#idk but their whole dynamic ? heartbreaking
here's a threefer if that's okay, all from Codename: Kids Next Door (early 2000s cartoon network show about kids with wacky technology who fight against adult tyranny)—since their stories are pretty well intertwined, and i can't really talk about just one without including the others here's Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, one of the 5 main characters (Sector V of the titular Kids Next Door organization). she's the voice of reason and the "cool" one of the group.
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she's the one who holds the group together most of the time, and has great leadership skills—though she refused to be the official leader of Sector V due to an Incident when she was younger. at the end of the show, though, when the actual leader Numbuh 1 leaves for space, he requests that she become the leader of the sector again. she accepts, and eventually then goes on to become the Supreme Leader of the entire KND. love to see a girlboss winning!!
she also has an adventurous side—there's an arc where she goes on various treasure hunts for rare, mystical candies, and i think that's hella cool.
then there's her older sister, Cree. (yes, named after Cree Summer! she voices both her and Abigail.)
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cree is a recurring villain—a teenager, one of the natural enemies of the KND. what's unique about her compared to the other villains is that she used to be a member of the KND herself, before betraying the organization on her 13th birthday and escaping "decommissioning" (the process through which all KND operatives have their memories of the organization removed when they turn 13, i.e. are no longer kids).
aside from being just as cool and skilled in combat as her sister, she and her sister have an incredibly compelling dynamic. back when she was a kid, she and numbuh 5 used to be good friends and partners in adult-tyranny-fighting. in fact, 5's signature hat used to be cree's, which she gave to her out of pride for 5 having completed her second mission. in the present, though, their relationship has done a complete 180˚. they're at each other's throats constantly, now that cree had grown into the very type of person she used to be fighting against, WITHOUT memory alteration to boot.
...or so it seemed. in the episode OPERATION: VIRUS when cree was infected with the KND's "unpoppable zit" virus on the night of her prom, 5 actually went to lengths to get the antidote for her because even she thought it was "too far". in 5's words, "you may be my archenemy, but you're still my sister."
so yeah! they actually still care about each other deep down. aughhhhhh. this is just a headcanon but i imagine that to numbuh 5, her hat is a reminder of the good days when she worked together with cree. perhaps she holds on to it as hope that they can reconcile someday? idk
and finally, here's numbuh 9/Maurice. he was also on abby and cree's team back in the days.
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his episode literally made me cry, man. it's focused around his 13th birthday and his decommissioning, which everyone in the KND is tearful about since he was one of the greatest and most beloved operatives in the organization's history. seeing him going from a cool kid operative, dedicated to his organization's mission, to an average, kinda dickish teenager was a bit heartbreaking when i watched it at first
one thing i love about this show is how it's a satire of the childhood experience and the pains of growing up that imo is best understood by ppl who've actually gone through it. the trope of decommissioning, as well as the whole conflict between teens and kids, really hammers in the pain of the end of childhood and how fast things change for you as you grow up. how so many decomm'd operatives had unfinished business that they never get to finish. in real life it's like, there was a moment when you put down your favorite toys or hung out with that one childhood friend for the last time, but never knew it was the last at the time. it's so tragic and juicy aughhhh. a line numbuh 5 says to cree during this episode illustrates it best: "you're a teen...maurice's a teen...soon i'm gonna be a teen...why keep fighting it"
however, it turns out he wasn't actually decommissioned! but rather he kept all his memories and was brought on as a secret undercover teen operative, thanks to all he accomplished while he was in the KND. no one is supposed to know about this except the highest of the higher-ups in the KND, but he trusts numbuh 5 with this info thanks to the bond they had. so he continues his legacy as a heroic figure. i really, really love his character, his dynamics with both numbuh 5 and cree (the latter of whom he pretends to ally with and date), and all the show's themes he represents.
also fun fact he's voiced by Khary Payton, who also did Cyborg from Teen Titans!
Hot Chocolate loves this show, so imma pass it off to him. Though first imma say that I do remember how as a kid I was shocked that it was allowed for your character to have your real name lol, I always thought that was so groundbreaking and taboo. Like aww! Her name is Cree, and so is her character! Now to him:
Hot Chocolate: SOMEONE GETS IT. These three black kids had me ready to join KND, kick butt, and steal ice cream. Numbuh 5 was my favorite! Always cool, and a fantastic leader. I forgot about her becoming supreme leader though, so you know what that meeeeeaans- time for a rewatch. Anyway, her relationship with Cree was so interesting and sad like come on, we were homies! It doesn't have to be this way! 😭😭 Especially because even though Cree was "evil" my young self has a crush on her 🤣.
Anyway the commentary on growing up and becoming old and boring caught me for a while, so I made sure I had as much fun as I could. But then they showed Maurice's episode and I was ready to take on the world. Anything to remain a cool agent of the KND. That being said everyone should give that show a try, it's old but still funny. Think I'll start it again for the Eleventynth time
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chrysoprine · 5 months
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Sooooo @/TelekineticBlue on Twitter made a suggestion that Harrow and Gideon as kids, throwing hands in their small nun outfits would be funny as hell and yeah, that's about it. They're so silly-
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fancy--that · 10 months
Writing Jefferson as the softer lover, the one doing the most pining and the most feeling and being the most vulnerable yet simultaneously hiding it all behind his....✨idgaf im Thomas mf Jefferson✨ and only being this vulnerable with Hamilton and even then at the slightest hint that Hamilton might pity HIM he has to be indifferent again because "love is for losers" and he doesn't really care as much as he seems to until he's eventually emotionally hurt and has to cope with the fact that Hamilton has done this because he seemingly believed that there was nothing emotional between them because of all of Jefferson's hiding and the only way the can try and salvage what they might be able to have is Thomas finally being honest with himself and Hamilton and telling him how he feels....is so much more satisfying than with Hamilton and idk why.
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I cannot stop watching the first four minutes of Apology Tour because it’s so well-acted and animated (especially Bryan Pinkham, oh my god he was told Stolas was a cunt this episode and he delivered).
Stolas admittedly got petty when he brought up Striker and reminded Blitz that Blitz wasn’t there when he was being tortured and was almost murdered. But I think he knows Blitz was prioritizing his child and while it may hurt, as a father himself, he doesn’t actually hold it against Blitz for not being there.
What I think is actually cutting him up is that the guy he’s in a situationship with and in limerance with (meaning intense, obsessive crush), never showed up to see him at the hospital and kept making excuses to to not talk to him after he was tortured and almost murdered.
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Like, fuck man. That has to hurt. That has to feel like a stab to the gut. We know as the audience that Blitz is keeping himself at a distance because of his self-hatred and complicated feelings and guilt, but Stolas doesn’t.
And shoutout to @timkontheunsure for finding this:
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To be very quickly followed up by Blitz admitting he already knew Striker was trying to kill Stolas, even if he didn’t take it seriously (I take it at face value that Blitz didn’t think of Striker as a threat to Stolas. He took the assassination attempt itself seriously but had no reason to think Striker would attempt a second time and especially be successful. He seemed genuinely shocked that Stolas could be killed in Western Energy).
So, from Stolas’ POV: you’re have this intense, obsessive crush on your situationship. The other guy does not take it seriously that you were badly injured, never saw you in the hospital, is avoiding seeing you after you get out of hospital, sent you pictures of your torturer’s horse as memes, and then admitted that he already knew your torturer had plans to murder you while calling your a racist. Stolas probably believes Blitz does not care if he lives or dies. And while we as the audience agree that Stolas has racial blindness to work on, I’m sure the first time he’s ever had to think about race/class dynamics being when he’s being tortured is not giving him any motivation to check himself on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole topic throws him into a PTSD episode. This is especially heartbreaking because Stolas is making an effort to hide an injury he still has from Striker, most likely because he’s royalty and royalty have to appear strong at all times.
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Sometimes I wonder if Blitz knows if Stolas wasn’t a pacifist, he would have murdered him ten times over by now.
And Stolas’ little drunken speech at the end is so fucking sad. I think he’s being literal when he says he wants someone to care if he stays or goes, but also euphemistic. He wants someone to care if he leaves the morning after, but he wants someone to care if he’s fucking murdered or not.
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My sad birb, the bar cannot be this low.
And I think it’s going to be another thing that makes things very complicated and vitriolic between them. On Blitz’s end, you have the racism/classism and the power dynamic. On Stolas’ end, you have the knowledge that your situationship only wanted to see you for your access to the human world (there’s no way he didn’t figure that out after months of being left on read, which he mentions in S1E1) and probably wouldn’t have known if you passed at the hospital because he had no intention of seeing you. And Stolas deserves to have that hurt acknowledged. All the birb wanted was a “hey I’m glad you’re not dead here’s a little kiss on the forehead and a horse movie to keep you entertained.” That’s it. The bar is so low it’s six feet under Hell and it still wasn’t met.
And Stolas’s response was to get a little petty one time when they were already arguing? My ass would be using this to win every argument from now until Armageddon.
“Stolas did you do the dishes?”
“IDK Blitz. Did you come visit me in the hospital after Striker tried to gouge my eyes out?”
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throatgoatwill · 5 months
I've always asked myself how (realistically) a hannibal and will kiss scene would be like in the actual series. how would bryan make it work as naturally and organically as their relationship's development through the seasons.
I'd never arrived at an answer that seemed right to me, and even reached the point of thinking a kiss scene wouldn't add much because their dynamic was already miles beyond such a thing. BUT. I think I just stumbled upon the best answer. At least to me. Idk, it just really synced with my interpretations of their love.
Ok so i've just watched hannibal (2001) and if you haven't already, I really recommend you to do so!!! bryan put SO many references to it on the series, and it's just incredibly satisfying to connect the dots in regards of the creative process of the series. - that said, the majority of the references that made their way into the show, were dialogues between hannibal and clarice, wich later became some of our favorite hannigram scenes.
and at the very final scenes of the movie, I was caught completely of guard by clarice and hannibal's kiss, and not only because of the kiss itself, but the whole context and build up towards it, and the events that followed. It was fucking perfect. And it really hurt me to wonder if bryan was planning to recreate that scene with hannibal and will, because it would fit SO WELL..... I swear, it would've been beautiful and even more heartbreaking than the original.
Especially because of these specific lines:
"Tell me, Clarice, would you ever say to me, 'Stop. If you loved me, you'd stop'?"
"Not in a thousand years."
"Not in a thousand years... that's my girl."
And it gets even fucking better because, later, when clarice cuffs their hands together to prevent hannibal from running away, he threatens to cut of her hand, but just at the very last second before doing so, he ponders quickly, a single tear making it's way across his cheek as he says "this is really gonna hurt." and he follows up by amputating his own hand.
and we just know he is actually talking about being separated from her again, the pain it would inflict on him.
and if bryan had had the time to recreate that and adapt it to hannibal and will, that line would be about how it would hurt both of them, as it is: they're conjoined, not sure if either could survive separation.
here's the entire scene if you got curious, I really recommend watching it, it's beautifully made.
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helluvapurf · 3 months
...so uhhhhh, "Apology Tour" was... *interesting*-
Didn't even seem that long ago since "Full Moon" came out so I didn't expect another ep drop this morning, buuuut welp! Lets discuss:
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First off just to smoothen things up a bit, The Positives:
-Animation & visuals were quite pretty, and wasn't expecting the whole "spooky Halloween" aesthetic at Verosika's party (tho that may just be the summer season speaking lol) but hey, I kinda dig it~ 👀
-Verosika in-general, I was super stoked to see more of here! 💜and even with her staying pretty sassy/bitter towards Blitz... its honestly hard not to feel for her once she & him finally had that one-on-one convo (even revealing that she did legit love him... but Blitz simply couldn't stay with her due to his own commitment/intimacy issues ;-; ). And even if it was technically more of a pettiness move to theme her party around hating Blitz... in a way, its lowkey kinda sweet how much she wanted to help others "heal" from heartbreak? Aww... 🥺 Idk, do I still wish Verosika could've been more of the "major" character focus here (as Fizzarolli was in his past couple eps)? Absolutely. But for what its worth... I had fun watching her as I did💗 (& hopefully this won't be the last time Verosika appears story-wise, cause oml imagine the bonding potential of her, Blitz & Fizz as a reunited trio lol)
-That one incubus dude that flirted with Stolas (+kissed him) at the end seemed like a chill dude. Even if he most likely won't appear again, his vibe was fun to watch lol.
-OH, we finally get to see Mrs. Mayberry again, sweet~! :> ...and, she's apparently dating Martha now? Huh, thats... interesting, I guess? .3. (*wonder what happened to her husband/kids tho, 'cause I kiiiinda thought they would've landed in Hell too ngl-*)
...aaaaand okay yeah, that'll cover the Positives I've got atm. Now for The Negatives... ohhhhh boy:
-I... guess I'm not super alone in this opinion rn from what I've read from other fans, buuuuut... Stolas can you shut your entitled-hypocrite-mouth up for five minutes, please?? 🤦‍♀️Like, I know the dude's still reeling from how "Full Moon" ended, so him being in a mixed mood is to be expected tbh... but omllllll the way he was just SO smug, dramatic and pushy about being the "good guy" in how he & Blitz ended (-as if HE wasn't the one who set up their whole "transactional" dynamic since the start of the freakin' show?? =_=), even whining about the events of "Western Energy" (-when all Blitz was doing was prioritizing his daughter's well-being at the hospital, like a good dad should), was just... seriously?? >> Like... yes, Blitz may be a whole mess himself with how he's treated others (esp poor Verosika 💔), but that does NOT make Stolas a saint with how he handled things himself. From hanging the Grimoire over Blitz's head, creeping on him again & again, practically ragdoll-ing the poor guy's feelings during the crystal exchange (not even skipping a bit when Blitz was close to crying), aaaaand not to mention...
