#i'm not super close to this aunt so don't worry
My aunt got diagnosed with lung cancer that was late to be diagnosed and now traveled to her throat. She smoked over a pack of cigarettes a day. So the lesson you should take from this is, don't smoke kids. You could end up with lung cancer and die.
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augustvandyne · 5 months
Hey! could you please right a natasha x wife r? Idk if you remember when the avengers have to take refuge and they have to go to clints house (he's reluctant bc he has a secret family only nat knows about)? well could you write it so it's actually nats family that no one knows about? and she's super reluctant to take them there
everyone's alive and no one knew she had a family (not even clint) and the timeline is SUPER wack bc plot twist, yelenas already there. the avengers are hurt nat didn't tell them and they're kinda mad too
nats wife doesn't like having them there bc it's her home and they're putting them all in more danger then they normally are in. the kids don't like them either bc they 'take their mom away' or something like that (but the kids adooore their aunt yelena)
this is super long I'm sorry but the idea has been plaguing my head and I feel like it would be fun to read about. thank you and have a great day!
hi! yes! don’t worry about it being too long, i’ll listen to and write whatever thoughts you have.
You and Yelena were baking a cake when pack of Avengers came piling through the front door.
You were expecting Natasha later in the week, and alone. Not with the danger that is literally standing in your doorway.
That was the best part of this place, there was no danger. Nat left work at work, and when she came home all she focused on was her family—you, Yelena, and your two lovely children.
So you were definitely surprised, and not happy, to see the other five Avengers.
You walk further into the living room, and when Nat sees you, her face is immediately apologetic.
“Who are all these people?” Yelena comes and stands beside you in the living room, staring up at all the men.
“This is Steve, Clint, Tony, Thor, and Bruce. They’re my friends,” Natasha shrugs.
“Uh, no, we’re not your friends now,” Clint crosses his arms with sass.
“They’re the Avengers,” You correct your wife. “And they shouldn’t be here.”
“Listen, I wasn’t going to even bring them here, but—“
“It’s our fault, ma’am,” Steve interrupted.
“Oh, here we go,” Tony throws his hands in the air.
“What?” Steve whines.
“First the language, and now the manners. Good god,” Tony rolls his eyes.
“Okay, take it elsewhere. More preferably, back to where you came from,” You fake smile, earning a glare from Nat.
“Where are the kids?” Nat asks, and you get the feeling she needs to talk. Alone.
“Upstairs in the playroom. Yelena, why don’t you take them outside to play on the swing set?” You ask sweetly.
“Ah, gotcha,” Yelena gave a look to Natasha that said, good luck.
The kids say hello to Nat, made faces at the men still in your living room, and then squealed with joy out the door because their mama is home.
You looked away from the door and back up at the Avengers once again. Nat softly grabs you by the arm and pulls your towards the other side of the living room.
“What are they doing here, Nat?” You lean closer, your foreheads slightly touching.
“I had no other choice,” Natasha’s raspy voice makes it hard not to forgive her.
You sigh and purse your lips.
“Really,” Nat insists. “If there was any other choice, I would have made it. We just got into a little trouble, and need to camp out for a few days.”
You made a vow not to ask what trouble she was in, so you kept your mouth shut when she says this.
“Okay. But if there’s even a little bit of damage to the house, they are paying for it,” You lift your head up and walk back towards the group, Natasha following close behind.
Nat glances your way, then back at the boys, “We can stay here. But only for a few days.”
“So this is where Lady Natasha goes every time she takes off,” Thor nods.
“Yes. A home we didn’t even know about?” Bruce shakes his head.
“I can’t believe you never told me,” Clint looks genuinely hurt when Nat looks at him. “I thought we were friends.”
“Yeah, what he said,” Tony puts his hand on his chest.
You roll your eyes and head back to the kitchen before the cake burns, letting your wife deal with her friends/fellow Avengers.
You finish the frosting Yelena had started, and ice the cake once it comes out of the oven. You then start on dinner. Something easy everyone can enjoy—pasta.
Dinner goes about as well as you thought it would.
Nat and the kids catch up. She just saw them a week or so ago, so there isn’t much to catch up, but you love watching Natasha play and talk with the kids.
You try not to laugh as the kids keep making faces at the guys.
Your daughter starts to kick Tony in the shin, to which him and your daughter start having a staring contest.
“Okay, what are you guys doing?” Nat asked.
“Your tiny agent keeps kicking me,” Tony says, never taking his eyes off the smaller girl.
“Okay she’s not an agent, and it’s probably because you take her mother away every chance you get,” You sighed with frustration. “Good she’s kicking you, maybe you’ll leave then.”
“I’m sorry,” You look at your wife. “I said it was okay, even though you’re putting us it more danger. But, I will try to be civil, but only for Natasha.”
“Thank you.”
Later in the night you had assigned everyone to places in the house to spend the night.
Yelena had volunteered to spend the night with the kids, so at least two people could bunk in there, and it was fine by you because the kids adored Yelena.
So two people slept in Yelena’s room, you had one in the living room, and two in the guest room downstairs.
“They are mad at me, you know?” Nat brushed through her hair.
“They’ll get over it. It’s a safe house,” You wrap your arms around her waist from behind. “You are supposed to keep it secret.”
“I know,” Nat turns so you two are face to face. “I love you, and thank you for letting us stay here. We’ll be out of her in two days, tops.”
“Good,” You plant a kiss on the side of Natasha’s mouth.
“But I might not be back for a while,” Nat cups your cheek in her hand.
“I had a feeling,” You look down.
“I’ll just have to make it up to you.”
“How about you start now?” You lift a brow and squeal as your wife picks you up and puts you on the bed.
Danger aside, you loved having your wife back in your arms, and you were granted with just that from this crazy mission.
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blingblong55 · 3 months
Isn't she lovely? -141
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Based on a request: simon riley who is a girls dad and his daughter comes home upset one day and very quiet. it goes on like this for the week but not only does he notice but his friends, the taskforce 141 as they are close with simon's family. they get super worried as she's usually happy and brings light into the room but now she's avoiding eye contact, speaking, and jokes. realize she's being bullied at school and they go to the school to "deal" with the situation and make this whole pink themed tea party to make her feel better. ---- No mentions of reader, dad!ghost, fluff, uncles!141 ----
Task Force 1-4-1 is not just a badass team on the field with all those cruel people but also dads and the best uncles any kid could ask for. It's funny, they always joked about those stupid dates they were set up on or the way one of them was getting married and as the years go by they all retire one by one, finding themselves becoming one big family.
Today, at their monthly family dinner, Simon and his lovely wife find themselves hosting the dinner. Their two youngest kids running around with their cousins and Soap's wife, the most energetic aunt of all. "Where's the little one?" Price asks as the oldest child of the group was nowhere in the home. Usually, she'd sit near her uncles and they'd pamper her for being the first and favourite of all kids…but don't tell that to the others.
"School, my missus is picking her up," Simon says before taking a sip from his drink.
And once his pretty wife arrives, his daughter follows along. Her greeting to her aunts and uncles was dry, with no usual jokes or funny comments towards Uncle Soap's long mohawk.
"Wow..stop there, kid, come back," Gaz says but the 8-year-old ignores him.
It's fascinating how these so-called cold-hearted men have turned soft for their loves and little loves. So, if one of them is hurt, the guns and bombs come back just for a moment.
"What happened to 'er?" Soap asks Simon's wife and she sighs. "A boy in her class made fun of her leather jacket and pink dress, she's been like this since I picked her up," she says and Simons sighs in frustration. "Who is the kid?" Simon asks and his wife gives him a knowing look. Headmasters kid, of course.
"I'm going after that little shit," Simon says and as he gets up from the sofa, the other men follow along.
"Simon, no, don't do that-" "My daughter is a cool kid, if she wants to wear a leather jacket like her dad and her pink dress then she will and that fuckin' kid won't make her question how cool she is," he says through gritted teeth.
The four men make their way to the school.
"Are they going to hurt a kid?" Price's wife asks. "Maybe the dad, but not a kid," Soap's wife says.
An hour later, more than they should've taken, the burly men come back. A small smile appears on the soft face of Simon's daughter. "Daddy!" She runs to him.
