#i would like to try at the very least.. however slow it may be
k1tty5 · 4 months
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a mumbo ! his concept art this season is very cool,,
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astro-rainbow777 · 5 months
💐🌸 𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 🧸🌱
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♉︎ - Happy Taurus Season Everyone!!! In honor of Taurus season, I am continuing the signs through the houses series. I hope y’all enjoy my findings & this post serves you well. Thanks so much for all of the support! Happy Spring & Upcoming Beltane to the Pagan Community <3
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🌸 Taurus in the First House ~ Taurus on the ascendant is the embodiment of peace, calm and pleasure. These natives aren’t the most outgoing but leave such a comfortable and cozy first impression. They don’t say more than needs to be said, however they are unlikely to turn down a conversation. They have a soft and natural beauty about them and strong familial values. They enjoy the finer things, have a clean aesthetic and a “rich” aura. Many of them are shorter or more petitie in size, have a pleasing and smooth voice and kind eyes. However, if you mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns! Being on the opposing end of Scorpio, when they cut you off, it is completely. Good luck getting back into their lives because they are a closed book. Why y’all always smell good? Fr tho
🐂 Taurus in the Second House ~ Here the sign is in its ruling house, they do very well in saving their money, are picky about what they eat and indulge in the material pleasures of life. They value loyalty, commitment, stability and security - not to mention their love fashion & the arts. They will tell you they have the most exquisite taste, you would find it very difficult to change their mind. They hold up strong values and morales, what they know to be right and wrong is the truth. This is a very secure personality, they are very comfortable with their bodies, and have a healthy sense of worth and self love. Honestly such a healthy placement - as someone with NO earth in their chart - muhbenaaaace
💰 Taurus in the Third House ~ These natives find security and peace in their childhood homes, where they grew up, the memories of their cousins and siblings. They could be the most stable or the least stable out of their siblings. The way they think, learn and communicate is slow and methodical. They take their time in studying new topics, preferring to stay on the surface of a topic. They may have an artistic and beautiful singing voice, or maybe the way they speak is just very polite and sweet. They were raised with manners and this makes them very charming. They can have a liking for music that moves at a slower pace, classical music, or just a more elegant taste in art.
🥘 Taurus in the Fourth House ~ Their family could be a source of stability and security for them. The mom, mother figure or more feminine role model can be the bread winner in the family, her love language could be gifts, an amazing cook, and give a lot of hugs 🫂 They have stable emotions, it takes a lot to emotionally sway them. It may end up bothering people who try to get an emotional reaction from them because of this. They can be the most grounded one in their family. Their family may view them as realistic, practical and reliable. Family is what gives them sanction from the world.
💝 Taurus in the Fifth House ~ They express them selves in a very material type of way, their flex is their finances. These natives take a lot of pride in what they have...this usually comes from a place of having to work really hard for their things. They love the natural look, minimalist, they like long lasting, high quality, practical fashion. To them that is the best statement to make. They don’t like that trash to treasure look their tastes are refined. They will shower their kids with the finer things and really enjoy providing for them - this will be their love language. They aren’t huge adrenaline junkies and enjoy more grounded, chill hobbies. They definitely don’t mind being alone and love their down time at home…on the couch…snacks…naps…repeat.
🐻 Taurus in the 6th ~ These natives prefer a slow start to their daily routine, and enjoy a slow paced job, with chill yet organized coworkers. The workplace must be something that they don’t hate… because if they hate it and it stresses them out just thinking of going, they won’t work there. Period. They need low maintenance pets as these individuals are very independent in nature. It’s important for their day job to be a place of peace and pleasure for them, and once they are comfortable, it’s gonna be hard to get them to leave. Their job can provide them with sooooo much stability if they have a good one.
🍨 Taurus in the 7th ~ Wining and Dining with your loved ones! Shopping sprees, luxurious and high quality partners. With the ones they love the most, they spoil, eat and they just want to be lazy with them honestly. They want their relationships to be a place of peace for them. It’s important that their partner can support themselves and is stable on their own. It will just cause them stress if they are constantly worrying about having to take care or mommy their partner. It’s possible that they can stay with someone out of fear of the unknown/change, even tho they don’t like them or it’s not working anymore.
🌷 Taurus in the Eighth House ~ Cycles related to self esteem, self worth, and supporting themselves. Honestly, this is a really hard placement to have- they may have times where they stay in ab*sive relationships because they can’t support themselves financially or they are too uncomfortable alone. However, the eighth house is notorious for taking your greatest fear/weakness and turning it into their super power. You just have to get through those lessons and take those leaps of faith to unlock that power and hidden potential! They like to engage in their senses when they’re intimate with their partners and prefer slow love making rather than the raw primal stuff.
🪴 Taurus in the Ninth House ~ These people can be a little fixed in their beliefs, their spiritual beliefs/religion can be a source stability and sanction for them. If they aren’t necessarily spiritual- they could just have a specific philosophy or lifestyle that they stick to. What I admire about these individuals, is they know exactly what they want. When they travel, it has to be somewhere where they know exactly what to expect, somewhere that won’t give them anxiety, and probably a more luxurious staycation type of experience. They could also enjoy a nice nature walk with their loved ones.
👛 Taurus in the Tenth House ~ Every single person I have met with this placement neeeeeed a stable job, they will not leave a job if it provides them with the type of lifestyle they desire. It doesn’t really matter what they are doing for their career as long as it aligns with their values. Their dad/father figure could have been the sole provider and could have made a huge impact on their reputation. This is definitely a daddies money placement 💀 - sorry if that’s triggering for anyone lol. The father figure could be super down to earth and chill, enjoy cooking or just be way too overly indulgent in a negative manifestation.
👒 Taurus in the Eleventh House ~ Is the stay at home friend, doesn’t like to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Much likely to want to stay inside and bond with their community in a space that is familiar and inviting to them. Their community could be their sanction and be the most stable part of their lives. They enjoy cooking and creating art for their friends. Anything to bring peace to their homies senses! For their friends, the Taurus eleventh house native’s place is a home away from home. How special 🥹
👄 Taurus in the Twelfth House ~ When it comes to matters of the twelfth house, spirituality, isolation, ect. - these individuals may like to keep things light and on the surface. They are comfortable being alone, in fact they consider it to be comfortable and safe. Their spirituality isn’t something they spend time questioning, and they could be very comfortable with the unknown, they enjoy their own curious nature. They are endearing to their own selves, however sometimes their sense of worth could be confusing. They may have a hard time understanding their own values and morals, preferring to just go with the flow, everyday they are a new person trying on different personalities, hobbies and styles! The possibilities are endless! It’s quite an interesting placement. One more thing….secret indulgences…the silent snacker
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Smell ya later!
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shalomniscient · 2 months
maybe hot take but i do think it’s entirely possible to romance arlecchino even if you didn’t know her before clervie died, it’ll just take a really, really long time. the slow burn of the century, even. obviously there are things you have to be, like an ally to the house and a fatui member, but beyond that it’s really just a waiting game. it’s the progression from colleague to ally to trusted confidant before she would consider even looking at you platonically. and then maybe years of being just friends, at least to her, before she realises that maybe what she feels for you at this point goes beyond the bounds of friendship.
of course, when she realises this, she vanishes off the face of teyvat for a good month or so to go on a nice emotional crisis bender. maybe she even deploys you to some other corner of the continent to very pointedly avoid your presence because uh oh, feelings, and she has 0 clue what to do. sucks to be her, though, because she is also very pointedly miserable without your company. not in super obvious way—it’s arlecchino—but her kids and subordinates will notice that she’s slightly… off. always looking to her side where you’re supposed to be, but aren’t. it takes her a while and maybe a trip to that old broken arena, looking out at the vast sea before she finally reconciles her feelings with herself.
she loves you. not the same way she loved clervie, never the same way—but she loves you.
when she calls you back to her side she most certainly does not breathe a word of this to you. and it’ll take her even more time to do that step, carefully assessing your every action and reaction. she asks the children about you more, and they share knowing glances. your likes, dislikes. hobbies and even guilty pleasures. she almost unconsciously starts to court you, but plays it off as fortunate coincidences.
the director of this new play at the epiclese happened to give me two tickets for free. care to join me?
there’s a new item on the menu at hotel debord. i intend to try it; i believe some of the children may enjoy such things. however, a second opinion would also be valuable. shall we?
(the fact that the play is a romance one and the menu item is a couples’ special is a fact she conveniently avoids bringing up.)
i imagine she’d confess eventually in a surprisingly casual way. maybe you’re both standing on the shore, watching the sunset. the both of you talk about unimportant things, but it’s only with you that arlecchino wants to indulge in these unimportant things, if only to hear the sound of your voice. she’d say the words under the light of the pale moon, always having been more comfortable under the silver light than that of the sun’s. she won’t say the words outright, no i-love-yous, but something just enough.
you are valuable to me, she’ll say, watching the waves roll, as if simply stating another unimportant thing. but her body betrays her, the subtle tense of her shoulders and the way her fingers twitch by her sides. you are not expendable.
it’s fine, though, because you’ve known her long enough to know what she means. and when she finally kisses you for the first time it’s with the slightest hint of hesitance and uncertainty, but there is a sincerity in her that you could not deny if you tried. that night you walk back to the house with your arm looped in hers, and as she watches you watch the world she thinks she could never go back to the one she had before you.
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darknights-beloved · 1 month
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cw; pining, (not specified) afab reader, loots of yearning yk, slow burn, pre relationship, nothing mentioned too explicitly- just diluc wanting to keep you safe, holding HANDS !!!
synopsis; diluc finds that the more these feelings grow for you, the more he wants to keep you safe. (and walk you home like the gentleman he is) wc: 1k
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"You need not worry about me. I can handle myself."
Something Diluc had often heard leave your lips, stubbornly. All too rigidly. Words he should be accustomed to hearing by now, or at the very least, something that shouldn't affect him so deeply. Try as he might, he could not remain indifferent. And he is aware that if given a choice, he'd much more likely choose to accept the fact that he cares about you too much for him to bear sometimes than accept your words of dismissal for his concern.