...so like, tell me how I'm expected to believe Blitz is the one who needs to do all this apologizing/groveling... WHEN HE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO STOLAS EXCEPT (RIGHTFULLY) CALLING THIS BLUEBLOOD BIRD OUT ON HIS BS?? 😑
*sighs* Sorry, didn't mean to get heated there but... yiiiikes is this show sending so many mixed messages of where I'm supposed to stand with these two, I can't keep up anymore- 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
-As much as I get what the ep was trying to do in having Blitz see past his own ego/apologize to others… Iiiiii'd be lying if I said I didn't feel just a tad bit uncomfortable at the increasing Blitz hate, throughout the party-sequence ^^; Like, I know he's a shitty guy who's done shitty things, and absolutely he needs to recognize how much he's hurt those like Verosika (& his other exes)… buuuuut tying into my previous point, it just rings rather unfair that most of this seems mostly spurned from him rejecting Stolas, of all people? ._. When… again, they were NEVER an actual couple like him & Verosika were, instead were just a simple once-a-month hookup deal that soured 'cause of Stolas' mess of a "confession"… y'all really expect me to believe Blitz is the bad guy for not immediately accepting the "feefee's" of a privileged, horny prince (aka: the one who did hold the Grimoire over his head since S1's "Murder Family")? …Ehhhh, sorry but I am NOT buying that crap lmao -x- 👎
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sunofpandora · 6 months
Virago: Chapter 3 part 3
Neteyam x fem na’vi!omaticaya!reader
Ka’lik- (like you would pronounce “Malik”) Y/n’s father, deceased, a warrior and hunter of the 
omaticaya clan. A teacher to young warriors undergoing iknimaya.
Zensira-deceased, Y/n’s mother, spider's adoptive mother, a strong hunter and the best singer in the omaticaya clan, and a teacher to young hunters.
Kailo-(Y/n’s ikran. Your ikran is a male)
Popiti-(tuk’s best friend according to the visual dictionary)
(Also idk how many of you know this but Jake’s ikran’s name is canonically ‘Bob’.)
Sharing a sleeping hammock with the opposite gender (non-romantically)-
Neytiri hating on spider/ mentions of insecurities, heartbreak, war,/ fluff/ angst/ mentions of hunting, killing animals, mentions of therapy, military, ptsd, romance, pining, use of military terms/codewords/  Let me know if I missed anything.
Chapter desc:
Authors note:
Here we go! Chapter 3!! It feels insane to be posting the actual third  chapter of this. But holy moly, building up romance is much harder than I thought. This chapter is a long one so grab your favorite snack, find a comfy spot and buckle up. 
I have a small request for my lovely virago readers, please comment on your favorite line, moment, quote, or dynamic from this chapter. This is so I can know what kind of stuff you guys incline towards so I can throw more of it in as the story continues.
hi guys. So I’ve decided to change spiders age from 20 to 19 for plot purposes. Jake and Neytiri are the same age. Tuk is still 7. Kiri is 19, neteyam is 19, Lo’ak and Y/n are 18.
This is part 3, the final part to chapter 3. Thank you for your patience!
                                                                   V I R A G O         
Chapter 3;
Surrender to his saubade, he has set his soul and sin ablaze (to be yours)
Part 3 (final part to chapter 3)
Y/n’s pov-
☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ 
(Still Neteyams POV)
Night hunts were a normality for our clan. Especially the ones led by my father.
I stood in the tent, slipping on my arm guards as I prepared myself to join my group on our ikran for the hunt.
I started Mentally checking off everything I needed.
Water flask, ionar (riders mask.), and-
I just can’t seem to focus. 
All I can think about is y/n and how I’m going to speak to her after this hunt. 
Kiri is right. I don’t deserve her. And maybe I never will.
I especially don’t deserve to call her mine.
And that’s okay. I can settle for just having her in my life. That’s enough. 
But that’s a lie. I know it deep down. 
It was never about sex or the physicality of it. I could love her my whole life and never touch her.
Would I go insane? Probably. 
But could I do it? Definitely.
Settling for distance is my sacrifice. Distance is safe. Distance will keep her safe. It’ll keep me sane.
Well, that last part was a lie. 
It’s a glass half full at this point. I told Kiri I only wanted us to be friends again. Normal, average friends.
That’s not what I want. I can keep trying to compartmentalize this for the rest of my life but I’ll always live with this ache. This void in my heart that only fits her shape.
Sacrifices. Sacrifices. Sacrifice-
I snap out of my daze; turning around to see my mother standing in the entrance way to our hut.
“Are you ready yet, ma’itan? 
Lo’ak waits outside for you.”
I shook my head, chuckling awkwardly.
“Ah. Sorry. I got a bit…distracted.
It’s nothing, mother. I’ll be out in just a moment.”
She nods, taking a step closer.
“I wanted to give you something before you leave.”
I turn to face her, my eyebrows raised a bit.
“Oh? Alright.”
She reached behind her back, holding out a small pouch, long and thin tied by a string in a roll.
I open it slowly, knowing whatever was inside was of great value.
Inside laid about 8 newly made arrows. The wood carved for the shaft still fresh in scent and the feathers for the fletching too soft to have been reused.
It’s the color that peaks my eye. The all-too familiar green and yellow shades.
“Your arrows?”
She nods, a look that can only be described as prideful as she gazes at me.
“I want you to use them tonight.”
I shake my head. This was too much of a gesture. I haven’t done anything to deserve.
“Mother, they are beautiful. But I cannot-“
She cuts me off. Her tone devoid of any hostility or impatience.
“I was thinking about our talk the other night. About your father, and how he is harsh sometimes.
You know well by now what you are. Who and where you come from. You are your fathers son. You have his strength. You carry yourself much like he did in his days of battle. and you must understand that scares him.”
I’m quiet as her words sink in. She places a hand on my shoulder. Her eyes of a golden hue that mirror my own.
“He is not ready to see his son fight his battles or wear his colors. Your father has his own shadows he has yet to face. If you cannot yet wear his colors..I want you to wear mine.”
She places the arrows in my hands, and I’m speechless. 
She gently cups my face, her palm sliding down to my shoulder once again.
“You may use his weapons. You may speak his language. And you have grown up with his sky people ways. 
But never forget, blood of the real warriors comes from us.”
She places two fingers atop her chest, right over her heart.
It breaks my soul to remember that one of my mother’s greatest fears is that we will forget the ways of a na’vi. That even the minimal amount of tech we use in our family circle, with the exception of my fathers gun, seems to threaten everything she knows.
I’m taller than my mother now. Only by a few inches. So I lean down when I go to hug her.
“Irayo, Sa’nok.”
(‘Thank you, mother.’)
I pull back, smiling at her.
“I hope with these, the winds of our ancestors fly with me tonight.”
She chuckles, taking a step back.
“They are with you. Always. No matter where you go. No matter where you are.”
There’s a comfortable silence before my mother sighs, and I put the arrows in the leather pouch that is attached to my ikran saddle for hunting.
“You should go. Your father is waiting with the others.”
I nod, putting on my ionar and finishing slipping on my arm guards.
I lean down, fastening the straps to my leg guards as well before grabbing the small satchel and making my way off.
“Neteyam- one last thing?”
I turn the moment my mothers voice reached my ears.
“Here.” She spoke softly.
I turn to see my mother holding up my beaded choker. The one worn by so many generations of warriors in our clan. I took it off a few days ago when Tuk wanted to re-braid my hair. last time, she kept getting my hair tangled with the clasp at the back of the necklace.
“Let me.”
Without another word, she turns me around by the shoulders, brushing my braids out of the way as she slips the necklace on me, tying the clasp properly to ensure it doesn’t fall while hunting.
She struggles for a moment, having to crane her neck to see properly.
“Curse you and your height.” She mumbles, and I can’t help but laugh.
Once she finishes, I kiss her on the cheek before speeding off.
I jog across the pathway, slinging my bow over my shoulder. The thick air of high camp resonating and weaving through the sounds of distant conversations and laughter.
I finally spot Lo’ak and Spider. Lo’ak stands with his bow around his torso, the string brushing his chest. Spider carries a basket of the arrows he and lo’ak made for y/n.
I pinch the back of lo’aks neck before slinging my arm around him.
“Ready for the hunt, baby bro?”
He hissed at me, shoving me away.
“This is bullshit. I fluke once. ONCE. And now dad won’t even let me fly my ikran for the hunt!”
Spider shrugs, as the three of us start walking to the large crevice cutting into the mountains of high camp, making a large entrance way and a stable spot to land and saddle up ikrans for coming or going.
“Look on the bright side. At least you get to go. Plus you’ll be with the direhorse squad with Norm.”
He pushes Lo’ak lightly to walk a bit faster.
Lo’ak grumbled something and speed-walked ahead of us.
Spider sets the basket down once we meet the meeting spot. The same place the clans war and hunting parties gather before a raid
Or a hunt.
Some other hunters start to swarm in. Carrying bows and arrows of their own, all talking amgonst one another.
Spider groans.
“Lo’ak. Look.”
He taps Lo’ak’s arm, not-so-subtly gesturing to Makeyo standing across from us, speaking with one of the other hunters.
Lo’ak fake gags, Spider glares and the both of them stare him down for a good 7 seconds.
An odd feeling settles itself in the more unwelcoming corners of my heart.
Like fingers trying to pry their way through a barrier.
Something tenses in me as I find myself staring at him too. Remembering how y/n spoke of him at dinner.
Makeyo a bit shorter than me. Only by a few inches. My hair is longer, his braids reaches his shoulders. Still taller than y/n though. 
It’s only when I hear spider whispering I snap back to reality.
“Oh fuck. He’s coming over here. Don't make eye contact. Don’t make eye contact.”
Spider stares up, whistling as he shoves his hands behind him, leaning on a rock. Lo’ak fidgets with one of the arrows, both of them over exaggeratedly feigning to ignore Makeyo’s approaching figure.
He smiles at me, greeting us with an unhesitatingly proper formality.
“Neteyam. Lo’ak,”
He pauses for a moment, having to avert his eyes downward to notice spider.
“Ah, and..”
He struggles for a moment to recall spider’s name. Spider can only glare at the taller na’vi that somehow appeared even more intolerably annoying when he was being kind.
“Spider.” Spider mumbles, crossing his arms.
“Y/n’s brother.” I add, stepping in front of spider to try and distract Makeyo from the smaller human that looked like he was plotting a murder.
Makeyo nodded in recognition, smiling softly.
“Right. I assume y/n will be leading us tonight? As usual. She’s your fathers right hand man.”
“Woman.” I correct, with an unintentional edge delineating my tone. An almost crude enunciation of the word finds itself leaving my lips, making Makeyo still for a moment before chuckling.
“Of course. And what a woman she is..”
When did his face become so punchable?
Makeyo is someone that makes himself very difficult to hate.
Helpful, kind, smart, good with kids, the whole ordeal.
But I am no foreigner to a mask. Why? Because I wear one every single day of my life. Sometimes I wonder what Makeyo’s mask looks like. Or if he even wears a mask at all. Forever yearning to grasp such a thing that always seemed to evade you.
I bite my lip, my jaw tensing as my eyes graze over the expanse of his figure. Up then down.
Makeyo falters for a moment, but proceeds with an unhesitatingly sweetened glean in his eye.
“What I mean is, she is just amazing. Well, I don’t need to tell you that, of course. You’ve practically grown up with her.”
Something about the way he so shamelessly displays his simpering delusions of innocence in the form of this crush he has on y/n-
For lack of a better word, is really starting to piss me off. His bold assumptions of platonic love between me and y/n makes my tail flick.
And no, I’m not jealous. I’m not. Really. Yes, I am capable of violent impulses and of course, I do fantasize about punching his face every now and then, but that’s not jealousy. Is it? No. Of course it’s not.
Yeah, maybe I slightly envy the fact that he can love her so freely. 
The way he could stand where he couldn’t see and hold her hand, unbothered by the absence of sunlight to compulsively provide promises of safety and sanctuary. Maybe I hate that he is unburdened by the weighted whispers of the elders and third eyes peskily pruning gazes at holding her hand. Maybe I hate that he spends almost all day with her. Watching her laugh, and interact so perfectly with the children of the clan.
Maybe I hated the way he had no history with her that resonates with soured feelings and broken promises. I envied his clean conscience.
But that’s not jealousy…of course not.
He’s called away to assist with some other task, and when I turn around Lo’ak and spider are quickly jogging in the opposite direction, towards the edge where an familiar red, purple, and blue ikran perches, with an even more familiar rider on his back.
Y/n smirks as she hops off of  Kailo, the creature releasing an almost purr-like shrill as it rubs its chin against y/n’s cheek.
She chuckles, small luminous sparks leaking through the tops of the rocky stronghold flirting with her pulchritudinous smile.
She hums, gently petting the banshee’s neck.
“Mawey, pretty boy.”
I don’t really know why, but ‘pretty boy’ had an odd way of making my chest flutter. Even if I knew she was talking to her ikran.
She flips her braids over her shoulders. Y/n as always had a bit of a more effete-feel to her wardrobe. That of a warrior, of course. The strongly woven arm guards and her beaded cuff to tie her hair back when she flew, or hunted, always easily annoyed with her braids falling in her face.
