#i will say. my confidence and ego shoots through the roof when I look like her. and those r already incredibly high
Forcing myself to take a break from May cosplay bc I’m absolutely Sick of going to the store so naturally I wanna start my scientist croix outfit. This is so counterproductive
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 4 months
When the ‘03 Turtles are in love!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 889
CW: Gender-neutral reader as always, referred to as ‘you’, my underrated beloveds ong, (especially Donnie 💜), nothing but fluff! Turtles realizing they’re in love with you and how they act around you!! (+ confessions because yes <3)
💙 With Leo, it takes him a good while to realize he’s in love with you. It just randomly hits him when he’s meditating, the comfort you bring, the way he can lean on you, the way he’s always seemingly drawn to you! It hits him like a bus.
💙 He gets a little shy and distant with you, but don’t give up! Continue coming to him and acting like yourself, he’ll feel a bit guilty for avoiding you, but you still coming to him makes his heart flips and he’s feeling those butterflies.
💙 That’s when Leo can’t take it anymore and finally confides in Master Splinter, (which we both know that man knows when his sons are in love). Splinter is pleasantly surprised! But he’s happy to help his son sort out his feelings and even devise ways to confess to you.
💙 Finally, Leo works up the courage and asks you to go to the training dojo with him alone, to train. You two do train and by the end of it, Leo finally spills it, confessing his love to you, but also expressing his understanding if you didn’t feel the same.
💙 Pleasantly surprised when you admit to feeling the same way! Man is fist-pumping the air mentally when you confess. After that, you two spent more time together in the dojo, just talking things out and making it official with a hug, (a kiss will come later, Leo’s not ready to make that quick of a step!)
❤️ With this emotional turtle, Raph is quick to realize, unlike his brothers, and at first; he’s frustrated. He didn’t NEED feelings, especially not towards a family friend, a human… A very beautiful human at that—
❤️ Okay, he gives up and comes to terms with the fact, Raph, the tough guy with anger issues, has soft feelings for YOU. (Bro went through the 5 stages of grief because of this/j)
❤️ And after coming to that conclusion, man is always trying to impress you, he gets closer to you, wants you to depend on him because he wants to be that someone for you! It strokes his ego quite a bit too.
❤️ It’s when he finally realizes he wants to be with you he shoots his shot. What’s the worst they could say? No? So, one night when you join him on patrol and you two are chilling on a roof, he finally confesses. And he’s straight to the point like, “Look uh, this is gonna sound weird, but I have feelings for you.”
❤️ Dude is so hyped when you say you feel the same way too. Raph isn’t the type to wait around either like Leo, on that rooftop was where you two shared (his) your first kiss.
💜 When Donnie realizes, he panics a little actually. YOU are his best friend, and he’s completely shocked when he realizes that his heart thunders in his chest and his palms get sweaty when YOU are around, (*slow fade-in of the demi-romantic flag*).
💜 He tries to shut down these feelings as best as he can by working on his technology more and being distant with everyone, and I mean EVERYONE.
💜 Even then he can’t stay away for too long, he’s back to ranting and rambling about his inventions to you, and his breath hitches whenever you smile at and tell him, “Go on”, whenever he pauses and apologizes for rambling again.
💜 Donnie has to tell you, if he gets rejected now, hopefully these feelings will go away, right? He didn’t even consider the fact that you could possibly like him back, according to his statistics, the likelihood of a mutant and a human together is low!
💜 Well, when he sat you down for a serious conversation, going on to admit his feelings and saying he wouldn’t be hurt if you said no— Wait what? You were quick to interrupt him and tell him you liked him back?? He had to process a moment before he would shyly ask if you wanted to go for a small ride in the Battle Shell around town. (You two held hands while he drove. <3)
🧡 Woof, Mikey on the other hand is a bit of a wild card, at first he confuses platonic with romance, but when his brothers point out to him the obvious, he’s all for it!
🧡 Mikey is the type to start reading comics and watch movies that involve romance so he has an idea of what to do, (and yes, he kicks his feet all giddy-like when he’s doing this).
🧡 After he’s obtained his knowledge, he’s quick to try and impress you and reenact some moments from the movies he’s watched, always saying quotes you probably wouldn’t understand. And when you don’t get it at first, thinking he’s just being Mikey, he’s a little bummed…
🧡 Then Raph has to point it out to him why his advances aren’t working, because he’s not really acting any different, and just tells Mikey to grow a pair and to tell you honestly. And that’s when Mikey’s new plan is sent into action, operation confession is a go!
🧡 Still a little confusing because he’s still making references but he’s got the spirit. Eventually he ends up forgetting the movie references and out-right tells you. And it’s safe to say, you guys have a roof-top date coming up here soon.
Gaaah, I’ve been obsessing over TMNT good lord. I wanted to write about them, and I’ll probably write more about them too 😭💙 Love turtle pookies ong, hope you enjoyed, and yes I posted the same day, I am motivated to write. ✍️
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thenationofzaun · 2 years
Mylo took out his own feelings of inadequacy onto Jinx, and exacerbated hers.
I've seen lots of people say that Mylo was right in his belittling of Jinx, that he was only verbalizing a truth that Vi refused to see, or that while he could've been nicer when criticizing Jinx, his claim that she really was a bad luck charm that should be left behind was accurate. I disagree with this.
I can't stress enough that Mylo's constant bullying of Jinx revealed more about him than it did her. Mylo was an extremely insecure teenager who had little confidence in his own place within their group, who felt like he wasn't contributing as much as he would've liked to, and had a need to impress Vi, whom he looked up to. And he dealt with this by doing what a lot of insecure people do - belittle someone else who A) threatens their ego, or B) is an easy target (is weaker than them or has obvious shortcomings). This makes that other person the black sheep of the group, so they don't have to be. And Jinx fit both criteria.
In his very first appearance, you'll notice how often Mylo looks at Vi for approval. He's happy when she acknowledges him after his joke,
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and then immediately looks to her when he successfully replicates her leap from one roof to another.
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But during the actual job, it's clear that Mylo contributes very little. First, he takes too long to pick the lock on the door, and Vi has to kick it open.
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Then, he has trouble distinguishing between valuable items and junk.
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But you know who does know how to discern between items that are valuable and ones that aren't? Jinx. And Vi calls this out right in front of Mylo, embarrassing him. Notice how bothered he is by her comment.
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Of course, Jinx goes on to make her own blunders during the job, but this just strengthens my point. Jinx fits criteria A) and B). She has valuable skills that Mylo doesn't, and Vi, someone he admires, calls attention to it. And she's accident-prone and screws up in more obvious, explosive ways than he does. Of course he picks on her. It's a good way to draw the group's attention away from his own shortcomings and onto hers.
During the street fight later on (that Mylo carelessly provoked), Vi and Claggor come out on top like badasses. Meanwhile, Mylo struggles and Vi has to save him.
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But what happens right after that? Jinx gets cornered and loses their entire haul, except for the crystals. Mylo is (very understandably) frustrated and scolds her for this, but his performance in that fight was second worst after Jinx. His treatment of Jinx is mostly genuine frustration at her mistakes screwing them all over, and partially a way to bolster his own low self esteem. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't quite work. Vi has taken note of all of Mylo's mistakes despite his best efforts to deflect the spotlight onto Jinx's. And she calls him out for them when he, yet again, begins insulting her little sister.
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But even after this, he still insults Jinx the very next episode. Right after Claggor teases him about losing to Jinx in a shooting game.
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Now, Mylo wasn't a useless screw up with nothing to contribute, and neither was young Jinx. Without Mylo, Vander wouldn't have gotten free of his shackles and been able to protect and save Vi. But to accomplish freeing Vander, he needed encouragement and positive reinforcement to boost his confidence in himself and his abilities (things he denied Jinx).
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Mylo wasn't useless, he was just incredibly insecure that he might be viewed that way and desperate to shield himself from being perceived as such. So he ostracized Jinx, a younger, weaker person who made a lot of mistakes he could easily call attention to, who also made him feel a little threatened since she was skilled in ways he wasn't. It's a very human reaction, typical of an immature teenager. He doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud, but in no way were his "criticisms" wholly true, needed, or helpful. They were the words of an insecure boy, desperate not to be deemed the weak link in the group. And they had a greatly damaging effect on Jinx's self worth and insecurities.
It's cool that Mylo is a character with this much depth considering he dies in the third episode. And this just makes me even sadder to see the effect his bullying had on Jinx, considering they both had very similar insecurities.
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kaicobras · 2 years
aftertaste: eli ‘hawk’ moskowitz. requested here!
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— one time turned into two and two times turned into three. three turned into too many to count and now you were in a ‘no strings attached’ relationship with hawk. too bad neither one of you can keep it strictly just that.
warnings: it just jumps RIGHT into the smut LMAO i’m..so sorry, hawk and the reader are not minors in this fic (18/19), afab!reader, fingering (fem receiving), nipple play (fem receiving), implied vaginal sex, a lil jealously from hawk, reader is a bitch (affectionate): plain and simple, angst at the end that i can’t tell if i really like orrrr not, hawk doesn’t like you with bestfriend!demitri. completely unedited bc yes.
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hands descending to pull at the helm of hawk’s shirt, the open-mouthed kisses he pressed to your neck in the process halted your movements only slightly. you could only imagine how it looked now - deep pink, red, maybe even purple-colored marks beginning to coat your sensitive skin. hawk was never the type to care about leaving marks anyway, no matter how many times you’d warned him about being cautious.
you were lenient when it came to that, though. not how you were when it came down to the truly intimate things. or things you found intimate like kissing. neck kisses, sure. thigh kisses, even better. mouth? forehead? cheek? completely forbidden areas. as weird as it sounded, you both agreed that you wouldn’t blur those lines.
after all, this was just a casual thing. nothing more.
finally managing to rid the moskowitz boy of his shirt, your fingers raked through his hair as his worked their way up the tiny skirt you were wearing. ‘just for him,’ he’d teased and you only riled him up more by saying you had other people to impress. the smugness was wiped off his face in an instance, annoyance taking it’s place. if you looked hard enough, you could’ve sworn you saw a bit of hurt, but you hadn’t.
and that’s exactly how you ended up in the backseat of your car, hands and mouth all over each other except for the places you needed the most.
hawk was quick and eager to fill the need you felt, his fingers dipping under your skirt and skimming over your clit through your panties. a shudder ran over your body and your hands gripped his shoulders, no doubt shooting his ego through the damn roof.
as if he needed the satisfaction of knowing how much you wanted him even after a few touches. confidence oozed from hawk, and it showed in the way he touched you.
an involuntary whine left your mouth when he finally slipped his fingers into your panties and your folds. merely letting out a laugh you could only describe as annoying in the moment, your attention was swiftly taken away as a finger pushed inside you and a hiss left his mouth.
“always feels so fuckin’ good even around my damn fingers,” hawk murmured, his free hand coming up to cup your breasts and squeeze at them as his finger worked inside you. you wondered how he was so skilled at knowing just how to please you especially when the old him could barely look you in the eyes.
“yea, yea, gimme more already.” you rushed, hips pushing down on his hand and lap where you already straddled him. that annoying laugh filled your ears let again and hawk’s mouth replaced his hand on your tits, kissing any and everywhere he could reach on your chest.
it was sudden but you sure as hell felt when a second digit entered you, filling you up perfectly. your hands tightened on his shoulders, fingernails digging into the skin of his back, leaving crescent moon shapes. 
the seemingly relentless pace he was now going had you squirming in his lap, your moans, begs, and whimpers filling the air. if anybody could have you become a mess like this - it was hawk.
“there we go, using that pretty mouth for something other than shit-talking me.” your legs were shaking now, pleasure building up in your stomach as he teased. there were no rebuttals coming from you, at least not now when you were incredibly horny. 
“hawk, fuck, please, i’m gonna-”
“-you know what? i wonder what those miyagi-do friends of yours would think about this. seein’ you beg like this when you act like you hate me in front of them.” hawk emphasized the word ‘this’ by curling his fingers inside you, your orgasm hitting you and sending you crumpling forward into his arms.
“i..fucking...hate you.” you told him between pants, how unserious you were about these words clear as you were brought down from your high. 
hawk could only smirk, hands gripping your hips in order to push your sensitive crotch onto his. “yea? so prove it.”
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it was no secret that you completely hated the parties west valley kids were known to throw. too much of everything: the kids, the booze, the pda you were subjected to. everything. unluckily for you, demitri had somehow managed to get invited to one and begged you to go with him as a plus-one. since the end of his close friendship with hawk, you had partially taken up the role as his best friend. partially, though. no one could fill that spot like hawk could.
demitri spent the night placing all types of scenarios in your head. what if he was sitting against a wall all by himself all night? what if the cobra kai ‘losers’ made their way inside? what if a fight broke up and he was terribly injured by a flying chair because you weren’t there to shield him? oh, the horror.
you finally agreed. the flying table scenario would’ve stuck with you all night otherwise.
that’s how you found yourself in some random rich kid’s house, a beer in hand as you laughed with demitri and a group of kids from a few of your classes. you also weren’t stupid; you could feel hawk’s eyes on you from across the room. it was like they were burning into you from how long he’d been doing so.
as noticeable as that was, it was even more so noticeable how he was looking at demitri. glaring daggers at the boy who was having so much fun with you that he hadn’t even noticed.
and demitri alexopoulos noticed just about everything.
clearing your throat after realizing how hard you’d been staring, you let go of demitri’s arm, - after forgetting you’d even taken it when you both first walked in - slid over your drink to him to watch it and walked toward the bathroom.
it didn’t even take long before hawk was joining you in there. you’d seen him annoyed plenty of times, of course you had, but things were different. that was confusing.
“so? any reason you’re staring at demitri like he’s the damn devil?” your tone was light and if anything, it just made hawk’s nostrils flare even more.
“of course, you wouldn’t know. too busy hanging off his fuckin’ arm like he’s your boyfriend.” bitterness. it was all in the way he spoke.
your brow raised in confusion. was he not there when you both made the agreement to keep your relationship strictly physical? there were no emotions involved and you knew it well because it was all you told yourself when you saw him flirt with other girls.
“what are you? jealous or somethin’?” easiest way to deal with these situations was to mask them with humor. “what would be so terrible about him being my boyfriend anyway? he’s a way better option than others.” the truthfulness in that joke hit both of you way harder than expected.
it wouldn’t work between you and hawk, both of you knew that even without it being said out loud. if anything, demitri would definitely seem like the better option. 
a scoff and hawk’s back met the door as he leaned against it. “right because he’s good boyfriend material. he’s the one that gets to actually kiss you ‘nd show you off. i’m just here for a quick fuck, you’re completely right.”
it was almost like you were stunned: mouth open and closing as you searched for the correct words to say yet none of them seemed right. “we talked about this before. you don’t- you don’t get to throw a hissy fit when you see me talking to a close friend of mine, eli, that’s not how it works.” that jester facade of yours was beginning to shatter quickly and you hated how vulnerable you sounded in that moment.
“you don’t think i know that already? what- fuck this, whatever.” in all the years you’ve known eli, you’ve never seen him so upset. bullies were one thing, but this? you could tell this affected him more than they ever could.
before he could swing them door open, your call of his name stopped him in his tracks.
“maybe we should call this the end of the...arrangement. clearly it wasn’t as good as a idea as we thought.” it took you a second to make sure your voice came out as steady as possible. though it was unbeknownst to him, this wasn’t fun for you either.
hawk’s hand turned the doorknob and pulled it open. “whatever you say,” he said in such a low tone you almost missed it and walked back to the party.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
“Cold Weather,” Pt 2 Levi x Reader
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using this gif again bc oof and I’m also running out of Levi gifs to use
Summary: modern day Levi. After getting stuck in a blizzard and taking shelter in a cabin with no heat, skin to skin isn’t the only thing you two would be using to get warm
Warnings: fingering, dirty talk, choking, smut period. any who
“I know what else we can do to get warm.”
“Levi,” Your eyes were glued on his, the smirk on his face only growing the more your face started to get red.
You would admit that there is a lot of sexual tension there but you weren’t too sure if it was only because you two were forced to cuddle half naked for warmth or if Levi had caught on to your feelings that you had for him.
Either way you didn’t want to protest or act as if you didn’t want to do anything with him. The way his eyes had burned through your body made your skin hot and made you want more of his touch on your body.
Levi’s fingers had traced over your bare skin, sliding down to slip the strap of your bra off your shoulder and a lump started to form in your throat as his eyes stayed on yours, never once looking away and you didn’t dare break the eye contact no matter how nervous you started to get.
He was swift when reaching around your back and unclipping your bra with no issue, feeling it drop and he slipped it off your arms and tossed it behind him in a blink of an eye. He wanted to take his time, with you at least. The feelings he had for you were more than enough to give him the boost of confidence to do the things he’s been wanting to do.
In an instant, his lips were back on yours and his body had moved over to hover over yours as he forced his tongue inside of your mouth, exploring the new space and taking over the dominance quite quickly but only because you didn’t bother, the amount of butterflies you felt roaming inside your stomach as your body ached for him more as each second passes by- you let him do whatever he wanted to do.
His chest pressed down on yours, one hand flat on the floor to hold himself up above you while his free hand had wrapped around your throat, giving it a gentle squeeze and suddenly his mouth was off of yours and peppering kisses along your jawline, his hair hanging down and tickling your skin.
The air around you was thick, between his kisses and the tension in the air- you were practically choking. You were frozen, your arms and legs numb and not just from the freezing cold weather that surrounded the cabin and outside of it- but Levi’s sudden actions, it had you complete stunned to the point where you couldn’t move.
The thought of this had ran through your head multiple times in the past but you were never brave enough to cross the line of ruining a friendship you admired so much. He’s your best friend, the only person you can truly count on and secretly- the both of you would dream of this moment and now that’s it’s happening, you’re stuck in place.
