#i’ll prolly expand this au
crow-aeris · 4 months
okay yall, the brain worms are at it again....
Jason screams, surging forward as tendrils erupted from what he had thought was an innocuous pendant.
"GO!" Dick, that self sacrificing IDIOT screams, clawing at the oily tendrils before being pulled toward the center and vanishing in a burst of golden light.
Jason jerks forward, fear like never before seizes his chest as he couldn't get his limbs to move. Terror pounded at his temples as he saw Tim hacking at the tendrils with a sharp batarang, the barest crack in his composed appearance was noticeable, and their eyes met from across the room. Even behind the domino mask, Jason could see a fierce resolution in his brother's expression (and the fear and knowing buried behind it).
"STOP STANDING THERE!" Tim shouts, and Jason barely manages to dodge the tendrils striking at him, "GO! GET HELP! G- GO!"
Jason curses, fighting back tears as Tim joined Dick in erupting into a dense smog of golden glow before rushing toward where Damian's unconscious body was hidden.
He tried to grab the kid- he tried. he TRIED- but he was too. fucking. late.
The disgusting black tendrils snatched damian right from his arms. His surroundings faded to a dull buzz for the briefest of moments before slamming back into him,
"GIVE. THEM. BACK!" Jason wailed screamed, snatching the gun from his side before pointing it at the pendant. He forced the primal terror away and ignored the third burst of gold and the sharp-pointed darkness surging toward him. He planted his feet, sucking in a shaky breath and yanked the trigger.
The sound of bullets filled the air, but… but nothing.
The tendrils snared him. The oily substance coated his skin, and he grits his jaw and continues to shoot. This was- this was their last. chance.
it doesn't work.
it doesn’t fucking work.
Jason screams, gold filling his vision as every single fiber of his body felt like it was being shredded and burned.
but just before his entirety was lost to the creeping darkness, the sound of SHATTERING filled the air, and everything… disappeared.
But… but that wasn't it, was it. No, it wasn’t, because nothing could EVER be easy when it comes to him, could it?
Against all fucking odds, Jason Peter Todd wakes up from death for the second time... but everything felt… wrong. Different. Uncanny… And why was he shorter???
He wrestles himself out of bed ignoring how achingly familiar the room was before finding a mirror suspiciously where he knew it would be, and seeing the reflection was all the confirmation needed.
He was... little. Small. Innocent, a pure little robin with his wings in tact…
Jason waits for the rage, the anger that accompanied by GREEN-GREEN-GREEN… but it never comes… Interesting…
More differences were that his hair was his natural black that gleamed a dakr red-brown in the right lighting, no white streak in sight. The scars sustained after his pit dip were also missing, and his eyes were still a brilliant cerulean hue...
What. The. Hell? Dear god, Jason utterly loathed time travel bullshit, and this entire clusterfuck was about as bull-fucking-shit as anything could ever get.
His eyes traced the image of his face incredulously, trailing down his chin before landing on a… familiar pendant. Jason snarled wordlessly, anger and frustration rising to his chest as he grabs the wretched thing and hurled it.
The pendant smashes against the wall, and Jason’s ears are suddenly filled with his brothers’ aguished and pained cries.
He lurches forward, guilt slamming into his chest as he gingerly picks up the despicable fucking fucknut of a goddamned object. If it had a mother (it’s creator?), Jason hopes the pendant has to someday watch them BURN. (And sure, it might not be logical to blame an inanimate object for his issues, but his brothers were missing, and he has to go through puberty all over again. Frankly, jason thinks he’s coping pretty fucking well compared to the duffle bag incident…)
There was a deep black string threaded through a miniscule hole at the top, not too unlike the tendrils that yanked him and his brothers away. Jason’s hands were shaking, and you could not find him dead wearing that stupid fucking bullshit-mechaniced deathtrap around his fucking neck (which was now distinctively bare of a thin scar that he had matching with tim), but he couldn’t throw it, lest Dick, Tim, and Damian’s souls were actually trapped in that godforsaken fucker of a pendant.
“Jay?” he hears his mom (could he even call her that? she- she wasn’t sheila, but catherine was a thousand times better… what was he even supposed to do???) call for him, “i heard a crash? is everything okay?”
“Y-yeah!” he calls back- oh god, was he always this- this fucking squeaky?! No fucking wonder bruce snatched him up, jesus christ. For fuck’s sake, he would’ve snatched himself up!
“Are you sure?” Catherine says, knocking gently at the door, “you don’t sound too well, jay.”
Jason swallows past the lump in his throat, feeling the sharp edges of the pendant dig uncomfortably into the palms of his uncalloused hands, “just- just a little cold, i promise!”
“…Okay, hon. Just let me know if you need anything, alright? i love you.”
“I love you too, mom,” Jason echoes, the words feeling like bitter ash on his tongue as the footsteps fade. Even if he was now a fucking pipsqueak, he needs to catalogue any injuries or changes he went through… which was how he discovers an almost tattoo-like marking of a black and gold skeletal bird resting above his beating heart. Poking at it didn’t hurt, but it made the pendant in his hand warm…
He had an idea… a plan if you will, and all it takes is a phone….
PART 2, 3, 4
and the directory
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galaxygermdraws · 3 years
would you consider sharing the Imp and Skizz headcanons you have?? pls???