The waist beads she wore, which were usually made by Kiri or my mother, were always a signature habit to herself.
She had quite a few scars, blemishes, and bruises that canvassed her skin. I find them beautiful. Like the patterns of the universe printed onto her skin.
Spider and Lo’ak fake saluted as y/n made her way towards them.
“Y/n, ma’am.”
Spider tipped his head ever so slightly, Lo’ak dramatically bowing, making her roll her eyes and laugh.
“At ease, boys.”
Lo’ak stands up straight again, slinging an arm around her shoulder and gesturing to spider.
“We made you something.”
Spider proudly holds up their basket of arrows.
There’s something indescribably tantalizing about the way she smiled at those two. 
“Aw guys, you shouldn’t have..”
Spider scoffed, placing his hands on his waist.
“Please. It was our pleasure to assist the mighty archer.”
It’s a moment later when spider and Lo’ak run off to help norm, and I stand quietly behind y/n as she places the new arrows in her side saddle along with her bow.
“I’m assuming you were on babysitting duty? Supervising those two with the fire pit and sharp edges?”
She teased, nudging my shoulder. I chuckle back, shrugging.
“Of course. Someone has to prevent the children from running with their hunting knives.”
She shakes her head, another giggle tumbling past her lips.
“Tuk? Or Lo’ak and spider?”
I hum before leaning over a bit to stand a bit closer.
“Why not all of them?”
She laughs once again, and my palms feel warm for a moment.
I clear my throat, straightening my back a bit.
“Y/n. Can We talk abou-”
“Alright people let's get moving! Fall in and line up!”
I’m cut off by the sudden cannonade of my father’s voice. Y/n’s  eyes widen a bit as it flickers to where he stood. Talking with uncle norm. She glances back at me, patting my back. “Later. Okay?”
I can’t even respond before she jogs over to my father, only stopping her dauntless strides when she pauses to fist-bump norm.
I follow suit with the other hunters in an almost feverish manner. Slinging my bow around my torso and finding a spot in the forming two long lines of other hunters and warriors beside Lo’ak.
“Let's move it people! We’re wasting the sunset! Oscar-Mike (move out), people, lets get it done!”
When the last few of the younger hunters scurry into line, my father stands tall in front of all of us, his arms crossed over his chest. Don’t be fooled by the brute build. He’s still the same man who stumbled into hometree all those years ago with a ‘good evening everyone’ and a ‘please don’t get up’.
He clears his throat bef0re he starts to speak.
“Good to see everyone turn up for tonight's hunt. This will be no different from training you’ve all had in the past, or currently undergoing.”
Some nod, others shift nervously on their feet.
Y/n approaches from behind my father. Her strides not faltering for even a second. Her chin titled high, looking us over with a gaze of a storm flooded a seafloor beneath a tideline. Y/n doesn’t get in line with us, no. Her place is beside my father. A leader.
spider perched behind her on one of the high ledges in the unevenly rocky stone walls of highcamp. One of his hands placed on her shoulder to keep himself from leaning forward too far.
My father continues.
“For those of you still training for your iknimiya, you will be on the ground team with Norm, and Awkey and the Olangi hunters will join us tonight. Stay in line with them. You will ride the pa’li on the perimeter of that narrow clearing in the middle of the grove. Understood?”
A few yips and grunts were heard from the younger na’vi, a few raising their bows and nodding their heads.
Father nods, turning back to face us again.
“Warriors. Those of you who have passed iknimiya and have ikrans will be in the sky. Bows on the ready, death from above.”
He takes a step back, gesturing to Y/n, who still stood in her place behind him.
“Y/n, my most trusted Archer, will be in command of the sky team. You are to stay within her flight patterns, and not go beyond what she sees as a fit perimeter. Follow her orders, and you might just learn something.”
Father finishes giving us our positions, and I stray from my assigned group, only for a moment. I walk towards the opening to the crevice, leaning down and making the bird call my mother taught me, pressing my lips together and releasing a high-pitched note of a sound.
The familiar flap of wings resonates in the air below me, and before I can blink, my ikran perches herself infront of me, making a soft shrill noise of her own. In all her glory, the green, brown, and yellow skin worn like a Hyde of the forest.
I pet her neck, adjusting the side saddle for my bow and tightening the neck reigns.
Rey’sa is what I named her.
Broken fragments of my mothers language stitched together. The meaning is a remembrance of Seze. My mothers first ikran. I had a toy ikran that was painted green, brown and blue, when I was around Tuk’s age. Y/n’s mother had gifted it to me when I was 7. Modeled after Seze even in color, my mother happily shed tears at the sight of the small wooden toy.
It’s been passed down. Me and Kiri played with it, then Lo’ak, then Tuk.
The toy is old and cracking now, the paint peeling away. I think love is holding it together. Tuk sleeps with the thing every night. I can’t imagine it’s very comfortable, though.
My iknimaya dodged the fateful curse of a chaotic, violence-craving ikran.
I’ve watched my brother and y/n almost die during their right of passage. Meanwhile, Rey’sa bucked me off maybe twice and it was over. Made the bond, had our first flight, the whole works.
I pet her neck, smoothing my palms over the leather skin one last time before I mount. My leg swinging over as I adjust the inner part of my thighs against the saddle.
I wait for my fathers signal.
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Y/n’s pov:
Neytiri hated when Norm and Max joined the hunt. Or any hunt for that matter. Hunting was a sacred practice to na’vi. To take a life in such a delicate way it’s almost painless. She didn’t want the sky people’s ways to taint such a delicate tradition.
You walk over to where Norm and Max were packing some extra radios in the Samson seat packs, Norm checking all the controls as he whistled a tune to himself.
When you approach, his ears perk up, and he smiles. His usual tan colored vest and shorts fashioned securely to his avatar body.
“Hey kiddo.”
He gives you a hug, ruffling a few of your braids. Mex sits behind him, sitting on the benched ledge of the side entrance to the aircraft, giving you a thumbs up and a soft smile.
Norm sighs, taking a step back, his hands on his hips as he looks you over.
“Look at you. Growing into a brave warrior. Seems like only yesterday and you and spider were running around the lab.”
Norm and Max had been like family to you. Especially with your parents always accounting for Spider, they didn’t completely understand how to raise a human boy, so Norm and Max were always there with extra breathing packs and masks. Plus, being a package deal with spider meant you hung out in the lab just as much as he did when you were little. Poking around at all the link beds and making norm play your stupid little games of tag, even pestering max. Sometimes, Max would let you use his glasses to look at different plants and leaves, because you loved the way things looked under the glass. 
And sure, some na’vi mothers and fathers couldn’t possibly comprehend why such intelligent, well respected clan members like your parents would leave their daughter under the watch of two sky people. But it didn’t matter. Max and Norm fared well as babysitters.
You smiled at Norm, a small laugh leaving you.
“Well. Seems like your joining us on another hunt?”
Norm nods, adjusting the radio on his hip.
“Yup. I keep telling Jake the misses’ ain’t gonna be happy with us tagging along, but he says it’s for Safety. If anything goes wrong, if RDA wants to show up for another playdate.”
You nod, thinking about the attack awhile ago.
Your attention rechannels itself towards the smaller pale creature that emerges from behind a much taller Norm in his avatar body.
Spider blinks up at you through the sheet of glass that has acted as a blockade between you both ever since you were 2. Protecting him from the unwelcoming atmosphere of Pandora.
He huffs.
“Please inform Norm here that I’m old enough to drive the Samson.”
Max scoffed.
“It’s not about age, Junior. It’s about training.”
Spider rolls his eyes, gesturing to you with over dramatic movements.
“I’m 19. I’m too old to be hitching rides on my little sister's Ikran.”
Norm shrugged.
“Fine. You can start riding with me and Maya.”
Maya was Norm’s ikran. He told you it was named after someone from the past. Back in the first war. 
Her name is Trudy. Jake told you that you reminded him of her sometimes. Same attitude and rebellious spirit. She piloted a Samson 16, and always called it ‘Maya.’ You admired that he named his own set of wings after someone’s dream of flying.
Spider shook his head.
“Or, let me at least have my own avatar. So I can pass Iknimaya, and get my own ikran!” 
Norm nods, a sudden wave of enthusiasm. “Sure junior. Just put 40 million on the table and i’ll have your order ready in the next..hm..12 years?”
Spider groans, rolling his eyes.
You laugh at Norm’s sarcasm. Though, a part of you really did feel bad for Spider.
Norm and Max were called over to talk with Jake one last time before the group descended, leaving you and spider alone.
You sat next to Spider on the step up to the cockpit, rubbing his back.
“You know I love you no matter what size you are, right?”
Spider scoffs, his head tilting the opposite way.
“Gee. thanks.”
You chuckled, and he spared you a small smile.
He sighed, staring out at the na’vi hunters and warriors that mounted their ikrans, preparing to descend.
You could never imagine what it was like for Spider. Being born a human on a planet he couldn’t even breathe freely on.
Ideals formed under disillusion. The little, messy-loc’d pale boy you’d help paint blue as a child is no longer shielded from the pesky whispers and glares of your clan. 
You don’t think its fair. You never did.  And you even found it a bit hypocritical. Considering your clan’s never ending preachings for the value of nature, balance, and adaptation.
Spider has adapted to be just like your people. And he’s done a pretty fucking good job.
Your moment is interrupted by Norm, who jogs back with Max trailing behind him.
“We’re moving out! Y/n, you’re needed in the front. Spider, lets get moving!”
You nod, grabbing your bow and giving one last small glance to spider.
He smiles.
“Be safe. Please.”
You scoff.
“I’m always safe.”
With that, you mounted Kailo, and took to the skies.
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Y/n’s pov
The wind whipped and wailed. The familiar sting of raw current against your cheeks was oddly soothing. Your team flew behind you. Neteyam, Makeyo, a few others. Jake next to you, and Awkey below. The smaller group of Pa’li hunters maintain obedience in formation as the maddening rhythms of horse hooves assault the ground beneath you. The half-finished notes demand attention through the heavy thrumming melody.
“X, do you read me?”
Jake’s voice comes through your throat comm with a static quality. Struggling to maintain volume against the violent symphonies that crowded the night air. 
You place two fingers on your comm, allowing your voice to cut through the mic.
“I read you.”
“Norm’s radars are picking up some heavy movement to the east. Take your squad and dive on down. I’ll catch up.”
“Roger that.”
You lift your bow, turning your head over your shoulder. Sending a call to your team, you start to dive further down beneath the canopy. They don’t hesitate to follow you, some even going as far to mimic your dive move.
You don’t have any words for what you see below on the muddied path.
You’ve been sturmbeest hunting before. Many times. But this..This was something you only imagined.
Sturmbeest in the most intense stampede imaginable, some even tripping and folding over one another. There doesn't seem to be even the smallest amount of space between them as they charge.
You made a signal for your team to disperse, some falling behind you or to the left side of the perimeter, keeping a close trail with the pa’li hunters. You saw lo’ak behind Awkey as he led them further down the sidelines. He looks just as shocked as you are.
Jake arrived on the scene not soon after.
His voice broke through your comm again, this time connecting Neteyam.
“X. stay front and center. Makeyo and Pathfinder are gonna spot you from the right. Try and find some targets. The rest of your team are far out behind.”
Minutes had passed, and you had watched the pa’li hunters desperately try to squeeze their way into the flow of traffic.
You watched a good portion of the hunters attempt at shooting one of the sturmbeest on horseback using their bow, only for the arrow to bounce off the rough exterior of the skin.
You watched a few of them collapse in a pile of chaos. 5 of them using spears only to get rammed down by a new group of the mud-covered giants, thrown with their pa’li into the dirt. The sight made you wince. Every fiber of your being just screaming for you to dive down there and help.
“Fuck it.”
You mumbled under your breath, preparing kailo to dive.
“Don’t even think about it.” Jake calls out to you.
You turn to see him, weaving through the trees on bob. 
You shake your head, your long braids wildly whipping in the wind.
“Sir, we have too many hunters riding pa'li down. If we just sent support to the ground level we’d make a kill!”
Jake shook his head. “Forget it, X. Your job right now is to keep your squad in line. If you dive, you run the risk of all of them diving down after you. You say up, they say how high. You gotta keep yourself steady, kiddo.”
You hiss to yourself, your ikran feeling mutual frustration as a shrill escapes your companion.
Neteyam flies ahead with you, his bow at the ready on his side.
“Any openings?” he calls to you, and you only shake your head.
“None that don’t look risky.”
Neteyam nods, his eyes scanning the path.
“Let's get a bit closer. We can scout better angles from below.” he offers.
It wasn’t a terrible idea. You looked to your side, your eyes locking with Neteyam’s. Flames that weren’t quite worthy of being threatening engulfed a jaded voice under your chest. Promises of sunlight and safety that were agonizingly familiar shade of olive green and bright yellow. The same sounds of a bird thrashing in a cage. Exhausted and rough, and yet, there was trust beneath the surface. Like jumping off a cliff and knowing something will catch you.
He nods at you. 
“I’ll be right behind you, X.”
You grab your bow and dive, Neteyam follows your lead.
You cruise above the chaos, mud flying in damp specks, your vision is clouded by dust and overbearing sensations.
Neteyam is beside you, and you can feel his gaze shifting between you and the path below in a predictable pattern.
Your eyes focus on a small rift forming in the middle of the stampede. Like a crack in the mountain. An open space where single beasts drifted in and out of a bare area.
