#i'm consumed but in the sweetest way possible
unsolved-duvall · 1 year
𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐞.𝐦. (𝟏𝟖+)
eddie munson x fem!reader
7.9k words (i'm so sorry)
summary you and eddie have been friends for years, and you've both been in love with each other for as long as you can remember. neither of you realise it though, until one night, where that might finally change.
fluff, smut, idiots in love. friends to lovers <3
warnings talks of insecurities, mentions of anxiety, mentions of a bad relationship with parents. reader struggles with her emotions a lot (i don't know if that needs a warning but just in case!). some smut at the end, so 18+! minors i will chase you away with a stick if i have to.
“You look perfect, I promise” Eddie leant against the doorway to his bedroom, watching as you desperately adjusted your skirt and fishnet tights in front of his mirror. The outfit you were wearing wasn’t much different to your usual attire, but you had never been to a concert before, and you wanted to look the part - Eddie had assured you it didn’t matter what you wore, that no one there would judge you or even be looking at you, too busy watching the band perform. But it wasn’t everyone else you were worried about. It was Eddie. And you so desperately wanted Eddie to look at you. 
If someone was to ask you when you fell in love with Eddie you weren’t sure you could give them an answer. The truth was you didn’t remember when it happened, all you knew was that you fell hard and fast. Even before you two had spoken one word to each other, you were sure you were already completely enamoured by him. You would catch yourself staring at him at school, entranced by everything he did. Constantly holding doors open for girls walking behind him, or stopping mid-theatrics in the middle of the cafeteria to let that group of girls walk past him, throwing his arms behind his back. Gestures so subtle that no one else noticed, or if they did they simply ignored them. 
You had learnt that teenagers found it much easier to view people one-dimensionally, and the minute someone doesn’t act the way they’re expected to, people become uncomfortable. Eddie was seen as an outcast and freak from day one; he was never going to change that. So, it was easier for him to lean into the role, fitting into the mould that everyone else had made for him. Your point was, you always admired how kind and considerate Eddie was to the people around him, even though they never showed him the same respect back. 
When you and Eddie finally started talking and became friends, you realised that he was possibly the sweetest person you had ever met, and your feelings became all-consuming. Also, it didn’t help that Eddie was annoyingly good-looking. Like bang-your-head-against-the-wall-pretty. Eddie had a way of making you go dumb when he looked at you. His big doe eyes were like a weapon he didn’t even realise he possessed, you were sure he held the whole universe in them. And, when you sat close enough to him, you could see the freckles that painted his face like constellations in the night sky, across his nose and cheeks. Seeing Eddie smile was your favourite thing in the entire world, especially those smiles that reached his eyes and lit up his whole face. If his face was the only one you could look at for the rest of your life, you would be perfectly content with that. 
Eddie’s voice broke through the thoughts swirling around in your head about how you looked, starting to overwhelm you. You lifted your head and looked up into the mirror, meeting Eddie’s eyes. “There she is, you zoned out on me there for a sec”  A small smile graced his face as he pushed himself off the doorframe and walked to stand in front of you, stopping you from being able to stare at yourself in the mirror anymore, he could tell you were starting to feel anxious, his eyes dropping to watch your fingers tangle together, nails scratching at the back of your hands. 
Eddie hated that you were so self-conscious, he wished he could take away all your anxieties and worries. Listen, Eddie wasn’t a violent guy, and he would be the first to admit that - he had only gotten into two physical fights in his life, both of them when he was much younger, just after his dad was sent to prison; both of the fights were caused by someone telling Eddie he was gonna grow up to be ‘“just like his dad” and before he even realised what he was doing he was throwing punches. Both times Wayne had comforted Eddie afterwards, sitting with him for hours just listening to him shout and scream and cry. Wayne knew he was just a small kid with a lot of big emotions, that he had no idea how to handle. “It’s okay kid, it’ll be okay.” Wayne tried his best to comfort him, but also be a father figure to him, sometimes he worried he was being too soft, and other times he worried he was being too harsh. But Eddie wouldn’t be the man he was today without his Uncle, so he obviously did something right. 
With all that being said, Eddie was certain that if your feelings were a person? Without a shadow of a doubt, he would beat them to a pulp for making you feel so awful all the time. 
Eddie delicately held both your hands, stopping them from fighting with each other, he didn’t miss the heat that rushed to your cheeks at the small action. “Listen” He murmured quietly, although in the quiet of his room he still sounded loud “there’s no rush, s’just we really are going to be late if we don’t leave now” He didn’t actually care about being late, he just wanted to stop you getting more worried than you already were. 
“Oh shit, m’sorry. Yeah, okay I’m ready, let’s go” Eddie gave your hands a tight squeeze and then let them go, you silently cursed yourself for wishing that he had kept holding them. “S’okay, do you need a jacket or anything?” Eddie asked as he lead you out of his room. “No Eds I don’t need a jacket, we’ll be inside the whole night” You responded trying to sound as normal as possible, but all you could think about was his hand on the lower dip of your back as he followed you to the front door. “You are cold literally all of the time! I’ve seen you wear coats in June and it’s mid-Winter right now, forgive me for assuming you would be cold tonight!” Eddie laughed as he said it. “I’ll be fine Munson.” 
“Okay fine I’ll take your word for it. But I swear I’m not giving you my jacket if you realise I’m right and start freezing your ass off.” 
You laughed and turned your head to look at him, that signature smirk on his face. “You got it.” You both knew he was going to give you his jacket anyway. 
Eddie jumped into the van, getting ready to drive. Within about ten seconds his face dropped completely. “What’s wrong?” you asked curiously. 
“Uh, so you know how sometimes I get distracted and then I forget to do things that were really important?” Eddie avoided looking at you as he spoke, you already had an idea of where this was going. “Yeah that’s kind of your thing” you giggled. “Heh yeah so uh it shouldn't really surprise you if I told you I kinda forgot to fill the van up?” Eddie asked innocently, it really was impossible to be mad at him when he looked like that. “Wait we don’t have any gas?” You asked him.
“Shit Y/N I’m so sorry. I was meant to run errands the other day and then I got this idea for a new campaign - It’s actually really cool I wanna tell you about it later - and anyway then I started writing that down and then Wayne came home and-” 
“Eddie!” you cut him off with an exasperated laugh. 
“ What?” Eddie asked abruptly, finally looking at you. “Breathe!” you reminded him. 
“Oh yeah m’sorry I just, I didn’t want you to think I had done this on purpose and I really didn’t I just- I’m rambling again. Shit sorry.” Eddie finally stopped talking and took the keys out of the ignition in defeat. “So I’m guessing the concert is a no-go,” you asked him quietly. 
“I mean, hey we could always walk it” Eddie laughed “but uh we probably wouldn't get there for about twelve hours” 
“Huh, I think we might miss the band if we did that.” 
“Yeah probably” Eddie took a breath and started fiddling with his rings, you could tell he was disappointed; truthfully you weren’t that bothered. Sure it would have been amazing to go to your first concert, but you had already worked out that with no gas in the van you would end up staying at Eddie's tonight, and a night in with Eddie was one of your favourite things. 
“Hey” you nudged Eddie’s arm with your hand, just trying to get his attention. “It’s okay. I mean there’ll be other concerts, right? We’ll try again then- I’ll drive us next time, no offence or anything” Eddie finally laughed again as you finished talking. “Yeah s’probably for the best.” You both silently got out of the van and walked back into the warmth of the trailer, neither of you felt the need to ask the other if you were going to stay the night, that question didn’t even need to be asked anymore, you both just knew you were always welcome. More than welcome, Eddie hated the nights you weren’t there, and he kept telling himself it was perfectly normal to feel that way towards his best friend. 
Back in the trailer, you both stood in the kitchen as Eddie searched through cupboards looking for something to eat. “Do you just wanna order pizza or something? I was meant to go grocery shopping for Wayne but I uh, forgot” Eddie leant against the kitchen counter, his guilty face illuminated by the dim lights above him. 
“Why does that not surprise me even a little bit” you shook your head, holding back a laugh as you said it, you hated how endearing you found him. He looked at you with a feigned hurt as his mouth dropped open “You wound me, princess”. 
Before you could retaliate by reminding him that not ten minutes ago he announced he had also forgotten to fill up the van with gas, the exact thing that led to you being stuck at Eddie’s trailer for the night, he walked across the room and picked up the phone “What kind of pizza do you want sweets?”. 
“I don’t mind Eds, just get your favourite” you mumbled as you walked over to throw yourself down on the sofa, trying to hide how your whole body seemed to react to the nickname. You really needed to work on the whole subtlety thing. 
Eddie did order a pizza; he ordered what he knew was your favourite, not his. 
He always did this, if there was anything he could do to make you happy, you best believe he would crawl to the ends of the earth to do it. Like when your car broke down and had to be in the garage for a week; Eddie picked you up for school every morning. Sure, it meant he had to wake up an hour earlier than normal, and then drive all the way across town to your house, which was in the opposite direction of the school, to get you. But he promised you he didn’t mind. And he really didn’t. So much so that when your car was fixed, Eddie offered to carry on carpooling with you anyway, he told you it was just easier that way.
 “Look, this way you don’t have to waste money on gas, and it’ll stop me from getting bored having to drive on my own. Plus uh, you know, if I’m getting you every morning I might actually graduate this year, turning up on time for school will help with that I ‘spose” Eddie laughed awkwardly as he finished speaking, whilst fiddling with his rings, as you sat across from him in his van. That last part was absolutely true and Eddie knew it. The rest of it was just an excuse to spend time with you. You didn’t need to know that though. 
“Okay, Eds, only if you’re sure though, I don’t wanna be a pain in the ass or anything” 
“Are you kidding?” Eddie was sure you were joking but then he met your eyes and saw how uncertain you looked - it didn’t matter that you two had been friends for years now, you were still sure that you were a bother to everyone around you. Eddie knew you struggled with feeling secure in your relationships, platonic or romantic. Eddie also knew this was because of your parents; growing up with a mom and dad who made sure to let you know just how much you disrupted their lives, by simply existing, left you with a sort of unhealthy worldview. To put it mildly. You found it nearly impossible to believe that someone could actively choose to have you be a part of their life, let alone change their life to better fit you into it. - Eddie had seen that look on your face a million times, he hated that you saw yourself as such a burden, so instead of making one of his signature sarcastic comments, Eddie said “Y/N do you know how important you are to me? Do you think I would bestow the title of best friend on just anyone? No, absolutely not sweetheart - that title is an honour and it is saved for just you” You giggled as he began his theatrics, voice going all dramatic and hands flying around in emphasis. “So I never want to hear this bullshit about being a pain in my ass again, okay?” 
“Okay” heat rushed to your cheeks and you held back a love-struck smile as you looked at Eddie. You really hoped he didn’t notice. 
Of course he did, he noticed everything about you. But he somehow still didn’t believe that you were in love with him. Or that he was in love with you. Actually, that was a lie, he knew that he was in love with you, but he promised himself he would never act on those feelings. He tried to push them down and pretend they didn’t exist. He would ignore the way his heart raced whenever he first saw you in the mornings, all smiles accompanied by a small wave as you walked over to his van. He ignored the way that he felt his skin set on fire whenever your hand touched his arm. Or how he felt like the only time anyone really looked at him, was when you looked at him. He knew that if he let himself, his feelings would become all-consuming. So he kept a lock on them, constantly holding the floodgates closed, in hopes that he wouldn’t someday wake up and himself drowning in them. No, Eddie had decided long ago that losing you would be far worse than living with his (what he believed to be) unrequited feelings. 