Oh anything for the person who gave me my favorite Imp n Skizz angst AU + 3L drabbles ever, why wouldn't I? (No joke tho Separation AU is amazing and the reason I even know of Skizz's existence-)
So I guess I'll do Lore this time since last hc drop was just pain. Feel free to ask me to go into detail on any of these btw. U r also allowed to expand upon any of these ideas
So first off, both of them were born completely human. It just so happened Impulse ended up in the End and he doesn't really know why, but he was raised by the Ender Dragon(who I personally hc as a goddess of sorts), n she realized it'd be hard for him to survive as a mere human so she blessed him, n that's why he's considered to be Enderborn.
And Impulse lives in the End for like 10 to 15 years, the Dragon vanishe very early into this time, before Skizz finds him. Impulse doesn't entirely trust Skizz at first, given he can't even understand him, but Skizz isn't threatening Impulse or any of the nearby Endermen(surprisingly), so Impulse sees no reason to not trust him.
After a while, Impulse goes to the Overworld for the first time, and at one point he gets spooked n the 2 get separated and Skizz kinda finds Impulse half dead, shaking on the ground and crying (and given Impy has never felt this much physical pain in his life, makes sense). He picks him up n takes him home, placing him in bed n taking care of him as much as he knows how to.
This is probably when Impulse truly starts to trust Skizz, and this is probably when the two start teaching the other their own languages. Because Impulse was raised in the End, he can't speak English, but a less complicated dialect of Galactic. Meanwhile, Skizz can speak English, n has to try n teach it to Impulse. Given the two of them talk very similarly, Impulse prolly picked up on some of the weird speech habits Skizz has.
From this point the two of them just kinda live together n it's really soft. They basically become brothers and are practically inseparable. Then ofc they find Tango n Zed and the quartet is complete.
And then of course... Impulse eventually gets summoned to HC. I like to think the summoning spell is a more advanced way of summoning the Dragon, so that's why n how Impulse can be summoned, but this left Skizz n Zed alone on the quartet's main world.
Skizz tried not to think Impulse was dead but he had never seen that happen before, and Zed was tryna get in contact with Tango, unaware that that's who summoned Impulse.
Of course they all figure out what happened and things are okay.
As for other headcanons I've got, some of my personal favs
-Impulse helps Skizz adjust to getting Enderman powers after 3L. Impulse doesn't have all these powers, but he has some, and some of those happen to be powers Skizz also ended up getting. (i.e. teleporting specifically). This also means Impulse can directly look Skizz in the eyes without freaking him out, since the Enderman data made Skizz extremely skittish when it came to eye contact.
-This is more a ZITS headcanon then just Imp n Skizz, but they've all got friendship bracelets(even if I forget to draw them half the time)
-Imp n Skizz have the same height to age difference as Mario n Luigi and honestly Is There a Better comparison? I think not.
-These 2 def have a tad bit of separation anxiety from each other so Tango rigged their comms so they can communicate between SMPs no problem.
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
Popular Fanfic AU:
Benoit Blanc, Joe Bang, James Bond, Jake Lonergan, Prof. Fluke Kelso, XXXX
In celebration of reaching just over 100 followers, I decided to do something a little different... I guess these are just a collection of my takes on certain aus/tropes. Plus! New character alert! XXXX from Layer Cake! I read the book, so I’m going to base him off of that and not so much the movie (although the movie is super good).
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warnings: drinking, mentions of stalking
Benoit Blanc: coffee shop 
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"So how exactly did the two of you meet?”
“Well...” Benoit chuckled sheepishly, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his head. 
“We ran into each other.” You couldn’t help but smile in amusement. 
“He spilled coffee all over me and in a... gallant effort to help, his mother-hen side came out and tried to wipe some of the coffee off.”
“Leading to a rather embarrassing moment in the middle of the Starbucks which I would hope you would be so kind as to not expand upon, my dear.” He gave you a pointed look. 
“It was endearing!” He huffed at your response, looking away. You took the opportunity to lean closer to your aunt and whisper. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Heard that.”
He’d never be able to live it down. 
Joe Bang: childhood friends
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“Joe! Joe!” Hearing his name, Joe stands up from looking at his tires, but doesn’t get much farther than that due to something - or someone - jumping on his back and wrapping their arms around his neck. 
“What in the-!”
“Joe! Guess what?”
“I got a B+ on the chem test! Can you believe it?”
“Really? That’s great!”
“Isn’t it though? Thank you! Thank you so much!” Their laughter tickles his ear. “You are the best!” 
“Is that so?” He chuckles, his hands gripping theirs. “I’ll be sure to remind you of that next time you-” 
“Shush! Don’t ruin this for me!” A hand slaps his chest playfully. “But that reminds me...”
“Okay, alright, get off’a me.” He tries to pull them off his back, but their arms tighten - almost choking him. “Hey-!”
“I seem to recall that a certain somebody promised me a milkshake...!”
“Well I don’t! Now get! I have things to do!”
“No!” They whine. “You promised!”
“...” He sighs, realizing that he’s not going to get out of it. “Fine. We’ll go! Happy? Now lemme go already!” 
James Bond: zombies
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"Did you get bitten?”
“Good. Think you can get up?” He holds out a hand and you take it. He pulls you up with surprising ease. “Have everything?” You nod shakily. “Come on - we’ll go through the back.” He cautiously leads the way to the back of the shop and opens the back door. “The coast is clear. Once we get to my car-” He points to an SUV. “We’ll be safe.” 