The four men wearing pink tiaras, pink fluffy tutus and even some pink shirt Soap found at the store. "Cool dads wear pink," the shirt says and although they were tight shirts, their wives have to admit, they look awesome wearing them.
Simon picks his daughter up, "Like my outfit princess?" he kisses her forehead. "It's like mine!" she smiles and Simon nods. "We were jealous that you had to outshine us this way, so…we had to outshine you," he smiles.
"Now, go get your hair up, we'll serve the boring people food and for us five…we'll hold a tea party before dinner," he smiles as he watches his precious daughter's face light up. There she is and her smile.
It was cute and funny, but beautiful enough to have pictures of this moment.
They were truly family men now and that's what anyone would wish for, even if it included tiaras and a sassy uncle.
At a small table, where their knees hit their chest, the four former SAS soldiers sat around, getting served tea and crumpets by a special little princess.
Tags: @liyanahelena @uniquecroissant
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vox-ex · 8 months
supercorptober 2023
I′ve waited 'til the moment's right To look into those starry eyes And say the words That I′m thinking all the time - The Hunts, I Do
or Kara's plans to propose almost go awry, because of course they don't.
"Aunt Kara"
Esme whispered, tugging gently on her sleeve, her eyes round with worry.
"Yeah Bug"'
"Why are we breaking into Aunt Lena's office?" Momma says that's something robbers do."
Kara pinched the bridge of her nose, the two of them stopped just outside of Lena's office.
"Of course she does." She kneeled down in front of Esme. "Listen..."
Kara bit her lip, contemplating how to answer. They were just getting something back that wasn't even supposed to be in there. Something that belonged to her anyway. Something that no one but her currently knew even existed. But how could she explain all that to a six-year-old?
"Well, we're, uh, we're just entering, no breaking? So it's fine."
But Esme was clearly not entirely convinced.
"So why do we have to be all sneaky then? She rocked back and forth on her feet. "Is it because that lady at the desk doesn't like you?"
"Wh-what, who, Jess, no Jess, Jess likes me. I bought her a cactus." Kara insisted
"Gerald?" Esme eyes widened with curiosity. "She said you almost killed Gerald once."
Kara chuckled nervously.
"That was like more than a year ago, and, if anything, Gerald almost killed me!."
She looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was close enough to hear them.
She lowered her voice again just in case.
"Jess is just suspicious and very very protective."
But Esme had moved already on.
"Is it because we're on a secret mission then?"
"That"— she grinned, ruffling Esme's hair — "is exactly why."
Kara stood up and reached for Esme's hand, leading her into Lena's office.
"I left something super secret in Aunt Lena's coat, and we need to get it back."
Kara's eyes darted nervously around the office.
Her gaze falling on a coat draped over the back of a nearby chair just as Esme's hand slipped from hers, going straight for it without hesitation.
"I see it!"
So much for being sneaky.
"Great job, Bug
But Kara couldn't help but smile at her niece's enthusiasm.
Kara joined her on the other side of the room where Lena's coat, well technically her coat, was lying. She reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the soft material before slipping into the pocket, her breath catching when she found the ring box seemingly untouched.
She glanced at Esme, who grinned back at her, and slipped the box into her own pocket just as the door behind them opened.
She turned, heart pounding in her chest.
"Jess thinks you're in here planning a heist of some sort," Lena's voice filled the room, her smirking figure appearing in the doorway.
Esme immediately ran to her, arms wrapping around Lena's legs and head resting against her stomach.
"Hi, my love," Lena greeted warmly, her eyes flicking over to Kara with a raised eyebrow.
Esme smiled up at her.
"Don't worry, we're just entering, but not breaking."
"Well, that's reassuring; never can be quite sure about that second part with your Aunt."
"Hey!" Kara protested, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. "I don't think I'm the only one to blame for at least several of the things broken in this office."
She watched as Lena's cheeks flushed pink too.
"Uh-huh. Well, to what do I owe your entering?"
Kara nudged Esme gently, and she proudly grinned at Lena.
"We came to take you to lunch!"
"You did, did you?" Lena asked, amusement dancing in her eyes as she looked between them. "Hmm, well, I suppose I could do with some lunch."
As they prepared to leave, Kara noticed Lena picking up her coat, her heart fluttering when she paused with it in her hands.
"Well, that's silly."
"What is?"
Lena turned the coat back and forth.
"I must have grabbed your coat instead of mine this morning. Sorry about that. I was in such a hurry that I didn't even realize or apparently even bother to hang it up when I came in."
"It's okay." Kara shrugged her shoulder, gripping the box in her pocket again as if to make sure it was still her.
With the other, she reached out for Lena's hand, thumb subtly ghosting over her ring finger as she threaded their finger together.
"I didn't even realize either."
read and follow along on Ao3 too
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idyllcy · 29 days
engagement shoot - tim drake x reader (pretty bird countdown #8)
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"How many hours is that?" Tim blinks incredulously at your screen.
"Fifty? I've been grinding all my free time on this game. It's concerning."
"Alright, come on. You have a paper due and we need to take the engagement photos."
"Oh!" You gasp. "Wait, I have a photo — not that we have to use it, but a stranger took photos of us running at the beach during a storm in our wedding attire and somehow found me. We look super cute."
Tim looks over your shoulder at the photos, humming as a smile spreads on his face.
"You look happy."
"No shit, sherlock. You look like your cheeks hurt in the photo too."
"I suppose it did." Tim hums, scrolling through your phone as you hand it to him. "I think we're both happy."
"Yeah, I'd hope so." You hum. "Why are we taking engagement photos? Aren't we already married?"
"Bruce wants something to put on the fridge."
"Are these photos not okay?"
"I want a red booklet." Tim deadpans.
"I want a red booklet." He deadpans. "I want to be able to flip out our marriage photos at any chance."
"A lockscreen's not enough?"
"You're the one who thought it was cute." Tim hums. "And don't worry about the legality of all that stuff. They make unofficial ones for foreigners who wish to participate."
"Wait. You're flying there just for a red booklet?"
"And to visit your family. Your aunts keep texting me to stay for longer this time around."
"And my dad?"
"He's still at work."
"Do they not make them here?"
"Do you not want to go back? Besides, don't you want an insane set of photos for our wedding?"
"We're having a wedding?!"
"If we have a wedding."
"The venues there are pretty..." You mumble. "or, you spend four times the prince to have one in Gotham."
"Pretty bird, your husband's a billionaire."
"Ah, ah, ah." You shake your finger. "Your dad's a billionaire."
"I'm a millionaire. Close enough."
"That's a three-digit difference." You hum. "I don't mind hosting it in Gotham, though."
"We can plan that for later." Tim sighs. "Aren't you longing for wedding photos that people will look back on and go "holy fuck they were hot?"
You purse your lips and pretend to think. "Mayyybe."
"Oh, you know what? It'd be hilarious for your sibling's children to say that." You mumble. "Who's that weird aunt with no kids?"
"Who's that weird uncle who will not shut up about our aunt?"
"I bet Bruce is going to have the time of his life."
"Do you think he's ever going to settle down?"
"With the way the writers can't decide who to have him marry? No."
"Stop breaking the fourth wall." 
You stick your tongue out at him. 
"So... wedding photos?"
"Yes." You grin. 
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fangirlfrom-hell · 7 months
One of Those Days || Jay Halstead x Halstead Sister
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We deserved more interactions between Kim and Jay, that's all I'm saying.
I was thinking about this day where I was feeling super shitty at school, my self harm habits were horrible back then and I always wanted to cry. Since my mom was working, I texted my aunt and she took me to her house. She knew I was pretending to have a headache, but anyway followed my game. My little cousin lend me her bed to lay down and she decided it was a good idea to read The Little Prince for me to fall asleep 💕
“Do you want me to call your dad?” The receptionist at school asked the girl infront of her. Her head was slightly lowered and her hair covered a good part of her face.
“Can you call my brother instead?” Becca asked in a low crackly voice.
The receptionist sighed, “Sure. But you know I can’t let you go without your dad’s permission”
The girl nodded and sat in the hard plastic chairs of the office to wait while the woman spoke on the phone.