Once Eddie had ordered the pizza he sat down next to you on the sofa, expecting you to lean against him like you normally did. You had always been touchy-feely, always needing to have physical contact with him. Whether it was a hand resting on his arm, or your legs being delicately thrown over his lap whilst you both sat and talked until the early hours of the morning. “Hey” he bumped your shoulder with his, rousing you from your thoughts and you pulled your gaze from the television, where old cartoons were playing silently and looked at him. “Hey to you too” you whispered back. 
“I really am sorry we couldn’t go to the concert” he murmured sheepishly. You saw the genuine guilt on his face and it was hard not to reach over and hug him. “I’m an idiot” he continued to talk when you didn’t reply. “You really are an idiot’ you said with fake seriousness, his mouth dropped and he scoffed, trying to look offended by your words. You leaned into him more and laughed “But you’re my idiot, so it’s okay. I wouldn’t want you any other way.” You told him, and you saw him bite back a smile, trying to hide how smitten he was with you. 
“Right back at you sweets”
“Eddie Munson are you saying I’m an idiot too” you pulled back your head from where it had dropped onto his shoulder and looked at him properly for the first time you had walked back into the trailer, you felt your cheeks heat up from your close proximity to him. 
“What- no, no I just meant like, I wouldn’t want you any other way either! Y’know? You’re pretty damn perfect” Eddie spoke those last words so quietly you almost didn’t hear them. 
“I don't think so. I think you’re just biased. I’ve tricked you into liking me actually, didn’t you know that?” you giggled as Eddie reacted to what you said. “Oh yeah? And how have you done that?” Eddie leant further away from you so he could really look at you. “Well I can’t tell you that or it would ruin it! But we both know it wasn’t my sparkling personality that won you over” you joked. 
When you met Eddie you were in a pretty bad place mentally, you had never gotten along with your parents but it got really bad a couple of years ago, around the same time you became friends; safe to say you weren’t much fun to be around. You still struggled to understand why Eddie had even bothered to spend the time breaking through the walls you had put up around yourself, but he did. And you loved him for that, no one else had ever spent so much time getting to know who you really were. 
“Don’t say that. It actually was your dazzling personality that did it for me I’ll have you know. You might not like yourself sometimes but I’m a pretty big fan, you’re the only thing your damn parents did right, I should probably thank them for that one day.” You pulled your legs up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them, looking away from Eddie and back to the cartoons playing. “You’re so cheesy” It was all you could think to say, he was being sweet again and you didn’t trust yourself to say much more without giving away how desperately in love you were. 
Before you could register what was happening Eddie had jumped up abruptly and was halfway across the room, leaning down to put music on. “What’re you doing’ you asked him. “Jus’ though that even if we can’t go to the concert that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun” He turned and held his hand out for you to take, a smile plastered on his face, the kind of smile that felt like he had swept you off your feet into a tight hug. You couldn’t say no to Eddie, so you reached your hand out and he grabbed it, pulling you up gently. 
The music kicked in and you laughed as Eddie started singing along to it “What’re we doing?” you shouted slightly so he could hear your voice over the song. “We’re being rockstars, what else?” Eddie let go of your hand and suddenly started singing more energetically, hands flailing around him as he danced to the music - it wasn’t good dancing, but in his defence, it was kind of hard to dance to his kind of music. 
You watched him and couldn’t stop the laughs that bubbled up inside of you, “Come on princess don’t leave me to do this alone, I’ll look ridiculous by myself!” You shook your head and then started singing as loud as you could. Eddie shouted in delight and joined back in, watching as you sang and danced around the living room, the only lights being a small lamp in the corner and the TV set illuminating the room. You don’t know how long you did this for, you must have gone through three or four songs, both of you acting like you were on stage, Eddie even did air guitar at one point. That made you stop and keel over laughing, you knew he could play the guitar, but his air guitar was awful, not even trying to make it look realistic. You loved it. 
“Dance with me” You stopped your little performance - you thought you were doing pretty good if you did say so yourself - and looked at Eddie. “We are dancing” You responded. “No, dance with me.” Eddie walked over to you and his fingers grazed yours. “Eds we can’t exactly dance to this” you retaliated, though you still let him hold your hands in his bigger ones. “Sure we can” smiled “Just follow my lead”. He went to move one hand to your waist and hesitated before holding you, checking that this was okay with you. You smiled and nodded gently. One of your hands was still in his, and the other you had rested on his shoulder. He started swaying you both back and forth and you couldn’t help but bite back a smile
 “Eddie this is ridicu-” 
“Shh, jus’ dance with me. Ignore the music, kay?” Eddie looked at you so seriously that your breath almost hitched in your throat. 
“Okay” Your voice was so quiet you were surprised he even heard you. 
You and Eddie danced around the living room without saying another word to the other. The light from the TV flashing across both your faces. Eddie swirled you around and then pulled you in closer than you were before, chests almost touching. He stared right into your eyes and you did the same right back. You felt the mood change suddenly, but also not suddenly. Like you had both been waiting months for a chance like this, neither of you being brave enough to initiate anything until tonight. A haze fell over you and felt your whole body lean into him more, almost involuntarily. Like there had always been some invisible string connecting both of you, and you were finally going to stop fighting it. 
With Eddie’s hands on your lower back and yours thrown around his neck, time seemed to stop. You couldn’t even hear the music anymore, all you could think about was Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. And how perfect he looked, how dark his eyes were, how his hair around his face and all you wanted to do was tangle your hands in it. You felt him move one of his hands up your back, all the way up to rest on your cheek, his thumb moving in small circles just under your eye. “Y/N I-” 
A loud, abrupt knock on the door had both of you jumping back about a mile. “Shit, the pizza” Eddie froze for a moment then seemed to snap out of it, he turned off the music and grabbed his money to pay for the pizza. You stood there not saying anything as you tried to process what had just happened. What could have happened. Your brain was all fuzzy and your hands felt shaky and you hated how overwhelmed you get with everything. 
You sat down on the sofa and turned the sound back on the TV. Were you supposed to say something? Act as if nothing had happened? You had no idea. Eddie had thanked the guy for the pizza and he brought it over to you, placing it between you both, sitting down on the other end of the sofa. 
Shit. You had messed up. But he had been the one who held you like that, he was the one who pulled you closer. Shit, shit, shit. You didn’t want to lose your best friend. 
“You okay?” Eddie asked, you followed his eye line down and saw how aggressively you were messing with your hands. You hadn’t even realised you were doing it. Fuck. “Yeah, m’fine. Hungry” You grabbed a piece of pizza and stared straight ahead at the TV.
 Eddie didn’t push the matter. He was terrified he had just ruined everything, he tried so hard to push his feelings down, but at that moment he just couldn’t anymore. For a moment he thought you were okay with it, for a crazy second he swore you looked just as dizzy in love as he did. But then you both had to jump apart and you didn’t say anything. He brought the pizza over, and you still didn’t say anything. He sat away from you so you didn’t feel like he was trying to push himself on you. And just then you had so obviously brushed him off like you didn’t even want to look at him anymore. Shit, he thought, nice job asshole, you scared her away. 
You both sat and ate the pizza in silence, watching whatever was playing on the TV. You finally braved a look over at Eddie and you couldn’t for the life of you work out the expression on his face. Annoyance? Hurt? His eyes were glued to the TV and his lips were pressed together in a firm line. You uncrossed your legs and stood up “Bathroom” you simply said to Eddie, walking faster than normal, not wanting him to notice how your eyes had started to water, or how your lip was quivering. 
You shut the door behind you and rested all your weight against it. Desperately trying to stop the tears you could feel threatening to fall. Your hands rested by your side, palms on the door as you steadied yourself. Closing your eyes you made a split decision that when you walked out of the bathroom you would tell Eddie you were feeling ill, with any luck he’d believe you and you could both go to bed. 
Before you left the bathroom you walked in front of the mirror and stared back at yourself. Your eyeliner had smudged slightly from the tears you couldn’t stop, and the colour had drained from your face, how did you look so wrecked just from what had happened? Nothing had even happened! It was just the rush of so many emotions that had washed over you during the past hour. You shook your head, almost trying to shake the thoughts about Eddie out of your mind. It didn't work. 
When you walked out of the bathroom you saw Eddie standing in the kitchen. His back to you as he put the leftover pizza in the fridge, then grabbed a post-it note and pen. Presumably to write a note to Wayne letting him know there was food left for him. You stood in the bathroom doorway for a second and then took a shaky breath before you walked to the kitchen, standing next to Eddie near the counter. 
“I’m not feeling so-” 
“Did you want to-” 
You both spoke over each other and then cut yourselves off as you awkwardly waited for the other to speak. “Uh sorry, what’d you say?” Eddie looked at you with those doe eyes again and you felt your heart break. Again. “S’just that I’m not feeling so good” you saw the sudden panic spread across his face and instantly regretted saying it. “M’just tired I think, It’s been a long night. We should probably both just go to sleep, yeah?” You leaned back against the counter and you could just make out Eddie’s face drop slightly, features illuminated in the light of the fridge he had left open. He had turned out the lamp that was on before, you noticed. Making it even darker than it had been before. 
He moved to stand in front of you and his eyes flicked across your face, so quickly you almost missed it. Then, almost too casually he just said “Oh yeah okay, that’s fine. D’you want me to sleep out here, you want some space?” You normally just slept in the same bed, it had never bothered you, or Eddie, before. The fact that he asked you that question told you everything you needed to know. He could see through the whole facade you were putting up. You dropped your gaze to the wall behind Eddie and crossed your arms over your chest. “No, no it's not- I don’t want you to leave me alone or anything” your voice was so quiet Eddie had to lean in slightly to make out what you were saying. “I just uh, I guess. Fuck” you were getting visibly frustrated with yourself and Eddie didn’t quite know what was going on with you. 
“Y/N hey. Look at me.” Eddie’s soft voice rang out through the deafening silence and you felt tears starting to prick at your eyes again. No, no, no, you could not cry. Not right now. “Okay, why don’t I go get some blankets and pillows and we can sit on the sofa, watch a film or something yeah? M’not that tired, you can fall asleep though if you need sweets.” 
You finally broke your gaze from the wall behind Eddie as he started to move away from you. Before you realised what you had done, you grabbed his wrist and he stopped dead in his tracks, turning back to face you, his eyebrows raising in a silent question. Your grip on his wrist loosened a bit and he took the opportunity to intertwine his fingers with yours, in an attempt to ground you. “Can you jus’ stay with me for a second” you whispered timidly. 
“Yeah. Yeah ‘of course I can. I can do whatever you want me to, you know that. You just need to tell me what you need.” Eddie whispered back just as quietly as you had. 
“Don’t say stuff like that” you were right on the edge, you were so overwhelmed. You just needed him, needed to be close to him. 
“Why not?” Eddie squeezed your hand and you were back in the position you were at the start of the night. Eddie stood in front of you, holding your hand, trying to get you out of your own mind. Eddie was the only person you could do that. Make you feel okay again. 
‘Because” you replied, your voice straining as you said it. 
“Because what, sweetheart” Eddie breathed. He was right on the edge with you. 
Fuck it. 
Your free hand reached up to grab the back of his neck and you pulled Eddie into you. Your lips meeting so softly and quickly that you almost didn’t register what has happened. But it had happened. You had kissed Eddie. You pulled back and stared at Eddie, you saw the shock wash over his face and for a minute you thought the worst. 
