#i'll go back to screaming about today's chapter now
originalartblog · 1 year
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oh whoops sorry I'll come back later 🫣
(and thank you @sensitiveheartless for being responsible for this 💖)
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shapard · 7 months
Feather of Fate🕊️
Lucifer x Seraphim!fem!reader
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Soulmate arc
A/n: A little bit late for Valentine, but here ya go! Idk when I'll continue this, but this has been stuck in my brain for a long time.
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Chapter 1 > Chapter 2
You’ve heard about the story tales from your Mother Sera. How Lucifer has fallen because of his bizarre dreams.  To give humans a free will, which cost chaos to the world. 
As a punishment he was forced out of heaven with his Love Lilith. Sera claims that she wanted you to be safe, so there is one top rule she set up: Don’t Question heaven. 
You keep on holding tight to this one rule, not like your sister Emily. She gets into a lot of trouble when you’re not watching, which gets you also in trouble. 
Big Sister, Big responsibility, that’s what your mother always says. 
Sitting on the couch looking down at the apple sign on your wrist. It was a small apple with a snake surrounding it. It’s a Soulmate mark.
Every Angel gets a soulmate, so they get the perfect heir, some angels describe It as a heart pull and ache. You don’t really enjoy that you’re forced to love someone. It’s somewhere unfair that humans can marry someone they choose to love and trust. Meanwhile when Angels reject their bond, it will kill the two Soulmates in a span of time. 
Even when they’re too long apart it will show in a disturbing way. Aggression, Not eating, no sleep, the list goes on and on.
Putting your sleeve above your mark, not wanting anyone to see it. You got once because of it in trouble. Not a pleasant memory that you want to re live.
It does remind people of Lucifer, but he got Lilith, his soulmate. So that possibility is shrunk to zero. Why else sacrifice living in heaven for a woman?
Today was the meeting with Charlie the daughter of Lucifer. She wanted to talk about a hotel named Hazbin Hotel. 
…Time Skip…
The court room was all a mess, chaos has broken out whispering and hushes echoed through the pearly white halls. 
Emma broke the Silence with her soft singing voice “But she was right, Sera. She Showed us the soul can Improve. He saw the light, Sera. Checked all the boxes that you said would.” You Interrupted Emily and for the first-time in your live, you disobeyed the one set rule. 
“Prove a person deserve a second chance, now we turn our Backs, no second glance?” Sera looked towards you slightly disappointed but also guilty. 
Then the bomb was thrown in the room, extermination. It left you speechless. Why hide something like this and say it was for protection? 
It all went down so quick and with one move you started to doubt everything in heaven. Sera was scared, scared shitless that she’d loose Emily and you, but mostly you. 
You started to Ignore her and rarely left your room. The betrayal was harsh for you. You trusted your mother dearly and now you find out that your mother kills souls because she feels threatened. Threatened because of Lucifers dreams she said was once foolish. 
You started to break rules after Rules, causing a havoc in heaven when you leaked the Information about an extermination in hell. And in less than a week you were in chains in the courtroom. 
“Do you have any Idea what damage you’ve done Y/n?” Sera’s voice echoed through those now soulless halls. The seats now all almost empty. “What damage I’ve done? You call me the Imposter, but have you ever thought what you’ve done? You lied to your people AND your Family Sera.” 
Ouch, you never called her Sera just Mom. “Just do it already, I’m tired of hanging in here and watching my failure of a mother trying to push this longer.” You spat on the cold floor. The coldness reminds you how the last few days felt in heaven. Cold and lonely. “As you wish, do it.” her voice cracked, it was barely audible, but you could hear it. 
You shut your eyes tight and with a swift Moment you felt how your wings were cut off, your scream filled these cool, lonely court room. Sera was already gone, not wanting to see how she failed in one of her children.
The rest of your wings were ripped out of your back, making gold blood squirting all over the white floor painting it in a unique color. And then you fell, too exhausted to let out a desperate call for the comfort of your own mother.  
She didn’t even stay. 
Tears pooled lightly out of your eye. Even though heaven didn’t feel like home anymore, you’ll still miss heaven. 
The wind gushed on your Injured back making it only hurt more than it already does, you fell so fast, this is something you never really experienced you never fell as an Angel. But you fell, you fell deep and Landed on the ground. 
It the worst you’ve felt in these last hundred years of living. The bone that was connecting your wings with your body broke more into splinters at the impact. It had dirt sticking on your bones making you hiss as you tried to stand up making them move slightly in the dust. No success. 
You tried a couple more times, but you feel your stamina running out fast, so you just gave up. You laid there for a couple of seconds before you eventually pass out. 
Lucifer sat in his magic room, where his magical creations came from. The only thing besides Charlie what kept him happy. He took final glances at his old façade. 
It’s time to move on and move into the Hazbin hotel, even though he hates that radio guy, he does everything for his little Charlie. He walked out of his mansion closing it with a key. Taking a deep breath, he spun around and was ready to go. 
Something crashed loud in front of him, swirling all the dirt into Lucifers face. He coughed and waved the dust away. “What the fuck?” He looked at the cause for this early tumult, only to see a very beautiful woman in front of him. It didn’t take him a while to see that she was pretty bad Injured. His eyes dropped at the golden blood. “Oh no.”
The figure tried to stand up but fall multiple times and passed out after a while. No, no, no, no. Turning her around to see the damage, and it is bad. 
Three main bones ripped and broken apart, making him note down that she wasn’t just any Angel, she is a seraph. “Let me help you.” He carried her body very carefully, so he couldn’t do more damage towards her back. Teleporting himself and his other stuff in the hotel apartment, he laid you on his bed with your belly pressed on the mattress. 
He started to heal your back slowly and washed off the dirt from your face and the injury. He knew he couldn’t fully heal her wings back. But she could survive this with his help. And in an odd reason he couldn’t let her die. Some kind of pull on his heart making him already slightly attach towards the sleeping beauty. 
And this routine was repeated every day and when he realized her back was fully healed, he turned her on her back again. Seeing her now in all her beauty. 
“How can someone be this pretty?” he moved a hair strand out of your face and held your cheek. Stroking it a couple of times, it is as if he’s hypnotized. 
Shaking his head, he let go of her very quickly, “Lucifer you can’t just touch someone, she doesn’t even know you nor who you are.” He bit his long-clawed hand, debating whether he should go or not. 
In the end he left the room with heavy displeasure. Somehow not being near you made him angry. You were hurt and needed every protection he could offer. 
His mind screamed at him to go back to you, but he didn’t. This feeling confused the king of hell but, His mind and body were almost like two separate people.
 He pulled up his sleeve looking down at the red apple mark with a golden blue snake on it, like his halo. It was his Soulmate mark, he loves or loved Lilith dearly, but she wasn’t his mate. 
They both thought it may didn’t showed because Lilith is after all a human. Even when he had a soulmate, after landing in hell, he knew he’d never see his soulmate ever. 
He pulled his white sleeve again over the mark, not wanting to think about the what ifs. Maybe helping his daughter would keep his mind from you. “Let’s help Charlie.” 
After a while Lucifer still caught himself worried about you. 
You were laying on his bed for weeks, he healed you every morning and every evening hoping that you’d finally wake up. 
The arch angel Lucifer, and now king of hell, was worried about a seraph, what sarcasm. 
Getting ready for bed, Lucifer started to dress himself in his night gown and went to the couch. Since you’re sleeping on his bed, Lucifer decided to sleep on the couch. He didn’t want to disturb your healing progress
Hugging yourself into this blanket was heaven, and the smell of sweet apple and an alluring scent of musk. You never want to leave this place, for the first time since months you felt in peace. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you stretched you arms and legs, but one thing was missing. Your wings. And then reality came crushing down on you. You fell, from heaven. Your mother let you fall down the drain. She lied and didn’t even try to explain it to you. 
It was hard to breath as if you’d re-live the horror of falling from heaven down to hell.
You shacked uncontrollable making you Fall out of the bed. Out of habit you tried to fly those few centimeters. 
With a shallow thumb you fell on the floor. 
You winced from the Impact, and you tried to push yourself up with the next high object with shivering hands. 
This was a different gravity situation. 
Without your wings you slumped forwards, nothing to weigh your back. 
You pushed yourself upwards with the help of the shelf above you. The shelf lets out a creak from your weight and you fall back down with the shelf. 
The whole content on the shelf fell and crashed into pieces and you fell right into them. 
The ceramic pieces digged into your freshly healed wounds, you know that when you move, you’ll re-open the back wound. 
Out of panic your body began to move on autopilot.
With low groans and muffled screams, you leaned on the bed, golden blood smearing around the broken shelf and the white mattress. 
You started to sob at the pain. 
It was dark and all you wanted was to bathe yourself in the scent of that blanket. 
You searched for it. 
In the darkness you couldn’t quite figure it out where the blanket was but after a while you found it.
Holding the piece of cloth on your nose just to smell the comforting scent. You yelped when the light flicker on. A figure standing in the light. The figure was about 5’10 tall. 
You hid behind the blanket not wanting to look at the sudden appearance at the front door. 
Lucifer shot up at the sound of breaking ceramic. His mind told him to run towards the sound that came out of your room making him high alert. 
An Intruder? 
But who’d dare to come into the king of hells chamber?
Then he remembered that you were in his room, and without second thought he rushed towards your bedroom turning on the lights.
“You’re awake!”
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mama2bears · 26 days
Starting Over Again - Chapter 4
Pairings: Tyler Owens/Female Reader
Warning: Injury, Tornado, a few swear words, near death of character
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A/N: The words to the songs used in this story is “River and Highway” by Pam Tillis and “Starting Over” by Chris Stapleton. I don't own any of the lyrics or songs.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The sound of a door closing startles you awake.
“Morning!” Tyler smiles at you, holding a bag of something that smelled amazing.
“What is that I smell?” you ask, sitting up.
Tyler sits next to you on the bed as he pulls out the to go boxes, “We have a good 'ol Oklahoma breakfast here! Chicken Fried Steak with scrambled eggs and biscuits and gravy .There's donuts, cookies, sticky buns, and chips in the truck along with plenty of water for snacks.”
He gives you your box and hurries over to the dresser in the room, “I also got us coffee and orange juice. Cream or sugar for the coffee?” he asked.
“Oh...um...both.” you answer looking over the food, “Do you always eat this big for breakfast?”
“Only on days that we are planning to be out chasing most of the day. Might not be enough time to stop for lunch, so we fill up with a big breakfast and bring plenty of snacks.”
“Thank you. This all smells amazing.” you start to eat as the room grows silent.
“I am sorry about last night.” you broke the silence, you're eyes meeting Tyler's.
“What are you sorry about?” he asked.
“I am sorry I woke you up. Sorry I cried all over you.” you gave a small smile, “Sorry I unloaded my ugly past on you.”
“Don't be sorry.” he smiled softly, “I didn't mind.” he paused as he thought about his next words. Should he tell her the truth, that he believed he was falling in love with her, that he wanted to get to know her better, that he wanted more nights of her falling asleep safely in his arms? Or, should he play it safe, not knowing how she feels, wanting to give her time to move at her own pace, what felt comfortable for her..finally, he gave a small smile, “What are friends for, right?”
“Right,” you smile at him. You're both relieved and a bit saddened.. At least you knew how he felt about you now. You were friends, and that's how it should be, at least for now. You only met him yesterday. Sure, he was easy on the eyes and you felt at home wrapped in his arms...but he was a friend. You were still married to an abusive husband that may or may not be tracking you down right now. You honestly couldn't pin point exactly how you felt about Tyler. Your heart was screaming you loved him, but your mind was saying take it slow, you don't even know him. This was how you got into trouble with Lee. You were lonely and looking for love and fell for the wrong guy. You did not want to make THAT mistake again.
“Anyway, I think I got the room situation straightened out.” he stated after a moment of silence. “They gave us the wrong room yesterday. There is a couple here on vacation and they only needed one bed. They accidentally got our double room and we got the king one. We're going to pack our stuff up this morning and by the time we come back tonight they will have the rooms switched for us,” he paused, “That is if you are still okay sharing a room...”
“Yeah, that's fine,” you give him a smile.
“Great, I'll start loading up the truck and we can hit the road.”
“What's the plan for today?” You try not to notice how tight his black shirt was fitted over his chest, try not think about how he looked dripping wet or how warm and safe he felt as he held you close to him.
“You and me are going to ride together. I've got a laptop with weather radar set up in the truck. Help us track the storms, take video and photos. Boone and Lily are going to be in the other truck filming as well. Dexter and Dani will bring up the rear in the RV. Dexter is going to be helping track the storms with the systems in the RV.”
“Sounds exciting.” you nodded, eager to get started on your first day being a storm chaser.
“What's the biggest tornado you ever been in?” he asked.
“Not many big tornadoes in Tennessee.” you said, “Probably would have been an F3 that hit downtown Nashville. My mom and I were there on a weekend trip to see the Grand Ol Opry when it came though. There was an F5 during that weekend as well, but it was farther away from where we were staying. It was known as the Forgotten F5 because of the lack of news coverage. Everyone covered the tornado that hit downtown Nashville because it was so unusual for a large tornado to strike a downtown area, actually, it was the first F3 tornado to hit a downtown area in twenty years.”
“Were you scared?” he asked softly.
“Terrified! I was only a kid and I was already scared of storms...that only enhanced my fear. We had to run and take shelter in a building. Windows were breaking, glass littered the downtown streets, the sky was so dark it was like night.”
“Yet, here you are...a storm chaser chasing tornadoes...riding your fears!” he grinned.
“Riding your fears...what exactly does that mean?”
“It means you don't just face your fears, you jump in and conquer them. You can't just run and hide from it. You learn from your fears. In the case of tornadoes, we face them head on to try to learn about them, and prevent more people from getting hurt.”
“Makes sense.” you nodded, “are you scared of the storms?”
He was silent for a moment before answering, “Yes...and no. I am not scared of anything happening to me. I know the risks and I take them. I make it fun. I am scared for my team though, for those I care about...” he looks you in the eye, “I am scared for all the people in the path of the storm. We can't always stop a tornado, we can't always predict when and where it's going to hit. Sometimes, we miss it. Sometimes we are too late. That is what I fear.”
You nodded as you finished your breakfast, “That's why I wanted to get into weather. I was terrified of storms as a child, but as I got older I learned to love them. I loved the beauty and power of storms, but I hated the devastation they caused. I wanted to help find a way to warn people and to help people.”
“Well, you're in the right place then.” He grinned, “ready to ride your fears?”
“Defiantly.” you give him a smile back, feeling confident about the day and your decision to come to Oklahoma.
* * * * *
Lee sat staring at his computer, “I will find you, Y/N. I swear, you can't hide from me forever.”
He typed in your name again and was about to give up, not finding any results until...
“Who's the new mystery girl with the Wranglers?”
Lee clicked the link and found varies videos and photos from fans for a group called The Tornado Wranglers, who currently appeared to be in Oklahoma.
There, he found a picture of a woman standing next to a red Dodge Ram with a bunch of equipment attached to it. To Lee it looked like one of them tornado trucks.
“Who's the new mystery girl with the Wranglers?” the poster asked.
“She just showed up yesterday, I saw her and Tyler at a restaurant. They haven't introduced her yet. Maybe she's a girlfriend?” another poster stated.
Lee zoomed in on the photo and grinned, “So...Oklahoma.” he muttered, “not far enough. Not far enough at all.” he clicked on the link that lead him to the Tornado Wranglers YouTube channel.
After a few videos, he figured out that the team was currently in El Reno Oklahoma and the photos from the fans proved it was differently his Y/N hanging out with them.
* * * * *
“Any leads yet?” Tyler asked you as the team drove though a lonely country road. So far, the day had not seen much action.
“Here, just west of here.” you point on the radar, “it looks to be getting high and that hook is forming.”
Tyler glances at the radar and nods in agreement, “Dexter, what about that cell just to the west?”
“I am watching that one, Ty. Looks promising. What does Y/N think?” he called back.
Tyler flashed you a grin, “Ah, she agrees! That's where we're heading!”
You smiled to yourself as you looked out the window at the building storm. You were happy to have made a good decision, a step in the right direction, proving that you did know a little something about storms.
“THERE!”you shout, We got a funnel!” You pull out your camera and start filming the development of the twister.
“Hang on...we're going in!” Tyler grinned, jerking the truck to the right and though an open field.
You let out a scream of surprise and grab for the dash, “What the hell do you mean we're GOING IN!”
“Ride your fears baby, ride your fears!” Tyler yelled out, parking a mere feet from the now fully developed tornado, “Look at her! She's beauty!” he screamed over the roaring winds, but he was looking more at you then the tornado as he mashed the button, anchoring the truck to the ground. “Hang on!” he yelled.
You hold the video camera with one hand, keeping a death grip on the dashboard with the other. You couldn't believe what was happening. The tornado was going to go right over you.
“Tyler, is this SAFE?” you yell.
“Sure it is! This looks to be a EF2, maybe EF3. Depends on the damage it does. This truck is good up to EF4.”
And then the truck was surrounded by a whirling black cloud, debris bouncing off the metal with big thuds, pops, and bangs. The roaring of the wind and the shaking of the truck felt and sounded like a freight train running right over you.”
And just like that, as quickly as it started...it was over.
You looked at Tyler with a huge grin, “Oh my GOD! That was a freaking tornado! We were INSIDE of a TORNADO!” you shouted.
“Nothing like it, now is there?” he flashed you a grin.
“Thank you...” you smile at him.
“For what?” he asked, “putting you in the path of a tornado?”
“For giving me a chance...for giving me this experience..for being there.” You shrugged. You didn't know how to put into words everything you were feeling. This man gave you a job without even knowing if you were telling the truth. He was willing to give up his hotel room so you could be comfortable. He held you in his arms last night when you woke up screaming from a nightmare. He has done everything he could since you met him to make sure you were safe and taken care of. Then, he gives you the experience of a lifetime by driving directly into a tornado.
“Anytime, Darling.” Tyler smiled at you, “This tornado seemed to be a little short lived, but lets drive though town and make sure everyone is okay. If the radar still looks quiet we could grabs some dinner.”
“Sounds good.” you agreed.
“We're taking a ride though town, make sure everyone is okay. If all is good and radar is quiet we'll grab something to eat.” Tyler called over the radio as the trio of vehicles made a turn into town.
As you rode though the town, gazing out the window, you were thankful that it appeared that the only damage was to some trees and power lines, maybe some roof shingles and windows. Everyone looked to be okay.
“What you see on radar?” he asked you.
“Not much of anything. All the storms seemed to have died out for the day.”
“Let's call it a day, guys.” Tyler radioed, then looked at you, “Can I take you somewhere?” he asked.
“Sure.” you shrugged.
“I am going to take Y/N for a little tour and lunch. How about we meet up back at the hotel later tonight and we'll make our plan for tomorrow?”
“Sounds good Ty.” Lily confirmed.
“See you tonight.” Dani agreed.
“Hey, don't do anything I wouldn't do!” Boone yelled into the radio, making you blush a little.
“Idiot.” Tyler laughed.
“There's a sandwich shop on up the road here, do you mind if we take it to go?”
“No, not at all.”
Tyler pulled into the parking lot and hurried around the truck, opening the door for you before you had the chance. He started to reach for your hand as you walked towards the little shop, but decided against it. You hadn't lend him to believe you wanted anything more then friends, but he was determined to be there if and when you changed your mind. He stepped a bit ahead of you instead and opened the door to the shop.
“What will it be?” he asked as you two looked over the menu above the counter.
“All American sub with mayo.” you answer
Tyler placed the order for the two sandwiches, drinks and chips and you two walk back to the truck.
“So, where are you taking me?” You asked when he opened the truck door for you again.
“To a little slice of heaven on Earth.” he grinned, giving you a wink, “It's only a few miles up the road.”
Within minutes, Tyler turned next to a sign that read 'Lake El Reno Park'
“There's a creek that runs into this lake, called Fourmile Creek” he told you.
“Let me guess...it's four miles long.” you grin.
“Yep!” Tyler smiled, “It feeds into the lake and there's a bridge that goes over the river...” he paused, “It's just a nice place for a picnic I thought.”
“Sounds beautiful.” you smile as he parks and collects the food bag and a blanket. You open the door and get out this time before he gets around to open it for you.
“Hey...that's my job,” he pretended to pout.
“I am a big girl and I know how to open my own doors.” you stated.
“But I like to open them for you.”
“Alright, next time.” you agree.
Tyler spreads the blanket down and you set out the sandwiches, chips and drinks and take a seat next to him.
“Oh...one more thing I forgot.” he grabbed his keys and sprinted back to the truck. A moment later he returned with a guitar.
“You sing?” she asked.
“I try.” he laughed. “There's a old country song that this place reminds me of.” he said, strumming a few cords. “Um, here, let me just sing a few verses for you.” he starts playing the music and softly sings
And he rolls, he's a highway. Where he goes, time will tell. Heaven knows, she can't go with him. And he rolls, all by himself. All by himself.
But every now and then, He offers her a shoulder. And every now and then She overflows. And every now and then A bridge crosses over. It's a moment, every lover knows.
And she rolls She's a river Where she goes Time will tell.
Tyler trailed off seeing a tear roll down your cheek.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he asked, setting the guitar to the side, “I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.”
“No...no you didn't. It's a beautiful song, one I have loved for a long time.” you whisper then smile at him. “I never figured you for the romantic type.”
He shrugs it off picking up his sandwich, “Aw, it's just that I can kinda relate to the song is all.”
“Is there a special someone in your life? Or was there?” you ask, almost afraid of the answer.
He locks his eyes on yours, “There hasn't been. I dated...a lot...but there hasn't been that special someone..” he wanted to say, 'until now.' but he decided to hold it in, for now.
You both finish your lunch and make small talk about the chase of that day and team. Tyler cleans up the trash and sits back down next to you.
“It's so peaceful and quiet out here.” he said softly, watching the sun go lower on the horizon.
“Yeah, it is.” you agree, “I miss this. Before Lee, I used to love hiking though the mountains, or taking a quiet boat ride on the lake. Some days I would go into the woods, climb up in a tree and just read a book.”
“I'd like to do that sometime.” Tyler turned and locked his eyes on yours, “with you. Maybe you can take me to Tennessee and show me the mountains you loved, or we can spend the day cruising a lake. Maybe I could take you up to the Ozark Mountains around my home town.”
“I'd like that.” you smiled.
“One more song before we head back?” he asked picking up the old guitar. “There's another one that seems to be running though my head. Sometimes...I can say what I want in a song better then I can words.”
“Really? I am the same way. The song speaks to what I am feeling and can't say.”
Tyler strums a few cords and smiles softly at you, “You are the only person I have met that understands that. OK, so here it goes.."
And it don't matter to me Wherever we are is where I wanna be And honey, for once in our life Let's take our chances and roll the dice I can be your lucky penny You can be my four-leaf clover Starting over
This might not be an easy time There's rivers to cross and hills to climb Some days we might fall apart And some nights might feel cold and dark
But nobody wins, afraid of losing And the hard roads are the ones worth choosing Someday we'll look back and smile And know it was worth every mile
He lays the guitar down and reaches for your hand, “Y/N. I am sorry about this morning.”
You frown, “What about this morning?”
“I referred to us as friends.” he sighed, “We are friends, always will be. I'd like to be something more with you though. That's what I am trying to say in these songs because Lord knows I am not good with words and I am not good at showing my feelings. I know we only met yesterday, but I believe in love at first sight. I knew I was going to love you the moment you stepped off that bus. There was a connection there and I can't explain it. We'll take this as slow as you want, I am not going anywhere.” his eyes glistened with tears, “I hate that you've been hurt in the past. I wish I was there to save you then, but I am here now. I swear I will never do anything intentionally to hurt you. I'd like for us to date, hang out, whatever you want to call it. I want to be with you as much as you will have me. I want us to be a team, to be friends, and to be more...when you are ready.”
“I want that too.” you whisper, “I never felt this way about anyone. Not even Lee. I was lonely and scared and looking for love and I thought I was in love with him...but now that I've met you...I can't explain what this feeling is. It's so much more then I have ever felt before for anyone. I feel safe with you. I feel comfortable with you. You feel like home, and when I say that, I mean the home I grew up in. A home that was my safe place. A home where I was loved and felt like I belonged. I haven't known a home in a very long time, but I believe I have found it with you.”
Tyler leaned in slowly and paused, waiting for your permission. Waiting to see if you would lean in or pull away. His eyes gazed into yours and you felt butterflies in your stomach as you leaned forward and brushed your lips against his. He wrapped his arms around you and deepened the kiss.
A clap of thunder made you jump as lighting streaked across the sky.
“Well, I knew there sparks between us, but that was amazing.” Tyler grinned, standing up and helping you up. “Let's get to the truck before the skies open up.”
Tyler holds the blanket and guitar with one hand and your hand with the other as you both run for the truck.
“Where's the keys?” he asked checking his pocket where they were suppose to be.
You look around the ground and inside the truck and spot the keys and cell phone on the backseat.
“Tyler...those keys?” you grin.
“Oh no. no. no. no.” he pulls on the doors but they were locked.
“Okay,” he sighed, “You got your phone? We'll call someone out here to unlock the truck. I must have left them there on the seat when I got the guitar.”
“My phone is in the truck. I didn't think there was a reason to bring it just for a picnic. I am sorry.” you muttered as the rain began to pour down.
“It's okay.” he wrapped you in a hug, but looked at the sky with concern.
The air pressure was changing and you picked up on it too. Wind swirled around you and suddenly from inside the truck you heard the alerts go off on your phones.
Tyler quickly scanned the area for a safe place to go. “There!” he pointed to a ditch next to the river, “Go!”
He runs behind you pushing you towards the ditch as debris fly around. “Down!” he yelled over the roaring winds as he pushes you into the ditch, throwing his body over yours and pushing you as close to the ground as he could. He covered your head with one arm and kept the other arm wrapped around you. “Just hang on, it's going to be okay!” he promised.
You hear trees snapping in half, feel the pounding of the rain, you feel the wind trying to suck you up...and suddenly, Tyler screams out in pain and you feel his body get shoved against yours.
“TYLER!” You scream grabbing his arm that was still tightly holding you. “TYLER! YOU OK?”
“I am okay.” he promised as he gasped for air, “I think it was a tree that fell on top of us. You okay?” he asked. He felt what he assumed to be sharp broken off branches cutting deep into his leg, the weight of the tree pinned against his back.
“Yeah, I am okay.” you told him as the winds finally calmed down. The rain continued to beat down in sheets. Tyler was laying against you gasping for air.
“Tyler?” you were worried when he didn't move. Were you trapped? How badly was he injured?
Tyler laid there, feeling the blood running down his leg. He knew he couldn't get himself out, but he was damn sure going to do whatever he could to get you out.
“I am stuck here pretty good.” He finally answered, not wanting to concern you, “I am going to try to left up a little. I want you to get out from under me and go get help.”
“Tyler, no...I can't leave you.”
“Y/N...I don't know if there's more twisters out here or not. This rain pouring down could lead to flooding. The river is literally right next to us. I will be okay, we just need some help lifting this.”His body collapsed against yours as he worked to catch his breath again and you knew there was something more serious wrong.
“OK.” you agree, knowing that you weren't going to leave him, but also not wanting to waste his energy arguing about it.
“Ready?” he gasped, fighting against the pain. He had to remain conscious, at least until he knew you were free.
“Ready.” you answered.
Tyler screamed in pain as he pushed up against the tree and collapsed back against you. “Too heavy.” he gasped his body seemed to go limp.
“Tyler...stay with me.” you pleaded, trying to wiggle enough room to at least turn around and look at him and see how badly he was injured.
“I'm here.” he muttered, “just...need...to rest.”
You both lay in silence for a moment, the unrelenting rain washing over you. The rain was so intense that at first you didn't notice the water filling the ditch. It wasn't much, but you could tell it was raising.
“Tyler...water. We got to get out of here.”
Panic raced though his body. Water was filling the ditch, it was flooding...and he had you pinned face down. He was trying to protect you...now he was your death trap. He had to move, even if it killed him. He had to ignore the pain and move so you could be free.
“Y/N..listen to me.” he gasped. “I am going to move this thing.” he paused catching his breath.”You don't worry about me. You fight, you get out of here. You will drown if you stay pinned under me, and that in itself will kill me. I will NOT be a cause of pain for you. You get out of here and get help. Please Y/N...I need to know you will be alright.”
“Okay, I will.” you promise though the tears, “Tyler...I love you. I love you like I have never loved before.”
He laid his face against yours and kissed your cheek softly, “I love you too baby girl. Hang on, we will get through this. We will get through this and I will show you the love you deserve.” he choked back his own tears, trying to hide the pain in his voice. He didn't think he was going to get out of this one, but he dame sure was going to try.
Tyler took a deep breath, “Okay, on the count of three. I lift and you get out of here..one...two..THREE!” he lifted with all his might, ignoring the pain raging though his body.
If anything good was coming from the rising water, it was making the ground softer. You pulled and felt yourself sliding free. “I am out!” You yelled, scrambling to your feet as quickly as possible.
Tyler collapsed back to the ground, now having to raise his head to keep it above water as he gasped for air. “Go...go get help.” he pleaded as his eyes drifted close and he slumped face first into the ever rising water.
“NO! TYLER!” You hold his head above water, “please, you gotta stay with me. Help me...I need you to help me.”
He moaned hearing your voice calling to him. You needed him. He had to fight to stay awake. “I am here.” he muttered.
“I am going to try to move this tree and free you. Stay with me..hold your head up for me so I can try to free you.”
“Hmm hmm.” he muttered.
“TYLER!” you screamed.
He jolted awake.”I am here. I am here.”
“We gotta hurry, the water is rushing in now, but it might help me to move this off of you.” you looked at the mangled tree that was pinning his waist to the ground.
Tyler nodded, holding his head as far up as he could. You push against the tree, going with the flow of the water. Tyler screams out in pain but you keep pushing, you can't stop. If you stop, he drowns.
Slowly the tree shifts, and Tyler is able to roll over on his back and start to pull himself out, but suddenly the tree rolls back, crashing into his chest and completely pinning him under the rushing water.
“Oh God no! TYLER!” You scream, trying to lift his head up, but the water is just too deep and the tree was pined against his chest.
He was glad for one thing, the water was washing the tears in his eyes away. This was it..this was how he was going to die. He was going to drown. He always figured it would be a tornado that took him out, but he never thought about a flood. His heart broke for you. All the pain that your husband had put you though, he thought maybe he could be a chance at happiness for you...now, he would just be the cause of more pain. His lungs screamed for air and his final thought was at least he protected you from the tornado. He could only pray that you would find safety from this flood...he wished he could be there with you, holding you in his arms and comforting you. He wished he could still protect you...and then nothing but blackness.
“NO!!!!” you scream, feeling him go limp in your arms. You struggle to hold on to him, struggle to free him. Suddenly the tree shifted in the current and and you pulled with everything that was within. You felt him come free and you struggle to pull him out of the water and away from the ditch.
“Tyler...” you cried, feeling for a pulse and not finding none...”You can't leave me...” you yell, placing your palms over his heart and doing 30 compressions. You pinched his nose closed, tilting his head back and covered his lips with yours, blowing in two breaths before going back to compressions ....one...two..three you counted until reaching 30 again.
You check again for a pulse. There was none.
Giving him two more breaths you continue the compressions with tears streaming down your face, mixing with the pounding rain.
Suddenly Tyler gasped and started coughing. Quickly you turn him over to his side and hold him as he coughs up water.
“Tyler..” you cry, rubbing your hand along his arm...he continues coughing and gasping, spitting up more water and then lets his body collapse back against you. “Ty...” you hold him close to you, running your hand though his hair.
“You okay?” he asked, opening his green eyes to gaze up at you.
“You DIE on me, and you asking if I AM okay?” you laugh though the tears.
“Well...” Tyler was gasping for air still, pain etched into his face, “are you?”