He had noticed your stale movements while kissing your neck and collarbone, his eyes flickering up towards you as he held his body up above yours, the worried look on his face like he had did something wrong, thinking this isn’t what you wanted.
“We don’t have to..” He started to say, not really knowing the right words to say. It grew awkward and you snapped out of your endless thoughts to meet his gaze.
Suddenly you felt stupid, you were too caught up in your own head and was too scared to embrace your feelings for him that you made him feel embarrassed for even thinking something like this would work.
“Levi, you’re the only person I’ve wanted to do this with.” You tried to assure him, leaning up and smashing your lips onto his.
Your small hands had trailed down his bare chest and suddenly he had gain somewhat of his confidence back, grabbing a hold of your hands and pinned them down against the floor, your fingers intertwining with his and his hips had firmly pressed against yours.
The swarm of butterflies and sparks that you felt made you want to freeze up again. You were never the type to be this bold, especially towards someone you’ve been in love with for years. You still had that mindset where you would be rejected by him even though his lips were molded into yours.
You tried to shove that anxiety out of your mind, feeling his hips roll into yours making a random moan fall from your lips and onto his. It was getting more than hot in this empty cabin, the feeling of his hard length pressed against you along with the only two fabrics of clothing you both wore- it was making your breath uneven and your kiss sloppy.
Levi had pulled back first, breathless and his eyes had stared down into yours, a small smile appearing on his lips and he had let go of one of your hands to cup your cheek, stroking it then grabbed onto your chin.
“You know how many times I’ve thought about this?” He mumbled, moving his fingers down your body and swiftly slipped your underwear down your legs, making your heart pound.
You shook your head, keeping your eyes on his while his fingertips tickled your inner thighs as he teasingly ran them up your leg, spreading them apart with his knee and unexpectedly rubbed just one finger through your folds, making you shudder under his touch.
“Every time I look at you, all I can think about is you underneath me...” He used two fingers to rub through your folds, a soft gasp leaving your lips.
“All the times I’ve thought about you late at night, taking all of me, moaning my name, making a mess all over my sheets..” His words had you already throbbing and he barely even touched you, his fingers teasing you.
“You drive me crazy without even trying.” His other hand grabbed onto your throat, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip and a smirk appeared on his face.
Suddenly he had his fingers at your entrance, just barely hovering over it and he could tell how impatient you were just by the way your hips were trying to grind against his fingers, you were already a mess underneath him and he hasn’t even began to start pleasing you the way he wanted to.
Levi tilted his head, leaning down to pepper a kiss on your jawline and leaned down towards your ear as your hands made their way around his back, nails already clawing at his skin and he let out a soft breath.
“Tch, I’ve barely touched you and you’re already a mess.” He taunted, a chuckle falling from his lips and it made you want to roll the both of you over and slap that smirk off his face- he was being too cocky, knowing how badly you wanted him.
“You’re being too cocky.” You scoffed under your breath, almost rolling your eyes and he raised his eyebrows in amusement as he stared down at you.
“I think I’m allowed to be.”
You hummed, a smile coming across your lips until he abruptly slipped both of his fingers inside of you, your mouth instantly parting open and another gasp slipped out.
The smirk on his face was evident, enjoying himself a little too much as he moved his fingers at a even pace, twisting them and using his free hand to rest beside your head to hold himself up.
He wanted to watch your facial expressions, wanting it to feed his ego, wanting to see just how much he can pleasure you, how good he can pleasure you. He was one cocky asshole but you couldn’t deny the fact he knew how to make you feel good.
Your back almost arched off the floor, wanting to move your hips up into his hand but he was quick to press your hips down with his free hand, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he tilted his head up at you.
“Do that again and I’ll have no choice but to stop and leave you here soaking wet.” He teased, the tip of his tongue sticking out and licking over his dry lips.
You wanted to protest, fight back or shoot him a dirty look but the way he looked right now, the way he was being so dominant with you- it was really turning you on and you wanted it to continue for the rest of the night.
But you still wanted to slap that cocky smirk off his face but it was worth the feeling of his fingers knuckles deep inside of you, making you clench around them and throw your head back against the blankets.
“Good girl.” He purred, sitting himself up on his knees and looked down at his fingers, watching himself finger fuck you.
He couldn’t resist, he wanted to pull his fingers out and fuck you into oblivion but he had to restrain himself, he wanted to enjoy this, enjoy you and the way your beautiful body laid out in front of him like this- the only light making your skin glow was the fire from the fireplace.
He sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, he was in awe of you and the position you were in. Your head back, your eyes closed and the effortless moans falling from yours lips was like music to his ears. He was so fascinated with you, so intrigued, so in love.
Levi’s mouth was practically drooling at the sight that he almost forgot he was thrusting his fingers inside of you until your moans had grown louder, knowing how close he was edging you to your orgasm.
He thought about it, should he let you cum around his fingers? He did want a good taste of you, he wanted to watch your face mix with pleasure as your legs tremble beneath him.
Gosh, he was thinking too much about you that he was close to almost cumming in his boxers. He shook his head at the thoughts, his eyes fully trained back onto you as he continued slamming his fingers inside your tight hole, using his other hand to rub circular motions on your clit.
“Levi.. I’m gonna,” You practically whined out, making his eyes shoot up to yours and he groaned under his breath.
“Cum on my fingers.” He praised you on, mumbling soft words like how you were beautiful to him.
He had watched your face scrunch up, the orgasm washing over you like a fresh shower, making your legs slightly tremble and your breathing started to get heavier. He licked his lips at the sight of you, he was hungry for you in ways he couldn’t even explain.
He was quick to take his fingers out once you were done and licked the cum off of them, humming at the taste of you. He was enjoying himself too much but he made sure you were enjoying the moment more.
Your cheeks were flushed as you tried to catch your breath, your eyes connecting with his hungry ones and he moved his fingers down to rub your sensitive core, making your legs close tightly but he forced them open.
“I’m not done with you yet, brat.” The nickname easily dripped off his tongue and it had made another throbbing sensation hit you.
He was quick to reach his hands down to his boxers, finally taking them off and freeing his length that was more than desperate to be let out. Your eyes couldn’t help but glance over his entire bare body as he was above you, your eyes trailing down and lump had formed in your throat.
The butterflies you felt was unexplainable. You couldn’t believe just how perfect he looked naked, it made you almost choke on the air around you.
His hand grabbing your chin made you snap out of your thoughts, your big eyes looking up at his and he softly pressed his lips on yours, the kiss was slow but your lips were still swollen from the rough makeout session you had moments ago before he had his fingers deep inside of you.
He was craving your touch so desperately, he was clingy and was more than horny but he wanted this kiss to be a lot more meaningful because he still loved you deeply.
He pulled back, his face hovering over yours while his nose brushed up against your own nose. He had given you a soft smile, his fingertips brushing over your soft skin and it made your heart swell.
Levi planted one more kiss on your lips, settling himself between your legs as he grabbed a firm hold of his length, teasingly rubbing his tip along your folds, his face still inches above yours before he slid himself in slowly but he didn’t hesitate to fill you up completely.
Your mouth parted open, another moan slipping off your tongue and he took the opportunity to spit inside of your mouth then molded your lips together in a heated kiss, mixing your tongues together.
All of this had sent you in a state of euphoria, almost seeing stars blur up your vision and your hips instantly moved up to meet his soft thrusts until he started to speed up his pace, pressing your body down into the floor.
He had kept his eyes on you, the sense of wanting to watch over your beautiful state and your expressions as he stimulated you. He was sure he would end up cumming just by the look of your face but he wanted this to be a lot more meaningful. He didn’t care about the sex, he wanted this to be about you.
He would do anything for you and he knew about the strong feelings you’ve had for him for well over a few years so that only pushed him to make you feel everything tonight. He could care less about orgasming, he could care less about pleasuring himself. He was so deeply in love with you that this, your first time with him, was something to remember.
“Fuck, go harder.” You barely managed to stumble out of your mouth, making his eyebrows furrow and stare down at you.
He had done what you said, his hips slamming into yours and the sounds of the fire cracking and both of your skins slapping together echoed through the empty cabin.
Your skin grew hot, your cheeks red and the intense pleasure you were feeling made your eyes water and your head ended up leaning back as your eyes fluttered shut, your nails clawing at his back, sure to leave scratches on his soft skin.
You could already feel yourself nearing your second orgasm, multiple profanities, whines and moans falling from your lips and when he felt your walls clench around him, he made sure to quicken his pace as much as he could, wanting to send you over the edge again.
“Are you going to cum for me a second time, brat?” He voice mumbled into your ear, his lips trailing sloppy kisses just below your ear and on your neck and you held onto his biceps tightly.
You slightly nodded your head, stuttering out a small ‘yes’ and he purposely sunk his teeth into your skin and it made you almost squeal, his large hand moving up to grab onto one of your breasts.
“Be a good girl and cum for daddy.” The dirty talking he was doing in your ear was working in his favor, it had made you wrap your legs around his torso, feeling him almost pull out of you completely just to thrust back into you roughly.
Your second orgasm had hit you like a train, your legs shaking uncontrollably and the way it had sent you in such a pleasured state, it made his orgasm hit him just about the same time.
Levi’s breathing was uneven, the sweat gathering up on his forehead made the small strands of hair to stick on his skin. He pulled out of you, sitting up on his knees as he looked over at your shaken state.
He had chuckled under his breath, placing a kiss on your forehead and stood up to go find a towel to clean you up. He wasn’t just going to leave you there sitting in a complete mess you both had made, he wasn’t that lazy.
When he returned, you had caught your breath and your eyes could barely stay open from how much he tired you out. You watched him clean you up with the towel, tossing it to the side when he was finished and got underneath the blankets, wrapping his arms around your naked body.
His lips peppered soft kisses on your face, pulling you into his chest and he sighed happily, brushing his fingers through your hair as you laid there almost half asleep, tangled up in his arms.
“I love you, you know.” You mumbled, tilting your head up to meet his gaze and he laughed a bit, nodding his head.
“Yes, I know.. I love you.”
Pls this is the longest Levi smut I’ve ever written. But I think it turned out so good wtffff
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jd-loves-fiction · 3 years
➤ Jason Todd x Reader
➤ Warnings: gun kink, unprotected sex [don’t be silly, wrap the willy ;)]
➤ @catxsnow @internalsealpanic​ @littleredwing89
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[22:50] Your lungs burn as you leapt from one building to another, begging you to slow down at once. 
No chance of that, not with the sound of heavy footsteps thundering behind you as a grunt is heard after the man chasing you lands. 
So you keep running, despite the tightness of your chest, the soreness of your feet and burning in your muscles. 
But somewhere deep inside, something urges you to stop. Something more abstract than the discomfort you feel.
"Come on, princess. Stop and let's talk this out!"
"No way in hell, you glorified eyesore!" You yell back, jumping yet another gap between buildings almost perfectly. 
You misjudge the distance and are unable to stick the landing, rolling across the roof until you stop on your back. You don't move, already hearing how his footsteps become slower. He approaches your defeated form, panting as your ankle throbs slightly. You know you can't run anymore at this point, so why tire yourself out.
Red Hood steps over you, placing his boots on your spread arms, barely applying any pressure, just enough to send a message. 
You can hear his heave, distorted, and you imagine him to be sweating bullets under his helmet, while you cool off with the cold, humid air of late night Gotham.
"Did you need to do all that? I just wanted to talk." Red hood protests, exasperated and still panting as you do the same with a skeptical look. 
"Seems it was more your gun wanting to do the talking." You bite back, feeling small under his gaze, so far up from you, but refusing to show it. 
You can almost see his red helmet contort into a frown as you both know what you said isn't true. He may threaten you but he'd never actually shoot you. No matter how much he tries to hide it, he enjoys this dynamic of yours. And so do you. 
The sexual tension, usually pointed out by others around you, could be cut with a meat cleaver. And it just keeps building. Every encounter or skirmish usually leaves you with sticky underwear and him with tighter pants. You excite him, keep him on his toes, and he does the same to you. 
Not to mention the more intimate moments you've shared. 
Walking the grey line of morality meant that your friends could be your enemies and vice versa. For you two, it meant that one day you could be bandaging each other up (still with the masks on) and the next day you could be the ones creating a need for the bandages. 
And that is fine. You both think it's fine.
Until the tension brewing comes to a head spills over from the cauldron. 
Red Hood takes his feet away from your biceps, stepping just below them to take the weight off and still keep close. He then takes his shinny, polished gun from its holster, not yet having been used on that night. 
His large thighs flex as he crouches over your chest, placing the gun under your chin as you stare into the white eyes of his hood, hoping to catch a glimpse of what's behind. 
"Well, if that's the only way I'll get you to talk." His deep voice, seemingly deepened by the voice modulator, rumbles through your chest as he speaks. 
"There are other ways…" You whisper suggestively, mask slits lowering as you smirk seductively. The complete switch from your feisty defiance to a velvety tone and alluring expression makes him pause. 
"Oh? And what would those be?" The gun feels cool against your skin as he presses it harder against you.
"You could start by taking off your helmet." You say confidently. And just like that, the gun's pressure leaves you as he pulls it away slightly. 
Red Hood sighs deeply, shoulders dropping, "You know I can't do that, princess." 
"Not for me?"
"Not for you, not for anyone I'm afraid."
"Won't even let me try to change your mind?" You purr. Your hands crawl up his tense legs, feeling the muscles quiver under your fingertips before they settle on his hips. 
"I can't promise you anything." His tone turns stern, almost cold, but his breathing wavers at the feeling of your warm hands on his cold body. 
"Then don't. Just let me do my thing and see how you feel afterwards." You suggest, nails scratching just above his belt. His hand flexes for a moment, contemplating, before he traces his gun down your throat and towards your warm chest. 
"Think you can change my mind, do you?" His free hand brushes your hair away from your face before he grabs your chin between his gloved fingers. "Let's see what you got."
You slip your legs out from under him, placing them around his waist and throwing him off balance to the side, following the momentum and sitting yourself over him. 
Red Hood's helmet hits the floor as he lets his head fall back. You lay your weight on his middle before gripping both his wrists while leaning closer to his face. 
"You sound quite cocky. Not much reason to, since you're the one on the ground while I could just get up and run. You'd be left all alone to take care of your little problem." You whisper while grinding your ass against said problem.
"True, but we both know you don't really want to. And it's not so little, princess." His voice is deep and raspy as you continue your hip movements, taking his gun out of his hand. "I'll believe it when I see it."
"Then you better start working, doll face."
You scoff at his tone before realizing the safety was off on the gun. "The safety was off?" You ask, shocked, as you turn it on, placing it by your side. 
"Sorry, forgot about it. Had more interesting things to think about." His hands reach for you before you grab them, pinning them beside his head.
"You forgot about it? Not very professional of you, considering your impulses." Your chest meets his as you lean heavily on his wrists. You both know your hold on them means close to nothing and that he could easily get out of it, but he'd allow it if it meant having fun.
"Not the impulses you should be focusing on, sweetheart." His legs bend, urging you forward and making his crotch grind against yours.
“Ooh, I’m so scared of a man whose face I can’t even see. Not to mention the fact that you clearly have a very soft spot for me, sweetheart.” You tease, grinding your hips down firmly, reveling in the deep grunt that makes him chest vibrate against yours.
Red Hood lets out a slow breath, body relaxing completely as he stays silent, “Yeah, you’re right.” he finally says, quietly, absentmindedly. You stare deep into the whites of his mask as he stays tight-lipped and seemingly contemplating something. 
"Can I trust you? Completely?" He asks before you hum, taking your hands away and sitting up. You ignore his boner poking your ass.
"Yes, of course you can." Your expression turns soft and serious as you speak. You hope he can hear your honesty more than see it through the mask. 
He nods before reaching for his helmet, "Wait!" You exclaim as your hands stop him. "What are you doing?!"
"Listen, princess. I want this and I trust you. So I'm acting on all this fucking tension because honestly, I can't wait anymore." And so you let him reach for the back of his helmet, clicking it open with a hiss, before he takes it off and you're baffled by the image before you.
His hair is short and black with a white streak, just as messy and sweaty as you expected. His eyes are a startling, pale green, and they watch your reaction for a moment before his cheeks darken. There's the beginning of dark stubble on his jaw and chin. Even the small scars all across his face, from his cheek to the bridge of his nose, add to his rugged handsomeness that nothing your mind has ever conjured up could compare to. 
"Don't comment too much. We can leave the soft stuff for another time. Right now, I just need to be inside you." The heated look in his striking eyes makes your breath stutter, along with his words. Before you smile cheekily while trailing your nails down his hard abs. 
"'Leave the soft stuff for another time?' That better mean you'll be taking me out on a date, or I'm not having it." You tease, winking at him as he smiles fondly. You take off your mask and place it by his helmet, ego massively boosted by the immensely flustered look on his face as yours is revealed. 
"Do comment all you like. And you can call me Y/N." You whisper into the night, lips a breath away from his. 
"Jason. Nice to meet you, finally."
His soft lips crash against yours as months of tension come to a head while teeth scrape and tongues battle for dominance. You lose it and let Jason suck on your tongue as you rush to unbuckle his pants after raising his shirt slightly.
You feel his hands grip your waist tightly, meaning to flip you under him, before you hold him back by placing your hands on his, "Let me ride you, please." 
"Ah fuck, doll face." Jason's voice wavers as you reach past his boxers to grab his hot member in your cold hand. Your hand moves up and down, feeling him harden fully in your palm as your forehead rests against his. 
Your lips suck on his pulse while your other hand brushes a long scar in the middle of his torso, that you refuse to comment on. 
"Princess, you better stop or I'm gonna cum. And I just wanna do it inside you." He grunts, tugging at your pants while holding your wrist to slow you down.
