#i've been wanting to gush abt this for MONTHS
ddejavvu · 1 year
could you write abt Spencer and reader finding out theyre having twins? ♥️
Morgan was thrilled to have the privilege of knowing your baby's gender before you did. You hadn't been aware of your pregnancy for weeks, attributing the morning sickness to a stomach bug that your friend had passed to you and passing off the slight weight gain as bloating. But Spencer had been surprisingly busy at work these past few months, and when you eventually realized that the last unprotected sex you'd had was around the time you'd started noticing these symptoms, you were both pretty convinced that it was an unplanned pregnancy.
It was difficult waiting to look at the ultrasound photos, and covering your eyes while the doctor checked on the health of your sweet baby was the worst part. But you wanted to announce both the pregnancy and the gender at the same time to the rest of the BAU, and Morgan was the first person you'd thought of to reveal the news. He'd been more than happy - smug, even - to be the first one to see any evidence of the little life inside of you, and he'd walked out of the doctor's office with you beaming bright enough to rival the sun.
Now, only one day after your first ultrasound, you're sitting around a table in Rossi's backyard. You're not sure how Morgan got Rossi to lend out his mansion without telling him about your pregnancy, but you suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if one more person knew. Really, you're more looking to make Garcia squeal so loud she sets off the neighbor's dog.
"Alright, alright," Derek taps his spoon against his glass. Garcia's eyes shoot over to him and she nearly jumps out of her chair, and you wonder if Derek had teased a surprise to her yet.
"There's something Mr. and Mrs. Reid want to tell you," He gestures to you, and Spencer looks to you for an introduction to the topic.
"Do you remember when I got sick a few months ago?" You glance around the table, and faces wrinkle in concern. You suppose everyone is expecting a horrible diagnosis, but they nod anyways.
"Yeah, Spence had to take off from work," JJ recalls, "Is everything okay? Did it come back?"
"Uh," You fiddle with your napkin, "No. Not really? Or- it sort of never left. And I won't be, uh, cured, for another few months."
"Was it a parasite?" Rossi wonders, brows furrowed.
"Well.." Spencer considers, "Technically? But, the good kind."
"The good kind of parasite..." Aaron repeats.
You can't stand the suspense, "I'm pregnant."
"Oh- oh!" There's a round of cheers throughout your guests, big beaming smiles and staccato claps that morph into bear hugs. Penelope giggles at the news, but you don't have time to ask if she's making fun of your sex life before Derek taps his glass again.
"Yes, okay, okay, fantastic work you two, but I'm not done."
Curious eyes turn towards him as he pulls a gift bag from beneath his seat, "I was selected to know the gender of the baby before any of you guys," He boasts, "And I've got a cute little outfit in this bag for the lucky baby."
"Let's see," You gush, "Open it, Spencer!"
Your husband's nimble fingers dig through layers of green tissue until they hit woven wool. He pulls out a blue-knit sweater vest, and his face morphs into a sweet smile.
"A boy!" He cheers, looking over at you with starry eyes, "Y/N, we're having a baby boy!"
"Oh," You gush, visions of tiny fingers and toes filling your mind, "Spencer, you're gonna be a boy dad!"
"Derek, please? Please can I do it now?" Penelope asks, effectively breaking you out of your reverie.
"Yes," Derek laughs, motioning her over to you, "Go ahead. Should'a known, patience is not your virtue."
"Shut up!" She gushes, yanking another bag from beneath her seat and racing over to you as best she can in heels on wet grass, "Y/N! A little something extra for mom."
"Oh," You gush, taking the bag from her, "You knew?"
"I needed her help," Derek explains, sorry that he'd spoiled your secret but rushing you to open the gift bag, 'Now hurry up!"
"Okay, okay!" You let out a breathy laugh, reaching into the tissue paper, "Y'know, I'm pregnant, you can't stress me- out..."
Your fingers hit tulle, and you pull out a pretty pink dress.
You're confused. Sure, girls can wear blue sweater vests, boys can wear pink dresses. But you'd assumed the colored clothing items pertaining to a gender reveal party would be fitting into more traditional gender roles for the sake of symbolism, and leave you with answers, not questions.
"Penelope?" You raise an eyebrow at her, and she grins gleefully at you.
"Twins!" She shrieks, "You're having twins! One boy, and one girl!"
Spencer drops the sweater in his hands.
"Twins," You repeat, mouth slowly falling open, 'Oh my god, there's two?"
"Twins," Spencer parrots, looking at your stomach with a growing grin, "Twins? There's two babies?"
"There's two babies," Penelope gushes, and Derek hands over an envelope of ultrasound photos, "You're gonna have two babies!"
"Three days ago we didn't even know there was one," Spencer marvels, and your hands tremble as you pull out the photos. There, clear as day on the grainy photo, are two outlines, one baby on the left and the other on the right.
"Oh my god," Spencer whispers, reaching over to brush his slender fingers over the photos, "Those are our babies."
"Those are our babies," You repeat, tears budding in your eyes, "Spencer, we're having twins."
"Congratulations, you two," JJ smiles sweetly at you from across the table, and Hotch and Rossi offer you similar well-wishes, "So Spencer, you're gonna put together two cribs?"
"I don't think it'll be safe for me to put together one," He remembers the time he'd tried fixing your broken kitchen chair, and your poor cat had made the mistake of jumping onto it. Needless to say, that incident produced not only a pile of wood, but an angry cat.
"I'll do it," Morgan chuckles, "I want both of your babies to make it into adulthood."
"And I'll buy two times the presents," Penelope promises, "But if they're anything like Reid, I might need help affording the two teeny tiny microscopes."
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
Feel Good
Astarion x transmasc!Tav/Reader x Gale Dekarios
Requested by Dirtyramen on AO3:
“can I request a fic abt Astarion just being soft/caretake-ish to Tav while they recovery from top surgery? (or, I guess whatever might be the equivalent to it in the world of baldurs gate haha) maybeeeeee in a poly relation with gale if it tickles your fancy?