“…Yes, she has a headache…She’s alright, but seems like it’s getting worse. The nurse checked her, but can’t really do much. Sure, she’s at the office. Thank you, Mr. Halstead”
“Becca, your brother will be here as soon as he can. Go get your stuff, I’ll call your dad to let him know”
She didn't really have a headache, but it seemed like "fake it 'til you make it" was a real thing because she was now starting to feel discomfort in her head. Although it might have been because she was struggling not to cry in front of everyone. Her nose was now red, and her eyes were watery. Everybody thought it was due to allergies or the flu, but in reality, she was swallowing hard, trying to retain tears rolling down.
“Let’s go, Beccs”, Jay said while picking up his sister’s backpack from the floor.
The walk to the parking lot was silent; she knew that if she talked, she would burst into tears. A hole in her chest appeared the minute she saw her brother, and now it was growing fast inside of her.
Jay was eagerly typing on his phone, dealing with work issues he couldn't leave for later. He was worried; since he received the call from the school, his gut told him Becca's emergency wasn't about being sick, and now, even looking at her sideways, he could confirm it.
The detective opened the car a few steps before they reached it. Both siblings went to the same side of the truck, the girl ready to jump inside, while her brother was putting her belongings on the back seat. When Jay closed the door, Becca was still outside waiting for him. She was scratching her eye, and as soon as their gazes crossed, she started to silently cry. Instinctively, brother and sister took a step forward to hug each other; there was no time for Jay to bend to her height, so she squeezed his waist tightly.
"Did something happen, or is it only the feeling?" He tilted his ear to be able to hear the answer.
Becca moved her head, saying no, her face still sunken in his stomach, "Only the feeling."
"Alright," he softly said. They stayed like that for a moment before actually going inside the truck.
With a mixture of affection and concern, Jay stared at his sister before starting the car. "Do you want to talk?" He spoke gently. Her delicate attempt to wipe away the evidence of her tears with the sleeve of her sweater tugged at his heartstrings.
Becca despised being seen in such a fragile state; the vulnerability on display only heightened her emotions. It struck her as ironic that the very person who made her feel secure and shielded, her brother, was the one in front of whom she felt the most exposed. In the tumult of her emotions, Jay remained her safe person, the only one she could trust.
"It's the pain in the chest, the black hole. It's growing."
He frowned with a slight nod. Jay knew perfectly what she was talking about, and he hated to be so powerless about it.
"I don't want to go home," she begged. Becca's face made Jay's heart drop; you could see the pain in her puffy eyes and her cheeks a bit swollen along with her pink nose.
He swallowed hard, "I honestly wouldn't take you there even if you asked me to. You are coming with me, but I still have things to do at the bullpen."
“I can wait”
On the road back to the 21st District, Jay’s phone never stopped ringing, but anyway he passed by a drive-thru to get an ice-cream for Becca, a nice attempt to cheer her up a bit.
“Feeling a bit better?” He asked before getting inside of the building. At least, the crying was controlled for a moment. “Alright, let’s go”.
It was obvious she had been crying, but nobody said a thing about it. All the cops, detectives and seargets greeted the girl with a warm smile and acted normal around her.
Becca stayed in the coffee room and never got out of there. After all the weeping, exhaustion took its toll, and she found herself drifting into sleep on the arm of the sofa. Jay periodically entered to check on her, his stress evident as he felt the weight of time pressing against him. The clock relentlessly ticked away, yet the workload showed no sign of diminishing.
Kim noticed, and after preparing to leave by taking her coat and bag, she approached her friend. "Hey! I'm already done here and heading home. If you want, and if she wants to, I can take Becca with me. I just need to pick up Mak from school, and then we'll be home."
The detective hesitated, “Uhm—“
"Look, I don't know what's going on with her, but at least she can properly rest there..." Kim's voice carried a note of genuine concern, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and worry for both of them.
They turned their heads to see how the girl was all tangled in her spot.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. That way you won’t have the pressure—I mean, you’ll still have the pressure, but it will be different knowing she’s comfortable in a safe place…I know the feeling, Jay”
After a few seconds of deliberating in his mind, he thankfully agreed only for his sister’s comfort.
“Don’t worry, don’t rush. You can pick her up whenever you can, doesn’t matter if it’s late”, Burgess said before departing and Jay knew she was honest, “I’ll take care of her”
Makayla was delighted with Becca's presence but was too shy to interact with her. Since they didn't have visitors often, this was kind of a new experience for her.
"Mak," her mom called, "Becca is not feeling very well, would you lend her your bed for a little while so she can rest?"
"Sure!" Despite her short life, Makayla's tender heart had already weathered enough storms, shaping her into a compassionate soul capable of understanding when someone else was beaten down or in pain. She sensed all that in Becca and was willing to make her feel good. "I can even lend her my stuffies," she added as an innocent gesture. Now addressing their guest directly, she continued, "They'll keep you company and won't be scary if you wake up in the dark."
Kim guided Becca to the room and arranged everything for her, picking up some clothes and toys that her daughter had left on the floor. Meanwhile, Makayla was opening drawers and climbing them to reach the highest shelf where the books were placed.
"There you go, make yourself comfortable," Burgess said while still fixing the unmade bed.
“And I’ll read you something to help you sleep”, Makayla approached holding a big book with her small hands.
“Mak, sweetie, no. We’re going out while she sleeps, okay? But you can read to me”, she took her hand to lead her out.
“No, mom. She doesn’t need to be alone right now”, Makayla’s big dark eyes were over Becca. “She needs a story, that’s what you do when I am sad”
Suddenly, the pain in Becca's chest intensified, and the gaping hole seemed to expand. It was as if her new little friend could read her mind. Becca yearned to be alone to release the pent-up tears, yet a lingering understanding told her that solitude might not be the best course of action.
“It’s alright, Kim. This her room, after all”
“Yas!” Mak jumped out of excitement. “Now, you lay down here and close your eyes. I’m going to read you a story that always make me feel better when I am not happy…”
With a smile and slowly going out of the room, Burgess leaved the two girls alone.
“The Little Prince is one of my favorite books too, Makayla”
“I knew it” her smile was bright.
As Becca listened to the reading, she feigned sleep. A few tears escaped her eyes, but she skillfully concealed them. Eventually, the reading ceased, and Becca sensed Mak's tiny face drawing near, checking if she was truly asleep. The youngest Halstead heard Makayla's footsteps departing from the room, but then she returned, placing a stuffed animal between Becca's arms. "Don't leave her alone, Buttons," she whispered before descending the stairs with her mommy.
Slowly, Becca opened her eyes and as soon as she made sure she was alone, she started an intense crying, trying not to make a lot of noise. She turned to give her back to the door, hidding in case someone came in. Clutching the stuffed animal tightly, she cried until exhaustion enveloped her, eventually lulling her into a fitful sleep.
She awoke in Jay's bed, disoriented about how she got there, a Mak's plush toy still nestled between her arms. Rising from the bed, a sudden wave of dizziness hit her, her head throbbing, and the discomfort in her chest persisting. When she emerged into the living room, her brother was seated on the sofa. Becca raised Buttons with one hand, a question mark etched on her face, silently seeking an explanation.
“Makayla insisted you should take it for tonight”, he answered simply.
“Oh. That's sweet”
"How are you feeling?" Jay asked, standing up to approach her, but she just shrugged. "Stupid question?"
"It's just—"
"One of those days," he completed. "I know."
"A terrible one, and it's not over yet" There was a long silence and Jay knew she was trying to say something, so he gave her time. "I was scared, Jay."
Those last words sent shivers down his spine, he understood what she was referring to and was also frightened but couldn't admit it in front of her. He masked his concern, assuring her, "You should never be scared, I'm here with you."
"I know", she gave him a hug.
"Do you want to talk now?" Becca hurriedly said no only with her head, and her brother understood.
"Okay", Jay sighed, "You haven't eaten a thing all day. Food should make you feel better. What about pizza, a movie, and the company of your favorite brother, hm?"
"What? Is Will coming?" Becca teased him, finally smiling.
"Ha! A joke, that's a sign that you are already feeling better."
The evening unfolded and laughter echoed through the room as they enjoyed the movie. Yet, even in her weariness, Becca managed to stay awake for a fleeting moment. As she drifted into sleep, the pain in her chest, a constant companion throughout the day, was miraculously eased by the gentle touch and care of her brother.