You take your pants off, thankful for the roof's tall walls and the fact that, for once, it isn't raining like hell. The stone digs into your knees as you settle over him once again. 
"You ready?" Jason asks as you move his cock through your folds. You're not sure of the answer. He looks too girthy for you to take without prep painlessly. But with the burning ache on your core begging to feel him inside, your patience is quickly running out, so you're sure going to try.
You sink down instead of answering, slipping only the head of his cock inside you, making his eyes widen and nearly roll back at the unexpected pleasure, before they close tightly as he struggles to hold his own hips down as you adjust.
"Ah! Doll…" He sighs, hips twitching as they try to raise against the weight of you. You hold yourself up on his stomach as your walls are stretched to their limit, trying not to impale yourself too quickly.
You breathe hard and deep as you move down, the base being thicker makes it harder and not painful, but it's worth it for Jason's face as you finally descend all the way until your hips meet his and he gasps before moaning loudly and deeply. His cheeks become even redder than before, looking to the side at his loud noise.
You lean towards his ear to whisper, moving him inside you slightly which makes him groan again, "Be as loud as you like, nobody can hear you. Plus, not sure anybody cares."
“Fuck, princess, please tell me I can move. I just wanna fuck this pussy so bad.” Jason says, hands holding onto your hips. You nod desperately, already half gone with the feeling of his hard cock fully inside, raising yourself with a whimper and dropping again.
“Shit, doll!” He exclaims, hands helping you move as his hips raise while you drop, his tip hitting you impossibly deep as a layer of sweat starts to form on both of your foreheads, hair sticking to the skin.
“Ah, Jason.” You whimper, grounding your clit against his pelvis at the bottom.
“You feel so good, doll. So warm and wet, fuck…” He sighs, hand grasping your hair and pulling your lips against his as you set a hard and fast pace. 
Your lips barely connect for more than a few moments, kisses interrupted by moans and whimpers as you breathe against each other's mouths. 
Your toes begin to curl as sparks of pleasure travel all over your flushed body, breathing heavy as your heart pounds against your chest. Your body jerks as Jason’s rough and calloused finger starts rubbing firm circles on your clit.
“You close, sweetheart? You gonna cum all over my cock? Clench even tighter, shit!” He sighs, followed by a groan as you do clench tighter around him at his dirty words while the pleasure builds.
“Jason, please! I’m so close.” You moan desperately, muscles twitching as you allow Jason to do the most work with his powerful thrusts and rough fingers.
Your back arches as you finally reach that peak, shivering, nails digging into his stomach as you let him thrust into your pussy until he lets out a grunt once he reaches his orgasm, warm filling you as his cum drips out of you and down your thighs.
You open your eyes, gazing up into the dark sky, catching your breath before looking down. Jason lays back, sighing as the aftershocks of his high wears off slowly, leaving him sated and tired, pent up tension finally released.
You lean forward, ignoring the way your pussy twitches as he nudges the inside, and placing a kiss to his red cheek and smiling at his hazy, faraway gaze.
“So, about that date, you free on Friday?”
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alicanta77 · 4 years
NCT Dream Reaction: You hyping them up
mark instantly dissolves into a flustered mess
i mean
this is the guy who gets shy when strangers compliment him
or even when reading comments online
so when it’s you that’s hyping him up like that
it means so much more
to be honest, everything probably means so much more coming from you
there’s no doubt that mark’s job is really important to him
so seeing you excited about it too
and enjoying what he’s worked so hard on
it would just make him so happy
happier than he would ever let himself admit to anyone
and at the end of the day
you’re his s/o, his other half, his favourite person on the planet
meaning that, to mark, your opinion is the only one that really matters
would be the one to tell you to stop talking
‘ahhhh y/n stop!!! my heart can’t handle it’
wouldn’t know how to react
so he’d choose to complain about your obsession with how amazing he was on his last stage
‘but you’re voice is so beautiful here!!!’
god forbid if you actually do stop though
and don’t say much after his next stage
he would go all pouty and ask if you liked it
sending you the most soul melting puppy dog eyes you could imagine
‘did you like it?’
obviously you did i mean this man is TALENTED
but you can’t just tell him that
so you have to grab him by the cheeks and place little kisses over his face while repeating it over and over
as tough as jeno looks
and as calm and level headed he is as a person
whenever you compliment him
and i mean WHENEVER you compliment him
he just melts into a little shy puddle of ‘uwu my baby loves me’
cannot stop himself from shyly smiling
also definitely hides his face behind his hands
leaving you to pull them away
to force him to look into your eyes to see how serious you are about what you’re saying
i feel like he probably needs a little reassurance that you really mean it
it gives him a major confidence boost tho
cause, like mark, your opinion is he most important one on the face of the planet
and you love him and are proud of him and what’s he’s doing
and knowing that, is the best feeling in the world to him
ok here we go
this is the boy who watches his own fan cams
and gets a major confidence boost from them
and uses them to compliment himself
and compares them to his bandmates saying his was better
if you started complimenting him and hyping him up like that
his ego would go through the ROOF
his confidence would shoot up
and he would definitely ask you if you wanted a private show from your incredibly talented boyfriend
if you continue to compliment him
whilst squishing his cheeks or kissing his face
he would definitely start to get a little shy
but you can only tell cause he starts to blush
you are pretty much the only person on the planet that can get this kind of reaction out of him
finds it really reassuring when you compliment his work
i feel as though jaemin is probably the most self conscious about his performances
so this would mean so much to him
does not get shy if you get really excited
literally thrives off the positive energy you’re omitting
when you really hype up a stage he will likely watch it again with you
he wants to know exactly what your favourite part it
and why you prefer this more to the previous one
jaemin’s another one who would offer you a private concert
but unlike hyuck who just wants to show off i think jaemin would offer to teach you the dance
wouldn’t mind if you said no
but if you said yes he would combust from being so happily in love with you
10000% uses your comments to show off
and always thinks about what you said when he’s next performing
you’ll always be on his mind
definitely sends you a little smirk
encourages you to say more
‘don’t stop now! you were telling me how brilliant and amazing and incredibly talented and handsome i am.’
‘i literally said one of those things but go off i guess’
most of the time laughs it off with you
gently pushes your shoulder while giggling
like renjun he probably tells you to stop slightly
but REALLY doesn’t mean it
if you stop for even a second he turns his head so fast towards you that he gives himself whiplash
questions why you stopped
probably accuses you of not loving him properly
honestly this boy is such a tease and he will use your reaction to tease you
but at the end of the day
he really appreciates your support and nothing makes him happier than seeing you being proud of him
turns just about as red as a tomato
tries to hide from you
and by that i mean literally goes into a different room
he loves it when you compliment him
but when you get really excited over something that’s coming or a stage
to the point where you’re really hyping up how amazing he is
he finds it incredibly difficult to function without becoming a shy, stuttering mess
so you chase him
and for a while it is literally just you chasing him around the dorms telling him how amazing he is and how much you love him
‘y/n stop i get enough of this from jaemin!!! i don’t need it from you too.’
‘well deal with it sung, it comes with being in a relationship.’
when you say that he begrudgingly stops
and allows you to pinch his cheeks
only as long as you kiss them afterwards
don’t get confused, he is still obscenely soft for you and only you
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
An Introduction Pt.3- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2
Requests for this series is now open!!! You can request for ships, episode inserts, and headcanons for this series!!! More info can be found here
Summary: You guys are like the "Friends" of the crime-fighting world. Robin's totally Ross and if this was one of those episodes, it would be called "The one where aliens get their asses kicked"
Ships: none, see info above
A/N: Once again this is a reader insert for the Teen Titans 2003 show season 5 episode 10 (the one where they all meet!) I also added an epilogue for funzies.
You found yourself in a dark bubble of Raven’s magic, floating up to the alien ship. You had offered to water jet all six of you up, but you weren’t even sure if you could create that big of a geyser. Besides, a quiet bubble is much better than a large geyser. Beast Boy, however, disagreed.
“That dark energy stuff gives me the--” He was cut off by a glare from Raven. ”Uh...I mean, it's cool!” He gives a guilty grin.
Robin tells us to go to the firing control room, and you all crept through the hallway in a single file line: Robin, the pink-haired girl, Beast Boy, You, Cyborg, and Raven, who you noticed was still near the entrance. Cyborg gave you a look as if to say Keep going; I’ll handle this. You nodded and continued walking forward.
You were walking near Beast Boy, when you noticed a cut on his arm, with that part of his suit torn open. You pointed at it.
“Hey, you alright?” you asked, referring to the gnash.
“Oh this?” He replies. “This is nothing. When you’ve been a part of the DOOM patrol, a little cut is nothing.” He smiles confidently, patting his wound. You realize that he was totally bluffing when a comical tear springs from his eye and his arm tenses.
“Here I can help.” you say softly. Concentrating on the air between your hands, you condense the liquid in the air, forming a small bubble of water. You move that bubble of water onto his arm and it begins to glow. You let go of the water, revealing Beast Boy’s arm to be completely healed.
“Dudeee,” he stares in awe of your handiwork. “That's so cool-” He’s interrupted by your stumbling; healing really does take a lot out of you. He lets you lean on him, and the two of you continued walking forwards. After a few seconds, he stops.
“Uh, guys?” he says. And that's when you noticed it too. The six of you were surrounded by alien soldiers, and they seemed really out for your blood. “I think they know we’re here.” The six of you charged at the fleet of soldiers. But Robin seemed to have an idea.
“Raven!” he yelled. “Take out part of the floor!” Raven looked at him with confusion, but then nodded and did as she was told. With a large SMASH, she removed the part of the bottom of the ship, revealing the water below. The water below you realized, suddenly understanding Robin’s plan.
“Aquagirl! Now!” he yelled, holding off a soldier with his staff.
“On it!” you yell, punching another alien out of the way. (Apparently with water powers came enhanced strength, which you found out at that moment.)
Concentrating on the water below, you raised your arms, allowing the ocean to shoot up from below. Instead of blasting the water through the entire ship, you carefully controlled it to grab onto the aliens that were attacking your friends, pulling them through the hole and causing them to fall into the ocean below.
You looked at the door to the control room, which was locked shut.
“I got this.” Robin said, placing something shaped like a birdirang onto the door.
As the bidirang counted down, you heard Trogaar talking from behind the door. “The Earth scum shall learn it takes more than six juvenile heroes to defy the mighty Lord Trogaar!” he said, most likely with a smile on his face. You all looked at each other, prepared to prove him wrong.
The door exploded, and Robin was the first to get through. “We’re not six heroes,” he declared. “We’re one team.” Him considering the six of you a team sparked something inside of you. You all split up to take down Trogaar and his guard, with Robin at the lead. You took on a guard, kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying towards a wall.
You noticed that Robin was on the shoulders of Trogaar, and you sent a jet of water to his face to knock him off balance. That didn’t work and he threw Robin across the deck. Luckily, he landed on his feet. The two of you joined to fight Trogaar, taking turns to land punches and kicks. However he overpowered you and Robin, throwing you both across the room. You landed on your back, but Robin hit the wall with the back of his head and fell to the floor.
“Robin! Aquagirl!” The alien girl yelled. You got up as quickly as possible and helped Robin up from sitting position as she and Cyborg tried to take on Trogaar, only to be thrown in your direction as well.
Still leaning on you, Robin looked at Cyborg’s arm. “Can you rewire that into some sort of weapon?” he asked.
“I can try,” he said, getting up. The four of you were in a fighting stance, despite being injured and surrounded by Trogaar and his goons. Suddenly, you hear a voice, as clear as day.
“Get away from my friends!” It was Raven, supporting an injured beast boy. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” she chanted. Part of the ship exploded, sending it crashing into the ocean.
You found yourself standing in the ship, the roof torn off and making a slow descent into the ocean. All of the alien soldiers were groaning on the ground, but Robin, Cyborg, and the alien girl were all unharmed. The four of you watched in horror as Trogaar aimed to attack Raven when BLAM! You turned to see Cyborg standing next to you with a smoking sonic blaster in place of his arm. He grins.
“Alright I’m only gonna say this once. Boo-Yah!”
“Yo, is it just me or are some of these guys starting to move again?” Beat Boy points out, still slumped in Raven’s arms. He was right; a few of the aliens began to twitch, making attempts to get up. You turn to the other 5 people.
“You guys don’t worry. They’re in the ocean now, meaning that they’re in my territory.” You cracked your knuckles, your eyes glowing blue.
It’s the next morning and you find yourself sitting with Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, looking at a view of the bay and an island
“Thanks so much for the new suit Cyborg!” you say, fiddling with your brand new outfit. You were wearing a cropped short-sleeve rash guard and swim shorts, both with deep cyan and black patterns. He also gave you black gauntlets with curved spikes ‘To protect yourself from bad guys and still be aerodynamic!’ according to him. Robin gave you one of his old yellow belts, since he figured you’ll probably need something to carry stuff in. Finally, you found some black scuba shoes from the swimwear store that allowed you to walk and swim with ease.
“Its no problem AG! I figured you needed a new outfit if you’re gonna be a superhero now” Cyborg chuckled, calling you a new nickname that he probably made up just then. Superhero, you thought. I like the sound of that.
Raven had a far away look in her eyes.“That's quite a view.” she said, still staring that the scenery
“Somebody oughta build a house out there,” Cyborg agreed, his voice now softer.
“Yeah, if you like sunshine and the beach.” Beast Boy added, making an obvious dig at Raven.
“You know, you're kind of funny.” Raven said to your surprise, smiling softly at Beast Boy. This was obviously too much for the guy’s ego.
“You think I'm funny?” Beast Boy sat up straight, looking at Raven. “Dude! I know some jokes!”
You laughed at Raven’s face of pure regret, before a familiar voice brought your attention to behind you. It was the alien girl, now in a purple outfit similar to the one before, but this time it seemed to really suit her.
“I look .. nice?” she asked, obviously insecure. You took her hand again.
“You look amazing,” you reassured her, causing her cheeks to flush.
Robin stepped forwards. “I still don’t know your name,” he said.
“In your language, it would be ‘Star Fire.’” she says with a smile.
“Welcome to Earth, Starfire.” Robin said.
She looked at you all shyly, certainly different from when you first met. “ I thank you all for your bravery and help, and I wish to ask permission...to remain here. Where the people are most strange ...but also most kind.”
“You don’t need our permission,” Raven said calmly.
“But if you want our friendship, you've got it.” Robin added.
“I could use a new friend,” you say with a wink.
“Guess we could all use some new friends.” Cyborg agrees.
“Besides, we kind of made a good team.” Beast Boy says proudly.
“I thought we might want to keep in touch, so Cyborg and I designed these.” Robin fished out four black and yellow communicators. You, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire each took one and observed them. They were similar to flip phones, but they were circular and had no logo on the front.
“Made ‘em outta my own circuits, '' Cyborg said proudly.
“When there’s trouble, you know who to call,” Robin said. You all smiled at one another. You were a team.
While everyone else was still smiling at one another, you excused yourself and walked a few feet away. You opened your new communicator, dialing in a phone number you know by heart. You waited for the person on the other line to pick up, and began to speak.
“Heyyy dad. It’s (y/n); you must have been worried sick, I’m sorry… Yeah no I’m fine, really. I’m in uhhh Jump City and I made some of the coolest friends and I was wondering... if I could stay here? I’ve been spending the whole night wanting to go back home, but I think this might be home for me. I understand if- oh? Really? You’ll let me stay? Wow, thanks dad. I-I promise that I’ll be careful and that I’ll go to school here, I know there's this high school called Murakami School I’ll try to… I love you too dad. I’ll talk to you later.”
You flip your communicator closed, and walked back to your new friends. Raven looked at you.
“Are you alright?” she asked, noticing your change in mood.
“Yeah,” you say, a smile forming on your face. “I’m great actually. Just had to call home.”
“You're going home???” Beast Boy asked, a frown falling on his face.
You chuckled, “Of course not.” You lightly punched his shoulder. “Besides, this is my home now.”
“Awe Yeah!” the green guy cheered. You laugh, feeling extra cheerful. Now that you’re in a team, you really do feel like you belong. You looked at your new team.
“Anyone up for pizza?”
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asmosmainhoe · 4 years
Okay okay so imagine MC is still MC, but they have an older sibling(reader) who studies demonology. Back then in the human world the reader would always tell their theories and researvh in different countries to MC, which at one point, drove MC nuts. Now MC is one of the top students in RAD despite being human. Let's just say the reader came to devildom after a experiment summoning mishap which ended them falling from the roof of RAD's student council room and miraculously survives.
I really hope that I understood it correctly😂
This is my first fanfic btw! I hope you guys like it!
The brothers + Diavolo with MC's older sibling who studies demonology
I made the MC female, but the reader is gender neutral.
Warnings: slight cursing
The brothers, Diavolo and MC are sitting in the student council room and currently discussing a new event MC came up with last week. "I'm just saying that it would be amazing publicity for the school!", MC excitedly calls out. The demon prince is absolutely intrigued by her idea.
"I 100% agree with you on that. We should do it.", he says with a big grin on his face. MC starts laughing happily and claps.
"All we have to do now is-"
Suddenly a strong wind goes through the room, sending all the papers flying around. Everyone is exchanging confused glances. The brothers and Diavolo almost immediately turn into their demon forms in case they're facing a threat.
That's when out of a blue someone lands right on the table. Asmodeus let's out a loud shriek. The person lying on the tables twists and turns. They groan in pain.
"Oh for the love of god! Damn that hurt!", they hiss through gritted teeth. Unfortunately MC knows that person too well.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?!", she yells, turning red out of anger and embarrassment. After all her older sibling just fell onto the table in front of the entire student council and the future king of hell.
"I tried to summon a demon, but it seems that something went wrong during the process.", you explain and carefully climb off of the table. You're leaning against the edge, because everything around you is spinning like crazy.