However, the fire burns in him, equally stubborn as you are. Maybe more. A little prideful, if one may add, otherwise, it was a feeling Diluc hoped to avoid and push away. To care about someone meant you were bound to be vulnerable, to let your guard down. But Diluc couldn't afford to let his guard down. Not when his hands were so soaked, so roughened by blood and blade, while yours remained almost fragile in his. Small. Delicate. Undoubtedly, they would continue to be that way. Perhaps callous the skin on his fingertips even more. And that's why he shouldn't ever hold your hands in his dirty ones. He mustn't.
Tonight however, he couldn't help it.
He would never willingly venture forth, shouting out loud to the world of his affections for you outright. That secret remained deep within the confines of his heart, locked in a cage where the bright flames of his intensity for you ran rampant and wild. Your smile did nothing to soothe it.
Longing was painful, especially when the words reached nowhere near one's throat. The words he so desperately wanted to confess.
"It's far too dangerous at nightfall. And you, for one, aren't careful enough." No, you were. That was an excuse, a pitiful lie to accompany you home for just another night. Both of you knew that his words had no real bite.
your much great help in assisting him in barkeeping tonight has taken up both of your time. he feels guilty for not having dismissed you earlier, so you could reach home safely. but, yet again, the duke found himself rendered lost in your presence. distracted by the comfort of it.
"you know.." you began, unsure whether or not to be amused to him pulling out excuses like a magician would pull out rabbits from their hats. "You've used that excuse last time."
You knew Diluc to be a protective friend, his no-nonsense nature often expressing a seriousness that could be intimidating. Yet, in moments like this, you caught glimpses of a rare softness—an unexpected gentleness in his demeanor. Of course, this was always followed by his sincere care for you. You were a dear friend to him, just as he was to you, and although his concerns were consistent and understandable, you couldn't help but indulge in the thought that he used those worries as a guise to spend more time in your company. It was comical, really.
you chuckled when you noticed the noticeable flush of his ears.
Diluc averted his gaze away from you quickly.
"Do not tease me" he warned "I simply want to make sure you get home safe."
"just like every other night?" you raise a brow at him.
"just as every other night."
You sigh at his tense expression, though it does not ease him. Not infinitesimally. If anything you could only pretend that he assumed you were to continue your protest. "I insist, allow me to accompany you." He repeats. Had you wanted to argue further, you would not hesitate like this.
You're no fool. You can tell he is concerned as well, albeit unknowing of how deep that concern falls. And while you do not mind him accompanying you per se, you wouldn't want to trouble him either. Ridiculous. Diluc would scoff at the idea, had you expressed it aloud. You? A burden? The only annoying tug at his strings would be from being unaware of your current safety. It was a constant nag in his mind, to make sure you were okay. But not one he shunned from him. Quite the opposite, actually.
"Are you sure? I would hate to trouble you." It slips you, a little too quickly. A constant nag on your part to make sure you did not discomfort the man. "You've already done so much━" But Diluc hated the idea of you having to walk on eggshells because of him. No. Never would that be befitting for someone he cares too deeply about. Too deeply to admit.
"So have you." he interrupts, scoffing. Your shoulders relax at the unmistakable softening of his eyes as he turns back to face you. "Besides, it would put me at ease knowing you had arrived at the confines of your home securely." He speaks the words with serious sincerity, his vermilion eyes boring into yours with a hint of sternness.
"We both know how it gets at night-time." he continued, clearing his throat gently. And the more night he spends walking you home, the more gentlemanly he becomes. He takes a step closer to your figure. "This is also a handy way to repay you for all your work."
Another excuse. It causes a small flutter in your heart. Diluc Ragnvindr had once again let his guard down. For you.
the city of freedom would get breezier by nightfall━ accompanied by the low howls of the wind, the two of you stood across each other near the gates of the city. In the coldness of the night, you oddly felt warm in his presence. The lamplights of the Mond city were almost fully wiped out, casting heavy shadows across the paths and alleyways of the area. You looked into those vermillion eyes of his, illuminated by the soft moonlight.
"Fine." You relent for another night. Were you truly going to turn down his offer anyway? and the man almost sighs in relief. (you see how quickly he relaxes. He's not subtle, his eyes betray him) Though you can never win against him. You never have. "I enjoy your company, anyway." You smile and Diluc's own lips twitch up in response.
"Thank you…" He breathes and extends a gloved hand out to you. Part of you don't know what he's thanking you for. You don't question it. he's letting his guard down. A little, maybe…or a lot. You graciously accept it. But as your hand holds his, he lets himself be soft. He can't win against you either. He can't fight this feeling. It pulls him in, like a moth to a flame. No, that's too cliche. Perhaps something deeper, more profound that words fail him.
When Diluc holds your hand, it will be gentle. A tender gesture. His roughened ones wrapped around your softer ones, as if shielding you from whatever harm may stumble your way and disposing of it immediately━ he cares. While his hands may never match the softness of your own, he shall use his roughness to wield the greatsword that he guards you with.
Even in the simplest, most trivial ways, he cares.
With him by your side, you've not a thing to worry about. Not even the chill of the night. He is already offering you his coat, just like every other night and more nights to come.
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all rights reserved @eroxotckv @dcrkn1ght
a/n: i wrote this last night after somehow being able to overcome writer's block, a lil bit. its not that good but yeah. dividers @rookthornesartistry
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redr0sewrites · 6 months
Ok i really liked your aftercare headcanon with Lucifer and i was wondered if could do same for Adam? cuz i pretty sure that this guy doesn't know that such thing exist lol
YESSSS!!!! i love putting adam in Situations™️ where he gets over his weird toxic masculinity bs for reader
🥀Cw: implied/mentioned sex, fluff, cleanup, soft adam
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the first few times you and adam are intimate he definitely struggles with aftercare
your probably his first relationship in a while, and he's not good at pillow talk or anything soft post-sex
however, adam does want to try for you, and while he will be a little awkward at first, over time he gets the hang of it
once you two are finished adam will collapse besides you, pressing a kiss to your temple and cuddling close. you both stay like this for at least a few minutes before you get up to start cleaning
the first few times you guys had sex, adam would always ask where you were going/what you were doing and basically learned by watching you
adam would totally be the type to run you both a bath, filling it with soaps and watching the bubbles form
he's also not the type to get icked out by stains or fluids or anything like that, so he can also handle cleanup duty
while adam can clean and get everything situated, he doesn't want to. adam definitely prefers to just cuddle you and keep you close after sex, and after especially long nights, he'll be too fucked out to do much and will just hover close to you while you cleanup
honestly you don't mind, you see that he's trying and learning about proper aftercare is a slow but steady process
you see, aftercare builds a lot of trust, and is a way to undo anything harsh done during sex. adam was quite literally created to have sex and populate the earth, and he doesn't usually associate sex with comfort. aftercare becomes very important to him once he sees how important it is to you, and he genuinely wants to treat you with respect
once you both have been thoroughly washed and the bed has been cleaned, adam is practicing attatched to you. he's clinging to you like theres no tomorrow, and most of the time he won't even give a reason (but deep down it's because he's a little afraid you'll just get up and leave)
adam loves when you praise him during aftercare and adores hearing you talk about all the things you enjoyed about the night. everything he did right, what makes you feel good, etc. he also wants input about what you may not have liked, adam wants to pleasure you as best as possible and during aftercare is when he's more willing to discuss your do's and don'ts of sex
you and adam definitely had a pre-sex conversation about kinks and safewords and all those important things, but during aftercare is when he's much more open about stuff that may be more embarrassing to admit outside of the soft, post-orgasmic haze that fills his mind during aftercare
adam adores admiring you and your body during aftercare. he loves seeing the marks he left on you, and will memorize every curve and crease of your body. adam actually enjoys nonsexual nudity during aftercare as it gives him an excuse to hold your bare body close to him
as previously mentioned, adam loves when you praise his performance during sex, but he also definitely enjoys it when you praise his body as well- it definitely raises his ego
adam also doles out his fair share of praise, and makes sure you know how much he enjoys being witb you intimately
ADAM LOVES WHEN YOU WEAR HIS CLOTHES DURING AFTERCARE TOO. you throw on one of his oversized band shirts because you're too tired to get into real pajamas? he's tackling you in a hug and engulfing you in cuddles on the spot
adam, surprisingly enough, gives pretty good massages. his hands are literally huge and very skilled (get ur mind out of the gutter ik what yall r thinking) which comes to use a lot during aftercare and massages.
his voice also gets a lot huskier after sex, kinda like morning voice, he's just much more tired and relaxed. if you ask him to, adam may be willing to sing to you as you drift to sleep, but don't you DARE mention it outside of the bedroom or he'll turn bright red and deny it
adam's chest heaved as he collapsed besides you on the bed, the mattress shifting you towards him as the cushion adjusted to the additional weight. "adam," you murmur, gently running your hand through his hair as he nuzzles into your chest. "you okay? was i too rough t'night?" adam chuckles, his voice low and raspy as he replies, "nah, you were fine. what about me, was i too hard on you? how d'you feel, doll?" adams voice slurs slightly as he presses a few kisses to your collarbone, his short beard tickling you and causing you to giggle. adam looked up at you, hearts practically forming in his eyes as he watched your face crinkle in amusement at his tussled hair and sleep mussed expression.
