#i'm so sorry it's late i am 100% trash
buckybuckyboo · 4 months
Let us take care of you
Word count: 3,400
Summary: Your boyfriend is an asshole so the boys show you how you should be treated.
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"Jesus, can't you just stay in with me for once! You're always hanging out with your boys. Please, Jake, let's watch a movie and cuddle"
Giving your boyfriend your best puppy dog eyes hoping it will work.
""Sorry baby, I've got plans. I'll see you later"
He turns and leaves, not even a kiss on the cheek. Your eyes start to sting with the tears building up.
You hear a voice from behind you. Take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Turning around and seeing Bucky and Steve standing there.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks. Clearing your throat you half smile at him "I'm okay, just another night in by myself"
"You should dump his ass! He has no idea what he's just lost!"
"It's fine Bucky, he just wanted to go out with his boys again"
Steve crosses the living room hugging you. Bucky walks up behind him "Doll, you deserve better than that asshole". Steve moved back, letting Bucky move in to hug you tight. He pulls back holding your head in his hand. "Why don't you let us show you" he smirks.
"Let us show you how you should be treated. Forget that idiot! He doesn't know how to treat you"
You stare at him and start to laugh. "Good one Buck! Thanks for the laugh"
"I'm not joking baby girl, I'm 100% serious"
Looking over at Steve who had a smirk on his face. "Are you crazy? I can't do that!" walking away and sitting on the couch.
Steve walks over to the couch and sits beside you, placing his hand on your thigh.
"Baby just dump that jackass and be ours? I promise we will take good care of you!.
Bucky sat at the other side of you as Steve talked. He brushes your hair behind your ear and smiles. You look between the both of them "Okay, now would be a great time to tell me you are joking"
"We're not joking," Steve says. "Jake doesn't deserve you. He left you all alone" Bucky whispers against your neck sending shivers down your spine and leaving goosebumps along your skin." He- He is just out with his friends" you stutter out. Steve's hand starts to move up your inner thigh as Bucky nudges against your neck.
You almost give in to them, then you snap out of it and push them away getting up from the couch. "I- I can't do this. I'm not cheating on Jake"
"Y/N, he's no good for you. He treats you like crap! We have seen it for weeks" Steve says "Just dump his ass Y/N" Bucky adds.
"That's my decision," you say and walk into your room closing the door. Sitting on your bed for hours thinking late into the night until you hear knocking at the front door. When you go out, Bucky is already at the door opening it and it's Jake.
"Hey man, I've told her many times to give me a key but what can you do. Women, am I right?"
"I thought you were with your boys tonight"
Jake turns looking at you "So we went out for a few drinks"
"And you don't think I'd like to go out too?"
"Come on baby, don't do this to me now you are running my buzz and I'm tired"
"I think you should stay somewhere else"
Jake laughs "Why would I go anywhere else when I can always come back here?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're easy"
"What!?" That made your blood boil. He tried to grab you by the arm but you backed away.
"Oh come on Y/N don't do-" He was interrupted by a punch to the face. What surprised you more was that it was you who threw the punch making Jake hit the floor.
"Ow! Fuck!" Shouting as you shake your hand.
"Y/N what the fuck as that for?" he holds his nose as he curls up into a ball on the floor.
"That, Jake is me breaking your nose and also breaking up with you"
Catching a glimpse of Bucky who is trying his best to not laugh.
"Get this trash out of here Bucky?"
"I'd be happy to doll"
Bucky grabs him by his shirt, lifting him off the floor effortlessly and then throwing him out the door and closing it behind him.
"Fuck fuck fuck! Ow!"
"Here let me get you some ice for that hand doll"
He walks over grabs a clean towel, puts some ice cubes in it, and gently places it against your hand
It makes you hiss for a second but it feels better after a while.
"Impressive punch Y/N"
"I know right now this is a very stupid question but, are you okay?" that makes you chuckle softly.
"Besides my hand hurting, I'm fine Bucky. Thank you"
"You're welcome. I'm here if you need anything okay?"
"Okay" smiling up at him. He sat up with you a little while longer, holding the ice pack against your hand and then you both went back to bed. You were tossing and turning all night. The next morning Bucky filled Steve in on what happened and then they both checked in on you. They decided to leave you alone when you were finally in a deep sleep. Steve walked over leaving some water and some painkillers for your hand. Before he left, he leaned over you kissing the top of your head and whispering how proud he was of you, and left the room.
The next couple of days were busy. Bearly seeing Bucky or Steve because you had to work. You seen Jake though, he came to the coffee shop where you worked. Two black eyes and something over his nose to keep it in place probably. His friends giving him a hard time for running into a sign post drunk. That made you laugh and shake your head. When they saw you they crowded around the front of the cashier.
"Aw Y/N won't you come take care of poor Jaky boy? We know you're on a break but he needs someone to hold his hand"
They all laugh and pat each other on the back.
"On a break? I dumped him and broke his damn nose. Not a sign post, me. I think I have done more than enough"
"You broke his nose?" they all burst out laughing.
Then you held up your bruised hand.
"Yeah, it was me! I broke his nose and threw him out like the trash he is"
The laughing died down pretty quickly. Your manager came over and told them all to leave.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
"Yeah Sam, I'm good just need a second"
He smiles."Take your break champ you deserve it after that and remind me never to piss you off" He walks away laughing.
When you got home after work the place was empty. Sitting at the table, remembering the offer Bucky and Steve had offered you. Both? That can't be right. Why would both of them want me? They both arrive home about an hour later and are happy to finally be able to see you.
"Hey doll face! How was work?"
"It was okay, Jake and his friends showed up"
"Did you punch him again?" Steve laughs as he sits across from you.
"No, I didn't but I wanted to. He told his boys he ran into a sign post while drunk"
"Wow, what a pussy" Bucky adds.
"I set them straight and then Sam asked them to leave"
"Are you okay?" Steve asks with a worried expression.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Been doing some thinking"
Bucky sits beside Steve. "What have you been thinking about?"
"What you said that night" Bucky and Steve look at each other and then back to you.
"Have you made a decision sweetheart?" Bucky asks as he takes a drink of his coffee.
Taking a deep breath "Not yet. I have questions"
"Okay, well we are here now do you want to ask them?
"If that's okay with both of you?"
"Fine with me doll, Steve?"
"Ask away sweetheart". Both of them sit up in their chairs waiting for your questions.
"I'm a little unclear on what you meant by being yours?"
"You can be both mine and Steves's girl"
"We both want to date you"
"But you and Steve are together?"
"Yeah? Is that a problem?" Bucky asks.
"No no, it's just a little strange no? What will people say?"
"Who cares what they say or think? The only thing that matters is what you want"
"I'm sorry I'm just confused"
Bucky get's up and sits on the chair beside you.
"What we want is to make you happy. You will be dating me and also dating Steve. We will always be around to have a movie night with you and lots of cuddles" he smiles "You are ours, and we are yours"
Steve comes over kneeling beside you "How do you feel about going out on a date with us tonight?"
"Too soon?"
"No no, sorry I'd love to go out with both of you tonight. What time?"
Bucky and Steve smile "Does 8 sound okay"
"Yeah that's okay"
"Okay! It's a date!"
"Okay! I'm gonna get cleaned up. What should I wear?"
"What about that pretty little black dress that's been in the back of your closet?" Steve smiles making you blush.
"Okay, little black dress it is"
You hadn't been taken on a date for months so you were pulling out all the stops. Showering and using your favorite shower gel that you knew the boys loved cause they always mentioned how good it smelled. Pretty black lingerie with red bows to go with the dress and black heels to match. The boys waited for you in the living room, both of them speechless as you walked in.
"Wow Y/N, wow"
"You look beautiful sweetheart!"
"Thank you" you blush "You both look very handsome"
Steve laughs "Well we are trying to make an impression. Ready to go?"
"Yep! Where are we going?"
"Dinner and dancing," Bucky says while holding the door open while Steve grabs your jacket for you. It felt a little awkward the elevator as you didn't know what to say or where to look.
They escorted you out of the building and into the car that was waiting. Bucky sat up front and Steve sat in the back with you. When the car arrived at the restaurant, Bucky got out first, and opened the door for you, holding your hand as you stepped up onto the footpath. Both of them took your arms beside you as all three of you walked in. The meal was fantastic! They let you order whatever you wanted and demanded that you order dessert. You caught both of them a couple of times looking at you and it made your stomach flip. After the dinner was finished, Bucky grabbed your jacket and put it on for you.
"The club is just down the street. Do you mind walking doll?"
"Not at all Bucky"
He smiles taking you by the hand while you both wait for Steve. When you are both joined by Steve all three of you start walking to the club down the street. Bucky still holding your hand and Steves's hand is on your lower back. Once you got outside the club you were all let in straight away. Bucky immediately pulls you onto the dance floor. You smile wrapping your hands around his neck and dancing with him. Feeling something press against your back, looking back, and seeing Steve. Both of them have you sandwiched in and you are 100% okay with that. You were having so much fun till it was all ruined by Jake.
"Wow how could you act like such a slut"
"Fuck you Jake I should have never wasted my time on you!"
He decides to step closer to you but Bucky steps in front of him.
"What's wrong Jake? Afraid she will break your nose again?"
"Jake just get out ofhere. I don't want you anymore. How many times do I have to tell you that I dumped your ass"
"Take the hint and fuck off!"
You were surprised by Steve and it made you smile. Jake walked away back into whatever dark corner of the club he came from.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
"Yeah I'm okay" You smiled kissing Steves's lips and then Bucky's.
"I've got both of you"
They both smile wide "Let's get you home hm?" Bucky suggests and you and Steve agreed. They escort you out of the club and wait for the car. The cold air feels nice on your skin.
All of you got into the car and headed back home. You weren't drunk but you did have a few drinks, you were feeling good. The three of you walked into the elevator and Steve pressed the button for your floor. Bucky and Steve stood on either side of you. You leaned over laying your head on Steve's shoulder, then leaned up kissing his neck. He tangled his fingers in your hair pulling you up to kiss his lips. You felt something press against your back and turned to see Bucky. Turning around still in between them to face Bucky who you kiss too. Steve's lips all over your neck and shoulders "God you smell so fucking, good baby"
When Bucky hears the elevator doors open he pulls you away from Steve and walks with you to the apartment door.
He opens the door and you all walk in. You throw your bag on the couch and sit to take your shoes off. Steve kneels in front of you and helps.
"Do your feet hurt baby?"
"No they are okay, thank you, both of you. I really had fun tonight"
"You're welcome doll. I'm glad you had a good time" Steve was rubbing his hands along your smooth legs.
"Well then, I guess I better go to bed" you smile. Getting up from the couch and walk towards your room. You stopped and turned looking at both of them "Are you coming?"
They both look at each other and then back at you.
"Who do you want baby?" Bucky asks making you smile.
"Both of you"
The boys follow you into your room. Steve closed the door behind him while Bucky made his way over to the bed and sat down. Turning your back to him and asking him to unzip your dress. He pulls the zipper down kissing the skin that becomes exposed, sending shivers down your spine. You take the straps down off your shoulders and let your dress fall and pool at your feet. Turning around to Bucky and standing between his legs "You look amazing baby girl. You wear this for us?" You nod biting your bottom lip. Turning around and walking over to Steve. Wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. "What do you think Stevie? Do you like what I wore for you and Bucky?"
