#i've been thinking about this for six months now but idk if i'm ever going to get around to writing it lol
varjopeura · 3 months
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blazingstar29 · 1 year
"Well I guess you think you're pretty hot stuff, huh?"
"No, hah." Pete almost looks worried.
"Yeah well, hey. Maybe you are smarter than me."
Please God, be smarter than me. Be better than me. Then the moment is gone, he's raising his eyebrows and Pete doesn't look so scared anymore. "But can you do this?"
This failed when Ron's ice promptly evaporates beneath his feet. Half hour my ass.
"It worked!" Ron exclaims.
"That's neat!" Pete's voice cracks, betraying his age.
"Now if we can just stop it from exploding."
He's joking...
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svtskneecaps · 2 years
btw we're dancing ever closer to a large milestone so. congrats. this is terrifying. where did you people come from. how are you still here.
#are the blogs still active#hey. hey. i'm poking you with a stick. do something.#not kpop#shut up vic#anyway i was kicking around an idea where i do like. '1k for 1k' where i post 1k of assorted drafts that died in my google drive#i'd leave it up to audience prompting but ngl i'd never get any lmfao so. it would be mostly my discretion with optional participation#it won't be for a while yet unless i can actually finish a piece for seventeen in the next six months (unlikely)#but i've been thinking about it#somehow people keep managing to find this blog which. how???#i haven't posted in a seventeen tag (purposefully) in almost a year#sorry if this is showing up in the tag btw i didn't mean to but i didn't think about it until right now and i can't edit tags rip#anyway idk where you people are coming from but you're welcome here#maybe one day i'll post writing again#i just got so averse to posting unfinished projects bc then they just. haunt me. especially if i end up needing to go back and edit#wit of the staircase and all that. i hit my stride in the second act and have to go back to fix the first#but you can't edit what's already been posted easily so. no wips leave my google drive.#plus they're mostly horridly self-serving and i'm the one being served so idk if anyone else could enjoy them#my current wip is a stress fic that developed a plot and i'm going to have to edit down the wish fulfillment if i ever post it#but that requires replacing multiple conversations and that's A Lot#anyway tag ramble over i just. think about things. wanted to check in lads.#if you're reading this i appreciate you also how the fuck did you find me#please tell me i'm genuinely so curious anon should be on no one will ever know please tell me please
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plussizefantasia · 1 year
hey ok ok here it goes please: i was wondering if you could make a thor x plus size reader where. she was one of his online friends when he was chubby and drunk. and then he didnt update his profile picture so you thought he would look like chubby thor when you both decided to meet in person. but he actual was normal fit thor when he showed up and the plus size reader is afraid to accept a date from him thinking its all a joke. no one could like her in her head and she didnt wanna get hurt from him thinking he couldnt like her being plus size and thor being all charming and loving and thinks she looks like a goddess? idk something like that?
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My Goddess
A/N: Dear god I'm so sorry. I have fallen off the face of the planet and have left this amazing ask in my box for literal months. Anyway... I hope you like this I've been working on it for a while.
Pairing: Thor x PlusSize!reader
Word Count: ~1,600
You were nervous, beyond nervous. Even though it had been probably five years since you had gone on a date you were going on a date with a guy you had only ever seen pictures of. Through a convoluted chain of friends who knew friends who knew single friends, you had been given the number Thor. Yes, that Thor, the God of Thunder himself, actual Avenger, and totally hottie Thor. 
No matter what his reputation was he was very sweet. He talked to you all the time, the two of you texted and called and had been speaking for about six months now. The distance had been off-putting at first, you were in New York City working your dream job and he was leading his people in New Asgard halfway across the world. Regardless you had made it work, even with the time difference.
 You had exchanged some pictures about two weeks in and while you were surprised at the shape the actual God was in you found him arguably even more attractive with the bit of gut he had grown. He had told you about his battle with his mental health, how losing his brother and the battle with Thanos had taken a toll on his confidence in himself. He confided in you that he didn’t feel fit to be a King, that he thought he had let his people down, and that he knew he had let himself go but he didn’t see the point in training anymore. 
You sent pictures of yourself in exchange and also revealed your insecurities. How you thought that you were too much in every way, too loud, too big, too opinionated. That the messages you had received from the people in your life had torn you down and that you sometimes struggled to hold the pieces together. You both bonded over your vulnerabilities and for the first time in a very long time, you were happy.
At first, you had expected him to stop talking to you, it had been a good run and you were happy that you had talked to the literal legend at all. But the sight of your body had been a turn-off for so many before, you didn’t think a literal god would be any different. But he just praised you for your beauty and continued flirting with you. He made you feel stunning with the way he articulated his thoughts about you. He spoke in sonnets and was generous with his praise. You had never been in a relationship like that before, sure you had had boyfriends before but they never waxed poetic about you. Your weight was always something to be looked over because your personality was so great. 
They hadn’t liked you because of your body but despite it.
Thor wasn’t like that, he was charismatic and charming, you supposed that came with the territory of being a prince. He was also terrifying. 
The first time he asked to meet up in person was a few days after you sent over the first picture. He had told you how much he loved talking with you and that he wanted to spend time with you in person and show you a good time. He had told you he could come to New York, that he wanted to just see you, to hold you, to be with you. You had turned him down.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to meet him because you would be crazy to not want to be wrapped up in his arms, not only was he one of the most amazing guys you had ever met but he treated you well (and he was a god). It was just your insecurity that kept you from meeting in person, your worries about yourself always got in the way. And they continued to get in the way until you got a little too tipsy one night and dared yourself to invite him out dancing. You woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and a place and time to meet the God of Thunder.
