how irresponsible this was. I know, okay?“
„Well, it was pretty irresponsible and if you pull shit like that again I won’t take you on any mission I got!“ Sam said and smiled at you. „I’m just glad you’re alright. Please, next time just say something. Can’t lose my best friend.“ Sam took your hand and squeezed it lightly.
„I promise, Captain Birdman, I’ll never do something like that again!“ You joked and grinned at his annoyed look. You loved how he already hated his new nickname.
Bucky kissed the top of your head and smiled softly at you. „I’m glad you’re fine now!“
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kinsbin · 3 years
Title: Birthday Gift Rating: G (all audiences) Ship: [Platonic] The Sim Siblings - Jonathan Sims + Kinley Sims
A/N: Despite my birthday being in February I just really wanted to write out this lil' scenario I've kind of had in my head. Kinley wears a Nazar around their neck and it was given to them by Jon! So this is kinda how they got it. V stupid and self indulgent but when isnt my writing.
Jonathan couldn’t help the long exhale of breath that left his mouth as he thumbed through the statements in front of him with idle curiosity. The tape player on his desk remained patient as it allowed time for his decision. The batch he had been presented with this morning was a rather dull selection of easily refuted arguments about paranormal activities that felt ingenuine at best. Even a horror podcast could come up with more believable content than some of the titles that flickered past his eyes. The Archivist felt the dullness of the day creep over the side of his shoulder, an unwanted burden against the spine of his back as he resigned himself to the afternoon's obvious dullness. He picked one at random, laying it flat on his desk as his other hand moved for the record button on his tape.
It clicked on, the static echoing in a promise of its preparedness. Jon took a moment to clear his throat.
“Statement of Leonardo Montoya regarding-”
A knock echoed on the door of his office, causing Jon’s words to falter messily before coming to a halt. He frowned to himself, annoyed at the interruption to his already dulling day, and turned to look over at the offending wooden frame with undeniable frustration. There was a long silence, patient in its noncommittal echoe, before another careful tap of knuckles resonated again.
“Jon? Are you in?” Martin’s voice was muffled through the edges of the wood. Another annoyed sigh broke past his lips before Jon could fully stop it.
“Yes, Martin, what do you want?”
Martin opened up the door fully, his head popping through the slim entrance he had created with a smile on his lips. It curled around the edges of his face, making the corners of his eyes wrinkle softly as he stared into the office. Jon tried his best to ignore the detail as he distracted himself with the sharp edge of the paper between his fingertips, eyebrow raising upwards in semi-impatient curiosity.
“Sorry,” The apology flowed from his assistant’s lips, lacking the usual genuine concern it often had, “But I just wanted to let you know that we’re getting ready to celebrate Kinley’s birthday! Elias let everyone take a small break at the same time to go to the break room with them. There’s even donuts! I thought you might want to come.”
Of course he wanted to come. He hadn’t forgotten about his brother’s birthday. Well, to be mor accurate, Kinley would not let him forget. Their private texts were nothing but the edges of annoying memes alongside constant prods and inklings about just what it was he was planning for their birthday. There was never any real threat to the words, though. Kinley knew that Jon wasn’t the best at ‘partying’ as they had put it idly in a conversation one day. No, the going outs and loud evenings with friends suited them much more.
It was probably why they got on with Tim so well, too. More than one conversation with the other archival assistant had led to his disbelief that the two were related. (“We’re not,” Jon would state, “They’re adopted”. Followed by a swift ‘Oh fuck off Jonny’ and a kick to the back of his leg).
None of that meant that he didn’t care, though.
“Right,” Jon finally nodded to Martin, “I’ll be… I’ll be there in just a second, then. Thank-you.”
Martin seemed more relieved than he should have been that Jon had agreed, giving a thumbs up before disappearing back behind the door. He left it slightly ajar, a small tick that made Jon frown, but he ignored it for now.
His hand put down the statement and instead reached around for one of his drawers. Opening it up, he stared down at the neatly wrapped box inside of it. He wasn’t that good at wrapping up gifts, and the struggle was obvious against the wrinkled red gift wrap and messily tied golden bow. Really, he scolded himself, he should have just gone with a gift bag. He clutched the small gift in his hand for a moment, as if debating to himself to unwrap it and just give it as it was, but it was honestly too late now. They’d make fun of his wrapping skills in both situations. Might as well make it look like he had some effort in it.
He stood up with the present and made his way into the break room.
The room itself was brightly lit with the fluorescent ceiling bulbs above them. Kinley couldn’t help but grin as the chatter of others filled their ears, eagerly clinging to the gentle ‘happy birthdays’ and pats on the shoulder that their co-workers offered them. Most of the faces were familiar, others from the archival branch of the institute above others. Still, other departments had those who could not resist the promise of free donuts and came to visit nonetheless. They greeted them with the same happy birthday wishes, though, and as long as they seemed happy with it, Kinley didn’t complain.
A hand flew onto their shoulder, patting them eagerly as they startled in their spot.
“There they are!” Tim’s voice was bright at their side as he hung off of them, “Happy Birthday, big boy! You made it one more year.”
“Happy birthday, Kin.” Sasha’s voice joined in as she smiled at the two’s side.
Kinley laughed, leaning back and kicking playfully at Tim’s feet as they blushed forward at the sudden attention. A hand rose up to itch at their face, picking idly at the small spots of acne that dusted across their reddening cheeks.
“You guys really didn’t have to do all of this for me!” Kinley stated as they smiled, “The gift cards were sweet enough, really!”
“And miss a chance to spoil one of our top curators? I’d hardly call that a worth celebration.”
Tim pulled away from Kinley, who blushed in surprise as Elias approached them. The smile on his face was easy going, but they could still feel the tinge of professionalism lacing his voice. It made their own back straighten as they smiled up politely, still holding the plate of their favorite donuts close to them as they averted their gaze from his intense eyes.
“Thank-you, Mister Bouchard. Really you didn’t have to go through so much trouble. I could at least help pay for the food and-”
Elias held a hand up with a shake of his head, “I wouldn’t dream of it. Consider it my birthday gift to you if you must.”
“Okay, okay,” Kinley relented easily against the whims of their boss, “Still, thank-you for all of it. I don’t know how you guessed that this was my favorite donut shop, too!”
“I suppose I’m just lucky like that.” Elias smiled slightly, as if remembering some sort of joke to himself.
The door to the break room opened once more, making the curious eyes turn towards it. Martin appeared through it with a grin on his own lips, his hand upwards to wave at the group. Kinley waved excitedly back at their friend, eyes bright with excitement as he came over to give them a sideways hug. They held their donut away to hug the taller man back with a grin.
“Happy Birthday, Kin.” Martin cooed with a pleasant eagerness, “We should go out later after work to celebrate proper.”
“That’s a great idea!” Tim piped up with a shine in his eyes.
“You guys are going too far,” Kinley groaned with their face in their palm, “This really is enough.”
“Nonsense,” Martin declared, “I’ll buy for you if that’s what your worried about.”
“We all will!”
“Okay, okay! We’ll goooo, now stop making me blush it’s disgusting.” Kinley hit Tim on the shoulder, making the man laugh.
A throat cleared, making them all focus forward on the man behind Martin. Kinley couldn’t stop the grin from brightening itself on their lips as they spied their brother from behind Marin’s shoulder. He shifted awkwardly in his spot, catching his sibling’s eyes with that usual look he got when they were in a crowd together. A silent plea of ‘oh god please help’ that made Kinley laugh through their nose. Putting their plate down on the nearby table, they shifted around the other’s towards Jon with a laugh.
“Found time out of your incredibly busy schedule to wish your dear, sweet, light-of-your-life brother a happy birthday, Jonny?”
Jon cringed at the nickname, his face enflamed with red as Kinley bumped shoulders with him, that usual shit-eating grin on their face as he nudged them back with what equal force he could muster. They had always managed to be stronger than him, but the pity in them made them let up only slightly as he pushed them away. Behind them, Tim held back a snicker at Kinley’s words and Sasha rolled her eyes as the two settled back into a more professional manner.
“I thought you’d forgotten,” Kinley admitted, half-joking as they grinned up at him.
Jon’s brow furrowed with almost genuine hurt, “I’d never forget something like this.”
“Thanks,” Kinley’s grin split their lips again, “Soooooo…”
“So what?”
“You said ‘happy birthday’ but what did you GET me?”
“You assume I got you something? Is my support not enough?”
“Not by a longshot. Now come on, Jonny, give me the goods.”
“I told you to stop calling me that at work!”
“Jonny, Jonny, Jooooony,” Kinley sang eagerly as they watched his face furrow with frustration. They grinned wide at it as he finally relented and held up the small, poorly wrapped box with a smug look of satisfaction. Kinley’s eyes lit up as they moved to take it from him, but he quickly pulled the item away with a turn of his nose.
“If that’s how you’re going to be, I don’t think you deserve this then.” He declared, holding the item out as far away from Kinley as possible. They leaned forward, trying to snatch it with a whine.
“What come on-! I’m sorry, see? Now give me my birthday present you prick.”
“I don’t feel like you really MEAN it, though.”
“Oh my GOD this is workplace discrimination, Jon, give me my present!”
He finally relented, allowing Kinley to grab the item and eagerly look down at the package, snorting at the wrapping paper as they held it up.
“Great wrapping job, Saint Nick.”
“Oh I’m so sorry your highness did you want me to have it flown in on a box of gold?”
“It’s the least I deserve, don’t you think?”
“You deserve plenty of things but that isn’t one of them.”
Kinley snorted and went back to their present, unwrapping the edges carefully, not wanting to make a mess of paper on the break room floor, and pulled off the top of the box within it. Their eyes widened as they looked down at the item, running their thumb along the box before using their other hand to reach in and pull it out.
It was a standard necklace, the chain a bright sterling silver with a lock on its back. The charm hanging down on it was a Nazar held in a silver pendant, the whites and blues of its eye-like shape staring forward into their soul as they watched it back. They turned the item, the mirroring design on its back staring at them once more. Their lips parted in awe for a moment before they closed again, standing up straight as they admired the jewelry piece.
“Did you really-”
“It’s the same one you texted me, yes,” Jon stated, “I remember things, you know. Though, if you changed your mind about it, I can always just take it back and you can-”
“Oh shut up, it’s perfect.” Kinley grinned as they put the box down, shifting their neck so that they could wrap their arms around to the back and clip the shiny new necklace in place on them. The lock clamped together neatly, nimble fingers easily fiddling with the smalle mechanism, and they let it hang down on their chest with a smile on their lips. The edges of its silver caught the light and sparkled, shiny and new and all theirs as they held it in their hand for a moment, running a thumb along the Nazar itself with a grin.
When Kinley looked back up there was a genuineness to their gaze. A bright and thankful sort of stare that lit up in their eyes as they looked at their brother. Jon watched them back, pursing his lips to hide the edges of a smile that tried to break across his own face. They rarely had a chance to celebrate their birthdays with one another. Between Kinley’s own job traveling through Europe to gather research and artefacts and his own locked away in the bowels of the Institute itself, there was little chance to watch each other grow any more. Like a lifetime together hadn’t made them tired of it.
Still, there was a sense of pride in having been able to make them smile like they did when they were kids.
“Thanks, Jon,” Kinley finally sighed, leaning over to give their brother a hug. Jon tensed up in it, squishing his face together in a look of discomfort. The eyes of his co workers focused on them.
“Aww,” Tim teased immediately upon seeing the show of affection, “What a good brother! Where’s my camera?’
“The only one to hug Jonathan Sims and tell the tale,” Sasha nodded sullenly alongside the other, making Jon squirm as he glared at them both.
“The peanut gallery isn’t necessary for any of this I- Kin let go of me.”
Kinley held him tighter, grinning wider.
“Nooo you gotta embrace the moment Jon.”
“Whatever ‘moment’ you had was ruined when you started doing this! Stop being immature and-”
“I can’t hear you over the sound of me hugging you.”
“Oh for God’s sake-.”
The Nazar around their neck jingled with a pleasant metallic hum, a gazing symbol of appreciation between the siblings as it stared aimlessly forward into the brightness of the afternoon.
It was a good birthday.
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years
K-pop craze
Batfamily one-shot (fluff)
Read this on Ao3
It all started when Dick heard Blackpink for the first time. Ever since then he's been obsessed with the K-pop group. And the main problem? The main problem is that Dick dragged Damian into the fandom too!
Now you must be wondering, 'what do you mean? It's Damian, the Ice-prince, he can't like Blackpink. He is just too…...icy for it'
If it would've been some months ago, I would've totally agreed with you. But, now, things are kinda different. Different? How? Don't worry all of your questions will be answered.
It was a normal morning in the manor…… well as normal as it could be there. Damian was fighting with Tim, nothing new there, Jason was… he wasn't there. Cass was looking at the two boys with interest. Bruce had that, 'Why did I adopt so many children? Oh right, because I am dumb' look on his face and was pinching the bridge of his nose. Alfred, who was so done, was trying to stop them from fighting. And Dick, Oh right, where was he?
That's when he came down the stairs chirpy and happy as always, with, wait is that earphones? When did he start using those? Well, living in the manor, you gotta use something to cut the noise.
He came down saying something that Bruce couldn't quite make out. Wait, why was he saying about killing Love? Did he have another Break-up Bruce didn't know about?
"Good morning Dick" that caught his attention
"Oh, good morning Bruce!" He replied happily and chirpy, nothing seemed wrong. Why was he killing Love then?
"So, how has your life been chum?" How is life? Can he be more lame than that? It's his own son goddammit! He has been living with him for years now. Even Tim and Damian stopped fighting to see how lame he was.
"Life's been pretty good."
"Anything new I don't know about? Like something major? A break-up maybe?" What the hell! Now, he would guess something is definitely wrong, and if he didn't, he would be damn disappointed in him.
Dick's brows furrowed in confusion and he looked at him weird-that's his boy-but answered anyway, "not really, Wally and I have been going pretty strong. I am even thinking of proposing to him."
He couldn't hold it longer, he just asked the question "so, why are you singing about killing this love?" There, he said it.
"Killing this Love?..... Ohhhh, I am not killing Love because I am upset or betrayed, I am just listening to Blackpink. It's a great k-pop group!"
"K-pop? What's that?"
"Bruce, you don't know what k-pop is?" This time it was Tim "I mean I get you're old and all. But k-pop, everyone knows about that!" Cass agreed with him. "Now I understand where Damian gets his sense of music!" Damian attacked him again.
Is this k-pop thing such a big deal? Why hadn't he heard about it before? How dare he call him old? Is he really getting old?
"Oh B, you really need to be aware about what's happening nowadays."
"Well, what is this k-pop."
"K-pop are korean songs, and groups like Blackpink and BTS made it famous."
"What's this BTS now?"
"Nothing, Nothing." The rest of the morning went peaceful with Tim with a stab wound made with a fork on his arm, and Damian with a bruised lower jaw and swollen eye.
"What do you want Grayson?" Damian asked annoyed
"Wanna listen to some songs~"
"-TT- Is this your stupid Black group that you were talking about? No."
"First of all its Blackpink, secondly pleeease." Dick gave his best puppy eyes.
Damian groaned, no one and he means, NO ONE is immune to Dick's puppy eyes, and the worst part, Dick knows it. "Fine, but Grayson I am going to listen to just one of those atrocious songs."
"Yayy!" Dick squealed like a fangirl. "You won't regret it!"
"I will." Damian grumbled, after all his and Dick's choice in song never matched.
So Damian listened to the song. And, the worst thing, he liked it. How could he!? He's Damian Al-ghul Wayne. He doesn't like these types of songs. There must be something wrong with him. Yet, he found himself sometimes unintentionally singing the lyrics of the song.
He decided just, just to get the song out, he will listen to it again. And he did, but unfortunately the song still stayed and he couldn't get himself to forget it. Rather, he wanted to hear it again.
So, he decided that he will listen to that song, in private without telling his brothers or his father. But, he forgot that his family is full of detectives, or just decided to ignore that fact.
It was one of those rare days when Jason was visiting the manor. Dick and Tim were whispering to each other.
"Hey Dickie-bird, Replacement. Whatcha whispering about?"
"Damian" Tim answered
"What did Demon-spawn do now?"
"He is behaving weird." Dick answered looking concerned
"More than usual you mean?" Dick just gave him a look
"It's like he is trying to hide something."
"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"
"Nah, who is her right mind would date him" Tim answered making a weird face
"Fair point."
"Well, anyway, we gotta figure out what he is hiding."
"Maybe it's just his hormones." Tim and Dick looked at Jason "What, he is a teenage boy, everyone has that stage."
"Uhh, let's just hope it's not that."
"Want me to investigate?"
"We shouldn't invade his privacy."
"Dickhead, you wanna know what he is doing or not?
"Yeah, but….."
"You wanna know right, so no buts!" Dick still felt like he should not do it. "See, take it like you're saving your little bro from danger. Maybe it's Talia again. Maybe he is a clone. Maybe he is doing something illegal. So don't worry and feel sad 'kay?"
So Jason searched, he searched his room, bathroom, under his bed just what was left was his closet, and he didn't want to open it. What? He respects people's privacy, he knows how bad he will feel if someone invaded his privacy. Still, he opened the door of his closet and what he found was something he will never forget.
That person is a Blackpink stan! The fuck! How does he even know what it is!? Is he finally growing up!?
Whatever if Damian thought it was good he had to give it a try. Maybe he will like it. Damian rarely thought anything was nice.
He didn't tell anyone what he found. He just told them to dump their concern out of the window and that he is totally not hiding anything.
So, Jason did, he gave it a try. And honestly, he thought it was adequate…… okay, find, he loved it! But, can you blame him? Dude, they are so amazing, their voices are so bold and so are their dances! He is in love with that band. He could listen to it for hours without getting bored.
Now, Dick was concerned, Damian was still hiding something. Yeah, he was hiding something, no matter what Jason says. And Jason was also acting weird, yeah, he didn't live with them in the manor, but he checks up on him regularly. What? You can't blame him for caring! And not only him, even Tim felt something was fishy.
So, he did what any big brother would do. He interrogated him.
"Okay Damian, you're hiding something. Don't try to deny it, I know you are."
"-TT- I am not hiding anything, Grayson. Now let me go!"
"No can do little D, you haven't answered my questions yet."
"I already told you I am not hiding anything! Don't you get it!?"
"Damian I am your big brother, I would know if you are hiding something."
"If my words are not comprehensible for your small brain, let me break it down. I. Am. Not. Hiding. ANYTHING."
Dick sighed "Guess I will have to use my special trick."
"What special trick?" Damian asks a little wary but doesn't let it show because emotions are a weakness and blah blah blah.
"I am going to give you a last chance if you can find out for yourself."
"My answer will not change. No matter how many times you ask me."
"Okay well, you forced me." Dick runs towards Damian ready in a stance "1, 2, 3 and here comes the tickle train!!" Damian tried to run away but Dick was faster and caught him and started to tickle him.
"Grayson…. let….. me…. go….. at…..once." Damian said between laughs
"What are you saying Lil'd, I can't understand you~"
"Grayson…. Leave me!!"
"Whaaaat?~" Dick has the audacity to look innocent, just you wait, there will be consequences for your little stunt and they would be bad. Damian just laughed and laughed trying to grab his dagger or anything that will get him rid of this, but Dick was smarter and already took all of his weapons, How and when? Only he knows that.
Bruce and Alfred passed the room and smiled seeing them behave like normal kids. They didn't know the truth.
"Grayson...... if you…..if you……. don't unhand….. me at onc……. once….. you'll…...you'll regret it!"
"Not until you tell me what you're hiding~"
"Good." Dick got up from him but still kept a hold on him so he can't run away or try to hurt him. "So, you gonna tell me, whatcha hidin'?"
"I-I….." Damian started to think of an excuse that would let him free ".......do drugs."
"No you don't." Dick wasn't even shocked, if he was being honest he was expecting it.
"Fine….." Damian grumbled "You remember that pink group you told me about?" Damian's face was red with embarrassment
"Blackpink?" Damian nodded "yeah, what about them?"
"I-I…...listen…..to it." Damian was now fully red
"Oh my god! Dames I am soooooo proud of you." Dick kissed Damian's cheek. To which Damian responded by trying to hit him.
"-TT- if this news is known to anyone else, I am gonna kill you."
"You can trust me with your secret Li'l D. No one's gonna know it."
Dick went to one of Jason's safe houses to tell him that yeah, Damian was indeed hiding something. That he was NOT paranoid or crazy.
When he went inside, instead of Jason's annoyed voice what greeted him was music blasting from speakers. And it was not any normal music, it was BLACKPINK, so Jason knew what was Damian hiding.
The music stopped in an instant. Trying to keep his voice leveled, but failing miserably Jason answered him "Yeah, what do you want Dickhead?"
"Come out please."
"Co-coming." Coming out he was greeted by Dick standing on at the gate with his arms folded and feet tapping.
"So, you knew?"
"Uhhh, knew what?" Jason tried to keep his cool and tried not to show his emotions on his face. Honestly, he was not doing so well. Considering the fact that he worked with BATMAN you would think he would be better at this.
"That Damian was hiding something."
"Oh Little wing." Dick unfolded his hands and went towards Jason "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to make fun of him or me." Jason moved his face to the side.
"Look at me." Jason looked at Dick's eyes and what he saw was comfort. "Do you really think I would make fun of you or Damian just because you like Blackpink. Hell! I am the one who introduced Damian to it!"
Jason wasn't honestly surprised. Damain would never hear their songs by himself. Smiling Dick kissed his forehead, which was a little farther than he could reach so he had to stand on his tippy toes.
"I would never make fun of you just because you like something. Okay?" His eyes told him that he was stating the truth. Nodding he backed off
"Okay, now tell me why you're here." He tried to keep his image as the emotionless asshole. Which Dick knew he wasn't, because Dick knew how you're feeling always, but at least he tried.
"Uhhh…..I honestly forgot. Anyway, do you have something to eat?" Chattering they went towards the kitchen.
There was peace, and it felt good.
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To Me, You Are Perfect
Description: It’s Christmas Eve and you and Fred are celebrating together when George suddenly shows up on your doorstep.
Pairing: George Weasley x fem!Reader, Fred Weasley x fem!Reader, 
Warnings: alcohol, slight angst
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This idea literally came to me in the middle of the night and I was so excited to put it together. Love Actually is my favorite Christmas movie and this scene seemed like the perfect (albeit, heartbreaking) fit for our favorite twins. I put this together very quickly so sorry if it isn’t perfect!
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“Miss me?” Fred said, as he wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a kiss on your cheek.
“Soooooo much,” you grinned as you cuddled into him. You continued kneading the gingerbread dough on the counter as Fred unpacked the newly purchased butterbeer and firewhiskey. It was Christmas Eve and you had sent him out for candy decorations to use for the gingerbread house you were preparing. You had to admit you weren’t upset that he came home with some booze too. He prepared some hot cider that he spiked with firewhiskey and handed you a glass mug, garnished with a cinnamon stick. This was your first Christmas together as a married couple and you were eager to make some holiday traditions to repeat year after year.
“Thank you dear,” you cooed, as you pulled out the rolling pin for the next step of your baking. Fred started playing some Christmas music and soon he pulled you away from your dough and started twirling you around the kitchen.
“Fred…” you giggled.
“What? You don’t want to dance?”
“We have cookies to bake!”
“Give me this one dance and I promise we’ll go back to baking.”
“I suppose one dance couldn’t hurt,” you conceded. He spun you around the kitchen to Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. As you danced together you were suddenly interrupted by the doorbell. 
You both exchanged confused looks and you spoke up, “I’ll get it.”
You walked to the front door feeling more than curious. You weren’t expecting company and you hadn’t the faintest idea who would stop by unannounced.
“Oh, hi…” you said as you opened the door to a familiar ginger. It was George. You were about to invite him in when he shook his head and placed his finger over his lips, like this was your little secret. 
Your relationship with George had been...strained, to put it nicely. The three of you got along great, until you started dating Fred. Then George became tense around you all the time. You would try to joke with him and he wouldn’t engage.You tried to make conversation and he would mumble a few words, without making eye contact. Any time the two of you were alone, it was insanely awkward. You learned to just embrace the silence and eventually one of you would make an excuse to depart. You had brought your concerns up to Fred before and he said George never mentioned anything to him. He guessed that George was jealous that you had stolen him away. You became Fred’s priority, and George became second best. The logic made sense, but you weren’t entirely convinced. Fred would never abandon his brother to that extent. 
“Who is it love?” you heard from the kitchen.
Before you could respond, George unrolled a piece of parchment and text magically appeared: Say it’s carol singers
“It’s carolers!” you called. Seconds later a group of children formed behind George and started singing Silent Night.
“Tell them to bugger off. I can sing carols for you!” Fred started bellowing Silent Night in a loud, deep voice. You rolled your eyes at him and turned your attention back toward George. The words on the parchment shifted again and a message read:
                           I know we haven’t had the best relationship
                                    And that has been all my fault
                                      So for that, I am truly sorry
Your eyes softened and you waited for George to continue, curious where this was going. You thought perhaps he had a surprise planned for Fred.
                                       But for now, let me say
                                      Without hope or agenda,
                                    Just because it's Christmas
                               (and at Christmas you tell the truth)
You tried not to let the confused feeling that was coming over you show on your face. 
                                       To me, you are perfect
                                        And my wasted heart 
                                         Will love you forever
You weren’t sure how to react. All your history with George finally made sense. It wasn’t that he was upset that you had stolen Fred; it was that you had chosen Fred. Your heart ached and your hand instinctively covered your mouth as a single tear rolled down your cheek. 
                                    MERRY CHRISTMAS Y/N!
George gave you a soft smile as he rolled up the parchment and took a step back off your doormat. He slowly turned around and thanked all the children in the choir, giving them each monetary compensation for their assistance. He then walked slowly down the cobblestone road, back to Diagon Alley.
You felt knots in your stomach. If only you had known all those years ago, perhaps things had turned out differently. Growing up you had always fancied George. He never quite got the same spotlight as Fred, but he was always making clever comments to you under his breath that made you laugh. George was the one you felt like you could confide in and reveal your darkest secrets. But he never made a move. Meanwhile, Fred flirted shamelessly with you on a regular basis. He was always finding reasons to touch you, even just for a quick moment. When he finally asked you to the Yule Ball, he planned a grand gesture so the whole school could see how special you were. That was the moment when your heart shifted attention from George to Fred.
You thought about all the pain that George must have endured for all these years. There was no one he could confide in about this situation. He had not only lost his brother, but the girl he cared for. He had to hide his feelings from Fred. You thought back to your wedding and all the little surprises that George had planned for you both, including an incredible display of wildfire whiz-bangs at the end of the night. He gave a beautiful speech with jokes about Fred and endless compliments about you. And when you went to thank him for everything, he nodded and brushed it off, quickly finding an excuse to leave. Your heart sank into your chest and you knew you couldn’t just let him walk off.
“I’ll be right back!” you called to Fred. Before he could protest, you ran out the front door into the cold to chase down George. You saw him standing at the corner on the end of your block and as you darted down the street you called to him. Snow flurries were falling from the sky and you tried to ignore the cold as you rushed out without a coat.
“George!” he turned to find you running down the sidewalk. You didn’t stop and instead wrapped your arms around his neck. He stood there, reluctant for a moment, before he carefully hugged you.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into his ear. After a minute he released you. You looked up into his eyes and said, “I’m always going to love you George. You deserve to be happy. And someday you are going to find a wonderful girl. Please don’t let me stand in the way of that.” 
He simply nodded, as his eyes started to well up ever so slightly. You stood on your tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Merry Christmas George.”
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dustofinsanity · 4 years
𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟
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Yugyeom / Readerㅤ ㅤㅤFriends to loversㅤ ㅤㅤWords count: 4.4k
Summary: Sick of the game Yugyeom was playing with you, you decided to move on. But, losing you wasn't in his plan.
Content/Warning: Romance/Fluff, Angst.