Steve nods "You look, beautiful baby, you always look beautiful"
You smile "I wanna watch both of you together"
Bucky gets up from the bed and makes his way over to Steve kissing him passionately while undoing his belt and jeans, reaching into his boxers and pulling his cock out and stroking it slowly. Steve rests his head back against the door as he pants. Bucky kneels taking Steve's cock into his mouth. You can't get over the sight of Bucky on his knees for him and the moans leaving Steve's mouth. It's turning you on so much. Bucky reaches over ripping your panties down and running his fingers through your soking folds. "She's so wet Steve"
Bucky moves over to you, hooking your leg over his shoulder and licking through your folds. The taste of you making him moan sends shivers up your spine. Steve moves over kissing you while Bucky does his work.
Running your fingers through his hair as he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks. Steve takes your bra off and takes one of your nipples into his mouth. Your moans echo around the room. Bucky looks up at you with the biggest smirk on his face.
"We've never heard you moan like that baby"
"Well, it feels really good!"
"Good! I'm glad doll. Lay on the bed for us?"
You smile, walking over to the bed, and lie down. You watch as they undress and make their way over to you. Both of them on either side of you. Both of their cocks leaking with pre cum. We gotta get you ready for our cocks okay baby girl?"
"Okay, how are you going to do that?"
"We are gonna make you cum a couple of times " Steve smirks.
"How are you going to do that without your cocks? They both chuckle softly
"Our fingers and our mouths baby"
They both keep their work making you cum on their fingers and tongues. You have never come like that, not even on your own. Steve sits with his back against the headboard. You are facing him sucking his cock while Bucky positions himself behind you and lining himself up at your entrance. The stretch from his cock was like nothing you had ever felt before. Pleasure mixed with pain and it made you moan on Steve's cock. Bucky gave you a few minutes to adjust before he started moving in and out. You could feel him fill you up so much every time he pushed back in.
"So fucking tight baby doll fuck I'm not going to last at this rate"
Steve looked up at him through hooded eyes "How does she feel Buck?"
"So fucking good Steve, she's tight. Squeezing me so much! Damn it's so good"
Bucky's pace becomes faster making you lay on Steve's stomach while you moan. Bucky pulls you back against his chest burying his cock deeper inside you. He held you up by placing his hand across your chest. Bucky whispers in your ear saying how much of a good girl you are for both of them while you watch Steve stroke his cock.
Bucky brings his hand up around your throat as he fucks you. Steve moves closer to you, reaching down and playing with your clit.
"Come on sweetheart, cum all over Bucky's cock like a good girl"
Steve tried to swallow your moans but it felt so good you couldn't help but moan louder. Your pussy clamping down around Bucky's cock making him cum just seconds after you. He buried his head in your neck while he moaned. Your head fell against Steve's chest as you panted. He held you tight while you caught your breath looking up at him through hooded eyes, you smiled and kissed him softly.
"Lay back down Stevie"
He smiles and does so while looking up at you. Taking his cock back into your mouth. His head falls back, his hand tangled in your hair. Bucky sits beside Steve, he smiles watching him moan. He leans over kissing Steve's shoulder, his neck, and then up to his lips. Feeling Steve's cock twitch against your tongue, you use your hand to stroke what you can't fit in your mouth.
"Oh fuck!" he moans holding your hair tighter. Bucky moves down close to you, kissing along steves hip "Let's make him cum together baby girl" he smirks. He pulls you up kissing your lips. he positions himself on one side of his cock and you on the other and you both take turns sucking on his cock. It sends Steve right over the edge shooting ropes of cum into your and Bucky's mouths and all over his stomach. Even after he is finished cumming both of you still suck on his sensitive cock making him moan even more until he tells you both to stop. You and Bucky share a passionate kiss before he pulls you in between him and Steve. Steve wraps his arms around you while kissing along your shoulder while you look into Bucky's eyes.
"Are you okay baby?" Steve whispers. You smile and turn your head to him "More than okay, Stevie. I can't believe I almost said no to this"
Bucky laughs while kissing along your neck "Oh baby girl, it's just getting started"
319 notes · View notes
halevren · 3 months
Never Stop Blowing Up Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 1
Oh we are so back chat. I will do my best to do this for all 10 episodes but honestly? It's all up to my mental health 🔥🔥
Honestly I'm already on the verge of tears after learning that Brennan made this season as a homage to Izzy.... THAT'S SO SWEET 😭😭😭
This cast is so loaded I'm so in love with it
lovely cardigan!
I like the DM screen it's so neat
Ify looks like he just came from the season finale of FHJY
Rekha's hair looks so incredible, those curls are PERFECT
what flavor of monster. what's the new flavor. I need this world building info Brennan please
Dave's video world
fun fact my favorite race car is a charger. I don't know anything about them and can't recognize then but very often I have pointed out a car to my mom like "that's a nice car" and 9 times out of 10 it's a charger 😭😭
Wendell Morris I fw you
the captions not being accurate is lowkey annoying but whatever.
UC Irvine
I love Jake's laugh so much
"You can't spend your whole life playing dodo games" "it's Dota 2..."
Liv Skyler!
5'6 perfect height for a woman— actually any height is good be whatever height your heart desires
Liv is a klepto. real as hell (sorry)
Webster's is trash
"You never know Ms. D" "No, I know."
Take it back. Take it back.
Floppy-droppy disk
Kingskin is so calm as he crushes somebody
This is Usha, she is 100 years old
I would die for Usha
"Who are you calling?" "I'm tryna call everybody."
I love Usha so goddamn much
"Everybody you see, say hi"
does everyone have 4s across the board for abilities
need to unplug to save battery
DAVE 🔥🔥🔥
Usha, you're my rock
Russell I think I'm romantically attracted to you
ok chill russell
"That bastard made it..."
"A lot of positive sentiments from contents not in your phone." 😭
Jennifer is giving me a strange sense of gender envy as someone who doesn't identify with gender
God I love Cait May's art
Tough Kill
"Hey guys, sorry I'm on time"
Pants are more patches than pants
More patch than pant
All these characters are incredible how could I ever choose a fav (I think Usha is my fav. She's special to my heart)
Greg Stocks 📈
Mr. Everybody
Lunch dates all the time
slamming it down like a laptop
Jack Manhattan
I love Izzy so so much
"You calling me a chicken, Johan? because I'm actually the cock of the walk."
Are you doing menopause???
This is the best cast for bits
He's not jacking off, just talking to the alien
He's in me and I'm him
he was 100% getting eaten by a snake
"Favorite movies:
Never stop blowing up
Never stop blowing up
Never stop blowing up"
The constrast between Usha and Paula with Barsimmeon
Brennan said the title, roll the credits
"That's cocaine."
This is so cool
The scene story boards are so cool
"DID IT WORK??????"
the latex is so loud
I'm so excited
This season will be my favorite
23 notes · View notes
2. "Drunks and degenerates -- that's my crew!"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Dark times will do that to good men." He nods gravely, then shifts his gaze to the pile of soggy logs at his feet.
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - *Serious* question time. This man is no innocent. No one is.
"Do you know anything about the man hanged behind the Whirling-in-Rags?"
"Is this your mug?" (Hold up the Yellow Man Mug.)
"Are you a cryptozoologist too?"
"You were *surprised* to see my colleague, Lieutenant Kitsuragi."
"Thank you for your cooperation." [Leave.]
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Oh, so *that's* what the RCM in Martinaise is about? Great." He nods in sincere approval. "Great to hear someone's finally taking care of that."
KIM KITSURAGI - "So you *do* know something about it?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "No, no," he shakes his head emphatically. Then corrects his tie. "Nothing. He was some kind of mercenary, but everyone here knows that... I'm just glad to hear you're looking into it, that's all."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - He's not feeling very comfy in his clothes, is he? Strange...
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - He didn't *kill* him or anything, but there's something going on here.
2. "Is this your mug?" (Hold up the Yellow Man Mug.)
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "My... mug? Why would you think that?"
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - His eyes widened at the sight of the mug. He's seen it before alright.
"You said 'Yellow Man'. That's not something many people go around saying."
"It seemed as if you were calling to it *longingly* when you cried 'Yellow Man'!"
"I can *see* you recognize it. It's in your eyes."
"You look like the kind of guy who might have a *collection* of mugs like this. Home -- in his *colonial mug collection*."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "How do you mean? Forgive me, officer, but we've only just met."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - He is trying to avoid lying to you outright in case you really have been to his apartment.
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - He's trying not to look afraid, because that would be incriminating. Yet he *is*.
"Just admit it, man. You put the mug in the trash container behind the Whirling."
"You're acting kind of suspicious. Did I mention the mug was found at the scene of a lynching?"
"Alright, I believe you. You look like the kind of man who knows it's a *crime* to lie to an officer."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Maybe... okay, yes. I did. I know I shouldn't have, and I am very sorry, officer." He pauses. "You're not going to fine me, are you?"
"I am…" (Rip out a fine slip.) "For 20 reál."
"I am…" (Rip out a fine slip.) "For 100 reál."
"I am." (Rip out a fine slip.) "For 250 reál -- the maximum."
"Nah, Gary. I just want information."
We're not actually going to *see* this money, as you may remember -- it goes to the RCM. It's purely a matter of how mean we want to be to Gary.
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Okay, I deserve that -- and I won't do it again." He accepts the slip of copy paper with a bow. "You have my word."
"I don't know what got *into* me. Stuffing my garbage in another man's property, it's… I've been having trouble at work lately. The Kojkos are price dumping us out of competition."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "NOTHING! Nothing... just answering some questions. Helping out the law..."
"How did you get into the trash container?"
"Gary, did you put the clothes of a murder victim -- the man who was hanged behind the Whirling-in-Rags -- into that trash container?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I know a guy who works with trash collection services -- CS Municipal. He gave me a master key for the trash containers of Martinaise."
"Why would you need to get into everyone's trash?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "So I can use the Whirling's trash compactor to store my own stuff," he says, bowing shamefully like a fallen knight. "Garbage disposal is expensive as hell, the damn Himeans run it like a mob..."
"I'm sorry, okay? I thought I could cut costs. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have disgraced myself."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Disgraced?" The lieutenant raises his eyebrows and looks up. "No need for the histrionics, sir. It was, after all, just a trash container."
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - He studies his reaction. Gary doesn't answer.
2. "Gary, did you put the clothes of a murder victim -- the man who was hanged behind the Whirling-in-Rags -- into that trash container?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Officer, please..." He raises both hands. "Let me explain. It's not like *that...*"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I was only cleaning up. I live right across the yard from where he was hanged and I saw him stripped naked. All the clothes lying around in the yard, smelling... People are animals, you know..."
"Yes-yes. What happened?"
"Okay. Then what happened?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Then I came out to clean up the rags because *no one else would*. I put them into the Whirling's trash -- along with a broken mug, admittedly..." He changes his mind mid-sentence.
"Okay, I was coming to throw the mug away and, well, I threw the mug there and the clothes too."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Right, it was just *civic duty*," the lieutenant remarks drolly.
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Exactly! That's exactly what it was -- civic duty."
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Medium: Success] - As he shifts uncomfortably, a series of clicks, like the clinking of glass beads against one another as they roll across a hardwood floor. You've heard this sound before, but where?
3. "What's that strange sound?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "What... sound?"
"That clinking I just heard when you moved."
"Don't mess with me. I think you know what I'm talking about."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Really?" He fans his arms out slowly, and, this time, his motions are soundless.
"There's lots of weird stuff out here in the reeds, though -- insects, trash. Could be the wind shifting some garbage nearby."