"im okay, maybe a little sore," you reply, and adam shoots you a cheesy wink. you give him a light slap on the shoulder before turning to wriggle out of his grasp, much to your lovers dismay. "where'r you headed?" adam pouts, looking up at you with furrowed brows. "i am going to go start cleaning," you reply, moving to get out of bed. adam grumbles, but follows suit, rolling out of bed and following you to the bathroom. you can't help but smile as you watch him nonchalantly begin to start setting up the bathtub, turning on the running water and getting out towels for the both of you. you quickly replace the bedding of your shared mattress and put the dirty sheets in the wash for you to deal with in the morning. once you returned to the bathroom, a pleasant steam had filled the room and adam was placing bath bombs into the tub. "i figured we could make it fancy", he mumbled, turning away as you smirked. "it's NOT like i like them or anything, its just stupid bubbles..." adam huffs and you giggle, pressing a kiss to his cheek before getting into the tub. adam sighs, grumbling as he joins you. "y'know i love you, right?" you whisper, moving to sit with your back to his chest. " 'course. i love ya too, toots,"
i love him i love him i love him i love him sm- i really love soft adam even if it's slightly ooc i feel like if he was with someone he really trusted enough to let his guard down with he could be a total sweetheart. it would take time ofc, but i genuinely don't think he's a horrible person at heart (im delulu :)
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pia-nor481 · 8 months
Lando norris nsfw alphabet
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A- Aftercare (what are they like after sex)
I feel as though it’s very dependent on his mood, sometimes it’s a little chaotic running around grabbing water and rushing to the shower, where other times is just soft pillow talk and cuddles.
B- Body part ( their favourite body part of theirs and their partner)
In my mind he favours his hands due to their size, maybe a little bit of a size kink. He enjoys the difference and perhaps how one can cover most of her throat, or how he could easily grasp both of his partner’s wrists together
While on his partner, we know he likes ass so I don’t know what you expected. However, I feel like he might also really like tits, but keeps it a secret because it’s considered “childish” by some (mainly in the uk). In a less sexual sense, I believe he’d really love his partner’s eyes, whether it be staring at them, or how you can tell so much emotion from them.
C- Cum (anything to do with cum)
I don’t know why I get the feeling that he cums a lot in one go. Anyway I think he’d like to pull out and cum on his partner, whether that be tits, thighs or stomach etc. But if can cum inside he definitely would, this would be a main factor in deciding the type of aftercare given.
D- Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He may or may not have jacked off to a normal voice note of his partner. The context wasn’t even sexual, he just missed hearing their voice and was very horny.
E- Experience (how experienced are they?)
Is it bad I don’t think he has that much experience? We don’t know about many ex girlfriends. But I think he likes to fuck a lot, so he would be very experienced in pleasuring just his partner after learning (being taught) what gets them off.
F- Favourite position
I think we can all agree he likes doggy, but not for the reasons as most men ((boys) bc a man would never!)) He really wants to be able to see his partner’s face and reactions to what he is doing, he likes the ego boost. Plus I think he likes spanking, not too hard in this specific position, just a few light taps and some groping.
But cowgirl gets an honourable mention, as mentioned above he does like tits so getting so stare at them really gets him off
G- Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
Very dependent on the lead up. There are times where sex just has inconvenient moments; struggling to take clothes off so that just leads him to resting his head on his partner’s shoulder, letting out a sigh then a little chuckle. Or maybe a time where he’s just hard, not for any specific reason and asks (begs) for his partner to get him off, and he’s all giddy about it, so it’s just laughs in between moans and groans. On the other hand, I think there are times where he’s very serious , mostly when sex is on the rougher side or post race. Maybe even on an anniversary or special occasion he’d try to be much more serious. But in general I don’t think he’d actually make a joke, or at least not on purpose.
H- Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
I’ll be honest, I think it’s a little darker than the hair on his head. I don’t think lando is clean shaven (now that he actually has pubic hair), he tries to keep it quite short though, but sometimes he gets a bit busy and so neglects the length and doesn’t trim it. But I think he may refrain from blow jobs at this time and opts to fuck his partner’s tits instead. Separate thing, but, I think he also has Sunday everything showers on non-race weeks.
I- Intimacy ( how are they during the moment? Romantic? Pleasure driven?)
I think a mix of both as he’s a very horny man so sometimes he rushes for pleasure, yet other times he likes to be slow and passionate, making love not fucking. He would really like to take his time, traveling from room to room, spending lots of time feeling up his partner.
J- Jack off ( masturbation headcanon)
I think he masturbates a lot, a few times a week and I think it would be roughly at the same time of day as well. But he can’t just sit there, he needs material!! Whether that be just pics or short videos in his ‘my eyes only’. Again let me mention the voice notes, he does think it’s bit strange how much he liked it, and how quick he came. But he would much prefer phone calls where he’s limited to just his girlfriend’s voice. Almost teasing himself. And her
K- Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As mentioned above size and voice.
But he really likes control and being dominant. He knows that dominance isn’t just position. He knows how to dominate without putting in any of the physical work
Sensory deprivation- so blindfolds, mainly again as he really likes control (as said in some interview) and he knows not being able to see will heighten your other senses so he would talk/whisper a lot more and be more feather light with touches. This idea can also tie in with the only phone calls not face time
Impact play- again linked to dominance, I think of this of being very specific and planed out. It doesn’t happen just because he got hard 10 minutes ago, but this is specifically reserved for non-race weekends. Mainly trying new toys, whether it be a crop or any object. Maybe just his hands. I think a lot of this is exploring based; testing different areas like the very top of the thighs, instead of just the ass. He always makes notes (during the sex in his head, then after maybe in a book as that can’t get leaked) but this started with a lot of communication to prevent any real injuries, making sure to use a safe word system (I imagine the traffic light system as it fits best) and ensuring that he only hits fatty areas not where organs reside. He wants to play yet it must be safe or it isn’t fun.
Katoptronophilia- mirrors. I believe that he likes to make his girlfriend watch what he’s doing to her as well as see the pleasure he’s giving her. It’s like a power rush as well as a sense of accomplishment/ achievement.
L- Location (favourite place)
Definitely bedroom. This is mainly due to privacy, but I also think it’s because he’s not very tall, so perhaps his hips aren’t high enough for counter sex. I’m not sure though, I may have tested it ( for context when I’m on my tiptoes I’m almost his height and my hips were not above the kitchen counter.) but tables I think he’d like, as well as bending her over the sofa or in the bathroom sink in front of the mirror.
M- Motivation (what gets them going?)
I think most things would turn him on, but I think being challenged would give him motivation to put his girlfriend in her place. Also, just generally intimate/ domestic situations
N- No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably watersports etc but to be honest I don’t know with him. To me I think most people don’t really like that, or at least won’t say they do.
Electro stimulation- it just seems a bit too scary
O- Oral (preference on giving or receiving, skill)
He’s a man so will probably prefer receiving, but he would really enjoy eating his girlfriend out for a sense of pride. However, I feel as though you may have to teach him a little, like he knows what he’s supposed to do but may struggle with actual delivery, but he’s so willing to learn, all smiles. We should take into consideration that he is an athlete so his breath control will be amazing.
P- Pace (are they fast or slow? Rough or sensual?)
Not to be repetitive, but, it will depend on the situation. However, I believe he leans more on the rough side, I don’t have evidence but I stand with that opinion. Furthermore, he’s likes to be rough due to the power and trust it gives him.
But he usually isn’t particularly fast as he’s been informed (generally speaking on the internet) that women will say harder but a man would go faster and they wouldn’t like it. (I know that’s super generalised but he would definitely listen and do what would give her pleasure) he likes research and found some study that wearing socks can make women cum harder and immediately suggested it.
As mentioned before he likes to make love, so winter or summer breaks are reserved for kinky fucks and sensual love making. I rest my case
Q- Quickie (their opinions, how often etc)
He absolutely loves them. He gets horny very quickly and so would want a release as quick as possible. Also the convenience of his drivers room allows for quickies all the time, pre and post race. But if he’s at home he’ll want long and more passionate sex
R- Risk (will they experiment? Do they take risks?)
If it’s not a hard no he’ll probably try it at least once, but he also must worry about his career. Although he really wants to fuck publicly, he can’t take that risk
S- Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
Again he’s an athlete so can go for long periods of time yet I don’t think he could cum more than twice in one go. He can definitely cum many times in the same day, but he needs a few hours break. But he will make the time he’s fucking his girlfriend as long as possible.
T- Toys (do they own any? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves)
He knows toys are his friend not his enemy (as told by the bathtub toys thing.) Anyway, I think he once bought a vibrator when he was single just because he saw some men talk about how amazing the orgasm felt and he would have really enjoyed it, but always cums way to fast for his liking, he wants to last longer than three minutes. He will definitely use toys on his partner, whether that be a dildo or vibrator of some kind. He also really wants to try hand cuffs but he feels as though he needs to build up to it, as such a physical restraint can be quite a mental strain; so he decides to try it with just paper first so she could very easily get out it she wanted to, then tried those silicone “cuffs” for the same reason. Then finally used metal ones with a lock. But he will always cuff her hands in front of her.
U- Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
I think verbally he teases A LOT. But physically not too much. He may deny the orgasm once or twice before letting her actually cum. But foreplay will be quite lengthy, he wants to slowly drag his hands along her thighs or only push his cock in 2 inches before pulling out fully.
V- Volume (how loud are they, what sounds do they make?)
I think he will always be making noise just not overly loud. Always groaning and moaning (thank you for the twitch streams) he can be completely quiet, except for heavy breathing, if he really needed to.
W- Wild card (a random headcanon)
I think, at some point, he bought one of those moulds to make your own dildo. Just the thought of his girlfriend fucking herself with a silicone version of his cock really gets him going. Along with those remote control vibrators. He would love them especially when she can’t be at a race and so he can make her cum when he’s on the other side of the world. (I didn’t know that was possible until the other day) it’s just so hot to him.
X- X-ray (how big are they?)
You know what they say about the skinny ones. He’s either very long and is relatively thin. Or average length but girthy as fuck. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think his tip is pink/ red ish. I’m totally basing this off the colour of his lips. But you know. Just a thought.
Y- yearning (how high is their sex drive)
This man is so horny. 8 or 9/10
Z- Zzz (how quick do they fall asleep afterwards?)
I don’t think very quick, unless it’s been a super long session, but even then he’d make sure his girlfriend is situated before daring to fall asleep. He likes cuddles so expect to be in his arms for as long as possible.