“Right.” You nod. He walks out first, and motions for you to follow. A muncher comes into view, shuffling by the alley. The man quickly pulls you down behind a bin. Neither of you move until it’s gone. The two of you slowly and carefully make your way to the end of the alley and peer out. There are a few stragglers here and there, but they were much farther away than the car. 
“Run for it.” And you do, nearly slamming into the car itself before fumbling to get the door open and jumping in. It takes a moment for your heart to settle and your breath to slow down.
“I - uh - I never got your name. I’m (Y/N).”
“It’s Bond. James Bond.”
Jake Lonergan: sharing a bed
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“Well? You gonna take your shoes off or what?”
“I... Yeah.” He rubs a hand over his face and takes his hat off. 
“You want me to call for a bath?”
“Nah, it’s fine.”
“You sure?” Then you smirk. “’Cause I don’t think I want my bed partner for the night smelling like he fell into some pig shit...”
“...Bed partner?”
“You are sleeping on the bed, y’know.” You raise a brow. “While I should prolly make you sleep out in the hall - ‘specially after that stunt you pulled in the bar -” He grimaced. “I don’t think I’ll be that heartless. You’ve had a long week. Now c’mon.” 
He doesn’t move or say a word for a long moment. “...I’ll think I’ll get that bath after all.”
Fluke Kelso: rivals to lovers
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“You are an asshole.”
“For what, exactly?” The man has the audacity to smirk. 
“You know exactly what.”
“No, I don’t think I do.” Fluke slides his hands into his pockets. “You’re going to have to elaborate.” 
“Elaborate.” You feel a twitch coming on. 
“What was it that our professor used to say?” He pretends to think for a moment. “Wasn’t it... be more specific?” 
“Low blow, Kelso. Low blow.”
“Is it? I wouldn’t know.”
“I hate it when you’re like this.” You groan.
“Like what?”
“Don’t look at me with those eyes. You know exactly what.” You wag a finger at him. “Every time you win, you like to lord it over me - do you even know how disgusting it is? To see all those women fawn over you like - like - god! I don’t even know what!”
“I think someone’s getting a little bit jealous.”
“Oh, stuff a sock in it. I have nothing to be jealous of. Dr. Eben asked me if I’d be willing to accompany him for dinner sometime.” You glance at your nails. “I think I might just say yes.”
“Dr. Eben?” You can hear the pout in his voice. “The one with a beard?” You nod your head. He scoffs. “You’re joking.” You give him a knowing look. “Right?”
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
XXXX: bodyguard
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It was supposed to be an easy few bucks, the usual deal, a get-in-get-out and don’t fuck it up kind of job. Some local singer with a few fans getting too close for comfort needing someone to scare them away. I was assigned because of my face, as I always am. You can’t be a fucking bodyguard if you can’t look like you can fuck someone up. But the problem is, you also can’t be a fucking bodyguard if you want to be fucking the person you’re guarding. Tricky business, Morty says, because the half of them are pretty little rich things that want to get a way from their parents and think it’s fun to rile up the guard in an attempt to get away. Fall for it once and you learn your fucking lesson. 
Except one look at the burlesque dancer and I knew that I’d need to retake the fucking class because I’d already forgotten the protocol. Anybody would after seeing a show like that. But by now, I’ve seen twenty of them and it’s getting more and more difficult to ignore the chemistry. Morty would call it ‘eye-fucking’, I call it testing the waters - though judging by what happened last night, it’s gone a bit beyond that...
This was, for whatever dumb reason, so hard to write. Like genuinely difficult. Some of them came out super fast and easy while others were like walking through cement. I hope you all enjoyed, though! 
- Simpy
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guymaito · 3 years
Avatar Apartment Complex AU
au where all of the known avatars live in a apartment complex
roku is an librarian and is currently helping iroh care for his great grandchildren, zuko and azula, lives next to salai and wan and across from kyoshi
kyoshi is a former bodyguard now high school basketball coach, lives across from roku and next to kuruk
wan is a kindergarten teacher and lives with his grandfather salai, who was a middle school teacher, lives next to roku and across from aang and gyatso
aang is a veterinarian and lives with his great grandfather, gyatso who was a baker lives across from wan and salai and next to korra and asami
korra is a baker and lives with her girlfriend asami, who’s next in line to take over future industries, lives next to aang and gyatso and across from szeto
szeto is a lawyer and is currently helping kuruk pay for therapy, lives across from korra and next to yangchan 
yangchan is a movie set designer and is basically kuruk’s mom, lives across from genji and next to szeto
kuruk is roku’s assistant, and is currently an recovering alcoholic and is going to therapy for ptsd, alcoholism, and depression, lives next to kyoshi and across from no one 
raava owns the apartment complex building and is their landlord and vaatu is her twin brother, don’t know what to do with him yet
i’ll prolly expand on this more once i get my old account back, whenever that happens
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eclecticwordblender · 4 years
Since @the-rambling-maiden gave me the kind of validation that makes one cry with joy. I couldn’t wait to publish part 2 of Mahabharata High School AU. Ik it’s too long I’m sorry 🥺.
Senior students in the limelight:
The headboy.
Tries really hard to excell, still is barely above average.
Is driven by the idea that everyone likes him while most of his classmates find him plain annoying. Some of the teachers too.