SHIVERS [Medium: Success] - Every day, the wind shifts the reeds and whatever was left in them: tambourines and condom wrappers, plastic and glass bottles, the smell of decay.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Challenging: Success] - The sound you heard was not the sound of something easily abandoned.
4. "You wouldn't know anything about the victim's missing armour would you?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Armour? No." He changes his mind. "I mean -- yes, of course. I know he was wearing armour. But I don't know anything *about* it..."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - An infant could see he's not telling the truth -- but he's too scared to admit more wrongdoing.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - There's something going on here. You should observe him more closely, after this topic is concluded.
5. "Let's move on -- for now." (Conclude.)
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I hope I could help your investigation, in my small way." He's visibly relieved it's over.
+5 XP
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Hmm, does this mean you were in *his* apartment, admiring *his* colonial mug collection? Perhaps it would be *interesting* to tell him...
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3. "Are you a cryptozoologist too?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "No-no... I help Morell with research sometimes and I've learned some things along the way. But I don't usually go in for picnics like this on my own."
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - What *does* he do then? This feels like a good opportunity to DOMINATE him.
"What do you do, then? If not cryptozoology?"
"Fascinating. Let's talk about something else."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Oh, this and that." He grins.
"Sounds intriguing."
"Sounds shady."
"As long you're making ends meet and advancing your career objectives."
AUTHORITY - See? He's being evasive. Shake him up, show him who's boss.
"That's not an answer."
Let it go.
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I just didn't want to bore you with unnecessary detail, officer."
"I work as a special courier. You know, urgent deliveries, overnight deliveries, deliveries to out-of-the-way locations."
"So you deliver things. What kinds of things?"
"Fascinating. Let's talk about something else."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Oh, I don't know the contents, officer. Part of my job is discretion."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - He's trying too hard to seem untroubled by your question. The rigidity in his posture gives him away.
"Do you deliver drugs?"
"Do you deliver guns?"
"Do you deliver letters to the secret mistresses of corporate and government officials?"
"C'mon, you've already behaved suspiciously with the trash container business, stop evading the question."
"Oh, I guess that's okay then." (Conclude.)
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "No, no, that's far too dangerous. Besides, dealing drugs isn't for people like me and you, officer."
2. "Do you deliver guns?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "No, nothing like that. I leave that to companies with hundreds of years of tradition in arms manufacturing. No need for an amateur like me cutting in."
3. "Do you deliver letters to the secret mistresses of corporate and government officials?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "What do I look like, a pansy? Besides, that kind of cavorting goes against the community values that would strengthen our city."
SUGGESTION [Trivial: Success] - You're a simple cop asking a simple question. He can't beat around the bush much longer.
4. "C'mon, you've already behaved suspiciously with the trash container business, stop evading the question."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - He sighs. "Okay, fine, you got me. I'm a special *topping pie* delivery courier."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "You heard me. I deliver topping pies. It's temporary. I'm looking for another job. Not many jobs for good men out there these days."
"You said you deliver *special* topping pies. What makes these topping pies special?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "They're wheat-free. And vegan. And... *huge*." He pauses.
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - He's thinking of a way to gain some advantage from his embarrassing situation.
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "That's basically it. I'm a pie delivery man. How about we change the subject?"
ENDURANCE [Challenging: Failure] - I'm satisfied. Are you satisfied? Because I am.
4. "You were *surprised* to see my colleague, Lieutenant Kitsuragi."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Not many Seolites here, or anywhere, other than Seol. I meant no offence, truly."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Do you remember how when we met Measurehead and I said the next racist will be the *really* good one?"
"I think so. Sorry, as you know, I've been having problems with my memory…"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Well..." He gestures toward Gary as though he were presenting a work of art. "*This* is that racist."
+5 XP
"Yes! Our *lucky* racist."
"Will you grant us three wishes, Gary?"
"Are you, Gary? Are you a racist?"
"I don't know. I liked the previous racists better."
"He is nothing compared to Measurehead."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Hey, man." He blushes. "All I meant was there are not many Seolites around here. I'm just stating a fact."
"Do you have a problem with Seolites?"
"The lieutenant is a native of Revachol."
"Yes. What *are* they doing in that Seol of theirs? Scheming?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Oh, yes, of course he is. I was just speaking about his... connections." He flashes an impenetrable smile. "Let's change the subject, okay?"
Well, if you insist.
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5. [Composure - Legendary 14] Why's he shifting around like that? Analyze Gary's composure.
+1 Clinking sound. +1 Thinking about the armour.
COMPOSURE [Legendary: Success] - That shirt looks *very* uncomfortable on him. Look at the buttons, barely keeping that thing together -- as if something is ready to *rip out* from underneath.
His massive musculature?
Something worn underneath it?
COMPOSURE - No, he's scrawny. Try again.
Something worn underneath it?
COMPOSURE - Yes. Like a piece of ceramic armour, for example. One that makes a clicking sound when the plates meet each other, resembling pearls or marbles. Stolen from the corpse in the yard near where he lives.
"I see you're a connoisseur of high-quality combat gear."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I knew you'd figure it out, officer." He sighs heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you at once. I was..." He unbuttons the shirt.
"I was ashamed of what I did. And I didn't want you to know." You see gleaming white ceramic shine underneath -- a thin layer of interlocking plates covers his gaunt torso.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - We're not detecting falsehoods, sire. He's gearing up to admit the truth.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - This *shame* is surprisingly sincere.
KIM KITSURAGI - "No -- you've got *explaining* to do." The lieutenant's tone is icy.
"Give me that armour. Now."
"Why did you *really* put those clothes in the trash?"
"Why did you lie to me, Gary?"
"Do you know who killed the hanged man?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - He sighs again, hangs his head, and unbuttons his shirt fully. A cuirass that matches the dead man's boots comes into view. Soon it is in your hands -- smelling of his sweat.
Item gained: Fairweather T-500 Cuirass
INTERFACING [Medium: Success] - But so, so light to hold. Like a bag of cotton.
2. "Why did you *really* put those clothes in the trash?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Everyone was picking those pieces off him and I was watching them do it. And they scattered his clothes all over the yard, everything was smelling..." He looks at his feet.
"So I went there to take out my trash and started cleaning up. All those rags on the ground, him swinging up there, and…" He swallows. "I had a lapse of honour, sir. I thought: He's a foreigner. They all say he wasn't from here."
"Only the cuirass was left, so I stripped it off him. It was early in the morning, no one saw me. I took it with me. It was a mistake. Had I known it'd give you guys' trouble, I wouldn't have..." His lips start quivering. "Fuck..."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - We're detecting sincere contrition here, sire. He's not trying to flatter anyone.
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's okay." The lieutenant jots something down in his notebook. "It was a loose end and you're tying it up now."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I'm so fucking sorry I called you *Yellow Man*." He says silently. "Seolite officers commanded the Suzerain's navy. Most of them sided with the King, when..." He shakes his head.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - It's difficult to say what the lieutenant thinks of this historic apology. His face does not belie emotions.
3. "Why did you lie to me, Gary?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Because I was weak." He says, staring at nothing in particular. "I should have told you the moment I saw you, but..."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I'll explain later..." He doesn't muster up the strength to yell.
4. "Do you know who killed the hanged man?"
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "I always thought it was the Union... some Union hard-asses. Lynched him because of the strike. But almost everyone in town knows that. I wish I could tell you more..." He shakes his head.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - This is all he knows.
5. "Are we done here, Gary?" (Conclude.)
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Yes. Absolutely. I will *never* do anything like this again." He looks around, relieved of some burden, his mouth still quivering.
Task complete: Who put the clothes in the trash?
+30 XP
Level up!
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+1 Pain Threshold: Thicker skin +1 Volition: Borrowed confidence -1 Empathy: Mania of invulnerability
This vitreous enamel cuirass fits snugly and redistributes kinetic energy across its countless white plates. Amazingly, it fits under your coat! And it also makes pretty porcelain sounds when shaken.
4. "So, Gary, you live nearby. In an apartment in Martinaise?" (Point in its direction.)
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Sure do, officer."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - His eyes narrow slightly. He's wondering where this is going.
"Have you found your door open lately?"
"And you're a big Man from Hjelmdall fan?"
"Yes, he insisted that I open the door to your apartment."
"I think I broke into your apartment. I'm very sorry."
"We'll return to this later. For now, let me ask you something else."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "In my home, yes, when I was going to..." His face turns pale. "How did you *know?*"
"Mr. Evrart Claire thought it necessary to unlock your apartment."
"Nothing. Just wanted to ask if your door's been unlocked lately. Now I have."
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Mr. Claire unlocked my apartment?"
"No, I did. Took a look around, too."
"No, I did. Don't worry, I didn't go in." (Lie.)
GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "So you work for Evrart Claire!" He realizes what's going on and changes his tone: "Officer, please tell him we're good. No, no, tell him I'll make it up to him..."
"What have I done? He'll send the muscle after me…" The man looks around, whispering, he makes sure no one hears you talk.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - As he lowers his tone he hunches his back.
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Hello I wanted to talk to you about something. Would like to hear your opinion on it because I really respect it. So on Twitter Trumanblack was trening lately and I saw people being mad that truman Black came back.
Here's couple of tweets, to show you the perspective:
,He is escaping the reality through this character. Being sincere and open is the way to live life not hiding behing fictional characters. He needs to grow up and realize where his priorities are.
Ofc, we do not know him. His choice, his life.
what the fuck happened matty. I don't understand what you're doing right now. should have left Truman in the trash. I don't get it.
This. It seems he was used to dealing with difficult emotions through avoiding them in stage character (he admitted to this in an interview recently) & he wanted to ditch the character & embrace the emotions/be sincere things maybe got too raw & real so he is back in charakter
I'm sorry this message is so long. I'm just thinking about it all. Do you think 'matty' is gone and he will be acting and all that in the upcoming tour? Cause I wouldnt like it and it won't be good for him too :/
Again sorry this is so long
No, I mean, this is an interesting topic that I think we should 100% get into to "warm up" for the tour. I bet we'll have even more to say once we start getting content from the first new shows in September. (omg not too far away now aaaahhhh), so everyone feel free to chime in, but basically, here is how I think about it ( this is probs gonna be long. apologies in advance. im gonna add a "keep reading" so i dont destroy y'all feeds).
The first thing we need to remember is that Matty's "Truman Black" persona pre-dates the ATVB tour. He's always been "Truman Black." He's always been a jokester, a meme lord, a bit chaotic, a bit sexy, a pastiche or caricature of himself.
The question, then, is why? Why does he do this?
For several reasons. And he's been nothing but honest with us about them.
From as early on as 23 years old, when ST first started blowing up and the boys cultivated a following, Matty became acutely aware of the spotlight and the way that fans idealized and idolized him. Sexually desired him, saw him as this rockstar figure. And it made him uncomfortable because, well, no real human being could live up to such a fantasy, right? That's really what the song "Love Me" is about. He experienced this during album 1 and instantly wrote about it for album 2. like thats how strongly he felt it. He's more eloquent about it than I can ever be, so I'm going to link you to his explanation of "Love Me."
so, as he's pointing out in his explanation, he plays this kinda ridiculous character to "subvert" expectations. right? even in the mv, he has cardboard cut outs of sex symbols and heart throbs like Harry Styles etc. and he takes his shirt off and stands next to them and makes out with them and all that. Usually, the normal rockstar-fan relationship is that we project our fantasy upon the rockstar and the rockstar accepts it obligingly. But Matty's going "well this is really kinda silly, and it makes me feel sooo disconnected from myself if i turn into this person everyone thinks i am, so what am i gonna do? oh I'll just lean into the silliness." so if he can't do the "fake authenticity" of the cliched rockstar, hes gonna do a very authentic fakeness of being loud, and silly goofy funny messy larger than life, etc.