That led you to tonight, meeting Thor at one of the more relaxed clubs near your place in an outfit that had taken way too long to settle on being nervous as hell. You knew that you would recognize him when he walked through the door, he was pretty distinct even without all the fame. But your anxiety had you arriving half an hour early and now you were just sitting and waiting for the moment he walked through the double doors opposite of the bar you were currently residing at.
What you weren’t expecting was the beefy Viking-esque hero who had waltzed in the door. He looked good. He looked more than good, he looked majestic. He looked thinner than in his photo. 
You had heard about the second battle the Avengers had had with Thanos, you had tearfully thanked Thor over the phone when you had received an extremely confused text from your little brother who had been dusted the five years prior. You just didn’t think that Thor getting back into the Avenging game would mean that he would zap back into perfect shape this soon. After all, it had only been about a month.
But here he was. Decked out in a black button-up with the sleeves rolled about three-quarters of the way. Dark jeans that hugged his ass just right and some deep red sneakers that looked to be somewhat well-worn. His golden hair was braided intricate and adorned with metal rings and beads to hold it into place. He had shaved his beard you clocked, and the long locks that cascaded off his face were replaced with a closer cut, it was still there but it was much neater, and you could see even more of his beautiful, beautiful face.
It took several seconds to decide on whether or not to flee. This was not the guy you had agreed to meet, you agreed to meet the soft man who was vulnerable with you, this was a warrior who commanded attention. The attention you weren’t sure you wanted on yourself.
In the time you took debating with yourself and making an escape plan, he had noticed you and made his way over to where you were seated at the end of the bar.
“Your pictures did not do you justice, you are even more angelic in person” his words caught you off guard and sent a jolt up your spine and right into your cheeks, turning them crimson. You took another sip of your drink and placed your cup down on top of the napkin laying on the bar. 
“Neither do yours, You're much… taller than I thought you’d be.” He laughs at your words and leans his hip against the bar in front of you. His upper body encroached in on your space and sent more blood rushing toward your cheeks. 
In a sudden moment of vulnerability, he looks into your eyes and asks “Is that a problem? Me being too… tall?” You know what he was asking, he had changed and he knows that. He was asking if you still wanted him. If you wanted to be with him now even though he was no longer the man in the pictures whom you have connected to.
“No, no I don’t think it is” You smile and place your hand on his. The smile that lights up his face is more than enough for you to know you said the right thing. 
The two of you talk and talk all evening. He charms you and you charm him right back. You feel like a live wire, energy coursing through your veins. He is a drug and you are already an addict, but there is something that holds you back.
“I have to ask,” you started “Why did you want to meet me?” apparently it was your turn to be vulnerable. “I know I’m not exactly the most gorgeous woman out there” You duck your head and get suddenly get very interested in your drink. You think this is your fourth, maybe it’s your fifth you can’t remember. Either way, you're feeling floaty and need to know what’s going on in his brain before this goes any further.
He places two of his fingers under your chin and lifts until your eyes meet his. “I wanted to meet you because you have bewitched me. Your beauty is beyond measure, I have traveled the nine realms and have never beheld a more marvelous visage than when I was graced with your image. You have captured my heart with your wit and charm and most importantly you have made me want to be better.” His words stole the air from your lungs and there was only one thing you could think to do.
You lunged forward and grabbed his face with your hands, you placed your lips on his and closed your eyes, waiting and praying for him to reciprocate your bold move. You didn’t have to wait for very long, in the next moment his fingers had woven into your hair and his tongue was swiping against the crease of your lips.
It felt otherworldly, you and he wrapped up in each other, as cliche as it sounded everything but you two fell away. You could live like this, you could die like this and you would go happily. Eventually, you two had to separate, even gods had to breathe.
Your foreheads met one another and he chuckled against you.
“My goddess” he had whispered in between the two of you.
You kissed him again.
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Idk if you're up for writing angsty shit with the prompts, but I got some for you ✨
“I fucking hate you.” “No you don’t. Take that back right now.”
“I want to believe you, but I don’t know if I can.”
“Fuck, you’re such a wreck, and because of me, too.”
“Who’s laughing now?” “…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.”
My thoughts/ideas: Adam was deeply hurt by both his wives (who were made for him) cheating on him with Lucifer, and is scared of being close to people in fear of being left behind again. Luci jokingly saying he hates him after they've been dating for a while (weeks? months? up to you) sets him off really bad, and makes him scared Luci doesn't actually care about him.
You're free to leave out any of the prompts if there's too many, or add more if you want to, I'm just curious to see what you make of this and always love to get some more angsty feels :D
Indigo (loves your writing)
Oooou thank you for this! Feed me with more angsty prompts! 😈
Gotta make that babies suffer lol
"I fucking hate you." It was meant to be a joke, Lucifer thought his tone of voice even conveyed that when he spoke the words. Though, when he turned to look at Adam, his face dropped when he saw the very real hurt on his boyfriends face.
Adam's chest felt tight, like he couldn't breathe. He hated him? They've been dating for six months now and the devil didn't even like him, was he just wasting his time? "No you don't, take it back right now." He voice wobbled and he cursed himself, fuck it shouldn't hurt this bad but it felt like he was just gutted by a few mere words. "I thought, I thought you loved me. Or were those more lies!" Adam didn't have to put up with this.
"I do-, Adam! Adam, come on come back." Lucifer chased after his boyfriend as he stormed away from him. He didn't miss the water that lined those golden eyes. "I'm sorry! It was just a joke. I do love you! Duckie, please."
"Don't you duckie me, asshole!" Adam just had to make it to his room and lock the fucking door. He should have known he was only being used, that he was nothing more than a plaything for the king to throw away when he got bored. A tear fell from his eye and he roughly got rid of it. Fuck, he didn't want to cry. "I should have known you're just a fucking liar!"