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If you have any other ideas/ headcanons please comment. I really want to see other people’s opinions.
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brucewaynehater101 · 16 days
I'll admit I love the dadification of Tim by bruce, but I also love tim being much more of a perfectionist and being more efficient than Bruce.
And Bruce would say he loves it- but like. He now sees the problem with working with himself.
A mission goes completely sideways, and it wasn't as if it was the first time it happened. In fact, in the end, they still fulfilled their objectives... just... not in the way they were supposed to do.
"...are you mad at me?" Bruce asks, fingers holding on to the bat-steering wheel so hard he could swear they were white under his black glove.
If he was with Jason or Dick, he'd know his answer. 'No, I'm not mad. I'm disappointed' because it was a gentle answer. It was the right answer. He was a father, a trying one, at least. He could be gentle. He could be nice.
Tim, however, could not.
"What do you *think*, genius?"
Bruce flinches. It's been a while since he felt the familiar signs of tears in his eyes. He forces himself not to cry. He was a *grown man*, he refused to feel shamed by a 15 year old's scolding - a rough glove strokes at the wetness on his cheek.
Tim sighs. "Bruce, cmon. Don't cry. I promise I'm not mad at you, okay? I just-- I got in a bad mood and it was wrong of me to take it out on you. I'm sorry, okay? You did great, Bruce!" Tim smiles at him.
Bruce hears himself sniffle. *God*. He can't believe he's crying. Tim's eyes widen in a panic. "Hey, hey, cmon! No more tears, big guy! I'll ask Alfred to whip up some of your favorites, how about it? And if he can't do it then we can always just order out, right? What do you want, Bruce?" Tim hits the autodrive and wraps his arms around him.
He cannot believe he's crying in a teenager's arms right now.
"We'll be home in a bit, and you did a great job, I promise. I'm not mad at you, in fact! I'm proud!" Something feels lighter in Bruce's chest. He squishes it down.
Tim takes off Bruce's cowl and strokes his hair. "Repeat after me, I did good. Say it Bruce."
"...I did good." Bruce grumbles, leaning into Tim's touch.
Tim smiles at him teasingly. "Didn't hear you, B. Say it louder."
Bruce frowns. "I did good." He says firmly.
"Good job, B!" Tim laughs.
The batmobile slows to a stop in the cave. "Oh look, we're home." Tim remarks casually, as if he didn't have an armful of a teary grown-up. "Let's go, Bruce. You go wash up while I update the logs."
Bruce nods.
Tim walks off to the computer, and for the first time in a long while, Bruce feels small and happy again.
Fuck. I love how this highlights that Tim wouldn't be a perfect father, especially considering some of his "bad" habits or behaviors. He'd try and he'd correct, but, like all parents, he's bound to mess up every once in awhile. It happens. The best part is that Tim corrects his behavior, admits fault, and tries to make up for it.
Good parenting, Tim! (genuine)
We could add on that Tim is a teenager. Emotions are heightened because puberty is a fucking asshole. So, he may occasionally take his frustrations out on Bruce (in this AU). He may suddenly burst into tears, worrying Bruce, or feel the intense need to scream.
He's not gonna be the best fantastic dad (especially since he really shouldn't be parenting an adult as he's a teen), but he's gonna try.
It'd also be cool to see Tim, in learning to gentle parent, eventually gentle parenting himself and teaching Bruce to utilize the same methods with his kids (also, I can go on a full fucking rant on how it shouldn't be named "gentle parenting" cause it's really "paying forward parenting," but I'm not gonna).
Anyways, the scene you wrote was really sweet and I very much enjoyed it
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
♡︎ 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙡𝙚 ♡︎
anon asked: may i request sub xiao with small dick but you keep teasing him?
characters: sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
warnings: overstimulation, a mix of praises and degrading, dacryphillia, dumbification, feminization
notes: yes yeeess YEEEEESSSS!! finally someone gets it!!! xiao has a small dick and you can’t change my mind!!! also i went with head cannons format for this one, i hope it’s okay anon😚♥️
third repost bc tumblr can’t stop me
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first of yes yes yes xiao has a small dick and it’s fucking cute
at first he would be incredibly worried because what if you don’t like his small cock? what if he can’t meet your expectations??
but you reassured him that it was okay and you just love him regardless of it
it’s so small and cute you don’t even have to move your hands
just wrapping your big, warm, calloused hand around his little cocklet would have him throwing his head back, mewling and blubbering about some drunken shit♡︎
“unngyaa~! b-big! big big! y-your handd~ too big! gYAANN!”
like i said before he would get overstimulated very very easily very quick without you even trying
his cock is so cute and small, it would barely hit the back of your throat
so completely swallow his cock and just lazily twirl your tongue over the tip, it would have him thrashing around, hands scrambling to grab anything anything! to at least get his mind back together
“HAAAH! h-hottt~ [name]! your mo-ownng! mouth shoo hot! annh~ hwaAA! C-CUM! CUMING! CUMINGCUMINGCUMING-!!”
easily becomes a pleasure-drunk, blabbering, sobbing mess
he’s just so kfjwkjdjdnd
saying his sweet little popsicle can’t fill you up, how it’s so adorable when it twitches, how you could just suck on them all day like it’s an actual sweet will have him sobbing either from his fucked up brain too slow to comprehend anything or how he just feels so good he doesn’t know if he should thank you or say how mean you are
today was your birthday, as mortals calls it, but it seemed like you yourself forgot about it. so it means the responsibility to gift you a happy birthday gift you would surely enjoy was up to your sweet loving boyfriend! hut the problem was, xiao sucks at choosing gifts. so he asked around from the people closest to him.
zhongli suggested that mortals seemed to enjoy home-made food from their loved ones is greatly cherished, sadly the yaksha cant cook for the life of him.
ganyu recommended a flower bouquet of all the local specialties of liyue but he always brings you a flower back from his nightly duties.
the traveler and paimon said a birthday cake and a song is a traditional gift and a common practiced ritual but where would the adepti buy the cake? it also was another minus point that he can’t socialize.
verr however said something he knows you’ll absolutely enjoy would be the best gift. something that makes you perk up with sparkles in your eyes. and the very first thing that popped into xiao’s mind was an interesting idea.
stepping into the small nest/room that belongs to you and your lovely yaksha, this was definitely not what you were expecting but still a welcome gift.
sitting on your shared pile of fluffy pillows and blankets was the ethereal adepti, with only a cute lingerie. a soft blush pink bra that only seemed to highlight his pink nipples more, a lace see through tiny panties that barely covered his cocklet and a cute cat ears.
“uhmm h-happy birthday, love” shyly spreading his legs apart for you to admire him in all his glory, xiao looked away with his face blooming in colors.
“well, thank you for the food and the gift” diving in to capture his lips in a hungry kiss, this was definitely the best gift you ever had.
sucking dark hickies on his chest, setting him on your lap and making him move back and forth, kissing him until he can’t even breath - all of this has been going on for a long enough time yet you still haven’t touched him!
“nngh [name] please? p-pleaseee touch my-my cok too!” xiao was on the verge of crying. whenever you two would make love, you always satisfy him but you weren’t budging to any of his pleas tonight.
“hmm? but i’m the birthday boss right? so i can do whatever i want right, xiao?” tapping his angry red tip you feigned innocence. it wasn’t fair! he just wanted to feel good!
“p-please? pretty please? touch m-my cock too?” guiding your fingers to run up and down on his cocklet, the pretty yaksha started whining helplessly.
chuckling at his desperation you guessed you could be a bit nicer. by nicer you meant only kissing his pathetic dick through the panties until it got completely wet and ruined.
“noooo! no no no no! [name]~ please? pretty p-please? i’ll be-i’ll be good. please… sniff” now he was crying. well you supposed you were cruel to him far too long. taking his whole length into your mouth, you lazily started to suck on the yakshas cock. he was so cute, trashing his legs all around the place, clawing at the sheets, a jumbled mess of “thank you”-s and “s-shoo good! sho good! sogoodsogood♡︎♡︎”-s tumbling out of his mouth. soon enough he came with a loud squeal but you only continued to suck on his precious tiny cock.
“nyaah! nooo~ i-i came! i awll-HYAAAGK~ [name]~! c-cum! cum! gUUHH~!” slurring on his words, it seems like your sweet xiao was fucked stupid.
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amyrahrose · 4 days
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Content warning: Sukunaxreader smut, penetration, multiple positions, dominant Sukuna! , unprotected sex, pet names, Sexual theme, Adult theme, talking her through it, <READER IS BLACK FEMALE CODED>
Authur's Note→ 18 and Under, GET TA STEPPIN! I know for sure this will be broken into parts, however I'm not sure how many parts will be to this. I just decided to get back into writing little dabbles here and there so I'm honestly just testing the waters with this. Slightly proofread (English is my first language, but even the baddest of Bitches still make mistakes! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I do hope you guys enjoy! 🤎
Synopsis: You’ve decided that you would begin your fitness journey. Accompanying your best friend, today’s the day where you’ll being taking working out and going to the gym seriously (well kind of). Lacking motivation and ready to go back home to lounge around to watch some TV and pig out, that all changes when suddenly you meet this drop dead gorgeous as hell man. Will he be the inspiration you need to continue your new lifestyle?
w.c» 2.1 K
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“Sis, I love you I do, but the gym life isn’t meant for someone like me.” You panted out.
You weren’t sure why the sudden urge to accompany your best friend to the gym came about. Maybe it was because you were tired of always feeling burned out, sluggish and lazy. Possibly because you seen how fit, and fucking sexy, your best friend was getting after starting her fitness journey a while back. Whatever the reason, it went out the window the moment you set foot inside the gym complex with her and tried, very pathetically, to keep up with the routine she’d developed for herself. 
“Fuck this,” you thought, “I’d rather be home eating ice cream while watching Flavor of Love.” 
“See, that’s your problem right there. Rather be watching old TV shows and being lazy then getting your sexy on.” She fired back at you making you realize the last thought was actually out loud. You rolled your eyes playfully before glancing back over to her. 