Notes: Thank you soooooo much @jj-nyoung​ for correcting this fic that was literally dying in the list. 💜
Notes 2: Thank you papa owner, aka @defsenses​, for saving my life and making the gif. 💜
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Everytime you were thinking about the first day you met your best friend, a soft smile stretched your lips, replaying the scene in your mind, seeing this adorable little boy running to you in the park and telling your mom he would take care of your scratched knee like the little superhero he was. You would never forget your mother's chuckle and the serious expression on the boy's face when he was cleaning your small wound and applying a cartoon bandage on it. You never understood why this mini superhero stopped playing with his friends to help you but, since that day, you always felt blessed to have him in your life. With time, though, the little superhero turned into an annoying and teasing young man. Yugyeom became the kind of men you couldn't stand but it was stronger than you and you always forgave him for being such a pain in the ass almost all the time. Actually, your feelings were stronger than you. It sounded so cliché but yes, you were one of those people who fell in love with their best friend. He was the only person in this world to whom you could say what was on your heart and in your mind, all your secrets, or at least almost all considering you never had the courage to tell him what you were feeling for him. You spent all your school years watching him date a lot of girls, thinking that none of them deserved him. In the end you were right, since you saw your best friend coming back at you, saying he wasted his time once again. Deep inside, you wanted to tell him he wouldn't waste his time with you but you always retained yourself, just saying you would always be here for him. The more you were thinking about it, the more you were finding this situation stupid. It looked like a romantic but cheesy drama show, the kind of things you didn't really liked. But, a day, things seemed to get better and when Yugyeom asked if you would be okay to be his roommate, you thought it was your chance to show him the perfect girlfriend you could be for him. So you moved in with him... And that's when your nightmare started. You knew your best friend was a player, collecting one night stands as you were collecting miniature perfume bottles but you didn't know it was that bad. Two or three girls each week! You even ended comforting some of those girls, offering them tea and saying Yugyeom wasn't ready to start a serious relationship when he dumped them without any explanation. But, to be honest, you didn't know if he would be ready some day. Like your best friend told you during one of your movie nights, he didn't want to get hurt so he preferred one night stands, like that, he didn't take any risk. And, like you told him, it was stupid but you knew you couldn't change his mind as long as he was satisfied with this kind of life. This is why you were never surprised when you saw another girl cuddling with Yugyeom on the couch - when they weren't doing something else, upon arriving at home. "Sorry but who are you?" your best friend's soon-to-be one night stand asked with a hint of arrogance in her voice, looking at you from head to toe while you were walking to the open kitchen of your apartment. "We want to be alone." "Gyeom, could you tell your toys that I'm also living here when you take them home?" you sighed loudly, taking a glass of cold water and drinking it in one go. "Toys?!" she choked and stood up, coming angrily towards you. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" "I think I'm the one who will break your knees and make you swallow your teeth if you don't watch your tone," you calmly answered, facing and giving her a fake smile. "What's wrong, honey?" Yugyeom finally spoke, coming to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, not giving any attention to the girl who was staring at both of you with eyes wide open. "Long day," you told him, closing your eyes and tilting a bit your head when he softly put a kiss on it. Not understanding what was going on, Yugyeom's "date" furiously picked up her stuff and started to walk to the front door when she noticed your best friend didn't try to stop her. His arms still around you, he told her from the kitchen it was nice to know her and wished her a good night before hearing the door slam. Even if you weren't sorry at all, you still apologised to your friend for ruining his plans but, putting his lips back against your head, Yugyeom told you not to mention it. You were far more important than that chick and a movie night with you always sounded better than anything else for him. A discreet chuckle parted your lips when you heard these words because you knew he meant them, you knew you were more important than those girls to him. You were his best friend, his lovely little woman, his honey like he always called you, his everything. Sometimes, he even told you he would date you if you weren't that perfect for him. And, everytime, it broke your heart a bit more. But, everytime, you forgave him for being this stupid handsome man and ended on the couch, nestled in his arms, listening to his heartbeat while a movie was playing on the TV and he slowly stroke your hair.
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"And how long this shitty situation will last?" Jaebeom asked, sipping his beer at the counter while you were serving another bottle to Jinyoung. "Yugyeom can be really oblivious and he could take time before figuring out your feelings." "Take time?" Jinyoung repeated, chuckling. "I would say an eternity. We are talking about Yugyeom." "I really want to tell you to be nicer with him but... You're totally right," you sighed, taking a sip of your soda and making the three of you laugh. You really loved these men, they were like older brothers for you and always gave you pretty good advices, except when Jinyoung told you to kick Yugyeom's ass, though... Anyway! Even if they were Yugyeom's friends first, when they met you, they immediately welcomed you in the group and acted like if you were their mascot, protecting and taking care of you as if they knew you since forever. Jinyoung was the first to notice the feelings you had for your best friend and, patting your shoulder, told you it would be a long hard way before opening Yugyeom's eyes. He didn't want to discourage you but, like Jaebeom, he just wanted you to be happy and not waste your time for someone who couldn't see how nice and sweet you were. "So, how long will you endure this?" Jaebeom asked once again, giving you a kind of concerned look. You slightly opened your mouth to answer you would talk with Yugyeom about the situation and your feelings when your best friend entered the bar, a large smile on his lips, waving at the three of you. You felt your heart race in your chest when he sat next to his friends but it broke as soon as Seolhyun, your beautiful new co-worker, joined you to ask how she could cancel an order on the cash desk, apologising for the inconvenience. You never saw Yugyeom looking at a woman like that, you never saw that many stars in his mesmerizing eyes. At this moment, you knew what you had to do and, before following the young woman to show her how to cancel that order, you looked at Jinyoung and Jaebeom. "It ends today."
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Another day went and you found yourself alone in your new studio, watching a horror movie you probably watched a hundred times before, eating some junk food and thinking about your last disastrous date. After that day at the bar, Yugyeom asked you to introduce him to Seolhyun and, heartbroken, you accepted, knowing your co-worker was, after all, a nice woman. They started dating and, after almost a month, when you noticed Seolhyun was spending a lot of time at your apartment and when it became too hard to handle for you, you decided to move out, renting a small studio alone, not far away from your workplace. Caught off guard, Yugyeom didn't understand why you wanted to move away from him so suddenly, asking if he did something wrong, promising you not to do it again, breaking your heart even more without knowing it. Faking an amused smile like a pro, you told him you just wanted to give him space since he was, visibly, in a serious relationship, adding he could always come at your place anytime he wanted, giving him a spare key of your apartment. At first, you thought that living alone would help you moving on, to forget the feelings you had for your best friends, you really wished that. You even tried to date some men who, you had to admit, were as handsome, smart and funny. But there was a problem... They weren't Yugyeom. All your dates have led to nothing and, in the end, you ended staying just friends with these guys. Thinking about it, you believed it was better like that, you didn't want to use them to forget your long one-sided love, they didn't deserve that. On his side, your best friend was kind of living the same thing. Seolhyun made him happy but not like you did. She didn't smile like you would when he was coming back home. She didn't sigh like you did when he kissed the side of her head. The contact of her skin wasn't as sweet as yours even if his girlfriend's skin had nothing wrong. Seolhyun wasn't you and, day after day, it became a bit too hard to handle for the young man. "Hey, Gyeom, what's up?" you friendly asked when you picked up his call. "I miss you," he pouted on the other end of the line. "I want to see you." "We just saw each other three hours ago," you chuckled, sitting onto your couch, a cup of hot chocolate in your free hand. "Take Seolhyun on a romantic date. I can give you some good addresses if you want to." "I broke up with her," he dropped, hearing you gasp slightly and chuckling discreetly at how your face would look like at the moment. "She's cool but I think I didn't really love her. So! Now she won't come here anymore, you can come back!" Your heart dropped in your chest, weighing like a rock and making you suffer like it never did before. Of course, you wanted to come back. Of course, you wanted to run in Yugyeom's arms and spend other long movie nights snuggled against his chest. Of course, you wanted to be by his side. But, you couldn't, it was too hard for you and you promised not to fall into this again. Slightly, you sighed and then told him you preferred to stay at yours, lying about the fact you liked your studio. Clenching his teeth and pretending he understood, Yugyeom agreed, asking what you were doing the day after and proposing a movie night together since you didn't spend one together since he started dating your co-worker. "I'm pretty busy that week," you lied once again, not wanting to tell him you planned a few dates with a guy, Kim Sangjin, that Jinyoung introduced to you a few days ago. "I'll call you as soon as I have time, I promise," you sadly smiled before wishing him a good night and hanging up. Your phone in your hand, you looked at your lock screen - a picture of Yugyeom and you - letting your tears roll down your cheeks without trying to hold them when your best friend's name popped up. Gyeom: I know you will come back at home. You can't live without me. Love you, honey. It was stronger than you and you threw your phone against the wall, seeing it explode against the wallpaper. You promised yourself that, if you couldn't move on, you at least wouldn't fall into that shitty situation again, you wouldn't fall deeper for Yugyeom but your heart was deciding otherwise. The joy in his voice when he said you could come back was echoing in your head. His words, that were absolutely true, were flashing before your eyes. He was right, you couldn't live without him but you had no choice.
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Jaebeom and Jinyoung were sipping their beers at the counter and waiting for their girlfriends when, putting back his bottle on the varnished wood, Jaebeom asked his friend if he thought you would gave a chance to date Sangjin after everything you have been going through because of Yugyeom. "Honestly, I don't know," Jinyoung shrugged, putting his bottle next his friend's. "I think it will take time for her to forget this idiot but I really hope she will managed to do it. Y/n is a good girl, she deserves to be happy and move on. I don't know if she will give Sangjin his chance but if he can help her forget about Yugyeom, she should give it a chance." "Why would Y/n want to forget me?" Yugyeom suddenly asked behind his friends, frowning. "And who is Sangjin?" "Because you're a fucking idiot," Jaebeom sighed without turning to the youngest and took a sip of his beer. "And Sangjin could be Y/n's future boyfriend with a little luck," Jinyoung added, imitating his best friend. "Where are they?" Jaebeom asked why Yugyeom wanted to know where he could find you but your best friend cut him off, forcing him to turn around and face him while growling at the elders to tell him where you were. "Don't you think she's suffered enough because of you?" Jinyoung asked, glaring at Yugyeom. "You're so stupid and blind that you never saw the feelings she's always had for you." "Now that she can be happy, you want to ruin it?" Jaebeom added, taking off Yugyeom's hand from his shoulder. "You don't deserve her." "Please. Just tell me where they are," Yugyeom almost begged, head down, his lower jaw shaking slightly. "I just want to talk to her." The two elders looked at each other, a brow raised and gave in with a sigh. Telling their younger not to make you suffer once again or they would come after him, they told him he could find you in a coffee shop four blocks from the bar. Immediately, Yugyeom left the bar and ran to your dating place, hoping there was still a chance. Hoping he still had a chance. In the coffee shop, next to the window that allowed people to watch the street life, you were waiting for Sangjin. He sent you a text ten minutes ago, saying he would be late for your third date because there was a little emergency with one of his friends. When you read his message, you couldn't help but chuckle, thinking about how many people would take this kind of message pretty badly, while you were just understanding and answering that there wasn't any problem and you would wait for him. If you had to be honest, and even if you tried your best to make things work with Sangjin, deep inside, you knew you would never fall in love with him. Although he was nice and funny, he was still missing something, something you always looked for in men and that only Yugyeom had. You couldn't say what but you knew it was the reason why you couldn't love someone else than your best friend. Even if you promised yourself, Jaebeom and Jinyoung, not to let anyone make you suffer ever again, lately, you couldn't not think about your last movie night with Yugyeom. Not wanting him to feel put aside or left behind, you agreed to one of those Wednesday nights and as usual, it was great. Well, no, it wasn't as usual and it wasn't great. It was different, almost perfect. When you were both living together, it wasn't unusual that you ended in each other arms, cuddled on the couch, kissed each other’s forehead or, sometimes, even shared the same bed. And these mornings were the best. You loved opening your eyes and seeing his face inches aways from yours, a slight smile stretching his lips. Damn you wanted to kiss him every single time! But, on that Wednesday night, you didn't sleep at Yugyeom's, you just spent the night watching a movie you already saw a lot of times but still liked, nestled in his arms, your head on his chest while his chin was on the top of your head and his fingers softly running along your arm. Even if you already spent a hundred of nights like this one, that night seemed different, Yugyeom seemed different. His touch, his voice, his heartbeat or the way he was looking at you. Everything seemed different. A long sigh parting your lips, you tried to throw your thoughts away when the door of the coffee shop opened. Raising your head up with a smile on your lips, you were expecting to see Sangjin but the man who walked to your table wasn't him. He was the one you wanted to forget. "What are you-" you started to ask when Yugyeom picked up your bag and grabbed your wrist, forcing you to stand up and leave the place while everyone's eyes were on you. He wasn't listening to you, bringing you away from the coffee shop with his fingers tightly gripped around your wrist and anger in his eyes. "It hurts, Gyeom!" you shouted, taking off your arm from his grip and massaging it, making your best friend turn to you, mouth slightly open. "What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?!" "Who's that Sangjin?" Yugyeom almost growled, trying to hide the pain in his voice. "Did you avoid me because of him?" "Gyeom, it's not what-" "Tell me!" "I'm not avoiding you, It's just that-" "That you want to forget me for this bastard?!" he cut you off once again, a mix of so many feelings in his voice. "Do you want to date him? Really?" "Let me finish, please," you sighed, lowering your head and swallowing. "I'm tired, Gyeom, I really am. I'm tired of our game, I'm tired to play the perfect best friend when I want to be more than that. I want someone who really loves me, I want someone who can give me the affection and attention I need. There was a time I thought you could be that person," you told him, raising your head and looking straight into his beautiful eyes without noticing the tears that were escaping from yours. "But I was wrong. I loved you, Gyeom, I loved you with all my heart and, somehow, I always will but I can’t play this game anymore. It hurts too much." Softly, you cupped his face between your hands and, tip-toeing, put a chaste kiss on his lips, whispering you wished him to be happy before turning and leaving.
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Standing in front of the countertop while making your daily smoothie and bobbing your head to the rhythm of the music playing in the living room, you didn't notice the young man coming behind you until he wrapped an arm around your waist and landed a hand on your left hip. Softly, he nuzzled his nose in your neck, his wet hair dripping on your shoulder and water running down your spine. You couldn't help but shiver and closed your eyes, tilting your head on the side where he put a kiss right behind your ear. "Smells good," the young man whispered before sinking into your neck once more. "What are you making tonight?” "Banana, red berries and, as always, rice milk," you listed, dropping all the fruits in the blender before adding the healthy drink. "Your ears." You knew he didn't really like the sound of the household appliance but, instead of putting his hands on his ears, he covered yours, making you chuckle slightly. As soon as the smoothie was ready to be poured in the glasses, your boyfriend wrapped his arm around your middle again and released a low growl when your phone vibrated in your shorts’ back-pocket. You both knew who was texting you. The man behind you didn't like the fact you were receiving messages from a guy, especially this one and, trying to keep his anger to himself, asked if he could finally leave you alone. "Be nice with him, please. He just misses me," you slightly chuckled, hitting his ribs playfully with your elbow. "He was late, he lost." "Actually, you were late," you reminded him, giving your boyfriend a quick look before focusing on the glasses you were filling. "He almost succeeded, by the way. I really wanted to go back to him." "But you didn't," he replied, tightening his grip around your waist. "And he's pretty mad at you about that," you couldn't help but laugh when he told you the other man could come after him and that he would fight and win anyway. "That's a pretty good idea. Your bodies covered by sweat while you would be both fighting for me. Oh, I’m shivering!" You laughed once again when your boyfriend playfully sunk his teeth into your skin and softly slapped your left cheek before squeezing it through the fabric of your shorts. Whispering he would wait for you on the balcony, he brought two slices of the apple pie you cooked that day and left the kitchen, starting to eat his share on his way. Smoothies in hands, you joined him a few seconds later and sat next to him in the two persons egg chair, your legs on his lap. Raising an eyebrow, your boyfriend wondered why you weren't answering to the other man’s text but you replied your friend could wait. "Do you regret, sometimes?" he shyly asked, looking straight as you, concerne visible in his eyes. "Oh! Each day of my life," you teased before coming closer to him and sat on his lap, your left arm wrapped around his neck. "Why do you think I would regret?" "Like you said, you really wanted to go back to him." "But you left me no choice and I'm glad you did," you smiled, leaving a sweet kiss on his lips before pulling away slowly and look at him, softly removing a few strands of hair away from his face. "I'm glad you came back home, honey." Biting your lower lip while a smile stretched the corners of your mouth, you couldn't help but think about that day once again. Your heart broke a little every time Yugyeom's face - when you left him at this street corner - appeared in your mind. You remembered how your tears flooded your cheeks and how it was impossible for you to hold them back. After what happened, you couldn't go back to the coffee shop for your date with Sangjin so, hands shaking like leaves, you sent him a text saying - or rather lying, that you were starting to feel sick when you were waiting for him and went back home. You didn't remember how many tissues you used that night, crying onto your couch, trying to understand why it was happening to you, but you remembered the trash you put next to the coffee table was full. So many questions were turning in loop in your head but the most important one was: Why did you reject Yugyeom like that when he finally seemed to share your feelings? Or.. did he really shared them or was he just afraid to lose you? Angry about not having any answer, you screamed into a pillow when the doorbell rang. Without moving, you asked who was coming that late and your eyes widened when you recognized Yugyeom's voice. "Open the door, Y/n." "You have a spare key," you replied, hoping he wouldn't use it. "Please, open that door." A long sigh parting your lips, you stood up and, as he wanted, opened the door, immediately noticing his red and puffy eyes. He cried, maybe as much as you. "Was it really a game for you?" Yugyeom asked, swallowing. "It seemed to be," you answered slowly, lowering your head. "Then game over," the young man replied, quickly cupping your face in-between his hands and pulling you into a feverish kiss. Bewildered, you pushed him away, looking straight at him with your mouth slightly open. What just happened? Frowning, you stared at him when you saw the discreet smile he was trying to hold back. "If it's another ga-" "I told you, honey," he cut you off, making a step towards you. "Game over. I don't want to play anymore, not with you." Heart racing in your chest, you couldn't give any other answer than kiss him back, your arms tightly wrapped around his neck while his were around your waist, pulling you as close as he could. "Would you open the door if someone else came that night?" Yugyeom asked, pulling you out of your thoughts and knowing exactly what you were thinking about. "I don't know. Would you use your key if I didn't?" you asked back, frowning when you saw him shook his head as a no. "Why?" "Because if you didn't open that door, I would understand I had no chance to have you back," he honestly answered, tucking one of your locks behind your ear. "But I'm glad you did." Smiling, you nodded, making him understand you were glad too by letting him pull you into a sweet kiss.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ⁓•⁓ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Thank you for reading! 💜 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ⁓•⁓
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Day 19 Bonus: Buster Bros!!! vs Dotsutaire Honpo
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I’m gonna start with the music this time because just writing like one of the story/character bit...was taking a while. So in terms of music...I have to give it over to the Buster Bros. With their individual albums, it just got so much better for the Buster Bros as they’re becoming more distinct with their personality in their sound. Like Break the Wall is one of my top solos and y’all just unfortunate that Saburo used like one of the classical pieces I thought fucking slapped even before he messed with it. And I’m so happy for them. 
DH has a bit of a disadvantage of being a new group and thus having less to compare. But so far....eh. I think DH is very hit or miss for me. Like Matenrou, they have such differing talents and subject matters that it either turns into a strange symphony or some mishmash that just makes it eh. Which is generally my feeling with their group songs as I really love Ah, Osaka Dreaming Night but I am not impressed with Wara Osaka. And I am okay with their solo songs but to be fair to them, a lot of the songs I prefer for the already established group was their second solo, not the first, which is their introductory ones. 
As for Joy for Struggle, yeah, Buster Bros took that for me. DH I get is supposed to be more carefree than a lot of the other teams that are a bit more serious but I think that attitude really bit them in the ass for this battle. And BB did not have time to be playing around. I thought Saburo had more confidence this time and let that truly nasty attitude leave some spikes behind. Saburo really was like ‘How many times we gotta teach you this lesson, old man?!’ Jiro actually had some good retorts! I’m so sorry, I love him I swear but he had so much to grow in terms of coming with bite and it’s starting to show! The chihuahua vs tiger comparison! And while I do appreciate that Rosho and Sasara stay true in their manzai act...it really just didn’t land for me in the battle and Jiro and Saburo were quick to gnaw at it. 
And then...there’s the verse against Ichiro. I won’t say they stick with me as well as War War War but quite frankly Ichiro vs Sasara and later Rei are more of a battle of ideals. And to me, Ichiro poured more into his than those two. Because Rei’s were just belittling the boys because they’re younger and like they went down some wrong path. Both Saburo and Ichiro weren’t having any of that. Like who the fuck are you to step in and tell us off? At least MTC were more of like ‘come back when you’re more polished.’ And with Sasara, I think Ichiro delivered the line that is my entire thing with this battle: ‘Floaty words like that won’t sting us at all.’ I feel like DH lacked enough bite against BB and it shows. The only real bite back is from Rei and even he doesn’t seem to have that much that actually phased BB in my opinion. 
In terms of story/character wise...it’s really hard to make a decision. Because for all the teams, it’s really a matter of the dynamics against the others. And DH have it so stacked for them just because of Rei. Sure, I may not like him but he is very interesting in terms of being a vehicle for developments to happen. He seems to know a lot of things and people so he becomes such a presence that could tempt so many things into happening. Like if it was DH vs FP, he knows the fuck about Ramuda! He fucking made him! And I have little doubt it was him on the phone with Ramuda in Catch Us If You Can drama track. And at the end of the previous DRB...at least what sticks out in my mind and I may have to double check but I think he mentioned some interest in Ramuda after telling about how the true hypnosis mic being used would’ve shot Chuuoku in the foot. Also added to that, Rei likely knows Gentaro. For what reason? We don’t quite know but it can be assumed it’s because he’s doing something for Gentaro. Either looking into Ramuda since the ‘legal’ way wasn’t reaping anything or if Gentaro is hiding something, then Rei might be helping him hide it. Also also, Rei is one of the few rappers that know who Dice is! He and Otome were talking about their kids! That’s HUGE since Dice hasn’t told anyone about this aspect of his life. Rei alone would make such a juggernaut for FP.
I honestly can’t think of anything for DH vs BAT, sorry. They don’t seem to have any history besides Kuko and Sasara both being in MCD for a time...but I don’t recall that time really being elaborated on soooooo yeah.
If it were DH vs MTC, that’s more of a dynamic between Sasara and Samatoki. Which I think would be the time to figure things out between them. Because Samatoki was left with why and never got an answer. And seeing him again, Sasara can’t run away. He can try but pretty sure that Samatoki could outrun him. It also would be a time of like Sasara’s dynamic between the two men that have been his partners, Samatoki and Rosho. The people that were close to Sasara and whom he feels the most towards. I honestly can’t think of much else besides that but I’m sure KR will find a way to have the guys piss each other off. I’m just here for SamaSasa and SasaRo shenanigans. (I guess we could see if Rio does know Rei since in theory he SHOULD know who he is since it sounds like the hypmic was in development when Rio was serving and he tested some aspect of it).
I think DH vs MTR would be kinda funny. Like for some reason I think that Sasara and Rosho would get really fucking mad at how Hifumi and Doppo just naturally have that manzai energy by virtue of being best friends and roommates. I have personal experience of people being like ‘this IS a show’ of just watching and listening to me and my best friend and roommate just going back and forth. I feel like it’d just be so damn funny if it was over something not as serious I guess? But then that’d all be ruined because I feel like Rei would either expose to Hifumi and Doppo of Jakurai’s cooperation with Chuuoku, which while they don’t have any personal reason to really hate Chuuoku, wouldn’t feel comfortable with it either. Or. OR, my god, let him expose Jakurai’s assassin past, something he seems to feel nothing but shame for and also ruining his perfect image. Because Rei just seems like he’d be willing to do that. 
So yeah, a lot of drama that could happen because of frickin’ Rei and some loose ends to deal with from Sasara. By comparison, BB has some things but they wouldn’t be as dire as DH’s. Like with BB vs BAT, this could be the chance for Ichiro to get his answers from Kuko. He never got an answer either. He was left with heartbreak and never given the why. And Kuko either has rationalized or will be in for a rude awakening having to go head on with Ichiro. Because they were close. Kuko had to care about Ichiro in some capacity to willingly help some group he knew was sketch and didn’t like. Why did that change? He had to have meditated on this at some point! Meanwhile, I really hope that Jiro and Jyushi and Kuko can get along if the reconciliation with Ichiro doesn’t happen! They’d be such an eclectic group but would be so much trouble too! (And please let Jiro and Jyushi play together. Ever since someone wrote about it, it lives in my head rent free) I really am hoping for it. All the while, Hitoya is like ‘shit, now I gotta adopt MORE kids. Why are there so many of these little shits running around without supervision???’ 
I can’t think of much for BB vs FP since I just don’t see their circles running that close and it just didn’t feel like Ichiro was close to Ramuda even back with TDD. Most I can think of is Jiro, who is also pretty thoughtless, saying the wrong thing to Gentaro and it’s The Rivalry 2.0. But overall can’t think of anything too specific. 
It’d hurt me if it was BB vs MTR. Because for some reason I see that most of MTR treat the BB like their little siblings and in Jakurai’s case, it’s like going to go fight his kids (I will go down on the hill of occasional dadkurai shenanigans!). And while Saburo and Jiro have and still do make fun of Doppo, I think he also has their respect because he looks out for them in a different way but still same energy as Ichiro does. Probably because he is an older brother. I don’t really think any of the guys can say anything to bother Hifumi and it’s more of Hifumi being fucking thoughtless and saying the wrong thing. I feel like he’d piss off Saburo somehow. And with Jakurai and Ichiro...it’s a ‘nothing personal, just business’ although I think Jakurai would be proud of Ichiro either way.
And then there’s just rematch energy if it’s BB vs MTC. Honestly? The real thing I would love to see from if this happened is for Jiro and Saburo to have a reevaluation of MTC. Because the main reason they were so aggressive and hostile towards them is because of Ichiro’s grudge with Samatoki. They just took it as ‘if they’re Ichi-nii’s enemy, they’re our enemy.’ But since they’re taking this step of coming on their own, they also need to think about if they can still dislike these guys because Ichiro’s beef isn’t theirs. I mean, Jiro probably still doesn’t like Jyuto because he’s a delinquent and fuck cops y’know sorta rebelliousness. And I don’t think Saburo particularly dislikes Rio and vice versa. The thing with Ichiro and Samatoki is honestly secondary to this. And I feel would be the time for Samatoki to let go since he KNOWS now that it wasn’t Ichiro that got Nemu to leave but Ramuda but it’s a matter of if his pride would allow him. And Ichiro would have to realize that while he lost their fight...he won in the end since he’s the one that kept his brothers while Samatoki lost Nemu. He’s gotta feel for him and understand why Samatoki was/is mad at him. (Also long shot but if they could talk about how Samatoki also exacerbated his hesitance to trust others, that’d be greeeeaaattttt).
So yeah, I’ve thought about how these dynamics and things and you’d think weighing them all would make this choice easy. And it is. In a way. Because for me, I’d choose Buster Bros. I do like Sasara a lot and Rosho I think is fine but their third really sours for me. I know some can keep that bias aside and look, I did talk about what all he can do...but he alone can’t carry the sound for the team. Story, sure, but not the music. While I really would like some of the threads that Rei brings...it’s not completely impossible for him to still be around if any of the other teams do advance. I mean, they’re all the only men stuck in Chuuoku for the time of the DRB and having to pass each other while going to their own rooms or box seating. He has ways. So yeah, if I had voted on DH vs BB, this is what I would’ve gone with.
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Erik and his girl have a threesome with OC.
Soooooo, I have gotten A LOT of threesome requests. I figured I could incorporate all of them into one fic because they are all generally the same thing except for a few things here and there. One request is it’s Erik’s birthday and him and OC have a threesome and he feels left out and another one is Eirk’s girl/wife feels left out, also a threesome where they share cum. It’s nasty y’all lol hardcore I added my own twist on it. It’s going to have to be two parts because I have so many ideas for this and I didn’t want it to be long and drawn out in one section.
Warnings: HARDCORE SMUT. GRAPHIC. Sharing fluids, nasty talk, multiple sex scenes, Daddy kink, Strippers, threesome.
Enjoy! Xoxo.
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Amoya and her husband Erik decided to kick off his birthday a week before he actually turned 33. She figured her man would love to go to a strip club so they hit up Ace of Diamonds in West Hollywood, California. They pulled up with racks of money and already buzzed from all the D’usse cognac that they drank in his Mercedes AMG-G63 with Rolls Royce Starlights installed on the roof of the inside of the car. Amoya has a VIP section for the party of people she invited out with them. She wanted her man to have fun and let loose. Erik figures this is just gonna be another fun and wild night of getting twerked on by some fine ass strippers and having asses clap in his face. He didn’t know what Amoya really had in mind. 
This was going to be a recruitment night to find the best stripper for a threesome Amoya wanted to plan for Erik’s birthday the following week. She wanted to find the best girl for the job that they could both have fun with the entire weekend at their LA mansion in the hills. A young vibrant thang to use for sex and sex only. This would be their first time doing this after Amoya gave it much thought. Sex is a huge factor in her and Erik’s relationship. As they both entered the strip club and found their VIP section, Amoya instantly scans the crowd of ass, titties, and pussy, to find the perfect chick. All the women there were beautiful but not exactly what Amoya had in mind just yet. She wanted to sit back and see how her man reacted before she made her decision. 
“Dayum,” Erik held his bottle of D’usse with one hand while his arm wrapped around his wife’s shoulder, “Baby, it’s too live in here tonight. Ace got a good selection.” 
Amoya looked up at her beautiful husband. She still couldn’t believe that he asked for her hand in marriage. It’s been three years of happiness with him. Erik is the man of her dreams. 6’3, russet skin, short dreads, a charming smile with dimples in his cheeks, full lips, onyx eyes, smart, ambitious, the list goes on and on and on with the many things she loved about her man. 
“I knew you would love it, baby. Ohhhhhh look at that one right there,” Amoya pointed a long stiletto nail painted metallic purple at a tall stripper chick with A cup breasts but a huge wagon of an ass. She had on black cross pasties over her small areolas and a leather black thong with black stripper heels that had silver mesh. The caramel beauty had a collar around her neck and hair pulled up into a sleek bun. She was so sexy. The girl must have known Amoya wanted her attention so she looked over at her. Once their eyes connected the tall chick who could be mistaken for a model came over to their section with her eyes on their money. One of Erik’s homeboys helped her inside while staring at her large backside as she stepped over to stand in front of Amoya. The chick got down in a squat, blinking her hazel eyes at her before smiling, showing off a gap between her teeth and a gold bottom grill.