But then he reached up with both hands to cup your cheeks and smashed his lips onto yours. It felt real this time. You didn’t even hesitate for a second, kissing Eddie back with just as much need as he kissed you. Your lips slotting together perfectly, like you were made to kiss only each other. Your hands fisted in his t-shirt as you desperately pulled him closer, mouths moving against each others in perfect harmony, you both moved at exactly the right time, kissing deeper and longer each time. 
Kissing Eddie felt like floating and drowning at the same time. It felt like falling into bed after an impossibly long day. It felt like that first sip of water you take in the morning. It felt like waking up to snow when you were a child. It felt like everything you ever needed. 
You only pulled away from each other when you physically couldn't breathe anymore. Both leaning your foreheads against each other as you breathed heavily, trying to get your breaths back.
“Fuck sweetheart” Eddie lowered his hands to your waist and you felt electricity run through you everywhere his hands were. “Uh-huh” was all you could say in response, you weren’t sure words would come out even if you tried to speak. “Are you okay? M’sorry I didn’t mean to get so um. You just, you kissed me and I. We don’t have to do this, I know you’re not feeling-” You smiled and it stopped Eddie from talking. “Just kiss me, Eddie”. 
You didn’t have to ask him twice. He smiled a giddy smile and kissed you again. Your hands moved to rest at the nape of his neck and you tilted your head, letting Eddie kiss you more. That was all you wanted. More, more, more. He felt like your life-support. 
Eddie could feel the desperation from the way your hands pulled gently at his hair and he had to hold back a whimper. He ran his tongue over your bottom lip, silently asking for permission. You granted it immediately, opening your mouth and letting Eddie slip his tongue into yours, deepening the kiss. You let out an honest-to-goodness moan, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be embarrassed. 
You just kept kissing Eddie.
 All you could think about was his tongue in your mouth and how soft his lips felt. How soft his hair was between your fingers as you pulled on it gently. How perfect his hands are on your cheeks, waist, neck, everywhere, all at once. It was so overwhelming, in the most perfect way. 
Eddie pushed you back slightly so that you were completely pressed up against the counter. You separated for only a split second so you could take a breath, but Eddie didn’t go far. His lips trailed down your jaw and to your neck, kissing every bit of your skin he could. 
You threw your head back, exposing more of your neck for Eddie to kiss. He left little open-mouth kisses all over. He felt your whole body shiver and he realised he’d found your sweet spot. He smiled into your neck and doubled his efforts, alternating between sucking and kissing you right there, his teeth grazing over it occasionally. Your whole body was on fire, you were sure of it.
You reached your hands deeper into Eddie’s hair and pushed him further into your neck “Fuck Eddie it’s so-” 
“What sweetheart” Eddie mumbled into your neck, not letting up for even a second. 
“Feels so good Eds” you whimpered out and Eddie swore he died there and then. He sucked harder on your sweet spot and licked his tongue over it to soothe it. 
You pulled him back up you and smashed your mouth into his with so much desperation that they met with a clatter of teeth and noses banging into each other, but it was all you needed. This time you pushed your tongue into his mouth and his thumb rubbed soft circles into your cheek. You made out for who knows how long, it might have been five minutes or an hour, but you couldn’t tell anymore. All you know is at some point Eddie lifted you onto the counter and his hand went to your thigh, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
You lowered your mouth to Eddie's neck, just like he had done to you, and you didn’t let up until he was outright moaning, pulling your body as close to his as was physically possible. “Angel we should stop” Eddie managed to moan out. 
You stopped instantly and raised your head to look at him “Are you okay?” you asked, sounding just as fucked out as you felt. He had barely touched you and you were a goner.
 “Am I okay? Shit sweetheart. Yeah, I’m okay, S’just” Eddie’s hands were rubbing up and down your back, as he spoke to you. “We should probably stop now, right?”
 You knew what Eddie was asking. “What if I don’t want to stop,” you replied quietly. 
“You don’t?” 
“No, I don’t” Eddie let out a shaky breath and you felt his grip on you get a little bit tighter.
 “Sweetheart, I really need you to tell me exactly what it is you want here.” 
Fuck it. “I want you to touch me, Eddie” 
Within a second Eddie had lifted you off the counter and carried you over to the sofa, laying you down as he hovered above you, going back to kissing you instantly. His hands on either side of your head, holding himself up.
 You wrapped your legs back around Eddie's waist, silently begging him to come closer. He obliged as he rested more of his weight on you, grinding his hips down ever so gently, but it was enough to pull a moan from the back of your throat. 
“Yeah, sweetheart” Eddie smirked down at you and moved to kiss your neck. “That feel good?” 
“Eddie- fuck, more” Your eyes felt so heavy and all you could focus on was how good he was making you feel already. You raised your hips slightly, trying to get the pressure just where you needed it; but you were so fucked out that your movements were erratic and desperate. Eddie laughed quietly and kept grinding his hips into, going a bit harder as he realised this was without a doubt what you wanted. Using his hand that wasn’t holding him up to grab onto your hip, gently moving his hand under the fabric so it was resting on your small bit of skin that was now exposed. 
“Shit angel keep making those pretty noises for me, kay? Can you do that?” Eddie lifted his head from your neck and watched your face, your eyes almost shut and your mouth dropped open slightly; your cheeks flushing a bright crimson. 
When you didn’t answer him he stopped moving his hips and you let out a desperate whimper. And Eddie had to hold himself back from fucking you there and then, he never imagined you’d be so pretty like this. “Look at me, hey. I said are you gonna keep making those pretty noises for me?” Eddie dipped down to press a chaste kiss to your mouth. “Use your words sweetheart” 
“fuck.. yeah please.. please just” Your legs tightened their hold on his waist and you tried so hard to compose yourself. “Jus’ touch me. Please” 
“Okay okay. I’ve got you sweets.” Eddie moved his hand so slowly you were sure he was teasing you. Which he was to some extent, but he also just wanted you to have time to change your mind. 
Eddie’s hand grazed your thigh and his fingers gently began to move your skirt up around your hips. “‘S this okay love?” 
Fuck. The pet names were going to be the death of you. “Yes yes please, ‘s more than okay” You sounded so breathless that Eddie moved back to kiss you again, he wasn’t sure if he did it to calm you or calm himself. As your mouths moved against each other, his fingers rested on your panties and his breath hitched as he felt how wet you were. 
“Jesus baby why didn’t you say something sooner? You’re dripping angel” 
“Mhm. ‘M sorry” 
“Don’t say sorry. Jus’ wish I’d known sooner. Shit, thought about you like this so much.” Eddie grazed his fingers over you again and you moved your hips against his hand, you didn’t know if it was his hand or his words that had you whimpering out little breathless ‘please’ and ‘ed’s’ but it seemed to be all you could say anymore. 
“‘M right here okay, don’t need to beg pretty, not this time anyway” Eddie’s eyes locked with yours again as he dipped his fingers under the fabric covering your cunt and dragged his fingers through your folds, coating his fingers in you before he started to rub over your clit. 
“Oh fuck- holy shit” Your back arched off the sofa and Eddie didn’t break eye contact with you for one second, completely in awe of how reactive you were being with him. Sure he’d slept with other people before, but they’d never been like you were. You were so sensitive to everything he did, all he’d done was rub small, slow circles over your clit and you were putty in his hands. 
“You’re so sensitive sweetheart. ‘S it always like this? or is this just for me?” Eddie dipped his head down to your neck again and started sucking on your sweet spot - making you mewl and whimper underneath him even more than you already were. 
“Never like this.. oh shit.. ‘s just you. you’re so good” You were just saying words at this point, your brain couldn’t keep up with your mouth. You pushed your head back into the sofa even more, trying to expose more of your neck for Eddie to kiss and mark. 
Eddie made some unintelligible noise into your neck to let you know he’d heard what you just said. His two fingers halted their movements and your eyes flew open to see what he was doing. He smirked at your reaction, shit if you got this desperate each time he was a dead man. 
He moved one finger down and slowly dipped it inside yoy. You let out an embarrassingly loud moan and your hands grabbed at Eddie’s t-shirt desperately. He knew what you were asking for before you even had time to ask. He sat up slightly, removing his hand from your cunt, and pulled his t-shirt off, throwing it somewhere in the living room. You had seen Eddie topless a few times, but you had always made an effort not to stare, excusing yourself from the room or just averting your eyes. But now you were staring without shame, and was so pretty. 
You reached up for him again and wrapped your arms around his back. He leant back down to his previous position and moved his hand back down to where you so desperately needed him. 
Eddie was trying to be a gentleman here, and take it slow. But he could feel how desperate he was now. He looked at your face again as he took two of his fingers and dipped them inside you. 
“Oh fuck.. ed’s” You moaned out as his fingers started moving in and out of you. You couldn’t get over how perfect this all felt, it wasn’t even slightly awkward. But that was probably helped by how talented Eddie was with his fingers. He does play guitar, you thought. Of course. 
Eddie didn’t move down to kiss you again, and when you tried to lift your head up to him he tutted and you dropped it again confused. His hand resting next to your head fisted into the cushion you were resting your head on. “Stay there angel, I wanna see your face when you cum okay?” 
You nodded your head so quickly he laughed breathily and whispered a quiet “good girl”. 
Fuck. You were sure you died there and then. 
Your eyebrows furrowed together and you let out the sweetest little sound he had heard you make all night. “Oh shit- you wanna be my good girl sweetheart?” Eddie had a shit-eating grin on his face, his fingers not faltering for even a second. 
“Yeah,, oh god,, baby please” 
You had never called Eddie anything like that before. But baby? Before he had realised what he was doing he had moved to have both of his legs encompassing one of yours, and he grinded his hips down onto your soft thigh. Desperate for some sort of friction. 
You watched as Eddi moved against you and let out a tiny, almost inaudible moan. Shit, you made a mental note to make him make those sounds much more often. 
Eddie curled his fingers up inside you and hit your sweet spot. Your nails dug into the skin of his back as you tried to ground yourself. Eddie made you feel like you were floating. 
You felt the pressure building and building inside of you and you knew you couldn’t hold on much longer. 
“Eddie ‘m gonna cum” you breathed out. 
Eddie snapped his head up from where his neck had dipped slightly, lost in how good you felt and sounded. 
“Yeah baby? Gonna be a good girl and cum for me” 
You whimpered and nodded your head, closing your eyes tightly as you felt that coil in your stomach tightening. 
“Fuck angel come on. cum for me” Eddie kept his fingers moving just the way you needed him to. His eyes locked on your face, contorted in pleasure. 
“Shit ed’s,, oh god,, please fuck” You didn’t even know what you were begging for. You just needed Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. You were so drunk on him you felt dizzy. You didn’t even realise you were moaning his name over and over. 
“I know sweetheart, I’m right here. Let go for me, come on” 
That was all it took to push you over the edge, you felt that pressure run through you and it felt so so good. Your eyes screwed tightly shut and your mouth hanging open as your back arched, like your body was trying to get as close to Eddie as was humanly possible. 
“That’s my girl. Fuck,, Jus’ let go for f’me” Eddie didn’t slow his fingers for even a second, determined to drag your orgasm out for as long as possible. 
“Shit baby you’re so fuckin’ pretty when you come” You barely heard Eddie over the ringing in your ears. Your whole body felt white-hot and you weren’t sure what noises you were making, but Eddie seemed to like them. Grinding his hips down on your thigh faster and harder. His own moans seemingly getting louder with every movement. Until you felt him drop his weight down onto you and bury his face in your neck. 
Suddenly everything seemed to get too much and you pushed Eddie’s hand away from you, your whole body shaking. You opened your eyes and realised you had left marks all over Eddie’s back. 
Eddie lifted his head from your neck and pulled his hand up to his mouth, before you could ask what he was doing he had dipped his fingers into his mouth as he licked you off of him. 