"MC, you know this person?", a raven haired man asks with a raised eyebrow. They all turn back into their human forms after MC nods. She inspects you carefully.
"Are you alright?", she asks concerned. A tall man with a red uniform walks over and stands next to her.
"Who did you try to summon?", he wants to know. He's not mad, but curious. You notice that he's the only one with a red uniform instead of black like the one from the other men.
"The demon Mammon. I heard that he's the easiest one to summon and I thought he'd be perfect for my first try.", you explain to the tall man with the red uniform. Another guy makes his way to your. He has white hair.
"Of course you wanted to summon the great Mammon!"
He looks pretty pleased about it and has a smug smirk on his face. That must be the second brother. Greed. You're studying demonology for years now and seeing one of the seven deadly sins right in front of you makes your heart beat faster.
"It's an honor to meet you!" You shake his hand while looking like a child on Christmas. This reaction only boosts his ego more, but before he could say anything the raven haired man pushed him aside.
"You clearly know who we are.", says and looks at your sister. "MC, why did you never tell us about your sibling? And their interest in demons?"
Mc rolls with her eyes and crosses her arms in front of her chest. They both stare at each other for a long time without saying anything. Then he turns to you again.
"Anyway." He takes your hand and kisses the back of it. "My name is Lucifer." Your eyes got wide. "The Lucifer?!", you scream out. You feel like you're about to have a cardiac arrest.
Quickly you spin around to face the rest. "So you must be the other sins!" They all nod. One of them is shooting you a dirty grin. You stumble around the table, gesturing like a maniac.
"Let me guess who you are!" A man with blonde hair and a bowtie laughs. "Be our guest.", he says, smiling amused. You point at the guy who gave you the dirty grin. Out of all the people in the room he was the most beautiful one.
"You're Asmodeus.", you say with confidence in your voice. Said demon claps excitedly in his hands. "Not only are you good looking, but you're also smart!" You find yourself blushing at the compliment.
Shaking your head, you get on with the next one. This guys was unusually tall and has orange hair. His big appearance makes your guess easy. "Beelzebub."
To your surprise he gives you the sweetest smile you've ever seen. "You're right." Behind him stands a demon who's smaller and is clinging to a pillow. That pillow and his tired expression gives it away immediately. "And you must be Belphegor."
You look at your younger sister and jump up and down. "Oh, this is so fun!" You can't contain your laughter. With a happy smile on your face you point at the guy with purple hair. "Definitely Leviathan!"
His face turns red and he squirms under your attention. "Y-yeah.", he manages to stutter out. Gosh, you would have never thought that demons are so nice and cute. The blonde man is looking at you with raised eyebrows. "Guessing who I am can't be that hard now, am I right?"
He places one hand on his hip and the other on his chest. "You're Satan. I never imagined the avatar of wrath to be so...calm.", you say a bit confused. He simply lets out a laugh. "I learned to control my anger."
That leaves only one demon in the room. You turn around to look at the red uniform guy and squint your eyes at him. "And you are...?"
"That's no way to talk to a prince.", Lucifer growls with a frown on his face. Your mouth falls open and your eyes go wide. "A prince? Then you must be-"
"Lord Diavolo, but you can call me just Diavolo. It's a pleasure to meet you." His warm and friendly voice calms you down. Not knowing what the correct way is to greet the prince of hell, you bow. Diavolo laughs.
"You don't have to do that." With a small blush on your face you straighten yourself up. "Right, uh, okay."
He furrows his eyebrows in concern. "We should let you get checked. After all you fell from the ceiling on a table. We should make sure that nothing serious happened.", he says.
"I'll go with you." MC puts her hand on your back and leads you out of the student council room. Before she drags you out you yell: “I’ll see you when I’m done! I have so many questions!” The demons chuckle to themselves.
"Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again do you understand, (y/n)?"
"Oh, calm down. I think they like me."
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babbushka · 4 years
Biting Dust - Ch.2
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Life ain’t too easy for a woman, ‘specially not a woman on the run like you. With a bounty on your head and gunpowder in your nose, you’ve grown adjusted to a life of solitude away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. That is, until you meet one particular man who’s got a face you’d only ever seen in your dreams – or on wanted posters. And when he offers you a proposition that sounds too good to be true, well. You don’t think your life will ever be the same again…
Outlaw!Kylo Ren x Reader
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4.7k ; Content warnings: Mild angst (old west existentialism, mentions of hanging lol)
The shock of the sight in front of you has you starin’ at this man with your mouth agape, with just one question running through your head – how? How is he still alive?
He’s clearly swingin’, or no, maybe he isn’t, you realize as you ask Agnes to trot over with urgency. This man, the thief, is precariously balanced on the hide of his horse just so, just so that he must be alleviating some of the pressure around his throat where the noose is wrapped tight. You can’t quit starin’, Agnes coming up beside the great black horse who chuffs and whinnies softly at the strange new presence in front of her.
“Good evening ma’am,” The man uses what little purchase he has to spin himself around on the noose to face you, small grunts of his struggle wrenching out of his chest as he tries not to choke himself any more than he already is, “Could you do a fellow a favor and reach into the knapsack on my horse, use the knife that’s in the left pocket, and cut me down?”
It’s absurd, you think as your eyebrows shoot up, the way that he manages to seem so nonchalant, given his predicament. But the moment he manages to turn and face you fully, any amused notions of his calm vanish, replaced only by the weight of the features which you’re now confronted with.
He’s a collection of pieces that don’t make no sense, shouldn’t go together the way they do. His hair is long and dark as it waves and curls, but his ears stick out beyond the locks. His nose juts out strongly, but it looks like it’s been broken once or twice. A pink tongue darts out to lick plush plump lips, framed by a soft looking goatee, sharp cheeks, but a weak chin. Most of all though, are his eyes. They’re somehow both beady and cunning, calculating and warm, or well…his left eye is.
He’s got a scarred over gash that practically splits his face, something between a burn wound and a cut, halfway in the middle. Whatever it was that gave that to him, took his eye with it, or at least tried to. It’s still there, but it’s milky white, whereas the other one glows a liquid chocolate as the light of the setting sun hits it.  
He’s handsome, utterly and completely handsome.
He’s also still hanging by that noose, and you still don’t know how he ain’t dead, so despite all of that, you can’t help but blurt out,
“What the fuck is this?”
The man clearly was not expecting such a question, because he almost loses his footing on the black horse’s hide, and goes sputterin’ for a moment as he tries to right himself.
“Excuse me?” He’s got some sense of humor, you think, because he’s frowning at you, scowlin’, when he steadies himself once more.
“How are you doin’ that?” You clarify, gesturing with one hand to the fact that he’s alive, how he must’ve been hanging here for two whole days, and is still alive.
“Well,” The man sighs, and you can imagine that were his hands not bound behind his back, he might’ve scratched at his chin or his scalp. “I think my old girl Sam here is trying to teach me a lesson. She won’t come close enough to make this easy for me, but I figured if she were really sick and tired of my bullshit, she’d’ve rode off and let me hang. You know how horses get sometimes.”
Who is this person, who is so seemingly confident and sure of himself, and simultaneously must be the most lucky motherfucker to ever live? You can’t tell if you wanted to smack him or kiss him. Maybe both, but that decision can stay safely locked inside your brain. Even after the two minutes that you’ve known this man, something tells you that his ego would go through the roof if you gave him the satisfaction of a kiss.
“Oh do I.” You bite back a raised brow. While his presumptions may be correct, you were taken slightly aback with how freely he was willing to give them.
“Yes ma’am, I can tell by the way your horse is lookin’ up at you. Sam gives me those same looks, well, when she ain’t bein’ so difficult, of course.” He grumbles, and the black horse, Sam, seems to chuff in exasperation.
The sun is setting faster now, and you start to feel anxious. Surely folks would be still eatin’ dinner by now, surely no one would start walkin’ out and about at night, aside from those who take some comfort in the music and beer in the saloon. Surely no one would see you, see you talking to the hanged man, but…but suppose they did.
What would they do then?
What would you do?
You frown, wanting to get this whole interaction over with. You’ve resolved to cut him loose, but first, you’d like the honor at least bein’ introduced to this strange wonder of a man. You’d like to know just whose life you’re saving.
It ain’t often, that you go around saving lives instead of taking them.
“Quit calling me ma’am.” It’s too formal, too proper for the kind of woman that you are, somethin’ about it reminds you of your mother and – you nip that in the bud real fuckin’ quick.
“Yes sir.” The man offers with a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, and you wonder if he ever smiles. He’s certainly got the humor for it, but as far as his face has moved, those lips are held firmly in a scowl, even as his eyes sparkle.
Without getting off of Agnes, you reach into a knapsack of your own and pull out a knife. It’s nothing too fancy, but the blade is sharp and it should do the trick.
“I have a couple questions.” You begin sawing at the thick rope which binds his hands together, carefully twisting him so that you can have a better angle. You don’t want to accidentally cut his flesh, don’t want to do anything other than get some information and be on your way.
“Please, ask away.” The man is sarcastic, and the thought of stabbing him clean through the chest flits across your mind like a smooth stone over a pond. Although, as you brace yourself against his back with one hand to keep yourself steady when you cut through the rope, you’re not surprised at all to find he’s made of nothin’ but hard muscle.
“What’s your name?” The rope gives way and immediately he wastes no time rubbing at the chafed skin around his wrists, cracking the joints that had gone so stiff.  
“I ain’t so sure you’d’ve ever heard of me, but I go by the name of Kylo Ren.” He says quietly, gauging your reaction.
It isn’t one that he expects.
Something inside you lights up like the flickering flare of a candle, and before you know it, you’re reaching for your gun and holding it steady in his direction. Immediately, his newly freed hands go up in a display of surrender, but you don’t dare waver, not one inch. After all you were willin’ to do for him, you’d take it back in a heartbeat – you ain’t got no desire to go helpin’ a lying man.
“Bullshit.” You spit, drawing the word out into two different syllables, scowling at him.
He wasn’t Kylo Ren, he couldn’t be. Kylo Ren was a legend, a myth of epic proportions. They’d be singin’ songs about him and his gang until kingdom come, they’d be tellin’ stories about his escapades and adventures ‘til the cows came home. Kylo Ren was uncatchable, he was elusive, no one had ever met his wrath and walked away -- there was no way that here he was caught in front of you. Just because this man was blind in the same eye didn’t mean nothin’, lots of folks had injuries like that, and it makes you mad to know he’s hidin’ behind someone else’s identity.
“Beg pardon?” He almost sounds offended that you don’t believe him, and that only makes you more angry.
What, did he think you were stupid? Did he think you were so easily swayed by pretty falsehoods? Naw, you might’ve been easy on the eyes but you had a mind sharp as a tack, and he wasn’t going to make a fool out of it.
“There ain’t no way Kylo Ren would get himself strung up and left in a tree to die. So I’m going to ask again, and you’re going to tell me, otherwise I’ll shoot you clean through the gut and then you’ll have wished they hanged you right.” The gun doesn’t move, and instead of growing angry or brash or violent in the way you might expect a man to act while he’s starin’ down a barrel, he flushes a deep red.
“You’re mighty quick with that, I have to admit I’m impressed.” He chews on his lip, eyes crinkling up at the corners while he blushes and mumbles softly, “I like a woman who can handle her steel.”
“I like an honest man.” You counter, cocking the trigger. His reaction to bein’ held at gunpoint was nothin’ like you’d ever seen before, you’d never in your wildest dreams imagined you’d meet someone who thought being threatened like this was a turn-on.
“Kylo Ren’s the most honest answer I can give you.” He shrugs simply. He speaks with a sincerity that you still have a hard time believing, but there ain’t much you can do about it, you’ve done too much already, wasted too much time.  
You’ve wasted so much time, here with this man already.
“If you’re Kylo Ren, then I’m Angel Eyes.” You huff, wondering how he might feel about that, if he’d ever heard of you in return.
You’re countin’ on him thinkin’ that you’re bluffing, countin’ on him to throw his head back and laugh, to underestimate you. He doesn’t, instead of all of that, he only blushes a little harder, looking away from your gun and straight into your soul. Whether he’s heard of you or not, his eyes are wide and hopeful, starin’ at you like you put the stars in the sky.
“Won’t you cut me down, Angel?” Kylo asks, voice velvety and deep. The sun gleams off his teeth in a glint that has you realizing most of the ones on the bottom are made of gold, as the last slips of light make one last hurrah over the canyons.
He’s charming, too charming. Even with the noose around his neck, even still balancing like a moron on the back of his horse, he’s charming. A man like that is bound to be nothing but trouble, you think. You don’t know why, but something deep in your bones tells you that he won’t be leaving you alone so easily, once you cut him free.
If you cut him free.
But the sun is setting faster faster faster, and the last of the orangeredyellow is gone from the sky, leaving only the dusky blues and purples of twilight. There’s no more time for games, and you both know it.
“God dammit.” You sigh in aggravation, eventually giving in and holstering your gun once more.
You nudge Agnes to move a little closer, and she obliges warily. The rope around his neck requires a bit of elbow grease to saw through with your knife, but it only takes a couple of minutes before it too gives way, like the rope around his wrists had.
As soon as the tension around his neck disappears, Kylo loses his balance and falls off his horse with a great big thud, and you roll your eyes. Putting the knife back in your own knapsack, you don’t really pay much attention to whatever the hell he’s doing on the floor, trying to get his footing after two whole days of being stretched out. His muscles are probably on fire, burning from the effort to not succumb to strangulation, but that’s ain’t really your problem.
“Alright Ren, you’re free to go. I suggest you find some salve for that nasty burn you’ve got – hold it right the fuck there.” When you do eventually look up, it’s to see Kylo standing too close.
Far too close.
Your gun is back, and you jab it straight in the hollow of his scarred cheekbone. For having such good reflexes that you do, he caught you completely off-guard by popping up the way he just had. How was he so tall? He didn’t look that tall up in the tree, the man must be over six heads high. Once again, his hands are up over his head in surrender, and you’re confused, jumpy. You don’t like strange men gettin’ too close to you, don’t like it one bit.
“I ain’t gonna hurt you! I swear.” He rushes to say with a shake of his head, “You saved my life, I’m in grateful service to you. Wherever you go I’ll follow, and keep you safe from harm, until the day my debt can be repaid.”
Kylo realizes then, that he must’ve messed up, said the wrong thing. You can see it in his eyes, or at least, the one good eye he’s got, the one that ain’t scarred over and milky white. You can tell he didn’t mean to go causin’ no offence by offering you his protection, not at all.
“I don’t need any help, not from you, or from anyone.” Your tone softens just a little when you regard him, lowering the gun that you’d had held firmly against his cheek. You decide that there’s no use in blowin’ his head off, no point in wastin’ a bullet when you could’a just let him hang.
Kylo seems to know this, and when your gun isn’t digging into his cheekbone any longer, he takes a hesitant step towards you, so close, too close.
“Well then,” Kylo’s voice is equally soft, soft and deep in a way that’s almost unnerving, how it can be so soothing. He kicks up some of the reddened earth below his boots, sticks his hands in his pockets and gives you the most honest not-smile you’ve seen in your life as he blushes, “Looks like we’ll be together for a mighty long time.”
The sun is completely down now, darkness creeping in all around. You need to get away from this place, need to put some distance between yourself and the town, between you and Kylo, so you simply urge Agnes forward, and without another thought, you’re galloping into the great unknown.
 Agnes is fast, even in the dark.
Maybe especially in the dark, you think. She’s always had a penchant for roaming around at night, in fact, it was at night that you had found her. That was seemingly eons ago, and you don’t have the energy to mull about in your head dwelling on the past more than you already do.
In the moment, there, right there in the desert, it is a clear night. Light from the moon is bright and pale, a silvery wash of deep toned blues and a million stars in constellations you have memorized like the back of your hand illuminate the vast expanse of nothingness ahead of you.
Agnes is fast, but Kylo’s horse has no trouble keeping up, and though you’re not entirely surprised just because of the sheer size of the creature, you’re still impressed. Sam can’t quite match Agnes, her small stature making her all the more quicker, more streamlined that the midnight creature. It’s a slight observation you can’t help but make, their colors. Where Sam is pitch black, Aggie’s coat is glossy white and reflects the moon easily so Kylo can keep up.
When was the last time you rode like this with another person? Not away from someone, but with them? Kylo can’t see you grinning, the dark cloaking your smile as your hair whips around your head, but you are. You are, out there in the dark, flying through the canyons under the moonlight, putting that distance that you need between yourself and the town. No one would find you, no one would even know where to look, should they come try.
You don’t trust him, you don’t trust Kylo one bit, but you have to admit that the fact he hasn’t killed you point blank and stolen all your possessions means a lot. You’re not really in the business to go around trustin’ strangers, you’ve spent nearly your whole adult life alone, on the run. Now wasn’t the time to start…but it felt good, to be with another soul.
Eventually, when you’ve had your fun, when Agnes and Sam have stretched their legs enough, you and Kylo slow them down to a trot. You’ve come to the edge of the canyon here, so neither of you move any closer. Leaning over ever so slightly, you can hear the gentle trickle of water, can see the light sparkle of moonlight glittering off the rippling water of what has to be the Colorado River a thousand feet below in a gorge that you’ll have to descend in the morning. The map had named this place Horseshoe Bend, and you’re looking forward to seeing it in the daylight.
Neither of you are anywhere near Colorado yet, you’re actually closer to Utah than anything else, but you know that if you can just stick close to the river, you’ll be going in the right direction. Kylo notices you noticing the river, and eventually he pulls gently on the reins to get Sam to come to a soft stop.
This is a good place for the night, you think, and you swing your legs off Agnes’ back. Kylo mimics your movements, coming over slowly and carefully so that you hear him.