 Both you and your best friend were on the treadmill walking at an incline with the speed up more that you would have liked. She was barely breaking a sweat, having gotten comfortable on the machine while jamming out to her workout playlist. She had on a two-piece workout set, showing off her toned stomach and big ass. You glanced around the gym, catching a few of the men every now and then peeking over at her, trying to get her attention. 
You on the other hand, you were barely making it. Panting like a dog in heat, your workout set you borrowed from her was sweated out, and your puff was starting to frizz out from all the sweating going on in your head. You could only imaged how you may have looked to everyone else inside the gym.
“C’mon Jade, I applaud you for your fitness journey but obviously I’m not ready, I should have at least started off slow so I could get used to it.” You whined out. She snorted out a laugh while throwing you a look. 
“Oh no ma’am, I tried to do that for you, but you were the one that said you could keep up.” She said as a matter of fact. All you could do was huff in annoyance at her response, because she was right. You figured anything she could do you would’ve been able to. You assumed it wouldn’t have been that bad, but you quickly seen the lie in that. 
“Whatever.” You mumbled as she smiled triumphantly, knowing she won the argument. 
“I’m not even tripping,” You began, “I’m about to get my unfit ass off this treadmill and head home, take a shower and be lazy.” You said determined. 
“Seriously Y/n? We’ve barely been here for forty-five minutes.” She looked at you with a judgemental look. You promised, no matter how much you might’ve complained, to see it through and finish the workout. But fuck that, Flavor of Love and a tube of ice cream was calling your ass. 
“Nah sis, I tap out. And there’s nothing or no one that’s gonna make me change my mi-”
“Uh excuse me miss?” 
You heard a deep, baritone voice sound off behind you. Startled, you whipped your head around to tell off the person for interrupting your monologue only to be stopped dead in your tracks with the sight before you. 
There stood a man, looking like the epitome of a gym God. You were met with a chiseled face, a smirk etched across his features. Sharp, bold crimson red eyes that stared down at you with a glint of amusement and playfulness. He graced you with his shirt off showing his toned washboard abs, littered with tattoos and sweat cascading down his torso, all the way down to his deep V-line. Gray gym shorts that hung dangerous low off his hips, not missing the way he was flexing his sculptured legs. Along with huge forearms that were decorated with dark line tattoos as well. 
In the mist of eye fucking the man, you briefly forgot you were on a moving treadmill, almost busting your ass in front of him and the whole gym. Before making a fool of yourself, he caught you just as you were about to fall off. Wrapping his huge forearms around your waist, securing you in place.
“Woah, you alright ma?” He asked. You looked up to his face, seeing his eyebrows furrow in concern. You also caught the sweat dripping, oh so deliciously off the tip of his nose, resisting the sudden urge to reach up and poke the tip of your tongue out to catch it. 
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” You thought to yourself.
You gulped as you stared into deep into his crimson eyes, becoming entranced by them. He shook you lightly to capture your attention again.
 “Hey, you sure you good?” He asked again. He wrapped his arms around you tighter while staring back into your eyes waiting on a response. 
“Y/n, girl say something.” Your best friend broke the silence. You gasped and looked down, becoming embarrassed by your actions.
“Oh yea, I’m good, thank you for catching me.” You answered timidly. 
Being plushed against his chest, you melted like puddy feeling the vibrations coming off from his deep chuckle at your response. 
“Good, wouldn’t want a pretty lil’ thing like you hurting herself.” He answered with a smirk. 
You looked up at him shocked, making his smirk deepen. 
“Maybe being at the gym wasn’t so bad.” You thought. 
“I hate to break up this lil’ love session, but we were in the middle of working out. While at least I was, my friend here was getting ready to lea-” Jade started before you cut her off abruptly. 
“Oh uh yea, I actually was about to get off the treadmill and head over to start on the stair master.” You found yourself saying, trying to give off the impression you come to the gym all the time. Without having to look back at your best friend you know she was giving you a “Bitch, are you serious” look into the back of your head, so much so it made your scalp start itching.
The man, still with his arms around you, let out a deep laugh this time. 
“Is that so ma? ‘Cause from the looks of it, you seem like you was struggling on this treadmill.” He said with a hint of playfulness in his voice. His response caught you off-guard while it made Jade throw her head back, cackling. Caught red handed, you chuckled lightly. 
“Was it that obvious?” You asked, not realizing you placed your hands on-top of his forearms while standing comfortably in his embrace, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He smiled down at your while unconsciously giving you a light squeeze. 
“Yea that and your panting, I could hear you over the speakers ma.” He joked causing your to groan in embarrassment. Despite the awkwardness of him catching you in a lie, you both stay in your current position, neither of you moving. Only deepening the stare you both were committed in. Your best friend looked between you and the mysterious man. Dispelling whatever magnetic charm you both had each other captivated in, Jade cleared her through signaling both of you to gaze in her direction. 
“Not trying to be rude or anything, but what exactly was your reasoning for coming over?” Jade got straight to the point. Even though she knew the answer to it. Despite your own thoughts over your appearance, you were drop dead gorgeous. From you bra-length natural hair, medium brown complexion, big doe eyes, plush lips and a curvaceous body, Stevie Wonder could even see how fine you were. You just had to get out of your head about your looks. But Jade knew that was easier said that done, otherwise you wouldn’t have forced yourself to accompany her to the gym. However seeing how transfixed you’ve become around this guy, she was more than glad that you did tag along. 
“Oh uh right, well I seen how hard of a time she was having with the treadmill, I just wanted to come over and suggest a few pointers.” The man stated. He wasn’t lying, that was part of his reason for coming over. The other part was to introduce himself to you. He noticed you the moment you and your best friend walked inside the gym and was immediately hooked. He knew without a doubt he wasn’t leaving this gym until he at least got your name, and hopefully your number. 
“Oh how sweet of you.” Jade said playfully when an idea popped inside of her mind. She threw a cheshire cat smile at the both of you before continuing her statement. 
“Seeing that you want to make sure Y/n is doing the workouts correctly, why don’t you guys start coming to the gym together.” She said with a glint in her eyes.
“If motivation is what you want”, Jade thought to herself, he’s definitely all the motivation you need Y/n.” 
You whipped your head around almost giving yourself whiplash, looking at your best friend as if she just lost her mind. From the looks of the guy, he took his workouts serious. You barely kept up with Jade, why in the hell did she think you would be able to keep up with him?
You were getting ready to shoot down the idea when he began talking. 
“I don’t mind ma, that’s if you’re up to it?” He asked hopeful. He was silently thanking your best friend for being his voluntary wingman in assisting a chance for him to see you again. You turned back to face him, meeting his hopeful stare and small smile, giving you all the push you needed to slowly nod your head yes at the proposal. His smile deepened as he squeezed you once more. Realizing you were still in his arms, his actions caused you to gasp slightly, making Jade chuckle at the interaction. 
“Cool, I work out pretty much everyday around eight at night, so whatever day works best for you ma, I’m available.” He stated as he looked down into your light brown, doe eyes. He couldn’t help but image how they would be closed slightly, hooded with lust as he pinned you under him while he thrusted deep ins-
“Sure, uhm how about this Wednesday night? That’ll work best.” You cut off his thoughts with your proposal. Coughing as he blushed from his vivid thoughts, he nodded in acknowledgement. Hell, you could’ve said to meet up on Mars at the eleventh hour to workout, he would’ve made damn sure to make it work just to be around you again. 
Sliding his arms from around your waist, you tried to hide the disappointed sigh that escaped from your lips, causing him to smirk lightly. 
“Alright ma, that’s a bet. Give me your number and I’ll text you later to make sure you don’t flake on me.” He joked. You rolled your eyes playfully and smacked your teeth, causing him to shoot his eyebrows up in amusement. 
“Oh she has a ‘lil attitude problem, I’m gonna have to set that straight.” He thought to himself. 
“Boy whatever.” You said as you tried hiding your smile. You reached out your hand, signaling for him to hand over his phone. You typed in your cell number and text yourself so you could go in later and put him into your contact list. Handing him back his phone, he let his hand intertwine with yours longer than it needed to be, sparking an electric jolt to course from your fingertips all the way over your body. 
“Cool, I’ll see you Wednesday ma.” He said with a small smile before turning away to walk back to the area he was working out at. You gave a small nod, about to turn back to Jade before realizing you never caught his name. In a hurry you called out to him to grab his attention. 
“Hey wait, I never got your name?” You said with a small pout. The action making his dick stir a little in his gray shorts. 
He looked you up and down before catching your gaze again with a smirk to his lips. 
“Sukuna.” He said with wink and turned to leave. 
You stayed hypnotized in the same spot he left you, watching his figure walk away before you heard your best friend behind you. 
“See you got your own Flavor of Love right here, didn’t even have to go home for it.” 
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© 2024 Amyrahrose. Please do not translate, copy, plagiarize, or repost (sharing links is fine 🤎) without my permission. You will only find my entries/content on tumblr!
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ghostwithpants · 5 months
Ghost Of A Titan
This is a DPxPJO story idea I’ve been playing around with, I will eventually turn this into an actual fic but until then feel free to continue yourselves!
Anyway. I love me some ghost!dad Clockwork and I thought it would result in some very interesting in dynamics the PJO universe, so go crazy with it! ;)
You can’t just kill Time itself, cut it into tiny bits and cast the remains into Tartarus and not expect that to backfire spectacularly.
So when the Olympian Gods had to do just that, there was two paths for what would happen next:
Option one, with the killing of Time, time itself would stop existing. Which was never anybody’s favourite idea, since that meant that everything else would also become Stopped.
And then there was option two, upon Time’s death and during the fracturing of its soul, Time could refuse to let go. Could refuse so strongly that while the rest of Time lay dead and scattered in the underworld, part of Time’s soul would break away to form a ghost, one of ancient power and with the singleminded goal of keeping the timelines flowing as they should.
Fortunately, Time went with the second option.
