#i'm mostly lurking on there too though lol
veterveter · 9 months
Spinoff Berlin tv show is airing soon. What are your feelings about it?
Bleh. I don't really expect to enjoy it, but I hope there'll be some nice Pedro content at least. Maybe some Andrés character quirks I wouldn't mind including in my headcanons or writing? I keep my hopes rather low, but I'm sure they can still do the limbo. There's the obvious "no one asked for this", and I just think Andrés works so much better as a side character with established relationships, I just don't see the appeal of having him as a lead with his own gang.
Furthermore, I suppose I am personally & selfishly worried about just losing all my interest for writing (even though - maybe I should be excited to free up the brain space for something else after a couple of years of this :D). It's always been a big draw for me in ships when the characters have largely unexplored history and I get to explore it in writing however I want. I don't really vibe with the idea of them making more stuff about Andrés canon that I'll just have to politely ignore, not to mention this increasing diminishing of Martín's importance in his life.
Anyway, I've been accused of being a bit too negative about this so uhhh c'est la vie qué será será, see you on the other side of this, and I hope the show is ultimately a fun if forgettable inoffensive romp and Andrés doesn't terribly overstay his welcome :)
edit// ohh one more thing - if this breathed a tiny bit of life into the fandom for a passing moment, I wouldn't mind that! That'd be nice. Like I said, I don't wish for the moon from the sky haha
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oldphanny · 2 months
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Heyoo, just call me B or Bip :)
I'm 27, non-binary, and I use they/them pronouns.
And as the username suggests, I'm just an oldphanny.
I've been round these parts for a long time.
This account turned 10 earlier this year, and I was consuming Phandom content a couple years before delving into the depths of Tumblr (mostly Wattpad lol). I didn't really start posting original content until this year though; I used to just lurk cause I was wayy too shy.
I love creating silly memes, edits and other content. Very unserious. I like to make stuff that you'd probably send in a group chat to your friends to make them laugh.
Here's some of my current favourites [ x | x | x | x | x ]
Plus I make art sometimes :) [ x | x ]
Asks and messages are open to everyone, so don't be shy <3 I can be slow to reply because of time zones and social anxiety, but I do my best to get back to everyone.
I'm also going to TIT Sydney (Gadigal Land) in December! So hmu if you're going too, I'd love to make some new friends and give out some bracelets :)
#bipanswers = asks
#bipswordvomit = personal/non-dnp stuff
#oldphannyppp = Phandom Phollow Phrain (500 followers)
Things that I will be posting, reblogging, and discussing prior to my tit date are:
● Merch/Photocards
● M&G stuff (including photos/anything said or done during a m&g)
● Social Media Posts (made by dnp about tit/travelling etc)
● Teasers, Trailers or Interviews (posted public on any channels or social media beyond what we've seen)
● Preshow Stuff (this will be limited to text posts/reactions regarding what has been discussed or maybe photos/short clips depending on the context (one of them stacks it or they have cute outfits on as random examples))
Things I will never post prior to my tit date are :
● Photos, Videos or Audio files of anything to do with the show itself
● Audio or Video of Preshows
● Transcripts of the show itself or Preshows
● Any post discussing particular segments in length
Here are some things that may make me want to post:
● Phan Conspiracies
● Off script comments to one another
● Funny/Memeable moments that happen during the show but weren't actually scripted/intended
● Revealing of new Phan information in general
Anything in the orange category will be tagged appropriately #titspoilers and other variations. So, if you have censorship in place for that tag, you shouldn't see those few posts that may or may not be made.
Last Updated - 8.9.24
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littledesertfox · 2 months
intro, I guess?
hii! I figured I should make a post like this even though I have a feeling it will be like super messy xD
I've had an interest in history, specifically World War II basically since I was a kid. It was only recently though that I found out that there's a community for it! I've always had a thing with expressing my interests in ways that may seem slightly odd to other people, so it feels nice to see that there are others who seem to experience this in similar ways :3
I want to make it very clear that I am NOT a nazi or rightwing in any way, and I don't want actual (neo-)nazis to interact with my blog, get the fuck out! Similarly, I don't want racists, lgbtq-phobes, ableists, religious extremists, pedos & zoos or people of similarly disgusting kind to interact! I'm literally queer and neurodivergent (undiagnosed/suspected bc getting a therapy place is hard :/), this is not a place for you!
I've been a fan of the Downfall parodies on youtube when I was younger and recently relapsed into this fixation😭 I don't know if this fandom even really exists at this point since it seems that many creators have left in the meantime, but I'd love to talk about it, maybe I'll even get to write fanfics at some point. Also a short disclaimer that when I talk about historical figures that play a major role in the Downfall parody universe (such as Fegelein, Krebs, Burgdorf etc), it will usually be about their parody selves, not the real people! I'll try to clarify that individually if needed though.
I've also started lurking a little in the reichblr tag with a feeling that I'd describe as "indimidated fascination". Currently I'm mostly interested in some members of the Wehrmacht, but other historical figures that I had or have an interest in might come up as well. Overall any stuff that I post will probably go more into the lighthearted and humorous direction, but I'd love to bring in some more educational stuff as well.
My inbox is always open if you want to gush or ramble about your favourite historical figures or Downfall characters (both from the parodies and the movie itself) and such! Please talk to me about our shared faves😭🫶
I get crushes on fictional characters and sometimes historical figures too, but that doesn't mean I support, condone or defend their worldviews or actions in any way (this applies especially to real people of course)! These "crushes" usually stem from a place of fascination with who they were behind their public appearance, I want to know more about them as a private person, like their hobbies, favourite food and other mundane things like that. Often it's also simply that I feel physically attracted to their appearance because I think they're handsome, either that or they give me massive gender envy (or both lmao). I don't really control on who I fixate like that, it just happens, but I hope that this will be a place for me to express those feelings in some way and find like-minded people. Though I also want to point out that not all my fixations are automatically also crushes! Usually I will mention whether they are or not, or you'll probably notice based on what kind of posts I make about them lol.