Maybe small spaces still managed to infatuate you.
Your eyes locked onto one sturmbeest that took its turn in the middle. You reached for an arrow, pulling back the string of your bow. The familiar satisfying stretch felt beneath your finger tips as neteyam spotted you from beside, tilting himself down along with you.
You quickly devised a plan. A blockade of sorts could be created. If you shot down at least two of the biggest sturmbest, the rest would slow down because of the largest creatures stumbling about.
You traded in your singular arrow for two of your own, resuming your position as you pulled back your arrows.
Neteyam seemed to understand your plan, grabbing an arrow of his own.
You both nodded at each other, a mutual procedure seemingly placed into action.
“Ready whenever you are, X. I’m under your order.”
Neteyam’s voice sent a cold sensation down your spine. Something about obedience..The willingness to follow your every move.
You both released your arrows, one of your arrows hitting the exact same spot as his in one of the largest sturmbeest, your other arrow landing solo in the other.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion. The two beasts stumbled into the mud, causing the other sturmbeest to disperse into a wider path. Creating more room for targets.
Neteyam let out a celebratory war call, following your lead as you and Kailo flew up, circling Reysa and Neteyam.
“Hell yeah!”
You screeched.
“Hell Yeah!”
Neteyam mimicked you, his accented voice sounding funny on the human term spider taught you.
You both laughed, circling each other on your ikrans as the wind caught your hair.
Time seemed to slow for a moment as you both caught each other's gazes.
But it didn’t last for long.
Lo’ak’s voice screeched through the static of your throat comm, causing you and Neteyam to pause. 
You placed two fingers on your throat comm, tuning into lo’ak’s distressed call.
“I’m here. what’s happening?”
“It’s spider! The Samson is dragging too close to the sturmbeest, its looking dangerously close to a collision. Dad’s comm isn’t going through and neither is norm’s! You have to get through to them!”
Your heart thrashed itself into an unyielding rhythm of uncertainty.
You don’t even answer Lo’ak. You dive back down, ignoring the calls of your name leaving Neteyam.
You finally find yourself parallel to the Samson, that, quite literally as Lo’ak described, was dragging through the air, the usual smooth running ship making unusual sounds as norm seemed to struggle along with a concerned max on the controls. A malfunction maybe? Eywa. Why now?!
You yelled to catch spiders attention, he jumped out of his seat and leaned on the edge of the side door that was now wide open, hanging out with only his arm holding him up as he gripped a bar.
“Tell Norm and Max to go up!”
You screamed, desperately making hand motions.
Spider couldn’t hear you. He leaned a bit closer to hear when suddenly the Samson dips down further, a sturmbeest bucks upwards.
Your heart seemed to completely cease beating for a moment.
You didn’t see what happened. All you knew is that when you looked back at the ship, spider was gone. The panic that sets in was enough to smother your vision in an unfamiliar color you couldn’t quite place. Panic rushed through you in bolts as all you could think of is the possibility of your brother being dead. The boy you carried around on your back for so many years. The boy who protected you from all the creepy boys in the clan. The boy who let you scream and cry and vent after Neteyam broke your heart.
A small whimper left your lips, and you can’t really tell if you’re crying or not.
The world around you seemed almost in a reflective like manner, as If kept in a kaleidoscope or a dome.
You dive down desperately, screaming for him, your voice tearing through the wind.
Neteyam dives down after you, cursing to himself and calling for spider as well.
The world around you seems to blur when you catch sight of a smaller pale creature sprawled out on the ground, unconscious.
You dive down, scooping him up by the waist and throwing him on the back of your ikran, one hand struggling to steer as another hand keeps spider slumped against your back, stretched behind you.
Lo’ak is below you, following you on the back of his pa’li.
You land a bit farther from the path in the forest, jumping off your ikran with jagged, uneven breaths as you laid spider on the grass with scrambling hands.
You freeze when you see the twitching of his hands, and the small crack in his mask.
And all you can think about is how if you lost spider, you really did have no family left.
“No, no no no no no please-“
You whispered, not knowing what to do or how to fix this.
Do you take it off? Leave it?
You resort to placing your hand over the crack, thinking maybe it’ll keep more air from slipping inside.
Your vision starts to blur with tears. And just when you place your palm atop the glass, you feel a jolt of pain rush through your wrist.
The pressure you applied had cracked the mask even more, and now tiny shards of glass had covered your palm.
You didn’t feel the pain. Not at first. But then, like the bitch it was, adrenaline was starting to abandon you.
Lo’ak hops off his pa’li and runs towards you, leaning down.
“Shit! Spider!”
He looks at you.
“What happened? What- how-“
Tears streamed down your cheeks. And Lo’ak stared for a moment as one of the strongest people he knew was crying right in front of him.
“H-he fell- I don’t-“
Your breathing becomes uneven.
Behind you you see Jake and Neteyam both land their ikrans, the Samson landing behind them a bit in the distance as norm runs carrying a first aid kit.
The air around you thieves you of oxygen as your chest becomes heavy.
Strong arms wrap around your waist, gently pulling you to your feet as your turned around and met with Neteyams golden hour eyes, his palms softly dragging down your cheeks to your collarbones,
“Hey-hey look at me. Are you hurt?” 
You try to speak but the air in your lungs is swallowed instead, and you gasp.
He turns you the opposite way, shaking his head.
“Don’t look at that right now. Look at me. Just keep your eyes right here. I’m right here. Y/n.”
He looks you over, and freezes when his eyes settle on your palm.
“Shit. Your hand-“
You look down, seeing the thin trail of warm red liquid that dripped down your fingertips.
You felt like a faceless phantom in a hollow shell of a wreckage you called your body. Watching the world spin by as you remained trapped in your bird cage of broken wing bones.
You watched as Norm quickly replaced spider mask, his chest rising up and back down again like an ocean being suppressed under a sheet of glass.
You almost release yet another sob when spider regains consciousness. His eyes blowing wide like a shell-shocked animal. The sight of his pale hand gripping Norm’s much  larger bicep makes you sick to your stomach.
Neteyam gently guides you by your waist to behind one of the trees, you press your back to the rough bark in hopes some kind of sensation will break this shock.
He takes your hand, grabbing the waterskin pouch from his knife sheath strap.
You watch as he pours the clear liquid onto your cut. 
The cool water washing away the remnants of red and painful delirium that stained your hand was a soothing stimulation.
He’s movements are quick. Unrehearsed. A raw desperation submerged under his skin.
He rips a strip of fabric off of his loincloth, kneeling down as his knees suddenly assault the dirt with his sudden drop.
He gently takes your hand, wrapping the cloth around the wound, methodical movements carefully tying off this makeshift bandage.
He stands to his feet again, running his palms down your shoulders, then your arms, then your newly bandaged hands.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?”
You shake your head. You find yourself in an absent abstraction of a state. A warped, uncanny fabrication of reality. This verisimilitude within a broken mirror. A wondering reflection.
“You’re shaking.”
His deep accented voice breaks your wall.
You find yourself collapsing into him.
It was a blur, the whole thing.
Your face pressed to Neteyams chest as he kept an arm around you. You breathed in his scent, reminiscences in the familiar warmth of him, an almost magnetic feeling flowing through you.
And for a moment, the spaces didn’t seem too small anymore.
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Y/n’s pov.
Norm says it was an accident. And accidents are prone to happen.
You sat in Mo’at’s tent, watching as the last few warriors had their injuries cleaned and bandaged.
You fidgeted with your bandage on your hand. Neteyam’s old one had been discarded when you returned, and you were given a real wrap for your hand.
Spider was alive. His breathing was normal again, but he suffered from his fall. You’re shocked he got away with only scrapes and bruises. He wasn’t allowed to climb or leave camp for the next few days. He was confined to bed rest. 
He was now resting in the lab bunks. Norm and Max promised you they would not leave his side. It gave you some comfort. 
It’s funny, really. How you had no problem facing war. You were good at strategy. A fierce archer. Different from some other na’vi who felt repulsed by human things.
You were fascinated with calculations and numbers. Planning and plotting. Reading and graphing. Heights, distances, etc.
But when something so sudden and blunt like your brother almost falling to his death out of a skyship, you fumbled and almost killed him.
You fidgeted with your bracelet. The one you, spider, and Lo’ak made as children. Twirling the beads between your fingers and staring down into the void of colors and shapes.
The feeling of Neteyam’s arms around you is far from absent. His scent lingers. Honey and wooded. 
When you returned, he didn’t leave your side. He led you to his grandmother's tent, gave you water and sat with you until his father dragged him away to assist with gathering the meat from the beast you both hunted up to camp.
You didn’t like being pampered or prodded at, but for some reason your skin that now feels as hollow as a shell, it  practically became a ragdoll under Neteyam’s hands.
The world around you felt far too big for this small tent to be encasing the storm of thoughts under your skin.
Tuk scampers inside through the entrance, practically throwing herself into your arms.
“Oh Tuk-Tuk.” You whisper, finding familiar warmth carrying you back to reality.
You held Tuk close. As if some threat of a force would take her away. As if the hollowness that shaved your bones longs for something to protect. Something to keep within the circle of your arms.
You smoothed back her braids, kissing her head. 
“You’re back.”
She whispers, nuzzling her head into your shoulder. You place your hand on the back of her head, keeping her still and safe.
“Of course I’m back. I’ll always come back. What do I always tell you, love?”
Tuk sniffles, wiping her big eyes with the back of her hand.
“It would take a thousand sky ships to take you away?”
You smiled, tapping her nose gently.
“Make it a million.”
She smiled, but it fades away a bit as she glances down.
“Is spider okay?”
You still for a moment, the familiar ache in your chest returns.
“Oh little love. He’ll be just fine. Spider is big and strong. He’s a wild child, remember?”
You scooped tuk up into your lap, pressing a few kisses to her head, tickling her stomach. She giggled and thrashed in your arms.
“Y/n! Stoppp!”
She laughed wildly.
Finally, you put her back down, letting her snuggle up next to you as you wrapped an arm around her.
It wasn’t long before Kiri and Mo’at entered.
You bowed your head slightly, greeting mo’at.
She nodded at you, placing a hand on your head, smoothing down a few stray hairs from your braids.
“The salve will take affect soon, child. But you must not use it for the next few hours. Let your mind and your body heal.”
You nodded, squeezing her hand.
“Thank you.”
You whispered.
Kiri sat behind you, starting to untangle a few of your braids from its disheveled position tied back with your beaded cuff.
“Let me straighten your braids, tsmuke (sister). It looks worse than my fathers job at braiding.
You snorted, rubbing Tuk’s back as a small giggle leaves her lips.
Mo’at started to clean up the bowls laid around, behind her entered Lo’ak.
“There’s my sister from another mister. Killer shot.”
He teases, locking his hands with yours in a handshake-hug gesture you and him
Picked up as children from watching norm and Jake do it so many times.
When you pull away, he swings his arm around you, making himself comfortable as he leans sloppily over you, pushing Kiri back further.
She groans.
“Lo’ak! You idiot! Stop making me pull her hair!”
He shrugs Kiri off.
“Relax. We all know who y/n’s favorite sully is.”
Kiri scoffs and you reach behind your head to squeeze her hand.
Before you even realize it, the broken fragments of fear and self-hatred wither away under the surface of a settled skin. No longer sleepless with worry. 
The air feels lighter with Tuk’s small snuggles and Kiri’s gentle hands running through your long braids, leaving some pieces at the ends unbraided just as she always loved the way it looked on you. Your chest doesn’t feel so tight after a few of Lo’ak’s stupid jokes and stories. The laughter seemingly loosening the threads of torn tapestry.
A few hours later, Neytiri enters the hut.
Tuk squirms out of your arms, running to neytiri as she smiles softly down at her youngest.
“Oh tuk.”
She hums, leaning down to kiss her daughter's head, her attention turning towards you after tuk jogged away to mo’at.
“My sweet. Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
You shake your head, standing to your feet as she gestures for you to come closer, wrapping her arms around you and resting her chin atop your head, kissing your hairline.
“Oh my strong girl.”
She whispers, running a hand down your back.
“Strong heart.” She hums, stepping back a bit as her eyes slowly take you in.
She turns to Lo’ak and Kiri, who stand up soon after you.
“Your father has called a gathering of the clan’s hunters and warriors.”
She turns to you and Lo’ak, tilting her head upwards slightly.
“Your presence is needed. Both of you.”
You feel yourself straighten instinctively as you let her words register past the lingering haze of your earlier experience still looms over you like a storm cloud.
Lo’ak stretches, ruffling Tuk’s hair as she hisses and swats him away.
“Alright then. Let’s get moving.”
He nudges your elbow, brushing past Neytiri who softly touches his shoulder as he passes by.
“Y/n. A moment please.”
Neytiri’s slender fingers wrap around your forearm. Not harshly, but her voice has a clear coat of concern.
You pause, looking at Lo’ak once more as he ceases his strides.
“Y/n? You coming sis?”
You nod.
“I’ll be there in a minute. You go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
He nods, starting to walk away.
Neytiri turns to her mother.
“Sa’nok. Do you mind watching Tuktirey and Kiri?”
Mo’at shakes her head, standing to her feet and ushering Kiri and Tuk back to the sully family marui, Kiri giving you one last hand squeeze and Tuk giving you a small hug.
Once the tent is empty, your focus rechannels onto Neytiri. 
“Is there something wrong?”
You ask.
She shakes her head.