“How can I help you pretty lady,” she spoke with a southern accent, “They call me Sparkle.” 
“Hi, miss Sparkle,” Amoya reaches around to slap Sparkles ass with the stack of bills she had, “Your skin is extra sparkly, I like that.”
Sparkle glances over at Erik who gave her an intense and rather intimidating look before looking back at Amoya “Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and I love glitter against my brown skin.”
“Ooooo, both are my favorite.” Amoya likes her. She just hoped her man was really feeling her. She could tell what her man liked and didn’t like. So far, Erik was giving Sparkle a look over but it wasn’t blazing like he looked at Amoya. Maybe if Sparkle danced on him that would help determine if she was the one.
“This is my husband, call him Kill.” 
“Hi, Kill.” Sparkle spoke in a honeyed tone.
“Sup’ mama.” Erik licked his lips before giving her a sexy half smirk.
“Are you gonna give my Hubby some of that thick ass? It’s almost his birthday.”
That made Sparkle smile wide, revealing more of her gap, “Birthday huh?! How old are you turning?!”
“You don’t look like it,” Sparkle giggles, “after this I can get some of my other girls to come over and show some love. We got you, Mr. Kill.”
Erik was loving the idea of that. Amoya pulled out two stacks of money handing one over to Erik so he could make it rain on Sparkle. She got into a squat in front of him before turning around to pop her ass. Left cheek, right cheek. It danced like the shit was made of jello. Sparkle stood in her heels, arched over in front of Erik’s face, and shook her ass to the banger trap beat. Erik made it rain over her ass before taking a few bills to place in her thong. Sparkle was cool, she got the job done, but her man wasn’t rock hard or reaching out to pop her big ass butt like she wanted him to. 
“You like that birthday boy?” Sparkle spoke while dragging her tongue over her gap, “This the kind of cake you want for your birthday?”
“That’s a lot of cake to be serving up, ma.” Erik watched Sparkle stand, making her ass clap with a shake of her thighs, her fingers popping the waistband of her thong. Sparkle then lifts one long leg up in the air to shake her ass. The girl had skills. Erik stood to throw money on Sparkle before smacking her ass with it and rubbing the bills on her skin. Amoya gave Sparkle some love too by slipping the girl some money in her thong. Sparkle was seeing dollar signs as she picked up that money to stuff inside the crotch of her thong. 
“Hey, bring that ass over here, Miss Sparkle with that glitter booty on you,” Amoya’s drunk brother, Amari, motioned with some bills in one hand and a blunt in the other. Her brother and Erik grew up together in Oakland. Amari is tall and slim with short waves in his hair and a tattoo of a black rose on his neck. They gave him the nickname Pretty Boi Mari because that’s exactly what he was. Light skin, grey eyes, dimples. There isn’t one friend of Amoya’s that Amari didn’t have. She lost a lot of friends because of her brother. A few of them had kids by him. 
“Dassit’ you a thick bitch ain’t you? Haha,” Amari slaps the hell out of Sparkles ass, “Where your friends at? Bring your stripper friends up here so we can have some fun.”
All the other guys in the section agreed with Amari while Erik being Erik sat back, drunk off the D’usse with his arm draped over Amoya’s shoulder. Sparkle took the money Amari gave her and quickly left the section to round up the best girls for them to have. When Sparkle left to grab her girls, everyone danced and drank while watching the shows on stage. So many different tricks. Split lock, power hold, pole split, the eye opener that gave you a view of the pussy, spinning chopper, all different advanced moves. These women were so skilled and they put on the best show. 
“Sup’ Sparkle,” Novia, a 25 year old girl who has been stripping at Ace of Diamonds for a month now said high to Sparkle with a wide smile and twinkling eyes. Cinnamon skin, well-developed voluptuous and sinuous body, curly hair with honey blonde highlights in it pulled back into a sleek bun with baby hairs, and eyes that reminded you of the perfect espresso on a Monday morning. Her voice was the perfect mixture of rasp and seduction. Novia was working the floor with her right hand, Bubbles, a Cuban girl with long brunette hair in two pigtails, pouty lips, and striking dark green eyes. She was more on the athletic side and spoke with a very light voice that some would say is annoying but she couldn’t help that it was the way she talked. 
“Y’all tired of working the floor? I got a spot that would really bring in some money.”
“Where?!” Bubbles spoke up with her tweety bird voice, “Cuz I am TIRED of the floor I need VIP MONEY.”
“Right over there,” Bubbles and Novia followed where Sparkle pointed. Right there in front of the stage in the most expensive VIP section in the club was a group of men who looked like they were big ballin’ a few chicks there as well. All Bubbles and Novia could see was bags filled with money. More money than the men on the floor have. Novia never worked VIP but she would break out of her shell tonight if it meant she could be going home with 5,000 that night, maybe even more. She only had about 800 so far since her shift started an hour ago. Novia still has a long way to go before she becomes a known stripper in Ace of Diamonds. 
“It’s some fine ass niggas birthday. He’s turning 33 and his wife wants us to show him a good time. Y’all down?”
“I'M DOWN,” Bubbles spoke up first, “Birthday boy doesn't know what he has in store for him! What about you Novia?”
“Yeah, I can go up. More money for me,” Novia glanced back over at the section to see who the birthday man is. She spotted a guy she hoped was. He was chilling with his legs wide and a cup in his hand half empty. He had his arm perched around a woman’s shoulder. They looked like a King and Queen watching from their throne.
“Oh, and his wife said to call him Kill.”
“I’ll call him whatever I need to as long as I get my money,” Bubbles and Candy shared a laugh. 
“Kill huh? Sounds like he’s nothing to play with,” Novia mentions while her eyes watched the section. 
“Let’s get some more girls,” Sparkle lead the way to round up more of their girls before they went back. They were at a group of eight now and that was the perfect amount. Sparkle made Novia hold up two party Ciroc VS bottles with sparks in it lighting the way. 
His smile is what she noticed first.
Bright and wide with deep dimples in his cheeks and moist full lips. Teeth lined with gold and then his wet pink tongue poking out to lick his upper lip. Very handsome indeed. Novia is about her money but she also took great joy in putting on a show for an attractive man. Novia arched over to put the bottles on the table before putting out the sparks. 7 inch heels with a 2 3/4 inch platform with cutout, rhinestone detailing, an adjustable ankle strap, and colored royal blue like the micro slingshot monokini she wore that barely covered her round breasts and the rest of her body. Her skin glittered and glistened and the stretch marks on her healthy ass were like light brown tiger stripes. Novia looked over at his wife and she wished she hadn’t. That woman was breathtaking. She favored Rihanna to her. Especially with the way she dressed. She kept her hair short and sleek, almond shaped green eyes looking her up and down before giving her an approving smile. She is tall and slim with long stiletto nails that reminded her of claws. They were perfect together. Definitely a king and queen. 
“This is krystal,” Krystal was a 5 '2 petite girl with a lot of breasts. She was mocha skinned with long faux locs in her hair and a hot pink thong with matching top on and clear 7 inch heels on her feet. 
“Rose, KiKi, Daniella,” All three of these girls were topless with different colored pasties over their nipples and thongs to match. Rose wore her hair close cut and colored red, KiKi has a teal green lace front that made her look like a mermaid, and Daniella wore her loose wavy hair up in a messy bun with rhinestones on her face that would remind you of a sugar skull. 
“Vixen, Babydoll, Tatiana, and Chloe,” Babydoll and Chloe were biracial fraternal twins with long pink curly hair and an obvious Brazilian butt lift but it looked good on them both. Vixen was covered in tattoos and piercings with crotchless panties on and a bikini top that was too small to fit over her areolas, and Tatiana has black tassel nipple covers with a dark purple slingshot monokini. Her hair was bleach blonde and wet, piercings in her cheeks like Black Chyna. 
“And this is Bubbles, and Novia.”
Bubbles has a ditzy way about her but she was adorable with her big green eyes and youthful face. She had to be the youngest out of all the girls. Novia’s espresso eyes were dangerous. They appeared very calm but the more you held her gaze she would trap you. Novia swiped her tongue over her upper lip, showing off her tongue ring and how long her tongue was. It was like a tiny pink snake. The curves on this woman were dangerous. That slingshot monokini over her oily skin left nothing to the imagination. All of the women were sexy, but Novia…
“Hi Kill, Happy birthday,” Bubbles spoke in an angelic sing-song voice. 
“Happy Birthday,” Novia spoke with a smooth yet sexy voice that could make a grown man’s knees buckle. She was so captivating. 
“Damn, Sparkle, you brought the best of the best didn’t you?” Amari spoke up while palming both Babydoll and Chloe’s asses. The girls didn’t waste anytime twerking, hitting splits, and giving lap dances to anyone who was available. Currently, Novia was on her own, grabbing onto the railing that encircled the VIP section, popping her ass in Erik’s line of vision. The way her glistening cheeks clapped and her hips swayed with that deep arch in her back had him forgetting about KiKi with the teal green wig currently giving him a lap dance while holding a bottle of Ciroc VS to his lips for him to drink. Amoya tilted his head back to allow KiKi to pour some of the liquor in his mouth. She was heavy-handed with it too but Erik swallowed every drop. Amoya grabs the back of his neck, bringing his lips to hers so they could kiss. They’re tongues thrashed and swirled over each other’s. You could suffocate with how much ass surrounded that VIP section. Everyone else in Ace of Diamonds looked over at them with envious eyes. It was popping off. 
Amoya brought her lips to Erik’s ear, “I need some head right now, Daddy. I just wanna push your head between my legs and make you eat it,” Amoya licks Erik’s ear with her wet tongue, “Fuck, my pussy is so wet looking at all these fine bitches popping pussy in our face. How about you, Daddy? You like all this phat ass popping and all this phat pussy? Fuckkkkk, babeeee.”
“Damn, girl. Talking all that shit like that in Daddy’s ear,” Erik whispered back with smoldering eyes. Erik’s skin felt like he was boiling. His dick was definitely as hard as cast iron but it wasn’t because of KiKi. It was because of Novia. Erik’s eyes kept sweeping over towards her like she was the prized jewel out of all the other women there. That’s what Amoya wanted to see. She watched Novia too. Novia was on the floor of the VIP section, legs spread and ass popping to the beat. The tattoo on her lower back of a pair of cat eyes looked like it was winking the way she moved. Novia started grinding into the floor, her back rolling and her ass bouncing and jiggling like she had no control over it. Novia looked like she was riding dick the way she moved. Stacks of money showered her body, some of the bills sticking to her cinnamon skin. The second she arched her back, And gave Erik a glimpse of her phat pussy in that little slingshot monokini he was up on his feet with his hand reaching down to whack her ass good. Amoya sat stunned with lust at the sight. Novia looked back at him with her round eyes and thick natural eyelashes blinking. 
 “That bitch on the floor getting it! Don’t hog her birthday boy we want some of that too!” One of Erik’s friends called out while Vixen accepted his cash in her crotchless panties. Amoya gasps while grabbing a few stacks to make it rain on Novia when she got into a handstand and started gyrating her hips and thighs. Erik stood there with a clear eye view of Novia’s Brazilian waxed mound spread wide in that slingshot monokini. If he just took one finger to slide it over her pussy lips would spill out. Erik slaps some money on her pussy and outstretched thighs before the entire section erupted with shouts and hollers when Novia hit a split. She bounced her ass on that floor with those legs wide and limber, oily body bending and arching like she was an acrobatic Queen. Erik was in amazed by this Pole Dancer. So was Amoya. She made her mind up for sure. This was the girl she wanted to have a threesome with for Erik’s birthday. Novia got up from that floor like she didn’t just step on the other girls necks, smiling at Erik before accepting her money from both Amoya and Erik. A ton of it. More than Sparkle and the others. Of course the other girls had envious eyes. Especially Bubbles. 
“Can you do all that on the pole ma?” Erik asks with a husky voice, “show me how you do it on that stage. Give me a real birthday treat, yeah?” 
“Anything for the birthday boy-“
“Oh, I ain’t no boy.” Erik spoke with a rough tone while flaring his gold canines.
Novia looked Erik up and down like his wife wasn’t standing next to him. She liked that rough edge in his voice. He definitely wasn’t a boy. Nothing like the other men there. 
“Mmmm, I gotta come correct, huh?” Novia pushes Erik down on the couch, “Want me to give you a lap dance, Birthday Daddy?”
Amoya’s breathing was shallow. She loved the way Novia called Erik Daddy. Now she couldn’t get it out of her head. Now she wanted to force Novia’s head down towards her pussy to lick up with that gold jewel on her tongue. Better yet, Amoya wanted to see how she tasted. She’s never been this turned on by a woman in her life. 
“Gon’ girl, dassit’ FUCK.”
Novia was reverse cowgirl on Erik’s crotch making her ass twerk back on him. Erik’s money bag was nearly empty because he spent it all on Novia. Novia’s espresso eyes landed on Amoya, giving her a sly smirk. She was definitely nothing to play with. 
“You like how I shake this big ass on your Hubby? Think he might bust a nut?”
Amoya found herself reaching out to jiggle Novia’s ass cheeks in her hand, “He’s loving you alright, Miss Novia. I’m loving it too.” 
“Is that right?” Novia got up slowly from Erik, walked up to Amoya, widened her legs while staring into her eyes and dropped down on Amoya’s lap at a gentle pace that could make a grown man cry. She started grinding on Amoya, lifting the straps on her monokini to show off her round breasts that were pierced just like her tongue. The nipple rings read fuck me in gold. Erik looked over at Novia with a slight crease in his brow as if he were annoyed by her lifting from his dick like that. He clearly didn’t want to give his money away to the other girls. It’s supposed to be his birthday week not Amoya’s. Amoya was in a trance, her greedy hands making Novia’s ass shake over her. Both women shared a look of equal desire and teasing smiles. Amoya snakes her hands up Novia’s spine delicately before Novia smashed her breasts in Amoya’s face. This girl was bold but Amoya loved it. 
“DAYUM AMOYA!” Amari yelled out loud while watching his sister. Her face was smothered with Novia’s breasts. Novia finally gave her room to breathe, Amoya’s lipstick smeared on Novia’s chest. Amoya looked like she wanted to toss Novia down on the VIP red velvet couch and tongue fuck her wet folds. Novia finally gets up, Amoya slapping her ass gently before slipping her some more cash. Novia walked out of VIP while everyone watched her leave. She slowly strolled towards the stage, dropping all her money in a bucket. Nothing but 20’s and 100 dollar bills. The DJ introduced Novia and played her intro music. Megan Thee Stallion- Best You Ever Had. 
You ain't never been with a chick this bad
I ain't worried 'bout them other girls that you had
If I catch 'em lookin' at my baby, I'ma laugh
He gon' keep it real, I ain't worried 'bout that
You ain't never been with a chick this bad
I ain't worried 'bout them other girls that you had
If I catch 'em lookin' at my baby, I'ma laugh
He gon' keep it real, I ain't worried 'bout that
 I be actin' up right before he come to see me
He be like, "Why you always tripping for no reason?"
Told him, "'Cause you put it on me better when you're mad"
Hand around my neck, hit it hard from the back, yeah
I'ma cook a meal for him and play the game with him
When somebody ask, yeah, I'm with the same nigga
Pussy keep him knocked out like a painkiller
And if a nigga bag me, you know he a winner, ah
Novia hit a shoulder mount inversion into an extended butterfly. A Knee hold move was next, causing her to twirl around that pole with the neon blue lights on her beautiful body. You could tell that she practiced these moves fluently. So much style and grace like a ballerina. She had everyone’s attention, more money being thrown at her. Novia twerked her ass in the air before dropping down into a full split. The money exploded around her and all Amoya kept staring at was the wicked and delicious way her lips looked stretched into a smile. She knew she was bad. She knew she was the hottest thing in Ace of Diamonds. Erik was in awe of her. All his money practically gone and in Novia’s bucket. She played the game well. Amoya applauded Novia before three other chicks joined her on stage to perform together. 
Erik’s Birthday: 
Amoya hopped out of her convertible Rolls Royce with red leather seats, Louis Vuitton bag in hand and dressed in an all white catsuit. It was around 78 degrees so it wasn’t too hot or too warm for her. INFINITY Dance Studio has a bright purple neon sign on the outside within that parking lot. Large ceiling to floor windows showed about three levels to the large studio. Amoya’s Saint Laurent heels echoed across the concrete ground of the lot before finally making her way towards the double doors leading her to the inside of the dance studio. It was nicely decorated. A receptionist sat behind a polished desk; young girl with a blunt cut wig on and a nose piercing. She wore a white top with an Infinity symbol and the name of the studio in cursive embroidery. She blinked her false lashes up at Amoya before smiling with a mouth full of braces.
“Welcome to INFINITY Dance Studio. My name is Kimberly. How can I help you today?”
Amoya removed her Fendi shades, “Uh, I’m here looking for a miss, Novia?” 
“Novia? I’m not sure who that-ohhhhhhhh, you mean Jordyn?”
“I’m not following,” Amoya was confused.
“Novia? Works at Ace of Diamonds? Her real name is Jordyn.”
“Oh!” Amoya laughs, “I didn’t think about that, I should have.” 
“It’s cool. It’s her middle name. I’m her sister.” 
Now that Amoya was looking at Kimberly, they did look alike. Same beautiful cinnamon skin and light brown eyes that reminded you of coffee with extra cream. Lips full and kissable. A mole on the side of her nose just like her sister and dimples on the sides of her mouth whenever she smiled. Beautiful girls. 
“Jordyn has a class at the moment but you can go up there and wait for her. She’s teaching a heels class.”
“Sure,” Amoya pointed to the elevators, “Which level?”
“Second level. As soon as you get off, make a right and keep straight down the hall. The studio is going to be on your left at the very end of the hall.” Kimberly instructed. 
Amoya gave her thanks before making her way towards the elevators. She needed to ask Novia now that she had free time to do so. She wanted to do this during the early afternoon since Erik was out with his friends for Cigars and brunch on a Yacht. He wouldn’t be back until a couple of hours from now. This gave Amoya enough time to put her plan into works. She did as she was told, turning right and then keeping straight. It wasn’t hard to find since the music helped her out. They were jamming. Amoya walked down the hall humming to Jhené Aiko- Pussy Fairy (OTW). Finally there, Amoya stood in the doorway, watching Novia seductively hit a split before a high kick on the floor, front and center, with her students standing in a half circle with concentration etched on their faces. 
Novia clearly was an all around dancer and not just on the pole. This girl moved with so much ease and grace. Amoya leaned against the doorway, admiring Novia’s attire. Black leotard with fishnet stockings and five inch ankle boots on her feet in black leather. Voluptuous, full-bosomed, plump backside, body serpentine as she moved across the floor. Watching her was sex itself. 
“Alright, ladies, let's do this one more time before we’re done for the day.” 
All the women got into position. There was enough room in the studio to spread out and watch her. Mirrored walls surrounded all of them so they could stare at themselves. All women in all different shapes and sizes watched Novia go through the routine one more time, their eyes intense and unblinking so they could catch her every move. Bodies sweating, they gave it their all, even through advanced moves, Novia finishing out with a side to side split before standing up and applauding her class.
“Ladies! Good job! We’ve gotten better! India, I see you’ve been practicing!” Novia wipes sweat from under her chin, “Good job! I’ll see all of you beautiful ladies next Thursday, alright?”
They all said their goodbyes, some of them hugging Novia and having small talk, others grabbing their things to dash out of the studio while yelling goodbye over their shoulders. Amoya made room for them to exit before stepping further into the studio. Once everyone cleared out, Novia’s eyes landed on hers. She pauses for a split second before a small, recognizable smile spread across her gorgeous face. She walked with a strut that made her hips sway to pause her music. All you could hear was her heels click clack across the polished dance floor towards Amoya. She looked shocked to see her. 
“Wifey from Ace of Diamonds last Saturday?” Novia held out her hand to shake Amoya’s, “How did you find me, sweetie?”
“Sparkle,” Amoya gave Novia a kind smile, “She told me you would be here at the dance studio today. Your sister, Kimberly, told me you had a heels class. Is it okay if I call you Jordyn or do you prefer Novia?”
Novia wipes sweat from the back of her neck, “You can call me whatever you like, sweetie.” 
Amoya bit her bottom lip with a smile, “Novia rolls off the tongue better.”
“Yeah, it does. Especially when someone’s moaning it.”
If she agreed to having a threesome with Erik and Amoya she would enjoy it even more. Amoya was loving Novia more and more each time she talked. She knew the effect she has on people.
“So, you’re a choreographer too?”
Novia grins showing off the dimples on the sides of her full lips, “Yes, I teach different classes here. I’m trying to open my own studio but we’ll see.”
“I’m sure you can make that happen...I mean...WOW. You can move on the pole and off the pole.”
“I can teach you sometime if you like,” Novia made her voice lower and alluring. Amoya couldn’t fight the urge to blush and smile. 
“I’ll look into that...uh, there is one thing I’d like to talk to you about though.” Amoya became nervous.
“What’s wrong?” Novia’s pretty face became wary.
“No no! Nothing bad...just...gosh, I don’t even know how to ask this.” Amoya chewed on her bottom lip. 
“It’s okay...like you said, nothing bad, yeah?”
“Yes.” Amoya avoided Novia’s espresso eyes, “Okay, so today is Erik’s birthday.”
“Who is Erik?” Novia asked while raising a single thick brow.
“Shit-yeah, it’s Kill,” Amoya giggles, “Kill is his nickname but his real name is Erik.”
“Hmm, okay,” Novia licks her glossy lips, “I’m sorry you can keep talking.” 
Amoya smoothed a hand down the back of her neck over a tattoo of a heart, “So, today is his birthday and right now he’s out with his friends but later we’ll both be home. Uh, so, I had something in mind and I was wondering if you could help me out with that?”
Novia had a perplexed look on her face and Amoya knew she was beating around the bush but she couldn’t get it out without being so shy about it. She shook her head before closing her eyes, gaining enough courage to ask Novia up front. She would only get a yes or no answer. 
“Novia. I want you to have a threesome with me and my husband for his birthday.” 
Novia parted her lips to speak but no words came out. Her eyes blinked a few times before she gave Amoya a half smirk, “You’re serious?”
“Yes.” Amoya answered slowly. Novia rolled her glossy lips together while staring at Amoya like she was trying to catch her in a lie. When she realized she was serious Novia let’s put a deep sigh before smoothing her dark brown hair with honey blonde highlights from her sweaty shoulders.
Hands on her hourglass shaped waist, she looked up at Amoya through her long curled lashes, “...Okay.” Novia answered with a bright smile, “I’d like to. So when are we doing this?”
Amoya fingered some of her hair from her eyes before smiling just as bright, “it’s gonna happen tonight if that’s okay?”
“Oh, I’m free tonight.” Novia answered quickly.
“It’s for the entire weekend though,” Amoya added with a chuckle. Novia gawked at her before laughing herself.
“The ENTIRE weekend? Jesus. You want to fuck me for theee days straight? Damn, I like you Wifey.” 
“Just call me Amoya.” 
The energy between them both shifted. Now, Everytime Novia looked at Amoya it was as if she were imagining her naked and in every position possible. Amoya looked at Novia’s lips while licking her own. This girl was intoxicating.
“And it’s a surprise, right?”
“Yes, babe, it is,” Amoya responded, “It’ll be at our home, I can have one of our drivers pick you up around…8 PM?”
“8 PM sounds good, Amoya. I’m packing a bag?”
“Yes. We have a pool and jacuzzi so you can bring swimwear too.” 
“Cool, I can’t wait,” Novia blinked her long curled lashes, while biting her lower lip excitedly, “If it’s with you and Kill I definitely can’t wait.” Now her tone of voice was honeyed and silky smooth. It almost lulled Amoya to sleep. 
“Let’s exchange numbers, okay?” Amoya says with a shaky breath. 
“Sure, beautiful.”
They both exchanged numbers. After that, Novia hugged Amoya then placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, leaving a glossy lip print behind. Amoya looked down at Novia’s lips. Novia kept her eyes on Amoya, pressing her breasts into Amoya’s. She brought her right hand up to cradle the back of her head before leisurely leaning in to lightly kiss her lips. Their lips made a soft smacking noise. Since they were both wearing gloss, their lips sort of stuck together like syrup as Novia drew her lips away gently. The hairs on Amoya’s arms stood up. 
“Might as well get acquainted properly, yeah?” Novia kisses her again, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Erik looked down at his new yellow gold Cuban link chain lined with Diamonds. He picked it up out of the jewelry box, placing it around his neck to admire. The dim light of their walk-in closet above his head reflected off of his chest causing the Diamonds to twinkle, everything else around him dark. Erik’s fingers felt over the Diamonds. He really liked this birthday gift from his Wife, Amoya. On his third cup of D’usse, Erik took a sip before walking away from the mirror to grab a pair of trunks to go settle in the jacuzzi. 
Supposedly Amoya has another surprise for him. He wasn’t really one for surprises but this was his girl so he accepted it. Trunks low on his hips and feet bare, Erik walks out of their walk-in closet, entering the master bedroom, and then out into the hallway. Serani- No Games grew louder over the whole home audio installation. Outside now, Erik decides to take a dip in the pool first. He downs the rear of his D’usse before diving into the cool water. Erik swam to the edge of the pool, whipping his wet dreads back so they wouldn’t drip in his face. Erik wondered where Amoya disappeared to because she was sitting by the pool on a lounge chair. Her glass of Hypnotiq was still resting on a small side table by the pool. 
As if she heard his thoughts, Amoya walked out of the house like a model dressed in a black monokini with her pixie cut jet black hair wet and pressed against her scalp. Trailing behind her was another woman Erik immediately recognized. How could he forget such a fine bitch like her. Novia from Ace of Diamonds. Thick ass Novia. She was dressed in a short black silk slip dress with the back so low and revealing that you could see the crack of her ass and that cute cat eye tattoo above her back dimples. Patent leather black So Kate pumps on her feet. Two beautiful women. He squints his whiskey colored eyes and tilted his head at Amoya, wondering if this has anything to do with her surprise. Erik swam over to them, resting his arms on the edge of the pool while staring up at them both. He was greeted with legs to heaven. 
“Hey, Baby, you remember Novia from Ace of Diamonds?”
Erik dragged his eyes over at Novia, “How could I forget with the way she had me spending my money,” Erik greeted Novia with a head nod and a sexy half smirk showing off his gold canines, “Wassup, Ma.”
“Hi, Kill,” Novia waves flirtatiously before smoothing her hands down the front of her slip dress, “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you,” Erik pointed a dripping wet finger between both women, “Now, what is this about, huh?”
“Well,” Amoya linked arms with Novia, “It’s your special day and my man deserves to have the very best time,” Amoya places her arm that was linked with Novia’s and brought it around to rest against Novia’s left hip, “So Miss Novia here agreed to have a threesome with us. For your birthday, Daddy.”
Erik’s jaw clenched as he closed his eyes. He shook his head slightly before parting his lips to swipe his tongue across his full bottom lip, “Baby...you did this for me?” He opened his eyes, “Aww, baby, baby…”
Novia looked over at Amoya and smiled. The glow of the pool reflecting off of Erik’s russet skin mixed with the intense and erotic way he looked at Amoya made Novia’s heart skip a beat and her breath quicken. She watched Erik reach out for Amoya’s legs to rub her calves with a big smile on his face. He looked so damn excited about this. 
“Damn, baby, this how we doin’ it up for my birthday? Damn,” Erik gave the sexiest laugh Novia ever heard, “Shit, you knew Daddy liked Miss Novia, huh?”
“Mhm, I picked her just for you,” Amoya pulled Novia closer, “She’s so damn fine isn’t she?”
“You fucking right she is,” Erik looked Novia directly in her eyes, “Do a spin for me, I wanna see the back of that dress.” 
Amoya held up one of Novia’s arms, helping her turn slowly in her pumps to give Erik a 360 of her frame in that dress. 
“Mm, mm, mm.”
Novia had chills with the way he hummed.
“You came to play with us, Novia?”
Novia smoothed some of her curly hair behind her ear, “Uh-huh.”
“All weekend too,” Amoya added with excitement.
“Oh? All weekend?” Erik creased his brows with his lips poked out in a sexy pout. Novia bit the corner of her lower lip when he made that face. 
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Erik smoothed his hands down his face, “All weekend. Mm.” Erik shakes his head, “mm, mmm, mmm.” 
He couldn’t even say much but grunt and hum. Now, Erik’s hands were reaching out to touch Novia’s legs. She gasps as his wet hands smother up and down her calves. The water from his fingers rolled down her legs and over her feet in her pumps. 
“Since you came to play, why don’t you get comfortable and take this dress off.”
Novia looked from Erik, to Amoya before stepping out of her pumps. She stepped back from the pool a little to remove her slip dress. Novia wasn’t scared but the way both of them looked at her made her eyes look away. Both of her hands pulled the dress up and over her head, revealing nothing underneath. No panties. Skin smooth, hairless, and lovely to behold. Amoya and Erik wanted to lick her from her head down to her toes. Novia looked up at both of them before bringing her hands up to twirl her pierced nipples. She then dragged her hands through her curly hair, making it messy. She turned around, looking back at them both over her shoulder with her hair in her face while cupping the bottom of her amply-endowed ass lined with stretch marks. She then moved her hands away to sway her hips back and forth, her ass still moving even when she stopped. 
“Mmm, fuck,” Amoya moaned with a whisper, her eyes low and the tip of her tongue dragging over her upper teeth. 
