#i’m busy with a project and i get paid so i’m like
sophie-andthestars · 10 months
thanks to all p**n spam blogs that follow me while i’m away, y’all are really mvps!
i’ve blocked y’all though
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mysteryfleshpit · 2 years
FAQ & General Update
“Why haven’t there been any new posts in a long time?” “Is this project dead?” “Trevor get off your ass you lazy hack”
This project isn’t dead! Two major factors have contributed to the relative silence of updates:
1) For the past year, I’ve been taking care of my infant son as the primary at-home caregiver. That won’t mean anything to people who have not been parents, and it wouldn’t have meant anything to me before having a kid, but it turns out that keeping a baby happy, healthy, and entertained is a major drain on your time and energy. Additionally, my office/studio/workspace is also the room he sleeps in (I live in a two-bedroom apartment) so I am limited with how much I can do at night.
2) As many of you know, in June, Fleshpit fans showed up in force to fund the TTRPG kickstarter. In response, I’ve been busy working through a multi-page list of illustrations for the TTRPG book, including wildlife, tools, vehicles, maps, and other ephemera:
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“I missed the Kickstarter, can I still pre-order the TTRPG book?”
Yes! Here’s a link to the pre-order store: https://mysteryfleshpitrpg.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
“When is the coffee table art book coming out?” “Are you finished with the book?” “What still needs to be finished?”
The main Mystery Flesh Pit coffee table-style book is, like many other projects, paused while I’m working on the TTRPG book. Paid projects take priority! I will continue working on it as soon as I can; much of the art I’m working on for the TTRPG book will also be featured in the coffee table book. The biggest missing piece of the big artbook is the writing. I have much of it finished, but there is still a lot of editing that needs to be done.
“Is spectral haptics still continuing?”
Yes, but see the answers above. Paid projects take priority, and right now Spectral Haptics is third on the list behind the TTRPG and the coffee-table book. There is a possibility of me making time to create a small video for SH if for no other reason than to avoid burnout, but I’m not going to promise anything.
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hairyjocktf · 2 months
Building a New Life
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Justin was the star wrestler at his high school. He had won regional titles and the adoration of all the local families for years, and was ready to head to college to continue his streak. Senior year he was at his peak, winning matches left and right. All he had to do was wait for those recruitment offers to roll in. He waited and waited, still kicking ass in his wrestling, but while everyone around him was committing and getting accepted, there were no letters to him. To his dismay, one never came. His plans for the future were shattered, what was he supposed to do now? The wrestling scholarship was his only shot for college.
With the year ending and not many options, Justin started looking for entry level jobs that would take him. He lived in a fairly rural area so most of what he found was either farm work or construction, and the latter paid better. He called one of them up and they told him to swing by the site a few days later. He drove out to the construction site later that week and walked into the mobile office they had there. The manager came out to greet him. He was a rugged man in his late 40’s, with a stocky build and thick stubble. He’d clearly been in the business for years and it showed through his worn hands and gruff voice from yelling orders at his lackeys. The man looked Justin up and down.
“A little scrawny but I can work with it,” he said after a few seconds.
“I was a top wrestler in the region!” Justin protested. 
“Doesn’t matter in this industry,” the man said flatly. “Can you handle heavy loads and equipment? Can you deal with being outside most of the day in rough weather?”
Justin was caught off guard, usually people were much nicer to him. “Of course I can! I can handle whatever you throw at me,” he assured.
“Well alright, If you think you can handle it let’s see how you do here,” the manager said, handing a pile of clothes to Justin. “Here’s your safety and HiVis gear, make sure it fits and then we’ll get you set up outside.”
Justin took his uniform to the bathroom to try it on real quick. It included a hard hat that was adjustable, which he fit to his head, a bright orange and yellow HiVis vest, and a couple other things. He put it all on and stepped back into the office. 
“Alright follow me, Justin was it?” the manager gestured towards the door.
“Yes sir,” Justin responded uncharacteristically.
“Name’s Blaine, the manager revealed, “Around here we usually work on residential projects, we’re currently assisting on a development outside of town.” He led them away from the office around the immediate site, which currently seemed to be mostly used as storage for equipment and materials. “Since you’ve got no experience you’ll start by shadowing some of our guys for a few weeks and handling more basic tasks til you’re ready for more,” he continued. “You can head back to the office and they'll take care of the nitty gritty for ya. I’m expecting great things from you, wrestler,” Blaine laughed as he left Justin and headed out towards the development. Justin heard his gruff voice booming in the distance as he barked orders to the workers.
Justin was unsure about all of this, but he didn’t really have a better option at the moment. He felt out of place in his new safety gear, and he was younger than nearly everyone he saw working. He took care of the paperwork and headed home for the day; they'd hired him on the spot to start the next morning. With considerable unease, he went to bed, closing one chapter of his life for the next. 
As the weeks went by Justin began acclimating to this new job fairly well. He got to know the guys he worked with, learned how to use the equipment, and began to feel comfortable on the site. He even felt like he had put on some mass to better handle all the physical work he was doing. His rock solid abs were a little less visible than they had been but for some reason that didn’t bother him. He was already starting to forget the sting of not being recruited for wrestling. Every day he came into work those past dreams seemed to fade a little more, replaced by his new life. His coworkers had made fun of him for having such a baby face at the beginning, but now he was starting to sport a little bit of stubble. Justin was slowly starting to blend in more with his new crowd.
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The months continued to pass, with Justin becoming more and more entrenched in his new construction life. It was getting colder outside, and his body began to adjust without him even noticing. His stubble grew out into a real beard, short and dense. He began packing on more body fat as he spent less and less time at the gym and more and more working and drinking with his new bros. His voice began to sound a little deeper and rougher, matching those around him. The hard hat really suited him now with his more rugged looks. He had never been a good student in school but he seemed to really be taking to this new job, completely forgetting about his old goals. The occassional approving nod from Blaine was driving him forward. He was thriving in this new position, but the job wasn’t done with him yet.
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Unbeknownst to Justin, under his thick winter clothes things were changing. His previously toned body, while still fairly muscular, was steadily becoming thicker with fat. Not only that, but he’d always been near perfectly smooth and that too was slowly changing. It had started with his chest, where on the previously bare skin thin wispy hairs had started to poke out. That didn’t last long though, as they were quickly overrun with thicker, darker hairs that began sprouting in between his pecs. They grew curly as they spread out, covering his entire chest in hair, spreading up across his collarbone and down across his slowly growing stomach. The new hairy coat was just another part of his insulation against the harsh winter weather. But the hairs didn’t stop there either. His pits erupted with thick wiry hairs, coating his underarms in curly hairs that trapped both heat and sweat. The hairs pushed out, tangling together as they formed a thick tuft of hair under each arm, even spreading out to connect with the rug on his chest. After each day of hard work he’d come home stinking like the other men he worked with, and over time he started to enjoy the musk he produced.
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Of course he wasn’t done filling out his uniform quite yet. His formerly modest bush began growing with no end in sight, engulfing his groin in thick, wiry brown hairs that radiated out from his lengthening cock. Sometimes while on the site Justin would instinctively reach down in his pants to itch the growing bush, the feeling and texture of it driving him wild. With pubes erupting day and night his musk only grew stronger, as Justin began to truly have a manly aura around him that he’d never had before. It seemed to help him bond with the other guys more, as they welcomed him into their groups and invited him out more and more frequently. Underneath his work pants his legs bulked up considerably from carrying all sorts of materials around, followed closely by the same dark fur. It raced down his legs and coated them with curly hairs that rubbed against the inside of his increasingly tight jeans as he walked around, an almost arousing feeling. Within the first year of working Justin had gone up four sizes in his work boots, as his feet grew and widened to match the rest of him. The massive steel-toed boots hid how hairy his feet had gotten, with dark hairs covering the tops and toes.
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The next year was largely the same. Justin continued slowly changing to better fit his new job. He was really beginning to excel at it, and he’d attained a close friendship with many of the men he worked with. It almost seemed as if he’d aged ten years over the last one, he certainly looked it at this point. His fur coat only thickened, growing even denser across his chest and stomach to the point you could barely see the skin beneath the hairs. Hair had also spread up and onto his shoulders before enveloping his massive back. The hairs gushed out across his shoulder blades before shooting down his spine and spreading out wide. The heavy coating slowly grew thicker and spread out further as time went on, reaching down to his ass. It too became covered with thick, dark hairs as it inflated to a truly massive size. During the warmer months sometimes he just wore his vest and hard hat, his incredibly thick hair covering the rest of him and sticking through his vest.
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Justin earned the nickname ‘Grizzly’ from his coworkers after they saw how hairy he’d gotten, and his body had put on the size to match. Gone was the small but toned body of a wrestler, replaced by a thick, hairy, and sturdy body of a weathered construction worker. He oozed masculinity from not only his stained and dirty work clothes, but from the thick chest hair that he left his shirt open to show off. His entire body was now coated with a dense coat of hair and he liked to make that known, as long as he wasn’t caught against safety regulations at least. He never questioned why he’d changed so much in such a short span, it never even occurred to him, and honestly he liked his new life. He was just one of the guys working on the site now. The hair felt as natural to him as anything else, and the other guys seemed to like it even if they made fun of him once in a while. Occasionally when they went out drinking some of the guys would have too many beers and start rubbing their hands through his thick fur, but he didn’t mind at all. It felt good to be masculine, and to be appreciated for it by other guys. Months continued to pass though no one could really remember how long Justin had been working there at this point, but they were all glad he was there. He was the best construction worker on their team.
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tkingfisher · 1 year
So I write all sorts of things (fiction, fanfic, screenplays) and my mind is cluttered garden of flowers and weeds and shiny ideas, and I'm wondering how to form a writing practice to clear it into tidy rows? Is it possible to shepherd untamed ideas into order?
How do you manage all your wonderful worlds, characters and inspiration and not feel haunted by the story bits and pieces in your head? Any practical tips beyond dark magic?
Thank you, you are such a constant inspiration for me, both prose and just your presence. <3
*laugh* Oh god, Nonny, if I ever find out, I’ll tell you! When you read books, you’re getting the Instagram-filtered view of a writer’s brain, all the flowers that grew out of the compost heap, carefully composed and shot in optimal lighting. The real inside of my skull is a magpie nest of Neat Shit I Read/Saw/Thought Up While Lying Awake At 2 AM. There are characters and ideas in there that I’ve been trying to get into a manuscript since I was twelve and typing on an Amiga 500.
But, that said…really, I think it’s okay. Creativity is inherently untidy. The compost heap can be corralled into a very pretty box made of sustainably harvested materials, hand-stained by traditional artisans being paid a living wage by an employee-owned company, but as soon as you lift the lid, it’s all worms and coffee grounds and old potting soil and cow shit and the vegetables you swore you were gonna eat this time before they went bad. That’s what compost is.
Nevertheless, having been in the business for…uh…fifteen years now? (@dduane is snickering at me, I can feel it) and having written nearly forty books, I can offer three bits of something less than advice. It’s what I do. It may not work for anyone else, but it’s what I do.
Un-Advice The First: If you get a shiny idea and you are super excited by it? Go ahead and chase it. Pull up a new page in Word or whatever and slap down a couple thousand words while it’s exciting. I know that this absolutely flies in the face of common wisdom, but quite frankly, my enthusiasm is a much rarer commodity than my time, so if I’m excited about something, I write it down until I’ve taken the edge off.
Then I usually save it into a big folder called “Fragments” and go back to work on whatever I’ve got a deadline on. (Usually. Sometimes the edge doesn’t wear off, and I wind up with another book. Which, y’know, darn.)
There are vast numbers of people who will tell you that a shiny idea is a sign that something is wrong with your current project and the solution is to knuckle down and work! through! it! And those people are probably right for them, and I trust they know how their own brains work. Me, though, I got ADHD like a bat has wings. My hard drive is a vast swamp of story beginnings, neat ideas, random scenes. And that’s okay because I still get books finished.
In fact, it’s better than okay. Not that long ago, my agent sent a novella to a publisher and they said “We’ll take that novella and three more novels. What’ve you got?” And I ended up plundering my hard drive and sending the editor a good dozen random beginnings until we found one that we both liked, and then I wrote the rest of that book. And then another one. If I hadn’t had all those fragments lying around, though, it would have been a miserable experience of writing book pitches and trying to think of stuff I could get excited about. (This may not be how some editors work, but it’s how my editor and I work, anyhow.)
Un-Advice The Second: Trust that everything will find a home eventually.
This one is easy to say and hard to do because sometimes you get that overload that if you’re writing the book about, say, werebear nuns, you aren’t writing the one about the alien crustaceans. Or worse, you feel guilty. If you don’t use that one cool thing, was all that time you spent on it wasted?
Breathe. Be easy. Every single cool thing does not need to go into a single book. There is no sell-by date on the neat character. You will probably write many books in your life and all those random characters will find a home. (Seriously, the werebear nuns were lurking for like a decade.)
For me, at least, when I find the spot where something fits, it often snaps into place like a Lego. Easton’s backstory as a soldier from a society where soldiers were a third sex had been kicking around in my head for a few years, derived from about three different sources, and then I wrote the opening to What Moves The Dead and all of a sudden Easton was there and alive and they had strong opinions about everything and I had ten thousand words practically before I turned around.
You can also stave off guilt by writing some of your ideas in as highly personal Easter Eggs. A couple of my books have references to a white deer woman, a heroic deed done by a saint and the ghost of a bird, and a woman with dozens of hummingbirds on tiny jeweled leashes. Those are all characters and stories I’ve had vague notions about, but haven’t managed to work in anywhere or learn much more about. Still, the passing reference is enough to make me feel like I haven’t abandoned them.
(The advantage to this is that once you DO write those in, the readers are all “oh my god, she foreshadowed this a decade ago, she must have planned this all out in advance!” Then you look really clever and well-organized and no one has to know that you have no idea what you’re doing.)
Un-Advice The Third: Write the kitchen sink book.
At one point, I had so many stray ideas that hadn’t gotten into a book yet—the tree of frogs, the dog-soldiers, the stained glass saint, the albatross and the shadow of the sun, and also I wanted to write something with Baba Yaga—that I hauled off and wrote a book where I just put in everything and the kitchen sink. It’s called Summer in Orcus. There are bits in there that I had been cooking in the mental compost heap for decades, but that weren’t enough on their own to sustain a whole book. The phrase “antelope women are not to be trusted” showed up in my head some time in college. It’s a fun little book and I’m proud of it, but it’s very much a patchwork quilt of weirdness. But it’s also written so that if later on, an antelope woman shows up in another book in another context, that just adds to their mythology, it doesn’t break canon or whatever.
(Pretty sure I’m not the only one who has done this, either. China Mieville has said that he wrote Perdido Street Station because what he really enjoyed was writing all the weird monsters.)
So yeah, that’s my advice, for what it’s worth. Some days I just tell all the fragments and ideas that I promise that I’ll get them a home eventually but I need to write this thing here now. Sometimes I throw down enough words to get the story stabilized and then I’m okay to move on. Sometimes I write multiple books simultaneously.
Any method you use to write the book, so long as it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else, is a perfectly valid method. If anyone tells you different, you send them to me.
(…god, I hope that was the question you were actually asking, Nonny, and that I didn’t go off on a completely different tangent when you just wanted to know how I keep track of a plot or something.)
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lionheartedmusings · 3 months
hi everyone! i talked about my new "dream job" very briefly a few times, but turns out you really shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch. i debated not saying anything multiple times, and frankly perhaps i should've kept quiet, but i refuse to let this situation eat me up and i feel like the community also deserves some transparency on some things that realistically, you'll never get unless people speak up. i want to preface this by stating very, very clearly that everyone that i met in the studio on a personal level is incredibly talented, passionate, and kind. all of them deserve much, much better than the way they get treated. i applied to be a writer for quackity studios / qsmp and got an email back on the 18th of january. i interviewed for the position on the 23rd of january, and entered trial period on the 28th after signing an "nda".