“I'll be okay when you're okay.” you tell him, checking him over for injures. You spot the blood soaking though his jeans from a large gash in his leg. “I gotta go to the truck and get that blanket. You need something to slow the bleeding on your leg.” you tell him, but he doesn't answer.
“No...Ty.” fear grips you as you quickly check for a pulse, breathing with relief when you find one. Quickly you run to the truck and back to Tyler, wrapping the blanket around his leg as tightly as you could, keeping your hand pressed against it. “Hang in there,” you whisper, watching the slow rise and fall of his chest.
“You all okay?” You hear someone yell. It was a police officer out checking the streets after the storm.
“NO! We need help! We need an ambulance. He has a bad cut on his leg.” you yell, not willing to leave Tyler's side.
“Ambulance is on it's way ma'am.” the officer told her.
“Sir, one more thing...could you tell the Tornado Wranglers at El Reno Inn that Tyler Owens is hurt and heading to the hospital? That's our storm chaser team. They will be looking for us. The names are Lily, Dani, Dexter, and Boone.”
The officer wrote down the names, “Will do.” he nodded.
* * * * *
Chapter 5
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chiriwritesstuff · 9 months
The Girl in IT - 2. Off to the Races
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
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Previous Chapter │ The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Preview: You hesitantly reach for the massive bouquet, looking at the beautiful mix of colors in awe. "Joel," you breathe, "They're beautiful." "The woman at the shop said that certain flowers can have meaning. She asked me about you." He points to the flowers in your hand. "Lilies, well, they mean infatuation. Chrysanthemums, for excitement." He points to the pink rose. "For sweetness and admiration." "and the carnations?" "For fascination and enchantment." "Joel.. you don't mean that, do you?" He chuckles. "Oh, I absolutely do, Sugar. Those flowers are just my way of expressing what I already know."
Chapter Warnings and Tags: Joel Miller is hungry and wants to EAT, Smut, One massive Tess sized-cockblock, Boss x Employee relationship, Time Jumping to and fro, Joel Miller is a silly flirt, Joel jumps right in, Explicit language, Did I mention smut?, Soft boy Joel Miller
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: You GUYS. YOU GUYS (!!!!!)
Thank you so much for all of the love for the first chapter of my silly little series with my even sillier Old Man Joel and his Sugar. I am absolutely flabbergasted by all of the likes, reblogs, and comments from all of you, it really means a lot to me! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much it means to me.
I have the first few chapters written and planned out, and I hope to post at least a new chapter once a week. I can't make any promises as I go back to work next week, but I will try. I apologize in advance if I skip a week, it is not my intention to let you guys down.
I hope you all enjoy!
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[Hey Sugar, are you in your office right now?]
Yes, did you need something, Mr. Miller?
[Yes, actually, I do. I'll come to you, don't leave!]
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A knock on the door startles you.
"Hey, Sugar?" Tommy Miller's voice rings out from the other side of the door. "Have you seen Joel? I know he said he had to ask you about something, but that was an hour ago-"
"Yeah?" you reply, almost in a whine, your head tipped back in pleasure as you try to muffle a scream. "Joel? No, haven't seen him around. No, not since this—"
There's a pause, and then Tommy's voice comes again, this time with a hint of amusement. "Still wrestling with his laptop, huh? The man can't even change his wallpaper without causing a crisis. I'll check his usual spots. If you see him, tell him Tess needs him in her office, pronto."
Just then, the muted sound of a cough under your desk catches your attention. You look down to find Joel, crouched beneath the desk with a sheepish grin on his face.
"Now, where were we?" he chuckles, his eyes meeting yours with a mischievous glint.
“Joel!” You smack him playfully as you roll your desk chair back. “Tess will have your head if you don’t show up soon!”
“But I’m starving, baby! Just let me have a little snack-“ he pulls your chair back to him as he situates himself under your desk, lifting your skirt as he smiles at the sight of your barely-there scrap of lace one would call underwear. “Shit baby, is this for me?” He lowers his head to your aching cunt, his arms wrapping around your thighs as he pulls you closer to his mouth. He rubs the tip of his nose along your slit, a satisfied smirk forming on his lips. He licks at your covered mound, the tip of his tongue adding just enough pressure for you to gasp out in pleasure. “I asked you a question, baby girl. Who did you wear these panties for?”
“You,” you say breathily, covering your mouth to muffle up your moans as he plants kisses along your thighs. “You, Mr. Miller. Only you.”
“Who owns this pretty pussy?”
"You do, Sir."
"Damn right, I do." Joel licks his lips as he pushes your panties aside, licking your clit. "Fuck, she's aching for me, isn't she?" He locks his eyes with yours, his mouth hovering over your pussy. "Can I?"
You nod, not trusting yourself to keep quiet.
Joel shakes his head, displeased with your answer. "No baby, use your words-" he growls, nipping at your thighs as you wince in pain.
"PLEASE Joel, keep going!" He smiles at your eagerness, licking and parting your folds with his tongue. He pins you against his face, tightening his hold on you as your body trembles.
"Fuck, you taste so fucking sweet-"
"JOEL!" Tess's voice reverberates through the hallway, the urgency evident in her heavy-footed approach, each step echoing past your office door. "Has anyone seen him?!"
Joel lets out an exasperated groan, his head dropping onto your lap as you suppress a giggle. "Duty calls, Mr. Miller. Can't keep your boss waiting, can you?"
"I am the boss, just so you're clear on that."
"Sure, Joel, keep telling yourself that."
Joel crawls out from under your desk with a grunt, stumbling onto the carpet with a thud. "I'm definitely too old for this shit," he mutters, trying to regain his footing.
"It's your list, Mr. Miller. You make the rules, I just help you execute it," you quip, smirking as you extend a hand to help him up.  
He takes your hand, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He yanks you towards him, and you end up falling into his lap. "Right where I want you," he smirks, capturing your lips in a kiss.  
You smile as he starts to kiss along your jaw. "You are insatiable."
"Only for you, Sugar."
"JOEL, FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Tess bellows from across the building.
"You better go before she breaks down all the doors," you wince as you give him a small frown. "Again."
Joel sighs, pressing one last kiss on your forehead. "Fine, but once I'm done with Ms. Pain in my ass-"
"You're going to go back to work like a good boy?" you reply sweetly, straightening out your skirt as Joel heads towards the door. He gives you one last glance as he turns the doorknob, a hungry look on his face.
"This isn't over, baby girl. When I come back, I expect to eat."
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Ten years earlier. 
"Joel! Tommy! Thank you so much for coming! Please, come in, come in!"
Joel straightens up and smooths out his flannel, nervously fiddling with his tool belt slung taut on his hips. He gives a curt nod to the client, turning to his side expecting to find Tommy next to him. His eyes narrow at the empty space. "Tommy, you fuck," he hissed under his breath at his brother, who was casually smoking a cigarette off to the side of the client's perfectly manicured lawn. "Put that out and stop fucking around, we're getting paid for this shit!"
Tommy takes a long drag, exhaling a long plume of smoke before flicking the cigarette onto the street. "This is small-time shit, Joel. We should be playing with the big dogs, not wasting our time doing residential work. How much was the bid?"
"Bullshit. This is no more than 5, and you know it. It's just a fucking scorched roof, and at only one side, it's not even a complete replacement."
Joel scoffs at his brother, his eyes narrowing in irritation. "Have you seen the size of this fucking house? We're in fucking Westlake Hills, for fucks sake. Think of the potential! Maybe we can convince them to replace the entire roof, replace their windows... fuck, I just want to make a good impression!"
"Oh, so is that why you're dressed like a fucking moron? Cowboy boots? Really? You're 46, not 26." he appraises him as he makes his way towards the front of the house. "Don't tuck in your shirt, man. I can see your fucking beer belly from here!" Tommy looks towards the front door, the client having already retreated into the home. He cocks his head and whispers to his older brother. "Is the wife hot? Shit. Maybe I should have run a comb through my hair-"
"They want this project done in a month." 
Tommy whips his head towards Joel. "Are you fucking KIDDING ME? JOEL-"
"Boys!" The client's voice cuts through the building tension between the brothers, a sweet conspiratory smile on her face. "Are you coming?" She looks out into the distance beyond the brothers, a big smile blooming across her face. "Oh, Sugar! come and meet the boys who are fixing up the roof, you know, the side where your antenna thing exploded?" She beckons to the figure who was suddenly behind them, motioning her to join their conversation.  
She's a sweet little thing, Joel muses, all nerves and jitters like a baby calf attempting to walk for the first time. So fucking cute, he thinks to himself. You were dressed for the brutality of the Austin summer, with barely there cut-off shorts and a tiny white baby tee, the sweat forming on your skin wetting the thin fabric, and if Joel looked hard enough, he swears he saw the outline of your nip-"
"Baby," the client rings out, forcing Joel to look away in embarrassment, a blush forming on his neck all the way up to his face. "You remember Joel Miller, the contractor we ran into in the mall?"
"Yeah. I remember. Hi, Mr. Miller."
You cringed as you approached, your head downcast as you awkwardly reached your overbearing mother. "Tommy, come and meet my daughter, we call her Sugar, because she's so sweet! She's back home from UT Dallas, she's working her way up to her master's in IT! We're all so proud of-"
"Mom," you whine, glaring at the ground as you shift around uncomfortably. "I don't think they care about what I'm doing at school."
"Don't be silly, Sugar," the mom chided with a dismissive wave. "These fine gentlemen surely appreciate a smart, capable woman, right, Joel? Tommy?"
Joel, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected introduction, nodded with a friendly smile. "Absolutely, ma'am. Education is valuable, and we're glad to have such esteemed company. It's hard enough to go through earning your bachelor's, I'm sure it's hell trying to navigate trying to get your masters!" Joel clears his throat as he gives her a nervous smile. "You look great, by the way. You look well rested, I reckon this break is doing you some good."
Tommy, giving Joel an amused look, chimed in. "Smart is the new sexy, Sugar. Nothing to be shy about. I agree," Tommy winks at his brother as his smile widens at Joel's nervous shuffling. "Joel sure likes them smart and capable, alright."
You blushed, still uncomfortable with the attention. "Well, uh, nice to meet you, Tommy, and it's nice to see you again, Joel," You mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
"Pleasure to see you again too, Sugar," Joel replies.  
Tommy chokes on nothing as he witnesses his brother taking the girl's hand in his, placing a soft kiss on it. 
"Oh, brother of mine," he whispered to himself, shaking his head at seeing how smitten his brother was for you. "For fucks sake, what the hell am I going to do with you?"
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Six Months and One Week ago.
"Sugar? Is that you?"
You turn towards the deep voice, smiling at the body that it's coming from. "Mr. Miller, it's nice to see you again. Thank you so much for this opportunity-"
"I heard from your mother that you got that Masters, I'm proud of you, girlie."
"Oh," you stammer, "It was nothing-"
"Don't do that," Joel says with a frown, shaking his head in disappointment.  
"Do what?" you ask, matching his frown as he steps towards you. You can't help but gasp at his sudden boldness. You keep your hands glued to your sides, willing yourself to not reach out to his chest. You forgot just how much he affected you, even if it's been a decade since you've seen him last. He's older, sure, with strands of grey peppered throughout his curly hair... but he's different too, the remnants of his boyish charm morphing into something harder, more rugged, more broad. You tremble under his scrutiny. You force yourself to meet his heavy gaze. "Do what?" you repeat out louder, your voice getting caught in your throat as you push an errant strand of hair away from your face. 
"You shouldn't downplay yourself like that. Earning something like your Master's is a big deal, don't sell yourself short like that, okay?"
You grant him a small smile. "Okay."
Joel, satisfied with your answer, nods. "Want to grab a cup of coffee with me?"
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Six Months Ago.
"Are you sure she's good? Joel! Are you fucking listening?" Tess snaps, her fingers snapping for emphasis as Joel jolts in surprise. "It says here that she's been working at the Geek Squad for the last eight years; that's hardly enough experience to run an entire department—"
"She has her masters in Management Information Systems from UT Dallas, and the person who vouched for her-"
"Yeah, her mother? If she's as old as you, I highly doubt she can grasp what we need... what are we doing Joel? Are we just letting little old rich ladies headhunt for us now? I don't need no privileged priss in some ball gown running IT, we're a multi-million dollar company-"
"... who didn't even have a decent IT department in the first place, and now that Gloria is retiring, shit, Tess-" Joel runs his hands through his hair as he groans in frustration. "... she's better than everyone else we've interviewed, hell- at least we know that she's a lifer, being that she's worked for minimum wage at Best Buy for almost a decade! We have a chance to bring someone in to help out with the draftsmen, shit, she's even proficient in Revit! Tess, level with me: with her knowing that 3D modeling shit - we need her! More than she needs us!"
"So it's not that you want to fuck her, then?" Tess rolls her eyes as she throws your resume on his desk. "Yeah, Tommy mentioned your little high school crush on her, it's funny, you conveniently forgot to mention that-"
"Tess, don't."
"So if we decide to hire her, I won't catch you fucking her in your office? Her office? The conference room, the supply closet..." She glares at him, tipping her head back as she pinches the bridge of her nose in annoyance.  
"For fucks sake Tess, are we hiring her or not?"
Tess rises from her seat, running her hands down her slacks to straighten them, and gives Joel one last glance. With a half-smile, she shakes her head as she heads toward the door. "I'll email her an offer. If she takes it, she takes it... But, I will be starting her off at our base pay."
Joel nods, suppressing the urge to beam as much as he'd like. "That's fine."
"Oh? And Joel?" She pivots back to Joel, hand on the doorknob. "I didn't hear a no. If I catch you guys in my office, I will fucking castrate you, you hear?"
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Two weeks ago.
Subject: About that list...
11:30 am (30 min ago)
Thanks for saving my ass last night. The meeting with The H Hotel went off with a hitch and Tess was none the wiser for my little mishap... no harm, no foul, right? Right.
About earlier today, when you said "Let's do this", was that a "Yes, maybe?" or a "Yes, definitely?" because I would very much like to do this, with you, at your pace, of course. I don't want to pressure you or anything. I'm just fucking excited, you know? You have no idea how much I've wanted to talk to you back then... I let shit get into my head, you know? Fuck. I'm rambling.
Thank you for giving me a chance, Sugar. I promise I will do everything in my power to make it worth your while.
Subject: RE: About that list...
11:45 am (0 min ago)
Yes, definitely. Yes to all of it. 
When do you want to start?
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One week ago.
[Hey Sugar, are you busy?] 
Not at the moment, I'm about to clock out for lunch, what's up? Did you click on a phishing link again?
[Sugar, have a little faith! Say, I'm about to head out to lunch too, meet me in the parking lot in 5?]
That's rather forward and presumptuous of you, Mr. Miller. What if I had already brought lunch from home? What if I was looking forward to eating my adult lunchable?
[What the hell is an adult lunchable? It sounds terrible! What if I take you to that little Sushi joint down the road? Would that be enough to convince you to come out with me? I'll let you snack on the lunchable on the way there.]
Hey! Don't knock my charcuterie! Also, Doesn't that "little sushi joint" have a two-month waiting list? It's impossible to get in! I thought that it was only open for dinner?
[Baby, don't you know that we built that restaurant? Masayoshi is a good friend of mine, and he owes me a favor. All it takes is one call, what do you say? Nothing's impossible for my Sugar.]
Nothing's impossible for my Sugar. Sugar. My Sugar.  You read Joel's message over and over again, your stomach growling as you contemplate the current state of your life. If someone had told you six months ago that you would manage to not only crawl your way out of the depths of Geek Squad hell, snag a decent job, and catch the eye of your hot-as-fuck boss, you would have laughed in their face at how ridiculous that sounded. It is ridiculous - how one little mistake led to having everything you could have possibly wanted out of your minuscule life, hot man included. So what if you haven't had a serious relationship since college? It's not like you were with your ex long enough for you to go all the way, and even then, you weren't remotely even into him, he was too skinny and nerdy and didn't scream 'man' at all. His nervous laughter and awkward shaking did nothing for you. Joel, on the other hand- now that was a man. A man you wouldn't mind climbing like a tree, all thick and firm and sturdy...
[Sugar? You still there? Are we doing this or not?]
You snap out of your daydreaming, your decision already being made. Your hands shake as you type out your response, your fingers striking the keys with a finality that you never would have thought you would ever have the courage for.  Well, you think to yourself as you press enter.  Here goes nothing...
I'll be right there. See you soon.
[That's my good girl.]
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"Hey, Sugar," Joel greeted with a playful grin from the driver's seat of his F-150, his arm casually resting on the open window. His eyes lingered on you as if savoring the moment. "Hop in, Masayoshi is heading over to the restaurant now."
You rolled your eyes with a teasing smirk as you approached the passenger side, clamoring into the cab with a bit of awkward grace. "Just like that? A single call to your chef friend, and he drops everything to cater to your every whim? Color me impressed, Mr. Miller."
Joel chuckled. "Well, what can I say? I am sort of a big deal." He reached for your hand across the center console, fingers intertwining, his thumb tracing soothing circles on your skin. "Is this okay, Sugar?" He lifted your hand to his lips, planting a gentle kiss. You couldn't help but smile, feeling a delightful flutter in your stomach. Turning your head away, you mumbled, "It's very okay, Mr. Miller."
"Now, what did I tell you?" Joel teased, a glint in his eyes. "It's Joel, none of this Mr. Miller nonsense. Save that for when we're crossing off items on my list, alright?"
You couldn't help but laugh nervously, a blush creeping up your cheeks as Joel's easy charm and forwardness caught you off guard. "You're going to be the death of me, Joel," you quipped, half-jokingly, half-serious, unsure how to navigate the sudden closeness. The air in the truck seemed to hum with a subtle tension, and you wondered if Joel could sense the rapid beating of your heart.
Joel's gaze held a playful sparkle, and he grinned. "Well, Sugar, I hope it's a good way to go." He revved the engine, and the truck rumbled to life as he pulled out onto the road. 
"So, Sugar, tell me something interesting about yourself," his fingers tapping the steering wheel to an imaginary beat.
You chuckled, playing along. "Well, Joel, I like to teach myself new things, I have a British shorthair named Sir Bubbles, you know, because I was obsessed with Bridgerton, And, by the way, it's Mr. Miller only when executing things on your list, right?" you teased, recalling his earlier remark.
Joel shot you a sly grin. "Sharp memory, Sugar. You're catching on quickly."
As you neared the sushi restaurant, the conversation seamlessly transitioned to lighter topics. Joel shared stories about his work, and how it felt working with Tommy and Tess, and you found yourself drawn into his earnestness and honesty. The playful banter continued as Joel made his way towards the edge of town, your cheeks hurting from how easy it was to smile in his company.
Parking the truck, Joel turned to you with a playful glint in his eye. "Ready for some sushi and more of my irresistibly charming company, Sugar?"
You roll your eyes, feigning reluctance. "Oh, the charm? I don't know if I can handle it, Mr. Miller."
He grins, opening your door with a flourish. "Well, brace yourself, because it's coming."
As you step out, Joel pauses, reaching behind your seat. "Wait a sec," he says, unveiling what looks like the botanical equivalent of a small garden. "A little something to brighten up your day."
You raise an eyebrow. "Is this part of the list?"
Joel chuckles. "Maybe."
You hesitantly reach for the massive bouquet, looking at the beautiful mix of colors in awe. "Joel," you breathe, "They're beautiful." 
"The woman at the shop said that certain flowers can have meaning. She asked me about you." He points to the flowers in your hand. "Lilies, well, they mean infatuation. Chrysanthemums, for excitement." He points to the pink rose. "For sweetness and admiration."
"and the carnations?"
"For fascination and enchantment." 
"Joel.. you don't mean that, do you?"
He chuckles. "Oh, I absolutely do, Sugar. Those flowers are just my way of expressing what I already know."
You playfully roll your eyes, holding the bouquet to your chest. "You're quite the charmer, Mr. Miller."
"Only for you," he replies with a wink, taking your hand as you both head towards the sushi restaurant. "After you, baby girl."
After lunch, you and Joel emerge to find the heavens have opened up, rain pouring down in sheets. Joel stops you in your tracks, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of sincerity and mischief.
With a twinkle in his eye, he asks, "Mind if I tick off the first thing on my list?" 
You smile, stepping closer to Joel as he tucks an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, the both of you soaked to the bone.
"Yes please, Mr. Miller."
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Taglist: @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat, @gwendibleywrites, @joeldjarin, @brittmb115, @thewiigers,
@auteurdelabre, @quicax3, @casa-boiardi, @amyispxnk, @untamedheart81,
@paleidiot, @bbiophiliaa (I apologize if I missed anyone, but if you are looking for any of my fic updates, please feel free to follow my updates blog @chiriwritesstuffnotifs!)
As always, dividers by @saradika-graphics
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madamechrissy · 9 days
Take Me Home Tonight
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Law Professor Satoru Gojo x Student Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Gojo is like 29 here, reader is like 22 or 23. Nothing too crazy. But is Professor/teacher forbidden type love. In this chap- Fingering, cunnilingus, explicit sex, breeding kink, violence, descriptions of violence (ANGSTY CHAP)
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 8.5k
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ After passing your LSATs, your friends take you out to unwind. You never go out, so you are awkwardly agree, and you end up in the arms of a super hot man named Satoru. You end up screaming Satoru's name as he drops down on his knees before you, only to lose him in the club. All you have is his first name. Two months later, in your Criminal Law class, your heart stops. Your teacher? Professor Gojo. Or as you soon call him, Professor Dickhead. You can't fuck up your law school, and he won't fuck up his career, not just because he makes you wet in class, no, he's a dick. Right? That pout and blue eyes don't wreck you, right? - Lawyer AU
Chapter 9 - Masterlist - Playlist
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Chapter 10
The escort agency is in a sketchy part of the city, and Satoru keeps looking at you worriedly that evening. “I’m fine, Professor.”
“You sure? I can take you back-”
“I’m good, promise! You should see the foster homes I was in. This isn’t anything to me.” He frowns more now, and you all pause on the sidewalk, you can feel the tension, the worry.
“I hate that you ever went through that, baby.” He whispers now, caressing your face sweetly. You gulp a bit, sighing and holding the hand that’s so gentle on your cheek.
“It’s all gotten me here, next to the best lawyer there is. The most handsome too. The best-” Satoru closes your mouth with his hand, and you smile against his warm palm.
“Don’t get me hard, brat, stop it.” You’re giggling now, making him glare at you, long white lashes covering half of his pretty blue eyes.
“Sorry, you’re so cute.”
“Cute!? I’ll show you ‘cute’ later.” He kisses you firmly, lips overtaking yours, and you sigh at how good it feels for a moment, before he takes your hand. “Let’s go, Miss Brat. Lawyer mode.”
“Did you really say lawyer mode!?”
When you get there, dragged along by the stupidly tall and stupidly handsome Satoru Gojo, who’s wearing a black suit looking way too good, the bouncer at the door nods at Satoru, letting you both in without a word. You look at him curiously, and he peeks back with a smirk.
“Paid informants silly, never partook in the goods here.” You roll your eyes at his wolfish grin. “Jealous already?”
“Shush.” The inside is dimly lit, with red velvet couches and a bar along the back wall, and there is a woman sitting in a little booth. The woman looks up, and you can see the recognition in her eyes when she sees Satoru. She’s very pretty, with long red hair and green eyes.
“Mr. Gojo, wow it's been years. And who might this lovely lady be?” She asks, her voice a purr as she smiles curiously at you.
Satoru’s grip on your hand tightens, and you can feel his possessiveness, and his reassurance. “Hey Aoi.” He introduces you now, pulling you closer and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Favorite student.”
“Oh! Oh… Mr. Gojo.” She’s laughing now a bit, wiggling her brows as Satoru grins, and you’re a blushing mess. “Hey now, doll no worries. Who can blame you with him? And also you’re so pretty.”
“Thank you, so are you Miss Aoi.” You say, flush decorating your cheeks, and she smiles softly.
“And she’s so sweet. All right, I’ll put aside my broken heart for her, Mr. Gojo. How can I help you today?”
“I break all the hearts, don’t I? I’m too pretty.”
“Gojo!” You playfully shove him and he just brushes his snowy white hair back with long fingers, winking down at you so damn charmingly.
“Came to see one of your girls, and Madam.”
“Let me see if she’s available.” She is gesturing to the plush sofa in the waiting area. "Please, have a seat, you two. I'll inform the Madam about your arrival."
Satoru nods then, as he guides you to the couch. “Thanks Aoi.” You sit down, your heart racing at being somewhere so new, so different. The walls are adorned with velvet and the air is thick with the scent of expensive perfume, so cloying it irritates your nose a bit.
As you wait, you feel Satoru's hand squeeze yours reassuringly. You look up at him, and he gives you a smile that's a mix of comfort and challenge, as he pulls you against him, hand on your thigh. You lower your lashes, and feel his chuckle against your collar bone, tickling you now.
“Nervous, Miss Brat?” He asks, in that deep timbre, and you sigh, nodding.
“I am, this isn’t… I’ve just never been anywhere like this.”
“Oh, this is just the waiting room, wait till we walk through. Bet you blush red like a tomato.”
“Mmhmm, or get horny. It’s a toss up.” You roll your eyes, scooching away, but he yanks you back to him. “You were so jealous just now.”
“No! I just… well, you never…”
“Nah, not my style. Though I don’t blame any of them, making money off rich idiots. And a lot of these women are so smart. They’re great for information.” You brush your fingers up and down his collar as you wait.
 You know he's as eager to get to the bottom of this as you are, you can feel the tenseness of his body against yours. Your knees are knocking together, you keep fidgeting with your hands, then fiddling with the charms on your bracelet. Satoru takes your hand in his, looking at you seriously.
“If you’re uncomfortable-”
“No, no. I’m good. Just nervous about everything.” He sighs, looking at your little charms now.
“You need another, hmm?”
Before you can answer, a curtain at the back of the room parts, and a statuesque woman emerges. She's dressed in a tight, crimson dress that clings to her body like a second skin. Her eyes are sharp and assessing as she looks you both over.
"Madam," Satoru stands, releasing your hand, "Thank you for seeing us."
"Mr. Gojo," she says, her voice like silk, "It's always a pleasure. And who is this lovely young lady?"
"My top student. She's assisting me with the case." He wraps an arm around your waist and her eyes catch it. “She’s also my Shnookums.”
“Shnookums? Huh.” Madam's gaze lingers on you, and you hold her stare, feeling a flicker of something unpleasant. It's not hostility, but something else. Calculation, maybe. "Well, well, this seems interesting, let's talk in private."
You both get up and follow her into a back room, the curtain swishing shut behind you. The room is dimly lit, with a large desk and a few chairs, thick incense heavy and smoking, there are ornate paintings and the walls are red with foiled gold leaf. There's a sense of something seedy but also it’s classy in a way. It’s what you would picture for a Madam, you think at least.
Madam sits down in a big red chair, plush and velvet, crossing long bare legs and smirking at you both. "What brings you to my establishment after so many years, Mr. Gojo?"
“Aww, miss me Madam?” He shoots a wink, and she rolls her eyes.
“Want a drink, you two?” You look at Gojo and he nods. “There’s a decanter of brandy right there, it’s a good year.”
“You’re always so sweet you know.” She scoffs, and his hand brushes your thigh before he stands, adjusting his suit a bit and then pouring from the crystal decanter, allowing the Madam time to study you.
“You’re awfully pretty. You should come work for me.” She cooes, and Satoru comes over and scowls at her, making her smirk. “What, she’d make top dollar.”
“I enjoy law, but thank you for the offer.” You say smoothly, and the madam’s red lips tilt up.
“I like her.”
“I know, she’s the best. Here ya go, Madam.” Gojo hands her a glass, then you, with the clear amber liquid. “Now…” He sits next to you, hand possessively clutching your thigh, he always has to touch you when he can, and you love it, love feeling so connected. “I need to talk to one of your girls. She might have information on our suspect."
Madam's expression doesn't change. "Which one?"
Her eyes flicker with something, but she remains calm. "Kanna is no longer with us. She's moved on to... other opportunities."
You see Satoru's jaw clench, and you know he's not buying it. "Bullshit," he says, his voice low and dangerous, "I know she's still here, I’ve already had details about her. And I need to talk to her."
Madam sighs, leaning back in her chair. "Very well. But what's in it for me?" She asks, and Satoru smirks now.
“How about… this.” He pulls out a giant wad of hundreds, there was surely thousands of dollars there, and she nods then, standing.
“Always a pleasure, Mr. Gojo. I’ll have her come in. It was a pleasure to meet you, you’ve got quite a man.” She is trailing her long red nails across your cheek, tilting your chin up. “And he’s got quite a girl.”
“I sure do.” She tousles Satoru’s white hair, sauntering out then, leaving you both waiting in anticipation. “She’s kinda a bitch.”
“Mmm, seems like a businesswoman to me.” Satoru chuckles, as you take a sip of the strong liquor, coughing a bit.
“Hey!” Soon though, a young woman with short black hair and a wary look in her eyes enters the room. She's dressed in a short, lacy dress that leaves little to the imagination. You can see the fear in her eyes as she looks at Satoru, and something in your chest tightens.
"Thank you for coming, Kanna. We need your help." Satoru says then, standing up to shake her hand, and her eyes flick to you, and then back to Satoru, curiously.
"Sure, what's going on?"
"We're working on a case," he says, his voice softer now. "And we think you might have some information that could help us."
Kanna looks at the floor, biting her lip. "I don't know anything."
Satoru's gaze turns intense, and you can feel the power in the room shift, it’s like you can see him go into that mode, the serious one. "Look at me," he commands, and she does, her eyes wide with fear. "I need the truth, Kanna. We're trying to put away a dangerous fucking man, and free an innocent one."
For a long moment, she's silent. Then she looks up, her eyes meeting both of you, fidgeting as she sits down finally. "Okay," she whispers, "I'll tell you what I can, that was a long time ago."
“Thank you, Kanna. All right, do you remember a run in with Naoya Zenin?” She tenses, and nods, and you see it right on her face, she’s fucking terrified.
Kanna's voice is shaky as she starts talking, her eyes darting between you and Satoru, and you can see the fear in them. She tells a story of a night with Naoya, a night that ended with bruises and tears. The way she describes his behavior sends a chill down your spine, confirming the suspicions you've had since the moment you laid eyes on him.
Satoru's expression is unreadable, his icy blue eyes never leaving hers, studying her, even as he still holds on to you so close, like you’re tethering him from losing his shit. You hold his hand carefully, he is so tense and you can feel the anger simmering under his calm exterior, his hand balling into a fist at his side that’s not holding you. You know he's holding back, for now, but you’re not sure for how long.
Satoru is furious as he hears what he’s done.
“So why didn’t you say it was him that night with your friend!?” Satoru’s voice is harsh, and you can feel him coming apart at the seams. You struggle to hold his hand, which is clenched so tightly in a fist.
She opens her mouth, then closes it, and tears start pouring from her eyes, so you stand up then, grabbing a box of tissues, and you walk over to her, bending on a knee down on the plush rug. You dab her eyes gently, and she smiles a bit tremulously, Satoru is quiet behind you.
“He’s just really, really worried about someone else getting hurt. You can tell us anything, we’ll protect you, okay?” She nods then, and you come to hold her hands, which are cold and clammy.
“Th-thank you. He told me he’d kill me if I said anything, and I believed him… I was so afraid.” She’s sobbing and you’re holding her thin body, as it wracks with her shaking shoulders.
Satoru comes up then, putting a hand on her shoulder, and one on yours, mouthing a ‘thank you’.
When she finishes her story, you can see the wheels turning in Satoru's head. He's piecing together the puzzle, looking for the one piece that will make it all make sense. "Thank you, Kanna, you've been very helpful. Do you think Madam has any vido cameras back there?”
She frowns, nodding. “She does. I’m not sure how far back they go but I suppose you might find the video of him with me. As for my friend who… is gone… I don't think so. He took her to his place.”
“I’ll pay her to find it. Kanna, could you possibly share this in court?”
“Oh god facing him!?”
