#i'm proud of our grammar
not-poignant · 4 months
Hi Pia! I was rereading one of your works and was wondering if you’d maybe wanna discuss the quotations for dialogue? I know both are correct, but I just got a little curious about it the usage of ‘spoken words’ vs “spoken words” and your preference for one. Usually when I’ve seen the ‘spoken words,’ it’s been for older works.
Hi anon,
My preference is that I'm Australian, I learned writing at university many many years ago now (I am an old), and I was taught correct Australian grammar there! And while I still make mistakes on some things, dialogue isn't it.
Some people use the US "" instead of the Australian '' - and that's now okay simply because so many people were doing it, the editors of Australia were like 'fuck it, you can do it' (with exceptions) - but like, most of the Australian copies of international books that I have, actually don't use " " for dialogue at all.
I'm going to get some examples, because this is something you've likely never seen, because publishing houses change the grammar based on the country. This means that books that have double quotation marks everywhere else in the world for dialogue, have single quotation marks in Australia if you're picking them up in Australia or they've been published through most Australian publishers. Because buying books is more global now, Australians will likely have a mix of double quotations and single quotations books. Many Australians don't even realise there's a difference, they're so used to it.
Here's an Australian book:
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(Skins by Sarah Hay)
So that makes sense for an Australian book by an Australian author.
What about the classic The Collector by John Fowles. Surely, that not being an Australian book, that'd have double quotation marks right?
Not if it was published here:
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What about something a little more recent? Like The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy?
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I'm not sure how to explain it beyond: 'Literally almost every book we pick up here that was published here does this, and it's not a like quirky preference, it's literally what we grew up seeing and reading. To us, double quotation marks is unusual and seems more 'quirky'.'
This is less common now as an attitude simply because of globalisation and the internet existing. But for most of my life, buying books meant only seeing dialogue like this. Right up until I was in the 30s, I think. Purchasing books online changed that, and people who grew up with the internet from the very beginning are going to be more used to seeing double quotation marks.
But many Australian publishers will still insist on correct Australian grammar with preference given to Australian grammar.
Our grammar is quite strange, and sort of a mix between US and UK but with some unique aspects of which you've probably noticed the single quotation marks is one.
That's because Australian grammar is built on journalism, and anything that saved space in a newspaper was prioritised. So Australian grammar eliminates double spaces at the end of periods. It eliminates double quotations because they take up extra space. There are dash rules designed to eliminate space that an article might take up.
And you know, I'm quite proud of that grammar. :D It does get me some heat when I publish something, usually from grammar puritans from the USA, which is why I now just post a blanket 'this author uses Australian grammar so you may notice some departures with dialogue grammar' caveat.
Anyway, the reason/s most newer works have double quotations is because a) they're being purchased en masse overseas and that's cheaper than publishing here, b) those Australians are young and have learned to write based on overseas writing, c) they don't know actually know Australian grammar, it's not actually taught well in our curriculums, d) it is just something they prefer, e) they publish with overseas publishers and because they have to edit their works to UK or US grammar anyway, they just adopted it because it's easier that way, f) someone erroneously corrected them for doing the right thing and they changed to another country's dialogue grammar, g) it really is okay to just pick the one you like best now and stick with it, h) some screen readers cannot cope with single quotation marks (which imho, is something screen readers need to address if it means ignoring an entire country's/continent's grammar style).
And finally, here's the Australian Government Style Guide, which still doesn't permit double quotation marks at all in dialogue.
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togegiri · 4 months
✎ᝰ ❛ PORT MAFIA'S GUIDE TO BE A HOUSEHUSBAND! ❜ — dazai osamu. chuuya nakahara. akutagawa ryunosuke.
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౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ content. A simple guide on being a good househusband created by the port mafia members or should I say ex-port mafia member.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ warnings. gender neutral reader. you/your and they/them pronouns is used. (name) will be used. tooth rottening fluff. there maybe some grammar mistakes. suggestive in dazai's parts. ( 3.5k words. )
note. I had fun writing this I hope you all will like it!
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— THE SPOILING TYPE. 太宰 治 | dazai osamu.
[ “welcome home my darling~ lookie look, I didn't burn down the kitchen! our neighbor lent us her recipe for the castella cake you like, hehe aren't you proud of me? don't I deserve a reward, like a kiss! c’mon just a little for being a great husband for you~” ] 
You two met when you saw him terribly injured due to one of his missions. You first tried to stop his wounds from bleeding but the brunette haired man stopped you glaring and interrogating on what you were doing to him. You, being an honest citizen, said you wanted to help him. Reluctantly he let you help him, still suspicious of you. 
Though his suspicion stopped once you stopped his bleeding and helped him tend to his injuries. He's grateful for that and because of this he formed a friendship with you even though it was small. Due to this small interactions and many more in the past years you two have become a loving husband and lover. He still remembers the day you two met. 
He remembers it was a dark night yet in his words, an angel came and saved him. Exaggerating the events that has followed making you chuckle awkwardly everytime a stranger asked as they are met with this lovesick buffoons rambling about how amazing their lover is. 
After a few months of being married you worry about his job in the port mafia thus leading him to quit his job and become a full time husband for your sake. Living in a small apartment, being with you almost 24/7 and a shining ring in his ring finger that indicates you two will be together till death do you two apart made him the happiest man there is. 
Although he's good at loving you unconditionally, spoiling you with his kisses, and making you laugh through your everyday life, he's quite a terrible cook. You still remember the time he almost burned down the kitchen for trying to cook a curry. Also the time he accidentally burned himself. 
“Ouch ouch ouch!” the curly haired male said, touching his small burnt hand. You looked at him in worry as his eyes formed small tears in the corner, “oh, osamu I told you it was hot,” you scolded him as he pouted at this. “I'm sorry,” he sulked, making you chuckle, “cmon put your hand on the water,” he does as you were told.
“ne ne since I injured myself don't I get a kiss to make it feel better~”
“don't tell me you purposely did that just to get a kiss,”
“I could never do that~” 
He put a innocent front making giggle at his silliness, “still a no,” 
“Oh cmoooon~” 
What a whiny husband you have. 
Although sometimes he purposely injures himself just for you to kiss him better. In other chores he's quite good at, sweeping, wiping the windows, killing a cockroach, and many more. He especially loves it when its shopping day or your day offs because he get to have more time with his darling lover. 
Whenever you two are shopping together he already has a coupon for everything you buy. Solely because while you are out at your job he's out in the store looking for coupons or he's talking to your neighbors.
Your neighbors quite love your husband as they tell you how lucky you are for having a loving and handsome husband and a gentleman to boot too. He always talks to them like a gossipy housewife knowing all the tea in the neighborhood because of that.
Due to having good relationships with the neighbors. Everytime he asks for help on something such as cooking, or chores. A Lot of people are glad to help him or aid him with his problem. He also likes to talk to you about any recent gossip in the neighborhood. He always gets the bath ready whenever its almost time to get home. 
He will be pouty and sulky if you don't get home in time like you usually do. Running ahead to you once he hears the key clanking and hugging you tightly. You chuckle at this, apologizing to him for working a little bit late. 
“Sorry, I had to work a little bit late,” you awkwardly hugged him back as he hugged you tightly. “Sorry isn't enough you know, I missed you,” osamu nuzzled onto him inhaling your scent as you pat his head.
“I'm sorry,” you patted his head as he smiled, “you have to pay for it in bed tonight so get ready~” 
“w- wait osamu I still have work tomorrow,” 
“Sounds like a you problem~” he smiled cheekily at you as he peppered your face with kisses. You felt your whole face hot as you sigh at this, “fine,” he giggled cheekily. 
He loves spoiling you with food or anything particularly. Because of him being an ex-mafia he has enough money to cost him for life. He could've easily bought a mansion for you but he quite likes the small apartment you two live in. 
Whenever he's out shopping on his own he loves to buy the pretty clothes, or accessories his lover would like. He would secretly put all the gifts in your closet or anywhere you would first see it. He then would go on a rant about how you would look pretty on it once you ask what it is for. 
He loves making you bento's although some of his cooking sometimes looked half burnt or not even cooked well yet. Yet you still eat because it's from your husband. 
He will worship the ground you walk on and will do as you ask. He's like a lovesick puppy following you. His love for you will never falter so just come home and be in his arms where he will give you all his love, make you laugh, and feed you warm food even though it's half bad he hopes you'll like it. Afterall to be a househusband is to be able to make your lover smile and not make them cry a single tear. That is dazai osamu's motto.
His very own way of being a good househusband. 
“Welcome home darling~ would you like dinner? bath? or me~” He greeted you with a smile as you chuckle at this, the brunette male giggling as he saw you, “I made dinner and also baked castella its kinda half burnt though, you dont mind right,” 
“if it's from my husband I don't mind,” you said kissing his cheek, the ex mafia smiled at this. “Good! cmon cmon lets eat, I bet your starving my dear,”
— THE WORRYWART TYPE. 中原中也 | nakahara chuya.
[ “Why did you come home 10 minutes late? Nevermind that, are you hurt? Does your shoulder hurt, your back? want a message, or do you wanna go bath first? or do you wanna eat dinner first? I bought pudding for dessert, worried? of course I'm worried jeez, just go get a bath you stink,” ] 
The classic worrywart type, he worries about every move he does and every move you make, making you sigh in defeat at your husband. The two of you met as cliché as any shoujo manga, under a rainy day and seeing him passed out and injured. Being a good citizen you brought him to your home and tended him. Once he woke up he seemed to have a fever prolonging his stay at your house. Delirious due to his fever he seeked the warmth of your hands. The gentle fleeting touches you give him those days of his illness. 
The day he became not so delirious he became flustered at his past actions saying in a forceful tone to forget about those events. Without knowing it, you two became friends, then lovers, to a happily married couple. Figuring his job is filled with too much violence that may lead you to getting used by his enemies. He simply quit and became a full time househusband in your dainty little home. 
He gives you everything he thinks is best, that's the reason why you two have diamond rings, his love for you is like a diamond, never breaking and always shining. Whenever he feels lonely he kisses the ring placed on his ring sighing as he stops himself from calling you afraid that he'll bother you mid work.
He's quite the best cook too. He makes those perfect bento, neatly done and cooked right by yours truly. He also made those cute character bento like my melody and many more. Once he hears from you that you loved it he heart will swell from pride as he gives you a cocky smirk and the saying, “of course it is good, I'm your husband that means nothing but the best should be given to you.” 
He's quite strict at making your bento, the kind of husband who will make a good diet of your bento. He also memorized all your favorite desserts, food, vegetables, fruit, and what scent you like many more too. He wants the best of the best for you so he'll go all out for it. 
Even if he hides it, he does miss you every time you have to leave for work. Putting on a strong front which you can easily see as he hurries you to leave for work already.
“Did you bring your umbrella? the news said it'll rain you know,” the ginger haired male said as he stood near the door as you put on your shoes, “Yes I did,” he nodded at this.
“What about your bento? Do you have it?” you chuckle at his questions, “Yes I do,” he furrowed his brows seeing your tie crooked, “your tie is crooked wait a minute,” he goes closer to you fixing it loosening it a bit. 
“There, jeez your hair is still messy too,” he sighs at this taking a comb thats hidden in his pocket combing your hair, “there, now go before you get late,” you giggle at him as you began to step near the door as he then took your wrist. Stopping you as he forced you to look back at him kissing you in the lips softly. This caught you by surprise as he took off his lips to your own.
“Have a safe trip,” he says, a small blush coating his cheeks making you smile at him, “Thank you darling.” 
Although he's quite a worrywart and always on you about everything. He has his soft sides too. How he shamelessly shows you off around the neighborhood by his words. At first he was quite cold to them, not speaking a single word only giving them a few answers if they asked him to. 
Although when they started asking questions for his lover he became a little bit ecstatic talking to them showing off how amazing their lover is. Slowly everyone in the neighborhood grew to like him because of this. The auntie's around your simple house were always glad to help you two out on anything. Although you were more on the chattier side your husband was more on the silent side speaking when spoken to. 
He prefers making things for you to show his appreciation. While he does like spoiling you with his riches. He loves it when he,  the things that make you happy. Thus the reason why he took crocheting as a hobby. 
Like dazai, he loves it when it's the weekend because it means your day off and that means he gets to spend more time with you. Which always consists of you two baking, you learning how to crochet to get closer to your husband. You are making him learn more about your hobbies. 
He loves physical affection although quite a tsundere when he's the one asking for it thus him leading to be more on the acts of service type of guy. 
“No that's not how you do it,” you stopped your movements as chuuya pointed out the wrong way you crochet. He goes closer to you as he smiles showing you how it goes, “its like this,” you nodded your head.
“I see, thank you chuuya,” he smiles blushing a little, “welcome and..uhh..d- dont I deserve a reward for that?” at his bold words your eyes widen smiling as you gave him a kiss in the cheek making him huff in pride. 
He's very good at giving you messages, that's why he likes doing them. He loves it when there is a 50% off sale while he is rich from his former job. Nothing beats the feeling of having a 50% off. 
He's a soft man at heart he just builds cold walls that may take time to burn down. Thus the reason why he worries for you a lot. Being a househusband means ensuring your health and keeping you comfortable in this simple life of husband and lover of yours. That is Nakahara Chuuya's motto on being your house husband.
“I'm hooomeee,” you announced feeling drowsy and tired as chuuya walked towards the door looking at you worried, “welcome home, is everything okay? Do you want a massage? Does anything hurt?” 
You smile at him seeing his usual worrywart and dotting self to you, “yeah, I'm fine just tired from work, my shoulder hurts a little bit though,” he smiles, “cmon lets go dinners ready and your bath is ready too, I'll massage you once your done with your bath.”
“your the best,”
“hmp, I know that,” he huffs as you chuckle, “I love you,” 
“I love you too.”
— THE PROTECTIVE TYPE. 芥川 龍之介 | akutagwa ryunosuke.
[ “Did you take overtime again? How many times have I told you to not do that? Do I have to come to work and punch those scumbags to not make you work too much? hmp! its not violence it's about just teaching them a lesson,” ] 
Another classic nagging wife-like of a husband. The first time you two met was a rocky start with him trying to kill you solely because you were tending his injuries you hated how bratty he was saying he doesn't need any help but ended up passing out in your arms. You sigh at his stubbornness and tend to him for the past few days he was unconscious. You knew he was a mafia due to his all black get up and bloody clothes. 
Yet helped him anyways because you just wanted to help him, it took time for him to open up and slowly burn down his tough walls. At Least 3 months of you two being ‘acquaintances’ to becoming ‘friends’ you chuckled at the times he was being cold to you. 
It took a lot of time till you two became lovers to the now husband and lover. Happily married and a small home in a small neighborhood. He's an alright cook, he's not good at it but he takes his time to learn things on cooking via cooking lessons by the neighborhood auntie's who graciously lend him a hand. 
He's popular with them because of how they thought he was an adorable husband for you. Although quite cold towards them the auntie's doesn't mind as they still coo at him. To be frank he didn't know how to be a good househusband.
He sucks at cooking, cleaning, and even being affectionate to you was a struggle for him. Though you didn't mind that, you let him learn at his own pace. Going to the neighborhood asking what laundry detergent is good for this specific fabric, how to iron clothes correctly, and many more.
“F- fuck… not again,” the raven haired male said furrowing his brows as he accidentally put too much force on breaking the egg that the shells wad put on the egg. He sighs as he takes another egg, breaking it not too hard, not too gentle, his eyes sparkle as he did it perfectly. 
“There,” he sighs as you look behind him, smiling and admiring your husband. He's so cute. Maybe you should give him something for always doing his best. 
The reason he quit being in the port mafia was because you like dazai and chuuya. He doesn't want to see you hurt and he especially doesn't want to see you being all worried and teary eyed to him. 
He hates messes, absolutely hates them and bugs too. He almost wrecked the whole house because he used his ability to kill a single cockroach who was flying and dodging his everymove. He was almost as his wits end at the single roach. 
While he has a lot of money due to being an exmafia he refuses to buy expensive ass vegetables and fruits that people overpriced in the mall. Every Time he's grocery shopping he's glaring at any overpriced vegetable, seasonings, etc. he lays his eyes upon. 
He doesn't like grocery shopping solely because he hates picking on which is far more good to have. This cabbage is nice but also this one too. Which should he choose? He always ends up thinking like that which makes him irritated. 
He furrow his brows looking at the two carrots, one in his right hand, seemingly with good color and quality, while the other is far more bigger and good quality. He glares at the carrots in his hands as the other people who feel his strong and intimidating aura.
Not to mention a man wearing all black with an apron and with his bitch face people start to back away in the vegetable aisle. 
Some people also misunderstand him there. How he was asking for the cornstarch flour but forgot what it was called asking the staff for the ‘white powder stuff' and the staff thinking it was cocaine. Thus the many reasons he hates grocery shopping. 
Just like Chuuya he is strict about your diet, he will go above and beyond for your bento's meals making sure everything is healthy there. He kind off has a grudge for electronic devices used for cleaning, like those small bots used for sweeping. 
When you bought that you swore he was about to start war on an inanimate object. He prefers cleaning in the old fashion way saying it's much cheaper and plus he cleans very good due to the neighbors teaching him about the many ways to clean your house. 
Speaking of cleaning because of the cleaning lessons the auntie's taught him in the neighborhood. He became a professional. Everytime you come home you swear your whole house was sparkling due to how clean it is. 
“Oh wow! you really outdone yourself dear,” you said in awe as you look at your spotless house making him huff in pride, “ of course, anyway go get a bath, dinners almost ready,” you nodded your head at his words as he forms a small smile at this. 