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early during trial period, i asked one of my supervisors about payment and was told they weren't responsible for that and didn't know, but would get back to me as soon as they knew which never ended up happening (i do not blame them at all, they’re incredibly busy people). i should've pressed further, but as someone in a very, very sensitive financial situation and someone who loves the qsmp and admires the talent of everyone who poured their heart and soul into the project, i chose to wait and expect the best. i was officially welcomed into the studio on the 10th of february, and while i waited to be contacted regarding a contract or payment, i had to once again ask (even after i was already working) about payment. i was redirected to "the" head admin as it was him who handled payment, and had to wait days for him to log on so i could add him as a discord friend and ask about my salary. during that conversation, which took almost a week from start to finish, i was asked multiple times if i'd worked professionally as a writer or freelancer (to which the answer was no) before finally being offered between 200-250 dollars (which i later found out shakes out to 170€) per month. i had to ask how i was being paid, and of my own accord provide him with my paypal email in hopes of a response as he never made it clear to whom i should send it. i was incredibly lucky compared to so many members of that team, because i did get paid for my work over that month, even if it felt like i had to beg for compensation that had been promised to me before. it was an awful salary, but i was desperate and so excited to be a part of the team that i accepted the conditions. after léa's tweets, the response "jay" posted, and quackity's emergency stream, i heard once from a supervisor that things were on hold but we'd be informed of any changes. to this day, there has not been any communication either publicly on the discord server or privately, even though i asked a supervisor privately for any possible updates on anything. there's been absolute radio silence. i want to add that i do not in any way blame my supervisors for any of their lack of communication, as they've been nothing but kind and caring towards me and i imagine they'd say something if they could. i have nothing but the utmost respect for them. a few days ago (and i apologize for not being precise with the date but i wasn't checking these things closely as i had no reason to) i noticed that my access to just about everything on the server apart from the announcement channel had been removed, and the only role i retained was the main "writer" one. upon checking, the other writers on the team still retain all of their previous roles. for some reason i do not know nor understand, my access got removed without any sort of word, communication, dm, anything. anything i've ever learnt about this situation, i learnt in the middle of the night live on twitch.tv while i waited to see if i still had a job or not. the only reason i can find for my access being removed and not the other writers is the fact that i'm friends with pomme's admin. i do not know if that is why, it's merely my own speculation, but it's the only link i can see that would lead to that decision. i hope i'm wrong, but hope hasn't gotten me very far in this yet. yesterday, i quit.
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i only applied in the first place because i love the qsmp. i love this community, i love this project, and i genuinely and wholeheartedly wanted to help build it as well as be able to in some way support myself while being creative. i'm not making this post because i hate quackity and want to see anything burn — i'm just exhausted, and stressed, and losing sleep over a business that ultimately does not care for the people that made it a reality. i could not in good conscience not say something, because while i was very lucky that my time there was short and while i made friends there that i believe i will take with me for the rest of my life, i've never been someone who can sit and watch others be mistreated so blatantly and just ignore it. i honestly and sincerely hope that moving forward, things change, but after what i've seen i have very little hope left in me. this isn't just about the exploitation of people, or just about not providing people with payment for their work — it's about treating other human beings who are killing themselves and working themselves to the bone with the very minimum of care and respect. it's about people who made the qsmp what it is being discarded and disrespected constantly, and who live in fear and anxiety. these people deserve to be treated well, and that lack of respect hasn't changed regardless of any "announcements" made. my heart and full and complete support goes out to everyone who is dealing with these very unfortunate circumstances and treatment (my dms are always open if you ever want to reach out), to léa for being so incredibly brave and putting herself in the line of fire for the tens of people still in the studio, to all the actors and the twitter teams for the absolute silence they've received as payment for their hard work over almost a year, and to pomme's admin who despite what's going around on twitter has not received any contact from anyone in the studio yet, and deserves so so much better.
it’s my most sincere hope that qsmp thrives and conditions change, because everyone there deserves that. everyone there deserves to be treated like gold because they’re some of the best people i’ve ever met. i wish it didn’t feel like we have to put ourselves in the line of fire publicly for any sort of response because clearly staying silent hasn’t helped anything.
please, support the people who spoke out and support the people still in the project. they're the ones who made the qsmp the qsmp. they're the ones you should be standing with first and foremost.
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natalievoncatte · 5 months
Lena could feel the weight in her hand. A little extra swing in her fist as she walked, sending a jolt up her arm as she jogged up the steps to Kara’s apartment. She’d decided to walk today, to clear her head a little as she went to see her best friend. She had a lot on her mind lately- usual Luthor stuff like defusing random death traps that Lex left behind, fending off attempts to dethrone her as CEO and challenge her status as he brother’s heir, and cures for intractable diseases and solutions for the energy crisis and thorny ethical issues around the advance project department’s latest AI experiments… and Kara.
Kara was on her mind. She had a way of sneaking into Lena’s mind at the most inopportune moments, like a board meeting, or a symposium, or her TED talk. It was really a TEDx talk; the organization wasn’t *quite* ready to invite Lena to the real deal, no matter how many photo ops she did with Supergirl or cancer research facilities she paid for. That didn’t stop Kara from following her around saying “thanks for listening to my Ted talk” for three weeks after the fact.
She had been thinking about Kara so much that it had finally been noticed. Sam flew in from Metropolis earlier that week for a catch up lunch, and as usual, after business was handled they shared a bottle of wine and things grew informal.
“Lena,” Sam said. “I’ve been talking for five minutes and you’ve been holding that glass of rosé and staring at it for the entire time. What’s going on?”
Lena almost dropped the glass when she heard her name. “Oh, right. Yes. Wine.”
She took a sip, hoping Sam would drop her question, but she persisted.
“I know that look. You were miles away. What is it? Did the cure for cancer pop into your head?”
“No,” Lena said. “It’s nothing, I was just lost in thought.”
“Mmm,” said Sam. “I’m sure.”
Sam smiled enigmatically and finished her wine. “I’d better get going. I’m taking a red eye back to Metropolis.”
“Sam, you’re flying on a Lexcorp charter. It doesn’t work that way.”
Sam snorted and left Lena sitting there, wondering what that was about. Of course she’d been daydreaming about Kara, about her hands specifically- she’d nodded off last weekend and woke to see Kara at her ease, brow furrowed and hands moving wildly as she painted something. Lena had remained still and watched, fascinated by Kara’s hands, the skill and dexterity she showed.
It was that day that Kara had passed her the key she now carried in her hand. A key to Kara’s apartment. Unfettered access. Lena didn’t have to knock (she would anyway) and could stop by when Kara wasn’t even there. She hadn’t said anything but she’d been holding back tears the entire ride home; Lena had no problems with *access*, but trust was another matter. That was what the key was. It was a talisman of trust, Kara’s confidence in her given form.
Lena did knock before she turned the key and swung the door open. She was expected, but part of her worried that Kara wouldn’t be alone. It seemed odd to Lena that Kara hadn’t started dating again- her best friend had taken the whole Mon-El thing very poorly, and it was bizarre to begin with, so Lena understood why she’d stay single for a while, but it had been years.
Years of kindling a soft, secret hope, a desire so fragile and so brittle that Lena rarely dared think of it, afraid that the tiniest brush of longing would crumble it and with it break something inside her permanently.
The apartment smelled like cookies. Burnt cookies. Kara was in the kitchen, brow furrowed, bent in concentration over a cookbook, eyes darting to a mixing bowl. Foul smelling attempted cookies practically filled the garbage can.
“Hey,” Kara said, cheerfully. She gave Lena a soft, gentle smile that seemed only for her, and brushed a loose gold curl from her eyes. “You’re early.”
“I wanted more Kara time,” said Lena. “I was hoping to get a few minutes alone with you before the few shows up. Just us.”
Kara looked at her curiously, then turned to her project.
“I can’t get this right. I cream the sugar like it says, but they keep coming out wrong.”
Lena moved closer, stopping her hand from seeking the small of Kara’s back. When she saw the carton of cream on the counter, she busted out laughing so hard she snorted.
“What?” said Kara.
“Darling, you don’t put actual cream in it. Here, let me help you.”
For the next half hour, Lena and Kara made cookie dough, laboriously, by hand. Every step brought them closer together, literally. By the time they were scooping out evenly sized blobs of it together, they were hip to hip, both floured and sugared, hands greasy with butter.
“I’ll pop them in the oven,” said Kara. “You go clean up and relax.”
“Alright,” Lena said.
She ended up on the couch. Game night would begin hours later, and Lena turned on a nature documentary. (She had her own distinct username on Kara’s Netflix.)
Lena must have dozed off, because the alarm on the oven, along with a warm, pleasant, homey smell, woke her up. She padded on her stocking feet into the kitchen to see how the cookies came out.
Kara had already taken them out and was holding the tray, hot from the oven. Something was off. It nagged at Lena’s mind.
Then it hit her. Kara seemed to realize at the same time.
She wasn’t wearing oven mitts. No heating pad. Not even a dish towel. Kara was holding the hot tray, fresh from the oven, in her bare hands.
Lena yelped. “Kara! You’ll burn yourself!”
Kara started to move. A cry rose on her lips, then died. She stared at Lena with such softness, her eyes full of hesitation, but more than that, a kind of longing that echoed Lena’s own soul.
“I’m tired of lying to you,” Kara said, still holding the tray. “It doesn’t hurt. I can barely feel it.”
They stood for a frozen moment that lasted an eternity, the truth just on the wrong side of revealing itself. Lena already knew, but she didn’t want to acknowledge it. Say it.
“You’re Supergirl,” Lena whispered, soft and breathy.
Kara nodded, starting to choke up. She put the tray down almost violently and stepped back.
“I’ll understand if you need time, if you’re angry, if you don’t want to continue our friendship-“
She didn’t finish her ramble. Lena crossed the space between them in three quick steps, firmly took Kara’s face between her palms, and kissed her.
Pure terror gripped her. What if she was wrong? What if this was a mistake? Why wasn’t Kara moving, responding, reacting?
That question responded when hands that could crush diamonds moved her her body with surpassing tenderness, turning the awkward kiss into something more, Kara guiding Lena as their bodies molded together and Kara kissed her back with hopeful desperation, drawing it out as if she was afraid to let it end for fear it might never be repeated.
It was, intimately and immediately. Lena was shocked but pleased when Kara let Lena push her back against the counter, bending her back lightly, almost climbing her. Kara almost shocked Lena when her hand slid up her side and found her breast even as Lena grabbed a double handful of steely buns and squeezed.
Then someone coughed and they jerked apart.
Alex stood by the door, arms folded.
“I’m going to go ahead and text the others so they know game night is cancelled,” she said, smirking. “Next time, hang a sock on the doorknob or something.”
“This is my house,” said Kara.
Alex rolled her eyes. “I’m leaving now.”
As the door slammed shut, and Alex could plainly be heard blurting, “Jesus Christ,” Lena turned back to Kara.
“Should we talk?” she said, her voice small. “What is this? What are we doing?”
Kara swallowed, hard. “What do you want it to be, Lena?”
Lena couldn’t answer. She just stared.
“I know what I want it to be,” said Kara. “I want us to be an us. I’m so tired of wanting you so bad it hurts, but being scared to touch you a certain way or look too long or too openly or be afraid I’ll say the wrong thing. I’m tired of hiding so much from you.”
Lena licked her lips.
“The truth is, I’ve wanted you for years.”
Kara’s gorgeous eyes lit up with unbridled delight, and with shocking quickness, Kara had Lena in a bridal carry. Lena instinctively curled up in her arms, practically wrapping herself around Kara’s body.
“What do you want to do now?” said Kara. “I don’t know how to do this part, Lena.”
Lena smiled. “I think what you do now is carry me back in the bedroom and cream your sugar.”
“You want to make more cookies? Why… oh.”
“Oh indeed,” said Lena.
Lena didn’t make a habit of it, but this one time, she let Kara talk her into cookies for breakfast.
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honeykaes · 11 months
a renter's deal
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pairing: renter!kaveh x afab!reader II 2.2k
warning: smut, 18+ content, minors do not interact, afab!reader with no set pronouns, cunnilingus, fingering, reader had a previous crush on kaveh, unambiguous if kaveh knew, reader is a landlord, unedited
synopsis: your old college-friend (and crush) Kaveh hadn’t paid rent yet. Just as you draft an email to inform him of the consequences, you hear a knock at the door wish a kaveh desperate to pay you back in other ways.
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Cicadas loud chirping echoing from outside as your a/c continuously blast to avoid the hot temperatures of the summer from creeping into your apartment complex. It was the end of the month as the next loomed over in a couple of days. As the landlord, this was one of your busiest times. From working on paperwork moving people out of apartments to finalizing paperwork and credit scores to move people into the apartment, you had your work cut out for you—especially when it came to residents paying their dues for their apartments.
A fan blew past you, causing your body  to shiver as you shake your head trying to focus again on the laptop in front of you. An excel sheet on the screen greeted you back, tracking everyone’s payments. Apartment 125, Tighnari, paid in full. So did apartment 243, Aether and Lumine,  before they moved out.
As you scrolled down, you noticed only a few people had not paid you for rent yet despite today being the last day of the month—including your old college friend, Kaveh.
You and Kaveh were once friends in college before losing contact after graduating. He was always very popular and friendly, a heart of gold that always managed to get hurt by one situation or another. He was now a pretty-well known architect trying to start his own firm. 
You helped him through his breakups, his tests—his ups and downs, as he did the same for you. You wanted to reconnect when you first worked with him, moving in to his complex but things weren’t the same. The two of you aren’t the same 18, 19 year olds staying up late and going to a midnight movie showing before an exam like you used to—you both were in your late twenties, different responsibilities and interests pulling you.
And that scared you, so you gave him space.
Since the economy had slowed and businesses and organizations were interesting in building more projects anymore, Kaveh suffered immensely, scrapping anything he could to try to pay rent at the last minute to you. You felt bad but you didn’t want to pry either. 
You let out a sigh, clicking on your emails as you began to draft. Since he was late on payment, a meeting needed to be scheduled and fees processed to strategize a plan. You didn’t want to evict the poor man; or anyone for that matter.
Just as you finished drafting the email, you turned your head hearing a knock at the door. Placing your laptop on your coffee table and rising from the couch, you expected a resident to inform you about something breaking or not working. Your lips parted in shock to see Kaveh at the door. 
Kaveh seemed completely disheveled, long blond ombre hair, a mess unlike its usually tidy self. His clothes were wrinkled and unfastened as if he had just woken up and immediately ran here. He leans along the wall near your door, chest heaving loudly as he struggles to catch his breath.
“Kaveh?! Are you alright?!” you stammered out. Kaveh puts a finger out to signal to give him a second before he finally catches his breath.
“N-No. I’m so sorry I’m late on rent,” he groaned. “I am working with this school to create a playground but they won’t be able to pay me until next week. I’m a bit short with rent with my current funds.”
Your lips curled downwards before lifting your head to to nurse the headache threatening to form from the stress of the situation.
“This isn’t the first time you’ve been late, Kaveh. I can’t grant you a grace period. I really need that money in full,” you murmured. Kaveh turned to face you, scarlet eyes misty in desperation. Your heart withered seeing him in this state, but you feared bugging would put you on a tight spot with your boss.
“Please (Y/n)! You got to understand, I really tried this time. I can give you what I have and give you the remaining next week! Then I’ll be good to go for next month,” Kaveh yelled out. 
“Kaveh, let’s continue this inside, okay? I’ll get you a glass of water or some tea to calm your nerves,” you beckoned, as your own anxiety began to creep in your stomach, you open your door beckoning Kaveh to come inside without a potential audience watching the two of you.
As he nervously entered, stifly sitting himself at the couch as you leave to enter your adjacent kitchen.