“We’ll be right there, Kanna.” You say reassuringly. “He scares me too, he’s already… threatened me.” Your eyes lower, and she gasps, then holds your hands tightly.
“I’ll do it.”
“Oh my god!” You hug her tightly, feeling so much emotion for a girl you barely know. “Kanna you’re so brave.”
“I wouldn’t want you hurt because I was too afraid. But please… I need to make sure I’m safe.”
“You will be, I can get you out of here too if you want. A new life, far away?” She sighs, nodding then, and Gojo stands up and hands her a huge amount of money now, so much it was insane to physically see.
“Oh, you don’t have to.” She hands it back, but Gojo shakes his head.
“You’re doing me the biggest favor. Just keep this between us.”
“Of course, thank you. It will help me so much.” She stands up and hugs Gojo, then comes to hold your hands. “Please be careful. Mr. Gojo take good care of her.”
“I will, of course, I’ll get this mother fucker. Don’t worry.” She exhales, and there is a heavy tension in the room as you both get up to leave, Satoru's hand on the small of your back guiding you out.
Once you're outside, the cool evening air hits you like a slap in the face, and you both take a moment to breathe. "Shit, that was... something."
Satoru turns to you, his eyes a mess of emotions, those swirling cerulean depths drinking you in. He pulls you flush against him, exhaling, warm against the chill of the air, puffing a bit of your hair back. “You were amazing there.”
“What? No, Satoru, I just comforted her.” You look down a bit, but he tilts your chin back up.
“No, you were so caring, where I was harsh. Thank you. I don’t know if she would have opened up without you.” You hug him tightly, and he sinks his lips onto yours, moaning softly in your mouth.
“You’re so welcome, I’m so happy if I helped.”
“You have no clue. I’m learning from you.”
“No way.”
“Mmhmm.” You both keep pecking kisses, as his praise washes over you, making you so damn happy you can’t think. “Let’s get some rest, big day tomorrow.”
“Cuddle?” He smirks, nodding, and leads you back.
That night you end up falling asleep in his lap again, as he can’t tear himself from his research, and your heart aches for him.
Satoru Gojo is sipping on a sugary mocha frappe, as you’re sipping on a french roast the next day in a break room. This morning had been more witness testimonies, as Satoru is waiting to ruin it all if he can’t get this witness, Kanna, to be allowed.
“They’ll allow it! Fuck yes.” He says once he’s hung up the cell phone, his eyes lit up, despite the heavy dark circles. You bounce up eagerly, and he pulls you to him, exhaling as he clings so tightly.
“Oh Satoru, this is good news.”
“I’ll play stupid and fuck it all up. I’ll let him get ruined. But fuck, it’s going to be shit to ‘lose’.”
“You’ll be winning, really. Think about it.”
“If he says one word, I’ll fucking kill him.” Satoru says, tersely, then his alarm goes off, it’s time for you all to head back. “Fuck remember when I fingered you in like four minutes?”
You giggle at that, shaking your head at his change of subject. “Yes, I remember, crazy man. You spit on it!”
“Sure did.” He purrs out the words, and you’re a blushing mess now as he pulls you so close. “I’m taking a break after this case, thinking I’ll become a daddy.”
“Satoru stop that!” You smack at his hands as they come over your tummy, and he’s giving you puppy eyes.
“Too flat, I need it filled with me.” He picks you up, as you wriggle around in his hold, but he’s way stronger, and you’re getting turned on with him.
“You’re such an adrenaline whore! You’re getting turned on because we’re gonna get him, aren’t you!?” He grins then, letting you down, you slide down his chest slowly, giggling then.
“Like you’re not too, get turned on by true crime.” You shove at him playfully, before falling easily into his kisses. “I love you, Shnookums.”
“I love you, Toru. We got this.” You pop more reassuring kisses, but there is such a looming presence to your happiness, a heaviness in your chest that you can’t quite describe, gnawing at you.
You shove it down, you need to be here for Toru.
Sitting next to Naoya again, you have your shoulders squared, your chin up high as you watch your man, as he decimates the prosecution with ease, like any good defense attorney. Each question is a dance, a mix of Gojo pretending to try, and letting so much slip that will go against Naoya, as if biding his time until he’s going to demolish his own case.
“The prosecution calls Kanna Otigori to the stand.” Says the prosecutor, and Gojo pretends to be surprised along with everyone else. He may or may not have paid off the prosecution to call her.
Yeah Gojo is something alright.
Her eyes widen in fear as she sees Naoya next to you, and you look over to watch him stiffen, his fists clenching the table so hard they’re turning white. You can’t stop the smile the quirks up on the side of your lips, but you instantly erase it when he looks over at you. His eyes are terrifying, they make you tremble as he glares.
“What’s wrong, Mr. Zenin?” You ask softly, and he scoffs, rolling his eyes and sinking down into the seat.
“Didn’t give you permission to talk to me.” It’s your turn to scoff, looking at your notes for a moment, but suddenly he’s gripping your leg so hard you’re crying out, the courtroom is too loud currently with the uproar for it to stand out.
“Get the fuck off me.” You hiss at him, and he slides his hand up then, you grip his wrist, digging your nails in and glaring. “Get off.”
“I’ll expose you both if you ruin this shit for me, fucking got me?” You tremble, looking away as he continues to boldly touch you, in front of the whole room, but no one could see. “Let me catch you when your body guard isn’t around.”
He lets you go, and your heart is shattered, as you realize everything you have with Satoru is going to crumble. You’d ruin your career, his… but you can’t let him get away with this shit. You casually kick the fuck out of him with your heel under the table, and he damn near lunges at you before he realizes what he’s doing.
“Was gonna be sweet with you. Not now. I’ll fucking ruin every inch of you.” He whispers, and finally you can’t take it, you’re hyperventilating. You step out, rushing through the room, and eyes are everywhere on you.
You sink against the wall, holding your chest, it feels as if it were going to just explode, and then Satoru is there, holding you. “Satoru, no, go back in. Go back in! You need to fucking get him! You-”
“What’d he say!? What happened!? Baby tell me.” He’s cupping your face, having left his own damn trial for you.
“I’m ruining your life.” You whisper through tears, and his lips part in a gasp, as he shakes his head furiously, bending low, his beautiful face blurring as you keep feeling more and more faint. Your blood pressure has skyrocketed, you’re shaky, and you can’t catch a breath.
“You’re making my life. There was nothing before you. Stop it. Please, baby, c’mere…” He pulls you against him as you continue to hyperventilate, to the point you’re not sure you can breathe anymore. “Baby breathe with me. Please.”
Satoru holds you close, his hand rubbing circles on your back as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, trying to calm you down. You focus on his steady breaths, trying to match them, but it's hard, really hard. The walls seem to be closing in, and all you can think about is Naoya's threats, about Satoru’s future, and you realize you’re crying all over his dress shirt.
"I've got you, everything will be fine." He whispers, and you want to believe him, you really do. You cling to his suit, breathing him in, trying to ignore the panic attack that's taking over your body.
But it's not fine, is it? It’s never going to be fine if Naoya gets away with this.
You manage to suck in a breath, and he leans back to look at you, his eyes searching your face, so concerned, so loving. "You okay?"
"No." You admit, and his own expression cracks, just a bit. "But I'll be okay. We'll get him."
"We will, I promise you. If not, I’ll fucking murder him, you got me?” He cups your face as he says it, as you lose yourself in his eyes. “What did he say?”
“I can’t tell you, you’ll fuck up the case. I need your head in the game, you need to get him. Please.” Satoru scowls then, opening his mouth to demand you tell him, when a court officer approaches, looking stern.
"Mr. Gojo, you're needed back in the courtroom." Satoru nods, looking torn.
“I need a break, please, I’ll be back in. Don’t worry, I'm okay.” He frowns, and you feel his energy, his love, as he shakes his head, but you gently push him.
"I love you. I promise I’ll do this right." He whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead, before he has to go back in, but his touch lingers, as you hug yourself, trying to control the violent shaking.
If you are going to be a criminal lawyer, you need to try to face this, you need to push past it.
You allow yourself some time before you walk back in, sitting next to this fucking man, and finally watch Satoru work his magic. He gives you a reassuring little smile, and you thank God he doesn’t know what Nouya did just yet, you know he wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Your skin crawls as you continue to sit next to this disgusting man, but he’s actually terrified now, his eyes bulging out of his head, as Gojo plays ‘dumb’ and acts so shocked that the witness is ruining his case. He’s waving his hands dramatically, and trying to ‘argue’ his way, half assed of course, and suddenly the prosecution is looking happy.
“Kanna, how are we to believe you!?” Satoru asks, as if he’s really trying to dissuade her, then suddenly, a bailiff is handed evidence, and Satoru once more pretends to look shocked.
It’s a perfect show.
You both had admitted it to evidence by paying the Madam double what Satoru already had, to make it look like the Prosecution had done so. These Prosecution lawyers probably thought they were killing it, beating the Satoru Gojo!? And Satoru let them think so.
The Satoru Gojo, the best lawyer, who never loses, is going to lose on purpose, so he can make sure this fucker disappears.
“What is this!?” Satoru asks, as the judge views it, turning pale.
“This is… please, everyone, allow me a moment.” The judge is so disgusted she walks out for a moment, before convening with the lawyers and the rest of the team. “We will play this, but please be aware, it’s graphic.”
The video so clearly shows Naoya abusing Kanna, and you feel your stomach roll with nausea, tensing, as the jury looks on in horror. Kanna has already been escorted back, and you know she will be going far away, starting hopefully a much better life than she had. You’re ready to vomit, as Naoya is losing his shit, and his family is trying to control him.
Satoru is holding his mouth, as if he’s as sick as the rest of you, at points he couldn’t even look. “Your honor, I have nothing to say, defense rests.”
Everyone in the courtroom is in shock, there’s so much noise that the judge banging her gavel isn’t doing a damn thing, they’re all losing their shit. The famous Gojo rests his case, and he comes up to stand between you and Naoya, who lunges at him, and you see Satoru’s insane blue eyes, his brows up high, grin huge like the joker. He looks fucking crazy.
“Looks like our next talk will be how to keep you off death row.” He says, patting Naoya then on the shoulder, and then he’s just dragging you out, you race in your heels to catch his quick, long strides, until you all are out front.
“Satoru, are you okay? That was-”
“What’d he do? What’d he do fucking tell me.” You blink a bit, as he’s cupping your face so tight, and that insane look is even more insane, his eyes are so bright they hurt you to stare at. You take a shaky breath, looking around, and seeing people filing out of the courtroom.
“Satoru, we can’t right here-”
“I don’t fucking care. Tell me. Now. I have to know what he said to get you that way, what he threatened, he’s clearly a fucking monster!” His voice is breaking, and it breaks your heart to see him this way, as he’s got you in a vice like grip.
“Satoru, you’re hurting me.” You whisper, as he’s squeezing your head so hard it aches, he instantly releases you, pulling you against him and kissing you, shamelessly right there. “Satoru we can’t!”
“You’re fucking mine. I’m so tired of it.” He’s burying his face in your neck, and you know people can see, they’re starting to stop and say things.
“Please calm down.” You ease back a bit, then pull him away further, until you are behind a little alcove in front of the court house, and Satoru is completely on edge, he’s trembling all over. You run your hands gently down his arms. “If I tell you, you have to promise you won’t do something rash.”
“Nope, just tell me.” You sigh again, then hug your own arms, looking down as he studies you. “I need to fucking know baby.”
“Shit. He touched my thigh… and higher. Satoru!” He’s punching the bannister, and you watch it crackling, as he faces you again. “What else?”
“What else!?”
You tremble at his tone, you’ve never seen him so unhinged and it’s terrifying you now. “He… said he’d ruin me for you.”
“Fucking what!?”
“It’s fine, we’re going to-”
“I’m done acting so fucking mature. I’m done being the bigger person. He can’t touch you, don't you get it baby? I’ll never let him touch you again.” Satoru slings off his jacked as Naoya is coming right for him, and your heart drops in your stomach.
There’s no reaching Gojo now.
The crowd gathers around the two of you, whispers flying, as Naoya stops right in front of you, his eyes bloodshot with rage. "You think you're so fucking clever, don't you, Gojo?"
Gojo grins, looking terrifying, but Naoya doesn’t back up one bit, as Gojo starts laughing then. "It’s about to get so much worse for you. I wonder which boy will rape you in prison?" Satoru says, his voice deadly calm, his eyes glowing with rage.
Naoya loses his shit then, shoving at him. "You think you can just use me to win your little game? I'll show you what happens when you mess with me."
Satoru steps closer, so close you can feel the heat of his breath on your cheek. "You're already going down, Naoya. This is just the cherry on top, beating you to a fucking pulp for touching her."
You watch as Naoya's eyes narrow, his hands curling into fists, and Naoya swings first, but Satoru is already moving, his fist connecting with Naoya's jaw with a sickening crack. The sound echoes through the air, and Naoya stumbles back, his mouth hanging open in shock, and you watch blood already pouring from Satoru’s huge fist connecting.
You watch in horror as Gojo grabs him, slamming him against the banister, each punch thrown with the precision of a master. It's clearly not Satoru’s first time fighting, he seems to know every spot. Naoya struggles to get a single hit in, but Satoru is ducking, then swinging and punching his stomach.
“I said if you touched her you’d fucking die.” He bites out, as people are now recording on their phones.
“Satoru…” You try to get his attention, but he’s well past that, and you want to stop him, but your body is frozen, your heart racing as you watch the man you love beat the living daylights out of the monster that is Naoya.
Satoru is like a force of nature, unstoppable, relentless, and you're both terrified and turned on by the power he exudes, and there’s now the threat of everyone seeing this, seeing him fighting Naoya over you. Naoya lands a hit on Satoru’s pretty face now, and you lose your shit, you snatch up your briefcase, coming behind him and whacking the fuck out of him now.
You can hear the murmurs of the crowd, the gasps, the whispers of shock and excitement as you’ve seemingly joined the fight. “Don’t touch him, you piece of shit!” You growl out, and Naoya coughs up blood, as Gojo grins over at you, pulling you to him for a moment.
“Fuck you’re hot.” He says, and you actually giggle, as he’s covered in blood, kissing you in front of a whole audience.
You all are SO fucked.
Naoya comes and shoves you then, knocking you on your ass, and then Satoru is back on him, knocking him to the ground and straddling him. “I’ll fucking kill you, don’t you dare touch her!”
Naoya’s family is trying to break it up, as are others, but the fight is brutal, each hit landed with a ferocity that leaves you breathless. It seems like it goes on forever, but it's really only a matter of minutes before Naoya is on flat the ground, not moving, and Satoru is kneeling over him, chest heaving as he keeps punching. Naoya isn’t even conscious.
“Satoru… he’s out.” You come to him then, touching his shoulder, so tense and shaking, but he looks up at you, then back at him, and punches his swollen, bruised face again, as you hear the sirens approach.
The police come rushing over now, trying to pull Gojo away, but he’s not listening, he’s lost in his rage, until you’re grabbing his shoulders. “It’s okay, it’s over, Toru please stop, please." You’re shaking him, and finally, he’s coming back to reality, looking down at you, his eyes still alight with that rage, but now there’s a hint of something else.
He looks at you, and you just nod, and stand then, and he kisses you, so hard, before the cops can drag him away, whispering in your ear. “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry. I’ll fix it, I’ll get us out of this, I promise. I love you so much, so much.”
“Satoru, I’ll get you out. I’ll head right there okay!?” He nods then, as the cops are putting the love of your life in handcuffs, and the ambulance is taking a completely unrecognizable Naoya away.
You’re left standing there, as Satoru is taken away in the car, and you hop in his, heart racing and hands trembling, as you now have to navigate his car, and you follow the cop car, seeing his bright blue eyes peeking at you from the rear window. You stay right behind them until you get to the jail.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You curse inside of his car, smacking the wheel as your chest is heaving, as you’re fucking terrified.
You end up having to wait over three hours, agonizing as your friends let you know they’ve already watched the video on youtube. As Suguru and Nanami blow up the phone Gojo left, and there’s an insane amount of calls from Dean Yaga to both of your phones, that go unanswered.
You all are so fucked.
After a long, long wait, they let you bail Satoru out, luckily he had a fuck ton of money in his wallet, because it was hefty, and when he steps out, he is laughing and chit chatting with the cops. They’re patting his back, apologizing for this, and he’s grinning when he finally gets to you.
“Satoru!” You’re in tears, and he picks you up in his arms, hugging you tightly, and the cops clear their throats.
“Let’s go, baby.” Now you’re cleaning Satoru’s wounds in the little hotel bathroom, pulling out different things from the first aid kit.
You gently clean Satoru's face, your trembling hands moving with the gentle precision of a sculptor repairing a cherished masterpiece. Satoru’s beautiful face is a masterpiece, and to see it marred seems so cruel. You’re dabbing on his busted lower lip carefully, before applying antiseptic.
“It might sting.” You murmur apologetically, and he smiles a bit, as his hands sit on the nip of your waist, hands encompassing it.
“I am getting taken care of by the hottest nurse, I’ll not be a little bitch and cry about it.” You snort at that, as his hands now press into your hips, making you melt more and more.
“You’re too positive. Fuck you know what happened…” You exhale, as you continue to wipe him clean, dabbing right on his eye which is swelling a bit. “I’ll get some ice for this.”
“Mmm, you spoil me. Nurse and student fantasies.” You giggle at him, returning with some ice and wrapping a washcloth, placing it on his brow bone.
 His eyes are closed, and his breaths are shallow, but he grips your hips firmly, as if afraid you'll slip away. The room's stark lighting casts stark shadows across his skin, highlighting the raw, red marks where Naoya's knuckles had made contact. The adrenaline rush from the fight has begun to recede, leaving behind a cold wave of fear that now crashes over you,
“I’m scared, Satoru.” You whisper, and Satoru's eyes finally open, meeting yours with a fiery intensity that makes you gasp. He pulls you closer, his grip tightening.
“Don’t be baby girl, I’ll deal with this. I promise, I won’t let it touch you.” He says desperately, and you shake your head, blinking back tears.
“Why don’t you ever worry about you!? Why is it only me!” You’re shaking him by the shoulders, and he lets you, just studying you with heartbreakingly gorgeous eyes.
“I’m rich as fuck, I’ll pay them to keep you at the school.”
“Satoru, what about you!? You’ve done everything to nail him, even losing this damn case, you can’t let this ruin you. Not when you help so many.” You whisper, and now you’re straddling him as he sits at the edge of the tub, and he’s blinking back emotion, his long white lashes dripping with little droplets of tears.
“Who do I help?” His broken voice kills you, you shake your head, gently cupping his cheeks, careful not to hurt him, and he’s gripping your hips bruisingly, as if he never wants to let you go.
“So many people! Satoru you’ve saved lives, you’ve put away murderers-”
“An innocent man!”
“And we’ll get him out! Stop it, you need to know how amazing you are.” He’s crying silently now, you gently brush his tears away, taking a shaky breath. “You’ve saved me in so many ways. You’ve given me arms that make me feel like I’m at home, finally.”
He’s sobbing, resting his head on your chest, and you cling to him, holding him so tightly as he does, his big hands gripping your shirt so tightly you think he’ll rip it right off. Every sob and shake break you internally, as the man you love is so broken, he’s got so much fucking pain.
“I fucked us up too.”
“No! We’ll handle it. We will. Satoru nothing will keep me from this, even if… even if I can’t…”
“Don’t say that, you have to be a lawyer, fuck you’re destined for it. You’re so good baby. I swear to god I won’t let that fuck up.” He looks back to you, and you nod, trembling in his hold as emotions flow, as the little bathroom is suffocating in all the emotion and tension.
“I will do anything for you, Satoru Gojo. Anything.” He picks you up then, moaning, and wincing at the same time. “Satoru, are you okay!?”
“ ‘Tis but a scratch.”
“Did you just quote Monty Python?”
“Good girl.” You giggle, even though it’s fucking insane, even though you are both beyond fucked, even though Satoru just beat up a murderer and everyone knows about you.
Even if your life is ruined, Satoru is here.
Flesh and blood.
“I need you, I need you. Please.” You’re begging as he’s carrying you to the bed, and he exhales, undressing you slowly, unzipping the business skirt you were still wearing, as the moonlight is pouring in through the hotel window. You tremble as he unbuttons your blouse, kissing each inch of exposed skin.
“I’ll give you anything, baby girl.” He murmurs, as your hands are enwrapping in his snowy white hair, so soft in your fingers, and then he’s got you bare aside from a bra and panties. “Beautiful.”
“Oh, Toru…” You’re crying now too, needing him so badly you can’t think, breaths coming quicker when he takes off his shirt, revealing that perfect body. You eagerly run your hands down it, kissing down his chest, until he shoves you down on the bed, right on your back, shaking his head.
“Let me take care of you, baby girl. Please?” He whispers, his eyes dilated so that there’s just a thin blue ring, as his hands caress your sensitive skin, leaving a wake of fire. “Be a good girl f’me, baby?”
“Yes, of course. Of course, Toru. Please.” You whisper, sitting up to undo your bra, letting your breasts bounce out, and he’s groaning, gripping them and squishing them in his hands, kissing down each mound. You cry out at how good it feels when he bites you there, when he squeezes so hard.
“Too rough baby?” You shake your head, and he exhales, kissing around an areola before sucking one of your perky nipples in his mouth, nipping it with his teeth, and your hips buck up at how good it feels. It shoots straight through your tummy, where his hand is sliding down. “I fucking love your body.”
“Th-thank, ah! Toru!” You’re soaking your panties, as he’s slipping his finger down the waistband, moaning when he finds you.
“You’re such a good girl, always so wet f’me baby. Aren’t you?” His voice is hoarse, his finger slipping up and down between your lips, and you’re clutching him so tightly, manicured nails digging in his back, making him hiss. “Yes, fucking mark me, please baby.”
“Toru…” You’re not used to him like this, as his eyes flutter shut over you, and he’s so vulnerable then, so needy, as he whines when you’re finding him over his pants, rubbing. “So hard for me Toru? Show me.”
“Yes baby.” He leans back and takes off his clothes finally, you eagerly go to touch him, feeling his length twitch in your grip, but he shoves you back down, shaking his head. “I need to take care of you.”
“You can do that by fucking my throat?” He groans at that, eyes shutting for a moment, allowing you to look just how beautiful he is as that moonlight hits his alabaster skin.
“You drive me insane. The moment I first looked into your goddamn eyes at that club. No, before, when I saw you just standing there.” You’re blinking rapidly, as he’s taking your panties off, kissing down between your breasts, nipping at the tight skin at your ribcage, and you cry out, growing even wetter as your cunt is exposed to the cool air of the room.
“You did?” You whisper, he looks up with those heartbreaking eyes, nodding and kissing further down, nipping your soft tummy, then even lower, shoving your thighs apart and groaning.
“You didn’t belong there. It’s what I thought. I thought, who is this girl? Why does she make my heart stop?” You’re sobbing, even as much as you’re soaking wet between your thighs, your fucking eyes are too, and you’re arching your back for his hot mouth, as your love grows so much it hurts.
“Satoru, I couldn’t- fuck- stand it when I saw you. You changed everything… at that moment I- ah!” He’s licking your inner thigh, right where it’s at that apex, and you’re shivering at the sensation, then he’s breathing on you, looking up in the night up your body. “I knew I was done for.”
“Knew when I tasted this perfect pussy. When I drank you.” He laps you up then, the way this man devours you, the way he worships you, you can’t stand it, you can’t take it, you’re so close already, you’re shattering with a few flicks of that tongue. He groans against you. “When I saw… those eyes… when you cum…”
“Satoru, please, please. Fuck me. Please.” You beg for him, yanking at his hair now, and he desperately slides up you, as you cup his bruised and cut face, still so beautiful it’s unreal, and you feel that weight on you, feel his body heat pouring through your skin. “Please, Toru. Need you in me.”
“I’ll give you anything.” He shoves inside you then, and you’re screaming, literally screaming at the stretch, at the fill, as your greedy cunt is sucking him right in. “F-fuck, you feel so goddamn perfect, sucking me in s’good.”
“Toru! S’big- ngh I- fucking love your cock, fuck.” He presses on your throat now, squeezing and shoving his cock inside you so deep, to the hilt, you lose oxygen, seeing stars glittering behind your damn eyes.
“Feel me baby girl?” He presses on your stomach then, and you look down, as he moves in and out, seeing a bulge that makes you blush furiously. You just nod, as he still has his other hand on your throat. “Feel me everywhere.”
“I do, Satoru fuck… I do. Everywhere.” You whisper, as he’s choking you tightly, you grip his wrist with one hand, the other clutching to his back, nails digging in again, and he hisses, before pulling back a bit.
“Can you take it hard?” You nod, eagerly, then he exhales, as if he’s been holding back, his consideration touches you, but his cock railing you, ruins you.
“T-T-Toru!” You’re choking out his name, as he’s fucking into you brutally now, as his mad blue eyes dreamily drink your face in, and you lose yourself in them, in Satoru Gojo, as he’s pounding you into the mattress, as he’s taking your breath. You cum so hard you feel like you’re floating, like you’re flying so damn high in the air, and only he brings you back.
Satoru eases his grip on your neck, but now he’s leaning down, pressing one of your thighs up high and fucking even deeper, and you’re close again, already so oversensitive you can’t take it. You’re desperately clinging to his neck, to his shoulders, anywhere and everywhere you can cling to.
“I need… you… forever. Baby. Forever.” He huffs, and his words shock you, as you both had said your love, but…
This is crazy.
Could there be a forever?
You’d do anything to have a forever.
“Yes, Toru, yes… forever. Forever yours. Only you.” You whisper back, your brows drawing together as he’s sweating now, his skin slick as yours is now too, and he’s dripping just a bit, his chest down to your breasts. You’re cumming again, clinging to him so tight, he is groaning as he studies you, so carefully, like you’re the only woman or thing in this world.
“Only me. Only me.” He’s huffing as he works over you, then he’s entwined his hands in yours, your fingers together, and you’re sobbing at how good he feels, as his curved cock drags in your walls. He hisses as they flutter around him, resting his forehead on yours. “I fucking love you.”
“I fucking love you. Toru. You.” Hushed whispers continue, as Toru relentlessly pounds your pussy, and he’s fucking you into another orgasm, you’re so wet you’re slippery, so wet you hear the lewd squishing. He’s kissing you now, his firm lips on yours, uncaring of his cut, he’s brutal in his kiss.
“Mine. Mine to keep. Protect. Fucking breed.” He says now, looking at you manically, and you’re falling off that edge with him, chest heaving, as he’s pressing his hard chests on your lush breasts, as he’s grinding his cock deep against your cervix and you’re screaming out, arching your back.
He’s kissing down your neck now, and you’re shaking violently. “Breed me, Toru, breed me please.”
“Mmm, baby, fuck!” He’s moaning, he’s whimpering, just as you’re whining out pathetically, and he’s grabbing your hips up, shoving in so deep it hurts, but you crave it, your sloppy cunt is milking him as he releases. “Take it baby. Take it.”
“T-Toru! Ngh!” You’re cumming again, as his huge load of thick cum pours in you, and he’s exhaling, his eyes never leaving yours, lidded and fucked out just like your own, as you both whine at how sensitive you are. “Love you. Want your babies.”
“Want em? Want em in you?” You nod, and he keeps pumping that cum in you, clinging to your hands as he’s kissing you, desperately, and you’re gone now, there’s only you and Satoru Gojo.
No world.
You’d do anything for him. Anything to feel this.
Satoru exhales, leaning up a bit, and you frown when you notice he’s busted his lip back open, gently touching it with your thumb. “Fuck I love you.”
“And I love you, Satoru Gojo.” You whisper, and he kisses you again, you both don’t care about the bit of blood, you greedily take his kisses, as he turns you then, pulling you so close against him, clinging to you. “Oh, Satoru…”
“I fucked up shit.” He’s shaking, so you hold him close, shaking your head as you struggle to come down from the climaxes, from the dizzying madness that consumes you, from Satoru Gojo.
“We’ll figure something out. I’ll do whatever it takes.” He glares down at you, his jaw tense, so tense you see a vein popping out. You run a finger down it, as your thigh is over his own, as you’re a tangle of limbs in the messy bed. “I’ll never fucking leave you, Satoru.”
“Never!? Promise me please.” He begs now, and you nod eagerly, earning more of his messy kisses.
“How could I? There’s nothing but you.” He’s gripping you so tightly to him you swear you hear your damn ribs creak, like he can’t get you close enough. You snuggle to his big body, as reality sets in on you both. “We are in deep shit though.”
“Deep shit. Quicksand of shit. But guess what?”
“What?” You whisper, looking up at him, your messy hair being brushed back by his sure touch.
“I’ll do anything for you.”
His words hurt you, as you know he literally means anything. “Don’t try to sacrifice yourself for me! We’ll do it together.”
“You’re my everything. There’s nothing without you.” You feel those sticky hot tears returning as he caresses your face, as you feel his erratic heartbeat against your palm. You feel his desperation, his energy, his need, and it matches your own.
“Then keep your fucking self safe too. Okay!?” He doesn’t answer you, he’s just caressing your hair, in gentle strokes, so soothing. “Satoru don’t do anything stupid, please.”
“I already did, didn’t I?”
You glare now, shaking at your worry, at your anger, at your love. “We can fix it, or I’ll go down for it. It’s worth it to be with you.”
“I’ll not let shit get you. Never baby.” He kisses you again, and you’re falling apart and being put back together in this damn hotel room, and you’re just trying to avoid the reality of tomorrow in his strong arms.
Ao3 chap https://archiveofourown.org/works/56895382/chapters/150274354
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 6: "It's good to be back!"
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Dipper POV
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I wake up with a splitting headache. I groan as I sit up, pressing and rubbing my fits against the temples of my forehead. I swing my legs off my bed and hiss out in pain from moving to fast.
"Damnit....Bill.." I said while standing up and leaning against the wall for support. "My head...hurts so much."
I hear Bill laugh before he speaks. "Sorry, pinetree, I couldn't help myself. Seeing the fear in those meatsacks' eyes brought so much joy!"
I tense from his shouting. "Please...no screaming." I beg while slowly walking to the restroom next door to my room.
"Right, you had a pretty memorable night, huh?" Bill chuckles.
I take off my t-shirt and sweat pants, turning on the shower to warm water setting. I step inside, letting out a sigh as my tense body slowly relaxes. I lower my body underneath the showerhead, humming to the feeling of the warm water running down my body and soothing my headache.
"Yes, but enough with games. My plan is to bring you back today, but I can't think of who my last sacrifice will be."
"Haha, oh come on, pinetree. I'm sure there's someone out there who's stupid enough to get close to you -"
Bill is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening. "Oh! Oops, my bad dude. Didn't know anyone was in here." I hear Soos say.
I sigh heavily, pushing my wet hair from my face. I peek my head out of the shower currant. "So you're saying you didn't hear the water running through the door?"
Soos shrugs his shoulders. "Nope! But I'll wait until you're done. See ya later, dude." He said while walking out.
A smirk plays its way onto my lips as I pull my head back under the showerhead. "I think I found the idiot I can lead to their death...hehe." I chuckle while washing my hair and body.
"I forgot all about good old question mark! This is going to be hilarious to watch playout! Hahaha!" Bill laughs.
"Indeed." I said as I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.
I wrap a towel around my waist and walk to my room. I open the door and walk inside, locking it behind myself. I drop the towel while walking to my dresser and pull out black shorts and a black tank top along with some boxers.
I dry my body, putting on my clothes. I place the towel on top of my head, and I walk down the stairs. I raise an eyebrow at everyone. No one's in the kitchen, but everyone is in the living room.
"Uh, why is everyone..." I trail off while walking into the living room. I look at the tv blankly. The news is on.
