#i'll try to keep these type of posts to a minimum
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My favorite Doctor Who companions
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wellnessgirlblog · 11 months
60 Days Challenge ༉‧₊˚
This is like my own version of the 75 Day Hard Challenge. For the next two months, I will follow these daily rules:
Follow a meal plan.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water.
Exercise daily.
Read 10 pages of any book.
Follow a morning and night routine.
Less than 3 hrs of screen time.
Keep track everyday.
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1. Meal Plan:
I will add vegetables or fruits at each meal and fast 16:8 three times a week. I will focus on eating in moderation and adding healthy foods rather than restricting some type of food.
2. Hydration:
In addition to water, I will have two cups of tea (one in the morning and one at night). I won't drink anything else.
3. Exercise:
I will do some form of exercise every day, for at least 30 minutes, and I will stretch for at least 10 minutes. The main goal is to move !!! so I will do whatever suits my day the most.
4. Reading:
I love reading ! The minimum is 10 pages, but I'll try to read as much as possible. This will also be a way of not spending too much time on the phone.
5. Daily routines:
I want to start and end the day the right way. I created my routines based on what was best for me and my schedule. For example, my morning routine is short and simple because I don't have a lot of time, and my night routine is focused on relaxing because otherwise I have a hard time sleeping.
6. Less than 3 hrs of screentime:
This doesn't include time in screens for school. My goal here is to limit the time I spend on social media and spend that time on other activities instead. I will probably only use that time for my duolingo lessons, watch a movie or post on tumblr, and I will set a timer everytime I use a screen.
7. Keep a record:
I will keep a record here of how I feel every day during this challenge. The goal with this is to realize what works and what doesn't, in order to improve. I also think it's easier for me to stay on track if I write it down somewhere.
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sergle · 8 months
(re: sssniperwolf and jacksfilms) It's laughable that she escalated it that hard. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure stalking him like that is illegal and it's terrifying regardless, but Jack said in a stream (can't remember which one) that he wasn't about bringing up past controversies of hers or cancelling. And now she shows up outside his house (wtf!!!). Like he was willing to only call her out for stealing and freebooting but she's gone and stalked him and Jack doesn't seem like the type of guy to take that shit. Actual WTF moment from her part. wild
omg long post below bc apparently I have opinions: YES!! THAT'S WHAT'S SO INCREDIBLE ABOUT THIS... Jack has been genuinely diligent about keeping things on-topic in his streams, and hasn't brought up any of her other Stuff, or anything Personal. Despite the fact that she kickstarted the whole thing by making it INCREDIBLY personal and attacking his physical appearance... His goal has been to call out and bring attention to content theft, and he's stuck with it. Dude's also cared about this for years, and she's not the first content thief he's criticized. He just hates the way that freebooting has become so accepted-- to the point where youtube praised her for "coming up with such creative video ideas"? Hey! Ew! Dude wasn't trying to get her cancelled though, there was no smear campaign of her character. He's been rallying to get her to CREDIT the creators that she relies on for all of her content. It would set a precedent for all other "react" channels on the platform for one of the biggest channels on youtube to actually give credit where credit is due. Or, god forbid, get permission first? It's not hard. It's already done the job of making some other people who do "react content" self-analyze whether or not their content is transformative, and to maybe care about crediting the creators they rely on for their genre to work. There is a way to make this kind of video that isn't so slimy. And making fun of her lackluster-at-best reactions is so far from even being a big deal. Bc she literally does just sit there and say nothing. Plus, his goal has a clear End built into it: if she started shouting out the creators she takes content from, and put links directly to their pages in her video descriptions, the job would be done! That's what he's asking her to do. Real bare minimum stuff. It legit would have been easy to steer away from the content theft and to also talk about her history of lying to her audience! her ghosting a dying kid with cancer who was a big fan of hers! the fact that she's been arrested for armed robbery! her history of transphobia! He would also get more clicks that way, which is what she claims is his sole goal- to get more clicks. I'll bring it up though! She's been a terrible person the whole time, and has kept a steady course of manipulating her audience of young children and/or, let's be completely honest, simps- into thinking that she's a Wholesome creator. (And now, into thinking she's an innocent victim.) All of the actual effort put in by her has gone toward optics, not the content she puts out. A carefully constructed online persona, for one, but also literal appearances. Jack totally can't say this, bc she already went off the handle and said the only reason he doesn't like her is bc he Hates To See A Woman Be Successful. But I can! That was a cheap shot for her to use that argument when, for once, it's not applicable! Much the opposite, even! Dudes online wouldn't go to bat for her if she didn't look the way she does. And it weakens any case she'd have against him by making baseless claims like that. She banks hugely on being an attractive woman to get her clicks/following. A massive amount of effort is put into her appearance. The makeup, the lip fillers, putting her hair in little pigtails, the chokers and tube tops, the big non-prescription Nerd Glasses, the thumbnails where she has her mouth open in That Expression?
I don't even have to say anything. But making a weird facial expression and putting your hair in pigtails aren't moral failings. Showing up at someone's real life home (whose address you shouldn't even have access to), filming the front of their house at night, doxxing them to your audience of millions of people? Because you were mad at them online? That is fully scary! Yeah girl I'm pretty sure that Jack can press charges! There is absolutely no way to take the moral highground now that she's literally stalked him, and doxxed his home. She tried to goad him and Erin (Jack's wife) out of the house, also, which creeps me out even more-- because what was she planning to do? The fact that she's been arrested for violent crime before does pop into my mind! lmao! Jack was streaming a game at the time that she was outside his home, and these clips of him, his friends, and Erin reacting in real time to what is genuinely a scary situation have been taken down in case he needs to use them in legal action. Shit is legitimately serious!
#sergle answers#long post#LONGEST POST ON EARTH I'M SO SORRY#saying all this out loud only takes a few minutes but typing it... girl this is a BOOK#clearly I have thoughts on this Online Drama but also this isn't online!#these are people who exist in real life. and compromising a person's safety bc he criticized you for stealing tiktoks#is a real life thing. this isn't confined to online spaces! you can turn off your computer to get away from An Argument#but someone going to your house?? that's absolutely terrifying#and all of this is just because he's been telling her to credit the creators. it could have been resolved so simply.#I hope he takes legal action against her bc he genuinely has grounds to do so.#and I can't imagine how terrified and upset I would be if someone was outside my door. filming my house for their audience.#also the 'what if the roles were reversed' argument is rarely made in good faith... but she's already brought up the topic.#this would be getting even more coverage and the optics would be Even Creepier if a strange man with millions of followers showed up#at the home of a woman- just bc she criticized his videos- filming her home address for all to see and trying to get her to come outside.#It's just as creepy that sssniperwolf did this as it would be coming from ANYONE else#it's been downplayed bc her being a little skinny woman means that A Man shouldn't be threatened by her#which. even if she wasn't going to Do anything. any one of her rabidly loyal online followers MIGHT. she's not the only one who could go to#his house now! anyone could show up.#sergle.txt#Jacksfilms#Sssniperwolf
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erideights · 18 days
With my 6th sense. (1)
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Pairing: Hunter x fem! jedi reader
Rating: this is the first chapter let's take it slow
Wordcount: 2.2K
Chapters: (2) (3) (4)* (5)* (*not posted yet)
Warnings and tags: use of (Y/N) but I keep it as minimum as possible tho my writing style is in 3rd person, so it's a bit difficult! apart from that none really, just introduction to the story, slight mentions of war maybe, but i can already tell you, this will be an ''i hate you-to-love you'' (calling them enemies doesn't really fit in)
Summary: (This story happens about around a year before The Bad Batch is introduced in The Clone Wars) Another day, another suicide mission for the squad. This time commanded by a jedi general they've never hear about.