“I just wanted to see if you were alright, yawne.”
Her hands rest on your shoulders, traveling down to your arms.
“You have been through so much these past few weeks, my sweet. If you ever need anything, please, don’t ever be afraid to ask me or Jake or Tsahik. You know this.”
You nod. Smiling softly to reassure her. This woman. This strong, beautiful woman who was giving you the love your mother left behind.
“I am fine. I promise.”
She sighs.
“You have dark circles under your eyes, Y/n. Your thinning a bit. You need sleep, and proper meals.”
She cups your face.
“All I ask is that you take care of yourself, my sweet. And please, let us take care of you. We are here for you. We always have been  and will be.”
She gently runs her thumb over your cheek.
“Lean on us, yawne.”
You smiled, the two of you embracing one another in a hug.
You step back after a few moments.
“I promise. I’ll practice at it.”
She smiles and kisses your head.
“Tonight may be a bit evasive for sleep, thought. I’m gonna spend a few hours in the lab before turning in.”
Neytiri tilts her head.
“The sky people room? Why?”
“To check on spider.”
Her expression sours slightly as she hears his name.
“I’m sure he is healing just fine. The sky people’s tools take no time at all, it seems.”
There was an edge in her voice, but you knew it wasn’t directed towards you.
It was a difficult case when it came to what is left of your family.
It was always you, your father, your mother, and spider. A circle of safety and familiarity that never left you unguarded.
When your parents died, you were placed under the care of Jake and Neytiri. Neytiri would do anything for you. She would go to the same lengths for you, she would go to for any of her children. In her eyes, you were hers. Hers to love.
But love is a sacrificial abstraction. (Seems to be a common theme, does it not?)
You think what frustrates her is the sacrifices you make for him. Love was a unsteadily structured sentiment. And when all his attempts seem futile in forms of pale skin painted blue, there was a sensitive inflection of utterances. 
You were his sister. You weren’t leaving him.
To Neytiri, your life was a cage. Stuck with this feral human boy who fancied himself a na’vi. A soul coaxed to wild-child thunderstorms and bruised knees from tree climbing, messy locs from days of sunlit spaces.
In her eyes you were stuck with Spider. 
Her love and protection was something that created a barricade between you and your brother. You prayed you would never find yourself having to choose between spider and her.
“I should go see him. Just to check on him. I won’t be there long.”
Neytiri nodded, but you can tell she was biting her tongue.
You give her one more soft smile before turning to leave.
You turn at the call of your name, and she only utters a few words.
“Your mother loved that…boy. I know she did. But you are allowed to think differently. You need not be burdened with carrying yourself and another.”
You didn’t need her to elaborate. You understood.
You nodded.
“My mother believed that connection is unconditional. The color that stains our skin and our blood doesn’t make a family. She always told me that if you bind yourself to pure hatred, you forget who you are. I love my people. It’s all I’ve ever known.”
Neytiri’s tail swished.
“Y/n. Do not abandon what eywa has given us.”
Her voice was pleading. As if trying to place tessellations of an invisible disillusionment. A carefulness edged.
“I abandon no one.”
You whispered, holding her hands.
“But please. Understand that my home was built around both me and spider. The biggest abandonment I can see from that would be leaving him behind.”
She says nothing.
She stared at you with something you didn’t recognize.
It wasn’t cold, or shallow. Her gaze monitored a retrospection of something lost. Behind a liquid glass. You couldn’t tell if she saw you in a mirror or a window.
It’s blunted and ceased after a few moments. She kisses the top of your head.
“Olo’eyktan waits for you. Go on.”
You nod at her, deciding to take that as your signal to depart.
☾𖤓✮ ☾𖤓 ☾𖤓✮☾𖤓 ☾𖤓✮
When you arrived at the meeting spot, the first thing you see is your clans most renounced warriors in a circle with the exception of a few hunters and Lo’ak. He wasn’t quite as skilled as Neteyam when it came to certain skills, but was a warrior all the same.
You find a spot next to Lo’ak, nodding respectfully at the other na’vi easily recognizable that stood across from you.
Kyuna’s father, Makeyo and his father, Ka’ani, Lo’ak’s current teacher, and the man who took your fathers and place in teaching the young hunters undergoing iknimiya, and a handful others.
The dreamwalkers couldn’t be seen in the gathering, you assumed they retired back to their reserved part of the stronghold.
You turned to Lo’ak, who was fidgeting with his bracelet, the one you, him and spider shared.
“What is this about?”
You whispered.
Lo’ak shrugged, glancing at you, the two usual braids that framed the sides of his head falling in his face.
“Maybe we’re all gonna hold hands in a circle and dance about love and peace.”
He hummed, his face blank.
Your tail thwacked the back of his head.
“The sarcasm is not appreciated.”
You rolled your eyes.
He scoffed.
“I learned it from you.”
You felt something brush your side, you and Lo’ak both turn to see Neteyam take a spot next to you.
“Bro, where have you been? Being late for you is like-
Once in a lifetime.”
He nods, standing next to you.
“Had to make sure the ikran were tended to with a few others.”
He placed a hand on the small of your back, his gaze forged of soft honored gold, and deep skies.
“I fed Kailo and made sure he was tended to. He’s just fine.”
You mentally slap the shit out of yourself when you remember rushing to get spider to the lab so fast you dismounted Kailo without even noticing your companions weariness from the excitement.
“Shit- I completely forgot- fuck.”
You drag your palms down your face.
“It’s okay. He was fine. Still feisty as usual.”
The chuckle in his throat reverberated against the deep accent of his voice.
You felt yourself heat on the back of your neck.
“Thank you, Neteyam.”
He nodded, gently letting his hand fall back to his side.
“Yeah yeah, so kind of you-
Bro do you know what we’re even here for?”
Lo’ak not-so-subtly shoved himself between you and Neteyam pensively, unbothered by his clear dislike of your close proximity.
Lo’ak never loved the idea of you and neteyam being together. Not when you two were courting, and not now. Always pensive of you and Neteyam hanging out for too long, even doing together something as harmless as helping Mo’at back to her feet after a nap.
You always thought it was jealousy. Not the romantic type. The clan always told you that you and Lo’ak would make a beautiful match. But the thought felt like wearing clothes too big for you. Detached, displaced sense of stability. You loved Lo’ak. More than anything, you really did. But it wasn’t romantic. And Lo’ak clearly didn’t see you as wife material. 
That’s fine. He wouldn’t make a great wife either to be honest.
It confused you sometimes. Lo’ak often showed Neteyam off to you, praising him. You wondered if it was sarcasm, or just respecting his brother enough to not embarrass him, but not wanting you two to court again either.
It was a mess for another moment.
Neteyam shrugged, shaking his head.
“Probably just a debriefing. The hunt was…unexpected to say the least.”
You nodded, locking gazes with Lo’ak for a moment as you both had a silent conversation.
It wasn’t long before Jake arrived, the first thing he did was check on the three of you. Mo’at followed behind him, making her way straight for the center ahead the gathering. It wasn’t uncommon for Tsahik to be present and meetings like this.
“You kids alright?”
Placing a hand on Lo’ak’s shoulder, checking your hand and patting Neteyam’s back.
“We’re fine, sir. Just a few scratches.”
Neteyam affirmed, shifting on his feet slightly.
Jake sighed in relief, hugging both his sons, before dragging you into the hug.
“I’m proud of you boys. Did nice riding out there, Lo’ak. And your shot was right on line, Neteyam.”
Lo’ak didn’t show it, but you could tell he was smiling. He kept his gaze down, peering at the ground.
Neteyam nodded, a smile tugging at his lips as well. You found it cute that both Neteyam and Lo’ak, even at ages 19 and 18, were still excited about getting a compliment from the great Toruk Makto. Their father.
The two of them talked for a moment, you found your gaze drifting to Makeyo and his father. They were speaking in the crowd. Makeyo looked anxious. Almost tensed as his father kept a hand on his back, ranting in a whisper.
Jake lead the three of you to the front of the gathering, straying  from the crowd a bit. “Boys, do me a favor and go make sure we have everyone?”
Lo’ak and neteyam nodded, both jogging off to weave through the crowd and count heads of all the warriors they recognized.
As Neteyam and Lo’ak walked ahead, Jake placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you what you think spider called ‘a thumbs up’
“Nice shooting, sweetheart.”
He smiled proudly, sitting down next to you on one of the crevices.
You tried to conceal a smile of your own; your attempt pathetic as you smiled up at him like a child bringing home a freshly caught fish.
“Thank you.”
He ruffled your hair.
“Two for two shot-
Eywa, you never fail amaze me. What was it you and Neteyam did, the uhm, the two arrows in one-?”
“And one in the other. Something I’ve practiced with Lo’ak.”
You explained, smiling as he laughed.
“Genius. Absolutely.”
You two sat like that for a moment before neteaym and Lo’ak returned.
“Father, we are ready.”
Neteyam informed. Jake nodded, stretching as he stood to his feet.
Mo’at gently touched your back as she stood next to you.
Jake held a hand up, signaling the clan to be still and quiet.
“Thank you, my people for gathering. I’ll try to make this one quick.”
Jake’s lack of informality never seemed to not make you chuckle a bit.
“I have decided to make arrangements for the trainees in the war parties.”
He turned to the group that stood behind Makeyo and his father.
“It has come to my attention that some of you have clearly been ranked beneath your current abilities. And need more open field training.”
Open field training?
It was something you had back when you were 15. A few months after your parents passed. Jake started teaching you human tatical skills. How to use a gun, far distance targets, how to read radios and signals on old ships and navigate the screen charts on the controls. You so heavily insisted on having a position fighting the sky people. You worked, and you trained, until you became the most skilled warrior on your group. Even passing Neteyam and Lo’ak in your group.
Jake appointed you to his side. And you still at the realization that the moment he appointed you, it started with a meeting just like this.
Uncertainty shaved the hopeful soul that coated your bones. 
Jake continued.
“I have decided that the upper rank trainees will start with new practices. They will now be lead by Ka’ani. Awkey, you will lead the years younger.”
So it wasn’t what you thought. Your position remained, it seemed.
The sudden switch of teachers was a bit odd, nonetheless. 
Jake finished his speech minutes later. It was a short overview of new tactics the warriors would be learning. New places for target practice, and unfamiliar routines.
You didn’t mind the new schedules. It seemed like less of your day would be consumed in strategy sessions.
When he finished, the crowd started to disperse. Lo’ak went to speak with Awkey, leaving you with Jake, Mo’at, and Neteyam.
Makeyo and his father remained in their spots; as if waiting for a further instruction.
Makeyo’s father, Va’ru, was ambitious to a point it was farther than frightening. Constantly trying to put his son in first place. Like a cloud formulating a storm that swirled seated under restless skin.
Neteyam stepped forward, his tail flicked slightly.
“Dad, if Lo'ak's group will be with Awkey, does that mean I will be undergoing Ka’ani’s training?”
Jake shifts for a moment, as if trying to place his words in the right order.
“Yes and no. I have a different plan for you.”
Neteyam’s eyes widened only slightly, his tail flicking.
He tilted his head.
Jake’s tone was clinging to remain inconcous as he saw Makeyo’s father approach.
“Olo’eyktan. I assume this is about the private lessons for Makeyo?”
Private lessons? Makeyo was going to take private lessons with Jake?
Makeyo seemed reluctant to engage in whatever was about to happen, gently tugging on his fathers arm.
“Father. Please. There was no certainty it would be me.”
His pleading falls deaf on his fathers ears.
“Va’ru. There has been a change.”
Jake speaks slowly, as if not to wake a sleeping thanator.
Va’ru is still for a moment.  
Neteaym steps forward, gently past his grandmother.
“What are we speaking of?”
He inquires, his own ounce of impatience slipping past his mask ever so subtly.
Jake sighs, rubbing his temple.
“This is not how things were supposed to go.
Over the last few weeks, I have been individually monitoring the warriors in your group to consider them for private lessons. Since Y/n is my most prominent warrior, she would be teaching the one I chose. My choice was Makeyo.”
Makeyo’s ears flicker upwards, and his father straightens, a smile forming on his face. It wasn’t genuine or even greatful. It was hungry, frenzied with torrid energy.
“Olo’eyktan. I would be honored to have Makeyo be taught under your most trusted archer.”
You felt your expression sour. Clearly uncomfortable with the energy that radiates off Va’ru.
Jake shakes his head.
“I have had a change of mind. As of a few days ago I have decided to give the role to Neteyam.”
This feels mosaic the moment you register his words. The figures around you now made of oddly shaped colors and sizes of glass. All the wrong shades.
You feel your fingers twitch and your mind go adrift. A blanket ablaze blanks your mind to a faceless slate. 
Alone. With Neteyam. 
The words swirl around like a whirlpool. A windless storm without the familiarity of chaos to stabilize the seas.
You try to place yourself in the vision but you can’t. You can’t seem to inhabit the precipice of this reality.
Your shaken away from the void of your thoughts as Jake places a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/n. You will train Neteyam. Teach him the things I have taught you and your own ways. He will learn a lot from you. We’ll have another archer in our skies. More air combat support.”
You force yourself to nod and swallow, neteyam still seemingly frozen at the news.
Va’ru is clearly not pleased. 
“Olo’eyktan. With all due respect-“
The funny thing is, there’s not an ounce of respect in his tone. Its ironically edged, as if Jake’s decision is the height of audacity.
“Makeyo has been training. He’s familiarized himself with Y/n’s methods. He studies her.”