He hates it when you work overtime solely because he misses you and also hates it when you overwork yourself. 'If your work ends at 6:00 it ends at 6:00 okay? don't take overtime.' he says glaring at you, sending you off to work making you sweat drop at it. 
He spoils you with gifts while he was out shopping on his own. Passing by stalls and seeing things you might like and giving them to you directly without much of a word. He sucks at making things or being affectionate to you so he hopes these gifts will show how much he loves you. (Which is always expensive by the way, like diamond necklaces, Gucci bags, Prada things and many more.)
He sometimes calls you on work to see if you're okay and if you're doing alright, he can't help but worry for your safety and overall well-being. 
He once intimidated a coworker of yours because they were the sole reason you came home late for a whole week. He's awkward at it but he always tries his best to kiss you, hug you, and hold your hand. He still feels embarrassed for such things but he just needs time to get used to it. 
As for his motto, he truly doesn't know, he just wants to see you happy with him. Smiling only at him and being with him only. Does that count as a motto?
“You have everything you need right?” he asks standing near the door as you nodded your head, “of course,” he nodded, his eyes gazing away from you then back at you. 
You looked at him in confusion tilting your head to the side. As he took a step near you and closing the gap between you two. As his lips got in contact with your cheek. 
“Have a safe trip,” 
You smile at him, “thank you dear, I will,” 
“And don't take overtime got it?”
“Haha! I will not, see you,”
He huffs in pride, the color red coating his face. 
'I can't believe I kissed them like that,' thoughts of a man who has been married to you for years. 
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phoward89 · 3 months
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Based on this ask
Warning ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is his own warning, child gets hurt (nothing major), unruly mobs, poison, hanging tree
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“Daddy!” Cassian Xanthos excitedly exclaimed, running over to Coriolanus as you followed behind him, your belly just starting to swell with your second child so you're still able to keep up with your little blonde rugrat.
“Did Mommy bring you here to help me run the country, Cass?” Your husband asked your son, who was his spitting image at 4 years old. The little boy had the same light platinum blonde curls, the same baby blue eyes, the same prominent nose, long legs, and toothy grin.
A grin that was missing something.
“I finally lost my tooth!” Cassian proudly announced, climbing up onto your husband's lap as he sat at his desk in his presidential office.
“Yeah? Let me see it.” Coriolanus beamed, giving your son a proud smile.
You couldn't help, but to melt at the interaction you were watching unfold before your very eyes. Coriolanus, despite being a cold, callous, stern, calculated, iron-fisted leader, was a very loving husband and father. Around you and your son, he was a different man. A man that let his guard down, let himself have emotions.
Coriolanus presented himself to the public as a hard man and rarely talked about his family. The only ones that knew how much his family meant to him was the presidential mansion staff. And they knew better than to cross their boss. The staff knew that if they wanted to keep breathing and assure that their families didn't wind up banished to the districts that it's best to ignore how soft the cold hearted President Snow was with his family.
“Cass, put your tooth under your pillow tonight and the tooth fairy will collect your tooth; give you a reward.” Your husband told your son, making the little boy smile and giggle in excitement.
Coriolanus made sure to incorporate all of those little traditions he grew up with. The ones Grandma’am had shared with him when he was a little orphan boy, growing up alone and afraid during a war.
“Last time I lost a tooth, the tooth fairy gived me a gold coin.” Cassian. Xandros chirped.
Coriolanus cringed at hearing his son's improper grammar. Looking down at his boy, your husband corrected him with, “It's the tooth fairy gave me a gold coin, not gived.”
“Okay.” Cassian simply smiled.
Looking away from the little boy in his lap and over to you, Coriolanus asked, “Have the maids finished packing our bags for our trip to 12?”
Your husband, being the President, had to take trips to the districts to deal with things. It was mostly meetings with PK commanders and mayors, sometimes a few other things such as productivity at a factory or a mine. But he never went into full details with you about it. You usually just had to deal with him bitching about the incompetent people he had to meet with.
You also got stuck attending dinners with the PK commanders, mayors, and their families. Coryo always brought his family along on his business trips for that very reason. So that his family could smooze with the family of whoever he was stuck meeting with. Your husband was all about networking.
“Yes.” You nodded, leaning against the edge of his desk and resting your hand on your barely there baby bump. “Paloma, placed the bags in the foyer of the living quarters; I think the chauffeur's loading them into the car soon.
“As soon as I'm done with my paperwork we'll head out.” Coriolanus informed you, picking up his pen and resuming his paperwork while letting his son sit on his lap.
“Okay, but why do we have to go to 12? We both hate it there, can't you just send one of your staff to handle whatever mine dispute is going on?”
“Darling, I can't send an assistant. I need to handle this myself because, apparently, the last time I sent an assistant nothing got done.”
“Daddy, why you and Mommy hate 12?” Your son innocently asked your husband.
You narrowed your eyes at Coryo, silently warning him that the story of you two’s past in 12 wasn't fitting for the ears of a 4 year old little boy.
Yea… Telling your son that Coriolanus and you met each other when he was a Peacekeeper (and that he was supposed to be Lucy Gray’s beau), that he paid for an apartment you shared (he was supposed to live in the barracks, but he always seemed to sneak in and out before wakeup call), and brought you back to the Capitol with him wasn't a good idea. He was too young; wouldn't understand.
Hell, you're hoping that Cassian never learns the truth about how you and Coryo got together. It's just too complicated. Maybe even somewhat embarrassing in a way.
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Your husband gave your son his old puppy plushie from his childhood. It was a plushie that your son slept with. He had to take it with him during trips, or else he'd be up all night crying without it. Cassian Xandros couldn't sleep without his plushie, Puppers.
And Puppers couldn't be packed in the suitcase. No, your son has to carry that plushie with him when going somewhere. Sticking it in the luggage gives him panic attacks.
And dealing with a 4 year old having a panic attack’s no easy feat. Especially when that child's the carbon copy of Coriolanus Snow. Oh boy…the panic attacks that Cassian would have over thinking his Puppers was lost were on a whole different level.
Like the end of the world, the 2nd apocalypse, and WW4 type of level. The little boy was unconsolable while having one. You would always hold your son and assure him that everything was fine. You'd whisper reassuring words to him and comfort him while your husband would find the puppy plushie and shove it into your son's hands.
Safe to say, it was easier to just let Cassian carry Puppers the puppy plushie onto the train with him then to pack it up.
“Daddy, did you bring Puppers on trips when you was little?” Cassian Xandros asked his father while sitting on his lap, looking out the window of the Presidential train car your family had just boarded half an hour earlier.
“It's when you were little, Cass.” Coriolanus corrected your son’s grammar, like he always did.
You just smiled from your spot on the sofa, eating some fruit while watching your favorite boys. They're two peas in a pod. You know that Cassian Xandros is most likely going to follow in his father's political footsteps when he's older. You can see it already.
“No.” Coryo shook his head. A faraway look appeared in your husband's icy blue eyes as he looked out the window over your son's head of platinum curls. Looking down at the little boy in his lap, a thin line of a smile appeared on his face as he explained, “I didn't go on trips as a little boy because things were scary back then. Panem wasn't safe like it is now.”
Looking at his dad, who was his hero, Cassian asked, “And you make it safe, right daddy? Cause you's President?”
“Yes, your daddy makes the country very safe because he's the president.” You answered Cassian before Coriolanus had the chance to correct his grammar.
And it's true, your husband had put many laws, rules, and regulations in effect when it came to the law and order of the country; to keep Panem safe. To keep the country running smoothly. Your husband had seen many horrors in his short life, more than you and that's something considering that you grew up in the districts. Your husband had an obsessive need for control and order; it showed in his political policies.
You never got into it. As First Lady your job was to just smile, go to charity events, host tea parties, etc. Oh, you also collected gossip for your husband, that he used to make decisions about who he should and shouldn't eliminate. But, as First Lady, your role wasn't as a ruler- that was your husband's job. Coriolanus was the President, he oversaw the country and you’re just his sidekick.
“You're mommy’s right.” Coryo smiled, only to ruffle his son's light blonde curls and correct his grammar, once again, with, “And it's because you're President, not cause you’s President, Cass.”
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The trip from Capitol City, Panem to District 12, Panem was a very long and boring journey. Traveling from the Rockies to Appalachia was always a soul sucking experience. You and your husband avoid traveling to District 12 like the plague, but unfortunately it couldn't be avoided. It seems that the route was long and full of nothing to look at, but a few old crumbling ruins of ancient Pre-Panem cities.
Cassian Xandros, being a little boy, was excited when the train passed by the remnants of the ancient places. “Mommy, Daddy, what District that?”
Never looking up from his reports, Coriolanus told your son, “It's not a district son, it's the ancient city of Pittsburgh.”
“What happened?” The little boy, who inherited both his father's looks and thirst for knowledge, asked.
“Don't worry about it, buddy. You'll learn about it when you're older in school.”
“But daddy-” Cassian Xandros began, only for the president to sternly cut him off with, “I told you not to worry about it, Cassian.”
Seeing the dejected look on your son's face paired with his low lip quivering made you decide that your husband needed a talking to. That you're going to straighten him out. So, giving your son a soft smile, you suggested in a sweet and motherly tone, “Why don't you go to the dining car and ask an Avox for some ice cream? Hmm?”
‘Okay, mommy.” Cassian nodded, a ghost of a smile on his lips, before taking off to go get his ice cream. A treat that you knew would make him feel better; would also get him out of the suite long enough for you to tell off your husband.
As soon as the door to the train car closed, you gave your husband a disgruntled look and told him, ‘Coriolanus, I understand that you're tense because we're almost at 12, but that doesn't give you the right to snap at Cassian. He's just curious about why there's ancient ruins outside of the Districts along the train tracks.”
“I need to prepare for my upcoming meetings, darling. I don't have time to conduct history lessons with a 4 year old right now.” Coryo said dismissively, as if everything you just told him wasn't important. As if his goddamn paperwork was more important.
Well it wasn't and you're going to let him know that.
“You're not the only one that's on edge about this visit to 12, Coryo.” Your said, causing your husband to look at you. Shaking your head, you admitted, “I haven't seen my brother Rein since he disowned me; called me a sellout and a whore when I became your girl. Going back there, not knowing how my family's going to react seeing me as your pregnant First Lady; the mother of your son, terrifies me.”
And your estranged family's opinion of you, after all of these years, did have you worried. You didn't part with Rein and his girlfriend, Ashlie, on the best of terms. They made you choose between them and a Capitol born and bred peacekeeper, Private Snow. You, in the end, picked Coryo. The man that took care of you while you lived in 12, who took you with him when he got discharged and sent back to the Capitol. The man who married you despite the way his Grandma’am turned her nose down at you.
The last time you saw your brother it was when you were on stage with your husband while he was giving a speech during a presidential campaign tour. Although district citizens can't vote, Capitol citizens and those serving the Capitol in the Peacekeepers can. So, Coryo decided to do a district tour to boost morale and votes of the Peacekeepers. He even made sure to use his background as one along with the fact that his father was General Crassus Snow during the election too.
But that was around the time you discovered you were pregnant, so…
“But I'm not taking it out on Cass; I won't sit back and watch you do that, Coryo.” You told your husband, needing him to know that your son couldn't be an emotional punching bag.
Setting his paperwork aside, Coryo stood up and sighed, “You're brother, Rein, and that ratty whore of his are idiots.” Going over to the sofa and taking a seat next to you, your husband snaked an arm around you, bringing you to lean your head against his chest. “I'm sorry that being with me caused such a rift between you and your family; you should've told me you've been feeling apprehensive about this trip.”
“Coryo, you know that I get over emotional from pregnancy hormones. I didn't want to bother you with my feelings about this trip.” You told Coriolanus, feeling like you're ready to burst into tears at any second.
At that very moment, your son walked back into the train car with an ice cream cone in his hand. Seeing you so sad and his daddy trying to make you feel better, Cassian Xandros went over to Coriolanus, only to hold his ice cream out and say, “Daddy, mommy’s sad. Give her my ice cream; then she'll be happy.”
“No, you eat it, sweetie.” You told your son while holding your husband's hand; preventing him from taking the ice cream.
You knew that Coryo would take the ice cream under the guise of giving it to you, but would eat it himself once you turned the treat down. Your husband has an odd relationship with free food…
“Do you want Puppers instead? He always makes me feel better.” Cassian asked, licking his chocolate ice cream cone that had every single once covered by chocolate sprinkles. That was definitely something your son got from his Snow genes. The love of chocolate.
“Oh, I'm fine, Cassian. Your baby sister's just making me a little dramatic.”
“But I thought Auntie Tigris said that daddy the drama queen in the family.”
“Looks like visits with Auntie Tigris are coming to an end.” Coriolanus coldly muttered under his breath.
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“President Snow, Sir, we’ve arrived.” A Peacekeeper announced, walking into the presidential train car once the train has stopped.
“Thank you.” Your husband nodded, only to stand up and look towards you and your son. “It's time to go meet the mayor.”
“Is it still Mayor Lipp?” You wondered, standing up with your son and going over to Coriolanus.
You haven't set foot in 12 since Coriolanus did a presidential campaign tour years ago, before you had Cassian, so you had no idea what was going on politically in the district. Honestly, you didn't care either. But, you did need to know who the mayor was since that's who was housing your family for your visit.
“Yes, that wretched fool’s still the mayor.”
“Mister President, Sir.” The Peacekeeper acknowledged your husband, only to turn to you and say, “First Lady, Ma’am.”, before stating, “A Peacekeeper, says his name's Smiley, is here to escort you to the barracks.”
A puzzled look appeared on your face. “The barracks? But we're staying with the mayor.”
“According to this Smiley, Ma’am, the Commander here in 12 has made new arrangements for the Presidential family.”
“Smiley’ll tell us what's going on, darling. Don't worry, we'll be fine.” Coriolanus assured you, since he didn't want you to get yourself in a tizzy while in your delicate condition. He was always so protective of you when you're carrying his child.
But there was a need to worry. Unknown to Coriolanus and you, the miners were striking and protesting. And not just a few of them, but all of them. Apparently they were tired of working long hours underground in dangerous circumstances without being properly compensated.
The protests started at the mines, but by the time your train arrived at the depot, the station was swarming with District 12 miners demanding to be treated like human beings instead of slave labor. Peacekeepers were lined up, keeping them at bay with rifles drawn and threats to shoot. It was so bad that the Commander was afraid for the safety of Coriolanus and his family. Honestly, none of you should be there, but it was too late to cancel the meeting between the President, the mining bosses, the mayor, and the Commander of District 12.
So, the Commander sent Smiley to greet President Coriolanus Snow and to inform him of what's going on. To act as a makeshift bodyguard because the two men are friends.
Well, your husband only used his old bunkmate as a contact to keep tabs on District 12, but friend sounded much better.
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“Coryo…” You trailed off, looking up at your husband. You were tucked into his side as he had an arm protectively wrapped around you, hand on your round belly. His other arm was holding your son against his chest in a vice tighter than that of a boa constrictor.
Cassian Xandros had his head buried in his father's chest, clutching tightly to his puppy plushie. The loud noise of the crowd of miners and protesters was clearly frightening him. To be honest, it frightened you too.
These people crowding around you were out for blood. You could sense that if the Peacekeepers weren't keeping them at bay, then the crowd would rush you and your family; tear you apart limb by limb- because they're angry at how they're living compared to how your family's living.
“We'll be at the van soon; then we'll go to the base and won't have to deal with the protestors anymore.” Coryo assured you, keeping a stern look on his face as he led the way towards the van as angry miners and their families shouted profanities. Smiley was up ahead, clearing the way, while the personal guards (peacekeepers) that came on the trip from the Presidential Palace flanked you.
It felt so unsettling, this short walk from the depot to the van that'll take your family to the base. To safety.
It should've been easy to get to the van, considering all the presence of the peacekeepers, but it wasn't. Because nothing in your life, in Coriolanus' life, can be easy.
Because right before you reached the Peacekeepers’ van, the unthinkable happened.
“Should’ve stayed in the Capitol, sellout whore!” You heard your older brother's voice yell before feeling spit land on your cheek.
President Coriolanus Snow should've keep walking, guiding his family thru the crowd to the nearby van, but hearing his brother-in-law call his First Lady a sellout whore made him see red. Made him furious.
Motioning to one of the presidential Peacekeeper guards, Coriolanus ordered, “Arrest that man for assaulting my wife, First Lady Y/N Snow.”
The peacekeeper nodded, only to grab your brother (who put up a good struggle) and cuff him. Your brother was cussing up a storm while the crowd was screaming to let him go, that Rein didn't do anything. The protesters screamed that Rein was innocent; was being falsely arrested by the cruel, dictator President Snow.
But you know what Rein did to cause his arrest. He insulted you and spit in your face. In Coryo's eyes was that assault; something unforgivable.
But the crowd of miners and protesters (some of which were rebels and their sympathizers) didn't see it that way. All they saw was an ‘innocent’ man being carted away.
You don't know how it started, but suddenly people broke thru the lines and tried to swarm you, your husband, and your son. Smiley and your Capitol Peacekeeper guards were beating back the crowd so that your husband could whisk his family to the Peacekeepers van.
And you would've made it to the van unscathed to, if it wasn't for the moltov cocktail that somebody threw at your husband as he ushered you towards the van.
You heard the crash of the bottle and smelted the chemicals before your son's cries of pain sounded out. Turning around, as one of the Peacekeepers by the van shoved you into it, you saw flames licking at your son's back and at your husband's arm. A piece of glass from the broken moltov bottle was embedded in your husband's jaw as blood flowed freely from it.