He explains it here (I've cued it up to the right moment in the video). He's right, if you're a stranger and you know nothing about him and you see him behaving in a Truman-black-esque way, you'd think "wow what an arrogant piece of shit this dude is." BUT if you realize that he's like "i KNOW that you all think of me this way. And YOU (the fans) know that I know that you think that way." we become in on the joke.
You know what im gonna say here. Postmodernism. LMAO. No, but for real. Postmodern art naturally has this "meta" habit. It's art that knows itself as art. It's aware that it's not real. Like movies that are constantly referring to themselves as movies. breaking the experience of illusion for you by constantly reminding you that what you are watching has been filmed and edited. it's not real life. Thats what Matty does with the "rockstar persona" constantly reminding you "it's not real. im just a character made up in all our heads. I'm actually a normal human being but my job is kinda fuckin mental."
So, I think those 4 points, from VERRRYYY early in Matty's career are the genesis of Truman Black. Thats what "Truman Black" is based on.
You could ask, well, if Matty has been this way from the very beginning how come it's such a problem now? how come this whole thing is a new issue??
I think its the perfect storm of this year.
The ATVB show was designed to push the blurry lines between Matty Healy/ Truman Black to their very limits cuz they added extra layers of meta-theatricality to an already meta situation haha. He plays himself in the couch scene, and the raw meat scene, but he's also kind of playing a symbolic version of himself that's supposed to apply to a lot of straight men, but then the show is also about the lines between his personal and his public lives.
Then he goes and does the Truman Black rockstar shit in the second half of the show. So, the tour really could've been called "Matty Healy: At His Very Truman Black-esque" and it would have been accurate. Like he took this concept and stretched it to see how far it could take him.
Then of course you have the podcast thing, the taylor swift thing, the twitter cancelation cycles, etc etc etc.
There were so many new eyes on him. and so much out of context (remember, meta-theatricality needs context. needs the audience to be in on the joke. we have to know 'oh hes making fun of himself being a rockstar') cuz if we don't have the context he really comes off as a guy who's in love with himself and his rockstar status haha.
Now that alllll of this background is out of the way, lets discuss the questions that you've brought up.
Is he Matty or is he Truman Black?
I think lots of people didn't notice that when he threw out the lab coat that was labeled "truman black" in the video, he wasn't serious. he instantly starts doing the robot dance, flipping the camera off with his finger, acting disruptive by riding the trolley thingy. All Truman Black behavior: mischief, breaking rules, etc. so it was a "meta" joke. he tossed the character then acted like the character. a contradiction. ironic. Truman Black's never been gone! he and Matty are intertwined necessarily. you can't separate one from the other.
Is he gonna be acting at all in S...ATVB?
Yes. He will. He's working with Brad Troemel whose sense of humor is very close to Matty's and who loves irony and postmodernism.
Does he use Truman Black to "hide from difficult situations" or to "run from his emotions" or whatever that tweet was saying? no. He uses it to deliver social critique. About masculinity being ridiculous, about our relationship to artists and the fantasy of perfection in Rockstar cliches, about performative wokeness.
Those are the very same beliefs that Matty Healy believes in. hes always criticizing these things in interviews and speeches and stuff. So, no, hes not hiding behind the character to disassociate he IS the same guy, just a slightly less dramatized and exaggerated version.Thats why he doesn't completely turn it on or off at any time. Thats why it's not that he was willing to stop it for a relationship and then start it again when it didn't work out. Thats not how Matty operates at allll.
He didn't throw out his belief that performative wokeness is harmful and stupid, he didn't throw out his belief that leftist masculinity is confusing, he didn't change who he is at his very core just to be mr nice guy, or to be sincere, or to get his dick sucked off by Taylor Swift, or whatever these people think is the reason. He's always been this way; he very likely will always be this way. Thats just how he makes art and how he thinks about the world.
He's always BEEN open to embracing emotions and being sincere. "I love you, don't you mind?" "we're only human we're just like you man" "I'll quote on the road like a twat," "im petrified of being alone, its pathetic," "im just pissed off because you pied me off after your show," "you pick a fight and i'll define it" "i said its cool i was messing but its true," "pretend that i know what it is (i wasn't listening)" "sorry that I quite like seeing myself on the news. im sorry that im someone that i wish i could change, but ive always been the same."
would an emotionally stunted anti-sincerity guy write ANY OF THESE LYRICS? idk, you tell me.
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hide-in-imagination · 1 month
Hello! I would like to ask what you think happened to the lives of Ámbar and Simón at the end of the series. Specifically even after several years. I just saw a video on tiktok about this topic, where it was said that Simón would be a singer, and Ámbar would basically just be a "housewife". It wasn't said exactly like that, but it gets the point across. I always thought that Ámbar would also have followed her singing career like Simón, or she would have focused more on skating, or she would have become the CEO of some company, rather her own company. You understand, right? I don't know if I'm explaining it the way I want 😅 It just seems to me that people from the fandom completely underestimate her abilities and I'd like to see what direction she decided to go in your opinion.
I'd also like to ask if you think Ámbar went back to work at Jam & Roller in the series, because after they fired her and she got the document plates back, it wasn't said if they gave her back or not. Anyway, I love your stories and can't wait for the new version of Cruel Summer chapter 4 💕 I wish you a lot of strength and energy, and above all, don't overwork yourself and rest 💗
Okay, anyone who says Ámbar would just be a housewife deserves jail. Like, sorry not sorry, but we did not watch the same show if that's what you think my girl is doing years from now. Actually, I think Ámbar Smith would be insulted by the notion. Like, what the hell do you mean the man is out there taking over the world with music while she's staying home all day taking care of the kids or whatever-- What 1950s male fantasy trash book did you take that idea from?
Don't take me wrong, Ámbar would 100% want to be involved in the life of her children, if she had any, because she would not want to be a neglectful mother like Sharon was to her-- But there are other options, okay? Not just housewife. Especially because the girl is rich, and, if the Roller Band is doing good (or Simón went solo or whatever) he is also rich, so neither of them need to be home all day taking care of everything, they can pay someone else to do so.
"or she would have become the CEO of some company, rather her own company. You understand, right?" EXACLTY. Like, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what exactly Ámbar would be doing in the future job-wise, mostly because I don't think she even knew by the end of the series, so how am I supposed to know? But, I do know 100% that she would want to do something of her life, and something big. I don't think music was her dream, so I would scratch that, not because she couldn't, because of course she could've been a star, I mean, she ticked all the boxes, but simply because I get the feeling she loved more the attention that she got from her performances than the craft itself as Simón does.
As for rollerskating, yes, she could've pursue it professionally, but I don't know... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling like Argentina is not the most supportive country to sports unless we're talking about football. I mean, it's not like Ámbar would need the economical support, but still, like, I can only think of one argentinian guy who does rollerskating professionally and it's gotten kinda far, and even then, rollerskating on itself is just not that well-known of a sport. I mean, if Ámbar was really passionate about it then I guess she wouldn't care if it was a big sport or not, but I just don't know if she's passionate enough to make it her whole career. I just feel like she always had other stuff in her mind, like, her studying abroad in Paris. I could be wrong though.
Lately, I've been toying with this cute little idea that Ámbar could be Simón's manager. BUT NOT JUST HIS MANAGER, OKAY? Don't come at me saying she would revolve her whole life around a man, hear me out first. I came up with this idea because my favorite ASMR artist on YouTube, Gibi, is married and her husband is her manager, and the story behind it is that, this man studied industrial engineering and economics, and so he was out of college and managing some businesses, some companies, etc etc, while Gibi was doing her YouTube channel. At some point, she started gaining more followers and working with sponsors and stuff, and so it became a business, so she turned to her (in that time, boyfriend) and said, "Hey, you already do this for a living, you could totally manage me!"
So, Ámbar could study something of the sort, like, business administration like Matteo or something, and she could first dabble in some businesses, some corporations, and then, I think she could enter the world of show business, because, Jim and Yam would be fresh out of art school and doing stuff, Delfi studied cinema so she would be doing movies or TV, Jazmín is a content creator, Matteo is a singer, and, by that point, the Roller Band (or just Simón) would be kind of famous already, so Ámbar would literally be surrounded by it from the start. I think she would totally see a business opportunity there managing content creators and artists-- And, I think she would totally look at how their current managers are doing and think "I could do that so much better." ksdjnf. So, yeah, I think she would offer Simón to manage the business-side of his career so he can focus on the creative side of it, and I think it would be fun if she, like, bossed him around a bit hahah I think Simón would joke that it reminds him of when Ámbar was the Roller's manager, but the difference would be that, technically, Simón could fire Ámbar this time if he so wanted😂 But, again, she would not be dependent on him because she would have many different clients. Like, maybe she would even take new artists under her wing and try to help them achieve their dreams. I think she has an eye for talent and she would know how to sell stuff to audiences 😎
(If I end up writing this in one of my fics in the future, please act surprised skdjfn)
Anyway, as for your other question, I don't think Ámbar got her job back in the Roller, but I think that's a good thing in the long term, because, it was implied many times throughout the season that all this workload had been dropped on her lap overnight and that Vidia kinda didn't help her at all. Like, they just expected this 18/19-year-old girl to have it all figured out just because Gary appointed her as manager?? I remember in the beginning Ámbar would try to call them to ask for guidance and they would just be like "Deal with it on your own or we'll fire you and find someone who can."
So, yeah, I think the work environment was kinda toxic. And Ámbar was definitely not qualified for the job. She learned as she went though, which, seriously, IMPRESSIVE, like, give this girl a medal because she did so much while I know so many others would've crumbled under the pressure in a week. That's how I KNOW this girl can handle anything she puts her mind to, and if she wanted to be CEO of any company or her OWN company, she could completely fucking do it. But she needed to study for that, so, it really is good that they fired her because that way she would finally have the time to 1- figure out what she wanted to do with her life, and 2- pursue it.
Finally, thank you so much for your well wishes, anon, they really mean so much to me❤️❤️🥹 Especially the cruel summer bit because even I hate myself a little for that one skjfd. But it's coming along nicely! I swear!