Current main historical fixations:
Erwin Rommel (I can't help it I just think he's cute ._.)
Fritz Bayerlein (he's the dude in my pfp lol, there's barely info about him but idk I just think he's kinda interesting😭 also yes he was actually bi)
Current main Downfall fixations:
Hans Krebs & Wilhelm Burgdorf (the otp ever)
Wilhelm Mohnke (ngl Downfall!Mohnke is kinda fine❤️‍🔥 ... idk maybe I'm just finding the actor hot though😭)
If I encounter things that make me uncomfortable I follow common fandom courtesy and block tags or blogs accordingly. This is nothing personal, I'm just curating my own online space. I don't want to see any harassment here, neither towards myself nor to others!
Anyway I guess that's it for now? Idk if this is any good as an intro post but for now it'll have to do I guess😂 I'm generally not really sure yet in which direction to go with this blog (should it be more Downfall or reichblr focused? is there a lot of overlap between the fandoms? do they even get along? help😭). I also don't know how active I'll be in general, I'm also constantly jumping between thoughts like "yee this is gonna be fun" and "dafuq am I doing here I should feel ashamed about myself" but I hope to meet people who share my interests :3
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beesmygod · 4 months
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 3: sketch 1
ed note from the future: this got long. its going mostly under a readmore for everyone's sake. and i didnt even finish sketching, just trying to explain what is going through my mind while trying to sketch. look, if i write down my process in exhausting detail people will realize im completely insane. this is a net benefit to anyone trying to interact with me in the future who thinks i can be reasoned with. community service. thank you for allowing me to post this shit lol
hmmm. giving up on the first few panels for right now. here's what i'm thinking about as i sketch this:
too many of my panels were talking heads or constantly relied on one point perspective. i have been trying to work against this for a while with mixed results. sometimes the result is so bad i have to scrap what i did and start over but sometimes it's "good enough for TV"* and i hit publish on it. no risks, no reward after all. can't get better if you don't try.
in this first panel, i have two people having a back and forth conversation through a weird magic hole in the floor/wall. maxine is laying on a couch with hole right above her head. homestar runner will demonstrate what i mean:
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however, there are logistical problems with maxine that homestar runner doesnt have. maxine's right shoulder is dislocated, so she can't lay on that side, or any side that would put pressure on the joint. im realizing i don't actually know what position would be most comfortable in her situation or how she would instinctually arrange her body to avoid pain. i start looking up videos from physical therapists on how they recommend patients sleep for some ideas.
also i start looking up what women look like sleeping on couches. how does the human body fold up. because this isn't it.
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anyway, this was my first effort with the first panels.
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for reference, the last page ends like this:
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the top left of the sketch would have been the hopi clown back on the shelf with the "camera" tilting above it to reveal maxine. while this keeps the relevant object from the previous page in frame as a piece of connective tissue between updates....i'm struggling to fit the second character in. the one talking from the hole. maybe there's still hope for this? it's not terrible. initially i nuked it but maybe i can make this work.
fuck! she needs a pillow or two to make this work. this video is right, that DOES look naturally comfortable compared to the standard fetal position that would pull the affected shoulder inward. i didn't draw any pillows into the stupid establishing shot of the office bc its not the kind of couch you are expected to sleep on!!! this is a man's business office!!! i thought i was so smart!!
basically every couch comes with decorative pillows though, and the shot of the room didn't include the wall the "camera" was up against. my 2-point perspective failure might have paid off here lol. if i can establish that the second character is talking through the hole, he can use his rayman hands to reach across the room and get the pillow for her. it can be part of his personal campaign to show maxine he means her no immediate harm. the pillows were just out of frame. lurking. ok let's try it again. uhhhh after i eat some lunch
*my friend kelly had an anecdote from working in animation that im going to retell badly from memory. her boss would take the work she labored over to meet by deadline and would laugh at it, saying "ah, its terrible! but good enough for TV". and while extremely mean, he had a salient point: it never has to be perfect. it just needs to be good enough to be seen. sometimes i seriously think about this anecdote when im dissatisfied with my own art. it's bad. but it's good enough for tv.
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kidresearcherindigo · 14 days
'Sup; name's Indigo! I'm 17, I'm a They, and I'm also a student at Naranja-Uva! Originally I'm from Unova, though! And I lived in Galar for like a year before moving to Paldea. Been in Paldea for about a year now?
I had a rotomblr for a while, but I mostly just lurked. Figured I might give socializing a try!
I'm like. One of the champions? But it's literally no big deal I don't even like to battle unless it's with friends.
I really like Pokémon Biology; I wanna become a Pokémon Biologist someday. I have three close friends; I won't namedrop them because that's rude to do without permission, but you're probably gonna hear about 'em a lot; we call ourselves the ✨️ Sandwich Squad! ✨️ (ok, only two of us call it that, but shhhhhh)
I got a full team team of Pokémon, and they are:
Luna - (Unovan) Zoroark; the one in my picture. She moved to Paldea with me!
Yuki - (hisuian) Zoroark; don't ask how I got her it's complicated. Also moved to Paldea with me!
Ember - Skelidirge; got him as a Fuecoco when I enrolled in the academy
Loaf - Daschbun; We met before I beat my first gym badge as a fidough
Doc - Hypno; he constantly tries to hypnotize me, but the insomnia's just too strong lol
Magnolia - Ampharos; just happy to be a part of something like all the time.