A pair of Peacekeepers rushed over to your husband, patting the flames out of both his arm and your son's back.
“Daddy, it hurts.” Your son cried, referring to his boiled flesh.
‘Radio the hospital on base, I want the best treatment for my son.” President Snow ordered the peacekeeper that was pushing him towards the van, where you were sitting anxiously.
“Mister President, Sir, we'll get him to the hospital on base right away.” The peacekeeper assured your husband as he joined you in the van.
Coriolanus just nodded at the peacekeeper, causing the man to hop into the back of the van. You and Coriolanus tried your best to soothe your son as the peacekeeper sitting next to your husband barked for the driver to get to base; to radio the on base hospital to let them know that President Snow's son is suffering a burn on his back from the mob’s attack.
Of course, the peacekeeper driving to the base did as he was told. So, when your family arrived at PK Base D12 a stretcher with a medic and a doctor was waiting for your son.
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Coryo was holding Cassian’s puppy plushie so hard, you thought the thing’s head was going to pop off and the stuffing would fly out, as the two of you were escorted into your son's hospital room by his attending nurse. His burns weren't bad enough for surgery, but they were bad enough that they needed cleaned, treated with ointment, and bandaged. The nurse explained that Cassian Xandros was asleep due to a dose of morphling he was given for the pain.
Despite him being asleep and on pain meds, you and Coryo just had to see him. Had to sit with him. Your baby boy was hurt, you both needed to be by his side.
Coriolanus might've been a lot of things, but he was a very loving and devoted husband; father. Seeing his son hurt because people didn't like him made him furious. He didn't care if somebody went after him, but going after his family was an entirely different thing.
And those District dogs that wanted prime rib instead of the scraps they got for mining coal all damn day are going to pay. They were going to pay dearly for hurting his son.
Because nobody hurts what's his and gets away with it.
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Coriolanus canceled his meetings concerning the mine production, only to have the mine bosses rounded up in the middle of the night and thrown into jail. The reason? Well, they allowed their workers to turn into a violent mob; they didn't keep them in line. 
The President ordered the mine bosses to be executed at the hanging tree for being an accessory to the crimes of their mining employees.
Talk about executions…
President Snow had 100 miners rounded up and sent to the gallows as punishment for what happened to your son. It didn't matter that those people weren't the ones that threw the moltov cocktail. They were disgruntled district 12 citizens. They protested and pushed back; causing a rebellion. 
They're rebels.
So they had to hang to serve as an example; a lesson on what happens when one goes against the Capitol. Dares to bite the hand that feeds it.
And your older brother, Rein. 
Your husband's currently having a meeting with him in his jail cell. 
“Heard you hung 100 innocent people.” Rein told Coriolanus as the imposing platinum blonde devil took set a thermos down on the table your brother was chained too.
“Those scum were not innocent. Their little rebellious outburst hurt my son and scared my pregnant wife.” Coriolanus told his brother-in-law, who he hasn't seen in a good 5 years, while taking a seat across from him. “I don't play around when it comes to the safety of my family, Mr. Halvir.” The president told the dark haired man, who had broad shoulders due to years of work in the coal mines, while reaching for the thermos. 
Rein narrowed his Seam grey eyes at President Snow. A man he hates for turning you against your kind, against the district that you were born and raised in. Oh, how your brother hates your husband for being your keeper, for turning you into a Capitol puppet.
Unscrewing the thermos’ lid, Coriolanus made the condescending remark of, “You should know that first hand, considering how I moved Y/N out of your shithole hovel in the Seam once she became mine.” 
“You made her choose between you and us when she was too young to even understand the damning consequences of that choice. I hope your kid brings home somebody you hate; somebody that drives a wedge in your perfectly fucked up Presidential First Family.”  Rein snarled at Coriolanus while the platinum blonde man poured some of the hot tea from the thermos into a plastic cup- that also served as a topper for the thermos.
“Mmm…” Your husband hummed, tasting the tea. “Still hot.” He remarked, setting the tea down in front of your older brother. Gesturing to the plastic cup, Coriolanus simply said, “For you.”
Rein looked between the cup and Coriolanus, only to nod and take it. His chains were long enough to make it possible for him to pick up the cup and bring it to his lips, but short enough to ensure that he couldn't lunge across the table to do the president any harm.
“How's your boy?” Rein asked, sipping on the tea. 
“Why do you care? He's just the product of a Capitol snake and a sellout whore, isn't he?” Coriolanus seethed, hate dripping from every word like venom. Leaning forward, eyes watching the miner intently as he sipped on the tea, he asked, “Do you have any little bastards running around?”
“No.” Rein shook his head. Setting down his cup, he said, “Me and Ashlie decided not to have kids. That it's not worth it, with the risk of reapings and all.”
Coriolanus’ lips twisted into a cruel smile. “Then the Halvir name dies with you.”
Rein's Seam grey eyes flashed with confusion, only for realization to shine in them as he began to feel his throat close up. Clawing at his neck, in a desperate, but useless attempt for air, your brother realized that your husband had poisoned him. He began to feel his blood boil on his body, feel it bubble up from his stomach and travel up his throat. Shaking, he used the last bit of his strength to muster out the word, “Why?”
Coriolanus pulled his handkerchief from his pocket, only to use it to stifle a small, bloody cough. A small side effect of drinking poison, but at least he had taken the antidote prior. He smiled wickedly, a thin layer of crimson staining his teeth, as he told Rein, “Your little stunt caused that crowd to attack me; to hurt my son. Anyone that hurts my family will pay with their lives.” 
Watching the light dim in your brother's eyes as blood pooled uncontrollably from his mouth and nose, your husband leaned over him and whispered, “Snow lands on top.”
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @twinkletwinklenotastar @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @shellybellysstuff @zombicupcake3
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gigislesbo · 9 months
↳ “time to teach ya’” || op zoro fic
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╴ until you learn how to properly pleasure yourself, zoro refuses to allow you to leave. now it's too late to have any regrets about admitting to him that you've never masturbated before.
╴word count: 2k
╴pairing/dynamic: top!zoro , bottom!reader
╴content warning: smut like barely any plot, female prns, made with afab body in mind, just zoro being zoro, innocentish reader, guided masturbation, fingering, corruption kink, spit, praising, cussing, overstimulation, begging but from readers own accord
╴requested: no
╴a/n: english isn’t my first language so if there’s grammar errors i apologize. this is for my zoro lovers 🫡, do enjoy!
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Zoro could sense something was off about you, particularly after the party. Zoro was honestly a bit bewildered; it was a party with your close friends, and you’re acting dryly with him.
Zoro agitated finally decided he was finished being quiet; after all the way you were acting was bugging him.
"what’s wrong. You’re acting’ bizarre," Zoro voices impolitely, glancing at you once more. "Nothing? "I'm acting normally," you mention, baffled at what he’s talking about.
"Stop lyin'; we both know something’s off with you. Just spit it out already," he replies with a little bit more urgency in his voice.
"it’s nothing! I promise. I'm just, to some extent, embarrassed about something that was  discussed."You declared, sitting down on your bed, hoping that answer would appease Zoros curiosity. "And what was discussed?" he replies while glancing at you once more.
He wanted to get to the root of the issue so you wouldn’t continue to act so distant.
"Can’t say! It was just something ridiculous Nami brought up during our game." You say rambling about the game of ‘never have I ever’ that you and the other ladies played.
Zoro raised his eyebrow, looking for you to give him more specifics. You huff at him but finally decide to just get it over with.
"She asked if… I'd ever played…with myself, and I thought she was joking, but when I looked at her face, it was clear she wasn't. " You followed off before resuming. "I said I haven't, and out of shame, I went to go get you so we could go home," you say with a flush of coral on your cheeks, noticing how elementary your actions were.
Zoro quietly laughed. His partner hasn’t masturbated before, and that’s why they were acting in this manner. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, baby, because that'll change soon.." He proceeded to walk towards your bed and then he sat down. With a smirk on his face, he then continues his sentence. "I'd say it’s time to teach ya’ whatcha think, baby?"
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"That’s it, pretty girl," Zoro says while helping you keep your legs apart. "Doing so good."
At the praise, you couldn’t help but feel yourself get more wet. He knew what he was doing, especially when he persisted in helping you keep your legs open.
Honestly, all he wanted was to see you play with your pretty pussy, but you weren’t one to protest against it. After all, it somehow made you feel more pleasure.
"Getting all wet for me, babe? How cute." Zoro couldn’t help but feel proud of the fact that he was able to convince you to masturbate.
It was your first time, and it was with him watching, corrupting you, and teaching you where you should touch yourself. Everything was just too perfect to be true, especially after hearing your moans.
"Feel too good." You said playing with your clit and making sure it feels good, just like how Ro' told you.
This ecstasy was enough to melt any thoughts from your brain, just like the sun can melt snow.
Zoro could tell just by looking at you how much you were enjoying yourself, but he just couldn’t let you have all the fun.
He decided to play with you just a little bit, using his fingers to rub your inner thighs, which are closest to your needy hole.
As soon as he did that, you noticed. Wide-eyed and staring at his fingers, you could feel your mind start to wander. Wanting him to stuff you full with his pretty and big fingers.
"Keep your eyes on your own fingers, love." Zoro leans forward, whispering in your ear.
"Don’t wanna… You’re being unfair." You protest to him while looking at his face for any sign of giving in. There was not but a single smirk on his face.
"Sorry, pretty girl, I'm just here to teach. Nothing else…" He pauses for a moment, looking at your needy and begging face. "If you don’t know how to do it when you’re all alone and crying for my dick, then you’ll be more upset. Can’t have that, can we?" He says he is laughing with his deep, sultry voice.
You know what he says is right, but the laugh he made didn’t help your case. You just wanted him to pound into your poor cunt and have him call you the slut you are, but instead you had to give pleasure to yourself.
You opened your mouth to complain again, but Zoro was quick to shut you up by taking your unoccupied hand and spitting on your fingers.
Right now, your expression is like a deer in headlights. You didn’t know what he was planning to do, but you knew you had to listen up.
He then led your fingers to your hole, slowly making one at a time enter.
"Zo’ f-feels good." You moan; your finger may not be better than Zoro's, but it still made you feel good.
Zoro just smirked at you after he heard you moan, moving his hand away from yours.
You honestly didn’t know what to do from there, so you just stayed still, mesmerized by the feeling of your own finger inside. It honestly felt a bit weird; it was the feeling of something inside of you not moving. You looked at Zoro for some guidance, which he gave.
He honestly couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, looking at how pretty his innocent baby was. "Move your finger in and out of your pretty hole. If it still isn’t enough, then add a few more fingers,  k'babe?"
"M'kay," you say, just staring at him without even making an effort to move your fingers.
"I already went over this. I’m not going to do it for you; you gotta do it yourself. You're going to make me proud, aren’t you?" Zoro stated he meant it all.
You lived to make Zoro proud, so of course you would do it. The only thing is that you only feel like you can do that when you’re drinking with him or fucking. You don’t mind doing those things either, but sometimes you just wish he’d let you pleasure his cock right now instead.
I mean, there are so many ways he likes it, like when you’re jacking him off, giving him a blowjob, a titjob, or even just letting him fuck your tight little cunt. But right now, you know better than anyone not to ask. You’ll get refused, no matter how needy he is, because he wants you to please yourself only. So instead of sulking, you decided you’d make him proud.
You take your finger and start moving it in and out of you, looking for that one pleasure spot that you continuously miss. You then try adding three fingers, but it’s no use; you can’t find it.
Yes, it's pleasurable enoughto throw your head back every now and then, but it’s not the pleasure you want. You want your spot touched; it’s like your cunt craves it as it continues clenching around your fingers.
"Ro's too hard and can’t find it." You state between mumbles and moans, looking directly at how Zoro just stares at your body, looking like an animal wanting his prey, but he snaps out of it hearing your voice.
"Shouldn’t you know your spot better than me? You can find it, baby." Zoro says with a sly smirk on his face, knowing he’s teasing you.
You continue for a few more minutes, even while paying attention to your needy clitoral, but it's still no use. You can’t find the spot that’ll make you cum faster.
You look at Zoro with puppy dog eyes and say, "Ne-need you, Zo', can’t find it.. wan’ your fingers in me."
That was all it took for Zoro to finally snap and help your pussy out. I mean, who could say no to that?
He looks at you with a stern look on his face and tells you to follow his lead. Before you can take your fingers out, he stops you. Shoving three of his own into you. "Mm f-fuck!!" You screamed not on purpose but because it took all the air out of you.
Your cunt was stretched and full, like it is when he forces his cock into your cunt. Zoro groans hearing you moan like that just from him entering his fingers in.
Zoro then begins fingering you, going back in and back out of your stretched-out hole. You end up following him; it was a pleasure. You felt your body start to burn like lava. So much pleasuring you, almost too much, especially because Zoro ended up finding pleasure spots you completely missed.
At this point in time, you were a babbling mess, just barely able to think—completely overstimulated. Before you could even do anything. Zoro found the spot. You screamed once again, telling him it was too good and how you needed more.
Only to be left with complete disappointment because Zoro’s fingers were no longer in you. "Gotta pleasure it yourself, babe; as hot as it is knowing you’ll get off on my hands, it’s better watching you struggle. Don’t you think? He whispers into your ear, knowing how badly you need to cry.
You huff at him, but you can’t fight back. You know this is for the better. After a few more minutes of trial and error, you find it. You need this to cum, and so you keep shoving your finges in and out of your hot cunt, pleasuring your spot every now and then. "Gonna gonna cum!!" You shout, letting yourself cum.
The orgasm left your body shaking for more, but you were too tired to comply.
"Good girl, I'm very proud of you." Zoro said, looking down at your flushed body and pulsing hole.
"I hope you know I'm not done yet." You pause, getting air, then continuing, "I've got to help you out."
"I would love that, babe." He just smiles at you.
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© gigislesbo on tumblr !!
╴a/n: had fun making this, it’s not my best work but i did have fun so it doesn’t matter.
921 notes · View notes
mayu-otome · 19 days
Drink, Get Drunk, And Drown - Alfons Sylvatica
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These translations are solely for entertainment and not profit. Accuracy is not 100% guaranteed. MDNI
(quick note that English and Japanese are not my native language and there might be some errors and mistakes in my grammar and wording in the translation)
On the way back from accompanying a mission to a warehouse suspected of selling drugs.
Roger: You have some nerve to use a person as a human shield.
Alfons: I'm putting to good use, those muscles you're so proud of. shouldn't you be grateful towards me instead?
The two started fighting.
(It all started when Alfons used Roger as a shield against a gun-wielding man...)
Alfons: Can you not come any closer? Joining shoulders with a filthy man like you is giving me the chills.
Roger: Young lady, say something too.
Kate: .… I agree with Roger on this one!
Alfons: How cruel! You're disregarding your lover and agreeing with that man's opinion!
Kate: You shouldn’t use people as shields in the first place!
Alfons knocks Roger arm off and wraps his arm around my waist.
Alfons: Then we'll be around here. Let's go, Kate.
Roger: Hey, you're not planning on running away, are you?
Roger: I risked my life to protect you. I guess it makes sense to treat me to a glass of alcohol
Alfons: Huh? Why do I have to treat you?
Roger: Generally you—
(If things continue like this, we won't get anywhere. When it comes to this...!)
Kate: I’ll treat you!
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Alfons & Roger: …..Huh?
Alfons had a disgusted look on his face as Roger gulped down his beer.
Alfons: You've finished drinking. Please go home.
Roger: Of course I’m still going to drink
Alfons: You're always drinking the same thing. seriously, you're no fun at all.
Roger: What’s wrong with drinking what you like?
Kate: Alfons, you seem to know a lot about Roger.
Alfons: This is a well-known fact that everyone in Crown knows, but it’s not even worth remembering.
Roger: I've known Al for a long time.
Alfons: I'm very dissatisfied.
Roger: I think of you as a friend.
Roger: Kate, if something ever happens with this guy, I'll be your listening ear however much you need.
Alfons: In your case, it’s probably not enough to just listen.
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Roger: I mean, the little lady’s face is quite my type.
Kate: Eh….!
Alfons: What are you embarrassed about? Don’t tell me….. You’re planning to cheat on me in public?
Kate: T-this is because of the alcohol!
Alfons: Heh….. I’ll leave it at that.
Suddenly, a joyful voice rises from the seat in the back.
When I looked over, I saw two men lying face down on a table with many glasses on it.
Alfons: Most likely they were having a showdown to see who could drink more.
Roger chuckled upon hearing those words
Roger chuckled upon hearing those words, seemingly having thought of an idea.
Roger: Let's do it too, Al.
Alfons: No thanks, Please do it alone.
Roger: You're not in the mood, then—
Roger: How about betting on the young lady?
Kate: Me?!
Alfons: What ridiculous thing did you just say?
Roger: If I win, I'll spend the night drinking with the young lady. If you win, I'll pay for the drinks and get out of here.
Alfons: I don't want to have anything to do with you
Roger: Are you afraid of losing to me?
Alfons: —Huh?
Alfons: ... I get it. Let's do it.
Kate: You're really going to!?
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Alfons: It's okay. I won't lose to this idiot.
Leaving me surprised at this unexpected turn of events, the two of them took a quick sip from their glasses.
Alfons: You can still drink... please just hurry up and pass out.
Roger: You're not already at your limit?
Alfons: Please don't take your jokes too far.
(Roger is strong. Alfons is a stronger drinker too.)
His hair is disheveled behind his ears, his reddish cheeks and unusually loose lips doubling his sex appeal.
(As expected, this might be violating the rules.)
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As I’m exposed to the sex appeal of my drunken lover, our eyes meet.