Thank you for the energy, I really need it ksdjnf. In fact, I'm going to sleep right now so that I'll be ready for more writing tomorrow ♡ Goodnight, anon! Love you😘
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weebsinstash · 2 years
I’ve actually always wondered about the jealous worker thing like image we as readers still try to make the best of everything and try to hang out and make new friends but the rest of the workers just either don’t wanna hang out since their already mad or just don’t like reader because of the same reason and readers over here depressed about havin no friends and Val’s ass is like “it’s ok baby cakes, I’ll be your friend :>” 😏😮‍💨
The idea of like, Valentino having a spare old set that isn't being used at the porn studio that he rents to you as a room, is already enough of a stretch right, but sometimes I sit and think like, how extremely unsafe that is for so many reasons. You have to go elsewhere to eat or bathe, locking up your room with a spare key (and of course Valentino also has a key and will let himself in whenever he pleases), and sometimes I think about like, how maliciously bullied you could be
You step out of your room as Val texts you to run him and get him some food, and you're literally walking in the door with it when someone deliberately trips you and makes you drop it all. Oh, you just got some new clothes after wearing hand me downs for ages to save money? Whoops, a coworker of yours 'accidentally' crashes into you and spills drinks all over you. A particular possessive dancer doesn't like how Valentino complimented your makeup? You return from running errands to your room broken into, trashed, LOOTED
Like imagine if Valentino had some sort of gift placed into your room, unwrapped, and when he sees that you haven't seen it, he accompanies you to go see what you've got, and you both walk in on your room either straight up trashed and his gifts ruined, or the thieves still in there and playing around with whatever he's gotten you (probably some sort of makeup or jewelry) and of course he intervenes then, because they're wasting his money
I can also imagine like, he isn't being 100% fake about it, but Valentino absolutely uses the fact he has tons of power (both as am Overlord and as your boss) to seem like the gracious savior to your sorry state. Oh, you tearfully tell him you're going to be late on rent? Oh, no problem doll, you've been so good at being on time that he can let it slide just this once. Oh, you were robbed on your way to bring him rent? Take a lil trip outside to ride around in the limo with him and point the punk out. A customer at the strip club groped you? Everyone else is told to put up with it, but anyone who does it to you is given a warning first and a bullet second
Like he absolutely knows how to manipulate and mindfuck people. Poor Reader is so scared and alone and needing support and he's in the position to make your life significantly easier. Can you imagine if you've worked for him a few months and you kind of comment that you don't have much money for anything besides rent, and he tells you, you know what, why doesn't he bump that number down, since you've proven yourself to be so nice and trustworthy and you've also been such a good little groupie for him? Like just like that? And sure, the reality is he was privately overcharging you what the room was worth anyways, but it doesn't change the absolute relief you feel. He starts being nice to you and you fall into the trap of "well, yeah sure he's a pimp, but, I never see any of that, and he's nice to me, and I have to take what I can get"
I'm still an absolute fiend for the idea of "customer really scares the shit out of you and maybe even tries to hurt you and Val uses the moment to his advantage". Like since you just wait on a small area of people, mostly exclusively Valentino, maybe you have a lot of free time or do other tasks, so imagine someone tells you to take the trash out, ignoring your protests that going out by yourself isn't really safe, and sure enough, a customer who's been coming on to you is waiting outside and you just barely get away from him after he tries to grab you. Another shift, and he's in the club, waiting for you by the bathrooms. This guy is stalking you, telling you to stop playing hard to get, maybe he even grabs you so hard he leaves a bruise. And you don't tell Val because you've heard certain other stories about, "well if you aren't one of his favorites, he doesn't care as long as you can keep making money" so there you are, pouring Valentino another refill and he turns his head when he sees your hands are just SHAKING, and he reaches out to tilt your chin up and ask, "what happened?" and you start to smile and act like it's fine but you just burst into tears because this guy is literally threatening shit like fucking you with a knife, and you roll up your sleeve to show the Overlord the big dark bruise where you were grabbed
Like you've been trying to keep to yourself and really not even talk to Val because you know he's still pretty scary and he knows you as this kind of shy quiet little cutie he has t had the time to start giving his full attention to and now you're just big boo hoo blubbering tears, "I'm really scared Mister Valentino"
And to top off the favorite part of the idea, obviously I can see this scenario happening a few different ways, but imagine after you breakdown and tell Val a few details, you just run off because you're crying and feeling humiliated and you're thinking he doesn't care so you just feel stupid and weak, and THIS is when your stalker appears again, and Val rocks up with that hot pink gun of his when he decides, "hey my lil shorty has been gone too long" and he walks in on this guy trying to rip your clothes off, strangle you, or both. And of course you run up to the Overlord just trembling and clutching at him and hiding behind him because he's huge and scary and of course, Valentino certainly doesn't mind how you're clinging to him. And before you know it, he's got you sitting next to him on his sofa, sidled right up besides him, you being very much EAGER to cuddle with him like this since you know, or at least terrified enough to be convinced, that no one is going to bother you while you're with the Overlord.
And of course, it's a week later, and he still wants you to cuddle up to him again, and again, and again, and eventually you realize, "oh wait, he's no longer actually giving me a choice in the matter, I'm just straight up like his new girlfriend" and by that point he's already making plans to get you all fixed up at the salon with him and take you to his stylist to get you a little red jacket like what he has Angel wear sometimes and, you know just #possessivepimpthings where he officially begins to transition you into his propery
Tbh I'm starting to become like obsessed with the idea of him quite literally taking you everywhere to the point its virtually 24/7 and you're living in his house and sleeping in his bed and BATHING WITH HIM because he's treating you like a partner/pet and controls every aspect of your life down to the shampoo you use and your skincare routine, but that's a story for another time 👀
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author-k · 2 years
Intoxicated Arguments
Kaeya Alberich x Reader
Summary: Although the reader and Kaeya are not exclusively in a relationship their current relationships becomes strained as the reader returns to find Kaeya had slept with someone else (Implied Female Reader However Gender is not Mentioned)
Warning: mentions of mature themes
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Your arrival was unexpected. And how convenient for him for you to arrive while he was just finishing up with a one-night-stand. You two weren't together. he'd much rather keep his sappy love for you to himself. You had been away on an expedition in Liyue, courtesy of Jean. He almost insisted on accompanying you, he genuinely feared for your safety. How could he possibly allow anything to happen to the one person that cured his loneliness the most? In the end, he didn't go with you and he came to the conclusion that it was probably for the best. It was getting harder and harder to contain his feelings lately and if he had gone he might have just spilled his guts to you in honesty hour around a mood-setting campfire. 
In all honesty, he knew how you felt about him but he was still afraid you didn't feel the same way and that he had it all wrong. He also knew he'd end up disappointing you like he had others that were close to him. So he'd settled with just the thought of you while he slept with other people.
"Why am I not surprised." You spoke, leaning against the wooden door frame of Kaeya's office. He was fastening his belt as the girl slipped past you out the door. Embarrassment and shame were clearly written on her dusted pink cheeks. " Don't get the wrong Idea." He said while pulling his boots on. "What is there to get the wrong idea about?" " You can do whatever you want or rather whoever you want."
He didn't know what to say. Technically he had no reason to explain the situation you had arrived in, yet the look in your eyes made him feel incredibly guilty. " Well, see ya" you waved and left him in the office.
He sighed loudly turning his head to the ceiling. As much as he wanted to chase after you and explain the situation. There wasn't anything he could explain to you. And even if he had run after you down the hall it would become obvious to you the feelings for you he was bottling up. 
The guilt was eating him up inside. He sat next to Rosaria in the tavern. She simply slid a glass of red liquid across the table to him. He pulled the glass to his lips pouring the alcoholic beverage down his throat. " You gonna spill or should I go pray to Lord Barbabatoes?" " It's complicated" he admitted. He was almost 100% sure Rosaria knew what was up, but he couldn't confess his feelings for you to her. If he was gonna profess his love for you, your ears were supposed to hear those words first.
He didn't drink enough to be absolutely trashed but he definitely had a bunch of courage and a filterless mouth for his words. He was kicking the bricked road outside your door. " Kaeya?" Your peered out from your window. He looked up at the sound of your voice calling his name. You then disappeared from the window. He could hear you rushing down the stairs and you opened the front door.
" Are you okay?" You asked him. Why? Why did you have to care for him so much? " 
Listen... I'm sorry" You were shocked at his sudden apology. He didn't have anything to apologise for on the surface but deep down that apology meant more to you than anyone would ever know.
" For what?" you crossed your arms over your chest. Your stubbornness seeped into the air. He sighed. You were gonna make him spell it out, weren't you?
" For earlier..." 
" You really have nothing to apologise for. It's really got nothing to do with me who you sleep with Kaeya. We're not together it doesn't concern me.”
" You're wrong it does concern you!"
" I think about you so much it's driving me crazy!"
" Don't you understand, I'm In love with you!"
"Kaeya, you're drunk you should go home." You furrowed your eyebrows, your heart beating out of its cage. You've seen Kaeya pull many stunts while being intoxicated, but this was new.
" I'm not drunk " He sighed 
" Why didn't you just tell me then Kaeya, Instead I had to walk in on you after you slept with someone else."
" I'm also in love with you Kaeya! How did you think that made me feel?"
" If you think about me so much when why didn't you think about me while you were screwing some random girl in your office huh?"
" I was, I did. It was supposed to be distraction but all I could think about was what it would be like if you were in her place." he averted his gaze.
Kaeya took a deep breath in " And look okay I couldn't exactly run down the halls of the favoinus headquarters yelling that to you and I know that's, not a valid reason and I'm sorry. I wouldn't blame you if you reject me right here. That was a royal asshole move "
The silence was deafening. For not only him but for you too.
" You're actually sorry?" You asked him.
" From the bottom of my heart," He said
" You so dumb you know that"
" I know"
He stepped closer to you his hands gently cupped your cheeks and he placed a soft kiss on your lips. "smells like dandelion wine," you say when you parted. " Sorry-" you wrapped your hands around his neck pulling him in for another kiss.
You two sat on the step in front of your door and spoke about everything and anything. The confessions were flying left right and centre between the two of you.
" I swear to the Anemo Archon, Kaeya if you forget this tomorrow, I will-"
"How could I possibly forget the best thing that's happened in my entire life" He interrupted you.
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Sorry everyone, this is going to be a long one.Originally, I was going to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself but this situation with GFTWD has gotten so out of control that I am not going to keep my mouth shut any longer.I want to make it clear that I am not the anonymous person who told you about her plans for doxxing, but I was also in her inner circle and was part of the “discord girls”. I left before your blog came along because I was there for the Fran tea and once we realized Fran and Evan weren’t together for real (they never spent thanksgiving, christmas, or valentines day together) I ended up by leaving, because she wasn’t talking about Fran on her blog or in the discord, and things were getting more and more toxic.To the anonymous in our group who talked about the doxxing: I love and miss you. When you were blocked by GFTWD for not going with her plan, the trash took itself out, I believe that 100%. You are better off.This morning, I saw that GFTWD received 2 anonymous posts about how the anonymous person knows where the “bff works” (I am assuming this has to do with the friend above who “betrayed her”) and another who said “if she don’t stop I’ll contact her workplace” (which I took to either mean you or the “bff who betrayed her”. To which GFTWD responded “what would that accomplish”.I called her out and said that she draws the line at contacting people’s workplace but her and her rabid hyena minions are making a full on plan on doxxing a whole person simply because they posted asks of other people who want to talk about their awful experiences of her and that is what happens when you treat people badly that you get talked about, and that she has no one to blame but herself and how disgusting and toxic this has all become.She went ahead and made a post saying she isn’t going to read all that (obviously she did cause she spent the next hour and a half making posts, revisiting what the friend said about her doxxing you and demanding proof with chat logs and wants to know what the chatrooms in her old discord were. Didn’t take responsibility at all and decided to gaslight instead. Gaslighting is her specialty).As I said, I am not the original friend who told you about the doxxing, but since GFTWD needs proof, our chat rooms were labeled Michael (from the air b and b profile, you know exactly what I am talking about), Tropical horny for our late night sexy Evan chats, oh and the fact that 6 of us had changed our profile pictures to spongebob pictures, among other chatrooms . Is that enough proof for you?I 100% believe in the doxxing plan, even though I wasn’t there.
Hi everyone, I'm not going to keep my mouth shut too any longer. I was among the Discord girlies who were in the server Gftwd said she trusted the most, in fact I believe that this anon who wrote and I were possibly friends. I agree with everything she said but I also want to say that I can confidently say she didn't trust almost anybody there,she said she trusted us just to keep us close probably for her own sake but she showed, mostly without a proof because the majority of us were supportive and caring even though instead of talking about Evan she constantly talked about herself and blog dramas, that she didn't trust anyone.