Is the headboy because for some unknown reason Bheeshma likes him and no one likes to disagree with the principal. Dhritrashtra tried opposing but no one really listens to him.
this kid, Krishna ran a campaign that convinced everyone that Yudhishthir is the best headboy they could have. Without that he had no chance.
Everyone else just accepted and now listens to him because that’s what Krishna wants.
“Okay I’ll give a very interesting lecture in Moral science class.”
- everyone, even the teacher struggles to stay awake.
Head girl.
Has witty comebacks to everything.
An all rounder.
Looking at her, everyone wonders why someone as under achieving as Yudhishthir gets to be the other school captain.
Changed her name to Panchaali. But everyone still calls her Draupadi. Doesn’t like it, but has made her peace with it.
Is already done with the world’s patriarchal ways which are the basis of the school’s sexist rule book.
Once, some juniors went to the principal’s office and saw a picture of the first headmistress. They were all admiring her beauty while Draupadi walked in. And suddenly all the admiration shifted to her.
An iconic friendship quadrent of Arjuna, Satyabhama, Krishna and Draupadi exists right since they joined school.
Had a beef with the Geography teacher, Kunti because had a thing going with Arjuna for a while.
“🧚🏻‍♀️🥰 How are we ignoring our beloved head boy today?🥰🧚🏻‍♀️”
Heart eyes uwu.
Soccer team captain.
Is some sort of a ladies man. However, always prioritises his ECAs and Krishna.
All rounder. Had the achievements to be head boy, definitely not the time.
Girls are always crushing on him.
Dated Draupadi in the freshman year, it didn’t work out. Is still best friends with her though.
Currently in a relationship with Subhadra, she’s two years younger, but our boi doesn’t really care because he’s so smitten by her. Bestfs still above her though.
Is Kunti’s favourite kid. Kunti is an actual sweetheart exclusively to him.
Everyone loves him.
Sometimes sick of all the attention he gets.
Major enimity with the soccer team’s vice captain, Karna.
Really tall, really husky, Fitness freak.
Still loves food more than right about anything.
There’s only one person he’d choose over food. The head girl. Some say he has had a crush on her since junior school. Draupadi values him a lot but doesn’t seem to reciprocate the attention he gives her.
Is stupid, but it’s okay because he’s also the good-est boy in town.
Not very bright academically.
Doesn’t get the recognition he deserves.
Literally the BEST basketball player, but all everyone in school seems to care about is soccer and track events :/.
Has anger management issues which land him into trouble very often.
“Panchaali! You should be proud of me, I prevented a murder today, BY CONTROLLING MY ANGER.”
Is a year younger to everyone in his class.
Really cute, really handsome. Is also well aware about this.
Is not much of a ladies man but SO MANY PEOPLE have crushes on him.
Is practically never seen without his guitar and bestf, Sahadev, who is the only one who shares his birth year.
Can be found giving out personalised skin care routines for fun. And Sahadev, being the brains of the duo, charges in cash, that is how both of them get their pocket money.
Goes to the restroom after every period to make sure his hair are still on point.
Has a successful band. Obviously he’s the lead.
“Wow! Who is this beauty!? Oh my God! This is why I use mirrors as mood boosters.”
Smartest kid in the school. School topper.
Can talk about random trivia for hours, and people like listening to him.
Is either in the library or hanging out with Nakul.
Hates school A LOT.
Sahadev doesn’t attend a lot of classes because he knows teachers aren’t of any help to him.
Always attends maths class, even though he doesn’t like Sir Shakuni. Prolly because he wanted to be Shakuni’s fav but Shakuni only likes the bad boys. Sigh.
Is a walking human encyclopaedia.
“Why is everyone so stupid!? I WANNA GO HOME! I HATE YOU ALL! (Except my boi Nakul).”
(Ik everyone in the fandom loves him v much. Please don’t hate me for this.)
Manipulative to a point its very toxic.
Doesn’t like taking responsibilities and being held accountable
so just tricks people who take up responsibility into listening to him.
The OG heart eyes in the campus.
Still ships Draupadi and Arjuna for some reason. Even though he treats Arjuna’s girlfriend as his younger sister.
So stubborn.
Is good at everything but doesn’t like the lime light.
A Krishna-Shakuni Feud is the best source of entertainment.
Krishna seems to think that every body who disagrees with him is absolutely wrong and would go any length to make a point. Is also sort of disrespectful to the teachers he doesn’t like.
However, has a very captivating charm that makes him most people’s favourite. Shakuni sees through his well planned schemes because he has fully functional brain cells.
Loves his friendship quadrant and a girl from some other school who visits often, a lot.
A feminist. Hates the school’s rule book in a positive manner.
“🧚🏻‍♀️🥰 What mischief should I do today? And how do I trick someone into thinking it was their idea, not mine?🥰🧚🏻‍♀️”
Soccer team vice captain.
Here on a scholarship.
Every girl with daddy issues is head over heels for him.
Uses Hating Arjuna as a personality trait.
Also uses his love for Duryodhana as another personality trait.
Has lots of rumours about him. He doesn’t care because all he cares about is defeating Arjuna.
A lot of students ship Draupadi with him. It’s just stupid. Both of them dislike each other, but are too evolved to care about stupid rumours.
Is extremely generous.
Since the owner’s kid, who is RICH is his bestf, he never misses a chance to slide a meal from the overpriced canteen to any one who forgot lunch.
Suffers from classism and tries very hard to fight the inferiority complex he gets because most kids around are super rich.