It doesn’t go unnoticed when Neteyam’s ears pin down, his gaze narrowing as the words ‘study her’ reach his ears.
You can’t blame him. It does sound fucked up.
Va’ru digs himself in a deeper hole this time.
“He trains the younger children with her. He spends most of his days with her. He’s dedicated his time, his-“
Jake cuts him off, his voice a bit sterner this time, and you can tell his patience is slipping away.
“It’s not about time. It’s about skill. Makeyo is a very talented warrior. There’s no doubt. He’s a strong archer. But neteyam has shown promise over these last few weeks. He’s worked to improve his knowledge on the air strike patterns of the RDA. Hes flown with me to scout the perimeters of hell’s gate. He’s ready to advance to start training with newer methods.”
Va’ru scoffs, taking a step back, your tail flicks.
“You throw your son in the highest place again and again. You choose to ignore the others potential.”
Jake wasn’t one for favoritism when it came to the honest work of his warriors. To suggest otherwise was offensive. 
Honor was valued among the na’vi. It was wrong to accuse him of just always picking neteyam. If anything, this was Neteyam’s chance. He had worked so hard to be seen by his dad. You knew this.
Jake took a breath to steady his urge to let this guy steal the last shred of tolerance he has left.
“Va’ru. Not infront of the others. We can speak privately-“
Va’ru’s tone was biting now.
“You cannot keep doing this. And your son can’t keep ‘running to daddy’ when he falls behind my son and can’t admit it.”
Something surged through the hungered veins under your skin. The fire never stayed absent for very long. Purging itself to cultivate on unsettled gilded flesh.
A hiss left you. The ardent prolonged end notes of something almost inhibited by a growl. A fervid, feverish vehemence whisped behind.
Va’ru’s eyes widened a bit, his prior confidence subduing under a sheet of hesitance.
Jake pushed you back a bit, a warning glare tossed towards your squirming figure to step forward once again.
“We can speak privately. But I will not allow you to insult the hard work of my son. Or question the expertise of Y/n.”
Va’ru and Jake agreed to talk privately, but you predicted just more arguing.
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Seeking solitude in the hidden caves of the mountainous cave of high camp, you settled with your anxiousness with one of the corridors above the first columns.
You paced back in fourth, cursing to yourself and throwing sharp stones at the wall.
You weren’t ready. You just weren’t ready.  The moment Jake and Va’ru left you ran for the farthest place you could find. You couldn’t bare to look at Neteyam.
Jake’s words from earlier pierce the surfaces of unsteady standing ground in your heart.
Love isn’t easy
Love isn’t easy
Love isn’t easy
You know what else isn’t easy? Having to spend all day with the man you used to dream about kissing. Loving. Hugging. Mating with.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Your pulse quickens.
You remember that day. You remember the day though you waited for him under the rain. 
Under a lapis hued nightfall you were ready to give him your heart. Raw and bruised and blemished and every curve and dip and imperfection yearned for his touch.
But you fell in love with the sun. And you were undeserving of sunlight.
A boy made of flaxen fanned regrets and flamed forged promises.
You loved him. You didn’t love him for the son made of stone. Through the shifting shadows and vibrant visions of excellence engraved in ecstasy that echoed through disassembled pieces of manic daydreams.
You loved him. Tormented yourself with distance and fervent optimism. Idealisms too far to be attained.
This forbidden collision of the sun and the moon. 
And you waited. Damn yourself yet you waited. 
You waited for an explanation for his departure. A reason for this distance.
Weeping under a wild sky, disgusted with your own reflection. The sight of yourself just a poor effort of what you could have given him.
And then your family went somewhere you cannot follow, and suddenly he seeks remorse.
It’s unfair. It is so fucking unfair the nights you spent crying over the loss of his warmth. The sunlight felt cold. The warmth wind felt unfamiliar. 
And then you found the moonlight. The contingent comfort of dimmed sapphire hues and vengeance.
You refused to cry. You refused to be weakened. Your mother had seen fire and survived it. You had seen fire and burned with it-
And burn you will. Burn under the Sirius secrets whispered under the raptured intimacy of independence and its sweetening bindings.
So be it. So burn. bloodshed forging bones into bludgeons of tattered tears trains and scarred screams, soulless sleep.
Forgiveness surrounds itself in fractions of frustrations. 
You damned the sky starless because all the stars had fallen with your tears waiting for him. Waiting for the voices in your head to surrender and ricochet to the shallow corners of the planes traced lines on your palm.
You recount. Roll back and fast-forwards through every memory no longer remembered under glistening sunlight poured into liquid glass, and the hues of his golden eyes.
He was daylight. He wore a halo of Helios and draped warm flesh over sun-stained soulful essence to challenge the sea and the sky. A faint heartbeat under adrift moments scattered to a tethered wind. 
A man, a mask, and it’s burdens and bodies and sun-dried bones. He was a symphony and you, a mere half note of lost virtues.
Why must you constantly be at war with yourself? Why do you do this to yourself?
Do you hate him? 
Do you love him?
Do you want him?
You were nightfall.
Cascades of constellations and curls of lavender. A restless shade of reddened sunset, undertoned swirling and swept to hues of purple, orange, blue, a fiery sunset. Moonlight worn like a veil, tear-stained lips and blood stained hips and yet, oh how beautiful you were. Dark and delicately dressed in grief.
Sensationalize these bittersweet story endings and happily never after forever, then maybe some more.
To restrain this punishment, this internal unredeemable consciousness. 
Someone is behind you. Coming slowly into your peripheral view. 
You move quickly, drawing the knife on your hip and flipping it into your uninjured hand, steadying at the perpetrators throat.
“Shit! Easy, easy…”
Neteyam holds his hands up in defense, his eyes wide at your sudden movements.
“Y/n. It’s just me.” He cautiously lowers the knife in your hand.
Great. The man of the hour.
Oh eywa must have you fucked up if she thinks you’re dealing with this right now.
“Get out.” 
You didn’t mean to sound so punitive, but you were pissed, confused, and on the verge of tears. That was never a very delightful combo.
Neteyam shook his head.
“I can’t.”
“Neteyam I’m not going to tell you again. Get out. Please.”
Your voice cracked this time as you took a step forward. 
“Y/n please.” He begged. 
“Get out! Go! Leave! Fuera!”
You used every word you knew. Including another earth language spider had been teaching you. ‘Spanish’ is what he called it.
He winced, but only for a moment.
“I can’t. Because if I leave id just carry myself right back here.”
It satisfied you but it did nothing to console the ache in your heart.
“Then what do you want?”
You whispered.
“Another chance.”
You took a step away, running your palms down your face. Neteyam ignored the gesture, walking after you.
“It’s been years, y/n. I’ve dug my own grave and I’ve lied in it. I can’t eat or sleep properly anymore because it fucking eats me alive.”
Neteyam Sully was never one to curse. That was more of lo’aks calling card. So it stunned you slightly when he spoke in such a way.
You turned to face him. His golden hour eyes locking with yours.
“I don’t ask for your forgiveness. I only ask for you to hear me out.”
He took a breath.
“From the moment I was born, every single moment of my life feels like it’s been calculated. Staged, rehearsed, nothing was ever out of place. Everything was a plan- a strategy. I’m not asking for your pity but all I ask is that you understand. That life is all I’ve ever known, Y/n.
And then I fell in love with you. And you were just-“
He paces around as he walks. Talking with his hands, making grand gestures to try and articulate some spontaneous thought without really knowing what he was saying at all.
For every moment in his life being staged and prepared, this sure as hell didn’t seem rehearsed.
Maybe the sun-stained son made of stone broke like glass after all.
He continues stumbling over his words. It was rather unlike him. To be this outspoken and unequivocal with his words.
“You we’re just, Eywa I don’t know how to begin.
You were wild and unpredictable, so unbothered and reckless and passionate. You still are. You make the most dangerous shit I’ve ever seen in my life seem so graceful and beautiful. You care for my siblings, Tuk wants to quite literally ‘be y/n’ when she grows up and Lo’ak and Kiri would probably plot a mass murder if you asked them too. My mother and my father love you like one of their own. I don’t want what used to be between us ruin any of that. I’m tired of it, y/n. I’m tired of all the awkward formalities and hating eachother. And I’ll be damned if I’ve ever met a woman in my entire life who knows a bow and arrow like you do.”
You’re stunned. Everything he says sinks under your skin for a moment.
He takes a breath.
“Y/n. Please. Give me another chance. To be friends again. I miss you. I really do. You're going to be my teacher now. We shouldn’t be-“
“Just shut up for a minute.”
A small ‘yes ma’am.’ Leaves his lips as his gaze darts down a bit.
Now, if someone told you about 30 minutes from now you would be hugging neteyam sully, you probably would have called them crazy.
But now, as eywa as your witness, that’s exactly what you did.
He was still for a moment, and then he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you back.
You took a step back, smiling at him softly.
“Our first lesson starts as soon as my hand is healed. Don’t be late.”
And with that, you left.
Neteyam stood there for a moment before jumping up, fisting the air, a celebratory ‘fuck yes!’ Leaving his lips silently.
Maybe things made of stone can break like glass after all.
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Biggest parallel: the “hell yeah!” Line between neteyam and y/n is parallel to this scene between Jake and Neytiri.
Spider and Y/n - Tommy and Jake (two siblings, two sides of the same coin)
Y/n and Neytiri - (learning to love even through grief)
Y/n and Jake - (’soldier mentality’ and low self image because of trauma)
Lo’ak, Y/n and Neytiri - (rebelliousness) 
Spider and Neteyam- (oldest sibling responsibility)
Authors note:
I’m alive! I survived probably the longest chapter in this fic. I think I owe all my virago readers an apology. This chapter is WAY overdue. I'm sorry about that one, y'all.
But we're finally out of the enemy stage! And now I get to enjoy writing fluffy moments between neteyam and y/n, aka our resident virago and sun son made of stone.
So I just want to clear some things up before I wrap this up.
In my story, spider is a Spanish speaker. I read the original script and saw that he does speak Spanish in one of the scenes, and as a Spanish speaker and a spider stan that just warms my heart. Yes, a na’vi speaking Spanish might sound kinda cringe but it's my personal headcanon that spider would definitely teach y/n Spanish. 
Btw I just finished watching the hunger games so if anyone can catch all the Haymitch and Katniss references between y/n and Jake I will literally kiss you.
Remember to pleas like, comment, reblog, and as a request from me, please comment your favorite quote. trope, dynamic, or moment in this chapter or even the story so far.
@isnt-itstrange @thebestrouge
74 notes · View notes
kagoutiss · 6 months
So I am having SO MANY thoughts about the twinrova and how they’re a couple centuries old and so would’ve lived through multiple rulers before “serving” ganondorf.
Like they raised him, what was their agenda? Did they have plans spanning multiple sovereigns to secure their power over the gerudo? Did they have the Omni man “what’s another century we’ll just raise the next one” kind of feelings towards him if he didn’t become their puppet or weapon?
So much thot not enough brain space this rot is taking over me
ooooooogh twinrova brainrot is strong in me too…..yeah because if they’re ~400 years old and OoT ganondorf was still just in his twenties at the time, and a male gerudo child is born every century, then presumably they could’ve been in the position of raising said children multiple times? i think i remember seeing a take somewhere that considered the idea of twinrova’s role in the gerudo being similar to that of impa serving as an attendant/mentor to zelda, and i think that’s a really cool idea. there’s probably also a lot of potential angst to be found in these little old witches who may have cared for previous gerudo princes, and would have had the incredible responsibility of keeping them safe in childhood, while also training them in witchcraft and war strategy, and advising them in their kingship as adults. because if that’s the case, they would’ve seen those princes live and die multiple times too
it kinda makes you wonder if their love for ganondorf is so obsessive in part because they know firsthand how painful it is to lose a child, to live long enough to outlive to your children multiple times. tbh, i feel like them using ganondorf as their proxy for everything, and trying to make him an all-powerful being at any cost, is more a product of their love for him, than it is a litmus test of whether they‘ll love him or not? and by this i don’t mean they’re like,,, a healthy family by any means, like you can still easily apply terms like abuse and trauma-bonding to parts of their dynamic, imo. i think kotake & koume love ganondorf genuinely, and always have, and that the sentiment is mutual. it’s just that they’re willing to go to very extreme lengths to protect/empower ganon in the ways they believe are necessary, because they are very aware of how important he is, to them and the gerudo as a whole. and ironically, a lot of the time, this desperation ends up being not at all conducive to his safety, or sanity, or happiness
like…raising him with expectations and standards that are completely unreasonable for any human being, that turn him into an ambition-driven nutjob who invents lightning magic & masters all types of weaponry & plays a pipe organ, while also having virtually no ability to form genuine relationships with people other than his mothers. or them trying to make him into an impervious, all-powerful being by trying to take divine power, which sometimes inadvertently turns the rational parts of his brain into soup and sets them on fire. or them trying to revive him after death in the downfall timeline by sacrificing themselves, inadvertently bringing him back wrong, and sentencing him to an existence he never would’ve originally wanted
idk. they’re really fun and also heartbreaking to think about. he engraves their names into his weapons, they willfully die just for the possibility of allowing him to live again. their familial relationship seems to be the most important bond in the lives of everyone involved in it, at the expense of any other kind of connections in their lives. he’s their figurative puppet in a few ways, and will break himself over and over if it means meeting their expectations, but i doubt any of them see it that way. everyone involved gets extremely hurt in one way or another, no matter what, often in an attempt to do the opposite, out of love and fear. little fucked up witch fambly……it’s so much
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morevnamorya · 2 years
One thing I really like about Heartbreak high is that, unlike Sex education, all the characters feel like actual friends. Even when someone does a shitty thing and is being cut off from one person, it doesn't mean the others will forget about him/her completely. And no matter what drama they're involved in they will stick together when the shit is real. Idk I just love the whole group dynamic they have, they don't interact only with 2 people, they ALL INTERACT and I think it's beautiful 😭
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boylikeanangel · 1 year
can you please share a bit more of your thoughts on the spoilers? i haven't seen them anywhere and it would be nice to know them coming from you
hiii tumblr mobile does not give timestamps for asks so idk if this is in regard to the spoilers from the interviews or the screenings but all my thoughts are kinda connected to both so SPOILER WARNING FOR THE FIRST TWO EPISODES OF SEASON 2 UNDER THE CUT LALALALA
I don't even know where to start like. I have been in a state of shock all day because literally everything my friends and I speculated about is real. literally all of it. all of our wildest theories about aziraphale and crowley's first meeting were confirmed by the fans who saw the screening. I have never won this fucking hard and ive won AT GOOD OMENS OF ALL THINGS. 2022 me would be laughing. june 2023 me would be laughing. two days ago me would be LAUGHING. I genuinely think this may be one of the best seasons of tv ever guys
like. do you understand. how much this changes. how our understanding of crowley and aziraphale's dynamic throughout time has been totally flipped on its head. aziraphale approached crowley first. crowley was the one who sheltered aziraphale with his wing. so eden was aziraphale returning the favour. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. AZIRAPHALE FELL FIRST. HE DIDNT TAKE SIX THOUSAND YEARS TO CATCH UP. HE HASN'T BEEN CLUELESS THIS ENTIRE TIME. they've literally been connected this entire time, right from before sides or the concept of evil or hatred or enemies were even invented. of course they'd never buy into the whole "hereditary enemies" thing. AZIRAPHALE KNOWS HIM. HE KNOWS CROWLEY. HE'S ALWAYS KNOWN HIM.