You don’t know it, but he doesn’t want to scare you again like he had by the tree, he doesn’t want to scare you ever again.
You’re too tired to protest when he begins helping you lift the bags off Aggie’s saddle, his arms are far bigger and stronger than yours, and though you want to tell him to fuck off with his chivalry, you’re undeniably grateful for the help.
Kylo seems to notice, and you’re just glad that he doesn’t make a whole to-do about it. He must be exhausted too, you’re sure.
Not exhausted enough to let you simply throw down a bundle of something for a pillow and sleep though, as he lights a match on the sole of his boots and tosses it onto a small pile of dry brush and sticks that he scrounges up quickly. The fire makes you wary, wary that someone might see, but you’re too close to the gorge for it to be a problem. No one would dare come rushing towards you here, lest they’d be risking falling straight over the edge and cracking their skulls on the rocks below.  
Watching as Kylo makes the fire and keeps it steady, you wrap a blanket around your shoulders. Nighttime got chilly out in the desert, and you’re lucky to have such a beautifully made blanket to keep you warm. You had purchased it just earlier this year at a trading post, it to this day it remained your most prized possession.
A woman had had a selection for sale or trade, hand woven wool in the most striking of patterns, and when you saw the black and beige striped one, you had given her all the money in your pocket for it. You wear it with respect, always make sure to keep it clean and mended, folded neatly in your bag, always remembering that human hands had created this, remembering that it is the skill of that woman and her hands which keeps you warm, keeps you alive on the harsher desert nights.
Kylo has no blanket of his own, or if he does, he doesn’t bother to wear it. Instead, he lies down close to the fire and adjusts his arms behind his head so that it can act as a pillow. You wonder how he can be comfortable like that, but you bite your tongue. If he’s doing this in an attempt at manliness, you won’t be so quick to give in to the bait.
You are looking at him though, with enough interest that Kylo feels the need to clear his throat.  
“Where are we headed, then?” He asks quietly as he settles down, shuffles a little closer to the fire.
You meet his gaze, but there’s nothing upsetting about the intensity of his eye contact. In fact, lying on opposite sides of the small fire like this, your faces cast warm by the glow of the soft flames, you feel almost as though you’re in a spell, caught in his eyes.
Where were you headed, where were you headed really? What a loaded question, you think.
He’s lookin’ at you, and you’re lookin’ back at him, and unshed tears prick the back of your eyelids just for a moment because if you think about it too hard, you’ll realize that in the end, you’re headed where all the wanderers, drifters, loners and outlaws head; “Nowhere.”
Kylo gives you the ghost of a smile, and shrugs, reaching forward enough to light a hand-rolled cigarette by the embers of the small campfire.
“I’ve always wanted to go there.” He says softly, and you can’t help but let a small chuckle slip through your lips. Kylo offers the cigarette to you, but you shake your head and decline, never havin’ gotten much into smokin’. He nods in understanding and puffs on it once or twice, blowing blue smoke up into the night sky.
“Are you always like this?” Tightening the blanket around your shoulders a little more, you try and get some sort of idea of who this person was. You’d always been a decent judge of character, well, you had to be, all alone like you were. Get betrayed one too many times, you start seein’ the signs of shifty drifters from a mile away.
But with him, with Kylo, you can’t sniff out anything rotten in him, not yet. Maybe it’ll come out in a day or two, hell, maybe it’ll come out in an hour once you’re fast asleep. If you wake up and he’s still there, if you even wake up at all tomorrow, you’ll be more surprised of that than anything in the world.
“That depends.” Kylo finally replies around the huff and puff of his cigarette, giving you more of those vague half truths that you can already tell are going to drive you over the cliff.
“On what?” You ask, already knowing the answer.
“On whether you like it or not.” He gives you another one of those not-smiles, where he somehow looks at you, straight through you, with all the warmth of an old friend, though he be but a total stranger. You scrub a hand down your face in exasperation; it ain’t hard to see why Sam wanted him to suffer a little bit, back by the tree, you think.
“Let’s say for argument’s sake that I don’t.” You offer, and Kylo lets out a sharp breath of a laugh through his nose.
“Then yes, I’m always like this.” Kylo smokes pleasantly, and you curl in on yourself, and roll onto your back.
There’s a million stars up there, you’re sure. Maybe a hundred million, a million million. You used to tell the stories of the constellations to your students – no, you think. Don’t go down that memory lane, the one fraught with fire and anguish.
Shaking your head slightly, you open up your eyes as wide as they’ll go, your pupils swallowin’ up all the light they can. There’s purple white blue clouds in a thick cluster above the gorge, and you know that to be a wisp of the Milky Way. The view is impressive, and humbling. After all, you are nothin’ but a small spec in the universe, aren’t you?
“Ain’t it wild?” Kylo starts to ask, smokin’ and turning his head up to the galaxy above you both. “To think that a thousand years ago, someone was lying where we lay, was starin’ up at these stars we see? To think that a thousand years from now, someone else will be in our position, wonderin’ about their place in the cosmos.”
“What is that you’re smokin’?” You tease softly, no real bite to your words. His baritone nestles into your chest and you feel the thrum of it in your bones, your eyes wetting, not daring to look at him as the fire snaps and crackles between you.
“Nothin’ but tobacco, honest.” Smoke pours out of his nose, his mouth. You can feel his eyes on you, can feel him lookin’. “Don’t you ever think about it, about your place in the world?”
“No.” That answer comes easily enough.
“How come?” Kylo’s voice is a deep deep deep whisper in the night, and it weighs heavy on your stomach as your hands twist in the blanket.
“I don’t got one.” You can’t believe you’re admitting something like this to him, to this stranger.
Something about being here with him, lying so close to another human being for the first time in years, makes you spill all your secrets. You’d told him your name, you’ve never told someone your name. Granted, he probably thought you were just jokin’, but still, whether he knew it or not, he knew the truth. Kylo hasn’t laughed at you yet, though.
He hasn’t mocked you or pushed you in any way. He’s answered your questions and the ones he asked in return weren’t nothin’ of too much trouble. In fact, out of all the men you coulda picked to be stuck with, he seemed like one that wasn’t too shabby. Had a good sense of humor, at the very least, and was calm under pressure, if his behavior by the tree was anythin’ to go off of. He seemed sane enough, or maybe just insane enough. You weren’t sure.
Whichever one it was, it had to be why he had declared undying loyalty to you so quickly. Maybe that was the kind of person he was, Kylo was. Maybe that was all you needed to know about him.
Maybe he was just as lonely as you.
Maybe he hadn’t slept beside another human being in just as long.
The sky above you moves, creeps and crawls at a snails pace, but moves. The Milky Way turns, and with it so do the stars. Your eyes are tired, every part of you is tired, and you shudder from the sheer exhaustion in your muscles. Those seven hours at the hotel were more sleep than you’d gotten in the whole week prior, and it was as if your body remembered how badly you needed that sleep, once you’d gotten it.
You sigh a little to yourself, not so sure when another opportunity like that would come again.  
“You’re cold.” Kylo speaks up enough so you can hear him even as your eyes slip closed, darkness around your vision lulling you into that in-between state of consciousness and slumber.
“I’m fine, the fire’s enough.” You mumble, your words slurring together as you turn closer towards the fire, let the heat of the flame seep into your body, trapping it under your blanket.
���If you’re comfortable with it, you’re more than welcome to come sleep next to me.” He offers, and if you were awake enough, you’d probably chuckle at how bold he is, how forward. You still had your wits about you, still had your decent judgement, you know nothin’ about this man and you don’t trust him as far as you can throw him.
You don’t know anything about him, nothin’ at all. Not even his name.
Maybe you do know his name. The odds of that are so astronomical though, so outta this world, that…well…you’re inclined to believe them.
“Are you really Kylo Ren? The Kylo Ren?” You have to ask, forcing your eyes open to look at him one last time, before you fall asleep completely and deal with whatever trouble tomorrow might bring you.
“I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see, Angel.” Kylo whispers, giving you one of those sincere not-smiles, and looking right back.
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Minecraft~
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A/n: I hope you all enjoy, and if you liked, please leave a like! 💖💖💖💖
Tags: @straysrachaa @lordseochangbin @channiesmixtape @starryseung​ @felixsanxchatbot @jisungsjheekies​ @mrbangchannie
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- doesn't know almost anything about Minecraft the first time around but he plays with you to make you happy
- you have to baby him for a while
- He goes and learns about the game in his free time
- and then he pleasantly surprises you now that you he doesn't suck anymore
- and most peculiar of all
- he got really interested in redstone
- boi can make some INVENTIONS
- His house is like, fully automated - farm and all
- it makes you jealous but also very proud
- a pretty big pacifist
- shears, veggies and bread is all he needs
- he still big soft baby but he smart baby now
- also, would totally run around with a pumpkin on his head if you could still wear them in the latest version
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Lee Know
- would kill everything that moves
- would hoard all the meat and refuse to give you any
- deforestation at its finest
- king of surplus
- playing with him is actually playing by yourself cuz he goes off on his own
- builds himself a goddamn empire!
- and no one knows where it is
- if he catches you inside his house without permission: shoot first, ask questions never
- mobs fear him, not the other way around
- will give you items cuz you're a charity cause
- actually shares when you both go mining though
- but let's face it, he's just OP
- would try to get all the cats
- totally to chase away creepers
- not because he wants an army of them or anything
- gets annoyed that he has to constantly fish because the cats keep taking them but won't be tamed by him
- he totally did not search for mine shafts just for name tags to name his cats
- or he'd cancel you in-game and irl too
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- would be super excited to play Minecraft with his friends
- he would be the first on the server to scout out the land and get resources
- however, no one warned him about night fall
- and all the creepy, scary things that spawned
- changbin lives in the ground now
- he dug a hole at the base of the mountain to take refuge during the night and never looked back
- normal person? No way! He was a mole now!
- the best at mining and interior rock design
- he would only resurface to seek out food and animals
- it was Changbin who stole all the cows and sheep, so you couldn't find them for felix
- he would have three large pins just next to his mountain
- lots of cows, rainbow sheep and pigs with saddles
- " uh...so I found these pins of animals and like...no house?"
- "What?"
- "I think the magical Minecraft fairy spawned it into the world?"
- "It's super weird. But I'm gonna kill some cows for their leather"
- and to your shock, a secret door in the mountain opens and Changbin comes running out
- the door made courtesy of Chan
- "He's got a diamond sword already?!?"
- it's the last thing you scream as he kills you for being near his cows
- and after a round of feeding and breeding, he disappears back into his hole
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- would only be about building
- he would be the first one to have a diamond pickaxe just so he could mine cobblestone faster
- would also get efficiency V just so he could speed run through the mines
- would wander through different biomes for days to collect clay so he could make concrete
- and while you're busy actually playing the game, he would beg for you to pick flowers on your trip so he can dye the concrete different colors
- his first house would be a mansion
- but he would give up half way because he kept falling off the roof and dying
- would forget he is actually playing the game and would get scared when night falls and mobs start spawning in his unlit house
- not like you didn't tell him countless times to put down torches
- but he kept saying they ruined his aesthetic
- but now he keeps dying because mobs are literally waiting at his spawn point, killing him over and over and over again
- and he begs you to set the time to day and kill the mobs for him
- but you just laugh uncontrollably at him because karma really is a bitch
- but in the end, he ends up making an entire city, and invites the others to come and play on the server.
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- would be just like Chan
- a pure ass baby when it comes to playing minecraft, but super eager to play the game
- his first spawn would be in the middle of the night (because of server)
- and you would try to tell him to not leave the safety of spawn, but he just wouldn't listen
- "Listen, Y/n, I know what I'm doing! I'm a pro at this!"
- and he would run confidently into the night, like the actual idiot that he is
- he wouldn't get too far before he was attacked by all the mobs and got killed
- "Well that was just rude!"
- "Oh my god Jisung, I told you not to do it."
- "Well how was I supposed to know they were going to kill me?!"
- and you can only shake your head at his stupidity
- he would eventually wait until daytime, but unfortunately all of his items would be lost due to despawning
- it's not like either one of you were equipped to go and retrieve his items
- zombies sucked man! And skeletons are the worst!
- but with a new day comes a new adventure and you both head out to find a place to call home
- Jisung would run the entire way, even though he had no food to keep his hunger up
- he also wouldn't be paying attention to where he was going and would fall into a hole
- a very BIG hole
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "Really Jisung?"
- "I couldn't see it!"
- playing with Jisung would be a very challenging task, because he would never learn
- because by the time he had diamond armor and ready to fight the wither, he would have fallen from fifteen cliffs, twenty holes in caves and three ravines
- "Jisung if you die one more time I swear to god!"
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "That's it! I quit!"
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- You would be so hyped to play with Felix
- You've seen him play other games, so you knew he'd be great at minecraft
- Getting the server had been his idea, the easiest way everyone could play together
- First day of spawn, Felix would already be listing off the things that you would need to accomplish
- wood, cobblestone, iron, seeds, sheep
- it was all just so overwhelming
- by the time you make your first complete set of wooden tools, felix would have iron tools already
- he'd been ten feet underground, digging for more resources while tasking you to find the animals for food, wool and feathers
- easier said then done
- and when he resurfaces and you don't have animals, he would simply sigh and go do it himself
- which would upset you because you would spend hours looking for just one god damn cow
- meanwhile, Felix would take five steps in one direction and come across hundreds of cows!!!
- he'd travel the whole map just to find a jungle to get coco beans
- seriously though, how did he find the fucking jungle?
- it like doesn't exist
- except it does and Minho most likely lives there with all his cats
- Also, there's pandas!!!!!
- Felix would try and tame a panda, even though it's not possible
- When not trying to show off, Felix would be in his crappy little hut (cause hyunjin was still making the city), making cookies and cakes because why wouldn't he?
- at least he shares, unlike someone.....
- Felix would be absolutely unstoppable at the game, while you struggle to get to iron level armor (while trying to keep Jisung alive)
- Felix would have just a big ego
- it's okay though. One strike from Seungmin's sword and he'd be put back into his place
- Revenge is a dish best served Seungmin.
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- the worst of the worst
- he would be the one to pretend to not know the game
- but really, he would be a minecraft expert
- read: troll
- every chance he would get, Seungmin would try to do something to ruin your day
- don't ever go mining with him. EVER!
- he would be the one to lead over a creeper to you in a ravine while you're trying to mine diamonds, right next to a lava pool
- the first one to explode wouldn't do any damage, thankfully
- "Don't you dare bring a creeper over here!"
- "I wouldn't."
- somehow, you wouldn't be convinced
- but you decided to trust him
- y/n clown
- you're just mining away at the diamond when a big explosion happens
- and you notice two things
- 1. the diamonds and the surrounding area were blown up
- 2. you were now in the pool of lava, dying
- meanwhile, Seungmin was running away, cackling like the evil little shit that he was
- the holy terror, that's what they would call him
- he would purposefully go out and fight creepers just to gather their gunpowder so he could make dynamite
- no one was safe from him
- except Minho
- because no one knew where he was
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- Jeongin would spend at least two days researching things for the game before actually playing
- he would want to have some knowledge before walking into hell that was the Stray Kids server
- it's okay though, because everyone loves Jeongin
- really, he wouldn't need to do a thing
- diamond armor, enchanted? check
- enchanted weapons? check
- his own cat and dog? double check
- everyone would do anything for this baby
- but Jeongin isn't one to mooch *coughJisungcough*
- even with all his presents, he would still start with the basics of punching a tree
- while others have found this skills in cooking, mining, falling into holes, redstone and building
- jeongin would be more interested in potions and enchanting
- Jeongin would quickly master potion brewing
- even if it meant battling the scary blazes in the nether
- huh, so that's why Changbin was screaming so much
- he would be hired by Minho to make him potions of breathing so he could go claim an ocean monument
- Jeongin would only do it if he could help
- surprisingly Minho agrees and for the first time in 84 years, everyone gets to see Minho's character
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supremeuppityone · 4 years
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This was created for the Klaroline Fall Bingo Event @klarolinefallbingo. It’s a sequel to Chapter 119 - Part 2 - What Makes Up a Monster, in my series, A Beautiful Symmetry. 
Part 3 is here.
Warning: Some angst
Prompt: Fake blood
Please review here.
           Why did she do this to herself? Caroline stabbed the makeup brush into the foundation palette a bit harder than necessary, watching a couple of the extras giggle and fawn all over Klaus. Despite his worldwide fame and countless industry accolades, he’d somehow remained the same generous, down-to-earth man he’d been when she first met him two decades ago. Not that he’d remember her. She’d made sure of that.
           One of her fangs dug into the tip of her tongue, pricking it just enough to sate her monster. Monsters shouldn’t have regrets. What they’d had together should’ve been a brief fling, but instead feelings happened, and she ended up compelling him to forget. It had been for the best — he was close with his siblings and he desperately wanted to be famous — that combination spelled disaster for her kind.
           But Caroline couldn’t stay away. Almost as though she was doing penance, every few years, she’d find her way onto the makeup team for one of his movies, feeling the need to check up on him. However, she hid behind a wall of cheerful professionalism, making sure not to let him get close again. Her heart could only take so much.
           “My apologies, sweetheart.”
           Klaus’ accented voice was a buttery warmth that flowed over her. Straightening her spine, she replied dryly, “It’s such a pity to have to drag the Great Klaus Mikaelson away from his fan club so that he can do his actual job.”
           “Might want to mind that sharp tongue of yours, love; when you get a bit older, you’ll find that youth and beauty only get you so far in this business.”
           Arrogant little bastard. Tucking back a grin at Klaus’ assumption that he was older than her, Caroline tightened the collar of his protective cape a bit more than strictly necessary. “Sharp tongues have their uses,” she muttered, carefully reapplying the coagulated blood gel to the prosthetic gash she’d crafted along his cheek and neck. “You’d be surprised how many movie sets this sharp tongue has talked me onto.”