"A crazed serial killer is still on the lose. The bodies that were found and identified as Robert Stacey Valebtino, Tambry, Susan Wentworth, and Pacifica Elias Northwest. The police haven't figured out a clear motive nor how the murders could possibly be linked. I'm Jessica Jimenez, leaving a warning: be at home before sunset, lock your doors and possibly your windows, and stay safe. And now for the weather -"
Stan turns the Tv off to comfort a crying Wendy and Mable. Ford, however, is taking notes on his notepad, possibly writing everything the reporter stated. I sigh, walking over to Wendy, rubbing my hand up and down her back.
"Ahahahaha! Look at all the chaos and fear you put into those meatsacks! So proud of you, pinetree!" Bill cheers.
I feel my cheeks begin to heat up at Bill's words. I shake my head at the sound of Ford's voice. Everyone turns their attention to him.
"Stan and I will be leaving to hunt down this killer. My thoughts are that whoever is doing this has found out how to summon Bill."
Everyone's eyes widen at the mention of Bill, but my eyes hold shock for a different reason. "Just how did Ford figure it out? The deaths aren't linked in anyway....Unless he's referring to me killing two members of the cipher wheel." I thought to myself.
"What makes you think that grunlke Ford?" I question out loud.
"This killer only needs one more life to take. The fact that this killer killed two members of the cipher will speak for itself. So, in order to prevent such a thing from happening, Stan and I will find this killer and turn him or her over to the police."
Everyone nods their head in understanding as the two prepare to leave. "And no one is allowed to leave for any reason. Do I make myself clear?" Stan said rather sternly.
I sigh heavily while everyone else nods. They walk out the front door, leaving Wendy, Soos, Mable, and me.
"Soooooooo....duck detective?"
Wendy drys her tears and stands up. "I c-can't right now....I have to plan h-his funeral." She whispers, her voice cracking.
"And I have to talk with Candy and Grenda like we promised." Mable said while standing up and walking into her room.
"Oh...alright." Soos said sadly.
I watch as the two leave with a smirk on my lips. I glance at Soos as I stand. "Hey Soos, remember how we used to be dino bros?" I ask.
"Yeah, dude! It was so much fun....you know before the fight we had and almost being killed -"
"Right, right. How would you like to be killer hunters?"
"That would be awesome! It's been a while since I've been on an adventure."
"You didn't understand what I asked. Would you like to come with me to find the killer? Stan and Ford are too old to do it alone."
"Uh...I don't know, man, Stan did say not to leave no matter what." Soos points out with uncertainty.
"Oh come oooon Soos! They'll thank us for catching them!" I answer back.
"Well....if you say so! I trust you, Dipper."
"Great! Just let me get a few things, and we'll be on our way." I said while turning to leave the room.
"Hehe, things just got interesting.", Bill hums.
I chuckle while walking up the stairs to my room. "They have...yes they have."
Mable POV
I sigh as I lay back in my bed, petting waddles with my good hand. I still can't believe that Dipper did that to me....he changed ever since that day. I blame myself for everything....I was drunk and just wanted to be cool. I can never forgive myself for that.
I sit up, hearing the door open to my room. It's Wendy. She's been down and out since Robbie was killed. She mentioned how he never came home last night but didn't think too much of it. I always thought Robbie and Tembery would last....I wonder what happened.
"Hey, uh Mable, have you seen dipper? I want him to look after the shack while I make a quick run. Soos isn't here either, so...." She trialed on.
"Huh?! But Stan said not to leave....should we tell them?"
She shrugs, "eh maybe...I'm sure they're safe."
But I don't believe it. Something feels off... really off. Dipper is different, far darker than he was back then. I never knew that he got the Cipher wheel on his back...I would sometimes hear him whispering in his room in the middle of the night. I don't know if it's me or the Mable juice, but Dipper isn't... dipper.
I hear Stan and Ford enter my room with a strange expression.....fear? "Grunlke Stan? Grunlke Ford? What's the matter?"
"No time to explain. Where's Dipper and Soos? We looked all over the shake but couldn't find them. We were hoping they were in here..." Ford said while nervously looking around my room.
"I don't know. I saw them walking into the forest through the window, just thought they were going to help you two find the murderer." I point out while smiling.
"Uh kid... we already know who the murderer is." Stan said in disbelief.
"Well, say it, old man." Wendy said in an impatient tone.
"Dipper. He's the killer." Ford finally said, his voice full of dread.
Wendy laughs as if it was a joke, but the look on my grunlkes faces says it all. The feeling in my chest grew heavier. How could my twin brother..be a killer?
I feel tears fill my eyes as I stare down at my broken wrist. "Wh-what makes you think that -"
"No time to explain! Get ready. We are leaving now before it's too late."
"What do you mean?" Wendy questions warily.
"Before Dipper brings back Bill."
Dipper POV
As we get closer and closer to Bill's stature, the wider my smile becomes. So close...so so close...
"Aye dude, where are we going?" Soos asks while glancing around. "Isn't this where that Bill guy stature is?"
I turn around and chuckle, my vision flashing to yellow. "Yes. Yes, it is."
I can sense the fear coming off of Soos. It only makes my excitement grow. We approach his stature. I see tree veins wrapped all around his poor stature. I groan at the sight but smile as I hear Soos backing away from me.
"I don't know about this man. Dipper, I think w-we should head back..."
I chuckle, my chuckles changing to laughs, my voice becoming mixed with Bill's. "Sorry, question mark! But pinetree has other things planned."
I drop my bag, pulling out a pistol I took from my father before leaving for gravity falls. I turn around, aiming the gun right in between his eyes. "Dino bros... yeah, sure, when I was twelve. But things are different now....very different. Think about it this way! Your sacrifice will soon bring me happiness!"
Soos eyes begin to fill with tears, which only makes me laugh more. "Dipper, you can't do this, dude! Wh-what about your family?...you can't do this to us!"
"Family?....Bill is my only family." I frown before shooting him, killing him instantly.
I watch his eyes roll back as blood spats on my face. I place my gun back into my bag, picking up Bill's stature and placing it in the middle of an open space. I pull out a can of blue spray paint, drawing a huge circle around it. I then draw a star, the corners over the star with circles on the tips. I reach back into my back for the jars and 5 candles and a lighter.
I quickly place the jars and candles inside the circles on the tips of the star. I quickly open each jar, lighting up the candles. I watch as the red flame quickly turns blue. I stand before my art, my hard work finally paying off.
My smile disappears as I hear my name being called. I ignore it, holding my arms in the air as the palms of my hands glow with blue flames. "L-T-O-L-O-X-A! His time has come to rise! I invoke the ancient power that Bill has returned!!" I shout to the top of my lungs as my body begins to float from the ground.
"We're too late...." I hear Ford whisper in grief.
I watch as Bill's stature begins to float from the ground as the souls merge with it. The sky darkens, and reality freezes, turning to black and white. A bright yellow glow comes from the stature, causing everyone's eyes to shut tightly. Once everything settles down, I'm greeted by the voice I've yearned to hear from outside my head after all these years.
"Oh, gravity falls, it is good to be back! What is this? The second time?"
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cactus-cuddler · 2 months
Chapter 3: 𝐀 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Series' masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
Word count: 1,8 k
Summary: you and Bucky works together, you as bartender and Bucky as bodyguard. You spend a lot of time together and now you know better
Warnings: man
Tag list: @mcira @robynanthonystark @sofiaavarga13
(if you want to be added write to me)
ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ <3
You and Bucky have been working together at the same bar for a few weeks now. Since he started, you feel safer and sense a growing chemistry between you two. He comes to the bar regularly during your shifts, and when it's empty, you chat and get to know each other better. However, you can tell there's something he's not sharing with you.
You're opening the door to prepare the bar for the day when the man who occupies your thoughts appears behind you.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he says, and you wave back with a smile.
You enter and clean the floor, arrange the tables, and flip the sign to “open" together. Bucky takes his usual spot at the counter while you dry the remaining glasses.
“You should ask for a raise for all the work you do,” you say, chuckling. He helps you open in the morning, serves when it's too busy in the afternoon, and at night, he does his job as the bar’s bodyguard.
"I wouldn't call it work since I get to spend time with a pretty girl," he replies, making you blush and giggle, thinking he's joking. But he’s never been more serious. Your heartbeat speeds up, and he smiles at your reaction.
"You're cute when you do that," he says, probably deciding to make you faint, and he would have succeeded if an old lady hadn't entered the bar with her little dog. While you serve the lady, he sips the orange juice you prepared for him, watching you work. He finds you incredible. Even though you don't like the job, you're always sweet and nice to the customers, even though most don't deserve your kindness. He considers himself among those who don't deserve it.
The first day he entered the bar was by chance. He was intent on drinking away his memories, forgetting his name for a few hours of peace. But you stopped him, convincing him with your smile. No one had given him such a beautiful, bright smile in years, so he decided to stay. As you moved, he noticed the men's eyes trying to see beyond what was allowed, and he feared they might hurt you. He decided to protect you, hoping to feel like a better person. Your kindness touched his heart with extreme delicacy, and he hopes you never change.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask, seeing him distracted, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Nothing," he replies. "I'll see you this evening. I have to go now, okay?" he adds, and you greet him with one of your smiles—the same one that bewitched him that day.
Today, you have to cover Megan's shift. She has an important appointment, and you'll be working alone this evening. Staying inside the bar all day makes you nervous, but it's not the first time, and now Bucky is here, even though he's gone for now but will be back later.
You've been waiting a long time for him to ask you out on one of your days off, but that moment never comes. There are many times when he seems intent on asking you out but then says, "No, nothing. I'm sorry," and returns to his silence. You asked Megan for advice, but all she could say was, "If he doesn't ask you out, stop talking to him. Don't waste your time chasing someone who doesn't take you right away." You can't understand why; you can tell there's something between you. You see it in the way he looks at you, how he protects you, and the few smiles he offers. Since becoming the bodyguard, he accompanies you home every day, but since that first time, he has never come in again. He makes sure you get inside and then leaves you alone in your apartment with your screaming neighbors.
The rest of the day passes calmly. There aren't many customers, so you find time to continue reading your book and eat something since you missed your lunch break. Bucky shows up just before his night shift starts. He’s dressed as always for his job: a tight black t-shirt and sweatpants, but he has a bouquet of flowers in his hands. When he walks towards you, you smile at him in surprise.
“Here,” he says, almost rudely, to hide his embarrassment. He's not convinced that bringing you flowers was a good idea; it was his friend Sam Wilson who convinced him.
"Thank you," you reply and approach him to kiss him on the cheek.
"You're welcome," he says and walks stiffly towards the door without turning to look at you. You smell the bouquet and smile like a child at his gesture.
“Oh, I forgot,” he says, turning around and pulling a chocolate bar out of his pocket—your favorite chocolate bar. You think you might die.
"Since Megan isn't here and it was her turn to bring the chocolate, I thought it would be nice to get it for you," he says in a hoarse, cold voice, as if he wasn't saying the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you. You don't hold back and decide to hug him, your arms around his neck. He doesn't know how to react but gently places his hands on your back, letting you hold him. As soon as you break away, there is an awkward moment, and you say goodbye and return to your work after dividing the chocolate. You with a smile on your lips and him with slightly red cheeks. 'I should follow Sam's advice more often,' he thinks as he positions himself at the entrance. He tries to keep a serious expression that can induce fear, but he just doesn't have it. Your sweet scent is imprinted on his clothes, and your arms around his neck are well anchored in his memory.
You put the flowers in a vase at the counter. You’ll take them home later, but the night is long, and you don't want them to get ruined. Little by little, the bar fills with the usual men looking for Megan, but it’s just you, and you have to do your best to satisfy your customers. You take all the orders and gradually start serving.
"Hey, little doll, can you give me your number?" a man at the counter asks. You smile warmly and ignore his question, asking if he wants something to drink.
“I would like to drink you,” he whispers, winking. Your smile fades, and you look for a way to make him stop.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not on the menu. What do you need?" you insist. The man reaches his hand toward your face, but you push it away.
“A whore dressed like you shouldn't be resisting so much,” he says, grabbing your wrist tightly. A tear slides down your face. Seeing that no one is trying to help you makes you feel worse, but luckily, Bucky is there. He approaches you and pushes the man away. His gaze is full of hatred, and his hand presses firmly on the man's neck.
"Don't you dare talk like that to a nice, kind girl like her," he warns. The man struggles and frees himself from Bucky's grip, coughing, Bucky's grip having taken his breath away.
"I get it, you want to fuck her. Have fun," he says, punching Bucky in the face. But Bucky has no intention of holding back and takes the man out of the bar.
"I won't call you motherfucker because, for that poor woman, it must be a heavy insult to have a son like you," Bucky says to the man. The cold night air gently caresses the bouncer's hair as he waits for a response. Rather than use his hands for this job, he decided to rely on his sharp tongue.
"Come on, man, you're exaggerating. I wouldn't have done anything more to her than she would want. I know people like her..." he doesn't let him finish the sentence before his good intentions evaporate in the air, and he punches him back, making him fall to the ground.
"You don't know anything about her," he says finally. He goes back inside under everyone's gaze.
You are crying in the kitchen, trying to wash away his touch and words. He comes looking for you, and when he sees you in that state, he hugs you, and you hold onto him.
“Nothing happened, everything is fine,” he whispers. Seeing how that man could insult you in front of everyone without anyone doing anything makes you feel bad. You can't help but think, "What if Bucky hadn't been there?" Bad intentions usually approached Megan; she is the one with more character between the two of you, and she knows how to defend herself better.
You sob in Bucky's arms. Until then, you kept all the unsolicited comments, insults, and everything else inside, casting everything away. Now you just feel like crap. You hate your body being so on display, and you hate everyone who wants to have fun with you.
“Let's get back to work and finish this shift, okay?” Bucky asks, taking your face in his large hands. His warm right hand dries your tears, and his cold left hand tries to ease your pain.
"I'll stay next to you," he whispers, giving you a tender kiss on the tip of your nose. A simple gesture but one that contains all the affection that Bucky has for you.
You go back inside the bar, and some girls approach you to apologize for not having done anything. They didn't think his advances would bother you. Your smile lights up your face again, and you appear grateful for their attention. While you prepare the drinks, Bucky is behind you; while you serve them, he is next to you; and while you are closing the place, cleaning and everything, he is still there with you. As soon as you're done, you go behind the counter, and he's sitting in the place he sat the first time you saw each other, which continues to be his permanent place.
"Can I place an order?" he asks softly as you take the flowers back.
"Of course! Tell me everything," you answer softly.
"Can I ask you on a date?" he asks, his voice soft yet hopeful. You've never been happier. You accept without thinking twice and as you pick up your bag to leave, he tells you he'll pick you up on Saturday. He knows that's your day off.
He walks you home as always, but this time, you ask him to come in so you can treat the wounds from the punch. Your delicate touch on his skin makes every feeling of pain disappear. As soon as his wounds are treated, he leaves, but not before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight pretty girl," he tells you later.
You think you might be falling in love with this man.
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Thanks for reading! If there is something you want to tell me about it feel free to tell me. I would also like what you think and how you would like it to continue <3
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oliviablancmom · 5 months
"Pedriiii - Part II"
Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x singlemom!Oc
Theme: fluff, angst
N/A: And here is part two, I hope it lives up to your expectations. I would like to thank each like, comment, reblog, and ask about this imagine. I'm happy that you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I love seeing your reactions. Again, this chapter turned out huge, but I needed every part to make sense. I hope you enjoy it and fall a little more in love with these three.
Warnings: Men being inconvenient in this chapter, people making a child cry.
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Pedri was in a mood; he was training alone in the academy because Gavi did him a favor by opening up to the entire team about his meeting with the woman from the nightclub, who turns out to work for Barça. And now all of the guys were messing with him, especially after Gavi spilled about the ring that was shining on her finger. Seriously, Gavi needs to return playing ASAP because Pedri can't deal anymore with the boy gossip phase.
"Are you sad today?" The little boy asked the player, taking his attention from the movie he was watching on his iPad. "I can bring M&Ms for us; Mom put some packages in her purse, I think she's sad too," he says pouting.
"I'm fine, buddy, just focused. But why is your mother sad? Did something happen?" Pedri asked curiously. In one of the many conversations he had with the little boy, he discovered that the little boy's mother worked for the team, but Pedri hadn't had the opportunity to meet her yet.
"I don't know; Father is supposed to take me this week. Then he screams at her and then at me, and they fight." Pedri swallows the knot in his throat as he sees the little boy's eyes watering; something hurts inside him for seeing the little boy like that.
"You know, those M&M's we were craving for, we finally get to have them," he says in an attempt to cheer up the little boy.
"No way, for real??" He jumped excitedly, and Pedri smiled at him.
"I swear. I'm going with Gavi after the training to get them." Pedri fixed the cap on Axel's head.
"You guys aren't going to eat them without me, right?" He pointed the finger at Pedri, trying to make an angry face.
"What, of course not? I'll bring them for you tomorrow, and also, I wouldn't eat them with Gavi; I'm angry at him," Pedri says as he starts to get his things ready to leave the academy.
"Why?" Axel asks curiously.
"Because he has a big mouth," the boy gasped, looking at Pedri.
"So he would eat everything," Axel says, worried, and Pedri laughs at his reaction.
"Yeah, something like that, buddy."
"Axel, I swear, it's been days since the last time I gave you candy; you shouldn't be this energetic," Isa asked as she watched her child jump from one chair to another. The boy stops, with a little smile on his face, and then back to his jumping games. Isa looks suspiciously at her child.
"Axel..." She calls, getting close to the boy. "You didn't eat any candy, right?" She holds the boy, stopping him from jumping anymore. He looks at her, his head tilts to the side, and a mischievous smile emerges on his little face, the dimples in his cheeks showing up. "Axel Harver," she says unbelievably as she starts to tickle him, his laughs getting louder and louder.
"Mom, stop. Please stoooop, Moooommy." She lets him go, letting him catch his breath.
"Little boy, little boy. I already told your grandfather not to give you too many candies." She kisses his head.
"It was for my friend; I couldn't let him eat alone," the boy said simply, and she smiled at him. Sometimes she couldn't believe how smart he was for his young age.
"No, you couldn't," she smiles, looking at the time on her watch; it was time to go home.
"Get your things; it's time for us to go home." The little boy ran to get his bag.
"Can we stop by Pops?" He asked excitedly.
"Of course, it's been two days since the last time you saw him; you guys are probably getting sick already," she says ironically at the boy, who had his grandfather on his little finger.
"He says that I could start Barça school after my birthday, so I'll be a La Masia boy, mom." The boy says excitedly as they walk towards the parking lot. He and his grandfather had been planning that moment for over a year; the excitement of both was evident. Honestly, Isa was still insecure about the idea of him wanting to be a player; she was too jealous for that, and modestly aside, her son was adorable, he would definitely get some attention. "You think I could play with my friend?" She looks down at her son.
"Well, probably, he's going to Barça school too?" She asked, as she had heard more than once about this friend of his.
"No, in the first team," he says simply. She looks confused at him.
"Well, I think it would take time for you both to be there; maybe you even change your mind about being a player." Her boy made a disgusted face.
"Axel, you are having so much attitude lately."
"But he's already there," he ignores what she is saying. She stops, looking at him.
"Wait, in the first team? Your friend?" The boy nodded happily. "The friend you spend the day with?" He nodded again, as his little eyes focused on something behind her.
"Are you befriending the players?" She asks, but she doesn't get his attention, as he seems to focus on the thing behind her before she can turn to see what he's looking at. He snaps out of his trance.
"Pedriiii!" he screams, and he runs away from her. She was pretty sure that her eyes were going to pop out as she heard the name. She then turned to see where her boy was going, catching a glimpse of him jumping excitedly into the player's arms.
"You've got to be kidding me," she says to herself.
"That friend of Aurora's is really into you," Gavi says to Pedri, who rolls his eyes. "You should give her a chance."
"I'm not interested; she's not my type." Gavi smiled wide at his friend, ready to comment, but was cut off by the boy who jumped at Pedri.
"Hi Pedri, hi Gavi." The little boy high-fived the two players.
"Hey little guy, no Gavi shirts today?" Gavi asked, getting an eye roll from Pedri.
"No. My mother said I should wear other clothes from time to time," he says with a sad smile, receiving a laugh from both players. "Are you going to get my candy?"
"Yes, I will. Are you here alone?" Pedri asked worriedly. He was used to meeting the boy alone inside the training center or the stadium, but the thought of the little boy running alone by the parking lot gave him shivers.
"Nooo, with mommy, Silly," he says, laughing as if Pedri had told him the funniest joke. Before Pedri could look around to search for the child's mother, his senses were clouded by the familiar scent of perfume that had been stuck in his mind for the past few days.
"Axel, what have I told you about running away from me like that? You can't let go of my hand on the street," the woman said in a sweet yet reprimanding voice.
"I know, Mom, but I had to talk to my friend," the little boy says in an even sweeter voice as he hugs the woman's legs. Pedri was absorbed in their interaction, while the woman's eyes stared at him. He simply couldn't believe it.
"Hi, Isa. Cute kid you have; now I can see the similarities," Gavi was the one to break the silence.
"Thanks, Pablo; he is the cutest." Pedri saw her eyes shine proudly as she looked at the boy, and honestly, Pedri felt dizzy.
"Hey, Pedri. I need to take my mother home and take her to a place," Gavi calls for Pedri.
"Ok, Let's Go! Bye Axel," Pedri wave a quick good bye to the little one, ignoring his mother.
"NO! You can't come, it's personal," Gavi says almost desperately, getting an intrigued look from Pedri.
"Gavira, I spent months taking you to every place; you owe me," Pedri says feeling annoyed as he watches his teammate head to his car.
"Sorry, brother. Ask one of the boys."
"We can take you!" The little voice says behind him. "Right mom, right? We can take him, pleeeease, we can take him, riiiiight?" He says as he jumps, pushing his mother's blazer, whose face was getting red.
"I don't know, we are going to Pops, and he probably doesn't want it."
"Of course he wants," Gavi says almost screaming.
"Aren't you leaving?" The three ask at the same time to the youngest, who looks amused as he gets in his car, leaving the parking lot.
"So you're coming with us, right? Right, mommy?" The woman only nodded, taking the kid in her arms and heading to her car. Pedri follows right beside them; he watches as she puts the little boy in the car seat.
"Axel, stop moving," she murmurs at the chatty boy. Once she finishes fixing it, she takes a step back, expecting to close the door, but ends up bumping into Pedri, who was holding the door. With a push, he closes the door, trapping Isa between him and the car. He takes a breath watching her beautiful face, but then he remembers something that was bugging his mind.
"Is your husband coming with us?" He says in a hushed tone just for her to hear. She opens her mouth to reply but nothing comes out; she brushes past Pedri and gets into the car. Pedri runs his hands through his face; he would kill Gavira.
"Aren't you getting in? We are late," she says annoyingly after rolling down the car window. Pedri grumbles and heads for the passenger door.
There was so much tension inside the car, of course imperceptible to the little one who chatted incessantly in the back seat, telling things to his mother, asking questions to Pedri, and singing along to the songs playing on the radio. Despite the many conversations he had with the little one, Pedri hadn't realized how talkative he was; perhaps the presence of the other players made him feel shy. Pedri returned to his conversations with the boy, noticing the mannerisms he had and now could see how much he resembled his mother: the sweet way of speaking, the sweet and welcomed smile, the dimples on his cheeks when he smiled. Pedri was feeling something strange; the presence of the woman clouded his feelings.
"Pedriiiii," Axel's voice snapped his attention back. Pedri turned in his seat to face the younger one.
"Yes, buddy?"
"Mommy is talking to you." The child pointed to the woman driving. Pedri redirected his focus to her, who glanced at him briefly before returning her attention to the road.
"You didn't tell us your address," she said calmly, the velvety tone of her voice sending shivers down Pedri's spine.
"Um, actually, you can drop me off at this store downtown," he showed her the address. "My brother will pick me up there."
"We can drop you home."
"No, I don't want to cause you any trouble," he couldn't help the sharpness in his tone, and he saw the woman wince and just murmur a little and almost inaudible 'ok'.
After a few minutes, they arrived at the candy store.
"Wait here for a minute," he told the woman, hurrying out of the car as quickly as he could to retrieve his order from the store.
"Oh my God, he's really going to get them," Isa looked at the back seat, seeing her son looking outside where the player walked towards a store, a fascinated look on his face.
"What, Axel?" She asked curiously, not used to Axel admiring someone else like that; normally, he was a shy child around strangers.
"Our candies," he said excitedly. "The ones we wanted but couldn't find, with different flavors."
"Did you ask him?" She turned to look at him, trying not to sound like she was reprimanding him.
"No, he wanted them too. And since I'm his friend, he's going to share them with me, because he likes me, Mom, he really likes me." Isa felt her throat tighten, and her eyes filled with tears. Words could hurt, especially when said to a child. She didn't know what to say to him, but the little boy's excitement comforted her heart.
"Here, buddy, we finally got them," the player gets into the car, snapping Isa out of her thoughts; she silently watches their interaction and how happy her son is. "Are you taking them to practice tomorrow?" Pedri asked as he stroked the child's cheek.
"YEEEEES!" Axel shouted excitedly.
"Alright, see you tomorrow then!" He said smiling at the little boy and then turned to the woman beside him. "Thanks for the ride."
"Thank you for this," she said honestly. "You have no idea what this means." The player furrowed his brows in confusion and then exited the car.
The feeling of returning to training with the rest of the team was a great relief, especially when there was the possibility of returning to play soon. Pedri felt ready; the medical department had already cleared him to drive, but they still wanted to postpone his return to the fields. And as eager as he was, he wanted to follow the guidance of the professionals. But still, knowing that he could return to playing soon gave him extra motivation in his recovery.
Pedri was eager to share the news with his little friend, who longed for his return even more than he did himself, but it had been almost a week since the last time he saw the boy. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he missed the boy running to meet him after training. He thought about asking about him to the boy's mother, but every time he saw her, the ring gleamed on her finger. Pedri didn't want to make a big deal out of it; after all, it was a one-night stand, but he couldn't deny that he was affected. The remnants of that night were vivid in his mind, and knowing that the woman was committed spoiled the images for him.
"You know, for someone who wants to seem indifferent, you're terrible at hiding it," Gavi whispers beside him as they watch the woman approaching with the film crew.
"Hello, boys," she says with a sweet smile.
"Hello, Isa," Gavi greets excitedly and nudges his friend to do the same, but Pedri just nods slightly, which seems to frustrate the woman. She kept her gaze on the player's face, reading every detail as if searching for an opening to say something.
"Here are your lines," she says after a few minutes of silence, handing over the cue cards with the ready-made phrases they needed to record for the Barça One promotion. "It'll be quick," she says, moving behind the man handling the camera, and soon the rest of the crew went to prepare the players.
Gavi was the first to record, while Pedri amused himself watching. Gavi hated these kinds of activities, so something that could normally be quick ended up taking longer because of him. Pedri's attention is stolen when his eyes fall on the woman, who is watching the recordings while making some notes in a notebook and speaking to the cameraman. As if sensing Pedri's eyes, she turns to face him and then walks slowly towards him, stopping by his side.
"You said you didn't know who I was that night," the player says quietly so only the woman can hear him. She looked back at him, her confidence in facing him as if challenging him bringing back memories.
"Are you talking to me now?" She asks in an ironic tone. "And I never said I didn't know who you were, I just said I didn't care," she says convincingly, and there it was, the sharp tongue and tone from that night, the player thought.
"That's not how it seemed, just like the part about being married," Pedri smiles proudly having retorted in the same tone, but the woman's furious look makes the smile disappear.
"It's not like that, and if you didn't keep avoiding me every time I show up, you'd know," she turns her attention back to Gavi's recording.
"You just had to say 'Hey, I have a husband,' it's not that hard," he says as he moves away from her."
Isa didn't want to go out that night, in weeks like that she gets in a terrible mood, there were right and wrong days, and that was a wrong one. But her work friends were eager for a night out , and they kept saying how good it would be for her since she was an ocean of anxiety. So there she was, sitting in the bar watching her friends dancing excitedly, she didn't want to go dance, not yet at least, she still wasn't feeling at her best to enjoy the night like that.
"Hey doll, can I buy you a drink?" A man comes to her side, she looks at him uninterested.
"No, thanks," she says simply, backing at watching her friends.
"C'mon, it's just a drink." He holds her arm getting close to her face.
"I don't want it." she says firmly.
"Oh, don't play hard to get," he touched her hair. "you are too pretty to be here alone." He insisted with a flirtatious smile.
"She's not here alone." The familiar voice cut before she could answer the man. "Take your hands out of my girlfriend" he says in a warning tone, making the woman gasp, Isa looks around to see if there are eyes on them, but for their luck, no one is paying attention.
"You? Her boyfriend? No way." The man laughs looking at Isa. "Aren't him like one of the Barça kids?" Isa saw Pedri's face turning red, and before he could answer she took him by the waist, getting him away from the inconvenient man.
The moment he saw the woman enter the bar, he just knew that he shouldn't have accepted Ferran's invitation to the nightclub. Because from that moment, his attention were on her, just like the first night. He tried his best to try to look uninterested, he even tried to speak and dance with a girl who was in their VIP area. But his eyes kept stealing glances at the woman, and the moment he saw a man on her side, he made his choice, going right into her.
He didn't have the time to answer the man who called him a kid, he had an answer for that, a good one that Isa herself could confirm, but her hand putting him away was distracting, the power she had over him was driving him crazy.
"Barça would end us, especially me, if I let the image of one of their golden boys get messed up because of some nightclub confusion" Pedri looked at the woman's face, her big brown eyes were soft and just like always, were mapping all his face.
The people around them didn't seem to notice who he was especially how they weren't dancing to the rhythm of the music playing. Pedri's hand was over her waist going up and down, she passed her manicured hand by her hair and the action made the smell of her perfume travel to his nose, automatically he bent down to her neck, smelling her inebriated perfume, like someone addicted. The woman was blinding his senses. He thought that the remaining images of their night, which kept playing as a movie in his mind were just the carnal feeling of a good night, but now he was afraid that it was something more, since the fact that only the idea of watching her gets all his attention, and we're everything about her, literally everything.
"Let's get out of here" she murmurs in his ears.
He didn't answer, he only took her by the hand to get out of the club.
That's how they ended up in the hotel room again, they didn't talk, the actions of the desire were speaking for them, Pedri was tasting every piece of her, like a starving man, like it was the last thing he would do. And deep down he thought that maybe it was the last thing, cause a noise kept ringing in his mind, remember him about the ring on her finger. And that makes him snapped at realization, he took the woman's hand who was holding his hair as if she depended on it, and there was no signal of the commitment. He kisses her hand then her mouth, and then all over her breast. She kept murmuring and saying things he couldn't understand, her face was all messed up because of her red lipstick, and he was sure he had the vestiges in his face too.
"You remember what you said to me that night?" He asked her, her eyes looking at him with such intensity that he felt at his chest. She smiles, her cheeks getting more red.
"That you should stop flirting with me 'cause i was hard to forget." She said with a lazy smile as she kissed his face.
"Well you were right"
"I am always right, I said that too, when you call me an arrogant, knowing-all b*tch."
As Pedri was to answer, the woman's phone rang, she picked it up from the bedside table, and the name "Henry" showed on screen, making Pedri rudely distance himself from her. She rolls her eyes as she answers the call, and soon her face turns pale, Pedri watches her with worry.
"What happened? Baby..." She gets up from the bad, "Do not cry, please, don't cry. Mommy it's going to pick you up, my Axel." Her choked voice and the mention of the name make Pedri stand up and approach the woman, who was trembling nervously.
"Let me talk to someone," she says, Pedri stops in front of her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM? HE IS JUST A CHILD!" she screamed sterically, her voice full of pain, making Pedri holding her arms, and try to calm her down. "That always happens, every time, he's just a baby, and every time you guys do this to him." She goes silent for a moment, Pedri felt his heart beating so hard that he could hear the thuds echoing in his ears. "I'll go get him" she says firmly, " I don't care how late it is. I'm not leaving my son like this." She ends the call and then throws the phone on the bed, her hands covering her face as she collapses and cries uncontrollably. Pedri embraces her, his chest full of concern for the woman and the little boy.