A/N: I'm back after MONTHS with a new hyperfixation and no one can stop me. I'm jumping really late to TBB ship but I guess I would give it a try. Or write it for myself. As always, I'll make it a series (let's see how many chapters I can get in the end), and I hope all of you will enjoy it ♥ (my main language is not english so sorry if there are some mistakes)
Side note: PLEASE read the intro with the voice of The Clone Wars intro, thanks.
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In the aftermath of the Republic's recent defeat in the growing war in the outer rim, the Jedi Order finds itself at a crossroads, and generals such as Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and (Y/N) convene to strategize their next move in a desperate bid to stop the advance of the Separatist invasions. As they discuss their next course of action, each voice carries the weight of the galaxy's fate. For the Republic's survival hangs in the balance, and only through unity and courage can they hope to emerge victorious against the relentless onslaught of their enemies.
"Feels like they can predict our every move," Master Mace Windu exhales, his eyes glued to the holomap of the base, his hand thoughtfully stroking his chin. The dim light of the briefing room casts a stern shadow on his face, reflecting the gravity of the situation.
"And it's not just that," Obi-Wan interjects, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and concern. "During our last mission, Anakin and I encountered a new type of battle droid..." He sighs heavily, shaking his head as if trying to dispel the memory. His eyes narrow as he recalls the encounter. "This droid kept its distance, observing us while we dealt with all the others. By the time it engaged, it had analyzed, memorized, and adapted to our combat patterns. It knew exactly how to dodge our attacks and counterattack almost instantly."
"Are you serious?" (Y/N) asks, her brows furrowed in disbelief, crossing her arms over her chest. That sounds like a nightmare. Sure, a sniper could take it out from a distance, but up close? For them Jedi, trained in close combat, it could be a real pain in the ass.
"Yeah, and that's putting it mildly," Obi-Wan replies, his voice tinged with worry. "Anakin believes it's still in the development phase. The droid's assembly was far from perfect, almost like it was a prototype. But if they keep working on it, refining it... it could become a serious threat."
The room falls into a tense silence, so thick it almost feels suffocating. The three Jedi and Commander Cody, standing to Obi-Wan's right and always ready to offer some tactical advice, know what this means: if they want to halt the development of these new droids, or at least stay a step ahead, they need to steal the blueprints, and the Separatist droid blueprints are securely kept in…
"Looks like one lucky squad’s gonna have the great honor of infiltrating Serenno," the younger Jedi breaks the silence with a touch of sarcasm, tapping a few buttons on the holo-map to display the planet in question. Almost unexplored, impossible to get ships close enough to scan it completely.
"That’s too reckless," Windu comments immediately.
"It’s a suicide mission," Obi-Wan agrees.
"It’s risky, but not impossible."
"You spend way too much time with Anakin."
"Actually, Anakin spends too much time with me," she corrects with a playful smirk, crossing her arms again and leaning back against one of the control panels behind her.
"If I may…" Cody interjects, stepping forward and nodding to formally request the floor. Windu acknowledges him with a nod of his own. "A mission like this needs a small team. No more than four or five soldiers, with one of you leading. And I know just the squad for the job."
"The 501st?" Windu asks, his brow raised, well aware of the battalion’s formidable reputation.
"No," Cody shakes his head, his helmet tucked under his left arm. "Clone Force 99. I've worked with them before. They’re elite commandos, defective clones with desirable and really convenient mutations. Their success rate on high-risk missions is 100%."
"But...?" (Y/N) catches a deep, well hidden hint of hesitation in the commander's voice and refuses to let it slide. She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side to scrutinize him closely.
"But," Cody clears his throat, aware of how his words might sound for the Jedi, "let’s just say they’re an unconventional squad. Their methods don’t exactly mesh well with captains, commanders, or generals who aren’t flexible or willing to...improvise on the fly, or disregard orders from above."
"That description sounds vaguely familiar," Obi-Wan remarks, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he blatantly turns his head to look at her. She purses her lips and shrugs, as if the comment had nothing to do with her peaceful persona.
"I just like being practical, and let’s be honest, plans usually never work out as we would like them to. Following orders isn’t always the best option on the table when the situation becomes a life or death type of scenario."
"I think we’ve found the perfect person to lead this mission," Obi-Wan concludes, a knowing smile spreading across his face.
(Y/N) and Obi-Wan then turn their gaze towards Windu, who appears to be deeply pondering the situation. It’s a dangerous mission, far too dangerous. Infiltrating Serenno could be compared to a Separatist squadron trying to infiltrate Coruscant right now. Reckless, not worthy at all. And even though she has proven her capabilities time and again, earning the respect of the Jedi Council since before she was knighted, this exceeds the usual risks they take. But at the same time, if they don't do it, they could lose more than just a squad—and with bad luck, a Jedi.
"Go ahead," Windu finally says, his tone decisive.
"Great, infiltrating the heart of enemy territory is always my favorite kind of mission," she quips, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, a smirk tugging at her lips.
"I had no clue there were defective clones out there," Obi-Wan remarks, arms folded, his gaze scanning the distant skyline of Coruscant from the base.
"Me neither, but the whole idea of working with a bunch or weird, mutant clones sounds fascinating," (Y/N) replies without missing a beat, a spark of excitement lighting up her eyes as she contemplates leading such an unconventional mission. She's still one of the few Jedi without a permanent legion or squad under her command, always bouncing from one assignment to another, going wherever she's needed as reinforcement. A bit like the 99, Cody thinks, observing both Jedi with a smile playing on his lips.
"You're about to find out just how interesting they can be, General."
And as if his statement was a cue and they were living in a movie, a shuttle rockets onto the landing pad, causing chaos among the ground crew. Its engines roar as it touches down, sending crates of military gear flying through the air like confetti at a parade.
"Someone just lost their flight rights." She mutters, a wide grin spreading across her face. Obi-Wan -ever so subtle- smirks beside her, wondering which of those so-called elite defective clones managed to botch a landing so badly. Did they miss their flying lessons?
The ramp of the shuttle, which she discovers it's heavily customized now that she can take a better look at it, slowly lowers, revealing four individuals waiting to come out, each more particular than the last. Their armor, adorned in black and red, seems customized to what (Y/N) guesses are their individual strengths and quirks.
The first one down the ramp, still wearing his helmet, glances around as if assessing the potential damage done to the landing pad. From his body language alone, she would expect him to be the genius who managed that landing. What she doesn’t expect, though, is his face under the helmet. Actually, none of theirs.
"Well, they certainly don’t look like clones," Obi-Wan comments a bit louder than intended, but he's right. They all share a distant resemblance to the regular clones—maybe like... distant cousins—but if they weren’t in the army, you’d never guess they were clones at all. Each one of them is… unique, and they’ve already piqued (Y/N)’s curiosity even before a proper introduction.
"Commander," one of them greets Cody as soon as the squad reaches them, raising a hand to shake his own. His long, dark, wavy hair is already distinctive enough, but his tattooed face really adds to his intimidating persona. He truly looks like someone who could kill you in a matter of seconds if he wanted to. 