Everyone leaves, no one has ever wanted him. He might have said that Lucifer was the most hated being in all of creation, but clearly it was him. All people do is leave and hurt him. How could he have been so fucking stupid to think that maybe, MAYBE, he found a slice of happiness with the devil here in Hell.
Adam grunted as he was pushed into the wall, Lucifer holding him in place by his arms. "I'm not lying! Adam, I do love you I always fucking have."
He's lying, his mind screamed and Adam felt his damn lip quiver. He only wants to fuck you to check it off his list, he knew you'd be easy enough to sway. Then there was the smaller part of him that was whispering under everything. Luci saved your life, of course he loves you.
"I want to believe you, but I don't know if I can." Adam felt so conflicted, after everything they had been through they had managed to hold onto the positives and give dating a shot.
"I shouldn't have said that. I'm eternally sorry. You know I would never leave you right? You're too important to me." Lucifer confessed, he could see the war raging in those beautiful golden eyes. How could he have fucked this up so bad, everything was going great until he said that. He knew Adam had abandonment issues since Eden, hell he's the one that fucking gave them to him!
Adam couldn't stop the onslaught of tears that broke free and rolled down his face. No wonder he hates you, who would want a sniveling little bitch like you? Not a king that's for fucking sure. "Important? Like I've ever meant anything to you!" Adam sobbed his throat closing with emotion. Fuck, he shouldn't be crying!
"You mean everything to me!" Lucifer cupped his face. "Fuck you're such a wreck and because of me too. I'm so sorry."
"Ha! Jokes on you, I was a wreck before all of this! Who's laughing now?"
"Clearly not you, you're crying. Dear god, what have I done?" Lucifer said that last part more to himself. He pulled Adam down into a bruising kiss, he wanted to convey all of his emotions for the sinner in a single kiss.
Adam gasped, he felt his tongue enter his mouth, a hand in his hair keeping him in place. Against his better judgement, Adam melted into the kiss returning it, his hands gripping the king's shoulders. His heart fluttered when he felt himself get picked up, his legs instantly wrapped around his boyfriends waist.
The cruel voice in his head died away.
When the kiss ended, Adam was panting as he looked into those red and yellow eyes glowing bright, boring into his own. Fuck he loved him. The devil was going to be the untilmate death of him, to shatter his heart and put it back together again over and over.
And Adam would let him. Like an idiot.
"I love you so much, Adam. Let me make it up to you." Lucifer never wanted to hurt him. He would fight all of Heaven and Hell if it meant they could be together.
Another tear fell. "How?" Another kiss pressed to his lips, more after that. The king was a drug Adam didn't want to quit.
"How about we go see that movie you wanted? And then, we can get dinner at that new meat place across town. We could even go to the mall and I could get you that guitar you've had your eyes on. Maybe do more shopping after? Anything you want, darling." He placed another kiss on Adams lips and smiled when he got one back. "I never want you to doubt my love for you again. I love you, duckie."
Adam smiled, his heart was doing flips and his stomach full of butterflies. "I love you too, Luci."
"What do you say? Does that sound good, would you like to do that?"
How could Adam turn it down? "Okay."
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newwavesylviaplath · 1 month
more dumb music opinions!! this is long and ik most of u don't care but whatever this is my platform i will post how i see fit. also im not proofreading this at all its 1:26 in the morning and im literally falling asleep as im writing this so apologies in advance if this isn't the most well written or coherent post ive ever made
okay yall i fell down a rabbit hole of people on tiktok criticizing chappell roan and now im all worked up so here i am giving my opinions no one asked for;
so something i've been noticing a real influx of is people bringing up her hot to go performance at outside lands (a festival) where she says something along the lines of "vip thinks they're way too cool to do this.. you're not fun!" mfs have been getting online to talk about how chappell was being SO RUDE!!! and NOT EVERYONE KNOWS HER MUSIC WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!!! but like anyone with common sense who has seen the vid/heard the audio can tell she was being playful?? like come on now. i also saw someone post abt how she was being mean to jimmy fallon?? 😭 first off, while im not sure abt this one in particular late night shows are usually scripted and secondly im starting to believe more and more that these people have just never interacted with a drag queen before. chappell roan is a STAGE PERSONA and the majority of drag queens are characterized by having this larger than life attitude- take for example that one rupaul /jimmy fallon interview (u guys know which one) like idk i feel like it's very obvious that chappell is playing it up for the sake of entertainment, not cuz she genuinely believes she's above everyone else.
the other thing i've seen ppl whining about is how a) she doesn't wanna take a picture with fans, therefore she believes her shit doesn't stink and b) the two tiktoks she posted a day ago where she was voicing her struggles openly without policing her tone. first off, CELEBRITIES DONT OWE U PICTURES. don't get me wrong, taking a picture with a celeb u are a fan of can be a great experience and a fun story- but people are acting as if it is their god given right to get a photo with whoever they want whenever they want. "oh well she brought this on herself it's the price of being famous" are u stupid omfg acting like chappell signed a contract giving up her autonomy in order to get on the billboard charts. she quite literally did not choose this and even if she did that doesn't mean ur automatically entitled to a pic with her as if she's some kind of zoo animal like?? the two vids she posted to tiktok essentially telling ppl to leave her alone was met with backlash because she 'sounded rude' again im going to put this in perspective for everyone. her family is being stalked. she is being harassed both online and in real life. being upset because she comes off a little brash in a video where she is practically begging yall to stop with the harassment should be the least of your concerns. this is a twenty six year old who was virtually unknown six months ago- her meteoric rise to fame was not something she could have been prepped for in anyway possible. i feel like some people just aren't trying to wrap their heads around how insane the reality of this situation really is. the phrase "fifteen minutes of fame" used to be a lot more hyperbolic than it is now. i'm exhausted
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
AITA for refusing to join my dad's bootcamp?