"Isa, what happened? Is Axel hurt?" he asks.
"I need to go," she says, stepping away from the player.
"I'm coming with you" She pushed Pedri away.
"No, you're not, you don't need to." She says coldly.
"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone, not in this state," he says firmly as he gathers their things around the room. Isa looks at him with apprehension and suspicion. Pedri couldn't understand her action. He holds the door, waiting for her to leave the room, and then she huffs in frustration and follows him outside.
Once in the car, Pedri gives her his hoodie that was in the backseat of his car, as thanks to him, the woman's dress was ruined. He drives to the address she had given him, the journey in complete silence except for the sound of the woman typing incessantly on her phone. As they arrive at the destination, Isa takes a deep breath and then looks at the player.
"Pedri, please, promise me, no matter what you see or hear, you don't leave the car, understood? Or you'll make things difficult for me." The desperation in the woman's voice made Pedri's stomach sick; not knowing what was happening was making him desperate. "You'll make things difficult for Axel," she says before he could say anything. And, reluctantly, Pedri agrees with the woman, as he would never do anything to harm the child.
He watches as the woman gets out of the car and rushes into the yard of a house, calling out for Axel. A blond woman emerges from the house and points a finger at Isa. They engage in a heated discussion, but he cannot hear their words. Then he sees Isa push the woman and hastily enter the house. Everything falls silent for a few minutes, and his heart races so fast that he wonders how he hasn't had a heart attack yet. After a few minutes, he sees Isa emerging from the house, holding Axel in her arms. She walks briskly towards the car, with the blond woman following her, screaming insults. Isa quickly jumps into the car with Axel, and the back door closes behind them.
"You can go now," she says, and Pedri turns around to look at her. Her face is red from crying. Pedri starts the car and drives away, not knowing exactly where to go, but deciding to wait before asking as Isa is talking to Axel. "It's okay, love. You're okay now." She says in a calm voice, trying to calm down the little boy.
"I don't want to come back, I don't want to stay with them, they're all mean to me," he cried so hard that Pedri stopped the car, deeply concerned for the kid, as he had never seen him cry like that before.
"You don't have to, Mommy promises you won't go back there, at least if it's something you want." Pedri turns to look at them, observing the woman wiping the tears from the little one's face and giving him a tight hug. Their eyes meet, and Pedri sees so much pain in hers.
"What's going on? This is tearing me apart," he says as he gestures towards them.
"Pedriiii?" Axel spun so quickly to look at the player that Pedri feared he had snapped his neck. He leaped from Isa's arms to the front seat and hugged Pedri tightly. Pedri simply held him back, while Isa looked on in complete awe at her son's rapid change of mood.
"I'll finally be able to eat my candies," the little boy says with a sweet excited voice.
"Axel!!" Isa says laughing at the boy's innocence.
N/A: SOOOOOO, what did you guys think? Writing the last part, breaks my heart, because I know their situation, me being mean for not telling you guys 😏
So, the next chapter will be the penultimate one, and then there will be the final one, and then the bonus. As mentioned in the previous chapter. Of course, it all depends on how much the characters are talking to me as well...
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darylbrainrot · 8 months
How would you—a part time guitarist and streamer, react when an upcoming streamer known as gojo admitted to liking your music and streams?
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As he sat down on his chair with it dipping with his added weight, he reached to his PC to start it up. He was about 20 minutes early to stream so he had to get his streaming apps ready. He wanted to keep this stream chill, he was probably some background music playing to make his stream calming (as calming as possible with his screams from playing fortnite.) As he made the sudden decision to play music on his stream, he opened Spotify as soon as his computer turned on.
He opened one of his designated playlists for streaming, some relaxing music ranging from different artists. He made sure this playlist wasn't going to get him flagged on his Twitch, something he didn't want to happen again.
He finally had his necessities opened, his discord and Spotify opened on his first monitor, his Twitch ready to stream on his third monitor, and finally his main monitor with his game loading up. When he looked at the time, he had around 6 minutes to spare before starting up his stream. With his extra time, he decided to go out of his room to his shared dorm with suguru to grab some snacks.
As he made his way to the shared kitchen, he just decided to grab a Gatorade and some random candies he had stored for when he was craving them. As he was going to retreat back to his room, he heard his fellow roommate's door open.
"Suguru, you should join my stream please." He said, dragging out the please for dramatic effect.
"Hell nah, ima go to sleep anyway." The black-haired man says with a blank stare, passing Satoru as he makes a b line towards the restroom.
"What the flip man." Sighing as he made it back to his room to start up his stream.
"BROO, no fucking way he got me. He literally only got me for 50 shield." He said, falling back in his chair as his 2nd place ranking got displayed on his screen. His hands now going through his face, raking through his white hair. The soft melodies of 'Cologne' by Beabadoobee fill the stream when he is quiet. The song finished up when one of your songs replaced the quietness, it was a cover you made of 'Paul' by Big Theif.
This is when his chat started flooding with new messages, ranging from questions asking him if he liked your music to how long he's been listening to you. As his arms finally fell from his hair, he looked at his chat when he saw the flood of new texts.
"I didn't know you listened to y/n's music... of course, I listen to their music, she's like one of my favorite artists." He said after reading some questions in his chat. Snickering at his chats surprised reaction, "I'm surprised some of you guys didn't know this, I follow them on twitter and on insta and I know some of you guys stalk my following and shit" He said as he was going back to the home screen of his game, deciding that it was enough of fortnite for him after playing around 10 rounds.
“Have you seen shes working on a new song? She posted about it on her twitter” he mumbled, reading one of the texts that caught his eye. “Yeah I saw her post, hopefully she posts a clip of her song. I know it’s gonna be good though.” He grins, exited that one of his favorite artist might release a song soon.
"Anyways, ima stopping the stream here, I'm done with fortnite for today. I might stream again in the weekend though, I'll tweet about it if I do." Waving at his face cam as he ended the stream, making sure to double-check it was off. He closed off any extra tabs he had open before shutting down his PC. Once he was finally done with his computer, he stood up and went to scroll on his phone on his bed, finally relieving the ache in his back due to his bad posture.
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this isnt proof read so lmk if theres any mistakes D:
@bakananya, @lysaray, @reagan707, @cccccccccccleo, @samutoru, @sunaluvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, @sur-i-ki, @rybunnie, @ramchu,
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n fourteenth part! You guys we are nearing the end and this one... This one was tough. I will only be able to accept complaints via email. Enjoy! 😉🤍🫧
warning: kids, blood, torture, intoxication, drugs, dark magic, pain, deaths, Illyrian torture mmm... I'm trying to think if I haven't missed anything. Ah... wounds.
There was one thing Azriel was certain about: he was never going to get used to the sensation of holding you. The way his body ignited. It felt as if only then all of his senses were in tune with the rest of his body. The sweetest taste of perfection filled him. This was what finally feeling whole felt like. So was he pissed off when Rhys's gentle knocking on his mental shields woke him up? Yes. Was untangling his limbs from you the hardest thing Azriel had ever done? Absolutely. Did he linger just a bit longer, slowly brushing your hair as he watched you take in breath after breath? yes. Azriel smiled to himself because this was it. This was his forever. His other half lay in his bed. Peacefully sleeping. So his. Only his.
"I'll let you punch me raw", Rhys had caught up with Azriel in no time, "But you also know I wouldn't have asked if this wasn't serious". Azriel knew his duties. He took them seriously, too. So even if his heart was bleeding for his mate, he knew his people also needed him. "Fill me in," Azriel said firmly, tightening the straps holding his knives. "Cass is finishing the last interrogations, and nothing fucking adds up." Rhys was frustrated, which was always a sign of something going extremely wrong. All he was told before Azriel had winnowed into the south side of Velaris was that the border had been breached. An attack had occurred, but the moment the soldiers were sent, it all vanished. In Azriel's 500 years of life, shit didn't just disappear. "Memories?", Azriel said as he scanned the place. Weavers were already patching up the wards, but none of them looked seriously torn apart or damaged in general. "Ink black," Rhys said and Aziel halted at the sound of it, an odd chill running through his back. "And a freezing one. I could push, but...", Rhys ran a hand through his hair. Azriel recognized that worry now. Worry for the family. A mate, children. He was in the same boat now. "You could push, but let me guess, you would fry their brains in the process," Azriel unleashed, his shadow scattering around the place. He was going to fix this. And fix this quickly. Maybe he will even be able to come back before you have woken up.
Cold. Cold. Cold. So cold. So dark. It was so painful and numb at the same time. There were hands. Cold fingers. Echoes of something familiar. How could one feel so heavy and light as a fever at the same time? It felt as if you were blinking for a moment, desperately trying to wake up, only to be plunged back into the same darkness. Someone was holding your head down as you trashed. before Your body had grown frail once more. Slumping.
"I'm telling you they came with torches; everything was on fire," the man said, and Azriel would have believed him, but he knew the farmer. Had gotten multiple reports from him about younglings messing up his sheep fence. He heard him speak before, and something deep within Azriel screamed that this man wasn't talking on his behalf. "Look, if you got the whole village in on this because of that damn fence..." Cassian huffed; he too was losing his patience. Nesta was pregnant. Nothing had been confirmed, but Azriel could smell it on Cass, and so could Rhys; the two had shared a look but chosen to not test Cassian's boundaries. The man was desperate for her. Out of the three of them, Cassian was the one whose patient was extremely thin today. Not to mention the heightened need to protect that coursed through his body.
Azrie shot his brother a look before motioning for the door. Cassian was halfway through the door when the man spoke again, "What fence?" There was a glimmer of relief in the man's eyes before it all glazed over again, and this time that same odd tone was back: "Torches all of them." Azriel turned to Rhys, whose face bore the same realization. They were all under something. Herbs. Magic. Mother only knew.
"Billy, your goat. How is he doing?", the man practically seized at Azriel's voice. "Bill...", the male breathed. "Yeah, one who chewed up your farm shoes," Azriel continued, the same glistening light running through the male's eyes. As if he was clawing at himself from within. It was as if someone was barging to be let out. But it was Rhys who delivered the last blow. "What about your wife? Huh, how's she been doing? She's still knitting you scarves." The male coughed, clawing at his neck. Panic set in as he moved towards the door, but Cassian was still standing there, his broad shoulders blocking any chance at escaping. "Billy and your wife, how are they?", Cass said it in a demanding tone. The man stilled, and then, thick like lava, liquid trickled down his nose.
"Rhys...", Cassian growled. The male staggered back slightly but gained his stance pretty quickly. And the terror that set in now was of a new kind. "My lord...", he breathed out, pulling his hat off his head, only then reaching to feel the dampness on his lip. Dread pooled in Azriel's stomach. "Fuck," the high lord breathed, "This is set up." Rhys's darkness swallowed the place as he winnowed. Azriel reached for the older male and said, "Go home; I'll be back, but you have nothing to worry about." With that, he snatched Cassian's hand as they both winnowed.
It was the cold that seeped into you that had pulled your eyes open. Your fingers grazed the surface beneath you. They felt numb as if they no longer belonged to you, but enough to still somewhat identify your surroundings. The surface you were lying on was damp. That would explain the sounds of droplets hitting the puddles somewhere. You tried to dig into your mind. Tried to think. Where were you? What was happening? You forced your eyes to fully open. A gray stone was what greeted you. You frowned instantly. Nothing seemed to add up. It was sniffling that you picked up on next. But the moment you turned your head to the side, you were met with something you thought you would never see again.
"No", your voice was barely a whimper. "No", you tried to pull yourself up, crawling towards the painfully familiar bars. You didn't feel a single ounce of magic within yourself. It was as if it had all fizzled out. But this couldn't be true. Absolutely couldn't. You have escaped. You... your hands touched the bars as you pulled yourself up. And for a heartbeat, you wished you hadn't.
In the cell opposite of yours lay two figures that clawed through every bit of sedative running through your system. "Zofie, Axel...", the words were barely a whisper as your knees threatened to buck any minute. "Zo, Ax," you breathed louder, trying to move the cell doors, but for nothing. It all came rushing back then. The strange vision. The dinner prep. Elain. Your thoughts halted - Azriel. Your hand rested on your chest. You couldn't feel him. You couldn't... "No," you breathed. He couldn't be dead. You wouldn't be standing here if he was. Your eyes darted back toward the kids. Zofie was pale. Too pale. Axel's wings were bent awkwardly. They couldn't be. They couldn't... It was enough for the thought to simply swirl there and within seconds you were turning to the side as bile rose in your throat.
No matter how much panic Azriel felt coming from both Rhys and Cassian, he refused to let it settle in. You were fine. You had to be. They were all just panicked. Nothing like that has happened since Amarantha. So it was more than understandable that everyone would be ticked off. Azriel unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt as he winnowed back to his apartment. Rhys was meeting him there the moment both Nesta and Feyre were in the safety of the house of wind.
Just the moment his foot hit the wood floor in his apartment, Azriel knew that something was off. The place seemed ice-cold. The burning smell filled his nose. No. No. No. Not happening. "Y/n," he called out as he stepped deeper into the place. Bile rose in Azriel's throat as his eyes scanned the kitchen. Flowers were scattered on the floor, with a smashed vase to accompany them. Fresh goods were still in the bags by the little kitchen counter. A burnt-out pot—whatever had been cooking there had turned into a chard mess. At least now he knew where the smell was coming from. Azriel's eyes fell onto the colorful drawing that now lay upon all the filth that filled the floor. A card. He hesitated. He knew whatever was in... Azriel folded the paper open. Messy's scribbled writing in two different colors greeted him.
We wanted to ask you a big question. Written with a k instead of a q, that's been crossed out and corrected. Azriel wanted that to warm his heart, but all it did was cause more ache. Yet nothing prepared him for the next line. Can you please be our dad? We'd love that, Zo and Ax. The world in front of Azriel shifted. His vision went out for a second. Their dad. A father figure. Azriel gripped the kitchen counter. His kids. They were already his kids. But to know that they both wanted that and that they had all of this set-out... All of this was supposed to be a surprise for him, and now...
Azriel heard rustling outside his apartment door that he only now realized was slightly ajar. "Elain?", a muffled voice that belonged to Rhys called out. Azriel crossed the distance in a couple of steps as he yanked the door open. His anger was boiling even hotter. He saw her, hiding in the corner of the hallway. That same black liquid trickled down her nose. "I couldn't. I tried", she managed to muffle between sobs, but Azriel turned away from her. "Tell Lucien that she's here. I don't need a territorial male running around causing trouble", Azriel said bluntly to Rhys.
"Azriel, please," Elain shifted, trying to reach for any part of the shadow singer she could get her hands on. "Elain, unless you have something useful to...", Azriel batted her hand away as he scowled at her. She probably didn't deserve it. It wasn't her fault that she had gotten herself under that spell, yet knowing that she was the one who had seen you last didn't sit well with Azriel. "They know you'll come; she wants that," Elain muttered, making Azriel frown. "Who?", the female shook her head, and Azriel moved to step away instantly. "A lady in white, she... I don't know, like a priestess."
And within a beat of a heart, it was all crystal clear. The threats and the unwillingness to cooperate—Rhys said it had all been done and taken care of. A new wave of anger rushed through Azriel as he reached for Rhys's neck, bending most of his body over the sixth-floor railing. "I should have burned that place down," Azriel hissed. "Azriel," Rhys said, pushing against his brother's hold. "If my mate and my kids get hurt because you stalled, I swear on everything holy to me. You will never see me again, Rhys", and with a final shove, Azriel let go. Rhys managed to keep himself upright, but before he could turn to the spymaster, he was already gone.
The next time your eyes snapped open, you scrambled to your feet almost immediately. Reaching for the bars, you cast your gaze upon the cell opposite yours. A breath hitched in your throat. They had shifted. Axel was leaning against the wall. All you could see was his face; his wings were messily draped over his chest, he no doubt had to be holding Zofie. "Axel," you called out softly, not wanting to startle him even more. Mother knew these kids were through hell just because of you. "Sweetheart, Ax," you called out again, knees buckling as those golden eyes gazed straight at you. "Y/n," he breathed in return, trying to move closer, but you quickly shook your head.
"It's okay; stay where you are. Are you hurt? Does anything hurt?", you looked him over the best you could. The boy only shook his head. "But Zofie is cold," he muttered, pealing one of his wings to reveal a sickly pale girl with no color in her skin. You sank to the floor. "Is she...", the ringing in your ears grew louder. Axel quickly shook his head once more. "I think it's the empathy thing," he said softly. "I've been thinking all the happy thoughts, and pa-Azriel," Axel stated. Your eyes softened. "You don't have to correct yourself, Ax; you can call him your papa." You wished they hadn't taken this evening away from them. Why this one out of them all? "Will he come to get us?", there was doubt in the boy's tone, but you met his eyes with your blazing gaze. "He will. He will always come for us. No matter where we end up, Azriel will always find a way to bring us back home. You want to know why?", you asked him, and Axel instantly nodded, "Because he loves us, and we love him."
Azriel's shadows were swirling all around the sanctuary as he watched from the mountain peaks. He knew that you were there. The last bits of mating bond practically screamed at him while he ran over ways he was going to slather everyone stupid enough to get in his way. He gritted his teeth together.
"You know... I was never afraid of your darkness," you had muted to him as you two had laid in bed together. Your hand was extended up in the air as his shadows swirled all around, tattering your skin with kisses. "You should be; most are," Azriel breathed. "Why would I? It's a part of you, and it's beautiful to me." Azriel had shifted slightly from the words—loving you is the easiest thing I have to do in my life, he had thought but he didn't say it. too afraid that it was all moving too fast. too afraid to scare you away. And now, more than ever, Azriel wished he would have spoken those words. Would have told you about the house on the very side of Velaris. He had bought it decades ago for his family. For his mate and for his kids. And he had just that—all of it—but it was slipping past his fingers.
A handful of papers slapped against Azriel's chest as Rhys winnowed right in front of him. "Padme wants you apart because you two were a profit in some ancient scroll," Azriel snatched the report, taking his eyes off the building just for a heartbeat so he could look it over. "You two are the opposite of the spectrum; your union can... You'd become more powerful than most high lords", Rhys said firmly, knowing that at any moment the words he spoke could be his last, " So this whole thing could be set up by one or multiple of the other high lords, or someone desperate to save the world".
Azriel had to give Rhys credit. The stuff he pulled out in such a short time was impressive, and it would explain the level of magic used to possess others. But if he could do it in such a short time, he could have given him the papers with this information weeks ago. As if reading his mind, Rhys spoke, "Let us help you get her and the kids back, and then you're free to step away from your position as my spymaster." The words drilled holes in Azriel's already bleeding heart, "I should have taken action sooner. I failed you and your family." Azriel lifted his hand, silencing his high lord. "Two entrances are unguarded. Your job is to get the kids and take them away from that place", the cold tone Azriel used felt wrong, but he couldn't do this now. Azriel's priorities no longer lay with Rhys. No longer lay with his court.
You were humming an old Illyrian lullaby when the doors to the dungeon creaked open and in strolled Padme, accompanied by at least four guards. "I hope you're enjoying your fantasy now," she said with that same cold smile on her lips. "You bitch," you spat her way, throwing all of your weight at the iron bars. "Pick your words wisely, child. I have power over you", she said, standing right in front of you now, looking you over as if you were nothing more than a speck of dirt beneath her shoes. "I trusted you," you said through gritted teeth, "You said...", "That I cared? That I will keep you safe," Padme cut you off, "The same thing your supposed lover is saying to you now. Look where my love brought you; want to see where he will take you?" She stepped over so quickly you didn't even notice when her claws had dug in the hack of your scalp, that same demonic face flashing right in front of you.
Then flames erupted all around you. All of the Velaris was up in flames. Houses falling. People were trying to crawl from beneath the debris. You ran forward, trying to help a woman free her leg, but the moment you approached, she screamed out in panic, trying to move away from you. You shook your head. "Do you want this?", Padme's voice rang all around you. "You are going to be so selfish and end so many lives just because you think someone can finally love you," her laugh echoed, chipping even more of your already frozen-over heart. "I kept you safe. It is I who truly knows how to love a creature like you". Your head fell back as the priestess pulled her blood-coated nails away from you, licking the very tips, "You always belonged with me." Your eyes locked on her dark orbs. You've never seen them in their true colors before.
"That's a lie! Azriel loves us; we're a family," Axel's voice rang out, making you blink, "Tell her, YN, we'll always be together." Padme turned to the boy, yanking the cell door open as she stepped in. "No," you breathed out, reaching for them. "Say that again, boy," her hand wrapped around his neck as she lifted him from the ground, Zofie's frail body slipping out of his hand, awkwardly filling the cold floor. "No, Padme, let him go," you pleaded. You were not letting them go through the same torture you had already endured. "He loves her," Axel said firmly, even if he was slowly losing oxygen. "I'll do whatever you want, but you have to promise you will not hurt them, Pad," you said so quickly that you could barely make out your own words.
The priestess's head turned toward you, a vicious smile spreading across her face. "Return them safely to Azriel, and I will do whatever you want," you pleaded. Padem simply let go of Axel. "Very well," she said happily. "I'll drop them off at that old lady's house," You nodded along with her words. Cordelia will look after them for now. She'll explain it all to them. Take good care of Zofie until she can once again lay in Azriel's arms. "But you, my dear," Padme mustered, "You owe me your heart, especially the part of it that belongs to the shadowsinger." Your vision blurred as her words settled in. A part. There wasn't just a part. All of it was Azriel's. You had given it to him that night outside his mother's house. He had it ever since.
Azriel had his finger pressed to his lips as he once again came into contact with a small group of terrified females, slowly gesturing for them to exit the place. Knowing well that Rhys would guide them out of the building. One of them had already told them how to get to the lower floors of the sanctuary. Azriel would find you. He'll take you home. He rounded the familiar corner. He was trying to be as quiet as he possibly could. It was strange to think that he had lived here for a bit. He had met his other missing part between these walls, which made him nothing but sick now.
Down the corridor. Into the main communal hall, and then right on the left corner, Azriel stopped. There was no way. No, there was no way this couldn't be it. His eyes instantly darted up, looking for anyone planning an attack from up above, but he saw no one, and his shadows sensed nothing.
"Y/n," he breathed out, and you instantly turned around. Your dress was dirty and damp, and there was blood running down the back of your neck, mixing in with your light hair. Blood. Azriel crossed the distance between the two of you in a couple of steps. "Why are you here? Did you kill her?", he carefully cupped your face as he looked you over. Your lip trembled. "Love," Azriel breathed. "The kids are at your mother's. I got them out, but you need to leave," the last word was choked out, and you quickly covered your mouth. Trying to fight your emotions. Azriel pulled at your hand, but you quickly pulled back. "You need to leave me behind," you whispered. "That will never happen," the spymaster said firmly.
"Azriel, I will lose control again. I will burn the city down. I saw it", you shook your head, trying to chase the images away. "I will burn it for you if you give up on us," Azriel said harshly, but his touch still stayed nothing but soft.
"I'm not giving up on us," you whispered so quietly. You promised to push him away. Make him leave you so the kids will be safe. Be safe with him. They didn't need you. But you couldn't lie to him. You'll make him leave you behind in some other way. But Azriel cupped your face with both hands and said, "I waited for you my whole life. You are everything I ever wanted and more. I can only breathe when I'm with you, Y/n. You are my everything. If you are not with me, I don't want to live." His honest words pulled a light sob from your lips. "Azriel, I...", you breathed right as an arrow pierced Azriel's shoulder. The spymaster hissed as he turned back, trying to find the source of the attack.
"No," you shouted, but Azriel was already shielding you while an arrow after an arrow pierced his skin and wings. A roar slipped past his lips, but he stood unmoving, using his body like a shield. "No, let me," you breathed out as you tried to pull him away but... The room died down quickly, and you watched as Azriel slowly sank to his knees.
"Azriel," you followed suit, cupping his face in your hands. His lips were tinted red. No, they couldn't be. No, this couldn't be happening. Azriel moved one of his hands up as he grasped your forearm firmly. "You belong to no one," he said, pausing to take a breath between each word, "Don't let them control you any longer." His grip loosened, and his hazy eyes only focused on you. "No, Az. Azriel! Look at me, Azriel", you bagged, tapping his face lightly, trying to keep him awake.
"And so the story ends," Padme said, moving from behind one of the columns with a pleased smile on her lips. "What did you do? What did you do?", you shouted at her. "I saved the world, child," she said, raising her hands in delight. Her laughter filled the space, but your eyes were already back on your mate. "Azriel, look at me," you pressed your hands against him, trying to flicker at least some of your magic on, but you couldn't seem to get a hold of it. The spymaster smiled slightly, grasping your hand in his. "I'll see you on the other side," he muttered. You choked out a cry. "No, no, you will not," you said angrily. "Azriel," his name was like a prayer on your lips. You felt the last bits of the bond slowly flicker out as an overwhelming pain crawled all over you. Time slowed as you watched Azriel's eyes slowly droop.
But then your deathly glare rose to meet Padme's satisfied gaze. "What did you do?", the scream ripped through. Ignited even more by the pain of feeling Azriel slipping away, the cry seemed never-ending. You heard glass breaking. The cracking of the chipping stone. You saw nothing but white rage. Pulling one of the arrows out of Azriel's body, you pointed it at Padem. "I will be your worst nightmare," you said through gritted teeth. Your body didn't feel like your own as you logged the arrow. And it hit Padme straight in her heart with the speed you'd never thought you could muster.
That same itching feeling in your throat started once more. The same one you felt when they ripped your wings off. The sanctuary was slowly falling apart. The females rushed to get out, but you couldn't bring yourself to care anymore as you pulled Azriel's head over your lap. There was so much blood everywhere. Too much blood. The tears fell freely down your face in a never-ending stream.
You moved your hands over Azriel's heart, watching as your hands disappeared within the light you possessed. But it didn't seem to work. "Y/n," you heard Rhys's shaky voice. "Get out," you barked out. The high lord still tried to step closer, but you hissed at him, "Get out, Rhys, and take the ones you can with you." You felt the last bits of your self-control failing. He only held your gaze for a moment before he winnowed away.
A sob slipped past your lips as you cupped Azriel's face, leaning over to kiss his cold lips. Time slowed once more. The static felt unbearable. One heartbeat. Two. Three. Four. And it all erupts with a sob like no other. You felt blood trickling down your ears as all of your being clawed at your fragile body. The light was blinding. So was the warmth that followed it. It felt like forever. The sizzling of your skin eased as the snow slowly fell upon you two. You blinked a couple of times. Pouring whatever was left into Azriel until your hands slipped off his chest and your body sagged on top of his.
The first thing he felt was coldness. Then the snowflakes fell on his face. His body also felt heavy. Like it had never felt before. The gray sky was all around him as he opened his eyes. His mind felt numb. For a moment, he had no idea why he was lying there in the first place. Until it all came tumbling down. One image after the other. The sanctuary. You. Arrows. Was this what the other side looked like because, shit, it was grim. Azriel shifted slightly, halting when his hand hit something. Something that was sprawled out across him.
He sat up so fast that your body rolled down to his lap. No. "Y/n," he said, wrapping his arms around your body and hissing at the coldness of it. "My love," he muttered, flexing his stiff wings. They had to be torn. Azriel turned. Not a single cut was on them. Not a single arrow was in his flesh. You've melted it away and healed him. "Love," he called out desperately, "Open your eyes." You couldn't die. He couldn't have just been here, lying unconscious, while you slowly faded from this world.
Azriel's eyes darted across the fallen sanctuary walls. Blood on the white stone. Padme's body was not far away from where you two were. Only the outskirts of the city looked burned to the ground, but there was no doubt that Rhys knew that something like this was coming. Azriel shook his head as he pressed his forehead to yours. "You promised me forever, love," he said softly, "I'm calling in my bargain now." Azriel carefully brushed his lips over yours, and the faintest of thuds echoed in your hallowed-out chest.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace @just-m-2 @thereadinggremlin @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @stressed-reader
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kasayugi · 6 months
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Kim Dokja x Hanako! Female Reader
Chapter I ; Hanako the ghost bathroom
Sypnopsis: Kim Dokja heard about "Hanako-San the ghost bathroom" who can make your wish become true. He's curious and decided to go to the bathroom and make a wish to Hanako. But will his wish become true?
Warning!: Bad grammar! English is not my first language!
Note: This is my first time i make a story in English and yk i'm really bad in English when i write it with myself, because English is not my first language. But i'll try with my best!
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How does it feels like to have a friends? That was Kim dokja feels like right now
He's a lonely boy with a pathetic life, his mother is murder and everyone see him as a trash. Without a family or friends who care about him.
Kim Dokja life is so dull. Always being a bullied in his school, even the teacher doesnt care about him. He was desperate to have a friend, even just one.
"Did you heard about Hanako-San of the bathroom?"
"a Japanese ghost girl? Why she's in the Korean bathroom school?"
"We don't know why she's in our school, but she can make your wishes come true!"
"Really? What's the rumors?"
He entered the boys bathroom, slowly he walked to the one of the bathroom stall, his hands shook and tried to gather his courage.
"She's indeed in our school bathroom, but she's in the boy bathroom!"
"are you sure she's a Hanako-San not a pervert ghost?"
"hush! Don't say like that! She will be mad if she hear about that!"
His mouth trembling and closed his eyes. Why he should be scared? He just wanted to make a wish, nothing wrong right? So why he's scared?.
Surely Hanako wouldn't do something scary to him, or even angry because he called her just to make a wish to her. He just doing like the rumors say!
"To called her, you should knocked the door three time"
His hand slowly knocked the door with his all courage, and then say, "Hanako, Hanako, are you here?" Just like the rumors said.
Nothing happened, he's slowly open his eyes and looked at the door and raised his eyebrow. Is this some kind of jokes? Really? Why didn't Hanako answer what he said?
If this is a jokes, so what's the point of him being in this bathroom after school!
"bullshit" Walked away from the door and feeling annoyed and disappointed, he can't believe if it was just a jokes! He shouldn't have believed it if it was just a jokes, what's the point?—
Forget about that, he took his words back when the door slammed hard and wide open. Quickly his whole body was filled with fear when he realized that the atmosphere in the bathroom had changed drastically.
That's a lie, right...? He thought like that, looked at the toilet seat with a look of fear and horror, even though it's just a sitting toilet, for some reason it has an unusual and scary aura.
"you call me?" Without realizing it, the apparition asked him right in front of his face with a big smile clearly plastered on her face.
His eyes widened and started screaming while pointing at the apparition who's in front of his face. "A GIRL!?" He can't believe the apparition in front of his face is a girl!.. how could it be a girl in the boys bathroom!?
"why? Of course i'm a girl! What do you think i am?" The apparition look at him with confused face. Does he really heard the rumors clearly?
"no! I mean.. why you in the boys bathroom? Are you really Hanako?" He shook his head in disbelief what just he see. What a strange.. yet pervert ghost? Isn't she?-
She snorted with annoyance and rolled her eyes, what a kind stupid question she got today. Isn't clear this is her home- no, her workplace.
"this is my workplace. You really heard the rumors about me from whom?" She asked him. Looking at him who like an idiot person.
"what?" He titled his head, not understand what she's saying.
"well, forget about that. Now, what is your wish?" The apparition took a deep breath and looked at him with a big smile on her face, in her hand she already had her notebook.
Kim Dokja gasped when he came back to reality and realized his intention of being in the boy's bathroom at this time after school. He stared at the apparition who was waiting patiently for him, the apparition waited for Kim Dokja to make his wish.
Kim Dokja fiddled with his fingers nervously, he thought back to the wish he wanted to say to Hanako. It seemed he was still nervous and hesitant about his wish.
Realize that Kim Dokja not saying anything, the apparition look at him with confused and raised her eyebrow, she spun her pen. "What? You don't have any wish?".
"actually, i have.. but.. are you really Hanako? Not a pervert ghost?" Oh, boy...