Dronacharya dislikes him, he dislikes him back, however, still tries to win him.
Has abandonment issues.
Some say he looks upto Ma’am Kunti for validation.
The cricket coach, Pashuram, likes this kid though.
“Are you challenging me Arjuna!?”
Thinks too highly of himself.
Being the owner’s kid makes up for half his personality. The other half is his devotion towards his beloved Karna.
Is probably bi and Has a not so subtle crush on his bestf.
Has another personality that is devoted to trying to convince everyone he should be head boy.
He once started an intervention demanding “Duryodhana should be headbody” and he was also the leader on the intervention. Karna was unwillingly in his support.
Is Sir Shakuni’s favourite bratty kid.
Only listens to Shakuni or Karna.
Comes up with evil and downright mean mischiefs but always fails.
He once tried to full on flirt with Draupadi but got his a*s whooped.
Tried to sabotage Yudhishthir’s reputation but Krishna’s interference led him to fail.
“Where’s Mitr Karna!?!? I get anxiety when I don’t have him or Sir Shakuni around for long!”
“I should be headboy! No head girl. Karna should be headboy 2.”
Befriended Duryodhana first year of school.
Looks up to Duryodhana. Only imitates his bad qualities. That’s it, that’s his entire personality.
Even Shakuni who loves bratty kids, dislikes this one.
Has more haters than the headboy. Except people hate on him openly.
Total failure.
A bully.
Dushasana can be found in the last room on the third floor of the oldest block very often. That’s the detention room.
Tries to flirt with every girl around, and girls just ew this creep AS THEY SHOULD.
Doesn’t have a personality of his own.
Gender fluid and ready to teach a lesson to anyone who invalidates her.
Strong and independent.
Important member of the soccer as well as the cricket team.
Also, a star athelete.
Has a very strong bonding with Ma’am Amba because VERY similar.
Sikhandi/Sikhandni can be seen gossiping with Amba on the stair case a lot, some claim to have heard them trash talk Bheeshma.
Bold and not afraid to stand for what they believes in without caring about the consequences.
Once they gave herself a third ear piercing, using a compass when Kunti told her a double piercing was a distraction after Yudhishthir complained about it.
Emerges as a parent figure to juniors who are bullied for being different.
“As long as you have the right intentions you’re valid okay?”
Minds his own business.
Manages good grades and a spot in the sports squad.
He found out he shared his birthday with the Draupadi in second grade. Loves her like a sister since then.
The basketball coach sees some spark in him that no one else does.
Is liked by all but doesn’t get the attention he deserves.
Is pretty content with life in General.
Soccer coach’s kid.
Is self aware.
Realistic and practical.
Suffers from major attention deprivation.
Duryodhan lent him a pencil case in second standard. Asshwatthama tries so hard to become his favourite ever since.
The Iconic Karna Dury duo however, ignore almost always.
Expanded the “Duryodhana should be headboy” intervention but his efforts weren’t recognised.
Closeted gay.
Respects superiors while disliking them.
Quite bitter.
“Will this win me Duryodhan’s love?”
Eyes like forest pools.
Looks up to Draupadi as a role model.
Arjuna is her weakness even though she’s dating him.
Kunti likes her. Doesn’t mind if she’s dating Arjuna.
There’s this brilliant student in the junior section, Abhimanyu. Subhadra and Arjuna spend a lot of time with him together. They sort of look like a very happy family.
Always tops English and History class.
Gossip queen xoxo.
“Draupadi Didi and Krishna bhaiya said so, Arjuna you know I cannot say no to them.”
Is the sweetest person around.
Believes there is some good in every person.
Even hangs out with Duryodhana and squad thinking they’ll change some day.
Karna and Dushala often discuss how to mend this group’s ways, assisted by Dury’s girlfriend, Bhanumati.
Is stuck in a relationship with a jerk but doesn’t have the heart to break up with him.
Is literally kindness personified.
Dushala’s favourite teacher is Gandhaari. Probably because no one else gives the teacher validation and Dushala doesn’t like when someone is sad.
Terrible person.
Only the size of a grain of sand better than Dushasana.
Started Dating Dushala Sophomore year.
Dushala really wants to break up with this jerk but she’s too sweet to hurt someone even as terrible as him so she just avoids him.
Once Draupadi slapped him in public. Dushala cheered the loudest.
Is only relevant because of his girlfriend.
Says Duryodhana is an excellent boyfriend.
Corrects her man when he’s wrong.
Is also close friends with Karna.
Led the intervention against the “Duryodhana should be headboy intervention.”
It hurt Dury but it’s okay because Bhanumati has her own thoughts and he respects that. Guess he is actually a good boyfriend.
Is very lovable.
Boy has no hater.
Somehow was befriended by Duryodhan in junior school.
Feels stuck in the Dury gang ever since.
Secretly, very strongly admires Yudhishthir, Arjuna, Draupadi and of course, KRISHNA.
Is everything you’d wanna fix in Yudhishthir.
Yuyutsu, Dushala and Vikarna trio is bff goals.
“Is there any way I can change my friend group? Face palms”
Counsels Duryodhana on Yuyutsu’s advise.
There isn’t much to say about him. Dude’s a good guy with humanly flaws.
Feels stuck in Dury gang but has made his peace with their ways.
Dushala, Yuyutsu and Vikarna are often found gossiping with Ma’am Gandhaari, she often warns them about how their other friends are bad kids and they should not get influenced.