I fully believed her and trusted her before this situation, but now I can see through all of the things that didn't add up and I think she says quite a few lies.
these discord chronicles are wild. anyway, sorry for everyone else involved in that situation.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
My planned journal entry for today was going to be "fuck this shit, I'm out". I felt it really encompassed my current mood, in a lot of ways. But I just read a really nice anonymous message, and I really appreciate that sentiment, stranger. It made a difference.
I had horrible nightmares last night. I tried to get back to sleep to catch up after waking up several times and just going right back into the dream. I ended up getting the day started quite late. And I had a lot more work around the house to do than I expected. I am actually still running very late so I really don't have time to get into all of it.
My mom checked in with me and offered to help with washing dishes and packing. Things were distant and quiet but we both got a lot done. I spent most of the time trying to figure out the fucking harddrive and I really really wish I just let the damn thing die. I can't find any software that will let me recover a damaged harddrive for like... less than $100. And I really am not about to pay for that. I'm sorry, I have no idea how you can expect this shit to not be a free service in 2022. This is over 10 years worth of memories on this harddrive - unfinished music projects, video projects, art, pictures that are nowhere else. This is very sentimental to me. And motherfuckers want to paywall me to get my family photos back. I literally gave up. I said "fuck this, I'm not doing this now, I sank 5 hours of packing time into trying to troubleshoot this fucking harddrive so I can multitask and just ended up wasting it."
I did not do the trip I was planning today. It rained all day. I gave up on the harddrive and sorted and packed tools and art supplies. At a certain point, my mom asked me what I wanted to do with my used and unused vegetable oil. I had no idea. I suggested just pouring it in the woods, I mean... it's soybean oil... I don't think it's going to do anything bad. It's all natural stuff. She googled quick and just took a firm stance against and was suggesting all of these time consuming things like pouring it in milk cartons (that I don't have) and freezing it, then putting it in the trash. And I was just like... I don't really get why it would be a big deal to just dump like a quart of vegetable oil in a garden or the woods. It's not like it's motor oil or bleach or something. Things got heated... for some reason. Then, I just started to drop it because I realize it's not going anywhere and I really needed to finish packing, the end was in sight. And I look up after a few minutes and she's putting on her coat and going for the door. Unannounced.
There was very little communication the whole time she was over, she was just sorta working autonomously. Then she just started dipping. I tried to like... confront her. Try to figure out what the rush was and why she was just running off. Things got heated quick. Super defensive, conflict ensued. I don't want to go into details. But I kinda lost it. I went and just held the door shut because she was just like storming out, and tried very hard to communicate clearly that she was being very rude in my home and I really don't appreciate it, and I deserve more respect than that. And she should not be coming into my house and telling me how to do shit, especially when her role is "helper". I'm not proud of how aggressively I did that, by actually physically creating a barrier. I don't like it.
I remember a moment in group therapy way back where we did an activity called "The Shame Game", where we would share a moment where we were deeply ashamed, the most personal we were willing to share at the time. It obviously is really fucking hard to do that. In that, I shared a moment where my parents were freaking out at me and screaming at me like wild animals as I was standing there in the driveway with a bunch of sentimental objects in my hands, just being berated as though I was like... going to attack them or something. I still don't understand what they were seeing, like I was literally wearing a shirt with a peace sign on it at the time, you can't make this shit up. And I cracked, I lost my cool. I spit on their glass door and stormed off. And the shame I felt from that - in summer 2019 - I still carry. And when I told the group, they all rolled their eyes at me like "Really? I shared my shame and you shared that?! That's nothing!" And where most would get offended, a giant weight lifted off of me. If that's the worst I have to be ashamed of, I'm a pretty good person. And I forgave myself. And I still carry some shame, as I said, but it's much easier to work with.
This feels like one of those shame moments. I feel horrible for being physically engaging. I felt like I had no other way to communicate my boundary, and I fear that I'm incorrect. I think next time what I need to do is just let them go. Full stop. I need to just look up, and see them frantically storming off, and just go... "I can't stop you. Please drive safe." Or something. I don't know. I just wanted to recap what she got done before she left, honestly, that was literally it. Now I have to like... figure out what she packed in 3 hours time.
But because the fight happened, I spent an hour crying, another hour playing Noita (really cool game) to get out of my head, another hour on the phone trying to resolve the conflict, dinner, then I just said fuck everything and played Noita the rest of the night. I'm just defeated, man.
Now it's like 2AM and I'm supposed to do 5+ hours of driving and heavy lifting tomorrow, alone, and get back home before 6:15PM. Fingers crossed. No clue how this is all going to turn out. But for right now, I'm going to take some deep breaths and cuddle with my cat. I'm getting close to my new life. Just a few more steps.
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get you
This was a really great exercise, and an awesome way for me to force myself back into writing after a while. I’m gonna try some new things with this one and I’m excited about it. This is partially a result of my husband and I trying to tone down the coupley-ness while staying with my family over Christmas break.
For @capthawkeye ! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday season :) I’m sorry this is so late I am trash
Ooh… I never thought I’d get you…
Riza was pretty sure that Roy’s skin was her favorite smell in the world. She’d spent hours scouring different stores to try and find a candle that replicated his scent, even just a little bit. Her search had proved to be fruitless though; no store yielded any results.
Lucky for her, she didn’t need a candle to remember him at the moment.
The glow of their recent physical activity still hung in the air around them, and their chests heaved as they drank in the air like water. Sweat poured off their bodies onto the cushiony surface below.
“Nice one, Lieutenant,” Roy gasped, still reeling.
“Oh please, just call me Riza for once,” Riza replied, rejoicing in the fact that they didn’t technically have to refer to each other by their rank at the moment, what with them being off duty and all. “And it’s Captain now, anyway.”
Riza rolled off Roy to the side, still inhaling as deeply as she could. She and Roy had just finished a particularly vigorous rounding of sparring, and Riza had come out victorious, as usual. She could already feel bruises forming, and knew she’d be sore in the morning.
“In that case, Riza, you’ve got to call me Roy, not General,” Roy laughed. His breathing was still labored and heavy, and Riza couldn’t help but be a little amused.
“Did I work you too hard this time?” she smirked.
“No, no,” he said, waving her off. “Just a little out of breath.” Roy got up onto his knees, and absentmindedly rubbed his left side. It had been quite a while since the Promised Day, and although his broken ribs had healed up nicely, Riza knew they still twinged from time to time. The old burn scar from the battle with Lust was still an angry, twisted red, but Riza was used to it.
“If you say so,” Riza replied. With effort she pulled herself into a sitting position and scooted closer to Roy. She traced her fingers along his scar, noticing that he shivered slightly at her touch. Roy’s bare chest revealed more about his past than he himself would. He didn’t like talking about the dark things that had happened to him, and she didn’t blame him one bit.
The snow outside fell gently, gracing the world with an unbroken white blanket of stillness. Staying on the outskirts of North City had its advantages- Roy and Riza were “officially” there to make sure that all the drama with Drachma had settled, but personally there to get away from the insanity that was currently Central City. In the wake of the Promised Day, a part of them wanted desperately to publicly throw all caution to the wind regarding their personal connections, but they knew that doing so at such a volatile time would be political suicide. Still, they were taking every second they could to relax and be vulnerable together.
“You okay?” Roy asked, startling Riza out of her thoughts.
“Of course, just thinking.”
“About what?” Roy reached up and twirled his finger in a lock of Riza’s growing hair. After getting her throat slit, she had opted to just cut all her hair off instead of taking the time to scrub the dirt, blood, and gore out of it. It was at that difficult length that was too short for a ponytail, but too long to keep down when she was sparring or participating in other vigorous activities that involved Roy.
“It’s nothing,” she replied, gently lowering his hand, only to twine her fingers with his.
“It’s never nothing, love,” Roy murmured, kissing her fingers softly. “What’s on your mind?” There was a playful nip to the tip of her ring finger.
Riza rolled her eyes at his antics, but secretly welcomed them nonetheless. “I was just remembering when I cut my hair,” she said, skirting the truth. The both of them were familiar with their desire to be public, and she didn’t want to rehash the conversation they’d already had so many times. “It’s at quite a difficult length right now.”
Roy gently raked his fingers through her hair, a gesture so obviously intimate that Riza flinched before remembering that they had the entire building to themselves. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes, suppressing a shiver.
He replied, “I think it looks perfect. Frames your face just right.” His voice became very soft at the end, and Riza couldn’t help but smile. This was the grey area that they so often slipped into, where the outside world faded away and they couldn’t give one single care about the military or their jobs.
An intoxicating energy appeared between them without warning, but Riza knew it well. She was familiar with the way it swelled between them and constructed a home there.
But this time, they were not going to play demolition.
There was no hesitation as Riza crashed her lips against Roy’s. Despite the impact the kiss evolved from something soft and sweet to hungry and yearning. His scent was powerful, and exactly what she needed. She took advantage of the momentum she had and pushed Roy down onto his back, straddling him. A surprised “mmf!” came from Roy’s currently occupied mouth, and Riza broke away, laughing.
“What?” Roy asked indignantly, the surprise coloring his cheeks a light pink.
Riza didn’t reply. With a smile she leaned back down and pressed slow, deliberate kisses down his neck, stopping in the hollow of his throat. The smell of his skin drew her in and laced circles around her senses. Her entire body was humming, and all she wanted to do was get close to him. She relaxed her body atop his, nestling her face in the crook of his neck, taking him in. The heat between them was growing, and so was something else.
Suddenly Roy vaulted his body sideways, rolling them over so he was on top. He pinned Riza’s wrists to the floor and leaned in slowly, too slowly, much too slowly, she thought as she closed her eyes-
And suddenly he stopped.
“I win,” he murmured, his lips mere millimeters from hers.
Subdued shock and secret pleasure permeated her senses like clouds. “No you don’t,” she replied. She leaned up and bridged the gap between them, kissing him with a reckless ferocity. He kissed her with an equal enthusiasm, and took a moment to press his forehead to hers.
As the heat between them grew and grew, and they shed their clothes, Riza couldn’t help but notice that the feeling that inhabited them had made itself quite at home.
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derelictdumbass · 3 years
I feel. Like a sopping wet rat of a man
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 16 (19/03/21)
Evil: I’m just gonna vote for The Endless now, cuz he was standing over the body. Endless: For the record, it’s ‘r’ to report, not ‘e’. ‘E’ apparently opens the vent…
*Etho moves weirdly over to Impulse* Impulse: Ohhh, did you just get a sample of the banana? Tango: *bursts out laughing* Evil: Who do you think just got a sample of you? Impulse: Etho just did a little round-a-rosey on me. Tango: WHAT did I just walk into?! Impulse: *laughs* Tango: Is this what happens on proximity chat when I’m not around?! Impulse: Yeah. Brody: OH yeah. Impulse: Etho was just getting a taste.
*Astro being ejected* Skizz: Walk the plank, Astro! Astro: Oh, I will. Skizz: But if he’s innocent then I’m gonna feel bad… Astro: No, I’m just a really terrible killer, that’s all.
Joker, to Impulse: You know, it’s a good thing you came and did this one, because I would’ve thought you were sus. But you did- Impulse: *kills Joker* Joker, echoey ghost voice: -that one because- AW, C’MON!!!
Joker: I’m a crewmate, man. I’m nobody. I’m nobody. I’m not important. Endless: You’re important to me. Joker: Aww, thanks, buddy. Endless: You’re not really, I was just saying that.
Skizz, running away from Impulse and Joker: IT’S MR BANANA AND THE CLOWN!!!