-also if Tara could be mentioned somewhere that would be adorable but not at all necessary, I just love her LOL-“
Gale may be OOC in this, I've never really written him before, but it felt right to have him there
Title is based on "Feel Good" by Ryan Nealon. Doesn't fit 100%, but I feel like this could be a good reference to how Tav felt before their magical top surgery
Warnings: mentions of chest scars, insecurity, mentions/references to dysphoria, crying, implied sexual antics at the end
Word Count: 1,699
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First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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You can’t stop staring at your body in the mirror. Just behind the protective bandages lay the chest you’ve dreamed of having - and it terrifies you. What if it came out wrong? What if you hated it? What if having a flat chest makes you feel worse about your body? The thoughts spiral, questioning every single thing you thought you knew about yourself. You frown at your reflection.
Hands on your hips startle you from your mind, as soft lips against the back of your neck chuckle. Astarion - forever the rogue.
“Admiring yourself, my love?” he teased.
You sigh. You wish you were. You wish you just knew what it looked like. Just a little peek and surely you’d feel better about it all. He rests his chin on your shoulder when you don’t speak, smoothing his hands over your stomach, just below the wrappings. You rest your hands over his, focusing on your reflection’s hovering hands as you run your fingers against his prominent veins.
“What if I don’t like it?” you whisper. “What if I was wrong?”
“Darling, you’ve been gushing over this for months. Why are you worried now?”
“I just…” You dare to raise your eyes to your chest again. Flat. Years and years spent hating your chest, crying and spitting vitriol at yourself for how it made you feel. “I just want to feel okay in my body, Star,” you finally admit, to yourself and your partner. “What if this isn’t it? What if it doesn’t help?”
He hums, considering. “It seemed easy enough to magic your breasts away, I’m sure Gale could find some spell that would bring them back.”
You chuckle despite the emotions in your chest. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I.” Your hands slide off his as he turns you around, away from the mirror. “The worst that could happen is you don’t like it. And if that happens - which I don’t believe it will for a second - we’ll help you find what’s right. Until you’re comfortable.”
You can’t stop the grin that tugs at your lips. “You can be really sweet when you want to be.”
He smirks. “Don’t tell anybody.” He gives you a quick kiss, though you can feel how reluctant he is to pull away. “Now, come on, off to bed. You’re supposed to be resting.”
“What are you, my mother?” Despite your words, you follow along with him easily as he leads you by the hand through the tower back to your bedroom, only a few doors down. You had a mirror, of course, but this was the only full-body mirror in the place. Gale kept saying he would move it to your room, but he always got sidetracked, always distracted by new questions that needed answers.
Astarion had his reservations of living with the wizard at first, but even he couldn’t deny how comfortable it was here. It was far better than any other option available to him at the time. Not to mention he was always around if Gale had any ideas on how to cure his undead affliction.
And, well, perhaps he didn’t completely despise him, but the world would burn before he ever admitted it.
He leads you through your door, as natural as though it were his own bedroom. He did have his own, but, truthfully, he much preferred spending time in yours. When he wasn’t perusing the wide collection of books scattered in mostly-organized shelves and piles, that is.
He lets go of your hand to open your blankets, and he helps you slide under them so you can lay on your back. He crawls in after you. You’ve learned to scoot over a bit beforehand, so he’s not constantly shifting to avoid falling off the edge, or whining about the blanket not covering his ass, all because he refuses to go around and lay on the other, wide-open half of the bed.
His arms wrap snugly around your waist, though he refrains from resting his head on your chest as he normally would, opting instead to curl into your side, resting his head on your shoulder by your neck. There’d be plenty of time for proper cuddles once you were fully recovered. Unable to roll to your side, you opt to tangle a hand in his hair and rest the other on his arm. It wasn’t the same, but it was comfortable nonetheless.
“A few more hours, Gale will return, and you’ll get to see,” he murmurs against your skin. He presses a kiss below your jaw. “And I’ll get to see you, my handsome man.”
The phrase makes you flush. He smiles when he hears your heart beat faster. You let out a slow, shaky breath. “He needs to get back sooner.”
He chuckles, but says nothing more. You tilt your head to rest against his and close your eyes. Visions of your chest before mixed with fantasies of what it looked like now. It was still so difficult to grasp the fact it truly was flat. Whenever Astarion would help you change into fresh clothes (after he gently wipes you down with a damp sponge, as you are unable to bathe until the bandages are removed), you’d have a moment of confusion when you flipped through the stack of folded clothes and didn’t find a bra. In fact, you’d gotten rid of them all right after your procedure. Gale had to stop you (and Astarion) from lighting them on fire as celebration.
With the images, your anxiety spikes again. It’ll be fine, you know it will be… By what if it isn’t? You want to relax into a nap, pass the time warm and comfortable with your vampire partner until Gale got back, but your mind would not let you.
You sigh in frustration. You press your lips to his head as you quietly murmur, “Will you read to me?”
He sighs, too, long and dramatic. He only half means it. He truly does not like having to pull away from you to sit up, but he does quite enjoy flipping open the book from the side table and continuing the story where you left off. You press your face into his side and he combs his fingers through your hair mindlessly as he weaves a tale of romance and intrigue. He doesn’t stop reading until he is certain you are asleep.
You cover your eyes, elbows lifted to the sides. You can barely stay still, rocking back and forth between your feet and fighting not to bounce on your heels. You groan. “Are you almost done?”
Gale huffs a laugh. You can feel it ghost along the back of your neck. “Patience, dear. You’ll see soon enough.” His fingers finally work out the knot in the bandages, and you almost gasp as he unwraps them from your body.
The air feels odd against the clammy skin. Even weirder is the feeling of his warm hand pressing supportively in between your shoulder blades.
“Okay. You can look now.”
You take a breath in. You lowered your hands to your sides, but taking that final step felt overwhelming. Gale’s thumb rubbed against your skin, silently encouraging you, as Astarion came to your side to hold your hand. It was now or never.
It takes a moment for your brain to process. It’s so different. You step closer to the mirror. They let you go, standing back and watching with wide grins. (You can see Gale’s proud smile in the mirror, but you don’t pay him much mind.) You turn to the side. Flat. You delicately brush your hands over your chest. Flat. Tears well in your eyes. You try to blink them away so you can watch as you trace a finger over the scars left behind. The magic was experimental, Gale had worried it would leave a larger mark, but he trusted the Weave more than any surgeon.