That might have been the hottest thing you had ever seen. Eddie noticed the blush that crept onto your face and asked “You want a taste angel?” 
You just grabbed his wrist and pulled his two fingers into your mouth, running your tongue over them again and again. 
“Eddie that was-“ 
You turned your head to the side trying to hide your face from. You don’t know why you were getting nervous now, but Eddie wasn’t having any of it. He gently grabbed your chin with his thumb and pointer finger and lowered his lips to yours. Your mouth opening instantly to let his tongue run over your own. 
You made out for a while, your hands intertwined. You both just needed a minute to breathe. Which was made slightly more difficult with his tongue in your mouth. But you worked around it. 
After a while Eddie pulled back, not moving his body off you, just lifting his head enough to look at you. The hand that wasn’t holding yours pushed your hair back behind your ear. You blushed and he thought it was adorable that he had just made you come and yet that made you nervous. 
“Hey uh if it wasn’t already obvious. I uh, am ridiculously in love with you.” You stared at Eddie, taking in his confession. 
“I’m in love with you too, dumbass.”
authors note: this is the first fanficiton i have ever written, so it's safe to say i'm more than a little nervous to be posting it. this was originally meant to be a drabble so i have no idea how it got to 7.9k. also i'm sorry the smut is so bad and short! i had no idea how to write it so it kind of got cut short, regardless i hope you enjoyed it, maybe<3
also i'm sorry if there are any spelling or grammar errors! i proof read this once and then gave up <3
tags: @myobmaya @ali-r3n
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 months
I feel like I'm 15 again. Todoroki was my first BNHA love, it's only fair that he gets a little something.
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Shoto, who has had his eye on you ever since his UA days. He was enrolled in the hero course while you were in the general course, leading a completely separate life from his own. You had your own interests, hobbies, friends.
It was so beautiful to admire, from a safe distance of course.
Shoto was aware of his popularity amongst the student body due to his powerful quirk and impeccable grades. Whenever he would walk down the hall to class the murmurs of hundreds of students would follow, their beady and curious eyes either glaring daggers of envy or were in absolute awe of him.
Either way, he did not care, not for any single one of them. He was never too keen to call the people around him "extras" in the same way Bakugo did but whenever he would catch sight of you in the hall, every single possible distraction really did become a hassle. His cool mask was always under the dangerous threat of melting at the mere sight of you, it would even triple if you talked to, or if God was feeling merciful, accidentally touch him. His mask of indifference would slip for a brief second, dual eyes widening in shock as he would get a whiff of your perfume and would curse the fact that there were so many people around.
If he could die with his nose buried in your neck, it would be the sweetest way to go.
Shoto would become paranoid of the thought of being discovered. Sometimes, just sometimes when he was feeling just a little bit bolder than usual, he would press himself just ever so closer to you in the cramped hall and would take in every nook and cranny he possibly could. The average student would think nothing of this as he was probably just in a rush to get to class. He would also always apologize politely, Shoto would even try giving you a sweet smile while doing so.
However. The people who knew Shoto were not your average students.
Bakugo was not known for his subtlety and that legacy still lives on. On a Friday evening when the last bell had rung and the classroom was empty, the hotheaded lad trapped Shoto in a corner.
"Just say how you feel dumbass." Bakugo had said, his gruff tone slightly quieter than usual.
At least he had enough grace to not be a complete jackass.
With his eyes closed and lips pressed in a thin line Shoto had shook his head in defiance. Bakugo made the entire situation sound so easy, as if Shoto could just walk up to you and ask to hang out. You were a kind person and would most likely say yes, but Shoto was not so sure if you could handle the sheer intensity of his feelings. This, whatever this was, was all consuming, it left Shoto feeling breathless and restless, for who knows how long. You made him lose focus but you also made him so much stronger at the same time. He would space out in class a bit too often for comfort, which lead to Aizawa scolding him until the tips of his ears turned red.
This was so much more than a simple crush.
Bakugo shrugged his shoulders and exited the classroom. "Whatever you say icy hot. Just don't start crying if things don't go down the way you want them to."
Time passes, you all graduate. Shoto still pines helplessly from a distance but he has gotten just a little bit closer to you. Sometimes you meet up and hang out, he could always feel the tips of his fingers twitching in anticipation, eager to hold you but he kept his distance.
He didn't want to scare you off.
Even more time has passed and Shoto is a professional hero now. He is an honest worker and has built up a strong reputation. Everyone wants to be him or be with him.
But he still wants you.
Even after all these years, he still longs for your touch. He longs to be the only man in your life, the one you come home to.
Shoto watches you from his office window, his eyes glued to you and the person you were so lovingly fondling over. He grits his teeth and clenches his fist so tight that his knuckles turn white as snow.
That should be him down there. He should be the one who gets to hold you, touch you, kiss you.
It should be Shoto Todoroki who you love. Not whoever that extra is. He swiftly turns his gaze away from the window, a sick amusement coming over him. "Extra" really was a fitting term for whoever was down there.
Shoto should have listened to Bakugo all those years ago. He should have listened to him. He may be a cocky loudmouth but he was right and you had slipped right away from him.
Finally, it was time to take matters into his own two hands. He was done longing and lingering in the shadows. He wasn't too keen on manipulating the hero system he swore to protect but damn it all. It had to be done.
Killing your little lover was so easy, it came to him like breathing. The beauty of his quirk that it was so versatile, he could come up with so many creative ways into disposing that pesky thorn in his side. Hot flames and horrid ice marred the flesh of your little lover but Shoto was clever. Oh yes, Shoto was indeed so clever as he made sure to keep the physical torture to the minimum, just in case someone decided to get smart and start suspecting him.
Besides, it was so much more impactful to gloat over his victory. He was the one who was going to take care of you for the rest of your days together.
Not even death could tear you away from him.
Shoto watched the life being snuffed away from the poor sucker as he cried and spat out pools of sweat and blood. There were no heroes here that could help him, not a single soul was in sight.
He was completely in Shoto's mercy. And he was not going to give him a single drop of it.
The pro hero tossed the lifeless body aside and hid it sloppily, because he knew that you would be worried, that people would come looking. He cleaned up the scene of the crime and secured himself an alibi, just to be safe.
Shoto started walking towards his office but the adrenaline of the encounter still pumped in his veins, his mind was all over the place.
And your face was front and center.
Instead of his original plan of waiting it out, Shoto made the hasty decision to just.... Take you. He had waited for years, and years and years. He would be gentle, naturally.
And with time, he was positive that you would come to appreciate him.
And just like that, he was at your front door, ringing the doorbell like crazy. You opened the door in a worried frenzy, dressed in your comfortable pj's which Shoto just adored.
Suddenly, he had pushed you inside of your apartment and closed the door with his foot, freezing it ever so slightly with his quirk. He pinned you to the ground, both of your arms in a single tight grip as the other ever so gently caressed your face. His gaze was wild but focused, so utterly lovesick that there wasn't a single word which could describe the range of emotions he was feeling.
Finally, after all these years Shoto had you where he wanted you. And there was nothing that could change that.
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homunculus-argument · 10 months
Anime concept: One of those Group Of Heroes On An Adventure - animes that start out upbeat, cute, lighthearted and funny, but which keeps getting steeply more serious and dramatic as the story goes on. There's a wide range of characters and unfortunately one of them is the Comic Relief Pervert whose "oh I just cannot help myself I am so pathetic ówò" bullshit - and the female characters' various responses to being sexually harrassed - are played for laughs.
And halfway through the first season, the party gets split and the characters are dealing with their own challenges in groups of two or three. The Kindest Sweetest Girl Ever and the Comic Relief Pervert end up in some situation where the latter is trapped in a way that he can't escape, but the Sweet Girl could easily save him by doing something really simple, like pulling a lever, flicking a switch, just moving her hand, and he pleads her to do it, fully expecting her to, because come on, obviously she's the Sweet Girl who's never been mean to anyone, ever.
And instead she smiles sweetly and asks: "Do you have any idea how much I've always hated you?" And calmly watches him get consumed by whatever death had been prepared for him. Snapping out of this sweet, catharhic satisfaction she looks around to make sure nobody saw that, and turns out that somebody did. Another character of the party, the Chaotic Neutral At Best Loose Cannon Fighter Woman who frequently has to be kept on leash to keep her from causing destruction that'd compromise the party's goals. And she famously fucking hates The Sweet Girl. She had just been silently standing in the background, unseen at a distance, this whole time. Saying nothing, she disappears back into the shadows.
Once the party is re-united, everyone starts giving their accounts of what happened to each of them. Somebody asks The Sweet Girl what happened to the Comic Relief Pervert, since the two of them were last seen together. Everyone knows she doesn't know how to lie, and she stammers, when the Loose Cannon interrupts, saying oh yeah he died, real tragic. This girl totally did everything she could to save him. Which wasn't much because we all know she's fucking pathetic but I'm almost impressed by the absolute heroism she displayed back there. Too bad he was beyond redemption. Anyway at least we're all free of hi- I mean sure we're all going to mourn him now. Anyway what's for dinner.
It doesn't even cross anyone's mind to consider the possibility that The Sweetest Girl Ever could hurt anyone - she can't even kill enemies - or that the Fighter Woman would side with her on anything. And The Sweet Girl looks to her in awe, astonished that this woman who hates her would pass up the opportunity to throw her under the bus when it was served to her on a platter. And the Loose Cannon just silently glares at her, with a distinct "if you ever speak to anyone about this again, I will fucking kill you" look.
And they never speak of it again.
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andy-wm · 3 days
It’s a soft launch, right? I mean first the documentary where JK comes over and cooks, and now the crossword today. It’s them being domestic. It’s giving married.
Thank for this ask, anon 💛💜
(short answer to this ask: it's not a soft anything).
Before i answer i have to FIRST say....
<< I'm not directing this at you anon, so please don't take it personally - i dont know who you are for starters and i really appreciate this ask! 🌈🥰🏳️‍⚧️ >>
... I hate the term soft launch being applied to real humans and their personal lives.
Yes i know ... PR bla bla and celebrity bla bla. It's a handy bit of jargon (and buzz words make us feel like we're in the know, right?)
But i especially i hate it being used for queer people coming out. Let's compare it to a similar level of personal reveal in a hereronormative relationship...
You don't call an engagement the soft launch of a wedding, right?
It's dehumanising to see such a momentous aspect of his life reduced to the equivalent of a marketing plan. He's a person. This this is his relationship, not a political campaign.
Let's not talk about the lives of these two beautiful people in love, in business terms.
We aren't their PR agents., we are their confidants and supporters. Let's keep it that way 🙂
Now as to the question, i think this isn't soft in any way. I think this is a freight train.
This is the transcontinental, stopping all stations, heavy cargo hauler.
In the sweetest possible way, Jimin is saying to the world "Listen to me. I am telling you my truth...
Get aboard or get out of the way."
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and mabe more importantly, i think this is not just an album and it's not just for ARMY.
Look at this:
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These all sound like love songs, and the imagery used is cassette tapes. It's a mixtape... old fashioned, romantic, time consuming and unique to the individual you're (he's) making it for. Its a gift to someone special.
It's a declaration of love.
Who do you think he's really making it for?
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bizbat · 7 months
And I Wake Up Alone.
~ Bruce Wayne x Black!Fem!Reader
~ Mild Smut
~ Angst
~ Wc: 880
~ The first part in a series based on Amy Winehouse's discography
~ Crossposted to AO3.
~ You can find more of my works here.
~ It's hard loving Bruce.
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It's okay in the day, I'm staying busy.