           That smirk of his deepened, dimples cutting into his cheeks. Fake blood had never looked so good. “Perhaps you’re a secret fan of mine? Consider me flattered.”
           “I’ve caught a couple of your movies.” No need for him to know she’d been the lead special effects artist on the set of the highly acclaimed paranormal drama, Ghostly Secrets. And the blockbuster sci-fi movie, The Price of Ambition. Or a handful of others where she’d purposely managed the other makeup artists to avoid him becoming too familiar with her face over the years. Fuck, that was pathetic.
           He seemed charmed by her terse tone, chuckling as he replied, “I have to admit, I’ve had a good run in this town, but lately everything just feels so predictable. A table at Pearl’s, drinks at Boarding House — the days all run together.” Klaus frowned, leaning forward as he became more invested in what he was saying. “And you should see the scripts my agent’s been sending me. Bloody awful drivel that’s even lazier than my old Hell’s Hybrid movies.”
           Caroline’s blue eyes widened, and she hated the way her sluggish heart suddenly began to pick up its pace. It’s just words. It doesn’t mean anything. “Then quit. You’ve probably made enough to last you several lifetimes.”
           “But what if I want to live more than several lifetimes?”
           His cheeky question made her hand tremble, and she accidentally nicked underneath his chin while carefully trimming the loose edge of his prosthetic. Damn it. She quickly sliced her finger, dabbing a tiny bit of blood in the wound so that it would heal instantly. “Not sure the planet could take the weight of your ego for so long,” she teased, doing her best to strangle the hopeful butterflies that fluttered inside.
           “You wound me, sweetheart.” His tone turned speculative as he added, “I suspect my younger brother would’ve enjoyed you.”
           Caroline busied herself applying a thin layer of adhesive to the smaller prosthetics, unsure of what to say. A few years ago, Kol’s death had made global headlines when he died in the plane crash that also took their sister. Her heart had ached for Klaus, but she stayed away, knowing that if she saw him grieving, she’d compel him to remember her just so she could comfort him. She couldn’t be selfish with him.
           She’d been proud of the way he’d grown from the tragedy, taking the time he needed to grieve, before returning to the spotlight. There was a quiet strength to him now, a matter-of-fact confidence that had been lacking when they first met. “Your family would be proud of you,” she murmured, briefly squeezing his shoulder so she wouldn’t do something stupid like give him an awkward, way-too-familiar hug.
           “Thank you.” Klaus paused, gray eyes regarding her in a way that made her wonder what he saw. “You’re very easy to talk to — maybe we could have a drink after we wrap for the day?”
           No. You can’t go through this again. “I doubt you’re lacking for company. But I’ll see you tomorrow,” Caroline replied gently, flashing him a smile that made her face hurt.
           Undeterred, he winked, telling her, “Challenge accepted. I’ll earn your company eventually, love.”
           The speedboat revved its engine, the stunt driver taking sharp turns through the narrow canal as he waited for Klaus to get into position. The studio always shamelessly plugged the fact that Klaus was one of the few leading men who’d perform at least one major stunt per film. Why did he always have to pick the most dangerous ones?
           Caroline carried the last makeup case to her car, resolutely staring ahead once she saw the safety coordinators and trainers buckling him into his harness. She never could stomach watching those scenes. The first explosion still made her jump, despite her anticipating the loud boom. However, it was the unexpected second explosion and shattering glass that made her gasp. Something was wrong.
           She followed the screams to the center bridge overlooking the canal, the crowd pointing at the side of the skyscraper that Klaus was supposed to parachute past and shoot a grappling hook into the speedboat below. Instead, several cables had snapped in the accidental second explosion, and the wall of shattered glass showed her that Klaus had been slammed into the side of the building.
           No. Tears instantly sprang to her eyes, and she didn’t bother restraining her strength as she shoved people out of the way. She had to do something. But there was nothing to be done. The crew frantically retracted the remaining cables on the crane, pulling him back to the roof. But it didn’t matter — he wasn’t Klaus anymore. Just a body. She cursed her enhanced senses, hating how the staff still had hope as they watched. Because they couldn’t hear how the air stopped inflating his lungs. How his heart had stilled. Caroline closed her eyes, sending a silent goodbye out into the universe. For he who he was.
           The morgue was crawling with parasitic reporters, all salivating at the thought of capturing a grisly morgue picture of the famous Klaus Mikaelson’s corpse. Caroline compelled her way onto the hospital’s staff, the heightened security a minor annoyance that she fortunately understood how to navigate.
           She brushed aside the curls along Klaus’ forehead, the ghastly bruising much more faint than when he’d first been removed from the destroyed set. Suddenly, his body jerked violently on the slab; Klaus’ eyes opened with a gasp.
           There. Confusion clouded his gaze as he stared at her, the compelled memories rattling around in his mind as he sorted through them. “Caroline,” he asked uncertainly, before recognition colored his tone as he exclaimed, “Caroline! It’s been so long and I’ve missed you. I didn’t even realize what I was missing, but I felt it all the same. I felt you.”
           Caroline didn’t know when she started crying, but soon she found herself wrapped up in his arms. He murmured against her curls, “What happened?”
           Time to discuss those several lifetimes he’d mentioned.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
“You’ve done the unthinkable, you know. You’ve made me fall in love.” Gruvia :) (Juvia to Gray)! ❤️
Writer’s Corner: My dude! This has been sitting on my WIP for quite some time. I think you’ve already forgotten. Hehehe. Since you are the Queen of Angst, how about I have a try? Teach me the ways of the angst queen, senpai!
High rise building. Nothing but a silent skyscraper. But that structure, ordinary on the outside, held so much secrets… and blood. The center of the world’s best and deadliest contract killers. Where money weighed more than life. The Zenagon.
The higher the floor number, the more dangerous the slayer. On the hundred and first floor, five levels away from the occupants of the highest members of the echelon, there was an echo of fingers tapping on the hard glass atop her office table. The woman had her legs crossed under the table, blue blank eyes stared at the name flashing on her receiver. She wasn’t even supposed to receive it, to get a Kill Order. She has already rose from the ranks. Started as a meager foot soldier, climbed to the top of the food chain. At least, to the 100th floor of the Zenagon, where all the second level handlers held office.
“Cobalt, we need confirmation.” The desk-bound Zenagon intelligence on the other line waited.
“Affirmative.” The woman responded; thankful that she only had to answer through the intercom. Otherwise, her strained expression would have given her away.
“We will send the details through your mobile. Immediately make contact once the kill is secured.” This time, there was no need for a response. The order was carved in stone. And if ‘Cobalt’ failed this mission, she would be marked a traitor of the organization. Her eagle eyes flicked back to the name in the monitor.
Gray Fullbuster was dangerous because if he wasn’t, Zenagon would never send ‘Cobalt’ after him. After all, Gray Fullbuster was the son of the organization’s defected chairman and ‘Cobalt’s’ trainer, Silver Fullbuster. She was ordered to kill the son of the only person who treated her as his own child. But it was also Silver who taught her that in their line of work, there was no room for human connection, no space for feelings. That any human emotion would get her killed in the field. For years she always believed it: that feelings were a privilege not available to people like her. The creed allowed her to survive the harsh reality of her world. But he changed it. Cobalt’s gratitude wasn’t the only thing that started the conflict within her. It was that one thing that she has deprived herself all her life. That one thing that made her question her entire belief system. If money weighed more than life, could it also overcome feelings?
Before she could answer her own question, her cellphone pinged. Cobalt opened the message. Just like how it’s always been, the instruction was short and simple: Rooftop. Hargeon Oceanside Hotel.
She didn’t know how they found him. Nevertheless, Cobalt had to go to him and carry out her mission. The woman hurriedly opened the top left drawer of her desk and pulled out her Beretta M9. Although she hasn’t used it in the field after her promotion, Cobalt weekly tried her service pistol in the organization’s shooting range. That way she was confident the Beretta wouldn’t fail her when the need arises. After checking that all fifteen rounds were loaded, Cobalt tucked the pistol in the holster strapped around her upper leg and left for her kill.
The intelligence report was spot-on. Zenagon prided itself with superb intelligence gathering. True to the report, Cobalt found her target at the rooftop of the building. But like her, Gray was also an agent. He was trained to be prepared, day and night.
“I knew they’d send you for me. I just didn’t think they’d find me that fast.”
Cobalt had her prey cornered. With no more roof to run on, Gray finally faced his killer, staring into her menacing blue eyes.
“Give yourself up, Shadow.” She addressed him with his Zenagon alter ego which made the latter snicker, wincing at the meaningless name now that they marked him a traitor.
“I think we’re past that, Juvia.”
Juvia aimed the end of her barrel at Gray’s direction. Her years of training had taught her not to flinch, lift a finger or move a muscle, at anything even if Gray had used her real name, exposing her identity. Something considered a mortal sin in their line of work. Juvia, Zenagon’s Cobalt, kept her ground, ready to pull the trigger if Gray foolishly made a move. Her trained eyes followed his every moment. She could see him consider his options.
Gray looked behind him; the ocean, as angry as the blue pools drilling a hole on him. He wasn’t sure he’d survive the fall but it was the only option left for him if he chose it. Gray gazed back to his assigned killer, searching her eyes to find some salvation. There wasn’t. Gray laughed – a dry, humorless laugh that echoed into the wind. At the callous old men of the Zenagon, at the heartless situation they brought the two of them in. It must have been their punishment.
“Spineless jerks.” He said, “Sending you, of all people, to kill me? That’s just heartless, baby.” Even with his life hanging in the balance, Gray was still that insufferable cocky son of a b*tch.
Juvia agreed with him. She didn’t have to say it. There were hundreds of people they could send to end Gray’s life. They chose her, Gray’s own Zenagon handler, to pull the trigger on him. Either out of spite or to serve as a cautionary tale for everyone who’d fall off the wagon, just like Gray and Juvia did. Maybe both. But either way, it was damn tragic.
Gray made tentative steps towards Juvia, taunting, challenging. His usual smug slowly changing his features. But looking closer, there was no challenge or confidence on his expression. There was only resignation.
“Do you really think I am all those things they accuse me of?”
Juvia knew what he was trying to do, she was the one who trained him. She had enough experience to know not to fall for it.
“Don’t come any closer or I’ll have to–”
“–Then shoot me.”
But Gray was inching towards her. His steps covered the short distance between them until the end of her barrel hit his chest.
“If you really think I am capable of all those things, shoot me. Right in the heart.”
Juvia released the safety pin on her pistol, pressing the barrel against the plane of his chest. All she had to do was pull the trigger and all her problems would go away. Just a light nudge on that cold steel and he’ll be gone… forever.
“It’s either me or you, right? So, go on. Shoot me.”
He didn’t blink. He didn’t falter. Juvia could see that he was serious about it. It should be easy, he has resigned to his fate – Shadow dying in the hands of Cobalt. Juvia could feel a slight crack forming on the walls she built up all those years. She knew he could see it too. Despite her efforts not to let anyone get close – too close, it just happened. He might not have been able to tear down the wall entirely but Gray managed to force a crack on that hard façade. She could feel it growing every passing moment.
“You’ve done the unthinkable, you know.” The tears she never knew she could shed started falling down her cheek. Resolved to be faithful to the only life she knew how to live, Juvia allowed the crack to break open, to be true to herself, just this once. “You’ve made me fall in love.” One last time.
She thought the confession would finally free her. That it would finally give her the courage to pull the trigger. But surrendering to her true feelings, Juvia felt the weight of the gun wearing her down.
“I love you, too.”
Gray shoved her hand holding the gun away, kicking the firearm away from both their reach. He then grabbed her by the waist, crashing her pliant body against his. Gray pressed his lips against Juvia’s, hungrily brushing them as he opened his mouth over hers, deepening the kiss as his hand held Juvia’s head in place. She didn’t fight it, afraid she wouldn’t be able to win. She didn’t want to win. But Gray pulled away before she could even respond to his kiss. He pulled away enough only so he could look her in the eyes as the two of them drew staggered breaths. Her deadly blue eyes softened into his, wet by the tears that she shed for him, for them.
Juvia might have finally opened herself up to him but that didn’t change anything – certainly not the unforgiving circumstance they found themselves tangled in. If anything, Gray’s kiss only made it worse for Juvia. So, he did the only thing he could to save her. Gray plunged a blade into her stomach and pushed her into the ocean with him.
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Fall For Me peter parker imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Request: This is my first ever request so I hope this is clear, clumsy reader has a crush on the adorable peter parker and peter has a crush on the readers more confident superhero self. Kinda like miraculous ladybug if you've ever watched it? Both are like hero partners and peter really wants to know who she is but she thinks they shouldn't know eachothers identities because it might affect how they work. And somehow peter finds out her identity? Hopefully this is okay, I love your writing💌 
No FFH Spoilers (as I wrote this before I saw the movie) But I just finished playing “The Heist” dlc for the spider-man ps4 game, so this has small Black Cat vibes (and also a few other references in the game)
roughly edited
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Superhero name: Khaos (Chaos, but spelled in a greek wayyyy)
Y/N and Spider-Man both sat perched side by side on the edge of the dirty top of a New York roof under the dark sky. Well it wasn’t technically Y/N, it was her alter ego; Khaos. Spider-Man and Khaos, the famous dynamic duo of New York. They were the city’s protectors, and everyone looked up to them. Clad in her usual white full body suit, black boots and black domino mask (a mask styled like Robin’s), she gazed at the sky looming above her, starless from light pollution.
“I really miss the stars,” she muttered softly.
Spider-Man turned to face her with the mechanic eyes on his mask slightly widened. “Where’d you used to live before here? Ya know, where you were able to see the stars?” The man questioned, trying to get the smallest piece of information about who she was.
She glanced at him with a small smirk, “nice try, Spider, but I’m not telling you anything.” He huffed, looking down and shaking his head, “well it was worth a try.”
The masked girl raised a brow at the statement and sarcastically replied, “was it though?”  
“It’s always worth a try with you babe,” he cockily said, making Khaos roll her eyes and shake her head.
The girl jumped down onto the nearest lamp post to get closer to the group of men. Spider-Man followed her footsteps, but on a different post.
They both looked over the group, taking note on each man’s position. They’d recently discovered that one of New York’s famous mob families was trying to bust into a bank. They immediately thought of stopping them before the crime ensued.
“I got this one Spider,” Khaos muttered through the earpiece imbedded in her mask. She jumped down, knocking the man in the head before hiding to find her next target.
Spider-Man stealthily webbed the man up and sticking him to the lamppost. He jumped down, nearing closer to the girl. “Okay, what do we do now?” He questioned as he crouched down, looking at Khaos before looking around the entrance of the bank.
“There’s about twelve of them left, and they’re all clustered together,” she stated, looking above the crate she hid behind, “so there aren’t many options.”
Spider-Man looked around, seeing the dozen men, “go in guns blazing?” Khaos smiled at the comment, “well since you’re best at that, then by all means, let’s do it.”
He shot her finger guns, standing up straighter, “this is why you’re my number one girl, K.”
He walked closer and made sure the group of men would be able to hear him. “Hey, do you guys know the way to Rykers?”
All the men turned to face him, aiming their guns at the red and blue target. “No? Well I’ll guess you’ll find out soon,” he mocked, shooting a web at one of the men to grab the gun. Spider-Man swung it around, hitting anyone in a close vicinity.
He chucked the rifle at the man he stole it from, knocking him out. He shot webs at a bald guy, webbing him to the concrete beneath them. Bullets flew out of guns and due to his ‘spider sense’ he was able to dodge all of them.
Spider-Man shot a web, pulling himself closer to the group of men, dodging and throwing punches. “You know, you can join at any time Khaos,” he grunted, jumping over one man to web him with another guy.
He heard her chuckle into her mic, “why? It’s fun to watch you struggle.” He threw a web grenade, webbing most of the men, but still having to deal with five other lads.
“Please,” he begged, his voice straining. Y/N could tell that he sugarcoated his pleas and knew he could handle all of those guys, but she jumped in to help him. Or, flew down from where she was rather. “Hey guys,” she taunted as she levitated in the air, darkness clouding around her hands as the guns in the mob members’ hands were pulled away from them and behind the superhero duo.
“Now, I suggest you boys put your hands up,” she demanded in a sickly-sweet tone, and out of fear, they listened.
Spider-Man webbed them to the wall of the bank. “Why couldn’t you do that to begin with?” He suggested out of breath as he walked close to Khaos when she landed on the ground. Her eyebrows raised, the mask moving with them, “well you wanted to go in guns blazing if I recall.”
He scoffed, pointing to the men webbed to the wall, “what you can do is ten times cooler than what I can do, princess.” She blushed, but Spider-Man didn’t notice due to the nearby police sirens and flashing lights distracting him.
Khaos sighed and levitated in the air again, “gotta call it a night, Spider. Same time tomorrow?” They both knew that was just a harmless joke, as they fought crime together every day.
He smiled under the mask, “you know it darling. I’ll be counting down the minutes.” Khaos rolled her eyes with a small smile, “see ya Spider.”
She flew away into the dark sky as Peter leapt and swung in the opposite direction. He sighed, looking over the New York skyline, “one day, she’ll fall for me.”
Y/N jumped into her room, huffing as she pulled her mask off. “Another day, another city saved,” she mumbled while taking off the rest of her superhero getup. She plopped onto her bed, making sure to set the alarms on her phone. Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep.
The next morning at school before the bell rang, Peter walked up to Y/N, Ned, with Betty glued to his hip, and Michelle. “Hey guys,” he approached, pausing the song that was blaring through his headphones.
“H-Hey Peter,” Y/N greeted, with excited nervousness lacing her voice and obvious bags under her eyes. Peter smiled at her, but then to the rest of his friends.