I am adult, and F. When I was still a toddler, my dad (T) got thrown out of the house by the head of family (i don't actually think i'm related to the head of family? it's more like three or four large families living in the same place tbh) because he had killed a guy (intentionally) and disabled a girl for life (accidentally - well she wasn't the one he was targeting).
Anyway, I didn't know that when T came back at the head of his own group of families (he'd basically been chosen by another, already formed group, to take over their head of family who had died of sickness) and he asked that my twin brother (B, same age as me, at the time we were teens) and I join him because we were his children and it was only fair. Nothing was said about our mom being allowed to come too or anything? It was a bit fishy and people refused to let us go anyway.
But the thing is, ever since T had been banished, the whole group/family has been treating B and I like complete, utter garbage. The only person who treated us well was our mom. B even got an adult assigned to watching over him so he didn't because some psycho killer or something, just because he looks like our dad ig. Now, having an adult watching over each child as they are teens is a thing in the group i'm in, it's not shocking, but there's a relationship based on trust supposed to be born of this care, and here it was the contrary, so it sucked. PLUS! We didn't know why we were being treated like that, because no one told us what had happened to our dad! The adult who didn't trust B only took us aside when we were like 12 to explain to us that the guy was a monster. And he only did it because our dad had been trying to contact us and he wanted us to hear our family's side of the story before T's.
When I was around 15, I snuck away in the middle of the night to join my dad because i was sick of the bullying/harassment/mistrust. When it became public, B was put on the spot (he didn't know i'd left for that either) and refused to join me, which stung but you know. That's his choice and I respect him. It seems that everyone trusts him much more now that he's made a public display of loyalty.
When I came to live with T, I realized he was, actually, a complete POS and I shouldn't have come. But also, people in his group actually treated me well, so I didn't regret my choice. When T realized I didn't want to become a mini version of him, we became rather distant, until he left the group entirely (through no choice of his, may i add).
I learned later that, before I joined his group, he found a side chick with whom he had twins too, but she left before he knew she was pregnant. I learned that when she outed the boy twin (H, at the time a young adult, he's what... twleve years younger than us?) as T's son at a public gathering, like six months ago.
Since then, I've learned that T has been rekindling contact with B and H, when he took contact with me too. He basically tried to persuade all three of us (no sign of his other daughter, but she's in medschool so i suppose that's not the profile he was looking for) to join his bootcamp in which he'd teach us how to become "better versions of ourselves". Because he's an AH and because I've been learning all these years since he left that I shouldn't build my life around what others want me to be, I refused to join his bootcamp, and I advised B to refuse too (i'm not close enough from H to give him this kind of advice).
But now i'm thinking that, since he couldn't spend our childhoods with any of us, maybe he's just trying to keep in contact, you know, through teaching us and bonding with us, with sports and workout being the only things he knew how to do so that's what he focused on. Maybe I'm making a mistake, and seeing, as an adult, what he's like, would give me more perspective? What if i'm being as narrow minded as the bullies from my childhood? IDK what to do.
AITA for not joining my dad's bootcamp?
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shares-a-vest · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by the wonderful @hbyrde36 and @sidekick-hero. Thank you both so much for the tags 💖 I always love seeing authors talking about their work!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Six. I really need to cross-post some stuff, including what I wrote for Steddie Love Month and the Flufftober Spring Event.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
16,565 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things and let me tell you, the brainrot is not subsiding (it is settling in to fester now).
4. What are your top 5 3 fics by kudos?
you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry
Just a Shirt
Eds, I'm Hungry
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! And I'm sure my answers are always too long-winded 😂 It makes me so happy to get comments on the silly things I write. Actually, brb, I'm sure in the initial excitement, I have forgotten to respond to some here and there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This ficlet (WARNING: BREAK UP FIC). Life got hectic during Eddie Month so I only wrote a couple of things and this one hurrrrt baaad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, tough to pick seeing as I usually write happy endings. Lol, the number of times I ended something with Steddie kissing or saying, "I love you". I think I'll go with the entirety of my Joanie Munson AU because it's where I aim to be as fluffy/sappy as possible.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I am extremely thankful that so far I haven't. And I am sending all my love and hugs to people who deal with/have dealt with hateful comments.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson vs. A Box of Condoms is the closest I have come (hehe, pun). Idk, I struggle to write smut. I'm much better with suggestive language and innuendo, but somehow this fic got the balance right and honestly, gave me a lot of confidence!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. But I need everyone to know that I have a Riverdale x ST crossover sloshing around in my brain juice on the regular.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. But now I'm paranoid *also proceeds to have an existential crisis about ai scraping my very internet-based soul.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm more than welcome for someone to reach out.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I am absolutely open to it though! The closest to a collab I have done is Just a Shirt in which I wrote a whole fic from some incredible tags that were left on a ficlet.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I mean, it's gotta be Steddie right? I've never had a hyperfixation give me brainrot like this. Though, if we go back to lame teenage me, the ship that really got me into the fic/tumblr sphere was Sterek.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have been returning to a few wips I thought I had abandoned lately, so never say never. I firmly believe in taking a break if something isn't working out and circling back with fresh eyes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Despite how I am probably answering most of these questions (lmao), I think I am pretty good at keeping my writing concise and moving it right along. It's not that I rush writing, but I am good at recognising when something I have written begins to meander. I like writing dialogue where people are cutting each other off, and crafting stuff that is a quick little ficlet etc. Having said this...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptive language. I always get so caught up in action and dialogue that I easily forget descriptions of surroundings, objects, clothes etc. Funnily enough, right now I am working on a few quick visual aids (flash-sheet style sketches) for my Steddie BB fic of things that I need to keep in mind/remember to describe as a strategy that will hopefully help.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I could never do it (I only speak English), but honestly, kudos to you if you do/can!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things is the first fandom I have written for.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I swear to god this isn't a plug, but I thiiiiink it might be the wip I am oh-so-close to finishing. It's basically a character study of Steve's Mom and is her POV of the end of season 3. I have shared some snippets in the STWG server (and complained during writing sprints). I just need to do a solid edit and get a vibe-check read-through from someone else then it's good to go!!!