Alfons: ....What kind of face are you making?
Kate: eh?
Alfons: I'm leaving
Alfons stood up and grabbed my arm, forcing me to stand.
Kate: We're still in the middle of a showdown…
Alfons slammed the money down on the table and glared at Roger.
Alfons: Were you satisfied?
Roger: I'm satisfied because I found out that you're more excited than I imagined. Kate, next time let's have a drink when Al isn't around.
Alfons: ...It seems you really want to be killed.
Roger: Haha! If you try to kill me, I'll shoot you back.
Alfons: …. I’m leaving
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(This is the first time I've seen you so drunk...)
His gait was shaky and unsteady….
(Besides, he’s usually talk a lot, but…. he’s been quiet the whole time.)
(They say that alcohol reflects a person's true feelings, but I'm surprised that Alfons is so quiet.)
Kate: Kyaa!
The moment I entered the room, I was pushed onto the bed.
He got between my legs and hung over me so that I couldn't move, before stealing my lips.
Kate: ….Nn, Al
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Alfons: ….You looked incredibly naughty just a little while ago
His tongue slipped into my mouth.
Alfons: You got excited seeing me drunk? What a pervert.
Kate: That—!
The spilled breath was hot.
The ribbon of her blouse was untied and her underwear was roughly pulled down.
Kate: Ah!
The moment the red ripe tip was played, a sweet voice came out.
Alfons: ……
He usually says provocative words here, but for some reason, he just kept attacking me relentlessly.
Kate: Not there—!
My legs instinctively tried to close in pleasure, but were blocked by his hand.
Alfons: ...Isn't it faster than usual?
Kate: Because, ah!
A long finger slowly enters through the gap in her shorts.
Kate: It’s hot….
I feel like I'm going crazy just from the heat of the fingertips,
(Because Alfons is silent….!)
The lewd sound of water echoed throughout the quiet room, and my aroused body came to an abrupt climax.
Kate: Nn !
Alfons silently put his hands on his belt.
Kate: Al—-
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Alfons: ... Seriously, what was going on with that man?
Kate: Eh?
(That man is Roger, right?)
With an irritated look, he threw his hair back and gently stroked my cheek.
Alfons: I'd never give you to him.
Kate: … Are you perhaps jealous?
Alfons: …. What if I say yes?
Kate: Ah…..
Alfons: It's fine, so please just let me hold you.
I gasped at the warmth that replaced the fingers that smoothly left my cheeks.
Alfons: I love you because I'll be causing a big scar that'll someday drive you into despair.
She drowns in the pleasure he gives her and becomes intoxicated with him.
<The next day>
When I opened my eyes to the glare, I found myself in his arms.
(Innocence sleeping face…..)
Just as I was about to reach out to touch his cheek.
Alfons: Will you give me a kiss?
Kate: You’re awake !?
Alfons: I’m not awake. Look, my eyes are still closed, right?
Kate: You’re already awake.
Ignoring him, who was reluctant to open his eyes, I tried to get up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
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Alfons: Let's go back to sleep. I drank too much and I'm really tired.
Kate: …. I think I'll go get some hangover medicine from Roger.
Alfons: When did you become such a bad girl, always mentioning other men's names in bed?
In an instant, I couldn’t help but laugh at the furrowed brows.
Alfons: What are you laughing at?
Kate: Fufu... that's because I thought that even you'd get jealous, Alfons.
He let out a sigh as I laughed.
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Alfons: What if I say yes?
I put my arms around his neck, trying to answer the same lines as last night.
Kate: I’m happy
Kate: And... I was a little happy to see you different from usual.
Alfons: …. You seriously are something else.
When he finally opened his eyes, he lowered his eyebrows in annoyance, smiled, and kissed my forehead.
Alfons: You really are an idiot.
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zentraex · 6 months
Wishing on World Wish Day is a funny thought. Magic doesn’t exist in our world. Still, trying doesn’t hurt, right? Maybe your favourite fictional character comes to life?
Remember: English is a lot different than German. I apologise for any grammar mistakes.
Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, Yandere, Mentioning of Masturbation, Stalking
From Another World
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Monday, 29. April 2024
Dear Diary,
Today is World Wish Day. Normally, I don't believe in that, but what's wrong with giving it a try, right? After all, no one will know but you, so it's worth a try, even if it's just for fun.
I'm totally obsessed with this anime: "My Hero Academia". It's been a long time since I've watched the anime and yet I can't stop throwing my money out the window for merch. After all this time, I still read fanfictions about Katsuki. I wish someone like him would exist in real life, or better yet, he would exist, explicitly. Do you think he'd like me then? I hope so. I like him so much that my heart wouldn't take it if he hated me.
With red cheeks, you close the book and grin to yourself. It's a silly entry, but you still love to think about "what if..." situations.
And what better day to try than World Wish Day?
Maybe, just maybe, the wish will come true after all.
You giggle again, what a stupid thought.
A loud noise that you can't assign wakes you up the next day. Tired, you rub your eyes and glance at your phone's clock.
It's an hour before your alarm goes off and you need to get ready for school. Smiling, you lie down again, but the rumbling in your apartment startles you up.
Your parents are on vacation and you should be alone.
A burglar...
is your first thought. Your heart pounds against your chest as you reach for the baseball bat in your closet. It was a gift from your childhood friend. You don't have any contact with them anymore, but you find it difficult to detach yourself from things.
Who would have thought that it could be of use after all?
The sleepiness is completely gone and adrenaline is pumping in your veins. Completely in a state of euphoria, you are not even silent as you rush into the living room, club firmly in your grip and ready to strike.
Of course, the burglar notices you. Your footsteps are not quiet. But don't worry, someone like him would even notice you if you sneaked up.
It's dark, you can only vaguely see his head turned in your direction.
You swing with full power...
... but suddenly it explodes, your bat. The blast causes you to fall back to the floor of your room and the smell of smoke blocks your nasal cavities. Your breath is shaking and your body trembles.
Was the explosion real?
You don't even have time to think about it, because a few milliseconds after your impact, the burglar grabs you by the face and pushes your upper body down. You can feel how he puts pressure on your body with his legs, not only immobilizing you completely, but also causing you immense pain.
What do you do in such a situation?
Right! Crying and begging.
"T-Take what you want," you begin as fat balls of water flow through your face. "Just not the family pictures, my mother is very attached to them. Please don't take my beloved father's trophy either, he's so proud of them," you sniff. "A-and please don't take the necklace in my jewelry box. It's a family heirloom."
The otherwise silent room fills itself with your sobs as you tell him about the things that are worth so much to you and your family. He doesn't say anything.
You're scared. Your field of vision is blocked by his hand, it stinks of smoke, you are immobilized and everything hurts. All the while, the burglar is silent.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" he says after a while.
The grip on your face comes loose and your watery eyes show you a blurry gray vision of a man. His voice sounds like Bakugou's.
"You kidnapped me, why are you begging like a baby now?"
It takes a while for you to be able to process the info. The last heavy drops roll down your cheeks and your vision are clearing. There is a man in front of you and he has light, spiky hair and a prominent face that you would recognize anywhere.
"B-Bakugou?" it slips out of you. "A Bakugou cosplayer?"
He looks and sounds one-on-one like Bakugou, your beloved anime character.
At the mention of his name, his grips tighten again, eliciting a whimper from you.
"I'll give you ten seconds. Tell me who you are and how you know my name. Why am I here?"
"I-I'm Reader a-and I know the character you're cosplaying because I'm a huge fan of him, a-"
He interrupts you by putting a hand on your mouth.
"Figure that I cosplay? I'm real."
Shit, I'm dying at the hands of a maniac...
He looks at you for a while before speaking again.
"I'm going to let you go now, turn on the lights. Don't do shit, you’ll regret it."
He doesn't let go of you until you nod. For the first time, you can breathe properly, but your limbs still hurt unbearably. On shaky legs, you walk to the light switch and then turn towards the person.
Now that you can see it closely, you notice that he looks like the real Bakugou down to the smallest detail.
When you look into his eyes, you notice how he looks around the room. Your whole walls are full of him, your bed is full of plushies, and your closets have a whole bunch of Bakugou figurines. Even your pajamas have a Bakugou pattern.
"Are you a stalker? Shit, ended up with a lunatic."
"What? No! I'm just a huge fan of him."
He then just clicks his tongue and crosses his arms.
"Stop talking like I'm not real."
In the meantime, your pulse has regulated itself again. Maybe that's why you find the courage to raise your eyebrows skeptically and cross your arms.
"No, you're not. Bakugou is a fictional character. You really need to get help, my friend."
Then he says with gnashing teeth: "No, I'm not."
"Oh, yes? How do you think I get all the close-ups of you?"
He seems to pause and steps closer to the images. His gaze scans them all: the moment he collapsed in front of Deku after fighting him, when he was kidnapped by the League of Villains and sat tied up in a chair, when he fought Deku and Ochako with Ida on the team, and many more. More precisely, all the defining moments of his life are glued to your wall, just not from his perspective.
He has to swallow as he lets it sink in.
Could you be telling the truth?
No way, right? He experienced it! He can feel and think, how can he be fictional?
But then why do you have all these memories?
Suddenly, he is plagued by a headache and nausea almost makes him spit up.
Was his life just a show for people like you? Was it never about saving lives? To be a hero? All his work, courage, heroic deeds were not self-willed, but written by someone?
But he's here now, isn't he? He's made it to the real world, so he's thinking for himself now, isn't he?
But how did he do it?
His gaze wanders to you, who looks at him expectantly.
It must have something to do with you. After all, he's in your house for a reason, right?
Did you bring him to life?
"Look, I'm serious. I'm real. The explosion earlier, can anyone else do that?"
Your eyes widen, you've totally forgotten about it in the heat of the moment. A normal person can't do that, so how did he do it?
You are silent and your silence gives him the answer he needs.
"See? Maybe I was fictional, but you must have brought me here somehow."
Your gaze wanders to your journal and the idea that your wish has come true pops up.
Can it be?
It was just a stupid thought, a little joke to yourself. Magic doesn't exist in your world, but how do you explain this situation?
Suddenly, your heart is beating like crazy and your body is getting all hippy.
Bakugou Katsuki? Real? In your house?
However, the fan-girl in you only comes out briefly when you realize that you're not just standing in front of your big hero in your pajamas, but he's standing in your fan-girl room.
You can't even put into words the shame you suddenly feel when the blush goes to your head.
"S-So you're real, huh?" you say quietly. "That's cool."
Nervously, you play with your sweaty fingers and quickly realize how overwhelmed you actually are.
What are you doing now? What's the best way to deal with the situation?
"What do we do now? My parents are on vacation, so you can't stay here forever."
He frowns thoughtfully and asks, "How long are they on vacation?"
"Four days to go. I don't know if that's enough to find a way to bring you back to your world...", you murmur.
Bakugou pauses for a moment.
His world, huh? The world in which he is only fictional, controlled by the ideas of a stranger.
Does he really want that?
By now you're at school and Bakugou is alone in your house, bored. The TV program only brings junk, which is why his gaze wanders around your room all the time – nothing better to do anyway.
Something has been confusing him since the beginning of his arrival...
This strange feeling...
This feeling of...
Proud that he is being loved here like this. Of course, in his world he also had fans, but no real ones. It elicits a grin full of arrogance from him.
He wants to feel it, recognition, appreciation, love.
Without much thought, he goes out and runs in any direction.
You are home in a series of apartment blocks close to the city center. So, it doesn't take long until he hears the first people talking about him.
"Oh my God, look at this Bakugou cosplay! How good is that?"
"How well taken!"
"Can I take a picture with you?"
This goes on all the time.
In the beginning it feels good, very good.
Something is bothering him....
That he is not recognized as himself, but only as a costume. He puts his hands in his pocket and walks back with an annoyed expression. Almost at your apartment block, you run into him.
While he remains as still as a board, you almost fall over when you two collide.
"Bakugou!" you breathe a sigh of relief. You look like you've been scared, your skin sweaty and your eyes wide open. "I thought you didn't like it with me or something..."
Something is happening in him again.
He can't even describe this feeling...
No matter what it is, he likes it, very much and he has to pull himself together so that he doesn't start grinning.
"What are you doing out here?"
"I've had a look around here."
You smile and nod in understanding. In the meantime, you have calmed down and can think clearly again.
"I wanted to go to the library today and see if there are some solutions to bring you back. Do you want to come with me?"
Then his brow furrows again and he clicks his tongue.
"I don't have time for that."
Instead of being sad about the answer, you have to giggle. You've already expected such an answer, after all, you know him – and you love him just the way he is.
"That's okay. Here's the key to getting up. I'll see you later."
Deep down, he hopes you can't find a way to bring him back to his world.
You didn't find a way, not even for the next four days. Your only guess is that you'll have to wish him back next year on World Wish Day.
Hopefully this will work out...
As much as you like him, your favorite character doesn't belong to your world. Here, he has no IDs, people only know him as a character, he can't live the life as a hero that he wants to and he doesn't have a place to stay.
His life would be a disaster here and you don't wish that for him.
But how do I make it possible for him to live here for a year?
Your front door rings and your face turns pale.
Your parents...
As you walk to your door with your legs shaking like crazy, you swear your heart stopped for a second.
"Reader, you should have told us about the current situation!"
"And you could have introduced us to your boyfriend earlier!"
Your gaze wanders to Bakugou, who smirks at you while your mother hugs him.
"My poor son-in-law, you were afraid of ending up on the street after your parents died."
Your father puts a hand on Bakugou's shoulder.
"As long as you continue to treat my daughter well, you can stay here for eternity, Mania."
"I found someone on the internet who would fake all this paperwork," Bakugou says.
"Yes? This is good. Do you want me to come with you?"
He shakes his head.
"No, it's too dangerous."
You just nod silently, and turn to your wall.
Sighing, you begin to tear down the pictures on your wall.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to rip it all of. It's certainly creepy for you to see all the photos of you. You live here and I want you to feel comfortable."
"It doesn't bother me."
Surprised, you turn to him.
You gaze at his laid-back form, missing out on his racing heart.
For some reason, he didn't like it.
For some reason, he panicked.
For some reason, he had started taking pictures of you as well...
"Today is your first day of school, excited?"
"Not a bit?"
"Not even a little bit?"
This time, you only get an annoyed look in response, after which you just laugh.
Bakugou then turns his gaze to the ground and fights the flush of his cheeks with a frown.
No matter how grumpy or negative he reacts, you always seem to be smiling.
He's noticed how well you seem to know him.
"You don't mean it."
And every time you were right.
No matter what he did, you always seem to like it.
Not even Kirishima accepted him as much as you did.
At school, he quickly realizes that you're incredibly popular.
Especially the boys seem to like you a lot...
Not even Kirishima accepted him as much as you did.
Since he's been in your world, he feels less and less like a hero...
When you leave the house, he follows you in the shadwos. The fear that something could happen to you is so big that he wants to lock you up...
He takes pictures of you all the time. If you take a shower, he'll sneak in and steal a few moments, only to be able to blow off steam later.
When you're sleeping, he lies down next to you without you knowing.
He takes advantage of your ignorant parents to be able to play "couple" with you.
Maybe that's his true self?
His gaze darkens as a classmate embraces you.
Bloodlust leaves him thirsty for violence.
Not even Kirishima accepted him as much as you did.
He’s sure you'll accept it that way as well.
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neteyamswifee · 1 year
𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓏𝒾𝓃𝑔; 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘮 𝘹𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Romantic Story about you and Neteyam Stargazing.
Warnings: Smut, toe curling- feet kicking stuff , bad grammar and no proof read, i guess thats it.
It‘s my first story and english is not my first language SO pls be gentle:,)
I was mad. Angry and disappointed with my brother's behavior and the consequences that followed. Ao'nung had known very well from thousands of conversations with our father what he thought of unauthorized excursions outside the reef.
But then also take someone who doesn't know their way around and then leave them there. Alone? My brother was lucky that Loak had taken the blame.
But since dad knows his children, there was a lecture behind closed doors anyway.So now it was my turn to apologize to the Sullys. Or at least with Neteyam, who got sucked into it all. I really felt sorry for him now. Every time his brother messed things up, he had to pay for it.I knew that all too well. I was starting to feel like the babysitter, the one who was sent to make things right without anyone noticing.
Actually I should have drowned Ao’nung after this drama he caused.
Instead, I was on my way to the Sullys' hut, basket in hand and a smile on my face. So I should apologize on behalf of my family.
As if this were my job...
But instead of the whole Sully family, all I saw was Neteyam staring at the floor.He was sitting on his bed, his hands propped behind him, and he was looking down at his stretched out legs.
"Hey.." I started waiting for his reaction. Neteyam looked up in surprise and smiled sadly.
"Hey nice to see you what are you doing here?"He sat up and stretched while I set the basket down in the corner.Neteyam has always been good-looking. Jake showed me and Tsireya some childhood photos of him and Loak because he knew how embarrassed Loak was in front of Tsireya.He was slim but muscular even as a child and an absolute charmer.
 No one has ever thrown compliments like that at me just to take me for a walk on the beach. But Neteyam was gentle and respectful. He was never pushy and always gave me enough space. I didn't really know what exactly that was with us. It felt like friendship, but in some moments more intimate than a friendship should be.What I kind of liked was his jealousy when I was talking to other Metkayina. Neteyam used to do this weird thing with his eyes as he looked me up and down and then smiled away the flirty comments the guys made. It gave him a kind of confidence that reassured me what a good leader he would be.