“Damn, lil mama,” Erik let out a deep grunt that vibrated his chest, “C’mere.” His voice spoke huskily. 
Novia walked towards the edge of the pool. Amoya went down to sit on the edge of the pool, her hands dragging through Erik’s wet dreads. She stared down at Novia’s pretty feet with her toes painted black. Looking up at her body from that angle was like admiring art. Appreciating the time God put in to create her. Amoya was so zoned out staring at Novia that she didn’t realize what Erik instructed her to do next. 
“Turn around and grab your ankles. I wanna see that pussy I’m playing in for three fucking days.” 
Amoya clenched her thighs at that request.
“Okay,” Novia turns, arching her back unhurried while bringing her hands down her thighs, calves, then her ankles. Her ass pointed straight in the air and her ass cheeks parted revealing her wet folds from behind. Just as beautiful in the middle. Amoya’s taste buds salivated tremendously at the sight of Novia’s juicy pussy. She had her clit pierced. A tiny Garnet stone with a sterling silver hoop that dangled from the hood of her clit. Amoya wanted to suck that jewel into her mouth. Lick Novia’s essence from it. That pool water felt hot where she stood.
“You have a very pretty pussy Novia,” Amoya compliments, “So pink and smooth.” 
“I’m gonna suck on that pussy all weekend long,” Erik places his hand over his dick. It bobbed up and down in the water from how solid it was, “Starting now actually. Bring that pussy to me, ma. A nigga hungry.” 
Novia stood straight, turning around to look down at Erik in that pool, “‘mm-mm,” she shook her head no, “You gotta come get it, Daddy. Come get your present.” 
Novia smirked mischievously before walking away butt naked and into the house. Erik shot up out of the water, turning to lift Amoya out. Husband and wife stripped naked themselves, following Novia’s path towards the house and spotting her with the D’usse in hand drinking straight from the bottle. She was swaying her hips on their expensive coffee table to TK Kravitz- Ocean. It was as if they were back at the strip club again, Amoya and Erik in a trance as they watched her move her hips. Novia got down from the table, walking over to the couch, kneeling down on the black leather and arching her back. She moves her hips seductively, popping her pussy and running her hands over her wetness. She would spread her pussy lips to give them a nice peek at all that sweet pink. Now, she was fingering herself while moving her hips. 
Erik and Amoya walked over, Erik kneeling down behind Amoya to grab her ass cheeks night and tight. Amoya arched her tall slender body over the couch, perky ass in the air. Amoya grabs Novia’s chin with force, sticking her tongue out to flick it with hers. Amoya sucked on Novia’s tongue, a trail of spit landing on the tip of Novia’s tongue. Erik pulled Novia’s fingers from her pussy, leaning down to suck on them. His lips wrapped around her slender fingers. The minute her fluids spread over his tongue, Erik bucked his hips causing his dick to bounce and tap Novia’s pussy. Her back arched more when she felt that. 
Novia and Amoya were in a deep kissing session. Both of their eyes closed, lips smacking and sucking on each other’s, and whimpers escaping their mouths. Erik got down on his knees behind Novia, the muscles in his back that he worked so hard to get in the gym flexing as he spread her cheeks more to press his face into Novia’s pussy. His lips gave her open mouthed kisses on her phat pussy lips and inward. Any part of her his lips would wrap around and lightly suck. Novia broke her and Amoya’s kiss to moan softly while looking over her shoulder at Erik. Amoya reaches back to spread Novia’s cheeks for Erik. She bounced her big ass while catching a glimpse of Erik’s tongue flicking Novia’s labia back and forth. She was so puffy and aroused. Candied folds dripping with her syrupy goodness. 
“Yes, Daddy, eat that phat pussy, yes, baby,” Amoya encourages Erik to go harder. Erik scrunched his brows, nose wrinkled and eyes closed as he licked her slit in long strokes. Deep pressured strokes. He had Novia’s pussy wide open while giving her everything she deserved. Novia started rocking her hips back on Erik’s tongue, moving her hips in tune with his licks. 
“Fuck, Daddy, that shit looks so good,” Amoya licked her upper lip, “Let me get a taste.” 
Erik ignored her. He could not stop eating the fuck out of Novia’s sugared walls. He slurped on her as if she was covered in chocolate syrup or caramel filling. Novia was a moaning mess. She could only moan and whimper. Erik was attacking her hungrily. Amoya pouted when she locked eyes with Novia. The defeated look on her face and the way her arms shook from weakness made Amoya envy Erik’s current position.
“Daddy, please share,” Amoya begged. When Erik started tongue-fucking Novia, Amoya couldn’t take it, she laid back on the couch, spreading her thighs wide, sticking two fingers in her mouth to coat it with spit before reaching down to rub her clit. Novia’s eyes dropped shut and her mouth hung wide open. She gasps over and over. Reaching her hand back to hold one of her ass cheeks open while grinding back on Erik’s tongue. Erik popped her ass sharply, prompting Novia to whimper and cry. She could feel her release coming. The closer it got the more Erik sucked on her pussy. Erik gently tugged on her clit ring with his lips before sucking it into his mouth like he was slurping oysters out a shell. Novia’s eyes rolled and her hands reached back to grab onto Erik. He gave her his arms to hold. Novia let out the most angelic moan with her face smashed into the couch. Amoya rubber her slick all over her clit, her hips jerking at that sight. Novia came all over Erik’s tongue. He mumbled something into her pussy while slapping her phat ass. Erik lifted his face from between her pussy lips, licking his lips while his dark eyes connected with Novia’s. 
“Good fucking pussy on you, girl. I had you making a big ol’ mess on me.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Novia spoke weakly. Novia reaches over to touch Amoya’s pussy. Amoya moves her hand away, sucking on her fingers while allowing Novia to rub and finger her pussy. Erik crawled in between Amoya’s legs, pulling them back wide. While Novia rubbed her clit, Erik tilted his head down to suck on her labia and outer lips. Amoya bites down on her bottom lip, her hips bucking. Novia watched Amoya’s face while rubbing her clit, both women caught in an intense staring match. Novia leans forward, kissing Amoya nice and slow. Novia wrapped her hand around Amoya’s neck, taking control of the kiss while her slender fingers danced over her clit. Amoya could feel herself leaking. 
“You like the way I rub that juicy clit?” Novia whispered to her, “You want me to suck on that clit, baby? I’ll do whatever you want. I just want that pussy in my mouth.” 
Amoya moaned in response, Novia creeping kisses down Amoya’s chest before sucking on her nipples. Amoya has B cup breasts with large chocolate nipples. Novia sucked on them like they were a delicious piece of milk chocolate. Amoya was extremely overstimulated. Novia rubbed her clit and sucked her nipples while Erik currently tongue-fucked her while rubbing her labia with his thumb. He knew that drove her crazy and made her squirt. Amoya’s hips were practically off the couch but Erik held her up. He was getting that thing. Novia spit on Amoya’s nipples before slurping them into her mouth. That tight suction made Amoya’s eyes cross. She was going to cum good and fucking hard. 
“Mmmmmm!!! Umph, yes! Fuck that shit feels so good,” She spoke through clenched teeth, “Fuck! Make me cum!” 
Amoya’s throat grew tight as her cries and moans were stuck there. She couldn’t make a sound as she came in Erik’s mouth. Amoya looked down at them both with disbelief before falling back on the couch. 
“Damn, baby!” Erik licks his lips watching Amoya squirt. He flicked his tongue on her pussy to taste her fluids, “Cum in Daddy’s mouth. Cum all in my fucking mouth.”
“Shit, she squirts so fucking much,” Novia got down in Erik’s place, “I want some now. Can I have some Wifey? You gonna share with me?”
Erik watched Novia eat his wife’s pussy. She did it with her eyes studying Amoya’s face. Both women locked eyes. Amoya reaches down to stroke Novia’s hair from her face, holding her curls for her with one hand while the other pulled the hood of her clit back so she could receive direct stimulation to that area. Novia flicked her bean with a rhythm Amoya could vibe too because her hips were rolling. Erik worked out his arm by fisting his dick, his precum oozing down his fingers. His other hand palmed his balls. He would look down at his hard dick then back over at Novia sucking his wifes clit. The way Amoya and Novia connected made his dick painfully hard and ready to fuck. He needed to thrust his dick to the hilt in their pussy. 
“Yes, get it, baby, get it, girl,” Amoya’s head eased back against the couch, “‘mmm, suck on that clit, baby, that’s right, Umph, yes, shit, damn, girl, mmm.”
“She eating you real good baby, got that puss soaking,” Erik spoke with a deep gruff tone that made Novia’s pussy jump, “You better cum in her mouth too she’s working so hard to taste that nut.” 
“Mmm, Fuck! Yes! Girl, this how you eat pussy, huh?” Amoya was amazed. Her hips rolled in a circle while Novia’s lips stayed wrapped around her labia and clit, sucking it up and refusing to let go. Amoya’s thighs shook and almost squeezed Novia’s head but Erik held her legs open. His dick was pressed into Novia’s side. 
“Keep going, Novia, take that cum, girl, your doing so good, ma, so fucking good. Make her pussy cum, make that pussy bust,” Erik encourages, “oooo, look at that pussy quiver, Hmph, dassit’, it’s just like tasting your favorite candy, eat it like it should be eaten you nasty bitch.”
“Damn, Daddy, this bitch is something! Ummm!” Amoya yanks Novia’s hair, moving her head to make her suck on her clit like she was sucking on the head of a phat dick. Her lips dragged up and down her clit. Amoya’s wrist shook and the moment she pulled Novia’s head back, she was squirting. Amoya shouted while Novia drank her up. 
All the blood in Erik’s body must have rushed to his dick with the amount of pressure he was feeling around his balls and the tip of his dick. His dick was standing straight out and stabbing Novia in her hip. His dick was so phat and massive. A whopping ten inches rigid and unyielding. Novia climbed on top of Amoya, sharing her tongue with her so she could taste herself. Amoya strokes Novia’s back before cupping both her ass cheeks. 
“Mhm, I wanna eat your wet pussy just like that too. Lemme eat you too. Mmm, sit on my face,” Amoya made Novia suck on her fingers, “Yes, mmm, let me taste you.”
“Anything for you, sweetie,” Novia whispered. Amoya put her fingers deep inside of Novia’s pussy. Novia rode her fingers, her pussy making loud squelching noises. Erik couldn’t even fist his dick because it was so sensitive. Just wrapping his hand around it would make him bust. He needed it sucked and slurped on right now and Amoya and Novia were having fun without him. He really wanted Novia to suck all over his ten inch steely pipe. Both women got down on the couch, Novia sitting her puss on Amoya’s lips. Amoya instantly licked Novia up like she was starving. Novia fingered Amoya’s pussy nice and slow, Amoya creaming on her fingers. Erik had enough of this. He needed attention too. It is his birthday after all.
“Here,” Erik stood in front of Novia over the arm of the couch, “Suck Daddy’s dick.”
Novia wraps her hand around Erik causing him to throw his head back. Novia kisses the tip of his dick repeatedly while looking into his eyes. Erik watched her with weak eyes and a pout of his lips. Novia jerked his dick while letting out soft moans because Amoya was tonguing that clit just right. Rolling that clit ring around the tip of her sharp tongue. Erik forcefully grabs her hair, smacking her lips with his dick.
“Didn’t I tell you to suck this Daddy dick? You better take getting that phat puss ate while sucking me.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Novia engulfs Erik’s dick, swallowing him whole. She twirled her tongue around the tip of his dick before bobbing her head over his length. Erik watched her pretty espresso eyes open and close while she whimpered and gurgled on his meat. Her jaws were so tight on him. She didn’t want that dick out her mouth at all. Erik grabs Novia’s hair into a ponytail while lowering her head over his length. Her lips strained to fit around him since Erik is so damn girthy. Amoya flicks Novia’s jeweled clit from side to side, Novia’s toes curling and her belly clenching. She couldn’t scream, she could only whimper with a mouth full of dick. That chocolate stick going in and out of her little mouth. She was about to cum all over Amoya’s face. 
Novia popped her mouth off of Erik’s sloppy dick, “Daddy, I’m about to cum!”
“Suck my fucking dick, Novia-“
“But Daddy! Ummmmmmm, Daddy it’s coming, it’s coming-“
“You want Daddy to fuck your throat? I will make you choke in here you better give me what I need. You gon’ do what I say?”
“UMPH!!! Oh! Yes! Yes! Right there baby! I’ve been wanting this all day! Yes! Gawd! You love my pussy so muchhhhh! Ah!!!” Novia completely ignored Erik with the way Amoya was eating her pussy. 
She was losing her voice. Amoya drained Novia dry. Erik glared at Novia, pulling her hair again. Novia whimpers in slight pain while Erik smashes her face into his crotch. He wanted that dick sucked now. He was tired of being left out. Amoya lifts from under Novia, getting down on her knees to join her in sucking her mans dick. Erik noticed her coming with a wet face so he pulled his dick out of Novia’s mouth to smack Amoya in the face with it. Amoya could feel the spit from his dick on her cheek. He was very very hard and very very mad. 
“Daddy needs his dick sucked and you kept distracting Novia. Why don’t you suck on this sack since you like actin’ up. It’s Daddy’s special day today. Both of y’all better suck my dick and make me bust a big nut. Think I’m playing.”
Novia sucks Erik’s dick with so much passion. She stroked it with her mouth and no hands. All of him could fit in her mouth and it drove him crazy. Then Amoya’s constant sucking on his nuts had the tip of his dick dripping with pre cum in Novia’s mouth. All that slurping and gurgling Novia was doing is exactly what Erik wanted to hear. 
“Such a pretty dick sucker. You like being a slut for me? You like sucking this dick when I’m married? You like swallowing all this pipe that fucks my wife? Huh?”
His words made Novia feel even more horny and wet. 
“Did I answer your wish, baby girl? You wished you could suck my fat dick? Mmm, good bitch, please Daddy’s dick.” 
Amoya came up while biting her lower lip with pleading eyes. She wanted some dick too. Erik pulled Novia’s mouth off his dick so that Amoya could have some. Novia sucked on Amoya’s nipples while Amoya sucked his dick. She stroked his shaft while sucking the tip of his dick, spit oozing down the sides of her mouth. Novia reaches out to stroke Erik’s wet balls while tonguing Amoya’s nipples. 
“Damn, you have a big fat dick,” Novia said while watching Amoya suck Erik’s dick, “I would love to eat that up. It’s so big. Just so BIG.” 
Amoya popped her mouth off, licking the side of Erik’s shaft. Novia sucked the tip of Erik’s dick, moaning with it in her mouth while her pretty espresso eyes blinked up at him innocently. 
Novia popped her mouth off to lick the tip of his dick, “I could do this for hours and forget the time,” She spoke in an alluring tone.
“Mmm, is that right? You like being a mouth to fuck, huh?”
“Yes, please, Daddy. My mouth is your to fuck,” Novia stares almost cross-eyed at Erik’s dick, “Wow, thats a big, black, juicy, meaty, dick.” Her lips found the tip of his dick again. Erik’s mouth hung open and his eyes were slits. The feeling of Amoya’s tongue on his shaft while Novia sucked his phat tip made his balls jump. 
“My pussy is so wet,” Amoya rubbed her clit. She could hear her wetness glide over her erect clit that was in desperate need to be sucked on. “Fuck, look at all that dick in her mouth. Look, Daddy.”
Erik could hardly look. Novia was aiming to milk him. 
“She’s a very very good girl,” Amoya whispered while grabbing Erik’s balls, “mmm, she’s taking all that yummy dick, Daddy. Bust in her mouth please.” 
Erik was grunting and moaning with a defeated expression on his face. Amoya’s words and the way she was working his balls threw Erik over the deep end. He was being controlled by a good dick sucking bitch with a sugary pussy and a big ol’ ass. 
“Her mouth is full of Daddy’s dick. She loves sucking on your big black dick, she knows it’s my husbands dick that’s why she enjoys it so much. She’s a nasty slut, Daddy. Just use her mouth for your cum, Daddy.”
Erik held the back of Novia’s head as his cum shot off in her mouth. Amoya crawled over, sticking her tongue out with Novia’s to catch his nut. Erik rapidly jerked his dick, spurts of cum spilling on their face and tongue. His abs were so sweaty and so was his neck. Both women licked the rest of his dick to get all of his cum. Two tongues on his dick made him cum a little more. Novia and Amoya gave the tip of his dick open-mouthed kisses. 
“GODDAYM.” Erik finally found his voice to speak, “nasty bitches, Hmph!”
“It’s so thick,” Novia closed her eyes while licking her upper lip with the tip of her tongue, “I’m gonna enjoy choking on this monster dick.” 
“I’m gonna fuck your pussy up. Keep talking like that and watch how I give you this big dick.” Erik barked out, “Lil’ nasty bitch. You like giving that puss up I know you do.”
“Mmm, is it all for me, Daddy?”
“Thats fucking right girl-“
“I need to be smacked in the face with this amazing huge dick. Smack me around with that dick a good bit, I love it so much.” 
Amoya dragged her tongue up Novia’s neck. Novia slowly closed her eyes, extending her neck for more. 
“Shit, we taking this to the bed, fuck that.” Erik reached down for both women. Amoya and Novia walked in front of him, leading the way to the bedroom so they could finish what they started. Climbing the stairs was a struggle for Erik because he couldn’t help reaching out to smack both of their asses. Finally, Amoya pulled Novia’s arm as they walked into the large master bedroom with a platform bed like royalty. The room was surrounded with ceiling to floor windows that showed the valley at night time and a view of the pool and jacuzzi. Amoya couldn’t keep her hands, lips, and tongue off of Novia. She pushed Novia down on the bed, climbing on top of her to kiss her. Novia rubbed her hands over Amoya’s bubble booty before dragging her nails up her spine. Erik sat on the bed, leaning forward to suck on Novia’s right nipple. Amoya’s hand came down between Novia’s legs to rub her pierced clit in a slow circle. Novia’s hips bucked.
Erik could not stop watching them kiss. They did it so gently. Novia would suck on Amoya’s bottom lip, Amoya would drag her pink tongue across Novia’s lips, then they would equally suck each others tongues and lips while staring each other in the eyes. Erik wanted to taste Novia’s lips too. He grabs Novia’s chin, and stuck  his tongue deep in her mouth. Novia wraps a hand around his neck to kiss him back just as hard. Erik’s brows creased when he felt her small hand rest over his Adam’s apple. She could hardly fit her hand around him. She kept up with him though which turned him on heavily. Novia broke the kiss to moan sharply, resulting in Erik’s lips placing an open mouthed kiss on her jaw instead. 
“You like this big black dick you better take all of me in that phat pussy like a good little bitch.” Erik whispered to her. Novia’s mouth was unhinged and her curls we’re tangled and all over her face. Amoya was dragging her tongue from her entrance where all that honey spilled all the way up to her jeweled clit. She did it at a lagging pace while studying Novia’s face. Novia sat up on her elbows, moving her hips to follow the unhurried pace of Amoya’s tongue. Her clit and inner folds were so erect and rushing with blood. She was ready to explode. 
“Huuuuuh” She gasps, breathing in deeply. Novia sighed, sounds barely audible, and stuck in her throat. Erik’s dick was pointed to the ceiling. He bites his bottom lip while glaring down at Amoya enjoying Novia’s pierced clit. She was being very stingy. Erik wanted to bust Novia’s pussy wide open with all of his dick. 
“Ooooooooooo, uh-uh-uhhhhh,” Novia’s eyes rolled shut as she came in Amoya’s mouth for a second time that night. Even though Erik wanted a piece of Novia for himself, watching Amoya make Novia’s pussy cum with just her tongue turned Erik on. Amoya kisses Novia’s inner thighs, leading up her body. Before she could kiss Novia, Erik grabs Amoya’s neck to make her kiss him instead. He wanted to taste Novia’s pussy too. He was an addict for that sugar that Novia produced. Now he wanted it to coat his dick.
“Tryna be stingy? Daddy needs some of her pussy too, baby. You gotta share.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Amoya said with a pout of her lips. 
“You’re gonna let Novia have some pussy while I fuck her pussy up with this Big Daddy Dick?”
“Uh-huh, yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” Erik let go of his wife’s neck, watching her crawl to the top of the bed to lay down. Novia turned around to arch her back, all that big ass in the air with the deepest arch. Erik didn’t even need to tell her, she knows how to point that ass straight up and bend her back. All that thick dick was going to fit inside of Novia’s tight pussy. He couldn’t wait.
“Mmmm, look at this lil’ sexy pussy,” Erik smacked his dick on Novia’s clit, “Ready for me to make them cheeks clap?”
“Yes,” Novia spoke into Amoya’s pussy. Amoya held her hair out of the way while Novia finger-fucked her pussy and licking her clit at the same time.
Erik wasted no time sinking his dick in her deep, tight hole. He held her cheeks apart so he could watch how his vast and long dick stretching her walls out. Novia popped her lips off Amoya’s clit to look back at Erik with a single thick brow elevated and her mouth hanging open. Her pussy was pulling on his dick. Erik was almost all the way in, only about an inch left. He stayed still with his eyes on her face. She could not believe that much dick was in her pussy. Amoya is a lucky woman. Dick so massive in her little pussy. Erik pulls all the way out to the tip causing Novia’s head to fall forward while her fingers still stroked Amoya’s pussy. Erik then sank back inside but faster this time, making Novia pop her ass and arch her back more. She could not stop looking back at Erik. 
“Mmmm,” Erik hummed with pleasure, “make you take it right here on this bed.”
“Umph, Fuck-“ Novia hissed.
“I’m gonna beat this thang up. Just you wait.” 
“Yeah? Teach me how to take this fat dick? Show me what it feels like?” Show me how this ass clap, Daddy?”
Erik stood still, “Fuck this fat dick. Make it bust. Work this dick and take care of both of us, bitch.” 
Amoya wanted to cum so bad. She pulled Novia’s head down to her pussy, Novia’s lips wrapped around her clit. Erik grunted angrily, slamming his dick inside to remind Novia of her task. Novia moaned sharply, popping her lips off of Amoya’s pussy again. Amoya lets out deep, shuddering breaths. Her pussy quivered with need. Novia was sucking it so damn good. She needed Amoya to herself. Erik did too. They couldn’t share her.
“Make me bust a nut right now!” Erik’s deep voice barked out. Novia widened her legs, grabbed a handful of the sheets, and started throwing her pussy back on Erik’s dick. Her pussy made creamy noises then it started queefing, “I hear that pussy making all that damn noise. It’s okay, baby, Daddy like all that noise. Daddy like it cuz I know it’s my dick that for you doing that.”
Novia’s ass clapped off of Erik fast and hard. Her pussy was hot and moist around him. Novia moaned in little gasps while her hips thrust back in a desperate rhythm. 
“Nice back it up motion with that lil’ sexy pussy,” Erik strikes Novia’s ass, “Gon’ head and fuck this Daddy dick. Love a phatty throwing it back.”
Amoya crawled towards the end of the bed, opening her legs wide while rubbing her clit. Amoya grabs Erik’s free hand, bringing his fingers to her entrance.
“Daddy, please, stuff me,” Amoya begged. 
“I got you, Wifey, don’t worry,” Erik used three fingers, “Damn, thats stuffed enough for you? Your shit is so wet.”
“Mmm, yes, Big Daddy,” Amoya pulled on her nipples while watching Erik fuck her, “Damn, daddy, she throwing that juicy pussy on you. Fuck that dick bitch. Mmm, Daddy, she’s really enjoying it.”
“Nice way to give that pussy up,” Erik thumped her ass before grabbing the side of her ass with his fingers to hold her still while he delivered strokes. With his other hand stroking Amoya’s puss, Erik practically dragged Novia onto his dick with his other hand. 
“Poor lil’ puss,” Erik knew he was beating her pussy up, “Such a brave lil’ bitch taking all this thick pipe in your guts, girl.” 
Amoya squeezed Erik’s fingers while creaming and squirting. Erik kept going in her pussy, making her cum again. Amoya’s thighs shook as she let out a forced breath from her lungs. Erik pulled his fingers out, placing them in Amoya’s mouth for her to suck on. Novia was in heaven with the way Erik fucked her. Erik’s fingers slipped out of Amoya’s mouth to grab onto Novia’s hips. She looked back at Erik while her curls bounced around her head because of how hard and rushed he fucked her. Novia looked over at Amoya with an open mouth and her eyes fluttering shut. When they finally closed, Amoya grabs Novia’s chin, sharing the cum from her pussy with her. They flicked tongues before Novia bites her bottom lip, face creased like she was about to cry. 
“Back up on Daddy’s dick, come on Novia, give Daddy that pussy,” Amoya whispered in her ear while watching her husband pound Novia. 
“D-daddy has my pussy c-cumming already, fuckkkkk,” Novia’s cream filling coated Erik’s dick heavily. He pulled out, watching Amoya suck Novia’s cum off. She became dick hungry and sucked him some more after he was clean on his dick.
“Don’t forget Daddy’s nuts,” Erik made Amoya lick Novia’s cum from his sack, “Give Novia a taste, don’t be stingy. It’s always polite to share.”
Novia and Amoya tongue kissed. The sweet tang of her cum made Amoya’s pussy leak some more. Erik reaches over to flick Amoya’s clit. He lined himself up with her pussy, pulling her legs all the way back and then bam! He was right inside her smothering walls. Amoya fought for more oxygen when Erik thrust into her. Still, after three years it felt like the first time fucking him. Her emerging gasps fueled Erik to pump into her like he was doing push ups. Erik forced Amoya’s legs over his shoulders while drilling her. She looked down at his thick dick and couldn’t watch anymore. Novia rubbed her clit while staring into Erik’s eyes. She pouted when she saw his cream coated dick go to town in Amoya so forcefully. Novia’s breath rushed in and out quickly with need. 
“Damn, Daddy! FUCK!” Amoya slapped her own ass, “FUCK, DADDY! Make me cum with that big ass dick!”
“Yes, make that pussy cum with that fat ass dick,” Novia motivated Erik, “oooooo, Daddy, you’re tearing her pussy up!” 
“Taking every inch of me like the good little girl you are,” Erik held his dick deep, Amoya’s breath halted, “Cum on this dick. Make you cum, right? Make you cum? Make you cum, baby?” Amoya rapidly nods her head, “Then give Daddy that puss so I can make this good puss cum all over this motherfucking bed-“
“Uhhhhh! Uhhhhhh!-“
“Mhm, making all that damn noise-“
“Uhhhhhhhhhhh, Dadddyyyyyyyyyy!”
Amoya was about to squirt. Novia got down between her legs, her tongue out and touching her chin from how long it was. She was ready to sip off that pussy. Amoya’s cum came flowing and while Erik still stroked, Novia arched forward to lick up as much as she could off Erik’s dick and her pussy. Amoya gave a shivering inhale when more of her squirt splashed out. Erik pulls his dick out, face between Amoya’s legs with Novia, licking her pussy to clean it up.
“Fuck,” Amoya’s toes curled. Erik pulled Novia’s hair to make her turn to him, Erik putting his tongue in her mouth so they can share her juices. Erik’s dick hit Novia in her stomach. Novia grabs it, stroking it nice and slow. It was heavy in her hand. Amoya finally got up, kissing Novia’s neck and whispering nasty things in her ear. Novia broke the kiss with Erik to kiss Amoya. Her hand left Erik’s dick and now she was back on Amoya. Novia pushes Amoya down onto the bed. Novia got on top of her, lining her clit up with Amoya’s clit. They both began tribbing. Their wet sticky pussies easily moved against each other’s. Unsteady moans filled the room. Erik watched the way Novia’s phat ass would bounce with need when she forced her hips to move with Amoya’s. Amoya lifted her hips from the bed to grind up into Novia’s pussy. Erik crawled on the bed on his knees, jerking his dick behind Novia’s plump ass. Erik smacked his dick on her cheeks one by one, before dragging down to sink inside of her pussy from the back again. 
“Umph! Umph!” Novia sucked in a sharp breath as she pushed Erik back. His dick was too deep and big in her sensitive pussy. 
Erik kisses his teeth, taking his hand to crack Novia’s ass angrily for pushing away from his dick. She was cumming on Amoya’s pussy. Then seconds later, Amoya cums. Erik watched with a clenched jaw as all her cream spilled out and rolled down her clit and onto Amoya’s pussy. All that cum. 
“I’m fucking tired of this,” Erik picked Novia up, wrapping her legs around his waist and holding her firmly with his tight arms encircling her waist. He put his dick right back where it belonged, his hand reaching out to cradle Novia’s neck to make her look at him. He didn’t give her time to adjust, his dick was so deep in her. Novia clawed his shoulders while Erik bounced her. She felt every vein, all his girth, and his length. Nothing was held back.
“I’m taking this puss. Make your ass remember what this dick feel like. Have you feeling this dick even when I’m not in it, bitch. You like being Daddy’s little slut for this dick?”
“Uhhhh, yes! Dig my pussy out, Daddy!”
Amoya got down on her knees to lick Erik’s balls. She could see right up into Novia’s puss while she was taking all of Erik’s dick. That puss is being rawed hard. 
“Umph, get in that pussy, fuck that pussy,” Amoya spoke between licks, “Ohhhh, she’s loving that-“
“Yeah, she loves this dick,” Erik hooked his arms under her legs, bringing them up. Novia was nice and bendy since she was so flexible. Now she had nowhere to run while Erik fucked her. 
“Ooooo,” Novia couldn’t keep her eyes on Erik. 
“What?” Erik said with a cocky grin.