The Olympians, forced to yield to this compromise least even they would Stop, allowed Clockwork to exist but enforced harsh restrictions on the new Ghost of Time. Unable to leave his lair in the Infinite Realms, Clockwork was only allowed to watch, to exist, so time may flow as it was meant to and nothing else.
And to guarantee that this was enforced Zeus, in all his infinite wisdom, created the imbecilic Observants to quite literally “keep an eye on him”.
If they weren’t so obnoxious, Clockwork might have found some humour in that. Instead, his new overseers continuous ignorance of what was actually required to keep the timelines flowing made his own job increasingly difficult and frustrating. But for the sake of the timelines, Clockwork made do with what he had, he stayed in his tower, he didn’t interfere with mortals and he only watch to ensure the timelines safety.
But inevitably, timeline threatening events began to happen in the mortal realms and he was still not allowed to interfere, so Clockwork had to get creative about getting other ghosts who stumbled on his lair to fix it for him, without either the gods or their obnoxious little spies noticing.
However you would be surprised how often these sort of events arose and while the Gods were free to meddle how they pleased (and had heroes and demi-gods to meddle on their behalf where they were forbidden) Clockwork was not allowed to even talk to those that didn’t find his lair themselves and choose to enter. Which was making it incredibly difficult to fix these catastrophic incidents.
Clockwork endured this for eons, for time is both different in the Infinite Realms and different for Clockwork himself. He likes to consider himself slow to anger but even he was getting frustrated.
He was also very lonely.
The observants, the wretched things, were constantly looming over his shoulder and, even worse, trying to throw their weight around outside his tower and doing their own meddling in the greater Infinite Realms itself.
Clockwork was definitely reaching his limit, he was-
… he was witnessing a very interesting anomaly.
The creation of a Half-Ghost, the first of its kind. In any stream or realm.
So Clockwork watches with great interest as Plasmius was forged. Watches as a portal was ripped open with Vladimir Masters on the mortal side and a nameless blob ghost on the otherside, the blob ghost was ripped to shreds immediately and forced to bond with Master’s body and soul, stopping the same thing from happing to Vladimir. The resulting creation was crude, haphazard and deeply unstable at first… But it did work.
It worked and the cogs in Clockwork’s mind and core began turning rapidly.
He could see that with a stronger ghost on the otherside, strong enough to not be obliterated and even able to guide the process of the Forging…. He could see exactly where every misshapen mistake could be turned into a symbiotic artwork, how life and death could be balanced on a knifes edge to create a being that could effortlessly walk both worlds.
How he could have the one thing he thought he’d never have since his own making: something that was a part of him, but free from the restrictions he suffered. Someone to share existence with, a Child!
Clockwork was not what the Titan of Time had been, he had never had the opportunity to create anything that could even be remotely similar to a familiar bond. The Ghost of Time wanted that nearly more then his own Obsession.
And when he saw there would be another, a boy, who would go through the same process but would be obliterated because there was no ghost on the otherside to power the Forging.
He couldn’t resist.
Clockwork didn’t need to be able see into all of time to know he wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret for very long. But if he was oh so careful, there was a small chance that the boy, Daniel, would have enough time to develop and maybe survive the Godly fallout that would follow Clockwork’s actions.
There was an even slimmer chance that Daniel would thrive and be happy. Be grateful that Clockwork saved him.
There were a lot of other, much worse, chances however. Filled with so much pain and suffering and death.
But still the Ghost of Time couldn’t resist that slim chance of happiness. Drawn like a moth to a flame, Clockwork slipped from his tower and slid through time and space to arrive, just in time, to be that oh so necessary ghost on the otherside of his new son’s Forging.
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sweetlyskz · 11 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter 3
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|Chapter seven|Chapter eight|Chapter nine|Chapter ten(finale!)|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, language, mentions of abuse and trauma
Word count: 1.5k
He was avoiding you. You could tell. He made it very obvious. Each morning you woke up, he was going to sleep. And every night you went to sleep, he was just waking up, but he didn't dare leave the room, for fear that he would run into you.
Joon was still being Joon, and the Situation with Jimin made it worse. You weren't sure if he knew what happened between you and Jimin, but you didn't ask to find out either. However, he was eating more and more. At least he can trust you enough to eat your cooking. That's progress, right?
Before you knew it, the boys had been with you for two weeks. Some of them had become pretty comfortable. Taking the advice Taehyung gave you, you bought some cat scratchers for Yoongi. All of the wolf hybrids in the pack would go in the backyard to let all their energy out, except Joon. He just watched over them, scolding them whenever they would chase the chickens.
Jungkook was your new best friend. He stuck by your side like glue, your big buff teddy bear. Yoongi was quiet, reserved. He spoke to you often, but he tried not to talk for longer than a couple minutes. Jin and Taehyung were the best of help. He always cook meals, and when it's time to farm, he never lets you do anything yourself. Hoseok was still timid and flighty, but he was loyal. This group of dangerous hybrids was slowing becoming a loving family... very slowly.
"Seriously Tae, get your own!" Jungkook and Taehyung were fighting over the new snacks you had gotten them. One thing you learned about about kook was that he was very territorial over his belongings. That's why you had a specific drawer of snacks with his name on it.
Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop Taehyung.
"Just one bite, please!" They were playing tug of war with the bag of chips. Jungkook was winning. "You have a whole box of them! I can't have just one?"
"No! You can't", he protested. While trying to tear the chips from Tae's grasp, the bag rips, chips flying in the air and landing all over the kitchen.
"Look at what you did!" Tae accused, bending down to pick everything up. A broom would've been more efficient but he wasn't sure where you kept it. "Hurry up and help me clean before Y/n sees it!"
Swiftly, Jungkook helps pick up the salty potato chips. Before exiting the kitchen, they look around one more time to make sure there wasn't even a single crumb on the floor.
And with that, the argument over the chips was over, never brought up again...
You noticed that Jimin loved hanging out in your greenhouse, admiring all of your colorful flowers. You wanted to give him some space, but while watching him walk around the greenhouse you had the urge to join him.
"Those are vincas, by the way", you whispered loud enough for him to hear you, fiddling with your fingers.
He appeared to be startled by your presence- rightfully so. His mouth hung open, looking as if he wanted to say something. You stoped him before he could get the chance.
"Before you say anything. Let me just apologize first-"
He shook his head. "Don't. There's no need to apologize. You did nothing wrong... I should be the one apologizing. I know that hybrids and humans aren't allowed to interact i-in that way- very selfish of me."
"What are you talking about?" You may have done a lot of research on hybrids, but you never did any on their relationship with people. Maybe you should've...
"In the lab they always told us..", Jimins mind went back to the days he wished to never remember.
The lab was cold, ice cold. Stuffed in cages, the wolves shivered, huddled together for warmth. One by one, the men in lab coats sedated the wolves, fearing being bit by them.
"This one is feisty!" The researcher laughed, holding the hybrid by the spikey collar as the medicine kicked in. The others in the cage kicked and pulled on the metal bars.
"Please! He's tired, he can't take anymore!" The pack leader begged. "Take me! Take me instead, I'll do anything."
The researcher came up to the cage with a cane, banging it on the bars. "Listen here, mutt", he hissed. "Each of us have a part to play. Your is to be obedient to your superiors, understood?"
The other men laughed and applauded him for putting Joon in his place. "That's right! Show him what happens when mutts defy humans..."
Everyone in the lab agreed, shouting as if the lab had become the coliseum. A fox hybrid ran up to the bars, getting down on his knees, head pointed to the floor.
"Please excuse him, sir. We know are place is and will always be behind these bars. Please have mercy", he pleaded.
The researcher smirked. "Always remember your place. You will never have what we have. No human will ever want you, not even as a pet- definitely not as a lover. Remember this- your barely human, and will never be treated as such..."
Jimin was heavily drugged up, laid out on the surgery table. However, what the researcher said, his words- Jimin remembered every last bit of it. It still rang in his ears. You will never be treated as human...
And so, if I'm not going to be treated as one, why try and act like one? Why not let my wolf counterpart take over? These thoughts dangled over Jimin's head. And with those thoughts, he used every last bit of his strength to stab one of the researchers with a knife- the same knife they were gonna use to rip him open.
Namjoon grabbed the other man through the metal bars, choking him until his eyes rolled backwards. Jimin rolled off of the table, and the rest is a blur.
Next thing they knew, the men in lab coats were dead, and all of the hybrids in the lab were freed by Jimin's hands. With how weak he was, it truly was a miracle. He saved the lives of over a hundred hybrids.
The next few months after, these hybrids hid in the woods, using their primal instincts to survive. Maybe those men were right. Maybe they were never human to begin with.
That's what they thought, but those thoughts went away when they met you. The person who was kind enough to let them in their home, give the somewhere to rest their head. It was you. You were their person.
But sadly, you couldn't erase the damage that had been done. You couldn't get rid of the bad memories, the mistreatment. And that moment you showed a bit of affection for Jimin, he was elated, but the voices started speaking to him.
And then men in the lab coats came to him saying, this won't last forever...
"Why didn't you tell me? I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable in any way!"
Jimin told you his story, his deep-rooted fears. You both laid in a field of daisies as he confided in you. It's difficult for you to explain the emotions you were feeling as he told his past. Sympathy? Rage? Both?
"Because... A part of me- actually all of me wanted to. I want to be yours. But the thoughts- they're stuck in my brain and resurface every time I get even a little bit of hope." Jimin's head hung low, picking the flowers from the fresh soiling and plucking each petal one by one.
She loves me...she loves me not... she might love me?
You grabbed his hands gently, holding them between yours. "Look at me", you asked him softly. He obeyed, of course.
"You are half wolf, that part is true. But Park Jimin, you are human! You more human than any human I've ever encountered! You're kind, charismatic, and the most thoughtful person I have ever met.
Your words brought tears to his eyes, and seeing him cry made you eyes swell, too. You enveloped him, hugged him tightly- but not too tight. Just enough to show how much you mean it. Then you placed a loving kiss on his forehead.