Right now he's looking more downcast as he tries to somehow smile at my father's gift of exotic fruit that I'm pointing to."It comes from my father, I think everyone here knew it was my brother's fault. I apologize for his behavior."Neteyam's eyebrows rose. "Thanks to your Father Blut that wouldn't have been necessary, they're just children, what can you do?" I sighed. He was again far too good-natured. Another reason why the clan would be mighty proud of him.
"I'm sorry for you too." I whispered and wrapped my arms around my body. "I mean you really have to take a lot with your brother, the expectations of the family and now your escape. You seem so composed. I'm overwhelmed with my brother." I laughed. I could hardly imagine his train of thought in the last few weeks.
"Yeah." He murmurs, sitting back on the bed with a sigh and patting next to him as a sign for me to sit down, which I'm doing."You know even if I don't show it, sometimes I could really cry when I think about all of this. I mean I'm proud of my family, but all of this is unfair."I put a hand on his leg to let him know I understand. "I am very sure that you can do all this. My family would tear for a son like you, I think."
Neteyam shakes his head and fixes my hand on his leg, then my eyes. "If I had a daughter like you, I wouldn't worry about the son anymore. You do a lot more than necessary."I shrug my shoulders, rolling my eyes. "As a first born daughter I don't think I can do enough to be placed on the same level as your brain burned brother."
Neteyam sits on the floor and pulls me down with him. All he does is hold my hand while he looks at me like I offended him.He squeezes my hand, which is so much smaller than his."Stop making yourself worse than you are." He pauses, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of my face and running his finger down my chin."i see u y/n. With full respect."I spit out almost implausibly until I realize how serious he means it. "I see u too Neteyam." I whisper.
The next few weeks were just weird in a cute way. Of course, Neteyam always showed me respect, but never like on our last night. There was that intimacy I was talking about again. And since then I, as well as Neteyam, have been more open about our feelings. Instead of a little smile when we crossed paths, he literally stared after me, put his arm around me in public, the compliments were no longer thrown at me, no, I was literally showered.
And now they were all sitting around the campfire. My people and his family celebrated our coming together while I and Neteyam had long since made off."Where are you going?" I ask quietly as we stumble across the sand together. He holds my hand and invites me into the water. I just follow him silently and wait for an answer.
As we stand chest-deep in the water, he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, and I immediately wrap my legs around him. This is the first time we've been this close. And it's the first time Neteyam has renounced all of his resolutions. I look deep into his eyes, almost seeing his pure soul and the Na'vi I've lusted after for so long. All my heart was screaming for was this moment here."You trust me don't you?" He raised his eyebrows.
I answer quietly and have the feeling that I have swallowed my voice.Neteyam swims out a few meters to a rocky seat just before the end of the reef. I reluctantly let him get out of the water before he pulls me onto the cold stone slab. In front of us the open sea and the sound of the waves."I just hope that the lunar cycle doesn't put a spanner in the works"
I bow my head in confusion, but a short time later I understand what he means. A shower of stars tears open the sky. Individual long white threads shoot past the heavens like rain. With my mouth open, I admire the game in the sky.
"Neteyam-"I get up to get a closer look. "that is beautiful. "That was it. Most likely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"That's it."
I hear Neteyam saying, who looks at me enthusiastically as I look down at him. Only then do I realize that he means me. He takes my hand and I sit down with him on the pleasantly lukewarm ground, warmed by the hot springs nearby."I was actually going to do this a few weeks ago, but missed the moment to ask you." he says dejectedly, as if he hadn't just given me the most beautiful present in the world.I take his hand and put the other hand on his neck. "It's perfect." I breathe in amazement.
The moment Neteyam licks his lips and kisses me just feels blurry.His lips are soft, gentle. Even as he kisses me so urgently, I can feel the caution in his kiss. While his one hand rests on my thigh and squeezes it lightly, his other hand travels from my face down to my waist. As gently as he kisses me, as gently as he turns us around until he lies between my legs. At that moment I feel everything and nothing at the same time, simply because it seems so surreal. His hand still on my waist as he kisses wantingly down my neck. It's warm, as are the kisses as it travels down my chest. He looks up, I'm breathing heavily and just want him to continue. But he elicits my silent approval in the form of a nod before touching points that make me moan.Neteyam is slow, just to torment me he kisses every part of my thighs before tampering with my wet sensitivity.I giggle because he keeps me waiting so long but enjoy it.
As soon as he touched my soft spot, I only hear a soft moan from him, which drives me crazy. I've never seen Neteyam so excited but the way he's looking at me like a goddess makes me weak. He keeps going, never missing an opportunity to touch me anywhere, until he stops. I exhale violently.His face appeared over mine. It's his eyes I look into, his tongue pressing against his cheek as he enters me. Fucked me almost unconscious."fuck you are so incredibly beautiful." he gasps. His eyes wander over my whole body, my face, my breasts on which he distributes kisses. On his thing that breaks me down.
I claw his back and accept the tugging sensation in my stomach that washes over me just before I come and Neteyam pulls himself out of me. The white liquid lands on my stomach.It feels like minutes he's still crouched over me looking me in the eyes just before he collapses next to me. Still breathing heavily, I turn to face him. He kisses my forehead."Im glad ." he grins and caresses my cheek. "how come?" I ask laughing.Neteyam shrugs. "Well. There's no place I'd rather have done it than with you here. A month ago I didn't even have the guts to kiss you, you know? I think it was right because i really,like, really like you." He kisses my forehead dreamily and I smile.I snuggle up to his neck, breathe in the scent of sea air and watch the stars in the sky, which are our only witness.
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jaehunnyy · 1 year
The sound of our tied souls
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Genre: soulmate!au, rockstar!au, kinda enemies-to-lovers but not really, a bit of angst, fluff, happy ending
Word count: 3.3k
Pairing: rockstar!San x fem!reader (feat. reader's best friend x Mingi)
Warnings: swear words (quite a lot), time-skip, kind of a bad guy attitude—San's a bit of a jerk at the beginning but he has a character development :), soulmate rejection, mentions of some jealous fans, kinda slow-burn, one kiss, possible grammar mistakes
A/N: this oneshot is part of @sungbeam's soulmate collab, which i was so proud to be part of; thanks for the opportunity, love 🤍
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You got woken up by that annoying song again, your beauty sleep being thrown away for the rest of the night—cause it seemed like your soulmate had no sleeping schedule. You couldn't understand how he could listen to this all the time, you often wondered if his hearing was still intact—cause the loud growl of what seemed to be an electric guitar could surely manage to make you deaf by now. 
You have first discovered your soulmate bond after your 16th birthday, when you began hearing rock music everyday. Everyone was talking about how sweet their marks were: a tattoo with the letter of their significant other's name, a highlight in their hair matching their future partner's color, and the list could go on. You, on the other hand, had to struggle with listening to something you absolutely despised, without thinking that your soulmate returned the same feeling to your music choice. With a mischievous smile on your face, you made your way to your piano, starting to play one of your favorite songs. God, if only you knew how frustrated your soulmate got. 
"San, you messed up again! Can you fucking focus?" Hongjoong, the leader of their group, Guerrillas, shouted, watching as the culprit lowered his head. 
"I can't, Joong. I can't, because all I hear right now is Für Elise, and it messes my head up!" he shouted too, pulling his hair back in frustration.
The others looked at each other with confused looks; was there something they didn't know? Without actually meaning to, Mingi bursted into laughter, leading Wooyoung to chuckle as well. 
"Since when do you listen to classical music?" he asked San, smirking playfully. 
"I don't. That thing you call soulmate does." 
"You're hearing what your soulmate listens to?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, covering his mouth in shock. 
"Yeah. But you know I'm not into this shit of yours, so let's get back to practice. I'll try and focus." he simply said, taking his guitar again, the strap attached to it hugging his torso perfectly. 
Seonghwa shrugged and signaled the others to start playing, their practice session blooming once again. You could swear that he'd never played music that loud before; it felt like a competition between the two of you, and you smiled at the thought of having him so frustrated. You didn't know who he was nor how he looked, but you were ready to make his life a living hell, as much as he had started to turn yours into one.  
At one point, the music stopped and you managed to sleep a bit, but it was way too little for your liking. You woke up at the sound of your doorbell, your best friend standing behind the wooden door. 
"You won't believe what my boyfriend got me!" she said as soon as you opened the door, barging into your house like it was her own. 
"Do I wanna know?" you sighed, thinking that your best friend's excitement meant chaos. 
"He got me two tickets at his band's concert! We're gonna see the Guerrillas!" she jumped, pulling the two golden-like tickets from her pocket. 
She and Mingi—her soulmate, met a while ago, and since then, she was always talking about him and how much their music grew on her. She must have been so happy now, that her world had finally earned its colors. Her and Mingi's soulmate mark consisted of seeing the world in black and white, until the two of them met. You still remembered how fast they agreed on becoming a couple, and you still wondered how they made it work so well. You knew how proud she was of her boyfriend, mainly because it was the third time she was trying to convince you to go with her, thinking that it would be, somehow, her lucky chance. 
"There's no way I'm going to a rock concert." you protested, crossing your arms. 
"There's no way I'll leave you alone until you say yes." she smirked, shoving one of the tickets in your jacket. 
Nice try, you thought, before taking a moment to actually read the information on the ticket. How bad could it be, after all? Maybe, in this way, you could find more about your soulmate's favorite genre of music. You also thought it was maybe an occasion to meet Mingi's friends; you knew he was in the college's rock band, though you've never met them in this formula.
"Fine. I'm only doing it for Mingi's effort to get you these." you said coldly, side-eyeing your friend when she gave you a bear hug; it was gonna be a long week.
While the two were already making plans for the big day, the boys took a break from their intense practice session, starting to talk about whatever traveled their mind while drinking a can of energy drink. San was absent from their conversation, fidgeting with his calloused fingers, the effort of always trying to hit the right strings showing. The thought of having a soulmate was really burdening him, he didn't want to spend his energy searching for someone he didn't even want to meet. Little San would probably be disappointed, because all he has ever wished for was to grow up and meet his other half. Arts student San, though? He didn't need anything else as long as he had his guitar by his side; a capo and some sheet music could easily solve his problems. But he couldn't stand the thought of someone constantly hearing the feelings he tried expressing through music; it made him feel vulnerable, like he had no personal space anymore.
"San, do you agree with the outfits we've decided on?" Jongho asked, looking curiously at the way too quiet boy. 
"Huh… yeah, sure, sounds great." he replied, avoiding the way Yunho raised his eyebrow at his reply. 
"You didn't pay attention," he sighed, before adding some other words: "Something's definitely bothering you, so talk to us." 
"Is it because of your soulmate? Why don't you just search for her?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the way the elder tensed. "It should stop after you meet, right?" 
"Meeting her means that I have to be committed, and I don't want to commit to her." he spat, putting emphasis on not wanting to do so, and without bothering to spare his friends the slightest glance, he just took his things and left them speechless, in the middle of the studio. 
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The week passed fastly, the not-so-wanted (by a certain someone, 'cause the whole college actually went crazy for it) concert finally coming to life. The boys were backstage, trying to memorize their lines or chords for the last time. You and your friend would be late though; because she couldn't let you wear the clothes you would usually wear. 
"I can't believe you want to wear a coat to a rock concert," she sighed, slightly amused by your antics. "They cover songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Sweet Child O' Mine and more, and they will most likely sing their own songs as well. This isn't Antonio Vivanti." 
You let out an offended scoff, grabbing the leather jacket she was trying to put on you and wearing it, despite the ick the weird material was giving you. "And it's Vivaldi, by the way. Pay respect!" 
"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, or else we will be late!" 
Luckily for her (‘cause you tried to lose as much time as you could), you arrived just when they settled on stage, greeting the ones who came to see them. You couldn't say you weren't a bit jealous whenever you saw the way her and Mingi looked at each other—because it did something to you. But you were scared of being rejected, pretty sure that the soulmate thing wasn't as easy as it seemed. 
Your thoughts were brushed off by the loud sound made by the mix of instruments, making you flinch, to your friend's amusement. Not being able to sneak outside because of her hand constantly holding yours, you decided that the least you could do was to pretend you were enjoying it. The others seemed to have fun too, even the boys, who really owned the stage—until something stole the show. San was taken aback by the way his in-ears worked—or so he thought. The same song they were performing was playing in a faded but bothering way in his ears, making him look at the others with a questionable look. He then made a few gestures to the staff, waiting for the song to stop so he could go and see what was wrong. Hongjoong looked at him worriedly while still focused on his bass, meanwhile Mingi almost messed up while playing the drums. 
"We will be back in a few minutes, wait for us, okay?" Jongho screamed, hoping to keep the audience busy for a bit, while the others went to see what was wrong with San; their mics weren't off, though. 
"There's nothing wrong with your in-ears, San. They work perfectly," the staff informed him, a few curse words leaving his mouth. 
"What if your soulmate is at the concert, San?" Yeosang asked innocently, almost like a joke—though the younger boy freezed in his place. 
The audience went crazy; some fangirls gasped and started to whisper several things about San's potential soulmate, meanwhile some of them had the same reaction as San. Some of them even started to run, looking suspiciously at every single girl they saw. "San has a soulmate?", "God, what did she do in her past life?", and so many other phrases that made you scoff. Who was this San and why was he so popular? The influence of his jealous fans spreaded through the whole venue, making the staff finally notice their mics and turn them off, though it was too late—the fuss was already created.
"I don't think that's the case—" Seonghwa tried to protest, but San stopped him. 
"I think that's exactly the case." San looked at them, before throwing his in-ears somewhere. "What should we do now? I don't want to perform anymore." 
"Then… let's wrap it up." Hongjoong sighed, before going back on stage. "Due to some unfortunate events, we need to stop here, darlings. Don't worry, we will come back soon!" He bowed and left the stage, leaving the fans high and dry. In other circumstances, nothing could have made him leave the stage that easily; he would have found a solution. But seeing how messed up his friend was, it made him want to try and understand him, he was going through a quite special phase, after all.
"I will go ask Mingi about what happened, do you want to come?" your friend asked, though your answer didn't even matter, she was already dragging you after her. 
She greeted her boyfriend and the others as if they knew each other since forever, asking them about what was wrong. 
"San hears whatever his soulmate is listening too, and he has only told us a few days ago," Mingi said, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. 
Your eyes widened at what he said, but you decided to keep composure—maybe it was just a coincidence. 
"And she is into classical music, it's so frustrating. Why would she come to our concert?" San snapped, ignoring the guest his friend's soulmate brought. 
It all made sense to you then. You probably didn't realize the music coming from him because you tried to enjoy the new experience, but it made sense. The two-tone haired boy, the arrogant San everyone was talking about was standing in front of you—moreover, he was your soulmate; and he didn't seem too happy with the idea of being bonded to someone. 
"Who's the lady next to you?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the need to make you feel implied in the discussion. 
"She's Y/N, I dragged her here with me," your friend laughs awkwardly. "She's not a fan, but Mingi got me two tickets so I made use of them." 
"Oh! Do you happen to hear rock music sometimes?" Wooyoung asked, smirking playfully. 
"Uhm… no, sorry." you said, looking at San, who was already looking suspiciously at you. He was really arrogant, you wished to be able to reject him, but he seemed to do it first. 
"Even if she was, I told you guys I don't care. My soulmate can go search for another one." he said, before leaving them, once again. You were the next one to leave, not even caring about the possibility of giving your little secret away.
Even after a few days, you couldn't deny the emptiness you felt the moment you were indirectly rejected by your soulmate—it was definitely noticeable, somewhere in your heart. It was safe to say San didn't feel as good as he thought he would either, even when he rejected the one he was assigned to live his whole life with on purpose. He figured out it was you, because he stopped hearing the once annoying music; but he missed it. And the news about his soulmate was spread in the whole college as well, not helping at all; they were making even the outsiders interested in the tea going on. 
"I'm tired of this shit, guys. I won't come to practice today." 
Hongjoong looked at him once again, nodding, not knowing exactly how to comfort his friend in this situation, words long forgotten. San started to walk in the direction of where the studio was, his ears filling with the melodious sound of a piano playing. Like it was a habit of his, his legs guided him to the door, which he cracked open, just to reveal you playing the piano. Your fingers moved skillfully along the piano keys, Debussy's Clair de Lune resonating beautifully in the room. The sweet melody managed to comfort him somehow; he didn’t know if it was the calming nature of the song or the closure he was supposed to have with you, but he felt relaxed, listening peacefully until the painful silence started to bother him. He then took the matters into his own hands—in such a San way. 
"You’ve got some skills, soulmate," he said, his lips stretching into a little smile, though a little dimple made its appearance still. 
You got a bit surprised by his presence, but stopped what you were doing, to return a small smile and answer him. 
"Thank you. I guess you do too." 
"Was that Beethoven?" he asked curiously, sitting on the chair in front of the piano, next to you. 
"Claude Debussy, but A for effort," you said, smiling at his attempt. 
A wave of silence spread across the room, before you decided to break it: "We got off to a bad start, but we can still repair it. I'm Y/N," you said, sticking your hand out to him. 
He grabbed it, shaking it softly. "I'm San, nice to meet you again." He waited for another reaction of yours, but seeing that you didn't plan on saying anything else, he made the next step: "Let's be friends." 
You spent most of the day with him, sharing tips and talking about your opposite passions—though it was well known that opposites attract. Now, that you've gotten to know him a bit better, you could say he was more than just an arrogant guy. 
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One month passed since your first interaction with your soulmate, and you would have never expected that there would be more; yet here you were, watching as he excitedly got two tickets from his pocket. 
"You're invited to our concert tonight! My treat this time, for you and our friend." he winked, handing the same golden-like tickets to you. 
"I'll be there, Sannie." you smiled, giving him a side hug before running to your class. He smiled softly, not believing the effect love could have on him.