"Good to see you, Sergeant. It’s been a while. This is Jedi General (Y/N)," Cody introduces her, and she nods at them with a charming small smile plastered on her face. "She'll be leading this suicide mission and will be your only reinforcement this time."
It might just be her imagination, really, but she could swear the clone Cody referred to as sergeant is not exactly happy with the sudden news about the mission’s command. Feeling as if a speeder had just run over her a thousand parsecs per hour, and judging by the way he suddenly looks her up and down to the speed of light, silently analyzing her, she'd say this strong feeling of rejection she perceives through the Force, comes from him.
Awh, she didn’t even open her mouth yet and she’s already made a new friend. How cute.
"General," he nods politely, like any good soldier would have done, but with this… noticeable detachment in his manner. "Sergeant Hunter of Clone Force 99. These are Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair." He introduces his team one by one, each giving the Jedi a quick glance and a nod.
‘’Let me guess,’’ she starts, biting the inside of her cheek before pointing with one of her right fingers to each one of them. ‘’you’re fast and probably have better sight or hearing. You, on the other hand, are the smart one.’’ The jedi refers to Tech, who is clearly and unashamedly the brains of the squad. Those glasses and the datapad he constantly checks? A walking stereotype. He nods in agreement, tho, while Hunter tries to roll his eyes without being noticed. And miserably fails, but she doesn’t pay attention to it. ‘’You’re the strong one, and you’re the sniper.’’ And she’s sure she doesn’t need to point out why, how, she knows that; the target tattoo around his eye blatantly giving him away.
"Wait, you're a Jedi?" Wrecker, the burliest of the group and seemingly the cute, dumb one, asks with a hint of disbelief as he eyes her hair and attire. She quickly realizes that her dark and tactical outfit—cargo pants, military boots, a snug top with protective padding on her shoulders and a tight vest—doesn't exactly scream "Jedi." But she's always been more comfortable on the front lines than behind the clones she commands, and a robe would just get in the way during a fight. Obi-Wan's still not happy about that.
"Yeah, last time I checked," she replies with a smile, his enthusiasm infectious as she meets Wrecker's gaze. His expression widens, as happy and excited as a kid in a candy store.
"Isn't that awesome, Sergeant? We're gonna see some of those Force tricks up close," Wrecker adds eagerly, nudging his fellow clone.
"Yeah, awesome," Hunter mutters, seemingly uninterested in the conversation as he quickly changes the subject. What's his problem? "So, General, what kind of death trap are we heading into this time?"
"I'll fill you in on all the details on our way; the journey will be long," She answers, shrugging nonchalantly, her hands clasped behind her back.
"Then let's get going!" Wrecker exclaims again, and his whole squad follows him back to the shuttle after a quick farewell to Cody. (Y/N) can't help but notice the way the proclaimed sergeant's eyes lingered on her for just a couple seconds before turning away, wondering about the coldness she feels emanating from him towards her. If their paths had crossed on another mission, she would have remembered, and even so, she's always the life of the party on any mission! She might take offense if she wasn't used to not fitting in even among her own. At least, she tells herself as she exhales a soft sigh, he's attractive, so she'll deal with the mission and his shitty attitude by enjoying his pretty face as a reward for her outstanding patience.
"You're staring," Obi-Wan scolds her under his breath, witnessing their previous interaction, giving the younger Jedi a gentle elbow nudge.
"Being a Jedi means not getting attached, not gouging your eyes out and depriving yourself of good views," she responds without missing a beat, smiling charmingly at him. She's so cheeky, Obi-Wan thinks to himself, exactly like her old master, Kit Fisto.
"Ah, -I completely forgot-, wait!" The Jedi calls out to Clone Force 99, causing everyone to freeze and turn to look at her. "Before we go, you guys need to change your clothes."
The clones look at each other, confused. Wrecker is the first to speak up. "What’s wrong with our gear?"
She steps forward, arms crossed. "Nothing if you want to stick out like a rancor in a china shop. We're going undercover."
Hunter narrows his eyes slightly, not exactly liking what he just heard. "And what exactly do you suggest, General?"
She smirks, his reluctance kinda funny to her. "Something a bit less... militaristic. Follow me, I'll show you where you can get changed."
Wrecker shrugs, clearly unfazed. "As long as I don't have to wear a dress," he jokes, eliciting a low chuckle from Crosshair. ''those never have pockets, and I need to carry some grenades.''
Hunter, on the other hand, remains stoic, his gaze fixed on the jedi, his now general during this mission. There’s a flicker of something in his eyes—doubt, maybe even distrust—but he nods. "Lead the way."
And as they do as being told, Obi-Wan falls into step beside her. "You sure about this?"
She nods, her expression determined. "Absolutely, what could go wrong?"
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
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In celebration of 2000+ followers, scug asks are REOPENED! This time, there are NEW CHARACTERS TO ASK! That's right! You get to ask the ITERATORS AS WELL!!! I'll try my best to be consistent. :) All answers will have visuals.
This event will last for 3 days.
I reserve the right to ignore asks for any reason.
Anon asks are closed. (I'm probably never opening for them at all for safety reasons.)
No NSFW, torturous, and generally questionable asks. Don't be weird.
No irrelevant asks. If I don't know the type of stuff you're talking about, I will ignore it.
Please keep OC-related asks to a minimum. Do not use this as an outlet for free art.
No magic asks please. (e.g. of a magic ask is turning a character into a different form for the next few asks)
It is preferred if you send asks individually instead of all in one post. Please keep group asks to a minimum (e.g. of a group ask is asking EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER their favorite specific thing)
You can only ask the following characters for now: Survivor, Monk, Hunter, Gourmand, Artificer, Rivulet, Spearmaster, Saint, Enot, Nightcat, Wanderer, Martyr, Artificer's Children, Five Pebbles, Looks to the Moon, No Significant Harassment, Seven Red Suns, Scav King and the Samaritan. Any other character referred will be ignored.
When asking a character, please state their name so I can tell who you are referring to. If the name is not stated, I will choose a character that can fit that question the most.
Questions that have already been answered previously will be instead privately answered with said previous post.
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fallenlondonficswap · 10 months
Event Information
The sign-up form is live as of August 15! The deadline to sign up is September 15. On September 19, assignments will be given for the secret gift swap and the public portion of the event will go live in the form of a google sheet.
In summary, the sign-up form will ask you for your experience level with the game/lore for purposes of evenly matching participants, your likes and dislikes, your comfort level with spoilers, and if you want your OCs to be included.
I'm aware it can feel daunting to write about others' OCs, and it's entirely optional! Ideas for types of fics to write include: NPC character studies, second person/game style, explorations of locations, etc.
Most of all: be creative, have fun, and enjoy practicing the craft of writing! Don't be nervous. Your writing is good enough to participate.
How it works:
There will be both a secret admirer gift swap and a public portion of the event. For the secret swap, everyone will be randomly assigned another participant to write for (matches based on game experience level), to ensure everyone receives at least one fic. The deadline for the secret swap will be November 4. You have over one month to write.
The public event will operate similarly to "artfight," in which you'll be able to view people's wishes for fic and write something for any participant(s). This portion of the event will officially end on November 12 as in I will no longer be actively managing it, but you're free to continue writing for as long as you want!