I also got this robot Cyclizar named Miraidon? Doesn't go by any nicknames officially but I call them Salami Monster sometimes as a joke. They're super smart though!
Also I have exactly one (1) weird talent and that's that I can talk to Zoruas/Zoroarks in their language. Only them though; I'm still working on learning how to talk to other Pokemon.
Anyway I'm probably just gonna talk about school, and pokemon like everyone else. Just boring shit. Maybe make a meme or two, we'll see how it goes!
//ooc under cut
Everything's on; M!A is on but lightweight
ic hate is fine
This character's lore is connected to @profchamomile and by extension @porygon-supremacy and @anomaly-sanctum (but you won't see interactions with the latter two for a while). I run all of those blogs.
Canon's a combination of games, anime and whatever else. As far as the SV story goes, it's post main story and pre expansions. Also the ruinous treasures haven't been unlocked yet.
This blog is primarily low stakes. Might get up to drama stakes down the line but at this moment those plots will be between my own characters only (with other characters being portrayed via fics. If anyone WANTS plot involvement feel free to ask me!
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heymrspatel · 5 months
i was tagged by @heymacy @creepkinginc @mickeym4ndy @y0itsbri to do the pinterest game
and by @heymacy @mybrainismelted @energievie @deedala @lingy910y
@transmickey @thepupperino @mmmichyyy @ardent-fox @sxltburn
@jrooc @blue-disco-lights @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom to do the tag game thank you pals!! 💙
✨ pinterest procrastination tag game ✨
rules: first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe
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✨ weekly tag wednesday friday ✨
name: julissa
age: 33
your time zone: est or edt whatever the fuck
what do you do for work? stupid little formulas in excel
do you have any pets? no 😞
what first drew you to this fandom? i actually watched the show when it first started. lost track sometime during a hiatus. then picked it back up during season 10 and started lurking while it was still airing. but i only started interacting in 2021 when i realized how nice and friendly and welcoming everyone was!
are you a morning person or a night owl? 100% night owl! i tend to be a cranky pants in the mornings
what are your hobbies? drawing and taking silly little pictures mostly! but occassionally i also enjoy reading and baking and crafting and sending letters heehee 🥰
how tall are you? 5'1 🤏
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? uhhh idk, i just want to be happy lol
favorite color? blue and green 🌊🌲
favorite book? man idk man there's too many man
favorite movie? (see above) but also almost famous
favorite fic? (see two answers above) but also i would be silly not to mention ITQD or LRPD because those are my most reread. sometimes i'll just blindly choose a chapter when i need to feel better lmao
favorite musical artist: (see three answers above) but also this changes depending on when you ask me. right this second? kevin abstract, griff, and troye sivan - there's some variety for ya lol
what is your average screen time so far this week? 3hrs and 27min - but that's a lie because i'm in front of a computer literally all day so...
what's the first app you open in the morning? depends on the notifications. but 9 times out of 10 it's discord
how long have you been on tumblr? like 14/15 years... on and off but um yea lmaoalsdkfj about 3 years actively posting on this account though
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i can fall asleep anywhere. just give me a few minutes.
i'm really late, but i'll tag a few babies @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey @howlinchickhowl @rereadanon if ya want. if not, this is just me giving you a little smooch 💙
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Announcing a fandom community server!
Hi, guys! This is sorta directed at my followers but also Obey Me fans (and other fandom people).
I mentioned, like, a looong time ago I wanted to do a community server, but I didn't really understand how to use Discord, but since then I've been in a zine, a few collabs, and hosted my own collabs (currently running one for Lucifer 👀). So, I have the experience and knowledge of running a server now!
My urge to create a fandom-centric server has really bloomed and after sitting on the it for a year, I feel confident enough yet still anxious to release a link of an invitation to it (found at the bottom)! It's still fresh, and bots haven't been implemented yet, but I really want to push this out.
I myself am in a lot of different fandoms, obviously Obey Me, but also Baldur's Gate, Stardew Valley, Kingdom Hearts, Persona games, What in Hell is Bad, a few obscure fandoms (like Alien Stage and Touchstarved) and older ones (Homestuck), so I have all the intentions to have this server be inclusive to webcomics, anime and manga and adjacent media, games from standard video games to phone games, graphic novels, books, otome and romance stuff, indie media like web series, cartoons, and games, and more as it grows.
I also want this server to be a hub for writers and artists to share their stuff they're too awkward or anxious to post and receive feedback, and as a place to get to know fellow-minded people in shared fandoms. AUs, theories, headcanons, crossovers, self-inserts, your MCs/OCs - all allowed!
A few things to note:
This is a fandom community server, but it might start out as Obey Me heavy because I'm trying to direct attention to that fandom since that's the one I am mostly in and participated in most things as a fan.
Adults and minors (16+) are allowed, but there are rules implemented that divide channels into SFW and NSFW categories and channels.
Writers, artists, content creators, cosplayers, fans that dabble, etc. are enthusiastically welcomed
The server can also function with channels regarding roleplays and self-publishing (commissions, Etsy shops, etc.)
I really want this server to kinda be a central spot for small fandoms or dying fandoms (like Obey Me) or old fandoms or growing fandoms and ones in-between basically non-existent and probably way too big. I want the server to be a community of different fandoms and the people that incorporate them, and I want it to be a fun place to just either relax with other fans and share works you like or works you've made or as a place to just dip in a silently lurk to look at what people are talking about or look at what is shared or as a place to lose your fucking minds when updates happen or something wild or devastating in the media occurs.
I want this to be a respectful but enjoyable place to come to and join and feel like you can invite friends or maybe even make friends!