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ihavenoideamanokay · 9 months
okay I've given up I'm gonna rant about the blue beetle movie because OH MY GOD
I wanna watch it again but I don't wanna go back to the theater I just wanna buy it already so I can watch it over and over and over
spoilers ofc so be prepared (also this is gonna be really long)
my one complaint. is khaji having a feminine robot voice. because I'm used to young justice where they were just a slightly more murderous sounding jaime which I think is perfect. idk it just feels too much like a marvel movie with the female robot suit. IT WAS BETTER THAN A MARVEL MOVIE THOUGH HAHAHAHA-
(for the record I usually say they/them for khaji bc they are a bug robot thing I don't think they understand or care about human gender but I'm stuck between that and that one venom post where they say venom uses he/him sometimes to match eddie's gender BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE KHAJI WOULD DO THAT 💀💀)
anyway I loved the movie soooooooo much and I love boostle being gay (and wasn't prepared for ted having a wife) so I was worried that ted had a daughter but she was AWESOME I LOVE HER SO MUCH
I especially love how nice she was???? her only surviving family member is a complete jerk and it never rubbed off on her, no matter how done with it she was and all that
I have a family member who, like vIcKy, is just mean to everyone for no reason (okay victoria kinda had a reason I'll get to all that later) and if I'm around her for too long I start wanting to match her energy. like yell back. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON? LOOK WHO'S TALKING! that kinda stuff. but JENNY DOESN'T DO THAT I mean she still stands her ground and all that BUT she never sinks to victoria's level and that's amazing.
anyway on victoria's reasoning yeah I get it, it totally sucks that you helped create the company and it never got passed down to you, and I'm not trying to invalidate that in any way, I'm just saying, think about it from a different perspective. she could've been a psycho from the beginning. creating weapons will probably make you feel horrible and depressed because you're killing people! I just think we don't know if she cracked because of that and that's when she started seeing people as expendable, or if she was born like that, or if she became like that because of the sexism! I was just thinking about it and I feel like there's a possibility that their grandpa thought she was being a little too aggressive or something and that's why he gave the company to ted. of course, I'm not saying that's what happened, just that that's an interesting thought I had.
NEXT this is dumb but I'm too bi for that movie I saw the main couple and went IVHVAJBKSBEJV THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY WHAT 😭😭😭 (well it was more like I went yeah the guy who plays jaime (I'm sorry idk any actors) is pretty and then jenny came on and I just. oh no. then they flirted and I was like NO WHAT-
okay I love the family relationships in this movie because they're all so different. I mean you have jenny and her mom who she didn't really know (because she died), then her dad being distant, then her and her aunt constantly hating each other but being too scared to do anything about it. of course they didn't wanna kill each other because ✨lawsuits✨ but they wanted to get rid of each other because victoria was doing horrible things and jenny was getting in her way. then you have jaime's family which is a disaster in the best way possible. I love how we didn't see them that much but could still tell exactly what was going on there. you get that they're all super close (you even get that there's no privacy💀) and they're all like best friends. I feel like his mom should've gotten a bit more characterization, but whatever. I mean her husband died?? and we barely see her???? idk. I just like how drastically different it is from the kords like I think it's cool.
I realized after the movie that. his grandma never saw him transform the first time. and she probably saw the hole in the roof and, knowing her, did not care. then when he comes back they saw khaji attached to him and she was probably filled in, but. we never saw her reaction. I think it was a good decision not to show it, because she'd probably react in some way that mentioned her fighting people in the past and all that.
okay this is another cursed thought but what happened to jenny's motorcycle at the end? she drove it over but then jaime flew her away. did she leave it there and just make him pick her up later to get it? did he go back and fly it to her?? motorcycles are heavy man I don't think that would be fun. did he drive it to her???? did he just leave it there??????? did he fly her everywhere after that??????????? people will guess your secret identity man. also did milagro steal it because that is totally a milagro thing to do-
OH YEAH let's talk about how they all hated jenny when jaime transformed because as funny as that was. guys. she literally told him not to open it. (honestly I feel like it's an insult to khaji's intelligence that they thought they couldn't get out of a fast food box but that's just me.) and I totally get that they hated her because she was a kord and victoria was being horrible but like THEY JUSTIFIED IT AS "YOU DID THIS TO HIM" AND I FEEL LIKE OUT OF EVERY COMPLAINT THEY HAVE WITH HER THAT'S THE WORST ONE TO USE. SHE KINDA GOT JAIME AND MILAGRO FIRED AS WELL although that's also because milagro was breaking rules and jaime's just too good of a person to not yell at victoria. WAIT WHAT ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE SAID "PROTECT IT WITH YOUR LIFE" KNOWING FULL WELL HE COULD ACTUALLY DIE THAT'S A GOOD COMPLAINT but like we can excuse that bc we love her here
okay so yes the scene where he talked to his dead dad was fine and all like I like it but. PLEASE. THE CGI WAS SO BAD IN THAT ONE PART. like the rest of the movie was fine BUT SERIOUSLY COME ON GUYS but in other news I love that scene because anything that has khaji just. vibing. is the best. and then having jaime accept them and stuff.
I just realized this movie could totally be a queer metaphor because of the whole acceptance theme?? I mean it's not like THE QUEER METAPHOR MOVIE EVER it's more like hey self acceptance. I mean you have to come out to yourself before you come out to others so idk that's just random
anything that has khaji da and jaime being best friends is automatically amazing. so my favorite arc in young justice is the reach arc (because I'm a sucker for possession and it was just totally well done) and my absolute favorite part of the arc + favorite blue beetle moment + possibly favorite part of the whole show??? is when khaji says the "then you haven't learned anything from our time together" line (that jaime says like an episode or so before I think) and every time I rewatch that I'm just like 😭😭😭😭😭 because they're besties your honor (or in love idk that ship isn't my first choice but I don't have a problem with it) and it's so so so good
I was so worried the movie was gonna be bad because I've only seen one recent dc movie (okay it was half of one) and I'm going to be honest I was not engaged at all I was kinda bored (I don't wanna say what movie it was because it's a very very hot take) and I was like oh no what if this movie does it too. nope. I also was really really hoping that they'd actually be like yeah the scarab's name is khaji da AND THEY DID I WAS SO HAPPY
oh my god I was looking at the cast and they listed victoria's assistant scientist guy as dr. sanchez. NOW I'M NOT THE SMARTEST BUT I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S NOT HIS NAME- WASN'T THAT A WHOLE PLOT POINT 😭😭😭
that's all I have to say for now, there will probably be more later
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mediocre-stories · 3 months
The Future
TW: mentions of alcoholism, depression, some vulgar language Authors Note: thank you to all that read my first story, I am so grateful for all the notes! This story is based on Shane's four heart event from Stardew Valley, and just a heads up, this one is gonna be a little angsty. I also wanted to play around with the "I can fix him" trope that Shane gets wrapped up in often. In my opionon, there is no "fixing" someone, and Shane will have to want to get better on his own in this story. I hope to possibly make this into a series where I write about all the bachelors and bachelorettes heart events, but we will see! I hope you enjoy the story and, as always, feel free to leave any constuctive critisim you have!
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"Y/N?" Marnie's voice sounded troubled over the phone. You had just come back into your farm house after taking care of your morning chores. Marnie had called, which was odd as you weren't close with the woman. You only spoke in passing, and you had one drunken conversation with her nephew. You had no idea what she could want, but her tone concerned you.
"Is everything okay?"
"No...no, it's Shane. I know you two aren't super close, but I seen you talking to him on the dock the other night, and you're probably busy with the farm, but I could use a hand over here."
This piqued your interest, she was right, you weren't close with Shane, but you two did share some type of "friendship", even if it was drunkenly bonding over a shared existential crisis.
"I'll be right there."
"Thank you so much dear." And with that, you were out the door.
You opened the door to Marnie's ranch and stepped inside. The front parlor was empty, which wasn't unusual. "Hello?" you called out.
"In here" Marnie replied.
You headed to the back of Marnie's home. You spotted her standing in what you could only presume was Shane's room. It was fairly clean, aside from the man in question, who was laying on the floor, surronded by beer cans. His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy.