“Why!? Because yuyutsu says so that’s why!”
Here on scholarship.
This poor kid was bullied so much initially when he joined school because of his economic status.
Coach Drona wouldn’t let him into the soccer team because he’s afraid someone might out shine his favourite.
Stays away from the dirty politics in school.
Became a star athelete despite all the odds he faced.
Eklavya was once locked in the washroom before a 100m race on the sports day. No one knows who did that for sure. Although some people claim to know it was Coach Drona.
President of the theatre club.
Crushes on Krishna for an unknown duration.
Krishna does give her attention because EXCUSE ME, she is impossible to ignore.
Rukmini befriended Nakul in the corridors as they bumped into each other after every period, while going to/coming from the washroom to check their respective hairdos.
Is Draupadi’s psychological twin.
President of the debating society.
Another one of Krishna’s closest friends.
The school is full of Satyabhama-Krishna shippers. But their friendship quadrant knows Krishna is smitten by this girl from some other school.
The girl from some other school.
Probably goes to an all girls convent school.
Is shy but can be seen having a a gala time with Krishna after school. Friends w Subhadra too.
Nobody in school knows much about her but it’s evident Krishna and her are 11/10 soulmates uwu.
Rukmini’s twin brother.
Is overly protective of his sister.
Thinks he’s well sorted but almost always creates a mess.
Has some sort of minor feud with Krishna.
Is neck deep in a very toxic friendship with Shishupal.
Rebel without a cause.
A headache.
Wants to fight Krishna but is scared of him.
Wants to join the Dury gang but no on lets him in.
Shishupal is known to spread the most problematic rumours in school.
Stays occupied in her small social circle of not so popular kids.
She’s famous, though doesn’t talk to many people.
Proposed to Bheem in middle school.
Bheem gently turned her down because he was already mad about Draupadi. Hidimba moved on with life without sulking about it. Probably still likes him though.
Also, really close to this Ghatotkutch person who is in fifth grade.
Ulupi and Chitrangada:
Dated Arjuna for a few weeks each.
Then bonded over how he’s not a good boyfriend and not as perfect as everyone thinks he is. they do have a point though.
Are now bestfs and don’t like anyone else in school.
Since, I’m an attention wh*re tagging: @bigheadedgirlwithbigdreams @soniaoutloud @supermeh-krishnafan @incorrectmahabharatquotes @chaanv @hoeticulture @lemponkoira @1nsaankahanhai-bkr
Also, link to part 1: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625462681921568768/foundation
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yellowhearther0 · 4 years
Please, for the love of god, share more about the live action remake au. I have one cursed idea and that's that they use Tommy and Tubbo as queerbait because that's ew and Eret being bi is played up because they're the traitor
asdfghjhgfdsasdfg oh noooo 😭 they prolly wouldn’t use tommy and tubbo for queerbait bc as shit as the show is they’re not abt to speedrun getting cancelled and arrested for queerbaiting using characters who are minors and based off minors- that being said there is 100% queerbaiting sdfghjhgfd (its fwt. its fwt ft dream cheating on him w/ george bc gays arent faithful u know 😃👍)(on that note it prolly gets like. speedran too. it gets like.. half an episode of attention, prolly for the marriage gone wrong tm, at best and beyond that its all background things)
and as for the playin up erets sexuality thing,,, yuhhh they probably would. 😔
but also another problem the show has is like.. its very all over the place sometimes when it comes to plot. bc they sometimes write a group of episodes at the same time and there will be something that happens in those set episodes that then become some background running gag when they air, and then they’ll never touch it again. it is very easy to tell what episodes were written at the same time asdfghjk- there are...alot of plot holes.
also i’ve had a thought and i am going to expand on it later bc i have no ideas for it yet other so i’ll get back to u on that
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blubberbutts · 5 years
World building/clarification
Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I’ve decided to re-work my stuff to follow this idea; Since he’s the closest to being IRL me, besides the massive fatness and all, almost everything outside of HIPSter Alter is actually “written by him” in a sense. So Soltan, Alterdeus/Zoltan, Zentio, Buttman, etc is all him making these stories up in his own universe, which is why there’s so many AUs of Alter since he wants to write about himself like that lol
Soltan and HIPSter Alter are still my own “personas” for doing internet stuff and all, but just for story sake Soltan is HIPSter Alters fursona and what he uses to interact with furries himself. Kinda confusing I know, it prolly won’t matter unless I write some stuff out lol
Also on the subject of AUs I decided that instead of having like four different AUs of the Alterdeus and his crew happening, I’ll combine two of them into one since I haven’t really expanded on them yet anyway. 
So currently we have the main timeline, where Alterdeus and his crew from the FUSO split up after getting to Earth, the crew all live mostly normal lives, Alter meets up with them here and there in his story but ultimately doesn’t stick around, ends up with Jennx for a time and she makes him fat before they break up.
The first AU is where it’s mostly the same, except Alter was a bit more timid on things, so he became femmy Zoltan, then de-merged himself, leaving all the weird shit in femmy Zoltan and making him mostly normal, then not hooking up with Jennx so SHE gets fat and things happen from there I haven’t expanded on yet.