Hard rules:
Before entering though, the server has a soft screening process for people to join.
Verifications will be done by me to make sure no one with ill intentions has a chance to cause harassment or harm to members. Fandoms can be toxic and mean in public places like here and Twitter, but this server will be, to the best of my ability, a space away from that.
Absolutely no pedophilic content is allowed. Like, none. It'll be one of the fastest things to get you kicked and banned and blacklisted.
There are rules and specific channels for certain ships and certain explicit content that can be talked about in the server if there are any questions.
This server is for fandom communities and politics and religious hot takes are not applicable here. This is a designated relief zone and none of that is really welcome.
I think that mostly covers the sales pitch and important stuff, lol.
So with all that out of the way--
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Link to join: https://discord.com/invite/g8VeSe4t
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tonyx-onyx · 2 months
Hey!! So, I have been lurking through tags a lot, just liking and sometimes reposting stuff around PR1. But, I kinda realized I would like to get more interactive with this community, since I enjoy and have been enjoying the contents from it for some time now. Plus I would like having more people around me, who enjoy the same things! So, if you're interested on getting to know me more, go ahead! :)
(just a heads up, english is not my first language, so apologies for any mistakes)
You can call me Tony! :D (or whatever you want, saying 'hey, you' works perfectly fine too) and I use He/Him. My favorite cc's in the group are Chilled, Ze, Larry, Cheesy, Kara and Courtilly!! But I love and respect them all (recently started lurking a lot more in Jeremy's, Em's and Junk's streams and sometimes I randomly pop in other streams too!). I watch the vods a lot more than live streams though, mostly because I am European and it's sometimes hard to catch them streaming, when I'm not feeling overwhelmingly tired.
The first person I ever watched from this squad is probably Chilled, but to tell you when exactly? Jeez, who knows. Probably around 2020? (I know, not really an old fan, hope that's okay). But only sometimes. Then when he came back with Town of Salem, I started watching him a lot more (so, back in 2022). Later, during 2023, I started watching Ze and shortly after I started enjoying contents from other creators, who are part of PR1, PR2 or around it.
I honestly enjoy any content/games from them but I do quite enjoy sessions where they play ToS (I used to play this game when I was younger, that's why I love watching them play it) or any Jackbox game. But recently I started to love De-th by AI too (I honestly just love chaos, if you didn't caught on that yet).
That should be it for now!
Hopefully I didn't overwhelmed the reader (you!) by sharing so much info but it's kinda hard for me to write something in a short sentence. I am free to chat almost any time, though a bit nervous at first lol.
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butterfliesandfoxes · 8 months
Okay. Sort of introduction post?? Recently i've been getting really nostalgic about the kylux fandom and i wanna try join it again, i WAS around during the earlier days of the fandom but i mostly just lurked because i was kinda shy back then lol, the only thing i really contributed were a few fics here and there but none of them really gained much attention (i AM actually working on polishing some of them up and reposting them though, so stay tuned for that) I really want to try and get more involved in the fandom this time because i regret not being more involved back when it was more popular, so if you are a fan of star wars, especially kylux, please interact with me!! I would love to meet people who share the same interests as me :) (Kylux isnt my only star wars ship btw and I'm happy to talk about others too, it just helped me through a rough time so i have a particularly soft spot for it lol, feel free to interact even if it's not your main ship)
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merakiui · 4 days
HELP ME YOURE CHILL you did accept my request actually . like right after I sent that !
I was sitting there for awhile after like 🧍‍♂️ oh wow I hope mera didn't take that the wrong way and thought I was just trying to get her to accept my request 😭 bc it was damn near immediate. tbh I thought you wouldn't answer that at all so that eases my brain a little. I am in your friends list tho! Lurking! I truly hope you enjoy my maxed jade 💜💜 he's my pride and joy :D! Even if you don't know which one he is lol
Speaking of actually!!! That twst Halloween thing... the leaks were deleted bc the poster got scared iirc (understandably so. as if work got back to aniplex/disney theyd probably make the game harder to datamine which is a Pain),, but they're still being kinda circulated around in private dms n stuff. So you'd have a hard time finding them if you Dod look for them really. I saw them and I do agree with the other anon though :-)!! I think you'll like it (also,, considering we're still slowly getting through the cast?? I don't think jade would be the ssr just bc he's already had one 💔 ohh but I do also hope for another event jade soon. my silly little creature I miss him!!!)
- :3 anon
Oh I did wanna add to my ask abt the leaks that we don't have the full cast yet?? So tbh it's still mostly up to guessing who's even getting ssrs, etc 💔
Aaa I'm hoping for a Floyd ssr this year personally since he doesn't have one yet . but there's no telling if he's even there this year :-( !!gosh I hope so. Especially looking at that little freak in the preview with the two heads and rolling pins?? Tho tbh?? Could just as much be like. Trey! He's missing an ssr too and he bakes!! Lots it could be aaaaa I'm so excited :D!!!
- :3 again
- - -
OH what unintentional timing!!! Σ(°ロ°) I'm happy I friended you!!! It would've chewed my intestines if I didn't and you were still waiting for me to add you back. T^T but it's a relief that's not the case!! Thank you very much for the max Jade!!!! I will use his power to charge into battle (gathering guest room supplies LOL). May my tako be of use to you!!! <3
I had to physically withhold from searching out the leaks, as difficult to find as they may be. I genuinely opened my writing notebook and started scribbling just so I could prevent the temptation from creeping up on me. >_< feeling like Rollo when he sees ankle for the first time....... </3 AAAAAAA I AM TOO CURIOUS. OTL
👀 oooo now I'm even more excited if you also think I will enjoy it!!! Knowing me and how easy I am to please, I already love it and I don't know anything yet. ^^;;; my heart may not be able to handle how amazing the event is sure to be!!!! AAAAAAAAA >0<
💔 not another SSR Halloween eel..... one can dream. I'm continuing to cling to the hope for Coral Sea event with SSR Jade. Aaaaa but I'm also hoping Floyb gets the SSR for this event!!! Or any of Savanaclaw because they've yet to have a Halloween SSR. :D I've been turning all kinds of characters over in my head trying to determine who might get the SSR (or SSRs if it's more than one). So many thoughts.......