A wide smile overwhelms your face as you laugh. A weight has been lifted off your chest, literally and metaphorically. You feel like you can breathe looking at the figure before you. You don’t feel dread looking at your chest anymore. You can’t fight the tears anymore as they pour freely down your cheeks, carrying years of dysphoria with them and leaving trails of relief behind.
You turn and rush straight to your partners, wrapping your arms around them and pulling yourself as close as possible. Gale’s hand rested at the back of your neck as his other held your hip. Astarion stroked comforting shapes into your spine. A gasping sob wracked your body.
“Are you alright, my love?” Astarion asks gently. “Is it alright?”
You laugh again, nodding eagerly. “It’s perfect. It’s perfect,” you gasp between your emotions. You pull away and wipe at your eyes, but when you look down at your chest again they come in another wave. “Oh my gods, look at me.”
“I’m having a rather hard time taking my eyes off of you,” Gale teases.
Astarion chuckles, receiving a quirked brow from the wizard he did not want to address. “I hate to say I told you so, but… You look absolutely stunning, my handsome man.”
“Hm, you’ll have to share that moniker, you know.” Gale smirks as the vampire scowls. “Our handsome man.”
You sniffle, trying futilely to dry your face. “If you keep saying that, I’m gonna cry again,” you joke, but they know you’re right. You gasp and light up. They don’t have time to ask what’s wrong before you’re rushing out of the room, shouting, “I have to tell Tara! Tara! Where are you?! My bandages are off!”
They smile fondly, listening as your voice becomes more distant. Astarion turns mischievously toward the wizard. “Sooo, how much longer does our darling have to rest now?”
“Well, he should avoid any strenuous activities for another week, at least. Why? What did you have in mind?”
“Hm. Would laying down, receiving endless praise from his two partners while we lavish his body with generous care and attention count as strenuous?”
Gale thought for a moment. “If he’s laying down…”
Astarion smirked deviously. “I’m glad we could come to an understanding.”
Tag List:
@satelliteapotheosis @hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @olitheghostboy-blog @puppyg1rl666 @cyber-dump-171 @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @thespectacularspaceace @lynnlovesthestars @yarn_yogi @tototini
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elskiee · 4 months
a prompt for my boys
i've been awake thinking abt this prompt for DAYS but bear with me:
( tw // abusive relationship )
alfie woke up at night from that fucking wailing. he needed to teach those goddamn kids a lesson sometimes. but oh-oh, it's not a kid. it's a malnourished, brutally-beaten, heavily-pregnant omega at his doorstep, whimpering as blood and water gushed out from between his legs. whose omega is this? but the scream was getting louder, so alfie had no choice but to take him inside. to his surprise, he was able to help him give birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy (chaotically, ofc). alfie didn't even know the omega's name yet, but his carnal instinct to protect these two boys activated instantly.
they talked in the morning. alfie learned that the omega, tommy, was kicked out of the house by his abusive sewer rat of a husband (and ofc he took a mental note to find the guy and kill him on the spot). alfie then offered to shelter tommy and charlie, the newborn, for three months. tommy gratefully accepted it, and they grew very close along the way. alfie could deny it as much as he wanted, but he definitely felt a pleasant spark whenever he looked into those oceanic, electric blue eyes. or when he caught a glimpse of tommy's extremely thick, butterfly lashes. or those lips. alfie felt sinful, but if this was what's gonna put him in hell, then he'd gratefully peel his clothes and bathe in the fire.
but first, drama; the local omega shelter found out that tommy was not alfie's mate nor his legally-acknowledged spouse. nor was charlie his biological child. so, the shelter decided that it's gonna be best for tommy and charlie to spend the night at their place. it hurt alfie to let them go. tommy was crying harder than charlie ever did when they picked him up, begging them to let him stay with alfie. alfie was the one who saved him, who cared for him. alfie brought him close, kissed his forehead and whispered, "It's going to be okay, Tommy. I'll come get you two. Just wait for me. I love you."
and when tommy's mouth met his own, soft and wet and oh-so-fucking-sweet, whispering, "I love you, Alfie. Come back. Come back to me," Alfie knew his whole life was going to be dedicated to bringing their family back together. whatever it takes.
[thanks @whentommymetalfie for absolutely igniting my long-ignored passion for omegaverse u're god-sent fr]
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sigmahimejoshi · 8 months
hey it's me, the disabled femme anon that was gushing abt her dream butch a couple months ago. just wanted to say congrats on 10k!!! and to let u know that said butch is now my boyfriend <3 peace and love on planet dyke xoxo
you finna make me cry omg im so happy for you this means so much since I've been going through hell these past two months! I wish the best for you and you boy toy!
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jils-things · 9 months
skips in hello hi jil i'd love to talk abt them im so sorryy i've been thinking abt them too much teehee ty soso much for letting me gush abt my loves eek ♡ random bit of lore but ? marianne moves and when she's getting her trainer card changed over at the lab sina mentions they've been studying fairy types and since it's a ' new phenomena ' marianne goes ' what ? ' - she has . . no clue what that is months later when marianne's having catchup w augustine abt data on mega n stuff she mentions she loves flowers and has a flower press handed down from her grandma from galar but hasn't had a chance to go out and do anything yet since she came to kalos - kind of like a side note - and he goes ' oh i'm actually double checking this field work sina and dexio did out on route 4 - bunch of flowers there do you want to come ? ' and she's super shy but says sure , i wanna see what fairy types are anyway i still don't really know ? ( she's not a dex holder so she has like no way of . . . being that knowledgable ? ) they go there and she's like v nervous because he's just going over notes and looking through his tablet or whatever but encourages her to go ( vulnerability ? huge lore theme ) and she starts collecting flowers and opens her press and he's like ' oh so this is what you do ? ' and she's so nervous and is like ' yeah . . v_v ' and he's basically completely forgotten abt what he's there for bc he's just v interested in people anyway and his main focus / passion is mega not typing matchups so starts asking her abt flowers and she's so so happy to talk abt flower language and turns out he knows it too ( he loves lavender it turns out since - although its different in kalos ( ' french ' lavender ) it reminds him of home + he also has fond memories of floaroma back in sinnoh so he really really likes flowers ) and they sit there talking about ' i think a persons favourite flower reveals a lot abt them ' and it's one of their first like , one on one moments thats not at a cafe or at the lab and she has this cute interaction w the flabebe obv bc they ride on flowers ? she's totally smitten w them and he's like ' oh yeah fairy type ! look - it's a bit like you ' ok thank you thank you so sorry this was super long forgive mee . . i should be asleep hehe ; bye bye + niniii ! ( priv or not up to you ! )
CHARM HEWWO... omg dude im so... i just learned the deeper meaning of marianne and her flowers this is so.... homaGAD.... NONO IM SO SPEECHLESS IN A WAY THAT IM JUST AMAZED HOW IT PLAYED OUT.... what was supposed to be a little visit to see the fairy types ended up being sycamore slowly learning more about this kind lady and her little interest with flowers... and given how he's reminded of the flowers in sinnoh OHHGFO IT JUST PIECES TOGETHER NICELY IM SOOO EEEEEE 💚💚💚 he even FORGOT what were they here for (silly man.. silly silly)
i appreciate people who are more fascinated in the person they're talking to its just shows they're super attentive and im sure this little flower fact will come in handy for him when he wants to... dare i say, impress her??? 🤭 egads... do you think at one point in their relationship she makes a pressed flower plate or something for him??? or maybe the other way around???? 😳 me brain wanderin oopsie....