and it doesn't even feel like a retcon. it doesn't feel like we need to ignore a bunch of stuff from season 1 to accept or enjoy the added content this season. it's literally just. more shit to help quantify the depth of their love for each other. their connection over countless millennia. I mean if you go back to the very first scene in season 1, aziraphale literally does a double take when crowley appears next to him. that's him realising who it is. he fucking recognised crowley and freaked out for a second. that's why he didn't hear what crowley said!!! he was processing!!!! AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH MORE SHIT FROM SEASON 1 HURTS NOW. AZIRAPHALE PLEADING WITH CROWLEY BECAUSE HE WAS AN ANGEL, ONCE. CROWLEY WANTING TO TAKE AZIRAPHALE AND RUN AWAY TO LIVE IN A GALAXY THEY HELPED BUILD TOGETHER. AZIRAPHALE ALWAYS TELLING CROWLEY NOT TO QUESTION GOD AND BEING SO AFRAID TO DO THE SAME BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT'S EXACTLY WHY CROWLEY FELL IN THE FIRST PLACE. it's not retconning its just making everything worse!!! azcrow is canon and everything is worse now!!!!!!
the biblical minisode. well. I cannot think about that without having to pace around my house like a person going into labour. I literally stress cleaned my entire house earlier to distract myself from thinking about it. crowley has always always ALWAYS protected aziraphale. always. literally the only reason aziraphale has never killed anything is because crowley has protected him from ever having to do that. crowley's dedication to preserving aziraphale's goodness and allowing him to be his own definition of angelic/holy is the greatest act of service he could bestow upon him and it makes me SICK because him pushing aziraphale to kill adam in 1x06 after all that shows just how desperate he was. both of them realising and understanding at the exact same time that the only person in the universe who really understands them or knows what they're going through is the other, the only person they can rely upon is the other, its just. we've been so wrong. about aziraphale. about the extent to which he knows how important crowley is to him. he's always known. he's just been so afraid. him being prepared to fall to keep doing what he believes is right is so fucking heartbreaking and weve done him such a disservice all these years for calling him naive and mocking him for being slow on the uptake. HE'S ALWAYS KNOWN. HE JUST COULDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE. AND THAT'S SO MUCH WORSE
basically I have never been more scared in my entire life because if they packed this much into the first two episodes and it was deemed tame enough to show ahead of release then what the fuck is in the next four. what are we getting ourselves in for . it's really dawning on me the scope of what this experience is going to be and I simply dont think im going to survive it. again I never expected any of this. this was my definitive "high hopes low expectations" season of tv and it's now it's shaping up to be one the best things I've probably ever seen in my life and. it's cognitive dissonance in its crystallised form. how did we fucking get here.
in conclusion
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catusbeanius · 5 months
One thing I love about TWST is how interconnected all the stories are! Even events and vignettes. My best example is the Halloween event and Diasomnia's vignettes. They're very good foreshadowing. Silver literally says (in his Halloween vignette pt. 2) "[I]f Lilia and Malleus chose to fight us of their own volition, could I oppose them? Would I be able to turn my blade against them?” (His whole dialogue there was amazing). He also says he was afraid of Malleus disappearing, not time stopping.
Imo, that's exactly how you use events and vignettes. They're supplementary to the characters/story/world and provide questions the main story can answer. Nowhere in the main story did Silver say "I'd hate it if Malleus disappeared rn. But time stopping? Whatever!" That's a facet of his character you get when your hard work getting gems pays off. The gacha system is still ass, though. Looking at you, Pop Music Club Lilia. Smh. I'm still salty about that.
Anyway, my preamble is over. This is a tidbit post LSKJD
Instead of just random fact, though, I want to share my favorite things about each character!
Tidbit (6.25) about Malleus:
You can tell how much he admires the Thorn Fairy.
In his Birthday Boy vignette pt 2. he offers to fill the party with briars—like the Thorn Fairy did. When the MC tells him that's dangerous, he says he thought it'd be an "amusing diversion." (He's so silly) I'm sure there's a few other examples, but I yapped enough already.
Tidbit (6.50) about Silver:
He's so naïve and candid, it's adorable.
He's not cautious of the Octavinelle guys. In his Fairy Gala vignette, Jade had a plot to get his dishes looking new, and Silver needed a translation bell; so they worked together. Silver also genuinely complimented the craft fairy's work and Jade thought he was being deceptive. In the White Rabbit Fest, a delinquent asked if he was scared and he was like "No, I'm okay. Thanks for asking, though."
He should know Octavinelle is bad news, though, because Sebek was hostile to Azul in his Labwear vignette. Tbf, Sebek quickly accepted his miracle detergent, so idk.
Tidbit (6.75) about Sebek:
He's so dramatic!!
He was sobbing every time Malleus sung during rehearsals for the Masquerade event (Sebek's Masquerade vignette pt 1) Like I mentioned before, he makes a big deal out of helping anyone. (A little off topic, but there's a cute moment in his Ceremonial Robes vignette where the MC hides under his arm!!)
Tidbit (7) about Lilia:
Everything <33 he's my wife!!
But if I had to pick one thing, it'd probably be his speech and dynamics with everyone.
My favorite line from him is "Growing boys need their calories. If the beast hungers, I say feed it." (from Sebek's Labwear vignette pt. 1 about Malleus)
You can just tell how much he loves them and how much they love him back. He'll tease Malleus and Sebek and they'll be dramatic about it, but it's all in good fun!
He protects Malleus from creeps (Rook) and Malleus protects him in turn!! (Lilia's P.E uniform vignette). Silver says thinking about cooking for Lilia keeps him awake (Apprentice Chef vignette pt. 2) , and Sebek trusts everything Lilia says (P.E Uniform vignette)
That's why his decision to leave them all is so damn heartbreaking. Like, girl, LOOK AT WHAT'S IN FRONT OF YOU!!!! I'm gonna shake that mf.
Their relationships are weird, but it's obvious what they are!! If you raise a kid, they'll think you're their father. SMH
Alright, I'm done yapping.
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
Never Good Enough
(Hey so that concept I posted where some kinda neurotoxin leaves Shawn unable to mask his depression anymore? Well I wrote a small segment of what that'd be like. IDK if I'll ever do a full fic so have this for now.)
“Looking at you is like looking at everything I was supposed to be, man. Head detective, follows the rules, can rattle off procedure in your sleep, when I look at you it’s like looking my Dad’s dreams for me in the face. And then you weren’t good enough for him either. You’re exactly who I should have been if I didn’t screw everything up and take everyone down with me, and you still weren’t good enough for him. And I had to realize, it doesn’t matter, it never would have mattered. I could’ve done… everything. Everything, exactly like he wanted me to, for my whole life, down to the letter, and I still… wouldn’t be good enough.” Shawn stares out the windshield, just… still. Tense. Numb.
No-one else in the car knows what to say.
“So what does it matter, man? I’m psychic, I’m not psychic, who cares. You’re what I should’ve been and couldn’t be, I’m what you shouldn’t ever be and get results you should be able to. We’re just- we’re opposites, man. But somehow we’re still friends, and I don’t even know how. I don’t know how anyone puts up with my crap enough to stick around, but I really don’t know how you do. Yeah, you say you hate me, but you don’t. I know that even if you don’t back up my theories or believe in my abilities, I can always rely on you. I know you’ll bust in at the last second before I get shot, and I know that no matter what stupid situation I get myself into you’ll end up there somehow to make sure I get out alive and mostly unharmed.”
Shawn thunks his head against his window. “Just like I know Jules will always back me up when it really matters, when I really need her to. And like I’ve known my whole life that no matter what… stupid, selfish moves I make, Gus will always be right next to me. Even when I don’t deserve to have him there. … Especially when I don’t. I never have.”
“I don’t deserve any of what I have. I’m just… dragging everyone along with my stupid games, like I’ve always done. And no matter how many cases I solve, how much I do right, I’ll never… be good enough. For any of it to make up for… me.”
“... Shawn, why do you think that?” Jule’s voice is quiet, but shattering, the silent tension in the car like glass and her words a sledgehammer thrown from a balcony.
Shawn just shrugs. Stares out the window. “The worst part is I know all of it. Still do it.”
“... You know, Spencer… Sh-Shawn. I’m… glad, that you know you can rely on me. Even if you use it as a crutch sometimes.” Lassiter can feel the ‘not the time’ glare from his partner in the backseat, but he ignores it and keeps going. “And I want you to know that I… enjoy knowing I can rely on you in turn. Maybe not to back me up, we don’t have that… dynamic. But I always know you’ll find the truth of whatever we’re working on, even if it makes you look like an idiot as well as me.”
“I just like showing off,” Shawn mumbles. 
“Well… there’s worse ways to do that than solving unsolvable cases.”
“... Sure. Whatever.”
Lassiter shares a look with Gus and Jules through the mirror. He sees equal amounts confusion and heartbreak in both of their eyes. He wishes he could say there was no trace of either in his own, but he knows that’s a lie.
“... I don’t, hate you,” Lassiter begrudgingly admits. He wants it to make Shawn smirk, brag, sing a stupid song about being right.
Shawn barely reacts. “I know,” he mumbles. “... I don’t know why, though.”
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miquella-everywhere · 1 month
this dlc did women and femmes so wrong omfg. no cutscene or dialogue for rellana or romina (their designs look cool but rellana doesn't even have a face lmao they gave her a chainmail textured ball under the helm 😭.) literally all the ladies and femmes are like, all about men except romina whose lore is totally lacking. why aren't there paintings of rellana in raya lucaria thooo! rennala was cool with her sister going to simp for messmer it's not like she was mad at her? freyja felt like a plot device more than anything, leda's kind of iconic but her whole thing is being obsessed with a man, miquella throws out his female half (who is a representation of his love??? cause he had none without her???) i dunno it just feels like such a far cry from the base game. even with women whose relationships with men were a big focus in their quest like nepheli, they stood on their own and had things going on outside of them? but like sellen? ranni? rya and tanith? latenna? so much more interesting than their relationships with men. but then freyja and leda are mostly characterized by the lords they serve? even miquella literally clings to the archetypal man 🙄 and hornsent grandam calls marika a strumpet which is like? idk maybe call her a genocidal fascist? not a slut?
idk this dlc felt weirdly anti-woman to me any thoughts??
Yeah it definitely feels like several steps back compared to the base game.
But the things that I hate the most is what they did with Malenia. Like God. There was already so much annoying discourse surrounding the Battle of Aeonia, but now with the DLC garbage Malenia is turned into an absolute joke where as r*d*hn is hailed and praised as kind and the most important beloved person ever, when he is a warmonger godfrey simp and it makes me so fucking mad.
Like ngl Malenia is my third favorite character, with second being Rykard and first being ✨Miquella✨ but still her whole dynamic with her twin was so amazing to me, both being cursed at birth and suffering due to their afflictions but having eachothers back through think and thin with Miquella doing everything to cure her and Malenia dedicating herself as his blade and protecting him. Their relationship was love at its purest and add Godwyn into the mix and you have one of the most heartbreaking sibling dynamics I had even gotten invested in 😭
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How do you fuck up this badly?
This treatment of Malenia is even more fucking mind boggling when you consider that she is quite literally the goddamn poster woman of Elden Ring. She was on all the marketing material, she got a statue of herself, her helmet is iconic at this point and also got a replica, and she even has a live sized model of her prosthetic arm.