“I am only short 500 out of the 1500 dollars for rent and utilities. I can surely give that to you next week,” Kaveh called out as you prepare some glasses of water for you two. You sigh once more, leaning yourself against the fridge trying to figure out what to say without hurting your old friend’s feelings anymore.
“Kaveh, technically it wouldn’t be 500 but 1000. 100 for the late fee and 400 because this is the second time, along with the 500. I don’t make these policies, my bosses do,” you replied solemnly, guilt beginning to eat at you.
“Then what can I do to prevent the late fees from occurring!” he asked.
In college, whenever he was in a bad situation, to make him feel better you always started off with a ridiculous joke to catch him off guard before giving some sound advice with a smile. Oftentimes, he’d be smiling back, hopeful and taking your feedback and lighthearted jokes for the better.
Grabbing the glasses of water, you walked back into the living room placing the waters on the coffee table and closing your laptop.
“I don’t know, fuck me or something,” you idly murmured out before chuckling. Just as you were about to give him actual advice, Kaveh fell to his knees in front of you, wrapping his arms around your legs. You gasped, flustered,  body shifting in embarrassment feeling his close contact.
“Kaveh! What are you doing! It was a joke! Y’know like I used to do in college!” you stammered out. Kaveh lifted his head up, eyebrows slightly furrowed in determination.
“Well, I’m not! I wouldn’t mind it at all. If this makes those pesky late fees go away, I’d be more than happy to do this and more!” Kaveh replied. You tried forming words from your quivering lips but your mind seemed to be malfunctioning, feeling his lips beginning to trail along your thighs, placing soft kisses along the skin.
“...Please (Y/n). For old times sake?” he whispered. 
Your heart tugged remembering the big crush you had on him before and the drunken kisses you shared with him as you attending parties together leaving you longing for more—the memories were flooding you like a tidal wave.
“...Okay, Kaveh…”
With a small smile gracing his sun-kissed face, Kaveh hands trailed up as his fingers hook on their shorts and the waistband of your underwear and gilded them down. He leaned his face in, puffs of his hot breath causing your body to shiver from the sensation as your clit began throbbing in anticipation.
His face tilts closer, darting his tongue out as he trailed a long swipe between your folds. The muscles curled up to brush against your clit, jolts of pleasure rooting through you from the sudden touch. He swirled along the bud of nerves, hands squeezing at your thighs. Your hands reached over to his hair, playing with the soft curls and losing yourself to pleasure.
He flicked his tongue along the nub, feeling your hips beginning to rock along his face. A low groan emitted from you as you ground yourself against him, his lips circling around your clit before beginning to suck. He continued to switch from sucking to rapidly flicking and circling his tongue on your clit while his hand crept up to squeeze your ass so he could keep up with your movements.
As he continued, one hand eventually left the globe letting two of his fingers sink into your dribbling cunt, coated with your arousal and his saliva. He pumped them deliberately slowly, your legs shaking from his delicate touch, wanting more.
“Kaveh,” you whimpered out, hearing him slurp continuously as your slick graced his mouth. He nuzzled his face deeper into your cunt, as his fingers pumped inside your pulsating walls, curling and massaging themselves to get you closer to your high.
Shutting your eyes, your hands traveled to your chest and squeezed it tightly as your voice began to rise, feeling Kaveh’s tongue press harder against the button. You throw your head back, as your high finally reached you. Kaveh struggled to keep up with your movements as he continued to thrust his fingers inside of you, nursing your high before it fell down. 
With slight jitters, Kaveh finally leaned away, lower mouth completely coated in your slick. His tongue was parted out, strings of your arousal still connecting the muscle with your cunt. Your tired eyes stared down in embarrassment, cheeks warm in shame as Kaveh wipes his mouth in content.
You could see the bulge poking out from his pants.
“W-Well! You’ve done your part! So—”
You're interrupted by Kaveh rising from his knees on the floor and connecting his lips with your own in a passionate kiss. You can’t help but moan, feeling his tongue, stained in your juices, roam inside your own mouth as he pulled you closer. He momentarily broke the kiss, both of you trying to catch your breaths, lips hovering by your own.
“I want to ensure that you don’t go back on your word though. So please, let me ensure your pleasure…” Kaveh breathlessly begged, claiming your lips once more. His hands wandered to your waist as pinned you against the wall—paintings knocking roughly from the sudden movement. 
Breaking the kiss once more, he zipped his pants down, revealing his throbbing erection. His cock was flushed, shivering as he took a hold of it as precum budded at its tip, dripping down to the rest of his length. He pumped it a few times with a shaky moan erupting from his lips before using another hand to slightly light your leg up near his small waist.
Your lips trembled as the tip of his cock spread past your folds trying to find your entrance, gathering up the abundant slick drooling from you. As Kaveh lined himself up, he placed his lips by your ear and with a low groan, sank himself inside of you. 
He grunted loudly when he finally bottomed out, cock nestled deep inside of you. He pecked at your neck before snapping his hips back, thrusting himself inside of you. The paintings hit the wall rowdily to the pace of his thrusts. 
“I hope you’re enjoying my end of the d-deal…” Kaveh grunted out, pressing his lips against your ear so you could hear all of his little noises. You moaned in response as Kaveh reached over to press tight circles along your overstimulated clit. 
“Y-You made me so sensitive,” you admitted, as you chirped, feeling Kaveh shifting his angle pistoning inside of you so he was not hitting that spot he desperately wanted to find.
“T-That’s the point. I want to make you cum so hard. I know you can…you're so close aren’t you, eshgham,” he whispered, nibbling on your neck. Kaveh could feel your walls beginning to cave in and spasm, signaling your end was close. 
“K-Kav—” Kaveh captured your lips as you reached your second climax, your body shivering pinned against him. Hips sloppily faltered as he furrowed his eyebrows to try to control his own temptations and guide you down your high once more.
As glossy lips part from your own, Kaveh slipped his cock out, pumping it rapidly before a desperate groan emitted from his lips before biting down to try to be quieter. Ropes of cum shot from his tip, smearing themselves on your thighs. 
He watched as his cum glided down the curves of your wobbling leg. He let your other leg down before supported your weight on your body with a small smile.
“Easy there…you’re probably very overstimulated. Let’s get you all cleaned up in your bathroom. Where is that,” he asked. You tiredly pointed into the direction of your bedroom as he guided you toward it. As he opened the door, he gently set you down on the rim of the porcelain bathtub before reaching to grab a rag on your towel rack.
“I’m sorry for going a little overboard. I just wanted to ensure I had done my part. Keeping my end of the deal is important to me,” he murmured, wetting the towel up with some soap before wiping it down to clean your legs. As he wiped over your cunt, you whined at the burn of overstimulation getting to you.
“...So, please, please please don’t go back on your word, (Y/n),” he begged, with large  pleading eyes. You sighed once more, but to his surprise it was a lot lighter in tone than earlier.
“...You don’t have to pay rent at all for this month, okay? I’ll cover it…just focus on getting the money for the next month,” you whispered. Kaveh lit up as a grin curled on his face. He leaned in placing a tender kiss on your forehead as your cheeks fought against a blush.
“...I missed you Kaveh…” you admitted. Kaveh brushed part of your hair away.
“I missed you too.”
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jeankluv · 2 months
Birdie | Satoru Gojo - Chapter 01
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Words: 4.8k
Summary: You didn’t like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you use to describe him.
Note: divider art credit _3aem (twt)
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball
Slow updates
Materialist | next chapter
Wattpad | ao3
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While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as "hate" carried significant weight; rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths.
Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
“We will divide the project in two.” You said looking at the information the teacher gave you. “So we can work on it separately and once we are done we will put it together.” You didn’t like the idea but you disliked even more the idea of spending time outside the class with him.
“That wouldn’t work out, it’s better if we schedule a time to meet and we start working on it.” Gojo talked.
“No.” You said. “I’m way too busy to think about meeting outside of classes.” And it was true, you were working in two different jobs to pay the bills of college and the tiny apartment you were staying on.
“Oh c’mon!” He pouted. “It’s impossible that you are busy every day of the week at every hour.”
“Well I am.” You were starting to get angry, couldn’t he understand you didn’t want to meet with him.
The ring rang and you thanked it, it was time to leave for another class, one you wouldn’t have to see the perfect face of Satoru Gojo.
“Wait! How do we stay in contact?” Gojo spoke when you were about to leave the classroom. You could feel the gaze of a group of girl right on your neck.
“With the email.”
“C’mon.” He said your name. “Give me your number.”
“No and now leave me. I need to get to my class.”
You walked past the group of girls that were chatting obviously about the scene that just happened.
“How can she be so rude with Satoru?”
“Yeah who does she think she is? Does she even know who Satoru is?”
“She is such a loser.”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Of course, you were well aware of who he was - everyone knew him. A pampered child from a wealthy family, born into privilege and affluence, often referred to as an “old money baby”. He had everything handed to him on a silver platter - impeccable looks, tall, athletic, and intelligence. For many, he embodied the epitome of perfection. However, for you, he was nothing more than an insufferable jerk whom you couldn't stand.
On the flip side, you were the complete opposite of him. Life hadn't dealt you a fair hand - you struggled to make ends meet. When your mother passed away when you were just six, and your father vanished after hearing news of her pregnancy. Left with no one but your grandmother, you found solace in her loving care. However, as time marched on, you were once again confronted with loneliness when she passed away when you were just 16. With only a meager inheritance from your grandmother and the income from your job at a local store, you barely scraped by until the age of 18. Thankfully, your relentless dedication to your studies paid off when you earned a scholarship to attend the University of Tokyo.
Even though you got into a good college on the degree you wanted, your life in Tokyo hasn’t been quite easy. You were living in a tiny apartment, going to college and working two jobs because it would be impossible to make it to the end of the month with just one job. Luckily, the scholarship covered all my college expenses, but living in Tokyo wasn't exactly easy on the wallet. I found myself navigating life in the bustling city all on my own.
But your aversion towards Gojo Satoru began two years ago, on the first day of college. Rushing late after exhausting yourself at work, you collided with him, causing you to stumble to the ground. Prepared to offer an apology, you were met with his irate ranting, delivered without even a glance in your direction. Had you not been humiliated on the ground, you might have slapped some sense into him right then and there. Why was he so infuriated when he was clearly the one at fault? And the fact that he couldn't even look at you added insult to injury. Frustrated and embarrassed, you left before he could utter another word; you had no desire to hear anything further from him.
The true agony hit when you discovered he would be sharing classes with you. From then on, you made every effort to steer clear of him and his foolishness. However, it seemed everyone in your class, and even in other majors, adored him. The teachers showered him with praise because everything he touched turned to gold. Despite being at the university for two years, you had never managed to outperform his grades, and it infuriated you beyond measure.
For the past two years, you had been lucky enough to avoid partnering with him. However, it appeared that luck had finally abandoned you, and now you were destined to endure his company for the next three months.
You sat on the seat you would normally choose and took out the notebook to take notes of the next class.
“I heard you got assigned with Satoru Gojo in one of your classes.” You heard a voice next to you which made you jump.
“Kyoko… don’t scare me like that.” You cried while putting your hand on your chest trying to calm down. “How did you find out?”
“Well, everyone was talking about how a girl who got paired with the great Satoru Gojo was so rude to him and how she should be more grateful for this glorious opportunity.” You rolled your eyes.
“I might throw myself out of the window…” You leaned your head against the table and closed your eyes. “Three months Kyoko, three months.”
“I know…you know that you can talk to me if he does anything to bother you.”
“Thank you, you’re the best Kyoko.”
She smiled warmly at you, and together you turned your attention to the class. You had met Kyoko on the same day as your initial encounter with Gojo Satoru. Sitting together in one of the classes, an instant connection formed between you two, and from that moment onward, you were inseparable. Kyoko brought a brightness into your life like a ray of sunshine piercing through clouds. On the first Christmas when she discovered you would be spending it alone in your apartment, she whisked you away to her home, where you celebrated with her and her parents. Since then, Kyoko's parents had filled the void of the parents you had dearly missed, and Kyoko herself had become the sister you had always longed for.
The class was over before you knew it. Your hands hurt after taking notes non-stop and your head felt like it was about to explode after barely sleeping last night.
“Do you have time to eat with me? Or you have to go to the grocery store already?” Kyoko stood besides you while walking in the corridor.
“Today I can eat with you. My shift doesn’t start until 3 p.m. so it’s alright.”
Kyoko looked at you with concerned eyes. “Are you sure you are properly resting? You look tired and the grocery store job is okay, but I’m worried about you working on that bar at nights.”
You sighed, she was right the bar was an unpleasant place, most of those who went were men in their 40s or 50s who left their offices and spent the night drinking until they fell at the bar counter, while making obscene comments. But they paid well and the money was something I desperately needed.
You smiled at her. “I will be alright. Don’t worry.”
“You know you can always come to life with me, I know my parents wouldn’t bother taking you in. And if you feel like it would be too much, you could always pay something but then you could quit that crappy job and just work at the grocery store.”
“Kyoko… we already talked about it. I appreciate you and your parents' good heart and intentions but I can handle everything.” She nodded. “And I know I can always count on you.”
“Always.” And she held you from the arm. “Now let’s go and eat something. My treat.” You were about to protest when Kyoko cut you off. “No excuses, you deserve me to invite you especially because my poor best friend is going to have to put up with her least favorite person in the world for three months.”
“Ugh!” You rolled your eyes. “Please don’t remind me of that.”
Both of you laughed and made your way straight to the cafeteria, your stomachs growling with hunger. You had only managed to gulp down a coffee that morning to wake up, and now you were convinced you could devour the entire menu. Taking your usual seats at the table, Kyoko headed to order your food. The cafeteria buzzed with activity, students weaving in and out while conversations filled the air. You glanced at your phone, hoping for some notifications, but all you found were promotional emails from the supermarket.
Kyoko returned with the food, setting it down in front of you, and you delved into a conversation about Kyoko's recent date. It seemed the boy had shown a keen interest in her, but your friend hadn't felt the same way about him. Being the kind-hearted person she was, Kyoko struggled with how to gently let him know she wasn't interested in continuing to see him.
“Oh shit…” Kyoko whispered.
“Don’t turn around but I think a certain someone is coming here.” Your eyebrow arched and you clenched your fists.
“Tell me that the certain someone doesn’t have white hair…” Kyoko grimaced and by the time you wanted to say something, the person responsible for your headache at that very moment had sat down next to you.
“Hello ladies!!” He talked with the happiest tone. He called your name but you ignored him, you didn’t want to interact with him, not even a bit. “I don’t think we know each other. I’m Satoru Gojo.” He talked to Kyoko.
“Kyoko. And we actually share a class together.”
“Oh! We do? Sorry I can’t remember it. But it is nice to meet you, Kyoko.”
“Satoru…” Another male voice spoke behind you. Your head was really going to explode.
“Oh Suguru! Come here!” He moved his hand, pointing at the seat next to Kyoko.
“Satoru… why don’t you leave the girls eating alone.” The boy of dark hair looked at his friend and then at both of you. “I'm sorry for bothering you.”
“It’s okay, don't worry.” Kyoko smiled back at him.
“Come on Suguru! Let’s eat with them… I need to spend more time with my classmate, right birdie?” You looked at him.
“Who are you calling birdie?” You were angry, why was he giving you nicknames like you have known each other for years or like you were close.
“Oh so now you pay attention to me…” He smirked and tilted his head as he rested it on his hand and looked at you.
You snorted and pushed the plate away. “Kyoko, I have to go or I'll be late.” You said goodbye to Gojo's friend, who you assumed was called Suguru, and ignored Gojo.
“Take care.” You heard Kyoko. “And sent me a message once you arrived home from the bar!” You gave her a thumbs up and left the cafeteria.