"Thank you so much for coming Y/N," Marnie spoke, "he's out cold, is there anything you can do?"
An idea popped into your head. You left Shane's room and returned with a glass of water you had retrived from the kitchen. You poured it on Shane's head and he grumbled.
"What the fuck..." he sat up, clutching his head in his hand.
"Shane! What's the matter with you? All you do anymore is mope around your room and drink beer!" Marnie began to scold her nephew, but he waved her off as you stood awkwardly in the corner, not knowing if you should stay and watch this family ordeal, or go back to your farm.
"You don't get it Marnie." Shane groaned, looking up at his aunt.
"I'm worried about you." She replied.
Shane's bedroom door opened a crack, and you could see his goddaughter Jas peeking her innocent blue eyes in at the scene, yet Marnie and Shane were too distracted to realize they had company. You wanted to protect her from seeing this, but you didn't know how.
"What's your plan? Do you ever think about the future?" Marnie continued.
"Hopefully I wont be around long enough to need a "plan"." Shane spat back. All heads turned towards the bedroom door as it slammed shut Jas had obviously heard what her godfather had said. Your heart sank to your stomach.
"Jesus Shane." Marnie shook her head as she exited the room, you presumed to go comfort Jas.
"Fuck...Jas....I'm so sorry." Shane buried his face in his hands and began to shake. You wanted to help somehow, so you squated down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey..." you began.
"Get out Y/N." He mumbled.
"Shane I-"
"Didn't you hear me? Get the fuck out!" He looked up at you, tears beginning to brim his eyes. You weren't surprised by his anger, he messed up and he knew it. You silently stood up and left his room, shutting the door behind you. Back in the parlor, Marnie was comforting a crying Jas.
"I'm sorry Y/N." Marnie spoke.
"Don't be,' you replied, "it's not your fault." And with that, you left Marnie's ranch with a sinking feeling in your stomach.
You didn't know how to feel, and part of you wishes Marnie never called you in the first place. You weren't mad at Shane, but you were upset, not because he yelled at you, not because he drank to the point of passing out at noon, but because he was putting his family through so much stress. You decided at that moment you would be there for Shane if he needed you, but it wasn't your job to "fix" him. If he wanted to be "fixed", he needed to do it himself, not just for his own benefit, but his family's.
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Steph's Crew - Book 3 Summary
I was meant to post this last year to sort of close the Steph-related content and focus more on other projects. Actually, I was meant to post a lot of things last year...
Bretanie analysis (on here)
Season 1 of AU (on my second blog)
Jekyll and Hyde, but in the modern world (I've been working on that for fun on the side, and I've decided to post the full story on Wattpad)
Revealing the identity of the secret blogger (I'll probably do it in this post, since it is relevant to this part of the story as well)
I've been so busy, y'all. Sorry for the delays.
I just want to make sure I have time to do everything as best as I possibly can, so you can enjoy it. I think it was less pressure posting the Steph's Crew dialogues and snippets because they were old pieces of work, and since the time I first wrote them, I've neatened it up and made it considerably better than it was... I know that the stuff I've shared isn't the final product, so I don't feel the urge to make it perfect. At least not to the extent that I do with all these other projects lol.
Hopefully this can help make up for lost time. I'll get to the other posts mentioned on that list as soon as possible, but until then... here's a summary of the third and final instalment of Steph's Crew!
Keep in mind that I'm still working on this one. It isn't finished yet, but I wanted to give you guys a rough idea of how it goes. And prepare for this, because it's pretty unhinged lol. I collaborated with my sister on some of the wackier ideas...
Book 3 is titled "Story of a Broken Thing." It picks up where Book 2 ends off, more or less (or at least, it fills us in on what went down since the end of Book 2). If you can't remember how UVC ended, then here's a link to that summary:
But to put it briefly, the crew have successfully solved the mystery, Brelise have split up again, Bret's gone on tour with his band, Dalice are together, Bephanie is over, and Stephanie got arrested... but then escaped from holding. Nobody knows where she could have gone.
Which leads us to Book 3. It is set a couple of years later (I think about 5 years after Book 2 ended), and a lot of stuff has happened in all that time...
Dylan and Alice have broken up. Wasn't meant to be, I guess. But don't worry - they're still friends, and there's no bad blood between them or anything.
Victor and Jen have unfortunately split up as well, leading to Jen moving back to Texas. Alice decides to go with her. She's doing alright - currently taking some classes at a local college, and helping out at her old dance studio in her spare time. She's also still making YouTube videos.
Bret's band is still doing well. They're not touring anymore at the moment, but they are super busy recording a new album, and filming music videos. Plus, they have been asked to perform at the Jingle Bell Ball towards the end of the year, which is very exciting. Even though he has moved back to the UK, because of the nature of Bret's job, he can't just stay in London with his aunt anymore like how he used to... but he still comes to visit her as often as possible. And he and Elise are still close friends, so that's cool. He's been seeing other people over the past couple of years, though.
Elise and Charlie are together. She decided to give him a chance. They're really happy together and they seem to have a pretty healthy, solid relationship for the most part (they've been together for two years straight by the time Book 3 has started). Charlie still harbours some degree of jealousy/wariness towards Bret, though, since she's still really good friends with him. He's never once brought it up to her, though. But it becomes a big deal in this part of the story... more on that later.
Ben isn't really in this part of the story... at least not until towards the end, when Stephanie randomly decides to call him for some reason. But he's doing fine. Moved back to his cooking job from Book 1 lol. It was good money, and now he doesn't have another person to share it with! Wait, that sad-
And by now, Dylan, Connor (who has finally moved on from Daisy! Thank God), Elise and Charlie have all finished their university courses. Yay!
In fact, this is what kickstarts the plot. Dylan's family (we get to see them again in this one! Specifically his mother, her new husband and his younger brother Sam. I feel like we didn't get enough of them last time) is very proud of him for finishing such a long, tough course (3 years, + 1 foundation year + 1 year of masters), and they decide to reward him with an epic summer trip to Australia. And it is during this holiday that he sees Steph again (she's not in Australia btw - he sees her when he goes with a family friend to the Samoan islands).
She fills him in on how she got there. I haven't neatly worked this part out... but basically, Reggie helped her leave the country (idk whether to make him a villain or some kind of loose cannon/antihero type of guy. Like, he's awful most of the time, but he's also one of Stephanie's oldest friends, and he can be genuinely nice when he wants to be. Especially to her. He needs to be in trouble tho lol. I think the thing about him is that he gets away with his awful behaviour easily, whereas Stephanie is kind of forced to be held accountable, even if she actively runs away from the consequences of her actions sometimes...)
After that, she was stuck on her own again for a while and needed a job. So she applied for a job at a local Natia hotel (Natia is a famous line of hotels... kind of like Hilton, to give a known real-life example). She didn't have enough money for a cab or bus, so she had to walk the whole way there through heavy rain. By the time she got there, she looked terrible lol. But when she arrived, she bumped into a handsome young man who kindly helped her out. He got her a room and some clothes to change into, which helped in making a good first impression and whatnot. She got the job!
Later, she found out that the guy's name was Jordan Natia. The son of the hotel line founder (he also owns the hotel she got a job at). She thanks him for her help, and he invites her for dinner... and the rest is history.
And by history, I mean she ends up marrying him lol. Dylan finds out that she now lives at the resort that he and his family friend are currently staying at. She also has a baby daughter named Mia (short for Miranda. Not suspicious at all). She loves her life so much right now. She's always prided herself on being a strong independent woman who can take care of herself, but she's surprised at how much she's enjoying being a stay-at-home mother and housewife lol. She loves spending time with her baby, and she loves her husband a lot, too. He takes good care of her. However, similar to Ben, he doesn't really know all that much about her (Jordan goes through a similar arc to Ben's in Book 2, where he finds out the truth about Stephanie, and it changes the way he sees her. Minus the cheating lol).
Dylan is shocked at how much Steph has changed since the last time he saw her, but he's happy for her at the same time. He can see that she's genuinely happy and seemingly at peace, which is great.