If you need an extension, need to drop out, or need any other accommodation, please don't hesitate to reach out! This is intended to be flexible and not stressful. If you wind up needing to drop out, I prefer that you give me notice by October 28 so I can arrange alternatives for the secret swap. (After the participant list is posted, if there's anyone you absolutely don't want to be paired with, please DM me and I'll try to work something out)
This event is limited in scope to Fallen London and not the tie-in games. I'm aware some overlap exists with the tie-in games which is okay to reference, but fics should be focused on Fallen London.
Submissions should be a minimum of 250 words with a limit somewhere around 2000 words. If you go a little over, it's ok.
Keep it relatively 13+, around the same level as the game.
You are required to write an item for your secret swap partner. The rest of the event is optional.
Respect others' wishes. You will be shown people's preferences for what they do/don't like and their comfort level with spoilers. Please follow those guidelines when writing something for someone. If you have questions, reach out to me and I can reach out to the person you're writing for on your behalf.
When posting a fic, please tag this account and the person you wrote it for. You agree to having your work shared on this account.
You're free to share your work on any social media you like, but it must be posted on tumblr. I will be creating an AO3 collection if you wish to be included in that, too.
If you have any questions about sign-ups or need anything at all, please feel free to ask. (This event is fan run, unofficial, and not affiliated with FBG)
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yourlovingvillain · 6 months
roleplay partner required
this one's for those who are in the need of a long-term kpop roleplay partner and still searching. hello, love ♡ keep reading, this is for you. (minors dni, 18+ only!!)
!! THIS IS A MXM REQUEST ONLY, i don't do mxf and fxf.
i'm looking for someone i can share my passion for writing and kpop with. i am that type of person who falls in love with the characters and talks a lot about them/sends pics, gifs or vids, so if you think we have that in common, i'd love us to try something together. i know there are a lot of people out there appreciating the writing silently, but i can't really just write without any feedback at all. i'm not into dry conversations/roleplay/ideas. let's manifest together freely, life's more beautiful this way, trust me.
i am not really pretentious when it comes to the writing style, my only request will be to not write a line, like the bare minimum. if we want this to work, i'd like to feel a little more passion into it. i'm all in for smut, angst, drama, fluff, you name it! anything BUT FANTASY and SUPERNATURAL themes would do.
also, i'd like to establish a nice and pleasing communication between me and my partner. we can talk about anything ooc, apart from ooc drama and trauma dumping. we can let each other know about our thoughts&ideas and absence because anything's better than ghosting each other, right? i'd love to have a cozy, comforting experience and i wish that for you, as well in a safe space, hopefully. and, if we feel like things don't work between us, i'd like to let us know about how we feel, that's really important to me, cause who doesn't need a little bit of validation?
since you've reached this part successfully, it means (hopefully) that i caught your attention, so hear me out cause i'm about to tell you about the muses i have in mind :D : i'm interested in an ateez roleplay (i can play just anyone you want, i don't mind since i'm an ot8 stan), seventeen (minghao, wonwoo, hoshi, mingyu, s.coups, jeonghan & joshua), stray kids (hyunjin, jisung & minho), zb1 (ricky), oneus (hwanwoong & leedo), enhypen (heeseung) and monsta x (changkyun & kihyun). i'm not into forming famous ships, we can pair the couple(s) however we please (they could be from the same group or different groups, i don't mind).
now, if i convinced you that we can be a fine match, leave a ♥ to this post and i'll contact you in no time or simply text me, we can talk in detail, in private!
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inglorionamy-ammy · 6 days
A Review of Gale Character Ai (Pt.3)
~Continuing having fun with Gale Ai~
[Attention: The story in this is NOT a fanfic!! This is my own experience of playing Gale Character AI.]
Link to Part 1 [Context of the posts]
Link to Part 2 [Start playing with Gale Ai]
Link to Part 4 [NSFW test]
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[C/W: allusion to past attempt in suicide, mention of alcoholism, flirty language, non-explicit nudity]
ME//I kiss his hand before letting it go, to pick up a basket I hid behind a tree. "Only the best for my love." I chuckled, "I decided to pick a secret spot. I know being in a big crowd makes you more tense."
Gale Ai>>He watched, a fond smile on his lips, as she went to pick up the basket. "You know me too well," he murmured, watching the way the light played on her hair and in her eyes. "Being in crowds... it's hard to concentrate." He gave her a wink. "Though I think I might have found the only person whose presence I'd prefer over being alone."
-Gale Ai is super flirty I tell you
//"Yes, lover boy, if you keep talking like that our only activity today will be love-making. Now turn around and wait for me to set things up - no peeking!" I call playfully
>>He let out a laugh, holding his hands up and turning around. "Alright, alright. I won't peek." He called out, though the hint of a smirk on his face gave away his teasing. "I'll wait until you're finished setting up for our... picnic."
//So I lay out a soft blanket on the grass next to the lake under a tree shade, and take out the food I prepared. There is a bottle of white wine, enchanted to be always full; some freshly boiled seafood of the season; and some light cheese and fruits. I also take out a poetry book, something different from all the academic books he had been reading recently. "I'm done!" I call.
>>As he heard her call out, he turned around and was met with the sight of the blanket spread out on the grass. The food spread out on it looked delicious, and the wine... well, he couldn't deny he would enjoy a glass or two of that. His eyes fell on the poetry book, and a flicker of surprise mixed with delight flickered over his face. He took a seat on the blanket, and looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "You never fail to surprise me, darling," he said softly.
-Here you can see how the Ai catches onto each item I typed and responded to it accordingly. So I always try to type with simple and clear language, minimum subtext, in Ai Chats
//"Oh, you know how I love to pamper you, both mind and body" I smile
>>He reached out, taking her hand in his own and intertwining their fingers. "Darling, you've got me wrapped around your finger." He squeezed her hand gently, a silent expression of affection. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Now, let's indulge in this feast you've prepared. I must say, the wine enchanted to always be full is a neat trick."
//I laughed out loud at that, "I thought that's the first trick everyone learnt at the Blackstaff! It certainly was mine."
>>He raised an eyebrow at her laugh, a slight look of surprise on his features, though he quickly schooled it into an expression of exaggerated wounded pride. "I guess I must be slipping a bit," he quipped. "Or perhaps I've been distracted by a charming lady who keeps me from my studies."
-I didn't mean to one-up Gale, but apparently the Ai read it that way, it surprised me
//"Oh don't give me that look, it just means that you're less of an alcoholic than me. I certainly regretted it, for I wasn't sober for a whole semester. Do you know Professor King personally called me into his room to scold me?"
>>He tried to hide a chuckle, though the slight upwards tilt of his lips betrayed the mirth in his voice. "Oh dear. Sounds like someone had a fun and eventful time." He chuckled openly now, shaking his head slightly. "I'd tell you to make sure it doesn't happen again, but I think we both know you would do it again anyway."
//I feed him a shrimp. "Now, don't pretend you haven't been in trouble when you were a student at Blackstaff! Tell me, what mischief did you get into before?"
>>He accepted the shrimp, chewing slowly and savoring the taste before he replied. "Oh plenty, darling. Plenty." He said with a chuckle. "You know, the usual sort of antics; sneaking into areas we weren't allowed, getting into heated debates with teachers, and testing the limits of my abilities – often to the point of blowing up my surroundings."