You felt uneasy. What was Gojo Satoru playing at, giving you a nickname? And that look he just gave you—what was that about? You couldn't stand it. Sinking into your seat on the bus, you put on your headphones, seeking a brief respite before reaching your workplace. You were scheduled to work for five hours, followed by a rush to the bar, where you'd likely be working until 2 a.m., if luck was on your side.
As your eyelids grew heavy, you recognized the familiar streets passing by. With just a few stops left until your destination, you stretched out in your seat and rubbed your eyes, trying to shake off the fatigue.
You got out of the bus and walked a few steps until you reached the small grocery store where you work. You still had 5 minutes left to work but between changing and preparing everything the time would arrive. You greeted Yu who was behind the counter serving a customer and went to the employee room at the back.
“You are early.” Haibara entered the room.
“I’m 5 minutes earlier… is not THAT early.” You smiled at him.
“You know you can always take the day off and rest. I can cover you if you need it, you look so tired.”
“I’m okay but thank you Haibara.”
“Okay! Then if you are taking my place I will get going. A friend of mine is waiting for me.” You nodded. “Call me if you need anything.”
You waved goodbye to him and observed as he rendezvoused with a tall blonde guy outside the store, someone you vaguely recognized from campus. Throughout the afternoon, several children trickled in to purchase trinkets, occasionally accompanied by adults picking up a few items. The day had been relatively quiet, affording you the opportunity to jot down some notes and review your studies.
As closing time approached, the sliding door chimed open once more, signaling the arrival of another customer. However, you were preoccupied assisting a lady who was meticulously counting the coins needed to pay for her purchase.
“Thank you so much darling.” She said once you were done with her. “Have a nice night.”
“Thanks to you! And please come here again.”
“Hello birdie!” Your mouth opened slightly when you saw who was waiting to be served and the last customer of the day.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” You screamed angrily.
He looked down and moved the bottle he was holding. “Buying something to drink.” He smiled, showing his perfect smile.
“Here?” He nodded. “In this grocery store?” He nodded again. “Of this unknown neighborhood?” He nodded once again. “Gojo…” You touched your head, closing your eyes. “I don’t know what you want or your intentions but don’t you dare bother me anymore.”
“I already told you birdie I’m here, to buy this.” He put the bottle in front of you.
“There you have it. Now, bye.” You turned around and started cleaning some things that were around. It was time to close and you needed to hurry up to got to the bar.
You picked up and changed into the clothes you had come in. For a moment you had to lean against the wall, for an hour or so you had been dizzy and nauseous, but you couldn't allow yourself to be absent. You turned off the lights and closed the grocery store.
“What are you still doing here?” You turned around to look at Gojo who was right in front of the shop.
He walked smiling towards you. “Waiting for you.”
You rolled your eyes, couldn’t he understand you or something. “Well, I don’t want you to be waiting for me. So now… BYE!” And you started moving towards the bar.
“Oh c’mon.” He said your name this time. “Let me accompany you to your house or at least near it. It’s not good for a girl to…”
“Are you a stalker?” Gojo opened his mouth. “And I’m not going home, I need to get to work and because of you I might be late.”
“Work? But you just get out of it.” He walked next to you. “Why would you have two works…”
“Listen Gojo! Not everyone is born on a silver spoon. Some of us have to work our asses out to get the things we want.” You were tired. “You are lucky your parents probably get you everything they want for you but not everyone is that lucky.”
“You’re pale. Are you okay?” You certainly weren’t, but you couldn't afford to be, you had to go to work. “Oh shit! You might have a fever.” His hand was on your forehead, wait when did he get that close?
“Leave me…” Everything was spinning around.
“Hey!” You felt how Gojo held you, preventing you from falling to the ground, and then everything went black.
You weren't certain how long you had been unconscious, but it was certainly for a considerable amount of time. As you blinked your eyes open, you found yourself surrounded by darkness, with only a faint glow of outside light seeping into the room. Despite the dimness, you were able to swiftly recognize your surroundings. You were in Kyoko's room, but how had you ended up there? The last memory you could recall was being with Gojo before blacking out.
“Kyoko?” You whispered. You were confused and still feeling sick.
You saw how a silhouette moved to grab something from the table and then a light from the cell phone illuminated the room.
Kyoko whispered your name. “How are you feeling?”
“Still dizzy…” You touched your head. “How did I get here?”
“Satoru called me.” You looked at her confused, since when she called him Satoru and since when did she have his number. “Don’t look at me like that, when you left I stayed with him and with his friend, Suguru and they are pretty nice guys.” You rolled your eyes. “And his friend is pretty cute.”
“What? It’s true, he was so polite and nice and did you know he studies…”
“Do you like him?”
“I mean… it’s early to say that but I would love to go out with him sometime.” Your friend smiled.
“You remember that there is a guy still waiting for an answer from you right?”
Kyoko pouted. “I know… I will let him know I’m not interested, because it’s true I’m not.”
“But now to what is important.” Oh here it came. “What would you have done if Satoru wasn’t there when you fainted?”
“I… it was just a coincidence. I was totally find this morning.”
Kyoko said your name heavily. “How much have you slept this week? And be honest with me.”
You thought for a moment. “5 hours…”
“That’s not bad, I thought you were going to say something like 2 hours.”
“In the last 3 days…”
Kyoko opened her mouth, letting a gasp out. “Are you insane? You want to die or something?”
“Sorry! But college and the jobs… the jobs, my shift on the bar…”
“Relax. I called them and told them you were sick after Satoru called me.” You breathed in relief. “But don’t try to change the topic. 5 hours in 3 days?! That’s inhuman and you can’t keep going like this.”
“And what do I do Kyoko?” You pulled the sheets up to your face.
“Stay here… we have a spare room, you can stay there.” You growled, Kyoko knew that was too much. Even if you were her best friend, you were still someone from outside the family. “You can pay a minimum if that will make you feel better, but if you stay here you wouldn’t have to pay the rent you are paying right now and you wouldn’t have to work at that shitty bar.”
“I… I will think about it okay…” Kyoko nodded.
“Now go back to sleep.”
“Okay…” You closed your eyes.
“And by the way.” Kyoko spoke again. “Start thinking what you are going to say to Satoru, you throw up on him.”
“I… WHAT?” Your eyes opened like plates.
“Good night~”
“No Kyoko, tell me! What do you mean I threw up on Gojo?” You cried.
“Go to sleep.”
You groaned, feeling utterly mortified at the thought of having thrown up on Gojo. This was beyond embarrassing—how were you supposed to face him and apologize for such a humiliating incident? The desire to vanish into thin air consumed you. Your head spun with the aftermath of the situation, and before you knew it, you had drifted off to sleep.
Upon waking up again, you sensed that several hours had passed; sunlight now flooded through the window, illuminating the room entirely. Kyoko was nowhere to be seen, and you sat up in bed, stretching your stiff body. You felt utterly filthy after experiencing fever and vomiting; a shower was desperately needed.
Searching for your phone to check the time, you discovered several messages awaiting your attention—some from Kyoko and others from an unknown number.
Kyoko ☀️
Rest as much as you want. My mom left you food prepared in the kitchen but you will be alone for most of the day.
You can take my clothes if you want.
And don’t worry about the classes I will take the notes for you.
And by the way, I’m sorry and I love you 😘
Sorry? For what? You tapped on the unknown number and then you understood why she was sorry.
Hellooooo birdie !!
Kyoko gave me your number, don’t get angry at her.
I hope you feel better soon
You clenched your fists and sighed, now you would have to endure it because of your cell phone too.
You to Kyoko ☀️
You should be grateful I love you so much and I won’t kill you.
And thanks, I will be taking a shower and do you mind if I take one of your pajamas?
Kyoko ☀️
Everything that’s mine is yours 😘
You rolled your eyes at your friend. And opened once again the chat of Gojo. How should you respond to him? Should you apologize for throwing up at him? Should you just be as cold as always? The guy was messaging you after you fainted and threw up on him, he didn’t deserve to be treated coldly although you wanted to.
You to Pain in the ass
Hi. I’m good
Thanks for yesterday and sorry for what happened…
Also stop calling me birdie, people would think we are close or something
Leaving your phone on the table, you grabbed one of Kyoko's pajamas and made your way to the bathroom. Compared to a few hours ago, you felt significantly better; the fever seemed to have subsided or at least diminished in intensity. After a refreshing shower, you changed into the pajamas and headed to the kitchen.
True to Kyoko's word, her mother had left a plate of food prepared for you. Grateful for the gesture, you sat down to enjoy the meal. Retrieving your phone once more, you noticed two notifications, which came as a surprise—they were not the usual supermarket offers.
Pain in the ass
Don’t worry about it, I’m glad to hear you are okay
*This message was deleted*
What did he send and delete after?
Pain in the ass
Since you are sick we decided to accompany Kyoko for lunch!
And there was a picture of Kyoko with Gojo and two other people, the guy from yesterday, Suguru and another girl you didn’t know about. Kyoko was smiling and doing the peace sign next to Suguru, while Gojo was the one taking the selfie and showing off his perfect teeth.
You to Pain in the ass
You better treat Kyoko right, or you will hear from me once I’m back at class.
It was hard to believe you were talking so casually with him. You shook your head, talking like that on the phone was just a way of being polite with him, nothing else.
Pain in the ass
If that way I get you to talk to me
You stayed looking at the message for a couple of minutes. Something on your stomach was moving. Stupid Satoru Gojo.
You to Pain in the ass
By the way, do I need to pay you something… for you know…
Pain in the ass
For what?
You to Pain in the ass
Don’t make me say it, it’s way too embarrassing.
Pain in the ass
If you don’t tell me what I won’t know 🤷
You to Pain in the ass
Throwing up on you!
Do I need to pay for something? Like dry cleaning or something?
Pain in the ass
You wanted to punch him, he obviously knew.
Pain in the ass
Nop, you don’t need to pay anything. Don’t worry 😉
You to Pain in the ass
Okay, now I will leave to sleep
Don’t bother me Gojo!
Pain in the ass
Alright birdie!!
Rest well. I don’t want you throwing up and fainting in the arms of other people
You to Pain in the ass
Say something like that again and I’m blocking you
Pain in the ass
You rolled your eyes and left the phone once again. He really was a pain in the ass. You went to Kyoko’s room and lay down on her bed, although you were feeling better, you were still feeling tired, so you decided to sleep for a bit more, at least until Kyoko returned home.
You heard a door close and someone walk down the hall in silence. You knew it was Kyoko when she entered the room. She walked up to you and you smiled at her when your eyes met.
“You look better.”
“I feel better.” You say stretching on yourself. “I feel like I have slept everything I haven’t slept in a month.” You looked at Kyoko and she was doing a grimace of disgust. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Have you thought about it? About moving here?”
You did. You thought about it a lot, but you couldn't deny that you were at a point where if you continued at that pace you would end up killing yourself.
“I will.” Kyoko screamed with happiness. “But only if your parents are okay with it.”
“And they are! Don’t worry.” She started clapping and jumped out of bed with happiness. “By the way, I’m surprised you met Satoru yesterday at the grocery store.”
You looked at her strangely. “Didn't you tell her where she worked?” Kyoko shook her head.
And then it hit you, you haven't told Haibara that you would not be going to work today, he would probably be covering for you and you would have to tell him.
“Shit… Where is my phone?” You looked around.
“Who is Pain in the ass?” Kyoko hang you the phone.
“It’s Gojo…” She nodded while you searched for the number of Haibara on your phone. “Haibara!” You said when you heard him picking up. “Yeah it’s me… I’m so sorry, I’m sick and I couldn’t go today… I hope you-” Kyoko looked at you when felt silent. “What do you mean you already knew? Who told you?” Kyoko watched you with interest trying something of what was said on the other end of the phone. “Oh… okay. I will thank him then… Yeah. Bye.” And you throw the phone to the side.
“What’s with that face?”
“Gojo Satoru told my coworker I was sick.”
“That’s pretty considerate.”
“They are friends…”
“My coworker and Gojo, that’s why he appeared there.” You realized. “Probably Haibara told him and he came to bother.”
Kyoko called your name and you looked at her. “I don’t think he went to bother you…”
“Well… but it’s strange he went all the way to that place! Why would he go if it wasn’t to bother me?”
Your best friend sighed and closed her eyes, whispering something you could not hear and then looked back at you. “Thanks he was there. Or who knows what would have happened to you.”
You rolled your eyes. “You are right. And I already thanked him.”
“Oh you did?”
“Don’t act surprised when you were the one that gave him my number.”
She put her hands in the air and smiled. “Sorry. But he was really, REALLY insistent…”
“I can imagine.”
“He sent you a message right? What did he say?”
You took the phone and unlocked it to see the message that Gojo sent you.
Pain in the ass
I'll save you place next to me in class for tomorrow 🙆
What’s up with him?
“Oh…” Kyoko smiled next to you.
“Nothing… figure it out yourself baby.” She smiled.
“Kyoko… Kyoko, what did that oh ment, come back here.” You followed her through the corridor while she laughed.
“No.” She continued laughing. “Oh!” She stopped walking and turned to look at you. “I already sent a message to the guy.”
“You? Are you really going to try and go out with Gojo’s friend?”
She shrugged and smiled. The fact that Kyoko started dating Gojo's friend didn't particularly bother you, but it did mean potentially spending even more time with Gojo than you had anticipated. The mere thought made your head ache again. However, before dealing with that, you needed to figure out how to face Satoru Gojo tomorrow. It would mark the first encounter since... that incident.
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Note: a comment and a like would be appreciated. Also comment to be tagged in the chapters
Tag list: @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke
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grandline-fics · 2 months
hello…may i request mihawk, law, and sanji with a reader thats a famous pianist? please and thank you! hope you have a good day :)
DESCRIPTION: You’re a famous pianist
CHARACTERS: Mihawk, Sanji
WORDS: 1,197
A/N: Thank you for the request! Sadly I couldn't think of a good scenario for Law so hopefully you're happy with what I managed to come up with for the other two.
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Mihawk found himself standing in a lavish banquet hall, his expression impassive but his eyes remained sharp as he observed the whole ridiculous scenes of disguised conversations, ass-kissing, and not-so secret dealings. Just a typical function though none of it held his interest he was only here for you. Your name was considered one of if not the greatest pianist in the world. He’d heard your music in his travels but it was only ever through speakers and projected on screens. To see you perform in person was one of his greatest ambitions. 
Yet somehow you were annoyingly evasive regardless of how vast your fame reached. In one regard he could applaud your need for privacy and being reclusive but when it messed with his own selfishness his feelings became conflicted. So when he finally heard you’d be preforming at a royal gala he made it his mission to be there. Even if it meant he was currently having to endure the current tedium, the reward made it all worthwhile so now he just had to wait. 
Finally the doors opened and the obnoxiously loud chatter abruptly ended as you entered the room and sat at the gleaming piano. You’d paid no mind to the crowd already enchanted by your presence with practiced poise and when your fingers defy began to play Mihawk felt everyone take a collected breath, himself included. As much as Mihawk had found enjoyment in the projections and records of your playing in the past he found that by comparison to the real thing they all but spat in the face of your talent. 
At the end of the performance and the thunderous applause sounded you began to detach yourself from the situation, having no ties to the king of the island or his guests but paused when you met the intense golden stare of someone you truly hadn’t expected to be in attendance. Instead of making your usual quick exit you found yourself walking towards the swordsman. “Well I wasn’t expecting to see you here. If you’re here to kill someone for a bounty could you wait until I’m paid first?” you asked playfully. 
Mihawk smirked, pleasantly surprised that you seemed calm in his presence when most tended to shy away from him which was how he preferred it most of the time. It seemed your ability to charm people wasn’t confined to just when you were sat at the piano, even speaking to you had him captivated. “I promise my being here is for anything but business. I had an opportunity to finally see you perform and only a fool would pass up a chance.”
Surprise lit your eyes at the revelation and a smile graced your lips, genuinely touched that someone like the notorious marine hunter and warlord of the sea would be a fan of your music. “I hope I didn’t disappoint your expectations.”