Furthermore, tonight's stage would be an important one for him; it could mean accomplishment or failure, but he was still willing to try. The boys found him smiling like an idiot—but they enjoyed it, they could tease him about how a certain someone made him change. He never failed to amaze them, but someone definitely brought the best in him. He watched as the boys looked at him, his freshly dyed hair glowing nicely into the dim lights. His hands were covered in a pair of fingerless mesh gloves, fingers full of rings, while his t-shirt was nicely tucked in his leather pants. Some chains were dangling on his neck and waist, and a fake lip ring laid on his lower lip, completing the rockstar look he opted for. 
"Where's San and what have you done with him?" Yeosang joked, entertaining the other seven boys in the room. 
"Shut up, Sang. Are you ready?" Seonghwa asked, taking his mic and retouching the last details for tonight's show. 
"Never been more ready." San smiled, taking his guitar and being the first one to get on stage. 
"Hello guys, thank you for coming today too!" Wooyoung exclaimed, getting ready to perform at his best. 
You and your friend were somewhere in the front row, singing along with the other fans who came to see the eight boys. You were bouncing with her, enjoying the genre you softly became addicted to, but it was surely an influence San had on you. You didn't know what happened to you, but you still had hope, that maybe something would change his mind. Suddenly, the culprit's voice was heard in the whole venue, catching your attention and making you stop whatever you were doing. 
"As you all know, one month ago, I met my soulmate at the concert we held in the same place. I'd like her to join me here, please, Y/N?" he smiled, gesturing for you to get on stage, next to them. 
You looked confusedly at your friend, who pushed you in the direction of the stage, playing their game. You got there, finding yourself in front of the crowd and waving awkwardly at them, not expecting to hear their loud screaming. 
"I know I was a bit of a douchebag at the beginning, and that was definitely not the way you wanted us to meet. I messed up, but I hope you can forgive me." 
The fans cheered up louder, while a big smile found its way to your face, making the boy's lips stretch into one as well. 
"I know I rejected you at the beginning, but let me try to fix things. I hope it's not too late," he laughed softly, before continuing: "Have you started your looking for another soulmate project yet?" 
You burst into laughter, nodding as no a few times. His cheeks got colored in a crimson red tone, and you could swear you've never seen anything cuter than a shy rockstar.
"Can I have the chance of being the lucky one, then?" he asked and watched as your expression changed, nervousness noticeable in his voice as well. 
"I thought you considered yourself unluck—" Wooyoung interrupted, but Jongho was fast to cover his mouth and prevent him from saying anything else. "You're screwing the moment, Woo." he said, mouth still pressed on his older friend's mouth. 
You laughed at their antics, taking the mic from San's hand. 
"As much as you've annoyed me, I still like you, Choi San. I always did, which is why I would actually love to give you this chance." 
As soon as you finished your romantic little speech, he cupped your face, pressing his lips on yours softly. The fans went crazy, cheering and jumping as the two of you sealed the promise of loving each other forever with a soft kiss. 
"With these being said, I'd like to announce the title of our next album, entitled The sound of our tied souls!" Yunho said, making the night of every single soul attending that concert, the stars shining even brighter above their heads.
You pressed your forehead on San's, admiring his beauty while your noses rubbed lovingly against each other's. The road you had to walk on to find your soulmate was a tough one, but looking back on it, you wouldn't want it another way; you were too excited for your future with your other half—the arrogant boy you started to love, the one destined to be eternally yours. 
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers :D
Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
FT. Hinata, Bokuto, Suna, and Kenma. (If you guys want other characters lmk, i'm just not in the mood to do a bunch rn)
This is the first thing I've written on tumblr pls spare me...
Warnings: Indication of relationships and marriage and some angst (mentions of abortion) for a few characters (just put that there just in case) Enjoy lovelies <33
Also sorry for any typos or grammar errors. I'm too lazy to reread through it and check lol.
Hinata Shoyo:
He was quite surprised at the announcement of your pregnancy that he passed out
He was soooo excited none the less, being a father sounded pretty fun
He definitely started reading books to try to help him figure things out
He was a terrible diaper changer (like no fucking joke, I think he'd be scared to change another one), he'd seen you do it so many times but for some reason he could never avoid getting peed on
Would brag to everyone about how cute his little baby is, "My baby just got their first tooth, and they're learning how to crawl! They've also got the cutest little chubby cheeks."
If the baby looks like you he would literally talk about it all the time. "Beautiful, just like your mama."
He's had experience with babies because well... Natsu <3
He got the baby a matching jersey so you two could watch his games :)
Bokuto Kotaro:
After finding out you were pregnant he would tell EVERYBODY The two of you were walking together to get ramen and you guys walked into the restaurant and got seats. The waiter came to you two and asked what'd you like to drink. "Hey, guess what? My wife is pregnant! Isn't that amazing?! We're gonna have a baby!" You had to hide your face from embarrassment but the waiter just giggled, Bokuto is def a himbo, your himbo.
He enjoyed decorating the room for your baby
He would dead ass miss practice to go to your appointments for the baby
The first time he held your little bundle of joy he cried like a damn baby, he couldn't help it. It made him so happy that the two of you brought a life into the world.
He didn't let Kenma hold your child for awhile because he was scared he'd drop the baby :')
Very protective of your little one
He wanted the baby's first word to be "Volleyball" but it was "da da" which still made him very happy
Bo is very proud of the baby you two have created so I'm 100% sure he takes a bunch of himself with the baby to post on his social media
He was scared to change diapers but he soon got the hang of it
100% would get up in the middle of the night when the baby is crying, just to let you sleep. "The baby." You sigh loudly as you hear your little one cry over the baby monitor. "I'll go check on them. You get some rest." You turn your head to face him, "You sure?" He just smiled at you and kissed your temple. "100%"
Suna Rintaro: (ofwhuowghwoqrwq do i need to say anything else?)
He thought you were joking when you said you were pregnant (oops) "That's a good one." He turned his attention back to his phone. "Rin... I'm serious. Do you wanna see the ultrasound?"
A little more on the hesitant side. He didn't want to believe it, but you had the proof so like...
He was low key scared to fuck up, his father was not a very good father so he was scared to be the same way his father was.
He didn't even hold the baby for the first few months. "Rin, come on. You aren't your father. You have me to guide you through the process. Come hold our little one." He stalked up the stairs, "no."
After awhile you finally convinced him to have physical contact with the baby "The baby.. i-is smiling at me?" You giggle at him, "of course they're smiling at you. They love their daddy of course."
After he finally started being around the baby, you literally could not tear him away from that child.
Some days he'd take the baby to practice, to the grocery store, everywhere.
You had to pry the child from his arms most days. "Rin, give the baby here.." He looked at you like you just told him to give away his prized possession. "Hell no." You sighed. "Rin you have to go to work!" He shrugged his shoulders, "the baby can come with me, Komori enjoys taking pics of them during practice." Jeez.. this man truly is something.
Overall he was scared for nothing. He was a great father ;)
Somehow he convinced you to have another one... (weren't you the same one who didn't hold your baby for months?) he wanted to make up for the few firsts that he missed
Kozume Kenma: (oh Lord)
He asked "Are you sure it's mine?" (yeah... virtual slap rn)
He told you he wasn't ready and asked if you'd consider an abortion or adoption, it made you really sad but you realized Kenma wasn't ready
It really hurt him to hear you cry about giving up your child which made him wanna try for you
Did not know how to hold the baby for the life of him "Umm.. am I like- holding it right..?" You burst into laughter at the sight. "Ken, you gotta support their head." He looked down at his baby. "Oh..."
He decided that he needed to do research before he ventured further down the path of fatherhood.
Kenma was confused with diapers. "You... you want me to change its diaper?" You scoffed at him handing him a fresh diaper. "Our baby is not an 'it' Kenma!" He groaned as he took the diaper from you. "Why can't you change it?" You rolled your eyes as if it was obvious. "Because I won't always be there to do it myself, duh."
You were out with a friend one day which meant Kenma was on babysitting duty, he was tempted to call Kuro to come watch his child but he'd say something like, "Kenma, it's your responsibility as a father, blah blah blah.." So he and the baby just kind of sat there staring at each other. "What do you wanna do?" He asked the baby, knowing they can't talk. The baby proceeded to poke Kenma's cheek and yell out, "DA DA DA DA." Kenma thought it was cute and laughed softly. "Yep, that's me." The baby repeated saying 'da' for awhile until they tired themselves out. "You're a lot like me." That day it clicked, he finally understood what it was to be a father
He wasn't very affectionate but he tried to show his baby that he cared the best way he knew how
You saw the changes and it made you happy
You caught him cuddling the baby once, when you accused him of being affectionate he rolled his eyes half awake and said, "M'not being affectionate! Go awayyyy."
Doesn't want to admit to being soft for his baby :)
That's a wrap! If you want more characters lmk! I'd be happy to do a part two, this was fun for me :)
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gadriezmannsgirl · 6 months
Nine days a little too late💀 but here's Pedri's birthday fic!🎉 also not me inspiring this fic with the quesillo and torta de auyama I helped my mom do last week🤭 also I'm sorry if this is a bit shitty I need to get back into writing ASAP😭😭 Please let me know your thoughts on this one😭😌
Warnings: Spanish swearing, lots of mentions of sweets (?), Pepi is whipped for reader, I didn't revise this so bare with me😭 let me know if there's any grammar mistake pls also it's a bit shitty, sorry😭😭😭
A New Diet - P.G8
Summary: Your love for sweets eventually brings you to the guy of your dreams
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You didn't remembered when you started loving sweets so much, maybe you had it in you since you were little or maybe it was when you first got your period, only a big amount of chocolate could calm down your anxiety; maybe it was after watching bake-off TV shows, you didn't knew when but you did knew that you loved sweets and you also loved making them.
You tried your grandma's recipes, your aunt's, your mom's, the ones you find in internet, the ones you find in magazines and eventually you started adding your own "sparkle" into them, mixing random ingredients, taking off some while adding other ones.
It was that much that your parents got you into a course on baking and pastry-making. You loved it and got a certificate for it, one you felt truly proud of and even marked it to put it on your small living room of your new house.
You had recently moved to Barcelona to finish your degree in veterinary medicine and also to achieve your baking dream, you only had some months in your new house but you loved it, even through the rough patches of not knowing anyone in here.
Well... you did met some people and weren't so lonely now and those people were your mates from Uni and your neighbours which were mostly older people but two lovely and funny brothers who you often talk to when the three of you get out of your houses at the same time.
"¡Bienvenida al vecindario!" (welcome to the neighborhood) They had said once you opened your door making you smile
"Soy Fernando, puedes llamarme Fer and he's my brother Pedro but you can call him Pedri" (I'm Fernando but you can call me Fer) The guy next to him smiled and waved at you lightly
"Hola y muchas gracias. I'm Y/N" You replied softly with a smile on
"Un placer, Y/N. We brought this little gift as a welcome. Hope you like it" (It's a pleasure) Pedri extended a small food container with a smile on
"Thanks! What it is?"
"They're croquetas. Family recipe" Fer explained "I made them and I hope you like them"
"Well, they smell incredible so..." Both brothers laughed lightly and you joined them "I'm pretty sure I'll love them"
"Let us know!" You nodded with a smile
"Pues nada, bienvenida, somos tus vecinos, aquella casa de la esquina es la nuestra y nada... Si necesitas algo, estaremos encantados en ayudarte" (And well, welcome; we're your neighbours, the house at the corner is ours and yeah... If you need something, we'll be happy to help you) Pedri said. He's so pretty, you thought.
You smiled nodding "Muchas gracias e igualmente. Si necesitan algo y está a mi alcance pues estaré encantada en ayudarles" (Thank you so much and likewise. If you need something and it's within my reach then I'll be happy to help)
"Thanks" Fer smiled and they started walking away
"Let us know if you like the croquettes!" Pedri yelled and you laughed softly
You remembered your first meeting when you saw both brothers walk towards their house joking around as you were taking out the trash and suddenly realized that was already four months ago.
They waved at you and you waved back with a smile on your face.
You returned inside your house and settled everything up to do your quesillo, you had your period and everything you wanted was something sweet to ease your anxiety and pain.
Turning up your music, you blasted Rosalía, Karol G and some Taylor Swift while you happily made your quesillo, forgetting about everything. However being too into your own world, you didn't realized you did for more people than you were supposed to do.
"Oh fuck" You cursed lightly "What do I do now?" You asked yourself.
As much as you loved sweets, this was a big portion since you basically duplicated the recipe that originally is for 6-7 people, you didn't wanted for it to go to waste.
Your parents weren't in Barcelona and neither was your brother to give them some quesillo. You could give some to your friends and still a big portion will be left.
You closed your eyes groaning and your mind went to the González brothers.
Would they even like it? Would they accept it? You groaned again and your body acted before you could even think straight.
You went around and looked for a food container to give them some quesillo to them when you suddenly saw their food container. The one you forgot to give back because of your Uni and work.
Now you, at least, had a good excuse to give them the sweet.
Preparing yourself mentally you walked over to their house and knocked on their door only for a few minutes later, Pedri to open the door with a pretty smile on his face.
"Y/N! How are you?" You nodded a bit nervous. You were truly hoping for Fernando, to open the door like he always does.
"I'm good, what about you?" He nods
"I'm great! Tell me, what can I do for you?"
"I-mm... I'm actually here because I did this quesillo and I had some problems calculating the ingredients, turns out I did more than usual and I don't want it to go to waste so I was just wondering if you guys would like some?"
Pedri spent a few seconds in silence and those were the worst seconds for you.
"Sure, yes!"
"Perfect!" You pull the food container towards him "And also, sorry I didn't give it back right away. I'm pretty busy with my finals and with work too" He laughs softly grabbing it
"No te preocupes" (No worries) He winked and you felt like instantly dying right there.
"I hope you guys like it. Let me know how is it!"
"Will do! Thank you so much!" Pedri smiled and you waved walking away, he got inside his house and exhaled looking at the sweet in his hands.
It smells divine. He thought softly.
"Was it Y/N?" Fer yelled from the living room
"Did you ask her out?"
"And what did you do then?" Fer asked impressed
"She came by to give us a quesillo"
"Joder, increíble" (Fuck, amazing) Fer inmediately said standing up and taking then food container out of Pedri's hands "All for me" He sang quietly
Pedri lamented not being able to eat it, as soon as he saw the quesillo his mouth watered "Puta madre" Pedri cursed as Fer laughed watching his younger brother leave the room.
One month and half later, Pedri was tired of watching the amount of sweets in his refrigerator and not being able to eat a single piece of them. Thanks to Fernando, you have been doing random pastries, cakes, muffins for you and for them, it made you happy knowing people liked your baking and felt on Cloud 9 once Fer exclaimed you could have your own succeful bakery.
Pedri didn't know how much he has resisted to it but he's sure it won't last long and even more when you were once again stood in front of the González brothers house, with a pumpkin cake in your hands.
"I swear this wasn't suppossed to happen. My aunt asked my help for my cousin's birthday but I overdid the recipe once again and I have this small pumpkin cake-"
"I'm pretty sure it's delicious, thank you Y/N" He smiled grabbing the cake from your hands. Pedri shakily opened his mouth to speak "So... How's-" Your phone ringed
"Shoot. I'm sorry I need to leave, I had these muffins on the oven but let me know if you like them!"
"Do you need help?"
"I-uh... I kinda do but no worries I can do it on my own! You might be busy as well and I don't want to interrupt anything"
"Nonsense" Pedri said "Gimme just a quick second to put this in the kitchen and I'll be right back"
True to his word, Pedri was back to you in mere seconds. You both walked to your house
"Make yourself at home" You had said smiling. "Are you a good kitchen assistant?"
"Bueno, que se me ha pasado decirte que soy un poco lento pero que soy un asistente de cocina decente" (Well, I kinda forgot to tell you I'm a bit slow but I'm a decent cooking assistant) You laughed softly at his words
"That's okay. Esos son los mejores" (Those are the best) You replied "I used to be like that and even worse" You giggled softly
"Practice makes a master" You nod agreeing with him "So... What's my job?" You smile starting to explain him what you need help with.
°°° °°°
"I hope your aunt is paying you for this" You laugh at Pedri's words before you looked over at him and found him with his face (and some of his hair) dirty with flour, you couldn't help but laugh harder. "¿Qué?" (What?) He asks with a small smile
"You have some flour in your face" You clean your hands with a towel ", you look funny" you admit softly
"Ah but that's normal. You do as well" You share a laugh
"You want something to drink? I'm about to make me some coffee"
"No bebo café" (I don't drink coffee)
"Really?" You asked impressed "Maybe some tea?" Pedri shook his head "Juice? Water?"
"Those two can do" You smile nodding starting to work on your coffee and on his drink.
"I also have some cheesecake from Monday. You want a bit?"
Pedri's body froze, he hasn't broke his diet, it takes a lot of willpower for him to quietly leave the room his brother's eating in to your baking.
And he also didn't wanted to make you feel bad for saying no.
"I'm not that hungry actually" He hated the fact, his heart hurt him when he saw how your face fell a bit. And without knowing, yours did too a little bit "I'm sorry, I-"
"No worries, that's okay!" You said smiling softly
"No, you know what? I'll accept it"
"If you don't want it, it's okay" You giggled softly to not make him feel pressured
"I want to" He smiled at you "Now... I'm waiting for my slice of cheesecake"
This time, both of your hearts beat strongly at the sight of each others smile.
°°° °°°
"Joder, you're whipped" Fer said shaking his head
"I'm not!"
"You fell so easily into it!"