Another AU is the one where Soltan is born from Alter and Sombra merging with the cat together and then he never goes back to being Alterdeus, so I’m combining that with YET ANOTHER AU I was building and talked about here, where Alter doesn’t give a shit about his brothers problem and just takes his crew to Earth and they all get fat because of reasons. So now in this combined AU it’ll just be Alter not giving a shit, his crew having fat shenanigans, then sometime down the road he merges and becomes Soltan. I’m doing it this way, because of the crew pictures I just got recently, so now after he becomes Soltan, the rest of the crew follows suit and they all merge with their partners so they can all hang out as furries.
I’ll prolly tweak on that one a bit more here and there, but just felt like writing this out so I don’t forget and just incase anyone was actually wondering xP
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void-tiger · 5 years
(...I admittedly expanded the shack into an actual 1 bedroom 1 bath house to make my reboot au daydreams flow better. And I’m still attatched to preKerb hangouts and tutoring sessions...tho I’ll prolly just handwave the details on what they’re actually studying? It’d make for some fantastic dialogue, especially between Shiro and Lance preKerb, but I quite honestly just don’t have enough of a background in those subjects to make it believable...)
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yodawgiherd · 6 years
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Rating: T Setting: Modern AU
Prompt: EreMika; Eren listening to Mikasa's heartbeat
I had another idea which i ended up scraping in favor of this one, but then my beta said that he really liked the first one. ... So, I'll edit the draft into something readable this evening (prolly) and you can expect a different take on the prompt tomorrow. Gonna be a really short one, I don't want to expand it too much. It's kinda angsty. ;(
Car tires screeched as Eren took the first exit, speeding up onto a highway, leaving the airport behind. Scanning the traffic, he picked a good timing and squeezed between two trucks, successfully entering the high-speed zone. Great, because he really wanted to step on it now. In the end, it was rather worthless, because it wasn’t like she would just let him drive in peace.
“Eren, why are you acting like this?”, Mikasa asked from the adjacent seat, reading his expression, or trying to at least, since he did his best to avert his face from hers.
“Like what?”, he half-growled, tightening his grip on the wheel. Just a tiny bit.
“We haven’t seen each other for months, and all you can do is “Hi”? Seriously?”
“Eh, I just don’t feel like talking.”
But she was already shaking her head.
“No, I know you. You’re pissed off about something. Tell me.”
“Tell me!”
There it was, the steel in her voice to match her eyes. But Eren didn’t feel like caving in, so he ignored her, focusing on the driving for a change. After all, it was dangerous to lose your cool on the road, they can argue later.
“Eren, please.”, Mikasa’s voice softened, and he could feel her hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing, “I’ve been on this tour for months, I’m tired of it all. Performing, travelling, I just want to go home with you and rest.”
“Well what’s stopping you?”
“You! Acting like this! Best I could see was your face on the computer screen for this long, and when I come back then you won’t even hug me?”
There was pain her voice, hurt and confusion, and no matter how hard he tried, Eren couldn’t hold back anymore. He was never bad at saying no to her, not since childhood.
“I just…. Missed you, and then I saw the videos you guys did… and just some talk.”, he sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“The videos? You mean the music ones?”
“You know that there’s exactly fifteen different angles on your ass in the latest thing? And the outfits you and the girls wore… Revealing.”
He did try his best not to be bitter about it. Eren knew what Mikasa’s job was. She was in a band, they were idols, this is what they did. Yet it was hard to see it in the rational light, when the body of the woman you loved was the subject of talk in the celebrity magazines for the last months.
“Sex sells, Eren, you know that. We are new in the business, and need all the attention we can get, in any way we can acquire it. Those videos, that’s the easy way to get it, that’s how we sell our records, that’s how we got the tour. To make it big we must do them. Jean says…”
“Jean?”, he interrupted her, frowning, “Who’s that?”
“Our new agent.”
“So, he’s the one responsible for that visage, huh? I can see why he would do that.”
“I don’t like what you are implying.”
“Oh really? Well, maybe you’ll remember me, when next time he doesn’t ask you to throw your top away during the performance but meet him afterhours to “discuss” your future with the band and he’s going to require some oral persuasion.”
“You really think I’d ever do that?”, Mikasa was angry now, and it showed in the both her tone and the volume of her voice, “What do you think I am? A whore?”
“Yea well…”, Eren scoffed, still refusing to meet her eyes, “If I judged only from those music vids, I’d say that would be a pretty accurate description.”
“It’s not very pleasant,”, finally he turned, matching her outraged gaze with his own, fingers gripping the wheel hard, “ to go for a beer after work and listen to another of those fucking conversation next table, where the patrons are watching you shake your ass on the fucking TV and discuss between themselves how much they’d love to run a train on that thing.”
“I…”, her eyes were glistening, and Eren was almost feeling sorry for his outburst, but then they snapped over his shoulder and widened not in reaction to his words, but to something else entirely.
“Watch out!”
There was a loud horn sound, squealing of tires, and a crash, the impact of the truck from the side sent the car flying. Metal creaked, and when the roof met solid ground, Eren’s vision went black.
Shouting woke him, a man’s voice, and soon two strong hands helped him, pulling him out of the wreckage and onto the grass.
“Jesus man, you okay?”, a tall male silhouette asked that, in a shaky voice that suggested he wasn’t really okay either, “You ran right into my path, I had no time react! Fuck!”
The trucker ran his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth, but blinking his eyes open, Eren noticed one way more important thing. He was alone, Mikasa nowhere in sight.
“Where’s…”, he coughed, lungs and throat hurting, “Where’s she?”