“My dear, the only disappointment I felt was that I couldn’t hear more.” He told you smoothly before offering to get you a drink. If he had to cut talking to you short, it would be a second disappointment of the evening. Thankfully you didn’t seem to be in any rush to leave just yet.
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The first time Sanji met you was the day before the opening of the Baratie. After spending so much time with Zeff in making this restaurant a reality he was a bundle of nerves and excitement to see it all finally complete. The older chef however was calm and collected which only annoyed Sanji further. As the two were about to launch into an argument a small knock sounded and Zeff immediately grinned, the final piece to make the opening one to remember had arrived just in time. The door opened and Sanji frowned to see two unknown adults enter, not getting why they would make Zeff’s demeanour change to become pleasant for once. Then he saw you poke your head out from behind the legs of one of the adults. You were around his age, maybe a little shorter but you looked around the restaurant with silent appreciation. Then you spotted the piano and your shyness immediately disappeared and you hurried over to inspect it. 
While the adults talked, Sanji followed you and watched carefully; he was protective of everything in the restaurant, even if it was over the stupid piano that Zeff insisted was a necessary purchase. The last thing he wanted was some kid wrecking it before the opening. His eyes narrowed when you climbed onto the seat and reached forward to touch the shining keys and he caught your hand to stop you. “It’s not a toy.” He warned. The two of you glared at each other and you sharply pulled your hand out of his grip. Swiftly you began to play, effectively shutting Sanji up with the skill coming from your small fingers and the tune it created was one he’d never forget. 
After that rocky start you and Sanji slowly began to warm to each other. Over the years as your reputation grew as a world class pianist and his grew as a world class chef you still found time to stop by the Baratie to visit, never forgetting where your big break came from. You still stopped by your favourite restaurant when Sanji joined the Strawhat crew and your visits seemed to stop. At that same time your fame skyrocketed too, taking you further into the New World with many concerts and performances to keep you occupied.
One day while Sanji walked through a new town to stock up on supplies for the ship he came to an abrupt halt to see your face and name on a poster. Excitement flooded him to see you were here on the island at the same time as him and you were due to play at a local theatre that evening. Knowing you, you’d already be there and practicing. Not wanting to risk missing the chance at a reunion after so many years he set off for the theatre, his task of food shopping forgotten.  
His skills as a pirate allowed him to sneak into the theatre from one of the side entrances and he smiled in satisfaction to hear the faint sound of music drifting down the empty hallways, glad that his hunch was right. As quietly as he could, Sanji made it to the wings of the stage and watched you with a growing smile. You’d truly honed your skills as finely as he’d refined his abilities as a chef until the most complicated task-performing or cooking- appeared effortless. When you finished the song, Sanji applauded you, grinning to see you look up at him in surprise and joy. Quickly you got up and hurried over. “About time you showed up, I’m starving.”
“Oh really? In that case, come back to the ship with me and I’ll make you the best meal of your life. Least I could do since after getting to hear you play again.”
“Well how could I say no to that?” You grinned while hooking your arm through his and let him lead the way.
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epione-xx · 10 months
Damian Wayne x reader soulmate au!!
Inspired by @thesuperiorrobin hehehehehehe
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Her hand rests on the railing of her balcony, eyes searching and scanning the rooftops of a half clouded Gotham as she tried to spot the familiar crimson shade of his suit.
Damian, dressed as Robin, dropped behind her. Feet silent as he stood straight “beloved” it was shuddered and the girl gasps before she quickly spun around to look at him- a smile etched on her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
He grunts in a bit of pain, the new stitches on his shoulder not used to the weight of his beloved soulmates arms, still he doesn’t hesitate to kissed her forehead and hold her close.
It was forbidden, he couldn’t tell her who he was and he was surprised about how painting she had been so far, but he knew deep down she would ask. She needed too, it was only fair to her.
The girl laid on his chest, taking great comfort in heartbeat of her soulmate as she took slow and lulled breaths of relaxation.
“I had such a bad day today” she tried to partake in causal conversation, one he could talk about without revealing too much.
He hummed, signalling he was listening as he stroked her hair. Them both sitting down on the beanbag she had set up on her fire escape for when he did come around.
“We’ll it started off with a group project- Jessica, Damian- yknow he sucks” she grumbles “and some kid named Harrison, and then we were just arguing and arguing and I swear to god if Damian doesn’t shut up then I’m going to strangle him one day” she rolled her eyes.
A low chuckle came from Damian’s chest, but his stomach felt like a pit of guilt. He teased her at school, pretended lily she was annoying because he couldn’t risk her finding out that well, he was Robin.
“Anyways, then Damian left and so did Jessica- I’m pretty sure she’s got a crush on him” she hummed and traced over the little R on his chest, drawing patterns into it before she continued “and so it was just me and harrison- and he just- got way to close for comfort”
He tensed and sat up- Effectively making her slid down his chest “what? What do you mean to close for comfort?”
She sighed and thought of the best way to explain it “he just- kept getting closer and played with my hair and flirted- please don’t do anything” she begged as she kissed his cheek.
He frowned but nods, it would be irresponsible to do anything like that as Robin.
She sighed happily “thank you baby” she kissed all over his face and he chuckles lowly “beloved stop- I’ll be covered in your chapstick and be sticky for the rest of patrol”
“Oh you know you love it”
Harrison didn’t show up for the project the next day, actually harrison didn’t come to school.
And perhaps it was a little suspicious that Damian had bloodied knuckles, but you shouldn’t think anything of it right?
Except you should, because he was being nice to you. As strange as it sounded.
“Why are you being so nice?” Y/n would glare as Damian shrugged it off and bit into his fancy sushi roll that Alfred had made him.
She frowned “that’s not an answer!” She explained frustrated “cmon Wayne! Answer me! You never act this nice”
She glared and he paid no mind to her, in fact he was busy looking at his phone and texting back his brother saying that his disappearance from patrol was not suspicious and that they shouldn’t worry about it.
She frowned “cmon Damian, this is cruel.”
Finally, his piercing green eyes snapped up to hers and he placed his lunchbox down. his hair looked messy and if she looked close enough she could see the concealer that covered his eye bags.
“Why do you wanna know?”
It was a simple question that Damian asked, one she almost couldn’t work out how to answers
“Because I..” she hesitated and swallows “you’re making me feel weird, like you’re gonna get dirt on me or something” she mumbles.
He sighed “this can’t be helped can it considering our past” he talks and leaned back before looking at her again.
She didn’t know what to make out about those yes, they were so strange and yet oddly comforting…kind of how she imagines robins eyes to look.
She shook her head, this was not a moment to fantasise about her boyfriend.
He leaned forward and motioned for her to follow, she did and he took a slow and guttered breath.
“A certain bird told me you needed looking after”
She stopped and got up “w-what?”
He only looked at her “don’t make me repeat myself (L/n), your smart enough to listen”
She stared at him, appetite gone as the dots slowly connected. She got up and stared more before pursuing her lips and, not knowing what to say, she left.
This was enough stress for today.
Night came, and (Y/n) waited anxiously on her fire escape, pacing around and getting more and more annoyed with every tap her foot made.
Suddenly it happened, he came. Dropping down into the fire escape from above her and then down to hers, he smiles and opened his arms “b-“
“No! No don’t you beloved me” she says as she looked at him and teared up “take off your mask”
“What? You know I ca-“
“Take it off Damian!” She yelled loudly as he stared at her, lenses going wide with shock before he slowly took it off.
She stared at him “I…was…” he looked so different and yet exactly how she thought he would, how she hoped he would look.
It was silent, the air unmoving for a few moments before she ran to his chest and hugged him tightly, crying in his arms about how much she loved him.
He kissed her hair and held her close “I love you more my beloved, my shining light and the moon that watched over me”
And he really did love her, she was everything.
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gracieheartspedro · 11 months
I Can See You
fem!reader x dbf!joel miller
Hi friends! It's been awhile (:
I am back to writing! This time, I'm planning on having many parts to this story. It's a DBF Joel Miller story, which I love to read, which means I had to write it, right?
I wrote this with no Y/N, instead each character gives her a nickname/pet name.
So here's Part 1, I really hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: DBF! Joel, age gap-ish (reader is 25, Joel is 39), eventual smut, joel being a little bit of a perv, reader not having a filter, alcohol consumption
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“Mornin’,” His Southern accent was even deeper than usual. My head peaks up from behind my computer, noticing his very tired eyes. The bags under his eyes still somehow did him justice. 
“Mornin’ Joel,” I mutter before taking a sip of my coffee. I watch as he finds his way towards my bosses office. He was only my boss at work, but at home he was just Dad. 
I watch his ass move in his jeans, shamelessly. 
Finding your coworker hot is one thing, it’s another when it’s also your dad’s friend and he was about 20 years older than you. 
I’ve thought Joel Miller was quite the looker since I was about 18. I had just started working for my dad. I was mainly just scheduling and doing work orders. Joel took me out to a work site one day, on my father’s request. He wanted me to get know some of the people who would be scheduling work from us. I got to sit around with the property manager of an apartment complex in a tight black dress in the dead of summer, watching guys replace windows. While outside that day, Joel worked alongside some of the laborers, his tanned skin and shaggy dark hair glistening with sweat. Something about him doing manual labor turned me on. Something awoke in me that day, and ever since then, I thirst over him in silence. 
I catch myself looking a bit too long, quickly averting my eyes to my computer screen. I act like I am typing something, glancing over to Joel and my dad walking out of his office together. They are discussing another project that Joel was overseeing that would keep him very busy in the upcoming months. 
“My girl here will be starting back at college in the fall, so she will only be part time for awhile,” My dad says, drawing attention to me. 
“Oh really, where ya going?” 
I blank out completely for a moment.
“UT Austin,” I finally answer.
“Smart girl, you living on campus?”
“Nope, just getting my master’s in Engineering so living from home makes the most sense.”
Joel shakes his head, “Master’s. Didn’t you just graduate high school?”
“I’m 25, Joel.”
His eyes scan me for a moment, realizing I’m much older than he remembers. 
“Ha,” He grumbles, “Time flies huh, Steve?”
“Sure does, you just wait for that Sarah of yours is off to college,” My dad laughs, slapping Joel’s shoulder. I wince, realizing again he has a young daughter. It wasn’t ideal, to say the least. 
“We got about 5 years on that,” Joel says, his eyes returning to mine, “Well it’ll be nice havin’ you around during our busy season.”
“Happy to help,” I reply, not really meaning it. 
“Hey, Joel, you and Sarah making an appearance at our BBQ this weekend? We invited the whole neighborhood and I can’t remember if you told me you’d be there.”
His eyes are still on me, “Yeah, I’ll be there,” his eyes return to my dad’s, “Just me and Tommy though, Sarah is goin’ over to a friend’s house.”
“Can’t wait!” My dad cheers, “Baby girl, can you make sure my schedule is cleared Friday evening so I don’t have to worry about when I can get the meat?”
“Of course, dad,” I grit my teeth, “I’m on it.”
“Hey baby girl, can you go grab me some extra plates?” 
My dad was over the top with his BBQs to say the very least. The whole neighborhood was in on it. Steaks, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, the whole thing. I spent all morning getting the huge backyard and cabana ready for all our visitors. We usually had someone come over to do all the setting up, but Dad made sure to remind me that I was living rent free and being paid on his payroll, so setting up was the least I could do. 
People littered the pool and backyard. I weave between people, giving smiles and welcomes where I could.
I walk in to the kitchen, the cold AC air hitting my bare arms. Luckily, I was wearing shorts over my bikini shorts, or else the goose bumps would be up and down my legs, too. I begin searching the cabinets for the large serving plates you always used for big gatherings. Leaning down, my triangle bikini top almost lets my boobs loose. I sit up straight, messing with the knots on my back. I knew tightening it could only help so much.
“Need help?” I almost jump out of my skin. I turn quickly, spotting Joel Miller standing in the kitchen with me.
“Shit, you fucking scared me,” I breathe loudly, patting my chest to make my heart stop racing, “I think I can get it.”
“Mhm,” He sticks a tooth pick between his teeth, “Lemme help, girl.”
God he was so fine. I hated myself for having a crush on him. But the domestic and simple gray t-shirt that hugged his arms so well and the blue jeans? I simply could not resist staring. 
No chance in hell. But I got to look at him every day and imagine it. 
I turn on my heels, holding the ties out to him so he could tie them. 
“I need them tighter,” I mutter, “Don’t want these puppies falling out in front of the Adlers.”
“Don’t want to excite Mr. Adler too much, he may have himself a heart attack.”
I smile to myself, biting my lip. He ties it, his fingers grazing my bare back slightly. 
“All good now, girl,” I turn to face him, looking up at him through my eyelashes, “Now what were you lookin’ for?”
“Serving plates,” I explain, “Dad is finishing up those steaks, needs more space.”
“Well let’s get ‘em and head out to all the fun,” He says, ducking down to the cabinet I was looking in originally. He finds them, handing them up to me. He looks so good looking up at me from this angle. 
“You want to grab us some beers,” I suggest, “I’ll meet you out there?”
“Your dad runnin’ low?”
“Probably, so grab three.”
“So, you going to be here all summer?”
I had no interest in talking to Tommy, but he was keeping me from toeing the line with Joel in my drunken state, so here I am. I sit in my lounger chair, wanting so bad to take off my jean shorts. I knew if I did, Tommy would take it as I’m making a pass, so I sweat extra. 
“I’m starting college in August, so yeah I’ll be around the office and staying home.”
He smiles, “Good to hear, love seeing you around.”
I smile back faking a cheery laugh, “Thanks, Tommy… care to grab me another beer?”
“No problem, sweetheart.”
I watch him walk away before searching the crowd for Joel. I spot him across the yard, talking to one of the newer neighbors. A single mom who moved in two months ago. My dad kept joking the other night that he’d be making her my stepmom, which only made me gag. She was beautiful, younger than my dad, but just about Joel’s age. 
A pang of jealousy rises within me. 
Joel finally catches my wandering eyes. He smiles gently, giving me a nod.
“Here, darling,” Tommy says sweetly, “Need anything else?”
“Yeah, actually,” Your brother, “Can you help me with something?”
“Sure, ‘s up?”
I sit up, leaning over making my boobs hang right in his eye line. 
If I couldn’t keep one Miller’s attention, maybe I could snag second best. My beer filled brain thinks about how they are cut from the same cloth, so they both are probably good at this. 
“Do you want to help me change a lightbulb?”
He raises his eyebrows, “I guess, where at?”
I smirk, “My bedroom.”
We sneak away, my eyes scanning the area. It didn’t appear as anyone was following us. My room was the last room on the left upstairs, so the anticipation as I guided him down the hallway was killing me.
Ever since Joel grazed my back earlier, I’ve been ready. So fucking ready. 
“Are we actually changing a lightbulb?”
I open my door for him, gesturing to him to follow me in.
In the dim light, Tommy was very cute. He was a sweet guy and I knew he’d be the first to jump on my idea. 
“You tell me,” I say, starting to untie the knot Joel tied. In my moment of trying to be sexy, I realize Joel tied the stupidest and hardest knot ever. Tommy notices my struggle, reaching around me, frantically trying to get the top off.
As it gets loose, I reach up to grab his neck.
“What the fuck is going on ‘ere?” 
His voice freezes me. Tommy looks towards the door in horror.
“Tommy, you fucking know better,” His voice is so intimidating and scary, I cant even muster the courage to turn around, “Git.”
Tommy gives me eyes saying I’m so sorry, and I just stare blankly at my wall. I hear Tommy’s foot steps run down the stairs. I realize how drunk I am because my wall paper begins to move on it’s own. It doesn’t usually do that. 
“Now you,” His stride towards me is quick, “I’m not your Dad, but don’t think he’d like you fucking his employees.”
Maybe it was the liquid courage, “Who said I was trying to fuck him?”