Meanwhile, back in the UK, Charlie has decided to propose to El. He's taking it VERY seriously - even asked for her family's blessing and everything. They all said yes... even Adam lol (he's grown to like Charles by now). One summer evening, he pops the question (in a truly beautiful and romantic way btw), and Elise says yes in the moment, but she doesn't know if she truly feels ready for marriage yet. Something about the situation feels wrong to her, but she doesn't know what it is. However, instead of communicating her mixed feelings to her now fiance, she decides to distract herself with hangouts with her family and friends, as well as getting into her work and other hobbies, preferring to think about anything other than her problems (man, does THIS sound familiar lol). Charlie starts noticing a change in El's behaviour and it begins to really upset him (especially since Bret is one of the people she starts spending more time with, and we all know how she feels about him), causing more strain in their relationship. It only gets worse when they find out about Stephanie's whereabouts...
Dylan messages the others about his trip everyday through a group chat. One night he reveals that he's reunited with an old friend of theirs and sends a picture of him and Stephanie hanging out. The others are shocked. Elise especially.
The situation started becoming somewhat of a controversy in the news... people started talking about it more online, many blogs and news websites (including The Looking Glass) started covering it. Alice made a video on YouTube talking about it (and it came from the unique angle of her knowing the person from school and being their friend and everything. She didn't mention Steph by name, though). It blew her channel up.
The story of Stephanie's escape was quickly resurfacing back into people's minds after being forgotten for such a long time. And this wasn't good for Steph lol. Especially after finally making a life for herself that she was genuinely truly happy in.
But that's not the end of the story.
I'll tell you the rest in part 2 of this summary!
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The Amazing Spider-Man #2 (1963)
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Published: May 1963
Containing: "Duel to The Death with The Vulture!", "The Uncanny Threat of The Terrible Tinkerer!"
Introducing: The Vulture (unnamed), Professor Cobbwell, The Terrible Tinkerer (unnamed)
Synopsis: Peter solves his and his aunt's financial issues by realizing he can take photos of crime sprees committed by The Vulture, but gets too close to the action and is forced into battle as Spider-Man. Peter suspects something is strange about an anonymous tech repair man and investigates only to stumble upon an alien conspiracy.
Read alongside us here:
@frankendykes-monster : Hoo boy, between now and up to #15 or so, it's going to be a nonstop parade of introductions of major Spider-Man villains. Ditko's design sensibilities were already assured with Spider-Man's costume alone, but we're now seeing about eight victory laps. The Vulture in some ways feels like a throwback to 1940's super villains with very simple motivations (gotta rob banks you know) and powers (flight!). But the green feathers and simple design of it literally just being a bird suit with only his head and hands exposed is glorious.
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Peter takes a breather this issue as we now develop the ever-so-popular "Peter sells pictures of Spider-Man", or, just pictures of The Vulture in this issue. Jameson is such an unscrupulous hack that he's ready to buy photos after a single conversation with Peter, and at non-contract rate of "don't ask me how I take these photos and don't credit me." It's been long enough since our last post that I'm actually blanking if the Daily Bugle was brought up in #1, but Jameson is the publisher of NOW Magazine. Won't last long. Only three issues of Spider-Man in and we're developing some running tropes: Peter is a science student, Peter is mocked by Flash Thompson, Peter tells Aunt May don't worry about money, Peter is still learning the ropes on how to be Spider-Man, etc.
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I'm delighted that Peter has his own little lair for his Spider-Man stuff in his bed room. One thing that's never addressed with the character is that he has a utility belt *underneath* his form fitting costume, and his wrist gauntlets have the web-shooting nozzle that peeks out from right behind his gloves. Ditko gives us some nice diagrams of how it all works so the audience is never out of the loop. What's fascinating about Peter's ongoing character arc is that we still aren't at a superhero "proper" stage. None of Spider-Man's actions are motivated by altruism, he's still just in the red enough to be concerned about the rent more than anything.
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Slowly but surely the world gets accustomed to superheroes. Stuff like crowd shots of people reacting to one of The Vulture's robberies makes a comic like Marvels feel inevitable. Both The Vulture and Spider-Man have to account for how the other would react before they even meet each other. This is still an era of comics where "world-building" meant "introduce more characters" so the plausibility of people's actions makes it all the better.
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Ditko is really flexing his artistic skills by this point. The splash page for "Duel" is jaw dropping in terms of its weight and perspective and The Vulture is so fully realized in close-up. This is our first issue with a Marvel Comics logo proper in the upper left corner on the cover, here just a profile of Spider-Man, a concept designed by Ditko to give more brand unity to the comics line. Spider-Man is still red-and-blue on covers but these early issues' internal coloring has settled on faint purple? As his secondary color? It won't last long, but it's a bit blah.
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Another solid issue overall and...wait...oh yeah the second story. Hm, this one is strange. While #1 gave us two stories that threaded closely together, this is definitely the b-story, the backup. Spider-Man having to stop an alien invasion feels like something that Ditko would shoot down after it was proposed by Lee but this made it all the way to print in the way it did. The Terrible Tinkerer feels like the hardest villain introduced in this run to get a read on, mostly because the "less is more" approach concerning his motivations, origins, appearance, etc. are all left out. He won't be returning for well over 100 issues a decade from now, so this would be a good opportunity to say "well they can't all be winners" if the character hadn't made it into Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) in a minor role.
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@duel1971 : More pieces of the mythos fall into place here – we’ve got the introduction of an iconic villain and Peter adopting his gimmick of taking photos as Spider-Man and selling them to J. Jonah Jameson. This story is mostly fun action without too much that I wanna dig into, but I do love that we get Jameson yelling “Get me pictures of the Vulture!” as the first version of his catchphrase.
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Feels worth noting that Peter continues to shine as a scientist and inventor in this early story, creating a device that disables the Vulture’s wings.
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“The Uncanny Threat of the Terrible Tinkerer”: God, I love this one. Instead of a new costumed supervillain we’re treated to a short alien invasion story featuring a mysterious old man called the Tinkerer. It’s such an atypical Spider-Man story in the grand scheme of things, but at the time of its writing, there was no such thing as a typical Spider-Man story. Putting aside the fact that Peter has and will continue to mostly fight gaudy criminals, this story meshes well with his character. The focus on Peter’s scientific ability opens up the door for a tale of weird science and aliens. The actual science fiction element of it isn’t given much development given its brevity, but it’s a great little story and glimpse of what could have been.
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trlvsn · 9 months
"oh my family? well.. my dad died when I was really young no like it doesn't even bother me I was so young it's fineee.. my mother left a while after so it was just me and my sister- no no don't worry I met my mom again after a.. few years and uhm.. well.. yeah she died. oh and my sister died too but it's okay because I met this cool guy but he kind of viewed me as a replacement of my sister and then like ghosted me for a while but we're close now! yeah we met when I was accused of my sisters murder! no haha its not that serious don't worry it happens all the time.. any other family? well there's my aunt and my cousin! my cousin is great we are like sisters, super close..! I mean I'm practically raising her now, yknow? oh why? well. her mother tried to frame me for murder a few times. yeah apparently there was something with half sisters..? one of them wanted me dead because she had beef with my now dead older sister. oh that guy I mentioned, yeah he dated one or.. was it both or just one of them? I don't really know, I was unconscious for it if I'm honest yeah but it's fine I'm fine I'm like 19 now so I'm an adult and I should be responsible at this age anyway so it doesnt either bother me, yeah. anyway.. do you have any family? :) " <- pov ur on a date with maya fey
i would pay real money to be her therapist and hear all that in a professional setting instead. maya i'm so sorry but i would not want to date you. i can't deal with all that. someone in the tags will probably say "well i can. MOVE" and i will respect that
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milesmoraleswife4l · 1 year
Miles 1610 X Nigerian Y/N
notes: nigga when I tell you this took my too long to make. Like writing this is not for the weak bruh
warnings: jus fluff ig
summary: y/n takes miles to meet her nigerian parents. ( im nigerian so umm yea)
“Miles, they are not going to like you if you don't take this seriously.” You said this for the 15th time. Miles is coming with you to a party your parents are throwing at your house. You thought it would be a good time to introduce them to Miles for the first time. As much as you were excited, you were hella nervous because this was the first time you ever brought into this household. And not just any household, but a Nigerian one at that. 