The man stopped in his steps, looking down at him.
“There was someone else in the car with you?”
Ignoring his own body, Eren rolled over, staring through the mangled mass of metal and plastic that used to be his car, searching for the familiar flash of pale skin or black hair. There, still strapped to the seat, Mikasa’s head was hanging at an odd angle, a massive scratch on one cheek, eyes closed, and she was completely unresponsive, not reacting to his shouts in any way.
“Call an ambulance!”, he screamed at the trucker, who quickly nodded and pulled out his phone, punching in the number with trembling fingers. Turning his attention back at the car, Eren crawled back in, ignoring the danger it presented to himself, and undid the belt buckle, pulling Mikasa’s limp body out. She was still unconscious, even when he slapped her lightly, hoping to wake her up, and when Eren pressed his ear right above her heart, he was shocked by what he heard.
Nothing. She had no pulse.
Instincts kicking in, even through the shock, he began giving her CPR, hands steady in their movements, much unlike how the thoughts raced inside his head.
Compressions. Open her mouth. Breathe in. Listen.
Clenching his teeth, he continued, not ready, not able to accept this. Mikasa couldn’t die, not here, on a side of a fucking road, just because he was being an asshole to her and didn’t watch where he was driving.
Compressions. Breathe in. Listen.
“C’mon Miki, you can’t leave me here. I don’t want to go on without you. Please…”
Compressions. Breathe in. Listen.
“She’s gone man.”, the trucker appeared next to him, clapping him on the shoulder, trying to show support. “I’m sorry for your loss, but…”
“Shut the fuck up.”, shaking the touch away, Eren continued his efforts, ignoring whatever the man said. With a sigh, the trucker took a few steps back, leaving him to his grief. Or so he thought.
“Please, I love you, so fucking much.”, Compressions. Breathe in. “Don’t do this to me.”
There! With a joy he never felt before in his life, Eren could hear it, the soft fluttering of a pulse, unsteady, but there. She was back, she didn’t leave him. Sitting back on his heels, Eren closed his eyes, tears flowing down his cheeks, while the sounds of sirens
grew steadily closer. Soon after there were voices all around, medics left and right, picking up Mikasa’s body and putting it on a stretcher and up in the ambulance, giving her the immediate first care.
“Sir?”, another touch on his shoulder, this time from the medic, prompting Eren to look up. The man gestured towards Eren’s leg. “Your wound…”
Following his gaze, Eren saw that there was a big piece of metal, piercing right through his thigh, blood leaking everywhere. In his rush to save Mikasa, he didn’t even feel the pain, but now it began manifesting, white-hot needles of agony.
“Oh…”, was all Eren managed to say, watching the redness gush out.
Then he fainted.
He shouldn’t even be up yet, as the nurses told him, he got beaten up pretty bad, and his leg was still hurting, but once he heard that Mikasa woke up, nothing could keep Eren in the hospital bed. Hobbling with the help of a cane, he found her room, managing to cross the short distance to the chair next to her bed without falling once. Her eyes were on him from the moment Eren entered the room, but Mikasa didn’t say anything, until he managed to sit down, cursing under his breath when his leg protested the motion. Then, he could finally look up and take in her visage, noticing all the pain he caused by being a total asshole. The cut on her cheek was bandaged, and she had multiple dark spots on her face, standing out against the pale skin. From what Eren heard, or rather managed to squeeze out of the nurses and doctors, Mikasa got out with severe bruising and rattled bones, but nothing was broken. The worst was the shock to her system, making her heart stop, but Eren’s on-site CPR managed to kick it back on, saving her life.
“Hi.”, she finally breached the silence, managing a half-smile before the sting in her cheek made her stop.
“Hey.”, he shot back, redirecting his gaze back on her face. “You look great.”
“They say I’ll have a nasty scar.”
“I bet it will look great on you.”
“Yeah right.”, she giggled, “Jean will have a stroke when he sees me.”
The mention of her manager did bring back the memories of the crash, and the conversation that led to it. The stupid argument that was totally Eren’s fault, and almost killed them both.
“Miki, I…”, clearing his throat, he reached out, taking her hand between his, squeezing. “I…”
But the words just died inside his throat, over and over, because seeing her in the white bed, with the machinery around her, the reality of just how close to losing her forever seemed to finally hit him, making everything he could say feel hollow. Because how could words ever make up for this? How could he ever express the terrible feeling of loss and hopelessness he felt, in those cursed seconds when she was lying dead in his hands. Back then, it was like the universe just stopped existing, time and space felt meaningless, because without her, what was the point of going on with his life? Eren took a shuddering breath, hoping to fill the hole that seemed to appear in the middle of his heart with oxygen, yet it hardly helped.
“I’m so fucking sorry.”
And the angel, the saint she was, Mikasa reached out, wiping the tears Eren didn’t even realize he was shedding from the corners of his eyes, the tiny smile she had shining more radiantly than any sun.
“It’s all right, I forgive you.”
But it wasn’t all right, not until she gently pulled him closer, allowing him to rest his head on her chest, right above her heart, to listen to the steady rhythm, soothing as nothing else to Eren’s ears. Because she was still here, alive, she didn’t leave him all alone in this cruel world. Mikasa didn’t say anything when his tears began anew, drenching her gown, she just dragged her fingers through his hair, whispering that it’s okay. And the heartbeat, that was more beautiful than any music Eren ever heard in his life.
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