Tied up enough so I don't have to wonder where is he.
Got so sick of crying, so just lately,
when I catch myself, I do a 180.
I stay up, clean the house, at least I'm not drinking.
Run around just so I don't have to think about thinking.
It's not hard to love him.
It's not hard to care about him, he's probably the most selfless man you've ever met. It's not hard to be comforted by his presence, there's something so soothing about his muscular arms wrapped around your waist. It's not hard to find him beautiful, even the parts of his skin that have been marred with scars still get soft kisses whenever he's shirtless in your presence. It's not hard to love Bruce. It's just hard to be in love with him.
It's hard knowing that some nights, he won't be coming back to bed. That one night he might not come back at all. And it's not too much different during the day. So you stay busy. In the morning, you get dressed, wake up Damian and Duke, and together you go eat whatever Alfred's made for breakfast. Then you go to work. Throughout those eight hours you keep yourself occupied, sometimes with work that's not even due till next week, just so you have something else to focus on.
Then, when work is over, you go home. You help with whatever homework Duke is pretending (for your sake) to struggle with, watching documentaries with Damian where he will correct the narrators, and having tea with Alfred after dinner.
That silent sense of content that everyone gets
just disappears soon as the sun sets.
It's almost perfect.
He's fierce in my dreams, seizes my guts.
He floods me with dread,
soaked in soul, he swims in my eyes by the bed.
Pour myself over him, moon spilling in.
It's almost perfect when he slips into bed beside you, the alarm clock on the dresser beside you reading 3:49 AM. It's almost perfect when his scarred hands brush over your soft, brown skin, caressing your sides and pressing chapped kisses to your neck and shoulders. When his hands and tongue give you all the love he neglects from you during the day, kissing, and sucking, and stroking. When he holds you to his bare chest, your hearts beating in tandem with one another. When he holds you tightly, as if he's trying to consume you in the sweetest, gentlest way possible.
And I wake up alone.
It's not perfect when you dream of him. When you can so vividly see the announcement of his death on the front page of The Gotham Gazette. Or when you see him laid in his casket, his face and hands red with blood and dark with bruises, ready to be buried beside his parents. It would be a nightmare if it wasn't so prophetic, if it wasn't true.
If I was my heart I'd rather be restless.
The second I stop the sleep catches up and I'm breathless.
As this ache in my chest, as my day is done now,
the dark covers me and I cannot run now.
My blood running cold, I stand before him.
He, surprisingly, is still there when you jolt awake. He's there when you're rapidly breathing in and out, terrified at the prospect of what will likely be his future.
It's not the feeling of his cold hands rubbing "comforting" circles into your skin, or the almost robotic way he tells you to breathe, or the sip of icy water he gets out of bed to get for you that calms you down.
It's the feeling of his weight in the bed beside you, his strong thigh lightly pressing against your own, the warm concern in his eyes that brings you back to Earth. He pulls you into his chest and you just breathe him in. All of him, the clean scent of his skin after his shower, the flowery detergent that you insist on using for your bedsheets, the smokey scent that seems to always accompany him no matter what. Once he sees that you've calmed down, once your heart returns to beating at its normal pace, he asks what’s wrong.
It's all I can do to assure him.
When he comes to me, I drip for him tonight.
Drowned in me, we bathe under blue light.
He doesn't believe you, he's not stupid, but he knows it's not something you want to talk about. He can't blame you. He never wants to talk when you ask him what's wrong. So he won't make you. Instead he lets his gaze linger on your own, his lips press to your own, lets you love him. Let's you be in love with him. He lets you be soft against his muscles. And you let him be firm against your plush body. You let him love you back. Still wrapped in his warm, slightly sweaty, embrace, the both of you drift back off to sleep, legs intertwined and bonnet slightly askew. 
And I wake up alone.
And I wake up alone.
And I wake up alone.
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Good moaning. 😇
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Well, you're a menace and I sat thinking about how pretty Curtis's eyes were, how tempting his beard was, and how he would just love on you that it was all-consuming. So here we are, another unplanned piece that I am currently loving for them. Thank you babes!
All His
A Curtis x Honey Drabble.
Summary- Curtis can't get enough of you being his.
18+ Only Blog.
A/N- Thanks for reading! It would be appreciated if you could leave a comment and/or reblog if you enjoyed what you read.
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
If he was a patient man, he would draw you right now.
Sheets crumpled across the bed with you stretched across them, your hands pushed into your hair as your body arched, quivering still in the aftermath of your last orgasm.
Your legs were bent with your toes digging into the mattress, your thighs had slapped together earlier when he pulled away, an uncontrolled move on your part as you moaned his name. In relief or a plea, he wasn't sure, nor did he care.
Your ass pressed against the bed, muscles taunt as you still rode that high. His hands curled around your hips, thumbs circling to merely touch your soft skin there. Your arousal glinted in your pubic curls, making him bite his own lip with the temptation to bury himself into you again.
Tongue or cock, he really couldn't decide what was better, either way, what bliss for him. "Good girl Honey." He rumbled out when you gave a soft sob, you were still struggling to come back down in the sweetest way. Unable to help himself from making you squirm a little while longer, his hand dipped between thick clenching thighs to swipe his fingers slowly around your clit.
So slow as you were sensitive, the slight touch still made you jerk. "Curtis."
"I know Pretty Girl, but you are so beautiful right now, I just want to see you like this a little longer." Your belly quivered as your body tightened again at his touch, the arch in your back just bending you that much more beautifully, he did that, made you into living artwork for him.
His plush lips curled around a tight nipple, an offering he wasn't about to say no to. Your hands unraveled from your hair, grasping at the back of his head as he dragged in more, knowing you loved the sharpness of his teeth and warmth of his tongue. You pushed him harder against you as you gasped.
Did you know the needing ache your noises caused? He had to get another one just like it, Curtis wanted all those noises for him, just him. They made his eyes blow almost black as you made it again when he claimed your other nipple, his fingers still buried between your clenched thighs working just a bit faster. "Oh god..." You panted, your nails curling to scrape against his scalp and dropping to his shoulder to grab on tighter.
Sinking into the bunched muscle like it could possibly save you. "I'm gonna come." His mouth smirked against your breast. Hell yes you are, it's mine.
You finally collapsed, spent into the mattress, pushing now at his head to make him back off with a pathetic whimper. "Please Curtis."
"I got you Honey, you did so good." Curtis knew he had to stop, at least for a little bit. You were twitching at the slightest brush of his body against yours as he pulled himself up to cup your face, letting his mouth skim across your parted lips while you tried to catch your breath. "Always so good for me Pretty Girl."
You curled into him, and he pulled you in close, his hand rubbing at your back to help relax you. "Yeah?" came your voice finally, needing that reassurance. Curtis didn't mind, he knew that sometimes you struggled by how much he loved you, craved you, worshipped you. You never had that commitment before and you were still wrapping your mind around it being possible.
It was easy for Curtis to do.
"So good Baby, when you're ready, I'm going to fuck you so good, make you feel how hard you make me, every damn inch will be swallowed by your cunt." His words were whispered in your ear, making you shiver excitedly in his arms. You finally lifted your face enough to look at him, unable to hide the excited little grin, your teeth tugging at your bottom lip. A playful little moan escaped you as you moved your mouth close to his.
Curtis should be patient, but he had a raging hard-on for you now that was driving him to the brink. His lips crashed to yours, swallowing your noises for himself. Your hand swept between the two of you, wrapping your fingers around his cock, circling your thumbs tip around his head. "Fuck me Curtis."
"Spread those thighs Pretty Girl, let me see my cunt take this cock." Curtis ordered, splaying you on your back once again with your legs falling open for him, without any hesitation of what he would see. "Fucking beautiful."
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microraptorreactor · 5 months
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No shade at Devsis (for this, specifically) but seriously there are a lot of characters in this game who are a) female, b) have a relationship with another woman that is VERY easy to interpret as queer, and c) are deeply traumatized. Don't get me wrong I love 5/6 of these character's episodes (I only dislike Ice Queen's because Icicle Yetti's voice got really grating on me very quickly) but is everything good at Devsis?
(explanations for my non-cookie run moots under the cut. Cookie Run lore is wild, y'all.)
from top to bottom, left to right.
Frost Queen is a god of frost who froze to death in the arms of her 'best friend' in a past life. She goes on to use blizzards to balance out life and death. (I think. I watched a breakdown and some cutscenes. in order to get this information you have to play an hour with the most annoying cookie available)(I do not like Icicle Yeti)
Moonlight Cookie was created to observe the dreams of mortals/watch over the city of wizards. She has a close relationship with the god of the ocean but can't leave the city to kiss her girl. Eventually, all the wizards leave the city and Moonlight is left to watch over it on her own.
Black Pearl Cookie was a gem mermaid who had a close relationship with a 'maid', Frilled Jellyfish Cookie (second from the right on the bottom row). She is bisexual however, and falls for the worst possible man after running away from home because she didn't get magic powers during the sea magic ceremony thing. The dude steals her kingdom's magic pearl (or maybe he gives it to her? I don't remember the specifics) which starts a war and kinda just fucks everything up. Black Pearl goes to Sea Fairy for help, but Sea Fairy starts a space program instead of helping so Black Pearl turns emo. Also, Frilled Jellyfish dies due to the war. (I said Cookie Run lore was wild)
Sea Fairy Cookie is really down bad for Moonlight Cookie and (unintentionally) makes it everyone's problem. She ignores the sea cookies while they are actively fucking dying and sorta just sits around for the entire plot. She is one of my favorite characters. Like go off girl make your lesbian pining an actual threat to everyone's safety.
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie has been mentioned already but she's just the sweetest little thing. She just wants to see BP happy, man. She does everything in her power to try to console BP and it just gets her killed in the end. Her dying words are her telling BP to leave her and get to safety, and that she will be fine. BP should have just kissed the jellyfish girl why'd she have to fuck around with Oyster :(
Golden Cheese Cookie. She's my favorite character. So for the sapphic part, she's weirdly flirty with Black Rasine Cookie (another desert-themed cookie with bird motifs) and I'm team 'the ancient heroes were poly' so if you ask me she was smooching White Lily and Hollyberry at some point in the past. For the tragic part, here's one of the wildest backstories this game has! Basically, GCC founded and ruled the Golden Cheese Kingdom, which I'm gonna call Cheeseypt because that's what it is. Cheeseypt is a relatively secluded kingdom, mostly interacting with the wider world through trading. At one point, Golden Cheese leaves her kingdom to fight in the Dark Flour War alongside the other Ancient Heros. What happens while she's out? Dark ENchantress (who happens to be GC's ex-close-friend) FUCKING NUKES ALL OF CHEESEYPT. Not even a 'oh they had to flee and they are still rebuilding :(' no ALL OF GOLDEN CHEESE'S FRIENDS ARE DEAD. Consumed by grief, because you know, everyone she loves is dead, GC buries them all under the kingdom and connects their souls to a digital city before entombing herself with them. She tunes the digital city so that everyone's wishes are granted, and all her citizens live lives of comfort and wealth because, for as much as she values her gold, her real treasure is her friends.
I would stop it here but the way the game ends GC's ark is also just fucking insane? so one of her close friends betrays her (for good reason tbh) and destabilizes the entire city. Faced with leaving everyone she loves behind, GC breaks down because there's nothing for her in the real world. Black Raisen cookie comforts her but explains that this eternal dream is going to end someday anyway. So what does GC do? She explains to her citizens that it'll feel like falling asleep, and shuts down digital Cheeseypt. The characters we met in Cheeseypt don't come back, by the way. There's no loophole. They are just possibly dead for real. (or definitely dead in Burnt and Cheesenburg's cases.)