Miles needed to understand that one wrong move will ultimately end in your mom gossiping to all your aunts and your dad to the uncles saying, “ arabinrin mi, o ko ni gbagbọ aṣiwère ti ọmọbinrin wa mu fun wa lati pade oh.” (my sister, you won't believe the fool our daughter has brought back for us to meet oh) 
It's like you could hear it from a mile away. The thought made you sweat bullets because you know that they'll never approve if they have a horrible introduction to each other. “ No Miles try again, that's not right! C’mon you actually have to try. “ You said about just giving up and saying maybe this isn't the right time for him to meet them. ‘’Mami por que te preocupas tanto?’’ He said coming closer to hold your waist. “ because you don't know my parents, they're super judgemental and really strict. Like they didn't want me to even think about boys until i was at the ripe age of 30.’’ “ Thats crazy.’’ He said while laughing. 
 ‘Not its not, because as much as i love you, i need our parents to support our relationship.’’ you said as you were pacing around your room. ‘’ Ok ok I understand. Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it ok?” he said while grabbing both of your sides and engulfing you in a warm hug. And you sigh as you take in a pleasant whiff of his cologne.
Miles rang the doorbell to your parents house. “ remember everything i taught you please, and just be yourself at the same time.’’ you said while giving him a nervous smile. ‘’ Don't worry mami everything will be ok’’ He said wanting to give you a kiss but the door flew open.’’ e kassan mommy this is Miles” you said very sweetly to your mom. “ ekassan ma o dara pupọ o pade rẹ” Miles said while bending down to greet your mom. You just stand there; completely shook because you never taught him all of that. ‘’ Here are some roses I brought you, and you look completely beautiful, now I know where Yn got her beauty from.” He says smirking a little at you and how surprised you are. “ AHH AHH YN, why didn't you tell me you got with this handsome man?! Please arewa okunrin, what's your ethnicity, let me have three guesses!’’ your mom said begging the poor boy. “ No mom please no, he doesn't need to tell you all of that.” you said completely embarrassed that it even came out of her mouth. Luckily, Miles just laughed and proceeded to answer the question. “ I'm actually African american and Puerto rican ma.’’ “
Ehen so Yn has now gone and brought home a latin boy, ok ohh.’’ Your mom says, folding her arms in astonishment. “ Ok well Yns dad isn't here right now but you're more than welcome to stay.” Your mom says pulling him away for him to meet all your aunties. “ Come and see the fine boy Yn has brought to me ohh.’’ She exclaimed while pulling miles away. You laughed as you saw him being poked and prodded by many aunties at once. When they finally finished, which felt like hours after, he came back to meet you with a smirk on your face. “ Well, that was definitely something.’’ he said like he just saw a ghost. “ This is my family for you.’’ You said while laughing your head off. “ Haha. very funny.’’ He said while rolling his eyes. “ Anyway, im super hungry, can i get something to eat real quick?’’ He asked, wrapping his hand around your shoulder. “ Not too close omo, do you want her to get pregnant?!’’ Your mom yelled from far away. “ Mom! Stop please im begging” you said covering your face in embarrassment. “ Sorry!” Miles quickly said while moving his arm, but still scooting closer to you so that he can be near you as much as possible. “ Ok lemme just get something for you to eat c’mon.’’ You said while pulling him off the couch. 
He followed you to the kitchen and jumped up when he saw plantain. 
“ You guys have platanos too?!’’ “ Mi vida, here if anyone hears you call it that you're in big trouble. We call it dodo or plantain.” You said while rubbing his face by how cute he's being. “ Well whatever you want to call it, give me two big spoon-fuls of that please.” He said  while looking at it like it was his prey he was about to catch. “ Ok OK! It's not going anywhere why are you looking at it like that?’’ You said, chuckling at how hungry he is. “ Oh and gimme some fufu and efo riro.” He said looking over the table. “ Miles bruh, how do you even know about that?’ You said dying of laughter. “ Mami stop asking my questions and just put it please i'm dying over here” He said all dramatic.
Ok so this is litterally my first story so dont judge me pls. :)
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legendary-cookies · 1 year
Any more headcanons for Windy?
Oh, plenty lmfao
The last post was more general stuff but I'll share some headcanons about his relationships with the other Legends
I have way too many headcanons to be considered normal so I'll try to limit it to 2 per Legend lmao
If you're curious about any specific relationship though, don't be afraid to ask!
One general headcanon that applies to all of them is that all of the Legends have a soft spot for Wind Archer because he's the youngest Legend
It's not a super strong emotion in all of them, but it's definitely there
- Sea Fairy and Wind see each other as siblings and Sea is incredibly protective of him ("You protect others all the time, but who will protect you?")
- Sea and Wind have teasing nicknames for each other: Sea calls Wind "lemongrass" and Wind calls Sea "saltwater" (like a person being sour and salty respectively because I'm aware saltwater and lemongrass are real things)
- Moonlight and Wind are very close friends and Moon is the mom friend, reminding Wind to take care of himself and such
- Moon and Wind both have problems with opening up so they try to be there for each other in that aspect; Moon worries too much over others that she forgets she can have feelings too and Wind has trust issues and is scared of being open and vulnerable
- Fire Spirit and Wind are very close friends and Fire can bring out Wind's mischievous side better than others can
- Fire feels uncomfortable around water so Wind tries to help him feel more comfortable around it; in return, Fire helps Wind work through his pyrophobia
- Millennial Tree and Wind have a father-son relationship but this is actually uncommon knowledge to Cookies that live outside of the forest; Wind is mostly known for being the Guardian of the Millennial Tree but not his son
- Wind is actually the one that gave Millie that nickname but he's too embarrassed to admit it
- Dark Enchantress and Wind don't like each other very much for obvious reasons
- DE has hidden guilt over Wind's corruption as she was indirectly the cause and Wind resents her for the event as it was very traumatizing
- Timekeeper thinks Wind is interesting because he reminds them of Croissant in a way and Wind is neutral to Timekeeper
- While Timekeeper thinks everybody is interesting in one way or another, they're particularly curious about Wind because they consider Millie their rival
- Frost Queen is Wind's aunt but Wind doesn't like visiting that much because of how cold it is; Frost Queen tries to make sure Wind is comfortable and warm whenever he does visit though
- Frost Queen is very caring towards Wind both because he's family and he reminds her of Sherbet a little too much
- Black Pearl thinks Wind is cute in a condescending way and Wind is secretly terrified of Black Pearl
- Black Pearl is the type to gush about how cute something is with an underlying threat ("You're so cute I could just eat you up!") and it freaked Wind out the first time she said something like that to him
- Pitaya and Wind have a somewhat close relationship as Wind is close friends with Pitaya's son and Pitaya is friends with Millie
- Pitaya likes to spar with anybody and Wind is a great opponent; they can be surprisingly gentle though and while they don't go easy on Wind, they do keep his pyrophobia in mind and tries to minimize the use of their fire abilities
- Ananas sort of sees Wind as a rival due to them having opposite elements but Wind is neutral to Ananas
- Ananas likes to make fun of Wind for being so "small and weak" for a Legendary but they don't like to admit that Wind kicked them in the knee once and they weren't able to use that leg for a week
- Lotus knows Wind was created from a lotus flower and they respect anything associated with their flower while Wind doesn't have any strong feelings towards Lotus except that he isn't a fan of the "taking life force to keep the paradise beautiful" thing
- Lotus acts almost parental towards Wind which severely confuses Wind and the other dragons because Lotus is known for not liking Cookies that much (not to the degree of Lychee and Longan but enough that it's noticeable)
- Lychee thinks Wind is too serious and no fun and Wind doesn't like Lychee because of the darkness aspect
- Lychee likes Wind in the sense that they can brag to the other dragons that there's a Legendary smaller than them and Wind despises it
- Longan doesn't like Wind because he's an element in the form of a Cookie and Longan's goal of wiping out all life contradicts Wind's goal of protecting all life
- While they don't like each other, Longan is intrigued by Wind because they technically share the same element and Wind is more unsettled by Longan than hateful
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zarvasace · 1 year
I’ve been meaning to read your disability au for awhile now and was finally able to start it today! I love it so much!!!!