Although I do hope at least one of the eels is part of the cast for the event!!!! Or Azul....... on second thought, they should just put all of the fish in the event (shameless favoritism). (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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ryuichirou · 2 months
I’ve been writing nothing but headcanons during the weekend, so let’s catch up! It’s Monday tradition at this point.
The majority of replies are somewhat related to our recent posts (not every single one though)
Anonymous asked:
What is Katsu's tumblr and what fandoms do they post for?
Katsu mostly uses every platform for lurking (aside from like one personal non-fandom page) and only posts on the Nebula College tumblr, which is our project.
But also, all the fandom stuff that Katsu does is tied to my posting, so it’s all here! Mostly in form of ideas behind some art/comics and sometimes posts.
Anonymous asked:
Do you mind tagging stuff with p*ss specifically? It makes me uncomfortable so I would prefer to be able to exclude them by tags. I'm sorry if this comes off as rude!
I am sorry, Anon, but as you might have noticed, we don’t tag this kind of stuff (for several reasons).
Please use post content filtering; it should filter the entire post (not just the tags) and hide it for you if p*ss or any other theme that you are uncomfortable with is mentioned.
Thank you.
Anonymous asked:
What did Malleus do?
(this is about this post)
Demanded attention, got refused and still decided to kiss Lilia. Lilia is having a hard time with this boy sometimes… Or is it Malleus who is having a hard time with Lilia?
Anonymous asked:
I died of laughter
(this is about this post)
THANK YOU ANON, I love when these little doodles work well with the comic and I get to keep them in the final edit. This is like Floyd’s true essence…
Anonymous asked:
Azul Ashengrotto: Fastest Man Alive 😒
(this is about this post)
I know, right? And he’s proud of it, too!!
Anonymous asked:
Floyd gets beat up on purpose so he can go see Riddle, I just know it.
(this is about this post)
This seems to be the most common conclusion, Anon! But actually Floyd is just way too silly and irresponsible… Azul and Jade keep telling him that he should always have a gun to defend himself, but Floyd keep pushing his luck.
Maybe he really does love coming back to see Riddle for the third time in one week~
Anonymous asked:
are you strict on riddle only being shipped with trey, che'nya, ace and floyd? or are you open to other ships as well?
im asking this because i wanted to ask about your thoughts on certain ships, but i do not wish to overstep. so i just want to make sure!
In general, as long as it doesn’t break the top/bottom thing (see our pinned for details), we don’t mind anything, so feel free to ask!
Anonymous asked:
some times i just look at your tops and bottom lists and throw characters together. like Gidel/Leona because Imagining a stray domestic kitten fucking grown lion royalty… so uh thank you for that mental image!
Anon, this is a fun game lol Sometimes randomness brings such interesting ships that you end up shipping it unironically, I think we’ve had multiple ships like that in other fandoms….
Gidel/Leona though 😭 Leona would automatically assume that Gidel is just as naïve and stupid as any other kitten and regret his judgment greatly. Gidel is a menace to this grown lion royalty…
Anonymous asked:
I see the ship thing has 2 doms sharing a sub like tweels x riddle
But what do u think about 2 subs sharing a dom? I have no idea what an example would be.
We’re more prone to multiple tops/doms + a single sub/bottom, but that doesn’t mean that another scenario is completely impossible! If it works with the dynamic, we’ll love it. But for some reason, I guess we’re just not that interested. It’s good in theory, but doesn’t click, idk why.
Theoretically… Ace could have a wet dream about both Deuce and Riddle at the same time, for example. Azul would love to have Idia and Jamil at the same time too, but this is also a realm of his intense power fantasies lol
Lilia could have fun with multiple boys too, technically nothing stops him. Well, he probably wouldn’t add Malleus to the mix though because it might offend him lol
Rook would also enjoy having multiple subs at once tremendously…
Anonymous asked:
How would the tweels share their partner doing sex? Would they take turns or shove their dicks in at the same time? So basically double penetration
I think they would do both, Anon. They would start with taking turns, but then at some point Floyd would get impatient and say that he doesn’t want to wait + doesn’t want to get his dick sucked either, so Jade has to either move over and get lost or suggest double penetration. And it’s pretty obvious that he would pick the second option~
But also I think it depends on a hole and how stretchy it is…
Anonymous asked:
Ever since I got into Danganronpa, I entertain myself by making executions for random characters. Azul’s is looking pretty gruesome thus far.
OHHH Azul would have an amazing execution.
But I also feel like he would end up becoming a takoyaki or something among the lines.
Anonymous asked:
"Results on the jellyfish sting experiment:
The recent fieldtrip to the beach, which in my boundless graciousness I offered to the students as a chance to rest away from their obligations, has revealed to be the perfect environment in which to prepare this test. To measure each dorm's loyalty and their ability to take swift decisions when deprived of magical aids, we took notes on their reactions after each housewarden was stung by a jellyfish.
Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw students were the quickest to spring into action, leaving their housewardens little time to protest before providing relief with their own urine. We had made preparations in advance to make sure that no one would get hurt if they had decided to lash out, but it seems we might have underestimated the danger that Rosehearts poses even without his magic. We wish for all the unfortunate victims a speedy recovery.