Tagging: @momotonescreaming @eyesofshinigami @devondespresso @missberrycake @steventhusiast
(I know this tag game has been making the rounds, so if you see this and haven't been tagged yet, count this as a tag)
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caernua · 10 months
re: your arcana post - i literally don't even go here but i live for drama.... if you were ever to do a video essay or even just a write up in a post about the situation.... i want to know what happened, can't resist 👀👀
oh my goodd it's so eerie to explain it to someone who wasn't involved but this silly little mobile dating sim was just an initial passion project from a small team of employees of an indie game developer that was basically given six weeks to turn in something completely self-indulgent and it quickly got a backing on kickstarter around 2016-2017? beyond that it was quite a classic case of a project becoming more famous than its creators expected and it turns into a bit of a mess bc of their lack of experience. and by that i mean they got very close to the fans, and that's bound to open a can of worms. they used to make weekly q&as and you can't imagine what an exciting event that was, oh my god literally everyone was in a discord server losing their shit bc the devs had opened the askbox and we could ask the stupidest questions in the world about their characters and they would answer bc frankly they were very funny and the characters were all like... established in a funny enough way that it was so easy to make good jokes about them.
and i think what makes it very interesting is that the fandom was actually pretty small, but it felt HUGE. those q&as seemed like the most viral posts you could run into when you logged on tumblr but really most of them had a couple thousand notes at best, even when the arcana was at its most popular. it was literally like living in a small village where everybody knew EVERYBODY. if you posted something, high chance everyone in the fandom would see and reblog. it was like a hive mind.
also part of the reason why it felt so huge was bc everyone was churning out fan content like CRAZY, i don't think there was ever any fandom i've personally been in where i've seen so many people create so much damn stuff and frankly i think it's one of its strongest features. idk what it is about this game but everytime i revisit it inspires me so much, suddenly i wanna pick up my tablet after months, i wanna try writing again, etc. it's just wonderful at urging you to create and i have no idea how one even achieves that.
but yea the fandom slowly disappeared partly due to controversies, some of the creators were found to have been into some questionable stuff back in their not so olden days and they stepped away from the limelight, afterwards i believe a lot of the team stepped away from the game altogether. but it was weird because the controversies were constant, not just towards the creators but also within the fandom itself 💀 and given the huge volume of them they of course ranged from reasonable criticism especially regarding the representation of the characters of color, or the absurd microtransaction to stuff like 'his eyes are drawn bigger in this cg so the artists wanted to make him look like a child so this game caters to pedos actually' dkjgdkfj i saw some CRAZY takes and the bad faith criticism definitely overshadowed the reasonable voices in my opinion, it was not balanced at all. they stopped doing the q&as, the posts they made on their official tumblr became way more sanitized, and actually in a way so did some aspects of the game, and little by little it grew quieter.
and now it's... silent. but it's so near and dear to my heart, i think it's an absolutely wonderful game and what i love about it the most is how much it inspires people to create. and i think the reason why is bc unlike in many games like this (at least i think, i'm not sure cause i haven't played many) your character doesn't just suddenly meet every love interests. they have a connection to some of the love interests and a past they don't remember so it's very interesting to peel those layers back, BUT because it's your character the story stays quite vague about the past. so it's incredibly fun to speculate, to create a backstory, etc! that's i think one of my favorite things about it and it's not a coincidence that arcana went on to inspire some fans to venture into the visual novel genre as creators themselves.
and yea overall it just felt like a close positive community (well. mostly really, we are talking about a fandom on tumblr here so) and a super creative and inspiring one. the jokes were super fun, the art was top notch, the writing was also good. so yea i kinda miss it and it's sad to see how empty it seems now? like i see people from 2020 onward go 'ohh i just discovered this game' and i'm like... MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD... YOU HAVE NO IDEA.... YOU HAD TO BE THERE.... and ig i didn't really answer your question bc i kind of glossed over the drama but i went through the whole phenomenon bc i think it was. really interesting to witness 🫡
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marleyybluu · 2 years
no warnings, just fluff and Rio being a cute dad
word count: 741
Another short one cus, idk just cus.
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It'd been a long and yet short three months of pure parental bliss. As first-time parents, YN and Rio enjoyed every little thing, the little noises the baby made, the small grin he'd give when he was sleeping, that tiny nose twitching whenever he yawned. He smelt so good all the time it was hard to put him down and neither of them wanted to do that anyway.
He was getting chubby on the account of always being attached to his mother's boobs but they loved every roll that appeared. He was an angel. 
YN enjoyed watching him just as much as she enjoyed watching Rio be a father, he was way more attentive than usual when it came to her and the baby, she thought he was caring when she was carrying but it broke the scale once Marcus got here. She couldn't even count how many pictures she took a day of them together.
She especially loved when he had the baby wrapped around him, protected in a scarf-like material that was tightly tied around Rio's torso and shoulders, the baby sat in there almost all day, resting that tiny head against his father's chest, Rio had been doing it since Marcus was about three weeks and something about it made YN melt.
The doctor told them she had to wait six weeks to start having sex again but after pushing out a whole human YN was fine with going longer than six weeks, she could've gone the rest of her life without doing it again but whenever he walked into a room with that bundle of love attached to him, she sighed ready to give him as many as he wanted.