One thing I’m specifically super excited to see is that Legend has RRMS since my aunt has MS and this is the first time I’ve seen a character written with it! It’s so exciting to see it in a fic!
Thank you so much for writing this au!
Aaaah thank you so much!! Yeah, I honestly don't think I've ever seen a character in fiction with MS specifically, and I don't know if I've seen one with any sort of chronic pain... I'm sure I must have run into something, but huh. It makes it a bit more difficult to write, not having any examples, but I'm doing my best. :)
also I wrote a thing, inspired by this and what today was like:
gen, Legend & Sky, 551 words, no warnings. AO3 link here!
Legend would be annoyed, except being annoyed sounds like too much work at the moment.
Legend would be annoyed, except being annoyed sounds like too much work at the moment. He can't think of a single thing he's done recently that would make him this tired. They've been taking a rather scenic route through Wild's beautiful world (every route in Wild's world is the scene route, in every sense of the term), and the hills have been nothing short of gentle. His appetite has been a bit lackluster in the last few days, admittedly, but it hasn't been that bad. Certainly nothing to act like this. 
Well. His body keeps proving it hates him. The feeling is quite mutual. 
Today, Legend mostly just feels stiff. There's pain, of course, there always is, but nothing out of the ordinary. The temperature is mild, not cold enough to make him shiver and not hot enough to make his joints creak. He wouldn't be leaning on his cane much, except for the fact that his eyes want to close after every other step. 
When Time stops them for lunch, Legend eyes the distance between himself and the tree that Sky is claiming as the nap spot. It's kind of long, but the grass there looks comfortable, so Legend heads over there. He thinks someone asks him something, but he's a bit too focused on not falling asleep yet to really hear, much less answer. 
Sky leans up against the trunk of the tree, and gives Legend a short wave. Legend lifts his free hand to offer back the world's limpest wave. He uses his cane to lower himself to the ground, careful not to overbalance, then falls onto his back and stretches his legs out. 
He was right. The grass here in the tree's dappled shade is springy and soft, a far cry from the spiky shrubs in Legend's own world. 
"Tired?" Sky asks, his voice perhaps just a touch too loud for the situation. 
Legend is, in fact, tired, so he just nods. 
"You could ride in the cart, you know."
The cart is new. Legend is grateful for it. But he doesn't need it. Besides… Wind's been riding all day, and Hyrule has been joining him on occasion. 
He lifts his hands to sign, not even bothering to speak. If his signs right now were words, he'd be slurring them. 'It's a bit full right now.'
"Even still, there's room for you, I bet, if you need it." Sky sounds so kind. 
'What I need is a nap. I'm fine. Thanks for asking.' Legend lets his arms fall to the sides, and feels Sky pat his hand once or twice before pulling back. 
A breeze ruffles the broad leaves far above Legend's head, broken by a cloudy gray sky and muffled sunshine. Laughter drifts in over the buzzing of bees in the nearby patch of wildflowers, and Legend can vaguely smell smoke as Wild gets a fire going. Hm. He doesn't usually cook for lunch, it's more likely to be cold leftovers or just raw fruits and vegetables. Perhaps they intend to camp here for the night. That would be nice, but Legend's a bit worried about getting to the town on time. 
…well, he's a touch too tired to be that worried about it. 
He's just going to nap here. It's nice to not battle gravity. 
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emometalhead · 9 months
Aftershock Day 1 Recap:
Day 1 was incredible!!!!
Let's start at the beginning. The line situation when trying to enter was super weird this year, but an employee let us go into a line we otherwise wouldn't have been able to go into. That line got us in really quickly. Thank you to that man lol.
The first band we saw was Pinkshift! It was my second time seeing them. They brought a lot of energy, and I'm glad I knew more of their songs this time around. My aunt really liked them and wants to check their music out now too! Speaking of my aunt. She won lots of cool points. I made bracelets to give away, and my aunt threw the Pinkshift one on stage. The singer grabbed it, made a heart gesture, and threw one back!! (It's in the pictures below!!) That was one of the best things to happen to me at Aftershock!! I also got a rose that was thrown by the singer!! 🥰
The next artist we saw was Nothing.nowhere. I admittedly had a bit of trouble trying to get into his music while doing my festival prep, but he was really good live!! I had a fun time vibing and headbanging. He was really engaging with the audience, and seemed happy to be there. Plus, he covered One Step Closer by Linkin Park!!! I had no clue he was going to do that. My dad, aunt, and I are humongous LP fans, so we really went hard singing and headbanging.
Next was White Reaper! They were vibey. They were definitely the most chill set of the day. They were nice to watch and relax a little. It was pretty stinking hot already at this point, so I enjoyed the break from jumping and headbanging. They were entertaining, and my aunt knew a few of their songs!
Thousand Below was the first time in the day we saw a solid mosh pit. They were heavy and awesome! I had an equally fun time watching the band as I did watching the pit!! There were a couple kids on their parents shoulders in the mosh pit. They looked like they were having a great time, and it was fun to see. I always worry about kids in crowds, but those kids were very safe and very happy.
We were only able to catch about 20 minutes of Pennywise's set, but I'm grateful for those 20 minutes! They were good!! I really like their music, so I was excited and had decently high expectations. They definitely met my expectations. We sat down to rest a bit during their set, but nonetheless it was still fun!
Next up was Stone Temple Pilots!! This was my third time seeing them, and also probably the best time. I'm a huge huge huge STP fan. I managed to get really close to the stage, and I had a great view the whole time. I also went a little crazy, because they played Big Bang Baby!! It's my favorite song, and they didn't do it last time. I screamed louder than I had all day at that point lol. I was jumping through the whole song. I was separated from my dad, but afterwards he told me he recorded the song for me!!
We got surprisingly close for AFI considering we literally got to the stage as the band was coming on. My aunt has been wanting to see them for years, so this was her moment. It was my second time seeing them. They were as good as I remembered! That crowd wasn't too rowdy or crowded, and the mosh pit when on pretty much the entire time. My aunt went into the mosh pit, and I found out that was her first time!
We only watched some of Incubus' set, because we wanted to get close for Avenged Sevenfold. They were really good though! I hope one day I can catch a full set, since last time I saw them it was also only a partial set. We met up with some of my dad's old work friends at this point. They're super sweet, so it was nice to see them. Both of them kept commenting on how big I am now lol. I think I'm still like 10 in their minds, but that's okay lol. We don't see each other often.
Avenged Sevenfold was incredible, obviously. This was my second time seeing them, but my first time in a festival setting. They had so much energy. M Shadows' voice absolutely delivered, and it is no secret that I think Synyster Gates is a god. There was a pit in front of us that never lost steam through the entire set. I got pushed around a bit, but my aunt and dad made sure I was safe and could enjoy the show. I was able to see the band on stage for most of the set, which was definitely nice. They had cool visuals on the screens though, so it wasn't too bad when I couldn't see the band.
I was able to give out all of my bracelets, and everyone seemed really excited about them!! No one was expecting a bracelet lol. I'm looking forward to handing more out today!! I also met some dude in a band. We were talking for a couple minutes, and he was really nice. After this weekend, I'll have to check out his music. I love meeting local musicians!!
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myatlantispoets · 9 months
This isn't a rant as much as it is me rambling but.
My grandma has this pair of authentic Swarovski crystal earrings (i think my grandpa gave them to her long before I was born) but she's rarely ever worn them because they're obviously super expensive. For as long as I've known, they've been in the same glass case.
And now she wants to give them to me. At first, I thought she was just lending them to me for this upcoming family wedding (I never asked her for them btw; she literally waw like you need to wear them). But no, apparently it's permanent??? And I'm???
Like, yeah, my grandma and I have been super close since I was a kid. But. She has 3 daughters and 4 other granddaughters (besides me).
So now I literally have to hide this whole thing from my older cousin who's living in my neighbourhood because my grandma's worried that she might get jealous. And I don't even wanna think abt my aunts' reactions.
Anyways. I'm super honored and I love my grandma but also I'm an awful liar. (Also i've never worn such an expensive piece of jewelry before and I'm a super clumsy bitch so. Y'know. I'm praying that I won't trip while wearing them)
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