Both Octavinelle and Pomefiore were far more willing to let their leaders take care of the problem. I had accurately predicted that the ones selected by the spirit of the Beautiful Queen would know better than just believe some baseless rumours, and it seems that Octavinelle students might have believed Ashengrotto to be used to this sort of incidents as an acquatic creature himself. Interestingly, when the two housewardens were stung by the jellyfish and some of their students were wondering if they should urinate on it, both vice-housewardens had responded individually with "How should we do that? It already swam away!". Needless to say, neither housewarden appreciated the joke.
As expected, we weren't able to get Al-Asim without also hurting Viper who, despite our best efforts to catch them while his guard was down, took the first hit for him. The Scarabia dorm split pretty evenly to tend to the two of them, and it surprised me greatly to note that their housewarden already knew about how inefficient urine is as a remedy. Viper on the other hand was unable to get his exuberant helpers to listen to him. I suppose that they may not yet fully trust his judgement after the events that took place during winter break. Even so, they were all so eager to aid him, I can't help but get teary eyed witnessing the care they hold in their hearts for their vice-housewarden.
Diasomnia students ended up spilling more tears than any other fluid, rallied on by Vanrouge to assist their leader. Were they tears of pride in being of use to the heir of Briar Valley? Or shame for sullying him? When questioned about it, the students weren't quite sure either. They also had to restrain one of the first years, who will remain anonymous, from chasing after the culprit into the depths of the ocean to get revenge.
Similarly, the younger Shroud also took the lead, giving his fellow dormmates a speech that I found far more... unothodox than Vanrouge's. At times he made it sound almost like the real objective would be the humiliation of their housewarden, which stirred the students in a completely different direction from the one I intended. For a brief moment I was afraid that it would lead to a prank war the likes of which I haven't seen as headmaster since the great hedgehog repopulation incident from fifteen years ago...
P.S. Funya~! Why doesn't anyone just pee in the sea when they go in? That way it cancels out the jellyfish venom when it stings you!"
Just decided to be a funny guy in the ask box today...
(this is related to this post holy shit)
Anon, I am honestly speechless. I don’t even have anything to add, let me just stand up and clap. It wasn’t just a jellyfish sting, it was a proper behavioural + sociological survey!! 😭
I really chuckled on the “it already swam away” part, more than I should have…
Plus the little comment from none other than the fluffiest peeing-in-the-sea expert, it makes it extra perfect.
Thank you for this ask…
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andypantsx3 · 11 months
would you happen to have any tips for getting your work noticed and making friends with other writers in the community? ;w;
Hello my love!! This is an interesting question!! Idk that I have a tried-and-true model to recommend you follow because I've sort of found myself where I am by accident!!
In terms of my own fics finding an audience, I mostly just happened to be in the right place at the right time, aka writing fics 3.5 years ago when the pandemic fanfic boom happened! I think most of my readers are just people who happened to see me around then!! (Thanks for sticking around guys, I love you. 🥺)
And I'm a little more chatty now that I've found my footing, but I'm actually fairly introverted; my first fandom friendships were mostly formed by dint of a bunch of extroverts adopting me lmao.
So I do think a lot of success anywhere, not just in fic writing, is down to luck! But if I had to think on what things I would do if I was trying to get a few new eyes on my stories and meet some more cool people, I'd say the following:
Join servers! I really enjoy the servers I've joined, although people can tell you I mostly lurk lmao, but they're a good place to chat and get to know people more intimately. I think this is probably the number one way to make friends in fandom!!
Join collabs! If you're in a fic-centric server they will also sometimes offer collab events and that's a good way to get your work on people's radars!! But there's plenty of non-server collabs that writers offer on here too!! I'd be on the lookout for those and join any that seem fun!
Join networks/writer communities! I'm not a member of any network, but I do follow blkwriters, which is a community dedicated to boosting black fic writers. Not sure if either of this applies to you, but I'm sure there are other networks out there applicable to either you or the type of fics you're interested in writing!!
Join zines! This is similar to joining collabs, in that it's a good way to get your work on people's radars and meet new peeps!! There's also the added benefit, for some zines, of beta mods who will give feedback on your work too, something that I found really useful when I did mine!!
There's also the marketing advice of like, making cool banners and finding the right posting time, and writing for popular characters, etc etc but I think you should tell the stories you wanna tell and not let the ~fandom market~ dictate what you do!! (The cool banners part though definitely do if it interests you. Our benevolent design angel todorosie has a couple of good advice posts on how to get started with that!!)
Lastly, I know people don't like it when I say it, but I'm gonna say it anyway lol because I truly believe it and it always bears repeating when it comes to talking about engagement. But always keep in mind that it's about the quality of engagement and not quantity!! Make friends and tell stories for the pleasure of doing so, and I think you will find the deepest satisfaction in that!!
I personally have found after having some fics that people would probably consider successful, and some that I think people would consider flops, what really means the most is when you make a deep connection with someone, even if it's one of only like, 15 notes on a fic. One enthusiastic friend can literally make an entire fic worth it.
Anyway that's what I can think of!! I hope at least some of this is helpful!! And if people have other ideas please feel free to chime in!!
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bistaxx · 4 months
Actually I don't think I'm gonna publish that post afterall, half cuz I don't wanna rewrite it and half cuz judging by the posts I've seen a lot of people have already said what I was going to anyway- so here's a condensed version- and this is mostly just me getting some stuff out of my system tbh lol
I still really do not get why the server didn't close down for longer/do a hiatus, it just genuinely seemed like the most logical solution from every angle: a financial one, a burn-out one, a reconstruction one, and to strengthen credibility and trust- instead they just kept things going again as soon as they could and it just felt so careless and so cruel to the employees who'd been let go with no explanation or those left in limbo unsure if they still even had a job or not. It also was just not fun at all watching a server that felt like a soulless zombie-shell of it's former self.