YN laid on the couch watching The Office for maybe the thousandth time while Rio was probably in the kitchen looking for a snack. He caught her attention when he came inside the living room sitting down next to her.
She was no longer focused on her show and was now lingering on her husband. His muscles flexed as he opened the bottle of water, she sighed staring at his scattered tattoos as if it was the first time she'd ever seen them— she squirmed seeing the one with her name, that was her favourite for obvious reasons, he had expressed that soon Marcus' name would be joining hers.
Rio smiled feeling her gaze on him. He slowly turned and tilted his head to the side, his eyelids hung low, and his tongue dragged across his bottom lip sending her a small wink. She giggled like a schoolgirl around her crush hiding behind her hands. He scooted closer to her picking up her legs to rest them on top of his. Her body tingled when he began to caress her smooth legs.
"Something you wanna say?" He asked. She smiled. "I love you"
"Mm, I love you more baby."
YN sat up crawling over to him, she dug her knees into the couch cushion to lean over getting a better look at the sleeping baby that lay on his chest, soft snores left those little lips and tugged at his mother's heart, he looked so at peace. "I'm so happy." She whispered.
Rio planted a sweet kiss on YN's head. "Me too."
"Look at the little hair on his head. His nose is so small. How is he so small?" She babbled. Rio chuckled softly at her. She looked up meeting his gaze.
YN gently placed her hands under his jawline pressing her lips on his, he would never hesitate to kiss her back smiling in between like the smitten son of a bitch he is.
"So, I've been thinking." She said between smooches. "About?"
She giggled pulling away. "What if we went out this weekend? Just you and I."
He raised his eyebrows, he was intrigued by the offer. It's obviously been a while since the two had some alone time and he was more than ready to get back to the inappropriate activities that their parent-free life used to have. "I can call my mom, you know she's always dying to see this kid."
Rio thought about it, maybe a bit too long, he was starting to convince himself that they didn't need the little break. YN could read his face and lean closer. "Come on, we'll make another one." She mumbled against his lips. His ears perked up at that offer. 
"Okay, call her."
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decaflondonfog · 7 months
ten first lines ✨
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
i feel like i did this a few months back but with wips rather than posted works (?) i can't find any evidence of it because tumblr is a black hole lmao kiiiiiiiiiiiinda worrying because my memory is bad and i haven't written that much sooooo there's a chance i've done this exact thing before? i'm a mess, sorry!!!! thank you to my sweet @nv-md for tagging me on this though! i'm passing it along to @moondal514 @nanatsuyu @thetrojeans @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin and @jaywalkers, if you guys fancy doing it <3
a stark trail of blood on fresh snow | aftg, riko/neil, M, 12k
Neil Josten hadn’t been born with the gift of prophecy, but when he woke up abruptly in the middle of the night, he knew that was the last time he’d ever see the bed he’d been sleeping on for a few years now — ever since his mother disappeared into the dead of night, much like he was about to.
transferable skills | aftg, jeremy/jean, E, 11k
In the first six months of Jean Moreau wearing gold and red instead of black and red, the USC Exy team is given their first ever seven yellow cards.
the fear (of living in headlights, the hunted, the deer) | aftg, andrew/neil, M, 2k
The first time you meet him is on the best day of your life.
do not disturb the cats | aftg, kevin/andrew, E, 3k
They’ve been kissing against the kitchen counter for… well, Kevin’s lost track of time, really. 
growing pains | omgcp, bitty/parse, E, 50k
In the beginning, everything that can possibly go wrong goes wrong.
by wand or by knife | carry on, simon/baz, M, 1k
When Baz asked me not to make any plans for today, I didn’t question it. 
the benefits of a broken air conditioning unit and other summer lessons | aftg, andrew/neil, E, 3k
The curtains don’t quite reach the windowsill in the bedroom Neil and Andrew share.
a wreath of white lilies | aftg, kevin/allison, E, 4k
There is not enough waterproof mascara in the world, is the thought I’ve been playing inside my head, on a loop, for at least sixty hours now.
kaleidoscope | aftg, fem!andreil, M, 5k
Red. Blue. Green. Yellow. Purple.
celly | aftg, gen, T, 800 words
There are times in which Andrew thinks he could potentially enjoy Exy.
ooooooof. what have we learned? that i need to chill when it comes to both titles and first lines because some of these are stupidly LONG. my god. otherwise idk really? i think "do not disturb" and "benefits" have my favourite openers. the openers for both "benefits" AND "kaleidoscope" are motifs that get repeated all throughout the fic, it's fun to realise i've done that twice in a short period of time!!! "celly" in general i think is my fave of all of these fics and i'm very very fond of that line, even if i think it isn't super strong as an opening line. i can't find a pattern for these at all. some are very punchy, some are nothing, some are super exposition heavy... variety, baby!!!!!! lol
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celiaelise · 5 months
Helloooo I have been avoiding posting about this but I think it's reaching a form of denial so I figured I'd better rip the bandaid off 🙃
I got fired the weeks ago!! I am now unemployed!
I'm pretty bummed about it. I liked my workplace a lot, and I liked most of the people I worked with a lot, too! There are several people I've become pretty good friends with, and, while some have shown a willingness to continue being friends, I know it won't be at all the same as casually seeing them at work several times a week.
Finances are a concern, but not a huge concern. I have a little bit of savings, and my family helps me out when I need it. (I can also probably get unemployment if I ever get around to applying for it)
That does bring me to what is possibly the most stressful part of this for me right now, which is that I still haven't told any of my family. At one point, a few months ago, I mentioned to my dad that I'd been written up for attendance, and he was basically like, "yeah, you should stop being late. There's literally no benefit to being late." Which is so frustrating, because obviously i KNOW THAT!!!! I don't have poor attendance because I think it's cool and fun and good!! In fact, almost every shift I was late to or missed, I was hating myself for it the whole time it was happening. So, yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gonna ask what happened, and, if I decide to answer honestly, I'll have to try an explain how sometimes I just do no-call/no-shows in accident, by, like, oversleeping by a LOT, and then lying in bed for six hours, thinking about how I need to get up and get dressed, or, at the very least, call in to say I can't make it, but not doing either of those things because anxiety and executive dysfunction have me by the throat.