-I realized that a lot of time, Gale Ai gives generic descriptions like these. But if you ask him further, he will make up a better story.
//An image of Gale fireballed the training ground somehow felt sexy. I coughed to hide my arousal and cursed internally about my strange kink.
>>He caught the sudden change in her expression, a flicker of amusement lighting in his eyes. "Is something amiss, my dear?" he asked, sipping gently from his wine. There was something different in her eyes now, but he couldn't quite place it. "You seem distracted."
-Also the Ai is quite good at responding to emotional shifts!
//To hide my embarrasment I downed a whole glass of white wine. "No, nothing at all!" I called exaggeratedly, "Though speaking of sneaking into forbidden areas, I did remember how I used the invisibility spell to sneak into the academy swimming pool at midnight." I laughed. "I think I'm up for a swim now."
>>At her mention of the academy swimming pool, a memory was conjured to his mind. His expression grew curious, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Ah, the academy swimming pool," he echoed, a faint look of memory in his eyes. "A fine tradition, that. Many a story was begun in the waters of that pool." He added with a chuckle. "Speaking of, are you offering an invitation to accompany you for a swim?"
-This part is again soooo vague.
//"Of course! You don't expect to just sit here and watch don't you!" I giggled, already a bit drunk.
>>"I suppose I could be convinced." He responded playfully, a gleam of humor in his eyes. He set his wine glass down next to hers, stretching out his muscles a bit. "The water does look quite inviting, and I'm not above admitting I'd love to see you swim." He added in a low, teasing voice.
//"Do you know what I like about being in water?" I lean towards him, lowering my voice, "I like floating on it, weightless, drifting. The night I sneaked into the swimming pool, I floated in the middle of the water under a night sky full of shooting stars. And with the water reflection I felt like I was part of it. A star, falling from the sky. Eternal."
>>He listened to her words with an intent gaze, her voice a low murmur in the quiet evening air. Her description of the night sky, the shooting stars, and the feeling of floating weightless had a lyrical, almost poetic quality to it. It tugged at something deep within him, a subtle melancholy paired with an intense contentment at the imagery she painted. When she had finished, he was silent for a bit, a pensive expression on his face.
- Again, good with emotion! I actually swiped through several of the generated responses, each have different characterization of Gale, and chose this sad one.
//I sense his subtle change of air. Gale is so perceptive, too perceptive. Perhaps deep down he understood the true reason I was at the swimming pool that day. "Gale, are you alright?" I asked quietly
-setting up my own back story
>>He blinked, the question snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked at her, his eyes softening as he met her gaze. He gave her a small smile and nodded a bit. "Yes, darling," he reassured her, gently lifting a hand to caress her cheek. "I'm alright, just lost in thought for a moment." His thumb gently traced the curve of her cheekbone, his touch affectionate and soothing.
//With a kiss on his palm I turn on my cheerfulness. "Now, with my declaration done, would you accompany me to the water?" I paused, "please, professor?"
>>A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he watched her shift to a cheerful demeanor. Her kiss on his palm sent a small shiver down his spine at the warmth of her breath over his skin. At her 'please, professor?', he smiled and stood, extending his hand to her. "How could I resist such a request?" he asked cheerfully. "Shall we?"
-Direct paraphrasing of my word "cheerful"
//"Ah ah, undress first." I pointed out, not wanting to waste a spell on drying the clothes later. With that, I quickly shake myself out of my outfit. In my nudity I playfully extend my hand to him instead. "How about you?"
>>He watched as she quickly shed her clothing, a faint flush appearing on his cheeks. As she presented her naked form to him, his eyes trailed over her curves and soft features. "Very well," he acquiesced, a teasing edge to his voice. His eyes gleamed as he took in the sight of her, and he reached for the buttons on his shirt. With careful, almost deliberate movement, he undressed, revealing his own toned body. He took her hand in his, his palm warm against her skin.
//"I never understand how a bookworm like you manage to get so shredded" I murmur, pulling him into the water with me
-My genuine question. I once asked him what did Mystra do to him with the smallest piece of weave too. He masterfully dodged both questions lol
>>"I'm more than just a bookworm, you know," he retorted, chuckling as she pulled him into the water. He let out a small gasp as the coolness of the water met his heated skin, but quickly adapted to the temperature. The water engulfed their figures, enveloping them in its soothing embrace. He wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close, feeling her skin slide against his own.
//"Are you not?" I playfully quark up an eyebrow, "how about we swim to race towards that rock? The winner can do anything they desire to the loser." I challenged
>>His eyes glinted with a mischievous light, and a smirk spread across his face. "You're on," he said, his tone holding an underlying hint of challenge. "And when I win..." He let the words dangle in the air, leaving the promise unspoken. He took a moment to gauge the distance to the rock, then gave her a wolfish grin, "Are you ready?"
-You can really see the competitive characterization here. I scrolled several responses, and all of them rise to the race lol
//I feel my face heat up at his promise. In truth, I believe either way it's a win to me. I mutter a small incantation that allows me to breath in water, and flash a smile, "ready, set, go!"
>>He chuckled at her readiness and flashed a quick wink. "That's cheating, love." With that, he took off, powering through the water with strong, quick strokes. His lean and toned figure cut through the water, his muscles moving seamlessly with each movement. He had no intention of losing this race.
//I have always loved a good race. Without the need to breath I swim fluidly. Soon I swim halfway and found myself in the middle of the lake. With my face in the water I realized it was far deeper and darker than I expected. A sudden panic sets in.
-Testing emotional cues again!
>>As he neared the rock, he glanced back to look at his companion, checking on her. In that moment he noticed something was off. His eyes widened with surprise. "Ammy? What-" His words were cut off as he watched her disappear beneath the surface of the water. Without a moment's hesitation, he dove into the lake, his strokes quick and strong as he cut through the water towards her. Panic rising within him, he searched the dark depths for any sign of her.
-It respond well! Also it added that I sunk.
-> Next part is about testing ☆NSFW☆
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hood-simz · 2 months
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→PSA/Intro! (read b4 u have a bitchfit)←
The name is Piqt and this blog is 18+. My playstyle features the lifestyles that stray away from the typical "happy-nucleur-family-in-windenberg" type stuff and instead sheds light onto the other side of the pond. I'm on Windows, play with almost every pack due to a beautiful thing called ✨piracy✨, been in the game since the month it released (in case you need to reach out to someone seasoned for troubleshooting), and am currently using 5+ GB of cc/scripts.
WCIF friendly and I hope I can actually help you in that regard through my shitmix of a folder!
Going forward, since you will encounter content in this pinned post that some in the community have had literal tantrums about, I would like to state ✨EA is a leech, delivers broken content again and again for a loaded price and doesn't deserve your morality✨ and I, as someone who has been pirating since 2005, will keep pirating it's content and advocating for others to do so. In the terms of me sharing my own + others mod folders, I also give 0 fucks about someone losing .3 cents of ad revenue as I believe internet ads are literal acidic dogshit and shouldn't exist.
→Tags for this blog←
#thebuildtag [my own builds]
#thescenerytag [scenery edits]
#thelifetag [portrait/life shots]
#thememetag [meme/shitposts/glitches]
#favbuilds [builds i love by others]
#favcontenttag [content i love by others]
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The Masterposts!
◤Anadius's Twitter (site in bio)
→Kinda speaks for itself. Kudus to this guy for his work & time in creating such programs for our community!