I snap my head towards his stern and impossible to read face.
“Bullshit,” He spits, “He got through my knot, he assumed somethin’ was about to happen.”
“Well, even if that’s where it went, why are you putting your nose in our business?”
He chuckles darkly, “So now it’s ours, huh? I have you know, girl, Tommy’s business is my business. And you’re just makin’ my job hard.”
I tiptoe closer to him, “And what’s your job, again, Mr. Miller?”
“Make sure people are behavin’ themselves.”
I realize what he’s doing. My tipsy mind took a second to search his face for more, but I can't read him at all. 
“I’m behaving, Mr. Miller. I promise,” I reach up, touching his jaw, “No more funny business.”
It was the closest I had ever got to him. I felt a rush just touching him.
“Good, get your top back on and come down to the party. Your dad is looking for you.”
I look down at myself as he leaves the room. My fucking tits are out, and he didn’t even look down.
The game he was playing was not the same one I was playing.
The next morning, I have a pounding headache and no drive to leave my room. I was embarrassed and horrified. I knew I would have to face Joel and Tommy on Monday morning, so I had to make amends beforehand. I really didn’t want them to tell my dad and I was pretty out of line for trying to fuck Tommy when Joel wasn't giving me the attention my drunk ass thought I deserved.
After spending hours in bed, rolling back and forth thinking of a script to say, I figured that honesty is the best policy. 
Well, honesty with a little bend in the truth. 
I get showered and dressed. My usual summer time outfit was a crop top and short shorts, but today I needed to be more… conservative. 
I find a nice summery dress, that went to midthigh. It was yellow, not a lot cleavage, floral. Innocent. 
When I get downstairs, my dad sits in the living room, his feet propped up watching the news. 
“Where ya going, baby girl?” 
“I’m going for a walk,” I lie. 
“Wearing that?”
“Yes,” I nod quickly, “Do you need anything while I’m out?”
He shakes his head, “No, have fun, I guess.”
I could tell he was suspicious, but he wasn’t one to pester me too much. He had high expectations for me, but I always exceeded them. He never questioned me too much, unless it was about school. He didn’t even really care about my love life. He always got excited when I told him I was going on dates in college. I mean, I rather him be excited than bother me about the guys I was seeing.
I start my journey to Joel’s. I didn’t even know if he was home or not, I was going on blind faith.
It was hot as shit and I was not fully prepared to walk to his house in a dress and sandals. 
I could’ve just driven there and back. But no, I decided to roast in the hot summer sun.
When I arrive to his house, I just kind of stand in his driveway, catching my breath. He was home, his truck was here. 
I walk to the front door, knocking first then ringing the door bell. 
It takes about minute, but he gets the door. 
And he’s shirtless. 
It was the worst and best moment of my entire life. 
“What are you doing here?”
And it’s not quite the response I was anticipating when I arrived at his door. 
“I uh-,” I hear some stirring inside the house, which causes me to peak my head past Joel’s shoulder. 
I see movement, but my eyes find Joel’s again before I could focus in on it. He pushes me back a bit, coming outside and shutting the door behind him. 
“I came to apologize, but you seem busy.”
He shakes his head, “Not busy, just woke up.”
“With someone?”
What the fuck? Why can’t I shut my mouth?
“Pardon me?”
“Well I walked this whole way to apologize about my inappropriate behavior yesterday,” I explain, “But yeah, that’s it.”
The door creaks open and I am wholeheartedly anticipating a hot MILF or something. But instead, it’s a little girl. 
“Sarah, get inside!”
“Oh hi, I know you!”
I smile at the girl. She was cute, I had to admit. She looked a bit like Joel, mainly the smile. A smile I wasn’t too familiar with, because he wasn’t too keen on my jokes. Ever.
“Yeah, I work with your dad,” I explain, “Nice to see you, Sarah.”
“You too, do you want to have lunch with us?”
“Sarah she can’t st-” 
“I’d love to, only if your dad says it’s okay.”
He got himself in a pickle, but I was aching to have a conversation that didn’t involve me putting my foot in my mouth like I almost did again. Plus, some food and water would help the heatstroke I felt coming on.
He stares at me, almost like he wished I’d disappear, “Of course, come in. Sarah is making sandwiches.”
“I hope you like turkey and cheese!”
“Thanks for the sandwich, Sarah,” I say, wiping my face making sure I didn’t have mustard left over.
She smiles with her mouth full, “You’re welcome!”
“Hey Sarah, why don’t you go get ready for swim practice,” He suggests, “Me and your new best friend need to have an adult conversation.”
She looks up at him annoyed, “I guess, but don’t scare her away. She has a cool pool I want to swim in.”
I laugh out loud, “Yeah, don’t scare me away, Joel.”
He doesn’t laugh, he just looks at me with his lazer eyes. I just wish Sarah a farewell and shut my mouth, waiting for the storm. He stirs, eating another bite of his sandwich. 
“So you came to apologize, huh?”
I swallow, “Uh, yeah. I’m sorry for my inappropriate behavior. I had one too many yesterday.”
He nods, “Yeah you were practically falling out of that top of yours before you took Tommy upstairs. Surprised you didn’t have it off before then.”
My eyes widen, “Well that’s humiliating.”
“Don’t think anyone was particularly mad about it,” He says, “Maybe one of those neighborhood watch moms, but who cares about ‘em?”
I can’t help but smirk. Was he insinuating that he wasn’t mad about almost seeing my boobs?
“Yeah, they always give me the most disgusted looks when I’m out jogging.”
“Cause’ they miss bein’ young and beautiful,” He explains, “All their husbands stare, too.”
I can’t believe he’s talking to me like this, I find myself leaning in a bit to try to talk quieter. It seems like this is conversation we should be whispering to each other.
“Do you stare?”
Foot. In. Mouth. 
He smirks, giggling a bit. I finally got to see him smile.
“Of course, I do.”
Hehehehe tell me what you think! I'll be back with part 2 soon!
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Exhausted // Ethan Landry
request: none!
prompts: none!
summary: preoccupied with studying and utterly exhausted, your movie night with your boyfriend slips your mind. but instead of being upset, ethan helps you let go of all your stress.
warnings: language
word count: 754
a/n: gn!reader, no physical desprictions of reader included, no ghostface au this has been in my drafts for a while, so i figured i might as well post it!
join my taglist!
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You grumbled to yourself as you trudged up the stairs in your apartment building. The elevator was still broken, and at this point the idea of it ever getting fixed seemed impossible. You continued your seemingly endless journey up the flights of stairs, your eyes occasionally flitting closed from your utter exhaustion. 
It was nearing midterms, which meant more school work and more studying. You had spent the past three hours in the library pouring over textbooks and trying to get final projects completed and papers finished. After making very little progress and staring at a blank document that was supposed to have your English paper on it for forty-five minutes, you were drained. Each movement felt like it took every ounce of energy in your body, and you were struggling just to keep your eyes open long enough to make it back to your apartment.
Finally, you reached your floor and you pushed the door open, exiting the stairwell. Letting out a sigh of relief, you unlocked your apartment door and stepped inside, closing the door behind you. Almost immediately, you dropped your bag on the floor, followed by your coat and boots, as you felt the weight of the day slowly slipping away. And that’s when you saw Ethan.
Shit. It couldn’t have been Friday already, right? But one glance down at your phone confirmed it. You had been so busy with school, you hadn’t realized what day it was. Every Friday you and Ethan have a movie night instead of an official date night, due to your dislike for fancier things and his aversion to spending time in public places. But you were late, and you had forgotten. And the disappointed look on Ethan’s face said it all.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize that it was Friday! I’ve just been so busy with midterms coming up and I guess it just slipped my mind.” You walked over to Ethan who was sitting on your couch. “I really am sorry. Please don’t be mad.”
Ethan sighed, looking up at you and taking your hands into his. “You know I could never be mad at you. It’s not like you purposefully stood me up, you were busy. It’s fine.”
You bit your lip nervously, still a bit uneasy. “Are you sure? I feel awful. I know I’m like really late, but we could still watch a movie now. If you’d want?” Your words trailed off into a yawn, your eyes blinking back sleep.
“I’m sure. And we can reschedule for another time, you look exhausted, baby.”
You quickly shook your head. “I’m not that tired. I’ll be fine, really. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“I’m not gonna be disappointed if we don’t watch anything tonight. I just want to spend time with you. Movie or not, it doesn’t matter. All I want is to be with you.” Ethan smiled softly, forcing you to smile in return. 
Before you had the chance to respond, Ethan pulled you forward by your hands that were still in his, causing you to fall onto his lap. You laughed in surprise as he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly. Your legs managed to wrap around his back and your arms draped over his shoulders, clinging to him like a koala. 
This was what you needed. Not watching some random movie that neither of you really paid any attention to. Holding him tightly and feeling him hold you in return, it was like all the stress inside of you just melted away. You buried your face in his neck, your nose still a bit cold from the snow outside, which caused him to shiver slightly. You smiled to yourself, pressing a soft kiss to his neck.
“I love you,” he whispered, practically melting in your embrace.
You tried to tell him that you loved him too, but since you refused to remove your face from his neck, your words came out a muffled mess. He smiled nonetheless, knowing what you were trying to say. 
Soon your eyes grew heavy and your grip on him loosened. Before Ethan knew it, you were asleep, using him like your pillow. His heart warmed at the sight, you looked so peaceful while you were sleeping. A stark contrast to the stressed expression on your face when you had arrived. You snuggled closer to him in your sleep, your fingers lightly gripping his shirt. Ethan smiled before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Goodnight, my love.”
tags: @nowitsmissing @hyeyulove
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brutalisttarot · 6 months
Pick An Image:
What To Expect in the first half of 2024
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Pile 1
There will be a resolution to something you are avoidant of. Either someone will speak for you or you eventually step up to speak out on something that helps clear miscommunication or an unsolved case. This could also potentially be a glow up. People may start looking up to you, you’re gonna come off as more attractive, in touch with your femininity right after you get your word out. You guys may overall grow thicker skin to express yourself and be happy about it.
The thematic card I got for you is: Higher Perspective. Very fitting for this reading. I offer paid readings via Tumblr messages so feel free to check out my pinned post for private personal readings if you’re interested :)
Pile 2
You will have a new beginning, or may be starting something new, however this is going to feel very unsuitable for you because it makes you focus on the downsides/negativity. It gives me the vibe that you guys really like this but don’t actually deserve the opportunity or it’s simply not for you in terms of skill set or it’s just a mismatch with you. I see that this could potentially be a love one if not an object/ project/business/hobby. This can lead to a lot of hopelessness but the thing is, it really requires a lot of hard work, in which it’s most likely that you recover this and try working on it again. The more you work on it, the universe will send you an external opportunity or it’s going to happen out of the blue to you and not directly from you. This is going to be given to you, very likely from a friend/person you know of quite some time or longer. There is a lot of competition regarding this situation/drama even, however either you or someone is going to plunge in and stop the ruckus. You will feel the need to only take/keep what you have and be more reluctant to accepting offers that affect you emotionally.
The Thematic Card I pulled for you guys is the universe. Remember that you don’t have to control your life to the largest extent because sometimes the universe can help bring other things to your attention. I offer paid readings via my Tumblr messages so feel free to check out my pinned post for private personal readings if you’re interested :)
Pile 3
Someone else is going to seize an opportunity from you. They could be a feminine water sign. Or someone who’s emotionally strong. The first half of 2024 is going to be enjoying the pleasures of life or daydreaming/fantasizing about getting dethroned or dwelling in negativity. You guys could be stuck in a rut, I’m recommending you guys who feel this way during this time period to reconsider and find something new that motivates you. It’ll help a lot, to get away from anxiety, lack of self-worth, this is a sign to rebuild your empire.
The thematic card I got for you is: The Sage. Knowledge and willpower, the answers are in your hands. You will gain wisdom from your experiences, failures and build on it to become a professional over time. There is no need to worry or overthink too much loves! I offer paid readings via Tumblr messages so feel free to check out my pinned post for private personal readings if you’re interested :)
204 notes · View notes
skz317cb97 · 1 year
Finger Painting
Hyunjin x Female reader
Word count: 5.3K drabble shmabble🤪
Synopsis: Hyunjin asks you to help him with an art project. He needs a super special canvas... you.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! Okay so I'm a closet whore for Hyunjin (was it really closted?) This is the last part! 👀 It's filthy I hope you love it! If you do please reblog, comment, like scream in my ask box whatever. Love hearing from you all! 8/9
Warnings: 18+ONLY MDNI! It would be easier telling you what it doesn't have but I'll try 🤣 Cursing/strong language, body painting? dom Hyunjin/sub MC, lots of dirty talk, praise/pet names (beautiful, gorgeous, goddess good/bad girl etc you get the idea Hyunjin says whore but isn’t calling MC one if that makes sense lol), rough sex, hair pulling, breath play/choking/gagging, finger fucking/masterbation, oral (m&f receiving), face sitting/riding/fucking, sex toys (vibrator), deep throating, cum shot, cum eating, ass play/eating (m2f), spit play (a little), punishing/spanking/clit slapping, safewords/taps (explained but not used), overstimulation/forced orgasms/multiple orgasms, squirting, Hyunjin takes pictures while fucking MC, unprotected piv sex (use protection please), cream pie, cum play (quite a bit). For fucks sake I think that's everything 🤷🏻 If I missed something please let me know and we can both be shocked together lol. No really if I missed anything please do let me know so I can add it asap!
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After you paid for the pants and Jeongin got dressed you both made a hasty exit from the store before anyone suspected anything. Once you were all clear you both burst out into laughter as the adrenaline from what you’d just done disiappated. Jeongin moved stray hair out of your face and kissed you softly. You leaned into it smiling. 
“That was so much fun noona.” You smiled nodding in agreement still catching your breath a bit. 
“It was! I’m so hungry now!” Jeongin giggled. 
“Me too!” You grabbed his hand pulling him towards the food court.  
“Come on Innie lets refuel.” You pulled him close to whisper in his ear so only he could hear you. 
“Then we’ll get out of here, go back to mine and I can put that teddy on for you again.” You licked the shell of his ear and he felt his cock twitch in his pants. He looked at you with wide hopeful eyes. 
“REALLY?!” You nodded laughing. 
“On one condition...” 
“Anything!” He said eagerly. You smiled sweetly and leaned into his ear again.  
“Want you to bend me over and make me scream your name then unload all over my ass....” He choked as you pulled back and gave him big innocent doe eyes. 
“Can you do that for me Innie?” He nodded speechless his face tinted pink again. 
“I... I think so noona.” You pecked his lips. 
“Good boy.”  
One week after your shopping excursion with Jeongin and one week before your next game night Hyunjin texted you. 
Jinnie- HELP! I need a canvas! 
You- tf? what do you think I am an art supply store? 
Jinnie- Seriously! 
You- Seriously Hyunjinnie what do you expect me to do?! 
Jinnie- The subject is body painting. 
You- 😳 Oh! Uh... one of the guys can’t or something? 
Jinnie- This week is our female models next week is male, Felix already said he’d do it. 
You hesitated. You didn’t think you could strip to your undies in front of strangers and let Hyunjin paint your body. 
You- I don’t know Hyunjin body painting in your class... 
Jinnie- NO! It would be in my studio, I paint you and take pictures it’s a whole mixed media kind of thing. It would only be me and you. Please there’s no one else I can ask 🥺
You- Damn you and that emoji. Okay when do I need to be at your studio? 
Jinnie- Uhh... 30 minutes? 
You: JINNIE! Wth! 
Jinnie: I’m sorry I was busy and meant to ask sooner! You can do it still can’t you?! 🥺🥺
You: goddamnit. I’ll see you in 30 minutes. 
✨️❤️ 😍🥰😘❤️✨️
Goddess? You could get used to hearing Hyunjin call you that you thought. Wait. Fuck.