I get needing to let go of the egg admins- I'd much rather say goodbye then have them strung along underpaid/not paid at all solely because fan loves them and they rake in views.
That said I wish the goodbye streams were better planned and it's a bitter feeling knowing some of the eggs won't ever get to say goodbye
Somewhat related to above, what Cherry (Em's admin) said on stream REALLY does not give me any hope that this new team will be any better then the last- At the very least I'm glad Cherry has the other former admins and Bagi there to support her.
same goes for the twitter translators who were canned and replaced with AI- like I can get those teams being cut because those roles were imo a LOT to ask out of an employee and not sustainable- it's the way they went about it that leaves an extremely sour taste in my mouth and makes me worry that there could be more fired employees who were treated similarly.
I still really do not know how to feel about the reset especially since we don't know anything about it- Common thought seems to be it is happening on the 24th which like...first of all why is this happening so soon why are you so obsessed with rushing back into things stop it- second of all... I just don't know if I feel comfortable sticking around for it cuz like I said above right now I don't feel like I can trust this new team not to repeat the same shit the past one did (and I'll most likely miss it anyway since I work that day of fucking course LOL)
I don't hate this project, I don't want to root for it's failure, I don't want it all to fall apart- I wanted it to get better- I'm critical of it because I wanted it to be better for everyone. I'm beyond devastated with how this turned out, all the wasted potential from every angle just eats me up inside, I truly thought things were going to get better. A naive hurt part of me is always gonna wish that things do get better and maybe somehow the stories I loved so dearly will somehow come back... but that is such copium lmao
I'm probably still gonna lurk around because I love the community on here and because I am morbidly curious to see what they're gonna do with this project next... I don't think I'll watch personally, but I'll keep up with the liveblogs. I stopped my queue awhile back cuz I felt so bad about the server and everything, but I'm gonna reopen it soon. Even though I still feel too bitter rn to look back on it all fondly I still want to support a talented resilient community that deserved better.
I wish I could feel better about it all, but I'm not gonna waste time getting my hopes up.
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menheramar · 1 year
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Hi! I'm Mar :) I use she/they/it pronouns and I'm 20! I'm new to tumblr so I'm just making this as an official intro (I've only ever really lurked on anon accounts tbh). I'll be posting my art here, among other things, like manga translations. I also need this post to be able to properly format my blog lol. As for an introduction... I'm autistic and I like raccoons and anime :) I'm also a menhera and super into yamikawaii and yumekawaii fashion. I've been in the menhera community for a few years but I'm mostly a lurker. I've also been wayyy too into Bungou Stray Dogs lately so I guess you can expect BSD and menhera related stuff here. Keep expectations low though (>﹏<)
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My therapist asked me to say one word to describe myself yesterday, and I said "creature" so make with that what you will.
It's nice to meet everyone :)
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the-one-who-lambs · 6 months
AO3 Questions Tag Game!
I was tagged by @bamsara (on my main @onethirdofimpossible but most of my readers follow me here for cotl stuff so I'm posting it here)
I tag @i-eat-deodorant and @megsiepoo!
Under the readmore because this is long as shit
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What’s your total AO3 word count?
213,360 words published
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Previously: Pokemon (no longer online), Steven Universe, a few Deep-Sea Prisoner games (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, The Grey Garden, Ice Scream)
Currently: Cult of the Lamb
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods. Until the rewrite of RL/FG is done, this is my magnum opus
Present My first ever CotL fic. This was the first time I'd written fic in like four years and I was dusting off my writing muscles...
Smitten soft narilamb....
Cat(nip) Boy wrote this for shits and giggles in my early fandom days. The One Who Waits on catnip
How Narinder Takes His Tea First part of the old RL/FG series. Though I'm remaking it as a longform multichap fic, I'm keeping up the old series because of the memories + I don't want other people who saved the old one to lose it.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
All the time! I was able to respond to literally every single comment back in 2022, but as last year went on, I realized I probably can't realistically do that anymore. It's a blessing and a curse.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We already knew how this would turn out. Title not given directly in my answer in case of spoilers. My readers saw it coming because I had built up to it, but I took my time writing the gradual reveal in the last chapter to make sure it landed the way I wanted it to.
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And one more comment I won't post here bc (for anyone who wants to read it) spoils the ending but shoutout to the person who physically felt the shock lurch through their body when the realization hit them after the slow build-up.
As much as I love angsty stories with happy endings, what gets me more are stories that are happy at face value, with endings that are heartwrenching because of the underbelly of what lurked beneath that facade.
7 – What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God. Bit a spoilers below if you're avoiding that
The original wedding fic (as part of the original series) is up, but it's going to get a good polishing in the rewrite. Lambert and Narinder are going to have a private first dance, Thenana and Narinder are going to have a deeper conversation, Ratau's interactions with Lambert are gonna be shown rather than just told, Aym and Baal will be revived.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Mostly no. There was one time last year that I was compared to another writer in the fandom and slowly asks evolved into "your own concepts are being done better by others" and shit, and the other writer got hate messages as well, and... well, it was a whole thing. Don't wanna talk too in detail about it because I don't wanna beat a dead horse but cotl writers have unionized so we got the last laugh I guess
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol ya it's on remainderofreality. What "kind?" uh. experimental because I'd never tried the genre before this fandom and it kinda shows but that's okay.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Honestly, I'm not really into crossovers! Unless it's Webber in cotl. He can stay, he's cute.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah. It was actually the first fic I posted online, ever. In middle school, I wrote a whole ~100k-ish word self-insert pokemon fanfic, which I wrote by hand in like five composition notebooks, so I never posted that online. But after that I decided to post shorter one-shots for pokemon online, and a few months later I found one of mine reposted without credit. Plagiarized entirely, basically. It scared me and I deleted everything I had posted online, and I don't have extra copies of the works now. :(
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd be okay with it if I was asked beforehand and proper credit was given!