Her face darkened and became gloomy hearing his words. She walked back into the bathroom feeling gloomy, "forget about that, i'm done with this".
"Huh!? No! No! No! I mean, Hanako is a cool girl!!"
Cool.. girl.. cool.. girl..
"Then, state your name!" The apparition turned back towards Kim Dokja with a big smile appeared on her face again and it sparkled when she was praised by him.
What an innocent girl, Kim Dokja stated his name, "My name is Kim Dokja, 1st grade".
"m'kay, Kim Dokja, right? What's your wish?" the apparition wrote his name in her notebook while occasionally glancing at him to make sure his name was correct or not.
Kim Dokja fell silent again when he heard the apparition's question, he looked gloomy again. There are many wishes in his mind but he can only ask for one wish to became true.
The apparition was confused again when the human in front of her seemed hesitant again to express his wish, she understand that.
"i don't know..This is complicated, there are many wishes that i want" He shook his head uncertainly and stared at the bathroom floor, the apparition humming softly, "Then tell me one of the wishes you want most".
One of the wishes you want most, One of the wishes you want most, ...One of the wishes you want most..want most..want most..
Could it be, he can ask for anything, right? Right!
He found it!
"hmm?~" The apparition hummed softly and seemed interested when he saw Kim Dokja's eyes sparkling like he had just found a treasure, what a cute guy.
"Kill them!" With a big smile, Kim Dokja stated his wish, making the apparition become petrified, oh.. what? He stared at the apparition in confusion when it just stayed still and stared at him.
Kill them? Kill? KILL!? Kill who?.. She looked at Dokja with a look of horror and scared to hear Dokja's statement, she didn't expect the many wishes that he was doubtful about. He chose to make a wish to her to kill someone..
What a terrible wish
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©kasayugi This story is protected by copyright! reposting or translating on other platforms without my permission is prohibited! Jshk only belongs to ©Aidairo and Orv only belongs to ©SingNSong.
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 1
You weren't originally supposed to be in hell. You only ended up here after telling Adam you refused to be his Third wife. He was a bitter prick about it, and shoved you out of heaven. Last thing you saw as you fell, was the look of shock and regret on his face. Not that you cared. He didn't deserve your forgiveness or pity…
Next thing you knew when you opened your eyes was pain. A burning sensation from your back. Oh fuck, your wings! They- they're not supposed to bend like that! You scream in agony and despair, realizing you'd broken and bent your wings! There was no way to fly back up to heaven now!
“Someone… Someone help!” You cried out, hoping maybe somehow one of your friends in heaven could hear your prayers. But… it was pointless. No prayers from hell could ever reach heaven, not even from an angel. Now here you were… fallen.
“Whoa! That looks pretty bad.” A voice, footsteps getting closer!
“Please! I- I don't belong here!” You tried to sit up, barely managing it with a sob. You look up to see who the voice belonged to.
“I'll say, you're in my garden, almost landed in my rose bushes too.” A short man with blonde hair frowned at you with his arms crossed. “I swear, just because my wife has been off working for seven years, doesn't mean I'm magically single! How did you get in here?”
“I… fell… who are you?” He looked surprised by your words.
“Who am I?! You're kidding right?” You shook your head, and he got serious.
“where did you fall from?”
“Heaven…” He took a deep breath through his nose.
“I see…” He started walking towards you, and you started to pull your wings around to shield yourself, having forgotten they were broken. This made the firey pain flare back up! You hadn't noticed it go numb earlier, but now, you wished you hadn't moved them! You couldn't help the whimper that escaped your lips. It made him stop moving. 
“H- hey, I'm… I'm not gonna hurt you.” His voice was soft and low. “I promise, I just wanna help. Will you let me?” He held out his empty hands, waiting for permission before moving even a single step closer.
“Y-you still didn't answer my question. Who are you?” You had a sinking feeling…
“Me? Oh, nobody. Just the big boss of hell himself!” He chuckled at his own humor before shooting you a grin, “Call me Lucifer. And you are?”
Before you could answer, the world went dark, and you fell unconscious again.
The next time you open your eyes, you're in bed. A dream then. Thank God! But why have a nightmare about getting kicked out of heaven? Was it a warning Adam was gonna be a pissy shit when you gave him your answer today? You finally open your eyes and realize… this isn't your room. And… this isn't your bed! You sit up, wings curling around yourself as a shield and looking around frantically! Everything was extravagant and gilded! Some kind of palace suite? Then… oh. OH FUCK! YOU REALLY DID MEET LUCIFER!
“Oh hey, you're up! Great, hungry? I made pancakes.” The devil himself entered the room with a syrup soaked stack, steaming and fresh. Before you could refuse him, your stomach growled loudly, answering for you.
“I didn't think the devil would cook his own meals…” was all you could think to say. He set the tray in front of you, there was even a glass of juice.
“Why wouldn't I? Best way to make sure no one poisons me! Haha, not that it'd actually kill me.” He smiled, “oh, and you're welcome for healing you by the way. Once you're done eating, you can head back on up home.” He smiled and made a wing flapping motion with his arms. You giggle, it was kind of cute. He was so tiny, and handsome in a cute way. Not at all how heaven described him.
“You're… different from how heaven said you'd be.” You say, before eating some of the food he'd been generous enough to share. They were apple flavored.
“Oh really? And how is heaven describing me to you younger angels these days?” He raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. 
“They said you would be cruel. Take joy in the pain and suffering of others. That you didn't know how to laugh or smile, only how to hate and hurt… but, you just proved all of that wrong.”
Lucifer was shocked, “I… that's how they think of me? My own siblings are telling people this?” He looked hurt, gripping a hand to his heart. “Mikey and Gabe… they know I'm not… that I'd never…”
You got up from the bed, you couldn't stand seeing him like this, on the edge of tears from your own words! You should have found a gentler way to… ah fuck it, too late for that now. You pull him into a hug, wrapping your wings around him.
“I'm sorry.” You kept your tone soft and genuine, and that seemed to be the last straw. He hugged back and started bawling into your shoulder! 
Now here you are, fallen from heaven, showing sympathy to the devil. You rubbed his back in soothing circles. “It's alright, let it all out, I got you.”
You weren't originally supposed to be in hell, but it didn't seem like such a bad place to be really.
(This was written for a very dear friend of mine. She's crazy for Lucifer, and I'm crazy about her so... yeah! Hope you all like it as much as she has!)
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drunk-person · 2 months
Please please please (Modern Au) P.4
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
Summary: One of the most talked about gossips among the lower class servants in Kings Landing is the fact (or not) that Aemond Targaryen got involved with his cousin Y/n Targaryen when they were both teenagers. Mainly due to the fact that at the age of 17 she was sent to Old Town overnight. Some employees claim that Aemond was caught between her legs. Some say that, like her father, she had had a horrible fight with her uncle and aunt and was sent away. And other than that none of this happened, she just became interested in the course offered at the Old Town conservatory. But now five years later, Y/n Targaryen is back, and rumors haunt those who favor them.
This chapter is a part of a main story The gossip, you can find the previous chapter, summary and general tags by accessing the link.
Summary of the chapter: Rumors slowly grow out of control, a pair of silver heels can make more of an impact than you think.
Warnings of the chapter: 18+ mdni! Smut, p in v, slight codependency, no description for reader.
Word count: 12.800 k 🤯
A/N: I hope you like the new chapter, I'm very happy and grateful for all the dear people who commented on the previous chapter, thank you very much, your comments inspire me! Comments and suggestions are welcome 💕
A/N²: If Aemond had a song in this story, it would certainly be Apocalyptica - "Not Strong Enough". Y/n is a fashion expert, not me. So if you understand fashion and I happen to commit some crime against it, forgive me. If we analyze the title of the chapter and the chapter itself we will discover one of the reasons why Alicent doesn't want Y/n near Aemond. (Apart from the fact that they are both cousins).
"Good morning Kings landing, it seems that Floris Baratheon is not in a very good mood, as yesterday she got involved in an argument with a clothing store attendant and almost got the young woman fired. The details of what was said were not disclosed , but one would expect more patience and joy from someone who is engaged to the son of one of, if not the greatest, tycoon in Westeros."
The morning of the next day wasn't much different from the day before for Y/n and Aemond, with the two waking up naked and entangled, exchanging kisses and soft caresses.
-Let's take a bath? - Y/n whispered against Aemond's lips, who laughed and sighed at her at the same time while denying it.
-No bathing together today. - He kissed her lips as he said that. - Or I'll be even more late arriving at the company.
-It's going to be really quick, and you know I also need to go there today. -She sighed, looking at him and biting her lip, slightly apprehensive as she remembered that she needed to talk to her uncle.
Upon seeing Y/n fearful, Aemond lowered his guard and pulled her closer to him, needing to make her feel protected.
-Everything's going to be okay. - He kissed her lips again and suddenly her gaze returned to normal as she tried to convince him.
-C'mon. - She begged, climbing into his lap and kissing him deeper. - It doesn't need to be in the bathtub. - She brushed her lips with his. - Just in the shower is fine.
Aemond then put his hands on her hips and got up from the bed, making her laugh and scream as she clung to his neck.
-What do I do with you? - He arched his eyebrows as he quickly kissed her lips.
-I have many ideas of what you can do. - She smiled mischievously as she returned the peck on his lips, making him smile and roll his eyes.
As Aemond walked towards the bathroom Y/n kissed his neck and chin while rubbing herself against him and practically purring like a sly cat. Aemond could already feel himself harden, and from the angle she was in his arms he could feel her wetness against his own skin.
And when he leaned her against the bathroom wall already involved in a hungry kiss, Aemond accidentally turned on the cold water on both of them, making Y/n let out a cry of fright and cling even tighter to him.
-Aemond! - She shouted while he turned on the hot water too.
-Sorry. - He murmured laughing against her neck. - It wouldn't be so cold here if someone had remembered to readjust the thermostat last night.
-I was busy with other things. -Now it was Y/n who rolled her eyes as she lowered her lips to Aemond's neck again as she fluttered against him.
So needy. And Aemond could never deny it.
And with that thought he guided his cock to her wet entrance and fucked her against the bathroom wall while she moaned against his neck and kissed him contentedly. After they both reached climax he lowered her to the floor and watched as Y/n soaped her own body with an even bigger smile on her face now that he had gotten what he wanted.
-Can I take my shower now, Your Highness? - He asked ironically as he took the soap from her hand.
-Certainly my lord. - She curtsied and then kissed him on the chin before taking one of the towels and wrapping herself up to leave the bathroom while Aemond just smiled.
He took a little longer in the bathroom because he hadn't combed his hair the day before, and now the consequences of leaving it so long had arrived in the form of removing the knots that had formed naturally and by Y/n's wandering hands who loved him. stroll there.
A few minutes later, when he returned to the room with his hair combed and a towel around his waist, Aemond raised his eyebrows when he saw Y/n already dressed for the day.
-Where did you get those clothes? - His voice was confusing as she was wearing loose denim shorts just above the thigh and a black button-down shirt that had some buttons open, leaving a slight cleavage and exposing the sapphire necklace and with the hem inside the shorts, tucked in up to your elbows.
-They're yours. - She replied simply while looking in the mirror and adjusting her clothes to her body.
-I'm pretty sure I don't have any jeans that length. - Aemond said, curving his eyebrow at her, but noticing that the black button-down shirt she was wearing inside her shorts was actually his, but she had placed it in a way that didn't look so big on her.
-Not really, I cut one of your pants. - Y/n shrugged while unpretentiously going through Aemond's things looking for something.
-Did you cut my pants? - He asked with his eyebrows still curved as he looked at her beautiful legs in the shorts.
-Yeah, but don’t worry, I’m sure you didn’t like these. They were a rather strange light color. Who gave you this? - She asked as she walked around so he could admire the clothes better.
Aemond smiled, Y/n was right it had been a gift, he would never have bought those pants with that ugly color, but they strangely looked good on Y/n. He could never understand how she could look beautiful wearing literally anything, or literally nothing. Gods he loved so much when she wore nothing. And then he shook his head, pushing those thoughts away and giving she the answer.
-Aegon gave it to me for my birthday.
-Typical of him, but you were actually lucky. -Y/n rolled her eyes as she grabbed a black belt from one of the drawers and threaded it through the fasteners of her shorts and secured them in place. - Remember when he arrived drunk on my birthday, gave me a French fry as a gift and shouted "get it, little cousin". - Y/n spoke in disbelief while imitating Aegon's voice. - Afterwards he told me that he had found that potato in the trash.
Aemond stared at her, barely listening to what Y/n said, she looked so beautiful wearing his clothes. The feeling of possession that he already naturally had towards her was even stronger at that moment.
-Damn. - Y/n said, looking at her feet with a frown and forgetting the previous topic.
-What's it? - Aemond pulled her towards him by the belt loops, gluing her body to his and feeling even more satisfied when he smelled his own shampoo exuding from her hair.
-My heels won't match this outfit! - Y/n looked at him with a mixture of irritation and upset at the same time.
-Why not? - His hands went up to her waist, squeezing them gently while Aemond looked at her without understanding, the heels were perfectly good and made her legs look beautiful. And he would definitely fuck her wearing just those heels after thinking about it.
Y/n just rolled her eyes at Aemond's question as if he wasn't making sense.
-They are extravagant, and these clothes are obviously over size since they are yours, it won't work.
-Take one of my shoes. - Aemond said simply, kissing her neck slightly wetly.
-Aem.. - Y/n snorted rolling her eyes again. - Your feet are huge, we haven't worn the same size since I was 13.
-I need to buy shoes that match. - She said, already looking at him with those needy eyes and he looked away, not wanting to give in.
-I can't be late at the company today, I didn't go yesterday and I left early the day before. - Aemond mumbled with his head buried in her neck.
-Please Aem. -She said pulling out the last letter as she looked him in the eyes again, as he had lifted his head from her neck.
-Y/n.. - Before he could continue she reached out and kissed him on the lips, wrapping her hands around his neck.
-Please Aem…-Her voice was low and melodious as she trailed tender kisses down his jaw and chin as she rubbed herself lightly against him. - I won't delay you, it will only take five minutes. I swear.
-mhnm. We can stop by a shoe store on the way. - He agreed with a sigh, not being able to resist and Y/n jumped on his neck, kissing his face.
-I'm going to fix my hair. - She gave Aemond one last kiss on his jaw before walking towards the bathroom again while he just smiled and watched her.
Aemond went into his own closet and chose the same formal work clothes that he usually wore. And as he reached for a pair of boxers he heard Y/n's shrill, terrified scream coming from the other room. He didn't even bother getting dressed or wrapping himself in a towel, he just ran as he was towards the bathroom where Y/n was coming from, her eyes full of tears, and when she saw him, she threw herself into his arms.
-Hey Hey. - Aemond hugged her trying to calm her down. - What there was?
-S- Spider. - Y/n stuttered, still clinging to Aemond.
-It's not real. -Aemond spoke in a calm voice as he stroked her hair. - It’s made of crystal, it was a gift from Helaena.
-What is that thing doing in the bathroom cabinet? - She asked calmer but still with a shrill voice.
-I put it there because I didn't know where to put it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - His voice was very calm and he was still stroking her hair firmly while holding her very close to him. - I'll throw it away, okay?
-You can't throw Hel's gift away, she'll be upset. - Y/n immediately denied it, still hugging him and with her head buried in his strong chest. - Just… put it in a very hidden place that I will never find in my life.
Aemond nodded her head and then pressed a kiss against her hair.
-Will you bring the brush and other things so I can fix my hair here? -She asked with her voice still a little sensitive as she looked at Aemond with fearful eyes.
-I'll take whatever you want. - He said, drying the tears that had run down her cheeks with his fingertips.
-I don’t like seeing you cry, only in the right way. - He said trying to do her smiling and being happy when he saw that it worked.
-What would be the right way? -She laughed a little at that question as she arched her eyebrows.
-Under me for sure. - He then kissed her forehead before heading towards the bathroom.
Aemond collected everything Y/n needed and not knowing what to do with the black crystal spider that was almost the size of his own hand, he just threw it in the laundry basket to be sorted later. It was a bit tricky having a sister who was obsessed with bugs while he had Y/n with a bug phobia, which was considerably worse with spiders.
-Okay, everything is here. - Aemond placed the things on the bed and Y/n smiled in response.
-My hero.
-I do what I can. - He gave her a peck on the lips as he approached. - Are you calmer? -His voice was soft as she held Y/n's face in her hands and she just nodded at him.
-Good. -He gently kissed her forehead and went towards the closet again, only then noticing that he was completely naked while doing all this.
Aemond got dressed in a hurry while he heard Y/n grumble irritably outside about her hair being unmanageable after the previous day, and that she wouldn't be able to fix it in such a short time. He just smirked, for him it was perfect he loved her hair when it was all crazy and out of control. And he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he came out of the closet, finishing fixing the sleeve of his own shirt, and found her with her hair tied up in a slightly messy bun and with braids on the sides.
-Didn't you say it was impossible to make your hair presentable in such a short time? - It was more than presentable, it was perfect.
-We both know that I can be a little dramatic when I want to. - She squinted her eyes and shrugged her shoulders as she walked towards Aemond who just rolled his eyes and crossed his right arm behind Y/n's back as he guided her to the door.
There was no more time for breakfast at home, and Aemond decided to just stop on the way and grab something quick from a coffee maker while Y/n bought her shoes.
Y/n put on her high heels to go out, as they were the only pair of shoes available at the moment. And Aemond felt his mouth water when he saw her legs in those shorts and those heels, and he couldn't resist pressing Y/n against the door, standing on her back and bringing his lips closer to the shell of her ear.
-You have no idea how hot you look in those heels. - He murmured, brushing his lips gently against her ear, making Y/n catch her breath momentarily. - And if I didn't have so many things to do today I would bend you against that table and fuck you until you cry right now.
His voice saying that stole all of Y/n's breath, and she barely managed to sigh to be able to respond to Aemond.
-Do not make threats that you do not intend to fulfill Aemond Targaryen. - She finally responded with her eyes closed and stuttering a little at the feeling of him pressing her from behind.
-I never do. - He assured her with a mischievous smile as he left a kiss on the back of her head before the two walked out the door.
Aemond took the usual route to the company while Y/n looked out the window looking for a decent shoe store, as the two agreed to avoid an even longer delay. It was when she saw the golden Tyrell sign that she went into an uproar asking Aemond to stop the car, and he couldn't help but smile softly when he saw her happy.
-Can you give me your card? - She spoke with a sweet and cheerful voice while blinking her eyes - Mine stayed at the hotel.
Aemond rolled his eyes and gave a small smile as he reached for his wallet in the car's gearbox and pulled out his credit card, handing it to Y/n, who gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting out of the car and heading towards the shoe store.
Y/n bit her lower lip when she saw Jimmy Tyrell's new summer collection and practically had to close her eyes to pass it by and not try on each pair. Going straight to the one that her thought would look best with the outfit she was wearing. It took all the strength she had inside her not to ask the saleswoman to bring a box of each pair in her size.
The store saleswoman took the black sandals out of the box and Y/n thanked her, saying that she put them on herself.
And when Y/n took off her silver heels, the saleswoman raised her eyebrows and then opened her eyes wide in shock, trying her best to hide her reaction.
Y/n looked in the mirror, appreciating the combination of her new sandals with the rest of her outfit and ended up not resisting choosing a pair of earrings that matched as well since the ones from the night before didn't go well with this outfit, then paying for everything and running back to the car before Aemond collapsed.
The store doors had barely closed after Y/n left and the saleswoman who served her had already run to the back door of the store behind one of her co-workers in an uproar.
-Mila, didn't your aunt say that she saw a pair of silver shoes at Aemond Targaryen's house yesterday morning? - She asked with a frown and biting her lip in curiosity.
-Yes, she told me Joy. - Mila confirmed while storing shoe boxes in the store's inventory. - He didn’t let her into the apartment and then his mother called all strange looking for him. - Mila whispered to her friend again and then looked around before continuing. - My aunt thinks he was cheating on his fiancee.
-Well you won't believe who came in here wearing a pair of beautiful silver high heels and with Aemond Targaryen's credit card. - Joy said, restraining herself from screaming with excitement as she spread the gossip.
-Who? - Mila's voice emanated curiosity and she had already abandoned her work to pay attention to the conversation with wide eyes.
-Y/n Targaryen in person. - Joy practically hummed the words, trying hard not to scream.
-No fucking way. - It was the only thing that Milla could answer with her jaw dropped.
Y/n admired her new sandals, and adjusted the side buckle so it didn't squeeze her ankle so much, while Aemond took turns watching the traffic and looking out of the corner of his eye whenever he could. Until a happy melody in Shania Tyrell's voice sounded over the car radio and Aemond smiled, turning up the volume as he watched Y/n's smile grow along with the melody.
-Do you still love this song?
-Absolutely. - She laughed and then began to sing along while shaking her head from side to side, smiling.
Aemond, taking advantage of them being stopped at the traffic light, looked at her more directly, and shit, how he had missed the contagious joy that Y/n had. The laugh, the smile, that curve of her cheek every time she was really happy about something. He felt as if the day Y/n left all the happiness had been sucked out of his chest, but now, it was as if a ray of sunshine of pure joy had hit him with her return.
-Sing with me Aem. - She asked smiling and Aemond denied with a sideways smile.
-Please Aem. - She asked, biting his lip and looking at him from beneath his eyelashes.
-Don't do that. - He begged while biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.
-Please Aemond. Just the chorus. - She begged. - I'll give you whatever you want later.
-You'll give me whatever I want anyway. - He couldn't help but smile dirtyly when he said that and Y/n rolled her eyes.
-Just the chorus. - She leaned over and kissed his neck. - For me.
-I hate you. - Aemond rolled his eyes before starting to sing the chorus along with Y/n who smiled even bigger while drumming his fingers against his own thighs.
-I think one of your biggest character inconstancies is that you like reach music. - Aemond mocked.
-Oh, shut up, Shania Tyrell is a music icon! - Y/n protested with a laugh as she continued singing, making him smile.
The rest of the way to the company was peaceful, with Aemond driving calmly while keeping one hand resting on Y/n's knee, who just admired the city's landscape with a small smile on her lips.
The two attracted all eyes as soon as they left the main elevator, but Aemond didn't even notice, too lost to observe things around him, already heading towards the elevator that would take him to his own office floor.
-Good morning Mrs. Mayotte. - Aemond's mood was visibly better just by the tone of voice, and the secretary almost choked when she raised her head to answer him and found Y/n's figure next to him. - Any complications yesterday?
-N-No. - She replied nervously while shaking her head. - No complications.
-Good. - He nodded before entering his own office followed by Y/n who smiled and waved at Lizze and Sana.
As soon as the door closed, Lizze ran to Sana's desk, who was organizing some files on the computer.
-Sana… - Lizze's voice sounded more like a squeak as she crouched down near her co-worker's desk.
-What it was? - The other woman leaned forward out of curiosity, moving closer so she could hear.
-The shirt she's wearing is his! - Lizze whispered/shouted to her friend.
-What the fuck? - Sana almost screamed with wide eyes and Lizze signaled her to shut up. - How do you know that shirt is his? - She asked more quietly.
-Jaehaerys spilled juice on his suit a couple of weeks ago and he took it off and asked me to take it to the dry cleaners. - Lizze said in a fast-paced voice. - The embroidery on the collar is the same, and I'm sure that if you look under the collar there will be his initials there.
-Holy shit. - Sana's eyes looked like golf balls at that moment, as the two looked at the door in shock.
-So this is your office? - Y/n said with her eyes shining as she looked around smiling. There wasn't a speck of dust out of place, just like everything that had to do with Aemond.
He just smiled and hummed as he went towards his own desk, already turning on his laptop and organizing some papers in his own folder. After looking around, Y/n sat on his lap, hanging around Aemond's neck while he organized some files on the main computer.
-I need to go talk to Uncle Viserys. - Y/n sighed, still sitting on Aemond's lap and he gently squeezed her thigh with strength.
-See you for lunch? - Aemond smiled sideways at Y/n who nodded positively while leaving a soft kiss on his chin and getting up heading towards the door.
Shortly after Y/n left, Aemond took a deep breath, still feeling his own body light. And after looking at some schedules on the computer, he got up heading towards Aegon's room, he smiled slightly when he opened the door and saw Jaehaerys' silver hair, who was playing with a cart on the carpet absently.
He didn't even have time to talk to his nephew like he always did, since as soon as Aegon saw him he got up and walked towards him.
-Where were you? I had to read a 30 page report yesterday. - The oldest asked irritated and Aemond rolled his eyes.
-I was busy. - He replied dryly.
Aegon's eyebrows arched slightly as he approached his brother, noticing a purple mark just below the collar of his shirt.
-I can see it. - He laughed mischievously, pointing at his younger brother's hickey, who adjusted the collar of his shirt at the same moment.
-But I thought you hadn't wet your cookie since Y/n left. - Aegon curved his eyebrows in confusion at the youngest. And when Aemond just looked away it was as if the realization of what was happening came upon Aegon all at once.
-Holy shit, she just set foot in the city again and you're already making out with our little cousin again? - Aegon practically shouted in shock, putting his hands to his face, but then he looked to the side and found his son's clear eyes watching them.
Jaehaerys looked at his father and uncle attentively and Aegon bit his tongue before continuing the inappropriate conversation for the innocent ears of his little boy.
-Jae, why don't you listen to some music on Daddy's cell phone? - Aegon asked smiling and crouching down next to Jaehaerys who gave him a wide smile as he agreed, extending his hands to take the cell phone and headphones from Aegon's hand.
-I want the baby shark one, daddy. - He practically screamed with excitement as he ran to the couch.
After Jaehaerys put the headphones in his ears and turned on the music, the older man turned to his excited brother again and returned to the topic.
-Did you two just clung to each other or was it really good? - Aegon rubbed his hands and shook his eyebrows as he spoke.
-That's none of your business, Aegon. - Aemond replied irritated with a cold voice.
-Did you fuck her? - Aegon asked with his mouth open, already realizing what had happened just by the younger man's expression.
-Shut up Aegon.
-Seven hells, she arrived a day ago and you two are already back to your old habits. Mom is going to be so crazy when she finds out.
-She's not going to find out. -Aemond replied instantly while he slightly squinted his eyes.
-Hell yeah, just like she didn't find out the first time? - Aegon asked, laughing as he threw himself into the chair and raised his feet on the table, but before Aemond could respond to his brother the door opened without warning, interrupting the conversation.
-Aegon. - A shrill and irritated voice came through the door, drawing the brothers' attention. -What the hell is this?
She was shaking the papers in her left hand, her face closed in anger.
-Data reporting? - He arched his eyebrow and spoke with an air of obviousness.
-No, these are drawings of a naked woman. - She said even more irritated and then her eyes widened, but she sighed in relief when she saw that Jaehaerys had headphones on and was distracted while humming.
Aemond raised his eyebrows and Aegon opened his eyes wide and went towards the woman, taking them from her hand.
-Fuck. - He said, trying to hide the drawings from Aemond who was looking at them over his older brother's shoulder.
-Seriously Aegon, I need the reports for about 10 minutes ago, where are they? - She begged, stamping her foot impatiently on the floor, her face slightly flushed.
-Sorry, sorry. - Aegon said, heading towards his own table and rummaging through all the drawers under the incredulous gaze of Aemond and the girl.
-On here. - He held out a pad of paper, which, unlike the drawings, which were in perfect condition, had slight ears on the edges.
-One day I'm going to kill myself inside this office, and it will be your fault, Aegon Targaryen. - She said, turning around and leaving without even saying a word to Aemond while she smoothed the papers hard, trying to remove the wrinkles.
-Good morning to you too, Miss Lanister. - Aegon shouted as she slammed the door loudly.
-I loved the drawings. - Aemond spoke unpretentiously while moving the anti-stress ball on Aegon's desk. - Mainly that mole on the right shoulder, which actually looks a lot like Ms. Lanister there.
-Shut up Aemond. - Aegon said, putting away the papers with drawings in a green folder and with golden elastic bands.
Y/n held her breath for a few moments as she found herself at the door of Viserys's room on the top floor of the building. She couldn't run away, she needed to talk to her uncle, but the thought of facing him again after so long made her nervous, and memories of that horrible night five years ago came back to her instantly. With a sigh, Y/n shook her head, as if that would drive away the bad thoughts, and then knocked on the door and entered her uncle's room.
It was still the way she remembered it from the few times she had been there. Well lit, with models of buildings and other installations designed by the uncle spread throughout the room. According to him, only those that he was most proud of.
-Y/n? - Came that still, sweet voice from the other side of the room. - Are you my daughter?
And suddenly the fear and apprehension left Y/n's body as she turned and walked towards her uncle who was waiting for her with open arms ready for a warm hug.
-Ah, my dear, you are so grown up. - He smiled, still hugging her. - Yesterday she was still a little girl and now she's an adult.
Viserys stroked Y/n's hair and she wanted to cry with emotion. She expected screams. She expected him to ask her what she was doing there. Expected anything but to receive affection. And it took everything in her not to break down and let a few treacherous tears run down her cheeks.
-Come, sit here and let's talk. - The uncle said after letting go of the hug, guiding her to the table and sitting next to his niece. - Now that you're back home, what do you plan to do? - Viserys's gaze was curious. - Do you intend to work at the company?
Y/n made an involuntary grimace as she imagined herself working in the family company, the only good thing would be being close to Aemond. Which wasn't even such a good point since he would be working and wouldn't even have time to talk to her.
-No, no working at the company for me. You know I've never had a knack for Targaryen business, it's a lot of boring and not much creativity.
Viserys just laughed softly as he stared at his niece.
-Uncle, what I really want is to work in fashion. - Y/n continued with a confident voice. - I want to open my own brand, and you'll see, in a short time it will be as big as Jimmy Tyrell and Saint Tully! - Y/n's eyes sparkled when talking about this.
-It's good to know that you want to commit to something. - Viserys patted his niece's shoulder a few times, who smiled widely at her uncle's gesture of affection, and taking advantage of the moment of goodwill, Y/n took a deep breath and decided to ask.
-Uncle.. I have the money that my father sends me saved, in addition to what you always saved for me in the same account. - She started insecure. - But I'm still going to need a little bit more capital if I want to open my own brand.
Y/n's look at Viserys was identical to the look Daemon gave him when he had some wild idea, which Viserys usually didn't pay attention to. And thinking about this, and how perhaps with more attention on his part his brother would not have strayed so far, Viserys made the decision.
-Will you stay out of trouble? - He asked, curving his eyebrows a little.
-I will, uncle, I promise. - Y/n responded immediately while kissing her own fingers.
-So the answer is yes. - He confirmed smiling gently at his niece. - I will invest in your project.
Y/n almost screamed when she heard her uncle's yes and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly, making Viserys laugh softly.
-You won't regret the investment, uncle. - She said excitedly. - I guarantee you that in a short time Perzys & Anogar will be a reference fashion in Westeros.
-Perzys & Anogar? - The oldest asked, still laughing.
-Yes, fire and blood did you like it? It's our family motto in Old Valyrian, I took it from a history book. - She smiled even brighter.
-Very good. - Viserys nodded and then became a little more serious. -But what about your percentage in the company? What will you do when you gain control over her one day?
-Aemond can manage my part for me. - Before Y/n could think too much about it, she responded completely unconcerned while gently waving her hand, as if it had already been resolved a long time ago.
Viserys arched his eyebrow slightly when he heard that and Y/n curled her lips down and her eyes widened a little when she realized what he had said.
If Alicent were in that room, it would be the seven hells on earth.
-I mean, he's definitely going to manage Hel's part since she can't stand all of this either. - She waved her hands pretending not to care. - I might as well let him manage mine too.
-And how is your health, uncle? - She asked quickly changing the subject, which worked well since her uncle was easily distracted.
-From strength to strength, I will easily reach 100. - Viserys replied, now more smiling. - Your aunt put me on a diet where I can only eat green food, and the doctor cut out all sugar.