Mrs Tango, out of nowhere: I’m gonna vote for Endless. Endless: Why?! Impulse: Cuz it’s a fun thing to do. Tango: Cuz it makes him mad.
Etho: Somebody would have to have lied. Tango: Wait, wait, someone LIED?! In AMONG US?!
*Tango is being voted out solely on Skizz's information* Brody: Tango, if it makes you feel any better, I wasn’t paying attention and I didn’t vote for you. Tango: That’s cool. I feel better. Skizz: It’ll keep you warm out in space. *Tango is ejected* Skizz: Okay, I really… I kinda took a stab there, I hope I’m right. Impulse: Oh, Skizz! SKIZZ! Brody: Wait hold on, you TOOK A STAB?!
Brody: I’m done with my tasks. Impulse: *runs into security* Brody: Impulse is gonna come kill me. Impulse: Nope! *runs out* Impulse: *runs back into security* Brody: Impulse IS gonna come kill me. Impulse: *runs out and comes back in again* No, I’m- Brody: Okay, Impulse IS gonna come kill me. Impulse: *runs out again, laughing* Brody: Okay, bye!
Skizz: There’s no garbage on the ship because of me. You’re welcome. Brody: That’s not true; Endless is still here. Endless: *sigh* Brody: Did you see what I did there? Endless, I called you trash. Endless: I’m not talking to you anymore, Brody. You win. Brody: I called you trash. Endless: I’m not talking to you anymore tonight. Brody: You see what I did there? I said he hasn’t done trash cuz he hasn’t cleaned you up. Endless: Okay, can everybody leave for a second so I can kill Brody?
Endless: *returning from break late* Very very sorry, guys. Impulse: No worries, no worries. Evil: Were you saying goodnight to your daughter? Endless: No, my cat, actually. Evil: Oh, your CAT! Endless: My cat was- It’s hard to explain. Etho: Is your cat going on a business trip?
Impulse, going to electrical first: Okay, I haven’t done this in a while. Let’s do it. Let’s see if it still holds tru- Joker: *kills Impulse* Impulse: YEP!
Mrs Tango, after finding Impulse’s body: While I was doing wires in the hallway, Skizz and Impulse were together. Etho: *gasps dramatically* Skizz: You- You got it wrong. Tango: So I was in medbay and heard Impulse talking, so obviously can confirm he was there. I did not hear who he was talking to. Sounded casual, like, you know… *pointedly* Like how you’d talk to someone you’d known for 20 years.... Skizz: OKAY, enough outta you!
*Skizz is wrongly ejected for Impulse’s murder* Impulse: Skiiiizz…! Skizz: *sigh* Yeah? Impulse: Hoooow?! Skizz: That was just- That was Tango luck, dude. Impulse: Tell me you didn’t have a role. Skizz, sheepishly: Well, I'm… I'm- I’m… imposter. Impulse: *GASPS* Skizz: Yeah, it’s just bad luck.
Joker: *calls a meeting* Tango’s trying to kill me! Brody, disbelievingly: Okay. Tango: No he’s right, I am.
Joker: Anything I say doesn’t matter, does it? Skizz: THAT’s an understatement.
Tango: It’s Joker, Skizz, or Etho. That’s my guess. Joker: I just said it’s not you, Tango! Doesn’t that count for anything?! Endless: No.
*Skizz’s body is reported* Etho, sadly: Hey everybody. My partner in crime- My partner in crime is dead. In medbay. Tango: Awwww :( *pause* Etho: WHO DID IT? WHICH ONE OF YOU DID IT?!
Tango: I left and went to pump the gas in storage and then came back to electrical cuz I’m like “I need a partner” and he’s dead, so… Endless: No, you left because you didn’t say hi and you came back to say hi. Tango: That was the time before, man. Endless: Was it? I don’t remember things.
*Mrs Tango was convinced the last imposter was Etho but it was Brody* Endless: MRS TANGO! You’re as dumb as I am! Evil: *bursts out laughing* Impulse: :O Etho: Ohooooo…! Endless: I HATE this game. Brody, laughing: That’s HURTFUL! Impulse: Aaaaaand this is the last Friday night Among Us, people! I hope you guys’ve been enjoying this!
Skizz: I don’t like it when I’m wrong. Impulse: Then don’t be wrong.
Brody: Etho? Etho? Impulse, running by: Ooh, hi, party. Etho: I’m AFK. I’m AFK. Brody: You’re not A-! Wha-? Impulse: I’ll protect him, I’ll protect him. Etho: Okay, I’m back. I’m back. Impulse: Aww okay, I was gonna protect you. Etho: I’m AFK again.
*after Joker sheriffed Tango but Skizz reported* Etho: Just one question, Joker. Why didn’t you report the body? Joker: I was gonna leave it, honestly. Etho: That’s kinda bad etiquette for the sheriff…
Impulse: How did nobody see that? Etho: I saw it. Impulse: Oh, you did? What happened? Etho: I’m gonna give that person a chance to defend themselves. *long pause* Etho: That never works, does it?
*after the game was lost because Joker deliberately didn’t finish his tasks* Joker, brightly: That was a good game, guys! Etho: I wish you’d been playing it, Joker.
Etho: Whoever the imposters are, they’re horrible at this. Brody: Wooow! Tango: OHOOOO! Called OUT! (Etho is later revealed as the imposter)
Skizz: So Etho, you were sheriff last time, right? Etho: Sheriff and shielded [by the medic]. Skizz: Yeah, I shielded you, dude! I picked the right person! Etho: I felt so powerful! *pause* Etho: ...until I killed myself.
Brody: Okay, people who say “gif”, left side of the map. People who say “jif”, right side of the map. Etho: It’s gife! (rhyming with strife) Joker: I actually like that. I’m gonna stick with that.
Etho: I am 100% the sheriff and I just saved everybody. I’m the hero. Ask my mom.
Evil: Brody, do you have a twinkie? Brody, with his mouth audibly full: Don’t worry about my life right now, okay?
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notsolong-pause · 3 years
ship requests
“Hey 👋 . Can I get a male HP ship (from both eras if possible) pls . Thank u so much ! . So I m a Gryffindor (with a bit of Slytherin ) . In my free time , I would love to read fantasy or sci-fic novels or facts maybe , listen to music , research about anything I want to , do something my parents denied me off maybe . If my friends are available , I'll also go downstairs with them and play . I m not as such interested in sport but I love to play cricket and badminton . My hobbies are dancing , horseriding , reading , researching , cyber and swordfighting (I haven't done it yet tho). I love the trope of fake relationship or enemies to lovers
Next is my personality . Well , I can be shy if I m not comfortable with the person , but if I am then I am very talkative . I don't trust ppl at the beginning until they prove themselves . I m very reliable and trustworthy but I tend to hide my emotions . I like my privacy, I don't even share that with my bestie sometimes . I come off as a rebel and I can get annoyed very easily . I love to organise a room . Everyone comes to me for advice . I also have a very good sense of humour which comes out in front of ppl I'm comfortable (they say I never used to fail to surprise them with my hidden qualities) . I m also quite modest . I m a risk-taker and I always stand up to my friends , I also have their back sometimes . I can also be a bully to my enemies or my friend's enemies but only if they start it first . Idk what is it , but ppl tell me I carry a powerful aura and many boys get attracted to me . Also , the popular ones used to attract to me a lot because I could be seen as a quiet nerdy girl . I come off as very unique at first meeting . I m practical with my decisions but as said , I hide my emotions or else the emotions would have led me. I m also a human lie detector , or that's what my family tells me . The thing that stands out in me isy dressing style . I am very curious. I m also very much mysterious . I m loyal to a fault . Now my flaws are that sometimes I don't believe my friends at all and it hurts them since they ask me to be honest and I tell them the truth . I can be blunt and cold without realising it but I don't mean to . I am an extrovert so keeping me from doing something can make me insecure . I m sensitive to criticism . I can be super suspicious, like a looott . I hate when ppl try to control me, even my parents so I end up going against them or I follow their instructions half-heartedly . I can be very very stubborn . I also get many intuitions but I ignore them . I hate when ppl are unreliable , everyone's lazy but atleast they should do their work after some rest . I also hate arrogant boastful PPL . I hate when someone disrespects me and I immediately cut them off from my life . I hate lame excuses given by the ppl whom I expect something to do and they didn't. I am very patient but once they cross their lines , they wish they hadn't . I guess this is too much ? (Lol sorry but excited ) Thank u so much for ur time dear 💗”
a/n: Hi! Thank you for so many details!! It’s lovely. You also asked for TMR ship, so I’ve decided to do a HP form one era and one for TMR. Hopefully, you are okay with that:)
p.s.: sorry for being a Draco slaughter. i’m also doing all the other requests, thank you for them!! they are going to be trade in a day or two. sending love <3
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Fred Weasley 
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(so badly, you’re a perfect match)
First of all... being stubborn and taking risks is something that you probable have in common, which is going to create a perfect enemies to lovers dynamic. Maybe academic/prancing rivalry?
You constantly mocking each other, but not meaning any harm or anything, even though others might think that you hate one another
Him always helping you to break the rules if needed, but still making sure that everything is alright, and everyone is safe. And you would keep an eye on him back, supporting him when he doesn’t know what to do
He would be surprised when you started to open up, and crack jokes, but would love them so badly. And he definitely is very grateful whenever (and if) you chose to tell him something private, and wouldn’t tell anyone else even if he was tortured
You would always give amazing ideas for the shop products. And he would be like: “Where do you know that from?” “Don’t know, just thought it was interesting and decided to investigate”
You were walking in the dull lights of a corridor from the late detention in the Snape’s dungeons. You got this one for arguing with a certain Weasley. This was entirely his fault, though, but he didn’t get caught, and you could still see the stupid smirk on his stupid face when you were assigned to come down here after classes. The Slytherin do was just nearby, and you heard a couple of voices around the corner. You were hopping these were some of your friends from Slytherin, but as you listen closely you herald none other than Malfoy. “These Weaslebeeys are ignorant trash just like their father. Who’s would willingly study what muggles’ life’s are like? That’s just dumb”you didn’t know whether he was just showing off in front of his friends or if he was being serious, but you were furious at the moment.
“Malfoy!” - you energetically approached the group.
“Another gryffindor”, - he smirked. “Why don’t you spend an evening at your dorm or some other lame place?”
“Cut it. Take it back” - you face was almost stone cold. Eyes glimmering dangerously in the flickering light.
“Are you defending the Weaslebees?” - he grimaced, being so proud of himself for no reason.
“It’s not their name, and they don’t need any defense. You’re being an arrogant prick towards my friends, and I’m not going to tolerate that.” - you were stiff, your fists clenched in order to hold back the anger. How dared he speak in such diminishing manner about people 100 times better than him!
“What are you going to about it?” He replied cheekily, stepping forward.
“Well... I don’t know, how about TheLocomotor Wibbly!” - you were gripping tightly onto your wand, and Draco suddenly fell to the floor. His legs turned to jelly.
“You little...” one of his friends pointed your wand towards you, opening his mouth to jinx you back. Suddenly there was a loud bang, everything was covered with the thick smoke, and you were pulled to the corner. You instinctively pointed a wand on the person in front of you, still unable to see anything.
“Easy, lady” you recognized the voice. “Fred? What are doing here?” you were genuinely surprised, and started wondering how much has he heard. “Came to rescue you from the Snape’s claws” he smirked. “Why?” you didn’t understand a thing. “No fun being brilliant if you can’t see that and get jealous” - he cocked his eyebrows. You huffed back. “Well, thank you, I suppose.” “Oh good, I thought I’d never hear that”. You surprised a smile. “Let’s move already”.