And then he's not really going to understand, and it's going to be horribly, horribly awkward and embarrassing. He's consistently demonstrated throughout my life a lack of sympathy for people who struggle with mental illness, or who deems unintelligent. Though it seems like his fatherly love historically overrides such biases, it's still, like, not encouraging. Also I admit that I have an inflated sense of the importance of my father's opinion, but also he, like, pays my bills, so.
My mom's a little less complicated in that my reasons for not wanting to tell her this are the same as for not wanting to tell her most things about myself that I withhold: she always does too much, and she'll remember it forever.
I feel like the best case scenario is that everyone agrees Elise is Unwell and Needs Help, which sounds unbearable and idk how productive help would even be from that quarter.
Anyway, I was gonna say more about this topic, and I'm sure I will later, but I'm getting tired lol. But hopefully, now that I've broken the seal, it will be easier to vent about it here.
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
Life Update
Chatting about life beneath the cut.
TW: medical talk/mentions of cancer/mentions of animal injury
It's been so crazy lately, I'm not even sure where to start or how to capture everything. Ig I'll go for broad strokes?
It's been so busy. Bit annoyed because I took over an important project for someone for two weeks while they were on vacation, and it's been a little intense. But it's been going well, so I'm glad for that. I am a little... Hm. No one has ever done my work while I'm away, lol! But mostly I like contributing and I like my teammates, so I'm just grousing.
I'm working on the next chapter of Infinite Possibilities for Odaiba Day. In it, Koushiro tells Eimi what happened during Tri, specifically so he can explain why the Chosen/Bureau relationship is where it is now (it's not in the best place). It turns out that condensing the events of six movies into a few thousand words is really hard, especially with all the different factions! So I MADE A CHART, I think you will love it, lol! That's where I am in my fanfiction career, chart making (she says, as if she hasn't already made several).
It's been going... Fine. Not great, not bad. I haven't had as much time/mental space lately.
Holy crap man. A family member has cancer, and I don't want to get into details bc... You know, it's their situation, not mine. But they removed the cancerous organ, only to find that it spread to a non-removable organ. So... Well, they will learn their options before long. We are hoping for a non-chemo option.
My first reaction is wanting to do something myself, wanting to help or make it better. You certainly can help a person with cancer in terms of practical and emotional support, but you can't... You know... Medically help. I keep googling how to help and what to say and not to say to a cancer patient. That's so human, you know? How do I help? Tell me how to help. It's sweet. Humans are sweet.
I'm feeling a lot of feelings, and I can't imagine how my family member feels.
It's jarring to talk about my own little stuff after something so much worse, but...
My energy has been just awful lately. I've been dragging my butt through life for what feels like... Idk, three months or so? I just haven't been feeling well, although I'm not, like, sick. I'm not sure what to do, if I'm honest. Very recently, we have been trying to eat better, and I did a not successful exercise today, lmao! I just hope I can physically perk up.
I had a small emergency last week. I was trying to groom a clump out of my (absurdly beloved) cat's fur, and I cut his skin. I can't even describe it- the skin just, like, unzipped in front of my eyes. I basically just froze and shut down, my husband called vets. We lost a lot of local vets over the pandemic, and the local ER was closed for renovation that day, so it was nerve wracking, but we got him seen. Meanwhile, I had a hugely busy workday- I had to keep that important project going. But we went to the ER and they said it only needed staples, not suturing. I feel so guilty. The vet said that she's done it herself to a dog, you try to help them and they wiggle, it's common. Luckily, Darcy isn't scared of me and acts the same (in fact, he's sitting with me now). It's healing nicely and we will remove the staples later this week or next week. The vet said Darcy was a good boy, and the only problem was that he purred too loud for them to hear his heartrate. I worked pretty late that day.
There's been a lot of stuff at that level (sort of like... a mild emergency) going on lately. I don't have the wherewithal to list everything, but that's how life has been lately.
That's all for now, I hope you are healthy and doing well. Love you, big hug!
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kakushigotofanclub · 4 months
Can I ask you about your wips? I'm curious
Oh boy you're so going to regret asking me this but THANK YOU SO MUCH I have been DYING to babble about all my wips
Enjoy this weirdly organized and non-exhaustive "list"
The big one is Burning Bridges, which I have a whopping 25,000+ words written for already. Here's the summary:
After Muzan is defeated, Inosuke doesn’t know what to do with himself, feeling unable to either adapt to his new life or return to his old one. Restless and frustrated, when he comes across a chance to go back to demon slaying, he can’t refuse. But getting stuck in an alternate timeline in which Tanjiro became the Demon King was not exactly what Inosuke had in mind.
But, uh. I really don't know if I'm ever going to finish and post it, and tbh the main reason is kind of petty lol...like, a couple years ago I used to get tons of comments on ao3 and lately I just barely get any feedback anymore. I kinda don't want to post anything I've worked really hard on to avoid getting my feelings hurt. I'd be happy to talk about it, though, if anyone's interested.
Another multi-chapter fic I will never post but would love to ramble about is A Couple of Bad Ideas and a Shot in the Dark, which is a KnY rewrite that takes place in the MHA universe. Although, this one is abandoned because I got too invested in a side-plot and literally forgot what I was actually going to do with the story.