“What’s up?” He asked, stuffing his phone into the back pocket of his pants. Ned took this as his chance to speak. “Oh, we were just talking about Spider-Man,” he stated emphasizing the hero’s name with wide eyes at Peter, “and Khaos at some bank last night.”
The group of teens nodded as Peter glared at Ned. “Y-Yeah they stopped this mob family, and it was awesome,” Y/N said excitedly. The excitement diminished as she corrected herself, “it looked awesome! Do you wanna see the video? It’s security footage from the bank that was released this morning.”
Her smile was bright as the other three continued their conversation. Peter nodded and she eagerly pulled out her phone and went to step closer than him. MJ, watching her movements, took this as a chance to trip her friend, knowing what the result would be.
So, Y/N tripped over MJ’s foot, a small yelp escaping her lips. To her surprise, she didn’t hit the floor. She fell straight into the arms of Peter Parker. “Woah easy there,” he chuckled smoothly with his arms around her, trying to steady her. Y/N’s cheeks turned bright red, unknowing of the small smirk on Michelle’s face.
The group of teenagers paused their conversation at the scene unfolding between the two. Y/N slowly pulled herself from his arms, “s-sorry Pete.” She was so embarrassed, she didn’t know what to say, “I’ve just, it’s been a weird night. I’m really out of it.”
The statement caused Peter to raise his brows and their friends, yet again, went back to their own conversation. “What’d you do?” He questioned, moving his hands off her forearms.
Y/N’s mouth dropped, and she tried to find the words to say. “I, uhh, I stayed up really late… watching the Godfather.”
Peter felt skeptical over her response but quickly brushed it off. “Good movie choice,” he snickered. Y/N smiled and nodded her head, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.    
She opened the video on YouTube, then handed her phone to Peter. She stood next to him and watched as the crime fighting duo fought.
“He’s so cool” he mumbled under his breath. “Yeah, but Khaos is ten times cooler,” Y/N stated matter of factually.
“Obviously,” he said with a playful tone, “she’s a total badass.” Y/N was beaming when she heard this. The boy who she has liked since freshmen year thought she was a badass. Or, well, her alter ego. But nonetheless, she would take that as a win.
What Y/N missed was the longing look in Peter’s eyes. He just wanted Khaos to feel the same way. He had a crush on her ever since they started fighting crime together. It was nice having someone to talk to about superhero stuff. She was so understanding and caring, and she cared about this city as much as he did.
Sadly, for him, she didn’t care about him the same way he did for her.
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of first period. They all bid their farewells as Betty, Ned and Peter walked down a different hall than MJ and Y/N.
“Did you really have to trip me?” She questioned on the embarrassing encounter that happened just moments ago once she was sure Peter was out of earshot. Michelle shrugged her shoulders and they rounded the corner, “oh come on. We both know you’d do anything to fall into his arms.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed red, “I-I mean you’re not wrong.” She scratched the back of her neck, now wanting to have a different topic of discussion.
“And the Godfather? Really Y/N?” MJ judged. Y/N groaned covering her face with her hands, “I didn’t know what to say. I panicked.”
Michelle laughed lightly, “alright Khaos. Just try not to blow your cover next time.” She patted her friend’s back quickly with the sarcastic retort, Y/N rolling her eyes.
On the other side of the school, after Ned walked Betty to class, with Peter third wheeling, the two began to talk about something…chaotic.
“Ned, I can’t even begin to describe her,” Peter responded after Ned questioned Khaos’s character.
“She’s just perfect. I don’t know,” he stopped himself, realizing that he sounded kind of pathetic talking about a girl who’s name he didn’t even know.
Ned was slightly confused, “so why hasn’t she told you who she is?” They walked through the door of their chemistry class, and Peter just sighed as he dropped into his seat.
“She thinks it’s unprofessional and that it’ll do more harm than good,” he ran a hand through his brown locks, before leaning his chin on his hand. “And no matter how hard I try,” he continued, “She won’t tell me anything about her! She’s like-like a closed book.” He couldn’t think of the proper words, but he knew it’d get the point across.
Ned nodded his head understandingly as the bell rang yet again, causing a good portion of the class to quiet down.
After many tedious hours, school was finally over meaning one thing in Y/N’s mind; time to punch assholes. She made sure to get home as soon as possible to switch into her suit. Once she did, she, gracefully, jumped out the window and flew straight to 43rd street, to her and Spider-Man’s meeting point.
She landed on the top of the building, already seeing the blue and red suit. He was sat on the edge of the building, a pizza box on his lap with a few slices already gone. “Hey Spider,” Y/N, or Khaos, greeted, sitting right next to her fellow hero.
He looked up and nodded his head as a hello, with his mouth was full of pizza. “You wanna piece?” He asked, his mouth full of the cheesy treat. Y/N chuckled, “yes please.”
She grabbed a piece and started munching on the New York staple. “Any plans for today?” She asked before taking another bite. Spider-Man shook his head, “nah, just good ole classic crime fighting.”
“Ah, I love good ole classic crime fighting,” she stated over dramatically causing Spider-Man to laugh. She is amazing. His laughter died down and he just looked at her, through his mask, with an admirable look in his eyes.
It took Khaos a second to notice, “what?” Her voice was soft but was still able to be heard over the loud New York traffic.
He wanted to scream ‘you’re by far the best person in the world, please date me’ but decided against it. “Nothing,” he muttered, going back to enjoying the pizza before him.
“So, how was your day?” He asked, dragging out the final word. Khaos huffed, shaking her head as she finished the slice of the pizza.
“Remember that guy I told you I had a crush on?” She asked and he nodded. He was always so adamant to hear her stories. He liked hearing them because it was the least bit of info, he got from her.
“Well,” she cleared her throat, “I made an absolute fool of myself in front of him.” She groaned leaning her head on his shoulder for a second, recounting the beginning of the school day.
“And he brushed off my idiocy like it was nothing, so I’m gonna take that as a good sign,” she chuckled at herself. Spider-Man laughed too, wiping his gloved hands on the side of his suit.
“You want the last piece?” Spider-Man asked, holding the box so that she could grab it. She eagerly grabbed the food; her hunger soon satiated.
He momentarily left to throw the box away. “Best pizza in the city,” he complimented as he came back empty handed.
“Indeed,” Khaos stated goofily, finishing off the pizza and standing up next to her friend.
“What was you’re day like Mr. Man?” She asked, mocking the tone of reporters while pretending to hold a fake microphone in front of him.
He cleared his throat, “well, as you know, high school is a bummer.” His voice sounded comical, almost like a man from the fifties.
She nodded in agreement, giggling slightly at the current interaction. “Painstakingly long for who knows what? Teenagers don’t deserve this!”
His mockery tone got louder as the gag between the two proceeded. Khaos laughed louder at his newfound ‘anger’.
“Alright, alright easy there Jameson,” she retorted, noting the hero’s fake anger as one similar to the Spider-Man hating reporter. He let out a sigh, “can’t help it. High school certainly is a menace.”
Khaos smiled, shaking her head and looking at her lap. The pair looked up quickly at the sound of sirens. Spider-Man hopped up onto the ledge, now standing.
“Well,” he held out a hand for Khaos to take, “duty calls, love.” She took his hand, pulling herself up from her seated position. He jumped off the building quickly after, swinging through the buildings. Khaos followed hot on his tail, only flying instead.
Their night proceeded with fighting bad guys and helping drunk people get home safely. They both knew that this is what they loved doing, despite the fact that the pair always ended up in bruises, they knew they had to protect the people of this city. Cause at this point no one else could. And respectfully, being Spider-Man and Khaos was something neither of them would ever give up.
So, the next day during lunch, Y/N approached her group of friends at the usual table they sat at. When she appeared, they abruptly ended their conversation, awkwardly trying to pretend that they weren’t just being secretive. “Sorry I’m late guys. Had to talk to my math teacher,” she explained, taking a seat next to MJ and across from Ned.
With a raised brow, she questioned their odd behavior. “What’s up with you guys?” The three of her friends looked between each other mysteriously.
“Um we were just talking about Betty,” MJ saved, diverting Y/N’s attention to Ned’s absent girlfriend.
“Oh,” she acknowledged, “is she okay?” Ned was joyous at her concern and with a small smile he responded, “yeah she’s really sick, but she’s gonna be fine.”
Y/N nodded, taking a bite of her lunch. “Hey Ned, I completely forgot,” MJ’s voice overdramatic, obviously hinting at something, “I have something to do over…there.” She directed towards the back end of the cafeteria at nothing in particular.
Ned caught on, as well as Peter and Y/N but the two of them stayed silent. “Oh, yeah sure.”
Michelle and Ned stood up and walked across the cafeteria. “You gonna tell me what that was about, Pete?” She questioned with a quirked brow.
He sighed, brushing his hands off and leaning his elbows on the table. “S-So they’re trying to convince me to ask this girl out,” he explained, not noticing the small frown forming on Y/N’s lips. She constantly heard about him gushing over some mystery girl, but she never knew who it was.
Y/N nodded her head slowly as Peter continued, “and-and, oh God this is stupid.” He rubbed his hands over his face letting out a sigh.
“Do you wanna go to dinner with me tonight?” His voice was soft, and extremely kind. Her eyes widened and she was stunned. “W-What?” She whispered, leaning in as if she misheard him. He smiled at her action, “I just… I don’t know. It’d be nice to get to know you better. We’ve been friends for so long, but I feel like I don’t really know you.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
Y/N was still in shock, with raised eyebrows. Peter chuckled, now filled with anxiety, “what do you say?” She felt like this was all a dream. In what world would this ever happen?
She nodded her head, a lovely smile gracing her lips, “I’d love too.” Peter mimicked her smile, “that’s great! Send me your address and I’ll meet you there at seven thirty?”
Y/N was at a loss for words. The boy she had a huge crush on actually wanted to go out with her. “Yeah that sounds good,” she replied, grabbing her phone and going to his contact to send the message.
As if on cue, Michelle and Ned came back to the table. “Hey guys, sorry for that… kerfuffle,” Ned greeted as he took his seat next to Peter. MJ shrugged, “sorry Ned. I just really needed help...over there. As far away from this table as possible for roughly five minutes.”
Peter and Y/N shared a suspicious glance, both knowing the real reason why they left. “Yeah obviously,” Peter sarcastically retorted, going back to eating his meal.
The rest of the day pursued, and Y/N had a hard time focusing. She had a date with the Peter Parker for crying out loud. The boy she had a crush on for what felt like forever.
So, when the bell rang, she practically bolted out of the school, trying to finish the day as fast as possible. When she was certain she was in a safe ally way, she pulled out her suit and admired it. “God, I love this,” she whispered, quickly changing into the suit.
Grabbing the mask, she flew up and simultaneously put the black disguise on her face. She met up with Spider-Man soon after. “Glad you can make it Khaos,” he said sarcastically, but not with anger, with a playful tone.
“Ah well you know. Had to take my sweet time putting on the suit.” She dramatically retorted, twirling around to emphasize the suit while still in the air.
“And you look as gorgeous as ever,” he theatrically stated, directing his hands toward her to ‘point out’ her beauty. She chuckled at his dramatic flair.
“Come on, what law-breaking citizens do you got for me today Spider-Man?” She asked, finally landing in front of him on the roof top.
He gave her a rundown of the crimes in the city, since he had intercepted police radio stations months ago for this exact reason. So, for hours after this, the pair went around the city, helping people, punching bad guys, the standard superhero 101.
It wasn’t overly unbearable today, so it made the day kind of fun for the both of them. Patrolling was typically like that, though.
“Well, hate to break it to you Spidey, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to cut today’s rendezvous short,” she confessed after hours of crime fighting.
He snorted, “why? You gotta hot date or something?”
She shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, “maybe I do.” Khaos shot back, walking closer to the ledge. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Spider,” she jumped off the building and from the place he was standing, Spider-Man stared in awe as she flew away.
Since Y/N got a little sidetracked, she got back to her apartment at seven seventeen. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she mumbled as she quickly tried to get ready. At seven forty, she heard her doorbell ring through the house. She squealed, practically running to the door.
Fixing her hair, she slowly opened the door. A smile appeared on her face as she saw Peter Parker look up at her. “Hey,” he greeted with a blush.
“Hi, Pete,” she awkwardly replied, holding onto the door handle still. “Oh, I got you something,” he said swinging his backpack in front of him. He unzipped the bag, pulling out a bit of unkempt flowers.
“They, uh, they kinda got disheveled,” he pointed out, embarrassed by the state of his small gift to her.
“I mean, I think they’re alright,” she giggled, and he blushed like crazy. It was cute. He handed her the flowers and she went to put them in a vase. “You can come in Peter, I’ll just be a sec,” she shouted from some random place in the apartment as she searched for a vase.
Peter walked in, still awkward, while pretending to go on his phone. Y/N came back, the vase with flowers now perched on a table. They soon left, walking to the restaurant that was roughly twenty minutes away. They had the typical random small talk ‘oh how is your day?’ or ‘how’s school been?’
But at the restaurant, which was nothing fancy other than being on the rooftop of one of New York’s tall buildings, it got more personal. He opened up about when he lost his Uncle and how he was an orphan most of his life. Y/N talked about her personal life, excluding Khaos. And it was nice, the date was going well, and the sun was already gone.
Their meals have been done and eaten, but their night continued. “Man, I really miss the stars,” she mentioned as she looked up at the dark, starless sky. Peter’s eyes went wide as he diverted his gaze from the stars to her, “what did you just say?” He couldn’t believe what he just heard. She sounded just like Kha-
His thoughts were interrupted as gunshots were heard. They shared worried looks with one another. Everyone on the rooftop ran inside as quick as they could while Y/N and Peter ran to the ledge of the building to see what happened, Peter grabbing his backpack beforehand.
There was a group of armed robbers, maybe a gang but who could tell, at the jewelry store across the street. “Peter, I think you should go,” she mumbled, trying to gently push Peter towards the door to go inside the building. He looked at her as if she were crazy. “No, Y/N I’m not leaving you. Let’s just both go inside. Khaos or someone will show up any second.”
“Peter,” she started, her eyes going soft, but he interrupted her. “I’m not leaving,” his eyes filled with this desire that she couldn’t explain, so she stopped her protest.
“Do you trust me?” She asked out of nowhere. Peter nodded his head as she stood on top of the ledge, “come on then.” She stretched her hand out for him to take and he looked skeptical.
“What are you waiting for?” She queried, shaking her hand slightly as an indicator for him to grab it, as time was sort of running out. He took her hand in his, climbing on the ledge with ease.
“You ready?” She questioned, preparing herself more than him. Peter raised a brow, “ready for wh-“
Before he could finish, she jumped off the building, dragging the boy with her. At the exact same time she flew up.
“Holy shit,” he shouted when they soared through the sky, and Y/N turned to look in his eyes. There wasn’t a trace of fear in his chocolate orbs, just pure fascination and wonder which slightly confused Y/N as most people she saved were afraid of the distance between them and the ground. That look though, it made her smile. She wrapped her arm around his waist to hold him properly, and he did the same.
She landed in a nearby ally way and brushed herself off. “Y-You’re Khaos?!” Peter questioned with a mix of wonder and surprise. Y/N unzipped her jacket revealing the iconic white body suit she always wore, gloveless of course due to her power. Out of her pants pocket, she pulled out her mask, the sleek blackness of it shining in the streetlights.
“Y-Yeah. Only you and MJ know so please don’t tell,” she pleaded, taking off the pants she wore to expose the rest of the suit. “We can talk about this when I get back.” She recklessly threw her pants onto the ground.
“Dude this is insane. I-I can’t believe that it’s you. I have the biggest crush on Khaos,” he rambled on as Y/N put on her mask, becoming the hero most of New York loved.
She tilted her head a little, out of curiosity and teasingly asked, “how can you have a crush on a superhero you’ve never met?” She waited for a response, but he took too long. As she walked away, he shouted, “wait! Y/N wait!” He ran in front of her, his back facing the direction that leads to the alley’s exit.
“Peter, I’m kinda in a hurry,” she said impatiently, but with kindness.  He shook his head, “no, you don’t get it, I-“
Cutting himself off, he held his hands up in a way to sort of push her from leaving, but without touching her.
“I don’t know how to say this,” he rushed, looking a round as he tried to gather his thoughts. Y/N sighed, “spit it out Pete.” He looked up into her eyes, and without saying anything he pulled his backpack off his shoulders, to unzip it.
“What are you doing?” He didn’t respond, only showing her the contents of the backpack. The Spider-Man suit just laying there. Y/N’s jaw dropped, searching his eyes as a bit of a confirmation.
“I’ll catch up with you,” he expressed softly, going deeper into the ally to quickly change and leaving Y/N stunned. She jumped into the air to go and fight the robbers.
As she got to the jewelry store, she saw the store clerk being threatened by the gunmen. “Come on, why do you guys always use guns? It gets really annoying,” Khaos mocked, using her telekinetic powers to rip the gun out of his hands.
She closed her eyes for a second, focusing on the power manifesting in her hands. As she opened her eyes, she mentally pushed the robbers onto a nearby wall, focusing on keeping them there. She noticed as she did this, a few glass cases broke before her.
“Sorry,” she apologized to the store clerk with a weak smile, who’s eyes were too wide with shock to even notice the damage. Just then, Spider-Man swung through the glass window, which was shot out by the robbers.
He webbed each of the men to the wall as they groaned and thrashed in frustration. Almost systematically, the police cars pulled up in front of the store, as Khaos and Spider-Man scurried from them.
They soared through the air, going to their building on 43rd, which wasn’t that far. She landed there first, taking off the black mask to reveal her face. As soon as Peter got there, he did the same, his hair bouncing as the mask came off.