"I don't think she realized it but she gave me this pout and her eyes dropped, I couldn't watch her like that!"
"Si, hermano. You're whipped"
"Puta madre" Pedri cursed "Now I have to do double session" He said getting ready for his morning training
"Don't overwork yourself, Pedrito"
"Don't call me that!"
"Ask her out already!" Fer laughed watching his brother get out of their house
"¡Cállate" (Shut up!)
Pedri did wanted to ask you out but he was afraid of your answer, he just didn't knew if you liked him in that way and he didn't wanted to make things awkward between you two.
But as if it was something of destiny you were going out of your house with a backpack. You were going to Uni.
Pedri quickly got into his car and started it, to stop in front of your house. "Need a ride, señorita?" (Miss)
"Yes, please. I'm way too late" You smiled and he laughed nodding his head for you to get inside. "Buenos dias" (Good morning) You said leaning forward to hug him "¿Qué tal todo?" (How's everything?) He nods smiling
"¿Tu que tal? ¿Acaso se te han pegado las sábanas el día de hoy?" (How about you? Didn't wanted to get out of the bed?) He joked and you lightly groaned
"I was up all night studying for this exam, it's worth about the 35% of the whole grade and I'm freaking nervous" You admited ", plus, I kinda forgot to set up my alarm so that's the reason I'm looking like a mad woman and I didn't had time to revise my notes" You huff "But let's say I'm good"
"Don't stress so much about it, I know you'll do fine and you'll smash this exam" Pedri reasured you with a smile
"You have a lot of faith in me"
"Que eres muy inteligente, guapa. A veces te subestimas demasiado" (You're very smart, beautiful. Sometimes you underestimate yourself so much)
"I just get really nervous, I've never failed any of my classes and I have this scholarship so I have to be the best of the best"
"And you are. Stop stressing so much, you'll get wrinkles" You blush and laugh shaking your head
The rest of the drive was spent with you talking of random things and listening to the whole "Un Verano Sin Ti" album by Bad Bunny
"Thanks for the ride, Pedrito. You just saved my life" You both hugged each other over the console
"Anytime, Y/N" He smiled watching you pick your things and leave his car. Before you got inside the building, three car honks stopped you. As you turned around you saw Pedri still there and looking at you
You went back to him "What's up?" You said leaning into the drivers window
"Are you free this weekend?"
You nod lightly "I am... why?"
"Wanna go out with me?" You were shocked hearing those words came out of his mouth but at the same time, you were so happy
"Sure, I'd love that" You smiled and he smiled back
"Perfect, I'll text you so we can talk about it" You nod once more
"Good, nos vemos Pepi" (See you)
"Nos vemos, guapa" (See you, beautiful) You blushed once again and separated yourself from his car, turning around you went inside the building
You were walking to your exam when you felt your phone vibrate and saw a text from Pedri
Pedro G: Por cierto, estás muy mona cuando te sonrojas (By the way, you're pretty cute when you blush)
You smile and giggle shaking your head at your phone, replying with a small Sush🙈
And with that you entered with confidence into the classroom
°°° °°°
Two months later
"Estás muy guapa el día de hoy" (You're looking gorgeous today) Your now, boyfriend of one month said looking at you with a smile
"You're exaggerating. I'm covered in eggs and onions"
"Still very guapa" He gave you a small kiss to your lips before entering inside your house "Need help with something?"
"I've got it covered, lindo. Thanks tho" You smiled washing your hands before getting into what you were doing "What are we watching today?"
"Creed?" You think of it for a few seconds and then nod lightly
"Only because we saw Me Before You last week" He laughs softly
"What are you doing?" His arms wrapped themselves around your waist and Pedri brought you into him
"I'm cooking for my brother's date tomorrow night"
"You sure you don't need help?" He kissed your cheek and you smiled resting against him
"I'm almost done, give me just a few minutes and then I'm yours"
"Can I at least do the popcorns?" You smile nodding
"Top left shelf"
A few minutes passed and you finished what you were doing. You wrapped the food and pulled it in a food container into the refrigerator as Pedri was munching on some popcorn
"You will not leave for the movie"
"There are a lot" He brushed off your comment while putting some in front of your mouth
"They're good, baby" Pedri nodded
"I know, I'm the best"
"Oh shut up, come on"
"Amor, do you like football?" He asked out of nowhere as you got the movie ready
"I'm not much into it, to be honest. Why?"
"Would you like to come with me and Fer to a match?"
"Will you teach me every single thing of football so I don't look like a foreign?" He laughs nodding
"Of course" You smiled at each other
"Then sounds good" You nod happy "What are you doing tomorrow, amor?" You ask him
"Nothing important, why?"
"Can you accompany me tomorrow to get some copies I need to get done for Uni?"
"Sure. What time, amor?"
"Maybe around 2pm?"
"I'll be here" Pedri nodded "Shall we start?" You don't say anything but click on the start bottom before you cuddled up to him
°°° °°°
"Hey Fer"
"Y/N!" He said excited hugging you "How are you? My brother has kidnapped you" You blush lightly
"I'm doing well, dear. How about you?"
"Good, good!" He smiled "How can I help you?"
"Is Pedri here? He's supposed to accompany me to do something right now" He shakes his head
"He's in training right now"
"He's training?" Fer nods "For what?"
"This weekend's match"
"What match?"
"Football match?" He asked back confused
"He's playing?" He nods
"He's a football player, Y/N/N" You were confused
"Right, yes, of course!" You said "Well, thanks Fer and sorry the bother!" You jogged back to your house
You instantly went to your phone and searched for Pedri González, to your surprise a photo of your boyfriend came up along with the name of FC Barcelona. Your boyfriend is a FC Barcelona player.
Copies can wait, you decided, Pedri had somethings to explain. And that he did, as soon as he got to your house. You let him know that the door was unlocked and that you'll be waiting for him.
"Amor, I'm sorry, I got caught up on-"
"Pedro "Pedri" González López, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for La Liga FC Barcelona and the Spain NT" You read from your phone as soon as you see him coming to the living room "And then there's a picture of a guy who looks just like you" You look at him serious "Why didn't you told me that?"
" I can explain that to you"
"Please do"
Pedri sighed "I didn't tell you because I wanted you to like me for me, for Pedri not because of Pedri the football player from Club Barcelona" He sighs "It's not often when I don't have people trying to get my attention just because of fame or money. I'm just a simple guy living his dream and I want for everyone to treat me like that. I liked you from the moment I knew you and when I saw you didn't even recognized me for being Pedri the football player and cared for just Pedri, I wanted to keep that going and protect you from that world. You're my safe space"
"Pedri, I don't really care if you're famous or not and you know that"
"I know and I was eventually going to tell you this weekend after you see me playing" He winces now thinking of his idea "It might not be my best idea but I truly wanted to tell you because I like to think that we can have a long road together ahead of us"
"You're trying to get your way out of this with sweet words" He laughs softly
"I don't. That's what I truly think" you stayed silent for a few minutes
"You have some other secret I should know about?"
"No" He said shaking his head. You smiled and went to him kissing his lips
"Don't lie or hide things from me again, please. I think the same way but I want us to be honest with each other" Pedri nods
"Will do" Pedri smiles leaning down to kiss your lips
"Would you teach me some football right now?" Pedri nods smiling wide
"Let's go, bonita"
"But before that... Wanna have some chocolate muffins?"
Pedri secretly winced before nodding "Not one, not two... give me three of those"
He couldn't break his diet but for you he would.
°°° °°°
"So..." You begin "How do I look?" You turn around with your boyfriend's name on your back
"Gorgeous" That's what he said smiling "The eight looks really good on you" You smile turning to face him with blush covering your cheeks "In fact, everything looks good on you"
"Well, wish I could say the same" He opens his mouth in disbelief.
"I can't believe it" You laugh kissing his cheeks
"Vamos, amor. You are needed" You grab his hand and led him through the door "Hopefully you win tonight 'cus I made a winning cake for you" He laughs
"We will win" Pedri says "But we also know that winning or not, I will eat it" You smile nodding "Let's go to Montjuic!"
You both got into the car and Pedri drove off, it's your first time in a stadium, so you were pretty nervous.
"Call me or Fer. He told me he's already here" You nod taking in Pedri's words. "If you need anything let him know"
"I will" You said smiling "Go ahead and score some goals"
"They'll be for you" You blush and push him lightly for him to start walking
"Go. I'll be fine" with doubts Pedri started walking away only for him to walk back to you and kiss you softly before out of nowhere, leaving you in the hall.
You followed his intructions and soon you were in the yards along with the fans. Your eyes scanned the crowd and quickly divised Fer.
"Hey" You say getting closer to him
"Hey! Happy to see you here!"
"Happy to be here!" You hug
"You know what this match means?"
"Pedri told me something among the lines of El Clásico?" Fer nods
"Our worst rival RMA" You nod lightly
"Yeah, he told me those small things as well"
"Did he told you a fight could break out?" Your eyes widen and you cough
"No! Will he be-?"
"He'll be fine as long as the problem isn't with him. A small fact? It never is"
The tension could be felt in the air, you didn't have any idea what could happen. But you did knew the ones with the blue and red shirt were the ones your boyfriend played for and you were going to yell at everything they do.
Match started and it was already rough some players fouling you guys and the ref said nothing. You were complaining the whole 1st time about that while Fer laughed and maybe even recorded you.
You were stressing out, it was minute 88, four fights already displayed in the spam of the 2nd time and no score. Until he did it. De Jong stole the ball from one of the oponents, you still don't know who it was; when De Jong passed it to Gundo and Gundo to Ferran to start dribbling around players and once he was starting to get close to the net, he shot it to Pedri who scored.
He did his natural signature + a wink to your direction
"That was to me" Fer said
"Sure it was" You laughed and joked around with Fer until the game ended
You receive Pedri by his car with a piece of cake, he hissed when he saw the chocolate and it didn't helped that Ferran made fun of him.
"As I have just the recovery session, you have to take a double one to forget about the calories that cake has, good luck on that, Pepi"
"You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend who bakes for you" Pedri said hitting the back of Ferran's head while the shark laughed "See you, tiburón"
"See you, Pepi" Ferran waved at you lightly as you waved back with a small smile on your face
"Hola guapa" Pedri said wrapping his arms around your shoulders to bring you close to him. You smile taking in the scent of his soap and shampoo
"Hola guapo" You kissed his cheek before leaning up to kiss his lips "Congrats on the win, you did great"
"I felt motivated tonight" He winks at you and you laugh, blushing "However, I'm starving and this cake looks so good to me right now"
"Ah ah ah!" You push the cake back when he tried to reach it "I found out a little something and I just confirmed it"
"What did you find out?"
"You guys have a very strict diet as I could see" Pedri's heart stopped working for a while "And your friend isn't the most quiet when it comes to talk so... Have you really ate all of the sweets I have made for you this past months?"
Pedri got quiet for a while and before he opened his mouth you beat him to it "Honestly, Pedro"
"I didn't..." He said guilty and he watched how your face fell lightly "But I eventually did that time when I was at yours! And I didn't say any kind of lies when I said that they were the best ones!" You sighed softly
"But you could have told me that before!" You said "Now, I feel guilty"
"I was there making and bringing you guys the most sweet stuffs I could ever made for you to try and you had to suffer seeing your brother eat them without a single regret!" Pedri felt his heart grow warm "If you could have told me I have this strict diet, I could have done something different for you because everything I did was mostly for you, Pepi" You admit and he smiles before kissing you softly
"Now you know, amor. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, you were just really excited for me trying your baking out and I didn't wanted to make you feel bad by saying no"
"You have to do double sessions, I still feel bad" He sent you an apologetic smile as you groaned lightly "That's why this cake is for both of us now" You said
"Hey, it was mine!"
"It was" You agree "That was before I learned about your diet. So I made this one" You said "Half it's especially made for you and the other one is for me, like I usually do"
"Did you seriously just made me a piece of healthy cake for myself?" You nod
"And be prepared because now that I'll try more fitness stuff, you'll be the first one to try them out"
"I can't wait for it" He smiled before grabbing a piece of cake with his fingers and eating it, he groaned in delight "So far, try to make the pumpkin cake for me so I can eat it. That was the best one" He munched the cake once again
"Stop eating it"
"This is so delicious, I just can't!" He shook his head "In fact" He pulled out his car keys out and handed them to you "You drive tonight while I eat this masterpiece my girlfriend made for me, thank you"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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chut-je-dors · 1 year
Hello! Do you happen to know any good resources for learning Finnish? As basic as possible, I literally started on Duolingo half an hour ago:) I know, I know, I'm a poser for learning Finnish *after* Käärijä, but the language sounds soooo interesting (although I've heard the grammar is quite difficult...). Thank you in advance and also love your blog:)))))
Hi!! So very very ecstatic that you've decided to learn Finnish! No reason to feel ashamed that you'd only start after Käärijä... believe me, in Finland people are just altogether very taken if a foreigner wants to learn Finnish, no matter the reason. (And all reasons for learning a language are good!) (And we're SO SO PROUD of Käärijä, he's done a monumental job of bringing our language to the public eye more than ANYONE ELSE BEFORE so, yup! He's a VERY good reason to start learning Finnish!!)
I'm not sure if I'm the right person to point you towards any resources... But I tried finding some for you! I've checked out the Duolingo course and it's a good place to begin! Here's also a drive folder that has some Finnish language books as PDFs.
Also here's a page for beginner's Finnish from our national news media Yle (it's like our version of BBC).
Here is a "picture book" kind of a page for learning names for objects, good to start with!
Here's an online course for beginners! This has grammar too, and links for further reading and studying.
Finnish is also notorious for having it's written language differ drastically from how people actually speak. We don't have accents per se, but dialects instead, which don't just affect the way we pronounce words (=accents, as in English) but the way we form them. So for example, the written Finnish "I am" is "minä olen", but in spoken Finnish it can become e.g. "mä oon", "mää oon", "mie oon", depending on where you live (and there might be some more variations as well but these are the most common ones.) Many foreigners find themselves in a spot where they can read and understand written Finnish pretty well, then the moment a Finnish person opens their mouth it's a bloodbath. But don't let it deter you! And Finnish people are more than happy to switch to written Finnish if you don't understand them. I found this website for learning the basics for spoken Finnish!
A good place is also good ole Youtube! Just type in "Finnish for beginners" and you're set to go!
Finnish is a difficult language to learn because of the grammar and lack of prepositions if your language has them... but look at it this way, I struggle with them in any language that uses them cos I haven't grown up using them. I still occasionally mess up with in/on or for/to (it's even worse with French and Swedish). Doesn't stop me from writing 100k fics in English apparently!
Welcome to learning Finnish! Remember that the most important thing is to learn the swear words, you'll go far with those. Just drop in a perkele and it's always the right thing to say haha.
Jokes aside, I'm very happy to hear this! Finnish is a very beautiful language and a very inventive one as well, which allows for more word play and creativity with the language than, say, English for example. And while Finnish is difficult, you'll find that once you've learnt the rules, there are no exceptions to them or the kind of hassle with the grammar as there is to English or French. I've known exchange students who've learnt near perfect Finnish in less than a year!
If anyone knows and wants to add more good resources here, go ahead!
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sketch-twentytwo · 2 months
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“Danganronpa is the latest and greatest in Killing Game Entertainment! As they are the pioneers of their craft, they try to incorporate bigger and better gimmicks into each season. With the fiftieth season and beyond—the V0-series if you will—came the ‘implementation’ feature! As Danganronpa moved to virtuality to host their seasons, it became possible to program not just avatars for our Players, but false memories, talents, and personalities as well! All of this has allowed the characters to come to life before the audience’s very eyes! “See, there’s a special little agreement that one must sign before the game that’s part of the audition contract! It gives the Player the option to keep all of the artificial junk that Team Danganronpa stuffed into their head under the condition that they win! It’s an optional prize, but who wouldn’t want to keep their very own—very special—Super High School Level talent!?” A single checkbox makes Shuichi Saihara’s world spin. A single check mark makes Kokichi Ouma’s world break. --- Or, the killing game ends, but not everyone is back where they started.
After six years(?), I have finally returned to rewrite my post-game, saiouma fic which you can read [here].
The story follows, Shuichi Saihara after the events of V3. He discovers that the killing game was all a virtual reality simulation and all of his friends are alive, except anyone who didn't survive til the end AND sign off on keeping their in-game memories before the game has been reverted to their pre-game state.
It's a story of self-discovery in the wake of an identity crisis sprinkled in with the frustrating romance of two teenage boys!
It's been an arduous five months of work, but I've come to deliver 60K+ words to you, dear reader! Even if you have already read this fic in the past, I would strongly encourage you to give it a once-over/another chance. I have VASTLY improved the pacing, plot, characterization, and grammar, and I'm quite proud with what I've been able to create! I used to be very insecure with my writing style but in the past six(?) years, I have improved in both my confidence and prose.
Give it a shot, leave a comment, and just let me know what you think! Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope to continue working on this after taking a bit of a writing break! :D
(Alt. Image under the cut)
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Study Session 🌷🥀
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Characters: Ace+Yuu+Deuce (Platonic)
Gender Neutral Yuu
CW: Yuu grills everyone, Grim, Ace and Deuce almost burn down ramshackle, platonic cuddling, platonic relationship, Ace and Deuce are sweethearts.
A/N: To the anon and all the others who wanted this I GOTCHU FAM. I was originally planning to write however I was tired after class so I only ended up writing around 725 words I hope that is satisfactory. If not I will definitely write more for the trio since I love them so much. (Fox hates Tumblr Mobile)
W/C: 725
Not proofread
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“I got 42.” Ace out his hands on his hips proudly.