-Are you still using insulin? - Y/n asked genuinely worried.
-A pen a day. - Viserys sighed. - But he has kept his diabetes under control.
-You don't know how happy I am to see you healthy, uncle. - She smiled, shaking his hand firmly and smiling reassuringly.
-Ah my daughter, and I'm happy to see you home. - Viserys smiled back at his niece, even with all the circumstances, with everything he knew that could come from this return, he couldn't help but be happy to see a family member again. And at that moment Viserys thought about how good it would be to see his own brother face to face again.
Not far from there, Aemond maid Mrs. Dancil went to his apartment again, and before going upstairs she took the keys that Aemond left for her at the entrance when he wasn't at home.
She generally never had much work to clean Aemond Targaryen's apartment. Unlike his older brother, Aemond didn't have many decorations at home that she had to clean, his furniture was simple and without gaps and his things were always in order.
But when she took into consideration the fact that Aegon lived with a huge dog and a child she could even understand the mess in his apartment. Today was one of the few times that she found the apartment slightly disorganized.
The bed hadn't been made, there were some glasses and cups in the sink, the couch and living room were disorganized, and there was more laundry to wash than usual. But the biggest surprise for the older maid was finding a black crystal spider in the laundry basket, next to a very short black dress.
Curiosity gnawed at the lady to know who was at her boss's house the day before so he hadn't let her in, and she looked everywhere, but couldn't find the heels she had seen on the shoe rack near the door.
There was only one question in her head: who was the woman in the black dress and silver heels who was in Aemond Targaryen's house?
After leaving her uncle's office, Y/n returned to Aemond's office in an uproar, barely able to contain her own smile, not even noticing the panicked look on the faces of Aemond and Aegon's secretaries. She just closed the office door behind her and practically skipped over to Aemond's desk, and she couldn't help but smile when she saw her so excited.
-Based on your excitement, I can tell that the conversation with my father was good. - He hugged her around the waist while still sitting in the chair, and Y/n nodded in response.
-You won't believe it Aem. - Her voice was pure joy. - He didn't fight with me, he was actually very happy to see me. He said he's happy to have me back. - Y/n was beaming when she said that.
-Maybe Aunt Alicent will also be happy to see me. - She said hopefully, and Aemond refused to say otherwise because he didn't want to take away her joy.
-And what else did you talk about? - Aemond changed the focus of the conversation, squeezing her gently around the waist, and Y/n smiled even more.
-He asked me about my plans for the future, and I told him about my idea for the brand. - She bit her lip, looking at Aemond, waiting to speak.
-And then? - He asked, visibly apprehensive, pulling her even closer. - What did he say?
-He said he will invest in my idea! - Y/n practically jumped with joy and Aemond got up from the chair hugging her tightly while leaving a long kiss on her hair.
-Did he say how much he will invest in you? - Aemond asked with a smile looking into her eyes as he enjoyed that glow of joy that he loved so much, and Y/n shook her head.
-No, he just said he was going to invest. - Her joy was palpable, since she was 14 Y/n said she wanted to have her own brand. While Aemond was studying to be a businessman, she was designing clothes, reading about fashion and learning to sew. In the first two she was great, in the last one not so much. And he smiled as he remembered the shirt with one long sleeve and one short sleeve that she had made for him.
-That's incredible. - He murmured smiling against her hair while Y/n hugged him tight and smiled excitedly.
The sound of the door opening made them both break away from the hug and look in the direction of the sound in fear. But to both of their relief, it was just Aegon who smiled mischievously in their direction.
-Welcome back, little cousin. - He said, laughing and waving his eyebrows as he closed the door behind him and entered the room, making Aemond roll his eyes and Y/n smile.
Aegon then opened his arms as he approached and Y/n, rolling her eyes with a smile, hugged him.
-I'm glad you came back. - He smiled, releasing her from the hug. - I was getting tired of being the only troublemaker in the family.
-No one can compete with you in this regard, Aegon. - Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.
-Based on the quality time you and my little brother enjoy spending together, I'm tempted to say that you two can. - He mocked and then took two steps back, raising his hands when he saw Aemond's deadly look.
-I just remembered that I forgot to leave some food for Sunfyre. - He said scratching his head.
-Aegon, the only two things you do responsibly are take care of Jaehaerys and Sunfyre. - Aemond rolled his eyes. - I know you're just running away from work.
-Well, now that we've established that, I'm going to take my son and go home and watch TV. Goodbye brother, bye-bye little cousin. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. - Aegon said, walking out the door and then opening it again and just putting his head in and blinking as he said. - Remembering that there are very few things that I wouldn't do.
Aemond rolled his eyes deeply at his older brother who just slammed the door again while laughing. And when Y/n and Aemond were about to return to the conversation, the door opened once again and Aegon quickly entered with wide eyes.
-What do you want now? - Aemond snorted at his brother.
-Miss Mayotte said our mother is coming up.- He spoke in a strangled voice and Y/n and Aemond's eyes widened too.
-Shit. - Aemond hissed, looking from one side to the other.
-What are we gonna do? - Y/n squeaked in panic looking at the door, it was one thing to imagine her aunt's reaction to seeing her in person again, another was the real thing. And considering the things she said last time, Y/n's blood ran cold in her veins as she imagined Alicent's reaction if she found her in Aemond's office.
-You hide in my office. - Aegon spoke at the same moment, gesturing towards the door. - And you don't do anything, just stay here and invent something for mom.
Y/n left a quick peck on Aemond's lips, looking at him worriedly, then ran with Aegon out the door and entered the older man's office under the watchful eyes of the secretaries.
The two had barely closed the door when the elevator opened and Alicent got out of it with a look of unfriendliness, stepping firmly towards Aemond's office.
-Good morning Mrs. Hightower. - Lizze greeted her without looking her in the eye, practically sweating coldly with nervousness.
-Is my son in his office? - Her voice wasn't cold, it wasn't cutting and it wasn't nearly as frightening as her son's, but Lizze didn't know why she was equally intimate.
-Yes ma'am. - She shook her head, still without facing Alicent.
-And he is… alone? - The eldest arched her eyebrows and lips as she spoke.
-He has just with Mr. Aegon, ma'am. - She held her breath as she lied.
-Very well. - Alicent didn't say anything more than that before turning and entering Aemond's office without even knocking on the door.
Lizze practically sank into her chair when she heard the door close.
-Do you think we did the right thing in warning that she was arriving? - Sana whispered fearfully while biting the inside of her cheek.
-But of course! Have you gone crazy? - Lizze hissed in a whisper. - I'd rather cut my own neck than piss off the Targaryens. Besides, she can't fire us, he can.
Aemond was sitting behind his own desk analyzing, or at least pretending to analyze, a data report when the office door opened and Alicent walked in with a very stern face, looking at each part of the office as if someone was hiding somewhere. .
-Mom, it's good to see you at the company. - Aemond smiled, pretending to be surprised when he saw her there, and also pretending not to notice the way she looked at his office. - Is everything okay?
-I came to ask you the exact same thing, my son. - Her voice was careful. - I found out from your father that you didn't come to work yesterday. Have there been any problems?
Aemond could see his mother's eyes shining with suspicion, he could see her hands tightly gripping the strap of her bag as she stared at him as if he were in a police interrogation after committing a crime.
-No problem. - He shrugged his shoulders indifferently with a stoic look as he lied. - Did anyone make it seem like there was some kind of problem?
-No, but you don't have the habit of missing work, Aemond. - She narrowed her eyes looking at him. - Which led me to believe that there was some kind of problem… - Alicent then paused before concluding. - Or perhaps someone causing problems.
-Fortunately you are wrong mom. -Aemond smiled slightly cynically as he lied. - I just drank a little too much at Cercei Lanister's party, and as you know, I don't have a habit of drinking. - He shrugged his shoulders. - I just felt bad in the morning the other day and decided to stay at home, since it wouldn't be of much use in that way.
-So you just stayed alone in your apartment all day because you drank a little too much? - Alicent looked at him somewhat gullibly as she approached the table, and Aemond nodded.
-It was just that, mom. - His voice sounded firm, and anyone would think he was telling the truth, and he normally would, but Alicent knew he was lying because of all the facts that had already come to her attention the day before, and there was only one person that would make Aemond lie to her so shamelessly.
-I hope it's just that, Aemond, and that you're not so foolish as to repeat the same mistakes again. - Her voice was cutting. - Such a thing would be an abomination in the eyes of the seven.
-I learned from my mistakes, mother. I won't commit them again. - Aemond murmured, feeling his own chest compress when he heard his mother's harsh voice directed at him.
Alicent wanted to scream at Aemond. Saying that she knew very well just by looking into his eyes that he was walking with that little snake once again, but she couldn't make such a scandal in the company with so many curious ears listening.
And with that in mind she took a deep breath before saying goodbye to her son with an apology and leaving the company with a hard step. Coming to the conclusion that she would need her father's advice on how to act in this situation before Aemond lost himself for good.
Y/n and Aegon walked back and forth around his office like two headless chickens. Looks of concern visible on their faces as Jaehaerys jumped on the couch and sang the same song over and over using his father's headphones once again.
-Fuck, fuck, fuck. - Aegon repeated with his hands on his face.
-She can't be that bad yet, can she? People get more malleable over time. - Y/n's voice was anxious as she faced Aegon in panic.
Aegon let out a muffled chuckle.
-Maybe with certain types of things, but this? - He shook his head while making a grimace. - Oh no, she's still totally mad about it.
-Thank you Aegon, it was really very reassuring of you to say that. - Y/n directed a fake smile at her cousin, who just shrugged, pouting.
And without warning, the door handle turned and the two screamed in fright, scaring even Jaehaerys who stopped singing and stared at the two with wide eyes.
-It's me. - Came Aemond's soft voice and Y/n ran towards the door, unlocking it at the same moment and jumping into Aemond's arms as soon as he stepped inside.
She feels so scared. Afraid that in those few moments Alicent had made him change his mind, that he would say again that this was all a mistake and that he didn't want her anymore. And when Aemond crossed his arms behind her back and hugged her back tightly, y/n sighed in pure relief.
-All good. - He stroked her back. -My mother has already gone, she has a meeting with a group of do-gooders from the General Hospital, she can't stay long.
Y/n just nodded and Aegon sighed in relief, but then he raised his eyebrows as if he had suddenly reached a terrible idealization while he brought his hands to his face, pulling his eyes down.
-Shit, now I'm your two accomplice and when mom finds out, and she will, because I've never been able to hide some of the shit I did from her in my life, she's going to kill me too. - He gestured with his hands and walked in circles while talking uncontrollably. -That's a tremendous lack of consideration of you to, getting me involved in this. I already have enough problems on my own!
-Is grandma going to kill you off, daddy? - Jaehaerys asked innocently, looking at the three still standing on the sofa, and Aegon had to hold back a curse when he noticed that his son had taken off his headphones and was listening to their conversation.
-It's just a way of speaking, little mouse. - Aegon smiled and stroked Jaehaerys' head gently. - Grandma loves me. - He spoke with a less confident voice than he should have when referring to his own mother's love.
-Well, since I saved your necks, you both owe me this one. - Aegon grumbled to Aemond as he took Jaehaerys in his arms, making the boy laugh.
-Hello, sweetheart. -Y/n gently tickled Jaehaerys now that she was lighter again, making him laugh a little and hide his face in Aegon's neck. - The last time I saw you you looked like a small grain of beans.
Y/n spoke sweetly to Jaehaerys who smiled embarrassedly at her, but then whispered something to Aegon and got off her father's lap heading towards the small table that was next to the sofa and he used to play. He reached for a drawing of a butterfly and handed him to Y/n with a shy smile before climbing into his father's lap again.
-To me? - Y/n asked smiling genuinely and he just nodded his head. - You really have talent, you know I love drawing too. - Her voice sounded so kind and so gentle when speaking to him, giving so much importance to the little boy when she would give it to an adult, making Jaehaerys smile feeling important.
Aemond felt as if his heart was beating in an unnatural way when he saw Y/n talking so sweetly to Jaehaerys. All the promises they had made to each other were playing in his mind like a symphony, and at that moment all he wanted was to start his own family with his Y/n.
After all that confusion, Aegon said goodbye and took Jaehaerys home. The rest of the afternoon luckily went without any major problems, Aemond ordered lunch for both of them at the office, and Ms. Mayotte brought it to them shortly afterwards.
And after they both had lunch amidst simpler conversations, Aemond needed to go back to work and Y/n lay down on the couch and smiled when she saw some magazines on the table, but grimaced as soon as she saw the topics. Business, finance, scientific studies.
-There's nothing about… fashion? - She arched her eyebrows, making a slight frown at Aemond, who just laughed.
-I don't have any at the moment, but I can get some for you in the future. - He smiled. - You can try a different reading for now.
-Nah. - Y/n smiled and turned even more towards Aemond. - I'd rather just watch you.
And that's what she did, for the rest of the afternoon Aemond did his best to catch up on the late work again. He made calls, personally rescheduled an important lunch, read and reread reports, wrote reports, signed a multitude of papers, all under Y/n's watchful eyes, even if every now and then she got distracted and started going through Aemond's things with interest, even leafing through a magazine about market analysis.
And when Aemond was almost finishing an exhaustive reading of a contract that the company's legal department had already pre-approved, he lifted his head slightly and found Y/n sitting on the other side of the table looking at him with a look of enchantment, as if the most amazing person in the world was in front of her.
-What happened? - Aemond asked, slightly embarrassed by the intensity of Y/n's gaze, and she stood up and walked towards him, who moved his chair away from the table to face her.
-The way you dedicate yourself to everything you do always impresses me. - She placed her hands on the table and smiled at him. - I've been watching you all afternoon, and it's all so complex, but you make it seem simple.
Y/n smiled at him so sweetly when she said those words, and Aemond felt his heart warm at that. He pulled her to sit on his lap and she did so willingly, still smiling.
-You always do it. - He murmured against her soft neck.
-This what? - Y/n's voice sounded confused.
-Makes me feel like I'm important. - He smiled against her neck and left a butterfly kiss there, making Y/n sigh.
-You are important. - She stated with a firm voice as she snuggled even closer to him, and Aemond just murmured softly in a silent response.
-I just thought of something… - Y/n rambled with her head laying against Aemond's chest.
-What? - He stroked her back gently up and down.
-If I'm going to start my own brand, unfortunately I'm going to need to understand at least a little about all these market and finance things. - Y/n snorted and Aemond mocked her when he heard that.
-I can give you some lessons. - He arched his eyebrows and now the one who mocked was Y/n.
-Please Aemond, the last time you gave me private lessons I learned everything, except what you were supposed to teach me.
-I'm a great teacher. - He said falsely offended by staring at her. - It's not my fault that you're an easily distracted student.
-Yes, because it's very easy for me to concentrate with your hands running up and down my thighs under the skirt. - Y/n rolled her eyes.
-Your thighs always distracted me. - He shrugged his shoulders.
-I thought it was my boobs. - She whispered kissing his neck.
-Boobs too. - Aemond murmured, pouting while squeezing her hips. - In fact, you're all a distraction, for example, right now.
-Well, I could use a little attention now. - Y/n laughed, crossing her arms around his neck when she heard that.
-I'm almost done here and we can go home. - He smiled back at Y/n and with her still in his lap he opened a drawer looking for something, suddenly his features became slightly grumpy.
-I forgot a flash drive in the car. - He spoke grumpily. - I'm going to go there to get it over with. - Y/n quickly got up, and Aemond went towards the door.
-Be right back. - He muttered as he left.
As he passed through the hall he didn't ask for anything, not asked about the work in progress, or gave even more paperwork to the secretariat, which left Lizz and Sana even more intrigued and certain that something was wrong there.
When Aemond arrived at the parking lot, his cell phone rang in his jacket pocket, and he pulled it out, huffing slightly and feeling like vomiting when he saw the name on the display.
This certainly was the seven hells on earth. Aemond wanted to answer, he knew he should answer, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't answer that call after having been hugging Y/n about two minutes ago. He could still smell her scent clinging to his, and after the conversation they had had the day before he could not in any way betray Y/n like that.
And then he promised himself that he would go to Floris's apartment for a personal talk and resolve all this, but at that moment he didn't answer his cell phone, he just blocked it and put it back in his pocket while he unlocked the car.
The flash drive was in an easy place, almost impossible to forget, unless you were so involved with a certain person that it took your mind out of orbit. And with a sideways smile he picked it up, but then he saw on the carpet of the car the Jimmy Tyrell bag with a faint glow inside as the parking lot lights hit its interior, and Aemond's mouth practically watered as he remembered the image of Y/n in those shorts and heels that morning.
And without thinking much, something he had already noticed was common when he was around her, Aemond took the bag and returned to the elevator with a mischievous smile.
Lizze and Sana were gossiping in whispers when the elevator door opened again and Aemond got out with Jimmy Tyrell's bag in hand. They both looked curiously, trying to see what was inside the bag without the boss noticing.
-Miss. Mayotte. Miss. Heyors. - Aemond began and both girls instantly froze. - They are both dismissed for today.
They both released the breath they had been holding after he spoke, as he continued walking to his own office, but before reaching the door Aemond stopped and turned around.
-One more thing, Miss. Mayotte… - They both tensed again upon hearing his voice, and Lizze almost began to hyperventilate at the mention of her own name, no matter how good-humored Aemond Targaryen seemed, it was never good to let her guard down. - It's good to know that I can trust someone who works so closely with me, I appreciate that, and as proof of this fact, you will receive a 10% raise.
Lizze's mouth dropped open. She had worked at that company for about three years and had never received a raise in her life, and now she got a 10% raise for gossiping. Aemond didn't wait for a response, he just went ahead and entered the office, leaving both secretaries with their jaws dropped.
-What the fuck? - Sana was in disbelief. - Did he just give you a raise?
-Apparently yes. – Lizze was still incredulous.
-And he released us from work almost an hour early? -Sana spoke robotically, looking at Lizze, who just nodded.
-I've never seen him in a good mood in my life. - Lizze murmured, still in shock.
-Did you see the bag in his hands? - Sana whispered. - I bet it's a gift for her.
-You were right, Sana. - Lizze said in shock, but slightly euphoric at knowing the truth. - The rumors are true.
Viserys generally left the company early, he was much healthier but Rhaenyra insisted that he at least leave work early, and he had barely entered the mansion's door when Alicent angrily approached him, taking him towards the office already talking about Aemond and Y/n before even closing the door.
-This relationship between them is sick Viserys. - Alicent squealed exasperatedly. - Can't you see that this is not love? It's almost an obsession what one has for the other. Aemond didn't have any other girlfriend until Floris because in his mind he would be cheating on your niece if he did.
-But now he has, doesn't he? - Viserys asked impatiently. -Which means he's already gotten over this whole thing.
Alicent looked at the ground, quickly looking away from her husband when she heard that statement. But soon after, she regained her posture.
-What about your niece? Did she get over it?
-Alicent for seven. - Viserys put his hand on his forehead as he spoke. - I spoke to Y/n today and she assured me that she doesn't want to cause any problems, she's just going to work and continue taking care of her own life.
-And she can't do all this away from Kings Landing? - The woman asked, clapping her hands against her legs impatiently.
-Alicent… - Viserys sighed tiredly, as if the subject brought him physical pain.
-Viserys, you cannot be so foolish as to think it was a coincidence that Aemond disappeared shortly after she arrived in the city. - Alicent said, her eyes shining as she drummed her fingers on the table.
-He already told you that he didn't feel well, didn't he?
-It was a lie! Do you think I don't know when my children lie to me? - She hissed furiously.
Viserys preferred not to answer that specific question to avoid an even bigger argument with his wife.
-What do you want me to do Alicent? - Viserys asked his wife again, equally tired. - I told you, Y/n is of legal age and is no longer under my guardianship. I no longer control what she does or doesn't do.
-So Cancel her credit cards! - Alicent demanded irritably. - She depends on your money, she will obey you if you leave her without funds.
-Alicent, I can't leave her without money. - Viserys protested. - Besides, Daemon sends her money too, she wouldn't be so affected if I removed the credit cards.
Viserys also chose not to mention to his wife the fact that he had promised to invest directly in his niece's business idea.
-Listen, husband. - Alicent rested her hands on the table top. - I know that in your family certain things are considered normal. But not mine! I will not accept my son marrying a direct cousin, this will only happen over my corpse Viserys! - She stated vehemently before leaving her husband's office, slamming the door behind her.
Y/n had her back to the door when Aemond returned, she was sitting once again in the armchair that faced his table, and without her noticing the bag he just placed it next to a pot with a plant that was close to the door already heading towards the table once more.
-What are you doing? -He raised his eyebrows when he saw her with some papers on the table, but as he got closer he could see that she was drawing and smiled.
-I had a sudden inspiration and I needed to draw so I wouldn't forget. - She said excitedly as she scribbled a dress on paper. - It's just a sketch, I'll improve it later.
She shrugged, biting her lower lip as she continued to place the details she had imagined in the sketch. Aemond nodded as she sat down once again, already connecting the flash drive to the computer.
-It's looking great for me.
Y/n smiled in the middle of the drawing when she heard the compliment, and just continued to scribble and Aemond couldn't help but be distracted by watching the way she drew lines with such ease, making the drawing better and better and more vivid, always enchanted him.
And with a sigh he finally looked from the computer and went back to work. Almost an hour later he managed to meet the goal he had set for that day, while Y/n made a list of things she would need to resolve in the coming weeks. Aemond stood up and put his laptop back in his briefcase once again, while Y/n handed him the papers she had used to take notes and draw her ideas, in a silent request for him to keep them.
She then walked towards Aemond with that cat-like smile that made his chest burn with heat.
-You know, I was marking out everything I'm going to need to do in the next few days and I realized that I'm going to be very busy. -She ran her fingers slowly over his chest as he approached. - And I know you're very busy too. -She spoke softly while looking at him with those bright eyes, while she clung more and more to him. - I'm thinking about taking this weekend just for the two of us.
-Mmnn. - Aemond just murmured in response as he listened to her speak.
-We could go to Lys. For the private side of the island where photography is prohibited, no cell phones, no Internet, no one would see us. -She whispered close to his ear. - I want to have a little more of you just for me. Without anyone bothering you.
-I have a lot of work. -Aemond spoke in a hoarse voice as he firmly grabbed her waist.
-Come on Aem. - She whispered, hanging around his neck while distributing kisses and sucks. -It's weekend. - Y/n then stood on tiptoe and sucked his earlobe. - Please Aem. I swear I won't bother you again this week. - She practically begged, purring into his ear as he held her around her waist tighter and tighter.
-Please. - She asked, looking into his eyes after trailing sweet, wet kisses down his jaw to his lips. And Aemond lifted her off the floor without warning and sat her on the table, making her almost scream amidst her laughter. And Y/n instantly crossed her legs against his hips, pulling him even closer.
-Alright, but only the weekend. - He said, rubbing his nose against hers, which immediately opened the most beautiful smile Aemond had ever seen in his life.
-Really? - She asked, holding his face between her palms and when Aemond nodded, Y/n automatically covered him with kisses while laughing. - It's going to be the best weekend ever.
Aemond nodded as he trailed kisses down Y/n's neck with a slight smile on his lips, already moving his hands up from her hips to the hem of her shorts and pulling her shirt off. Aemond long fingers removed button by button from the buttonholes until the shirt was completely open in front, leaving Y/n's breasts exposed to him with the sapphire necklace hanging between them.
He stopped for a few moments to admire her and Y/n barely waited before pulling him towards her again, kissing his lips fervently.
-Wait just a second. - Aemond spoke almost breathlessly as he slowly walked away from Y/n who was looking at him confused. The older man then went towards the bag and pulled the heels from inside, taking them to Y/n who bit her lower lip when she saw Aemond's malicious smile and what he had in his hands.
Without saying anything he bent down in front of her, and unfastened the side buckle of her left sandal, slowly removing it and leaving a soft kiss on her calf before placing the heel on her foot, making her sigh. Soon after, he did the same thing with his right foot and she caught her breath, Y/n couldn't understand why any simple act by Aemond seemed so erotic.
-Ready. - He said, standing up again and kissing her again, Y/n made to let the black shirt slip off her shoulders, but Aemond stopped her, muttering in disapproval as he pulled the shirt back into place.
-Leave it like that for me. - He whispered against her ear. - You have no idea how hot you look wearing my clothes.
-Do you know how difficult it was to spend the day working and working while you were in front of me in those clothes? - He bit her ear while speaking. - The only thing I was thinking about was how I would like to rip those shorts off you and fuck you into oblivion.
-So do it! - She practically begged as she pulled Aemond closer to her by the sides of his jacket. - Please Aem, fuck me.
Y/n rubbed against him like a sly cat eager for touch, and Aemond unbuckled her belt and shorts, getting down from the table and pulling her shorts down, he then felt his mouth water when he realized that Y/n wasn't wearing anything underneath. of clothes.
-Weren't you wearing anything underneath all day? - His voice sounded practically like a growl, and Y/n just smiled mischievously as she slowly shook her head, biting her lower lip, making Aemond moan and pull her into a kiss.
-Whore. - He murmured softly against her lips and Y/n smiled proudly, biting Aemond's lower lip and pulling it slightly, making him moan with satisfaction, while lifting her up once again and laying her on the table with an absolutely malicious look on her face.
-Open those beautiful legs for me. -Aemond practically purred as he admired her lying half-naked on her office desk, and Y/n almost promptly opened her legs gently for him, not even blushing at the action as she stared at Aemond with eyes dark with desire.
Aemond held her by the thighs, carefully caressing the area, and then he took his hands to her intimacy, letting his fingers gently caress the lips of her pussy, Y/n was so wet that he could see the moisture even on the outside of her intimacy. . And then he opened her gently, letting out a sigh at the sight before him, her delicious wetness oozing out as her vaginal canal pressed against nothing making even more grooves flow out. Aemond brought his fingertips there and gently rubbed from the entrance to the clitoris, dragging the moisture there as he admired in wonder while Y/n shuddered.
-Fuck how I missed that cunt. - Aemond practically groaned before leaning forward and sucking her clitoris eagerly, making her moan and hold onto his hair tightly.
-I wanted you all day too. - She sighed as she rolled her eyes in pleasure and crossed her legs over Aemond's neck, making him pant against her pussy as he felt her heels against his back.
He ran his tongue even more eagerly inside Y/n with even more effort when he felt the sting caused by her shoes making her tremble uncontrollably on the table while she shamelessly rubbed herself against his face begging for more. His strong hands firmly held her thighs open for him, and Y/n whimpered and moaned, pulling Aemond's hair eagerly as she felt her entire body go out of control as the feeling of pleasure took over her body and Aemond ate her through the orgasm leaving her breathless, unable to say anything other than his name.
-I love your taste. - He sighed, leaving a kiss on Y/n's right thigh and moving away from her, who was still shaking uncontrollably after the wave of pleasure. - I love the sounds you make when I'm between your legs. - His eyes were dark as he stared at her hungrily.
- You know that, you know that if I could I would leave you like this. - He took his hands to her nipples and squeezed them, making her gasp. - Naked and with her legs spread on the table in my office, so I could have you whenever I wanted.
-I would stay. - She promised, standing up on her arms. - It would stay and it would be good for you. - Y/n nodded positively looking at Aemond with her eyes shining. - I would do everything you told me to do.
And losing what little patience he had left, he pulled her by the thighs, taking her off the table and turning her back towards him.
-Do you know what I want now? - He growled in her ear and Y/n felt her legs give out, having to lean on the table to stand up, and she just shook her head and lost her breath once again when Aemond turned her to face him with just an impulse.
-I want those beautiful lips wrapped around my cock. - He grunted with his face almost glued to hers and Y/n nodded positively, almost anxiously. - On your knees!
Aemond didn't need to say it twice, he had barely ordered it and Y/n was already falling on her knees in front of him ready to take him.
-Always so anxious. - He rolled his eyes, caressing her lower lip with his thumb and Y/n, who was looking at him from under her eyelashes with that look of false innocence that killed him, just stuck out her tongue and gently licked his finger.
-Whore. - He practically spat out the words as he grabbed her by the jaw and looked at her with eyes dark with desire, losing his mind even more when he saw a malicious smile take over Y/n's lips as she slowly brought her hands to his belt, removing it with Careful. She then released the button on his pants and pulled them just enough to release Aemond's dick to herself, Y/n then licked her palms and still facing him began to massage his dick from base to tip in the way she knew how. which he liked.
-By seven you drive me crazy! - Aemond grunted before sitting down on the chair and pulling Y/n next to him. The sight of her kneeling before him wearing only those damn silver heels, the sapphire necklace around her neck and his shirt hanging around her shoulders as she stared at him with eyes dark with desire almost killed him.
And without saying anything Y/n cradled him again in her hands and took him to her mouth after so long without tasting him, moaning with satisfaction when she felt the taste of Aemond again on the tip of her tongue. She guided her tongue along the long vein that ran beneath his length and then sucked on the tip making him moan in satisfaction under her touch.
Y/n felt satisfaction come over her as she took him in her mouth, she looked up and almost moaned when she saw the expression of pure satisfaction in Aemond's eyes as he had his head thrown back on the back of the chair as he enjoyed every touch of her. And when Y/n started to pick up speed, taking him almost entirely in her mouth while massaging the part that didn't fit, Aemond placed his hands on her head, guiding the rhythm while now looking into her eyes without wavering.
-So fucking good for me. - He caressed her face with his thumbs as he spoke. - Such a sweet little mouth.
With each moan she made against his cock, Aemond had to work harder not to cum. Every moment he looked into those eyes full of desire he almost lost control over his own body. And grunting a filthy swear word that made Y/n moan he pulled her off his dick leaving her confused.
-No. - Y/n protested, trying to take him in her mouth again. – I want to make you come.
-Not yet, Your Highness. - Aemond murmured, getting up from the chair and pulling her towards him. - You know things aren't always the way we want them to be.
Y/n gasped when he turned her back to him in one fell swoop, pinning her against the table and leaning her over it again.
-Now be good and be silent. - He whispered against Y/n's ear while pressing himself against her back, who just nodded, whimpering in anticipation.
Aemond then took his hand to the base of his own cock and guided it to Y/n's entrance, rubbing it gently through the folds in a silent tease before penetrating her. And Y/n, when she felt it, dug her fingers into the edge of the table hard as if she needed to keep herself anchored to something to avoid falling off a cliff.
-Always accepting me so well. - He panted heavily as he kissed the back of her neck, and when he lowered his eyes he could see his initials embroidered on the collar of his shirt, letting out a grunt of satisfaction as he pulled the shirt enough to bite Y/n's shoulder. - Letting me take you anywhere.
-Always Aem. - She whimpered at him, dragging him further into the frenzy.
-Such a good cunt. Just mine. -And amidst moans and dirty words Aemond began to fuck her pussy with fervor, the table creaked across the wooden floor and Y/n couldn't contain the sounds that came out of his mouth no matter how hard he tried. Her suppressed moans echoed through the room and Aemond smiled against her neck as he heard them, always proud of the sweet sounds she made for him.
-Being quiet has never been your strong suit, hasn't it, love? - He murmured to her. - Always making these delicious sounds for me. So perfect.
Y/n felt tears in her eyes, she felt her whole body heating up, she felt like her heart was going to come out of her mouth. Aemond's voice destroyed her on its own, combined with her touches there was no chance for her. Each thrust of his took her closer to the end, with each gentle movement of his fingers against her sensitive nipples and she saw more stars, with each kiss he left on her neck and she felt closer to falling.
-Please Aem. - She begged looking back. - Give me more.
Aemond felt crazy, with no control over his own body, the only thing on his mind was Y/n and how delicious her body felt against his. And going deeper and deeper inside her he felt an uncontrollable pressure in his lower abdomen and spilled himself inside her in thick ropes while panting close to Y/n's ear, squeezing her waist tightly and whispering softly how good she was and how she was the only one who made him feel this way. And with those words and that feeling, Y/n came undone against Aemond's dick, shaking and whimpering his name without control.