“Oh my God,” Y/N gasped out of breath, covering her mouth with her hands from astonishment. The shock hit her as she saw the boy she was crushing on clad in her superhero friend’s suit. His muscles looked more defined in the tight spandex, and she couldn’t help herself from admiring him.
“T-This is unreal,” he mumbled nervously, brushing a gloved hand through his dark brown hair. “Part of the reason why I asked you out was because MJ and Ned wanted me to get over Khaos, and-and,” he rushed, but ended up not knowing what to say. “Well to get over ‘Khaos’ “he spoke, air quotes around her alter ego.
Y/N groaned, hitting on the ledge of the building, with her feet still touching the roof. “Does MJ know?” She asked, now looking up at him. He nodded his head and went to sit next to her.
She scoffed, “she knew I had a crush on you. Peter you. Is that what you guys were talking about at lunch? Why they left?” Peter looked down at his mask as he ran his fingers over it, “yeah. That’s why she was so adamant on getting me to ask you out.”
They both sat in silence for a minute before Y/N burst out laughing. “This is fucking insane. In what world would this happen? You had a crush on Khaos.” She couldn’t believe the likelihood of this.
“And you had a crush on Peter Parker,” he continued, looking up to meet her gaze. “If Khaos had to be anyone, I’m so glad that it was you,” he said softly, nudging her side.
Y/N hummed softly, “right back at you, Peter Parker.” As he looked into her eyes, he was entranced by the softness of her eyes.
He leaned in a bit closer, wanting to be as close to her as possible at this point. “I’ve liked you for so long Pete,” she murmured, leaning in closer to him as well.
With his empty hand, he brought it up to cup her cheek, watching her close her eyes in content. She let in a slow breath, enjoying the moment as best as she could.
“Can I kiss you,” he bit his lip as nervousness filled his body, “please?” She opened her eyes, nodding her head, “kiss me, Spider-Man.”
His lips crashed into hers, the nervousness turning into warmth as she kissed him back. He brought his other hand up to cup her cheek, still holding the mask. Y/N moved her hands to grip his biceps
His heart pounded in his chest as she moved from her spot and onto his thighs. Her hands now gripped his cheeks as his own held her waist.
 He pulled away breathless, his lips swollen, and cheeks red. Y/N’s features mimicked his, and to him she looked absolutely perfect. “So” Peter dragged on, “I’m gonna assume you wanna date me?”
Y/N chuckled, gently playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, “I don’t know maybe.” She teased playfully. She leaned in, to get one last kiss, but froze at the sound of sirens.
She whined, dropping her head onto Peter’s chest. “Why do we always get interrupted by sirens and gunshots?” Peter chuckled at her comment, lifting her from his lap to stand properly.
He smiled as she put her mask on, doing the same with his own.
As usual, they fought crime together. But this time it felt different. The bond between them felt stronger as they both now had full trust and honesty with each other.
If was well into the night, a little bit passed one am when they decided to go back to the infamous building on 43rd. It was around the time when they would typically part ways, but they wanted to continue their earlier engagement, even if it was only for a few minutes.
“Peter,” she spoke in between kisses. “I gotta,” another peck, “go,” with another peck, “go home.”
He caught her lips with his again, holding the kiss out a little longer than before. He pulled away, kissing down her neck. “Pet-“ she whispered, tugging his hair softly.
“Just a few more minutes,” he mumbled against her neck, undoubtfully leaving marks. Y/N let out a breath, “there’s a math test tomorrow, I gotta study.”
He pulled away, eyes slightly bulging from his head, “there’s a math test?!” His worried exclamation made Y/N laugh, “yeah, where have you been, Pete. Mr. Hunter has been saying this all week.”
He groaned, “but I don’t want you to leave. I finally got you.” That small display of affection melted her heart. “Trust me, I know the feeling,” she kindly said, understanding the situation and playing with his hair, “but we still have school.”
Peter closed, letting out a deep sigh, “okay.” He dragged out the ‘y’ playfully while it simultaneously held a small hint of disappointment.
She stood up, getting off his lap for the second time that night as she levitated in the air. “Pick me up before school Spider?” Y/N asked as she put the mask on. He smiled as he looked up at her, “you know it darling.”
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quixotic-writer · 4 years
Kitchen Nightmare
Requested by: @gionline
Summary: Sal tries to prove to Q that he can learn how to cook, so for a date night Sal promises to whip up a meal for the two of them. With his ego high, Sal doesn’t realize he bit off more than he can chew.
“I can do this, Guy Fieri believes in me.” Sal says as he gathers all the ingredients on the counter. Quarantine was finally easing up and both Q and Sal felt as though it was okay to visit each other again in person without Sal wanting to shit a brick over the thought of either of them carrying unwanted germs. They finally decided on a date night tonight and Sal offered to cook so they didn’t have to go out. This naturally took Q by surprise and Sal was determined to prove Q wrong and that he can cook.
They both had decided and agreed on breakfast food, Sal would have made his infamous griddled peanut butter and jelly but he knew how Q felt about peanut butter. So after a little brainstorming, he settled on making omelettes for the two of them with hash-browns. Simple and easy, it’s gonna be very hard to screw this up. He dusted off the apron Joe had gotten him years ago as a joke gift and put it on wanting to fit the role, and Sal had to admit the apron boosted his confidence in a strange way. He finally felt like he fit the role and as though he could conquer the challenge.
He double checked the time and confirmed that dinner should be ready by the time Q had arrived. He decided it was time to get cooking and put his skills to the test.
He had his phone out on the counter and he read and re-read the recipes Guy had sent over to him to the point where he was sure he had it memorized step by step. He pulled out the potatoes, rinsed them off, peeled them, used the grater to get the thin strips, soaked them and dried them off.
“See Sal, you’re practically a chef already. You can do this!” He speaks positivity unto himself as he feels his confidence shoot through the roof and grins from ear to ear. He ducks down and cluttered through his pots and pans cabinet and finds a pan for the hash browns and another to cook the omelettes on the stove. He cranks up the heat on the stove and continues working, “Butter in, melt that bitch, and potatoes in. Let that sit and I can start my omelette!”
He turns around and grabs a bowl, his eggs, and the add ins. Feeling full of himself, he swiftly grabs an egg and hits it on the side of the bowl.
“Shit!” He hit the egg too hard not being mindful of his own strength and now it’s spilling all over the counter with yolk seeping down onto the floor. In a panic he quickly grabs paper towels to rid the area of the evidence of his mistake. With the area cleaned up, he attempts again, but cracks the egg just a little softer this time. He carefully cracks it open and the egg spills perfectly into the bowl with some egg shell accidentally sneaking its way in. “Crap.” He curses to himself as he takes his hand to take out the annoying bits of imperfection, he keeps fishing around the egg whites but the shells keep escaping his grasp as he grows increasingly frustrated at the time he’s losing.
Finally after cleaning that mistake up, his nose starts to fill with the scent of burning food, he whips his head around and sees a light grey cloud of smoke rising from the hash browns that were still cooking on the stove. In a frenzy he runs back over to the stove and flips the burning potatoes to see his worst fear: a mistake he couldn’t fix. The hash browns were a lot more than just brown on the bottom, they were as dark as the color on the pan and he knew he couldn’t salvage that piece of the meal. He places the pan back on the stove off the heat and sighs in defeat knowing he doesn’t have enough time to redo them.
“You know what, that’s okay. Still have the eggs!” Going back to the eggs, he sighs but isn’t quite yet defeated. He continues to stir in green onions, diced tomatoes, and a little sprinkle of cheese. As he whisked it all together he went back to the stove and in the other pan poured in the new made concoction. As the mixture touched the hot pan it made a sizzle sound. The scent of all the ingredients danced together perfectly to create a fresh smell that overtook the previously lingering charred scent of the burnt hash browns.
With his mood slowly taking a better turn again, Sal hummed away as he watched the omelette cook with spatula in hand. As he was distracted by what seemed to be his first successful attempt at cooking something outside of his comfort zone, Q had managed to quietly find his way into the house. As soon as he entered he was hit with a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant smells.
“No fuckin’ way.” He finds himself wandering more into the quiet house to investigate. As he got closer to the kitchen, the scent of food got stronger and stronger and made Q’s mouth water. The moment he turned the corner into the kitchen he saw Sal at the stove smiling and humming away with that stupid apron on. Though a little ridiculous and a bit extra for the occasion, Q still found it absolutely adoring that Sal took the extra step into the role. “Well look at you!” Q says loudly interrupting Sal’s focus. Sal jumps out of his skin at the sound of Q’s voice. Being halfway through flipping the omelette, his arms flail frantically sending the last remaining piece of his meal down to the floor with a ‘splat.’
“Brian! Don’t do that shit.” Q’s hand was over his mouth and he felt a wave of shame and guilt as he stared at the food that was now resting at their feet.
“I’m sorry babe, I didn’t think I would scare you that bad.” He kneels down and helps Sal clean up the mess. Sal was notably quiet and Q knew he messed up when he didn’t mean to. “I’m sorry you must have worked hard on this.”
“Bri. I tried, I really did. I just wanted to make you a nice meal after not being able to see you for so long. It all just went wrong.” Sal says defeated and 100% over cooking. Q looks over to the counter to see some left over ingredients, enough to make a whole new meal. As Sal stood over the trash can to dispose of the remains of his messy cooking attempt, Q grabs Sal’s waist and looks him in his sad hazel eyes.
“Hey, let’s try this again together. Don’t give up, it’s just a little learning curve. Besides that last mistake was entirely my fault anyway.” Q gathers up the materials and Sal smiles to him a little.
Together in the kitchen, Sal led and Q followed. The prep was twice as fast and this time Sal made sure to be aware of his surroundings and also to keep his eye on whatever is cooking on the stove. Soon they were sat at the table eating dinner and talking about their time in quarantine, poking fun at the other’s unruly outward appearance after going months without a hair cut and a shave. When their meal had come to an end they cuddled up on the couch stealing soft kisses from each other.
“I want you to know, chef Sal, that was pretty good for what I assume is your first attempt at something that isn’t a griddled PB and J.” Sal was all giddy and couldn’t stop smiling and the small compliment from his lover.
“Well it wasn’t just me, it was you too Chef Q who came in to save dinner.” Q rolls his eyes, he was never really good at taking compliments but it did make him feel good since it came from Sal.
“I hope this means maybe you’ll be cooking more often?” Q purposely avoids eye contact with Sal, focusing only on the TV to avoid laughing. But he can’t help it as the edges of his lips upturn slightly and he look to Sal who has a look of scorn that only made it harder for Q not to smile.
“Glad you think it’s funny Brian.” Guess that answered that then.
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merakiaes · 5 years
Everyone’s A Whore - Bronn
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Pairing: Bronn x reader
Requested: No
Warnings/notes: Mentions of prostitution, swearing.
Wordcount: 1474
Summary: You come with your brother Euron Greyjoy to King’s Landing and he makes you go with him to a whorehouse, leaving you by yourself. Bronn sees you and attempts to chat you up. Keyword being: attempts.
You weren’t surprised when Euron had left you on your own in the tavern for his own pleasure’s sake, to keep yourself company. But you were angry nonetheless. 
The room was bustling with drunk men and naked girls, and you found yourself to be the only woman in there who weren’t a whore, which didn’t leave you much company other than your own. 
Coming to King’s Landing with your brother hadn’t really been your choice. Or, it was. But it’s not the one you would have chosen if you would have had any other option. 
You weren’t one to take sides. Not in any war before, and certainly not in this one. Give no fucks, take no orders, smash the prisons and the borders, were the words you lived by. 
Cersei was crazy, and the Dragon Queen didn’t seem much better. Which left them both to be unfit rulers in your eyes. 
But family was important to you; Theon was important to you. But unfortunately, you had been with Euron when shit hit the fan and he sailed to the Capital to bend the knee to Cersei Lannister, leaving you to follow. 
Like you always did, you just went with it, hoping that the security of Cersei’s army and Euron’s ships would keep you alive long enough until the day came when you would get the chance to run away and go North. 
But until that happened, this was where you would be stuck every night. Alone. In a whorehouse. Drinking away your misery while your brother was off sticking his cock in anything breathing. 
But despite your bitterness about the situation, you preferred being alone. 
People would call you arcane; secret, mysterious, understood only by a few, and everyone knew of (Y/N) Greyjoy’s temper. But when getting even a drop of alcohol into their body, the men of King’s Landing seemed to forget this in less than a second. 
Luckily, your resting bitch face was most times enough to remind them and keep them away. But then there were those rare cases where they would be stupid enough to ignore the seething glare on your face, and approach you anyway. 
And this seemed to be one of those days. 
“My whole life I’ve only met naked whores.” A man’s voice suddenly came from somewhere in front of you. “But here you are, fully clothed.” 
You let your head raise slightly at the sound of the teasing tone, unbothered eyes coming to rest on a man approaching you. 
You took in his stance, not needing many seconds to recognize him to be Jaime Lannister’s friend slash sellsword. 
You glared. “Was my facial expression not enough for you to take the hint to back off?” You asked him as he came closer. 
He pulled out a chair, coming to sit in front of you, throwing his legs onto the small table between you. His heavy legs caused the table to shake slightly, which in turn caused some of your wine to spill out onto the wood. 
“Saw you sitting over here all by yourself, looking really easy to the eyes, thought you could use the company.” He grinned, taking the flagon of wine from the table and filling up a cup of his own. “Name’s Bronn. And what might yours be?”
You scoffed at him, never taking your narrowed eyes off his form. “I can hardly see how that is any of your business.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you a whore? Cause you don’t look it. And if you’re not, I don’t understand what a girl like you is doing in a place like this.”
You twirled the wine in your cup, arms coming to cross over your chest. “Everyone’s a whore at the end of the day, aren’t they? We just sell different parts of ourselves.” 
He leaned forward. “And what parts are you selling?” 
“My fist in your face if you don’t walk away.” You answered without hesitation, giving him a blank stare. 
But your cold attitude only seemed to make him even more interested. 
His grin widened. “I’ve never been a bottom before but if that’s what you like then sure. Just tell me what you want me to be and I’ll be that for you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, smacking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. “You’re a dumb one, aren’t you?”
“I can be that.” He nodded. “Whatever you want.” He shrugged, the grin never leaving his face as he leaned back into his seat. 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re a pig.” You said, drinking lazily from your wine. 
“Like every other man in here.” He stated, crossing his arms over his chest to imitate you. “Why are you here if not for fucking?” 
“Waiting.” You drawled. 
His brows shot up. “For your shift to start? I’ll gladly have you in advance, I’ll pay you extra.” He offered mockingly, thinking to himself. “I bet you’re really flexible, you look flexible.”
“I’m not a whore. I’m waiting for my brother.” You rolled your eyes again. “And I’m about as flexible as a stag’s antler.”
“Well, you don’t need to be flexible to have a good fuck.”
You looked at him. “I’m still not a whore.”
“I didn’t say you were.” He raised his eyebrows, taking a sip from his cup. “You just look like you could need it, sitting over here like a depressed fuck. You’ve got real pretty lips, I’m sure I’d be able to shut them up for an hour.”
Your lip curled up in disgust. “Fuck off, will you?”
He inspected you for a moment, before finally holding his hands up in surrender. “Well, don’t say I didn’t try when you won’t get it from anyone else with that prude attitude of yours.”
You scoffed, shooting him an unimpressed glance. “Criticism about my personality don’t hurt so much coming from a man who just tried to seduce me.”
He narrowed his eyes at this, realizing his mistake. “Fair enough.” He nodded, lips turning up slightly. 
He slid down in his seat, getting comfortable. “I still haven’t gotten your name.”
“(Y/N).” You answered simply, hoping he would leave you alone if you gave him what he wanted, but to no luck. 
“Well, (Y/N), are you fighting for the good or the bad side?” 
You looked him up and down. “Define good.”
His lips turned up in a suggestive grin, eyes not once leaving your face as you scanned your eyes over the room, looking at the people in the room with a bored look plastered on your face. 
“I like you.” He told you, accent thick. 
You turned to him briefly, giving him a fake smile before turning back to look out over the room. “Wish I could say the same.”
“Well.” He raised an eyebrow. “Not everyone can have good taste.”
“So it would appear.” You gave him a distasteful look, luckily, being saved from any further conversation when your brother re-entered the room, a girl under each of his arms. 
“(Y/N). We’re going.” He told you upon arrival, causing Bronn’s eyes to shift from you to him. 
Euron left through the front door before you had the chance to respond, or even think about it, and Bronn laughed, suddenly realizing who you were. 
“(Y/N) fucking Greyjoy.” He looked at you, amusement clear in his face. “I should’ve known. Now the bitchy temper and ability to resist my charms makes sense.”
You laughed, mocking him. “You must be really delusional if you think of yourself as charming. I’ve had nineteen year old boys succeed better than you in getting me into their beds.” 
You put down your cup on the table and stood up, chair scraping against the floor in the process. 
Bronn couldn’t deny that his ego was slightly wounded by your words, but quickly put on a confident smirk to cover it up, checking you out without even a drop of shame as you stood. 
You didn’t spare him another glance as you turned around from him and headed for the door, saying nothing more as you left him to follow your brother. 
Bronn’s eyes traveled further south as you walked away, watching your ass move around under your breeches with each taken step. 
”Have a good day!” He called out after you, smirk still as wide as ever on his face. 
You snorted as his voice yelled out after him. “Don’t tell me what to do!” you only yelled back, raising your hand over your shoulder to give him your middle finger. 
Bronn chuckled as he watched the door slam closed behind you, wasting no time in standing up to following you, taking your immunity to his ways as a challenge rather than a warning. 
Despite the fact that it would most likely be something he would come to regret. 
Tagged:  @edarene​ @anephemeralwoe​ @witch-of-letters​ @starkbelova​ @well-aint-that-strange​ @aquariusfangirl​
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