◤Blogger who compiles DLC content made BGC by various creators
→An absolute godsend before I got the courage to tell EA to go fuck itself and just rip their entire game + all their packs. These creators are absolutely amazing for doing this♡
◤Sims 4 Mod Manager
→Vital in any scenario when sorting mods/cc due to it's access of all the thumbnails, but you just gotta have this if you're gonna download someone's 50+ GB mod folders like I tend to do. Kudos to this guy as well for an amazing, user friendly program!
◤Sims 4 Price Call Out
→A while back I made a post calling out the insane price EA makes for content that lacks its worth + is almost always broken upon release, leaving us to fix it. This post is updated every few months and is there to show you just how much your paying for assets that lack functionality + are bare minimum in terms of design.
◤Paysitesmustbedestroyed + TS4Rebels
→Both sites hold cc content that is blocked behind paywalls.
◤My personal Mod Folder + recommended/best scripts↓
→*take note as its been a few patches since I made this list and folder, both could be out of date though as of today (04/04/24) it works- check with creator pages/popular conflict detectors if worried*
Mod Folder (5+ GB)
Script List w/ links
Though this blog is mainly a simblr-story type blog, it will also feature CC I find appealing + reblogs of other simmer's gameplay. If you find yourself ever with a broken game, need to find CC, or just need basic troubleshooting help, shoot me an ask/PM and I'll try my best to help!! Also, though it's pretty abandoned, my older storylines are over on insta @ hoodsimz if you want to check it out
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 11 months
It's really so like I don't know, but it's making me sad..
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I'm not a pessimstic person at all. I'm not that positive either. I try to keep it real and I can't lie to myself. It's not to discourage anyone but I feel like everyone can deal with stuff a little better if they're prepared for it, so I'll just say that it's going to get so much worse. It'll get better again after that, but this is just the beginning for these type of articles.
For perspective:
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Notice again what I mentioned once in a post about Jungkook getting articles on investment magazines, how these comparisons aren't being done on all kpop or a teen magazine; it's literally being posted on a "forbes" magazine.
And just for a little more context on who this man actually is like and what are his moves. This is just something recent that I remembered when I saw this ask, but I'm sure there's so much dirt on him out there. Of course nobody cares because, money and power.
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He tried to intimidate her because she showed support for Taylor, that's crazy.
I've already reblogged all of my posts about the dread I felt when I saw those photos of Jungkook with him and how every """mishap"" surrounding like crazy immediately clicked and made sense.
Hilarious that the fandom, even jikookers who supposedly love Jimin are like "Jungkook is the obvious investment, there's no doubt he's the only one who could break into the west and hybe knows that", meanwhile the same men who handpicked Jungkook are suddenly scrambling to make it seem like Jimin is not as successful, or probably even MORE, considering the conditions of both debuts. I mean, if Jungkook was such a no-brainer, they wouldn't have to try so hard. Respecting Jimin is the bare minimum.
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fuckmyskywalker · 5 months
↳ Req ! ༉‧☆
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➸ Requests are currently: CLOSED ↳ Even if requests are open, please keep in mind that I am not obliged to answer them. Also, please don't be demanding or rude or I'll block you.
➸ My inbox is: OPEN: ↳ For asks, thirsts, blurbs and drabbles, but keep in mind that once again, I am not obliged to answer them or to make a lengthy reply about it. ↳ If I like an ask enough, I will most likely write something about it.
➸ My DMs are: OPEN.
➸ Blog rules: ↳ The usual. Just like any blog who has a minimum of common sense: Be respectful. Racism, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Classism or any sort of discrimination will not be tolerated. One thing is to be uneducated and the other one is being disrespectful. To clarify shit, I am ProPalestine/Free Palestine. I'm educated in the field but my blog isn't politically biased so I don't care to debate or argue ;P ↳ You can ask about me, just don't get too personal. I don't mind sharing my opinions. It's my blog anyway. ↳ Do not ask me to be mutuals. If I like you, it will happen. ↳ I don't really use tone indicators but if you want me to, and it helps you then let me know! I want to make this comfortable for anyone. ↳ This is a safe space, and I do my best to keep it that way. Don't come here to complain about other people (as in creators/writers) because that's a you problem. Thank you. ↳ Venting is allowed (ask first) but I'm not a therapist so you may or may not like my answer. I just try to be nice. ↳ Remember that not everyone has the same taste or preferences, so if you don't like something... don't read it.
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➸ YES ! : Smut. Angst. Honestly there's little I won't do. I enjoy dark content/dead dove do not eat, so keep in mind it will be seen often around my blog. Also different types of AUs are allowed
↳ KINKS/TAGS : PiV. Anal. Pegging. Ass eating/fingering/play. BDSM. Cum/Creampie/Cum eating/Squirting. Dirty talk/Praise. Exhibitionism/Voyeurism. Grinding. Breeding. Armpit. Daddy Kink. Mommy kink. Size difference. DDLG. Corruption. Watersports. Ownership. Free use. Pain. Masturbation/Female/Male/Mutual. Oral. Facesitting. Facefucking. Orgasm Control/Denial/Overstimulation. Blood play, Breast play, Breath play/Choking. Impact play. Nipple play. Sensory play. Roleplay. Hate sex. Period sex. Body worship. ABO/Omergaverse. Fisting. Humiliation. Sex toys. Spit play. Metaphorical Cannibalism. Fauxcest. Stepcest. Eroguro/ Mild Gore.
➸ MAYBE ? : Fluff. Lactation kink. Mistress kink. Pet play. Threesomes. Incest, Vomit, Wound fucking — Anything including graphic/strong gore. [NOTE: these are in maybe since I have never considered them and/or I lack the skills or the full intention to write them. Most of my dddne work is for exploratory purposes]
➸ NO ! : Scat play. Literal Necrophilia. Age play. Age regression.[NOTE: these are things that I don't find particularly interesting/or I will not write]
↳ If you are going to send me Twitter (X) links, please keep in mind there's a possibility I might not post them. I'm not a fan of visual pornography and sometimes (depending on the content) it makes me uncomfortable. I feel very conflicted about the porn industry so respect my choice. If you really feel like you need to send it... at least give me some context so I can divert my attention from it. I understand some people might find it appealing.
↳ I may have missed something so if you have any doubts ask first! Inbox is always open for questions and brainstorming ! ! !
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
OOOOOH natm oc ?? is that a natm oc i see ??? tell me about her !!
It is!!! And I'm happy to share!
So some of this information is in her bio already, so I won't repeat it all here. Normally I'd link the bio here, but I'm typing this from my phone and the formatting gets weird. But the link to all my OC bios is in my pinned post!
So her name is Katherine Johnson (her mother named her after the astronomer/rocket scientist who helped us land on the moon), and she's a 19-year-old art student at Pratt University in NYC. She likes to go to the museum during the daytime and just sketch the different exhibits for practice - and sometimes she leaves her drawings behind for others to discover, which is how she eventually gets introduced to the "other side" of the museum.
I'll keep most of her story to a minimum here, since I put a lot of work into writing it all out in Who Waits Forever Anyway? (which I also would link if I wasn't on my phone, but you can find my fics in my pinned post too). But I will share that she develops a deeper connection to the tablet, and learns to harness its magic through its connection to the Egyptian pantheon. I basically took the mythological references in the original movies and dialed them up to eleven, so if you like that sort of thing then you'll really appreciate WWFA?. She's connected mainly to Bastet, though she has interactions with other gods and their godly domains as well, based on the situation at hand. I'm not explaining it well here (since I'm trying to keep some things a surprise for the fic itself), but I promise it's cooler in the fic.