“I love having your dick in me it feels so good,” Novia whispered shallowly from her lungs.
“GIMMIE this sexy lil’ pussy. You taking all of me, girl-“
“I love taking dick, a lot of dick, Daddy.”
Amoya was mesmerized by the view of Novia’s clit stretching over Erik’s dick and that pretty jewel coated with her cum. Amoya just knew that her clit could feel the thickness of Erik’s dick tug on it over and over. She imagined fucking Novia with her dildos. She couldn’t wait for this weekend to really kick off. 
“He about to bust, girl,” Erik was referring to his fat dick, “Damn, shit, Hmph, give this pussy up and make me cum bitch-FUCKKKKKKKK, BRUH!” 
Erik slips Novia off his dick, a hand wrapped around the base to jerk his cum load out. Both Novia and Amoya were down on their knees, ready and waiting. Sticking their tongues out, Erik shot off his first load, the cum landing on Amoya’s lips. More and more came and soon their faces were covered in it. Erik couldn’t believe he came that much. His cum just wouldn’t stop. Their tongues flicking the tip of his dick made it worse. He watched as his dick jumped and spilled with cum while they attacked that meaty pole. He pulled both of their hair and backed away. 
Novia and Amoya stood with their facials, Erik grabbing both of their necks and pulling them in for a kiss. All three of their tongues thrashed and Erik could taste his cum mixed with theirs while he kissed them. It was so erotic. His dick would not go down. Erik pulled Novia back so he could stare at her. That breathtaking bitch was responsible for making him nut so damn much. This was only the beginning. Amoya pulled Novia towards her, licking Erik’s cum from her face. They looked like they wanted to play some more. It was going to be a long night. Erik walked away to grab some water for them, leaving Novia and Amoya alone to explore some more until Big Daddy came back to get his. 
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Endeavor’s Intern
Pairing: Endeavor/Enji Todoroki x Student Reader
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: none?
Notes: Spelling errors? I was going to finish it with this part but decided I’d like to add a bit more before I finish.
“SHOTO!” I jumped onto his back and clung to him. His hands grabbed my thighs to keep me from falling off his back.
Deku looking shocked, his eyes wide.
“ARE YOU TWO DATING?!” Denki stepped into ask.
I laughed as Shoto seemed unamused, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” I asked and tilted my head.
“Yes?” Denki asked instead of answering.
“...........ok.” I shrugged and moved upwards and tried to get higher.
“So, let’s get to class.” I said still cling to Shoto.
He sighed and started to walk, Deku fell into step on our left, Denki to our right. He was curious that’s for sure.
“Also no, it’s not Shoto I’m dating. He’s just the bestest friend in the whole world!” I squeezed him.
He sighed and bounced to get me higher. Denki didn’t seem impressed or like he believe it.
“So winter break comes up next week. What are you going to be doing?” I asked.
“Spending it with my step mom.” He said keeping a straight face.
“Awe, that’s sweet. I like her, she’s sweet and pretty.” I smiled at him.
“Yeah, Dad never stops talking about her.” He looked back at me.
“Anyways, what about you guys?” I asked the other two.
“I’ll be him with my mom.” Deku answered.
“I’ll be with the fam, you know how it is.” Denki said and sighed with a smile.
“That’s sweet.” I said, we finally stopped at the class door.
“Oof, such a short walk.” I mumbled.
“Because you weren’t walking.” Shoto said rolled his eyes.
“Hehe,” I smield and opened the door, “What are we waiting for?”
We entered the class only three of four people were here. I made my wya to my seat and took a deep breath and sighed. Deku and Denki went to their seats and I was lucky to be beside Shoto.
“So where are we going?” I asked and tilted my head.
“I don’t know, he said it was a surprise. My brother and sister don’t know. I think they would freak out if they figure out his second girlfriend is the same age as his last child.” Shoto whispered back.
“Yeah, So it’s just you me and the big guy?” I asked, I paused and thought, “and Deku?” I I nodded in his direction.
“I was going to ask him until Kaminari showed up. I was just lucky you showed up to break the silence.” He was so serious.
“Oh, well, tomorrow is Friday. Do it then or you never will.” I sighed and pat his shoulder.
“Now I’m cold soooooo,” I slid closer to Shoto and hugged his left arm.
“You’re so warm.” I pressed my cheek into his shoulder, “So warm.”
A lot of people rushed in started to take seats just as the bell rang.
“Everyone shut up and sit down.” I smield At Aizawa as I moved to my desk.
It’s gotta be a struggle being a pro hero and a teacher. Especially with this class.
“Alright, as a reward for how good most of you have been doing and have grown. We’re going to be having a party.” Cheers erupted.
“SHUT UP BEFORE I CANCEL IT.” Everyone stopped.
“It’s nothing fancy, just our class. Today is our last day before break starts. We’re going to run a quick test like on the first day of school to see how much your control over your quirk and skills have improved. So get out of here and go get dressed.” He sighed and pulled out a juice pouch.
“Atleast it’s not a test.” I mumbled and stood up lingering at the back of class avoiding the big group. The day went by, just like the first day, long and sweaty. Luckily it wasn’t as hot as the beginning of the school year.
Bakugo still reminded number one, followed by Midoriya who tied with Todoroki then Shoji, Tokoyami, Kirishima, me, the rest followed, and the most important part, Mineta was last. I smiled, he’d progressed but not enough to move up. He was lucky the first time Midoriya didn’t have a quirk exactly but this time he lucked out.
Every sat down taking deep breaths and trying to relax on the drying field. Todorki sat his legs ages did him and leaning back on his open palms. I dropped beside him a threw my myself back over his lap.
“It’s hot.” I whined taking his right hand putting it on my forehead, “You’re such a good friend.”
The rest of the Deku squad came around and started to chatter, I was staring up at the sky as it started to turn from its pale blue to a darker blue. The sun was moving over making room for the moon. I sighed and sat up.
“Deku, I need to talk to you and Todoroki.” They both looked at me. “Privately.”
After they followed me to a more secluded part of the field I turned to Shoto and gave him a look. “So, this isn’t my business so I’m leaving.”
I turned and walked not waiting. I made it back and plopped down beside Tokoyami who was sitting in the shade of a tree. Just a calm and nice person to sit silently with while the time passed. He opened his right eye and looked at me. I gave a small smile and he nodded before closing it again. This is what a friendship is made of, no words, just a peace full silence.
Time passed and I found myself staring at the sun through the leaves thinking about times I’ve spent in secret at the Todoroki Estate. My parents didn’t know, they lived in a different city, I had been staying in a student apartment until the school opened dorms. Whenever unexpected breaks came up I’d just tell them I was staying with Deku and his mom and they approved. In reality I’d go and stay with Shoto and stay in his house in the guest room. I might be infatuated with his dad but I’m not a loose woman. I arched my chest popped my back and stretched my legs out. My mind drifting to memories, of shopping with Shoto using his dads card, spending time with Endeavor, stuck under his heavy arm pressed against his side as we watched movies. Lingering in his office when he was busy with hero stuff. Hanging out with Shoto more and getting to know more about Endeavor then I would’ve expected. Soft touches and forehead kisses. Helping mend his and Shoto’s relationship, they might not be lovey dovey but now they can hold a simple conversation without cold stares and loud Soba slurping. I thought of every picture in my camera roll and Snapchat, picture with Enji, pictures with my future step son Shoto, pictures with both of them. Pictures of just them together. The day came to an end, and everyone finally started to head back in. I walked beside Tokoyami, just casually. When everyone was hot and back in the classroom Aizawa told us to dress nice for tomorrow for a photo. Everyone mumbled an okay and then left.
“So, Shoto....” I started as I dropped onto his bed, “How’d it go?”
“He said yes.” His simple answer as he looked through his closet.
“Great.” I chirped and stretched across his bed.
“He now also knows you’re going to be my step mother.” I chocked.
“what....” I faced him.
“A family vacation and you would be there, I can’t lie and say I invited you. It would make no sense for you to just show up. So I told him you were dating my dad.” He found a white button up shirt and grabbed closet hanger.
“Oh, so I can call him son in law now....” I grinned up at him as he tensed.
“Sure.” He mumbled and didn’t face me.
“NOW TELL ME.” I shoved myself up, “Where are we going?”
“Ask Endeavor when you see him today, now get up we have to get to class. I won’t be late for this photo because you’re interested in my dad and vacation.”
The party passed quickly, Momo tried to make a move on Todoroki which was stopped by Deku accidentally bumping into Iida who bumped into Uraraka who bumped Momo out of the way and away from Shoto. It was a calm first period, we took photo’s with Aizawa Separately and then together as a large group. He seemed happy as he looked at his phone until Kaminari screamed.
“IM GOING TO MISS YOU DADZAWA.” and then hugged his shoulders which led to a group hug.
The rest of the day was spent watching movies, when the day finally ended class 1-A spent all night singing Karaoke and playing games. Everyone heard Bakugo genuinely laugh after Kirishima tackles him and started to tickle his sides. He’s the only one brave enough and the only one who would’ve survived. Bakugo was nice the rest of the night, small ‘heh’s coming out of him every now thin. Leaning on each other and smiling talking about things that happened until Mina brought up the game of secret Santa we had all decided to play. So everyone traded gifts and decided to not open them until Christmas the only thing being you have to send a video to the person who sent it to you. I thanked Todoroki as he gave me a box. I gave one to Kirishima, who gave one to Bakugo, who gave one to Deku, who gave one to Tokoyami, then Mina, then Shoji, then Ochako, then Mineta, then Sero, then Ojiro, then Jirou, the rest followed until everyone had one gift.
“Group chat! Everyone has to send a picture of what they get!” Kirishima said and made a chat before anyone could deny.
I smield down at my phone as people sent messages with names and pictures. The night ended and we all went our separate way in the morning with goodbyes, take care, hugs and platonic cheek kisses.
I was the last one, everyone had left. I head back up and grabbed my bag, and a bag with the things I needed. I walked home, looking up at the sky. It was starting to pepper itself with stars. I made my way up an apartment building to the third level. Room 300, I opened it. It looked exactly how I last remembered it. Navy walls, white counter tops. Black glass Kotatsu, navy cushions with stars and constellations. I sighed the cold air filled my lungs. I stepped in, and turned on the bright white lights. I locked the door behind me. The kitchen was still small, white walls, black stove and sink, black refrigerator, wood knife block with gold knives I bought for the esthetic. I saw a bowl of mangos and picked a note that was laying on it.
Were sorry we couldn’t bring you home. We sent a grocery order, If you’re reading this note it means the order made it to your apartment. Your dad and I sent you gifts we bought for Christmas. We love you, and stay safe.
Also, I sent a few extra hundred to your bank account buy yourself something nice while your off for break.
We love you, Merry Christmas. Well call you soon.’
I nodded at the note and just sighed. I made my way to my room, the walls here mimicked the living room with gold trim. I had placed metallic vinyl stars along the crown and down wards. I stepped over to my desk and it’s chair. I looked at my bed, king size leaving almost no room for anything else. Two standing lamps on either side of the head of the bed. The windows beside it were letting the moons light shine in through.
I sighed and laid in my bed and took in the feeling of the cold heavy blankets. I felt my eyes stinging, Why was I crying? I’d get to spend a week with Enji and Shoto and Deku. But I guess after that I’ll be alone for four weeks. Being alone that’s why, I sighed and rolled onto my stomach burying my face into a pillow. I pulled the blanket over myself and fell asleep in the moonlight.
I woke up heart racing to tapping on my window. I looked at the window ready to face whatever it could be. All I came to face were large slow raindrops pelting themselves against the window. I watched the skies, bright blue and purple lightening bolts lights up the dark. I wish it could rain forever sometimes, but I guess that’s just not the case. I sighed and pushed the blankets back feeling the heat build up. The rumbling of my ac started up, I yawned and stretched. At some point last night I ditched my pants and bra. I pushed myself up and took a shower and got ready to do nothing. It’ll be this week and next week before I get to see Shoto and Enji. What should I do?
I looked around my living room and huffed, “I probably should’ve stocked up on entertainment. I guess I can go to that large art store down the street. Or binge watch some Netflix.” I grabbed my phone to check my bank account. I’d been saving up and rarely spending to be able to splurge on myself on Christmas. I’d saved up $800, and let me see what my mom sent. “600?!”
“I have $1,400.00 to spend on myself! I could do so much... but I should probably save it for vacation in case I want to buy something.” I closed my phone and just decided to binge watch Avatar The Last Airbender. I got antsy and started to practice baking. I wasn’t bad but I wasn’t a pro.
I sighed leaning on the counter staring at the screen, Zuko’s back story played and I spoke to myself. “He’s definitely the reason I’ve had so many explosive crushes.”
The rest of the day went by slow, I recited the deliveries of present, I made cupcakes and a cake, an egg pudding, and I tried my hand in mochi. I sighed and started to make the icing to actually finish the cupcakes. I looked up smiling at a funny scene from Avatar. I started to pipe on the icing, and smiled at the black and white swirls.
The first week passed slowly, I used every tube of paint I had and still cut them open, I wore down every crayon, used every pot and pan at least five times. I started watching naruto with fillers, and took up sculpting with ten pounds of air dry clay I got on sale for four dollars. I smiled at the little frog I had finally finished, I put it in the sun to let it dry with the other frogs and turtles.
‘Hey you wanna come over?’ ❄️🔥
‘Yes please😢’ ☀️🖤
‘Alright, you should know what to bring by now. We’ll be there to pick you up in 30.’ ❄️🔥
‘Your such a life saver 😭 do you like sweets by the way?’ ☀️🖤
‘Sure, what’s your address? Natsuo will eat it if I dont so what do you have?’ ❄️🔥
‘A bakery, I just sent you my location’ ☀️🖤
‘You live in a bakery? 🤔’ ❄️🔥
‘Nope, just been bored. I’ll pack so see you when you get here.💙💙💙’ ☀️🖤
‘Food?’ ❄️🔥
‘🍩🍩🍩??? 👀 👀’ ❄️🔥
I finished packing and grabbed my favorite pillow and went to the kitchen and packed two cakes and about two dozen different muffins, and a tin of all my cookies.
‘I’m ready.’☀️🖤
‘You live here? 🤭🤭’ ❄️🔥
‘Yeah why?’ ☀️🖤
‘Your husband doesn’t seemed to pleased....👀’ ❄️🔥
‘Sorry 😅 just come out.’ ❄️🔥
‘I need help to bring boxes down. 😐’ ☀️🖤
‘He’s going.’ ❄️🔥
I opened the door and came face to face with Enjis chest before he knocked.
‘Enji!’ I cheered.
“Shoto said you needed help.” He said and stood there looking down at me.
“Yeah, I uh....work for a baked and I have a lot of sweets that I’m not going to eat so I asked Todoroki and he said I could take them so he and Natsuo could eat.” I smiled up at him.
“I see.” He looked past me at boxes.
“Well let’s get these down then.” He picked up the boxes with ease and took my bag still after I denied.
I followed him, my phone and wallet in hand, I looked at the building one last time before getting into the car. I sat in the back Shoto passenger and Enji driving. I smiled and scooted to the middle and watched the scenery from the middle of the windshield.
We made it to the estate and I learned Natsuo and Fuyumi wouldn’t be home till Wednesday, considering it’s Saturday I can love on my boo. I settled in the lavish guest room and then made a bee live for Enji’s office. I burst in not knocking and found him standing over his desk. I moved behind him and hugged his waist pushing my right cheek into his back.
“I missed you.” I smield and squeezed him, it had no physical effect considering the man was rock hard.
He pulled my off and turned around, I hugged him again and he took me into his chest. He was so warm, and broad. I smiled into his warmth and enjoyed the physical affection. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, I’m not alone anymore.
The next two hours I spent talking to Enji and kissing his cheeks at random times and hugging his neck and shoulders and arms. I left once he got a phone call and it sounded important. I found Todorki staring at one of the boxes I brought.
“Let’s eat!” I said and popped the box of cake open.
His aurora darkened and he held up a knife, ‘I’ve been waiting for this.’
He cut into the cake and we started to feat, we finished the cake laughing on a sugar high at the sound of Shoto’s chair making a funny sound.
I smield at Shoto and he smield back.
“I’m glad it’s you and not just some random lady who doesn’t care about anyone else but herself.” His words were weird.
“I don’t know what you mean but okay.”
“You make us happy, my dad, you spend time with me and see me as a person and friend when no one else did.”
“Stop Sho, I’ll cry.” I said now understanding.
“He’s lucky, and if he messes up he’ll lose the both of us.” He threatened before stuffing himself with more cake.
His belly now round as he slouched.
“I love you both, really, as much as I can. I really honestly do.” I smield down at the empty messy box.
“I’ll clean up, go clena your face.” I handed him a napkin and patted his head.
I cleaned up thinking about what the future could hold and wondering what it does hold for the future.
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smellslikestalejam · 3 years
QiongQi Path
or me fixing my very bwoken heart
Excuse my English but this is my first non-italian fic soooooo be kind and help me improve, and bear with me this one time pleaseeee
Fun fact: this turned out way longer than I had imagined :D
Word count: 11.667
When Jin ZiXuan had run into his half-brother Jin GuangYao, he had felt that something was off. Looking at his face, he soon realised. It was like he had caught him off guard, and had managed to catch a glimpse of real emotions that were soon hidden behind MengYao’s notorious smile.
“A-Yao, is everything all right?”
Jin GuangYao lowered his gaze to the ground in a seemingly helpless way. “I swear I tried to stop him, but he just…”
“Who? What is going on?”
“It is Jin JiXun. He called up a group of disciples and went to the Burial Mounds”
Jin GuangYao had added a certain urgency to his tone which ZiXuan had never heard before.
“He said he was going to avenge himself”
Avenge himself… “Wei WuXian”
Jin GuangYao nodded and swallowed anxiously. A sense of horror started building up in ZiXuan’s mind. It was not actually worried for Wei WuXian as much as he was for his bride, YanLi. He knew she would have never forgiven him if something had happened to her half-brother. “When”
“Less than half an hour ago… Xian-Ge, you are not thinking about chasing after him, are you?”
Jin ZiXuan nodded and looked into the distance, taking a hold of his sword. It was his duty, after all. He did not even let his half-brother add anything. As he started running down the flights of stairs, he thought he had seen half a smirk on Jin GuangYao’s face… But sure it was just a trick of his mind, he mounted his sword and hurried to Yunmeng. 
He had thought he could have directly gone to the Burial Mounds, but the truth was that he did not want to face either his cousin or his brother-in-law alone. It was not out of fear: were the moment to be different, he would have just gone by himself. What changed is that he had just issued an invitation for Wei WuXian to come to his son’s first month celebration. It had been a long time since he had seen YanLi being that happy. ZiXuan, he told himself, was simply carrying out his basic husband duties. By going alone, he knew that sparring with Wei WuXian was simply unavoidable. And how could he then stand his brother-in-law during all the ceremony? He had decided on calling up his other brother-in-law, Jiang WanYin. He knew YanLi would have been happy when he told her he had worked with her brother to save Wei WuXian; bonus points if he had managed to make them get along again. To ZiXuan, that was not a double-win but a triple-win, and the more, the merrier, he managed to think before Lotus Pier came into sight.
Jiang WanYin was on his clan leader chair, polishing his sword. His jaw was clenched, his muscles tense; on his wrist, ZiDian was beaming purple rays and slightly trembling. He knew many doctors had told him to make his anger flow through all his bearings but where ZiDian was. Easier said than done. He was on edge. His rage, he thought, it was like waves in a pond, and could be felt by the people around him. That was why there actually was nobody around him. He was a good sect leader, mind it. He cared for his people and his servants, who were respectful and loyal. Everybody knew that the one thing Jiang-ZhongZhu could not stand was treason. Break a promise and you would have had to face his rage, and it was fair to say that nobody wanted that, thank you. He exhaled stroking SanDu and smiled in delight when he saw his reflection staring back at him. Smile that soon turned into a frown when a much scared disciple entered the room. 
“SandDu ShengShou”
Jiang Cheng lifted his eyes from his sword in silence.
“Somebody just arrived and asked for you”
Jiang Cheng rose and sheathed SanDu. The disciple led him to one of the guest rooms.
“Bring some tea”
The disciple fled, scared by the sharp tone of his sect leader. Jiang Cheng trailed his disciple with his eyes until he turned and disappeared; only then did he open the door to reveal the annoyance. Much to his surprise, it had a name he had never expected to meet by himself in the Lotus Pier: Jin ZiXuan. He was pacing the small room anxiously, biting his nails and fidgeting with the pendant on his sword. 
“Is YanLi here too?”
ZiXuan shook his head.
“Then why are you here”
Jin ZiXuan tried to ignore the hostility he felt in Jiang WanYin’s tone. He got closer to him and lowered his voice.
“Wei WuXian is in trouble”
“And how has that anything to do with me? Shall I remind you that he has defected from my Yunmeng Jiang clan? if he stirs up any problem, that is not mine to deal with”
The few moments of silence that followed felt like eternity to both of them. Jin ZiXuan was staring blankly at the floor, trying to gather up something he could say. Luckily, the other broke the silence first.
“For the record… what did he do?”
“That is the problem: nothing”
Jiang Cheng sighed heavily. Even when Wei WuXian does nothing, he thought, it is like trouble is always catching up to him. During the darkest hours of his sleepless nights, Jiang Cheng had often wished his father had never brought the kid back home. Yet the past is in the past, and there was nothing he could do about it. He shrugged his shoulders.
“And why would you need my help? I thought the great Jin ZiXuan could do everything on his own”
The sarcastic tone of his brother-in-law went under ZiXuan’s skin. He humphed, the turned his back to the man in front of him.
“Normally, that is what I would do – or better, I would not get involved in the first place.” The pause following what he said allowed him to arrange his words in a somewhat-logical order. “But Wei Ying has been invited to A-Ling’s first month celebration and everything is now more complicated. I would hate to disappoint YanLi, and so I thought that if the two of us could go and help out, maybe–”
Jin ZiXuan got cut off mid-sentence as Jiang Cheng stormed out of the room. He came back right after, wearing his over-vest and holding SanDu in his hands.
“I am only doing this for my shi-jie”
Wei Ying was walking, and he was relaxed. Off-guard, one might say; but the boy was sure nothing could harm him. One of his hands was deep-buried in his left pocket, holding a small wooden box which was, to him, invaluable. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to enjoy the completely unexpected moment he was living. When he had woken up that same morning, he hadn’t planned a thing for the day. Around midday, Wen Qing had given him a bag of radishes and sent him off to the market to exchange them for some other things he did not care enough about to remember. He handed the heavy, oh so heavy! bag to Wen Ning and had him carry it all the way down to YiLing. They then sat and waited. Almost two hours had passed, but they still hadn’t sold a single radish. Suddenly, a shadow came into sight and stopped right in front of them. Bored, Wei WuXian did not even bother to look up at the person’s face. He simply waited for Wen Ning to showcase what they had to sell. 
“Wei Ying”
How strange, Wei WuXian thought, Wen Ning’s voice sounds nothing like Wen Ning. As a matter of facts, it is very similar to…
“Lan Zhan?!”
Wei Ying rose to look at the other man’s face. It was Lan Zhan indeed, he stated, and smiled.
“What brings you here this time? Last time I saw you, I thought we had said good-bye for good… tell me the truth, you just can’t get enough of me now, can you?”
It was like something had awoken inside him. What he had thought to be a boring day was now turning into an unexpected surprise. Lan Zhan scoffed. His expression was neutral as always, but Wen Ning could have sworn he had seen the white-clothed man’s ears turn red. 
“Take this”
WangJi handed Wei WuXian some folded papers. The cultivator in black robes was rather puzzled. Lan Zhan had come all the way to YiLing just to give him a letter? He laughed nervously under the man’s attentive gaze. Getting the hint, he opened what he had in his hands and started reading.
Lan WangJi was following the movement Wei Ying’s lips made as he read the letter. He found it endearing to watch – the way they opened and closed without letting out no sound whatsoever. Sensing Wei WuXian had almost got through the entire paper, he forced himself to lift his eyes from the boy. HanGuang Jun had no intention to be caught staring at Wei Ying’s lips, that was for sure. He had insisted on personally delivering the news to Wei WuXian. For safety reasons, he had told his brother. But the truth was he had never been able to pull off lies well. He went back concentrating on Wei Ying, who had leaned on a wall and slid all the way to the ground. He called the boy’s name again.
“Wei Ying, is everything okay?”
Wei WuXian gazes upon him, his emotions concealed behind his expression.
“Are you really asking?! No, this is not okay…”
Lan Zhan could feel something break inside him. All had he planned but this reaction. Maybe it was his own fault. Maybe it would have been better if he had just sent off the letter without going himself. 
“This is the best thing ever!”
Wei Ying jumped on his two feet and carefully folded the paper. He then put it in his pocket. Lan Zhan stood still and emotionless… at least on the outside. Suddenly, he felt a grip around his wrist. Next thing he knew, he was being pulled around through the roads of YiLing. Wen Ning was following behind them carrying the bag of radishes. Out of the blue, Wei Ying stopped. Lan Zhan halted right before crushing into him – but that was not the case for Wen Ning. He was looking around, distracted by a small child. Lan Zhan felt a shove on his back and fell on Wei Ying. The boy lost his balance and fell with Lan Zhan on top of him. The white clothed cultivator got up quickly and dusted his clothes, not daring to meet his companion’s gaze. Wei Ying carelessly hold onto his wrist and dragged him into a shop.
“I know you went there, to the Burial Mounds, I mean. How… is it?”
Jin ZiXuan’s voice was pretty much carried away by the winds. It took Jiang Cheng a few moments to actually get what the other was saying. The silence in between them was awkward – but after the question, Jiang Cheng missed it already.
“What, are you scared?”
Jin ZiXuan blushed and looked away. He was not a coward; yet, he feared the army of Wen remnants his father had warned him against.
“A-Die, he told me about the YiLing Patriarch’s army and I just wanted to know what to expect”
Jiang Cheng let out a laughter. ZiXuan rolled his eyes.
“Oh, I don’t want to spoil the surprise!”
The Chief Cultivator started descending, leaving a much confused ZiXuan floating mid-air. He went after him.
As they were hovering closer to the ground, their ears grasped a familiar sound: clash of swords. They hurried and jumped down their own blade, straight down to the dusty ground. They followed the sound running. Its source was a group of Jin and Lan disciples fighting against Wei WuXian and his Ghost General. ZiXuan and Jiang Cheng exchanged a look before diving right into the clash. Wei Ying had his eyes pinned to Wen Ning as he played ChenQing. The tune was sharp but under control as his movements were. In spite of that, Jiang Cheng noticed, something about Wen Ning felt off. Shrugging his shoulders, he got into the field to understand what was going on. 
“Young Master Jin JiXun gathered us all up for revenge” one disciple muttered in between the clashes. Jiang Cheng approached his half-brother from behind. He shook his shoulder and made him turn. In the process, Wei Ying’s grip around ChenQing loosened and the instrument fell to the ground. Jiang Chen stiffened and stared right into his brother’s eyes. If his instrument was lying on the ground, then why the sound was still filling the air?
“What– How are you doing this? Stop it!”
Wei WuXian was about to say he knew nothing about it, but his words died out in his throat as he proceeded to cough up blood. Jiang Cheng’s face paled and gazed around, holding his brother with an arm. The music that was being played was chaotic and ominous.
“Jin ZiXuan, watch out!”
ZiXuan ducked Wen Ning’s attack and jumped down to where Jiang Cheng was standing. He too noticed Wei WuXian was not the one playing. He held on to his sword and countered a few hits.
All of a sudden, the eerie music stopped and so did Wen Ning. Yet, some disciples were still stabbing him and cutting his flesh with their swords. Jin ZiXuan rushed in to stop them, shielding Wen Ning with his own body.
“Stop now! Can’t you see he is no longer mov–”
ZiXuan felt a sharp pain in his harm and drove his hand to touch his source. Touching his shoulder, he felt the heat of blood. A disciple threw his sword to the ground, backing off as if it had burnt him. ZiXuan puffed in annoyance. Looking around, he spotted his cousin and quickly paced all the way then led to him.
“Jin JiXun”
“Don’t – you don’t know what he did to me!”
ZiXuan was holding on his arm, the sleeve now crimson red. 
“Why not tell me then?! This is a waste of blood, look!”
JiXun stomped his feet and frowned. He then looked around and pointed to Wei Ying. ZiXuan shook his head and laid his hand on JiXun’s shoulder. 
“Report to a-die and let me deal with his now”
Defeated, Jin JiXun commanded the disciples to mount on their swords and to carry the dead bodies back to Carp Tower. He then turned his head towards Wei WuXian and squinted.
“This is not over”
He then took off, quickly catching up to the disciples and disappearing in the distance.
Wei Ying lightly shoved away Jiang Cheng, who was still holding him, and looked around. There were both fear and anxiety in his eyes. One could dare to say that in that very moment he was oozing resentful energy in the form of black mist surrounding his body. 
“Wei WuXian, they are gone, you can stop worrying now”
Wei WuXian was tongue-tied. They didn’t  know Lan Zhan was there before they had arrived, but he did. They did not know how he just… jumped away and disappeared. What if he was dead? In that case, Wei Ying would have never forgiven himself. In the end, WangJi was there only because of him.
“Lan Zhan… have you seen him somewhere?”