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poppyseed1031 · 1 year
Need You Now, Need You Forever
MDNI, mentions of sex, hints at smut, language, mutual pining, slight angst if you squint, mentions of drinking, love, fluff.
PART 2 UP :)
This is my first time posting :) I have a second part ready to go if anyone likes this, I just didn't want to bore anyone with a super long first post if someone does end up seeing it. I hope you Enjoy!! :)
INTRO: Neteyam has known you since he could walk, you two came across each other one random day in the tranquility of the village, both small children just starting to experience the world. He doesn't remember much from that age, except you. And as you both grew up, you grew closer and closer, and he watched you turn into the breathtakingly beautiful Navi you are today. You had big doe eyes that knocked the wind out of him when their attention was focused on him, dark, inky black hair that when loose from your braids fell in wavy curls down to the middle of your back. You had the perfect nose, the prettiest lips that he had spent years fantasizing about, A gorgeous fang filled smile that about killed him when it would spread across your face. Your illuminated freckle pattern that ran down the expanse of your dark blue body and over the pattern of your feminine stripes that flowed beautifully over your skin. You were the sweetest person he had ever met, always the first to hunt, heal, fight, or just listen. You were a fierce warrior, a force to be reckoned with on the rare times anger consumed you, You were funny, so fucking funny he never went a day without doubling over in laughter and clutching his stomach. you were his best friend, his favorite person, and he wanted you, no NEEDED you to be his mate. He needed to feel you, to hold you, to bury himself inside you, have babies with you, just love you, until you both went back to Eywa. But did you feel the same? Had he made his feelings as clear as he thought he had all these years? Will he lose you or win you when an unexpected turn of events arises.
Neteyam couldn't keep his eyes off you, you were perched in a high branch, big, round, honey gold eyes looking down at the group of hexapede a ways in front of the group, you were laser focused, tail swaying softly behind you as you notched an arrow in your bow gracefully. You were so fucking beautiful. "Bro, you're practically drooling, pick your jaw up before it hits the ground and scares the food away." Lo'ak whispered with a chuckle as he pushed against his brothers shoulder. Neteyam peeled his eyes away from you reluctantly and hissed at his brother, "I'm not drooling, shut up." Before Lo'ak could answer back you shot your bow and a hexapede dropped to the ground, causing the rest of the herd to run off into the thick of the forest; "Hell yeah!" Your voice rang through the trees like music as you hopped down from your perch and bounded to your kill happily. Neteyam couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he and Lo'ak made his way over to you. Before he could reach you completely, the other clan member with your small group, Fyii, pushed in front of him and slapped his hand on your shoulder, "Great job Y/N! that was an awesome fucking shot!" He sent you a grin that made Neteyams stomach bubble and burn as he spoke, You turned your attention back to the guys, your long black hair, that you had loose from your braids today, framed your face in a way that made Neteyams knees weak. "Thanks Fyii, but it was an easy shot, nothing special." You gave a small smile as you stood and shrugged your shoulders a bit to shake his hand off, which didn't work. "Why don't I help you get it back to the clan?" Fyii asked, finally removing his hand from your body. "Actually, I needed to talk to Neteyam about something, so I was going to ask him." That made Neteyams ears shoot straight up, his tail twitching behind him in excitement, what could you possibly have to ask him?  Fyii grumbled under his breath in annoyance and sent Neteyam a glare, which he ignored. That slime ball has been trying to fuck you for 2 years now and Neteyam was about at his limit with acting like he didn't want to kill him because of it. 
Lo'ak and Fyii left with a wave and a see you later as Neteyam walked over to you, sending you a grin as he threw your kill over his shoulder. "You know I can carry that myself right?" You giggled and skipped lightly next him as you both began the walk home. "So... what's up?" He prompted, turning his gaze on you and raking his eyes down your body, Fuck he wanted you so badly.  You couldn't help the blush that crawled over your cheeks as his eyes bore into you like they so often did, and you tried to push the heat building in your belly down, reminding yourself it was just a friendly look on his end. You looked up at him, your heart rate picking up like it always did when you saw his handsome face. "So, you know how we hunted this for the party the young warriors are having tonight?" He raised an eyebrow at you "Of course, you spent 2 weeks preparing all the liquor." He chuckled, sending a jolt of electricity straight between your legs, causing you to shift and press your thighs together. "yeah... anyway... My parents have been pushing me to choose a mate for a while now, as you know, and I know I have plenty of choices but I don't..." You paused, you wanted to tell him so badly that you chose him to be your mate, you wanted to hope he loved you like you loved him, wanted to take the plunge, but in your mind it was just a set up for heartbreak. He could never look at you the same way, you were just best friends, right? You shook yourself out of your thoughts and took a deep breath before continuing, "Well, to get to the point, I'm going to except Fyii's offer." Neteyam came to an abrupt halt. He could hear his heart beating in his ears, his body heating up, his stomach churning in panic. "What? You can't.. what?" He didn't mean for his voice to come out the way it did, breathy like someone punched him in the stomach. He felt like his whole world had just crumbled. You were taking a mate? that WASN"T HIM? he felt like he was going to be sick. He felt his hands start to shake as he dropped the hexapede and faced you. You were looking up at him with a confused expression painted on your face, your pretty pretty face. He balled his hands into fists to stop himself from grabbing your face and crashing his lips on yours, from confessing his love for you, the way his heart beat for you, the way his body ACHED for you. If this is what you wanted, if you loved that son of a bitch he knew he should have scared off the day he popped up, he had to let you be happy. He needed you to be happy, he couldn't be selfish no matter how badly he wanted to be. He didnt know that while you were staring back at his now stony expression you were praying, pleading to eywa he said something, anything to indicate he wanted you, any tiny shred of any feeling that wasn't platonic, you needed and wanted him just as badly. But of course Neteyam didn't know, and he needed to get out of there, the forest, and away from you, before the tears fell, before this pain in his chest overtook him. "I have to go, I'll see you at the party tonight." And with that, he was gone, leaving you standing alone in a puddle of heartbreak and confusion.
Later that night after eclipse, after many hours of tears, and anger, screaming and asking the great mother why this was happening to him, Neteyam stepped into the celebration and immediatly went for a drink instead of his usual which was to find you, He couldnt look at you, not with what you were going to do tonight, not when he was losing you. So he drowned himself in drink after drink, ignoring Lo'aks warnings and looks of concern. And soon he was drunk, the first time he had ever been in his life. Always the perfect solider, but tonight? Fuck that. His mind was hazy, his body fuzzy and loose, and still, that ache in his chest was there, and his eyes were subconsiously looking for you. and finally they landed on you. You were talking to Fyii, a sight that made Neteyam wince and take another long swig of his drink, He couldn't see your face, but he could see the small, frilly loincloth you were wearing. he didn't recognize it, so you must have just made it. It came down to just the top of your thighs, the material flowing and loose, it curved over the swell of your ass and as you bent over to grab something it rode up, giving him a perfect view of that spot between your legs that he craved so much. He swallowed thickly and let his eyes travel up, up the small of your back, to your top that had no back straps, so you were completely bare to the eye, your blue skin glimmering, your back was so smooth going into the small notch of your waist, and Neteyam had to reach down and readjust, his own loincloth now uncomfortably tight just from your bare back and a peek between those soft thighs, Eywa was he fucked. He couldn't tear his eyes away as he watched you put your hands on Fyiis chest and whisper something in his ear, the mans face contorting in surprise and a grin that made neteyam sick spread on his face. His heartbeat picked up dramatically as he watched Fyii take your hand and start to lead you out of the crowd, in the direction of the spirit tree. He gulped, grip tightening so much on his cup that it shattered in his hand, he ignored Lo'ak and his friends questioning him as he took off walking after you, there was no rational thought in his head, no plan, he just had to stop this, he had to get to you. He could not let this happen, you were his. HIS. 
He reached the spirit tree and was met with the sight of your nervous face sitting crossed legged in front of Fyii, holding your braid in your hand. "STOP!" he yelled as he broke through the tree line, the both of you looking up in surprise. "Dude What the actual fuck!" Fyii hissed at him, you were just sending him a look that was filled with confusion, what was he doing here? He walked up to Fyii and grabbed ahold of his bicep, hauling him up from the ground with a harsh grip. You stood with him, your hands held up in an anxious manner as your eyes scanned Neteyams angry stance. "I said stop, and get.the.fuck.out.of.here." Neteyam hissed menacingly and shoved the other man as hard as he could, Fyii opened his mouth to protest but you cut him off; "Fyii, just go. I'll come find you later okay?" Your voice was soothing but stern and the man grumbled unhappily as he stomped away. Neteyam turned his attention back at you and the breath caught in your throat at his expression. His pupils were blown, so wide there was barely any gold left, he was breathing heavily, and he looked... hungry. "Neteyam what the fuck could be so important-" before you could finish you were cut off buy his lips crashing harshly into yours. You let out a gasp but quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "You are MINE." He pulled away and growled, the sound coming from deep within his chest, causing a shiver to run through you. All you could do was nod as you stared up at the man in front of you, the man you had been in love with since you were a child, the man from your wet dreams at night, the man that looked completely unhinged right now. 
He didn't say anything else as he reconnected your lips and softly brought you both to the ground, being very careful not to let his full weight crush your tiny frame beneath him. His body was on fire, everywhere your skin touched his left a scorching path of flames that he could feel in his bones, you whimpered into his mouth and fuck, his cock twitched so hard he thought it was going to rip his loincloth. "''Teyam, whats going on? what are you doing?" You're question came out as a breathless gasp as you pulled your lips from his, much to Neteyams distain. You watched as your question caused his tense and angry expression to soften into something you didn't recognize, something that made you shiver.  He took a deep breath before gently bringing one of his hands up to your cheek and cupping your face, you couldn't help but nuzzle into his touch and the action caused him to send you that crooked smile, where his fangs just barely poked through, that drove you crazy. "Y/N I... I couldn't let you mate with him, and I'm sorry for how I acted after you told me I just, It literally almost killed me when I heard you say it because..." He paused, and you ran your hands soothingly down his back as you felt him start to tremble slightly, " I fucking love you, Y/N. I've loved you for as long as I can remember, I've wanted you for as long as I can remember, and I've been to scared to say anything all these years, I didn't want to scare you, or it be unrequited and then lose you for good, forever. But I couldn't just watch you do this and let it happen. I want you, Need you to be my mate. I love you. I see you." His voice was soft, his eyes glued on your face as he frantically searched it for any type of reaction. You stared at him completely dumbfounded, your heart beating a million miles an hour in your chest. You felt love swell in your chest, so much you felt like your heart was going to explode, so you kissed him. You pulled him in and moved your lips against his in an attempt to let all your feelings flow through the kiss. You both pulled away, panting heavily and holding onto each other tightly. "Neteyam, I love you, I see you." You whispered, running your fingertips livingly down his face. Now it was his turn to gape at you and you couldn't stop the giggle that left your lips, which caused him to break out in a grin of his own. the ringing of your laugh faded as you stared at each other, a thick, heavy tension filling the air as you reached around and grabbed your braid; " Make me your mate, 'Teyam. I've always been yours." You breathed.
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quinnthebard · 9 months
WIP Wednesday <3
The context for this segment of a longfic I'm working on can mostly be found here in a prologue I posted a bit ago. The interaction mentioned in paragraph 1 is an awkward one with the resident vampire the night before
Summary: The parasite party are on their not-so-merry way to the goblin camp and there is banter to be had. Sarynna is mildly unimpressed lol.