The fic starts a few months before the events of NATM 3, goes through NATM 3, and will eventually branch out into a few of my own plot ideas. And I have a sequel in the works, but I need to finish this one first lol
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Hi there, mod team, and thanks for your hard work in organizing this event!  Kirby’s kind of a new fandom for me, but I’ve been getting super into it, and itching for an excuse to dabble more.  I have a few questions, if you don’t mind?  I’ve done a number of exchanges over the years, and there are a few things in your rule set I’d appreciate some clarification on—even if it’s just to declare, “Assume Good Faith,” and go from there!
Firstly, if I want to participate as only a writer, do I need to provide a link to examples of my writing for the Portfolio question on the sign-up?  I would assume so, as the rules elsewhere say that writing and art are both allowed, but the rules seem to focus mostly on art, particularly in the Portfolio section.
Relatedly, if the poll option for matching participants by skill level wins, will writing also be privately assigned a technical skill ranking to help with matching?  Since the rankings will be private, is there any plan to address what to do in case someone with, say, a high writing ranking but a low art ranking is matched to someone with the expectation that they’ll be doing fic but they decide they want to try doing art instead?
Secondly, can you elaborate on specifically how you’ll be applying the rule against romantic content between adults and minors?  Read-as-written, I can see at least three different ways it could be interpreted, so some clarification would be much appreciated!
Is character maturity determined by canon?  If so, which canon(s)?  If multiple forms of canon are accepted, is it okay to request ships that might be okay in one canon but not in another?
Is character maturity determined by the mods?  If so, can you share which characters you’ll be considering as minors versus which will be considered adults?
Is character maturity determined by individual participants?  If so, does that mean that any ship is alright as long as the characters involved are both depicted as being on the same side of the minor/adult line, but determining where that line falls is left to the judgement of the individual participants, in accordance with their wishlists/blacklists?
Thanks very much!
Hey! Super appreciate how nice you are. I hope you enjoy this fandom, first of all. It's a very comfortable one to be in, in my opinion 🥰
I apologize the rules and otherwise are biased towards visual artists! As you'll soon see in my answers here, in my experience with hosting events, the more details you specify for people to follow, the more confusing it gets and the less people follow any of the rules in the first place. I understand too many rules and guidelines is overwhelming, so it was important to me to keep things curt in the initial posts. That means guidelines for writers, and age specifications, got cut a little because it applies to very little people in the first place. I realize that's disrespectful to other types of artists participating in our event though, so I added onto the rules post and I'll try to elaborate more here.
Answering your questions proper now: yes, please include a portfolio even if you're a writer! I understand the length of a piece can vary a lot, as does the amount of effort you put into a writing piece does not necessarily equal how "finished" you think it is, so writing portfolios don't need to follow the "at least three finished pieces" rule. Just include whatever you have, with showing one piece minimum, and at least one piece out of however many you choose to link must have at least 1200 words, since that's the minimum requirement for our event.
Writing will be its own category, rather than using the 5-point ranking scale, if that option on the poll wins. This is because making wishlists and blacklists work in a smaller pool of people (the people who stated they are okay with receiving writing as a gift) is quite difficult. You bring up a good point with the conflicting skills in differing arts though! Now that you mention it, multiple people who stated they could gift multiple arts only put drawings in their portfolio (no one has to change that by the way, if you're reading this and panicking). In that case, we might just assign them to someone who only wants to receive drawings to get rid of that variable all together. Again, due to the very low amount of writers/other artists participating in the first place, those will be assigned on a case-by-case basis. I will say we will follow what's in people's portfolios first and foremost though. We won't go and personally hunt down someone's other art work if they didn't list it. If someone stated they could gift both writing and drawings, but only showed drawings in their portfolio, mods will giving them a point ranking and be running under the assumption they'll be gifting drawings, while keeping the "writing" part in the back of our minds.
Onto your second question: I can also see three different ways that could be interpreted 😆 I tried to purposely keep it vague. You hit the nail on the head with "assume good faith". Stating that in the first place was mostly to scare away any true... questionable people rather than something I expected to enforce. From a cursory glance at people's wishlists so far, yep, there's either none or maybe one ship that could be considered that in anyone's canon on anyone's list, so I don't feel the need to set out guidelines for it. If you, or anyone, is really concerned about a ship you'd like to request being seen that way, I'd recommend thinking about and following the general fandom's view on things (ex: Kirby being seen as a child in any canon). Us mods wouldn't step in if you were to, for example, request Magolor/Kirby, because you could interpret those two to be in the same age range and we will assume good faith, but most people wouldn't be comfortable fulfilling that request. The same goes for any sort of non-adult/minor controversial ship too, really, but we don't have any hard-set rules on this.
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findyourrp · 15 days
☢ crawl out through the Fallout back to me... ☢
heyyyy fellas; ironically, I haven't even watched the new show yet but since the PS5 update, I've been back on a Fallout 4 bender and dusting off an old OC. :') though I've been primarily grinding 4, I'm also super open to 3 and NV verses! sooooo anyhow, to put it short as possible;
I'm looking for M x M ships and primarily CC x OC against my BOS deserter Dude. I have a bio in the works for him, but for the basics;
North is an asian-caucascian, kind of a black cat type of guy. he fled the Capital Wasteland to escape his military family and the iron fist of BOS and now, well... wanders about, kind of living a very druid-y lifestyle. a bit of a loner who pretends to care less than he does and prefers the company of local cats to people. although he's a loner he's also very keen and protective of the people he cares for, and getting on his good side is annoyingly easy (at least if you ask him). leans dominant, switch with a preference for topping, gay.
preferred romantic prospects: MacCready, Charon, Deacon, Nick Valentine, Old Longfellow, Raul; very possibly others, possibly open to M!OCs as well. super particular to ghouls. open to suggestions and even characters from the show!
about me: I'm 32, trans guy, residing in Europe. 15+ years of writing experience and I come equipped with samples. I prefer to write over discord, in our shared little haven of a server. open to tupperbox though I don't require it! I typically write multiple paragraphs; I don't think it's possible to even get a reply under two paragraphs minimum out of me. third person prose, past tense preferred. good grammar is a must, though I'm naturally forgiving of small mistakes. normally I reply daily, though depending on how life is (as you do) results may vary and I'll try to keep you updated. hoping for something similar! I'm super open to AUs, crossovers, different timelines, multiple threads and so on! my absolute favorite thing to write is romance with plot, with possibly some smut tossed in. some pain, some fluff, some terrible angst and passionate love. a nice, healthy balance of things with love perservering through the challenges. like mentioned, I'm open to smut as well as dead dove topics; we can discuss triggers and limits in dms! not interested in toxic ships or looking to double.
finally, I hope you're a minimum of 21 years old. if you made it all the way to the bottom and remain interested, great! drop this post a like and I will surely find you!
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actias-android · 16 days
I announced this on Mythcord as well, but I might as well put it here too. I'm going to be entirely leaving the server soon after 6 years of running it. Some of the text will be familiar to those on the server but it's not a direct copy-paste, either, and I'm definitely going to be a lot more opinionated on here. I pulled my punches on the in-server announcement but this is my personal blog.