“It was us who saved you, not him. Aren’t we worthy enough to save the great YiLing Patriarch? Wei WuXian, you really are –”
The sound of leaves being pressed down by footsteps caught their attention. Wen Ning was like a motionless statue, so it was not him for sure. Maybe a disciple left behind? That couldn’t have been either. The steps were too heavy and dragged to be the ones of a young cultivator, as long as the cultivator wasn’t hurt. But if that was the case… 
Jin ZiXuan and Jiang Cheng hurried towards the source of the noise, their swords held tight in their hands. Wei Ying was catching up behind them, and overtook them the very moment they rounded the corner. He looked around restlessly, turning his head back and forth as if he wanted to detach it from his own body. He then froze on the spot and started running.
“Lan Zhan, what – what happened?!”
WangJi’s robe, usually perfectly white, was crimson red where his leg was. He was limping and dragging his foot with dignity. He was not moaning, not even complaining, but his eyes were telling a totally different story. Wei Ying got closer and made him lean on his own body. 
“HanGuang Jun”
As soon as he heard the other two cultivators’ voices, WangJi stiffened and pushed WeiYing aside. 
“Jiang WanYin, Jin ZiXuan”
“Can’t you forget about fucking politesse for once? You are bleeding, for fuck’s sake! And if you let me carry you maybe, just maybe, we will get to Wen Qing before you bleed to death!”
WangJi didn’t dare to clap back. Much to Wei Ying’s surprise, Lan Zhan just laid on his back. Wei WuXian then looked at Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan. 
“Are you coming?”
Jin ZiXuan was tempted to simply mount on his sword and fly away. But then again, he felt too weak and knew he would have risked too much. Wen Qing was the doctor they had met in Gusu. With a cut like his, surely some medical help wouldn’t hurt him. He resorted to nodding. Wei Ying looked at Jiang Cheng and extended his hand towards him.
“What do you think we are, kids or something? I am not holding your hand going into the Burial Mounds”
Jin ZiXuan couldn’t hold in his laughter.
“I think he is asking you to give him back his dizi”
Jiang Cheng puffed and handed back ChenQing to his rightful owner, who started playing it immediately. As soon as he heard the melody, Wen Ning moved as if he had just woken up. He touched his head with his hands. 
“Gong-zi, what happened? My head… hurts”
“We have to go back to Wen Qing. Wen Ning, do you need help standing?”
Wen Ning shook his head, and almost fall to the ground as he did. 
“Jiang Cheng, help him, won’t you?”
Wen Ning felt ashamed and didn’t dare to look at Jiang Cheng’s face. He knew – as he could feel it – that the young sect leader blamed him for Wei WuXian’s change of heart. He made an effort to walk on his own, but ended up almost falling instead. Almost, as Jiang Cheng caught him in time. Wen Ning’s head felt like it was exploding. Sounds and light surrounding him felt dimmed and muffled. He stopped trying and simply gave in, fully relying on Jiang Cheng’s strength. He recalled the time before he had become what he was, he feared Ghost General. He had carried sect leader Jiang on his own shoulders, and later on he had helped his sister with the golden core secret business. Actually, he thought, Jiang-Zhongzhu is right about me. 
“He cares much more about you than he ever did about me”
Jiang Cheng was mad. Wei Ying – his brother – had not only completely ignored him, but also forced him to carry one of his lackeys back to the Burial Mounds. Wen Ning could do nothing but say quiet. Although he knew that wasn’t the truth, surely he wouldn’t have believed him anyway. 
Jin ZiXuan walked cautiously behind Wei WuXian. By doing this, he was sure none of the terrible Wen remnants-soldiers could have gotten onto him. If what his father had heard was correct, the YiLing Patriarch had no less than a thousand soldiers under him, of which at least a few hundreds were fierce corpses like Wen Ning. The only thing he was sure about is that they would never attack their master, and so he tried to stick to him as close as he could. The path steepened and got more and more narrow and obstructed. Jin ZiXuan’s heart was racing. He hated puppets: his memories from the SunShot Campaign were still there, and pretty vivid too. Wei WuXian did notice the nervousness of the cultivator walking up behind him, and he giggled. He wanted to savour the last bit of fear he could take out of that peacock. He knew that, once discovered what the deal of his Burial Mounds was really about, all the fear would have just vanished. Then why not enjoy it while it lasted?
Wen Qing was anxiously looking up at the sky. It was getting late, and neither Wei Ying nor her brother were back. Had something happened to them? She turned to her popo, who was plying with A-Yuan among the lotuses. She smiled briefly and slowly paced her way to the path leading to YiLing City. All of a sudden, she heard sounds of people getting closer – but her relief quickly turned into panic when she noticed two people alone couldn’t have made all that noise. Was it the end? I should run, she thought. Run, tell popo to hide away with A-Yuan; but she was paralysed. The footsteps were getting closer. A head popped out, and Wen Qing’s heart skipped a bit. It was Wei Ying. She stepped furiously towards him, about to scream at his fucking face how fucking dared he to be back this late?! Then she stopped in her track as she noticed he was not alone. He was carrying Lan WangJi on his back, and being followed by Jin ZiXuan. Behind them, Jiang WanYin was aiding Wen Ning.
“Wei Ying, what happened? Why are they covered in blood? Wen Ning! What’s wrong with him? You’d better answer now or I swear I’ll…”
Her brother looked at her straight in the eyes,
“Jie… it was my fault, I lost control and…”
“Wen Qing, there’s no time to explain, Lan Zhan’s leg is badly injured”
As much as she wanted to turn her back on him, something inside her prevented her from doing so. She headed towards the Demon Subduing Cave and told them to follow her. An ambush… She knew nothing good was on their horizon. It was too good to last, she knew it pretty well, but in her heart she hoped it had lasted a while longer. The sound of a body being laid on the rocky bed brought her back to reality. She approached her brother and sent him off to rest. She promised she would have dealt with him later, once she had finished with the other cultivators. She then got close to Lan WangJi and revealed the cut under the now crimson silk. How strange… She had never known Han GuangJun had a crooked leg. Then it dawned on her, and her face hardened.
“Lan-er Gong Zi”
Wei Ying met her eyes. She looked angry, or better, rather displeased.
“That time Wen Chao broke your leg, and the injury got infected down in the cave, what did you do about it?”
Lan Zhan was, if possible, quieter than ever. And paler, Jin ZiXuan thought. He more or less remembered how bad Han GuangJun’s leg was, but thought it had gotten cured long ago. Why was Wen GuNiang bringing it up again?
“I helped him with that by rubbing some of the herbs Wen Ning had stolen from you”
“How many times?”
“…once, half a packet”
She breathed deeply to cool down her temper. 
“That is far from enough! Later, when Lan-er Gong Zi went back to Gusu, did someone check it?” 
Wei Ying shrugged and turned to look at his face again. Lan WangJi was avoiding eye contact as much as he could. He then sighed and shook his head.
“No doubt on why it bleeds so much then! If it wasn’t for Wei Ying, I would have let you lose the leg for good!”
She then humphed and inserted some needles in Lan Zhan’s body, who immediately fell asleep. Jin ZiXuan backed off. His heart had calmed down when the army he expected to see turned out to be farmers, but still noted mentally never to piss off that woman. He looked down at his bloody shoulder and gulped.
“This is the first time I get injured there, I swear on my father”
Wei Ying barely managed to hold in his grin as both Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng rolled their eyes. 
It was late when Wen Qing finished clearing out their wounds. Although Jiang Cheng could have flown back to the Lotus Pier, he had decided to stay. While Wen GuNiang was taking care of Jin ZiXuan, Jiang Cheng walked out of the cave. Wei Ying was looking over Lan Zhan, but caught his half-brother’s movement and got up to follow him. 
“All you were interested in was Wen Ning the last time you came”
Jiang Cheng turned around startled. He had let his guard down, trying to take in all the details he could on his surroundings. How was this forsaken place better than the Lotus Pier? This he couldn’t understand. Wei Ying had made him a promise. How could he just break it like it was nothing? 
“Jiang Cheng, I’ll show you around”
The younger got grabbed by his wrist. He stiffened and looked straight at his half-brother. Their eyes met. He shrugged and followed the lead. Wei Ying showed Jiang Cheng around, explaining how he had managed to farm food that wasn’t too bad tasting. Yet WanYin was too caught up in his own mind to care about the rants of his brother. He still found that place as unappealing as the first time. He snapped back into reality just when Wei WuXian suddenly halted. 
“I… succeeded in growing some lotuses over here too. The seeds might not be edible but offer great protection instead. I was thinking about crafting protective pendants with some of these. I was learning how to carve into them, actually”
Jiang Cheng gently brushed one of the flower with his hands. The colour did seem more ashen than normal, but all in all they were amazing. Obviously, he would have never admitted that out loud, so he just nodded.
“So that is what you are up to now. The terrible YiLing LaoZu selling carved seeds. If only Lan QiRen were here to see this…”
Wei WuXian smiled and handed Jiang Cheng a black box. After his brother had opened it, a puzzled expression printed on his face.
“This is something I am still working on… my gift to little Jin RuLan”
“A… bracelet?”
“Try it on”
Jiang Cheng took out the object and gave him back the box. Only after wearing it did he thought that could have been a trap or a prank Wei Ying was playing on him. He waited, but nothing happened. 
“As I said, these lotus seeds offer great protection. Wear this around and you won’t be attacked, or better not even perceived, by monsters”
“Useless junk”
“Useless for high-skilled cultivators with a powerful golden core. But think about common people, children, elders or… those who lost their core”
“That is ridiculous. Not even our shi-jie would wear one of these”
“Ah? Ah, Jiang Chang, come on! These are actually usef—“
“You should make them into some kind of charm, I would tie one on my sword”
Wei Ying shoved him gently. All of a sudden, Jiang Cheng felt a weigh on his leg. He looked down and saw a child sitting on his foot. Interestingly, he was wearing one of Wei Ying’s terrible bracelets, which didn’t look that bad, after all.
“A-Yuan! If you keep doing that, I am going to start assuming you like others more than me”
“That would mean this child had great taste”
“Wei-GeGe, shi-jie is asking for Wei-GeGe! It’s for You-Qian-GeGe”
Jin JiXun jumped down his sword and run up the stairs leading to his shushu. His chest was aching, and so was his pride. Why did his cousin have to meddle in his business? No sooner had her got at the top of the flight of stairs when he met Jin GuangYao. Their eyes locked, and the boy gave him a tense smile.
“Be back already?”
Jin JiXun humphed.
“I need to see Jinshu now”
GuangYao, JiXun thought, had paled, and his smile cracked. 
“Of course. Well, die is busy discussing with ZeWu Jun but he will have you as soon as–”
Jin GuangYao got ignored as Jin JiXun headed inside Fragrance Hall. He kneeled in front of his sect leader.
“Jin JiXun?”
“Jinshu! We can’t have the YiLing LaoZu coming over for A-Ling’s first month celebration! Look, look what he did to me!”
Jin JiXun tore apart his upper garment to reveal holes in his body. Jin GuangShan gasped loudly, whispering something.
“His Ghost General also killed some of our disciples!”
Jin GuangShan’s expression had darkened. But, as XiChen noticed, he didn’t look unpleased.
“And how did this happen?”
“I went to YiLing to confront him on what he had done! But he… he denied it! He is so shameless, and dared to say he didn’t even know who I was! Then, he started playing his dizi and the Ghost General attacked us, we had no option but to fight back!”
“He really is shameless indeed. Where is ZiXuan? Quick, call him. After this, he might think about reconsidering the invitation”
“A-Die, Jin ZiXuan followed after Jin JiXun but still hasn’t come back”
Jin JiXun tried his best to hide a guilty expression. 
“Cousin? He… got hurt and decided to stay and talk to that Wei WuXian. It was him who told me to come back, Jinshu, or else I would have never left him there alone!”
GuangShan exhaled, his fist clenched around the hilt of his sword.
“Jin zongzhu, there is no need to worry. My brother WangJi is there too. Just one thing, I hope you will forgive my bluntness here. Jin JiXun, you said your course has been set on you by Wei gong-zi… but have you got any proof?” Jin JiXun’s ears turned red as he launched a killer glare towards XiChen. The Lan sect cultivator gave back a polite smile.
“I – Well no, but that guy Wei Ying is so powerful as to remove the backslash the case had on his body for sure. I just know it was him! Who else would do such a thing?”
XiChen bowed his head to thank him and sat down. The atmosphere was getting tense, everybody could feel that. Yet that moment, unexpectedly, Jin GuangYao entered the room followed by some servants. They were carrying some alcohol and, for XiChen, tea. GuangYao smiled and bowed slightly.
“I think we should discuss this when Jin-ge is back. Meanwhile, let’s enjoy something to drink”
Wen Qing’s hands moved quickly on Lan Zhan’s leg injury. She was focused and trying to do her very best. When Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying rushed back into the cave, her impassible expression was giving away her effort. Lan WangJi carelessness was not helping her, and Jin ZiXuan’s questions weren’t either.
“Wei Ying, if you want him to be able to walk again, I must not be interrupted no longer”
At first, Wei WuXian thought about screaming at her for deceiving him into thinking something had happened to WangJi. But then he actually saw how committed she was, and simply smiled. Getting her hint, he then grabbed ZiXuan by his sleeve and dragged him outside. And so they were, the three of them, alone together and, for once, not at each other’s throats. It was weird, Wei Ying thought. They stayed quiet for quite a while.
“It’s bad you missed out on the wedding”
WeiYing turned around to look at Jin ZiXuan’s face. He thought the buy would be smirking ironically, but he wasn’t. Actually, he looked pretty sincere. 
“I am being serious. YanLi was… oh right, you already know. She mentioned she had shown you the dress”
Wei WuXian didn’t know what to say. He had never had a peaceful conversation with ZiXuan. Still, he wanted to know more about the wedding: it was his shi-jie’s after all. 
“You can still tell me”
Jin ZiXuan wasn’t expecting that, but he was glad Wei Ying had asked. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have known what to say. Talking to Jiang Cheng, he had found out that YanLi was the easiest topic for him to discuss. He smiled and looked into the distance.
“Her dress was shining, and her smile, it was bright. We said our vows and kowtowed thrice, but her smile never faded. We danced around the red lanterns, and kept dancing. In the end, it was just the two of us. We never stopped, not even when the celebration died over and the musicians were dismissed. It was actually my father who had to stop us. If it wasn’t for him, I would have never let her leave my hand. I was… too nervous to eat that night, and we had both goy lost in our dance. When hunger kicked in, she led me to the kitchen and started cooking. She blushed when she noticed I was following her every movement, and laughed. I guess we weren’t being silent enough, and WanYin discovered us. We shared a bowl of YanLi’s soup and enjoyed it quietly. She and WanYin then told me about YunMeng, and then–”
“Hm, there’s no need to mention this last part, don’t you think? It was late and I had drunk too much, it’s not like I meant what I said!”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and hid his face half in the shadow. Yet, as Wei Ying noticed, his ears had turned red and his hands were twitching anxiously.
“Ah, Jiang Cheng, what did you do this time, sparred with ZiXuan because he had eaten up all your ribs?”
Jin ZiXuan laughed silently and gazed over the two boys. They were the closest he had ever seen them in months, and all because of YanLi. He told himself he would tell his wife that.
“So there is no army here”
It was ZiXuan who had broken the peaceful silence in between them. Wei Ying stiffened and pressed his fingers on ChenQing. 
“Still, everybody believes there is one. They should come here and see how it’s actually like. I mean… I had heard WanYin telling YanLi how hard you had worked, but I had thought he was just comforting her”
Wei Ying turned his head in disbelief. Jiang Cheng had told shi-jie about it? He smirked, and reminded himself to buy more tea for future guests. 
When Wen Qing called again, Wei Ying told Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan he would go alone. 
"Wei Ying, you stay here with him. The effect of the needles should wear off soon. Are they staying here tonight?"
Wei WuXian sit next to Lan Zhan and nodded. He had asked them if they were going back to LanLin City or Lotus Pier.
"What now, don't you want us here?"
Wei Ying had lifted his gaze and met Jiang Cheng's. Much to his surprise, all the hostility he could feel before was gone.
"What do you mean?"
"The night is falling and that guy there is hurt. Do you want to get us both killed? You won't have it that easy. We are staying"
Wen Qing gave Wei Ying a surprised look.
"I... must say I wasn't expecting that for sure. Uhm, I'll go tell Wen Ning to prepare more food. You... just don't let him walk away on his own two legs. Carry him over to eat something if he feels like it. His leg is healing, not fully healed yet"
"Thank you, Wen Qing"
She took her leave, and left Wei Ying alone with Lan Zhan. He cleared his forehead from a couple of strands of hair, stuck there because of the sweat. Then, he untied his headband and carefully folded it, laying it on a table nearby. He touched the careful cloud-shaped carvings in the metal and smiled. He had imagined Lan Zhan to be the only one to spend the night there. After all, who would want to sleep vulnerably in the YiLing LaoZu's den? Plus, he knew almost too well who he was dealing with. Jiang Cheng and his pride. Jin ZiXuan and his... peacockiness. He had assumed they would have left right after Jin ZiXuan's injury was healed; but he stood corrected. Maybe it was a test. Something to see if he had actually survived and thriven in an environment such as the Burial Mounds. Something to prove he was not lying or hiding something away. Wei WuXian pressed his hards on his eyes and rubbed them slowly. Old acquaintances coming over, and he was not ready. It was like the life he had had before being thrown into that forsaken land was kicking in again, wanting to be back. But how could he just be back? He was in full control of his power, or was he? A flash segment of Wen Ning being out of control played in his mind. What if Lan Zhan hadn't been there to help him? He could have ended up killing both Jin ZiXuan and Jiang Cheng. He just couldn't be back for good. But attending Jin Ling's first month celebration wasn't being back for good, right? And instead of Wen Ning, to avoid mishaps, he was considering bringing along A-Yuan. It was high time the child saw what the world was really about. And the celebration offered the best opportunity. He would be safe. As long as he was alive he would never have let Wen Yuan get hurt.  
A low moan distracted him from his train of thought. He turned his head and saw Lan Zhan was moving slightly, raising his arm in an effort to get the needles out. Wei Ying smiled and helped him.
“Are you feeling better already?”
WangJi nodded and extended his arm to gently caress his leg. It was there, still attached to his body. He exhaled in relief and tried to get up in a sitting position. As he was about to raise his back from the bed, his head spun and he fell back down. Wei Ying let out a burst of quiet laughter.
“Lan Zhan, let me help you”
WangJi stiffened, but Wei WuXian had already leaned forward and embraced him. He looked away. Soon enough, he was sitting on the bed, his gaze inquiring on the place he had bee moved to. It felt darker and messier than the last time he had visited.
“Ayo Lan Zhan? Lan Zhan!”
“You are not wearing your forehead ribbon”
WangJi’s fingers flew to his head, a movement quick enough to make his arm feel weak. He looked around and threw himself towards the blue ribbon as soon as he spotted it. However, the effect of acupuncture still hadn’t worn off, and Lan Zhan could not get himself to grab what he wanted. Wei Ying, noticing that, giggled and picked up the object with his own hands, gently stroking the cloud. WangJi grew paler and tried to say something, but all the words were stuck in his throat.
“Lan Zhan, why do you care so much about a stupid forehead ribbon? Do you all take that much pride in being Gusu Lan Sect Disciples? Or does this have perhaps a hidden meaning? Huh? Ahh, I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Here, come, I’ll tie this up for you. Do you really think I’d let Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan see you not wearing it? You really think too low of me”
As much as WangJi wanted, it was as if his tongue was tied. He closed his eyes and felt the familiar weight of the ribbon laying on his forehead and tying his hair. He thought about telling Wei Ying what their ribbon meant, and how it was more than just an identification. But then again, deep inside he knew Wei WuXian couldn’t actually be unaware of its real meaning. He knew Wei Ying was teasing him as he always did with everybody else. 
“Now, let’s see… Lan Zhan, quick, get your arms around my neck”
“Wei Ying!”
That was too much. Lan WangJi’s patience quickly went dry as he pushed himself out of the bed. He was standing in front of Wei WuXian… which only lasted a second as, both because of his weakness and the sharp pain in his leg, he started falling. He would have surely hit the ground if Wei ying hadn’t quick caught him in his arms.
“Lan WangJi! What do you think you are doing?! Wen Qing told me you cannot walk on your own – now, hold onto me while I carry you to dinner. See how weak you are, you would use eating some food!”
Lan Zhan obeyed, his head still dizzy. He felt Wei WuXian lifting him on his back while holding his hands “to prevent you from falling again”. WangJi kept quiet as Wei Ying slowly paced all the way to where everybody was gathered to eat. The moon was already shining, and the air was still. Lan Zhan took a deep breath and relaxed, leaning completely on his companion’s back.
Jin ZiXuan’s helping to get things ready for dinner had come as a surprise for everybody. Jiang Cheng in particular had thought that, hearing Wen Qing’s request, he would have mounted on his sword and flown back to LanLing City to be pampered. Yet, Zixuan had smiled and nodded, sticking to what Lady Wen had told him to do. After a moment of astonishment, Jiang Cheng had too gone to help. And now, as they sat down altogether in the big hall, he felt at peace. It had been a long time since he had last had such an informal dinner with that many people. Perhaps the very first time he had shared his food with so many non cultivators. The same to an extent went for Jin ZiXuan. During that last period, he had had dinner with YanLi in their room every night, just the two of them, and he had learnt how to lay the table just to help her. She would cradle Jin Ling in her arms while following her husband busy with the table. YanLi would have been so proud of him – and this, well, he added this as well to the things he was going to tell her about. Although he was anxious, he had managed to carry out a fairly good job. He had buzzed Lady Wen with half a million questions, afraid to mess up – but in the end, she too looked rather satisfied. 
“Wei Ying should be here any minute now. Wen Ning, is the food ready?”
As an answer, some Wen remnants came in carrying in many and many plates. These were put in the middle of the tables, so that everybody could enjoy a share. Wen Qing smiled and sat next to Jin ZiXuan.
“I hope you’ll like it. It may taste a little spicy, but that’s the way we cover the bitterness of what we grow”
Though he had never liked spices too much, Jin ZiXuan found himself loving the flavour combination. The food was simple, yet very rich… something he had never had before.
“Thank you, Wen GuNiang. This dish… can I ask who cooked it?”
“It was my brother, Wen Ning”
Both he and Jiang Cheng exchanged a confused look, before diving back into their bowls. 
They were halfway through dinner when Wei Ying came in, carrying Lan WangJi on his back. He made him sit and took up the place next to him. Turning around, he smiled and thanked some cultivators before filling up a bowl for himself.
“Lan-Er Gong Zi, if you don’t mind waiting a moment more, your dish is coming”
Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan turned their heads, staring at Wen Qing. Suddenly, Wen Ning entered the cave carrying a bowl with his hands. He put it in front of WangJi, and bowed before leaving once again. Lan Zhan looked up at Wen Qing and repeated the gesture right before getting to his dish. Wei WuXian shrugged his shoulders.
“Wen Ning is a great cook, am I right, Jiang Cheng?”
His brother humphed, annoyed. Jin ZiXuan, on the other hand, nodded swiftly.
“Seeing where this food is grown, I would have expected it to taste awful. But the truth is, this does not taste that bad after all”
Wei Ying’s eyes widened. Was ZiXuan going crazy?
“It’s not like he actually did something. All the work was theirs, and Lady Wen’s, and obviously the Ghost General’s, too. Since his contribution was so little, I am not surprised by the good taste and atmosphere”
Jiang Cheng’s voice was unusually ironic as he side-eyed Wei Ying, checking up on each of his movements and expressions. He had missed his brother, even though he was still not ready to deeply accept it. YiLing was not far from YunMeng, but since YanLi’s wedding dress revelation he hadn’t gone looking for him once. All he wanted to do was to avoid the awkwardness among the two of them. Luckily, QiongQi Path ambush served as a perfect occasion of doing exactly that. Jiang Cheng thought that, perhaps, he could have some rumours spread around about YanLi visiting Lotus Pier. After all, what better stance to invite his brother for a talk?
All of a sudden, a shadow ran quickly towards where they were sitting.
“Gege, gege! Look, look what A-Yuan has in his hands!” 
With that claim, the little child threw himself on Lan WangJi’s lap and started to play with his grass butterfly. He smiled while staring directly back at Lan Zhan.
“A-Yuan! Stop pestering everybod– oh, Gongzi, excuse little A-Yuan…”
“Popo, don’t worry, go back to eat. Lan Zhan is already used to that little brat. A-Yuan, why don’t you ever show your Wei-Gege this much love? You don’t like your Wei-Gege, is it?”
Wei Ying’s face curved into a small pout. Jiang Cheng gladly noticed that the childish side of his brother was still there, untouched. What he used to do with shi-jie, he thought, he must to now with that child. But still… who was that child? He had come calling for Wei WuXian before, sent by Wen Qing. Jiang Cheng remembered him from the first visit he had made. Back thee, thee child had tried to hold his leg, but he had scoffed him away before he could manage to. Such a clingy boy… where were his parents? Jiang Cheng looked around, and noticed many eyes lying on the child, all with a kind of familiar protection. It could have been that…
“Wei Gege never buys A-Yuan toys! You-Qian-Gege is better than Wei Gege!”
“Y-You-Qian-Gege? Who is You-Qian-Gege?”
Jin ZiXuan looked over at Lan WangJi’s unbothered expression, as he was finishing up his soup. That child was almost as shameless as Wei WuXian… how could such a respectable cultivator bear with that? 
“You-Qian-Gege is You-Qian-Gege! You-Qian-Gege bought A-Yuan new toys, You-Qian-Gege is the best Gege!”
“Han GuangJun, how shameless of you to steal my child! A-Yuan, if you don’t come to me now i’ll have you sleep with the radishes!”
The child showed his tongue to Wei Ying, then got up and run back to his popo, who was offering some fruit. Lan WangJi followed the child with his eyes, smiling swiftly before turning back once again. 
Soon after, one of the Wen remnants offered Wei WuXian some alcohol. Smiling, he accepted, took the vase and started pouring some of the translucent liquid into each glass.
“This wine is good wine, you should all try it… Lan Zhan, you don’t worry, I’ll drink your glass myself”
And so he did, raising the ceramic cup as all the others did and took it all down his throat. Jiang Cheng had never tasted anything like that. The flavour was strong yet delicate, so fruity… hadn’t he known where the wine was made, he would have never guessed. The three cultivators filled up their cups again, and again, and again under Lan Zhan’s emotionless gaze. Unsurprisingly, the alcohol had little effect on Wei WuXian. After all, he was used to drinking much more than that. Jin ZiXuan too looked almost unbothered, unaffected, as though he hadn’t been drinking. Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, seemed to be pretty wasted. Both his cheeks and his nose were bright red, and he was getting pretty talkative. He had tried to stand up and ask for yet another cup of alcohol, but he had lost his balance and had fallen to the ground on top of Jin ZiXuan. 
“Jiang Cheng, you drank too much, go rest now, or else you’ll hate yourself in the morning”  
Then, it downed on Wei Ying that he hadn’t set up any guest room for his, well, guests. He turned to Wei Qing and immediately got up.
“Right, the room– I have to go to a place to check a thing, please don’t let him do anything stupid or better, anything at all”
Much to Jin ZiXuan’s surprise, Wei WuXian ran out of the cave. He kept running all the way to the other cave, his cave, where what he dared to call a mattress was lying on the floor. The mattress was no more than clumps of straw woven together by popo and some of the Wen cultivators. Right on the left there was his second mattress, the emergency one, in case the first caught up in flames or something. He stocked up the two straw beds and dragged them out the cave directly into one of the wooden houses they were building. He placed down the beds, threw on them his pillows – vegetable yarn bags filled with old fabric – and laid down some sheets popo had woven. He looked around at the room and was quite pleased with himself. Not too bad, he thought. He was hoping that the peacock would not complain about the accommodation. Wei Ying was not expecting any guest after all, and having three was kind of a big deal to him. If that pampered jerk Jin ZiXuan could not understand that, he told himself, he could well fly back to his room in LanLing. He couldn’t care less. But still… he silently wished he could do better. He walked back to where the others were, still smiling but a bit more serious. He had thought he could have well hidden the misery of the Burial Mounds behind thee beautiful scenery and the wonderful people but the truth was, he couldn’t. It wasn’t Jin ZiXuan’s approval he was looking for, he was sure about that. He simply wanted his siblings to feel like he was okay and not missing anything, he wanted them to think that he was enjoying his life as an outcast to his fullest. Jiang Cheng, he could stand him hinting the truth – but if it was about shi-jie, that was something he simply wouldn’t accept. Wei Ying didn’t want her to suffer because of something she couldn't change. That was where all his tension was coming from, and he didn’t like it. He closed his eyes and breathed in the chilly breeze of the night. 
“Jin ZiXuan, Jiang Cheng, I’ll show you to your rooms”
So, what Wen-guniang had told them was indeed true, after all.
“Wei Ying won’t have you sleep in his Demon Subduing Palace. He never lets people in if not for given reasons. He dwells and thrives in all the chaos– whereas the only thing I get from there is a headache”
Jin ZiXuan had thought that they might well be one of the given reasons Wen-guniang had named. To his surprise, he discovered they actually weren’t. He opened the flimsy door which screeched and crashed into the wall. Everything was made out of wood. The place held itself together – or so Jiang Cheng hoped. Those wood chunks on the ceiling weren’t small, and being buried underneath seemed everything but desirable. The two gazed over at the beds they had to sleep on for the night, which looked rather hard. And felt the same way, Jiang Cheng observed, sitting on one of thee two hay mattresses. 