UEUEUEUE I LOVE FLABEBES SO MUCH (i had one in my xy gameplay and im. very overprotective of it) I LOVE SEEIN THEM INCORPORATED IN THEIR WIDDLE LOVE STORY EHRHRHHEHRD sycamore would absolutely just... watch her with a flabebe in silence and realize how similar they are... in beauty and gentleness wiwiwiw (also now it just hits harder for me cuz i remember one of the sycamari comms you shared had flabebes in it im hrujrururr 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
please share with us abt the work of yours that u love to bits! my ask was 100% about ur works :) thank u for replying abt ur prompt tho! is it possible to have a link to it?
Oh, very well then 😂
This is the fic: let's just fall in love for the hell of it (and maybe we'll just keep fallin').
It feels a little weird to gush about it since I never really promote my fics on any platforms (even though this account was kind of created to do that, but I never ended up using it for that purpose), but essentially, it's a fic for one of my all time favourite ships right now (CheongHyeok) in All Of Us Are Dead. It's non canon compliant and basically a university AU, but I just- love it so much?? Like, I spent around a month working away on that fic, and I basically fit in all the tropes I fucking adore into it and had a blast doing it. Fake dating, friends to lovers, mutual pining, idiots in love, unrequited love but it's actually requited love (they're just stupid) - you name it. It was so much fun to write, and it's definitely one of my longest oneshots yet. (It was 39k+ words, and then I ended up re-reading and editing it and then ended up with over 40k words.) I remember feeling so sad once I finally finished writing and editing it and posted it onto AO3, because it almost felt like giving away a piece of my soul to the world. I guess just got really attached to it.
It's not my most popular fic, but in my honest opinion, it's a oneshot I keep going back to either way because I just love it so much and I fit so much shit in it that satisfies what I want when I read fics.
Honourable mentions would be (I know we said one fic but like, I'm going to be annoying and break the rules-):
It's Sort of a Love Language
i’m off my face (in love with you), i’m out my head (so into you)
it’s in the way our hands fit together like matching puzzle pieces
They're all for the same ship, I've been literally hyperfixated on them for over half a year?? But yeah. :)))
Also, I'm on my laptop as I write this so yes, here's the link to that list: List of responses after they kiss. Love that list. Stole one of those prompts from one of the fics listed above.
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
For the recent Reblogs about what the discord should be about, I suppose it depends on what you want it's focus to be. XP Do you want it to be a place where you give updates about your work like you do here on Tumblr, or do you want it to be a place where people can gather and chat about possible Headcannons, or ideas when it comes to SB or DCA (Still have no idea what that means. XD) related content. But all in all. It depends on what you yourself want to try and make it to be.
Now as for the main purpose of this ask. I'm not sure if this counts as a spoiler bit or not, but before the metaphorical shit hit the fan in SB, do you Headcannon that the Daycare was closed down before the events of the game, or was it still up and functional, only with a very Neurotic Sundrop as the only Caretaker (Timebomb) for the Munchkins and kiddies?
I think it would be a server mainly focused on my own fic, so I could have a channel where I post vague as fuck questions about how interactions should go, or like, shit like how ovens work and other out of context things. As well as that, it could also have channels where people can post their own headcanons, or flesh out ideas for fics, or share art or get help with art (assuming there's enough art experts in the server to provide advice). Maybe a designated channel for gushing about fics we like.
I don't often have anything to share about my fic unless it's crumbs or updates, so the only time I really get to talk about it is when new people read it and send asks with praise or questions. There's.. not been a lot lately, and there's also not been much progress on the current chapter either. Aside from straight up spoiling all my plans, I don't see a way of finishing the chapter any faster. I don't ever have anything to draw for future scenes either, so it's not like a lot of new content would be found if you were joining the server purely for that. But if you're merely wanting to gush abt it to me, that would be more than welcome and in fact desired.
For your question: the daycare was shut down prior to Gregory arriving in SB. That's both based on evidence in the canon game, and on the way I've set up the fic. Sun had been alone for many months before Gregory showed up.
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marshiestars · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
thank you @scrawnytreedemon for tagging!! let’s begin, shall we? :3c
Three Ships: ughhhhh this is real hard because I JUST invented the most horrible, wonderful “why does it work” crackship a few weeks ago, but if I want to include it, I have to ignore one of my three big zelda ships :C
1. Ghiralink. because of course. I feel like it’s illegal to leave this one out or put it any lower. it’s the good food. it’s well-established. I can afford to be picky with my content. it’s great :D
2. Astlink! sorry Kohlink, but Astlink is less likely to scare half my audience away 😔.
tbh I’m still VERY surprised that Astor and Link aren’t paired together nearly as often as Zelast (Astor / Zelda). don’t get me wrong, both are rare pairs, but somehow Astlink is even *rarer* shksjhdjhsshs, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. either way, it's 'moody goth bitch rejected by society (or maybe he rejected society first, it's a chicken or egg situation tbh) with the perfect golden person that everyone admires who secretly has their own issues'!! and it's about how they're on the complete opposite sides of this huge conflict and yet they find unexpected parallels in each other! and having everything fall apart but deciding to be a better person, even when the rest of the world says it's too late, because that one person believes in you and is willing to give you a chance! darkness and light! it's GOOD FOOD
(...man, I really gotta finish chapter 3 of swordsman and the seer.)