Thirty minutes later you were knocking on the door to Hyunjin’s studio. He answered and smiled that big dumpling smile of his, his eyes scrunching up. 
“Oh thank you y/n you really are saving my ass.” You nodded. Refrain from thinking about his ass you thought to yourself. 
“It’s really no problem Hyunjinnie you just gave me an excuse to skip spring cleaning today so you’re kind of doing me a favor.” You laughed and walked further into the studio looking around at all the canvases some complete, some works in progress, all of it beautiful chaos, typical from these men really.  
“So where do you want me?” Hyunjin smirked at you and you rolled your eyes. 
“Jeeze pervert I still have my clothes on.” He laughed and pointed over at a drop cloth off to one corner. You walked over and turned facing him. 
“I wore just my regular cotton bra and panties they aren’t expensive so I don’t care if you get paint on them...” Hyunjin walked over and helped you with your zip up hoodie as you slid it off. 
“Oh... uh... well I won’t have to get paint on them.” 
“Oh really ok-” You started to take your shirt off over your head as Hyunjin folded your jacket and set it aside. 
“You’ll have to be completely naked for this, sorry if I wasn’t clear about that.” You turned and looked at him, blush already creeping up your chest and neck. 
“N-naked?” Hyunjin hummed nodding. 
“Mhm... is that okay?” He took your shirt from your hands folding it and setting it with your jacket. You shook your head up and down. 
“Yea?” Hyunjin asked again. You answered. 
“Yea Jinnie that’s okay.” You answered shyly. You could feel yourself flushing with arousal and you tried to get a grip. He’s an artist, a painter, a professional, so he needs to paint your nude body, whatever, no biggie. Hyunjin’s beautiful eyes looked into you as you stood there. You took in all his beautiful features. His full pouty lips, the beauty marks under his eye and on his cheek, his expressive eyes. Hyunjin licked his lips and you snapped out of your daze realizing you were staring. He cleared his throat and looked down. 
“Pants.” You nodded 
“Right pants.” You unbuttoned your jeans pulled them down and stepped out of them. Hyunjin bent down and picked them up his eyes closely scanning your body as he stood back up. You could feel the tension mounting between you but Hyunjin just carried on folding your pants and adding them to the pile. You stood there in your panties and bra your body burning. Hyunjin smiled sweetly at you. 
“Do you need help?” You studdered like a fool. 
“Uh... um... h-help?” He nodded, same sweet smile still fixed on his face so innocent. 
“Yes, go ahead turn and I’ll unhook it for you...” He spun his finger around and you turned as if controlled by that one long finger. He walked up behind you and pushed your hair over your shoulder. He leaned in smelling your sweet perfume. You could feel his breath fanning across your skin he was so close. His fingers deftly worked at the hooks of your bra unhooking them. He slid the straps down your arms his finger tips causing goosebumps to errupt all over your body. The piece of fabric fell to the floor and Hyunjin bent over again to grab it. You turned and Hyunjin was eye level with your sex. He stood straight in front of you again his eyes baring down on you, like it took everything in him not to take you right then and there. You had to look away his gaze was so intense as he chewed his plump bottom lip. 
“Should I help you with the panties too?” He asked with an eyebrow raised, he tongued the inside of his cheek. You shook your head getting your thoughts in order, it was like he was hypnotizing you with his beauty, with his sentuality.  
“N-no... uh no... I think I can get them.” He shrugged and turned to add your bra to the ever growing pile of clothes. 
“Suit yourself then.” You pulled on the waist band of your panties and pulled them down letting them pool by your feet. When Hyunjin turned around you stood there completely naked... for him. Knees turned in hands coving yourself a little. That smile graced his pretty face again. 
“A goddess. Do you know how gorgeous you are?” You could feel your face heating up. You shook your head. Hyunjin tilted his head confused. 
“It’s why I picked you baby.”  
“I thought there was no one else you could ask...” He picked up your panties off the floor and laid them with everything else. 
“No one else worth asking...” He added. He walked over to his paints and started mixing a few colors together. 
“I’m going to paint a gradiant, do you know what that is gorgeous?” You nodded. 
“Smart and beautiful, check.” You couldn’t help but smile and look away. 
“Are you still shy baby? I could undress to if it would make you feel better.” You giggled and shook your head. 
“No, it’s okay Jinnie.” He nodded and contiued explaing his concept. 
“So I’ll paint a gradient of these colors from the tip of your toes all the way up to your neck.”  
“Not my face too?” He shook his head and... his eyes... god. 
“I could never cover that face, even if I get marked off for it, I could never cover a work of art with finger paint.” You couldn’t keep eye contact, you glanced down at the floor smiling like a fool. 
“Oh..” Was all you managed. Hyunjin dipped his hands in the first color and walked up to you. When he stood right in front of you he knelt down and looked up. You looked into his eyes, why, why did you look into his eyes. You were locked again. 
“It’s eaiser if I use my hands, is that okay?” Hyunjin softly smoothed paint over your feet and up your ankles. You could feel yourself flush and you hoped you didn’t start dripping down your leg while Hyunjin painted you. You nodded. 
“Mhm.” He nodded back and started rubbing the color up your calves, his hands only left your body to dip into the next color. He ran his big hands up the back of your thighs spreading and mixing the two colors. He stood up in front of you his eyes baring down on you. His hands slid up just below your ass cheeks and slid towards your wet cunt, then stopped and pulled back. You let out a little disappointed breath and Hyunjin had to hide his smile. He rubbed the paint all over your ass cheeks, then down the front of your thighs and dipped his hands in the third color before walked behind you. 
“Sorry I kinda have to...” Instead of finishing his sentence he reached around and cupped your entire pussy with is big hand and started softly rubbing, spreading the paint. You leaned your shoulders back into him a bit as he massaged your cunt then his hand moved up and spread the paint up your waist. That time you did nothing to hide your disappoint groan. Hyunjin smirked and dipped his hands into the fourth color smoothing it over your back and and tummy. He dipped his hands in yet another color and palmed both of your tits playing with them spreading the paint, then he pinched your nipples hard. 
“Ow.” He pushed that pillowy bottom lip out at you. 
“Sorry baby they need to be hard for the photos.” You scoffed. 
“You’re still painting...” He nodded. 
“You’re right!” He dipped his hand into the last color and quickly covered the rest of your chest, shoulders, and neck. The paint felt cool on your body. Once you were covered Hyunjin washed his hands and grabbed his camera. He started to explain how he wanted you to pose and got you into position the angle he chose to take the pictures at was, invasive to say the least. He got you on your knees for another pose sitting up straight he laid down under you with his camera and took several shots of your painted cunt, his camera was so close you clenched and Hyunjin licked his lips as he clicked and moved out from under you. You fell over on all fours and let out a indignant sigh. Hyunjin put his camera down and walked over. 
“Why are you pouting beautiful?” You looked at him and your face softened. You shook your head. 
“Oh yes you are, you’ve been pouting the whole time. You think I didn’t notice?” You shook your head again biting your lip. 
“Oh I did pretty, I noticed that little lip...” He ran his thumb across it and you took it between your teeth again. 
“You liked it when I rubbed your cunt didn’t you.” Your eyes got wider with excitement and you nodded. 
“I did Jinnie... want you to rub it more... want you to make me cum... “ You tried not to whine but he’d teased you for so long. He cooed at you. 
“Oh baby be careful what you ask for...” Suddenly the air changed and he grabbed you by the throat. 
“You just might get it.” His eyes trailed down your body to your painted pussy. You let out a strangled moan. 
“You like your new necklace beautiful? Hm? You like it when I choke this pretty neck?” You nodded, unable to verbally answer but the slick gushing from you made that abundantly clear.  
“Get on your knees again... like before.” He roughtly let you go and you did as you were told. Hyunjin laid down and slid his head between your legs again. 
“Go on sit on it.” You hesitated, you were covered in paint you voiced your concern. 
“Jinnie the pai-” 
“Did I mention that this is edible?” Hyunjin spanked your ass hard and pushed you down. 
“I said sit.” His mouth made contact with your throbbing clit and immedietly started sucking on you, his hands gripping your hips urging you to grind against his face. When you did he hummed out pleased with your performance, he loved being smothered by your cunt. He spanked your ass again and you clenched and continued to roll your hips over his face while his thick lips worked miricals with your pussy. Hyunjin sat up quickly and suddenly you were on your back with your legs over his shoulders spread open for him, both of you covered in paint now. He looked at his meal in front of him and hummed. 
“Hmm missed a spot.” Hyunjin’s tongue started circling your asshole before he buried his face in your ass and started eating you properly. 
“Ji-Hy-oh fuck Jinnie please yes!” He pulled back and let spit trail from his lips down your ass before licking it back up and eating your cunt completely ravenous. Your thighs squeezed around his head.  
“Hold my head baby fuck my face hard.” You did as your were told and grabbed handfuls of Hyunjin’s hair pusing his face into your cunt as your hips grinded arcoss his tongue and lips. Hyunjin let you ride his face as he hummed and sucked on every bit of you, until you came hard screaming his name. 
“HYUN-HY-HYUNJIN FUCK YES EAT IT FUCKING EAT IT! GOD FUCK YES JINNIE!” He gently nosed at your clit and licked your glistening hole savoring your cum on his tongue. 
“So sweet, like nectar, my goddess tastes like a delicasy of course.” You twitched from the soft kitten licks he was still giving you. He let your legs down and hovered over your body covered in a mess of paint now. His hand found your throat again, gently this time, he was completely different than he’d been just a moment before. Soft again, like his lips, that he pressed to yours. 
“Why don’t you get a shower and meet me back out here yeah?” You nodded and he kissed you again before you ran off to his bathroom to wash the rest of the body paint off, edible or not, you were a mess. You turned on the shower and stepped under the warm stream of water. You grabbed Hyunjin’s loofa and put some of his body wash on it, sudsing it up before rubbing it across your body that was still buzzing from the orgasm Hyunjin had given you. You rubbed the loofa down your body and over your sensitive cunt. You softly moaned and dropped the loofa, you started to rub your soapy pussy. Another soft moan fell from your lips as your finger tips ran over your clit. There was a firm knock at the door and you heard Hyunjin call through. 
“You had better not be playing with my pussy. I’d hate to have to punish you for touching what’s mine.” Your pussy absolutely gushed hearing his possesiveness over your cunt. Your fingers deftly moved across your clit faster and you bit your lip choking back another moan, you were so sensitive it was going to be easy to push yourself over the edge again quickly, he’ll never know, you thought. 
“Beautiful? Are you listening to me?” You came on your fingers and answered in a shakey voice. 
“Y-y-yes I hear you J-Jinnie.” You rubbed your clit hard shuddering through the rest of your orgasm. 
“Mhm.” He answered back. You quickly finished washing up and got out. You wrapped a towel around yourself and remembered that your clothes were all out in the studio. You walked out water dripping in your towel and found Hyunjin sitting on his bed off to the side. You started to walk towards your pile of clothes. 
“I forgot to grab these.” Hyunjin tsked you. His voice was demanding. 
“You won’t be needing them.” You stopped. 
“You think I don’t know? Hmm? You think I couldn’t hear your juices as you fingered yourself in the shower?” You went to defend yourself but the look on Hyunjin’s face shut you up. 
“I guess even a goddess needs punished some times, I told you to be careful what you asked for didn’t I beautiful? Hm? I told you not to touch what’s mine yeah? And you played with that little cunt anyway didn’t you.” You nodded admitting your deed. Hyunjin walked over to you. 
“Thank you for being honest. I’ll keep it in mind while I’m punishing you.” He ripped your towel off and took in your soft, clean, naked body. 
“Go bend over my bed, now.” You cautiously walked over to his bed. 
“I said bend over beautiful don’t make me repeat myself.” He walked over to a dresser and opened the top drawer as you bent over his bed. He walked back over by you and pushed your down further then ran his hand up your back and softly rubbed your ass cheek. 
“A few rules real quick baby so we’re all having fun yeah? If you don’t like something or it’s too much you say the word red and everything stops yea?” You nodded in understanding and he bent over you pushing his clothed hard on against your bare ass, thrusting into you pushing you down more. He leaned in closer whispering the next part in your ear. 
“And if you’ve got your new necklace on or my cock down your throat and can’t talk three taps and it’s over understand?” He tapped your ass three times and you nodded. He spanked you hard suddenly and a delicious sting shot through your body 
“Say it!” He shouted at you. 
“I understand Jinnie.” He tsked you again. 
“Oh beautiful, your Jinnie isn’t here right now...” You looked back at him. 
“W-what should I call you?” He smirked and walked back over to the open drawer. 
“You should not speak unless told to gorgeous, you’re being punished. Eyes forward.” You immedietly did as you were told and it made Hyunjin’s cock throb seeing you so obedient for him. 
He grabbed a few things from the drawer and made his way around to the other side of the bed, in front of you. He started laying his ‘tools’ down in front of you to see. A paddle and a wand vibrator. 
“You’re going to get both of these and when I’m done you’re not going to remember which was supposed to be the punishment.” You could feel your pussy getting wetter just thinking about it and you clenched. Hyunjin just so happened to make it around the bed to see your hole tighten. 
“Oh you think you’re gonna like this huh? It is a punishment baby and touching what’s mine is a big no no.” The paddle slapped across your ass and you clenched again and Hyunjin tsked you. He spanked you again with the paddle a little harder but not enough to really hurt you by a long shot, just enough for your body to buzz and your cunt to clench again. 
“You’ve been such a bad girl you know that?” You nodded and he spanked you again. 
“Say it!” He yelled and you moaned out as he slapped your ass with the paddle again. 
“I-I’ve been a bad girl!” He hummed his approval and leaned over you again his plump lips pressed to your ear. 
“Such a bad bad girl...fucking Jeongin in a dressing room? Tsk.” He sat up and spanked you harder and you gasped. 
“How did yo-” Another slap of the paddle. 
“Did I ask you to speak?” You shook your head no and another sizzling slap connected with your ass. 
“To answer your question, you weren’t the only two at the mall that day and the way you both ran out of that department store completely fucked out made it pretty obvious.” He tossed the paddle, stood back, and started taking off his clothes. 
“Did you let him fuck you raw gorgeous?” You thought of lying for a second but your burning ass said to tell the truth, you nodded. 
“Let him cum inside? Hmm?” You nodded again. 
“Such a bad girl.” You thought he was going to spank you again but he started softly rubbing your sore, red ass cheeks. 
“So bad... fucking in public... letting Innie fuck your hole and cum inside?” He tsked as he grabbed the wand. 
“Bad girl. Lay on your back and spread your legs, show me that pussy.” You did as you were told quickly your ass still a little numb from the spanking your arousal coating the insides of your thighs.  
“Listening so well pretty girl.” Hyunjin ran his fingers up your thighs tracing through your slick, rubbing his fingers together and smiling. He parted your pussy lips and started pushing two of his long slender fingers inside you. You let out a little gasp. He started pumping them in and out slowly. Working you towards your orgasm with every brush of his fingers against your g spot. 
“Are you going to cum? Tell me.” You nodded. 
“Y-yes, gonna gonna c-cum.” You managed to get out between breaths. 
“Go on then... cum.” Your back arched as waves of pleasure crashed against you. You were breathing heavy as the buzzing in your cunt starting to die down. That’s when Hyunjin grabbed the wand vibrator, clicked it on and pressed it against your clit throbbing clit. 
“FUCK!” It was instant pleasure and pain, it was delicious, you had to scream out without permission, punishment be damned. 
“Well go on cum...” Your back arched again and you saw a whole galaxy exploding behind your eyelids. 
“Hy-Hy-Hyun...” You panted out. He pulled the vibrator away and checked in with you. 
“Red?” He asked and you shook your head no as you started to come down again. 
“Good girl.” The vibator was pushed hard against your clit again. 