“I got -30.” Deuce showing Yuu his paper. Yuu grabbed it examining it as Deuce looked defeated.
“How did you get -30?” Ace asked, looking at the blue haired male confused.
“Well how did you get 42?” Deuce asked, retaliating.
“This is English homework, where did you get the math from?” Yuu asked as they both looked embarrassed. Deuce grabbed his homework in shame as they both erased their answers.
“This is the second time this month they confused math and English homework.” Grim spoke, eating his tuna.
“It's starting to become a pattern at this point.” Yuu spoke
“Well if the professors worded the questions easier I would understand it better.” Ace defended himself.
“Maybe you just can't read.” Yuu spoke, flicking his forehead.
“It's just a grammar question that should be easy.” Deuce spoke
“How did you both get math equations from grammar?” Yuu asked.
“At least we did the homework correctly.” Grim showed off.
“As if you didn't make the potion explode during class today.” Yuu spoke to him.
“That wasn't my fault, that was my henchmen's fault.” Grim crossed his arms huffing.
“Can you two be quiet? I need to think.” Ace scolded.
“Since when do you ever think?” Yuu asked as Ace shot Yuu a look.
“Finished.” Deuce sat up placing his pencil down.
“How did you finish it that quickly?” Ace asked, speeding up.
“I just followed what we did in class.” Deuce shrugged.
A bit later Ace stopped writing and put his pencil down with a proud smug on his face. “Finished.”
“They are both getting Fs tomorrow.” Grim snickered.
“Quiet Grim unless you want to help.” Ace spat at the Cat.
“Naw.” He went back to eating tuna.
“Yuu what do you have to eat?” Deuce asked.
“Well I only had enough to get myself food this month so you guys can eat whatever I’ll figure something out.” Yuu spoke.
Ace blinked. Then he got up, Deuce following as they ran out the room and downstairs. A bit later the door opened and closed.
“Did you scare them off?” Grim asked as Yuu shrugged.
“Who knows.” Yuu spoke getting up and going downstairs.
Around 15 minutes later the door opened and Yuu looked to see Deuce with bags in his hand he placed them over by the kitchen.
“I could of helped carry them, you know.” Ace spoke
“I told you I'm used to carrying all the bags.” Deuce spoke, wiping his hands.
“Did you guys seriously get food?” Yuu asked
“Yeah, don't worry about it, we can cook it for you. Think of it as our treat for you helping us.” Ace spoke
“Don't burn the kitchen down.” Yuu spoke
While they both were in the middle of cooking they in fact almost started a fire. Grim came down to laugh at them before Yuu shooed him. The finished product was just some instant ramen. They added extra stuff too.
“You two are never cooking again.” Yuu spoke grabbing the dishes and going to clean them.
“What? we totally did a good job though.” Ace spoke proudly.
“Well someone almost burnt down Yuu’s kitchen.” Deuce spat at Ace.
“Nu uh that was you.” Ace spat back at him.
“You were the one that was cooking the noodles.” Deuce spoke.
“Don't start fighting.” Yuu spoke as they both went silent.
“I'm going to shower.” Ace spoke going upstairs. Deuce got up and helped with cleaning the dishes.
“You don't have to help, I got it.” Yuu spoke
“No it's okay. I can help.” Deuce spoke
After everyone showered (separately ya nasty) the three of them were all huddled in Yuu’s room. Getting ready to go to sleep.
“Can I be in the middle?” Ace asked.
“You're asking this now?” Deuce asked.
“You didn't answer my question.” Ace spoke
“Fine.” Deuce spoke as Deuce got out and Ace went in the middle. Deuce got back in as well.
“...Wait, I changed my mind.” Ace spoke as Deuce. groaned.
“Let me just.” Yuu spoke as they crawled over Ace and laid in the middle. They laid their head on Aces chest as Deuce wrapped their arms around Yuu.
“Goodnight guys.” Yuu spoke
“Goodnight.” Deuce spoke
“Wait I-” Ace was cut off by Deuce Yuu and Grim “No”
They indeed both got Fs the next day.
If you liked why you wrote reblogs and likes are always appreciated. If you want to request something feel free to head to my request rules or if you just have thoughts you want to share you can share them
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dr4gong4l · 3 months
My silly big angst thinking blob:
Mk with samadhi fire... He's not really hurt by it- only a few scratches and ended up actually surviving the whole big ball of deadly fire from Mei, did use all his energy tho so:
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Huggies :D
Then I found out Red Son doesn't get hurt at all from the samadhi fire, considering he's the creator :D
So then this thing:
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What if... Mei just, boom💥 dead.
Mei ended up exploding, just like, fading away into bits, especially at the part where LBD was using the power to begin with. Red Son couldn't save her in time...
The silly thing (Dragonfruit):
"DON'T YOU GIVE UP ON ME DRAGON GIRL!" Red Son shouted, holding her tight till his eyes widen. Tears? Tears?? Really? Right now?!
"No- NO- Stay with m-" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry" She sobs, her tears evaporated by the sole flames, slowly consuming her.
"STAY WITH ME, DON'T LET IT GO-" Red Son was pushed back, the fire, was getting stronger, no, he can't leave her, he won't! Red Son pushed himself to his limit.
"... Tell MK I'm proud of him." Red Son couldn't breathe for a moment. "Tell everyone, they're the greatest friends, I ever needed. Tell them, they're family... To me, I always protect my family..." Mei smiles at him. "I'll protect you too."
No. Please. No! "... D-Don't joke like that- don't-" Red Son squeeze her tightly. Her face... Her beautiful sweet face, why can't she stop smiling? Why should she go?
"You're the greatest hero Red, you're my hero..."
Red Son hugged her as she smiles at him. He can't help it, he gave her one back, despite it all, Mei wanted him to smile, by happy.
The samadhi fire consumes her as Red Son is left hugging himself... But the samadhi fire, now once cold and powerful, but gave him warmth and love.
The besties (Mk and Mei):
Mk runs in, despite everything, she's his best friend! No matter what, as he was slowly losing himself, he hugs her tightly but...
She was slowly... Consumed.
"No- no! Mei! Mei! Please-" Mk shakes her as she's slowly disappearing. He can't lose his best friend, he can't lose Mei, he doesn't want to lose anyone ever again! Never please, not her not her! Never her!
"... I'm proud of you Mk..." She smiles. Her tears forming as Mk couldn't help but cry holding her, she hugs him back, comforting him.
"Our friends... And you... Are like family to me... I'll always protect my family... And...
Tell Red Son... He'll always be my hero..."
She smiles through, Mk sobs, please... Please stay. Please. All he could think. But after all. He hugs himself kneeling on the ground, holding the remains of a warm hug.
You might have noticed the Mk and Mei one is shorter, well that's because I have NO IDEAS what to write :D.
Writing is not what I do especially with things like wording and grammar because English is my second language :')))
Again angst is my middle name!
(No it's not. Seriously :'))) )
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They're so silly I love them :D
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laurentpark · 11 months
Losing Me — Huh Yunjin
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Pairing: huh yunjin X actress! Reader
Summary: you were willing to throw everything out just for her, but will she do the same?
Genre: angst.
Warnings: falling out of love, heartbreak, rejection, relationship problems, things like that, the other members not making an appearance
A/N: first time writing. hope this isn't too bad for my first work 🙏 also keep in mind english isn't my first language so forgive me for bad grammar.
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You and Yunjin have been together for years. Six to be exact.
Despite being together for a long time, you can still recall the day you confessed to her, the very first date you had, the very first kiss, and also the very first time you two said those three words to each each other. I love you. However, you can also recall the day where your relationship with took an unfortunate turn.
It was a beautiful summer night where it was just the two of you. No fans. No members. No cameras. Just the two of you, and a small box in your pocket that contained a beautiful emerald ring.
You mustered up all your courage and confessed your love and devotion to her.
And finally, you kneeled your knee to the ground and slipped off those words off your tongue,
"Will you marry me?"
And her answer has been stuck with you ever since.
"I can't. I'm sorry."
Ever since then, everything seems to be falling apart.
"You don't understand, Y/N. You never will." Yunjin states, gritting her teeth while she attempts to walk away from you. "I can't risk it right now. I can't risk my job. I can't risk the members as well, you know this is a bad idea not only for me but for them as well."
"Oh please, don't even pull that card on me!" You argue back to her, a frown tugging your lips. You sigh and grab Yunjin's hand so she won't walk away.
She narrows her eyes at you with a skeptic look, "What are you doing?"
"Just listen," You sigh out. "I know you don't understand but can you at least try to? You aren't the only one who's risking their career."
This was the thing that confused you the most. Yes, Yunjin is a member of one of the world's most popular kpop group and the news of her being in a relationship let alone getting married would be a disaster, but she wasn't the only who's career is going down.
You, a popular and well-known actress both in Korea and globally. You've starred in many popular kdramas and films so it confused you to why Yunjin said she can't risk her career.
You are willing to sacrifice everything just for her, so why can't she do the same?
And then it clicked.
"Don't you..." You frown and loosen your grip on her. "Don't you want to settle down with me?"
Her silence fills the room. Yunjin licks her lip and opens her mouth, but no words came out.
"Jen?" You call out her name, your heart beginning to break itself piece-to-piece as her silence was getting longer.
The tension was then cut off by the ring of her phone.
She forcefully lets go of my hand and turns her back, opening her phone.
"I have to go. My manager said they need me."
"Jen, you can't be serious-"
"I'm sorry."
You watch her walk away while you stood there with shattered heart.
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Five years ago
"This place is gigantic! I really like the light!"
You let an amused chuckle escape from your lips as your girlfriend admired your new apartment, checking every room there as you stood there, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"Out of all the things here, the light is the thing you find the most fascinating?"
"Good lighting means good pictures." She shrugged off as you laughed at her witty comment. A proud look appears on her face as she stared at you, lovingly, "I'm so proud at how far you've come, Y/N! Just a year ago, I used invite you to our dorm to eat with my members because I was worried you didn't have the money to have a meal and now here you are! An apartment in gangnam. Must be nice to have this place all to your self."
You blushed at her words and couldn't help but get flustered. You smiled at her and held her hand to give it a squeeze.
She looked at you confused, "Hm? What's wrong?"
"The reason why I actually picked this place is because..." You paused for a second before continuing, "I've been thinking about it and I really want you to move in with me. We've been together for a year now and-"
You noticed the shock look on the american's face.
"But it's completely fine if you don't want to as well-"
She cuts you off as she jumped towards you, to give a big hug and crashed her lips onto yours. You widened your eyes in shock but smiled regardless because of this action.
You two pull away with a giddy smile placed on both your faces.
"Of course I'd move in with you, dummy. I love you too much to reject your offer."
"I love you too. So much. You have no idea how happy you make me." You spread your arms, giving her a sign to hug you again to which she nods her head and agreed.
After you two pulled away from the hug, Jennifer took your phone as you looked at her in confusion.
"Let's take a picture!"
You two posed for the camera and you tilted your head in shock after looking at the selfie.
"You were right, the light is nice..."
She laughed at your comment and gave you playful punch on the shoulder, "See?"
Where'd all the time go?
You stared at the picture where Yunjin took a picture of you and her together after moving in together. You recalled how you two loved this home because of the light.
Now you were the only one inside, sitting in the dark.
You let out a sigh escape from your lips and shut off your phone, completely leaving you in the dark with no source of light.
Yunjin's silence is stuck inside your mind. The fact she didn't even answer when you asked if she wanted to even marry you left a hole inside your heart and you have no idea if there was anything she could do to fix it.
You huged your knees and kept your head down, thinking.
I wouldn't marry me either.
Was it time? Were you willing to throw out everything despite being together for many years, or keep it?
Was it better to just let it go than to foolishly hold onto something that's slipping away from you?
You groaned in frustration, you were getting tired of the constant overthinking and the voices inside your head, telling you she no longer wanted you. Shaking your head at the thought, you drag your legs towards the living room to turn on the TV, hoping that something-anything will keep your mind off Yunjin.
The news channel pops up. A frown tugs your lips and your eyes widen at the headline you were seeing.
Your phone lights and like magic, Yunjin's name appears on the notification bar.
'Don't turn on the TV or open your phone until I get home'
That was the final blow.
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The first thing Yunjin saw once she got home was your ice glare. She sighs at your look and walks over to you.
"Let me explain-"
"Save it." You grit your teeth and stood up from the couch. "I've been waiting for you all day while you've been out with your little boy toy having fun together-*
"Jay and I are just friends!" She states and looks at you softly, she gets closer to her and takes your hand to caress it. "Jay and I were just hanging out together and people took those pictures of us, thinking the wrong thing. Please, baby, I would never. I love you."
"How can you say that while you can't even tell you've been killing me all this time?"
You've tried to fight it. You really did. Ever since her rejection to your proposal to the news of her 'dating' scandal, you've been fighting your feelings and urge to cry and break down. However it was only a matter of time that you can hide your pain and melancholy.
A sob escapes from your lips as tears was now running down your cheeks.
Yunjin immediately rushes to hug you to calm you down, "Shh, baby... please don't cry. I'm sorry. I really am. I mean it. I love you."
She massages your back, while hugging you all this time while you wipe down your tears
After a few minutes, you begin to calm down and your cries weren't as bad as they used to be.
You took a deep breath before looking at Yunjin with a defeated look placed on your face. She frowns at your action. This isn't good. She thought.
"I think we should end this. Our relationship. It would be for the best."
"... W-what?" She stutters in disbelief. She looks at you as if you were saying the most unbelievable thing ever.
"You're losing me, Jen." A frown tugs your lips down. "And I'm losing you too. Whatever we're both doing to each other, isn't healthy at all."
"No. No, no, no. Baby, stop it. We're fine! Let's go order some food and watch a movie-"
"Jennifer!" She flinches at you yelling at her full name. "I mean it. We should end this."
She grits her teeth and shakes her head, "You're throwing everything we built during our time together all for a stupid and fake news? That's unbelievable-"
"It's not just that." You emphasize on the word just. You sigh and look down, avoiding her gaze. "Everything we built is falling apart, Jen. There's no use to keeping it."
"Yes, there is!" She denies your claims, and grabs by the shoulder, forcing you to look at her. "Y/N, why are you doing this? Why now? Don't you know how much I love you?"
"Oh really?" You scoff and let her grip on your shoulders go. "Then why won't you marry me then?"
She frowns and closes her eyes, sighing. "YN- we've been over this-"
"Why did you stay silent when I asked you if you even wanted to marry me earlier?"
She kept her mouth shut. Refusing to say anything.
"Say something!" You demand but she stayed silent. "Do something! Your career won't be the only thing affected if we both get married, you know that right? But I'm willing to risk it. Risk everything I've built and worked hard for, just for you and I can get married."
She still stays silent during the whole situation.
"Can you do the same, Jennifer?"
Say yes, please. You pleaded her with your eyes.
You waited. You waited, waited, and waited. Waiting for her to do or say something. Anything. Anything that there is she wanted to do was better than just the silence she's been giving you all this time, but still, there was only silence in the entire room.
And her silence only meant one thing.
"Goodbye, Jennifer. I truly do wish nothing but the best for your career."
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
"I own you, b***!"
"Yeah, you do. In the studio. And you can do whatever you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want." - Valentino and Angel (episode 6)
That one scene made me come up with a solution of how Angel can be freed and Valentino getting what he deserves. OK, fine, let's say that Charlie and Lucifer don't have the power to mess with other demons' contracts and can't free Angel's soul with just a snap of their fingers. BUT they do have the power as a royalty to take down Valentino's business. "And you can do whatever you want to me there(in the studio), just like our deal says." Think about it:
(No business + no studio) + Valentino losing his power and his overlord title = Angel's freedom (and the freedom of many others)
Just imagine: a powerful man-turned-demon doing a lot of terrible things in order to get wealth and fame, and people to step on (pls, don't take that out of context). He gets what he wants every time, and everything is perfect. For him, at least 😒. And then, out of nowhere, the "stupid, blonde, good-for-nothing" princess of Hell and her father, the King, declare that this porn business is coming to a close, and Valentino shall no longer be an overlord. Everything, EVERYTHING, that this disgusting moth-man has worked for crumbles right in front of him. Money, gone. Porn movies and drugs, bye-bye 👋🏻. His favourite toy (Angel) and the souls he has under contracts are free. Even Vox and Velvet are leaving him behind because he is worthless to them now. Personally, I think this will be more satisfying than simply killing Val with an angelic weapon.
But, alas, knowing Vivzipop, it's highly unlikely that she will come up with something like this.
I kinda feel proud of myself 🤗, and I'm not even a writer. 😅
(Sorry if I have any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language. )
Your grammar is very good don’t worry! Also you had me terrified a Valentino roleplay blog messaged me for a second
This is a really interesting idea actually! I’ve seen a lot of people mad at Charlie for not doing something about Angel’s situation and honestly I am too but Angel asked her to stay out of his business which is something I and many other have experienced of that “It’s fine I can handle it myself this is my issue” mindset, but still in the future I really hope she actually steps up and does something. Especially with her stupid “But thats so meaaan :(” line when Vaggie tells her to actually use her authority.
I also agree on the point I’d like to see Val have more consequences to his actions instead of just killing him. Of course I want him dead but I’d like it to be later on. Number 1 thing I hate is character’s abuser dying and then suddenly the character is fine and has no issues.
Id draw a picture of Valentino and put him through the oven and stove but I don’t want to draw anything more than the back of his torso and hands. Maybe someday you’ll see me make an animatic of Val being gunned down but certainly not soon.
Anyway expanding on this idea sounds like it’d be very interesting, if you’d have anything to add I recommend toying around with it!
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