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The interaction bothered her that night and far into the following day. An unnecessary and unwelcome distraction, her thoughts were consumed by the vampire—and not in the hyper-vigilant, always-watching way she had intended. It really wasn’t helping that he seemed to be avoiding her, an observation that should be pleasing but instead unsettled her.
And she hated herself for letting it get to her.
They trudged through the Emerald Grove Environs, heading west toward what they hoped was the goblin camp. They started early in the morning, attempting to take advantage of the day as best they can but with how little she slept the night before, Sarynna worried that she’d need rest sooner than later. She hadn’t missed the worried glances that Gale kept sending her way or how even Lae’zel followed her malaised pace without complaint. She either looked absolutely terrible or a sense of camaraderie was forming. Both possibilities were alarming—she was so used to working alone.
“So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?”
Astarion’s voice broke the silence in the group. Their newest recruits, Lae’zel and Wyll, hardly paid him any attention—the former choosing to respond with a simple, yet firm, “Chk!” to show her displeasure. Wyll on the other hand just kept staring ahead as they walked. Normally affable, Sarynna wondered if Wyll was suspicious of the pale elf as well.
Gale, however, took the bait. “You know what—that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer?”
“Intriguing, tell me more.”
“I’d rather not.” And Gale expertly shut down further discussion.
“You mean just waiting, like a lovesick puppy? Short-term amusements are much less hassle.”
The vampire took a closer look at the cleric and hummed in thought. It was all Sarynna could do to school her features and not glare at him in warning. There was something more to this question than simple curiosity.
“And what about our resident bard? Surely you have someone of which you’ve written ballads about?”
A shiver ran up her spine. “No, I find it far easier to write about longing rather than lasting love.”
“Oh? I can understand that. The anticipation, the desire, that magnetic pull towards someone that is so close but just out of reach. Euphoric and damning in equal parts.”
“Are you sure you’re not a bard yourself?” She granted him her sweetest smile, normally reserved for her marks and when he returned it she felt a mix of pleasure in her victory and anxiety in the attention.
“Perhaps once upon a time, but I quickly lost interest. I’d much rather enjoy a bard’s company.”
“Warmed the bed of many, I’m sure.” An unidentifiable emotion flickered across his face at her remark, similar to the one the night before. There and gone, hidden behind a pallid mask.
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Hmm.” But then she heard the snap of a twig and her head whipped in its direction. She held out an arm, silently ordering the group to stop. Ahead was a decrepit village, its wall crumbling and decaying. The thatched roofs of the buildings within were clearly rotted. No one lived there, not recently at least. As she surveyed the town, she finally spotted the source of the noise. Goblins. They were perched upon the rooftops, sentinels at watch over their hovel. Addressing her allies in a hushed tone, Sarynna vigilantly watched the patrol. “Ambush ahead. Goblins.”
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betty-boom · 11 months
seven sentence sunday...
...is for posting one of these for the first time in ages. i've been so far in writing my soulmates thing i barely went on tumblr.
this one's from (yet another) magic au, but this one's more fantasy than anything else.
A victory against a foe such as a Djinn meant nothing in the grand scheme of a pointless search for peace of mind.  The grip of his hand finally loosened and the head fell from his fingers, dropping to the stone ground with a squelch that barely drowned out the metallic groaning of his armor. Aches and stings across his body were enough to reveal just how damaged his armor was, only barely holding together anymore after the hits he’d taken. Not enough to actually keep him safe should another threat arise. Perhaps he didn’t want it to anymore either. Any semblance of peace seemed like a good outcome after all, even if it hadn’t been the peace of mind he’d come out here to find. Eddie had always been a fighter; admitting defeat only came as an absolute last resort he’d barely ever come to, but in that moment, after countless moments just like it that preceded, the possibility of giving up had come to mind. Merely a whisper of a thought to give up the search for something to tie together all that he’d learned about calming everything foreign inside him that was still too loud for him to shake off.  An easy way out, to just let go and allow for it to consume him.
everyone's already done this so far, but i'm tagging @alyxmastershipper who's the sweetest and expressed an interest in this au when i talked about it
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reyesstrand · 1 year
fic origin story
thank you for the tag @welcometololaland and @carlos-in-glasses <3 this is such a fun idea, lola!!
1. what was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
reading wise….probably teen wolf AJDNSKS and as for writing, i dabbled in fic for the magicians and movies like the old guard, but 911ls has been my first big love with creating content (and consuming it too!)
2. what was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
i was one of those kids writing stories in dollar store notebooks at like seven or eight, and in high school i took every offered english class including a writer’s craft elective, so a lot of my early “stories” were just for school or for fun.
3. what’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
don’t feed into the monster that is imposter syndrome, create what you want to create, don’t get caught up in your idea of perfection, and read read read! i’ve always got both physical books and tabs upon tabs of fic waiting to consume, and i feel like it only helps you as a writer—whether it’s original work or fanfic—to absorb yourself in other people’s stories.
4. what’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback, etc.)?
almost every interaction i’ve had in the ls fandom has stuck with me and allowed me to curate the best experience possible, both just as a fan of the show and as a creator. my first lone star fic was a little spec fic written i believe right after episode four aired, and the fandom was still relatively small then and getting some of the sweetest comments from people i’m still mutuals with today makes my heart warm. those early comments definitely fuelled me to keep writing, just as much as those on my newer fics do. i’m also so thankful that me posting my silly little fics have allowed me to meet and talk with some truly amazing people every single day.
5. post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
from my very first lone star fic:
TK shrugs, though his mind starts racing. "We've...hung out a couple times. We're seeing where it goes, dad, I don't know if I'm ready for much else. It's just dinner."
Owen gives him a knowing look. TK sighs. He wants to open up to his dad and tell him about how Carlos was so unexpected. He wants to tell his dad that he has this way of seeing right through him, and they've known each other for two months and already feel in synch. There's that numbness that just clouds over him and being with the team and being with Carlos seem to be the only sparks of light he feels, but he doesn't want to let himself get hurt again — and he doesn't want to bring Carlos down with him.
from my latest, a 4x01 coda/4x02-4x04 spec fic:
TK sets his shoulders and shakes his head at himself. He slides the door open and steps inside, kicking off his shoes and dropping his backpack by the door. He hears Tommy's words in his head as he stares at Carlos' back, his fiancé focused on stirring the contents of a sizzling pan. You love him. He loves you. It's the undercurrent of everything they've ever gone through together, isn't it? That magnetic pull; that invisible thread that held them together. A love TK never thought he'd find but can't imagine existing without now.
tagging you back, @welcometololaland! and no pressure tagging @strandnreyes @iboatedhere @marwani-strickland @sunshinestrand @doublel27 @tailoredshirt @maxbegone and anyone else who wants to do this!
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findingnemosworld · 10 months
𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐜𝐞́𝐬𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐳𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐚
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 ( 𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐳𝐩𝐢? 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐬 🥹
[ 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 ]
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She recalls meeting him that day, the encounter engraved in her brain for all eternity.
Whether you're a teenager or an adult, the first day is always nerve wrecking; and for her, this day was indeed nerve wrecking, she was set to start as the new head physiotherapist for the men's team of Chelsea Football club, it wasn't her first rodeo by any means, having been a prominent in figure for Bundesliga's Bayern Munich and La Liga's Atletico Madrid but to move to England, when you're not a native is definitely frightening.
She slowly walks across the hallway, in search of the person that was meant to show her around, and that's when she met him.
Pinpointing a singular thing would be rather arduous, he had an infectious smile, features that she could only describe as sculpted by gods and an overall friendly persona that you couldn't ignore, he looks at her then asks. " Are you ok? "
Even his voice was gentle, akin to a silken fabric; she smiled, " Yes, I'm new here, I'm the new physiotherapist ... Cristina Navas "
" Ah ... " He nods with a bright smile, " They told me you'd be coming today, I'm César Azpilicueta, the captain " he extends his hand for her to shake.
" It's nice to meet you " She extends her own hand to shake his, and judging by the look across his face; he had definitely felt the same electric shock she did. " Erm ... I don't know, who will show me around but I was told to come and see "
" Oh, let me help then " César smiles, placing a hand on her back to guide her through while he recounts everything she needed to know about each of the players.
And in that moment, little did either of them know that this encounter was the setting stone for what is to come - since she began, Cristina had built a good relationship with each of the players along the months of her working for the club, yet César was different, very different.
The pair were close in age, her being a year younger which made them close in terms of personality as well as their stance on life - every morning, they sit down in the canteen together over breakfast to talk and with each conversation, it seemed that her heart had leisurely found its way to him, it took several nights of lying awake, drowning in her thoughts to finally realize that she, in fact was very much in love with César.
The only problem is, she wasn't sure if he felt the same way much less if he was single, realistically - a man that's polite, intelligent, talented and handsome couldn't possibly be single, often times she wanted to pry, to ask and see if there was a silver lining of hope; especially since the manner in which he seeks her out every time they're in work, how thoughtful and attentive he was had caused her to wonder sometimes yet it never went past the stages of mere thoughts she kept to herself.
Blissfully unaware that, he too felt the same way.
You see, César did not just do all of this out of platonic intentions; well initially it was, yet as time went on - he started to see Cristina in a different light, she's beautiful, smart and the sweetest woman he had ever met, sure he'd had affairs and flings yet none of them had truly felt tangible, the women that had entered and exited his life were only there for what he had, yet Cristina saw him for who he was, just an individual that truly loves what he does and wants to succeed,
There was however, that lingering feeling of doubt; consuming both of them, and everyone could see it.
" When are you going to tell him? "
Cristina was in the midst of a rehab session with Ben Chilwell who was recovering from his injury, the English player was one of the players she found rather hilarious due to his tendency to make jokes during the sessions. " Tell who, what? " she asks in confusion as she wasn't sure what he was referring to.
" Tina " Ben laughs, " I think you know who I mean "
She did, unfortunately; Ben had been the first to catch on to the lingering looks she'd throw towards his captain, or how often times when César wasn't looking - she'd stare a bit too long. " I have no idea what you mean "
" Tina " Ben laughs again, " He likes you "
" Yes, as a friend because there is no way a man so perfect like him can find me girlfriend material " Cristina retorts, " besides he's probably dating someone so what do I know? "
" He doesn't " Ben said, " If I know Capi well enough, he's the kind of man that is thoughtful, shy but also well spoken, and when it comes to romance, if he truly loves someone, he shows it through his actions "
" Now Chilwell " Cristina gives her a stern look, " don't feed my delusions and focus on your rehab "
" I'm serious though, Azpi really likes you " Ben said.
Cristina sighs, while she didn't want to believe it - she couldn't help but think back to everything he'd for her, from waiting on her with a cup of tea, to asking her about her day, to the so called 'friendly dinner outings' they had - each singular action, had her wondering if there was an undertone to it, only time will tell.
After a rather draining day, Cristina was more than prepared to head home and sleep the exhaustion off - she'd packed her bag, placed it over her shoulder and was on her way out when she instantly collides with a hard body; while she braced herself for the fall, she realized that two arms were wrapped around her waist causing her to open her eyes to meet his own. " César " she murmurs.
He quickly helped her to stand up, and smiled apologetically, " Sorry about that Cris, I didn't mean to hit you "
" It's fine " Cristina waves off his concern before adding, " I wasn't looking "
They stood there for a moment before Cristina gestured to the hallway, " I should go " she waves with a faint smile before slowly walking past him and midway through her walk.
" Hey Cris! "
Cristina turns around to see César jogging up to her, " Is everything ok? " she asks.