3. ...fuck it. scrawny, I hereby challenge you for the title of Weirdest Fucking Crossover Ship. Ghirahim x Godrick? Sephiroth x the Hollow Knight? I'm intrigued, but not crumbling to ash at the thought.
and so I give you this in place of gushing about Kohlink, which is unbelievably rare, but damn it, at least they're from the same source material! besides, I wasn't the first person to pair them by a long shot, no, no, no.
but there’s a special, lonely sort of pride in knowing you’re probably the first of 8 billion people in the world to ever even think of a pairing. ready? here it is:
R*x D*ng*rv*st x S*np*i from FNF.
(censored their names like that because if this shows up in the tags I’m gonna jump out a window)
yeah, man. I don't even know either.
I mean, I do know, somewhere, and my original train of thought is buried in the memory slush of a few months ago, gone forever. so now we're here. fuck. kill me. why am I writing shit for these two. girl what the hell is this
everyone who reads this post, I want a brick emoji in my inbox to simulate getting one through my window
First Ever Ship: ANYWAY, fuck, I don’t even remember at this point, I've been in greater fandom for so long. wait... oh, son of a bitch, nevermind, I do.
it was Billdip.
DO NOT COME AFTER ME, I DON’T SHIP IT ANYMORE. haven’t for years. I was 12. but I loved Bill Cipher (still do, he's my funny meow meow blorbo <3) and was very upset when the finale happened even though I knew that was how it had to be. but every time Billdip art came across my screen, I saw cool art where he: # 1. was still around and # 2. was more often than not a pretty human / humanoid (this was at the height of his sexymanification). hell, I didn't even give a shit about Dipper honestly, I just wanted more Bill content. and again, being literally 12, I didn’t really stop to think abt any moral implications. but yeah.
(also nowadays I hc Bill as ace sooo)
Last Song: 'She Had The World' by Panic! very nice to sing to, it's right in my range <3
Last Movie: does ‘My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas’ count? it’s a childhood film and practically tradition for me to watch it every year for christmas lol. although this year I’ve been replaying it for... research purposes. yeah. totally not for a lethally cursed fanfic, no sir.
if that doesn’t count, then ‘The Lego Movie’!
Currently Reading: nothing atm!! even as my 'to read' pile gets taller by the day, hhhh
Currently Watching: Minty Christmas, again, but definitely not so I can copy the dialogue verbatim to use as the base for a coked-up christmas crack fic
Currently Consuming: soup <3
Currently Craving: instant ramen, good god, especially if it’s spicy. they have cups for sale in vending machines around campus but they’re all beef and chicken flavour :C
I won't tag anyone else in this because nine people is a lot; far too many to bother with this wall of personal nonsense shdhdj but thanks anyway for tagging me scrawny, my beloved mutual!!! <3
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orangezinnia · 2 years
sooooo...should i watch rottmnt?
short answer? YES
long answer? yyyeeeEEESSSS.
(that is a rottmnt joke. episode 31 minute 3:55)
i don't know how many episodes there are (and i don't want to know! it was cancelled after 2 Seasons and i'm savouring every bit i can), but at a pace of 5 to 10 minutes of episode a day, it's lasted me 2 months, and S1 ain't even done!
and now, for the Actual long answer, a.k.a. my shamelessly gushing rundown of what makes me run crying back to rise every time i check out other turtle media! (/j. mostly)
first off, to crush a Hoover Dam of turtle show lore like a beer can, Raphael's characterization in his various incarnations is often... lacking. and when i was a kid i used to turn off the TV 'cause he annoyed me. but now! he's my favorite guy!
love how they changed his theme of "being impulsive and hotheaded makes you mean" to (riffing a bit here) "makes it easier to visibly care abt ppl, and for others to listen to you, but everything falls short after that". which is why he's bad at plans, and any strong fear for his bros can come out pretty explosively!
'Plans?' i hear you say, 'why is THAT his team contribution?' because, well, a basic turtle-show-lore scope tells you that Leonardo is the leader, right? blue bandana, duel swords, yada yada cultural phenomenon. but NOPE not in rise! actually i think it's the only incarnation where this is the case? and it was a brilliant bit of planning ;> theres a netflix movie that released August 5th this year btw ;>
but my absolute uncontested fav fav fav divergence is THEYRE ALL DIFFERENT SPECIES OF TURTLE! and it goes SO HARD for the quirks of their xenobiology to be giving in so handily to their visible aptitudes!!
Donatello's mechanical 'battle shell' is worn constantly to make up for his lil' spiny softieshell back- Michelangelo can do this Box Turtle thing where he pops all his limbs into his shell, and it seems only fitting against his youngest status (13, 14 don 14.1 leo, 15 raph), his overemotionality, and general 'razzmatazz'- Raph's alligator snapping turtle build (spiked shell! big boy!) making him an absolute tank AND a bulldozer, and leo
plus! the resultant designs creates an immediate and pleasing distinction between them for viewers, which was one of the things i historically (read: as a 10 yr old) disliked about 2012-2017 TMNT. the animation, by the way? Cool As Shit! i willingly watch the rise intro before each ep, sometimes slowing its speed just to absorb it better. practically every time i do, there's something i never noticed!