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yeah! Of Duty and Devotion is basically a glorified roleplay between me as Aym, @i-eat-deodorant as Baal, @checkplzjuliet as The Lamb, and @surfdudeboy as Narinder. I also wrote Hide and Seek, a cute little Bishop family one-shot, with @lordiedams (hi Damien I miss you).
14 – What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Narilamb. I haven't focused on a ship for this long, except maybe Rupphire back in the day, but I'm fixated so much more on CotL than I was for SU.
15 – What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Of Duty and Devotion lmao. I'm much more focused on my own projects and so are Pavi, Surf, and Juliet. I do want to finish it though.
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, diction, syntax, getting the intended point across and doing it well. Once I commit to doing something, I don't usually let myself "give up" on it, hence why I barely have any unfinished WIPs. That's a skill honed with tons of practice, though. I have massive ADHD, and I'm bad at finishing things, but when it comes to writing by god I'm gonna do it.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
I often struggle to get to a point where I'm totally focused in on what I'm writing. It does happen once or twice a month, but honestly, I'm usually so busy with life stuff that I don't get to do that most of the time! I wish I had more time to make room for my hobbies, but alas. At least summer is coming up, and I'll be able to do that more often, hopefully!
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's possible to do it naturally for sure, but I rarely see it done well in fic. I've never attempted it...... or, wait, have I? I guess Thenana's sign language counts, huh? ...I feel like I need to do more research about this topic to answer the question properly.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon <3
20 – Favorite fic you’ve written?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God or The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods.
Risen/Fallen (and the enemies-to-lovers narilamb dynamic) was like the first thing that I did to make a "mark" on this fandom, and I didn't expect it to inspire so many people for sure! But, the first iteration of the series was so rushed. I wrote the whole thing in just over three weeks and averaged one chapter published every day and a half. Now that I have a better grasp on the characters after playing with them for a long while, I get to see my improvement, and I get to see so many friends I've made along the way sticking with me, the revamped "director's cut" version is definitely on track to be my favorite work.
However. It has yet to surpass Care and Keeping. As the oldest of four kids in my family, I based so much of Shamura on my experiences as an eldest sibling, and many of the experiences the younger bishops had in their formative years on our own childhoods. I based Narinder's childhood off of brother #1's (brother who is two years younger than me), Kallamar's childhood on my own, Heket's childhood on my sister's (five years younger than me), and Leshy's off of my youngest brother's (ten years younger than me). This story wasn't just an exploration of the Bishops and their dynamic/relationship pre-canon, it's also a testament to my own love as an eldest sibling... and all the anxiety associated with that, too.
Thanks for tagging me! Back to working on my presentation...
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tamelee · 6 months
Hi, I recently followed like in the last week or smth. I wanted to comment on that post that you just made-- I'm sorry people aren't spending there energy in more constructive manners and that you had that garbage in your inbox.
I understand why comments would be restricted. I gotta say, I truly love your art. I've been on/off tumblr for years (diff accts over time) and your art & reblogs are legit a big reason why I check my dash daily. (Even if I've been lurking more than interacting rn)
ik we don't know each other, but SasuNaru (whichever order it is, i tbh dont get the variation.. ;u; ) was my very first ship so long ago. Given my early life their relationship (fanon/canon) gave me hope and helped me push through and ultimately heal some abandonment wounds. These two have been thru hell and back and give me the audacity to believe I and my loved ones can make it back too.
That all being said, Ik it is easier to say "don't let them get under your skin" and all, and that you didn't talk about quitting. But I hope you don't. You're wildly talented. Thank you for sharing what you choose to.
Hi~ @theskinofawriterbella ! Ah dw, it’s usually easy to ignore certain asks and I mostly do, but sometimes I feel like responding when it’s part of a bigger thing/issue. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I stopped doing what I do, especially because other people say I should… I’m ultimately doing this because I love creating. (Oh yes, the comments are restricted! I forgot about that, but it should be temporarily! ^^) 
And whoaaa really!?! That is so kind of you, thank you so much ;-;💕!!! 
I’m sorry to hear you’ve being going through bad times, though I’m very happy that you were able to connect with something and find hope/strength that way. I’d wish’ that for anyone. Naruto’ truly is such a story, don’t you think? As idealistic and flawed (through demographic limitation) it may seem now, its messages are inspiring and Kishimoto truly has a gift that lets you connect with the characters on an emotional level. Especially Naruto and Sasuke and their bond, naturally.
Ahhh I completely missed those glory SNS days. I hear about them frequently from my friend in Japan. Unfortunately I’m a bit late with being an SNS-fan xD and I couldn’t watch everything the first time, but I did see a few episodes and I don’t think there was anything else that lifted my spirits like Naruto’s attitude had. I had my books and my movies which always helped me escape, but I think I could write my own book about all the times Naruto inspired some action I took, because I too grew up in a village that absolutely hated me. Not for the same reason of course, lol, I was just a weird outsider and all, but I did think “well, if Naruto can smile through his pain and still go after his dream then I can as well.” A bit optimistic I’d say, but still. I have no idea what you went through, but on some level I’m sure, I can relate to what you say. I understand. 
Thank you for sharing this with me and taking your time to write and send it 🥰 I really appreciate it ^^! 
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