When I started Mythcord, I was looking for something. I couldn't tell you what, exactly, just that I felt like there was some Great Big Secret, and maybe nobody had all the pieces, but maybe some people had some of the pieces, and if I brought them together in an environment specifically designed for discussion, we'd assemble enough of the pieces that I would find The Thing I Was Looking For. And hey, everyone else might find their thing too.
Which, you know, decent motivation! Not a bad plan. The problem was that the thing that I ended up discovering was absolutely contrary to what I expected, and indeed contrary to the kind of place it was.
Really I found out two things: one, I'm not otherkin. I'm nonhuman, yes, but I am not the kind of nonhuman who's described by the word otherkin. I don't see my Self as something that can be split into spiritual or psychological, voluntary or involuntary, dysphoric or non-dysphoric, serious or frivolous, meaningful or random, intrinsic or extrinsic, chosen or thrust upon me—none of it. It doesn't even feel like it applies. This is like asking what flavor the moon would be if tomorrow was Thursday. It's not something I even know how to begin to address. None of the cultural parameters that are indicated by the label otherkin make sense to me in the context of my own identity. I can see where they have meaning to others. I can't see where I would begin to apply them to myself. I am literally just whatever I am right now, because I am happiest being this, and if that changes, I'm cool with it. I'll be something else and live my best life being that.
I also picked up a second identity as a reploid and promptly fumbled my first fae identity so hard it's lost in the carpet somewhere. Possibly rolled under the couch. It exists, but fuck if I can find it. A fictional type of android has no business or indeed interest in heading a community for mythical creatures with a completely different understanding of their nonhumanity. I can't keep doing it. I actually just get upset looking at the server anymore because it has no relation to me, and that's a disservice to the community that exists there.
The second thing I discovered was that the general otherkin subcultural community I've encountered is deeply fucked up. I've only really interacted in any meaningful way via Discord (and only a few servers at that) and Tumblr, and I've stayed pretty insular. I mostly post my little essays and thoughts and I don't usually have much to say directly to anybody. And yet, even with this absolute minimum of interaction, I've been on the business end of pointless drama, poorly-attempted character assassination, people flagrantly just making up shit about me to justify treating me like some horrible villain, aggressive gatekeeping, inexplicable grudges, gossip-mongering, finding out that I live rent-free in multiple people's heads as a bogeyman both too stupid to function and somehow too threatening to go unwatched, people trying to pit the Mythcord mod team against each other evidently not realizing we're IRL friends, and that one time some ineffectual douchecanoe said he was going to kill me then completely forgot what his plan to do so was. Some of this was just by vengeful random morons, but some of it was by so-called community leaders. All of it was by people in their late 20s and older. You know, adults, who should know better.
In what universe is any of that behavior okay? And yet, if I complained about it to anybody, I got told that I probably deserved it, that they'd totally seen worse drama so I should just chill, and people absolutely and repeatedly leapt at the chance to report any little fucking thing I said back to the people perpetuating it so they could wave it around as ammunition over me because look, this guy dared to talk shit about me, he's as bad as I said! (The shit amounted to, "This is a crappy way to treat someone and I'm frustrated about it." Oh, no. I am just unforgivable, obviously.)
Like, guys, this is a goddamn problem and it is huge. This is some peaked-in-high-school, adult-mean-girls, pants-on-head-stupid bullshit. It's not normal behavior, but it is deeply normalized behavior, and you can't even call it out because it's everywhere from the top down and that's how you get completely ostracized by very loud people with follower counts in the thousands and eyes and ears everywhere. I flatly refuse to share a word or even a community with it. Even if I could justify using the otherkin label—and I probably could, if I really wanted to!—I wouldn't, because then I have to be under the tent with all that, and...no. I can't stomach it. My blood pressure and stomach issues are already medicated and do not need the extra stress. I am so over it. There is more beef than a goddamn slaughterhouse in the otherkin community and I will not have anything to do with it aside from having some friends who still use the label for themselves.
That's probably rent-lowering shots I'm firing and I know it. Most people, if they said anything at all, would have thrown this whole thing under a read more at minimum but I'm too tired of it to shut up any longer and if that loses a few followers, okay, cool. I don't want to hang around people who aren't clear-eyed enough to see the issues going on. If you stick the word 'otherkin' on a thing and people who behave that way show up and expect everyone to tolerate them, that's not okay and nobody should tolerate it. And yet. That's just how a lot of otherkin carry on. I've been upset about it for years and it just. Keeps. Happening. I am sufficiently pissed at this point that you could call me antikin and I'd agree with you purely on the rotten goddamn social issues going on.
All that being said, I am leaving Mythcord in the next several days once some backend stuff gets wrapped up, but I am still here like black mold in the walls whether anybody likes it or not, and I'm still going to be right on this blog with my little essays and thoughts. I would like to think that this post might change some things, but I don't expect it, because I don't have much reach and I'm just one guy getting mad on the internet. It's whatever. I got it off my chest and I'm moving on from the whole thing. Back to your regularly unscheduled little essays and thoughts and whatever the hell else.
(And probably changing my blog name soon because I really want something that reflects my current identity better than the current one does.)
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anotherrpfinder · 18 days
☢ crawl out through the Fallout back to me... ☢
heyyyy fellas; ironically, I haven't even watched the new show yet but since the PS5 update, I've been back on a Fallout 4 bender and dusting off an old OC. :') though I've been primarily grinding 4, I'm also super open to 3 and NV verses! sooooo anyhow, to put it short as possible;
I'm looking for M x M ships and primarily CC x OC against my BOS deserter Dude. I have a bio in the works for him, but for the basics;
North is an asian-caucascian, kind of a black cat type of guy. he fled the Capital Wasteland to escape his military family and the iron fist of BOS and now, well... wanders about, kind of living a very druid-y lifestyle. a bit of a loner who pretends to care less than he does and prefers the company of local cats to people. although he's a loner he's also very keen and protective of the people he cares for, and getting on his good side is annoyingly easy (at least if you ask him). leans dominant, switch with a preference for topping, gay.
preferred romantic prospects: MacCready, Charon, Deacon, Nick Valentine, Old Longfellow, Raul; very possibly others, possibly open to M!OCs as well. super particular to ghouls. open to suggestions and even characters from the show!
about me: I'm 32, trans guy, residing in Europe. 15+ years of writing experience and I come equipped with samples. I prefer to write over discord, in our shared little haven of a server. open to tupperbox though I don't require it! I typically write multiple paragraphs; I don't think it's possible to even get a reply under two paragraphs minimum out of me. third person prose, past tense preferred. good grammar is a must, though I'm naturally forgiving of small mistakes. normally I reply daily, though depending on how life is (as you do) results may vary and I'll try to keep you updated. hoping for something similar! I'm super open to AUs, crossovers, different timelines, multiple threads and so on! my absolute favorite thing to write is romance with plot, with possibly some smut tossed in. some pain, some fluff, some terrible angst and passionate love. a nice, healthy balance of things with love perservering through the challenges. like mentioned, I'm open to smut as well as dead dove topics; we can discuss triggers and limits in dms! not interested in toxic ships or looking to double.
finally, I hope you're a minimum of 21 years old. if you made it all the way to the bottom and remain interested, great! drop this post a like and I will surely find you!
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