"You deserve this, Minnie." The new nickname perked his ears. You could tell he liked it. "You deserve life. An amazing fucking life."
"T-thank you", he whispered. "I- I can't thank you enough."
"Don't thank me. Just get better. Seeing you hurt makes me hurt. And seeing you scared makes me scared. I swear on everything I love that you will never go back there, or anywhere."
"But, once Joon is ready, we'll be gone", Jimin confessed. "I don't want to leave, but he also has his own story to tell."
You pondered, never daring to remove Jimin from your grasp. Maybe you can convince him to stay permanently? Maybe there is something you can do to ease the pain...
"Don't worry your pretty little head, just rest." You gave his hair a fluff, earning a cheesy smile from him. And just like that, you both napped in the field of daisy, his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands holding his head close to your chest.
You have to make things right...
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
Shino Aburame Relationship HCs
I love bug boy. I’ve had things in my drafts for him for so long.
Warnings: NSFW (marked off clearly if you don’t want to read)
If you listened to him when he spoke, instead of interrupting him or speaking over him without noticing, he’d feel appreciated.
However, he is still iffy on things, even then, for a while. Like if you say his name last, he’ll take it to heart even if the order of names wasn’t important.
He’ll take not being the first person on your mind personally.
But overtime, if you treat him like you see him, he’ll notice that.
And eventually, he falls for you. Probably before you really did for him, considering he’s a bit quiet.
If you’re quiet too, that’s okay. Things might just move slower.
But if you’re a bit or way more talkative, he’ll enjoy listening to you. He finds he doesn’t mind constant talking and rambling if it’s from you. He likes to listen to every detail and try to commit things he may need to know later to his memory.
Overtime, you’d find yourself falling for him. After all, once you get to know him you’ll realize he’s committed to protecting his friends and his bugs. And really he’s quite kind hearted.
Now it can be a little hard to be with him if you’re not willing to discuss bugs.
He won’t make you hold them if you don’t like them. In fact, if you’re afraid of them, he figures it may be best if you don’t handle them for their and your safety. Mostly theirs because they’re easy to hurt.
But you at least have to be willing to discuss and learn about bugs. After all, I hc him as autistic (I think he is 100% coded to be autistic. He’s a lot like me so I can totally see it) so that’s his special interest.
And Shino doesn’t easily see a point in engaging in a conversation not about his special interest.
He’ll find he’s willing to listen in about your interests (or special interests or hyperfixations) just because it’s you. And he wants to hear about you, and from you.
I think you’d have to be the one to ask him out.
So you do.
The relationship starts off slow. You’ll slowly get more from him, but he’s slow to open up, or to talk in general.
Most dates will be you talking, and him listening.
But you plan a date purposely centered around him, and at first he doesn’t notice, but soon you’re talking about his bugs and he starts to catch on.
You did a lot for him. And he feels special.
Really, the key to his heart is to see him. Make him feel special. Because he really is ❤️
You two garden together if you’re okay with getting your hands a little dirty.
He remembers your favorite flower from times like those when you tell him, and he’ll plant plenty for you. Even buy you some for the next date and special occasions.
He talks so highly of you.
Quiet dates usually.
Or dates where you both infodump.
He’d be perfectly okay with just existing in the same space quietly if you like that.
Eventually you’ll probably get to see his eyes! Don’t go around telling people what they look like though unless he’s told you that you can. More than likely, that’s more of between you two kind of thing.
If you’re a shinobi, he knows you can protect yourself, but he’d make sure he can cover your back well in anyway you could possibly need so he can protect you.
This takes a long time for him to be ready for.
But when you two are ready, he wants it to be perfect.
It’d have to be when you two are alone together in one of your bedrooms, no possibility of distraction or interruption.
Likely at night.
Your first time with him would be intimate, slow, and careful. A bit awkward too.
I’m willing to bet that he doesn’t often touch himself, so he’s not all that sure how he likes things.
He’ll be discovering a lot about himself with you because it’s not very likely he’s been with anybody before you.
He’s big, and he’s aware of that, though. So he wants to make sure you’re more than ready for him.
He’ll go down on you first if that’s okay with you. Finger you a bit during or after that.
Likely he’ll take his time getting to know exactly how you like things, and eventually it’ll get to the point you’re begging him to just put it in you.
When you see his cock for the first time, you do a double take for sure. He’s huge. And now you’re probably wonder how you’ll be able to handle him.
He’ll go slow, but I totally think this would be the one time he can barely control himself.
He’s so composed and put together most of the time. All serious. But being inside you makes him lose all of that. He’s drunk on you.
He tries to stay quiet, but things totally slip from his throat and out his lips. Quiet, but you notice.
He’s careful not to hurt you, but he’s in euphoria with the way you feel around him so his pace picks up a little bit rather he means to or not.
Now he’s not a minute man, it takes longer for him to cum even if this is 100% the best he’s ever felt in his life.
He cums hard though. And takes a little bit to recover from it, so if you want another round, give him a few minutes to breathe.
I think things with him would be rather vanilla (this might be projection tho, bc I’m a basic boring vanilla bitch)
He insists on using a condom and any means of protection you two can if you aren’t planning on having little kids running around any time soon.
Thank you for reading. I love Shino sm. If you have requests for him, send them in. Please.
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nocturnowlette · 4 months
There seems to be a lot of unquestioned arbitrary rules inserted into place for what people think a trigger is in hypnosis.
The actual definition is very simple, at least from my perspective. A hypnotic trigger is anything that causes recall of a hypnotic suggestion. Anything.
The trigger itself doesn't need to be reinforced or have even been said before for it to be a trigger so long as it causes recall, it does not have to be a word or a sound. So long as the subject's brain can recognize it as a distinct thing, then it counts. It's closer to ontology than anything.
That being said, you need to understand properties of triggers and how every single aspect of a trigger will affect how the conditioned suggestion is received.
One of the most common and baffling mistakes I see both in trances and in triggers is the "active time" of the trigger; that's to say, the amount of time the brain needs to be acting on that suggestion.
I've always despised visual of an elevator or an ice block, because the subject needs to be hyperfocused on a very slow climb and fall which is near impossible to maintain the consistency of, especially if they need to focus on other things too.
In contrast, a trigger or suggestion that takes place near-instantly or over a few seconds only requires a moment of making an active change, which is simpler and more consistent, and allows for variability in the strength of the effects since you don't have the last minute of change to compare it to.
If this drop trigger only worked 80% as well as the last one, it's a lot harder to notice with a chunk of time of nothing happening between them. Even consistent, small bursts are better than a constant change, like stepping down stairs instead of going down an elevator.
Snaps are the most common form of signifying a trigger because we can make it with our hands, but more importantly, because they're sudden and loud.
The aesthetic of a sudden and loud sound translates to the subject's brain how to interpret the feeling of that trigger. This also means, though, that if you have a trigger that isn't meant to be a burst, that you may not want to use a snap at all.
This also extends into the idea of "suggestion equivalency", as I would call it.
Essentially, you want the aesthetics and potency of the trigger to reasonably match up to the effects of the suggestion itself. The reason a snap is powerful is because you're condensing a very strong effect into one moment. However, if you try to stretch that intense potency to multiple seconds, it'll simply fail. There is only so much focus, there is only so much trigger potency.
One of the myriad reasons I despise key elman inductions is the suggestion of "doubling trance" every time you blink. There is a cartoonish, absurd potency required for that idea that anyone who knows hypnosis at all from the hypnotist or subject side (or just like, the wheat and chessboard tale) would get severe cognitive dissonance from attempting to follow it.
Another issue to consider is the generality and widespreaded-ness of a conditional trigger.
One file from MissLilith that I think was rather silly (and I'm only ragging on her here because I like her work) tries to give the suggestion that any time you see any plant at all, you get aroused. Furthering the idea of keeping up intensity over time, if a stimuli is so ubiquitous that someone experiences it constantly, the spectacle of it is simply gone. That suggestion will, optimistically, exhaust itself within hours.
That's not even to mention that fact that seeing something does not have nearly as much of a spectacle and intense impact as a sudden sound or word. There's a reason why movies have stingers to signal sudden scary moments or realizations.
From a community perspective, you should also avoid the most common trigger words unless you want someone to be dropped accidentally or have your suggestions lumped in with ones from other hypnotists and files.
The last issue is another practical one, the idea of stimulus generalization.
Shortly after an intense session I had involving snaps one time, I watched a 2 hour long video by Nexpo about Petscop (good and atmospheric overview, though Nexpo is terrible when it comes to actually analyzing media himself).
Thing is, the text changing sounds in the game sound a scary amount like a snap. So, every single time there was gameplay audio, I'd get triggered by it, essentially fractionating myself due to continually bringing myself up right after it happened.
Clicker sounds can be set off by pens, snaps by other sudden, high-pitched single noises, even general obedience suggestions can be triggered by another person to your subject if they act similar or have a similar sounding vocal tone to you, among other things. One must always consider that possibility.
Overall, words as triggers are common for a reason, but you can do essentially anything, so long as you recognize many of the common shortfalls of doing so.
Good luck, and happy hypnotizing.
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da-rulah · 8 months
Hail and well-met, you sparkling star dusted talented thing, you! I hope this week has wonderful things in store for you. I know it’s cliché, but I’d love to see how the Papas deal with the “one-bed trope”.
- aimlessly wandering anon
Thank you, my darling!! Oh, I love this trope. Is it a cliché? YES but it's a cliché for a reason. We love it.
For this, the situation is the same for each papa... Each papa has unconfessed feelings for reader, and reader for papa. They are on tour in another country, and having to share a motel room after a mix up.
Insists he will sleep on the floor, despite his arthritis and the fact he may not get back up again.
Tells you it's no trouble at all when you protest and promise your back would fare better from a night on the dingy motel carpet.
You insist he takes the bed, even if that means sharing
"Look we're both adults, let's just... share it, Papa!"