César nibbles on his lower lip, before rubbing the back of his neck nervously. " Do you ... um? " he lets out a soft laugh, " Do you want to hang out tomorrow? since we have no training "
A confused smile adorned her lips, " Sure "
César sighs in relief, " Great "
' My house or yours? " Cristina asks.
" Mine " César smiles. " I'll come and pick you up tomorrow "
" Ok " Cristina nods with a smile, " Good night "
" Good night " César smiles back.
It was safe to say that her mind went to overdrive at the prospect of what to wear, and after much internal debates, she settled on a long dress which was neither too casual nor too fancy; suitable for an indoor hang out with a friend, her hair was loosely tied and the look was coupled off with a cardigan to shield herself from the weather, she slips on her shoes just as the doorbell rang, she checks her reflection in the mirror then walks to her front door to open it, and there stood César, dressed in a pair of jeans, a woolen sweater and sneakers.
" Hi " César beams, his eyes raking over. " you look lovely "
" Thank you " Cristina smiles, " so do you "
The drive to his home was silent throughout, with stolen glances every now and then; confusing both of them as neither one wanted to comment on the obvious tension between them, and once they got to his home - he leads her inside, " I ordered dinner " he said. " It's from that place we frequent "
" Oh, that's nice " Cristina comments.
" Cris " César said.
Cristina looks at him, " Yes "
After a beautiful and lovely night full of good food and a lively conversation, César was noticeably antsy. " Is everything ok? "
This was it, the moment he'd been waiting for - months of back and forth internal debates that kept him up at night, wondering whether or not he should take the plunge.
" I've been meaning to tell you this for a really long time " César begins, swallowing the lump in his throat, his palms feeling rather sweaty. He chuckles, " Like a really long time "
Cristina's face contorts in confusion, " What do you mean? "
" Hear me out, please " César said, " I can understand if you don't feel the same way and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't because, you're .. you're so beautiful, so smart, so gifted, and just ... " he pauses and sighs. " perfect "
Cristina's heart begins to race, was he about to ...?
" I tried to ignore those feelings because I respected and valued our friendship so much but ... " César said, " I can't ignore them anymore, not when I have you in my life "
" César " Cristina said.
" Cris, I love you " César blurts out before laughing, " I really really love you, and If you'd let me, I want to ... make you happy "
Cristina smiled, " How long have you ...? "
" For too long " César smiles softly, " the only question is, do you feel the same way? "
Cristina caresses his cheek with her hand before leaning closer to plant a soft kiss to his lips. " Yes, I do "
César smiles, " Good, because I'm taking you out tomorrow on a proper date "
" Perfect " Cristina smiles.
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an0theralien · 1 year
Wrote this in 30mins. Trans girl essay rant time 😎
Sometimes, I think about what will happen later. It's the kind of thing I try to avoid thinking about a lot, the idea that someday my parents will know that I'm trans. As I enter my senior year, this fear is consuming me entirely. My graduation will be at the end of this year, but what will they use as my name? I'll be going by Emma with my friends, and either E or Emma with my teachers. But my parents will still only see me as my deadname, because I have yet to tell them anything. I know what the result will be if I do tell them, they will refuse it. They will argue that I'm still a child, that Its a phase or that I'm just not sure who I am. I've been out to friends as trans since the 7th grade, that's 4 years so far. Obviously, I don't deny the possibility that maybe, someday, it could change. As slim of a chance as it is if that were to happen I would change on my own terms. I wouldn't do it because I was told to, or because some god told me to.
  Recently, I've met this girl who's going to be at the school I'm moving to next year. She's genuinely the sweetest person I've ever met. We've texted for a while but we recently did meet in person. It was randomly, she just texted me asking if we could get frozen yogurt at 9pm one night. It's the first time I've been out after dark with friends (I know 17 years old and this is the first time I've been out after dark?? I'm kind of an introvert.) It turns out we live extremely close to one another, like a few streets away close. We plan to hang out a lot more now, and she's been telling me about different people in the friend group that I will be joining once I get to this school.
  When we talk, I stop worrying about things for a while. She's genuinely beautiful, like STUNNING. And I'm crushing so hard, but trying to play it cool. I've told her about my situation at home, and she offered for me to live with her once I turn 18. 18 would be halfway through my senior year, I'd be leaving my parents before they even saw me graduate. But should I really give them that? I won't lie and say everything is horrible in my home, my parents genuinely do love the idea of me that they have. I would love to say that they truly love me, myself, the true me, but I know that it just isn't true. They are extremely transphobic people, and they don't keep it hidden in the slightest. Up until now I've said that my escape would be college, I would go to college and I'd never have to worry about seeing them. But now, there's an opportunity calling for me. Obviously I'd have to meet her mom, and ensure that she genuinely is okay with it. But if she is, and if this type of thing was really available to me, I think I might take it.
  Beforehand I would have to make sure my car was registered in my name and not my dad's, or abandon my car. I'd have to pick what things I want to take with me and what I would keep at home. I obviously wouldn't be able to take much either way, but with a car id be able to take a lot more. Without I'd have to really limit myself. I've imagine the idea before, of what it would be like after I left. I would have to call the non emergency line, and explain to them that I was not kidnapped, but rather chose to leave as a legal adult. My parents would probably spam text and call me, my siblings as well. I might tell my sister, and my brother, but only to calm their nerves.
  I could imagine my mom crying, my dad screaming. I could imagine my little brother crying as well, wishing I would come home one day. He wouldn't realize that there was a reason I left. My phone plan would get cut off as soon as they found out how to do so, but since I paid for the phone (I'm hoping) they won't try to take it from me or contact the police claiming it to be stolen. That's the issue I've encountered with a lot of the things I own, it's the reason I've started buying everything myself. That way when I leave they can't try to claim I stole these things. Someday I imagine, (if I take the car) they would see my car parked outside her house. They might try to show up and talk with me. My mom would cry begging for me to come home. My dad would threaten her mother. He would probably insist on me coming out, and wouldn't leave unless the police were called or I came out to talk with him. 
  Relatives, people I've never even thought about would probably contact me. They would beg me to come home, or I'd just get told that I was a worshipper of the devil and that I have taken the path to hell. I think the only relative I would try to get in contact with would be my half aunt. She and her husband seem to be really accepting people, which is why they are pretty looked down upon by the majority of my family. Theyve offered to me before that I could live with them after I turned 18 if needed. At the time I never saw it as anything beyond them being nice, but as I grew up I realized that they realized how bad the conditions could be at home due to my parents opinions and they were trying to leave a door open for me. I think they might be the ones I go to for support after I move out, wether that be as soon as I turn 18 or when college comes around.
  For now, despite all of this. I'm happy. I'm optimistic for my future for the first time in a while honestly. I know the career I want to pursue, and I know the college I want to attend. I know that it may be a pipe dream to hope that everything works out and I go to the college of my dreams, but right now to keep myself sane all I can be is optimistic. I've got amazing friends, I have a new school, a new job, new opportunities, and more. Someday I'll probably look back on all of this, who knows where I'll be then but to future me, you've still got this. Anytime you fall back into that pit that I always do, just know that this part of you, this optimistic side is always there.
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kunoichimin · 2 years
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“ Return To Me ”
A fic in which Jimin returns to Taehyung's village after months of being apart; sending letters back and forth just isn't enough — he's missed him dearly. And Taehyung, upon his arrival, excitedly whisks him off to a beautiful surprise, his luggage left behind in the middle of the street.
3.1k+ words
Childhood Friends, Requited Love, Fluff
Comments From Readers ✨
...i think i've never — i've never felt such magic before in my life? i guess that's it, isn't it? this feels like magic, like a bit of a dream and heaven. it was so beautiful, and the picture on twitter that you used was perfect. this felt — god, i don't know, i can't find the right words ..... magical is the only thing i can think of. i think of the words "free spirit" when i think of this, of tiny towns and tiny people and how we're all insignificant but some of us are lucky enough to find someone to be significant with. like vmin in this, and it felt so /big/. so /huge ... peace. another word I just thought of. this feels like peace and magic, the all-consuming kind. reading this felt like I was finding inner peace. - zvko
no but this was the sweetest thing I’ve read in so long. everything about this was just incredible. it literally felt like I was reading a coming-of-age YA book. especially listening to Featherstone, the entire vibe was great. really, remarkable job! ♡ - vminterludes
"Bees are meant to make honey, to provide for their queen, and Taehyung was meant to meet Jimin, to fall in love. It's the only thing he feels he’s been able to do right in his life." ... this is so beautiful and tender, my heart ached every second of reading this in the best way possible. i could feel everything without anything needing to be explicitly said and that's my favorite kind of writing! I'm still warm & fuzzy all over from the scene where they're rolling around and tae doesn't care if he catches a cold but jimin does T^T its officially carved out its own little spot in my mind. - etherealsvkn
I really can’t comprehend how I can feel every micro moment of your words and yet feel like I’m lacking in emotions because I can’t envision it the way you did. From the picturesque surroundings to Taehyung’s feelings to Jimin’s glee, their unbridled happiness and their shared space, it was all so intimate it felt like someone wrote it just for me and was reading it to me in their honey voice, lulling me to sleep in gentlest way, so delicate that the slightest change of the direction of wind would whisk the moment away. I couldn’t stop tears, silent & gentle, when Jimin fell asleep, Taehyung tightened his grip and said, “I know, I love you too.", it is such a fragile moment, it felt like if anyone read it, even in their head, with a voice that isn’t the gentlest of whispers, they’d be truly ruining the delicate ripple set to motion by your words, your art. - FallenAngel
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
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@faux-ee FIRST OF ALL YOU ARE THE SWEETEST PERSON TO HAVE EVER BLESSED THIS EARTH IN THE ENTIRETY OF HUMAN HISTORY. Second of all I'm flattered and feel like I don't deserve the praise at all but your kindness warms my heart so much 😭😭😭 You're the best , seriously.
I love my degree!!!! I never talk about politics here ever because like. this is my break from university / work lmao but I'm SO passionate about it, I could talk about it forever. There's just something so enchanting about seeing people trying really hard to make people's lives better!! And discussing and making a fuz over what it means for people's lives to be better and what's the best way to obtain that!! And most of the times ending up failing but still trying and it's!! so!! good!!!! I'm really glad I study what I do. Probably gonna rewrite that post about Fukuchi now that I've posted it on mistake to properly organize it eheh but like. even when consuming media trying to understand the creators' underlying worldviews is so so fascinating and very important imo!! OH and don't get me started on Adorno. I love Adorno.
Finally don't worry take absolutely all the time you need with t/p/n there's no one running after you!!! (same can't be said for the protagonists. ahah. I love them) BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE FIRST SEASON omg did you like it, who are your favorites!!!!!!! (There's literally no going wrong with this because I love them ALL) But man I'm so glad you brought this up because do!! not!! watch the second season!!!!!!!!! Seriously it's the worst possible way to consume the franchise on every aspect. There's a common agreement in the fandom it was terrible. disastrous. catastrophic. probably the worst adaptation ever. The entire mass of 144 event-filled chapters crunched up in 181 episodes and it did NOT go well. Just ignore its existence if you feel like reading the manga (linking from where the first season left of) (the manga artist has such an unspeakably stunning art style too and each page is so breathtaking and filled with details, it's just mesmerizing) or consider the first season a nice standalone with an open ending and refrain from watching any further, honestly that works too. But hmu with all your thoughts I absolutely need to hear them!!!!
That being said. love you tons stay safe and I hope this week will bring you tons of happy things!!!!!
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gonersgoners · 2 years
i want to take a moment to thank oda for creating the most queer panel in all of one piece 
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