“Another!” You shook your head, you couldn’t. Hyunjin pulled the wand away, slapped your pussy and pushed the vibrator against you again. 
“I said another! Now fucking CUM!” Your whole body contorted as you came again screaming Hyunjin’s name. 
“HYUNJIN FUCK HYUNJIN!” He smiled pleased with how absolutlely wrecked you already were, being no where near done with you. He pulled the wand away and let your body start to relax again. He softly slapped your clit a couple of times and pushed the vibrator directly on it yet again. 
“We’re doing this till you squirt baby so you might as well settle in.” Hyunjin made you cum three more times before you started squriting. He tossed the wand and slapped your pussy harder, your juices squirting out of you with each slap. He pushed four of his fingers against your clit and rubbed hard as your cum leaked out of you like a river. 
“Good girl, fuck! Such a good girl squirting for me like that, my fucking goddess I’ll happily drink you.” Hyunjin slowly massaged your whole pussy before he buried his head between your legs licking and slurping at your pussy, cleaning your juices off. When he stopped cleaning you he gave your cunt two more little slaps that made you jump from the jolt of sensitivity. Hyunjin crawled over you and kissed you as you laid limp and utterly fucked out. 
“I’m not done with you yet gorgeous, look at me.” You opened your eyes somehow. 
“I haven’t fucked this pretty little pussy yet have I?” You shook your head no. 
“Are you wearing my cum anywhere?” You shook your head no again. 
“That’s right baby so wake up cause you’ve got a cock to ride.” He kissed down your neck and chest then crawled off you and sat with his back against his head board. You climbed on to his lap and he reached over grabbing his camera. 
“Okay if I take a few pictures of you bouncing on my cock? I won’t get your face.” You line up his cock with your tender juicy hole. 
“Then how will you know it’s me when you jerk off to them?” Hyunjin bit his lip not expecting that response. 
“Fuck beautiful you’re right, silly me. I can’t believe I even suggested leaving out the prettiest thing.” He wrapped his fingers around your neck and pulled you down by your throat face to face. 
“That cute fucked out face you make when you cream for me.” He let go of your neck smacked your ass which was still numb. 
“Go on ride it.” Hyunjin sat back a little and angled the camera to get the best shots. You slid down on his cock and he couldn’t help but moan. 
“God baby, your hole is so fucking tight!” You lifted your hips and sat back down on his cock again and he clicked a couple of pictures. 
“I have an actual goddess bouncing on my dick right now of course I need pictures.” Click click. He took more photos. Your cunt taking his cock, your tits bouncing, your mouth dropped in to a soft moan. Click click click. 
“Grab your tits beautiful play with them.” Click click again. You grinded your hips against his as you squeezed and pulled on your nipples.  
“Mhmm, now your pussy, play with your pretty little pussy for me.” Click click click click. 
“Are you gonna cream on my cock beautiful.” You rubbed your clit and squeezed your tit hard nodding. 
“Y-yes gonna cum.” He shoved his fingers in your mouth as your cunt sucked his cock in again and again. Click click click click. He took his fingers and and traced a wet trail down your to your throat. He grabbed and squeezed tight and you clenched hard. Your face started turning red. Click click click click click click. Your soft wet walls squeeze his cock as you came. Hyunjin tossed the camera for a minute and held you down on his dick with one hand still choking you with the other. He held you down firm on his cock as he twitched and blew his load inside you deep. He finished filling your cunt and laid you back.  
Your hair was spread out on the bed, your arms out to your sides, your legs spread and Hyunjin’s cum leaking from your swollen cunt. Click click click. Hyunjin set the camera down again and started stroked his cock. You were sweaty, couldn’t possibly be more fucked out... you thought. Seeing you like that had Hyunjin’s cock rock hard again in no time. He pulled your limp body so that your head was dangling over the bed, the rest of you body stretched out in front of him. He grabbed your hair tightly and lifting your head and getting close to your face. 
“Can you hear me goddess?” You choked out a yes. 
“You’re gonna lay here and I’m gonna fuck your throat baby, you hear me? 
“Mhm.” You tried to nod. He smoothed your hair away from your face. 
“Good girl.” He stuck his fingers deep in your mouth making you open wide for his cock that he slid into your warm mouth, bottoming out in the back of your throat, making you choke and gag. He pulled out and his cock was covered in your spit, he rubbed it against your face. 
“You like it beautiful.” You went to answer and he pushed it to the back of your throat again, and again your throat constricted around his tip as you gagged, this time not pulling out but gently thrusting deeper, your drool dripping down your cheeks. Hyunjin grabbed his camera and took a couple more pictures of you upsidedown choking on his cock then tossed it aside again. He leaned over and started fucking your mouth harder. He pulled out and you gasped for air, taking deep breaths in while you could. Hyunjin’s hand speared your spit across your face. 
“So fuckin pretty.” He shoved his cock in again. He looked at your cunt and saw you dripping your arousal and his cum still squeezing out of you. 
“Does getting your throat fucked like a whore make my goddess gush?” You hummed loudly around his cock trying to nod. He pulled out again letting you get more air. 
“GOD YES FUCK MY MO-” Hyunjin pushed his cock to the back of your throat, grabbed the vibrating wand and pressed it against your throbbing pussy. Thrusting deep into your mouth, holding the wand down hard on your clit. You started squirting again and Hyunjin went fucking feral. He thrusted hard into your throat once, twice, three times and pulled out. 
“FUCKING YES GOD YES BEAUTIFUL FUCKING GODDESS SPRAY ME!” He flipped you around so that your cum showered him and shoved his whole cock into your cunt at once, your juices still squriting and squeezing out of you. Both of his hands wrapped around your throat and he choked you as he rammed his cock hard into your juicy cunt still spraying your cum on him with every unforgiving thrust. 
“FUCK FUCK FUCK! TAKE IT TAKE IT HARD FUCK YES!” He kept his grip on your throat with one hand and shoved four fingers in your mouth with the other slamming into you, the sound of wet skin and juices squelching every time his hips slapped against yours. He took his wet spit covered fingers from your mouth and rubbed them across your buzzing clit. You were in heaven a beautiful man choking you, fucking you, playing with your aching cunt. You came again, squirting for the third time. 
“YES FUCK YES SOAK ME BABY YES!” Hyunjin screamed for you. He slapped your pussy with one hand while you sprayed him, holding his cock with the other as your quivering cunt tried to squeeze him out. He shoved it hard and deep inside you. You were shaking and convulsing, a moaning mess of your own cum. Hyujin pulled out your jucies trailing out after. He climbed up your limp twitching body, straddling your neck, tugging his cock and aiming for your face. You somehow managed to open your eyes and look up. When you saw him sitting on your face, jerking his angry red cock aimed at you, you just opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue waiting for a taste. He moaned and started coming on your face streaks across your tongue and lips, a he leaned closer making sure coat your whole face. 
“Fuck yes!” He groaned twitching above you as the last of his load dripped into your mouth. He stuck the tip in. 
“Suck it...” You did and he winced. 
“Gently...” You softly sucked any remaining cum from Hyunjin’s cock. He pulled out of your mouth and rubbed the tip against your cum covered face, then took his hand and rubbed his cum all over your face. 
“Only thing this face gets painted with is my cum.” He shoved his cum coated fingers in your mouth gagging you a little. You sucked his fingers as he pulled them out. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @3rachasninja @svintsandghosts
“See this paint is edible too.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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bunnyteetharry · 9 months
Smart Girl
Tumblr media
summary: harry comes and helps you during exam week at college with a happy twist
warnings: none?
pairing: fwb to lovers! + hockey player!arry (college based)
————⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ —————⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ —————⋆ ˚。⋆
“I didn’t even say anything yet”
The person who you were trying to avoid this whole week was leaning against your dorm room door frame with a huge smirk across his face
and his pretty dimples out in the open
You groaned and rolled your eyes “I already know what you want, and it’s not gonna be with me tonight. Go find some other girl to fuck, i on the other hand am busy”. He hummed crossing his arms giving you that oh so deceiving look with his eyes. “Busy with what exactly” you opened your door more widely to point across the room to your bed that is littered with text books and flash cards, highlights scattered on the floor from you stress throwing and your trash can filled to the brim with paper balls.
“I can help” he smiled widely “And what’s your idea of helping? Sitting there and looking pretty?” His eyebrow rose “You think I’m pretty?” his smirk was bigger than ever “Are you gonna help or not because I have a big exam this week and I’m not gonna let anything distract me from it, especially you” his smirk faded into a more serious expression and walked into your room, setting his bag on the floor and flopping onto your bed, patting the spot next to him “Well, aren’t you going to study” rolling your eyes you shut the door behind you
this was going to be an eventful night
As surprising as it seems, Harry was actually the most helpful, didn’t even crack a sex joke in the past hour, which would immediately earn him a gold star in your book. “Another correct! see, you’re going to ace this” you gripped your hair roughly “But what if I don’t, what if all of this becomes pointless by the end of the day, what if I choke and waste time, and what if-“ the feeling of soft lips hits your quickly, with Harry’s hand wrapped around your neck “Stop over thinking this….you’re gonna do great, you’re my smart girl” his voice was soft, Harry’s voice has different levels, in the matter of different situations yet he always was like this with you, never lying to get this end of the bargain, always bringing you snacks after the end of your classes to make sure your well nourished, filling up your water bottle up even when it’s halfway.
You didn’t understand what was going on between the two of you, neither did he. But ever since 5 months ago, he’s been following you around like a puppy dog at you beck and call, being named the campus play boy he’s quite the opposite once you get to know him
Smart girl. That’s what he’s been calling you since your first met in English class, at first you though he was just another jock who needed help with his work and you’d be paid off to get it done for him but once you were assigned as partners for a project, you met another side of him not many get to see, not even his hockey team mates.
You slowly started hooking up 3 months in, what became weird was the looks you’ve been getting
why would anyone like him be with someone like you, with the pressure of not being good enough and exam week beating your ass, you couldn’t face him anymore
“Why have you been dodging me like the plague” you lips parted them quickly shut, not willing to give him a full answer “I can’t Harry” you sighed not even daring to meet his eyes. His hands went up to your face, moving it to where you can face him “Talk to me” those eyes….always getting you every time.
“I don’t know how to live up to your level, you’re so close to going pro, you were raised up in the suburbs, never having to worry about the things where I’m-“ his thumb crossed over your lips “You’re perfect, that’s what you are. You’re enough, doesn’t matter what people say, you’re it for me. Once you’re my girl officially, you won’t have to worry about a thing, I’ll take care of you.” He brought you in closer, nudging your noses together “Harry” he hummed “What my love, hmm?” you peppered kisses softly all over his cheeks “Is this your way of telling me you like me?” He laughed lowly “Was bringing you snacks after class, checking up on you when you’re having a bad day, bringing you coffee every morning and dodging every girl on this campus to rush over here to fuck you not enough to tell you that I’m obsessed with you?” you shrugged and joke “Mm I don’t know, you probably say that to all your other hook ups” he hummed and nodded
“I haven’t been with anyone else but you since the day we met” you smiled looking down and messed with your cuticles “Not me, Me and Niall…damn does that guy know how to-ow!” Harry pinched you “That’s not funny” you smiled laughing almost out of breathe “Mm it was pretty funny, especially seeing you already planning in your head on how to murder Niall”
He kissed you deeply with a strong grip on your waist and neck “Mine, My smart girl” he grumbled between kisses, you giggled brushing his cheek with the pad of your thumb softly “M’yours Harry”
“Good, now that that’s settled let’s go get something to eat” he smacked your ass as you both got off the bed “I need to eat before I fuck you” you scoffed and laughed “And you just decided that on your own just now” you picked up your bag, putting it over your shoulder “Mhm” he grabbed his keys and motioned you out the door.
a/n: got a little sloppy towards the end cause I was running out of ideas but overall I’m happy with the outcome! hope you enjoyed as well <33
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wh0relibrarian · 6 months
pretty thing
full fic based on this
just a few headcanons while I start working on a longer piece (I’m back home for the holidays and the idea of Sukuna being from the deep south has me frothing at the mouth)
content ahead: southern sukuna au, black coded!reader, just slight innuendos, reader is in her early 20s and sukuna is in his 30s, not reallyyy canon at all!! so don’t expect accurate information on his past, also, not his true form. don’t hate me!
word count: 913
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Southern!Sukuna who was born and raised in the deep south by a loving, yet distant mother. His father was never in the picture, but it’s okay, because Sukuna quickly learned that it would be his job to take care of his mother and little brother. This was no problem for him.
Southern!Sukuna who has always been a hard worker. Eventually, he’d come to run his own construction company. He’d been working his way up the ladder since he was eighteen. Now in his thirties he believes he should start doing something other than work. Maybe linger around a bar or two, see what “Tinder” is all about.
Southern!Sukuna who goes away on a business trip, never being the one to fly, but it was necessary for an upcoming project he had up north. One thing about Sukuna, he’ll always rep his home state. He’ll always have a shirt with the (insert a southern state) flag on it, if not a matching hat, it’ll be one from Bass Pro Shops. His entire body is tattooed from neck to ankle. He’s been getting them for years and they make his complexion look like silk. He takes incredibly good care of his skin, he has to in his line of work.
Southern!Sukuna who sees you eyeing him from his peripheral vision. You tried to be subtle, looking away as soon as his eyes would meet yours, but he caught you each time. You just couldn’t help yourself, the man was beautiful. You couldn’t help think what on earth a fucking cowboy was doing on this side of the country. Sure, you were going back to your hometown for the winter but there’s no way his reasoning was the same. He was visibly older, and no man with family up north looks that redneck. You had to know more about him, but oh god, you’d never actually approach him. 
Southern!Sukuna who walks up behind you while you wait for your bag to drop from baggage claim, as was he. It startled you, mainly because you swore he was just waving at someone waiting for him outside, you thought he was gone already; so when you feel a light tap on your shoulder, you expect it to be your mother who was supposed to be waiting for you in the parking lot. When you turn around and see a 5 '8 man (short king, but taller than me) looking down at you with wide eyes you can’t help but jump back. He didn’t mean to startle you, he just wanted to know what a pretty thing like you was doing in his neck of the woods. 
“I ain’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he reaches out his right hand from his pocket to give you a handshake, you reciprocate of course, still in awe that he’s speaking to you. “Was just wonderin’ what a pretty thing like you was doin’ in my neck of the woods.” His southern drawl was thick, and smooth. The way his words reverberated off his tongue sent heat waves straight to your cunt. 
Southern!Sukuna asks for your number, just so he can check on his favorite city girl throughout the holiday. After a short conversation, he learned that you were really only here for family. No relationship, no notable friendships, simply spending the next four weeks in what seemed like an all expense paid nature getaway. He didn’t want you to be lonely, claiming that he’d check on you every now and then to see how you were doing, maybe take you out at some point if you were up to it. You still couldn’t believe the exchange, he invaded your personal space with the most intoxicating scent— some type of deep musk he clearly used to cover the underlying smell of cigarettes. 
Southern!Sukuna who thought about you for days. You were unlike anything he’d laid eyes on. The first thing that stuck out was your hair. Thick and curly, not falling below your ears, but in the most gorgeous afro he’d ever seen. The ends were pink and he couldn’t help but think you both were meant to be, since his entire head was a light pink shade. Your skin looked so smooth, you smelled like clean laundry and strawberries. Maybe some type of sugary substance too. He pondered on all of these things for days, just aching for you to text him how bored you were, how you wanted to spend some time with him.
Southern!Sukuna who damn near fell out when he got a notification on his phone.
(111) 222-3333
Hey :) it’s the girl you met at the airport. I just realized I never got your name? I never told you mine either, lol, I’m ____.
You anticipated his response, thinking for a second that maybe you said too much. Surely an older guy like him doesn’t want to text like this. But then—
(444) 555-6666
Hey, sweetheart. Such a pretty name. Sorry for not properly introducing myself before, I’m Sukuna.
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