the style of Battle scenes in particular has left me feeling winded with just how creatively the animators can manipulate the medium. (i've seen fight storyboards from the movie, and they mericlessly squish me like a bug, so hell knows what'll happen when i see the full thing...) and about the villains, i haven't been disinterested by a single one yet! they're endearingly gimmicky but eccentric, and bombastic but p enjoyable
alsooo feel free to imagine donnie with autism, bc iirc he was confirmed by a head writer to be autistic coded! hyperlink unrelated
also unrelated, don't watch rottmnt compilations yet no matter how bad youtube recommendations want you to!! anything that's 'for 3 minutes straight' worthy will always make you laugh much harder when you come across them naturally. and then you'll be disappointed you spoiled yourself. im not speaking from experience at all no what haha [surreptious sniffle, whine]
ANYWAY thanks for the ask, im once a nerd always a nerd
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HI CARLLLL its me againnn ... ehemm I want to ask what is it that makes you f/o gumshoe!! 🫶🫶🌸🌸 gush about him i want to know! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
basically i was through a very bad month and one of my friends was talking to me abt ace attorney, i already knew what it was and gumshoe caught my attention from what i've seen about it, so i ask my friend about the "policeman with a green jacket" and she told me about gumshoe and such, so i started watching the ace attorney gameplays and i IMMEDIATELY fall for him, he's been my comfort character through the bad month of my life and i was heavily fixated on him, he's been "there for me" when i was performing at the theatre this year and i couldn't be more happy to be with him <3
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dynmghts · 6 months
wait are we gushing abt cameron ?? THE cameron ???? im jumping the bandwagon two months later as the bestie. firstly, you're amazing, ya know that right? my bestie of eleven years officially now. you've been with me through thick and thin, hell and highwater, and you still have always made me laugh when i'm feeling the worst. you're my best friend. my first real friend irl and here on tumblr. speaking of tumblr:
i've seen you through your entire tumblr career and you've always chosen the most angry mfers known to man. but the DEPTH HELLO ??? you give them such depth and bring to light other issues and themes others wouldn't have thought of. exbhihit a: achilles and patroclus as izuku and Akatsuki with them interchanging between the two ancient heroes. i've gotten all the ramblings but the relationship between these dorks is something you've always been passionate about since day one of the katsuki bakugo obsession. it's amazing to see you deep dive into him and his character, listening to you discuss him and answering any questions or thoughts i have regarding his character or mha in general. hell you dragged me into this fandom not once, not twice, but three fucking times now.
more gushing. your writing? hello? i've always always loved it. reading the passages on my dash is so nice and lovely, its my daily newspaper. regardless of the blog, i'm here DEVOURING everything i see. every bit of cute, angst, general energy. and of course our dynamics. no matter what universe we're in: our muses have some sort of bond. fucker u got me writing MITSUKI of all people!! AND TENYA IIDA ??? only you could get me doing that. bastard
also did you know i love you? my silly lil guy, my brother. my funky lil dude. that's YOU. the taurus to my gemini. the fact you saw me dressed as a vampire and went "i want that one" says a lot about us.
i love you, bestie. even when u annoy or anger me which is so fucking rare i love you. now back to anime goodbye
ps. i know you're either gonna make a noise or look at me. im literally in the room rn with u watching mha and talking abt iida. >:)
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guys the fact she sent me this while we were busy being sad over the shie hassaikai arc oh my god .....................
aleera i adore you to pieces and i am so so glad to have u as my best friend and as my longest-lasting friendship. i would not trade it for a single damn thing. u are amazing and talented and u listen to every stupid ramble i ever go on, which is a lot because u get me so damn talkative + animated sometimes, and ?? words cannot describe just how thankful i am to have you in my corner
now hurry tf up (affectionate) we got a school festival arc to watch
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jpegender · 2 years
HAII i don't. follow you (yet!) but i wanted to send in 2, 7, and 16 for the objectum ask thing ^o^ i'm @ipodkisser but i wanted to be anon because i'm on my main account rn and don't want to like expose myself😭
oh no worries!! :D tysm for sending this ask!!! im having so much fun auugh
2: How many object partners/crushes do you have?
oooo thank you for the excuse to gush teehee uughhug..... so my two partners rn are my laptop, who ive been dating for a few months now, and S.A.M, who I've been with for almost three years now!! :D i love them both so much..... i've also been crushing on my bed for a while now tbh.... hes big and soft and he takes care of me but idk what to do abt it auugh 😳 non-romantically i have barbie, who is my water bottle + one of my best friends, and my nintendo ds, who is like a maternal figure ig to me?? idk i love objects sm.......
7: What was your first object crush?
ouuugh i used to have a light blue wiimote for my nintendo wii as a kid and i definetly had a crush on it.... i didnt really know how to express it at the time but i remember we used to play mario kart all the time and it was nice :)
16: How would your ideal date with your object crush/partner go?
:0 ooigu ok im just gonna answer this for my laptop bc its late where i am rn but honestly my ideal date is super realistic and actually something ive done before lol.... watching one of my favorite movies and getting fast food or something and just cuddling in my bed ...... ugh im so lucky i have him lol i literally love him so much
tysm for indulging me!!! :D
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meibemeibelline · 3 years
The Significance of the Sigure Souen Style: A Yamamoto Meta Post
So originally I wanted to do this huge meta post on Yamamoto’s character development from his intro chapter to end of Rain Battle and like, the importance of the Shigure Souen Style complete with Good Writing and manga screenshots and APA citations HENCE THE TITLE but that wasn’t happening so here’s the same thing except I explain it like THIS
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Let’s go
SO, I was doing my reread of the whole manga and was thinking like, man, Gokudera had this huge emotional moment during Storm Battle where he had to sacrifice his victory to survive and realising his life was legitimately important to other people outside of what he can do as a mafioso but like, what did the Rain Battle mean for Yamamoto? What did it MEAN for him to learn the Shigure Souen Style?
Well, first off it’s something that’s been passed down from his father to him. It’s WELL established that he and Tsuyoshi are close. Like, we know LITERALLY NOTHING about his mother except that he Doesn’t Have One. So Tsuyoshi’s the only family he’s got. This point is very important for context.
Outside of baseball, the sword is the first thing he truly dedicated himself to. From the beginning he’s had the athleticism and drive (and a sort of intelligence in his body when it came to evaluating risk and how to approach present situations etc POST FOR ANOTHER TIME). But like, the Shigure Souen Style specifically taught him discipline and made him believe in something other than himself and his body and his skills, something MUCH bigger than himself. And I think THAT’S his character growth – to deepen his understanding of himself and his strength, and his place in the world (and how to really fight and how to fight to survive and KILL.)
To understand why this is so important, I think we need to start from the beginning.
When we first meet him, he only had himself and his body. He ONLY had baseball, including his talent and skills. Without baseball, there was nothing he felt he was good at (huge sign of low self-esteem). Without baseball, no one would want to be around him anymore. Even with baseball, he didn’t feel like he had any true friendships with people and that no one really understood him and was only liked on a superficial level. And that is exactly why it hurt him so much to break his arm – even a temporary injury made him feel worthless and that life wasn’t worth living anymore because his sense of self was shattered (and was already breaking even before he asked Tsuna for help).