He relents, a little too easily to that idea, but he didn't really want to be sleeping on the floor.
He snores like a fog horn
You remember reading something about rolling a snorer over to get them to stop, so you decide to try that so you can at least get a few winks in before the next tour stop...
The second your hand touches his shoulder, he's gripping onto your wrist in a sleepy daze and pulling you towards him until your body is flush with his.
His snoring stops, but now a very deeply sleeping Papa Primo is cuddling you to his chest like a stuffed animal.
You found it far too easy to get comfortable there, snuggling into him and pretend even if just for tonight that he'd done this on purpose, wanting you close to him.
He peaks his eye open when he hears your breathing softening and slowing, smiling a little to himself as he sinks into the pillows.
He was awake enough. He had, indeed, done this on purpose.
Spends 20 minutes arguing with the receptionist about the room mix up. He is livid.
When you get to the room, he's in a foul mood.
"One bed? Oh for fucks sake!" he rages.
You're being very quiet, unnerved by his bad mood. You worry you might say something to make him channel his annoyance onto you.
There's no couch and very little floorspace, so you have to take the bed together. There's no other option.
You lay on your sides, facing away from each other with as much room between you as humanly possible because Secondo is an adult and adults don't sulk...
You fall asleep first.
In your sleep, you move around a lot, in particular, you roll onto your other side, now against his back, with an arm slung over his waist.
Secondo tenses up at first, slowly turning his head to see if you're awake. You definitely are not.
Rather than risk waking you, he leaves you be - you've been working so hard for him lately, this tour really taking out of you. He'd feel awful if he let his favourite assistant continue tomorrow full of exhaustion, and lets face it, humiliation at being woken up spooning your papa...
Yeah, that's the reason he decides to leave you be.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this is the first time on this tour he's actually felt like he could relax...
Sees the bed. Looks straight at you. Smirks.
"Oh, cara, however will we manage?" he teases.
You roll your eyes, tired of his shenanigans and frankly, just tired.
"I'll go down to the front desk, this can't be right..."
Papa jumps on the bed then, lounging and posing whilst running his gloved hand up his thigh and over the curve of his hip.
"You don't want to share my bed, dolcezza?"
No, you're going to the front desk. The last thing you need is for Terzo to play-flirt with you all damn night and end up riling you up to a point you make an absolute fool of yourself in front of your superior. No way.
When you come back sulking, he is still smirking.
"I'm building a pillow wall." You tell him defiantly. Now it's his turn to sulk.
In the middle of the night, you wake up to Terzo's face in front of yours, eyes watching you from over the top of the pillow wall you'd built.
"Are you watching me sleep?" you mumbled into the sheets.
"You were... talking."
Your blood runs cold the second he speaks. What exactly had you been saying?
With the widening of your eyes he smirks, removing the pillow from between you and throwing it to the floor. "Mhm. Would you like to know what about?"
When you don't answer but just keep staring at him, he rolls closer, his bare hand tracing a pattern down from your temple to your jaw, before he cups it and presses his lips to yours.
After a brief freeze, you sink into him, because of course you do. How could you not?
Terzo made sure that every motel/hotel stop had just one bed for you both from then on.
He makes it more awkward than it needed to be.
You assured him it would be fine, it was just one night after all. He makes a couple of awkward grumbling sounds, but hesitantly agrees.
The two of you both lie on your backs, staring up at the water marks on the ceiling as far as you can get away from each other. You're both stiff as a board, too awkward to look around or even fall asleep.
It's like you're one of those old married couples who fell out of love 20 years ago but stayed together for the kids.
It's just so awkward.
When both of you eventually do fall asleep, it's the first time you've relaxed since you stepped into the damn room together.
When morning comes, you wake up on your side, only to be greeted with a sleeping Papa just inches from your own face. Still, even in sleep, your bodies had been so careful not to touch each other...
You watch him for a little while, looking so peaceful, his deep set worry lines finally relaxed on his forehead.
But then he wakes up too...
You stare at each other, wide eyed for a moment while your brains catch up to the situation at hand.
"Eh... Buongiorno..."
You continue to stare, time passing by agonisingly slowly. But slowly, you start to see his eyes drift over your face, taking in your features up close. He'd never been so close before, but now that he was, he could hardly tear himself away.
His gaze settled on your lips for a little too long. The air grew heavy and warm around you.
"Forgive me, but... may I just..."
His hand reaches up to tuck some hair behind your neck, fingertips skimming the exposed skin there.
And then, he's kissing you. Softly, delicately... In case you want to push him away from you.
But you don't. Instead, you press your lips back to his, eyes fluttering closed and your shoulder sinking into the mattress beneath you.
"Va bene..." he whispers, letting his head sink back to the pillow, eyes never leaving yours.
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reimeichan · 2 months
I really admire the people in my life who have the patience to actually understand and accept my DID. I remember a time, before I or the people around me knew about my disorder, where everyone would be frustrated time and time again as we had the same conversations over and over. How I would be frustrated at not being able to remember these conversations. How my friends and loved ones would be frustrated at having to say the same things to me over and over. How it felt like nothing ever got anywhere despite our best efforts.
And we'd try so many things to get around that. Note taking, lists, schedules, alarms... But these things only work to a certain extent. Notes are always infallible and prone to leaving things out, or you may misinterpret or misremember or even just not remember why you wrote down what you did. Lists and schedules only work if you actually remember to check them. Alarms only work if you even remember to set them. And you can't always rely on the people around you to send reminders either.
"You have to try harder to remember", they'd say. "You forget things because you don't care". "You don't actually care, that's why you choose to forget these things", as if I had a choice in what I could and could not remember. And these statements hurt so much, and they still ring in my ears anytime I feel like I've forgotten something even as small as what I had for breakfast.
So when I now have people in my life who will slow down for me and calmly repeat a conversation with me, who will actually gladly have these same conversations with me again and again... I guess I feel lucky to have people who genuinely try to understand me and meet me where I'm at. They don't see my memory problems as something I have to "work on", they just accept that it's a thing and will accommodate however they need to. And yeah, it can be an annoyance to deal with and may even cause problems for them, but they don't take out their grievances on me, and I very much appreciate them for that.
And sometimes, I find myself on the other side of that. I have friends and family with memory issues as well, where I find myself having to rehash things with them over and over and over again. In the past, I, too, would get snappy and impatient. Why can't they just bother to remember? Is it really that hard? But now I remember my own struggles with memory, and so I attempt to extend that same patience to them. They're not forgetting things on purpose, they can't help it. The least I can do is provide them some understanding; after all, it's not so different from how I have a tendency to forger things too, with the double-whammy combination of DID and ADHD.
I guess I'm grateful for the people in my life who have been able to model healthier behaviors for me, so that I, too, can become a better support for those around me.
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5 Writing Rules I Like to Break
                Listen, I am firmly of the belief that writing doesn’t have rules. There’s no one way to do it—no one schedule or technique or tip that’s going to work for everyone and produce perfect narratives. Which is a good thing! I think if we all had to write exactly the same way, our stories would end up looking very similar.
                So while in general I tend to say throw out any and all rules (and yes, even including the advice I give on this blog if you so desire), here’s 5 common writing rules I specifically and intentionally break, and why:
1. Write what you know
I already talked all about how I tend to ignore this advice here if you’re interested. The TLDR version of it is that you can absolutely write things beyond your scope of knowledge (in fact, I’d guess that’s where the majority of fiction comes from) as long as you write it genuinely—this rule should be instead ‘write what you feel’.
2. Don’t edit as you write
Booo!! Okay maybe it works for some of you—if so, by all means continue (this applies to all the rules I’m about to mention, so just keep that in mind). Editing as I go is how I get back into the swing of things in a new writing session, and also allows me to try a scene a few different times to get the most I can out of it. I tend to believe that words are words even if they’re edited, rewritten, or even deleted.
If your goal is to finish your project as fast as possible, I imagine going back to edit before you’re finished your draft might slow you down. However, I also imagine editing as you go might save you an entire draft. Whatever works for you here is what you should do, but I personally love to edit as I write.
3. Avoid ‘said’
At least I think a lot of you guys are with me when I say that ‘said’ is sometimes just the best word to use. Using lots of descriptive words like, ‘yelled’, ‘begged’, ‘exclaimed’ can be distracting. When the dialogue speaks for itself, the ‘said’ disappears into the background of the scene, while necessary for grammar, it’s a formality for the actual storytelling. As well, I like to experiment with said by adding a descriptor afterwards. ‘Said quietly’ ‘said through a laugh’ ‘said without taking a breath’ etc.
4. Avoid adverbs
Here’s what I’ll say about word usage in general, as long as you pick your words with thought and care, you may use whatever words you want. Words have different specific connotations, and not always will avoiding the adverb have the same impact. For example, changing “he laughed lightly” to “he giggled.” We may have removed the adverb ‘lightly’, but ‘giggled’ holds a completely different connotation. It evokes a sort of immaturity, not unlike the ‘schoolgirl’ stereotype. If we don’t want that connotation, in this case, laughed lightly may be better.
                So don’t count out adverbs for the sake of it. As long as you’re choosing your words with intention and you understand the meaning behind them, you can experiment with a world of adverbs!
5. Never use passive voice
This one I didn’t realize was important to break until quite recently. We tend to be taught that passive voice automatically equals bad and I’m here to tell you that isn’t true. Passive voice should equal focus on action. Active voice equals focus on character. There may be certain sentences in which focusing on either the character or the action is more beneficial.
For example, “the alarm was pulled by Alice” (passive) kind of sounds clunky and wrong, whereas “Alice pulled the alarm” (active) is much more effective.
BUT “Alice was dragged out of the way” (passive) focuses on the action of Alice being dragged, rather than “Something dragged Alice out of the way” (active) focuses on the something that is doing the dragging, which in a moment of action, may take away from the pacing.
As long as you choose your voice with intention, both passive and active voice can be used to create strong, effective sentences.
                What are some typical writing rules you tend to ignore?
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