Wei Ying was rocking on his own two feet in a seemingly embarrassed way. He got closer to the both of them and laughed nervously.
“I wouldn’t sleep without the sheets on if I were you, nights here at The Burial Mounds do get pretty cold and I would hate for you to freeze to death… and well, shijie would hate me as well”
Jiang Cheng scoffed. Not even by killing the both of them, he thought, would YanLi be able to get mad at Wei Ying. Deep inside, he admired this of her. He would never admit it though, especially in front of his half brother. He wished forgiving was as easy as criticising those terrible beds.
Jin ZiXuan, on the other hand, didn’t mind their hardness. Sure, he was used to sleeping on feather mattresses with silk and woollen sheets cleaned fresh every night, but what he was experiencing that very moment wasn’t so bad. 
“I don’t see a third bed. Is Lan WangJi joining us here, or…?”
“Wen Qing insisted he stay in the Palace. I have put several talismans on the rock bed there, they help with the healing of wounds, and make qi flow better”
“Huh! That is the reason the YiLing Patriarch recovered from the injury I inflicted him in so little time, isn’t it?”
Wei Ying laughed, but it seemed forced. He turned his back to them and paced back to the door.
“I have to get Lan Zhan back to the cave before he falls asleep. See you in the morning”
He closed the wooden panel behind his back and sighed, sticking his hands into his pockets. The bed her put talismans on, down in the cave… it was what kept his qi flowing. The resentful energy within him, when he lost control, threatened to break him up and tear him apart into a million pieces. The only way he had to contrast that was by lying on that cold surface and meditate. But he couldn’t tell Jiang Cheng, so he just went back to find Lan Zhan.  
“Lan-er gongzi, if you don’t mind me asking… why wasn’t your wound healed?”
The hall was empty, it was just the two of them, still Wen Qing whispered her question. WangJi lifted his eyes from the table to look at her face. 
“Matter of priorities”
Wen Qing nodded, intending on respecting his boundaries. He clearly didn’t want to talk about what had happened – and she was completely fine with it. She actually admired him and his collectiveness. Nobody dared to stir up trouble where HanGuang Jun could see.
“Thank you, Wen guniang”
“Don’t, I did what I had to”
“…I meant for Wei Ying”
Wen Qing was speechless, and turned her head to look directly at him. Thanking her… for Wei WuXian? Even though it was her fault that he was now in the Burial Mounds with them, and not win Lotus Pier with his brother? Maybe, she thought, maybe he doesn’t know that. She was about to ask him why, why thanking her? when Wei Ying walked in, playing with ChenQing in his left hand. Her question silently died buried deep down in her throat.
“Wei Ying, I would advise you to change the talismans. Newer ones are more effective”
“Right, right… Lan Zhan, mount back on my back”
WangJi looked at Wen Qing and quickly bowed his head right before being carried out in the night. She sighed deeply and sat down, that moment still replaying in her head. 
“Forgive me”
Her whisper got lost in the width of the cave. What for? Everything, she answered. It was her fault Wei Ying was there, it was her fault she couldn’t care for her brother well enough, it was her fault he had died and had been brought back as a ghost, it was her fault and no one else’s. She liked to pretend Wei Ying and she were equal when truthful she knew that she owed him just so much. He had saved his brother countless times, and her too. He had freed her people, given them a place where to stay, binding himself there, far away from his former life. He had given up his family and friends for them. He had given up everything for her. She got up and looked around. All the candles had already been put out, and the moon was lighting up everything in white. She smiled and set off headed to her brother.
Wei Ying didn’t intend to go back to the Palace right away. He surely was going to let Lan Zhan rest, but he had to do something before. Counting on Lan Zhan to trust him, he leaped in the air. The boy on his back was caught off-guard and tensed, still relaxed immediately. Deep inside, he knew Wei Ying meant him no harm. The two landed on a rooftop, and sat one next to the other. The pale moon was shining bright upon them, lighting up the blackness of the sky. Wei WuXian breathed deeply and closed his eyes as the cold air filled his lungs. He really liked the feeling of freedom the roof gave him. It made him feel as if nothing had happened, as if he still were the young boy messing around Lotus Pier and the Cloud Recesses. He got ChenQing out of his waist belt and made it spin around.
“Wei Ying, where is SuiBian?”
Wei WuXian smiled sadly at the mood, before turning to the white-robed cultivator with a smirk.
“Didn’t want to bring it around. Plus, we are not in QingHe, LanLing, Gusu or YunMeng. Here, it’s me who makes the rules”
He then started playing his dizi. It was his routine, and nobody seemed to mind it. The song he played was… a song he remembered, but didn’t know where from. While playing, his eyes were closed and his body relaxed. Lan Zhan was tempted to stroke his hair and braid it. He had seen xianxiong do the same to ChiFeng Zun every time they thought they were alone. Although WangJi knew that, had he tried to touch the boy’s hair, he would have ended up pulling them and forcing him into a kiss. He shook his head and concentrated on the music. As soon as the first few notes played out, his eyes went blank, staring at Wei Ying. Was the boy teasing him? The song he was playing was the one he had personally written and sang just once in that cave. Was that on purpose, just to play with his feelings? Or was it… on purpose? Lan WangJi stopped his thoughts in their track before they could get too wild and give him hope.
“Lan Zhan, is this song from Gusu? I remember hearing it somewhere, but I really don’t know where”
“Ayo Lan Zhan! Why are you always like this, ah?”
WangJi didn’t answer. Wei Ying gazed over, but soon gave up, noticing no reaction. He rose and stretched his spine. 
“We should go… wow Lan Zhan, is ten minutes past your bedtime, how are you still awake? You are holding up pretty well, you know?”
The truth was, WangJi was feeling tired. His eyes were drowsing off and his head felt light. He shrugged quickly without saying a word. Next thing he knew, he was once again lying on the other boy’s back. He let himself be carried down the roof directly into the Demon Subduing Palace, ad laid down on the rocky bed. He scooted over to one side so as to leave enough space for Wei Ying. Where else would the boy sleep, on the floor?
“Lan Zhan, what are you doing? You can use up all the space you want – I’ll just sleep on the ground”
“But Lan Zhan, if Lan QiRen knew you and I slept together what would he think? Isn’t it against your 3000 clan rules?”
Stubbornly, Lan Zhan got up and tugged Wei Ying’s sleeve, pulling him towards himself.
“Ahahah… ah? Lan-Er Gege, do you really want Wei Ying to sleep with you?”
Wei WuXian quickly thought up a strategy to avoid sharing the bed. He knew Lan Zhan needed to sleep comfortably, or else his injury wouldn’t be healed by the day after. He also knew that Lan Zhan, being the fuddy-duddy he was, despised everything that was against the rule. And what could be more against the rule than the YiLing Patriarch himself? Plus, getting flirtatious was too easy for him anyway.
“Lan-Er Gege, if you insist so much then WeiYing will be pleasured to fulfil your desire and sleep with you”
He tried not to laugh imagining Lan Zhan’s face. He was turning his back to him, and slowly getting rid of his over coat. He had already opened the belt, and proceeded to undressing one arm at the time. What he couldn’t see was WangJi’s foolish gaze all over his body. The white-robed cultivator was beyond speechless. His throat felt veery dry, his hands sweaty, and his eyes unable to drift away from the boy. He was tempted to get up, push him hard against the wall and make him beg for mercy, make him scream, make him… he forced himself to calm down. He knew Wei Ying too well to ignore the game he was playing: had he given something away, the boy would have gotten away with sleeping on the floor. But still, it was getting harder and harder. Wei WuXian was purposely wearing him out. He knew his sleep routine, and his leg injury added to his tiredness. Yet WangJi could not lose. He didn’t want the boy to be uncomfortable in his own home.
“Wei Ying, time to sleep”
Wei WuXian turned his head and dropped the coat. He was now just wearing the lighter part of his clothing set, with nothing underneath.
“But you are still dressed, Lan-Er Gege… let Wei Ying help you out of that heavy and dirty robe”
This was the last card he had to play, and he hoped not to fail again. Wei Ying paced closer, his insecurities magnifying as he noticed Lan Zhan was just not reacting. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What had he gotten himself into? He unleashed his belt and opened his coat, slightly stroking his chest. He swallowed and tried to get it off him. Again, not even a flinch. 
“Aah okay, okay you won! I’ll sleep here with you, but please, please say something!”
Wei WuXian puffed and laid next to WangJi, holding back a laugh. A few minutes later he turned to check on the boy. He had intended to sneak out of the bed whilst he was sleeping. As he was about to get out, he felt something tugging on his sleeve. Could it be… as if he had read his mind, Lan Zhan was holding the fabric of his robe with his hand. Wei Ying could have gotten away if he wanted, but that would have meant bothering Lan Zhan’s sleep, and he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. After all, it’s just a night, he thought, staring blankly at the ceiling.
The morning came through eventually. Wei Ying mentally agreed on that he hadn’t slept that well in ages. Maybe, it was because he just wasn’t used to getting a healthy amount of sleep; or maybe… he yawned and turned around, now facing Lan Zhan. He suddenly gasped and almost fell down the bed when he noticed the boy staring back at him.
“L-Lan Zhan! How long have you been awake? Why didn’t you – oh, oh”
True. Wei WuXian had never been one to stay put, not even in his sleep. All the tossing and turning he must have had during the night had caught Lan WangJi’s harm underneath his body, preventing the boy from getting up without waking the other up. Wei Ying got up fast and dusted off his clothes. Only the did he notice neither of them were wearing their over coats. What exactly had happened the night before? It took him a while to figure out but, as soon as he did, his cheeks turned pinkish. Shit. How could he disrespect Lan Zhan that way?What exactly was he thinking? He gazed over the boy and caught him putting on his robe. He quickly got himself to do the same, and coughed in embarrassment. 
“Did… you sleep well, Lan Zhan? How’s your leg? Wait, you should stay laid down until she comes – ayo, Lan Zhan where are you going? Really – no, wait, fuck Lan Zhan! – you don’t want her to scream at you again! Lan Zha-an!”
He quickly run behind the white-robed boy, who has heading to the main hall. Judging by the way he was walking, the injury seemed fine, Still, he thought, why had he gotten up before Wen Qing could come and check his leg? And about that, where was Wen Qing anyway? When the boy halted, Wei Ying quickly moved to his side, ready to catch him in case he had shown any lack of strength. He gazed in the hall, and noticed everybody was already there, enjoying their breakfast. Noticing their arrival, Wen Qing lifted her head from the plate and smiled.
“Han GuangJun, it was nice of you to wait until Wei Ying had awoken to come and have breakfast… now sit, don’t stress your leg too much. I did what I could. When you are done eating, Jin GongZi e Jiang Ch– clan leader Jiang will personally accompany you to Carp Tower. There, they will make sure you get the proper assistance”
“Too much trouble”
Wei Ying looked around, confused. He– what? Lan Zhan had waited for him to wake up before getting up himself? And if Wen Qing knew, it mean that… she had seen them, walked right on them while they were sleeping together. Okay, not sleeping together, sharing a bed… while being really close to each other, and not so dressed. He told himself he should address that once everybody was gone. As for then, he just laughed nervously and took a sit, watching as Lan Zhan occupied the space next to him. After all he had done, WangJi was still willing to be at his side. Wei Ying smiled.
“Jiang Cheng, wait– wait!”
Jiang Cheng turned his head, annoyed. What else, why was Wei Ying preventing them from leaving, once again? He puffed and mounted his sword.
“YiLing Laozu, you are so shameless! Better be quick, we were meant to leave at least half an hour before you stopped us the first time, and that was two hours ago”
Wei WuXian laughed ironically.
“Shut up! If you don’t want to talk to me, I’ll speak to Jin ZiXuan. What I have to say does not concern you anyway!”
“Wei Ying, you– ”
Wei WuXian struck out his tongue and got closer to Jin ZiXuan, Much to the boy’s surprise, he then got pretty quiet. He seemed nervous, almost anxious, as he fidgeted with a little lotus seed he was holding in his hand.
“Jin ZiXuan, as for the invitation to Jin Ling’s celebration… I wanted to bring somebody along. This is me asking for your permission to take him with me”
Him? ZiXuan’s heart stopped in his track. What if Wei WuXian had meant to take with him the Ghost General? Not that Wen Ning – because that was his name, right? – had done anything wrong, but… it just felt safer to know the guy was in the Burial Mounds, and not taking part to the ceremony. Yet, as he was about to answer, he felt something weighing on his leg and holding him down to the ground. He looked down and noticed it was the child, little A-Yuan, who had sit on his foot.
“I know he is a Wen but… he is only 4 and has never step a foot out of YiLing. i figured it could be nice for him to come with me. Obviously, it will be I who will answer any misconduct on his side, although I am sure there won’t be any. And well, the infamous YiLing Laozu might also be considered less of a threat if he had a child with him…”
Jin ZiXuan exhaled in relief and managed to smile at least a bit. Wei WuXian was not wrong after all. 
“We will welcome him warmly”
Wei Ying smiled happily. Last time he had seen Wei Ying smiling like that, Lan Zhan noticed, it was when they were in Gusu. His heart skipped a beat, but he managed not to let that show. After Jin ZiXuan was freed from A-Yuan’s grip, they parted, flying into the dance on their sword. Wei Ying was holding A-Yuan in his arms and closed his eyes. No time to rest, he thought, as he quickly run back to finish up Jin Rulan’s present.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Until My Heart Stops Racing
Pairing: Mitch x Mike (or Bitch as I like to call them, ya know cause Believe x Mitch.....nvm lol) 
Fandom: The Powerpuff Girls 
Note: This was a commission for the wonderful @lisathefan who gave me the cutest prompt and I know she loves her crack ships. I hope you enjoy my dear and thanks to my beta, Faxx for helping me! 
Word count: 5538
The car whipped into the parking space, dirt flying around us and I felt my heart rate finally go back to its normal beating. I looked over to Butch who had a goofy grin and ignoring everything he just did.
“Butch your driving is terrible. Now I get why you fly everywhere.” I groaned as I finally got out of the car. “I swear if Brick saw how you drove this thing... actually I don’t want to think about it.” I thought that speeding was illegal but apparently if the cops can’t even see your car, it's a free pass. And being in touch with the puffs might be a bonus we all have.
Butch let out a laugh before locking the car. “Relaxe Mike, what Brick doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” He shrugged and sometimes I wondered how he could even say that. Brick could kill someone with just a glance but when you are a superhuman, and his brother, maybe the effect doesn’t work.
Maybe I should ask Blossom about that.
The beeping of other cars brought me out of my trance as I followed him on the dirt path.
“Anyways, why did you drag me all the way out here?” I turned to see the lights and the signs. “The fair?”
In front of me was the entrance to what could only be deemed as a somehow legal way to make people shell out three hundred dollars on cheap food and even cheaper ride systems. Every kid wanted to go to the fair and, yeah, it was fun when you were five, but now that we had just graduated high school, it seemed more dangerous than fun.
“Yeah, why not?”
I glanced at him and he only smiled widely but something in his eyes had mischief written all over it. “What's the deal?”
He sighed and smirked.
“A little birdy told me you got heart eyes for a certain someone.” Butch threw his arm around my shoulder. “And as the king of romance, I’m gonna help you out.”
Theres always a small tinge of fear whenever Butch gets an idea. It either ends badly where someone gets hurt, usually him or bad in the way that we all get in trouble and the notorious Powerpuff Girls have to get us out of it. But this...this was much worse.
“Butch, what did you do?” I said through gritted teeth. He only laughed at me instead of answering and pushed up towards the gates.
“Relax. Look they are here.” He pointed.
I followed his sight and walking up towards us was Buttercup, Robin and Mitch. Butch let out another laugh, probably because he could hear my heartbeat. Fuck superhearing. Of course Robin opened her mouth. You tell a girl while you’re throwing up that you have the biggest crush on your best friend who wears dark leather, has piercings and makes your heart swoon and think that she can keep her mouth shut. But no, she can’t.
“Hey guys.” Butch waves to him before leaving me to wrap his arms around Buttercup and ignore the public by kissing her square on the lips. PDA is always gross unless you’re the one doing it, so I can’t blame them. Also it's funny to watch her smack his arm.
“Sup Mikey.” Robin smiles smugly. Little demon.
“Hey. Hi Mitch.” He gives me a wave and a nod of the head and I have to mentally tell myself not to blush. Stupid hormons.
“Come on you two.” Robin says and grabs my arm and Mitch’s and forces us towards the carnival’s entrance. “Lets go!”
One of the perks to being besties with the puffs is the mass amount of freebies. Buttercup swiftly pulled out a ticket for each of us and handed it to the ticket collector.
“Sweet, free entrance.” Mitch smiled at me and held up his hand for a fist bump.
I gladly returned the gesture and every time I did so, I wondered if he could feel the electric spark between us. God, I need to stop reading romance novels.
“Alright losers. We’ll see you all later tonight, meet up for fireworks at 9?” Buttercup said and apparently everyone already had a plan that I was not aware of.
“Sounds good to me!” Butch smirked. “BC and I are going to do coupley stuff no one wants to see and Robin said something about henna soooooo.” He looked at me. “Guess Mitchy boy and Mikey are on their own.” I didn’t miss his wink and before I could protest, everyone was walking away.
My mind was now racing as I tried to comprehend what was happening. I realized in this moment that the group had ganged up on us, well specifically me. Mitch probably didn’t even think twice as the group broke up but they were out of their minds if they thought something was going to happen.
“Wanna hit the rides?” He asked.
I take a breath before nodding. We turn into the direction of the ride area and I have to remind myself that he is just a friend. A friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I usually have my emotions in check but for some reason, they want to act up now. All I have to do is get through tonight without embarrassing myself or giving Butch the satisfation of him being the king of romance. As if that were possible.
The area is buzzing with so much energy. There’s little kids whining and screams coming from the various rides. The smells of corn dogs, popcorn and, oddly enough, waffles mixed in the air and I can’t tell if it smells good or not but I know my pockets are gonna be much lighter by the end of the night.
We get into the shortest line for the tickets and it's truly a scam that each ride is a separate cost.
“I don’t feel like dying tonight so I think two rides is good for me.” Mitch says and I laugh a little because it's true. Just watching the swings makes me feel like one of them unhinge and plummet to the ground but that's what I get for being a paranoid person.
“I feel you. How about the rollercoaster and ummm... the spinning ride?” I suggest.
“Sounds good to me.” He smiles and god fucking dammit, those damn dimples.
The line moves as we chat about the newest horror movie coming into theaters and how Mitch saw a certain pair of redheads making out in a car.
“Wait for real?”
“I swear to god dude.” He raised his hand. “Unless some other chick wears a big ass bow, it has to be them.”
“Interesting.” I smile and soon we get called next.
“Hi there boys, how many tickets can I get ya?” the older woman asks.
“Ten.” Mitch says and I reach into my pocket to grab my wallet, that may or may not have a photo of all of our friends and definitely not for the reason that I can see his face at any given time, but Mitch stops me and places the cash in the tin. “I got it.” he says casually and something inside me felt all warm and fuzzy as the row of blue tickets was handed to him.
“Have a nice date night.” The woman says as we walk away and I almost do a double take thinking I heard her wrong. But when I look over to Mitch, he seems unaffected by the words so I just let it slide.
The rollercoaster isn’t as grand or cool as the ones at the theme park, it doesn’t even go upside down but it has a good bit of hills and bumps to give some air time so i guess it will do. The only problem is that these workers don’t care and make Mitch and I sit in the same cart as these two younger kids.
After we get the bars onto us, the ride starts to go. In front of us the girl grabs the boy's arm and I give a small eye roll as we start to climb the lift hill.
“Babe I'm scared.” She cries and he wraps an arm around her shoulders and I’ve never been so jealous of middle schoolers before.
“These carts are so damn small.” Mitch complains. And it's true. The two of us squished in this together leaves no space for our arms. The pressure of our shoulders touching isn’t too bad but it's to the point it almost hurts. “Hold on.” He says and I feel him pull his right arm away from mine and throw it behind us. “Sorry this is better.”
“No, it's cool bro.” I say even though I realize that this boy really just made it ten times harder to breath now.
I can barely grasp my surroundings as the rollercoaster takes its first turn before the drop. I can see the ending of the track as we go down but the only thing my brain is processing is the fingers tightening on my shoulder.
“Holy shit.” I mumble hoping that Mitch doesn’t know how he's affecting me.
We let out screams and shouts as we go up and down, flying around on the track and I try to enjoy myself, I really do. Before long, it's over and Mitch reaches his hand out to help me up and I take it with silence.
“That was fun.” He smiles and I am really happy he ignored his moms protests and got that lip piercing. It suits him.
“Yeah.” Is all I can muster and he gives me a look before walking towards the next ride.
Luckily as we enter this ride, there’s more room. Only our knees touch as we buckle in the seatbelt and I feel myself being able to breathe better.
“Good thing we didn’t eat before getting on here.” I laugh as the lights start to flash.
He snorts and nods. “Robin would have blown chunks either way.”
The ride is a simple circular track with small hills. All it does is follow the path and goes around pretty fast. Simple but a classic. The music begins and soon we feel the cart shift. I'm sitting on the right while Mitch is on the left, next to the exit and he wiggles off his black beanie just for good measure. His light brown hair, slightly damaged from dying it black back in freshman year, is ruffled from hat hair and my god is it cute.
“Fucking love this ride.” Mitch smiles and it begins to pick up the pace.
Soon, we are at full speed, which is fine. Perfectly fine. Except for the fact that the gravity from the ride is pulling me towards Mitch and no matter how tight I hold on, I end up smacked against him. Shoulders touching and I can clearly smell his cologne. It's the scent of sandalwood and campfire and my god does it smell heavenly. Men just smell like nature and I am more than okay with that.
But Mitch doesn’t mind, because why would he? Instead he's laughing and truly enjoying the ride. I smile and laugh too because honestly, it's just fun to spend time with him. The ride is over faster than I wanted and we hop off, slightly dizzy and I walk a little out of line but he catches my arm and pulls me to him.
“Easy dude.” He chuckles and I nudge him playfully and ruffle his hair before he plops on his beanie. Goodbye cute hat hair.
All of a sudden, my shoulder is hit. It was a pretty hard smack and my body jolted to the side as Mitch grabbed me from falling.
“Look a bunch of homos.” I look up and realize that it's some assholes from our school.
Duke Jones and Mark Dalton. Some of the few people who actually try to be douchebags on the regular.
My eyes do heavy eye rolls and I want to scream at them but I've never been a confronting person. My voice is in my throat but Mitch takes a step forward, his hand never leaving my arm.
“And what of it? Really dudes? You think some lame insult is gonna hurt our feelings. You’re lucky I don’t just kick your ass, better enough I can call Buttercup in a second and have your bodies all the way across this place. Grow the fuck up and maybe don’t choke on your toxic masculanity.” He sneered and sometimes I forget that Mitch can be pretty intimidating.
Their eyes widened as Mitch pulled out his phone to show BC’s number. They mutter something before turning and rushing off in a hurry.
“You okay?” He asks me.
“Yeah.” I say. “Sorry you got caught in that.”
“It's not a big deal.”
But it is. It's not a secret that I'm out and proud. Yeah its cool and all to not have to be closeted, even Princess came out last year so its nice to know that someone higher up won’t pick on me, but even then, it sucks. No matter where I go in life, someone will be there with a flame thrower of slurs or anger for something I didn’t choose. As for Mitch, theres something about him being called gay and him not having a hissy fit about it that makes me feel safe. Uhh fuck.
I take a second to recollect myself and Mitch just pulls me from the herds of eyes that saw that fiasco.
“Lets go here.” He points to the hall of mirrors and for some reason it's beginning to get extremely hard to be around him.
But I take a deep breath and push those feelings to the side once again.
The hall of mirrors was by far the lamest thing the fair could have done. Sure, as a little kid it was cool and slightly scary but now, all of our heads could see just above the tips of the mirrors making it lose the effect. It probably would have been more fun if the others were there. Butch would hide behind the mirros trying to scare us before Buttercup sent some lasers his way causing them to bounce everywhere and making us duck and cover. Good times. However, it was just Mitch and me.
While Mitch was walking, I couldn’t stop thinking about those jerks just now. Of course everyone already knew about my preference but Mitch seemed unbothered by being referred to as gay. Probably because he's not some asshole that thinks it's a bad thing, I mean if he did, why would he be friends with me for all this time? He’s just a good person, that's all.
Not to sound like the coming of age kid, but I knew I was into dudes before I could comprehend the idea of love or romance, I just thought they were pretty to look at. Moving to a new city at such a young age was hard for me, not to mention the whole invisible friend that tried to kill everyone. But after everything was said and done, I did in fact make some friends.
The famous superheroes had become my pals and when Buttercup introduced me to Mitch, I think that's when it all went downhill. We became the dynamic duo and everyone always paired us as the best friends, which is true but...it makes me feel guilty.
He turned a corner and I stopped walking. All of a sudden I was lost and staring at a mirror. Just me in my beat up sneakers and the uncertain face I seem to be wearing a lot lately. There's always a time in your life where you stop and contemplate everything, question all your decisions and how nothing truly matters.
“Hey you stopped walking?” Mitch said to me and I looked at him with a shaky smile.
“Sorry. Lost in thought I guess.”
“Care to share?” He asked and leaned against one of the mirrors.
I laughed to myself thinking about what I could possibly say. “Yeah sure Mitch, why don’t I just tell you that I’m in love with you and how it pains me to wake up to know that you will only see me as just a friend. Why don’t I just rip out my heart and put it on a silver platter for you to squash or just confess and kiss you here, ignoring all the states and hopefully pissing off some people?”
My eyes shot open and my eyes met his. He looked at me with confusion and shock. His mouth hung open slightly and it took me a solid three seconds to relaize that my dumb ass had just blurted that all out.
Panic. That's all I could feel as he stared like a deer caught in headlights. I could feel myself on the verge of tears and suddenly the air was too thick as I turned and ran, not caring about the employee telling me I was going the wrong way.
Mitch’s voice echoed behind me but I couldn’t stand to turn and look towards him. To hear the pure rejection and probably the disgust. Throwing away years of friendship for some stupid feelings? What was I thinking?
After nearly hitting my head several times, I made it out and ignored the weird stares and glances people were giving me. All I wanted to do was find Butch and get out of here and hope that I can just pack up and move away for college. Maybe even change my name.
Instead I found myself pushing my way into the bathroom stall and biting my arm to stifle my sobs. I felt like my heart was about to shatter, that all my nightmares where coming true all thanks to my stupid mouth. I was a fool to think that someone like him would even consider me as something more, a complete and utter fool.
“Mike?” A voice called and of course the sneakers peaking outside the stall belonged to Butch.
“What?” I spat bitterly. “Go away.”
I barely heard his sigh. “Dude, I don’t know what happened but suddenly Buttercup saw you burst into here. Really dude, is everything fine? At least come out and talk to us. Plus it smells really bad in here and there's a line of dudes.”
There's some truth to the matter and I wiped my face and pushed open the stall with a little too much force but luckily he grabbed it and just nodded towards the exit.
Robin and Buttercup are standing outside and luckily, I don’t see Mitch.
“Wanna explain what happened?” Robin asks as she hands me a tissue from her purse.
“No. I just wanna go home.”
Buttercup looks arounds then back to me. “Where's Mitch.”
“Probably somewhere and never wants to see me again.” I mumble.
“What?” She asks and looks towards Butch then back to me.
Butch raised his brow. “Mike, did you tell him?”
“Tell him what?” Buttercup asked.
It was at that moment that Buttercup didn’t know that I was practically in love with her best friend. Maybe Robin and Butch planned this together but it didn’t matter, not anymore. I would be losing two friends after this. Great.
“Look. It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t feel the same way.” My throat is dry and it hurts and there's no doubt that my face is red and flushed with tears. “I'm just gonna call my mom to come get me.”
“Come on Mike don’t go.” Robin asked and she padded my arm.
“You don’t get it, Robin.” I spat. “You don’t understand what I just did. Thanks to someone’s dumb idea, I now lost my best friend. And for what? Did we really think he would like me back? That he could even see me in such a way? I don’t even know if he’s gay or let alone into dudes. But who gives fuck? I don’t.”
Butch took a step towards me but my anger only rose. “C’mon Mike I'm sure-”
“This was a stupid idea Butch!” I yelled and at that moment I didn’t care what anyone thought. I was embarrassed and hurt. “I just want to be alone.” I pushed past him and the others, ignoring everything they were saying because it didn’t matter any more.
It didn’t matter that my friends tried to help something that shouldn’t have even been considered. It was just a stupid crush. Nothing more, nothing less. Hopefully by the new semester, it would be gone and out of my system…. hopefully. A stupid crush that I’d been harboring for years and titling on a scale of something more.
It wasn’t long until my tears dried and I found myself among the section of carnival games. All of the rigged and hard to win and if you did win, it would be a small sappy prize that you would toss into a garbage bag or try to sell for a nickel at a garage sale.
There were darts and guessing the weight of a small pig. The basketball tossing and hitting the giant hammer looked tempting but instead I walked to the game that no one had ever won. Ring toss. A game of chance and so incredibly rigged, it's a miracle if one prize is won in a year.
Without a second thought, I gave up a fresh twenty dollar bill and the girl working, who clearly hated her job, handed me the biggest bucket of rings. Enough to keep me entertained until I call my mom or muster up enough courage to ask Butch for a ride back like a dog with its tail inbetween its legs.