Becoming friends with Tsuna meant that there were new parts of life that were important to him: his relationship with others. Throughout Daily Life arc he builds a strong support system of people he can trust and rely on. And because he had friends, he became more resilient in the face of adversity. He was willing to risk his arm to save Tsuna in Kokuyo arc not only because he deemed his friend’s life more important than his arm, but I would also argue that even if this action resulted in a particularly bad injury, he knew he would be okay because he would heal and he’d still be loved and someone of worth, because he had his friends this time and he’s been through it before and turned out okay then, and he will be okay now.
But, being completely to the whole mafia thing, he could still only rely on himself and his instinct because there wasn’t anyone who could properly teach him swordsmanship. Reborn gave him his bat and was like “here ya go” and he kinda had to figure out how to use it on his own. So AGAIN, he only had himself and his body. He wasn’t a ‘real’ swordsman, and with no real training or mastery, he lost of Squalo VERY quickly when he first shows up in Namimori.
So what does that mean? It means that Shigure Souen gives him a ground to stand on to improve as a fighter and as a swordsman. Like, it was no longer just about him and his strength as an individual, it’s now about the HISTORY of it, and his FATHER’S history too (thus strengthening their relationship and understanding as well and again HE’S HIS ONLY BIOLOGICAL FAMILY). It’s about how he learns, masters and honours this style. And part of that is the belief that it is invincible. That belief also allows him to believe in himself too when the going gets tough – even if he’s not strong enough, the style is, because it’s simply unbeatable – even when he’s told multiple times that Squalo has conquered every sword style in existence and that Yamamoto can’t win with Shigure Souen.
The other part of it is how he adds to that history and becomes a part of that bigger thing by creating his 9th form. Because the climax of the Rain Battle is whether or not he can beat Squalo with a new form, and that depends ENTIRELY on whether it is ‘accepted’ by the Shigure Kintoki to be Shigure Souen Style. And the fact that he using his background in baseball (the beginning stance) was how he put HIMSELF into it and became part of that history is just SO GOOD.
(Learning the Shigure Souen Style also made him calmer, more strategic, and more efficient with his movements (see post-Storm Battle when he caught Hibari’s tonfa BROOOOOO) and I think it also allowed him to hone his focus and, it being specifically designed for assassination rather than sport, he can actually take his INSANE pre-existing drive and physical talent and put it towards attacking, rather than defending. With Ken in Kokuyo arc he only knocked him out to stop him from hurting Tsuna. He had 0 intention to seriously injure him. But in Rain Battle he had to fight for his fucking life and he’d never truly done that before, but the Shigure Souen let him. Which was SUPER FUCKING RAD).
BUT ANYWAY, IN CONCLUSION, Yamamoto’s character arc is about building a stronger, more complex sense of self, which in turn builds a stronger sense of self-worth and purpose. It’s about strengthening his relationships with others to become stronger in the face of adversity, including being a part of like, a history, and a lineage of people who paved the way for him, and honouring them. And I think it’s really cool and beautiful and also VERY subtle on Amano’s part. Like, fckn 10/10 man. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
(Interestingly the history aspect of Yamamoto’s character arc majorly contrasts with Tsuna’s whole thing of like…learning about the Vongola’s violent history and the way he wholly rejects that tradition of violence and decides instead to create something new from it).
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twistyprefect · 3 years
SKDKKFKKFKFK YYYYESS THAT ROOK ONESHOT WAS SOOO COOL I KEEP REREADING IT THANK YOU SOOO MUCH RLLY you're the first person to actually write my weirdly specific requests so TYYYY so much sorryy if i ask too much take ur time and feel free to ignore this stuffeither way since you already write a lott yeah take care <3<3
I FEEL KINDA BAD REQUESTING SOMETHING ELSE ALREADY SORRY but yeah just something that's been on my mind for a while is like Azul and fem!reader are very very close friends to the point azul even opened up a bit abt his insecurities and stuff so what if reader Somehow convinced him to show his octo mer form (idk how its called sorryy but u get the point) and when he sees him like that she just accidentally blurts out a confession like just a sudden "Gosh you're So Handsome I Love You So Much" how does he react
yeah <3
{HELLO ANON i'm so sorry it took a while to get to this!! this is adorable wlagahrla...i ended up doing x reader headcanons for this one, i hope that's ok!!}
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Accidental Confession from Azul's Crush
Azul had never been super open about himself to anyone outside the Leech twins, and even then it wasn't by choice
when you came into his life, he didn't imagine you'd ever be able to break through his boundaries
yet here he was, pouring his head out about all his insecurities, his need to be the more powerful and talented person in the room stemming from his bullying as a child
you didn't excuse his behavior or sketchy dealings, but you didn't let him wallow in self-hate either
he'd managed to keep his deepest secret, the reason he was bullied in the first place, from you for a bit longer
never telling you exactly why he was bullied, just that he was and that it'd had a life long effect on him
several months into the close friendship, he found himself staring at an older picture of himself; his stupid, ugly octopus form stared back at him almost mockingly, reminding him he'll never truly escape from his past
but he didn't mind as much as he had before, it didn't hurt nearly bad as it had only a half a year beforehand
he decided then and there that he'd open up completely to you, even if it ended up being a mistake; he couldn't live in fear of trusting other people forever
on a nice spring weekend, he'd asked you to accompany him to the Coral Sea for the day
he nervously ran his fingers through his hair, explaining that he hadn't been completely honest with you about his past; "I wanted to show you why I was bullied...please don't freak out." he asked delicately
you nodded in agreement, nervously floating under the waves with him thanks to a potion he'd given you
Azul took a deep breath before allowing the familiar shift to overtake him, his skin tinted black and purple as his eight legs unfurled themselves comfortably
he opened his eyes nervously, his tentacles fidgeting in the water as he awaited your inevitable shock an disgust
he peeks at you only to see your awed expression as your swam around him, giggling and grinning as you took in his true form
"This is so cool!" you exclaimed happily, eyes wide and sparkling with pure adoration as the octomer felt his worry melting away
"You look so handsome and cool...I love you so much!" you gushed without thinking, covering your mouth immediately after realizing what you'd blurted out
Azul felt his heart beat even faster, his cheeks blushing a darker purple as he stared at you
before you could swim away, he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, resting his other hand on your cheek
"Are..do you mean it? You love me?" he asked anxiously, his eyes scanning over your face for any signs of deception
"Of course I mean it! I've loved you for months...I just didn't want to make it weird."