I've also got one called Smother, which I do fully intend on finishing and posting someday! I don't have an official summary for it but it's about Obanai living with the Rengokus right after he was rescued. Here's a piece from the scene where Kyojuro and Obanai meet for the first time:
“Hi! Why are your eyes two different colors? Where did you get your pet snake? Are snakes your favorite animal? My favorite animal is a cat. Or maybe a dog. Or an owl. I don't know, I can't pick! How old are you? I'm eleven years and five months and two weeks and six days old, which means I’m almost eleven and a half. What's your snake's name? Oh, and what's your name? My name is Rengoku Kyojuro. Do you have any-" "Kyojuro." The man who saved Obanai glared at a person that looked exactly like him except smaller and way more annoying. “Give it a rest. I don’t think he’s in the mood for making friends right now. Just shut up.”
I have another fic about Obanai and the Rengokus—modern au, no summary but I think the plot can be summed up in this excerpt and the fact that I headcanon Obanai with ARFID:
“No! I said I was going to take her to her favorite restaurant,” Obanai exhaled sharply. “So I’m going to take her to her favorite restaurant.” He hesitated, gaze cast downwards. “That’s why I’m here. I wanted your…help.” “Of course!” Kyojuro exclaimed enthusiastically. “With what, exactly?” Obanai crossed his arms, refusing to meet eyes with Kyojuro. His face was red and he mumbled his next words: “I have to be able to eat food from there without gagging or freaking out by next week.”
Then my reincarnation AU called Da Capo Al Fine, which I've posted a few excerpts from before—basically, everyone reincarnates a hundred years later and Tanjiro and Giyuu are the only ones who remember their past lives. Honestly this one I feel like would just be a pain to actually write the whole fic the way I have it in my head lol. I might write one-shots for it, though, idk.
That's. Not everything but I think I've probably talked for long enough now 😅
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totalcl0wn · 6 months
How ldshadowlady has given me all my recent special interests, a long thing idk
I have recently realised lizzie ldshadowlady has caused my two main special interests and I'm in the mood for rambling so I'm going to talk abt it >:) it's also autism awareness month so I say I get to talk about this
Soo back in (i think mid) 2021 I had devices taken off me except for my shared switch and at the start of that I lost my interest in undertale(thank god) so I was special interest-less very sad ik but yk what was also happening in 2021???? that's right the legendary empires season 1 i've always been a fan of lizzie so i was casually watching her then the seablings happened and i thought hey that guy seems cool so i went to his channel and catched up and turns out i really liked jimmys content so i subbed and started watching all his streams when they happened(i had nothing better to do ok) and then i got super attached to the codfather and i still am to this day(note: i semi lost my interest last year but got it back around september i think?)
now ride the cyclone time this one is a bit weirder during last life i was obv watching lizzie but this season really got me into the fandom and that comes with animatics I really binge watched them back then cause it was basically the only fan thing I could interact with and some of those (very gorgeous) animatics used musical songs more specifically six the musical in two of the ones I repeat watched eventually I got curious so I looked up the songs and found a slime tutorial I really liked it and that got me into theatre in general but that also led me to get recommended more slime tutorials of different musicals and if you time skip to a few days in early 2023 (I had a phone now hurray) I kept getting recommended a weird slime tutorial (I think the specific name was smth like 6 kids a fortune teller and a rat??) For multiple days and multiple times in one day eventually I got tired and curious so I clicked on it idk what it did to me it like put me in a trance or smth cause I watched the whole thing barely ever even going into mini mode safe to say I really liked it I did the common thing I do where I look at videos about it(like out of context vids stuff like that) but this was different I got super attached like I did with jimmys character (side note it's been my rtc special interests bday recently hurray it's been a year!!!)
I can't think of any info I need to add so I'm done I hope you enjoyed this ramble session thank you lizzie ldshadowlady for these lovely special interests with very nice fandoms
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heartfucksmouth · 6 months
so I'm alive. they took biopsies of my esophagus and my stomach for histology, esp bc my stomach had erythematous mucosa and they sent me home with an explanation of gastritis but they saw nothing indicating the reason why I've been choking.
recovering from anesthesia sucked, I slept for like 3 or 4 hours and then got such an awful migraine I had to lay back down completely still with my eyes covered by my arm or I thought I would puke. and then Aidan wokeup three times during the night.
today is better, we went for a short walk, but Aidan barely napped so I'm hoping he sleeps ok. he seems restless in my arms and idk why really. he must be exhausted.
I have PT in the morning and need to call the neuro in Boston I'm trying to see (autonomic dept) and/or get a cardiologist to see me and sign off on my hip surgery bc of the whole anesthesia/pots/my stupid body thing.
I'm... feeling sad and stuck like I usually do at night now. the state of the world is truly overwhelming and its fucking SIX dollars for a gallon of milk let alone a weeks worth of groceries and I'm just like . how are we ever going to get out of here. it all feels like such a pressure cooker and I get discouraged. it's hard to write about bc my mind webs out and I'm thinking of so many things but my words can't keep up - esp typing one hand only using my thumb.
I just wanna make people happy and I wanna feel safe and loved and not like time is always running out and there's never enough of anything (I have less than 200 bucks to stretch until next month) like I miss feeling abundance simply bc I had my garden and so much of real wild nature around me, not some suburban yard covered in 10 years of dog feces and a house full of hoarded items that are not even mine but God forbid my kids toys take up too much space in the living room bc his room is the size of a walk in closet and I, once again, feel so ambitious mentally but I physically and time-wise cannot accomplish fucking anything lately.
idek that's probably one run on sentence and I can't be bothered. remember when I used to write really well and have poignant things to say and even wrote poetry? my brain feels constantly fried now and I can barely socialize without needing a nap after. it's all just kinda making me sad and frustrated :)
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