I thought I had it all figured out. I thought I could be okay with this. But I was stupid. Stupid to think that the boy I had a crush on, one of my best friends, would like me back, or even be into dudes for that matter. But no, instead of having my secret crush kept, ya know, a secret, the one person who shouldn’t know, did.
I tossed another ring into the sea of bottles, the high pitched clinking echoed for just a moment as another was tossed. Maybe this was pointless. Maybe trying to figure out feelings was a waste of time because in all honesty, I never knew.
Like the plastic rings people pay way too much for, you jump and you think you’ll land on that bottle, secure the prize and show everyone up. Prove that you can do the impossible.
But then you miss and reality comes back. The bucket dwindles down and soon you’re left with nothing but regret for trying and shorting eight bucks.
I turned, of course he would follow me. Why wouldn’t he? He was probably here just to tell me to let it go and sweep it under the rug, and say it's not weird when it totally is. Or he was going to come out and say that maybe our friendship has come to its expiration date.
“Oh. Hey.” I threw another one, missing again.
I tried not to care as he stood next to me but I passed him the bucket and he took his own shot, missing, just like me.
“Have you been crying?” He asked and there was no way around it.
“Yep.” I popped the p and threw another ring. “Look Mitch, I’m sorry what I said-”
“Don’t be.”.
“Most guys would just push someone like me away if that happened.”
He hummed and tossed a ring, missing. “Well, I’m not like most guys and I thought that was pretty clear. Especially after those jerks. I value your friendship too much to get worried or upset.”
I looked over at him, and that in itself was a mistake, because it would be just my luck that the other carnival games with their bright flashing lights would surround him and make it seem like he was glowing. The lights soften his features, a small twinkle on the black orb of his earring and making those very so light freckles appear.
Almost like a painting hung up in a museum. You think the trip is boring, and for the most part it is. A few interesting things here and there but just as you are about to leave, you find a room you hadn’t explored. It could be nothing and you could leave, forgetting everything in the last three hours and moving on with your life.
Or it could be life changing. As if when you walked in there, the most captivating painting was on that wall and you wonder how you skipped it in the first place. You stare at it, taking in the picture itself and the meaning. Stepping closer and looking at the paint strokes, the time taken to make this is clear and it's full of questions and mystery. The small plaque on the wall fails to answer.
He picked up the last ring. It twirled in his fingertips unsure of where to go.
“I kept thinking, you know.” He said. “I remember watching a show, a random cartoon and an ad for a pride festival popped up. I thought nothing of it, didn’t know what it meant at the time but my father did. He was outraged and changed the channel, screamed and shouted saying that if his son ever was caught doing something like that…” Mitch paused and closed his palm.
I could see the hurt in his eyes as he sighed.
“Then he would have no son. So when I found out what it all meant and learned about myself....I thought it would be best to never act on it. No matter how much I wanted to look towards another guy, I couldn’t.”
“I’m sorry Mitch, I didn’t know.” And it was the truth. I wanted to mentally slap myself for not realizing that he was, in fact, gay as well. Way to go Mike, your gay-dar is broken. But then again, you can’t just tell a sexuality clear as day. I can’t blame him for hiding it, after everything with his dad.
He sighed again. “But when you told me that. Told me you wanted me, I think I started to realize that I would rather have something I want no matter what others think of me. I envy how you can just come out and be proud, as you should, but I wish I was that brave instead of a coward.”
“Mitch.” I slid my hand on top of his cautiously. He didn’t flinch or have any indication of pulling away. “I’m scared every day. Scared that someone might yell something offensive or even try to hurt me. Just like those assholes did earlier.But I can’t stop those things from happening but I can choose to not let them affect me. It's hard but you know you’re surrounded by people who care about you. Plus your best friend is an actual superhero.”
“I know, I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to date such a fuck up like me.”
Fuck up? Did this boy really think that?
“I would never see you as that.” I said honestly. “It's normal for us to have conflicting feelings when someone in our life isn't supportive. It's never gonna be a walk in the park or smooth sailing but when you're with someone who cares about you, it makes it easier.”
He sighed for the hundredth time. It was clear the gears in his mind were running at full steam and he looked at the ring in his hand then to the bottles.
“I guess you’re right Mike. I guess I was thrown off that the dude I've liked since kindergarten likes me back.” He looked towards me and tossed the ring, not bothering to pay attention. “I just hope you haven't changed you mind-”
The next thing I know, my hand is tugging on his worn leather collar and his lips are pressed to mine.
I never thought that my first kiss would be as enchanting as this. You always think it's magical and fulfilling but in reality it's probably a mess of lips that don’t move quite as well and somehow there's a tongue doing whatever it wants. I guess I can’t count this as my first kiss because Robin had peaked me on the lips in third grade, also giving me the clear sexual awakening of how I never want another woman to come near me again, but this was different.
He tasted like cotton candy which I should find gross and oddly weird but I didn’t mind one bit. At the beginning there was a bit of hesitation, or maybe he was caught off guard since I did interrupt him but I couldn’t help myself. Stupid hormones. He wasted no time kissing me back and I even felt a hand on my waist pulling towards him. Although it lasted only a few mere seconds, it was like a lifetime of waiting had lifted.
When we pulled apart, loud speakers and alarms went off above us. I looked towards the game, I noticed one single plastic ring was stuck on the bottle. The worker smiled at us before nodding.
“Wow, I can’t believe you made it, especially without looking.” She said and I looked to Mitch who just shrugged.
“What? You kissed me, I just threw it.” He smiled brightly and I hugged him.
“So what will it be?” I asked him and he turned towards the prizes.
“Well, what about that dinosaur?”
“I love dinosaurs.”
Mitch smiled. “I know.”
The worker used a ladder to climb and retrieve the massive blue dinosaur prize. As a kid, i used to dream of winning such a cool thing but know, I think I got something better. Mitch handed it to me with a blush and I looked at it with just as much pink on my cheeks.
“Ya know.” Mitch started. “I have enough tickets for one last ride. Maybe the ferris wheel?”
“That sounds good.” He reached out his hand and I took it. Before I could blink, I felt his lips press against my cheek.
“I don’t like to see you cry.” He said.
I simply hummed and we walked hand in hand to the ferris wheel before deciding to give the prize to some kids. He handed the tickets to the worker as we climbed into the cart and began to go up. He threw his arm over my shoulder like he did on the rollercoaster, but this time, I leaned against him and let those emotions I tried to keep at bay, run wild.
“I’m really glad Butch dragged me here.” I said honestly and Mitch only laughed and silenced me with his lips pressed against mine.
“Me too.”
When we pulled apart, a few questions still lingered in my mind.
“You mean, you’ve liked me this entire time? And you knew I was gay?” I asked hesitantly. It wasn’t a secret, the last part at least.
He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick he's had since he was little. “I mean I wasn’t hundred percent sure, I thought maybe it was a one time thing or just happened occasionally. But as we got older, more specifically high school, I think that's when it hit me.” He sighed. “All I knew was that I wanted to be with you until my heart stopped racing.”
His eyes met mine. I’ve always hated when people didn’t see the beauty in brown eyes. They think they are dull and lifeless, only one hue but that's far from the truth. Mitch’s eyes had spots of gold and a slight tint of green, breathtaking to say the least.
“I mean it’s a shame we spent our high school years just as friends.” My hand went on top of his. “But I’d rather have you as my friend instead of losing you so I understand. But what about your dad? Will be okay with us dating-or well I assume we should-”
“I don’t care about his opinion of us. Plus we would be idiots not to date at this point. If he doesn’t accept. That's his loss not mine.” His gaze went to the sky where a firework exploded.
The colors lit up in the sky and we realized we got lucky as our cart stopped at the very top. It felt unreal to be sitting next to my best friend and now, boyfriend. There's always moments in your life that you feel like were meant to be. Maybe it's the career you chose or the person you marry. Milestones that are already set in stone and fate just happens to bring you together, all that stuff. And as I looked at him through heavy lashes I thought that maybe, just maybe, the stars aligned on this one.
That or I would have to admit that Butch is the king of romance, even though he did literally nothing today and this was all me. Either way, Mikey boy’s got a man.
I hope you enjoyed love!!
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thewordjunkyard · 4 years
A Wish Well Made Chapter 1
Author’s Note: Hey! if you think I missed a tag or the rating, then let me know! I’m putting down all I can think of, but I’m only human! Thanks and happy reading.
Fandom(s): Danny Phantom
Summary: A fight leads to Desiree granting a wish for Tucker and Danny. This is a bad thing, right?
Rating: Teen
Tags: Danny Phantom, Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Desiree, Swearing, Cursing,
Ships: None Currently. 
Chapter 1
He was done.
He didn't want to do this today.
Or any day for that matter.
But he needed to set the record straight.
For his sake.
“No. I'm going home and doing my homework for once.” A boy with raven hair and light blue eyes sternly said. He was making eye contact with a girl in gothic clothing. She has deep violet eyes and dark hair pulled back into a ponytail on the top of her head.
She was glaring back in draggers.
“You can't just say no!” The girl argued. “She could destroy the town! You saw what she could do at the meteor shower last fall!” The girl gestured in a certain direction in the park they were in. “Are you honestly just going to ignore her wish granting?!”
The boy held his ground. “Yes. Sam, I'm going to ignore it because there are other people who can catch her.”
“Oh yeah? Who Danny? Valerie?” Sam's voice dripped with venom at the mention of the other girl's name. “Or your parents? The G.I.W.?” Sam put her hands on her hips. “Or do you mean your sister and us?” She gestured to an African-American boy in a red beret and thick rimmed glasses. The boy was watching the exchange between his best friends in silent horror.
Sam was pushing buttons. The boy knew. But he could only watch.
Danny's eyes flashed from blue to an acid green. It was mostly hidden by his bangs, but the boy in the red beret saw the change. “Um, Sam-” the boy tried to mediate.
“Stay out of this Tucker.” The girl growled at the boy in glasses. Danny snarled at Sam as his hair moved out of his now acid green eyes.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
“Don't tell him what to do Sam.” Danny growled out. Sam wasn't phased by the tone or the eyes. “If he wants to talk, then let him talk! His opinions matter.” 
“This is between you and me Fenton. Not him! So his opinion doesn't apply here!” Sam raised her voice.
Tucker started to back away slowly from the two. Tensions have been high for a few months now. Danny was under constant stress from ghost hunting and school. Sam wasn't making it any easier by telling Danny that he was just overreacting to it all. Brushing him off and urging him to keep fighting ghosts. It was going to turn on their heads sooner or later.
Tucker honestly loves them both, but even he knew Danny had limits, even with ghost powers.
Danny was going to snap. 
Like he was right now.
Tucker hugged himself as Danny growled like an animal. “He is a part of this group as much as you.” Danny snarled. Tucker's eyes widened as he saw Danny's teeth. His canines were unnaturally elongated and sharp. “He deserved the RIGHT to SPEAK!” Danny bellowed at Sam.
Sam held her ground fearlessly. She had a scolding look to her face. “What could he honestly add that could be sooooo helpful.” Her tone gave a bit of sarcasm.
Ouch. That hurt Tuck's heart.
She didn't mean for it to come across that way.
Danny stepped closer to Sam's face and said dangerously low. “Maybe if you let him talk, we'll know.” They were a breath apart with Danny a few inches taller than Sam. They were glaring dangerously at each other as Sam turned quickly red in the face.
She moved her arms up to push Danny. Tucker saw the motion and quickly shoulder shoved Danny out of the way. Sam pushed Tucker to the ground. He landed on his elbows. 
Tucker was okay. He wasn't physically hurt.
But he was emotionally exhausted.
“WHY YOU LITTLE- OOF!” Tucker quickly got up and tackled Danny to the ground. Tucker pinned his best friend to avoid the boy from hurting Sam. She didn't mean to push Tucker or tried to with Danny. She was just mad. And people did stupid things when they were mad.
Like picking fights with a teenager who could literally pick up cars and throw them across town.
Oh man… Danny could honestly kill somebody if he wasn't careful.
Danny looked at Tucker with a fury in his eyes. “TUCKER!” Danny screeched. “LET ME GO NOW!” Tucker didn't move, and Danny didn't move him with force like he could have.
A minute passed before Tucker spoke. “You need to cool off.” Tucker looked concerned. “You don't look like yourself D.” Tucker used an old nickname of Danny's.
A really old nickname.
Danny stared at Tucker for a few seconds before relaxing a small bit. He was breathing heavily. He felt like punching down a wall, or yelling.
Yelling down a wall sounded great about now.
Tucker looked back at Sam. She was standing there. Arms limp at her sides with wide eyes. She was staring at Danny. Like she just now noticed how mad he looked. “Sa-am.” Tucker breath shaky. His nerves were fried. “Go.”
“Tucker I-”
“Go.” Tucker added more emphasis this time.
She got the message. 
She jogged up the trail that left the park. When she was out of sight. Tucker looked to the halfa pinned beneath him. 
Tucker had the boy by his hands above his head. He was being pinned by one of Tucker's knees in the admin. His closed eyes had dark circles around them. His canines were long and sharp. He was breathing heavily through his teeth in a way to calm himself.
Danny never forces himself up. He never forced Tucker off of him.
Danny had a weird rule about that.
He would have forced anyone else off him by now. Used his super strength to get up and fight on.
But not with Tucker. Tucker was the only exception. And well… Jazz. Tucker didn't fully understand it, but he didn't have to. It was Danny after all.
A few minutes passed, and Danny's anger slipped into sobbing. Tucker moved off of Danny and released his hands. Tucker was soon wrapped up in an embrace by the young halfa. 
Danny buried his head in his best friend-no, brother's- shoulder and cried. “I-I just wanted t-to get my res-search paper d-done.” Danny sobbed. Tucker rubbed circles into his back. “I don't want to f-fail.”
“I know man. I know.” Tucker soothed. “We can go to my place and get started if you want. There are other folk who can take care of the ghosts.”
“I w-wished I wasn't such a f-freak.” Danny sobbed.
“Dude, you're not a freak. If I had to wish for anything, it would be for you to stay the same, powers and all.” Tucker said. “And maybe for you to be less…”
“Fucked up.” Danny sniffed. “Believe me, I want that. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if the portal never fully opened, or if Sam never talked us into hunting ghosts.” He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Didn't Sam make a wish similar to that during the meteor last semester?” Tucker furrowed his eyebrows together in thought.
“It was to never meet me, and in turn you, but she was wearing the Specter Deflector so she remembered.” Danny sniffed again. He stopped crying at least. 
Tucker huffed annoyed. “We never said we didn't want to meet her.” Tucker mumbled.
“Exactly!” Danny leaned up and broke the hug to look Tucker in the eye. His nose was running and his eyes were red from crying. “WHY are we still friends with her!?” Danny croaked. “She has been nothing but a pain since I got my powers!” He pointed to the direction Sam left the park. “She didn't even let you have a chance to talk!”
“Duuuude, that was so uncool.” Tucker slump where he sat.
“And it's not the first time she's done it either! Last week for the molecule model thing, she didn't let you do anything! I saw from my table.” Danny was mad, but he was a lot calmer than a few minutes ago.
Tucker groaned. “It was soooooo unfair. And that was one of the few projects I was looking forward to! I can't believe Mr. Mindle assigned us partners for the thing.” Tucker crossed his arms.
“I know! I was just lucky not to get Dash as one.” Danny grimaced. “I might have actually hurt him that day if we were partners.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It was a looong day.”
Tucker smirked. “Bet it made your day to get paired with the cute smart girl.” Tucker wriggled his eyebrows.
Danny lightly glared. “Seriously Tucker?” Tucker innocently smiled. Danny rolled his eyes. “Okay. Fine. It actually did. But not for the reasons you're thinking of.”
Tucker was curious now. “Really? How she made your day?” He was really curious to know how one project together made Danny's day.
“She was just- I don't know.” Danny found it hard to explain. “She just- gave off this welcoming and non-judgy vibe? I think. She was super nice and wasn't all in your face about stuff. She even explained to me what the molecule model was, and the difference between the carbon molecules in diamonds and graphite.”
“Danny, we were told that three weeks ago.” Tucker said after a moment.
Danny groaned and put his face in his hands. “All stupid Ghost hunting is messing with my studies!” Danny looked up at Tucker. “It's a wonder that I'm passing at all…”
“Hey. Solid C+ is better than Dash record F-.” Tucker smirked.
“You don't know that he has an F-.” Danny said. He squinted his eyes at Tucker. “...Do you?”
“Not only do I know, but can back it up with math. Care for the statistics?” Tucker gloated.
Danny lightly laughed. “Maybe another day.” Danny looked up at the sky. It was still daylight outside. “We should get going. How-how do I look?” Danny asks hesitantly.
Tucker did a once over. “Your eyes are back to blue, but your teeth are still sharp.” Tucker kept scanning Danny for anything weird. “You look tired, but otherwise normal.”
Danny sighed and got up. He offered Tucker a hand up as Danny said “I feel tired.”
“I feel you D.” Tucker took Danny's offered hand.
Once to their feet, Danny and Tucker started to walk to Tucker's house, where Tucker's parents and warm fresh baked cookies will greet them. Studying and talking filled their afternoon with a fresh of breath air.
Desiree hazed into existence at the park. The ghost child was too upset with his goth friend to notice her.
She was graceful for that.
The halfa looked ready to kill if his sergeant brother hadn't stepped in.
Their conversation after the goth girl left was interesting, to say the least. Desiree almost granted the ghost child's wish when his brother negated it with his own. But they were getting clever, but she had her loopholes.
The brother left the wish open-ended, and the ghost child continued it with the conversation.
She could use whatever they said to grant their wish. It will take more time to grant it, but it is possible.
Been awhile since Desiree granted a wish like that.
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vandergeld · 4 years
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                  hey  everyone welcome BACK to my blog  ,  hi  , how  are  ya ?   i’m   RUZZY   (  or  ru  ,  rudy  idk  if thats too  much  lmAO  )  &  i  have  not  been  apart  of  a  group  in  84  years ............  that  graphic  is  so  extra  but  i  was  bored  &  first  impressions  are  everything  ,  ANYWHO  this  is  my  mans WARNER  played  by  my  mans  GRAYSON DOLAN  ,  who  lacks  f’n  resources  so  i  gotta  work  some  magic  w/  all  these  gifs  on  tumblr  lmao  so  any  gif  icons  are  noT  mine  for  the  most  part  they’ll  be  taken  from  gifs  alr  created  (  s/o  2  the  fly  hunnies  that  made  ‘em  )  anyway  ya’ll  don’t  really  care  abt  me  lmao  soooooo here’s warner ! PLS  feel  free  to  hmu ANYTIME  for  the  plots  &  things  of  that  nature  u  could  lit  never  bother  me  idc ,  my  discord  is  𝐫𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐲𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐳𝐢#1643 if  u  everrr need  to  get  ahold  of  me  when  im  not  on  tumblr  !
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         𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍, cismale, he/his. → look out, there’s 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐃. you know, the 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘  year old 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 of 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐀 𝐌𝐔. you know, i overheard someone say that they were 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄, 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 , 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  and 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃. but that’s just rumours. fresh new pairs of air jordan 1's, the roar of a crowd in a stadium, and lost weekends come to mind when i think of them. what about you? [ ruzzy, he/him, 18, est ]
//   »    GENERAL      :
FULL NAME   :   warner     evangelino   alexander       vandergeld       (   inspired by the antagonists of white chicks lmaooo   )     .
HOMETOWN  : new  york  city  ,  new york  .
NICKNAMES   :   dumbass   .
AGE   :   twenty  .
BIRTHDAY   :   october twenty-first   .
ZODIAC   :   libra   .
GENDER   :   male   .
PRONOUNS   :   he      &      him   .
NATIONALITY   :   american   .
ETHNICITY   :   german  ,   italian  ,  irish   .
LABEL(S)   :   the   golden boy   ,   the   lothario   ,   the   jock   .
TROPE(S)  :  chick magnet  ,  hormone-addled teenager  ,  unwitting pawn  , upper class twit  ,
OCCUPATION   :  college student  &  collegiate football player  & full time frat bro  .
FRAT : beta lambada mu  .
MAJOR   :   environmental science  .
POS  : charming  ,  charismatic  ,  brave  ,  athetic ,  dedicated  ,   eco-friendly  ,  high-moral compass  ,  book smart  ,  kind  ,  energetic  ,  optimistic  , loyal (  most of the time  ) ,  respectful  ,   well-rounded  ,  level-headed  , ambitious  ,  debonair  ,  life of the paty  .
NEG   :  compulsive  ,  easily-influenced  ,  dimwitted  , hypersexualized  ,  problematic  ,  addictive  , rebellious  ,  bemused  ,  defensive  ,  clingy  ,  hopeless-romatic  ,  overly-competitive  ,  envious .
INSP  : nate archibald  (  gossip girl  )  
//   »    PAST      :
          warner   was  born  &  raised  in  the  city  that  never sleeps  and    is  the  product  of  evangeline   moretti-vandergeld  , an   intelligent   american-italian  socialite  turned   environmental   politician  ,   and  captain  william   vandergeld  ,  a  former   navy   captain  ,   and  now   a   shareholder   in   some   boring   fortune   500   company   that   allowed   his   wife   and   son   to   live   an   affluent  ,   and   privileged   life  . his   mother  however  ,   was   the   real deal  ,   often   using   their   sum   of   wealth   to   donate   to   multiple   charities  ,  organizations  , etc, she was  dedicated  to  keeping  new  york  city  (  and  all  who  lived there  )  clean  and  safe   , and  she instilled  those  same  values  onto  her  son.
          some people are born lucky  ,  and others  ,  lucky  to  be  born  .   warner  was  the  first  option  .  his childhood  was  nothing  short  of  happiness  ,  and  happiest  days  were  with  his  mother  ,  for  as  long  as he  could  remember  ,  any happy  moment  in  his childhood  was  faded  right  into  her.
          things  took  a  drastic  change  his freshman  year  of  (  private  obvy lmao  )  high-school   .   warner’s  mother  was  diagnosed  with  breast  cancer  ,  and  little  to  his  knowledge  ,  it wasn’t  looking  pretty  from  the  start  .  she was  frequently  in  and  out  of the hospital  for  a  few  months  at  a  time  and  it  was  not  looking  good  on  any  fronts  .  one  day  when  she  went  to  the  hospital  it seemed  like  she  never  left  ,  maybe  she  didn’t  ,  those  days  were  a blur  for  warner  to  be  honest  .  watching  his  mother  lose  life  , every  single  day  was  not  a task  he  was  up  for  .
          by  then  it  was  just  warner  and  his  father  ,  they  were  all  they  had  in  the big  city  . (  when  he  wasn’t  always  away  on business  )  warner  grew  up  in   that  big  luxy  town  house  all  by  himself  ,  with  the  company  of  loyal  maids  ,  chefs  ,   and  nannies  of course  .  but  in  high  school  , the  more  he  really submerged  himself  into  it  ,  it  was  a  crazy  world  &  he  loved  it  .  whilst  getting  demands  from  his  father  in  tokyo  to  attend  those  boring  sailing  classes  ,  warner  instead  headed  out  to  their  beach  house  in  the  hamptons  for  an  early  20  rager  .
       warner  undoubtedly knew  the  power  he  possessed  ,   big  man  on  campus  type  &  it felt  good  , until  about towards  the  end  of his  junior  year  he  was  honestly  all   partied   out  ,  but  of  course reputation  is   everything  ,  in  order  to  keep  up  thats  when  he  picked  up  the   real  ugly  habits  ,  that  were  of  course  fun  .  smoking  numerous  amounts  of  marijuana  ,  various  girls  in  -  and  -  out  every other  day  was  a  feeling  like  no  other  ,   he  knew  it  was  wrong  ,  he  knew  his  mom  would  be  ashamed  ,  him  doing  all these  things  and  not carrying  on  her  legacy  in  some  way .  but  he  couldn’t  help  himself  in a  all  honesty   ,   and   no  doubt  some  of  that  transitioned  over  in  college .
//   »    AES   :
          lost weekends partying  ,  chicken  wings  &  french  fries  ,  air  jordan  1′s  ,  gucci  guilty  cologne  ,  friday  night  lights  ,  clouds  of  smoke  &  red  eyes  ,  diamond  encrusted  jewelry  glistening  under  bright  lights  in  a  dark  room  ,  nike  sweatsuits  ,  game  winning  moves  ,  new  york  city  at  night  ,  hamptons  in  the  summer  ,  spring  break  in  miami  ,  impulsive decisions  .
//   »    TL;DR   :
(  and  some  stuff  i  probably  missed  oops  )  warner  is  a  conflicted  mama’s   boy  who  knows  half  the  shit  he does  is  wrong  but  can’t  stop  .  after  his  mothers passing  he had  an absent father  who seemed  to  always  be  away  on  business  ,  only  in  town  for  a  month  or  two  ,  missing  his sons’ multiple  feats   to  keep  himself  distracted  from  the  fact  that  his  wife  was  no  longer  with  them. created  immense daddy  issues  for  warner  ,  especially  since  he  was  a  standout  football  star  &  2x   stage  champ in  high  school  ,  and is  currently  playing  collegiality  for  the  irish ,  with  dreams  of  making  it  in  the  nfl  cause  screw  his  dad  he  don’t  wanna  go   2  the  navy   ,   or  work  for  dat  company # not  gonna  happen .  warner  took  great  advantage  of  wealth  &  his  fathers  absence  ,  but  he’s  lowkey  partied  out  in  college  ,  or  so  he likes  to  say  but  he fakes  it ‘till  he  makes  it bc  he  doesn’t  his  brothers  to think  he’s  lame . HE’S  LIVING  FOR  EVERYBODY  BUT  HIM  BASICALLY .
//   »    HEADCANONS    :
warner  is  on  a  football  scholarship  majoring  in  environmental  science  bc  although  he  most  likely  won’t  do  shit  w/  da  degree its  for  mommy  .
he can EASILY  be  manipulated  or  taken  advantage  of  ,  he’s  book  smart  but lowkey  dumber  than  a  fucking  box  of  rocks 
immastonerbyyoungthug.mp3  .  occasionally ,  but  ,  more  so  than  that  ?  he  always  manages  to  flush  out  his  system  in  time  if  needed  be  ,  but  he  loves  2  roll  up  #  stress relief 
a  BEAST  on  that  field  (  student  athlete  meme  here  )
has  all  the  canon  gray  tattoos  bc  fuck  what  dad  thinks  .  he  wears  a solid  16 inch gold  chain  ,  and  another  of  the same  length with  his  moms’  name  on  it  , never  fucking  takes  it  off  ,  showers  with  it  cause  he  can  .
ok  ........  he  rich  ,  but  like  not  i  can  do  whatever  i  want  rich  ???  he  may  not  ever  have  to  work  a  day  in  his   life  ,  but  he  don’t  got  the pull  u  think  he  does  w/  his  dumb  ass  u  probably  couldn’t  even  tell  he’s  got  money  with  his  minimalist  fashion  sense  .
he  has  a  higher  moral  compass  than  most  of  his  frat  bros  ,  but  the  stupid  shit  he does  ,  u most  likely  won’t  even  be  able  to tell  ,  he’s  definitely  a  serial  romeo  and  a  heartbreaker  ,  one  compliment  ?  he’s  ready  to  drop  his  pants  &  fall  in  love  w/   u  .
HE DUMB  ,  but  like  he  can  talk  his  way  into  &  out  of  anything  ,  most  of  the  time  ,  batting  those  big  brown  eyes  &  a  million  dollar  smile  has  saved  his  ass  on  multiple  occasions  .
EX-GIRLFRIEND :  i’m  thinking  his  first  &  only  “  serious  “  relationship  while  in  college  .  were  going  pretty  steady  until  he  cheated  on  her  (  hmm wc  on  who  he  cheated  on  her w/ ??  ) ,  she  never  found  out  but  that  guilt  ate warner TF UP  so  he  cut  things  off  with  her  via  text  message  and blocked  her  number  ,  ignores  her  any  chance  he  gets  ‘till  this  day  ,  cause  he  doesn’t  have  any  balls  and  cannot  face  his  fears  .
FRAT BROS  : lowkey  what  i’m  MOST  excited  for  asdfgh  like  whoever  is  in  beta  lambada mu  hit  me  the  fuck UP so  we  can  discuss  dynamics  ,  roomates  ,  allat  .
FOOTBALL TEAM  : same  for  above  ,  he’s  lowkey  cocky  &  got  sly  comments  when  he’s  on  the  field  ,  he constantly  humbles  himself  but  can’t  helps  it  ,  he is  hot  shit  and  he  knows  it  , how does  his  team  feel  ab  that  ??  w/  his  defensive  ass  !
GOOD-LUCK CHARM  :  prolly  a  girl  (  bonus  points  if  a  cheerleader  ???  im  not  picky  tho  i promise  if  ur  muse  don’t  shake  poms  idc  )  it  happened  out  the  blue  ,  they  screamed  his  name  while  the  team  was  walking  out  for  a  game  ,  and  she  called  that  he’d  get  3  td’s  and  thats  exactly  what  he  did  now  they  joke  ab  it  and  shit  (  maybe  a  goodluck  kiss b4  games  bc  its  warner lolol  ) idk  i  came  up  wit  it  on the  spot but  i love  it.
//   »    MISC   :
i’m a dumbass  &  this  got  way  longer  than  i  expected  but  if  u  made  it   all  the  way  thru  ily . 
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