After Y/n came bent over Aemond's office desk, he still panting over her trembling body spoke softly against the shell of her ear with his voice slurred by pleasure as he left a soft kiss there.
-I warned you that I never make threats that I don't intend to carry out.
tag list: @afro-hispwriter @fan-goddess @strangersunghoon
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makeyoumine69 · 2 months
Till Death Do Us Part (Chapter Five)
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Innocent!Fem!Reader; [no y/n]
SUMMARY: Some of the answers can only be found on the line between life and death.
CONTAINS: Drug use, near death experiences, swearing, angst, toxic behavior, NSFW art, misogyny, hurt/comfort, Patrick Bateman is a warning himself.
WORDS: 4.4k
A/N: Sorry guys for the long wait, I was in the hospital, but now I feel better and hope to get back to my writing form. Thank you so much for your support and comments, I love you all!
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Sighing tiredly, Patrick quickly ran his hand over his face. "Because you told your... 'co-worker' that I'm aggressive." He said quietly. "You can explain why you were absent without being so...so specific. Look, if people think I'm...aggressive, they're going to do a wellness check. And if you keep screaming and crying and acting hysterical, I could get in trouble. Do you really want me to get in trouble?" The man straightened up slightly and furrowed his brow. He felt a deep hatred for you, one that could only be resolved with complete violence. But he held himself still. "How can I trust you to go to work? After your behavior? Hmmm?" His grip on you tightened. "God, I can't deal with you. Do your parents know how...pathetic you are? I'm the least scary thing in this fucking city, honey. I hope you realize that."
Scowling, you yanked your wrist roughly from his grip, rubbing the spot where the dark bruise was sure to bloom. "Leave your cheesy pet names for Courtney, okay?" you hissed, getting up from the bed, ignoring the way the hem of your long shirt was pulled up. "Vincent's picking me up soon, I'll be late tonight because I have to... overwork for missing my shift yesterday," your tired gasp echoed through his opulent bedroom. "Have fun, but...if you're going to bring some hookers here today, you'd better tell me now, because I don't want..." you paused, crossing your arms. "I don't want to be a part of that depraved shit..."
Bateman let you go and stepped back. He inhaled slowly through his nostrils and closed his eyes to calm himself. "Okay...okay…I'm sorry…just…you're stressing me out." He sighed, suddenly exhausted. It was easier to deal with Evelyn because she didn't fucking live with him. Sure, she was a chatterbox, but at least she didn't notice anything he did. He scowled. "I'm not going to hire anyone. I'm going to...take a nap...or something." Patrick said, rubbing his eyes. "Besides, it's not depraved. Everyone does it. Even women. Better get used to it." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Also, wear some fucking clothes, huh? If you're going to act like a jealous bitch around Courtney, then have some dignity, you know?"
A wave of anger washed over you at his last remark. For a brief moment, you stood in the doorway, considering whether to stab him back. "Uh, you keep saying how pathetic I am, but you...you're stuck in a situation where you're marrying a woman you don't like because your mommy said you had to," you chuckled and looked back at him. "While the woman you LIKE," you dragged out the last word. "Is about to marry another guy, so you can just be an errand boy while her fiance is away on business," you licked your suddenly dry lips briefly before picking up your clothes and opening the bedroom door. "Isn't that pathetic, Bateman?"
Huffing angrily, the man stared at you, his arms crossed and his eyes widened slightly at your outburst. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're in this situation too, aren't you?" He scowled. "Also, for your information, I don't like Courtney. She's just a great lay. Her fiance is a fucking queer anyway, so, y'know, that won't last long." He ranted, angrily following her to the door. "I'm not pathetic! You are! I have more money than your whole fucking family, sweetheart—I could BUY you! But, oh, who would want that? Who would want a fat-headed, no-good brat in their house?" He was angry now. Bateman grabbed your books off the table and shoved them into your arms, then pushed you out the front door, not caring if you were ready to change or not. "Tell your family the marriage is off. Tell them you've pushed me beyond my breaking point and I'm doing everything in my power not to break your fucking neck right now!" Patrick said this calmly, but there was a burning hatred in his eyes. Then he slammed the door and locked it, pressing his back against it.
When you heard the lock click, you couldn't believe your luck. 'Finally...finally I did it!' You closed your eyes and let out a sigh of relief, hugging your books closer to your chest as you realized you hadn't put on your panties. At first you wanted to knock on the door and ask him to let you take your things, but then you decided that it would only make you look pathetic and you would never give him that kind of pleasure. At least you managed to put on the casual dress you usually wore when you went out. But the lack of underwear made things a little more difficult.
After a few minutes, you left the American Gardens Building and walked down the street to the phone booth, where you dialed your family's home number and thanked God that your mother picked up the phone. "Hey, Mom," you murmured in a shaky voice. "I don't have much time, but...I'm sorry for ruining everything...I know how important this marriage was to our family, but...I couldn't go on like this...it's all over now." And with that, you hung up without even giving your mother a chance to respond when you noticed Vincent's car pulling up to the street.
Your sudden call was like rain on a sunny day, almost giving your mother a heart attack—Mrs. Rice pressed a hand to her chest before asking her maid to bring her some water and a sedative. Breathing heavily, the old lady dialed Mrs. Bateman's number, hoping that Patrick's mother would give her some information about what the hell had happened. When the beeping finally stopped and the old woman heard her friend's voice, she relaxed for a moment before beginning to speak. "Linda, hi, it's Janet," she swallowed and tugged on the phone cord. "My daughter just called me...she said the wedding is off...do you know anything about it?"
Linda lay in her hospital bed staring at the ceiling. She'd been in the sanatorium for years now, and it was easy for her to entertain herself. Time passed quickly now. She jumped when she heard the phone ring and sat up. She picked it up with trembling fingers. "Hello?" She asked tentatively before hearing a familiar voice. "Oh, dear - well... I didn't hear anything, but I'll... I'll call him. I'll put you on the other line, Janet." She clicked a button, then punched in Patrick's number and waited patiently.
Meantime, annoyed and stressed out, Patrick poured himself a J&B. He felt great though, as if an impossible weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. He swallowed it down and walked into the living room, glancing down at the phone as it began to ring. He picked it up and rested it on his shoulder as he walked around. His elation was momentarily dampened when he heard his mother's voice. "Look, Mother—the woman is a lunatic." He moved to lie down in his bed. "She's an ugly pig and I'm really offended that you would set me up with her. There are... thousands of other women in New York who are richer, more attractive, and...well...better than her. Okay? I'm 27 years old. I can make my own decisions." Bateman went to his closet and opened a drawer. He blinked when he saw a small baggie of what looked like cocaine. He picked it up between his fingers and smiled to himself. "Listen, I'll call you later." Patrick hung up the phone and set it on the side of the bed before opening the baggie. He poured some on his AmEx card and snorted, blinking a few times. It was...very strong. Without even thinking, he spread the rest on his teeth with his finger and lay back, closing his eyes.
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The day at the hospital had been so fucking horrible, starting with not having any underwear—you couldn't just walk around like that, so you had to find a solution. Thank God you had left some of your clothes in the staff room, so after you changed into the fresh underwear and then into the medical uniform you started to feel so much better, although it was so hard to forget the ride with Vincent because you had to hold your legs together every damn second.
After the work day was over, you praised yourself for not getting upset about the whole situation that had happened in the morning—it was the right decision to get him off, despite all the feelings you had for this man. 'He doesn't exist anymore,' you sighed as you waited for the taxi, the heavy medical kit in your hand. Since you had decided to return to your family's house, you wanted to collect all your things, including those that were trapped in Bateman's apartment. If he didn't let you in, you would tell your mother that all the jewelry she had given you was gone forever.
A taxi ride was quite short, maybe it felt short, but as you stepped out of the elevator on the 11th floor, your senses suddenly warned you—something was definitely wrong. You walked slowly down the clean hallway to Patrick's front door when you noticed it was open. 'What the hell?' You tensed as you remembered how meticulous Bateman was about security. With careful, quiet movements, you opened the door and stepped inside, soon to find an unfamiliar woman in the living room, looking for something as she went through Bateman's CD collection.
"Hey! Who the hell are you?" You yelled, hoping Patrick was nearby. 
The woman stalled before slowly turning around, which helped you notice Bateman's Rolex, his gold cufflinks, and some cash in her hands. "Wait...I...I didn't call an ambulance!"
Frowning, you looked down at your medical uniform before hissing. "I'm not the ambulance...but I'll be a lot worse than that if you don't put all that stuff in its place and leave!"
The unknown woman, who was probably a hooker, sobbed but obeyed and put all the stuff on the coffee table, her hands visibly shaking. "Okay, okay, I'll go, but I... I didn't kill him!"
"I didn't kill him...he just fainted and..." the woman cried, grabbing her head. "I didn’t do it…I swear!"
With that, the hooker stormed out of Bateman's apartment, but that was the last thing you had to worry about after what she had said. Nervously biting your lower lip, you quickly ran into the bedroom to see Patrick lying absolutely naked on the bed, his skin sticky, covered in sweat and...his cum? 
"Patrick!" You called out to him, lifting his pale face. 
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(Patrick and Becca art by my gorgeous fairy @anyarlly).
When he didn't respond, you opened his eyes—the pupil was so dilated it was obvious he'd OD'd. 'Did that bitch do this to him?' you thought briefly before rushing to grab the medical kit and find the antidote. 'Stay fucking professional,' you muttered to yourself, not letting the panic get the better of you. As soon as you grabbed the packet of naloxene, you returned to Bateman and sat on top of him, spraying two sprays of the antidote into each of his nostrils. "Patrick, Patrick, can you hear me?" you gently slapped his face to help him regain his senses. Breathing heavily, you began to stress when you realized that Patrick would probably have to be taken to the hospital, but since he had overdosed, that would cause him so much trouble. Not to mention when you noticed that his breathing became so shallow and weak that it scared the hell out of you. 
"Oh, no…Patrick, breathe, breathe you bastard!" You shouted at him and before you started the artificial respiration you also took a dose of naloxene to prevent yourself from overdosing in case you accidentally came into contact with any drugs Patrick was taking. As your lips covered his, you closed his nose and began to inhale the oxygen into his lungs, praying that it would help.
Patrick's vision was dark, his consciousness trapped in the deepest recesses of his mind. All he could remember was taking the drugs and hiring a hooker. Maybe they had sex, but Patrick couldn't remember. He felt cold. Then hot. Then cold again. He wanted to scream, to rip the skin from his flesh, to run outside wearing only a coat and let it fly behind him like a cape, but he couldn't move at all. A spark of light came into his mind. Then another. His breath was short and shallow and he felt like he could just die right now, but the light gave him hope. Something to hold on to. He felt air being pumped into his lungs. Suddenly his eyes opened. His arms desperately flew up and wrapped around you, needing more air. When the man remembered how to breathe properly, he let go of you and closed his eyes, which were bloodshot and sore from the drugs.
If you ever dreamed how your first kiss with Patrick would be, you would never have imagined it would be like this. Panting, you quickly wiped your mouth, feeling a little dizzy. 'Damn, he probably rubbed the coke right into his gum! What a reckless idiot!'  You took a few deep breaths before getting up from Patrick's weak body. "I... I'll get you a shot, you'll feel better," you mumbled and went back to the medical kit, then grabbed a vial and a needle. "Stay with me, Patty," a sudden rush of tenderness coursed through your small frame as you ran a finger along his pale cheek. "You'll be fine," you hummed, taking his hand carefully to find the vein on it. "If your condition doesn't stabilize in fifteen minutes, we'll have to go to the hospital," you closed your eyes for a second and exhaled as you heard Patrick's painful cough, your heart bleeding from the scene. "Just stay with me..." You begged before disinfecting the spot where you were about to make an injection.
The man was panting heavily, his other hand over his heart, which was beating rapidly. He blinked before opening his eyes fully, looking up at you with an unfocused gaze. Nothing was really being processed. His hand tensed from the shot, his veins protruding slightly through the thin skin of his hand. Before he knew it, he was sobbing. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his shoulder shook as a small whimper escaped his lips. Just a few minutes ago, he was teetering on the edge of life and death—and now he was here. 'Thank you . ' Bateman couldn't quite see your face, but your soft, silken voice helped him recognize you. He gripped your hand tightly before loosening his grip to something more comfortable for you. "Don't... don't leave me here..." Patrick choked out, looking up at you tearfully.
His suddenly pleading voice stirred something in your chest, something you tried to bury, but no matter how hard you tried, that something was alive, longing for the man beneath you. "Hey, hey," you pressed your palm against his cheek. "I'm not going to leave you, Patty, you're going to be okay, I promise," you noted the time, you only had fifteen minutes and if the injection didn't help, you would have to think about the possibility of taking him to the hospital. "Patrick, I know that you and your family always get medical treatment at some elite clinic, is that right?" you asked suddenly, adjusting the pillow underneath him to make him more comfortable. "If the medicine doesn't work, you will need medical treatment that can only be provided in a hospital. Do you understand?"
Patrick breathed heavily, his heart slowing slightly as he stabilized himself. The injection made him feel a lot better, thankfully, but he was still scared. He didn't think about anything but not letting you go. He felt that he needed you at this moment. "Y-Yes... I understand..." He said softly. Bateman moved up slightly and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you down to lie with him. Then, the man wrapped his other arm around your back, burying his head in your neck as he sought comfort. Fuzzy memories from a few hours ago began to return to his mind. Him yelling at you and kicking you out. He sobbed again, clenching his hands into fists. "Oh God..." he choked out. "I'm sorry...please don't go...don't go..." He mumbled, repeating 'I'm sorry' in a hushed tone.
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(Patrick art by my amazing queen @somnolenthour).
Paralyzed, you tried to hold your breath and not burst into tears at his sudden unraveling. "I'm here, I won't leave you," you knew his behavior was the result of the side effects of the antidote you had given him, and as soon as he regained his senses— he would forget everything. And that spurred you to go down to Patrick's trembling lips and seal them with yours. It was not even a kiss, just flesh touching flesh. "I love you, Patty," you murmured against his mouth before embracing him and pulling him closer so that his nose could nuzzle the soft skin of your neck. "I always have and I always will, since the day we met, two little kids," you chuckled sadly, on the verge of tears. "You should stop living this life, you deserve much better," your words were more like a mantra, as if you were trying to convince yourself. "Besides... I know Jean cares about you, maybe you should give her a chance?" A small, telltale tear slid down your cheek, but you brushed it away and let it fall onto your medical uniform. 
"No." Patrick said slowly. "I... I don't... I don't want Jean. I want…"
"I'll give you some sedatives and you'll sleep like a baby...after that you'll feel refreshed, I promise." You tried to shush him but he continued.
"I want...you..." Patrick pulled away to look at you, his eyes still bloodshot and filled with tears. He seemed to panic slightly when you mentioned sedatives. The man shook his head quickly and licked his lips to rehydrate them.
His sudden protest against taking any sedatives made you stop and look at him with unspoken concern. "Shhh, it's okay," you cooed to him, but when Patrick put his hands on your breasts, which he probably did accidentally, it almost broke the resistance you had meticulously built up all this time. "All right, no sedatives," you conceded, looking down at his palms holding your breasts, but you didn't try to take them away, thinking that maybe he was relaxing in such a depraved way. "Tell me...tell me what do you want instead of sedatives? I want you to sleep and rest."
"Just…stay..." Bateman murmured tiredly, closing his eyes. He wrapped one leg around your hip, almost trapping you on the bed with him
In another situation, you would feel like the happiest person in the world, but now all you felt was sadness and compassion for the man who had trapped you in his strong arms. "Okay, okay," you kept your tone as sweet as possible, wanting nothing more than for him to fall asleep and feel better. "After you fall asleep and wake up, everything will be back to normal," you murmured, the pain in your voice undeniable. "But I want you to remember this—please don't do drugs, don't risk your life," you quickly ran your finger along his flushed cheek. "I don't want to see you like this, I want you to be happy," you continued whispering, your words lulling Bateman to sleep. "When you wake up, you won't remember everything you told me or the way you held me," as you watched him close his eyes, you sighed and rolled onto your back, quickly kicking off your medical shoes and looking up at the white ceiling above. "How unfortunate that I will remember all of this…"
Patrick nodded slowly, hearing what you said but not really listening. It was hard to really listen when his head was buzzing. The man closed his eyes and breathed slowly, keeping his breathing steady to bring his body back to its usual state. He planted a few soft kisses on your shoulder as his face pressed closer to your body. Before he knew it, consciousness melted away and he was asleep. He didn't dream, as usual, nor did he stir. His grip on you never loosened, and the only evidence that he was still alive was the soft breathing and the gentle smile on his face.
A few hours later, you didn't even notice falling asleep either, but the sudden thunderstorm outside didn't let you get much rest, thankfully it didn't wake Patrick. Slowly, you slipped out of his arms and after tucking him into the blanket, you quietly sneaked into the living room to finally take off your medical uniform, leaving yourself in a tight top and shorts. Then you checked that the front door was locked and that everything was in its place. 'Fuck, should I tell him that the hooker tried to steal his Rolex and some other stuff?' You wondered as you went into the kitchen and turned on the light. Then you opened the fridge to see what you could cook for Bateman, because when he woke up he would feel a terrible hunger as a side effect of the medicine you had injected him with. Looking through the stuff in the fridge, you found some vegetables, meat, and soon you were cooking some pasta for him, although you expected he would not like it since you were not a chef from Dorsia. 'Whatever, if he doesn't like it, I'll eat it myself.' As you strolled past the bedroom to see if Patrick was still asleep, you caught a glimpse of the coffee table and noticed his Walkman and a pair of headphones. Without a second thought, you took everything and came back into the kitchen, now listening to what Patrick had been listening to the last time, and that was TOTO's tape. 'Oh God, I love this band.' You chuckled softly and mixed the ingredients in the pan, moving rhythmically to the Hold The Line song.
Meanwhile, Bateman let out a small whimper as he felt the lack of warmth in his arms. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, his eyes still slightly sore. Frowning, he groaned and rubbed his eyes, slowly getting to his feet. He noticed that he was naked, but didn't bother to put anything on. A bit clumsily, the man walked from his bedroom to the kitchen, the light hurting his eyes and making him squint. He saw your silhouette behind the counter. The drugs had worn him down, but something inside him wanted to be close to you again. He couldn't remember much about what happened last night, but for some reason he didn't feel the same anger towards you. Patrick wasn't even angry that you were back in his apartment. With a smug grin, he walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to rest his head on your shoulder. He took the Walkman off your head. "If you're going to use my Walkman—at least use the cheap one."
"Patrick...how are you feeling?" You asked before a loud clap of thunder rang out, scaring you a bit. 'Does he remember that I'm afraid of thunderstorms?' you wondered as you turned to face him, even now he looked so perfect, so desirable, so...so Patty.
Slightly confused, Patrick seemed to realize what he was doing and pulled his arms away, taking a step back. He moved behind the counter to hide his naked form. Of course, he would show it at every opportunity, but he felt more vulnerable being completely naked like this. "Uh, I feel fine." The man scratched his head. He couldn't remember anything from last night and he felt a bit dizzy. A terrible feeling, really. He looked up at the ceiling as the thunder rumbled and noticed your frightened reaction. A flash of memory flashed through his mind—him as a boy with a girl about his age—maybe a little younger—huddled together in his parents' house during a thunderstorm. Bateman inhaled sharply, startled by the sudden nostalgia, and began to turn around. The man pulled down the blinds on all the nearby windows, then walked over to his stereo. He picked out a Huey Lewis CD, his favorite, and put it on. Patrick tapped his hands on the stereo to the rhythm of the song before grabbing his Bijan robe from the top of the couch. He wrapped it around his body and walked back to you, standing behind but not touching you. "Uh, by the way...you can...you know... you can still stay here..." He stopped and looked over your shoulder. "What are you doing?"
'No, Patty, I can't stay here.' You were about to say when Patrick asked about the food. "It's... uh... it's pasta bolognese, I hope I pronounced it right," you looked at him, noticing his skeptical look. "Antidote always makes people hungry after a nap, I checked the fridge and when I didn't find anything specific I thought I'd make this," you turned to the pan, the smell was really amazing, though you were sure Patrick wasn't impressed. "If you don't want to eat it, I will, and then you can throw it in the garbage, I won't be offended." With that, you yawned tidily and covered the pan, trying not to focus on Bateman's drilling gaze behind your back.
Patrick chuckled slightly. "Well...I'm sure it won't be Barcadia quality, but it seems hard to mess up pasta." He squinted at you, then sniffed the air. It smelled heavenly. He closed his eyes and sighed softly, crossing his arms. He almost complimented you, but stopped himself. His reverie was interrupted when he heard the word 'antidote'. "Uh, antidote?" He asked suspiciously, moving closer to you. "What... antidote? Did something happen last night?"
You accidentally burned your finger on the hot pan, you squealed, bringing it to your lips to blow on it. "Uh, I..." you turned to face him, noticing how close Bateman was standing to you—dangerously close. 
'I should tell him everything, shouldn't I?'
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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chu-diaries · 2 months
100 days of mental healthcare: day 76/100
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Another day where I failed on exercising, but everything was all so rushed that I'll forgive myself for it. Today I had to cook and I also had a long intravenous iron replacement session. On the bright side, I read several chapters of my book and made friends with two nurses during the procedure. The day was so beautiful that I walked to and from the clinic. When I got home, I checked on my scented candles, did dishes, folded my clean laundry and got ready for my evening class. I got home very tired, but happy for another good day.
Answering 8/30 self-knowledge questions about myself: What have I learned from my greatest difficulties?
My greatest difficulties didn't appear until I was 25. Of course, there were difficulties before that, but it was at 25 that I finally learned that a mental illness can hurt much more than a physical injury or a broken heart. Until then, society had taught me to deal with all my problems, but I wasn't prepared to suffer so much inside my own head. After three and a half years of struggling with this, I learned that I am very strong. It's amazing to look back and see everything I've overcome. I am definitely very powerful and greater than my fears (I'm working on trusting this statement lmao). I learned that I don’t need much to be happy and that happiness is not in achievements or titles, but in the things that keep us alive every day. I also discovered that staying alive is a daily job: you gotta find a reason to keep going every day. Remember why you want to stay here, what you want to accomplish and what you already have today. Life is lived one day at a time. It doesn't matter who you were or where you came from, but who you are now and what's in your heart. When I was younger I thought all of this was very silly, but now I truly believe it.
🥀: day 23/28
💧: 2 L
🏃🏻‍♀️: 9178 steps
💃🏻: dancing (30 min)
📝: worked on two new contracts
📖: I attended a class on the migration of workers from the northeast to the southeast (3h)
🇰🇷: 🚫
🎧: stardew valley ost
🎮: 🚫
📺: one piece ep. 456-463 (I was peacefully preparing some meatballs for lunch when I discovered who is Ace’s father… somebody send help)
📚: hp and the half-blood prince (I had forgotten how amazing Ginny is in this book… my inner teenager is screaming at her romance with Harry)
🛑: 3 days pick-free
💊: I took all my vitamins + 3/5 sessions of IV iron replacement done
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rafyki · 4 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 5!
Finally, another chapter!! Back to Percy's POV~ oh I absolutely adore writing him being head over heels for Nico 💕💕
Some more internal panicking, some more flirting, and they're finally getting to know each other~~ 💕
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy went to the beach two days after ready to bury himself under the sand as soon as he saw Nico, and at the same time ready to show off the best surfing moves he knew. 
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar, that was what Nico had said. 
Percy had been replaying that moment in his head so many times in the last fifty hours it was now indelibly engraved in his memory. He could picture it perfectly, like it was still right before his eyes - the afternoon light bathing Nico in pretty shadows, that single strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail and was falling on the side of his face, the numerous earrings on his ears shining in the sun, the way he was biting and playing with those on his lips (it must have been an habit of his, and it definitely was an image that had been driving Percy crazy since the first time he had noticed it); Percy had clearly taken him off guard, and his expression had been the prettiest mix of surprise and embarrassment.
Percy had been ready to make up some silly excuse and run away as far as possible to hide his embarrassment and cursing his stupid impulsive mind for even thinking that saying something like let me teach you how to surf to someone he barely even knew was a good idea. 
And yet.
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar.
He felt like screaming, felt like he could surf all day long even without waves if it meant Nico would look at him.
To be honest, flirting with him hadn’t really been his intention. He just wanted to talk to him, exchange more than those few words of courtesy that were needed to buy something. 
He had not expected it to be this easy.  Somehow, the words had come out easily, and the conversation had felt awkward but nice and natural at the same time - and maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part, but he couldn’t help but think Nico had enjoyed it too.
The smile on his lips had been genuine, the way he had laughed (and oh, wasn’t that the sweetest sound ever? Percy would gladly listen to it forever), talking and asking questions like he hadn’t wanted the conversation to end. 
Somehow flirting had come so natural to Percy as he looked at him - the need of getting to know him, to impress him somehow, to make him smile, to make the moment last as long as possible, all mixing and tangling together; somehow, that had resulted in the filter between his brain and mouth shutting off completely.
It seemed Nico hadn’t minded too much though. Percy’s heart was playing athletics in his chest as he thought about it once again. 
Calm down, he told himself, trying and failing to get a grip on his derailing thoughts. Maybe he just didn’t know what to say and said the first thing he could think of.
Okay, but did he really have to say that? 
He shook his head. No need to think about it, he’d just have to go and face the consequences of his own actions.
Despite all the time spent thinking about it, he wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.
The beach was as hot and nice and crowded as it always was, but Percy couldn’t concentrate on how that usually made him feel, couldn’t ignore his nervousness and the way his insides were tangling and curling together out of anxiety and anticipation.
He didn’t even have Annabeth with him today - he was almost tempted to call her just to scream his struggles to her once again; she was probably tired of listening to him freak out and would tell him to simply go and talk to Nico again. Was she right? Of course she was. Did that make Percy feel any better? Not really, to be honest.
He sighed as he set everything up and got ready. 
Would Nico look at him like he said he would? The simple thought made Percy shake.
He took up his surfing board, heart beating ridiculously faster than it should as he moved closer to the shore. 
And then, right before getting into the water, he turned around. 
Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but there he was, the boy of Percy’s dreams, looking back at him. 
They were far enough from each other that Percy couldn’t see Nico’s expression clearly- maybe he had just happened to be looking that way for a moment. Percy almost expected him to simply turn around and look away like nothing had happened.
But then, Nico raised a hand and waved lightly. Percy’s heart did a flip as he waved back, a smile growing on his lips. 
For a handful of seconds, there was no one else on that beach but them.
Then Nico’s attention was called back by a customer, and with one last glance at Percy, he went back to work. Percy stood there, eyes still fixed on him and smile still in place, for a little longer.
Maybe he’ll be really looking at me, after all.
He was definitely ready to show off everything he could do.
They weren’t friends exactly, probably not even acquaintances. But something had shifted, and Percy could feel it every time he went to the beach - it wasn’t just him, wasn’t just the anticipation he felt or the way he spent most of his time thinking about the next time he would see and get to talk to Nico again; no, it was in the way they waved at each other in greeting when Percy got there (or sometimes when Nico’s shift started later and Percy got on the beach before him), or the way Nico was always the one who took Percy’s order at the kiosk, the way he smiled at Percy like he was happy to see him, the way Percy let himself linger there for as long as he could and Nico would never shy away from small talks.
It was all the little things piling up that made Percy’s heart run around like crazy, and he couldn’t hold back the smile coming up on his lips every time - he just hoped it didn't look as enamored and lovestruck as he felt.
His crush was growing every day, every moment. Percy could feel himself fall harder and harder with every new word exchanged, every new smile and little laugh, every new thing he learned about Nico. He was probably going a little crazy with how much he liked that boy.
He went to the beach as often as he could, even just to get a glimpse of him and for those fast and precious moments they got to share.
Today he hadn’t planned on going, but he had finished earlier at work and his feet had brought him there almost without him realizing. It was later than usual, and he didn’t even have anything with him. Yet there he was, sitting at his usual place at the kiosk, trying his best not to make it obvious that he was looking at Nico, busy with another customer.
“Nico will take your order in a moment”, the other guy, the blond one who also worked there, told him. 
“It’s okay, I can wait”, Percy replied. It took him a moment to realize that it was weird that the guy hadn’t simply taken his order himself. He worked there too, right? And he didn’t look busy, he was just there chatting with an elf-looking Mexican guy. 
Percy didn’t know if he was feeling more grateful or more embarrassed at this - was it really that obvious that he was there for Nico? At the same time though, the fact that apparently it was a thing, that Percy was Nico’s own customer, that the other guy didn’t even question it, like he knew it - well, it was making Percy feel stupidly giggly and hopeful.
“Ehi, hi Percy”, Nico greeted him, and Percy finally got out of his own head, but only to feel himself fall once again as he met Nico’s eyes and pretty smile. “The usual?”
“Hi, Nico”, he said. His throat felt dry, his heart lost a beat or two. “Yeah, thanks”.
Oh he was too pretty. Annabeth and Grover had laughed at him when Percy had spent a whole evening telling them about every little detail of Nico’s features, how he must have been an angel - because there was no way a human being could be that incredibly and otherworldly beautiful, right?
No, you’re just completely gone for that guy, Seaweed brain, Annabeth had said.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you having this big of a crush, Percy, had been Grover’s contribution.
And they were both absolutely right. Percy really didn’t remember the last time he had been so head over heels for someone, couldn’t even remember the last time he had had a crush at all. But Nico - god, Nico was making him feel everything all at once.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today”, Nico said, and Percy’s brain short-circuited for a moment. So Nico thought about seeing him? Did he look forward to see him just as much as Percy did? 
“The weather isn’t so good and it looks like the waves aren’t big enough to surf”, Nico kept going.
Percy needed a second to find his words, too enraptured by the shy yet curious look in Nico’s eyes. He had such a nice voice, too, Percy loved listening to him talk.
“Uhm, yeah, I actually wasn’t planning on coming today”, he managed to say in the end. “But I finished earlier at work, so I thought I’d pass by and get my favorite drink”.
Nico smiled softly at that, and Percy counted it as a victory.
“You’re literally the only one who orders this”, Nico said.
“So it’s like a special drink just for me?”
Flirting came to him way too easy when he talked to Nico. Maybe it was the need to see the light blush tinting his cheeks. He blushed so easily, and it was always so evident on his pale skin. Percy loved it.
This time too, Nico rolled his eyes at him, but the blush was there. It was starting to become Percy’s new favorite color.
“Where do you work at?”, Nico asked after a moment. Percy didn’t mind too much that he had ignored his previous flirting. It was endearing, really, that Nico was so shy. 
“Oh I teach kids how to swim at the pool near here”.
Somehow, that seemed to hit Nico, because he stopped to look at Percy with such surprise and awe in his eyes that it was Percy’s turn to blush in embarrassment. He was looking at him like Percy had just told him he went around saving the world on a daily basis.
“That’s so…”, Nico started, then stopped, cleared his throat and looked away. “That’s cute. You look like you’d be good with kids”.
“You think so?”, Percy smiled.
He liked sharing things with Nico, liked telling him about himself, cherished it when Nico told him something about himself. 
“Do you like working here?”
“I do, I guess. It’s a good summer job”, Nico said, meeting Percy’s eyes. “And it’s allowing me to meet some interesting people”.
Percy's heart started to beat ridiculously loud in his chest. “Yeah? You don’t look like you like meeting people a lot though”.
That made Nico’s laugh. Percy sort of wanted to drown in the sound.
“I don’t, usually”, Nico said. “But I guess I can make an exception for some people”.
Percy wanted to kiss him so bad. Wanted to take him on a date and make him smile and laugh the whole time, wanted to hold his hand as he told him about himself, wanted to share everything he could with him, wanted to card his fingers through his dark silky hair and pull him closer and closer to him until he could press his lips to his and feel the rings under his teeth.
“Some special people?”
Another laugh, and that beautiful shade of pink on his cheeks. “Yeah, special”.
Oh Percy was so far gone for him.
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