She was literally one of the coolest female characters made by Fromsoft and they turned her into a goddamn joke.
I will die mad.
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randomalistic · 6 months
Ok oh my god. OH MY GOD. I just saw treasure planet for the first time and It was fucking amazing. Like yeah Duh I KNOWWW i know it’s like. “underrated Disney movie bla bla it was a commercial failure” . You know the deal.
But if there is 1 thing I want to say:
I cannot emphasize enough how meaningful and touching it is to the audience when you allow your male main characters to cry, and hug, and be emotionally vulnerable without shame. That brought this film to a whole new level 🥺
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its a beautiful movie that took so many creative risks and that’s so admirable. It’s so clear they had a vision and they crafted that vision with endless amounts of love :’] I DID CRY.
More rambling below
I was CONSISTENTLY delighted by how creative the characters were and incredibly entertained throughout. So fucking fun and engaging and it feels like a 2 hour movie so much happens. How is it only 1.5 hours.
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I CRIED !!!!!!!!!! John Silver and Jim’s relationship was so COMPLEX like actually amazing. The father figure dynamic is so sweet and heartwarming and so heartbreaking simultaneously like I was not expecting that AMV montage in the middle like that shit cut me so deep it was outstanding. A montage about Jim’s troubled childhood with a neglectful absent father and then DIRECTLY PARALLELING THAT WITH HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SILVER. LIKE HES FINALLY OVERCOMING THOSE FEELINGS AND LIVING HIS LIFE. GODDAMN!!! THATS SO POWERFUL!! THATS SO INCREDIBLE!!! THATS JUST IN THE MOVIE!!!!??!
Also the character/creature designs are RELENTLESS in how good they are. And they have so much fun with it. It’s so silly.
They had an old snapping turtle pirate???? hello?? He was introduced and then he died ❤️
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The animation is also MIND BLOWINF like OH MY GOD!??? the seamless integration of 2D and 3D interacting is so impressive especially for 2001 like this was a technological feat for sure . Only rarely does the CG look dated (those whales at the start <\3 poor guys) BUT JOHN SILVER’S CYBORG ARM WAS FUCKING AMAZING LIKE I COUKD STARE AT THAT THING FOR HOURS .
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Can’t find a gif of it but during his introduction there was a ROTATING SHOT of him cooking (❤️) while using his arm and his arm has so many tools inside it like a cyborg Swiss Army knife it’s the coolest fucking thing ever. Just Amazing
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Also the fact they introduced an entirely new character 53 minutes in when the main cast has already been established was such a risk, but it so paid off. I love B.E.N. The fact he’s fully 3D animated and he’s THAT expressive. WHILE BEING A ROBOT? adorable. He’s Adorable. He’s so mentally ill and strange.
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What is wrong with him. He is. dare I say. spamtonlike. pathetic and unhinged. Houses forbidden knowledge. What a Pitiful creature 🧡his glowing CRT eyes are really cute. There was a moment when the lights went out it was only his eyes and I Liked That
I love weird little robot guys in early-late 2000s movies. I need to watch Bluesky robots. I need my fix.
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Morph could’ve been a really obnoxious comedic relief animal sidekick but they somehow managed to make him really cute and likable. (Also They only used him for plot points A LITTLE. Turning into anything couldve been overpowered as fuck. But alas… he is a mindless animal...) We love Morph. His relationship with silver is so fucking cute.
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Kind of a Delbert centrist honestly. I liked him but also kinda dislike him. Bro kinda gives self centered misogynist scientist vibes. But he’s also silly and self conscious though guyssss.!! I thought I would like him more than I did. BUT He’s animated SO wonderfully though I love the shape of his hands and his weird goat face. Solid 7/10 weird guy. Idk why he came with Jim on the ship though❤️
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Captain Amelia was fucking awesome for the first half of the movie. One of the best characters. Yeah. ……………. They fumbled her so hard. MAYBE ITS JUST ME BUT ME AND MY FRIEND WERE NOT A FAN OF HER AND DELBERT AT ALL. Disney was like. We have a competent woman character ! Competent woman has to get injured and then the incompetent man has to take care of her and then they HAVE to fall in love. It’s actually so tragic like they did NOT deserve her.
IN FACT HERE’S MY SCORCHING HOT TAKE: Delbert should’ve been the one to get injured and Amelia nurses him back to health. Delbert might apologize profusely because of his self confidence issues and cuz he internalizes things that go wrong as his fault. Amelia reassures him, realizing that she was too harsh on him earlier. Delbert becomes less intimidated by her because she opens up to him and they grow to trust one another. Amelia stays with him while Jim goes to hide. And whapow !!!! Same relationship is built up without disempowering a female character. It doesn’t even have to be romantic they can just be friends……. 🫶 cuz it comes off as weird because since the start Delbert was like “wtf the captain is a GIRL?? Wait ooh la laaa she’s pretty” and she had 0 interest in him. so like the ONLY way they could pair them together was to get her injured and have him care for her . And she falls in love with him out of nowhere. No. Being cared for does not mean you’ll fall in love with your caretaker. She’s so ace coded to me and my friend. Until SUDDENLY. Am I crazy
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Ok so like yeah the forced heterosexual love interest moment. I did not want to see their FOUR (4) hybrid babies at the end. I’m losing my mind. also did Jim become a cop? I swear to fucking god LOL
The movie was SO good that disney didn’t know how to wrap it up without ruining it ❤️ WHICH IS VERY INTERESTING I think they had to compensate for all the risks they took with a safe and weird ending where the police like him now and the police are ok guys. Disney approved
Anyways watch/rewatch the movie right now. Skip the final minute <3
One of my new favorite movies goddamn!
Edit: I would’ve forgiven them if Delbert got pregnant instead
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quinnfebrey · 2 months
pls give me your review of Next to Normal London youre the only one i trust
do i want to talk too much about next to normal? yes, i do. 
some disclaimers: first, i am extremely specific about my opinions on next to normal, so if you're thinking "that's a dumb thing to say!" well sorry but remember ive been marinating in this show for over a decade. also, this is just going to be a review of the principle cast! i did see a cover run but i wont talk about them here (feel free to ask about them though if you like)
alright, without further ado here are my thoughts on each actor + the staging/general thoughts:
diana (caissie levy):
i thought she did a great job overall, but i didn’t love some of the vocal changes she made to the songs. she has a beautiful voice, but her version of i miss the mountains was a little too “i’m performing!” for me. missed the needed rawness of alice here
i did really like her change of softening “can” in “i love you as much as i can” though
her acting was phenomenal, the moment with gabe's baby clothes was heartbreaking. she also had AMAZING chemistry with natalie, and i think her version of so anyway is my favorite that i've ever seen
i’m interested to see how she develops further into diana because i think there’s room for more understanding in the more nuanced parts of her character. she improved a lot as the show went on which tells me she struggles with the humor and manic side to diana that is more prevalent in act 1
dan (jamie parker):
i think his singing voice is perfect for dan, but his speaking voice was so strange to me. i don’t know if it was him trying to act around the accent or his true interpretation of the character, but a lot of his dialogue didn’t work for me the way his songs did. like i would be absolutely in love with a number and then he'd speak and i'd be thrown out of it i don't know
his acting was great though, i really enjoy this goofier version of dan than the original version. he's more playful and i really like that it humanizes him more and also helps bridge the dan that fell in love with diana and the dan of today
he's also i think the first dan i've seen play the role with so much anxiety? like clinical anxiety, he's basically having a panic attack at the end of i'm alive reprise/during the break. i really really liked the nuance that it brings to dan
gabe (jack wolfe):
his voice is great for the role, and the way he looks too just fits with the character idk really good casting here
he was definitely less creepy than i felt the original version wanted him to be, i haven’t decided if i like that or not. i think it added more to gabe’s development as a character, but i think took a little away from the fact that gabe is not actually a real person
he seems like less of a comfort object for diana in this version as well, which again i don't mind but changed the dynamic. this gabe felt more attached to the whole family
REALLY good solo in light, heartbreaking sweetness in i dreamed a dance
natalie (eleanor worthington-cox):
i absolutely LOVED her. she was by far the standout for me in this cast. her acting was perfect, she clearly understands natalie incredibly well, and her voice is wonderful too. very good understanding of the purpose of the songs.
she made a couple dynamic changes during catch me im falling that i thought were strange, but i could also see that coming from her trying not to copy the original
i think her natalie is the most scared that i've seen it played, which worked well with this interpretation of dan. it all built up really well to her breakdown in hey#3
i also felt a stronger connection between dan and natalie in this version more than i have with any other, so light hit a lot harder
henry (jack ofrecio):
i feel bad about this one but honestly i really did not connect with his interpretation of henry. that’s the nicest way i can say it
he seems like such a sweet guy and his voice is absolutely gorgeous, but... that's kind of where my likes end
he didn’t seem to understand any of the jokes he was telling because he couldn’t make any of them land (and he’s a very comedic character so what happened bro 😭)
he was too “nice guy." henry is written in a way that can come off really insensitive and whiny and it takes the actor bringing it to life to get away from that. he just didn't seem to add another side to it
for example, when he says “then i’m sure they will be” during catch me i’m falling i wanted a little more… i don’t know, hesitation or disbelief in himself? and when he says “why do i get denied” i was just like my god bro she’s dealing with real shit, get over it. acb’s delivery of that line comes across way more as like. im hurting because i don’t know how to help you, please let me help you. this guy was just a whiny boyfriend.
again, great voice, but everything besides his singing either just felt very flat or was aggravatingly annoying to me.
madden/fine (trevor dion nicholas):
honestly i don’t usually have strong opinions on this guy. his voice was great, he did a solid rockstar.
his biggest part for me is at the end when he’s trying to convince diana to stay in treatment. it’s the first time you see his douche doctor mask fall and you realize he genuinely believes his way is correct and doesn’t understand why it isn’t working. i think he did it really well, i’ve never seen a madden/fine do it with so much anger but it actually worked for me 
honestly i applaud them for being brave enough to change this much. having a real set already helps me separate this revival from the original run
i think the lack of true set in the original adds to the tone of the show, though, so this production did feel very different and more concrete which made some of the weirder blocking not work as well (like during my psychopharmacologist and i). instead of feeling more abstract and conceptual it was like oh They're In A House
but i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, i just think it makes it a slightly different show and a person's preference will probably just be which one they saw first. i'm sure people who see the london version for the first time will see the original and wonder where tf everything is lol
i also seriously missed dan wiping up during i’ve been (i know he still does it but the double bucket is SUCH an effective stage trick)
and i missed gabe's general parkour, again him really just owning the stage like that helps him feel like not a real person
my one criticism of the staging is that in my opinion it felt cluttered and busy at times
general pros:
the kids felt younger, particularly gabe (even tho the actor is older than aaron and kyle were?? he just looks like he’s 14 i guess), which i think changed the tone a little for the better. makes them more sympathetic
the band ROCKED. slight mixing differences but not unwelcome 
i loooooved this version of maybe. literally every second of it was perfect. 
general cons: 
i don’t know if british people are just irritating or something but the jokes were not hitting unless it slapped them in the face. they also seemed to miss a lot of references like the one to macgyver, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest, sound of music, but they laughed at the portland joke EVERY TIME? lmao idk
why the balloons lol cut that pls
i’m probably missing soooo much so pls send specific asks about anything in the show (with or without my opinion attached lol) and i’ll do my best!
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minamorris1857 · 1 year
(Narnia, Dawn Treader spoilers alert!) One of the only complaints about the CoN I have is the lack of epilogue type of content in TVotDT. There’s just so much more that Lewis could’ve given us at the end. Things I wish he’d expanded on:
1. What happened to Caspian? Like, he obviously lives out his life in Narnia as king, but immediately after. What did Aslan say to him? Was there a conversation, or did Caspian turn to find himself alone completely? And did Aslan send him back to the ship magically? Or, the much more probable and heartbreaking option, did he row himself back completely alone? How miserable would that have been, to have gone with your brother and sister, this boy you are just getting to know and love, and one of your most devoted soldiers and friends, only to have gone back alone? The Pevensies are always having to leave, but what about Caspian getting left behind?
2. How did Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold respond to the change in their son? Are they horrified by the change in such a short time, indifferent, or pleased? It seems like they’re both super indulgent with their son, so are they okay with him becoming a Narnian, or does it disturb them how similar he now is to his cousins.
3. How did Peter (and maybe Susan) respond to Eustace going to Narnia. I’d like to think that Peter and Eustace are both nervous to see each other, but they just immediately click and Lucy is like “is this what it feels like to not be the favorite” and Edmund is like “screw you, but yes”.
4. Do Lucy and Edmund teach Eustace all about Narnia, or just kind of tell him as he asks? Like, do they sit down and just have a Narnia lesson with language, history, geography, etc., or does Eustace one day just ask questions like “wait there’s a Narnian language??” (Because you know he wouldn’t have been paying attention to background noises and everyone would’ve talked to him in English to be nice) or “wait wait wait the first king was a cabby??”
5. Does Eustace still like entomology and ask tons of questions about bugs and stuff in Narnia, or is he ashamed of himself and the frames of dead insects on his desk. (I know he wouldn’t kill any more bugs, but would he avoid the subject all the the time?)
6. What was Ed and Lucy leaving like? Did they make plans to see each other soon, were there a ton of tears and choked up hugs?
Idk, I love the book how it is, but I wish there was more shown on the new sibling/cousin dynamic between Ed, Lucy, and Eustace and how the whole trip affected everyone.
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