"Ah...then, would it be weird for me to say I love you as well?" he asked, smiling softly when you grin in response, your arms wrapping around him
in that moment, Azul decided it was worth it to trust in you, even if he wasn't entirely sure what the outcome might be
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djservo · 2 years
preemptively sending my july book wrap up ask now so i don't forget to. also mid year book wrap up? what's been your top of the year, what's disappointed you? hand over mouth blushing emoji love heart with hands emoji
omg imo i was just thinking abt u + ur check-ins + trying to figure out how many more books i could fit in before the next message LOL 🪗💥 i've only finished the 2 i had mentioned reading since our last exchange - beautiful world, where are you by sally rooney and one-dimensional queer by roderick ferguson & tbh. the former was definitely the biggest disappointment thus far 🫥 i was psyched about the email exchange aspect but i think rooney was too self-indulgent with it (though i suppose one could argue she's indulgent with all her writing) & the ending/entire last half was so annoying/unearned to me. my friend had even warned me it was awful but he's So hypercritical/unforgiving (sag..) so i chalked it up to that LOL but no .... this was a flop 🚮
my favs so far have been gay bar by jeremy atherton lin (which i think i've already gushed about enough) and tender at the bone by ruth reichl - i simply love a good food book and was really charmed by ruth's personality & perspective, so i'm excited to add more of her works to my reading list 🍽
at the moment i'm reading either/or by elif batuman (another email correspondence moment, but done Right 😤) and 100 boyfriends by brontez purnell - thoroughly enjoying my time with both! i checked out an elena ferrante novel at the library but my friend & i just made plans to read in the miso soup by ryū murakami together next month so i may return it so as not to burn myself out on fiction 🤕 (& bc i can feel myself yearning to retreat to some theory or a juicy food/cooking essay collection OR perhaps even a dramatic play after.. we'll see how i'm feeling 🧘‍♀️)
i think for the rest of the year i want to abide by my actual goodreads 'want to read' list (& ofc go thru my owned & unread collection 📚) rather than choosing books at the library guided by impulsive whims 🤦‍♀️ god that was long SORRY but ok ur time to shine let's hear what imo's been reading + loving + hating👂💜
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
everything. SERIOUSLY EVERYTHING. okay but nah fr:
your blog came up in the recommended, when i first made my acc; so i took a look and was BLOWN AWAY. you dedicated so much, and it PAID OFF?? Ryuuto is such an enchanting character, and seriously is canon in my head by this point. You’ve done such a great job?? And its a CRIME that rejet hasn’t putting him in 🙄. (im not lying abt the canon part btw. seriously you’ve done an amazing job making him unique, and YOURS. but also making him FIT IN to the DL universe. he fits in so well. so in my head, he is real and canon. i wanna make so much fan content for him please 🤲)
BUT ALSO. i stumbled upon your main once or twice while getting my blog set up, and was like “OH THIS IS THE SAME PERSON?!”
So i read through so much of your content. and absolutely fell in love with your writing.
Then I read through all. and i mean ALL of ryuuto’s content. (deadass scrolled all the way down don’t come at me). AND WHEN I SAY I FELL IN LOVE? WITH HIS CHARACTER.
Not only am I just an absolute FOOL for hot people, he was alluring? like a ‘oh i wanna see what goes on inside his head but also i dont wanna DIE as a consequence’ Y’KNOW?? HES SO???
But also: you.
You’re such a fun and amazing person, and its been so wonderful getting to interact with you. Especially when I first sent in an ask you were so sweet >< REALLY MADE ME FEEL WELCOME AND CONFIDENT. AND HONESTLY IT HELPED ME BRANCH OUT TO OTHER BLOGS AS WELL.
Also the content you create— From art, to writing, to official content?? GOD ITS SO.
I’m just regurgitating the same points over and over but JUST IN GENERAL. both you and your character are amazing. and its so fun seeing how much progress you’ve made, just from the 6-ish months i’ve been following you. I adore you, and Ryuuto ig 🙄♥️ but you’re more important, SO PLS. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
GOD I RAMBLED SO FUCKING MUCH IM SO SORRY. My brain’s been dead for DAYS, so words are nonexistent T_T. BUT JUST KNOW: what drew me to you was your talent. and your character. and YOU 🤲♥️. and while i was intimidated at first, i’m glad to have met you 💪😎 you’re one of my favourite people. ily 🤲♥️
Also, ps. Your blog’s pretty. And i cant *not* follow blogs with pretty layouts.
What drew you to my OC?
I'm 👉👈 I've gotten all shy now, darn you- I wanna just gush about YOU instead, because you deserve all the praise and love for your creativity and Gwen ♥️ But, sincerely, thank you so so much for being so supportive and kind, Whin, I'm re-reading over this again and again and I'm so so touched 🥺🥺
I'm beyond ecstatic that you really think of Ryuuto that way! I always get super pumped when I see you in my notifs, you're so lovelyyyy, aaaaaa 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ I'm super duper flattered, I really really mean it
DONT- AAA- MY BLOGS EARLIER CONTENT IS SO 🤮🤮🤮 MY EARLY ART NOOOO PLS DONT (but youre gonna get the biggest smooch for it still, bc AAAAA 🥺♥️)
I'm so so touchedddd, with every single little thing you say, I'm SO close to sobbing happy tearssss 😭 I am trying to find different ways of saying it all too bc I just cant express with enough words how much your message means ♥️
Just to know Ryuuto's being interpreted EXACTLY how I want him to be, with you is??? an absolutely amazing feeling. I want you to be drawn in but then also, just, A TAD SCARED 'cause he's intense and dangerous. I want him to be JUST like the canon DiaBoys but i also dont want him to be too off-putting (well--- just a lil admittedly, cause, villainous boy-) BUT NOW IM RAMBLING-
You're so so SO lovely, Whin, thank you for being always so supportive and also a huge reason for me branch out more with Ryuuto. It's always a treat having you in my inbox, on my dash, in my DMs; THANK YOU FOR EXISITING (and making Gwen, ofc ofc)!! ♥️🙇‍♀️
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