“By the way”, he stopped you, “did I hear you calling me a friend?” You nudged his shoulder. “Don’t think too much of it, Weasley”.
The maze runner:
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I ship you with Gally
He’s the one to understand you not opening up fully and immediately and keeping things to yourself for 110%. He’s mysterious himself, and he can give you every time in the world (sorry, i’m love him sm)
Again... the enemies to lovers dynamic, ESPECIALLY considering the whole thing with him killing Chuck (still hurts, though).
He can be very protective from time to time, so you can have “Because I care for you!!” arguments when you’re being reckless and decide to risk in order to save him.
He's honestly the sassy king of the show. Taking your sense of humour in account, I belive that he would really appreciate that you have it and can back him up. So you would exchange jokes back and forth
He's also absolutely giving you every freedom in the world not even attempting to control you or tell you what to do, he would only give out advices. And as far as he realises you're sensitive to crticizm, he starts to control himself in order not to hurt you.
"Please, never do that again". You and Gally were walking around the Last City, back to the shelter.
"Do what?" You asked, raising your head to the boy slightly ahead of you.
"You know what I'm talikng about". He turned his head to you, and stopped in the shaddow of the narrow street between the houses. His gaze was pretty serious, and both of you were extremely tired after yet another mission in attempt to undermine the existing regime.
"I don't think I do". You looked up at him with the confusion in your eyes.
"What you did back there was very risky, and you could have not make it. Don't risk like that ever again".
"But the cranks would've gotten you then". You protested. In your opinion, what you did was the only option.
"I appreciate the concern, but I could I handle it". He was starting to get stubborn, while you were getting angry.
"That's not true. One of them was hanging on your throat. That's not something people cal 'I handle it'". You threw your arms in the air, gesturing.
"I'm not letting them take me instead of you!" Gally was almost shouting at this point.
"Well, I'm not letting them take you either!"
You both went silent and were walking angrily towards your shelter, turning, sneaking, and hiding.
"Gally". You called in a few minutes. "It's just that I really care about you".
"I know". He told you, looking back again. "Just promise me, you're going to be careful".
"You know I really can't promise, but at least I'll try".
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pumpkinofthedale · 3 years
So part of the plight of being Ampora trash is that theres never enough fics about them and you write both Eri and Cro so well that I must ask if you're considering writing some Dual or Eri fics? I'm sorry I've been rereading your works lately and I can't get enough of your writting
That's so sweet!!!! Thank you!!!
I am currently working on a couple of dualscar one shots and maaaaaaybe something longer if I still feel compelled after finishing good endings only, but those are small mostly nsfw things.
I don't really have anything planned for eridan currently, but maybe one day I will write something. It's unlikely, but I wouldn't rule it out 100%
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destellolunar · 3 years
*Shyly slides in*
he he hi
I may or may not be your very behind the ball Sweet Swap gifter. I’m sorry that I am trash and have taken a full month to chat with you about your prompt.
First off… omg a Klaroline Cleopatra moment?!?! I think this fandom needs one. And a little angst😍😍😍 oka kill me I have so many ideas with where to take this.
I’m sure I will have more questions as I get to the meat and potatoes but currently I wanted to give you an apology and let you know that you will get your gift!
If there’s anything you want more specifically or you have anything you think I should know just let me know! 💗💗💗💗💗
*waves shyly from behind a corner*
Hi, it is me your late yet completely excited and ready gifter for Klaroline Sweet Swap. He he pls don’t hate me😅
I love you, I love your prompt, and I cannot wait to gift you with a bang on treat!!!
Angst happens to be something I can do pretty well and I know you said you love it but final chance: if you don’t want to be hurt speak now or forever hold your peace😂
I’ve been doing some research because honestly I don’t know much about the Cleopatra/Mark Anthony story and I want to make sure things are historically accurate and on point for you!!
Is there anything else you want to add in? Any specifics? Anything you want me to know or steer me towards/away from?
Can’t wait!!!💗💗
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AHHHH I'M SCREAMING! 😭😭😭 You are so niceee, I would never hate you! I'm the one that's answering late to this but you have no idea how much this message made my day. I'M SO EXCITED!!
Tbh I was a bit worried you would thought my prompts were really demanding because I gave you soo many 🥺 But I also wanted to give it many options so you could work free with anything lol. Now, I need to take a second for this, bc knowing that you are gonna make that Cleopatra au I'm desperately craving for it's unbelievable 😭 Like... I'M A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS!
I seriously can't believe this is happening. Like, I know I gave you that one as my first option but I thought you wouldn't pick it... BUT YOU DID AND I'M NOT OK. Can this exchange be tomorrow so I can die in peace???
As I said, I love angst! I want my heart to be broken, I dare you! So please don't hold back, I'm giving you all freedom with this bc I will love everything you give me, really. I would ofc love to see some fluff, romantic and passionate momemts (with this I don't mean smut specifically but the overall passionate feeling of their relationship, but I don't mind smut either if that's something you were planning) as well. But Cleopatra and Mark Anthony's story is really tragic, and this girl loves that! I would probably die once I read it tho lol.
The thing is that I really admire authors that can make me feel things, and angst is the epitome of that lol. Also, don't take this as if I'm not easy to place, I am! I'm happy with everything as far as KC is the endgame. But if you have more specific questions later on, I'm here to answer them all! 💪 Although it would probably be me fangirling over you!
I'm so excited this prompt inspires you to the point you have many ideas for it! It makes my heart melt and again, I'M SO LUCKYYYY! 😭 Well done past me! I'm sorry I'm a mess rn but this is my usual self 🤡
Also... WHO ARE YOUU? I'm on my Sherlock mood and I can't wait to know who you are tbh 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️
I think I have said this 100 times but again, I'M SO EXCITED! Thanks for reaching out. Sending you all the love and inspiration! Bai bai for now, but mark my wods, Caroline Gifter. We will see each other soon 🤝
P.S: Let me know if you read this bc else I will be too anxious wondering lol
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stumbleintothesun · 3 years
Life Rant
For the few people in here...sorry lmao this is long as hell.
Lately I've been feeling like...garbage. I know there's no one on this place that really follows me, so this is me posting to the void.
I have been dealing with a lot of health issues related to my mental health and weight. I've gained nearly twenty pounds in a year, and no matter what I do my weight doesn't budge. I work out regularly, Ive been trying to eat better but...my only thought is its because I'm working a desk job now - which I fucking hate with a fury. And I know my weight isnt the end of the world - it just really, really fucks with my mental health. I've always felt ugly. The only time I didn't was when I was super thin which I know is problematic - and I know that's part of my mental health...like my aunt died from an ED. And my mom definitely had/has an ED even if she's gotten much better about it in the past few years...
And I'm finally getting my face to clear up after wearing these masks for a year - a year! But I'm still dealing with the healing process and I'm anxious it will scar. I've worked this entire pandemic at a job I *hate* just to you know, finally pay off my student loans just go back to school so maybe I can do something I love. But even at 25 and providing for myself, I hardly got any financial help. The only thing saving me is my grades that got me a decent transfer scholarship.
But the first school I applied to wanted my high school transcript, even though I have an associate's degree, and because I'm, frankly, stupid I somehow missed that they needed it. So they threw out my application that I spent an otherwise four hours writing for.
So I'm going to Eastern, which frankly will be better for my mental health, but they don't have a tuition free program. So I'm going to have to borrow money after just finally paying off my single year at a liberal arts college debt that I took on when I was 17 (it ended up being like 30k to pay off). And it's all because I didn't fucking read right. So much for being a good student, I guess.
But it wouldn't have mattered because they would've hardly taken any of my classes despite most of them being from down the road and for an associate's degree! And even Eastern is giving me a hard time, despite my degree they say I don't have the basic level biology course - my degree is biology focused! I'm going into ecology! I have taken genetics, conservation biology, anatomy and physiology, cellular biology but I don't have intro bio? So now I have to test out, on top of working full time. Which is fine, its a good refresher...I'm just so overwhelmed with life right now. I have a stack of over 100 flash cards and I'm just anxious.
This is a year after my partner went through an ugly break up with their old fiance (we were poly), and their ex was an abusive POS who once told them if they came out as anything other than their assigned gender, he wouldn't date them anymore. He gaslit them constantly, made them feel like hell. So we finally got out, but he wanted the house they got together or 10k. He made over double what they make - and he always forced them to pay half the bills, including half of his fucking protein bullshit because it was "groceries." He knew they didn't have the funds. Because our friends are amazing, we were able to buy him off but he left the house trashed.
It fucking sucked, and they were also responsible for getting his name off the house which meant a refinance that we could hardly afford. We got lucky we were able to do it, but they hardly got anything back for it. And it was a *nightmare*. We finally got it done, after pulling teeth and it took six months. Four months longer than they said. And that entire time they were forced to occasionally reach out to him, their old abuser.
Finally we were free, but then I started having further issues at work. Between the pandemic, and working in a heavily red area during the election, I cried a lot. I work in customer service and while I make okay money for the industry, I'm constantly burned out. My colleagues are okay, but it feels stupid to leave just to find a job for three months to go back to school. Then I started being short in my drawer (I'm a teller at a bank). The final straw was being short $500. Now I'm on a work plan, and if Im short again, I'm out. And it's my fault. I don't know how it has been happening. So now I'm always on edge at work, triple checking everything. And I could leave, I could get another job but there's no promise I'll make what I do now, and in order for me to pay for the chunk of school I need to, I have to put away a certain amount every month.
I do have a grant of sorts for 5k per semester to help with bills, which will alleviate a lot once August arrives. And I know I'm crazy lucky to have that. So sometimes I feel like such an asshole about it. But we have a house to pay for and bills to pay. Just like everyone else. Ugh, I don't know.
I talked to my doctor about my weight, came in with calorie intake numbers and how much I work out with zero change. I cut out pop entirely from drinking it every day. Nothing has helped. So we switched my meds from Lexapro to Wellbutrin to see if I lose weight because of that. Nope, just having more mental break downs, steady weight, and my resting heart rate is abnormally high, stopping me from making a little extra cash donating plasma. So now I'm switching back to Lexapro with nothing gained other than. You know. Feeling like shit. Next up? Birth control coming out of my arm. Don't really need it anyway. And maybe that will help? But I don't think so. I'm not sure what to do.
I am genuinely trying to be healthy, eating more whole foods. More veggies. More home cooked meals. I love to cook, I'm just tired. And sometimes the air fryer and oven baked frozen foods are too easy to pass up. I'm trying to always eat breakfast. I'm working out again, we have a gym membership but there are so many men there and I dont always feel comfortable, because my partner has been anemic and they can't go yet. So I use our bike in the living room and do home workouts.
But when I did this last time there was zero change in weight or anything. Even when I ate really, really clean for three weeks and worked out for most days, tracking calories and everything. Nothing changed. My thyroid is fine, we've already checked it. I'm just tired.
This past year, other than being with my partner has fucking sucked. And this doesn't even cover all the shit they've dealt with with switching to they/them and a name change. I love them so much, and love that they are finally comfy but their parents were assholes about it. And that matters. It does, and I get it. I just wish I could help them more. I wish we had a break, a breather for longer than a day. Even then I can't relax, I'm too on edge. There's too much to be done. I need to earn money, I need to clean, I need to focus. I need to be productive in some way to justify if I'm not working on those things. It's...all dumb.
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